Tour Estate 2023

morandi in tour 2023

GO GIANNI GO! ESTATE 2023, la tournée prodotta da Trident Music e in partenza a luglio, vedrà Gianni Morandi impegnato tutta l’estate con numerosi appuntamenti a cielo aperto nelle più suggestive venue d’Italia.


Anche per la leg estiva Morandi ha pensato a una speciale scaletta, che mescola i grandi classici del suo repertorio alle tracce incluse nel nuovo progetto discografico EVVIVA! (Epic Records/Sony Music Italy), tra cui i brani frutto del fortunato sodalizio artistico con Jovanotti - L’Allegria, Apri Tutte Le Porte e Anna della porta accanto. Acclamato da un pubblico multigenerazionale, l’Eterno Ragazzo è pronto ad animare la calda stagione dei live regalando ancora una volta uno show ricco di emozioni indimenticabili.

I biglietti del GO GIANNI GO! ESTATE 2023 sono disponibili sui circuiti Ticketone e Ticketmaster.

Radio Italia è media partner ufficiale del tour. SUBARU è main partner. ZEUS SPORT è sponsor tecnico del tour.

Gli iscritti al MorandiMania Fan Club che lo vorranno, potranno, da lunedi' 3 aprile 2023, fino ad esaurimento, prenotare e quindi acquistare i biglietti per i live 2023 di Gianni Morandi in tutte le citta' annunciate, posizionati solo entro le prime 5 file di prima platea numerata, direttamente da noi, inviando una mail a [email protected] (non saranno prese in considerazione richieste su altri indirizzi mail ne' su messanger o sms, quindi non prenotate rispondendo a questa mail ma utilizzate solo l'indirizzo indicato), in cui specificheranno 1 - LA DATA 2 - LA CITTA' 3 - IL NUMERO DEI BIGLIETTI RICHIESTI 4 - TUTTI I NOMINATIVI DEGLI ACQUIRENTI 5 - NUMERO DI TESSERA 2023 Si ricorda che i nostri biglietti saranno riservati esclusivamente ai possessori di tessera, se non lo fossero, coloro che prenoteranno, sin da ora, si impegneranno a sottoscrivere l'iscrizione contestualmente al pagamento dei biglietti, mentre gli iscritti 2022 che acquistano i biglietti si impegnano a stipulare l'iscrizione a partire dal prossimo gennaio 2023 . Non e' possibile acquistare da noi biglietti per accompagnatori non iscritti . Entro 24 ore dalla prenotazione, all'indirizzo mail specificato, si riceverà conferma e, successivamente, modalità e data ultima di acquisto.

Gianni Morandi Tour 2023 biglietti e concerti nei Palasport

Ticketmaster / 16/11/2022

Gianni Morandi: tutto su biglietti e concerti del tour GO GIANNI GO! – Morandi nei Palasport nel 2023

Gianni Morandi, al fianco di Amadeus come conduttore di Sanremo 2023, fa tornare il sole nelle nostre case e nelle nostre vite con l’annuncio del nuovo tour GO GIANNI GO! - Morandi nei Palasport d’Italia nel 2023. Biglietti ufficiali per le nuove date di Gianni Morandi ad Ancona, Bari ed Eboli in vendita da giovedì 17 novembre su

Biglietti ufficiali

Terzo classificato al Festival di Sanremo 2022 e Premio della Sala Stampa Lucio Dalla con Apri tutte le porte , primo posto nella gara delle cover di Sanremo insieme a Jovanotti con un medley dei loro più grandi successi da  Occhi di ragazza  a  Penso Positivo , special guest del Jova Beach Party e conduttore di Sanremo 2023 accanto ad Amadeus, c’è qualcuno che sta andando più forte dell’Eterno Ragazzo?

Partendo dal 10 marzo e dal Palasport di Rimini , Gianni Morandi aprirà le porte dei principali palazzi dello sport italiani per il nuovo tour nel 2023, la nuova avvincente corsa per raggiungere e riabbracciare il suo affezionato pubblico. Vai così, vai così, vai così, vai così ai concerti del GO GIANNI GO! – Morandi nei Palasport nel 2023 :

Gianni Morandi tour GO GIANNI GO! – Morandi nei Palasport 2023

  • 10/03/2023, Stadium Rimini, Rimini
  • 12/03/2023, Mediolanum Forum di Assago, Milano
  • 15/03/2023, Mandela Forum, Firenze
  • 18/03/2023, Palazzo dello Sport, Roma
  • 21/03/2023, Unipol Arena, Bologna
  • 23/03/2023, Pala Alpitour, Torino
  • 25/03/2022, Palaprometeo, Ancona
  • 28/03/2023, Palaflorio, Bari
  • 30/03/2023, Palasele, Eboli

Biglietti per le nuove date di Ancona, Bari ed Eboli in vendita da giovedì 17 novembre alle 14:00

Lo showman in grado di tenere alta la carica di energia e il suo contagioso entusiasmo per l’intera durata dei suoi concerti ha studiato una speciale scaletta, un concentrato di vitalità e potenza che mescola i brani frutto del fortunato sodalizio artistico con Jovanotti – L’Allegria, Apri Tutte Le Porte e La Ola – ai classici del suo repertorio, affiancato sul palco da una formidabile band di 12 elementi diretta dal Maestro Luca Colombo.

