tour del cilento

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tour del cilento

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento

Amalfi, positano, paestum, agropoli, castellabate, certosa di padula, teggiano.

Il Cilento, nella parte meridionale della Campania, è un territorio a tratti aspro, impervio e selvaggio, incastonato tra le acque cristalline del Mar Tirreno e i monti dell’Appennino. La Costiera Cilentana che va da Agropoli a Sapri, vanta ben dieci bandiere blu e due aree marine protette. L’interno della regione è occupato dal Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, un’area protetta ed incontaminata patrimonio di natura e biodiversità. Il Cilento è stato da sempre un luogo di incontro di popoli e culture. Ne sono esempio il sito archeologico di Paestum, le antiche colonie della Magna Grecia, e la Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula. Questi luoghi di una bellezza rara sono inseriti nel Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità dell’Unesco.

siti unesco

Arte e cultura

Formule di viaggio

Il tour del cilento è disponibile in Formula Tuttobus, Treno+Tour, Solo Tour e Volo+Tour

Prossime partenze

01 , 08 , 15 , 22 , 29 ottobre




1° giorno (km 615).

Al mattino partenza dalla località prescelta in direzione di Bologna . Incontro con l’accompagnatore e inizio del viaggio in pullman Gran Turismo verso Firenze e Roma. Pranzo libero lungo il percorso. In serata arrivo a Salerno . Sistemazione in hotel nei dintorni di Salerno. Cena e pernottamento. SOLO TOUR: SALERNO Arrivo individuale in hotel a Salerno. Sistemazione nelle camere riservate. In serata incontro con l’accompagnatore e gli altri partecipanti. Cena e pernottamento. (Volo A/R oppure treno A/R e trasferimenti da/per aeroporto prenotabili a parte, facoltativi ed in supplemento).  

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento


Prima colazione in hotel. Partenza per il porto di Salerno ed imbarco sul battello per la Costiera Amalfitana. Dapprima sosta a  Positano , la più trendy delle città costiere. Arrivando dal mare è possibile contemplarla in tutta la sua bellezza. Tempo a disposizione per una passeggiata nei vicoli del centro. Pranzo libero. Nel pomeriggio in battello si raggiunge  Amalfi , la più antica delle Quattro Repubbliche Marinare. E’ proprio ad Amalfi che è stato redatto il primo statuto marittimo italiano utilizzato per secoli in tutta l’area del Mediterraneo. Le tavole Amalfitane sono esposte nel Museo Civico locale. Passeggiata nel centro storico con le caratteristiche case bianche, arroccate sulla montagna, i balconi fioriti e il Duomo di Sant’Andrea del IX secolo. Il borgo di Amalfi è stato inserito dall’Unesco nel Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità.  Rientro via mare a Salerno. Proseguimento per Paestum. Sistemazione in hotel nei dintorni di Paestum. Cena e pernottamento.

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento


3° giorno (km 110).

Prima colazione in hotel. Al mattino visita del sito archeologico di   Paestum , l’antica Poseidonia di origine greca, fondata nel VII sec. a.C. dai coloni greci di Sibari e divenuta una delle colonie più ricche e fiorenti dell' Italia Meridionale e oggi una delle aree archeologiche più belle e meglio conservate al mondo, annoverata dall’Unesco nel Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità. Durante la visita guidata si potranno ammirare i tre templi dorici situati nell’area sacra: il  Tempio di Hera , la dea della fertilità, il  Tempio di Atena , la dea della Saggezza e il  Tempio di Poseidone , il dio del mare . La visita è completata dall’ingresso al  Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Paestum , nel quale sono esposti numerosi reperti e, in particolare, la cosiddetta Tomba del Tuffatore , esempio di pittura del periodo della Magna Grecia. Pranzo libero. Nel pomeriggio visita di  Agropoli , incantevole borgo marinaro di impronta medievale, situato nella parte nord della costiera cilentana e considerato a ragione la porta di accesso al Cilento. Tempo a disposizione per la visita del borgo antico, dominato dal castello angioino-aragonese, raggiungibile percorrendo la caratteristica salita degli “scaloni”. Dal castello si gode una splendido panorama sul Golfo di Salerno, l’isola di Capri e l’entroterra del Cilento.  Visita di un'azienda  agricola per  la produzione della mozzarella di bufala, specialità campana e degustazione.  Rientro in hotel.  Cena e pernottamento.

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento


4° giorno (km 185).

Prima colazione in hotel. Giornata dedicata alla scoperta della  Costiera del Cilento  caratterizzata da una bellezza selvaggia fatta di piccoli borghi a mare o arroccati sulle colline, distese di ulivi, un mare dalle acque cristalline, calette incastonate fra promontori rocciosi e una folta macchia mediterranea. Dapprima visita di  Castellabate , annoverato tra i “Borghi più belli d’Italia”. Domina la piana del Cilento ed è conosciuto al grande pubblico per essere stato il set del film “Benvenuti al Sud”, girato nella splendida cornice dei suoi vicoli e delle sue piazze. Passeggiata con l'accompagnatore per ammirare il Castello, la Basilica di Santa Maria de Giulia e la piazzetta. Pranzo libero. Discesa a  Santa Maria di Castellabate , la pittoresca frazione a mare che ha conservato intatta la vocazione marinara.  Nel pomerigio proseguimento per  Acciaroli , un borgo marinaro dove si dice che lo scrittore E. Hemingway abbia conosciuto il personaggio che ispirò "Il Vecchio e il mare". Infine sosta a  Pioppi , incantevole località turistica. Rientro in hotel. Cena e pernottamento.

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento


5° giorno (km 270).

Prima colazione in hotel. Giornata dedicata ad un'escursione nell'entroterra del Cilento. Dapprima visita della grandiosa  Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula . Con i vari chiostri, il cortile, il giardino la Certosa si estende per oltre cinque ettari ed è  uno dei monumenti religiosi più vasti e suggestivi d’Europa. Iniziata nel 1300  la costruzione fu completata solo nell'Ottocento, in forme prevalentemente barocche. È la prima certosa ad essere sorta in Campania, anticipando quella di San Martino a Napoli e quella di San Giacomo a Capri. Nel 1998 la Certosa di San Lorenzo è stata dichiarata Patrimonio dell’Umanità dell’Unesco. Visita guidata. Pranzo libero. Nel pomeriggio proseguimento per l’area del  Vallo di Diano , una fertile conca posta in una lunga depressione carsica, un tempo occupata da un vasto lago. Il Vallo di Diano e il Parco del Cilento sono inseriti nell’elenco del Patrimonio dell’Umanità dell’Unesco. Visita all’antico borgo medievale di  Teggiano , piccola città museo e una delle poche cittadine della provincia di Salerno ad aver mantenuto l'aspetto di una roccaforte. Proseguimento per Salerno. Sistemazione in hotel nei dintorni di Salerno. Cena e pernottamento.

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento


6° giorno (km 615).

Prima colazione in hotel. Partenza in direzione di Napoli e Roma. Sosta per il pranzo libero lungo il percorso. Proseguimento per Bologna. In serata rientro alla località di partenza. SOLO TOUR: SALERNO Prima colazione in hotel. Fine dei servizi. ( volo A/R oppure Treno A/R e trasferimenti per l'aeroporto o la stazione prenotabili a parte, facoltativi ed in supplemento)

Tour della Costiera Amalfitana e del Cilento

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Partecipa a questo tour organizzato di Caldana Europe Travel, vivi un'esperienza unica che ti arricchirà con emozioni magiche ed incantevoli.

Tour di 6 Giorni da € 929

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Quali sono i documenti necessari.

Carta d’identità o passaporto in corso di validità. 

Quali sono le formule di viaggio disponibili?

Cosa comprendono le quote.

  • Pullman Gran Turismo a disposizione dal 2° al 5° giorno 
  • Sistemazione in hotels della categoria indicata in camera doppia con servizi privati
  • Trattamento di MEZZA PENSIONE dalla cena del 1° giorno alla prima colazione dell’ultimo giorno
  • Visite con guida come da programma
  • Accompagnatore per tutta la durata del viaggio
  • Viaggio A/R in pullman Gran Turismo con posti preassegnati
  • Radioguide WIFI personali per tutto il tour

Cosa non comprendono le quote?

  • Ingressi a mostre, musei e siti
  • Pasti non esplicitamente indicati in programma
  • Bevande ai pasti
  • Tasse aeroportuali
  • Trasferimento aeroporto o stazione/hotel e viceversa
  • Extra in genere e tutto quanto non espressamente indicato alla voce “Le quote comprendono”

Quali sono gli ingressi da pagare in loco?

Quali sono gli hotel selezionati.

Gli hotels selezionati per il tour del Cilento sono:

  • Dintorni di Salerno: Hotel 4* 
  • Dintorni di Paestum: Hotel 4* 

Quali sono i siti Unesco visitati?

Cosa succede dopo il booking online, quali pullman vengono utilizzati, come funziona il servizio navetta, trasferimenti auto da/ per aeroporto/ stazione, quali sono i vantaggi di questo tour, assicurazioni e condizioni.

L'ordine delle visite potrà subire variazioni in base alle aperture/chiusure di musei e siti.

Diritti di apertura pratica

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Luxe Adventure Traveler

Adventure Travel With a Glass of Wine

Italy’s Best Kept Secret: The Cilento Coast

By Jennifer Dombrowski 15 Comments

The Cilento Coast is one of the most unspoiled parts of the Campania region and it’s just two hours south of the chaos of Naples. Yet, this part of Italy is still hugely off the tourist radar. With hardly a blip about Cilento in the guide books, American and British travelers flock to the popular (and over-crowded, if you ask me) Amalfi Coast.

