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Guide du voyage au Mexique : itinéraires

Exemples d’Itinéraires pour un Road Trip au Mexique

  • par Geoffrey
  • 11 mars 2024

D ans cet article, on vous propose des itinéraires de 2, 3, 4 semaines pour bien préparer votre voyage au Mexique. Ils sont conçus pour vous permettre de visiter la plupart des lieux préférés de notre enquête (voir notre article Que faire au Mexique ). Vous pouvez facilement les adapter selon vos envies, votre rythme ou votre durée de séjour.

Nous avons réalisé une grande enquête du 16 au 25 novembre 2020, auprès de 392 voyageurs ayant visité le Mexique. Nous leur avons demandé combien de temps ils sont restés au Mexique et quelle note ils donneraient à leur expérience de road trip dans ce pays. En savoir plus sur notre méthodologie

Les répondants à notre enquête sont restés en moyenne 21 jours au Mexique.

Satisfaction en fonction de la durée de séjour :

  • 17 % des voyageurs ont voyagé moins de 2 semaines au Mexique et ont donné une note de 8,3 / 10
  • 24 % des voyageurs ont voyagé 2 ou 3 semaines au Mexique et ont donné une note de 8,5 / 10
  • 17 % des voyageurs ont voyagé 3 semaines à 1 mois au Mexique et ont donné une note de 8,3 / 10
  • 23 % des voyageurs ont voyagé 1 à 2 mois au Mexique et ont donné une note de 8,5 / 10

Pour un premier voyage au Mexique si vous disposez de deux semaines, il est préférable de visiter la péninsule du Yucatan.

  • Cancun, 1 jour
  • Isla Holbox, 3 jours
  • Valladolid, 2 jours
  • Mérida, 2 jours
  • Bacalar, 2 jours
  • Tulum, 4 jours

Jour 1 1 Cancún

À votre arrivée au Mexique, reposez-vous du vol dans un hôtel confortable de Cancún .

Jours 2, 3, 4 2 Isla Holbox

Le lendemain, rejoignez le port de Chiquila. Après une courte traversée, vous arrivez sur la merveilleuse île d’Holbox où vous pourrez vous détendre sur une plage de sable fin et aller observer les flamants roses ou les requins-baleines.

Jours 5, 6 3 Valladolid

Sur la route vers Mérida, faites un arrêt à Valladolid pour découvrir la ville et surtout les nombreux cénotes à proximité.

Jours 6, 7 4 Mérida

Poursuivez la route vers Mérida, la belle capitale de la péninsule du Yucatan. À seulement une heure de route, les trois cénotes de Cuzama vous laisseront un souvenir inoubliable.

Jours 8, 9 5 Bacalar

La suite de cet itinéraire se poursuit au Sud-Est du Yucatan. À travers la jungle et les forêts tropicales, le bus vous mène dans la ville de Bacalar. De celle-ci, il sera facile de rejoindre la splendide lagune de Bacalar . Le coucher de soleil sur la lagune, depuis le ponton ne se manque sous aucun prétexte.

Jours 10, 11, 12, 13 6 Tulum

Vous longez ensuite la côte caribéenne jusqu’à Tulum . Le spectaculaire cadre des ruines de Tulum et les nombreuses activités à proximité en font un camp de base intéressant. Les cénotes, les plages et l’histoire vous attendent.

Temps de trajet et transports

*Source : ADEME. Voir notre article sur les émissions de CO2 en voyage .

Dans cet itinéraire de trois semaines, vous découvrez les merveilles de la péninsule du Yucatan et les montagnes du Chiapas.

Itinéraire 1 : l’essentiel du Sud Mexique

  • Cancún, 1 jour
  • Palenque, 2 jours
  • San Cristobal de las Casas, 3 jours
  • Calakmul, 2 jours
  • Mahahual, 2 jours
  • Tulum, 3 jours

Poursuivez la route vers la belle capitale de la péninsule du Yucatan. À seulement une heure de route, les trois cénotes de Cuzama vous laisseront un souvenir inoubliable.

Jours 8, 9 5 Palenque

Après Mérida, le voyage continue vers les montagnes du Chiapas. À Palenque , vous pourrez découvrir, en plein cœur d’une forêt luxuriante, l’un des plus beaux sites archéologiques du Mexique.

Jours 10, 11, 12 6 San Cristóbal de las Casas

L’exploration de la région se poursuit avec l’emblématique San Cristóbal de las Casas à la découverte de la charmante ville, mais également pour vous imprégner des croyances et traditions des indiens tzotziles.

Jours 13, 14 7 Calakmul

De retour dans la péninsule du Yucatan, la jungle vous ouvre ses portes dans la réserve de la biosphère de Calakmul . Appréciez la richesse de la faune et la grandeur de la pyramide maya.

Jours 15, 16 8 Bacalar

Cap à l’Est et rejoignez la lagune de Bacalar qui vous émerveillera par sa lumière et ses surprenantes couleurs.

Jours 17, 18 9 Mahahual

Après seulement une heure de route, vous arrivez au village de Mahahual . Les plages sont magnifiques et les spots de plongée d’excellente qualité.

Jours 19, 20, 21 10 Tulum

Itinéraire 2 : l’état de oaxaca.

Dans cet itinéraire, vous découvrez la bouillante capitale, les jolies villes coloniales et la côte Pacifique

  • Mexico City, 4 jours
  • Guanajuato, 3 jours
  • San Miguel de Allende, 2 jours
  • Oaxaca, 3 jours
  • San José del Pacifico, 2 jours
  • Mazunte, 3 jours
  • Puerto Escondido, 2 jours

Jours 1, 2, 3, 4 1 Mexico

À votre arrivée au Mexique, Mexico vous plongera dans l’ambiance du pays. Lors de ces quatre jours, laissez-vous porter par l’ambiance de la ville. À proximité de la capitale, consacrez un jour pour visiter les pyramides de Teotihuacan .

Jours 5, 6, 7 2 Guanajuato

Filez au Nord pour découvrir l’agréable ville de Guanajuato . À pied, arpentez les rues de cette ville coloniale et appréciez l’immense patrimoine de cette cité nichée au cœur des montagnes.

Jours 8, 9 3 San Miguel de Allende

Non loin, un autre joyau du Mexique vous attend. La beauté de la ville et une certaine douceur de vivre valent un détour par San Miguel de Allende .

Jours 10, 11, 12 4 Oaxaca

Après un passage par Mexico , prenez la direction de Oaxaca . Commencez par découvrir la ville et le site archéologique de Monte Alban. Ensuite, ne manquez pas les cascades de Hierve el Agua et la visite d’un village communautaire.

Jours 13, 14 5 San José del Pacifico

Vers le Sud, faites un stop original dans « l’hallucinant » village montagneux de San José del Pacifico.

Jours 15, 16, 17 6 Mazunte

Après les montagnes, la route vous mène aux magnifiques plages de la côte Pacifique . Profitez de ces jours pour vous reposer et découvrir les différents lieux du littoral comme Zipolite, Playa Escobilla ou le « pueblo magico » Mazunte. De nombreuses activités nautiques comme la plongée et le snorkeling sont possibles.

Jours 18, 19 7 Puerto Escondido

Dernière étape avant de retourner à Mexico, Puerto Escondido ravira les amateurs de surf et de plongée.

Si vous disposez d’un mois, vous pourrez visiter la plupart des lieux recommandés par les tourdumondistes. Le second itinéraire d’un mois se destine aux voyageurs ayant déjà visité le Mexique ou à ceux qui désirent découvrir un Mexique plus « sauvage ».

Itinéraire 1 : l’essentiel du pays

  • Mexico, 4 jours
  • San Cristobal de las Casas, 4 jours

Jours 5, 6, 7 2 Oaxaca

Après un passage par Mexico, prenez la direction de Oaxaca . Commencez par découvrir la ville et le site archéologique de Monte Alban. Puis ne manquez pas les cascades de Hierve el Agua et la visite d’un village communautaire.

Jours 8, 9 3 San José del Pacifico

Jours 10, 11, 12 4 mazunte, jours 13, 14, 15, 16 5 san cristóbal de las casas.

Prochaine étape dans les montagnes du Chiapas. Les premiers jours, visitez l’emblématique San Cristóbal de las Casas puis ne manquez pas de vous rendre au remarquable Canyon del Sumidero.

Jours 17, 18 6 Palenque

L’exploration du Chiapas continue avec la visite des ruines de Palenque . Si vous le pouvez, faites un aller-retour jusqu’aux cascades de Agua Azul.

Jours 19, 20 7 Calakmul

La jungle vous ouvre ses portes dans la réserve de la biosphère de Calakmul . Appréciez la richesse de la faune et la grandeur de la pyramide maya.

Jours 21, 22 8 Bacalar

Jours 23, 24 9 mahahual, jours 25, 26, 27 10 tulum, jours 28, 29, 30 11 isla holbox.

Rejoignez le port de Chiquila. Après une courte traversée, vous arrivez sur la merveilleuse île d’Holbox où vous pourrez vous détendre sur une plage de sable fin et aller observer les flamants roses ou les requins-baleines.

Itinéraire 2 : découverte du Nord

  • Morelia, 2 jours
  • Puerto Vallarta, 2 jours
  • Mazatlan, 1 jour
  • La Paz, 2 jours
  • Cabo San Lucas, 2 jours
  • Los Mochis, 1 jour
  • Creel, 4 jours
  • San Luis Potosi, 2 jours
  • Xilitla, 3 jours

Jours 5, 6 2 Morelia

Première étape de ce périple, la ville de Morelia vous dévoile sa belle architecture coloniale et son caractère authentique. Éloignez-vous de la ville jusqu’à la réserve de la biosphère de Mariposa Monarca pour contempler l’impressionnant spectacle des papillons monarques. Le phénomène se réalise durant l’hiver, de fin octobre à mars.

Jours 7, 8 3 San Miguel de Allende

Prenez la route vers San Miguel de Allende . Le beauté de la ville et une certaine douceur de vivre valent un détour pour cette ville classée.

Jours 9, 10, 11 4 Guanajuato

Non loin, l’autre joyau du Mexique vous attend. Partez à la découverte de l’agréable ville de Guanajuato . À pied, arpentez les rues de cette ville coloniale et appréciez l’immense patrimoine de cette cité nichée au cœur des montagnes.

Jours 12, 13 5 Puerto Vallarta

Cap à l’Ouest pour rejoindre la ville côtière de Puerto Vallarta. La ville propose de nombreuses activités. L’observation des baleines est possible dans cette région.

Jour 14 6 Mazatlan

La remontée vers le Nord se poursuit dans la ville étape de Mazatlan. Depuis celle-ci, rejoignez la Basse-Californie en ferry. Si vous avez quelques heures, vous pouvez visiter la vieille ville.

Jours 15, 16 7 La Paz

À votre arrivée à La Paz, commencez la boucle vers le Sud. Avancez à votre rythme et profitez des spots de plongée de renommée mondiale.

Jours 17, 18 8 Cabo San Lucas

Depuis Cabo San Lucas, remontez vers La Paz en passant par le parc national de Cabo Pulmo. Les plongeurs pourront observer le seul récif corallien du golfe de Californie.

Jour 19 9 Los Mochis

Prenez à nouveau le ferry pour rejoindre le continent à Los Mochis.

Jours 20, 21, 22, 23 10 Creel

Prenez El Chepe, le seul train mexicain, et embarquez pour un voyage dans le Canyon du Cuivre . Les paysages sont exceptionnels. À pied, en vélo ou à cheval, vous pouvez explorer les lieux selon vos envies.

Jours 24, 25 11 San Luis Potosi

Récupérez du transport dans l’agréable ville de San Luis Potosi.

Jours 26, 27, 30 12 Xilitla

Via Ciudad Valles, rendez-vous à Xilitla. La ville représente un bon camp de base pour visiter les cascades de Tamul, Las Posas et le jardin botanique d’Edward James. Dans cette région de la Sierra Madre Occidentale, la végétation est luxuriante. Un Mexique que vous n’imaginez pas.

Autres dossiers sur le Mexique

Que faire

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En décembre 2021, nous sommes partis 1 mois au Mexique. Pour un premier voyage, nous avons choisi la Péninsule du Yucatàn qui est une des régions les plus populaires pour avoir premier aperçu. Il faut aussi prendre en compte que c’est une des régions les plus chères du Mexique. En parcourant les blogs avant notre départ, nous avons vu qu’il est tout à fait possible de visiter la péninsule en 2 ou 3 semaines . Pour notre part, on a vraiment pris notre temps car aucun impératif particulier ! En réalité, nous sommes restés 40 jours, dont une semaine où nous nous sommes juste posés pour nous reposer. Dans cet article, je vous partage donc un itinéraire détaillé ainsi que le budget pour 2 personnes pour 1 mois de voyage au Mexique.

road trip 1 mois mexique


Les hébergements au mexique.

Durant notre voyage, nous avons alterné entre Hôtels, AirBnb , Cabanes. Ce fut notre plus grosse part du budget puisque les prix sont presque similaires à ceux d’Europe. En moyenne, il faut compter entre 30 et 40€ la nuit pour un hôtel convenable avec tout le confort nécessaire. Cela peut monter jusqu’à 50€ à 70€ la nuit dans les zones les plus touristiques ; et les prix flambent dans les hôtels de luxe à Cancùn, Playa Del Carmen ou Tulum. Dans des endroits un peu plus reculés, il est possible de trouver des nuits pour environ 15€, sans compter les auberges de jeunesse qui peuvent bien faire baisser le budget. Mais en tant que couple, nous n’avons pas opté pour ce type d’hébergement ! 🙂

AirBnb : Bénéficiez de 25€ de réduction sur votre première réservation . Booking.com : Le site incontournable pour trouver l’hôtel idéal durant votre séjour au Mexique

Pour 1 mois au Mexique, le budget hébergement s’est élevé à environ 1230€ pour 2 personnes .

road trip 1 mois mexique

Se restaurer au Mexique

Impossible d’aller au Mexique sans goûter aux spécialités locales ! Tacos, Burritos, Guacamole, Chilaquiles, Empañadas… Autant de plats qui raviront vos papilles ! C’était sympa au début, mais il faut avouer qu’au bout d’1 mois, la nourriture Mexicaine a fini par nous rester sur l’estomac ! 😅

Les petits restaurants locaux s’appellent des « Taquerias » où il est possible de manger pour trois fois rien. Ce sont les locaux qui cuisinent, chez nous on appelle ça des petits « boui-boui » ! Si vous voulez goûter aux spécialités, ce sera dans ce type de restaurant que ce sera le plus authentique. Même si les conditions d’hygiène ne sont pas à la hauteur de l’Europe, nous n’avons jamais été malade, seulement dérangé par des plats un peu trop épicés… Pensez à demander « No piquante por favor » , ça évitera des surprises gustatives ! 🔥🌶

Dans les endroits touristiques, il y a plus de possibilités pour manger une cuisine locale plus raffinée, ou Européen dans des petits cafés chics. Dans mon dernier article dédié à la préparation de votre voyage au Mexique , je vous préviens qu’il y a un système de pourboire au restaurant qui inclus 10 à 20% du montant. C’est bien vu ici !

→ En moyenne, un repas street-food coûtera aux alentours de 5/10€ pour deux. Un restaurant intermédiaire coûtera entre 10€ et 15€ pour deux. Et pour un restaurant un peu plus chic, les prix pourront aller de 20 à 30€ pour deux.

Sur TripAdvisor , je vous partage quelques bonnes adresses que nous avons appréciées au Mexique

Pour 1 mois au Mexique, le budget nourriture s’est élevé à environ 800€ pour 2 personnes .

road trip 1 mois mexique

Le Tourisme au Mexique

Sur la Péninsule du Yucatàn au Mexique, il y a les plages paradisiaques, mais pas que ! Notre passion pour l’archéologie et l’Histoire nous a inévitablement mené vers les temples Mayas légendaires. C’est une des attractions phares au Mexique et qui vaut le détour ! Sur la côte Caraïbes, il existe également beaucoup d’excursions liées à la plongée sous-marine, snorkeling, tours en bateau… Bref, il y en a pour tous les goûts !

Les souvenirs sont aussi à prendre en compte dans le budget. Les meilleures affaires sont à dénicher sur les marchés locaux et sur le site de Chichen Itzà où les vendeurs ont la négociation facile.

Pour 1 mois au Mexique, le budget tourisme/loisirs s’est élevé à 5 00€ pour 2 personnes .

road trip 1 mois mexique

Les Transports au Mexique

Durant notre voyage, le bus et les petits vans locaux ont été nos moyens de transport de prédilection. C’est ce que j’explique plus en détails dans mon article pour préparer votre voyage au Mexique . Les transports sont très abordables et ne représentent pas la plus grosse partie du budget. Cela est super pratique pour réaliser un road-trip tout autour de la Péninsule du Yucatàn !

  • Pour un trajet de 2h en bus première classe, il faudra compter entre 8€ et 15€ par personne selon la destination.
  • Pour un trajet d’1h à 2h en collectivo (mini van local), il faudra compter entre 3€ et 5€ par personne.

Pour 1 mois au Mexique, le budget transport s’est élevé à 325€ pour 2 personnes .

⌈ BUDGET TOTAL : ≈ 2900€ pour deux personnes⌋

1 mois au mexique – itinéraire complet, (articles en cours de rédaction).

Jour 1 – 4 ⎜ Arrivée à Cancùn + Se remettre du jetlag à Playa Del Carmen

Jour 5 – 8 ⎜ Tulum + Réserve naturelle de Sian Ka’an

Jour 9 – 10 ⎜ Séjour au sein d’une communauté Maya, dans l’éco-lieu « Kíich Pam K’áax »

Jour 11 – 12 ⎜ Mahahual

Jour 13 – 15 ⎜ Bacalar, la lagune aux 7 nuances de bleus

Jour 16 – 17 ⎜ Visite du site archéologique de Calakmul depuis Xpujil

Jour 18 – 20 ⎜ Visite de Campeche, ville aux 1001 couleurs

Jour 21 – 22 ⎜ Visite de Mérida, capitale du Yucatàn

Jour 23 ⎜ Visite d’Izamal, la ville jaune

Jour 24 ⎜ Visite du site archéologique de Chichen Itzà

Jour 25 – 27 ⎜ Visite de Valladolid

Jour 28 – 30 ⎜ L’île Holbox + Retour à Cancùn

road trip 1 mois mexique

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road trip 1 mois mexique

9 Best Routes for Road Trips in Mexico

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Quick Jumplinks to Navigate

Mexico has a lot to offer and in many ways, it’s a perfect country to visit during a long road trip. That way you can make plenty of stops and experience the diverse culture and landscapes that are often overlooked when tourists visit the country.

In order to do so, you’ll need an international driver’s license and a national permit needed to make it valid. You’ll also need to carry proof of identification, such as a passport and insurance of your vehicle, so that your trip is hassle free.

Here are a few route ideas for your next Mexican road trip:

1. riviera nayarit.

road trip 1 mois mexique

This 230-mile-long route is known for its beautiful beaches. It’s usually the trip that most tourists choose for their first destination to visit in Mexico. The beaches can accommodate both those that like surfing and snorkeling and those that just want to relax and enjoy the view. The area is also famous for its nightlife and LGBTQ+ tourism. Puerto Vallarta is often the most visited beach and a great place to relax for a day or two after you’ve been driving for a while. Also, Sayulita Beach is better suited to surfers since it’s known to have great waves.

2. A Trip from Mexico City to Oaxaca

road trip 1 mois mexique

This trip is about 500 miles long but you can spend a week on it if you take all the right stops. It’s what’s considered to be a trip through history since Mexico City plays a big role in the country’s history. Along the way, you’ll also be able to take plenty of stops and explore the ancient ruins of the region. The most important of these stops is probably the Xochimilco. Keep in mind that it will probably be crowded with tourists and that may be a bit off-putting to some. Amparo Museum should also be on your list since it’s the largest and most important museum in the country. Suggested Read: Places to Visit in Mexico

3. The Loop Across the Yucatan

road trip 1 mois mexique

The loop covering the Yucatan peninsula is about as long as the previous trip on our list and it’s worth the time needed to explore it. It’s an area known for its expensive resort made to attract high-end tourists, but it can offer more than that. If you’re going to the region to party – Tulum is the best place to start since it’s known for its many clubs and DJs It also features many different modern cafes and clubs, as well as leisurely resorts.

4. Waterfalls in Chiapas

road trip 1 mois mexique

Unlike other trips on our list, this one will take at least two weeks if you want to take many stops along the way, as it’s about 1000 km long. Start from Tuxtla the capital of the region and move on to the El Chiffon waterfalls standing tall at 120 meters. Move on to a colonial town of San Cristobal de las Casas. It’s a city known for its amazing cuisine but it also plays a big role in the history of the region and it’s worth visiting for it. You can also Book: Mexico Tour Packages

 5. From Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende

road trip 1 mois mexique

This 400-mile-long trip is mostly centered around food and if that’s your reason for visiting Mexico, you shouldn’t miss it. The region also has a long history spanning over 1300 years and including the Aztecs and Spanish Empires. The trip will be among the more expensive ones, and the food in Mexico is at the very top of its game. The region is well-known for its cheeses and wines, and there are many wineries along the road that cater to tourists.

6. Jalisco a Stop of those Who Love Tequila

road trip 1 mois mexique

The north Pacific coastline of the country is known for its beaches and that’s why many tourists take this 400 km long ride. One of the most important stops to take along the way is Jalisco, which is considered to be the tequila capital of the world. It’s also home to one of the most successful soccer teams in Mexico and while you’re there you can get caught up in the atmosphere around it. San Miguel de Allende is nearby and it’s one of the most luxurious and high-end resorts in the area.

7. Oaxaca Road Trip

road trip 1 mois mexique

This trip is the longest one on our list, not only in terms of the length of the route (it’s about 1300 km) but also in the amount of time you need to set aside so that you can enjoy every stop along the way. The city of Oaxaca itself is most well known for its amazing food and wine scene. Move on from there and take a stop at Santiago Apoala and Pueblos Mancomunados which are modern resorts focusing on ecotourism and having great success with it.

8. From Oaxaca to Chiapas

road trip 1 mois mexique

Oaxaca and Chiapas are the two most popular states in Mexico when it comes to tourists at least. The two states are, however, very different when it comes to their history, culture, and tourist offers. The trip that combines them thus presents all that Mexico has to offer at once. Oaxaca is known for its beaches and tourist resorts, Chiapas on the other hand is there for those who are more adventurous and explore nature firsthand via camping and hiking.

9. Going from North to South of the Country

road trip 1 mois mexique

In the end, some decide to take a rather long road trip that spans the whole country and travel across the whole country from North to South. Such a trip can take weeks and it can include all the stops that we mentioned before. It’s also the costliest way to go. If this is the way you plan to visit Mexico, you can divide the trip geographically but also based on how culturally diverse the country is. It’s a place that you can keep coming back to and discover something new every time you do.

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5 of the best road trips in Mexico

John Hecht

Jun 13, 2023 • 5 min read

road trip 1 mois mexique

From beaches to deserts and everything in between, Mexico has some great road-trip routes © Matthias Clamer / Getty Images

Itching to hit the open road in  Mexico ? We have five epic drives to fuel your wanderlust.

Winding through the country's most stunning regions, these classic itineraries take you to jungle-set Maya ruins, dramatic turquoise coastlines and culturally rich colonial cities, not to mention a slew of remote places best reached by car.

The distances provided are not direct between the start and end points, but assume some diversion from the main route, allowing you to explore more of each region. Here are the best road trip routes in Mexico.

A silver SUV parked on a gravel road next to a surfing beach. Cows take cover in the shade of a nearby palm tree.

1. Drive Baja California

Best road trip for coastlines Tijuana–Los Cabos;   1600km/1000 miles 

Graced with astonishing desert-meets-sea landscapes, otherworldly rock canyons and traffic-free highways, Baja is made for road-tripping. As you traverse the world's second-longest peninsula, the road zigzags between the coastlines of the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, offering glimpses of a Mexico that time forgot.

Start the multi-day tour with some wine-tasting at the  Valle de Guadalupe  vineyards before venturing south to laid-back beach town and fish taco mecca Ensenada . Further south await the pristine islands of Loreto with some of the most biologically-diverse waters on earth.

From there, the road leads to under-the-radar La Paz before it splits west to surf haven Todos Santos and southeast to  Cabo Pulmo , Baja's top dive site . On your final stop, celebrate the long journey in the festive sister resorts of Los Cabos .

Planning tip:  Consider a road trip in February or March when you can spot blue whales off the coast –  the largest animal on the planet.

A ruined structure stands at a cliff above a sandy beach surrounded by tropical vegetation

2. Cruise the Yucatán Peninsula 

Best road trip for cenotes and Maya ruins Cancún–Puerto Morelos; 1100km/680 miles 

This loop route showcases the most fascinating sights on the Yucatán Peninsula , from jungle ruins and cenotes (limestone sinkholes) to old-world colonial cities and white-sand beaches hugging an aquamarine coastline. As you roll west from Cancún, stop in Valladolid for a dip in an enticing cenote (the Maya believed these natural pools to be gateways to the underworld).

Nearby, don't miss the impressive Maya ruins of  Chichén Itzá , but get there early to beat the crowds. Foodies will be licking their chops in Mérida , Yucatán's colonial capital that wows visitors with its extraordinary regional cuisine and vibrant cultural scene.

Next, head southeast to enjoy a leisurely cruise through rolling hills dotted with Maya ruins on the seldom-visited Ruta Puuc. East of Maya country, along the Mexican Caribbean, you'll encounter the impossibly blue waters of Laguna Bacalar,  Tulum 's dramatically situated clifftop ruins and primo reef diving in  Cozumel and Puerto Morelos.

People wander a busy pedestrianized area in the city of Oaxaca

3. Head for the Oaxaca Coast 

Best route for foodies Mexico City–Lagunas de Chacahua; 850km/530 miles 

The road to the Oaxaca coast serves up a feast for the senses as you visit Mexico's top foodie destinations, marvel at mountaintop Zapotec ruins and linger on sublime beaches. After some excitement in Mexico City , drive south and stop for lunch in culinary capital Puebla , known for its exquisite moles. About four hours away lies cultural colossus Oaxaca City , yet another foodie paradise and a great base to visit the ancient Monte Albán ruins.

As you continue south, take a break to sample mezcal in Miahuatlán and then perhaps a stopover in San Jose del Pacífico, a misty mountain town renowned for its magic mushrooms. Yep,  those  magic mushrooms. From there, the route snakes down a windy mountain road to a spectacular coast where you can enjoy carefree beach-bumming in San Agustinillo , big-wave surfing in Puerto Escondido and the unspoiled charms of Parque Nacional Lagunas de Chacahua .

4. Follow the Central Pacific Coast 

Best road trip for seafood and water sports Mazatlán–Puerto Vallarta; 440km/275 miles  

Kick things off in true  norteño  (northern) fashion in  Mazatlán , where an exciting cultural renaissance is flourishing in its revamped Old Mazatlán quarter. As you move south in the Central Pacific Coast , take a detour to the tiny island of Mexcaltitlán, a shrimping village believed to be the ancestral homeland of the Aztecs. Next, look for the turnoff to Chacala, a delightful palm-fringed cove where thatched-roof restaurants prepare delectable  pescado zarandeado  (northern-style grilled fish).

About an hour down the coast, you'll reach the neighboring beach towns of San Francisco (aka San Pancho) and  Sayulita , family-friendly places with fun-filled outdoor activities such as surfing, kayaking and turtle releases. En route to  Puerto Vallarta , drop by the scenic peninsula of Punta de Mita and delight in scrumptious seafood at oceanside restaurant Tuna Blanca . 

Planning tip:  Once in Vallarta, you won't want to miss the stretch of secluded beaches lining the jungle-backed southern coastline. 

A couple drive in a convertible car in a city at sunrise

5. Explore around Mexico City

Best road trip near the capital Mexico City–Parque Nacional Cumbres del Ajusco; 300km/185 miles 

This short but sweet tour packs quite a punch as it circles around the edges of Mexico City's southern border states. Start things off with some serious wow factor on a hike in Itza-Popo Zoquiapan National Park, home to two of Mexico's most impressive volcanoes, the active Popocatépetl and the dormant Iztaccíhuatl (aka El Popo and Izta).

Next, follow the highway southwest for an overnight stay in Tepoztlán , an important Náhuatl center where you can climb up to a clifftop Aztec temple. After that, swing by Cuernavaca and check out Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés' old digs at the imposing Palace of Cortés .

Planning tip:  Make your final stop at Parque Nacional Cumbres del Ajusco and scale Mexico City's highest peak (Pico del Águila), or simply chill out over a hot champurrado (a comforting corn-based drink) and fresh-made quesadillas at a roadside eatery nestled in the park's fragrant pine forest.

Tips for driving in Mexico 

If possible, stick to driving on the toll (cuota) highways. Avoid driving at night to reduce the risk of accidents. If stopped by traffic police, remain calm and stay in your vehicle, you'll often be let off with a warning. Be wary of unmarked speed bumps and ubiquitous potholes. For emergency roadside service, call 078.

This article was first published Apr 20, 2021 and updated Jun 13, 2023.

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Voyages au Mexique

Road trip Yucatan : 4 itinéraires et checklist de conseils

La meilleure période pour un road trip au Mexique

Envie d’évasion ? Pourquoi ne pas vous faire un road trip à travers le Mexique. Vous prenez votre voiture et faites le tour de ce merveilleux pays, en prenant soin de visiter les plus beaux lieux touristiques ! Envie de vous faire un road trip à travers le Mexique ?

Qu’est-ce qu’un road trip ?

Avant d’aller plus loin, il est nécessaire de rappeler brièvement la définition d’un road trip.

Un road trip est une aventure qui consiste à voyager sur une route à travers un certain nombre de destinations. Il s’agit d’un voyage libre et flexible qui permet aux personnes qui y participent de découvrir de nouveaux endroits, de rencontrer des gens et de créer des souvenirs inoubliables. Les road trips sont souvent très différents des voyages organisés, car ils sont totalement personnalisés et permettent aux voyageurs de décider où, quand et comment ils veulent voyager.

