टनकपुर में घूमने की जगहें – Tanakpur Tourist Places की A to Z जानकारी

टनकपुर एक टाउन है जो की उत्तराखण्ड राज्य के चम्पावत जिले में आता है यहाँ घूमने के लिये आपको माँ पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर , शारदा घाट , श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मन्दिर, श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर मिलेंगे इसके अलावा टनकपुर से थोड़ी ही दूरी पर नेपाल के कंचनपुर जिले में ब्रम्हदेव नाम के स्थल पर बाबा सिद्धनाथ का मन्दिर है और घूमने की बात करे तो यहाँ से महज 40 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर सिखों का पवित्र स्थल श्री गुरुद्वारा नानकमत्ता साहिब है |

अच्छा यहाँ पर शारदा नदी में राफ्टिंग का भी लुत्फ़ उठा सकते हो , यहाँ पर बूम नाम की जगह पर आप राफ्टिंग की सेवा पा सकते है और Tanakpur में एक झील भी है जिसे श्यामलाताल कहते है |

टनकपुर के बारे में

वैसे तो टनकपुर माँ पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर के लिये ही जाना जाता है लेकिन इस पवित्र मन्दिर के अलावा भी यहाँ कुछ पर्यटन स्थल है जहाँ आप जा सकते हो सबसे पहले आप जान लो की यह स्थल चम्पावत जिले के अन्तर्गत आता है यहाँ एक सरकारी बस अड्डा है और एक रेलवे स्टेशन भी है |

यहाँ की मार्केट भी ठीक ठाक है जहाँ आपके काम का सब सामान आसानी से मिल जायेगा , यहाँ पे ढेर सारे होटल धर्मशालाये रेस्टोरेंट भी उपलब्ध है जिससे आपको ठहरने और खाने पीने की यहाँ कोई मुश्किल नहीं होगी |

आपको एक जानकारी और दिए दे रहे है स्वामी विवेकानंद जी 20 जनवरी 1901 को टनकपुर आये थे और एक किराने की दूकान पर रात्रि विश्राम किया था स्वामी जी के साथ स्वामी शिवानंद , स्वामी सदानद , स्वामी विरजानन्द और लाला गोविन्द शाह भी थे |

कैसे पहुंचे टनकपुर

यह एक जानी पहचानी जगह है तो यहाँ आपके लिए रेल सड़क वायु तीनो माध्यम खुले हुए हो आपको जिस भी माध्यम से ठीक लगे आप उसी साधन से आये हमने अपनी पिछली पोस्ट Maa Purnagiri में टनकपुर पहुँचने की समस्त डिटेल्स दे दी है आप वहां जाकर आप पढ़ सकते हो अरे छोड़ो मै आपको अपनी पिछली पोस्ट से लेके यही कॉपी किये दे रहा हूँ –

हवाई मार्ग से

यदि आप हवाई मार्ग मतलब हवाई जहाज से टनकपुर आना चाहते हो तो आप जान लो यहाँ का निकटतम एअरपोर्ट पन्तनगर है जो की यहाँ से लगभग 100 किलोमीटर दूर होगा और पन्तनगर से आपको यहाँ के लिए टैक्सी आदि मिल जाएँगी |

रेल मार्ग से

यदि आप ट्रेन द्वारा यहाँ आना चाहते हो आप को बता दे की टनकपुर में एक रेलवे स्टेशन है जिसका कोड TPU है इस रेलवे स्टेशन पे कई ट्रेन है एक ट्रेन दिल्ली से भी टनकपुर आती है बाकी एक है वो लखनऊ बरेली होते हुए टनकपुर जाती है तो आप देख ले आपके शहर से यहाँ की कोई सीधी ट्रेन है या नहीं है तो कोई दिक्कत ही नहीं यदि नहीं है तो आप के आसपास के किसी शहर जैसे दिल्ली , लखनऊ , पीलीभीत , बरेली , प्रयागराज , गाजियाबाद , मुरादाबाद आदि तक अगर ट्रेन हो आप यहाँ आ जाये फिर यहाँ से आप टनकपुर की ट्रेन ले सकते है |

टनकपुर रेलवे स्टेशन

सड़क मार्ग से

यह शहर बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से भारत के लगभग सभी प्रमुख शहरों से जुड़ा हुआ है दिल्ली लखनऊ जैसे शहरो से तो आपको सीधी बस मिल जाएगी और आप अपने साधन से भी बड़ी ही आसानी से यहाँ आ सकते है |

मैंने दिल्ली से टनकपुर की जो बस चलती है उसके किराये की बात नहीं की थी दिल्ली की बात करे तो वहां के ISBT आनंद विहार वाले बस स्टैंड से टनकपुर के लिए दिन भर बसे जाती है जिनका किराया महज रूपये 415 है |

कहाँ रुके | Where to Stay in Tanakpur in Hindi

किसी भी तरह की यहाँ रुकने की कोई परेशानी नहीं है इस स्थल पर बहुत सी धर्मशालाये है जिनकी लोकेशन की बात करे तो ज्यादातर धर्मशाला शारदा घाट के समीप है कुछ एक अच्छे होटल भी यहाँ मौजूद है यदि आपका बजट बढ़िया है तो आप होटल में भी रुक सकते है लेकिन मेरे हिसाब से यहाँ पर लोग ज्यादा ठहरते नही सभी श्रद्धालु शारदा घाट में स्नान करके माँ पूर्णागिरि निकल जाते है लेकिन कुछ हमारी तरह ऐसे घुमक्कड़ होते है जिनके शहर की मार्किट शहर के लोकल टूरिस्ट स्पॉट में भी रूचि होती है इस प्रकार के लोग यहाँ रुकते है |

कब जाये – Best Months For Tanakpur Visit

यह एक ऐसी जगह है जहाँ आप साल भर जा सकते है लेकिन गर्मी यहाँ भी पड़ती है तो बेहतर की मई जून में यहाँ जाने से बचे अगर आपको गर्मी सताती हो तो वरना छुट्टियां तो मई जून में ही होती है बरसात के मौसम में भी अगर ज्यादा जरूरी न हो तो न जाय क्यूंकि माँ पूर्णागिरि पहाड़ पे है और पहाड़ बरसात में थोडा रूठ जाते है |

टनकपुर के पर्यटन स्थल | Tanakpur Tourist Places in Hindi

अब हम आपको यहाँ के सभी पर्यटन स्थल के बारे में बताने वाले है जिनमे कुछ पर्यटन स्थल टनकपुर टाउन में ही है बाकी कुछ थोड़ी दूरी पर है लेकिन मेरा ये मानना है कि जब आप यहाँ आ ही गये है तो क्या पास क्या दूर जो भी टूरिस्ट स्पॉट उधर नजदीक में हो घूम डालिये तो आइये घूमते है अब Tanakpur Tourist Places –

शारदा नदी पे बना एक घाट जिसे शारदा घाट कहते है यहाँ स्नान करना बड़ा पुण्य का काम है यह स्थल टनकपुर रेलवे स्टेशन से समीप ही है आप यहाँ पैदल ही जा सकते है यहाँ पर एक सुन्दर सा घाट बना हुआ है जहाँ आप स्नान कर सकते हो |