I once wrote why I thought Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast was better than the Amalfi Coast and once again, I found the Cilento Coast to be more my speed. You see, it’s not that I don’t agree that the Amalfi Coast is stunning. In fact, I adore Ravello. But to be honest, I find it a bit boring.

Long a retreat for the chic Italians to holiday and stay cooler than in cities like Rome when the temperatures soar, the Amalfi Coast has kept its traditional Italian seaside retreat vibe. The whole point of a holiday there is to sit on the (mostly) rocky beaches, then indulge in a long lunch, shop, have an apertivo and then indulge in another long dinner. Open some kayak or stand-up paddle boarding rental shops and I’ll likely be singing a different tune.

The people of the Cilento seemed to be a bit more like the coast itself: wild and rugged. Here is where the Italian adventurers have been hiding, or rather, flocking each summer. But in true Italian fashion, even the adventurers can appreciate the finer things in life.


The Cilento Coast has miles of sandy beaches

Less than one hour from Salerno, Paestum is home to some of the best preserved ancient Greek temples in the world. Paestum is also home to a cluster of buffalo farms that produce Italy’s best mozzarella di bufala.

Wait. What? Greek temples and buffalo?


Looking through the three side-by-side temples

Paestum was founded by the Greek Achaeans around 600BC under the original name Poseidonia. It became Paestum in 273BC after the Graeco-Italian Poseidonians sided with the loser, Pyrrhus, in war against the Romans. It was a major ancient Greek city with a system of roads, temples and defensive walls.


Temple of Neptune

Today, the most notable features of the archeological site are the three extremely well preserved templates that have been excavated.

The buffalo haven’t been around quite as long as the Greek temples and it isn’t exactly known how they got here. Some say that the buffalo were brought to Sicily from Egypt; others say that the Goths brought them. Either way, they’ve been around for many centuries.

You might be surprised to know that the buffalo are actually water buffalo that can be found wallowing in swimming holes in Asia. They aren’t the big bison we have in the US.

It also wasn’t until the 18th century that their fatty, rich milk was turned in to cheese. Since the milk is too fatty and rich to drink like cow’s milk, it’s perfect for making the creamy mozzarella di bufala.

Barlotti buffalo farm in Paestum

Mozzarella di bufala doesn’t get any fresher than this!

Buffalo mozzarella is made from the unpasteurized buffalo milk and has a shelf life of about 4 – 5 days. Though I can pick it up at any grocery store here in Italy, I’ve never tasted a little ball of mozzarella as good as when I visited the Barlotti farm in Paestum. It’s best to visit the farms in the early afternoon so that you can purchase that day’s freshly made mozzarella di bufala.

Barlotti buffalo farm in Paestum

The balls of mozzarella drop in to a vat of boiling water

The unpasteurized milk is allowed to ferment for about three hours. It is then chopped in to pieces and covered in boiling water. A machine forms the tiny balls of mozzarella. Sometimes the pieces are even braided, as one of the workers showed us.

Barlotti buffalo farm in Paestum

Workers bag the finished mozzarella di bufala

The balls of mozzarella get a salt water was and then are returned to their whey, which the liquid they soak in to keep moist when you buy a container or bag from the store.

Aside from stunning Greek temples and delicious mozzarella di bufala, Paestum also has miles of beautiful white sand beaches. And unlike the Amalfi Coast where nearly every sunbed was occupied even mid-week, there were barely a handful of people on the beach.

Oleandri Resort Paestum

A pastry stuffed with mozzarella di bufala and ricotta with pumpkin sauce at Oleandri Resort

The Oleandri Resort is just a few minutes drive from the archeological site and has a private beach for guests. They also have a restaurant and we enjoyed lunch there. The pastry filled with mozzarella di bufala and ricotta with a pumpkin sauce is a must try.

Palazzo Belmonte

The toughest decision at Palazzo Belmonte is pool or private beach

Palazzo Belmonte

We travel a little further south down the Cilento Coast to the village of Santa Maria di Castellabate. Not only does the village have a sandy beach steps away from its center, it also has its very own prince in residence, Angelo di Belmonte, who lives in the 17th-century Palazzo Belmonte.

Lucky for me, Palazzo Belmonte is also a luxury hotel. It has a few suites in the oldest part of the castle and more modern rooms in an annex building above the gardens. I felt like a princess as I climbed up the stairs to my suite in the castle.

Palazzo Belmonte

The sunsets are just better in Cilento

Imagine my surprise as the phone rang and I answered to be told that Prince Belmonte himself was waiting in the garden to have an apertivo with us. Over a glass of wine and with a view of the stunning sunset, I learned a bit about the palazzo’s history and the Prince’s vision for his guests to enjoy this little slice of paradise.

Though in a small village far away from the tourist services of the Amalfi Coast like ferries, Palazzo Belmonte can arrange boats to take guests directly from the palazzo to Capri or the Amalfi Coast.


Touring the port of Acciaroli

Heading even further south along the Cilento Coast, we came to the village of Acciaroli. The tiny fishing village was a favorite of Hemingway, who came here in 1952 after he’d finished writing “The Old Man and the Sea”. Hemingway would spend hours in the bars along the seaside promenade.

The village is small and there isn’t much to do but wander the little shops like the shoemaker who makes custom shoes for you or the handcrafted pottery shop.

It is charming though and worth a few hours to explore, perhaps relaxing on the seaside promenade with a spritz Aperol or having a lunch of fresh fish.

Cape of Palinuro

Even further south in Palinuro the coastline is rugged and riddled with sea caves. This is Italy’s most extensive cave system and divers flock to explore the underwater cave network. Well, mainly Italian divers.

Grotta Azzurra Palinuro

The water glows from an underwater light source

Capri’s famous (and packed) Blue Grotto isn’t the only place to see water so blue that it takes your breath away. The Cape of Palinuro has a cave by the same name and the water is illuminated from below. From Palinuro’s port, you can hire little boats to take you out along the peninsula to five of the sea caves and our boat was the only one there.

Unfortunately, the sea was rough on the day I went out and we weren’t able to visit to the other caves. I was looking forward to seeing the Blood Cave, where a red algae makes the cave walls appear that they are dripping blood.

Palinuro Natural Arch

The Natural Arch

The Natural Arch is one of Cilento National Park’s most important natural monuments. Unfortunately, heavy rains and natural erosion caused a partial collapse on the upper facade back in 2007. The netting has been put in place along with safety measures such as the passage so that people can still enjoy its beauty. But go soon because geologists predict that there is no halting the natural destruction of the arch.


Hiking along an old mule track in Palinuro

The Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park of Palinuro is a haven for rock climbers and hikers. There are many hiking trails, including coastal paths that hug the rugged sea cliffs. Not only can you see stunning sea views, there are many interesting watch towers that stand in various stages of ruins. You can even find a lighthouse or two. Check the Park website for recommended itineraries.

Know Before You Go

  • Rooms at  Palazzo Belmonte start at €238 per night for a double room mid-season.
  • Rooms at  Oleandri Resort Paestum start at €167 per night for a double room.
  • Rooms at Grand Hotel San Pietro Palinuro start at €139 per night for a double sea view room.

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About Jennifer Dombrowski

Jennifer Dombrowski is an independent travel publisher and an American expat who has lived in Bordeaux, France since 2016. She previously lived in Northern Italy in a small village near Venice for seven years where she fell in love with wine and wine tourism. She is an award-winning travel writer. She is also a travel correspondent on Traveling on the American Forces Radio Network. Luxe Adventure Traveler was named one of the top travel blogs to watch by the Huffington Post and TripAdvisor, and has been featured by top publications such as National Geographic, CNN, Buzzfeed, and Business Insider. Jennifer's photography has also been featured on publications such as USA Today and Travel + Leisure and on the Travel Channel.

July 14, 2015 at 12:05 AM

Beautiful area! You really take beautiful photos of the scenery and food!

Amanda says

July 14, 2015 at 3:10 AM

Oh my gosh, how I miss fresh mozzarella! Thank you for sharing this secret with me/the blogosphere. I would love to get back to Italy someday soon, and the Cilento Coast has just rocketed to the top of my list.

Marlene dombrowski says

July 14, 2015 at 2:05 PM

On my bucket list. A great way to unwind and enjoy the scenery

July 22, 2015 at 1:03 AM

My husband is Italian and he’s never been to Italy – it’s on our bucket list!! Love these gorgeous photos!

Kimberly says

July 24, 2015 at 8:33 PM

Positively stunning!! And I love your peek inside the mozzarella factory, how fun! Gorgeous photos (on my bucket list – obviously!) and thanks so much for sharing your experience!

Carrie says

July 25, 2015 at 6:20 PM

Well, I am sold! The Cilento Coast looks amazing. I had definitely never heard of it before reading your post though. I think I would travel there just for that mozzarella alone. 😉

Deborah says

July 25, 2015 at 8:56 PM

So amazingly beautiful!! And that cheese?? I die!

July 26, 2015 at 10:07 PM

What an epic adventure – I love places off the beaten path – and this defeintely would be more my speed than the typical packed tourist routes.

Lauren says

July 27, 2015 at 1:50 PM

That mozzarella—>!!!!!!!!!!! I need Italy in my life!

