Cruise FAQs

How much to install cruise control.

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You might be under the impression that adding cruise control to your vehicle will empty your wallet. However, I’m here to dispel that notion. Actually, the price for installing cruise control isn’t as steep as you might anticipate, as it hinges on several variables. Fear not, for I have sifted through the details on your behalf and am poised to unravel the costs for you in this piece.

First, we’ll explore the benefits of having cruise control in your car. From improved fuel efficiency to reduced driver fatigue, cruise control can make your driving experience more comfortable and efficient.

Then, we’ll dive into the factors that can affect the cost of installation, such as the make and model of your car and whether you choose professional installation or a do-it-yourself approach.

So, if you’ve been considering adding cruise control to your vehicle, keep reading to find out how much it might cost and whether it’s worth the investment.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Installing cruise control can improve fuel efficiency, reduce driver fatigue, promote safer driving, prevent speed fluctuations, and reduce the risk of speeding tickets.
  • The cost of installing cruise control is affected by factors such as the type of vehicle, type of cruise control system, labor costs, vehicle compatibility, and complexity of the installation process.
  • There are different types of cruise control systems available, including traditional speed control, adaptive cruise control, and intelligent cruise control, each with their own advantages.
  • Professional installation is recommended over DIY installation due to the importance of automotive electrical knowledge, the risk of issues or malfunctions with DIY, and the availability of warranties with professional installation.

Benefits of Installing Cruise Control

Installing cruise control will make your long road trips feel like a relaxing drive along a smooth and endless highway. The benefits of cruise control are numerous and the advantages of using it are undeniable.

Firstly, it allows you to maintain a steady speed, which not only ensures a more comfortable ride but also improves fuel efficiency. By keeping your vehicle at a consistent speed, cruise control reduces the need for unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, resulting in less fuel consumption.

Additionally, cruise control promotes safer driving by preventing speed fluctuations and allowing you to focus more on the road ahead. It also reduces the risk of speeding tickets by keeping you within the legal limits.

Now, let’s delve into the factors affecting the cost of cruise control installation.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Cruise Control Installation

When considering the cost of installing cruise control, there are three main factors to take into account.

The first is the type of vehicle you have, as certain vehicles may require additional parts or modifications for the installation process.

The second factor is the type of cruise control system you choose, as more advanced systems may come with a higher price tag.

Lastly, labor costs should be considered, as the complexity of the installation and the expertise required can impact the overall cost.

Type of Vehicle

To determine the cost of installing cruise control, you’ll want to consider the type of vehicle you have. The type of vehicle you own plays a crucial role in determining the overall cost of the installation process. One of the key factors to consider is vehicle compatibility. Not all vehicles are designed to accommodate cruise control systems, and retrofitting may be required for older models. This can add to the overall cost of installation.

Additionally, the complexity of the installation process can vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle. Certain vehicles may have more intricate wiring systems or require additional modifications, which can increase the installation cost. Considering the type of vehicle you own is essential when determining the cost of installing cruise control.

Moving forward, let’s delve into the next section and explore the different types of cruise control systems available.

Type of Cruise Control System

There are various types of cruise control systems available that can enhance your driving experience.

The most common type is the traditional speed control system, which allows you to set a desired speed and maintain it without using the accelerator pedal.

Another option is adaptive cruise control, which uses sensors to automatically adjust your speed based on the distance between your vehicle and the one in front of you. This type of system can help maintain a safe following distance and reduce the risk of accidents.

Another advanced option is the intelligent cruise control, which not only adjusts your speed but also monitors the traffic conditions and adjusts accordingly.

Using cruise control has several advantages, such as reducing driver fatigue on long journeys and improving fuel efficiency.

Transitioning into the subsequent section, labor costs for installing cruise control can vary depending on the type of system chosen.

Labor Costs

Labor costs for adding this feature to your vehicle can vary depending on the type of system you choose. However, it’s worth exploring the options to enhance your driving experience.

The average labor involved in installing a cruise control system typically takes around 2 to 4 hours. The installation process involves several steps. These steps include locating and connecting to the vehicle’s throttle, brake, and speed sensors. Additionally, the technician will need to mount the cruise control module and program it to work with your specific vehicle.

It is important to note that some advanced systems may require additional labor and expertise. This can increase the overall cost.

Now let’s delve into the average price range for cruise control installation. This includes the cost of parts and labor.

Average Price Range for Cruise Control Installation

The average price range for cruise control installation is typically affordable and won’t break the bank. The installation process involves connecting wires to the vehicle’s throttle system and mounting the control unit. The time it takes to complete the job can vary depending on the make and model of the vehicle, but it usually takes around 1 to 2 hours for a skilled technician. It’s important to note that the cost of the cruise control kit itself is not included in this price range.

Transitioning into the next section about professional installation vs. DIY, it’s worth considering if you have the technical expertise and tools to install cruise control yourself.

Professional Installation vs. DIY

When it comes to installing cruise control, there are two main options to consider: professional installation or doing it yourself (DIY).

Professional installation offers several benefits. Firstly, it ensures that the cruise control system is installed correctly and functions properly, minimizing the risk of any issues or malfunctions. Additionally, professional installation often comes with a warranty, providing peace of mind in case any problems arise.

On the other hand, some individuals may choose to attempt a DIY installation. While this can be a cost-effective option, it requires knowledge of automotive electrical systems and can be challenging for those without experience.

Therefore, for a successful and hassle-free installation, professional installation is highly recommended.

Moving forward, let’s delve into researching and choosing the right cruise control system.

Researching and Choosing the Right Cruise Control System

  • Start by considering your specific needs and preferences to find the perfect cruise control system for your vehicle.
  • Research different brands and models of cruise control systems that are compatible with your vehicle make and model.
  • Look for reviews and ratings from other customers to get an idea of the system’s reliability and performance.
  • Compare prices from different retailers or online sellers to ensure you are getting the best deal.
  • Explore all options, as some online platforms might offer discounts or promotions.
  • Once you have gathered enough information and compared prices, you can make an informed decision on which cruise control system to purchase.

Transitioning into the next section, let’s now explore the additional features and upgrades that are available for cruise control systems.

Additional Features and Upgrades

Consider exploring the array of exciting upgrades and enhancements available for your cruise control system. These upgrades can transform your system into a high-tech marvel, giving it the sleek performance of a sports car effortlessly gliding down the open road.

To ensure compatibility and a seamless integration with your vehicle’s existing features, it’s crucial to select the right system. Some popular upgrades include adaptive cruise control, which automatically adjusts the speed to maintain a safe distance from the car in front. Another great feature is lane-keeping assist, which helps keep your vehicle centered in its lane.

In addition to these upgrades, you may want to consider a system with advanced safety features like collision warning and emergency braking. These features can provide an extra layer of protection on the road.

It’s important to note that the installation process and time required for these upgrades can vary depending on the complexity of your vehicle’s electrical system. However, the benefits they provide are well worth the investment.

Moving on to the next section about warranty and support, it’s essential to understand the coverage provided and the assistance available in case of any issues.

Warranty and Support

When considering additional features and upgrades for your cruise control installation, it’s important to also consider the warranty coverage and customer service support provided by the manufacturer or installer.

A comprehensive warranty will give you peace of mind knowing that any potential issues with your cruise control system will be covered. Look for a warranty that includes both parts and labor, as this will ensure that you’re protected against any unexpected expenses.

Customer service support is crucial in case you have any questions or concerns about your cruise control system. A reliable installer should offer prompt and knowledgeable assistance to address any issues you may encounter.

Now, let’s move on to the next section and discuss the process of finding a reliable installer for your cruise control installation.

Finding a Reliable Installer

To ensure a successful and hassle-free installation, you’ll need to find a reliable installer who can provide expert guidance and support throughout the process. When it comes to cruise control installation, the reliability of aftermarket systems is crucial.

To determine the reliability of a potential installer, it’s important to consider customer reviews and recommendations. Look for installers with a track record of satisfied customers who can vouch for their expertise and professionalism. Reading reviews and seeking recommendations from fellow car owners can give you valuable insights into the quality of service provided.

Once you have found a reliable installer, you can proceed with confidence knowing that you have made an informed choice. With a trustworthy professional by your side, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying the benefits of cruise control.

Speaking of benefits, let’s now delve into some tips for saving money on cruise control installation.

Tips for Saving Money on Cruise Control Installation

Finding a reliable installer for your cruise control system can be a game-changer for your driving experience, offering you the freedom to effortlessly glide down the open road while saving money in the process. When it comes to saving money on cruise control installation, here are three tips to keep in mind:

Shop around for the best price: Don’t settle for the first installer you come across. Take the time to compare prices from different shops or online providers. You may be surprised at the price differences.

Consider a DIY option: If you’re handy with cars and have some experience with electrical systems, installing cruise control yourself can save you a significant amount of money. Just make sure you have the necessary tools and follow the instructions carefully.

Look for promotions or discounts: Keep an eye out for special offers or discounts from installers. They may have seasonal promotions or bundle deals that can help you save even more.

By following these installation tips, you can ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible. In conclusion, is cruise control worth the investment? Let’s explore further.

Conclusion: Is Cruise Control Worth the Investment?

In the end, deciding whether or not to invest in cruise control boils down to enhancing your driving experience and enjoying the freedom of effortless road navigation. Before making a decision, it is important to consider the pros and cons of cruise control installation as well as a few factors that can influence your choice.

Table: Pros and Cons of Cruise Control Installation

Before investing in cruise control, evaluate your driving habits and the type of roads you frequently encounter. If you often travel long distances on highways, cruise control can be beneficial for reducing fatigue and maintaining fuel efficiency. However, if you frequently encounter congested traffic or prefer to have full control over your vehicle, cruise control may not be worth the investment. Ultimately, the decision should be based on your personal preferences and driving needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any potential drawbacks or disadvantages to installing cruise control.

Installing cruise control has potential risks. One interesting statistic is that it can reduce fuel efficiency by up to 14%. This impact on fuel efficiency should be considered when deciding whether to install cruise control.

Can cruise control be installed on any type of vehicle?

Cruise control can be installed on most vehicles. The installation process involves connecting the control module to the vehicle’s throttle system. The benefits of cruise control include improved fuel efficiency and reduced driver fatigue on long trips.

How long does it typically take to install cruise control?

The installation process for cruise control typically takes around 2-4 hours. It involves connecting the control module to the vehicle’s electrical system and programming it to function properly. A cost estimation can be provided by contacting a professional installer.

Are there any maintenance or servicing requirements for cruise control systems?

Maintenance requirements for cruise control systems include periodic inspections, cleaning, and lubrication of components. Common issues may include malfunctioning switches, sensor failures, or wiring problems. Regular servicing can help prevent these issues and ensure optimal performance.

Can cruise control be installed on a vehicle with a manual transmission?

Installing cruise control on a manual transmission car has its pros and cons. It can provide convenience and reduce fatigue on long drives, but may require additional modifications and is not suitable for all driving conditions.

In conclusion, after carefully considering the benefits, factors affecting cost, and options for installation, it is evident that installing cruise control is a worthwhile investment.

It not only enhances driving experience but also promotes safety and fuel efficiency.

Like a steady hand guiding a ship through turbulent waters, cruise control provides a sense of control and stability on the road.

By conducting thorough research, choosing the right system, and finding a reliable installer, one can enjoy the convenience and advantages of cruise control for years to come.

cruise control average price

Meet Asra, a talented and adventurous writer who infuses her passion for exploration into every word she writes. Asra’s love for storytelling and her insatiable curiosity about the world make her an invaluable asset to the Voyager Info team.

From a young age, Asra was drawn to the power of words and their ability to transport readers to far-off lands and magical realms. Her fascination with travel and cultures from around the globe fueled her desire to become a travel writer, and she set out on a journey to turn her dreams into reality.

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Meet Asra, a talented and adventurous writer who infuses her passion for exploration into every word she writes. Asra’s love for storytelling and her insatiable curiosity about the world make her an invaluable asset to the Voyager Info team. From a young age, Asra was drawn to the power of words and their ability to transport readers to far-off lands and magical realms. Her fascination with travel and cultures from around the globe fueled her desire to become a travel writer, and she set out on a journey to turn her dreams into reality.

cruise control average price

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The truth about what happened to suri cruise.

Keen to uncover the mystery behind Suri Cruise's disappearance and her relationship with Tom Cruise? Discover the shocking truth in this captivating saga.

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Have you ever been curious about the true events that have unfolded in the life of Suri Cruise, the offspring of Hollywood celebrities Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?

The narrative surrounding her sudden disappearance from the public eye and the intrigue surrounding her relationship with her father has left many questioning the impact of Scientology on their family dynamics.

As we delve into the intricate details of this high-profile saga, new revelations and insights continue to emerge, painting a picture that is both captivating and enigmatic.

  • Suri Cruise's post-divorce life prioritized privacy and a quieter existence in New York.
  • Katie Holmes ensured Suri's protection from harmful influences, including Scientology.
  • Speculations and family dynamics hint at Suri's estrangement from Tom Cruise.
  • Suri's current life in New York includes attending school and pursuing interests under Katie Holmes' support.

Suri Cruise's Sudden Disappearance

Surprisingly, Suri Cruise's sudden disappearance from the public eye following her parents' 2012 divorce was a deliberate move to shield her from media attention and provide her with a more normal and private childhood. Katie Holmes, Suri's mother, took proactive steps to protect her daughter from the intrusive paparazzi and ensure her privacy post-divorce. This decision marked a significant shift in Suri's lifestyle, transitioning to a quieter existence away from the spotlight.

It is evident that Katie Holmes prioritized Suri's well-being by keeping her out of the public eye and away from the scrutiny of the media. This choice not only allowed Suri to have a more typical childhood but also safeguarded her from the potentially harmful effects of growing up in the spotlight. By relocating to New York City and leading a more low-key life, Suri was shielded from the relentless attention that often accompanies celebrity status, providing her with a sense of normalcy and protection from unwanted influences, including Scientology.

Speculations and Rumors

analyzing gossip and conjecture

What are the implications of Suri Cruise's reported estrangement from Tom Cruise and its potential connection to Scientology beliefs? The speculated estrangement between Suri and Tom Cruise has sparked rumors about the role of Scientology in their relationship. Some sources suggest that Tom Cruise's strong ties to Scientology may have influenced the alleged distance between him and Suri. It is rumored that Suri has not followed her father into Scientology, leading to potential tensions within the family. Additionally, there are claims that Katie Holmes decided to end her marriage with Tom Cruise to protect Suri from the teachings of Scientology. The absence of Tom Cruise in Suri's life since 2012 has further fueled these speculations. Below is a table summarizing key points regarding Suri, Tom Cruise, and Scientology:

As we continue to delve into the truth behind these speculations, it is essential to approach the topic with an open mind and consider all perspectives.

Initial Media Coverage

Initial media coverage surrounding Suri Cruise's situation post-2012 divorce primarily centered on the custody arrangements, financial agreements, and scrutiny of Tom Cruise's relationship with her in light of Scientology's influence.

Reports extensively covered Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' divorce announcement, shedding light on the custody arrangements and financial agreements concerning Suri. The media attention intensified as questions arose about Tom Cruise's involvement in Suri's life post-divorce, especially within the context of Scientology, a subject that drew significant public interest.

The scrutiny extended to Suri's well-being and future prospects, including discussions about her education, career aspirations, and overall upbringing. Speculations about the reasons behind Tom Cruise's apparent distance from Suri also surfaced, with Scientology's rules often being mentioned as a potential factor.

The initial coverage painted a complex picture of Suri Cruise's post-divorce life, inviting further exploration into the dynamics among Cruise, Holmes, and their daughter.

Tom Cruise's Statement

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In his recent statement, Tom Cruise addressed the assertions regarding Katie Holmes divorcing him to protect Suri from Scientology. While Cruise has acknowledged these claims, there are still lingering questions surrounding the extent of Scientology's influence on his relationship with his daughter.

To shed light on this complex situation, we must consider the following:

  • How has Scientology impacted Tom Cruise's personal life and relationships, particularly with his daughter Suri?
  • What role did Katie Holmes' protective instincts play in the decision to divorce Cruise?
  • In what ways has Cruise's absence from Suri's life since 2012 affected their father-daughter relationship?

Katie Holmes' Perspective

Katie Holmes has emphasized the importance of Suri Cruise's well-being throughout her divorce from Tom Cruise. She has taken steps to ensure that Suri is protected from Scientology's influence, including reportedly seeking sole custody to make decisions regarding her daughter's upbringing. Holmes has clarified that her primary concern is Suri's happiness and stability, and she has made efforts to shield her from any negative impact of the divorce. Despite media speculation, Holmes has maintained her focus on providing a safe and nurturing environment for Suri, prioritizing her daughter's best interests above all else.

It's clear that Katie Holmes is dedicated to safeguarding Suri's welfare and shielding her from any potential harm or external influences that could impact her upbringing.

Katie's Side of Story

Holmes' decision to divorce Tom Cruise stemmed from a deep-seated desire to safeguard Suri from Scientology's influence. As we delve into Katie's perspective, it becomes clear that her primary focus remains on protecting Suri and ensuring her well-being.

The following points provide insight into Katie's motivations:

  • Katie aimed to shield Suri from any potential exposure to Cruise's religious beliefs.
  • Holmes prioritizes creating a normal life for Suri in New York, away from the influence of Scientology.
  • Katie's protective instincts towards Suri have been a driving force behind her decisions post-divorce.

Through these actions, Katie Holmes demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding her daughter's freedom and autonomy.

Suri's Well-being Update

Amidst Katie's unwavering dedication to safeguarding Suri from Scientology's influence, an update on Suri's well-being reveals a focus on nurturing her interests and independence in New York.

Suri Cruise is exploring her passion for studying fashion, with Katie Holmes providing guidance and support throughout the process. Katie actively assists Suri with her college applications, ensuring her daughter's academic pursuits remain separate from Tom Cruise's influence.

Suri's upbringing in New York under Katie's care emphasizes normalcy and independence, allowing her to flourish in an environment that prioritizes her individuality.

Katie's protective nature towards Suri reflects her commitment to nurturing her daughter's well-being and ensuring she's the freedom to pursue her passions without external pressures.

Media Misrepresentation Clarified

Addressing misconceptions surrounding her daughter Suri Cruise's life, Katie Holmes has publicly clarified the truth and emphasized the importance of protecting Suri's privacy. Despite tabloid rumors, Suri is thriving and leading a normal, happy life, shielded from undue media scrutiny.

Holmes has taken legal action against false narratives to safeguard Suri's well-being and reputation. The misrepresentation surrounding Suri's life has prompted Holmes to speak out and set the record straight, ensuring that her daughter's privacy is respected and that the truth prevails.

Through her actions, Holmes is actively working to counter media misrepresentation and preserve a sense of normalcy for Suri amidst the public spotlight.

Family Dynamics Unveiled

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Upon unraveling the intricate tapestry of family dynamics surrounding Suri Cruise, intriguing revelations come to light about the impact of Scientology on her relationships post-divorce. How has Scientology influenced the bond between Suri, Tom Cruise, and Katie Holmes? Let's delve into this complex web of connections to uncover the truth.

The protective measures taken by Katie Holmes to shield Suri from Scientology during her divorce from Tom Cruise reflect a mother's commitment to her child's well-being. However, Tom Cruise's deep-rooted ties to Scientology played a significant role in the estrangement between father and daughter post-divorce. Scientology's strict regulations, which prohibited Cruise from associating with non-Scientologists like Holmes and Suri, further strained their already fractured relationships. The labeling of Katie Holmes as a suppressive person by Scientology not only affected her bond with Cruise but also impacted Suri's family dynamics. Scientology's rules hindered Cruise's ability to maintain a close relationship with Suri, highlighting the complexities that arise when personal beliefs clash within a family unit.

Suri's Whereabouts Revealed

suri cruise s secret location

After uncovering the impact of Scientology on the relationships within Suri Cruise's family post-divorce, the focus now shifts to revealing Suri's current whereabouts. We delved into the facts and discovered that Suri Cruise is currently based in the vibrant city of New York.

Here are three key points shedding light on Suri's whereabouts:

  • Location: Suri is thriving in the bustling atmosphere of New York City, where she immerses herself in its cultural diversity and endless opportunities.
  • Education: She attends an elite private school in Manhattan, where she's receiving a top-tier education that aligns with her aspirations and talents.
  • Future Plans: Suri is exploring the exciting possibility of studying fashion in New York, showcasing her creativity and passion for the industry.

As Suri Cruise continues to carve her path in the world, supported by her mother Katie Holmes, it's evident that she's embracing her independence and pursuing her dreams with determination.

Insights From Close Sources

analyzing personal perspectives closely

Delving into insights from close sources, we uncover the truth behind the strained relationship between Tom Cruise and his daughter Suri, influenced by Scientology's rules and practices. It's evident that Scientology's impact on family dynamics has been a significant factor in the separation between Tom and Suri. The regulations set forth by Scientology have played a crucial role in shaping the way Tom Cruise interacts with his daughter, leading to their estrangement.

Sources close to the situation reveal specific details that highlight how Scientology's beliefs have affected the bond between Tom and Suri. The stringent guidelines and expectations imposed by Scientology have created barriers in their relationship, making it challenging for them to maintain a close connection. By understanding the influence of Scientology on Tom Cruise's decisions regarding Suri, we gain valuable insights into the complexities of their familial dynamics and the challenges they face due to their differing beliefs.

Impact on Suri's Life

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Exploring the impact that Suri Cruise's upbringing has had on her life sheds light on the unique challenges she faces outside the realm of Scientology's influence. How has her life been affected by the protective measures taken by her mother, Katie Holmes, post-divorce? Here are three key points to consider:

  • Protection from Scientology : Shielded from the teachings of Scientology, Suri has the opportunity to form her own beliefs and values without external influence. How will this impact her worldview and choices in the future?
  • Studying Fashion in New York : Katie Holmes' overprotective nature has led her to envision a future for Suri studying fashion in New York. How will this career path shape Suri's identity and aspirations?
  • Challenges of Overprotection : While protection is essential, being overprotective can also pose challenges in developing independence and resilience. How will Suri navigate these dynamics as she grows older and asserts her own desires and ambitions?

Public Reaction and Support

public opinion and support

Amid the mixed public reaction to Tom Cruise's estrangement from Suri Cruise, a notable wave of support has emerged for Katie Holmes in her dedication to safeguarding Suri from Scientology and ensuring her welfare. People have expressed concern for Suri's emotional well-being and future, given her strained relationship with her father.

The public's reaction to Tom being estranged from Suri has been varied, with some criticizing his lack of involvement in his daughter's life. However, the outpouring of support for Katie Holmes indicates a strong backing for her decisions regarding Suri's upbringing. Fans and observers have taken to social media to share positive comments about Suri and commend Katie's efforts to shield her from potential Scientology influences.

The media scrutiny surrounding Suri's life has sparked discussions about the complexities of her situation and the challenges she may face growing up estranged from her father. The public's interest in Suri's well-being reflects a broader concern for children in similar circumstances.

Addressing the Scientology Connection

analyzing scientology s influence reach

Navigating the complexities of the Scientology connection in Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' divorce reveals significant challenges in maintaining familial relationships. How did Scientology impact Cruise, Holmes, and Suri during this tumultuous time?

  • Scientology's Influence: How did Scientology's rules and regulations affect Tom Cruise's ability to maintain a close relationship with his daughter Suri post-divorce?
  • Protective Measures: What steps did Katie Holmes take to shield Suri from Scientology teachings during her divorce from Tom Cruise, and how did this impact their dynamic?
  • Suppressive Person Classification: How did the Church of Scientology labeling Katie Holmes as a suppressive person hinder Cruise's connection with Suri, and what implications did this have on their family unit?

