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How Long Is The Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia?

Published: October 31, 2023

Modified: December 28, 2023

by Reeta Douglass

  • Arts & Culture
  • Plan Your Trip



Welcome to the fascinating world of Sagrada Familia, one of the most iconic and awe-inspiring landmarks in Spain. Located in Barcelona, this masterpiece of architecture is a testament to the visionary genius of renowned architect Antoni Gaudí. Sagrada Familia attracts millions of visitors each year who come to marvel at its intricate design, soaring towers, and breathtaking beauty.

Stepping into Sagrada Familia is like entering a realm where art, spirituality, and innovation intersect. This magnificent basilica combines Gothic and Art Nouveau elements, creating a unique architectural style known as Catalan Modernism. From its stunning facades adorned with intricate sculptures to its towering spires that reach for the sky, every aspect of Sagrada Familia is a true testament to Gaudí’s artistic vision.

The construction of Sagrada Familia began in 1882, and over a century later, it remains an ongoing project. Gaudí dedicated much of his life to this monumental undertaking, deeply immersed in his passionate pursuit of perfection. Although he passed away in 1926, his ambitious vision lives on through the continued work of countless architects, engineers, and artisans who strive to bring his design to fruition.

Today, Sagrada Familia stands as a symbol of Barcelona’s rich cultural heritage and serves as a place of worship, attracting both religious pilgrims and curious tourists alike. Its breathtaking interior, adorned with vibrant stained glass windows and elegant columns that resemble tree-like structures, provides a soul-stirring experience.

Join us as we delve into the history, architectural features, and guided tours of Sagrada Familia. Discover the secrets and stories behind this iconic landmark, and prepare to be captivated by its beauty and grandeur.

History of Sagrada Familia

The history of Sagrada Familia dates back to 1882, when construction on the basilica first began. The project was initially commissioned by the bookseller Josep Maria Bocabella, who wanted to construct a church dedicated to the Holy Family. He purchased a plot of land in the Eixample district of Barcelona with the intention of building a temple that would surpass any other in size and grandeur.

Antonio Gaudí, a young and talented architect at the time, was appointed as the lead architect for the project. Gaudí’s unique artistic vision and innovative design philosophy left an indelible mark on the basilica, shaping its distinctive style and making it a true masterpiece of architecture.

However, Gaudí’s involvement in Sagrada Familia proved to be a lifelong commitment. He dedicated the last years of his life to the project, pouring his heart and soul into every intricate detail. Gaudí’s untimely death in 1926 left the basilica incomplete, with only a fraction of his original plans realized.

Despite Gaudí’s passing, work on Sagrada Familia continued under the guidance of other architects, who adhered to his design principles and sought to maintain the integrity of his vision. However, progress was slow due to various factors, including interruptions caused by the Spanish Civil War and funding issues.

Over the years, the construction of Sagrada Familia relied heavily on private donations and the dedication of countless skilled craftsmen and workers. Modern construction methods and technologies have played a crucial role in advancing the project, enabling closer adherence to Gaudí’s original designs and facilitating the intricate sculptural and ornamental work.

Today, as the work progresses towards completion, Sagrada Familia stands as a powerful symbol of endurance, tenacity, and artistic brilliance. It has survived the test of time and serves as a testament to the generations of architects, artisans, and laborers who have contributed to its creation.

Join us as we explore the architectural features, exterior and interior guided tours, and the duration of the guided tour of Sagrada Familia. Discover the wonders of this architectural masterpiece and immerse yourself in the captivating history of one of Spain’s most beloved landmarks.

Architectural Features of Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia is renowned for its extraordinary architectural features that combine Gothic and Art Nouveau influences, resulting in a style uniquely attributed to Antoni Gaudí. Let’s delve into some of the remarkable architectural elements that make Sagrada Familia a true masterpiece.

1. Facades: The basilica boasts three facades, each representing a different phase of Christ’s life. The Nativity Façade, facing the east, depicts his birth, with intricate sculptures and delicate detail. The Passion Façade, on the west side, symbolizes the suffering and crucifixion of Christ, showcasing a more austere and angular design. The Glory Façade, yet to be completed, will represent his triumphant return.

2. Towers: Sagrada Familia’s soaring towers are one of its most striking features. Currently, there are eight towers completed, representing the Twelve Apostles. These towers are adorned with intricate details and offer breathtaking views of Barcelona. The central tower, when finished, will be the tallest, reaching a height of 172.5 meters.

3. Columns: Inside the basilica, you will find a forest of towering columns that resemble trees. Gaudí drew inspiration from nature, and these columns branch out like the limbs of a tree, supporting the weight of the structure and providing a unique visual experience.

4. Stained Glass: The vibrant stained glass windows of Sagrada Familia create a mesmerizing effect as sunlight illuminates the interior. Gaudí designed the windows to radiate a multitude of colors, casting a warm and ethereal glow throughout the space.

5. Organic Shapes: Gaudí believed in the concept of natural forms and organic shapes, and these principles are reflected in Sagrada Familia. From the intricate details on the facades to the rounded contours inside, the basilica exudes a sense of harmony and integration with its surroundings.

6. Symbolism: Every aspect of Sagrada Familia carries symbolism, from the intricate sculptures representing biblical scenes to the intricate carvings of plants and animals. Gaudí believed that every detail should have a purpose and convey a deeper meaning.

These are just a few of the remarkable architectural features that define Sagrada Familia. The basilica is a testament to Gaudí’s innovative approach, pushing the boundaries of traditional architecture and creating a true work of art that continues to captivate and inspire visitors from around the world.

Exterior Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia

A guided tour of the exterior of Sagrada Familia is a must for any visitor who wants to fully appreciate the intricacies and symbolism of this architectural marvel. Led by knowledgeable guides, these tours offer a fascinating glimpse into the history, design, and cultural significance of the basilica.

As you embark on the exterior guided tour, you will have the opportunity to explore the three iconic facades of Sagrada Familia: the Nativity Façade, the Passion Façade, and the Glory Façade.

The Nativity Façade, facing the east, is a celebration of life and nature. Adorned with intricate sculptures depicting biblical scenes and elements from nature, this facade represents the birth of Jesus Christ. The tour guide will provide insights into the symbolism and meaning behind the sculptures, showcasing the painstaking attention to detail that Gaudí infused into every aspect of the design.

Next, you will move to the west side to explore the Passion Façade, which represents the suffering and crucifixion of Christ. The sculptures on this facade are more austere, with sharp angles and starker features, conveying a sense of solemnity and sacrifice. Throughout the tour, the guide will provide a deeper understanding of the themes and artistic choices made by Gaudí.

Finally, you will have the opportunity to learn about the yet-to-be-completed Glory Façade, which will represent the final phase of Christ’s life. This facade is expected to encompass the apex of the basilica and will showcase Gaudí’s visionary vision of Christ’s triumphant return. The guide will explain the plans and symbolism behind this incredible work in progress.

Throughout the tour, the guide will share anecdotes and stories about the construction of Sagrada Familia, giving you a deeper appreciation of the challenges faced and the dedication required to bring Gaudí’s vision to life. They will also explain the ongoing construction process, sharing insights into the techniques and technologies used to ensure the preservation and completion of the basilica.

The exterior guided tour of Sagrada Familia typically lasts around 1-2 hours, providing ample time to explore the striking details of each facade, take photographs, and absorb the grandeur of the surroundings. It is a truly immersive experience that allows you to witness the architectural masterpiece up close and gain a greater understanding of its cultural and historical significance.

As you conclude the exterior guided tour, you will be left in awe of the sheer magnitude and intricate beauty of Sagrada Familia, eager to delve further into the breathtaking interior that awaits.

Interior Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia

The interior of Sagrada Familia is as awe-inspiring as its exterior, and a guided tour offers a chance to delve deeper into the spiritual and artistic wonders found within its walls. Led by knowledgeable guides, the interior tour allows visitors to fully appreciate the breathtaking design, symbolism, and religious significance of this magnificent basilica.

Entering the interior of Sagrada Familia is like stepping into a surreal world where light, color, and architectural brilliance harmoniously blend. As your guide leads you through the nave, you’ll be greeted by a forest of towering columns that branch out like trees, creating a unique and ethereal atmosphere. These columns serve as both structural supports and symbolic representations of nature and life.

The guide will draw your attention to the stunning stained glass windows that adorn the basilica, casting vibrant hues of light that create an otherworldly ambiance. The stained glass was strategically designed by Gaudí to evoke different moods and emotions, with colors symbolizing different biblical themes and events. The guide will explain the symbolism behind the colors and share fascinating anecdotes about their creation.

As you explore the interior, your guide will highlight the intricate ornamentation, decorative elements, and sacred spaces that make Sagrada Familia so unique. From the ornate details on the ceilings to the meticulously crafted statues and sculptures, every corner of the interior exudes Gaudí’s meticulous attention to detail and his belief in the power of art and spirituality.

The tour may also include a visit to the Museum of Sagrada Familia, which offers further insights into the history and construction of the basilica. Here, you can marvel at scale models, drawings, and exhibits showcasing the evolution of the design and the ongoing construction process. The guide will provide a deeper understanding of the challenges faced and the ingenious solutions employed by Gaudí and subsequent architects.

The duration of the interior guided tour is typically around 1-1.5 hours, allowing ample time to admire the intricate details, reflect on the spiritual significance, and capture the essence of Sagrada Familia through photographs. The guide’s expertise and passion for the basilica will bring the space to life, helping you connect with its beauty and understand the immense cultural value it holds.

By the end of the interior guided tour, you will have gained a profound appreciation for the artistic genius and spiritual depth present in every corner of Sagrada Familia. It is an experience that transcends the boundaries of architecture and leaves a lasting impression on all those fortunate enough to witness its magnificence.

Duration of the Guided Tour

The duration of the guided tour of Sagrada Familia can vary depending on the type of tour and the depth of exploration. Considering both the exterior and interior tours, the average duration is typically around 2-3 hours. However, it is important to note that this is a general estimate, as some tours may be longer or shorter depending on various factors.

For the exterior guided tour, which focuses on exploring the three iconic facades of the basilica, the duration is usually around 1-2 hours. This allows ample time to appreciate the intricate details, sculptures, and symbolism on each facade, as well as to gain insights into the history and construction techniques of Sagrada Familia. Guides often share fascinating anecdotes and stories about the basilica’s development, providing a richer understanding of the architectural masterpiece.

When it comes to the interior guided tour, visitors can expect to spend approximately 1-1.5 hours exploring the awe-inspiring interior spaces of Sagrada Familia. This includes immersing oneself in the mesmerizing atmosphere created by the forest of towering columns, admiring the vibrant stained glass windows, and marveling at the intricate ornamentation throughout the basilica. Additionally, a visit to the Museum of Sagrada Familia may be included, allowing visitors to further delve into the history and evolution of this iconic landmark.

It’s worth noting that the duration of the guided tour can also depend on the group size and individual preferences. Some visitors may choose to spend more time capturing photographs or taking in the ambiance, while others may have specific questions for the guide. However, the average duration of 2-3 hours allows for a comprehensive exploration of both the exterior and interior, providing a rich and immersive experience of Sagrada Familia.

For those who wish to delve even deeper into the details and symbolism of Sagrada Familia, there are specialized tours available that focus on specific aspects or areas of the basilica. These tours may have longer durations and may require advance booking.

Overall, regardless of the specific tour chosen, the guided experience of Sagrada Familia offers a unique opportunity to witness and understand the architectural brilliance, cultural significance, and spiritual depth of this remarkable masterpiece.

Tips for Visiting Sagrada Familia

Visiting Sagrada Familia is an unforgettable experience, and to make the most of your trip, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind:

  • Book Tickets in Advance: Sagrada Familia is a popular attraction, so it’s advisable to book your tickets in advance. This will save you time waiting in line and ensure you secure a spot for the guided tour. Tickets can be purchased online through the official website or from authorized ticket vendors.
  • Arrive Early: To beat the crowds and enjoy a more serene experience, try to arrive early in the morning or later in the afternoon. The basilica tends to be less crowded during these times, allowing you to fully appreciate the beauty and tranquility of the space.
  • Dress Respectfully: As Sagrada Familia is a place of worship, it is important to dress appropriately. Avoid wearing revealing clothing or items with offensive imagery. It is recommended to dress modestly and comfortably, considering that the basilica can get warm during peak hours.
  • Plan for Security Checks: Due to its status as a popular tourist site, Sagrada Familia has security measures in place. Be prepared for bag checks and metal detectors at the entrance. To streamline the process, minimize the number of bags you bring and avoid carrying prohibited items.
  • Guided Tour versus Self-Guided Visit: While exploring Sagrada Familia on your own can be enjoyable, consider opting for a guided tour. A knowledgeable guide will provide valuable insights, historical context, and fascinating anecdotes that enhance your understanding and appreciation of the basilica’s architecture and symbolism.
  • Bring a Camera (with Restrictions): Photography is allowed inside Sagrada Familia, but there are restrictions on the use of tripods or large professional equipment. Capture the beauty of the interior and exterior, but be mindful of others and prioritize experiencing the space firsthand rather than solely through the lens.
  • Check for Special Events or Closures: Before visiting, check the official website of Sagrada Familia for any special events or closures that may affect the tour availability or access to certain areas. Stay informed to make the most of your visit and ensure a smooth experience.
  • Respect the Quiet Spaces: Within Sagrada Familia, there are areas designated for prayer and reflection. Be mindful and respectful of these spaces, keeping noise levels low and refraining from taking photographs or engaging in loud conversations.
  • Visit Nearby Attractions: Sagrada Familia is located in the Eixample district of Barcelona, which is filled with other architectural marvels, trendy shops, and delightful cafes. Take the opportunity to explore the neighborhood and visit nearby attractions such as Casa Batlló and Casa Milà.
  • Support the Ongoing Construction: Remember that Sagrada Familia is still under construction and relies on donations for its completion. Consider donating to the basilica’s foundation or purchasing souvenirs from the on-site shops to support this remarkable architectural project.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’ll be well-prepared to make the most of your visit to Sagrada Familia and ensure a memorable and enjoyable experience in this awe-inspiring landmark.

Sagrada Familia is a true architectural gem that captivates visitors from around the world with its breathtaking beauty and magnificent design. Its unique blend of Gothic and Art Nouveau styles, combined with the visionary genius of Antoni Gaudí, makes it a truly iconic landmark in Spain and a testament to human creativity and perseverance.

Exploring Sagrada Familia through guided tours allows you to fully immerse yourself in its rich history, intricate symbolism, and awe-inspiring grandeur. From the exterior facades that depict biblical scenes and tell the story of Christ’s life, to the soaring columns and vibrant stained glass of the interior, every aspect of the basilica tells a story and evokes a sense of wonder.

As you journey through the guided tours, you’ll gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for the meticulous craftsmanship, innovative design, and profound spiritual significance of Sagrada Familia. The knowledgeable guides will unravel the secrets and stories behind its creation, providing a wealth of information that enriches the experience and deepens your connection with this architectural masterpiece.

Remember to plan ahead by booking your tickets in advance, arriving early to beat the crowds, and dressing respectfully for this sacred space. Consider enhancing your visit with a guided tour to gain a comprehensive understanding of the basilica’s design and significance. Keep in mind the tips provided to make the most out of your visit and respect the sanctity of the space.

Visiting Sagrada Familia is not just a sightseeing activity; it’s a journey of discovery, a testament to human ingenuity, and an opportunity to connect with art, architecture, and spirituality in a profound way. Whether you are a history enthusiast, an art lover, or a curious traveler, a visit to Sagrada Familia is an experience that will leave an indelible mark on your heart and soul.

As you bid farewell to this architectural masterpiece, take a moment to appreciate the centuries of dedication and hard work that have gone into its creation. Sagrada Familia stands as a testament to the power of human imagination, the pursuit of excellence, and the enduring legacy of Antoni Gaudí. It is a place where art, spirituality, and innovation converge, inviting visitors to explore, wonder, and be inspired for generations to come.


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Sagrada Familia

Guide to Visiting the Sagrada Familia 2024: Tickets, Tips and More!

Last updated: January 1, 2024 . Written by Laurence Norah - 9 Comments

If you’re visiting Barcelona, there’s a good chance you are planning on visiting the Basilica de la Sagrada Familia, commonly referred to as just the Sagrada Familia.

This magnificent building is a must-see in our opinion, and is high on the to-do list of most visitors to the city.

Because it’s so popular, you do need to do a bit of planning prior to your visit. At busier times of year, tickets can sell out. There’s also a lot to see and do here, as well as some choices you have to make before you buy your Sagrada Familia ticket.

We would also like to preface this guide with a note that currently the Sagrada Familia is an active construction site. This means different areas of the building may close, timings may change and access may vary. We will endeavour to keep this page as up to date as possible, but please do check the official website as well for relevant information.

In this guide, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know to help you plan your visit to the Sagrada Familia.

This will include a brief history of the Sagrada Familia, tips on getting to the Sagrada Familia, where to buy tickets for the Sagrada Familia, and lots more! Let’s get started by learning a bit about the Sagrada Familia itself.

What is the Sagrada Familia?

The Sagrada Familia is a huge Roman Catholic church in Barcelona. It’s classified as a minor basilica in the Roman Catholic church, and was consecrated as such by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010.

This unique building was the masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí, a Catalan architect responsible for a number of impressive buildings across Barcelona and the wider region. He was also a devout Catholic and was best known for his work in the Modernisme , or Catalan Modernism style.

Some of his other most popular works in Barcelona include La Pedrera, Casa Batlló, and Park Guell. You can see a full list of all his work in Barcelona in our guide to Gaudí sites in Barcelona

Construction of the Sagrada Familia started in 1882, and at the time of writing, is still ongoing. Gaudi died tragically in 1926, and work on the Basilica was interrupted by the Spanish Civil war in 1936. It resumed in 1940, and has been ongoing to this day.

Funding for the Sagrada Familia is entirely private, with no support from the government or Church. It was initially funded by private donors, but today much of the income is from visitor ticket sales. So when you visit, know that your money is going directly to helping finish this incredible building!

Visiting the Sagrada Familia

When Will the Sagrada Familia Be Finished?

Current estimates for the full completion of the Sagrada Familia are between 2030 and 2032.

The majority of the church structure and steeples were hoped to be complete by 2026, the 100th anniversary of Gaudi’s death, however this is looking unlikely at the present.

The fun thing about visiting a building that is under construction is that every time you visit it will look a bit different. The downside is that, well, it is an active building site. So expect to see workers, cranes, and all the other aspects that you might expect from a building site!

Where is the Sagrada Familia?

The official address for the Sagrada Familia is Carrer de Mallorca, 401, 08013 Barcelona, Spain. You can see it here on Google Maps.

The Sagrada Familia basically takes up a whole block to the north west of the city centre. It’s sandwiched between two small parks, Plaça de Gaudí to the northeast and Plaça de la Sagrada Família to the southwest.

How to Get to the Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia is a little north east of the city centre, and you have a number of options for getting here.

First, you can walk. From Plaça de Catalunya it’s approximately a 2.4km / 1.5 mile walk, which should take around half an hour.

The next option is public transport. There’s a metro station right next to the church, and the stop name is Sagrada Familia. This services subway lines L2 and L5, and you can get to the Sagrada Familia in around 15-20 minutes from most stops in central Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia Metro Stop

You can also take the public bus, although depending on traffic this will likely take a little longer than the subway, on average around 30 minutes.

