Mountainbiken im Kleinwalsertal

Unzählige routen, rasante trails und herrliche ausblicke.

Das Kleinwalsertal ist der perfekte Ort für all diejenigen, die auf dem Mountainbike dem Trubel entkommen wollen. Wellness für Sportler, die es lieben, auf Wanderwegen die Stollenreifen Ihres Mountainbikes in Singletrails zu krallen. Bevor man die Abfahrt antritt, heißt es aber erst mal schwitzen.

Die Bike-Map enthält Touren-Angebote für individuelle Ausdauer und unterschiedliches Können. Zwischen elf und 72 Kilometer sind die Routen auf den Wanderwegen lang und weisen 200 bis 2200 Höhenmeter auf. Am Sportplatz in Hirschegg-Au befindet sich ein Bikepark im Sinne eines Übungsgeländes. Der Park besteht aus einem ca. 300 m langen, zwei Tables, einer Wippe sowie Skinis und ist perfekt, um ein Gefühl fürs Bike zu bekommen.

Mountainbiken mit Guide

Wer lieber in der Gruppe tritt, kann sich einem ortskundigen und erfahrenen Guide anschließen. Bike Service Stationen gibt es bei verschiedenen Alphütten, um kleine Reparaturen im Gelände durch zu führen.

Bikefreundliche Betriebe

haben nicht nur Kenntnis über das Mountainbike Revier Kleinwalsertal und können Ihnen Tourenvorschläge unterbreiten, sondern bieten einen abschließbaren Bikeraum, einen Waschplatz, Luftpumpen, Bike-Multitool und leihweise Kartenmaterial.

Einige von uns für Euch empfohlene Mountainbikestrecken

Hirschegg Walserhaus - Dürenbodenstrasse - Haldeweg - auf Breitachweg taleinwärts bis Wildentalbrücke– Richtung Hauptstrasse - an Kreuzung links - beim Sägewerk rechts Sonnhalde - nach Querung des Skilifts links ab - Höhenweg nach Baad folgen - nach Kreisverkehr rechts auf dem Spazierweg talauswärts - an der Gemstelbrücke rechts ins Gemsteltal (rechte Talseite) - Hintere Gemstelhütte - andere Talseite retour - vor Brücke rechts am Bach entlang - Wildentalstrasse - Schwendlestrasse - Bergheim Moser - Höfle - Nebenwasser - Schwabenhütte - Letze - Leidtobelbrücke - Dürenboden - aufwärts zur Kirche/Walserhaus.

Wir empfehlen diese Tour nicht in der Hauptwanderzeit von 11.00 bis 15.00 Uhr zu fahren.

Kondition: mittel Technik: mittel Länge: 25,00 km Höhendifferenz: 680 m Strassenbelag: Asphalt, Kies, Waldboden


Riezlern Casino – Hauptstrasse talauswärts - Leo-Müller-Strasse - Fellhornweg - Waldfesthalle links - alte Schwendebrücke - Teerstrasse bergauf folgen - Ausserschwende - Straußberg - Grenzbachtobel (kurzes Schiebe- bzw. Tragestück) - Hinterenge - Tiefenbach - kurz nach Reitstall Tiefenbach links abzweigen ins Lochbachtal - Toniskopf Alpe - Rohrmoos (evtl. kurz bergab schieben) - nach Gasthof Rohrmoos (Einkehr) rechts Richtung Sibratsgfäll - vor Wasserscheide links in Forstweg Richtung Hörnlepass - am Wegende "Wendeplatz mit hölzener Kapelle" schmalem Weg bergab folgen über Bretter - Alpengasthof Hörnlepass (Einkehr) - Ausserschwende - Schwendebrücke - Riezlern Casino.

Kondition: man braucht Muskeln Technik: mittelschwer Länge: 34,00 km Höhendifferenz: 1030 m Strassenbelag: Asphalt, Kies, Waldboden

Riezlern Casino - Bundesstrasse talauswärts bis Haltestelle Schwand - Schwandweg - rechts Richtung Bergstüble - Mittelalpe - Söllereck Bergstation - auf Teerstrasse bergab - nach 2. Gebäude rechts ab in Wannisweg (sehr schmal) - nach scharfer Rechtskurve auf Bundesstrasse bergab - Hotel Oberstdorf - scharf links in Schotterweg abzweigen - Tiefenbach - nach Brücke links - Trimm Dich Pfad - vor Breitachklamm rechts Richtung Sesselalpe - Teerstrasse bergauf, immer geradeaus folgen - links auf Schotterweg - Osterberg - Alpengasthof Hörnlepass - Ausserschwende - Schwendebrücke - Riezlern Casino.

Kondition: mittel Technik: leicht Länge: 25,00 km Höhendifferenz: 830 m Strassenbelag: Asphalt, Kies, Waldboden

Zur Stutzalpe

Tourismusbüro Mittelberg - Bundesstrasse talauswärts - Tobel - links Rohrweg - Haltestelle Fuchsfarm - links Richtung Auenhütte/Ifen - nach 200m links in Forststrasse einbiegen - an Weggabelung links steil bergauf - Schöntalhof - Bergstation Heuberg-Sessellift - rechts oberer Höhenweg - Sonna Alp (Einkehr) - Bühlalpe (Einkehr) - Stutzalpe (Einkehr) - Forstweg nach Baad - am Kreisverkehr rechts ins Bärgunttal - Bärgunthütte (Einkehr)- andere Talseite retour - Baad - nach Kreisverkehr rechts auf dem Spazierweg talauswärts - Wildentalbrücke - links, am Aparthotel vorbei - Bundesstrasse links - rechts in Sonnhalde - Tourismusbüro. Wir empfehlen diese Tour nicht in der Hauptwanderzeit von 11.00 bis 15.00 Uhr zu fahren. Konditionsangabe gilt für Durchführung ohne Liftbenützung Zaferna

Kondition: gut Technik: mittelschwer Länge: 21,50 km Höhendifferenz: 660 m Strassenbelag: Asphalt, Kies, Waldboden


Mittelberg - Riezlern - Söllereck Talstation - Probstweg - Freibergsee - Schwand - Faistenoy - Rappenalptal - Speicherhütte - Schrofenpass (Laufpassage Trittsicherheit erforderlich)- Lechleiten - Warth - Krumbach - Hochtannbergpass - Schröcken - Hopfreben - vor Schoppernau rechts ab - Neuhornbachhaus - Alpe Alt Hornbach - Starzeljoch (20 min. Laufpassage) - Starzelalpe - Stierhof - Obere Lüchle Alpe - Stutzalpe (gratis Enzian für Bezwinger dieser Tour in der Stutzalpe) - Bühlalpe - Mittelberg. Mehrere Einkehrmöglichkeiten entlang der Strecke.

