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Joyce Layman

5 Easy Ways You Can Share Your Journey and Inspire Others to do the Same

by joycelayman | branding , content marketing , relationships | 0 comments

We all know that sharing our journeys can be a powerful way to inspire others, but it’s not always easy to know how to get started. You may feel like your journey isn’t interesting enough, or that you don’t have the time or energy to share it. You may also know what you want to say but don’t have the confidence to put yourself out there.

As a former wallflower in the world of business networking, I get you. It was scary for me in the beginning until I discovered the power of story and how it accelerates the connection between you, your audience, and your ideal clients who can benefit the most. 

Your journey is made up of multiple stories so I’m going to start by taking you through the story creation process first.

I learned this process from my speaking coach back in 2007 when I was preparing for the Toastmasters International Speech Competition. Going through this process taught me SO much about the power of story, how to frame it, and most importantly how to share it with others.

Start By Thinking About One Event

When you think about your journey, start with one story – an event that stands out to you. The memory could spark laughter, be inspiring, or even a challenge you overcame. I call it your ‘there to here’ story and it’s the same framework I used to create my TEDx talk. I also used this for the keynotes that I did since there multiple stories in each one.

Sometimes stories come out of the least likely places. One of my favorites was sharing the story of how I met Bob Burg via Twitter. It’s the ‘if you don’t ask the answer is always no’ story. The result was coming out of my wallflower shell and resulted in sharing the stage with Bob a year later. He later endorsed my second book which I am forever grateful for.

Sharing this story during keynotes and company training inspired other wallflowers to step outside of their comfort zone. How do I know this? Through the conversations I had with attendees at the events and the emails they sent me telling their stories. #POWERFUL TIP: Keep a story file. My speaking coach taught me this to make sure I didn’t forget a good story example. In 2007 I used a word document but now I use the notes app on my cellphone and Evernote on my computer.

Don’t Worry About How It’s Going to Sound

Write about what you want to share – don’t worry about how it’s going to sound. This is where the doubt tends to creep in. If you’re introverted that can make it even harder. This is why you start with a story file and think back through memories.

An easy one is to think through why you started your business in the first place. Or if you haven’t quite made that leap then what’s going on now to make you want to make the move. When you share your story, don’t worry about how it’s going to sound. Just start writing and see where the words take you.

You can always go back and revise it later, but getting started is the hardest part. The next step is to write down a few thoughts on paper (in a journal), in a word document, or in my favorite platform EVERNOTE.

You can also record with an app on your phone and have it transcribed through HappyScribe or another online platform for next to nothing! This is the process I used to write a 221-page biz book and went from nothing on paper to fully published in 35 days!

Use a  ‘There to Here’ Framework

When you share the story in a way that is interesting and easy to follow, it will keep readers/listeners engaged. You do this by making sure to focus on the main points. It’s easy to get caught up in the tiny details that we remember – but your audience may get lost in them. You should have the set-up, three to five main points. This will help you stay on track, and make sure that your story is clear and concise.

It’s also important to have a strong ending, so that your audience will remember what you said. I always say there are lessons to be learned in every story.

When you’re done, ask yourself how the experience has changed you, and what you learned from it. This is a great way to wrap up your story, and give your audience something to think about.

TIP: A clear ending with one main call to action will help your audience remember the entire story. If you want another set of eyes before you share your story ask a friend or business associate for feedback before publishing it publicly so you can make any necessary edits

5 Ways to Share Your Story

One story can be shared in multiple ways – repurposing makes sharing your story easy! Start by picking an outlet that feels comfortable to you. This also determines the length of your story.

  • Blog, podcast (yours or someone else’s)
  • Facebook post, live or Instagram story
  • Interview with a local media outlet
  • On the about section of your website
  • In a conversion event – webinar, workshop, etc.

When it comes to sharing your journey, the most important thing is to just start. Don’t worry about how it’s going to sound, or if it’s interesting enough. Just write down your thoughts and see where they take you. You can always go back and revise them later. Sharing your journey can be a powerful way to inspire others, so don’t hesitate to get started today!

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Share your trips and real-time location from Google Maps

Mar 22, 2017

[[read-time]] min read

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“Where are you now?” and “What's your ETA?” Whether you’re heading to a party or meeting up for dinner, you probably hear questions like this pretty often from family and friends. Soon Google Maps users worldwide will be able to answer those questions in just a few taps, without ever leaving the app. On both Android and iOS, you’ll be able to share your real-time location with anyone. And the people you share with will be able to see your location on Android, iPhone, mobile web, and even desktop.  Here's how it works in a real-world scenario:

Location Sharing in Google Maps

Whenever you want to let someone know where you are, just open the side menu or tap the blue dot that represents where you are. Tap “Share location” and then select who to share with and how long to share—and you're done! You can share your real-time location with your Google contacts, or even share with friends and family by sending a link on your favorite messenger apps. When you’re sharing your location, the people you’ve chosen to share with will see you on their map. And you’ll see an icon above the compass on your own map reminding you that you’re actively sharing your location. You can change your mind and stop sharing at any time—it’s entirely up to you.

Next time you’re on your way or running late, you can share your real-time location and trip progress from navigation as well. During your next trip, tap the “More” button on the bottom on the navigation screen, and then tap “Share trip.” When you share your trip with people, they’ll see your expected arrival time and can follow your journey as you head toward your destination. Sharing automatically ends when you arrive.

Location sharing on Google Maps is rolling out soon worldwide, and you’ll be able to quickly let your friends and family know where you are and when you’ll get where you’re going. The answer to “where are you?” is only a tap away.

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Sharing Personal Stories: How to Connect with Others and Find Meaning

Aura Health Team

In the digital age where connections are virtually built, one classical method of building meaningful relations has not lost its value - the sharing of personal stories. Narrating our lived experiences, feelings, dreams, and even fears help in humanizing our persona, making us relatable to others. But, the art goes beyond simple narration. This article aims to explore the nuances of sharing personal stories, the meaning we derive from this exchange, and how we can enhance this art of sharing to make our connections deeper and more meaningful.

