Office de Tourisme de Lille

Printemps Impressionniste

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Beffroi de l'hôtel de Ville de Lille

Montez les marches du plus grand beffroi de France et de Belgique et contemplez la vue à 360° qui vous attend en haut de l’édifice.

City Tour

Découvrez les plus beaux sites et monuments de Lille à bord d’un car décapotable qui vous fait visiter une grande partie de la ville.

Visite guidée du Vieux-Lille devant la Vieille Bourse

Baladez-vous dans les charmantes ruelles pavées du Vieux-Lille en vous faisant conter sa riche histoire.

Jeu de piste Echappée Bière

Parviendrez-vous à résoudre l’énigme qui vous mène au délicieux trésor ?

Machines à sous du Casino Barrière de Lille

Tentez votre chance au Casino Barrière de Lille en profitant d’un repas complet, d’une coupe de champagne et de plusieurs jetons.

Visite en 2 chevaux sur le quai du Wault

À bord d’une authentique 2CV, sillonnez les rues et les ruelles pavées du Vieux-Lille, à la découverte des plus beaux sites et monuments de ce quartier pittoresque.

Dégustation de bière

L’atelier de dégustation de bière varie chaque mois afin de vous proposer des saveurs et des nuances finement sélectionnées en fonction des saisons et des produits du moment.

Comédie musicale au théâtre du Casino Barrière

Découvrez le spectacle musical du Casino Barrière Lille « In my 80’s » ! Suivez l’histoire d’une jeune femme en pleine explosion dans sa carrière musicale en plein milieu des années 80.

Nouvelle date pour cette visite à succès. Construit en 1717, difficile d’imaginer ce qui se trame derrière cette façade. Découvrez-le lors d’une visite guidée avec un guide conférencier et un membre de l’équipe du théâtre.

Frites au maroilles et bière

Baladez-vous dans le Vieux-Lille avec votre guide et faites escale au sein de 6 bonnes adresses lilloises, pour vous régaler et profiter du chaleureux accueil des gens du Nord.


Participez à ce jeu de piste en anglais qui vous fait traverser les charmantes rues du Vieux-Lille, en quête de délicieux trésors.

Auberge De Jeunesse Stephane Hessel

Le quartier autour de la Porte de Valenciennes est en pleine mutation. Faites vous conter son histoire, étroitement liée au passé industriel de la région, et imprégnez-vous de son apaisant cadre de vie.

Visite en taxivélo devant le palais des Beaux-Arts

Embarquez à bord d’un vélo-taxi dans le centre-ville et faites la liaison entre les 2 somptueux beffrois de la ville, en passant par plusieurs monuments emblématiques qui animent le parcours.

Colonne de la déesse

Lille se révèle être le théâtre de nombreuses représentations féminines alliant force, courage et symbole. Partez à leur découverte !

Spectacle à la Comédie de Lille

Juste à côté du théâtre Sébastopol, la Comédie de Lille vous propose un spectacle par jour et attire chaque fois des centaines de personnes venues rire et se détendre.

En couple au Casino Barriere

Vous ne connaissez pas encore le Casino Barrière de Lille ? Cette formule est faite pour vous !

Visite en taxivélo dans le Vieux-Lille

Embarquez à bord d’un vélo-taxi dans le Vieux-Lille, avec ses façades colorées, ses authentiques pavés et ses monuments emblématiques.

Jeu De Piste Biere

Durant ce jeu de piste, coopérez avec vos amis pour mettre la main sur le précieux butin.

Ilôt Comtesse

En plein cœur de l’îlot Comtesse, faites vous narrer l’histoire de Jeanne et Marguerite de Flandre, qui ont joué un rôle majeur dans l’évolution de la ville.

Faites vous raconter la culture brassicole de Lille, de ses origines à aujourd’hui par un biérologue, et dégustez quelques accords bière et mets sucrés et salés.


Tentez de résoudre une énigme sur le thème de la bière qui vous emmène à la découverte de très bonnes adresses. Plusieurs cadeaux sont à gagner !

Visite en segway sur l'esplanade

Aux commandes d’un segway, suivez votre guide dans les rues de Lille. Ce mode de transport doux et insolite vous emmène voir une grande partie de la ville et ses immanquables.

Visite vélo

Qui de mieux que les locaux pour vous faire découvrir la ville ? Enfourchez votre authentique vélo hollandais ou votre tandem et pédalez vers les plus beaux sites et monuments de Lille.

Visite en segway place du Théâtre

Aux commandes d’un segway, suivez votre guide à travers les sites et monuments de votre choix. Une idée originale et amusante qui permet de mieux connaître la ville.

Voix Du Nord

Faites-vous raconter les fondamentaux de l’architecture Art déco et scrutez attentivement les façades des bâtiments datant de l’entre-deux guerres.

Les Arcades - Tourcoing

Embarquez à bord d’un car, à la découverte des plus somptueux monuments Art déco de Tourcoing, Roubaix et Wattrelos.

Belles Façades d'Architecture sur la Rue de Bethune

Suivez votre guide conférencier pour admirer les façades des commerces Art déco de l’époque de l’entre-deux guerres.

Tram Roubaix

Du Croisé-Laroche à Lille, montez à bord du tramway en faisant quelques haltes pour découvrir les pépites qui se manifestent au fil de votre parcours.

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de La Treille

  • Toutes les visites

6 bonnes raisons   de visiter Lille

Plat de moules frites et une bière

City Pass Accédez librement à 40 sites touristiques et culturels à Lille, sa métropole et en région, transports inclus. 24h 25€ 48h 35€ 72h 45€

Réservez votre activité

Visites guidées, balades gourmandes, ateliers, jeux de piste, soirées à thème, spectacles… nous vous proposons 1001 façons de vivre la destination !

Découverte complète de la ville, de son beffroi et du Vieux-Lille, voici nos visites préférées.

Escapades insolites et expériences culinaires, visitez la ville comme nulle part ailleurs.

Visitez davantage tout en payant moins cher avec nos offres exclusives.

Faites le plein de bonnes affaires et de nouveautés.

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Wambrechies, vue (merveilleusement) par nablezon Parce qu'il n'y a pas que Lille dans les Hauts de France 😉 Wambrechies, cette ville à la campagne au cœur de la métropole lilloise (15 à 30mn du Vieux Lille, selon les conditions de circulation 😅). Avec son port de plaisance et sa coulée verte le long de la Deûle (cette rivière qui t'evoque peut être la scène de baignade dans "la vie est un long fleuve tranquille"). Wambrechies, tu connais ?

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Home » Travel Guides » France » 15 Best Things to Do in Lille (France)

15 Best Things to Do in Lille (France)

The capital of the northern Hauts-de-France region, Lille has a reputation as a hard-working industrial city, and has a fabulous historical centre. Until it was invaded by Louis XIV in 1667 Lille was actually Flemish, and this heritage is clear in the city’s architecture.

Old Lille has an abundance of baroque buildings, with delicately gabled roofs, and plush late-19th-century homes on engaging streets. If you’re on the hunt for culture you’ll be pleased with what you find: The Palace of Fine Arts is second only to the Louvre and there’s a clutch of smaller attractions that deserve your attention.

Lets explore the best things to do in Lille :

1. Old Lille

Old Lille

Lille’s historic district is a delight, with restored bourgeois houses on cobblestone streets.

You’ll  pick up on the city’s Flemish influence when you see the baroque architecture dating to the 17th and 18th centuries.

Place Louise de Bettignies and Rue de la Monnaie are the best places to start a stroll, and you’ll spend most of the walk looking up at the decorative facades and gables, so be careful not to bump into anyone! Old Lille is a dynamic area too, with more than its fair share of bars and congenial nightspots.

2. Palais des Beaux-Arts

Palais des Beaux-Arts

A simply enormous museum, Palais des BeauxArts is behind only the Louvre for size.

It’s in a lovely Belle Époque summer palace from the end of the 19th century, and you may need as long as half a day to get the most out of the museum and its art from the 1400s up to the 1900s.

There are works by Monet, Raphael, Gustave Courbet, Rubens, van Gogh, Donatello, Jacob Jordaens and Picasso, but this is just the swiftest breeze through what’s on show.

Make time for the plans-reliefs, which are high-detail 17th and 18th-century scale models of cities around modern day Belgium and northern France, including Lille.

3. La Vieille Bourse

La Vieille Bourse

Most agree that Lille’s old stock exchange is the finest building in the city.

It dates to the mid-17th century and consists of 24 Flemish renaissance houses, all around a central arcaded courtyard.

If you’re wondering how the facades can be so ornate, the main architect, Julien Destrée, was a decorative furniture designer by trade, and was given free rein to express himself on this project.

After more than 350 years La Vieille Bourse still a fixture of daily life in Lille; people come to play chess in the courtyard, and beneath the arcades there’s a daily flower and book market.

If you fancy it in summer you can watch dance demonstrations in this marvellous space.

4. Grand Place

Grand Place

Lille’s expansive main square is the place where locals and tourists converge to meet up or see the sights.

On all sides are wondrous old gabled buildings.

Pause to look at the Théâtre du Nord, set in Lille’s former guardhouse from 1717. That classic Flemish style has also been adopted by more modern structures, like the art deco Voix du Nord building next-door, which was built in 1936 and has a high crow-stepped gable.

At the heart of the  square is the Colonne de la Déesse, put up in the 19th century to honour the city’s part in repelling the Habsburg Empire in the Siege of Lille in 1792.

5. Parc Zoologique

Parc Zoologique

Located in the upmarket Esquermes quarter, Lille’s zoo is free to enter, placing it among the most-visited zoological attractions in all of France.

The zoo is pretty compact, but has 450 animals from 70-odd species and takes part in international conservation programs for endangered species.

The enclosures are all large and natural-looking too, so you won’t feel guilty about a family day out here.

