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100+ Lunch Ideas For Field Trips (+No Cooler Options)

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field trip lunch note

If you need lunch ideas for school field trips then you’ve probably been told you need to send in a brown bag lunch that doesn’t need to be refrigerated in a paper bag or you’re just not used to making kid’s school lunches. either way… This list is a lifesaver.  I categorized all of our easy lunch ideas for field trips in one spot below…

Field Trip Lunch Type # 1: Fully Disposable Lunches That Do Not Require Disposable Ice Packs: 

These are often called “Brown Bag Lunches” because they’re just paper lunch bags filled with items that can all be thrown out. You aren’t supposed to use any reusable containers. The idea is that the kids eat their lunch and the entire bag is thrown right into the trash. Nothing is taken back home. 

I know these are frustrating, especially for kids who are picky eaters. But as a field trip volunteer- I can tell you they’re necessary. Our school’s field trips usually involve the teacher, me, and 17 kids.

Lugging a large box of 17 paper bags to the picnic tables at the aquarium is hard but necessary. The teacher can stay with the kids and I can grab the box of lunches and bring it to the table where they’ll eat. But if they were each in a lunch box with an ice pack, those 17 lunches would take up 4 boxes of the same size and it would be impossible to manage while also carting around our own stuff, managing the kids, bathroom trips, and trying to teach.  

So these are a pain, but important. 

I mportant note: Often the school will provide an option where they’ll pack a brown bag lunch for your child for a cost. Check with your kid’s teacher if you’re not sure. 

Room Temperature Disposable “Brown Bag” Lunch Ideas: 

Choose a few items from this list…

Disposable Lunch Ideas For Field Trips: 

  • Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches (Or almond butter if your school has a “no peanut butter rule” due to severe food allergies.
  • Nutella Sandwiches.
  • Frozen uncrustables (they’ll thaw in the bag by lunchtime).
  • Beef jerky.
  • Tuna pouches.
  • Chicken salad kits or tuna salad kits.
  • Protein bar.
  • Bagel or mini bagel.
  • Black beans.
  • Breadsticks.
  • Hawaiian rolls.
  • Apple chips.
  • Fruit- like apples, clementines (only if they can peel them themselves!), grapes, pomegranate seeds, blueberries, bananas, etc. 
  • Veggies- like baby carrots, grape tomatoes, sugar snap peas, celery, and cucumber slices.
  • Shelf stable ranch cups. (Hidden valley makes my favorite one- they’ll be in the salad dressing aisle). 
  • Gogurt Yogurt (freeze the tubes the night before and they’ll thaw by lunch) (Technically this isn’t totally safe … but most of the moms in my school do this). 
  • Nuts (check to make sure your school allows peanuts). 
  • Dried fruits like pineapple. 
  • Granola bar.
  • Sealed fruit cup.
  • Juice boxes.
  • Shelf stable milk (make sure they like drinking it at room temperature). 
  • Popcorn (We use our popcorn machine to make popcorn every day) . 
  • Muffins. 
  • Little bites mini muffins. 
  • Candy. 
  • Chocolate. 
  • Disposable water bottle.
  • Technically some hard cheeses don’t require refridgereration… but if your 2nd grader is munching on a parmesan block at lunch… they’re clearly more sophisticated than I am.  

Usually, when you have these requirements for lunch- they don’t want you to pack their own reusable water bottles. They want you to come in with a disposable water bottle clearly labeled with their name (bonus points if you initial the cap too). That way after lunchtime, they can take the entire bag and water bottle and dump everything in the trash and not have to organize or cart anything back to school at the end of the trip. 

Hint: If you keep a box of uncrustables, a box of Gogurts, and a few bottles of water (open the seal to let some of the water out first to leave room for the water to expand) then you’ll never be caught unprepared for a field trip.

Love this list? You should see the list of cheap and easy meal ideas that we use to meal plan literally every week. Get that for free here.

field trip lunch note

Field Trip Lunch Type #2: Cold Lunch Ideas: 

If you can have a cooler pack in your lunch box- you can add any of the following along with an ice pack (if you need ice packs- you can get them for about $1 at Walmart or you can get the adorable unicorn ice packs above with 5 stars over 12k reviews on Amazon here) :

Cold Lunch Ideas: 

  • Bagel and cream cheese.
  • Bagel and butter.
  • Deli meat sandwiches- BLT, Turkey, Ham, Roast Beef. 
  • Chicken or tuna salad sandwich.
  • Cheese sticks.  
  • Greek yogurt.
  • Cheese roll-ups (these work so well with tortillas and you can add deli meat or pepperoni). 
  • Cheese sandwiches- grilling it and eating it cold is also apparently a thing that moms (who are not me) do. 
  • Hummus for veggies.
  • Hard-boiled eggs. 
  • Cubed chicken. 
  • Cold pizza. 

field trip lunch note

Field Trip Lunch Type #3: Thermos Hot Lunch Ideas:

Don’t forget that if you’re allowed to pack an actual lunch box- then you can also pack hot lunch items in a Thermos. I mostly do this when we have leftovers (because seriously… who has time to make mac n cheese in the morning for your kids’ lunch)… but you can buy one of these thermoses , fill it with boiling water, and put the top on. Let it sit for several minutes. Then fill it with hot food. The food will stay warm in the Thermos for 6 hours.

You can buy a Thermos at Walmart, Target, or they have off-brand but much cuter options on Amazon like this one (pictured above) with the computer kitten, which is leakproof, heat rated, has a folding spoon that fits in the lid, and has an overall 5-star rating. 

Fun fact: You can stick your Thermos in your cold lunch cooler bag along with other cold food like yogurt or cheese sticks because it’s double insulated. 

Thermos Hot Lunch Ideas: 

  • Macaroni and cheese.
  • Leftover chicken, steak, pork, or chicken wings. 
  • Chicken nuggets (I microwave them with a paper towel following package directions and pack them like this all the time.)
  • Spaghetti and meatballs. 
  • Broccoli cheddar soup. 
  • Buttered pasta.
  • Pizza rolls.
  • Bagel bites.
  • Mashed potatoes with toppings.
  • French toast sticks.
  • Scrambled eggs.
  • Taco meat, pulled pork, or chicken (add a bun or tortillas).
  • Pork fried rice.
  • Chicken casseroles. 
  • Any leftovers that need to be warm. 

field trip lunch note

Field Trip Lunch Type #4: Healthy school lunch ideas:

If you’re looking for only healthy school lunch ideas, then pack lunches “bento box style”. That means that you pack a serving of several whole foods together in one container ( these bento boxes (pictured above) are the ones we use- they have separate compartments for everything including dips or dressing ). That might look like a container filled with a hard-boiled egg, apple slices, cubed chicken, carrots, and blueberries in one container. This makes clean-up easier because it’s just one container and cuts down on the plastic bag waste and fewer dishes to wash than using multiple reusable containers. 

Healthy School Lunch Ideas: 

Just choose one item from the following categories to stick into a bento box: 


  • Cheese stick.
  • Hard-boiled egg.
  • Nuts. 
  • Almond butter or peanut butter. 
  • Chicken breast cubes.

Raw Vegetables: 

  • Broccoli. 
  • Cauliflower.
  • Carrots. 
  • Grape tomatoes.
  • Clementines.
  • Blueberries.
  • Pomegranate seeds.

Whole grains: 

  • Whole grain pretzels.
  • Whole grain crackers.
  • Whole grain pasta. 
  • Pita bread. 

Love this list? You should see the list of cheap and easy meal ideas we use to meal plan literally every week. Get that for free here.

Other things you should know for field trip lunches: 

Don’t forget a water bottle for the field trip!

It makes life a million times easier and saves us lots of water fountain trips. If it’s a “disposable lunch only” then they need a water bottle that can be thrown out at the end of the field trip. If they can bring a lunchbox, then you can bring a reusable water bottle.

Label everything!

That includes coats, lunch bags, and water bottles. On field trips, everything is usually left on the bus and someone is tasked with grabbing those items later. Trying to figure out whose bag is whose can be chaotic with everyone trying to eat, especially with things like allergens. You can pack lunch in either paper lunch bags or in a ziplock bag and just label them with a pen or a sharpie. For jackets, you can write their names on the tag in sharpie or you can grab a set of these semi-permanent labels that stick to lunch containers and clothing that can be washed without falling off to label everything from your bento boxes, water bottles, to your sweaters and jackets. 

Bonus points for cute lunch notes.

At least for the field trips I’ve volunteered on (K-4th grade), lunch notes from parents seem to be a status symbol that gets noticed. Not that I’m trying to add anything to your already hectic day… just mentioning that if you have the time and want to surprise your elementary school kid, it goes a long way. Here’s some ideas if you’re not sure what to say.

You can actually buy cute printed cards with blank backs to write your notes on now , but post-it notes or even scrap paper have the same effect.

P.S. Love this list? You should see the list of cheap and easy meal ideas that we use to meal plan literally every week. Get that for free here.

If you have any ideas I missed- can you let me know in the comments below so I can add them later?

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50 Easy Sack Lunch Ideas (No Refrigeration)

June 16, 2023 by Tara Buss Leave a Comment

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Sack lunch ideas that require no refrigeration and can be kept at room temperature. I've included classic ideas as well as some different ones for more adventurous eaters. Great for field trips, summer camp, car trips, hiking or camping.

Sack lunch ideas- no refrigeration

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Packing a disposable sack lunch for yourself or your child can be tricky. Maybe you are going on a family hike, camping trip, or your kid has a field trip or summer camp requiring a disposable lunch. You immediately panic thinking that your standard school lunches that you send with ice packs in your reusable bento box won't work.

It can be difficult to think of easy sack lunch ideas that don't require an ice pack for cold lunches, especially if you have a picky child. I have done the hard work for you and brainstormed a list of foods that are perfect for a paper bag packed lunch. Everything on this list can be thrown away after eating.

What can I pack for lunch without refrigeration?

