Vinyl Waller

Comprendre les formats des vinyles - guide pratique pour les débutants

33 tours, 45 tours, ep, 12 pouces, lp, single ....

Vous faites vos débuts dans l'univers du vinyle et vous éprouvez des difficultés à comprendre à quoi ces dénominations font référence. Cet article est pour vous.

Formats les plus fréquents :

Vinyle 33 tours (33rpm) = 12 pouces (inch) = album = LP = diamètre 30 cm

Vinyle 45 tours (45rpm) = 7 pouces (inch) = SP = diamètre 17,8 cm

Formats vinyles les plus fréquents - Most frequent vinyl formats

Globalement :

Dans une pochette de 30 cm, vous trouverez :.

le plus souvent un album 33 tours ou LP, avec des faces durant 20 à 30 minutes chacune.

parfois un maxi 45 tours ou maxi single ou EP avec un titre sur chaque face d’une durée de 10 à 12 minutes.

Dans une pochette de vinyle de 30 cm - In a 30 cm vinyl cover

Dans une pochette de 17 -18 centimètres, vous trouverez un 45 tours :

le plus souvent un SP ou Single avec un titre par face.

plus rarement un Super 45 tours ou EP avec 2 titres par face.

2 types de vinyles 45 tours : le Single et le Super 45 tours

Plus en détails

Plusieurs lexiques se superposent et brouillent les pistes.

Les appellations en pouces indiquent les dimensions :

  • 7 pouces désigne un vinyle au diamètre de 17,78 centimètres.
  • 10 pouces désigne un vinyle au diamètre de 25,4 centimètres.
  • 12 pouces désigne un vinyle au diamètre de 30,48 centimètres.

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Les appellations en tours indiquent la vitesse de rotation :

33 tours ou 33 rpm* :.

*tours = rpm en anglais = revolution per minute

Quelques spécificités des 33 tours :

  • Les gatefold albums sont des albums dont la pochette s’ouvre en deux comme un livre. Il existe aussi des doubles, des triples albums et des coffrets.

Différents vinyles 33 tours : gatefold, double-album et Lp

Quelques exceptions

45 tours ou 45 rpm* :.

  • S’ils sont de petite taille 7 pouces ou 17,8 cm, ils présentent un gros trou au milieu car ils ont été initialement créés pour les Juke-Box. La plage d’écoute est d’environ 5 à 6 minutes. On distingue :

Le single ou SP « Single Play » car il contient un titre par face, en format  7 pouces - 17,8 cm.

Le Super 45 tours avec 2 titres par face soit 4 ou 5 titres au total, en format 7 pouces - 17,8 cm est un vinyle moins fréquent de nos jours.

Le Maxi-45 tours , Maxi ou Maxi-Single est un grand format 12 pouces - 30 centimètres. Sa durée d’écoute est de 10 à 12 minutes. L'enregistrement comporte en général un titre par face. Les Maxi-45 tours étaient à l’origine dédiés aux DJs.

3 types de 45 tours : single, super 45 tours, maxi 45 tours

SP, EP, LP, sont des dénominations anglophones combinant durée d’écoute et nombre de titres.

  • SP = Single Play : un titre par face en format 45 tours ou 7 pouces.
  • EP = Extended Play : un maxi 45 tours ou un super 45 tours  (7 pouces).
  • LP = Long Play : album 33 tours ou 12 pouces.

Autre format, autre technologie, le 78 tours

Les 78 tours , plus anciens ne font pas partie de la même catégorie que les 33 tours et les 45 tours . Ils relèvent de la technologie du sillon standard alors que les 33 et 45 tours font partie de la famille des microsillons . Les microsillons, comme leur nom l’indique sont beaucoup plus petits que les sillons. On peut en mettre beaucoup plus sur une même surface et obtenir des enregistrements de plus longue durée, en moyenne 5 ou 6 fois plus longs. Cette technologie plus récente permet la stéréophonie, un meilleur contrôle des bruits de fonds et des distorsions, donc une meilleure qualité de son.

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Depuis 20 ans, 45tours assure la promotion des nouveautés musicales en les distribuant numériquement auprès des radios francophones du Canada. Et il en fait la promotion auprès du public sur la page d’accueil.