Kondition: schwer Technik: sehr gut Länge: 72,00 km Höhendifferenz: 2160 m Zeit: 07:00 Uhr Strassenbelag: Asphalt, Kies, Waldboden

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Kleinwalsertal Tour 12: Enzian-Runde

Logo Outdooractive Redaktion

Tour mit E-bike light gemacht (Levo SL - 18kg) reine ...

Kleinwalsertal: Beliebte Mountainbike-Runde

Profilbild von Kleinwalsertal Tourismus  

Weitere Infos und Links

Wegbeschreibung, öffentliche verkehrsmittel, koordinaten, buchtipps für die region, kartentipps für die region, ähnliche touren in der umgebung.

  • Rundtour: Riezlern - Riedbergpass
  • Kleiner Grenzverkehr
  • Rund um Oberstdorf

Fragen & Antworten

Profilbild von Robert Greisel



Fotos von anderen

Wetter am startpunkt der tour.

  • Bilder einblenden Bilder ausblenden
  • 14 Wegpunkte

Ausflugsziele und Freizeittipps in der Region

  • 50 Jahre Erfahrung
  • Auf Tour mit Profis!
  • Rundum-Service
  • Authentisches Team
  • Individuell

Mountainbike Touren im Allgäu



mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

Kili Mountainbike - 5000 HM Downhill vom Seven Summit

8-tägige Mountainbikereise auf das Dach Afrikas über die Kilema Route

8 Tage / 5 Tage Biketour - individuelle Termine

Der Biker fährt durch eine Bergwiese am Walser Trail.

MTB Freeride - Walser Trails XL

Downhill Mountainbiken auf den schönsten Singletrails

MTB-Tour  am Walmendingerhorn

PRIVAT Mountainbike - Touren

... Individuell auf Sie abgestimmt

täglich von Mai - Oktober, 1/2 Tage, 1 Tag oder mehrtägiges Programm mit kompletter Organisation, Preis auf Anfrage

MTB-Touren im Allgäu

Aufregende MTB Touren voller Abenteuer und Nervenkitzel - Die Berglandschaft im Allgäu bietet neben Wanderpfaden aufregende Mountainbike Trails, die in Erinnerung bleiben. Steile Anstiege werden mit sensationellen Ausblicken belohnt und schenken Dir eine Abfahrt voller Speed und Adrenalin. Mit uns kannst Du sogar die Abkürzung gehen und per Seilbahn mühelos Höhenmeter überwinden, um Dich anschließend auf den schönsten Downhill-Fahrspaß überhaupt einzulassen.

Individuelle MTB Touren im Allgäu entlang aufregender Single-Trails

Deine Vorteile bei uns

  • Wir bieten Touren im Allgäu für geübte Mountainbiker
  • Erlebnisreiches Mountainbiken privat oder in kleinen Gruppen
  • Spannende Singletrails über Berg und Tal sowie durch Wiesen und Wälder 
  • Du fährst mit einem ortskundigen MTB-Guide

Mountainbiken für Fortgeschrittene & Profis

Willst Du ganz in die Allgäuer Bergwelt eintauchen, überwinden wir gemeinsam schnell Hunderte Höhenmeter. Eine gewisse Grundkondition solltest Du daher auf unseren Touren mitbringen, um den Ride in vollen Zügen zu genießen. Schmale Wege oder auch steile Anstiege und kleine Hindernisse sollten Dir im Idealfall schon begegnet sein. Du willst sichergehen, dass die MTB Tour Dich fordert, aber nicht überfordert? Dann ist unsere Privattour genau das Richtige für Dich. Hier gehen wir individuell auf Deine Wünsche und Dein persönliches Erfahrungslevel ein.

Plane mit uns Eintagestouren oder Mehrtagestouren und bestimme selbst, wie viel an Können Du unter Beweis stellen willst. Willst Du mehr, dann bieten wir Dir zusätzlich ein Fahrtechniktraining an, mit dem Du Deine Grenzen zukünftig sprengen kannst. So entwickeln wir Dich zum Profi, der schon bald die Alpenüberquerung mit dem Bike durchziehen kann.

Auspowern bei straffen Anstiegen? Oder lieber entspannte MTB-Strecken befahren, um die Schönheit der Alpen zu genießen? Auf unseren abwechslungsreichen Mountainbike Touren im Allgäu erlebst Du eine unvergessliche Kombination aus Natur, Sport und Geschwindigkeit ganz nach Deinen Vorlieben. Wir sind schon sehr gespannt, mit Dir Deine MTB Tour zu planen.

mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

Mit dem E-Bike & Mountainbike Kleinwalsertal entdecken

Fahren Sie E-Bike oder Mountainbike? Das Kleinwalsertal hat Ihnen viel zu bieten!

In diesem Artikel wollen wir Ihnen im Überblick zeigen, warum das Kleinwalsertal für E- und Mountainbike-Fahrer genau die richtige Destination ist. Außerdem stellen wir Ihnen unser Hotel als perfekten Ausgangspunkt für Ihren Bike-Urlaub vor.

Kleinwalsertal: E- und Mountainbike Paradies für Fahrer aller Niveaus

Es ist nicht immer einfach, gute Routen oder gar eine ganze Urlaubsgegend für das Mountainbiken und E-Biken zu finden. Das Kleinwalsertal ist aber ein Kleinod für alle Bike-Fahrer. Das liegt an der wundervollen Natur ebenso wie an der vorhandenen Infrastruktur im Tal.

Bevor wir Ihnen zeigen, warum die Sonnenburg Ihr Basislager für den nächsten Bike-Urlaub sein sollte, wollen wir daher kurz auf die Vorzüge des Kleinwalsertals für E- und Mountainbiking eingehen. 

E-Bike und Mountainbike Kleinwalsertal Touren: Perfekte Voraussetzungen

Biken im Kleinwalsertal - das bedeutet ideale Voraussetzungen, schon durch die Natur des Tals. Zwar ist eine gewisse Grundkondition immer erforderlich, um die vielen Hänge zu bewältigen, dafür bieten diese die besten Ausblicke und viele verschiedene Erlebnisse.

Unterwegs sind Sie dabei meist auf dem ausgedehnten Wegenetz, welches das Kleinwalsertal zum Wandern bietet. Zusammengefasst zu größeren Routen bietet sich Ihnen hier eine große Vielfalt verschiedener Touren.

Sollte unterwegs etwas kaputtgehen, finden Sie auf vielen Alphütten einen Bike-Service mit der Möglichkeit zur Reparatur kleinerer Schäden. Zurück im Ort, können dann auch größere Teile ersetzt werden. So sind Sie immer sicher unterwegs und bleiben mobil.