Although it may feel limiting, there are actually a lot of foods that do not require refrigeration. It might be helpful to show your child this list and see what foods look appetizing. Giving them ownership often goes a long way in making it more likely they will actually eat the food you pack.

  • peanut butter and jelly (You could also sub almond butter or sunflower butter)
  • peanut butter and honey
  • peanut butter crackers
  • fresh vegetables:  snap peas, carrots, celery, grape tomatoes, yellow or red bell peppers, cucumbers
  • dried fruit: dried mango, dates, dried figs, raisins, etc
  • fresh fruit with the peels on: cuties, banana, peach, plum, apple, cherries, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, etc.
  • applesauce pouches
  • shelf stable yogurt pouches
  • beef sticks
  • protein bars or other snack bars
  • hard cheeses (low moisture): parmesan cheese, aged gouda, Pecorino Romano, asiago
  • tuna packs with crackers or stuffed in a pita pocket
  • chicken salad kit
  • black beans packet
  • granola: store-bought or homemade
  • apple chips
  • fruit strips
  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • cheese crisps
  • seaweed snacks
  • individual salsa cups
  • sealed snack olives
  • sealed pepperoni pack
  • water or juice box

Additional foods with ice packs

If you really wanted to include some perishable foods, you could include an "ice pack". You could freeze your child's water bottle or juice box ahead of time and have that act as your ice pack. Make sure to remove some of the water before freezing so it leaves a little space for the water to expand as it freezes. I would wrap the frozen drinks in paper towels and place them in a small ziplock to keep condensation from ruining the brown paper bag.

Of course, there is still a potential danger in this method as you are never 100% sure if the food will remain a safe temperature, so proceed with caution. The shelf stable list above is always the safest bet.

For additional sack lunch ideas in this category, you could add the following:

  • deli meat sandwiches or wraps
  • string cheese or cheddar cheese cubes
  • hard-boiled eggs
  • bagel with cream cheese
  • build your own lunchable: meat, cheese, crackers
  • tortilla pinwheels with any fillings you wish
  • non shelf-stable yogurt: You can also freeze this ahead of time so it's thawed and likely still cold by lunch.
  • rotisserie chicken
  • guacamole cups
  • beans and bean dip

Sack Lunch Examples

Here are some example of combinations you could put together for sack lunches. Sometimes the visuals can be helpful. I like to aim for a protein, carb, fat, and something they will look forward to eating.

The Classic

pb&j, banana, carrots, pretzels

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, carrot sticks, banana, pretzels

The high protein

tuna pack, pita, yogurt, granola, cutie

tuna pack, pita, shelf stable yogurt pouch, cutie, granola. Make sure to pack a disposable spoon or fork for the tuna. You could also pack an individual condiment packet like ranch, ketchup or mayo for the tuna pita.

The Italian foodie

sealed pepperoni, whisps, olives, baguette, grape tomatoes, basil, cutie

baguette, sealed pepperoni, grape tomatoes, basil, packaged olives, cheese crisps, fruit. Cut the bread in half in case they want to make a sandwich with the pepperoni.

The nothing fresh

beef sticks, applesauce, snack bar, seaweed chips

beef sticks, applesauce, seaweed chips, snack bar

The homemade

muffin, apple with peanut butter, popcorn, trail mix

muffin, peanut butter and apple slices, popcorn, trail mix.

A shallow snack bag is ideal for the peanut butter so they don't have to reach down far in the bag for dipping. I also like to cut the apple ahead of time and then keep it closed with a rubber band to keep the apple slices from browning. The trail mix can be anything you have on hand. Pictured is pumpkin seeds, chocolate chips, pretzels, raisins, and chopped dried mango. You could also add nuts, cereal, coconut, or other dried fruit.

The picky eater

muffin, beef sticks, chips, yogurt

beef sticks, muffin, chips, yogurt

The budget eater

pb&j, banana, popcorn

PB&J, popcorn, banana

The chicken salad kit

chicken salad kit, banana, pretzels, yogurt pouch

chicken salad kit, banana, yogurt, pretzels

This little kit is not ideal ingredient-wise but it is very convenient for sack lunches and pretty decent in taste. It comes with six cracker and a little spoon for spooning the chicken salad onto the crackers.

Wrapping and packing options

Of course, plastic bags can always be used to pack small amounts of food like sandwiches and chips. If you do not like the idea of all of that single use plastic going in the trash, try wrapping your sandwiches in parchment or butcher paper and securing it with string or tape.

Don't forget to send a water bottle or juice box, frozen if needed to keep cold.

Include disposable forks or spoons if needed. If you really hate the idea of plastic, you could try compostable cutlery instead.

Also don't forget a napkin or paper towel. If you wrap it around the water bottle, it can act as a wet wipe catching condensation as the water thaws.

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TheLadyChef | Potluck Recipes & Inspiring Party Tips

30 Field Trip Lunch Ideas

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Field trips are a great way to learn and explore, but they can also be challenging when packing a lunch. You want something healthy, filling, and easy to transport. I have compiled my favorite field trip lunch ideas that you should try.

Let’s get started

Sandwiches and Wraps

  • Classic Turkey and Swiss Sandwich

Turkey and Swiss sandwiches are an amazing lunch. Combining French bread, butter, and roast turkey creates a recipe beyond compare.

Whenever I prepare this delicious turkey and Swiss sandwich recipe, my family loves how delicate/delicious it is. The garnishing of the kosher dill pickle makes the sandwich stand out among other dishes on the plate.

A perfect school field trip lunch for kids. I always love making turkey and Swiss sandwiches for my kids in the morning to make a healthy and nutritious breakfast. These quick and easy-to-make sandwiches are popular because of their buttery bites.

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  • Chicken Caesar Wrap

A light, fresh, and crispy food. Chicken Caesar Salad wraps are so refreshing with big fillings and flavors.

These chicken Caesar wraps are so easy to make because I used a shortcut to make them. That is why I can prepare these wraps from scratch within a few minutes. Nothing better than chicken Caesar wraps. Maybe because I’m too obsessed with carbs.

A perfect field trip lunch recipe with savory flavors. It is a quick recipe to store in the fridge and then quickly from fridge to table within a few minutes. Chicken Caesar wraps are winning in every gathering and category.

  • Veggie Hummus Wrap

A perfect grab-and-go lunch idea can be none other than this healthy veggie wrap lunch for the summer holidays. Veggie wrap is versatile because of just a few ingredients, like chicken, hummus, tortillas, and leafy vegetables.

Hummus wrap is vegan and best for packed parties and picnics. The kids like a quick, fresh, healthy veggie wrap the most. This recipe is one of those recipes that I usually love to make for my kids whenever they go on school trips.

Healthy and flavorful hummus veggie wraps are here to save your boring lunch. Serve best with tomato sauce, thinly sliced tomatoes, and green chili.

  • Tuna Salad Lettuce Wraps

I usually prefer to make a light, crispy, and refreshing meal as a lunch. The twist of the lettuce wrap is to pair it with tuna instead of beef or chicken. The inside filling is classy with the buttery texture of celery, mayo, onion, and many more.

A combination of tuna with crunchy and smooth lettuce is the next level thing. Tuna salad lettuce wraps make taste buds happy with the crunchy and savory flavors. The best part is it is super quick and easy.

The mustard and red onion have nice acidity, but the main star is tuna, which makes the dish prominent at the table. I always love serving it with veggie straws, soma potato chips, and even grilled watermelon slushies.

  • Bean and Cheese Burritos

These scrummy burritos are similar to chicken wraps. Its appearance must have given you a familiar look. Absolute classic cheese burritos are super easy lunch or potluck dinner recipes that can be ready in a few minutes.

I used to eat them a lot when I was in middle school. It was my favorite due to its cheesy and buttery texture.

Buttery canned pinto beans are perfect in this dish, which enhances the silky and smooth flavors. A golden and irresistible crispy exterior is the bonus point. Serves and tastes best with avocado guacamole and salsa, which will make the recipe stand out in the field trips.

  • Southwest Black Bean Wraps

A tasty black bean wrap that is freezer-friendly. It is packed with nutrition. The ingredients include chicken, black beans, roasted red peppers, fat-free sour cream, and blue cheese spread.

A yummy and scrummy meal that people love making in holiday trip lunches. They are similar to the chicken wraps. Add your favorite veggies, whoever you like.

Popping them in the oven for a few minutes will make them a little crunchy outside and melty cheese inside. Tastes heavenly, right?

Each ingredient complements the other and enhances the juicy and savory flavors of the wrap. If you never tried before, try this time and amaze everyone.

The entire crowd will go wild over it and ask you for its recipe. After serving them, I also shared their recipe with my colleagues and friends because they were so amazed by their crunchy and scrummy flavors.

  • Mediterranean Chicken Pita Pockets

Family favorite chicken pita recipe, which is absolutely amazing and easy. Its marination gives immense flavor to the one who eats it. These chicken pita pockets are loaded with veggies, hummus, and feta, a perfect appetizer treat.

Using leftover vegetables and chicken is the best thing to stand out in your dish. Assemble the veggies, fill in the pita pocket, and yes, it is ready to serve. Feta and veggies complement each other so well and melt in the mouth with each bite.

Whenever I make chicken pita pockets for my kids, I top them with lemon juice, a perfect savory addition. Kids love it.

  • Buffalo Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Delicious, low-carb lettuce wraps are perfect for the kids. They are topped with carrots, celery, and homemade cheese dressing, which tastes heavenly with each bite.

Loaded with shredded chicken and fresh veggies, the buffalo chicken lettuce wraps are a healthy snack for summer field trip parties.

They are not just good; they are great. Bold buffalo chicken flavors with fresh veggies make the weeknight dinner stand out. Flexible keto and gluten-free quality are perfect for diet-conscious people.

It is healthy and colorful but also a low-carb, gluten-free, and keto recipe. Plus point? Contains vitamin C, Iron, and calcium. The friendliest recipe I have ever made.

  • Smoked Salmon and Cream Cheese Bagels

The smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels are the perfect breakfast offer. Restaurants sell pre-sliced smoked salmon and cream cheese, which makes the bagels easy to serve.