Gianni Morandi e il rapporto speciale con Sanremo

Ricordiamo che Gianni Morandi era ancora un ragazzino quando partecipò per la prima volta al Festival di Sanremo nel 1972 e la sua canzone era questa qua: Vado a lavorare . Dalla sua prima apparizione a Sanremo che gli valse il quarto posto, il cantante di Monghidoro ha preso parte altre 9 volte al Festival della Canzone Italiana, sia come Big in gara a Sanremo che ospite e conduttore , per un totale di 10 partecipazioni all’attivo:

  • Nel 1980 Mariù ha segnato il ritorno sulle scene di Gianni Morandi;
  • Nel 1983 La mia nemica amatissima , brano scritto da Morandi insieme a Mogol e Bella, è giunto all’ottavo posto;
  • In trio con Umberto Tozzi ed Enrico Ruggeri Gianni Morandi ha vinto il Festival di Sanremo nel 1987 con Si può dare di più ;
  • Nel 1995 la coppia Gianni Morandi – Barbara Cola si è classificata al secondo posto con In Amore ;
  • Dopo aver cantanto Vita e Lasciarsi per amore in qualità di ospite della kermesse canora, nel 2000 Morandi è salito sul terzo gradino del podio con una canzone composta da Eros Ramazzotti, Innamorato ;
  • Nel 2011 e nel 2012, Gianni Morandi è stato il padrone di casa dell’Ariston, accompagnato rispettivamente da Luca Bizzarri, Paolo Kessisoglu, Belén Rodriguez ed Elisabetta Canalis per il suo esordio come conduttore e da Rocco Papaleo e modella Ivana Mrazova per il suo bis alla conduzione.

Dagli occhi lucidi della prima serata di Sanremo 2022 alla vittoria di Gianni Morandi nella serate delle cover, i migliori momenti del Festival di Sanremo nel nostro recap della scorsa edizione .

Piazzatosi al terzo posto con Apri tutte le porte , brano scritto per lui da Jovanotti , Gianni Morandi smetterà i panni da concorrente per indossare lo smoking del co-conduttore a Sanremo 2023 . La storia della musica, della televisione, ma è anche il presente perché è amato da intere generazioni, Gianni Morandi darà di certo ancora di più come presenza fissa del Festival di Sanremo 2023 dal 7 all’11 febbraio accanto al direttore artistico e conduttore Amadeus :

Caro Amadeus, non sono con Jovanotti. Mi sono messo lo smoking perché devo dirti che la proposta che mi hai fatto qualche giorno fa mi ha prima sorpreso e poi entusiasmato. Sai quanto io amo Sanremo. Poi mi sono fatto una domanda e ho pensato: ma come mai Amadeus mi vuole vicino? Ho pensato che hai fatto tre Festival straordinari, di grandi successi, ma anche molto impegnativi, faticosi. Tu nel 2023 avrai già compiuto 60 anni e quindi hai bisogno di qualcuno che ti dia una mano forte, energica, giovane e quindi hai chiamato me. Dai scherzo, accetto con entusiasmo!

Tutte le anticipazioni su date, concorrenti e ospiti del Festival di Sanremo nella nostra guida ufficiale .

Tour gianni go – morandi nei palasport nel 2023: tutto quello che devi sapere sui biglietti ufficiali dei concerti di gianni morandi.

I biglietti ufficiali per le nuove date di Gianni Morandi ad Ancona, Bari ed Eboli andranno in vendita alle 14:00 di giovedì 17 novembre 2022 su .  

Devi contare solo sui nostri consigli Master per prepararti al meglio all’acquisto dei biglietti ufficiali dei concerti di Gianni Morandi:

  • Crea subito il tuo account su compilando tutti i campi obbligatori
  • Seleziona l’eTicket come modalità di consegna per ricevere subito i tuoi biglietti ufficiali e stamparli gratuitamente senza nessun costo aggiuntivo.

Vai così, vai così, vai così, vai così ai concerti del GO GIANNI GO! – Morandi nei Palasport nel 2023, acquista ora i biglietti ufficiali di Gianni Morandi !

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Biografia - Gianni Morandi

Gianni morandi fan-report: valutazioni e recensioni, 3 recensioni (ø 5,0), evento grandioso.