Taxis are also widely available in Barcelona. The taxi fare from central Barcelona to the Sagrada Familia will vary, but expect to pay between €6 and €10 depending on where you ride from. Make sure you hail only a licensed cab, these are yellow and black. Free taxis will have green lights in the windows which you can hail, or you can find a taxi stand.

Finally, the Barcelona Bus Turístic (Hop on Hop off bus) has a stop directly outside the Sagrada Familia. This bus route also includes sites like  Sant Pau Recinte de la Moderniste and Park Guell, and is a great way to see the city.

You can either buy the Barcelona Bus Turistic ticket directly here , or purchase it as part of a sightseeing pass for Barcelona. For example, it’s included on the Barcelona City Pass and the Go Barcelona Pass .

These passes have a variety of includes and benefits, which you can read more about in our guide to the various Barcelona City Passes here .

Sagrada Familia Barcelona Bus Turistic Stop

Is the Sagrada Familia Open?

Yes, the Sagrada Familia is open. It was closed for seven months, but reopened for visitors on the 29th May 2021.

Sagrada Familia Opening Times

In normal times, the Sagrada Familia is open every day of the year, including Christmas Day and New Year’s Day. Dates and times vary depending on the time of year, and are normally as follows:

  • January to February: Monday – Saturday 9 am to 6 pm. Sundays 10.30am – 6pm.
  • March: Monday – Saturday 9am to 7pm. Sundays 10.30am – 7pm.
  • April to September: Monday – Saturday 9am to 8pm. Sundays 10.30am – 8pm.
  • October: Monday – Saturday 9am to 7pm. Sundays 10.30am – 7pm.
  • November to December: Monday – Saturday 9 am to 6 pm. Sundays 10.30am – 6pm.

Exceptions to the above are December 25th and December 26th, and January 1st and January 6th. On these days the opening time is 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Note that the ticket office stops selling same day tickets 30 minutes prior to closing time each day.

Very occasionally, the Sagrada Familia closes due to exceptional circumstances. It’s always best to check the official website here for the latest information prior to planning your visit.

Can You Attend Mass at the Sagrada Familia?

Yes, you can attend mass at the Sagrada Familia. It’s an active place of worship, and a number of masses are held throughout the week.

As an international visitor, you will likely want to attend mass in the main area of the church. These are held in multiple languages at least twice a week, to the following schedule:

  • Every Saturday and on the eve of holy days of obligation at 8 pm.
  • Every Sunday and on holy days of obligation at 9 am

In addition, the Sagrada Familia hosts extraordinary Masses at different times throughout the year. These usually require an invitation and are very popular.

For full details of these masses and how to get invitations for the extraordinary Masses, see the official calendar of masses here .

Attending a mass is free, and is on a first come first served basis. Please be aware that a mass is a sacred affair, and as such appropriate attire and behaviour is expected. Photography is not permitted during the mass, and attendees must be silent and not leave their seat area.

If you wish to attend one of the above masses, you will enter the Basilica on the Nativity façade (Carrer de la Marina). The entrance is open from 8:30 am for morning masses and from 7:30 pm for evening masses, until capacity is reached. We would advise coming earlier than this so as not to miss out. Masses are held in a number of languages.

As well as the above mass, a there are multiple daily masses held in the Sagrada Familia Crypt. These are held in Catalan and Spanish only. See the section on the Crypt for more details on these masses.

Sagrada Familia

What Can You See at the Sagrada Familia?

There is a lot to see and do at the Sagrada Familia, so expect to spend between 90 minutes and 3 hours on site. Here’s an overview of what you can expect to see. All of the below is included on the standard entry tickets, with the exception of the tower climb, which requires a special ticket.

Exterior of the Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia is an impressive sight – whether you glimpse it from afar, or if your first sight of it is as you emerge from the metro station nearby.

Combining all the styles that Gaudi worked with (Gothic, Catalan Modernism, and Art Nouveau), and featuring his signature architectural elements like hyperboloid and paraboloid structures, the building is a visual feast.

Some of the most popular exterior design sections are the detailed facades. There are currently two of these – the Nativity and the Passion Facade. The third facade, the Glory facade, is under construction. When finished this will be the largest and most spectacular of the facades, and will serve as the main entrance to the church.

Each of these facades tells the story of a different part of the life of Jesus Christ. The Nativity Facade tells the story of the birth of Christ, the Passion Facade focuses on the crucifiction of Christ, whilst the Glory Facade represents the road to God and Glory.

In terms of construction, the oldest facade is the organic looking Nativity Facade, which was the first facade to be completed. This was the one that Gaudi had the most control over. You will get an up close view of this as you enter the church today, as this is where the main visitor entrance currently is.

sagrada familia tour length

The Passion Facade is much more austere, with lots of angles, and has a completely different look and feel to the Nativity Facade. You will get a close up view of this as you leave the church, as this is where the visitor exit currently is.

Sagrada Familia Passion Facade

As well as the facades, there are a number of design elements all over the church, and of course, the immense towers, of which there will be eighteen when the construction is finally completed.

Basically, don’t rush straight in to the church. We recommend arriving a little earlier than your scheduled visit, so you can appreciate the exterior of the building before heading inside. Then head to the line a couple of minutes before the timeslot.

Nave and Main Interior of the Sagrada Familia

If you thought the outside of the Sagrada Familia was impressive, just wait until you walk inside. You’re going to be greeted by a huge five-aisled nave, with the roof far overhead supported by giant tree like columns. Colorful light, filtered through the stained glass windows, illuminates this area.

It’s kind of life walking into some sort of surreal dream forest, which was kind of the look Gaudi was going for. He definitely succeeded.

Once you have gotten over this impressive spectacle, managed to close your mouth, and take some photos, you’ll want to explore what else is on offer. There’s lots to see, including the nave, transept, and the apse where you’ll find seven chapels.

If you book a ticket with an audioguide or tour, which we highly recommend, this will give you all the detail you need to help you understand what you are seeing.

Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia Crypt

The Crypt of the Sagrada Familia lies underneath the main apse of the church. It is the place where Gaudi himself is buried.

The Crypt was was completed during Gaudi’s lifetime, and as such is one of the few areas of the church he saw completed.

The Crypt is also a parish church, and mass is held here daily in Catalan and Spanish. The crypt is only open around mass hours, and can be visited at the following times:

  • Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 10:00 am and 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday, and public holidays: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm and 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

Note that as a visitor not wishing to attend mass, you will want to visit the crypt outside of the actual mass itself. Mass is held at the following times:

  • Monday to Friday – 8.15pm (Catalan) and 9am (Spanish)
  • Saturday – 7.30pm (Catalan) and 9am (Spanish)
  • Sunday – 10.30am, 1pm, 6.30pm (Catalan) and 11.45am & 8.15pm (Spanish)

If you compare mass times with the opening times of the crypt, I would suggest the best time to visit the Sagrada Familia crypt would be between 6pm and 8pm Mondays to Fridays, 10am – 2pm or 6pm – 7.15pm on Saturdays and 9am – 10.15am on Sundays.

Along with the Nativity Facade, the Crypt is listed as a UNESCO world heritage site, part of the works of Antoni Gaudi world heritage site, which includes seven locations in Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia Crypt

Sagrada Familia Museum

A highlight of any visit to the Sagrada Familia, the museum is on the ground floor underneath the main church.

Here, you will learn more about Gaudi, the man behind the church, as well as the history of the construction and design of the building itself.

There’s a lot to see here, so don’t feel rushed. It’s a great place to really get a feel for what goes into creating such a monumental work of art.

Sagrada Familia Museum

Sagrada Família Schools

On the Passion Facade side of the Sagrada Familia, tucked away in the southern corner, you will see a small building with an organic looking design.

This is the Sagrada Familia Schools building. In 1909, Gaudi has this building constructed on site to serve as a school for the children of the construction workers. It was originally in a different location on the site, but was moved during the construction. It may of course move again, although current plans do not show this as happening.

Today the school can be visited as part of your Sagrada Familia visit, and is home to a number of models used as part of the construction of the Sagrada Familia. There’s also a room set up as a school room from the time, to give you an idea of how it might have looked.

The building is also used for school groups and programs so is sometimes closed to the public when these are happening. It’s also worth noting that the building was badly damaged in a fire, so most of it is not original, however it has been rebuilt as closely to the original design as possible.

Sagrada Familia Schools

Sagrada Familia Gift Shop

The Sagrada Familia is a major tourist attraction, and as you might imagine, there’s an extensive gift shop on site.

There are in fact two gift shops. There’s one in the museum, and then another on the Nativity Facade side of the building near the group entrance.

The gift shop in the museum can only be visited by ticket holders; however, the ticket office on the Nativity Facade side of the basilica can be visited by anyone. So if you don’t want to go inside and buy a ticket, you can still check out this gift shop if you are hunting for some souvenirs.

However, be aware that when you enter this gift shop you are leaving the ticketed area. Only do this when you are ready to leave, as you will not be able to return to the church once you have left the ticketed area without getting a new ticket.

Sagrada Familia Gift Shop

Climb Inside the Passion and Nativity Towers

If all goes as planned, when the Sagrada Familia is complete, it will have 18 towers in total. There are 12 towers to represent each apostle, one for the Virgin Mary, four for the Evangelists, and then the huge central tower to represent Jesus Christ.

The main tower will be an impressive 566ft / 172.5 metres in height when completed, making it the tallest church building in the world.

In the future you will likely be able to visit more of the towers, but currently you can only visit two of the towers, the Passion Tower and the Nativity Tower. These towers require a special ticket, but visitors who opt to visit them will be rewarded with great views over the city, as well as an up close view of elements of the church that cannot be seen from anywhere else.

See more on visiting the towers in the section below about which tower to visit, and whether the towers are worth visiting.

Sagrada Familia Passion Tower

Do You Need a Ticket to Visit the Sagrada Familia?

Yes, you need a ticket for the Sagrada Familia. In addition, tickets are timed, so when you book a ticket it will be for a specific time slot. See more on where to buy Sagrada Familia tickets and ticket pricing further on in this guide.

The only time you don’t need a ticket for the Sagrada Familia is if you are attending mass. See the section on attending mass in this guide for more information on this.

How Much Does it Cost to Visit the Sagrada Familia in 2024?

Pricing for the Sagrada Familia varies depending on a number of factors, including what time you visit and what inclusions you want on your ticket.

Here’s an overview of the prices if you buy from the official website as of the time of writing. We’ll do our best to keep this updated, but do check the official website for latest prices. Prices are up to date as of January 2024.

  • Sagrada Familia Basic Ticket – €20 (only available for the last two hours each day, not always available)
  • Sagrada Familia – €26 (includes audioguide, available all day)
  • Sagrada Familia with guided tour – €30
  • Sagrada Familia with guided tour and towers – €40
  • Sagrada Familia with Towers – €36 (also includes audioguide)

Some notes on the above tickets.

First, the prices above are when purchased from the official website. There is normally also a ticket office on site for same day tickets, but prices are higher. The price difference varies by ticket, but expect to pay around €4 – €6 more per ticket in person.

Note: the on-site ticket office is currently closed.

The cheapest ticket is the €20 ticket. This doesn’t include any extras like an audioguide, and is only available for the last two hours each day. It can only be bought online, not in person. This ticket is not always available for purchase.

The next ticket is the most widely available, which is the Sagrada Familia with audioguide. This is available in 16 languages, and the audioguide tour lasts for around 45 minutes. There’s also an express version which lasts for 25 minutes. Once you have completed the audioguide you are free to continue your tour.

Then there’s the option to visit with an official guided tour. Tours are available in five languages, and last around 50 minutes. Groups are limited to 30 people per group. Once the tour is over you can continue to explore on your own.

You can also buy a joint ticket for the Sagrada Familia and the Gaudi House Museum (his final residence), which is located in the unticketed part of Park Guell. This ticket includes an audioguide for the Sagrada Familia. The combined individual price of these tickets is €32.50, so this ticket is a good saving if you plan on visiting both locations.

Finally, you can buy a Sagrada Familia ticket with towers. This ticket includes an audioguide tour of the Sagrada Familia, as well as access to one of the towers. You have to choose which tower you want to visit when you purchase the ticket. See the section below on which tower to choose.

Of all the above options, the cheapest way to visit the Sagrada Familia is with the basic ticket. Just be aware these have limited availability, as you can only buy them for the last two hours of each day. They are also only available online.

Also, all tickets have a timeslot. You are only permitted to join the entry line for the timeslot marked on your ticket. If you miss your timeslot, you will generally need to buy a new ticket, unless the reason for missing the ticket was as a result of construction work at the Sagrada Familia.

Depending on various factors, not all the tickets will always be available to purchase.

Are there Concessions for the Sagrada Familia?

Yes, there are concessions available for the Sagrada Familia.

Children under 11 can visit the basilica free of charge with an adult. A ticket is still required.

If you are under 30 or a student, you will pay €2 less per ticket. Students will need to bring a student card to show on entry, those under 30 should bring proof of age like an ID or passport.

In addition, on Wednesdays through Fridays, visitors under 30 are able to purchase tickets for 50% off the normal price for the last two hours of the day.

Those with a proven disability can visit the basilica free of charge in the last two hours prior to closing each day. They may bring one companion who can also enter free of charge. Additional services like audioguides must be paid for. A ticket is still required as you need to book a timeslot.

Seniors (those 65 and over) are also eligible for concessions. This varies by ticket type but is in the region of €4 – €6 discount per ticket.

You can see more on current concessions and amounts on the website here . All of the above concessionary ticket types, including disabled access and child tickets are available on the official website.

Where to Buy Sagrada Familia Tickets

There are a number of options for purchasing Sagrada Familia tickets, which we will go through so you know all your options, and which is best.

1 – Official Website

The first place we recommend you look is the official Sagrada Familia website here . This has real-time availability, and tickets can be purchased for both same-day visits, as well as up to two months in advance. You can also buy concession tickets here.

2 – On-site Ticket Office (currently closed)

If you are already at the Sagrada Familia, there is a ticket office on site. Note that this ticket office can only sell tickets for the same-day, and prices are higher than the website prices. There can also be long lines here, so honestly, we’d advise buying online if you can.

The on site ticket office is by the exit to the Sagrada Familia, on the Nativity Facade side by Carrer de Sardenya. Large screens outside the ticket office show what timeslots are available for the day.

Our suggestion for the best place to buy Sagrada Familia tickets is the official website which at the time of writing does not charge any booking fees.

Sagrada Familia Ticket Office

3 – Third Party Booking Sites

There are also a number of third party websites where you can buy tickets for the Sagrada Familia. Obviously these sites need to make a revenue, and so usually charge some kind of booking fee or other commission. For this reason the official site would be our preference.

Our recommended option is this website . They provide real time availability of tickets, as well as all the ticket types and concessions available.

You can also find Sagrada Familia tickets online here with GetYourGuide , and here with Viator . Again, these will usually be more expensive than the official site, but are worth checking when the Sagrada Familia is sold out just in case.

GetYourGuide tickets have the advantage (last time we checked) of free cancellation up to 24 hours before your visit, which can be very helpful if your plans change.

4 – Tour Companies

Another option is to either book a tour with a third party company like this , or to buy an attraction pass like this which includes Sagrada Familia entry as well as other discounts. More on these options further on in the guide.

Sagrada Familia Sold Out? Your Options.

As mentioned in this guide a few times, the Sagrada Familia is a very popular attraction in Barcelona, and tickets to the Sagrada Familia do sell out. This happens in particular around religious holidays such as Easter, as well as during the peak tourism season in Barcelona, usually over the summer months.

This is why it’s always best to buy tickets in advance. Tickets on the official Sagrada Familia website are usually available around 2 months in advance.

Of course, we appreciate not everyone can plan this far in advance. Maybe you have a last minute trip to Barcelona planned. Maybe you’re not a detailed planner. Whatever the reason, if there are no tickets available for the Sagrada Familia, you will likely still have some options to be able to visit.

1 – Check Other Days

First, check the official website of the Sagrada Familia to see if other days are available. It might be that by just juggling your itinerary slightly, you can visit on another day of your trip.

2 – Check Other Ticket Types

Second, check to see if other ticket types are available on the official site. There are a range of different ticket types to choose from for your visit, and it might be that one of these has availability, such as a guided tour or a tower ticket.

3 – Check Third Party Ticket Sites

Next, check to see if any of the third party sites have availability. In our experience, if the Sagrada Familia website is sold out, then standard tickets on third party sites will also be sold out.

However, you can try. We suggest trying Tiqets here , GetYourGuide here and Viator here .

4 – Book a Tour (most likely to succeed)

We think your best option for visiting the Sagrada Familia when it is sold out is to book a tour of the Sagrada Familia with a tour company.

These tours will be more expensive than a standard ticket, but because group tickets come out of a different allocation to individual tickets they are often available even when the Sagrada Familia is “sold out”.

You also get the advantage of a guided tour, which we think is well worth it for learning about what you are seeing.

You can either take a tour which includes the Sagrada Familia as part of a wider tour of the city, or one which just focuses on the Sagrada Familia. Here are some options to consider.

  • Go Barcelona Pass . The Go Barcelona Pass includes a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia, as well as access to over 40 activities and attractions across the city. If you are planning on visiting a number of attractions in Barcelona, this is a great value option.
  • Barcelona in a Day : This full day tour of Barcelona has you visiting La Sagrada Família, Casa Milà, the historic city center and even taking a sailboat cruise. An excellent introduction to the city.
  • Skip the Line Express Sagrada Família Tour & Tickets – If you want a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia and are struggling to get official tickets, this is a great option with one of our favourite walking tour companies
  • Sagrada Familia Guided tour – A 1.5 hour guided tour of the Sagrada Familia. It’s always worth checking different tours, as if one is sold another company might have availability.
  • Complete Gaudí Tour : Interested in learning more about Gaudi and seeing several of his most famous works? This tour features some of the architects highlights, including Casa Batlló, Park Guell, and of course the Sagrada Família. It even includes a Tower Climb of the Sagrada Familia.
  • Sagrada Familia Guided Tour – This is a 1.5 hour long guided tour of the Sagrada Familia with a relatively small group
  • Sagrada Familia Small Group Guided tour – This is a 1.5 hour tour with no more than 15 people

There are lots more guided tours to choose from of course. See Tiqets here , GetYourGuide here and Viator here for more options.

5 – Attend Mass

Another option for visiting the Sagrada Familia if it is sold out is by attending a mass in main Basilica. These are free and on a first come, first serve basis, usually held on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. See the section on mass in the Sagrada Familia in this guide for more information.

Be aware that visiting for mass time is not a good time for getting photos or wandering around, as both these activities are forbidden during mass. Instead, it’s a good time to see the church in use for its intended purpose.

Sagrada Familia

Tours of the Sagrada Familia

We can very much recommend taking some kind of tour of the Sagrada Familia. There is a huge amount to see here, with fascinating architecture and symbolism, and a tour is one of the best way to truly understand what you are seeing.

When you take a tour, a knowledgeable guide will tell you everything you need to know about the building. You’ll also be able to ask any questions you have, and get pointers on what to focus on when the tour is finished.

If you want to take a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia, you have a few options.

The best value tours are offered by the Sagrada Familia itself, and can be booked directly on the official website. These last approximately 50 minutes and have a maximum group size of 30 people.

However, we actually recommend considering one of the tours below. These tend to be longer, more comprehensive tours with fewer people, and are generally specifically geared towards English speaking visitors.