Unraveling the intricate web of Scientology's role in the Cruise-Holmes divorce sheds light on the challenges faced by families navigating differing beliefs and practices. The impact of Scientology on familial relationships raises thought-provoking questions about personal freedom, belief systems, and the complexities of maintaining connections amidst religious differences.

Legal Implications

legal ramifications of text

Katie Holmes filed for divorce in New York to secure custody of Suri after splitting from Tom Cruise. The legal ramifications of this decision included jurisdictional issues and implications for the custody arrangement. The prenuptial agreement, governed by California law, played a significant role in the divorce proceedings between Tom and Katie. It determined how assets would be divided and influenced the financial aspects of the settlement. Additionally, the divorce settlement included provisions about Scientology and financial support, which were designed to safeguard Suri's well-being and privacy. These provisions aimed to address concerns about the influence of Scientology on Suri and ensure her financial security. Ultimately, the legal decisions made throughout the divorce process were intended to protect Suri's best interests and provide a stable environment for her upbringing.

In summary:

Katie Holmes filed for divorce in New York to secure custody of Suri.

The prenuptial agreement governed by California law impacted the divorce proceedings.

The divorce settlement included provisions about Scientology and financial support to safeguard Suri's well-being and privacy.

Custody Battle Aftermath

With the custody battle aftermath settled, the legal implications of Katie Holmes being granted sole custody of Suri Cruise following her divorce from Tom Cruise in 2012 have sparked discussions on parental rights and responsibilities.

  • How does the Scientology influence factor impact the custody arrangement between Tom and Katie?
  • What specific responsibilities come with being granted sole custody of a child in a high-profile case like this one?
  • Are there any long-term effects on Suri's upbringing due to the restrictions on Scientology-related activities in the custody agreement?

These questions highlight the complexities surrounding the aftermath of the custody battle and the unique challenges faced by all parties involved.

Privacy Rights Protected

After the custody battle aftermath, the legal implications surrounding Suri Cruise's privacy rights, especially in relation to Scientology influences, have become a focal point of discussion. Katie Holmes took significant steps to ensure Suri's privacy rights were protected during the divorce proceedings, including restrictions on Scientology discussions in the custody agreement.

Shielding Suri from Scientology-related activities was a crucial aspect of the settlement terms, prioritizing her privacy and well-being. Katie's protective measures extended to always having nannies and bodyguards accompany Suri when visiting Tom Cruise. The custody agreement also includes provisions to gradually ease restrictions on discussing Scientology with Suri as she matures, respecting her evolving right to privacy.

These legal actions underscore Katie Holmes' dedication to safeguarding her daughter from any unwanted influences.

Reunion Possibilities

exploring reunion opportunities together

Exploring the potential for a reunion between Tom Cruise and Suri amidst current circumstances raises questions about the future dynamics of their relationship. Considering their past estrangement and the lack of public statements or actions indicating a change in this status quo, the possibility of a reunion remains uncertain.

Here are some key points to consider:

  • Independent Paths : Suri's focus on her education and potential career in fashion suggests she's actively shaping her future apart from her father's influence.
  • Custodial Arrangements : Katie Holmes continues to be the primary caregiver for Suri, maintaining the status quo of their family dynamic without any reported changes.
  • Lack of Pursuit : Both Tom Cruise and Suri haven't shown any active pursuit or interest in reuniting, indicating that the current estrangement may persist for the foreseeable future.

As the situation stands, while the public may speculate on the possibility of a reunion, the factual landscape suggests that any potential reconciliation between Tom Cruise and Suri isn't imminent.

Lessons Learned

reflection on life s challenges

What lessons can be gleaned from the challenges faced by Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, and Suri Cruise in navigating the complexities of family dynamics and religious influences?

The case of Suri Cruise highlights the importance of protecting children from potentially harmful religious teachings, as seen in Katie Holmes' efforts to shield her from Scientology during her divorce from Tom Cruise. This situation underscores the significance of prioritizing a child's well-being and autonomy over adherence to strict religious rules.

Furthermore, the estrangement between Tom Cruise and Suri post-divorce serves as a cautionary tale about the potential consequences of allowing religious beliefs to overshadow familial relationships. The legal restrictions on Scientology discussions with Suri set a precedent for the boundaries that should be established to safeguard children from undue influence.

Ultimately, Suri's upbringing and future plans are intricately linked to the delicate balance between parental rights, religious freedoms, and the paramount goal of ensuring a child's emotional and psychological welfare.

Does Tom Cruise Ever Talk to Suri?

Do we know if Tom Cruise ever talks to Suri? It's unclear amid claims of limited contact. Cruise asserts daily calls despite physical distance. Suggestions of Scientology influence on estrangement persist. The truth remains elusive.

Does Tom Still Talk to Suri?

Do Tom and Suri still talk? We wonder about their current communication. Despite their past estrangement and Scientology's influence, we hope they have found a way to connect and maintain a relationship.

Who Did Katie Holmes Have a Child With?

We had a child with Tom Cruise, Suri Cruise. Born in April 2006 during our marriage to Tom, Suri is our only child. The media spotlight on our high-profile relationship brought significant attention to Suri's birth.

What Does Suri Cruise Do for a Living?

Do we know what Suri Cruise does for a living? She's currently a student exploring fashion studies in New York. Her college journey is overseen by her mother, Katie Holmes. Suri's career path is independent of her father, Tom Cruise.

In the saga of Suri Cruise's disappearance, speculations swirl and rumors rage. Despite Tom Cruise's statement and Katie Holmes' perspective, the Scientology connection looms large.

Legal implications and reunion possibilities remain uncertain. Lessons learned from this complex family dynamic are still unfolding.

The truth about what happened to Suri Cruise may be shrouded in mystery, but one thing is clear – the bond between mother and daughter is unbreakable.

cruise control average price

Claire, a creative soul with an unquenchable thirst for storytelling, is an integral part of the Voyager Info team. As a dedicated writer, she weaves captivating narratives that transport readers to enchanting cruise destinations and beyond.

Claire’s love affair with writing began at an early age when she discovered the magic of words and their ability to craft worlds and emotions. Her innate curiosity led her to explore various literary genres, but it was travel writing that truly captured her heart. Drawing inspiration from her own globetrotting adventures and encounters with diverse cultures, Claire embarked on a journey to become a travel writer par excellence.

What Happens if Someone Dies on a Cruise Ship: Procedures and Protocols

Navigate the intricate procedures and protocols when someone dies on a cruise ship, revealing the complex steps that follow in this mysterious situation.

cruise ship death protocol

Have you ever been curious about the processes and guidelines that are followed when someone passes away on a cruise ship?

The reality of these situations can be complex and sensitive, involving various steps that need to be followed meticulously. From notifying the authorities and securing the scene to the investigation by the cruise line and potential involvement of federal authorities, the process is intricate and requires a delicate approach.

Understanding these protocols is crucial, and in the following discussion, we will shed light on the important aspects of what transpires in such challenging circumstances.

  • Immediate notification to authorities and family members.
  • Professional handling and preservation of the scene.
  • Coordination for repatriation logistics with consulate involvement.
  • Cruise line investigations to determine cause of death and liability.

Notification of Authorities and Family

Upon the discovery of a passenger's death on a cruise ship, immediate notification to the relevant authorities is a crucial step in the established procedures and protocols. This notification serves to initiate the necessary legal and investigative processes.

Onboard medical personnel first examine the deceased passenger's body to determine the cause of death before promptly informing the relevant port authorities. Simultaneously, family members are informed by the cruise line or fellow passengers using emergency contact details. This swift notification ensures that families are promptly made aware of the situation, allowing them to begin making necessary arrangements and decisions.

Cruise lines have meticulously devised procedures to handle the notification process with sensitivity and efficiency, recognizing the importance of keeping families informed during such distressing circumstances. By promptly notifying both the authorities and the family, cruise lines demonstrate their commitment to upholding transparency and respect for all individuals involved in the unfortunate event of a passenger's death at sea.

Securing and Preserving the Scene

securing and documenting evidence

Implementing stringent security measures and meticulous documentation protocols are imperative for cruise ship staff when securing and preserving the scene of a passenger's death to ensure the integrity of the investigation process. Confidentiality, scene preservation, security measures, professional protocols, and investigations play crucial roles in this phase. The table below outlines key actions taken during the scene securing and preservation process:

Adhering to professional protocols ensures that the scene is handled with care and sensitivity, maintaining the necessary chain of custody for any future investigations. Security measures are in place to prevent any tampering or disturbance of the area until the investigation procedures are completed.

Medical Examination and Documentation

Our team conducts a thorough medical examination and meticulously documents all findings following a passenger's death on a cruise ship.

The ship's medical staff, equipped to handle such situations, carefully examines the deceased individual to determine the cause of death. This medical examination is crucial as it helps in understanding the circumstances surrounding the passenger's demise.

The ship's medical personnel prepare detailed documentation, including any known cause of death, which is then recorded in the ship's official records. These records are essential for the cruise line's investigation into the incident.

The cause of death, if identified, is documented with precision and may be shared with relevant authorities as part of the investigative process.

The meticulous medical examination and documentation conducted by the ship's medical staff play a vital role in ensuring transparency and accuracy in handling a passenger's death on a cruise ship.

Transfer of the Deceased to Morgue

proper handling of bodies

Upon the passing of a passenger, the ship's crew orchestrates the transfer to the onboard morgue, strategically situated on the lowest deck.

The morgue facilities, integral to the vessel's emergency response strategy, can accommodate 2-3 bodies on smaller ships and up to 10 on larger ones.

This process is executed with utmost care and respect, aligning with established protocols for handling the deceased on a cruise ship.

Morgue Logistics Onboard

When transferring deceased passengers to the morgue onboard a cruise ship, meticulous adherence to established protocols ensures efficient and discreet handling along the designated ship-wide corridor, known as the I-95. The morgue facilities are crucial for maintaining the dignity and respect of the deceased, as well as ensuring operational efficiency.

Here are key points regarding morgue logistics onboard:

  • Cruise ships must have morgue facilities equipped with refrigeration for storing deceased passengers.
  • The morgue's storage capacity varies, accommodating 2-3 bodies on smaller ships and up to 10 bodies on larger vessels.
  • Deceased passengers are discreetly transferred to the morgue via the I-95 corridor, where they're stored until reaching the next port of call or the ship's origin.

Handling Family Arrangements

How does the cruise line handle the transfer of deceased passengers to the ship's morgue for temporary storage until the next port of call?

The cruise line ensures that the transfer of the deceased is done with sensitivity and respect for the family's emotional needs. Prompt notification is given to family members, who are then responsible for making arrangements for the repatriation of the deceased's remains upon reaching the next port.

Coordination between the cruise line and the family is vital for the smooth handling of the transfer to the morgue and subsequent repatriation process. During this challenging time, the cruise line aims to support the family in making necessary family arrangements while understanding the importance of handling the situation with the utmost care and consideration for their emotional well-being.

Communication With Next of Kin

effective family notification process

In the process of handling a death on a cruise ship, the communication with the next of kin is a crucial aspect that requires prompt and sensitive attention. Cruise lines follow specific procedures to ensure that family members are informed in a compassionate and timely manner:

  • Emergency Contact Details : Cruise lines notify the next of kin of a deceased passenger using the emergency contact information provided during the booking process. This information is vital for reaching out to family members promptly.
  • Onboard Assistance : Trained personnel or ministers may be available on the cruise ship to assist in notifying the family of the deceased. This support can help in delivering the news with the necessary care and consideration.
  • Support from Fellow Passengers and Crew : Fellow passengers or crew members onboard may also play a role in informing the family members of the deceased back home. Their assistance can contribute to ensuring that the communication is handled with sensitivity and empathy.

Effective communication with the next of kin isn't only a procedural requirement but a fundamental aspect of addressing the emotional impact of a passenger's death while onboard.

Coordination for Repatriation

global repatriation coordination effort

We'll address the coordination required for repatriation logistics, which involves intricate planning and communication with consulates.

The process includes liaising with specialized transport companies and funeral directors to ensure the deceased passenger's body is transported efficiently.

Consulate support is essential for navigating the necessary paperwork and language translation services to facilitate the repatriation process smoothly.

Repatriation Logistics Coordination

To ensure the efficient and compliant repatriation of deceased passengers, coordination efforts involve liaising with cruise staff, local authorities, and funeral providers at the initial harbor. The logistics of repatriation require meticulous planning and execution to meet legal requirements and respect the wishes of the deceased and their family.

Here are key points to consider in repatriation logistics coordination:

  • Communication : Establish clear lines of communication between all parties involved to streamline the repatriation process.
  • Logistical Support : Coordinate with specialized transport companies or funeral directors to manage the transportation of the deceased passenger's body.
  • Compliance : Ensure strict adherence to international travel laws and regulations to facilitate the smooth repatriation of the deceased.

Consulate Communication Arrangements

Facilitating the repatriation process, consulates play a pivotal role in coordinating with local authorities to ensure compliance with international and local regulations concerning the transportation of deceased passengers' remains.

Consulates assist in arranging the necessary repatriation arrangements for the deceased passenger, including preparing and transporting their remains back to their home country. They work closely with local authorities to navigate the specific regulations of each country involved, ensuring all paperwork and communication with relevant parties are handled efficiently.

U.S. consulates, for example, provide valuable support in managing the legal aspects of repatriation, such as verifying the cause of death and adhering to international and local laws throughout the process. Consular offices serve as essential liaisons in the repatriation logistics, guaranteeing a smooth and lawful return of the deceased individual.

Legal Procedures and Documentation

compliance with legal requirements

How can hiring a cruise ship accident lawyer assist in navigating the legal procedures and documentation following a death on a cruise ship? When a tragic incident occurs on a cruise ship, legal assistance becomes crucial in ensuring that the necessary steps are taken to protect the rights of the affected individuals. Here are three key ways in which a lawyer specializing in cruise ship accidents can be instrumental in handling the legal aspects after a death at sea:

  • Expert Guidance : A cruise ship accident lawyer possesses the expertise to guide families through the complex legal procedures involved in obtaining the death certificate and other necessary documentation following a passenger's demise.
  • Evidence Collection : These lawyers can help gather pertinent evidence, such as photos or videos from the deceased's cell phone, which could be vital in legal investigations related to the incident.
  • Claim Filing : Timely filing of claims against the cruise line is crucial, and a legal professional can ensure that this process is completed within the legal deadline, safeguarding the rights of the deceased passenger's family.

Investigation by Cruise Line

cruise line misconduct inquiry

Our examination of the investigation by cruise lines into deaths onboard reveals critical aspects that demand scrutiny.

The onboard incident assessment, cooperation with authorities, and communication with the family represent pivotal points in understanding the cruise line's response to a passenger's death.

Through these lenses, we can evaluate the thoroughness, transparency, and alignment of the cruise line's internal investigation with external inquiries.

Onboard Incident Assessment

Upon the occurrence of an onboard incident, the cruise line promptly initiates an investigation to determine the cause of death, a process primarily aimed at safeguarding its own interests. This investigation delves into the medical care provided, potential liability concerns, and any suspicious circumstances surrounding the incident.

The cruise line's inquiry may differ from federal investigations, with initial findings not always aligning. The investigative process may be triggered by reports from passengers or family members flagging concerning details. It's crucial to note that the cruise line might withhold information that could indicate responsibility in the passenger's death.

These investigations are conducted autonomously, especially when suspicious circumstances are reported, setting them apart from federal inquiries.

Cooperation With Authorities

In conducting its investigation into a passenger's death, the cruise line focuses on protecting its interests and reputation. This process involves close cooperation with authorities, especially in cases where federal investigations are initiated due to suspicions of foul play.

While the cruise line's initial findings aim to protect its interests, federal authorities may uncover different information that could lead to further scrutiny. In instances where suspicious circumstances surround a passenger's death, such as potential criminal activities, the FBI may intervene to conduct separate investigations.

These investigations by authorities serve the purpose of determining liability and any necessary legal actions, which may impact the cruise line's handling of the situation and its potential outcomes.

Communication With Family

When investigating a passenger's death on a cruise ship, the cruise line prioritizes promptly notifying the family using designated emergency contact details.

Key Points:

  • Specially trained individuals or ministers may assist in informing the deceased's family about the unfortunate incident.
  • Crew members are available to support and provide assistance to family members during this challenging time.
  • Fellow passengers may also play a role in informing the family members at home about the incident onboard.

Ensuring swift and compassionate communication with the family is crucial for cruise lines in providing the necessary support and assistance following a passenger's death. This process involves sensitivity and professionalism to handle the situation with care and respect for all involved parties.

Potential Involvement of Federal Authorities

federal authorities investigating website

Federal authorities play a pivotal role in investigating suspicious deaths on cruise ships, particularly when concerns of foul play arise. The FBI, in particular, takes charge in cases of suspicious deaths on U.S. cruises, focusing on determining if foul play was involved. These investigations are conducted separately for criminal and civil purposes, ensuring a comprehensive inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the death.

Recent incidents have highlighted the FBI's involvement in cases where deaths raise suspicions, underscoring the importance of a thorough examination. If suspicious circumstances are reported regarding a death on a cruise ship, federal authorities may be called upon to initiate investigations. This could be triggered by reports from passengers or family members, prompting federal agencies to delve into the matter.

The presence of federal authorities in such situations adds a layer of expertise and resources to ensure that any potential foul play is thoroughly investigated.

Support Services for Passengers and Crew

passenger and crew assistance

Following the investigation led by federal authorities into suspicious deaths on cruise ships, the focus shifts to the critical support services provided for passengers and crew members in such distressing circumstances.

Support Services for Passengers and Crew:

  • Trained employees offer emotional and logistical support, including assistance with repatriating the deceased, contacting funeral homes, making travel arrangements, dealing with insurance, and coordinating with local authorities.
  • Guest Care Team members provide additional services such as free Internet and phone use, transportation to hotels, and post-cruise follow-up support for those affected by an onboard death.
  • Cruise lines have established procedures to manage passenger and crew deaths promptly, ensuring an organized response to such incidents. Support services extend to crew members, offering help with repatriation, funeral arrangements, and emotional support during challenging times. These services aim to provide comfort and assistance to individuals coping with the loss of a loved one while navigating complex logistical and emotional challenges.

Follow-Up and Aftercare Services

supporting recovery through care

In the provision of follow-up and aftercare services following a death on a cruise ship, families are offered comprehensive support and assistance in handling the necessary arrangements. Cruise lines understand the emotional and logistical challenges that arise in such situations and aim to alleviate the burden on the passengers' families. The Guest Care Team members are trained to provide support in various aspects, including contacting funeral homes, making travel arrangements, and addressing insurance matters. This assistance extends to helping with repatriating the deceased passenger and coordinating with local authorities to ensure a smooth process.

To illustrate the range of services provided, the table below outlines the post-cruise follow-up and aftercare services offered to the passengers' families:

What Happens When People Die on Cruises?

When people die on cruises, the cruise ship's morgue temporarily holds the deceased. Families must manage repatriation. Investigations into the cause of death are conducted. If suspicions arise, federal authorities may intervene. Specific protocols are followed.

Do Cruise Ships Have a Morgue on Board?

Yes, cruise ships have a morgue onboard. The size varies; smaller ships store 2-3 bodies, while larger ones can accommodate up to 10. This ensures proper handling until disembarkation. The morgue is typically located on the lowest deck for accessibility.

What Is the Code for Death on a Cruise Ship?

When a death occurs on a cruise ship, the discreet code known as 'Operation Rising Star' is utilized. This code is part of emergency protocols, aiding in a sensitive and efficient response. It ensures prompt organization in such situations.

What Happens if You Need Emergency Surgery on a Cruise Ship?

In case of an emergency surgery on a cruise ship, our medical team swiftly assesses the situation. Stabilization and treatment occur onboard, ensuring safety. Evacuation is considered if needed. Protocols guide our actions, guaranteeing prompt and effective care.

In conclusion, the procedures and protocols in place for handling a passenger's death on a cruise ship are meticulously executed to ensure the utmost care and respect for the deceased and their loved ones.

Through a thorough investigation process and coordination with relevant authorities, the cruise line strives to provide support and assistance to all parties involved.

It's a complex and delicate process, but necessary in upholding the standards of safety and accountability in the maritime industry.

What Happens if There Is a Hurricane During a Cruise: Safety Measures

Buckle up for a journey through the safety protocols cruise lines follow when facing a hurricane, ensuring every passenger's well-being.

cruise safety during hurricanes

Regarding navigating a cruise during a hurricane, it’s universally acknowledged that ‘it’s better to prevent than to remedy.’

But what happens if the unexpected occurs? Cruise lines have a plethora of safety measures in place to ensure the well-being of passengers and crew. From route adjustments to real-time updates, the strategies employed during such events are vital.

Let's explore the protocols that dictate the actions taken to safeguard everyone on board should a hurricane loom on the horizon.

  • Dedicated meteorologists monitor real-time weather to ensure passenger safety.
  • Crew follows strict safety protocols, including evacuation procedures and securing the ship.
  • Emergency response procedures and drills prepare crew for swift reactions during hurricanes.
  • Sheltering in place strategies and designated safe areas maintain stability for passengers.

Cruise Lines' Hurricane Preparedness

During a cruise, cruise lines ensure their hurricane preparedness by deploying dedicated meteorologists equipped with advanced technology for real-time weather monitoring and informed decision-making. These meteorologists play a critical role in tracking storms using computers, satellites, radars, and GMDSS to make accurate predictions and guide the ship safely.

Communication channels are vital during these times, and captains relay weather updates to passengers through public address systems, written correspondence, TV broadcasts, and social media platforms. Chief meteorologists go the extra mile by recording forecast videos for staterooms, ensuring guests stay informed.

Social media also serves as a quick and efficient means of providing updates and maintaining guest connection throughout the voyage. Passengers are encouraged to follow the meteorologist on Twitter for the latest weather news, allowing for direct access to real-time updates and fostering a sense of security and preparedness among guests.

Safety Protocols for Passengers

travel guidelines for passengers

We'll now address crucial aspects of passenger safety during hurricanes on a cruise: evacuation procedures and emergency drill requirements.

It's imperative that passengers familiarize themselves with evacuation routes and assembly points in case of an emergency.

Following these protocols diligently ensures the safety and well-being of everyone on board.

Evacuation Procedures

Passengers on a cruise ship are provided with detailed evacuation procedures to ensure their safety in the event of a hurricane. During emergencies, passengers must remain calm and comply with crew instructions. Evacuation drills, conducted at the start of the cruise, familiarize passengers with emergency protocols.

Lifeboats and life rafts are available for safe evacuation if necessary. Crew members undergo rigorous training to effectively guide and assist passengers during evacuations. This ensures the orderly and safe evacuation of all individuals onboard.

In the event of a hurricane, these evacuation plans are crucial for passenger safety. Cooperation with crew assistance is essential for a successful evacuation and the well-being of everyone on the cruise ship.

Emergency Drill Requirements

To ensure passenger safety and compliance with maritime regulations, all individuals aboard a cruise ship are required to participate in emergency drills at the commencement of the voyage. During these drills, passengers must engage in various activities:

  • Lifeboat drills: Passengers learn how to board lifeboats safely.
  • Muster station assignments: Each passenger is designated a specific muster station for assembly.
  • Emergency signal recognition: Participants are educated on identifying and understanding emergency signals.
  • Life jackets and evacuation routes: Crew members demonstrate the proper use of life jackets and provide instructions on evacuation routes.

These drills are vital for ensuring that passengers are well-prepared in case of an emergency, enabling a swift and organized response to potential threats.

