Japan Rundreise

Unser ultimativer guide für 3 wochen japan rundreise.

Kiyomizu Dera in Kyoto

Aktualisiert am 16. Oktober 2023

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Kurz und knackig

  • Wir haben für dich einen kompletten Guide für eine Japan Rundreise entwickelt – alle Infos, die du brauchst!
  • Wir zeigen dir unsere Route für 3 Wochen Japan , mit Karte und Kurzüberblick über die Stationen.
  • Zu jeder Station gibt es unsere persönlichen Tipps , konkrete Hoteltipps und eine Liste mit allen Highlights .
  • Dein Fortbewegungsmittel der Wahl sind Züge. Wir erklären dir, wie sie funktionieren und warum du unbedingt einen Japan Rail Pass brauchst.
  • Extra: Falls du weniger Zeit hast, zeigen wir dir auch eine Route für 2 Wochen Japan .

Na dann, nichts wie ran an die Reiseplanung für deine Japan Rundreise, oder?


  • Unsere Route auf einer Karte
  • So kommst du von A nach B
  • Tag 0-10: Tokio
  • Tag 11-13: Osaka
  • Tag 14-19: Kyoto
  • Tag 20-21: Hiroshima
  • 2 Wochen Japan Rundreise
  • Häufige Fragen

Unsere Japan Rundreise Route auf einer Karte

Route unserer Japan Rundreise

Damit du einen besseren Überblick bekommst, wo du in Japan unterwegs sein wirst, starten wir mit einer  Karte  unserer 3-wöchigen Japan Route.

Die Stopps liegen alle auf der japanischen Hauptinsel Honshu . Dort liegen die bekanntesten Highlights in Japan wie Tokio und Kyoto, die unbedingt zu deiner Japan Rundreise dazugehören.

Unsere Japan Rundreise im Kurzüberblick

Jetzt weißt du, wohin es geht. Aber wie viel Zeit solltest du für die einzelnen Städte einplanen? Das ist unser Zeitplan für die Japan Rundreise:

  • Tag 0 bis 10: Tokio – absolutes Großstadt-Feeling in Japans Hauptstadt
  • Tag 11 bis 13: Osaka – alternativ und chaotisch, mit leckerem Essen
  • Tag 14 bis 19: Kyoto – Kultur pur, aber etwas touristisch
  • Tag 20 bis 21: Hiroshima – grüne Metropole mit einer bewegenden Geschichte

So kommst du auf deiner Rundreise durch Japan von A nach B

Die beste Art, um auf deiner Japan Rundreise von A nach B zu kommen, sind die Super-Schnellzüge. Diese heißen Shinkansen .

Das Netz ist richtig gut ausgebaut und die Züge fahren mit gut 300 km/h herum. Von Tokio bis nach Osaka brauchst du so zum Beispiel nur knapp 3 Stunden. Die Züge fahren je nach Strecke alle 10-30 Minuten und sind extrem pünktlich.

Wenn du eine Rundreise machst und die Shinkansen-Züge häufiger nutzt, empfehlen wir dir, den Japan Rail Pass zu kaufen. Damit bist du definitiv günstiger unterwegs als mit Einzelfahrkarten.

Wir haben uns vor unsere Reise nach Japan den Rail Pass für 3 Wochen bestellt und waren am Ende sehr froh darüber.

Hier kannst du den Japan Rail Pass kaufen

Alles, was du zum Japan Rail Pass wissen musst, haben wir dir auch in einem ausführlichen Artikel nochmal ganz genau aufgeschrieben:

Tag 0 bis 10: Tokio

Shibuya Kreuzung in Tokio bei Nacht

Los geht deine Rundreise durch Japan in Tokio. Mach dich auf einen kleinen Kulturschock gefasst, denn hier ist alles größer, bunter und lauter .

Wir lieben den ganzen Trubel, die vielen Attraktionen und das leckere Essen.

Es gibt so viel zu sehen in Tokio, dass du hier gleich mal ein paar Tage mehr einplanen solltest.

Wie viel Zeit für Tokio? 5-10 Tage

Unsere Hoteltipps für Tokio

Hotels sind in Tokio relativ teuer und sehr schnell ausgebucht . Kümmer dich also so früh wie möglich um deine Unterkunft.

Wir machen’s dir leicht, das sind unsere Hoteltipps für Tokio:

The Millennials Shibuya – Modernes und gemütliches Kapselhotel mitten im Zentrum – perfekt für Erstbesucher.

Shibuya Stream Excel Hotel – Super zentrales Hotel mit stylischer Einrichtung und leckerem Frühstück.

NOHGA Hotel – Für alle, die es ruhiger mögen. Stylisch, tolles Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis und mit vielen Tempeln und Parks in der Umgebung.

Unsere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Tokio

In Tokio gibt es überall etwas Neues zu entdecken. Diese Highlights solltest du unbedingt mitnehmen:

  • Sensō-ji Tempel
  • Tokyo Skytree ( zum Ticket )
  • Tokyo Bay mit Rainbow Bridge
  • Shibuya Kreuzung
  • Ueno-Park (besonders zur Kirschblüte )
  • Rathaus von Tokio
  • Tokyo Tower ( zum Ticket )
  • Mori Tower ( zum Ticket )
  • Piss Alley (Memory Alley)
  • Hachikō-Statue

Tagesausflug nach Kamakura und Yokohama

Bei 10 Tagen in Tokio plane unbedingt einen Tagesausflug nach Kamakura und Yokohama ein. Das sind zwei Städte im Süden von Tokio.

Nach Kamakura brauchst du mit dem Zug etwa eine Stunde. Dort kommst du dann nach dem Großstadt-Trubel in Tokio wieder mehr in die Natur. Du kannst dir hier traditionelle japanische Tempel und eine riesige Buddha-Statue  anschauen.

Auf dem Rückweg bietet sich noch ein Stopp in Yokohama an. Die Stadt liegt auf der Hälfte der Strecke von Kamakura nach Tokio. Du bist also etwa 40 Minuten hierhin unterwegs. In der Hafenstadt sind vor allem der Pier und Chinatown einen Besuch wert.

Weiterreise nach Osaka

Um von Tokio nach Osaka zu kommen, nimmst du die Tokaido-Linie der Shinkansen-Züge. Auf der Linie fahren drei verschiedene Züge.

Mit dem Japan Rail Pass kannst du entweder den Hikari- oder Kodoma-Zug nehmen. Die Hikari-Züge machen weniger Stopps und sind deshalb schneller.

Die Züge fahren vom Bahnhof von Tokio und von der Shinagawa Station ab.

Tag 11 bis 13: Osaka

Shinsekai in Osaka

Weiter geht’s nach Osaka. Die Stadt ist zwar nicht so top modern und verrückt wie Tokio, dafür aber total lebendig und  persönlich . Die Menschen hier sind super freundlich.

Die ganze Stadt hat diese Mischung aus Alt und Neu . Alte Tempel reihen sich neben Wolkenkratzer – richtig cool!

Osaka wird dir besonders gut gefallen, wenn du alternative Viertel magst und eine Pause von der Mega-City Tokio vertragen könntest.

Wie viel Zeit für Osaka? 2-3 Tage

Unsere Hoteltipps für Osaka

In Osaka sind die Hotelpreise deutlich niedriger als in Tokio. Drei schöne Unterkünfte im Zentrum der Stadt sind:

Hotel Cordia Osaka : Hier haben wir übernachtet. Ein gemütliches Hotel im Zentrum von Osaka.

Moxy Osaka Shin Umeda : Modernes Hotel mit tollem Blick auf die Stadt. Der Bahnhof liegt nicht weit entfernt.

Intercontinental Hotel Osaka : Luxuriöses Hotel direkt am Bahnhof mit Pool und Ausblick auf Osaka.

Unsere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Osaka

Diese Highlights in Osaka schaffst du gut an zwei Tagen:

  • Burg von Osaka
  • Shinsekai und Tsutenkaku Tower ( zum Ticket )
  • Riesenrad auf der Hep Five Shopping Mall
  • Umeda Skybuilding

Tagesausflug nach Nara

Osaka ist ein super Ausgangspunkt für Tagesausflüge . Wir empfehlen dir vor allem, Nara anzuschauen. Die Zugfahrt dauert gerade mal 30 Minuten.

Ein Highlight von Nara sind die vielen traditionellen japanischen Tempel . Hier kannst du richtig tolle Fotos machen. Den Tempeln stiehlt aber trotzdem etwas anderes die Show: über 1.500 zahme Hirsche , die mitten in der Stadt leben – abgefahren!

Weiterreise nach Kyoto

Von Osaka kommst du in weniger als einer halben Stunde nach Kyoto. Du nimmst einfach wieder den Hikari-Zug der Tokaido-Linie ab dem Bahnhof Shin-Osaka.

Tag 14 bis 19: Kyoto

Ninna ji in Kyoto

Nach Tokio und Osaka ist Kyoto das komplette Kontrastprogramm zum modernen Japan.

Schmale Gassen führen dich hier von einem  Tempel zum nächsten. Insgesamt gibt es 1.600 davon und sie sind einfach unglaublich schön. Auf deinem Weg begegnen dir auch immer wieder Geishas , die wie lebende Kunstwerke aussehen.

Aber keine Angst, hier ist nicht alles nur Kultur und Geschichte. Es gibt auch coole Cafés , Einkaufsviertel und moderne Museen zu sehen.

Wie viel Zeit für Kyoto? 4-6 Tage

Unsere Hoteltipps für Kyoto

Kyoto hat eine sehr gute Auswahl an Unterkünften. Das sind unsere drei Hoteltipps für Kyoto.

Sakura Terrace The Gallery : Modernes und total zentrales Hotel mit Sauna und Pool.

Kyoto Itoya Hotel : Cooles Design-Hotel mit sehr geräumigen Zimmern.

Hotel Kanra : Richtig stylische Einrichtung, modern, aber mit traditionell japanischen Elementen. 

Unsere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Kyoto

Alle 1.600 Tempel kannst du natürlich nicht in ein paar Tagen besuchen. Das sind die Highlights in Kyoto , die du unbedingt gesehen haben musst.

  • Yasui-konpira-gu
  • Kiyomizu-dera
  • Fushimi Inari-Schrein
  • Geishaviertel Gion
  • Nishiki Market
  • Adashino Nenbutsu-ji und der Nordwesten von Arashiyama (Bambuswald)
  • Romantic Train

Weiterreise nach Hiroshima

Um weiter nach Hiroshima zu kommen, musst du erst mal mit der Tokaido-Linie zurück nach Osaka. Dort steigst du in die Sanyo-Linie um.

Du kannst einen Sakura-, Hikari- oder Kodoma-Zug nehmen. Die bringen dich alle zum Hiroshima Bahnhof. Du bist gut 1,5 Stunden unterwegs.

Unser Tipp : Die berühmte Burg Himeji liegt genau auf dem Weg von Osaka nach Hiroshima. Du kannst hier prima einen Zwischenstopp machen. Dein Gepäck lässt du einfach im Bahnhof in einem Schließfach.

Tag 20 bis 21: Hiroshima

Koko en Hiroshima

Den letzten Stopp auf deiner Japan Rundreise machst du in Hiroshima. Die Stadt wurde durch ein trauriges Ereignis weltbekannt, als die erste Atombombe über ihr abgeworfen wurde. Heute dreht sich hier deswegen alles um den Frieden .

Die Stadt und ihre Sehenswürdigkeiten haben uns wirklich sehr berührt. Aber gleichzeitig ist es einfach faszinierend, wie Hiroshima jetzt wieder so voller Leben und positiv ist.

Wie viel Zeit für Hiroshima? 2 Tage

Unsere Hoteltipps für Hiroshima

In Hiroshima übernachtest du am besten in der Innenstadt . So erreichst du alle Sehenswürdigkeiten einfach zu Fuß.

Hiroshima Washington Hotel : Das war unser Hotel in Hiroshima – gutes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis, große Zimmer und viele Restaurants in der Nähe.

The Knot Hiroshima : Total cool eingerichtet und mit einer tollen Rooftop-Bar zum Entspannen.

Hotel Intergate Hiroshima : Modernes Hotel mit großen Zimmern. In der Lobby gibt es kostenlos Getränke und Snacks.

Unsere Sehenswürdigkeiten in Hiroshima

Diese Sehenswürdigkeiten in Hiroshima schaffst du locker an einem Tag :

  • Friedenspark (mit A-Bomb Dome, Kinder-Friedensmonument, Peace Memorial Museum und Flamme des Friedens)
  • Burg Hiroshima
  • Shukkei-en Garten

Tagesausflug zur Insel Miyajima

Für deinen zweiten Tag in Hiroshima empfehlen wir dir unbedingt einen Ausflug zur Insel Miyajima.

Die Insel ist vor allem berühmt für den Itsukushima-Schrein mit dem großen Torii, das mitten im Wasser steht. Auf der Insel gibt es aber noch viel mehr Tempel zu sehen, wie z. B. den Daisho-In Tempel . Dort ist es viel ruhiger als am Itsukushima-Schrein.

Rückreise nach Tokio

Am Ende deiner Japan Rundreise geht es von Hiroshima zurück nach Tokio. Dafür nimmst du am Bahnhof von Hiroshima die Sanyo-Linie und fährst bis Osaka. Dort steigst du in die Tokaido-Linie um. Nach knapp 4 Stunden bist du wieder in Tokio.

Unsere Route für 2 Wochen Japan Rundreise

Falls du nur  2 Wochen Zeit hast, lohnt sich eine Rundreise durch Japan trotzdem auf alle Fälle. Du musst deshalb auch keine Stadt auslassen. Es reicht, wenn du die Zeit in den einzelnen Städten etwas kürzt. Das kann dann beispielsweise so aussehen:

  • Tokio : 5 Tage (optional: Tagesausflug nach Kamakura und Yokohama)
  • Osaka : 2 Tage inklusive einem Tagesausflug nach Nara
  • Kyoto : 4 Tage
  • Hiroshima : 2 Tage inklusive Tagesausflug nach Miyajima

Fragen und Antworten zu deiner Japan Rundreise

Du hast noch eine Frage zu deiner Japan Rundreise? Dann findest du hier bestimmt eine passende Antwort. Oder du schreibst uns einfach in den Kommentaren.

Wann ist die beste Reisezeit für eine Japan Rundreise

Die beste Reisezeit für Japan ist definitiv der Frühling oder Herbst . Dann sind die Temperaturen am angenehmsten und es gibt keine Taifune.

Ab Ende März kannst du dazu noch die Kirschblüte in Japan miterleben und sehen, wie sich die Landschaft komplett rosa färbt.

Frühling und Herbst sind aber auch die Hauptreisezeiten für Japan. Buche deine Hotels und Flüge also unbedingt möglichst früh im Voraus!

Wie viel Zeit solltest du mindestens für eine Rundreise in Japan einplanen?

Unsere gekürzte Rundreise durch Japan dauert 2 Wochen . Diese Zeit brauchst du auch wirklich, um alles Wichtige zu schaffen.

Länger geht natürlich immer. Wir könnten allein in Tokio mehrere Wochen verbringen!

Wie teuer ist eine Japan Rundreise?

Japan gilt als sehr teures Reiseland. Wir haben bei unserem Urlaub zur Hauptreisezeit etwa 3.700 Euro pro Person für 3 Wochen gezahlt.

Leider sind die Flug- und Hotelpreise und die Kosten für den Japan Rail Pass seitdem weiter gestiegen. Du musst also mit durchschnittlich etwa 4.500-5000 Euro pro Person für 3 Wochen rechnen.

Das war unsere Route für eine Japan Rundreise

Hast du auch schon eine Rundreise durch Japan gemacht? Welche Orte hast du gesehen und wie haben sie dir gefallen? Schreib es uns gerne in den Kommentaren.

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Reisebericht Japan Rundreise individuell mit Zug

Abenteuer Japan: Highlights & schönste Orte der Reise

Route japan rundreise 3 wochen, warum nach japan reisen, fünf fuji-seen (kawaguchiko), burg himeji, tokio und rückreise, beste reisezeit, beliebte reiseziele, für die wir keine zeit hatten, häufige fragen zu japan, fazit zum trip, rundreise japan: highlights und die schönsten orte unseres ersten besuchs.

japan tour 3 wochen

Wie wäre es mit einer Japan Rundreise? Die japanische Kultur scheint uns fremd und so ganz anders. Trotzdem ist alles irgendwie vertraut und strukturiert. Das musst du unbedingt erleben. Zwischen Wolkenkratzern und traditionellen Tempeln entdecke ich das Land bei einer längeren Rundreise von fast vier Wochen.

In kaum einem anderen Land trifft Moderne und Tradition so sehr aufeinander: Diesen Kontrast erlebe ich täglich auf unserer 3-wöchigen Reise. Modernste Bauwerke, ein toll funktionierendes öffentliches Nahverkehrsnetz und natürlich die super schnellen Shinkansen Züge. Im Gegensatz dazu erkunde ich uralte Tempel, sehe Geishas durch die Gassen Kyotos huschen, besuche japanische Gärten und entdecke diese großartige japanische Küche .

Herumreisen ist dank super schnellen Shinkansen und lokalen Zügen echt einfach. Dank dem Japan Rail Pass dazu sehr entspannt. Außerdem nutzen wir Busse, Fähren und natürlich die Metro. Wir essen uns durch Märkte und lokale japanische Spezialitäten . Wir testen einfach alles und können nicht genug davon bekommen.

Wir übernachten in Hotels , privaten Unterkünften und im traditionellen Ryokan . Wir erleben die Japanische Kirschblüte und sehen die Spitze des Mt. Fuji erst bei unserer Abreise. All das ist Japan. Wir lieben es ab dem ersten Moment!

Ich hoffe, dass du mit unseren Tipps deine individuelle Japan Rundreise ganz stressfrei planen kannst:

Aufgrund der langen Anreise empfehle ich, mindestens 3 Wochen in Japan zu reisen. In 21 Tagen bekommst du die wirklich wichtigsten Highlights unter, die du bei einer ersten Reise ins Land der aufgehenden Sonne ansehen möchtest. Natürlich gibt es so viel mehr zu sehen.

Insgesamt 23 Tage waren wir mit An- und Abreise in Japan. Danach war ich wie „erschlagen“ von den vielen Eindrücken.

Diese Orte habe ich besucht

Tokio (4 Tage) – Hakone (1 Tag) – Kawaguchiko (Fuji Seen) – Kanazawa (2 Tage) – Kyoto (4 Tage) – Nara (1 Tag) – Osaka (2 Tage) – Himeiji Castle (als Zwischenstopp) – Hiroshima (2 Tage) – Miyajima (Tagesausflug aus Hiroshima) – Tokio (1,5 Tage).

Alle weiteren Orte, die ich ansehen wollten (darunter Takayama und die Inseln von Okinawa), habe ich aus Zeitgründen auf den nächsten Trip geschoben.

Japan ist anders und aufregend! Die Reise ist ein großes Abenteuer: High-Tech was das Zeug hält. Von beheizten sprechenden Klobrillen angefangen über Roboter , die mit euch sprechen oder Spielhöllen in Akihabara.

Mit den Shinkansen Schnellzügen („Bullet-Train“) gibt es die pünktlichsten Züge der Welt . Das Herumreisen ist nirgendwo so einfach wie im Land der aufgehenden Sonne.

Shinkansen Bullet Train

Es gibt den heiligen Berg Fuji, den mal selten in voller Pracht sieht. In dieser Region um die Fuji-Seen beherrschen die Onsen den Alltag: Nichts ist entspannender als ein Bad in einer heißen Quelle . Achtung: Nur ohne Tattoo ist der Eintritt in öffentliche Onsen erlaubt.

Dann die „5. Jahreszeit“ Japans’ Hanami , die Kirschblüte . Schon Monate davor gibt es Prognosen, wann die Kirschblüten blühen. Ist es soweit, spielen alle verrückt. Feiern auf blauen Plastikdecken in Parks und knipsen Bilder was das Zeug hält. Für uns ein tolles Schauspiel!

Kanazawa Burg Kirschblüte Japan

Seid fasziniert von der Diszipliniertheit der Japaner : Immer brav Schlange stehen, nicht drängeln. Sogar zur Rush Hour in Tokios Metro. Sehr gut auch an der Shibuya Kreuzung in Tokio zu beobachten: Pro Ampelphase wechseln mehr als 15.000 Menschen gleichzeitig die Straßenseite. Sie ist die am meisten frequentierte Ampelkreuzung der Welt!

Dazu gibt überall diese kunstvoll verzierten Lampions, in seidene Kimonos gehüllte Geishas, die durch die Gassen huschen. Uralte Tempel und Burgen stehen fast in jeder Region. Alleine in Kyoto könnt ihr mehr als 1.600 Tempel besichtigen!

Nicht zu vergessen diese wunderschöne Landschaft aus Vulkanen , Kiefernwäldern , Seen und dem Meer . Je südlicher es geht, umso weicher, grüner und runder werden die Kuppen der Hügel.

Wir sind uns sicher: Japan wird auch euch in den Bann ziehen und total umhauen! Wir kommen wieder.

(東京 oder Tōkyō)

Wir beginnen unsere Reise in der Hauptstadt Japans: Tokio. 35 Millionen leben hier in der Metropol-Region.

Am früher Nachmittag landen wir am Narita Flughafen außerhalb der Stadt und somit in einer anderen Welt.

Wir kommen in den ersten Tagen kaum aus dem Staunen heraus. Die Weltstadt Tokio hat viele Gesichter. Hinter jeder Ecke verbergen sich neue Eindrücke.

Tolles Essen, freundliche Menschen (außer chinesische Touristen, die nerven sehr) und aufregende Viertel. Jedes davon hat einen eigenen Charakter.

In Shibuya flackern Popstars und Werbung auf riesigen Leinwänden. In Akihabara können wir die neuesten technischen Errungenschaften ansehen. In Ginza ist alles protziger, denn im Banken- und Geschäftsviertel befinden sich die teuersten Läden.

Vier volle Tage erkunden wir Tokio. Stück für Stück.

Wir haben dabei:

  • sämtliche Aussichten auf die Metropole bestiegen
  • sind im kaiserlichen Palastgarten umhergewandert
  • viele Schreine und Tempel besucht
  • haben uns in der Rush Hour durch die U-Bahn gekämpft
  • Roboter "in Action" gesehen
  • in Parks Japanern beim Feiern der Kirschblüte zugesehen
  • Bullet-Train Sushi getestet
  • in einer Izakaya (Kneipe) mit Locals gegessen und getrunken
  • ein Maid Café ausprobiert
  • in einer Spielhölle in Akihabara gezockt
  • den Ramen-Bestellautomaten bezwungen
  • Shibuya Crossing, die meist frequentierte Kreuzung der Welt, mit ca. 3.000 Menschen gleichzeitig überquert
  • haben die am meisten frequentierte Bahnstation der Welt Shinjuku (unabsichtlich) zur Rush Hour überlebt
  • einen tollen Antik Flohmarkt besucht
  • "Takeshita Dori" eine völlig überfüllte Einkaufsstraße besucht (und natürlich eingekauft)
  • uns mit Matcha Eis belohnt
  • Crepe mit Cheesecake und Erdbeeren gegessen
  • und vieles mehr angesehen...

Stellen schnell fest, dass wir nicht alles schaffen und beschließen, am Ende der Reise nochmals einen ganzen weiteren Tag die Hauptstadt Japans zu erkunden.

Achtung: In Tokio gibt es zwei Flughäfen. Achtet darauf, an welchem ihr landet.

Weitere Tipps für Tokio:

  • Empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer: Mindestens 3 Tage, besser eine Woche oder länger.
  • Unterkunft: 1. Unterkunft: Airbnb (Akasaka), später Park Hotel Tokio (Minato)

Da Tokio riesengroß ist haben wir hier separate ausführliche Artikel geschrieben:

  • Das erste Mal Tokio? Unsere Tipps zur Reiseplanung
  • Di ese Sehenswürdigkeiten in Tokio müsst ihr euch ansehen

Ausblick Tokio Roppongi Hills

Kaum aus Tokio heraus werden wir eiskalt von einer Schlechtwetter-Front erwischt. Als wir den Shinkansen nach Hakone betreten sind wir noch sehr euphorisch: Wir möchten den heiligen Mt. Fuji in traumhaften Landschaften erblicken.

Je näher wir Hakone kommen, desto dunkler wird der Himmel. Es wird kalt. Von den sommerlichen 26 Grad in Tokio landen wir bei 10 Grad und einem eiskalten Wind. Wir haben Glück, dass die Gondeln überhaupt noch auf den aktiven Vulkan Owakudai fahren. Dank den Gondeln können wir direkt über Schwefelfelder fahren, die vom inneren des Vulkans an die Oberfläche strömen.

Das Highlight auf dem "Gipfel": in Schwefel gekochte Eier, deren Schale sich beim Kochen mit Schwefel schwarz verfärbt. Schmecken tun die Eier völlig normal. Man sagt, pro Ei lebe man sieben Jahre länger. Wir werden es sehen.

Danach geht es wieder hinab zum Ashi-See. Über den Kratersee im Fuji-Hakone-Izu-Nationalpark fahren Boote. Da Asiaten gerne auf ausgefallene Dinge stehen sind dies keine normalen Boote sondern Piratenschiffe! So geht es von Togendai ans ander Ufer nach Hakone-Machi.

Leider hat auch hier das Wetter nicht mitgespielt und statt traumhaft schöne Ausblicke auf den Mt. Fuji gibt es nur Nebel.

Ein Besuch der Dörfer (Moto-Hakone und Hakone-Machi) am See, einen Nachbau des letzten Checkpoints vor Tokio (Hakone Sekisho) und einen wunderschönen Torii Schrein samt Hakone-jinja Tempel besuchen wir hier zu Fuß.

Der Torii Schrein im Wasser ist ein beliebtes Fotomotiv, darum müsst ihr hier mit einer Schlange rechnen. Wir besuchen den dazu gehörigen Tempel Hakone-jinja und gehen zu Fuß zurück nach Moto-Hakone.

Die Busse sind komplett überfüllt. So verpassen wir fast den letzten zurück zur Unterkunft. Habt die Zeit im Blick!

Am Abend das eigentliche Highlight: Ein Bad im privaten Onsen. Unsere Unterkunft, das Fuji-Hakone Guest House hat ein Innen- und Außen-Onsen, in welchem man für 30 Minuten alleine entspannen kann. Ein besseres Ende des Tages gibt es nicht. Einfach super!

Am nächsten Morgen bekommen wir eine private Führung der Region von unserem Gastgeber.

Danach geht es mit Bussen nach Kawaguchi-ko an einem der fünf Fuji-Seen. Die nächste Chance, einen Blick auf diesen Berg zu erhaschen ...!?

Weitere Tipps für Hakone

  • Unterkunft : Fuji Hakone Guest House mit privatem Onsen (für alle tattoowierten eine super Alternative zu öffentlichen Onsen)
  • Empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer: 1 - 2 Tage (je Wetter)
  • Anreise: Mit dem Shinkansen und Japan Rail Pass: Tokaido Linie bis Odawara. Umsteigen in Hakone-Tozan-Linie bis zur Odinawa Station. Ab hier mit T Bus ca. 50 Minuten weiter zum Fuji Hakone Guest House.
  • Hakone Free Pass kaufen: Somit fahren wir kostenlos ab der Odinawa Station, auch Seilbahn, Piratenboot und Bus.

Vulkan Owakudai in Hakone

Die  Fuji Five Lakes ermöglichen vor allem eins: die besten Blicke auf den Fuji. Leider nicht an unserem Besuch. Zwei Nächte sind wir in Kawaguchi-ko und stellen fest, dass dieser Blick sich als schwieriges Vorhaben erweist. Es ist neblig, regnet immer wieder und vom frühlingshaften Wetter in Tokio spüren wir hier nichts mehr. Es ist kalt geworden.

Die Fünf Fuji Seen wären vermutlich nur halb so beliebt, wenn nicht nördlich der Vulkan Fuji – höchster Berg Japans – liegen würde. Mit seiner gewaltigen Höhe von 3.776,24 Metern überragt er die Landschaft gewaltig.

Von allen Seen aus habt ihr einen tollen Blick auf den Mount Fuji. Der Blick soll vor allem im Frühjahr und Herbst besonders gut sein. Leider nicht während unseres Aufenthalts. Uns bleibt der Blick verwehrt, bis wir im Bus zur Weiterfahrt sitzen. Dann ist er plötzlich frei von Wolken. Der mit Schnee bedeckte Gipfel ist gigantisch schön. Leider ist die Kamera eingepackt. Das Bild vom Handy nicht sehr gut gelungen.

In Kawaguchi liegt übrigens der beliebteste der Fuji Five Lakes.

Den schönsten Blick auf den Fuji mit Pagode bekommt ihr von der Chureit Pagoda. Auch zu sehen auf dem 1000 Yen Schein.

Weitere Infos für Kawaguchi-ko:

  • Unterkunft:  Mt. Fuji Hostel SAMURISE
  • Am besten erkundet ihr die Region per Fahrrad. Bei uns regnet es. Kein Fahrrad für uns, dieses Mal jedenfalls.

Die Stadt am Meer zählt nicht für jeden Touristen zum „Must See“ Ziel in Japan. Die einzige Stadt die außer Kyoto von der Zerstörung des Zweiten Weltkriegs verschont wurde, gehört für uns trotzdem zu den schönsten Orten, die wir bis jetzt in Japan gesehen haben. Das Wetter bleibt weiterhin schlecht. Viel Regen, Gewitter und eine nasse Kälte, die uns mehrfach nass und auch fröstelnd in ein Cafe einkehren lässt.

Trotzdem schlendern wir durch kleine Gassen mit originalen Holzhäusern. 

In Kanazawa haben wir das beste Sushi in Japan gegessen, haben ein altes Geishahaus besucht, sind durch einen der schönsten Gärten Japans gewandert und haben das 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art besucht.

Auf dem Markt haben wir uns durch die Köstlichkeiten Kanazawas „gefuttert“.

Kanazawa bedeutet übrigens „Goldener Marsch“ was dazu führt, dass es unter anderem Eis gibt, das mit Blattgold überzogen ist. Ein Magnet für Touristen aus allen Ländern. Auch ich habe solch ein Eis probiert. Mit Blick auf das Kanazawa Castle und die vielen Bäume mit Kirschblüten. Wunderschön!

Weitere Infos zu Kanazawa:

  • Unterkunft: The Share Hostels Kumu


(京都市 oder Kyōto)

Kyoto ist vor allem eins: BUNT! Überall leuchten die roten Tempel, Pagoden und Torii Schreine.

Die alte Kaiserstadt Kyoto darf auf keiner Japan Rundreise fehlen. Vier Tage sind viel zu wenig. Wir fühlen uns hier pudelwohl. Leider ist das Wetter nicht immer gut. Wir erkunden den traditionellen Stadtteil Gion (das Geisha-Viertel) und blicken mit großen Augen durch die Gassen huschenden Geishas hinterher. Einfach faszinierend.

Eigentlich wollten wir Kyoto per Fahrrad erkunden, entscheiden uns aufgrund Touristenmassen dagegen.

Wir kaufen spontan zwei Tickets für eine Geisha-Show am Abend.

Besonders gut gefällt uns der Philosophen Weg. Diesen Weg kann man gemütlich entlang gehen und die Natur ein wenig genießen. Am Ende gibt's dafür sehr viel leckeres Essen zum Probieren.

Wir sind morgens früh aufgestanden, um den Touristenmassen zu entkommen und haben auch Tempel und Orte weiter außerhalb Kyotos besucht (zur Kirschblüte nicht immer einfach).

Was wir in Kyoto sonst gemacht haben? Die Liste ist unendlich lang, hier ein paar Highlights:

  •  Shabu Shabu, Kaiseki und Kobe Rind gegessen
  • Den berühmten Fushimi Inari Taisha besucht und durch die tausende roten Toriis bis nach oben gewandert
  • Goldener Tempel Kinkaku-ji besucht
  • Arashiyama Bamboo Forest angesehen (früh am Morgen)
  • Daigo-ji Tempel besucht und den Massen somit entkommen
  • Kiyomizu-dera Tempel (Das Hauptgebäude ist aktuell leider in Restauration und komplett verhüllt)
  • Spontan eine Geisha-Show besucht
  • Otagi Nenbutsu-ji Tempel mit tausenden Steinbuddhas
  • Nishiki Markt in Kyoto besucht und noch mehr Essen probiert
  • Fahrt mit dem Romantic Train
  • Noch mehr Tempel, Schreine & Toriis angesehen

Weitere Tipps für Kyoto:

  • Unterkunft: Airbnb
  • Essen auf dem Nishiki Market
  • Shabu Shabu: Im Moritaya im Hauptbahnhof in Kyoto mit Blick auf die Stadt und Kyoto Tower
  • Kaiseki Essen im Kamikura in Kyoto
  • Kobe Rind essen:   Premium Pound Sanjo Kiyamachi 

Die Highlights sind hier so zahlreich, dass wir einen separaten Artikel für Kyoto schreiben werden.

japan tour 3 wochen

Nara besuchen viele nur als mehrstündigen Zwischenstop von auf der Fahrt von Kyoto nach Osaka. Wir machen es anders und übernachten hier in einem Ryokan. Eine gute Entscheidung, denn hier erleben wir den schönsten Abend unserer Reise.

Wir landen nach einem langen Sightseeing Tag in einer traditionellen Izakaya. Verstehen kein Wort das gesprochen wird, bestellen auf „Gut Glück“ und werden von einem japanischen Musiker zum Sake trinken eingeladen. Verständigung mit einer Mischung aus gebrochenem Englisch und Zeichensprache. Herrlich!

Dieser Ort war so authentisch, dass ihr in auch finden werdet, wenn ihr bei TripAdvisor auch mal auf den Seiten 4-5 sucht. Verraten möchten wir diesen Tipp nicht. Bilder gibt es auch nicht von diesem Abend. Nur eine Postkarte haben wir als Andenken geschenkt bekommen.

Unsere ausführlichen Erlebnisse in Nara könnt ihr auch in unserem Entdecke Nara in 24 Stunden auf eigene Faust nachlesen.

Nara selbst ist total gemütlich und gefällt uns sehr!

Die Tempel wurden von der UNESCO zum Weltkulturerbe ernannt. Die Rehe machten den Ort noch berühmter. Asiaten flippen hier regelrecht aus. Wir weniger. Wer Tiere füttert weiß, wie aggressiv diese werden können, wenn sie Essen im Rucksack riechen und nichts davon abbekommen. Kurz vor unserer Abreise gab es einen Artikel dazu auf Spiegel online. Darin stand, wie gefährlich es doch sei, die Rehe zu besuchen. Totaler quatsch. Wer füttert, muss damit rechnen…

Orte, die du in Nara besuchen musst

Todaiji Tempel im Nara Park. Er gilt als größtes Holzgebäude der Welt. Im Inneren befindet sich der der Nara-Daibutsu, Japans grösste Buddha Statue.

Der Nara Park ist nur 5 Minuten zu Fuß vom Bahnhof Kintetsu Nara entfernt. Zur Kirschblüte findet ihr im Park über 1600 Kirschbäume, die zusammen mit den frei herumlaufenden Rehen ein beliebtes Fotomotiv sind. Nach kurzem Fußmarsch durch den Wald zum wunderschönen Kasuga Taisha Schrein mit seinen vielen Steinlaternen die den Weg säumen.

Auf dem Nara Prefectural Goverment Office könnt ihr ganz nach oben fahren und die kostenlose Aussicht auf Nara genießen.

Ein besonderer Touristenmagnet ist der schnellste Mochi-Maker der Welt! Schaut unbedingt bei Nakatanidō vorbei. Ihr könnt es nicht verfehlen, da immer genügend Zuschauer davor stehen.

Alle Highlights und Tipps für Nara hier nachlesen

Weitere Tipps für Nara:

  • Unterkunft: Guest House Iki
  • Empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer: 1 Tag
  • Nakatanidō Mochi probieren
  • Essen: Irgendwo in einer japanischen Kneipe (Izakhaya)

japan tour 3 wochen

Für Osaka hatten wir kaum Erwartungen. Überraschend gut hat es uns hier aber gefallen, dass wir auch hier gerne länger geblieben wären.

Wir haben das Umeda Sky Building besucht und von oben die Aussicht genossen. Haben die Hep Five Shopping Mall besucht und sind dort mit dem roten Riesenrad gefahren. Auch hier bekommt ihr Panoramablicke auf Osaka - leider sind die Scheiben nicht ganz so sauber und sehr zerkratzt.

Osaka Castle haben wir uns angesehen und haben in der Tenjinbashi Shopping Street natürlich die Läden angesehen. Die älteste Shopping Straße Shinsaibashisuji Shopping Street durften wir auch nicht verpassen.

In America Mura fanden wir Osakas Hipster- und Künstlerviertel mit tollen Cafés, Shops und bunt gekleideten Menschen. Das beste: in einem Kaufhaus gibt es einen Laden, in dem ihr an über 100 Flipper-Automaten spielen könnt. Hier mussten wir eine kleine Pause einlegen.

Dotonbori, Vergnügungsviertel und Highlight für Foodies haben wir an jedem Tag besucht. Hier findet ihr alles, was euer Herz begehrt. Besonders genial: Die Läden haben außen riesengroße Tiere angebracht. So seht ihr, was es dort zu essen gibt, auch ohne der japanischen Sprache mächtig zu sein.

Für Foodies kamen wir an einem Highlight Osakas nicht vorbei: Bei Rikuro Ojisan no Mise gibts den berühmten Wackel-Käsekuchen. Unglaublich, wie lange die Schlange hier ist. Natürlich haben wir uns angestellt und selbst einen Kuchen gekauft (und im Anschluss komplett gegessen).

Weitere Highlights in Osaka sind der Tsutenkaku Tower, das Shinsekai Vergnügungsviertel, der Kuromon Ichiba Market und die Sennichimae Doguyasuji Shotengai. Hier gibts alles an Küchenzubehör was ihr euch vorstellen könnt. Aber: Ihr könnt hier tolle Messer kaufen und euren Namen oder japanische Schriftzeichen von Hand hinzufügen lassen. Das perfekte Japan-Mitbringsel.

Tipps mit Sehenswürdigkeiten für Osaka ansehen

Weitere Tipps für Osaka:

  • Empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer: 2 Tage
  • Bei Rikuro Ojisan no Mise den Wackel-Käsekuchen probieren
  • Essen: Yakiniku & Horumon (Japanisches BBQ), Tako Tamago (Mini Octopus mit Wachtel Ei auf dem Kuromon Market) und selbst Mochi machen auf dem Kuromon Markt!

japan tour 3 wochen

(姫路城, Himeji-jō)

Himeji Castle liegt ideal auf dem Weg von Kyoto oder Osaka nach Hiroshima. So haben wir wie fast alle Touristen einfach einen Zwischenstop eingelegt. Ideal dabei ist, dass es im Bahnhof von Himeji Schließfächer gibt, in die ihr euer Gepäck einschließen könnt.

Den Weg zur Burg kann man zu Fuß gehen (Dauer ca. 20 Minuten). Es fährt allerdings auch ein Bus für Menschen, die keine Lust auf einen Spaziergang haben.

Himeji Castle wurde frisch renoviert. Und eigentlich ist alles komplett erneuert. Aber es ist wunderschön. In Reih und Glied geht es bis nach oben. Es ist viel los, der Ausblick auf die Burg und auch von oben lohnt sich trotzdem. Schade ist nur, dass man innen nichts trinken darf (oder mal sollte sich nicht erwischen lassen). Selbst Kaugummi kauen ist verboten.

japan tour 3 wochen

Japans bewegte Vergangenheit erleben wir in Hiroshima hautnah. Wir besuchen den Friedenspark mit der Gedenkstätte des Atombombenabwurfs, das Friedensmuseum, und Hiroshima Castle.

Auch hier essen wir die lokale Spezialität: Okonomyaki. Jeden Tag. Köstlich! Die besten gibts im Okonomi-mura. Auf drei Etagen servieren mehr als 25 Stände Varianten der lokalen Spezialität. Suche dir einfach eine Etage aus, suche dir einen leeren Stuhl und bestelle dein Okonomyaki.

Was du sonst über Hiroshima wissen solltest? Die Einwohner der Stadt sind Baseball-verrückt. Hier wären wir gerne im Stadion live dabei gewesen. Die ansonsten so ruhigen Japaner rasten beim Baseball in Hiroshima regelrecht aus. Beim Okonomyaki essen haben alle am Fernseher gehangen und das Spiel verfolgt. Wirklich interessant.

Weiterlesen: Alle Tipps und Highlights in Hiroshima hier ansehen

  • Empfohlene Aufenthaltsdauer: 3 Nächte mit Tagesausflug nach Miyajima.
  • Hotel: Hiroshima Washington Hotel , direkt um die Ecke des Okonomi-mura.

Shukkei-en Park Hiroshima

Ideal als Tagesausflug von Hiroshima mit dem Zug ist die Insel Miyajima.

Nach Ankunft am Hafen findest du zuerst die Haupteinkaufsstraße Omotesandō. Diese ist voller Souvenirgeschäfte und Restaurants. Highlight vieler Touristen: der größte shakushi (Reislöffel) der Welt.

Wir haben entspannt für einen Tag die wunderschöne Insel erkundet. Du könntest hier auch übernachten, wir hatten dazu leider keine Zeit.

Alle ausführlichen Tipps für die Insel Miyajima hier ansehen

Weitere Highlights:

  • Itsukushima-jinja Shrine
  • Momiji-dani-koen Park (Brücke)
  • Mit der Seilbahn Miyajima Ropeway hoch auf den Mt. Misen, zu Fuß zurück ins Tal. Genieße die Aussicht von oben. Wir kommen uns vor wie in der Karibik. So schön!
  • Daisho-in Temple
  • Senjō-kaku & Pagode
  • In der Shopping Street die gegrillten handgroßen Austern probieren (lokale Köstlichkeit). Mir war es zu fischig. Ich mag die kleineren Austern lieber.
  • Anreise aus Hiroshima: Mit Japan Rail Pass ab Bahnhof Hiroshima nach Miyajimaguchi (etwa 30 Minuten), dann mit der Fähre in 10 Minuten nach Miyajima. Dank JR Pass ist auch die Fähre kostenlos.

Fünfstöckige Pagode Miyajima Japan

In 4 Stunden reisen wir dank Shinkansen sehr schnell von Hiroshima nach Tokio. Wir haben dann noch einen kompletten Tag, um weitere Orte in Tokio zu erkunden. Den Fischmarkt haben wir uns für den letzten Tag aufgehoben.

Doch um 3 Uhr zur Fischauktion aufstehen ist uns dann doch zu früh. Wir gehen gegen 7 Uhr zum mittlerweile umgezogenen "alten" Fischmarkt Tsukiji und erkunden das Areal. Wir sind enttäuscht und gleichzeitig entsetzt, dass Chinesen tatsächlich mit Rollkoffern umherirren.

Danach gehen wir in den Hamarikyū Garten zum Teehaus mit Blick auf Wolkenkratzer. Hier ist Tradition und Modern sehr nah. Das Wetter ist sommerlich, so dass wir uns ins Gras legen und entspannen.

Die letzte Erkundung ist mit Shimokitazawa nur eine kurze Distanz von Shibuya und Shinjuku entfernt. Das Viertel ist entspannt, wir genießen die kleinen Cafés, Bars und Shops mit Vintage-Kleidung, Musikläden und bummeln durch die Straßen.

Die letzten Momente und Aussichten saugen wir auf dem Sky Deck, Tokyo City View Observation Deck (Roppongihills) in uns auf. Da beim allerersten Abend in Tokio die Kneipe so genial war, gehen wir genau wieder hier hin, um die Reise zu beenden.

Sayonara Japan, ich bin sicher bald wieder hier!

Alle Tipps für Tokio findest du bald ausführlich!

Weitere Reisetipps für Japan:

  • Kosten der Japan Rundreise
  • Japan Reise planen - alle Japan Reisetipps
  • Japan Rail Pass kaufen: Unsere Tipps und Erfahrungen zum Zugfahren
  • Beste Reisezeit Japan
  • Kirschblüte in Japan: Überbewertet oder lohnt es sich?
  • Empfohlene Japan Reiseführer
  • Japanisches Essen – Typische Spezialitäten, die du probieren musst
  • Typisch Japan: Kurioses und lustiges

Reiseführer mit Tipps für Orte in Japan:

  • Kyoto (folgt)
  • Insel Miyajima

Die beste Reisezeit sind die Monate Mai - Mitte September. Zum Skifahren sind die Monate Dezember - März ideal.

Möchtest du zur Kirschblüte nach Japan, dann lese hier unseren Erfahrungsbericht.

Mein Wunsch-Monat für die nächste Reise ist der Herbst. In meinen Augen ist die Kirschblüte überschätzt, sämtliche Parks stinken nach Alkohol.

  • Japanische Alpen (schlechtes Wetter und Schnee, darum haben wir dieses Highlight ausgelassen)
  • Naoshima : die Insel ist berühmt für seine zahlreichen modernen Kunstmuseen, Architektur und Skulpturen. Vor allem die der bekannten Architekten Ando Tadao.
  • Tohoku-Region
  • Shirakawago
  • Kiso Valley
  • Sapporo im Winter

Was sollte ich in Japan auf jeden Fall gesehen haben?

Packliste japan: was muss ich einpacken, wie lange sollten wir nach japan fahren, wie viel geld sollten wir für eine japan reise einplanen.

Japan ist auf jeden Fall eine Reise wert. Seit dem ersten Tag Japan bin ich fasziniert von diesem abwechslungsreichen Land. Ich liebe die Städte genauso wie die Natur. Das leckere Essen, mit typischen Gerichten, die von Region zu Region variieren.

Ich bin fasziniert vom funktionierenden Nahverkehrssystem mit den tollen Shinkansen-Zügen, sowie den lokalen Zügen und Bussen. Auch wenn ich oft kein Wort lesen konnte, es war einfach individuell zu reisen.

Das öffentliche Verkehrsnetz ist hervorragend und ein Traum für uns Deutschen. Ich träume jedes Mal davon, wenn ich wieder in einem verspäteten Zug zu Hause sitze.

Japaner sind sehr gastfreundlich, wenn auch oft schüchtern. Sie halfen sofort, wenn man uns irgendwo mit einem Stadtplan stehen sah. Echt klasse!

Ich träume immer wieder von dieser Reise und weiß eins: Ich möchte noch mehr von der Kultur und vom Land sehen! さよなら (Sayonara - Auf Wiedersehen. Mittlerweile lerne ich japansich).

Hast du weitere Tipps für Japan? Was sind deine Highlights und sehenswerte Orte für eine Japan Rundreise?

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Katrin Lehr, Gründerin Reiseblog viel-unterwegs.de und Reise-Expertin

Hi ich bin Katrin!

Ich bin Katrin, viel unterwegs und echte Reise-Expertin! Mit Campervan oder Rucksack möchte ich die ganze Welt entdecken. Um meine Erfahrungen & Erlebnisse mit dir zu teilen, habe ich diesen Reiseblog gegründet!

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Besucher Kommentar von Christian

Scheinbar ist das Guest house Iki in Nara dauerhaft geschlossen

Katrin Lehr

Oh nein das wäre schade, das war echt schön da! Danke dir für die Info.


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3 Wochen Japan Rundreise: Geniale Route, Tipps & Kosten

japan tour 3 wochen

  • von Nina von traveloptimizer

Zuletzt aktualisiert: 27.02.2024

Du möchtest bald eine 3 Wochen Rundreise durch Japan machen? Dann bekommst du hier Inspiration für deine Rundreise Route für 21 Tage durch Honshu – die größte Insel Japans . Das Land der aufgehenden Sonne besticht durch seine einzigartige Kultur : erlebe traditionelle Onsen , Shinto- Schreine und natürlich das berühmte japanische Essen. Erkunde die größte Stadt der Welt – Tokio sowie die Berge vor dem Mt. Fuji , entdecke Samurai-Viertel in Kanazawa, nimm teil an einer Tee­zeremonie in Kyoto, füttere Rehe vor historischen Tempeln in Nara , iss dich durch Streetfood im lebhaften Osaka und lerne mehr über die tragische Geschichte Hiroshimas . Japan bietet all das und so viel mehr! Am Ende dieses Blogartikels findest du auch eine detaillierte Aufstellung der Kosten und hilfreiche Tipps für deine 3-Wochen Rundreise durch Japan.

Viel Spaß beim Nachreisen 😊

Du suchst nach mehr Routen oder Infos für Japan? Dann schau unbedingt bei unseren anderen Blogartikeln vorbei:

  • Japan Rundreisen: 3 geniale Routen
  • Japan Sehenswürdigkeiten
  • Zu allen Japan-Artikeln


Als "Reiseholic" hat sie schon über 50 Länder bereist. Bei ihren Rundreisen ist ein Mix aus Abenteuer, Kultur & Entspannung garantiert. Wir lieben ihre Tipps und du mit Sicherheit auch 😊

Übrigens: Alle mit * markierten Links sind Empfehlungslinks. Wenn du auf diese Links klickst und anschließend buchst, bleibt für dich der Preis gleich, wir bekommen aber eine kleine Provision. So können wir noch mehr tolle Blogartikel für dich schreiben - Tausend Dank und viel Liebe dafür 🧡

  • 1 Route für 3 Wochen
  • 2 Detaillierter Reiseplan
  • 3 Was vorab buchen?
  • 4 Kosten für 3 Wochen
  • 5 Wissenswertes & Tipps

japan tour 3 wochen

Pagoda im Gion Viertel

japan tour 3 wochen

Tōdai-ji Tempel Spiegelung im Wasser

Route für 3 Wochen

Deine 3 Wochen Rundreise durch Japan startet in der Megametropole Tokio. Nachdem du nach einige Tage lang die verschiedensten Viertel Tokios kennengelernt hast, machst du einen Tagesausflug in die Natur von Nikko und fährst dann weiter nach Hakone, wo ein toller Nationalpark sowie der Mt. Fuji auf dich wartet.

Anschließend geht es das erste Mal in den Hochgeschwindigkeitszug, den Shinkansen . Fahre nach Nagano zu den süßen Schneeaffen und weiter mit dem Zug nach Kanazawa – einer Stadt mit viel Geschichte. Entdecke alte Samuraiviertel , japanische Schlösser und mache einen Tagesausflug ins Bergdorf Shirakawa-go. In der Kulturhauptstadt Kyoto warten Tee­zeremonien und Geishaviertel darauf, erkundet zu werden. Traditionell geht es auch weiter in Nara mit seinen berühmten Tempeln. Ein Kontrast ist anschließend die moderne Stadt Osaka, die vor allem für das leckere Streetfood bekannt ist.

Für eine Nacht geht es für dich auch nach Koyasan . Dort hast du die besondere Möglichkeit, in einem richtigen Tempel zu übernachten . Hiroshima als nächster Stopp ist ähnlich einprägsam. Lerne mehr über die dramatische Vergangenheit und bewundere auch den Ausblick nach einer Wanderung auf Miyajima , bevor es für die Rückreise zum Ende deiner 21-Tage Rundreise durch Japan wieder nach Tokio geht.

  • Tokio (4 Nächte)
  • Hakone (3 Nächte)
  • Nagano (1 Nacht)
  • Kanazawa (3 Nächte)
  • Kyoto (2 Nächte)
  • Nara (1 Nacht)
  • Osaka (3 Nächte)
  • Koyasan (1 Nacht)
  • Hiroshima (3 Nächte)

Klicke auf den Button, um die interaktive Karte von Google Maps zu laden.

Detaillierter Reiseplan

Wir beschreiben dir nun die detaillierte Route mit Tagesplanung für 3 Wochen Rundreise durch Japan. Routen für 10 oder 14 Tage findest du im Blogartikel “Japan Rundreise individuell: 3 geniale Routen zum selbst planen!” .