Les road trips peuvent être courts ou longs, et ils peuvent se dérouler sur :

  • une journée,
  • une semaine,
  • ou même plus longtemps.

Ils peuvent comporter des activités variées, telles que la visite de musées, la découverte des restaurants locaux, la pratique de sports et des randonnées, la participation à des festivals et des événements culturels, ou simplement le plaisir de conduire et de profiter des paysages. Les road trips peuvent également inclure des arrêts dans des villes ou des lieux de villégiature, et peuvent être planifiés pour inclure des activités spécifiques ou des attractions célèbres.

Les road trips sont une excellente façon de découvrir de nouveaux endroits et de vivre des aventures inoubliables. Les voyageurs peuvent choisir leur itinéraire et leur rythme, et peuvent profiter de la liberté offerte par un road trip pour aller là où leur cœur les mène. Les road trips sont un excellent moyen de prendre du temps pour se reconnecter à soi-même et à la nature, et de créer de précieux souvenirs qui resteront à jamais gravés dans la mémoire.

Circuit côte Est Mexique Yucatan Quintana Roo

Pourquoi faire un road trip au Yucatan ?

Le Yucatán offre une variété de paysages et d’activités qui en font une destination de voyage parfaite pour un road trip. Que vous recherchiez les plages de sable blanc et les eaux turquoise de la Mer des Caraïbes, les merveilles archéologiques des cités mayas, des villes coloniales pleines de charme ou des activités variées, vous trouverez tout cela dans le Yucatán !

Un road trip au Yucatán commence souvent à Cancún. Cette station balnéaire propose des activités de plage, des bars et des restaurants, ainsi que des activités pour les plus aventureux, comme des excursions en bateau pour voir des dauphins ou des sorties de plongée sous-marine.

Après Cancún, poursuivez votre voyage vers le sud. La Riviera Maya est une région côtière incroyablement belle, avec des plages de sable blanc et des eaux turquoise. Vous pourrez y faire des activités telles que le snorkeling, la plongée sous-marine et la planche à voile. Vous trouverez également une variété de merveilles archéologiques, notamment les majestueuses ruines mayas de Tulum, Coba et Chichen Itza.

Continuez votre voyage vers le nord pour découvrir des villes coloniales espagnoles comme Valladolid et Mérida. Ces villes offrent une variété de divertissements, de restaurants et de bars. Vous trouverez également de nombreuses activités culturelles et historiques, dont des visites de sites archéologiques, des musées et des galeries d’art. Le Yucatán a beaucoup à offrir et est une destination parfaite pour un road trip. Vous pourrez profiter des plages paradisiaques, des merveilles archéologiques, des villes coloniales et des activités variées.

La location de votre voiture au Mexique


Pour que votre voyage soit le plus agréable et le plus sûr possible, il est important de trouver un moyen de transport fiable et abordable. La location d’une voiture au Mexique est l’une des meilleures options. Touracancun est l’une des principales entreprises de location de voitures au Mexique.

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience, Touracancun propose des tarifs compétitifs et une large gamme de véhicules, allant des petits modèles économiques aux modèles haut de gamme. Les véhicules sont récents et bien entretenus et les conducteurs peuvent choisir de louer des véhicules avec ou sans chauffeur. Les tarifs de location varient selon le type de véhicule et la durée de la location. Touracancun propose des offres spéciales pour les locations à long terme et propose des tarifs préférentiels pour les groupes et les familles.

De plus, Touracancun offre une couverture d’assurance complète pour toutes les locations ainsi qu’un service client toujours disponible pour répondre à toutes les questions et préoccupations. Voyager en voiture est le moyen le plus pratique pour explorer le Mexique à votre rythme. Touracancun rendra votre expérience de road trip inoubliable en fournissant des véhicules de qualité à des tarifs compétitifs et une assurance complète. Ne cherchez pas plus loin, laissez Touracancun vous offrir une expérience de voyage inoubliable.

1. Quel itinéraire pour un road-trip d’une semaine ?

Le Yucatan est une destination très populaire pour les voyageurs à la recherche d’aventures et de paysages spectaculaires. Avec son mélange de plages, de paysages côtiers, de sites archéologiques et de villes coloniales, il offre un large éventail d’options pour ceux qui cherchent à s’évader. Bien que vous pourriez passer des mois à explorer le Yucatan, un road-trip d’une semaine est une excellente façon de voir les principaux sites. Ci-dessous, nous vous proposons un itinéraire idéal pour votre road-trip au Yucatan.

La partie sud-est du Mexique est située sur les rives des Caraïbes, mais le Mexique fait-il vraiment partie des Caraïbes ? Si vous me demandez, je dirais "oui", car la plage, le climat et les eaux bleues et limpides sont presque identiques, mais qu'en est-il officiellement ? Nous allons le découvrir... Le Mexique est-il considéré comme faisant partie des Caraïbes ? Oui, la côte sud-est du Mexique (Quintana Roo) fait partie des Caraïbes. Cozumel, Cancun et la Riviera Maya sont des destinations populaires sur la côte caraïbe du Mexique. Il n'a pas été facile de trouver un accord sur les îles et les pays qui sont considérés comme faisant partie des Caraïbes et ceux qui ne le sont pas. En fait, il n'y a pas d'accord, et il n'y a pas non plus beaucoup de données scientifiques. J'ai donc décidé de me tourner vers d'autres sources de confiance : les dictionnaires. Avant de me tourner vers les dictionnaires pour déterminer si le Mexique faisait partie des Caraïbes, j'ai parcouru les sources scientifiques pour obtenir leur point de vue sur la question. Mes recherches "scientifiques" J'ai appris un nouveau terme : les régions physiographiques. Si je me plongeais dans les régions physiographiques du monde, je découvrirais sûrement des zones spécifiques, dont les Caraïbes. Malheureusement, c'était une impasse. J'ai appris l'existence de montagnes et de rivières, et c'est tout. J'ai continué à creuser mais je n'ai trouvé aucune clarté officielle et scientifique sur ce qui est ou n'est pas considéré comme faisant partie des Caraïbes. De nombreux pays ont leur propre opinion sur la question de savoir s'ils sont considérés comme faisant partie des Caraïbes ou non, mais je n'ai pas pu trouver de preuves pour étayer leur affirmation. Par exemple, Turks et Caicos, qui est situé juste au sud-est des Bahamas, déclare ce qui suit sur son site Web : Une idée fausse très répandue est que les Turks et Caicos font partie des Caraïbes. C'est techniquement faux, car notre pays est considéré comme faisant partie de l'archipel des Lucayes avec la chaîne d'îles des Bahamas, adjacente au nord des Caraïbes. - visittci.com Je ne sais pas pourquoi ils font cette remarque, car faire partie des Caraïbes, c'est de la bombe ! Sérieusement, c'est comme dire "Je ne suis pas vraiment une personne intelligente, je suis plutôt stupide". Quoi qu'il en soit, étant donné le manque d'informations scientifiques et officielles, je me suis référé à plusieurs dictionnaires pour établir une réponse à la question "le Mexique est-il considéré comme faisant partie des Caraïbes ?". La plupart des définitions des dictionnaires s'accordent à dire que les pays ou les îles situés à l'intérieur ou autour des côtes de la mer des Caraïbes font partie des Caraïbes. L'avis des dictionnaires Il semble que la définition selon les dictionnaires soit que la zone située à l'est du golfe du Mexique ainsi que celle au sud de la péninsule de Floride et celle au nord de l'Amérique du Sud ont toutes un climat tropical similaire et font partie des Caraïbes. Les Caraïbes mexicaines Je ne peux pas m'attribuer le mérite d'avoir inventé l'expression "Caraïbes mexicaines", mais elle est appropriée, alors je vais l'utiliser. Les Caraïbes mexicaines abritent de nombreuses villes balnéaires populaires. Les plages sont magnifiques, l'eau claire et bleue, la culture est riche en histoire, en nourriture et en art. Je vais dans les Caraïbes mexicaines depuis plus de 20 ans et je peux vous dire sans hésiter que l'environnement est tout à fait caribéen. C'est un endroit relaxant, mais qui offre de nombreuses possibilités de profiter de l'eau, comme la plongée en apnée, la plongée sous-marine, le parapente, la voile, la natation avec les dauphins, etc. Les Caraïbes mexicaines comptent également certains des sites historiques les plus étonnants, notamment les ruines mayas de Tulum et Xcaret, un site archéologique de la civilisation maya situé plus au sud. De nombreuses personnes se rendent à l'intérieur des terres pour voir comment sont fabriqués la tequila et les cigares. Cancun, le long des Caraïbes mexicaines L'un des lieux de vacances les plus populaires au monde se trouve dans les Caraïbes mexicaines. Cozumel - Une île le long des Caraïbes mexicaines Cozumel est une île mexicaine populaire qui est clairement située dans la mer des Caraïbes. Isla Mujeres - Une île des Caraïbes mexicaines Juste au nord-est de Cancun se trouve une charmante petite île mexicaine appelée Isla Mujeres, située le long de la côte caraïbe mexicaine. La Riviera Maya longe les Caraïbes mexicaines La Riviera Maya constitue la plus grande partie des Caraïbes mexicaines. Les villes balnéaires les plus populaires sont Puerto Morelos, Playa del Carmen, Akumal et Tulum. Les Keys (archipel de Floride) font-elles partie des Caraïbes ? Puisque nous parlons de ce sujet, qu'en est-il des Florida Keys ? Font-elles partie des Caraïbes ? Après tout, elles sont situées sur la côte de la mer des Caraïbes. De plus, si vous avez déjà visité les Florida Keys, vous savez que le climat et l'ambiance tropicale sont les mêmes que ceux des autres destinations largement reconnues comme faisant partie des Caraïbes, telles que la Jamaïque, les îles Caïmans et la République dominicaine. Par conséquent, je considère que les Florida Keys font officiellement partie des Caraïbes. Les Bahamas font-elles partie des Caraïbes ? Sur la seule base de la carte, les Bahamas ne font pas partie des Caraïbes puisqu'elles se trouvent dans l'océan Atlantique, tout comme les îles Turks et Caicos. Pourtant, nous les considérons toujours comme faisant partie des Caraïbes. Comme vous pouvez le constater, bien qu'il n'y ait pas de réponse claire, définitive et scientifique à la question "le Mexique fait-il partie des Caraïbes", à toutes fins utiles, la réponse est oui. Vous pouvez passer des vacances pleines d'une ambiance insulaire, d'un climat tropical et d'une culture riche de ses habitants dans les Caraïbes mexicaines, comme dans n'importe quelle autre île située en plein milieu de la mer des Caraïbes.

Etape 1 : Playa del Carmen (1 ou 2 jours)

Commencez votre voyage dans la station balnéaire de Playa del Carmen, à seulement 60 km à l’est de Cancun. Playa del Carmen est la porte d’entrée vers la Riviera Maya, et est pleine de restaurants, de bars et de boutiques. Découvrez les plages de sable blanc et les attractions locales telles que le parc Xcaret, le site archéologique de Tulum et la plongée dans les récifs de Cozumel. Vous pouvez également visiter le parc Rio Secreto pour explorer une rivière souterraine et admirer les formations de stalactites et de stalagmites.

Etape 2 : Tulum (2 jours)

Le deuxième arrêt de votre voyage est la célèbre cité maya de Tulum. Tulum est célèbre pour ses plages à couper le souffle et ses cénotes, des piscines naturelles remplies d’eau douce. Visitez le site archéologique de Tulum, le long de la Riviera Maya, et terminez votre journée par une visite de la réserve naturelle de Sian Ka’an. Enfin, faites une pause pour savourer la beauté des cénotes de la région , notamment le Cenote Dos Ojos, le Cenote Calavera et le Gran Cenote.

Etape 3 : Valladolid (2 jours)

La troisième étape de votre voyage est la ville coloniale de Valladolid. Commencez votre visite par le site archéologique de Chichen Itza, une des merveilles du monde, et admirez des structures architecturales anciennes telles que le temple de Kukulcan et le Jeu de Pelote. Ensuite, dirigez-vous vers la ville de Valladolid où vous pourrez découvrir la place principale, les églises coloniales et les couvents. Vous pourrez également vous baigner dans un cenote. La régie en compte 21. Vous pourrez aussi profiter de la plage de Boca Paila et explorer les lacs roses de Las Coloradas .

Etape 4 : Cancun (1 ou 2 jours)

La quatrième étape de votre voyage est la célèbre station balnéaire de Cancun . Profitez de votre séjour à Cancun en visitant les principales attractions telles que le musée maya, Isla Blanca, Mercado 28 et les plages. Dans la soirée, vivez une fiesta mexicaine haute en couleurs avec Xoximilco Cancun où vous pourrez savourer un repas accompagné de mariachis. Le deuxième jour, partez à la découverte d’Isla Contoy et d’ Isla Mujeres . Cette excursion inclut une session de snorkeling, un déjeuner traditionnel et du temps libre pour explorer ces îles.

En résumé :

Un road-trip d’une semaine au Yucatan est une excellente façon de découvrir les principales attractions de la région. En visitant Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Valladolid et Cancun, vous pourrez admirer les paysages côtiers, explorer des sites archéologiques anciens, plonger dans un cenote et profiter des plages de sable blanc. Alors que vous pourrez facilement passer des mois à explorer le Yucatan, ce road-trip vous donne un aperçu de ce qui fait de cette région un endroit si unique et si intéressant.

2. Road trip au Yucatan pendant 10 jours

Le road trip au Yucatan de 10 jours est la meilleure façon de faire le tour des principales attractions touristiques de la péninsule. Ce voyage en 10 jours couvre tous les sites importants et offre l’occasion de passer du temps à la plage et d’explorer les petites villes cachées. Voici un aperçu de l’itinéraire:

Etape 1. Cancun (1 jour)

Cancun est le point de départ parfait pour votre voyage. Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire ici, telles que visiter le site archéologique El Rey, faire du kitesurf à Isla Blanca, monter au sommet de la Torre Escenica, et participer à la fiesta mexicaine de Xoximilco Cancun en soirée.

Etape 2. Chichen Itza et Izamal (1 jour)

Circuit organisé Chichen Itza 15 jours

Le matin, commencez votre journée par une visite de la cité maya de Chichen Itza . Vous pouvez acheter des billets coupe-file pour éviter les foules à l’entrée. En après-midi, dirigez-vous vers la petite et jaune ville d’Izamal. Visitez le Couvent Saint Antoine de Padoue, le parc Itzamna, le parc 5 de Mayo, les pyramides Itzamatul et Kinich Kakmo. Déjeunez à Kinich, un des meilleurs restaurants de cuisine traditionnelle du Yucatan.

Etape 3. Mérida (2 jours)

Mérida est la capitale de l’État du Yucatan et offre beaucoup d’activités pour les visiteurs. Le matin, visitez les sites mayas Uxmal et Kabah. Vous pouvez réserver une visite guidée pour faciliter la visite. En après-midi, découvrez la Plaza Grande, la Calle 64 et ses façades colorées, le Paseo de Montejo, et le parc Santa Lucia. Prenez le bus touristique pour visiter les sites facilement.

Etape 4. Tulum (3 jours)

Tulum est un must pour les voyageurs au Yucatan. Visitez le site archéologique de Tulum, les cénotes, les plages, et le Beach Strip. Explorez la grande réserve de biosphère de Sian Ka’an avec 300 espèces d’oiseaux, 100 espèces d’animaux et 1000 espèces de plantes. Vous pouvez choisir entre deux routes: Punta Allen (pour la journée entière) et Muyil (pour une demi-journée). Enfin, nagez avec les tortues à Akumal et arrêtez-vous aux plages vierges de Xcacel et Chemuyil en revenant à Tulum.

Nager avec les tortues d'Akumal

Etape 5. Playa del Carmen (1-2 jours)

Playa del Carmen offre une multitude d’activités pour les visiteurs. Vous pouvez choisir entre plusieurs options: les grottes de Rio Secreto, le parc Xcaret , et Playa del Carmen et Puerto Morelos. Aux grottes de Rio Secreto, vous pouvez visiter les entrailles de la terre et longer une rivière souterraine sur 600m. Le parc Xcaret est un grand parc thématiques écotouristique et culturelle avec une multitudes d’activités pour tous les âges. Enfin, à Playa del Carmen et Puerto Morelos, visitez les meilleurs spots de snorkeling de Cozumel et explorez Punta Sur, la plus grande réserve écologique de Cozumel.

Etape 6. Cozumel (2-3 jours)

Cozumel est la 3e plus grande île du Mexique et une des meilleures destinations de plongée au monde. Commencez votre journée par prendre le ferry depuis Playa del Carmen. Visitez les récifs de Palancar, Columbia, Paraiso, Punta Tunich, Chankanaab, Santa Rosa, la Garganta del Diablo, l’épave Felipe Xicoténcatl, El Cielo. Vous pouvez aussi prendre une excursion en jeep à Punta Sur qui inclut le snorkeling, le temps libre sur la plage, le déjeuner au beach club et la dégustation de tequila. Enfin, pour votre dernière journée, reposez-vous à la plage ou à un beach club, ou allez au Parc Chankanaab avec plage, snorkeling, jeux, tyrolienne, etc.

Ce road trip de 10 jours au Yucatan est l’une des meilleures façons de découvrir les attractions touristiques et les petites villes cachées de la péninsule. Il offre l’occasion de se reposer à la plage et de profiter des sites archéologiques, des réserves écologiques, des plages et des activités aquatiques. Alors, n’attendez plus et commencez votre aventure au Yucatan!

3. Itinéraire de Road Trip en 2 semaines

Réalisez un road trip inoubliable au Mexique en 2 semaines ! Cet itinéraire vous permettra de découvrir le meilleur de ce beau pays et notamment de vous baigner dans un cenote. Commencez par des plages incroyables, visitez la plus haute pyramide maya du Mexique, découvrez des villes coloniales et terminez par une île paradisiaque.

Etape 1 : Cancun et ses alentours (4 jours)

Commencez votre voyage au Mexique par la station balnéaire de Cancun, l’une des plus connues et des plus populaires du Mexique.

Passez une journée à Cancun et profitez de ses plages sable blanc et eaux turquoises, ses complexes hôteliers de luxe et ses innombrables activités. Prenez le temps de visiter le musée Maya, qui propose des expositions sur les civilisations mayas. Vous pouvez également prendre un tour en bateau pour admirer la magnifique Riviera Maya.

Etape 2 : Playa del Carmen (2 jours)

Après avoir passé quelques jours à Cancun, dirigez-vous vers Playa del Carmen, située à seulement 40 km au sud. Playa del Carmen est une très belle station balnéaire au Mexique, avec de superbes plages et un centre-ville animé. Prenez le temps de découvrir la Quinta Avenida, une longue rue piétonne pleine de boutiques et de restaurants.

Si vous avez envie d’une activité plus calme, n’hésitez pas à vous rendre au Parque Los Fundadores pour profiter d’un spectacle de danses folkloriques. Vous pouvez également visiter le musée Frida Kahlo , qui propose des expositions sur l’artiste mexicaine.

Comment se rendre au musée Frida Kahlo (La casa azul) ?

Etape 3 : Tulum (3 jours)

Le 8ème jour de votre road trip, dirigez-vous vers Tulum, une petite ville située au bord de la mer des Caraïbes. Tulum est connue pour ses superbes plages de sable blanc et ses ruines mayas en bord de mer. N’hésitez pas à vous rendre au Rio Secreto pour une expérience inoubliable : une visite guidée d’une rivière souterraine. Vous pouvez également vous rendre à Akumal pour nager avec les tortues.

En après-midi, partez à Xcacel, une plage vierge située dans une réserve naturelle protégée.

Etape 4 : Valladolid (2 jours)

Pour les 12ème et 13ème jours de votre voyage, dirigez-vous vers Valladolid, une ville coloniale du Yucatan. Commencez votre visite par Coba , un site archéologique maya caché dans la jungle. Ensuite, profitez de Valladolid pour découvrir ses quartiers traditionnels, son parc Itzamna et sa pyramide Kinich Kakmó.

Etape 5 : Mérida et ses alentours (4 jours)

Les 14ème, 15ème, 16ème et 17ème jours de votre voyage, dirigez-vous vers Mérida, la jolie capitale de l’État du Yucatan. Commencez par visiter le site archéologique de Chichen Itza, l’un des plus beaux et des plus célèbres sites mayas du Mexique. Après cela, partez à Izamal pour découvrir ses quartiers traditionnels, son parc Itzamna et sa pyramide Kinich Kakmó.

Ensuite, visitez le site maya d’Uxmal et le musée du chocolat Choco-Story. Pour terminer votre visite de Mérida, partez à Célestun pour admirer le magnifique spectacle des flamants roses.

4. Road Trip au Yucatan en 3 semaines

3 semaines (18 jours) est la durée idéale pour la réalisation d’un road trip dans le Yucatan. C’est en effet, largement suffisant pour visiter les principaux éléments touristiques de la côté Est du Mexique (Pyramides, Cenotes, plages…)

Etape 1 : Cancun (2 jours)

Le road trip de 3 semaines dans le Yucatan commence à Cancun. Cette ville est connue pour ses belles plages, ses hôtels de luxe et ses nombreux bars et clubs. Si vous êtes à la recherche d’une soirée animée et festive, vous pouvez aller au Coco Bongo Club ou à Xoximilco Cancun. Vous pouvez facilement acheter vos entrées pour le Coco Bongo ici.

Coco Bongo

Etape 2 : Puerto Morelos et Playa del Carmen (2 jours)

La deuxième étape de ce road trip vous emmène à Puerto Morelos et à Playa del Carmen. Puerto Morelos est un petit village de pêcheurs qui offre une ambiance calme et relaxante. Vous pourrez profiter des plages idéales pour faire du snorkeling, et visiter le marché d’artisanat Hunab Ku et le phare de Puerto Morelos . Vous pouvez également vous rendre au Parc Selvatica qui a été nommé meilleur parc d’aventure d’Amérique latine :

Playa del Carmen est relativement plus grande que Puerto Morelos et est un endroit très populaire pour les touristes qui viennent profiter des plages, faire du shopping sur la rue principale Quinta Avenida et visiter le Parc Fundadores. Pour plus d’action, il y a deux parcs qui valent le détour : Xcaret Ecopark et Rio Secreto.

Etape 3 : Cozumel (1 jour)

La troisième étape de ce road trip vous emmène à Cozumel, l’île la plus grande de la Péninsule du Yucatan. Il y a beaucoup de choses à faire à Cozumel. Vous pouvez visiter les plages Isla de la Pasion, Chen Rio, Palancar, etc., la réserve naturelle de Punta Sur, El Cielo et ses nombreuses étoiles de mer, le parc et beach club Chankanaab, monter à bord du sous-marin Atlantis et le parc aquatique et beach club Playa Mia.

Etape 4 : Tulum (4 jours)

Même si vous avez 4 jours à Tulum dans le cadre de ce road trip au Yucatan de 3 semaines, vous verrez que ce sera à peine suffisant car il y a beaucoup à faire dans les environs! Vous pouvez visiter la ville de Tulum, le site archéologique de Coba, Caleta Tankah, Akumal, la grande réserve de Sian Ka’an et profiter des nombreuses activités à faire à Tulum. Vous pouvez réserver des excursions pour nager avec les tortues à Akumal ici :

Etape 5 : Bacalar (1 jours)

En deux jours à Bacalar vous pouvez : découvrir les cénotes de la Lagune des 7 couleurs, faire une excursion en catamaran sur le Canal des Pirates, vous rendre au Fort San Felipe à vélo, descendre les Rapides de Bacalar qui se trouvent entre la Lagune de Bacalar et Xul-Ha. Pour en savoir plus sur les nombreuses activités à faire à Bacalar et ses environs, consultez mon guide ultime de Bacalar : Le guide ultime de Bacalar .

Etape 6 : Calakmul et Campeche (2 jours)

Guide de la Playa Bonita de Campeche

Le road trip de 3 semaines dans le Yucatan se poursuit à Campeche qui est l’État le moins touristique de la Péninsule du Yucatan. Le premier jour, vous pouvez visiter Calakmul, une grande cité maya cachée dans la plus grande réserve tropicale du Mexique, et Structure II (50m) et la Structure I (40m) qui offrent une vue incroyable sur la jungle depuis leur sommet. Le deuxième jour, vous pouvez découvrir la ville de Campeche avec ses remparts, le musée d’architecture maya, la place principale, la calle 59 et le site d’Edzna à seulement 1h de la ville.

Etape 7 : Mérida (2 jours)

Le troisième jour de ce road trip de 3 semaines dans le Yucatan commence à Mérida. Vous pouvez visiter la Plaza Grande (où se trouvent la cathédrale, le musée Macay et la Casa de Montejo), le marché Lucas de Galvez, le musée du monde Maya, le Paseo de Montejo, le Parc Santa Lucia. Le lendemain, vous pouvez visiter Uxmal, un des plus beaux sites mayas du Yucatan et le Musée du chocolat Choco-Story, Kabah, un autre site maya à 20 min d’Uxmal. Le dernier jour, vous pouvez visiter la Réserve de la Biosphère Ria Celestun pour observer les flamants roses.

Etape 8 : Valladolid (2 jours)

La 8 ème escale de ce road trip au Yucatan de 3 semaines vous emmène à Valladolid. Vous pouvez visiter Izamal et Valladolid le premier jour, Chichen Itza et un des cénotes de Valladolid le deuxième jour, et les lacs roses du Yucatan Las Coloradas, et le site maya d’Ek Balam le dernier jour. Pour plus de détails sur toutes les activités à faire à Valladolid, consultez mon guide : Tout savoir sur Valladolid.

Etape 9 : Holbox (2 jours)

Isla île Holbox Mexique plage

Le huitième jour de ce road trip au Yucatan de 3 semaines vous emmène sur l’île de Holbox . Vous pouvez repérer les meilleures oeuvres de street art, goûter à la margarita du Mandarina Restaurant and Beach Club, explorer Punta Mosquito qui accueille une des plus belles plages du Mexique, admirer le coucher de soleil à Punta Cocos, et faire une excursion en bateau (3h) à Isla Pajaros, Isla de la Pasion et Ojo de Agua Yalahau. Pour en savoir plus sur les nombreuses activités à faire à Holbox, voici mon guide : Tout savoir sur Holbox

Etape 10 : Retour à Cancun

Pour conclure ce road trip au Yucatan de 3 semaines vous devez prendre votre vol depuis Cancun. Si vous avez du temps avant le départ, vous pouvez vous promener sur la zone hôtelière, faire du shopping à Plaza Malecon Américas ou aller à Playa Delfines .


  • Location de voiture à Cancun : 100% Anti-Arnaque
  • Quel modèle de voiture choisir pour un road trip ?
  • La meilleure période pour un road trip au Mexique
  • Liste d’hôtels où dormir lors de votre road trip au Yucatan ?
  • De New York au Mexique : planifiez votre road trip !
  • Guide des 10 plus belles plages du Yucatán
  • Circuit Yucatán : Voyage sur 3 semaines
  • Visiter le Mexique en voiture : les conseils d’un road-trip réussi
  • Guide ultime de la location de voiture au Costa Rica
  • Louer une voiture à Mérida | Tous nos conseils
  • La meilleure période pour aller à Puerto Vallarta
  • Quelle est la meilleure période pour aller à Tulum ?

Accueil > Voyager au Mexique > Road trip Mexique > Road trip Yucatan : 4 itinéraires et checklist de conseils

4 réflexions au sujet de “Road trip Yucatan : 4 itinéraires et checklist de conseils”

Bonjour, blog instructif nous partons fin octobre pour participer à la fêtes des morts pour 12 jours, notre « circuit » est déjà plus ou moins établi et avion et hébergements sont réservés mon seul point non défini est le transport je suis partant pour la location voiture tandis que mon épouse est plutôt ,transport bus/collectivo mon seul soucis est comment aller à certains cénotes sans bus « officiel » ? merci pour vos avis jean-marc

Bonjour, Si vous optez pour les transports en commun, vous pouvez toujours réserver un taxi pour visiter les endroits mal désservis. Je ne vous cache pas que c’est mieux d’avoir quelques notions d’espagnol pour négocier les tarifs et ne pas vous faire arnaquer. N’hésitez pas si vous avez d’autres questions

L’article m’a beaucoup aidé dans la préparation de mon voyage de 3 semaines au Méxique, comme celui d’un autre blog. Merci pour ces partages.

Pour la voiture, je suis passé par discovercars.com (que j’ai dû trouvé dans un autre blog). Je ne le conseille absolument pas. Expérience très mal passée : arrivée 1h en retard car j’étais perdu dans les transports publics, voiture non donnée par l’agence outre le stress que j’ai eu, et non-remboursement de l’avance (plus de 100€) encaissée par discovercars.com malgré plusieurs échanges.

Très intéressant d’autant plus qu’on aurait pu oublier certaines choses. On hésite sur la date entre le 1er novembre pour assister à la préparation de la fête des morts mais un peu d risque de pluie. Ou occulter cette fête authentique et partir en décembre.

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Castaway with Crystal

Mexico Road Trip: All You Need To Know About Driving in Mexico

Cactus reserve for driving in Mexico road trip planner

  • 03 September, 2021

Crystal Egan


This page may contain compensated links. For more information read our disclaimer .

Picture this.  You’ve just tossed all your belongings into the back of your car to embark on a Mexico road trip. You’ve planned it all and you want to go off the normal tourist trail to explore the “real”  Mexico .

You’ll drive through deserts filled with cactuses, explore colorful colonial cities and visit ancient ruins. Cruise past jungle (and maybe even spot a wild big cat), over misty mountain ranges and pull up at the most beautiful secluded beaches you’ve ever seen. Dive into the crystal-clear waters of a cenote, spot incredible sea life just offshore and marvel at bright pink flamingoes milling around in shallow lakes. This is what it’s like driving in Mexico, on the ultimate road trip of a lifetime.

We have done two Mexican road trips in our time and we have written this guide to really help you to plan and embark on your own ultimate road trip to Mexico!