Understanding the Power of Personal Stories

Personal stories have a powerful impact on the human psyche, as they engage audiences at an emotional and cognitive level. They incorporate personal experiences, emotions, and perspectives making them unique and impactful.

But what makes them compelling? How do they foster human connection and shape our identity?

The Role of Storytelling in Human Connection

Human brains are wired for stories. From ancient times, storytelling has been utilized to perpetuate cultural values, pass wisdom across generations, or to simply entertain. Connection through storytelling stems from its ability to elicit empathy, understood as the capacity to resonate with the feelings of another.

When we listen to personal stories, we are transported into the shoes of the storyteller. We experience their joys, sorrows, triumphs, and challenges. This emotional connection allows us to relate to their experiences, even if they are vastly different from our own.

Stories allow us to take a look into another's life, enhancing our understanding about them, creating a common ground where we feel kinship and shared humanity . Through storytelling, we bridge the gaps between our diverse backgrounds and find common threads that bind us together.

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How Personal Stories Shape Our Identity

As we expose our intimate thoughts and experiences through stories, we also come to understand ourselves better. Shared stories not only help others to know us, but they also help us to know ourselves.

When we share our personal stories, we often gain new insights and perspectives. We see patterns and themes emerge, revealing aspects of our lives that we may not have fully recognized before. Through the act of storytelling , we are able to make sense of our own experiences and make connections between seemingly unrelated events.

Pivotal situations and cultural aspects of our stories often shape our distinct identity and enhance our self-concept. By examining our personal narratives, we gain a deeper understanding of who we are, what we value, and how we want to present ourselves to the world.

Additionally, personal stories can empower us to embrace our uniqueness and celebrate our individuality. They remind us that our experiences, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary, contribute to the rich tapestry of human existence.

In conclusion, personal stories have the power to foster human connection and shape our identity. Through storytelling, we build bridges of empathy and understanding, while also gaining a deeper understanding of ourselves. So, let us continue to share and listen to personal stories, for they have the potential to transform lives and create a more compassionate and interconnected world.

The Art of Sharing Personal Stories

Sharing personal narratives is an art that demands certain skills. The right ‘what’ and ‘how’ of the stories grow unprecedented interest among listeners precipitating meaningful exchanges while striking a chord at the humanistic level.

Personal stories have the power to captivate and inspire. They allow us to connect with others on a deeper level, fostering empathy and understanding. Whether it's a tale of triumph over adversity, a humorous anecdote, or a heartfelt reflection, the art of sharing personal stories can leave a lasting impact on both the storyteller and the audience.

Choosing the Right Story to Share

Familiarity with the audience, the context, and purpose of sharing are key factors that guide the selection of your story. The chosen story must bear relevance to your audience's interests, needs, or shared context for it to resonate and connect.

When choosing a story to share, consider the emotions you want to evoke in your audience. Do you want to make them laugh, cry, or feel inspired? Think about the themes and messages that align with the purpose of your storytelling. By selecting a story that aligns with your audience's interests and needs, you can create a powerful connection that leaves a lasting impression.

Crafting Your Story for Impact

An impactful story is more than a recount of events. It must reveal the associated emotions, teach something valuable, and engage the audience. The classic narrative arc- exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution- can guide your storytelling for the desired impact.

When crafting your story, consider the elements that will make it engaging and relatable. Begin with a captivating introduction that hooks your audience and sets the stage for what's to come. Build up the narrative with vivid descriptions, allowing the listeners to visualize the events as if they were there themselves. Take them on a journey, guiding them through the highs and lows, and ultimately leading to a satisfying resolution.

Don't be afraid to infuse your story with personal insights and reflections. Share the lessons you've learned, the challenges you've overcome, and the growth you've experienced. By doing so, you not only entertain your audience but also provide them with valuable takeaways that they can apply to their own lives.

Remember, the art of sharing personal stories is about more than just the words you speak. It's about the emotions you convey, the connections you forge, and the impact you leave behind. So embrace the artistry of storytelling, and let your personal narratives inspire, educate, and empower.

Building Connections Through Shared Experiences

Shared stories have a remarkable capacity to build robust connections. But, merely narrating a story does not guarantee that connection. A careful interplay of factors like empathy in storytelling and creating a safe environment for mutual sharing can enhance the relational outcome.

When it comes to building connections through shared experiences, empathy plays a pivotal role. Empathy breathes life into stories. It underpins our capacity to see through the storyteller's lens and experience their joy, pain, or struggle. When we empathize with someone's story, we are able to connect with them on a deeper level. This shared understanding bridges the gap between individuals, creating a sense of solidarity and connection.

Imagine sitting in a circle with a group of people, each sharing their personal stories. As each person takes their turn to speak, the power of empathy becomes evident. As you listen to their stories, you can feel their emotions, their triumphs, and their challenges. Empathy allows you to step into their shoes, even if just for a moment, and truly understand their experiences. This connection formed through empathy is what brings people closer together.

The Role of Empathy in Storytelling

Empathy is not just about understanding someone's story; it is about actively engaging with it. When we approach storytelling with empathy, we create a space where the storyteller feels seen, heard, and validated. This validation is essential for building connections, as it shows the storyteller that their experiences matter.

Empathy in storytelling goes beyond mere sympathy or pity. It is about genuinely connecting with the emotions and experiences conveyed in the story. By putting ourselves in the storyteller's shoes, we are able to tap into a shared human experience. This shared experience forms the foundation for building connections that can withstand the test of time.

Creating a Safe Space for Sharing

Sharing stories necessitates vulnerability, which requires safety and acceptance from listeners. Creating this safe, judgement-free space allows individuals to express authentic stories, fostering deeper bonds built on trust and empathy.