Anreise nach Tokio & Check-in Hotel

🛌  Unterkunft Tokio Hotel Vista Tokyo Tsukiji* (Innenstadtlage, fußläufig zum Shoppingviertel und Fischmarkt, moderne Zimmer)

Tokio erkunden (Ginza und Akihabara)

  • Hamarikyu Park (ehemaliger Kaisergarten)
  • vor 10 Uhr ankommen, sonst sehr voll
  • Tipp : Trage geschlossene Schuhe
  • kleine Restaurants und Sushi-Läden
  • Achtung : Viele akzeptieren nur Barzahlungen
  • Nittele Tower Uhr (kleine Show jeden Tag um 12, 15, 18 und 20 Uhr)
  • Ginza Viertel (Shoppingviertel)
  • Kaiserpalast (nicht besuchbar, aber von außen schön anzuschauen)

👉 Mehr Infos: Tokio Sehenswürdigkeiten

  • Manga Maid Café
  • verschiedene Standorte in Akihabara
  • Hauptstandort
  • Akihabara Viertel (Manga und Elektronikläden)
  • Tokyo National Museum (Historische, japanische Kunstsammlung)
  • meistbesuchter Tempel Japans
  • abends beleuchtet

Zum Sonnenuntergang: Tokio Skytree

  • zu den Tickets*
  • an klaren Tagen Mt. Fuji sichtbar
  • Slot vor dem Sonnenuntergang, dann sieht man Tokio auch bei Nacht
  • unbedingt Tickets vorbuchen!

japan tour 3 wochen

Kaiserpalast in Tokio mit See

japan tour 3 wochen

Tsukiji Fischmarkt Boxen mit Fisch

japan tour 3 wochen

Akihabara Viertel

japan tour 3 wochen

Sensoji Tempel rotes Torii

japan tour 3 wochen

Ausblick über Tokio

Tokio erkunden (Koto, Shibuya und Shinjuku)

  • Toyosu-Fischmarkt
  • digitale, interaktive Kunstausstellung
  • unbedingt Tickets vorher buchen!
  • Tickets hier buchbar*
  • Tipp : Trage keine lange Hose (Wasserelemente)
  • Odaiba Statue of Liberty Replica (Nachbau der Freiheitsstatue)
  • Unicorn Gundam Statue (große Transformersstatue)
  • Shibuya Crossing (die wohl Fußgänger-reichste Kreuzung, bester Blick vom Starbucks an der Kreuzung im 1. Stock)
  • Hachiko Memorial Statue (zu Ehren des berühmten Hundes)
  • bunteste Straße
  • allemöglichen Kawaii -Produkte
  • Meiji-Schrein (großer Holzschrein)
  • Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden (Japanischer Garten)

Abends: Omoide Yokocho (Streetfood und BBQ)

Tipp : Gehe anschließend ins Shinjuku Golden Gai Viertel (enge Gassen mit kleinen Bars)

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TeamLab digitale Austellung

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Zebrastreifen am Shibuya Crossing

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Blick auf die Skyline mit dem Skytree

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Golden Gai Viertel

Tagesausflug nach Nikko

Morgens: Fahrt von Asakusa Station nach Nikko (2h)

  • Ticket hier buchbar*
  • Mit dem Pass kannst du auch Busse vor Ort benutzen
  • Tipp : Versuche so früh wie möglich zu starten

Mittags: Nikko erkunden

  • Shinkyo Brücke (alte traditionelle Brücke)
  • Tipp : Kaufe das Ticket an der Bahnstation in Nikko, um Warteschlangen zu vermeiden
  • Nikkozan Rinnoji Tempel
  • Futarasan Schrein
  • Nikko Tamozawa Imperial Villa Memorial Park (ehemalige Kaiserresidenz)
  • Nimm den Bus zum Busstopp 26 (30min)
  • die Busfahrt geht durch die Berge
  • besonders schön im Herbst

👉 Mehr Infos:  Tokio Sehenswürdigkeiten

  • Chuzenji See (Bergpanorama nahe dem Wasserfall)
  • Edo Epoche open-air Museum/Freizeitpark
  • Lerne mehr über Ninja und die Samurai
  • hier buchbar*

Abends: Rückfahrt nach Tokio (2h)

🛌  Unterkunft Tokio 9h nine hours Aksaka sleep lab* (Kapselhotel, modernes Design, Amenity Kit)

Alternativ: Hotel Vista Tokyo Tsukiji* (Innenstadtlage, fußläufig zum Shoppingviertel und Fischmarkt, moderne Zimmer)

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Shinkyo Brücke

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Buddhastatuen im Tempel

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Kegon Wasserfall

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Edo Wonderland

Vormittags: Tokio erkunden (Tour und Shimokitazawa)

  • verkleide dich wie Yoshi oder Mario
  • Fahre mit Go-Karts durch Tokio
  • Tipp : Buche früh, da die Tour oft ausverkauft ist
  • Brooklyn Tokios
  • Viele Secondhand- und Retroläden (bsp. New York Joe Exchange )
  • Große Caféauswahl (bsp. Look Up Coffee )

Alternative Stadtführungen Tokio:

  • „Kulturelle Kuriositäten“ (Infos hier*)
  • Geführte Sumo-Tour (Infos hier*)
  • Geführte Fahrrad-Tour durch Tokio (Infos hier*)
  • Japanischer Kochkurs ( Infos hier* )

Nachmittags: Fahrt nach Hakone (1.5h)

  • Hin- und Rückfahrt von Shinjuku nach Odawara (Ausgangsort für Hakone-Erkundungen), Seilbahnen und Busse inbegriffen
  • Pass hier buchbar*

🛌  Unterkunft Hakone Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa* (Viele verschiedene Pools, Spa und eigenes Onsen, Seeblick vom Bett)

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Gokart Tour

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Shimokitazawa Viertel-Schaufenster

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Shimokitazawa Viertel-Hausecke

Hakone entdecken

  • 30min Zugfahrt durch Berglandschaft
  • im Hakone Pass inbegriffen
  • Tipp : Im Juni und Juli sieht man tausende Blumen
  • Hakone Seilbahn (über den Berg)
  • möglicher Ausgangspunkt auf Maps
  • Heiwa no Torii (japanisches Tor im Wasser)
  • Chisuji Wasserfall

Auf dem Rückweg: Odawara Burg (japanisches Schloss)

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Schiff auf Lake Ashi

Morgens: Wanderung Mt. Kintoki (6km, 3h, 470hm)

  • starte frühmorgens
  • toller Ausblick auf Mt. Fuji
  • Startpunkt am Kintoki Schrein
  • zur Wanderung

Nachmittags: Entspannen in heißen Quellen

  • Mori No Yu (traditioneller Onsen)
  • Achtung : Tattoos müssen mit Badebekleidung oder Pflastern abgedeckt werden, Rashguards können dort ausgeliehen werden

🛌  Unterkunft Hakone Fukuzumiro* (traditionelle japanische Unterkunft (Ryokan) mit Futon, hoteleigenes Onsen)

Alternative Hilton Odawara Resort & Spa* (Viele verschiedene Pools, Spa und eigenes Onsen, Seeblick vom Bett)

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Berge um Hakone

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Ausblick auf Berge

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Onsen mit Bergen im Hintergrund

Morgens: Fahrt zurück Tokio (1,5h)

  • Tipp: Nutze auch hier wieder den Hakone Pass

Mittags: Shinkansen nach Nagano (2h)

Nachmittags: Nagano erkunden

  • Zenkoji Omotesando (traditionelle Shoppingmeile)
  • Zenko-ji Tempel (einer der ältesten Tempel Japans)
  • Essenstipp : Nagano Minamikaze Beer (Mikrobrauerei, mit leckerem Craft-Bier zum Ausklingen am Abend)

🛌  Unterkunft Nagano Hotel Metropolitan* (direkt am Bahnhof, gutes Frühstück, relativ große Zimmer)

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Die Tipps helfen dir bei deiner Planung?

Dann würden wir uns riesig freuen, wenn du deine Hotels, Tickets oder Mietwagen über die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Empfehlungslinks buchst. Du zahlst dadurch keinen Cent mehr, aber wir bekommen eine kleine Provision. So können wir noch mehr tolle Blogartikel für dich veröffentlichen. Tausend Dank und viel Liebe dafür 🧡

Vormittags: Snow Monkey Park besuchen

  • von Nagano Station Osteingang , Stopp Nr. 23
  • bis Schneeaffen Parkplatz
  • dann 30min zu Fuß in den Park
  • schöner Park für Spaziergänge
  • Achtung : Die Affen sind wild und kommen nicht immer in den Park, mehr Infos

👉 Mehr Infos: Japan Sehenswürdigkeiten

Nachmittags: Shinkansen von Nagano nach Kanazawa (1,5h)

🛌  Unterkunft Kanazawa Tokyu Stay Kanazawa* (Moderne Zimmer mit kleiner Küchenzeile, fußläufig zum Schloss, Frühstück inbegriffen)

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In den heißen Quellen badende Affen

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Chillende Schneeaffen

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Schneeaffen nahe Nagano

Kanazawa erkunden

  • D.T. Suzuki Museum (Gründer des Zen Buddhismus)
  • Kenroku en (Top 3 bester japanischer Gärten)
  • Kanazawa Schloss
  • Myoryuji Tempel (Ninja-Tempel)
  • Omicho Markt (Streetfood Markt)
  • Nomura-ke Samurai Residence (Nachbau eines Samurai-Hauses)
  • Higashi Chaya Viertel (altes Geishaviertel)
  • Mount Utatsu (Ausblick auf die Stadt)

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D.T. Suzuki Museum

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Kenroku en Garten

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Traditionelles Viertel

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Higashi Chaya Viertel

Tagesausflug ins Bergdorf Shirakawa-go

  • Achtung : Eine Reservierung für den Bus ist zwingend erforderlich!
  • Zum Bus-Anbieter geht es hier

Shirakawa-go erkunden

  • Ausblick über das Dorf
  • 20min Wanderung
  • Wada Haus (ursprünglich eingerichtet)
  • Myozenji Tempel
  • Erkunde die vielen kleinen Straßen und Cafés

Nachmittags: Rückfahrt nach Kanazawa (1.5h)

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Ogimachi Castle Observation Deck

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Shirakawa-go traditionelles Holzhaus

Morgens: Shinkansen nach Kyoto (2h)

Nachmittags: Kyoto erkunden

  • Ginkaku-ji Tempel (silberner Tempel)
  • 2km langer Spaziergang entlang des Kanals
  • laufe ihn in Richtung Süden vorbei an schönen Sehenswürdigkeiten (Otoyo Schrein, Honenin, Eikando)
  • besonders schön im Frühling und Herbst
  • probiere eine Matchalatte oder -eis

👉 Mehr Infos: Kyoto Sehenswürdigkeiten

Zum Sonnenuntergang: Kiyomizu-dera Tempel

  • Blick über die Stadt vom Tempel
  • Rückweg: Durch das beleuchtete Geisha-Viertel

🛌  Unterkunft Kyoto Hotel Forza Kyoto Shijo Kawaramachi* (Nahe am Fluss, Waschmaschinen verfügbar, Sehenswürdigkeiten fußläufig)

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Ginkaku-ji Tempel

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Kiyomizu-dera Tempel

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Kiyomizu-dera Tempel bei Nacht

Kyoto erkunden

  • Tipp : Sei super früh dort, sonst siehst du nur Tourgruppen
  • schaue dir auch einige der Tempel in der Gegend an:
  • bspw.: Giouji Tempel, Jōjakkōji Tempel, Tenryuji Tempel
  • Kimono Forest (schöne Kunstinstallation)
  • Kinkaku-ji Tempel (Goldener Tempel)
  • Kunstvolle Wandmalereien
  • Nachtigallen Flur (gegen Eindringlinge)
  • Kaiserpalast (u.a. japanischer Garten)
  • großer Teil der japanischen Gesellschaft
  • erlebe ein typisches Teehaus in Kyoto
  • Viertel aus alten Holzhäusern
  • bis heute das Zuhause von Geishas

Abends: Fushimi Inari Schrein

  • 10.000 Torii (rote Torbögen)
  • versuche erst nach 17 Uhr da zu sein, damit es etwas leerer ist
  • Tipp : Gehe bis ganz nach oben, denn umso weiter du dich vom Eingang entfernst, desto weniger Menschen sind dort
  • schöne Aussicht auf Kyoto von weiter oben

👉 Mehr Infos:  Kyoto Sehenswürdigkeiten

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Fushimi Inari Schrein

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Kimono Forest nahe des Bambuswaldes

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Kaiserpalast Kyoto

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Ausblick vom höheren Teil des Fushimi Inari Schrein

Vormittags: Kyoto erkunden

  • Mangas aus aller Welt
  • Manga-Wand mit 50.000 Mangas
  • Sowohl ein Souvenirmarkt, als auch Fischmarkt
  • Zahlreiche kleine Läden
  • Optional: Food-Tour mit ortskundigem Guide ( hier buchen* )
  • lange Gasse mit Restaurants
  • Restaurants haben Terrassen mit Flussausblick

Später Nachmittag: Fahrt nach Nara (0.5h)

  • Tickets direkt am Automaten am Gleis
  • Fahrplan hier
  • Abends: Harushika Sake Brauerei

Tipp : Leihe dir schon abends ein Fahrrad für den nächsten Morgen aus

  • möglicher Fahrradverleih auf Maps

🛌  Unterkunft Nara Daiwa Roynet Hotel Nara Natural Hot Spring* (Süß dekorierte Zimmer, eigenes Onsen, nahe an der Bahnstation)

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Nishiki Markt

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Japanischer Sake

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Pontocho Street

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Ausblick auf den Fluss

Vormittags: Nara erkunden

Tipp : Stehe früh auf – so hast du die Tempel für dich alleine und es ist kühler!

  • Todai-ji Namdaimon (großer Holztorbogen)
  • Tōdai-ji Halle bis vor kurzem größte Holzkonstruktion der Welt
  • Tempel öffnet um 7:30 Uhr – sei dann da
  • Hauptaufenthaltsort der Rehe
  • an kleinen Kioske gibt es Cracker für die Rehe zum Füttern
  • Tipp : Pass auf – teils sind die Rehe recht grob

👉 Mehr Infos:  Japan Sehenswürdigkeiten

  • Tipp : Sei um 9 Uhr dort zum öffentlichen Morgengebet
  • genieße anschließend den Waldweg und die vielen Steinlaternen
  • Nigatsu-do Tempel
  • Kōfuku-ji Tempel und Pagoda
  • Naramachi (traditionelles Viertel)

Nachmittags: Fahrt nach Osaka (1h, Yamatoji Linie)

Abends: Lichtermeer in Dotonbori (Times Square Japans)

  • Werbetafel des Glico Läufer
  • Tickets hier buchbar

👉 Mehr Infos: Osaka Sehenswürdigkeiten

Essenstipp : Streetfood – Okonomiyaki (herzhafter Kohlpfannkuchen) und Takoyaki (Oktopusbällchen)

🛌  Unterkunft Osaka Holiday Inn & Suites Shin Osaka* (Nahe an der Osaka Bahnstation, moderne, große Zimmer)

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Eingang Tōdai-ji Tempel

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Sikahirsch im Nara-Park

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Werbetafeln im Dotonbori-Viertel in Osaka

Osaka erkunden

  • Osaka Schloss
  • Tenjinbashisuji Shotengai (überdachte Shoppinggasse)

Shitennoji Tempel

  • Ausblick über Osaka
  • unser Highlight!
  • Mehrstöckiges Spa-Center mit Pools, Saunen und heißen Bädern
  • Preislich sehr erschwinglich
  • Plane genug Zeit ein, um zu entspannen!

Abends: Shinsekai Viertel

  • bunt beleuchtetes Viertel mit vielen Restaurants und Bars

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Osaka Schloss von außen

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Osaka Castle Eingang

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Tsutenkaku Tower Aussicht

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Shinsekai Viertel bei Nacht

Universal Studios in Osaka besuchen

  • weltweit erste interaktive Mario Kart Strecke
  • erlebe die Harry Potter Welt

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Osaka Universal Studios Nintendo World

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Osaka Universal Studios

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Hogwarts in den Universal Studios Japan

Tempelstadt Koyasan erkunden

heiliger Berg mit 117 buddhistischen Tempeln

Morgens: Osaka Namba Station bis Gokurakubashi (1,5h, Nankai Koya Linie), dann Seilbahn (Gokurakubashi Station-Koyasan Station )

  • Daimon Gate (japanisches 25m hohes Tor)
  • Koyasan Reihōkan Museum (traditionelle, religiöse Kunst)
  • größter Friedhof Japans
  • wie ein einziger großer Garten
  • Okuno-in Tempel (Grabstätte des Shingon Buddismus Gründers)

Kongobuji Tempel und Steingarten

Abends: Übernachte in einem Tempel


Später Nachmittag: Rückreise nach Osaka

  • Fudozaka Pilgerweg zurück zur Gokurakubashi Station (2,5km, 1h), Zug zurück nach Osaka Namba (1,5h)

Tipp : besonders schön im Herbst (bunte Blätter)

Achtung : Es kann in diesem Ort schwieriger sein auf Englisch zu kommunizieren

🛌  Unterkunft Koyasan Sojiin Temple Stay* (übernachte in einem Tempel, traditionelles Abendessen und Frühstück, nehme an der Morgenzeremonie teil)

Alternativ: Holiday Inn & Suites Shin Osaka* (Nahe an der Osaka Bahnstation, moderne, große Zimmer)

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Weg im Okuno-in Friedhof

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Okuno-in Friedhof

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Holzpagoda im Danjo Garan Komplex

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Koya-san Torii Bogen

Morgens: Koyasan im Sonnenaufgang

  • Teilnahme an Morgenzeremonie
  • Sonnenaufgang im Okuno-in Friedhof
  • Genieße ruhige Atmosphäre ohne Touristen

Mittags: Rückfahrt nach Osaka

  • Fudozaka Pilgerweg zurück zur Gokurakubashi Station (2,5km, 1h), Zug zurück nach Shin-Osaka Station (1,5h)

Später Nachmittag: Shinkansen nach Hiroshima (1.5h)

  • Tickets hier buchen*

Essenstipp : Probiere das Hiroshima-Style Okonomiyaki

🛌  Unterkunft Hiroshima Hilton Hiroshima* (Fußläufig zum Friedenspark, Pool und Sauna, großes Frühstücksbuffet)

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Ausblick aus dem Shinkansen nach Hiroshima

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Atombomben-Denkmal bei Nacht

Morgens: Hiroshima erkunden

  • Aussicht über die Stadt vom Schloss
  • Shukkei-en Garten (japanischer Garten)
  • Museum über Okonomiyaki
  • perfekt für Foodies

Nachmittags: Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park

  • Tipp: Nimm dir Zeit und ein Audioguide für das Museum
  • Atomic Bomb Dome (Gebäude über dem die Bombe explodierte)
  • Children’s Peace Memorial
  • Hiroshima National Peace Memorial Hall For The Atomic Bomb Victims

Tipp : Mache keine Pläne für nach dem Museumsbesuch. Du wirst nach deinem Besuch die Bilder und Eindrücke erst einmal verarbeiten müssen.

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Hiroshima Schloss

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Shukkei-en Garten

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Friedensmuseum in Hiroshima

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Atombomben-Denkmal am Tag

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Hiroshima Kinderdenkmal

Tagesausflug Miyajima Insel

  • Anreise: Sanyo Linie bis Miyajimaguchi Station und dann die Fähre nach Miyajima (1h)
  • Omotesando Straße (Shopping und Essen)
  • Tipp : Probiere Momiji manju (Pancake in Ahornblattform mit Füllung)
  • UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe
  • bekannt für Otorii torii Foto (Tor im Wasser)
  • Daishoin Tempel (500 Buddha Statuen)
  • Daishoin Trail → Startpunkt am Daishoin Tempel
  • Ausblick auf Hiroshima und umliegende Inseln
  • Tipp : Nimm die Seilbahn (Miyajima Ropeway) zurück

Später Nachmittag: Fähre zur Miyajimaguchi Station und dann mit der Sanyo Linie in die Stadt (1h)

Tipp : Versuche möglichst Flut und Ebbe auf deinem Ausflug mitzuerleben, der Itsukushima Tempel sieht dann anders aus ( Gezeitenkalender )

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Miyajima Insel- Reh am Strand

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Itsukushima Schrein bei Ebbe

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Otorii torii bei Ebbe

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Ausblick vom Mount Misen

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Rotes Torii des Itsukushima-Schrein

Flug nach Tokio (1.5h)

Alternativ: Shinkansen von Hiroshima nach Tokio (4h) Tickets hier buchbar*

Abreise ab Tokio

Unsere Travel-Gadgets


Was vorab buchen?

Bei der Reiseplanung gilt: Erst die Arbeit, dann das Vergnügen! Eine ausgeklügelte und gut vorbereitete Reise kann dir auf deiner Japan Rundreise jede Menge Nerven, Zeit und Kosten sparen. Wir sprechen da aus Erfahrung ;). Denn es gibt einiges, das du bereits im Vorfeld buchen und erledigen kannst, damit du dich während deiner Reise ganz und gar aufs Erleben konzentrieren kannst. Alle wichtigsten Buchungen, Tickets und Hotels für deinen Japan Urlaub findest du hier nochmal im Überblick.


Tickets für touren & eintritte, kosten für 3 wochen.

Kommen wir nun zu den Kosten für 3 Wochen Rundreise in Japan. Unsere unten aufgeführten Preise beziehen sich auf die gute Nebensaison (Oktober).

Die Unterkunftspreise in Japan sind mit westeuropäischen Hotelpreisen vergleichbar . Unterkunftspreise schwanken in Japan jedoch stark . So kommt es in der Golden Week oder während der Kirschblüte teilweise zu dreifach so hohen Preisen für Unterkünfte. Solltet ihr zu diesen Zeiten Japan bereisen, müsst ihr euch auf deutliche Mehrkosten einstellen!

Unsere ausgewählten Unterkünfte sind gute Mittelklasse, einige davon sind sogar besonders schön und bieten einzigartige Erlebnisse wie eine Übernachtung in einem Tempel , Kapselhotel oder in einem traditionellen Ryokan . Die Flüge nach Japan sind im Moment sehr teuer . Dies ist dem Überflugverbot der meisten Airlines über Russland und dem damit einhergehenden Umweg geschuldet.

Restaurantbesuche in Japan sind ungefähr vergleichbar mit den Preisen in Deutschland. Natürlich geht es aber auch günstiger oder sehr viel teurer . Gerade wenn ihr Japan in vollen Zügen genießen wollt, werden sich eure Kosten für besondere Aktivitäten, Restaurantbesuche und Eintritte hoch belaufen, dennoch vergleichbar mit Westeuropa und günstiger als Nordamerika.

Wissenswertes & Tipps

Nachfolgend findest du kurz zusammengefasst die wichtigsten Tipps für deine 21-Tage Japan Rundreise. All unsere Tipps gibt’s ausführlich in unserem Blogartikel “ Japan Rundreise individuell: 3 geniale Routen zum selbst planen! “.

  • Die besten Reisekreditkarten: Vergleich + TOP 3 Empfehlungen!
  • Perfekt versichert auf Reisen: Was du beachten musst + TOP 3 Empfehlungen!
  • Reisen richtig planen: Unser ausführlicher Schritt-für-Schritt-Guide!

Solltest du Unterkünfte vorab buchen?

  • Zur Hauptsaison in jedem Fall vorab Unterkünfte buchen, um hohe Preise oder Bruchbuden zu vermeiden.
  • Zur Nebensaison sind auch spontane Buchungen möglich.
  • Wir selbst buchen Unterkünfte immer vorab , um kostbare Urlaubszeit zu sparen und das beste Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis zu finden.

Tipps für die An- & Einreise

  • Von allen deutschen Flughäfen aus möglich. In der Regel mit 1-2 Zwischenstopps.
  • Bei Aufenthalten von bis zu 90 Tagen können Deutsche visumfrei einreisen
  • Achtung: Manche Airlines verlangen zum Einchecken ein Rückreiseticket

>>> Zur Flugsuche*

Fortbewegung in Japan

  • Kurze Strecken: U-Bahn, Linienbusse oder Taxi
  • Längere Strecken: Flugzeug, Nachtbusse oder Shinkansen (Hochgeschwindigkeitszug)
  • Auto mieten: In Japan besteht die Möglichkeit sich ein Auto zu mieten, um abgelegenere Orte und Natur besser zu erkunden. Mietwagen findet man zu vergleichbaren Preisen wie in Westeuropa. Denke aber daran, dass in Japan Linksverkehr herrscht und die Straßen teils sehr eng sind. Beachte auch, dass die Mautgebühren hoch sind.

Wann ist die beste Reisezeit für Japan?

  • Beste Reisezeit im Frühling und Herbst
  • Nordjapan : Sommermonate
  • Zentral- und Südjapan : Frühling und Herbst
  • Vermeide im Süden September-November wegen Taifunen
  • Persönliche beste Reisezeit: September und Oktober, da milde Temperaturen
  • Achtung: Ende März bis Mitte April ist in Japan die Kirschblüte – Rechne mit sehr hohen Preisen!

Ist Japan gefährlich?

Die eindeutige Antwort ist: Nein! Japan ist das wohl sicherste Land der Welt.

Geld, Sprache & SIM-Karte

  • Japanischer Yen (JPY)
  • Kartenzahlung nicht sehr oft möglich. In Japan ist Cash der König, habe also immer ausreichend Bargeld dabei
  • Die ATMs sind in Japan oft zickig mit ausländischen Karten
  • Mastercard wird besser akzeptiert als Visa
  • Gehe zum Geldabheben in den 7Eleven . Dort gibt es immer einen Geldautomaten , der meistens ausländische Karten akzeptiert
  • Tipp:  Achte darauf, dass deine Kreditkarte keine Fremdwährungsgebühren o.Ä. erhebt ( zu unseren Kreditkarten-Empfehlungen )
  • Englischniveau sehr gering
  • Lerne ein paar Sätze Japanisch

SIM-Karte & Netzabdeckung

  • Beste Anbieter: Sakura Mobile
  • Tipp: Kauft eure SIM-Karte mit günstigstem Tarif gleich am Flughafen
  • Späteres Aufladen ist fast überall günstig möglich
  • Die Netzabdeckung ist gut

Damit du bei deinem Urlaub nichts vergisst, haben wir extra einen Artikel über die  perfekte Japan-Packliste  geschrieben. Du kannst dir die Packliste sogar als PDF ausdrucken und runterladen.

Ähnliche Beiträge

Japan Rundreise 10 Tage

10 Tage Japan Rundreise: Geniale Route, Tipps & Kosten

osaka shinsekai

TOP 20 Osaka: Sehenswürdigkeiten & Tipps, die du wissen musst!

Tokio Sehenswürdigkeiten

TOP 21 Tokio: Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten, die du wissen musst!

Japan Insel Miyajima mit dem Itsukushima-Schrein

Japan Rundreise individuell: 3 geniale Routen zum selbst planen!

Japan Mount Fuji

TOP 25 Japan: Das sind die besten Sehenswürdigkeiten & Geheimtipps!

Japan Teaser

2 Wochen Japan Rundreise: Geniale Route, Tipps & Kosten


TOP 20 Kyoto (Japan): Alle Sehenswürdigkeiten, die du wissen musst!


Packliste Japan: Komplette Checkliste für deinen Urlaub (mit PDF)

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Dann würden wir uns riesig freuen, wenn du über die mit Sternchen (*) gekennzeichneten Empfehlungslinks deine Hotels, Tickets, Mietwagen oder Produkte buchst und kaufst. Die Buchungen oder Produkte werden für dich nicht teurer, aber wir bekommen eine kleine Provision. So können wir noch mehr tolle Blogartikel für dich veröffentlichen. Tausend Dank und viel Liebe dafür 🧡

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3 Week Japan Tours & Trips

Filter for departure dates and price to find the right 3 week Japan tour with TourRadar. Choose from 55 trips with 61 customer reviews, that range from 15 up to 21 days.

55 Japan 3 week tour packages with 61 reviews

20 Days Japan UNESCO Tours (private guide & driver) Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

20 Days Japan UNESCO Tours (private guide & driver)

  • €85 deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Japan Group Tour Tour

Japan Group Tour

The pleasant and resourceful tour leader, Chloe, made a big difference. Also nice selection of pkaces to visit to give a good mix of old and new, urban and rural, modern and traditional !

3 Weeks Tailor-Made Japan Vacation, Private & Daily Start Tour

3 Weeks Tailor-Made Japan Vacation, Private & Daily Start

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Japanese Scenes and Mount Fuji Tour

  • Sightseeing

Japanese Scenes and Mount Fuji

The tour was fantastic, loved every bit of our 19 day tour of the whole of Japan. The tour guides were GREAT and were very knowledgeable and gave us every bit of information we needed and we have left Japan knowing so much about this amazing country. Will definitely travel with Europamundo again.

Essential Japan (Start Tokyo, End Osaka, 2025) Tour

Essential Japan (Start Tokyo, End Osaka, 2025)

Classical Korea and Japan Tour

  • Coach / Bus

Classical Korea and Japan

Overall, met the expectation to see as much of Japan from one end to the other in three weeks. Hotels were great with a couple of exceptions, as were the meals provided. The tour is Spanish first, so the groups are 80% Spanish speaking and the groups are as well. English was broken at times, and I feel the tour guides left out a lot of the commentary in English. Something to consider.

20 Days Discovering Japan\'s Delights on Your Honeymoon (private guide & driver) Tour

20 Days Discovering Japan's Delights on Your Honeymoon (private guide & driver)

Wonders of the West Tour

Wonders of the West

Essential Japan Tour

Essential Japan

Spirit of Japan Tour

  • Ocean Cruise

Spirit of Japan

Japan Discovery - 15 Days Tour

  • Train & Rail

Japan Discovery - 15 Days

We booked our tour through MyHolidays2 in Aust. The tour company in Japan was Tomato travel. Our guide, Yumi, met up at the airport and from that time on was a true friend. Yumi is the most professional tour guide with great information each day and took care of all Hotel arrivals and tour costs. Tomato Travel should give Yumi A pay rise for her efforts. We would gladly go with tomato travel again. Thank you Yumi we love you

18 Days Japan Cultural Immersion Tour (private guide & driver) Tour

18 Days Japan Cultural Immersion Tour (private guide & driver)

Hidden Treasures of Japan Tour

Hidden Treasures of Japan

Photography in Hokkaido - Orcas, Bears and Cranes Tour

  • Photography
  • Wildlife & Nature Photography
  • Intl. Flights Included

Photography in Hokkaido - Orcas, Bears and Cranes

  • Flights included

Great Trail of Japan Tour

Great Trail of Japan

What people love about 3 week japan tours.

We enjoyed the tour and the traditional onsen hotel at Mount Fuji with its hot springs.

Regions in Japan

  • Southern Japan (42)
  • Central Japan (40)
  • Honshu (38)

Other Regions in Japan

  • Southern Japan 2 week Tours (130)
  • Honshu 2 week Tours (129)
  • Central Japan 2 week Tours (127)
  • Southern Japan 10 day Tours (102)
  • Central Japan 10 day Tours (99)
  • Honshu 10 day Tours (97)
  • Southern Japan 3 week Tours (42)
  • Central Japan 3 week Tours (40)
  • Honshu 3 week Tours (38)
  • Southern Japan 7 day Tours (37)
  • Central Japan 7 day Tours (35)
  • Honshu 7 day Tours (33)
  • Northern Japan 10 day Tours (8)
  • Kansai 10 day Tours (7)
  • Kansai 7 day Tours (6)
  • Shikoku 10 day Tours (5)
  • Japan Travel Guide | All You Need to Know
  • 2 Week (14 Days) Japan Travel Itineraries & Cost 2024/2025
  • 1 Week (7 Day) Japan Travel Itineraries 2024/2025
  • Best 3 Week (21 Days) Japan Travel Itineraries 2024/2025
  • Discover the Best Japan Vacation Packages 2024/2025
  • What is the best time to visit Japan in 2024/2025?
  • Weather in Japan in 2024/2025

The Perfect 3 Week Japan Itinerary

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Wondering how to spend 3 weeks in Japan? Our itinerary below gives you a perfect starting point for your first time in Japan!

Japan is an absolute dream destination. From traditional temples to beautiful nature reserves and high-tech cities – it has something for everybody. It’s a world on its own and spending three weeks in Japan is a perfect amount to get a good impression of what this country is all about.

This 3 week Japan itinerary will hopefully help you plan a trip to Japan – or inspire you to finally book those flights! From Tokyo to Miyajima Island, let’s dive in!

Day 5 in Tokyo – Tokyo Tower and Roppongi

Miyajima island (1 day), international money card, 3 week japan itinerary.

From Tokyo, all the way to Miyajima Island, stopping at some of the best highlights of Japan. In three weeks, you’re able to see so much of what Japan has to offer . Feel free to adjust the itinerary to your needs and wishes – this is just an idea/inspiration for you!

Tokyo (5 days)

We start these 3 weeks in Japan in Tokyo. Tokyo has two airports, Haneda and Narita , and while it doesn’t really matter which one you fly into, Haneda is a lot closer to the centre. Make sure you know how to get to your hotel from either airport before you fly – especially after such a long flight, the last thing you want is to stress about getting to your hotel!

When you have three weeks to explore Japan, you want to take some time to explore its capital city. Tokyo is BIG. You can literally spend a month here and still find new and exciting hotspots. Five days may seem like a long time, but it’s barely enough to scrape the surface. We divide these five days in Tokyo in some of the most popular wards of the city.

I’d recommend booking a hotel for 8 nights in Tokyo. Even though you will only spend 5 days in Tokyo itself, the three days afterwards will be day trips from Tokyo. To avoid problems with carrying your suitcases from hotel to hotel, it’s much easier to just stay at the same hotel.

Wondering where to stay in Tokyo ? We stayed at Sotetsu Fresa Inn Higashi Shinjuku. Shinjuku is located in the heart of Tokyo, which makes it easy to get to any other part of the city by metro (which is literally located next to the hotel). I really enjoyed staying here and would definitely recommend it.

street in Tokyo

Day 1 in Tokyo – Shibuya and Harajuku

On the very first day of your trip to Japan, we dive right into the busy streets of Tokyo. There are so many things to do in Tokyo ! But we’ll start by making our way to Shibuya in the morning to see:

  • Shibuya crossing: The busiest crossing on the planet can be found in the middle of Shibuya. It’s quite an experience to walk across the street yourself, alongside the sea of others. Head over to the Starbucks across the road for a coffee and an amazing view over the crossing. Perfect for a timelapse or some photos 😉
  • Hachiko statue: A statue to commemorate Tokyo’s favourite and most famous dog, Hachiko. You can find the statue right outside Shibuya station.
  • Shopping in Shibuya: Shibuya is known to be one of the business and shopping wards of Tokyo, so it makes sense to have a little look around for some souvenirs. Some of the best shops include Vanguard Village, MODI, Shibuya109, Disney Store and Tokyo Hands.

In the afternoon, you can walk from Shibuya to Harajuku. You can take the metro but it’s only a 15-minute walk from Shibuya and it gives you the chance to walk through this beautiful Japanese neighbourhood. Harajuku is known for its vibrant fashion style and pop culture. Here are some things to check out when in Harajuku:

  • Shopping in Harajuku: Harajuku is filled with the cutest little fashion boutiques and fun shops that sell the craziest items. The two main streets for the best shops in Harajuku are Takeshita Street and Omotesando Avenue.
  • Harajuku crepe: When in Harajuku, try one of the popular Harajuku Crepes. They have multiple shops all over the area and literally hundreds of fillings (from sweet to savoury).
  • Purikura: Japanese photo booths are very popular among teens and a must-try when in Tokyo. After taking some photos, you can edit them to look more kawaii and get a little print to remember your time in Harajuku.

street in Tokyo Japan

Day 2 in Tokyo – Ikebukuro and Meiji Shrine

Start the second day in Japan with some shopping in the upcoming Ikebukuro, then head over to one of the main shrines in the city, Meiji Shrine.

  • Shopping in Ikebukuro : This Tokyo ward is huge in shopping, filled with high street stores and restaurants. Some fun ones to check out are Bic Camera, Loft and Sun Drug.
  • Tokyo Pokemon Mega Store: One of the main highlights in Ikebukuro is the biggest Pokemon Centre in Japan, Tokyo Pokemon Mega Store. You can find this shop on the second floor of the Sunshine City shopping centre.
  • Coco curry: Japan is filled with the most amazing dishes, but one you should really try is Japanese curries. CoCo Curry Ichibanya is a chain in Japan that can be found in quite a few places, but also in the Sunshine City shopping mall. A perfect spot to grab some lunch before continuing your day in Tokyo.

In the afternoon, head back to Harajuku Station. The entrance of Meiji shrine can be found not far from here.

Because Meiji Shrine is so close to Harajuku, it makes sense to grab some dinner in this part of Tokyo. Harajuku is also home to many karaoke bars, where you can experience another piece of Japanese culture.

meiji shrine

Day 3 in Tokyo – Asakusa and Akihabara

Day three in Tokyo is a day filled with contrasts. Starting at the traditional Sensoji temple and heading towards the hyper-modern Akihabara (also known as electronic town ) in the afternoon.

Sensoji is located in Asakusa. After arriving at Asakusa station, you can find Tokyo’s oldest temple just a few minutes away. The temple dates back to the year 645. On the temple grounds, you can find many smaller shrines alongside the big attraction. A fun thing to do at Senso-ji is O-mikuji : a Japanese form of fortune-telling. It only costs ¥100 and – if you happen to get bad fortune – you can leave your bad fortune at the temple for a better future.

From Asakusa, make your way to Akihabara by metro. Akihabara is literal heaven for those who like electronics, anime, video games and other pop-culture references. It’s got that real high-tech Japan feel to it and it’s a really cool place to explore. Some highlights to check out include:

  • Shop at retro game camp: Akihabara has some amazing retro-game stores which really kick in the nostalgia. Retro Game Camp is by far the best one in Tokyo – all games come with newly fitted batteries and you can barely see any scratches on them!
  • Visit a maid cafe: Japan has some crazy cafes. One of the most popular and well-known is the maid cafe – and there are quite a few in Akihabara. Even though it may be a bit strange, it definitely makes for an amazing experience.
  • Play in one of the many arcades: As you may expect, Akihabara is also filled with the most amazing arcades. Make sure to explore more than just the first floor (where you can find mainly claw machines). There are some awesome games to play from the second floor up.

Sensoji temple tokyo

Day 4 in Tokyo – Koto City

In Koto City, you can find the interactive art exhibitions Teamlab Planets and Teamlab Borderless . We decided to go to Teamlab Planets and absolutely loved it. It’s such a unique experience (walking up a waterfall, through an infinity room and more) that you really shouldn’t miss when you’re in Japan before they end it.

Just a couple of metro stops from the Teamlabs exhibitions, you can find the Gundam base . Even though I wasn’t very familiar with the anime, my boyfriend absolutely loved it. And to be honest, it was pretty cool 😉 They have a life-sized Gundam outside the shopping mall that moves every hour on the hour.

If your hotel is located in Shinjuku (would highly recommend this!), you’re in for a bit of fun! Shinjuku has a lively night scene, which is perfect for an evening to unwind. Whether you want to drink some sake in one of the many bars or play the famous pachinko game – definitely spend a few hours here before heading to bed.

Teamlab Planets Tokyo

The fifth and last day to explore Tokyo will be spent at the famous Tokyo Tower and the Roppongi ward. Make your way to Hamamatsuchō station first. From there you can stop by the beautiful Zojoji Temple before heading to Tokyo Tower.

Tokyo Tower itself is obviously one of the most iconic sights of Japan’s capital, and therefore deserves a little visit. You can head all the way to the top for a little fee, but you can also nose around the many shops on the first few floors for free.

In the late afternoon, keep walking towards Roppongi . This part of Tokyo is one of dazzling nightlife for both locals and tourists. Some things to do before heading to the nearest bar:

  • Mori Art Museum: The largest contemporary art museum in Tokyo. It’s located at the top of the central Mori Tower where you can take some amazing photos of Tokyo.
  • Nogi Shrine: A beautiful samurai shrine.
  • Tokyo City View: If you missed the view at Mori Art Museum, definitely check out Tokyo City View in the Roppongi Hills – another opportunity to take some stunning photos of Tokyo.

For a more detailed Tokyo guide, check out my 6-day Tokyo itinerary . This is basically the same 5 days as described in this itinerary, but with an additional day at Tokyo Disney Sea or Tokyo Disney Land.

tokyo tower

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Nikko (1 day)

While staying in the same hotel in Tokyo, we’re going to make a few day trips from the city. Rather than having to move all your luggage with you to a new hotel for one night, staying at the same hotel makes life just a little easier 😉 On the sixth day of our Japan itinerary, we take a day trip to Nikko. You can use the Nikko Pass for this day trip.

Nikko lies north of Tokyo in the Tochigi Prefecture. It takes about 2 hours each way to get there and back from Tokyo. Nikko is known for its forests, waterfalls and natural hot springs – a perfect and peaceful day away from the busyness of Tokyo.

You can check out my one day Nikko itinerary , which includes a map and route to take for an optimal day trip from Tokyo. Some of the best things to do in Nikko include:

  • Shinkyo Bridge: Not far from the train station, the Shinkyo bridge is our first stop of the day. This sacred bridge is the gateway to the shrines and temples that can be found inside the city.
  • Rinnoji Temple: This UNESCO world heritage site was originally founded by the Buddist monk who brought Buddism to the city in the 8th century.
  • Toshogu Temple: Nikko’s most notable temple, Toshogu Temple, is the last resting place of Tokugawa Ieyasu. The beautifully decorated temple is unlike any other temple in Japan. It’s absolutely stunning.
  • Kegon Falls: In the afternoon, head over to Nikko National Park for an afternoon in Nikko’s beautiful nature reserve. There are many hiking trails inside the park, but when you only have a short time, I’d recommend going to Kegon Falls. At 100 meters in height, this is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in Japan.
  • Ryuzu Falls: Add Ryuzu Falls (translated: Dragon Head Falls ) to your day if you have enough time. There is a small observation deck that you can visit for free that gives you a beautiful view over it.

Nikko bridge

Hakone (1 day)

Hakone is another popular day trip from Tokyo due to it being such a charming little town. You can find a gorgeous view of Mount Fuji here, as well as onsens, shrines and more. When visiting Hakone for the day , check out the following:

  • Hakone Shrine: Possibly Hakone’s most famous and iconic sight is Hakone Shrine. Looking out across Lake Ashi, this torii gate gives you such a peaceful and calming feeling. It’s an absolute must when in Hakone to visit this spot.
  • Hakone Open-Air Museum: Alongside tons of sculptures and other amazing pieces of art, Hakone open-air museum also hosts some of Picasso’s drawings and paintings.
  • Onsen: Hakone is known for its many onsens. If you want to try one of these typical Japanese hot spring spas, check out Yunessun. This onsen allows you to wear a swimsuit and don’t separate men and women. It’s the perfect place to try an onsen out for the first time.
  • Owakudani (Boiling Valley): Taking a gondola up the mountain you can already take a peek into the ominous volcanic landscape. Even though this volcano erupted 3000 years ago, the landscape has been forever changed. Walking near the volcanic zone, you can purchase a black egg. This egg has been boiled in naturally boiling water and is said to prolong your life – worth a shot, I’d say 😉

hakkone shrine japan

Mt Fuji (1 day)

When spending three weeks in Japan, you kinda have to see the iconic Mount Fuji. From Tokyo, you can easily take a day trip out to visit some of the best Mount Fuji viewing spots. This iconic mountain isn’t one of Japan’s most iconic sights just because of its aesthetics, this volcano is also Japan’s highest mountain at 3776 meters. You can choose to climb Mount Fuji during the climbing season (July-September), but the hiking trails usually take a full day – I’d recommend finding a hotel nearby if you want to climb it!

But you won’t be able to see Mount Fuji when climbing it 😉 There are quite a few places where you can see Mount Fuji – like Hakone – but the Fuji Five Lake region is your best chance of seeing Mount Fuji in all its glory. The mountain is known to hide in the mist quite often, so visiting this area gives you the best chance of capturing it.

  • Chureito Pagoda: If you think of Mount Fuji, chances are that you imagine a photo with a red pagoda in the front. This is probably the most photographed spot in the whole of Japan! Especially when the sakura is blooming, this spot embodies so much of what is classic Japan.
  • North shore of Lake Kawaguchiko: One of the most breathtaking places to see Mount Fuji is from the north shore of Lake Kawaguchiko. Especially if you’re visiting in spring or autumn, nature makes it look even more beautiful.

You can book a Mount Fuji tour from Tokyo that takes you to the best viewing spots! This way, you don’t have to worry about making it to all the best spots on your own.

Mount Fuji

Kyoto (3 days)

After those day trips from Tokyo, it really is time to leave Tokyo and head over to Kyoto. Using the shinkansen, it takes about two and a half hours to get to Kyoto.

Wondering where to stay in Kyoto for three nights? I recommend staying in downtown Kyoto, as it’s close to all the major sights, it’s easy to get around, and you can walk to the Geisha district in under 10 minutes. My hotel recommendation is Hotel Resol Kyoto Kawaramachi Sanjo .

Kyoto Fushimi Inari Taisha

Kyoto represents Japan very well. In a way, the city has such big contrasts between traditional and hyper modernity. From temples that have been there for over a thousand years to skyscrapers in Kyoto’s centre.

On the first day in Kyoto, I wouldn’t plan too much. You’ll be travelling by Shinkansen from Tokyo and checking into your hotel. Maybe head into the city centre for a first glimpse of the city – but when travelling through a country for three weeks, it’s not a bad idea to take a little rest day.

Because you only really have two full days in Kyoto , I’d recommend seeing the following highlights:

  • Fushimi Inari Taisha: My personal favourite sight in Kyoto. The thousands of red torii gates that lead you up to Mount Inari. The hike to the summit of Mount Inari and back takes about 2-3 hours but is totally worth your time. I’d recommend going early in the morning to avoid the huge seas of tourists.
  • Higashiyama and Gion: After Fushimi Inari, head over to the old geisha districts of Kyoto. Higashiyama and Gion lay next to each other and are filled with the most beautiful old tea houses and shrines. Take the afternoon to walk through the neighbourhoods and stop by several sights as Kiyomizu-Dera, Kodaiji Temple and the Yasaka Pagoda. In the evening, stop by Pontocho Alley to dine in one of the most beautiful streets of the city.
  • Kinkaku-ji: Start the next day by visiting the Golden Pavillion (also known as Kinkaku-ji). Being one of Kyoto’s 17 UNESCO world heritage sites, this gorgeous zen temple has to be on your Kyoto itinerary.
  • Arashiyama Bamboo Grove: Head over to Arashiyama in the afternoon, where you can find the Arashiyama Bamboo Grove.
  • Arashiyama Iwatayama Monkey Park: Not far from the Bamboo Grove, you can find Iwatayama Monkey Park. Located on top of a hill, you’ll be rewarded with a beautiful view over this part of Kyoto. 120 monkeys roam around the park freely and you can buy little bags of food to feed them (¥100 per bag).
  • Kyoto Tower: In the evening, grab some dinner in Central Kyoto and stop by Kyoto Tower. Even though it’s not as famous as the Tokyo Tower, it’s still worth a visit. You can go to the top for ¥770, where you will find a 360 view over Kyoto (which is especially pretty at night)!

fushimi inari torii gates

Osaka (2 days)

Using the Shinkansen, head over to Osaka in the morning. You will be staying in Osaka for 4 nights. We stayed in the Sonezaki Luxe Hotel in Osaka and even though it was the cheapest hotel we stayed in, it was also the best hotel we stayed in during our entire trip. Only 5-10 minutes by foot from the train station, lots of things to do around the hotel and a huge room (for Japanese standards).

osaka castle

When spending 2 full days in Osaka , make sure to check out:

  • Umeda Sky Building: Almost next to Osaka’s train station, the Umeda Sky Building stands tall. The Floating Garden Observatory is located on the 39th floor for a beautiful view across the city.
  • Osaka Castle: Osaka’s pride and joy, the beautiful Osaka Castle. Inside, you can find a museum to learn more about the history of the castle and how it played a huge role in unifying Japan in the 16th century. Personally, I’m not quite sure if the entrance fee was worth it, but the view from the top was stunning!
  • Shitennoji Temple: One of Japan’s oldest temples is also located in Osaka. When at the temple, also check out the 5-storied pagoda and the Gokuraku-Jodo Garden.
  • Shinsekai : This Osaka district was developed in the early 1900s and modelled after Paris (as you can see looking at the Tsutenkaku Tower, which resembles the Eifel Tower). It’s the perfect place to try some of Osaka’s famous street foods such as Takoyaki and Okonomiyaki.
  • Kuromon Market: Another spot to let your inner foodie live its best life. In this market, you can try tons more amazing dishes. Because Osaka stands so close to the sea, they have some of the best and freshest fish dishes in the whole of Japan!
  • Minami/Dotonbori: This part of Osaka is filled with life. A sea of neon lights, music and the most amazing smells (street food everywhere!). In this district, you can find the famous Glico Man, the Moving Crab, and Hozenji Yokocho.

Dotonbori Osaka

Nara (1 day)

From Osaka, it’s super easy to make your way over to Nara for a little day trip. Nara is a city that should not be missed when in Japan, especially if you’re in Osaka or Kyoto. This gorgeous little traditional town was Japan’s first capital city and hosts 8 UNESCO world heritage sites. Alongside the stunning temples and rich history of the city, Nara is mainly known for its deer park. In this park, 1200 deer roam around freely, posing for pictures and begging tourists for some of the tasty deer crackers that are sold all over the park. When in Nara , make sure to check out the following:

  • Kōfuku-ji: You can find the first temple of the day just a few minutes from Nara’s train station. The Kōfuku-ji temple site includes the country’s second-tallest wooden pagoda, the southern Octagonal Halls and the Central Golden Hall. The temple grounds are free to enter, but the temples themselves require a small fee.
  • Isuien Garden: A stunning Japanese garden that dates back to the 17th century.
  • Todai-ji: The world’s biggest wooden structure (and one of Nara’s UNESCO world heritage sites), Todai-ji, was one of my favourite sights in Nara. Todai-ji dates back to the year 752 and its size is so incredible. To know that it’s made from wood only simply blows my mind. Inside, you can find the world’s largest Daibutsu-san (bronze Buddha statue).
  • Kasuga-Taisha: Another UNESCO world heritage site, the Kasuga-Taisha. Known for its 3000 stone lanterns lining up towards the entrance.
  • Nara Deer Park: And of course, Nara Deer Park. The icons of the city. You can buy some special crackers to feed them at stands all over the park. One fun thing to try is to bow for them. They’ve learned to bow back for a little treat 😉

deer in Japan

Kobe (1 day)

Another city you can visit for the day from Osaka is Kobe. The harbour town is mainly known for the tasty (and expensive) Kobe beef steak, but Kobe has way more to offer! From Osaka, it takes about an hour to get to Kobe by train – you can use your JR pass for this trip.

  • Ropeway up Mount Rokko: Taking the cable cart up Mount Rokko gives you a stunning view across Hanshin region (Kobe and Osaka). On top of the mountain, you can find some more things to do such as a botanical garden and an observation deck.
  • Soraku-en Garden: A traditional Japanese garden in the middle of Kobe. A bit of peace and quiet amidst the busy city.
  • Kobe Port Tower: Possibly the most iconic Japan landmark in Kobe city, the port tower. With 5 different observation decks, it’s definitely worth a visit. You’ll be able to see all the way to Osaka on a clear day. As well as the observation decks, you will find many restaurants (including a 360 view restaurant) and shops in the tower.
  • Nada Sake Museum: You can’t leave Japan without trying its popular rice wine, Sake. The Nada district in Kobe is actually Japan’s top sake production region. As well as many Sake breweries, you can find some museums here to learn all about this tasty alcoholic drink.
  • Try Kobe Beef: Kobe’s claim to fame has to be its special beef. It is considered to be the tastiest beef on the planet. Only 3000 cattle qualify each year to be considered Kobe beef cows and the animals are raised with extraordinary care. No wonder it’s so expensive!

Check out our full Kobe day trip itinerary for a route to optimise your day in Kobe.

Kobe Japan

Himeji Castle (1 day)

Today, we leave Osaka and make our way to Okayama, where we will sleep for 2 nights. It takes about one hour and forty minutes to get to Okayama from Osaka. But we make a little stop at the famous Himeji Castle on the way to Okayama.

Himeji Castle is one of Japan’s most beautiful castles. Due to its elegant and white appearance, it immediately catches your attention. As the castle has never been destroyed by war or natural disaster, it’s one of 12 original castles in Japan.