  • L’accès est gratuit pour tous les utilisateurs. Il suffit de s’inscrire.
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Inscrire un titre

L’artiste ou son représentant (producteur, maison de disque, éditeur, pisteur radio, attaché de presse) ouvre Ma musique|Inscrire un titre qui donne accès au formulaire d’inscription d’un titre.

  • Les informations d’un titre, y compris le vidéoclip, sont réunies sur une seule page, lesquelles peuvent être modifiées en tout temps.
  • Le titre est notifié aux radios la journée de votre choix. Les écoutes et téléchargements s’affichent en temps réel dans le Rapport 45tours.
  • Tous les titres de l’Artiste inscrits sur 45tours s’affichent sur la page. Ils sont disponibles pour une durée minimale de deux ans.
  • Le titre peut être partagé sur les réseaux sociaux via les boutons offerts.

Tarification 2024

Depuis 20 ans, le tarif de base est de 200 $ par titre et demeure inchangé en 2024. Toutefois, les rabais s’appliquent pour 3 autres parutions d’un même artiste dans l’année 2024, soit du 1er janvier au 31 décembre au montant de 150 $, 100 $ et 50 $ .

  • S’il est notifié aux radios le même jour, l’envoi d’un EP d'au plus 5 titres est de 300 $. L'envoi d'un album de 500 $.
  • Le tarif pour la musique de Noël et du temps des Fêtes est de 100 $ par titre ou 200 $ l’album. Ces titres sont conservés l’année de leur publication et l’année suivante.
  • La facture se retrouve au bas de votre onglet Mon compte

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Marie-Hélène Chrétien (514) 567-3007 et Andrée Ménard (514) 463-4529


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45 tours

Madrid, années 1960. Le producteur de musique Guillermo Rojas lance un label rock 'n' roll, aidé de Robert, un chanteur en devenir, et de sa brillante assistante Maribel.

Regarder Futura. Épisode 1 de la saison 1.

Le producteur Guillermo Rojas découvre le talent du chanteur de rock Robert, et fait équipe avec son assistante Maribel pour lancer un nouveau label nommé Futura.

Regarder La licence. Épisode 2 de la saison 1.

2. La licence

Robert passe une audition afin d'obtenir une licence professionnelle. Le passé revient hanter Guillermo. Maribel apprend le secret dévastateur de son nouvel ami.

Regarder Le single. Épisode 3 de la saison 1.

3. Le single

Maribel vient en aide à Guillermo, qui a du mal à trouver un studio pour enregistrer le nouveau single de Robert. De son côté, Ignacio prend une grande décision.

Regarder La promotion. Épisode 4 de la saison 1.

4. La promotion

Maribel et Robert se rapprochent au moment où la carrière du chanteur commence à décoller. Guillermo est rattrapé par ses erreurs passées.

Regarder L'album. Épisode 5 de la saison 1.

5. L'album

Une série de soucis agace l'équipe qui tente d'enregistrer le nouvel album de Robert. Maribel fait face au sexisme au travail, tout en endurant des mensonges à la maison.

Regarder Le concert. Épisode 6 de la saison 1.

6. Le concert

Tandis que Robert se prépare pour son important concert au Price, un procès inattendu impliquant Ignacio met Golden Records en danger.

Regarder Le film. Épisode 7 de la saison 1.

Robert est choisi pour donner la réplique à une célèbre actrice dans un film. Maribel attend des résultats médicaux. Zabala est préoccupé par l'avenir de Golden.

Regarder La tournée. Épisode 8 de la saison 1.

8. La tournée

Avant la tournée espagnole du groupe, Vidal recommande au chanteur de faire semblant de se mettre en couple avec Fanny. De son côté, Guillermo vient en aide à Zabala.

Regarder La première. Épisode 9 de la saison 1.

9. La première

Vidal demande à Robert et Fanny de continuer à mentir sur leur relation pour promouvoir leur film, mais voilà que la presse découvre le lien unissant Robert et Maribel.

Regarder Les débuts. Épisode 10 de la saison 1.

10. Les débuts

Ignacio est arrêté sans espoir de libération, à moins que Robert ne se produise à une fête militaire. Maribel engage un assistant. Guillermo passe du temps avec son fils.

