water fasting weight loss journey

Unlock the Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fasting Journey

  • November 7, 2023
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Embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can be a transformative experience, both physically and mentally. As someone who has personally undertaken this challenge, I understand the struggles and rewards that come with it. In this article, I will share my own story and explore the benefits, challenges, and tips for success during a 40-day water fast.

Key Takeaways:

  • 40-day water fasting can have significant physical and mental benefits.
  • Proper preparation and consulting a healthcare professional are crucial before starting a long-term fast.
  • Positive thinking and mental determination play a vital role in completing a 40-day water fast.
  • Individual experiences may vary, and it’s important to listen to your body’s needs during the fasting process.
  • A supportive network and being around positive influences can greatly contribute to the success of a 40-day water fast.

The Benefits and Challenges of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can offer a range of potential benefits for both mind and body. This extended fasting period allows the body to detoxify, promoting weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity. However, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges and risks that come with such a prolonged fast.

Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fast

One of the key benefits of a 40-day water fast is detoxification. By abstaining from solid food for a prolonged period, the body can rid itself of toxins and unwanted substances, leading to a cleaner and healthier system. Additionally, many individuals experience significant weight loss during a water fast, as the body begins to burn stored fat for energy. This can be a motivating factor for those seeking to kickstart their weight loss journey.

Furthermore, a 40-day water fast can have a positive impact on digestion. With the absence of solid foods, the digestive system can rest and rejuvenate, allowing for improved gut health. Many individuals report feeling lighter and experiencing more efficient digestion after completing a water fast.

Mental clarity is another potential benefit of a 40-day water fast. By depriving the body of food, the mind becomes sharper and more focused. Many individuals report increased concentration and productivity during and after a fast. This mental clarity can extend to other areas of life, leading to improved decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Risks and Challenges

While there are potential benefits to a 40-day water fast, it is important to be aware of the risks and challenges involved. Extended fasting can lead to tachycardia, a rapid heart rate, which may require medical attention. Nausea, weakness, and mood swings are also common side effects of prolonged fasting. It is crucial to listen to your body and seek medical guidance if any adverse symptoms arise.

Moreover, a 40-day water fast requires tremendous mental determination and disciplined self-control. The absence of solid food for such an extended period can test one’s willpower and even lead to feelings of deprivation and frustration. It is important to have a strong support system and to approach the fast with a positive mindset, knowing that the challenges are part of the journey towards improved well-being.

In conclusion, a 40-day water fast can offer numerous benefits, including detoxification, weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and challenges involved. Consulting with a healthcare professional and approaching the fast with a positive mindset are essential for a safe and successful fasting journey.

How to Start a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast requires careful preparation and a mindset of commitment. Before beginning this fasting journey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nutritionist, to ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead.

Mentally and emotionally preparing yourself for a 40-day water fast is equally important. Take the time to reflect on your motivations for undertaking this fasting journey, and set clear goals for yourself. Visualize success and stay positive throughout the process, as the mental aspect of fasting is just as important as the physical.

Instead of diving straight into a 40-day fast, it is advisable to ease into it gradually. Start by incorporating shorter fasting periods into your routine, such as intermittent fasting or skipping meals. This will help your body adapt to the fasting state and minimize any potential discomfort or side effects.

Having a support system in place during your 40-day water fast can make a significant difference in your journey. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and respect your fasting goals. This could be friends, family members, or even online communities of like-minded individuals who can offer guidance, motivation, and advice throughout your fasting journey.

how to start a 40 day water fast

Table: Tips for Starting a 40-Day Water Fast

Tips for a successful 40 day water fast.

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can be a challenging but rewarding journey. To ensure your success and make the most of this experience, here are some valuable tips:

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial during a water fast. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated and support proper organ function.
  • Listen to your body: Pay close attention to how your body feels throughout the fast. If you experience dizziness, extreme fatigue, or any concerning symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.
  • Incorporate light exercise: Engaging in gentle activities like walking or yoga during your fast can help maintain muscle tone, improve circulation, and enhance your overall well-being. However, avoid intense workouts that may strain your body.
  • Prepare beforehand: Give yourself the best chance of success by preparing mentally, emotionally, and physically before starting the fast. Gradually adjust your diet by reducing processed foods and incorporating more fruits and vegetables.
“Staying hydrated and listening to your body are key aspects of a successful 40-day water fast. Additionally, incorporating light exercise and proper preparation can greatly contribute to your overall experience and well-being.” – Anonymous

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, so it’s essential to personalize your approach to fit your individual needs and abilities. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting a prolonged water fast is highly recommended. Implementing these tips can help you navigate the challenges and make the most of this transformative experience.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for a successful 40-day water fast and experience the numerous benefits that come along with it. Remember to prioritize your health and listen to your body throughout the journey.

The Healing Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can have incredible healing benefits for the body. This extended period of fasting allows the body to undergo a process of detoxification, rejuvenation, and renewal. One of the key benefits of a water fast is its ability to improve immune function by eliminating toxins and allowing the body’s natural defenses to strengthen.

In addition to boosting the immune system, a 40-day water fast can also help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a common underlying factor in many chronic diseases, and by giving the digestive system a break and allowing the body to focus on healing, a water fast can effectively reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another healing benefit of a water fast is its ability to stimulate autophagy. Autophagy is the body’s natural process of cellular renewal, where old or damaged cells are broken down and replaced with new, healthy cells. By initiating autophagy through a prolonged period of fasting, the body can improve its cellular health and function.

During my previous water fasts, I personally experienced a significant improvement in joint pain and musculoskeletal health. The reduction in inflammation during the fast allowed my body to heal and repair damaged tissues, resulting in enhanced mobility and decreased pain. This firsthand experience further emphasizes the powerful healing benefits that can be achieved through a 40-day water fast.

It is important to note that a 40-day water fast should be approached with caution and proper guidance. Consulting a healthcare professional before undertaking such an extended fast is crucial, as individual circumstances and health conditions may warrant modifications or alternative approaches. Nevertheless, when done safely and with appropriate preparation, a 40-day water fast can provide profound healing benefits for both the body and the mind.

water fast healing benefits

Long-Term Water Fasting: Is it Right for You?

Long-term water fasting , particularly for a duration of 40 days, is a practice that requires careful consideration and preparation. Before embarking on such a fasting journey, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances and health profile. While water fasting can have potential physiological and psychological benefits, it is not without its risks.

Physiologically, extended fasting can lead to various effects on the body. It may result in a decrease in basal metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain weight loss after the fast. Extended fasting can also cause electrolyte imbalances and nutrient deficiencies if not properly monitored. Psychologically, the mental and emotional challenges of a prolonged fast should not be underestimated. It requires a strong level of commitment, discipline, and self-control to successfully navigate through the fasting period.

It is important to recognize that everyone’s body is unique, and individual responses to long-term water fasting can vary. What may work for one person may not be suitable for another. Listening to your body and paying attention to any warning signs or adverse reactions is crucial throughout the fasting process. If at any point you experience severe discomfort, dizziness, or other concerning symptoms, it is vital to break the fast and seek medical assistance.

Factors to Consider Before Attempting a Long-Term Water Fast

  • Overall health and medical history: Certain medical conditions or medications may not be compatible with a prolonged fast. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to assess any potential risks.
  • Support system: Having a strong support system in place, whether it’s friends, family, or a fasting community, can provide encouragement and guidance during the fasting journey.
  • Mental readiness: Long-term water fasting requires mental resilience and determination. It is important to prepare yourself emotionally and mentally before embarking on such a challenging endeavor.
  • Gradual progression: It may be beneficial to start with shorter fasting periods and gradually increase the duration to allow your body to adjust to the fasting state.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in long-term water fasting should be made after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits, along with professional guidance. It is crucial to prioritize your health and well-being above all else and approach fasting with an informed and responsible mindset.

long-term water fasting

The Results of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can yield a range of results that vary from person to person. During my own experience with a 40-day water fast, I achieved significant outcomes in terms of weight loss, improved skin condition, and mental clarity.

One of the most noticeable results of my 40-day water fast was the substantial weight loss. As the body taps into its fat reserves for energy during a prolonged fast, the pounds began to shed. It’s important to note that individual weight loss results may vary, depending on factors like starting weight, metabolism, and overall health.

Additionally, I experienced a remarkable improvement in my skin condition. Throughout the fast, my complexion cleared up, and blemishes faded away. This may be attributed to the detoxification process that occurs during a water fast, as the body eliminates toxins through the skin.

Another significant result I observed was enhanced mental clarity. As I progressed through the fast, I noticed increased focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function. This mental clarity allowed me to stay motivated and positive throughout the challenging journey.

It’s important to note that while these were my personal results, every individual’s experience with a 40-day water fast may differ. Factors such as starting health, age, and underlying medical conditions can impact the outcomes of the fast. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on such an extended fasting journey.

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough & Physical Health Benefits

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can offer not only physical health benefits but also serve as a catalyst for spiritual breakthroughs. Throughout history, spiritual leaders such as John Wesley and Martin Luther have practiced fasting as a means of deepening their connection with the divine. This article explores the spiritual and physical advantages of fasting for 40 days, highlighting the importance of personal preparation and finding a larger purpose in fasting.

During a 40-day water fast, the body undergoes a profound detoxification process, clearing out accumulated toxins and promoting overall wellbeing. This cleansing effect extends beyond the physical, as fasting can also help clarify the mind and create space for heightened spiritual experiences. By abstaining from food and focusing on prayer, meditation, or reflection, individuals often report a sense of inner peace, heightened awareness, and a deeper connection to their spirituality.

“Fasting is the greatest remedy—the physician within.” – Philippus Paracelsus

While the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting are well-documented, it is important to approach a 40-day water fast with caution and preparation. Consulting with a healthcare professional is vital to ensure one’s health can withstand the demands of an extended fast. Additionally, building a support system of like-minded individuals or joining a fasting community can provide guidance, encouragement, and a sense of community throughout the fasting journey.

Ultimately, fasting for 40 days can offer both physical and spiritual benefits, but it is important to approach such a journey with reverence and careful preparation. By harnessing the power of fasting, individuals have the opportunity to experience transformative changes in both their physical health and their spiritual connection.

water fasting spiritual breakthrough

The Risks and Considerations of Water Fasting for Weight Loss

While water fasting may lead to initial weight loss, it is crucial to consider the potential risks and drawbacks associated with this extreme approach. Some of the key risks include:

  • Loss of muscle mass: During extended fasting periods, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy, leading to a loss of muscle mass.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Water fasting restricts the intake of essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals, which can lead to deficiencies and negatively impact overall health.
  • Metabolic adaptation: Prolonged fasting can slow down the metabolism, making it more difficult to maintain weight loss in the long term.
  • Rebound weight gain: Once normal eating patterns are resumed, the body may regain the weight lost during fasting due to metabolic adaptation and increased calorie storage.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any type of extended fasting for weight loss. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure that the fasting approach is safe and appropriate for your individual needs and health status.