There are seven areas in all, most organised geographically, so in Les Terres d’Afrique are zebras and rhinos, while the American zone has alpacas and tapirs.


Lille’s museum of modern art is a first-rate contemporary cultural attraction with more than 6,700 works from the 20th and 21st centuries.

It really took off in 1999 when it received a donation from L’Aracine, an association of Art Brut collectors, and now contains the largest set of Art Brut works in France.

Outsider artists like Augustin Lesage, Henry Darger and the famous schizophrenic Carlo Zinelli are all featured.

You can also see works by giants like Picasso, Georges Braque, Paul Klee, Joan Miró, Amedeo Modigliani and Alexander Calder.

The verdant sculpture park is good for a stroll too, with contributions from Jacques Lipchitz, Eugène Dodeigne, Picasso and Calder.

7. Lille Citadelle


After conquering Lille in 1667 Louis XIV wasted little time reinforcing the city’s fortifications.

The star-shaped citadel was built in just three years, and was designed by none other than Vauban, the famed military engineer who left his mark all across France in this time.

The speed of the project is all the more amazing when you see the quantity of material needed for its construction: Three million stone blocks, 70,000 lumps of sandstone and 60 million bricks.

The Citadel is still a French military base today, so you can’t enter, but you can admire the various gates and outer walls on a ramble in the canal-side park, in Esquermes, the same posh part of the city as the Zoo.

8. Stade Pierre-Mauroy

Stade Pierre-Mauroy

The local football team, Lille OSC have been a mainstay of Ligue 1 for many years, and managed to win the league in 2011. Things have been up and down for them since then, but the club has a swish new stadium if you’re up for some live football action.

Stade Pierre-Mauroy can seat 50,000,was built for EURO 2016 and hosted six matches during the tournament, including the quarter-final between Wales and Belgium.

In the summer the stadium doubles as a concert arena for major artists like Rihanna.

9. Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle

Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle

On Rue Pincesse, in a leafy neighbourhood north of Old Lille, is the house where Charles de Gaulle was born on November 22 1890. It belonged to his maternal grandparents, and his family was well-off, although it had lost its land in the Revolution almost a century before.

With the help of family keepsakes and contemporary memorabilia the house is now a museum doing a good job of recreating a 19th-century bourgeois home.

There are some artefacts that will catch the eye, like the general’s cradle, and the officer’s sword he received at the end of his first year at the Saint-Cyr military academy.

10. Town Hall and Belfry

Town Hall and Belfry

The art deco Hôtel de Ville went up in the 1920s and took inspiration from Lille’s famous gables.

Flanders, to which Lille belonged for centuries, is a region noted for its belfries, and the town hall boasts the most recent and the highest of them all: It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site on its own, and rises to 104 metres.

In a low-rise city like Lille this concrete landmark is a useful marker wherever you are.

There are 400 steps to get to the top, but most sensible people will choose the lift!

Ticket available online : Town Hall Belfry Entry Ticket

11. Maison Folie Wazemmes

Maison Folie Wazemmes

One of Lille’s massive textile mills has been transformed into a modern cultural centre.

It’s a red brick factory dating to 1855, and in 2004 the Dutch architectural agency NOX re-evaluated the two  buildings to create a new landmark for the city.

Contemporary design harmonises with 19th-century architecture here: There’s more than 5,000 square metres for exhibitions, and an auditorium that can seat 250 and stand more than 700. When you’re in town check out the sinuous sheet metal facade and pop inside to see what’s on.

12. Villa Cavrois

Villa Cavrois

Less than ten kilometres from Lille-Centre is the suburb of Croix where aficionados of modern architecture will be keen to tour this mansion designed by Robert Mallet-Stevens.

Villa Cavrois was built at the turn of the 1930s for the rich textile industrialist Paul Cavrois.

Mallet-Stevens was a proponent of the modernist school and the building is a physical manifesto constructed with guidelines demanding the provision of “air, light, work, sports, hygiene, comfort and efficiency”. The villa has conveniences almost unheard of at the time, like air-conditioning, electric lighting in all rooms and telephones for people to speak to each other in different rooms.

13. La Piscine Museum

La Piscine Museum

Next-door to Croix is Roubaix, where there’s an imaginative cultural attraction set in a former indoor swimming pool.

The pool was completed in 1932 and was conceived in an exquisite art deco style.

It shut down in the 80s but was reopened as a wonderful space in which to showcase a large archive of textile samples gathered from Lille’s many textile factories.

This collection goes all the way back to 1835, so the museum will help you connect with Lille’s industrial past in a graceful venue

14. Palais Rihour

Palais Rihour

There aren’t many flamboyant gothic buildings in Lille, but this mansion completed for the Duke of Burgundy in 1453 is a nice example.

It now contains Lille’s tourist centre in the Salle des Gardes on the ground floor.

Upstairs the Sacristy, with lovely stained-glass windows, and the Salle du Conclave are venues for exhibitions and public events.

The square in front is also where Lille’s first-rate Christmas Market takes place in December, and where you could come to taste Lille’s cuisine.

Just between Place Rihour and Grand Place are typical restaurants cooking Flemish-style dishes like carbonnade Flamande, a beef stew made with beer and served with French fries.

15. Marché de Wazemmes

Marché de Wazemmes

One of northern France’s best-loved and largest outdoor markets is held at Place Nouvelle Aventure on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.

Of the three, Sunday is far the most vibrant and colourful, when there are hundreds of stalls and thousands of people show up to browse and buy.

You’ll note a Maghreb accent at Wazemmes, in the spices and exotic fruits and vegetables used in North African and Middle Eastern cuisine.

But really, you can find anything you desire, from rotisserie chicken hot from the spit to antiques, fresh fruits and veg and even clothing.

Cap your visit with a beer at one of the bars around the square.

15 Best Things to Do in Lille (France):

  • Palais des Beaux-Arts
  • La Vieille Bourse
  • Grand Place
  • Parc Zoologique
  • Lille Citadelle
  • Stade Pierre-Mauroy
  • Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle
  • Town Hall and Belfry
  • Maison Folie Wazemmes
  • Villa Cavrois
  • La Piscine Museum
  • Palais Rihour
  • Marché de Wazemmes


Lille city and visitor guide

Discover the lille and roubaix area,   lille - once the industrial capital of france.

Plan of Lille-Roubaix

Tourist attractions in Lille

Piscine gallery Roubaix

  • The Grande Place -  The Old Stock Exchange square (photo top of page), one of Lille's fine urban piazzas.
  • The Belfry - A Unesco world heritage site (Belfries of Flanders). 104 metres tall. There is a lift to the viewing terrace... but visitors first need to climb 100 steps to reach the lift.
  • The Fine Arts Palace.  Palais des Beaux Arts -  One of the largest provincial art galleries in France, with a good collection particularly of French and Flemish art. Includes paintings by Rembrandt and Rubens.
  • The Museum of Modern and contemporary Art . in the suburb of Villeneuve d'Ascq. One of the best modern art collections in France.
  • The Piscine gallery (the Swimming Pool). Fascinating gallery of 19th and early 20th century painting and sculpture, housed in and around a 1930s Art Deco former swmming pool.
  • The zoo and the Citadel.  Lille Zoo is housed in grounds outside the 17th century Lille military citadel. A very popular weekend outing for local inhabitants. A walk round the outer ramparts is over 2 km. The Citadel, still a military site, is normlly closed to visitors.
  • La Manufacture. In Roubaix, housed in a former textile mill, this museum tells the story of the textile industry in the Lille area. Has 15 working historic looms.

Places to visit near Lille

  • Cassel 40 km northwest of Lille, is an attractive hilltop town - built on one of the rare hills in this essentially flat part of France.
  • Ypres (Belgium) , One of the major battle sites of the first World War. It's magnificent Cloth Hall has been meticulously rebuilt.
  • Lens .  Le Louvre, Lens.  A modern satellite of the Paris Louvre, in a former mining town, le Louvre Lens exhibits works of art from the main Louvre, including major works that wre leant temporarily.


Location and access.

  • By air   Lille airport is not served by any regular flights from the UK. Nearest airports are Paris Charles de Gaulle or Brussels.  For details see  Fly to France . 
  • By train   Lille is accessible by direct Eurostar services from London and Ashford, or direct  Thalys services from Amsterdam and Brussels, as well as direct high speed train services to Paris and many other French cities.  For timetables and online tickets (SNCF, Eurostar) , see   .
  • By car  Lille can be reached by car from Calais in about an hour.

Location Lille

Lille hotels


Grand Place

Experience Lille   as a person

  • Lille and the surrounding area
  • Experiences

Dance in the city’s most beautiful monument, challenge your friends to an axe-throwing contest, enjoy a Flemish carbonade in a unique atmosphere… Lille and its surroundings have plenty to offer!

Dance the tango at   the Old Stock Exchange

Imagine yourself on a Sunday evening in summer… Gentle notes of music emanate from the Vieille Bourse, the city’s landmark building. As you pass through its doors, you’re captured by the dance steps of the men and women who perform there. A moment out of time.

Old Stock Exchange

Pedal boating on   canals

Get ready for a balancing act on the canals of the Lille metropolis, whether you’re standing or kneeling on your paddle board, or sitting comfortably on a pedalo. Le Grand Huit offers a wide choice of soft mobility means to discover the city in a different way.

Book your activity   among a multitude of experiences

Book your activity.

Guided tours, gourmet walks, workshops, treasure hunts, themed evenings, shows… we offer 1001 ways to experience the destination!

Here are our favorites for a complete tour of the city, its belfry and Old Lille.

Unusual getaways and culinary experiences, visit the city like nowhere else.

Visit more and pay less with our exclusive offers.

Stock up on bargains and new products.