Serata indimenticabile nel rivedere Gianni cantare, un grande, emozioni da vendere, amore grande

Serata meravigliosa

Ho assistito al concerto insieme a mia sorella,e ,come sempre mi accade ad ogni concerto di Gianni,l,emozione nel vederlo e nell,ascoltarlo è stata davvero fortissima.è stata una serata meravigliosa,che spero si ripeta in futuro

Serata indimenticabile

Anche se,purtroppo,data limmensa folla,non sono riuscita a farmi fare un altro autografo(ma ne ho già due,uno su una foto con dedica,e l altro su un foglietto di carta,e per me sono preziosissimi),sono stata in grado,grazie alla mia amica,di poter arrivare sotto il palco per vedere Gianni da vicino,e,credetemi,nel vederlo ho provato unemozione che non scorderò mai

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Gianni Morandi, Co-Host of Sanremo 2023, Discusses His Endless Passion for the Festival

The Italian pop music legend knows Sanremo from every angle: as a contestant, guest performer, host — but first as a fan. And he is Amadeus' sparring partner for this year's edition.

By Matteo Villaci

Matteo Villaci

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Gianni Morandi

Gianni Morandi’s love for Sanremo shines through when he tells anecdotes from the past or shares reflections on the importance the festival has regained over the last few editions. That love became a real thing for the first time in 1972 with his debut at Sanremo as a contestant. That started a tight connection that is about to renew itself once again, after 51 years.

Amadeus Shares Secrets Behind Three Years of Directing Sanremo Music Festival

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You have participated in many editions of Sanremo in several different roles. The festival itself is different now. Amadeus’ touch is effective, starting from the selection of artists. How are you preparing for this new edition?

I’ve seen every single edition of Sanremo since 1958, when Domenico Modugno sang “Nel Blu Dipinto di Blu.” To me, Sanremo is a fantastic opportunity, a great stage. I like the fact that I became such a frequent presence here. Amadeus added something, for sure. He has a great knowledge of music and he’s also an innovator; he really opened the doors to new music trends. He’s a forward-looking kind of guy. The results of the last three editions prove it. What makes Sanremo great is the songs that stay — that people don’t forget and keep on singing. And in the last three years, the hits were many. Starting from Måneskin, who became a global success. They are extraordinary on their own, but they started from Sanremo. Amadeus greatly improved the festival. Now it’s also followed by a younger audience.

It’s also more in line with contemporary trends of Italian music, and it promotes artists that are not necessarily known by everyone. How do you see today’s music scene? Did you ever get to know an artist better because of Sanremo?

Sanremo saw you as a contestant, then as a host, then as a contestant again. Your last participation was just last year, and now you’re hosting the event. How did this transition happen?

I’ve always had a great feeling with Amadeus. We hosted a New Year’s Eve celebration together, back in 2020. We should have done it in Terni, but we ended up doing it in Rome in an empty studio where we stayed for five or six hours. He told me that he wanted me as a co-host last year, too. But then he saw that I submitted the song Jovanotti had written for me. So he didn’t expect me to participate as a contestant. This year, he just fulfilled a wish he expressed two years ago.

So much of your life and many of your hits are bound to Sanremo. What are some special memories?

Knowing them, it could have been both. But besides the songs, there’s the competition, which also paves the way to an international opportunity such as Eurovision. How much is that perceived by the artists? And what feelings do they share during that week?

Over those days you develop relations and see people you haven’t met for a long time. I think there is some sort of solidarity among the artists, even if the competition is still there. But they share a lot of things, and no one gets mad if they lose. If an artist hits that stage and sings a good song, the audience will notice it, regardless of the final ranking. Take Tananai, for example: He ranked last in 2022, but then he had a big success [with “Sesso Occasionale” (“Casual Sex”), which has 37 million streams on Spotify]. The audience knows how to pay you back.

What do you wish for this edition of Sanremo?

I hope to see at least 15 or 20 hit songs. That’s the success of Sanremo: when songs last for decades. Eros Ramazzotti’s “Una Storia Importante” (“An Important Story”) is almost 40 years old now. Amadeus selected a great lineup this year. There’s a bit of everything, even big comebacks such as Anna Oxa and Cugini di Campagna, but also new talents such as Olly, gIANMARIA, Madame and so many others who represent today’s music. Sanremo is shining again. It started with Claudio Baglioni [who was Sanremo’s artistic director in 2018 and 2019], but Amadeus brought it to the next level.

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Gianni Morandi in Tour: biglietti, date concerti e scaletta

31/03/2023 Luca Landoni Biglietti Tour 0

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A un anno dalla partecipazione al Festival di Sanremo 2022 con  “Apri Tutte le Porte” (scritta da Jovanotti) e in vista del ritorno sul palco dell’Ariston in veste di conduttore al fianco di Amadeus, Gianni Morandi è pronto a ripartire anche con l’attività live, con un tour che partirà subito dopo il festival. Vediamo insieme il calendario dei concerti costantemente aggiornato.

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Biglietti Gianni Morandi Ticketone

Scaletta gianni morandi, discografia gianni morandi.

