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Viac informácií Španielsko

Gran Canaria - krásy miniatúrneho kontinentu

Gran Canaria Gran Canaria - krásy miniatúrneho kontinentu

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KVÍZ: Poznáte Barcelonu? Zodpovedzte správne týchto 10 otázok

Blog KVÍZ: Poznáte Barcelonu? Zodpovedzte správne týchto 10 otázok

Barcelona je jedným z najnavštevovanejších miest Európy a veľkým turistickým snom. O Barcelone snívajú mnohí, ktorí o nej zároveň už čo-to započuli…

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KVÍZ: Milujete Španielsko? Tieto otázky preveria vaše znalosti

Blog KVÍZ: Milujete Španielsko? Tieto otázky preveria vaše znalosti

Pamiatkami a futbalom nasýtené mestá Barcelona a Madrid či plážami a bohatou históriou popretkávaná Andalúzia, ale aj zelený sever. Španielsko…

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Madrid - pamiatky, futbal v kráľovskom meste

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Volajte pondelok-piatok 7:00-22:00, cez víkend 8:00-22:00

Kedy je najlepšie zavolať? Najkratšiu čakaciu dobu garantujeme pred 9. hodinou ráno a po 17. hodine popoludní. Mimo hlavnej sezóny však obvykle nebudete dlho čakať na spojenie ani medzi týmito časmi.

Máte výborný vkus, naši zákazníci boli s týmto hotelom nadmieru spokojní.

Hotel 4R Gran Europe (Comarruga)

Španielsko, costa dorada, coma-ruga.

scroll-to#scroll click->gtm#click" data-gtm_cee_gan_click="{"eventLabel":"Anchor Clicked"}" data-gtm_action_params="{"event":"trackEvent","eventCategory":"Hotel Detail","eventAction":"Description","nonInteraction":false}" > Viac o ubytovaní

od 566 € za os.

Vyberte termín

Vybrali sme pre vás

Iba ubytovanie, najlacnejší termín, sledujte predpokladaný vývoj cien v nasledujúcich mesiacoch, 4r gran europe (comarruga) hodnotenie: 4/5, vyberte si termín, neoficiálny popis ubytovanie.

Číslo hotela: 132 637


tento kvalitný hotel svojou polohou a vybavením dokonale zapadá do sna o perfektnej dovolenke. Leží priamo pri nádhernej piesočnatej pláži. Ak vás však už zunovalo plážovanie, vydajte sa s nami na výlet do nádhernej Barcelony a zažite skvelý deň. Prejdeme sa po chýrnej Ramble a miestnom trhu La Boquería, budeme spolu obdivovať magické pamiatky, ochutnáme churros s lahodnou čokoládou a dáme si pohár perlivej cavy v spoločnosti objaviteľa Ameriky Krištofa Kolumba. Pokiaľ cestujete s deťmi, rozhodne musíte navštíviť nezabudnuteľný zábavný park Port Aventura World a Ferrari Land.

priamo pri širokej piesočnatej pláži s pozvoľným vstupom do mora vhodným aj pre deti a menej zdatných plavcov • pláž od hotela oddeľuje len pobrežná promenáda využívaná na obľúbené večerné prechádzky • ležadlá a slnečníky na pláži (k dispozícii za poplatok) • blízko centra letoviska Coma-Ruga • autobusová zastávka len 150 m od hotela • v okolí hotela bohaté nákupné možnosti • cca 55 km od letiska v Barcelone • len cca 41 km od úžasného zábavného parku Port Aventura World s Ferrari Landom (www.


Vybavenie ».

4-poschodová hotelová budova v mediteránskom štýle • priestranná vstupná hala s recepciou, posedením a s 24-hodinovým servisom • výťahy • reštaurácia • bar • bazén • ležadlá a slnečníky pri bazéne zdarma • plážové osušky (za malý poplatok) • wifi pripojenie • denné a večerné hotelové animácie (niekoľkokrát do týždňa) • miniklub pre deti vo veku od 4 do 10 rokov • detská herňa • slnečná terasa obklopená zeleňou • miestnosť na úschovu batožiny • služby práčovne a čistiarne (za poplatok) • požičovňa bicyklov (za poplatok)


útulne a vkusne zariadené štandardné 2-lôžkové izby s možnosťou jednej, resp. dvoch prísteliek • klimatizácia • telefón • TV • trezor (za poplatok) • minichladnička • wifi pripojenie • vlastné príslušenstvo (kúpeľňa so sprchou alebo vaňou a WC, sušič na vlasy) • balkón alebo terasa • možnosť detskej postieľky (na vyžiadanie, za poplatok) • izby s výhľadom na more (za poplatok) Informácia o povinnom príplatku: miestna pobytová daň hradená priamo na mieste pobytu vo výške 1,4 € na osobu a deň pobytu


formou all inclusive ULTRA All inclusive » raňajky, obedy a večere formou švédskych stolov vrátane nápojov • počas večerí kulinárske show a tématické večere • možnosť diétnej a bezlepkovej stravy - nutné nahlásiť pri kúpe zájazdu • počas obedov a večerí biele, ružové a červené víno, sangría, čapované pivo, nealkoholické nápoje, voda • v bare v čase 10:30 do 23:30 hod. mimo otváracích hodín reštaurácie čapované pivo, rôzne nealkoholické nápoje, voda, sangría, vermut, gin, vodka, whisky a brandy, vybrané miešané drinky, káva a čaj • v hotelom vyhradených hodinách rôzne snacky, napr. hamburger, hotdog, pizza, hranolky, sendviče, zmrzlina, koláčiky • hotelové animácie • slnečníky a ležadlá pri bazéne • zapožičanie jedného plážového slnečníka na izbu, ktorý si môžete vziať z hotela na pláž