Bikepark im Kleinwalsertal für Mountainbiker

Möchten Sie an Ihrer Technik feilen? Sie können Ihr Mountainbike im Kleinwalsertal auch zu Übungszwecken nutzen - auf dem Bikepark in Hirschegg.

Ein etwa 300 Meter langer Übungsparcours wartet hier auf Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene gleichermaßen. Selbst Mountainbike-Profis soll man hier ab und an zu Gesicht bekommen. Neben einer allgemein hügeligen Piste warten Manöver wie Wellenbahn, Schanze, Sprünge und Steilkurven auf Sie.

Bikehotel Sonnenburg

Wenn Sie Ihren nächsten Urlaub mit dem E-Bike oder Mountainbike im Kleinwalsertal verbringen möchten, ist die richtige Unterkunft besonders wichtig. Schließlich möchten Sie dort nicht nur schlafen und abschalten, sondern sich auch bestmöglich um Ihr Bike kümmern können. Die Sonnenburg in Riezlern bietet alles, was das Herz ambitionierter E-Bike und Mountainbike-Urlauber höher schlagen lässt.

Gerne möchten wir Ihnen daher an dieser Stelle unseren Service rund ums Rad, Angebote unserer Partner sowie Routen direkt vor der Haustür vorstellen.

Unser Service fürs Biken im Kleinwalsertal: Wir sind Classic Bike Partner!

Wir sind als sogenannter Classic Bike Partner gelistet. Bei uns genießen Sie daher erweiterte Services rund um den Radsport, unter anderem:

  • die Möglichkeit, das E-Bike oder Mountainbike im hauseigenen, abschließbaren Bike Raum unterzubringen,
  • einen Waschplatz, der Ihr E-Bike/Mountainbike nach Kleinwalsertal Touren wieder zum Strahlen bringt,
  • die Möglichkeit der Nutzung von Werkzeugen für kleinere nötige Reparaturen,
  • eine Auswahl an Ersatzschläuchen in gängigen Größen für den schnellen Austausch direkt bei uns,
  • eine reiche Auswahl an Kartenmaterial und Tourenvorschlägen für Biker,
  • Hilfe bei der Buchung von Leihfahrrädern oder Guided Tours über unsere Partner.

Equipment leihen oder kaufen bei unseren Partnern vor Ort

Unsere Partner bieten Ihnen verschiedenste Services rund ums Rad - sprechen Sie uns gerne an, wenn Sie Hilfe beim Organisieren benötigen. Unser wichtigster Partner ist Sport Kessler in Riezlern.

Hier können Sie Räder, Equipment, Ersatzteile und Zubehör selbstverständlich in großer Auswahl kaufen - doch das Sportfachgeschäft kann noch mehr. Die Werkstatt kümmert sich gerne um größere Schäden oder bietet Check-ups, wenn das Rad nicht rund läuft. Zudem können Sie hier natürlich auch Fahrräder und Zubehör leihen - über unser Haus sogar zu vergünstigten Konditionen und direkt im Hotel.

Tipps von erfahrenen Bikern holen

Unsere Mitarbeiter:innen sind selbst gerne in der Natur unterwegs - viele von ihnen auch mit dem E- oder Mountainbike. Gastgeberin Heike hat es das Mountainbiken besonders angetan. Ihre über viele Jahre gesammelten Tipps rund um MTB im Kleinwalsertal teilt sie gerne mit Ihnen.

RadTouren direkt vor der Haustür

Wenn Sie die richtige Tour für sich suchen, helfen wir Ihnen gerne bei der Planung weiter. Viele schöne Mountainbike-Trails führen direkt an der Sonnenburg vorbei oder beginnen sogar ganz in der Nähe. Zum Abschluss möchten wir Ihnen unsere drei Highlights in Sachen Mountainbike Tour vorstellen.

Wenn Sie die Wege auch einmal auf andere Art erkunden möchten, bietet sich auf vielen Wegen im Sommer das Wandern und im Winter das Langlaufen in der Loipe an.

Kleiner Grenzverkehr

Diese offizielle Mountainbike-Tour mit dem Namen Kleiner Grenzverkehr führt Sie ins deutsche Oberstdorf. Startpunkt der Tour ist in Riezlern, Sie können allerdings direkt in der Außerschwende unweit der Sonnenburg in die Runde einsteigen. Am Söllereck überqueren Sie die Grenze, der Rückweg führt Sie an der Breitachklamm entlang.

Die wichtigsten Fakten zu dieser Runde:

  • Schwierigkeit: mittelschwer - Grundtechniken reichen, sehr gute Kondition erforderlich,
  • Streckenlänge: etwa. 28 km,
  • Dauer: etwa 4 Stunden,
  • Höhenunterschied: etwa 950 Meter,
  • Highlights: Söllereck, Oberstdorf, Aussichten in Kleinwalsertal und Allgäu, Breitach,
  • Entfernung zur Sonnenburg: keine - Sie können direkt vor der Tür in die Runde einsteigen.


Die eher kurze Wasserfallrunde bietet sich als Auszeit zwischendurch an. Der Breitach folgend fahren Sie bis Hirschegg. Neben einem direkten Blick in die urige Breitachklamm warten dabei viele weitere Highlights auf Sie.

  • Schwierigkeit: mittelschwer - fortgeschrittene Technik sowie gute Kondition erforderlich,
  • Streckenlänge: etwa. 14 km,
  • Dauer: etwa 1,25 Stunden,
  • Höhenunterschied: etwa 300 Meter,
  • Highlights: Breitach, Breitachklamm, Schwarzwasserbach mit Wasserfällen, Blick auf Ifen,
  • Entfernung zur Sonnenburg: keine - der Startpunkt der Tour liegt direkt vor der Tür.


Die große Gemsteltal-Runde eignet sich nur für erfahrene Mountainbiker, bietet diesen aber nicht nur anspruchsvolle sportliche Herausforderungen, sondern auch mehrere Naturerlebnisse auf dem Weg. Sie starten in Riezlern Richtung Hirschegg und Mittelberg, umfahren großräumig den Bärenkopf und passieren auf dem Rückweg unter anderem Walmendingerhorn und Heuberg. Ein besonderes Highlight ist der Herzsee - hier sollten Sie unbedingt Rast machen.

  • Schwierigkeit: schwer - fortgeschrittene Technik und sehr gute Kondition erforderlich,
  • Streckenlänge: etwa. 39 km,
  • Höhenunterschied: etwa 1.050 Meter,
  • Highlights: Ausblicke an mehreren Punkten, Singletrail Breitachweg, Breitach, Bärgunthütte, Oberer Höhenweg, Herzsee, Schwarzwasserbach mit Wasserfall.
  • Entfernung zur Sonnenburg: keine - der Startpunkt der Tour liegt direkt vor der Tür. Sprich uns gern an für mehr Infos zu dieser Tour. 