For some more information, you can check our one day Himeji itinerary .

himeji castle in spring

Okayama (1 day)

Capital of the prefecture that shares its name, Okayama is a transport hub where the Sanyo Shinkansen meets with the railway connecting to Shikoku. Okayama gets more sun than any other part of Japan, claiming the nickname “Land of Sunshine”. When spending a day in Okayama, check out the following highlights:

  • Okayama Castle: Nicknames the Crow Castle due to its black appearance, the Okayama Castle is one of the main highlights of the city. The castle was completed in 1597 after 8 years of building.
  • Korakuen Gardens: This 300-year-old Japanese garden is one of the three most beautiful gardens in Japan.
  • Kibiji Cycling Road: This 2-hour bike ride takes you along shrines, farmhouses and the beautiful rural Japanese countryside of Okayama. You can hire a bike at either Bizen Ichinomiya or Soja bike shop. It’s a fun and unique way to see this part of Japan.

okayama castle

Hiroshima (2 days)

Hiroshima will forever be connected with the terrible atomic bombing that happened on August 6th 1945, killing between 129.000 and 226.000 people.

The bomb destroyed nearly everything within a 2-kilometre radius. But rather than being a radioactive wasteland, Hiroshima has been rebuilt into a thriving city. You will be staying in Hiroshima for three nights.

  • Atomic Bomb Dome: Even though this building was located almost directly underneath the very first atomic bomb dropping in history, it somehow survived. The ruins are now a monument with world heritage status.
  • Peace Park: Before the dropping of the bomb, the location of the Peace Park was the political and economic centre of Hiroshima. While rebuilding the city, it was decided to turn this place into a memorial.
  • Shukkei-en Garden: A stunning Japanese garden in the middle of Hiroshima.
  • Hiroshima Castle: Nicknamed the Carp Castle, Hiroshima Castle was first built in 1589. It was the centre of the city. Unfortunately, it got destroyed in the bombing in 1945. The castle was rebuilt and now hosts a museum where you can learn about Japan’s history. On the top, you can find a beautiful panoramic view of the city.

Our one day Hiroshima itinerary shows you exactly how you can make the most of your time here.


From Hiroshima, you can make the popular day trip to Miyajima Island . The official name of this island is actually Itsukushima, but it’s more widely known as Miyajima (translated to Shrine Island). If you’ve been using a JR pass to travel around Japan, you can also use this pass for the ferry to get to the island. Once you’re on the island, check out the following:

  • Giant Torii: The “floating” torii gate of Miyajima has been ranked as one of Japan’s best three views. At high tide, the torii gate seems to be floating, but when the tide is low, you’re able to walk next to it. A fun way to see the torii gate up close is to hire a kayak and paddle your way towards it.
  • Itsukushima Shrine: The pride of the island has to be the Itsukushima Shrine. Built over water in the year 593, the shrine seems to be floating above the water surface. It has been listed as a UNESCO world heritage site. The entire island has a long history with the Shinto religion, which is seen back in this old but beautiful shrine.
  • Five-storied pagoda : This beautiful pagoda was built in 1407 and restored in 1544. With notable Chinese influences, this is one absolutely stunning building.
  • Daisho-in Temple: Even though this temple isn’t as well known as the Itsukushima Shrine, it is definitely worth visiting. 500 statues with unique facial expressions are lined up towards the entrance of the temple and inside the Henjokutsu cave, you will find a dimly lit room with a ceiling full of lanterns. It’s a magical sight.
  • The Ropeway: For some amazing views, check out the Miyajima ropeway. This cable cart takes you up Mount Misen, where you can find some more temples to visit. But the main reason to check out the ropeway is to enjoy the stunning views from the cable cart over the Selo Sea.

Miyajima shrine

After this day trip to Miyajima island , enjoy one last sleep in Hiroshima. The following day, it’s the end of this 3 week Japan itinerary. Make your way back to either Osaka or Tokyo for your flight home.

I’d definitely check if you’re able to fly back from Osaka, as it’s much closer to Hiroshima compared to Tokyo. I hope you enjoyed this Japan itinerary and that it has helped you plan your own trip to Japan! Please check out the following tips and tricks to make your three weeks in Japan even more amazing.

heads up

If you have more time in Japan, you may want to consider visiting Kyushu too. Our 7-day Kyushu itinerary makes for the perfect addition to this itinerary if you have a month to spend in Japan! Or… save it for your return trip to Japan!

Best times to visit Japan

When planning your three weeks in Japan, the time of year obviously plays a huge role. Depending on what time of year you go, the prices will change and some highlights may be busier than expected. I would personally always recommend going in the autumn because it’s a lot cheaper and quieter while the temperatures are still lovely. But here are the pros and cons of each season in Japan.

Pros of visiting Japan in spring: One of the things Japan is famous for is the iconic cherry blossoms. In spring, they will be in full bloom. What’s more Japan than seeing the sea of pink across the cities and parks? The weather will also be lovely and mild – perfect for travelling around!

Cons of visiting Japan in spring: You won’t be to only one looking to enjoy the sakura… Spring in Japan tends to get quite busy. And when it’s busy, the hotel prices go up too!

spring in Japan

If you’re bound to travel in the summer due to school or work, I have no doubts that you’ll still have a wonderful time in Japan. But if you can avoid summer, please do so! Summer is the tourist high season in Japan. Alongside the heat, the humidity and typhoon season – it’s best avoided.

Pros of visiting Japan in autumn: I ADORE Japan in autumn. The leaves are coloured beautifully, the temperature is mild and pretty perfect for travelling around and it’s not very busy. Autumn is a lot quieter and therefore cheaper in Japan compared to spring and summer.

Cons of visiting Japan in autumn: You’ll miss the popular cherry blossoms, but I think that the autumn leaves kinda make up for that!

Pros of visiting Japan in winter: Winter is by far the cheapest and most quiet time to visit Japan. Not many people tend to go there on holiday during this time (apart from going skiing in Sapporo etc.).

Cons of visiting Japan in winter: It is COLD. If you’re planning to travel to Japan in winter, make sure you pack a lot of warm clothes.

Japan Travel Essentials

There are a few things you need to know BEFORE going on your trip to Japan. Sorting these things out before your trip will save you a lot of hassle. For a more in-depth guide to Japan, check out my everything you need to know before going to Japan tips blogpost.

Japan Rail Pass

Before the price increase of the JR Pass in October 2023, the 2-week JR Pass would have been a great option for this itinerary. However, due to the 70% price increase, it no longer is a good idea.

Instead, it’s better to buy individual tickets for the Shinkansen. You can buy them at the station on the day, or you can pre-order them through Klook .

japan railpass

Pocket Wifi

Instead of having to buy a SIM card in Japan and spending tons of money on it, order a Pocket Wifi before your trip. This little device gives you access to the internet everywhere in Japan. Charge it at night in your hotel room and pop it in your backpack during the day.

Staying connected during your Japan trip isn’t just important for updating your social media, but it’s an absolute lifesaver when it comes to Google Maps and simply Googling some more information about the places you’re visiting.

You can get one from Ninja WiFi with 15% discount using code THENAVIGATIO15 .

The currency in Japan is the Japanese Yen (JPY, ¥, 円). Rather than having to guess how much you’re going to spend and exchange it before you go to Japan (and pay a huge fee doing so), get an international money card instead.

These types of cards also aren’t connected to your bank account, so if you’d lose it, you wouldn’t have to worry about someone emptying your entire savings account. You simply top them up whenever you run out of cash.

If you’re in the UK, I’d recommend getting one with Monzo. If you’re outside the UK, go with Transferwise. Using one of these cards allows you to pay the daily exchange rate without any extra fees!

2 Weeks in Japan instead?

If you don’t have three weeks to spend in Japan and want to go for two weeks instead, you can totally do that. You can either decide to cut down this itinerary to one that fits your time schedule better. Or you can check out my 2 week Japan itinerary. This itinerary takes you from Tokyo to Kyoto, Osaka and Nara.

Alternatively, you can use my 10 day Japan itinerary for an even shorter trip.

3 Weeks in Japan Itinerary – Conclusion

That concluded my three weeks in Japan recommended itinerary. I hope it has helped you plan an efficient and very exciting stay in this wonderful country. I, for one, can’t wait to visit again!

Save for later…

three week japan itinerary pinterest

Nele (Nay-la) graduated from Manchester Metropolitan University with an English and Creative Writing Degree and has lived in the UK for nearly 10 years. She has had an interest in Japan and its culture for as long as she can remember. Since her first trip in 2018 surpassed all expectations, she has continued to return to Japan to explore more of all it has got to offer. You can read her full story here .

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22 thoughts on “The Perfect 3 Week Japan Itinerary”

I absolutely loved Japan! But that was a trip long ago. Thanks for this comprehensive guide. I’ll save this for the next time I visit Japan.

What an amazing country and so gutted that I have yet to visit. Pinned for when I start planning my trip which I hope is happening in 2020. Looks like you had quite and adventure in Japan. Your post really has me want to move this up to early next year.

What a detailed guide. For sure I will use it on my trip to Japan. The photos are beautiful.

This is a monster guide, I love it! I’ve never been to Japan but hope to go someday!

Hi, We absolutely love this article. It has been incredibly helpful. We want to do an overnight stay in either Hakone or Nikko- what would you recommend?

Thank you so much Julie! Either are great cities to stay overnight in. My personal preference would go to Hakone because they have a lot of onsen hotels and stunning views of Mount Fuij – but Nikko gives you a lot of extra opportunities for hiking if that’s something you’re interested in 🙂

Wow what a detailed itinerary and great places. Japan is in my bucketlist.hope to visit someday .thanks for this useful guide

Japan is still very high on my bucket list. The places you’ve visited look amazing and getting a Japan Rail pass sounds like a must. Thanks for sharing all your tips 🙂

This is perfect timing I’ve been considering this exact trip! I went to Tokyo for a de days a year and a half ago and now I want to see much more of the country

Japan is so high on my bucket list! Lovely photos!

Love this! Thank you. Do you have a rough idea on budget including spending money please?

  • Pingback: Blogs To Read This September - Bournemouth Girl

What a fabulous guide! Thanks for this!

Thank you so much! You’re website has helped me so much to plan my upcoming trip. It’s the exact time length and you’ve hit all of the main things I want to see for my first vacation trip (been but for work only). You’re the best!

Well, this sure took the mystery out of where to go, stay, see. Absolutely great detail and we will follow most of it with a few tweaks of our own.

Can’t wait.

This is fabulous! We want to go to Japan for 3 weeks in November, I know nothing about Japan, your post sounds perfect, thank you.

Thank you so much for this itinerary ! I planned my whole trip around it and my friends and I had a blast ! You’ve done an amazing job 😀

I am planning a 3 weeks trip to Japan and your blog was super useful! Thank you so much for it! I have a small doubt. You mentioned “If you’re planning to follow this 3 week Japan itinerary, I’d highly recommend getting a JR pass for 2 weeks”. If I am going for 3 weeks, shouldn’t I buy a JR pass for 3 weeks (instead of 2)?

Looking forward to your reply 🙂

Hi Dimple! Since you won’t be needing the JR Pass for the first 7 days, it’s best to get the pass for 2 weeks because it’s much cheaper. In Tokyo, you can use the Suica card instead – it’ll save you a lot of money!

Hi Nele Thanks for all the great tips. Im heading to Japan for 3 weeks at the end of the month and am really excited. Quick additional question on Dimples question/topic of JR Pass … whats the best way to get from Haneda airport into Tokyo, if I am not using a JR Pass for the first 7 days ? Thanks Steve

The easiest way is to use the train, which should only take about 20-30 minutes and doesn’t cost more than a few dollars. You can get a ticket for it at Haneda train station, or use a Suica card (you can add this as a card on your Apple wallet if you use iPhone – or get a physical card at the station, they’re very handy if you’re traveling inside cities in Japan).

Hope that helps!

Hi there Thanks for this guide. I wonder, since now the price has gone up so much, would it still be worthwhile getting the 2 weeks JR pass while following your 3 week itinerary? From my initial calculation, it doesn’t seem worthwhile even if I travel back to Tokyo on last day from Osaka to catch a flight in Tokyo, not sure if you would agree? Also, I was considering to get the 5-day tokyo city pass, do you consider that a good value? This would be my first time to Japan so I’d be visiting as much as I can I reckon.

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3 Weeks in Japan: Top 3 Itineraries for First Visit 2024/2025

If you're considering traveling to Japan for the first time, it's worth considering that a 3-week trip would be long enough for you to experience the highlights of Japan in more depth and not in a rushed way. It would also give you some free time to enjoy yourself.

You could see geishas in kimonos, visit the spectacular Mount Fuji, stay in a ryokan (a traditional Japanese inn), relax in an onsen (a hot spring), immerse yourself in an authentic ninja experience, and take part in a traditional tea ceremony.

Where to Spend 3 Weeks in Japan

3 weeks in japan: 3 perfect itinerary ideas, how much does 3 weeks in japan cost.

Here are the most popular destinations in Japan. We hope this will help you to choose according to your interests and preferences.

  • Tokyo is Japan's most famous and popular city with its sophisticated fusion of sushi, samurai, animation, sumo, high-tech modernity, and traditional history.
  • Kyoto is an ancient city where you can see various shrines, geishas in kimonos, traditional tea ceremonies, and stay at a ryokan to experience classic Japanese accommodation.
  • Osaka , "the kitchen of Japan", is a great place to sample authentic Japanese food and to visit the brilliant Ukiyo-e (Japanese print art) Museum.
  • Hakone : What makes Hakone so famous is its onsens and Mount Fuji. Stay at a ryokan with an onsen and a spectacular Fuji view.
  • Takayama and Shirakawa-go : A trip to Takayama and Shirakawa-go would allow you to experience Japan's rural life and see unique gassho-zukuri (steep wood and thatch) farmhouses.
  • Hiroshima , where the world's first atomic bomb was dropped during World War II, calls on everyone to love peace.
  • Hokkaido has the best ski resorts and the freshest seafood.

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Below are three well-selected 3-week Japan itinerary ideas for you, each offering you various experiences. Itinerary 1 covers the major highlights of Japan, itinerary 2 offers you a Japan far-reaching exploration of both big cities and lesser-known cities, and itinerary 3 allows you to have a cross-border trip.

Itinerary 1: Classic Japan — the Most Chosen Historical Places

  • Tokyo–Nagano–Kanazawa–Takayama–Shirakawa–Kyoto–Osaka

With this itinerary, you could cover the major highlights of Japan's popular cities , experience authentic hands-on activities, and explore Japanese history and tranquil rural life at a slow pace.

Here is an itinerary outline for your inspiration:

  • Days 1–4: Tokyo
  • Days 5–6: Hakone
  • Days 7–8: Nagano
  • Days 9–12: Kanazawa, Takayama and Shirakawa-go
  • Days 13–17: Kyoto (daytrips to Nara and Arashiyama)
  • Days 18–19: Hiroshima
  • Days 20–21: Osaka, depart from Kansai International Airport

Tokyo is the top city for entering Japan as its international flights offer the most options. Meander around the Asakusa district to experience the Edo vibe of Japan's 1603–1868 final shogunate, dress up like a ninja to learn about the ninja culture and techniques, and make sushi with the help of a sushi master.

Continue your trip to Hakone to relax at a Japanese-style ryokan with an onsen and enjoy serene rural life. Nagano offers you a unique and unforgettable experience, where you could witness snow monkeys soaking in the hot springs.

Next, you could head to Kanazawa to see the Edo period buildings , making you feel like you've stepped back in time, as well as enjoy a steaming cup of tea in a Japanese teahouse. Go to Takayama and Shirakawa to admire their traditional gassho-zukuri farmhouses and picturesque countryside views.

Head to Kyoto to experience various cultural activities. Wander through the Gion district to see geishas wearing kimonos, immerse yourself in the art of making unique Kyoto pottery, stay at a cozy ryokan to experience Japanese accommodation, and feed friendly deer in Nara.

Hiroshima was the site of the first atomic bombing during World War II. Visit the Peace Memorial Park to cherish the post-war peace and take a short ferry ride to Miyajima to see the famous "floating" torii gate.

Complete your trip in Osaka. Experience traditional ukiyo-e printmaking to deepen your understanding of Japanese culture and enjoy some free time.

Itinerary 2: Japan Adventure and Far-Reaching Exploration

  • Tokyo–Kanazawa–Kyoto–Osaka–Naoshima–Matsue–Beppu–Fukuoka–Tokyo

If you're looking for a comprehensive exploration of Japan that covers both well-known cities and hidden gems, this itinerary is perfect for you. You would have the chance to delve deeper into Japan's early history, admire its pristine hot springs, and experience authentic hands-on activities.

Here's the suggested itinerary, for inspiration:

  • Days 1–5: Tokyo
  • Days 6–7: Kanazawa
  • Days 8–11: Kyoto
  • Day 12: Osaka
  • Days 13–14: Naoshima
  • Days 15–16: Matsue
  • Days 17–18: Beppu
  • Day 19: Fukuoka
  • Day 20: Depart from Tokyo

Tokyo is the must-see city in Japan that perfectly combines history and modernity. Walk around Meiji Shrine downtown, which is surrounded by forests, make a delicious bowl of ramen with the help of experienced chefs, and take a day trip to Kawaguchiko to view the iconic Mount Fuji.

Next, head to Kanazawa to explore its well-preserved Edo-period Japanese samurai house, and experience attaching gold leaf to your favorite objects as a unique souvenir.

Continue your trip to Kyoto to experience some authentic Japanese activities. Have afternoon tea with geishas, stay at a traditional Japanese ryokan, take a rickshaw ride to admire the bamboo groves in Arashiyama, and feed lovely deer in Nara.

Head to Osaka to wear a ninja outfit and learn techniques from a ninja master. Then try unique ukiyo-e printmaking to get more insights into Japanese culture.

The remaining days would be spent exploring some lesser-known cities in western Japan.

  • Naoshima is a small island that is full of art and boasts a spectacular coastline. There, you could explore museums and galleries brimming with art.
  • Matsue is considered to be the birthplace of Japanese mythology and ancient culture. Gain a deeper understanding of Japan's past by witnessing two of the oldest buildings, Matsue Castle and Izumo Taisha.
  • Beppu is a city that hosts over 2,000 hot springs. It's amazing to witness the heat emanating from the hot spring areas in the city. You could admire hot springs of different colors, such as red, gray, and blue, and also enjoy an onsen at a hot spring resort.

Finish your trip in Fukuoka and take some free time to explore this charming modern city on your own.

Itinerary 3: Trip to Japan, China, Singapore, and Bali

This tour will allow you to experience the history and culture of Japan and China, experience the rapid development of Singapore, and relax on the beaches of Bali!

Days 1–7 in Japan: Explore the most popular three cities of Tokyo, Kyoto, and Osaka. Try some Japanese-style activities, such as making sushi, dressing up like a ninja to learn the techniques, and staying at a ryokan with an onsen. Also visit all of Japan's main attractions, including Mount Fuji, Senso-ji, and the Gion district.

Days 8–14 in China: Discover China's top three cities for tourism — Beijing, Xi'an, and Chengdu. Visit the world-famous Forbidden City and the Great Wall in Beijing, explore the mysterious underground army at the Terracotta Army Museum in Xi'an, and see the cute pandas in Chengdu.

Days 15–16 in Singapore: Discover the charming city of Singapore. Its main attractions include Merlion Park, Gardens by the Bay, Little India, Kampong Glam, Arab Street, and a boat trip from Clarke Quay.

Days 17–19 in Bali: Enjoy some relaxing beach time in a tropical island paradise with your partner to create lifetime memories.

Japan is more expensive than other countries in Asia, but is one of the cheapest developed-country destinations. It offers high-quality accommodation, food, service, and attractions.

Generally, 4-star hotels, private guide, private car and other transport in Japan, and tickets for attractions costs 350–500 USD per day per person for a family of 3-5 people . Thus, the total cost is around 7,400–10,500 USD for 3 weeks.

We recommend you take private cars if you'd have any difficulty in taking public transportation. It may save you more than 20,000 steps a day!

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Wapiti Travel

EPIC 3-week itinerary for Japan (perfect for first-timers)

By: Author Kris

Posted on Last updated: April 25, 2023

Have you been looking for a 3-week Japan itinerary, because you aren’t sure what to do while you’re there? Don’t worry, we have you covered.

Japan is an amazing country where ancient traditions and modern customs go hand in hand.

If you think 3 weeks is too long for Japan, think again. It’s easy to travel for 3 weeks in Japan without getting bored. You need three weeks in Japan just to visit the highlights. 

Our first trip to Japan was one of slightly over 3 weeks and when we were planning our Japan trip, we found it very difficult because we had to select from among an over the choice of sights that all looked worthwhile. 

This is our 3-week Japan itinerary that we eventually came up with. 

Insider tip: Looking for the best Japan travel tips, click here.

japan tour 3 wochen

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In a hurry? Here we share an overview of our 3 weeks in Japan

If you don’t have time to read through the full Japan itinerary, use this overview to get an idea of the things to do on each day and save it for later.

  • Day 1-4 Tokyo: Visit Shibuya,  the Imperial Palace, Yoyogi Park, the Sensoji temple, Harajuku, Asakusa, and the neighborhood around the Skytree.
  • Day 5: Matsumoto: Visit the Samurai castle and explore the small streets.
  • Day 6-7 Yudanaka: Go watch the snow monkeys and relax in one of the many local onsens.
  • Day 8 Kanazawa: Visit the Kenrokuen Garden, Kanazawa Castle , and the old Geisha district.
  • Day 9 Takayama: Visit the Hida Folk Village and the old town of Takayama.
  • Day 10 Ise: Pay a visit to the Ise Shrines
  • Day 11-14 Osaka: Explore the Namba district, visit Osaka Castle, walk along the river to the Kema Sakuranomiya Park, visit Shinsekai, attend a cooking class, and see the city from above.
  • Day 15 Koyasan: Spend the night in a temple and walk from temple to temple, attend the morning prayer, and visit the cemetery of Koyasan.
  • Day 16-18 Kyoto: Explore Gion, the Inari Shrines, walk the philosopher’s path, visit the Golden Temple, and make a side trip to Arashiyama.
  • Day 19 Hiroshima: Visit the peace park and Hiroshima Castle.
  • Day 20 Miyajima: Admire the floating Torii gate and the colorful Daisyoin Temple and feed the deer.
  • Day 21-22 Nagasaki: walk along the harbor, the cozy Dejima wharf, and Chinatown. Explore the Dutch history at the old trading post-Dejima and the Dutch Slope. Visit Battleship Island.
  • Day 23-24 Tokyo: Visit Akihabara, Tokyo DisneySea.

Table of Contents

Japan Essentials

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We almost always find the best flights to Tokyo and Osaka on Momondo .  It may be worthwhile to compare these with Skyscanner and a new but promising flight aggregator, WayAway .

Don’t lose time upon arrival at the airport and order your Japan travel SIM  or portable WiFi device in advance so that it’s ready and waiting for you at the airport when you arrive.

Find out which JR Pass will save you the most for your trip to Japan.

Check out our ultimate Japan travel blog where you can find many more interesting Japan articles to prepare for your trip.

Need help with your Japan trip planning? Check out this post on how to plan your trip to Japan.

Chion-in temple in Kyoto, a must-visit during your 3 weeks in Japan.

Insider tip: Is this your first Japan trip and are you feeling a bit overwhelmed about planning this trip, what to see, and what to do in Japan, check out our  Japan travel planner.  This document will help you plan your trip smoothly. 

japan tour 3 wochen

For more Japan tips, take a look at our Japan Travel Guide.

Japan 3-week itinerary: Our 3 weeks in Japan

Here we share an overview of our 3 weeks in Japan.

Tokyo Shibuya, not to me missed on a Tokyo itinerary

Day 1-4: Tokyo

Things to do in tokyo.

Tokyo is a logical starting point for your 3-week Japan itinerary as chances are you will land at one of Tokyo’s two busy airports. Wondering what to see in Tokyo? Hopefully, you’re not too jetlagged because the capital has a lot to offer.

We were here during the cherry blossom season so we visited several different places to witness this beautiful spectacle.

Our tips about the  best places to see the cherry blossoms are in this separate article .

But you will have no problem filling up these 4 days, even if you are not here during the cherry blossom season.

We visited the busiest intersection in the world at Shibuya as well as the Imperial Palace, Yoyogi park, the Sensoji temple, Harajuku, Asakusa, the neighborhood around the Skytree and much more.

Here you will find more information about the best places in Tokyo to visit.

If you are looking for a detailed itinerary for the best of Tokyo in 4 days, take a look here.  If you stay 5 days in Tokyo, take a look at our 2-5 days detailed Tokyo itinerary.

Getting from the airport to Tokyo

When someone refers to Tokyo International Airport, they mean Haneda Airport. In reality, Tokyo has 2 international airports: Haneda and Narita airport.

Haneda is closer to Tokyo and is probably the best choice for you as a tourist. Still, as both are well-connected to the capital it isn’t that much of an issue if your flight arrives in Narita. It will just take a little longer to get to your hotel.

Haneda International Airport  is located 14 kilometers south of Tokyo Station. It is the oldest of the two airports. 

It used to mainly handle domestic flights after Narita airport opened but with the addition of a new international terminal in 2010, it now also handles international flights. The general rule is that Narita focuses more on leisure routes.

In reality, you will notice that there isn’t really any logic in how the flights are divided between the 2 airports. Here’s just one example, ANA’s flight from Washington arrives in Narita on Wednesday, Thursday, and Sunday and in Haneda on the other days of the week.

This is because there are not enough landing slots in Haneda and ANA sometimes has to look to Narita when it adds extra weekly flights to a certain destination.

All this is just to say that you have to look for flights to both airports (HND, NRT), or you can use (TYO) to instantly search for flights to Haneda and Narita.

The two main ways to reach central Tokyo from Haneda Airport are the Keikyu Line and the Tokyo Monorail. Both require a transfer to the JR Yamanote Line to reach major stations in central Tokyo.

Depending on the location of your hotel and the length of your flight (and the amount of sleep you could get) you might not be looking forward to train and subway rides in your first hours in Tokyo.

After a long flight, a direct transfer from the airport to your hotel will be a lot more comfortable.

You can find more information about a shared or private transfer here:

Shared Transfer

Private Transfer

Narita is the smaller of the 2 airports but does serve as the international hub of both major Japanese airlines, Japan Airlines, and ANA. 

It lies 60 km east of central Tokyo. Although it is located further from central Tokyo than Haneda it is also well-connected to the city. 

There are plenty of public transportation options to reach central Tokyo from the airport.

You could take the JR Narita Express, the Keisei Skyliner, buses, and taxis.  Those who like to make a grand entrance can even opt for a helicopter transfer.

The JR Narita Express , abbreviated as N’EX, is covered by the Japan Rail Pass.  This makes N’EX your best option if you have a JR Pass. 

To use this train with your Japan Rail Pass you need to exchange your voucher for the actual pass at the airport.

Once exchanged you will also need to reserve seats as N’EX is one of the few trains that only has reserved cars.

Japan Rail Pass is it worth it?

The Keisei Skyliner is a good alternative to N’EX if you have no Japan Rail Pass.  The prices, comfort, and schedule of both trains are comparable.

The main difference is that N’EX will take you to Tokyo station, Shinagawa, Shibuya, Shinjuku, Ikebukuro & Yokohama.  The Keisei Skyliner heads to Nippori station and Keisei Ueno (close to Ueno station). 

Both trains offer easy transfer to the JR Yamanote line, the main loop line in Tokyo.

As with Haneda, you can also book private or shared transfers from Narita to Central Tokyo. After a long flight, a direct transfer from the airport to your hotel will be a lot more comfortable.

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Getting around Tokyo

If you have a Japan Rail Pass you can use this pass on  the JR trains that run on the inner-city network in Tokyo,  a very extensive network that can be compared with a metro network.

If you don’t have a Japan rail pass or you choose to activate your Japan rail pass after your visit to Tokyo, we recommend getting a Tokyo subway pass .

You can buy this pass at tourist information centers, BIC camera shops, and certain hotels.

There’s a  list of selling points on the Tokyo Metro website . Be sure to bring cash as credit or debit cards are usually not accepted.

The pass can also be  bought online  which is even more convenient.

When you buy your pass online you will receive a voucher that you can use to quickly and easily collect your pass at the airport and seconds later you will be on your way to your hotel. Your pass can be used immediately, so you can use it if you would have to change to the metro en route to your hotel.

Click to read reviews or buy your Tokyo Subway Pass: Tokyo Subway Pass

A full guide on how to navigate Tokyo’s Public transport like a local

Shinjuku By Night

Top attraction in Tokyo 

Here is an overview of the best attractions in Tokyo. 

We partnered up with GetYourGuide or Klook for most of these activities.  We love GetYourGuide because they’re flexible.  Sometimes your plans change last minute and then you want to be able to cancel your tickets and get your money back.  It’s also good to know that GetYourGuide has your back when the local tour operator doesn’t show up or cancels your trip.

Klook is a trustworthy travel company headquartered in Hong Kong that teams up with local operators to offer all kinds of travel experiences. Chances are the name is not familiar If you haven’t been to Asia before. They are big in Asia and have and have a very wide range of activities in Japan and other Asian countries.

We selected 3 excellent activities in Tokyo just for you.

Unfortunately, the Robot restaurant is still closed and it is uncertain if it will ever reopen. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

Enjoy the Robot Show at the Robot Restaurant

Robot Restaurant

The Robot Show is touristy, expensive and the food isn’t so great so you might wonder why you need to visit it.  Well, it’s something you can only experience in Japan.  The show is grotesque and completely over the top like one can only experience in Japan.

japan tour 3 wochen

For this activity, we decided to partner up with Klook because they often have the cheapest tickets for the Robot Restaurant.

Read our full guide about the Robot Restaurant here.

More information and booking:

Robot Restaurant Tickets

See Tokyo from above

Tokyo Skytree

The   Tokyo Skytree   is, with a height of 634 meters, the highest building in Japan. It’s also the highest free-standing tower in the world. The tower houses 2 observation platforms that offer a fantastic view of Tokyo. They are respectively at a height of 350 and 450 meters and are amongst the highest in Japan. Here you can enjoy a breathtaking view of Tokyo. An absolute Tokyo must-visit when you want to see Tokyo from above.

The lines are often very long so we recommend you to book skip the line tickets.

Tokyo Skytree Tickets

If you are looking for a free alternative, you should head to the   Metropolitan Government Building.   This building has 2 towers that each offer a viewing platform at a height of 202 meters. The northern tower stays open until 11 p.m. and ‘Tokyo By Night’ is really spectacular.

Make a Day Trip to Mount Fuji

Mount Fuji

A day tour to Mount Fuji is the perfect way to escape busy Tokyo.

But there are so many day tours that choosing one, isn’t easy.

To help you choose, we made this handy Day trip to Mount Fuji overview. 

Day Trip Mt. Fuji

Where to stay in Tokyo

japan tour 3 wochen

Hilton Tokyo

Hilton Tokyo Shinjuku

The Tokyo Hilton is situated in the lively neighborhood of Shinjuku. It’s about a 15-minutes walk to Shinjuku train station but you can also make use of the free shuttle service offered by the hotel.  The shuttle runs every 20 minutes. The airport limousine bus has a stop at this hotel.  There’re multiple restaurants and supermarkets in this area. Last but not least, after a busy day exploring this vibrant city you can relax in the indoor pool or sauna.  Highly recommended if you are looking for a good hotel in the vicinity of public transport.


Or read our article about the best place to stay in Tokyo for first-time visitors. If you are looking for the best Airbnb’s in Tokyo, click here.

For those that are looking for a more traditional stay, check out this post in which we share an overview of Ryokans in Tokyo with a private onsen.

Cherry Blossoms in Shinjuku Gyoen Park in Tokyo

Day 5: Matsumoto

Things to do in matsumoto.

During our 3-week itinerary in Japan, we also paid a quick visit to Matsumoto.  The main reason for this is the Samurai Castle . 

A Samurai castle is a must-visit and while there are still lots of Samurai castles everywhere throughout Japan most of these are reconstructions.

In Matsumoto, you can visit one of the few remaining original castles. It’s a major landmark in Japan.

Most castles have been destroyed by fires or during one of the many wars but this castle was never under attack.

Several official guides are available who will be happy to guide you around the castle for free.

They can tell you more about how life used to be in the castle and the different wars that prevailed over Japan. 

The guides are located in a cabin right after the entrance of the castle.

Did you know that the inspiration for the helmet of Darth Vader comes from the Samurais?

If you have only 5 days in japan, check out our post where we share the best 5 days Japan itinerary suggestions. 

Matsumoto Castle Japan

Where to stay in Matsumoto

Hotel kagetsu.

Hotel Room Yukata - Japan

This hotel more than exceeded our expectations.  Hotel Kagetsu is situated 20-minutes by foot from the train station and really close to Matsumoto Castle and the small but picturesque old town.  The hotel offers free bicycles to explore the area.  It also features a good restaurant but you will also find other restaurants within walking distance.  You get a comfortable and spacious room, certainly by Japanese standards, and your Yukata and slippers will be waiting in your room if you want to use the onsen.  A great option in this charming city.

Snow Monkey - Jigokudani - Yudanaka - Japan

Day 6-7: Yudanaka

Things to do in yudanaka.

The next stop on our three-week Japan itinerary was Yudanaka. This countryside village is famous for the snow monkeys that like to bathe in the hot springs.

The prime reason for our visit to Yudanaka was to see the monkeys, but just like the monkeys, we also took some time ourselves to relax in one of the many local onsens.

If you have only 1 week in Japan, check out these Japan 7 days suggestions.

We spend about half a day with the monkeys. Not because the park was that big, but it was very cute to see the monkey’s doing their thing.

Judging by the name you could probably already guess that the best time to visit the snow monkeys is, …., the winter. During other periods it’s best to head to the park very early when it’s not yet too warm. The colder it is, the more likely you will see the monkeys warming themselves in the water.

To relax in the onsen we recommend going to Shibu onsen. This is a village a few minutes’ walk from Yudanaka.

In the picturesque car-free high street of Shibu Onsen you will find 9 public onsens that are supplied by the hot springs.

You can wander from one bathhouse to another in your Yukata and on your traditional wooden sandals.

Where to stay in Yudanaka

Shimaya ryokan.

Yudanaka Onsen Shimaya - Japan

Shimaya Ryokan is not a normal hotel but a Ryokan.  After staying there I would even say that it felt more like a Minshuku.  A Ryokan is a traditional Japanese Inn and a Minshuku is a small-scale,family-run, version of a Ryokan.  Where Ryokans can sometimes offer very high-scale and luxurious experiences, a Minshukus offers more of a cozy intimate atmosphere.

The rooms of the Shimaya Ryokan are very simple, and look a bit dated. But the hospitable owners made up for all of this. The owner picked us up at the train station, offered us a ride to the monkey park and back and gave us tons of tips about all the places we would visit next during our trip.

Sleeping in a traditional ryokan or Minshuku is something you should do at least once when you’re in Japan, so why not do it here with these friendly hospitable owners.

The Kenrokuen Garden is a popular attraction in Kanazawa with both locals as well as tourists

Day 8: Kanazawa

Things to do in kanazawa.

Kanazawa charmed us enormously and we had the impression that this city was less touristy than other places we visited during our 3 weeks in Japan. This in itself is a reason to visit this city.

We were here to see the Kenrokuen Garden .   An absolute highlight of any visit to Kanazawa and especially during the cherry blossom season.

The garden is regarded as one of the most beautiful in Japan.

The weather was a bit disappointing during our visit so we couldn’t fully appreciate the park.

We certainly thought it was beautiful, but not better than what we already saw in Tokyo. Still, we could not get enough of the cherry blossoms.

Right next to the Kenrokuen garden is the reconstructed Kanazawa castle.   You can visit it for free and it can easily be combined with a visit to the Kenrokuen Garden.

The main reason for our visit to Kanazawa was the Kenrokuen Garden but another absolute must in Kanazawa is the old Geisha district Higashi Chaya , often just called: “Old Town”.

Kanazawa Old Town - Japan

The old town of Takayama is often praised for its old-world charm but we found the old city of Kanazawa to be much more charming. Besides, it was also a lot less crowded which made exploring it much more pleasant.

You could take a quiet stroll, look around, and enjoy the beautiful old houses.

A walk through the geisha district in the evening , where you learn more about the mysteries and intrigues of this old neighborhood, was an unforgettable experience.

We also went to take a look at Nagamachi , the old Samurai district. There’re some really spectacular villas in this district, but Higashi Chaya impressed us more.

For lunch and/or dinner we recommend going to the Omicho market. It’s a large fresh food market. Originally it was just a market but nowadays there are many small restaurants housed in and around the market. To find the best addresses you just have to look for the queues at the front doors.

Here is a complete 2-day Kanazawa itinerary. 

Where to stay in Kanazawa

We stayed in the Holiday Inn ANA Kanazawa and loved our stay.

Holiday Inn ANA Kanazawa Sky

Holiday Inn Kanazawa Sky

The Holiday Inn ANA Kanazawa Sky is centrally located within walking distance of the station and just across the Omicho market.

The Kanazawa castle and Kenrokuen Garden are just a few minutes’ walk away.

You have spectacular views on Kanazawa from the lobby and the restaurant.  A perfect choice for your stay in Kanazawa.

If you are looking for a more traditional place to stay, check out our list of ryokans in Kanazawa.

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Day 9: Takayama

On the train on our way to Takayama, we witnessed some of the most spectacular scenery of our trip to Japan.

As our train squeaked through the bends in the railway and made its way from one tunnel to the other it reminded me of the train trips to the ski resorts in Switzerland I used to make when I was a child.

Things to do in Takayama

In Takayama, we visited the Hida Folk Village . The village consists of 24 traditional houses. They’re all very well preserved and at each house, you will find information panels. 

To take a look inside the houses you have to wear slippers. 

They’re provided at the entrance of the houses. 

Its fun to peek inside the different houses but if you want to do so it is best to wear comfortable shoes that you can easily take off and put back on.

From the Hida Folk Village, we continued our way to Takayama’s old town.

It was extremely and uncomfortably busy in the old town. We noticed that most of the crowd just visited the part of the old town situated to the right of Kajibasi Bridge. 

So luckily we could escape the crowds by crossing the main road and continuing our way toward the Yoshijima Heritage House. 

As you cross the main road you will notice that in this section historical houses alternate with restored or modern houses. 

It’s less authentic than the other section but at least you can enjoy the houses without the masses. 

But as we already said before when we were writing about Kanazawa, the Higashi Chaya district in Kanazawa was so much more enjoyable that we would take it any day over Takayma.

Getting hungry?

Takayama is known for its beef, so if you like meat you should definitely try Hida Beef a variety of the famous wagyu beef. Many Japanese even prefer Hida-gyu over Wagyu.

Where to stay in Takayama

Hotel wood takayama.

japan tour 3 wochen

Hotel Wood Takayma is a great hotel in the old town. You will stay in a spacious room.

Friendly staff and small but good spa.

Ise Shrines Japan

Day 10: Ise

Today we took the train to Ise to see the Ise shrines, the most sacred Shinto shrines in Japan. According to Shinto tradition, these are completely rebuilt every 20 years.

We had imagined there would be something special about this place, but it let us down.

The Ise shrines are not that different from any of the other shrines you can see in Japan. At least not for us who are not initiated into these deeply rooted beliefs. In addition, the shrines in Ise can only be seen from the outside.

In our opinion, it’s better to go to other shrines during your three weeks in Japan. In retrospect, we didn’t think Ise was worth the detour.

Osaka Castle, Japan

Day 11-14: Osaka

In Osaka, we are once again in a metropolis.

Prepare yourself for some tiring but oh-so-exciting days. There’s no time to get bored in this city that’s always alive into the wee hours.

Things to do in Osaka

We took an evening stroll in the Namba district . The least you can say about this is that it is simply spectacular. Especially at night, it’s very impressive.

Are you wondering what to do in Osaka at night? Take a look at this article.

Planning on joining a food tour in Osaka? Check out this overview in which we share the best guided Osaka food tour.

We also went to Osaka Castle. This is a restored castle.  The castle is also a very good spot to witness the beauty of the cherry blossoms.

From here we took a walk along the river to the Kema Sakuranomiya Park, another beautiful park with lots of cherry trees.

Shinsekai is also a district you have to visit and we attended a cooking class in Osaka .

We also did a side trip to Nara from Osaka.

Nara Todaiji Japan

Here in the Todaiji Temple, you will find the largest wooden building in the world, the Daibutsuden (“big Buddha hall”).

As its name says inside the building you will find a gigantic Buddha.

Don’t limit yourself to this temple only. Venture up the mountain to “Nigatsu-do” for a breathtaking view. 

Nara was the original capital of Japan but once Buddhism became too powerful in the country the government decided to move the capital. 

The many temples, the city is literally dotted with them, are one of the remains of Nara’s glorious past. 

Besides the impressive temples, there is also a second reason to come to Nara. A visit to Nara is also fun because of the deer that roam freely in the park and no doubt will come begging for cookies.

Here you can read our complete 2 days Osaka itinerary. If you have only one day in Osaka, click here.

Where to stay in Osaka

Holiday inn osaka namba.

japan tour 3 wochen

The Dotonbori Hotel is well-known in Osaka for its distinctive large head-statue pillars on the exterior.

It is located in the center of the Namba-Dotonbori district and so is convenient for access to the best restaurants, shopping, bars, and more.

This is a great choice in Osaka.

  • For more info about the most popular districts to stay in Osaka, read our detailed where to stay in Osaka article.
  • If you prefer an Airbnb, take a look at our post about the best Airbnb’s in Osaka.
  • For a more traditional stay in a ryokan in Osaka, click here.
  • Here is a list of Osaka ryokans that have a private onsen.
  • For a cheap stay, check out this list of best capsule hotels in Osaka. 

Koyasan, Mount Koya, Japan

Day 15: Koyasan (Mount Koya)

Koyasan is a remote place in the mountains. 

A trip to Koyasan is a true expedition during your three weeks in Japan.

After 2 train rides, we got onto a funicular and then a bus to finally reach our temple. The last 2 train rides were very scenic, and once again reminded me of Switzerland. 

Koyasan is the center of Shingon Buddhism and we had booked a Temple stay of 1 night.

Things to do in Koyasan

At least 50 temples in Koyasan offer temple stays and probably there’re even more. You literally walk from temple to temple.  It rained that day and we got soaked very quickly so we didn’t explore much of the town but decided to retire to our room.

The rooms are very much like a room in a Ryokan. At 5 p.m., it was time for dinner. A vegetarian dinner with a variety of different flavors proved that vegetarian food can be just as delicious as regular food.

At the end of the day, we hadn’t seen any monks, not even in our temple.  Probably we didn’t recognize them as they were walking around in day-to-day clothing.

This took away a lot of the charm as we didn’t get the feeling that we were in a temple.

Okunoin, Koyasan, Mount Koya, Japan

The next day, we got off to an early start for the morning prayers. I hoped this was going to change our experience and we would witness 1 of the daily rituals of the monks.

When entering the prayer room it turned out that the prayers were led by 3 monks and except for these only about 25 tourists were present.

It felt more like a show that was performed for tourists than an authentic experience.

After prayer and breakfast, we went to the enormous cemetery of Koyasan. It looks like this cemetery is as big or even bigger than the town itself.

With many of its shrines, altars, and gravestones overgrown, this place radiates a special atmosphere.

It would be the perfect place for a Halloween walk.

After what felt like a never-ending walk, we reached the mausoleum of Kobo, the founder of Shingon Buddhism.

This cemetery was without a doubt the highlight of our trip to Koyasan. Is it worth a detour? I am not sure. I would skip Koyasan if you are short on time. If you would like to stay overnight in a temple, there are other places where you can do that.

If you’re going to Koyasan it is good to know that the temple that we recommend below is not the one we stayed at.  We were disappointed by our experience but the Shubuko Fudoin temple gets consistently good reviews from travelers.

Perhaps a different temple will provide a completely different experience.

Where to stay in Koyasan 

Koyasan shubuko fudoin temple.

Koyasan Fudoin temple

The Koyasan Shubuko  Fudoin Temple lies in a quiet area. You are welcomed by friendly monks and you spend the night in traditional Japanese-style comfortable rooms. There is a tasty vegetarian breakfast and dinner. The temple has a gender separated public onsen and organizes night walks that are very popular.

Kyoto By Night, Japan

Day 16-18: Kyoto

Kyoto is Japan’s cultural, as well as touristic capital. 

We spend two days in the city.  Below is a brief overview of what we did. 

We wrote about our 2 days in Kyoto in much more detail in our 2-day Kyoto itinerary and we also have some tips to discover Kyoto at night .

Things to do in Kyoto

The first afternoon we went to explore the Gion neighborhood together with a local guide. It was a great experience as our guide was able to teach us all kinds of things about the many special traditions in Japanese culture.

We mainly talked about the geisha as Gion is the oldest geisha district in Japan. It is a pleasant neighborhood to explore at night and you should keep your camera ready as chances are you will see geisha on their way to their customers.

Here you can read the story of our evening walk in the Gion district .

Book a private walking tour:


Geisha Walking, Kyoto, Japan

The next day we started our day at the Inari Shrines where you find thousands of Torii gates.

Thousands of instagram posts have made these shrines very popular among tourists. Luckily it’s enough to move further away from the entrance, higher up the mountain, to escape the crowds.

And of course, we also took a stroll along the philosopher’s path . You come across plenty of temples along the path.

Unlike Tokyo where all temples are free, there is an entrance fee for all temples in Kyoto. Most of them are however not that different from temples that you will find elsewhere in Japan.

Kinkakuji, or the Golden Temple , is one temple that you should not miss when you’re in Kyoto. This is probably the most beautiful temple we saw in Japan. (Kinkakuji is not situated along the philosopher’s path.)

Golden Temple KinkakuJi, Kyoto, Japan

We also made a trip to Arashiyama , a district on the outskirts of Kyoto that is well-known for its bamboo forest.

Expect a big crowd! We had read how popular Arashiyama was but were still surprised by the crowd outside the train station. Fortunately, it immediately becomes a lot quieter as soon as you make your way away from the center.

We discovered some charming quiet spots in Arashiyama.  You can go to the park around the Jojakkoji temple from where you have a stunning view.

From there, you can walk further north to Saga-Toriimoto Street. This is a picturesque street lined with preserved, traditional houses.

Best of all, we had the street to ourselves while we were wandering through it. When you reach the end of the street, you will reach the Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple, and adjacent you will find a bamboo forest that is just as beautiful as the one close to the center where all the tourists are.

When we just got off the train and ended up in the crowd, we were afraid it would be an unpleasant day because of the bustle. But in the end, we did have a really enjoyable day as we have discovered some pleasant quiet spots in and around Arashiyama.

The bus tours seem to limit their visit to the Togetsukyo bridge and the nearby Tenryuji temple and bamboo groves.  Other places were not nearly as crowded.

The best  things to do in Kyoto at night. 

Bamboo Grove Arashiyama, Kyoto

Where to stay in Kyoto

According to the statistics, Kyoto is the most touristic city in Japan. And by looking at the prices for a hotel room that might be right.

Here is a list of the best areas to stay in Kyoto . If you are looking for cool hotels in Kyoto, click here . If you prefer staying in an Airbnb, take a look at our post with the best Airbnb’s in Kyoto.

Looking for a more authentic place to stay? Check out this list of Kyoto ryokans and ryokans in Kyoto with private onsen in Kyoto.

We stayed in the in the Marriott lake Biwa, a nice hotel that is located 20 minutes outside Kyoto by train, but it meant a serious difference to our wallet.

Marriott Lake Biwa

Marriott Lake Biwa Kyoto

This Marriott hotel is located alongside the coast of beautiful Lake Biwa, an ideal setting if you want to escape busy Kyoto at night.  The hotel offers a free shuttle service to the train station where you can catch the train to Kyoto station.  As Marriott Rewards Platinum members we enjoyed an upgrade to a suite with a private onsen and a fabulous view of the lake. As platinum members, we also had access to a lounge area in the lobby where we could enjoy free breakfast, snacks, cocktails and a small buffet in the evening. The only drawback of this hotel is that you have to take into account the schedule of the shuttle which only runs once every hour. But considering what we got in return and the tremendous difference in price this is no big deal.

Royal Park Hotel Kyoto

The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto Sanjo

The Royal Park Hotel Kyoto is a good choice for those who are looking for a hotel in the center of Kyoto. It is within walking distance of the Gion district, two metro stations, and various temples. The rooms are neat and the bathroom is fully equipped. You can enjoy a nice breakfast at the bakery next to the hotel.

If you aren’t convinced of these hotels, you will find a lot of other hotels in Kyoto on booking.com:

Or read our complete guide about where to stay in Kyoto.   If you prefer staying in an Airbnb have a look at our list with the best Airbnb’s in Kyoto.

Hiroshima Piece Memorial, Japan

Day 19: Hiroshima

Things to do in hiroshima.

Hiroshima undoubtedly rings a bell with most of you.

We visited the peace park and made a small detour to take a peek at the castle.

In the Peace Park, you will find an interesting museum about the atomic bomb and touching stories about how the survivors had to rebuild their city and their lives.

If you have a Japan Rail Pass, you can make free use of the hop-on-hop-off bus operated by JR. When you arrive at the station, just drop in with the tourist office. They have route maps of the buses and will be able to explain to you which bus to take and which stop to get off to get to your hotel.

Here you can read our full article about Hiroshima and Miyajima. 

Where to stay in Hiroshima

Ana crowne plaza hiroshima.

Crowne Plaza Ana Hiroshima

The Ana Crowne Plaza is within walking distance of the peace park and near shops and restaurants. The rooms are not too big but clean and fully equipped. The staff also speak good English.

Miyajima Itsukushima shrine

Day 20: Miyajima

We opted to spend the night in Miyajima but you could just as well make it a side trip from Hiroshima. 

You can get from Hiroshima to Miyajima in about half an hour both by tram or by  JR train. The latter is, of course, the cheapest option if you have a Japan Rail Pass.

Once you arrive at the train station in Miyajima, it is nothing more but a short 5-minute walk to the harbor where you then take the ferry to Miyajima island.

You can choose from 2 ferries, one is operated by JR and is free for holders of a Japan Rail Pass.

Things to do in Miyajima

On the island or rather just in front of the island you will find the photogenic Torii gate which seems to float on the water during high tide.

The times of high and low tide are signposted at the entrance of the ferry terminal.

The Torii gate is the tourist attraction of the island, but also the colorful Daisyoin Temple is worth a visit.

We took the time to wander around this temple and it seemed like we found a hidden gem on this island.

Daisyoin Temple, Miyajima, Japan

Where to stay in Miyajima

Below we list  2 hotels on Miyajima island. As there are only a handful of accommodations on the island you could also for alternatives near the ferry pier on the mainland.  This is an area called Miyajimaguchi.

Since the ferry runs very frequently you don’t lose a lot of time by staying on the mainland and it can save you quite a few bucks.

Premium Comfortable hotel

Iwaso ryokan.

Iwaso Ryokan, Miyajima

This Ryokan offers simple Japanese-style rooms with tatami flooring, shoji doors, separate WC, separate deep short bath and separate sink areas.  Your room has a typical Japanese low table and some comfy cushions. There’re no beds, futon mattresses are spread out each night. The staff is very helpful and friendly.

The chef offers an excellent Kaiseki dinner , this is a traditional set dinner.

This is definitely something you should try when you stay in a ryokan.

The Ryokan also has 2 beautiful open-air Onsen, an excellent place to relax after you have climbed Mt. Misen.  You may even spot some deer while you bathe in the onsen.

This is an authentic, beautifully maintained, good quality Ryokan.

Sakuraya Ryokan

Sakuraya hotel Miyajima

This ryokan lies on the island within walking distance from the ferry pier and has v ery helpful staff. The rooms are simple but very comfortable and spacious for Japanese standards, with tatami and comfortable futon. The location is very close to restaurants and there is a delicious oyster cart parked right out front. 

A traditional Japanese hotel with great service.

Dutch Slope, Nagasaki, Japan

Day 21-22: Nagasaki

Nagasaki is where the 2nd bomb fell in Japan. Just like in Hiroshima, you will find a peace park with a museum and many commemorative statues. The city treated us to some very pretty views.

Things to do in Nagasaki

First, we walked along the harbor and the cozy Dejima wharf where we waved goodbye to a cruise ship that was getting ready to leave port.

From there we continued our walk to the top of Mt. Inasa . It was quite a tough hike but the sunset we enjoyed from the top more than made up for it. We used the cable car on our way back.

It is of course possible to go up and down with the cable car but if you do have the time to hike up we recommend it as it is quite worthwhile.