Informácie o hoteli Informácie

  • Vzdialenosť od pláže Pláž 10 m
  • Vzdialenosť od centra mesta Centrum 200 m
  • Klimatizácia Klimatizácia áno
  • Vonkajší bazén Vonkajší bazén áno
  • Lehátka a slnečníky pri bazéne zadarmo Lehátka a slnečníky pri bazéne zadarmo áno
  • Minibar Minibar áno
  • Chladnička Chladnička áno
  • Detský kútik, Detské ihrisko Detský kútik áno
  • Tenis Tenis áno
  • Golf Golf áno
  • Surfovanie Surfovanie áno
  • Fitness Fitness áno
  • Animačné programy Animačné programy áno

Recenzia hotela

Výborné (na základe 3 hodnotení)

Ubytovanie 4,6  / 5

Strava 4,4  / 5

Okolie 5,0  / 5

Cena 3,7  / 5

15 . najlepšie hodnotený z 751 hotelov v Costa Dorada

Overená recenzia ( Dátum pobytu 25.6. - 2.7.2023 Hodnotené: Júl 2023

4R Gran Europe (Comarruga) Hodnotenie: 4/5 Španielsko, Costa Dorada

Dovolenka bola výborná

Ubytovanie 4,8  / 5

Strava 4,0  / 5

Cena 4,5  / 5

Ubytovanie Hotel bol veľmi pekný, izba priestranná o čistotu sa starali každý deň. Nič nechýbalo, až na sušiak na balkóne. Viackrát sme na to upozornili, ale nič sa nedialo. Museli sme použiť provizórne riešenie. Škoda.

Strava Stravovali sme sa iba v ubytovacom zariadení. Strava bola dobrá, bolo jej dostatok, ale neprekvapila.

Služby hotela Personál vychádzal v ústrety, až na ten chýbajúci sušiak, ktorý sme pri plážovej dovolenke naozaj postrádali

Pláž Pláž bola fantastická. Chýbali tam klasické pevné slnečníky, ale sme mali zdarma požičané z hotela. Voda výborná. Čo sme ocenili, v priebehu dňa na pláži nepobehovali psi, napriek tomu, že vo väčšine hotelov bol pobyt so psami povolený.

review-toggler#toggle"> Zobraziť viac Bola táto recenzia užitočná? áno ( 0 ) nie ( 0 )

Klaudia Svitek Kartai

Overená recenzia ( Dátum pobytu 9.7. - 16.7.2022 Hodnotené: Júl 2022

Hotel super, ale skôr pre dospelých, ako pre malé deti: večera až od 20:00, detská herňa otvorená len 2 hodiny denne, bazén príliš hlboký. Väčšina personálu nehovorí po anglicky, takže komunikácia rukami-nohami, ale boli milí a ústretoví.

Ubytovanie 4,0  / 5

Cena 2,5  / 5

Ubytovanie Nová, čistá izba.

Strava Jedlo chutné, výber dobrý.

review-toggler#toggle"> Zobraziť viac Bola táto recenzia užitočná? áno ( 1 ) nie ( 0 )

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  • Najhoršie hodnotené
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Sme k dispozícii Po-Pia 7:00-22:00, So-Ne 8:00-22:00 .

+421 2 3221 0451

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Zistite viac o lokalite Španielsko - Costa Dorada v našom cestovnom sprievodcovi

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Travelling solo? Three Australian women share their experiences and tips for going it alone

A lady riding a white horse on a beach

There can be many barriers getting in the way of travelling — the cost, getting time off and rearranging care commitments.

But for many women there can be an added barrier — having no one to go with.

There seems to be more of a stigma about women travelling alone than men. 

Because it's not just loneliness or the potential awkwardness of being alone that can put some women off travelling solo — it's also about safety.

'Geography of fear' creates a barrier for women

Catheryn Khoo, professor and researcher of hospitality and tourism at Torrens University, says safety is an issue for everyone, not just women.

"It is more the social discourse around safety that is a huge barrier for women wanting to travel solo," Dr Khoo told the ABC.

"The media perpetuates danger by reinforcing.

"It creates the geography of fear for women and incites self-doubt."

But Dr Khoo says there are many good reasons for women to travel on their own.

"Women find themselves tied to the responsibilities attached to their roles as women, mothers, daughters, wives, and partners.

"But when they go on a solo journey, they no longer have to fulfil these roles.

"They live only for themselves and only have themselves to take care of."

And when they share these experiences, it can also empower other women to break the stigma. 

"Women who have actually travelled solo are creating a social acceptance of doing so, which gives others courage to do the same," Dr Khoo says.

"For these women, the motivations are personal growth, self-discovery, empowerment, and independence."