1963: Gianni Morandi 1964: Ritratto di Gianni 1966: Gianni 3 1967: Per amore… per magia… 1967: Gianni 4 – Un mondo d’amore 1968: Gianni 5 1970: Gianni 6 1970: Gianni 7 1971: Un mondo di donne 1972: Il mondo cambierà 1973: Jacopone 1975: Il mondo di frutta candita 1976: Per poter vivere 1978: Gianni Morandi 1978: Old Parade Morandi 1979: Abbracciamoci 1980: Cantare 1982: Morandi 1983: La mia nemica amatissima 1984: Immagine italiana 1985: Uno su mille 1987: Le italiane sono belle 1988: Dalla/Morandi 1988: Dalla/Morandi In Europa 1989: Varietà 1992: Morandi Morandi 1995: Morandi 1997: Celeste azzurro e blu 2000: Come fa bene l’amore 2002: L’amore ci cambia la vita 2004: A chi si ama veramente 2006: Il tempo migliore 2009: Canzoni da non perdere 2013: Bisogna vivere 2017: D’amore d’autore

Gianni Morandi – Concerti 2023


I biglietti del Tour di Gianni Morandi si trovano in vendita su Ticketone e in tutti i punti autorizzati abituali dalle ore 14.00 di giovedì 10 novembre. Sono attualmente disponibili e li trovate qui .

Scaletta Milano 12-3-2023

L’allegria Se perdo anche te Una vita che ti sogno Varietà Occhi di ragazza In amore Bella signora Se non avessi più te Anna dalla porta accanto Vita Futura Caruso Un mondo d’amore


Canzoni stonate Chimera Il giocattolo Non son degno di te La fisarmonica Il mondo cambierà C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones

Un milione di piccole tempeste Apri tutte le porte La ola Grazie perché

MEDLEY Se puoi uscire una domenica/Andavo a 100 all’ora/Fatti mandare dalla mamma+Malibu (ft. Sangiovanni)/In ginocchio da te

Uno su mille

Scende la pioggia Si può dare di più Banane e lampone

Scaletta Riccione 18-8-2022 

Apri tutte le porte Uno su mille Se perdo anche te Un mondo d’amore In ginocchio da te Banane e lampone Bella signora La ola C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones Andavo a cento all’ora

Scaletta 2018

Dobbiamo fare luce Se perdo anche te Una vita che ti sogno Occhi di ragazza Vita Che meraviglia sei Scende la pioggia Grazie perché Ultraleggero Al bar si muore / La mia nemica amatissima / Chimera / Il giocattolo / La fisarmonica / Ma chi se ne importa / Non son degno di te Se ti sembra poco Io sono un treno / Bella signora Caruso Mediterraneo Solo insieme saremo felici Varietà Canzoni stonate Lettera Questa vita cambierà / C’era un ragazzo che come me amava i Beatles e i Rolling Stones Se non avessi più te Un solo abbraccio Tenerezza / Belinda / Andavo a cento all’ora / Se puoi uscire una domenica sola con me / Si fa sera / Fatti mandare dalla mamma a prendere il latte / In ginocchio da te In amore Uno su mille Un mondo d’amore

Banane e lampone / Si può dare di più Una vita che ti sogno

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Gianni Morandi in Malta as part of his Summer tour ‘Go Gianni Gò

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LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) – The legendary Italian singer and songwriter Gianni Morandi returned to Malta as part of his Summer 2023 tour ‘Go Gianni Gò when on Saturday night he will take the stage at the iconic venue of Fort Manoel on Manoel island in Gzira. The last time Gianni Morandi visited Malta was in 2019. “I love music, I love to be surrounded by people, I love what I do,” Italian pop culture icon Gianni Morandi told journalists at the Italian Cultural Institute in Valletta. Asked about his relationship with the younger generations especially younger fans, Morandi explained that he continues to be himself, and to keep himself updated with contemporary music by listening to a lot of it. He does not only look back on his past hits but also works on new things. “I like to experiment. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t,” he said. “I don’t make any efforts or try to become someone else. I try to give people courage and hope and send positive messages through my music,” he added. The Italian Ambassador to Malta Fabrizio Romano, observed that having Morandi in Malta is a great asset for the embassy’s work, highlighting the importance of culture in bringing the two nations together. Maltese Culture minister Owen Bonnici also spoke about the concert as an opportunity to strengthen bilateral relations between Malta and Italy. During the press conference, Morandi also proceeded to call Pupo, who is in Malta for Notte Italiana with Pupo, which was held on Thursday. In 2022, Morandi placed third at Sanremo with Apri tutte le porte. He also bagged the press room’s Lucio Dalla award.

– foto: Doi


Source: medNews

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2024 men's frozen four: bracket, scores, schedule for the college hockey championship.

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The Frozen Four is set for 2024. No. 2 Boston University will take on No. 3 Denver and No. 1 Boston College will face Michigan, which pulled off an upset over No. 4 Michigan State.

The Frozen Four runs through April 11 and 13 in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Click or tap here to view the full field.  

2024 DI men's ice hockey tournament bracket

Here's a look at the complete 2024 DI men's hockey tournament bracket: 

Click or tap here to see the full bracket PDF ➡️  |  Interactive bracket 

Updated 2024 Men's Hockey Bracket

2024 DI men's ice hockey tournament schedule

All times in ET. Click in the game for live scores.