Geführte Touren bei unseren Partnern vor Ort

Wir haben mehrere Partner für geführte Touren auf dem Mountainbike. Die Bergschule Kleinwalsertal bietet Guided Tours und Freeriding an. Bei Walserbiketours buchen Sie private Touren oder schließen sich einer der wöchentlich stattfindenden Gruppenführungen an.

Alle Angebote stehen Ihnen normalerweise zur Verfügung, bis im November der Winter das Kleinwalsertal fest in seinen Griff nimmt. Gerade, wenn Sie das erste Mal im anspruchsvollen Terrain des Kleinwalsertals unterwegs sind, ist die Mitnahme eines Guides oder die Teilnahme an einer Gruppentour empfehlenswert.

Für alle E-Bike Touren sprechen Sie uns gern persönlich an . Wir empfehlen Ihnen die beste Tour, ganz nach Ihren persönlichen Vorlieben.

Mit dem E- und Mountainbike das Kleinwalsertal erkunden - und am Abend entspannen

Doch nicht nur für Ihr Erlebnis mit dem E- oder Mountainbike im Kleinwalsertal ist die Sonnenburg die beste Wahl. Denn wenn Sie am Abend nach einem ereignisreichen Tag in der Natur richtig abschalten und Kulinarik auf höchstem Niveau genießen möchten, finden Sie auch dazu genau die passenden Angebote bei uns im Haus. Gemütliche Betten und ruhiger Schlaf inklusive!

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Tannheimer Tal

Kleinwalsertal tour.

mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

© Tourismusverband Tannheimer Tal

mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

© Ferienregion Tannheimer Tal

mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal


Short description: A tour to the Vorarlberg Kleinwalsertal, which is located in Austria but only accessible via German territory. A wonderful racing bike tour is waiting for you...

Technique: ****

Quality of experience: ******

Recommended season:


  • Refreshment stops available
  • Geological highlights
  • Botanical highlights
  • Faunistic highlights

Description: The Tannheimer Tal has been known among cyclists for quite some time, because in 2001 the retinue of the Tour of Austria Bicycle Tour went through the valley. In 2005 the cycling pros of the Tour of Bavaria came to Tyrolean soil at the opening stage and were rewarded with the mountain classification Tannheimer Tal and the mountain classification Jungholz. And even professionals noticed the scenic attractions of the "probably most beautiful high valley in Europe". Lush green meadows, the Haldensee and a beautiful mountain scenery accompanied the cycling pros on their competition kilometres. And thus the Tannheimer Tal has also advertised itself as an ideal region for specific training or extended tours. "The Tannheimer Tal is an ideal starting point for long racing bike tours to the surrounding regions such as Lake Constance or the Arlberg", says Michael Keller, managing director of the tourism association Tannheimer Tal and former national mountain bike coach of Austria. Cyclists find in the Tannheimer Tal not only the ideal starting point but also a wide range of accommodation. You can choose your accommodation from a 5-star house to a private room. After a nice ride you can relax and recharge your batteries. - The Tannheimer Tal Directions: Start at the tourist information in Tannheim in western direction past Zöblen to Schattwald. At Schattwald a 1.5 km long ascent begins up to the former German customs office Oberjoch. After a short descent, turn left at the crossing in Oberjoch and follow the Jochpass down the valley to Bad Hindelang. Follow the road to the entrance of Sonthofen. Turn left and follow the signs to the swimming pool. Before the level crossing, turn left at the crossroads. Via old towns, Schöllang and Rubi towards Oberstdorf. At the roundabout turn right and at the next crossing turn left into Kleinwalsertal. Follow the road until the end of the valley. Turn around in Baad and via Mittelberg and Kornau to the beginning of the valley. Turn left at the crossing and immediately left again. Via the villages Obermaiselstein and Ofterschwang to Sonthofen. At the crossing with traffic lights straight on towards Oberjoch/Reutte, passing through Binswangen, Reckenberg, Vorderhindelang to Bad Hindelang. Here follows the ascent over the Jochpass, with max. 7% gradient, to Oberjoch. In Oberjoch turn right at the crossing and follow the main road to the starting point in Tannheim. Safety guidelines:

The StVO applies. General valid and customary rules of conduct.

It should be noted that in road cycling there is an increased risk of accidents and injuries. Despite careful tour planning, a basic risk always remains. Tour preparation through endurance sports, appropriate training and further education as well as personal prudence reduces the risk of accidents and injuries.

Tour and route information

Getting there On the motorway A7 at the exit "Oy-Mittelberg" on the B310 towards Wertach and to Oberjoch. There follow the signposting "Tannheimer Tal" B199, exit Tannheim. From the Tyrolean side via Reutte on the B198 towards Lechtal until Weißenbach, over the Gaichtpass along the B199 until exit Tannheim. Public Transit By train to Sonthofen, Pfronten/Ried or Reutte, then by bus to Tannheim. Parking Parking spaces at the Neunerköpfle gondola lift in Tannheim - subject to charges.


mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

  • Routenplaner

Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen hat dieses Outdoor-Abenteuer mit komoot geplant!

Entdeck auch du mehr von der welt da draußen, radrunde kleinwalsertal – gemeinsam draußen in oberstdorf.

Enthält einen Abschnitt, auf dem Radfahren verboten ist

Hier wirst du absteigen und schieben müssen.

95 m in total

Enthält einen sehr steilen Anstieg

Eventuell musst du dein Rad schieben.

171 m in total

  • Startpunkt wählen
  • Kopie im Planer öffnen
  • Für GPS-Gerät herunterladen


mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

Schöner Blick auf Oberstdorf


Söllereck: von der Talstation zur Bergstation

Mountainbike-Highlight ( Abschnitt )


Höhenweg söllereck nach riezlern, grenzübergang hörnlepass, alpe schattwald.

Meld dich an, um Details zur Tour zu sehen

Schau dir zentimetergenaue Infos zu Wegtypen, Wegbeschaffenheit und Höhenprofil an – und erfahr schon bevor du rausgehst was dich erwartet.

vor 3 Stunden

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In einem ständigen Auf und Ab führt diese traumhafte Tour hinein in das schön gelegene Kleinwalsertal, vorbei an Alphütten, bis hinauf in das Gebiet der Bergbahnen. Mit rund 35 Kilometer Länge und der steilen Auffahrt zur Schrattenwangalpe ist diese Runde durchaus fordernd.

Meld dich kostenlos bei komoot an, um mitzureden.

Dir gefällt vielleicht auch

Mountainbike-Collection von Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen

Wander-Collection von Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen

Mountainbike-Collection von Allgäu

Wander-Collection von Tiroler Lechtal

All adventures

The Top 8 Must-Ride Spots For Mountain Biking in California

Table of contents.