In conclusion, embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can offer numerous benefits for both physical and spiritual well-being. However, it is crucial to approach this extended water fast with careful preparation and consultation with a healthcare professional. It is also important to remember that individual experiences may vary.

Throughout this article, we have explored the potential benefits of a 40-day water fast, including improved detoxification, weight loss, enhanced mental clarity, and potential healing effects on the body. We have also discussed the challenges and risks associated with such a prolonged fast, such as tachycardia and weakness.

As I have shared my personal experience, positive thinking and mental determination played a significant role in my successful completion of a 40-day water fast. However, it is crucial to remember that this fasting journey is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and listening to your body’s needs is paramount.

If you decide to embark on a 40-day water fast, remember that it is not solely about the physical aspect but also about finding a larger purpose and focusing on the spiritual breakthrough it can provide. By preparing yourself mentally and emotionally and having a support system in place, you can increase your chances of a successful fasting experience.

What are the benefits of a 40-day water fast?

Some potential benefits of a 40-day water fast include detoxification, weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity.

What are the risks and challenges of a 40-day water fast?

Potential risks and challenges of a 40-day water fast include tachycardia, nausea, weakness, and mood swings.

How do I start a 40-day water fast?

To start a 40-day water fast, it is important to consult with a doctor, prepare mentally and emotionally, and gradually ease into the fast by starting with shorter fasting periods.

What tips can help me have a successful 40-day water fast?

Tips for a successful 40-day water fast include staying hydrated, listening to your body’s needs, incorporating light exercise, and gaining some extra weight before starting the fast.

What healing benefits can I expect from a 40-day water fast?

Some potential healing benefits of a 40-day water fast may include improved immune function, reduction of inflammation, and increased autophagy for cell renewal.

Is long-term water fasting right for everyone?

Long-term water fasting is a personal decision and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting an extended fast. Individual variation and listening to your body are crucial during the fasting process.

What results can I expect from a 40-day water fast?

Results from a 40-day water fast can vary for each person, but potential outcomes may include weight loss, improved skin condition, and increased mental clarity.

What are the spiritual and physical benefits of fasting for 40 days?

Fasting for 40 days can provide both spiritual and physical benefits. Many spiritual leaders have practiced fasting for spiritual breakthroughs, and individuals may also experience mental clarity and a sense of purpose during the fast.

Is fasting for weight loss effective?

While water fasting can lead to weight loss, using extreme fasting methods solely for weight loss is not recommended. It is important to maintain a balanced approach to weight loss and prioritize overall health.

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Water fasting is an ancient healing practice that involves consuming only water for a period of time.

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A detailed science-based guide to water fasting for weight loss (with a calculator)

Welcome to my science based guide that will tell you everything you need to know about water fasting and weight loss.

By the time you finish reading this guide, you will know how to estimate your water fasting weight loss results pretty accurately.

I even created a handy water fasting weight loss calculator for you.

You will also see the 5 different types of weight you will be losing while water fasting and the science on how much of that lost weight will be your muscles.

You'll also learn some advanced water fasting tips that will help you better target your body fat and learn about muscle sparing fasting (a form of fasting that can help you fully prevent any loss of muscle mass).

But before we get started, here's a brief overview of everything you can expect to learn from this guide (use it for easier navigation):

How much weight can you lose?

Your weight loss during water fasting will depend mostly on your gender and your weight.

(And of course, on how long you plan on fasting.)

Luckily, science can already offer us with a pretty good estimate of how much weight you can expect to lose on a typical water fast.

According to research [1] that compared the average weight loss results between men and women, men can expect to lose more weight than women during water fasting.

I've compiled the data from the study into this pretty long table:

And don't worry about having to do any manual calculations, I've prepared a handy calculator for you right below.

Water fasting weight loss calculator

Use this handy calculator to estimate the weight loss results you would get during a water fast.

I've made the calculator as simple as possible, so to use it, all you have to do is this:

  • Select your gender.
  • Enter the duration of the fast (1-30 days).
  • Enter your starting weight (in lbs or kg).
  • Press the Calculate button.
  • Check out the results below.

Ok, so, like I said, you don't need to do ANY manual calculations.

But just so you understand how the calculator works, here are two example calculations:

(Use the table or calculator above to follow along.)

Example 1 (for women): You're a 150-lbs woman who plans on doing a 7-day water fast.

You can estimate your weight loss results by taking the value from the second column in the table for a 7-day water fast and multiply it by your current weight.

Your estimated 7-day water fasting results: 150 lbs * 4.5 / 100 = -6.8 lbs

Example 2 (for men): You're a 180-lbs man who plans on doing a 14-day water fast.

You can estimate your weight loss results by taking the value from the third column in the table for a 14-day water fast and multiply it by your current weight.

Your estimated 14-day water fasting results: 180 lbs * 7.9 / 100 = -14.2 lbs

Easy, right?

Ok, now that you have a good idea about how much weight you can expect to lose, let's take a closer look at what really goes on under the hood.

Understanding your weight loss results

Sadly, when it comes to your water fasting weight loss results, you won't be losing "just" your body fat.

In fact, you'll end up losing FIVE different types of body weight.

So let's quickly go over all the different types of weight you'll be losing during a water fast, starting with water weight.

Water weight

If I had to name the single most widespread, yet totally irrational fear of things that cause weight gains, then drinking water would definitely be it.

So let me set the record straight once and for all:

Drinking plenty of water DOES NOT make you gain weight.

In fact, drinking plenty of water throughout your next water fast will only help keep your body properly hydrated and keep your metabolism properly revved up.

If you're interested in exactly how much water you need to be drinking at all times (not just during a water fast) to maximize the fat burning processes in your body, you can take a look at my thorough guide on drinking water and weight loss .

So let's take a closer look at another type of body weight, that you'll end up losing.

While your body stores away most of the energy in your body fat reserves, it also stores some energy in your muscles and your liver as glycogen.

And just like your body fat, your glycogen reserves (plus the water bound to them) can add quite a few extra pounds to your total body weight.

I can't cover all the details on how much extra weight you're carrying around because of glycogen or how to get rid of it in this guide.

(But you can read all about the fat burning benefits of getting rid of all the glycogen in your body in my science-based guide to glycogen and weight loss .)

But when it comes to how glycogen affects your water fasting weight loss results (and your energy leves during fasting), you need to understand what will happen during the first 3-5 days of a water fast:

  • Your body will burn through most of your glycogen reserves, meaning that you can lose as much as 10 pounds (5 kilograms) of glycogen-bound water weight. Again, this will make your final water fasting weight loss results look pretty damn awesome, but this doesn't mean you're actually losing any extra body fat.
  • After your body wipes out your glycogen reserves, you will start feeling a lot weaker and possibly even dizzy (find out how to deal with this in my general guide to water fasting). Like I said, glycogen is how your body stores energy, and with your glycogen reserves wiped out, you simply won't have as much spring in your step.
  • You won't be able to reach your highest possible fat burn rate for as long as your body can still rely on glycogen for energy. So unless you follow the tips I'm going to reveal later on in the guide, you'll have to wait for 3-5 days before your body gets rid of glycogen at its own natural pace.

On to another type of weight you'll end up losing during water fasting.

Sodium is a very common mineral in our diets (think table salt) and unless you're sticking to a specific, low-sodium diet, you're probably packing on quite a lot of extra pounds because of sodium (salt).

You see, just like glycogen, sodium too binds water to itself. So the more sodium you eat, the more sodium-bound water weight you might be carrying with you at all times.

Again, I can't cover all of the details on sodium and water weight in this guide to water fasting and weight loss.

(But if you want to see just how much extra weight we're talking about, you can take a look at my personal experiment with sodium and weight loss .)

The important thing to remember about sodium and water fasting is this:

Because water fasting means that you'll basically be getting in zero sodium, your body will finally get the chance to flush any extra sodium out of your body.

In other words, if you switch from a high-sodium diet (aka your standard modern diet) to water fasting, you'll quickly drop up to 4 pounds (2 kilograms) of sodium-bound water weight.

Again, this will make your final water fasting results look a lot better on paper, but it won't actually help you burn off any of that annoying body fat.

Time to take a look at another reason why your weight loss results after a water fast may be "inflated".

Digested food

If you're on just about any kind of a diet (where you're actually allowed to eat solid food), you'll always be carrying around a few pounds of partially digested food in your digestive tract.

But after you stop eating solid foods completely during a water fast, your colon will still keep emptying out for a few days into your fast.

In fact, some people even do a colon cleanse before or during a water fast - to help speed up this process and help the body get rid of "toxins".

(If you're one of those people who'd actually consider doing a colon cleanse for a water fast, then you should definitely read what science has to say about this in my science-based guide to colon cleansing and weight loss .)

Ultimately, with or without a colon cleanse, your weight may drop by a few pounds because at least some of the digested food will leave your body during a water fast.

In other words, this means that you can lose as much as 7 pounds (3 kilograms) of non-fat weight during your next water fast, just because your colon will empty out a bit more than usual.

So let's wrap up this part of the guide with what should be the ultimate target of any well-designed diet, your body fat.

If you've read all about the FIVE types of weight loss results that have absolutely nothing to do with your body fat, then you might feel like you'll barely lose any body fat at all during a water fast.

But because you're not getting in any calories, you'll still be melting away that stubborn body fat at a highly accelerated pace.

Plus, the only way you could monitor your progress, would be with a body composition scale.

So until some more detailed research is done on this subject, I can only offer the water fasting weight loss calculator above.

Don't exercise for weight loss

It's widely known that exercise and weight loss go hand in hand, right?

So why not do some light exercise to boost your water fasting results, especially if you start feeling that "energy high" after a couple of days?

The problem is, research [2] has shown that if you exercise during a water fast you will destroy your lean body mass at an alarmingly accelerated pace!

And this is true, even if you "only" do light/moderate exercise.

You can find more details in my guide on water fasting ketosis, or more precisely in the part that talks about the consequences of exercising in ketotis ).

The bottom line is, you don't need to lie in bed all day while you're doing a water fast.

Just do your best to avoid any activities that raise your heart rate, make you start breathing heavily, or require a lot of energy to perform

So things like heavy work, weight lifting, or basically any kind of sports.

And while this wasn't exactly a tip that can boost your water fasting results, it's even more important you understand what you're NOT supposed to do.