When individuals feel safe to share their stories, they are more likely to open up and reveal their true selves. This vulnerability creates an atmosphere of trust, where individuals can express their thoughts and emotions without fear of judgment or rejection. In this safe space, connections are formed not only through the stories themselves but also through the act of sharing and being heard.

Imagine a support group where individuals gather to share their experiences and struggles. In this safe space, everyone is encouraged to speak their truth without fear of criticism. As each person shares their story, the group listens attentively, offering support and understanding. This act of sharing and receiving creates a sense of belonging and connection among the participants.

Building connections through shared experiences is a powerful way to foster meaningful relationships. By embracing empathy in storytelling and creating safe spaces for sharing, we can create connections that go beyond surface-level interactions. These deep connections have the potential to transform lives, bringing individuals closer together and creating a sense of community.

Finding Meaning in Personal Stories

Our stories often hold insights about ourselves and our place in the world. Interpreting these experiences and the healing that comes through sharing forms a part of the intricate web of storytelling.

When we delve into our personal stories, we embark on a journey of self-discovery. Each experience, whether positive or negative, has the potential to shape us and provide valuable lessons. Stories allow us to understand, analyze, and derive meaning from these personal experiences.

Through the process of interpretation, we are able to make sense of the events that have unfolded in our lives. It is a form of self-reflection that helps us grow and find our place in the world. By examining the choices we made, the challenges we faced, and the emotions we experienced, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our journey.

Interpreting Personal Experiences

Stories have the power to illuminate the hidden corners of our minds and hearts. They provide a platform for introspection, allowing us to explore our motivations, fears, and desires. Through storytelling, we can make connections between seemingly unrelated events and uncover themes that run through our lives.

As we interpret our personal experiences, we begin to see patterns emerge. We may notice recurring themes of resilience, love, or growth. These patterns offer valuable insights into our core values and beliefs. They help us understand what drives us, what inspires us, and what holds us back.

Moreover, interpreting personal experiences is not limited to understanding our own stories. It also extends to empathizing with others and gaining a broader perspective on the human experience. By listening to the stories of others, we can learn from their triumphs and challenges, expanding our own understanding of the world.

The Healing Power of Storytelling

Storytelling is not only a means of understanding ourselves but also a powerful tool for healing. When we share our stories, we give voice to our experiences, emotions, and thoughts. This act of self-expression can be incredibly cathartic, providing an outlet for pent-up emotions and a release from the burdens we carry.

Through storytelling, we create a safe space to explore our vulnerabilities and confront our pain. By giving words to our deepest fears and insecurities, we begin to chip away at their power over us. The act of sharing our stories can be transformative, leading us towards acceptance and self-compassion.

Furthermore, the healing power of storytelling extends beyond the individual. When we share our stories with others, we create connections and foster empathy. It is through these shared narratives that we find solace, support, and a sense of belonging. The act of listening to someone else's story can be equally healing, as it allows us to witness their journey and offer compassion.

In conclusion, interpreting personal experiences and engaging in the healing power of storytelling are integral parts of our human experience. By delving into our own stories and listening to the stories of others, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us. So, let us continue to explore the intricate web of storytelling, finding meaning and healing along the way.

Practical Tips for Sharing Personal Stories

Sharing personal stories effectively is a skill that requires practice and refinement. Let's explore some practical techniques to enhance your storytelling prowess and navigate emotional responses effectively.

Honing Your Storytelling Skills

A compelling narrative requires practice and a strong awareness of your expressive style. Pay attention to your language, inflection, pacing, and emotions to enhance the impact of your story.

When honing your storytelling skills, it can be helpful to study the techniques used by master storytellers. Take the time to read books, watch movies, or listen to podcasts that feature captivating narratives. Analyze how these storytellers engage their audience, create suspense, and evoke emotions.

Another effective way to improve your storytelling skills is to join a storytelling group or attend workshops. These environments provide a supportive community where you can practice your storytelling techniques, receive constructive feedback, and learn from others.

Navigating Emotional Responses

Sharing personal experiences can trigger a myriad of emotional responses. Being aware and understanding of your emotional reactions, as well as those of your listener, can foster an empathetic environment, conducive to meaningful conversation.

When sharing personal stories, it is important to create a safe space for both yourself and your listener. Start by setting clear boundaries and establishing trust. Let your listener know that they are free to express their emotions and reactions, but also communicate your own comfort level in receiving and discussing certain responses.

Additionally, practicing active listening can greatly contribute to navigating emotional responses. Show genuine interest and empathy towards your listener's reactions. Validate their feelings and provide a supportive presence. This will help create a space where both parties feel heard and understood.

It is also crucial to be mindful of your own emotional well-being when sharing personal stories. Recognize that revisiting certain experiences can be emotionally challenging. Take breaks when needed, practice self-care, and seek support from trusted friends or professionals if necessary.

The Impact of Personal Stories on Others

The magic of storytelling lies not only in the joy of sharing but also in the change it can bring about in others. Inspiring change and strengthening relationships through shared stories encapsulates the transformative power of stories.

When we share personal stories, we have the ability to touch the hearts and minds of those who listen. These stories have the power to evoke emotions, provoke thoughts, and inspire action. Whether it's a tale of triumph over adversity or a heartfelt account of personal growth, personal stories have the potential to create a lasting impact.

Inspiring Change Through Storytelling

Personal stories can be profoundly inspiring and motivational. They can spark change in others, encouraging them to undertake new challenges or change their perspective. A story about overcoming fear and taking risks, for example, may inspire someone to step out of their comfort zone and pursue their dreams.

Moreover, personal stories can serve as a source of hope and inspiration for individuals facing similar struggles. When someone hears a story of someone who has overcome similar obstacles, it can give them the courage and belief that they too can overcome their own challenges. This newfound sense of empowerment can lead to positive change in their lives.

Strengthening Relationships Through Shared Stories

Sharing personal stories can foster stronger empathy, trust, and understanding, thereby strengthening relationships. When we open up and share our experiences with others, we create a space for vulnerability and connection. Through storytelling, we invite others into our world, allowing them to see a different side of us.