Rachelle says

July 27, 2015 at 5:17 PM

OMG … the mozzarella! That’s reason enough for me to go. We just don’t get the delicious creamy fresh tasting stuff like that here in the states. The cape and the temples look beautiful! Great place to walk off all the mozzarella I’d eat. 😉

Joanie says

July 28, 2015 at 1:41 AM

I’m bookmarking this for our next trip to Italy. We’ve spent most our time in Rome and Florence and I would love to explore this area. It looks absolutely beautiful.

July 29, 2015 at 9:12 AM

I love the photos of the temples. Who knew about the buffalo there?! The balls dropping in the water look so cool. The secret is out!

February 28, 2016 at 3:58 PM

This is amazing! I hate flocks of people! Would there be any hostels in this area?

Jennifer Dombrowski says

March 8, 2016 at 6:59 PM

Hi Gina, we don’t stay in hostels so certainly aren’t experts on them. I would think that you would be able to find them though. I’d check a hostel booking site like Hostelworld and search for cities like Agropoli and Paestum.

Zì Peppo says

July 26, 2022 at 3:31 PM

Wait… you went through Cilento’s coast and skipped the place where Parmenide and Zenone were born? The place that hosts the most ancient round arch in Italy? The place that gave birth to the eleatic medical school? Buuuuuuuuuuu. You should visit Ascea also! And… do not forget that Camerota has some of the most beautiful beaches in the Country and one of the most famous in Europe.

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  • Campania >

Cilento Map and Travel Guide, Campania

Welcome to the south, the water is fine.

Perhaps you've never heard of the Cilento. It's a secret. It's just south of the Amalfi Coast in the Salerno province of southern Campania. It has some nice beaches with very clean waters. Unlike the Amalfi coast it doesn't have those well-known villages spilling into the sea like glitter on an Olympic gymnast's cheeks. It also doesn't have the crush of tourists afraid of driving the winding roads. The Cilento, you might be happy to know, has been structured to dismiss mass tourism, while making personal tourism much more compelling.

In a great part of the territory of Cilento and Vallo di Diano there was instituted, on 1991, a national park, to protect the territory from building speculation and mass tourism. In 1998 the park became a World Heritage Site of UNESCO. --Wikipedia

In this sparsely populated land of mountains and valleys you'll come across some of the finest buffalo mozzarella you've ever tasted; yes, this is the place in Italy where the buffalo roam. Your pizza will likely be authentic; Italy's iconic fast food from a wood oven awaits your knife.

Over 100km of fine beaches, many of them flying the coveted blue flag indicating exceptionally clean water, are ready to embrace your work-suffering body from April to October.

Map of the Cilento

cilento map

Getting Your Bearings in the Cilento

As you head down the coast to the Greek archaeological site of Paestum you'll be on the flat part of the Cilento, the Sele plain. South of the site is the Cilento's biggest city, Agropoli, which makes for a fine base to explore the coastal villages.

Just a bit further down the road is the castled hill town of Castelabate with its intriguing historic center and fine views. It was the setting of the popular movie Benvenuti al Sud , Welcome to the South.

The Autostrada A3 [ autostrada map ] runs through the Vallo di Diano, the Diano valley, and runs close to some amazing sites, including the Pertosa Caves and the Certosa di Padula , the second largest Charterhouse in Italy after the one in Parma, and sports the largest cloister in the world. You can see it nestled in the Diano valley below.

Although a bit out of the way, the Caves of Castelcivita offer a 1-mile (1.7 km) pathway that allows you to view the stalactites and stalagmites, and other geological formations.

certosa di padula

The Archaeological Sites

Sure, you've heard of the stunning Greek temples at Paestum , and you really should visit. If you have time and want to know what all the fuss is about when really fresh mozzarella di bufala is mentioned, then you really need to visit Barlotti Caseficio at Via Torre di Paestum 1 and have a little tasting, best done in early afternoon after that day's batch is produced.

You're less likely to know about the Cilento's other compelling archaeological site, Velia, originally founded by Greeks around 538–535 BC and called Hyele. The name later changed to Ele and then Elea--and it is Elea that you might find on street signs in the Cilento along with Velia.

Velia is an enormous site; it's enclosing walls were around 3 miles long. During my pre-trip research, I was lead to believe there wasn't much to this site, but you start exploring on the plains, then hike up the hillside to discover more and more. On top there is a medieval tower sitting atop a Greek church, shown below. A short hike away is the high gate to the city, called the Rose Gate. Don't miss this site, it's interesting and there are two museums on the site. Plus, you'll get some exercise. Then you can eat more mozzarella.

Velia Visitor Guide

velia cilento

The Best Towns to visit in the Cilento

Agropoli is the largest town, and makes a fine base for exploring the region. From here a 15 minute drive takes you to the celebrated hill town of Castellabate , the primary location of the popular Italian film "Benvenuti al Sud". From the castle ruins of Castellabate the views of the seaside are stunning--and the main piazza is buzzing with cafes, restaurants and a wine bar, despite its diminutive size.

Acciaroli is a very pleasant seaside village. It's another place you might consider for a base. Stay a long while. The place is know for the longevity of its residents. Some 300 centenarians ply the streets and walkways of this little fishing village, and 20 percent of them have reached 110. Hemingway spent his time between books here.

Considering the concentration of healthy, elderly people in the Cilento, you might not be surprised that Ancel Kays set down his anchor in nearby Pioppi and spent 28 years in the little seaside village studying the Mediterranean diet. There is an impressive villa in town, and it houses the Museo Vivo del Mare on the lower level and a museum devoted to Keys' work on the upper level where you can learn about the components and practices that make up the Mediterranean Diet. Keys practiced what he preached; he lived to be over 100.

After Pioppi, you can get off the slightly beaten track and head up the mountain towards Pollica , a larger town and gateway to the small mountain communities that harvest the good things that make local folks a long life. You might just rent an apartment nearby and gather some of these delights. Buffalo mozzarella is everywhere.

Or, you can go to the Pioppi Cafe right on the main thoroughfare and get a light lunch right on the beach, or stay inside and have lunch while you're seated on one of the cafe's two stationary bicycles. The Mediterranean Diet isn't just about eating right, exercise is involved as well.

Acciaroli: The Port

acciaroli port

Policastro , or Policastro Bussentino isn't a blockbuster attraction on the southern coast. It has a fine and very clean beach that attracts European tourists in summer, but the old town has some interesting features nobody seems to be talking about. The city is surrounded by 11th century Norman walls utilizing earlier constructions by the Greeks and Romans, for example. High on the hill, the castle was a Byzantine fortress built in the 6th and 7th centuries.

The church was built on the site of a pagan temple dedicated to Castor and Pollus. It has a 6th century crypt with re-used Roman columns holding it together; it was built over an area previously occupied by the Roman forum. It has a painted wooden ceiling and tile floors reminiscent of a Portuguese church.

There are many small towns in the Cilento to explore like Sapri , near the border with the Basilicata region and the compelling destination of Maratea . Sapri has a Facebook page of things to see and do.

When to Go to The Cilento

Lots of Italians go to the Cilento seaside for summer vacations. The place is very active at that time, but tourist season runs from April through September, so if you're outside that window, many restaurants will be closed. We went in late October, and it was a pleasant time to go as far as the weather, but many restaurants were indeed closed for the season--or just open on weekends. Of course, the restaurants and pizzerias that serve the locals run all year, so you'll have enough eateries to choose from if you do go in off season.

Cilento Lodging Map

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The secret charm of an ancient land that will leave you speechless: the Cilento. 

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Nature, history, good food, hospitality and strong emotions are the essential ingredients for a perfect holiday. In Cilento , one of the most unspoiled areas of Campania , you will find them all generously distributed between amazing coastlines and a mesmerising hinterland. What can you see and do in Cilento? We have rounded up some ideas for you. 

Where is Cilento?

In some ways, this place is still little known to mainstream tourism, but the secret is beginning to crack. And that is a fortune, because this part of Campania stretching from Salerno to the border with Basilicata is an area teeming with history and beauty. Certainly, one of those destinations to keep an eye on for your next holiday. And not just in summer .

With its Magna Grecia archaeological sites, breathtaking beaches, exciting outdoor activities, villages suspended in time and excellent regional cuisine, there are plenty of reasons to visit Cilento all year round .

Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park

Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park

A large portion of the Cilento area is part of the Cilento and Vallo di Diano National Park , a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1998 that also includes the famous archaeological sites of Paestum and Velia and the Certosa di Padula . It ranges from the coastline dotted with some of Italy's most beautiful seaside villages to the Apennines.

Give yourself some days to appreciate the many facets of this wonderful place and visit it in its entirety. Any suggestions? The Cammino di San Nilo and the Via Silente are two excellent alternatives for exploring the Cilento walking or cycling. We wrote on these two itineraries in our article about hikes and routes in Campania . 

tour del cilento

Undoubtedly one of the most suggestive places in Campania, the ancient city of Paestum , represents Cilento's Greek past . Not only the famous three Doric temples (the Basilica of Hera, the Temple of Neptune and the Temple of Athena), the amphitheatre, the domus rich in mosaics and the forum, but also the National Archaeological Museum . The complex houses one of the most valuable archaeological collections in Italy. Among the interesting finds from the excavations is the Tomb of the Diver , a rare example of Greek figurative painting.

Want to make the most of the view on Paestum? In September, you can admire the archaeological area from above during the International Balloon Festival . Also, consider Paestum as a summer destination: the coastline offers long beaches lapped by crystal-clear waters. 

tour del cilento

The blue sea winding its way through a myriad of caves, small inlets and dream beaches makes Palinuro one of the most popular destinations of the Cilento, a place that inevitably rhymes with summer. If you like diving, then you'll certainly love its seabed and underwater caves. Highlights include the Grotta Azzurra and the Grotta del Sangue (Blood Grotto), which you can visit by booking a boat tour. The Baia del Buon Dormire , accessible only by sea, is one of the most enchanting in Cilento. Other seasides you'll cherish are the Saline, Dune and Arco Naturale beaches. 