Crew Responsibilities During Hurricanes

As crew members, we execute safety protocols and emergency response procedures meticulously during hurricanes. Our responsibilities involve securing the ship, aiding passengers, and maintaining constant communication with the captain.

Furthermore, we stay informed about weather updates and collaborate closely with the captain to ensure the safety and well-being of all passengers onboard.

Crew Safety Protocols

During hurricanes at sea, crew members diligently execute safety protocols, ensuring the ship's security and passengers' well-being through coordinated actions and adherence to established procedures.

  • Crew members secure the ship by fastening all loose items, closing windows and doors, and checking emergency equipment.
  • They assist passengers by providing guidance, ensuring they're in safe areas, and addressing any concerns promptly.
  • Monitoring weather updates is crucial for crew members to anticipate changes, adjust plans, and keep everyone informed.
  • Following the captain's instructions is vital, as the crew must act promptly and effectively to implement emergency plans and minimize risks during inclement weather.

Emergency Response Procedures

When faced with hurricanes while at sea, crew members follow specific emergency response procedures to ensure the safety of passengers and the ship. Crew members are extensively trained for this scenario, with responsibilities that include securing the ship, monitoring weather updates, and ensuring passenger safety. Effective communication with passengers, providing timely updates, and enforcing safety protocols are also crucial. Rigorous emergency drills and training sessions prepare crew members to swiftly respond to hurricane situations. Coordination among the crew is vital for implementing evacuation plans, managing onboard resources, and maintaining calm among passengers. Adherence to these procedures ensures a proactive approach to safeguarding both passengers and the vessel during turbulent weather conditions.

Ensuring the safety of passengers and the ship during hurricanes requires crew members to be well-prepared and coordinated in their response efforts. From securing the ship to communicating effectively with passengers, crew members play a critical role in maintaining safety. Rigorous training and drills equip them to handle emergencies swiftly and efficiently. Coordination among the crew is essential for implementing evacuation plans, managing resources onboard, and keeping passengers calm. By following these procedures, crew members take a proactive approach to safeguarding all individuals on board during challenging weather conditions.

Emergency Communication Procedures

emergency communication protocol established

Emergency updates regarding hurricane safety measures on a cruise are relayed to passengers through various communication channels onboard, ensuring timely and clear dissemination of critical information.

  • Captains communicate emergency updates using public address systems, written correspondence, TV screens, and social media platforms.
  • Passengers receive pre-sailing email notifications for real-time updates on weather conditions and emergency procedures.
  • Cruise lines have specific protocols for informing passengers about hurricane policies and changes in itinerary due to safety concerns.
  • Emergency communication channels are established onboard to keep guests informed about safety measures and any potential impacts of the hurricane.

These measures ensure that passengers are well-informed and prepared for any safety concerns that may arise during the cruise. By utilizing multiple communication platforms and providing real-time updates, cruise lines prioritize the safety and well-being of their guests in the event of a hurricane.

Evacuation Plans and Drills

emergency preparedness and training

Utilizing designated assembly stations and lifeboats, cruise ships conduct mandatory evacuation drills to prepare passengers for orderly responses in emergency situations. These drills are integral to ensuring passenger safety and emergency preparedness. Crew members undergo rigorous training to assist passengers during evacuations and guarantee adherence to safety procedures. Communication systems play a vital role in relaying evacuation instructions effectively, utilizing multiple languages to reach all individuals on board.

During evacuation drills, passengers are directed to their assigned assembly stations where crew members provide instructions on donning life jackets and boarding lifeboats. The orderly process practiced during these drills ensures a swift and organized response in the event of a hurricane or other emergencies. By familiarizing passengers with evacuation procedures beforehand, cruise ships aim to mitigate panic and confusion, promoting a safe evacuation for all individuals on board.

These evacuation plans and drills are fundamental components of cruise ship safety protocols, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and cooperation in ensuring a secure environment for all passengers.

Sheltering in Place Strategies

surviving lockdown with resilience

To ensure passenger safety during hurricanes, cruise ships provide designated safe areas where passengers are instructed to shelter in place, emphasizing the importance of remaining in cabins or assigned locations for protection.

When sheltering in place during rough weather conditions, the following strategies are implemented:

  • Secure Loose Objects: Crew members secure all loose objects to prevent potential hazards during the storm.
  • Close Watertight Doors: Watertight doors are closed to enhance the ship's structural integrity and prevent water ingress.
  • Utilize Communication Systems: Communication systems are used to relay important information to passengers regarding the storm's progress and safety protocols.
  • Leverage Stability Features: Cruise ships are equipped with stability features to minimize movement and ensure a stable environment for passengers.

Importance of Travel Insurance

travel insurance for protection

Securing travel insurance before embarking on a cruise is essential for mitigating unforeseen costs and protecting against potential financial losses. Travel insurance provides coverage for expenses and losses that may not be reimbursed by the cruise line. In the event of a hurricane or other unexpected events during the cruise, having travel insurance can offer peace of mind and financial protection.

Policies typically include reimbursement for missed excursions, flight delays, and other disruptions caused by unforeseen circumstances like hurricanes. Faye stands out as a recommended insurance carrier for cruise travel, offering comprehensive coverage to absorb costs during peak travel times and safeguard pre-cruise travel components. By investing in travel insurance, passengers can navigate unexpected events with greater ease and confidence, knowing that they've a safety net in place.

Passenger Compensation Policies

passenger rights and compensation

Passengers on cruises are provided with specific compensation policies by cruise lines in the event of hurricanes, which may include future cruise credits or pro-rata refunds. When cruising during hurricane season, being aware of these policies is crucial. Here are key points to understand Royal Caribbean International's compensation policies:

  • Extensions and Itinerary Changes : In case your itinerary is affected by a hurricane, Royal Caribbean may offer extensions or changes with complimentary onboard extras.
  • Booking Modifications : Passengers can directly contact Royal Caribbean or their travel agents for booking alterations or cancellations if needed.
  • Pre-Sail Refunds : Full or partial refunds may be possible before the sailing date due to weather concerns.
  • Reimbursement Options : Compensation for missing ports or itinerary changes can come in the form of onboard credits, vouchers, or refunds.

Understanding these policies can provide peace of mind when planning a cruise during hurricane season. Remember to review travel insurance policies for additional coverage in such situations.

Post-Hurricane Recovery and Resumption

post hurricane resilience and progress

Upon assessing port conditions and ensuring passenger safety, cruise lines promptly initiate post-hurricane recovery and resumption protocols to restore normal ship operations.

Crew members diligently work to address any damage caused by the hurricane, focusing on repairs to critical systems to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers.

Itinerary adjustments are made as needed to steer clear of areas still affected by the hurricane, prioritizing passenger safety above all else. Passengers are kept informed of any changes to the schedule and are provided with any necessary assistance during the recovery process.

Cruise lines place a high emphasis on passenger well-being, ensuring that all measures are taken to swiftly return the ship to its normal operations.

Throughout this period, crew members remain dedicated to their roles, working tirelessly to bring the ship back to full functionality and providing the necessary support to passengers as they navigate through the post-hurricane recovery phase.

What Do Cruises Do if There Is a Hurricane?

If there's a hurricane during a cruise, we change routes and update passengers through various channels. Options like continuing, canceling, or modifying plans are given. Cruise lines have policies for compensation, ensuring safety and flexibility.

Is It Safe to Take a Cruise During Hurricane Season?

During hurricane season, we prioritize passenger safety on cruises by monitoring weather conditions closely. Our advanced technology allows us to navigate away from storms swiftly. Rest assured, we are equipped to provide a smooth sailing experience.

What Happens if There's a Storm While You're on a Cruise?

If there's a storm while on a cruise, the captain and crew will keep us informed and adjust the route to ensure safety. We'll follow safety protocols and instructions. Our well-being is the top priority.

What if There Is an Emergency on a Cruise?

In case of an emergency on a cruise, trained crew members are available 24/7 to respond promptly. Passengers are briefed on safety procedures during the mandatory drill. Medical facilities onboard can handle basic needs.

In conclusion, cruise lines have extensive safety measures in place to ensure passenger well-being during hurricanes. From changing routes to providing real-time updates, crew members are trained to handle emergencies efficiently. Passengers are kept informed of policy changes and given options for their safety. With thorough planning and communication, cruise lines prioritize passenger safety above all else.

But, have you ever wondered how you'd fare on a cruise during a hurricane?

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Aftermarket Cruise Control Cost [Multiple Models]

Scott Brown-avatar

Maybe you bought your car or truck without cruise control, and now you think you would like to have one added, but you are not sure how much an aftermarket cruise control will cost. 

Purchasing and installing an aftermarket cruise control cost will essentially be dependent upon the vehicle you are trying to install the system on and its requirements.

You should expect to pay a minimum of $190 to $375 for a non-adaptive aftermarket cruise control unit plus labor. Labor to install the unit can be as low as $55 to $70 and up to $250  to $300.

If you buy an adaptive cruise control, you can expect up to $2500 for an aftermarket cruise system depending on what benefits you want.  

These aftermarket cruise systems are off Amazon and are plain aftermarket cruise systems that are not adaptive, typically much higher as described below. 

Cruise controls like everything else have evolved and gotten much better over time. Now, most vehicles can come with adaptive cruise control.

What is adaptive cruise control? How does it work, and why would you want to pay more than regular aftermarket cruise control, which costs much less?

Cruise Control

When cruise control first came out, it allowed you to set your speed and remain at a constant speed without having to keep your foot on the gas pedal all the time so that you could rest your leg.

It also helped people who had trouble keeping their speed within limits from constantly getting tickets. 

It was entirely up to the driver to keep a safe distance from other cars and know when to adjust his speed. Drivers also had to resume the speed after slowing down manually. 

Adaptive Cruise Control

They designed adaptive cruise control to help vehicles on cruise control maintain a safer distance between themselves and other cars on the highway while still maintaining the speed limit.

The care knows when to adjust your car’s speed without you having to slow yourself down physically. You may have it called by another name, such as intelligent cruise control or dynamic cruise control. 

Is it Safe to Use an Adaptive Cruise Control System on Your Car?

It is perfectly safe to use an adaptive cruise control system on your vehicle as long as you remain in control of your car at all times.

You can rest your leg and rely on the system as long as you stay alert and watch for problems that might pop up suddenly. Remember, no autonomous system works 100 percent accurately. 

Weather and other conditions can limit the accuracy of assisted programs. A car speeding by too fast may not pick up on blind-spot monitoring. Stay ready to take control if needed actively. 

How to Set Cruise Control

Setting cruise control is relatively easy. Start by turning it on. You must get the car’s speed over a minimum threshold, and then once you reach the speed, you want you set it by pushing the button.

To slow down or stop cruise temporarily, you tap your brakes. 

Advantages of Adaptive Cruise Control

There are some advantages to adaptive cruise control that make it worth the extra cost of adding to a vehicle that does not have any cruise control. 

The most important of which is road safety. Cars with adaptive cruise control technology will automatically keep adequate spacing from other cars and trucks on the road. 

Adaptive cruise control uses cameras, lasers, and radar equipment to tell how close cars are to each other and other objects on the road. It alerts the driver with red flashing lights to the impending dangers ahead.

It will also say “Brake Now” on the dashboard. Some systems even have an audible warning to get the driver’s attention. 

Making sure that the vehicles stay a safe distance apart helps prevent accidents while maximizing traffic flow at the same time.

The driver doesn’t have to worry about maintaining speed or slowing when needed and can concentrate on what is going on around them. 

Limitations of Adaptive Cruise Control

The adaptive cruise control system is not entirely autonomous, so the driver must use safe driving practices to prevent wrecks. 

Certain weather conditions such as snow, rain, or fog can confuse the system’s sensors making it hard for the system to judge distance as well as in normal conditions.

Unusual things like tunnels can also make the sensors react less accurately. 

Types of Systems of Adaptive Cruise Control

There are several types of adaptive cruise control systems, including:

Radar-Based Systems

  • Assisting Systems

Laser-Based Systems

Binocular computer visions systems, predictive systems, multi-sensor systems.


Adaptive cruise control systems that are radar-based can work because they place sensors around and on plastic fascias to help figure out where and what surrounds your vehicle.

All the radars work together to help create a comprehensive picture of your car’s proximity to the other cars near it. It can also detect dangerous things on the road.

Laser-based systems typically operate out of a big black box placed into the grill of your car or truck that uses laser technology to detect the distance objects are to your vehicle.

The laser-based system, however, does not always work well in bad weather conditions. 

This technology uses small cameras in your rearview mirror to look for objects facing your vehicle from behind.

Predictive systems are a type of adaptive cruise system that uses sensory data to help it predict what other vehicles near your car will probably do.

If your truck indicates traffic is fixing to slow down, it may slow your vehicle to prevent a wreck. Companies are constantly upgrading this technology to improve the safety of everyone on the road.  

Some adaptive cruise systems use more than one type of sensor to help provide a more cohesive experience and promote a safer environment.

Using more than one makes sense to help give the best picture of what is going on around your car when it is on the road.

The more accurate data gathered by your sensors, the better protection for you, your family, and everyone on the road near your vehicle will be. 

Adaptive Cruise Control Paired with Other Capabilities or Assisted Systems

You can add several things to go with your adaptive cruise control to make your driving experience safer and more pleasant. 

Lane Centering Technology. Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assistance

These three assisted systems are great at keeping your vehicle where it needs to be. They help keep you from drifting or driving off the road.

You can purchase all of these three together for just under $1000. 

Lane Centering Technology 

The lane-centering add-on helps you stay in your line between the lines. Unlike some technologies where the car makes corrections for you, this technology monitor and alerts the driver.

The driver has to correct any issues themselves. A potential problem is if the lanes are not marked. It cannot read what it cannot see. 

Sometimes it has issues in bad weather such as rain or snow. If your blinker is on, it doesn’t warn you because it thinks you are turning or moving to another lane.

Lane Departure Warning Monitor

The lane departure warning monitors the position of your vehicle within the driving lane. It alerts the driver if the car approaches or crosses into another lane or the shoulder.

The system kicks in at between 30 to 40 miles per hour. The system gives an audible warning when your car crosses a solid or dotted line. Some systems vibrate the steering wheel to get your attention that you are drifting out of your lane. 

The windshield camera is mounted high up in the windshield of a lane departure warning system. The camera can get a view of the road at least 150 feet in front of the vehicle.

If the car veers in either direction between the two lanes, a warning is given to the driver by visual alert, and probably an audio one, a vibration in the steering wheel, or the set might vibrate. 

Lane-Keeping Assistance

The lane-keeping assistance helps keep the car steering within the lane. If you let the car drift too far to one side, the system steers your vehicle away from the edge of the lane.

Then you have to recenter the vehicle in the lane. 

Blind Spot Monitoring

Designed to add safety while driving, blind-spot monitoring systems use radar to detect other vehicles traveling in the lanes next to your car.

Typically, you will see notifications on or near your mirror on the side of the vehicle where a vehicle is in your blind spot.

Generally, if you turn on a blinker indicating you are changing lanes, the light will start flashing to get your attention. Some vehicles will also have an audible alert. 

Some blind-spot monitoring systems are more accurate than others. Systems using microwave sensor blind spot detection systems give drivers a much better response time than ultrasonic systems.

Ultrasonic systems sometimes have trouble differentiating between cars and trees or other objects on the side of the road. You can get this add-on for around $750. 

Other Systems Available

Several other assisted systems that are compatible with your adaptive cruise control system that is designed to protect you and your family include:

Older cars and trucks will not have any of these things available without aftermarket installation.

However, newer models may come with some if not all of these add-ons, or you can ask for them to see if they are available on your new vehicle.

The costs will vary depending on the car you want them installed onto and the company you choose to buy them.

Installation costs will also vary depending on how many modifications your vehicle needs and the rate per hour the shop you select charges for labor. 

Automatic or Manual Transmission

You can usually install an adaptive cruise control on both manual and automatic transmission vehicles. However, you may not get much out of manual cruise control in town.

When you remain in top gear for more extended periods on the highway, you can get a lot of use and savings on fuel by having adaptive cruise control.

In town, you will be disengaging your cruise every time you clutch, not just when you break. 

Depending on your car and the brand you buy of aftermarket cruise control, you may need a clutch disengagement switch for a manual transmission.  

Adaptive Cruise Control for Motorcycles

You can even install an aftermarket cruise control for your motorcycle. The cruise control system costs around $550 if you install it yourself.

It is a rather large control switch for a bike but works great when installed correctly. 

They are very accurate and smooth. The McCruise cruise control system is compatible with most bikes and is priced at $550 without installation.

McCruise is throttle-by-wire compatible. Many others on the market have cable-operated throttle assemblies, so you will need to figure out which one you need. 

To Conclude

Getting an aftermarket adaptive cruise control system can unlock some pretty impressive technology to help protect your family.

Units cost between $500 and $2500 depending on what type of car you have and the add-ons you select. And labor costs to install your systems. 

Even if your car had no option for a cruise control system, many companies offer aftermarket adaptive cruise systems for most cars and trucks on the market.

Motorcycles can also have installed aftermarket cruise control systems to them, as well. The different technology helps make your vehicle safer for you, your family, and those driving around you. 

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Scott Brown is not just your run-of-the-mill automotive enthusiast. He's a dedicated and highly skilled individual who has dedicated over 15 years of his life to the intricate world of diesel engines. Born into a family of automotive aficionados, his journey into the world of engines and automobiles starte... Read More

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5 Reasons Why Your Cruise Control Stopped Working

Magnus Sellén

  • Updated: March 15, 2023

Cruise Control Not Working

It would be difficult to find a vehicle on the road today without cruise control. This invaluable feature makes driving long distances easier but can also cause trouble when it malfunctions. Understanding the reasons your cruise control stopped working ensures that you can get the problem fixed quickly for a more enjoyable ride. 

While this fault can cause issues with the cruise control system itself, there could also be an effect on the acceleration of your vehicle. That’s why you want to have it looked at as soon as you notice a problem. Let’s take a quick look at the reasons your cruise control may have stopped working.

Reasons Why Your Cruise Control Stopped Working

The most common reason a cruise control stops working is due to a blown fuse or a defective brake pedal switch . It can also be caused by issues with the throttle control system or the ABS. In older cruise control systems, it can be caused by a broken vacuum line.

Here is a more detailed list of the possible reasons your cruise control is not working:

1. Blown Fuse

broken fuse

All electrical systems in the vehicle are controlled by fuses. Your cruise control system is attached to a fuse that can blow if there is a short circuit or fault. Without a good fuse, the cruise control system can’t work at all.

Thankfully, it’s not difficult to find and replace a blown fuse. Look in the owner’s manual to find the fuse that corresponds with the cruise control technology. 

2. Defective Brake Pedal Switch

push brake pedal

The brake pedal switch is responsible for turning the brake lights on and off based on the pedal position. Cruise control systems are designed to disengage whenever your brake pedal gets pressed. 

Because the cruise control is wired into the brake pedal switch, any fault can cause it to stop working. When the brake pedal switch malfunctions, the car believes the brakes are engaged, causing the system to turn off automatically. Not only that, but your car’s brake light might also be stuck on, leaving confused drivers in your wake. 

3. Malfunctioning Speed Sensor

abs sensor close

Speed sensors are located on every wheel or differential. The purpose of these sensors is to monitor the speed of the wheels to determine if traction control is needed. 

The speed sensors are also part of the cruise control system. When a sensor fails, the cruise control can stop working and the speedometer might act strange as well. 

If there is an issue with a speed sensor, it will often show with an ABS warning light or a check engine light on the dashboard.

RELATED: 3 Symptoms of a Bad ABS Wheel Speed Sensor

4. Electrical Issues

cruise control buttons

The cruise control system is electronic, with many components working together to make the system operate. If the cruise control fails to work, you want to check the wiring harness and associated connectors for a fault.

You also need to ensure that the voltage source is supplying enough power to the system. Even the smallest fault can cause defects with the cruise control. In many cases, there can be an issue with the cruise control lever or buttons causing the cruise control to not engage.

If your cruise control buttons are located on the steering wheel it could also be caused by a bad clock spring, which is located behind the steering wheel.

Check the system with an OBD2 scanner to look for any trouble codes related to the cruise control.

RELATED: 5 Symptoms of a Broken Clock Spring, Location & Replacement Cost

5. Damaged Vacuum Actuator, Hoses or Cable (Older cruise control)

If you drive an older vehicle with cruise control, you might have an issue with the vacuum actuator or the cable that connects to the throttle. If there has been damage done to the vacuum hoses or the actuator, the cruise control will stop working altogether.

Additionally, the cable linking the actuator to the throttle must be in good shape. If it has been broken, the cruise control will fail. 

What is Cruise Control?

Cruise control is a feature that is used when you are traveling at a consistent speed. Cruise control was first introduced for automobiles in the 1950s. However, it took many years before it became a staple in the modern vehicle.

This electrical system allows you to set a predetermined speed and take your foot off of the gas pedal. If you are on a long drive, there is less fatigue because you don’t have to try to maintain your speed. Cruise control can also benefit fuel economy because the vehicle uses less fuel when traveling steadily. 

In newer cars, you might be able to find adaptive cruise control , which is a smart technology. Adaptive cruise control allows you to travel at a predetermined speed, but it also helps to maintain a safe distance from the vehicles in front of you with the help of sensors. With conventional cruise control, you need to take over when the car in front of you slows down, but that’s not the case with adaptive cruise control. 

There are also vehicles nowadays with not only cruise control, but fully self-driving vehicles . We will most likely see much more of this in the future.

Cruise Control Repair Cost

The cost to repair your cruise control system depends on what caused it to fail. If you need to replace a cruise control or brake switch, you might spend between $125 and $350, including parts and labor. However, the cost to change a fuse is only a few dollars and you can perform the replacement yourself in just a matter of seconds. 

On the other hand, when something major fails, such as the actuator, you could be looking at a much higher repair bill. In some vehicles, the cost to replace a cruise control actuator can cost more than $700. These costs rise if you drive a luxury vehicle or one that is difficult to get parts for. 

It might not seem immediately important for you to fix the broken cruise control, but this defective system can affect other performance aspects. You could start to notice issues with acceleration or have trouble with the speedometer. To play it safe, it’s always best to have the cruise control repaired as soon as you notice a problem.

Is there a fuse for the cruise control?

Yes. If the cruise control is installed from the factory, you should check your car’s owner’s manual for the fuse location. If it’s an aftermarket cruise control, you’ll need to follow the wires to find the fuse.

Does the brake switch affect the cruise control system?

Yes. The brake switch affects the cruise control system. The brake switch sends a signal to the cruise control system to let it know when the brakes are being applied for the engine to know when it should stop accelerating.

Will the cruise control work if the check engine light is on?

The cruise control function will be disabled when the check engine light is on in most car models, even if the cause of the check engine light is not the cruise control itself. This is mainly due to safety reasons.

Can a vacuum leak affect cruise control?

Older vehicles use vacuum to control the throttle for the cruise control, and in this case a vacuum leak can heavily affect the cruise control. However, modern cruise controls are fully electric and in most cases will not be affected by a vacuum leak if the check engine light is not illuminated.

Although many people may think that the cruise control system is unimportant and not worth spending money to repair, the problem can be caused by a faulty part that will affect the engine’s performance or durability. Therefore, it is best not to ignore the problem if your cruise control is not working without first diagnosing the car properly.

If your cruise control still isn’t working after trying all the tips in this article, it’s probably time to take it in for a professional opinion from a mechanic. It may be a more serious problem that requires replacement parts or repairs. In the meantime, drive safe and enjoy the open road!