When it comes to human-powered adventure, the Golden State is a serious contender for the go-to adventure dealer on the West Coast. Sure, you’ve seen Moab’s iconic MTB trails on the cover of sport magazines and Colorado’s world-renowned mountain biking needs no introduction, but it’s California’s fire roads and nosebleed downhills where the sport came to be. With coastal and alpine views just miles apart, forearm-pumping technical beasts, and legendary rides that have literally made history—are you ready for all that California has in store?

Where is the best mountain biking in California?

The best mountain biking in California is clustered around the Bay Area, San Diego, and the Sierra Nevadas. Depending on your goals and wishes, California gives you free rein when it comes to MTB adventures.

fairfax MTB

Do you want gnarly technicals? Check out Santa Cruz. How about a downhill that will have you screaming at the top of your lungs followed by a chill cruise to cool down? Lake Tahoe fits the bill. Since the Golden State offers only the finest, we turned to local experts to share their recommendations for the top mountain biking spots in California.

Before Moab and Colorado’s world-renowned trails became synonymous with mountain biking in the U.S., there was Fairfax. California’s well known cocktail of chill vibes and adrenaline sparked the genius of the Marin County crew back in the 1970s, and lo and behold, MTB was born.

They rode clunky, DIY bikes whose balloon tires left their marks on these now legendary trails. The early riders modified their rides with thumbshift-operated derailleurs and knobby B.F. Goodrich tires, essentially inventing the modern mountain bike. With new equipment come new possibilities, and naturally the first race down Mt. Tamalpais, in 1976. This local hobby soon gained recognition and became the sport we know and love.

Fairfax rides continue to inspire

Today, the town that sits in the shadow of Mount Tamalpais is home to the official MTB Hall of Fame, and some pretty far out trails. Totally rugged, rough and riveting, the fire roads above town truly capture the essence of MTB. Even though the tracks have been softened by time—and the tires of riders who have come to pay reverence over the years—the downhills will still humble you. Plummeting down MTB’s ancestral home should be on every mountain biker’s bucket list.

Ride through history on Repack Road

A group of guys in the seventies didn’t see a regular fire road. They saw steep slopes and rocks the size of their head and thought, flying over that would be pretty neat. And so they did. The same dust the OG Klunker’s kicked up can cling to your tires too. How many people get to say they’ve ripped down the course where the first MTB race took place?

The trail is a winding doubletrack that starts on the streets of Fairfax and ends with a legendary 1,300 ft descent. Ride up the trail or drive via Pine Mountain Road until you reach a clearing. That’s where the iconic downhill starts. Get ready for switchbacks, blind, sharp turns, steep drops, and pine vistas that transport you to the mountain bike trails in Sedona . Think you can beat the record time? ( 4:16 at the time of this writing). Go out and show what you’re made of!

Camp Tamarancho is one of the first classics

Intermediate and advanced riders, listen up! Tamo or the Ranch, as locals know it, is easily the crown jewel of Marin County. The private singletrack trail network has plenty of routes to keep you busy, but the reason riders swarm here is for the famous Tamarancho loop.

The 9 miles circuit starts on Iron Springs Road and will take you from two to three hours to complete. Although it’s rated as moderate, prepare for rock gardens, twitchy switchbacks and iconic redwood trees standing in your way. You’re looking at 1,700 feet of uphill riding but it pays off—the thrill always delivers!

One downhill drop on Mount Tamalpais’ fire roads is all it takes to get why Fairfax is where MTB came to be.

Bike | Riding Repack Road

Fairfax - Good to Know

Riders of all skill levels are welcome

Spring through Fall is high season, but you can ride it year-round

Fire roads cutting through sagebrush, grasslands and pine forests

You can’t go wrong with Camp Tamarancho

Wind down with a beer in Iron Springs Pub or

Gestalt Haus

Make sure to check out the Marin Museum of

2. San Diego

Stationed along the Pacific, San Diego has an outdoor sport for everyone. And while hiking in San Diego is its own level of awesome, the mountain biking truly takes the cake. Not to be underestimated are the city’s 200+ canyons and hills that separate its many mesas​​—all geographical features that make for excellent MTB terrain. Couple the hundreds of miles of trails and over 260 days of sunny-to-mostly-sunny days and you’ve got the markings of a premiere mountain biking destination.

Another unique appeal for bringing your bike to San Diego is the surf n’ turf. Sure, you can eat that at about any restaurant, but in how many cities can you live it? In San Diego you can ride the mountains in the morning and surf in the sea in the afternoon.

San Diego was made with mountain bikers in mind

San Diego pretty much has two seasons: warm and warmer. And neither is ever too hot. The city typically gets less than 12” of rainfall per year, so this means there’s months and months to get out and enjoy all the well-maintained trails.

When you’re here it might feel like everyone rides. The San Diego Mountain Biking Association has 1,000-plus members who steward the land and play a huge part in advocacy. Let’s put it this way: there’s even a Yelp page for the best trails in the area.

san diego MTB

You can’t go wrong with Noble Canyon

This is a 10 mile singletrack gem. Despite its relatively low elevation at 5,440 ft, you’ll bike through alpine meadows and oak forests before you wind through SoCal chaparral and ending in the Anza-Borrego desert with vistas to rival the best Joshua Tree hikes .

Many riders consider this to be the premier downhill ride in all of Southern California. The singletrack is narrow with plenty of switchbacks and huge, gnarly rocks. Two sections in particular, Stairway to Hell and Roman Road, are what make this course a technical delight. Bring extra protection and remember that there’s no shame in walking your bike if needed.

See what San Diego is all about on Cowles Mountain

Cowles Mountain is a technical challenge, and best of all, it’s right in the city. A 5.4 mile loop with a max 25% grade, this will get your lungs and legs pumping. The climbing starts immediately and seems not to end, but remember that every foot gained in elevation will be one you get to descend. The mental challenge comes from figuring out how to maneuver around railroad ties, rock gardens and well worn switchbacks.

lake tahoe MTB

Explore the many trails of Black Mountain Open Space

The park is an example of a city and bike club working together to get the most out of shared urban spaces. Located in northern San Diego, the Open Space offers lots of lines for riders of all skill levels. One of the favored trails is the Lilac Miners Peak Loop, which is exemplary in its use of modern trail building with just enough loose rocks and flowy descent to make visitors and locals alike return for one more lap.

San Diego is on track to becoming one of the best locations for mountain biking in the US. Why? More like, why not?

Cowles Mountain (Big Rock DH) U...