We spoke to three women about their experiences travelling alone. 

'Yearning for adventure'

Eleea Navarro has climbed Mount Fuji, ridden bareback with Andalusian horses in Spain and braved the heat of the Sahara Desert. 

And she did it all on her own.

"I feel confident travelling by myself," Eleea tells the ABC.

A lady standing on a cliff top overlooking a lake and town

"And the thing that still pushes me to travel is the thrill of the unknown, my yearning for adventure, wanting to connect with new people, and wanting to get to know myself better.

"The beauty of going solo is that the only person you have to convince is yourself."

'Liberating' and 'overwhelming'

Travelling abroad was never a possibility for Chelsea Golding's family when she was growing up.

But now she's in her 20s, things are different. 

So when the timing felt right in 2023 she decided it was "now or never" and went on a solo trip through South-East Asia for three months.

A lady in the ocean scuba diving

"Going off on my own for the first time was definitely a shock to the system," Chelsea tells the ABC.

"It went in waves where it was the most liberating feeling, to something that felt quite overwhelming.

"But I would absolutely do it again, it was an amazing experience."

Writing the next chapter

For Donna Manders, the catalyst for her solo adventure was a little different.

After her divorce a few years ago, she found herself experiencing a lack of identity, not knowing who she was or where she fitted in. Even though she had love and support from her children, family, friends and work colleagues.

"I felt like I still had so much to offer and that I was only halfway through my life story," Donna tells the ABC.

"The usual commentary around situations like this, a middle-aged, divorced woman with grown children, is 'just keep going as the best is behind you now'.

"But that didn't feel right to me."

A woman with a black long coat walking and smiling back at the camera in an Italian city

So, with an unexplainable desire to push herself, Donna decided to take a leap of faith and write the next chapter of her life story.

She travelled for two and a half months through Italy, England, and Scotland solo.

"Although it was a journey of emotions along the way, I learnt how capable and resilient I actually am," she says.

"I learnt to trust my intuition, lean into the solitude and silence, so I could finally hear myself."

But it wasn't all sunshine

Eleea says being able to travel is an incredible privilege, but warns that it is romanticised online.

"Just like in real life, you're likely to get exhausted, ripped off, sick, injured, financially stressed, overwhelmed, lost, confused, or lonely.

"I've experienced everything from intense food poisoning while on a 10-hour bus commute, being scammed by a dilapidated half-built resort in Hoi An, and getting bitten by bed bugs from a cheap hostel in Budapest.

"I was also depressingly lonely for days on end on one of my first solo trips to Vietnam.

"I resorted to crossing my fingers as people walked past, hoping they'd talk to me."

Donna says that although she felt excitement and joy, there were times where she felt isolated, lonely and sad, but was able to navigate her way out of those feelings with a few tools.

"I repeated my favourite affirmations, listened to music — this is where your favourite playlist comes into the picture — wrote in a journal, and just learnt to trust myself."

A lady taking a photo with an Italian city behind her

Chelsea recalls times where she was shouted at and experienced catcalling in Malaysia.

"There's probably nothing I could have done in that situation to make it less confronting, as I was already dressing modestly to respect the customs."

What are their safety tips?

Eleea recommends walking with confidence and trying not to look like a tourist.

"If you're following directions on maps, try putting one headphone in your ear to listen to the audio cues, instead of constantly looking down at the map on your phone," she said.

"This helps you stay more aware of your surroundings and look more confident, like a local."

Eleea says she also wore a plain ring on her wedding finger as a deterrent from unwanted attention.

Here's some more tips from our three solo travellers:

  • Learn the language and customs of your destination 
  • Give friends and family members your full itinerary
  • Never go overseas without travel insurance
  • Dress simply and don't wear expensive jewellery to avoid unwanted attention
  • Keep in touch with a good support network, even if they're back home
  • Switch on a 'find my phone' setting on your smartphone
  • Travel light with your luggage so you confidently carry everything without help
  • Book accommodation near public transport
  • Project a sense of being in control, especially in crowded places and public transport areas
  • Be wary about giving out the address of your accommodation
  • Get an e-SIM or local SIM card that allows you to make calls and access the internet
  • Call family of friends while walking out at night on a quiet road
  • Carry your valuables in bum bag strapped around your waist or a crossbody bag
  • Wear a backpack on the front of your body when in crowded places or on public transport

A woman with her back to the camera in an Asian temple

How to overcome solo travel fears

Do your homework before you start booking.

" Join a supportive online community that supports women's travel," Dr Khoo says.

"This will mitigate perceived risks, and eliminate fear, doubt, and anxiety.

"You can also read the empowering literature on solo travel and be inspired by the stories."

This was something Donna couldn't recommend enough.

Chelsea and Eleea recommend staying in hostels as a way to meet fellow travellers and build a sense of community away from home.

"I would often meet friends in my hostel dorm or on free walking tours on my first day in a new destination," Eleea says.

"I usually opt for the largest mixed gender hostel dorm available, as it's typically the cheapest and the most likely place to meet new friends.

"And most importantly, don't be afraid to say hello to somebody and start a conversation."

A lady standing sideways to the camera in a red shirt in Morocco with buildings on a hill behind her

Prepare yourself for a certain level of discomfort, Chelsea says. 