Learn more:

  • Brake Lights Not Working But Tail Lights Are? (How to Fix)
  • Tail Lights Not Working But Brake Lights Are? (How to Fix)
  • Brake Lights Stay On? (5 Causes & How to Fix it)

Categories: Electric , Troubleshooting

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Cruise Control - Feature, Pros & Cons, Working Explained

  • 27 January 2024
  • By Nikil Jonathan

In this Feature Explained article, we’ll present the most detailed analysis of the cruise control feature in your car. We’ll list out the pros and cons of cruise control, explain how it works, provide the typical cost of getting the cruise control feature from the aftermarket and its repair and replacement costs. Based on this analysis, you can decide the importance of this feature for your car ownership experience.

Cruise Control

We have also included a list of affordable cars in India with cruise control to help you make informed purchasing decisions.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Cruise Control?

Cruise control, the automotive equivalent of a rice cooker, can be a blessing on long highway drives. But like any powerful tool, it comes with its own set of challenges. Let's dive into the pros and cons of using cruise control to help you decide if it's the right fit for your driving style.

The pros or advantages of cruise control are:

  • Effortless Speed: Say goodbye to constant foot adjustments! Cruise control maintains your desired speed, reducing fatigue and leg strain on long journeys. Think of it as an extended chai break for your feet.
  • Fuel Efficiency Friend: Consistent speed translates to optimal fuel economy. Cruise control minimises unnecessary acceleration and braking, leading to potentially improved mileage.
  • Highway Hero: On open roads with steady traffic flow, cruise control takes the edge off long drives. It can help you avoid unintentional speeding and keeps you relaxed, making the journey less stressful.

The cons or disadvantages of cruise control are:

  • Drowsiness Danger: The hypnotic hum of constant speed can lull even the most alert driver into a false sense of security. Remember, cruise control doesn't replace the need for active engagement and vigilance.
  • Road Reality Check: Cruise control isn't a one-size-fits-all solution. It struggles on winding roads, highways with varying speed limits, or unpredictable conditions. Be prepared to disengage quickly when the road throws you a curveball.
  • Distraction Magnet: With your foot off the throttle, it's tempting to multitask or zone out. Remember, you're still the captain of the ship! Stay focused on the road and keep your eyes peeled for potential hazards.

Remember: Cruise control is a tool, not a magic spell. Use it responsibly, stay alert, and be prepared to take the wheel when needed.

What Is Cruise Control?

Forget aching legs and a leaden foot! Cruise control is your saviour on long highway journeys, taking over the tedious job of maintaining speed and letting you relax behind the wheel. Here's how to turn this helpful feature into your highway driving ally:

1. Autopilot Engaged: Ditch the constant pedalling. Cruise control lets you set a desired speed, then handles the throttle input, keeping you cruising effortlessly.

2. Safety First: Cruise control isn't autopilot! Cruise control disengages when you tap the brake, ensuring you're always in control. Just remember to manually reactivate it if you want to pick up the pace again.

3. Fine-Tuning Your Cruise: Feeling a little fast or slow? The "+" and "-" buttons are your speed adjustment tools. Need a quick burst to pass? Simply press the accelerator, and cruise control temporarily suspends itself.

4. Weather Wise: While cruise control is perfect for smooth highways, remember it's not your all-weather companion. Heavy rain, low visibility, or unpredictable conditions are best tackled with good old-fashioned manual driving.

5. Know Your Controls: Before hitting the road, familiarise yourself with your car's specific cruise control buttons. Consult your owner's manual to avoid fumbling while driving.

Cruise control isn't just for long hauls anymore. It's your highway driving hero, reducing fatigue, improving fuel efficiency, and letting you enjoy the journey.

How Does Cruise Control Work?

Modern cars that ply our roads today have drive-by-wire accelerators. This means that our inputs on the accelerator pedal only provide an electrical signal to the car's on-board computers. These clever conductors then interpret your signal, determining the ideal fuel-air mixture to reach your desired speed.

Now, enter cruise control. In a car equipped with this feature, the computers store this "desired speed" as their baseline. They continuously monitor your actual speed using sensors on the wheels. Any deviation up or down triggers a micro-adjustment in the fuel-air mixture, gently nudging the car back to accelerate or decelerate as required.

How Expensive Is It To Repair Or Replace Cruise Control?

The cruise control feature does not typically fail as this is a software-based feature. At best, the only costs associated with maintaining the cruise control feature in your car is if you have somehow managed to break the cruise control stalk or the buttons on the steering wheel that lets you activate this feature. In such instances, you will need to replace the switchgear, which could cost you up to Rs. 15,000 - Rs. 20,000.

Ultimately, the cost of repairing or replacing cruise control can vary widely depending on several factors, including:

  • The extent of the problem: Is it a minor issue like a faulty switch or a major malfunction of the control module? More complex repairs will naturally be more expensive.
  • Your car's make and model: Different car models have different cruise control systems and parts, with some being more costly than others.
  • Labour costs: The location and rates of the repair shop you choose will affect the labour cost involved.
  • Whether you choose original parts or aftermarket replacements: Generally, original parts are more expensive than aftermarket options, but they may also be of higher quality and offer better compatibility.

Here are some tips for minimising the cost:

  • Get a diagnosis: Before committing to any repairs, have a qualified mechanic diagnose the problem to determine the exact cause and the associated cost.
  • Shop around: Compare prices from different repair shops to find the best deal.
  • Consider aftermarket parts: For minor repairs, using high-quality aftermarket parts can be a more affordable option.
  • Check your warranty: Some car warranties may cover cruise control repairs or replacements.

What Is The Cost Of Aftermarket Cruise Control?

Adding aftermarket cruise control might seem tempting, but consider the pitfalls before installing an aftermarket kit. Here's why factory-fitted cruise control is the smoother and safer route:

1. Installation: Installing aftermarket cruise control, especially in cars without existing variants featuring it, can be a technical challenge. Incompatible parts, complex wiring, and modifications to the steering wheel or steering column can lead to frustration and potential malfunctions.

2. Safety First, Always: Cruise control manages your car's speed, making its performance critical. Opting for an aftermarket solution introduces potential risks as compatibility and quality might not match manufacturer standards, jeopardising your safety and vehicle stability.

3. Warranty Woes: Installing aftermarket cruise control often voids your car's manufacturer warranty. That means any issues arising from the add-on become your responsibility, potentially leading to costly repairs.

4. Factory Finesse: Choosing a car with factory-installed cruise control offers peace of mind. These systems are seamlessly integrated with your car's electronics, ensuring optimal performance, compatibility, and most importantly, safety.

How Easy Or Complex Is It To Install Cruise Control?

The cruise control feature comes fitted from the factory. It is nearly impossible to add this feature once you have bought a car that does not have cruise control. However, if you have broken the controls to this feature, replacing the cruise control stalks or the steering wheel switchgear could take between 3-5 hours depending on the proficiency of the mechanic working on your car. We recommend carrying out such repairs at authorised service centres only. 

What Are Some Affordable Cars In India With Cruise Control?

Here are the cars and their variants priced under Rs. 10.0 lakh that offer cruise control in India:

  • Hyundai Grand i10 Nios Sportz
  • Tata Punch Accomplished
  • Hyundai Aura SX
  • Tata Altroz XT
  • Hyundai Exter SX
  • Maruti Suzuki Swift ZXI Plus
  • Hyundai i20 Sportz
  • Nissan Magnite XV Premium
  • Honda Amaze VX
  • Maruti Suzuki Dzire SXI
  • Maruti Suzuki Baleno Alpha
  • Toyota Glanza V
  • Maruti Suzuki Ciaz Delta
  • Hyundai i20 N Line N6
  • Renault Kiger RXZ

Note : Check your car’s fuel cost with Fuel Cost Calculator in India

Verdict - Should I Get Cruise Control From The Aftermarket?

The cruise control feature is nearly impossible to install from the aftermarket if none of the variants of your car have this feature. Even if you find a workshop willing to take up this job, be warned that this will be installed using aftermarket kits that aren’t tested or calibrated by your car’s manufacturer. Hence, we recommend spending a bit more and buying the variant that offers this feature. Cruise control is especially useful for car owners who frequently drive on the highways. However, if you mostly drive within the city, then you can skip this feature altogether.

Note: Check your Car EMI with our - Car Loan EMI Calculator


Nikil Jonathan

Nikil Jonathan

Nikil's a huge fan of classic cars, especially Italian beauties such as the Alfa Romeo Giulia Sprint and the Iso Grifo. His love for cars and bikes originated when he first laid his eyes on a poster of the Ferrari F40 and the MV Agusta F4 when he was just a child. He also loves all things analogue, especially vintage cameras and turntables.

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What Is Adaptive Cruise Control?

Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is a system designed to help road vehicles maintain a safe following distance and stay within the speed limit. This system adjusts a car's speed automatically so drivers don't have to.

control buttons on steering wheel in a modern car

Adaptive cruise control (ACC) is a system designed to help vehicles maintain a safe following distance and stay within the speed limit. This system adjusts a car's speed automatically so drivers don't have to.

Adaptive cruise control is one of 20 terms used to describe its functions so that you might see adaptive cruise control as the following in advertisements and vehicle descriptions:

  • Active cruise control
  • Dynamic cruise control
  • Radar cruise control
  • Automatic cruise control
  • Intelligent cruise control

ACC functions by sensory technology installed within vehicles such as cameras, lasers, and radar equipment, which creates an idea of how close one car is to another, or other objects on the roadway. For this reason, ACC is the basis for future car intelligence.

These sensory technologies allow the car to detect and warn the driver about potential forward collisions. When this happens, red lights begin to flash, and the phrase 'brake now!' appears on the dashboard to help the driver slow down. There might also be an audible warning.

Advantages of Adaptive Cruise Control

Limitations of adaptive cruise control.

Although there are many advantages to adaptive cruise control, there are still limitations to consider. One of the main faults in this system is the fact that it is not entirely autonomous. The driver of the vehicle still needs to practice safe driving habits that will work in tandem with this technology to produce the best results. Similarly, adverse weather conditions like snow, rain, or fog might confuse the system's sensors, as well as environmental factors such as driving through tunnels.

What Is the Difference Between a Level 1 Autonomous Car and a Level 2 Autonomous Car?

According to SAE International, when a car only has autonomous cruise control , it is considered to be a level 1 autonomous car. In contrast, a vehicle with autonomous cruise control and an additional feature, such as lane control, gets classified as a level 2 autonomous car.

How Much Does an Adaptive Cruise Control System Cost?

According to ExtremeTech, The cost of an adaptive cruise control system will vary depending on how many features you want. If you're going to have an ACC with all available features, you should be willing to pay anywhere between $2000 and $2500. If you are looking for minimal cruise control that would benefit speeds of up to 20-25 miles per hour, these more basic ACCs can cost as low as $500. The good news is that as ACC becomes more common, it will most likely reduce in price.

History of Adaptive Cruise Control

U.S. News says Mitsubishi first introduced adaptive cruise control in Japan in 1992 . This was a lidar-based distance detection system that detected objects that were getting too close. It was labeled as 'Debonair' and it was programmed to provide a warning to the driver about oncoming objects. The main difference was that it was the driver's job to apply the brakes and reduce their speed.

However, two years later in 1995, the Mitsubishi Diamante featured an upgraded approach to the Debonair called 'Preview Distance Control.' Unlike the original technology, this laser-powered system could adjust a driver's speed by downshifting or controlling the throttle. The driver was still responsible for applying the brakes.

From the early 2000s onward, big names in the car industry, such as Ford, BMW, Mercedes, Cadillac, Volkswagen, Infinity, Hyundai, Toyota, and Audi, created their versions of adaptive cruise control in their vehicles. These individual features have evolved into a high-tech system with automatic braking and speed control.

Types of Adaptive Cruise Control

Radar-based systems.

According to eInfoChips, radar-based systems work by placing radar-based sensors on or around plastic fascias to detect your vehicle's surroundings. Each radar sensor works together to create a comprehensive picture of the vehicle's proximity to other cars or potentially hazardous objects. This type of sensor can look different depending on the design and model of the car.

Laser-Based Systems

As mentioned by Electronic Design , this type of ACC system operates out of a large black box typically placed in the grille of your vehicle. It uses laser technology to detect the proximity of objects to your car. It does not operate well during rainstorms and other weather conditions.

Binocular Computer Vision Systems (Optical)

According to ExtremeTech, this is a relatively new ACC system put into use in 2013. It uses small cameras that are placed on the back of a vehicle's rearview mirror to detect front-facing objects.

Assisting Systems

Assisting systems are radar-based add-ons that customers can buy together. These pre-crash systems can offer lane control, brake assistance, cruise control, proximity alerts to objects like corners, and steering power.

Multi-Sensor Systems

According to Fierce Electronics , adaptive cruise control systems sometimes integrate more than one type of sensor to aid in a vehicle's operation. Multi-sensor systems incorporate several different sensor types to provide a driver with advanced information. These sensors might include GPS data equipment or cameras to gather information about a vehicle's geographic environment and proximity to other cars.

Predictive Systems

As mentioned by Autoblog, prediction systems are a type of ACC that uses sensory data to predict the actions of neighboring vehicles. This means that your car might slow down to brace for another vehicle suddenly switching lanes and, in doing so, promotes passenger safety.

Adaptive cruise control is evolving each year. Car companies are continuously making adjustments to this technology and, in doing so, creating more common and affordable options that can be purchased with a new car or added to older car models, making driving safer for everyday people.

Information and research in this article verified by ASE-certified Master Technician Keith Canete of . For any feedback or correction requests please contact us at [email protected] .

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You will receive a text message when your shuttle is 30 to 45 minutes away from your location. If you have any questions on where you should be or need a later shuttle just respond back to the text or give us a call.  

Newer Vehicles   

All of our vehicles are 2016 models or newer, that are clean on the inside as well as the outside, with working air condition. 

Pandora Radio  

Everyone loves music, so it was only right to make sure that all of our vehicles have Pandora Radio. 

Limited Passengers Per Vehicles   

Ford Transit Vans are our main vehicles of use, even though they seat twelve passengers we try to limit our shuttles with only ten people per shuttle. There may be times where there are more than ten passengers on our shuttle because of flight delays and early arrivals.  


We're the most innovative and modernized transportation company in orlando.  .

 Family owned and operated, Cruise Control Transportation is the most innovative and modernized transportation company in Orlando. We thrive on being the most dependable, friendliest, and safest transportation company in the Orlando area.

 We specialize in transporting passengers to and from Orlando International Airport ( MCO )  to Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal, and Port Canaveral Hotels.

We provide more than just a ride from one destination to the next, we provide a smart shuttle experience. All of our vehicles are equipped with free wifi, cell phone, and iPad chargers. All of our vehicles are 2016 models or newer that are clean with working air condition and Pandora Radio. We track our passenger flights so if your flight gets delayed we will put you on our next shuttle and send you a text alert regarding the flight delay.  

Shared Shuttle Rates

    shared shuttle transportation to and from orlando international airport ( mco ) and airport area hotels to port canaveral cruise terminal., price per person:,  $25  per person one w ay,  $50 per person round trip .

Shared Shuttle Times From Orlando International Airport ( MCO ) And Airport Area Hotels To Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal

9:15am - 9:30am

11:30am - 11:4 5am

Pickup times from Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal to Orlando International Airport 

8:00am - 8:15am

10:30am - 10:45 am

Private Shuttle Rates

Private Shuttle Ride To And From Orlando International Airport ( MCO ) And Airport Hotels To Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal And Cocoa Beach Hotels.

Price Is Based On The Number Of Passengers 

Your private shuttle will be at the airport when you arrive.

Private Shuttle Prices To or  From Orlando International Airport (MCO) To Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal and Cocoa Beach Area Hotels.

One-Way Private Shuttle Prices   

1-2 People $175

3 People $175

4 People $175

5 People $ 175

6 People $250

7 People $250

8 people  $250

9-10 People $250

11-14 People $300 

15-20 People $500 ( 2 Shuttles)

21-30 People $750 (2-3 Shuttle)

*Reserve Your Shuttle Today With A 50% Deposit*

Shared Shuttles To Cape Canaveral & Cocoa Beach Area Hotels 

Shared Shuttles From Orlando International Airport (MCO) To Cape Canaveral and Cocoa  Beach Area Hotels.    

Shared Shuttle Pickup Times From MCO To Port  Canaveral and Cocoa Beach Area Hotels 

11:30am-11:45am, 1:45pm - 2:00pm , 3:45pm-4:00pm, 5:45pm-6:00pm, shared shuttle prices from orlando international airport (mco) to port  canaveral and cocoa beach area hotels .

1-3 People $75

4 People $100

5 People $125

6 People $150

7 People $175

8 People $200

9 People $225

10 People $250

ford outside.png

Our Address

Orlando, Florida 32832

[email protected]

Phone  888-416-8830

Opening Hours

Monday – Friday  

9:00am - 9:00pm

Saturday & Sunday


What is Cruise Control

Cruise Control Explained – All You Need to Know


Cruise control has come a long way since first invented and patented by Ralph Teetor in 1950, who originally named it the “Speedostat”. Chrysler Corporation was the first manufacturer to offer the groundbreaking mechanism as an option on several of its luxury vehicle models nine years later. Today, cruise control is rapidly becoming the standard on all new vehicles, providing drivers with increased convenience on their daily drive.

As you’re learning how to operate a vehicle , understanding cruise control will help increase your comfort behind the wheel and knowledge of driving.

What is Cruise Control?

Cruise control is an electronic device within your vehicle that controls the speed of your vehicle. It allows the driver to maintain a constant speed of 25 mph without holding their foot on the accelerator. Although the feature has been around for 70 years, automotive manufacturers continue to improve upon the technology to provide drivers with increased comfort, luxury, and convenience whenever they’re behind the wheel.

cars driving on a freeway with little traffic

Different Types of Cruise Control

There are 3 types of cruise control systems.

  • Speed Limiter
  • Adaptive Cruise Control
  • Semi-autonomous Cruise Control

What is a Speed Limiter?

A speed limiter will limit how fast the driver can accelerate behind the wheel. All modern vehicles contain a standard speed limiter capping speed between 120 mph and 180 mph depending to protect the vehicle’s engine and discourage reckless driving. However, an additional limiter can be added as an option in many European-made cars, as well as Tesla, Ford, and Nissan. Drivers are still required to keep their foot on the pedal to keep their vehicle in motion, but will not be able to accelerate past a predefined speed limit.

What is Adaptive Cruise Control?

Adaptive cruise c ontrol uses sensors around the vehicle’s exterior to maintain speed while keeping a safe following distance from the car ahead. The system will slow you down and speed you up as the flow of traffic fluctuates throughout your commute, removing a lot of the stress from daily driving. However, adaptive cruise control may not work well in bad weather or protect you from sudden movements, so you will want to always keep your full attention on the road.

What is Semi-autonomous Cruise Control?

Luxury automakers such as Tesla and Audi are implementing the newest rendition of cruise control on their latest vehicle models – Semi-autonomous Cruise Control. It works largely the same as adaptive cruise control, but assists drivers with lane guidance and steering. There are several variations of semi-autonomous cruise control that include additional convenience features for the driver.

How to Use Cruise Control – 6 Step Guide

These are the steps to using cruise control effectively.

  • Observe weather conditions
  • Build speed
  • Engage cruise control
  • Set cruise control
  • Watch the road and steer
  • Brake to disengage

1 – Observe weather conditions

As mentioned, cruise control may become inconsistent in rainy, snowy, or otherwise hazardous conditions. If you must drive in this situation, it may be a better idea to do so manually. Cruise control works best on a clear day with constant traffic flow.

cruise control average price

2 – Build speed

Accelerate to your desired speed as you prepare to activate cruise control. US highways have posted speed limits between 55 mph and 75 mph. Do not attempt to set cruise control when you are traveling over the speed limit.

3 – Engage cruise control

Once you’ve reached your desired speed, engage the cruise control. This step will vary widely based on your vehicle make and model, however, many cruise control settings are accessible from the steering wheel controls. Check your owner’s manual for further information.

4 – Set cruise control

After turning on cruise control, you’ll need to set your desired speed. Many systems set the cruise control at the current speed, while others require you to manually set one. You can increase and decrease this speed as needed without interrupting the mechanism.

5 – Watch the road and steer

Watching the road is essential when cruise control is engaged. Cruise control is not a substitute for a human driver and will require supervision at every step. If you are using a semi-autonomous system, you will not need to steer but will need to keep at least one hand on the wheel for safety measures.

cruise control average price

6 – Brake to disengage

When cruise control is no longer needed, or you need to quickly make a maneuver, simply apply pressure to the brakes to disengage the system. Once deactivated, you will be in full control of your vehicle once again.

When NOT to Use Cruise Control

While cruise control is a convenient feature for modern drivers, it is not perfect for all circumstances. In fact, utilizing the system can be quite dangerous if you’re not careful. Be sure not to use cruise control under these conditions.

Heavy Traffic

Heavy, or stop-and-go traffic is not ideal for safely using cruise control. When engaging cruise control on the highway, ensure your lane is clear and there are no vehicles stopping ahead.

highway with heavy traffic

Wet or Icy Conditions

You need to be driving slowly while on wet and icy roads. While cruise control keeps a constant, predetermined speed, it takes away a lot of the manual control needed to stay safe when it’s raining or snowing.

City Driving

While driving through the city, you’ll face a number of stop lights and stop signs that will require manual braking. This action will automatically disengage cruise control.

Winding Roads

Winding roads require more attention than straight, flat streets. Cruise control systems, even adaptable cruise control, may not always detect these streets correctly, causing accidents.

winding road in the mountains

Fatigued Driving

Driving while fatigued is never a good idea, but even less so while using cruise control. Utilizing the system may add to your fatigue, as you give your vehicle more control of the journey. If you’re even the least bit tired, you should never turn on cruise control.

As you can see, cruise control is a great way to relieve much of the stress that comes with everyday driving. The constant rate of speed can also drastically improve fuel efficiency for longer drivers. Cruise control has had a positive impact on the driving industry for 70 years and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon.


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23 Cheapest Cars With Adaptive Cruise Control

2020 Toyota C-HR

Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc. |

Top Safety Tech for a Low Price

Once exclusive to the industry’s most expensive vehicles, driver assistance features like adaptive cruise control (ACC) have trickled down to the point of standard issuance on some of the most affordable cars for sale. In a market where safety is often a central selling point, manufacturers must boost the availability of the best safety features to maintain a competitive edge. As such, buyers on a budget now have a rich selection of affordable cars to choose from that either come standard with or offer ACC as an option.


Adaptive cruise control builds on the basic cruise control technology that has been around for decades, by using sensors and modern computing to modulate your car’s speed while accounting for the speed of the car ahead of you. While you still set a speed as normal, your car can slow down and speed up to maintain distance between you and that car. Some systems can even slow your car to a stop and get you moving again – a feature that’s highly appealing to drivers who spend a lot of time in bumper-to-bumper traffic on congested highways.

To highlight the spread of this innovative tech, we’ve compiled a list of 23 cars and suvs that cost less than $25,000 when equipped with adaptive cruise control. We’ll spell out which trim or options package you need to choose to equip your new car with this feature, and how much you’ll need to pay.

The U.S. News Best Cars team regularly updates our reviews with the latest data, so the scores you see here may vary slightly from the content you see elsewhere on our site.

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2020 Kia Forte

Kia Motors America |

23) 2020 Kia Forte

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,690 | USN Overall Score: 8.3/10

The Kia Forte , like many models in Kia's lineup, is feature rich and has a reasonable price. It is the winner of our 2020 Best Compact Car for the Money award. However, to outfit your Forte with Smart Cruise Control (Kia’s name for ACC), you’ll need to step up to the top-tier $22,490 GT trim and add the $2,200 GT2 Package. Among a full suite of safety features, the GT2 package also includes goodies like a premium audio system, heated and ventilated front seats, and a wireless phone charger.