Shape your memories   through unforgettable moments

Standing 104 meters high, the belfry of Lille’s town hall offers a breathtaking 360° view of the city and its surroundings.

These are small, traditional restaurants richly decorated in old-fashioned style, from which you can smell the sweet smells of French fries and maroilles. Don’t leave without sampling the delicious regional cuisine.

Step through the doors of a bar or microbrewery and learn to taste beer like a pro.

Quels sont les meilleurs événements à Lille ?

Lille 3000 est un festival triennal qui vous invite à découvrir différentes cultures à travers des artistes contemporains et des artistes d'ici et d'ailleurs. Les expositions et performances rassemblent un grand nombre de personnes au cœur de la ville.

Lille est également réputée pour ses festivals de qualité tels que : le festival d'accordéon de Wazemmes en mai-juin, le festival Mange Lille , qui met en lumière produits du terroir et les chefs du Nord ou encore le festival de piano de Lille en juin.

La Grande Braderie de Lille est également toujours un succès le premier week-end de septembre. Chaque rentrée, Lille devient le plus grand marché aux puces d'Europe : un à deux millions de visiteurs se promènent dans les rues de la ville, entourés de musique et de divertissement.

En novembre et décembre, les marchés de Noël s'ajoutent enfin à la magie des contes de fées dans le Nord...

Que déguster lors d'une pause gourmande à Lille ?

Cap sur le vieux Lille pour découvrir les douceurs du nord, comme les gaufres de chez Méert ; le Merveilleux , un mélange aérien de meringue, de crème fouettée et de copeaux de chocolat ; ou les fleurs de Lille en chocolat . Parmi les spécialités salées : le potjevleesch , plat traditionnel, ou la carbonade . Les adeptes de fromage de caractère se convertiront au maroille .

Voir cette publication sur Instagram #TBT 2012 . J-9 avant Eldorado, retour en images sur notre édition « Fantastic » . #fantastic #lille3000 Une publication partagée par lille3000 (@lille3000) le 18 Avril 2019 à 9 :12 PDT

Infos pratiques - Pratique et incontournable, le City Pass Lille Métropole facilite toutes vos envies de visite avec ses formules 24h/48h et 72H. - Le City Tour : une découverte en bus panoramique des essentiels de la ville. Un départ tous les jours, toutes les heures de 10H à 17H (sauf 13h) - Visites guidées des éléments du patrimoine avec guides conférenciers. - Parcours libres avec Lille Promenades (5 parcours avec éléments dans différents quartiers de la ville).

S'y rendre - Gare SNCF : Lille Flandres et Lille Europe - TGV : 38 mn de Bruxelles en Thalys. - Aéroport international de Lille-Lesquin (10 km du centre-ville) : desservant plus de 70 destinations nationales et internationales.

  • Office de tourisme de Lille
  • Découvrez la destination Lille Métropole

lille tourist board

By Redaction

The magazine of the destination unravels an unexpected France that revisits tradition and cultivates creativity. A France far beyond what you can imagine…

Les Fantômes by Paul Landowski

Northern France

lille tourist board

Visit Amiens

lille tourist board

Anzac Day in France in Villers-Bretonneux

lille tourist board

Creme Chantilly with Mia Cucina

Discover cuisine of nord-pas de calais.

lille tourist board

Discover the cuisine of Picardy

lille tourist board

Dunkerque or Dunkirk in the north of France

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Handiplage, accessible beaches in France

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La Comédie de Lille


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  • France Guides
  • October 5, 2022

Lille, France: What to Do for Three Days in the City

Lille, France is a beautiful and historic city located in the northern part of the country. The city has a rich cultural heritage and is home to many interesting attractions. Visitors to Lille can explore the city’s architecture, visit its museums and galleries, or simply enjoy its lively atmosphere. With so much to see and do, three days is just enough time to get a taste of what this charming city has to offer.

Lille: Where Is It?

Lille is a city located in the north of France. It is the capital of the Hauts-de-France region and the prefecture of the Nord department. Lille is a major economic and cultural center in northern France.

The city has a population of 232,286 as of 2018. Lille is located on the Deûle River, at the eastern edge of France’s border with Belgium. The city is part of the Eurodistrict Lille-Kortrijk-Tournai, which had 2,155,161 inhabitants in 2008.

Lille is a member of the Great Metropolitan Places project initiated by the Greater Paris Metropolis. The city has several places listed as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO: Old Lille, Vieux Lille; Grand’Place; Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille; and parks and gardens of Petite Cité Flandres.

These museums display collections from many centuries ago up to contemporary art.

There are also ancient buildings such as cathedrals, churches, and palaces that give insight into the rich history of this amazing city.  It is also a major commercial and industrial center. In recent years, Lille has become increasingly popular with tourists.

Here’s the map for Lille, France, click here .

Lille: Where Is It?

How To Get To Lille?

Lille is a beautiful city located in the north of France, just a stone’s throw from the border with Belgium. There are many ways to get to Lille, depending on your starting point and budget. If you’re coming from Paris, the easiest way is to take the high-speed TGV train from Gare du Nord station.

The journey takes just over an hour, and there are several trains per day. If you’re coming from London, you can take the Eurostar train from St Pancras International station. The journey takes about 2 hours. If you’re on a tight budget, you can take a coach or bus from London or Paris. These journeys take longer but are much cheaper than taking the train. However you choose to get to Lille, you’re sure to have a great time in this charming city.

How To Get To Lille?

Day 1: Arrive in Lille

It will be a relief to reach Lille and settle into your hotel after a long trip. Lille is the capital of the French region of Nord-Pas-de-Calais and the country’s sixth-largest city. The urban area of Lille has a population of over 1.2 million people, making it one of the most populous cities in France.

Take some time to explore the city after settling into your hotel. The city is also well known for its architecture, with many noteworthy buildings. Visitors to Lille will find plenty to see and do in this vibrant city.

Visit the Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille, one of the largest museums in France

The Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille is one of the largest museums in France. Located in the city of Lille, it houses a large collection of paintings, sculptures, and other works of art. The museum also hosts a variety of temporary exhibitions throughout the year.

Visitors can explore the museum’s many galleries at their own pace or take part in guided tours. The Palais des Beaux-Arts de Lille is an excellent way to learn about the history and culture of France. It is also a great place to simply enjoy some of the world’s most beautiful works of art.

Address: Place de la République, 59000 Lille, France

For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

Wander around the Old Town and see sights like Grand Place and Notre Dame de la Treille

One of the best places to explore in Lille, France is the Old Town. This area is full of beautiful architecture and interesting history. Start your wander around Old Town by checking out Grand Place. This square is the heart of the city and home to many important landmarks.

After admiring the architecture of Grand Place, head over to one of the most notable landmarks, the Notre Dame de la Treille, a gothic cathedral that dates back to the 13th century. The interior of the cathedral is just as awe-inspiring as the exterior, with soaring ceilings, stained glass windows, and intricate carvings. Whether you’re interested in history, art, or simply taking in the sights and sounds of a bustling city, the Old Town of Lille is sure to impress.

Grand Place : For pictures, booking, and more information, click here .

Notre Dame de la Treille: Address: Pl. Gilleson, 59800 Lille, France

Spend some time in one of Lille’s many parks, like the Jardin des Plantes

Lille is home to a number of parks, each with its own unique character. The Jardin des Plantes, for example, is a large botanical garden that features a variety of plant life from all over the world. The garden is also home to a number of sculptures and fountains, making it a beautiful place to spend an afternoon.

For those who enjoy more active pursuits, Parc du Héron is located just outside of the city center and offers a variety of hiking and biking trails. And for those who simply want to relax in the sun, the Jardin Pâquerette is a small park with a refreshingly tranquil atmosphere. No matter what your interests are, you’re sure to find a park in Lille that suits your needs.

Jardin des Plantes : Address: 306 Rue du Jardin des Plantes, 59000 Lille, France

Parc du Héron : Address: 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France

Day 1: Arrive in Lille

Day 2: Venture into The City’s Neighborhoods

Lille is divided into several distinct neighborhoods, each with its own unique character. The Vieux Lille (Old Lille) is the historical center of the city and is home to many of its most famous landmarks. The Quartier des Arts et de la Culture is Lille’s arts district and includes several museums and art galleries.

The Quartier de la Gare is the central business district and is home to the city’s main train station. The Quartier Rihour is a lively neighborhood with many restaurants and bars. And finally, the Quartier Pont-de-Boieldieu is a residential area located just outside of downtown Lille. Regardless of where you stay in Lille, you’re sure to find plenty of things to see and do in this beautiful French city.

Do some shopping at one of Lille’s many markets or shops

Lille is home to a variety of shops and markets that are perfect for those looking to do some shopping. The city center is home to a number of high-end retailers, as well as smaller boutique stores. For those looking for a more traditional shopping experience, the city’s many markets are a great option.

From the fresh produce of the Marché de Wazemmes to the antiques of the Marché aux Puces, there is something for everyone at Lille’s markets. There is also no shortage of options when it comes to food shopping, with a number of supermarkets and specialty food stores located throughout the city. Whether you’re looking for fashion, food, or anything in between, Lille has got you covered.

Grab a bite to eat at a traditional brasserie or bistro

Lille is a charming city in the north of France that is well-known for its traditional brasseries and bistros. These local eateries are the perfect place to enjoy a hearty meal and watch the world go by. The menu typically features classic French dishes such as boeuf bourguignon and coq au vin, as well as lighter fare such as salads and quiche.

The atmosphere is usually casual and relaxed, making it the perfect place to grab a bite to eat after a long day of exploring the city. So next time you’re in Lille, be sure to stop by one of these traditional eateries for a delicious meal.