यहाँ आपको चेंजिंग रूम भी देखने को मिल जायेंगे जो महिला श्रधालुओ के लिए टनकपुर नगर पालिका ने बनवाये है जो कि एक बढ़िया बात है , घाट के सामने ही हरे भरे पहाड़ है अब आप जरा सोचो कल कल करती माँ शारदा और सामने हरे हरे पहाड़ कितना सुन्दर द्रश्य होगा |

शारदा घाट प्रांगण में कुछ छोटे छोटे मन्दिर बने हुए है जिनमे शारदा मैया का मन्दिर , शनि देव का मन्दिर प्रमुख है अच्छा इस घाट पे मुंडन भी होते है और मुंडन संस्कार के लिए एक बरामदा सा यहाँ बना है , शारदा घाट पे आपको लैया वाला प्रसाद भी मिल जायेगा तो आप सबसे पहले इस घाट पे स्नान करे उसके बाद ही अन्य जगहों पर जाए |

शारदा घाट टनकपुर

श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मन्दिर

इस मन्दिर की टनकपुर में अत्यधिक मान्यता है माँ पूर्णागिरि के भक्तो की यह तपस्थली हुआ करता था इस मंदिर का शिवलिंग प्राकृतिक है इस मन्दिर प्रांगण में आपको श्री राधा कृष्ण मन्दिर , श्री शीतला माता मंदिर , श्री दुर्गा माता मंदिर , श्री संतोषी माता मंदिर और एक बरामदा जिसमे आप निशुल्क विश्राम कर सकते है देखने को मिल जायेगा यहाँ पर बेंच वगैरह भी है यह पवित्र मन्दिर आपको शारदा घाट से पहले ही रास्ते में मिलेगा |

आगे यहाँ की पौराणिक कहानी की बात करे तो चमपवत के सौज और धोन गाँव के तीन बब्राम्हणों को एक सपना आया और उस सपने में महादेव ने उन ब्राम्हणों को बताया की महादेव शारदा , बूम और कांकड़ घाट के भंवर में फसे है तो जब वे ब्राम्हण वहा गए तो उन्हें सच में एक शिवलिंग वहा फंसा मिला फिर क्या था ब्राम्हण बंधु उसे निकलकर टनकपुर ले आये और विश्राम करने के लिए उस दिव्य पंचमुखी शिवलिंग को एक स्थान पर रख दिया फिर उसके बाद जब वो लोग चले और शिवलिंग को उठाया तो वो शिवलिंग उठा ही नहीं बस जहाँ पर यह शिवलिंग रखा था वही पे आज श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मन्दिर स्थित है |

श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मन्दिर टनकपुर

श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर

शारदा घाट के ही समीप स्थित है बजरंग बली का एक बहुत ही पवित्र मन्दिर जिसकी वहां के स्थानीय लोगो में बहुत ज्यादा मान्यता है यहाँ लोग अपनी मन्नते लेकर आते है इस मन्दिर का नाम है श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर तो यहाँ भी आप दर्शन जरूर करे काफी साफ़ सुथरा मन्दिर है और बहुत ही सुन्दर हनुमान जी की प्रतिमा बनी हुई है |

श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर टनकपुर

तो अब आपने शारदा घाट देख लिया श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मन्दिर मन्दिर देख लिया श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर देख लिया ये तीनो ही आसपास ही है आप आराम से पैदल इन जगहों को घूम सकते हो अब थोडा आगे चलते है |

बूम राफ्टिंग पॉइंट

जी हां वही राफ्टिंग जो आपने ऋषिकेश में देखि होगी उसी तरह की राफ्टिंग टनकपुर में शारदा नदी में होती है यह मुख्य शहर से लगभग 8-10 किलोमीटर दूर पूर्णागिरि रोड पर ही बूम रेंज में होती है यदि आप राफ्टिंग करना चाहते हो तो यहाँ जरूर जाए यहाँ पर नाईट कैम्प की भी व्यवस्था है नाईट कैम्प मतलब खुले आसमान के नीचे एक कैम्प में आप रात गुजारे , बूम रेंज में ही एक मंदिर है जिसका नाम बूम मन्दिर श्री आद्य शक्ति पीठ है यहाँ भी आप दर्शन कर सकते हो |

माँ पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर

माँ पूर्णागिरि धाम Tanakpur Tourist Places का सबसे ज्यादा देखा जाने वाला टूरिस्ट स्पॉट है टनकपुर के नाम से लोग पूर्णागिरि को ही जानते है यह ,यह मन्दिर पहाड़ो पर बना है जहाँ का रास्ता बहुत ही ज्यादा नैसर्गिक सुन्दरता को लपेटे हुए है श्री पूर्णागिरि धाम 108 शक्तिपीठो में से एक शक्तिपीठ है और इसकी उत्तर भारत में अत्यधिक मान्यता है यहाँ श्रधालुओ का तांता साल भर लगा रहता है यहाँ जाने के लिए आपको 3 किलोमीटर की चढ़ाई करनी पड़ती है |

तो इस पावन धाम की अधिक जानकारी के लिए आप नीचे क्लिक करे और सारी जानकारी पढ़ ले | Maa Purnagiri Yatra ki A to Z Jankari – माँ पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर कैसे जाये कहा ठहरे

Maa Purnagiri Mandir ke do Raste

श्री सिद्धबाबा मन्दिर कंचनपुर नेपाल

यहाँ की मान्यता है की जब तक सिद्धबाबा के दर्शन न कर लो तब तक माँ पूर्णागिरि के दर्शन अधूरे माने जाते है तो आपको बता दे की श्री सिद्धबाबा का यह मन्दिर टनकपुर – नेपाल के बॉर्डर को पार करके नेपाल के कंचनपुर जिले में ब्रम्हदेव नाम की जगह पर स्थित है , यहाँ पर आने के लिए सबसे पहले आपको टनकपुर / शारदा बैराज आना होगा फिर शारदा नदी पर बने पुल को पार करके आप नेपाल की सीमा में प्रवेश करोगे |

वहां आपकी आईडी देखि जाएगी उसके बाद आप या तो पैदल या फिर वहां मोटर साईकिल वाले १० रूपये प्रति व्यक्ति लेकर आपको ब्रम्हदेव की बाजार के पास छोड़ देंगे | ब्रम्हदेव की इस बाजार से सिद्ध बाबा का मन्दिर नजदीक ही है यहाँ आप का मन हो तो शौपिंग भी कर सकते है खैर आइये अब करिए श्री सिद्ध बाबा के दर्शन , सिद्ध बाबा मंदिर परिसर में एक विष्णु जी का भी मन्दिर है साथ में ही कुछ प्राचीन मंदिर भी है आप सभी के दर्शन कर ले |

सिद्धबाबा मन्दिर ब्रम्हदेव नेपाल

मुख्य शहर टनकपुर से लगभग 22 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर एक बहुत ही शांत और मनोरम जगह है जहाँ आपको एक प्राकृतिक झील दिखाई देती है इस जगह का रख रखाव उत्तम नहीं है यहाँ साफ़ सफाई का भी अभाव देखने को मिल जाता है इस झील के काले नीले पानी में आप नौका विहार भी कर सकते है , इस झील के अलावा यही पर स्वामी विवेकानन्द जी का आश्रम स्थित है जिसकी स्थापना सन 1913 में की गई थी |