These shared stories create a sense of intimacy and closeness between individuals. When we listen to someone's personal story, we are given a glimpse into their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. This deepens our understanding of them and helps us build a stronger bond.

Furthermore, when we share our stories, we create a platform for others to share their own. This reciprocal exchange of personal narratives fosters a sense of trust and mutual support within a community. It allows individuals to feel heard, validated, and understood, ultimately enriching our social experiences.

In conclusion, sharing personal stories serves as a vehicle for connecting, finding meaning, and inspiring change. It's an art, a therapy, and a tool for empowerment rolled into one. By sharing our stories, we have the power to touch the lives of others and create a ripple effect of positive change.

If you're interested in exploring the power of storytelling for mental wellbeing, Aura Health App provides convenient and accessible ways to learn, grow, and connect through the universal language of stories. Through guided storytelling exercises and a supportive community, Aura Health App can help you harness the transformative power of personal narratives.

Aura is Your All In One App for Meditation, Mindfulness Wellbeing

Find peace every day with one app for your whole well-being. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental well-being. Aura is the first all-in-one wellness app that learns how to best help you. Discover an endless library of expert-created tracks for your well-being, all taught by the world’s best coaches, therapists, and storytellers. With Aura's personalized recommendations , you can find peace every morning, day and night.

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Daily Inspired Life

How To Share Your Inspirational Story | Share Your Story, Inspire The World

Discover the profound impact of sharing your inspirational story. Learn where and how to bring your unique experiences to a global audience, and see how your personal journey can inspire, connect, and empower others. Your story has the power to make a difference – let it be heard.

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You matter more than you might realise. Your presence on this planet has shifted the energy in the universe in its own unique way. From the moment you answered the call to life, your unique journey began, alongside billions of others each living out their one-of-a-kind narratives in this world. Your thoughts, along with theirs, collectively weave the individual storylines that make up this epic saga we call life.

And just like every epic movie would feel incomplete without a character or a scene, so too the world’s history remains incomplete without your chapter. The challenges you've overcome, the dreams you've chased, and the joys you've found are not isolated experiences. They are part of a collective journey, a grand tale of humanity.

You are the hero of your story, and your unique narrative holds wisdom from your experience that can shed light on dark paths, guiding and inspiring others . It's not just about you; it's about the role your story plays in the larger narrative of humanity, helping others find their way, learn, and grow.

That’s why your story is important. That's why we  want you to share your inspirational story. 

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MANNDI WILKINS, USA  //   paws for thought | inspiring story about loyal friendship

I am so happy to be a part of this mission you have started, it is so amazing and touching to countless people out there.

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susan greeff, south africa //   see me| what's really important in life

It is inspiring to read my story again to be reminded of what’s important in life. I love reading the stories of others and your magazine brings a lot of hope and inspiration during a time of uncertainty and unrest across the world.


missa zahran, jordon/palestine //   refugee & beyond | from 3rd generation refugee to world traveler

Honestly, I didn't expect this amount of responses, and how my story inspired different people in different places was touching. I felt deeply grateful for having this chance to live such an experience. It is a fact that we are all connected. We all feel pain from the same circumstances, and we all seek a normal peaceful life.

Where Can You Share Your Story?

Ready to share your story with the world? Daily Inspired Life is an international platform inviting individuals from every corner of the globe to contribute their true, inspiring stories. More than just a space for sharing, we share these narratives as guides, illuminating paths to a better future and a more beautiful life for everyone within the community.

If you believe your story has the power to inspire and uplift, we welcome you to join Daily Inspired Life. We envision this platform as a thriving, caring, and diverse community that not only connects readers and storytellers but also celebrates the richness of individual experiences.

  • Your story should be a genuine, personal account of a significant incident, event, time period, or moment in your life.
  • It should convey a message of inspiration, love, hope, positivity, and courage.
  • The goal is for readers to feel a positive impact on themselves and the world around them after reading your story.
  • Your narrative should spread positivity and contribute to a greater understanding across different cultures and backgrounds. Share your unique perspective on the world.
  • Inspire people to live their best lives and see the best in others, fostering a sense of connection to the greater world and promoting unity and positivity within humanity.
  • We especially welcome stories from people of color, indigenous peoples, individuals from diverse backgrounds, non-English speakers, and women. Your diverse voices enrich the collective story of Daily Inspired Life.

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Nawaz Khan, PAKISTAN  //   village boy finds a way and pays it forward

It is an honor for me that so many people appreciated my story. These words made my day and these are the most precious gifts to me.



Wow, I got to understand more about myself. I learned I am confident, focused, determined and ready to change the story of many people. In my heart, I felt celebrated and getting somewhere with what I am doing. When I received phone calls from all over the world, people congratulating me, I felt so excited. Greatest lesson learned is never to give up in life.

thomas corr, usa //   tiny dog, huge pawprint | how a corporate executive & his furry friend embrace change and unleash joy in life

I cried. My work has caused an impact on peoples' lives TO THINK DIFFERENT, THINK BETTER.

How To Write an Inspirational Story About Yourself?

Access our free 9-Step Story Plan with prompts to guide you through the storytelling process. For a more guided experience, join our next Write your Inspiring Story Workshop , which takes you step-by-step from drafting an outline to crafting and submitting your story for publication.


janine durso, usa   //   The Love Ripple | Learning to say, “I Love You”

I have been getting such good feedback from the story and video and I'm so grateful to you for sharing it! So fun and amazing!

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I was helped in everything with my story -  otherwise, I was telling so many stories 🙂 The biggest lesson is that my story is interesting and people want to listen to me.  In fact, everybody was congratulating me.

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Incredible coaching and help. Writing my story reminded me that “I can do hard things” and there is always, always hope. It was pretty amazing to see where I was before and where I am now.