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2020 Subaru Forester

Subaru of America, Inc. |

22) 2020 Subaru Forester

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,495 | USN Overall Score: 7.8/10

Redesigned last year, the current generation Forester benefits from Subaru’s EyeSight suite of safety tech as standard across all trim levels, including the $24,495 base trim. Alongside adaptive cruise control, EyeSight also includes other popular features like automatic pre-collision braking and lane departure prevention. The availability of these features, as well as good crash test ratings, earned this compact SUV a Top Safety Pick+ designation from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).

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2020 Ford Fusion

Ford Motor Company |

21) 2020 Ford Fusion

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,460 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10

Ford’s Co-Pilot360 suite of active safety features comes standard in the full range of Fusion trims, including the base S model. However, it does not include adaptive cruise control. To get ACC, you need to equip your Fusion with the confusingly named Co-Pilot 360 Assist Package which costs an additional $1,290. The Fusion's ACC system includes stop-and-go functionality so drivers can turn the system on and let the car manage the throttle and braking even in severe congestion on the highway. Along with a range of other safety features that come standard on all trims, the Fusion boasts a four out of five reliability rating, which is well above average for the auto industry.

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2020 Toyota Camry

20) 2020 Toyota Camry

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,425 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10

As a stalwart of the midsize car class , one of the many ways the Toyota Camry has remained competitive is by offering a rich list of standard safety features. Adaptive cruise control, along with much more of the latest tech, is equipped on all trims, ranging from the base L to the top-tier XSE. An extensive suite of driver assistance aids is one of the reasons the Camry earned our 2020 Best Midsize Car for Families award. The Camry’s budget-friendly pricing also helped it secure the title of 2020 Best Midsize Car for the Money .

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2020 Toyota Prius

19) 2020 Toyota Prius

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,325 | USN Overall Score: 7.9/10

Hybrid and electric cars today are often perceived as being on the front lines of automotive progress. While the Toyota Prius has been cruising American streets for about twenty years, the latest iteration still boasts plenty of the latest driver assistance technology, including adaptive cruise control, that’s standard even in the L Eco base trim. Other standard features include automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection. Despite its long history, the Prius remains on top of the hybrid game, earning a finalist spot for our 2020 Best Hybrid and Electric Car for the Money award.

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2020 Mazda6

Mazda North American Operations |

18) 2020 Mazda6

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,100 | USN Overall Score: 8.2/10

The Mazda6 ranks well among midsize cars, thanks in part to an excellent safety score. Part of that safety score is due to a long list of standard safety features, which includes adaptive cruise control. Mazda Radar Cruise Control (Mazda’s name for their ACC system) is part of their i-Activsense suite of safety features that also includes automatic braking with pedestrian detection and lane keep assist, among other tech.

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2020 Honda Accord

American Honda Motor Co., Inc. |

17) 2020 Honda Accord

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,020 | USN Overall Score: 8.3/10

The Honda Accord has earned a reputation for being an excellent and well-rounded midsize car with a spacious interior and engaging driving dynamics. For drivers who are frequently stuck in heavy highway traffic, you’re in luck: adaptive cruise control is standard on all trims, including the $24,020 base LX model. The Accord was a finalist for both our 2020 Best Midsize Car for Families and 2020 Best Midsize Car for the Money awards.

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2020 Honda HR-V

16) 2020 Honda HR-V

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,970 | USN Overall Score: 7.3/10

Subcompact SUVs are quickly rising in popularity, as crossovers take over the roads as people's preferred type of daily driver. Commuters who rack up high mileage on a daily basis in their Honda HR-V will likely want to equip theirs with safety tech, and they’ll need to choose the mid-tier EX trim to do so. The HondaSensing safety suite, which includes adaptive cruise control, is standard on this model. Along with the full safety package, stepping up to the EX trim also adds some creature comforts like heated front seats.

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2020 Hyundai Sonata

Hyundai Motor America |

15) 2020 Hyundai Sonata

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,600 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10

Redesigned for 2020, Hyundai didn’t hold back when stuffing many standard safety features into the newest generation of the Sonata . Hyundai’s Advanced Smart Cruise Control is equipped on base SE models, along with tech like a lane keep assist system and a driver attention warning feature. Also sticking to the basics, Hyundai has outfitted the cabin of this midsize car with quality materials and comfortable seats.

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2020 Subaru Crosstrek

14) 2020 Subaru Crosstrek

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,495 | USN Overall Score: 7.5/10

If your Crosstrek has an automatic gearbox, it also has adaptive cruise control. For 2020, Subaru has decided to make their EyeSight Driver Assist Technology suite, which includes ACC, standard on all Crosstrek models equipped with a CVT (continuously variable automatic transmission). The $22,145 base trim technically comes standard with a manual transmission, so equipping the CVT and EyeSight will cost you an additional $1,350. Automatic emergency braking and lane keep assist are also part of the EyeSight equipment set.

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2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid

13) 2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,100 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10

The Corolla name has been around for years, but the Corolla Hybrid is brand new for 2020. Being the latest Corolla, it also comes with the latest safety tech as standard – including adaptive cruise control. Toyota Safety Sense 2.0 also includes lane departure warning with steering assist, among many other driver assistance aids. The Corolla Hybrid won our 2020 Best Hybrid and Electric Car for the Money award.

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2020 Honda Insight

12) 2020 Honda Insight

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $22,930 | USN Overall Score: 8.0/10

Like many of Honda's latest models, the Honda Sensing suite of safety tech is standard on all Honda Insight trim levels, meaning that adaptive cruise control is equipped on base LX models. On top of a laundry list of standard safety features, the Insight boasts excellent crash test ratings from the IIHS and a Top Safety Pick+ designation. With features and crash test ratings combined, this hybrid and electric car earns a perfect ten out of ten U.S. News safety score.

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2020 Subaru Legacy

11) 2020 Subaru Legacy

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $22,745 | USN Overall Score: 7.6/10

After a redesign for 2020, the Subaru Legacy has wasted no time collecting accolades. In addition to being named a finalist for our 2020 Best Midsize Car for Families award, it was also designated as a Top Safety Pick+ by the IIHS. Its safety title is thanks in part to a long list of standard safety features, which includes adaptive cruise control. No matter what trim you choose, Subaru’s EyeSight Driver Assist Technology package (which includes ACC) will be equipped.

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2020 Mazda CX-30

10) 2020 Mazda CX-30

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,900 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10

The all-new Mazda CX-30 is the brand’s latest crossover to go on sale. It’s made a strong debut, claiming the second place position in our subcompact SUV ranking . Adaptive cruise control is standard on all trim levels along with many other safety features, so the CX-30 is a car that should top the wish list of any shopper who values safety first. Other highlights include a comfortable ride and sharp handling, as well as an interior quality that belies its price.

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2020 Mazda3

9) 2020 Mazda3

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,500 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10

As the CX-30’s compact car counterpart, the Mazda3 comes equally well-equipped in terms of safety and driver assistance technologies. Adaptive cruise control is one of the many features that comes standard on all trims. Buy a Mazda3 and you’ll also get standard tech like lane keep assist and a driver attention monitor. This little car, offered in both sedan and hatchback guises, also has an interior that wouldn't be out of place in many vehicles that cost thousands of dollars more. It’s currently ranked as our second best among compact cars, and for good reason.

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2020 Toyota C-HR

8) 2020 Toyota C-HR

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,295 | USN Overall Score: 6.5/10

The Toyota C-HR may not rank very well among subcompact SUVs, but it’s well-equipped in the safety department. Standard on all C-HR trims, the Toyota Safety Sense P package includes adaptive cruise control as well as automatic emergency braking with pedestrian detection and automatic high beams. It also earned a “Good” rating in all six IIHS crash test categories – the agency’s top mark.

2020 Honda Civic

7) 2020 Honda Civic

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,650 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10

The Honda Civic has upheld it's legacy as the compact car benchmark for many years, and has kept up with the times by equipping each trim level with the latest safety features. Adaptive cruise control is one of the Civic’s many safety highlights, and even shoppers who opt for the most affordable LX trim can take advantage of the convenience it delivers. The Civic is offered in both sedan and hatchback configurations across several trim levels, but the safety features will carry over to whichever model you pick.

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2020 Mazda CX-3

6) 2020 Mazda CX-3

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,640 | USN Overall Score: 7.3/10

The Mazda CX-3 is the older sibling of the previously mentioned CX-30. While it’s been on dealership lots for longer, it’s equipped like many of the newest subcompact SUVs to hit the market. Mazda Radar Cruise Control is standard on all trims, and incorporates a stop and go function, meaning ACC will operate even in crawling bumper-to-bumper traffic. Like the CX-30, the CX-3 also displays competent handling dynamics and a well-built interior.

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2020 Nissan Sentra

Nissan North America, Inc. |

5) 2020 Nissan Sentra

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,270 | USN Overall Score: 6.9/10

To equip a Nissan Sentra with adaptive cruise control, you’ll have to opt for the mid-tier SV trim, which requires a $1,200 jump up from the base model. On top of ACC, that chunk of change will also add convenience tech like remote engine start and dual zone automatic climate control. Apple CarPlay and Android Auto are also featured as standard on the SV trim. The Sentra’s overall score doesn’t rank competitively among compact cars, but it does have a robust features list that brings value to the table.

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2020 Subaru Impreza

4) 2020 Subaru Impreza

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,995 | USN Overall Score: 7.5/10

Subaru’s EyeSight safety package (which includes adaptive cruise control) comes standard on all Impreza models, so long as the car is outfitted with a CVT automatic transmission. The base trim technically comes standard with a manual gearbox, but upgrading to the CVT only costs an additional $500. So while you’ll have to pay a little extra, you’re getting a range of safety features in addition to the automatic transmission. Other EyeSight features include automatic emergency braking and lane keep assist.

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2020 Toyota Corolla

3) 2020 Toyota Corolla

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,600 | USN Overall Score: 8/10

Like its hybrid counterpart, the gas-only Toyota Corolla is well-equipped with safety features on all trim levels. In the base L trim, adaptive cruise control is standard along with other nifty tech like traffic sign recognition. As a compelling value proposition, the Corolla earned a finalist position for our 2020 Best Compact Car for the Money award. It also boasts a reliability rating that’s not only better than most other compact cars, but better than most new across the entire automotive industry.

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2020 Honda Fit

2) 2020 Honda Fit

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,060 | USN Overall Score: 8.7/10

The Honda Fit is currently placed at the top of our ranking of subcompact SUVs thanks in part to its spacious and versatile interior. However, unlike some competitors, many safety features aren’t standard across the trim lineup. To equip a Fit with adaptive cruise control, you’ll have to step up to the $19,060 EX trim, where you’ll also get tech like lane keep assist and automatic high beam headlights. The EX trim carries a $2,000 premium over a base LX model. Nonetheless, since the Fit is budget-friendly across its entire trim range, a top-tier Fit EX is still our second most affordable car that you can get with adaptive cruise control. It should come as no surprise that the Fit is our 2020 Best Subcompact Car for the Money winner.

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2020 Nissan Versa

1) 2020 Nissan Versa

Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $18,540 | USN Overall Score: 7.7/10

Topping our list is the Nissan Versa , which was just given a full redesign for the 2020 model year. Adaptive cruise control is available as an option on a top Trim SR model, as part of the Convenience Package. The SR trim costs $18,240, and the Convenience Package costs an additional $300. If you choose the add on, you’ll be getting heated seats along with ACC. At the end of the day, the Versa is one of the most affordable new cars you can buy. Even though it’s locked away in the top trim, if you want adaptive cruise control, you’ll spend less to get it in the Nissan Versa than you will with any other model.

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23 Cheapest Cars with Adaptive Cruise Control in 2020

  • 23) 2020 Kia Forte: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,690 | USN Overall Score: 8.3/10
  • 22) 2020 Subaru Forester: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,495 | USN Overall Score: 7.8/10
  • 21) 2020 Ford Fusion: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,460 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10
  • 20) 2020 Toyota Camry: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,425 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10
  • 19) 2020 Toyota Prius: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,325 | USN Overall Score: 7.9/10
  • 18) 2020 Mazda6: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,100 | USN Overall Score: 8.2/10
  • 17) 2020 Honda Accord: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $24,020 | USN Overall Score: 8.3/10
  • 16) 2020 Honda HR-V: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,970 | USN Overall Score: 7.3/10
  • 15) 2020 Hyundai Sonata: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,600 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10
  • 14) 2020 Subaru Crosstrek: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,495 | USN Overall Score: 7.5/10
  • 13) 2020 Toyota Corolla Hybrid: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $23,100 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10
  • 12) 2020 Honda Insight: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $22,930 | USN Overall Score: 8.0/10
  • 11) 2020 Subaru Legacy: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $22,745 | USN Overall Score: 7.6/10
  • 10) 2020 Mazda CX-30: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,900 | USN Overall Score: 8.1/10
  • 9) 2020 Mazda3: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,500 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10
  • 8) 2020 Toyota C-HR: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $21,295 | USN Overall Score: 6.5/10
  • 7) 2020 Honda Civic: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,650 | USN Overall Score: 8.5/10
  • 6) 2020 Mazda CX-3: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,640 | USN Overall Score: 7.3/10
  • 5) 2020 Nissan Sentra: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $20,270 | USN Overall Score: 6.9/10
  • 4) 2020 Subaru Impreza: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,995 | USN Overall Score: 7.5/10
  • 3) 2020 Toyota Corolla: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,600 | USN Overall Score: 8/10
  • 2) 2020 Honda Fit: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $19,060 | USN Overall Score: 8.7/10
  • 1) 2020 Nissan Versa: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $18,540 | USN Overall Score: 7.7/10

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Do All Newer Cars Have Cruise Control? (Explained)

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Today, cruise control is becoming a very common feature on most vehicles.

Cruise control is a device in a vehicle that allows the car to be at a certain controlled speed without the use of the accelerator.

Find out if all cars have cruise control in this article.

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Here’s the short answer to whether all cars have cruise control:

Most modern cars have cruise control as a standard feature, although some vehicle manufacturers only offer it as optional equipment. However, not all old cars come with the feature, except on high trim levels that have the full options and cost more.

Table of Contents

Is Cruise Control Standard On All New Cars Today?

This speed control is a standard for all cars produced today except cars that are fairly old and have low prices. With that in mind, view some SUVs with adaptive cruise control .

For automated driving, the cruise control system is an essential feature.

How Does Cruise Control Work?

This feature works through a certain system of sensors responsible for controlling the vehicle’s speed. If it detects the speed of the car, it adjusts the throttle back to the set speed.

It is very effective for long distances where the driver is probably exhausted. It makes the driver more relaxed and at ease. 

In older cars, the cruise control system is connected directly to the accelerator through a cable to position the car at a certain speed.

How Do You Cruise Control in a Car?

In recent car models, the cruise control comes with a button. It is usually located at the lower right side of your steering wheel.

You can put it on by pressing the button, then accelerate to the speed that you desire. After that, you press the stalk button to set it.

Do Electric Cars Have Cruise Control?

That is a very good question as well.

We gathered a list of affordable electric cars with cruise control and they are really worth a look!

What Percentage of Cars Come With Cruise Control?

According to Consumer Reports, 92% of cars have this speed control, while about 50% have the ability to maneuver both the wheels and the speed.

This means that almost all new vehicles come with cruise control, especially the adaptive type, which allows them to set a speed and take their foot off the accelerator. 

Why Don’t All Cars Have Cruise Control Today? 

There are several reasons why some cars don’t have cruise control, including:

Limited Use 

Some car manufacturers don’t include this speed control, because certain people don’t use this component, especially in traffic-congested cities.

Some people mentioned the fact that they have only used their speed limit and brakes far more than their cruise control. Since some people don’t use the feature, it may not be wise for carmakers to include it in every vehicle.

Another reason why it is not included is that it is quite an expensive part of the car.

A discouraging part is that certain customers don’t see the crucial need for it alongside its price. These factors result in manufacturers excluding it from their production.

How Much Does It Cost To Upgrade to Cruise Control in Cars?

Many cars come with this speed control as standard equipment, but upgrading it to a new car that didn’t come originally with it can be relatively expensive. 

However, the average price is between $200-$350, according to This price varies with the complexity and tech level of the vehicle.

How Safe Is the Cruise Control for the Elderly?

As much as we appreciate the luxury and comfort that comes with cruise control, it has some disadvantages. The elderly are in a more disadvantaged position as it can make them too relaxed while driving. 

It is also not safe because, while going at a steady speed, sudden events can catch you unawares. 

Further, it decreases the reaction level of the driver, especially for old people. It is much easier for the elderly ones to daydream while driving, unlike younger ones. 

Hence, notwithstanding the excellent benefit the cruise control provides, it can still get you in a real sticky situation, especially for the elderly

Can You Remove the Cruise Control on a New Car?

You can remove the cruise control when you disconnect certain cables. However, this might void your warranty. 

Instead, you could turn it off from the ON/OFF button located at the sides of the steering. 

When Should You Not Use the Cruise Control?

Here’s a list of situations where it’s not advisable to use cruise control:

On Wet and Slippery Roads

It is never safe to use your cruise control on wet roads because it can cause your wheels to speed faster than necessary on slippery roads. 

This makes it quite difficult to control even during hard braking.

When You Are Sleepy 

The control cruise gives you the privilege to become more relaxed. However, this speed control is not an autopilot. The control and direction of the car are in your hands. It is your job to steer the wheels. 

Hence, if you are drowsy, it is logical not to put your car on cruise control because it can lull you to sleep and result in catastrophe.

In busy cities, there’s a strong potential for heavy traffic. Once you observe that there’s traffic coming up, you should disengage your cruise control and apply your brakes when necessary to avoid accidents.

Change in the Weather

It is safer to control your vehicle’s speed manually when there’s a weather change.

Does Cruise Control Save Gas?

In the long run, your speed controls help you maximize gas while driving. A car burns little fuel when set at a certain speed, which the cruise control helps you excellently. 

Further, sudden braking and acceleration tend to burn a lot of fuel. Cruise control avoids such situations.

Related:  Do All Cars Have ABS Braking Systems? (Basic Facts)

Why Is My Cruise Control Not Working?

There are certain reasons your cruise control might have stopped working, including:

Broken Brake Pedal

It is a known fact that once you step on your brakes, the cruise control automatically turns off, returning the control back to you.

Hence, if your brake pedal is damaged, the vehicle will think that your brakes are being pressed. It will prevent the cruise control from coming on.

And unless you fix your pedal switch, the cruise control won’t work.

Damaged Speed Sensor

A speed sensor senses and gauges your speed. So if, in fact, your speed sensor is bad, it may cause the cruise control to malfunction.

Hence, your speed sensors should be fixed immediately, as this may cause other car problems for you.

Damaged Mechanical Components

If perchance you are driving an old car, the cruise control may be mechanical, which means that there’s a cable that connects the throttle to the actuator.

If the actuator is damaged, the cruise control may not work because the actuator adjusts the cable to steady the speed limits.

A Blown Fuse

Modern cars use an electrically controlled cruise system, which definitely means there would be a fuse. If the fuse is blown, the cruise control circuitry won’t get the electricity to function.

If you have repaired it, the system will work. However, if you notice the fuse is blown again, it is a major signal that there’s a bigger car problem.

How Much Does It Cost to Fix Your Cruise Control?

Having to fix an originally installed speed control is not expensive as it ranges between $125 to $400, depending on the car model and labor.

Related:  17 Cars With Best Adaptive Cruise Control (With Pictures)

How Do You Know Your Cruise Control Is Getting Bad?

There are some major signs that the vehicle gives in order to alert you that this component is failing, including:

Speed Surges

This is the first and the most common sign. Bad cruise control will not be able to maintain the speed of the car as it will eventually run low. How does this happen?

The cruise control has a component called the control vacuum reservoir that holds the throttle at a certain pressure. If this component fails, there will be nothing left to maintain the car.

The cruise control may still work, but the speed of the car will definitely fluctuate.

Engine Performance

Another way to detect this is the irregular performance of the engine. If the vacuum reservoir breaks, the car may start to experience low acceleration, and burnout of fuel and power output.

Related:  5 Affordable Electric Cars With Cruise Control (With Prices)

How Do I Test My Cruise Control Switch?

This is an easy thing to do. Simply start your engine and then press the ” ON” button at the side of your steering.

Another sure way to know is simply to test drive the car to observe and check all the necessary things.

Can Low Battery Affect Cruise Control?

A major sign of a bad battery is the stoppage of several warning lights and sensors, which may be the cruise control system.

A non-functional battery tends to affect a lot of components. Unless you get it fixed, your cruise control may not work.

What Sensor Controls the Cruise Control?

The radar sensor is responsible for this, as it is located at the front end of the car. It senses the traffic and cars ahead and it also controls the speed of your car.

Why Is My Cruise Light On?

This happens majorly when the system is on, but a set speed hasn’t been chosen. It shows a yellow light at this stage and when there’s a set speed; it changes back to green.

However, if there’s a problem with the cruise control, the yellow light won’t go off until such a problem is sorted out.

Does Cruise Control Overheat a Car?

This could happen when driving through hilly ground. It can cause the system to send multiple transmissions which might lead to overheating.

Generally, it is advised not to set your car on cruise control when driving through hilly terrains as this could be hazardous.

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Cruise Control: How it Works, Types and Everything You Should Know

Learn how to effectively use cruise control in your vehicle. follow our simple instructions to optimize your driving experience.

Cruise Control

Cruise control is a popular feature in modern vehicles that can make driving more comfortable and less stressful. There are several types of cruise control systems that drivers can choose from, depending on their driving conditions and preferences. Standard cruise control is the most basic system, which allows the driver to set a constant speed that the vehicle will maintain. Adaptive cruise control, on the other hand, uses sensors to detect the distance and speed of vehicles in front of the car, adjusting the vehicle’s speed accordingly to maintain a safe following distance.

Intelligent cruise control goes even further, using artificial intelligence to learn the driver’s behaviour and adjust the speed of the vehicle before the driver takes action. Stop-and-go cruise control is ideal for use in heavy traffic and can bring the vehicle to a complete stop if necessary, while speed limiters are designed to limit the maximum speed of the vehicle. Each type of cruise control system has its own advantages and disadvantages, and drivers should choose the one that best suits their needs.

What Is Cruise Control

Cruise control is a system within a vehicle that enables drivers to establish and sustain a specific speed without having to continuously press the accelerator pedal. The system uses electronic sensors to track the vehicle’s speed and automatically regulate the throttle and brakes to maintain the predetermined speed. Cruise controle is generally employed during extended trips on highways, where sustaining a constant speed can decrease driver tiredness and boost fuel economy. It is a common feature in modern automobiles, trucks, and other types of vehicles.

How it Works

Cruise control works by using a combination of electronic sensors, servos, and control algorithms to maintain a vehicle’s speed without requiring the driver to continuously press the accelerator pedal. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how cruise controle works:

  • The driver activates cruise control by pressing a button or flipping a switch on the dashboard or steering wheel.
  • The system uses electronic sensors to measure the vehicle’s speed and other factors such as throttle position, engine load, and road grade.
  • The driver sets the desired speed by pressing a button or using a lever. The speed is usually displayed on the dashboard.
  • Once the speed is set, the cruise controle system takes over and maintains the speed by sending signals to the throttle and brakes as necessary.
  • If the vehicle encounters an incline or decline, the cruise control system adjusts the throttle to maintain a constant speed.
  • If the driver needs to slow down or stop, they can deactivate the cruise control by pressing the brake or clutch pedal, or by turning off the system using the control button.
In some modern cars, the cruise control system is enhanced with additional sensors and algorithms that enable it to adapt to the surrounding traffic and road conditions. These advanced systems are known as adaptive cruise control, intelligent cruise control, or active cruise control.