For your stay, choose a quiet location away from the traffic chaos. Located 3 km from Palinuro, Fattoria Albamarina , with its Malida House residence, is surrounded by olive groves, vineyards and chestnut trees. The ideal place to switch off and relax amidst nature and unique flavours.

Marina di Camerota

Marina di Camerota: what to do and where to stay

Rocky cliffs overlooking the sea, ancient defensive towers, centuries-old olive trees and some of the most beautiful beaches in Italy.  Marina di Camerota is a popular destination for tourists attracted by the spectacular scenery of its jagged coastline that conceals almost tropical sandy stretches accessible by boat or through footpaths. The Sentiero del Mediterraneo takes you to enchanting bays along an unmissable scenic route: the Pozzallo beach , Cala Bianca and the Baia degli Infireschi . Here you will find the old tuna fishery, active until the middle of the 20th century and now a ruin. 

After an intense day of swimming and trekking, fatigue may set in and choosing to stay overnight in the vicinity can be a good strategic choice. La Casa di Paolo is a well-kept boutique hotel in an excellent location, just a short walk from the seaside and the port of Marina di Camerota. 

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Amid the olive groves, vineyards and broom surrounding the green Cilento hills sprouts this small town with its high stone bell tower and sloping-roofed houses facing each other along the narrow streets streaming through the centro storico. 

Orria is a hidden gem in the heart of the Cilento National Park. With few inhabitants but a solid artistic and cultural connotation, it is a village to keep in mind for an authentic and slow experience outside the traditional travel routes. 

The urban network is truly delightful, showcasing a mix of historical landmarks, gorgeous fountains, and religious buildings. Additionally, you can't overlook the imaginative allure of Piano Vetrale, the famous hamlet that has been captivating visitors since the late 1970s. Known for its vibrant and artistic murals adorning the old facades, this charming village is an open-air museum that is both aesthetically pleasing and full of character.

Looking for a unique creative break? Drop by CilentoLab in Via Garibaldi and say hi to Giulia for some fancy jewellery and designer accessories shopping. Furthermore, you'll also discover a fun, creative hub where to try your hand at engaging workshops and taste a glass of wine at sunset while learning to work with clay or paint on glass.

Pisciotta: what to do and where to stay

A hilly town overlooking the enchanting Cilento sea. Pisciotta is a small medieval village waiting to be discovered. Before exploring the borgo, leave your luggage in one of the b&b's dotted around the area. We suggest Santo Mercurio Country House , an elegant country residence that boasts magnificent views from the Santo Mercurio hillside.

The three hamlets of Pisciotta, Marina, Caprioli and Rodio, stretch from the hill to the coastal area. The historic centre is just as you would imagine when you look at the town from a distance: a maze of narrow streets, typical Cilento houses, old craft shops, chapels, small squares and belvederes. Lookout from the one in Piazzetta del Cannone, where the view ranges from the blue of the sea to the green of the olive trees. By the way, taste the oil produced from the local olive, the Pisciottana.

As you stroll through the narrow streets of Pisciotta, you will often be accompanied by friendly four-legged locals: shy and indifferent cats who will silently observe you as you wander. Try to recognise the town's stately buildings, such as Palazzo Marchesale , Palazzo Francia and Palazzo Saulle . The latter houses the MIC - Museo dell'Identità del Cilento (Museum of the Identity of Cilento) and is also one of the three residences that accommodate the guests of La Casa sul Blu , an albergo diffuso (scattered hotel) that stands out for its welcoming character and its view... "on the blue”.

"You can't die here". Cilento, among the places with the highest number of centenarians in the world

Cilento, among the places with the highest number of centenarians in the world

"You can't die here", said Joachim Murat during his visit to the quaint medieval village of Castellabate in 1811. And it seems that the King of Naples had a point. The Cilento is, in fact, a long-lived region , with a high number of people approaching (or exceeding) the century mark. And they do so while boasting enviable health.

Acciaroli , one of the gems of the coast (even Ernest Hemingway is said to have stopped here on several occasions), is particularly famous for the number of super elderly people who live in the characteristic seaside village. This phenomenon is influenced by Cilento's distinctive "vivere bene", a healthy and happy lifestyle supported, among other things, by a healthy diet of genuine, zero-kilometre products. Food . So, what do you eat in the Cilento?   

What to eat in Cilento

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In Battipaglia , the gateway to the Cilento region, you can get your fill of buffalo mozzarella . Its abundant local version (weighing from one kilo upwards), zizzona , owes its name to its unusual shape: as you can easily guess, it undoubtedly resembles a breast.

Ciambotta (or cianfotta) is a traditional fresh and colourful dish rich in vegetables: aubergines, peppers, potatoes and tomatoes, to which is added Cilento PDO extra virgin olive oil and fresh local Cacioricotta cheese. 

Try the tasty first courses, such as lagane with chickpeas and cavatieddi with meat sauce; tempting side dishes such as spicy chickpeas and “ammollicati” artichokes; and the many fish recipes, such as baccalà (cod) alla cilentana. 

To fully experience the fragrances and flavours of the Cilento, always choose authentic places that speak of the environment, its history and traditions. The Enoteca Osteria Perbacco in Pisciotta , a short distance from Naples, Sorrento and the Amalfi Coast, is one of those places where you can make a satisfying full immersion in the gastronomic culture of the place in a warm and welcoming setting.

Project realized with the co-financing of PSR 2014/2020 in Campania - SSL GAL Casacastra Measure 19, Sub-measure 19.2 T.I. 16.3

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We recommend

tour del cilento

Must-see attractions in Cilento Coast

tour del cilento

Paestum's Temples

Very different to Pompeii, Paestum’s ruins are smaller, older, more Greek and – crucially – a lot less overrun. Consequently, it is possible to steal some…

Museo di Paestum

Facing the east side of the ruins, the Museo di Paestum houses a collection of much-weathered metopes (bas-relief friezes). Among these are originals from…

Tempio di Nettuno

Dating from about 450 BC, the limestone Tempio di Nettuno is the largest and best preserved of Paestum's trio of temples; only parts of its inside walls…

Castellabate Beach

Cilento Coast

Santa Maria’s golden sandy beach stretches for around 4km, which equals plenty of towel space on the sand, even in midsummer.

The so-called basilica (a temple to the goddess Hera) is Paestum’s oldest surviving monument. Dating from the middle of the 6th century BC, it’s a…

Spiaggia Palinuro

The town’s main beach stretches for around 4km north of the centre. There is another more sheltered curve of sand abutting Palinuro’s postcard-pretty…

Spiaggia Grande di Acciaroli

Another Cilento stunner, Acciaroli’s main beach has sand, space, a Blue Flag rating and easy access to the historic town at its southern end. Water and…

Tempio di Cerere

Tempio di Cerere (6th century BC) was originally dedicated to Athena and served as a Christian church in medieval times.

tour del cilento

Grotta Azzurra

Although it doesn’t have the hype of its Capri counterpart, Palinuro’s Grotta Azzurra is similarly spectacular, with a brilliant play of light and hue.

Tenuta Vannulo

The first organic producer of bufala (water-buffalo) milk, Tenuta Vannulo is a 10-minute drive from Paestum. It makes its mozzarella exclusively from…


Those frustrated by the dearth of well-marked hiking trails in the Parco Nazionale del Cilento, Vallo di Diano e Alburni should pay a visit to this mini…

Spiaggia Marinella

For a slightly quieter scene than you might find in Palinuro, head southeast of town to Spiaggia Marinella, surrounded by lush banks of greenery. The…

Parco Archeologico di Elea Velia

Founded by the Greeks in the mid-6th century BC, Velia subsequently became a popular resort with wealthy Romans. You can wander around the evocative ruins…

Il Castello

Built by the Byzantines in the 5th century, the castle was strengthened during the Angevin period, the time of the War of the Vespers, which was initially…

Castello dell'Abate

Approached from its coastal sidekick, Santa Maria di Castellabate, the summit of Castellabate is marked by the broad Belvedere di San Costabile, from…

More destinations you need to see

Temple of Athena in Paestum.

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October 5, 2022

The Cilento, Italy's coastal gem south of Rome

Danielle Oteri - writer, art historian, leader of custom itineraries and group tours - is a native New Yorker but grew up with a strong Italian heritage. Danielle was captivated by the many stories her grandma shared with her about her native Cilento and hometown, Capaccio Paestum , where she grew up. When Danielle finally visited the Cilento she was enchanted by it and in many ways felt that she was returning home. Danielle shared her Cilento stories with me and some of her favorite parts of it.

If you're looking for a gorgeous almost tourist-free coastal gem to visit south of Rome and Naples then the Cilento is for you!

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Where is the Cilento?