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Change your life by changing your thoughts | how a tragic accident taught me to rethink life | by lori gradley | inspiring story #196, threads of connection | how women weave peace in a divided land | by karletta marie | inspiring story #197, grandpa’s hammer | forging connections through stories | by karen ray | inspiring story #195, water is life | embracing ubuntu and showing collective support for a better world | by fathima meer | inspiring story #193, love. joy. peace | inspiring stories to light up your winter world, spreading joy, lighting up lives: how celebrating others brightens your own world | by ezekiel baskar | inspiring story #188.

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Ooohhhh….thank you for this. I do have quite a number of inspiring stories to share. I will definitely be sending them through.

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Thank you for sharing this platform to share inspirational stories with others. We all could use some uplifting sometimes.

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If we all shared our stories we could learn so much from each other. This article has made me think about what I would share!

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Share your location with iPhone

Share your location with friends, family members, and other trusted contacts in Find My, Messages, and Maps. You can share your current location once, temporarily share your location while you're on the way to an expected destination, or share your ongoing Live Location.

Different ways to share your location

With iPhone, you can share your location with family and friends to keep in touch, coordinate around an event, or know when a family member has arrived home. You can share in different apps — and you can choose what location information to share.

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In Messages or Maps, you can share a one-time view of where you are right now.

Share your current location once

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Share on the way

In Maps, you can share your estimated time of arrival (ETA), including your turn-by-turn directions. In Messages, you can use Check In to share your location if you don't arrive at your destination as expected.

Share your location on the way to a destination

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Share ongoing

In Find My or Messages, you can share your Live Location to make it even easier to stay connected. You can choose to share your ongoing location for an hour, until the end of the day, or indefinitely.

Share your ongoing location

Some location sharing options require iOS 17. If you don't see an option, update your iPhone to the latest software version.

You can share your current location as a snapshot. The person who you share with sees only that location, and they won't be able to follow you as you move.

Drop a pin in Messages

Open a conversation or start a new message.

Plus button

In iOS 16 or earlier, you can share your current location in Messages by tapping the person's name at the top of the conversation and then tapping "Send My Current Location."

You can also share your current location by dropping a pin in Maps.

When you share your current location once

When you drop a pin, you share only that current location. The person that you shared with can't see your ongoing location as you move.

When you share your location by dropping a pin, the person who you share with gets this notification.

When you're on the way somewhere, you can share your location in Maps or start a Check In session in Messages.

Share your ETA in Maps

You can share your estimated time of arrival (ETA) while following driving, cycling, or walking directions. When you share your ETA, you share your Live Location and all the stops along your route while navigating.

Let your family and friends know you've arrived with Check In

You can use Check In to automatically notify a family member, friend, or other trusted contact that your iPhone has arrived or your activity is completed, and choose what details they can see if you don’t successfully complete your Check In.

Check In doesn't automatically share your location. Your location is shared only if there's an unexpected delay during your trip or activity and you're unresponsive.

Learn how to use Check In

When you share your location on the way to a destination

When you share your ETA in Maps, you share your Live Location — which means the person that you shared with can follow your movements in real time.

When you start a Check In session but your iPhone doesn't arrive at the destination as expected, Check In notifies your trusted contact and shares your current location, and the network signal and battery details of your iPhone. You can also choose to share more information, including the route that you traveled.

When Check In shares your location with your trusted contact, and then you end the Check In, that location might continue to be shared for a short time. Only the current location that was shared remains shared, rather than your ongoing location.

When you share your ETA in Maps, the person who you share with gets this notification.

Share your ongoing location in real time

You can share your Live Location — which lets friends and family follow your ongoing location in real-time — in either Find My or Messages. With Live Location, people that you have shared your location with can even get a sense of the direction that you're traveling in and how fast you're going.

Regardless of which app that you start from, your location is shared in the same ways.

To share Live Location, both you and the person that you’re sharing with need an iPhone with iOS 15 or later.

Start sharing your ongoing location using Find My

In Find My, tap the Me tab and turn on Share My Location.

Add button

Choose to share your location for an hour, until end of the day, or indefinitely.

Learn more about sharing your location in Find My

Start sharing your ongoing location using Messages

You can also tap the name of the person or group at the top of the conversation. Then tap Share My Location (or tap Request Location to request that they share with you).

Learn more about sharing your location in Messages

When you share your ongoing location

The people who you share with can:

Find your Live Location in Find My, Maps, your contact card in Contacts, and by tapping your name at the top of a Messages conversation.

See your general location under your name in a Messages conversation and see your Live Location by tapping your name. When you share your location in a group message, everyone in the group message can see your location.

Get directions to your location in Maps.

Set up a notification so that they know when you arrive at or leave a location of their choosing. If someone sets a location-based notification, you get a notification. If they attempt to set a recurring notification (for example, if they want to be notified every time that you leave work), you have to accept the invitation first.

When you're sharing your ongoing location, you can also:

Share your location via satellite when you're somewhere without Wi-Fi and cellular coverage.

If both you and the person that you've shared with have iPhone 15 or iPhone 15 Pro, use Precision Finding to get help finding each other's precise location .

When you share your location using Find My, the person that you share with gets this notification.

Stop sharing your location

You can turn off location sharing in Find My, or stop sharing with a person or group in Find My, Maps, or Messages. You can also use Safety Check to quickly stop sharing information if your personal safety is at risk.

If you delete the Find My app, people that you've shared your location with can still see your location. If you want to stop sharing your location, reinstall Find My and follow the steps to stop sharing.

Safety Check

If your personal safety is at risk, you can use Safety Check on iPhone to quickly stop sharing your information, including location information. You can also review and update sharing with individual people and apps.

Learn how Safety Check on iPhone works to keep you safe

Temporarily stop sharing your location with everyone

Open Find My.

Select the Me tab.

Turn off Share My Location.

When you turn on Share My Location again, the people that you've previously shared with will once again be able to see your location.