श्यामलाताल में आपको बहुत ही तरह के गुलाब के पौधे मिल जायेंगे , श्यामलाताल से आपको हिमालय भी देखने को मिलता है कुल मिलाकर यदि आपको किसी शांत जगह की तलाश है तब तो आप श्यामलाताल चलो , Tanakpur Tourist Places में अब यह स्थल भी फेमस हो रहा है |

श्री गुरुद्वारा नानकमता साहिब

यह एक बहुत ही पवित्र और मान्यता वाला गुरुद्वारा है जो की टनकपुर से 40 किलोमीटर की दूरी पर है टनकपुर से खटीमा फिर खटीमा से नानकमत्ता आप जा सकते है वैसे Tanakpur से नानकमत्ता के लिए सीधी बस भी मिल जाएगी ये जो नानकमत्ता साहिब गुरुद्वारा है इसके कैम्पस में एक पवित्र सरोवर है एक पवित्र पीपल का पेड़ है और यहाँ की हर एक जगह बहुत ही सुन्दर बनाइ गई है मुख्य गुरुद्वारा पूरा सफ़ेद संगमरमर से बना है |

नानकमत्ता में एक झील भी है जिसे नानक सागर के नाम से जानते है यहाँ आप बोटिंग का मजा ले सकते और सच बता रहा हु नानक सागर में आपको बहुत ही बढ़िया व्यू मिलेंगे खासकरके सनसेट यदि आप नेचर फोटोग्राफी के शौक़ीन है तो आप नानक सागर जरूर आये |

नानकमत्ता टनकपुर के समीप

नानकमत्ता में रहने के लिए श्री हरगोबिन्द सराय है जहाँ आप मात्र 100 रूपये में एक रूम पा जाओगे इसके अलावा यदि खाने की बात करे तो यहाँ लंगर चला करता है जिसमे आप निशुल्क पेट भर भोजन कर सकते हो |

नानकमत्ता की सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए नीचे क्लिक करे – गुरुद्वारा श्री नानकमत्ता साहिब कैसे पहुँचे कहाँ रुके क्या-क्या देखे भोजन आदि की जानकारी

दोस्तों ज्यादातर लोग माँ पूर्णागिरि दर्शन करने टनकपुर आते है और मातारानी के दर्शन करके वापस अपने घर लौट जाते है लेकिन मेरी मानिये तो आप सिर्फ एक दिन एक्स्ट्रा लेके आइये और सबसे पहले टनकपुर शहर में ही शारदा घात पर स्नान करिए फिर श्री बालाजी धाम हनुमान गढ़ी मन्दिर और श्री पंचमुखी महादेव मंदिर के दर्शन करे फिर निकल पड़िये माँ पूर्णागिरि धाम की और वहां रास्ते में प्राकृतिक मनोरम द्रश्यो को निहारते हुए मातारानी के दर्शन करिए अब निकल पड़िये टनकपुर बैराज और जाइये नेपाल स्थित श्री सिद्धबाबा के दर्शन करने |

इसके बाद यदि आपको राफ्टिंग का शौक है तो आप बूम रेंज जाइये यदि आपको झील देखने का मन हो तो श्यामलाताल जाइये ये आपकी रूचि पर है कही का न मन हो तो इन दोनों जगहों में से कही न जाइये आपकी मर्जी लेकिन आपको टनकपुर से 40 किलोमीटर दूर नानकमत्ता जरूर जाना चाहिए अगर आप वहां गये तो वहां के गुरूद्वारे , नानक सागर आपको बहुत ही पसंद आयेंगे |

टनकपुर में घूमने से सम्बन्धित प्रश्न

टनकपुर उत्तराखण्ड राज्य के चम्पावत जिले में है |

टनकपुर माता पूर्णागिरि मन्दिर के लिये प्रसिद्ध है |

लगभग 113 किलोमीटर

बरेली से टनकपुर के लिये त्रिबेनी एक्सप्रेस ट्रेन है |

त्रिबेनी एक्सप्रेस

लगभग 62 किलोमीटर

हमने इस पोस्ट में आपको Tanakpur Tourist Places की सारी जानकारी दो तो यही आपको टनकपुर की यह पोस्ट पसंद आई हो तो कमेन्ट करके बताये |


Aapki jankari bahut hi pasand I

nice article, Such good information and very useful. I really enjoyed this article and also interested, Thanks for sharing the information with us.

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India TV Hindi

घूमने का बना रहे हैं प्लान तो जरूर जाएं टनकपुर, मन मोह लेगी प्राकृतिक सुंदरता

इस मौसम में शांत पहाड़ी जगह में घूमने का प्लान बना रहे हैं तो आप टनकपुर हिल स्टेशन जा सकते हैं। यहां हम आपको टनकपुर कैसे जाएं और घूमने की जगहों के बारे में बता रहे हैं।.

Akanksha Tiwari

बारिश के मौसम में अगर आप हिल स्टेशन घूमने जाना चाहते हैं तो नैनीताल, मसूरी नहीं बल्कि टनकपुर जाएं। उत्तराखंड में बसे टनकपुर में आपको मानसून के मौसम में मनमोहक प्रकृति के हसीन नजारे देखने को मिलेंगे, यहां कम सैलानी ही जाते हैं, ऐसे में आपको प्रकृति की गोद में शांत वातावरण के बीच वक्त बिताने का मौका मिलेगा। यूं तो मानसून के मौसम में पहाड़ी इलाकों में जाने से बचना चाहिए लेकिन अगर आप नैनीताल और मसूरी जैसी जगहों पर जाने वाले थे तो इस बार प्लान बदलकर टनकपुर जाएं।

टनकपुर में घूमने की जगहें (places to visit in tanakpur)

नंधौर वन्यजीव अभयारण्य (nandhaur wildlife sanctuary).

टनकपुर में आप प्रकृति की खूबसूरती देखने के अलावा नंधौर वन्यजीव अभयारण्य में भी घूम सकते हैं। नंधौर वन्यजीव अभयारण्य में जीप सफारी के जरिए आप पक्षियों की लगभग 250 से अधिक प्रजातियां देख सकते हैं और उनकी तस्वीरें ले सकते हैं।

शारदा घाट (Sharda Ghat)

टनकपुर में शारदा घाट पर आप परिवार के साथ पिकनिक का लुत्फ उठा सकते हैं। इस घाट से आपको आस पास के पहाड़ों का सुंदर नजारा देखने को मिलेगा।

देवी पूर्णागिरि मंदिर (Purnagiri Devi Temple)

purna devi temple

देवी पूर्णागिरि का मंदिर टनकपुर में है जहां स्थानीय लोगों के साथ साथ सैलानियों का भी तांता लगा रहता है। देवी का ये मंदिर ऊंचे पहाड़ पर है जहां जाने के लिए पैदल चलना पड़ता है।

टनकपुर कैसे पहुंचें

टनकपुर जाने के लिए आप दिल्ली से हल्द्वानी तक बस से जा सकते हैं इसके बाद हल्द्वानी से लोकल बस और टैक्सी के माध्यम से टनकपुर पहुंच सकते हैं। इसके अलावा आप कार, ट्रेन और और हवाई जहाज से भी पहुंच सकते हैं। टनकपुर पहुंचने के लिए सबसे नजदीक पंतनगर हवाई अड्डा है। 