❶ Car Rental in Mexico ❷ Driving in Mexico Tips ❸ USA into Mexico ❹ Choose a Mexican Road Trip

❺ Road Trips in Northern Mexico ❻ Road Trips in Central Mexico ❼ Road Trips in the Yucatan Peninsula


Renting a car in Mexico is super easy. It’s generally the same as it is anywhere else in the world. To rent a car in Mexico, you have to be 21 years old or over (max 75 years old) and have held your license for a minimum of two years. Drivers under 25 may incur a young driver surcharge. These guidelines may vary between rental suppliers though.

When I rent a car, I always check the prices online across a variety of offers to get the lowest price. However, I almost always end up going with Hertz Car Rental as they have great prices and are very trustworthy.

Do you N eed an International Driver’s License in Mexico?

Foreign drivers licenses are recognized in Mexico so long as they are written in English or Spanish. You are fine to both rent a car and drive in Mexico with a driver’s license written in English or Spanish. The License must be valid for the entire rental period.

An International Driving Permit (IDP/IDL) or an official translation in English is strongly recommended if your domestic driver’s license is not in English (Arabic, Japanese, Mandarin, etc) when renting a car or driving in Mexico. If you have an IDL, you must present both this and your domestic driver’s license to the office when you rent a car.

In Mexico, if you are pulled over by police it is highly unlikely they will ask to see an international driver’s license. But it can happen. Unfortunately, even if you are in the right and have done nothing wrong the police may still ask you for a bribe. It is up to you whether you want to fight it or pay it. Usually, police don’t want to cause a scene so you could ask to be taken to the official office for processing as a way to get out of paying a bribe. Our experience with police has, for the most part, been amazing. But we did have to pay $5 for a broken tail light once. We think that’s pretty fair though.

Car Rental Dangers

As with everywhere in the world, you need to cover your butt when renting a car. And I’m not just talking about insurance here. I’m not going to tell you how much insurance coverage you should opt for when renting as that is up to you.

What I do strongly recommend though, is to not only scrutinize the check-out form (the diagram of a car that the rental company uses to mark down the condition of the car) but to also run your phone’s video camera over the entire car when you pick it up. It’s not enough to just take photos because you might miss important parts of the car. Don’t forget to take a quick picture of the fuel gauge to easily remember the level!

To see how we film over a car when we pick them up from the car rental agency; watch this video . Recording a video has saved us from paying unfair damage costs on at least two occasions.

A truck near Mexico City - Driving in Mexico Road Trip


The roads in Mexico are bad. Honestly, driving in Mexico is an extremely intense experience, only made better by knowing what you’ll be getting yourself in for.

Look out for topes

Topes are speed bumps in Mexico. Look out for the signs, they are easy to miss! The signs vary between each signpost and they aren’t like the ones you might be used to at home. Some signs are even hand-written by residents of the area!

Topes can be found on major highways and in small towns. Some topes are actually built by locals out of dirt and concrete, and sometimes they aren’t even signposted at all! Hitting one going too fast could really damage your car. For this reason, it’s better to avoid driving at night. If you must drive at night, we recommend you use the paid roads ( carretera cuota) if you have the option.

Carretera Cuota vs Carretera Libre

The best roads to drive on in Mexico are called cuota and they are good quality and FAST. However, you do have to pay for these and they are surprisingly expensive. But you’ll save a lot of driving time and avoid the endless topes.

All cuota roads are paid for by cash (no credit cards) so keep lots of money for them. If you have rented a car you may have a tag in it that allows you to go through and pay with the rental agency at the end.

Otherwise, you can also use the secondary free highways called libre , which usually run alongside the quota highways and go through all of the small towns along the way. It will take a much longer time to use these roads, and there will be loads of topes on them.

Expect delays

As mentioned Mexico’s roads aren’t the best. We would compare the time that Google Maps said it would take with how long it actually took us and it would almost always take twice as long as what Google Maps had said. There are also lots of military stops, especially between states. You are required to line up, then let them search the car before you’ll be able to move on.

Safety While Driving in Mexico

The #1 concern for everyone considering this type of travel is: “is it safe to road trip through Mexico?”

Firstly, driving through Mexico is quite safe, for the most part. There are some occurrences of drug-related violence which I will talk about below. To avoid drug violence, you need to plan your route according to the latest news. Mostly, however, it is the lack of quality of the roads that will be the biggest problem for you on this trip. You will need to take most of Mexico’s roads slowly and tentatively, always being alert. Don’t try to rush this road trip, as that will cause fatigue.

If you’re headed out on a less-explored route, you may like to know the current conditions of the road (spoiler: it’s probably terrible, hah ), whether there is gang presence there, and how many gas stations you’ll likely come across.

Since there isn’t much online about these sorts of things, you might find it useful to ask a forum about your planned route. Expats in Mexico is a great Facebook group to join (or search Facebook for ‘Expats in Whatever City You’re Headed To ‘). No doubt you’ll easily find someone who has recently done the same route and is happy to give you advice.

Drug Violence in Mexico

Possibly one of the scariest problems you might encounter while doing your road trip through Mexico would be the drug-related problems, especially if you are driving south coming from the USA .

If you are crossing from the USA, log all your plans with family or friends. Do a bit of research into which entry/exits are better than others. Here’s a great forum with this exact question asked. However, it will really depend on where you plan to cross.

Driving in Mexico isn’t Cheap

It’s actually quite expensive. Expect petrol to be the same price as home (possibly even more expensive) and the tolls on the highways too. Everything else is cheap in Mexico, but driving is definitely not!

A parked black beetle car - Driving in Mexico Road Trip


Are you coming from a road trip from the USA ? When you drive your American (or Canadian) registered vehicle into Mexico from the USA you will need to buy insurance and fill out the required paperwork either at the border or before you leave. You may also need to purchase a Temporary Import Permit for your vehicle. Read on for more details.

If you are traveling to Mexico by car, it is Mexican law that all drivers have insurance, and you will need to prove your insurance once you have crossed the Mexican border.

What you will need to show at customs:

  • Passport of the registered owner (original and 1 copy).
  • Vehicle registration (original and 1 copy).
  • Drivers license of the registered owner (original and 1 copy).
  • Mexico Tourist Card you received when you crossed the border

At the border the owner of the vehicle gains entry at immigration, their passport is stamped and they are given a Mexico Tourist Card. The owner of the vehicle may also be required to obtain a Temporary Import Permit for the vehicle as well.

The Mexpro website explains that if you plan to drive a vehicle beyond the  Mexico Free Zone  you will need to purchase a Mexico Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit (TIP). This permit can only be obtained from Banjercito, which is the official Mexican issuing agency. 

If you are only doing a short road trip through Mexico, you may be in luck. You won’t need a TIP if you are driving your car in any part of the Baja Peninsula or the Sonoran Free Zone.

Mexico Vehicle Insurance

Insurance is mandatory in Mexico, and you will have problems with the police if you don’t purchase it. You can buy it at the border, or many companies exist online that piggy-back on your USA car insurance.

Some American policies cover you in Mexico, but they may have limitations. If you are taking a USA rental car, verify the insurance and terms of driving in Mexico with the rental agency. If insurance is not included, add it to your rental policy.

Mexico car insurance companies:

  • ICI Insurance Agency
  • Sansborns Mexico Insurance
  • Mexico Auto Insurance
  • Bajabound (cheaper to call than online)

Note that you must maintain your home country comprehensive/collision insurance while you are in Mexico.

Do You Need to Speak Spanish?

You won’t NEED Spanish while on the road in Mexico, you can definitely get by without it. Many Mexicans speak English, especially the ones who work in the tourism sector. But I do suggest you spend some time learning if you want to make the most out of your travels and get the local prices, etc. You can take private lessons all around Mexico for as little as $5 USD an hour. 

Right. Enough of the formalities, let’s decide where to go on a Mexico road trip!


Going on a road trip really is one of the best ways to explore Mexico. Not everything can be accessed by a colectivo, bus or even a taxi. Mexico is incredibly diverse, and having your own transport will allow you to experience more and enjoy this amazing country in an immersive way.

What road trip route you decide to take will probably depend on where you leave from and how much time you have. Below, we have color-coded each recommended road trip in Mexico on a map. We have also listed how long you will need to complete that road trip. If available, we give you the opportunity to read even more about each destination so you can plan accordingly.

Where to Stay on Your Mexico Road Trip

Our best recommendations on where to stay during this road trip are at the bottom of each section. We tend to suggest value-for-money hotels with private rooms in an intimate setting. Only hotels that are packed with character, have great ratings, and excellent service passes our recommendations test. Plus, all these hotels have FREE parking, either securely on site or on the street nearby.

We also rave about Booking.com as the best hotel booking agency since they consistently have the lowest price and amazing loyalty discounts that are put on automatically after your first few bookings with them.

Mexico Road Trip Map

This custom map of all the road trips in Mexico includes all of the best Mexican road trips, and where you should stop to sightsee and/or stay a night or two.

To open any of the road trip maps into your own Google Maps app, simply tap the small square icon on the top right-hand side of the map when looking at this article from your phone. 

The map will automatically save into “Your Places” > “MAPS”. You can then select an area to download and use offline ready for when you don’t have access to mobile data in Mexico. For more information on how to download maps for offline use,  click here . 


Need cheap road trip ideas? Mexico is the place to be! Vast deserts filled with cactus, incredible beaches covered in white sand, calm bays, swaying palm trees and lush mountain ranges. This is northern Mexico, and it is the road trip of a lifetime!


If you are going to be in San Diego, California as part of a larger west coast road trip why not cross the border into Mexico? After all, the Mexico border is only approximately 20 minutes from San Diego.

If you are crossing into Mexico from the USA in your own vehicle, be sure to read my tips above about bringing your car into Mexico. Below is a route planner for the USA to Mexico road trips.

DISTANCE COVERED: 277 km (172 miles)
TIME NEEDED: 5 – 7 Days

A Mexican man crossing a desert road - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Tijuana and Rosarito

After making your way across the border plan a stop in Tijuana. This city has some amazing food options. Besides the Cesaer salad originating in Tijuana, over the past decade, food has been putting Tijuana on the map. They now have an established gastro district that extends from downtown to Zona Río on Avenida Sonora in the Chapultepec area.

Once your belly is filled, head to the seaside town of Rosarito. There are oodles of things to do here. Try ziplining or ride an ATV on the dunes . Learn to surf or horseback ride on the beach. If you like art, you can find plenty of that as well as wood and metal craft at Artist Alley along the Free Road (Km 30). If it’s shopping you want, check out the cigar shops, jewelry stores, and souvenir stalls along the boulevard. Be sure to make a stop at the candy store, Dulceria Ayala.

Valle de Guadalupe

After spending the night in Rosarito, head to Baja’s Wine Country in Valle de Guadalupe. Vineyards, old and new, dot the landscape along Valle’s main thoroughfare, Mexico’s Route 3. Currently, there are over 120 vineyards in Valle de Guadalupe. Obviously, you can’t visit them all in one trip. Some of the most memorable include Santo Tomas and AlXimia. AlXimia is a can’t miss.

Next, head to Tecate. But before leaving Valle you may want to stop at the Wine Museum. It’s interesting and deserving of a visit.

Tecate is an underrated small town with a lot to offer. Art, culture, wine, gastronomy, and nature are just a few reasons to visit. If you choose to stay the night you could spend one day exploring the culture and gastronomy of the town and another exploring nature. The breathtakingly beautiful La Rumorosa is just 40 minutes outside of town.

Upon your return, you can cross the border back into the US at Tecate or head west to Otay Mesa. Both will take approximately the same amount of time. There is rarely a wait at Tecate.

Where to Stay on a Northern Baja Road Trip

  • Rosarito: Vista Hermosa Resort and Spa | Las Rocas Resort & Spa
  • Valle de Guadalupe: Contemplacion | El Cielo Winery & Resort
  • Tecate: Hotel Kumiai Inn | Short Stay Tecate Hotel Boutique


Ruta 1 is a more than 1,000 km stretch of Mexico that takes you through wine country, valleys, and desert, and along the coastline, past mountains and through many charming little villages and beach towns. You could say it offers a sampling of much of what the country of Mexico has to offer.

DISTANCE COVERED: 1,660 km (1,031 miles)
TIME NEEDED: 2 – 3 Weeks

Los Caos rock arch - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Ensenada is less than 2 hours south of Tijuana and makes a good place to stop overnight or, if time allows, take a day wine tasting in Valle de Guadalupe (see the road trip loop above).

Guerrero Negro

Guerrero Negro is eight hours driving south of Ensenada. It’s an amazing place to whale watch if you’re there between December and April. Otherwise, it’s a welcome overnight break after a grueling day of driving windy roads through fields of giant cacti as far as the eye can see.

San Ignacio and Mulege

If you’re taking it slow, you can take overnight stops at San Ignacio, a cute village on a lake, or Mulege for beautiful beaches. Short on time? You can head straight to Loreto, 6 hours southeast of Guerrero Negro.

This lovely little mission town charmed us into staying two nights and we could have stayed longer. Next, stop in overnight at La Paz, which is just over 4 hours from Loreto.

La Paz and Todos Santos

La Paz is the largest town on the Baja and has everything you would need in a city. Plus it boasts a pretty malecon , a big sailing community, and some great restaurants. Do a street art walking tour or swim with whale sharks .

Slower road trippers should stop in Todos Santos next. This is another mission town and the location of the Hotel California which many say is the famed one from the Eagles song.

The final stop on your South Baja California road trip is Los Cabos, another 2 hours south of La Paz. Actually, there are two towns here:  Cabo San Lucas with its popular beaches, bars, restaurants, and resorts and the quieter, less touristy San Jose del Cabo.

We stopped from one to three nights in each place. Returning north we followed the same route, overnighting in mainly the same locations and taking in other sights that we skipped going down. Alternatively, there is a car ferry that departs from the Pichilingue Terminal in La Paz to two different ports on mainland Mexico up to nine times per week. Check this timetable for prices and timings.

Cabo San Lucas Tours

Where to stay on the southern baja road trip.

  • Ensenada: Viña Calabria
  • Guerro Negro: The Halfway Inn
  • San Ignacio: La Huerta Hotel
  • Loreto: Bugambilias Suites Hotel
  • La Paz: Casa Juarez B&B
  • Todos Santos: The Hotelito
  • Cabo San Lucas: Cabo Vista Hotel (Adults Only)
  • San Jose del Cabo: Marisol Boutique Hotel


This road trip is for people who like colonial-style cities and the wild, wild west. Beautiful architecture, tequila, gothic churches, rough local bars, and abandoned villages dominate this route. It’s the best of Mexico’s central highlands, bundled into just 10 days.

DISTANCE COVERED: 1,839 km (1,143 miles)
TIME NEEDED: 10 – 14 Days

Mexico City Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Mexico City

Your road trip starts in Mexico City, where you will see the country’s beating heart. It’s rough around the edges and full of people (did you know Mexico City’s population is the same as the whole of Australia’s?) but with a charm that cannot be ignored. And some of the best food in Mexico! Make sure you spend at least a couple of days here. If you get time, be sure to spend the day drinking on the Canals on Xochimilco . Visit the famous gothic churches, Teotihuacan Ruins and marvel at some of Diego and Frida’s artwork .

San Miguel de Allende

After driving for about 6 hours you’ll arrive in the beautiful city of San Miguel de Allende. Stay another few days, because this artsy town has stolen the hearts of many American expats who now call it home. San Miguel de Allende is known for its baroque/neoclassical Spanish architecture, in particular, the pink gothic church that sits in the center of the city.

The streets are lined with cobblestones and flowers and the buildings are filled with beautiful restaurants, bars, and art galleries, all of which have kept their Mexican flair. Be sure to try a world-renowned meal, see the sunrise over Canada de la Virgen Ruins and soak up the addictive atmosphere. It’s no wonder Travel + Leisure called it the best city in the world in 2017!

Check out these amazing tours in San Miguel de Allende .

San Luis Potosi City

San Luis Potosi (or SLP) is another 6-hour drive from San Miguel. It was a major trading hub for gold and silver in the 16 th to 19 th centuries. ‘Potosi’ means silver in Spanish but most of the Potosino locals simply call it San Luis. Another baroque-style city, San Luis Potosi boasts its own (but less impressive in my opinion) gothic-style church as well as more beautiful architecture scattered around the city. The Centro Historico, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, as well as the many quaint shopfronts, bars, and cafes, will surely delight your senses.

It is much larger than San Miguel de Allende and not so much on the “tourist trail” which can make it a bit harder to explore. But that’s fine; just see what you can, because the place you will visit next will be sure to impress you the most!

Real de Catorce

This is the reason you have made this trip, to visit the partially abandoned mind-blowing village of Real de Catorce.

Maybe you’ve heard of it before in association to peyote and how it is somewhat a pilgrimage for drug-taking hippies? I’m not going to tell you it isn’t, but the entire village should not be reduced to just that. It is honestly one of the coolest places I have ever visited in my life. For starters, just to get into the town you have to drive through a 2 km tunnel through the mountains.

Do a tour of the church where you will learn that Real de Catorce is also a pilgrimage site for Mexicans who want to pray to the shrine of Saint Francis of Assisi. I don’t want to give away too much, but the stories are heartwarming and so very interesting!

You can also take a horseback ride to see views of the city and other important landmarks nearby, go on a hike or ride on the top of a Willy’s Jeep through the spectacular valleys nearby. My favorite thing to do in Real de Catorce, though, was to simply walk the streets taking pictures.

If you have your own transport, I implore you to stay in one of the magical hotels in Real de Catorce for at least a couple of nights. It is the type of place that will change your life forever!


You’ve seen the pictures, now it’s time to explore this famous multicolored city! But after driving a long 8 hours you’ll probably want to just curl up in your hotel and explore the city properly the next day. If 7-8 hours driving is too much, split your trip in half by stopping in at Leon (known as the “shoe capital of the world and is a pretty colonial, industrial city) for a night.

Famous for its tequila and mariachi music, Guadalajara is where you will come to soak up some authentic Mexico feels far off the busy tourist trail. You will be able to visit more gothic-style churches , including a cathedral with twin gold spires, and immerse yourselves in the vibrant streets steeped in tradition and culture. Visit the nearby town of Tequila to experience the makings of this famous drink yourself or explore the labyrinth of a local market.

Then take a break to relax and listen to the mariachi while you sip on premium tequila cocktails and much on torta ahogada (a crusty baguette stuffed with succulent slow-cooked pork). Bliss.

When you finally decide to bring your road trip to an end, it’ll take 6 hours driving to Mexico City from Guadalajara.

Where to stay on the Golden Triangle Road Trip

  • Mexico City: Hotel Catedral
  • San Miguel de Allende: Casa Mia Suites
  • San Luis Potosi: Microtel Inn & Suites by Wyndham
  • Real de Catorce: Casa Curtos
  • Leon: Entre Patios Hotel Boutique
  • Guadalajara: Hotel Real Maestranza


This quintessential road trip takes you through some of the most spectacular driving scenery Mexico has to offer. Visit areas in Mexico, renowned for their strong cultural identity and bizarre religious practices. Eat food to die for, explore cactus gardens and swim in warm, pristine oceans.

On this Central Mexico road trip you’ll drive from Mexico City to Oaxaca, stopping in at the pretty city of Puebla and an incredible UNESCO heritage biosphere reserve to see thousands of cactuses. In Oaxaca, you’ll experience deep, colorful Mexican culture and some of the best cuisines in Mexico.

You’ll then follow the spectacular Oaxacan coast for a while before turning off to head back up the mountains of Chiapas to the gorgeous colonial city of San Cristobal de las Casas. You’ll finish your road trip in Palenque where you can visit important Mayan ruins and relax in vivid baby blue waterfalls.

💡 If you don’t have much time, you can shorten this to a road trip from Mexico City to Oaxaca City via Puebla. A Mexico City / Oaxaca road trip would give you a great taste of pretty cities, cactuses, mountains and culture achievable in just a few days. Plus the drive between the two cities is pleasurable and relatively easygoing.

DISTANCE COVERED: 1,739 km (1,080 miles)
TIME NEEDED: 3 Weeks – 1.5 months

Mexico City Palacio Bellas Artes building - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

First up, Mexico City is the multicultural melting pot of Mexico. It’s dirty, grungy and a pla ce you might not immediately like.

Give it some time though, and you’ll find reasons to remember this city. From the ancient skulls buried under the main Cathedral, Aztec ruins in the city center to the gothic-style buildings looming overhead. Explore ancient ruins, watch a wrestling match or explore mind-altering museums until your feet scream. You’ll soon warm up to Mexico City.

Puebla City (Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza)

Puebla is a picturesque colonial city just a 3 hour drive outside of Mexico City. It’s famous for its incredible Mexican food, impressive architecture and beautiful pottery. Stop here overnight to explore the city.

A mere two hours outside of Puebla, you can find the incredible Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Biosphere Reserve which offers a barren rugged landscape interrupted by gigantic cacti in large numbers. If you’re after that quintessential “I’m in Mexico” photo, this is the place to get it.

We suggest you leave early from Puebla City to the Biosphere Reserve so you have as much time to explore as you need before overnighting in Tehuacán. The next day will be a 4-hour drive to Oaxaca City.

Oaxaca City (Oaxaca de Juarez)

Oaxaca City is a magical place. Not as many tourists get here, as it’s not so much on the main tourist path. But boasting some of the strongest native cultures in Mexico, surrounded by dramatic mountains, history-rich ruins, and even a petrified waterfall.

The state of Oaxaca is probably best known for its indigenous peoples; the Zapotecs and Mixtecs. These cultures have survived better than most others due to the rugged and isolated terrain in which they live. In the city, you’ll be able to buy vibrant arts and crafts and sample unique delicious Oaxacan cuisines.

Driving over the mountains from Oaxaca City to Puerto Escondido is absolutely beautiful, but also scary as shit due to the tight narrow winding roads and the large trucks that go up and down these mountains. This drive will take you between seven to ten hours, depending on whether you get a good run. Carsickness can also be a problem on these roads, so buy some tablets in Oaxaca before you leave. Take these roads slowly and don’t drive tired.

Also, make sure you keep the petrol topped up! I’m talking from experience here after we ran out of petrol on the Oaxacan mountains one night and had to sleep in the car at a roadhouse. The next day we took a Camioneta to the closest tiny town to buy petrol from some random man’s garage. HA!

Letting go a bay turtle in Puerto Escondido - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Puerto Escondido and Huatulco

Puerto Escondido is a small coastal town popular with surfers from all around the world. The beaches are deliciously sandy, clear and usually pretty quiet, especially outside of high season. Huatulco is only a 2.5 hours drive from Puerto Escondido and the beaches along this part of the Oaxacan Coastline are even quieter. The beaches in Huatulco were some of my favorite in Mexico. If you enjoy the laid-back, sun-soaked life, be sure to spend at least a week in these two towns.

In Puerto Escondido, take a surfing lesson and release a baby turtle while you’re there. Go on an incredibly cheap dolphin-watching boat trip and drive around to see as many tranquil bays and beaches as you can find. Psst, I wrote a post to help you choose which Oaxacan beaches are best to visit .

If you have the time, be sure to visit the even smaller and cuter Mazunte and Zipolite . You may also like to take a detour back up the mountains to San Juan del Pacifico. This tiny, misty mountain town is a highlight, especially if you love a town with a strong community (read: hippy) feel. Just FYI, magic mushrooms grow freely here and the town has made a name for itself as being a popular place to go to try them out in a gorgeous natural setting.

Once you’ve finished with Huatulco, you’ll be crossing the state border into Chiapas . It’s a whopping 8 hours drive before you’ll arrive for an overnight in Tuxtla Gutierrez (add an extra 1 hour onwards to San Cristobal de las Casas if you don’t want to stay in Tuxtla).

You may want to split this drive up by staying overnight in Selina Cruz before tackling the mountains in Chiapas. But there really isn’t anything to do in Selina Cruz, so you would only sleep there.

The mountains around San Cristobal are a lot less crazy than the mountains from Oaxaca City to Puerto Escondido. And the state of Chiapas is absolutely picturesque to drive through.

Tuxtla Gutierrez and San Cristobal de las Casas

Tuxtla Gutierrez isn’t the most impressive of towns. However, from this town, you should embark on a tour through the Canyon de Sumidero to see the Christmas Tree Falls.

The best of these two places though is San Cristobal de las Casas. A small colonial city complete with narrow cobblestone streets, colorful houses with plant pots on every patio, surrounded by lush mountains and flower farms.

From San Cristobal de las Casas you can either take a long day trip to the remote El Chiflon falls, or you can go there on the way to your next stop of Palenque. This mountainous drive will take 3 hours to get to El Chiflon from San Cristobal de las Casas. Once there, however, mighty Rainbow Falls at El Chiflon will certainly blow you away.

💡 Going from El Chiflon to Palenque will take you another grueling 8 hours of slow mountainous driving. However, halfway through this drive, a small town called Ocosingo closed down due to protests and it was dangerous to drive through (in mid-2018). The protests lasted for many months. If you want to travel this road, be sure to ask any forums you are a part of or join the San Cristobal Expat Facebook group to ask. If it is closed, you will have to get to Palenque via Villahermosa and Tabasco, which will take about 8 hours from San Cristobal.

A cute mountain town bursting with beauty and history, Palenque is a stop you cannot miss. Visit beautifully secluded falls like Agua Azul, Misol-Ha and Roberto Barrios. Don’t forget to spend a day marveling at the history and temples of the ancient Maya at Palenque ruins and museum too.

If you’re renting a car that must be returned to Mexico City, this is a great opportunity to change up the scenery by running along the top of Mexico through Tabasco (stopping in at Villahermosa), Veracruz and Córdoba.

Where to Stay on the Central Mexico Road Trip

  • Puebla: Hotel 5 de Mayo
  • Tehuacán: Hotel Zenith
  • Oaxaca City: Parador San Agustin
  • Puerto Escondido: Hotelito Swiss Oasis (Adults Only)
  • Huatulco: Xquenda Huatulco Spa
  • Tuxtla Gutierrez: Hostal Tres Central
  • San Cristobal de las Casas: Hotel Casa Selah
  • Palenque: Hotel Chablis Palenque


If you’re coming from Palenque this will be an easy drive that takes you out of the gorgeous jungle and Northeast towards the Colonial City of Merida, the mind-blowing Chichen Itza pyramids, white-sandy islands, and bustling Playa del Carmen and Tulum.

Although quite touristy, the Yucatan Peninsula is one of the best places to road trip in Mexico. It’s like a huge playground for water-related activities. Everyone here can find something they will love and you’ll have endless fun in the sun. With a car, you’ll be able to go off-course and visit some of the less busy areas as well.

In the Riviera Maya in Mexico, you can see baby turtles hatch (August to November), swim with whale sharks (May to August) and check out amazing underground rivers called cenotes (year-round) that are found only in the Yucatan. Cancun is a popular place to hire cars so it’s easy to start and end your Mexico road trip here.

The roads in the Yucatan are some of the best we traveled on in Mexico. Although if you only take the free roads ( carretera libre), you may not think so. Traveling at night is more feasible in most of these areas, so long as you take the paid roads ( carretera cuota ).

DISTANCE COVERED: 1,411 km (877 miles)
TIME NEEDED: 2 – 4 Weeks

Do a whale shark tour from either Isla Mujeres or Isla Holox - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Cancun and Isla Mujeres

Unless you’re staying in a fancy beachside resort or partying it up in enormous nightclubs, you’ll probably want to leave Cancun as soon as possible. My recommendation would be to first head over to Isla Mujeres for a day or two before picking up your rental car and heading off to see the rest of Quintana Roo state .

Got your own car? You have two other options. You can pop your vehicle on a car ferry, or you can leave it in the secured parking lot at Puerto Juarez in Cancun. I’d just recommend leaving it on the mainland safely in the parking lot because you really don’t need a car on Isla Mujeres.

Isla Mujeres is one of those places that quickly captures the hearts of everyone who goes there. It’s a small, pregnant-fish-shaped island filled with amazing snorkeling and scuba diving. Soak up the sun on pristine beaches with a cocktail, tear around the island in a golf cart or head out on day tours to swim with whale sharks (seasonal) or marvel at the underwater museum.

Once you’ve managed to tear yourself away from Isla Mujeres, you’ll be picking up your car and driving a measly 1.5 hours down the carretera to Playa del Carmen. We highly recommend stopping in to visit cenotes near Puerto Morelos . Especially Cenote Lucero Verde which was one of my favorites. Head to the beach in Puerto Morelos for lunch before carrying on.

Playa del Carmen and Tulum

Playa del Carmen is a bustling touristy town with beautiful but busy beaches, huge nightclubs, and even bigger water parks. It’s worth a night here if you like that sort of atmosphere, but if you don’t, I suggest carrying on down the highway for an hour to the smaller and much more beautiful Tulum to stay the night.

On the way to Tulum, stop in at one of the many cenotes such as Cenote Azul , Garden of Eden Cenote or Yal-Ku Lagoon . Alternatively, you can do these activities as day trips from Tulum or Playa del Carmen. Read more about all these cenotes and more in this epic cenote guide . Near Yal-Ku you can swim with turtles at Akumal – a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Lovely Tulum has two parts to it, the main beach area and the town. I highly recommend heading to the beach area to stay because the town can be quite hot and dusty. However, if you’re on a budget, stay in town to save money. From Tulum, you can visit even more amazing cenotes (my favorites are Cenote Carwash , Cenote Calavera and Dos Ojos ), or you can explore Tulum ruins.

If you would like to take your car to a Mexican island, Cozumel is going to be your best bet. The car ferry leaves from Playa del Carmen and is much more frequent than the Isla Mujeres car ferry. Plus, Cozumel is built up perfectly for cars. Isla Cozumel is an extremely pretty island, but I personally don’t like places that are super touristy, which Cozumel most definitely is.

Bacalar and Calakmul

Next, you’ll drive about 3 hours to Bacalar, where you’ll experience Mexico’s version of Bora Bora or the Maldives (but on a budget!). Bacalar boasts a crystalline lake called Siete Colores (Seven Colors) as well as another mind-blowing cenote ( Cenote Azul ). Have fun cramming as many water-based activities that you can fit in your schedule.