Stop sharing your location with one person

When you stop sharing your location with someone in one app, you stop sharing your location across apps. The person that you stop sharing with won't be notified.

Select the People tab.

Choose the person that you want to stop sharing your location with.

Scroll down and tap Stop Sharing My Location.

Open a conversation with the person or group that you've shared your location with.

Tap the name of the person or group at the top of the conversation.

Tap Stop Sharing.

Tap "Sharing with..." at the bottom of the screen.

Tap the name of the person that you want to stop sharing your location with.

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Beyond Type 1

Sharing My Journey

A conscious decision.

When I was first diagnosed a little under a year ago, I made the decision to share my journey on social media. I remember the fear and anxiety I had about my first post proclaiming to the world that I have type 1 diabetes. I must have typed and untyped my first caption 10 times before I finally decided to commit to sharing my journey. It was scary to take that leap of faith and be so open about one of the hardest obstacles life has thrown my way. Regardless of if the feedback was positive or negative, I knew I had to share because there is a lack of African-American perspective when it comes to living with type 1 diabetes.

The most difficult aspect of sharing your journey is the self-doubt that comes from the spiteful comments or degrading messages that you receive. Most of the time these comments come from people who are not even living with diabetes. There have been many times where me being African-American has been associated with the number one reason for why I have diabetes. People have blamed my ethnic background and put me at fault for developing an inevitable chronic illness. Living with type 1 is difficult enough but when you add your ethnicity into the mix, you find yourself battling so much more adversity. No one should have to fight for the right to have a disease and not have that disease be blamed on the color of their skin.

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I remember one day specifically when someone sent a hateful message and I almost deleted my social media. I thought to myself, “Sharing my journey is not worth it if my mental wellness is being destroyed along the way.” That was a real turning point for me because if I had deleted my social media platform, I would not be helping or representing those that feel they do not have a voice. Adversity is an understatement when it comes to living with diabetes and being a minority adds yet another level of adversity onto that. You are constantly fighting for your words and your journey to mean as much to society as everyone else’s words do. You can never fit in so you are forced to stand out, accept your differences and try and make society accept those differences as well.

Born to stand out

My main goal is to take what makes me different and use that to speak to a group of people that might not feel they have a voice. For every hateful message I receive, I in turn receive a handful of positive messages. Other type 1s have reached out because they finally feel like there is someone they can relate to, who looks just like them and is going through the same exact challenges every day. To receive feedback that I am spreading positivity and hope to a group of people who feel underrepresented and misunderstood is what makes all the negative chatter disappear. To know that my words hold empowerment and give hope to those battling this chronic illness every day is what motivates me to continue telling my story.

At the end of the day, I really hope to display to other minorities that there is power in sharing. You do not have to fit a certain mold or represent what society accepts as someone of influence to make a difference. There are plenty of days where mentally, I have to take a break from social media because living with diabetes is a full time job in itself and adding the extra stress of justifying to myself the beliefs of others is too much to handle. I just encourage anyone to fight through the hardest days and share your perspective because your voice matters. There is never a topic that is unimportant when it comes to living with diabetes. We all face obstacles every day and what may seem like something small to you might be a life circumstance that someone else can relate to.

One of the best aspects about the diabetic community is that it is so welcoming and accepting. If you reach out to any type 1 influencer, they will respond and answer your question to the best of their ability. It is hard to take that first leap and share your own journey but the more perspectives we have in the type 1 community, the stronger that community will grow. I hope to continue inspiring and helping anyone I can by sharing mine. You never know what impact you might have until you take that leap of faith and let your voice be known.

Read another piece by Janae— Finding Myself Again .

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WRITTEN BY Janae Gray, POSTED 03/16/20, UPDATED 11/19/22

Why beyond type 1 matters: an interview with nick jonas -, glycemic index diet and diabetes -, how diabetes impacts your mental health -, i can’t sleep -, what is type 2 diabetes -.

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Share My Life: A Journey of Love, Faith and Redemption

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Share My Life: A Journey of Love, Faith and Redemption Hardcover – April 4, 2023

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  • Print length 272 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster
  • Publication date April 4, 2023
  • Dimensions 6 x 1 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1982191244
  • ISBN-13 978-1982191245
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Share My Life: A Journey of Love, Faith and Redemption

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Share My Life

Editorial Reviews

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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster (April 4, 2023)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 272 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1982191244
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1982191245
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 15.2 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 1 x 9 inches
  • #1,141 in Black & African American Biographies
  • #1,556 in Religious Leader Biographies
  • #9,963 in Memoirs (Books)

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Customer Review: Damaged

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Customers say

Customers find the book a great read with a love story. They also find the content insightful and superbly written. Customers also appreciate Kem the artist for being real.

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Customers find the book a great read. They appreciate Kem the artist for being real and well balanced.

"I read this book on my flight to and from South Africa. It was a very good read . Kem was very open about the trials he endured...." Read more

"...packed, vulnerability saturated, entertaining, and well balanced... Great job , Mr. Kem! (And I like Kem’s music)." Read more

"...From the beginning to the end of this book, it is a great read ...." Read more

" Very good read for a very interesting person...." Read more

Customers find the storyline great, personal, and loving. They also say Kem is very open about the trials he endured.

"...It was a very good read. Kem was very open about the trials he endured . His testimony will definitely help someone else." Read more

"Great singer, Great life story , has Shared his beautiful music with us over the years. I got to meet him once a very nice person & a beautiful smile." Read more

" Great story . It was well told. I highly recommend it for anyone who still believes in love, but especially for those who are also fans of his music." Read more

"The book was very interesting but because I am a Kem fan since “Love Calls” made it even more interesting...." Read more

Customers find the book very insightful and captivating. They also say it holds hope for people suffering from addiction.

"This book is one of the most powerful forms of literature... It's knowledge filled , guidance packed, vulnerability saturated, entertaining, and well..." Read more

"I thought the book was very insightful about his early life." Read more

" Very inspirational to learn all Kem faced and how a person can overcome challenges and find real joy and happiness!" Read more

"This book is so captivating and holds hope for so many people either suffering from addiction, dream of becoming a musical phenomenon, or keeping..." Read more

Customers find the writing style superbly written and easy to read.