यह भी पढ़ें:  मानसून में इन जगहों को करें एक्सप्लोर, प्राकृतिक खूबसूरती देख लौटने का नहीं करेगा मन

मानसून में वेकेशन पर जाने से पहले ट्रैवल किट में जरूर रखें ये सामान, चेक करें पूरी लिस्ट

इस शहर को कहते हैं भारत का स्कॉटलैंड, कॉफी के बगीचे संग यादगार व्यंजनों का है मिश्रण

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संपादक की पसंद

स्मृति ईरानी का नामांकन से एक दिन पहले बड़ा दांव, रामलला के दर्शन और पूजा के लिए जाएंगी अयोध्या

स्मृति ईरानी का नामांकन से एक दिन पहले बड़ा दांव, रामलला के दर्शन और पूजा के लिए जाएंगी अयोध्या

रूस से भारत जा रहा जहाज बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल के हमले से क्षतिग्रस्त, यमन के हूतियों ने लाल सागर में किया था अटैक

रूस से भारत जा रहा जहाज बैलिस्टिक मिसाइल के हमले से क्षतिग्रस्त, यमन के हूतियों ने लाल सागर में किया था अटैक

LSG vs RR Live: लखनऊ सुपर जायंट्स को लगा दूसरा झटका, मार्कस स्टोइनिस हुए आउट

LSG vs RR Live: लखनऊ सुपर जायंट्स को लगा दूसरा झटका, मार्कस स्टोइनिस हुए आउट

प्रकाश जावड़ेकर से मुलाकात पर भड़की कांग्रेस, केरल के CM विजयन से मांगी सफाई

प्रकाश जावड़ेकर से मुलाकात पर भड़की कांग्रेस, केरल के CM विजयन से मांगी सफाई

सैर-सपाटा खबरें

अयोध्या से लेकर उज्जैन और बदरीनाथ तक, इन धार्मिक यात्राओं की ओर बढ़ रहा है लोगों का रुझान

अयोध्या से लेकर उज्जैन और बदरीनाथ तक, इन धार्मिक यात्राओं की ओर बढ़ रहा है लोगों का रुझान

दुनियाभर में फेमस हैं देश के ये प्राचीन धरोहर, विदेशी टूरिस्ट्स भारत की इन जगहों पर जरूर जाते हैं

दुनियाभर में फेमस हैं देश के ये प्राचीन धरोहर, विदेशी टूरिस्ट्स भारत की इन जगहों पर जरूर जाते हैं

राम नवमीं पर अयोध्या पहुंचे भक्त इन जगहों पर घूमना न भूलें, यादगार हो जाएगी यात्रा

राम नवमीं पर अयोध्या पहुंचे भक्त इन जगहों पर घूमना न भूलें, यादगार हो जाएगी यात्रा

ईद पर 1 दिन की छुट्टी लेकर बन सकता है लॉन्ग वीकेंड, बना लें हिमाचल के खज्जियार घूमने का प्लान

ईद पर 1 दिन की छुट्टी लेकर बन सकता है लॉन्ग वीकेंड, बना लें हिमाचल के खज्जियार घूमने का प्लान

माँ सुरकंडा देवी के दरबार में जाते ही एक साथ हो जाएंगे चारों धाम के दर्शन; इस मंदिर में कैसे पहुंचे?

माँ सुरकंडा देवी के दरबार में जाते ही एक साथ हो जाएंगे चारों धाम के दर्शन; इस मंदिर में कैसे पहुंचे?

लेटेस्ट न्यूज़


Tanakpur Tourism

  • Best time to visit
  • Tourist Map
  • within 25kms
  • within 50kms
  • within 100kms
  • within 150kms
  • within 200kms
  • within 250kms
  • within 300kms
  • within 500kms

Opening and Closing time of Tanakpur

Disclaimer: It's important to check the most current information before planning your visit, as opening hours can vary and might be subject to change due to special events, maintenance, or unforeseen circumstances. A reliable way to confirm the opening hours is to contact the local tourism board, check the official website (if available)

Entry Ticket Pricing for Tanakpur

Disclaimer: Please note that prices are subject to change, cross check required .

Tips when you are visiting to Tanakpur

Baleshwar Temple

Other Suggested Reads for Tanakpur

  • Best time to Visit in Tanakpur
  • Tanakpur Tourism History
  • FAQS about Tanakpur
  • Tanakpur Tourist Map

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Tanakpur Boasts Many Popular Tourist Places, Offbeat Places & Amazing Nearby Weekend Destinations. Find Homestays in Tanakpur, Uttarakhand and Enjoy Incredible City Sightseeing Places & Tourist Spots.



Best tourist places to visit in tanakpur , uttarakhand.

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha Tanakpur

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Jhuthe ka Mandir

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Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple

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Methodist Church

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Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Purnagiri Devi Temple

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Purnagiri Waterfall

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Sharda Ghat

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Shri Adya Shakti Peeth - Boom Temple

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Shyamlatal Lake

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Tanakpur Barrage

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Tanakpur, nestled in the heart of Uttarakhand, India, is blossoming into a charming spot for travelers. This lovely town sits close to the Nepal border, offering a mix of nature, culture, and history that's easy to fall in love with. Imagine serene riverside views, with the Sharda River flowing gently, and the grand Himalayan mountains forming a stunning backdrop.

Tourists flock to Tanakpur for many reasons. One big draw is its nearness to the famous Jim Corbett National Park, known for its wild animals and lush forests. People often use Tanakpur as a starting point for exploring the park and the nearby areas. Also, Tanakpur holds a special place for religious folks, with ancient temples like Baghnath and Punyagiri attracting devotees from all over.

For those seeking adventure, Tanakpur has plenty to offer. Trekking, river rafting, and camping are just some of the thrilling activities you can enjoy amidst the Himalayan beauty. And don't forget the lively local markets, where you can shop for handmade crafts, spices, and souvenirs. With its peaceful vibe, rich culture, and diverse attractions, Tanakpur is quickly becoming a favorite spot for travelers looking to connect with nature and experience something special.

Tourism in Tanakpur:

Tanakpur, nestled in the tranquil Uttarakhand region of India, presents a delightful array of attractions for travelers to explore. From ancient temples to serene lakes and revered sites, this charming town offers something special for every visitor.

A must-visit spot in Tanakpur is the Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple, dedicated to Lord Shiva. It's a place where people seek blessings and admire the temple's stunning architecture. Nearby, the Sharda Ghat provides a peaceful riverside retreat, perfect for unwinding and enjoying the serene surroundings.

For those interested in religious exploration, Tanakpur is home to significant sites like the Purnagiri Devi Temple and the Shri Adya Shakti Peeth - Boom Temple. The town also boasts various places of worship, including the Methodist Church and Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha, welcoming visitors of all faiths to experience their spiritual essence. Besides religious sites, Tanakpur offers natural wonders like the scenic Shyamlatal Lake and the captivating Purnagiri Waterfall, inviting visitors to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. Whether you're seeking spiritual enlightenment or simply a peaceful retreat, Tanakpur promises an enriching experience for all who visit.

Culture of Tanakpur:

Tanakpur's culture is like a colorful quilt made up of traditions, celebrations, and shared beliefs that reflect its deep-rooted history. The town is a melting pot of different backgrounds, where people from all walks of life live together peacefully, adding their own threads to the cultural tapestry. Festivals like Diwali, Holi, and Navratri are celebrated with gusto, bringing everyone together and spreading joy throughout the community.