The day after, we explored the other parts of Nagasaki.

We did find some Dutch history at the old trading post, Dejima, and the Dutch Slope. The houses didn’t look very Dutch to us. They rather reminded us of houses you would find in Aruba or Curaçao.

We walked through Chinatown and took the funicular and elevator to the Glover Garden from where you also have a nice view of the city and the harbor. From here we went down again to the Nagasaki Cathedral which brings you back close to the harbor.

We found Nagasaki to be a very pleasant city and moreover, it felt completely different than Kyoto or Osaka.

We didn’t visit Battleship Island but fans of old industrial places should definitely consider booking a cruise to this Island that was also featured in the James Bond movie Skyfall.

Where to stay in Nagasaki

Jr kyushu hotel nagasaki.

JR Kyushu Hotel Nagasaki

The JR Kyushu hotel is located near the station and within walking distance of shops and restaurants. The staff speaks sufficient English. The rooms are pretty spacious according to Japanese standards. Only the breakfast could be better because there is not much choice. The main reason we would recommend this hotel is its good location.

Akihabara, also called Electric City, in Tokyo

Day 23-24: Tokyo

At the end of our trip, we end up back in Tokyo. This time we visit the Akihabara district as we’re here on a Sunday.

The main street that runs through the Akihabara district is closed to cars on Sundays. This makes a visit to Akihabara much more fun.

Foresee enough time. Browsing through the shops like Mandarake is what makes a visit to Akihabara worthwhile but you will quickly spend several hours snooping around these stores, looking at all the curiosities.

On the last day, we chose to have a relaxing day in Tokyo DisneySea . Next to Tokyo DisneySea is Tokyo Disneyland but we chose DisneySea because Disneyland is a sort of replica of all the other Disneyland Parks in the world.

And above all, DisneySea won an award for its design.

We loved the design of the park and there were some great attractions.  It was also fun to see how some Japanese completely dress up in Disney magic. 

It was a nice way to end our trip around Japan.

Our visit fell in the golden week so we knew in advance that it would be very busy.  Still, getting there and back with public transport was not that much of a problem.

If you want a more comfortable ride to the park you can book tickets including private transport .

Click here to get more information about the Disney tickets:

Shibuya crossing Tokyo Japan

Japan travel tips

Here we share our best travel tips for Japan.

Going independent or joining an organized tour

We found it easy and straightforward to create our own travel itinerary.  It was also fairly easy to travel through Japan independently.

Despite the fact that the Japanese don’t always speak English very well, they are enormously helpful.

But if you want the company of a group, don’t have the time to create your own itinerary, or just don’t want to go independent, you could also join an organized tour.

TourRadar is a trustworthy company where you can book an organized 3-week tour of Japan to make it easy for yourself.

Here you can find all organized tours to Japan: Organized tours Japan

Here you can find an overview the best Japan tours. If you are looking  5 days Japan tour packages, click here. For a 7 day Japan package tour, click here. 

Looking for a self-guided Japan tour, click here.

Finding cheap flights to Japan

If you want to score cheap flights to Japan we advise you to have a look at Momondo and Skyscanner.  Both are flight aggregators that compare several hundreds of booking sites and give you an overview of the best flights and the cheapest sites to book them. 

Momondo and Skyscanner are both very good at finding good deals, of the two, Momondo is probably the one with the most intuitive user interface.

Read our full review of 10 booking sites here. 

How much does a trip to Japan cost

Although Japan is not a cheap country to travel around, especially not during the Sakura season and the Golden Week, we still thought it was pretty affordable.

Here we share how much we paid for accommodation, food, and public transport. 


The most expensive aspect is your accommodation. We advise you to book your accommodation well in advance. 

On average, we paid €108 per night (for a 2-person room) in 2018. We stayed in Ryokans, a temple stay, and various 3- or 4-star hotels.

Eating and drinking in Japan is cheaper than it is in Belgium, the Netherlands, and the US.

These are the budgets you must provide for food:

Low budget: € 18 (€ 5 bfast / € 5 lunch / € 10 dinner) This budget should be sufficient for local fast-food restaurants that offer sushi, ramen, etc.

Middle-class: € 35 (€ 8 bfast / € 12 lunch / € 15 dinner) There are many such restaurants. The staff usually speaks limited English but with a little help of Google translate you can order some delicious local food.

Luxury: € 92 (€ 16 bfast / € 16 lunch / € 60 – 80 dinner) For this budget, you can have breakfast at a luxury hotel and enjoy dinner at Japanese fine dining restaurants. Think restaurants that offer French cuisine, delicious Kobe beef, and Kaiseki dinners.

Public transport

Public transportation will most likely take the second-biggest bite out of your travel budget.

Japan has an extensive railroad network that takes you to all major tourist sites. Although traveling by train isn’t cheap, it is still cheaper than renting a car.

The price for a Japan Rail Pass might seem rather high at first, but it can still save you lots of money. We explain how you can check how much you save here.

We go into much more detail about the cost of these 3 items in our Japan Travel Guide .

ANA Haneda airport, Japan

Do I need travel insurance for Japan

The quick answer to this question is yes.

Travel Insurance is something that can be overlooked when you prepare for your vacation.  Certainly when you’re traveling to a safe and civilized country such as Japan. 

Overall, chances are slim that you will encounter any problems while traveling through a civilized country such as Japan. But when things go wrong in civilized countries, the medical costs can be high. 

We learned it the hard way when we once had to visit a hospital in the United States. 

The medical care was excellent but we had high out-of-pocket expenses as it turned out the insurance that came without credit cards didn’t cover these costs.  It turned out we were underinsured.

Drawing up a travel insurance policy may seem expensive at first but it can potentially save you a significant sum, significantly more than the small insurance fee.  Good travel insurance covers things like medical expenses, trip cancellation, overseas medical costs, evacuation, baggage damage or loss, and theft. 

Therefore we love SafetyWing and HeyMondo insurance . Both are good and trusted insurance companies.

Get a free quote:

Or read our in-depth post with everything you need to know about Japan travel insurance. 

Best way to pay in Japan

We took a little bit of cash with us but most things we paid with our credit card.

Expenses abroad can be seriously inflated by fees from your bank or credit card.  That’s why we’re huge fans of our N26 account . 

The account is available to most EU residents.

The checking account is free as well as the associated Mastercard and there’s no exchange rate provision when you use to card for payments abroad. 

There’s a 1,7% exchange rate provision when you withdraw money abroad but even that is free with the premium Black Mastercard.  

The app is another great feature of the card, you can follow your expenses in real-time and instantly block your card if you see any signs of fraud.

Local Sim card or a pocket WiFI device

A local SIM card or pocket Wifi device comes in handy.

We have often used Google Maps to find our way around major cities.

When looking for a Japanese SIM card, there are so many options that you cannot see the forest for the trees, therefore we created this useful article so you can choose the best Japanese SIM card for you. If you prefer a pocket WiFi device, you can read our detailed post about the best WiFI pocket device here. 

How to travel around Japan

We traveled around Japan by train and could save a few bucks by buying a Japan Rail Pass in advance.

Get more information about the Japan Rail pass here: Japan Rail Pass

Or read this article in which we describe how you can find out whether you would also benefit from a Japan Rail Pass .

When you’re traveling by train it’s also a good idea to forward your baggage.  You can read these tips and much more in our separate article about traveling to Japan for the first time .

What to wear in Japan

Wondering what to wear in Japan? Take a look at our complete Japan packing list. 

We enjoyed every minute of our 3 weeks in Japan.  The major cities kept us busy exploring from early morning until late at night.

Japan certainly has more to offer than what we have described in this itinerary but this route will take you along many of the highlights.

We missed some nature during our trip and would have preferred to do a side trip to Okinawa but this was not the right season.

If we would ever come back during another season we would certainly spend a week or more on this island.

Monday 22nd of April 2019

What a wonderful travel guide! I was just wondering about a few things and I hope you could elaborate on them.

1. How was the trip from Nagasaki back to Tokyo? I assume that you were traveling by train and a quick search on google shows that the ride is quite long. Was is a boring/difficult travel back? Would greatly appreciate it if you could please elaborate on this part. 2. I am currently planning to travel myself, but I am unsure of whether I should spend a few extra days in Osaka or in Kyoto as I have a total of 21 days in Japan. Which did you find more appealing?

Hope to hear from you soon :)

Hi Chris, I'm glad you like the travel guide. From Nagasaki we continued onward to Seoul. You could indeed go back to Tokyo with the train but the plane would be much faster. There're many daily flights and several low-cost companies fly the route. You should be able to find tickets well below 100€ (with probably some extra costs for luggage). If there're no reasonable priced flights from Nagasaki you could look at Fukuoka which I think is a slighter larger airport. The train would be cheaper (if you can still use your Japan Rail Pass at that point) but the trip would take much longer... Osaka and Kyoto are just 30 minutes apart with the train. It's easy to visit one city and stay in the other. Both are relatively big cities but they're different in many ways. Kyoto has the Philosopher's path and thousands of temples. Osaka has the Namba district with all the crazy neon-lights. That sort of illustrates the differences we experienced. In Kyoto you can spend your evenings in the beautifully romantically lit temple compounds. (And you should certainly go to Gion, we have an article about the Geishas in Gion at night) In Osaka you can join the huge crowds in the busy shopping, dining and entertainment districts. The temples in Kyoto are busy as well but it still is a totally different experience. I would make your decision based on what you want to do in the evenings. It's easy to travel back- and forward between Osaka and Kyoto during the day. The trains do run late but the idea of spending half an hour on the train when you're tired might stop you from going out at night and that would be a shame. Both cities are very different but both of them are well-worth exploring after dark.

Monday 3rd of December 2018

Hi there Kris & Sylvia!

What a wonderful travel you both made, it's nice too see that you got to meet so much of this wonderful country. I'm thinking of doing a 3 week travel through Japan myself, and so I wanted to ask you. How much did the trip cost you from start to end? I'm looking forward to your response!

Tuesday 4th of December 2018

I had a look at our expenses. We stayed in Japan for just over 3 weeks and the costs for that part should have been something between €3900 - €4200. I cannot be more precise because I'm missing a detail of 1 credit card statement that covers part Japan and Part South Korea. That amount is for both of us and includes 3-week Japan Rail Passes for both of us. (comes at +/- €450 pp). So the cost for lodging, food, excursions and other local expenses in Japan would have been +/- €3000 - €3300. Kris

Anna Sherchand

Anna Sherchand

Solo Female Travel Blog

Japan 3 week itinerary for first-timers

If you’re looking for traveling to Japan, here is the Japan 3 week itinerary that will have you dreaming about it and packing your bags straight away. I went to Japan back in 2014 and it was my second international travel in life EVER! And it seems like many moons ago, but the information here is all fresh and updated every year. So you can use this itinerary for your future Japan travels.

I will also be sharing the names of the best Japanese food to try. so keep your eyes peeled! But first,

  • Japan 3 week itinerary

What are the travel tips for Japan?

Buy a rail pass, book accommodations in advance, check the essential visa, download these apps now, buy insurance if you can afford, when is the best time to visit japan, japan three week itinerary, 1st week in osaka, 2nd week exploring tokyo and hakone.

  • Let me know in the comments:

Japan three week itinerary

The most important thing that I recommend you do before you fly to Japan is to buy a Japan rail pass (JR Full Rail System Pass 7, 14 or 21 Days) or West Japan: 7-Day Railway Area Pass. If you didn’t buy beforehand at least consider buying it within the first couple of days of your arrival because this is the easiest way of getting from place A to B unless you have a car and you’re driving in Japan or catching flights everywhere.

I recommend booking accommodation in advance just to be sure of it. Check hotel prices and book it through trusted  Agoda , or  Booking.com

Check if you require the visa requirements before you go because every country has different rules and regulations that we have to follow. As an Australian passport holder, I don’t need a visa to go to Japan because basically it was on arrival visa stamp on the passport but you may need a visa depending on your passport. In a nutshell, if you are one of 68 countries with a visa exemption arrangement with Japan you can skip this process and buy your flights right away as I did.

Something that I always recommend in travel itineraries is also downloading the must-have apps before you depart your country. Such as

a. Google Maps you can also pre-downloaded, either the entire map of Japan or the places that you prefer to visit and you can actually follow that map offline as well as long as you download it beforehand.

b. Google Translate the app helps with your communication in Japan because not everybody speaks English there.

c. Hyperdia is the third app I would recommend, basically this helps to check your train schedules in Japan.

d. Navitime this app is for great to check on subway and train schedules for Tokyo and Kyoto. Even the locals use it so it’s great.

I don’t advise anything on insurance because for many years I myself traveled without any insurance but yeah if you got the money get the insurance probably will save you a lot of money if something was to go wrong.

Japan 3 week itinerary

There are four different and distinct seasons in Japan.

Spring: March till May

If you are into the cherry blossom festivals consider visiting Japan mid-March to mid-April because that is when you can get the best Instagram shots with the cherry blossom season in Japan. Although it could be crowded and accommodation would be expensive it will be worth it because that is the perfect time and weather for the cherry blossoms in Japan.

Summer: June to August

If you are not into hot weather then you shouldn’t go to Japan between June and August because that is the time when it is unbearably hot there and is the typhoon season also. So you do not necessarily want to be in Japan at this time.

Fall: September to November

If you are into autumn weather, fall time is a beautiful time to visit Japan. It is when the leaves change color and the countryside is covered in yellow-orange and red. Although it could be a little bit chilly it is mild and more enjoyable.

Winter: December to February

If you are into snowboarding, skiing, and all the other winter sports then you should visit Japan in wintertime. It is also a low season there, so the accommodation will be slightly cheaper and tourist sites will be less crowded.

Now that we got the essential visa, flights, accommodation, and travel hack out the way. Let’s focus on making this trip one to remember a lifetime!

Japan three week itinerary

I believe any Japan trip would be incomplete without Osaka. It is laid back city with more culture that offers tasty foods! I highly recommend going to Dotonbori which is the most famous food district in Osaka and eat the Japanese takoyaki and okonomiyaki. Other highlights in Osaka include Osaka castle UNESCO World Heritage site, Kaiyukan Aquarium, Umeda Sky Building, National Bunraku Theater, Universal Studios Japan, Universal City Walk, and Minami (Namba). Osaka Castle Park, Kemasakuranomiya Park, Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan, Nakanoshima Park and Nagai Park is a great option for some outdoor activities.

Another half of the week, if you feel like getting out of the hustle and bustle of the city, I recommend taking day trips to Mt. Gozaisho Ropeway, Nabana no Sato for Illumination and Begonia Garden, head to Kyoto by bus, or visit deer park in Nara, and try authentic wagyu beef in Kobe! (I did all 3 and loved everything about it) Although I will be recommending a few more days in Kyoto (more on that below) You can learn about traditional Japanese life and culture in these beautiful places even on a one day trip.

1 week in tokyo

This 3 week Japan itinerary also includes must-see Tokyo, the capital city of the Japanese nation. Because of the difference in time zones, if you find yourself wide awake in the wee hours of the morning- Get up and head for Tsukiji Fish Market which typically opens 5-6 am!

After a breakfast of fresh sushi, head to Hama Rikyu, one of Tokyo’s oldest Japanese gardens (opens at 9 am), from which you can board a ferry for a cruise up the Sumida River to Asakusa, where you can visit Sensoji Temple and shop for souvenirs along Nakamise Dori. Afterward, see the Tokyo National Museum, the world’s finest repository of Japanese art and crafts. Then in the evening, head to Ginza for a stroll through a department store, and then try to attend a kabuki play.

Visit the Edo-Tokyo Museum for a colorful portrayal of the city’s tumultuous history, followed by a stroll through Akihabara, with store after store offering the latest computers, cellphones, cameras, and more. Next, go to Harajuku to see Meiji Shrine (it is Tokyo’s most popular shrine, and if this is your first time in Japan, you’ll see the Torii gate here), followed by shopping at Oriental Bazaar, great for Japanese souvenirs. End the day with Shibuya crossing and eye-popping views from the 45th-floor observatory in Shinjuku’s Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office, followed by a stroll through Japan’s most notorious and craziest nightlife district, Kabuki-Cho. Also, don’t miss the Hachiko statue at the Hachiko Exit outside Shibuya train station. (great story of dog and human there for you!)

I found Tokyo to be really crowded but also really inspiring! I mean they are super-advanced in technology. Just take at their toilet bowl for instance! I could choose the type of music I want to listen to, the pressure of water, volume of the songs all while minding my own business! That is taking tech to the next level! Then there are restaurants where robots will serve you and interesting dogs, cats cafes too.

Then you go a few hours outside Tokyo and you could see the traditional Japanese life with no luxury at all. That brings us to, Hakone.

japan tour 3 wochen

The other part of the week, I recommend taking an early train to Hakone Yumoto. The gateway to the wonderful Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park (if possible, leave your luggage at Odawara or Hakone Yumoto Station and travel overnight only with a small bag). Here you can travel through some of Japan’s most scenic countryside via a circuitous route that includes a three-car streetcar, a cable car, ropeway, and a boat, while seeing such sights as the wonderful Hakone Open-Air Museum and, if you’re lucky, the elusive Mount Fuji. Be sure to schedule some time for a dip in a hot-spring bath, and spend the night in the Fujiya Hotel, one of my favorites in all of Japan, or in a Japanese inn.

Last week: visiting Kyoto

3 weeks in japan

I suggest completing your Japan 3 week itinerary through Hakone, returning to pick up your luggage, and then transferring in Odawara for the 3-hour Shinkansen bullet train to Kyoto. Bus to Nijo Castle, the Golden Pavilion, and the Kyoto Imperial Palace (on Sat. Sun. & national holidays, visit Higashi Honganji Temple instead).

From the Kyoto Handicraft Centre return to Kyoto Station and then board a local bus Kiyomizu Dera Temple. From the stop walk up this attractive winding road lined with colorful souvenir and craft shops. Kiyomizu Dera is famous for its giant wooden Butai (stage) overlooking panoramic views of Kyoto and its main hall purely constructed of wood and supported by huge columns and beams without the use of a single nail, screw or bolt.

In the evening board a subway from Kyoto Station to Shijo Station and walk towards Gion which is Kyoto’s famous geisha district, one place in Japan where you may see Maiko or Geisha walking between appointments. As darkness falls watch the traditional lanterns gradually come to life as you wander down tiny alleys housing a variety of restaurants offering tempting cuisine. End the day with a stroll through Kyoto’s central shopping area, topped with a stroll through the Pontocho nightlife area.

japan tour 3 wochen

Three weeks in Japan would not be fun without some self-guided tour. I suggest starting the day with a self-guided walk through eastern Kyoto, seeing Sanjusangendo Hall with its 1,001 wooden statues, Kiyomizu Temple, and Heian Shrine with its garden, followed by shopping at the Kyoto Handicraft Center.

Kyoto’s other main attractions include, Fushimi Inari Shrine, bamboo forest, Nijo Castle, former home of the shogun; Kyoto Imperial Palace; Ryoanji Temple with its famous Zen rock garden; and the Golden Pavilion. In the evening, head for Gion, Japan’s most famous geisha quarters, followed by an evening performance at Gion Corner with its cultural demonstrations.

Japan is well known for its polite language, delicious food, amazing history, Mt Fuji, unrivaled technology, and Samurais. But nowadays it is also becoming famous for many other things. such as Anime, Sumo, Cherry Blossoms, and Sushi which brings to the food section!

Here are some of the Japanese food that I highly recommend you try during your time in Japan.

japan tour 3 wochen

All types of Sushi, Donburi, Octopus balls (i know it sounds weird lol) Raman noodles, Udon noodles (both cold and hot), soba noodles, wagyu beef, fish, okonomiyaki, yudofu, Unagi (eel), Kaiseki meal, Tempura (all kinds), Tamagoyaki, Onigiri, Yakitori, Ochazuke, tonkatsu and sake of course!

I hope you read all the way to the end of this Japan 3 week itinerary and it gave you an insight into what the japan travels look like!

japan tour 3 wochen

Let me know in the comments :

  • If you have any questions about Japan 3 week itinerary
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  • Here I blog about the Melbourne attractions
  • Check hotel prices and book it through trusted  Agoda , or  Booking.com
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14 thoughts on “ japan 3 week itinerary for first-timers ”.

'  data-srcset=

I’m now dying to visit Japan! Thank you for the tips

'  data-srcset=

WOW…these photos make me want to visit Japan. This is a fantastic itinerary. Thanks for sharing!

'  data-srcset=

I have always wanted to visit Japan. I love the countryside and the cities, and I’ve always been fascinated by Japanese culture.

'  data-srcset=

If I ever get the chance to visit Japan I think I’ll use this exact itinerary. Japan has been on my bucket list for years, now.

'  data-srcset=

Such an awesome trip because there is so much variety! I have never seen such tall bamboo!

'  data-srcset=

Here then is the perfect itinerary for me that if I go to Japan I don’t know where to start xD

'  data-srcset=

Thanks so much for all the great tips. Japan looks like an amazing place which is gorgeous in all seasons!

'  data-srcset=

Nnniiiccceeeee….thank you for sharing the list of apps. They will definitely come in handy!

'  data-srcset=

Japan has always been one of my favorite countries. I have been in Tokyo four times and Yokohama 1 time. Hope to visit Osaka, Nara and Hiroshima soon.

'  data-srcset=

that looks amazing. i would love to visit japan someday

'  data-srcset=

My significant other and I have always dreamed of going to Japan. It would be so beautiful!

'  data-srcset=

i want to visit Japan. My aunt and uncle met when he was stationed in Japan with the U.S. Navy. You mention apps for your phones. Does that mean there’s good wifi options?

'  data-srcset=

Well now you got me wanting to visit Japan. It’s a Destination that always interested me but now even more.

'  data-srcset=

Awesome!!!! I so want to visit Japan. My friend lived there for 3 years teaching English. Yours tips will come in handy. Cheers

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Three Week Traveller

3 Weeks in Japan: 3 Itineraries

DISCLAIMER: This post might have links to travel services and products that we enjoy. We might make a commission from it at no extra cost to you.

Best technologies, sushi, cherry blossoms, and Mount Fuji are just a few things that stand out in Japan when you are making a decision on where to go on your 3-week holiday.

What I love about Japan is that you can experience very different adventures depending on the season you visit. But, one thing that is constant is the tasty Japanese cuisine.

Some people might argue that three weeks is quite a long time to spend in such a small country. But it’s not about the size. It’s about what this little place in East Asia can offer its visitors.

We don’t take 3 weeks of vacation time lightly on this site. We value them; they are sacred, and we understand that they should be spent well because you earn them. This article is jam-packed with helpful information that will guide you in writing your 3 weeks in Japan itinerary or help you decide why spending your vacation here is super worth it.

We will discuss things you should know, such as how to make sure you don’t come as offensive to the locals, how to navigate around Japan, where to go, attractions not to miss, and, of course, where to eat in Japan. So, stick with me!


4 images - top left is Mount fuji. Top right is the Chureito pagoda. Bottom right is bamboo forest. Bottom left is Sensoji Temple - 3 WEEKS IN JAPAN ITINERARY

Before you book and pack anything, take a look at these tips before you go to Japan. To some, they might experience massive culture shock when visiting Japan. These tips might be helpful in writing an itinerary and blending in during your trip.

When is the best time to go to Japan

I don’t think “anytime” is the best time to go to Japan. Japan is so prone to typhoons, especially between May and October, which can affect your travel plans. On the other hand, this is the low season, meaning businesses related to tourism often run great discounts during this time.

If you want to maximise your trip, though, and imagine yourself under the sun most of the time, it’s best to visit Japan between November and April. Remember that Japan experiences four (4) different seasons.

This means you can ski in the winter, surf in summer, and enjoy the chilly but comfortable temperature of spring, where you can enjoy the famous Cherry Blossoms season.

Are 3 weeks enough for Japan

20 days in Japan is plenty. This will allow you to travel slowly and visit more than just the big cities. You will have enough time to go to less popular spots and really immerse in the culture and meet locals.

Instead of taking domestic flights, you can really enjoy the metro and train system of Japan and travel with a more scenic journey. If you have too much time, you can always hop on a flight to South Korea if you’re curious.

READ >> 3 weeks in Japan and South Korea itinerary

What to pack

What you must pack for 3 weeks in Japan depends on the season you plan to go since it gets quite cold during winter. One that is a must is clothing that can cover up your tattoos if you have any, which can also be used when you need to cover up for visiting temples.

We have a general packing list for a 3-week trip , but we also have a spring packing list and winter packing list .

Common cultural rules

Japanese culture is one of the world’s most polite, respectful, and considerate people. Of course, there are always bad apples. There could be many reasons why the Japanese appear so respectful, especially to strangers or visitors (of their home or their country).

But what’s important to remember is how to be respectful to the people and culture of Japan. Here are some basic tips for common cultural rules in Japan:

  • Do not tip and spit on the ground
  • Cover your tattoos
  • Remove shoes before entering someone’s house
  • Talk quietly in public places
  • Bow when greeting, saying thank you, excuse me, or I’m sorry
  • Learn basic Japanese words – thank you, hello, how much, sorry, excuse me

How to get around

Japan has one of the world’s best, most reliable, and most efficient public transportation. The trains, buses, ferries, and even planes are on time. Every time they get delayed, expect an apology if you are a worker, you can get proof to show your boss why you are late.

Not only are they on time, but they are also the most affordable way to get around – especially with the trains. There are many different kinds of public transportation passes to choose from depending on your needs and travel plans.

For example, you can get unlimited passes within cities or major cities. You can also use one to travel to another city or province.

For a 3-week stay in Japan, you can get the JRPass , which gives you unlimited passes to take the Shinkansen and JR trains, buses, and even ferries. You can either buy them online or at some stations, but the price can be higher. You can always ask your hotel receptionist to assist you in getting one online.

Convenience store visit is a must

This may be one of the reasons why I wanted to visit Japan. The convenience store is a must-visit. Not because they offer unusual promos or features. The simple answer is the fact that these convenience stores are more than just mini-stores.

They really embody their name with a number of options for quick food to grab at any time of the day. Plus, they are affordable and great for those travelling on a budget,

But many tourists find these stores impressive because it’s like a gateway into exploring Japanese food and snacks without worrying about sanitation and “how long have they been out here on display?”. From cold salad to warm noodles, breakfast to dinner, they are all here.

Currency and payment method

In a country where you first heard about bullet trains, the country with the first cellular network in history, the inventor of the rice cooker, QR code, selfie stick, and even your beloved emojis.

With all these, you would think that Japan is very high-tech-tech, but they prefer cash when it comes to payment methods.

Don’t worry; hotels, fancy restaurants, and big shopping places accept credit cards. However, cash is still the king of Japan. If you dream of eating in small ramen houses or trying out the cool vending machines, using public transportation – you will need more cash than you thought.

4 images of Japanese dishes - on the top left is a bowl of rice and a plate of fish. Top right is a sashimi. Bottomo right is fried gyoza. bottom left is a bowl or ramen noodles. - 3 WEEKS IN JAPAN ITINERARY

I wouldn’t say there’s a massive language barrier in Japan. It is believed that 20-40% of Japanese can speak at least basic English. However, many of them are self-conscious and shy in public.

More and more, younger generations speak relatively great English and are comfortable extending help to tourists.

On the other hand, make sure to download a translator app specifically for Japanese to your language so you can use it without mobile data.

And again, it will really go a long way if you learn some basic Japanese phrases like greetings, asking how much a thing is, where the train/bus/shop is, etc. It will also show respect for their culture.

Internet access

Mobile data in Japan is expensive, and free public Wi-Fi is not as reliable or is often used for limited use. You can purchase an e-sim or data package or get this easy-pocket wifi to rent for your stay in Japan. You can compare whether using your roaming services is cheaper or access the local provider.

Japan is somehow strict when it comes to travel visas. Passport holders of countries in most Americas, Europe, UAE, South Africa, Australia, South Korea, New Zealand, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia can enter and travel around Japan visa-free between 15 days up to 180 days.

Other basic travel tips

Pinned map of must-see places in japan.

Click the enlarge button on the top right corner. Credit: map data: Google


Before anything else, since Japan experiences four seasons a year, it’s important for you to decide when to visit Japan.

For example, summer is great since it’s the only time you can hike Mount Fuji, but it gets really hot with such high humidity, while in spring, it’s cooler, cherry blossoms are popping, and you can enjoy the spring festival.

During fall or autumn, the trees are just magnificent during their turn of colour, plus the temperature is much bearable than in summer.

And lastly, winter can be cold , meaning you need to pack warm clothing, but this also means you can enjoy winter activities such as skiing, the perfect time for an onsen bath, and the most beautiful winter festival in East Asia.

3 weeks in Japan in Spring

If you are considering visiting J apan during spring, I assume cherry blossoms have something to do with it. First, remember that the best time to see these beautiful trees is around the second week of March.

So, either start your 3 weeks in Japan at this time or if you want to enjoy the Takayama Spring Festival, it happens around the second week of April. Also, this is one of the busiest times in Japan for tourism, so keep that in mind.

3 images - left is Mount Fuji. Bottom right is Osaka Castle

This means spring in Japan for 3 weeks should be between the third week of March and the second week of April.

  • Day 1-3 : spend this time exploring Tokyo, getting a train/subway ticket or passing local money, and enjoying the capital, where you can visit many places such as Yayoi Kusama Museum and Senso-ji.
  • If you prefer to see cherry blossoms here, you can visit Shinjuku, Tokyo: Shinjuku Gyoen or do day trips to Nikko and Kamakura. If you are planning to travel with kids or want to be a child at heart for one day, don’t forget a visit to Tokyo Disneyland .
  • Day 4-10 : Head to Yamanashi, where you can visit Yamanashi’s Fuji Motosuko Resort for amazing cherry blossoms. You can also go hiking, horseback riding, golfing, and other fun outdoor activities. And, of course, this is where you can adore Mount Fuji. Finish your stay here with a visit to Hottarakashi Onsen.
  • Day 11-16 : Head to Nagoya to visit Nayoga Castle, Noritake Garden, and Tokugawa Art Museum. From here, you can take day trips to Kyoto and Osaka to visit Eikando Temple, Tofukuji Temple, and Universal Studio. You can visit the Legoland Resort, SCMaglev and Railway Park, and Tobishimamura Onsui indoor pool from Nagoya.
  • Day 17-21 : Make your way to Takayama to celebrate Takayama Spring Festival. If you haven’t seen the cherry blossom trees yet, you can definitely enjoy them here as well.

3 weeks in Japan in Summer

Summer in Japan is pretty great. However, the heat and humidity can be off-putting to some.

If you don’t mind this, you can hike Mount Fuji during this season, which is only open in summer from July to September. You can also try surfing, visit the best water parks, and do lots of activities to cool you off.

2 images - on the left is the Daigo Temple, on the left is acoastline of Japan

  • Day 1-4 : Start in Okinawa, an island south of the mainland or northeast of Taiwan. This island is filled with water parks and resorts from which you can choose. There are over 100 beaches you can cool off during this hot season. Manza Ocean Park, Cape Maeda, Shurijo Castle, and Oodamari Beach to name a few places in Okinawa.
  • Day 5-8 : Make your way to Hiroshima, if you love history, you can visit the Atomic Bomb Dome and Hiroshima Castle. You can take the ferry to the beautiful Itsukushima Shrine and Mount Misen Observatory.
  • Day 9-14 : Head to Osawa, where you can take day trips to Kyoto, Nagoya, and Hamamatsu. Make sure to get yourself a train/subway pass, which will be very useful and affordable.
  • Day 15-21 : Explore Tokyo. Don’t forget to visit Tokyo downtown, Shibuya city, Senso-ji Temple, the National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation, and of course, hike Mount Fuji.

3 weeks in Japan in Fall/Autumn

Autumn is such a beautiful season in Japan. The trees are turning colours, the temperature is cooler, and walking around the big cities and hiking is blissful. However, there are only a handful of places to enjoy autumn in Japan.

To make sure it’s worth your trip, you should add major attractions to your 3 weeks in Japan itinerary, such as the capital city, historical sites, and food-y your way around.

Read our list of the best places to spend the fall or autumn season for your 3-week trip .

3 images - on the left is Chureito Pagoda. On the bottom right is an onsen spa

Start your trip at around the middle of September or even the end of the month. It’s not too cold yet but also not scorching hot. Good enough for a light jacket and closed shoes.

  • Day 1-4: Start in Tokyo, gather yourself, get local currency, and get familiarised with how things work in Japan. Enjoy downtown Tokyo with local transportation, visit some clubs if that’s your vibe, or simply enjoy different parks and food in the city. Don’t forget to visit Fuji Five Lakes for awesome trees with autumn colours.
  • Day 5-7 : Base yourself in Kyoto; from here, you can visit the historical region of Hiroshima and then explore Osaka and Nagoya. Visit Mount Hiei, Ama Site Park, and Osaka Castle.
  • Day 8-12 : Head to the Japanese Alps; while it might still be too early to ski, this area is stunning, filled with trees perfect for your autumn vibe. Here, you can do lots of hiking and outdoor activities.
  • Day 13-21 : Fly to the island of Hokkaido. Fall colours in this region are nothing like those elsewhere in Japan. You can also visit the island’s northern part and see Abashiri Drift Ice. Don’t forget to visit an onsen, the outside temperature is perfect for this activity. You can either try indoor or outdoor onsen.

3 weeks in Japan in Winter

Winter is also a great time to spend 3 weeks in Japan. Yes, it can be quite cold, but you can do so many fun activities such as skiing and snowboarding, outdoor skating, onsen baths, and even visiting the drift ice.

Pack some warm clothes because it can get very cold during winter, and good quality jackets and footwear to stay warm can be pricey in Japan. We also have a list of the best destinations for a 3-week winter trip and a packing list for a 3-week winter vacation .

3 images of Mount Fuji and skiing in Japan

  • Day 1- 6 : If you are a skier or do any winter activities, I suggest you start your 3 weeks in Japan here. Near Tokyo, you have Hakuba Iwatake Mountain Resort & Ski Field and Nozawa Onsen Snow Resort, while Niseko Moiwa Ski Resort in Hokkaido.
  • Spend a few days enjoying not only some fun white powder but also the natural beauty of Japan during winter. Don’t leave without visiting the north part of Hokkaido and seeing Abashiri Drift Ice.
  • Day 7-14 : After finishing winter sports, it’s time for your usual tourist activities, such as visiting Hiroshima for history junkies. The best way to do this is to place yourself in Osaka or Kyoto – both cities can take you to Hiroshima but simultaneously have so much to offer for you to enjoy. You can even sneak a trip to Nagoya, where they have a Castle, Art Museum, and Public Aquarium.
  • Day 15-21 : This is the time to enjoy Tokyo, its exciting nightlife, fun markets, and amazing local food to try. If you haven’t, make sure to visit an onsen that will really warm you up and is the best way to wrap up your winter holiday in Japan.


First, let’s talk about the must-see places in Japan. In this way, you can decide the best time to visit Japan according to what you want to do. This list will also help you create a 3-week itinerary for Japan that will save you time and knock places off your list in a time-saving way.

  • Explore top sites in Tokyo – custom full-day tour or a tour with a licensed guide
  • Shinjuku Gyoen National Garden
  • Disneyland in Tokyo – get a day pass
  • Tokyo Tower
  • See a Sumo Wrestler – you can challenge a sumo wrestler too
  • Tokyo Skytree
  • Digital Art Museum – get your ticket in advance
  • Imperial Palace
  • Enjoy Japanese cuisine by – sushi making or go ramen tasting or join a food and culture tour
  • Go Kart Experience – right through the city centre, check the price
  • Meiji Jingu
  • Day trip to Mount Fuji (check the season schedule beforehand ) – combo with Hakone and Lake Ashi or this more affordable Mount Fuji tour or go on a Hakone cruise
  • Enjoy the nightlife by doing – bar hopping or eat and drink tour
  • Explore Kyoto – on a bike tour (with lunch) or e-bike tour or with a licensed guide
  • Fushimi Inari Shrine
  • Higashiyama Jisho-ji
  • Kyomizu-dera
  • Lanterns Night – join a discovery tour
  • Eikando Temple
  • Rikugi Garden
  • Bamboo – Higashiyama Sanjo
  • Learn about Japanese culture – join a zen meditation with locals or book a samurai experience or be part of a traditional tea ceremony
  • Learn about Geisha – private dinner with a Geisha or explore the Geisha district
  • Tofukuji Temple
  • Discover Japanese Cuisine – go on sake experience tour or night foodie tour or ramen cooking class or all-inclusive local eats tour
  • Nishiki Market
  • Day trip to Hiroshima and Miyajima – check the tour price
  • Peace Memorial Park – book a day trip
  • Itsukushima Floating Torii Gate
  • Atomic Bomb Dome
  • Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum
  • Hiroshima Castle – with a combo visit to Hiroshima Castle
  • Yamato Museum/Maritime Museum
  • Hiroshima MOCA
  • Explore Hiroshima on a bike – read the reviews
  • Itsukushima Shrine
  • Try traditional archery – book a tour
  • Osaka Castle
  • Universal Studios in Japan
  • Umeda Sky Building
  • Osaka Auarium Kaiyukan
  • Abena Harukas
  • Sumiyoshi Taisha
  • Matsumoto Castle
  • Zenko-ji Temple
  • Shiga Kogen
  • Daio Wasabi Farm
  • Togakushi-Jinja
  • Risshakuji Temple
  • Zao Onsen Ski Resort

Sapporo, Hokkaido

  • Sapporo Beer Museum
  • Sapporo TV Tower
  • Moerenuma Park
  • Hokkaido-Jingju Shrine
  • Sapporo Clock Tower
  • Shiroikoibito Park
  • Sapporo Kokusai Ski Resort
  • Mount Miowa
  • Mount Yotei
  • Fukidashi Park
  • Yukichichibu Onsen
  • The Hakone Open-Air Musuem
  • Hakone Shrine
  • Hakone Ropeway
  • Okada Museum of Art

Naoshima Island

  • Benesse House Museum
  • Chichu Art Museum
  • Naoshima Public Bath
  • Shodo Island
  • Ando Museum
  • Kizenzan Park
  • Asemi River
  • Mount Shiraga
  • Yoshinobu Rice Terraces
  • Vine Bridges in the Iya Valley
  • Mount Miune


This list can help you decide the best accommodations during your trip that suits your budget. It’s also arrange per city to make things easier.

  • Affordable: Hotel Owl or bnb Hostel
  • Mid-range: Hotel GrandBach or Shiomi Prince Hotel
  • Luxury: The Capitol Hotel or The Gate Hotel
  • Affordable: K’s House Travelers Hostel or Chinsun Premium or Sotetsu Fresa Inn
  • Mid-range: Hotel Emion or The Royal Park Hotel or Sanco Inn
  • Luxury: MONday Apart Premium or Mercure Kyoto Station or Via Inn Prime
  • Affordable: Capsule Hotel Cube or Santiago Guesthouse
  • Mid-range: Daiwa Roynet Hotel or Candeo Hotels
  • Luxury: Hilton Hotel or Sheraton Grand Hotel
  • Affordable: Shinsaibashi Arty Inn or Cabin & Capsule Hotel
  • Mid-range: Hotel Cordia or Waqoo Shitaderamachi or Del Style by Daiwa Roynet Hotel
  • Luxury: Oyado Nono or Hotel Intergate or The Bridge Hotel
  • Affordable: Tune Hostel or Tmark City Hotel
  • Mid-range: Hotel Amanek or Toyoko Inn
  • Luxury: Hotel Nets or Tenza Hotel and Sky Spa
  • Affordable: Hotel MetropolitanNagano or Sotetsu Fresa Inn
  • Mid-range: Anise Garden or Matsumoto Hotel Kagetsu
  • Luxury: Hotel Karuizawa Cross or Karuizawa Prince Hotel West or Hotel Wellies
  • Affordable: Manten-no-Hoshi or Hakone Hostel 1914
  • Mid-range: Hakone Guest House Gaku or Hakone Hotel or Mount View Hakone
  • Luxury: Meibi Yumoto or Villa Hakone or Fujiya Hotel
  • Affordable: Season 1
  • Mid-range: Takamatsu Guest House Akane
  • Luxury: Naoshima Juju Art House
  • Affordable to Mid-range: Smile Hotel or Green Rich Hotel or Ana Crowne Plaza


3 weeks in Japan can be plenty of time for some or too long for others or even too short for some people. The best way to make sure you are making the most out of your 3 weeks vacation is to plan your trip but make wriggle room for changes and things you don’t expect that can happen. Let your fun side entertain some unplanned trips and activities.

Japan is filled with so many things you can enjoy and do. And if you find yourself bored for some reason or have time to spare, don’t forget, South Korea or other East Asian countries are just a short flight away.

I hope you enjoyed this 3 weeks in Japan itinerary and that I’ve helped you create a fun and suitable holiday for you in this part of the world.


Discover Japan over three weeks: from Tokyo's bustling streets to Kyoto's serene temples, Hokkaido's snowy landscapes, and Okinawa's tropical beaches. Enjoy sushi, onsen baths, and bullet trains. A perfect blend of tradition and modernity awaits. via @threeweektraveller

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3 week Japan itinerary

Three pictures of Japan: Golden Temple, Osaka Castle, Kanazawa street

Last Updated on 5th February 2020 by Sarah and Justin

We have visited Japan 3 times on short, medium, and long trips. And we would go back any time for any length of time. Japan is culturally interesting, physically beautiful, and absolutely delicious. It is truly an incredible place to visit. If you have the time, we recommend a 3 week Japan itinerary and we put one together to help you see the best of what the country has to offer.

3 weeks in Japan itinerary

  • Days 1-4: Tokyo (including day trip to Kamakura)
  • Days 5-7: Kanazawa
  • Days 8-11: Kyoto (including day trip to Nara)
  • Days 12-14: Osaka (including day trip to Himeji)
  • Days 15-17: Hiroshima (including day trip to Miyajima)
  • Days 18-19: Fukuoka
  • Days 20-21: Tokyo (and fly home)

The core itinerary assumes you’ll be flying in and out of Tokyo, since the city’s two airports offer the most international flight options. However we also provide a few alternative ideas if you want to leave Japan from a different city.

Travelers from more than 60 countries can visit Japan as a tourist for 90 days (and therefore undertake this Japan 3 week itinerary) visa-free. You can check your specific country’s visa requirements on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website .


If you’re following this itinerary, we recommend buying a JR Pass. See below for the calculations showing why a JR Pass is worth it.

We also recommend that you buy an electronic local transportation card to help make your local transportation within cities easier. If you do fly into a Tokyo airport, you can buy a PASMO card when you arrive. Though there are different cards throughout the country, they can all be used everywhere. If you’re flying back out of Tokyo you can return it for a refund of both your remaining balance and your deposit. If you fly out of a different city, you may not be able to, so it’s worth researching in advance.

Is JR Pass worth it?

Short answer: yes!

We plugged the above itinerary, including recommended day trips, into the Japan-Guide JR Pass calculator (the easiest and quickest way to see if a JR Pass is worth it). It shows that yes, a 21-day JR Pass is absolutely worth getting for this 3 week itinerary. Here are the details of those calculations.

A chart showing calcuations to see if a JR pass is worth it

It should be noted, however, that the most expensive train trip in this itinerary is the one from Fukuoka to Tokyo. If you aren’t going to be flying out of Tokyo, or you just want to cut out the whole Fukuoka part of your trip altogether, things change.

We recalculated what it would look like to return to Tokyo from Hiroshima instead. It says it’s a “close call” for a 21-day pass, but the range is pretty big. This means you’ll need to check everything on Hyperdia.com . It’s easy but a bit time consuming. But given the money saving possibilities, definitely worth it.

3 weeks in Japan cost

Your budget for your 3 weeks in Japan will of course depend on what type of traveler you are. And we can only share our experience as two mid-range travelers.

As you can see from the calculations above, transportation in Japan is pretty expensive. At time of publication, a 21-day JR Pass costs 60,450 JPY (~$557). And the JR Pass doesn’t cover everything. In many of the cities in this itinerary, you’ll need to spend a few hundred yen a day on buses or metro trains.

Hotels in Japan are also a bit on the pricey side. On average across the two more recent trips we took to Japan, we spent about $100 a night for our accommodations. It’s pretty easy math to do to see that for 20 nights, you’re looking at $2,000. You can save money by staying in apartments (which we did during our longer trip), but make sure to read up on the most recent regulations for such accommodations.

Food in Japan can also vary widely. You can spend a fortune to eat at some of the world’s top restaurants. Or you can eat more like we do and indulge in reasonably priced but still delicious food like ramen and conveyor belt sushi. It also should be noted that alcohol is not cheap in Japan. During our 3 1/2 week trip in Japan, we spent an average of $50/day (combined for the two of us) on food and drinks. We cooked quite a bit, and didn’t go to any super splurge dinners, but we still felt like we ate very, very well.

That leaves attractions. We found entry fees to major attractions not terribly expensive. To give you an idea, here are some sample current entry fees across cities: Himeji Castle costs 1,000 JPY ($9.23); the Tokyo National Museum costs 620 JPY ($5.54); Kinkaku-ji in Kyoto costs 400 JPY ($3.70).

Japan 3 week itinerary: a detailed look

4 days in tokyo.

View of buildings and temple in Asakusa in Tokyo, Japan

To be completely honest, we could spend all 3 weeks of this Japan itinerary in Tokyo and be perfectly happy. Tokyo is one of our favorite cities in the world (alternating with Berlin to hold the top spot depending on our mood). But we do think Japan has more to offer, so we’re recommending 4 days in Tokyo to kick off your Japan itinerary.

Recommended Tokyo itinerary

There is so much to do in Tokyo it may feel overwhelming. We’ve tried to help organize your time.

Devote your first day to fully exploring our favorite neighborhood, Asakusa, and nearby Ueno. Asakusa is more like old Edo-period Tokyo, with narrow streets, smaller houses, and temples stuck between them. You should absolutely visit the biggest attraction in this area, Sensoji Temple. If the weather’s nice, spend time strolling through Ueno Park. There you should also check out the impressive Tokyo National Museum.

Your second day, dig into the big bustling Tokyo you’ve probably seen in movies. Head to Shibuya Crossing to see the busiest intersection in the world and Shinjuku to see the busiest subway station in the world (and the outfits!). Major attractions in Shibuya include Yoyogi Park and the Meiji Shrine. While in Shinjuku, take a trip up to the top of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Office for the view and check out Golden Gai to eat and drink.

Your third day, we recommend starting your day at the Edo Tokyo Museum. Afterwards, you can hop on the water bus which will take you down the Sumida River under more bridges than you new existed in Tokyo. It will drop you off at the idyllic Hamariku Gardens. From there, you can explore the cool architecture and luxury shopping in Ginza or check out the interesting neighborhood of Roppongi.

On your fourth day, go to Kamakura.

Tokyo to Kamakura day trip

Giant bronze head of Buddha against a blue cloudless sky in Kamakura, Japan

Kamakura is a great day trip from Tokyo. It’s an easy way to get out of the city and see some of Japan’s traditional temples in nature. It’s most famous for its Great Buddha, one of the largest bronze buddha sculptures in the country. Kamakura also has some lovely trails so it is a really nice and peaceful escape.

There is a direct train from Tokyo Station to Kamakura that takes about an hour. If you’re departing from elsewhere in Tokyo, you will likely have to transfer, but it’s still pretty simple.

Where to stay in Tokyo

We love the Asakusa neighborhood, but recommend staying in Ueno as it is closer to a major transportation hub. Alternatively, you could stay in Ginza, which is closer to the center of the city. Or in Shibuya, if you’re more into the more fast-paced, modern side of the city.

Next stop: Kanazawa! Tokyo to Kanazawa takes 2 1/2-3 hours by direct Shinkansen.

3 days in Kanazawa

Trees and a pond in Kenroku-en Garden, one of the best Kanazawa attractions

Kanazawa is a little off the well-trodden path of the rest of this itinerary, but we think worth the trip. Being in Kanazawa is like being back in what we’d imagine traditional Japan being like. Plus it’s right on the sea so it’s got some of the best sushi in the country.

Recommended Kanazawa itinerary

After arriving from Tokyo and getting settled, we recommend heading to one of the most atmospheric places in Japan: one of the geisha districts called the Higashiyama Higashi Chaya District. Take a moment to also stroll along the scenic Asano River.

Devote your first full day in Kanazawa to the impressive Kanazawa Castle and the magnificent Kenroku-en Garden. It’s considered to one of the most beautiful gardens in Japan and you could easily wile away several hours there. Make sure to explore Kanazawa Castle Park completely including the smaller, but also lovely Gyokusen’inmaru Garden.

Your second day in Kanazawa, check out the fish market (where you can definitely find a delicious sushi lunch) and explore the samurai district.

Next stop: Kyoto! Kanazawa to Kyoto takes a little over 2 hours by direct train.

4 days in Kyoto

Beautiful gold temple, Kinkaku-ji, Golden Pavilion, one of the many things to do in Kyoto

Kyoto is such a special city, chock full of some of the loveliest, most impressive temples and shrines we’ve ever seen. We think 4 days is enough to really get to know the city and a day trip to Nara.

Recommended Kyoto itinerary

Things are a bit spread out in Kyoto, so you should organize your days by main attraction. In between seeing them, you should just wander and find joy in the smaller temples and shrines that are all over.

Your first day you’ll have about half a day to get settled and situated. We recommend spending your late afternoon and evening on a visit to the Fushimi Inari Taisha, the temple with hundreds (thousands?) of orange torii gates. It involves a bit of a hike up a bunch of stairs (through all those gates) but there’s a viewpoint midway that is great at sunset. There will also be fewer people there then.

Your second day, we recommend waking up early to go out to Arashima, where the famous bamboo forest is. If you are an early riser, wake up as early as possible to try to beat the crowds. If not, don’t worry about it, but go with tempered expectations. There will be a lot of people. After you visit the bamboo, take some time to explore the rest of the area as it’s lovely. From there, take a bus to Kinkaku-ji (also known as the Golden Pavilion), which is also outside the center of Kyoto. Again, expect crowds.

Your third day, start with a visit to the covered Nishiki Market. Then head to the Yasuka Shrine and Chion-in Temple complex. You’ll want a few hours there to see everything including beautiful parks and gardens. Afterwards, take stroll through nearby Gion, the geisha district.

On your last full day in Kyoto, head to Nara.

Kyoto to Nara day trip

Deer and people in front of an entrance gate to the Tōdai-ji temple which we visited on our Nara day trip

Nara is a city south of Kyoto known for its publicly roaming deer. It makes for an easy and unique day trip from Kyoto, taking about 45 minutes by train. We highly recommend it, especially if you love cheeky deer who learned how to bow for food.

Next stop: Osaka! Kyoto to Osaka only takes 30 minutes by direct train.

3 days in Osaka

Japanese street signs and a large hand holding a piece of sushi in the Dotonbori area of Osaka

We honestly didn’t give Osaka its due. Our visit was smack in the middle of our own 4-week trip and we were tired. We also stayed a bit far out of the center of the city so we had an excuse not to explore too much. But people love Osaka, and we regret that we haven’t gotten to know it better so we do think it’s worth 3 days of your itinerary.

Things to do in Osaka

The top attractions in Osaka are varied. There’s Osaka Castle, Universal Studios, and the Dotonbori area with streets of more food (and sights and sounds) than you can possibly imagine. We focused our Osaka exploration on this food.

Osaka to Himeji Castle day trip

Himeji Castle is one of Japan’s twelve original castles, meaning it was never destroyed and reconstructed. It did undergo some significant renovations, however, and this was happening during our time in the region. We’re incredibly sad that we didn’t get to visit and would definitely make it a priority on another trip to the area.

Himeji is only about an hour from Osaka by direct train. The castle is about a 20-minute walk from the train station, although also accessible by public bus.

Next stop: Hiroshima! Osaka to Hiroshima takes a little under 2 hours by train. Do note there are transfers involved.

3 days in Hiroshima

Atomic Bomb Dome standing next to trees on a river in Hiroshima

Hiroshima is an interesting city. We think it’s an important stop for anyone seeing so much of Japan. A visit to Hiroshima will remind you of terrible events of the past, but also bring hope for a more peaceful future.

Recommended Hiroshima itinerary

We recommend spending your first day in Hiroshima getting situated. Depending on when your train arrives, you can also likely fit in visits to Hiroshima Castle and Shukkei-en Garden.

Spend your second day visiting Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and the monuments and museums there. This might be an emotional, draining day so take it slow.