You can either take a tour which includes the Sagrada Familia as part of a wider tour of the city like this , or one which just focuses on the Sagrada Familia like this .

Here are some options to consider. All of these tours include entrance to the Basilica – something you will want to check before you book a tour with any company. Some also include tower access, so when comparing prices do check what is and what isn’t included, tour length and tour size.

  • Complete Gaudí Tour : Interested in learning more about Gaudi and his works? This tour features some of the architects highlights, including Casa Batlló, Park Guell and of course the Sagrada Família. It even includes a Tower Climb of the Sagrada Familia.
  • Sagrada Familia Guided Tour – this is a 1.5 hour long guided tour of the Sagrada Familia with a relatively small group
  • Sagrada Familia Small Group Guided tour – this is a 1.5 hour tour with no more than 15 people

There are lots more guided tours to choose from of course. See Tiqets here , GetYourGuide here and Viator here for more options. We always recommend reading recent reviews and comparing prices and inclusions before booking.

Also, every tour (other than those with multiple stops) will usually end inside the Sagrada Familia, so you have time to explore and take photos at your own pace once the tour is complete.

Do we Recommend an Audioguide or Guided tour?

To make the most of your visit to the Sagrada Familia we definitely recommend you use an audioguide, a guidebook, or join a guided tour.

There isn’t much signage in the building, so you will miss out on a lot of information without any sort of information or context.

You can purchase a ticket from the official site which includes an audioguide or guided tour. Alternatively, we recommend this guided tour by one of our favorite walking tour companies Take Walks.

Where is the Entrance to the Sagrada Familia?

The general and group entrances to the Sagrada Familia are under the Nativity Facade on Carrer de la Marina. As you face the church, the general entrance is currently to your right, and the group entrance is to your left. There is also an accessible entrance to the left, by the main gift shop.

If you have booked an individual ticket on the official website, even one which includes a tour, you will enter via the general entrance. You will join the tour once you have passed through security. Only groups can use the group entrance.

The entrances are very well marked, and on-site staff will check your ticket before you join any line, so we don’t think you’ll have any trouble getting into the correct line.

It is important to realize that all tickets to the Sagrada Familia operate on a timed entry basis. You need to be in line to enter the Sagrada Familia during the time market on your ticket. You will not be allowed to join the line or enter the building except during the time on your ticket.

If you book a tour with a third party website, they will give you instructions as to where to meet outside the Sagrada Familia. Pay careful attention to these instructions, as there are a lot of guides and people, so you want to be sure you know what to look for.

School groups are typically asked to enter on the other side of the church, on Carrer de la Sardenya.

Sagrada Familia main entrance location

Can you Skip the Lines at the Sagrada Familia?

Yes and no. If you buy your ticket online or via a third party website, either for individual access or as part of a tour, then you can skip the ticket line.

Instead, you can go straight to the main entrance. The Sagrada Familia like many popular attractions operates airport style security with bag and body scanners. So you will need to queue a short while for this.

The line for these is never very long, as you can only join the line when your timeslot for entering opens. On site ticket officers check tickets before you enter the line, so you will only be in line with others who are entering at the same time as you.

In my experience, the security line moves quickly and efficiently, so you shouldn’t need to worry about losing much time here.

When you see tickets advertising skip the line access at the Sagrada Familia, they are referring to the ticket line. All ticket holders, including individual and group tickets, have to go through the same security line.

Is it worth visiting one of the Sagrada Familia towers?

There are currently two Sagrada Familia towers that you can visit, the Passion Tower and the Nativity Tower. Visiting a tower requires a special ticket, and these are some of the more expensive tickets available for a visit from the official website. Visits to the towers are self-guided.

The Virgin Mary tower was completed in late 2021, so this might also become available for visiting.

You definitely don’t need to visit a tower to enjoy your time at the Sagrada Familia, although it does reward you with both nice views of the city and a unique viewpoint on areas of the building that are otherwise impossible to view.

Sagrada Familia Passion Tower

Of course, there are lots of other options for great views of the city – a favourite of ours being the view from Santa Maria del Pi in the Gothic Quarter. See more ideas in our guide to where to get a great view of Barcelona .

I think that seeing the inside and outside of the towers, as well as getting up close to the facades, is definitely a unique experience. If you climb the towers for this reason, it is definitely worth it. But some people don’t find visiting the towers worth the extra cost, and we would agree that it is definitely not required

Which Sagrada Familia Tower Should You Visit?

There are currently two Sagrada Familia towers you can visit – the Passion Tower and the Nativity Tower. If you decide to visit a tower, the next question you might have is which tower is the best to visit?

Honestly, the answer to this is not so simple, as both towers are worth visiting. In addition, you might find that when you come to book, only one of the two towers has availability, so your decision will be made for you! However, here’s a quick overview of the two towers you can currently climb to help you make a decision.

The Nativity Tower is the older of the two towers, and was completed during Gaudi’s lifetime. It’s on the Nativity Facade side of the building, which was also built during Gaudi’s lifetime. The Nativity Tower offers views across the east side of the city and the mountains, as well as up close viewing opportunities of the Nativity Facade.

The Passion Tower is one of the newer towers, and is on the Passion Facade side of the building. This Facade was only fully completed in 2018. Whilst this was designed by Gaudi, it still has a newer look and feel due to being more recent.

Views from this tower are across the city centre and out to sea. There is still quite a lot of construction work ongoing around this tower, and when I visited there was lots of evidence of this when looking out of the windows.

Sagrada Familia Passion Tower

Both towers you can visit have a bridge which links the two main towers on each facade. Sometimes this bridge isn’t open, but when I visited the bridge in both the Nativity and Passion towers was open. This bridge is open air (but surrounded by safety wire) and offers a great view of the city and the outside of the towers.

Both towers have lift access to get up the towers, followed by a series of steps. They then both have steep spiral staircases, consisting of hundreds of steps, to get down. The exit stairs in the Nativity Tower are slightly wider, so are more popular with folks who suffer from claustrophobia.

There is no accessibility access to the towers, as even when you take the lift there are a number of stairs to climb. In addition, you can’t get the lift up and down, only up. As a result, anyone with physical mobility issues will likely want to skip the towers.

It is worth mentioning that there is no handrail in the centre of the staircase in either tower, and you can see straight down from the top to the bottom as there’s a small hole in the centre. This is too small to fall into, but vertigo sufferers might want to give this a miss as it can be a little disconcerting.

Sagrada Familia Passion Tower Stairs

In our experience looking at the booking website and reading reviews from other visitors, the Nativity Tower tends to be more popular, and tickets for this tower tend to sell out first. However, we think if you want to visit a tower, then either tower will work.

If you want to visit a tower but tickets are sold out, again, there are third party tours which normally include tower access (although always check the description) such as this one with Take Walks .

Sagrada Familia Passion Tower

What is the Dress Code at the Sagrada Familia?

The Sagrada Familia is a place of religious worship, and as such, visitors are expected to wear appropriate attire. The following rules apply:

  • Shoulders must be covered
  • Shorts / skirts must come down to at least mid-thigh. We’d recommend knee length though to be on the safe side.
  • Swimwear is not permitted
  • Fancy dress or clothing to celebrate a festivity is not permitted. For example, a bachelor party all wearing similar outfits may be refused entry.
  • See through clothing is not permitted
  • Hats are not permitted with the exception of those required for religious or health related reasons
  • Visitors must be wearing footwear, it is not permitted to enter barefoot.

Sagrada Familia

Other Forbidden Items at the Sagrada Familia

As well as the dress code, there are other items that are not permitted in the Sagrada Familia. A summary of these is as follows:

  • Food and drinks are not permitted, and must be consumed and disposed of prior to entering.
  • Professional photography equipment, including tripods, is not permitted
  • Smoking is not permitted anywhere on the grounds
  • Dangerous items such as weapons, sharp objects, knives or similar are not permitted. These will be held at security and returned after the visit.
  • Any sort of banner, sign or, flag intended as a protest
  • Any chemical product that could harm other people or damage the monument.
  • Animals are not allowed on site with the exception of service dogs for people with disabilities

As you can see, nothing particularly out of the ordinary here.

Can you Take Photos in the Sagrada Familia?

Yes, you are allowed to take photos in the Sagrada Familia. However, there are a number of rules to be aware of.

First, photography is not permitted during masses or holy day events.

Second, p rofessional photography equipment, including tripods, is not permitted in the basilica.

If you wish to visit and take photos for commercial photography reasons, this needs to be authorised by the press department. In these instances, tripods may be authorised but you will want to get permission in writing before your visit.

As with most museums, churches, and other attractions, flash photography is also not permitted. Honestly, the church is so big that a flash probably won’t do much anyway! We have a guide to disabling the flash on a camera here if you need instructions for disabling the flash on your camera.

There is no specific guidance around videos, however the same rules likely apply regarding professional video equipment. If in doubt, contact the Press Department of the Sagrda Familia.

Sagrada Familia

Are there Free Days at the Sagrada Familia?

There are no regular free days at the Sagrada Familia.

Barcelona Attraction Passes that Include the Sagrada Familia

If you plan on seeing a number of sights in Barcelona, and perhaps using the Hop on Hop off bus, then you might find that buying an attraction pass or some kind of combination ticket is more convenient than individual tickets.

Some of these attraction passes will also save you money, depending on which attractions and services you use.

If you decide to purchase an attraction pass, you will want to purchase these at least 48 to 72 hours before you would like to visit the Sagrada Familia. This is because you will need to confirm a time of visit and receive the tickets via email (or however each works). You can’t just book and turn up an hour later with these kinds of passes.

Barcelona has a number of attraction passes (see our guide to the Barcelona attraction passes here ), however not all of them include the Sagrada Familia. Here are some that do.

Go Barcelona Pass

The Go Barcelona Pass comes in two formats, an all-inclusive version and an explorer version . The all-inclusive version is generally our favourite pass for Barcelona as it includes so many attractions and activities.

Both versions include a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia, meaning you get skip the line access to the Sagrada Familia as well as a tour with an expert guide.

This is a great way to experience the Basilica as you’ll learn a lot about what you’re seeing. The pass also includes access to over 40 attractions across the city. In our opinion it’s one of the best value passes for Barcelona. You can see a full list of the included attractions here , and buy your pass here .

You also can see our full review of the Go Barcelona pass here to see if it is going to make sense for your visit.

Barcelona City Pass

The Barcelona City Pass . This pass includes the Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, and airport bus transfer, as well as either a 1 day or 2 day Hop on Hop off bus ticket. It also includes an audioguide covering the city, as well as a further 10% discount on a wide range of attractions in Barcelona.

What we like about this pass is that it lets you book the specific ticket type you want for the Sagrada Familia, from basic through to the towers visit, and it also lets you book the timeslot for your visit for both the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell.

If you are planning on visiting the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, using the Hop on off Hop bus to get around the city, and plan on booking some extra attractions with a 10% discount, this is definitely an easy all in one option.

The Gaudi Bundle

The Sagrada Familia is far from the only Gaudi attraction in Barcelona. Another very popular one is Park Guell. If you want to visit both of these, then you might consider the Gaudi Bundle ticket .

This includes Sagrada Familia tickets with the official audioguide, tickets for Park Guell with an audio guide, as well as an audioguide for the exterior of the Sagrada Familia and other Barcelona attractions.

This ticket is slightly more expensive than purchasing individual tickets for each attraction, however the included audioguides might make this a good option if those interest you.

Sagrada Familia

Where to Get a Good Photo of the Sagrada Familia

You’ll probably want to get a great photo of the Sagrada Familia to remember your visit! My favourite spot (and one of the most popular views in general) is from Plaça de Gaudí to the north east of the building.

This has a small pond in, which makes for some nice reflections. However, you will need quite a wide angle lens in order to get the whole church and its reflection in shot.

As the Sagrada Familia is an active construction site, you will obviously get photos of cranes, netting and workers – which you can see in my photos!

Being the tallest building in Barcelona, you can also see the Sagrada Familia from a number of other locations in the city, including from the roof tops of some of Gaudi’s other buildings. The closest is La Pedrera, however, you will need quite a long lens to get a good shot as the Sagrada Familia will be around a mile away.

Sagrada Familia

Practicalities for Visiting the Sagrada Familia

Facilities at the sagrada familia.

The Sagrada Familia has toilets on site.

Food and drink is not permitted on site, and as such there is nowhere to buy food or drink on site either. There are however lots of stalls serving snacks and drinks just outside the entrance and exit points. There are also a number of cafes and restaurants within walking distance of the basilica.

Security at the Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia operates airport style security. Expect your bags and person to be scanned, and forbidden items to be either conficated or held onto until your visit is over.

Accessibility at the Sagrada Familia

All parts of the Sagrada Familia which are open to the public currently are fully accessible except for the two towers. Whilst these have a lift, this does not go all the way up, and there are additional stairs that must be climbed. As such, the towers are currently not accessible.

Adapted audioguides in sign language and audiodescription are also available in Catalan, Spanish and English. There are also accessible toilets on site.

The accessible entrance to the Sagrada Familia is near the gift shop on the Nativity Side.

Luggage Storage Near the Sagrada FAmilia

There is no luggage storage available at the Sagrada Familia. The only exception to this rule is for visitors to the towers, who can put small backpack sized bags in lockers by the tower lifts during their visit to the towers. Following the tower visit, the luggage must be immediately collected.

Currently, the rules for visiting the Sagrada Familia do not explicitly forbid bringing luggage inside. However, you should be aware that there is airport style security screening, so any bags you bring will be screened. We don’t recommend bringing any luggage or large bags with you to the basilica.

Instead, consider storing your luggage either at your hotel or finding luggage storage near the Sagrada Familia.

Things to do Near the Sagrada Familia

The Sagrada Familia may be the most popular attraction in Barcelona, but there’s plenty more to do in the city! Some of these options are relatively close to the Sagrada Familia, and make for a good next step.

  • Recinte Modernista de Sant Pau – about a 10 minute walk north east of the Sagrada Familia, this collection of building was originally a hospital. Today it is one of the finest examples of Art Nouveau architecture in Europe
  • Casa Milà – also known as La Pedrera, this is another of Gaudi’s works, famous for its rooftop chimneys. It is about a 20 minute walk from the Sagrada Familia
  • Gaudí Experiència – an interactive exhibition next to Park Güell that will take you through the life and works of the architect responsible for so many of Barcelona’s sights. About a 30 minute walk from the Sagrada Familia, or a short ride by Hop on Hop off bus / public transport.
  • Park Güell – another of Gaudí’s works. This is a large park area with a number of installations to explore and visit. This is also where you’ll find the Gaudi House Museum where Gaudi lived, which is well worth a visit. If you do decide to visit, don’t forget you can save a few euros by buying a combination ticket with the Sagrada Familia on the official site

For more ideas on what to do when visiting Barcelona, see our guide to spending 1 day in Barcelona , as well as 3 days in Barcelona .

sagrada familia tour length

Where to Stay Near the Sagrada Familia

If you would like to stay near the Sagrada Familia during your time in Barcelona, we have put together this list of hotels, guesthouses and hostels which are all within a five minute walk of the Sagrada Familia.

These properties are across a range of budgets, and are ordered approximately by price, from lower to higher. Pricing can of course changing depending on season and demand, so do always check prices for your dates.

  • Barcelona & You Hostel Sagrada Familia – three minutes walk from the Sagrada Familia, this is a well reviewed hostel offering dormitory style accommodation. It’s a great value option and breakfast, coffee/tea and WiFi is included.
  • Hostemplo Sagrada Familia – just 200 yards from the Sagrada Familia, this is a highly rated design guesthouse offering private en-suite rooms at a great price
  • Ibis Barcelona Centro (Sagrada Familia) – just a few minutes walk from the Sagrada Familia, this 2* hotel offers comfortable en-suite air conditioned rooms with soundproofing
  • Boutique Hostemplo Sagrada Familia – found on a pedestrian street just 100 yards from the Sagrada Familia, this 3* boutique hotel offers air-conditioned en-suite rooms
  • Hotel Sagrada Familia – a 3* hotel a couple of blocks from the Sagrada Familia, offering private en-suite rooms with air conditioning.
  • SM Hotel Sant Antoni – five minutes walk from the Sagrada Familia, this is a well rated 3* hotel with private en-suite rooms and air conditioning
  • Hotel Barcelona 1882 – 450 yards from the Sagrada Familia, this is a very well reviewed 4* hotel with a pool, and air-conditioned en-suite rooms
  • Ayre Hotel Rosellón – 200 yards from the Sagrada Familia, this 4* design hotel has a roof top terrace offering stunning views of the Sagrada Familia. It also has great reviews, an en-suite air conditioned rooms

Hopefully one of the above hotels will work for you when looking for somewhere to stay near the Sagrada Familia.

Apartment rentals through sites like AirBnB are also available. One thing to be aware of is that in Barcelona these need to be registered with the city. When they are registered they will be issued a license number. If you want to stay in an apartment rental in Barcelona, then we recommend picking one which has the license number on the listing.

If you would prefer to stay in an in apartment in Barcelona, then we recommend either Plum Guide  or  AirBnB .

Plum Guide carefully curate their listings so their options tend to be of a very high quality whilst still being available at a range of price points. See their listings for Barcelona here .

We’ve also used AirBnB all around the world, and they consistently have the most options to choose from. See their  listings for Barcelona here .

If you can’t find what you want from the above choices, or you want some new options to try out, we wrote a whole post on the  best alternatives to AirBnB  which you should check out!

Further Reading for Visiting Barcelona

Hopefully this guide to visiting the Sagrada Familia has answered all your questions and given you plenty of ideas for your own trip.

As well as the Sagrada Familia, we’ve also explored Barcelona many times, as well as other parts of Spain’s Catalonia region. From our experiences, we have put together a number of posts to help you plan your own trip. Here are some we think you will find useful in planning your own trip.

  • For Barcelona, check out our 3 day Barcelona itinerary , our 2 day Barcelona itinerary , our guide to spending a day in Barcelona , our review of the  Barcelona Pass , and our detailed guide to  Gaudí sites in Barcelona  to start you off.
  • There are lots of great day trips from Barcelona. See our guides to  visiting Besalu , Montserrat , and Girona  as good starting points.
  • Lovers of surrealist artist Salvador Dali will want to visit some of the many sites associated with the artist in the region. See our  guide to Dali attractions in Costa Brava  that lists all the attractions to help you put together your trip.
  • A fantastic experience we can recommend to anyone visiting this region is to take a hot air balloon ride. We’ve done this twice, and you can see our guide to  hot air ballooning in Costa Brava  here.
  • We have a guide to  things to do in Palamós , one of our favourite fishing towns in the Costa Brava
  • If you love mountains, you’re going to want to spend some time in the Spanish Pyrenees region of Catalonia. See our  guide to the Spanish Pyrenees  to start you off. If visiting in the winter, you might consider heading to one of the Girona region’s ski resorts, and you can take a look at our  guide to skiing in the Spanish Pyrenees .
  • We also have detailed guides to all the specific regions of the Girona Pyrenees of Catalonia, including  La Garrotxa ,  El Ripollès  and  La Cerdanya .
  • Another mountainous experience for lovers of nature or skiiers is the Vall de Nuria, which also makes a good day trip or overnight experience from Barcelona. See our guide to visiting the Vall de Nuria  for more information
  • If you would like a book about the Sagrada Familia, this is a detailed guide to the history, present and future of this building
  • If you’re looking for a guidebook, take a look at this Costa Brava pocket guide  and this  DK Eyewitness guide to Barcelona and Catalonia

And that’s it for our detailed guide to visiting the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain! As always, we’re happy to answer your questions – just pop them in the comments below and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

In addition, if you visit the Sagrada Familia and notice anything incorrect about this guide, do let us know in the comments section so we can correct it.