Regarder L'offre. Épisode 11 de la saison 1.

11. L'offre

Guillermo et Zabala tentent de sauver Golden Records après un décès tragique et des soucis financiers. Robert se voit offrir un contrat d'enregistrement à Londres.

Regarder Le concours. Épisode 12 de la saison 1.

12. Le concours

Robert se sent pris au piège lorsqu'il est invité à participer à un concours pour représenter le régime franquiste. Ángeles et Guillermo se remémorent le passé.

Regarder La dernière chanson. Épisode 13 de la saison 1.

13. La dernière chanson

Après une annonce dévastatrice, Guillermo et Maribel organisent un concert en l'honneur de Robert, tandis que ce dernier prépare sa propre surprise.

Plus d'infos

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Districts [ edit ]

The city is divided by the River Oka into two major parts: the Upper city ( Verkhnyaya or Nagornaya chast ) on the hilly right side and the Lower city ( Nizhnyaya or Zarechnaya chast — what literally means "the part over the river") on the left bank of the river. The Upper city is the old historical part of Nizhny Novgorod, whereas the Lower city is larger, newer and consists of more industrial districts.

Understand [ edit ]


History [ edit ]

The city was founded by Grand Duke George II of Russia in 1221 at the confluence of two most important rivers of his principality, the Volga and the Oka. Its name literally means Newtown the Lower , to distinguish it from the older Novgorod . A major stronghold for border protection, Nizhny Novgorod fortress took advantage of a natural moat formed by the two rivers.

Along with Moscow and Tver, Nizhny Novgorod was among several newly founded towns that escaped Mongol devastation on account of its insignificance and grew up into important centers of Russian political life during the period of Tatar yoke. For a short period of time it was the capital of the Suzdal Principality and competed with Moscow for the power in the region. However the competition with Moscow was lost and in 1392 the city was incorporated into Muscovy. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin was built in 1508-1511 (under supervision of the Italian fortress engineers) and became one of the strongest Russian citadels. There is a legend saying that the project was initially developed with participation of Leonardo da Vinci. However there is no documented proof of Leonardo's work for that project, the only thing the legend is based on is the striking resemblance of Leonardo's sketches and the actual Kremlin schemes. The fortress was strong enough to withstand Tatar sieges in 1520 and 1536.

In 1612, the so-called national militia , gathered by a local merchant Kuzma Minin and commanded by Knyaz Dmitry Pozharsky expelled the Polish troops from Moscow, thus putting an end to the Time of Troubles and establishing the rule of the Romanov dynasty.

In 1817, the Makaryev Monastery Fair, one of the liveliest in the world the 16th-18th centuries, was transferred to Nizhny Novgorod, which thereupon started to attract numerous visitors and by the mid-19th century it turned Nizhny Novgorod into trade capital of the Russian Empire.

Under the Soviet period, the trade connections of the city were abandoned and Nizhny Novgorod became an important industrial centre instead. During the communist time the city was closed to foreigners to safeguard the security of Soviet military research. The physicist and the Nobel laureate Andrei Sakharov was exiled there during 1980-1986 to limit his contacts with foreigners.

Climate [ edit ]

The climate in the region is humid continental and it is similar to the climate in Moscow , although colder in winter, which lasts from late November until late March with a permanent snow cover.

By car [ edit ]

Nizhny Novgorod is situated on the M7/E30 road. The road is in decent condition, although with traffic it can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours to drive to/from Moscow .

By boat [ edit ]

Turflot [dead link] , Infoflot , and many other companies operate multi-day river cruises down the Volga from early May to the end of September.

Many companies operate passenger boat service between Moscow and Astrakhan , with stops at most cities along the Volga River.

Get around [ edit ]

By foot [ edit ].

The city centre is compact and walkable. However, there are many inclines or steps from the river banks. The bridges are not pedestrian friendly since the sidewalk is very narrow and cars drive extremely fast close to the pedestrians.

By city rail [ edit ]

The City Rail connects areas where there are no metro lines. Connects with the subway at the Moscow railway station. It has 2 lines: Sormovskaya and Priokskaya. The fare by train costs 28 rubles. According to the Citicard Transport Card, the fare is 26 rubles. Also by train you can get to the nearest suburb, or transfer to suburban trains to Dzerzhinsk, Bor, Semenov or Arzamas.