If you haven’t seen enough ruins yet, be sure to rise super early for a stopover at Calakmul, one of Mexico’s more impressive but lesser-visited ancient Mayan ruins. Calakmul is a 6-hour drive from Bacalar, so you will need to stay the night here.

Next, overnight in Campeche after a 7-hour drive, and explore the beautiful walled-in colonial city on the still waters of the Gulf of Mexico.

Campeche Buildings - Driving in Mexico Road Trip

Merida, Celestun and Chichen Itza

Head Northeast 3 hours to Merida, and explore one of the largest historic center districts in the Americas. The city is adorned with gorgeous brightly colored buildings, in which you can sample some exquisite traditional Yucatec dishes, and drink in rustic Mexican bars.

Day trip from Mérida to Celestún to take a boat trip and see the bright pink flamboyance of flamingos and relax on the water’s edge. If you have time, take another day trip to the cenotes of Cuzama , where you’ll take a tour by horse and cart along the train tracks to three different but impressive cenotes.

From Merida, it’s an easy 2-hour drive to the ruins of Chichen Itza. Although touristy, there’s a reason why. The Kukulkan Pyramid is so smooth and symmetrical, it will leave you speechless no doubt. Don’t stay the night here though, it’s terribly overpriced. Drive just an hour to Valladolid – my favorite town in Mexico.

Valladolid and Coba

Valladolid was originally a Mayan settlement called Zaci, but after Spanish settlement, the name only remains on its most famous cenote. The small town boasts all of the comforts of a touristy town, without the tourists. Spend a couple of days in Valladolid and visit Cenote Oxman (my favorite cenote ever – it’s like straight out of the Jungle Book), Cenote X’canche and the ruins of Ek Balam. If you have a lot of time, be sure to do a day trip to Las Colores, the pink lakes.

If you haven’t got your cenote fix yet, visit Coba for a handful of really cool underground cave cenotes (which are super cheap) and Coba Ruins if you want to climb to the top of the tallest ancient Mayan temple in the Yucatan.

From Cobá you’ll drive an easy 2.5 hours to Chiquilá where there are plenty of places to store your car at the ferry terminal (for only $50 pesos per day). Jump on one of the hourly ferries and spend your last few days relaxing on the white sandy secluded beaches of Isla Holbox.

Isla Holbox

If you can only go to just one island in Mexico, I suggest you make it to Isla Holbox. Complete with small sandy streets (no tar or cars in sight!), fresh seafood restaurants by the bucketful, golf carts to explore the island on and hammocks set up on the calm tranquil ocean waters (that’s right – IN the water). Honestly, there’s nowhere else quite like Isla Holbox.

Complete your Yucatan Road trip, Mexico by returning to Cancun (only 3 hours away) and dropping back your rental car.

Where to Stay on a Yucatan Peninsula Road Trip

  • Cancun: La Villa du Golf à Cancun
  • Isla Mujeres: Villa Elena Isla Mujeres
  • Playa del Carmen: Mahekal Beach Front Resort & Spa
  • Tulum: Habitas Beach Hotel
  • Bacalar: Hotel Casa Lima Bacalar
  • Calakmul: Casa Ka´an
  • Campeche: Hotel Plaza Colonial
  • Merida: Hotel Luz en Yucatan
  • Valladolid: Hotel Zentik Project & Saline Cave
  • Isla Holbox: Hotel Villas Tiburon


We would love to hear from you and especially answer any questions about your own Mexico road trip itinerary. Feel free to ask! We strive to get back to you within 24 hours 😄

READ: 10 Guaranteed Reasons You’ll Definitely Love Mexico

Mexico Roadtrip FAQs

Yes, driving in Mexico with US plates is allowed, but you must have the proper documents. If you are planning to drive anywhere outside of the Mexico Free Zone (an area that is around 20 miles within the border of USA in Mexico, Baja Peninsula, a large portion of Sonora, and Quintana Roo), then you must get a Temporary Vehicle Importation Permit (TIP). Besides a TIP, all drivers in Mexico must have Mexico car insurance, even if you already have car insurance from the United States. More often than not, it is more affordable to just rent a car in Mexico and do your road trip in a rental vehicle.

Driving across Mexico isn’t exactly a stroll through the park. While most Mexico roads are safe to drive (especially the ones included in our Mexico road trip guide), there are some hazards you will need to be aware of. The main concern when driving in Mexico is gang violence, which is an unpredictable issue with constant changes. To minimize this risk, we recommend you to always drive in the day and stay up to date with the news. Once again, our suggested road trip in Mexico itineraries do focus on safer and more touristy areas in Mexico. Additionally, the roads in Mexico aren’t always in the best conditions. Drive with care, always go under the speed limit, follow all regulations, and you will do just fine. It is common for police to stop tourists and try to get some money out of them. As long as you know you have not broken the law, there is nothing you need to worry about.

There is not necessarily a “safest route” through Mexico, as situations change frequently and suddenly. When deciding on your route through Mexico, there are certain things you can do to make your road trip safer. Avoid driving at night and don’t stop in towns or states that are known for drug violence. Plan your days accordingly so you don’t have to stay the night in remote places.

Driving in Mexico is not difficult, but there are a few differences you might need to adjust to. In Mexico, people drive on the right-hand side of the road. The speed limit is posted in kilometers (not miles), so North American drivers in Mexico must be aware. Some drivers in Mexico can get a little bit aggressive. Remember to drive defensively and have 100 percent of your attention on the road at all times. This way, you can also keep an eye out for the potholes and other hazards on the road!

The speed limit changes depending on where you are driving in Mexico (duh)! On major highways, the speed limit is usually at 110 km/hr (68mph). As you get closer to towns and cities, the speed limit usually becomes 100 km/hr (62 mph). In major highways inside cities, 90 to 100 km/hr is the usual speed limit. On two-lane highways, the speed limit is most likely to be 90 km/hr (56mph).

The crossing at Colombia and Laredo is known for their safety and popularity. Try to avoid the states in Chihuahua State and Sonora State, as cartel activity is relatively high in those places.

Highway 57 is a free federal highway that connects the border of US and Mexico in the north with Mexico City. Because of this, it is one of the busiest highways in Mexico. There are a total of 6 to 8 lanes and the condition of the lanes is generally very good. However, what makes Highway 57 in Mexico a little dangerous is the amount of traffic it gets daily.

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Originally Posted:  27 May 2017. Frequently updated.

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Passionate baby goat cuddler and part-time adventurer, Crystal can often be found doing headstands on the edges of cliffs, taking photos of abandoned buildings or sleeping on deserted islands with dangerous criminals. She has too many awesome stories and helpful tips to keep them all to herself so follow along and in return she will bring you inspiring pictures, travel videos and a whole load of fun!

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10 Best Road Trips in Mexico Not to Miss + Tips For Driving in Mexico

Who doesn’t love a good road trip?

Ok, I admit when I was younger road trips meant being squished between my two older siblings vying for elbow room and counting down the minutes until we got there. Now, however, road trips mean freedom. The freedom to do what I want and when I want it. To go to unchartered territories, remote and desolate beaches, or rugged mountain tops where few others venture to go.

This is never more true than for exploring Mexico.

Many of the best destinations in Mexico are those that are off the beaten path. Embarking on a road trip in Mexico allows you to truly experience Mexico. With these seven Mexico road trips, you will

Before we set off for Mexico, I thought Mexico was only going to be about three things…tacos, tequila, and beaches. And while these three things exist in abundance there are plenty of other things to do and places to see on a road trip throughout Mexico.

Luckily for you, we have done most of the legwork. We have traveled the open roads, sunbathed at the best beaches, tasted countless tacos, and sampled all the cervezas. We have put together what we think the best road trips in Mexico each catering to something unique. Whether you want to explore the wild jungle of Chiapas, the diversity of the state of Oaxaca, the Jalisco beaches, or the food and arts scene of Central Mexico, there is something for everyone.

So what are you waiting for? Let’s get to road-tripping!

Is It Safe to Do a Road Trip in Mexico?

A road trip in Mexico, like a road trip anywhere else, comes with some inherent dangers. However, sometimes the media’s focus on the sensational can distract us from the true dangers of a Mexico. Driving in Mexico, through Mexico, and around Mexico is safe as long as you follow the necessary precautions.

Firstly, the best way to stay safe is to make sure you research your planned route for driving in Mexico in advance. Government agencies, such as the Department of State , regularly publish a travel advisory that lists the areas in Mexico which are deemed high risk. Make sure you plan to avoid these areas during your Mexico road trip.

Secondly, you can stay safe while driving through Mexico by avoiding driving at night. My mother use to say that nothing good ever happens at night and while she may have been exaggerating a bit, this is especially true for driving in Mexico and in any foreign country. Chances of running into a hairy situation increase once the lights go out.

One Week Road Trips in Mexico

Mexico is a country that is easy to fall in love with but if you only have one week in Mexico, here are our favorite road trips in Mexico that can be completed in a week or less.

1. Riviera Nayarit

Total distance= 350 kilometers (217 miles).

One of Mexico’s premier beach destinations is the stunning Riviera Nayarit. The 200-mile stretch of coastline from Puerto Vallarta in northern Jalisco to San Blas is the perfect place for your first foray into Mexican road trips. Designed for the quintessential beach bum, this road trip in Mexico chases fun in the sun from one stunning Rivieria Nayarit beach town to the next.

Highlights of the Riviera Nayarit

Your first stop on this Mexico road trip is none other than Puerto Vallarta. A hub for tourism on Mexico’s west coast, Puerto Vallarta is a popular destination for national and international tourism, particularly LGBTQ+ tourism. With a bustling nightlife, beautiful beaches in Jalisco only minutes away, and, in my opinion, some of the best al pastor tacos outside of Mexico City , Puerto Vallarta is a great place to relax for a night or two before continuing onward.

From Puerto Vallarta, continue north to the quintessential beach towns for which the Riviera Nayarit is known. Stop first is Sayulita. This seaside village is a popular destination for trendy, international tourists. The small beach town caters to all the whims and desires of millennials with trendy cafes and restaurants, hip bars , and yoga classes. Sayulita also has one of the best waves on the Riviera Nayarit to learn how to surf.

A little further north from Sayulita, you will find our favorite hideaway along the Riviera Nayarit, San Fransisco (also referred to locally as San Pancho). Just like Sayulita, San Pancho has all of the same amenities with a fraction of the tourists. This beach is the perfect place to relax and unwind with a beer in hand as you watch the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.

As you continue even further north you will find the beautiful beach towns of Lo de Marco, Chacala, and San Blas. Each beach offers a laid-back atmosphere expected in a traditional Mexican beach town. The further north you travel along the Riviera Nayarit, the quieter it gets with fewer modern amenities and crowds.

Popular activities when visiting this area include hiking to secluded beaches, surfing, fishing, and simply enjoying the warm Mexican sun.

On your way back to Puerto Vallarta, stop off in Punta Mita for some of the Riviera Nayarit’s best surfing!

2. Mexico City to Oaxaca, a Mexican Route Steeped in History and Amazing Food

Total distance = 500 kilometers (310 miles).

While you could easily spend more than one week in both Mexico City and Oaxaca in their own right, this Mexico City to Oaxaca self-drive itinerary can be completed in a week. On this Mexican road trip, expect to be amazed by the history of Mexico City, incredible Mexican food, ancient ruins, and charming Mexican towns.

Mexico City to Oaxaca Highlights

Fly into Mexico City but make sure to stay a few days. Mexico City is full of life with over 28 million people bustling through the streets. Explore the old historic city center with a free walking tour, eat street food at one of the many local stalls, visit the Frida Khalo museum for an in-depth look at one of Mexico’s finest artistic creators, take a stroll through Latin America’s second-largest city park Bosque de Chapultepec or even dine at one of the world’s top ten restaurants! The possibilities of things to do in Mexico City are endless so make sure you plan at least three days here to truly take in all this beautiful city has to offer.

After leaving Mexico City, make sure to stop at the floating gardens of Xochimilco. Perhaps a bit touristy for some, the floating gardens of Xochimilco are a popular activity in Mexico City. Here you can rent a colorful boat and cruise through the waterways dining on traditional Mexican fare and listing to, of course, mariachi. Don’t forget to ask to be taken by the Isla de las Muñecas (aka the Island of the Dolls) for a frightful surprise!

After visiting the floating gardens of Xochimilco, it’s time to continue onward to the “pueblo magico” of Cholula. Perhaps you may recognize the name from the wildly popular hot sauce found in the US, but Cholula has more to offer than hot sauce. Cholula is best known for the Great Pyramid adorned with the Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, as well as, the numerous churches that dot the streets of this charming town.

After a day in Cholula, spend your evening in the state’s capital of Puebla. Often overlooked for cities such as Oaxaca and San Miguel de Allende, Puebla has plenty to offer and is worth a night. The best things to do in Puebla include admiring the beautiful, old buildings, dining on mole (it’s from Puebla!), and brushing up on your Mexican history at the Amparo Museum.

Your final destination on this epic road trip is none other than Oaxaca. As we already mentioned you can easily spend a week in Oaxaca exploring the city and the nearby surroundings, but even just after a few days, you will already be planning your trip back.

A city known for its arts, culture and amazing food, you won’t be short of things to do here. Start your morning off in Oaxaca with a walking tour to learn about the rich history of this iconic Mexico town. Being in one of Mexico’s gastronomic hubs, continue your day with a food tour or perhaps a cooking class. Explore the ancient ruins of Monte Alban or Yagul or embark on a distillery tour in the birthplace of mezcal. The possibilities of exploring Oaxaca are endless and you will quickly see why Oaxaca is one of our favorite cities in all of Mexico.

3. The Yucatan Peninsula Loop (Short)

Total distance = 465 kilometers (290 miles).

The Yucatan Peninsula is one of the most visited areas in Mexico. With Cancun (and now Tulum) firmly on the tourist circuit, you may think the Yucatan Peninsula is all about college spring breaks and over-priced all-inclusive resorts. But those who take the time to explore the areas outside of these touristy hotspots will be surprised by the diversity and culture found on the Yucatan Peninsula.

Highlights of the Yucatan Peninsula Loop (short)

After landing in Cancun and clearing customs , it’s time to get in the car and head toward the beautiful Tulum. Tulum rose in the rankings as one of Mexico’s best travel destinations in the mid-2000s and its popularity does not seem to be waning. Before giving pause as to why I would send you to one of the most touristy places in Mexico, keep reading.

Despite its apparent over-tourism, Tulum does have a few redeeming graces about it. Firstly, if you are headed to Mexico to party, then Tulum is your best bet. Chic beach resorts, late-night DJs, and trendy bars, Tulum hits everything you would want in a party destination.

Secondly, Tulum is close to a few of the best cenotes in Mexico. Cenotes are sinkholes from fall limestone filled with water located on the Yucatan Peninsula. The best cenotes near Tulum include Grand Cenote and Cenote Carwash.

Lastly, Tulum may be overtly touristic but you will have all of your creature comforts. If you are worried about things in Mexico being “too rustic”, head to Tulum. With chic hotels, trendy and modern cafes, you will have all of the things you love from home in the Mexican paradise of Tulum.

After partying down in Tulum, it’s now time to head to the archaeological site of Coba for a quick history lesson into the ancient civilizations that once called the Yucatan Peninsula home. Believed to have been settled between 50 and 100 AD, the Coba was once a powerful force on the peninsula and constant rival of nearby Chichén Itzá. Coba is also home to the largest network of stone causeways of the ancient Mayan world.

Continue onward on this Mexican road trip to the pueblo magico, Valladolid . Valladolid is most famous for two things, cenotes and ruins. Valladolid is surrounded by some of the Yucatan’s most iconic ruins, Chichén Itzá and Ek’ Balam. Whether you enjoy history or not, no trip to the Yucatan is complete without visiting at least one of these ancient ruins if only to be impressed by the skills of the people designing and crafting these enormous structures without cranes and the modern conveniences of today’s construction world.

Outside of these ancient Mayan ruins, Valladolid is also synonymous with cenotes. In fact, Valladolid has a cenote, Zaci, in the center of town. The perfect way to cool down after walking around in the hotel Mexican sun visiting the ruins.

This Mexican road trip is the perfect combination of beach lounging, history, and off-the-beaten-path destinations on Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula.

Two Week Mexico Road Trip Itineraries

This set of Mexican road trips is ideal for the two-week vacation although each can be adjusted to suit travelers with a little more or less time if you simply don’t want to be on the road every day during your holiday.

4. Chase Waterfalls and Ruins in Chiapas, Mexico’s Southernmost State

Total distance = 968 kilometers (601 miles).

Few people have ever heard of Chiapas, the small Mexican state next to the Guatemala border. If you have heard of it, you probably know that this luscious jungle state is full of amazing waterfalls and ancient ruins. The remoteness of the state means that fewer tourists descend on the attractions each year. This also means less commercialization when compared to some of its neighboring states. The Chiapas road trip in Mexico is the most remote of them all and will really get you off the beaten path a bit.

Chiapas Road Trip Highlights

A road trip through Chiapas will undoubtedly start in Tuxtla Gutiérrez, the state’s capital. Even from this sprawling metropolis, you can start your grand outdoor adventure as the backdrop of Tuxtla is none other than the Sumidero Canyon. This impressive canyon is only the beginning of nature’s wonders on this nature lover’s adventure as the next stop is the magnificent El Chiflon .

This mighty waterfall stands at 120 meters tall and flows with some of the bluest water I have ever seen. And this is only the beginning of impressive bodies of water. On this road trip in Chiapas, look forward to the peaceful Lagos de Montebello, off-the-beaten-path Lagos de Colon, roaring Las Nubes, and the mighty Agua Azul !

With so many outdoor adventures encased in the Lacandon Jungle, outdoor lovers will immediately fall in love with this Mexico bucket list destination.

And let’s not forget the amazing ruins that you will visit on a road trip in Chiapas. The most famed and visited is Palenque but Yaxchilán and Bonampak give Palenque a run for its money. As you can imagine all of the ruins in Chiapas are set against the most stunning backdrop of the Chiapas jungle which is unique when compared to other well-known Mexican ruins such as Teotihuacan in Central Mexico.

After exploring the rugged nature of Chiapas, it’s time to relax in the colonial town of San Cristobal de las Casas. Another destination in Mexico known for its incredible culinary scene, you will be surprised by the range of diversity in the food in San Cristobal . From Korean to Indian and from Italian to Thai, this up-and-coming Mexico destination is truly magical. With fewer tourists than other states in Mexico, you will wish you had more time to relax in the mountain town of San Cristobal de las Casas .

This is only a sneak peek as to what a road trip in Chiapas would entail. If these activities slightly interest you, you can read the full itinerary to find out all the other great things to see and do in Chiapas .

5. Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende, a Foodie’s Paradise

Total distance = 400 kilometers (250 miles).

A road trip from Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende centers around the food, culture, and arts scene prominent in Mexican culture. Ciudad de Mexico has a rich history dating back to the 1300s when it was settled by the Aztecs before being conquered by the Spanish conquistadors.

The influence of the Spanish acquisition is prevalent in San Miguel de Allende with beautiful churches, cobblestone streets, and colonial architecture.

This Mexico road trip focuses on the finer things in life and is probably the most expensive road trip on our list of the best road trips in Mexico.

Mexico City to San Miguel de Allende Highlights

It all starts in Mexico City. Mexico City is home to some of Mexico’s finest restaurants, tantalizing taco stands, and eclectic bars and cafes. If you love traveling for food then you will be in heaven upon arrival in Mexico City. We recommend you spend your time eating your way through Mexico City. And, if you have time, consider visiting some of Mexico’s most famed attractions such as the Frida Khalo Museum or the Bosque de Chapultepec before making your way to Teotihuacan on one of the best road trips in Mexico.

Teotihuacan is Mexico’s most famed and visited ruins located just an hour outside of Mexico City. Visit the Pyramid of the Sun and walk down the Avenue of the Dead. Just remember to bring plenty of water as the Mexican sun can be a bit relentless.

After walking around the ruins of Teotihuacan, I imagine you’ll be a bit thirsty. If so, your next stop should be Mexico’s second-largest wine-producing region just outside of Querétaro. From Tequisquiapan, embark on the Querétaro wine and cheese route . Sample local wines and cheeses as you continue your way on your foodie adventure on this Mexico road trip.

From here make your way to the charming town of Bernal , home to Mexico’s largest monolith. You might be wondering what a monolith is, but trust me you are not alone. A monolith is a solid stone and you cannot miss it upon arrival in Bernal. Spend a night drinking cervezas on a terrace, eating yummy gorditas, and marveling at the grandeur of the rock.

Next, you will make a quick pit stop in Querétaro before your final descent into San Miguel de Allende. Descending into this charming town in central Mexico is like entering a fairy tale. The cobbled stone streets, colorfully painted houses, and stunningly beautiful cathedral all give the feeling of a dream.

The main reason to visit San Miguel de Allende outside of being a picturesque town is to indulge in the delectable food scene that has emerged due to the influx of international tourists and snowbird retirees. Even if you are not a retiree and are on a bit of a budget , there are plenty of places to enjoy.

San Miguel de Allende is the perfect place to end your road trip through Central Mexico!

6. Discover Tequila in Jalisco and the Beaches of the Riviera Nayarit

Total distance = 467 kilometers (290 miles).

The state of Jalisco is located on the north Pacific coastline of mainland Mexico. It is home to the second-largest metropolis in Mexico, Mexico’s largest export, tequila, and nearby Nayarit is home to some of the most stunning beaches in all of Mexico. While you probably can do this Mexico road trip in one week, we recommend two because Mexico’s beaches are simply stunning.

Our time on the Riviera Nayarit was our first glimpse at how great the beaches of Mexico really were. It is where we celebrated our birthdays (for Eddie the BIG 3-0). Where we fell in love with the Pacifico beer. And where we ate some of the best tacos in all of Mexico! Jalisco and Nayarit are two of our favorite states in Mexico, and I am sure you will love every minute of your Mexican road trip here!

Jalisco and Nayarit Road Trip Highlights

A road trip through Jalisco and Nayarit starts in none other than the capital of Guadalajara where the old world meets the new world. Guadalajara is Mexico’s second-largest city and is dubbed the Silicon Valley of Mexico. Here you will find tech companies alongside historic buildings such as the Guadalajara Cathedral. Catch a football (soccer) game and root on one of Mexico’s most popular and successful teams in the league.

Next, you will venture out to Ajijic, the next retiree haven after San Miguel de Allende . Ajijic is nestled on the shore of Lake Chapala, Mexico’s largest freshwater lake. Here you can explore the area with one of the nearby hiking trails, take a dip in a relaxing hot spring, and simply enjoy the laid-back atmosphere of the Mexican culture.

After relaxing in Ajijic, it is on to the party in Tequila. Tequila , the birthplace of Mexico’s most famous export, is a charming colonial town just an hour outside of Guadalajara. No trip to Jalisco would be complete without stopping here to taste Mexico’s most famous export in its origin. A host of nearby distilleries arrange tours and tastings from mom-and-pop shops such as Tres Mujeres to large-name brands such as Jose Cuervo at La Rojeña Distillery.

Don’t forget to pick up a few bottles to go as you continue on this Mexican road trip to the beautiful coastline of Jalisco and Nayarit.

Once at the beach, it is all relaxation, surfing, eating, and drinking. What else could you want out of a beach holiday? The beaches here are beautiful and you won’t want to end your holiday any time soon once you finally get to sink your toes into the soft white sand of San Pancho or grab a Pacifico from one of the beach bars lining Sayulita .

So what do you say? Does a Jalisco road trip sound interesting to you?

Three to Four Weeks Mexico Road Trips

To truly explore the diversity of Mexico, you need to travel slowly. With small beach towns, local communities, beautiful nature, and delicious food, the range of things to do and explore in Mexico is endless. We traveled through Mexico for over seven months and left still wanting more. If you have the time (and the resource), spending a month in Mexico will be one of your favorite trips of all time. I guarantee it with these iconic three to four weeks Mexican road trips.

7. Explore the Diversity of an Oaxaca Road Trip

Total distance = 1,334 kilometers (829 miles).

The state of Oaxaca was one of our favorite places to explore during all of our road trips in Mexico. Whether it be the rugged coastline of Oaxaca, the arts and food scene of its state capital, or the warmth of the local rural mountain towns, Oaxaca kept surprising us. We spent over two months exploring this amazing state. While we may not be experts, we think we know just enough to ensure your road trip, holiday, or whatever it may be will be amazing.

Oaxaca Road Trip Highlights

Start your Oaxacan adventure in the food and arts scene of the city of Oaxaca . This small but diverse city is one of our favorite destinations in all of Mexico. Visit a local gallery, dine at one of their many delicious restaurants and drink mezcal all night long! All before you have even really scratched the surface of what Oaxaca has to offer. And don’t forget about one of the many ancient ruins nearby the city of Oaxaca. Consider visiting Monte Alban or Yagul to learn about the indigenous people of the state of Oaxaca.

After the city of Oaxaca, head out to one of the local communities for some nature exploration. Santiago Apoala and Pueblos Mancomunados are ecotourism communities that are a glimpse into what it is like to live in rural Oaxaca. This is also a great way to get active on holiday as there are many hiking trails to explore the natural landscapes of Oaxaca.

Next, it is time to hit the coast and visit some of Mexico’s best beaches. The beaches of Oaxaca are just as diverse as the state itself. Whether you want to visit the remote, desolate white sand beaches of Playa San Diego or if you want to be in the thick of things at Playa Zicatela in Puerto Escondido, or if you prefer a laid-back setting with all of your creature comforts like Mazunte and Zipolite, Oaxaca has it all.

If we have told you enough to pique your interest, then you are in luck! There are so many more amazing places to visit, beaches to explore, and things to do in Oaxaca. To find out more check out our one-month Oaxaca itinerary and start planning your Oaxaca Mexico road trip today!

8. Oaxaca to Chiapas, Combining Two of Mexico’s Greatest and Most Diverse States on a Mexico Road Trip

Total distance = 1,109 kilometers (690 miles).

Combine the best of both worlds with a trip to both Oaxaca and Chiapas, two of our favorite Mexican states. Rich in history, arts and culture as well as teeming with an abundance of natural beauty, you will be spoiled with things to do on this Mexican road trip and should easily plan a full month to truly be able to experience everything on offer here.

Highlights of an Oaxaca to Chiapas Road Trip

Begin your Oaxaca to Chiapas road trip with the arts, cultural and culinary scene in Oaxaca City, the state’s capital. You can easily spend a week in Oaxaca wandering the cobbled streets, visiting art galleries, exploring nearby ancient ruins, eating outstanding Oaxacan food, tasting mezcal, and more. As you have already read in our highlights of an Oaxaca road trip, the list of things to do in the state’s capital is endless.

After exploring all that the state’s capital has to offer, this self-drive Mexico adventure takes you south towards the stunning coastline but first stopping at the gorgeous mountain town of San Jose del Pacifico . Known for its hongos magicos (or psychedelic mushrooms), it is all about going back to nature in San Jose. There isn’t much to do here but simply relax and enjoy the nature that abounds for a few nights before continuing onward to the Oaxacan beaches.

Oaxaca is known for having some of the best beaches in Mexico so you will want to make sure you spend quality time here. We recommend visiting the beaches of Mazunte, San Agustinillo, and Zipolite as part of this epic road trip. These beaches are roughly 10 kilometers apart and are easily accessible when exploring the area. If you would rather enjoy a bit of surfing during your time in Oaxaca, it is best to extend your trip further north to the popular surfing beaches of Puerto Escondido.

Mazunte, San Agustinillo, and Zipolite and recognizable by their lush, jungle-clad headlands, brilliant blue waters, and laid-back lifestyle. Here you will have vegan cafes, trendy bars, and bohemian cafes, all with a bit of a Mexican flair. Zipolite is also Oaxaca’s nude beach, just remember to lather up on sunscreen.

After a few relaxing days on these three iconic beaches, explore the lesser-known Playa San Agustín Huatulco . On the edge of one of Oaxaca’s protected national parks, it is a great place to be a bit local. Here you won’t find many (if any) modern conveniences, but a true Mexican beach town. Hire a boat from Don Taco and explore the beautiful bays of Huatulco National Park for stunning, unspoiled beaches.

After visiting Playa San Agustín Huatulco, it is time for a bit of driving to reach the state capital in Chiapas. If you have camping gear or are traveling by van, you can also stop at one of our favorite beaches in Oaxaca, Playa San Diego. Down a dirt track and past a few farmlands, you will find this stunning, desolate beach. You won’t find anything here so being self-sufficient here is key. No hotels, restaurants, or stores. Just kilometers and kilometers of unspoiled beaches, headlands, and peacefulness.

If you aren’t self-sufficient, this leg of the journey will be long as you drive from the beaches in Oaxaca to Tuxtla Gutiérrez. Chiapas is widely known for its outdoor adventures which is evident even in the state’s capital. The great Sumidero Canyon sits at the doorstep of Tuxtla and is easily one of the best things to do in Chiapas .

The outdoor adventures don’t end in Tuxtla with the Aguacero Waterfall and La Venta River Canyon in the nearby Ocote Biosphere Reserve, the mighty El Chiflon Waterfall just two hours away, and the cave network of the Cascada El Chorreadero just 30 minutes away. Tuxtla is a great place to base yourself for a few days to explore these great natural wonders in Chiapas.

Your last stop on this Oaxaca to Chiapas road trip is none other than the beautiful San Cristobal de las Casas. A town in Mexico quickly making a name for itself, San Cristobal de las Casas is on the rise in popularity for expats and retirees. Its cool climate and laid-back lifestyle are only a few of the reasons many people are starting to call this place home.

Outside of the charming city itself, the small town of San Cristobal is also becoming a culinary destination and gastronomic hub similar to San Miguel de Allende and the city of Oaxaca. Take a few days to enjoy the international flavors in San Cristobal de las Casas to celebrate this amazing road trip through two of Mexico’s most diverse states.

9. The Yucatan Peninsula Long Loop

Total distance = 1,400 kilometers (870 miles).