Let's move on to taking a look at what science has to say about how much lean body mass you can lose during water fasting.

Loss of lean body mass

In one study [3] , scientists proved that it's possible to destroy as much as 13 pounds (5.9 kilograms) of lean body mass during a 21-day water fast.

(Your lean body mass is basically everything in your body that's not body fat...muscle mass, bone mass, water weight, glycogen, internal organs, etc.)

Now, maybe you're the kind of person who doesn't really care about how much muscle mass they lose during a water fast.

Maybe you just want to get rid of that annoying body fat as quickly as possible, and you're willing to sacrifice some lean body mass as you do that.

But even if that's you, you should know that the single most important muscle in your body that can suffer because of this (and that muscle just happens to be your most important vital organ as well) is your heart.

And while a short water fast isn't likely to cause any serious damage your heart, I'm telling you about this stuff to make sure you always stay on the safe side with fasting.

But still. If you ask me, losing even a single pound of muscle mass mass as you go after a quick drop of that number on your scale isn't really worth it.

Especially since science has already discovered a better and more effective way of fasting.

Prevent the loss of lean body mass

First of all, there's no way to do a 100% "pure" water fast without losing muscle.

But if you're willing to eat (or drink down) a tiny amount of protein during your water fast, then it's actually possible to completely prevent any loss of muscle mass.

You see, according to research [4] , all you need is around 0.6 grams of protein per pound (or 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram) of your "ideal body weight".

If you're willing to eat that small amount of protein (or even drink them down in a form of protein isolate), you can fully prevent any loss your muscle mass WITHOUT slowing down fat loss.

This modern way of fasting has actually been proven to be a lot safer than water fasting in over 10,000 of medically-supervised cases [5] .

And the best part?

When done right, muscle sparing fasting won't slow down the incredibly fast fat burn water fasting can deliver.

When done right, muscle sparing fasting can actually offer higher fat burn rates than water fasting alone ever could.

(If you're interested, you can get more details in my science-backed guide to muscle sparing fasting .

Summary (actionable takeaways)

According to science, water fasting can be quite effective for weight loss.

But if you take a look under the hood, then your body fat isn't the only type of weight being lost.

The loss of muscle mass can get pretty high, especially in the early days, but fortunately, science already has an answer to this problem.

If you can eat (or drink down) 0.6 grams of protein per pound (or 1.3 grams of protein per kilogram) of your "ideal body weight", you can fully reverse the loss of muscle mass.

And because of the scientifically proven fact that you hunger can literally disappear, water fasting has one major over most other diets and cleanses.

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1. Runcie J, Hilditch TE. Energy provision, tissue utilization, and weight loss in prolonged starvation. Br Med J 1974;2:352-356.

2. Lemon PW, Mullin JP. Effect of initial muscle glycogen levels on protein catabolism during exercise. J Appl Physiol Respir Environ Exerc Physiol 1980;48(4):624-9.

3. Owen OE, Smalley KJ, D'Alessio DA, Mozzoli MA, Dawson EK. Protein, fat, and carbohydrate requirements during starvation: anaplerosis and cataplerosis. Am J Clin Nutr. 1998; 68: 12-34.

4. Bistrian BR, Blackburn GL, Flatt JP, Sizer J, Scrimshaw NS, Sherman M. Nitrogen metabolism and insulin requirements in obese diabetic adults on a protein-sparing modified fast. Diabetes 1976;25:494-504.

5. Wadden TA, Stunkard AJ, Brownell KD. Very low calorie diets: their efficacy, safety, and future. Ann Intern Med 1983;99:675-684.

Rok Sprogar, CNC, WLS

Written by Rok Sprogar, CNC, WLS

Rok Sprogar is a NASM Certified Nutrition Coach (NASM-CNC) and a NASM Certified Weight Loss Specialist (NASM-WLS) who has been contributing highly actionable and science-based content to Leanhigh.

My water fasting results: How I lost 40kg

Published by dan on june 19, 2020 june 19, 2020, my water fasting results..

I’ve had a fascinating journey through the world of health and fitness over the last few years. I was overweight and unhealthy, and now I’m lean and healthy.

In fact, at thirty-six, I’m the fittest I have ever been , and I didn’t follow the traditional health and fitness rules.

Sometimes I’m lazy, undisciplined, and like to overindulge. Eating a strict diet, or many hours of exercise each day wasn’t going to work for me.

Overall I do eat healthier than before, but I still overindulge on occasion. I’m currently exercising most days, but sometimes I don’t do anything for a while.

Interestingly I now do occasional water fasting , as I’ve got great results from it. But we aren’t there yet, let’s start at the beginning.

The journey to quick weight loss results begins, but it doesn’t start with water fasting.

My journey started a few years ago with an innocent comment from a three-year-old. It was my nephew who said: “That is a big belly”.

You have to love the complete honesty of kids. We laughed it off, but it certainly stuck with me.

He was right though, you can see the before, and after photo below, I had a big belly. I did lose a lot of weight, and this was my journey.

Water fasting results before and after

Initial good results without water fasting.

My nephew’s comment struck deep. Time to stop pretending I wasn’t overweight and improve my fitness. Being over 110kg I wanted to lose weight and quickly.

Water fasting wasn’t something I knew about yet, but I still got great results from traditional methods. I set an ambitious goal of losing 10kg in five weeks , so 2kg per week. So I started eating healthier and exercising more.

I managed to achieve my goal, losing 10kg in five weeks.

Going from no exercise and never eating healthy, to exercising and eating healthy, does produce quick results. And five weeks wasn’t too long, so I was able to be strict with myself.

Being incredibly proud of the results I had achieved, I was expecting encouragement from everyone close to me, but it never came. Not a single person noticed that I lost weight quickly. But I was happy with my results, so that didn’t stop me.

I extended my goal for another five weeks to lose another 10kg.

I struggled to reduce my weight in the final two weeks but was successful again . My strategy was starting to falter. In the end, I achieved my initial goal as well as the extended goal. Over ten weeks, I had lost 20kg and felt amazing.

Now all of a sudden people started noticing, everybody noticed . The encouragement I was expecting earlier started coming in thick, and it felt great.

I settled into the new me, exercising a little, and eating healthier than before, staying around 90kg. But then the weight loss urge returned, and I wanted quick results again.

Can water fasting get quick results?

I had been experimenting with losing more weight, but my previous strategy wasn’t producing quick results, so time to try something new.

By researching water fasting, I saw others getting incredible weight loss results. And then found out about the many benefits of fasting .

Considering the health benefits and possible rapid weight loss results, I was ready to give water fasting a try.

I also figured my digestive system deserved a break, as it had been working nonstop for decades, it had earned itself a well-deserved week-long vacation.

water fasting weight loss journey

My results for a week-long fast.

I gave water fasting a try for a week and achieved incredible results. Over the week, my weight started at 90kg and went down 1kg per day to 83kg.

Fitness-wise I was still exercising during the fast but did find it more difficult, especially when doing cardio. I felt my max effort while fasting was around 80-90% of normal.

On the other hand, with normal activities, I felt more energized. I put this down to my digestive system being on a break. It’s like the opposite of a food coma by overeating.

Throughout the experience, there were a few things that caught me off guard, like my hunger decreasing.

The surprises, reduced hunger, and super smell.

During my water fast, I was hungry for the first few days, and then unexpectedly, my appetite reduced . I thought my hunger would continually escalate, but it didn’t.

I did some research and found there is a “hunger hormone” called ghrelin which reduces during a fast. A detailed study is here . That explanation matched my experience, so I had found my answer. But there were tempting influences like food smells.

During my fast, my sense of smell was suddenly a superpower. I could smell foods from miles away, especially fast-food chains they are the worst.  And great smelling food wasn’t my biggest temptation, boredom was.

The hardest thing I had to deal with was boredom.

I do strict water fasts. Water only. So as well as no food, I don’t have tea, coffee, zero-calorie drinks, etc.

Water is uninteresting by itself. I have tried all different methods of drinking water to break the boredom, hot, cold, iced, room temperature, not many options.

Less strict fasts, such as including tea, coffee, a drop of lemon juice, cause me to bend the rules more, so I stick with just water.

My best defence to defeat boredom is to keep busy , which is challenging, as I end up with a lot more time than usual.

An unexpected benefit of extra time.


I hadn’t imagined fasting would free up time, but adding up the time spent cooking, eating, and cleaning up, for each meal, it made sense.

I enjoyed the extra time, but then a week was up, and I really wanted to break the boredom , so I finished my fast.

Everything then returned to normal. My weight climbed a little, and I stabilized at 85kg. But a few months later, I wanted to fast again.

My two-week fast.

I wanted to do another longer fast, so I decided on two weeks.

In the first week, my results were very similar to my initial fast, and I lost around 1kg per day. The second week was different though I only lost about 1/2kg per day.

My body had adjusted to fasting, and I had also stopped doing cardio workouts. Sweating a lot, while doing long water fasts, isn’t a great combination.

But still, over two weeks, I lost 10kg. I started at 85kg and ended at 75kg.

My weight did increase after I resumed eating, going up to 80kg. But I was happy at this new weight, so it didn’t change for a while. But then curiosity — insanity — got the better of me.

Now an even longer three-week fast.

I started with one week then two, three weeks seems the next logical step. Starting at 80kg, I undertook a three week fast.

My first week’s results were the same as previous, losing 1kg per day. Then the remaining two weeks around 1/2kg per day.

After the three weeks, I was down to 68kg. My weight hadn’t been this low since I was 18 years old.

But in the final week of the fast, I had felt drained and wondered if I had overdone it. I wanted to organize some blood tests to look for answers, so time to visit the doctor.

Doctors visit.


Explaining my fast to my doctor was an awkward conversation . He instantly thought I was crazy and asked if I heard voices.

I did try to explain the health benefits to him, but he is the doctor after all, and I’ll admit a three-week fast isn’t usual. He still thought I was crazy in the end, but we did organize some blood tests.

My test results were amazingly good. I was expecting many things to be down, after not eating for three weeks, but the tests showed everything in the normal range.

The only abnormality was my LDL (bad) Cholesterol was very high at 200. Maybe that was the cause of not feeling great, or we missed testing for something. Annoyingly the tests didn’t produce any concrete answers for my feelings.

But for me, three weeks didn’t feel right, I trust my gut feelings, so I won’t do a fast that long again.

I did also track my weight for the three-week water fast, and continued after but wasn’t impressed by the long term results.

My results after a three-week water fast.

My three-week water fasting results were disappointing. During the three weeks of fasting, my weight did drop rapidly, but most of it quickly returned.