San Diego - Good to Know

Year round MTB

Hills, canyons, and manicured flowy trails

Get a taste of San Diego’s MTB scene on Cowles

Take a break from riding or ride the waves instead. Want to stay dry? Opt for a hiking tour or a day of

Mission Brewery is a local favorite

3. Lake Tahoe

Having the second largest alpine lake in North America as the centerpiece to the surrounding Sierra Nevadas makes for one of the most impressive mountain biking locales. You’ve got trails for all levels, but where it really shines is with its downhill areas. Thanks to neighboring resorts, such as Northstar , investing in lots of infrastructure, you can enjoy well-stationed lift access to return to barreling downhill again and again!

There are countless mountain biking objectives in the Lake Tahoe area. The terrain, regardless of where you decide to go, is diverse. On the alpine trails you can count on plenty of elevation gain and flowy downhill sections. Elsewhere you’ll encounter awesome woodland trails, roots, berms and even the odd waterfall.

You can’t miss the Flume Loop

While technically in Nevada, the Flume Loop is a Tahoe area classic that many locals deem The Must Ride.

22 miles long, it’s a great way to enjoy some of the best views of the lake. Should you want to expand your day you can link up with the Tahoe Rim Trail, which opens up another 80 plus miles of riding. Keep in mind that to enjoy the sights you’re looking at a 1,000 foot climb to start. Also to note, some of the Flume’s sections are exposed and very narrow, so don’t be lulled into a false sense of security. If the entirety of the ride is too much, there’s a shuttle service available.

big bear lake MTB

Tahoe Rim Trail is what you came for

A lot of people ask, can you ride a bike around Lake Tahoe? Yes and no. The Tahoe Rim Trail (TRT) is a multi-use 168 mile route that circles the entirety of the lake, though not all sections are open to riding (be prepared to hike a bike). With that said, the eighty miles of undulating MTB track aren’t too technical nor demanding and run through stunning alpine terrain and pine forests. Pack a picnic, bring your camera and enjoy every last bit of this trail.

Scream your lungs off on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride

This 20 mile loop is accessed off the TRT and features downhill singletrack madness that deposits you right at South Lake Tahoe. There’s over 3,300’ of climbing but you get to enjoy it on the other side. Count on lots of big drops and sections of rocks and more rocks, so don’t forget your helmet. And bring snacks and extra water!

Gone are the days when Lake Tahoe was just a weekend getaway for skiers in the winter. Today the area welcomes MTB riders of all skill levels—especially when the snow melts.

Back in the USA and mountain bi...

Lake Tahoe - Good to Know

Strong beginners to advanced riders

From late spring through Fall

Anything from woodlands to breezy lake-side rides

All sections of the Tahoe Rim Trail are a good option

Shop or rent at Olympic Bike Shop and South

Shore Bikes

Climb the area’s sublime granite. There are even

via ferratas !

Find the best campground near Lake Tahoe for you here

4. Big Bear Lake

Situated in the middle of the San Bernardino National Forest and about 100 miles east of Los Angeles, Big Bear Lake is Southern California’s biking capital. It won’t take long for any visiting biker to understand just how special the area is. The temperate weather ensures a long season while the local resorts and the National Forest Service have done much to maintain the trails and build outstanding facilities.

Skyline Trail is a must-ride

This 15.2 mile singletrack is considered one of the top trails in the entire state. Located on the south side of the lake, where many crowd favorites are based, the route traverses the mountains behind Snow Summit resort and serves up picture perfect scenery.

As an end-to-end trip, it can be ridden in either direction. Riding from east to west, you’ll start at 7,351 feet and immediately hit the ascent as you work your way to Snow Summit. After topping out you’ll have gorgeous ups-and-downs for a little over ten miles before your fast and flowy descent ends at Metcalf Creek, just southwest of the town of Big Bear Lake.

san francisco MTB

Hanna Flats Loop’s is smooth as butter

A local favorite, Hanna Flats Loop mixes singletrack with fire roads for a surprisingly flowy trail that meanders down the mountain. Most riders like to link in Gray’s Peak, a 2.2 mile out-and-back, to take in the views of the lake and valley below.

Show what you’re made of on the Cougar Crest Trail

Test your mettle on this technically advanced trail. It’s 7 miles out-and-back with embedded rocks, ruts, roots, tight switchbacks, and a fast bottom third. Be on the lookout for bobcats, lizards, snakes and hikers—it’s quite popular on the weekends!

Though it’s been a few decades in the making, the Big Bear Area has become a true MTB wonderland

Big Bear Lake - Good to Know

Confident beginners up to advanced riders

Late spring to Fall

Lots of challenging uphills through evergreen forests and rock gardens

Hanna Flats Loop takes the prize

Bear Valley Bikes and Chains Required Bike Shop are your best bet

There’s everything from golf to go-karts to check out on your day off

Locals frequent Captain’s Anchorage and

El Jacalito

Guided Mountain Biking in Big Bear Lake

5. San Francisco

In the City on the Bay you won’t need to stray too far from the busy streets for adrenaline-inducing MTB. Believe it or not, in the heart lies a 61-acre oasis, Mount Sutro Open Space Reserve . The riding there is a bit more tame but perfect for a post-workday rush. Locals will agree that true adventure awaits outside the city limits. Want to kick it up a notch? The nearby mountains are as fun as they look.

Scale Mount Diablo via Summit Trail

You’re in for a hellish ascent and a heavenly downhill here. This 7-mile-long ride is packed with insane vistas, but resist their siren call and only make pit stops when you need to catch your breath.

santa cruz MTB

Even seasoned riders require a couple of hours to tackle this beast of a trail. Start off at South Gate Road and get ready to pedal your heart out up the hill. The ascent is steep to start with, and it gets worse. But remember that hard ascents promise rewarding descents and that’s exactly what’s in store.

Mount Tamalpais from a different perspective

Mentioning Mount Tamalpais when talking about best mountain biking in San Francisco is technically cheating. That said, this 11.5 mile ride takes you along the Coastal View Trail, with seaside vistas to rival the backpacking in Big Sur , and ends near Muir Beach, thus combining stellar views of the bay before dropping you right down into the Bay City itself.

The Golden City is a true urban jungle. Whether you want to go wild on the surrounding mountains or stay close to the heart of the city, bring your bike on your next visit.

Mt Diablo MTB - Down Hill from ...

San Francisco - Good to Know

Paved roads and tough mountain uphills (with great downhills)

Mount Diablo has a couple of routes that might strike your fancy

SanFran’s iconic sightseeing spots need no introduction

Check out Golden Gate Bridge Bike Rentals

Trouble Coffee Co. never disappoints

6. Santa Cruz

Visitors love Santa Cruz for its iconic boardwalk, heavenly weather and beaches to match, but we think it’s the MTB trails that deserve all the hype. If you came to chill and catch a tan, but still want to fit in a workout, Santa Cruz has gorgeous mellow rollers along the coast. For advanced mountain biking aficionados, get your tires dirty on the technicals snaking through the area’s famous redwoods. From beginners to pros and everyone in between, Santa Cruz has something for you.