This creamy bagel is a perfect kind of treat for the taste buds. Fresh lemonade flavors make it one tasty bite for kids and adults.

Thinly sliced onion and briny capers topping are the perfect addition to the smoked salmon and cream cheese bagels. I used to eat them a lot when I was younger; now, I love making them for my kids for their school lunch. Tastes incredible with tomato sauce or mayonnaise sauce.

  • Chicken Shawarma Pita Pockets

Healthy, easy, and homemade shawarma pita pockets look and taste incredible. They have a fan following for a reason. The secret is its spices which make the difference between store-bought and homemade shawarma.

Chicken shawarma is one of my all-time favorite Middle Eastern street food. If you are unfamiliar with it, you have missed the big shot. The crunchy veggie filling is so healthy and fresh that it tastes better with yogurt sauce. So simple and so colorful.

They are the perfect appetizers for everyone who loves spicy foods. Homemade Harissa sauce sits perfectly with the chicken shawarma pita pockets. I never regret making them amaze my family, so you must not.

Salads & Bowls

  • Greek Pasta Salad

An easy and perfect side dish for lunch potluck . Ripe, juicy tomatoes, tender pasta, feta cheese, and crisp cucumbers make the perfect appetizer. I use olives to garnish the recipe; they taste delightful.

I love salads because they are easy and quick to make. The pasta or salad has all the unique flavors a Greek salad must have. Lemony garlic dressing makes the olives and feta stand up. And if you love Greek salad without pasta, try this Greek Avocado Feta salad .

Do you want a bonus? Unlike other green salads, this Greek pasta salad retains its texture and serves better on a table. It tastes scrummy with grilled or roasted meat, classic Greek burgers, or pizza.

  • BBQ Chicken Quinoa Bowl

Your next favorite dish will be a Crispy and scrumptious BBQ chicken quinoa bowl that is an alternative to Vegan Quinoa salad , or Quinoa Arugula Salad .

Loaded with savory black beans, crunchy cabbage, tomato, sweet corn, and many other healthy ingredients. This is one of the best summer lunch ideas .

Creamy ranch dressing adds a heavenly taste to the chicken quinoa bowl. Make them in a slow cooker or grill for lunch or picnic parties. My family love grilled chicken quinoa bowl, so I prefer to grill them.

Nothing compares with the tender, juicy and nutritious veggies in a bowl. This scrummy and nutritious delight is worth trying once with Greek chicken salad lettuce cups or mini chicken enchilada cups.

  • Mexican Street Corn Salad Cups

Did you know that Mexican street corn salad is considered an adventure in Disney’s California? Yeah, but now you can get them in cups. It is a perfect appetizer and snack for kids and adults, which is Mexican-inspired, actually.

Quick and easy to make within 15 minutes, this can be the best last-minute potluck idea . cool! Right? Mexican street corns hit the same notes as the original treat. Sweet corn mixed with the chili and tangy lime seasoning.

Light, crispy, and crunchy street corn tastes sweet and tangy at the same time. Its flavors always make me go wild over it.

Roasted corn, jalapeno, red onions, sour cream, chili powder, and cotija cheese give an amazing result. A perfect side or a snack meal with bursting flavors. Easy to make and easy to serve with other delicious side dishes.

  • Mediterranean Couscous Salad

A fresh Mediterranean couscous salad with lemon herb dressing is the perfect crunchy food for the field trip lunch.

The colorful vegetables, olives, feta cheese, and garbanzo beans are the best few ingredients, making the recipe a perfect appetizer for all healthy food lovers.

A healthy side dish packed with crunch and flavors is so satisfying. The salad strikes the perfect balance of phytonutrients and fiber-rich vegetables, which makes it more appealing.

Lovely nuttiness, little sponges, and citrus soak dressing are the benefits I enjoy in making Mediterranean salad. A wonderful solution when you need a light and quick meal.

  • Asian Cold Noodle Salad

Nothing can beat the summer heat more than the Asian cold noodles salad. Cold noodles salad contains cilantro inside and is topped with lime and peanut dressing; refreshing, right? Its fresh, long-standing, and crowd-pleasing flavors make my kids want it more and more.

These American-Chinese takeout-style sesame noodles make the guests love the host’s services. Fresh, crunchy, and different veggies combined with noodles create a spicy, creamy, and addictive food that no one can resist.

I always enjoy this side dish with the accompanying sauce or soup. The best thing about these cold noodles is they are best served at room temperature. It prevents me from heating them again and again.

Bites & Finger Foods

  • Spinach and Feta Stuffed Peppers

Low carb, delicious, and the perfect alternative recipe to a gluten-free spinach pie. Plus! While you do a lot of work, they will serve as a low-carb. That’s an absolute win-win. I usually make them for a week and prepare one with my favorite proteins as a side dish.

Serves best as an appetizer or a snack. Hit top lunch recipes at family events. Greek spinach-inspired filling in peppers fills the mouth with happiness and buttery flavors.

A perfect little bite that serves without a fuss. Its blast flavors are unforgettable; the person who tastes it will never ever be going to forget its crunchiness and deliciousness.

Not only is the recipe an explosion for any cocktail party, but it is also popular in restaurants and events necessitating foods.

  • California Sushi Rolls

Similar to Masago Sushi, these Sushi Rolls are also creamy, fresh, and crispy, with a bunch of flavors. Fresh crabmeat, crispy cucumbers, and creamy avocado are the heart ingredients of the recipe.

The affordable and delicious sushi rolls taste incredible due to the healthy and fresh flavors. I always loved sushi, but I get excited when my friend tells me how to make sushi at home. California rolls are popular because of a reason.

My kids love this sushi in school lunch. It comes together quickly, so I make them every morning to please my kids and husband. The sushi rice and cucumber combination is worth trying. Tastes incredible with soy sauce.

Cheese Turkey Pinwheels

Crispy, delicious, and crunchy field trip lunch recipe, which everyone loves. Cheesy and creamy pinwheels are the perfect pleasure for the taste buds. They are quick and easy-to-make snacks or appetizers.

Make them a few moments before the party and enjoy its creamy flavors with friends and family. Finger foods like pinwheels are popular for field trip lunches, which may be why I love ham so much.

Swap the cheeses and meats however you like. they are so fun for the kids Flaky and crowd-pleasing pinwheels are the perfect appetizer. Packed with full creamy and melty cheese.

Endlessly so easy to create and serve with the favorite side dishes like Grilled pineapple, hash brown casserole, or potato salad.

  • Pizza Bagel Bites

A perfect, scrummy, and creamy lunch idea for school-going kids. A quick hand-held game as a potluck appetizer . It is ready to amaze the family’s taste with just a few ingredients.

I had always loved the store-bought pizza bagel bites. But believe me, these pizza bagel bites are no compare. These pizza bagel bites are quick snack snacks for the weekend or lunch on trips.

A yummy and crunchy appetizer for those who love bite-sized pizza poppers. A Chewy, salty, and cheesy texture is the perfect combo of the flavors.

Whenever I think about childhood, I miss the bagel bites my mother used to make for us. Pair the recipe with the cream sauce and grilled meat. Your family is surely going to love this combo.

  • Fruit Salad Skewers with Yogurt Dip

Fresh, healthy, and colorful salad with many fruits looks eyes pleasure. Creamy honey vanilla yogurt dip is perfect for making the snack healthy. The one thing that never makes anyone get bored is fruits.

Fresh berries, juicy green kiwis, and juicy citrus are my favorites. So, I add them to my fruit salad. I did not regret adding them; it was a perfect combo.

These fruit skewers are the perfect addition to the healthy snacks on the table. Need some colors on top? Add some purple berries or mint leaves on top.

One of the best things is this dish serves best with other delicious dishes on your party table—a taste-friendly salad, which both adults and kids love at any time. Serve with creamy mayo sauce, and enjoy your summer.

  • Antipasto Skewers

These antipasto skewers are delicious mini appetizers that you can make in advance. For a picnic party, an event, a field trip, or whatever you are holding, antipasto skewers are perfect to grab and go.

Easy to make and easy to serve. Loved by every single person due to the loaded, healthy, and fresh veggie flavors.

These bold and briny antipasto skewers are totally crowd-pleasing. That is the main reason why I love making them on every trip.

They taste incredible with mozzarella, salami, roasted peppers, and olives. This is a no-cook recipe your entire crowd will love.

  • Apple Slices with Almond Butter Dipping Sauce

A fruity and buttery dip gets a delicious caramel flavor from sweet dates. This scrummy and sweet dip is served best with veggies, apples, toast crackers, or anything you like.

The best part is that it only takes a few minutes to prepare. This dip is transforming the sweet and salty snacking experience. Almonds bring a nutty flavor to this healthy snack. Satisfy after-school cravings with this date’s dip with a creamy flavor.

Packed with proteins, means it is perfect for the kids. The dip is light and fluffy in texture. No other sauce has healthier or creamier flavors. I often make it for the kids’ breakfast. Then they can pack leftovers for their school lunches.

Mini Vegetable Frittatas ( Vegan Egg Bites )

Mini vegetable frittatas look like mini cupcakes. Super delicious and yummy with each bite. Cheesy, eggy, and veggie vegetable frittatas are popular because of their heavenly flavors.

The best part about them? They are easy to make and can be stored in the fridge for later—a quick meal plan, which I love making with my favorite veggies.

Whatever veggies you like, add in the filling and enjoy fresh flavors with cheese topping. Rather than baking a large frittata on top of the stove, bake plenty in a muffin tin.

The Italian seasoning adds some extra flavors to its crunchy texture, which enhances the savory frittata flavors. Serve best with tomato, feta white bean salad, and Swiss chard with Garbanzo beans.

  • Italian Sub Skewers

Craving an Italian sandwich? Yummy and colorful Italian sub skewers taste best. If you want a simple and quick-to-go appetizer dish for the guests, nothing will beat the savory and fresh flavors of these Italian sub skewers.