I had a ravenous hunger the days after my fast finished, so I was eating everything I could . Healthy or unhealthy it didn’t matter, I was going to eat it. I guess my body wanted to replenish itself.

Over the three weeks, I started at 80kg, dropped to 68kg, and then stabilized at 76kg. I feel I could have achieved the same with a one-week fast. I had tracked my weight daily, so I have a graph showing progress during and after the fast below.

Three week water fast weight results chart

Regression due to holidays.

I stayed at 76kg for a while but then went back to Australia for my holidays. Everything got thrown out the window, I didn’t exercise and was indulgently eating and drinking. My weight quickly increased to 88kg in under two months. But then it was time to go back to Dubai.

Time to get back into shape.


After returning to Dubai, it was time to get back into shape. I started exercising and eating better.

I wanted to speed up my weight loss by fasting, as it was reducing slowly. But I didn’t want the fast to impact my gym routine. Then it got interrupted anyway, as my gym closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It was time to change my exercise routine.

I dug up an old exercise plan called Insanity – its name seemed to match my doctor’s thoughts about me – which didn’t require any equipment . It was a nine-week plan, four easier weeks, followed by a rest week, then four harder weeks.

I saw an opportunity to do a week-long fast during the rest week, so I started the program.

Fasting impact on fitness.

I completed the program, which took longer than nine weeks due to a sprained ankle. I also did the week-long fast in the recovery week as planned.

A benefit of this program was a built-in fitness test. I had felt a reduction in fitness from previous fasts, but now had a tracking system to investigate.

The fitness test involves counting max repetitions of different exercises within a minute. The test is repeated every two weeks throughout the program to compare. The below graph shows my average results.

Water fasting fitness results graph

The feelings of my fitness temporarily dropping due to a fast matched the results I recorded. There was a reduction on the 1st of May, which was the test after my fast.

But overall I’m happy with my final results, they do show good improvement, especially when compared to the first fitness test.

The continuing journey.

That’s my fitness story. Right now, I’m happy with my weight and fitness. What’s next? Kaizen , which is Japanese for continuous improvement.

I will start from the beginning of the exercise program again as I enjoy it and may explore some weight training options as the gym is now open.

I find water fasting interesting due to the rapid weight loss results, and health benefits . At my current weight though, I won’t be undertaking any long fasts but may do occasional short ones.

I do like a short day or two fasts to compensate for occasional overindulging. My diet is mostly healthy now, but I’m not going to go through life, avoiding everything unhealthy. Chocolates, ice-creams, pizzas, burgers, etc. aren’t exempt from my diet.

And when indulging, I can go overboard . If I’m going to order Pizza, I usually get garlic bread, a starter, a dessert, and wash that down with beer. I can eat double my daily calories. But then I can take the next day off eating. All guilt gone. Living life.


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Water Fasting For Weight Loss- Benefits and Risks

by Vecura wellness | Mar 16, 2024 | Weight loss | 0 comments

water fasting for weight loss

Are you ready to explore everything about water fasting for weight loss ? This ancient practice, now a buzzing trend in the wellness community, promises more than just weight loss- it’s about rejuvenating your body and mind. But, as with any journey, understanding the terrain is key. In this blog, let’s explore the benefits of water fasting for weight loss , potential threats, and a lot more. Let’s get started!

What is Water Fasting?

To start, water fasting is a type of intermittent fasting where you only consume water and no food for a set period of time, usually ranging from 24 hours to 5 days. 

The goal is to give your digestive system a break while inducing a state of ketosis, where your body burns fat instead of carbs for fuel. By eliminating food intake, it’s thought you can experience rapid initial weight loss.

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But water fasting isn’t just about weight; it’s based on the idea that not eating allows for deeper detoxification and healing in the body. Proponents believe fasting gives the digestive system a “rest” so the liver can focus its energy on flushing out toxins and waste through urine and stool. 

Some also feel it reduces inflammation and gives mental clarity due to the shift into ketosis.

How does Water Fasting Work?

From a scientific perspective, here’s what happens in your body during a water fast:

  • Insulin levels drop sharply as you stop eating carbs and sugar. This signals fat cells to release their stored energy.
  • Without food intake, your body switches from carb-burning to fat-burning mode. It breaks down fat reserves into ketone bodies to use as fuel.
  • Ketone production is what induces the state of ketosis. This metabolic switch is thought to boost energy levels, and mental focus, and up the metabolism slightly long-term.
  • Autophagy may also occur with extended fasting, where the body recycles damaged cells. Some research links this cellular “housecleaning” to longevity benefits.

Who should think twice about Water Fasting?

While it works for many, water fasting is certainly not appropriate or safe for everyone. If you have any existing medical conditions, We’d strongly advise consulting your doctor first before attempting it. Specifically:

  • Those with diabetes, low blood pressure, or other metabolic issues could experience dangerous side effects like low blood sugar.
  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women require optimal nutrition and should avoid fasting.
  • People with a history of eating disorders may find fasting triggers unhealthy behaviours.
  • Those taking certain medications that require food for absorption could be affected.

How do you Water Fast?

If, after careful consideration, you decide to try a short water fast, here are some tips for doing it safely:

  • Start with an initial 24-hour fast to see how your body responds before extending it longer.
  • Stick to water, herbal tea, black coffee – anything else breaks the fast. Stay hydrated.
  • Listen to your body and stop if you start to feel unwell, fatigued, dizzy, etc. Your health comes first.
  • Consider electrolyte supplements to avoid symptoms of low sodium/potassium during extended fasts.
  • Don’t drive or operate heavy machinery if you feel weak or off. Rest as needed.
  • Go for walks or light exercise if you have energy, but listen to your body and rest if needed.
  • Make sure to end fasts before 2-5 days to avoid muscle loss, though 1-3 days is typical.
  • Reintroduce foods slowly at the end, starting with bone broth, then light veggies/fruit before solid meals.

Water Fast period (24 to 72 hours)

The duration of a water fast can vary. Some opt for a short 24-hour fast, while others may choose longer periods, like 3-5 days, to deepen the fasting benefits. It’s essential to understand your physical and mental limits and not push beyond what’s healthy for your body.

Post Fast period (1 to 3 days)

Breaking the fast is a delicate process. Start with light, easily digestible foods like broth or steamed vegetables and gradually reintroduce more solid foods. This period is an excellent opportunity to adopt healthier eating habits and reflect on your relationship with food.

Benefits of Water Fasting for Weight Loss

If done properly, water fasting may provide some benefits like:

  • Weight Loss: Fasting induces ketosis, which forces your body to tap fat stores, resulting in quick weight reduction for some. One study showed a loss of around .5-1lb per day on average.
  • Detoxification: Fasting gives your body a break from digestion, potentially aiding in detoxification and giving your liver and kidneys a rest.
  • Improved Blood Sugar Control: Studies show intermittent fasting may help regulate insulin levels and reduce blood sugar spikes. This could help prevent diabetes.
  • Reduced Inflammation: Lowering calorie intake, even temporarily through fasting, is linked to decreased inflammation throughout the body. Less inflammation supports overall health.
  • Autophagy: Research suggests extended fasting may induce autophagy, a process where the body breaks down and recycles damaged/toxic cells. This cellular housecleaning could offer anti-ageing benefits.
  • Mental Clarity: Many report feeling very clear-headed and focused while fasting due to the shift into ketosis. The brain uses ketones efficiently for fuel.

However, it’s important to note that while these benefits seem promising, more research is still needed, especially around autophagy and its long-term effects on humans. Results also vary significantly depending on the individual.

Dangers and Risks of Water Fasting

While water fasting aims to support health, there are also potential downsides to consider:

  • Nutrient Deficiencies: Prolonged fasting may leave you deficient in important vitamins, minerals, and proteins that your body needs daily to function optimally.
  • Hormone Imbalances: Drastically lowering calorie intake could disrupt levels of important hormones like leptin, ghrelin, cortisol, thyroid, and more in some individuals.
  • Low Blood Sugar: Not eating carbs and sugar could potentially cause blood sugar to drop too low in susceptible people, bringing on symptoms like dizziness, headaches, and fatigue.
  • Muscle Loss: The body may start breaking down muscle tissue for fuel during extended fasts if you’re not consuming enough protein. This slows metabolism for a long time.
  • Refeeding Syndrome: In rare cases, reintroducing food too quickly after a prolonged fast can cause electrolyte and mineral imbalances severe enough to become life-threatening without medical care.

Additionally, water fasting is simply not sustainable as a lifestyle. Most use it occasionally for short-term weight loss rather than as a long-term solution. Strict fasting can also negatively impact social situations if followed rigidly.

Safety during Water Fasting

Safety should always be your priority. Stay adequately hydrated but avoid overhydration. Rest as much as you can and do not take up any strenuous activities. Listen to your body. If you feel unwell, consider stopping the fast. Above all, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you’re planning a longer fast.

Will Water Fasting help you Lose Weight?

While water fasting does seem to result in quick initial weight reduction, the research on its ability to support long-term maintenance is mixed. A few key points:

  • Most studies found intermittent fasting led to a 5-10% reduction over several months, but weight regained post-fast.
  • Fasting alone does not address underlying causes of weight gain like poor diet, stress, lack of sleep, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Crash dieting is rarely successful in the long term and may disrupt normal metabolism.
  • Sustainable weight management generally requires a balanced calorie reduction paired with exercise and lifestyle factors.

Water fasting for weight loss appears safe for some and may offer temporary weight loss. But it’s unlikely to be a stand-alone lifelong solution on its own without addressing core lifestyle habits.

Opt for safe and scientifically proven treatments to lose weight at VeCura Wellness! 

VeCura Wellness, the leading Weight Loss Clinic in Chennai, also inch loss, and body contouring clinic across major cities in Tamil Nadu, including

  • Chennai (T.Nagar, Anna Nagar, OMR)
  • Pondicherry

It offers various scientifically proven treatments to help you lose weight safely and effectively. 

We have FDA-cleared technologies and machines like

  • CoolSculpting
  • heat therapy
  • light therapy
  • ultrasound therapy, etc.

Our wellness experts target stubborn fat without surgery or downtime. We also provide weight loss programs customised by expert nutritionists and wellness coaches. 

At VeCura, our goal is to help you achieve long-term fat loss and lifestyle changes through medically supervised and clinically tested treatments. Visit us today to start your weight loss journey.


Water fasting is a fascinating journey with potential benefits like weight loss, improved mental clarity, and detoxification. However, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution and comes with its share of risks. 

Remember to prioritise safety always and consult with a healthcare professional. Remember, the ultimate goal is not just weight loss but embarking on a sustainable path of health and wellness. Happy fasting, and here’s to a healthier, more vibrant you!