On your third day, go to Miyajima. Give yourself the whole day so you don’t feel rushed and can really enjoy the island.

Note, you can always swap days 2 and 3 depending on the weather. If the sun is shining, jump on that boat to Miyajima.

Hiroshima to Miyajima day trip

Temple and torii gate through the trees on Miyajima

Being in Miyajima was pretty magical. From our first sight of the floating torii gate to seeing wild deer walk on the beach at sunset, we were enthralled with it all. It’s probably worth more than just a day, and we did think about staying over, but it’s so easy to do as a quick trip from Hiroshima, so that’s what we’re recommending.

If you have a JR Pass, you can take a train from the Hiroshima city center to the ferry dock which will take you to Miyajima. It’s only a half hour from Hiroshima Station, but stops at some other stations in the city as well. And then the ferry to the island only takes 10 minutes. One of the ferries is included in the JR Pass and one is not, so make sure you get on the right one. Also note, more people take the JR ferry so it can get crowded and there may be lines.

Next stop: Fukuoka! Hiroshima to Fukuoka only takes about 1 hour by direct Shinkansen. Important note: the central train station in Fukuoka is called Hakata Station.

2 days in Fukuoka

2 bowls of ramen and 1 plate of gyoza at Shin-Shin in Fukuoka

Fukuoka isn’t on most “best of Japan” itineraries. It’s a bit further afield, located on Japan’s Kyushu Island. We loved it though, and think it’s worth heading to if not for the ramen alone.

Things to do in Fukuoka

You only have 2 days in Fukuoka and if you’re anything like us, you’re going to spend most of your time eating ramen. In between bowls, you should head to Ohori Park and stop at some of the city’s many shrines and temples too.

Your last 2 days

We came up with a few options for the last 2 days of your Japan trip. They really depend on from where and how you’ll be leaving the country.

Option 1: back to Tokyo

If you’re flying out of Tokyo, you should just head back there. The train trip from Fukuoka back to Tokyo will be the longest one of your 3 weeks, taking about 5 hours on a direct Shinkansen. You can spend as many nights as you’d like, but we recommend another 2 so you have the chance to soak in a little more Tokyo before you fly out. And you could stay in a different neighborhood to mix things up a bit.

Option 2: back to Osaka

Train from Fukuoka to Osaka is shorter, taking about 3 hours and transfers. If you are able to fly out of Osaka, we would probably recommend adjusting your overall itinerary to go directly from Kyoto to Hiroshima and then having all your time in Osaka at the end of your trip.

Option 3: take a boat to South Korea

This is probably not the most common option, but if you have more than 3 weeks for your travels and want to head onto South Korea, you can easily take a ferry from Fukuoka to Busan. We did this ourselves so know how easy and manageable it is.

Have you visited Japan? Do you love it as much as we do? Tell us your favorite place in the comments! 

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Best of #Japan 3 week itinerary including #Tokyo #Kyoto #Kanazawa #Hiroshima #Osaka and #Fukuoka. We give detailed recommendations for things to do in each city and if the JR Pass is worth it. #Asia #Travel

Sarah and Justin

4 thoughts on “ 3 week japan itinerary ”.

Three weeks in Japan sounds like heaven! I was there last year for cherry blossom season but only had 10 days 🙂

That’s a great amount of time too! I’m sure you saw a lot, and all the cherry blossoms – beautiful!

Pingback: 5 Days in Kyoto, Japan: An Awesome Kyoto Itinerary to Follow

Japan has been on my list for a while. I am glad that I found the itinerary that too for three weeks. Ample things to do. Thanks, guys!

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Best Japan 3 Week Itinerary In 2024 (+Budget & Travel Tips!)

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Planning a Japan 3 week itinerary might seem daunting.

Maybe this is your first time travelling abroad solo for three weeks, and you have zero ideas about Japan travel .

Or maybe you are unsure how many of the 800  Japanese cities  to visit within 21 days in Japan, plus how many days should you allocate for each city.

That’s okay, I felt these too when I was planning my first trip to Japan solo and that trip was one of the best travel experiences that I had till date!

So make sure to read this Japan three week itinerary until the end to learn more about the must-explore places, must-try food, the breakdown travel budget, and valuable tips when this awesome country!

Let’s get into it!

3 weeks in japan

japan travel route 3 weeks: summary

Day 1-5: Tokyo (Day trip alternatives: Mount Fuji, Hakone & Nikko)

Day 6: Nagano

Day 7: matsumoto, day 8-9: takayama.

Day 10-11: Kanazawa (Day trip alternatives: Shirakawago & Noto Peninsula)

Day 12-14: Kyoto

Day 15: Nara

Day 16: hiroshima.

Day 17: Miyajima

Day 18: Kurashiki

Day 19: himeji.

Day 20-21: Osaka (Day trip alternative: Kobe)

Travel tip: JR Pass price will increase significantly by October 2023. Make sure to buy the pass before 30 September 2023 to enjoy the current price if you are visiting Japan before 29 December 2023. The pass can be activated up to 3 months after the issue date (up to 30 days in advance!).

3 Weeks Japan Itinerary: Useful Pre-Travel Tips And Links

Here are the shortcuts to the links of useful resources for your upcoming Japan trip:

  • Using JR pass to travel around Japan will be your greatest buy—easy, fast, and convenient. I used JR pass when I was in Japan and I loved how convenient it was to get to different cities!
  • Get a Japan local sim card or portable WIFI router to have internet connection with you at all times. I used this eSim and I had wonderful time exploring Japan solo!
  • Hotel rooms in Japan can be sold out fast especially during peak seasons. Book your Japan accommodation in advance using Booking.com .
  • Accidents can happen when travelling. Make sure you are fully insured before travel to Japan.
  • Save yourself some time of queuing at popular attractions and get the entrance tickets booked early instead! Here are the recommended ones: teamLab Borderless | Ghibli Studio | Tokyo Skytree |  Tokyo Tower Observatory | Tokyo Disney Resort | Universal Studio Osaka |  Nijo Castle | Abeno Harukas | Legoland Osaka | Kyoto Tower
  • Other convenient travel passes : Tokyo Subway Ticket | Hakone Free Pass | Osaka Amazing Pass

Disclaimer: World Nomads provides travel insurance for travelers in over 100 countries. As an affiliate, we receive a fee when you get a quote from World Nomads using this link . We do not represent World Nomads. This is information only and not a recommendation to buy travel insurance.

japan 3 week itinerary - Universal Studios Japan at Osaka

Related Articles:

  • 13 Best Osaka Ryokan With Private Onsen (+Alternatives) In 2023
  • Best 13 Onsen Ryokan In Kanazawa (For All Traveller Types!)
  • What Japan Is Known For: 33 Famous Things That You Need To Know
  • 17 Most Romantic Places In Japan (For A Lovey-Dovey Adventure!)
  • 19 Best Apps For Travel To Japan In 2023 (+Personal Tips!)
  • First Time To Japan: 45 Useful Travel Tips For First Time Traveler
  • Japan Ski Packing List: What To Pack & Useful Tips

Day 1-5: Tokyo

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan —and also the most populous prefecture in the country.

A city that never sleeps, Tokyo is easily accessible thanks to its convenient and advanced public transportation systems.

Start Day 1 to Day 5 of your Japan 3 week itinerary by exploring Tokyo and its vicinity. 

Getting To Tokyo From Airports

To get to Tokyo city from Haneda Airport , take: 

1. Tokyo Monorail

  • Line: Via JR Yamanote Line to Hamamatsucho Station in Tokyo
  • Fare: US$5 (500 yen) one way
  • Duration: 20 minutes
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered 

2. Limousine Bus

  • Fare: US$10 one way
  • Duration: 55 minutes

3. Shared Private Transfer

  • Convenient & drop off directly to your hotel!

To get to Tokyo city from Narita Airport , take: 

  • Operator: JR Narita Express
  • Fare: US$28 one way
  • Duration: 1 hour
  • Fare: US$23 one way
  • Duration: 100 minutes

three week trip to japan

Travel tip: Personally I think you should use your JR Pass when you are leaving Tokyo to the next city instead of activating it right away since there are many cheaper ways to get to the city from the airport. With that you can plan a Japan 3 weeks trip by getting a 14-day JR Pass instead of the 21-day Pass and keeping your overall transportation cost lower.

I highly recommend getting to Tokyo city from airport by Limousine Bus . You can easily redeem the ticket at the counter in Narita Airport and they make multiple stops in Tokyo so you can choose the one that is nearest to your hotel!

Things To Do In Tokyo

Here are some of the major highlights in this metropolitan city that you can visit during your Japan 3 week itinerary:

  • Visit Tsukiji Outer Market – Explore the local market that sells various fresh and processed seafood. You can also get the freshest sushi for breakfast here as the fish products are sent directly from Toyosu Market. 

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  • Watch the live tuna auction at Toyosu Market – Wake up early to participate in the live tuna market auction from the observation deck in this newly built building. You will need to apply it here at least 1 month in advance. 

Note: The old Tsukiji Inner Market (where the tourist-flock tuna auction market was in operation until 2018) has moved its base to Toyosu Market since 2019. 

  • Have an Instagrammable photo-taking session at teamLab Borderless – Immerse yourself into the fascinating artistic lights and other captivating artwork exhibition in this intriguing museum. 
  • Visit Sensoji Temple – Admire the intricate architecture of Tokyo’s oldest temple. You can also get some local souvenirs from Nakamise, a 200-metre shopping street within the temple compound.  
  • Admire the city panoramic view at Tokyo Skytree –  Enjoy the stunning panoramic view from one of the world’s highest observation decks.
  • Have a stroll at Ueno Park – If you are looking to visit Tokyo’s popular hanami (cherry blossom viewing) spot donning kimono , Ueno Park is one of the top options. This enormous park also houses several national museums.

You an introvert? Get yourself a camera tripod and take beautiful photos of yourself to your heart’s content while in Japan!

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  • Explore Kabukicho (Shinjuku) – Explore this neon-filled, lively entertainment district at night to experience the city nightlife. 

Note: Kabukicho is also Japan’s largest red-light district.

  • Wander around Shibuya – Your Japan itinerary will not complete without a trip to the Shibuya Crossing —one of the busiest pedestrian crossings. Wander around this district featuring shopping outlets and entertainment hubs. Make your way to Hachiko Statue too, a loyal dog that waited for his demised master every day for 9 years at Shibuya Station. 

Check out my comprehensive 4 Days Tokyo Itinerary to know more in-depth about unmissable things to do in Tokyo !

3 weeks itinerary japan

  • Have a drink at the maid cafe in Akihabara – If you would like to get into Japan’s manga culture, make sure to head over to Akihabara’s maid cafes where the waitresses dress up as maids or anime (Japanese animated works) characters.  
  • Explore Harajuku – Harajuku is the teenage and cosplay fashion centre in Tokyo. There are 2 shrines in this district that you can visit—Meiji Shrine and Togo Shrine.
  • Visit Ghibli Museum – If you are a big fan of Studio Ghibli’s films, getting to Ghibli Museum is a big must. The museum consists of a small theatre, exhibition, cafe, rooftop garden, and a souvenir shop. Any Spirited Away fan here? 

Travel tip: Save money and time by booking attractions ticket online!

  • Visit local markets & fairs – Looking for less touristy things to do while in Tokyo? Tokyo has plenty of flea markets happening during the weekends and some only take place few times a year. I went to Oedo Antique Market (the largest and oldest outdoor event in Japan) and hang out with the locals scouring for 200 yen second-hand kimono, vintage items, antique Japanese books, and more!

3 week japan tour

Fun Tours & Activities In Tokyo

There are plenty of things to do in Tokyo. If you would like to opt for some extraordinary experiences while in Tokyo , consider getting any (or all!) these tours:

  • Tokyo: Full-Day Private Tour
  • Ramen Tasting Tour with Local Ramen Guru in Tokyo
  • Shibuya & Harajuku: Hidden Gems & Highlights Private Tour
  • Tokyo: Go-Kart Tour and Photoshoot

Day Trips From Tokyo (For Double The Fun!)

Here are some of the popular day-trip destinations from Tokyo:

1. Mount Fuji

Your Japan three week itinerary will not complete without a trip to Mount Fuji ! 

One of the great spots to enjoy the mesmerising view of Mount Fuji is Five Fuji Lakes . 

Note: Mount Fuji visibility is at its best during autumn and winter.  

If you want to include the stunning red pagoda in your photo with Mount Fuji as the backdrop, head over to Chureito Pagoda . 

To save yourself the hassle of planning , you can opt for this private bus tour with a local guide to Mount Fuji. 

three weeks in japan itinerary - a guy overlooking Mt Fuji from at Hoshinoya Fuji

Hakone is one of the famous day trip destinations from Tokyo. 

There are so many things to do in Hakone, including taking a dip in the hot spring , enjoying the beautiful view of the misty volcanic zone, visiting famous shrines and temples , and museum-hopping . 

Check out this detailed day trip to Hakone from Tokyo and best ryokans with private onsen in Hakone articles to learn more about things to do and where to stay in this beautiful mountainous town.

three week trip to japan okcs Retreat Hakone Villa

Or consider booking t his Hakone private day tou r if you prefer to explore Hakone under an experience guide!

Popular for its stunning natural splendour, Nikko is about 2-hour drive away from Tokyo .

Among the must-visit main highlights in Nikko are Kegon Falls and Ryuzu Falls .

If you can’t get enough of Japanese temple, make sure to to make your way to Toshogu Temple and Rinnoji Temple while you are at Nikko.

Sounds exciting? Consider booking this scenic Nikko day trip bus tour in your three week Japan itinerary.

Where To Stay In Tokyo : 4 Accomodation Types!

With millions of visitors travelling to Tokyo annually , there are plenty of types of accommodations available in this lively metropolitan. 

Nevertheless, it is still best to book your hotel early especially during peak seasons, such as spring and autumn. 

 Here are some recommended places to stay in Tokyo : 

  • Budget: 54Journey , The Wardrobe Hostel Shibuya
  • Mid-range: Pod Select Hotel Shinjuku , Toshi Center Hotel
  • Luxury: Pearl Hotel Shinjuku , Hotel Risveglio Akasaka
  • Ryokan: Annex Katsutaro Ryokan , Ryokan Asakusa Shigetsu

I stayed at The Global Hotel Tokyo near Shinjuku and I quite like that place. It is located near Shin Okubo Station and there are plenty of restaurants and convenience stores just located a street away from the hotel.

3 week japan trip itinerary The Global Hotel Tokyo

What To Eat In Tokyo

Of course, you can’t miss out on sushi from your to-eat-list in this capital city!

You can enjoy eating sushi at standup stalls, fish markets, conveyor belt restaurants, or even Michelin star awarded premium eateries—depending on your budget!

Kura Sushi is one of the popular places in Tokyo to have sushi.

Another food that you need to try before leaving Tokyo is none other than the slurpy, chewy noodle ramen !

This dish can be found in almost every corner of the streets in Tokyo, and there is a great variety of ramen available over here. 

If you are keen to try this soupy dish, head over to AFURI .

japan 3-week itinerary- a bowl of ramen in Japan

After spending 5 days exploring Tokyo, it is time to travel to the charming city around the mountainous Japanese Alps on Day 6 of your Japan itinerary 3 weeks —Nagano. 

Apart from being a popular destination among tourists for its natural hot spring and onsen during the cold season, there are also fascinating temples and interesting museums that you need to visit in Nagano. 

Things To Do In Nagano

Below are some of the must-do activities in Nagano during your Japan 3 week itinerary: 

  • Explore Zenkoji Temple – This famous Buddhist temple is the first temple to receive a Buddhist statue in the 7th century. Spend at least 2 hours exploring the temple grounds where you get to visit some major monuments, including the Main Hall, Zenkoji History Museum, Sanmon Gate and Niomon Gate.  
  • Admire Togakushi Shrines – You can visit 3 main shrines at Mount Togakushi. Each shrine is located about 2km away from each other so you can expect some hiking here, or you can opt for a bus service to get to the shrines.  

Most temples and shrines in Japan require visitors to remove their shoes before entering into the buildings.

Therefore, it is best to buy yourself a pair of lightweight slip-on shoes for convenience before visiting Japan.

japan tour 3 wochen

  • Learn more about ninja’s history at local museums – If you are intrigued with ancient Japanese ninja skills and equipment, you can head over to Togakure Ninpo Museum . Alternatively, you can visit Kids Ninja Village for some interesting ninja obstacles training. 
  • Visit the snow monkeys at Jigokudani Monkey Park – Watch the wild snow monkeys playing around and soaking in the hot spring all year round. If you prefer to explore the park with a great snowy mountainous backdrop, it is best to visit the snow monkeys during winter (January to February).   Make sure to read my detailed Japan winter packing list article if you are visiting during the cold season for a pleasant travel experience!

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  • Soak up the Olympic vibes at the remaining Olympic Winter 1998 – These world-class sports facilities are located sparsely around Nagano city where you can reach them conveniently by bus.
  • Have a stroll at Gondo Covered Shopping Arcade – If you are looking for things to do at night in Nagano, you can have a walk along Gondo Covered Shopping Arcade. You can also shop for souvenirs or try delicious local street food here. 

Guided Tours In Nagano (That Includes The Famed Monkey Park)

Here are some recommended tours you can sign up for in Nagano: 

  • Nagano: Snow Monkey and Cherry Blossom Day Tour in Spring
  • Nagano: Snow Monkeys, Zenkoji Temple & Sake Day Trip

Where To Stay In Nagano (For All Traveller Types!)

Here are some recommended places for a night stay at Nagano: 

  • Budget: Dot Hostel Nagano , Mash Cafe & Bed Nagano 
  • Mid-range: Sotetsu Fresa Inn Naganoeki Higashiguchi , Hotel JAL City Nagano
  • Luxury: Chisun Grand Nagano , Kokusai 21 International Hotel
  • Ryokan: Umeoka Ryokan , Oshi Ryokan

What To Eat In Nagano

  • Oyaki Dumplings

Invented in Nagano, Oyaki Dumplings are the must-eat food when you are in this beautiful city. 

The dumplings are mainly made with vegetables such as pumpkin, eggplant, or radish and you can have it either steamed or fried!

You can get this delicious snack at Nagano’s Oyaki Shichifuku Inshokuten .

Basashi is a unique type of sashimi. But instead of indulging in seafood, it is prepared using horse meat ! 

If you are up for the unusual food challenge, head over to Nihommatsu for a plate of basashi. 

How To Get To Nagano

To get to Nagano from Tokyo , you can take:

  • Shinkansen 
  • Operator: Hokuriku Shinkansen 
  • Fare: US$73 (8000 yen) one way
  • Duration: 80 to 100 minutes

best japan itinerary 3 weeks - paddy field view from the shinkansen

On Day 7 of the 3 week Japan itinerary , it is time to travel to Matsumoto —located 50 minutes away from Nagano by train. 

Home to one of the remaining original castles in Japan , Matsumoto offers a unique, harmonious blend of both historic and modern travel experiences to visitors.

Things To Do In Matsumoto

Here are some of the main highlights that you can visit in Matsumoto for a day: 

  • Visit Matsumoto Castle – This ancient castle has an observation deck on its sixth floor, providing a great scenic view of the city against the backdrop of the grand Japanese Alps. 

how to plan a trip to japan

  • Explore Daio Wasabi Farm – If you are a big fan of Japanese wasabi, make sure to make your way to Daio Wasabi Farm. Remember to get your own share of wasabi ice cream before leaving the farm! 
  • Enjoy Kusuma Yayoi’s colourful sculpture at City Art Museum – This art museum has a showcase of stunning artworks of the local-born artists. And one of these artists is none other than the bold-looking Kusuma Yayoi .
  • Mingle with local farmers at Nakamachi Street – A former merchant district, you can visit the bustling farmers’ market from May to December. Over here, you get to see the local crops, mingling with the farmers, or even asking for a tip or two for cooking Japanese dishes. 
  • Stroll along Nawate Street – A pedestrian-only street filled with cafes and local shops, you can find an interesting Shinto deities shrine in this street. Yohashira Shrine is exceptionally packed on New Year as it is believed to grant the people wishes and make them come true. 
  • Fill up your bottle with the natural groundwater from the city’s wells – The locals have been drinking the well water for years. Some cafes are serving their customers with this water source too. 

Some of the wells that you can find in Matsumoto city include Genchi Well and Iori Reisui Well . 

Tap water in Japan is safe for consumption . Consider bringing a collapsible bottle when travelling to this country (save luggage space & money!)

japan tour 3 wochen

Guided Outings In Matsumoto (With Experienced Guides!)

If you would like to delve into Matsumoto’s rich history and culture, consider signing up for:

  • Private Walking Tour With Matsumoto Local Guide
  • Matsumoto Soba Noodle Making With An Experienced Master

Where To Stay In Matsumoto (Spoiled for Choice!)

Here are some of the recommended places to stay in Matsumoto: 

  • Budget: Couch Potato Hostel , Nawate Guesthouse
  • Mid-range: Southern Cross Inn , Minka House   
  • Luxury: Matsumoto Hotel Kagetsu , Iroha Grand Hotel Matsumoto
  • Ryokan: Ryokan Matsukaze , Onsen Hotel Omoto  

What To Eat In Matsumoto – 3 Weeks Travel in Japan

  • 1. Sanzokuyaki

Sanzokuyaki is a native dish to Matsumoto. This special fried chicken is prepared by marinating the chicken breast meat with garlic and other spices before getting deep-fried. 

You can have a taste of sanzokuyaki at Karaage Centre Matsumoto .

  • 2. Shinshu Salmon

This reared salmon is among the popular foods to try when you are in Matsumoto. 

You can order this dish at any izakayas (Japanese tavern), such as Sakaba Yamazato . 

How To Get To Matsumoto

To get to Matsumoto from Nagano , you can take: 

  • Operator: JR Shinano Limited Express 
  • Fare: US$30 (3100 yen) one way
  • Duration: 50 minutes

Located at Gifu Prefecture, Takayama is among the fascinating rural cities of Japan that you need to go to break away from the hustle and bustle of city life. 

I personally love Takayama ! I love the scenic views of the lush mountains and the overall vibe of this city. This was also where I stumbled upon an old-school restaurant ran by a lovely elderly couple and had the best Japanese curry shrimp rice! *French kiss*

Spend Day 8 and 9 of your itinerary Japan 3 weeks exploring Takayama’s old town and surrounding highlights to experience the beauty and calm side of this Japanese rural city. 

japan 3 weeks itinerary - a rickshaw puller was talking to 2 passengers at Takayama Old Town

Things To Do In Takayama

Here are the main activities that you can do during your 2-day stay in Takayama in your Japan 3 week itinerary: 

  • Get your breakfast at local asaichi – Start your day at Takayama by visiting the asaichi (morning markets)— Miyagawa Market and Jinya-mae Market . Over here, you get to see local fresh produce, handicraft, street foods, and snacks. 
  • Enjoy sake tasting at sake breweries – Takayama is famous for the sake and you ought to visit one of the old sake breweries when you are in the city. You can easily identify a sake brewery by looking for the presence of sugidama (cedar branches made balls) at the store entrance.
  • Learn more about Takayama’s history at local museums – If you are a history buff, then you must make your way to Fuji Art Gallery and Takayama Museum of History and Art . 

Some of the old artefacts that you can see here include precious paintings, brushes, and household items. 

  • Temple-hopping along Higashiyama Walk Course – About a dozen temples, shrines, and Takayama Castle ruins are found within this 3.5 km long walking course. You can spend about 2 hours strolling along this peaceful trail while visiting some of the old temples, such as Hokkeji Temple. 
  • Participate in the captivating Takayama Festival – Held on 14-15 April and 9-10 October annually, about 11 to 12 beautifully decorated festival floats are paraded around the Old Town and eventually stored in museums for public view. 

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  • Admire the delicate festival floats replica at Matsuri no Mori – This museum contains both miniature and life-sized replicates of festival floats with intricate designs that took part in the grand Takayama Festival. 
  • Be blown away by real-life festival floats at Matsuri Yatai Kaikan – Some of the Takayama Festival’s festival floats are kept in this museum. The great, detailed craftsmanship shown on the floats will definitely leave you in awe. 
  • Explore Hida Folk Village – This fascinating open-air museum showcases 30 traditional houses that are at least 150 years old. Get ready to be blown away by the impressive wooden architecture and the great condition of the century-old exhibits. 
  • Create your own souvenir at Hida Takayama Crafts Experience Centre – To learn more about the local culture, you can also learn to make the local handicraft at Hida Takayama Crafts Experience Centre.

three weeks in japan - gassho zukuri at Hida Folk Village

Travel tip: Check out my comprehensive Takayama in winter guide if you are visiting this city during the cold season!

Memorable Takayama Guided Tours

Have budget allocated for guided tours in Takayama ? Check out these best-sellers :

  • Local Food Tour in Takayama
  • Takayama Old Town Walking Tour
  • Sake Brewery Tour in Takayama (+ Oldest Brewery!)
  • Special Food Tour in Takayama
  • Zen Meditation and Higashiyama Temples Walking Tour
  • 3-Hour Takayama Hiking Tour
  • Takayama’s Japanese Drum & Traditional Arts Show
  • Hida Private E-Bike Tour with Premium Lunch and Farm Experience

Where To Stay In Takayama

Here are some places that you can consider staying at during your Takayama visit : 

  • Budget: K’s House Takayama Oasis , Cup of Tea
  • Mid-range: Spa Hotel Alpina Hida Takayama , Country Hotel Takayama
  • Luxury: Wat Hotel & Spa Hida Takayama , Takayama Green Hotel
  • Ryokan: Oyado Koto No Yume , Hidatakayama Futarishizuka , Ryokan Asunaro

I stayed at Country Hotel Takayama . The hotel is just located opposite Nohi Terminal Bus Station, which is just next to Takayama Station.

The room has an old-school design and I feel comfortable throughout my stay. The room comes with a mini bath tub too so you can bring along some bath bombs !

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If you prefer to enjoy a relaxing dip alone or have a more intimate experience with your loved one, consider book one of the best Takayama ryokans with private onsen !

What To Eat In Takayama

  • 1. Mitarashi Dango

This local traditional savoury snack made from mashed rice balls is first grilled and glazed with sauces, such as sesame or soy sauce. 

One of the best places to get Mitarashi Dango in this city is Jinya Dango . 

  • 2. Hida Beef Sushi

Raised in Gifu prefecture, Hida beef is one of the top premium wagyu beef choices in Japan. 

Check out Sakaguchiya for a sushi beef treat in Takayama!

japan 3 week itinerary - Hida beef sushi that I had at Takayama

How To Get To Takayama

To get to Takayama from Matsumoto , you can take: 

  • Operator: Nohi Bus 
  • Fare: US$32 (3500 yen) one way
  • Duration: 2.5 hours
  • Best Day Trip To Hakone From Tokyo: The Ultimate Guide
  • Off The Beaten Path Japan—Top 18 Places To Discover
  • 19 Best Things To Do In Osaka At Night

Day 10-11: Kanazawa

Next, spend Day 10 and 11 of your 3 weeks itinerary in Japan exploring another charming cultural city of the country— Kanazawa.

Highlights ranging from beautiful gardens, ancient samurai residences, contemporary art museums to scrumptious local food , be prepared to experience another mesmerising part of Japan in Kanazawa. 

Things To Do In Kanazawa

To fully make use of your time in Kanazawa during Japan 3-week itinerary, here is the list of recommended things to do: 

  • Have a nice walk around Kenrokuen Garden – This tranquil garden is one of the country’s most beautiful landscape gardens . If you are looking to enjoy the cherry blossom and autumn foliage, Kenrokuen Garden is the place that you need to be at. 

japan 3-week itinerary - a beautiful teahouse overlooking the lake at Kenrokuen Garden at Kanazawa

  • Explore Seisonkaku Villa – Head over to one of the few remaining well-preserved samurai villas in the country and admire the ancient building structure and interior design.
  • Immerse yourself into the enchanting streets of Higashi Chaya District – Wander around this famous geisha district in kimono and visit the old teahouses to learn more about geisha performance and tea ceremonies. 

Not a big fan of your mobile phone battery running low , especially when you are trying to capture all those travel memories in Japan?

Well, make sure to include a portable charger into your Japan travel planner list!

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  • Enjoy local delicacies at Omicho Market – Fill up your tummy with food made from the freshest seafood that you can get from this century-old local market. 
  • Learn more about samurai’s lifestyle in Nagamachi Samurai District – Spend some time exploring this former samurai district where few museums showcase the historic samurai residence and their precious exhibits. 
  • Explore 21st Century Museum – Bombard your IG account with the intrigued Leandro Erlich’s “Swimming Pool” and the interesting architecture of the 21st Century Museum. 

3 weeks in japan itinerary

Travel tip: You can buy One Day Pass from the Tourist Information Centre for US$8 (800 yen) to ride the Kanazawa Loop Bus and other buses for unlimited bus rides within one calendar day.

Consists of Right Loop and Left Loop, the buses will stop at Kanazawa’s main attraction sites and run at every 15 minutes intervals.

Guided Activities In Kanazawa (To Have A Blast!)

Want to explore Kanazawa to the fullest ? Check out these amazing tours:

  • Kanazawa Full Day Tour (With Guide)
  • Kanazawa Cultural Night Walking Tour
  • Izakaya Hop Tour at Kanazawa

Day Trips From Kanazawa : 2 Awesome Options

It is also possible to have a day trip to Shirakawago or Noto Peninsula from Kanazawa on Day 11 of this 3 weeks Japan itinerary.

1. Shirakawago

Shirakawago is a tourist-flocking UNESCO World Heritage site attributed to the traditional farmhouses called gassho-zukuri . Some of these farmhouses are at least 350 years old . 

Apart from observing the unique, sturdy architecture of gassho-zukuri, you can also admire the mesmerising remote mountainous scenery. 

You can sign up for this Shirakawago day trip from Kanazawa where transportation and an English speaking guide are included—which means more relaxing time and less stress planning!

japan 3-week itinerary

2. Noto Peninsula

If you would like to enjoy the coastal view , then it is recommended to have a day trip to the Noto Peninsula . This less touristy site of Japan offers an interesting glimpse into a slower pace of rural resident life. 

Some of the things that you can do in the Noto Peninsula are having an onsen session while looking out on the blue sea, besides experiencing the magnificent view of rice fields during sunset. 

You can sign up for this underrated Noto Peninsula Full Day Driving Tour (Private) that includes stops at several other major highlights in this picturesque peninsula. 

Where To Stay In Kanazawa

Here are some recommended accommodations in Kanazawa that you can consider in your Japan 3 week itinerary: 

  • Budget: HOTEL MYSTAYS , Shaq Bighouse
  • Mid-range: Hotel Intergate , Tokyu Stay Kanazawa
  • Luxury: Kanazawa Sainoniwa Hotel , Mitsui Garden Hotel
  • Ryokan: Sumiyoshiya , Hatori

3 week japan trip itinerary - tatami-floored room at Hatori, Kanazawa

Travel tip: Check out my article on the best onsen ryokan in Kanazawa to stay at to experience the traditional Japanese hospitality and enjoy relaxing onsen dip !

What To Eat In Kanazawa

  • 1. Kabura Zushi

Kabura Zushi is made from a salted turnip, salted buri (yellowtail fish), and koji (fermented rice) . Some even come with carrot slices. 

Among all the stalls in Kanazawa, Shijimaya Honpo is the place that you should go for a piece or more of Kabura Zushi!

This signature dish of Kanazawa is a thick, brothy soy-based dish cooked with sliced duck meat, mushroom, and carrots and topped with wasabi for additional flavours. Can you imagine the richness of the dish already? 

To have the authentic taste of Jibuni , make sure to head over to Yoshihisa .

How To Get To Kanazawa

To get to Kanazawa from Takayama , you can take: 

  • Operator: Limited express trains and shinkansen  
  • Fare: US$60 (6500 yen) one way
  • Duration: 2 hours (Change station at Toyama)

Day 12-14 of japan itinerary 21 days: Kyoto

Your Japan 3 week itinerary will not be complete without a trip to Kyoto , a fascinating city filled with ancient temples, beautiful shrines, and picturesque scenic views of nature. 

Make sure you rest your legs well because there is lots of walking and sightseeing involved from Day 12 to 14 when exploring Kyoto! 

Things To Do In Kyoto

Kyoto is home to 1600 ancient temples so you can expect some popular temple-hopping within three days. 

For a more in-depth post on how to navigate around this beautiful city wearing kimono , places to visit, and useful tips when exploring Kyoto, you can check out this comprehensive Kyoto 2-day itinerary . 

Here are the major highlights to visit in Kyoto: 

  • Visit Kitano Tenmangu Shrine – This ancient wooden shrine is popular among students particularly during the examination period as this famous landmark is dedicated to Shinto God for education.

If you are visiting Kitano Tenmangu Shrine on the 25th of every month , you will get to experience the local flea market known as Tenjin San’s festival too! 

  • Marvel at Kinkaku-ji and Ginkaku-ji – These two stunning temples are among the few temples that you need to visit in Kyoto.

Apart from having impressive building architecture, you can wander around their respective lovely gardens to enjoy the beautiful view and have a peaceful zen moment. 

3 weeks in japan

  • Explore Fushimi Inari Shrine – Get your phone ready by taking countless pictures with the orange torii gates at one of the Instagrammable places in Kyoto . 

Travel tip: Make sure to wear non-slippery shoes if you plan to hike up to the summit of Mt Inari. I slipped and fell and hurt my right knee quite bad 🥺

3 week trip japan - torii gates at Fushimi Inari Shrine

  • Wander around Arashiyama Bamboo Forest – Expect to spend 30 minutes in this dreamy bamboo forest in Kyoto for photo taking and complete the walking trail.   
  • Explore Nijo Castle – Walk around Nijo Castle’s complex grounds and admire the stunning architecture of Karamon Gate.

If you can’t get enough of Japanese gardens, you will be delighted to know that Nijo Castle has two gardens that offer lovely scenic views of trees and ponds. 

  • Geisha spotting at Gion District – Gion is the one place in Kyoto that you need to head over to meet a geisha. To increase the geisha spotting probability, make sure you are in Gion by 5.45 pm. This is the time where geisha will be leaving their home to local tea houses for work. 

Popular Kyoto Food Tours or Cooking Classes To Fill Your Day

One of the best way to immerse into the local culture is through food , either by eating or learning how to cook it.

Check out these interesting Kyoto food tours & cooking classes:

  • Nishiki Market Food Tour
  • Pontocho Evening Food Tour
  • Morning Japanese Bento Cooking Class at Kyoto
  • Kyoto Japanese Izakaya Cooking Class
  • Kyoto Tea Ceremony Experience

If cooking isn’t is your thing, here are other fun tours that you can sign up in Kyoto:

  • Top 11 Kyoto Photography Tours In 2023 (+ Real Reviews!)
  • Best 12 Bike Tours In Kyoto In 2023 (+E-Bike Options!)
  • Top 8 Kyoto Sake Tours (Unique Cultural Insight!) In 2023

Where To Stay In Kyoto

It is best to stay near Kyoto Station or Gion District when in Kyoto. These areas are within walking distance to the major highlights mentioned in this article. 

 Here are some of the accommodation options located near Kyoto Station for your Japan 3 week itinerary:

  • Budget: M’s Hotel Kyoto Station Taruya , Hotel IL Verde Kyoto
  • Mid-range: Mercure Kyoto Station , Sakura Terrace
  • Luxury: Hotel Takasegawa , Hotel Kanra Kyoto
  • Ryokan: Daiya Ryokan , Ohanabo

Travel tip: Read my detailed article on the best ryokan with private onsen in Kyoto if you want privacy when dipping in your private hotspring tub!

3 weeks in Japan - tourists donning in kimono & yukata at Kyoto

What To Eat In Kyoto

1. Kaiseki 

Kaiseki strives for perfect and elegant food presentation and offers a Japanese fine dining experience with multiple small dishes served across a meal. 

If you would like to opt for an affordable kaiseki meal in Kyoto, make sure you visit Kawamura Ryori Hei . 

In Kyoto, wagashi is usually paired with a cup of thick matcha tea to balance the tea bitterness. 

To enjoy the wagashi-matcha tea session with a beautiful garden view, you will need to visit Toraya Karyo Ichijo .

Tip: If you are keen to try out delectable Japanese snacks , check out my comprehensive article on top snacks in Japan and where to get them!

japan itinerary 21 days - some of the traditional Japanese snacks or wagashi at Kyoto

How To Get To Kyoto

To get to Kyoto from Kanazawa , you can take: 

  • Operator: JR Thunderbird Limited Express train
  • Fare: US$64 (7000 yen) one way
  • Duration: 2 hours 
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered  

On Day 15 of the Japan 3 week itinerary, it is time to visit one of the most romantic places in Japan —Nara!

I think most of us think of those free-roaming wild deer when Nara is mentioned. 

Nevertheless, you will find that there are stunning temples and shrines to explore in this ancient city, besides offering impressive sights of cherry blossoms and autumn foliage at local parks and Japanese gardens. 

To know more things to do in Nara, how to navigate around, and local food to try, you can read on my jam-packed Day Trip to Nara Itinerary .  

japan 3-week itinerary

How To Get To Nara

To get to Nara from Kyoto , you can take: 

  • Operator: Miyakoji Rapid Train (JR Nara Line) and limited express train (Kintetsu Kyoto Line)
  • Fare: US$7 (720 yen) vs US$11 (1160 yen) one way
  • Duration: 45 minutes vs 35 minutes
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered for JR Nara Line

It is time to move on to Hiroshima on Day 16 of the Japan 3 week itinerary.  

Exploring Hiroshima will bring a sense of new hope and great resilience to any visitors.

This historic city was once in severe ruins due to the World War II atomic bombing that took place more than 70 years ago. 

Things To Do In Hiroshima

Here are some of the main highlights to visit in Hiroshima during your Japan 3 weeks itinerary: 

  • Visit Peace Memorial Museum – Over here you will get to see the chronology of the bombing and the devastating effect of this significant event on the city and human lives back in 1945. Some of the exhibits and recordings from the atomic bomb survivors might be upsetting to the visitors.   I thought I won’t be crying. I was wrong 🙁
  • Visit A-Bomb Dome (Peace Hiroshima Memorial) – This UNESCO World Heritage site serves as a strong reminder about the destructiveness of atomic weapons. This dome is one of the remaining buildings that were still standing after the eventful incident.

3 week itinerary japan

  • Visit Cenotaph for the A-Bomb Victims – This arched monument serves as the tomb for the demised atomic bomb victims. You can find more than two hundred thousand victim’s names on the register of the chest stone beneath the arch.  
  • Have a stroll at Shukkeien Garden – If you can’t get enough of another tranquil Japanese landscape garden, you will have to make your way to Shukkeien Garden. Tea houses are built around the pond allowing visitors to admire the calm, serene view that this unique garden offers.  
  • Enjoy the stunning city view at Hiroshima Castle – Hiroshima Castle was recently rebuilt as it was thoroughly destroyed during World War II. You can enjoy the scenic panoramic city view from the castle’s top floor. 

Travel tip: Do you know there is tram service in Hiroshima? I didn’t board any tram since I walked to most of the attraction sites but the tram is definitely a unique sight and poses a great photo opportunity!

3 week itinerary japan - tram service at Hiroshima

Unmissable Tours In Hiroshima

Here are some sought-after tours in Hiroshima that you can check out: 

  • Cycling Peace Tour In Hiroshima
  • Hiroshima Bar-Hopping Food Tour
  • Mt. Futaba & Hiroshima History Morning Hiking Tour
  • Full Day Hiroshima/Miyajima Guided Tour

Where To Stay In Hiroshima

Here are the recommended accommodations in Hiroshima during your Japan 3 week visit: 

  • Budget: Sejour Inn Capsule , WeBase Hiroshima
  • Mid-range: Daiwa Roynet Hotel Hiroshima , Mielparque Hiroshima
  • Luxury: Hilton Hiroshima , Y-HOTEL
  • Ryokan: Tenryu Ryokan , Kasuga Ryokan

What To Eat In Hiroshima

  • Hiroshima Okonomiyaki

This savoury dish is native to Hiroshima. It might look similar to Osaka’s version of okonomiyaki but with 2 major differences.

Instead of mixing all the raw ingredients in a batter, the ingredients are fried in layers . Plus, you can find yakisoba noodles in Hiroshima Okonomiyaki .

Of course, you will need to head over to Okonomimura Building to enjoy this local delicacy!

three weeks japan itinerary - Hiroshima Okonomiyaki

Instead of being served in a hot bowl of soup, Tsukemen is the dry version of ramen .

The noodle is eaten with a spicy dipping sauce on another bowl and you get to choose your preferred spiciness level. 

Bakudanya is the place that you need to visit for a bowl of Tsukemen in Hiroshima. 

How To Get To Hiroshima

To get to Hiroshima from Kyoto , you can take:

  • Operator: JR Tokaido/Sanyo Shinkansen
  • Fare: US$100 (11000 yen) for Hikari, Kodama, Sakura trains vs US$105 (11500 yen) for Nozomi train
  • Duration: 2 hours (Indirect) vs 95 minutes (Direct)
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered only for Hikari, Kodama and Sakura trains

Day 17 of japan trip 3 weeks: Miyajima

Make your way to this small yet fascinating island, Miyajima, on Day 17 of Japan 3-week itinerary.

Apart from being one of the IG-famous areas in Japan attributed to the giant floating torii gate, Miyajima has several historical highlights to boast to fellow visitors too—not to forget its local appetising cuisine!

Things To Do In Miyajima

These are the popular places to visit in Miyajima:

  • Visit Itsukushima Shrine and its floating torii gate – Head over to this century-old Shinto shrine and visit its famous torii gate. Remember to check on the sea tides timing if you plan to admire the torii gate up close.

three weeks in japan

  • Enjoy the high-up view at Mount Misen – Hike up to the highest mountain in Miyajima to enjoy the magnificent view of the sea and part of Hiroshima. If you are not into hiking, you can also board the ropeway to get to the observation platform for the sea view. 

Visiting Japan in summer? Get yourself a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes from the strong sunlight (not to mention a cool prop to have for photoshooting!)

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  • Explore Daisho-in Temple – Make your way to one of the important Buddhist temples in the country. You can perform an easy Buddhist ritual by turning the inscription-filled wheels when walking up the stairs. 
  • Admire the wooden structure of Senjokaku Hall – Admire the ancient wooden architecture of 400-year old Senjokaku Hall. Its five-storey pagoda is even more stunning, with at least 600 years of history. If you love looking at centuries-old monuments, you will need to visit Senjokaku.  

Fun-Filled Guided Activities in Miyajima

Looking to spice up your Miyajima travel experience ? Consider booking these activities:

  • Itsukushima Shrine Sea Kayaking Experience
  • Oyster Farm and Itsukushima Shrine Visit
  • Miyajima Rickshaw Tour
  • Miyajima Cultural Experience Workshop

Where To Stay In Miyajima

You can choose to have a day trip to Miyajima from Hiroshima or stay for a night on this beautiful shrine island to experience its peaceful nightlife. 

Here are some recommended places to stay in Miyajima in your Japan 3 week itinerary: 

  • Budget: Miyajima Guest House Mikuniya
  • Mid-range: OUCHI HOTEL Miyajimaguchi
  • Luxury: Aki Grand Hotel & Spa
  • Ryokan: Sakuraya , Kikunoya

Travel tip: If you are interested in watching the dazzling daily illumination of Itsukushima Shrine from a boat cruise, approach your ryokan for reservation. Alternatively, you can enjoy the view by having an evening walking along the trails.  

What To Eat In Miyajima

This saltwater eel is one of the seafood that you need to try in Hiroshima. It is usually grilled and served with rice (anago-meshi) and soy sauce. 

You can get a bowl of freshly prepared anago-meshi at this traditional restaurant, Ueno . 

Oysters are a big deal in Miyajima. Thanks to the many oyster farms on this island, you can see stalls selling grilled, fried, or fresh oysters literally everywhere. 

One of the best places in Miyajima to get your hands on oyster meals is Yakigaki No Hayashi .

How To Get To Miyajima

To get to Miyajima from Hiroshima (pier nearby A-Bomb Dome), you can board: 

  • Operator: Aqua Net 
  • Fare: US$33 (3600 yen) two-way
  • Duration: 45 minutes

It is time to travel to Kurashiki on Day 18 of your Japan 3-week itinerary. 

This hidden gem is characterised by the presence of white walls of the traditional houses and a row of gracefully flowing willow trees lining along the canal that has been built since the Edo Period.  

If you prefer to explore less touristy yet highly cultural places in Japan, you will be glad to include Kurashiki in your Japan itinerary. 

Things To Do In Kurashiki

Here are the main attractions in Kurashiki: 

  • Have a boat cruise along Kurashiki River – This iconic landmark of Kurashiki is unmissable. You can enjoy a traditional wooden boat cruise along the river with a picturesque view of willow trees and traditional residences. Head over to the Kurashikikan Tourist Information Service to get the boat ticket. 

japan 3-week itinerary

  • Admire magnificent artworks at Ohara Museum of Art – Being the first Western art museum in the country, you will get to see numerous priceless European artworks including Picasso’s.

You can easily distinguish this extraordinary museum from other buildings by looking at its cross-culture architecture between Grecian and Japanese styles.  

  • Museum-hopping around the city – Depending on your preference, there are lots of museums to visit in Kurashiki exhibiting different and unique items, such as rural Japanese toys, prehistoric artefacts, and folk crafts.
  • Get your sake dose at century-old Jizake Dotemori – Head over to this historical liquor store specialising in sake and beer in Kurashiki since the 1920s. 
  • Explore Kurashiki Ivy Square – Visit Japan’s first cotton mill in this square. You can also visit the Kurabo Museum that maps out the mill history and related artefacts that are collected over the years since 1888.
  • Denim shopping at Kojima Jeans Street – Explore Japan’s jeans capital birthplace for some jeans related apparel shopping—even international designers visit this place to get a piece of the denim too! 

Tip: If you are keen to design your own pair of jeans , consider getting this one-of-a-kind Jeans Making Workshop at Kurashiki.

Where To Stay In Kurashiki

Here are some recommended places to stay in Kurashiki during your 3 week trip to itinerary: 

  • Budget: Hostel Cuore Kurashiki
  • Mid-range: Green Rich Hotel Kurashiki  
  • Luxury: Kurashiki Royal Art Hotel

How To Get To Kurashiki

To get to Kurashiki from Hiroshima , you can board:

  • Shinkansen and transfer to the local train
  • Operator: JR Tokaido/Sanyo Shinkansen & Sanyo Line 
  • Fare: US$79 (8650 yen) & US$3 (330 yen)
  • Duration: 1.5 hours & 20 minutes 
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered only for Sakura trains

japan travel itinerary 3 week - the interior of one of the shinkansen trains in Japan

The 3 week Japan trip itinerary has almost come to an end. Spend Day 19 at Himeji! 

Himeji is home to UNESCO site Himeji Castle , a spectacular 400-year old Japanese castle that survived any natural or man-made catastrophes. 

Nevertheless, there is more to this city than the beautiful white castle—including breathtaking scenic views of mountains and scrumptious dishes that are native to Himeji.

Things To Do In Himeji

Here are several main highlights in Himeji that you can include in your 3 weeks Japan itinerary: 

  • Explore Himeji Castle – Admire this White Heron Castle’s ancient architecture and interior design. You can also enjoy the beautiful panoramic view of the city from the top floor of one of the most celebrated castles in Japan. If you are looking for a great hanami spot, Himeji Castle is going to be your best bet. 

3 weeks japan itinerary

  • Have a stroll in Kokoen Garden while enjoying the garden view – Have a stroll in Kokoen Garden located next to Himeji Castle. You can also enjoy having a tea session in one of the garden’s teahouses while admiring the view of the trees, flowers, and the fish pond. 
  • Wander around picturesque Mount Shosha – You can visit some of the historical, intricate wooden temple halls such as Maniden (Engyoji Temple) and Mitsuno Do in Mount Shosha.

If the Mitsuno Do halls look familiar to you, that’s because Mount Shosha is a famous shooting location for both local and international films—The Last Samurai was shot over here too!

  • Museum-hopping at Himeji – If spending time inside a museum admiring the artist’s artworks and unusual collection is more like your thing, head over to Himeji City Museum of Art and Japan Toy Museum. The toy museum has an impressive collection of over ninety thousand toys. 

Where To Stay In Himeji

Here are some recommended places to stay in Himeji:  

  • Budget: T abist CapsuleHotel APODS , Shironoshita Guesthouse 
  • Mid-range: Richmond Hotel Himeji , Daiwa Roynet Hotel Himeji
  • Luxury: Hotel Monterey Himeji , Hotel Nikko Himeji

What To Eat In Himeji

1. Chanpoyaki

Chanpoyaki is Himeji’s version of okonomiyaki . 

The base ingredients of this local dish are yakisoba and yaki udon . It is cooked with soy sauce before topped with a generous amount of spring onion on the dish. 

You can head over to Tonton to try on this unique version of okonomiyaki. 

2. Takoyaki 

Himeji also has its own version of takoyaki .

Apart from drizzling the sauce on the takoyaki, you will be given a bowl of dashi soup too to dip on! 

To get a taste of this unique dish, head over to Himeji Tacopy located inside Himeji Grand Festa.

How To Get To Himeji

To get to Himeji from Hiroshima , you can take: 

  • Operator: JR Sanyo Shinkansen
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered only for Kodama and Sakura trains

Day 20-21: Osaka

Spend Day 20 and 21 of your Japan itinerary at this dazzling, neon light-filled metropolitan city—Osaka! 

A modern city that has its own charm, Osaka boasts its ancient historical monuments, appetising local cuisines, vibrant nightlife, and friendly locals —making it a must-visit city for any first-time international visitor.

Since there are plenty of things to do at night in Osaka , you won’t be having a boring travel experience over here!

Things To Do In Osaka

To know more in-depth about things to do and navigating around the city, you can check out my detailed 1 Day Itinerary Osaka . 

Here are the popular sites to visit in Osaka: 

  • Explore Osaka Castle – Learn more about this ancient castle’s history where it was first built in 1583. It is also a popular hanami spot in Osaka. 

3 week trip to japan - the front view of Osaka Castle

  • Admire the panoramic city view at Abeno Harukas – Enjoy the unobstructed panoramic view of this megalopolitan city at the top of the tallest skyscraper in the country. 
  • Visit Shitennoji Temple – Explore one of the oldest temples in Japan and admire the beautiful traditional temple architecture. 

Get yourself pocket Wi-Fi so you can upload those stunning Instagrammable shots of Japan onto your social media accounts instantly! Personally, I used this eSim and the connection was fast and stable throughout my Japan trip.

  • Have a feast at Kuromon Market – Immerse yourself into the local culture by trying out the scrumptious street foods and delicacies sold by local vendors in Kuromon Market. 
  • Explore Shinsekai – One of the best places to enjoy cheap kushikatsu and beer in Osaka. You can also visit Tsutenkaku Tower to enjoy the city view from another different angle.  
  • Wander around Amerika-Mura – Check out Osaka youth’s fashion culture and apparel in this youth-inspired shopping district .
  • Experience the nightlife at Dotonbori – This is where you get to see the IG-famous neon-lighted Glico Running Man in Osaka! Make sure you fill your tummy with the mouth-watering Japanese cuisine in Dotonbori before concluding your Japan itinerary. 

japan 3-week itinerary

Guided Cultural & Food Tours In Osaka

If you would like to explore Osaka with the help of friendly knowledgeable local guides , consider signing up:

  • Osaka Walking Tour
  • Osaka Instagrammable Food Tour
  • Shinsekai Food Tour
  • Osaka Backstreet Night Tour
  • Eat, Drink, Cycle: Osaka Food and Bike Tour

Day Trip From Osaka

Kobe is a popular day trip options from Osaka. Home to one of the largest sake producers in Japan, be sure to make your way to Kikumasamune Sake Museum in Kobe.

Other main highlights include Mount Rokko, Kobe Harborland, Ikuta Shrine , and Hanshin Snack Park .

Where To Stay In Osaka

Here are some recommended accommodation places to stay in Osaka:

  • Budget: Hotel Atarayo Osaka , The Stay Osaka Shinsaibashi
  • Mid-range: Grids Premium Hotel , Hotel The Flag , Toyoko Inn Osaka
  • Luxury: Swissotel Nankai Osaka , Courtyard by Marriott Shin-Osaka Station
  • Ryokan: Imazato Ryokan , Hotel Yu Shu

If you prefer to enjoy a relaxing dip alone or have a more intimate experience with your loved one, consider book one of the Best Osaka Ryokan With Private Onsen !