As we already mentioned, the Yucatan Peninsula is a popular tourist destination. While it has risen in fame for spring break parties, there is more to see and do in the Yucatan Peninsula than to party in Cancun. To truly experience all the Yucatan has to offer, you need at least three weeks on this Mexican road trip through the Yucatan Peninsula.

Highlights of the Yucatan Peninsula Long Loop

The Yucatan Peninsula long loop follows the journey of the Yucatan Peninsula short loop to Tulum. From here, this Mexico road trip continues further south to the popular, yet stunning Bacalar. A small village on the shores of Lake Bacalar, the drawcard for visiting here is the brilliant hues of the lake. Known as Lagoon of Seven Colors, its blue and turquoise hues will transfix you immediately upon arrival.

The best thing to do in Bacalar is to relax. To spend your day lazily in a hammock overlooking the incredible beauty of the lake and pinch yourself every few hours to remind yourself that the beauty is real and you aren’t dreaming. Outside of simply enjoying life, other things to do in Bacalar include visiting one of the nearby cenotes or ruins, kayaking on the lagoon, grabbing a pint at the new cervezaria, and, of course, dining on Mexican food!

After relaxing in Bacalar, continue your journey inland into the wild jungle of the Yucatan Peninsula to Calakmul, one of the most powerful cities in the region during the Mayan period. Due to its location, Calakmul is one of the lesser-visited ruins on the Yucatan Peninsula which is a great reason in itself to visit. With fewer crowds to contend with, you will be able to better imagine life in Calakmul in the past compared to other ruins which may be a bit more crowded (like the ones closer to Cancun).

After soaking in the history lesson of Calakmul, get off the beaten path in the small and charming port town of Campeche . Perhaps it is the pack of tourists, colorful streets, or ancient walled city that make visiting Campeche worth it. but we recommend spending at least one night here.

After Campeche, head north towards Merida for your chance to see the flamingos in Mexico . Before traveling through the Yucatan Peninsula, we had no idea there were even flamingos here to see. I am not sure if it is their bright pink feathers, their lanky legs, or the fact that they sleep with one leg up that makes seeing flamingos fun, but we definitely recommend visiting them while in Merida.

Next, head onward towards Valladolid famous for cenotes and ruins which you would also visit on a short loop of the Yucatan Peninsula before continuing onward to the windy, fishing village of El Cuyo . Relatively unknown on the tourist circuit, El Cuyo reminds me of what Tulum must have been 20 years ago. Dirt roads connect family inns, cafes, and seafood restaurants. The wind, swept beaches are perfect for kitesurfing.

It is one of the most authentic Mexican beach towns that we have visited in all of Mexico and one we recommend you visit before the secret is out.

10. The Ultimate Mexico Road Trip: North to South

Last but not least on our list of the best Mexico road trips is an adventure from top to bottom. If you can’t choose between the Mexico road trips that we have designed, then we reckon you should just do them all. We recommend at least six months (which is the entire time you can be in Mexico on a tourist visit) to travel the entire country. Traveling the entire country of Mexico from top to bottom is an unforgettable experience and one that you are sure to enjoy.

Each of Mexico’s states has something unique to offer and taking the time to explore each and every one (or as many as you can following travel advisory warnings) is something to behold. Getting off the beaten path in Mexico opens up your eyes to the beauty of Mexican culture, food, and people.

We only spent seven months driving through Mexico but would have spent a lot more time if COVID had not struck sending us back to Australia. We love Mexico and a road trip through Mexico from top to bottom, we think, is the best way to see all there is to see in this fantastic place.

What about van life in Mexico?

Find out all you need to know to start your own van life adventure in Mexico with this ultimate list of FAQs!

Renting a Car in Mexico

Renting a car in Mexico is straightforward and similar to renting a car anywhere else in the world.

How to Rent a Car in Mexico

All of the big names in car rental companies (Hertz, Eurocar, Avis, Budget) operate out of the international airports in Mexico. To rent a car, however, most companies require you to be 25 or older although the Budget website lists 18+ drivers as acceptable. You also need a valid driver’s license from your home country plus an international driver’s license if your license is not in English or Spanish. And don’t forget about insurance. Third-party insurance is compulsory in Mexico even when renting a car.

Do I Need an International Drivers’ License in Mexico?

No. An international driver’s license is not required for driving in Mexico if your license is in Spanish or English . If your license is not in one of these two languages, you will need to obtain an international driver’s license prior to visiting Mexico. It is important to remember that your international driver’s license is only valid when presented with your valid regular driver’s license.

Driving From the USA to Mexico

Visiting Mexico from the United States with your own vehicle or with a US rental car is incredibly easy. The United States shares 48 border crossings (Wikipedia) with Mexico, however, many of these borders are listed in areas that government agencies deem “high risk” due to crime. Make sure to check your country’s travel advisory before deciding on where to cross the border.

Things to Remember When Driving in Mexico

Is driving in Mexico the same as driving in the US? Sort of.

Driving in Mexico is not markedly different from driving in the United States (or any other place), however, there are a few key things you should consider when planning a road trip through Mexico.

Drive on the Right Side

Driving in a foreign country comes with many challenges, but the first is knowing which side of the road to drive on. In Mexico, this is on the right side .

Watch Out for Topes

The thing to watch out for the most when driving in Mexico is topes. Topes are Mexico’s version of speed bumps, however, in Mexico, you usually won’t notice them until it is too late.

Don’t Drive at Night

Following along from the above, it is recommended not to drive at night. Not only are topes almost impossible to see, but crime is more prevalent once nighttime falls.

Hoy No Circula

If you plan on driving in Mexico City there are special rules for what days you are allowed to be on the road and when under the government rules “Hoy No Circula”.

Is it safe to drive in Mexico?

All your questions answered about driving in Mexico from real-life experience in our guide on safety in Mexico.

With these ten best road trips in Mexico, you are sure to find the perfect Mexico holiday! Enjoy Mexico and when in doubt… drink tequila!

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From a small town in the USA, I had my first taste of travel when I was 17. Since then, I have traveled to over 80 countries and every continent bar Antarctica. I love to experience new places, cultures, and food. While you may occasionally find me in popular tourist destinations, I tend to gravitate to up-and-coming destinations, hidden gems waiting to be uncovered.

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I want to goooo! I’ve been to Mexico 5 times but still haven’t explored Chiapas and Oaxaca. Where is that first photo from, by the way? It looks beautiful!

The cover photo is Chiapas and the first photo Oaxaca! Two of our favorite places in Mexico!

Wow, I’ve been reading a lot about Mexico and didn’t thought I could do road trips! Now, when I visit Mexico, I should try these. Thanks!

We highly recommend road tripping Mexico! So many off the beaten path places you can explore!

I like Mexico. It is so interesting and the food is just fabulous. And I like road trips cause you see places you wouldn’t ordinarily see. Thanks for a great post. I’m looking forward to getting back to Mexico one day.

We couldn’t agree more!

I’ve always wanted to go to Mexico! These road trips look great 🙂

Road tripping Mexico is definitely the way to go! So many more places you can explore!

Oh wow – i never thought to road trip Mexico.. but now i will have to! Sounds amazing!

Me either until we did it! Highly recommend!

Ooh, I loved our Querétaro road trip, but I’ll have to try some of the others you’ve detailed here! Oaxaca sounds amazing to me!

Oaxaca was probably our favorite state that we visited in Mexico. Highly recommend!

Mexico is such a beautiful country and I totally need to see more of it. This is a great article and I will definitely be keeping it handy for the future. 🙂

I agree, as an American, I always wanted to go somewhere else further away, but after spending 6 months in Mexico I cannot wait to go back!

Mexico is on my list for some time so I am bookmarking this for the future.

Yes! We LOVED Mexico! There are soooo many great places to visit!

Mexico has always been on my list. And this post is very useful as I can add these places to my itinerary if I can. I would love to visit Mexico soon after this virus thing is over.

We highly recommend Mexico! We were bummed COVID cut our trip a bit short!

So many amazing places to see in Mexico. I travelled through the Yucatán in Feb so I’m itching to see other parts of Mexico.

Yes, so many places! We were there for over 6 months and barely scratched the surface!

I really need to visit Mexico soon, and these road trips all look incredible!

We highly recommend!

Bobo and ChiChi

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A Perfect 3-Day Yucatan Road Trip Itinerary

Tulum Beach from above

Looking for the perfect Yucatan road trip itinerary great for a getaway from winter weather? Craving eternal sunshine – or at least sunshine that lasts as long as you’re on vacation? Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula is a great destination. You can lay on the beach, unplug from the world in an all-inclusive resort, explore the relics of seemingly-forgotten history, and experience natural wonders you won’t find elsewhere. 

This area of Mexico is best explored as an independently planned Yucatan road trip, which can last 3-5 days based on the destinations below.

You can easily extend your time in any of the cities or towns, peppering in day excursions as you see fit, be sure to see our favorite places to visit in the Yucatan too to add on to your road trip in the Yucatan.

Read on to discover which stops to add to your own Yucatan road trip itinerary.


If you already don’t have a car for your starting point we recommend  renting a car in advance on Expedia.

You can get your rental at Cancun Airport and start and end your Yucatan road trip itinerary here.

We also recommend getting travel insurance for this trip. Many travel insurance plans also cover  Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) coverage up to $35,000.

Road Trip Yucatan (3-5 days)

Boat floating in clear waters in Tulum

In a minimum of 3 days, you can explore quite a lot of the Yucatan. For a 3 day Yucatan road trip, here’s the itinerary I recommend: 

  • Day 1: Cancun, Chichen Itza, Ik Kil Cenote 
  • Day 2: Valladolid 
  • Day 3: Tulum, Rio Secreto 

If you have more time, extend your time in each of the cities (Cancun, Valladolid, and Tulum) to get a deeper immersion! Let’s explore each recommended stop individually, so you know what you’ll experience on your road trip around the Yucatan. 


Thatched roof hut overlooking pond at Moon Palace Cancun

Cancun is Mexico’s primary Spring Break destination, and most of the city caters to the tourist crowd who want nothing more than a few days in an all inclusive resort and/or laying on the beach drinking a lot of fruity drinks. 

Cancun is working hard to show travelers there’s more to the city than sprawling resorts and towering hotels. But, if that’s what you want to enjoy in Cancun, that’s totally okay. That’s why I’ve been to Cancun (twice!), but on my second trip, I made sure to explore beyond the resorts and tourist traps, which inspired this Yucatan road trip itinerary.

Resources for visiting Cancun: 

When I have visited Cancun, I stay at Moon Palace, which is photographed above. You can read more about my experience here. All-inclusive starting at $700 per night. 

Chichen Itza 

Chichen Itza pyramid in Yucatan Mexico

One of the great wonders of the world, Chichen Itza is a must-see, no matter how long your trip is or your Yucatan itinerary. 

Dating back to 600-1200 AD, Chichen Itza is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It’s a fantastic estate of Mayan ruins including the dominant El Castillo, the ball courts, temples, and more. Most people could easily spend at least a half-day exploring Chichen Itza, since there’s more to the sprawling complex than it seems.

Be sure to bring plenty of water and sunscreen, as most of the area is unshaded and the sun can be blazing even during the cooler winter months in other parts of the world. 

Resources for visiting Chichen Itza: 

Visiting Chichen Itza is a great half-day trip, or a full day experience if you have the time. Admission to Chichen Itza, including the museum, is 614 pesos ($35 USD) for adults.

Parking is 60 pesos (~$3.50 USD) per car. 

See some great tips for visiting Chichen Itza as well as more Mayan Ruins to explore on your road trip in Yucatan.

Ik Kil Cenote 

Ik-Kil-Cenote in-the-Yucatan-Peninsula-in-Mexico

If there’s one defining feature of the Yucatan Peninsula, it’s the cenotes that dot the landscape. These natural sinkholes have formed in the limestone, and are now stunning places to swim and scuba dive in the region. 

The most famous and visited cenote is Ik Kil, a short drive from Chichen Itza and easy to squeeze in your Yucatan itinerary since you’re already going here.

Increasingly developed, Ik Kil cenote is 200ft wide and 13 ft deep – but the dark water suggests deeper, more mysterious depths. You can visit Ik Kil, change in the dressing rooms, and descend to the water level plus a few diving platforms carved into the stone. 

Be prepared for crowds, as many bus tours stop here during the course of day trips on the Yucatan. The best times to visit and avoid crowds are around 10 am (before the lunch rush) or after 4:30 pm (once most buses are headed back to Cancun/Tulum). 

Resources for visiting Ik Kil Cenote: 

Admission to Ik Kil Cenote is 200 Pesos (~$10 USD) .

Ik Kil Cenote is a 10-minute drive from Chichen Itza, so it’s easy to experience both on the same day. 

Be sure to also see the best cenotes in Mexico to avoid crowds and tips on how to visit too!

Cenotes require not wearing any harmful perfumes or chemicals that could disrupt the local ecosystem, you will want to make sure you wash off any sunscreen before entering the cenotes.


Megan in the Suytun Cenote in Valladolid

Valladolid, a town often overlooked or passed through when most people explore this area, is a perfect stop for a night or two during your road trip in the Yucatan. The crossroads of several highways, there are several sights to see. 

If you enjoy history, a stop at the Convent of San Bernardino de Siena is a must. Explore the beautiful old church, grounds, and former convent.

The Cathedral of San Gervasio is another religious site worth exploring, with a beautiful design that makes it one of the city’s top tourist destinations. There are also several cenotes in the area if you haven’t gotten your fill of this unique Yucatan experience. 

There are more stunning cenotes here including the picture-perfect Suytun Cenote photographed above.

Resources for visiting Valladolid: 

Stay in the heart of the city, near the Parque Francisco Canton. Some great choices include El Mesón del Marqués or the adobe-style Casa Tia Micha . 

Like other destinations in Mexico, one of the best times of year to visit Valladolid is in  November for Dia de Muertos. The opposite shoulder season in May is also good. 

See all the best things to do in Valladolid too including more incredible cenotes!


Tulum Ruins overlooking the beach

In the past few years, Tulum has become increasingly popular for long term travelers who set up on the Caribbean coast for a few weeks, snapping Instagram shots and riding bikes through this laid-back town. When you see a few pictures, it’s not hard to see what’s drawing them in: 

White sand, lush green tropical forest, blue skies, and stony grey Mayan ruins are the main draws plus the nearby Coba Ruins.

Book a day or two relaxing in Tulum if you have the time; you’ll feel wonderfully disconnected from the consumer-oriented style of Cancun, despite how much Tulum has changed in the past decade. You can sample the local flavors and dishes at some of Tulum’s popular restaurants and taquerias. 

If you’re making a loop on your road trip in Yucatan, you’ll end by driving north back to Cancun. En route back to the Cancun airport, you can also stop at the seaside town of Playa del Carmen.

This is another picturesque Yucatan town that increasingly draws American visitors but still has holes-in-the-wall and local experiences if you seek them out.

Resources for visiting Tulum: 

If you’re traveling sans kids, opt for one of the adults-only beachfront boutique resorts, like Dune Boutique Hotel Tulum . You’ll be close to the main road to town, and also able to escape the hustle and bustle.

See all the best things to do in Tulum to make sure you don’t miss anything.

The most popular attraction in Tulum is the ruins, which draw travelers from around the region. Learn more and plan your trip on the Tulum Ruins website . 

Rio Secreto 


There are a number of tourist attractions along the coastal road between Tulum and Cancun. One worth stopping for is Rio Secreto , which allows you to enter one of the peninsula’s famous underground rivers. Carved over the millennia, these fantastic cave systems are home to fish who’ve never seen daylight, tarantulas, and stunning rock formations. 

Plan at least a half-day to spend at Rio Secreto, and opt for a private VIP tour of the cave system. Though even non-VIP group tours take routes that make you feel like you have the whole cave system to yourself, an expert guide will ensure you experience the wonder of this natural formation – and guide you safely out at the end. 

Afterward, don’t forget to try the Mayan liqueur Xtabentún, offered at the end of the tour. If you can manage the strong, anise-flavored drink, it apparently proves your bravery. I personally felt that surviving the cave system proved my own bravery well enough!

Resources for visiting Rio Secreto: 

Learn more about Rio Secreto and book through the official tour operator on their website . 

Tours start from $89 per person for adults and $44.50 for children (must be aged 4 or older). 

Rio Secreto is roughly 75-minutes drive from Cancun, or 45 minutes from Tulum. 

Planning Your Yucatan Road Trip 

Coba Ruins near Tulum in Mexico

No matter how long you have – or what you want to experience, your road trip in the Yucatan Peninsula is going to be amazing in an underrated road trip destination. You can mix and match the destinations listed above, or leave spare time to explore on your own and make new discoveries. 

If you do have extra time, be sure to check out destinations like the capital of the Yucatan Peninsula and explore all the best things to do in Merida.

Another great destination to explore are all the best things to do in Campeche , one of the most colorful destinations in the Yucatan or if you want a sleepy destination with incredibly blue water, check out the best things to do in Bacalar .

About the Author

Valerie Stimac Bailey of Valerie & Valise grew up in Alaska, so it’s no surprise she loves sharing stories from there and the rest of the American West. On her blog, you can find resources to have unforgettable experiences throughout the western U.S. including California , Hawaii, and yes, The Last Frontier. 

Liked this road trip in the Yucatan itinerary? Bookmark for later or share the love below on Pinterest.



road trip 1 mois mexique

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10 days itinerary through Quintana Roo – Basic info

We know the Yucatán Peninsula is famous for its hotspots such as Cancun and Tulum, but this area of Mexico is so special that it is simply a pity to stay focused only on such famous hubs. If you are not a fan of all-inclusive resorts and are looking for a road trip itinerary in Quintana Roo that goes beyond the obvious path, exploring hidden gems from north to south,  THIS is the post for you.  During 10 days, we have explored the best of Quintana Roo and we have now summed it all up in this optimized and tailor-made road trip itinerary through the Riviera Maya. Come along!

On this itinerary we will guide you through our trip through Quintana Roo, exploring cenotes and natural locations that are often overlooked by tourists. You will go  from Holbox to Bacalar , saving a full day to explore one of the 7 Wonders of the World –  Chichen Itzá . We did not include Cancun in this trip but if this is something you would like to do, feel free to adapt our itinerary and add a couple of days to explore Cancun.

Ps:  This is a road trip itinerary, meaning that it has been optimized for people traveling by car like we did. It is entirely possible to follow the same itinerary using public transport, but please consider that you should save more time in this case since transit times will be longer if relying purely on buses because you will need to organize the schedule according to bus availability.

Read more:   Tips about renting a car in Mexico

Day 1: Arrival in Quintana Roo, Mexico

playa del carmen

If you are planning to travel through Quintana Roo, Mexico, the best airport to fly to is Cancun International Airport (CUN). It is quite a big airport, with direct flights to the USA, South America, and several European countries. Our suggestion is to  rent a car  right by the airport and head directly to  Playa del Carmen . This will be your base for days 1 through 5. We usually avoid changing hotels every day, but if you wish, you can split this stay between Playa del Carmen and Tulum to experience a bit of both places.

Since we were with the rental car, we decided to stay in Playacar for comfort. Here are two accommodation options in this area:

  • Esquina de la Felicidad de Playacar  (budget-friendly option)
  • Casa Pili  (+comfort)

Check other accommodations in  Playa del Carmen  and  Tulum .

Playa del Carmen has less charm and is more touristic and affordable while Tulum holds a status of being more alternative and cooler, even if it is nonetheless full of tourists. We picked Playa because of the  convenience  to stay next to the big roads and to take advantage of the  cheaper prices.

The drive from Cancun Airport to Playa del Carmen takes only 1h. To compensate for the long flight day, take the time to get settled nicely, explore a bit the neighborhood, and go out for a nice dinner –  maybe even have some tequila to start tasting a bit of Mexico!

Day 2: Cenote hunting + ruins in Tulum

cenote dos ojos tulum mexico

Rise early because the 2nd day of this Quintana Roo Itinerary is full of activities! For the morning, we recommend exploring some cenotes on the way between Playa del Carmen and Tulum. We recommend  Cenote Azul  and  Cenote dos Ojos , both located between the two cities and easily accessible by car.

Head to Tulum for a quick lunch and, in the afternoon, visit the Tulum Ruins. We took a self-guided tour but you will also be able to join group tours right at the entrance – however, we recommend booking in advance. After exploring, you can enjoy the end of the day by the beach in Tulum and head back to Playa del Carmen just in time for dinner.

Read also:   7 Best Cenotes in Riviera Maya

Day 3: Visit Chichen Itzá and surrounding cenotes

road trip quintana roo

This is one of the most exciting days of the trip because you will visit one of the 7 Wonders of the Modern World!!! Chichen Itzá is a “must go” place when traveling through the Yucatán Peninsula, not only for its historical importance but also because it is a really interesting and impressive monument.

Wake up early because the drive to Chichen Itzá is a bit long. We aimed to get there a bit before the gates opened to be one of the first ones inside and it was perfect. We strongly recommend  getting a guided tour  (we got a private guide for our family of 4) so you don’t miss out on any of the information and curiosities.

The tour lasts around 4h and, around lunchtime, you will be wanting to leave as the midday sun gets tougher. Head to Cenote Ik Kil, located within the same property, for some relaxing time and a cold ice cream. After gathering your strengths, there are three more cenotes we recommend visiting on the way back to Playa del Carmen: Cenote Samulá, Cenote Xkeken, and Cenote Suytun.

You can book an All-inclusive tour on Get Your Guide!

Day 4: Enjoy the beaches in Tulum and have fun at Park Xenses

best itinerary quintana roo

To make up for the previous long day, we recommend taking some time to recover your energies and that is why we have planned a very chill and fun time for this 4th day of our Quintana Roo Itinerary.

For the morning, we recommend visiting  Park Xenses  for some adult and family fun time. The entire region of Riviera Maya is famous for its theme parks, but most of them have activities that aim for families and children. However, Park Xenses is an exception. Their goal is to provide activities that play with our basic senses and, boy, they do it well! It was specially designed for adult entertainment and it offers fun for everyone! We spent a whole morning at the park and had so much fun, we left with our bellies aching.

For the afternoon,  head down to Tulum  and spend some quality time by the beach. For more comfort and structure, you can go to one of the beach clubs by the left corner of the beach. If you prefer more private and secluded locations, we recommend going to  Caleta Tankah  – it is paid but the ticket allows you access to the beach and a private cenote. It is truly one of our favorite beaches in Mexico, so quiet and incredibly beautiful.

Day 5: Head to Bacalar & enjoy the sunset by the lagoon

travel guide bacalar mexico

Whether you chose to stay in Playa del Carmen or Tulum, now is the time to change cities and head down south to Bacalar. Known for having  “7 shades of blue” , Bacalar Lagoon is one of our favorite locations in Quintana Roo. The road down is quite safe, but make sure to fill up your tank before hitting the road.

Check into your accommodation, take a stroll around Bacalar, and enjoy the sunset on one of the decks by the lagoon. Here are our hotel suggestions in Bacalar:

  • BOA BOA Bacalar , for lovers of unique accommodations (a bit outside of the center)
  • La Galuna Bacalar , located right by the city center

Ps:  You might want to take the time to arrange a boat tour for the next morning.

Read more:  Complete Bacalar travel guide: accommodation, transport & more

Day 6 & 7: Explore the best of Bacalar

full travel guide bacalar

The next two days in this Quintana Roo Itinerary are fully dedicated to enjoying the best Bacalar has to offer. We recommend going on a boat tour, swimming in the cenotes, having fun on the rapids at Los Rapidos, paddling on sunrise, and even sailing! Bacalar may be a small village but the lagoon has so many attractions to offer!

Read more:   Best Attractions in Bacalar – Our top choices

Day 8: Drive to Holbox + rent a golf cart on sunset

road trip 1 mois mexique

This is the day you will put in most driving hours. Our recommendation is to  go straight from Bacalar to Holbox  – so the best approach is to wake up early to arrive on Holbox Island around lunchtime. Since our outbound flight departed from Cancun, it made more sense to finish the trip in Holbox than in Bacalar and it turned out to be the perfect destination for closing this amazing trip.

Holbox is a very laid-back island with amazing sunsets and very interesting attractions! It has a much different energy than Cancun or Tulum, which are considered big cities in comparison. The entire island of Holbox is made of sand streets, so you will spend a couple of days wearing only flip-flops and driving bikes around. Here are our accommodation recommendations in Holbox:

  • Hotel La Palapa , an adults-only beachfront hotel
  • Hotelito Villas Holbox , a budget-friendly alternative
  • Casa Las Tortugas , for lovers of unique accommodations

For this first day, we recommend  renting a golf cart  at the end of the day for a couple of hours to explore a bit the island and “get the feel of the land”. Mark down the places you would like to come back during the next day with a bit more time. We recommend watching the sunset at Punta Mosquito.

Read more:   Complete Holbox travel guide

Day 9 & 10: Explore the best of Holbox Island

traveling to holbox guide

We recommend spending at least two days in Holbox to make sure you have time for touristic activities and also to relax in a hammock by the beach. To make it easier for you to decide what attractions are worth visiting, we have put together a guide to the best things to do in Holbox below. A little spoiler: we strongly recommend  renting a bike for a day  and seeing the  bioluminescence  phenomena at night!

Read more:   10 Best things to do in Holbox, Mexico

Day 11: Head back to Cancun to fly out home

The logistics of the last day of the trip will depend on the time of your outbound flight. If flying in the morning, we recommend heading to Cancun the night before and sleeping in the city to avoid any surprises while driving from afar. However, our flight was only at night so we had a few spare hours to buy some souvenirs in “Mercado 28”.

Frequently asked questions on traveling in Mexico

This 10-day road trip itinerary has been carefully designed to fit some of the best locations in Quintana Roo. We feel that  10 days was a great trip duration  and allowed us to enjoy a lot while having some rest days. We strongly recommend it. However, there are some cities that were obviously left out of our itinerary such as Cancun. If you want to take some time to visit also Cancun (picture below) or other historical cities such as Merida or Izamal, the best thing to do would be to add some extra days. I would recommend around  3 days to explore Cancun and Isla Mujeres  and additional 2/3 days if you would like to add a visit to Merida and other surrounding cities.

Absolutely! Besides having some bad reputation in the past, we felt extremely safe while traveling to Mexico and exploring all the mentioned places. The people we met were extremely friendly and joyful. However, as always, we do advise you to take basic care and pay attention to your belongings while traveling, as you should do anywhere. Always have cash with you since many places and gas stations do not accept payment by card. Whenever buying something, especially in small shops, always negotiate and make sure you are getting a fair price and not an “overpriced-for-tourists” price. Learning a few Spanish words will take you a long way and make locals more sympathetic towards you. Make sure to get yourself traveling insurance,  check out the best options for you using this link .

The cost of traveling through Mexico will depend mostly on your travel style. It can be an expensive trip if you stay in high-end hotels and book only private tours. But if you travel independently as we did and aim to stay in smaller towns, you will find affordable accommodation and cheap entertaining activities. Just as a reference, the price for visiting most cenotes ranges around  1 5 0 MXN. Bus tickets are pretty cheap, but we advise you to be careful when taking a cab. Request one from a trusted company or through your hotel to make sure they are legal and always check the average price beforehand. Gas price was quite cheap, around 17,97 MXN per liter (in 2024 these prices are around 25 MXN per liter). The cost of food can also vary depending on the places you choose to eat. It can range from 20 MXN for a taco stand to more than 400 MXN for a nice restaurant.

The summer season is between June and August, which is usually known for being the rainy season. For this reason, summertime is a lower season for tourism. Prices are a bit lower around this time of the year, but we recommend adding some extra days to allow you some flexibility to rearrange the schedule in case you need to cancel some tours due to the weather. We traveled to Quintana Roo in December, which is technically winter time but we honestly could not tell. The weather was amazing, we got sunny days all trip long with the temperatures being quite stable at around 20-25C. The only downside of traveling around this time is that the highest season is between November and February, which makes things busier than usual. As a result, we recommend booking tours and accommodations in advance to make sure you get decent prices and reserve your spot.

Here is some more inspiration for activities you can do on this trip:

Organizing your trip

To help you plan your trip to Mexico, we have put together our favorite planning resources: 

  • Flights : Get affordable flights to Mexico on  Skyscanner.com . 
  • Travel insurance : Make sure you are protected during your trip. We use  VisitorsCoverage  whenever we are traveling abroad. 
  • Renting a car : We always use  Discover Cars  to get the best car deals. 
  • Accommodation : Find the best hotels and apartments on  Booking.com . 
  • Activities : Get fun ideas of what to do and buy unique activities with  Get Your Guide.
  • SIM Card : Stay connected during your trip with  Airalo.

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Fernanda is the Brazilian half of Mauka. Originally from Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Fernanda is also part Italian. After having lived in several countries such as the Netherlands and the UK, she ended up moving to Slovenia with Edo. Traveling is her biggest passion and she is always looking for new places to explore - be it on another continent or a hidden hike close to home.

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The Wandering Quinn Travel Blog

1 Week Mexico Itinerary – Yucatán Road Trip Seeing A LOT in JUST 1 Week!

Categories Central America , Itinerary , Mexico

Want to know how to plan your Yucatán road trip with just 1 week in Mexico?? Here’s my exact Yucatan Peninsula itinerary where I visited 6 places in the Yucatán Peninsula, plus lots of Cenotes and yes, it did still feel like a holiday in Mexico!

Ideally, you would spend 2 weeks in Mexico on holiday, or even longer if you can, however sometimes, you can only get away for 1 week which is what happened to us and after seeing great flights to Cancun on Skyscanner we decided on Mexico which would be our first time in Mexico!

My husband loves hiring a car in new countries and I’d seen many of my blogger friends do a Yucatan road trip so I knew that it must be ok to drive in Mexico and it really was! The roads, at least in the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico, were generally really great and I’ll give more tips for driving in Mexico below!

We managed to visit Cancun, Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Valladolid, Chichen Itza, Isla Holbox and 4 different Cenotes on our 1 week Yucatan itinerary.

Yes, we did feel a bit tired and it was rushed, but that’s kind of the point of a road trip… to see a lot! And we wanted to see as much as we could on our Yucatán peninsula itinerary. We ended it perfectly by having a few relaxed island days in Isla Holbox which made us feel like we had a real holiday in Mexico!