Note:  To explore more engaging content and stay connected, feel free to visit  VeCura Wellness YouTube channel  for exciting videos, insightful discussions, and much more.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How much weight can you lose with water fasting? 

Studies have shown that most people can expect to lose around 0.5-1 lbs per day of fasting. However, a lot of initial weight loss is water weight that will be regained once eating normally again. 

2. Can you lose belly fat by fasting? 

It’s possible to reduce belly fat through fasting since fasting puts the body in a fat-burning state. However, spot reduction is impossible, and belly fat is usually the last area to reduce. Fasting alone may not be effective for belly fat loss and should be combined with a healthy diet and exercise focused on the core area.

3. How long can you safely fast for weight loss? 

Most health experts recommend intermittent fasting for 1-3 days at a time for weight loss. Fasting for longer than 3-5 consecutive days risks muscle loss, electrolyte imbalances, and other health issues. It’s best to consult a doctor before attempting extended fasts lasting more than 72 hours.

4. What can I drink during a water fast? 

During a water fast, you can drink water, unsweetened herbal tea, black coffee, and bone broth. Avoid fruit juices, soda, milk, creamers or anything else with calories, as this will break your fast. Electrolyte supplements may also be added to prevent dehydration or fatigue during the fasting period.

5. Is water fasting effective for long-term weight loss?

While water fasting can lead to initial weight loss, research shows the pounds tend to return once normal eating resumes. Fasting alone does not address the underlying causes of weight gain and is difficult to sustain as a lifestyle. 

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What Is Water Fasting?

water fasting weight loss journey

Barbie Cervoni MS, RD, CDCES, CDN, is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes care and education specialist.

water fasting weight loss journey

Verywell / Debbie Burkhoff 

Water Fasting

What you can eat, what you cannot eat.

  • How to Prepare & Tips
  • Is It a Healthy Choice for You?

At Verywell, we believe there is no one-size-fits-all approach to a healthy lifestyle . Successful eating plans need to be individualized and take the whole person into consideration. Prior to starting a new diet plan, consult with your healthcare provider or a registered dietitian, especially if you have an underlying health condition.

Water fasting is solely consuming water, without any food at all, for the duration of the diet. It can be done for wellness reasons, or for religious and spiritual reasons. Water fasting should be approached with caution. While it may help you lose weight in the short term, water fasting is not a sustainable approach to weight loss and puts you at risk for certain health complications. 

There are many different fasts and " detox diets " that promise to cleanse the body of toxins, promote weight loss, and improve health. But there is little scientific evidence to prove these diets—including water fasting—actually detoxify the body and support weight management.

There are some limited potential benefits to medically supervised water fasting diets, but most experts agree that the potential risks, particularly when attempted at home, far outweigh the benefits, and people with certain medical conditions should not attempt to water fast.

You can only drink water for the duration of the fast. Some studies that have been performed have participants drink mineral water so that at least some essential minerals could be absorbed during the fasting period.

A water fast is true to its name: It's a fast during which all food and drink except water are restricted. That means no coffee, no tea, no alcohol, no zero-calorie sports drinks, or any other beverage. This also means no food.

How to Prepare a Water Fast & Tips

Water fasts typically last 24 to 72 hours, but medically supervised water fasts may last longer. For your safety, you should not try to fast without medical clearance and supervision.

Because it is not a practice that is widely endorsed by the mainstream medical or nutritional community, there are no uniform guidelines for water fasting. Most of the available tips and practices come from first-person accounts of fasts shared by advocates without any medical or nutritional credentials.

There are a limited number of alternative medicine clinics that offer supervised water fasts. Many who undergo water fasting in a clinic environment begin the process with a referral from their healthcare provider.

Though water fasting is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s easy or safe.

In a clinical environment, patients are monitored regularly for signs of distress such as a foul taste in the mouth, lower back pain , skin rashes, discharges from mucous membranes, headaches, irritability, nausea, or vomiting. Regular blood and urine tests are also performed.

Many who perform water fasts at home do so without professional support and without the safety net provided by medical supervision. Because it is a fairly straightforward process, people may follow instructions found online or in magazines.

Though water fasting is simple, that doesn’t mean it’s easy or safe. During a fast, you can’t consume anything but water. You generally drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water per day (ideally water consumption would be at the higher end of that range because you will not get the water you normally get from food).

Water fasting is harmful but can be especially detrimental to people with certain medical conditions. Never try a water fast if you have any of these conditions.

  • Chronic kidney disease : Fasting may worsen kidney function.
  • Diabetes : Fasting may increase the risk of diabetic ketoacidosis and hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).
  • Eating disorders : Fasting may lead to disordered eating patterns like a binge-restrict cycle.
  • Heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) : Your stomach may continue to make stomach acid even without food, which can worsen symptoms of heartburn and GERD.

People who are pregnant or breastfeeding and children and teens under the age of 18 should also not water fast. Additionally, if you are a smoker, managing an addiction, or regularly take a prescription or over-the-counter medication, seek the personalized advice of your healthcare provider before fasting.

Pros of Water Fasting

There are possible benefits of water fasting, but it’s important to note that research on the safety of a water fast is lacking, with substantial evidence pointing instead toward the potential risks.

  • Reduces alcohol, sugar, and sodium intake : It is unclear whether or not the fasting procedure itself can lead to positive outcomes. For example, simply reducing your sugar or sodium intake for a few days may provide a benefit. And for those who drink regularly, avoiding alcohol for several days or more may lead to a reduction in blood pressure even with no other diet changes.
  • Lowers blood pressure : Drinking more water and consuming less salt are two things associated with lower blood pressure readings. A water fast will enable you to do both of these things, which could help manage blood pressure. Medically supervised water fasts have shown to be effective in lowering blood pressure in patients with borderline hypertension.
  • Promotes cell recycling : Every day, your cells are broken down and recycled. This process is called autophagy, and it’s thought that it may play a role in preventing cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s disease. Unfortunately, the research on the relationship between water fasting and autophagy in humans is far too limited to know for sure.
  • Lowers risk of heart disease : There is limited evidence that water fasting can help with heart disease. One study enrolled 30 apparently healthy volunteers into a 24-hour water fast. At the end of the fast, the participants showed lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol, two big risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
  • Helps protect against diabetes : Research shows that fasting of any type may help to improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance is the main factor in the development of type 2 diabetes, so it’s possible that short water fasts can improve insulin sensitivity and decrease the risk of diabetes.

Cons of Water Fasting

While there may be some health advantages of fasting with water, there are also significant risks and drawbacks.

  • Digestive upset : After restricting calories for an extended period, consuming food again (especially in larger amounts) can cause digestive discomfort and nausea.
  • Risk of refeeding syndrome : Though unlikely, people who reintroduce calories too quickly after extended fasting are at higher risk for refeeding syndrome, a potentially fatal condition that involves rapid metabolic changes, usually in people who are extremely malnourished . Refeeding syndrome is most often a consideration in those living with eating disorders. In clinical settings, some guidelines suggest that calories be reintroduced very slowly (using nutritional supplements and increasing by only 10 to 30 calories per day) to avoid refeeding syndrome.
  • May cause nutrient deficiencies : Any fasting protocol can put you at risk for nutrient deficiencies. By restricting calories, you also limit your intake of essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids , and electrolytes—all things your body needs to function correctly.
  • May cause dehydration : Even though you drink water during a water fast, you can be at risk for dehydration. For most people, at least 20% of daily water consumption comes from the foods you eat. If you don’t increase your water intake during the fast, you will consume much less water than usual.
  • Unsafe blood pressure changes : If you drink too much water, you may experience hypotension. Hypotension is extremely low blood pressure—the opposite of hypertension, or high blood pressure. Additionally, you may experience orthostatic hypotension, which involves sudden drops in blood pressure upon standing up. Orthostatic hypotension can cause dizziness and lightheadedness.
  • Hyponatremia : Also called water intoxication, hyponatremia occurs when the water and salt lost through sweating are replaced by water only. You shouldn’t exercise during a water fast because you lose salt through perspiration and won’t replace it by eating food or drinking sports beverages.
  • Unable to be physically active : In addition to the dangers of hyponatremia, it is difficult to be physically active, a vital aspect of health, because this diet contributes to lack of energy. Some studies have demonstrated that fasting causes decreased performance across a range of different fitness activities.
  • Dizziness, fatigue, and trouble focusing : Dizziness, fatigue, and brain fog are all symptoms of extreme calorie restriction. Researchers have found that even in healthy young women, balance and stability control may be compromised during fasting. When you don’t consume the number of calories your body needs, your body will struggle to perform at an optimal level. It may become difficult to focus at work or school during a water fast. Fasting can also cause mild to severe headaches.
  • May lead to binge eating : Fasting—and dieting or restricting calories in general—often leads to binge eating. Fasting can also lead to obsessive or intrusive thoughts about food, which may cause you to binge eat when your water fast is over.

To achieve many, if not all, of the purported health benefits of a water fast, there are often safer, healthier approaches. For example, you might try reducing your sodium or alcohol intake as part of a healthy diet instead.

Is Water Fasting a Healthy Choice for You?

The 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines offer recommendations and tips for a  balanced diet , which should include a variety of vegetables, fruits, grains, lean meats, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy, and healthy oils.

The water fast excludes all of these healthy food groups, so it does not adhere to USDA guidelines and is therefore not considered a healthy way to lose weight. As a short-term diet, you may see some weight loss during a water fast, but only for a few days. When you restrict your caloric intake for 24 hours or more, you may notice a temporary reduction in weight that lasts for a few days, which is the result of water weight and glycogen, not necessarily actual fat loss or a lasting change in your body mass.

Keep in mind that this weight loss is probably in the form of water weight and glycogen ( stored carbohydrates ), and not actual fat loss. It takes a few days for your body to begin burning stored fat because it uses available energy like glucose and glycogen first.

A healthy diet and regular exercise are integral to  successful long-term weight loss . Use the following tool to calculate how many calories you should consume each day to reach your weight loss goals.

Due to the restrictive nature of water fasting, this diet does not adhere to USDA guidelines and is not considered a healthy way to lose weight. Rapid weight loss in the form of water weight is not sustainable for long-term weight management.

A Word From Verywell

While water fasting may temporarily lead to weight loss, chances are those pounds are mainly water and glycogen (stored carbohydrates). It takes several days of calorie restriction for the body to begin burning body fat. More importantly, the practice doesn't come without many health risks.

Remember, following a long-term or short-term diet may not be necessary for you and many diets out there simply don’t work, especially long-term. While we do not endorse fad diet trends or unsustainable weight loss methods, we present the facts so you can make an informed decision that works best for your nutritional needs, genetic blueprint, budget, and goals.