"Great story. It was well told . I highly recommend it for anyone who still believes in love, but especially for those who are also fans of his music." Read more

"It was definitely a good easy book to read , understand. Learned alot about the artist." Read more

"Loved how easy of a read it was . Explains how he wrote his songs and painfully but honest his early life was...." Read more

" Superbly written , revealing beautiful. Enjoyed immensely!!! When love calls, you better could be your best life...." Read more

Customers find the book's smile beautiful and honest.

"...I got to meet him once a very nice person & a beautiful smile ." Read more

"Still savoring this wonderful, honest look on how a person rebuilds their life after many struggles." Read more

"Superbly written, revealing beautiful . Enjoyed immensely!!! When love calls, you better could be your best life...." Read more

"Love his music and wanted to know about the man. His transparency was so beautiful ." Read more

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My Grief My Personal Journey

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21 Months of The Unspoken Truths of Loss

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90 Weeks of The Lingering Pain of My Darling Mum's Absense


A little unique lady with a huge heart


" Mum, I  carry your  legacy in everything that I do on this painful journey "


Mum, Faxi & Furong

Mum & Me

Mum & Me

Mum & Philip

Mum & Philip

A special Mum you depoarted as you lived  everyone's friend

Purple Divider

Never Miss A Thing

Furong Xing Naghten

I am Furong Xing Naghten, a motherless daughter, an adult orphan, a sister, and a wife, who loves passionately and grieves intensely. I am not a professional or an expert on grief and loss, I am just an ordinary person, who is journeying through grief. I am not a writer or an author, I am really just a normal person, who writes and shares about my personal grief journey with others.

I have been writing ever since the devastating loss of my darling Mum

on 04 October 2022, as I have to write through my hurt and heartache by focusing on what I experienced and pouring my pain into pages, so it is personal, authentic, emotional, and vulnerable, and I also started to share my story with others, who are grieving like me and going through the same thing on this challenging journey.

Join me on my personal grief journey or share your own journey



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Their groundbreaking work on HERA’s Campaign 7 Mission 2 contributes to NASA’s efforts to study how future astronauts may react to isolation and confinement during deep-space journeys. 

A group of four smiling NASA personnel in black jumpsuits stands together in front of a spacecraft module. Each individual has a NASA patch and name tag on their suit.

Throughout their mission, the crew conducted operational tasks and participated in 18 human health studies. These studies focused on behavioral health, team dynamics, and human-system interfaces, with seven being collaborative efforts with the Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the European Space Agency. These experiments assessed the crew’s physiological, behavioral, and psychological responses in conditions designed to be similar to a mission to Mars. 

A white cylindrical habitat module with a ladder and metal railings stands in an industrial facility. The area is surrounded by blue platforms and metal stairs.

As their mission concluded, the HERA crew watched real footage from the Artemis I mission to simulate their landing.

HERA operations lead Ted Babic rang the bell outside the habitat nine times to celebrate the crew’s egress—seven for the campaign and two for the mission—saying, “All in a safe passage to Mars and a safe return to Earth. May this vessel be a safe home to future HERA crews.” Babic then presented the crew with their mission patch, which they placed on the door of the HERA habitat. 

Four NASA personnel in black jumpsuits and face masks are seen placing a mission patch on the door of a spacecraft module labeled "Segment C." An American flag is visible above the door.

The crew expressed their gratitude to everyone involved in the mission, including NASA and MBRSC, the HERA mission control center, NASA’s Human Research Program (HRP) team, Analog Mission Control, medical teams, and their family and friends.

Wijesekara shared, “This was one of the best experiences I’ve had in my life. I’d like to thank my crewmates for making this experience memorable and enjoyable.” 

Four NASA personnel in black jumpsuits stand outside and smile with their arms outstretched. The background features a bright blue sky with scattered clouds and some buildings.

Connecting With Students   

On June 21, three days before crew egress, about 200 people gathered at Space Center Houston’s theater for a live Q&A session where students had the opportunity to share their questions with crew members Al Romaithi and Wijesekara. They discussed team dynamics, adapting to unexpected circumstances, and coping with isolation.  

When asked about what prompted her to apply for the mission, Wijesekara emphasized the importance of helping NASA collect data that could help future long-duration space flights, saying, “This will be very useful when we get to the Moon with Artemis missions and even beyond that when we go to Mars.” 

A large screen in an auditorium displays two NASA personnel in black jumpsuits with NASA patches, speaking to the audience. They stand in a spacecraft interior with equipment and a mission patch visible on the wall. Below the screen, a few people are on the stage, and the auditorium seats are partially filled with attendees watching the presentation.

Inside HERA, mealtimes were bonding moments where the crew shared stories, laughed, and supported each other. When a student asked about building stronger teams, Wijesekara advised, “Spend time with your crewmates, get to know them deeply, and be a good listener.” 

Al Romaithi, who hails from the UAE, shared that his academic background in aerospace engineering and aviation helped him stand out in the application process. In addition, this HERA campaign is focused on cultural diversity, which opened the opportunity for him to apply through a partnership between HERA and MBRSC. 

Discussing the mental effects of isolation, Al Romaithi highlighted the comfort provided by personal items, books, and board games. Wijesekara noted that the white noise of instruments running became their constant companion that her senses adjusted to over time. 

Wijesekara told the audience her favorite experience was performing spacewalks and “flying drones on Mars,” via virtual reality, which allowed them to observe Martian landscapes and even lava caves. Through the habitat’s window screens, they could see simulated views of space and Martian landscapes.  

The crew addressed the challenges they faced inside the analog environment, such as communication delays, which taught them teamwork, patience, and precise planning. They utilized a 3D printer aboard HERA to address equipment issues. A curious student asked what happens to the crew and the mission in case of an outside emergency, like a hurricane. Both crew members explained that HERA provided them with step-by-step emergency instructions. 