How To Use Cruise Control

Cruise control is a feature commonly found in modern vehicles that allows the driver to maintain a constant speed without having to keep their foot on the accelerator pedal. Here’s how to use cruise control:

  • Locate the cruise control button : The button is typically located on the steering wheel or dashboard. Check your owner’s manual if you’re having trouble finding it.
  • Activate cruise control : Once you’ve found the cruise control button, press it to turn on the system. You should see a light on the dashboard indicating that cruise control is active.
  • Accelerate to your desired speed : Using the accelerator pedal, accelerate to the speed you want to maintain.
  • Set the speed : Press the “set” or “res” button on the steering wheel to set the speed. The vehicle will maintain this speed until you cancel cruise control or apply the brakes.
  • Adjust the speed : To increase or decrease your speed, use the “+” or “-” buttons on the steering wheel.
  • Cancel cruise control : To turn off cruise control, press the “off” or “cancel” button on the steering wheel, or press the brake pedal.
  • Resume cruise control : If you cancel cruise control but want to resume it at the previous speed, press the “resume” button on the steering wheel.
Note: Always remember to pay attention to the road and adjust your speed as needed. Do not rely solely on cruise control while driving.

Advantages Of Cruise Control

  • Reduces driver fatigue : With cruise control engaged, the driver does not have to maintain constant pressure on the accelerator pedal. This can help reduce driver fatigue, particularly during long trips.
  • Conserves fuel : Cruise control helps maintain a consistent speed, which can result in better fuel efficiency. This is because the vehicle is not accelerating and decelerating as frequently, which can waste fuel.
  • Helps avoid speeding tickets : Cruise control can help drivers avoid speeding tickets, as they can set the desired speed and avoid accidentally exceeding the speed limit.
  • Improves safety : Maintaining a consistent speed with cruise control can help reduce the likelihood of sudden braking or acceleration, which can improve safety on the road.
  • Enhances driving experience : Cruise control can make driving more comfortable and less stressful, particularly in heavy traffic or on long trips.

Disadvantages Of Cruise Control

  • Limited use : Cruise controle is best suited for use on highways or other roads with minimal traffic and few curves. It may not be appropriate for use in heavy traffic or on winding roads, as it may not respond quickly enough to changing driving conditions.
  • Increases risk in hazardous conditions : Using cruise controle in hazardous conditions such as rain, ice, or snow can be dangerous. The driver may not be able to react quickly enough to changing conditions, and the vehicle may lose traction or spin out of control.
  • Can lead to complacency : Relying too heavily on cruise controle can lead to complacency and inattention while driving. The driver may become less aware of their surroundings or less attentive to the road.
  • May cause speed variations : Cruise controle may cause speed variations due to changes in road elevation, wind, or traffic conditions. This can be a problem if the driver is not paying attention and fails to adjust the speed manually.
  • May reduce driver engagement : Using cruise controle for extended periods of time may reduce driver engagement and enjoyment of the driving experience.

Types Of Cruise Control

Modern vehicles offer various types of cruise control systems to assist drivers in maintaining a steady speed. Here are some of the most common types of speed control.

1. Standard Cruise Control

Standard cruise control is the most basic form of speed control system that has been around for several decades. It allows the driver to set a desired speed and maintain it without having to keep their foot on the accelerator pedal. Once activated, the system uses electronic sensors to monitor the speed of the vehicle and automatically adjusts the throttle to maintain a constant speed.

With standard cruise controle, the vehicle will maintain the set speed regardless of changes in the road conditions, such as uphill or downhill slopes or curves. To deactivate the system, the driver can either apply the brakes or turn off the cruise control switch. Standard cruise controle can be found on many vehicles, from entry-level models to high-end luxury cars.

While it can help reduce driver fatigue and improve fuel economy on long drives, it requires the driver to remain attentive and adjust the speed manually if necessary. Therefore, it is important for drivers to use it responsibly and not rely solely on the system to maintain a safe driving experience.

Advantages of Standard Cruise Control

  • Reduced driver fatigue : By allowing the driver to set a constant speed and not having to keep their foot on the accelerator pedal, standard cruise control can help reduce driver fatigue and make long drives more comfortable.
  • Improved fuel efficiency : Maintaining a constant speed using cruise controle can improve fuel efficiency by reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, resulting in lower fuel consumption.
  • Avoiding speeding tickets : Standard cruise control helps drivers avoid unintentionally exceeding the speed limit, which can result in costly speeding tickets.
  • Easier driving in heavy traffic : When driving in heavy traffic, using cruise controle can help reduce stress and allow drivers to focus on other aspects of driving, such as changing lanes and looking out for other drivers.
  • Consistent speed : By maintaining a consistent speed, standard cruise controle can provide a smoother driving experience, especially on long, open roads where it can be challenging to maintain a constant speed manually.

Disadvantages Of Standard Cruise Control

  • Limited functionality : Standard cruise control can only maintain a constant speed and does not adjust the speed based on traffic or road conditions. As a result, drivers must be attentive and make manual adjustments if necessary, especially in situations such as steep hills, winding roads, or heavy traffic.
  • Reduced control : By taking over the throttle, standard cruise controle can reduce the driver’s control over the vehicle, particularly in emergency situations that require quick acceleration or deceleration.
  • Safety risks : Standard cruise controle may pose a safety risk in some situations, such as when driving on wet or icy roads, where sudden changes in road conditions could cause the vehicle to skid or lose control.
  • Increased fuel consumption : In some cases, standard cruise controle can actually increase fuel consumption, particularly in stop-and-go traffic, where frequent acceleration and deceleration can lead to higher fuel consumption than maintaining a constant speed.
  • Maintenance and repair costs : If the cruise controle system malfunctions, it can be costly to repair or replace.

2. Adaptive Cruise Control

Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) is an advanced form of speed control that uses sensors and radar to detect the distance between the driver’s car and the vehicle ahead, unlike other types of cruise control systems. This type of cruise control automatically adjusts the speed of the vehicle to maintain a safe following distance and can even bring the vehicle to a complete stop if necessary.

The system uses sensors and radar to detect the distance between the driver’s car and the vehicle ahead. If the vehicle ahead slows down or stops, the ACC system automatically applies the brakes to slow down or stop the car, maintaining a safe distance. When the road clears or the vehicle ahead moves faster, the ACC system accelerates the car to the driver’s set speed or the maximum speed limit.

Some ACC systems also come with collision warning systems that alert the driver if the car gets too close to the vehicle ahead. Some systems can also detect pedestrians, animals, or other obstacles and apply the brakes if necessary.

Advantages Of Adaptive Cruise Control

  • Enhanced safety : By automatically maintaining a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, adaptive cruise control can help reduce the risk of rear-end collisions, making it a valuable safety feature.
  • Reduced driver fatigue : Adaptive speed control can reduce driver fatigue by taking over the task of maintaining a safe following distance, especially in heavy traffic.
  • Increased convenience : ACC can make long drives more comfortable and less stressful, as the driver doesn’t have to constantly adjust the speed.
  • Fuel efficiency : By maintaining a constant speed and reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, adaptive cruise control can help improve fuel efficiency.

Disadvantages Of Adaptive Cruise Control

  • High cost : ACC systems are more expensive than traditional cruise control systems.
  • Limited functionality : ACC may not work in all driving situations, such as on winding roads or in heavy rain or snow.
  • Over-reliance : Drivers may become too reliant on the ACC system and neglect to pay attention to the road and other vehicles, which can lead to accidents.
  • Complex operation : ACC systems can be complex and difficult to operate, requiring drivers to understand how the system works and how to use it correctly.

3. Intelligent Cruise Control

Intelligent Cruise Control (ICC), also known as Active Cruise Control (ACC), is an advanced form of cruise controle that uses sensors and cameras to detect the distance and speed of the vehicles ahead. ICC not only maintains a safe distance from the vehicle ahead but also adjusts the speed of the vehicle to match the flow of traffic.

The system uses a forward-facing camera and sensors to detect the speed and distance of the vehicle in front of the driver. If the vehicle ahead slows down or speeds up, ICC automatically adjusts the speed of the driver’s car to maintain a safe following distance. Unlike regular speed control, ICC can also bring the car to a complete stop and resume driving when the vehicle ahead starts moving again.

ICC systems can also recognize lane markings and keep the car centred within the lane, providing additional safety and convenience benefits. Some ICC systems can even detect and respond to pedestrians and other obstacles, providing an added layer of safety.

Advantages Of Intelligent Cruise Control

  • Increased safety : By automatically adjusting the speed and maintaining a safe following distance, ICC can help prevent accidents and reduce the risk of collisions.
  • Reduced driver fatigue : ICC can reduce driver fatigue and make long drives more comfortable, especially in heavy traffic.
  • Improved fuel efficiency : By maintaining a constant speed and reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, ICC can help improve fuel efficiency.
  • Enhanced convenience : ICC can make driving more convenient and less stressful, as the system takes care of maintaining a safe distance and speed.

Disadvantages Of Intelligent Cruise Control

  • High cost : ICC systems can be expensive, especially in luxury cars.
  • Complex operation : ICC systems can be complex and difficult to operate, requiring drivers to understand how the system works and how to use it correctly.
  • Limited functionality : ICC may not work in all driving situations, such as on winding roads or in heavy rain or snow.
  • Over-reliance : Drivers may become too reliant on the ICC system and neglect to pay attention to the road and other vehicles, which can lead to accidents.

4. Stop-and-Go Cruise Control

Stop-and-Go Cruise Control is an advanced form of speed control, Unlike other types of cruise controle systems. It can maintain a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, even in stop-and-go traffic. This type of cruise controle is designed to help drivers reduce stress and fatigue when driving in heavy traffic conditions. The system uses sensors and cameras to detect the distance and speed of the vehicle ahead.

When traffic slows down or comes to a stop, the Stop-and-Go Cruise Control system automatically applies the brakes to bring the car to a complete stop. When the traffic ahead starts moving again, the system automatically accelerates the car to follow the flow of traffic.

Stop-and-Go speed control systems can help reduce the stress and fatigue of driving in heavy traffic, as the system takes care of maintaining a safe distance and speed. Some systems also have the ability to recognize and respond to pedestrians and other obstacles, providing an added layer of safety.

Advantages Of Stop-and-Go Cruise Control

  • Reduced driver fatigue : Stop-and-Go Cruise controle can reduce driver fatigue and make long drives in heavy traffic more comfortable.
  • Increased safety : By automatically adjusting the speed and maintaining a safe following distance, Stop-and-Go Cruise controle can help prevent accidents and reduce the risk of collisions.
  • Enhanced convenience : Stop-and-Go speed control can make driving in heavy traffic more convenient and less stressful, as the system takes care of maintaining a safe distance and speed.
  • Improved fuel efficiency : By maintaining a constant speed and reducing unnecessary acceleration and deceleration, Stop-and-Go Cruise controle can help improve fuel efficiency.

Disadvantages Of Stop-and-Go Cruise Control

  • Limited functionality : Stop-and-Go speed control may not work in all driving situations, such as on winding roads or in heavy rain or snow.
  • High cost : Stop-and-Go speed control systems can be expensive, especially in luxury cars.
  • Complex operation : Stop-and-Go speed control systems can be complex and difficult to operate, requiring drivers to understand how the system works and how to use it correctly.
  • Over-reliance : Drivers may become too reliant on the system and neglect to pay attention to the road and other vehicles, which can lead to accidents.

5. Speed Limiter

A speed limiter is a type of speed control system that is designed to limit the maximum speed of a vehicle. Unlike other types of cruise control systems, which maintain a set speed, a speed limiter prevents a vehicle from exceeding a certain speed limit.

Speed limiters can be installed in vehicles as a safety feature, particularly in commercial vehicles like trucks and buses. These vehicles are often required by law to have speed limiters installed, as they can help prevent accidents caused by excessive speed. In addition, speed limiters can help improve fuel efficiency and reduce wear and tear on the vehicle’s engine and brakes.

There are two main types of speed limiters :

Hard limiters : These limiters prevent a vehicle from exceeding a certain speed limit, typically set by the manufacturer. Once the limit is set, it cannot be exceeded, even in emergency situations. Soft limiters : These limiters allow the vehicle to exceed the set speed limit in certain situations, such as when overtaking or accelerating to merge onto a highway. However, the limiter will still prevent the vehicle from exceeding the maximum speed limit.

Advantages Of Speed Limiter

  • Increased safety : Speed limiters can help prevent accidents caused by excessive speed, especially in commercial vehicles.
  • Reduced fuel consumption : By limiting the maximum speed of a vehicle, speed limiters can help improve fuel efficiency.
  • Reduced wear and tear : Speed limiters can help reduce wear and tear on a vehicle’s engine and brakes, extending the life of the vehicle.
  • Compliance with regulations : In some countries, commercial vehicles are required by law to have speed limiters installed.

Disadvantages Of Speed Limiter

  • Limited functionality : Speed limiters may not be effective in preventing all types of accidents or speeding violations.
  • Reduced driver control : Some drivers may feel uncomfortable with a speed limiter installed, as it restricts their ability to control the vehicle’s speed.
  • Maintenance costs : Speed limiters may require maintenance and calibration, which can be costly.

It’s important to remember that cruise control is not a substitute for attentive driving. Drivers should always remain aware of their surroundings and be ready to take control of the vehicle at any time. Additionally, drivers should not use speed control in certain situations, such as in heavy traffic, on wet or slippery roads, or when driving in mountainous terrain. Overall, it can be a helpful tool for long-distance driving on open roads, but drivers should always use it with caution and be aware of its limitations.

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The national average cost for a cruise control module replacement in 2024 is $755.

Get expert advice, find shops, schedule, approve, & pay for any service - guaranteed to be lower than in-store retail., drive with confidence., save with assurance., get expert advice, compare prices, schedule, approve, & pay for any service at your favorite shops - guaranteed to be lower than in-store retail. the preferred auto maintenance solution for gig drivers - now available for everyone., how it works, what is a cruise control module and how does it work, a cruise control module is a computer control module, one of many in your vehicle, that receives and processes data in order to cause your vehicle to maintain a given speed and, in some cases, activate the braking system. cruise control, a feature of the engine management system in most modern vehicles, allows a vehicle to maintain a specific speed at the request of the driver and without input to the gas pedal (throttle) by the driver. once the vehicle reaches a desired speed on the road, the driver engages the cruise control system, and the vehicle continues at that speed until the system is disengaged, or the driver steps on the brake pedal. the latest systems also react to input from special sensors that can detect the distance to the vehicle ahead and adjust the speed accordingly. older cruise control systems relied on mechanical components, such as an actuator connected to a cable that would open and close the throttle valve. that arrangement allowed the engine to apply as much power as necessary to maintain vehicle speed. modern systems are entirely electronic. data received from the wheel speed sensors, transmission control module, brake light switch, ignition switch, abs module, and distance sensors (if the vehicle is so equipped) - along with input from the driver’s controls - are all processed in the cruise control module to actuate the throttle., how is this service performed, how is a a cruise control module replacement done, to replace a cruise control module, a technician must first disconnect the negative terminal from the battery, taking care to preserve sensitive computer memory in your vehicle. any shields, covers, ducts, or interior components (such as the center console) that are in the way of access to the module must be removed as well. from there, once the specific location of the module has been discovered, the technician will perform the following general steps to replace the module: unplug the cruise control module from the wiring harness disconnect the throttle cable from the module (only on some models) remove any mounting hardware and dislodge the module install the new module, fasten in place, and plug in the wires reinstall all components removed for access program the new cruise control module with a scan tool to synchronize with other vehicle systems.

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Your word, not ours.

After 5 years, people have a lot to say about us - here's a few., common symptoms, how do i know if my vehicle needs a new cruise control module, the cruise control module is a small computer typically located either in the passenger compartment (underneath the dashboard or the center console) or inside of a weatherproof case in the engine compartment. it is unlikely that the module itself would see physical damage under normal use. but as with any electrical wiring in the engine compartment, the electrical connections to the module can be susceptible to corrosion outside of the housing. more likely, however, is damage to the module by way of improper voltage somehow being sent to the module. if a cruise control module goes bad, you might notice one or more of the following symptoms:.

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Other questions customers ask, what would cause the cruise control to stop working the cruise control on a vehicle may stop working for several reasons. among the most common would be the fuse powering the cruise control module has blown. the cruise control module itself could also go bad. other faulty components could also render the cruise control system inoperative, such as a bad speed sensor that is supposed to relay the vehicle speed to the cruise control module. how do i know if my cruise control fuse is blown if your cruise control fuse is blown, the cruise control on your vehicle will not work. you may also see a check engine light on the dashboard or a message on the instrument cluster informing you of the cruise control being disabled. if you are able to locate the specific fuse in the fuse block and visually inspect it, you should notice that the tiny electrode inside the fuse has broken. what sensor cuts cruise control some late-model vehicles come equipped with adaptive cruise control systems that can detect the vehicle directly in front and adjust the speed accordingly. these advanced systems rely on radar, sonar, lidar and other technologies to detect the distance to the next vehicle. distance sensors send constant signals to the cruise control module, updating it on the proximity to the vehicle directly ahead. if that vehicle slows down, the cruise control module adjusts the speed to compensate..

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Cruise Control Installation Cost [Labor & Parts]

  • Cruise Control

Cruise control is a small, but the luxurious feature that adds a lot of convenience to your ride. Unfortunately, some vehicles don’t come from the factory with cruise control already installed!

  • What Is Adaptive Cruise Control System In An Auto
  • Why Is My Cruise Control Not Working? Causes & Cost to Fix
  • Cruise Control Sign On Control Panel: Standard Symbol
  • Fixing Faulty Cruise Control

The Sightless Visionary Who Invented Cruise Control

If you want to add cruise control to your vehicle, you may be wondering how much it will cost. Typically, installing a cruise control system on your vehicle will cost anywhere between $200-$350.

You are watching: Cruise Control Installation Cost [Labor & Parts]

It’s pretty easy to install it yourself, but you may choose to have a professional install it instead. If you opt for this method, it’ll add somewhere around $100-$250 to the total cost.

Keep reading to learn more about the cost of installing cruise control, as well as the benefits of doing so.

How Much Will It Cost to Install Aftermarket Cruise Control?

Depending on your specific vehicle and the aftermarket kit you purchase, your cruise control installation can cost anywhere from $200-$600 total.

This cost heavily depends on whether you install the system yourself or have a professional do it for you.

It’s more expensive to install cruise control on some vehicles because they require specific, more expensive kits.

While there are universal kits available that work for most vehicles, some models require OEM parts. This could easily double the estimated cost.

Most aftermarket cruise control kits include everything you need for self-installation, including the activation handle or switch.

If you’re not comfortable installing it yourself, however, you’ll need to pay for the mechanic’s labor. Depending on where you go, this could add anywhere from $90-$250 to the cost.

What Are the Best Universal Aftermarket Cruise Control Kits?

While you can choose an installation kit made specifically for your vehicle, many people prefer a universal kit. The table below will highlight the specifics of several popular universal cruise control installation kits.

Each kit listed above comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Before you choose a kit for your car, make sure you know the specifics.

What is Cruise Control?

A cruise control system allows you to set your vehicle at a specific speed with the touch of a button. Once you get up to your desired speed, you press the switch or handle to lock it in.

See more : The Sightless Visionary Who Invented Cruise Control

If you want to deactivate the cruise control, all you have to do is press the switch again or put your foot on the brake.

Cruise control works by adjusting your car’s throttle position. Your speed sensors sense the speed and throttle position and lock it in when you activate cruise control.

Most systems operate through something called “proportional-integral-derivative,” or PID, control.

What are the Benefits of Cruise Control?

Cruise control adds convenience to your drive and saves you money in gas. At a constant speed, your car does not have to work as hard while switching gears and accelerating.

This, in turn, improves your gas mileage and saves you a considerable amount of money.

In addition, cruise control provides you with a more comfortable ride. Because your speed is locked in, you don’t have to constantly keep your foot on the gas pedal.

You can change your position safely if you need to adjust your posture and experience behind-the-wheel fatigue.

Cruise control also allows you to have better control over your speed. You can set it at the posted speed limit, preventing any accidental speeding.

The Difference Between Cruise Control and Adaptive Cruise Control

If you’ve been searching for cruise control kits, you may have seen “adaptive cruise control” pop up a few times. While these two things are similar, they have some significant differences in operation.

As we’ve discussed, cruise control works by setting your vehicle’s speed at a constant number. Adaptive cruise control, on the other hand, is more intuitive.

It typically only works with vehicles that have either a navigation system, forward-facing cameras or sensors, or both.

Adaptive cruise control allows you to set a constant speed, but will automatically adjust itself in certain scenarios.

For example, if a slower car cuts in front of you on the road, it will automatically lower the set speed to avoid getting too close. Once the other vehicle moves out of the way, it will raise back to your set speed.

Some adaptive cruise control systems will also slow down around tight curves, or even reduce the speed if the posted speed limit changes.

See more : Cruise Control In Cars Explained (And How To Safely Use It)

However, don’t mistake this system with “self-driving!” Adaptive cruise control still requires you to steer your vehicle, and you may need to brake manually if a car ahead of you suddenly brakes.

As you would probably expect, adaptive cruise control is much more expensive to install than regular cruise control.

At the low end, systems cost around $500. However, the most intuitive systems can cost up to $2,500.

How Do You Install a Cruise Control System?

If you choose to install your cruise control system yourself, you’ll need to follow the correct steps to ensure it’s done properly. Here is everything you need to do while installing cruise control on your vehicle.

  • Before unhooking your battery, put your key in the accessory power position to unlock your steering wheel. Turn it so that at least one of the airbag screws is facing the floor.
  • Next, unhook your battery. Leave it unhooked for at least 10 minutes to ensure all the power is released from the airbags.
  • Now you’ll need to move your steering wheel airbag to allow for proper access. Unscrew the airbag bolts, then lift them away at least six inches. Make sure to unhook the airbag cable connection carefully, and don’t pull out any additional wires or cables.
  • Once the airbag has been removed, you’ll have to look inside the wheel to find the white cruise control connector. This is normally close to the horn. If you can’t find it, consult your owner’s manual.
  • Place the cruise control switch and attach all wires as directed.
  • Now, you can mount the switch securely, using all the included brackets and screws. Once you’ve mounted it, reattach your airbag and put it back inside the steering wheel.
  • Tighten all the steering wheel airbag bolts.
  • If your kit includes a master switch, install it near the steering column.
  • If your vehicle is not cruise control ready, you’ll need to install the cruise control computer. The location varies by vehicle, but it’s often located near the driver’s side kick panel.
  • Attach any remaining parts required, such as a sub-zero unit, additional switch, or cruise actuator.
  • The last step is to calibrate your vehicle’s computer. This can be a complicated process. Consult online guides for your specific vehicle, or go to the dealer and have them do it for you.

Although this process may seem complicated, it’s generally not considered difficult to do. Typically, installing this system will take you no longer than an hour.

Can You Install Cruise Control on a Manual Transmission?

If you have a manual transmission vehicle, you’ll be happy to hear that it’s still possible to install cruise control. However, it will be less flexible and typically requires extra sensors, such as a clutch disengagement switch.

Putting the car into neutral or pressing the clutch will deactivate cruise control. It will typically only engage in 4th gear or higher, meaning it’s most useful for highway or other high-speed driving.

Can Cruise Control be Installed on Any Car?