Religion is a big part of life in Tanakpur, with temples, mosques, churches, and gurudwaras scattered across the town. Each place of worship holds its own importance, drawing worshippers from near and far. What's special is how people of different faiths come together to honor each other's traditions, showing respect and understanding for one another.

Art and music add another layer of richness to Tanakpur's culture. Local artisans showcase their talents through beautiful handicrafts, each piece telling a story of the region's heritage. Traditional folk music and dance performances light up the town, offering a glimpse into its soul. In essence, Tanakpur's culture is a celebration of tradition, spirituality, and creativity, inviting visitors to experience its unique charm firsthand.

History of Tanakpur:

Tanakpur's history is like a treasure trove, filled with tales of ancient trade and cultural exchange. Nestled close to the Nepal border, Tanakpur has been a pivotal point for trade between India and Tibet for centuries. Its strategic position along these trading routes turned it into a lively marketplace bustling with merchants and adventurers seeking goods and stories from distant lands.

As time marched on, Tanakpur bore witness to the ebb and flow of different civilizations and dynasties. From the era of ancient civilizations to the reigns of mighty empires like the Mauryas and the Mughals, the town's story unfolded amidst the backdrop of changing rulers and cultures. Even during the British colonial period, Tanakpur retained its significance as a bustling center of commerce and exchange. Today, remnants of this rich history still echo through Tanakpur's streets, architecture, and customs, offering a glimpse into the town's colorful past for curious visitors to explore and enjoy.

Weather and Temperature in Tanakpur:

Tanakpur enjoys different weather patterns throughout the year, offering varied experiences for travelers. During the winter months, from November to February, temperatures in Tanakpur drop to around 10°C to 20°C. It's a cool but comfortable time, perfect for exploring the town's sights while enjoying the crisp air. Visitors might want to pack a light jacket or sweater to stay cozy during their outdoor adventures.

In contrast, Tanakpur's summers, from March to June, bring warmer temperatures, often exceeding 30°C. The weather can feel hot and humid during this time, making it important to stay hydrated and seek shade when needed. Despite the heat, summer in Tanakpur has its charms, with vibrant local festivals and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, like hiking and exploring the surrounding natural beauty. Whether you prefer the cooler winter air or the warmth of summer sunshine, Tanakpur has something to offer for every traveler throughout the year.

When to Visit Tanakpur?

The best time to visit Tanakpur, a quiet town in Uttarakhand, India, is between October and March. During these months, the weather is cool and comfortable, which is great for going out and seeing the sights. The temperature usually stays between 10 and 25 degrees Celsius, making it a perfect time for activities like visiting the well-known Purnagiri Temple or taking trips to nearby wildlife parks. The gentle climate during these months makes your visit enjoyable and easy to manage.

It’s a good idea to avoid going to Tanakpur in the hot summer months from April to June, as the high temperatures can make it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities. Also, the rainy season from July to September can bring a lot of rain, which might cause landslides in the hilly regions around Tanakpur. This can make traveling risky. So, for a safer and more comfortable experience, consider visiting in the cooler months when the weather is more agreeable and the risks are minimal.

How to Reach Tanakpur?

Getting to Tanakpur is easy and you can choose from several options depending on your preference for travel. For train lovers, Tanakpur is equipped with its own railway station that links it to big cities like Delhi. Taking a train can be a comfortable and budget-friendly way to travel. If you prefer road travel, you can take a bus; there are many buses running from major cities such as Delhi and Nainital to Tanakpur. These buses range from basic ones to those that offer more comfort and amenities, allowing you to pick one that fits your budget and comfort level.

If you're someone who enjoys driving, you can also reach Tanakpur by car. The drive is particularly beautiful if you are coming from nearby mountain areas. The roads leading to Tanakpur are generally well-maintained, making for a smooth driving experience. It’s a good idea to look up current road conditions before you start your journey, especially during the rainy season, as the roads can be impacted by the weather. No matter how you choose to travel—by train, bus, or car—getting to Tanakpur is straightforward and offers various options to suit different traveling styles and budgets.

Top Places to Visit in Tanakpur:

Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple : Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple is a fascinating site for those looking to explore spiritual places in Tanakpur. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva and is famous for its distinct five-faced statue representing different characteristics of Lord Shiva. Surrounded by dense forests, it offers a peaceful setting perfect for prayer and quiet reflection. The atmosphere here is serene, with the natural beauty adding a calm backdrop for meditation. For visitors, the temple not only provides a chance to witness unique religious art but also offers breathtaking views of the mountains nearby. Early mornings or late evenings are particularly beautiful, filled with soft light that enhances the spiritual feel of the place.

Sharda Ghat : Sharda Ghat is a key cultural and religious location in Tanakpur, bustling with activity and festivity. Situated along the gentle Sharda River, it's a picturesque area where visitors can observe local rituals, take part in sacred baths, and enjoy the lively atmosphere. The ghat is especially lively during local festivals, adorned with flowers and lights. It’s a photographer’s paradise, offering vibrant scenes and peaceful river landscapes to capture. Additionally, the daily aarti ceremonies held at dawn and dusk are powerful experiences, creating a sense of community and spiritual upliftment among those present.

Purnagiri Devi Temple : Located atop a mountain, Purnagiri Devi Temple is not only a spiritual haven but also among the most challenging and rewarding places to visit in Tanakpur. It draws large crowds during the Navratri festival, who come to celebrate and participate in the temple's renowned rituals. The hike to the temple is tough, but it rewards pilgrims with stunning vistas of the entire region. The temple structure is impressive and resonates with the energy of countless devotees chanting together, making it a profound place for spiritual connection. For adventure lovers and spiritual seekers alike, this temple offers a perfect blend of natural beauty and cultural richness.

Shyamlatal Lake : Shyamlatal Lake provides a quiet escape from the urban rush, making it a top choice for relaxation in Tanakpur. This peaceful lake is encircled by lush woods and hills, presenting splendid scenery for visitors to enjoy. Activities like boating are available, allowing guests to leisurely explore the lake’s vast calm waters. It’s also an ideal spot for family picnics, bird watching, or simply spending a day surrounded by nature. The lake's calm environment is perfect for rejuvenation and offers a refreshing day out for everyone. Whether you're looking to unwind or enjoy a gentle day in nature, Shyamlatal Lake is the place to be.

Jhulhe ka Mandir : Jhulhe ka Mandir stands out as a unique place to visit in Tanakpur, renowned for its distinctive architecture and spiritual atmosphere. This temple is dedicated to a local god and features a symbolic swing which represents life's ups and downs. It's set in a picturesque area surrounded by lush greenery, creating a tranquil setting for worship and quiet reflection. People often visit to enjoy the serene environment and seek blessings from the deity. The temple itself showcases traditional design with elaborate wooden carvings that draw the attention of art enthusiasts and photographers alike. A trip to Jhulhe ka Mandir offers a blend of spirituality, local culture, and stunning natural beauty, making it a memorable part of any visit to Tanakpur.