"You can plan as much as possible but there will always be an element that you can't predict or feels out of your control.

"So being willing to be uncomfortable is necessary."

But Eleea believes overcoming these minor discomforts can make you more confident and resilient person.

"Plus if nothing goes wrong, then you have no funny stories to tell when you get home."

'Best thing I've ever done'

Donna says travelling on your own takes confidence and courage.

It helps you gain perspective and can reveal strengths you never knew you had. 

This is why Donna says it's the "best thing I've ever done". 

"I highly recommend it to anyone, especially middle aged women who may think their story is over.

"Don't be put off by your age.

"If you want to do it, give it a go."

For Eleea, solo travel has altered the course of her life in the most positive light.

"I have never regretted a trip, even if things weren't perfect.

"I feel so lucky to have the passport and freedom to see the world, and I try to appreciate and immerse myself in every moment."

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Want to see the next total solar eclipse in 2026? An expert recommends booking travel now.

  • 2026 will be Europe's first total solar eclipse in 27 years.
  • Travelers worldwide will likely head to Spain, Iceland, and Greenland for the event.
  • A hotel expert encouraged travelers to start planning and booking their trips now.

Insider Today

It'll be two decades before the next total solar eclipse hits the US .

Another option: hop on a plane to Europe and turn the 2026 total solar eclipse into a viewing vacation.

Eclipse cartographer Michael Zeiler at told that up to 3.7 million people likely traveled for the solar eclipse on Monday.

HotelPlanner's chief communication officer, Philip Ballard, told Business Insider that the eclipse was a major revenue generator for many cities. For places like Austin, Texas, and Rochester, New York, it could have created $1 billion in revenue, Vox reported.

"I would say the total solar eclipse has become a global phenomenon," Ballard said.

Ballard added that the next solar eclipse , which will pass through Iceland, Greenland, and Spain on August 12, 2026, could result in similar tourism and revenue influxes.

And if travelers are considering a trip to Europe for the solar eclipse, Ballard recommends planning your trip now.

Determine your eclipse viewing destination

According to , 2026 will be Europe's first total solar eclipse in 27 years. Its path will go through Greenland, parts of western Iceland, and northern Spain.

Choosing where to watch the eclipse will be a tough and important decision for travelers.

Iceland and Greenland have some positives. These regions will experience longer totality times, so viewers can watch the eclipse longer. Plus, the sun will be higher in the sky, so finding a spot to watch the eclipse will be less challenging, reported.

The downside is that these regions are more likely to be cloudy, according to the outlet.

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While parts of Spain are likely to offer clearer skies, the eclipse's timing will be shorter and closer to the horizon, which means travelers will need to plan and track down a viewing location with unobstructed views of the western horizon, reported.

Regardless of the destination, according to the outlet, one bonus is that the strongest meteor shower in the Northern Hemisphere will happen the following night, so travelers can pack two events into one trip.

Book flights and hotels far in advance

Ballard encouraged people to book their hotels in their destination of choice as far in advance as possible.

"You should start looking now and booking hotels now because those cities in the path are already going to be at peak season," Ballard said.

Ballard said it's similar to when a Super Bowl city is determined or a Taylor Swift tour date is announced — you immediately see spikes in bookings. He predicts hotel occupancy rates will hit near-record highs, and room prices may double around the solar eclipse date.

Ballard's general rule of thumb is to book international travel at least three months in advance, but since this is such an anticipated event, booking earlier is smart. His advice is to start discussing plans with friends and family. If you decide on a destination, book a refundable room to keep your options open if plans change.

Regarding purchasing a plane ticket, a study from Expedia states that international travel's sweet spot is at least six months in advance.

According to Expedia, travelers who book six months in advance save an average of 10% more than travelers booking within two months or less.

Skip the hassle of planning altogether and book a solar eclipse tour

Another option is to let a tour operator do the work for you. A handful of tour companies have seen the increased interest in the solar eclipse and launched tours designed around the event.

These tours will have predetermined locations to view the eclipse, hotel blocks reserved, and itineraries highlighting both the region and the eclipse.

However, these can sell out quickly. For example, Space and Telescope created an 11-day tour of Spain around viewing the 2026 solar eclipse. The tour has already sold out as of Wednesday, and the waitlist is full.

Other operators, such as Wilderness Travel and Eclipse Traveler, have similar itineraries for the total eclipse in 2026.

Watch: A small Australian town was treated to a rare hybrid solar eclipse

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I visit Universal Orlando several times a year. Here are my top 10 tips for first-timers.

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I’ll never forget walking out of Universal Islands of Adventure in 2022, drenched from head to toe after riding Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barge . 

It was my first trip back to Universal Orlando Resort in years, and I learned some things the hard way, which I gladly shared with fellow travelers, hoping that they’d avoid my mistakes .

Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to visit the Florida resort several times a year. And while I stand by my earlier tips, I’ve learned a few others.

Here are my top tips for first-timers visiting Universal Orlando.

1.  Stay on property

From RV parks to vacation rentals, there’s no shortage of places to stay in Central Florida, but it can pay to stay on property when visiting Universal Orlando. Not only are prices comparable to off-property hotels with Endless Summer Surfside and Dockside starting at $99 a night, but all of Universal’s resort hotels offer 30 minutes of early entry to select parks, which vary depending on time of year. 