Craving an Italian sandwich? Yummy and colorful Italian sub skewers taste best. If you want a simple and quick-to-go appetizer dish for the guests, nothing will beat these Italian sub skewers’ savory and fresh flavors.

The juicy, crunchy, and refreshing combination of different ingredients makes it eye-pleasing. These delicious hoagie skewers are the best Italian sandwiches on the sticks. Flavors of cheese, meat, and sub-style fixings taste unforgettable.

Bold and briny flavors are crowd-pleasing, but the recipe is quick to make. All you need are some fresh vegetables and assemble them in a stick. Your great Italian sub skewers are ready to serve with your other favorite side dishes.

  • Caprese Salad Skewers

Caprese salad skewers are a perfect appetizer and also the best recipe you can add to your office lunch recipes for work . They are super easy to make and taste incredible with every bite.

On Easter Potluck , I enjoy this yummy dish while hanging out with family. The tomatoes add incredible beauty and robust flavor to this recipe.

They look cute, right? Assembling them in the toothpicks and drizzling them with the olive oil on top make the recipe look so colorful and bright.

With balsamic vinegar topping, some of them taste different and unique. The sweetness melts in the mouth and makes the Caprese salad skewers a perfect appetizer dish for holidays.

  • Turkey and Cranberry Roll-Ups

These turkey and cranberry roll-ups are the perfect appetizer food for everyone. Savory, creamy, and a hint of sweetness flavors are the combinations of the best dish. Tortilla roll-ups are surely the hit recipe for everyone’s events and functions.

Not only are they best for field trips, but you can also enjoy making them at picnics and potluck parties. The color combination looks so appealing. The bonus points? Your kids will demand them every weekend. So, be ready to make this crowd favorite roll-ups and make everyone your fan. Fun to make these roll-ups. Easy, creamy, and cheesy.


  • Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Granola

Greek yogurt and parfait with berries and granola are the balanced diets for kids and adults in the morning breakfast.

Parfaits make a scrummy dish to pack whenever you go on field trips, as their fresh and crunchy flavors make everyone’s mornings and afternoons refreshing.

Make it within 2 minutes when you don’t have enough time and enjoy each bite. Yogurt and fruits are the total ingredients that make the dish incredible.

If your kids go to school, make the parfait the night before and pack it for them to enjoy in the morning. This allows them to enjoy its deliciousness at school with friends. Add various fruits – it’s an easy and nutritious snack to help kids stay healthy.

  • Mediterranean Hummus Platter with Pita Bread

The arrival of summer brings a lot of lunch ideas—light, refreshing, and flavorful hummus platter. This Mediterranean platter with roasted red pepper hummus, fresh veggies, feta, and olives looks so healthy and appealing that you can never say no to it.

This Mediterranean hummus platter will be your good-to-go recipe whenever you hold an event or go for a field trip. Serve this juicy and savory platter with pita bread. I’m sure you will go crazy for its flavors.

Breads & Pies

  • Mini Quiche Assortment

The mini quiche assortment looks like mini cupcakes. There is no better breakfast recipe than these mini bite-sized quiches. Fillings of whipped egg base in the mini muffin tin look so adorable.

Mushrooms, bacon, spinach, and vegetables are the perfect combinations of the flavors. These snacks are the scrummy mini appetizers in field trip lunches. You can also make them at holiday parties to amaze your friends.

Tastes heavenly, with a buttery and flaky texture and tons of flavors. Hundreds of mini quiches will be ready on your kitchen table in just a few minutes.

Prepare to make them before going on the trip with family and enjoy them while hanging out in the mountains.

Mini Chicken and Waffle Sliders

I love making a classic Southern breakfast recipe on weekends for my kids. It looks so fun and appealing that no one can resist it after first looking. Super easy and quick to make within a few minutes.

Combining sweet and savory waffles is irresistible, so you’ll want to make them regularly. Crispy waffles with sticky maple syrup taste so sweet and pleasing. You and your family surely will love it, even on the first try.

Easy and fun to make. Total crowd-pleasing recipe, sweet, crispy, savory, and yummy bites. If you love evening snacks, mini chicken and waffle sliders are worth trying.

Other Lunch Recipes You Can Try:

Healthy Hiking Lunch Ideas

Field Trip Lunch Ideas


  • Ham and Cheese Pinwheels
  • Vegan Egg Bites

How to Make?

  • Choose any one of the lunch recipe
  • Gather all the recipe ingredients
  • Follow the instructions as per recipe
  • Make the recipe, and i hope you've made it the right way.

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French Onion Chicken Casserole

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Doritos Chicken Casserole

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What to Pack for a Field Trip Lunch: Healthy, Eco-Friendly, and Balanced Meal Ideas

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By Happy Sharer

field trip lunch note


A field trip lunch is a meal that is packed to be eaten away from home. It can be eaten during a school outing, a family picnic, or any other type of outdoor excursion. Packing a field trip lunch can be daunting, especially if you want to make sure it’s both healthy and tasty. This article will provide helpful tips and ideas for creating the perfect field trip lunch.

Create a Healthy and Tasty Packing List for a Field Trip Lunch

Create a Healthy and Tasty Packing List for a Field Trip Lunch

When planning your field trip lunch, the most important factor is to focus on healthy and nutritious foods. Suggestions for healthy items to pack include fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, dairy products, and other nutrient-rich snacks. Try to avoid sugary treats and processed foods, as they are not as beneficial for your overall health.

In addition to packing healthy items, you should also consider ways to make your field trip lunch delicious. To do this, you can try incorporating different flavors and textures into each meal. For example, you could add a variety of fruits and vegetables to your lunch box, such as apples, carrots, and cucumbers. You can also add some nuts or seeds for crunch, as well as some yogurt or cheese for creaminess. By combining different flavors and textures, you can create an enjoyable and satisfying meal.

Tips for Packing an Eco-Friendly Field Trip Lunch

Packing an eco-friendly field trip lunch is important for reducing waste and preserving the environment. There are many benefits to using reusable containers, such as cutting down on plastic waste and reducing costs in the long run. Some great options for reusable containers are stainless steel or glass food jars, cloth bags, and silicone storage bags. These containers can be used over and over again, saving you time and money.

You can also reduce waste by packing food in bulk. This means that instead of packing individual servings, you can package multiple servings together in one container. This will help you save on packaging materials, as well as reduce the amount of waste produced. Additionally, it’s a great way to save time when packing lunches, as you won’t have to individually wrap each item.

What to Pack for a Quick and Easy Field Trip Lunch

What to Pack for a Quick and Easy Field Trip Lunch

If you’re short on time, you can opt for pre-made or pre-packaged foods. Many grocery stores now offer pre-made meals, such as sandwiches, salads, wraps, and burritos. These can be easily grabbed from the store and packed quickly for a field trip lunch. You can also find pre-packaged snacks, such as granola bars, crackers, and trail mix, that are easy to transport and can provide a nutritious boost.

If you’d like to make your own food, there are plenty of simple and nutritious meals you can put together. Some ideas include peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, hard boiled eggs, roasted vegetables, hummus and vegetable wraps, and quesadillas. With a few ingredients and minimal preparation, you can make a tasty and filling lunch in no time.

Putting Together an On-the-Go Field Trip Lunch

When packing an on-the-go field trip lunch, it’s important to make sure the food stays safe while being transported. The best way to do this is to use insulated lunch bags or boxes. These will keep your food at a safe temperature, so it doesn’t spoil before you eat it. Additionally, you should always include ice packs to keep food cool during transport.

For a truly on-the-go lunch, it’s best to stick with portable snacks that don’t require refrigeration. Try packing things like dried fruit, trail mix, pretzels, and energy bars. These snacks are easy to transport and are conveniently sized for eating on the go.

Making the Most of Your Field Trip Lunch with Clever Packing Ideas

Making the Most of Your Field Trip Lunch with Clever Packing Ideas

To make the most of your field trip lunch, you should consider using clever packing techniques. One way to maximize space in a lunchbox is to use compartments. This will allow you to separate different types of food and prevent them from mixing together. Additionally, you can use dividers or stackable containers to keep food organized and easily accessible.

Another way to make your food last longer is to store it in airtight containers. This will prevent food from becoming dry or stale, and will keep it fresh until you’re ready to eat. Additionally, you can use reusable ice packs and insulated bags to keep food cold and prevent it from spoiling.

Strategies for Packing a Balanced Field Trip Lunch

Creating a balanced field trip lunch is important for providing your body with the nutrients it needs. To do this, you should aim to include a variety of foods from all the major food groups. Try to include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein. Additionally, you should limit processed foods and sugary snacks, as these can be detrimental to your health.

You can also incorporate variety into your field trip lunch by alternating between different types of food. For example, you could alternate between fruits and vegetables, whole grains and proteins, and dairy products. By doing this, you can ensure that your lunch is both balanced and nutritious.

Packing a field trip lunch can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the tips and ideas outlined in this article, you can create a healthy, eco-friendly, and balanced meal for your next outdoor excursion. Remember to focus on healthy and nutritious foods, use reusable containers, and incorporate variety for a truly satisfying field trip lunch.

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Hi, I'm Happy Sharer and I love sharing interesting and useful knowledge with others. I have a passion for learning and enjoy explaining complex concepts in a simple way.

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Tips For Packing Better Field Trip Lunches

three kids eating from lunchboxes

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Packing lunches on a normal day can be a tedious and not particularly exciting experience. But then, the letter comes home. The forms are turned in. And suddenly, you find yourself having to pack a lunch for a field trip. The monotony of the regular lunchtime packing has gone out the window, and in its place, you now find chaos, questions, and a need to pack something entirely outside of the typical realm of school lunches . The task can be exhausting and, if not done right, can lead to a lunchtime flop.

If you don't know where to begin, fear not, for we are here to help. We have compiled a list of tips for packing better field trip lunches. With our help, you will absolutely win the "best field trip lunch," which is an award that is totally normal to want and absolutely achievable. So don't worry — you've got this.