Purnagiri Waterfall : Purnagiri Waterfall is among the most scenic places to visit in Tanakpur, ideal for those who love nature and seek a peaceful retreat from the busy world. Tucked away in a lush forest, this enchanting waterfall provides a quiet spot for visitors to relax and meditate in the presence of natural beauty. The journey to the waterfall is itself a pleasant hike, dotted with opportunities to see various plants and animals native to this area. The sound of water falling and the cool spray that fills the air around the waterfall make this location incredibly soothing. Whether you're looking to take stunning photos, enjoy a picnic, or simply sit and enjoy the view, Purnagiri Waterfall is a perfect choice.

Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple : Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple is a cherished spiritual site and a must-visit place in Tanakpur. This temple, devoted to Goddess Shiv Shakti, draws people from various places who come to participate in the energetic and vibrant celebrations here, especially during the Navratri festival. The temple is adorned with lights and colorful decorations that add to the festive atmosphere. Here, visitors can immerse themselves in the spiritual rituals, enjoy cultural performances, and feel the strong sense of community among worshippers. The temple’s architecture is impressive too, with elaborate carvings and traditional designs that showcase the region's craftsmanship. Visiting Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple offers a deep dive into spiritual richness and cultural heritage.

Offbeat Places in Tanakpur:

Tanakpur Barrage : Tanakpur Barrage is a significant and interesting place among the offbeat places to visit in Tanakpur. This structure controls the water flow of the Sharda River and is crucial for irrigation and preventing floods in the area. It's also a beautiful spot for visitors who love nature. The barrage provides a peaceful place to enjoy the surrounding landscapes that are ideal for taking photos or having a quiet picnic near the water. The location is usually quiet, offering a retreat for those looking to escape the busy tourist spots and enjoy some tranquility.

Shri Adya Shakti Peeth - Boom Temple : Shri Adya Shakti Peeth, also known as Boom Temple, stands out as a unique destination in Tanakpur. This temple is dedicated to Goddess Kali and is located in a quiet, green area, making it a perfect spot for peaceful meditation or prayer. The architecture of the temple is beautiful and detailed, attracting those interested in culture and history. Visitors here can enjoy the calm atmosphere and participate in occasional festive celebrations that fill the temple with vibrant life and spiritual energy. It’s a great place to connect with nature and spirituality away from the clamor of city life.

Methodist Church : The Methodist Church in Tanakpur is not just a religious site but also a location noted for its beautiful colonial architecture. This church features impressive stained glass windows and detailed wooden carvings that are a delight for art lovers. It’s a quiet place ideal for those seeking some peace or wishing to pray in a calm environment. The history of the church adds to its charm, offering a glimpse into the colonial past of the region. The grounds around the church are well-maintained and provide a serene setting for visitors looking to relax and enjoy a peaceful afternoon.

Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha Tanakpur :  The Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha is a key place among the peaceful and offbeat places in Tanakpur. Known for its simple yet beautiful architecture and the friendly community that welcomes all visitors, this gurudwara is a place of equality and peace. Here, everyone can participate in spiritual activities and enjoy the langar, which is a community meal that promotes togetherness. The gurudwara is a great spot to learn about Sikh culture and enjoy some quiet time reflecting or meditating in its soothing atmosphere.

Outdoor Adventure Activities in Tanakpur:

Tanakpur is a beautiful town located at the base of the Himalayas and is perfect for those who love outdoor adventures. One exciting activity many people enjoy here is white-water rafting on the Sharda River. This river flows fast and has many waves, making it a thrilling ride for anyone, whether it’s your first time rafting or you’re already familiar with the sport. The beautiful mountain scenery around you only adds to the fun and excitement of tackling the river’s challenges.

For those who prefer to stay on land, hiking in Tanakpur is another great option. The trails leading to the Purnagiri Temple are particularly popular, especially during the Navratri festival when many hikers visit the area. These trails go through dense green forests and offer stunning views of the mountains and valleys. Hiking here isn’t just good exercise, it’s also a peaceful way to connect with nature. You might even see some local wildlife and various birds while on your hike.

Cheap Homestays in Tanakpur:

ClearHolidays makes it easy for travelers to find low-cost and welcoming homestays in Tanakpur. These homestays offer a snug and homely place to stay, which is much cheaper than staying in a hotel. This means visitors can enjoy their trip more comfortably while saving money. Homestays are an excellent choice for anyone wanting to really relax and soak in the local atmosphere and culture of Tanakpur without breaking the bank.

When you stay in a homestay, you get to live with local hosts. This is a great way to learn about the Tanakpur way of life, including their traditions, food, and best-kept secrets. Your hosts might also share tips about off-the-beaten-path places and activities that other tourists might not know about. This can make your visit much more interesting and filled with personal touches that you wouldn't get from a typical hotel stay.

Choosing a homestay in Tanakpur is the best decision for travelers interested in a genuine local experience. It’s not only easier on your wallet, but it also lets you enjoy a more authentic trip. You can eat home-cooked meals, which are tastier and less expensive than restaurant food. Plus, by staying in a homestay, you directly support the local economy. The money you spend helps the host family and enriches the community, making your stay beneficial for both you and the locals.

Tour Packages for Tanakpur:

ClearHolidays is popular for providing some of the most cost-effective and budget-friendly travel packages to Tanakpur. These packages are great for travelers who want to experience everything Tanakpur has to offer without spending a lot of money. From exciting white-water rafting on the Sharda River to tranquil walks on lush mountain paths, ClearHolidays’ packages include various activities and accommodations, making your trip both fun and affordable. They combine different aspects of the trip into one low price, which helps visitors save money and enjoy a hassle-free holiday.

With ClearHolidays, there are plenty of choices to fit any budget or preference, making it easy for anyone to plan their perfect Tanakpur vacation. Whether it’s a quick weekend break or a longer holiday, they offer packages that can fit your time and budget. These deals often come with cozy homestay accommodations, guided tours to famous and hidden local spots, and sometimes food options too. This way, travelers can avoid the complexity of planning every detail and get better prices than if they were to organize everything on their own.


Tanakpur is an ideal destination for tourists who enjoy both exciting adventures and tranquil natural settings. This beautiful town offers a variety of activities, from adrenaline-pumping river rafting on the Sharda River to peaceful hikes through verdant trails. The local culture is rich and welcoming, with homestays that allow visitors to immerse themselves fully in the daily life and traditions of the area. The breathtaking Himalayan backdrop and the warmth of the Tanakpur people make every visit memorable and special.

In summary, Tanakpur is a great choice for travelers looking for a diverse holiday experience at an affordable price. Whether you are an adventure enthusiast eager to explore the wild rapids or someone looking for a quiet spot to relax and rejuvenate, Tanakpur caters to all needs. Budget-friendly travel packages available through ClearHolidays make it easy and cost-effective to plan your stay, ensuring you can enjoy the best of Tanakpur without worrying about your wallet. This destination combines the thrill of adventure with the peace of nature in a way that is sure to delight all who visit.

ClearHolidays, a leading travel website, provides extensive travel information to assist travellers in planning their holidays to Tanakpur. Our website offers travel help, online travel guide and best possible travel information related to Tanakpur tourism. We recommend the top tourist destinations & best sightseeing places, places to visit in Tanakpur , offbeat places & weekend destinations in Tanakpur, cheap homestays in Tanakpur, and available outdoor activities.