While most cars do accept cruise control systems, there are a few that don’t accept them. Do your research on your particular make and model to ensure it’s possible to install cruise control.

Even if your car isn’t “cruise control ready,” it’s likely still possible to install it. Complete kits typically include everything you need to upgrade your vehicle.

However, you may need to purchase a separate vehicle speed signal (VSS) generator for certain vehicles.

Will Adding Cruise Control Void a Car’s Warranty?

Unless your aftermarket cruise control system damages your car in some way, your warranty will not be voided. In fact, your kit may require dealer activation, and the mechanic there will be happy to help.

If your kit says that dealer activation is required, it means that the vehicle’s computer needs to be activated to allow for cruise control.

You’ll take your car to the dealer, and they’ll set the internal computer to accept cruise control. This will typically call for an additional cost.

The Bottom Line

Adding cruise control to your vehicle is usually pretty simple to do yourself. Most DIY kits cost between $200-$350 . If you want a mechanic to install your system instead, expect to pay around $90-$250 extra.

Source: Category: Cruise Control

David Garcia

EMILY GARCIA is a highly qualified Engineer with a BSc in automotive engineering degree from UET Lahore, specializing in Automobile Electrical Technology. As an Auto Electrical Technician with over a decade of practical experience in the automobile industry, he has worked with some of the leading automotive brands. He has authored over 250 articles about automobile electrical systems on He is dedicated to providing expert solutions for all your automotive electrical needs. Garcia's exceptional skills and commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest developments in the automotive industry make him a highly respected expert in the field.

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cruise control average price

How Much Does an Alaska Cruise Cost in 2024?

I f you're planning a cruise to Alaska this year, you may be enticed by low prices (in the hundreds) for a weeklong cruise. However, it's important to know that those fares are just the beginning of the cost for the entire trip.

Typically, the lowest advertised prices with mainstream cruise lines don't include taxes and port fees, specialty dining costs, alcoholic or nonalcoholic drinks, shore excursions , Wi-Fi access, gratuities and other expenses. On top of that, bargain fares usually refer to inside cabins with no windows. In a picturesque, bucket list destination like Alaska, you will realistically want a room with a private balcony so you can take in the spectacular scenery from the comfort of your room.

When to cruise to Alaska depends on what you're interested in seeing and doing during your vacation , but summer is typically the best time to visit The Great Land. Between mid-May and mid-July, you can experience 24 hours of daylight. This period is also an optimal time for wildlife viewing; you can see bears feasting on salmon, humpback whales and orcas, furry baby moose and thousands of nesting bald eagles. Cruise lines often reserve their lowest prices for sailings early or late in the Alaska cruising season , but it's still possible to find deals in the middle of the summer.

With all of this in mind, we've listed both the lowest interior cabin fares and the average total costs for a balcony stateroom across eight popular cruise lines for weeklong itineraries in June 2024. (Note: All fares quoted are per person, double occupancy, unless otherwise noted. Prices were accurate at the time of writing.)

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Holland America Line

Holland America Line's 2024 Alaska season extends from April to September; in 2024, there are more than 60 cruise-only voyages and cruisetours (combined land and sea packages). With the exception of one 28-day journey, itineraries range from seven to 18 days.

Average starting price (per person)

This June, Holland America 's lowest-priced itinerary is the 7-Day Glacier Discovery Southbound voyage departing from Whittier, Alaska, on June 23, 2024, aboard Nieuw Amsterdam . The voyage features scenic cruising in Hubbard Glacier, Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve and the Inside Passage. You'll also stop in the Alaska towns of Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan, before disembarking in Vancouver, British Columbia . The starting price is $409 per person for an inside cabin, and veranda staterooms start at $2,114 per person (cruise-only fare).

Starting price (per person)

For this sailing, there is a $291 charge per person for taxes, fees and port expenses. Specialty dining, alcoholic drinks (and many nonalcoholic beverages, such as bottled water and specialty coffees), excursions, Wi-Fi access, gratuities and some other amenities cost extra.

Instead of paying for these extras individually, you can book Holland America's "Have It All" package. It covers one dinner at a specialty restaurant; one shore excursion (up to $100 per guest); a signature beverage package (for drinks up to $11 each) and a Wi-Fi package. For a limited time, you can also receive a $200 onboard credit per stateroom. A veranda stateroom plus the package starts at $2,569 per person.

If you purchase the "Have It All" package with the veranda stateroom, select the location of your cabin yourself (an additional $90), add in the port taxes and fees ($291) and include crew gratuities at $17 per guest, per day for non-suite staterooms ($119), the total cost is about $3,000 per person. You'll still need to budget for drinks that cost more than $11 each; bottles of wine with dinner; additional evenings of specialty dining; other shore excursions and miscellaneous expenses.

Total cost: From $3,069 per person

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Princess Cruises

Princess is offering 14 unique itineraries and 68 cruisetours during the 2024 Alaska season, which runs from May to September. Itineraries range from a seven-day cruise to a 17-day escorted cruisetour.

Princess's lowest-priced cruise in June is the 7-Day Voyage of the Glaciers with Glacier Bay (Northbound) from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Anchorage (Whittier), Alaska , on Grand Princess. Embarking on June 5, 2024, the sailing includes scenic cruising in College Fjord and Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve, a day at sea and stops in the coastal towns of Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway in Alaska. Interior cabins start at $448 per person, while staterooms with a balcony start at $1,698 per person. If you select your own balcony stateroom (instead of letting the cruise line place you), the cost is $1,791 per person.

Additional fees (taxes, gratuities, etc.)

Taxes, fees and port expenses for this cruise will run you $284 per person. At the $1,791 rate, you will be in the Princess Standard fare class, which includes the ships' complimentary dining venues, entertainment and the MedallionClass experience.

You can upgrade to Princess Plus (starting at $2,211 for a balcony room) to add Wi-Fi access (one device per guest); gratuities; a beverage package (covering drinks up to $15 each); two fitness classes per cruise; two premium desserts per day; two casual dining meals and more. For additional amenities, such as Wi-Fi access for up to four devices per guest; a higher-level beverage package (for drinks up to $20 each); two specialty dining meals per guest; unlimited exercise classes and more, opt for the Princess Premier package. Balcony rooms under this category start at $2,351 per guest.

If you purchase the Princess Premier package with the balcony room, the total cost with port taxes and fees is a little more than $2,600 per person – and the pricing is nearly all-inclusive. This package may also include free cruise fare for third and fourth guests traveling in the same stateroom. You will still need to budget for shore excursions; note that over-the-top experiences like flightseeing, helicopter and dog sledding tours, and scenic rides on the historic White Pass and Yukon Route Railway can get pricey.

Total cost: From $2,635 per person

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Norwegian Cruise Line

Norwegian Cruise Line offers one of the longest Alaska cruising seasons. In 2024, there are 44 scheduled cruise and cruisetour itineraries between April and October, ranging from seven to 18 days.

The June 3, 2024, sailing on Norwegian Jewel is Norwegian Cruise Line 's least expensive Alaska cruise that month, starting at $449 per person for an inside cabin. In comparison, a balcony cabin starts at $1,879 per person. The itinerary – Alaska: Hubbard Glacier & Skagway – embarks from Seward, Alaska, and includes scenic sea days cruising Hubbard Glacier and the Inside Passage, plus stops in the ports of Icy Strait Point, Juneau, Skagway and Ketchikan (Ward Cove) in Alaska, before disembarking in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The line's ongoing "Free At Sea" deal is included in the price and features an unlimited open bar, free specialty dining (up to $180 for the first two guests in the stateroom), a discount of $50 per excursion and complimentary Wi-Fi access (a savings of up to $200).

Open bar and specialty dining gratuities in the package are approximately $175 per person. Taxes, fees and port expenses are about $302 per person. You'll also need to include the additional $20 per person, per day service charge ($140 for the seven-day voyage).

If you book the balcony stateroom at $1,879 per person, which includes the "Free At Sea" package, and add in the taxes and port fees, dining and beverage gratuities and the daily service charge for the crew, the total cost for the cruise is around $2,500 per person. Remaining costs for shore excursions, specialty dining over $180, additional Wi-Fi usage, gratuities and other miscellaneous costs are not included in the "Free At Sea" package.

Total cost: From $2,496 per person

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Royal Caribbean International

Royal Caribbean International's 2024 Alaska cruise season extends from April to September; there are 50 scheduled cruise-only and land-and-sea tours. Combined pre- and post-cruise tours last up to 13 nights, and cruise-only itineraries last between six to eight nights.

For the lowest fare in June, sail from Seward, Alaska, to Vancouver, British Columbia, on a seven-night cruise aboard Radiance of the Seas on June 7, 2024. The inside cabin fare starts at $438 per person. A balcony stateroom starts at $2,877 per person (to select your own room). This voyage cruises around Alaska's Hubbard Glacier, sails the Inside Passage in Canada and stops in Juneau, Skagway, Icy Strait Point and Ketchikan in Alaska.

The guaranteed balcony price at $2,877 is for a smaller stateroom; you can select a larger cabin for a higher cost. Taxes, fees and port expenses for the cruise are $389 per person.

The total cost for the balcony stateroom, port taxes and fees, and gratuities ($18 per person, per day) for this Royal Caribbean cruise is about $3,400 per person. This price does not include extras like specialty dining, shore excursions, beverage packages or Wi-Fi access, so you will need to budget extra to cover those expenses.

Total cost: From $3,392 per person

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Disney Cruise Line

Disney Cruise Line has 19 five- to nine-night itineraries for the 2024 Alaska season, which runs from May to September.

The lowest price for a seven-night Alaska cruise in June with Disney Cruise Line is the June 3, 2024, voyage on Disney Wonder . The price for an inside cabin starts at approximately $3,472 for two guests, which includes taxes, fees and port expenses. In contrast, the fare for a guaranteed veranda stateroom starts at about $6,482 for two guests (including the additional fees); at this rate, Disney will select your specific cabin.

This round-trip sailing embarks from Vancouver, British Columbia. You'll begin your journey with a day at sea, then glacier viewing at Stikine Icecap in Alaska. Guests will stop in Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan in Alaska before another sea day and disembarkation in Vancouver.

Guests staying in regular stateroom accommodations will have gratuities of about $15 per person, per night. Once you add that in, you're looking at a cost of close to $6,600 per room (based on double occupancy) – or around $3,300 per person, if you split it. This price covers the cruise fare, taxes and port fees, the complimentary dining venues, onboard entertainment and gratuities for the crew.

You will need to budget extra for port adventures, beverages, and meals at adults-only venues like the Cadillac Lounge and Italian-themed Palo. The line offers Wi-Fi packages for an additional fee, which you can select once on board. You will also need to pay extra for alcoholic beverages, and there is an 18% gratuity added to bar and beverage services.

Total cost: From $6,587 per room (double occupancy)

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Carnival Cruise Line

Carnival Cruise Line's 2024 Alaska season runs from April through September, and there are 16 itineraries that range from seven to 14 days.

The lowest Alaska fare in June is $814 per person for the June 4, 2024, voyage aboard Carnival Spirit . The seven-day round-trip itinerary departing from Seattle, Washington , includes one day at sea, cruising in Tracy Arm Fjord and stops in the Alaska port towns of Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan, plus Victoria, British Columbia. A guaranteed balcony room without an obstructed view starts at $1,579 per person.

Taxes, fees and port expenses for this cruise are about $313 per person. If you'd like Wi-Fi access, you can purchase the Social Wi-Fi Plan starting at approximately $15 per person, per day. The higher level Value Wi-Fi Plan costs about $20 per person, per day, while the Premium Wi-Fi Plan comes in at around $21 per person, per day.

A nonalcoholic beverage package, Bottomless Bubbles, starts at around $10 per adult and around $7 per child each day. For nonalcoholic beverages and select alcoholic drinks (up to $20 each), purchase the Cheers package. It starts at about $60 per person, per day, but you can save 10% if you purchase the package before you sail. With Cheers, you'll also receive a discount on bottles of wine (plus other perks). Gratuities cost $16 per person, per day, in a regular stateroom. Restaurants like the Mexican-inspired BlueIguana Cantina and Guy's Burger Joint are complimentary.

When you add up the price of the balcony stateroom, port taxes and fees, the Value package for Wi-Fi access, the Cheers beverage package and gratuities, you're looking at around $2,600 per person for this Carnival Cruise Line itinerary. In addition to those expenses, you'll have to budget extra funds for shore excursions, specialty dining and some other amenities.

Total cost: From $2,564 per person

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Silversea Cruises

Silversea Cruises is offering 35 Alaska voyages between May and September 2024. The shortest itinerary is seven days and the longest itinerary is 16 days.

The lowest-priced Alaska cruise with Silversea in June is the June 27, 2024, seven-day sailing aboard Silver Muse from Vancouver, British Columbia, to Seward, Alaska. The intimate 596-guest ship will visit Ketchikan, Icy Strait Point, Skagway and Valdez in Alaska – and complete two days of scenic cruising – before disembarking in Seward.

The all-inclusive port-to-port fare starts at $4,350 per person for a Classic Veranda Suite (the most affordable suite category with a balcony). For a room with a window instead of a balcony, book a Vista Suite starting at $3,350 per person.

Silversea's all-inclusive fares include luxurious suite accommodations, Champagne upon arrival, butler service and other perks. The pricing covers port taxes and fees; complimentary gourmet dining; all beverages, including Champagne, wine, beer and premium spirits; and gratuities. You'll also receive personalized, attentive service with a nearly one-to-one crew-to-guest ratio, and at least one included shore excursion in every port. Complimentary excursions in Skagway include a ride on the White Pass Scenic Railway, a visit to a sled dog and musher's camp and the Chilkoot Trail Hike & Float Adventure. Many of the included excursions with Silversea are quite costly on other lines.

There are no additional fees with the all-inclusive fare. However, you might incur additional personal expenses if you choose to order a fancy bottle of wine with dinner or book an extreme shore excursion adventure, like flightseeing over the glaciers.

Total cost: $4,550 per person (all-inclusive)

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Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Regent Seven Seas' 22 Alaska cruises in 2024 sail between May and September and last seven to 14 nights.

The seven-night voyage on June 5, 2024, is the line's lowest-priced June sailing in Alaska, starting at $6,599 per person. Guests on Seven Seas Explorer will sail from Seward, Alaska, to Vancouver, British Columbia, with stops in Sitka, Skagway, Juneau and Ketchikan in Alaska, plus two days of scenic cruising at the Inside Passage and Hubbard Glacier.

The 2-for-1 all-inclusive fares include a luxury veranda suite with a welcome bottle of Champagne and a fresh fruit arrangement. You'll also have an in-suite minibar, free valet laundry service and other upscale amenities. In addition, the fare includes a selection of free unlimited shore excursions; free unlimited beverages with fine wines and spirits; prepaid gratuities; complimentary specialty restaurants; unlimited Wi-Fi access and more.

There are no additional expenses on this Regent Seven Seas Cruises voyage – unless you choose a shore excursion that comes with an added cost or purchase a special bottle of wine at dinner.

Total cost: $6,599 per person (all-inclusive)

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Bottom line

The low base fares for Alaska cruises on larger cruise lines may grab your attention, but as you click through to see what's included and make your booking, you'll find additional costs on nearly every page.

Before making a reservation, be sure to read the fine print and find out exactly what's included (and not included) in your cruise fare. You may find that booking an all-inclusive rate with a luxury line offers a better value – an option that you may never have considered unless you compared the total price of each cruise.

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Gwen Pratesi has been an avid cruiser since her early 20s. She has sailed on nearly every type of cruise ship, including the newest megaships, traditional masted sailing ships, river ships in Europe and a small luxury expedition vessel in Antarctica . She has cruised to Alaska and visited The Great Land in the summer, fall and winter, and journeyed to remote areas by bush plane above the Arctic Circle. She used her knowledge of Alaska cruises and extensive research to write this article. Pratesi covers the travel and culinary industries for major publications, including U.S. News & World Report.

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Copyright 2024 U.S. News & World Report

The 8 Top Alaska Cruise Lines of 2024

Missing workers in Key Bridge collapse presumed dead, search called off: Live updates

Editor's Note: This page is a summary of news on the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapse for Tuesday, March 26. For the latest news on the collapse, view our live updates file for Wednesday, March 27 .

BALTIMORE − The U.S. Coast Guard said Tuesday evening it was calling off the search-and-rescue mission for the six construction workers that went missing when a cargo ship struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore early in the morning, sending it collapsing into the frigid Patapsco River and shutting down a critical artery for East Coast shipping .

Officials said water temperatures around 46 to 48 degrees, poor visibility and changing currents played a role in the decision after a dogged attempt to find the workers.

“Based on the length of time that we’ve gone on this search, the extensive search efforts that we’ve put into it, the water temperature, at this point we do not believe that we’re going to find any of these individuals still alive,'' Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon N. Gilreath said in a news conference. "So this evening at about 7:30 we are going to suspend the active search-and-rescue efforts.’’

The focus of the operation would switch to recovery and restart at 6 a.m. Wednesday, officials said.

Around 1:30 a.m. Tuesday a Singapore-flagged vessel named Dali struck the Key Bridge as it was leaving the Port of Baltimore, causing the span to collapse in seconds. Officials said the crew warned of a power issue and sent out a "mayday" before the collision. Footage of the incident shows the cargo ship smash into one of the columns before the bridge snapped, hit the water and partially fell on the ship, where a burst of flames and smoke could be seen rising into the night sky.

Several vehicles were on the bridge at the time of impact and plunged into the river, which was cold enough to cause hypothermia. There were multiple contractors on the bridge who were repairing potholes, Maryland Transportation Secretary Paul Wiedefeld said. So far two people have been rescued. One was unharmed and the other remains in "very serious condition," he said.

Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, said at an afternoon news conference the agency will lead the investigation, but she would not provide information on fatalities or injuries from the incident, leaving that to local authorities.

A senior U.S. official who was not authorized to speak publicly told USA TODAY the ship apparently lost power a few minutes before striking the bridge. A federal report has confirmed that version of events , saying the crew lost its ability to control the vessel.


∎  Brawner Builders, the employer of the six missing workers, told media outlets including the Baltimore Sun that they're presumed dead.

∎ The University of Maryland Medical Center's trauma center treated one patient from the collapse who has been discharged, Michael Schwartzberg, the medical center's spokesperson, said in an email. Schwartzberg declined to say more about the person's injuries, citing patient privacy concerns.

∎ Dr. David Efron, the center’s chief of trauma, said falling from the bridge − with clearance of more 185 feet − into 48-degree water would present life-threatening risks. Being submerged for more than an hour in water at that temperature is “almost invariably going to not be survivable.”

∎  The National Transportation Safety Board is scheduled to hold a news conference about its investigation into the incident Tuesday afternoon.

∎ Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott issued a state of emergency to better mobilize resources and work quickly to "address this crisis," he said in a post on X . The governor of Maryland issued a state of emergency earlier Tuesday.

Crew lost control as propulsion deserted ship, report says

The Dali lost propulsion leaving port and its crew lost control of the ship, prompting the crew to alert Maryland officials of a possible collision, an unclassified Department of Homeland Security report revealed Tuesday.

An official who spoke on condition of anonymity confirmed to USA TODAY that the DHS cybersecurity agency is working with federal, state and local officials "to understand the potential impacts of this morning’s collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge."

This was not the Dali's first harsh encounter with a pier, and that time its leadership was determined to be at fault. It's too early to know what caused Tuesday's accident.

The cargo ship that  struck the Francis Scott Key Bridge  collided with a shipping dock in Belgium in 2016. That incident occurred as the Dali was leaving port in Antwerp and hit a loading pier made of stone, causing damage to the ship’s stern, according to the website, which tracks ships across the world. An investigation determined a mistake made by the ship’s master and pilot was to blame.

No one was injured in that crash, although the ship required repair and a full inspection before being returned to service. The pier – or berth – was also seriously damaged and had to be closed.

− Josh Meyer, Emily Le Coz and Claire Thornton

Two Guatemalan workers among six missing

Two Guatemalan nationals are among the six workers who were on the bridge when it was struck early Tuesday, the Guatemalan Foreign Ministry said. Their ages are 26 and 35, respectively, and their families have been notified, the ministry said in a statement, which also noted the other missing workers are from Mexico, Honduras and El Salvador. 

"We will continue requesting information from the authorities and information about search and rescue efforts to find the missing Guatemalans," the statement said.

− Eduardo Cuevas

What did the most recent inspection report say about the bridge?

Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge was listed in overall fair condition in 2021, the most recent inspection report in the Federal Highway Administration’s  National Bridge Inventory  at the time of its  collapse early Tuesday morning . 

However, the database noted that, “Bank protection is in need of minor repairs. River control devices and embankment protection have a little minor damage. Banks and/or channel have minor amounts of drift.” 

Other structural elements showed  “some minor deterioration”  but were otherwise listed in satisfactory condition.

− Cecilia Garzella and Yoonserk Pyun

'We're with you': Biden says federal government will rebuild bridge

President Joe Biden said he intends for the federal government to cover the entire cost to rebuild the Key Bridge, and he committed not to leave “until this job gets done.”

“We're with you. We're going to stay with you as long as it takes,” Biden said Tuesday afternoon from the White House Roosevelt Room.

Biden said he spoke with Maryland Gov. Wes Moore and other local and state officials about the bridge’s collapse, and said he would visit the site in the future. “I told them we're going to send all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency − I mean all the federal resources. And we're going to rebuild that port together.”

Biden said eight people remain unaccounted for, but the figure might change. Two people were rescued. "Everything so far indicates that his was a terrible accident,” Biden said, adding there’s no reason to believe it was intentional.

“Our prayers are with everyone involved in this terrible accident and all the families, especially those waiting for news of their loved ones right now,” Biden said. “I know every minute in that circumstance feels like a lifetime.”

Biden said the ongoing rescue operation remains the top priority but relayed that he told Moore he has directed his team to “move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as humanly possible."

− Joey Garrison

Crewman reports all on board Dali are safe

This past weekend, Andrew Middleton took the ship's captain and a crewman shopping at a nearby Walmart. Since 9/11, international crews have to be escorted by a vetted person through most port areas, and Middleton said it's fairly common for crews like the Dali's to request assistance from the Apostleship of the Sea Baltimore Stella Maris International Seafarers' Center, where he is the director. The group is part of the Catholic Church's Archdiocese of Baltimore.

"They were by all appearances in good spirits," Middleton said, and they chatted in his van about the ship's planned 28-day voyage around the Horn of Africa to Sri Lanka. Middleton said crews usually buy personal toiletries and snacks before long trips.

Middleton woke up Tuesday morning to the shocking news the ship hit the bridge, and he immediately messaged one of the crewmen via WhatsApp. "My question to him was, 'Is everyone OK?' And the answer was, 'Yes sir, everyone is safe,'" Middleton told USA TODAY.

The crew is still aboard the ship while authorities assess the situation. Middleton said he's prepared to send them any supplies they need if they're stuck aboard for an extended period. And he said he's making plans to help them once they're freed and returned to shore. He said he expects the Dali will be towed back into the harbor and docked for a damage assessment. Middleton added that he worries both about the missing workers from the bridge and also the port workers who may be temporarily unemployed if the harbor gets shut down.

"Obviously, this incident has a large impact on the port community,'' he said. "If this extends a long period of time, we're going to have longshoreman and stevedores who are not working, tugboat crews who are not working. It has the potential, if it becomes a drawn-out event, to affect many lives."

− Trevor Hughes

Commuter finds sight of damaged bridge 'devastating to watch'

Charlotte Robinson's commute from her home in Delaware to her accounting job in Washington, D.C., took a detour Tuesday morning, when driving over the Francis Scott Key Bridge wasn't an option. In the past she figured that route was safe, but the bridge's collapse sparked difficult discussions with her colleagues who commute.