1. Know the location

The first thing to consider is where the field trip will take place. This piece of information will help inform every decision after this point. For example, are they going somewhere hot or cold? If the field trip is somewhere that is likely to be hot, you might not want to pack something that can melt easily, like a piece of chocolate. At the same time, it is important to note whether or not refrigeration will be available. If not, that too will affect what you will want to pack.

Aside from the practical matters, it is also important to recognize food rules that may exist at locations, such as not allowing straws or other items that could harm animals. Additionally, some religious or cultural buildings may have restrictions on certain foods. It is important to recognize these restrictions and be respectful when packing field trip lunches.

2. Use appropriate packing devices (hot or cold)

Food temperature is vitally important to food safety. Food left sitting in the 40 to 140-degree Fahrenheit range is considered to be in the "danger zone" by the United States Department of Agriculture , and not the exciting " Top Gun"-style danger zone . No, the foodborne illness danger zone is not at all enjoyable.

According to the USDA, perishable foods, such as eggs, meats, cheese, and cut fruits, can only be left out of refrigeration for two hours. That timeframe drops to one hour if the outside temperature is above 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The USDA also points out that these timeframes also apply to prepackaged foods that are often marketed for lunchtime. This is why it is so important to know the location and to pack appropriately.

With this in mind, if you have food that needs to be kept cold and no refrigerator is available, consider using an ice pack to keep the food cold . Or consider using an insulated container such as this one from Thermos to keep items hot or cold for five to seven hours.

3. Consider prefab foods

Packing lunches can be an exhausting task, and there is no shame in taking a shortcut or two; they are there for a reason. Prefab foods can be the ideal way to go sometimes, especially when it comes to packing field trip lunches. Companies like Babybel make individual cheese wheels coated in wax that are easy to throw into any bag. It should be noted that even though they are sealed, they still require refrigeration.

For the main course, toss in Uncrustables  from Smucker's, which are now available in two varieties: the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and ham and cheese Bites . A package of Uncrustables comes frozen and thaws within an hour. According to the company's website , after thawing, the PB&J sandwiches can sit at room temperature for six to eight hours, while the Bites can sit out for up to two hours. This means that, if planned correctly, you simply need to toss one into the lunch bag, and you won't have to worry about it going bad. To round out the meal, consider other nonperishable options, such as a bag of pretzels or popcorn.

4. Pack foods that don't need refrigeration or re-heating

To avoid foodborne illnesses associated with food temperature, shelf-stable products are the name of the game. In this arena, you can get creative. If your child usually has meat and cheese as part of their lunch, try swapping it out for jerky and freeze-dried cheese snacks, such as Moon Cheese . You can also consider bags of popcorn, chips, or dried fruit , or create your own healthy snack mix .

If you do not want to go all-in on processed foods, there are other options that do not require refrigeration. For example, foods like almonds and granola are safe to eat at room temperature, as well as fresh produce, such as apples, bananas, and pears. When washing and prepping fruits and vegetables, avoid cutting them up beforehand, as that starts the clock ticking on their food safety. Instead, consider small, easy-to-eat varieties, such as the seedless Halos oranges , berries, or  snacking peppers .

5. Pack ready-to-eat foods

Ready-to-eat does not necessarily mean highly processed; it simply means making sure the food can be enjoyed from the get-go and does not require extra prep. Aside from avoiding foods that require refrigeration or reheating, you also need to consider how the food will be eaten. For example, sending foods that require cutlery, either because they need to be cut up or because they cannot be eaten without a fork or spoon, can spell disaster on a field trip. This is not the time for a hot Thermos of your homemade soup . Instead, opt for sandwiches, cheese and crackers, ham and cheese pinwheels , and other items that can be eaten with their hands.

Additionally, many field trip lunches are considered "brown bags" and may request that kids bring only disposable items. Sadly, this can also mean they can't bring a reusable water bottle, so you may need to pack one they can throw away after finishing it.

6. Pack a wet wipe or three

Speaking of eating with our hands, kids are not exactly known for their excellent sense of personal hygiene. While on a field trip, kids are moving around a lot, touching things, and picking up germs. And it is possible that they may not have easily-accessible soap and water once it is time for lunch. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  stresses how important it is for children to wash their hands before eating lunch. While using things such as hand sanitizer can help kill germs, it is not going to help as much when hands are physically dirty or greasy.

That is where wet wipes, such as these from Royal , come into play. Throw a few of these, along with hand sanitizer, into your kid's lunch bag and they can use them to help clean off their hands before eating. Throwing in a few extra for the end of the meal isn't a bad idea either, as they can wipe any sticky food residue off their hands before returning to their field trip fun.

7. Use a practical lunchbox

Using a practical lunchbox can mean different things depending on the location. For example, children may be instructed to bring a fully disposable lunch in some places, such as parks. For this, the practical lunchbox can be as simple as a brown paper bag.

However, even if children are allowed to bring a more sophisticated lunchbox, practicality is still important. Sometimes, all of the lunchboxes are tossed into a big box that gets loaded onto the bus. Other times, the children may be responsible for carrying their own bags. In cases like this, even though options like  bento boxes  are adorable and would be practical for school, they may not work for a field trip. If it doesn't have a handle it can be hard to carry.

If it works within your budget, consider a lunchbox like this one from Pottery Barn . This bag has a handle for easy carrying, a side pocket that will fit either a Thermos or a water bottle, and plenty of room inside for an ice pack.

8. Pack a good water bottle

A reliable water bottle is key to any good field trip lunch. While basic plastic water bottles may do the trick at school, in the unpredictable landscape of a field trip, you want something that is undefeatable. This means, first and foremost, a tight seal. If a water bottle leaks at school, it can easily be refilled. That may not be the case on a field trip. On this note, it should also be easy to drink without spilling, such as this water bottle from Takeya . 

Second, consider the size. If it's too small, your child may run out of water. On the other hand, it is unlikely your child will need a gallon of water to make it through the day and if it's too large it will just weigh them down.

You may also want to consider the practicality of whether it can fit in a sleeve of the lunchbox or perhaps strap onto the lunchbox for easy carrying. If your child is sensitive to temperature, you may want to specifically pack an insulator to keep water cool.

9. Consider dried or leathered fruit

It is natural to want a child to have fruit with every meal as it's an important part of the daily diet. However, when a child is on a field trip including fruit in their lunch can be tricky. Fruit cups, such as those from Dole , are good for a typical lunch, but the liquid and potential sticky mess are not particularly practical for a field trip lunch. Similarly, items, such as oranges or kiwis, that require peeling may not be something the child is able to do yet. 

Luckily, there are other options though: freeze-dried or dried fruits and fruit leather. Many fruits come in freeze-fried or dried form, such as banana chips, strawberries, apples, and mango pieces. You can even buy or make your own fruit leather . While they are not a perfect substitute for fresh fruit, these versions can do the trick on a field trip. 

10. Do not overdo it

Finally, don't overdo it. It can be tempting to pack a big lunch for your child's field trip because they'll likely be moving around more than usual and may be hungrier. You may also want to pack more options since their field trip lunch will likely be different than their non-field trip lunch. But do not fall into the trap of over-packing. 

Packing too much food will lead to food waste, resulting in either perfectly good food being thrown away or your child having to carry around uneaten food for the rest of the day. You know your child best and how much they eat; try to keep it within the normal range of lunch. They can always have a snack when they get home. Who knows, they may even be so excited and distracted by all the cool field trip stuff that they eat less than usual. Whatever the case may be, packing a field trip lunch is stressful enough; no need to overdo it. 

15 Field Trip Lunch Ideas to Simplify Your Planning

This article provides practical and fun lunch ideas perfect for any field trip.

Mini Pita Pocket Sandwiches With Hummus and Veggies

mini pita pocket sandwiches with hummus and veggies

Easily portable and packed with flavor, mini pita pocket sandwiches offer a delightful mix of hummus and fresh vegetables. These sandwiches provide a satisfying and nutritious option for a field trip lunch, keeping you fueled and ready for adventure.

Chicken and Avocado Wraps With Spinach

chicken and avocado wraps with spinach

Enjoy a delicious and healthy combination of chicken, avocado, and spinach for a satisfying lunch option. These wraps are packed with protein and nutrients to keep you energized throughout your field trip.

Turkey and Cheese Pinwheel Sandwiches

turkey and cheese pinwheel sandwiches

Turkey and cheese pinwheel sandwiches are a twist on the classic sandwich, offering a fun and easy-to-eat option for a field trip lunch. These bite-sized rolls are a convenient and tasty choice for a quick and satisfying meal on the go.

Quinoa Salad With Cherry Tomatoes and Cucumbers

quinoa salad with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers

The Quinoa salad with cherry tomatoes and cucumbers provides a refreshing and nutritious lunch option for your field trip. It is a flavorful and satisfying choice that is easy to pack and eat on the go.

Pasta Salad With Italian Dressing and Mixed Vegetables

pasta salad with italian dressing and mixed vegetables

This pasta salad is a refreshing combination of Italian dressing and colorful vegetables, perfect for a field trip lunch. It offers a tasty and convenient option to stay energized throughout the day.

Veggie Sushi Rolls With Soy Sauce Packets

veggie sushi rolls with soy sauce packets

Veggie sushi rolls with soy sauce packets offer a fun and nutritious lunch option for a field trip. They provide a portable and delicious way to enjoy a taste of sushi while on the go.

Cold Noodle Salad With Peanut Sauce and Shredded Carrots

cold noodle salad with peanut sauce and shredded carrots

Satisfy your hunger with a flavorful cold noodle salad drizzled with creamy peanut sauce. The shredded carrots add a crunchy texture to this delicious meal.

Caprese Skewers With Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, and Mozzarella

caprese skewers with cherry tomatoes basil and mozzarella

Caprese skewers are a tasty and portable option for a field trip lunch, providing a fresh and flavorful bite-sized meal featuring cherry tomatoes, basil, and creamy mozzarella. These skewers offer a balanced combination of colors and textures that are sure to satisfy your taste buds while on the go.