Men’s Frozen Four semifinals | April 11

  • No. 1 Boston U vs. No. 3 Denver  | 5:00 p.m. on ESPN2
  • No. 1 Boston College vs. Michigan  | 8:30 p.m. on ESPN2

Men’s Frozen Four national championship | April 13

First round | March 28

  • No. 3 Denver 2 , UMass 1 (2OT)
  • No. 2 Boston U 6,  RIT 3
  • Cornell 3 , Maine 1
  • Minnesota 3 , Omaha 2

First round | March 29

  • No. 1 Boston College 4, Michigan Tech 1 
  • No. 4 Michigan State 5, Western Michigan 4 (OT)
  • Quinnipiac 3, Wisconsin 2 (OT) 
  • Michigan 4,  North Dakota 3 

Second round | March 30 

  • No. 3 Denver 2,  Cornell 1
  • No. 2 Boston U 6 , Minnesota 3

Second round | March 31

  • No. 1 Boston College 5 , Quinnipiac 4 (OT)
  • Michigan State 5 , No. 4 Michigan 2

DI men's ice hockey championship history

#Participation in the tournament vacated by the NCAA Committee on Infractions.

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DraftKings preview: Valero Texas Open

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The PGA TOUR stays in Texas for another week for the Valero Texas Open. TPC San Antonio will be the host and measures as a 7,438-yard par 72 with Poa trivialis over-seeded greens.

Despite this being one week before the Masters Tournament, the field for this event is strong. Rory McIlroy, Collin Morikawa and Max Homa will all tee it up this week, along with defending champion Corey Conners.

Below, I have outlined three of my favorite DraftKings plays for the week.

Corey Conners ($9,400)

With some bigger names in the field this week, some may overlook Conners, even though he’s the defending champion and a two-time winner of this event. The Canadian has had a steady start to the 2024 season without missing a cut but posting zero top-10 finishes on the year.

Things have heated up recently, though, having finished T18 and T13 in his last two starts at the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard and THE PLAYERS Championship, respectively. Only Keith Mitchell ranks higher in Strokes Gained: Ball-Striking than Conners over the past 24 rounds, and only Mitchell and Victor Perez sit higher in SG: Approach in the same timeframe.

Conners’ history around TPC San Antonio is well-documented, as he won this event last year and in 2019 while finishing no worse than T35 in his other three starts. You could make the argument, based on his recent form and course history, that Conners should be about $1,000 more expensive than he is this week, so I will gladly take the discount here.

Billy Horschel ($8,900)

After a difficult 2023 season, Horschel has rediscovered his game to begin this year. He finished T7 last week at the Texas Children's Houston Open, which came on the heels of a T12 at Valspar and T9 at the Cognizant Classic in The Palm Beaches. Over his past 16 rounds, Horschel ranks 11th in this field in SG: Tee-to-Green and third in Total Strokes Gained, trailing only Hideki Matsuyama and Ludvig Åberg.

It’s been the ball-striking that’s caught fire for Horschel, as he’s gained 3.8 or more strokes in that department in three of his past four starts. In addition to his strong recent form, Horschel has an elite course history at TPC San Antonio, having posted three top-four finishes and a T11 across seven starts this decade.

Horschel is rolling right now and has deservedly got a bit of a price bump because of it, but remains a good play nonetheless.

Lucas Glover ($7,300)

After losing strokes putting in pretty much every event he’s played this season, Glover finally gained on the greens at the Valspar Championship in his last start. Hopefully, he can continue that this week at the Valero, because we know his elite tee-to-green game will be there. Glover ranks seventh in this field in that department over the past 48 rounds, including sitting third in SG: Approach in the same time frame. We caught a glimpse last summer of what happens when Glover putts well: He wins. Twice in a row, in fact. Glover jumped back into the winner's circle last year by notching victories at the Wyndham Championship and FedEx St. Jude Championship.

As for his prospects this week, Glover is quite familiar with TPC San Antonio, having made five career starts here with two top-18s and a T4 in that stretch. Among golfers who have played this course more than once, only Jordan Spieth, Conners and Byeong Hun An have averaged more SG: Tee-to-Green per round than Glover.

Glover has finished T35 or better in four of his past five starts, with a T11 at Innisbrook his last time out. He offers safety here at this $7,300 price tag.

Set your DraftKings fantasy golf lineups here: PGA TOUR $700K Pitch + Putt [$200K to 1st]

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I am a promoter at DraftKings and am also an avid fan and customer (my username is Lan1228) and may sometimes play on my personal account in the games that I offer advice on. Although I have expressed my personal view on the games and strategies above, they do not necessarily reflect the view(s) of DraftKings and do not constitute a representation that any particular strategy will guarantee success. All customers should use their own skill and judgment in building lineups. I may also deploy different players and strategies than what I recommend above. I am not an employee of DraftKings and do not have access to any non-public information.

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2024 women's NCAA Tournament Final Four dates, game times, TV, location, teams and more

The stars will be out on Friday night in the women's Final Four.