They also provide free resort transportation, so you can get back to your room fairly quickly after a long park day or for a midday break. That free transportation can be clutch in the mornings, particularly at pricier Loews Sapphire Falls , Loews Royal Pacific , Loews Portofino Bay , and Hard Rock Hotel , which offer water taxis that drop you off closer to the parks than you can get arriving by car or bus. Cabana Bay Beach Resort and Aventura Hotel guests can walk over to Sapphire Falls for water taxis, but the extra time and steps added may make it not worth skipping the resort shuttle bus.

Walking paths are also available to the parks from every resort hotel except the Endless Summer ones. Cabana Bay guests also have a dedicated walking path to Universal’s Volcano Bay water park.

Guests staying at Royal Pacific, Portofino Bay and Hard Rock also get free Universal Express Passes , which dramatically cut waits for most rides and normally start at $79.99 per person. Free package delivery is also available to all resort hotels, if guests don’t want to lug park purchases around all day.

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2. Buy a popcorn bucket

Snacking at the parks can get expensive. Guests are welcome to bring their own snacks, but there’s one crowd-pleaser that won’t break the bank. 

A plain popcorn bucket costs a little over $12, and you can keep getting refills throughout your trip. Refills cost around $2 each, making popcorn among the cheapest, most shareable snacks on property. On our last trip, my family and I got multiple refills for the price of one pretzel with cheese dip.

3.  Bring a light, refillable water bottle

Staying hydrated is always important, particularly on hot park days. 

You can fill water bottles with free ice-cold water at any of the many Coca-Cola Freestyle machines across the property. Cups of ice water are also available for free anywhere dispensed soft drinks are sold.

Leave big double-walled stainless steel tumblers at home. Not only will they feel heavy, carrying them around all the day, but if they aren’t leak-proof, they’ll make a mess when you tip them on their sides to fit in lockers for thrill rides.

4. Bring a medium-sized bag to carry your stuff

Numerous attractions, from Jurassic World VelociCoaster to Men in Black Alien Attack , require guests to store loose articles in lockers provided for the duration of the ride. 

I previously recommended keeping most of your things together to avoid having to empty every pocket each time. That’s still true, but I want to add a caveat on size. 

The free lockers aren’t very big. They can fit a Loungefly-style mini backpack or empty popcorn bucket, if you squish them down, but they’re not large enough for packed full-size backpacks. Keep that in mind unless you want to pay for larger lockers.

5. Bring ponchos

Ponchos don’t take a lot of space and can save you from getting soaked like me on Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barge, Dudley Do-Right’s Rip Saw Falls , and Jurassic Park River Adventure .

Even if you skip water rides, ponchos are good to keep on hand for rainy park days.

6. Use single-rider lines 

Many attractions have a single-rider lane. If you’re traveling alone or don’t mind your party being split up, you can save time using the single-rider lane, if it’s open. They’re not always offered.

It doesn’t guarantee a short wait, but it’s usually shorter. On our latest trip, my middle schooler still waited at least 45 minutes for The Incredible Hulk Coaster and an hour for Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit . That was about as long as the regular standby wait for Hulk but shorter than the standby wait for Rip Ride Rockit.

The following attractions have single-rider lanes, though availability varies.

Universal Studios Florida

  • E.T. Adventure
  • Harry Potter and the Escape from Gringotts
  • Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit
  • Men in Black Alien Attack
  • Revenge of the Mummy
  • The Simpsons Ride
  • Transformers: The Ride-3D

Universal Islands of Adventure

  • Doctor Doom's Fearfall
  • Dudley Do-Right's Ripsaw Falls
  • Hagrid's Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure
  • Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey
  • Jurassic Park River Adventure
  • Jurassic World VelociCoaster
  • The Amazing Adventures of Spider-Man
  • The Incredible Hulk Coaster

7. Use child swap 

If someone in your party doesn’t meet ride requirements for an attraction or simply wants to sit it out, you can ask for a child swap. It’s particularly helpful for families with young children because it allows parents and caregivers to take turns riding the ride and staying with whoever is sitting it out.

On our most recent trip, my youngest didn’t want to ride Hagrid’s Magical Creatures Motorbike Adventure , so we all waited in line together, but then she and I peeled off to a designated waiting room while my middle schooler and mother-in-law went on the ride. When they were done, my mother-in-law stayed with my youngest while I went on the ride. My middle schooler lucked out, getting to ride it twice.

Not all attractions have waiting rooms, but they all offer swaps. Just let team members know you need one.

8. Take breaks

Theme parks can be exhausting. Not only are you on your feet all day, but they can be loud, crowded and overstimulating. 

When possible, I like to plan for at least one sit-down meal in the day. This way, I can take my time and recuperate in air conditioning away from crowds. I’ll typically splurge on one table-service meal, but there are several medium-priced, quick-service restaurants across both theme parks where you can grab a lighter snack and relax.

Really, any cool spot where you can sit down works. Knockturn Alley in The Wizarding World of Harry Potter - Diagon Alley at Universal Studios Florida is always refreshing, though dark. Jurassic Park Discovery Center in Islands of Adventure is a great place for kids to explore while adults unwind. 