Here's how Eleonora Baldwin describes the Cilento in her recent Gambero Rosso article: " Cilento is a subregion of Campania located between Paestum and Sapri, on the border with Basilicata. A huge territory, where nature is truly wild, where the population is less than a hundred thousand, and in which rural traditions and a slow, very slow pace of everyday life are carefully preserved. Nature and sea-loving Italy travellers who don’t mind the total absence of designer fashion and yacht slips, will find themselves in a part of southern Italy that has retained its authentic charm through a low profile. Don’t get us wrong, Cilento is packed with historical and archeological destinations, wildly untamed nature and gorgeous beaches. " This article is full of great Cilento information so give it a read when you're planning your Cilento trip. The spectacular Cilento area of Italy is easily accessible if you drive south from Rome towards Naples and just slightly beyond the Amalfi coast. There's no getting away from the fact that the Amalfi Coast is spectacularly beautiful but the Cilento is equally so but without mass tourism. Wandering Italy has lots of useful information about Cilento and points out: " Over 100km of fine beaches, many of them flying the coveted blue flag indicating exceptionally clean water, are ready to embrace your work-suffering body from April to October. "

Cilento map

The Cilento is full of spectacular agricultural sites, most notably the 2800 year-old temples in Paestum .

The Paestum temple in the Cilento

Other special towns to visit in the Cilento are Castellabate, Acciaroli and the port, Agropoli, and Pioppi where Ancel Keys lived for 28 years. Keys is best known for his study of centenarians in Cilento, and the Mediterranean Diet based on the food and lifestyle of the Cilento people. Keys also live to be 100.

Acciairoli port, Cilento

How do you get to the Cilento?

The best way to reach the Cilento is undoubtedly by car. If you fly into Rome you can get a car right at the airport and drive down along the coast. Alternatively take a train from Rome to Salerno and then just outside the station you can pick up a rental car. From there you're about a 30 minute drive from Paestum, the not-to-be-missed Cilento town and temple. Alternatively hire a private driver. In the Cilento area private drivers are plentiful and quite affordable. And of course if you don't feel like exploring the Cilento area on your own you can join one of Danielle Oteri's twice annual tours of the area . Her tours are based at her family property, Borgo la Pietraia , with Cilento day trips from here. Here are all the details you need to know on how to get to the Cilento by car, train, bus, boat and private driver.

How did the Cilento get its name?

" The name Cilento derives from the Latin term "Cis Alentum", meaning on the other side of the Alento, a river that flows entirely through Campania region. It comprises no less than 80 municipalities and 8 mountain communities. "

What are the typical foods of the Cilento?

There's no doubt that the signature Cilento food is buffalo mozzarella cheese. If you've never tasted buffalo milk gelato put it on your bucket list of foods to try in Cilento. Tenuta Vannulo is the best known buffalo mozzarella cheese producer, a certified organic farm with over 600 buffaloes. They offer great tours, tastings, and a shop - also online.

The Tenuta Vannulo buffalo mozzarella producer

Another tasty Cilento cheese is caciocavallo ; sometimes it's hung over a grill while meat is grilling and the caciocavallo drizzles on top.

A freshly-made caciocavallo cheese

The Cilento has fabulous seafood including tender, succulent polipo.

Seafood at Borgo La Pietraia, Capaccio Paestum, Cilento

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There are over a dozen Slow Food Cilento foods you have to try and a great article, Campania: a journey through the flavors, colors and scents of Cilento , details these foods: " The Menaica Anchovies , typical of Marina di Pisciotta and Pollica, are the first Slow Food product in Campania. The name Menaica comes from the type of fishing that respects the environment. Freshly caught or seasoned in salt, they are a real treat. The White Artichoke of Pertosa is typical of the hilly town of Vallo di Diano -also famous for the Caves of Pertosa- and in the surrounding areas including the towns of Auletta, Caggiano Pertosa, and Salvitelle. Among the products most closely linked to Cilento, we find Goat Cacioricotta cheese . It is the product of the pasture of an autochthonous species, called Cilentana goat or Cilento goat, and it is made through two different processing techniques, that of cacio (cheese) and that of ricotta cheese, hence the name. The cheese, in its fresh, semi-seasoned, or seasoned version, is produced in the whole territory of Cilento. Cicerale Chickpea is a legume coming from western Asia, however, it has had good luck in the municipality of Cicerale. These are organic chickpeas, cultivated without the use of additives or chemicals and, above all, without any kind of irrigation. Casalbuono Beans , whose ancient origins date back to the fourteenth century AD, represent another typical product and a delicacy of Cilento. In the area of cultivation, precisely Casalbuono, there are seven varieties of beans. Controne Beans , cultivated in the municipality of Controne, come from very fertile soils rich in carbonates and grow thanks to the numerous aquifers on the massif of the Alburni mountains. The Fagiolo della Regina di Gorga , another kind of beans with their properties and unmistakable sweet taste. It is a very ancient variety of white climbing bean cultivated in Gorga, a hamlet of the municipality of Stio. In chronological order, it is the latest arrival among the Slow Food products of Cilento. The Fico monnato of Prignano Cilento is another product that has its origins in the ancient peasant tradition. The term "monnato", which is peeled, derives from the fact that the Fico Bianco del Cilento (White Fig of Cilento) is peeled and dried. It is produced in Prignano Cilento, Ogliastro, Agropoli and Torchiara. The Fusillo di Felitto is a type of pasta, a sort of hollow cylinder of pasta that can be tasted during the famous Fusillo Festival which takes place in the town of Felitto in the second decade of August. Made with eggs, flour, salt, water, olive oil, it differs from the traditional fusillo from Cilento both for the type of processing and for the length of the pasta (about 20 cm). The Maracuoccio di Lentiscosa or Maracuoccjo , produced in Lentiscosa in the municipality of Camerota, is a small legume similar to a pea characterized by its squared shape and by a bitterish aftertaste. Used to cook the traditional local dish called maracucciata, it is a legume having an ancient tradition too. The Mozzarella in Mortella is a fresh cheese originating from mount Gelbison and Novi Velia. Actually, it is not a real mozzarella but a fresh caciocavallo cheese, wrapped in myrtle leaves, mortella in Cilento dialect. A plant used since ancient times, it preserves freshness and gives the cheese special and unmistakable aromatic notes. Produced throughout the Cilento area. The Olive ammaccate del Cilento are known as a Slow Food product with the name of Oliva salella ammaccata del Cilento. They are "ammaccate, that is bruised, crushed one by one with a sea stone, pitted and immersed in water. After passed into a brine solution, they are used for preserved products in oil. They are produced all over Cilento. The Salsiccia e soppressata del Vallo di Diano (sausage and soppressata, a typical kind of dry salami), produced for hundreds of years, is famous for its deliciousness and the excellent quality of the meat used to make this sausage. It is produced in the whole Vallo di Diano. The Soppressata di Gioi is the only salami from Campania to be "lardellato" (larded), that is, with a strip of lard inside. This "strand" of lard is as long as the whole soppressata: indescribable goodness. Produced in Gioi, Cardile, Salento, Stio, Gorga, Orria and Piano Vetrale. "

More about some of the food & culture of southern Italy and Cilento

Ferretti pasta , a southern Italian eggless pasta Basilicata, Italy's undiscovered region , shares coastline with the Cilento Caciocavallo cheese is also produced in the tiny Molise region All about buffalo mozzarella cheese

How buffalo mozzarella is made in Italy

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tour del cilento

Tour Parco Nazionale del Cilento

Tour nel parco nazionale del cilento in giro tra templi, grotte e oasi – 4 giorni e 3 notti, giorno 1 – agropoli.

Prima colazione in hotel. e partenza per l”escursione al borgo antico di Agropoli, con le sue viuzze e le chiesette caratteristiche e con il Castello. Unico perché sorge su un promontorio a picco sul mare, da cui si ha una vista estremamente panoramica ed emozionante.  In serata cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 2 – Paestum e Castellabate

Prima colazione in hotel. Partenza per Paestum con visita ad un rinomato caseificio della zona per assistere alla produzione della pregiata mozzarella di bufala campana DOP. Si potrà osservare le varie fasi di lavorazione e come dal latte si giunge alla mozzarella. degustazione all’interno del caseificio con i prodotti del “casaro”. A seguire visita guidata degli scavi e del museo archeologico nazionale. I templi greci, una enorme area archeologica con tante testimonianze dell’età greca. Presso il museo nazionale si visiteranno le varie sale con la famosissima “tomba del tuffatore” primo esempio della storia della pittura a colori. Nel pomeriggio escursione a Castellabate, incantevole centro storico, PATRIMONIO “uNESCO”, divenuto famoso al grande pubblico per essere stato il set del film “Benvenuti al Sud”. In serata cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 3 – La Certosa di Padula e le Grotte di Pertosa

Colazione in hotel. Escursione allegrotte di Pertosa, abitate in epoca preistorica, si diramano come tentacoli formando una serie di innumerevoli bracci estremamente suggestivi. Unico sito speleologico in Europa dove è possibile navigare un fiume sotterraneo ,  addentrandosi verso il cuore della montagna. Il fiume Negro nasce in profondità e vi offre un affascinante ed inconsueto viaggio in barca, immersi in un silenzio magico, 

Nel pomeriggio escursione alla Certosa di Padula. La Certosa di San Lorenzo a Padula è un luogo  affascinante, ricco di storia e di intensa spiritualità. La Certosa è stata, nel 1998, dichiarata  dall’UNESCO Patrimonio dell’Umanità, e nel 2002 è stata inserita dalla Regione Campania nel  novero dei Grandi Attrattori Culturali. L’impianto architettonico della Certosa di Padula, si  divide in due zone: nella prima rientrano  i luoghi di lavoro; la seconda, invece, è la zona di  residenza dei monaci. Scopriremo un luogo tra i più importanti al mondo.

In serata cena e pernottamento in hotel.