By bus and trolleybus [ edit ]

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As of May 2017 in each district of the city there are several city bus routes. The number of trolleybus routes is much less. In one district of the city there are 1-2 trolleybus routes. Trolleybus routes are completely absent in the Leninsky city district. It is worth noting that trolleybuses do not connect the Lower City to the Upper. This is because the trolleybuses do not have enough power to climb the mountain.

The trolleybus network is divided into 3 parts:

  • The upper trolleybus network (it unites all three districts - Nizhegorodsky, Sovetsky and Prioksky) with a turning circle on the Minin Square, near the Kremlin.
  • The lower trolleybus network (connects Kanavinsky, Moskovsky and Sormovsky districts)
  • The Avtozavod trolleybus network (connects all the distant sleeping microdistricts among themselves)

By tram [ edit ]

Throughout the city, land trams run. The longest route of all is 417. It connects the outskirts of Avtozavodsky district with the Moskovsky Rail Terminal. The journey takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes. The route passes through the sleeping areas (approximately 75% of the way). Also in remote neighborhoods there are routes of several more trams, but in most cases, they are in the Upper City. By the way, you can reach there by tram 27 or 10 directly from the Moscow railway station.

By marshrutka [ edit ]

Marshrutkas do not stop at every stop. To indicate your intention to exit a marshrutka, press a button and to indicate your intention to enter a marshrutka en-route, you need to wave your hand.

By bicycle [ edit ]

Nizhny Novgorod has not very developed bicycle infrastructure. Special bike paths exist only on the Upper-Volga and Lower-Volga embankments and on Rozhdestvenskaya Street.

The upper city is very hilly and full of steep inclines and even many locals will get off their bicycles and push their bikes up the hill by foot. Drivers can be reckless and pose a danger to cyclists. The roads can also be icy during the winter. City cyclists solve this problem by replacing summer tires with winter tires.

Also, in 2017 the implementation of a new integrated transport scheme of the city began. It provides for a large number of bicycle paths in the Upper City (including on Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street) and in the Lower City.

See [ edit ]

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Monuments [ edit ]

  • Monument to Valery Chkalov, the famous test pilot of the 1930s, known for his ultra long flight from Moscow to Washington State via the North Pole.
  • Maxim Gorky, at the square named after him
  • Alexander Pushkin (at the entrance to the Theatre of Opera and Ballet)
  • 56.327974 44.001982 26 Prince George and Saint Simon of Suzdal , The Kremlin, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral . Monument to the founders of the city of Prince Yuri II of Vladimir (also George Vsevolodovich) and Simeon of Suzdal ( updated Jun 2017 )

Religious [ edit ]

  • Pechersky Ascencion Monastery , near Sennaya Square a couple miles east of downtown, halfway down the slope to Volga. With a cathedral and several churches surrounded by a restored stone wall, the monastery is the seat of the archbishops of Nizhny Novgorod.
  • A big variety of other churches and convents.

Buy [ edit ]

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Sleep [ edit ]

All hotels and hostels offer free Wi-Fi and many have computer terminals. Almost all accept credit cards. Hotels and hostels will usually provide a visa invitation and registration for an additional fee.

Connect [ edit ]

Phone [ edit ].

For information on purchasing a SIM card in Russia, see Russia#Connect .

Note that Nizhny Novgorod is in the Volga region zone, and SIM cards purchased elsewhere, such as in Moscow or Saint Petersburg , may be subject to roaming charges.

There are payphones in the streets; however, you can only buy phone-cards in the post offices and in a few newspaper kiosks.

Internet [ edit ]

Free WiFi is available in most hotels, shopping malls, university buildings, restaurants and cafes, the airport as well as several metro stations. There is also free public WiFi on B. Pokrovskaya street.

Cope [ edit ]

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45th Anniversary UK Tour

Home » News » 45th Anniversary UK Tour

  • February 16, 2024

To celebrate the 45th anniversary of both the ‘Replicas’ and ‘The Pleasure Principle’ albums I’ll be going out on a UK tour in May. The General Sale tickets go on sale on Friday, Feb 23rd at 9am (UK time). However, you can sign up using the ticket link  to gain early access to the pre sale which starts on Wednesday, February 21st. This early sign up window closes on Tuesday at 5pm (UK time). This link is also on the Tours page (the link is beside each UK tour date).