Yucatán Road Trip

Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Find What You're Looking For Easily Here!

Why do a Yucatán road trip?

First, let’s touch on WHY you should do a Yucatán road trip and why choose the Yucatán out of everywhere in Mexico to visit.

For us, and probably for you, the draw to travelling to the Yucatán Peninsula of Mexico is Cancun Airport . Flights are often direct here from European Cities and because it’s on the most Eastern side of the country it’s the quickest place to get to from Europe , and North America!

Ready to look for flights?? I always use Skyscanner to search for my flights to find the cheapest & best dates and routes!

Another plus to visiting the Yucatán Peninsular is that the area is set up for tourism and that was a draw to us, especially with just one week in Mexico! We wanted to go somewhere we could visit many places in a short time without too much hassle and because tourism is so popular, this was definitely the case and our trip was full of ease.

The Yucatán Peninsular also offers so much . Many people may only know this area for the famous resort area of Cancun but there are so many incredible Beaches, Cenotes, Islands, Historic Sites and a range of accommodations. Plus, many of the hidden places in Mexico are here!

Oxman Cenote from above, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Finally, why a road trip around Yucatán ? If you are reading this post just to get a Mexico itinerary for 1 week but you’ll be using public transport, you can still follow this itinerary but relying on buses and tours does mean you might not be able to fit as much in and you will need to be more flexible with your time.

We decided to do a Yucatán Peninsular road trip because we’d seen that the roads are good for foreigners to drive on and navigate and it meant we could be flexible with where we visited, especially the Cenotes that are in what seems like the middle of no-where and we didn’t have to rely on tours.

Still need to book a flight??

I use Skyscanner to book all of my flights! I’m a huge fan of Skyscanner because I love how easy it is to compare different destinations and different dates for the best price and route!

For example, I type in ‘everywhere’ in the destination if I have fixed dates and want to find the best flights on those dates on Skyscanner .

And if I have a set destination I’ll look at the ‘month view’ to check the cheapest days to fly in that month!

Open Skyscanner by clicking here and search for the best flights as you read this post!

Driving in the Yucatán

Is it safe to drive in mexico.

We got on really well with driving in the Yucatán Peninsular!

I thought the driving in Mexico might be a bit crazy with limited signals and no attention to road markings like in many Asian and Arab countries, but at least in the Yucatan, locals drove well , there were so many signs and marking s that everyone paid attention to.

We used Google Maps the whole time on our phone and literally every journey time was exactly as predicated on Google Maps which was pleasantly surprising and made planning our Yucatan road trip easier!

We used Rental Cars to make our booking which searches all the top car hire companies. Search for car hire in Cancun from various pickup points here!

Roads in Yucatan Peninsular

All of the main roads, especially the road down the East Coast connecting Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Tulum , were straight, well-paved and easy to navigate.

We also found driving from Tulum to Valladolid a total breeze, again, it was a fairly straight main road.

We did take a detour when travelling from Chichen Itza to Chiquila which is the boat port to Isla Holbox so we could go to a Cenote. We ended up driving country roads but they were still well-paved with a lot of space.

In fact, there are a few funny things about driving in Mexico , locals use their hazard lights as a warning that the traffic was slowing down in front which sometimes was handy, and sometimes was totally unnecessary but we thought it was funny, and we saw lots of people driving with balloons and statues on their cars for a local holiday which was interesting to see!

main road from Cancun to Tulum, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Hiring a Car from Cancun Airport

After we had booked our hire car from Cancun Airport, I read on a few Yucatan travel blogs to be wary of the car hire places in Cancun Airport and to instead rent a car from a car hire place in the city , for us, it was too late to change but we did get in a bit of an annoying situation so now I understand what they mean!

We hired a car from MEX Rent a Car which I would avoid if I was you and instead I would stick to the main, well-known international companies like Hertz, Europcar, and Sixt .

White hire car from MEX, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Scams when hiring a car from Cancun Airport

In a nutshell, when we went to pick up the car, the lady was saying we need to purchase more insurance and that the insurance we had already purchased wasn’t enough. This did seem strange to us, especially as we have hired cars in many countries around the world and had never had this issue.

It also didn’t help that we didn’t have a local sim card and their office wifi wasn’t working so we couldn’t double check the booking. And, as my husband was trying to get internet from the airport terminal nearby the lady was telling me a story of a French tourist who knocked into someone and was now in prison because the insurance they had didn’t cover them…

Thankfully, just as we were about to hand over an extra $120 because we thought ‘ok it’s weird but better safe than sorry’, plus, the lady at this point literally wouldn’t let us take the keys without paying the extra , a Polish couple came into the office shouting saying they had been ripped off 2 weeks ago by being told they had to buy extra insurance which wasn’t the case and telling us to be careful!

So we said, ‘yeah we were thinking this is strange’ and they filled us in on what happened to them which was the same as what was happening to us.

Because they caused such a scene by saying we didn’t need the extra insurance, the lady went quiet and gave us the keys .. which proved she had been lying by saying the extra insurance was mandatory!

Thankfully, this was the only scam situation we had in Mexico , I know other scams in Mexico happen and we found the rest of the Yucatan Peninsular to be very safe and honest, but it was a shame it happened within our first few hours there!

So, I would recommend hiring a car from Europcar or Hertz or another company you are familiar with as we think these international companies will be less likely to do this scam than MEX.

Also, look at hiring a car from Cancun City ( check our Rental Cars from Cancun City here! ) if you can instead of Cancun Airport which may reduce the scams too!

Yucatán Itinerary

Ok, let’s get into our Yucatán road trip itinerary. Here is a quick overview of how to spend 1 week in Mexico based on our itinerary:

Day 0 – Fly into Cancun Airport, landing in the evening

Day 1 – cancun to tulum drive visiting playa del carman on the way & activities, day 2 – full day in tulum, day 3 – tulum to valladolid drive & cenotes on way, day 4 – chichen itza in the morning, visit cenotes & drive to chiquila to get boat to isla holbox.

  • Day 5 – Full Day in Isla Holbox Full Day
  • Day 6 – Full Day in Isla Holbox Full Day

Day 7 – Boat back to Chiquila, drive back to Cancun Airport

Isla holox beach and sea, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

1 Week Mexico itinerary

With 1 week in Mexico and 1 week in the Yucatan, you have to accept you can’t go everywhere !

We decided to do a bit of a circle to and from Cancun Airport . The furthest West we went was Chichen Itza… because we couldn’t visit the Yucatan and not visit this new Wonder of the World (and it was my final new wonder to visit actually!) and the furthest South was Tulum.

Although I would have loved to have visited Merida further West and Bacalar further South we just didn’t have time.

So I hope you find this a realistic one-week itinerary for Mexico because this is literally what we did and we loved it!

We landed early evening at Cancun Airport after leaving Manchester, UK in the morning. Be sure to check the best time to visit Cancun before planning this trip!

We didn’t hire the car when we landed because we thought it would be a waste of money paying for this day so instead, we got a taxi to our hotel The Westin Resort & Spa which wasn’t far away,

(However, we did get ripped off with the taxi price so in hindsight, it probably would have been worth paying an extra day for the car hire instead of taking 2 taxis to and from the airport!)

Because of the time difference, we were in bed by 9:00 pm which meant we were up with the sunrise the next day… which we actually loved!

If you want a budget place to stay really close to Cancun Airport , I found Villa Palmeras online which I nearly booked to end our trip.

We really liked staying at The Westin Cancun ! It’s right on the beach and it was a great place to wake up with the sunrise on our first day in Mexico! We got a room for a great price too, so I recommend checking out rooms at The Westin Cancun here for your trip!

The Westin Cancun pool and beach view, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

We took a taxi back to the airport, picked up the car for 9:00 am and started our drive out of Cancun to Playa del Carmen. Read above if you missed the part about Cancun Airport car hire scams!

There are so many places to visit in the Yucatan Peninsular and Playa del Carmen is one of the busier tourist coastal cities.

I don’t think Playa del Carmen is to everyone’s taste and from what we saw, it was too busy for us , but there are plenty of things to do in Playa Del Carmen !

One of the things we found is a skydive! When searching for skydives in Cancun, all we could see were skydives in Playa del Carmen so we booked this in for 12:00 with Skydrive Playa and got a great look of Playa del Carmen from the sky!

Ellie doing a skydive in Mexico, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

We had lunch in the city of Playa del Carmen although we weren’t really a fan of the city, and started the drive to Tulum which wasn’t too far away.

When driving from Cancun to Tulum , there are many small beautiful beaches and cenotes you can stop at, and that’s the plus of having a car and doing a Mexico road trip after all, so I do recommend looking into beaches near Playa del Carmen and beaches near Tulum!

living room at Suites at Treetops Tulum, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Accommodation in Tulum

There are many accommodation options in Tulum and many areas to stay in. I would recommend looking into where to stay in Tulum to see if the town or beach works best for you because Tulum is pretty big and places are not that close together.

We stayed in a newly built and up-and-coming area called Aldea Zama which is in-between the town and the beach area and we really liked it. We stayed at Suites at TreeTops Tulum . It wasn’t the best accommodation I’ve stayed in but it was nice and it was nice having our own little pool and lots of space. It was kind of like a villa.

Search for all hotels in Tulum on Booking.com here!

There are many things to do in Tulum ! We started our day by having breakfast at Botanica Garden Cafe ( google maps link here ) which had been recommended to me by a friend who had lived in Tulum and we really enjoyed it. I 100% recommend it to you too!

This is when we also realised just how far places are from each other in Tulum because this cool and hipster cafe is just in the middle of a residential street in the town!

botanica garden cafe Tulum, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Tulum reminded me of Canggu in Bali where things are quite far apart from each other, this was a real plus to having a car and not having to rely on taxis or bikes.

We then headed to one of the public beaches and chilled in a beach bar for a few hours.

Tulum has a section of beach with public beaches and another section with beach bars and you can only access the beach through the beach bar and being a paying customer.

For more cool places to eat in Tulum , check out Eat at Liefs , Tulum’s Vegan Van.

public beach in Tulum, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

In the afternoon, we headed to Cenote Casa in Tulum.

In hindsight, we could have gone to a better Cenote as this one was on the same level as the ground and wasn’t a great introduction to Cenotes in the Yucatan, so I recommend looking at other Cenotes near Tulum here !

Inside Casa Cenote near Tulum, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

We missed the Tulum Ruins in the end but they do look really good so if you are wondering what to do in Tulum, you can visit the ruins from the cliff edge and you can take a boat trip from one of the men on the public beaches where you can see the ruins from the water and go snorkelling!

This was a great day on our Yucatan Road Trip!

We had breakfast at a cafe in Aldea Zama which is the area we stayed for 2 nights in and it’s a cool part of Tulum with lots of places to eat! Matcha Mama in Tulum was on my Tulum bucket list so we stopped there before we left!

Ellie at Matcha Mama in Tulum with smoothie, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Then we set off to our first Cenote stop – Cenote Suytun !

One REALLY IMPORTANT THING TO NOTE here is that there is a time difference when travelling from Tulum to Valladolid because you are changing states from Quintana Roo to Yucatán. You GAIN AN HOUR which was actually really good for us because it gave us more time this day, but we did lose an hour the next day when driving to Isla Holbox which meant we were more rushed!

Cenote Suytun is very ‘instagrammable’ and is where people get the photo standing on a platform as you can see below.

inside Cenote Suytun, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

There are 2 Cenotes within the Cenote Suytun complex , you can swim in them both but we didn’t swim , we just walked in and got some photos as the water didn’t look great and wasn’t the ‘typical cenote’ I felt I had seen online and wanted to swim in.

Here’s more information on visiting Cenote Suytun , if you are doing this Mexico road trip with kids , I’d recommend coming here with them to swim!

Cenote Suytun from inside, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Our next stop was Cenote Oxman which we really enjoyed and I really recommend when looking for Cenotes near Valladolid on your Yucatan Itinerary.

One of the things I loved about the Cenotes in Yucatan is that they have lots of facilities which makes getting changed into swimwear and out of wet swimwear before you start back on your road trip journey easy, but the ones we saw were not too commercialised either.

Cenote Oxman feels like one of the ‘classic Cenotes’ you want to see when in Mexico , especially on a first-time visit. It’s pretty deep and you enter via lots of steps in the ground.

It was a rope swing which is really fun and plenty of space to swim.

Cenote Oxman colourful sign, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Many day tours go to Cenote Oxman, so I believe it can get busy , we were lucky and happened to go between a tour ending and another one arriving. We got there at about 3:00 pm.

Here’s a full guide for visiting Cenote Oxman .

Oxman Cenote from above, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

We then drove the short 15 minutes to our hotel in Valladolid , relaxed and then headed out to see the city.

I booked for us to stay the night in Valladolid because it’s the closest city to Chichen Itza .

The centre is only small but it’s so worth a visit and was a highlight to our 1 week in Mexico actually because it was the only time we saw what felt like a ‘real’ Mexican city with a plaza, church, lots of colourful buildings and lots of shops for locals.

Driving into Valladolid with colourful buildings, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Accommodation in Valladolid

Valladolid is only small and if you are just having a quick evening stop as we did, I think it’s nice to stay central so you don’t need to get back in the car to see the city.

We stayed at Hotel Colonial Zaci which was very central. It wasn’t the most impressive accommodation but it was comfortable, a great price, in a great location and it was nice to see inside a traditional building.

Search for more accommodation in Valladolid on booking.com here!

Chichen Itza opens at 8:00 am and all the advice I had read about visiting Chichen Itza was to get there early!

El Castillo Chichen Itza no crowds, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Again, doing a road trip around Mexico and having your own car is a huge benefit to ensuring you can miss day tour coach crowds which is why you should get to Chichen Itza early to get the least crowds!

We got there at 8:30 am and although it wasn’t too busy yet, it was pretty busy! We didn’t buy tickets in advance and the queue wasn’t too long.

Chichen Itza ticket prices in 2023, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Chichen Itza is one of the new wonders of the world and,it was my last wonder to complete and we had a great time!

This was a busy day for us on our Yucatan Peninsular itinerary because we knew we would lose an hour from the time difference crossing back into Quintana Roo and we needed to drive to the port for Isla Holbox and get the boat over so although we could have spent longer at Chichen Itza.

We only stayed about 2 hours and if you are following this exact 1 week in Mexico itinerary, I recommend the same!

Ellie at Chichen Itza, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Day Tours to Chichen Itza

If you are following this Mexico itinerary but you are relying on taking tours and public transport, here are some tours to Chichen Itza!

Chiquila is the port to get the boat to Isla Holbox, the drive from Chichen Itza to Chiquila is 3 hours although again, we lost an hour crossing the border into Quintana Roo so we decided to go to a Cenote on the way.

There are so many Cenotes near Chichen Itza and Cenotes near Valladolid it was hard to pick which one to go to on Google Maps but I finally decided on Cenote Xcanche and it was an amazing choice !

Visiting Cenote Xcanche from Chichen Itza did add a detour on our trip to Isla Holbox but we had time and it was well worth it!

Cenote Xcanche entrance, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Cenote Xcanche was really quiet and I can’t imagine many tour groups going. Although it felt like it was in the middle of nowhere, there were quite a few facilities. The complex also contains the Ek Balam Mayan ruins so if you have time, you can visit these too.

We really enjoyed swimming in this open-top cenote , it had a rope swing and a zip line for an extra cost over the top too! It’s another Cenote that’s great for kids! It was easily a highlight of our Yucatan road trip!

Cenote Xcanche from inside, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Afterwards, we still had a chunky 2.5-hour drive from Cenote Xcanche to Chiquila , but again, the roads in this part of Mexico are so good we found that the drive wasn’t too bad.

We parked up in Chiquila, handed over our keys to the parking company (more on this below), jumped on a ferry and we managed to just catch the end of the sunset when we arrived on Isla Holbox! Another huge highlight of my 1 week in Mexico!

Isla Holbox beach heart and sunset, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Where to park for Isla Holbox?

As we arrived in Chiquila, we saw lots of guys promoting their car parks . We decided to keep driving straight, right to the port and ticket offices and we found a car park called ‘Orange’ here. So many people drive to Chiquila and then get the boat to Isla Holbox so don’t worry about parking .

We then bought our ferry tickets. There are 2 companies with boats to Isla Holbox – Holbox Express and 9 Hermanos .

9 Hermanos runs on the hour and Holbox Express runs every half an hour.

9 Hermanos ferry times, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

When parking at Chiquila for Isla Holbox, you get charged per night . On our last day, we got the 6:00 am boat back to Chiquila and there was no one around to get our car until 7:00 am so if you plan to arrive back early or late , be sure to get timings or a contact number for someone so you can pick your car up.

The boat over to Isla Holbox is 30 minutes and we were greeted to island life by getting a golf cart taxi to our hotel… the only transport available on Isla Holbox.

parking in Chiquila for Isla Holbox, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Accommodation in Isla Holbox

We stayed at Villas Margaritas Holbox which was a great price and location.

The great thing about Isla Holbox is the range of accommodation at different prices. For example, you can stay in a cool hostel like Tribu Hostel or a 5* hotel like Aldea Kuká, a Luxury Eco Boutique Hotel for adults only .

Search for all accommodation options in Isla Holbox on Booking.com here! Remember, this is the holiday part of this intense 1 week Mexico itinerary!

If I was to visit again, I would opt for a beachside hotel because I found that along the main beach in Isla Holbox to get a sunbed you need to rent one for the day which is quite expensive, you can’t just buy a drink for example.

Plus, the sea and the beach are just so incredibly beautiful, it would be amazing to wake up and walk a few meters to see it!

  • Highly Rated Beachside Hotels in Isla Holbox are:
  • MADRE Holbox Apartments & Suites
  • Amaite Beach Hotel
  • Beach Guesthouse Holbox Apartments & Suites
  • Blue Holbox
  • Holbox Dream Beachfront Hotel
  • Casa Iguana Holbox – Beachfront Hotel

Isla holbox beach and sunbed view, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Day 5 & 6 – Full Day in Isla Holbox Full Day

There are many things to do in Isla Holbox . One of the most popular is swimming with Whale Sharks which is possible between late May and mid-September.

You can spend your days relaxing on the beach and partying at night , or you can fill your days with going out on boat day trips like this …

dolphin on Isla Holbox half day tour, Yucatan Road Trip, 1 week Mexico itinerary,

Initially, we planned to leave Isla Holbx on night 6 to get back to Cancun Airport for a midday flight at 12:00 on day 7 (which was annoying brought forward from 17:00),

However, after driving around Mexico for 1 week and realising that the journey timings of Google Maps were always right and the roads were so good , we decided to stay an extra night in Isla Holbox which I’m so glad we did!

We got the 6:00 am ferry back to the mainland . Did the 2-hour drive from Chiquila to Cancun Airport from 7:00-9:00 am which gave us a good 3 hours before we flew at 12:00 and everything did go to plan!

I hope my 1 week Mexico itinerary has helped you plan your own Yucatan road trip!

More of my travel posts you might like:

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Blog Voyage – Amoureux du Monde

Road Trip au Mexique : Itinéraire

itinéraire Mexique

Road Trip au Mexique – 15 jours

road trip au Mexique

Vous l’avez vu sur Instagram, notre récent road trip au Mexique a été pour nous une révélation. Nous sommes partis 15 jours en voyage au Mexique dans le Yucatan et le Quintana Roo , deux régions à l’est du pays. Le Mexique, c’est environ 4 fois la France ! Alors vous ne pourrez pas tout visiter en 2 semaines, il va falloir faire des choix difficiles.

road trip 1 mois mexique


Jour 3/4 : HOLBOX


Jour 6 : IZAMAL

Jour 7 : MERIDA

Jour 8/9 : VALLADOLID 

Jour 10 : BACALAR 


Avant de commencer à organiser votre road trip au Mexique , nous vous conseillons de commander une carte eSIM en amont afin d’avoir une connexion internet à tout moment. Premièrement, cela vous simplifiera vraiment la tâche si vous vous perdez ou si vous avez besoin d’une information. Aussi, ça vous évitera de vous faire arnaquer par des opérateurs locaux, comme ça a pu nous arriver… Et enfin, Holafly permet de conserver son numéro français pour rester joignable. Solution beaucoup plus pratique !

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Itinéraire Road Trip au Mexique

Voici l’itinéraire de notre road trip au Mexique , durant la première partie de notre voyage. On espère vous donner de bonnes inspirations quant à que faire dans le Yucatan. En 15 jours, nous avons fait 2 200 km sur des routes plutôt agréables. Sachez qu’il existe des péages au Mexique !

Pour les prix des locations de voiture et essence, rdv sur notre article Conseils Pratiques pour un Voyage au Mexique

✈️ Pour réserver votre billet d’avion au meilleur prix, rdv sur Ulysse

Nous vous recommandons de comparer les meilleures offres et réserver vos vols sur Ulysse. Si vous ne connaissez pas encore cette plateforme, nous avons écrit un article détaillé ici. Vous pouvez bénéficier de -10€ sur votre première réservation de billet d’avion sur Ulysse en vous inscrivant via notre lien !

voyage au Mexique

CANCUN – jour 1

Après une nuit à l’aéroport de Londres et 10h30 de vol, nous voilà enfin arrivés au Mexique ! Direction notre premier hôtel, le Live Aqua Beach Resort pour un peu de repos (oui, déjà!). On a d’ailleurs été reçus comme des stars, c’était trop mignon. Vous aviez autant aimé que nous la sculpture en riz pour les amoureux du voyage qu’ils avaient fait sur le lit (pour ceux qui l’ont raté, on vous met la photo).

Cancun, c’est un mélange entre Las Vegas et Miami : de grands buildings, des hôtels, des endroits pour faire la fête. Si vous voulez vous prélasser dans un giga resort et profiter d’une formule all-inclusive, c’est à Cancun que vous devez aller. Si ce n’est pas dans vos envies de voyage, nous pensons quand même qu’il est bien d’y passer 1 jour ou 2 pour admirer la démesure !

amoureux du monde


Après un lever de soleil magistral sur la plage de Cancun, direction l’embarcadère Puerto Juarez. Isla Mujeres est une petite île qui se situe à 25 Minutes à peine en bateau de Cancun. Nous avons été dans un hôtel plus que canon ( Icaco Island Village ), avec une décoration magnifique. Sur Isla Mujeres, il est possible de louer des voiturettes de golf pour se déplacer. C’est assez inédit et rigolo (500 pesos les 2h soit 23€).

Nous avons globalement été déçus d’Isla Mujeres. Nous nous attendions à une petite île paradisiaque, comme nous l’avions lu sur certains blogs. On nous avait pourtant vendu la Playa Norte, désignée comme faisant partie des top 10 des plus belles plages au monde. Nous nous sommes vite rendus compte que le phénomène du tourisme de masse était passé par là: pas de plages vierges (des transats et des beach clubs partout) et de très rares accès à la mer. C’est très frustrant car les nuances de bleus qui bordent l’île sont incroyables mais les accès ont été privatisés par les hôtels, restaurants ou villas secondaires. Si vous recherchez de l’authenticité, n’allez pas à Isla Mujeres. En revanche, l’ambiance en soirée dans le petit centre-ville est très sympa et chaleureuse.

➳ Le ferry nous a coûté 300 pesos A/R (13€) par personne. Il y en a toutes les heures et le trajet dure 25 minutes. Pour garer sa voiture, arrêtez vous au parking juste avant l’embarcadère, prix pour 24h: 135 pesos (6€).

❤️ Si vous ne souhaitez pas passer la nuit sur Isla Mujeres, cette excursion en catamaran d’une journée au départ de Cancun est parfaite pour découvrir l’île et ses environs !

→ Vous pouvez aussi réserver cette excursion qui combine la nage avec les requins baleines et la visite d’Isla Mujeres .

amoureux du monde

HOLBOX  – jour 3 & 4

Retour à Cancun. Au terme de 2h de route, nous arrivons à Chiquila pour prendre le fast boat vers Holbox.

Où acheter des attrape-rêves à bon prix ?  Les attrape-rêves mexicains sont sublimes. Sur la route reliant Cancun à Chiquila, arrêtez vous dans le petit village de Kantunilkin pour vous rendre directement à l’atelier de l’artisan. Vous le trouverez en bord de route quand vous arrivez de Cancun à Chiquila, à l’entrée du village sur la droite (impossible à louper). Vous aurez des prix au moins deux fois moins chers que dans les boutiques ! Négociez un peu, mais pas trop: les mexicains ne sont pas aussi fervents du marchandage que les asiatiques. C’est un business familial et leurs attrape-rêves sont d’une très grande qualité.

amoureux du monde

Comment se rendre à Holbox ?

Il y a deux compagnies qui assurent les traversées chacune son tour toutes les demi-heures: une rouge et une bleue. Prenez la rouge pour des bateaux beaucoup plus modernes et confortables. Le trajet dure environ 25 minutes, au tarif de 180 pesos (8€) l’aller par personne. Pour garer sa voiture, de nombreux business de parking se sont développés dans le village. Ils vous interpelleront des centaines de mètres avant le port, ne vous arrêtez pas au premier, continuez jusqu’au bout ! Il y en a un à droite du rond-point principal, à deux minutes à pied de l’embarcadère. Nous avons payé 100 pesos (4,5€) par tranche de 24h.

Holbox a été notre coup de coeur mexicain. C’est là que notre voyage a réellement commencé. Cette île, encore préservée du tourisme de masse, réunit tout ce qu’on vient chercher en voyage: de belles plages, pas de routes, quasiment pas de voitures et une ambiance particulière. Là aussi, vous pouvez louer des voiturettes de golf mais nous vous conseillons de vous rabattre sur des vélos, plus économiques.

❤️ Si vous voulez visiter Holbox mais que vous ne disposez que d’un jour, on a trouvé une excursion sur une journée qui permet de découvrir l’île ! Réservation & informations

➳ Nos incontournables à Holbox:

  • Petit-déjeuner copieux et délicieux: A Mar Café, prix €
  • Tapas et cocktails dans un resto branché: Luuma, prix €€
  • Déjeuner dans un resto branché: Basico, prix €€
  • Boire des verres avec de la musique : Hot Corner – endroit incontournable pour les soirées, c’est tellement blindé que les gens finissent par s’asseoir dans la rue devant le bar. Nous y étions un jeudi et les cocktails à base de Tequila et Rhum étaient gratuits pour les filles avant 23h.
  • Découvrir les richesses naturelles   des mangroves de l’île d’Holbox avec une balade en kayak . Réservez-ici ! 
  • Coucher de soleil: Punta Coco. À vélo, comptez 20 Minutes depuis le centre pour rejoindre la pointe ouest de l’île. Une fois que vous arriverez au bout, vous vous rendrez compte de la beauté de Holbox. Prenez une bière fraiche au petit stand sur la plage afin de pouvoir regarder le jour tomber dans un hamac. Ne ratez surtout pas les couchers de soleil de Holbox !
  • Plage de rêve: Punta Mosquito. Un banc de sable entouré d’eaux cristallines et d’une plage vierge sur plus de 30 km, ça vous parle ? Cet endroit est absolument magnifique. Rendez vous en vélo à la pointe est de l’île jusqu’à ce que vous arriviez sur la plage. Laissez vos habits à côté de votre vélo, car vous devrez traverser une centaine de mètres pour rejoindre le banc de sable (selon les marées l’eau peut arriver jusqu’au cou). Allez-y un peu avant 10h, mais pas trop tôt non plus afin que le soleil soit assez haut et que l’eau soit bien limpide.

➡️ Regarde les meilleures adresses pour dormir à Holbox  ici.

Nous quittons Holbox le coeur lourd, avec la promesse d’y revenir un jour.

amoureux du monde

RIO LAGARTOS  – jour 5

Comptez 2h45 de route depuis Chiquila pour rejoindre Rio Lagartos, petite ville de pêche au nord du Yucatan. Nous avons dormi à l’hôtel Mercy Inns, bien placé et pas cher du tout (30€ la nuit environ) mais un peu bruyant.  Ils font de bons prix pour les excursions en bateau. Le fameux lac rose se trouve à 25 minutes en voiture !

Las Coloradas, la désillusion

Il est vrai que la couleur rose de ce lac est incroyable. En réalité, nous n’avons pas trouvé le lieu si enchanteresse que ça. Un business s’est organisé autour de Las Coloradas. Des gens vous sollicitent de toute part pour vous vendre des excursions, des places de stationnement… ce qui rend le début de la visite un peu désagréable. On vous dira que le lac est une “propriété privée” et qu’il vous faudra absolument un guide pour marcher à côté du lac. Lorsque vous y arrivez depuis la terre ferme, il y a des endroits pas atteignables donc la visite s’en voit largement réduite. Prix négocié: 75 pesos p.p. (3€50)

Faut-il visiter Las Coloradas ?

Ne faites pas comme nous, ne vous attendez pas naïvement à un lieu en pleine nature. En vrai, Las Coloradas, c’est une industrie : non seulement une machine à fric pour touristes mais en plus, l’énorme usine saline gâche un peu le paysage. Nous vous conseillons de réserver l’excursion en bateau qui doit sans aucun doute être plus agréable. Trouvez des gens à votre hôtel pour partager le bateau avec vous, car sinon ça revient très cher. Pendant l’excursion, vous verrez des espèces d’oiseaux et serez moins dérangé par le côté industriel de Las Coloradas. Prix: 1 100 pesos (50€) pour deux, dégressif si vous êtes plus nombreux.

Astuce Photo : pour avoir cette belle couleur rose, nous y sommes allés vers 11h afin que le soleil soit bien haut (pareil que pour Holbox !)

amoureux du monde

IZAMAL – jour 6 : road trip au Mexique

Izamal est une petite ville toute jaune au Mexique. C’est très sympa de s’y balader 1h ou 2. Elle se situe sur la route entre Rio Lagartos et Merida, arrêtez-vous pour y déjeuner par exemple !


MERIDA  – jour 7

Que faire à merida .

On a beaucoup aimé Merida parce que la ville est très sympa. Profitez-en pour faire une activité typique, comme ce cours de cuisine mexicaine ! Vous en apprendrez plus sur la culture du Yucatan, avec la visite d’un marché traditionnel et par le contact avec les locaux.