Tanakpur boasts many other incredible tourist attractions for city sightseeing and amazing weekend destinations for short weekend trips from Tanakpur. Nearby weekend getaways from Tanakpur , within 100-300 km, offer a very good chance to help you explore more sightseeing places, tourist spots, and offbeat places to visit in some of the most beautiful weekend getaways from Tanakpur. You can search for all the possible weekend destinations in and around Tanakpur within 100-300 km on

Explore " 11 " Top Places to Visit In Tanakpur , Uttarakhand

Here's The List of Most Popular Tourist Places to Visit in Tanakpur. Come and Explore These Beautiful Tourist Attractions, Famous Tourist Spots, Best Places to Visit, & Offbeat Travel Destinations in Tanakpur.

Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha Tanakpur

1 . Gurudwara Shri Guru Singh Sabha Tanakpur

Jhuthe ka Mandir

2 . Jhuthe ka Mandir

Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple

3 . Maa Akhiltarini Shiv Shakti Temple

Methodist Church

4 . Methodist Church

Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple

5 . Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple

Purnagiri Devi Temple

6 . Purnagiri Devi Temple

Purnagiri Waterfall

7 . Purnagiri Waterfall

Sharda Ghat

8 . Sharda Ghat

Shri Adya Shakti Peeth - Boom Temple

9 . Shri Adya Shakti Peeth - Boom Temple

Shyamlatal Lake

10 . Shyamlatal Lake

Tanakpur Barrage

11 . Tanakpur Barrage

Things to do in tanakpur , uttarakhand.

Here is The List of Top Outdoor & Adventurous Activities Which You Can Enjoy in Tanakpur. Top Outdoor Activities in Tanakpur are Camping, Hiking, River Rafting, Trekking , etc.


River Rafting


Best time to visit Tanakpur

MAR, APR, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC is The Best Time to Visit Tanakpur When The Daytime Temperatures are Pleasant to Carry Out Outdoor Adventurous Activities in Tanakpur. Tanakpur Remains a Perfect Travel Destination in Summers and Winters Both. Come and Enjoy Outdoor Adventures in Tanakpur like Camping, Hiking, River Rafting, Trekking , etc.

How to reach Tanakpur

By Air: The nearest airport to Tanakpur is Pantnagar Airport, located approximately 180 kilometers away. From the airport, one can hire a taxi or take a bus to reach Tanakpur. The airport is well-connected to major cities in India, and regular flights operate to and from Pantnagar. By Road: Tanakpur is well-connected by road, and one can easily reach the town via various bus services. It is situated on National Highway 125, making it accessible from nearby cities like Nainital, Pithoragarh, and Champawat. Private taxis and buses are available for travel within the region, providing convenience and flexibility to travelers. By Rail: Tanakpur has its own railway station, which is located on the Bareilly-Kathgodam railway line. Regular trains connect Tanakpur to major cities like Delhi, Lucknow, and Kolkata. From the railway station, one can hire a taxi or take a local bus to reach the desired destination within Tanakpur.

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Purnagiri Devi Temple

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About Purnagiri Devi Temple

One of the 108 Siddha Peeths, this Devi Temple is 21 kms from Tanakpur, Tunyas is 17 kms and from there 3 km trek leads to Purnagiri Temple. Tanakpur is linked by direct bus service with Lucknow, Delhi, Agra, Dehradun, Kanpur and other Districts.

Get more infor about Purnagiri Temple and Purnagiri Mela

Location Near Tanakpur About 23 km from Tanakpur Entry Type Free Entry

Purnagiri Devi Temple in Tanakpur

According to an ancient legend, Daksha Prajapati organised a sacrificial ceremony, for which he invited everybody except Lord Shiva. Parvati on discovering that it was her father’s trick to humiliate her husband immolated herself in the sacrificial fire. While her husband carried her body, the places where the parts of her body fell were recognized as Shakti Peeth. The Shakti Peeth holds the prime position among Malikagiri, Kalikagiri, and Himlagiri Peeths.

During Navratras, in the Chaitra month of the Indian calendar, devotees in large number come here to have their wishes fulfilled. After worshipping Mata Purnagiri, people also pay their tributes to her loyal devotee Bada Sidth Nath at Brahmadev and Mahendra Nagar in Nepal.

Latest News & Updates from Purnagiri Devi Temple

22 march 2021: daily 10,000 pilgrims are allowed to attend purnagiri fair.

This time only 10,000 devotees will be allowed to visit the Purnagiri mela on daily basis. The police have issued an SOP regarding Corona for the safety of pilgrims. People visiting Purnagiri Mela will have to register for the same. Purnagiri fair is scheduled from 30 March 2021 to 30 April 2021 . 

Pilgrims can register for Purnagiri Fair through this link:

Location of Purnagiri Devi Temple

Purnagiri Devi Temple is located in Near Tanakpur ( About 23 km from Tanakpur).

Location & How to Reach Purnagiri Devi Temple

Purnagiri temple is about 23 km far from Tanakpur railway station. Public transport options are available from Tanakpur to Purnagiri Temple. Check how to reach Tanakpur .

Read How to Reach guide for Tanakpur .

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Tanakpur overview

  • Best time to visit Purnagiri Devi Temple Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec
  • Located in Champawat, Kumaon
  • Railway Station Tanakpur, 23 kms
  • Nearest Airport Pantnagar, 117 kms

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Travelling to tanakpur in 2024.

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Tanakpur is a quiet small town located in Champawat district of Uttarakhand state, This place is situated on the banks of the Sharda river in Kumaon area. The Indo-Nepal border from Tanakpur is just 3 km away. Tanakpur is about 256 meters above sea level, Tanakpur district headquarters is 73 km away from Champawat. This place is also the first point of Kailash Mansarovar Yatra. 27 km from Tanakpur is a beautiful lake, known as Shyamlatal, this lake attracts tourists very much. 22 km from Tanakpur is a famous Purnagiri temple, which is one of the 108 Siddha Peeths, thousands of tourists come here for darshan. Here is a famous temple of Panchmukhi Mahadev ji, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva, here is the statue of Lord Shiva with Panchmukhi or five-face. Most Hindi and Kumauni languages are spoken here.

Tanakpur is a quiet and small town on the banks of the Sarda river in Uttarakhand state. A beautiful Shyamlatal natural lake is 27 km from the city of Tanakpur, which attracts tourists. 22 km from Tanakpur is a famous Purnagiri temple, which is one of the 108 Siddha Peeths. There is a place like Panchmukhi Mahadev, Sharda Ghat and Methodist Church .

Best Time To Visit

The best time to visit Tanakpur is between October to April. Travelling here in these months is the best and enjoyable. During the winter season, the weather of here is cold.

Due to snowfall on the surrounding hills in the winter season, the temperature of here goes down very much. Due to the cold weather of winter, woollen clothing is required here.

Due to heavy rains in the rainy season, it is a bit difficult to travel of here because of heavy rains threatening landslides. The temperature of here between from 5°C to 15°C in the winter season and the temperature in the summer season is between 25°C to 35°C.

How To Reach

The nearest airport of Tanakpur is Pantnagar , which is about 98 km from city.

this city has its own railway station Tanakpur , which is connected to the major cities of Uttarakhand.