Greek Yogurt With Honey and Mixed Berries

greek yogurt with honey and mixed berries

Greek yogurt with honey and mixed berries offers a delicious and nutritious option for a field trip lunch. It provides a balanced mix of protein, sweetness, and antioxidants to keep you energized throughout the day.

Veggie and Cheese Quesadilla Triangles

veggie and cheese quesadilla triangles

Enjoy a fun twist on classic quesadillas with veggie and cheese quesadilla triangles. These bite-sized snacks are perfect for a field trip lunch, offering a tasty and portable option for a satisfying meal on the go.

Hard-boiled Eggs and Fruit Salad Cups

hard boiled eggs and fruit salad cups

Hard-boiled eggs and fruit salad cups are a convenient and satisfying option for a field trip lunch. They provide a good source of protein and a refreshing mix of flavors in one portable container.

Mini Bagels With Cream Cheese and Cucumber Slices

mini bagels with cream cheese and cucumber slices

Mini bagels with cream cheese and cucumber slices are a delightful and refreshing lunch option for a field trip. They offer a perfect balance of creamy, crunchy, and savory flavors that are easy to eat on the go.

Chicken Caesar Salad in a Mason Jar

chicken caesar salad in a mason jar

Perfect for a field trip lunch, the Chicken Caesar salad in a mason jar is a convenient and mess-free way to enjoy a classic favorite. Layered with crisp romaine lettuce, grilled chicken, Parmesan cheese, and Caesar dressing, this portable meal is a delicious and satisfying option on the go.

Homemade Trail Mix With Nuts, Seeds, and Dried Fruits

homemade trail mix with nuts seeds and dried fruits

Homemade trail mix is a convenient and customizable snack option that provides a mix of healthy fats, protein, and carbohydrates to keep energy levels up during a field trip. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits are packed with nutrients and offer a delicious combination of flavors and textures for a satisfying munch on the go.

Cheese and Whole Grain Cracker Platters With Grapes

cheese and whole grain cracker platters with grapes

Pairing whole grain crackers with a variety of cheeses and sweet grapes makes for a satisfying and balanced field trip lunch option. The combination of flavors and textures provides a convenient and tasty bite-sized meal that’s easy to pack and enjoy on-the-go.

Giggles Galore

Kabobs Recipe School

Healthy Field Trip Lunch Ideas

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Fruit Shoot , put all opinions are my own.

Healthy Field Trip Lunch_Giggles Galore

Spring means field trips and lots of special school functions, which also means special lunches.  I love that our kids get to head out and experience hands-on field trips and enjoy a different learning perspective, but I’ll admit it also means I have to remember all the “field trip lunch rules.”  This year I’m prepared with a Healthy Field Trip Lunch ideas that I know my kids will love.

Healthy Field Trip Lunch

Part of the field trip lunch rule is that everything must be disposable, it has to be in a paper sack and the kids name has to be on it.  Because of allergies we can’t take peanut butter, which is easy for packing a disposable lunch and anything that needs to be kept cold is a pain because it has to be in a paper sack and well, those just get soggy when the ice pack melts in the Texas heat.  So this year I decided to make it easy and delicious.

Lunch on a Stick

Kabobs are one of my kids favorite lunches. And I’ve found they are much more likely to eat it if it “looks” fun.  I made mini sandwich skewers and added our favorite veggies.  I made mini fruit skewers and froze them overnight.  That way they will help keep the rest of the lunch cold without getting anything soggy.  I bought disposable containers from the Dollar Tree to keep everything from getting squished in the paper sack.    And to keep the kiddos nice and cool I threw in a Fruit Shoot juice.  This fun hydration drink is perfect for field trips, it features an innovative no-spill cap making it easy for kids to be independent and on the go.  And with no fructose corn syrup and no added sugar it’s a much better option than other flavored drinks.

Sandwich on a Stick

I threw in a lunch box note to make our Field Trip Lunch extra special.  Don’t forget the label, I used a chalkboard and wrote the kids name on it.  And when lunch is all done, all he has to do is throw it all in the trash…yep every last bit of it.

Lunch Box Note

How do you prepare the perfect lunch box for your kids?  Stop by and visit the Robinsons Fruit Shoot Facebook page for more creative lunch box ideas and tips.  Oh, and if your kids are obsessed with Angry Birds like mine you’ll love to hear that with every purchase of Fruit Shoot, this is an option for a free download of an Angry Bird game!

Fruit Shoot Field Trip Lunch

Related Ideas

  • Road Trip Activities
  • Springtime Lunch Box Notes
  • Tips for Road Trips with Kids
  • Healthy Breakfast Kabobs
  • 15 Healthy After School Snacks
  • DIY Apple Treat Bags & Printable Lunch Box Notes

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April 22, 2014 at 1:45 pm

Love these. The bright colors make me ready for SUMMER time!!

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April 22, 2014 at 7:01 pm

LOVE this! Super cute, and I’m sure all his friends will be jealous of his fun lunch from Mommy!

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April 22, 2014 at 7:27 pm

What a cute idea! Not only is it nutritious, but it looks like fun to eat.

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April 23, 2014 at 4:01 pm

Such a great idea!! I bet he will love finding this in the middle of his field trip day! My kids love eating lunch from a stick, too!

[…] Field Trip Lunch – Giggles Galore […]

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field trip lunch note

field trip lunch note

Abbott Elementary Recap: Field Trip

A bbott Elementary’s students and teachers may have crowned the Smith Memorial Playground outing the best field trip ever, but the episode doesn’t quite live up to its predecessors. The storyline is fairly clichéd — a petty playground competition brings out the childlike tendencies of the teachers — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for  Abbott  since it’s a series that fully embraces its earnestness, except there weren’t enough stand-out jokes to balance it out. Couple that with the already high expectations created by the previous field trip episodes (plus the contrast from last week, where each scene was packed to the brim with sharp writing), and tonight comes up short.

This year, Jacob facilitates a free field trip to Smith Playground, a historic park built at the turn of the 20th century as instructed in the will of a wealthy Philadelphian who, fun fact, invented a few typefaces (so random and so cool). Richard Smith and his wife Sarah envisioned the park as a memorial for their son and a safe space for young children to play. The park features a 16,000-square-foot Playhouse and contemporary playground equipment mixed in with old-fashioned designs, most famously the giant 60-foot-long wooden slide. It’s a great location as an homage to Philadelphia, yet the episode pales in comparison to the field trips set at the zoo and the Franklin Institute. The season one field trip to the zoo aired during the haze of adoration associated with the then brand-new show; it gave us now classic  Abbott  jokes (Tariq was on a roll) and significant character development. It also heavily moved along the Janine/Gregory slow burn, as did the second season episode at the Franklin Institute. To be fair, these were technically season finales, and while this is the penultimate episode, the bar is still pretty high.

Despite the episode not breaking the laugh meter, we do make some progress regarding the lovebirds and classroom neighbors. However, it’s not necessarily the progression shippers of the romance hoped for. But remember, we’re playing the long game here, and under the rules and tenants of sitcom slow burns, it’s not about whether Gregory and Janine are going to date — we  know  they will somehow, someway — it’s a matter of how and when. Spoiler alert: it won’t happen on the slide at the Smith Memorial Playground. Similarly to the events leading to Janine and Jacob’s season two agreement to pump the breaks, tonight, Jacob is the one to trigger the first domino, not that it would take much force to get things moving. At the start of the episode, Gregory and Janine share flirtatious energy when he helps drape her jacket over her shoulders. Gregory tells Jacob he intends to tell Janine his true feelings, but he’s waiting for the right time. Obviously, this isn’t enough to keep Jacob from meddling, so while on the bus to the playground, he subtly tells Janine that Gregory still has feelings for her.

After Janine asks Jacob to confirm that these words indeed came out of Gregory’s mouth and reassure her that she won’t be turned down again like earlier in the year, she coly slides into the bus seat next to Greg. During their small talk, Janine notes how their field trips usually end in disaster, and Gregory replies that maybe this field trip will break the unlucky streak — a statement that, in hindsight, was more of an omen than a prophecy regarding their relationship. Since last season, they’ve been playing a game of ping pong, with the pair never being entirely on the same page about their feelings for the other. Now, we see them fully court each other, mutually acknowledging the romantic chemistry. They have the perfect dramatic height difference for Janine to gaze upwards coquettishly and for Gregory to look down adoringly through the near-foot of space between their heads. The stakes become even higher when Gregory uses Janine’s phone to take a picture of her with her class and sees a text from Manny, asking to get dinner sometime.

Manny’s text is merely a speedbump — though it could have been a full stop if Janine meant the X-rated definition of being a “swinger” instead of the G-rated version like he briefly did. Unaware of what Gregory saw, Janine asks if he wants to swing with her. It’s giving Janine and Gregory sitting in a swing, but the kids kick them off before they get to the K-I-S-S-I-N-G part. They rejoin the teachers, and Gregory tells Jacob that the text didn’t deter him; inversely, it galvanized him even more to disclose his feelings, so it appears like we’re getting closer to real action when he and Janine venture off to the giant wooden slide. While Gregory and Janine frolic around the park, the other characters get caught up in a feud with their rival school, Liberty, led by Ava’s archnemesis and sorority sister, Crystal. The first shot of “The Soror War” (Jacob is so funny for that) is fired when one of Melissa’s students claims that a Liberty student pushed her on the playground, and Melissa approaches Miss Bronco, the other little girl’s teacher. Miss Bronco is played by Michaela Watkins, who expertly employs her distinct quick, dry humor in her snark-filled remarks, claiming the Abbott student was the aggressor.

Melissa attempts to diffuse the situation, saying both girls should apologize. With a fake smile and sardonic tone, Miss Bronco agrees with Melissa, adding a little salt as she says, “It’s the right thing to do, no matter who shoved the other one first…” The passive-aggressiveness between the two schools extends beyond Melissa’s interaction with Miss Bronco; after seeing some Liberty students cut Abbott students in line, Barbara, Melissa, and Jacob try to defend their kids. They ask the Liberty teachers to keep an eye on their kids “to keep things fair,” igniting full-on war when Miss Bronco responds, “Life isn’t fair. You have to teach at Abbott.” Things escalate when the rival teachers begin taunting them, with one intentionally hogging the water fountain from Jacob with his gallon-sized water bottle. Then, the Liberty teachers move the Abbott lunches to sit and simmer in the sun while stealing their shaded picnic spot, prompting Abbott to consider declaring all-out war.