Mise à jour 2023 :

Le saviez vous ? La cuisine mexicaine est inscrite au patrimoine culturel immatériel de l’humanité de l’UNESCO. Elle est réputée pour sa diversité, ses saveurs audacieuses et l’utilisation d’ingrédients frais tels que le maïs, les piments, les haricots, les avocats, les tomates et les épices🤤.

Le soir, ne manquez pas de vous rendre au food market à ciel ouvert: le Mercado 60. La décoration est magnifique et vous avez un choix de nourriture qui en satisfera plus d’un !

voyage au Mexique

➳ Cenotes à voir proches de Merida

Qu’est-ce qu’un cenote ? Les cenotes sont des gouffres, des trous d’eau qui se forment suite à l’effondrement d’une grotte. À l’époque des mayas, ils étaient considérés comme sacrés et ils constituaient la seule source d’eau au sein de la jungle. Il y en a près de 5 000 dans la péninsule du Yucatan.

À 1 heure de route de Merida, vous pourrez voir:

Cenotes X’Batun et Dzonbacal

Il y a deux cenotes au même endroit, dans le petit village de San Antonio Mulix. À l’entrée, vous paierez 50 pesos par personne (2€). Ne louez pas de vélos: vous pourrez vous rendre jusqu’aux cenotes en voiture. Foncez directement à X’Batun (à droite à l’intersection) car c’est la plus belle et elle est à ciel ouvert. On est restés à peine 2 minutes à Dzonbacal car déjà à 11h c’était la piscine municipale: ce cenote est partiellement dans une grotte donc les baigneurs restent au bord, mais c’est quand même très joli.

  • Cenote Kankirixche:  même style que Dzonbacal, 30 pesos (1,30€).
  • D’autres cenotes magnifiques, à découvrir sur une excursion d’une journée au départ de Merida, avec un guide : réservation ici

cenote mexique

VALLADOLID  – jours 8 & 9

Nous avons trouvé que le centre de Valladolid ressemblait à celui de Merida mais en plus petit. Nous avons passé deux jours à Valladolid pour poser un peu nos valises après 7 jours sans s’arrêter.

➳  Le temple Chichén Itzá

Cela nous a laissé l’occasion de visiter Chichén Itzá, le temple maya classé parmi les 7 merveilles du monde moderne (rien que ça !). Allez-y 15 minutes avant l’ouverture à 8h00 pour être les premiers et pouvoir courir photographier le temple sans personne. L’entrée coûte 232 pesos (10,2€) par personne.

➡️ Si vous souhaitez acheter des billets coupe-file :  cliquez ici !

que voir au Mexique

➳  Découverte des cenotes près de Valladolid

Le deuxième jour, nous étions partis pour visiter le temple Ek Balam et sa cenote X’Canche. Le prix du temple est de 180 pesos (8€) par personne – celui-ci vous pourrez l’escalader donc profitez-en ! Nous on avait trop chaud alors on a plutôt été profiter du Cenote. Il me semble que l’entrée coûtait 70 pesos (3€) par personne avec la location de vélos. Il y a environ 2 km à faire donc évitez de les faire à pied: le soleil cogne ! X’Canche c’est super rigolo et comme on est 3 gamins notre copine @stefy.heart, on est restés 1h à sauter dans l’eau avec la corde.

cenote mexique

Autre cenote à ne pas manquer : Suytun ! Situé à 15 minutes de Valladolid, ce cenote est un incontournable ! En revanche, elle est victime de son succès donc il est préférable d’arriver un peu avant l’ouverture pour être les premiers. A 9H10 vous ferez déjà la queue pour faire des photos… L’entrée est à 120 pesos par personne et le gilet de sauvetage (à la location) est obligatoire si vous voulez vous baigner !

D’autres cenotes vers Valladolid: Oxman (descente en rappel dans la grotte), Zaci (centre-ville de Valladolid), Samula et XKeken.

BACALAR  – jour 10

Où dormir à bacalar .

Vous ne devez absolument pas passer à côté de Bacalar si vous faites un road trip au Mexique ! La lagune de Bacalar se situe à 3 heures de route de Valladolid. C’est loin, oui, mais ça vaut largement le détour. Nous avons séjourné à l’hôtel Aires Bacalar que nous vous recommandons à 100%. Il est très bien placé et la décoration est dingue ! Prix: 50€ la nuit.

Si l’hôtel est complet ou ne vous plait pas, nous avons également essayé et validé celui-ci . Calme, belles chambres, parking, bonne nourriture et boissons.

hotel Bacalar

Que faire à Bacalar ?

Bacalar est bordée par une lagune de 40 km de long aux 7 nuances de bleus. Par chance, l’endroit n’est pas encore trop touristique, ce qui fait qu’il est très paisible et reposant.

Pour découvrir au mieux les merveilles que nous offre Bacalar, nous avons fait une excursion en bateau à voile ( réservation ici ). Nous avons pu comprendre que la lagune était alimentée par d’énormes cenotes et s’y baigner. Nous avons tenté également de trouver un petit temple maya au coeur d’un ilot désert mais l’accès était difficile à cause de la végétation. C’était une super expérience !

lagune de bacalar

Vous pouvez également aller à la Cenote Cocalitos pour vous baigner, boire un verre et profiter de ces balançoires ! Prix d’accès : 35 pesos / adulte (1,70€).

road trip au Mexique

Immanquable à Bacalar: Los Rapidos. L’entrée est à 50 pesos seulement (2€) et la location de kayak, qui est vraiment indispensable, à 250 par personne (10€).

➳ Autre activité à faire à Bacalar:

Du stand-up paddle, un coucher de soleil… ces deux éléments combinés promettent de passer un bon moment sur la lagune de Bacalar. Prix & réservations

➳ Où manger à Bacalar:

La Piña avec sa décoration tropicale (prix: €) – La Playita au bord de la lagune, mention spéciale pour le burger (prix: €€). Ces deux super adresses sont à même pas 5 minutes à pied de l’hôtel Aires.

La suite de l’itinéraire de notre road trip au Mexique

Pour la partie 2 de l’itinéraire de notre voyage / road trip au Mexique : rendez-vous dans cet article !

➡️  Guide de voyage pour le Mexique , nos autres articles :

  • Partie 2 de notre itinéraire : la suite ici
  • Informations pratiques pour organiser son séjour
  • Faut-il boycotter la nage avec les tortues à Akumal ? Notre avis
  • La vidéo de notre voyage au Mexique

road trip au Mexique

Cet article contient des liens affiliés. Si nous vous avons aidé à organiser votre voyage ou que vous souhaitez simplement nous soutenir, pensez à réserver vos activités et hôtels au Mexique en cliquant sur nos liens. Nous toucherons une petite commission et le prix reste inchangé pour vous bien évidemment. 🤍

Further Reading...

Que faire en Laponie

Voyage en Laponie Finlandaise : Une semaine de rêve

voyage crete

Voyage en Crète : Road Trip

Croisière Lazuli Nil

Croisière sur le Nil d’une semaine


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Bonjour 🙂 Merci pour toutes ces infos 😍 Une petite question au sujet des parkings ? Sont-ils sûr ? Si nous devons laisser la voiture sur le parking pour aller à Holbox pendant 2 jours par exemple, ça ne craint rien ?

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Amoureux du Monde

Salut ! Si vous ne laissez rien d’apparent dans le véhicule, il n’y a aucune raison de se faire casser la voiture. Merci de nous avoir lus.

Bises, Aurélie

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Merci pour l’itinéraire, les conseils et les photos ! Vous vendez du rêve ! On va s’inspirer de tout ça pour notre 1er séjour au Mexique.

Merci à vous 😊 Bon voyage !

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Bonjour Aurélie, Préparant notre voyage au Yucatan, on se pose la question de savoir si l’excursion en bateau sur Las Coloradas vaut vraiment le coup ou s’il est possible de s’approcher un peu du lac pour le longer. On aimerait savoir si on y prend le temps ou pas. Merci de ta réponse !

Bonjour Marie, si vous êtes short en timing, je pense que vous pouvez faire l’impasse ! Mais si vous avez le temps, oui ça vaut le coup 🙂

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On part fin janvier au Mexique en suivant votre programme ! on est jamais deçu de vos conseils (Du Chama à Porto jusqu’à Uluwatu à Bali ) On a hate de découvrir tout ça !

Hello Samira,

Merci infiniment pour ta confiance ♥️ Profitez bien !

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Bonjour, Je découvre votre superbe blog, nous partons en octobre… Il paraît que ce n’est pas la super saison pour aller dans le Yucatan… A quel moment êtes-vous allés vous ? Nous arrivons à Mexico donc on peut encore assurer nos arrières en allant dans une autre région… Mais j’ai tellement envie d’aller là-bas…

Nous y sommes allés en mars 🙂 Octobre c’est le dernier mois de la saison humide au Mexique, il y a moyen que la météo soit favorable quand même !

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Dommage de mettre des photos de vous plutôt que des photos du Mexique, puisque c’est ça qu’on veut voir en fait…

Bonjour “V”, N’hésitez pas à taper “photos Mexique” sur Google pour trouver des photos sans nous. Belle journée !

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Bonjour, lorsque vous etiez à Bacalar vous parlez d’un autre hotel, pouvez vous me donner le nom? car le premier et complet pour la période ou nous y allons. Nous allons passer 3 jours à Bacalar! Je vous remercie.

Bonjour, le lien est sur l’article 🙂 Il faut cliquer sur “celui-ci”. Belle fin de journée !

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Caroline Ayer

Bonjour, nous sommes à Bacalar et souhaiterions faire los rapidos. Est ce qu’il faut louer les kayaks au restaurant los rapidos ? Ou vous étiez allé à un autre endroit ? Je vous remercie 🙂

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Bonjour, avez vous eu des problèmes vis à vis de l’utilisation du drone au Mexique ? Pas eu de soucis à la douane à l’aéroport ou autre problèmes ? Merci à vous 🙂

Bonjour Florent,

Non pas de problème 🙂

OK merci beaucoup 🙂

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Hello, Super article, merci. J’ai l’impression sur certaines photos que vous utilisez un drone : j’en ai acheté un cet été mais j’ai été un peu refroidi en Grèce car c’était compliqué de trouver des endroits sans trop de monde (j’étais angoissé d’avoir un soucis), beaucoup de gens sont venus me voir car le drone les dérangeait (bruit par ex…), et j’ai lu qu’il fallait s’enregistrer par email auprès d’un bureau spécial ? On souhaite également prendre le bus uniquement, j’ai lu dans les commentaires que certains l’ont fait : mais à vous lire, j’ai l’impression que ça sera très compliqué de faire ce circuit ou des cénotes bien que les voitures soient chères…

Merci Florent

Hello Florent Pour l’enregistrement ça dépend des pays, et également de taille de ton drone 🙂 Yann ou moi ne partons jamais en voyage en pleine saison donc on n’a pas ce genre de problématiques. Et si c’est légal dans le pays et que tu ne fais pas voler ton drone juste au-dessus des gens ou en centre-ville, personne n’a quoi que ce soit à te dire.

Oui pour le bus franchement je déconseille si tu as peu de temps car ça va t’en faire perdre pas mal. Mais bien sûr c’est faisable, c’est juste vraiment moins pratique évidemment.

Merci pour la réponse ! Et bon(s) voyage(s) en 2022 ! 🙂

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fernandes jessie

Hello à vous deux, merci énormément pour toutes ces informations précieuses !! Je suis en train de préparer mon roadbook pour 15 jours dans le yucatan et quintana fin janvier. Une fois arrivés par bateau à Holbox, comment faites vous pour rejoindre votre hotel/villa avec vos valises ? il y a des locations de voiturette direct à l’embarcadère ? des taxis ?

Hello Jessie, Merci à toi de nous avoir lus 🙂

tu peux y aller en voiturette de golf ou en taxis, il y en aura à l’embarcadère !

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Bonjour et merci pour votre blog, passionnant : ) Je trouve que pas mal de site web que la distance : valladolid-Bacalar et de 6h00 ( sans s arrêter ) ; quel a été votre trajet pour pouvoir faire 3h de route ? ( voiture? Taxi? Prix ? ). L.P

Bonjour Laurie, merci beaucoup ! 🙂 Tu peux regarder les distances avec Google Maps et tu verras en cliquant sur le lien que le trajet est de 3h28.

Nous étions en voiture de location.

Belle journée à toi

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axelle fourquet

Votre Blog est magnifique !

C’est adorable merci beaucoup ?!

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Arnaud Joly

Ces photos sont vraiment magnifique ! C’est si beau le Mexique, j’ai beaucoup aimé m’y rendre, surtout au Chiapas 🙂 J’aimerai énormément faire le Yucatan en next destination !

Merci beaucoup ! Oui le Chiapas ça a l’air super beau 🙂

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Vraiment trop fan de tes articles sur le Mexique. J’ai noté quelques adresses ? Juste une petite question. Il me reste une nuit à callé quelques parts tu me conseillerais quoi? 1ère cancun car on arrive tard après je voulais deux jours à tulum( faire ruines, les cenotes, la réserve), 2 jours à bacalar, aller après jusqu’à merida( sur la route faire uxmal et deux cenotes) puis aller une nuit à vallaloid ( en faisant le site sur la route) puis après trois nuits à holbox et nuits à cancun comme on part tôt. Mais il me reste une nuit, j’hésite entre tulum en me disant (coba) ou vallaloid (pour si on veut plus de cénote ou voir Rio lagartos même si sa me tente pas trop) Merci de tes conseils. Et restez pareil, trop agréable de vous lire

Merci Marine 🙂 Je vous conseille de rajouter soit une nuit à Bacalar, soit une nuit à Holbox, on a adoré les deux ❤️ Sinon dans tes choix, le mieux est Valladolid.

Belle journée ?

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Merci pour ces infos. Je pars en avril dans le yucatan pendant 15 jours. Afin de prévoir mon budget, pourriez vous me donner une idée du prix des repas au restaurant? Merci

Bonjour Nathalie, nous avons dépensé en moyenne 15€ par jour et par personne pour la nourriture mais cela dépend bien sûr dans quel restaurant vous vous rendez. Le midi, on se faisait des snacks pas cher et le soir des petits restaurants sans prétention.

Bon voyage !

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Elles sont incroyables ces photos <3 Il y a teeeellement d'endroits incroyables à voir au Mexique, mais c'est vrai que certains endroits peuvent être décevants quand on se fie à certains guides. Je pense justement à Playa Norte comme vous l'avez mentionné. Le tourisme est un immense business au Mexique, mais l'avantage c'est que c'est aussi très concentré donc dès qu'on sort un peu de ces grands pôles touristiques, on est rapidement (et agréablement) surpris. 🙂

Merci Vanessa 🙂 Tout à fait d’accord !

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Les photos sont super belles et je suis particulièrement fan de tes maillots de bain en passant 🙂 Je suis déjà allée dans le Yucatan et à Quintana Roo mais c’était il y a longtemps déjà et mes parents, qui ne sont jamais allés au Mexique, me tannent pour qu’on y aille l’année prochaine. Alors merci pour tes précieux conseils… las Coloradas à rajouter sur ma liste 😉

Merci beaucoup ? On vous souhaite un beau voyage au Mexique 🙂

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Ton article a accompagné nos 2 semaines de vacances dans le Yucatan cet été ! Un immense merci car à chaque fois que l’on faisait nos plans , ce blog était nettement plus utile que le lonely planet 🙂 Et du coup, pour les voyageurs qui passeront par là voici des petites updates à Août 2019 – Les gros coups de cœur sont Holbox & Bacalar : c’est fabuleux à Holbox j’ai fait exactement là même chose , le hotcorner restera un lieu incontournable et le luuma très sympa et pas si cher. Et la sortie avec les requins baleines des souvenirs pour la vie … on a réussi à négocier à 2000 pesos (ps : pensez à avoir du cash en arrivant sur l’isle, ce petit paradis est assez reclus et un seul ATM au mois d’Août c’est compliqué …) -Bacalar … wouahhh , on ne devait pas le faire mais à Tulum avec toutes ces algues on a raccourci et on ne regrette absolument pas. Il faut un prendre des bungalows sur la lagune pour faire du kayak – Sur tes conseils nous n’avons pas fait Rios Lagartos mais entre Sian Kaan et Bacalar on avait eu notre dose de lagons paradisiaques. Attention Sian Kaan le prix est désormais de 1000 pesos pour faire le tour de 1h30 !! et l’accès au mirador pour seulement 50 pesos mais il ne faut pas avoir le vertige … nous on a abandonné , trop flippées – Valladolid & Chichen Itza : tout pareil. Là bas dès 8h on échappe à la horde de touristes et c’est fabuleux. On a partagé un guide avec d’autres jeunes qui faisaient la queue avec nous et on ne regrette pas. 4h d’histoires sur les mayas et les toltèques – Tulum : peut être la déception de nos vacances à cause des sargasses et des prix démesurés. Mais super ambience au Pueblo : incontournables le Batay Bar juste à côté du Ki Bok (et non ki bak :)). La taqueria Honerio a fermé mais il y a un jardin avec des foodtrucks à la place et c’est canon. Meilleure viande de toutes nos vacances

Voilà pour l’udpate ! de mon côté je voyageais en bus et taxis. Que de belles rencontres et des gens ravis de nous faire découvrir leur joli coin de paradis ps : pour les tortues nous n’avons pas fait Akumal (là aussi défiguré par les algues) mais avons eu la chance d’une rencontre fortuite et privée avec une tortuga lors d’un snorkeling à playa : magique

Hello ! Wooww ça fait plaisir d’avoir un retour comme le tien. Merci pour tous ces updates, je vais modifier l’article 🙂 ! Et heureux que tu aies aimé ton voyage ?

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Mille mercis pour tous ces articles, ces conseils accompagnés de superbes photos, votre blog est vraiment incroyable.

Nous hésitons encore entre Bali et le Mexique, pour un voyage de 3 semaines en septembre…Pourriez-vous svp nous conseiller? Quelle destination avez préféré? Nous recherchons un mix entre balnéaire et culturel?

Merci beaucoup d’avance 🙂

Salut ! Je crois t’avoir déjà répondu sur Instagram si je ne me trompe pas ?

Belle journée à toi 🙂 !

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Bonjour, Votre périple donne terriblement envie et je suis d’ailleurs en train de m’en inspirer pour notre futur voyage au mexique !! Avez vous des adresses d’hôtels à conseiller sur l’ile d’Holbox ? Merci pour vos partages 🙂

Coucou ! On avait trouvé sur booking un endroit qui s’appelait Casa Frida je crois, les chambres sont simples mais c’est pas cher et près du centre 🙂

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Merci pour la réponse. Non même en payant , ce jour-là, pas possible ! Rien de grave, on a filé sur Bacalar ?

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Bonjour, J’ai beaucoup aimé votre article, ça donne envie, j’ai quelques questions concernant le voyage au Yucatan, si vous pouviez me répondre, ça serait très aimable. Est ce qui il y a des moustiques? et qu en est il du zika svp? Est ce que c’est toujours d’actualité. Merci

Salut ! Merci 🙂 Oui il y a des moustiques au Mexique. Pour le zika, c’est écrit faible risques. Dans tous les cas, il vaut mieux se protéger avec un bon anti-moustique !

Bon voyage ☀️

Bonjour ! Actuellement au Mexique nous avons préparé notre voyage grâce à des infos trouvées sur Internet et notamment sur votre blog =) Petite question : l’accès au lagon Nopalitos était-il privé lors de votre venue ? Aujourd’hui c’est le cas, et sans autorisation, on ne passe pas. On a essayé deux accès : sans réussite… Belle journée !

Hello Emma, Contents de voir que l’article a été utile 🙂 Pour le lagon nous avons du payer pour y aller. Ce n’était pas très cher à mon souvenir! Même en payant vous n’avez pas eu l’accès ? Belle journée à toi 🙂

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Coucou ! j’ai adorée votre article !!!! Je voulais vous poser une question en ce qui concerne les voitures de locations vous avez des adresses ? des conseils ? Merci beaucoup

Hello Zina! Merci beaucoup, c’est adorable 🙂 Nous sommes passés par Alamo car c’était les moins chers et ça s’est très bien passé! Nous te conseillons de regarder sur les comparateurs comme https://www.rentalcars.com/ ça permet d’avoir différents prix et surtout les notes des loueurs! Avec plaisir 🙂

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Salut ! Je pars au Mexique cet été, et je souhaiterai savoir combien coûtent à peu près les attrapes rêves sur la fameuse route de Cancun à Holbox ? Sont ils chers ? Pour avoir une estimation des prix car je suis une fan de ces objets ! Merci d’avance ?

Hello Celia !

Ça dépend des tailles mais je dirais entre 10 et 30€, pour du fait main et de la très bonne qualité 🙂 ils sont magnifiques !!

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Bonjour à vous, très beau blog et de magnifiques images. Je pars 11 jours fin mars seul avec mon sac à dos au Mexique. Je comptais faire deux jours à Mexico, deux jours à cancun trois jours à Mérida et trois jours à Tulum. J’ai pu lire que certaines destinations étaient donc à bannir comme isla mujeres par exemple. Je suis donc en train de m’organiser mon parcours de voyage, j’ai pu noter certains localisations à voir. Chichén Itzá, Uxmal, Gran Cenote. Donc j’aurai aimé avoir des conseils et astuces et des lieux à voir absolument. Merci pour votre réponse

Bonjour Killian, merci beaucoup pour les compliments ! 🙂 Tous les lieux qu’on recommande de voir absolument sont détaillés dans cet article et dans celui-ci : https://amoureux-du-monde.com/destinations/mexique/road-trip-au-mexique-2/

Bon voyage à toi et bon dimanche !

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Bonjour à quel période étiez vous au Mexique ? Avec mon conjoint nous souhaitons y aller fin janvier mais nous sommes incertains sur la météo.. sachant que nous voulons profiter du soleil !

Superbe article ?

Bonjour Sophie, nous y étions fin mars 🙂 Sur l’article infos pratiques sur le Mexique, il y a une rubrique “quand partir” !

Bon voyage à vous ?

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Quand on était en Mexique, l’île d’Holbox a été une excellente première étape de voyage dans le Yucatán, axée sur la détente et la sérénité. Elle nous a permis de prendre rapidement notre premier bain d’eau turquoise tout en évitant le tourisme de masse. C’est une belle découverte en tout cas.

Nous aussi, nous avons adoré Holbox ! ? On aimerait beaucoup y revenir avant que le tourisme de masse prenne possession de cet endroit…

J’aimerai également y revenir pour vivre encore plus de bons moments.

Nous aussi ?

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Bonjour, ou avez vous logé à Holbox ? des recommandations ? Merci beaucoup par avance! super article

Coucou ! On a logé dans une maison qui s’appelle Casa Frida, trouvé sur Booking ou sur Airbnb 🙂

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Hello Amoureux du monde, votre blog est canon !! Toppissime fabuleux !!! Je l’ai découvert hier et je ne m’arrête pas de lire ?.

Je pars au Mexique en décembre. J’ai pris billets d’avion et là il ne manque plus que les hôtels et la loc de voiture. J’ai un peu du mal a ce niveau là (trouver les bons hôtels… au bon prix, au bon endroit?). Peux-tu me conseiller ? 🙂 As-tu identifié tous les hôtels de ton itinéraire par ailleurs ?

En attente de te lire, Merci beaucoup

Hello Morgane 🙂 Merci beaucoup !! ? c’est adorable.

Normalement nous avons indiqué tous nos hôtels sur l’itinéraire, si tu as une question précise n’hésite pas ! ? Puis nous avons un code promo sur booking.com de -25 € si cela t’intéresse. Dis-moi si tu veux en savoir plus je t’indiquerai les conditions.

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Hello les amoureux 🙂 Pour info vous avez laissé votre voiture à Chiquila ou à Holbox je n’ai pas bien compris 🙂

Merci beaucoup !

Hello 🙂 À Chiquila sur un parking à côté du bateau !

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Bonjour, votre blog est très bien fait et donne de très bonnes idées d’itinéraires! Nous partons en amoureux au Yucatan fin octobre et j’ai vraiment hâte après vos beaux partages. Avez vous réservez tous les hôtels à l’avance? Est-il possible de dormir a Holbox? Merci pour tout!

Bonjour Sandra, merci pour ton petit mot qui nous fait très plaisir ! 🙂 Nous réservons toujours nos hôtels en toute dernière minute pour ne pas être coincés si jamais nous souhaitons changer d’itinéraire. À Holbox il y a plein d’hôtels super sympas pour tous les budgets et des Airbnb également !

N’hésite pas si tu as d’autres questions et bon voyage à vous !!

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Merci beaucoup pour ton article, j’attend la suite avec impatience, nous partons au Mexique début juin et je prépare notre repas trip, je ne savais pas par où commencer, plus du côté de Tulum où comme vous et finalement ça a l’air bien votre sens ?

Eheh merci pour ton commentaire 🙂 On vient de se parler sur Insta mais encore une fois, n’hésite pas si tu as besoin d’aide pour organiser ton séjour. Bises et bon dimanche !

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On revient tout juste du Mexique également ! Vraiment magnifique avec plus ou moins le même itinéraire que vous 🙂 Top votre blog ! Qu’utilisez-vous Pour créer vos carte d’itineraire Comme au début de cet article ? En tout cas bonne continuation !

Coucou, oui notre itinéraire est un classique 🙂 On a adoré et visiblement toi aussi ! Merci pour tes compliments sur le blog, ça nous fait trop plaisir. Concernant les cartes d’itinéraire, je fais ça avec Photoshop. Ca demande un peu de temps mais au moins la carte est unique et personnalisée. Belle journée à toi !

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Décidemment j’ai encore plus envie de visiter le Mexique. Juste pour savoir les prix donnés dans votre article sur les infos générales du Mexique sont du coup pas très chers car vous avez eu des partenariat ou vous avez tout payé ? Merci 🙂

Tant mieux, c’est vraiment un pays qui gagne à être connu ! 🙂 Les prix que nous donnons sont une estimation pour tout le monde selon un mode de voyage “confortable” (pas de nuit en dortoirs par exemple). Il ne s’agit pas de ce que l’on a dépensé réellement. Effectivement les coûts des logements pour nous ont été inférieurs aux estimations données grâce aux partenariats avec certains hôtels.

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Superbe article et magnifiques photos !!! Hâte d’y être dans deux jours en espérant avoir beau temps (ça n’a pas l’air d’être le cas pour Holbox …)! Encore merci pour la rapidité et la précision de vos réponses ! 🙂

Merci beaucoup ! On vous souhaite un excellent voyage. Ne t’inquiète pas pour Holbox, ça peut vite tourner. En bord de mer, les nuages sont vite chassés normalement 🙂 Avec plaisir, n’hésite pas si tu as d’autres questions ?

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Parfait franchement. On a les prix, le conseil…. C’est super. Je mettrais juste une petite carte avec un petit point géolocalisant à côté de chaque activité, pour éviter de jongler entre 2 fenêtres et mieux situer. Mais si non je suis très contente de cette article. Je pars bientôt là bas, sur moins de temps et ça m’aide à cibler ce que je vais faire. Merci ?

Merci Kate pour ton retour qui nous fait très plaisir 🙂 C’est une très bonne idée pour la carte, on va voir si on est capable de mettre ça en place. On te souhaite un très beau voyage au Mexique, tu vas adorer <3

N'hésite pas si tu as d'autres questions ! ?

? Merci. J’ai trop hâte. ?

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Article vraiment super, photos à tombées. Quelques petites questions, tout ce que vous avez fait les différentes villes c’est avec une voiture que vous avez louer à Cancun des le début ?

Avez vous visité Tulum ? (on en entend tellement parler)

c’est adorable, merci beaucoup Axelle ! 🙂 Oui, on a loué une voiture à l’aéroport de Cancun et nous l’avons retournée à Cancun également.

L’article sur Tulum arrive en fin de semaine ?

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Superbe article, plein de conseils, vous nous faites rêver! Hâte de lire la partie 2! Merci à vous

Merci Camille 🙂 c’est adorable et ça nous encourage beaucoup !! Belle journée à toi ?

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Superbe article ! Je suis très admiratif de votre travail, vous me faites rêvé ? j’espere un jour pouvoir découvrir le Mexique car comme vous nous l’avez présenter j’ai juste envie de découvrir ce magnifique pays. Merci car à travers vos posts vous me faites voyager ! Bonne continuation j’ai hâte de voir vos prochain post ?

Oh merci, ça nous touche tellement ! ❤️ On se donne du mal pour vous présenter un contenu attractif et qui vous inspire dans vos futurs voyages… vraiment merci 🙂 À très vite ?

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Superbe article très complet. J’aime bien les astuces photos 🙂 Les photos sont vraiment belles. Je suis d autant plus contente d’être arrivée au Mexique ? Merci ?

Merci ma belle! Profitez bien de votre voyage, à fond ❤️

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Bonsoir, très intéressant votre blog 🙂 Je pars dans le Yucatan dans 20 jours ! Est-ce que la compagnie de location de voiture est fiable (Alamo) ? Je n’ai pas beaucoup lu de commentaires élogieux alors j’hésite à passer par eux.. Merci d’avance, Bonne fin de soirée!

Bonjour, merci beaucoup 🙂 Alamo est une grosse compagnie américaine de location de voiture. Nous, à Cancun, ça s’est super bien passé. À l’agence, les employés étaient super serviables. Ils ont juste essayé de nous vendre avec un peu d’insistance une assurance pour ramener la franchise à 0 malgré le fait qu’on est dit “non, on a l’assurance de notre carte bancaire”; mais bon, le monsieur a capitulé ! Si tu regardes, il y a très peu de gens qui vont mettre de bons commentaires suite à une location de voiture… J’espère t’avoir rassurée un peu !

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Super merci pour tous ces détails.Vous répondre en grande partie aux questions que je me posais encore merci.Hâte d’être à Holbox!

Avec plaisir ! Si tu as d’autres questions, n’hésite pas nous y répondrons en commentaire 🙂 !!