A detailed guide to help you plan a visit to the Sagrada Familia. Tips on where to get Sagrada Familia tickets, which tower is best, what to expect, and lots more!

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There are 9 comments on this post

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22nd August 2023 at 10:29 pm

Hello, do you know how the timed entries work for purchasing tickets to enter the church as well as go up in one of the towers? When I go to the official website, the first option is to choose a date, then a timed entry for the tower of your choice. The second option is to choose a time for the church. I like to do the earliest times possible to get tours done before they get too busy. If I select the 9am time for the tower, the first choice that comes up for the church is 9:15am. I’m not sure if I am supposed to estimate how long it takes to do the tower visit and then select a later time to do the church tour? Obviously the tower can’t be completed in 15 minutes, so I’m unsure how to select an appropriate time for each part of the ticket. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks so much

Laurence Norah says

23rd August 2023 at 10:27 am

So just to clarify you are booking the ticket which includes a guided tour of the church and which includes the tower? Or are you just booking for tower and church entry? Because it works slightly differently. With the guided tour you normally do the guided tour first and then the tower afterwards I think, but without the tour component you can visit the church around your tower visit. Once you are inside you go to the tower, and then you can further explore the church when you come back down.

Let me know if this helps or if you need further clarification, and I’ll do my best to help out!

23rd August 2023 at 4:31 pm

Thank you. We are planning to do the self-guided tour with the audioguide (church and tower). When I choose this option, and select the earliest possible time for the tower (9:15am), the only option I can select for the church afterwards is 9:00am. So I am assuming that the church entry is first, then as you said, we would go up the tower first at 9:15, then back down to do the self guided tour of the church. Does that sound right?

Thank you for your help!

23rd August 2023 at 4:37 pm

Yep, that is what would happen! The tower entry is inside the church, so you would go into the church first and head towards the tower entry. After the tower visit, you can explore the rest of the church at your leisure.

Have an awesome time, do let me know how you enjoy it 🙂

Garry Matheson says

4th June 2022 at 4:37 am

Hi, Thanks for the very helpful and detailed guide. I’m not a professional photographer by any means but love travelling with my full-frame camera. Just wanted to clarify about ‘forbidden’ items…what constitutes ‘Professional photography equipment’? I’ll be travelling with a Sony A73 which is bigger than a pocket camera. The lenses are zooms, so quite bulky in comparison. Will they allow entry? Also more generally, is it common for cathedrals, museums and places of interest in Europe where ‘professional’ cameras aren’t allowed?

4th June 2022 at 12:05 pm

This is a good question. I have visited many times with my full frame cameras, sometimes two at the same time, and I’ve not had an issue. I believe they are primarily trying to stop people from doing photo shoots, so things like wedding shoots or influencer style shots with models is what they are against. A tourist with a nice camera isn’t really an issue. They also don’t like tripods or lighting setups.

In general, “professional” cameras are fine across Europe. Some locations won’t allow photography at all, although this is changing as most locations realise the benefit of free publicity on social media from visitors. Westminster Abbey for example had a long policy against photography, which changed only last year. In some places they might charge a nominal fee to allow you to take photos, I believe in Edinburgh for example it’s a couple of quid for a photography permit. Flash and tripod photography though is almost universally banned.

Hopefully this helps!

Have a great time in Europe!

Katie D'Agostino says

25th February 2022 at 2:01 pm

This article is SUPER helpful! Thank you. I cannot seem to find how you purchase tower tickets on the Sagrada Familia website. I only have that option through a tour I was looking to book. Are tower tickets normally available on the Sagrada Familia website or am I just missing it? Also, we are staying at the Ayre Rosello for those great views you speak of. Any great places to eat in that area? We’ve included breakfast in our SF View Room, but we’d love lunch and dinner suggestions. Thank you!

25th February 2022 at 5:40 pm

Thanks for your comment 🙂 So the Sagrada Familia has been a challenging attraction to keep on top of in terms of what is and what isn’t open and to who for the last couple of years! You are correct that right now the towers aren’t on the official website, and yes, they normally are as that’s how I booked them last time we visited. I have reached out to a partner who sells tour tickets to find out if it’s just tour partners who have access at the moment to the towers. I know that for a time they were only allowing guided tours of the towers as it let them control numbers, but I want to confirm if that’s still the case and when I hear back I’ll comment again. I’m not sure if they are actually open at all. If you have found a tour that includes them, definitely reach out to confirm that is the case if climbing them is important to you.

Food wise, I haven’t eaten a lot in that area and to be honest we don’t normally recommend restaurants as it’s hard to keep up with changes. The only place I am comfortable to recommend in general in Barcelona is L’Alcoba Blava, which is an amazing Tapas place in the Gothic Quarter and well worth visiting if you are in that area. It doesn’t look like much from the outside (we always walk right past in when looking for it), but the food speaks for itself.

I’ll get back as soon as I hear about the towers!

1st March 2022 at 8:12 am

I’ve been told that the tower tickets are due to be back online in March, but I’m not sure exactly when.

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  • How long does it take to visit the Sagrada Familia?

It takes about 2 hours to visit the Sagrada Familia including the towers, the small museum in the basement, and the store. Please note that once inside the basilica, you can stay as long as you like!

Sagrada Família Tickets and Pass

Sagrada familia skip the line tickets, don't queue with this bestseller.

Avoid the crowd with skip the line tickets and access to Antoni Gaudí’s basilica, school and Museum. A definite must-see! Plan ahead and reserve a timeslot to enjoy your visit at your preferred time.

Sagrada Familia Fast Track Ticket + Towers

Make the most of your visit.

This Sagrada Familia skip the line ticket includes access to one of the two towers to enjoy a stunning view over Barcelona + an audioguide in English!

Gaudí Bundle

Sagrada família & park güell tickets.

A truly economical combined ticket: > Sagrada Família Fast Track + Audioguide > Park Güell Fast Track ticket + Audioguide > Audioguide of Barcelona > 10% discount on other tours

Barcelona City Pass

Incl. sagrada familia skip the line tickets.

The "City Pass Barcelona" our best selling pass! > Sagrada Família Fast Lane + Audioguide > Fast entrance to Park Güell + Audioguide > Hop-on Hop-off 24 or 48 hours or Casa Batlló or Casa Milà > 10% discount on other tours > Audioguide of Barcelona

  • How long is the queue for Sagrada Familia?
  • When is the best time to visit Sagrada Familia?
  • Do you need reservations for Sagrada Familia?

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How Long Is Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia

What is sagrada família.

Sagrada Família is a large basilica, or Roman Catholic Church, in the city of Barcelona, Spain, designed by Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi and shrouded in mystery and legend. It is the most iconic, and oftentimes the most visited, landmark in Barcelona. construction on the church began in the late 19th century and is expected to take nearly two more centuries to complete. Breaks of sixty years occurred in Gaudí’s original designs due to financial difficulties, yet the current architects that are working on the design continue to pay special attention to Gaudi’s vision and designs. Sagrada Família is known for its complex architectural style and its many spires, which reach up to a height of 172 meters (565.5 feet).

The Tour Of Sagrada Família

The official guided tour of Sagrada Família is 90 minutes long. The tour begins with a ten minute introduction in which an expert tour guide provides an overview of the history of the building and its progress. The rest of the tour is an in-depth exploration of the various areas of interest that the Sagrada Família has to offer. Visitors can take in the spectacular interiors of the Church, learning the stories behind the stunningly intricate sculptures, the intricate stained glass windows, and getting an up-close look at the amazing architecture of the basilica itself. The tour also introduces visitors to the various legends associated with Sagrada Família. One popular lore goes that the spires of Sagrada Família were inspired by the three wise men, or Magi, who visited the infant Jesus in Bethlehem. Visitors can also learn about the interesting tricks Gaudí used to design the church so that it follows the 12-bar scale, whichever key is chosen. The tour also takes visitors to the top of the spires. Visitors are able to catch breathtaking views of Barcelona from the observatory as well as take in the stunning beauty of the entire building. The entire tour ends with a visit to the museum, which houses various artifacts related to the history of the Sagrada Família and its construction.

Why the Tour Is So Popular

The Sagrada Família tour is so popular because it gives people a unique opportunity to take in the majesty and splendor of this iconic building. The expansive basilica is simply awe-inspiring and the intricate decoration that Gaudí and his team of architects managed to achieve is simply stunning. The tour also gives people a chance to learn about the history behind the building and the stories associated with it. The museum at the end of the tour is also filled with interesting artifacts that visitors can investigate further and get a better insight into the history and progress of the Sagrada Família.

Tips for a Smooth Experience

Since the tour has become such a popular attraction, it is often crowded during peak times. Therefore, one should purchase tickets online in advance in order to make sure they get in. Additionally, be sure to wear comfortable shoes and dress according to the season. The tour can be very strenuous and hence it is important to make sure you are comfortable. Visitors should also be prepared to take lots of pictures, as the impressive architecture deserves to be captured in every corner.

Private Tours

How Long Is Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia

Visitors can also opt for private tours, which are specifically tailored to their needs and desires. These tours are great for people who want to have a more intimate experience, and can be customized according to individuals or small groups. Private tour guides are experts in the history of Sagrada Família and will be able to provide a more detailed and personalised tour.

Additional Experiences

Visitors can also take part in other experiences associated with the Sagrada Família. They can opt for coffee tastings and cooking classes, which are inspired by the ingredients and recipes of Catalonia. They can also take part in art classes, language lessons and historical walking tours. All these experiences provide an excellent opportunity to learn more about the culture and history of Barcelona.


The Sagrada Família offers splendid tours, which are accessible to people of all ages and have a variety of accessibility options. Visitors can bring wheelchairs and hire a guide to explain different elements as they go. There are ramps and elevators throughout the visitor complex. People can also opt for the Audio Guides, which provide personalised audio descriptions of the monument.

The pricing for the guided tours start at €20 for adults, €13 for students and €10 for children up to the age of 7. There is no entry fee for children aged 6 or below. However, it is important to note that prices may vary depending on the type of tour or internal experiences chosen.

How Long Is Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia

As with any tourist attraction, public safety is of utmost importance. Sagrada Família takes great care to ensure the safety and security of visitors, and security staff are always present to ensure safe passage throughout the complex. There is also a zero-tolerance policy towards vandalism and visitors are advised to adhere to this rule.

Cultural Significance

The Sagrada Família is a symbol of Barcelona, and carries with it a significant cultural and historical importance. It has become an iconic landmark and is considered to be one of the world’s best examples of modernist architecture. The basilica is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is visited by millions of people every year.

Sagrada Família is an immense structural masterpiece, which has played a significant role in the culture, identity, and history of the people of Barcelona. The official guided tour takes an hour and a half, and visitors can take part in a variety of additional experiences, such as coffee tastings and cooking classes. There are various accessibility options and the prices vary depending on the tour chosen. Above all, safety is of utmost concern, and security staff are always present for the safety of visitors.

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Herman Shaw

Herman Shaw is a passionate traveler and avid photographer who has seen many of the world's most awe-inspiring monuments. He has developed expertise in various aspects of world architecture and culture which he enjoys sharing with his readers. With deep historical knowledge and insight, Herman's writing brings life to these remarkable artifacts and highlights their importance in the grand scheme of human history.

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6 Essential Tips for Visiting Sagrada Familia in 2024

the exterior of gaudi's famous sagrada familia

Booking tickets to this world famous attraction is automatic on holiday, but are there any tips for visiting Sagrada Familia?

To make your experience go more smoothly, I’m going to break down some visiting tips here.

Tips for Visiting Sagrada Familia

Tip #1: buy your tickets in advance.

Simply put, you cannot enter the Sagrada Familia without booking tickets online in advance.

If you don’t have them you’ll be asked to book with your phone, though especially in summer you’re likely to encounter sellouts.

Luckily, you can buy them conveniently from our trusted partner Tiqets. 

Here you will find all the options available, including simple admission, tours, towers, packages and more. That way, you can intuitively weigh your options:

Tip #2: Consider Climbing the Towers

Yes, I’ve lived in Barcelona for 12 years and have yet to climb the towers.

My excuse? I’m not the biggest fan of enclosed spaces. According to the guidelines, it’s not recommended for people like myself – or people of a large size.

Sure, you can go up to the towers comfortably in an elevator. But you’ll be forced to go down in single file along a very narrow set of stairs.

Nevertheless, if you’re braver than me, remember to purchase an additional ticket to climb the towers (not included in general admission). The views are fantastic.

Tip #3: Book the Best Time to Visit

While Gaudi’s masterpiece is beautiful at all times, I recommend visiting between 9:00 and 10:30 am.

It is the perfect time to visit the Sagrada Familia , as you’ll encounter the perfect array of light and colour that makes the cathedral unique.

I cover this more in depth in my post on how to get last minute tickets to Sagrada Familia .

Related : Best Time to Visit Sagrada Familia

a sagrada familia tour guide explains a column at the nativity façade

Tip#4: Get a Guided Tour

Sagrada Familia guided tour tickets should be mandatory for a first visit.

Before I took this tour, I was never able to appreciate the genius mind of architect Antoni Gaudi – as every nook and cranny of the church gets brought to life by an experienced guide.

These  Sagrada Familia guided tour tickets  have a 97% 5-star rating and run seven days a week.

Tip #5: Don’t Get Sucked Into Tourist Restaurants Nearby

Due to its popularity, restaurants for all tastes exist near the Sagrada Familia! If you’re looking for a convenient and quick bite before or after your visit, I’d recommend Buenas Migas . 

This delightful cafe offers light Italian-style fare at all hours of the day. It’s located at the crossroads of Calle Mallorca and Valencia, opposite the Passion Facade.

Related : Are There Sagrada Familia Discounts?

Related : Best Tapas Restaurants Near Sagrada Familia

Tip #6: Know Where You’re Going

The Sagrada is easily accessible from every corner of Barcelona, ​​thanks to several bus lines and metro stops (L2 Purple & L5 Blu) that’ll leave you right before the attraction’s famous spires.

For directions from your place of lodging, use Google Maps for the most convenient route. Alternatively, the city center can be reached on foot in 20-30 minutes.

⚠️  2024 Warning ⚠️ : It’s now mandatory to book your Sagrada Familia tickets in advance .

The only way to guarantee your spot is by booking Sagrada Familia tickets online.

Using the links below, you can even get no-risk free cancellation tickets :

  • 🎟️ Buy now: Sagrada Familia Fast Track Admission (skip the lines)
  • 👨‍✈️ Buy now: Sagrada Familia Guided Tours in English (90 minute guided tour – double the length!)
  • 🗼 Buy now: Sagrada Familia Entrance + Towers (access all five floors)

The location also makes it easy to reach Park Guell from Sagrada Familia and combine the two attractions.

Looking to lock in your tickets? I’ll leave you with this booking calendar below:

Remember: booking online is mandatory post-COVID.

Still Looking for Sagrada Familia Visit Tips?

Did you like my tips for visiting Sagrada?

Let me know in the comments below, and I can address any additional concerns!

🧑‍🎨 Want more of Gaudi? Unlock his masterpieces with the top Gaudi tours in Barcelona .

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  • Barcelona Attractions
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  • Nativity Facade
  • Passion Facade
  • Glory Facade
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Sagrada Familia Guided Tours | Explore the Rich History & Architecture of Gaudi's Masterpiece

sagrada familia tour length

Sagrada Familia Fast-Track Guided Tour

  • Forget waiting lines and jump straight into a detailed tour of the Sagrada Familia with an expert guide beside you.
  • With no more than 20 people per group, get the guide's undivided attention as gripping stories are revealed of Catalan influence on Modernisme architecture.
  • Complimentary headsets and 5 tour language options let you to unravel Gaudí's vision for the church, which has been under construction since the architect was 30!
  • Marvel at the basilica's 18 towers, symbolizing the 12 apostles, 4 evangelists, the Virgin Mary, and Jesus.
  • Start your tour from the Sagrada Familia Museum, situated beneath the basilica, and discover artifacts from the church's history and Gaudí's life.
  • 1-hour guided tour of Sagrada Familia with fast-track entry
  • Expert English, Spanish or French-speaking guide
  • 2-hour bilingual tour with English and Spanish-speaking guide (optional)
  • Tip: Keep an eye out for the ornate nativity façade symbolizing Christ's birth. It is the only part of the basilica completed in Gaudí’s lifetime!
  • Strict dress code: no shorts, hats, sleeveless or backless tops are allowed in the basilica.
  • This experience is wheelchair accessible.
  • These tickets can't be cancelled or rescheduled.

sagrada familia fast-track guided tour with towers access-1

Sagrada Familia Fast-Track Guided Tour with Towers Access

  • You can cancel these tickets up to 48 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.
  • Ready to ascend the fantastical towers of the Sagrada Familia? Dodge the queues, get insider tips from your guide, and climb either the Passion or Nativity side!
  • Tickets include entry to the Sagrada Familia Museum beneath the basilica, where you will begin your tour by examining artifacts and scale models.
  • Venture into the most beautiful parts of the church and gain insight on Gaudí’s life and the ideology behind the basilica's intricate façades.
  • The towers spiral high into the sky and loom over the city. Scale the heights by elevator, embrace terrific panoramas, and descend by stairs.
  • 1.5-hour guided tour of Sagrada Familia with fast-track entry
  • Access to the Passion or Nativity Façade Towers
  • Expert English and/or Spanish-speaking official guide
  • Tip: Watch out for the falcons that nest in the towers of Bartholomew and James the Less!
  • This experience is not accessible by wheelchair.

park güell & sagrada familia guided tour-1

Park Güell & Sagrada Familia Guided Tour

  • You can cancel these tickets up to 10 days before the experience begins and get a full refund.
  • Want to get the inside scoop on the city's top sites? Let an expert guide show you the ropes at Park Güell & Sagrada Familia.
  • Admire the Sagrada Familia's columns that twist up the nave, showing off a mix of architectural styles from cylinders and striations to double helixes!
  • Step into the green haven of Park Güell and be met with large animal statues covered in patchwork tiles, rocky outdoor columns, and quaint little buildings.
  • End the day with a newfound appreciation for Antonio Gaudí and his inventively whacky ideas that have manifested in Barcelona's most stunning houses.
  • Guided tour of Sagrada Familia and Park Güell with entry
  • Transfers between Sagrada Familia and Park Güell
  • Tip: Ask your guide about hidden gems in the city along with lesser-known recommendations for shops and eateries before your tour ends.
  • Guests must arrange their own transfers between Sagrada Familia and Park Güell.
  • Strict dress code: no shorts, hats, sleeveless, or backless tops are allowed in Sagrada Familia.
  • For visitors with mobility issues, Park Güell offers 2 free wheelchairs for hire (subject to availability). The tourist coach car park has 3 places for guests with reduced mobility.