Day 2: Venture into The City’s Neighborhoods

Day 3: Visit One of Lille’s Nearby Towns or Villages

Lille is a vibrant and historic city and it’s surrounded by a number of delightful towns and villages. If you’re looking for a day trip from Lille, consider visiting one of these charming places. Whether you’re interested in history or art, you’ll find plenty to see and do in Lille’s surrounding towns and villages. So take advantage of your proximity to these lovely places and explore all that they have to offer.

Visit Armentières or Tourcoing

Armentières and Tourcoing are both charming towns with plenty of shops and restaurants to enjoy. History buffs will love exploring the museums and art galleries in each town, and there are also plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. If you’re looking for a more active vacation, consider visiting one of the many hiking trails or biking paths in the area. No matter what your interests are, you’re sure to find something to enjoy in Armentières or Tourcoing.

Take a day trip to the ruins of the Abbey de Saint-Sauveur

One of the best ways to experience this is to take a day trip to the ruins of the Abbey de Saint-Sauveur. The Abbey was founded in the 11th century and was once one of the most important religious sites in the region. Today, it is a ruin, but it is still an impressive site to visit. You can explore the remains of the Abbey, and learn about its history.

Explore some of Lille’s many historical churches and cathedrals

Lille is a beautiful city in France with a rich history. The city is home to many historical churches and cathedrals, as well as nearby towns and villages that are worth visiting. However, there are also a number of smaller churches and chapels worth exploring, such as the Church of St. Maur, the Church of St. Nicholas, and the Chapel of the Holy Sacrament.

These churches and cathedrals are not only beautiful architectural feats, but they also offer a glimpse into the religious history of Lille. There is something for everyone to enjoy in Lille, and the city is sure to leave a lasting impression on all who visit.

Day 3: Visit One of Lille’s Nearby Towns or Villages

Tips When Visiting Lille

If you find yourself in Northern France, in the beautiful city of Lille, there are a few things you should keep in mind to make the most of your visit.

When Sightseeing:

  • Check the opening times of attractions before you go, as many places have limited hours or are closed on certain days.
  • Purchase a Lille City Pass if you plan on doing a lot of sightseeing, as it will give you access to over 30 attractions and discounts at some restaurants and shops.
  • Wear comfortable shoes, as you will be doing a lot of walking.
  • Be sure to try some of the local specialties, such as pain au chocolat, waffles, and Belgian beer.
  • If you’re visiting in the winter, dress warmly as it can get very cold.
  • Enjoy the lively atmosphere and take some time to people-watch in one of the city’s many squares or parks.
  • Lille is a very safe city, but be cautious of pickpockets in crowded areas.
  • Don’t forget to bring your camera to capture all the beautiful sights.
  • The best time to visit Lille is during the spring or fall when the weather is mild and there are fewer tourists.

When Dining:

  • It is considered rude to not finish your plate of food, it is also considered good manners to ask for the check when you are ready to leave.
  • Most restaurants will have a set menu du jour or plat du jour which is usually a three-course meal and is a great way to try some traditional French dishes; it is also usually cheaper than ordering à la carte.
  • Be aware that many businesses in Lille close down for lunch from noon until 2 pm, so plan your day accordingly.
  • If you want to try some of the local wines, be sure to ask for a vin du pays (wine of the region) as opposed to a vin de table (table wine); the former is usually of better quality.
  • It is customary to leave a small tip (5-10%) if the service was good.

Tips When Visiting Lille

In conclusion

Lille is a beautiful city in France that is perfect for a three-day trip. From exploring the city’s many historical churches and cathedrals to enjoying the lively atmosphere, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Be sure to keep these tips in mind when planning your trip to make the most of your time in Lille.

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11 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Lille

Written by Lisa Alexander Updated Dec 26, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Author Lisa Alexander spent two years living in France and has traveled the country extensively.

A worthwhile detour between Paris and Brussels leads to Lille, the historic capital of Flanders (a medieval principality that encompassed part of northern France, as well as Belgian and Dutch provinces). Today, Lille is the largest and most important metropolis in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region of France.

Aerial view of the main square in Lille

Lille's Flemish cultural heritage is seen in its distinctive Baroque architecture and hearty cuisine. Lilloise gastronomy incorporates typical Belgian dishes, and unique local specialties like " waterzo" " (fish or poultry in cream sauce with vegetables) and " potjevleesch " (potted meat terrine).

When visiting Lille, the most enjoyable things to do include wandering the cobblestone pedestrian streets of Vieux Lille (the old town), stopping at cozy cafés, and discovering its many tourist attractions. A world-class fine arts museum, the avant-garde cathedral, and Charles de Gaulle's birthplace are among the highlights.

This vibrant urban destination has a pleasant city center and friendly atmosphere without any pretensions. Plan your sightseeing visit to the city with our list of the top tourist attractions in Lille.

See also: Where to Stay in Lille

1. Place du Général de Gaulle (Grand Place)

2. palais des beaux-arts (fine arts museum), 3. musée du louvre-lens, 4. lille métropole musée d'art moderne, d'art contemporain et d'art brut, 5. musée de l'hospice comtesse, 6. eglise saint-maurice, 7. rang du beauregard, 8. cathédrale notre-dame de la treille, 9. maison natale charles de gaulle, 10. lille flea market (braderie de lille), 11. musée d'art et d'industrie andré diligent (la piscine de roubaix), where to stay in lille for sightseeing, lille, france - climate chart.

Place du Général de Gaulle (Grand Place)

The bustling main square of Lille, the Place du Général de Gaulle is surrounded by stately Renaissance and Baroque Flemish buildings with ornately adorned Neoclassical façades. Also known as the Grand Place, the square is a favorite meeting place for Lillois. This center of social activity is filled with cafés and brasseries.

In the middle of the square, the bronze Goddess monument ( La Déesse ) commemorates Lille's resistance to the Austrian siege of September 1792. The Goddess holds a linstock (the instrument used to light the fuses on cannons). On the base, an engraved inscription reads: "The courageous response of the Mayor of Lille, André, who refused to surrender the besieged city." The Goddess was sculpted in 1845 by Théophile Bra, who also created bas-reliefs on the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

On the south side of the square is one of Lille's most beautiful buildings, the Vieille Bourse (Old Stock Exchange), which was established in 1652. The Vieille Bourse is comprised of 24 houses that surround an arcaded courtyard. Exemplifying opulent Flemish Baroque style with its elaborate decoration, the courtyard features a monument to Napoleon I at the center.

The galleries of the Vieille Bourse courtyard host the Marché de Bouquinistes (Booksellers' Market), held year-round (Tuesday through Friday from 1pm until 7pm and Saturday and Sunday from 11am until 7pm). To find the market, enter the Vieille Bourse at the Place du Théâtre/Grand Place. Tourists and locals alike enjoy browsing the selection of used books and collectible editions as well as comic books, DVDs, vintage newspapers, lithographs, and posters.

In summertime, Tango Dancing events take place on the Vieille Bourse courtyard's patio.

Also found on the Place du Général de Gaulle is the Grande-Garde , former housing for sentry guard soldiers. Constructed in 1717, the Grande-Garde has been converted to the Théâtre du Nord .

Palais des Beaux-Arts (Fine Arts Museum)

One of the essential things to do in Lille is visit the Palais des Beaux-Arts, considered the second most important museum in France after the Musée du Louvre in Paris. Renowned for its size and quality, this prestigious art collection is housed in an impressive building with a spacious and bright atrium.

The museum displays an exceptional collection of European paintings by the Old Masters, including Rubens, Van Dyck, Goya, Delacroix, and David. There are also wonderful examples of 19th- and 20th-century French paintings, as well as Impressionist art, an antiquities collection, and a sculpture gallery with pieces by Rodin and other artists.

Those who appreciate military history will enjoy the 18th-century relief maps of fortified towns in Northern France and Belgium (which were used by French Kings during wars).

Amenities at the Palais des Beaux-Arts include a library and a boutique that sells books and gift items. Well-designed to welcome visitors, the museum provides casual dining and refreshment options (breakfast, coffee, lunch, and snacks) at Le Beau Café , which is open during museum hours. The café's seasonally updated menu features dishes prepared from fresh, local ingredients.

Address: Place de la République, Lille

Official site:

Musée du Louvre-Lens

The Musée du Louvre-Lens dazzles visitors with its sleek exhibit spaces and top-notch collection. The source of the artworks on display couldn't be more prestigious. The Louvre-Lens Museum gets its rotating art exhibits on loan from the Musée du Louvre in Paris. Exhibitions are updated on a regular basis.

In a wide-open gallery space of 3,000 square meters, the Galerie du Temps presents a chronological exhibition of more than 200 Louvre masterpieces. The artworks are arranged in a novel way, with multidisciplinary exhibits that show the evolution of art through different periods of history, from antiquity to the modern era.

For art lovers, the Musée du Louvre-Lens is a worthwhile excursion from Lille. The drive takes about 30 minutes by car. The direct train ride from Lille to Lens takes around 45 minutes. At the Gare de Lens (train station), there is a pedestrian pathway that leads to the Musée du Louvre-Lens. It takes about 25 minutes to walk from the train station to the museum.

Address: 99 Rue Paul Bert, Lens 62300

Official site:

Statue outside the Lille Métropole Musée d'Art Moderne, d'Art Contemporain, et d'Art Brut

About 12 kilometers northeast (a 20-minute drive) from Lille is Villeneuve d'Ascq, renowned for this prestigious museum of modern art. The Lille Métropole Musée d'Art Moderne, d'Art Contemporain, et d'Art Brut, which also goes by the acronym LaM , has one of the most comprehensive collections of modern (20th-century) and contemporary (21st-century) art in France.

The museum displays more than 7,000 works in bright exhibition spaces. Highlights of the collection include works by famous artists such as Braque, Kandinsky, Klee, Miró, Modigliani, and Picasso.