Toyoko Inn Osaka is probably my favourite hotel in this 3 weeks in Japan itinerary. The room is clean and comes with a bath tub! There are several restaurants nearby and it is located near the subway station. And the breakfast is great too. Can’t recommend this place enough!

3 weeks in japan budget - the bathroom at one of the rooms in Toyoko Inn Osaka near Juso

What To Eat In Osaka

1. Kushikatsu

Kushikatsu is the local’s favourite skewered deep-fried food . There are different types of kushikatsu options available, such as prawns, mushrooms, or even strawberries!

To get your fair share of kushikatsu in Osaka, head over to Kushikatsu Daruma .

Fugu or Japanese blowfish is one of the top dishes that you need to try in Osaka.

three week japan itinerary - fugu sashimi at Kuromon Market

Only prepared by a licensed fugu chef, you can enjoy fugu as sashimi or being deep-fried or grilled. 

Guepin Fugu is the place that you need to visit for a fugu delicacy in this bustling city. 

How To Get To Osaka

To get to Osaka from Himeji , you can take: 

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Japan Rail (JR) pass : Covered only for Hikari, Kodama, and Sakura trains (Not Nozomi)

So here you go—an exciting city-hopping across the country and a fun-filled Japan 3-week itinerary! 

On the next day, you can choose to fly out of the country from Osaka’s international airports or board a shinkansen to Tokyo’s airport instead. 

japan itinerary 21 days - tourists standing in front of Sensoji Temple at Tokyo

Budget For 3 weeks in Japan: The Breakdown

There is no doubt that Japan is among the most expensive South Asian countries to travel around. 

Nevertheless, you can still travel to Japan with a minimal or mid-range budget—provided that you have done the price comparison and pre-book the accommodation and train tickets before reaching Japan. 

Here is the estimated average daily budget for low budget, mid-range, and luxury travellers for 21 days in Japan:

Note: All the estimated prices are in USD currency and for 1 person expenditure only. The figures shown do not include flight tickets, souvenirs, and other miscellaneous spending. 


You can find a hostel for as low as US$20 per night in a smaller city or rural town or U S$45 per night in a metropolitan city such as Tokyo. 

If having a good night sleep is what you prefer when travelling, you can easily find a mid-range budget private room for about US$70 to US$90 per night . 

For better hotel amenities with bigger room space, expect to spend at least US$150 per night . 

You can also get a futon bed at the Japanese styled inn or ryokan , for as low as $45 per night to a whopping US$500 per night. Most of the ryokans offer breakfast and dinner to their guests. 

Note: To check on the different types of accommodation that suit your travel budget, you can surf Booking.com . 

Alternatively, you can also opt for shukubo (temple lodgings) where you get to stay at the temple ground and experience the simple life of Buddhist practitioners. 

Typically, a night at shukubo will cost around US$60 to US$100 . 


One of the money-saving travel passes you need to get for your Japan 3-week itinerary is the JR pass .

JR pass allows international visitors to travel between cities at a shorter time interval by boarding shinkansen—which means more time to cover the visiting areas!

Note: The pass is also valid on JR buses and JR ferries. 

To put your mind at ease, you can book the pass before flying into the country and get it directly at the JR Rail Office once you land. 

Allocate another US$100 for other modes of transportation such as public buses and subways . 

itinerary japan 3 weeks

Japan is a food haven even if you are not a foodie. 

If you plan to indulge in the local cuisine without breaking the bank, you can visit the local food markets and neighbourhood restaurants . 

A serving of takoyaki is typically sold at US$5 whereas a bowl of ramen will cost about US$9 . 

Of course, you can splurge on trying premium food such as Kobe beef or for the great ambience in a fancy restaurant during your 3 weeks Japan visit. 

As such, expect to fork out at least US$200 in exchange for the unique dining experience. 

japan itinerary 21 days

Activities and Entrance Fees

If you are on a low travel budget exploring Japan, you can visit the free entrance attractions such as temples, museums, and gardens . 

But if you want to delve into the fascinating Japanese culture and history through local guided tours throughout your 3 week in Japan trip, consider allocating at least US$250 .

budget for 3 weeks in japan - Ginza Kabukiza

Best Time To Visit Japan

Japan has 4 seasons, offering distinct and unique travel experiences to visitors. 

Each season has its pros and cons . Depending on your travel budget and individual preference, you can refer to the season guide below before planning a trip to Japan: 

Spring (March to May)

If you plan to admire the beautiful pink blossoms of cherry trees while exploring Japan, you will need to visit the country in the spring season. 

However, Japan’s travel in this season is also the busiest and the most expensive month to be. 

Most of the accommodations will be fully booked and some popular hanami spots will be overcrowded with local and international tourists too. 

Summer (June to August)

Summer in Japan is hot and humid, not to forget it is a rainy season too. 

Typhoons are also prevalent in the summer. 

If you prefer to visit the major attractions with lesser crowds , you can consider travelling to Japan in the summer. 

Autumn (September to November)

Another stunning and peak season to visit Japan is during the autumn —to watch the mesmerising fall foliage with the bright red, orangey maple leaves view spanning across the street or park. 

So get your room and entrance tickets booked (to save yourself time from queuing) in advance before visiting Japan. 

japan itinerary 21 days

Winter (December to February)

Winter is the least touristy season in Japan due to its low temperature and cold weather. 

Accommodation is also the cheapest in winter and you get to visit the major attraction places without large crowds. 

Remember to have a fantastic onsen session at a local ryokan or public onsen during this chilly season in Japan.

Travel tip: Winter travel is not for everyone, especially if you have low cold tolerance. Make sure to read my helpful Japan Winter Packing List post so you know what items to bring (plus handy tips!) when visiting Japan in winter.

5 Unique Tips You Should Know When Visiting Japan

1. language  .

Japan’s official language is Japanese . Most Japanese people do not speak fluent English. 

To be safe, read on my best apps for travel to Japan article to learn which translation apps to download before visiting Japan.

2. Internet Connectivity 

three weeks in japan

Getting a local SIM card might come in handy when you need Google Translate or looking for directions to explore outside of the city. 

Alternatively, you can rent a portable wifi device that can be connected to up to 5 mobile phones at the same time—a better option if you are travelling to Japan in a group of people. 

If you are travelling solo, getting an eSim might be more budget friendly. I used this eSim and I had wonderful time exploring Japan alone!

3. Travel Adapter  

The type of sockets you can find in Japan are Type A & B .

So, make sure to bring along a universal adapter before visiting Japan.

japan tour 3 wochen

If you forget to bring one, you can easily buy a universal adapter at the electronic stores.

4. Crowdedness At Popular Attraction Sites

Brace yourself to explore some of Japan’s famous iconic landmarks with hundreds of tourists flocking to the same place. 

If you would like to skip the crowd , you can plan your visit either in the early morning or late evening. 

And even better, book the entrance tickets online in advance to skip the queue and get a better bargain!

You can book the attraction tickets or tours in Japan from:

5. Toilets In Japan

Toilets in Japan’s major cities are so advanced! You might even find it overwhelming looking for the correct flushing button on the panel.

To prevent you from hyperventilating and freaking out in the washroom, here are some crucial Japanese toilet vocab to get familiar with: 

  • 小 : refers to the “small” flush
  • 大 : refers to the “big” flush
  • 音 : a rhythm or music will be played when this button is pressed (to create a sound distraction so that you can answer the nature’s call freely in the cubicle without feeling embarrassed) 

Travel tip: Check out my detailed first time to Japan article to set yourself up for an enjoyable travel experience!

Additional Resources For Planning Japan Itinerary 3 Weeks

If you would like to know more on how to plan a trip to Japan or study its culture before flying over, below are the recommended books :

  • Culture Smart Japan: The Essential Guide to Custom and Culture
  • Moon Japan: Plan Your Trip, Avoid The Crowds and Experience The Real Japan
  • Lonely Planet Japan Guide

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FAQs: 3 Weeks In Japan

Is 3 weeks enough in japan.

Each Japanese cities have its respective highlights, including century-old temples, beautiful castles, tranquil natural splendours, and mouthwatering cuisines—there is always something pleasant for everyone! Therefore, staying for three weeks in Japan is definitely enough to explore and experience the different unique cultures of Japan.

Is 3 weeks in Japan too long?

Not at all. The flight duration to Japan is typically long, so staying in this country for extra days will make your trip more worthwhile. Also, it might be too rush for you to explore all the popular highlights of the major cities within two weeks. Hence, a 3-week stay in Japan is highly recommended .

3 weeks travel in japan - Nishiki Market at Kyoto

How long a foreigner can stay in Japan?

A Japan tourist visa is generally valid for up to 90 days, starting from the day you enter the country. Japan also offers other visas that go up to a maximum of five years. Check your passport and apply for the Japan tourist visa accordingly before flying into Japan.

When should I visit Japan?

Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are typically the better seasons to visit Japan. That’s because you get to admire the stunning scenery of cherry blossom or fall foliage in each respective season. These two seasons are also typically crowded and packed with tourists.

Is Japan an expensive trip?

Averagely, foreign travellers will spend about US$110 (15000 yen) per day in Japan. If you do not have a budget, you can easily spend over that amount. Nevertheless, you can still have a good time exploring Japan even with a lower travel budget.

How much does a 3 week Japan trip cost?

With a minimum budget of US$70 (10 000 yen) for a person/day, you can expect to fork out at least US$1500 (210 000 yen) for a 3 weeks in Japan itinerary. This estimated figure is not inclusive of your incoming and outgoing Japan flight ticket price.

3 weeks in japan - kaiseki dinner at Hatori

Conclusion: 3 Weeks Itinerary Japan 

Here you go—a comprehensive Japan 3 week itinerary that you can rely on for your upcoming Japan trip. 

Japan is a beautiful country that everyone should visit at least once in their lifetime. 

By following this three weeks in Japan itinerary, you are bound to have a wonderful time immersing in the unique cultures of Japan.

You will have a blast checking out the beautiful ancient temples and shrines as you advance from one Japanese city to another.

You will treat your palate to a wide range of  mouth-watering Japanese food  and learn a thing or two about the dish history from the friendly guides.

You get to admire the mesmerising sights of natural splendours, mountainous hills, and hot springs where words are simply not enough to describe their beauty.

So now go book your plane ticket and treat yourself to a three-week trip to Japan.

You deserve it. And you will not regret it!

  • Top 15 Instagrammable Places In Kyoto You Should Not Miss
  • Kyoto 2-Day Itinerary—Epic Guide To Explore Kyoto
  • 1 Day Itinerary Osaka—The Best Itinerary To Explore Osaka In 24 Hours
  • Tokyo Treat Review In 2023: A Quick Read (100% Unbiased)

Asian Countries Travel Expert - Sam Lee Travel

Sam Lee, founder of Sam Lee Travel, is a seasoned traveler with over 10 years of experience exploring various Asian countries. Having lived in Singapore for almost a decade, Sam has developed a deep understanding of the culture, customs, and attractions in the region.

With a passion for outdoor travel adventures and water sports, Sam has helped over 25K readers per month plan their trips around Asia, including off-the-beaten-path destinations, offering helpful travel tips and unfiltered personal travel experience.

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The Perfect Japan 3 Week Itinerary: What You Need to Know

If you’re searching for the perfect Japan 3 week itinerary to help plan your trip, then STOP: you’ve found it.

Tokyo flirts with modern trends; Kyoto is steeped in history. Osaka treats you to budget eats and shopping while Fukuoka is a lesson in humble living. All these unique cities come together to form one of the most popular travel destinations in the world: Japan. 

What I find most enticing about Japan is that every region and every season gifts you with new sights and traditions! It’s impossible to see it all at one go – even if you’re lucky enough to have three weeks to do it – but this 3-week itinerary for Japan will let you sample your fair share. 

Keep in mind that this is a loose itinerary for three weeks in Japan!

Kyoto day trips

You can spend longer in cities you’re interested in or mix around the order for your 3 weeks in Japan. If you’re worried about the cost of transport, the handy JR Rail Pass is a great bargain for intercity travel.

I’ve also clustered activities together on a day-to-day basis based off location, but feel free to play around with your Japan 3 week itinerary. 

How to Spend 3 Weeks in Japan

I’m lucky enough to have spent months in Japan, let me take you through the best 3 weeks in Japan itinerary for the best trip ever.

three weeks in japan

TOKYO: Day 1 – 4

With its high traffic of international flights, Tokyo is the perfect place to start . It’s also a good idea to start with the most expensive city since budgets tend to get tight near the end of trips. This way, you won’t have to worry about running out of money at the end of your Japan 3 week itinerary.

Day 1: Shibuya and Shinjuku

At the heart of Tokyo is Shibuya , the perfect first glimpse of the metropolitan. Sit at a café along Shibuya Crossing to people watch, or hop around the various malls and boutiques.

3 weeks in japan

Next-door Shinjuku is another commercial district full of department stores, shopping malls, restaurants and nightlife options. You can:

Shop at Keio Mall, Mylord, LUMINE , NEWoMan, Marui, SEIBU Shinjuku PePe and more.

Meander through Shinjuku Park’s three distinct areas; the stunning Japanese Garden, manicured French Garden, sprawling English Garden and additional greenhouses. 

Kabukicho ’s famous izakaya houses are a must when it comes to night-time dining.

For bars and clubbing, drop by the LGBT+ friendly Shinjuku ni-chome . If you’re worried about going it alone, or just want some tips and guidance on where to go join the Tokyo Bar Hopping Night Tour in Shinjuku by MagicalTrp! It’s a great introduction to how nights out are done in Japan!

When you’re travelling in Japan and going online,   keep your information safe  with a VPN. This way you can enjoy secure and private access to the internet. With a VPN you can connect to your country’s content (hello Netflix!) and protect your identity online. This is vital for banking to prevent others seeing what you’re doing by sending your data through a proxy so it’s masked. Sounds important hey?

Check out NordVPN for more details.

Day 2: Yanezen, Ueno Park and Asakusa

Yanezen is a charming neighbourhood with the remnants of Edo Tokyo – think cobblestone paths, numerous shrines and wooden shop fronts. I highly recommend a quick walk through Yanaka-Ginza Shopping Street and then a sweep of Nezu Shrine and its mini trail of torii gates.

Follow up with one of Tokyo’s biggest green spaces for your Japan 3 week itinerary. Ueno Park isn’t just for relaxing walks; it’s also home to Ueno Zoo, Tokyo National Museum and the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Art.

3 weeks in japan

Continuing on the artsy, nostalgic trend, head over to Asakusa. Once the merchant hub and red-light district of Edo Tokyo, the district still features traditional styled streets and buildings. Within the area are:

Sensoji Temple in all its vermillion, tiered glory.

Nakamise Shopping Street for Japanese souvenir shopping and cheeky pictures.

Skytree Tower on the other side of Sumida River, within walking distance. The observation deck is worth visiting; you’ll come down with a camera roll full of panoramic shots.

Join the Asakusa Cultural Walk & Matcha Making Tour by MagicalTrp! You can discover the history and traditions of the old town in Asakusa.

How about staying in a capsule hotel in Tokyo while you’re there, or maybe, a maid cafe? Lots of things to think about when you’re planning a Japan trip.

Day 3: Tsukiji, Tokyo Tower, Harajuku

If you are willing to wake up early, grab some fresh sashimi rice bowls at Tsukiji Fish Market first thing. You might not be able to witness the legendary tuna auctions anymore, but the generational restaurants here are an amazing sight to see. The fish market is one of the most popular things to do in Tokyo .

You could join the Tsukiji Fish Market Walking Food Tour in Tokyo by MagicalTrp! to explore Tsukiji Fish Market and taste fresh seafood as you go. Always good to have someone who knows what they’re doing around!

3 weeks japan

Next up is Tokyo Imperial Palace , just a short walk from the iconic Tokyo Station. Explore the grounds or sign up for a guided tour so you can catch a glimpse of the Emperor’s residences.

Tokyo Tower is for those who didn’t get to go up Skytree Tower. Not only is it a shining red beacon, it’s also a great observation deck.

Other iconic Tokyo sites include Yoyogi Park and adjacent Meiji Shrine. Pray for health and fortune at the latter before leaving the leafy respite for noisy Harajuku on the other side of the tracks. Harajuku is fashion heaven! If you’re a fan of eccentric styles or simply want to experience all that Japanese fashion has to offer, this is the best shopping district there is. It’s one of the most unique places to see in Tokyo.

Day 4: Disneyland

End your Tokyo visit with a full day at Disneyland and DisneySea ! Hands down the best Disney experiences I’ve ever had, fit for both families and young-at-heart adults. When I visited it was the opening of the new Frozen parade – loved it! It’s even more bonkers than the American one, and everyone dresses up too!

KANAZAWA: Day 5 – 7

Historical and moody Kanazawa is a break from Tokyo’s modern eccentricities for your 3 weeks in Japan. Plan to arrive in Kanazawa before noon so you check off all these area attractions!

japan itinerary 3 weeks

The tea house district and samurai district are Kanazawa’s gatekeepers to tradition. Beautiful wooden frame houses have been transformed into shops that sell traditional handicrafts and other cultural goodies. You can also sign up for craft making classing or tea ceremonies for that dose of cultural experience.

Take a day trip to Takayama for more historical architecture! I love walking down the narrow streets and feeling the nostalgic vibe. A must on your three weeks in Japan.

Shirakawago is another postcard-landmark – a mountain village known for its clasped palms’ thatched roofs. It’s absolutely stunning in the winter, like a world of its own.

I haven’t gone there personally, but Kaga Onsen Village is a hot-spring getaway guaranteed to rejuvenate!

OSAKA: Day 8 – 11

Osaka, while developed like Tokyo, is a lot more laidback and friendly. Enjoy the mix of historical attractions and plenty of indulgent eating. I love Osaka and have quite a few dedicated blog posts on it – see the links below.

Osaka is a definite must on any Japan 3 week itinerary. I’ve listed some of the highlights below, but you could also join a 4-Hour Osaka Highlights Bike Tour with Lunch by MagicalTrp! which also includes cycling around the magnificent Osaka castle area.

three weeks in japan

H ow about booking a ryokan in Osaka , with a private onsen? Most of these are a train ride out of the city, and for that you’ll get some peace and tranquility after your day of sightseeing.

Day 8: Osaka Castle, Museums and the Dotonbori

Start your Osaka leg at Osaka Castle , the center-piece of Osaka’s history. Once the base of imperial rule (under the Tokugawa clan), the remaining structures include walled defenses, a moat, citadels and a beautiful main building. 

To enrich this tour experience, continue onto the Osaka Museum of History for a more detailed lesson! It’s fascinating to hear and read about the city’s transformation.

I’ve always enjoyed more interactive historical displays, which is why the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living caught my eye. It doesn’t just tell you how the streets and districts developed; there are actual street replicas and costumes so you can step back in time!

2 days in Osaka

Foodie or not, Dotonbori is your next destination. Blocks of covered streets are dedicated to authentic Osakan cuisine – from Takoyaki to okonomiyaki to ramen stalls and wester-styled cafés. You can spend hours eating here. This Osaka Local Foodie Tour in Dotonbori and Shinsekai by MagicalTrp! features many of Osaka’s must-eat foods.

Walk off your food baby with kilometers-long Shinsaibashi . This shopping street is nothing you’ve experienced before. Independent boutiques, thrift stores, small eateries, budget and branded buys line the covered walkways. You can shop the newest trends at reasonable prices; maybe even buy an extra suitcase for your purchases.

To round off your day, pamper yourself at Spa World . Alongside themed hot spring pools are deep massage and skin treatments. You deserve some relaxation on your 3 weeks in Japan.

Day 9: Umeda, Shinseki & a River Cruise

If you’re still experiencing shopping fever, wake up with a visit to Umeda. I like to call it the “hub of all hubs” because of how all the train lines pass through the station. Another reason is because it is a mecca of shopping malls. Yodobashi Camera is your go-to for electronics and home goods; EST, Lucua and Umeda station’s underground shopping streets are best for street wear. You may also want to hit up Umeda Sky Building for its gorgeous and unusual garden observatory.

Alternatively, Nipponbashi Denden Town is the retro persona of Osaka. Hunt down geeky merch like limited edition models and posters, or buy cheap gadgets to bring home. 

Colorful, neon-striped Shinsekai is just next door so walk over to check out its futuristic vibes. Tsutenkaku Tower , while not modern by any means, was a pop cultural hit back in the 1900s because it captured what a technological future looked like those days.

Kuromon Market

For lunch or an afternoon treat, you’ll want to be at Kuromon Market . This specialty market has been around for generations, composed of narrow walkways lined with stalls. They specialise in traditional sweets, skewers and seafood so you definitely won’t be going hungry! You can also pick up some souvenirs for people back home. There’s some great Japanese food to try here .

Given enough time, make your way to one of Japan’s oldest shrines: Sumiyoshi Taisha . Built in the 3 rd century, it shows off an elegant and unusual architecture – straight roofs, forked finials and bright red everything. Within the estate is the beautifully arched Sorihashi Bridge; it’s the setting of a legend or two. 


End your day with an Osaka River Cruise . What’s better than a light drink and nibbling on snacks as you drift past brightly illuminated landmarks?

Day 10: Universal Studios and Osaka Aquarium

Universal Studios Japan is awesome!

This full-day itinerary will bring you around rides like Space Mountain and Backdraft to the exciting Harry Potter World . Hogsmeade appears in the flesh so you can buy your wand and a butterbeer to celebrate. Then you’re welcome to head up to Hogwarts for a thrilling Hippogriff ride.

Keep in mind when you’re planning a Japan trip that the new Nintendo World has just opened here too!

drinking butterbeer osaka

If you finish early, Osaka Aquarium is just a bridge away. Explore more worlds, this time underwater, or take a spin on the Tempozan Giant Ferris Wheel . 

You can find out all the other day trips from Osaka in this blog post. And see how to have an amazing 24 hours in Osaka too, if you want it all timed.

Day 11: Visit Kobe

Aside from Tokyo, Osaka is another great base for people who like day trips.

Kyoto, Kobe and Nara are all within train’s reach – in fact, Kobe can be reached in approximately half an hour. Take the Hankyu line to this port city for a fascinating, hilly day of exploration. Some things to see and do on your three weeks in Japan include:

  • Climbing up Mount Rokko for both reviews and hilltop restaurants.
  • Climbing to the top of Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge.
  • Or, admiring panoramic city views from Kobe Port Tower.
  • Scouring Kobe Harborland for prime entertainment and shopping.
  • Eating out at the historic Chinese hub of Nankin-machi.
  • Visiting Kobe Nunobiki Herb Gardens for a dash of nature.

Sunset views of Kobe Tower

I spent an awesome day in Kobe , and one of the best things I did there was to eat KOBE BEEF at the Kobe Meriken Park Hotel. Honestly, if you have the money, it’s an absolute taste sensation you’ll never be able to replicate.

Just watch this video…

KYOTO: Day 12 – 14

One of the most culturally rich cities in the world, Kyoto is a must on any 3 week itinerary for Japan. You can taste its history (literally – thanks to the multitude of traditional eateries) and spend hours unravelling the stories behind its gorgeous architectures. 

three weeks in japan

Day 12: Just eat and drink your way round

Arrive in Kyoto via Hanku Express train; it’s less than an hour away from Osaka for your convenience! The Ramen Street above Kyoto JR Station is worth a visit. It features ramen from all corners of Japan, from butter-based broth to rich pork bone soup.

Make Teramachi Shopping Arcade and Nishiki Market your first downtown stops. The former is another covered shopping street with cute small shops and unique animal cafés. A few twists and turns later, you’ll find yourself at the latter – seafood restaurants call in customers while housewives shop for new kitchen tools.

Dressing up as a Geisha girl

Meander your way towards your first sample of Kyoto tradition at Gion district . Geishas , traditional Japanese performers and entertainers, still live within these cobble-stone streets. Brick and wood make up the shell of traditional restaurants, and a great backdrop for photos. In fact, I actually dressed up as a Geisha while I was there, and walked around. It was fun, but a tad weird by myself. The area is particularly atmospheric during sunset and evening, so make it here in time for dinner.

In the evening, you could sign up for the Kyoto Bar Hopping Nightlife Tour in Pontocho by MagicalTrp! This way you get to go on a pub crawl through the hidden local izakaya bars & eateries in Pontocho at night.

Or, you could join Dinner with Maiko in a Traditional Kyoto Style Restaurant Tour and journey into mysterious world of Maiko in Gion, Kyoto. Both sound like fab ways to get to know the local evening culture.

Day 13: all the Kyoto temples and shrines!

You’re free to visit as many temples and shrines as you can on your day in Kyoto, but I definitely recommend these legendary names:

Kiyomizu-dera Temple for its gentle, uphill trinkets street and elevated pagoda. Pray for love and success while dressed in a kimono for photoshoot purposes!

photos of kyoto golden pavilion

Kinkakuji , a Buddhist temple known for its gold-leaf covered building and surrounding rock garden.

Ginkakuji , another famous temple that features a serene strolling garden and “silver” pagoda.

Fushimi Inari-taisha Shrine for its fall aesthetics. A long, riveting train of vermillion torii gates trail up into the mountains for breath-taking views. 

There are lots of great day trips from Kyoto to consider for your 3 weeks in Japan too.

Day 14: Arashiyama

Set off for Arashiyama , a beautiful space just beyond the borders of central Kyoto. Togetsu-kyo Bridge acts like a portal into this “island”-like neighborhood, complete with its own set of temples. Some must-sees include:

Japan for 3 weeks

  • Bamboo Groove and its people-pulled carts.
  • Tenryuji Temple for its dramatic dragon statues.
  • Kameyama-koen Park is a great respite away from the crowds.
  • Okochi-Sanso Villa for more outstanding mountain views and pleasant tea spot.
  • Katsura Rikyu Imperial Villa for its historical worth and natural surroundings.
  • Gioji Temple for those who haven’t had enough of temples yet.

If you want to explore the forest with someone who knows more about it than I do, why don’t you join the Kyoto Arashiyama Bamboo forest & Garden Half-Day Walking Tour by MagicalTrp! You could travel deeper into Arashiyama’s villa landscapes, beautiful Japanese gardens, and enjoy the bamboo forest with a local guide.

Check out these facts about Japan to give you more background and context to your trip. Number 8 is a bit of a shocker, and number 9 actually!


History isn’t all about beauty – sometimes we have to be reminded of the tragedy too when you’re planning a Japan trip. Take a trip to Hiroshima to learn about Japan’s wartime losses. To lift your spirits, follow up with a few hours at Miyajima.

Hiroshima is always a popular choice for anyone visiting Japan for 3 weeks.

Day 15: Hiroshima Peace Museum

Instead of the usual train ride, consider taking a bus into Hiroshima so you get a glimpse of Japan’s green countryside. 

Japan 3 weeks

Hiroshima Peace Museum & Park is an essential Japan itinerary item, if only so that we pay proper respects for those lost to war. It was built in commemoration of those who died during the bombing of Hiroshima in WWII. While its exhibitions can be unsettling, the museum is an important memorial and an even more important lesson about peace.

For more historical relics, visit the A-bomb Dome . 

I recommend taking it slow in the afternoon, perhaps going to a bathhouse and soaking away the grimness of the morning. You can join Hiroshima Peace (Heiwa) Walking Tour at World Heritage Sites and gain insights into Hiroshima’s past, present and future from Hiroshima locals.

Day 16: Miyajima & Momijidani Park

Dedicate a day on your Japan 3 week itinerary to the beauty of tradition after your emotionally gruelling day yesterday! Itsukushima Island , or Miyajima , is home to the vibrant Itsukushima Shrine . Take a ferry over and look for its giant floating torii gate – get your cameras ready.

If you’re lucky, you might even witness a traditional Japanese wedding.

3 weeks in japan

Once you’re done asking for blessings and drawing your fortune, Momijidani Park , which is right below Mount Misen, is another unmissable sight. Over 200 maples cover the valley park, making for a stunning watercolour of fall. 

You could join the Miyajima Half-day Trip Historical Walking Tour by MagicalTrp! to take a cultural highlights tour of the beautiful Miyajima island in Hiroshima with a guide, and other travellers.

Next, hit up the Mount Misen Walking Trails . This slow, winding walk is best enjoyed at your own pace. There’s no hurry to reach the peak; the views will wait for you. If walking isn’t for you, take the cable car up top.

Day 17: Hiroshima Castle

More history awaits at Hiroshima Castle . Like most Japanese castles, it comes with a defensive moat and citadels around the corners. Explore the quaint estate and its attached museum to learn more about the city.

japan for 3 weeks

Before you leave Hiroshima, drop by Shukkeien garden for its unique ponds and bridges. There’s a traditional tea room inside so you can sit and appreciate the views. It’s especially beautiful during cherry blossom period.

If you have time to spare, quickly scour through the adjacent Art Museum . 

Set off for Kyushu to complete your Japan 3 week itinerary!

KYUSHU: Day 18 – 21

Like Kanazawa, Kyushu is a free-for-all. Located at the southwestern-most part of Japan’s main islands, it’s known for its natural attractions and historical cities. In fact, you’ll find active volcanoes, natural hot springs, interesting museums and cosy towns. 

japan for 3 weeks

Fukuoka is the main city of Kyushu, home to one of the largest shopping complexes in Japan: Canal City . Had enough of shopping? I suggest visiting the spiritual and quiet spaces like Dazaifu Tenmangu , Kushida Shrine and waterside Ohori Park . You can also take a ferry to Nokonoshima Island , where its sprawling park takes two to three hours to cover!

Hike up Sakurajima or Mount Aso , both active volcanoes with stunning terrain. If you want an active adventure for your 3 weeks in Japan, then give this a go.

Beppu is a coveted hot springs town – you can bask in hot springs from dawn to dusk.

For something unexpected, Huis Ten Bosch is a theme park which replicates a Dutch town. Definitely not something you’d expect to see!

To round off the list with something mystical, I present Kinrin Lake – shiver through the morning mists as you stroll around its perimeter. 

More places to visit in Japan

Hope you’ve enjoyed this 3 week itinerary for Japan. If you have even more time in Japan, or want to swap out some of the fun Japan activities I’ve suggested, then here are a few more ideas for you.

me and osaka

How about staying at a temple in Koyasan ? Or the Rainbow Park Summit in Fukui is one of the most impressive things I’ve ever seen in Japan. There are lots of fun things to do in Shiga , and plenty of activities around Lake Biwa too.

Seriously, you can have a lot of fun in Japan in 3 weeks, and I hope you do!


japan itinerary 3 weeks

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Hi, I'm Vicky! I wrote this. You can find me on all the social media @VickyFlipFlop. I love a bit of adventure, will try anything once, and have a strong passion for the local food and drink, whatever it may be. I'm here to help inspire you to travel to places a little out of your comfort zone, or at least to explore the usual destinations in a different way. Stay, have a look around, and if you have any questions – let me know below.

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japan tour 3 wochen

3 Week Japan Itinerary (Best Local Sights And Tips)

Do you need a 3 week Japan itinerary?

Are you intrigued by the bright lights of Tokyo or the serenity of Japanese bamboo forests? Planning a trip to Japan but don’t know where to start?  Fret not, for this 3 week Japan itinerary will guide you!

Traveling to Japan can seem intimidating at first. The culture is incredibly unique, and the country itself is made up of 6852 islands. This means Japan has so much to offer – from big city life, charming ancient villages to breathtaking natural wonders. 

You could easily spend three weeks in Japan, and it might still not be enough!

The right Japan travel itinerary for 3 weeks will allow you to experience a bit of everything. 

WWB Writer Alea has created an epic 3 week Japan itinerary which includes the must-see highlights, while also exploring some off-the-beaten-track places:

Day 1 – 4: Tokyo 

  • Day 5 – 6: Lake Kawaguchiko at The Five Fuji Lakes

Day 7 – 9: Nagano, Yudanaka, Matsumoto 

Day 10: kanazawa, day 11 – 13: kyoto, day 14: nara, day 15 – 17: osaka.

  • Day 18 – 19: Hiroshima, Miyajima

Day 20 – 21: Fukuoka


Some of the links on here are affiliate links and I may earn if you click on them, AT NO EXTRA cost to you. Hope you find the information here useful! Thanks

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  • Epic 1 Day Itinerary In Osaka
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The Best 3 Week Japan Itinerary 

3 week japan itinerary

  • Experience the bustling Shibuya Crossing and iconic Hachiko Statue
  • Visit Yoyogi Park and Meiji-jingu Shrine
  • Submerge yourself in Japanese pop culture at Harajuku
  • Go to Shinjuku for great views at the Tokyo Metropolitan Observatory
  • Experience Tokyo nightlife at Memory Lane (Omoide Yokocho) and Golden Gai
  • Explore Japanese culture at The Imperial Palace
  • Watch a once-in-a-lifetime show at The Robot Restaurant
  • Eat your heart out at Tsukiji Outer Market
  • Visit Asakusa for Tokyo Skytree and the historic Sensoji Temple
  • Go to Odaiba for a fun immersive experience at TeamLab Borderless
  • Go to Akihabara for the latest in electronics and Japanese anime
  • Watch a Sumo match
  • Go Park Hyatt’s New York Bar for a movie star experience

Tokyo is the natural place to start a Japan three week itinerary as most international flights will arrive at either Narita International Airport or Haneda Airport.

Shibuya is home to the city’s iconic Shibuya Crossing , as well as a myriad of attractions, food, drinks, and shopping. 

This makes Shibuya a great place to stay during your trip to Tokyo. 

Visit the Hachiko Statue at the exit of Shibuya Station that’s dedicated to the famously loyal dog , and of course, don’t forget to take a photo in the middle of the bustling Shibuya Crossing!

A short walk away from Shibuya is Yoyogi Park , a huge green lung that offers a nice respite from the crowds. If you happen to be there on a Sunday, watch out for the rockabilly dance crew who dance to 1950s rock and roll while dressed up like Elvis. 

On the edge of the park is the Meiji-jingu Shrine , a grand shrine that was built in 1920 as a memorial to the country’s first modern-day rulers. 

Harajuku is another quintessentially Tokyo area that you shouldn’t miss. 

A stroll along Harajuku’s main street Takeshita Street will open your eyes to the latest Japanese pop culture and teenage fashion trends. 

While you’re there, line up at one of the many crepe stores for some famous Harajuku crepes, or visit a cat cafe ! 

Head to Shinjuku for towering skyscrapers, vibrant nightlife, and bright neon lights. 

Visit the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building Observatory for a free birdseye view of the city. Then spend your evening exploring Memory Lane (Omoide Yokocho) and Golden Gai, atmospheric little alleyways crammed with tiny yakitori restaurants and bars. 

Other attractions to visit in Tokyo:

  • The Imperial Palace is located on beautiful large grounds. Guided tours are free, but pre-registration is required . 
  • The Robot Restaurant is a flashy, over-the-top live show with laser lights, loud music, and dancing robots. It may be touristy, but it’s a once-in-a-lifetime, only-in-Japan experience. Pre-booking tickets online tend to be cheaper than buying at the door. 
  • Go to Tsukiji Outer Market on an empty stomach and feast on the freshest sashimi you’ll ever eat. 
  • Spend an afternoon in the Asakusa area – Tokyo Skytree provides spectacular views 365 days a year (tickets start at ¥1100 or about USD 10 for adults ); the Sensoji temple is a beautiful ancient Buddhist temple that will take you back to a time bygone.
  • Visit TeamLab Borderless , an interactive visual art exhibition that will blow your mind (and your Instagram feed). Tickets have to be pre-booked online . While you’re in Odaiba, take a ride on the giant Ferris wheel or stroll along the Rainbow Bridge. 
  • Head to the electronic district of Akihabara if you’re a video game or manga fan! This area is also known for its maid cafes , where you get served by waitresses dressed as (yup, you guessed it) maids. 
  • Watch a sumo match live. If your trip doesn’t coincide with tournament dates, you can still take a guided tou r to catch the morning sumo practice sessions.
  • If you’re feeling fancy, channel your inner Scarlett Johansson at the Park Hyatt’s New York Bar , where the Oscar-winning Lost in Translation was filmed . It’s located on the 52nd floor, providing magnificent views and live jazz music. 

Day 5 – 6: Lake Kawaguchiko at The Fuji Five Lakes

3 week japan itinerary

  • Watch the sunrise over Mt. Fuji
  • Take the Mt. Fuji Panoramic Railway for panoramic views
  • Climb up to Chureito Pagoda
  • Stay in a Ryokan with hot spring baths

No trip to Japan will be complete without visiting the iconic Mt. Fuji . This will be the next stop on our Japan 3 week itinerary. 

Most people visit Mt. Fuji via a day trip from Tokyo to Hakone. 

However, Mt. Fuji is famously shy, so a quick day trip may not guarantee a sighting. The Fuji Five Lakes region is right at the base of Mt. Fuji, promising closer and clearer views. 

Spending a night there also means you’ll get to enjoy the stunning area without rushing. The best views of Mt. Fuji tend to be right after dawn or in the early morning. 

Lake Kawaguchiko is the most accessible of the five lakes, with direct buses and trains available from Tokyo. Once you’ve reached Lake Kawaguchiko, you can take the Red Line Sightseeing Bus ( 1500 Yen or about USD 14 for a 2 day unlimited pass) to explore:

  • A must-do in the area is the Mt. Fuji Panoramic Ropeway . 

The cable car ascends to an observation deck near the peak of Mt. Tenjo more than 1000m above sea level, promising panoramic views of Mt. Fuji. You can choose to hike back down, which should take about 40 minutes. 

  • The Chureito Pagoda is a beautiful five-story shrine and peace memorial located on a mountainside. Getting to the top requires a steep climb of almost 400 steps , but it’s well worth it as it has one of the best views of Mt. Fuji! 
  • If you want to make the most of your overnight stay at Lake Kawaguchiko, you could consider staying at a ryokan . These are traditional Japanese inns where you’ll get to experience true Japanese culture. 

As Lake Kawaguchiko is an area with natural hot springs, many ryokans in the area come with private onsens , or natural hot spring baths. Imagine taking a dip in a hot bath with open-air views of the mountainside and lakes!

Perfect addition to your 3 week Japan itinerary!

3 week japan itinerary

  • Watch a traditional ceremony at Zenkoji Temple
  • Play with snow monkeys at Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park
  • Literally submerge yourself in Japanese hot bath culture at Shibu Onsen Village
  • Experience history at Matsumoto Castle

From Lake Kawaguchiko, you will head back towards Tokyo where you’ll hop onto the Hokuriku Shinkansen train for Nagano. 

Nagano is a laid-back small city that is also known as the entrance point to the Japanese Alps. 

Nagano is less touristy than the previous stops on our 3 week Japan itinerary, so this is a fantastic way to experience a more intimate side of Japan. 

There are still plenty of interesting attractions in the surrounding area, making Nagano the perfect base for day trips:

  • In the city itself is Zenkoji Temple , a famous pilgrimage site that is one of Japan’s most important temples. It is known for its hidden Buddha statue from the 7th century, a replica of which is only shown to the public once every six years. If you’re an early bird, you can witness the monks conducting an ancient morning prayer ceremony at sunrise every morning.  
  • The Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park in Yudanaka is about a one-hour bus ride away from Nagano city. I don’t know if you’ve ever felt the need to watch snow monkeys bathe in hot springs, but…. Why wouldn’t you? 
  • There are also public bathhouses (for humans) nearby in Shibu Onsen village if you get inspired by the monkeys and want to experience a hot spring bath yourself. Japanese onsen water has high mineral content that is said to be beneficial for your skin and overall health . 
  • Matsumoto Castle is another must-see in the region. It is about an hour away from Nagano city via direct train, making it an easy day trip. Matsumoto Castle is Japan’s oldest castle as it still retains its original wooden structure. You can easily transport yourself back to the days of the samurai and ninja. 

Japan travel itinerary for 3 weeks

  • Relax in the beautiful Kenroku-en Garden
  • Visit Kanazawa Castle
  • Pretend you’re a ninja at Myoryuji Temple
  • Take a step back into the past at Nagamachi Samurai District  
  • Explore Higashi Chaya and visit a  tea house
  • Stop by at Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum
  • Take a food tour and visit Omicho Fish Market

From Nagano, jump back onto the shinkansen train for the next stop on our three week Japan itinerary – the charming and historic Kanazawa .

Kanazawa was not affected by the bombings during WW2, so it is one of the best-preserved old cities in Japan. It is known for its arts and crafts, samurai heritage, and world-famous cuisine:

  • Visit Kenroku-en Garden . Designed by the reigning samurai family over hundreds of years, it is often recognized as one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens. It is especially popular during the cherry blossom season in spring or when the leaves change in autumn. 
  • Across from the gardens is Kanazawa Castle , home to the Maeda family that ruled the area. It has been restored in recent years and is free to visit.
  • If you’re fascinated by ninjas, you must pay a visit to Myoryuji Temple , also known as the Ninja Temple. It has hidden tunnels, secret rooms, traps, and a labyrinth of corridors – perfect for making your 10-year-old Ninja Kid dreams come true. Pre-bookings are required. 
  • Understand samurai culture at Nagamachi Samurai District . The area has been preserved to look like how it did during the Edo era, with cobbled alleyways and earth-tiled houses. Visit the Nomura Clan Samurai House , which was the actual home of a wealthy samurai family.  
  • Take a walk through the old Geisha district of Higashi Chaya . Two tea houses are still operating, Ochaya Shima and Kaikaro , allowing you a glimpse into how geishas lived and worked. 
  • Kanazawa has been known for its production of gold leaves since the 16th century. Artisans continue practicing the ancient craft to this day, and you’ll be able to see gold leaf shops throughout the city. Visit the Kanazawa Yasue Gold Leaf Museum to understand the history, process, and symbolism behind this art. 
  • As a coastal town, Kanazawa is known for its incredibly fresh seafood, so don’t forget to indulge in some snow crab and fresh sushi! You may also opt to take a guided food tour that includes visiting the local Omicho Fish Market. 

three week Japan itinerary

  • Hike up the iconic orange gates of  Fushimi Inari Shrine
  • Visit Arashiyama for the surreal Bamboo Grove and Togetsukyo Bridge
  • Be amazed at the beautiful Kinkaku-ji Golden Pavillion  
  • Take a step back in time while exploring Higashiyama and Gion
  • Stroll along the The Philosopher’s Path to Ginkaku-ji
  • Experience a traditional tea ceremony

Kyoto is Japan’s cultural capital and a must on any 3 weeks Japan itinerary. The Limited Express JR Thunderbird train will take you directly from Kanazawa to Kyoto along a scenic coastal route.

In many ways, Kyoto perfectly represents a blend of old and modern Japan. It may be a bit touristy, but Kyoto’s heritage and natural beauty mean it’s worth taking a few days to truly experience the city’s charms:

  • Fushimi Inari Shrine is home to the iconic orange torii gates of Kyoto. It is a magical experience to wander through the seemingly endless path of more than 5000 gates. The 4km hike up to the summit takes 2-3 hours but is completely worth the view!
  • Arashiyama is an area slightly on the outskirts of Kyoto and known for its beautiful Bamboo Grove . Be sure to go early as it can get pretty crowded (you want to be able to take some nice photos without a horde of tourists in the background!). Then take a stroll along the district’s charming streets until you reach the picturesque riverside and the famed Togetsukyo Bridge . 
  • Kinkaku-ji is Kyoto’s famous Golden Pavilion, and can be visited in the afternoon after Arashiyama. The entire top floors of the temple are covered in gold leaves, and its sprawling grounds make for a stunning view. 
  • Higashiyama and Gion are historic neighborhoods right in the heart of Kyoto. Wander along the narrow lanes and explore the wooden shops and many temples. Alternatively, you could sign up for a free walking tour to better understand the historical context of the area. 
  • The Philosopher’s Path is a beautiful 2km stone path alongside a canal, named after a famous Japanese philosopher who would walk this path on his way to university. It starts near the Silver Pavilion, Ginkaku-ji . The Philosopher’s Path is particularly popular in spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, but it also makes a pleasant afternoon stroll any time of the year. 
  • While we might think of tea as just another cuppa to get us through the afternoon, tea ceremonies are a whole sophisticated ritual in Japan. And Kyoto is at the heart of Japanese tea ceremony culture. There are several tea houses in Kyoto trying to preserve this culture, and it is worth attending one to experience this magical ritual firsthand. 

3 weeks in Japan itinerary

  • Feed the deer at Nara Park
  • See the giant Buddha statue at Todai-ji Temple
  • Explore traditional Buddhist art at Kofukuji Temple

Nara is a relaxed little old town that was Japan’s first permanent capital. It’s very easy to get to via train, so many people opt to visit Nara as a day trip from Kyoto or Osaka. However, you can also choose to spend the night there as another stop along your 3 weeks in Japan itinerary:

  • Nara Park is famous for having more than 1000 free-roaming deers. The deers used to be considered sacred, and today they have been classified as national treasures. You can buy crackers to feed the deers, and they’re known to bow back at visitors who bow to them!
  • Todai-ji Temple is famous for its giant 15m high Buddha statue, said to be the world’s largest bronze Buddha statue. 
  • Kofukuji Temple and its adjacent Kofukuji National Treasure Hall are historical monuments filled with ancient Buddhist art. 

three weeks in Japan itinerary

  • Experience the bright neon lights and buzz of Dotonbori
  • Eat all the Osaka street food your stomach can fit
  • Visit Shinsekai to be transported to a retro era
  • Explore Osaka Castle
  • Let your inner child out at Universal Studios Japan and The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

After experiencing the more traditional parts of Japan, we’re heading to the vibrant and bustling metropolis of Osaka !

 Osaka is often dismissed as being Tokyo’s brasher, louder little sister, but it has its own character that shouldn’t be missed on a three weeks in Japan itinerary. 

Osaka is well known for its street food, shopping, and vibrant nightlife:

  • Dotonbori is Osaka’s main shopping and food arcade that is also famous for its vibrant neon billboards. Visit at night and don’t miss out on the iconic Glico Running Man and moving gigantic crab signs (you’ll know it when you see it). Then get some takoyaki balls from a street vendor to snack on while you absorb the sights and sounds around you. 
  • Osaka is known for its down-to-earth and affordable but delicious cuisine, so don’t miss out on trying kushikatsu (deep-fried skewers of seafood or meat) and okonomiyaki (grilled savory pancakes filled with cabbage and meat). Visit Kuromon Market for freshly grilled seafood and other food prepared on the spot for you – it’s not known as “Osaka’s Kitchen” for nothing!
  • Shinsekai is a quirky little neighborhood known as the “Retro District”. It was modeled after Paris and New York’s Coney Island in the Post-war era, and its colorful retro shop fronts give off a sense of old Osaka. 
  • Osaka Castle is a symbol of the city and is considered one of the great castles of Japan. It is set in sprawling grounds, so one option is to take a bike tour to explore the whole area.
  • Less than 30 minutes away from Osaka is Universal Studios Japan , one of the country’s best theme parks. It’s well known for being home to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter , so if you’re a Potterhead this is a must-do! 

Day 18 – 19: Hiroshima and Miyajima

three weeks in Japan itinerary

  • Pay homage to the memories of the past at Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park and Museum
  • Visit Miyajima for the iconic Itsukushima Shrine
  • Take the Miyajima Ropeway for stunning views

Less than 2 hours away from Osaka via the shinkansen is Hiroshima . You may recognize the name from the horrific atomic bombing that happened during WW2, but Hiroshima has now rebuilt itself into a thriving city:

  • The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is a huge tranquil park dedicated to the memory of those who perished in the war. At the center of the park is the Atomic Bomb Dome, which is the remains of a building that survived the bombing. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum is located within the park to document the atrocities and aftermath of the bombing.
  • Miyajima is a small island that’s a quick ferry ride away from Hiroshima that makes for a great day trip. It is famous for the Itsukushima Shrine that has an iconic floating gate out on the sea. You can also take the Miyajima Ropeway up to Mount Misen for stunning sea views. There are also multiple hiking and walking trails that cut across the island affording beautiful sights.

three weeks in Japan itinerary

  • Enjoy the beach at Momochi Seaside Park
  • Explore Fukuoka’s gastronomical delights
  • See the beautiful wisterias at Kawachi Fuji Garden
  • Experience serenity at Nanzoin Temple

What better way to end a 3 weeks itinerary in Japan than at the Ramen Capital of the world? On the southern side of Japan, Fukuoka is a vibrant city that also boasts beautiful coastlines, parks, shopping, and world-famous cuisine, making it the perfect place to wrap up a Japanese holiday:

  • Momochi Seaside Park is a 1km stretch of beach in the city that makes for a fun and relaxing afternoon. It’s popular for swimming, beach volleyball or just enjoying a nice meal on the patio of a seaside restaurant. 
  • Fukuoka is a gastronomist’s dream come true. Being closer to central Asia, its cuisine has infused elements of Chinese and Korean flavors. Go on a ramen crawl, try out a Fukuoka-style hot pot, or have some grilled yakitori (meat skewers) at a roadside yatai stall. If you’re feeling overwhelmed with options, sign up for a personalized food tour with a local guide. 
  • If you happen to be in Fukuoka during spring or autumn, the Kawachi Fuji Garden is a must-do. This private garden is famous for its spectacular number of wisteria plants, especially a collection of large wisteria trees that come together to form a drooping roof of flowers.
  • Nanzoin Temple is home to one of the world’s largest reclining Buddha statues – at 41m long, it’s about the same size as the Statue of Liberty. Nestled amidst the mountains, the temple is a serene spot for contemplation,

How Much Does a Trip to Japan Cost for 3 Weeks?

Japan can be expensive to visit, but the cost for a 3 week Japan trip can vary wildly depending on your budget and preferences. 

Accommodation and transport will take up most of your budget.  

We will discuss this in more detail below, but broadly speaking a bed in a hostel dorm will start at about USD 18 . 

Other factors to consider include food and attraction ticket costs. Flights and travel insurance are not included in this calculation.

  • In general, for budget travelers – you should set aside at least USD 90-100 per day minimum for your trip to Japan. This would mean about USD 1890-2000 for a three week trip. 
  • For mid-range travelers (a more comfortable private room or a whole Airbnb apartment; eating at some sit-down restaurants) you would be looking at about USD 175-200 per day, so USD 3675-4200 for your entire 3 week Japan itinerary. 
  • The sky’s the limit if you’re looking to splurge – there are some reallyyyyy fancy luxury hotels and Michelin-star gourmet restaurants in Japan. But if you’re planning on staying in a hotel, you’ll be looking at upward of USD 350 per day, or USD 7350 for a three week trip. 

Please note that these budgets are just estimates. 

The cost might also be lower if you’re traveling as a couple or in a group, as accommodation costs may be split. 

Best Time to Visit 

Contrary to popular belief, I think Japan is worth a visit any time of the year, as each season has its pros and cons. 

  • Springtime, particularly March-April, is undoubtedly the most popular time of the year to visit Japan. The cherry blossoms are out in full bloom, and the weather is lovely. 

However, this also means that prices are hiked up, and you may find many attractions crowded with tourists.

  • I personally really enjoy Japan in Autumn. 

The weather is still mild for traveling, and the color of changing leaves more than makes up for the lack of blooms. It’s also less packed and cheaper than spring.

  • Summers in Japan can be really hot and humid, which might make it uncomfortable (and sweaty) to travel. Late summer is also the peak typhoon season.
  •  However, summer in Japan is also known for outdoor festivals – many towns have their own fireworks festivals with outdoor food and beer gardens. Summer is also the best time to go if you enjoy hiking. 
  • Winter is the cheapest and quietest time of the year to visit Japan . Japan is well known for winter sports, so a Japan winter itinerary might include skiing on the northern island of Hokkaido or even smaller ski resorts closer to Tokyo. 

Also, what better way to beat the winter chill than slurping on a hot bowl of ramen and green tea?

Where to Stay In Japan

There is a wide range of accommodation available in Japan. 