Iowa's Caitlin Clark , South Carolina's Kamilla Cardoso, UConn's Paige Bueckers and NC State's Aziaha James will all take the court in Cleveland with a trip to the national championship game on the line, and each has their own calling card as they enter the championship rounds.

Clark's story is well-documented at this point , but endlessly impressive nonetheless: She put together a Her-culean effort in Iowa's win over LSU in the Elite Eight, with a 41-point game (and a bit of revenge). Cardoso has been a force in the paint for the Gamecocks, and she'll look to take her game to the next level at the conclusion of the women's tournament.

J ames has exploded in the tournament , capping off brilliant performance after brilliant performance with a 7-for-9 night from 3-point land in the Wolfpack's win over Texas in the Elite Eight. Last, and certainly not least, Bueckers wants to cap off this UConn run with that elusive championship – but she plans to run it back with the Huskies next season should things go south between now and then.

FOLLOW THE MADNESS:   NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more.

FOLLOW THE MADNESS: NCAA basketball bracket, scores, schedules, teams and more.

However you cut it, the women's Final Four will be filled with excitement, drama and plenty of buckets. Here's what to know about the 2024 women's Final Four:

When is the women's Final Four?

  • Date: Friday, April 5
  • Start time: 7 p.m. ET (South Carolina vs. NC State); 9:30 p.m. ET (UConn vs. Iowa)

The women's Final Four is set for tip-off on Friday, April 5. The first game begins at 7 p.m. ET (6 p.m. CT), with the second matchup following at 9:30 p.m. ET, or after the conclusion of the first game.

What TV channel is the women's Final Four on?

ESPN will broadcast both games of the 2024 women's Final Four, with the doubleheader beginning at 7 p.m. ET on Friday night.

Where is the women's Final Four?

  • Location: Cleveland, Ohio
  • Venue: Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse

The semifinal games of the 2024 women's NCAA Tournament will take place at the Rocket Mortgage Fieldhouse in Cleveland, Ohio. The arena is home of the NBA's Cleveland Cavaliers and seats over 19,000 fans.

Women's Final Four bracket

Here's how the women's Final Four bracket shapes up entering the final weekend of the tourney:

  • (1) South Carolina vs. (3) North Carolina State
  • (1) Iowa vs. (3) UConn

Who is in the women's Final Four?

In one matchup, the South Carolina Gamecocks take on the North Carolina State Wolfpack in a battle of Carolina supremacy. South Carolina, led by 6-foot-7 senior Kamilla Cardoso, looks to keep its undefeated season rolling against the Wolfpack. Aziaha James has been on a tear in the tournament, last exploding for seven 3-pointers in NC State's win over the Longhorns.

In the other showdown, Caitlin Clark looks to keep her historic 2023-24 season alive when she and the Hawkeyes face off against Paige Bueckers and UConn in the semifinal. Clark put up a masterful performance in their regional final vs. LSU, scoring 41 points in 40 minutes and exacting revenge against the Tigers.

Derek Hough's Wife Hayley Erbert Is Returning to Symphony of Dance Tour After Craniectomy

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Hayley Erbert is returning to the dance floor after a trying health battle. The 29-year-old dancer and wife of Derek Hough will waltz together again on the Symphony of Dance Tour following her traumatic brain injury and subsequent surgeries. 

"I am so excited to announce that I have been cleared to rejoin the Symphony of Dance Tour and I will be dancing when the tour begins on April 14," Hayley shared on Friday's Good Morning America .

A smiling Derek added, "We cannot wait to dance together again on stage and be back with all our fans and thank them, thank you all for the amazing support that you have shown during this time."

"What a blessing (and surprise) it is to be able to be back on stage dancing with my love after such a crazy past four months," Hayley captioned an Instagram video. "My healing journey has been nothing short of extraordinary and being able to dance again is igniting my soul in all the ways; speeding up my recovery even more. I am so appreciative of the doctors who have supported me in my decision to dance again and my team of specialists that have been assembled to assure that my health and safety is priority. I cannot wait for you all to see this show! It was so meaningful when we opened last year and now, after everything that has happened, it is truly even more special. 🤍"

Hayley was  rushed to the hospital  on Dec. 6 after she became "disoriented" during a performance on the couple's tour stop in Washington, D.C. She was diagnosed with a cranial hematoma from a burst blood vessel, which required an emergency craniectomy. That injury ultimately led to another  invasive and painful surgery , which replaced  a large portion of her skull .

Derek paused the dance tour in the wake of his wife's struggles, and shared with ET in February that he initially wasn't sure whether Hayley would be able to return to the dance floor. 

"She's doing amazing," he told ET at the time. "She really is. I can't say enough, I really can't, how inspiring she is."

He added, "She's doing better each day. There are still some things we need to sort out, but even now, when I look back at where we were just a couple of months ago to where she is now, it's miraculous. It really is."

Prior to the couple's announcement, Derek told ET of the upcoming return to the tour, "Her presence will always be there. We're not really there yet to see what the involvement is physically, but yeah, she's always there." 