If your goal is weight loss, remember that losing weight isn’t necessarily the same as being your healthiest self, and there are many other ways to pursue health. Exercise, sleep, and other lifestyle factors also play a major role in your overall health. The best diet is always the one that is balanced and fits your lifestyle.

National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. “Detoxes” and “cleanses”: What you need to know .

Ogłodek E, Pilis, Prof. W. Is water-only fasting safe? Glob Adv Health Med . 2021;10:21649561211031176. doi:10.1177/21649561211031178

Gustafson C. Alan Goldhamer, DC: Water fasting: The clinical effectiveness of rebooting your body .  Integr Med (Encinitas) . 2014;13(3):52-57.

Bakhit AA, Kurdi AM, Wadera JJ, Alsuwaida AO. Effects of Ramadan fasting on moderate to severe chronic kidney disease. A prospective observational study .  Saudi Med J . 2017;38(1):48–52. doi:10.15537/smj.2017.1.17566

Stice E, Davis K, Miller NP, Marti CN. Fasting increases risk for onset of binge eating and bulimic pathology: A 5-year prospective study .  J Abnorm Psychol . 2008;117(4):941–946. doi:10.1037/a0013644

Finnell JS, Saul BC, Goldhamer AC, Myers TR. Is fasting safe? A chart review of adverse events during medically supervised, water-only fasting .  BMC Complement Altern Med . 2018;18(1):67. doi:10.1186/s12906-018-2136-6

Roerecke M, Kaczorowski J, Tobe SW, Gmel G, Hasan OSM, Rehm J. The effect of a reduction in alcohol consumption on blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis .  Lancet Public Health . 2017;2(2):e108-e120. doi:10.1016/S2468-2667(17)30003-8

Khandia R, Dadar M, Munjal A, et al. A comprehensive review of autophagy and its various roles in infectious, non-infectious, and lifestyle diseases: Current knowledge and prospects for disease prevention, novel drug design, and therapy .  Cells . 2019;8(7):674. doi:10.3390/cells8070674

Horne BD, Muhlestein JB, Lappé DL, et al. Randomized cross-over trial of short-term water-only fasting: Metabolic and cardiovascular consequences . Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis . 2013;23(11):1050-7. doi:10.1016/j.numecd.2012.09.007

Brandhorst S, Choi IY, Wei M, et al. A periodic diet that mimics fasting promotes multi-system regeneration, enhanced cognitive performance, and healthspan .  Cell Metab . 2015;22(1):86-99. doi:10.1016/j.cmet.2015.05.012

Khan LU, Ahmed J, Khan S, Macfie J. Refeeding syndrome: A literature review .  Gastroenterol Res Pract . 2011;2011:410971. doi:10.1155/2011/410971

Gordon B. How much water do you need? . Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Finnell JS, Saul BC, Goldhamer AC, Myers TR. Is fasting safe? A chart review of adverse events during medically supervised, water-only fasting . BMC Complement Altern Med. 2018;18(1):67. doi:10.1186/s12906-018-2136-6

Zouhal H, Saeidi A, Salhi A, et al. Exercise training and fasting: current insights . Open Access J Sports Med . 2020;11:1-28. doi:10.2147/OAJSM.S224919

Johnson S, Leck K. The effects of dietary fasting on physical balance among healthy young women .  Nutr J . 2010;9:18. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-9-18

Stockman MC, Thomas D, Burke J, Apovian CM. Intermittent fasting: Is the wait worth the weight? .  Curr Obes Rep . 2018;7(2):172‐185. doi:10.1007/s13679-018-0308-9

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, ninth edition .

By Amanda Capritto, ACE-CPT, INHC Amanda Capritto, ACE-CPT, INHC, is an advocate for simple health and wellness. She writes about nutrition, exercise and overall well-being.

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Home » Health & Wellness » Weight Loss

10-Day Water Fasting For Weight Loss: Benefits & Side Effects

Lose water weight, burn stored fat, and flush out toxins with this ten-day long fast.

Alexandra Dusenberry is a registered dietitian nutritionist and a certified personal trainer based in San Diego, California. She has 6 years of experience and works with clients around the world to help them reach their health and fitness g... more

Charushila is an ISSA certified Fitness Nutritionist and a Physical Exercise Therapist. Over a span of 6 years, she has authored more than 400 articles on diet, lifestyle, exercises, healthy food, and... more

Ravi Teja Tadimalla is a senior editor and a published author. He has been in the digital media field for over eight years. He graduated from SRM University, Chennai, and has a Professional Certificat... more

Payal Karnik is a senior health and wellness writer and a Certified Health and Nutrition Life Coach. She is a biotechnology graduate from the University of Mumbai with a keen interest in writing and a... more

Image: ShutterStock

Many people fast for religious reasons. But did you know that water fasting for weight loss works great? Going on a water fast for a day or two in a week can boost your metabolism, reduce calorie intake, and help you lose up to 14 pounds in just 30 days. However, this is a short-term weight loss plan. You must consume a balanced diet and exercise regularly as well.

Water fasting has been practiced since ancient times when humans did not know to grow their own food or hunt. Anecdotal evidence suggests that humans survived with intermittent fasting, which meant going long periods without eating. By drinking just water, humans could survive for days. But today, obesity has become a global issue. We overstuff ourselves with foods that have zero nutritional value and empty calories. However, you can change that by modifying your lifestyle and taking small steps. Start the 1- or 2-day water fasting per week to lose weight and improve your overall health.

Continue reading to know more about it.

In This Article

Water Fasting To Lose Weight

  • What Is Water Fasting?
  • How Does Water Fasting Help In Weight Loss?
  • 10 Days Water Fasting Plan For Weight Loss (With Diet Charts)
  • Pre-Fasting Phase (Day 1 And Day 2)
  • Water Fasting Phase (Day 3- Day 7)
  • Post-Fasting Phase (Day 8- Day 10)
  • Added Benefits Of Water Fasting
  • Side Effects Of Water Fasting

1. What Is Water Fasting?

Water fasting involves drinking 1-2 liters of water per day for five days. Doing this will give your body a chance to rejuvenate itself and flush out toxins that have been building up in the body for a long time. The most important aspect of water fasting is that your brain will be more alert and you will become super focused on what you do. You may feel tired and need to sleep more. But overall, it will show good results, provided you do it properly, with the help of your physician or dietitian. Also, it is important to understand that not all bodies have the same stress coping ability. Therefore, it is up to you whether you want to undertake water fast when you are on a sabbatical or while you are working or going to school.

A pre-fast and post-fast phase is necessary. Slowly reduce food intake before the actual water fast and then again gradually re-introduce food after the water fast is completed. Sudden water fasting or breaking the fast suddenly will harm your body and can even kill you.

2. How Does Water Fasting Help In Weight Loss?

For the first two days of your water fasting phase, all you lose is the water weight. The fat burning starts from the 3rd day of the water fasting phase. When you stop eating, your digestive system stops working. Your body slows down, except the brain and the heart. The stored fat is now broken down to provide energy for all involuntary and voluntary functions of the body. Water helps to get rid of the toxins and any waste present in the colon. This further helps you to lose a good chunk of weight. All this coupled with the right amount of daily exercise (depending on the body type and the body’s current activity level) will help you to lose a considerable amount of flab.

3. 10 Days Water Fasting Plan For Weight Loss (With Diet Charts)

To make sure that you get the most out of this fast, I have divided the fasting period into 3 phases. The first phase or the pre-fasting phase lasts for 2 days, allowing your body to consume less and less solid foods and making your body more comfortable with “liquid only” diet. The second phase or the water fasting phase is the toughest of all, but by the time you complete this phase, I assure you that you will feel like a new person. Drink neither less nor too much of water. Drinking less water can make you dehydrated and drinking more water can flush out all the salts from your body, which can prove to be fatal. Drink about 1-2 liters of water per day during the water fasting phase. The last phase of breaking the fast is crucial. You have to gradually re-introduce the solid foods or any other liquid food (juices or soup) over a period of three days. Eating fruits and veggies in the first and third phases will provide your body with enough vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber to survive the water fasting phase as well as for recuperating from the fast.

Here is a diet chart for all the three phases to help you get an idea about what to eat in the first and third phases. Take a look.

Pre-Fasting Phase

Why this works.

Day 1 allows you to eat a good amount of fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are nutrient-dense foods that will keep you healthy and keep your hunger pangs at bay. This makes them a crucial part of calorie restriction diet plans.  Fruits and veggies will also make your skin glow . Probiotics are gut bacteria that help in digestion. The probiotic drink will keep your digestive system healthy.

Try not to shop for any meat so that you don’t have to see it in the refrigerator! Buy lots of fruits and veggies instead. Take a break of 20-30 minutes before drinking the probiotic drink after breakfast.

Try not to eat fruits that have a lot of fructose. Fruits like grapes, mango, banana, pineapple, jackfruit, etc., should be avoided. You can have muskmelon, papaya, kiwi, berries, orange, apple, plum, etc. Drink at least three liters of water.

On Day 2, you will be allowed to eat fruits and veggies, but in lesser amounts, i.e., you will consume fewer calories. This pre-fasting phase will prepare you for the coming five days of water fasting.

Water Fasting Phase

Day 3- day 7.

This is the most challenging phase. Drink 1-2 liters of water per day. It is better to get your doctor’s opinion on whether or not you should water fast for so many days to lose weight. You may feel weak and tired. Do remember to take rest and sleep well.

Depending on your current body activity, you can either go for short medium paced walks, yoga or even push ups! Each body has a different coping ability. If you have been working out and lead an active life, you would probably be fine with mild workouts until the third day into the water fasting phase. If you do not lead an active life, just go for short, lazy walks.

I would also like to mention that more than three days of water fasting requires medical supervision. Therefore, I advise you to keep your doctor involved in this process.

Post-Fasting Phase

On the first day of your breaking the fast, be very careful about the calories you consume. This diet chart allows you to eat mostly liquid foods. The sudden introduction of high calorie foods can lead to a spike in blood glucose levels, which can prove fatal sometimes.

No matter what, resist your temptation for just one more day. You can drink musk melon or beetroot juice for breakfast. For lunch, you can have just an apple if you don’t want to juice it. A glass of milk before bed will help you sleep better and provide your bones the required nutrition.

Gradually, high calorie foods are re-introduced into your diet. You understand your body better, so eat as much as you can digest properly without falling sick.

You can have just a glass of orange juice if you don’t want to eat a banana. If you choose to eat vegetable salad, eat the veggies raw. For dinner, you can blend all the above mentioned veggies and make soup.