best of gaudí: park guell and la sagrada familia guided tour-1

Best of Gaudí: Park Guell and La Sagrada Familia Guided Tour

  • You can cancel these tickets up to 24 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.
  • Go on an immersive tour of two of Gaudi’s architectural masterpieces!
  • Head out to the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, two iconic Catalan landmarks you cannot miss
  • Stay close to your bilingual guide who will expertly navigate you through your pre-planned route sprinkled with amazing sights
  • Grasp an in-depth look at the basilica’s striking architecture at Sagrada Familia
  • Tour through Park Guell, a modernist park that reflects Gaudi’s imagination perfectly
  • Explore Passeig de Gràcia and check out Casa Batlló and Casa Milà “La Pedrera” for their quirky styles.
  • Entry to Sagrada Familia
  • Entry to Park Guell
  • 4.5-hr guided tour
  • Professional English or Spanish-speaking guide
  • Strict Dress Code: No tank tops, strapless shirts, short shorts, or sandals will be accepted.
  • The interiors of the Sagrada Familia are wheelchair accessible.
  • Guests do not have any storage facility in Sagrada Familia. Only bring small backpacks and regular-size handbags.
  • For visitors with mobility issues, Park Güell offers two free wheelchairs for hire (subject to availability). The tourist coach car park has 3 places for guests with reduced mobility.
  • Be sure to wear comfortable footwear and bring along sunscreen and a hat for a smooth experience.

sagrada familia korean/japanese/chinese-guided tour-1

Sagrada Familia Korean/Japanese/Chinese-Guided Tour

  • You can cancel these tickets up to 72 hours before the experience begins and get a full refund.
  • Skip-the-line for a hassle-free visit to the iconic Sagrada Familia with a guided tour led by an expert multilingual guide.
  • Stroll through the Avinguda Gaudí streets with a small group and catch glimpses of Sant Pau and learn all about the life of legendary architect, Gaudi.
  • Marvel at the intricate interiors and somber architecture of the Passion and Nativity facades with inside details about the Sagrada.
  • Explore the Sagrada on an audio-guided tour and immerse yourself in the temple interiors.
  • Skip-the-line tickets to Sagrada Familia
  • Access to Sant Pau Art Nouveau
  • Access to Passion facade
  • Access to Nativity facade
  • 3-hour guided tour (English, Japanese, Korean or Chinese)

Access to the Sagrada towers

  • Tip: Due to its popularity, the Sagrada Familia is typically booked several days in advance. It is suggested booking early to secure your spot on the guided tour.

korean/japanese/chinese-guided day tour of sagrada familia, casa vicens & casa mila with fast-track entry-1

Korean/Japanese/Chinese-Guided Day Tour of Sagrada Familia, Casa Vicens & Casa Mila with Fast-Track Entry

  • Tour Barcelona's stunning architecture of Gaudi's houses and Sagrada Familia on this guided day tour with a small group.
  • Save time and money with fast-track tickets to Casa Milà and Sagrada Familia, and multilingual audio and video guides
  • Admire the facades of Casa Vicens and Casa Mila, and visit the world's largest Art Nouveau site.
  • Experience this tour with a guide speaking your preferred language – English, Chinese, Japanese, or Korean.
  • Gaudí and Sagrada Familia day tour
  • English, Korean, Japanese, or Chinese-speaking guide (as per choice)
  • Small group tour under 12 people
  • Admission ticket
  • Audio guide in the language of your choice
  • Fast-track entry ticket
  • Smart video guide in the language of your choice
  • Entry to Casa Batlló
  • Entry to Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
  • Gràcia neighborhood
  • Passeig de Gràcia
  • Apple of Discord
  • Free time for lunch at Casa Mila
  • Sant Pau Art Nouveau Site
  • Avinguda Gaudí
  • Casa de les Punxes (exterior)
  • Casa Batllo (exterior)
  • Tip: It's recommended to wear comfortable shoes as this tour involves a fair amount of walking.
  • Remember to dress appropriately for your visit to Sagrada Familia by covering your shoulders and knees.

Top things to do in Barcelona

Park Güell

The Sagrada Familia stands tall as Barcelona’s most iconic monument. Envisioned by the architect Antoni Gaudi , the Basilica has been under construction since 1882, surviving revolutionary events such as the Spanish Civil War and COVID-19. The site is still not fully constructed, however, parts of it are open for public access. 

On this page, learn about the various types of guided tours available to visitors, and how to choose which one is right for you. 

Which Sagrada Familia tour is best for you?

Sagrada Familia guided tours

Fast-track guided tours

Duration : 1 - 2.5 hours

Suited for : Visitors short on time

Highlights :

  • Skip the long queues at Sagrada Familia and enter directly.
  • Learn fascinating things about the history of the Sagrada Familia.
  • Take the tour in English, French, German or Spanish.

Sagrada Familia guided tours

Fast track guided tour to Sagrada Familia with Towers Access

Duration : 1.5 - 2 hours

Suited for : Visitors with a comprehensive itinerary

  • Skip the long ticket lines and head straight to the Sagrada Familia.
  • Admire the symbolism behind Antoni Gaudi’s masterpiece with this guided tour.
  • Access the top of the Passion Facade Tower and enjoy panoramic views of Barcelona.

Sagrada Familia guided tours

3-hour Korean/Japanese/Chinese-Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia

Suited for : Visitors with a big itinerary

  • You get skip-the-line and direct access to the iconic Sagrada Familia.
  • Check out the Sant Pau and see how Sagrada Familia changed Gaudi’s life.
  • Stand atop the Passion and Nativity facade, admiring their intricate ornamentation and sombre architecture.
  • Choose audio guides available in 16 languages and take a self-guided tour.

Why book a Sagrada Familia guided tour?

Sagrada Familia guided tours

  • Gain insights: Local guides will be able to walk you through the glorious and lengthy history as well as the most essential characteristics of the Basilica.
  • Time utility: Instead of Googling details before or after your visit, your guide will share their insights with you at the venue, help you navigate the crowds, and ensure that you don’t miss any main highlights.
  • Multilingual tour guide: Guided tours are available in four languages - English, Spanish, German and French. This allows visitors to learn about the basilica in a language that is most comfortable for them. 
  • Fast-track access: All guided tours come with skip-the-line access , which means you can bypass the crowds, and head straight toward the monument. 
  • Best spots: Since the guides have hosted numerous tours, they know the right times to take you to the right spots, for example, the stained glass windows during sunset; a mesmerizing view that would be a shame to miss.

Highlights of Sagrada Familia guided tours

Sagrada Familia Guided Tours, Sagrada Familia Towers

If you opt for the guided tour with Tower access, you would be able to access either the Nativity Tower, which would give you the opportunity to be mesmerized by its sea views on the east, or the Passion Tower, from where you can catch a glimpse of the western Barcelona skyline. The third Glory Tower isn't open to the public just yet. 

Sagrada Familia Guided Tours, Sagrada Familia Facades

The Facades

The Sagrada Familia towers come together form these facades. Currently, 8 of the planned 18 towers have been constructed, which forms 2 of the 3 planned Sagrada Familia facades. If you opt for a tour of the Nativity Facade, your guide will be able to enlighten you on not just the architecture, but Gaudi himself, as this was the only Facade that was built under his direction. 

Sagrada Familia Guided Tours, Sagrada Familia Interiors

The Basilica Interiors

The interiors of the Basilica have been described as the Bible sculpted in stone. The interiors and exteriors of the Church are inspired by the life of Jesus Christ. On your tour, your guide will be able to explain to you the intricacies of the architecture , and the rich history of the monument. 

Sagrada Familia Guided Tours, Sagrada Familia Musuem

Sagrada Museum

Your guide will be able to show you charts, models, and blueprints dating back decades, all of which went into the planning and construction of the Basilica. Some of these items were salvaged from the premises when it was set on fire during the Spanish Civil War.

What to expect on a Sagrada Familia guided tour?

  • Once you book your guided tour of the Basilica online, you will receive a confirmation of your ticket on your phone. This e-ticket will suffice, there will be no need to print a copy - let’s keep the environment in mind! 
  • After confirmation of your ticket, you will be intimated on the meeting spot, usually at a landmark just outside the Basilica, where you can meet your guide and your group. This will be slightly earlier than the entry time on your ticket, to give you a lee-way in case of any unforeseen delays. The Basilica is strict about entry times, if you miss your allotted entry time, you will be required to purchase another ticket. Avoid this altogether and get there a little early. 
  • When you locate and familiarize yourself with your guide, they will lead you straight to the security checkpoint to enter the Basilica, at the Nativity Facade. Because you purchased your ticket online in advance, you save yourself from waiting in the ticket counter queue. 
  • Past the security checkpoint, your guide will immerse you in a historical and breathtaking journey of the Basilica. A guided tour is available in four languages - English, Spanish, French, and German. English guided tours are usually between 10 AM and 12 noon. Similarly, guided tours in other languages have their allotted time window. 

Visitor Tips

  • Tickets: Ensure you purchase your tickets online in advance to avoid long queues at the venue and to get guaranteed access to the monument. Tickets come with different inclusions and access, so ensure you pick the right ticket. 
  • Punctuality : There is usually a queue for the security check that can last between 15-30 minutes, and this is applicable to all ticket holders. Do account for this while planning your arrival at the monument, as you would be denied entry if you arrive later than your scheduled ticket time. 
  • Dress appropriately: The Basilica is a religious Catholic monument, therefore visitors are requested to dress modestly while on the premises. 
  • Accessibility: Children below 11 can enter the Basilica for free, however, due to the narrow and steep on-foot descent, children under the age of 6 are not permitted to enter the Towers. You can also get a discount if you are a student entering with valid proof. 
  • Refreshments: All backpacks are checked at the entrance , and food and drinks are not permitted inside. It is advisable to ensure you have eaten prior to your visit, as refreshments in and around the premises can be expensive. 
  • Equipment: You are allowed to snap pictures of the monument on your smartphone, however, you would require prior permission if you would like to enter with professional photography equipment. 

Frequently asked questions about Sagrada Familia guided tours

Yes. In-person guided tours of the Sagrada Familia are available in English, Spanish, German, and French.

Sagrada Familia guided tours can range from EUR 50 to EUR 64, depending on the inclusions in your tour.

You can opt for a basic guided tour without tower access or the guided tour with access to either one of the two towers open to the public. You can also choose for combo tours, that will allow you to explore more iconic attractions of Barcelona with a single ticket.

Depending on your ticket, the Sagrada Familia guided tour would include skip-the-line entry, an in-person local expert to guide you through, and a tour of the interiors, museum, and towers.

The in-person guided tours of Sagrada Familia are available in English, French, Spanish, and German. The audio guides are available in 16 languages.

A guided tour of the Sagrada Familia would cover the Sagrada Familia Interiors, Museum, and Towers, depending on the type of ticket you purchase.

The maximum number of people for a small group tour of the Sagrada Familia is 12, and for a large group tour is 30. 

A UNESCO Heritage Site, the Sagrada Familia is known for its symbolism and marvelous intricacies. Going on a guided tour would allow you to truly immerse yourself in the monument Gaudi had envisioned.

Yes. With the Sagrada Familia guided tours, you can skip-the-line at the ticket counter and move straight to the security checkpoint.

Some Sagrada Familia guided tours have a no-refund policy, while some would provide a full refund if the tour was cancelled at least 48 hours in advance.

Sagrada Familia guided tours can be anywhere between 1 hour to 2.5 hours depending on the type of tour you book.

Yes. Infants and children under the age of 10 can avail discount on Sagrada Familia tickets. You will have to carry a valid photo ID of your child. You can also enjoy 5% cashback when you book tickets online.

Sagrada Familia Tours, Opening Hours

Sagrada Familia Timings

Getting to Sagrada Familia

Getting to Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia Finish Date

Sagrada Familia Finish Date


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Sagrada Familia & Towers Guided Tour

  • 8.20 / 10 1,283 reviews | 14,760 travellers Very cool although I wouldn't recommend climbing the towers since you can't see much. The only thing a little disappointing but everything else was great 8 Patrícia
  • Free cancellation up to 1 hours before the service starts

Explore Barcelona’s iconic symbol during a 2-hour guided tour with fast track entry and climb to the top of one of its 65-meter-tall towers to enjoy a magnificent bird ’s eye panoramic view of the city .

Wonderful views of the city

The Sagrada Familia (Basilica and Expiatory Church of the Holy Family) was Antoni Gaud í’s last and most ambitious project before he died. It is considered Barcelona’s main symbol.

Before entering the temple, your knowledgeable English-speaking guide will lead you around the impressive structure and explain its various fa çades, including the Nativity Fa çade . Next, skip the lines and explore the awe-inspiring interior accompanied by your guide. Gaudí was especially influenced by nature and you’ll admire the building’s colossal columns that look like a concrete forest.

Discover how the Catalan architect conceived his masterpiece by marvelling at his various blueprints and drawings. Then, see how little by little and with a few variations, the temple is becoming a reality with the money obtained from the entrance tickets and third-party donations.

Climb the towers

At the end of the visit, you’ll be handed a ticket to climb to the top of one of the towers and enjoy breathtaking views over Barcelona . You’ll take a lift up to the observation deck and then climb down 300 steps. An unforgettable experience! Please note, however, that it is not advisable for people with reduced mobility to climb the towers.

Fast track entry

Usually, when tourists see how long the lines are to access the Sagrada Familia, a lot are put off and don’t visit one of the most worthwhile visits in Barcelona. However , if you book our guided tour, you ’ll enter the site without queuing.

Moreover, the entrance to the top of the towers are limited, so travellers must book their tickets in advance. However, you won't have to worry if you book this activity, as it includes a visit to one of its towers.

  • Visitors must take the lift to climb to the top of the tower and take the stairs down. 
  • Children under 6 years old may not access the towers for safety reasons and youth under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.
  • The towers are not wheelchair accessible.

Other Sagrada Familia tours

If you'd prefer, you can book this private tour of the Sagrada Familia  or the Sagrada Familia guided tour (which doesn't include the ascent to the towers).

More Information

1 hour 30 minutes - 2 hours.

The activity takes place with a guide that speaks in English, although it may occasionally be done in two languages.

Expert English–speaking guide

Fast track entry to the Sagrada Familia

Access to one of the Sagrada Familia’s towers

When to book?

You can book up to the start time, as long as there are places remaining. Book now to guarantee your spot.

Type of voucher

Electronic. Show the voucher on your phone.


Not wheelchair accessible.


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Not permitted.

Frequently asked questions

Q - Can you choose which towers to visit?

A - No. The towers which are visited are La Pasión.

Q - Why do this activity with Civitatis?

A - At Civitatis we guarantee the best quality and prices, click here if you want to know how we select our activities.

Q - How to book?

A - To reserve the activity, choose the date and complete the form on this page. You will receive your confirmation immediately.

If you have any other questions please contact us.

Free cancellation

Meeting point.

416, Calle Mallorca

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With lines stretching around the block, seeing the Sagrada Familia may seem impossible. Our Sagrada Familia Tour includes skip-the-line tickets that ensure you don't waste your vacation standing in line. Our Barcelona in a Day tours also include a stop at this historic church. On our private and small group tours, you'll also skip the line. Before you step inside, your guide will walk you through the beautiful stained-glass exterior. Inside, you will learn about the ongoing construction of the cathedral and the history of this stunning feat of architecture. If you don’t want to go inside the cathedral, our Barcelona in a Half Day by Electric Bike tour takes you past the church. Your tour guide will give information on the construction as you take in the intricacies of the stone façade.

The Sagrada Familia is one of the most visited churches in Europe and the most famous site in Barcelona. Designed by Antoni Gaudi, this Basilica has been under construction since its conception in 1882—nearly one hundred years! Although incomplete, it is an incredibly intricate and beautiful church that also offers magnificent views of the city. With lines stretching around the block, seeing the Sagrada Familia may seem impossible. Our Sagrada Familia Tour includes skip-the-line tickets that ensure you don't waste your vacation standing in line. Our Barcelona in a Day tours also include a stop at this historic church. On our private and small group tours, you'll also skip the line. Before you step inside, your guide will walk you through the beautiful stained-glass exterior. Inside, you will learn about the ongoing construction of the cathedral and the history of this stunning feat of architecture. If you don’t want to go inside the cathedral, our Barcelona in a Half Day by Electric Bike tour takes you past the church. Your tour guide will give information on the construction as you take in the intricacies of the stone façade.

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8 results found

Skip the Line

Skip the Line

Unbeatable Barcelona in a Day Tour

Unmask the real culture of the city at Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, and the Gothic Quarter

( 243 ) From: $124.25

Skip the Line

Skip the Line Sagrada Familia Tour

Discover the stories and secrets behind Gaudi’s grand basilica with an expert tour guide

( 109 ) From: $63.23

New Tour

Private Barcelona in a Day Tour with Sagrada Familia and Park Guell

Get to know the Catalan capital with skip-the-line tickets and your own expert private guide

( 7 ) From: $733.37

New Tour

Sagrada Familia Small Group Tour With Skip the Line Access

Delve into the hidden details of Gaudi's basilica alongside an expert guide

( 17 ) From: $61.02

New Tour

Park Güell and Sagrada Familia Small Group Tour in Barcelona

With skip-the-line-entry, immerse yourself in the world of Gaudí while exploring two masterpieces!

From: $89.27

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Explore more in less time on a fun e-bike ride taking in sights like Sagrada Familia and Barceloneta

( 7 ) From: $73.45

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Private Barcelona Half-Day Tour by Sidecar

Discover Sagrada Familia, La Rambla, Barceloneta Beach, and more

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2-Hour Private Tour of Barcelona by Electric Tuk Tuk

Zip through Spain’s most charming city with an expert guide and see all of the top landmarks

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Sagrada Familia: Tips for Visiting Gaudi’s Masterpiece

Antoni Gaudi’s unfinished masterpiece, La Sagrada Familia, is one of the world’s most popular tourist attractions. In this post, we answer some common questions and share tips to help you make the most of your visit, including how to avoid the queues .

The Sagrada Familia receives approximately 4.5 million visitors each year. The number of tickets is limited to avoid overcrowding at peak times, and they have fixed entry times.

To prevent long queues from forming outside the Sagrada Familia, in 2021, the ticket office was closed, and tickets are now only sold online .

If you arrive at the Sagrada Familia without a valid ticket, there’s a panel with a QR code near the exit on Carrer de Sardenya , which you can scan to purchase tickets. However, in most cases, tickets won’t be available for the same day, and you’ll have to book for a later date.

Tourists inside the Sagrada Familia, light passing through the stained glass windows on the left bathes the columns on the right hand side of the photo with a rainbow of clours

How can I avoid the queues at the Sagrada Familia?

To prevent queues from forming, tickets are available online up to 2 months in advance. Alternatively, you can purchase the Gaudí Bundle , which also includes entrance to Park Güell, allowing you to book timeslots for both attractions during the booking process.

Tickets are allocated based on a system of 15-minute time slots. Due to the popularity of the site and the high number of people who visit every day,  you must arrive on time .

I recommend you arrive 15 minutes before your chosen time slot. This will allow plenty of time to find the entrance and take photos before entering the building and going through security.

Once inside the Basilica,  you can stay as long as you like . You should allow approximately 2 hours to visit the basilica, including the small museum in the basement.

What is the best time of day to visit the Sagrada Familia?

One of the most beautiful features of the Sagrada Familia is Gaudi’s use of light. The church has large stained-glass windows which bathe the naves with colour. The effect is most striking mid-morning and mid to late afternoon when sunlight strikes the windows directly.

Close up of the bell towers of the nativity façade of the Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona. Tou can see the Christmas tree with 12 doves as well as part of 4 bell towers.

How far in advance should I purchase tickets for the Sagrada Familia?

Tickets are available online up to 2 months in advance. To ensure you can visit at your preferred time of day, I recommend purchasing your tickets at least five days before you plan to visit. Generally, there is more availability in the afternoon because most tours visit in the morning.