9.  Watch the shows

Rides get a lot of the love, but Universal Orlando’s live entertainment is top tier. You can find showtimes on the free resort app or simply stop to watch performances you stumble across while roaming the parks.

The only year-round shows with dedicated seating are at Universal Studios Florida: Animal Actors On Location! , The Bourne Stuntacular , and Universal Orlando’s Horror Make-Up Show, which is more funny than scary.

10. Let little ones stretch their legs

There are several play areas across both theme parks for little ones to burn off energy.

This summer, a new DreamWorks Land will open at Universal Studios Florida with a “Kung Fu Panda”-themed play area.

At Islands of Adventure, kids can explore Camp Jurassic in Jurassic Park, If I Ran a Zoo in Seuss Landing, and Me Ship, The Olive in Toon Lagoon. There are also splash pads and water features across Toon Lagoon; just make sure to either bring swimsuits or backup clothes for those.

Bonus: Don’t sleep on Volcano Bay

You’ll definitely want to pack swimsuits if you’re heading to Volcano Bay, which regularly ranks among the best water parks in the country and adds a completely different experience to vacations.

It’s themed like a tropical paradise, with plenty of trees and an iconic volcano that houses multiple water slides. The water park can get crowded, but you never spend too much time standing in line because every guest gets a Tapu Tapu wearable bracelet that lets them join one virtual queue at a time. 

Single-day tickets start at $80, which is considerably less than the $119 starting price for guests age 10 and up at Universal Studios Florida or Islands of Adventure, but still not cheap. However, if you’re already planning to buy multi-day tickets for both theme parks, tacking on Volcano Bay is not much more.

Delta eclipse flight from Dallas veered off path of totality

The airline said air traffic control would not allow its planned maneuver.

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A special eclipse flight operated by Delta Air Lines on Monday deviated from the path of totality, the airline confirmed, causing passengers to miss a prime view of the moon completely obstructing the sun.

Delta told The Washington Post on Friday that air traffic controllers would not allow the plane traveling from Dallas to Detroit to make the turns it had planned to accommodate both sides of the plane.

The flight was slightly off-set from the path of totality, Delta said, as air traffic control managed severe congestion and a flood of special maneuver requests along the path of the eclipse. While another Delta flight from Austin was permitted to climb to the right altitude to complete a maneuver called an S-curve, the airline said the Dallas flight was not.

2024 total solar eclipse

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The Federal Aviation Administration did not comment on the Delta flight’s path specifically, but said that the agency was focused on safety as jets and noncommercial planes filled the air to view the eclipse above the clouds. The FAA had previously warned about congestion and possible impacts to air traffic .

“Our first goal and our top priority is always the safety of flights,” said FAA spokesman Chris Mullooly. “We knew that there were going to be possible impacts to some of the traffic.”

Instead of its planned maneuvers, Delta’s Airbus A321neo flew in a circle to give both sides a look from 33,000 feet. But passengers didn’t get the view they expected.

“I kind of immediately suspected the positioning was off,” said passenger Dimitrije Ratkov, who raised the possibility the flight missed totality to The Post on Thursday. “I knew something had gone wrong, but wasn’t sure what.”

Delta had warned about such a possibility, even as passengers paid more than $1,000 in some cases for a seat. For both the Dallas and Austin flights, the airline included this disclaimer: “While Delta flight plans have been designed to maximize time within the path of totality, this is subject to change due to factors outside of Delta’s control such as weather and air traffic control that could impact timing and aircraft.”

On board flight 1010, passengers — including this reporter, who paid nearly $850 for a refundable ticket — craned their necks to catch a glimpse of the sun. “Can you see it?” turned into “Did you see it?” as the plane turned. The sky and ground grew darker, but glimpses of the sun were brief.

Several people captured photos of the sun partially blocked by the moon, later showing off thumbnails of glowing orange. They chalked the difficulty up to the tricky angle of the sun high above, speed of the plane and confines of the aircraft.

While the flight was full of media, the movement outside the prime eclipse path was not discovered until Ratkov, a PhD student in virology at Mayo Clinic, compared the path of the flight to that of the eclipse using a flight-tracking site and NASA’s eclipse map. He posted his videos on YouTube and sent emails to reporters with the subject line: “Dallas Eclipse Flight Made Wrong Turn and Exited Path of Totality.”

Delta did not confirm the accuracy of Ratkov’s video, but acknowledged after looking into questions from The Post that the plane went out of the path of totality. Flight-tracking sites Flightradar24 and FlightAware show the plane making the circle southeast of Jonesboro, Ark.

The first flight Delta announced for the eclipse, from Austin, appeared on Flightradar24 to stay within the path. Photos from that flight clearly showed darker skies and the sun blocked by the moon, though Detroit Free Press photographer Eric Seals wrote on Instagram that even that was “very hard to photograph.”

Many passengers on the Dallas flight told The Post on Monday that while they were disappointed they didn’t have a better vantage point, they enjoyed the experience anyway. The airline threw parties before takeoff and after landing, and placed bags full of special socks, hats, snacks and other trinkets on seats.