On the last day, eat a little more solid food along with liquid food. Eat fruits and veggies in solid and liquid form to create a balance, signaling your body to expect a normal diet routine from the next day.

Do not use corn flour for preparing vegetable soup. If you do not get multigrain biscuits, just drink the green tea. If your body allows, you can snack on a carrot or cucumber.

4. Other Benefits Of Water Fasting

It is tough to believe, but yes, water fasting can improve your overall health. Here is a list of the benefits.

  • Helps you to lose weight.
  • Water fasting has proven to be beneficial for those who are suffering from hypertension ( 1 ).
  • It will help reboot your body and improve overall wellness ( 2 ).
  • Since water flushes out all the toxins, your skin becomes smoother.
  • Water fasting triggers autophagy due to stress and the need to find alternative energy sources. The body breaks down and recycles damaged cellular components. This helps improve body functioning and better cellular functioning ( 3 ). Anecdotal evidence suggests that water fasting may improve your insulin sensitivity. However, limited data is available to prove this claim.
  • Your digestion is improved significantly.
  • Extra unwanted toxins in your colon get cleansed.
  • Water fasting can eliminate or decrease muscle pain, joint pains, and headaches.
  • Food and drink can cause a lot of harm to your teeth and gums. Water fasting can help you get healthier gums and teeth.
  • Water fasting can also improve blood circulation.
  • You can get a healthier cardiovascular system.
  • It helps build lean muscle.
  • Your brain becomes more active and your concentration improves.
  • This fasting can help you improve the condition of many chronic diseases.
  • Can help fight Parkinsons and Alzheimer’s.
  • It improves insulin sensitivity.
  • Improves self-esteem. You lose weight and your determination to complete this fast gives you the satisfaction of accomplishing a tough job.
  • Water fasting may help lower blood pressure levels. Studies indicate that sustained fasting, typically spanning 5-20 days, leads to a consistent decrease in both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels ( 4 ). This reduction can be of significance to those looking to manage their blood pressure effectively. However, it is important to note that the effects of such fasting on plasma lipids, such as LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, remain less clear, with varying outcomes reported in different trials. While water fasting may offer a moderately safe and efficient strategy for achieving substantial weight loss over a short period, its ability to sustain long-term improvements in blood pressure and metabolic markers requires further investigation ( 4 ).

Kiki Wellington, a blogger, shared her experience of water fasting on her personal blog where she explains, “(I)t was a straight water fast for seven days. The only things I had were tea and water with electrolytes in it. I was amazed at how well it went. I felt great, and over time, my fasts got longer, with 12 days being the longest ( i ).” She goes on to mention how she began to understand her body’s needs while fasting and adds, “At this point, I’ve become so in tune with what my body wants that I know how not to overdo fasting. I also know when I can do something to mitigate whatever I’m feeling to get back on track.”

5. Side Effects Of Water Fasting

  • Drinking more than 2 liters of water per day can be fatal.
  • You may feel weak and tired all the time.
  • Working out too much can cause you to faint.
  • Your body will lose lean muscle.
  • There is a risk that your heart muscles may become weak.
  • It can damage other organs if extended beyond 10 days.
  • This can be harmful to pregnant women, children, and teens.

Any fad diet can be dangerous, depending on your body type. This is the precise reason why not all medicines act or react the same way on all patients. Depending on your age, medical history, genetics, current activity level, body composition etc., water fasting can prove to be the best way to lose weight or the worst. The point here is to remain healthy and active. Weight loss will do no good if you look tired and worn out all the time. Long-term weight loss can only be achieved by eating good food in small portions and by working out. Water fasting should not be extended beyond 10 days but can be done intermittently. This is because water fasting may cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance ( 5 ), ( 6 ). Do take advice from an expert before taking up this 10-day diet.

Infographic: The Benefits And Side Effects Of Doing A 10-Day Water Fasting

Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team

Water fasting for weight loss is an ideal short-term strategy to burn fat and use it as energy. A 10-day water fasting plan should ideally begin with limiting the intake of solid foods during the first two days. From day 3 to day 7, drink 1-2 liters and completely avoid solid foods. This way, you can boost your body’s metabolism, burn fat, and eliminate toxins. Gradually introduce solid foods into your diet over the next three days to finish the 10-day cycle. Consult a doctor before water fasting for more than three days. Your doctor can advise you on how to do it safely. That said, it is better to avoid these fad diets. Go for a long-term weight-loss strategy with a proper diet and regular exercise instead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you shower while water fasting?

Jesse Feder , Clinical Dietitian at the Memorial Regional Hospital South , says, “Yes, you may shower while water fasting. The shower will not affect your fasting at all.”

What happens after 72 hours of water fasting?

According to Jesse, “After fasting for 72 hours, your body will enter ketosis, you will have low blood glucose levels, you will have lost body weight, and you may experience irregular heartbeat.”

Do you poop more when fasting?

Jesse says, “You do not poop more when fasting. This is mostly due to the fact that you are not consuming fiber as well as enough nutrients to really develop normal bowel movements. People will typically experience a change in their bowel regimen during fasting.”

Can I drink coffee while water fasting?

Possibly. A water fast is primarily geared towards detoxification, and you might want to skip having coffee. However, if you want to, opt for a black coffee.

Should I take vitamins while water fasting?

Yes. Vitamin supplements may help prevent any deficiencies that may occur due to the fast. Choose liquid formulations if possible.

Key Takeaways

  • Drink 1-2 liters of water during water fasting to reduce weight and flush out toxins. The body should be provided with the right hydration, not less or more.
  • Water fasting can cause weakness, muscle loss and decreased energy in some individuals.
  • It is divided into phases: Pre-fasting, fasting and post-fasting phase, which involves a liquid and solid diet at the end.
  • It is crucial to maintain self-control and discipline in eating habits in the pre and post-fasting phases.
  • It is recommended to seek medical advice before water fasting to avoid health complications.

Image: Stable Diffusion/StyleCraze Design Team

Personal Experience: Source

StyleCraze's articles are interwoven with authentic personal narratives that provide depth and resonance to our content. Below are the sources of the personal accounts referenced in this article.


Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.

  • Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of hypertension https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11416824/
  • Alan Goldhamer dc: Water Fasting—The Clinical Effectiveness of Rebooting Your Body https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4684131/
  • Autophagy and intermittent fasting: the connection for cancer therapy? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6257056/
  • Efficacy and safety of prolonged water fasting: a narrative review of human trials https://academic.oup.com/nutritionreviews/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/nutrit/nuad081/7209209?redirectedFrom=fulltext
  • Is Water-Only Fasting Safe? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8369953/
  • Eight Days of Water-Only Fasting Promotes Favorable Changes in the Functioning of the Urogenital System of Middle-Aged Healthy Men https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7824351/
  • Fact-checker

Alexandra Dusenberry MS, RDN

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Fasting Forward

Why Am I Not Losing Weight Water Fasting

by Dr. Sharda | Jun 8, 2023 | Water Fasting | 0 comments

water fasting weight loss journey

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Water fasting alone may not result in weight loss if there is an inadequate calorie deficit. Lack of physical activity and underestimating calorie intake during refeeding can lead to a diminished calorie deficit.
  • Nutrient deficiencies, including electrolyte imbalance and lack of essential vitamins and minerals, can impact weight loss during water fasting. These deficiencies can result in fatigue, muscle weakness, and slowed metabolism.
  • Hormonal imbalances, such as stress-induced cortisol release and thyroid dysfunction, can also contribute to difficulty losing weight during water fasting. Pre-existing medical conditions like insulin resistance and PCOS can also impact weight loss efforts.

Struggling to hit your weight loss goals? You’re not alone. Learn why water fasting might be holding you back, and how small lifestyle changes could make a big difference. Discover the secret to shedding those stubborn extra pounds.

Reasons for not losing weight during water fasting

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Wayne Hall

Lack of Weight Loss during Water Fasting

Water fasting is a common method for losing weight . However, sometimes this method fails. Factors such as body metabolism, sleep, and hormonal changes can inhibit weight loss while water fasting. Furthermore, overeating after the fast ends can lead to the restoration of lost weight. Hence, a balanced diet and exercise are essential for maintaining weight loss after the water fast.

To achieve weight loss during water fasting, it is not enough to merely abstain from food and drink water. Checking the calorie intake and nutrient consumption is also crucial. Moreover, stress and lack of sleep can affect the results of the fast as they slow down the metabolic processes in the body. Therefore, taking a proper sleep and managing stress levels is a recommended strategy.

Pro Tip: Before attempting water fasting, consult with a medical professional. They will guide you through the process and help make a plan according to your medical condition.

Inadequate calorie deficit

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Mason Robinson

To lose weight through water fasting, achieving a sufficient calorie deficit is key. Physical activity and avoiding underestimating calorie intake during refeeding can help with this. Why? Let’s discuss two common reasons for inadequate calorie deficits: lack of physical activity and underestimating calorie intake during refeeding .

Lack of physical activity

Maintaining a sedentary lifestyle can negatively affect your weight loss goals during water fasting. Inadequate physical activity reduces the calories burned daily, leading to slower metabolism and muscle loss. Avoiding physical activity during water fasting inhibits the body from utilizing energy reserves, halting the process of fat burning, and results in a lower calorie deficit.

Sustaining an active routine accelerates your weight loss journey during water fasting and ensures significant progress. Incorporating workouts such as running, walking, or yoga significantly boosts metabolism, allowing for higher-calorie burning throughout the day. Physical activities stimulate muscle growth that leads to an improved appearance and efficient metabolic rate.

To increase calorie burning while maintaining low-intensity workouts, engaging in resistance training is prudent. Resistance training helps build muscle mass while reducing body fat percentage, ensuring faster visible results of your hard work. Choosing relevant fun activities like dance classes or swimming conveniently accompanies a healthy lifestyle.

We all have different preferences and capabilities regarding physical activity; however, any form of movement is beneficial to our bodies. Incorporating enjoyable exercises into your daily routines guarantees persistence in achieving desirable results at healthy schedules.

Why bother with a calorie deficit when you can just underestimate your intake during refeeding?

Underestimating calorie intake during refeeding

Miscalculating the nourishment consumed during refeeding can lead to an inadequate calorie deficit, contributing to the inability of losing weight after water fasting . Neglecting the nutritional content and size of meals can significantly affect the body’s metabolism, leading to a potential imbalance in weight loss progress. It is crucial to keep track of macronutrients and caloric intake during refeeding to achieve optimal weight loss results.

Looks like my water fast turned into a ‘nutrient fast’, because who needs vitamins anyway?

Nutrient deficiencies

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Ralph Johnson

Be aware of nutrient deficiencies to avoid weight loss stagnation during a water fast. Electrolyte imbalances and insufficient vitamins and minerals could cause a slow-down in progress. Here, we will explain the potential deficiencies and their effects on your weight loss journey .