Prices will vary based on location and amenities. I would recommend staying closer to central locations – it may be slightly more expensive but it’ll save you travel time and cost:

  • Budget travelers can opt to stay in hostel dorms – a bed in a standard dorm in Tokyo will cost about USD 20 . 
  • Mid-range travelers can opt for a private room or Airbnb apartmen t that might cost between USD 80-150
  • Luxury hotels will set you back upward of USD 180 (but can go into the four figures as well)

However, if you want to experience something unique to Japan, here are a few other accommodation choices to consider:

  • Ryokans are a truly traditional Japanese experience, complete with tatami mats, futons as mattresses, and yukata robes to wear. Most ryokan stays also include a full Japanese-style breakfast, and many have private onsens. 
  • Capsule hotels are little pods that are just big enough for you to sleep in. They are a cheap and basic alternative, especially if you plan to be out and about the whole day. 
  • Japan is home to the first robot hotel chain in the world . Yes, you read that right – this is a hotel where the receptionist, concierge, and other staff are all robots! The Hen na hotel chain has several locations all around the country. 

What to Eat In Japan

Japan is truly a food haven, with Japanese culture emphasizing fresh, high-quality produce.

It is possible to eat well in Japan on any budget:

  • Japanese konbinis or convenience stores are unlike anywhere else in the world . With 50,000 convenience stores across the country, they are ubiquitous on every street and are usually open 24 hours a day (the biggest ones are 7-11, Family Mart, and Lawson’s). 

Convenience stores in Japan offer tasty and cheap food, like fried chicken, bento boxes, sandwiches, and rice balls. There’s also a dizzying array of drinks and desserts. It’s a great way to try a wide variety of Japanese food at an affordable price point. 

  • For most people, our first exposure to Japanese food is from sushi. Sushi in Japan is widely available – from conveyor belt restaurants (known as kaitenzushi ) to fancy omakase restaurants where sushi is made in front of diners. Seafood and sushi in Japan are incredibly fresh no matter the budget.
  • Izakayas are small Japanese bars that offer sharing plates of food and drinks. They are very popular among locals after work (think of it as the Japanese equivalent of a British pub). It’s a great way to immerse yourself in a bit of local culture.
  • Japan is also well known for its beef, particularly wagyu beef.
  • You can try Japanese beef in multiple ways, such as yakiniku (grilled beef slices), teppanyaki (grilled on a hot iron plate) , gyudon (beef rice bowls), in a sukiyaki (hotpot), or gyukatsu (deep-fried beef cutlets). Your 3 week Japan itinerary is not completw without trying it (unless you don’t eat meat of course!)
  • There are plenty of small local restaurants in Japan, many of them seating just 10-15 people along a counter. These restaurants tend to specialize in a particular food, e.g. ramen, udon, tempura, or curry rice. Don’t be afraid to walk into a random restaurant and just try something new!

How to Get Around Japan

To make the best of this 3 week Japan itinerary, I would highly recommend getting a Japan Rail Pass. JR Passes can be used on any JR Line train in Japan and are only available for foreign tourists, and can be bought for 7, 14, or 21 days.

A 21-day JR Pass for adults costs about USD 570.

  While this might seem expensive, it is significantly cheaper than how much single-trip train rides between cities would cost otherwise. 

This is particularly important for multi-city itineraries, but the JR Pass would also cover certain train lines within cities like Tokyo. 

You must book your JR Pass online before arriving, and pick it up when you’re there. You can book it online here . 

Unique Tips You Should Know When Visiting Japan

  • Many people get overwhelmed by the idea of visiting a country that speaks a foreign language. Don’t be! Apps like Google Translate or TripLingo make it easy to read signs, menus, and instructions.
  • You should pre-order PocketWifi or a Japanese sim card before your trip, and arrange to pick it up at the airport upon arrival. This would ensure you have internet access as quickly as possible.
  • Japanese culture frowns upon eating while walking. You’ll notice people standing outside convenience stores or food stalls, finishing their food before they leave.
  • You might realize that there aren’t many rubbish bins around, yet the streets are incredibly clean. This is because Japan places a lot of emphasis on hygiene, and most people will keep their trash with them until they reach home. Be sure not to litter!
  • The Japanese are an incredibly polite society, so do be mindful. Bow back when you’re bowed to, and greet everyone you meet. It’s also considered rude to talk on the phone or listen to music out loud on trains. 

Japan is an amazing country with so much to offer, and this 3 week Japan itinerary might just be the start!

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Hi there. My name is Aisha. Founder and owner of Women Wandering Beyond.

Learning how to adventure and explore through the world transformed my life and helped me become a happier person.

I want to help you do the same. My female adventure travel site is dedicated to helping women travel more, step outside their comfort zone and experience wonders of the world beyond their wildest dreams!

Ladies, we are going on an adventure!

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Gallivant Girl

Three Weeks in Japan

I would only have three weeks in Japan, which made it a real challenge to make an itinerary. Geographically, Japan is fairly small . D espite its size, Japan has a diverse landscape, fascinating history and magical culture. Three weeks is a reasonable amount of time for most trips . Japan, h owever, has so much to offer , that even three months, never mind three weeks, wouldn’t be enough to experience everything. Yet, having a limited amount of time has its benefits, as you will need to plan carefully and prioritise.

Whether you follow this itinerary, or use it as a starting point for your own trip , I hope this Japan itinerary and my travel experiences help to inspire and inform your own adventures to this remarkable country.

Three Weeks in Japan: An Itinerary

Pro Tip: The best way to make the most of a short trip to Japan is to fly into Tokyo, and out of Osaka, or vice versa. This way you don’t have to double back on yourself and get an extra day to explore.

japan tour 3 wochen

Hit Tokyo Hard (5 Days)

Allocate several days to visiting some of Tokyo’s fascinating neighbourhoods.

Wander around the Imperial Palace and Chidorigafuchi Moat in Chiyoda , venture over  Shibuya ‘s remarkable crossing, enjoy a remarkable view of the city from Asakusa ‘s Sky Tree. Get educated at Tokyo’s many museums . Enjoy some of Tokyo’s many parks and temples such as Shinjuku Gyoen, Ueno Park or Inokashira Park , especially if you’re visiting in Spring’s Sakura Season when the famous cherry blossom is in bloom.

To balance out Traditional Tokyo, try some of the city’s quirkier offerings. Visit a maid cafe in Akihabara ‘s Electric City, visit  Shinjuku ‘s barmy Robot Restaurant, observe some of Japan’s crazy fashions in Harajuku ‘s Takeshita Shopping Street, and party it up in Roppongi.  Keep an eye out for Sumo Tournaments and festivals such as the Kanamara Matsuri Penis Festival.

If it’s your thing, head to Urayasu to visit Disneyland. Tokyo has two Disney parks – Disneyland and DisneySea. If you only have time for one – visit Disneysea, it’s the only park of it’s kind and more suited to adults.  Tip:  Arrive early and make the most of the Fast Pass system. Similarly, head to Mitaka for the Studio Ghibli Museum. Be aware you need to book well in advance.

If Disney isn’t for you, substitute a day trip to Nikko .

japan tour 3 wochen

Fuji Five Lakes (1 Day)

Take a day trip from Tokyo to visit the Fuji Five Lakes region. It is one of the best areas to catch a glimpse of the mighty Mount Fuji. Take the Mt. Kachi Kachi ropeway for the best views. If you love rollercoasters, spend the afternoon at Fuji-Q Highland theme park. On the train back, stop at Shimo-Yoshida Station and take the short walk up to the Arakura Sengen Shrine for sunset, where you can find   Chureito Pagoda – the famous pagoda overlooking Mount Fuji.

If you’re visiting in summer and up for a challenge, I suggest substituting two days in Tokyo to climb Mount Fuji.

japan tour 3 wochen

Relax in an Onsen (1 Day)

After a wild week exploring Tokyo and Fuji, catch the bullet train to Minakami and spend one night at Takaragawa Onsen . Probably Japan’s best onsen, Takaragawa is a rustic ryokan deep in the mountains with natural onsen hot springs next to the Takaragawa River.

Hot springs are best enjoyed by an overnight stay in a traditional Japanese ryokan . This way you can relax in complete peace, as the onsen is available to ryokan guests only after it has closed to the public. Laid in the onsen, gazing at the stars with the soothing sound of the nearby river is one of my favourite travel memories. It is the perfect peaceful break before you get back to exploring this wonderful country.

Osaka Castle

Go Nuts in Osaka (3 Days)

Osaka has something for everyone.

If you love theme parks, spend a a day at Universal Studios . Hint: start early and buy Fast Passes well in advance. Visit Osaka Castle , shop ’til you drop in Dotonbori  and  Shinsaibashi shopping street . Eat Osaka’s famous Okonomiyaki in the vibrant area around  Tsutenkaku Tower . If you’re there in spring, keep an eye out for one of the Sumo Tournaments .

At night, head to Amemura to enjoy Osaka’s amazing array of bars. I recommend L&L for their ROR comedy night, Space Station video game bar, and Far Plane – a quirky kink-themed bar. Karaoke is also a great option!

Himeji Castle - Gallivant Girl

Himeji & Kobe (1 Day)

Make the most of your JR pass and take a day trip  from Osaka to Himeji. Stroll down  Otemae Street, a wide boulevard leading directly to the castle. In spring and summer, the street is lined with open air vendors and outdoor markets.

Enjoy the views of the beautiful moat, and magnificent Himeji Castle , one of the best preserved feudal castles, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Visit the nearby traditional  Kokoen Garden , stunning at any time of year. You can enjoy a traditional tea ceremony in the adorable tea house in the gardens.

Stop off in Kobe on your way back to Osaka to watch the sunset, and enjoy a dinner of Kobe beef in its namesake town.

japan tour 3 wochen

Hit the Tourist Trail in Kyoto (3 Days)

On day one, take the train to  Arashiyama  to visit the Monkey Park and nearby Bamboo Forest. Be sure to walk across the beautiful Togetsukyo Bridge, and check out Tenryuji Temple. If you like vegan food, don’t miss Prunus , the amazing vegetarian restaurant.

Spend the morning of day two visiting the stunning Fushimi Inari Shrine, famous for its thousands of orange torii gates. Many visitors come to hike the mountain trails of the sacred Mount Inari, which is part of the shrine grounds. The optional hike takes around two hours.

After working up an appetite, spend the afternoon taking a cooking class with Emi , an adorable Japanese lady living on the outskirts of Kyoto, offering personal cooking lessons in her traditional home. She caters to vegetarians and vegans. This was one of the best things I did in Japan. If you do one thing in Kyoto, let it be this cooking class.

On day three, take bus 101 to the northern part of the city to visit Kinkaku-ji , better known as the golden temple. Arrive early to avoid the crowds. Then take the short walk to nearby Ryoanji , arguably Japan’s most famous zen garden.

At dusk, head to the Gion area of Kyoto. If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of a stunning geisha on their way to a performance. You can queue up each evening to purchase tickets for  Gion Corner , a traditional dance performance by maiko (apprentice geisha). I actually found the show to be a bit dry, but it is one of the only ways to guarantee seeing a geisha show.

On Day 4, take a day trip to nearby Nara .

>>>Read More: The Top 10 Things to Do in Kyoto

japan tour 3 wochen

Nara (1 Day)

Nara is one place you shouldn’t miss on your first visit to Japan. It makes a perfect day trip from nearby Osaka or Kyoto. Nara is famous for Nara  Deer Park , home to friendly deer who come right up to you.

Nara is easy to explore on-foot. Find a map in a tourist centre, and spend a day exploring the park and it’s many temples. If temples aren’t your thing, at least be sure not to miss the remarkable  Tōdai-ji Temple , home to the world’s largest bronze buddha statue.

japan tour 3 wochen

Okunoshima, Rabbit Island  (1 Day)

The long train journey from Osaka/Kyoto to Hiroshima need not be a boring one. Break it up with a day in Okunoshima , Japan’s Rabbit Island! Located an hour from Hiroshima in the Sea of Japan, Okunoshima is a perfect day-trip destination. Take an early train to Tadanoumi , leave your bags in a train station locker, and catch the short ferry to Rabbit Island. In the evening, catch the onward train to Hiroshima.

Rabbit Island has much more to offer than just cute rabbits, it also has a fascinating history. The island was used to produce poison during the second world war. Despite its chemical warfare history, the adorable island now offers campsites, walking trails and places of historical interest including the Poison Gas Museum .

The island itself is only around 3km in diameter, and it makes for a stunning seaside stroll. If you fancy a hike, take the short trail (-1hr) directly through the centre of the island, which offers stunning views over the surrounding archipelago.

japan tour 3 wochen

Hiroshima (2 Days)

Hiroshima is easily enjoyed on foot or bicycle. Although, if you have a JR pass, take advantage of it with the included free tour bus around the city.

Visit the key sites of the reconstructed Hiroshima Castle and Shukkeien Garden , and the beautiful Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park , where you can find the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, and the Hiroshima Peace Memorial, commonly called the Atomic Bomb Dome .

japan tour 3 wochen

Miyajima (1 Day)

Spend your third day in Hiroshima visiting Miyajima, a small island an hour outside Hiroshima. It is most well known for Itsukushima shrine, a giant floating torii gate – one of Japan’s most famous views . Arrive early and hike to the top of Mount Misen, which at 500m offers stunning views over the Seto Inland Sea. An early start also betters your chances of seeing the Floating Gate at both high and low tide, when it is equally beautiful.

On your last day, take the train back to the airport after your dream Japan trip.

Practical Japan Advice

Where to stay in japan.

I mostly stayed in Airbnbs in Japan, with a few hostels and cheap capsule hotels. All five Airbnb experiences I had were phenomenal. The Japanese are the cleanest, most courteous people, and every Airbnb I stayed in offered a free pocket Wi-Fi, which was so useful. It’s challenging to find hostels in Japan for less than £20/ $25 per night. If you are travelling solo, hostel dorms ad capsule hotels are likely your cheapest option. If you are travelling in a group, consider AirBnB. Japan has a shortage of accommodation and the cheaper places can get booked up, especially during the spring sakura season. Couchsurfing in Japan is also alive and well, and a great option if you are looking to cut costs in what is a relatively expensive country.

Japan Rail Pass

Consider purchasing a JR Pass. I recommend making a spreadsheet of all the train journeys you plan to take in Japan, and use HyperDia to work out the cost of purchasing the tickets separately. If the JR pass is cheaper or similarly priced, buy it. It saves the hassle of purchasing lots of separate tickets. They include several tour buses and ferries throughout the country which make it worth it.

Money & Internet in Japan

Despite being futuristic, in Japan, many places still accept cash only, but ATMs are never far away and found in most convenience stores. Consider purchasing a SIM card or Pocket Wi-Fi to collect at the airport on arrival. Airbnbs often have free pocket Wi-Fi.

Inspired? Pin this post to your Pinterest travel boards.  ↓

japan tour 3 wochen

Enjoy your trip to Japan! Do you have any questions or suggestions?

36 thoughts on “three weeks in japan”.

Rabbit island sounds like my kinda place! I’ve always wanted to visit Japan. This itinerary has everything you’d want from a trip there. Great tips!

Thanks a lot, this is such a practical article, I am saving it for my future trip. Japan is very high on my bucket list, but I understand it needs detailed planning.

Cheers Elena. Yeah I actually hate planning, but Japan is just so varied that I think doing some research and deciding what you want to see can be really useful to make the most of your time there.

Such a wonderful article Anastasia! The images make Japan just jump off the page and it definitely makes me want to go there. I think out of all that you have highlighted, I would love the lakes region and I’m fascinated by the onsen so would definitely want to try. Great tip about flying into Tokyo and out of Osaka too.

Thanks Kerri! The onsens are wonderful – so relaxing! Flying in and out of different airports is just a cheeky way to get an extra day and avoid doubling back, and it’s often not more expensive than a return from the same airport.

Wow looks like you certainly made the most of your 3 weeks! We spent our honeymoon in Tokyo and it’s now right up there as one of our favourite cities. We just can’t wait to go back and explore the rest rest of this amazing country! Thanks for sharing

Cheers Paul! What an amazing honeymoon destination. I know what you mean – I’ve been twice and I don’t even feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface!

For such a small country, there really is so much to do in Japan! I have not been yet, but I imagine the smaller cities would be most attractive to me. I don’t know that I could handle the business of Toyko 😛

I was thisclose to booking a flight to Japan a couple of months ago, and now you’re giving the biggest case of regret! This is an awesome itinerary, and when I get out to Japan I’ll totally refer back to it. I’ve wanted to go to Kyoto for AGES!

The hubs and I have been watching this Japanese channel on TV and are continually amazed at all the neat places to visit in Japan. I have seen a piece on cat island, but not rabbit island! Saving this list for when we head that way.

Being a nerd, I’m in love with Japan and discovered their culture through mangas. Thank you for the beautiful article, the photos are magnificent!

Japan is a really nice and my friends have been there before, so I really envy them. I’ve heard so much about Japan. So I’m totally bookmarking this. Your pictures are amazing! Can I ask what cameras you use?

I was about to ask the same question. The clarity of her pictures is insane! >3

Thank you so much for your kind words! I mostly use a Canon 600D and Canon Powershot S120. I also use a GoPro Hero 3+ Black Edition 🙂

Wow! I am so jealous! I was only able to spend 4 days in Japan this past summer when we hiked Mt.Fuji. I wish I could have spent more time there! I hope to go back one day and visit Kyoto and Tokyo. Thank you for the inspiration!

Cheers Eemma! I’m so envious you climbed Mount Fuji, I would absolutely love to but the conditions haven’t been right when I’ve visited. I guess I’ll just have to go back again – in summer this time! 🙂

Great tips! I’d probably fly into Tokyo. It’s one of my favorite cities. Great photos, thanks for sharing 🙂

Such gorgeous images! Also LOL the penis fest.

Wow! What a detailed itinerary! I would love to travel to Japan but I’m guessing if I’m to have as much fun as you did and visit all these fun places then I would have to spend sh**load of money. Means I need to really save and plan. I wish I was you right now. Looks like you had the time of your life.

PS: I love the hair color. It makes you sparkle.

Thanks so much Shelly! Yes it’s true – Japan is an expensive place, and I saved for years for this trip. Looking at cost per day, it’s one of the most expensive trips I’ve done (I spent an average of £28 per day on accommodation and £10 on food). Activities and transport are expensive, but the quality and enjoyment of the sights and activities Japan offers is worth saving up for. I hope you make it there one day 🙂

You hit quite a lot of amazing places in three weeks! I still have yet to get to some places on your list including Kobe and Osaka, which means that I will be returning time and time again. Oh, how I love Japan!

Cheers Chanel, I love Japan too! I have no doubt it will be a country I will visit again and again – it is just so diverse and interesting. Kobe is worth a visit but Osaka especially – it is such a vibrant and exciting city.

Your photos are gorgeous!!!! I think your itinerary is excellent too, it really covers all the first-timer’s highlights. I’d personally add Shirakawa-go to the list too, though it’s a little off the route so perhaps more for a second visit.

Thanks Andrew! I would have loved to visit Shirakawa-go, unfortunately I didn’t make it but definitely next time (and there will be a next time!). The village houses look adorable!

  • Pingback: The 10 Best Things to Do in Kyoto, Japan - Gallivant Girl

Planning a 15 day trip to Japan – would you go to Hiroshima? Seems a little touristy and other than the atomic bomb area (really don’t want to sound insensitive here) there doesn’t seem to be a reason to go. Thoughts?

If you are planning to visit Miyajima, I would say base yourself in Hiroshima – this way you could see a bit of the city in the morning and visit Miyajima in the afternoon or vice versa. You could easily visit the castle and the atomic dome in under 2 hours, it is interesting but of course it’s entirely up to you and what you prefer. It’s not a must visit if you are short on time, but it’s history make it a fascinating place. Have a great trip to Japan!

Hi! Super lovely itinerary, which we have now decided to follow. Accommodation wise, did you combine the following:

1. Tokyo and fuji lakes – accomodation in Tokyo only 2. Osaka, and Himeji&Kobe – sleep in Osaka only 3.Hiroshima and Mijajima – sleep in Hiroshima only

Thank you in advance. Trying to organise where I book our accommodation.

Thanks for your comment. Yes, I did exactly as you have written – I based myself in those cities and took day trips to Fuji from Tokyo, Himeji/Kobe from Osaka, Miyajima from Hiroshima. I also visited Nara as a day trip from Kyoto. Of course you can also just stay in those places overnight, but taking day trips is great as you don’t have to carry your bags and move accommodations so often. The trains in Japan are so fast and efficient, I definitely recommend day trips especially if you have a JR Pass. Have a great trip to Japan, I would love to hear how you get on! 🙂

Hi Anastasia,

We loved your itinerary however our travelling dates are 16th Dec-5th Jan. Would you recommend following the same itinerary in December?

Thanks, Ketan

Hi, your photos are gorgeous & itinerary seems fabulous. I was just wondering if I get a train pass, do I need to book the actual train journey prior or just turn up & get on? Thanks in advance. Annetta

Thanks very much for the detailed itinerary, I’m currently planning a three week trip in November and will base my plans around this!

Thanks for this post…using lots of your suggestions while in Japan. One minor correction for any future travelers heading to Rabbit Island: there are no luggage lockers at Tadanoumi Station, but the ticket office at the port will store baggage for ¥500.

Hey! love your itinerary, we are modelling a 3 week trip of your guide. Just wanted to know what exact trains you caught with the 3 week JR pass? we are struggling to figure it out! also is sleeping on futons uncomfortable? Thanks! xx

Going back to Japan for a visit since I left 20 years ago. I have noticed that just about all posts on trips always seem to stop at Tokyo as the most northern spot to visit.

There is so much to see above Toyko in cities such as Sendi, or Aomori, and the North Island of Hokkaido . Especially if you like nature and want to do local Osen’s. Lake Towada is also one of the top for Nature trails and parks.

Just a though for those that like to also get off the beaten path for a few days.

I love all of the amazing places you have shown us! We too are planning a 3 week trip which would be reverse order of yours. It seems that yspent the last few days in and around Hiroshima. We’re these all day trips? Thanks

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Erika's Travelventures

Backpacking Japan Three Week Itinerary

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary cover

It’s a myth that Japan isn’t for backpackers or budget travelers! Although you shouldn’t expect $2 dorm beds like in Southeast Asia , it’s entirely possible to travel three weeks in Japan on a budget. 

If it’s your first time backpacking in Japan , I recommend this three weeks in Japan itinerary. It combines the traditional, the flashy, the delicious, the kawaii, exciting, cultural… everything that Japan has to offer! 

Spend time in  the classic Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Hiroshima while backpacking three weeks in Japan, plus see some hidden gems like Naoshima and Okunoshima (Rabbit Island!). You’re sure to have a memorable experience that’ll make you want to book a second trip to Japan. 

Odakyu Kamakura Enoshima Free Pass, one day in Kamakura and Enoshima itinerary, Kamakura and Enoshima day-trip itinerary from Tokyo Bronze buddha, Enoshima sea candle, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

Backpacking Three Weeks in Japan Itinerary

Start: Fly in to Tokyo

  • Tokyo – 7 days (pick a few Tokyo day trips like  Kamakura/Enoshima , Yokohama , Mt. Takao ,  Disneyland , etc)
  • Nagoya – 2 days (day trip to Shirakawago) 
  • Kyoto – 4 days (day trip to Nara)
  • Osaka – 3 days (day trip to Mt. Koya , Kobe, or Universal Studios)
  • Naoshima – 1 day
  • Teshima – 1 day
  • Hiroshima – 1 day
  • Miyajima – 1 day
  • Return to Osaka – 1 day

End: Fly out of Osaka

Total = Three weeks backpacking in Japan on a budget!

Get some inspiration for weird and quirky places to stay around Japan in my list of 34 weirdest hotels in Japan !

Rainy things to do in Tokyo Top things to do in Tokyo viewpoint asakusa ginza akihabara shibuya shinjuku best things to do in tokyo for all budgets, meiji jingu and yoyogi park, skytree, studio ghibli museum, watch sumo

Getting To and From Your Japan Three-Week Itinerary

To save money on your Japan backpacking trip, I recommend checking flight prices to/from  Tokyo and Osaka airports . Narita, Haneda, and Kansai International Airports all have competitive flight prices, especially one-way flights to/from other Asian destinations. 

I like to use  Google Flights  to compare flight prices, because I can input more than one airport to fly into or out of. See my Travel Resources page for more tips. 

The good news about picking Japan as your travel destination: every month of the year there are amazing sights to see and experiences to be had.  Japan can be visited year-round , so don’t stress about when the best time is to make a trip! 

How To Get Around During Your 3-Week Japan Itinerary

A common transportation method for tourists coming to Japan is the JR Pass. It gives you unlimited JR line rides (including bullet trains) for a 7-day, 14-day, or 21-day time frame. For its hefty price-tag, you save a lot of time getting around Japan. If you have money but not a lot of time in Japan, check out  JR Passes for cheap from Klook .

For this backpacking in Japan and this 3-weeks Japan itinerary, the JR Pass is not cost-effective . The JR Pass in general is not something I recommend for backpacking in Japan on a budget.  

Get around Japan on a budget by using highway busses, or the local trains with the Seishun 18 Kippu . 

Check out Japan Bus Online , which is a database of different highway busses operating across Japan. I normally travel with  Willer Express , which operates both overnight busses and daytime long-distance busses. For non-Japanese passport holders, Willer has a  Japan Bus Pass  you can purchase, that lets you take their busses on 3-, 5-, or 7- different days within a two month period. Perfect for backpacking in Japan! 

Seishun 18 kippu alternative to the JR Pass, cheaper than the JR pass seisshun 18 kippu trains in japan, how to travel by train in Japan, cheap tickets

Backpacking in Japan Three Week Itinerary

Start: tokyo - 7 days.

7 days might seem like a long time to be in Tokyo, but if you plan your 3-week Japan itinerary this way, it’s easier on your backpacking Japan budget! Tokyo has many amazing day-trip destinations, so stay in one hostel for 7 days, while exploring Tokyo, and its surrounding towns! 

Where to stay in Tokyo to start three weeks in Japan

Tokyo is filled with amazing neighborhoods, so it’s hard to go wrong when picking accommodation in Tokyo. To make getting around easier, I recommend staying in Tokyo near the Yamanote line , which is the circle line within Tokyo that connects to most of the top things to do in Tokyo .

Check out the following places to stay in Tokyo for your three weeks in Japan itinerary: 

  • Budget:  The Global Hotel Tokyo  or  Holiday View Inn  near Shinjuku, or  Grids Toyko Ueno Hostel & Hotel  near Ueno
  • Mid-Range:  The Millennials  in Shibuya,  Sakura Cross Hotel  or  Belken Hotel  in Akihabara
  • Luxury:  Cerulean Tower Tokyu Hotel  in Shibuya or  The Tokyo Station Hotel  near Tokyo Station

How to Get Around Tokyo:

Whether you’ve invested in a JR pass or not, it’s convenient to have a  Suica card , a transit card that works on all transportation in Tokyo. The JR pass doesn’t allow you to take non-JR trains, such as Odakyu lines for example, which take you to Kamakura . 

Suica cards can also be used anywhere IC Cards are accepted around Japan. Transport in Kyoto and Osaka all accept Suica cards too, although their regional IC card is the  ICOCA card . They’re the perfect backpacking in Japan companion. 

Two weeks in japan itinerary for backpackers, two weeks in japan on a budget, 14 days in Japan itinerary for backpacking, suica card

How To Spend Three Days in Tokyo

As part of your 3-week Japan itinerary, I suggest dedicating at least three full days to Tokyo. With many weird & wonderful things to do , and more quiet off-the-beaten-path Tokyo experiences, you’ll never get bored backpacking Tokyo. 

Here’s an outline of things to do during three days in Tokyo :

Tokyo Day 1 

  • Fire up your taste buds by touring around Tsukiji Market . Though the tuna auction doesn’t happen here anymore, there are countless street food stores selling seafood samples. 
  • Stroll through the Ginza neighborhood, the 5th Avenue of Tokyo and a great place for shopping
  • Visit the Imperial Palace Gardens for a nice break from the crowds. Have lunch at Tokyo Station’s underground Ramen Street and check out its quirky Character Street shops. 
  • Head to the anime and electronics neighborhood of Akihabara  to surround yourself with modern Japanese culture
  • Last stop: Asakusa’s Sensoji Temple is one of the most iconic sights in Tokyo. Take part in Japanese temple traditions here.  

Three days in Tokyo itinerary Asakusa Shoenji Temple and Nakamise street, three day Tokyo itnerary, cherry blossoms

Tokyo Day 2

  • Head to ritzy Roppongi and the MORI Art Museum for a great city view overlooking Tokyo
  • Immerse yourself in trendy Shibuya , a favorite neighborhood for young Tokyo-ites. See the Hachiko dog statue and the famous Shibuya crossing. A new viewpoint over Tokyo , Shibuya Sky recently opened for more great views over Tokyo. 
  •  Explore the Meiji Jingu grounds, one of the most important shrines in all of Japan dedicated to the first Emperor and Empress. 
  • Hop over to Harajuku and Takeshita Street , home to countless wacky Tokyo activities including eating rainbow food and dining at the Kawaii Monster Cafe. 
  • Head to Shinjuku , one of the liveliest Tokyo neighborhoods at any time of the day. Have a drink (or just walk through) Shinjuku Gai, a grid of alleyways filled with tiny bars and izakaya. 

Finding a Sharehouse in Tokyo, how to find the best Sharehouse in Tokyo for you, including tips on where to search, location, budget, and sharehouse characteristics in Tokyo, Japan

Tokyo Day 3:

  • Go to Teamlab Borderless or Teamlab Planets , which are two incredible museums filled with immersive digital art exhibits. 
  • Head to the Yanaka Ginza neighborhood to get a feel for old Tokyo. 
  • Walk through a row of vermillion torii gates (smaller than the ones at Fushimi Inari in Kyoto but much less crowded) at the Nezu Shrine . 

Find more inspiration for Backpacking in Tokyo: 

  • Read up on my Tokyo itinerary – The Perfect Three Days in Tokyo Itinerary
  • Check out the highlights – Top 15 Things To Do In Tokyo
  • See Tokyo’s weird and quirky side – 20 Weird And Unique Things To Do In Tokyo
  • Learn where to escape the crowds – Off-The-Beaten-Path Places In Tokyo
  • Get out of the city for a day – Best Day Trips From Tokyo
  • Gain some elevation over Tokyo – Six Amazing Tokyo Viewpoints

Experience Digital Art at Teamlab Borderless Museum in Odaiba, Tokyo Japan, tips on visiting. Forest of Resonating Lamps

Tokyo Day-Trips

Be sure to include a few  amazing day-trips from Tokyo  on your Japan itinerary. Whether you enjoy hiking, temples, shopping, or Disney, there is a day-trip for everyone. 

The three day-trips I recommend for backpackers in Japan are Yokohama, Kamakura & Enoshima (combined), and one day-trip to the mountains east of Tokyo. 

1. Yokohama Day-Trip

One of the most popular day-trips from Tokyo for locals is to Yokohama. It’s the second largest city in Japan, located just 30 minutes by train south of Tokyo. It’s a large port city famous for its sprawling Chinatown, shopping scene, and two Ramen Noodle museums . 

Yokohama is cheap to reach from Tokyo (¥450 from Shinjuku). Being close to the water gives you a break from being surrounded by tall buildings all the time in Tokyo. 

Read about making a Yokohama day-trip here ! 

Yokohama day trip from Tokyo, Yokohama itinerary from Tokyo, things to do in Yokohama, how to spend one day in Yokohama, seaside park, chinatown, red brick warehouse, yokohama cup noodle museum, shin yokohama ramen museum

2. Kamakura and Enoshima Day-Trip

Kamakura and Enoshima are separately two beautiful places to day-trip from Tokyo. Because they are close in proximity, it will save you time and money by combining the two into one day-trip.  Purchase a  Odakyu one-day freepass  (¥1520) to take unlimited rides between Kamakura and Enoshima, plus a round-trip ride from Shinjuku Station. 

Highlights of Kamakura include its bronze Great Buddha statue, many traditional temples and shrines, and its beaches. Exploring off-the-beaten-path Kamakura will give you a great feel for rural Japanese life. 

Enoshima is a tiny island off the coast of Kamakura. It’s famous for its ancient shrines and its geography of rugged cliffs and water-formed caves. Enoshima is home to a lighthouse and viewpoint, a local shopping street, and a great shoreline to wander around for sunset.

Read my comprehensive Kamakura-Enoshima Day-Trip Itinerary

Odakyu Kamakura Enoshima Free Pass, one day in Kamakura and Enoshima itinerary, Kamakura and Enoshima day-trip itinerary from Tokyo Bronze buddha, Enoshima sea candle, Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine

3. Mountains & Nature Day-Trip: Mt. Takao, Mt. Jinba, or Mt. Mitake

Just west of Tokyo city are sprawling mountain ranges. If spending time in nature is high on your priority list during two weeks in Japan, head to one of these mountains. 

  • Mt. Takao is the most crowded mountain day-trip, because it’s easily accessible from the city center (¥390 directly from Shinjuku). You can take a cable car or chair lift to the summit, and be greeted by a view of Mt. Fuji on clear days! Mt. Takao is home to some mountain monkeys, several temples, and restaurants serving Japanese hikers comfort food. 
  • Mt. Jinba , which can be combined with a hike to Mt. Takao , is a popular mountain with hikers and trail runners. The summit of Mt. Jinba is wide and grassy, with a handful of restaurants and many benches perfect for picnics. See Mt. Fuji and the Kanto plain from the summit of Mt. Jinba too! 
  • Mt. Mitake is another holy mountain located a bit further from Tokyo. It used to be a pilgrimage site, where monks would stay at the summit in temple accommodation. Today, it’s still possible to stay in a temple on Mt. Mitake. For day-trips to Mt. Mitake , you can have a meal with a view at the many restaurants, do some souvenir shopping, and enjoy the small mountain village life. 

Hiking Mt. Jinba to Mt. Takao, how to get to Mt. Jinba start of the trek from Mt. Jinba to to Takao-san. Trekking from Jinbakōgenshita to Takaosanguchi station, Fureai no Michi bird trail

4. Disneyland or DisneySea

Of course, if you’re a big fan of Disney, switch out one of these day-trips for an all-day excursion to Tokyo’s renowned Disneyland. If traveling Japan with kids, visiting Tokyo Disney is a must, and it’s highly recommended to buy tickets in advance. Purchase tickets to skip the line here .

If you’re looking for a different Disney experience, try  Disney Sea . The crowd here is a bit older so it’s perfect for an adult-only Disney experience. The rides at Disney Sea are more thrilling and… they sell alcohol here! 

5. Kawagoe Day-Trip

Not traveling with Disney fans during your three weeks in Japan? Check out this day-trip alternative from Tokyo: Kawagoe. Kawagoe is a short train ride north-west from Tokyo’s Ikebukuro station (¥480 from Ikebukuro), located in the neighboring Saitama prefecture.

Nicknamed “Little Edo”, you’ll find local tourists dressing up in kimono to walk through the old-Japan streets here. Highlights include “Candy Alley”, a historical alleyway filled with candy shops, an old clocktower, and a temple where you’re sure to get rich from visiting!

Read more about making a day-trip to Kawagoe here . 

Kawagoe Saitama Day Trip from Tokyo, how to get there from Ikebukuro, see the clock tower, candy alley, kane no toki, and Little Edo in Kawagoe, a half day or full day trip from Tokyo

Nagoya - 2 Days

Continue backpacking down the coast of Japan to Nagoya, your first stop on this 3-week Japan itinerary after Tokyo! From Tokyo, it’s possible to take a highway bus to Nagoya in just a few hours. 

Nagoya is one of Japan’s most underrated cities, and sadly, often skipped on Japan itineraries. 

Nagoya is a busy industrial city, but offers a lot more than just tall buildings! The Nagoya castle is a royal place to visit, plus there are plenty of museums and other activities around town. Nagoya is also a great place to take a  day trip to Shirakawago , where you can experience historic, rural Japan. 

How To Spend One Day In Nagoya

Nagoya has something for everyone backpacking in Japan:

  • If you have yet to see a Japanese castle, be sure to stop by the Nagoya Castle , a grand building with adjoining quarters than can be entered.
  • Interested in cars and machinery? Check out the Toyota Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology  where you can learn about the start of Toyota (they didn’t start off by making cars!) Plenty of old machinery and cars through the decades are on display here, as are new Toyota inventions like a violin-playing robot!
  • For those interested in art and history, check out the Tokugawa Art Museum, where several old Japanese relics are preserved. Over 10,000 works of art that have been passed down from the shogunate era are on display here. 
  • Shoppers will love the Osu Shopping District  with its quirky stores, international cafes, and antique shops. The main shopping street ends at the front of Osu Kannon , a shrine where you can hand-feed the many resident pigeons. 
  • Lastly, if traveling with kids, be sure to add  Nagoya’s Legoland  to your Japan travel itinerary.  Purchase tickets to Nagoya Legoland here! 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary nagoya

Shirakawago Day-Trip

You can easily spend more than one day exploring Nagoya, but you can also consider taking a day-trip tour to Shirakawago and Takayama. Both of these villages are tucked away in the Japanese mountains, in the neighboring Gifu prefecture. Shirakawago and Takayama are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, where traditional villages can be explored. The most famous sights here are of the slanted thatched-roof buildings, historically owned by farmers, artisans, and merchants in Japan. 

Tours to this region cost about  $80 USD , which is a good deal. Like all backpackers in Japan, I considered visiting Shirakawago by navigating the busses myself… but the price comes out to about the same, plus it’s a lot more of a hassle. 


Image Source

Kyoto - 4 Days

After Tokyo and Nagoya, it’s time to head south to the Kansai region during your backpacking Japan three weeks itinerary!

Kansai is home to two more famous cities not to be missed during three weeks in Japan: Osaka and Kyoto . To start, I suggest staying 4 days in Kyoto. Give yourself 3 days in Kyoto, and save one day for a day-trip to Nara, a historic city just south of Kyoto, famous for its domesticated deer.

Getting from Nagoya to Kyoto

Search for busses that run between Tokyo, Nagoya, and Kyoto at Japan Bus Online and  Willer Express .

Getting Around Kyoto

If you purchased a Suica Card in Tokyo, this same card works on all public transit within Kyoto,  and Osaka too. The Kansai version of the Suica is the  ICOCA card , which you can also collect at any station (besides being a souvenir, there’s no point in having both). 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary kyoto

How to Spend Three Days in Kyoto

Kyoto deserves at least three full days when backpacking three weeks in Japan. Kyoto is the cultural and historic capital of Japan, and is covered in beautiful, unique temples and shrines. 

The top things to do in Kyoto all happen to be a bit spread out around the edges of the city. Because of this, it is near impossible to see all of Kyoto’s highlights in less than three days. 

Kyoto Day 1:

  • Head to Kiyomizudera  before the swarms of tour and school groups accumulate in the morning. This temple built into the side of a mountain is a great introduction to the grand temples of Kyoto. There’s a great view looking down over the city too!
  • Admire Sanneizaka  the long, winding shopping street that leads up to Kiyomizudera temple. Shops sell all types of souvenirs includes teas, foldable fans, keychains, and traditional Japanese treats.
  • Visit smaller local temples in the area including colorful Kongoji Temple and Yasui Konpiragu , home to a large stone you can crawl through to make a wish come true.
  • Walk through the historic Gion neighborhood , which is filled with old homes and restaurants, and is a perfect spot to grab a meal. 
  • Check out Nishiki Market , a large street food and souvenir street famous for its interesting snacks. 
  • Visit Yasaka Shrine in the evening to see its famous lanterns lit up.

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary kyoto

Kyoto Day 2:

  • EARLY in the morning again, head to Fushimi Inari shrine , home to the famous rows of torii gates. The shrine becomes painfully crowded very quickly, so I recommend going at 6-7am. 
  • Check out the off-the-radar, serene Komyō-in Temple and Tofukuji Temple, both located walking distance from Fushimi Inari.
  •  Transit north to Higashiyama Jisho-ji, also known as Ginkakuji. Here you will also find the Philosopher’s Path that runs along a trickling river
  • Walking distance from Ginkakuji is a quieter Hōnen-in Temple.
  • Head back towards Kyoto City Center and stop by the massive  Heian Shrine.
  • By now you’re probably all templed-out, so do some window-shopping along the bustling Teramachi-dori shopping neighborhood.

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary kyoto

Kyoto Day 3:

  • Head to western Kyoto, where Arashiyama or the Bamboo Forest is located. 
  • Unfortunately for budget travelers, taking a taxi is the best way to get from Arashiyama to its neighbor to the north, Kinkakuji or the Golden Pavillion. You can also try to navigate the Kyoto public busses. 
  • Visit nearby Ryōan-ji , which is another temple famous for its rock garden.
  • Head to Kyoto Station to get some shopping done for souvenirs, or just grab a bite to eat at one of its hundreds of restaurants. Go at night to enjoy the stairs lit up with different seasonal light shows. 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary kyoto

Nara Day-Trip

Nara is a must-visit for a 3-week Japan itinerary. Not only is Nara filled with beautiful old temples, it’s home to hundreds of domesticated deer that come up to you for food! Historically, deer were seen as messengers of the gods, so they were treated as holy animals. Now, visitors to Nara can purchase deer cookies to feed to the deer. It’s a favorite destination and activity for backpacking in Japan. 

Tip : Hide the deer cookies as soon as you buy them, and feed the deer in a quieter spot. Deer in Nara hoard around vendors who sell the cookies and may bite for food. 

Another Tip : Being surrounded by hungry large deer can be traumatizing for small kids. Crying children running away from overly-enthusiastic deer is a common sign in Nara. Carry your little ones or help them when they feed the deer. 

Things to do during one day in Nara:

  • Visit Tōdai-ji Temple , which was first built in the 700’s and houses Japan’s largest bronze Buddha statue within it. 
  • Explore the lesser-known temples that are scattered around Nara’s main temple area. 
  • Of course: Feed the deer ! 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary nara

Osaka – 3 Days

Osaka is Kansai’s answer to Tokyo. Known as “Japan’s Kitchen” Osaka is also a city famous for its delicious Japanese food . Another city that never sleeps, Osaka is home to the famous Glico Sign as well as a historic castle, Universal Studios, an “American village”, and Dotonbori food street.

I recommend spending three nights in Osaka, while taking two day-trips from here to the surrounding Kansai sites. I think it’s possible to see most of Osaka’s highlights in just one full day, plus a few evenings after you return from the day-trips. 

In one day in Osaka, you can visit:

  • Osaka Castle –  an impressive structure built in the center of large gardens and moats. Enter the castle and head to the top for a view over Osaka!
  •   Shinsaibashi street  – this is a favorite shopping and dining area for Osaka visitors. This street opens in to a shopping grid that is home to the jiggly Rikuro’s Cheesecakes . 
  • Snap a picture with the Glico sign. Don’t be shy, everyone is posing with their arms up in front of it. 
  • Dotonbori is the street that Osaka is most famous for. Several street food stalls line the walkways for a quick bite, but the restaurants are the real stars here. They have massive moving figurines of their specialties above their storefronts. Find enormous crabs, pufferfish, octopus, gyoza, and more above your head! Tip: Try takoyaki , octopus dough balls famous in Osaka.
  • America-mura – Literally “American village”, this neighborhood is home to many hip-hop style stores and has a small skate park in the center of it.
  • Umeda Sky Building – Near Osaka Station, get a great view over the city here.

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary osaka

Osaka Day-Trips

Day-trip options from Osaka are plentiful, especially if you want to visit theme parks in the area. 

Kobe, Koyasan, and Universal Studios are day-trips from Osaka that cover all the bases for different types of travelers in Japan. 

Kobe is a large port city great for those interested in shopping, dining, and history. Koyasan is a holy mountain south of Osaka perfect for travelers interested in culture and temples. Universal Studios Japan is a dream come true for fans of Harry Potter, Minions, and in 2020, Super Mario and Nintendo. 

Things to do in Kobe:

  • Explore its Chinatown, one of the largest in Japan and a street-food heaven. 
  • Eat some Kobe Beef , a delicacy that originates from this region and one of many foods that Japan is world-famous for. 
  • Check out Kitano-cho, a neighborhood with dozens of elaborate Western buildings that look like they were transported straight out of Europe. Houses here include the Vienna House, the Dutch House, the English House, and more. 
  • Go to the Port of Kobe Earthquake Memorial Park, where you can see remnants of a devastating earthquake that hit Kobe in 1995
  • Shop and dine at the Harbor Walk, a commercial area in Kobe with many malls and restaurants. 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary kobe

Koyasan, or Mt. Koya, is a holy mountain located a 1.5-hour train ride south of Osaka. For visitors to Japan interested in culture and tradition, Koyasan is a must-visit day trip, or even overnight trip, during your three weeks in Japan itinerary. Many visitors to Koyasan  stay overnight  in a high-end ryokan, or traditional Japanese lodging traditionally available for pilgrims. Examples of beautiful Koyasan ryokan include  Jokiin  and  Shukubo Ekoin .

For a budget Japan itinerary, it’s best to just visit Koyasan as a day-trip. At the summit of Koyasan are several temples you can visit, as well as a large graveyard filled with hauntingly beautiful moss-covered stones and statues. 

Read more about making a pilgrimage to Koyasan here .

Hiking Koyasan pilgrimage hike in Japan, Mt. Koya hike pilgrimage from Osaka, holy mountain hike

3. Universal Studios Japan

Universal Studios Japan, or USJ as it’s called by the locals, is nearly as popular of a destination as Tokyo Disneyland for a three-week Japan itinerary. Explore the world-famous Wizarding World of Harry Potter with your own magic wand, say hello to the Minions in Despicable Me: Minion Mayhem , and more. 

Buy tickets for USJ in advance , and consider  purchasing an express pass  for guaranteed entry to the top 4 USJ attractions. 

Naoshima + Teshima Art Islands - 2 Days

Here are some recommendations for stops on your three weeks in Japan itinerary that aren’t on every other list! Between Osaka and Hiroshima lies the Seto Inland Sea, home to several islands where you can experience a slower pace of life. Here, you’ll feel like you’re truly backpacking in Japan instead of just following Japan’s tourist trail. 

Historically, many of the Seto Inland Sea islands were suffering from a loss in population like many parts of rural Japan. To combat this, the these islands started transforming their old abandoned homes in to art installations and museums. Three times per year, the Setouchi Triennale Art festival draws thousands of visitors to the islands, boosting tourism income and revitalizing what was a dying community. 

Naoshima and Teshima are the two most-visited, and easy accessible, of the Art Islands. If you are going to spend the night on one while backpacking in Japan, I recommend Naoshima because it has more accommodation and dining options. 

Naoshima - 1 Day

Naoshima is the best starting point for two days in the Seto Inland Sea area. It’s easily reached by ferry from the Uno Port, which connects to the rest of Japan mainland’s JR railway system. 

Once on Naoshima, rent a bicycle to circle the small island while stopping at the many art exhibits and museums. The most popular ones to visit are:

  • Chichu Art Museum – This museum was designed by Tadao Ando to blend in to the surrounding Naoshima nature. It’s home to some of Monet’s Water Lilies Series (must reserve tickets in advance).
  • Benesse House – Part contemporary art museum part hotel, this facility is built into the side of a hill overlooking the beautiful sea. 
  • Art House Projects – In the Honmura port side of Naoshima are seven previously abandoned homes or buildings that have been transformed in to art installations. Visit six out of seven for ¥1050. Entry to one art house, Kinza, must be  reserved separately in advance . 
  • Yayoi Kusama’s Pumpkins – One yellow and one red, these two iconic pumpkins can be found on different parts of Naoshima’s coastline

Naoshima Art Island one day itinerary, setouchi triennale one day itinerary for naoshima, naoshima ferry, where to stay on naoshima, Japan, Art house projects, yayoi kusama pumpkin cover

Teshima - 1 Day

Teshima is Naoshima’s neighbor to the East, and can be reached by ferry from either of Naoshima’s ports early in the morning. Your three weeks in Japan itinerary continues south after Teshima. 

Start your one day in Teshima early, and rent a bicycle to see the highlights of the island:

  • Teshima Art Museum (book tickets in advance during the high season) – a contemporary art museum built in to the side of the Teshima’s hills. 
  • Teshima Yokoo House – a renovated old Japanese home turned in to an art space
  • “Nobody Wins” basketball hoops (below) where you can blow off some steam! 
  • Shima Kitchen – an art space and small restaurant with a large, open-air patio

Spend the night in Teshima or back in Naoshima, before heading down to Hiroshima to continue this backpacking three weeks in Japan itinerary. 

Teshima one day itinerary, Teshima in one day, Teshima itinerary, Teshima art island itinerary, Teshima museum map, Teshima how to get around

Okunosima Rabbit Island (between Naoshima and Hiroshima)

Another long transfer here during your three weeks Japan itinerary: the Art Islands to Hiroshima. Luckily, day-tripping to Okunoshima is an amazing way to break up the transit. It’s a favorite island to visit for backpackers in Japan. 

Okunoshima, also known as Rabbit Island, is famous for its hundreds of furry residents. No one knows exactly why there are so many rabbits on Okunoshima, but they’re all tame and love coming up to visitors for food.

Interestingly, there’s a dark side of Okunoshima as well, because it’s home to an abandoned chemical weapons factory and storehouse. You could spend anywhere from a few hours here, to a whole day walking, biking, or hanging out on the beach. It’s an island with something for everyone!  

Tip: Purchase some rabbit food at the Tadanoumi Port before boarding the Okunoshima Ferry, so you can feed the rabbits (no rabbit food is sold on the island itself). 

Okunoshima rabbits, Rabbit Island. How to visit Rabbit Island, things to know before visiting Rabbit Island and Rabbit island hotel. Feeding rabbits, poison Gas museum on Okunoshima rabbit island, Japan from Hiroshima

Hiroshima + Miyajima - 2 Days

The last two stops on your three weeks in Japan itinerary are Hiroshima and Miyajima. These two unmissable stops in your Japan itinerary are located only 30 minutes away from each other. 

Often, Japan itineraries combine Hiroshima and Miyajima in to one day, but doing this is a travesty!! Hiroshima and Miyajima both deserve a whole day to themselves. 

Tip : If you’re traveling to Japan in August, try to reach Hiroshima on August 6th . This is the anniversary of the atomic bomb dropping on the city, and many beautiful memorials are held around the city. 

HIroshima peace memorial museum visit, August 6th 1945 Hiroshima peace memorial ceremony 2019 Cenotaph victims memorial. Atomic dome lantern floating ceremony

Hiroshima - 1 Day

Hiroshima is most known for its dark history. In World War II, the city was decimated by an atomic bomb. Civilians were killed indiscriminately in an instant, and those that survived the bomb lived in agony for years to come. 

During one day in Hiroshima , be sure to visit the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum , which is dedicated to memorializing the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and the chaos and suffering that ensued. It’s a heart-wrenching and humbling reminder of the horrors of war. Around the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park are several more memorials, statues, and fountains where atomic bombing victims are remembered.

Hiroshima has more to its history than the just the war however. Head to the Hiroshima Castle to learn about samurais in Japan and climb to the top for a great view over the city. For lunch or dinner, don’t miss Okonomiyaki-mura , a building filled with dozens of small okonomiyaki (savory pancake) restaurants. 

Three weeks in japan itinerary, three weeks backpacking japan itinerary hiroshima

Miyajima - 1 Day

Miyajima island is reachable by tram and ferry from Hiroshima (¥600 with an IC card). I recommend spending one day in Miyajima to admire its many beautiful shrines and temples, and to summit Mt. Misen for views of the whole coastline. 

Miyajima is most famous for its floating torii gate, and the bright red Itsukushima Shrine built over the water. Visit here at high tide so you can see the water below the shrine, then come back for low tide so you can walk out to the base of the torii gate. Don’t miss the Daishoin Temple either, which is a 9th century Buddhist temple. 

Take the ropeway or hike up to the summit of Mt. Misen , the highest point on Miyajima. Many more small temples are located at the top, as are great views over the surrounding islands and Japan’s coastline. With all of these attractions plus a sprawling shopping and dining street, you’ll definitely need a whole day to spend on Miyajima. 

I absolutely loved staying at the Miyajima Guesthouse Mikuniya when I was backpacking Japan. 

Miyajima One-day itinerary, Itsukushima shrine and floating torii gate Miyajima sunset Miyajima island guide japan, things to do, viewpoint, how to get to Miyajima from Hiroshima, day trip guide

Return to Osaka - 1 Day

Spend your last day backpacking in Japan heading back to Osaka, before flying out from Kansai International Airport. 

This concludes my backpacking  three weeks in Japan itinerary : from Tokyo to Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima, Miyajima, and the Art Islands, you’ll see countless highlights of Japan. While many travelers stay on a similar track, flying in to Tokyo and out of Osaka allows you to spend more time in each location, and not waste time backtracking. Using Tokyo and Kyoto as home bases also allows you to slowly explore the region, on a backpacker-friendly budget, instead of rushing around Japan. 