Giorno 4 – Oasi Fiume Alento

Colazione in hotel. Escursione all’Oasi Fiume Alento, situata nel cuore del Parco Nazionale del Cilento e Vallo di Diano, con un’estensione di 3.024 ettari. Nel complesso è presente una diga in terra che, sbarrando il corso del fiume, origina un lago artificiale di circa 1,7 kmq. Lungo la sponda destra del corso d’acqua si sviluppa l’Oasi naturalistica. Il giro in battello sul lago artificiale consentirà di osservare da un’altra prospettiva il complesso della diga e del paesaggio naturale. Partenza per il rientro.

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tour del cilento

An Insider's Guide to Cilento


Even though many foreign visitors (as well as Italians) still mistake it for Salento – the likewise beautiful area in Apulia region famous for its sandy beaches - Cilento deserves to be acknowledged for its own unique values.

Originating by the Latin word Cis Alentum (“on this side of the Alento”), the name of the charming area in the southern part of Campania region indicates that historically its boundaries have been mainly set by waters: the Tyrrenian sea on the coast, mostly made of pebbly beaches and spectacular rocky cliffs; and the Bussento and Alento rivers on the sides. The sharp mountain chain of the Alburni at its back, with its arduous passes, contributed to keeping the area isolated and pristine.

Today it’s generally typical to call it "Cilento,” also the area north of the Alento river. This includes the lively village of Agropoli and Capaccio , famous for the interesting archeological area of Paestum – with its stunning Greek temples – and of course for the delicious Mozzarella di Bufala Campana Dop .

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Yet the whole area extending from this point down to the southern border of the region, giving way to the short Basilicata’s coast and then to Calabria, is rich in natural beauties, historical sites, picturesque mountain hamlets and seaside towns and typical products and recipes. The area is also part of the Cilento and the Vallo di Diano National Park , and enlisted in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites since 1998.

It is not by chance that the US biologist Ancel Keys chose to live here the last years of his long lives, developing the famous Mediterranean Diet – the set of nutritional recommendations based on the dietary patterns of Southern Italy and other Mediterranean areas – observing the local food habits based on simple, seasonal and delicious products such as fish, vegetables, beans and olive oil.

Beaches and coves

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The jagged coastline situated between the gulfs of Salerno and Policastro is rich in marine life as well as in great places for a swim. Many of its beaches and coves deserve the Bandiera Blu acknowledgment which certifies the cleanliness of local waters, thus resulting one of the most awarded coastal areas of the whole Tyrrhenian Coast .

While in the northern stretch of coast there are mostly sandy beaches such as Trentova or Ascea , the southern one is characterized by many stunning bays, inlets and marine caves. Dreamy, pebbly beaches such as Cala Bianca or Cala d’Arconte are only accessible by boat, as well as the wonderful cove of the Infreschi , not far from the lovely sea village of Scario and part of the eponymous Natural Protected Marine Area.

tour del cilento

Picturesque hamlets and fishermen’s villages

tour del cilento

Along the Cilento coast it’s easy to find a number of peaceful and welcoming seaside towns where life moves a little quieter just like the lapping waters of their small harbors.

Castellammare is a lovely hamlet perched on a hill overlooking the sea and five small marinas, including the beautiful Licosa with its sandy beach.

Acciaroli is a placid fishermen’s village , which gets definitely livelier at summer when many tourists crowd its alleys and little squares. The upper part of the town – called Pollica – is a pretty medieval hamlet with charming period buildings. Pioppi – where Ancel Keys set his residence – is a tiny maritime district of Pollica which still keeps the slow paced rhythm and genuine habits of the past. Here it is possible to visit the interesting MuSEA-Museo Vivo del Mare dedicated to the local maritime fauna, and the Eco-Museum of the Mediterranean Diet, both hosted in the beautiful Vinciprova Castle . We already mentioned Scario , with its cozy marina packed with restaurants, trattorias and cafes.


Yet, also the inner areas of the region are full of beautiful places to be discovered. Teggiano for example, whose medieval center is also enlisted to the UNESCO Heritage, is a picturesque hamlet perched on a spur of Mount Serra di Campo Soprano , probably dating back to the Greek colony of Tegea. Overlooking the entire Diano valley, its castle had a pivotal strategic role for the noble Sanseverino family. Every summer, the hamlet hosts the beautiful medieval reenactment of the Princess Costance’s wedding.

Roscigno Vecchia is nowadays almost abandoned and remains part of a mountain village: while the majority of the local inhabitants migrated or moved to the newer village, only mr. Giuseppe Spagnuolo chose to stay here as a guardian of the charming “ghost town”.

tour del cilento

Wild, charming nature

Just like the coast is rich with spectacular caves and cliffs, also the inland here has plenty of places where Nature shows its (often pointy) charms: the spellbinding Pertosa caves are a karst tourist cave system not far from the eponymous village of Pertosa (famous for the exquisite local artichokes), close to the inner border with Basilicata. Widely extending in the underground of the eastern side of Alburni mountains , the caves were likely carved by the waters of the near Tanagro river; as a matter of fact, there still is a river flowing through the caves and forming a navigable underground lake.

In the hearth of the National Park, near the village of Felitto – where the traditional, long-shaped handmade fusilli pasta is the gastronomic emblem – the scenic Gole del Calore are a set of five deep gorges carved out by the Calore river and characterized by precipices, caves and old bridges. The forth one, named Remolino, is an ideal starting point for a beautiful trek – even horseback -, for canyoning or for a nice canoe ride or paddleboat tour .

Historical and archeological treasures

Cilento’s history dates back to the ancient Greek colonies of Magna Graecia and in the entire area there are still many evidences of it. Beside the already mentioned, unmissable archeological park of Paestum – also including an interesting museum -, the beautiful site of the ancient Greek town of Elea-Velia is located near the seaside resort of Ascea Marina, is well worth a visit, too.

Of more recent origin is the grandiose Certosa di Padula (Padula Charterhouse) , part of the UNESCO World Heritage List. Founded by Tommaso di San Severino in 1306 on the site of an earlier monastery, this is a large, mostly baroque-style building with beautiful cloisters, chapels and impressive scagliola (stucco) decorations. In the countryside of Pattano, a small village near Vallo della Lucania, the evocative ruins of an ancient Italo-Greek abbey stand beside the tiny chapel devoted to Philadelphus, a martyr saint whose life is narrated in what remains if the stunning byzantine frescoes.

Basilian monks - following the rule of Saint Basil the Great, later adopted by the Eastern Orthodox Church - left signs of their presence here, too, such as the beautiful chapel of St. Mary of the Martyrs in Lentiscosa and the cenoby (religious residence) in San Giovanni a Piro.

Healthy and tasty flavors

Fish, beans, dairies, vegetables, fruit, extra virgin olive oil, wine. The staples of Cilento’s culinary tradition – once considered humble foods, today much cherished – perfectly match the Mediterranean Diet guidelines. The delicious menaica anchovies (from the name of the special net used to fish them) of the gulf of Pisciotta are eaten both preserved or fresh, in many local recipes such as the alici inchiappate , stuffed with local mature cheese, eggs, garlic and parsley, fried and then cooked in tomato sauce. Try them and many other excellent dishes at Angiolina , a lovely fish trattoria facing over the sea.

While the best Buffalo Mozzarella comes from Paestum and Battipaglia , in the southern areas of Cilento you can find the tasty “mozzarella nella mortella”: a dryer cow’s milk mozzarella wrapped up with myrtle leaves to keep it fresh. In the inlands many rare varieties of beans are grown, such as the delicious chickpeas of Cicerale: go visit Giovanna Voria at the Corbella farmhouse to taste them in many different recipes.

The sweet and tasty local white figs are eaten both fresh, in season, and dried, especially as a Christmas delicacy.

Yet, over the last years also two more foods became very popular in Cilento : pizza and gelato.

You will find many good examples of an interesting mix between the traditional, thin local pizza and the glorious, softer Neapolitan Pizza dough topped with typical products, made by young pizzaioli such as Angelo Rumolo at Grotto Pizzeria Castello in Caggiano, Paolo De Simone at Da Zero in Vallo della Lucania and Valentino Tafuri at Pizzeria 3Voglie in Battipaglia.

Hidden in the newest part of Torchiara , a secluded village up on the hills not far from Paestum, the Antica Gelateria Di Matteo is the place to go to eat the wonderful ice-cream and slushes made by Raffaele Del Verme, from the exotic cocoa varieties to local fruits such as mulberries and figs.

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if you prefer to stay by the sea, head to Crivella , the ice-cream parlor on the seafront of the welcoming sea resort town of Sapri, at the far end of Campania region. Established by Enzo Crivella – a true ambassador of Cilento’s flavors – it is a homage to his father’s memory, the first ice-cream peddler of the area.

Mostly using local and organic ingredients, Enzo’s ice-cream is taking Cilento’s reputation well beyond the region’s borders.

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Day 2 (part 2). Via Silente: Castellabate/Vatolla

Day 3. via silente: vatolla/stio (con volo d’angelo), day 4. via silente: stio/petina, day 5. via silente: petina/corleto monforte.

by Alessandra Granaudo

Day 6. Via Silente: Corleto Monforte/Sala Consilina ☔️

Day 7 (part 1). via silente: sala consilina/sanza.

Didn't you do it in Teggiano and Monte Cervati?

Day 7 (part 2). Via Silente: Sanza/Tortorella ☔️

Day 8. via silente: tortorella/san giovanni a piro ☔️, day 9. via silente: san giovanni a piro/marina di camerota 🏖️, day 10. via silente: marina di camerota/velina 🏖️, like this collection.