As for what Derek is most looking forward to when the show returns, the 38-year-old  Dancing With the Stars judge previously said, "I just love it. I love seeing people face to face. I love giving them big hugs and dancing with them and answering their questions. I feel like even that was really helpful during this whole process."

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2024 Valero Texas Open odds, picks and PGA Tour predictions

P layers will have one last chance to tune their game before the Masters this week at the 2024 Valero Texas Open , which is once again being held at TPC San Antonio. Corey Conners will look to defend his title after winning the event last year with a score of 15-under par.

Below, we look at the 2024 Valero Texas Open odds and make our PGA Tour picks and predictions .

Rory McIlroy typically doesn't play the week before the Masters but he's in the Texas Open field this year and the betting favorite to win at +1000. Ludvig Aberg (+1200), Hideki Matsuyama (+1800) and Collin Morikawa (+2500) are among the other big names teeing it up this week.

TPC San Antonio is a par 72 and plays at 7,438 yards with very little elevation change throughout the course. It's not an overly challenging course, with the winning score being between 11-under and 20-under par over the last 8 years. However, if the wind picks up it will have a big impact on scoring.

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Valero Texas Open – Expert picks

Odds provided by BetMGM Sportsbook ; access USA TODAY Sports Scores and Sports Betting Odds hub for a full list. Lines last updated Monday at 3:53 p.m. ET.

Ludvig Aberg (+1200)

Aberg is only in his 1st full season on the PGA Tour, but he's already one of the best ball strikers in the world and that's highly advantageous on this course. He ranks 24th in strokes gained: tee-to-green this season and his putting isn't holding him back too much (57th in SG), so he's a perfect fit for TPC San Antonio, even after missing the cut here last year.

Corey Conners (+2200)

It's always hard to expect the defending champion to win in back-to-back years but Conners' course history and ball-striking prowess make him too good to ignore. He's won here twice since 2019 (his only 2 PGA wins)  and hasn't finished worse than 35th in his last 5 starts in this event, using his stellar iron play to propel him to 2 victories.

Valero Texas Open picks – Contenders

Keith mitchell (+5500).

After blowing a 54-hole lead at the Valspar Championship 2 weeks ago, Mitchell missed the cut at the Texas Children's Houston Open over the weekend after finishing 3-over in his last 5 holes to miss it by 1 shot. He's still among the best players on tour from tee to green, ranking 8th in strokes gained, and he's finished 17th and 26th in 2 starts here during his career. He's due for a bounce-back.

Erik van Rooyen (+6600)

van Rooyen has not been good around the greens this season, which is holding him back from contending more, but he's 48th on tour in strokes gained: tee-to-green and 19th total. Before he missed the cut at the Players Championship, he finished 8th, 2nd and 25th in 3 consecutive tournaments.

Valero Texas Open picks – Long shots

Ryan moore (+10000).

Moore is quietly playing well right now, finishing 31st, 5th and 45th in his last 3 starts. Impressively, he's 12th in SG: tee-to-green, including 4th in approach, but his putting has been horrific (173rd). TPC San Antonio is more about ball striking than putting, which has helped him finish in the top 10 twice before, so he's a worthy long shot this week.

Matt Kuchar (+12500)

Kuchar has finished 3rd, 2nd, 12th and 7th in his last 4 starts at this tournament, an event he plays every year. Looking at his stats from this season gives you pause when it comes to betting him because he isn't playing well (6 missed cuts in 8 starts), but it's hard to ignore his recent finishes at TPC San Antonio.

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This article originally appeared on USA Today Sportsbookwire: 2024 Valero Texas Open odds, picks and PGA Tour predictions

Apr 2, 2023; San Antonio, Texas, USA; Corey Conners poses with the winner's trophy following the final round of the Valero Texas Open golf tournament at TPC San Antonio. Mandatory Credit: Raymond Carlin III-USA TODAY Sports


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    Bologna, 7 marzo 2023 - Ci siamo quasi all'inizio del nuovo tour di Gianni Morandi. Sono 9 le date di marzo di 'Go! Gianni Go! Morandi nei palasport' e venerdì 10 marzo di parte da Rimini ...

  11. Morandi Tour Announcements 2022 & 2023, Notifications, Dates ...

    Find information on all of Morandi's upcoming concerts, tour dates and ticket information for 2022-2023. Unfortunately there are no concert dates for Morandi scheduled in 2022. Songkick is the first to know of new tour announcements and concert information, so if your favorite artists are not currently on tour, join Songkick to track Morandi ...

  12. Gianni Morandi Concert & Tour History

    Gianni Morandi has had 38 concerts. Gianni Morandi is most often considered to be Pop, Singer-Songwriter, Italian, Italy, Italian Adult Pop, and Classic Italian Pop. The last Gianni Morandi concert was on August 02, 2023 at Fortezza Di Mont'Alfonso in Castelnuovo di Garfagnana, Italy. The songs that Gianni Morandi performs live vary, but here's ...