The flight’s captain told The Post on Monday that those on the left side of the plane probably had the best view, and said the flight got a little over three minutes to view totality. He told USA Today: “It was great. It really went off without a hitch.”

Kyle Carter, a private pilot and stay-at-home dad from Orlando, said Monday that he was happy to have seen the moon’s shadow racing toward the plane from behind. He said Friday that, as a pilot, he understood in advance that several factors could make the experience less than ideal.

“I would still do it again,” he said. “I went into it with that kind of background knowledge. It was not a sure thing to me that we were going to see it.”

Ratkov, who paid just over $1,100 for a refundable ticket, said he started traveling from Minnesota early Sunday morning, slept that night at the airport in Dallas and made it home around 6 a.m. Tuesday. He said the mood in his row was chatty and upbeat leading up to totality, but downcast afterward.

After the airline put out a celebratory news release and much coverage was positive, he said he wanted the record about the flight to be corrected and for Delta to provide an explanation for what happened.

“It was a major disappointment,” and a big financial investment, he said. “It had been obviously promoted as the second eclipse flight.”

A total solar eclipse passed across the United States on Monday, April 8. See photos and videos from the path of totality and read our reporters’ coverage from scenes across the nation .

Looking ahead: Missed this one? The next eclipse visible in the United States won’t be until 2044 — and then we’ll see another shortly after in 2045. If you did watch this eclipse but without proper eyewear, here’s what to do if your eyes hurt .

The science: This eclipse appeared especially dramatic because the sun was at its most active period in two decades. In the past, solar eclipses have helped scientists learn more about the universe . Here’s everything else to know about the solar eclipse.

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Travel tips for snowbirds returning to Canada

From: Canada Border Services Agency

News release

April 12, 2024 Ottawa, Ontario

The Canada Border Services Agency and the Canadian Snowbird Association are encouraging Canadians who have spent the winter abroad to plan ahead for a smooth return to Canada this spring.

These are the top travel tips to know before arriving at the border:

Have your travel documents handy.  Whether travelling by land, air or water, you can help speed up processing times by coming prepared with your travel documents.

Driving home? Plan ahead and check  border wait times . You can avoid waiting in line by planning your drive to cross the border during non-peak hours such as early morning.

Flying home? Save time with Advance Declaration .  Download the application on your smart phone to make your customs declaration up to 72 hours in advance of your arrival into Canada at the Toronto, Vancouver, Montréal, Winnipeg, Halifax, Québec City, Ottawa, Billy Bishop, Calgary and Edmonton international airports. Data shows that using this tool can reduce time at a kiosk or eGate by up to 50%.

Be prepared to declare your goods upon entry into Canada.  Gather your receipts for goods purchased or received while away before you travel and keep them readily available. Visit I Declare: A guide for residents returning to Canada and use the  CBSA duty and taxes estimator  to help calculate your monies owed. You should be aware of everything that is inside your vehicle as you are responsible for its contents.

Know your exemptions from duties and taxes .  If you have been outside of Canada seven days or more, you can import goods worth up to CAN$800, duty-and tax-free. Within this personal exemption, you are allowed to bring back duty and tax free: 

  • Two bottles of wine (1.5 litres total), or one large standard bottle of liquor (1.14 litres),  or  approximately 24 cans or bottles (355 ml each) of beer (8.5 litres total); and,
  • 200 cigarettes, and 50 cigars, and 200 grams manufactured tobacco,  and  200 tobacco sticks. The packages must be stamped “duty paid,” as you would find them at a duty-free store. 

Travelling with medication?  If you have a prescription for a narcotic or controlled drug, you must declare it and ensure its in properly labelled container. Learn more about your responsibilities .

Travelling with firearms? If you are travelling with a firearm be sure to check the  rules on importing firearms  and other  restricted and prohibited goods before your departure. Better yet, consider leaving the firearm at home.

Importing a vehicle ?   If you are a resident of Canada you can  temporarily import a vehicle  that is licensed and registered in the United States, however, the duty and tax implications, the length of time the vehicle can remain in Canada, and how the vehicle can be used in Canada may differ. If you are permanently importing a vehicle from the U.S. or Mexico, visit Canada’s  Registrar of Imported Vehicles  website prior to arriving at the border for details about vehicle eligibility and the overall process, including the necessary duties and taxes.

Bringing poultry across the border?  Any poultry products you wish to bring into Canada must be for human consumption, retail packaged and labelled as a "Product of the USA." Homemade food or leftovers containing poultry cannot be brought into Canada. Check the latest  Information for travellers: Restrictions on poultry and birds from the United States  before bringing these products across the border.

Travelling with a pet or importing an animal into Canada? You will need the right paperwork at the border to meet Canada's import requirements.

Not sure? Ask a border officer.  The best thing you can do to save time is to be open and honest with the CBSA officer. Be sure to follow all instructions they provide to you. If you are not sure about what to declare, don't hesitate to ask. Our officers are here to help!

Quick facts

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) supports national security and public safety priorities by facilitating the free flow of persons and goods, including animals and plants.

The Canadian Snowbird Association is a not-for-profit advocacy organization for travelling Canadians, representing more than 115,000 members.