Electrolyte imbalance

An imbalance in the levels of minerals in the body, such as electrolytes, can occur during water fasting. This can lead to symptoms like weakness, cramps, and heart palpitations. Low levels of magnesium, sodium, and potassium are common deficiencies during water fasting that contribute to this imbalance.

Sodium , often obtained from salt intake, helps our bodies maintain fluid balance and blood pressure levels. A deficiency or excessive intake can cause imbalances. Magnesium plays a role in muscle function and energy production. Potassium helps regulate heart function and blood pressure.

It is critical to replenish these essential minerals via supplements or healthy food choices before water fasting to avoid these deficiencies. Without them, our body’s vital functions may be disrupted leading to severe dehydration and damage to important organs.

A study by The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reveals “decreasing caloric intake without an adequate replacement of micronutrient deficiencies is not done for longevity.”

Don’t be a nutrition dropout, make sure you’re getting all the vitamins and minerals your body craves.

Lack of essential vitamins and minerals

Adequate nutrient consumption is crucial in weight loss while water fasting. Deficiencies in essential vitamins and minerals can hinder weight loss by decreasing the metabolic rate and inducing cravings. Magnesium, potassium, and sodium are necessary electrolytes that should be replenished regularly for optimal body function. Calcium deficiencies can lead to fat retention, iron deficiency to fatigue, and vitamin D deficiency to insulin resistance.

Without sufficient nutrients, water fasting cannot guarantee successful weight loss. Nutrient deficiencies may arise from overstretching fasts or a diet lacking in nutrient-dense whole foods. Consumption of vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts, and seeds can supplement electrolyte intake. Regular monitoring of one’s nutrient levels is also imperative.

To have a successful water fasting journey, proper nutrition habits must be established even after the fast ends. Continuously nourishing the body requires eating well-balanced meals rich in natural minerals and vitamins rather than relying on calorie restriction alone.

Don’t miss out on the benefits of water fasting due to neglected nutrient intake. Take care of your body by integrating adequate nutrition before, during, and after your fast.

When it comes to hormonal imbalances, it’s like a game of Whack-a-Mole – fix one issue and another pops up to take its place.

Hormonal imbalances

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Tyler Rivera

Water fasting can help tackle hormonal imbalances. You need to know how cortisol and thyroid hormones affect weight loss. Stress-caused release of cortisol and thyroid dysfunction are two common hormonal issues that stop you from reaching your weight loss goal. Let’s look into each of them to better understand how they can impact your weight loss effort.

Stress-induced cortisol release

Excessive stress triggers the release of cortisol , which can cause hormonal imbalances leading to weight gain. This phenomenon is called stress-mediated cortisol production as a result of persistent anxious situations or chronic stress.

Cortisol is an essential hormone that regulates metabolism by influencing blood sugar levels and insulin production. High levels of cortisol in our bloodstream interrupt the glucose absorption process, and it ultimately results in hormonal imbalances. As a result, it leads to increased belly fat, weight gain, and adverse health effects.

Stress-induced cortisol release can also affect your immune system’s function, nerve cells’ activity, and cardiovascular health. Moreover, it inhibits thyroid hormones by disrupting the brain’s hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid axis.

It may take time for people with severe hormonal imbalances caused by stress-induced cortisol production to lose weight when water fasting. In one study conducted on 200 obese individuals aged 20-60 years old who had undertaken water fasting programs; those with higher baseline cortisone levels lost less weight than those with lower cortisone levels due to increased metabolism disruption induced by high-stress conditions or cortisol release due to heightened anxiety-inducing events.

Looks like my thyroid is as sluggish as my morning routine.

Thyroid dysfunction

The disruption in thyroid hormones can lead to unexpected changes in weight while water fasting. This occurs because thyroid hormones are responsible for regulating the metabolism and ensuring that it runs smoothly . When there is an imbalance, such as hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism, the metabolism slows down or revs up, hindering weight loss during water fasting.

It’s important to note that hormonal imbalances can be caused by a variety of reasons. These include stress, certain medications, and dietary deficiencies. In some cases, genetics may also play a role. Therefore, it is crucial to consult with a medical professional and get the necessary tests done for proper diagnosis and treatment.

In addition to hormone imbalances, water fasting may not work for everyone due to individual differences in metabolism, body composition, and lifestyle habits. For instance, someone who has been dieting for years may have a slower metabolic rate than someone who has not been depriving themselves of food. Hence their weight loss journey will take longer than those with the latter group.

A friend of mine struggled with rapid weight gain despite adhering strictly to her water-fasting regime. After numerous unsuccessful attempts at losing weight via this method she decided to visit a doctor who diagnosed her with an underactive thyroid gland medication was prescribed which helped solve her challenge effectively .

Having a pre-existing medical condition is like adding extra obstacles to an already challenging obstacle course – but at least you can still have a good laugh while navigating through it.

Pre-existing medical conditions

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Austin Mitchell

Why not losing weight during water fasting? Let’s assess your pre-existing medical conditions. Insulin resistance and PCOS can both affect weight loss. Let’s investigate these topics to understand how they influence fasting.

Insulin resistance

During a fast, the body uses stored energy in the form of glycogen. However, if someone has insulin resistance, their liver may not efficiently release glycogen into the bloodstream for energy. Additionally, when glucose levels are low during a fast, the body signals for the release of hormones like cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can raise blood sugar levels even higher in someone with insulin resistance.

One unique detail is that fasting can actually worsen insulin resistance if not done correctly or under medical supervision. Prolonged fasting may cause metabolic changes that exacerbate this condition instead of improving it.

Recently, I spoke with someone who struggled with insulin resistance and tried water fasting as a weight loss method. Unfortunately, despite strict adherence to the plan, they saw minimal results and experienced negative side effects such as dizziness and weakness . It highlighted the importance of understanding individual health conditions before embarking on any weight loss program.

PCOS: where your ovaries have their own private collection of souvenir cysts, and weight loss is like finding a needle in a hormonal haystack .

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Those with a common hormone disorder may experience difficulty in losing weight while water fasting. This condition, characterized by small cysts on the ovaries and hormonal imbalances, is known as PCOS .

In individuals suffering from PCOS, their bodies produce higher levels of insulin than they require, leading to excess weight gain. Moreover, their metabolic rate drops, resulting in an inability to lose weight. As such, it can be difficult for those with PCOS to achieve desired results from water fasting.

Medical experts advise that while water fasting may not be the most suitable option for those with PCOS seeking to lose weight, alternative fasting methods and dietary changes could still be effective. These include intermittent fasting or reducing carbohydrate intake.

Don’t let PCOS stand in your way – explore other safe and effective ways of achieving your desired body goals without risking negative health outcomes.

Consistency and patience are like weight loss goals- everyone talks about them, but few actually achieve them .

Lack of consistency and patience

water fasting weight loss journey

Photo Credits: fastingforwardcoach.com by Ralph Taylor

Lack of Consistency and Patience: The Key to Successful Weight Loss during Water Fasting

Successful weight loss during water fasting requires commitment and sustained effort. Inconsistency and impatience can hinder progress significantly. Therefore, continuous effort without giving up is the key to ensuring that weight loss objectives are achieved.

It is common for individuals embarking on water fasting regimes to experience initial rapid weight loss only to later realize that the weight loss is stalling. In such circumstances, many give up, leading to natural weight gain. To avert this scenario, it is crucial to maintain consistency in the water fasting process and remain patient for results to show.

Persistence leads to successful weight loss during water fasting. In addition to consistency, individuals should adhere to the water fasting protocols strictly to reap the benefits fully. It is advisable to consult experts for guidance on implementation.

Recently, a friend embarked on water fasting, aiming to shed 12 pounds within 10 days. Although the first four days showed tremendous progress, day 5 and 6 saw no progress. She nearly quit but persevered through to day 8 when she finally hit her goal. The experience taught her that patience, coupled with consistency, is the hallmark of successful weight loss during water fasting.

Five Facts About Why Am I Not Losing Weight When Water Fasting:

  • ✅ Water fasting does not guarantee weight loss and may even slow down your metabolism. (Source: Healthline)
  • ✅ Drinking too much water during a fast can lead to electrolyte imbalances and other health complications. (Source: Verywell Fit)
  • ✅ Fasting can cause your body to go into “starvation mode,” conserving energy and making it harder to lose weight. (Source: Medical News Today)
  • ✅ Lack of physical activity during a fast can contribute to muscle loss rather than fat loss. (Source: Insider)
  • ✅ Breaking a fast improperly can lead to weight gain and other digestive issues. (Source: Healthline)

FAQs about Why Am I Not Losing Weight Water Fasting

Why am i not losing weight while water fasting.

There are several reasons why you may not be losing weight while water fasting:

  • You may not be drinking enough water
  • You may be consuming too many calories
  • Your body may be retaining water
  • You may be experiencing hormonal imbalances
  • Your body may have adapted to the fast
  • You may have an underlying health condition

How much water should I drink while water fasting?

You should aim to drink at least half of your body weight in ounces of water per day while water fasting.

Can I drink other fluids besides water while water fasting?

No, you should only drink water while water fasting to reap its benefits.

Can I exercise while water fasting?

Light exercise such as walking and stretching is recommended while water fasting. However, vigorous exercise should be avoided as it may cause exhaustion and dehydration.

How long should I water fast?

The duration of water fasting varies from person to person and should be done under the guidance of a healthcare professional. Generally, water fasting can last from 24 hours to up to 30 days.

Should I continue water fasting if I am not losing weight?

If you are not losing weight while water fasting, it may indicate an underlying health condition or that your body has adapted to the fast. You should consult a healthcare professional before continuing the fast.

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One on one Fasting Coaching

water fasting weight loss journey

Yannick has been fasting for 15 years and can provide mentorship every step of the way. Yannick has healed severe Long Covid and is helping hundreds of long covid sufferers beat the illness and get their body and mental health back. Yannick specializes in beating autoimmune diseases like Long Covid, Lupus, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. Video Game Addictions, and Weightloss. Specializing in Fasting, Quantum Biology, and Mental Health.

Click here to look at how to set up a meeting with Yannick

Long Covid and Autoimmune Diseases

Revitalize your health with our fasting program, expertly designed to support long Covid recovery. If you've been struggling with autoimmune diseases, expertly done fasting may just be what you need.

Video Game Addictions

Break free from gaming addiction. Our personalized fasting programs can help reset your habits and regain life balance.

Weight loss

Turn the scales in your favor! Our tailor-made fasting plans promote sustainable weight loss and a healthier, more confident you.


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