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Star Tours Flight 45

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This article details a subject that falls under the Legends brand.

The StarSpeeder 3000 accidentally lands too close to the third Death Star.

Star Tours Flight 45 (also known as ST-45 ) was the designation of the inaugural non-stop flight to the Forest Moon of Endor , offered to passengers by the Star Tours travel agency, shortly after the Battle of Endor . This route was known as the " Endor Express ." [1]

The Star Tours flight was piloted by RX-Series pilot droid designated RX-24 , but due to Rex's nervousness and inexperience, Flight ST-45 never reached Endor. Instead, the ship, a StarSpeeder 3000 , accidentally flew into the middle of a battle between New Republic and Imperial Remnant forces near the third Death Star . [1]

Appearances [ ]

  • George Lucas' Star Tours (First appearance) (Non- canonical appearance)
  • Star Tours (First canonical appearance)

Sources [ ]


Notes and references [ ]

  • ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Star Tours

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Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

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Located about 400km east of Moscow , Nizhny Novgorod is one of the most important centers of cultural, economic, and political activity in European Russia . Widely considered, after St Petersburg and Moscow, to be Russia’s ‘third city’, Nizhny is fast becoming a hot-spot for Russian and global tourists alike, attracted by the city’s up-and-coming reputation and stunning landscape.

The view over Nizhny Novgorod from the city’s Kremlin walls

The Kremlin

Jutting out from the cliffs that overlook the meeting point of the great Volga and Oka rivers, Nizhny Novgorod ‘s ancient Kremlin boasts of some of the best views in the city. Designed by an Italian architect, the 13 magnificent towers and the 12 meter high walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin date back to 1500. On this very spot in 1612, heroes of Russian history Kuzma Minin and Count Dmitry Pozharsky defeated the invading Polish army in extraordinary circumstances. This moment has become legend in Russian history and a statue in honor of these two lies at the foot of St Basil’s in Moscow. The Kremlin is the historic center of the city where you will find an art museum and the lovely Cathedral of the Archangel Michael, as well as a striking monument to those that fought in the Second World War and its flame eternally flickering on in their memory.

The eternal flame in Nizhny Novgorod’s Kremlin

Completed in 2012, taking a ride on Nizhny Novgorod’s cablecar has fast become a favorite activity of tourists. The trip offers unparalleled opportunities to view the city’s gorgeous natural landscape from this bird’s eye position. The 3660m long gondola lift connects Nizhny to the town of Bor and stretches across the Volga River for 900 panoramic meters. The gondola acts as both a convenient means of transportation and a fantastic sight-seeing expedition – come at sunset for a golden-bathed view of the river and surrounding landscape.

Nizhny Novgorod’s cable car

The house-museum of Maxim Gorky

During the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod, birthplace of celebrated Russian writer Maxim Gorky , was renamed ‘Gorky’ in honor of this national hero. This home has been preserved in a state as accurate as possible to how it was left by Gorky and is so successful in this that it would seem as though the writer still lived there. The museum ‘s historic interiors and authentic furnishings will transport you back to the 1900s and the creative world of this icon of Russian literature. Come and make the most of this unique experience to delve into the childhood world of this Russian father of social realism. Museum booklets and guided tours are available in English.

Nizhegorodskaya Yarmarka

A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city’s yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair’s refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members of the British royal family, Vladimir Putin, Mikhail Gorbachev , and Margaret Thatcher . The fair is not only a buzzing center of business and culture, it is also one of the city’s most impressive sights.

One of Nizhny Novgorod’s stunning parks

The Nizhegorodsky State Art Museum

Located inside Nizhny Novgorod’s ancient Kremlin, the building that houses this art gallery was once the home of the governor of the city. The exhibits are wide-ranging and include everything from 14th century religious icons, to work by 20th century contemporary Russian masters. Particularly dazzling is the collection by Russian painter Nicholas Roerich. There is also a large arts and crafts collection which demonstrates the exquisite handiwork of Russian artisans throughout history.

1. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street

Bolshaya pokrovskaya street.

An excellent spot to soak up the best of the city’s atmosphere, this pedestrian street lies in the heart of Nizhny Novgorod. The beautiful Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street is constantly buzzing and provides new and exciting sights at every turn. Gorgeous buildings and fountains tower on all sides – showcasing the best of Nizhny’s architecture. Quirky shop fronts and lovely local souvenirs will have you pausing at every window while the charming cafés will draw you in with their tempting aromas. Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street transforms by night into a vibrant hub of evening activity and is the place to come for a night-out in the city. The bars of this street are favorites with Nizhny Novgorod’s student population.

The Chkalov Staircase

An idyllic spot from which to watch the sun’s rays set over the city, this monumental creation was constructed by the Soviet government and is unique to the city of Nizhny Novgorod. The staircase derives its name from pilot Valery Chkalov who, in 1937, became the first man to fly from Moscow to Vancouver through the North Pole. A monument to Chkalov stands at the top of the stairs. The construction of the staircase cost almost 8 million rubles – an immense sum at the time. Over 1,500 stairs connect the city center with the river embankment – making Chkalov’s landmark the longest flight of stairs along the Volga. Nowadays the staircase is a favorite meeting place and relaxation spot for locals.

The Chkalov Staircase in Nizhny Novgorod

The Rukavishnikov Estate Museum

The Rukavishnikovs were a family of immensely wealthy merchants originating from the region around Nizhny Novgorod. This superbly restored palace , their former home, has been transformed into a museum of Russian history and gives a realistic snap-shot of life for the wealthy under tsarist rule. The ornate 19th century interiors and exquisite facade are sure to dazzle with their beauty while the lush green of the surrounding natural landscape provides a tranquil getaway from the city center. Lavish furnishings, priceless antiques, and glistening gold will transport you back in time to a world of balls, carriages, banquets, and tsars. Join the world of Russian noble ladies and gentlemen for a day in this stunning palace.

The memorial statue to Valery Chkalov by the Chkalov Staircase

The Sakharov Museum

Nizhny Novgorod’s Sakharov Museum is dedicated to dissident Russian scientist Andrei Sakharov . The nuclear physicist and human rights activist was exiled for six years to the very flat in which the museum is now housed. Sakharov’s support for civil reform and improved human rights in the Soviet Union earned him harsh persecution from the Russian government, but also, in 1975, a Nobel Peace Prize . Sakharov was incarcerated here until 1986 when a KGB officer arrived to install a phone in the flat. Just after the phone was installed it began to ring: the caller was Mikhail Gorbachev, ringing Sakharov to inform him of his release. This phone is now one of the museum’s most treasured artifacts.

The stunning architecture of Nizhny Novgorod

The National Centre of Contemporary Art

Inside the walls of Nizhny’s Kremlin can also be found one of the best modern art galleries in Russia. Linked to galleries in both St Petersburg and Moscow, this top-ranking exhibition center houses regularly changing displays of both Russian and international art as well as interactive exhibits and a media library. Progress is also on-going of adding a concert hall, extending the exhibition areas, and creating a restaurant. These additions aim to make art contemporary, not simply a detached, unrelatable concept, but bring it closer to the Russian people.

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    Murder at 45 RPM (original French title: Meurtre en 45 tours) is a 1960 French psychological thriller film directed by Étienne Périer and starring Danielle Darrieux and Michel Auclair. Plot. The composer Maurice Faugères is unhealthily jealous of his wife, Ève, who is a singer, and her accompanist, Jean Le Prat. Both of them believe he is ...

  2. LA•45

    Our full rhythm section keeps the beat steady and the dance floor packed. Featuring Amy Torres (Percussion/Vocals), Ramiro Torres (Bass), Josh Ramos (Guitar), & Anthony Pacheco (Drums). With precision and groove, they ensure that the heart of Tejano music beats in every note we play. As a 10-piece band, LA 45 is a force to be reckoned with in ...

  3. 40 Trips Around the Sun

    40 Trips Around the Sun is a greatest hits album by American rock band Toto, released on February 9, 2018.The album was released in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Toto's self-titled debut album (1978).. 40 Trips Around the Sun contains 14 tracks from 1978 to 1993, and three previously unreleased recordings ("Spanish Sea", "Alone" and "Struck by Lightning").