Where can I mountain bike in Santa Cruz?

Depending on your skill level, Santa Cruz has a few different options. If you’re a seasoned rider, mountain bike in The Forest of Nisene Marks State Park on some of the best trails in the state—if not the country. Intermediate riders who are still working on their skills should check out Wilder Ranch. Are you all about the views? The Skyline-to-the-Sea trail is a great destination ride.

Demo Forest is a modern marvel

Never have we found this much flow potential in one place. In the hills just south of Santa Cruz, in Aptos, home to the Annual Santa Cruz Mountain Bike Festival, lies the Soquel Demonstration State Forest . These trails were purpose built to be enjoyed by riders of all ages and ability using sustainable trail building techniques. The star of the show is the Flow Trail, which as the name suggests is a sublime cross-country ride delivering 3.5 miles of pure joy.

Downieville MTB

Go wild in Wilder Ranch

Wilder Ranch State Park is kind to its riders. Here you’ll get amazing coastal views on many mellow tracks without nasty uphill pedals. If you do want to work for it, the Enchanted Loop and Cowboy Loop take up the north and south parts of the park and are well worth the effort.

Cowboy Loop got its name from the nearby historic rodeo. Feel free to yell “yee-haw” on its short, but rowdy descent. Enchanted Loop’s darling name is in stark contrast to its technical nature. You’ll be riding through a forest straight out of a fairytale, but the picturesque redwoods will swallow you the instant the steep descent begins. Strap in for a roller coaster of roots. But that’s what makes locals return lap after lap, and we’re sure you’ll be returning, too.

When it comes to views that knock your socks off, Santa Cruz doesn’t play around. You will have to pedal your butt for those photo-ops, though.

Forest of Nisene Marks Mountain...

Santa Cruz - Good to Know

All skill levels

Coastal bluffs, redwood forests and wooded hilltops

Warm up on Wilder Ranch ’ trails

Learn how to surf or fast track your progress with local legend Richard Schmidt

Spokesman Bicycles and Another Bike Shop have got you covered

Recharge your batteries with a meal from

The Crow’s Nest or Las Palmas Taco Bar

7. Downieville

If you’re looking for a spot that should be up there with the mountain biking greats, but gets half the hype, head straight for Downieville. This little up-and-coming MTB epicenter sits at the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in a small town about 3.5 hours away from San Francisco and 2 hours from Lake Tahoe. There isn’t even a gas station.

Still, the trails are so professionally maintained you’ll think you’re mountain biking in Aspen. Most riders make a beeline for the legendary Downieville Downhill, but there are loads of technical gems scattered around, including Mills Peak and Mt. Elwell.

Without further ado, The Downieville Downhill

When we say downhill, we mean downhill. Home to the world-renowned Downieville Classic Race , this sweet, loamy 15 miles is comprised of 85% decline and drops 4,000 feet in elevation. Indisputably, it is one of the best of its kind in the West.

kernville MTB

Then there’s the Third Divide. This trail is all about speed. Most riders consider its 3 miles the highlight of the show with smooth, ripping singletrack. On top of that, the area is blessed with refreshing rivers and swimming holes. After all those technical bits you’ll be craving a dip.

Downieville is the Golden State’s gold nugget. You know downhills are going to be good when the word ‘down’ is in the name.

Best Downieville Conditions I'v...

Downieville - Good to Know

Strong intermediates up to expert level trails

Late May through October. On higher elevations, snowpack stays put even in June

Wooded trails, lakes and alpine meadows above the treeline

Consider buying the map of the area. All proceeds are used for trail maintenance

Downieville Outfitters are a jack of all trades. Rent bikes, gear, shuttles, and then grab a bite at their restaurant, Sabrina’s at The Forks

8. Kernville

What put Kernville on the map are adventure sports. Can’t find it? Head to the Sequoia National Forest where the surrounding Sierra Nevadas drop into the Kern River valley, and you’ll see: loads of mountain biking and paddleboarding await. Once you’re out there, it’s just you and the wilderness—and some of the best plunges in California!

You have to ride Cannell Plunge Trail

We’re told you can’t ride this 32-mile beast only once.

Let’s get to the nitty-gritty of it: This singletrack gem takes you across fire roads, steep sandy inclines and rounding burns. The curves, switchbacks, and rocky chutes will make your head spin as trees whoosh by in a blur. You start at Sherman Pass, a 9,200-foot elevation saddle, and glide into a staggering 5,000 foot drop over the final seven miles. It’s an advanced rider’s dream.

Just Outstanding lives up to the hype

Simply: Just Outstanding is just that. Also known as the Potato Patch Trail, the 4.5 mile route is surprisingly varied and one of the most fun workouts you’ll ever try. The trail weaves through the terrain as riders carve banked turns, fast. Many riders opt for one of the many loop permutations in order to put the name to the test again and again.

Plummeting down Kernville’s plunges will have you feeling like a kid after a funpark ride, you’ll want to go again and again.

Easily one of the funnest, fast...

Kernville - Good to Know

Advanced riders will feel right at home

High season is Spring, but you can ride it through Fall if you can take the heat

Wooded routes and fire roads

Warm up in Kernville’ Bike Park while you’re waiting for your shuttle

The area is famous for paddleboarding and whitewater rafting

Call Mountain & River Adventures for shuttles and rentals

Kern River Brewery has one of the best IPAs in California

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57hours collaborated with local guides and outdoor adventurers to put together this list of the best destinations. We listened to guides, poured over trip reports and took into account reviews from adventurers who are out there living it. Want to see your favorite spot on the list? Let us know! We’re always happy to hear from adventurers like you.

Read reviews of similar trips

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mountainbike tour kleinwalsertal

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Explore mountain biking on the best trails in northern california downieville, san francisco bay area and santa cruz.

tour in woodside

Canyon Ranch Gu ests Enter Here

Welcome to norcal flow expeditions.

We want you to love biking and Northern California as much as we d o!

We offer mountain bike tours in San Francisco Bay Area, Santa Cruz, Downieville, Lake Tahoe and more...

*D emo bikes available for all tours.


We are happy to take you on a great ride, no matter what your skill level.  From beginner to expert riders, we customize your experience to your riding ability.



A great way to see the spectacular landscape of Northern California, these tours offer world-class mountain biking, epic views & exhilarating descents.



We teach mountain biking skills and techniques in a fun and casual environment. We will customize the perfect lesson for your skill level.


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"This was my first time on a mountain bike tour. I had a blast with Marcel as my guide. We rode a half day tour at China Camp Park on a Santa Cruz Bronson. The service and equipment is top of the line and a value for the thrills these tours deliver. I really appreciate how Marcel took the time to not only custom fit the suspension to me but also taught me so much about the mechanics of a full suspension bike as well as some really useful riding tips. I also really appreciate how Marcel basically takes care of everything from coffee, water, snacks to even taking pictures! I truly felt pampered and spoiled with all the tour had to offer. You can hardly tell the miles you are putting in with how these guys set you up."