Check availability

Help all tickets are sold out; what can i do.

If you are flexible and aren’t bothered about visiting the Sagrada Familia at a particular time of day, it’s often possible to purchase tickets online twenty-four hours in advance or even on the day.

If there are no tickets available, it’s still worthwhile visiting the Sagrada Familia from the outside without going in. You can get good photos from the small parks on either side of the Basilica. I also recommend visiting the Sant Pau Art Nouveau site , a 10-minute walk from the Sagrada Familia and where you don’t usually need to pre-book tickets.

Is it worth paying extra to visit the towers?

The most memorable part of visiting the Sagrada Familia is, without a doubt, the view inside the naves. Looking up at the 45m high vaulted ceiling, surrounded by slender tree-like columns bathed in coloured light from the Basilica’s stained glass windows.

Having said that, the towers ticket lets you see parts of the church that aren’t visible from ground level and the ongoing construction work.

The ceiling of the Sagrada Familia and the tree like columns which support it

If you decide to visit the towers, I recommend you choose the Nativity Façade. These are the oldest of the Sagrada Familia’s towers and the only ones that Antoni Gaudí worked on.

Unlike the Passion Façade, the towers of the Nativity Façade include a small bridge that affords better views and a close-up of parts of the façade.

Is it worth paying extra for the audio guide?

All tickets for the Sagrada Familia include an audioguide app which explains Gaudí’s design and vision as well as the history of the building.

If you are interested in learning more, you could book a guided tour , which includes fast-track entry to the Sagrada Família with an English-speaking guide to tell you all about the Basilica and answer your questions (other languages available).

I’ve changed my mind. Can I add the tower visit once I’m inside the Sagrada Familia?

Yes, subject to availability, it may be possible to pay to visit the towers once inside the Basilica.

Having said that, the number of places available is strictly limited, so if you are interested in visiting the towers, I recommend booking in advance.

Which discount cards and sightseeing passes include entry to the Sagrada Familia?

The Sagrada Familia is Barcelona’s best-known attraction, and the entrance is included in several of the most popular Tourist Passes.

The Gaudi Bundle

The Gaudi Bundle is a two-attraction pass that gives fast-track entry to the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell and an audioguide for both sites.

Barcelona Pass

The Barcelona Pass includes entry to the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, a ticket for the Hop On Hop Off tour buses, and a 10% discount at top attractions.

Go City Barcelona Pass

The Go City Barcelona Pass includes a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia as one of the many options available.

More information about Barcelona sightseeing passes and discount cards here>>

What other discounts are available?

Children under 11 and disabled people can visit the Sagrada Familia free of charge (including foreign nationals; proof is needed).

Students, young people under thirty, and senior citizens (over 65) are also entitled to a discount.

When can you visit the Sagrada Familia for free?

In addition to the discounts mentioned above, the Sagrada Familia can also be visited for free during the Festes de Santa Eulalia, which takes place in February, and the La Mercè festival, in September.

At these times, the Sagrada Familia organizes open days, whereby they raffle off several thousand tickets free of charge. The open days are usually announced two weeks in advance on the Sagrada Familia website. Only Spanish residents are eligible to enter the draw.

Where is the Sagrada Familia located?

The Sagrada Familia is located in the L’Eixample district of Barcelona, approximately 2 km from the city centre. The neighbourhood around the Basilica is called Sagrada Familia. This is a quiet, residential neighbourhood with wide streets and an abundance of small shops, bars and restaurants. Most buildings in the area were built during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century and are between four and six stories high.

How can I get there by public transport?

The easiest way to visit the Sagrada Familia from most parts of Barcelona is by metro. The Sagrada Familia metro station is on the L2 (purple) and L5 (blue) metro lines.

Pictures on the platforms indicate which exit you should take for the Basilica. In fact, both exits are approximately the same distance from the ticket holder’s entrance, so I suggest you use whichever is nearest when you alight the train.

The Bus Turistic  city tour buses stop right outside the Sagrada Familia (blue route).

Is the Sagrada Família accessible to wheelchair users?

Yes, the Sagrada Família is accessible in a wheelchair. The accessible entrance is in front of the Passion Façade (see map below), with a ramp leading up to the entrance to the nave. There is also a ramp down to the small museum in the church’s basement.

The towers are not accessible in a wheelchair due to the short flight of stairs up to the lift.

Wheelchair users plus one companion are entitled to free entry, which should be booked in advance on the Sagrada Familia website . Upon arrival, you may be asked for documents accrediting your disability.

The Sagrada Familia metro station is also wheelchair accessible. When you alight the metro, there are pictograms indicating where the lift up from the platform is located. There are two entrances at street level, one of which has a lift.

All of Barcelona’s public buses are fitted with ramps for wheelchair access.

The nativity façade of Antoni Gaudi's Sagrada Familia Basilica in Barcelona bathed in early morning sunlight. This photo was taken from a park and there are trees and a palm tree in the foreground.

How can I attend mass at the Sagrada Familia?

The Sagrada Familia is a Roman Catholic church, and mass is held every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. The service lasts approximately one hour and is conducted in several languages.

Spaces are limited, and entrance is on a first-come, first-served basis. If you want to attend mass, you should be at the entrance in front of the Nativity Façade about an hour before the service starts, or at the very latest, 8:30 a.m.

Other church services take place on special dates throughout the year; there’s more information on the Sagrada Familia website.

When attending mass, it is essential that you dress and behave appropriately; see the dress code below.

What are the Sagrada Familia opening times?

The Basilica is open to the public 365 days a year; times may vary.

When can you visit the crypt of the Sagrada Familia?

Regular masses used to be held in the Sagrada Familia’s crypt. Since 2019, international Mass has been celebrated in the nave on Sundays.

What is the dress code for the Sagrada Familia Basilica?

According to the Basilica’s official website, you should adhere to the standard dress code for Roman Catholic churches, which is the same for both men and women:

Hats and caps should be removed before entering the basilica (unless required for religious or medical reasons). You should wear an appropriate shirt, blouse, T-shirt, or jacket covering your shoulders, back, and midriff. Trousers and skirts should cover to below mid-thigh. Transparent clothing or plunging necklines are not allowed, and you may not go barefoot.

In reality, the dress code is not strictly enforced, and it’s common to see people wearing singlets and shorts. Personally, I think it’s best to follow the rules and comply with the dress code rather than risk getting turned away.

Where to eat and drink near the Sagrada Familia?

There are plenty of restaurants in the streets surrounding the Sagrada Familia.

If you want a drink or snack, I recommend heading to Avinguda de Gaudí , where there are bars and cafés with terraces outside and views of the Basilica.

For traditional Spanish cuisine, try:

Can Josep , Carrer de Roger de Flor, 237 Caldeni , Carrer de València, 454 La Paradetta , Passatge Simó 18

One of my favourite vegetarian restaurants in Barcelona , Arc Iris, is nearby at Carrer de Roger de Flor, 216. I also like La Taqueria at Passatge de Font 5 (authentic Mexican tacos) and, for vegan burgers, La Trocadero at Carrer de la Marina 269.

One of the best Irish Pubs in Barcelona, The Michael Collins , is located nearby at Plaça de la Sagrada Família, 4

Sagrada Familia

Carrer de Mallorca 401, Barcelona

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Hi- When I get this pass – how do I make a reservation at the Sagrada ?

When you click the “Book Now” button you will be asked how many passes you want to purchase and the start date of your trip.

At this point, you should indicate the date you will arrive in Barcelona.

You will then be asked to select the dates and time slots when you want to visit the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell.

After this, you click on the “Go to next step” button which takes you to a secure page where you fill in your contact details and select how you want to pay.

Once you have paid for the pass you will receive an email with your tickets, instructions for downloading the Apps and a link for booking additional attractions with a 10% discount.

Great information. There are 3 couples in our group and would love to go to mass. Do we need to have a ticket to do this? Thank you.

No, you don’t need a ticket for the International Mass which now takes place every Saturday at 8 pm and Sunday at 9 am in the nave of the Sagrada Familia.

You should, however, make sure you are at the entrance on Carrer de la Marina at least thirty minutes before mass is due to start because places are limited.

If there will be 25 or more people in your group then you should contact the basilica via their website in advance.

I purchased a guided tour for Sagrada, which doesn’t include the towers. After our tour, if we decide to go up the towers, can we buy tower tickets on the day of?

Hi Arvydas,

Unfortunately, I don’t think it’s possible to add a towers visit to your ticket once you are inside the Sagrada Familia. I suggest you contact the company that you purchased the tour from and see if you can change your booking for a tour which includes the towers.

Update: This has now changed. Subject to availability, it may be possible to add audioguides and tour visits to the basic ticket once inside the basilica.

Do you have any tips on where to visit while in Barcelona. One adult and 4 teenagers. What can you do? Any culture, food or attractions you have to see or try? We are there 6 days, in October. We´re going to an FC Barcelona match. Where is the best place to buy tickets, online or there in place?

Hello Rania,

The best place to buy your FC Barcelona tickets depends largely on who they will be playing against.

If it’s a minor league match then the cheapest tickets will be available on the official FC Barcelona site between 1 month and 2 weeks before the match or at the ticket office at the Camp Nou or from FC Barcelona stores in the city.

For more important league matches or champions league, you will be better off buying tickets in advance from a reputable ticketing site because the only tickets which are likely to be available on the FC Barcelona site are the VIP packages which are very expensive.

Top sites to see in Barcelona with teenagers include: Sagrada Familia, Park Güell, Casa Batlló. I’d also recommend taking the cable cars up to the castle on Montjuïc and spending some time exploring the Gothic Quarter. Since you are obviously interested in football, a tour of Camp Nou should also be on your list.

Also check out this post which has a lot of ideas for things to see, many of which are free. If your teens are interested in street art then this walking route which is slightly off the beaten track would also be a good choice.

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Sagrada Família Guided Tour with Optional Towers Access

  • Not a lot of time to explore Barcelona? This express tour allows you to discover the legendary Sagrada Família , a UNESCO-listed architectural masterpiece inside and out. Head straight inside and bypass the long lines with our exclusive Skip the Line access. 
  • With an expert local guide , your tour of this incredible location won’t feel crowded or rushed and you’ll find out everything there is to know about this unique and beautiful basilica; it’s an intimate way to experience one of the most famous churches in Europe!
  • Choose the option "with Towers" and you’ll get to see the sights of Barcelona from a brand new perspective, getting a birds-eye view of the city from one of the incredible towers of its most famous church.

Tour Description

What's included.

  • Expert, English-speaking tour guide
  • Entrance ticket to the Sagrada Familia with 1h 15min tour
  • Entrance ticket to the Sagrada Familia Towers (if option selected) with 2h tour.
  • Headsets when appropriate, so you can always hear your guide

Sites Visited

  • Sagrada Familia
  • Sagrada Familia Towers (if option selected)

The Sagrada Família is one of the most iconic landmarks in Europe, and it’s easy to see why - the tall, gravity-defying spires, the impressive facades, the countless figures that adorn this ginormous basilica… there is so much to see, so many glorious secrets here, and this is why it is the most visited building in the whole of Spain. Discover it for yourself on this intimate but short tour - perfect for those who only have a few hours to discover Barcelona! You’ll be accompanied by an expert, English-speaking local guide who will bring the church to life for you with stories and anecdotes about Gaudí and the building itself.

Understand your Surroundings with our Expert Guide

The church is still under construction, and has been since 1882. The work has been near-constant, but sadly Gaudí himself only saw the completion of one facade, one tower, the crypt and the apse before he passed away. This was his final work, a labor of love, and something he made many personal sacrifices for - your guide will tell you all about it, and about how Gaudí considered it his own holy mission…

Skip the Line and Head Inside

You’ll enjoy our exclusive Skip the Line access, meaning you can bypass the long lines of visitors waiting to step inside this magnificent building. Head straight in and discover the magic that lies inside: heavy doors hand-carved with intricate vines, and incredible pillars that seem to stretch up and up forever. There is a true sense of the ethereal inside the Sagrada Família, with willowy structures bathed in the light of many stained glass windows. It’s somewhere that truly takes your breath away!

Explore the Sagrada Família Museum

When the tour itself has finished, you can stay in the church and explore further - discover as much of this magnificent building as you can, and visit the amazing Sagrada Família Museum. Here you’ll see the actual scale models Gaudí used when planning this incredible feat of architecture and engineering.

See Incredible Views from the Passion or Nativity Tower

Choose the option "with Towers" which also includes a ticket to the very top of the church’s dizzyingly-high towers on either the “Passion” or “Nativity” facades. Your guide will see to it that you make it to the elevator, after which you’ll be free to spend time enjoying the views of Barcelona and the streets below, before heading back down. Tickets to the towers are limited, so this is a great opportunity to see the Sagrada Família from a unique perspective. Walk across high bridges between the spindly towers and inspect the colorful pinnacles and carvings close up to appreciate this monument in its complexity.

This tour is a magical way to discover the Sagrada Família, especially if you’ve only got a short time to explore Barcelona! Memories from this tour are ones which last a lifetime…

Thousands of 5-Star Reviews

Tripadvisor, know before you go, meeting point.

Carrer de Mallorca - Open in Google Maps

Important Notes

Cancelation Policy

This tour is subject to a 24-hour cancelation policy. If you wish to cancel or amend your booking, you can do so without charge by contacting us up to 24 hours in advance of your expected departure time.

It is not necessary to bring your voucher. We do recommend bringing the voucher with you as it contains helpful maps and directions to the meeting point. You can present this to your guide on the day of your tour either on a mobile device, or print it out.

Our City Wonders guides will be holding a sign or a flag with the name City Wonders written on it at the meeting point.

There is no need to reconfirm your tour. Confirmation is instantaneous – your voucher is confirmation that you are booked on the tour. Once you have completed your booking, your voucher will be sent to you via email with all of the details about where to go on the date of your tour at what time. You can present this to your guide on the day of your tour either on a mobile device, or print it out.

  • Book with Confidence: Free cancellations up to 24 hours before the experience begins (local time).
  • Multilingual Customer Service: Talk to us, we are here to help.
  • No Hidden Costs: All taxes and fees included.

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Barcelona Tours

Sagrada família tours, get to know city wonders.

A City Wonders tour is the product of meticulous research, detailed planning, and a passion for providing customers with travel experiences they will cherish forever.

With City Wonders it's not just facts, our passionate guides tell you the stories that bring the sights to life.

  • All of our guides are experts in their field
  • We only hire fluent English-speakers so nothing is ever lost in translation
  • We focus on the little details and anecdotes that make City Wonders so special

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Sagrada Familia Tours – Which One is Best?

best Sagrada Familia guided tours

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Are you wondering which of the many Sagrada Familia tours is right for you? On this page, you will find a comprehensive guide to Sagrada Família tours, including private tours, group tours, audioguide tours, combos and more!

One of the best ways of visiting Sagrada Família is on a tour, which is sure to enhance your knowledge and appreciation for this feat of architecture and symbol of Barcelona.

Don’t you feel like reading ahead? Click here to book your Sagrada Familia tour .

Sagrada Família tours — Is it worth taking a tour?

are Sagrada Familia tours worth it

When it comes to the Sagrada Família, there is nothing that speaks as loud as its history, which is full of culture and religion. The Sagrada Família is actually a basilica in which people do attend mass every Sunday, but it is also one of the greatest architectural attractions in Barcelona , and even the world.

Construction on Sagrada Família first began in 1882, and has become a foremost example of Catalan Modernism. Antoni Gaudí was the leading architect of the basilica, and his unique style has created one of the most singular architectural buildings that is imbued with storytelling, symbolism and reverence. While he did not live to see the completion of Sagrada Família as construction continues today, Gaudí’s mark on Barcelona lives on.

There is actually a great deal to learn about the Sagrada Família, and it is well worth spending time in its hallowed walls. If you are planning to visit the Sagrada Família, you have two main options:

1 – The first option is that you take your time to visit the basilica at your own pace with an audioguide directing you along. You will need to book an entrance ticket which includes the audioguided tour.

Hot tip: Check out our complete guide about Sagrada Familia tickets price .

2 – The second one, which we highly recommend, is the use of a knowledgeable tour guide who will ensure that you understand in detail every aspect of the basilica during an in-depth tour.

So let’s get back to the main question — is booking a tour for Sagrada Família worth it?

reasons to book Sagrada Familia tours

The benefits of having a tour guide for your visit to Sagrada Família supersede the pros of going to the basilica by yourself, because you may actually miss many of the most important aspects of Sagrada Família on your own.

Here are some of the major advantages of booking a guided tour:

Easy: Once you book your tour guide, they will be responsible for buying your tickets according to your visit of choice, and you will not have to do anything apart from being ready and showing up on time.

Answer your questions: One thing we love about having tour guides is having our questions answered. Tour guides are well conversant with the history of Sagrada Família and have in-depth knowledge of the basilica. You wouldn’t have to Google any of the things you see in order to understand them. It is also far more meaningful to have that human interaction with your guide, and it brings a greater level of connection on your travels.

Never miss anything: You can rest assured that you will not miss an important highlight of the Sagrada Família when you have a guided tour. With so many intricate details outside and inside the basilica, your guide will be able to point all of them out. Some things you tend to overlook are actually the real deal!

Sagrada Família tours — Which one is right for you?

how to choose the best Sagrada Familia tour

This definitely tops the list of the most frequent questions we get — which tour is ideal for visiting the Sagrada Família? Well, we wouldn’t pinpoint what exactly is the right tour, because that solely depends on two basic things: what you are looking forward to seeing and your budget for your travels.

When it comes to the things you want to see, there are two fundamental ways of viewing the Sagrada Família:

  • Sagrada Família only
  • Sagrada Família including the towers

There are tours that cover only the main exterior and interior areas of the Sagrada Família, but there are other tours that include access to one of the towers on either the Nativity facade or the Passion facade. The towers can only be accessed with a specific ticket, but you will find several offers for each tour type.

For all Sagrada Família guided tours, you will have a skip-the-line ticket, as well as a licensed tour guide with you through all the stages of the tour. The tour guides are very well-versed in the history of the basilica and will also give great recommendations for places to visit in Barcelona during the tour!

There is a variety of different options for tours with the Sagrada Família, including:

  • Audioguided tours
  • Guided group tours
  • Tours including tower access
  • Private tours
  • Express tours
  • Kids and family tours
  • Early morning tours
  • Combo guided tours including other attractions

1. Sagrada Familia audioguided tours

Sagrada Familia audioguide tours

The cheapest tour option for visiting Sagrada Família is with the standard ticket that includes an audioguide. This ticket costs €26 and can be purchased on the Sagrada Família website or app. You can download the audioguide through the app, and can choose whether you want an express 25-minute audio tour or a 45-minute audio tour. The audioguide is also available in 17 different languages, appealing to a variety of nationalities.

This is a considerable choice if you opt out of a guided tour, because you will still get better information than you could from printed pamphlets or googling. A benefit of a self-guided tour is that you will be able to enjoy the basilica at your own pace, taking as much time as you like between different points of interest.

However, we would still recommend the guided tour option. This personal experience always brings life to your tour and makes it so much more engaging. The tour guide’s rich knowledge of the monument’s history is invaluable.

If you would still prefer to go for the Sagrada Família audioguided tour, you need to book for this option when you pre-order your ticket online. You can also opt to buy a ticket that includes tower access along with an audioguided tour.