  4. Understanding vinyl formats and standards

    In France, n the 50'ies and 60'ies, they released Super 45 tours with two or three songs on each sides. The Maxi-Single (Maxi-45 tours or Maxi in France) is a large size 12-inch (30 cm) vinyl record. Its listening time is about 10 to 12 minutes. The recording usually includes only one track per side. They were initially addressed to DJ's.

  5. New Zealand cricket team in Pakistan in 2024

    The New Zealand cricket team are touring Pakistan in April 2024 to play five Twenty20 International (T20I) matches. [1] [2] The series formed part of both teams' preparations for the 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup. [3] The first three T20Is of the series took place in Rawalpindi and the entourage moved to Lahore for the remaining two T20Is.

  6. Comment ça marche

    Le tarif pour la musique de Noël et du temps des Fêtes est de 100 $ par titre ou 200 $ l'album. Ces titres sont conservés l'année de leur publication et l'année suivante. La facture se retrouve au bas de votre onglet Mon compte. L'équipe de 45tours. Marie-Hélène Chrétien (514) 567-3007 et Andrée Ménard (514) 463-4529.

  7. 45 tours

    45 tours | Site officiel de Netflix. Dans le Madrid des années 1960, Guillermo Rojas crée une maison de disques de rock and roll avec l'aide de l'aspirant chanteur Robert et de Maribel, sa productrice futée. Voir les bandes-annonces et en savoir plus.

  8. Tours

    By public transport: bus, tram, train [edit]. Fil Bleu is the authority responsible for all public transport in Tours and the agglomeration. They operate: A comprehensive network of buses throughout the urban area, including several high-frequency routes and one bus rapid transit line (Tempo 2), which connects the north and north-east of Tours and the airport with the city centre, the south of ...

  9. Watch 45 tours

    Madrid, années 1960. Le producteur de musique Guillermo Rojas lance un label rock 'n' roll, aidé de Robert, un chanteur en devenir, et de sa brillante assistante Maribel. Watch trailers & learn more.

  10. 45 tours

    45 tours. 45 tours : Saison 1 (Bande-annonce) Épisodes 45 tours. Saison 1. Année de sortie : 2019. Madrid, années 1960. Le producteur de musique Guillermo Rojas lance un label rock 'n' roll, aidé de Robert, un chanteur en devenir, et de sa brillante assistante Maribel. 1. Futura

  11. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod ( Russian: Ни́жний Но́вгород NEEZH-nee NOHV-guh-ruht ), colloquially shortened to Nizhny, is Russia 's fifth largest city, ranking after Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg. It had a population in 2018 of 1.26 million. It is the economic and cultural center of the vast Volga economic region ...

  12. Tours

    Tours (with a silent s) is an important French city (population 140,000, 360,000 with the suburbs) located on the river Loire in the Centre-Val de Loire region. ... The train ride takes about 30 to 50 minutes and the walk from Gare SNCF de Azay-le-Rideau takes about 30 to 45 minutes. So the château should be about to open or already opened ...

  13. 45th Anniversary UK Tour

    Home » News » 45th Anniversary UK Tour. 45th Anniversary UK Tour. Gary Numan; February 16, 2024; To celebrate the 45th anniversary of both the 'Replicas' and 'The Pleasure Principle' albums I'll be going out on a UK tour in May. The General Sale tickets go on sale on Friday, Feb 23rd at 9am (UK time).

  14. Tours

    Wilson bridge in Tours over the Loire River coat of arms. Tours is a city on the Loire River in the centre of France.It has about 143,000 inhabitants.It is the prefecture (administrative headquarters) of the department of Indre-et-Loire and is one of the 22 French metropolis.. Notable natives and residents. Honoré de Balzac 1799-1850, novelist; René Descartes 1596-1650, scientist ...

  15. Tour de l'Ain 2024

    Tour de l'Ain 2024. Il se peut que ces informations soient de nature spéculative et que leur teneur change considérablement alors que les événements approchent. La 36e édition du Tour de l'Ain se déroule du 13 au 15 juillet 2024. La course fait partie du calendrier UCI Europe Tour 2024 en catégorie 2.1.