Lush parkland surrounds the museum, including a pathway overlooking a series of ten art installations. Visitors will enjoy taking a stroll through the grounds while admiring the monumental sculptures by Alexander Calder and Picasso, among others.

The museum also has a bookshop/boutique and a café with outdoor patio seating. The café prepares French, Italian, and fusion cuisine from scratch, using locally-sourced seasonal ingredients. Specialties are the salmon en papillote , lasagna, and homemade pastries such as lemon tart and chocolate cake.

LaM is open Tuesday through Sunday from 10am until 6pm. The museum is closed on Mondays and on January 1st, May 1st, and December 25th.

Address: 1 allée du Musée, 59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq

Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse

In the heart of the old town (Vieux Lille), the Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse occupies a medieval hospital founded in 1237 by the Countess Jeanne de Flandre. The countess built the hospital in a wing of her own palace, which was later used by Augustine nuns. The hospital remained in service until 1939, and the property was converted to a museum in 1962.

The museum grounds include buildings dating to the 15th through 18th centuries: the old hospital ward, convent buildings, and a chapel that belonged to nuns. The buildings are arranged around two courtyards and a garden where medicinal plants were grown.

A visit to this museum allows tourists to admire a collection of tapestries, sculptures, and porcelain from the 17th-century Flemish convent. The museum occasionally hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary art.

Address: 32 Rue de la Monnaie, Lille

Eglise Saint-Maurice

The Eglise Saint-Maurice is a beautiful Gothic church that was founded in the 14th century. The church has been renovated several times, as recently as the 19th century, yet has retained a sense of architectural unity. With its tower on the façade, the building is an example of an "Hallekerque" (barn-like church), a type of structure adapted to the fragile, marshy soil of Flanders.

The Saint-Maurice Church is also distinguished by its harmonious interior featuring five aisles and 36 tall columns. The sanctuary is decorated with 17th- and 18th-century paintings by Lille artists.

Another interesting church nearby is the Eglise Sainte-Catherine on Rue Royale, which is lined by lovely historical buildings. This 15th-century Gothic church boasts an exceptional painting, the Martyrdom of Saint Catherine by Rubens, in the north aisle.

At the other end of Rue Royale is the Eglise Saint-André . This 18th-century church was built for the Order of Carmelites.

Address: Rue de Paris, Parvis Saint-Maurice, Lille

Rang du Beauregard

The elegant 17th-century buildings of the Rang du Beauregard stand resplendent on the Place du Théâtre opposite the Vieille Bourse. The row of houses was created in 1687 by Simon Vollant based on guidelines from the City Council of Lille to achieve uniformity of architecture in the city center. The buildings were required to conform to specific design standards aligning with the Vieille Bourse.

Builders had to follow a blueprint of three floors with an attic above and were only allowed to use stone and brick. The buildings feature harmonious classical lines and decorative sculptural details such as cartouches, scrolls, cornucopias, and angels.

The Rang du Beauregard exemplifies Lilloise Neoclassical Baroque style and is intertwined with the history of Lille. Contained within the façades are cannonballs from the 1792 Siege of Lille by the Austrians.

Address: Place du Théâtre, Lille

Cathédrale Notre-Dame de la Treille

Built in 1854, the Cathédrale Notre-Dame de la Treille is a Neo-Gothic structure with surprising details. The somber contemporary-style façade (completed in the 1990s) features an arched "veil" of translucent pink marble with a modern rose window at the center. Unique in architectural style, the façade creates a striking impression and brightens the sanctuary.

The cathedral takes its name from a medieval statue of the Virgin Mary ("Notre-Dame de la Treille") that was protected by a wrought-iron gate (trellis). This statue was considered to have miraculous powers and for centuries was venerated by pilgrims from all over Europe. Saint Louis (King of France) made a pilgrimage here in the 13th century.

A short stroll north of the cathedral is the Eglise Sainte-Marie-Madeleine . Built in 1675, this church boasts an attractive Baroque design and an impressive 50-meter high dome; the façade dates from 1884.

Address: Place Gilleson, Lille

Dining room at the Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle

One of France's greatest statesmen, Charles de Gaulle was born in Lille on November 22, 1890 and baptized at the nearby Saint-André Church. His birthplace and childhood home on 9 Rue Princess is listed as a Historic Monument , as well as a " Maison des Illustres " ("House of the Illustrious") in recognition of Charles de Gaulle's historical significance and political distinction. The home has been restored and converted into a museum.

Visitors can take a self-guided tour of the home to view a collection of family mementos and other personal items including Charles de Gaulle's cradle, his christening robe, and a Saint-Cyr sword from his youth. Guided tours in French are available.

A multimedia center provides a historic overview of Charles de Gaulle's life and accomplishments. The Maison Natale Charles de Gaulle also presents temporary exhibits.

Address: 9 Rue Princess, Lille (Take Bus 14 or 50 to Les Bateliers stop)

Lille Flea Market (Braderie de Lille)

Lille is one of the best places to visit in Europe for flea market shopping. The city's famous and well-attended annual event, the Braderie de Lille, takes place the first weekend of September.

The " braderie " (French for "low-price sale") has been a tradition in Lille since the 12th century. The first flea market was held in 1127. By the 16th century, the braderie became a larger event with more participants, including servants who sold used items from the estates where they worked.

More than 10,000 exhibitors sell their wares at open-air market stalls placed throughout the city. Items for sale include used books, old records, vintage furniture, antique silverware and dinnerware, and second-hand clothing, jewelry, artisan crafts, and artwork.

Besides the flea market, there are concerts and soirées, which give the event a convivial ambience similar to a festival. The Braderie de Lille draws huge crowds and features a food and drink fair plus carnival rides. Tourists will enjoy the local street food, including mussels, French fries, grilled fish, and other regional specialties.

Musée d'Art et d'Industrie André Diligent (La Piscine de Roubaix)

This exceptional modern art museum surprises visitors with its unexpected venue: the former Art Déco swimming pool in Roubaix, 15 kilometers from Lille. Although no longer used for swimming, the pool provides a unique setting for the museum's collections.

Galleries of art on three floors display a wide variety of artworks. An interesting assortment of ceramics by Picasso, Dufy, and Chagall (among others) adorns the area around the pool. Not to be missed are the 19th- and 20th-century paintings by famous artists such as Ingres, Vuillard, Bonnard, Vlaminck, Mondrian, and Dufy in the Fine Arts collection.

After viewing the artwork, visitors may enjoy a casual meal or refreshments at the Restaurant du Musée (open Tuesday through Sunday from noon until 5:30pm). On sunny days, it's especially pleasant to sit at the restaurant's shaded outdoor terrace that overlooks a garden.

The museum is open every day except Mondays, and has a boutique that offers a selection of books, postcards, games, and jewelry.

Address: 23 Rue de l'Espérance, 59100 Roubaix

Most tourists prefer to stay in the historic center of the city, known as Vieux Lille . This area is the best place to experience Lille's old-world charm and vibrant urban energy. Vieux Lille also includes many of the top tourist attractions, such as the Grand Place, Eglise Saint-Maurice, Rang du Beauregard, Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse, and Palais des Beaux-Arts. Close to these landmarks are these highly rated hotels in Lille:

Luxury Hotels :

  • Near the Palais des Beaux-Arts, the five-star L'Hermitage Gantois, Autograph Collection provides charming accommodations in a renovated 15th-century building; some rooms have fireplaces and wood-beamed ceilings. Amenities include gourmet dining options, a spa, an indoor swimming pool, and a courtyard garden.
  • A short walk from the Grand Place is the Best Western Premier Why Hotel . This four-star hotel features spacious guest rooms with stylish décor and Nespresso coffee machines.
  • Sumptuous old-fashioned décor is enhanced with contemporary touches at the elegant four-star Grand Hotel Bellevue . Some of the guest rooms feature splendid views of the Grand Place.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • A short walk from the train station, the three-star ibis Styles Lille Centre Grand Place offers contemporary-style accommodations with courtyard or city views. A generous breakfast buffet is included.
  • The four-star Novotel Lille Centre Grand Place features modern guest rooms and a convenient location, within easy walking distance to the Grand Place and the restaurants and shops of Vieux Lille.
  • The three-star Holiday Inn Express Lille Centre, an IHG Hotel is just steps away from the Palais des Beaux-Arts museum, a 10-minute walk to Grand Place, and a 20-minute walk to Vieux Lille. This sleek contemporary-style hotel has a snack bar and also offers meal delivery from off-site restaurants.

Budget Hotels:

  • On a pedestrian street between Grand Place and Palais des Beaux-Arts museum, the family-owned three-star Kanai Hotel offers cozy guest rooms at an affordable price. Some rooms feature rooftop views. Stairs provide the only access to rooms; there is no lift.
  • About a 10-minute walk from the Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse, the ibis budget Lille Centre provides basic guest rooms at a great price. A breakfast buffet is available.

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Nearby Places to Visit : For many tourists, a visit to Lille is taken as a day trip from Paris or as a detour on the way to Brussels , the capital city of Belgium. Within France, the peaceful countryside and historic attractions of the Champagne region are easily accessible from Lille in less than two hours by train or car. The lively city of Amiens , in France's Picardy region, is less touristy but worth the trip (about 90 minutes by train or car).


Charming Towns in Belgium : Lille could also be incorporated into various vacation itineraries, such as a tour of Belgium's highlights: The picturesque old city of Ghent is just over an hour away by train; the dreamy medieval city of Bruges is two hours away by train; and bustling Antwerp , rich in culture and history, is also just over two hours away by train.

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Twilight view of the Grand Place

Getty Images/Lonely Planet Images

Capital of the Hauts-de-France région, Lille may be France's most underrated metropolis. Recent decades have seen the country's fourth-largest city (by greater urban area) transform from an industrial centre into a glittering cultural and commercial hub. Highlights include its enchanting old town with magnificent French and Flemish architecture, renowned art museums, stylish shopping, outstanding cuisine, a nightlife scene bolstered by 67,000 university students, and some 1600 designers in its environs.