  • Sagrada Familia audioguided tours

2. Sagrada Família guided group tours

Sagrada Familia guided tours

This is usually one of the most popular Sagrada Família tours that cater to travelers that intend to visit the basilica as a group. For this package, you get skip-the-line entry as well as a very experienced and knowledgeable guide who will show your group specific areas of where to go, what to see and what not to miss sight of.

The groups are usually around 30 people where you will be given “whisper” headphones, where the guides will speak in a normal tone and you will easily hear them, instead of them having to shout to the whole group of 30 people and disturbing other visitors.

Many people would often refer to themselves as a small group and opt for the small-group tours when actually there are approximately 20-30 people. This is different to when you take a private tour, because you will know in advance how many people will be with you.

Of course, group tours are affordable and you will get the benefit of having a guided visit without spending much more than with an audioguide. Guided tours run by Sagrada Família typically last around 50 minutes, but some guided tour options can last from 1.5 to 2 hours. Some guided tour tickets will also grant you access to one of the towers.

  • Sagrada Familia group tours

3. Sagrada Família tours including tower access

Sagrada Família towers guided tour

Whether you opt for a guided tour or self-guided audio tour, you can get tickets for tours that specifically include access to one of the towers of Sagrada Família.

The towers are a defining element of Sagrada Família, as they extend above the Barcelona skyline and give it its characteristic edge. With your ticket, you will be able to access one of the towers of Sagrada Família on either the Passion facade or the Nativity facade.

You can reach the top of the towers using a lift, but you will have to take stairs back down to the bottom. At the top, you will not only have exceptional views of the city, but you’ll be able to see the continuing construction of the basilica from this vantage point.

However, given the height of the towers and the narrow staircase, a visit to the Sagrada Família towers is not recommended for people who are afraid of heights or are claustrophobic.

  • Sagrada Familia towers tours

4. Sagrada Família private tours

Sagrada Família private tours

Going for the private tour is such an amazing thing that we would highly recommend for the Sagrada Família. It accrues many benefits that you wouldn’t have on your own or even on a guided group tour. Private tours do often cost higher than standard group tours, but come with many advantages including perks, privacy and flexibility.

Most private tour guides are very much conversant with the history of the monument, so it would be easy for them to assess for you what to see. Within your own speed and level of understanding, you could ask them as many questions as possible until you have a comprehensive knowledge of Sagrada Família. You will also have the benefit of being with your own select group, creating a more intimate and personal experience.

Another great aspect we love about private tours is that many of them can come to pick you up in a comfortable vehicle from your hotel and even drop you back off at the end. Some private tours also give you increased flexibility to add different stops around Barcelona that you may wish to visit.

Depending on your private tour option, you may also get to enjoy perks such as an included glass of cava, coffee at Picasso’s favorite restaurant or a hearty tapas meal!

Numerous ticket websites sell the Sagrada Família tickets that have the private tours available, and the prices vary. Check out TourScanner to compare the best possible prices before you book your ticket.

  • Sagrada Familia private tours

5. Sagrada Familia express tours

Sagrada Família express tours

The Sagrada Família express tours are tours for people that have a limited and short time frame to visit the basilica. Within one and half hours, you will be done with your guided tour. Priority access will also save you on time, providing you with fast-track entry that skips all the major queues.

If you really want to visit the Sagrada Família and have a very short time frame to visit it because of personal commitments or time just wouldn’t allow you, we highly suggest you go for one of the express packages. You can be done within the morning and still have a whole day ahead of you to continue exploring Barcelona!

  • Sagrada Familia express tours

6. Kids and family Sagrada Família tours

kids and family Sagrada Família tours

If you are going to the Sagrada Família with your kids or family members, we highly recommend that you check out the available family packages. With kids’ interests at heart, the kids and family tours are designed in such a way that many of them are private tours giving you and your family full rein to explore and have fun.

This is a great way to bond as a family, and private tour guides make it easier for kids to quench their curiosity when it comes to the numerous questions they generally have. These guides are certified and know exactly how to tailor a tour for children.

Not only that, kids and family tours are filled with games and other activities, ensuring the little ones are always engaged and having fun. Many family tours go beyond Sagrada Família to visit other exciting locations such as Park Güell and the Gothic Quarter.

This package is also great when you are considering combo activities that you would do when you have kids with you. The guides will offer valuable advice on where to visit and what best works for the entire family.

  • Sagrada Familia tours for kids & family

7. Avoid the crowd — Early morning Sagrada Família tours

early morning Sagrada Família tours

One thing that the Sagrada Família never runs out of is a crowd. During the peak hours of midday, it can be filled with people. A great way to avoid the large crowd is by opting for the early morning Sagrada Família tours that will ensure you are within the basilica at the first possible hour.

By getting in the Sagrada Família in the morning when it opens, you will beat the crowd of the midday and afternoon. You’ll also benefit from a quieter space, helping you to better listen to your audioguide or guide as they speak. What a great way to avoid the congestion and commotion!

  • Sagrada Familia early morning tours

Combos — Tips for booking guided tours of the Sagrada Família and other attractions in Barcelona

Sagrada Familia combo tours

When it comes to finally choosing your guided tour option for Sagrada Família, you could also check out combos to add to your tickets and other things to do in Barcelona .

On a combo ticket, you will definitely get the tickets to enter the basilica, but you could also take advantage of other sites and attractions around Barcelona and explore them.

There are various options that you could choose from and you can compare the prices to land on your best pick. For example, you could book a Sagrada Família tour that will include Casa Batlló, La Pedrera, the Park Güell, Montserrat or many combined in one.

One thing we like about the combos is that you will have the prices reduced as compared to how you would visit each of the monuments and sites separately. Another good thing is that having the same guide makes it easy when it comes to having direct conversations, and you can comfortably ask questions.

You will never miss a sight, and they will offer great advice in matters of where to have pictures and the best shots of the different attraction sites you will be visiting.

We highly advise that you compare the prices before you book anything on different websites that offer the same kind of service for discounts or group charges.

Here are some more details about the combo tour options and what you will see.

  • Sagrada Familia combo tours

Sagrada Família and Casa Batlló

Sagrada Família and Casa Batlló tickets

Add to your experience of Sagrada Família by visiting another of Gaudí’s famous works, the Casa Batlló. Gaudí was commissioned by the owner of Casa Batlló, Josep Batlló, to oversee its demolition and reconstruction. However, Gaudí advised against demolishing, instead turning it into a work of art.

With its colorful mosaic facades and undulating roof, Casa Batlló reflects an ocean brought to life. While the true intention of Gaudí’s work is unknown, many have interpreted it as being inspired by the marine world or by the tale of Saint George, who slayed a dragon.

Subsequently, Casa Batlló became known as the house of the dragon or house of bones. Casa Batlló is also most commonly referred to as the house of masks. This is due to the shape of the balconies at the front of the house, which seemingly reflect carnival masks.

The interiors of Casa Batlló are equally fantastical and breathtaking. The influence of nature can be seen throughout, from the entrance hall to the loft and patio of light.

During a guided tour, you will discover more about what made Casa Batlló not just a stunning complex, but a groundbreaking piece of architecture.

  • Sagrada Família and Casa Batlló tours

Sagrada Família and Park Güell

Sagrada Família and Park Güell tickets

Park Güell is arguably Gaudí’s most famous creation after Sagrada Família, and makes for the ideal combo tour. Park Güell truly reflects Gaudí’s reverence for nature and how it influenced his art and design. Spanning approximately 18 hectares, Park Güell consists of a forest zone and a monumental zone, where you may find Gaudí’s iconic work.

Originally designed to be an estate, Park Güell was eventually transformed into a public park. Here, you can discover Gaudí’s famed Dragon Stairway, marked by the unique salamander sculpture decorated in an innovative mosaic design.

A guided tour will provide you with further historical context into the development and creation of Park Güell, and bring your attention to many details hidden around the park that you may otherwise miss!

  • Sagrada Família and Park Güell tours

Sagrada Família and La Pedrera

Sagrada Família and La Pedrera tickets

La Pedrera, also known as Casa Milà, is in fact located on the same street as Casa Batlló and are within walking distance of each other. However, they are somewhat different in style. While Casa Batlló is vivid and brightly colored, La Pedrera is monotone in color while still retaining that classic undulating and organic style of Gaudí’s.

La Pedrera is in fact known as the “stone quarry” for its likeness to a quarry but is a feat of architecture and design. This was also the last civil architectural project Gaudí committed to. In the last years of his life, he wholly dedicated himself to the building of Sagrada Família. Originally a residential apartment complex, there are some families who still live in La Pedrera, and have done so for more than 70 years!

A guided tour of La Pedrera may give you a fascinating insight into the history of the building, some of the controversy it caused and why it is today considered a major accomplishment and an integral part of Barcelona.

  • Sagrada Família and La Pedrera tours

Sagrada Família and Montserrat

Sagrada Família and Montserrat tickets

You can embark on a fascinating combo tour to both Sagrada Família and Montserrat in a single day. Montserrat is located about 1 hour outside of Barcelona, and is home to an ancient and legendary monastery. Combining Sagrada Família and Montserrat will give you a deeply fulfilling experience exploring two notable places of worship in Barcelona.

Monsterrat in fact inspired Gaudi in his design of Sagrada Família. Today you can take an exciting cable car ride up the mountains for incredible views of the scenery.

Here, you can then visit the Santa Maria de Montserrat Abbey, which dates back as far as the 11th century and continues to serve as a residence for monks. It is also home to the famous Virgin of Montserrat statue, a rare Black Madonna that originates from the 12th century.

You can also roam among the mountain paths, and even visit the Holy Cave, said to be the site where shepherds witnessed visions of the Virgin Mary in 880.

  • Sagrada Família and Montserrat tours

What will you see on a tour of Sagrada Família?

things to see during a Sagrada Familia tour

From the detailed facades to the breathtaking interiors, there is so much to see and learn about on a tour of Sagrada Família. Given the magnitude of the basilica, its over 100-year-long construction history and its layers of symbolism, we highly recommend a guided tour to uncover the full depth of Sagrada Família.

While viewing Sagrada Família, you will also uncover a great deal about the life of Gaudí, the visionary architect behind the basilica. Gaudí did not live to see the completion of Sagrada Família, but two sections he oversaw the creation of, the crypt and the Nativity facade, are recognized as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site dedicated to his work. Here are some of the notable sights you will see at Sagrada Família.

Sagrada Família towers

Sagrada Família Towers

A defining aspect of the Barcelona skyline, the Sagrada Família towers are the first thing you will notice about the grand basilica. In the final construction, there are expected to be 18 towers in total — furthermore, the highest tower will mean Sagrada Família will be the tallest church building in the world!

The 18 towers all possess specific symbolism. Twelve of the towers represent the apostles, while a further four towers represent the evangelists — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.

Towering above these is the tower of the Virgin Mary which was recently completed and includes a magnificent shining star at the top. The final tower will be the tower of Jesus Christ, which will stand above them all at an impressive height of 172 meters.

Currently, you access one tower per visit on either the Nativity facade or the Passion facade. From this vantage point you will be able to observe the continuing construction and the stunning city of Barcelona.

Nativity facade

The Nativity facade, Sagrada Família

Breathtaking in its detail and fluid sculptural forms, the Nativity facade depicts the early life of Jesus with incredible symbolism. Gaudi was heavily influenced by nature in life and in his architecture, and nowhere is this clearer to see than the Nativity facade.

Ducks, flowers, bees and dragonflies among others decorate the facade among scenes from Jesus’s life. You may find yourself gazing in awe at the details. A guide will be able to assist in picking out minutiae you may miss, and will be able to describe what each sculpture represents.

Passion facade

The Passion facade, Sagrada Família

The Passion facade stands in direct contrast to the Nativity facade. The sculptures here are austere and angular in form, and are designed to be almost frightening. This is because the Passion facade depicts the death of Jesus.

While construction began on the Passion facade in 1954, it was recently completed in 2018. The final facade to make up the Sagrada Família is the Glory facade, which will portray the glory of Jesus. Construction is still continuing on the Glory facade, but on completion, it will bring the story of Jesus and the Sagrada Família full circle.

Sagrada Família interiors

Sagrada Família interior

The Sagrada Família interiors are utterly awe-inspiring, and it would be well worth your time to spend a few hours here soaking up the atmosphere.

Gaudí designed the interior of Sagrada Família to be reflective of a great forest, with double-twist columns jutting into the ceiling and creating the illusion of towering trees. Gaudí specifically designed this entirely new type of column for the Sagrada Família.

Stained-glass windows decorate the basilica, with each color of glass corresponding with and representing different periods in the life of Jesus, from passionate reds to natural greens.

Feel free to take the time to reflect in this sacred space! If you wish, you can even attend a free mass at Sagrada Família, which we detail below.

Sagrada Família museum and Gaudí’s tomb

Sagrada Família museum

To add to your understanding of the history of Sagrada Família, you can visit a museum that is situated within the basilica. Here, you will find models, pages and other documents that detail the construction of the basilica over the decades.

Near to the museum is also the tomb of Sagrada Família’s architect, Gaudí. In the last years of his life, Gaudí became increasingly solitary and pious as he dedicated all of his time, energy and focus to the construction of Sagrada Família.

In fact, he was known as “God’s architect” who intended for the basilica to be a bible written in stone. Tragically, in 1926 Gaudí was struck by a tram and died a few days later. He had become so modest he was initially mistaken for a beggar due to the clothes he was wearing.

However, he was laid to rest within Sagrada Família, an honor to the architect who came to define Catalan Modernism and contribute so greatly to the image of Barcelona.

Are there any free Sagrada Família tours?

free Sagrada Família tours

Unfortunately, there are no available free guided tours of Sagrada Família. The lowest ticket price that is available is the audioguided tour.

However, there are two other options where you can see Sagrada Família for free:

Free walking tour

  • Attend mass at Sagrada Família

There are multiple free walking tour options available where you have the opportunity to learn a great deal about Sagrada Família. The only downside is that you won’t be able to enter the basilica. However, this is a good tour option for learning more about Gaudi, his life and his other works on a budget.

Some walking tours will go to a few of his other buildings, and give you a comprehensive understanding of his architectural style and his historical context. Keep in mind that it is standard to tip guides after your tour at the rate you wish. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes, bring a bottle of water and dress appropriately for the weather.

Mass at Sagrada Família

It is possible to enter Sagrada Família for free without joining a guided tour. Every Sunday, mass is held at 9 AM and anyone is free to join. We recommend arriving quite a bit earlier in order to get your seats, as capacity is limited. This is an excellent way of experiencing the Sagrada Família as it is intended to be used, and you may find this to be a profound experience.

It is very important to note that because Sagrada Família is a place of worship you need to behave respectfully and dress appropriately. The basilica has a clear dress code that does not allow the wearing of swimwear, see-through clothing or pants that are shorter than mid-thigh. You may not enter barefoot.

You are also not allowed to wear any clothing for specific festive celebrations or dress in a way to bring attention to a specific purpose. If you do not adhere to the dress code you may be asked to leave the basilica.

You can check out the official Sagrada Familia website for the Sunday mass schedules and for any special mass events that are invitation only.

Can you cancel or modify your Sagrada Família tour?

When it comes to the cancelation and modification of the tour, this entirely depends on the terms and conditions of the tour operator you will be using.

Most tour operators accept cancelations or modifications for free 24 hours ahead of your tour. However, cancelations are not always possible. Some tours are entirely non-refundable or cannot be modified. We highly recommend that you know the terms and conditions of your tour before booking them.

Are any Sagrada Família tours included in the Barcelona Pass?

Unfortunately, guided tours are not included in the Barcelona Pass. A Barcelona Pass will get you entry into Sagrada Família and include the audioguided tour. You can also opt to get Barcelona Pass that includes access to one of the tours as well as the audioguide.

  • The Barcelona Pass

Travel tips

best Sagrada Família travel tips

Book your tour in advance

Sagrada Família receives nearly 4 million visitors every year, meaning tickets and tours sell out quickly! The best way to secure your visit to Sagrada Família is by booking your ticket in advance.

On the official Sagrada Família website, you can book your tickets up to two months in advance. Check out other tour sites and ticket resellers for other options, especially if you are booking last minute. TourScanner aggregates all of these deals for you, making it easy to find the best tour options in a short amount of time!

The benefits of booking in advance are that you can be more selective in what type of tour you choose and the times of your tour. It also means you will have priority access to the basilica and will miss any major queues.

Time your visit carefully

Sagrada Família is so expansive we recommend exploring its grounds for between 2 to 3 hours. Try to find a lengthier guided tour that will delve deep into the details, and also give you free time to savor this sacred space.

It would also be worth considering trying to visit the basilica in the late afternoon. This is when sunlight streams through the stained-glass windows, creating an otherworldly atmosphere and the ideal photo opportunity.

Keep in mind it’s also very important to arrive on time. Tickets have timed slots for entry into Sagrada Família, and if you’re late, you’ll miss your slot!

Because the Sagrada Família is a basilica and an important place of worship, there is a strict dress code. Make sure you adhere to the rules and dress accordingly, otherwise you may be asked to leave.

We also recommend wearing comfortable shoes for your visit. You will likely be on your feet for the entirety of your tour of the expansive basilica, and don’t want to risk being in any discomfort. This will also be essential for walking down the tower stairs if you opt to include that in your visit!

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10 Best Sagrada Familia Private Tours in Barcelona (2024)

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Private tours of the Sagrada Familia are a whole different ball game compared to the usual group tours. They give you a chance to get up close and personal with one of Barcelona’s most incredible sights.

Living in Spain, I’ve visited the Sagrada Familia several times, but it’s these private tours that really bring out the magic of Gaudí’s masterpiece.

So, what makes a private tour of the Sagrada Familia so special? Let’s take a look at why choosing a private tour can make your visit more memorable and personalized, from skipping the long lines to getting the inside scoop from knowledgeable guides.

Table of Contents

Best Sagrada Familia private tours

1. private guided tour of sagrada familia.

The beautiful inside of Sagrada Familia in Private Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia..

⭐ RATING: 4.8 out of 5 based on 150+ reviews

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 2 – 2.5 hours

✅ Check latest price and availability

If you’re on the hunt for the crème de la crème of Sagrada Familia tours, my top pick is definitely the Private Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia . This isn’t just a stroll around the building. 

Instead, imagine being surrounded by Gaudi’s iconic masterpiece, the Sagrada Familia, during the quieter evening hours. The golden hues of the sunset lighting up the basilica’s intricate facades are truly magic.

But here’s the real kicker. Not only do you skip the regular touristy chaos to get in, but you’ll also get the wisdom of an expert on Catalan modernism as your guide. 

They’ll share the fascinating history behind every nook and cranny of the interior of the Sagrada Familia . Ever wondered why Gaudi designed something a certain way or the symbolism behind those sculptures? Now’s your chance to find out!

2. Gaudi Private City Tour with the Sagrada Familia

Outside view of Sagrada Familia in Gaudi Private City Tour with the Sagrada Familia.

⭐ RATING: 4.7 out of 5 based on 60+ reviews

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 4 hours

For all the Gaudi enthusiasts out there, this Gaudi Private City Tour with the Sagrada Familia will make your heart skip a beat. Dive deep into the world of Catalan Modernism, exploring the rich tapestry of Gaudi’s life, work, and the indelible mark he left on Barcelona.

What’s in store? A walk around Plaza Real, a glimpse of Palau Güell, tales from Gaudi’s favorite tavern, and an immersive journey down Paseo de Gracia. 