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parfait cet article, j’y reviendrai quand nous serons sur place afin de vous piquer quelques adresses 😉 merciiii

Ouiii n’hésite pas si tu as des questions 🙂 A très vite !

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Gautier julie

Bonjour j’aimerais juste savoir combien le voyage vous a coûté en tout pour les 10 jours car j’envisage de le faire l’année prochaine avec mon copain pour ses 30 ans

Salut Julie ! Tout le budget est détaillé à la fin de cet article : https://amoureux-du-monde.com/destinations/voyage-au-mexique-conseils/

belle journée à toi 🙂

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Bonjour, un grand merci pour vos magnifiques photos et toutes vos explications ? nous partons le 1er novembre pour le yucatan et j’aimerais savoir si vous avez des adresses de logements pour Merida. Merci encore de nous faire rêver ??

Bonjour Valérie, merci beaucoup ! ? Nous n’avons pas de logement à recommander à Mérida désolée, car ça ne s’est pas très bien passé dans celui que nous avions choisi alors on préfère ne pas en parler 🙂

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Road Trip au Mexique: suite

Les plus belles plages du sri lanka.

Article mis à jour le 12 décembre 2023 par Amoureux du Monde

Isla Mujeres


Les incontournables en 2 jours.

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Itinéraire de 3 semaines au coeur de la Péninsule du Yucatan 

Accrochez-vous, décollage imminent... Direction la Péninsule du Yucatan, la perle du Mexique !

Située à l'extrémité sud-est du pays, la Péninsule du Yucatan vous éblouira par la diversité de paysages qu'elle offre. 

Plages paradisiaques, lagunes turquoise, cénotes époustouflantes, culture Maya omniprésente... Il y en a pour tous les goûts.

Nous vous proposons ci-dessous un itinéraire complet de 3 semaines comprenant toutes les informations nécessaires à la préparation de votre propre aventure. Découvrez notre expérience, nos coups de coeur et nos conseils... Un programme qui vous assurera de découvrir la Péninsule du Yucatan dans toute son intégralité, et ce, de façon inoubliable !

3 semaines au Mexique, Yucatan


✈︎ avion​​​.

L'aéroport le plus facile d'accès sur la Péninsule du Yucatan, ainsi que le plus stratégique, est celui de Cancún. En effet, Cancún jouit de l'emplacement parfait pour débuter et finaliser votre road trip.   

Depuis Paris, AirFrance propose des vols directs en direction de Cancún. La durée du vol est de 11h, et le prix aller-retour vacille généralement entre 700€ et 1100€ selon la période. 

Pour les petits budgets, sachez qu'une deuxième option plus économique, mais en contrepartie beaucoup plus longue, est envisageable avec une correspondance à Mexico City, la capitale du Mexique: 

-Vol Paris - Mexico City, avec AirFrance : 12h de vol avec un prix aller-retour vacillant généralement entre 400€ et 700€ selon la période

-Vol Mexico City - Cancún, avec Volaris : 2h30 de vol avec un prix aller-retour vacillant généralement entre 70€ et 120€ selon la période

Nous avons personnellement opté pour la deuxième option dans l'optique d'économiser un peu d'argent afin de pouvoir nous faire davantage plaisir une fois sur place. 

Trouvez le vol le moins cher pour le Mexique grâce à Skyscanner !

Il s’agit d’un comparateur de vol qui vous permet de trouver les vols les moins chers en comparant tous les prix du marché - c'est à dire les prix des sites des compagnies aériennes et ceux des sites de réservation de vols.

N'attendez plus, faites vos recherches pour dénicher la meilleure offre !

Aucun visa n'est demandé aux voyageurs de nationalité française pour un séjour de courte durée au Mexique - durée inférieure à 180 jours. Seuls votre passeport et vos billets aller-retour vous seront demandés. 

Depuis toujours, nous partons assurés - et ce, surtout quand on part à l'autre bout du monde ! Et de tout manière, depuis le Covid, voyager avec assurance est devenu obligatoire dans beaucoup de pays...

Pour notre part, nous voyageons toujours avec  Chapka Assurances - qui offre le meilleur rapport qualité / prix !  Si vous souhaitez plus de détails sur Chapka, on a rédigé tout un  article pour vous aider à mieux comprendre le fonctionnement !

Voiture de location​

La location de voiture sur place est primordiale si vous souhaitez pouvoir parcourir la Péninsule dans son intégralité - et ce, en toute liberté. Rassurez-vous, la conduite sur place est relativement simple. On y roule à droite comme en France, et le code de la route mexicain est très similaire au code de la route français. Nous n'avons personnellement rencontré aucun problème avec la police mexicaine, mais restez sur vos gardes : beaucoup de touristes se font arnaquer par des policiers corrompus. Veillez donc à bien respecter toutes les limitations.  

Concernant la location, nous avons réservé notre voiture en ligne sur  rentalcars.com  avec l'agence America Car Rental quelques semaines avant notre départ. Nous avons payé 410€ avec assurance comprise (+90€ pour l'option conducteur supplémentaire) pour une durée de 3 semaines. Lors de votre réservation, il vous suffira de renseigner vos détails (numéro de vol et heure exacte d'arrivée), et le jour J, une navette vous attendra à la sortie du terminal pour vous conduire à l'agence récupérer votre voiture - l'agence se trouvant à 10 minutes de l'aéroport. 

Très important : une fois à l'agence, et avant de vous en aller avec la voiture, veillez à procéder à une vérification complète de cette dernière et à prendre chaque défaut en photo, même s'il est minime.

Enfin, à la fin de votre road trip, il vous suffira de déposer votre voiture à l'agence, et une navette vous emmènera à l'aéroport pour prendre votre vol de retour.

$ Monnaie locale & arnaques​

Au Mexique, la monnaie locale est le Peso Mexicain (mxn). Le taux de change fluctue quotidiennement, mais en général, 1€ équivaut à 24 mxn.

Très important : veillez à toujours avoir du cash sur vous car beaucoup d'enseignes n'acceptent pas la carte de crédit. Et attention aux arnaques : lorsque vous payez en cash, veillez à toujours compter les billets à haute voix devant le commerçant avant de les lui tendre. Nous avons failli être victimes de multiples arnaques aux stations services, où des pompistes ont plusieurs fois essayé de nous avoir avec un tour de passe-passe en échangeant notre billet de 500 contre un billet de 50... Les arnaques sont partout !  


Maintenant que nous avons couvert les informations pratiques, que l'aventure commence ! Vous trouverez ci-dessous notre itinéraire complet de 3 semaines qui vous emmènera à la découverte des 9 villes emblématiques de la Péninsule du Yucatan. Bon voyage ! 

Direction l'étape 1 : ISLA MUJERES

Ou cliquez ci-dessous sur la ville que vous souhaitez visiter

road trip 1 mois mexique

  • 13 mai 2022

Isla Mujeres

road trip 1 mois mexique

Playa del Carmen

road trip 1 mois mexique

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A week in Yucatan: Ultimate 6, 7 or 8 days Itinerary + Tips

The perfect itinerary for one week in yucatan (peninsula).

You’re planning to spend a week in Yucatan and you’re looking for the best itinerary?

You’re at the right place!

It’s a short trip, but you can still see a lot of amazing places if you plan well.

To make it easier for you, I’ve put together a one-week itinerary for Yucatan that covers the best of the Riviera Maya and Yucatan. You’ll get to enjoy the stunning beaches, nature reserves, Mayan ruins and cenotes.

This 6, 7 or 8 day itinerary starts in Cancun . From there, you’ll head to Playa del Carmen , where you can choose from various activities, such as exploring the Rio Secreto caves or snorkeling in Cozumel .

Next, you’ll visit Tulum and its beautiful beaches and discover the Sian Ka’an reserve. Then, you’ll leave the Riviera Maya and go to Valladolid to visit the famous Mayan city of Chichen Itza .

You’ll also see the hidden city of Ek Balam in the jungle, the pink lagoons of Las Coloradas de Rio Lagartos , and the most beautiful cenotes of Yucatan.

For the last part of your trip, you’ll go back to Cancun to visit Isla Contoy , a small island paradise, and Isla Mujeres .

At each stop, I’ll give you all my practical tips, accommodation suggestions for all budgets and information on how to get around by rental car or public transportation.

So, what are the best things to do in Yucatan in 1 week? Where to stay?

Let’s find out!

Where to stay in Playa del Carmen?

Where to stay in tulum, where to stay in valladolid, where to sleep in cancun, 5) departure from cancun, 1. renting a car in yucatan, 2. public transportation in yucatán, book your plane tickets at the best price, map: what to do in yucatan in one week, you’re traveling in mexico these articles will help you, 1) playa del carmen (1-2 days).

Since the international airport is in Cancun , this will be the starting point for this one-week tour of the Yucatan Peninsula .

When you arrive, pick up your rental car and head straight to Playa del Carmen .

For my part, I always use the comparator of Rentalcars.com for my rentals: it’s the easiest way to get the best price!

Simply click on the green button to find your rental car at the best price:

You want to do this 1 week tour in Yucatan without a car ? No problem, here’s how you can get to your hotel:

  • Taxi service : a quick and safe option with air conditioning and wifi – Book it here!
  • Bus : cheaper but slower. Take the ADO bus first to downtown Cancun and then the r-1 bus that goes along the hotel zone. When you get on the R-1, tell the driver where your hotel is so he can tell you where to get off.

There’s so much to do in Playa del Carmen , and since you don’t have much time, I suggest you pick one of these options:

Option 1 – Relax in Playa del Carmen (1 Day)

If you feel like walking and soaking up the sun, you can:

  • Stroll along Fifth Avenue , full of bars, restaurants and shops
  • Relax on the beaches of Playa del Carmen , such as Playa Mamitas,. Playacar or Punta Esmeralda.
  • Go to the Parque de los Fundadores to see the Mayan Portal sculpture and the colorful letters of Playa del Carmen , as well as enjoy the free shows . There’s also a public beach.
  • Take a dip in a freshwater cenote, such as Cenote Azul . You can also check out Cenote Jardin del Eden and Cenote Cristalino , which are nearby.
  • Visit the Frida Kahlo Museum or the Museo de las Maravillas 3D (especially if you’re traveling with kids)

My advice For more ideas of things to do in Playa del Carmen , you can also read:

  • Playa del Carmen : The 30 best things to do!
  • what to visit in Playa del Carmen on a budget?
  • The 12 cenotes you can’t miss in Playa del Carmen

cenote azul playa del carmen

Option 2 – Spend the day at Xcaret Park (1 day)

Xcaret is a huge park that showcases the ecological, archaeological and cultural aspects of Mexico.

It has been voted the best theme and water park in the world for five years in a row!

There are about 50 activities for the whole family to enjoy on the beach, in the jungle, in the cenotes and underground rivers, as well as to learn about the Mayan culture.

Don’t miss the Mexico Espectacular show : it features 300 performers on stage who present the history, culture and folklore of Mexico. It’s amazing!

You can get your tickets for Xcaret , which include the Mexico Espectacular show, here:

  • With pick up at your hotel:
  • Without hotel pick up:

My advice The best way to enjoy the parks is to stay at the Hotel Xcaret❤️ .


Option 3 – Diving in Cozumel (1 day)

Cozumel is one of the largest islands in Mexico and is known as one of the best places in the world for diving and snorkeling .

There’s a lot to see and do in Cozumel, such as Punta Sur , Chankanaab Park , its many beaches, El Cielo , Playa Mia and the Mayan site of San Gervasio .

But if you only have one day, I suggest you go straight to the best diving spots .

You can take this tour to Cozumel with pick up at your hotel that takes you snorkeling at Palancar Reef and El Cielo .

It’s one of the most beautiful spots in Cozumel , with clear waters and a lot of starfish :

  • Check out: Top 15 things to do in Cozumel!
  • Cozumel is easily accessible from Playa del Carmen . If you go on your own (without a tour that already includes transportation) the ferry takes you in 30 min.


Option 4 – Rio Secreto Adventure (1 day)

Rio Secreto is one of the best adventures you can have in the Riviera Maya .

It’s a guided tour that lets you explore an underground river 25 meters below the surface, with amazing clear waters and walls covered with stalactites and stalagmites.

The tours are done in small groups, only with prior reservation , which gives you a unique contact with nature.

You can book your ticket to Rio Secreto here , which includes a lunch made with local ingredients:

As the visit to Rio Secreto lasts between 3h and 3h30 , you will have time to enjoy the rest of the day.

  • Return to Playa del Carmen.
  • Enjoy the beautiful beach of Xpu-Ha and Cenote Azul .


Spend the night in Playa del Carmen.

  • Che Playa Hostel & Bar Adults Only : great hostel to meet other travelers and party , with a rooftop terrace that has a bar and a small pool, with several offered activities . Clean, with good wifi and a great welcome. From only 13 $usd for the dormitory or 37 $usd for a private room!
  • Hotel Lunata : a charming hotel with hacienda style decoration, which is hidden on Quinta Avenida, very close to the beach . Quiet, with a garden, rooms with balcony, and has very friendly service. From only 82 $usd per night!
  • Porto Playa Condo Beach Club : here you will find a spacious apartment ideal for a family , with fully equipped kitchen, living room and terrace. The hotel has a large swimming pool , a gym and a restaurant, starting at 172 $usd per night!
  • The Reef Playacar Resort & Spa : located on the beautiful beach of Playacar , just a few minutes from Fifth Avenue . Ideal for a romantic stay , with a beautiful tropical garden, two pools, a gym and a spa. 200 $usd with the “all inclusive” formula.
  • Hotel Xcaret Mexico All Parks All Fun Inclusive: it is definitely the best hotel in Playa del Carmen! Ideal for couples and families with children as this luxury hotel offers an exceptional package including meals and access to its parks (Xcaret, Xplor , Xplor Fuego, Xenses, Xoximilco, Xel-Ha and Xenote). Starting at 860 $usd per night, all inclusive.

2) Tulum (2 days)

For the next part of this 7-day Yucatan road trip , head south of the Riviera Maya to Tulum .

Tulum is not only Mexico’s boho chic destination , but also has long white sandy beaches that are famous throughout the country and a lot of Mayan cenotes .

Day 1 – Today, discover the best of Tulum

Start the day with a visit to the archaeological site of Tulum , located by the Caribbean Sea.

Thanks to its strategic location, the ancient city of Tulum (6th-15th centuries) was an important place for land and sea trade in the Mayan world.

In a 1h30-2h visit , you’ll see the wall and watchtowers, the Castle that served as a reference point for sailors, the Temple of the Frescoes, the Temple of the Descending God, and then go down to the small beach of the ruins.

My Advice Families especially enjoy Cenote Zacil-Ha , the Gran Cenote and Dos Ojos Cenote .

If you prefer a less touristy experience, you can go to Nicte-Ha , Taak Bi-Ha or Cenote Calavera .

At lunchtime, you can stroll along Tulum’s Beach Strip , with its cute stores, cafes and several restaurants.

Being a small road that runs along the beaches of Tulum , you’ll be very close to enjoy Playa Paraiso and Playa Las Palmas .

At night, it will be easy to find a bar with a good vibe and for all budgets: Batey Mojito & Guarapo Bar , Casa Jaguar , Papaya Playa Project , Gitano , etc.

Spend the night in Tulum.

I invite you to read:

  • Tulum : The 21 Best Things to Do!
  • Tulum Ruins : Everything You Need to Know for Your Visit

How to get to Tulum from Playa del Carmen:

  • By car: 55 min on Highway 307 that runs along the Riviera Maya.
  • By public transportation : there are several departures a day with ADO buses (40-90 pesos). If you prefer to go by colectivo, the bus stop is on the corner of Calle 2 and Avenida 20, near Quinta Avenida in Playa del Carmen.

playa paraiso tulum

Day 2 – Sian Ka’an Reserve

The Sian Ka’an Reserve is a Biosphere Reserve , a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a Ramsar site . It’s a definitely must-see on a one week trip to Yucatan!

It covers a huge area, between jungle and beach, which is partly open to the public.

But you can’t see it all in one day and you’ll have to choose one of the two access points :

  • Punta Allen is a fishing village that lets you explore the coast of Sian Ka’an with its beautiful beach, take a boat ride to see dolphins, manatees and other animals.

The road is a bit rough (you need a 4×4 car), the visit takes all day and that’s why I highly recommend you to book a tour from Tulum :

  • Muyil allows you to see the jungle with its swamps, freshwater lagoons and Mayan ruins. You are not really in the middle of the reserve like Punta Allen, but it is a great experience.

The advantage is that it is easy to get to and the visit takes about half a day . You can even get there on your own , taking the ADO bus to Chunyaxché from Tulum (20 minutes).

If you prefer not to worry about transportation, you can book the Muyil excursion from Tulum here:

If you have time, after visiting Sian Ka’an, you can relax at Boca Paila beach , go to the Kaan Luum Lagoon or return to Tulum to continue enjoying the beach.

Overnight in Tulum .


  • Mayan Monkey Tulum : an excellent value for money . Nice modern hostel with a good atmosphere, a pool, bar and garden. Including fast wifi, kitchen access, yoga classes, coworking spaces, and bike and motorcycle rentals. Dorms and private rooms starting at only 24 $usd per night.
  • Casa Almendro : if you are looking for a little more comfort, you will like this small cheap hotel in the center of Tulum . It’s a green oasis with a rooftop terrace with chairs and hammocks. There are king size beds and breakfast is included, from only 50 $usd per night!
  • Diamante K : is a high-end hotel but at a very fair price , which is exceptional in Tulum, especially for a hotel with direct access to the beach in the hotel zone! Bohemian chic atmosphere, including a restaurant, hammocks and beds on the private beach, and a massage service. Bungalows are 207 $usd per night.
  • Habitas Tulum : this small eco-friendly hotel with a chic design is ideal for a romantic stay in Tulum . It is a true oasis of peace, hidden among the palm trees, with a magnificent swimming pool and a private beach. There are also yoga classes on the terrace at sunset. From 371 $usd per night!
  • Kanan Tulum- Adults Only : this is the ultimate option for a luxury stay in Tulum . It is an ecological hotel for adults only, located on a beautiful private beach with hammocks and beds. With a fantastic rooftop terrace with a bar; the hotel also has an excellent restaurant, great rooms and a very friendly welcome. From 566 $usd per night!

3) Valladolid (2 days)

Day 1 – Chichen Itza and Valladolid

In the morning, we head to the famous city of Chichén Itzá , which is a must-see on a 7-8 day tour of the Yucatan Peninsula .

It’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the “New 7 Wonders of the Modern World New 7 Wonders of the Modern World . It’s a true symbol of the Mayan culture and an emblem of Mexico .

You can spend about 2h30-3h to visit El Castillo , which is the main pyramid of Chichen Itza , the astronomical observatory, the field of mesoamerican ball game , the Temple of the Warriors and much more!

You can get your tickets to Chichen Itza with skip-the-line access here :

To learn everything about Chichen Itza : check out my Definitive Guide to Chichén Itzá !

After the visit, cool off in the beautiful and refreshing Cenote Zací , in the center of Valladolid .

If you’re hungry, there’s a restaurant right above the cenote and if you spend 100 pesos, the cenote is free !

You can spend the afternoon exploring the lovely colonial city of Valladolid , starting with its main square with the Francisco Cantón Park and the San Servacio Church.

You can walk along the Calzada de los Frailes and end at the Convent of San Bernardino .

There are also many museums, cafes, restaurants, plazas and charming neighborhoods. It’s a very pleasant city to stroll around.

  • Learn more: The 25 best things to do in Valladolid!

Spend the night in Valladolid .

How to get to Valladolid from Tulum:

  • By car : 1h30 on Highway 109 to Coba, then Highway 180 to Valladolid
  • By public transport : 1h30 by ADO bus, departing at 7:30, 8:57 and 10:47 a.m


Day 2 – Ek Balam and Rio Lagartos

This week-long road trip in Yucatan goes on to Ek Balam , which means “the black jaguar” in Mayan.

It’s an amazing Maya city hidden in the jungle , much less crowded than Chichén Itzá , which is also a must-see in Yucatán !

You’ll be able to climb to the top of the Acropolis , considered one of the most important structures in Mesoamerica , see the Maya Arch, the Oval Palace, the Twin Pyramids, the Platform of the Stelae and the Maya ball court.

After 1h30-2h visit in Ek Balam , head to Rio Lagartos to see the famous pink Lake Las Coloradas .

These are actually ponds of a salt mine where 500,000 tons of salt are harvested every year !

If you’re traveling between January and September , I also recommend you take the boat tour in the Ria Lagartos biosphere reserve to see the large colonies of flamingos.

My advice There are several cenotes you can incorporate into your itinerary today. For example:

  • Cenote X-Canché which you can reach on foot or by bicycle from Ek Balam
  • Cenote Kikil administered by a local community.
  • Cenotes Agua Dulce and Palomitas (which are next to each other).
  • Cenote Hubiku

To learn about all your options, I invite you to read my article: The 21 most beautiful cenotes in Valladolid !

Spend the night in Valladolid.

  • To get to Ek Balam from Valladolid : 30 minutes by car on Carretera 295 and then on Carretera Ek Balam. Buses leave from Calle 44.
  • To get to Río Lagartos from Ek Balam : 1 h 20 by car on Highway 295. By public transport, first take a cab to Tizimín, then a colectivo or a Noreste bus to Río Lagartos (the last bus back leaves at 17:30).


  • Candelaria Hostel : The best budget option in Valladolid! A colorful hostel that is very well located in the centre, with a garden, access to the kitchen, and a bike rental. Good breakfast options are also included, from 17 $usd for a bed in a shared dorm or 38 $usd for a private room.
  • Real Haciendas : A small, charming, yet very quiet hotel with a swimming pool , clean rooms with comfortable king size bed, and a very good welcome. Starting f rom 57 $usd per night.
  • IMIX Hotel : A typical colonial house in the centre of Valladolid on the beautiful Calzada de los Frailes , nicely decorated with spacious rooms. Breakfast included, starting from 127 $usd per night.
  • Le Muuch Hotel : A hotel located 5 minutes away from the main park Francisco Canton Rosado . Excellent service, with indoor and outdoor swimming pools with hammocks, rooms with garden view, air conditioning, and a bar and restaurant. A la carte breakfast included, starting from 140 $usd per night.
  • Hotel Zentik Project : This is definitely one of my favorite hotels in Mexico and the best hotel in Valladolid ! Beautiful Mayan-style cabanas with murals done by local and international artists. There’s a restaurant and bar, an outdoor pool with hammocks, and a saltwater pool in an underground cave . Very good breakfast included, starting from 380 $usd per night.

4) Cancun (1-2 days)

Day 1 – Cancun

In the morning, leave Valladolid and make your way to Cancun in the Riviera Maya .

  • Don’t miss my article: Top 30 things to do in Cancun!

To make the most of your day in Cancun , you can:

  • Relax on the beautiful beaches of Tortugas, Los Delfines, Playa Langosta, Playa Linda, Playa Caracol, Playa Marlin
  • Visit the Mayan Museum or the archaeological site El Rey next to Playa Delfines
  • Kitesurfing in Isla Blanca
  • Snorkel or scuba dive at MUSA , the largest underwater museum in the world – Book the MUSA snorkeling tour here!
  • Shopping for souvenirs at Mercado 28.

At night, I recommend Xoximilco Cancun if you want to enjoy a Mexican party.

It’s a 3-hour ride on a typical Mexican trajinera, with traditional food, open bar (tequila, beer and soft drinks) and mariachis.

Buy your tickets for Xoximilco here:

You can also go to the mythical Coco Bongo Club , the City Night Club which is the biggest discotheque in Mexico , or find another bar on Kukulcan Avenue .

You can buy your tickets to Coco Bongo here:

My advice From today, I suggest you to return your rental car.

It will be much more comfortable because you won’t need your car the next day, for the visit to Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres .

Overnight in Cancun.

How to get to Cancun from Valladolid:

  • By car : 1h50 on the 180D.
  • By public transport : 2h15 by ADO bus, several departures starting at 7:30 am.

hotel zone cancun

Day 2 – Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres

For the last day of this 7-day Yucatan itinerary , I suggest you discover Isla Mujeres and Isla Contoy , an island paradise that few people know about.

Contoy is a small protected island of 9 km that is an important wildlife sanctuary and a nesting place for turtles .

To get there, you have to book a tour and I recommend you do it in advance , as access is limited to 200 people per day .

This exclusivity helps to preserve the island but also offers a very pleasant atmosphere for travelers.

The tour departs from the port of Cancun and after about 10 minutes, the boat stops for a short snorkeling session at the Ixlache reef with corals, fish and underwater statues.

One hour later, we arrive at Isla Contoy .

Upon arrival, you can take a short guided tour (30 min) through the island’s trails or enjoy the beach right away. The truth is that I loved both, you decide!

At lunch time, they serve Tikin Xic fish , the traditional dish of Yucatan , before getting back on the boat to go to Isla Mujeres .

As you’ll have 1h15-1h30 of free time in Isla Mujeres before returning to Cancun, I suggest you go straight to Playa Norte , which is considered one of the best beaches in the world . 😎

You can book this excursion to Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres with pick up at your hotel here:

Book the tour to Isla Contoy and Isla Mujeres now! I want to visit Isla Contoy My advice To learn more about these beautiful islands, you can also check out my Guide to visit Isla Contoy and my Complete Guide to Isla Mujeres .

contoy beach

  • Mayan Monkey Cancun : hostel with a festive atmosphere in Cancun’s hotel zone , very close to the beach and bars. Terrace, outdoor pool, bar with happy hour , air conditioning, ping-pong, good wifi. Private rooms and dorms, from only 24$usd!
  • Bed and Breakfast Pecari : if you are looking for more comfort, I recommend without hesitation this establishment. It is a beautiful Bed and Breakfast located in a quiet street near the city center and the ADO bus station, with a relaxation area by the pool, spacious rooms, and a good breakfast, starting at 50$usd per night!
  • Beachscape Kin Ha Villas & Suites: rooms, suites, and villas for 2 to 12 people with direct access to the beach . Outdoor pool, children’s pool, gym, restaurant, beach bar. Breakfast included, starting at 218$usd per night.
  • The Royal Sands Resort & Spa : spacious rooms and suites with ocean views, in the heart of Cancun’s hotel zone. Large outdoor pool, gym, spa, fine restaurants, sports bar and many activities. All inclusive, starting at 485 $usd per night

My tip For more options, you can visit my article about the best hotels and resorts in Cancun and find your perfect hotel. Here is the link: Where to stay in Cancun?    

This is the last day of this 7-8 day Yucatan itinerary .

Since you’re already in Cancun and you returned your rental car 1 or 2 days ago, you don’t have to worry about much.

But make sure you check which terminal your flight leaves from.

Have a safe flight ✈️


How to get around Yucatan

To follow this 1 week route in Yucatan , you can rent a car or use public transportation.

Many travelers decide to rent a car in Yucatan to travel with freedom and flexibility.

My go-to choice for renting a car is Rentalcars.com , for the following reasons:

  • You can easily compare the rental cars prices between all the agencies: for sure the easiest way to find the best rate!
  • Cancellation is often offered free of charge: no need to worry if you change your mind
  • Rentalcars offers full insurance coverage at a lower price than the rental companies , so it’s an instant saving with no effort

My tips for this roadtrip in Yucatan:

  • The roads are in good condition (except for Sian Ka’an, going to Punta Allen ), but be careful not to go over the speed limit (80-100km/h), as the police are very active in the Riviera Maya .
  • In Mexico , there are toll roads and “free” roads. For your 7 day trip in Yucatan , you’ll find tolls between Tulum, Valladolid and Chichen Itza. For exact rates, you can check the Traza tu Ruta page.
  • Avoid driving at night . And if you have to, take the toll road.
  • Don’t leave your car unattended at night. If your hotel doesn’t have parking, you’ll surely find a public parking lot with security.
  • The public transportation system is well developed in Yucatan , with ADO buses and colectivos (8 to 10 person vans)
  • Since you only have one week to visit Yucatan , I suggest you look at the ADO website to know the schedules in advance
  • I recommend you buy your bus tickets online to get discounts. In my experience, they’re usually cheaper than at the terminal. 🧐
  • The difference between the colectivo and the bus is that the bus goes from point A to point B without stopping, while the colectivo stops more or less where you ask it to, which is very handy.

Cancun airport receives many daily flights from major cities of North America and Europe  with Air Canada, Westjet, Delta, American Airlines, Air France, Air Europa, TUI, Iberia, etc.

To save money on your flights for this 7-day trip to Yucatan , you can use our flight comparison tool, powered by Skyscanner: it’s the best way to get the lowest price!

Discover all my articles about Mexico : All my articles to help you plan your trip to Mexico are listed there.

  • The 35 Best Things to Do in Mexico
  • Itinerary : 10 days in Mexico – Mexico City , Chiapas and Yucatan
  • Itinerary : 2 weeks in Mexico   – Best itinerary to discover the Yucatan Peninsula and Chiapas!
  • Itinerary : 3 weeks in Mexico – Mexico City, Puebla , Oaxaca , Chiapas, Campeche , Yucatán and Riviera Maya
  • Itinerary : 1 month in Mexico – My Epic 30-31 Days Itinerary from Mexico City to Cancun
  • Road trip in Mexico : The best itineraries for 10, 15, 21 days and a month
  • Itinerary : 10 days in Yucatan – Best Itinerary for 9, 10 or 11 Days in Yucatan
  • Itinerary : 2 weeks in Yucatan – Epic Itinerary + All my Best Tips!
  • Itinerary : 3 weeks in Yucatan – Best things to do in 20-21 days
  • Itinerary : 1 month in Yucatan – Yucatan Peninsula in 29, 30 or 31 days from Cancun
  • Road trip in Yucatan : The best itineraries for 7, 10, 15, 21 days and 1 month

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1 week in Yucatan

I have created this blog to give you all my best tips to plan your next trip to Mexico, regardless of your budget. I share detailed itineraries, advice about places to visit as well as recommendations for transportation, hotels and restaurants. I hope I will also help you to discover amazing off the beaten path destinations in Mexico!

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  6. Mon itinéraire idéal pour un roadtrip dans le Yucatan

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