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Hôtel de Ville

Hôtel de Ville

Built between 1924 and 1932, Lille's city hall is topped by a slender, 104m-high belfry that was designated a Unesco-listed monument in 2004. Climbing 100…


For an authentic taste of grassroots Lille, head to the ethnically diverse, family-friendly quartier populaire (working-class quarter) of Wazemmes, 1.3km…

Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse

Musée de l'Hospice Comtesse

Within a red-brick 15th- and 17th-century poorhouse, this absorbing museum features ceramics, earthenware wall tiles, religious art, 17th- and 18th…

Le Tripostal

Le Tripostal

Splashed with street art murals, this cavernous red-brick postal sorting centre was transformed into an arts centre in 2004, when Lille was the European…

Maison Natale de Charles de Gaulle

Maison Natale de Charles de Gaulle

The upper-middle-class house in which Charles de Gaulle was born in 1890 is now a museum presenting the French general and president in the context of his…

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Oct 3, 2019 • 4 min read

Our writer reveals why he avoided the Paris crowds and headed instead for the handsome architecture, great food and fabulous art museums of Lille.

The sun glows on rooftops, spires and the facades of Lille's buildings during the late afternoon

Jun 14, 2019 • 6 min read

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Feb 10, 2014 • 6 min read

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Lille travel blog — the fullest lille travel guide & what to do in lille for first-timers.

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If the capital Paris attracts tourists by its luxury and splendor, Lille is attracted by its quaint but equally romantic beauty. If you are a beauty enthusiast, love romance, Lille is indeed a great destination for you. So, is Lille worth visiting, what to do in Lille and how to plan a perfect budget trip to Lille for the first-time? Let’s check out our Lille travel blog (Lille blog) with the fullest Lille travel guide (Lille city guide, Lille France guide, Lille tourist guide, Lille guide) from how to get there, best time to come, where to stay, best places to visit, what to eat and top things to do in Lille to find out the answer!

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The people of Lille are not as fashionable and trendy as Parisian, but much more friendly and likeable. The city is a treasure trove of well-kept heritage, and rich cultural life. With countless historical buildings, museums, monuments, parks, flower gardens, shopping malls, etc., everywhere is a place worth visiting, worth seeing, so Lille always amazes visitors.

Lille travel blog: Overview of Lille

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Lille is the capital of the Nord province in the Hauts-de-France in northernmost region France. It’s located along the banks of the River Deule, near the border between France and Belgium, Lille is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is also the fourth largest city in France, after Paris, Lyon and Marseille. Different from the noisy, vibrant look of Paris or flashy Cannes, Lille has a peaceful and gentle look because of the old quarters, mixed with modern life like a cup of milk coffee on the avenue in the morning.

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Lille is a historic city, which began to appear around 640 but did not appear on the map until 1054 with its name Lille. According to the name, Lille means island, because at first Lille was just a small island, then developed into a port and to this day, Lille has developed into a city of culture and art and commercial.

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In Lille, there are famous art events every year, and festivals take place all year round. Along with that are treasures of famous historical sites, museums, and ancient cobblestone streets. And like other cities in France, Lille  also develops bustling urban areas for those who want to see a modern France.

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Lille travel blog: When to come?

Lille influenced by an oceanic climate with summer is quite cool with low temperatures while winter is relatively cold with the temperature often falling below 0 degrees Celsius. Lille’s annual rainfall is also relatively high. Lille is most beautiful in spring and autumn. The peak tourist season here is autumn, around September, October every year. Especially in September because this is the time for the Braderie fair, which attracts about 2 million visitors each year.

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However, the peak season is also the time when service prices are higher than usual. If you go at this point you should consider. If you want to save money, you should go in spring from March to May.

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Lille guide: How to get and getting around Lille?

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Lille Lesquin International Airport is about 11 km from the city center. There are many airlines operating routes from Vietnam to Lille such as United Airlines, Air France… If you come from other cities you can go to Goolge Flights, Skyscanner, Kayak to find cheap airfares as well as best flight routes.

From Paris, if you take the train to Lille, it will take 20 to 30 minutes, the round trip ticket will be about 22 EUR. If you want to saving more, you can take the bus, for only 5 EUR, but it takes more than 3 hours to travel.

Alternatively, from other European cities, you can also go to Lille by train. See details here.

Transportation in Lille: For the convenience of moving around in the city, you can take a taxi, tram, metro or bus.

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Lille blog: Where to go, what to do and top things to do in Lille

Place du général de gaulle.

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One fo the first places to visit when coming to Lille is the Grand Square or the full name is Charles de Gaulle Square. This place is a huge square, surrounded by ancient buildings from the Renaissance with very impressive architecture, and is the entrance to the old town located in the heart of Lille. From the metro station, it only takes you about 10 or 15 minutes to walk to the Grand Square.

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There are many cafes around the square. You can stop and recharge, then explore the city. Café de Foy (Address: 10 Pl. Rihour, 59800 Lille, France/Hours: 11AM–10PM/Sunday: 12–2PM) is popular with French tourists, where you can have coffee, orange juice and toast with jam for 4.50 EUR. Or you can stop by 6 Place Rihour street. This is an intersection on the side of the Grand Square, with many cafes with typical outdoor chairs, and when winter comes, visitors will be given blankets, to both cover themselves with blankets, and enjoy hot coffee in cold weather.

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Lille Old Town (Vieux Lille)

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One of the places that any visitor when traveling to Lille cannot miss is the old town. The quaint beauty of the old town with typical baroque houses of the 17th and 18th centuries and cobblestone streets will surely make you delight. The Old Quarter is also home to many nice restaurants and cafes which bring the soul of Lille. Sitting and sipping a cup of coffee, watching the peaceful streets of Lille is also a great experience that you should try.

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Porte de Paris

Address: Pl. Simon Vollant, 59800 Lille, France Hours: Open 24 hours

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Lille has a long history with an evidence is the permanence of historic structures ​​such as the ancient city entrance gate of Porte de Paris. It was built in the 17th century to form the Arc de Triomphe and was classified as a historical heritage in 1875. Currently, the ancient city gate of Porte de Paris is considered as an architectural masterpiece of the city.

Palais des Beaux Museum

Address: Place de la République, 59000 Lille, France Hours: 10AM–6PM/Monday: 2–6PM/Tuesday: Closed

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Lille is famous as the city of art. Therefore, when coming to Lille, you must definitely visit the Palais des Beaux museum. This is one of the largest museums in France. It was built around the 19th century. Visiting the Palais des Beaux art museum, you will have the opportunity to admire the famous works of Monet, Raphael or Van Gogh.

Lille Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame-de-la-Treille)

Address: Pl. Gilleson, 59800 Lille, France Hours: 11AM–7PM

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If you are a lover of classical architecture, the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Treille in Lille is an ideal destination. The construction of the basilica was started in 1854, but it was not completed until 1999. From the outside, there is a 30-meter-high marble archway and an impressive iron statue of Our Lady. Inside are ancient architectures and decorated splendidly and luxuriously but still retain the dignified look.

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Up to now, Notre-Dame de la Treille Cathedral still retains the original architecture and carries many meanings to the French. It is famous for its medieval iron statue of the Virgin, which became the symbol of Lille.

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Inside the Basilica of Notre-Dame de la Treille is an extremely detailed and delicate sculpture in every line. This is also a very sacred place of prayer for the French and you do not need to pay any cost to visit. One day at the end of autumn, visit the cathedral, and pray sincerely, or just let yourself feel lighter before the sad stories of old time.

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Furet du Nord

Address: 15 Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59800 Lille, France Hours: 9:30AM–7:30PM/Sunday: Closed

During your French tour in Lille, if you are a book lover, you should take the time to visit Furet du Nord at 15 Place Charles de Gaulle. This is a huge bookstore, one of the largest ones in Europe. Not only selling French books, this place also has English books and small handmade items for visitors to buy as gifts.

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Up to now, Furet du Nord bookstore has developed into a chain of bookstores in France and Belgium, every day welcomes a huge number of visitors to buy books and experience the spacious space here.

Zoo de Lille

Address: Av. Mathias Delobel, 59000 Lille, France Hours: 10AM–6PM/Tuesday: Closed

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The zoo is located in the Esquermes neighborhood of Lille and is one of the most visited zoos in France. This zoo currently is home to about 450 animals. In it there are many strange animals that you may see for the first time in your life.

Lille Opera

Address: Pl. du Théâtre, 59000 Lille, France

Lille’s Opera House was built during World War I, designed by architect Louis-Marie Cardonnier in the style of opera houses popular in France and Monte Carlo, with a capacity of up to 1,136 spectators per performance. The exterior of the theater is designed with beautiful and sophisticated motifs, making visitors unable to ignore.

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Stepping inside the large space makes visitors overwhelmed. Filled with the atmosphere is a very old and elegant elegance that can only be found in France. This Opera House is home to Lille’s biggest concerts. Spend a weekend night, immersed in the melodious melodies of the piano and symphony, or immerse yourself in a melodious opera from famous artists.

Stade Pierre-Mauroy

Address: 261 Bd de Tournai, 59650 Villeneuve-d’Ascq, France

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For fans of king sport, you definitely cannot miss the opportunity to visit the Stade Pierre-Mauroy stadium. This is the home ground of the Lille OSC team, one of the top teams in Ligue 1 and won the 2011 championship.

Lille Flea Market (Grande Braderie de Lille)

Address: 2 bis Rue Frédéric Mottez, 59800 Lille, France

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To make your trip more exciting, visit the Lille flea market (Grande Braderie de Lille) to discover French culture and products. Items for sale mainly include books, second-hand records, vintage porcelain, antique silverware, clothing, jewelry, handicrafts, and artwork. In addition, you can also enjoy many street foods such as mussels, chips, grilled fish and other regional specialties.