"It was devastating to watch,'' Robinson said of the crumpled bridge after it was hit by a 985-foot-long cargo ship. "And you have to ask yourself, if that was me, what would my plan be? How would I try to survive this, if I was trapped, if my car went into the water?”

Robinson said she often sees ships passing under the bridge during her morning commute; in the evenings, when she’s on her way home, there are usually fewer boats. Tuesday, she said, “You could see all these boats, just lined up because they had no place to go.”

Another common sight during her commute was construction workers both on the bridge and below it, sometimes hanging over the water in harnesses. Her thoughts turned to those workers as she watched the news Tuesday in her office. "I almost couldn't breathe watching the news," she said.

− Phaedra Trethan

'It's devastating to the city'

Greg Trenchard, 43, awoke Tuesday to a flurry of text messages and missed calls from his out of state relatives checking in on him after hearing about the Key Bridge collapse.

“I’ve driven over it 100 times and now to see that it’s gone is pretty crazy,” he said Tuesday.

Trenchard, an auditor, said he then tried to make his way to Fort Armistead Park, where he’d come many times before to take photos of the bridge at sunrise and sunset. But the normally quick drive took nearly 40 minutes due to the traffic detours, and a police roadblock next to Royal Farms, a convenience store, about a mile and half from the park stopped him from getting any closer to the scene.

“It’s a blow,” he said of the collapse. “It’s devastating to the city, it’s devastating to port traffic and everything they’re trying to do to revitalize the shipping industry in Maryland and keep that going.”

– N'dea Yancey-Bragg

Air, land and water search underway

Multiple local, state and federal agencies are coordinating the massive search, which spans a vast section of the river – both above and below the surface of the water – and the ship itself, Wallace said. Divers, helicopters and sonar technology were being used and had located several vehicles submerged in the river, which is about 50-feet-deep where the bridge collapsed.

"This water is current influenced, so right now we think the tide is coming back in," he said.

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore declared a state of emergency and said he is working with an interagency team to "quickly deploy federal resources from the Biden Administration."

"This is an unthinkable tragedy," Baltimore Mayor Brandon Scott said at a news conference.

Expert says river current makes search more difficult

Jim Bellingham, the executive director for the Johns Hopkins Institute for Assured Autonomy and expert in marine robotics lives in nearby Fells Point, and talked to USA TODAY about some of the challenges faced by rescuers.

“Nothing is staying put in the ocean,” he said. “Everything is moving” in the Patapsco River, a tidal estuary, which presents just one difficulty for rescue efforts. Rescuers would have to determine the speed and direction of the current to figure out where to search – toward Baltimore Harbor, or out toward the Chesapeake Bay.

Bellingham said it’s likely any workers who may have been on the bridge would have been wearing reflective vests and even flotation devices that would improve visibility in the dark river. They might also have flares, and are more easily spotted by rescue helicopters.

Rescuers are using sonar, lights, cameras and robotic machinery as well as human divers, but Bellingham said divers would face their own risks, as the wreckage might not be stable.

The longer the search goes on, the less likely rescuers are to find survivors, given the temperature of the water, and the likelihood of people being trapped with little to no air. But Baltimore, with many Navy and Coast Guard facilities and military contractors nearby, might be as well prepared to deal with the disaster as any place.

“Their job is to rescue people,” Bellingham said. “They want to believe they can do that, and there’s a tendency not to want to give up.”

– Phaedra Trethan

Cargo ship was headed for Sri Lanka

The container vessel was chartered by the major shipping company Maersk and was carrying its cargo, according to a statement from the company. When it crashed into the bridge, no Maersk crew and personnel were onboard the vessel, which is operated by charter vessel company Synergy Group and owned by Singapore-based Grace Ocean Pte.

The Dali was slated to arrive April 22 in Sri Lanka, according to MarineTraffic, a global ship tracking service.

"We are horrified by what has happened in Baltimore, and our thoughts are with all of those affected," Maersk said in a statement. "We are closely following the investigations conducted by authorities and Synergy, and we will do our utmost to keep our customers informed."

Synergy Marine Corp said the Dali collided with one of the pillars of the bridge and that all its crew members, including two pilots, have been accounted for and there were no reports of any injuries.

U.S. Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Erin Palmer said at a news conference Tuesday that the agencies remain focused on search-and-rescue. She did not comment on the crew of the ship or provide additional details about the collision.

All vessel traffic in and out of the Port of Baltimore was suspended until further notice, but the port is still open for truck transports, Wiedefeld said. Traffic, meanwhile, is being diverted from the area around the Key Bridge.

Baltimore port closed to ships 'until further notice'

Shortly after the bridge collapse, the Port of Baltimore suspended vessel traffic “until further notice,” according to its website.

“This does not mean the Port of Baltimore is shut down. We are still processing trucks inside of our terminals,” the statement said.

But Bloomberg reported that the port “looks to be out of commission indefinitely.”

At least 40 ships are now more or less trapped inside the port, according to Reuters. At least 30 other ships planned to arrive there.

“They will likely have to reroute shipping to other ports on the East Coast,” said Kevin Linderman, a professor and supply chain expert at Pennsylvania State University. “However, this will put additional demand on these ports, and shippers may not be able to access US markets” as efficiently, he said.

“One critical question is, can the other ports handle the products that were destined to Baltimore?”

– Daniel de Visé

'A lot of tears' for families

Baltimore residents turned out to support those affected by the tragedy. Dozens of people gathered at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church of Turner Station during an emotional prayer vigil Tuesday evening.Faith leaders and city officials including Mayor Brandon Scott prayed for the families of those missing after the bridge collapse and the first responders working at the scene.“We can only imagine what is going through their minds and through their hearts and through their bodies. None of us want to experience that,” Scott said Tuesday. “We have to lift them up, support them not just today, not just tomorrow but for the foreseeable future.”Father Ako Walker, priest at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, said a prayer in Spanish to show solidarity with the six people who are still missing after the collapse. Following the vigil, Walker told reporters he has been providing support to family members whose loved ones are missing.“It’s difficult for them,” he said. “You know, you can see the pain etched on their faces. There’s a lot of tears.”

Will the Baltimore bridge collapse impact cruises?

Baltimore is a destination for several major cruise lines. According to the Cruise Lines International Association, the industry’s leading trade group, published itineraries in the 2024 calendar year include a dozen ships making 115 stops in Baltimore.

Royal Caribbean and Carnival have April sailings that could be impacted by the bridge collapse, according to their websites. 

Carnival told USA TODAY it was premature to comment on impacts to future sailings.

American Cruise Lines has roundtrip sailings from Baltimore scheduled in May, according to its website. The cruise line told USA TODAY their schedules remain unaffected but will make adjustments if needed to future cruises.

Norwegian Cruise Line doesn’t appear to have any Baltimore sailings until September.

– Eve Chen and Nathan Diller

Will the port shutdown affect consumer goods, prices?

Several big firms have distribution warehouses near the port, including Amazon and FedEx, one analyst noted in a tweet on X.  

Even so, some analysts predict only a minimal impact on the movement of goods up and down the East Coast from the bridge collapse.

Baltimore’s port holds just 4% of all East Coast trade volume, according to S&P Global. New York’s port, by contrast, does 38% of that business.

Yet, the port offers the deepest harbor in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, is closer to the Midwest than any other East Coast port, and is within an overnight drive of one-third of the US population, according to the port website .

The port boasts five public and 12 private terminals. In 2023, it ranked first in the nation in handling automobiles and light trucks. 

“For the American consumer, the biggest impact will be felt in terms of imported motor vehicles,” said Jason Miller, a business professor at Michigan State University. If sales remain strong, he said, “we could see inventories drop on the lots of dealers that sell imported vehicles until alternative arrangements can be made. This could increase motor vehicle prices for some makes and models.”

Alternate routes around collapsed Baltimore bridge

The Maryland Transportation Authority was suggesting drivers take Interstate 95 or Interstate 895 as alternatives to the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge along Interstate 695.

“I-695 Outer Loop closed at MD 10 (exit 2) and Inner Loop closed at MD 157/Peninsula Exp (exit 43),” MDTA said in a post on X.

Drivers could take several other, longer routes around Baltimore, but I-95 (Fort McHenry Tunnel) and I-895 (Baltimore Harbor Tunnel) are the most direct alternatives across the water.

There are few exceptions.

MDTA notes, vehicles carrying hazardous materials, including more than 10 pounds of propane, are not allowed in the tunnels. Additionally, vehicles more than 13-feet and 6-inches high or 8-feet wide may not use the 1-895 Baltimore Harbor Tunnel. Vehicles more than 14-feet and 6-inches high or 11-feet wide may not use the I-95 Fort McHenry Tunnel.

Those vehicles should use the western portion of I-695 instead.

How cold is the Patapsco River?

The Patapsco River is about 50 feet deep where the ship hit the bridge, officials said during a press conference Tuesday morning. Part of the 39-mile river helps form the Baltimore Harbor, just northwest of the bridge collapse, and it flows out to the Chesapeake Bay.

A buoy in the Patapsco River indicated the water temperature Tuesday morning was currently about 47 degrees, while the air is around 41 degrees, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration . Whereas hypothermia is thought to occur at very cold temperatures, it can occur in waters below 70 degrees, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Key Bridge collapse draws comparisons to Florida's Sunshine Skyway Bridge collapse

In 1980, a Florida bridge also collapsed after a ship collided with it, leading to the deaths of 35 motorists and bus passengers.

A 1,200-foot chunk of the Sunshine Skyway bridge – which connects St. Petersburg and Bradenton – collapsed after the massive Summit Venture freighter slammed into one of its central support piers.

When the section of the bridge fell into Tampa Bay, it took a truck, seven cars and a Greyhound bus with it.

The Herald-Tribune, part of the USA TODAY Network, reported the crash happened during an intense thunderstorm , with winds reaching 80 mph and heavy rain. At the time, visibility was near-zero, according to local historians who made a documentary film about the collapse.

After the collapse, the freighter remained stuck beneath the bridge, with part of the roadway on top of its bow. Photos from the time also show how one motorist was able to skip his car to a stop just inches away from where the bridge fell into the water.

-Claire Thornton

How vital is the Francis Scott Key Bridge?

The Francis Scott Key Bridge, named for the author of the "Star Spangled Banner," is a 1.6-mile, 4-lane bridge that crosses over the Patapsco River, according to the MDTA. It opened in 1977.

The port’s private and public terminals handled 847,158 autos and light trucks in 2023, the most of any U.S. port. The port also handles farm and construction machinery, sugar, gypsum and coal, according to a Maryland government website.

The span is the outermost of three major Patapsco River crossings at Baltimore Harbor, according to the American Civil Engineering Society. The steel-arched bridge, with a total length of 8,636 feet, was the second-longest continuous-truss bridge span in the world when it was built and remains the second longest in the United States and third in the world, according to the society .

Contributing: Reuters; Tom Vanden Brook, Eduardo Cuevas , USA TODAY

Billionaires are getting ready for summer with wildly spectacular superyachts

  • Superyachts, the most expensive asset  a billionaire can own, are pushing the boundaries of luxury.
  • The boats, which cost eight or nine figures, are getting larger and include more features than ever.
  • From massage rooms to basketball courts, here's what the world's richest want on board.

Insider Today

For many wealthy boat owners, a private spa is a must-have on board. A sauna is a nice touch. A Jet Ski or two makes days at sea way more fun. And if you don't have someone on board who can whip up a Michelin-star-worthy meal , you might as well stay on land.

In the world of massive yachts , there's no such thing as too much. After all, if someone spends eight or nine figures to design the vessel of their dreams — or at least $500,000 a week to charter one — more is more.

"Yachting. It's not rational; it's emotional," Ralph Dazert, the head of intelligence at SuperYacht Times, told Business Insider at the Palm Beach International Boat Show, where dozens of superyachts — often defined as vessels over 30 meters in length — were on display.

And while there are certain classic features, such as jacuzzis and bars, what superyacht owners want is evolving, insiders at the show said. That might mean more crew members, more space for helicopters, or more water toys, but might also include manicure salons and putting greens.

"The bar of what is the baseline expectation has increased exponentially just over the last four or five years," Anders Kurtén, the CEO of brokerage Fraser Yachts, said. Clients are "spending more time on the boat and really wanting to extend the lifestyle they lead on the shore."

A lot of this can be chalked up to the pandemic. Superyacht purchases and charters spiked as life and luxury travel on land screeched to a halt. While the market has moderated slightly, the number of superyachts on order — 1,166 as of September, according to Boat International's Global Order Book — is still above pre-pandemic norms.

"What the pandemic really showed is that the appetite for being out there at sea, sort of living the marine lifestyle, is still as valid as ever," Kurtén said.

That means there's a lot of money on the water. The total value of the 203 superyachts over 30 meters delivered last year was $6.4 billion, according to data from SuperYacht Times. New custom builds from the world's most prestigious shipyards — Lurssen, Feadship, Oceanco , Benetti — can run into the hundreds of millions. Even used superyachts at the Palm Beach show cost as much as $75 million.

And it's not just traditional buyers like retired wealthy couples looking for a place to relax or celebrities looking for a place to party away from the paparazzi. New clients are often younger and have families, so want areas to work and watch movies . They also want pricey water toys, access to fitness equipment, or even pizza ovens for picky eaters.

"This would've never happened in the nineties," said Giovanna Vitelli, the vice president of the Azimut Benetti Group, the world's biggest producer of superyachts. "You would go with your beautiful woman, Champagne — the idea of yachting was much more showing off with your jacuzzi and things like that."

Pure opulence has made room for function.

When Benetti's Nabila set sail in 1980, its 50-person crew, gold-and-diamond-encrusted interiors, and lavish parties captured headlines and even inspired the Queen song "Kashoggi's Ship."(Seven years later, Donald Trump bought Nabila for $30 million , renaming her the Trump Princess.)

"Life on board was considered very formal — big formal dining rooms, boats were high on the water, you would be segregated from the rest of the world," Vitelli said, remembering another client who insisted on a replica of the Sistine Chapel above the dining table.

But the ostentatious, palatial-like interiors that used to be highlighted in yacht brochures have made way for lists of more functional features .

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Rather than esoteric novelties like an extra-large safe for rifles that one builder had to construct per a Russian yacht owner's request , the superyachts on display at the Palm Beach show featured basketball courts, saunas, and ice baths.

Owners want elevators and luxury gyms. Pampering options, be it a massage room, manicure station, or a professional-grade facial machine, are a dime a dozen. Some bathrooms have fancy Toto toilets, which can cost around $20,000.

Sterns (that's the back of the boat) used to be built high to guard guests' privacy. Now, they're built as "beach clubs" — an open swim platform.

And what good is a massage room if no one on board can give one? Many superyachts can hold twice as many crew members as guests, if not more. One broker, representing a boat that didn't have a masseuse, said it could be quite a "tricky" issue because if a charter wants one, they have to find someone who can massage guests and "pull their weight with the crew."

"It's not uncommon to look for a deckhand who can also mix a martini, play an instrument, maybe entertain the guests with singing, and ideally even give a massage," Kurtén said.

Of course, a crew comes at a cost . Most are considered full-time employees, requiring salaries and benefits like health insurance. Captains, first mates, and chief engineers often make six figures a year. That's without tips; a charter guest will typically spend six figures on gratuities for the crew who worked during a weeklong vacation.

For the superrich, there must be room for toys.

It's not just the onboard amenities that count. What's known as "toys" in the industry — water slides, eFoils, Jet Skis, and underwater scuba diving jets — are popular, and costs range from merely hundreds of dollars (banana boats) to millions ( submersibles , which are still popular despite the recent tragedy).

" Tenders and toys, the sky seems to be the limit," Kurtén said. "More is more."

Of course, if you can't fit all those toys in the yacht's storage space, you can just use another boat. Jeff Bezos' support yacht is a superyacht in itself, measuring 75 meters and costing tens of millions of dollars. (His main yacht, Koru , cost a reported $500 million.)

Support yachts are also faster, meaning the crew can get to a destination first and set up the Jet Skis, seapools, and the like, Dazert said. "By the time the owner arrives on the main yacht, everything's set up, and he can go and have fun."

Even tenders, the smaller vessel that brings guests from the ship to the shore, are getting glow-ups. The Nero, a 90-meter beauty available to charter for about $500,000 a week and modeled after J.P. Morgan's 1930s ship, has custom-built tenders to match the design. The most expensive ones often cost seven figures. Nero has three.

"It used to be a tender was a tender," Jeffrey Beneville, who handles yacht insurance at NFP, told BI. "Now they're called limousine tenders. Think of an incredibly luxurious gondola that's got a hard top so nobody's hair gets mussed when they're being dropped off at the Monaco Yacht Club ."

One thing that clearly hasn't changed in superyachting: showing off. If the boat next door at the marina has an indoor-outdoor cinema, it's natural to want one too. Ditto a wine cellar or helipad.

"It's a bit of a celebration of your success in life, of wealth," Vitelli, whose company is behind the Lana yacht Bill Gates chartered for a birthday party three years ago, said. "You push it a little more."

And that's a boon for yacht makers and brokers catering to the superrich.

"Our job is to make clients' dreams come true," Kurtén said.

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    The only thing you need to buy is an aftermarket cruise control kit that includes key components like: Driver switch: The first thing a kit needs is the aftermarket cruise control switch. That's the part that you, as the driver, will use to control the cruise control feature by turning it on and off as needed.

  9. What Is Adaptive Cruise Control?

    If you are looking for minimal cruise control that would benefit speeds of up to 20-25 miles per hour, these more basic ACCs can cost as low as $500. The good news is that as ACC becomes more ...

  10. Cruise Control Switch Replacement: Best Prices

    Cruise Control Switch Replacement pricing for various cars. Cars. Estimate. Parts Cost. Labor Cost. Savings. Average Dealer Price. 2014 Ford Escape. $387.

  11. Cruise Control Transportation

    The average price of a shuttle ride from MCO to Port Canaveral Cruise Terminal is $30.00 per person. Our price is only $25.00 per person and we offer so much more than the average transportation service. ... Family owned and operated, Cruise Control Transportation is the most innovative and modernized transportation company in Orlando. We ...

  12. Cruise Control: What It Is, How to Use It (And When Not To)

    5 - Watch the road and steer. Watching the road is essential when cruise control is engaged. Cruise control is not a substitute for a human driver and will require supervision at every step. If you are using a semi-autonomous system, you will not need to steer but will need to keep at least one hand on the wheel for safety measures.

  13. 23 Cheapest Cars With Adaptive Cruise Control

    1) 2020 Nissan Versa: Price W/ Adaptive Cruise Control: $18,540 | USN Overall Score: 7.7/10. 1 of 26. More and more carmakers are incorporating adaptive cruise control into their vehicles - and you don't need to pay top-dollar for this feature. Read about the 23 cheapest cars with adaptive cruise control.

  14. Aftermarket Cruise Control Kits at Summit Racing

    Cruise Control Kits. Add an aftermarket cruise control kit to your ride by choosing one of many universal cruise control kit options from Summit Racing! We carry a variety of cruise control kits, including ones from Rostra, Dakota Digital, ididit, Ron Francis, Flaming River, and more! Find your aftermarket cruise control kit today at Summit Racing!

  15. Do All Newer Cars Have Cruise Control? (Explained)

    Here's the short answer to whether all cars have cruise control: Most modern cars have cruise control as a standard feature, although some vehicle manufacturers only offer it as optional equipment. However, not all old cars come with the feature, except on high trim levels that have the full options and cost more.

  16. Cruise Control: How it Works, Types and Everything To Know

    Intelligent cruise control goes even further, using artificial intelligence to learn the driver's behaviour and adjust the speed of the vehicle before the driver takes action. Stop-and-go cruise control is ideal for use in heavy traffic and can bring the vehicle to a complete stop if necessary, while speed limiters are designed to limit the maximum speed of the vehicle.

  17. Cruise Control Speed Sensor Replacement: Best Prices

    Fast and easy Cruise Control Speed Sensor Replacement service at your home or office. CALL US TOLL FREE: 1 (855) 347-2779.

  18. Cruise Control Actuator Replacement Cost

    The average cost for a Cruise Control Actuator Replacement is between $1,183 and $1,197. Labor costs are estimated between $52 and $65 while parts are typically priced around $1,131. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your unique location. Related repairs may also be needed. For a more accurate estimate based on ...

  19. Cruise Control Module Replacement Cost

    The average cost for a Cruise Control Module Replacement is between $623 and $636. Labor costs are estimated between $50 and $63 while parts are typically priced around $574. This range does not include taxes and fees, and does not factor in your unique location. Related repairs may also be needed. For a more accurate estimate based on your ...

  20. Cruise Control Module Replacement Cost

    The national average cost for a cruise control module replacement in 2024 is $755, Save 10-40% on your vehicle maintenance and repair. ... Cruise control, a feature of the engine management system in most modern vehicles, allows a vehicle to maintain a specific speed at the request of the driver and without input to the gas pedal (throttle) by ...

  21. Cruise Control in a Car: Everything You Need to Know

    The cruise control system uses an actuator which controls the accelerator allowing the car to continue driving at a set speed. The actuator is connected to the throttle via a cable. During cruise control, the cable is not just monitoring the car's speed but also the power of the engine. It ensures that the engine takes in the exact amount of ...

  22. Cruise Control Installation Cost [Labor & Parts]

    How Much Will It Cost to Install Aftermarket Cruise Control? Depending on your specific vehicle and the aftermarket kit you purchase, your cruise control installation can cost anywhere from $200-$600 total. This cost heavily depends on whether you install the system yourself or have a professional do it for you.

  23. Carnival rides on record cruise demand to lift annual profit forecast

    New-to-cruise customers surged more than 30% year-over-year, Carnival said. Adjusted cruise costs, excluding fuel in constant currency, were up 7.3% in the first quarter from a year earlier, but 2 ...

  24. How Much Does an Alaska Cruise Cost in 2024?

    Total cost: From $3,069 per person. Button Enhancement : Travel - Alaska - GoToSea - Holland America Line . Princess Cruises. Princess is offering 14 unique itineraries and 68 cruisetours during ...

  25. Dali ship that caused Baltimore bridge collapse was in prior accident

    The ship in Tuesday's crash, Dali, was involved in at least one prior accident when it collided with a shipping pier in Belgium. That 2016 incident occurred as the Dali was leaving port in Antwerp ...

  26. Are cruise line drink packages worth the price? Not necessarily

    How much do cruise drink packages cost? Beverage packages are typically priced per person, per day and sold for the duration of a cruise. Starting prices vary but can range from $10 to $15 for ...

  27. This Ultra-Luxury Cruise Will Hit 40 Countries in 5 Months for $1.7m a

    An ultra-luxury cruise line wants travelers to live on its cruise ship for 4.5 months while it sails to 40 countries — for up to $1.7 million a suite Brittany Chang 2024-03-27T15:28:21Z

  28. Baltimore Key Bridge collapse: Search halted, workers presumed dead

    According to the Cruise Lines International Association, the industry's leading trade group, published itineraries in the 2024 calendar year include a dozen ships making 115 stops in Baltimore.

  29. How to Book Luxury Vacations Through Costco

    You can book luxury hotels, cruises, and vacation packages through Costco for a fraction of the cost Talia Lakritz 2024-03-28T18:51:38Z

  30. Billionaires' Superyachts Are Bigger and More Luxurious Than Ever

    (His main yacht, Koru, cost a reported $500 million.) Support yachts are also faster, meaning the crew can get to a destination first and set up the Jet Skis, seapools, and the like, Dazert said.