-Roberto Oliverez

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Mountainbiken | © Kleinwalsertal Tourismus | Photographer: Oliver Farys

E-bike enjoyment tour

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  • E-Bike enjoyment tour

After a brief e-bike introduction, we will head off into the mountains of Kleinwalsertal . Fascinating views and fresh mountain air can really be enjoyed on this beginner's tour. At the mountain hut you can recharge your batteries with delicious dishes.

-Only in the german language-

The guide reserves the right to change the program due to weather conditions, group size or the physical condition of the participants.

Organizer:  Kleinwalsertal Tourismus eGen Operating Partner:  WalserBikeTours

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Stoked sf mountain bike & adventure tours for marin & san francisco, our mission is to share with people our love for what basically is our backyard. it’s really as simple as that. this excitement for our local resources is what it’s all about. enjoying free time in a spectacular environment with friends. we take care of everything so the only thing our guests have to worry about is having a good time..

Welcome to Stoked SF tours in Marin, California- the location where most would argue the seeds of modern day mountain biking were planted. After spending just a breath of time with Stoked SF on the seemingly endless trails while taking in some of the most awe-inspiring views the Bay Area has to offer, it’s easy to see why folks started riding their klunkers here all of those years ago.

Offering private mountain bike tours and maintaining consistency in our groups is one quality that sets us apart, and ensuring that our clients have a great time is at the top of our list. We never mix varying skill levels so that all of the riders on a single tour are, as they say, on the same page. We strive to keep an intimate vibe; we ride at your level, it’s your day, and we want for you to enjoy it. Stoked SF will provide you with a VIP experience, unlike any other, period.

All of our guides are local riders who love to bring like-minded people to our backyard. We genuinely care about your experience with us, and it’s a primary focus for you to walk away stoked, hence our name.

Of course, when our day together arrives, you’ll need to show up wearing clothes, and knowing how to ride a bike probably wouldn’t hurt, but aside from this, everything you will need to enjoy your day in Marin, we will provide. We offer Marin full suspension bikes, as well as hydration packs, gloves, and helmets. All you need to bring is a desire to have an epic day. Our fleet of Marin bikes are the best on the market, and you will have your choice of the entire line. Regardless of your skill level, we have the perfect demo bike to fit your every desire.

At Stoked SF we cater to all skill levels, from beginner to expert, and provide customized packages for families, groups, and individuals. Though you will want to spend forever with us, unfortunately, we only offer ½ day, full day and wine country/bike tours. Truth be told, the ‘forever tours’ have been a little tricky to implement.

We stand proud by delivering top level service, taking you to the best trails with guides who passionately love their jobs (you can’t really blame them, can you?) to show you some of the best riding that the state has to offer. All you have to do is sit back and enjoy the day.

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Mountain Bike Tours  Rates: One person private tour 1/2 day– $210 Two or more private […]

Obviously when you step foot in the state of California, you automatically have to learn […]

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    E-Bike und Mountainbike Kleinwalsertal Touren: Perfekte Voraussetzungen. Biken im Kleinwalsertal - das bedeutet ideale Voraussetzungen, schon durch die Natur des Tals. Zwar ist eine gewisse Grundkondition immer erforderlich, um die vielen Hänge zu bewältigen, dafür bieten diese die besten Ausblicke und viele verschiedene Erlebnisse. ...

  14. MTB Tour Kuhgehrenalpe (Kleinwalsertal)

    Von der Talstation der Kanzelwandbahn zur Bergstation, weiter zur Inneren Kuhgehrenalpe (Unbedingt Einkehren, super Aussicht). An der Äußeren Kuhgehrenalm (N...

  15. Kleinwalsertal tour

    In 2005 the cycling pros of the Tour of Bavaria came to Tyrolean soil at the opening stage and were rewarded with the mountain classification Tannheimer Tal and the mountain classification Jungholz. And even professionals noticed the scenic attractions of the "probably most beautiful high valley in Europe".

  16. Hikes, skitours & more

    The Walser Trail is part of the Walser Trail Challenge. The length of the route is approx. 28 km and 1700 m ascent and runs from Baad to Hirschegg. Route: 27,5 km. Duration: 6 h. Difficulty: Difficult. Details. Mountainbiking.

  17. Radrunde Kleinwalsertal

    Oberstdorf - Das Hochgefühl der Alpen. 18. April 2024. Eine Kopie dieser Tour speichern. Radrunde Kleinwalsertal - gemeinsam draußen in Oberstdorf ist eine schwere Mountainbike-Tour: 34,7 km in 02:53 Std. Schau diese Route an oder plan deine eigene!

  18. Mountain Bike Tours, Rentals and Skills- Mountain Bike SF

    " Mark has awesome trail knowledge and planned a perfect tour for us. More importantly, he listened to our requirements and planned a perfect itinerary to ensure fun and safe riding for all. We will definitely use Mark again and unreservedly recommend Mountain Bike SF " — Neil S., New Zealand

  19. Best Mountain Biking Destinations in California

    Lake Tahoe fits the bill. Since the Golden State offers only the finest, we turned to local experts to share their recommendations for the top mountain biking spots in California. 1. Fairfax. Before Moab and Colorado's world-renowned trails became synonymous with mountain biking in the U.S., there was Fairfax.

  20. Day-Tour Mountanbike/E-Mountainbike

    For beginners or advanced beginners! Get your private (e-)mountain bike guide from the Walser Bike Tours and explore the biking area of Kleinwalsertal and

  21. Norcal Flow Expeditions Mountain bike Tours Downieville, San Francisco

    We are happy to take you mountain bike riding, no matter what your skill level. From beginner to expert riders, Norcal Flow Expeditions will customize your ride to your skill level! Check out our mountain bike tours offered in San Francisco, Santa Cruz, the bay area, Tahoe and Downieville.mountain bike tours in San Francisco, Downieville, Santa Cruz

  22. E-Bike enjoyment tour

    After a brief e-bike introduction, we will head off into the mountains of Kleinwalsertal. ... After a brief e-bike introduction, we will head off into the mountains of Kleinwalsertal. Fascinating views and fresh mountain air can really be enjoyed on this beginner's tour. At the mountain hut you can recharge your batteries with delicious dishes.

  23. Stoked SF

    Welcome to Stoked SF tours in Marin, California- the location where most would argue the seeds of modern day mountain biking were planted. After spending just a breath of time with Stoked SF on the seemingly endless trails while taking in some of the most awe-inspiring views the Bay Area has to offer, it's easy to see why folks started riding their klunkers here all of those years ago.