Pin This Three Weeks In Japan Itinerary!

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Are You Prepared For Your Trip To Japan?

Be sure to check out my Japan home page for Japan travel information, insider tips, reading list, and must-haves for traveling to Japan!

  • Book Your Flights  – To find the cheapest flights, flexibility is key. I use both  Google Flights  for their low fare calendar, and  Skiplagged , which uses airfare loopholes to get the lowest prices. For a trip to Japan, check flights to both Tokyo airports (Haneda, Narita) and to Osaka (Kansai). 
  • Getting Around Japan : Prepare your  JR Pass  and  Suica transit card  before you depart.
  • Book Your Accommodation  – Check out  Booking.com for the largest selection of accommodation in Japan. Consider having a bit of fun at one of these Weirdest Hotels in Japan too 🙂 
  • Book Local Excursions  – Don’t miss out on world-class experiences, like  Teamlab Planets  or Tokyo Disneyland , by booking tickets online now. Check  GetYourGuide and Klook for fun experiences all around Japan. 
  • Stay Connected: Order a pocket WiFi for airport pickup if you’re traveling with family or with a large group. Solo traveling to Japan?  Order a SIM  card just for you. 
  • Buy Travel Insurance  – It’s better to protect yourself from mishaps when traveling. Get a quote from  World Nomads  to see how much it’ll cost to get you covered! 
  • Pack Your Essentials – Check out my posts about Long Term Travel Gear , and Carry-On Luggage Packing Essentials . 
  • Read more on my Travel Resources page!

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Earth Beneath Our Feet

  • Nov 9, 2020

Three Weeks in Japan: A First Time Itinerary

Updated: Nov 14, 2021

A Honeymoon is a Big Deal!

Not as big of a deal as the Wedding Day itself, admittedly, but still... A pretty Big Deal. And so the decision of where to go on said honeymoon is not to be trivially made.

Tropical islands, picture-postcard white sands and endless cocktails have their own appeal. But neither Julien nor myself being members of the fly-and-flop brigade, we were going to need something a little more boots-on-the-ground and a little less bums-on-the-beach. The required cocktails notwithstanding.

And when it came down to it, Japan had been at the top of our bucket list for so long that it really was, for us, the obvious choice.

The Ginkaku-ji Silver Pavilion Temple in Japan's Kyoto.

This being a special trip, we were able to dedicate a bit more time than usual to our holiday. 3 weeks in a country that neither of us had ever visited, and for which we each had a list as long as our forearms of things to do and places to see. So how to set about planning a first-timers trip to The Land of the Rising Sun?

The really great thing about having a full 21 days to throw at our trip was that we could cover the majority of highlights a newbie traveller to Japan would generally like to see, as well as throw in a couple of extras. The main question for us was how to do it without relentlessly retracing our steps. Particularly as our flights were to and from Tokyo.

Another great thing about having 3 weeks' travel time available was that we could do it all without being too rushed. This is particularly important to both of us, and is a key component of how we plan any holiday. While I can certainly understand the desire to - and have a fair few friends who like to - fit as much as possible into any trip, that does not work for us. When we go on a holiday, we feel strongly that we want to be somewhere as much as we want to be going somewhere. A holiday for us is something to return from reinvigorated and re-enthused, rather than something to recover from.

And so after many months of research, many hours spent making bookings, and what feels like half a lifetime of looking forward to it, we were finally on our way to Japan and its iconic cherry blossoms!

Osaka Castle surrounded by magical springtime cherry blossoms.

[A quick side-note on travelling to Japan during the hanami season: If, like us, you are planning your trip for end-March and early-April to coincide with the blooming of the sakura cherry blossoms, it is essential to get on to organising your trip as soon as possible. It is no exaggeration to say that this is a very popular time indeed in Japan.

Based on suggestions we ourselves had read before travelling, we had most of our accommodation booked by about 6 months before our departure. And that turned out to be a very good thing! As the weeks and months progressed and we got closer to our trip, the prices we'd paid came to seem like bargains. In some cases our accommodation was 50% more expensive nearer the time than what we had paid for it. Not to mention the fact that a lot of options were fully booked well in advance.

I have read that Japan is a country under-supplied by accommodation compared to the demand during peak seasons, and this being the case - make sure to plan accordingly.]

Now without further ado, our:

3 week Japan itinerary

5 days in tokyo.

No trip to Japan would be complete without a stay in the capital city. Tokyo has the glitz and the glamour of a modern Japan, and the gravitas and hushed awesomeness that comes with a 1,000 years of history.

There are areas buzzing with eye-popping only-in-Japan zaniness, and quiet traditional suburbs filled with old-school charm. It is one of the world's great 24-hour cities, which makes it a perfect place to start a trip while you get over the jet lag of that multi-hour time-zone difference.

We had earmarked a handful of days for our Tokyo introduction. Check out our 5 days in Tokyo blog post for the full lowdown on how we spent them.

The gorgeous night-time Tokyo skyline from on high.

4 days in magnificent Kyoto

Kyoto features at the top of many Japanese wishlists, and rightly so. Considered by many to be the cultural heart of Japan, it is a city steeped in religion and is beautiful to behold.

It also sees a huge influx of tourists annually, and accommodation can be scarce and comparatively expensive (so shop around and book early!)

We saw many things to delight and admire on our trip to Kyoto, and even so we felt like we had only scratched the surface of this mesmerising city. Read on for details of our 4 days stay in Kyoto !

The famous Arashiyama Bamboo Grove in Kyoto, Japan

Naoshima Art Island

Flush with old-school charm and culture after our time in Kyoto, we were ready for the more modern kind, and for that Naoshima Art Island would be the perfect thing!

The first step in getting from Kyoto to Naoshima is a Shinkansen bullet train to Okayama station. We decided to also take the opportunity to break up our journey in Okayama, which would allow us to visit one of Japan's Three Great Gardens: Koraku-en .

From Okayama station it is just a brief onward train ride to Uno, from where a quick ferry departed that took us to the town of Miyanoura on one-of-a-kind Naoshima Island. Here we would be staying at the Benesse House hotel - smart accommodations that felt more like an art gallery than a hotel.

Naoshima is a wonder - a gorgeous island that is packed solid with avant-garde modern art museums. There are the more formal ones of the Benesse Art Sites, including the astonishing and popular Chichu museum (for which reserving tickets in advance is highly recommended). Elsewhere there is the more experimental Art House Project, set in various indoor and outdoor venues around the town of Honmura.

And dotted here and there around the island itself are random outdoor art installations, not least of which are a couple of Yayoi Kusama's visually striking - and these days insta-famous - giant pumpkins. And all of it set against the lovely backdrop of Japan's Seto Inland Sea - other smaller islands visible off the coast and ocean views to the horizon.

While Naoshima certainly has become more popular in recent years, it still manages to pass slightly under the radar for many tourists. Our 2 days on this marvellous island were a highlight of our 3-week trip around Japan, and we think Naoshima deserves a higher place on those bucket-list Japanese itineraries.

A Yayoi Kusama yellow pumpkin on Japan's Naoshima island

Miyajima Island

A quick 35-minute bullet train west from Okayama is Hiroshima, from where it is an easy local train ride onwards to Miyajima-guchi station. There we hopped on the Miyajima ferry (included in the JR Pass ) and 10 minutes later we were coming into port via our first views of Miyajima's most famous site: the Itsukushima Floating Torii Gate.

Floating only during high tide, mind you, so you may have to hang around for a bit if you are after that traditional photo shot of this magnificent red torii with its feet submerged.

We spent our afternoon meandering along the island, discovering sites like the Itsukushima Shrine and the Tahoto Pagoda. We wandered up the mountainside and took in the dramatic views over the bays, and sat in a glade of falling cherry blossoms at Momobayashi park. We ambled around the old town and along the canal that cuts it in two, while snacking on Japanese treats from the local street vendors.

And at the end of the day, as the sun sank towards the horizon, we boarded the ferry for our journey back and our 1 night spent in Hiroshima city.

The famous floating Itsukushima red torii, on Miyajima island in Japan.

The furthest west we would travel along Japan's main island of Honshu, and also the briefest of our stops, Hiroshima was nevertheless a revelation. Despite being over 75 years ago now that the Enola Gay dropped the infamous 'Little Boy' bomb over Hiroshima, the telling of those events has lost none of its impact.

We spent the morning walking the museums, installations, parks and historic sites of the Peace Memorial - a part of central Hiroshima dedicated to preserving the memory of those terrible events, and that aims to serve as a continuing reminder of the horrific costs of war. Lest we forget.

The harrowing testimonies of the survivors, the displays of the victims' belongings, letters from loved ones to those they have lost, and photographs depicting the carnage, or thousands of origami paper cranes sent by children from across the world to the Children's Peace Monument each year - all were vivid and moving reminders of events that we can only hope will never again be repeated.

Moving image of the Atomic Bomb Dome in Naoshima, Japan

5 days in Osaka

Back in the heart of Japan, we based ourselves in the modern city of Osaka for the next 5 days. Just a stone's throw from Kyoto, Osaka nevertheless makes a more convenient base for exploring the surrounding areas, thanks to cheaper accommodation, some of the best restaurants in Japan and superior nightlife options.

We spent our days discovering what Osaka had to offer, including historical sites like Osaka-jo Castle and the lovely Sumiyoshi Taisha shrine. We ambled along the riverbanks of the many waterways criss-crossing the city, rested our feet together with the locals in one of the trendy coffee shops overlooking the rivers, and ate in first-rate restaurants. We ascended the Umeda Sky Building for the fantastic views, and shopped in the department stores of the surrounding Umeda area.

A view of Osaka, during a 3 week itinerary of Japan

And at night we made our way to the Dotonbori canal - the main tourist hub of the city - an area aglitter with neon lights and abuzz with other revellers out for the evening.

We also made the most of Osaka's great location to do a few day trips, hopping on quick trains to discover the likes of Himeji and its immaculate ivory castle, or Nara for its deer interactions and that giant Buddha, as well as the modern city of Kobe and the historic charm of Kurashiki's bikan old town.

Koya-san - A night in a Buddhist monastery

By now our 3-week trip around Japan was nearing its end, but we still had a couple of special highlights awaiting us. And certainly one of the more unique Japanese experiences we had was our overnight stay in the Eko-in Buddhist monastery in Koyasan .

Koyasan - a mystical mountain south of Osaka in Japan's Wakayama district - is a wonder-filled place, filled with sacred Buddhist sites as well as the incomparable Okuno-in, Japan's largest cemetery. We came away inspired and truly enchanted by our all-too-brief 1-night temple stay in Koyasan.

The Okunoin Buddhist cemetery on Koyasan in Japan

Hakone - Onsen hot springs and ryokan stays

What more could a body tired from gallivanting around the Japanese countryside need than a soak in a steaming hot spring bath? So to finish off our 3 week adventure, we booked ourselves into the superlative Gora Hanaougi ryokan in Hakone , for 2 blissful days of relaxation set in beautiful countryside surroundings.

We spent our days following the sites along the Hakone Loop tourist route , and our evenings submerged in dreamy onsen baths followed by delicious kaiseki meals served up by the Hanaougi staff.

Of all the hotels we stayed in around Japan, Gora Hanaougi was our favourite, and whenever we find ourselves back in Japan again we will be sure to put aside some time to revisit this amazing traditional ryokan.

All good things come to an end, or at least that's the case with holidays, and so back we were in Tokyo for one last night, on site and ready to make our way back to the airport the following day for our flight home.

It was with a little bit of sadness, a ton of new memories, and no small amount of thankfulness that we waved goodbye to Japan after what had been the 21 day trip of a lifetime.

There can be nowhere else in the world quite like Japan, with its millennia-old temples and its modern cities, its graceful peoples and unique experiences. The land of the rising sun, of sumo wrestlers, singing toilets and sake, had given us experiences to cherish that we would carry with us forever.

Cherry blossoms at Momobayashi park and a red pagoda on Miyajima island, Japan

3 weeks in Japan - what we would do differently

The above itinerary was our best effort to fit in as much of our bucket-list Japanese items as practical, and it worked very well for us. With the benefit of hindsight, we did think there were a couple of small things we would change, and these are:

We found 5 days in Osaka slightly more than we needed, and 4 days in Kyoto not quite enough - we would reallocate 1 night between them.

We opted to stay on Naoshima Island itself for our 2 night visit there. However, we thought that the on-site Benesse accommodation was overly expensive and not really necessary. Naoshima is easily reachable from the mainland, and we would recommend staying somewhere convenient and visiting for a day trip.

Additional resources : For more inspiration, take a look at the wonderful Japan Starts Here website - it is a super blog filled with hands-on personal experiences and information that we found invaluable in planning our trip to Japan.

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This is the Ultimate Guide to Backpacking Japan: A 3 Week Itinerary (2023)

Japan has long been a top tourist destination , thanks to its unique and inspiring culture and food. If you are travelling to Japan for the first time, you will want to see as much of the country as you can. Three weeks is the perfect amount of time. Here is how to plan the ultimate Japan 3 week itinerary for backpacking Japan.

japan tour 3 wochen

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How to plan the ultimate backpacking Japan 3 week itinerary

If you’re wondering how to plan a trip to explore Japan in 3 weeks, the first place to start is what inspired you to visit in the first place. Are you hoping to see temples and castles, eat sensational street food, relax on beaches or in the mountains, explore its modern city life, or all of these things on your backpacking Japan itinerary? In Japan, 3 weeks is enough time to do all of these things, though it is such a rich country you may still find you cannot visit all the places you’d like to.

While travelling through Malaysia  with my boyfriend a few years ago, we met a young Japanese couple who sketched us a map outlining their recommendations of all the best places to go in Japan .

If you’re interested in joining a group tour in Japan, check out the latest deals from Intrepid Travel .

backpacking japan 3 week itinerary

Five years later, we finally did it. We planned our Japan backpacking route to spend 3 weeks in Japan from mid-April to May. We hoped to visit as many places as possible on our Japan itinerary of 3 weeks that our friends had suggested.

As you can see from the map, their recommendations ranged from Niigata, in the north of Honshu, Japan’s main island, all the way 1250 miles (2000 km) down south to Okinawa, the tropical islands in the East China Sea.

If like us you’re planning to spend around 21 days in Japan, you are lucky. On a 3 weeks in Japan itinerary, you will have time to fly to places like Okinawa, that not as many people visit. Still, we found that we had to make the choice between heading north or south from Tokyo, because we couldn’t fit everything in. In the end, we chose to head south and leave northern Japan for another time.

My first tip for planning a trip to Japan is to pick a few places that you really want to see, as even with Japan’s famous high speed bullet train , travelling between cities can take several hours. Read on for more tips and a sample 3 week Japan itinerary.

Don’t forget to bring Lonely Planet’s essential Japan guide book on your trip.

This is the ultimate backpacking Japan 3 week itinerary

Tokyo – 5 nights.

When deciding on your best itinerary for backpacking Japan, Tokyo is a must-stop on your list. You will probably fly in or out of Japan’s capital city and there is so much to see and do here.

The super SIM card to buy for your backpacking Japan trip

If you land at Tokyo’s Haneda airport, like us, make sure you head to the Bic Camera store on the third floor of arrivals and buy a B-Mobile 21 Days Visitor SIM. 

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This SIM card is perfect for a 3 week trip to Japan: mobile internet access done in one. The only thing you need to keep in mind is it doesn’t allow you to make calls.

Top ways to travel to and from the airport

Haneda airport is around 10 miles (16 km) from Tokyo city centre. The city’s other international airport, Narita, is around 40 miles (64 km) away. Rather than tackle the public transport from Haneda airport, we took a taxi to our accommodation as we were tired from our long-haul flight from Europe .

Be sure to take a print-out of the name and address of your accommodation in Japanese kanji characters, as some taxi drivers will not understand the names if they are written in the English alphabet. We liked how clean the taxis were and the lace seat covers. Some of them even have passenger doors that automatically open and close for you.

There are limousine shuttle buses operating between some areas of Tokyo and the city’s two main airports. This is a comfortable and cost-effective way to travel with all your luggage while backpacking through Japan. This is what we ended up doing for the rest of our trip when we were catching flights. Ask at the airport information desk, your hotel’s reception or click here for more information on locations and timetables.

An awesome area to stay in Tokyo (with a hidden shrine)

For this first stop in our backpacking Japan travel itinerary, we stayed in a central part of Tokyo called Akasaka. This part of Tokyo is close to tourist attractions and parks, as well as being a convenient location to get around the city, as there are a couple of metro stations nearby. It’s a great place to stay.

In Akasaka you’ll find the peaceful Hie Shrine which is well worth a visit. This is known as Tokyo’s hidden shrine and has a numerous red torii gates marking its entrance. We saw local business people come here to pray and make offerings in this shrine, which is an oasis among the modern skyscrapers.

Find an awesome selection of accommodation in Akasaka here .

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

There are also a large number of great restaurants in Akasaka, so you will have plenty of choice of places to eat every day. Keep in mind that the menus may not be in English and the staff may not speak English either so you may have to point at a picture and hope for the best. We were lucky that a friendly local guy at the next table gave us his recommendations of the best dishes, so we were off to a good start.

A beautiful place for brunch in Akasaka is the Aoyama Flower Market teahouse. Located at the base of the Akasaka Business Tower, here you can dine on creative and tasty breakfast options, surrounded by stunning plants and flowers, as you sip their special tea of the day. Such a treat.

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Tokyo backpackers guide to brilliant budget accommodation

Accommodation in Tokyo is relatively expensive and the rooms are smaller than usual Western hotel standards. Our favourite budget hotel in Tokyo was the Super Hotel Lohas Akasaka which has friendly staff and is in an ideal location with a 7-11 supermarket right next door. The hotel even its own onsen  public bath, with specific times for men and women, which is dreamy and incredibly relaxing. Perfect after a long day of sightseeing.

The nearby top-rated Kaisu hostel is a brilliant choice for backpackers in Japan, as it is clean, friendly and quiet, with a tasty free breakfast served daily in its cafe-bar. It offers the choice of mixed or female-only dorm rooms, as well as private rooms. Hostels in Japan are usually very clean and safe, so it’s a pleasant experience.

If you’re looking for a female-only hostel in Tokyo, try the fabulous Urban Hostel Kanda Jimbocho . Guests love this hostel’s helpful staff, cleanliness and cute kitchen area, including a washing machine. On top of all that there’s excellent WiFi and free coffee.

The two UNPLAN hostels in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Ward area are friendly, modern and offer female-only as well as mixed dormitories. UNPLAN Kagurazaka has air-conditioned rooms with free WiFi, coffee and breakfast served daily in the on-site bar and cafe, while UNPLAN Shinjuku is conveniently located close to Shinjuku station and tourist attractions.

Browse and book the best budget accommodation in Tokyo for your dates .

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These are the top attractions in Tokyo

One of the reasons it’s good to spend a few days in Tokyo is because the city is larger and takes longer to travel around than you may think. One of the closest attractions to Akasaka is the Tokyo Tower, but it still takes 20-30 minutes to reach by public transport or on foot.

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If it’s your birthday – like it was for me – they will give you a special package with free entry to ride to the top of Tokyo Tower and a complimentary drink or snack. From the summit there are incredible views over the city, so you can see for yourself how large it is.

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Not far from Tokyo Tower – and by that I mean only 30 minutes on the metro – is Shibuya. Here you will find great shopping and the famous Shibuya Crossing, said to be the world’s busiest intersection. That said, it is incredibly well organised. Many people go for a coffee in the Starbucks in order to take photos from the window of all the people down below, scuttling across the road. Even though it’s only a pedestrian crossing, it’s quite the spectacle and a lot of fun, with people posing for shots along the way.

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

If you are a fan of Nintendo, you can book a tour where you don a onesie and drive in a convoy of go-karts around the city, Mario Kart-style. We saw one of these groups go past in Shibuya .

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Following our Japanese friends’ recommendation, we visited Akihabara, a shopping hub full of electronics retailers, manga memorabilia shops and the Tokyo Anime Center. This was one of my favourite areas of Tokyo as it’s so colourful and lively. It is 30 minutes north of Akasaka via the city’s metro system.

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Here we stopped for a drink and a cuddle with the cats at the MoCHA cat cafe. You can buy treats to attract the cats to eat from your hand.

In nearby Asakusa – still 20 minutes away by public transport – you can visit Sensō-ji, Tokyo’s oldest temple which dates back to 645. Be warned, it gets incredibly crowded here, as it’s one of Tokyo’s most popular tourist attractions.

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Around 25 minutes east of Sensō-ji is a much smaller Shinto temple called the Kameido Tenjin Shrine. This is a perfect place to go if you’re backpacking Japan in the spring, as during a few short weeks there is a special festival when the gardens bloom with hundreds of wisteria. They hang over a tranquil turtle pond with cute bridges, paths and wisteria tunnels you can walk through. It was also crowded here when we came, but with more Japanese rather than international tourists.

A 15 minute walk from this temple is another of the city’s famous towers, the Tokyo Skytree. At 634 metres (over 2,000 feet) tall, it is hard to miss. In fact, it is the tallest tower in the world and there is a whole complex of restaurants inside. When we visited, we found it to be overwhelmingly busy so we didn’t go to the top.

If you’re a foodie, a great place to visit is Tokyo’s Tsukiji Market, around 20-30 minutes east of Akasaka, where you can find all kinds of local delicacies for sale. 

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Okinawa – 5 nights

The next destination in our backpacking Japan itinerary was Okinawa , as recommended by our Japanese friends. Known as Japan’s best-kept secret , they are located hundreds of miles south of mainland Japan in the Pacific Ocean, close to Taiwan and Hong Kong. The Okinawa islands have a subtropical climate, with average temperatures above 20°C all year round.

We took a domestic ANA flight from Tokyo for the three hour journey and took a limousine bus from the airport to our accommodation. 

Browse and book the best hotels and hostels in Okinawa here .

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The most interesting area to stay in Okinawa

Okinawa has a large international cultural influence, notably that of the U.S., which has a large military base there. We stayed on the main Okinawa Island in Chatan, close to American Village.

This colourfully-lit area feels like a mini-Vegas which is totally in contrast to the rest of Japan. It is full of restaurants, shops and entertainment venues with an American touch. 

For accommodation close to American Village check out this selection .

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

This is a truly fabulous hotel in Okinawa

Our hotel was the gorgeous new Doubletree by Hilton Okinawa Chatan resort overlooking the sea, a short walk from American Village. We decided to spend more money on accommodation here than we would normally because it was for my birthday. It was well worth it.

Our large room included two double beds and a wet room with an absolutely blissful rain shower head.This contemporary hotel is stylish with great facilities, including a cafe/shop, and the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful. 

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I would recommend choosing an ocean-facing room because the sunset views are absolutely stunning. We sat on our balcony and looked out over the ocean as much as we could. I’ve never stayed in a hotel like this that was so close to the coast. 

Check the latest prices and availability for this fabulous hotel .

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

Beautiful beaches and scuba diving in Okinawa

There are beautiful beaches in Okinawa with hardly a soul on them. One of the best is Oodomari beach on the remote Ikei Island. It can be reached by car – one hour from Chatan – thanks to a series of bridges from Okinawa island. You will need to pay a small fee to the beach’s owners and you can enjoy the area almost to yourself. The sea is ideal for swimming – clear, clean and full of fish. There are basic showers where you can wash off the sand afterwards.

For all the best things to do in Okinawa, check out my Okinawa itinerary .

backpacking in japan 3 week itinerary

If you are feeling adventurous, there are many scuba-diving sites around Okinawa . The islands are surrounded by coral reefs. We headed towards the neighbouring island’s Kerama National Park on our scuba-diving trip.

For your perfect backpacking Japan three week itinerary, you may prefer to leave Okinawa until the end of your trip so you can relax on the beaches after all the sightseeing around Japan’s cities.

Nagasaki – 2 nights

After Okinawa, we were looking for the most convenient direct flight back to the south of Japan’s main islands. We discovered an affordable price for a flight to the city of Nagasaki, taking just 1.5 hours, so we went ahead and booked it as the next stop on our backpacking Japan itinerary.

We had only heard of Nagasaki because of the devastating atomic bomb attack the city suffered during World War II at the hand of the United States. But the place has a fascinating history that started long before this tragedy befell it.

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Today a city of over 425,000 people, Nagasaki began as a small fishing village. In the mid-16th century, Portuguese explorers landed here and over the years it became a popular port city for traders from China and countries across Europe .

On our walk from Nagasaki station to our accommodation, we were surprised to see a Christian church: the Nakamachi Catholic Church. It turns out, the arrival of the Europeans in the 16th century brought Christianity to Japan and the religion gained popularity in Nagasaki and beyond. However, Christianity was soon suppressed by the Japanese rulers of the time, who persecuted anyone declaring themselves a Christian. Japan was then officially secluded from international influence for two centuries, until the 1850s. Nagasaki’s ‘Hidden Christian Sites’ are now on the UNESCO World Heritage List as they tell the story of how the religion was revived when Japan opened its doors again in the 19th century.

Where to stay at a traditional ryokan in Nagasaki

Here in Nagasaki, we stayed in a traditional Japanese ryokan , called Fujiwara Ryokan , where the floors are covered with tatami straw mats and the futon bedding is folded up in the corner.

The host is Isamu Fujiwara-san, a delightful older man whose English is limited, but who is incredibly kind and welcoming His partner prepares a delicious traditional Japanese breakfast for guests. When you arrive, you will find yukata robes to wear and a fresh pot of green tea to help you re-hydrate after your journey.

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Just a a 9-minute walk from Nagasaki train station, Fujiwara Ryokan is conveniently located and has five rooms. At first glance, it is basic accommodation, but there is free Wi-Fi, air-conditioning and flat-screen TVs in each room. It was a unique, traditional experience – with modern conveniences – for our three week backpacking Japan itinerary, which was very special.

For more outstanding accommodation options in Nagasaki, click here .

Make a stop here for melt-in-the-mouth yakitori

Isamu Fujiwara-san at Fujiwara Ryokan gave us a map of recommended local restaurants. Thanks to him, we discovered a restaurant called Yakitori Torimasa Ebisu, where we ate heavenly yakitori – chargrilled meats, seafood and veg on skewers. Seriously, it all tasted so good and simply melted in our mouths.

Helpfully, the restaurant has an English menu and the chef can also recommend dishes for you, before cooking them right in front of you. He told us he has been making yakitori like this for ten years. Our favorite dishes included the miso pork belly. Highly recommended – one of our favourite dining experiences while backpacking Japan.

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The most memorable and moving things to do in Nagasaki

Why not walk off dinner with an evening stroll just over a mile (2 km) to Fuchi Shrine Station. From here you can catch the half-hourly Nagasaki Ropeway up to the scenic Mount Inasayama Observatory and viewing platform, which sits of 333 metres (1,093 ft) above the city.

The panoramic sights from up here of Nagasaki’s ’10 Million Dollar Night View’ of the city’s many twinkling lights, mountains and reflective river ranks as one of the world’s top 3 night view spots, alongside Monaco and Hong Kong.

Every evening shortly before closing time at 10pm, the three large TV and radio station transmitters light up in a special colourful display.

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A short tram ride from Nagasaki’s main station is the Nagasaki Peace Park. Even the trams themselves have a cute retro style.

In Nagasaki Peace Park, you will find the ‘hypocenter’, the exact spot where the atomic bomb landed on the city in 1945, destroying the north of the city and killing 35,000 people in less than a second. 

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Nearby you can see a remnant of a church that was one of the area’s only buildings left standing. You can also find a preserved part of the ground, exactly as it was after the bombing. Tools and teacups show the sheer devastation at ground level and the lives that were lost here.

As you walk through Nagasaki Peace Park, you will find a number of moving statues dedicated to the people of Nagasaki and calling for world peace, including the striking Peace Statue. It is an emotional experience.

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Hiroshima and Miyajima island – 4 nights

From Nagasaki, it’s a four hour train journey to Hiroshima, with a transfer at Hakata station that we had paid for in advance thanks to our JR Passes .

The best hotel in Hiroshima for fabulous city views

In Hiroshima, we stayed at the fabulous Rihga Royal Hotel . It was my birthday and the hotel staff had kindly upgraded our room to a corner room on a high floor of the tower, with panoramic views over the city. You can even see as far as the island of Miyajima.

In the evening, we went to the hotel’s rooftop bar and tasted deliciously fragrant and spicy Japanese gin, served by an expert bartender.

Check out the full list of excellent hotels in Hiroshima .

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The most moving thing to see in Hiroshima

Hiroshima is well known, along with Nagasaki, for being the site of the devastating atomic bombings during World War II. Here, you can visit the Atomic Bomb Dome, an iconic building that was one of the few constructions left standing after the bombing.

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The attack killed more than 70,000 people instantly, while 70,000 more succumbed to radiation poisoning. The building was preserved exactly as it was, serving as a memorial to the lives lost. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site and part of the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum and Park.

Marvel at the shrines and friendly deer of Miyajima Island

The picturesque Miyajima Island is the perfect day trip from Hiroshima. Many people recommend staying overnight there too, but rooms are in high demand.

The island’s ‘floating’ Great Torii Gate in the bay is a popular spot for photos. It marks the entrance to the 12th-century Itsukushima Shrine. This is another UNESCO World Heritage Site.

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For me, the most impressive structure is the Tahoto Pagoda, a striking red Buddhist temple built in 1523.

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On Miyajima, friendly deer roam fearlessly among the tourists, searching for snacks. It’s rare to see these normally shy creatures up close and be able to pose for photos with them.

In the afternoon, take the Miyajima Ropeway the two journeys to the top of the mountain for incredible views. There will probably be queues, but it is worth it.

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At the top of this sacred mountain, if you have time, you can hike around the forests and discover the Seven Wonders of Mount Misen.

It is so special here that you may wish to stay overnight so you can appreciate it after most of the tourists have left for the day. However, there are only a few places to stay and they are in high demand. You can book your room online in advance here .

Miyajima island is a charming and magical place that will stay in your memory for a long time.

Osaka – 3 nights

From Hiroshima, it’s a 2.5 hour journey by high speed bullet train to Osaka. Home to 19 million people, Osaka is a huge port city known for its modern architecture which lights up at night. While you can do one day in Osaka , two nights is great so you can take your time.

Browse and book from the extensive list of places to stay in Osaka here .

Its main historical landmark is the 16th-century Osaka Castle, which is surrounded by a moat and park with plum, peach and cherry-blossom trees.

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The street food you need to try in Osaka

Osaka is renowned for its tasty street food so, as guided by the notes on the rudimentary map drawn by our Japanese friends, we had to try it.

First up, was takoyaki , stuffed batter balls topped with sauce. Even watching these little local snacks being made is a joy, as the market stall owners whip the batter around in the small moulds.

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Next up, is okonomiyaki , delicious Japanese savoury pancakes filled with your choice of meat, seafood, vegetables and cheese, and topped with plenty of sauce. It’s street food heaven.

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Osaka’s not-to-be-missed nightlife

As day turns to night in Osaka, the Dotonbori area of the city lights up into bright colours wherever you look. It’s awe-inspiring, simply walking along the streets and looking up at the giant, luminous adverts.

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Look inside one of Japan’s video game arcades any time of day or night and you will be struck by the amount of machine noise, cigarette smoke and coloured lights. These dedicated gamers don’t seem to mind though.

Kyoto – 3 nights

Kyoto is just a 15-minute bullet train from Osaka. Once the capital of Japan, it is famous for its 2,000 beautifully preserved religious places, including 1,600 Buddhist temples and 400 Shinto shrines, as well as imperial palaces, gardens and traditional wooden architecture. The historic monuments of ancient Kyoto are a UNESCO World Heritage Site and the city is one of Japan’s most popular tourist destinations, so be sure to allow at least two days in Kyoto . 

Kyoto is in high demand so book your accommodation well in advance here .

Explore Kyoto’s famous geisha district

As well as being a great place to go shopping, Kyoto has a long tradition of being a centre for geisha , the distinctive traditional Japanese female entertainers.

Kyoto’s most famous geisha district is Gion, where you will find many traditional wooden merchant buildings containing shops, restaurants and teahouses, where geisha entertain guests.

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At the Gion Corner theatre, you can watch performances showcasing a variety of Japanese theatrical arts.

The nearby Ponto-chō district is also known for its preserved traditional architecture and entertainment. Pontocho Alley in particular is an atmospheric place to wander around after dark.

Here on its narrow streets you can discover tiny, moody bars where highly experienced bartenders mix you cocktails served with flowers, fruit and traditional Kyoto snacks.

Get lost in the bamboo forest

A popular day trip destination from Kyoto that you will recognise from Instagram photos is the Arashiyama Bamboo Forest. Just under an hour by public transport from central Kyoto, the bamboo forest walk is extremely popular with tourists so go early or be prepared for crowds.

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However, head off the beaten track and you will find secluded shrines and mossy pathways where you can enjoy a peaceful moment.

We found a great little Udon noodle restaurant called Ogura-ya, where you can tuck into delicious noodle soup.

From Kyoto it’s a comfortable three-hour bullet train ride back to Tokyo, where you can catch your flight home after an incredible three weeks backpacking Japan.

Tokyo – 3 nights

Returning to Tokyo for our flight home, we took an extra day for what turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip – a visit to the majestic Mount Fuji.

Mount Fuji – the most fabulous day trip from Tokyo

About 1.5 hours from central Tokyo by train or bus is the famous Mount Fuji. This special place is well worth a day trip to enjoy the views. We were very fortunate to have perfect weather to see this magnificent mountain as often the summit is obscured by clouds.

Staying overnight in this beautiful location? Discover all the best places to stay .

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

From Kawaguchiko Station rent a bicycle or take the Red Line bus to Oishi Park. This route is usually not as busy as some of the others, so it won’t be so crowded when you get there. The gardens, flowers and lake provide a beautiful foreground for your Mount Fuji photos. The blueberry ice cream from the cafe at the nearby Kawaguchiko Natural Living Center will make your experience even sweeter.

Is backpacking Japan expensive?

You may be wondering, how much does backpacking Japan cost? Japan is certainly more expensive than other countries in Asia to visit. In total, for our three weeks in Japan, I spent around €3500 (£3000), but you can definitely do it for cheaper than we did, if you stay in shared accommodation instead of private rooms.

So, how much money do you need per day when backpacking Japan? For me, it worked out at around €165 (£140) per day. I will break down the costs below, to help you calculate the price for your own trip.

Just over a third of the total cost was for accommodation. We stayed in simple hotel rooms, as well as a traditional Japanese ryokan and a nicer hotel in Okinawa for my birthday. You will save a lot of money on accommodation in Japan if you are staying in hostel dorm rooms, such as the ones suggested in the section below.

Around a quarter of the cost was for transport, including return flights from mainland Japan to Okinawa and the JR Pass for high speed train travel around the country. The JR Pass is an expensive upfront cost, but it works out cheaper than booking individual train journeys in Japan once you’re there and gives you peace of mind. For more information, see the travel section below.

The next biggest cost, at 16% of the total, was for food and eating out at restaurants. The good news is you can dine well in Japan on a budget. We only spent around €27 (£22) per day on food. In Japan, you can find tasty street food and it’s great to try the local specialities – read more on this below. Even in one of the neighbourhood 7-11 supermarkets, you can find delicious and inexpensive Japanese snacks and meals.

Of the remaining budget, the largest was for tickets to attractions, but this only comprised 8% of the total.

In terms of how much cash you should bring to Japan, you may be surprised to find that many vendors still take cash rather than credit card payment. For this reason, I would make sure you always have plenty of cash on you. Sometimes it will take a while to find an ATM, so once you locate one, it’s worth taking out a large sum of money, as you will probably be charged by your bank, and maybe the ATM too, for each withdrawal. Luckily, Japan is a safe place to travel, so you don’t need to worry about carrying cash with you.

This is the best (and worst) time to visit Japan

Spring is said to be the best time to visit Japan because it’s cherry blossom season. For my trip to Japan, we decided to go from mid-April to the first week of May, over the Easter holidays. However, it’s good to check with a Japan itinerary blog or planner first. It was only after I booked our flights with ANA (All Nippon Airways) that I realised that our dates coincided with Golden Week.

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

At the end of April and beginning of May every year, Golden Week in Japan is a time when there are a number of national holidays. At this time of year, many transport hubs, hotels and tourist attractions across the country are much busier than normal, if not fully booked. Normally the advice for international tourists is to avoid this period. For this reason, it’s better to go to Japan in March or early April, if you want to see the cherry blossom. The mild autumn months between September and November is another good time to visit, as summer in Japan can get very hot.

For us, Golden Week in 2019 coincided with the abdication of Japan’s Emperor Akihito and the ascension to the throne of his son Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan, ushering in a new era for the country. As well as more extended national holidays, it was a momentous time in history to visit Japan. Read on for my full Japan trip planner to help you organise the best trip to Japan.

This is by far the fastest and best way to travel in Japan

As you will be travelling long distances in a relatively short space of time, the best way to travel around Japan is by bullet train, known in Japan as the Shinkansen . It is fast, comfortable and incredibly efficient.

Buying the bullet train tickets separately can be expensive, so I highly recommend buying a Japan Rail (JR) Pass. This allows you to travel on the Shinkansen as often as you want within your Japan 21 day itinerary for a fixed price. You need to order it in advance before you leave, then exchange your voucher for the pass itself at a train station when you arrive.

Find out more, buy your JR Pass and get a free Japan train planner here . 

Backpacking in Japan 3 week itinerary

A Japan train tour like this is arguably the best way to see Japan if you are there for a week or more and visiting a few places – you can also buy a JR Pass for 1 week or 2 weeks. When you are looking into how to travel around Japan, you will see there are other options, such as buses and internal flights. Buses can be useful if your Japan travel route is more off-the-beaten path as the Shinkansen mainly serves the big cities. As we were taking flights for part of our trip, to visit Okinawa, we calculated that we didn’t need a JR Pass for 3 weeks to travel through Japan; we only needed to organise a 7 day Japan Rail Pass itinerary.

After you have planned your JR Pass Itinerary, you will need to book the individual tickets for the journeys at the train station. Then, the only thing you will need to worry about is getting on and off the train in time, as they only allow around one minute at each station, before speeding off to the next stop. 

To help you plan a budget and estimate costs for your trip to Japan, check out this useful site .

Final thoughts on a backpacking Japan 3 week itinerary

While we had a full Japan itinerary of 21 days, somehow it still didn’t feel like enough time. Because we had chosen to go south to Okinawa on our Japan backpacking trip, we weren’t able to visit the two destinations in northern Japan that our friends had suggested.

Niigata is a port city said to produce the world’s finest sake, Japan’s famous rice wine, while Nagano is a ski resort famous for the snow monkeys bathing in the hot springs of Jigokudani Monkey Park. Seems there’s plenty left to visit on our return.

Whatever happens, you are sure to have an incredible time on your 3 week itinerary in Japan, as you eat, experience and enjoy everything this unique country has to offer.


1 ping/trackback.

What would you skip for a two week itinerary? I thought Okinawa? And what else?

Hi Dirk, yes, for a two week itinerary I would suggest leaving out Okinawa and Nagasaki. I hope you have an incredible trip to Japan!

How much did you pay in total for the whole trip?

Hi Jackie, thanks for your question. I have added a section to the article outlining the total cost for the trip and the breakdown by type of expenditure. I hope this helps!

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Plan Your Trip

Spend three weeks in japan.

This is true for both newbie Japan travelers, and for seasoned veterans. My first trip to Japan saw me enjoy an enticing overview of the country for 21 days; my latest three-week adventure, less than a year ago, afforded me a comprehensive cross section of Japan’s amazing autumn .

Over the next several paragraphs—I’ve recently re-published this page, and cut it down to make it more digestible—you’ll learn everything you need to plan your own 3 week Japan adventure. So without further ado, let’s get down to the details, shall we?

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Practical Matters

When to visit japan.

Conventional wisdom would dictate that Japan is best during its most colorful periods: The aforementioned autumn, which peaks between mid-November and early December, and cherry blossom season , which takes place during the last week of March and the first week of April in most of the country.

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While I love visiting Japan during these times, they’re certainly not your only option. For example, even if you’re not a skier, Japan’s winter is a fabulous time to go , particularly in snowy northern regions like Tohoku and the island of Hokkaido. Likewise, the Japanese summer is a great time to visit, particularly if you can choose a destination (the Japanese Alps, for instance) that avoids its trademark heat and humidity.

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All in all, Japan is a 365-day destination. It’s all about planning a trip that plays to the strengths of whenever you happen to be going.

Where to stay in Japan

Choosing awesome places to stay is key if you want to make sure that 3 weeks Japan doesn’t knock the wind out of you. This doesn’t mean you have to splurge on five-star accommodations, but it does mean you should choose clean, comfortable and centrally-located places (I call this my “three Cs” of travel accommodation) that are also authentic and have character, whenever possible. Another tip? Rather than hopping to a new place every night, try to spend a minimum of two days in each city or town so you can start to settle into your trip.

  • In Tokyo , I love staying in the convenient, chic Tokyo Station Hotel or the stylish Hotel the Celestine Ginza if money is no object. If it is, business hotels like Asakusa’s The Kanzashi and Hotel Gracery Shinjuku (aka the Godzilla Hotel 🦖) will get the job done.
  • Kyoto is famous for ryokan , but you don’t have to sleep on a traditional futon to have an unforgettable stay. To be sure, as much as I love properties such as Seikoro Ryokan and Izuyasu , so too do I love modern hotels like Dhawa Yura Kyoto and Rinn Gion Shirakawa , which incorporate ancient elements into state-of-the-art stays.
  • Headed to Hiroshima ? I like to go utilitarian, be that at the four-star Hotel Granvia or the simpler Sotetsu Fresa Inn .
  • Tokyu Stay , which operates properties throughout Japan, is one of my favorite mid-range Japanese hotel brand. Whether you stay at their properties in Tokyo , Kyoto, Fukuoka , Takayama or Sapporo , you’ll enjoy conveniences like in-room laundry at an unbelievable price.
  • While Airbnb in Japan tends to leave something to be desired, you can still enjoy apartment-style accommodation throughout the country. I love the Mimaru brand, which features suites for couples and families in Tokyo , Kyoto and beyond.
  • My favorite onsen-ryokan in Japan is, without a doubt, Gunma prefecture’s Takaragawa Onsen Ousenkaku .

Money, costs and communication

If you’re reading this in 2023, when I last updated it, chances are that your 3 weeks in Japan cost will be much less than you expect. At the moment, the Japanese yen is the weakest it’s been in decades, at around 140 to the US dollar. Even excepting this, most travel expenditures in Japan are surprisingly affordable. You can get a serviceable hotel room in many cities for under 200 USD per night; all but the fanciest meals can be had for $20-30 per person, or even less. While Japan has traditionally been a cash-centric country, this is rapidly changing, whether you use a credit card or ApplePay (particularly when pairing this with PASMO or Suica, the country’s two main rapid transit cards).

The good news? eSIM technology has now made its way to Japan. The better news? If you buy your Japan eSIM online today , you can be connected the moment you land in Tokyo!

Communication-wise, Japan has become a more English-friendly country over the years, but having some basic Japanese travel phrases at your disposal is still a good idea. This is in a literal sense. Figuratively, it’s easier than ever to stay connected in Japan, whether due to a plentiful Wifi availability, or keeping in mind that it’s easier than ever to buy a Japanese SIM card .

How to get around in Japan

Japan has one of the world’s most modern railway networks, connected not only by state-of-the-art Shinkansen bullet trains, but by a variety of efficient limited express and functional local trains, as well as subway, tram and bus networks within cities, many of which are actually walkable. Beyond this, it’s easy and affordable to fly domestically in Japan, or to get around using ferries or even renting a car when necessary.

Where to Go With 3 Weeks in Japan

Greater tokyo.

I usually recommend my clients to kick off three weeks in Japan with 2-3 nights in Tokyo , keeping in mind that you’ll likely need to return there for at least a night at the end of your trip. This includes at least two full days in central Tokyo, exploring districts like historical Asakusa , glitzy Ginza , quirky Akihabara , exhilarating Shinjuku and larger-than-life Shibuya .

japan tour 3 wochen

Tokyo is also a fantastic base for taking day trips in the larger Kanto region. Some of my favorites include the ancient city of Nikko , centered around the forested Tosho-gu shrine, and coastal Kamakura , which was once Japan’s capital. You can also make a day trip to the Fuji Five Lakes region at the base of Mt. Fuji , even if spending a night or two there is more ideal.

Kyoto, Osaka and the Kansai region

Japan’s ancient capital, Kyoto , is an essential part of any 3 weeks in Japan itinerary. So too is its underrated second city of Osaka , which in my opinion is the best place in the country for street food. From these destinations—the core ones of the Kansai region—a wide array of day trips exist, including the deer-filled city of Nara , the tea-producing hub of Uji , the castle town of Himeji and Kobe , which is famous for its beef (among other things).

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Kansai is great for getting off the beaten path as well. Head south to Wakayama and Mie prefectures, whether you spend a night in a Buddhist temple atop Wakayama’s Mt. Koya , or have lunch with ama pearl divers in Mie’s Toba . Head eastward from Kyoto to Lake Biwa or northward to Kyotango , aka “Kyoto by the Sea.”

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Named for the Seto Island Sea that sits just off the shore of cities like Hiroshima and Okayama , this region of southwestern Japan is far richer than an atomic bomb museum. Many popular day trips are islands, be those Okunoshima (Rabbit Island) and Miyajima (home to the famous Itsukushima Shrine ) from Hiroshima , or the Naoshima “Art Island” from Okayama.

Hokuriku and the Japanese Alps

japan tour 3 wochen

Once you’ve finished traveling Japan’s “Golden Route” (aka Tokyo, Kyoto/Osaka and Hiroshima), you can add more unique destinations to you 3 week Japan itinerary. One option would be to return to Tokyo the “back way” from western Japan—namely, by riding a Thunderbird Limited Express train from Osaka or Kyoto to Kanazawa . This underrated city is not only home to Kenroku-en , one of Japan’s “three great gardens,” but is a gateway to the Japanese Alps , as well as to destinations like the Noto Peninsula , the scenic prefectures of Fukui and Toyama and mountain towns like Shirakawa-go and Takayama .

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Another option would be to head back to Tokyo, but to bypass the capital via a northbound bullet train. Whether you make your way to major cities like Sendai , Morioka and Aomori , or to more rural prefectures like Yamagata and Akita , the Tohoku region is one of Japan’s sweet spots. It combines the wild, northern scenery of Hokkaido (more on that place in a second) with ancient Japanese culture, be that the Samurai village of Kakunodate , or the haunting mountain temple of Yamadera .

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Speaking of Hokkaido , Japan’s northernmost island is also its wildest one. For some, the city of Sapporo and its surroundings (historic Otaru and the ski resort of Niseko ) are as far in as they need to dig. Others will head all the way east, be it to cities like Kushiro and Abashiri (as well as nearby lakes like Akan and Kussharo ) during the frozen winter , or to the lavender fields of Furano or the castaway Shiretoko Peninsula during the summer. The southernmost city of Hakodate , meanwhile, is fantastic all year round.

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Yet another option with three weeks in Japan? Travel southwestward from Hiroshima to Hakata , the principal Shinkansen station of Kyushu island. Explore the surrounding foodie hub of Fukuoka , or the rest of Kyushu’s interesting prefectures: Southwestern Nagasaki boasts history and harbors; Oita ‘s Beppu city is a hub for hot springs; Kumamoto ‘s Mt. Aso is a hiker’s paradise; and Kagoshima (aka where Japan ends) is like a microcosm of Kyushu, all with volcanic Sakurajima rising above it.

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When it comes to your Japan itinerary, 3 weeks is also enough to get an introduction to Shikoku , which is connected to Okayama via train and Osaka by bus. The smallest of Japan’s main islands, Shikoku is divided into four prefectures: Ehime, which is home to the large city of Matsuyama and the Dogo Onsen hot spring; Kagawa , where you find Takamatsu , as well as lush Ritsurin Garden and haunting Kotohira-gu shrine; Tokushima and its awa-odori dance tradition; and Kochi , where you can explore castles by day and tear into succulent, seared katsuo-no-tataki at night.

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If you want to hit the beach during your Japan 3 week itinerary, cap it off by flying from any major Japanese city to Okinawa . The main island of Japan’s sub-tropical archipelago, Okinawa allows you to access awesome islands like Ie and Tokashiki on day trips, and to go by ferry for longer excursions to sub-archipelagoes like Ishigaki and Miyako-jima . Okinawa is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world—I have a feeling they’ll impress you as much as they impressed me.

Japan off the beaten path

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Japan’s tourist trail is long and eclectic, but so too is the country’s beaten path. Extend your trip northward from Hiroshima to the San’in region, or head northward and eastward from Kanazawa to Niigata and scenic Sado Island . Alternatively, dig deeper into quasi-mainstream destinations like Kyushu (take a ferry to Yakushima island) or Sapporo, from which Hokkaido’s “wild east” is just a few hours away by train.

Is 3 Weeks Enough Time in Japan?

As I alluded to earlier in this post, three weeks hits the sweet spot for most travelers. It’s long enough that you can explore Japan’s tourist trail and get off its beaten path, but short enough that you don’t leave feeling exhausted (or being broke!). It invites you to come back to Japan—whether for three weeks, or a shorter time; you’ll probably return on multiple occasions!—and leaves you experienced enough that doing so will be much easier the second time around.

With this being said, if you want to plan longer than a 3 week itinerary, Japan is perfect for that, too. Extending your trip to span a month in Japan unlocks even more possibilities, to say nothing of what 2 months in Japan can empower you to do. On the other end, even if you’ve only got a couple of weeks to spare, you can still plan a rich, fulfilling trip to Japan .

Other FAQ About Visiting Japan for 3 Weeks

How much does 3 weeks in japan cost.

How much does 3 weeks in Japan cost? Assuming a minimum cost of 100 USD (¥14,000) per person per day, the least you can expect to spend for a Japan 3 week itinerary is $2,100 (¥294,000), which does not include the price of your flights to and from Japan. Keep in mind that this cost can quickly balloon if you’re staying in luxurious hotels and ryokan, or if you indulge in more than the occasional Michelin-starred kaiseki dinner.

Should I spend 2 or 3 weeks in Japan?

If you have three weeks to devote to travel in Japan, spending longer is always a better idea. With three weeks, you can spend two weeks on Japan’s tourist trail (Tokyo→Mt. Fuji→Kyoto/Osaka→Hiroshima and back) and an entire week going somewhere off the beaten path, be that to secondary islands like Kyushu, Shikoku or Hokkaido, or interesting regions such as Hokuriku, San’in or Tohoku.

How long should I visit Japan for the first time?

As long as you can! Japan is an endless well of discovery and revelation, and while the sense of newness can endure for years or even decades, it’s never as acute as it is during your first trip. Try to spend a minimum of 2-3 weeks in Japan on your first trip so that you can enjoy as wide an array as possible of experiences when you’re still completely vulnerable to the country’s charms and eccentricity.

The Bottom Line

3 weeks in Japan is enough for an “end-all, be-all” trip, but it works much better as an appetizer for years or even decades of returning to the country. Japan is much bigger than it looks on the map—and it’s significantly more diverse than its ethnic homogeneity would suggest. For first-timers, a three week trip is an invitation to mix Japan’s tourist trail with one or two destinations off the beaten path. If you’re coming back to Japan for three weeks, meanwhile, you can dig deep. Immerse yourself in one of the country’s colorful seasons, or venture where few other foreign tourists do. No matter how long you stay, make sure your next Japan trip is one for the record books— hire me to plan it!

japan tour 3 wochen

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    The super SIM card to buy for your backpacking Japan trip. If you land at Tokyo's Haneda airport, like us, make sure you head to the Bic Camera store on the third floor of arrivals and buy a B-Mobile 21 Days Visitor SIM. This SIM card is perfect for a 3 week trip to Japan: mobile internet access done in one.

  23. The Best Way to Spend 3 Weeks in Japan (or Longer)

    1.4 How to get around in Japan. 2 Where to Go With 3 Weeks in Japan. 2.1 Greater Tokyo. 2.2 Kyoto, Osaka and the Kansai region. 2.3 Setouchi. 2.4 Hokuriku and the Japanese Alps. 2.5 Tohoku. 2.6 Hokkaido. 2.7 Kyushu.