Shopping in Tanakpur is a different joy, After some good sightseeing and other activities, go to the market for shopping here, search many kinds of important gifts from shops for yourself in Tanakpur markets. Buy souvenirs and extra gifts for yourself and your friends and families; There are various types of shops for shopping in this town; this city has one of the most famous activities in shopping

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Sharda Ghat

Sharda Ghat

Panchmukhi Mahadev Temple

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Methodist Church

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Purnagiri Temple

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Places to see in Tanakpur in Uttarakhand

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Located on the foothills of the Himalayas and on the banks of the Sharda River and surrounded by dense forests is the charming town of Tanakpur in Uttarakhand. Rugged and raw with pristine views, Tanakpur is often referred to as the ” Gateway to the Kumaon Himalayas. ”  The town is also adjacent to the Nepal border as a bridge across the Sharda River separates India from Nepal. However, Tanakpur is also a destination for pilgrims and devotees as the Devi Purnagiri Temple is located 20 kms from the town and you have to do a short trek of 3 km uphill to reach the temple which is one of the 108 Shakti Peethas. There are several tourist places near Tanakpur from lakes, forests, and temples, and here are some of the places to see in Tanakpur.

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Maa Purnagiri Temple

The divine mythological legend of Mahadev Shiva and Ma Parvati as the deities Shiva and Sati is retold here. It was believed that Lord Shiva as a Yogi had married Sati against the wishes of her father and king, Dakha Prajapati and he performed a Vrihaspati Yagna without inviting them. When Sati went there alone, she was humiliated as her father insulted Lord Shiva and she immolated herself in the sacrificial fire. An angry Lord Shiva in grief carried Sati’s body in his arms and performed the dance of destruction. It is believed that parts of her body fell at different regions and they became known as Shakti Peethams. At Purnagiri it is believed that her navel or “naabi” had fallen and the temple was later built here. One of the oldest temples, it is always thronged by devotees, especially around spring in March- April, during Chaitra Navaratri.

Tanakpur is also known for the Panchmukhi Shiva Temple which also has a very simple and humble Dharamshala attached to it.

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Another popular temple, located on the banks of the Sharda River is the Boom Temple, also called Adhya Shakti Peeth. It is believed to be under the auspices of the spiritual and mystical Guru Maa and the shrines here are dedicated to the Hindu pantheon of Goddesses who are forms of Shakti or Ma Parvati.

Sharda Ghat

One of the most pristine ghats, the Sharda Ghat is also called Ma Purnagiri Ghat. The turquoise waters of the river Sharda surrounded by the mountains look straight out of a picture postcard. But this is also one of the holiest of all ghats as most pilgrims and devotees have their ablutions here before visiting the temple.

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

However the river flows into Nepal as well and as you drive along small villages on the river banks, you end up at the Nepal border. A bridge connects the two countries at the border and there are protocols and rules if you wish to visit the other side for a day. A medieval market set up by the Katyuri Kings used to stand on the other side of the bridge in Nepal but was eventually destroyed due to the landslide. It was believed to have been an important trade route during the colonial era.

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Shyamlatal and Vivekananda Ashram

Located about 30 kms from Tanakpur is a serene natural lake that stands en route to the hill station of Champawat. The lake exudes a dark bluish-black colour because of the hills and rocks surrounding it. Locals have named it Shyaam with a reference to the hues of Lord Krishna. However it is so quiet in this remote lost village that you literally feel like you are in an idyllic world.

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The Vivekananda Ashram is further uphill and is a little haven in this world of loveliness. It was started over a century ago by Swami Virajanandaji Maharaj, one of the disciples of Swami Vivekananda. You can also stay here in the Ashram and devote yourself to meditation and spiritual growth. There is a temple here inside the Ashram. The Ashram also helps in training, education, and other welfare activities for children besides also providing medical support. If you want a few moments to silence your mind, then this is one of the best places to see in Tanakpur. The Ashram is however not open for guests in the winter.

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Nandhaur Wildlife Sanctuary

Located in Uttarakhand, this recently anointed wildlife sanctuary is between the Rivers Sharda and Gola and is predominantly filled with sal trees, It stretches over an area of 270sq km, and is located between Haldwani and Champavat forest divisions in Uttarakhand. There are three gates here to this sanctuary and while Chorgalia Gate is in Haldwani and Kilpura Gate is in Chakarpur, the Kakrali Gate is in Tanakpur.

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The wildlife sanctuary is also a part of the Shivalik Elephant Reserve and is one of the places to see in Tanakpur. In fact, we did spot a herd of wild elephants with calves as well on our wildlife safari, enjoying a mud bath. The forest is also home to tigers and leopards and other mammals. It’s a bird watcher’s paradise with over 200 species of birds. The sanctuary links Nepal’s Shuklaphanta National Park and the dense forests of Ramnagar in Uttarakhand. In some stretches, the landscape is very similar to that of Corbett National Park.  The safaris are not yet run in an organised manner in this part of the national park. although you can do a bit of offroading here. However, there are efforts to start wildlife and adventure tourism and rafting along the river here which are some of the proposed things to do in Tanakpur for the adventurous at heart.

tanakpur tourist places in hindi

Although Tanakpur is pristine and has so many unexplored destinations, it is still raw and rustic and needs more infrastructure for tourists. There are many tourist places near Tanakpur as well but they still need to be developed. Currently, it is still a pilgrim destination and not yet primed for tourism. The tourism department is keen on developing rural tourism and adventure tourism here. There are a few rustic homestays and a few two-star hotels in the town. While there is a potential to develop wildlife and water sports and other adventure activities, safety and other precautions are yet to be focussed upon. There is a dearth of naturalists, forest guards, and guides as well.  However, there is a certain charm in visiting offbeat, virgin destinations. Plan a trip to Tanakpur if you are on a pilgrimage or the idea of going to a rugged destination fascinates you. You can either drive from Delhi which takes about seven to eight hours by road and its at a distance of 355 kms.  You can also fly to Bareilly from Mumbai and then drive to Tanakpur. It is at a distance of 115 km and takes a little more than two hours by road.

Have you been to Tanakpur ? Are there any places to see in Tanakpur that you would like to recommend? I was invited to Tanakpur and the neighbouring Champavat by Uttarakhand Tourism.

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Plan your trip to tanakpur: best of tanakpur tourism.

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    Pandey Pooja samagri bhandar. Historic Sites • Points of Interest & Landmarks. 2. Finding Shiva. 7. Hiking & Camping Tours. By 685midhunk. Last month i visit adi kailash yathra through finding shiva, thease guys are just amazing and very helping. It was a...

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    The wildlife sanctuary is also a part of the Shivalik Elephant Reserve and is one of the places to see in Tanakpur. In fact, we did spot a herd of wild elephants with calves as well on our wildlife safari, enjoying a mud bath. The forest is also home to tigers and leopards and other mammals. It's a bird watcher's paradise with over 200 ...

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  23. Tanakpur Tourism: All You Need to Know Before You Go (2024)

    Tanakpur Tourism: Tripadvisor has 26 reviews of Tanakpur Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Tanakpur Tourism resource. ... Tanakpur. Tanakpur Tourism Tanakpur Hotels Tanakpur Guest House Tanakpur Flights Tanakpur Restaurants Tanakpur Attractions Tanakpur Photos Tanakpur Map. Hotels. All Tanakpur Hotels Tanakpur Hotel Deals ...