Medical evaluations and nutrition-specific meal plans were crucial for the mission, Al Romaithi and Wijesekara noted, with daily monitoring of the crew’s physical and mental health. The crew also grew lettuce hydroponically and had four pet triops shrimp named Buzz, Alvin, Simon, and Theodore. 

When a student asked what food he missed most, Al Romaithi replied, “Home-cooked meals.”  

Wijesekara shared the first thing she plans to do post-mission is see her family and visit a list of restaurants with her crewmates. She also looks forward to running on the beach. 

Reflecting on their experience, Al Romaithi noted, “We’ve become more disciplined and efficient in our daily activities.”  

What was the most valuable lesson learned? “The importance of teamwork and communication,” he said.  

Both crewmembers also gave students in the audience some advice. “Never hesitate or be shy to ask for help,” Al Romaithi said. “Always push for your biggest dreams, don’t let self-doubt slow you down, and believe in yourself.” 

“And keep studying!” added Wijesekara. 

A large screen in an auditorium displays a close-up selfie of four smiling NASA personnel. They are in a spacecraft interior, with equipment visible in the background. One person is making a peace sign. The auditorium seats are partially filled with attendees watching the presentation.

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From Anticipated Failure to Unforeseen Success — 5 Turning Points in My Entrepreneurial Journey I didn't always believe my business would succeed, but these five moments helped me see its potential.

By Hope Horner Edited by Chelsea Brown Jul 5, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • When my co-founders and I started our business, I expected it to fail like some of my previous ventures. Despite my doubts about its success, our company has hit significant milestones over the past decade.
  • In this article, I share the five pivotal moments that made me realize the company could actually succeed.
  • Entrepreneurs should celebrate each milestone, learn from every challenge and stay open to the game-changing moments — and remember that entrepreneurial success often comes when you least expect it.

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

When my two co-founders and I started a video production company 10 years ago, I honestly didn't believe we were going to succeed. I had tried to start a few entrepreneurial ventures already, and deep down, I thought this one would end the way the others had. I assumed we'd give it a few months and then be back to applying for jobs.

As we started making money and securing contracts, it still took time for our early successes to feel "real." Despite our cash flow , we were working out of an apartment, interviewing people in the Marriott lobby down the street and putting out fires constantly. Even when many of those problems worked themselves out, it felt — for years — like we were always just a few decisions away from potentially going out of business.

But against all odds, Lemonlight charted a different path. We've hit incredible milestones over the past decade: working with dream clients, breaking sales records, expanding our office space, buying studio spaces and producing tens of thousands of videos we're truly proud of.

As I reflect on this journey, five key turning points stand out — moments that made me realize we were building something that could actually succeed.

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Turning point #1: Getting our first real office

One of the earliest milestones was securing our first real office space .

Moving into a 2,000-square-foot office was both exhilarating and terrifying. It was a big financial commitment, but it felt like we finally had a home and were becoming more established.

In my eyes, this move symbolized our transition from a scrappy startup working out of an apartment to a legitimate business with a dedicated space to grow. It gave us a sense of permanence and stability, which was crucial for our morale and long-term planning.

Plus, we could finally invite clients to our office without feeling self-conscious about our makeshift setup!

Turning point #2: Going all in on video content creation

A few years into the business, we hit our next crucial milestone: deciding to focus exclusively on video production.

Up until that point, we had been offering a range of services from video to website content to social media management, but this decision to hone in on our core competency showed that we had a clear mission and purpose.

It was a tough call, especially when it meant turning away other potential revenue streams, but it reinforced our identity and helped us build a company around our strengths.

By narrowing our focus, we were able to deepen our expertise, improve our processes and deliver higher-quality results for our clients. This move also simplified our marketing message, making it easier to communicate what we did best and stand out in a crowded market .

Turning point #3: Signing our first well-known enterprise client

The day TripAdvisor found us online and hired us to make their videos was another surreal moment. They were one of our first enterprise clients, and I remember being surprised that they would trust such a small company.

This partnership validated our capabilities and opened doors to other large clients. Working with a renowned brand like TripAdvisor for years was a confidence booster and a testament to our quality and reliability. It proved that we could deliver on big projects and handle the demands of high-profile clients .

Related: Even Through Humble Beginnings, Persistence Wins Over All, Says Gary Vaynerchuk

Turning point #4: Winning our first Inc. 500 award

In 2018, four years into Lemonlight's life, we won our first Inc. 500 award. This was the moment I finally believed we had a legitimate company. In my mind, only "serious" businesses earned Inc. awards, and if we'd earned it, we must have been on the right track.

This recognition was a huge morale booster for our team and a powerful validation of our hard work and growth. It not only increased our visibility in the industry but also attracted new clients and partners who wanted to be associated with a successful, award-winning company. This accolade reaffirmed our commitment to excellence and motivated us to aim even higher.

Turning point #5: Raising our seed round of funding

Raising our seed round of funding felt like the final milestone in the entrepreneurship journey. Finally, someone other than our parents believed in us and wanted to support what we were building.

Securing this investment gave us the financial resources to scale our operations, hire more talent and invest in better equipment and technology. It also gave us the confidence to take bigger risks and pursue larger opportunities.

The external validation signaled that our business had real potential and that we were on a path to sustainable growth .

Related: That 'Aha' Moment: How You Know When Your Startup Has Succeeded

Looking back, these pivotal moments were crucial in shaping Lemonlight's success. In five different ways over 10 years, they provided the confidence, resources and validation we needed to grow from a small startup into a respected company.

If you're on your own entrepreneurial path, remember to celebrate each milestone, learn from every challenge and stay open to the game-changing moments. Success often comes when you least expect it, and your next big turning point might be just around the corner. Keep pushing forward and embrace the journey!

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor

CEO of Lemonlight

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