Abbott tries one more time to be the bigger people, suggesting a no-contact pact as they take their students to the slide. Miss Bronco fires back, insisting that it’s actually Liberty’s time to go to the slide. Ava tries to tell them all to relax, unbothered because the situation doesn’t directly involve her; she’s more interested in listening to an oral history on the history of oral histories. But once Crystal emerges (until this scene, Ava had no idea the other school was under her soror’s jurisdiction), she’s ready to “fight these bitches.” To settle the Abbott vs. Liberty beef, Ava suggests a relay race between the teachers to decide who gets the first dibs on the slide. Abbott needs all the help they can get to beat Liberty, so Ava finds Janine and Gregory, bringing us back into their rose-colored rom-com. They’re giggling as they slide down the beloved Philadelphia attraction, with the bubbly energy settling into seriousness at the bottom. Gregory begins to open up while they lay on the ground looking into each other’s eyes, and before he can spit out his sentence, Ava interrupts, perturbed by the scene she encounters.

Mr. Morton stumbles upon the trio while on the phone with his ex-wife. We learn that the couple first met as teachers in neighboring classrooms, much like Greg and Janine, and Mr. Morton goes into a cautionary tale about dating a coworker. Mr. Morton wraps up his spiel with the numerous ulcers he’s developed due to his relationship, killing the mood and snapping us back into reality. Ava, who disapproves of the intimacy she witnessed, encourages her teachers to abandon whatever is going on before things implode. She breaks up the sad scene, calling everyone to participate in the relay race. The love birds are left in the cumbersome aftermath, and Gregory admits to the cameras that it’s best to hold off on his plan, putting a pin in the slow burn. All awkwardness aside, Abbott works as a well-oiled machine in the competition, successfully executing each childish playground challenge from the monkey bars to a tricycle race — though getting a head start from Ava shoving Crystal out of the way didn’t hurt.

The excitement of the competition distracts the adults from noticing that the majority of the children from both schools are no longer watching the relay race. Instead, they ignore the adults and play together in harmony. At the end of the trip, the storyline wraps up in a predictable bow, with the adults admitting that their own attitudes were more to blame than the children. There’s a millisecond of maturity before Ava says, “I’m sorry…that we had to beat your ass!” Everyone boards the bus and returns to Abbott victorious, finding a frustrated Mr. Johnson outside. In a loose B-plot, Mr. Johnson takes the time away from the students to complete his neglected To-Do list when he discovers Ava’s secret bathroom and eventually locks himself out of the school. He correctly guesses the PIN to be 6969 and marks his territory in the sacred space. It’s no season one, where he creates his version of  The Breakfast Club  with the students without permission slips, but at least I’ll never forget: sixty-nine percent of the time, the answer is sixty-nine.

Teacher’s Notes

• Jacob is the MVP this week, getting the most laughs out of me. Below are my top three.

• After Mr. Morton asks what a woman could possibly do with a grill: “You’re scum.”

• After hearing about Manny’s text: “Oh no, not the beard!”

• Unironically invoking the depressing mantra of someone trying to make life less mundane in response to Miss Bronco’s shade: “No, we  get  to work at Abbott!”

Gilles Mingasson/Disney

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Abbott Elementary Recap: Field Trip

Abbott elementary.


Abbott Elementary’s students and teachers may have crowned the Smith Memorial Playground outing the best field trip ever, but the episode doesn’t quite live up to its predecessors. The storyline is fairly clichéd — a petty playground competition brings out the childlike tendencies of the teachers — which isn’t necessarily a bad thing for  Abbott  since it’s a series that fully embraces its earnestness, except there weren’t enough stand-out jokes to balance it out. Couple that with the already high expectations created by the previous field trip episodes (plus the contrast from last week, where each scene was packed to the brim with sharp writing), and tonight comes up short.

This year, Jacob facilitates a free field trip to Smith Playground, a historic park built at the turn of the 20th century as instructed in the will of a wealthy Philadelphian who, fun fact, invented a few typefaces (so random and so cool). Richard Smith and his wife Sarah envisioned the park as a memorial for their son and a safe space for young children to play. The park features a 16,000-square-foot Playhouse and contemporary playground equipment mixed in with old-fashioned designs, most famously the giant 60-foot-long wooden slide. It’s a great location as an homage to Philadelphia, yet the episode pales in comparison to the field trips set at the zoo and the Franklin Institute. The season one field trip to the zoo aired during the haze of adoration associated with the then brand-new show; it gave us now classic  Abbott  jokes (Tariq was on a roll) and significant character development. It also heavily moved along the Janine/Gregory slow burn, as did the second season episode at the Franklin Institute. To be fair, these were technically season finales, and while this is the penultimate episode, the bar is still pretty high.

Despite the episode not breaking the laugh meter, we do make some progress regarding the lovebirds and classroom neighbors. However, it’s not necessarily the progression shippers of the romance hoped for. But remember, we’re playing the long game here, and under the rules and tenants of sitcom slow burns, it’s not about whether Gregory and Janine are going to date — we  know  they will somehow, someway — it’s a matter of how and when. Spoiler alert: it won’t happen on the slide at the Smith Memorial Playground. Similarly to the events leading to Janine and Jacob’s season two agreement to pump the breaks, tonight, Jacob is the one to trigger the first domino, not that it would take much force to get things moving. At the start of the episode, Gregory and Janine share flirtatious energy when he helps drape her jacket over her shoulders. Gregory tells Jacob he intends to tell Janine his true feelings, but he’s waiting for the right time. Obviously, this isn’t enough to keep Jacob from meddling, so while on the bus to the playground, he subtly tells Janine that Gregory still has feelings for her.

After Janine asks Jacob to confirm that these words indeed came out of Gregory’s mouth and reassure her that she won’t be turned down again like earlier in the year, she coly slides into the bus seat next to Greg. During their small talk, Janine notes how their field trips usually end in disaster, and Gregory replies that maybe this field trip will break the unlucky streak — a statement that, in hindsight, was more of an omen than a prophecy regarding their relationship. Since last season, they’ve been playing a game of ping pong, with the pair never being entirely on the same page about their feelings for the other. Now, we see them fully court each other, mutually acknowledging the romantic chemistry. They have the perfect dramatic height difference for Janine to gaze upwards coquettishly and for Gregory to look down adoringly through the near-foot of space between their heads. The stakes become even higher when Gregory uses Janine’s phone to take a picture of her with her class and sees a text from Manny, asking to get dinner sometime.

Manny’s text is merely a speedbump — though it could have been a full stop if Janine meant the X-rated definition of being a “swinger” instead of the G-rated version like he briefly did. Unaware of what Gregory saw, Janine asks if he wants to swing with her. It’s giving Janine and Gregory sitting in a swing, but the kids kick them off before they get to the K-I-S-S-I-N-G part. They rejoin the teachers, and Gregory tells Jacob that the text didn’t deter him; inversely, it galvanized him even more to disclose his feelings, so it appears like we’re getting closer to real action when he and Janine venture off to the giant wooden slide. While Gregory and Janine frolic around the park, the other characters get caught up in a feud with their rival school, Liberty, led by Ava’s archnemesis and sorority sister, Crystal. The first shot of “The Soror War” (Jacob is so funny for that) is fired when one of Melissa’s students claims that a Liberty student pushed her on the playground, and Melissa approaches Miss Bronco, the other little girl’s teacher. Miss Bronco is played by Michaela Watkins, who expertly employs her distinct quick, dry humor in her snark-filled remarks, claiming the Abbott student was the aggressor.

Melissa attempts to diffuse the situation, saying both girls should apologize. With a fake smile and sardonic tone, Miss Bronco agrees with Melissa, adding a little salt as she says, “It’s the right thing to do, no matter who shoved the other one first…” The passive-aggressiveness between the two schools extends beyond Melissa’s interaction with Miss Bronco; after seeing some Liberty students cut Abbott students in line, Barbara, Melissa, and Jacob try to defend their kids. They ask the Liberty teachers to keep an eye on their kids “to keep things fair,” igniting full-on war when Miss Bronco responds, “Life isn’t fair. You have to teach at Abbott.” Things escalate when the rival teachers begin taunting them, with one intentionally hogging the water fountain from Jacob with his gallon-sized water bottle. Then, the Liberty teachers move the Abbott lunches to sit and simmer in the sun while stealing their shaded picnic spot, prompting Abbott to consider declaring all-out war.

Abbott tries one more time to be the bigger people, suggesting a no-contact pact as they take their students to the slide. Miss Bronco fires back, insisting that it’s actually Liberty’s time to go to the slide. Ava tries to tell them all to relax, unbothered because the situation doesn’t directly involve her; she’s more interested in listening to an oral history on the history of oral histories. But once Crystal emerges (until this scene, Ava had no idea the other school was under her soror’s jurisdiction), she’s ready to “fight these bitches.” To settle the Abbott vs. Liberty beef, Ava suggests a relay race between the teachers to decide who gets the first dibs on the slide. Abbott needs all the help they can get to beat Liberty, so Ava finds Janine and Gregory, bringing us back into their rose-colored rom-com. They’re giggling as they slide down the beloved Philadelphia attraction, with the bubbly energy settling into seriousness at the bottom. Gregory begins to open up while they lay on the ground looking into each other’s eyes, and before he can spit out his sentence, Ava interrupts, perturbed by the scene she encounters.