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Lille blog: What to eat?

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An experience not to be missed when coming to France in general and Lille in particular is the cuisine. From street stalls to luxury restaurants, Lille has no shortage of rich and varied dishes that can satisfy even the most demanding diners like carbonnade (beef stew, with mustard taste and brown sugar), pain chocalate (chocolate bread), waffles, merveilleux (cream rolled in chocolate mash, usually sold in boxes of 6 flavors including coffee, dark chocolate, white chocolate, cherry and hazelnut praline)…

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Carbonnade is a very famous traditional stew in Lille. This dish is usually served for breakfast and can be eaten with French fries and with wine. Carbonnade is made from beef stewed with beer and a few other ingredients such as peanuts, potatoes depending on the restaurant. Carbonnade has a characteristic aroma of thyme, giving you a gentle sweetness. When eating this stew, you should use more bread to fully enjoy the delicious sauce.

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Traveling to Lille you will see waffles sold everywhere. It can be said that this is a traditional cake that has been associated with the people of this land for a long time. Waffles have a sweet aroma that is used for breakfast. They will taste better if you add some cheese or jam on top. In addition, visitors can buy waffles to give to their loved ones.

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Lille france guide: Shopping

Besides, tourists are also hard to “resist” before the charm of shopping centers. Undoubtedly one of the largest cities in France, in harmony with the modern rhythm of life, Lille has quite a few shopping areas, some areas also have outdoor markets to serve tourists shopping with a reasonable “budget”, on holidays like Christmas, the prices are even more pleasant. Antique shops, art galleries, and an impressive array of international chains also blow your wallet.

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Lille tourist guide: Where to stay?

Below we recommend more best budget, mid-range and upscale hotels with good ratings and reviews you can refer to.

  • Hotel L’Arbre Voyageur, BW Premier Collection ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Carlton Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Best Western Premier Why Hotel ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Hotel Saint Maurice ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Grand Hotel Bellevue ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Campanile Lille – Euralille ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Mercure Lille – Marcq en Baroeul ( Agoda , Booking )
  • Novotel Suites Lille Europe hotel ( Agoda , Booking )

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Check out more top and best hotels on or

France not only has vibrant cities, fashion capitals or busy shopping centers, but also a peaceful, romantic Lille with many interesting things that not everyone knows and discovers. Away from glitzy Paris and lavish Cannes, Lille is a gentle, gentle place for tourists to explore late autumn and early winter, to enjoy classic French in France.

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Some best day tours, trips, activities and transfer services, tickets in, from and to Lille you can refer to

  • 4G SIM Card (Paris/Airport Pick Up) for Europe from Orange
  • Lille City Tour
  • Vieux Lille 2-Hour Guided Walking Tour
  • Lille’s City Pass: 24 or 48 Hours
  • Nausicaá National Sea Center: Full-Day Entry Ticket
  • Lille: Town Hall Belfry Entry Ticket
  • Lille Highlights Self-Guided Scavenger Hunt and City Tour
  • Lille Driving Tour by Convertible Citroen 2CV

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Are you looking for more top things to do in Paris: Tours, activities, attractions and other things? Read more: Paris travel blog — The fullest Paris travel guide blog for a great budget trip to Paris for the first-timers . And let’s check it out more here .

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Travel Guide To Lille

Lille France  Cond Nast Traveller

Once an island, now just two stops from St Pancras, the old capital of Flanders mixes local tradition with modern design and is making its mark as a cultural centre. Lille is a prosperous place, with a quaint old core filled with chic boutiques, luxury food shops and superior restaurants specialising in northern French cuisine. The town is also home to the Palais des Beaux-Arts, widely touted in France as second only to the Louvre. The place to shop is the Vieux Lille, the city's 17th-century Flemish heart just behind the classical opera house, the tall, narrow buildings housing the shops are themselves worth a look.

Where to stay in Lille

HOTEL CARLTON 3 rue de Paris (00 33 3 20 13 33 13; ). This has an unbeatable location overlooking the Vieille Bourse and opera, and a duplex Cupola suite with a jacuzzi; but the décor is a riot of tartans and flowered fabrics. ££ CROWNE PLAZA 335 boulevard de Leeds (00 33 3 20 42 46 46; ). Set in a shimmering, copper-look building behind Lille-Europe, this is the best top-end option. Bedrooms are large and urban in feel; bathrooms have unpolished glass 'glow-in-the-dark' walls. £ HERMITAGE GANTOIS 224 rue de Paris (00 33 3 20 85 30 30; ). Recently opened in a former hermitage, and well-situated for visits to the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Art Deco Hôtel de Ville and Maison Colliot (14 rue de Fleurus), an Art Nouveau chemist's shop by Hector Guimard (of Paris metro fame). £ HOTEL BREUGHEL 5 parvis Saint-Maurice (00 33 20 06 06 69; ). For budget chic, this two-star has smallish rooms which can be noisy but have character and style with white, country-house furniture and wrought-iron balconies. £

Where to eat out in Lille

A L'HUITRIERE 3 rue des Chats Bossus (00 33 3 20 55 43 41; Dining at this fish and seafood institution, accessed via a fantastic fishmonger's with a mosaic façade by Breton artist Meheut Mathurin, is a magical experience - enough to justify a trip to Lille on its own. The dining room, with crisp, white-linen tablecloths and chandeliers, overlooks the cathedral gardens; the staff are courteous and discreetly attentive; and the food is faultless, from the appetiser of tiny new potatoes filled with melting Maroilles cheese to the asparagus, new peas, Parmesan and truffle gratin, sole served with lobster, black pasta and baby broad beans, and delicious chicory ice cream.

L'ECUME DES MERS 10 rue Pas (00 33 3 20 54 95 40; ). A popular fish and seafood bistro with a changing menu and nautical décor, run by the son of the owner of A L'Huitriere.

LA TERRASSE DES REMPARTS Logis de la Porte de Gand, rue de Gand (00 33 3 20 06 74 74; ). Another Lille institution, largely on account of its location in the old guardhouse above one of the city gates, at the top of Lille's main restaurant street. The menu is largely French with a few Asian spices thrown in.

ESTAMINET 'T RIJSEL 25 rue de Gand (00 33 3 20 15 01 59). Named after the Flemish for island, this small, rustic Flemish pub combines rickety wooden furniture with assorted bric-a-brac and is a cosy place for a few beers.

PAUL PRESTIGE 12 Rue de Paris (00 33 3 20 78 20 78). It now has more than 250 branches in France and the UK, but the original confectionery/bakery opened in Lille in 1889 and is still run by the same family. Go for a breakfast of crunchy baguette and hot chocolate overlooking place du Théâtre, and to stock up on raspberry charlottes and chocolate tarts.

LE PAIN QUOTIDIEN 35 Place Rihour (00 33 3 20 42 88 70). The Lille outpost of the successful Belgian bakery and restaurant chain, which now has branches all over France and further afield. The brunch (including scrambled eggs, charcuterie, salad, yoghurt and pain du chocolat is heavenly.

L'ARRIERE PAYS 47 rue Basse (00 33 3 20 13 80 07). Bakery, grocery, restaurant and salon du thé in Vieux Lille serves tasty salads, pastas and tartines in a rustic-chic setting.

AU GRE DU VIN 20 rue au Peterinck (00 33 3 20 55 42 51; ). As well as buying wine here, you can sit down to a platter of charcuterie or cheese and drink it.

Where to shop in Lille

VIEUX LILLE Outside La Braderie (the huge flea market), the place to shop is Vieux Lille , the city's 17th-century Flemish heart just behind the classical opera house, which has been restored in time for the Lille 2004 European City of Culture celebrations.

SHOPPING Each street has its own identity, Rue de la Grande Chaussée has a gold arm, the symbol of a former glove merchant's, points the way for luxury brands like Louis Vuitton and Hermès. Rue de la Clef, heralded by a large blue sign of key hanging over the street, is younger and edgier, with shops selling records, comics, skatewear and clothing by DieselStyleLab (try Rouge at number 15). Rue Basse is more elegant, with antique shops, art galleries and chic boutiques in 18th-century mansions. Agnès B (number 15) was recently joined by Cotelac (number 5), which sells linen separates and crumpled polyester prints in an interior with a carriage entrance, glass-roofed courtyard and green panelling painted with pink roses.

MEERT 27 rue Esquermoise. A pâtisserie feted as much for its oriental, galleried interior as for its thin waffles filled with an exquisitely sweet vanilla cream. De Gaulle was a fan, as was the French-Belgian writer Marguerite Yourcenar.

MADELEINE ESTIENNE 8 rue des Vieux Murs. A tiny shop with tables decked out in red-checked cloths, it sells regional classics such as organic beers, genevièvre (the local gin), potje vleesch (chunks of chicken, rabbit, veal and pork, served as a terrine or preserved in their gelee in a jar) and carbonade flamande (beef braised in beer and onions). I tasted a surprisingly palatable dandelion wine, and a delicious cider jam.

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LA BOTTEGA Number 8 bis rue au Peterinck ( ). Run by Gilberto d'Annnunzio who is something of a local celebrity. In the run-up to 2000, he and a handful of local traders in and around rue de la Monnaie posed naked for a calendar as a joke. The first edition (of 500 copies) made it onto the front page of Le Figaro , and since then they have raised more than €90,000 for charity.

What to see in Lille

LA BRADERIE The Grand' Place (also known as place du Général de Gaulle) takes centre stage during La Braderie, the huge flea market that takes over the city during the first weekend of September. This tradition, which is accompanied by the unrestrained consumption moules-frites , dates back to medieval times when servants sold their masters' cast-offs in the streets.