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Collection Stats

  • Distance 282 mi
  • Duration 39:21 h
  • Elevation 27,100 ft

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tour del cilento

12 things to do in Cilento, Campania’s untouched gem

By Staff | November 7, 2018

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The region of Campania holds classic treasures like the Palace of Caserta and archeological sites such as Pompeii and Herculaneum. Seductive resorts like Amalfi and the island of Capri attract visitors from all over the world, but the Cilento Coast of Campania has remained one of Italy’s best-kept secrets.

The Cilento coastline stretches south of Salerno from the towns of Capaccio Scalo to Scario, encompassing the Cilento National Park of the Diano Valley.

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Comfortable being the Amalfi Coast’s quiet neighbor, Cilento keeps its doors open but hidden. The people are unpretentious and genuine. The untouched natural landscape and ancient history offer the curious traveler an authentic Italy experience.

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Here are twelve ways to discover the richness and beauty of the Cilento Coast:

Stroll the lanes of a medieval village  Castellabate Il Borgo is a 12th century village surrounding the Abate Castle overlooking the crystalline blue waters of the Mediterranean. Once the most important domain in Cilento, it was a beacon of commerce and culture. The walls and structure of the city remain intact and the 900 residents proudly maintain the villas and gardens. It is so well kept, that it has been listed in the Italy Touring Club guide I Borghi Più Belli d’Italia (The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy).

P Eat from “the Garden of Italy”  Go back in time to ancient Greece  Upon discovery in the late 1700s, behind an overgrown forest of trees and bushes, Paestum quickly became a major landmark for anyone doing a grand tour of Italy and Europe. Today it is a recognized UNESCO Heritage site and must-see destination while visiting Cilento. The small town center is a charming collection of ancient houses, modern cafés, pizzerias, shops, the archeological museum and St. Annunziata, a beautiful ancient church dating back to the 5th century.

Cilento is known as the “Garden of Italy” for its rich agriculture. Cilento boasts the largest tomato crops in Italy and the dairy farms produce the highest quality milks, creams and cheeses; in particular mozzarella di bufala  (buffalo milk mozzarella cheese).  Olive trees, hot pepper  and  wine  grapes also grow abundantly here. The  Cilento National Park of the Diano Valley is a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Watch a fiery sunset   The summer sun sets over the Cilento Coast in layers of red and orange. Perched up on the hill, the best viewpoint is from the small family run restaurant La Civetta in Agropoli. Their westward terrace overlooks the valley and sea, a view framed in beauty and peace. The food is definitely worth staying for; everything is homemade and lovingly prepared by Mamma Alfonsina.

tour del cilento

Lounge on the cleanest beaches in Italy  Unlike other rocky coastlines of Italy, the beaches of Cilento are long and wide stretches of light, powdery sand. This year, 12 communities were awarded the prestigious Bandiera Blu, the blue flag which marks the most environmentally friendly beaches in Italy. The beaches of Cilento that were awarded the Blue Flag are Agropoli, Capaccio Paestum, Castellabate, Montecorice (Agnone and Capitello), Pollica (Acciaroli and Pioppi),  Casal Velino, Ascea, Pisciotta, Centola-Palinuro, Vibonati-Villammare, Sapri and San Mauro.

Stay in a five star farmhouse  “Luxury farmhouse” seems like a paradox, but that is exactly what Il Rifugio at the Pinelli Estate is. This 300-year-old farmhouse overlooking the hills of Cilento Wine Country was transformed into a vacation rental with full catering chef service, an infinity pool and use of a private motor yacht. Fresh fruit and vegetables come straight from the garden and their debut wine is perfect for happy hour on the veranda.

Roam with the buffalo  The Campania region is famous for its casefici (dairy farms) which make fresh buffalo mozzarella. There are many small producers in the region and you can stop at any one of them and get fresh cheese right from the farm. Vanullo Caseficio in Capaccio is one of the most well-known and respected buffalo dairy farms in the area. They use organic fodder, homeopathic treatments and the buffalo get a brush and shower massage every day. They make mozzarella, yogurt and even buffalo milk ice-cream. Visitors can visit the buffalo pens, watch the production, visit the museum of antique farm equipment and, of course, taste freshly made specialties.

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Drink from the source  In the late 70s Lorenzo Marino left his job as a land surveyor to follow his passion for wine cultivation. His small vineyard now has over 4000 vines producing Proclamo, an intense red wine and Cellaia, a fragrant and fruity white wine. Today with the help of his sons who now run the family business, they only use organic methods and DOP, la denominazione di origine protetta, wine grapes. Visitors are welcome to stroll the vineyard and stay for tastings at the cellar. La vendemmia, wine harvest season at the end of summer, is a fun time with grape picking, stomping and celebrations.

Fly across the valley   For the adrenaline addicted, the Cilento In Volo Zipline extends across the valley in the hills of Trentinara. After being strapped into a safety harness and helmet, you fly across the valley at a speed of up to 120 kilometers per hour (75 mph)! Romantic daredevils can soar together on a double harness.

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Explore the caves of Cape Palinuro  Palinuro is a rocky promontory with white beaches, seaside towns and mysterious caves that are only accessible by sea. In total, there are 32 caves and each cave has something special about it. Grotta Azzurra (the Blue Cave) has a bright blue color reflecting the sunlight. Grotta dei Monaci (the Monks Cave) has dark brown stalagmites that look like praying monks. There are many more, such as Grotta del Presepe, (the Cave of the Nativity), Grotta Preistorica della Cava (Prehistoric Cave della Cava), Grotta d’Argento (the Silver Cave) and Grotta del Sangue (the Blood Cave). The international scientific community studies and monitors this unique geological and ecological treasure.

Climb the highest mountain in Campania   Mount Cervatti, located in the Cilento National Park of the Diano Valley, reaches a height of 1,899 meters (6,230 ft.) To reach the summit, the AVCA trail (Alta Via del Cervati e degli Alburni), is the historical pilgrimage trail to the Sanctuary of the Madonna della Neve (dedicated to Our Lady of the Snow) found at 1,852 meters (6,082 ft.) Although it is a popular hike, it is best to use caution and find a local guide.

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Learn the secret of living to 100  In the town of Acciaroli, one third of the population live to over 100 years of age, some even to 110! Considered a quiet fishing village where not much happens, the town has an unusual number of centenarians. A study by Dr. Alan Maisen, a cardiologist from the University of San Diego, found that the Acciaroli diet of fresh fish, in particular blue fish and anchovies, was the key to longevity.

The Cilento Coast has everything from lazy seaside villages to ancient treasures to natural parks and stunning landscapes. Definitely a destination to add to your next Southern Italy itinerary.

La Campania conserva tesori classici come la Reggia di Caserta e siti archeologici come Pompei ed Ercolano. Luoghi seducenti, come Amalfi e l’isola di Capri, attraggono visitatori da tutto il mondo, ma la costa campana del Cilento è rimasta uno dei segreti meglio custoditi d’Italia. La costa cilentana, a sud di Salerno, va dal paese di Capaccio Scalo a Scario, abbracciando il Parco Nazionale del Cilento Vallo di Diano.

Tranquillo vicino di casa della Costiera Amalfitana, il Cilento tiene aperte ma nascoste le sue porte. La gente è semplice e genuina. Il paesaggio naturale incontaminato e la storia antica offrono al viaggiatore curioso un’esperienza autentica dell’Italia.

Qui ci sono dodici modi per scoprire la ricchezza e la bellezza della Costa del Cilento:

Passeggia tra le viuzze di un borgo medievale   Castellabate Il Borgo è un villaggio del 12° secolo che circonda il Castello Abate affacciandosi sulle cristalline acque azzurre del Mediterraneo. Una volta il più importante il dominio nel Cilento, fu un faro di commercio e cultura. Le mura e la struttura urbana sono intatti e i 900 residenti con orgoglio mantengono ville e giardini. E’ così ben tenuto che è stato inserito nella guida italiana del Touring Club de I Borghi più belli d’Italia.

Torna indietro nel tempo all’antica Grecia   Scoperta alla fine del 1700, nascosta in una foresta di alberi e cespugli, Paestum è rapidamente diventato un importante punto di riferimento per chiunque faccia un grand tour d’Italia e d’Europa. Oggi è un sito riconosciuto patrimonio dell’UNESCO e una destinazione da non perdere durante la visita del Cilento. Il piccolo centro cittadino è una collezione affascinante di antiche case, bar moderni, pizzerie, negozi, il Museo Archeologico e S. Annunziata, una bella chiesa antica risalente al 5° secolo.

Mangia dal “Giardino d’Italia”   Il Cilento è noto come il “Giardino d’Italia” per la sua ricca agricoltura. Il Cilento vanta la più vasta coltivazione del pomodoro in Italia e le aziende lattiero-casearie producono latte, panna e formaggi della più alta qualità; in particolare la mozzarella di bufala. Anche qui ulivi, peperoncino e uva da vino crescono in abbondanza. Il Parco Nazionale del Cilento della Valle di Diano è patrimonio mondiale dell’UNESCO.

Ammira un tramonto infuocato   Il sole estivo tramonta sulla costa del Cilento in strati di rosso e arancione. Arroccato sulla collina, il miglior punto di osservazione è dal piccolo ristorante a conduzione familiare La Civetta di Agropoli. La loro terrazza verso ovest si affaccia sulla valle e sul mare, un panorama incorniciato dalla bellezza e dalla pace. Il cibo è un’ottima ragione per restare; tutto è fatto in casa e preparato con amore da Mamma Alfonsina.