Associated links

  • Plan your trip across the border
  • Duties and taxes estimator
  • I Declare: A guide for residents returning to Canada
  • Border reminder checklist
  • Advance Declaration video
  • The CBSA and U.S. CBP provide an update on the NEXUS program

For more information about CBSA programs, services and initiatives, please visit the  CBSA website  or contact:

Border Information Services Canada Border Services Agency 1-800-461-9999 Contact us online Live agents are available Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm local time

For more information or to schedule a media interview, please contact:

Media Relations Canada Border Services Agency [email protected] 1-877-761-5945

Communications Canadian Snowbird Association [email protected]

For more travel tips for Canadian snowbirds, join the Canada Border Services Agency on  Facebook  and  YouTube  and visit the  Canadian Snowbird Association website .

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    TIP travel, Piestany. 64,861 likes · 849 talking about this. Milujeme leto :) - cestujte za slnkom, morom, letom a zábavou...

  14. Kam ísť a čo vidieť: Španielsko

    uchom po mape - Travel tips. Libanon - zájazd, ktorý mení obavy z nebezpečného regiónu na nezabudnuteľné zážitky uchom po mape - BUBO Trips. Tučniaky - milé stvorenia, ktoré dokážu prežiť v najdrsnejších podmienkach našej planéty. Čo všetko ste o nich nevedeli? uchom po mape - Travel talks

  15. Hotel 4R Gran Europe (Comarruga)

    4R Gran Europe (Comarruga) Španielsko, Costa Dorada. Hotel super, ale skôr pre dospelých, ako pre malé deti: večera až od 20:00, detská herňa otvorená len 2 hodiny denne, bazén príliš hlboký. Väčšina personálu nehovorí po anglicky, takže komunikácia rukami-nohami, ale boli milí a ústretoví.

  16. CK Tip Travel ☀️Malorka, Španielsko

    Garantujeme ceny zhodné s cestovnými kanceláriami vrátane všetkých bonusov a zliav. CK Tip Travel dovolenka 2024. Kompletná ponuka zájazdov a last minute do Španielska. Pozrite si kompletný online katalóg s najnovšími zľavami.

  17. Travel and tourism

    Travel and tourism. Dear readers, discover Croatia and the world, numerous and diverse destinations by clicking on the front page of tipTravel magazine, a digital online travel and tourism magazine, available in English, Croatian and German. In every issue, we bring you interesting travel reports, travel ideas, many experiences and useful first ...

  18. Kontakty

    Kontakty - Pobočky a predajcovia | TIP travel. TIP travelmilujeme leto. štvrtok 11. apríla 2024 07:48 náš profil na Facebookunáš kanál na YouTubezdielať túto stránkupošlite priateľovi. MENU moje obľúbené. AKCIA.

  19. CK Tip Travel ☀️Španielsko

    CK Tip Travel dovolenka 2024. Kompletná ponuka zájazdov a last minute do Španielska. Pozrite si kompletný online katalóg s najnovšími zľavami. 02 / 32 202 303. Zavolajte nám, poradímePo-Pia 9:00 - 18:00 Veľká noc 29.3. - 1.4. ZATVORENÉ

  20. Reservá tu idea de viaje al mejor precio

    TIP TRAVEL. Redes Sociales. Contacto. TIP TRAVEL BUREAU - Leg. 16524; San Martín 50 - Piso 7 oficina 142; 1004 - CABA; Teléfono: para reservas +54 9 11 55984307 / Whatsapp para urgencias +54 9 11 27184798; WhatsApp: +54 9 11 55984307; Correo electrónico: [email protected]

  21. 'A liberating feeling': Why women are taking the solo travel leap and

    Here's some more tips from our three solo travellers: Learn the language and customs of your destination Give friends and family members your full itinerary; Never go overseas without travel insurance

  22. How to Plan a Trip to See the Next Total Solar Eclipse

    Other operators, such as Wilderness Travel and Eclipse Traveler, have similar itineraries for the total eclipse in 2026. Read next Watch: A small Australian town was treated to a rare hybrid solar ...

  23. Universal Orlando Resort tips to make the most of your first trip

    2. Buy a popcorn bucket. Snacking at the parks can get expensive. Guests are welcome to bring their own snacks, but there's one crowd-pleaser that won't break the bank.

  24. On Delta's eclipse flight, passengers got a glimpse of totality

    Despite the pilot's best efforts, passengers on Delta's eclipse flight from Dallas to Detroit didn't get an ideal view of totality.

  25. BarkBox's next big delivery: Charter flights for dogs

    Travel: By The Way Destinations News Tips Newsletter Instagram BarkBox's next big delivery: Charter flights for dogs Starting in May, Bark Air will fly dogs and their owners from New York to L.A ...

  26. Delta eclipse flight from Dallas veered off path of totality

    A special eclipse flight operated by Delta Air Lines on Monday deviated from the path of totality, the airline confirmed, causing passengers to miss a prime view of the moon completely obstructing ...

  27. Travel tips for snowbirds returning to Canada

    These are the top travel tips to know before arriving at the border: Have your travel documents handy. Whether travelling by land, air or water, you can help speed up processing times by coming prepared with your travel documents. Driving home? Plan ahead and check border wait times. You can avoid waiting in line by planning your drive to cross ...