Mr. Morton stumbles upon the trio while on the phone with his ex-wife. We learn that the couple first met as teachers in neighboring classrooms, much like Greg and Janine, and Mr. Morton goes into a cautionary tale about dating a coworker. Mr. Morton wraps up his spiel with the numerous ulcers he’s developed due to his relationship, killing the mood and snapping us back into reality. Ava, who disapproves of the intimacy she witnessed, encourages her teachers to abandon whatever is going on before things implode. She breaks up the sad scene, calling everyone to participate in the relay race. The love birds are left in the cumbersome aftermath, and Gregory admits to the cameras that it’s best to hold off on his plan, putting a pin in the slow burn. All awkwardness aside, Abbott works as a well-oiled machine in the competition, successfully executing each childish playground challenge from the monkey bars to a tricycle race — though getting a head start from Ava shoving Crystal out of the way didn’t hurt.

The excitement of the competition distracts the adults from noticing that the majority of the children from both schools are no longer watching the relay race. Instead, they ignore the adults and play together in harmony. At the end of the trip, the storyline wraps up in a predictable bow, with the adults admitting that their own attitudes were more to blame than the children. There’s a millisecond of maturity before Ava says, “I’m sorry…that we had to beat your ass!” Everyone boards the bus and returns to Abbott victorious, finding a frustrated Mr. Johnson outside. In a loose B-plot, Mr. Johnson takes the time away from the students to complete his neglected To-Do list when he discovers Ava’s secret bathroom and eventually locks himself out of the school. He correctly guesses the PIN to be 6969 and marks his territory in the sacred space. It’s no season one, where he creates his version of  The Breakfast Club  with the students without permission slips, but at least I’ll never forget: sixty-nine percent of the time, the answer is sixty-nine.

Teacher’s Notes

• Jacob is the MVP this week, getting the most laughs out of me. Below are my top three.

• After Mr. Morton asks what a woman could possibly do with a grill: “You’re scum.”

• After hearing about Manny’s text: “Oh no, not the beard!”

• Unironically invoking the depressing mantra of someone trying to make life less mundane in response to Miss Bronco’s shade: “No, we  get  to work at Abbott!”

  • abbott elementary

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  1. 100+ Lunch Ideas For Field Trips (+No Cooler Options)

    Bonus points for cute lunch notes. At least for the field trips I've volunteered on (K-4th grade), lunch notes from parents seem to be a status symbol that gets noticed. Not that I'm trying to add anything to your already hectic day… just mentioning that if you have the time and want to surprise your elementary school kid, it goes a long way.

  2. 50 Easy Sack Lunch Ideas (No Refrigeration)

    shelf stable yogurt pouches. beef sticks. protein bars or other snack bars. hard cheeses (low moisture): parmesan cheese, aged gouda, Pecorino Romano, asiago. tuna packs with crackers or stuffed in a pita pocket. chicken salad kit. black beans packet. granola: store-bought or homemade. apple chips.

  3. Disposable Sack Lunch Ideas

    Yogurt tube (stick in the freezer overnight and it'll be thawed by lunchtime) Drink. Bottled Water. Juice Boxes. Then the question comes in of what to pack the lunch in. S ome obvious solutions are a brown paper lunch bag, a gallon plastic zip bag, a plastic grocery bag, etc.

  4. 20 Easy Field Trip and Outing Lunch Ideas

    Pasta Salad - Perfect for a warm day, a cool pasta salad is a creative and tasty lunch treat. Cook and drain pasta, then add ham, pepperoni, celery, tomatoes and cheese. Toss with Italian dressing and refrigerate overnight. Pita Sandwich - Yummy and portable, a pita stuffed with chicken, tuna or ham salad will satisfy their appetite.

  5. 30 Field Trip Lunch Ideas

    A perfect field trip lunch recipe with savory flavors. It is a quick recipe to store in the fridge and then quickly from fridge to table within a few minutes. Chicken Caesar wraps are winning in every gathering and category. ... Mexican street corns hit the same notes as the original treat. Sweet corn mixed with the chili and tangy lime ...

  6. What to Pack for a Field Trip Lunch: Healthy, Eco-Friendly, and ...

    Strategies for Packing a Balanced Field Trip Lunch. Creating a balanced field trip lunch is important for providing your body with the nutrients it needs. To do this, you should aim to include a variety of foods from all the major food groups. Try to include whole grains, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein.

  7. 30 School Lunch Ideas Perfect for Field Trips

    Peanut Butter Granola Pinwheels. I came across this easy and tasty snack while searching online for healthy munchies for kids. Great for after school, it's really quick to make and filling enough to hold the kids until dinner. To satisfy heftier appetites or to serve as a power lunch, cut each tortilla into fewer pieces or provide one per child.

  8. Fieldtrip lunch reminder

    Use this reminder note to send home with your kidoodles when they need to bring a sack lunch for a field trip. I like to copy mine on colored paper so the parents can quickly see this important paper. Subjects: For All Subject Areas. Grades: PreK - 5 th. Types: Handouts, Printables, Classroom Forms.

  9. Tips For Packing Better Field Trip Lunches

    8. Pack a good water bottle. A reliable water bottle is key to any good field trip lunch. While basic plastic water bottles may do the trick at school, in the unpredictable landscape of a field trip, you want something that is undefeatable. This means, first and foremost, a tight seal.

  10. 15 Field Trip Lunch Ideas to Simplify Your Planning

    Caprese Skewers With Cherry Tomatoes, Basil, and Mozzarella. Caprese skewers are a tasty and portable option for a field trip lunch, providing a fresh and flavorful bite-sized meal featuring cherry tomatoes, basil, and creamy mozzarella. These skewers offer a balanced combination of colors and textures that are sure to satisfy your taste buds ...

  11. Field Trip Lunch Note Teaching Resources

    Browse Field Trip lunch note resources on Teachers Pay Teachers, a marketplace trusted by millions of teachers for original educational resources.

  12. Healthy Field Trip Lunch Ideas

    This fun hydration drink is perfect for field trips, it features an innovative no-spill cap making it easy for kids to be independent and on the go. And with no fructose corn syrup and no added sugar it's a much better option than other flavored drinks. I threw in a lunch box note to make our Field Trip Lunch extra special.

  13. Field Trip Sack Lunch Reminder Note

    Use this reminder note to send home with your kidoodles when they need to bring a sack lunch for a field trip. I like to copy mine on colored paper so the parents can quickly see this important paper. ... 13,508 Downloads. Field Trip Sack Lunch Reminder Note. 33 Ratings. Previous Next. Brandy Withers at Firstie Kidoodles. 1.2k Followers. Follow ...

  14. Field Trip Form Template + Example

    Imagine a permission slip, fee collection, and volunteer sign-up all in one online form. Cheddar Up now makes that unicorn possible. 1. Add Field Trip Details. Cheddar Up collection pages have a customizable description field. Tell parents and guardians a little bit about your outing. Logistics: List the date, location, departure time, and ...

  15. PDF Field Trip Sack Lunches C L -b S

    Instructions: Follow all personal hygiene standard operating procedures. Prepare and store sack lunches according to standard operating procedures. Use gloves for handling all ready-to-eat foods. One teacher or staff person should be the contact person for each event. Place the bag lunch request on the Field Trip request form at least 2 weeks ...

  16. PDF Important Field Trip Notes

    Important Field Trip Notes It is important for you to read each bullet and follow these directions. We want the day to go ... it must be completely disposable. This means the lunch cannot be packed in a lunch box or contain any utensils, water bottles or plastic containers that you want returned. We suggest packing your child's lunch in a

  17. Abbott Elementary Recap: Field Trip

    During their small talk, Janine notes how their field trips usually end in disaster, and Gregory replies that maybe this field trip will break the unlucky streak — a statement that, in hindsight ...

  18. Field Trip Lunch Letter Teaching Resources

    Field trip prep just got easier! These editable farm themed field trip forms & more are perfect for planning and organizing a field trip to a farm, fair, or any other field trip. Here is what's included: EDITABLE Pages: PLEASE NOTE that the words "edit with" in these descriptions indicate exactly what part of each page is editable.

  19. CAFE ANTRESOLE, Elektrostal

    Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Brunch. View all details. features, about. Location and contact. Yuzhny Ave., 12, Elektrostal 144004 Russia. Email +7 926 755-20-17. ... Note: your question will be posted publicly on the Questions & Answers page. Verification: Submit. Posting guidelines. Is This Your Listing?

  20. 'Abbott Elementary' Recap, Episode 13: 'Smith Playground'

    This year, Jacob facilitates a free field trip to Smith Playground, a historic park built at the turn of the 20th century as instructed in the will of a wealthy Philadelphian who, fun fact ...

  21. RESTAURANT GLOBUS, Elektrostal

    Restaurant Globus. Review. Share. 67 reviews #2 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal $$ - $$$ European Contemporary Vegetarian Friendly. Fryazevskoye Hwy., 14, Elektrostal Russia + Add phone number + Add website + Add hours Improve this listing. See all (2)

  22. Field Trip Lunch Teaching Resources

    4.9. (23) $1.85. PPTX. These editable wristbands come in handy, especially for the first week of school. You can edit and add students names, notes, or use the premade wristbands.These wristbands make it easier for students to remember important information. Included Wristbands: Lunch NumberComputer NumberField Trip InfoSchool SuppliesFill out ...

  23. Field Trip Reminder Lunch Teaching Resources

    Sack Lunch Note for Field Trips. Created by . Brittany Elizabeth. Reminder for parents to bring a sack lunch to school for field trip or other activity! Subjects: Products For TpT Sellers, Professional Development. Grades: Not Grade Specific. Types: Classroom Forms. $2.00. Original Price $2.00.

  24. BARHAT, Elektrostal

    Save. Share. 29 reviews #11 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal $$ - $$$ European Eastern European Caucasian. Zhuravlyova St., 5, Elektrostal 144010 Russia +7 926 572-63-75 + Add website Menu. Closed now : See all hours.

  25. Restaurant Reviews & Phone Number

    1 review #23 of 28 Restaurants in Elektrostal. Sportivnaya St., 27, Elektrostal 144009 Russia +7 496 575-37-56 Website. Closed now : See all hours. Improve this listing. Enhance this page - Upload photos! Add a photo. There aren't enough food, service, value or atmosphere ratings for Venskoe, Russia yet. Be one of the first to write a review!