Happy woman walking down street in Spain

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And, of course, this Gaudí tour of Barcelona includes a private tour of the Sagrada Familia. You’ll sidestep those pesky lines and step straight into one of the world’s most awe-inspiring religious temples, with a guide who truly knows their stuff.

3. Full Day Private Tour with Sagrada Familia and Park Guell

Outside view of Sagrada Familia in Full Day Private Tour with Sagrada Familia and Park Guell.

⭐ RATING: 6 out of 5 based on 650+ reviews

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 7 hours

For those with a tight schedule but a big appetite for Barcelona’s best, this Full Day Private Tour with the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell is everything you need. From Gaudi’s architectural marvels to the bustling streets with stories from centuries ago, you’ll get a taste of it all.

Kicking off with the Palau Guell, stopping off at Casa Batlló and Casa Milà, exploring Park Güell and ending at the Sagrada Familia, this journey weaves through the city’s historic highlights. You’ll even get a pit stop at Els 4Gats, Picasso’s favored bar, and a sensory delight at the Mercat de la Boqueria.

For the Sagrada Familia and Park Güell, you’ll get that oh-so-valuable fast track entry, ensuring you’ll maximize your time rather than spending your day waiting in long tourist lines. And with a private guide to share all the stories of each place, it’s truly the ideal way to see as much of Barcelona’s highlights as possible in just one day.

4. Exclusive Sagrada Familia Private Guided Tour

Flock of tourist waiting outside in Exclusive Sagrada Familia Private Guided Tour.

⭐ RATING: 4.9 out of 5 based on 50 reviews 

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 1.5 hours 

Ever felt like pushing past those pesky lines at one of the world’s most popular tourist spots? This 1.5-hour private guided tour of the Sagrada Familia ensures you won’t have to wait. 

Instead, get ready for an up-close and personal experience with one of Gaudi’s greatest works, with the added perk of skipping the regular queues.

But it’s not all about cutting lines; it’s about diving deep into the world of Gaudí. Your guide is a local expert with oodles of passion and knowledge, ready to share the history, architecture, and juicy little details about this iconic structure. 

And once the tour’s over? Roam around the Basilica to your heart’s content. Snap those photos and take in the artistry from every angle!

5. Sagrada Familia and Park Guell Full-Day Tour

Majestic roof of Sagrada Familia in Sagrada Familia and Park Guell Full-Day Tour.

⭐ RATING: 4.9 out of 5 based on 27 reviews 

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 7 hours 

Seven hours might seem like a lot, but trust me, when you’re walking the streets of Barcelona and soaking up its rich history, time will fly! 

Begin your journey on the bustling Las Ramblas and make your way to the heart of the Gothic Quarter. As you weave through the narrow lanes, you’ll be transported back in time, listening to tales and legends that paint the city’s storied past.

Take a breather with a coffee break at one of Picasso’s favored spots. And once you’re ready to pick up the pace, you’ll stroll along the posh Paseo de Gracia and gawk at Gaudi masterpieces, including Casa Mila and Casa Batlló. 

Tuck into a tapas lunch and, with a belly full, explore Park Güell with a zest and enthusiasm like never before. Finish off with your private guide at the Sagrada Familia, and explore its intricate facades and interiors with a handy audio guide.

6. Private Barcelona Tour: Park Güell and Sagrada Familia with Hotel pick-up

Private Barcelona Tour: Park Güell and Sagrada Familia with Hotel pick-up

⭐ RATING: 5 out of 5 based on 70+ reviews 

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 8 hours 

When a tour starts by whisking you away from your hotel, you know you’re in for something special. This 8-hour tour offers an intimate look at Barcelona, blending modern attractions with old-world charm. 

Your first stop? The vantage point of Montjuïc Mountain. Here, marvel at the cityscape and learn about the mountain’s strategic importance in times gone by.

The fun doesn’t stop as you make your way through Las Ramblas, the Gothic Quarter, and even get to pass by landmarks like the Columbus Monument. Each site comes with its own intriguing backstory, courtesy of your knowledgeable guide. 

Midday, you’ll stand in awe of Gaudi’s Sagrada Familia, learning all about its iconic facades and history. Your day wraps up at Park Güell, where nature and Gaudi’s artistry fuse in a mesmerizing dance. 

And as the sun dips, you’ll be chauffeured right back to your hotel. Talk about a day well-spent!

7. Best of Barcelona Private Tour: Sagrada Familia and Old Town with Hotel Pick-up

The beautiful glass window of Sagrada Familia in Best of Barcelona Private Tour: Sagrada Familia and Old Town with Hotel Pick-up

⭐ RATING: 5 out of 5 based on 110+ reviews 

If you’re looking for the whole Barcelona experience, this private tour might just be it. Travel in style by private vehicle, and let an insider guide show you the ropes from the chic Passeig de Gràcia to the historic Gothic Quarter. 

Plus, and here’s the cherry on top, you get to skip that notoriously long line at the Sagrada Familia!

But it doesn’t end there. Swing by Eixample, and admire the modernist architecture, then, of course, there’s the Sagrada Familia itself. If you’ve ever wondered about Gaudí’s vision or the symbolism behind those intricate designs, now’s your chance to find out. 

From there, you’ll get to visit Montjuïc for those city views. They’re seriously worth the detour.

And don’t worry, this tour’s got you covered with a pick-up and drop-off at any hotel or apartment in Barcelona’s city center. No fuss, no muss. Just you, Barcelona, and one pretty incredible day ahead.

8. Best of Barcelona Private Tour with Sagrada Familia

Sagrada Familia windows inside in Best of Barcelona Private Tour with Sagrada Familia.

⭐ RATING: 4.5 out of 5 based on 100+ reviews 

Barcelona’s full of secrets. But with this private tour, you’re in on them. 

Kick things off with a no-wait entrance to the iconic Sagrada Familia. Trust me, it’s a game-changer, especially when you add in the private tour you get, with all the stories of this incredible place. 

Wander the moody lanes of the Gothic Quarter and play spot-the-ancient-ruin, including that 2,000-year-old Roman temple.

A little thirsty? How about sipping some cava, Catalonia’s answer to champagne, at a local market? Not a bad way to spend an afternoon, right? 

Afterward, let your guide show you some of the best modernist architecture in the city’s Eixample district. Plus, if you fancy a full day of exploration, upgrade for visits to Park Güell and La Pedrera. It’s a Gaudí extravaganza!

And let’s not forget the practical stuff. This tour gets you round-trip transport from your hotel. So all you’ve got to worry about is soaking up the sights, sounds, and yes, the tastes of beautiful Barcelona.

9. Private Photoshoot at Sagrada Familia

Beautiful scene inside of  Sagrada Familia in Private Photoshoot at Sagrada Familia

⭐ RATING: 4.8 out of 5 based on 40 reviews 

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 45 minutes 

Time to get those Instagram-worthy shots! With this tour, you can flaunt your trip to Barcelona with professional snaps taken outside the Sagrada Familia. 

Forget those awkward selfies – a professional photographer’s got your back, ensuring you look your best beside Gaudí’s masterpiece.

It’s not a marathon photoshoot, so no worries about dragging it out. You’re looking at less than an hour, just enough time to strike a pose or two (or ten). Whether you’re flying solo or with your favorite folks, these photos are bound to be keepers.

Now, the best bit? You won’t be left hanging. In just 48 hours, you’ll have access to those beautifully edited, high-res images. So get ready to update that profile picture and let the likes roll in!

10. Private Guided Segway Tour of Gaudi’s Barcelona

Sagrada Familia's windows in Private Guided Segway Tour of Gaudi's Barcelona

⭐ RATING: 4.7 out of 5 based on 20+ reviews 

⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 3 hours 

If you’ve ever thought about combining a bit of fun tech with history, this one’s for you. On the Private Guided Segway Tour of Gaudi’s Barcelona, you get to roll around the city streets and soak in the works of the brilliant Antoni Gaudi, including, of course, our star – the Sagrada Familia. 

No need to fret if you’re new to Segways, as your adventure starts with a quick Segway 101 lesson in the historic Gothic Quarter, ensuring you’re all set to explore in style.

Once you’re comfy on your Segway, you’ll embark on a journey through time, getting up close with some of Gaudi’s groundbreaking designs. You’ll roll from the lush Parc de la Ciutadella to the posh Passeig de Grácia, and finally to the iconic La Sagrada Família. 

Yep, you’ll get to see its towering beauty and marvel at the intricate designs. But wait, there’s more! This tour also takes you to the Arc de Triomf, a monument rich with history from the 1888 World Expo. 

Segwaying through Barcelona’s broad avenues and parks, you’ll get a taste of the city’s evolution, from ancient Roman walls to the modern metropolis it’s become.

Which tour is best for the Sagrada Familia?

For those of you keen on a dedicated deep-dive into the Sagrada Familia, the Private Guided Tour of Sagrada Familia is the way to go. This tour, as the name suggests, is exclusively tailored around Gaudi’s masterwork, ensuring you get every detail and backstory of this iconic building. 

However, if you’re in the mood for a wider look at the city while still diving deep into Sagrada Familia’s wonders, the Gaudi Private City Tour with Sagrada Familia is your best pick. This tour gives you a balanced view of Barcelona’s many architectural feats, with a special emphasis on Gaudi’s creations.

Don’t want to go private? No worries! This fast-track access to the Sagrada Familia with a guided tour is easily the most popular way to do a tour of the Sagrada Familia without the hefty price tag that comes with going private.

While the experience may differ slightly from a private tour, it’s a fantastic way to learn, interact, and share experiences with fellow travelers.

Is a Sagrada Familia guided tour worth it?

Yes, doing a guided tour of the Sagrada Familia is definitely worth it. After all, this isn’t just another beautiful building – it’s a treasure trove of history, art, and inspiration. With a guided tour, you don’t just see it; you experience and understand it. 

The stories behind each pillar, stained glass window, and sculpted facade are what bring this masterpiece to life.

Without guidance, it’s easy to miss the subtle nuances and incredible tales behind Gaudi’s vision. Guided tours ensure that you not only witness the architectural brilliance but also immerse yourself in its rich narrative. 

Additionally, guides often share insider tidbits and lesser-known facts that add layers to your experience. So, if you’re looking to make your Sagrada Familia visit truly memorable, a guided tour is a no-brainer.

Can you visit the Sagrada Familia without a tour?

Yes, you can visit the Sagrada Familia without a tour. You can meander through at your own pace, take it all in, and maybe even sit down for a quiet moment of reflection. Just make sure to buy a ticket well in advance as they regularly sell out.

(You can get an entry ticket to the Sagrada Familia here , which comes with a free audio guide.)

However, while the freedom to explore on your own time is great, keep in mind that there’s a rich tapestry of stories, secrets, and insights tied to each corner of the basilica. While on-site information panels offer some context, there’s a chance you might miss out on the deeper narrative. 

So, if you do decide to go solo, make sure to grab an audio guide – like the one at the link above – or a detailed guidebook to enhance your self-led journey.

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Anna is the founder of Spain Inspired, where she shares insider tips and hidden gems to inspire thousands of visitors each month to take the road less traveled and explore Spain like a local. Having lived in Spain for some time now, Anna's made it her mission to help fellow travelers experience the very best of this stunning country - with some great wine and tapas along the way, ideally!

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Asset publisher, towers of the evangelists lit up every day.

Towers of the Evangelists lit up every day

Sagrada Família installs digital art projection created with AI for Sant Jordi

Sagrada Família installs digital art projection created with AI for Sant Jordi

Easter at the Sagrada Família

Easter at the Sagrada Família

Religious services for Easter at the Sagrada Família

Religious services for Easter at the Sagrada Família

Passion and death of Jesus Christ through illuminations of the Passion façade

Passion and death of Jesus Christ through illuminations of the Passion façade

Palm Sunday at the Sagrada Família

Palm Sunday at the Sagrada Família

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It is well known that Gaudí predicted the international interest the Sagrada Família would attract,...

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Pedra Sagrada Família

Stone has been and continues to be the main construction material for the architecture of the...

Escultura Sant Josep

The feast of Saint Joseph is an important day for the Sagrada Família for several reasons. Firstly,...

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20 March is the first day of spring, the season when nature comes alive after its winter lethargy...

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The tower of the Virgin Mary, over the Temple apse, currently stands 110.65 metres tall and will be...

Official architecture blog of the Sagrada Família. Here you can follow the progress on Gaudí's masterpiece, which is expected to be completed in 2026, and learn about all the details.


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  1. How Long Does it Take to Visit Sagrada Familia?

    All of these things could add or subtract 15 minutes here or there, but in any case here's a break down of the average Sagrada Familia visit times: Outside the Basilica: 30 minutes. Inside the Basilica: 60 minutes. Museu del Temple Expiatori: 30 minutes. All in all, the average visit takes around 1.5-2 hours.

  2. How Long Is The Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia?

    The duration of the guided tour of Sagrada Familia can vary depending on the type of tour and the depth of exploration. Considering both the exterior and interior tours, the average duration is typically around 2-3 hours. However, it is important to note that this is a general estimate, as some tours may be longer or shorter depending on ...

  3. Guide to Visiting the Sagrada Familia 2024: Tickets, Tips and More!

    Prices are up to date as of January 2024. Sagrada Familia Basic Ticket - €20 (only available for the last two hours each day, not always available) Sagrada Familia - €26 (includes audioguide, available all day) Sagrada Familia with guided tour - €30. Sagrada Familia with guided tour and towers - €40.

  4. How long does it take to visit the Sagrada Familia?

    It takes about 2 hours to visit the Sagrada Familia including the towers, the small museum in the basement, and the store. Best seller. From € 33.80. Tickets Sagrada Familia skip the line ... > 10% discount on other tours. From € 59.00. Barcelona City Pass Incl. Sagrada Familia Skip the line Tickets.

  5. How Long Is Sagrada Familia Tour

    Tour Length. Visitors to the Sagrada Familia can take either a self-guided tour of the basilica, or choose to take a guided tour. The self-guided tour typically takes 1.5 - 2.5 hours to complete, as visitors can take their own time to take in the sights and explore the basilica's interior. The guided tour is offered in multiple languages ...

  6. How Long Is Guided Tour Of Sagrada Familia

    The Tour Of Sagrada Família. The official guided tour of Sagrada Família is 90 minutes long. The tour begins with a ten minute introduction in which an expert tour guide provides an overview of the history of the building and its progress. The rest of the tour is an in-depth exploration of the various areas of interest that the Sagrada ...

  7. Individual

    BUY. SAGRADA FAMÍLIA WITH GUIDED TOUR AND TOWERS 40 €. Have a unique experience with one of our specialised guides. They will explain the Basilica's best-kept secrets and you'll get the best views of Barcelona from one of the two towers.

  8. Tickets

    Individual Up to 9 people Coming to visit the Basilica with friends or family in a group of fewer than 10 people? Choose the path that suits you best and explore the Basilica. Groups Up to 30 people If you have a group of up to 30 people, we make things easier for you during your visit. Special entrance, audio equipment to follow the tour ...

  9. How To Visit Sagrada Familia in 2024: Tickets, Hours, Tours, and More

    Here are the best tours to take of Sagrada Familia: Unbeatable Barcelona in a Day Tour (6.5 hours) This tour is a great way to see many of Barcelona's top attractions in a full-day tour. Our customers love this tour because it simplifies the experience. We arrange admission, local transport, and organize the best tour guides.

  10. 6 Essential Tips for Visiting Sagrada Familia in 2024

    👨‍ ️ Buy now: Sagrada Familia Guided Tours in English (90 minute guided tour - double the length!) 🗼 Buy now: Sagrada Familia Entrance + Towers (access all five floors) The location also makes it easy to reach Park Guell from Sagrada Familia and combine the two attractions.

  11. Is a Tour of Sagrada Familia Worth It?

    Short Answer: Yes, a tour is worth it. Check out our free guide to the Best tours of Sagrada Familia. While it is entirely possible and enjoyable to visit the Sagrada Familia without a guide, a guided tour can often elevate a visit to another level. The entry fee of 26 euros includes an audio guide, but audio guides are robotic and cannot ...

  12. Sagrada Familia Guided Tour with Optional Tower Visit 2024

    Barcelona, Catalonia. Sagrada Familia Comedy Tour. from $3.31. Barcelona, Catalonia. Private half-day Cava winery tour & tasting. from $441.43. Barcelona, Catalonia. Montserrat, Girona & Costa Brava Guided Day Trip from Barcelona. 949.

  13. Sagrada Familia Guided Tours

    Some Sagrada Familia guided tours have a no-refund policy, while some would provide a full refund if the tour was cancelled at least 48 hours in advance. How long is the Sagrada Familia guided tour? Sagrada Familia guided tours can be anywhere between 1 hour to 2.5 hours depending on the type of tour you book.

  14. Sagrada Familia & Towers Guided Tour, Barcelona

    Sagrada Familia & Towers Guided Tour. Explore Barcelona's iconic symbol during a 2-hour guided tour with fast track entry and climb to the top of one of its 65-meter-tall towers to enjoy a magnificent bird's eye panoramic view of the city.

  15. The Best Sagrada Familia Tours

    Unbeatable Barcelona in a Day Tour. Unmask the real culture of the city at Sagrada Familia, Park Guell, and the Gothic Quarter. (237) From: $124.25. Skip the Line.

  16. Sagrada Familia: Tips for Visiting Gaudi's Masterpiece

    Antoni Gaudi's unfinished masterpiece, La Sagrada Familia, is one of the world's most popular tourist attractions. In this post, we answer some common questions and share tips to help you make the most of your visit, including how to avoid the queues.. The Sagrada Familia receives approximately 4.5 million visitors each year. The number of tickets is limited to avoid overcrowding at peak ...

  17. Sagrada Familia with optional Tower Tour Tickets

    Expert, English-speaking tour guide. Entrance ticket to the Sagrada Familia with 1h 15min tour. Entrance ticket to the Sagrada Familia Towers (if option selected) with 2h tour. Headsets when appropriate, so you can always hear your guide. Gratuities.

  18. Sagrada Familia Tours

    Combo guided tours including other attractions. 1. Sagrada Familia audioguided tours. The cheapest tour option for visiting Sagrada Família is with the standard ticket that includes an audioguide. This ticket costs €26 and can be purchased on the Sagrada Família website or app.

  19. Sagrada Familia Tickets → 5 Things You Need to Know

    Private tour - Exclusive Sagrada Familia Tour ~€100 per person. Discounted tickets - 24€ for under 30yo and students, 21€ for seniors (over 65yo) Free access - children under 11yo, disabled + 1 companion. Book your Tickets. Here are 5 ways to get in fast and recommendations on which type of ticket to choose: 1. General admission.

  20. 10 Best Sagrada Familia Private Tours in Barcelona (2024)

    2. Gaudi Private City Tour with the Sagrada Familia. ⭐ RATING: 4.7 out of 5 based on 60+ reviews. ⌛ TOUR LENGTH: 4 hours. Check latest price and availability. For all the Gaudi enthusiasts out there, this Gaudi Private City Tour with the Sagrada Familia will make your heart skip a beat.

  21. Sagrada Familia Tickets and Small-Group Tour

    Book now for an unforgettable small-group tour experience to discover the Sagrada Familia with priority access tickets and an expert local guide!

  22. Sagrada Família

    Bach's Passions at Sagrada Família Easter Concert. It took place on 22 March at the Basilica. 3/21/24.