PALAIS DES BEAUX-ARTS Place de la Republique (00 33 3 20 06 78 00; ). Widely touted as second only to the Louvre, Lille's recently renovated fine arts museum is a light, airy space with sweeping staircases, lofty columns, claret walls and floppy chairs by Gaetano Pesce. Look out for Goya's Les Vieilles , a portrait of two old crones playing the coquette, and portraits by Lillois artists Carolus-Duran, who taught John Singer Sargent. The basement has some intriguing relief models of the fortified towns of northern France built by military engineer Sebastien Le Prestre de Vauban under Louis XIV - including Lille with its pentagonal citadel, considered his masterpiece.

MUSEE DE L'HOSPICE COMTESSE 32 rue de la Monnaie (00 33 3 28 36 84 00). Founded in 1237 as a refuge for the sick, it is now a showcase for the arts and crafts of Lille and the Low Countries from the 15th to the 17th century, in a glorious Flemish interior of blue and white tiles and carved wood. The hospital ward is used for exhibitions.

MUSEE D'ART ET D'INDUSTRIE 23 rue de l'Espérance, Roubaix (00 33 3 20 69 23 60; ). This is housed in a beautiful Art Deco swimming-pool complex built to keep thousands of textile workers happy and healthy. The architect, freemason Albert Baert, modelled the complex on a Cistercian abbey, with bath cubicles surrounding a cloistered garden and a 40-metre pool under a vaulted chapel roof with stained-glass windows. It reopened in 2001 after restoration by Jean-Paul Philippon (one of the architects who worked on the conversion of the Musée d'Orsay), with many of the original details intact.

ROUBAIX If you only have time for one trip out of town, make it to Roubaix. The former heart of the French textiles industry and now the centre of mail-order shopping, it provides the perfect antidote to the cosy charm of Vieux Lille. Roubaix used to be known as the 'city of 1,000 chimneys' and the old factories still stand. There's L'Usine, a bargain shopping mall on three floors selling 200 brands of discounts of up to 60 per cent.

How to get to Lille

EUROSTAR Eurostar (08432 186 186; ) takes one-hour and 40-minutes each way.


  1. Lille Attractions Map

    lille tourist board

  2. The 15 Best Things To Do In Lille, France

    lille tourist board

  3. 10 TOP Things to Do in Lille (2021 Attraction & Activity Guide)

    lille tourist board

  4. Lille Attractions Map PDF

    lille tourist board

  5. Lille Plan

    lille tourist board

  6. Office de tourisme de Lille / Nos équipements

    lille tourist board


  1. Lille Tourist Office Home

    Guided tours, gourmet walks, workshops, treasure hunts, themed evenings, shows… we offer 1001 ways to experience the destination! Favourites. Here are our favorites for a complete tour of the city, its belfry and Old Lille. Tours and activities. Unusual getaways and culinary experiences, visit the city like nowhere else.

  2. Lille Tourist Office Office de Tourisme de Lille

    By phone +33 (0) By e-mail by clicking here. Find out more. The Lille Tourist Office is an association under the law of 1901, certified by AFNOR since 2002. As part of this certification, here are our commitments to optimize our customers' experience: Provision of a pleasant reception area, open according to tourist activity ...

  3. Office de tourisme de Lille Accueil

    Visites guidées, balades gourmandes, ateliers, jeux de piste, soirées à thème, spectacles… nous vous proposons 1001 façons de vivre la destination ! Découverte complète de la ville, de son beffroi et du Vieux-Lille, voici nos visites préférées.

  4. Explore Lille Office de Tourisme de Lille

    Explore. All the inhabitants of Lille will tell you: Lille is a sight to behold! Enjoy an unforgettable experience among the sites and monuments that trace the city's history. As you stroll through the streets of Lille, look up and take in every facade. To rest your neck, reserve a table in an authentic estaminet.

  5. Visits and discoveries Office de Tourisme de Lille

    Lille is brimming with charming little addresses capable of satisfying gourmets and gourmands alike. From traditional Northern cuisine to superb brunch ideas, there's no... City Pass Free access to 40 tourist and cultural sites in Lille, its metropolitan area and the surrounding region, including transport. 24h 25€.

  6. 15 Best Things to Do in Lille (France)

    You can also see works by giants like Picasso, Georges Braque, Paul Klee, Joan Miró, Amedeo Modigliani and Alexander Calder. The verdant sculpture park is good for a stroll too, with contributions from Jacques Lipchitz, Eugène Dodeigne, Picasso and Calder. 7. Lille Citadelle. Source: Glenmore / Shutterstock.

  7. Lille city guide

    Tourist attractions in Lille The Lille tourist information office is located between the Grand Place and the Palais des Beaux Arts fine arts museum. Address: 3 rue Rihour, opposite what remains of the 15th century Palais Rihour. Piscine art gallery - Roubaix.

  8. Experiences to enjoy Office de Tourisme de Lille

    Guided tours, gourmet walks, workshops, treasure hunts, themed evenings, shows… we offer 1001 ways to experience the destination! Favourites. Here are our favorites for a complete tour of the city, its belfry and Old Lille. Tours and activities. Unusual getaways and culinary experiences, visit the city like nowhere else. Special offers.

  9. Lille

    At 104m, it's the tallest belfry in northern France and offers a striking 360° view over the city and its surroundings. Hear 350 animals at the zoo. Lille's most visited attraction encircled by the Deûle canal, it's free to enter and is home to monkeys, zebras, panthers and a variety of rare birds. Smell juniper, used to make the local ...

  10. Accueil

    Lille Tourist Office Palais Rihour - Place Rihour - 59000 Lille +33 (0)3 59 57 94 00 Opening times Open 7 days a week from 10am to 12.30pm and from 1.30pm to 5.30pm

  11. Lille, France: What to Do for Three Days in the City

    Lille is a city located in the north of France. It is the capital of the Hauts-de-France region and the prefecture of the Nord department. Lille is a major economic and cultural center in northern France. The city has a population of 232,286 as of 2018. Lille is located on the Deûle River, at the eastern edge of France's border with Belgium.

  12. 11 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Lille

    Plan your sightseeing visit to the city with our list of the top tourist attractions in Lille. See also: Where to Stay in Lille. On This Page: 1. Place du Général de Gaulle (Grand Place) 2. Palais des Beaux-Arts (Fine Arts Museum) 3. Musée du Louvre-Lens.

  13. Lille: Tourist Board Info

    Inside Lille: Tourist Board Info - Before you visit Lille, visit Tripadvisor for the latest info and advice, written for travellers by travellers. Lille. Lille Tourism Lille Hotels Bed and Breakfast Lille Lille Holiday Rentals Flights to Lille Lille Restaurants Lille Attractions Lille Travel Forum

  14. What to do in Lille: three days in a creative city

    Lille's Flamboyant Gothic-style Palais Rihour makes an ideal starting point. The mid-1400s building is home to the tourist office: pick up a City Pass (there are 24-, 48- and 72-hour versions), which covers entry to key museums and attractions in the greater Métropole Européenne de Lille (MEL) area, as well as public transport.

  15. Lille travel

    France, Europe. Capital of the Hauts-de-France région, Lille may be France's most underrated metropolis. Recent decades have seen the country's fourth-largest city (by greater urban area) transform from an industrial centre into a glittering cultural and commercial hub. Highlights include its enchanting old town with magnificent French and ...

  16. Top Things to Do in Lille, North France

    99 Rue Paul Bert, 62300 Lens, France. Phone +33 3 21 18 62 62. Web Visit website. In 2012, the famous Louvre Museum in Paris opened an extension in the former mining town of Lens, about 21 miles (34 kilometers) from Lille. The gleaming aluminum and glass buildings house a remarkable collection of art from the Louvre.

  17. Lille travel blog

    France is always an attractive destination for tourists with glitzy, splendid Paris, lavish Cannes, and Lille brings a harmonious, gentle beauty for tourists in late autumn and early winter. | lille travel blog | lille travel blog. The people of Lille are not as fashionable and trendy as Parisian, but much more friendly and likeable.

  18. Lille, France

    Where to stay in Lille. HOTEL CARLTON 3 rue de Paris (00 33 3 20 13 33 13; ). This has an unbeatable location overlooking the Vieille Bourse and opera, and a duplex Cupola suite with a jacuzzi; but the décor is a riot of tartans and flowered fabrics. ££ CROWNE PLAZA 335 boulevard de Leeds (00 33 3 20 42 46 46; www.lille ...

  19. Lille City Pass

    The Lille City Pass is one of several tourist board-sponsored passes to France's regional cities. It's a value-priced, inclusive pass for more than 25 of the best museums and cultural heritage sites in this northern French town on the Belgian border. Unlimited use of the city busses, metro, and tramway is also included. The pass is ...

  20. Lille in 1 day

    By being organized and following my self-guided walking tour, here are the tourist sites in Lille that you can see in one day: Palace of Fine Arts (Parking-République) Lille Town Hall and its belfry. Paris gate. Rameau Palace. Church of the Sacred Heart. Rihour Palace. Grand Place of Lille. Old Stock Exchange.

  21. One Day In Lille, France: Itinerary + Self-Guided Walking Tour

    The distance between these sights is less than 2 miles. To help you on your way, here's a map you can use as a self-guided Lille walking tour. Click here or on the image for step-by-step directions and to send to your phone. Lille walking tour map (click on image for interactive map) Map Data @ 2023 Google.

  22. The Best Travel Guide to Lille

    Citadel of Lille. First built in the 17th century following the seizing of Lille by French forces, the Citadel is an impressive star-shaped fortress which now houses the French Rapid Reaction Corps. Guided tours of the Citadel are held monthly. The park area surrounding the fortress contains pleasant greenery and the Lille Zoo.