Rilassati sulle spiagge più pulite d’Italia  A differenza di altre coste rocciose d’Italia, le spiagge del Cilento sono lunghe e larghe distese di sabbia chiara e polverosa. Quest’anno a 12 comunità è stata assegnata la prestigiosa Bandiera Blu, che contraddistingue le spiagge più eco friendly d’Italia. Le spiagge del Cilento che hanno ottenuto la Bandiera Blu sono: Agropoli, Capaccio Paestum, Castellabate, Montecorice (Agnone e Capitello) Pollica (Acciaroli e Pioppi), Casal Velino, Ascea, Pisciotta, Centola-Palinuro, Vibonati-Villammare, Sapri e San Mauro.

Soggiorna in un agriturismo a cinque stelle  “Luxury Agriturismo” sembra un paradosso, ma questo è esattamente ciò che è Il Rifugio The Pinelli Estate. Questa casa colonica di 300 anni con vista sulle colline vinicole del Cilento è stata trasformata in una tenuta di vacanza che si affitta con servizio di catering completo, una piscina a sfioro e l’uso di uno yacht a motore privato. Frutta fresca e verdure arrivano direttamente dal giardino e il loro vino novello è perfetto per l’happy hour in veranda.

In giro con le bufale  La regione Campania è famosa per i suoi caseifici che producono mozzarella di bufala fresca. Ci sono molti piccoli produttori nella regione e puoi fermarti in uno di questi e prendere del formaggio fresco direttamente dalla fattoria. Vanullo Caseficio a Capaccio è una delle più note e rispettate aziende lattiero-casearie nell’area della mozzarella di bufala. Usano foraggio biologico, trattamenti omeopatici e le bufale sono lavate e spazzolate ogni giorno. Producono mozzarella, yogurt e persino gelato al latte di bufala. I visitatori possono visitare le stalle delle bufale, assistere alla lavorazione, visitare il museo delle antiche attrezzature agricole e, naturalmente, gustare specialità appena prodotte.

Bevi alla fonte  Alla fine degli anni ‘70 Lorenzo Marino lasciò il suo lavoro di agrimensore per seguire la sua passione per la produzione del vino. Il suo piccolo vigneto ora ha oltre 4000 vitigni che producono Proclamo, un vino rosso intenso, e Cellaia, un vino bianco profumato e fruttato. Oggi con l’aiuto dei suoi figli, che ora gestiscono l’azienda di famiglia, usano solo metodi biologici e uva da vino DOP, la denominazione di origine protetta. I visitatori sono invitati a passeggiare nel vigneto e a rimanere in cantina per le degustazioni. La vendemmia, la stagione del raccolto alla fine dell’estate, è un momento divertente con la raccolta delle uve, la spremitura e le celebrazioni.

Vola attraverso la valle  Per chi vive di adrenalina, la Zipline del Cilento In Volo si estende nella valle tra le colline di Trentinara. Dopo essere stati allacciati dentro un’imbracatura di sicurezza e con un casco, si vola attraverso la valle ad una velocità di 120 chilometri all’ora (75 mph)! I temerari romantici possono volare insieme su una doppia imbracatura.

Esplora le grotte di Capo Palinuro   Palinuro è un promontorio roccioso con spiagge bianche, città di mare e grotte misteriose accessibili solo via mare. In totale, ci sono 32 caverne e ogni grotta ha qualcosa di speciale. La Grotta Azzurra ha un colore blu brillante che riflette la luce del sole. La Grotta dei Monaci ha stalagmiti marrone scuro che sembrano monaci in preghiera. Ce ne sono molte di più, come la Grotta del Presepe, la Grotta Preistorica della Cava, la Grotta d’Argento e la Grotta del Sangue. La comunità scientifica internazionale studia e monitora questo straordinario tesoro geologico ed ecologico.

Sali sulla montagna più alta della Campania   Monte Cervatti, situato nel Parco Nazionale del Cilento del Vallo di Diano, raggiunge un’altezza di 1.899 metri (6.230 piedi). Per raggiungere la vetta, il sentiero ACLS (Alta Via del Cervati e degli Alburni), è il sentiero di pellegrinaggio storico al Santuario della Madonna della neve (dedicato alla Madonna della neve) che si trova alla 1.852 metri (6.082 ft.). Anche se è una passeggiata popolare, è meglio avere cautela e trovare una guida locale.

Scopri il segreto di vivere fino a 100 anni  Nella città di Acciaroli, un terzo della popolazione vive più di 100 anni, alcuni addirittura fino a 110! Considerato un tranquillo villaggio di pescatori dove non succede molto, la città ha un numero insolito di centenari. Uno studio condotto dal Dr. Alan Maisen, un cardiologo presso l’Università di San Diego, ha scoperto che la dieta di Acciaroli a base di pesce fresco, in particolare, pesce azzurro e acciughe, è il segreto della longevità.

La Costa del Cilento offre di tutto, dai tranquilli villaggi costieri agli antichi tesori, ai parchi naturali e ai paesaggi mozzafiato. Sicuramente è una destinazione da aggiungere al tuo prossimo itinerario nel Sud Italia.

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635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment

635-й зенитно-ракетный полк

Military Unit: 86646

Activated 1953 in Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast - initially as the 1945th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Regiment for Special Use and from 1955 as the 635th Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment for Special Use.

1953 to 1984 equipped with 60 S-25 (SA-1) launchers:

  • Launch area: 55 15 43N, 38 32 13E (US designation: Moscow SAM site E14-1)
  • Support area: 55 16 50N, 38 32 28E
  • Guidance area: 55 16 31N, 38 30 38E

1984 converted to the S-300PT (SA-10) with three independent battalions:

  • 1st independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Bessonovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 09 34N, 38 22 26E
  • 2nd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion and HQ (Stepanshchino, Moscow Oblast) - 55 15 31N, 38 32 23E
  • 3rd independent Anti-Aircraft Missile Battalion (Shcherbovo, Moscow Oblast) - 55 22 32N, 38 43 33E

Disbanded 1.5.98.


  • 1st Special Air Defence Corps , 1953 - 1.6.88
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.6.88 - 1.10.94
  • 86th Air Defence Brigade , 1.10.94 - 1.10.95
  • 86th Air Defence Division , 1.10.95 - 1.5.98


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Out of the Centre

Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

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Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

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To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

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Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

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The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

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At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

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The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

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Gagarin cup (khl) finals:  atlant moscow oblast vs. salavat yulaev ufa.

Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final.  While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.  Just reaching the Finals is a testament to Atlant's disciplined style of play, as they had to knock off much more high profile teams from Yaroslavl and St. Petersburg to do so.  But while they did finish 8th in the league in points, they haven't seen the likes of Ufa, who finished 2nd. 

This series will be a challenge for the underdog, because unlike some of the other KHL teams, Ufa's top players are generally younger and in their prime.  Only Proshkin amongst regular blueliners is over 30, with the work being shared by Kirill Koltsov (28), Andrei Kuteikin (26), Miroslav Blatak (28), Maxim Kondratiev (28) and Dmitri Kalinin (30).  Oleg Tverdovsky hasn't played a lot in the playoffs to date.  Up front, while led by a fairly young top line (24-27), Ufa does have a lot of veterans in support roles:  Vyacheslav Kozlov , Viktor Kozlov , Vladimir Antipov, Sergei Zinovyev and Petr Schastlivy are all over 30.  In fact, the names of all their forwards are familiar to international and NHL fans:  Robert Nilsson , Alexander Svitov, Oleg Saprykin and Jakub Klepis round out the group, all former NHL players.

For Atlant, their veteran roster, with only one of their top six D under the age of 30 (and no top forwards under 30, either), this might be their one shot at a championship.  The team has never won either a Russian Superleague title or the Gagarin Cup, and for players like former NHLer Oleg Petrov, this is probably the last shot at the KHL's top prize.  The team got three extra days rest by winning their Conference Final in six games, and they probably needed to use it.  Atlant does have younger regulars on their roster, but they generally only play a few shifts per game, if that. 

The low event style of game for Atlant probably suits them well, but I don't know how they can manage to keep up against Ufa's speed, skill, and depth.  There is no advantage to be seen in goal, with Erik Ersberg and Konstantin Barulin posting almost identical numbers, and even in terms of recent playoff experience Ufa has them beat.  Luckily for Atlant, Ufa isn't that far away from the Moscow region, so travel shouldn't play a major role. 

I'm predicting that Ufa, winners of the last Superleague title back in 2008, will become the second team to win the Gagarin Cup, and will prevail in five games.  They have a seriously well built team that would honestly compete in the NHL.  They represent the potential of the league, while Atlant represents closer to the reality, as a team full of players who played themselves out of the NHL. 

  • Atlant @ Ufa, Friday Apr 8 (3:00 PM CET/10:00 PM EST)
  • Atlant @ Ufa, Sunday Apr 10 (1:00 PM CET/8:00 AM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Tuesday Apr 12 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)
  • Ufa @ Atlant, Thursday Apr 14 (5:30 PM CET/12:30 PM EST)

Games 5-7 are as yet unscheduled, but every second day is the KHL standard, so expect Game 5 to be on Saturday, like an early start. 

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  23. Gagarin Cup Preview: Atlant vs. Salavat Yulaev

    Much like the Elitserien Finals, we have a bit of an offense vs. defense match-up in this league Final. While Ufa let their star top line of Alexander Radulov, Patrick Thoresen and Igor Grigorenko loose on the KHL's Western Conference, Mytischi played a more conservative style, relying on veterans such as former NHLers Jan Bulis, Oleg Petrov, and Jaroslav Obsut.