  13. Gianni Morandi Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow Gianni Morandi and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for Gianni Morandi concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  14. Gianni Morandi, Sanremo Co-Host 2023, on His Passion for ...

    Gianni Morandi, Co-Host of Sanremo 2023, Discusses His Endless Passion for the Festival. The Italian pop music legend knows Sanremo from every angle: as a contestant, guest performer, host — but ...

  15. Gianni Morandi in Tour: biglietti, date concerti e scaletta

    A un anno dalla partecipazione al Festival di Sanremo 2022 con "Apri Tutte le Porte" (scritta da Jovanotti) e in vista del ritorno sul palco dell'Ariston in veste di conduttore al fianco di Amadeus, Gianni Morandi è pronto a ripartire anche con l'attività live, con un tour che partirà subito dopo il festival. Vediamo insieme il calendario dei concerti costantemente aggiornato.

  16. Gianni Morandi in Malta as part of his Summer tour 'Go Gianni Gò

    August 11, 2023. LA VALLETTA (MALTA) (ITALPRESS/MNA) - The legendary Italian singer and songwriter Gianni Morandi returned to Malta as part of his Summer 2023 tour 'Go Gianni Gò when on Saturday night he will take the stage at the iconic venue of Fort Manoel on Manoel island in Gzira. The last time Gianni Morandi visited Malta was in 2019.

  17. Morandi Concerts & Live Tour Dates: 2024-2025 Tickets

    Follow Morandi and be the first to get notified about new concerts in your area, buy official tickets, and more. Find tickets for Morandi concerts near you. Browse 2024 tour dates, venue details, concert reviews, photos, and more at Bandsintown.

  18. Gianni Morandi Se perdo anche te live GoGianniGo Milano ...

    Se perdo anche te, cantata da Gianni Morandi al Forum di Assago il 12/03/2023 nel palasport tour GoGianniGo #giannimorandi #gogiannigo #seperdoanchete #moran...

  19. Gianni Morandi in tour al Palasele di Eboli

    Gianni Morandi ha riabbracciato il pubblico di Eboli a qualche anno di distanza dal suo ultimo concerto al Palasele. Con una carriera lunga oltre mezzo secol...

  20. Gianni Morandi Tour Statistics: 2023

    View the statistics of songs played live by Gianni Morandi. Have a look which song was played how often in 2023! Gianni Morandi Tour Statistics: 2023 |

  21. 2023 Gianni Morandi

    Domenica 12 Marzo 2023 - Mediolanum Forum - MilanoGianni Morandi in tour "Go Gianni Go! Morandi nei Palasport".@meti3757

  22. Moranditour srl

    Morandi is a Tour Operator and Bus Operator, we specialize in passenger transport, tailor-made travel and in-coming solutions. Morandi Group Srl is composed as follows: -Morandi Tour, Via Dandolo 1 Varese -Morandi Autoservizi, Via Ca 'Bassa 10 Varese ... Nov 2023 • Couples. Patricio was wonderful! She answered every question and was a delight ...

  23. Leaderboard

    Stats. Facts & Figures. Records & Achievements. Career Money List. Non-Member R2D Points List. Home favourite Veer Ahlawat reflected with pride on his best performance on the DP World Tour at the Hero Indian Open. ,

  24. 2024 Men's Frozen Four: Bracket, scores, schedule for the college

    All 28 goals in the 2024 NCAA men's hockey regional finals. The Frozen Four is set for 2024. No. 2 Boston University will take on No. 3 Denver and No. 1 Boston College will face Michigan, which ...

  25. 2024 PGA Tour

    January 4, 2024. ( 2024-01-04) - TBD. Number of official events. 39. ← 2022-23. 2025 →. The 2024 PGA Tour is the 109th season of the PGA Tour, the main professional golf tour in the United States. It is also the 56th season since separating from the PGA of America, and the 18th edition of the FedEx Cup .

  26. DraftKings preview: Valero Texas Open

    The PGA TOUR stays in Texas for another week for the Valero Texas Open. TPC San Antonio will be the host and measures as a 7,438-yard par 72 with Poa trivialis ... After a difficult 2023 season ...

  27. When is Final Four? Dates, times, TV, teams, bracket in women's March

    In the other showdown, Caitlin Clark looks to keep her historic 2023-24 season alive when she and the Hawkeyes face off against Paige Bueckers and UConn in the semifinal. Clark put up a masterful ...

  28. Go Gianni Go! Gianni Morandi & Luca Colombo Occhi Di Ragazza

    tour "go gianni go" palaforum milano mediolanum sold out 12 3 2023 -

  29. Derek Hough's Wife Hayley Erbert to Return to Tour After Craniectomy

    The dancer suffered from a cranial hematoma in December 2023, forcing the dancing duo to pause the tour. Hayley Erbert is returning to the dance floor after a trying health battle. The 29-year-old ...

  30. 2024 Valero Texas Open odds, picks and PGA Tour predictions

    Corey Conners will look to defend his title after winning the event last year with a score of 15-under par. Below, we look at the 2024 Valero Texas Open odds and make our PGA Tour picks and ...