  16. History of Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod was founded by Prince Yuri II of Vladimir in 4 February 1221. Citizens organized an army to liberate Moscow from the Poles in 1611, led by Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky.During the Russian Empire, in 1817 Nizhny Novgorod became the country's main trading city.In 1896, the city hosted the largest All-Russia exhibition.In the Soviet era, Nizhny Novgorod was renamed Gorky ...

  17. Star Tours Flight 45

    Star Tours Flight 45 (also known as ST-45) was the designation of the inaugural non-stop flight to the Forest Moon of Endor, offered to passengers by the Star Tours travel agency, shortly after the Battle of Endor. This route was known as the "Endor Express."[1] The Star Tours flight was piloted by RX-Series pilot droid designated RX-24, but due to Rex's nervousness and inexperience, Flight ST ...

  18. Top 10 Things To Do And See In Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

    A yarmarka is something akin to a fair, and this historic former market place was restored in 1991, the site now playing home to a superb modern exhibition center. The city's yarmarka plays host to international events, fairs, and conventions. In 2011, for the 20 year anniversary of the fair's refounding, a vast array of exhibitions were organized, attended by thousands including members ...

  19. Tours

    Tours (/ t ʊər / TOOR, French: ⓘ) is the largest city in the region of Centre-Val de Loire, France.It is the prefecture of the department of Indre-et-Loire.The commune of Tours had 136,463 inhabitants as of 2018 while the population of the whole metropolitan area was 516,973.. Tours sits on the lower reaches of the Loire, between Orléans and the Atlantic coast.

  20. IU H.E.R.E.H. World Tour

    IU HEREH World Tour. (2024) IU HEREH World Tour (originally titled H.E.R.) is the first world tour and ninth concert tour overall by South Korean singer IU in support of her sixth extended play The Winning (2024). The tour began on March 2, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea and is currently set to conclude on September 22, 2024, in Seoul, South Korea.

  21. Five Albums. One Night. The World Tour

    Five Albums. One Night. The World Tour (also referred as The World Tour or simply The Tour) is the ongoing twelfth concert tour by American pop rock band Jonas Brothers, in promotion of their sixth studio album, The Album (2023).. The tour is conceptualized to feature all songs from five of the band's studio albums from 2007 to 2023 on the same night.

  22. Nizhny Novgorod

    Nizhny Novgorod is the administrative centre of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast and the Volga Federal District in Russia.The city is located at the confluence of the Oka and the Volga rivers in Central Russia, with a population of over 1.2 million residents, up to roughly 1.7 million residents in the urban agglomeration. Nizhny Novgorod is the sixth-largest city in Russia, the second-most populous city ...

  23. 2024 ATP Tour

    The 2024 ATP Tour is the global elite men's professional tennis circuit organized by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) for the 2024 tennis season. The 2024 ATP Tour calendar comprises the Grand Slam tournaments, supervised by the International Tennis Federation (ITF), the ATP Finals, the ATP Masters 1000, the United Cup (organized with the WTA), the ATP 500 series and the ATP 250 ...

  24. List of the Rolling Stones concert tours

    The Rolling Stones concert at Washington-Grizzly Stadium in Missoula, Montana on 4 October 2006. Since forming in 1962, the English rock band the Rolling Stones have performed more than two thousand concerts around the world, becoming one of the world's most popular live music attractions in the process. The Stones' first tour in their home country was in September 1963 and their first ...

  25. 2024 PGA Tour

    January 4, 2024. ( 2024-01-04) - TBD. Number of official events. 39. ← 2022-23. 2025 →. The 2024 PGA Tour is the 109th season of the PGA Tour, the main professional golf tour in the United States. It is also the 56th season since separating from the PGA of America, and the 18th edition of the FedEx Cup .

  26. Category:The Beatles concert tours

    0-9. The Beatles Winter 1963 Helen Shapiro Tour. The Beatles' 1964 North American tour. The Beatles' 1964 world tour. The Beatles' 1965 European tour. The Beatles' 1965 UK tour. The Beatles' 1965 US tour. The Beatles' 1966 tour of Germany, Japan and the Philippines. The Beatles' 1966 US tour.