should you surprise visit your girlfriend

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15 Fun Things To Do When You Visit For The First Time

Not knowing what things to do when you meet your partner for the first time is totally normal.

Just thinking about it likely fills you with nerves, anxiety, and excitement.

This was certainly the case for us!

It might be tempting to “go with the flow” (which might work) but my advice is to do a little planning.

We’ve put together a list of things to do, which will reduce any awkwardness around “What do we do now?” while helping you both to relax and enjoy the moment!

Ready? Let’s get your planning underway!

fun things to do when you visit for the first time in a long distance relationship pinterest image

Why Planning Is Important For Your First Visit

Having a plan for things you can do together will help you relax and enjoy the visit more. It can also help keep you out of bed. I’ve said this before, but it’s worth saying again:

You don’t have to rush sex.

You don’t have to jump straight into bed together, even if it’s tempting. And definitely don’t feel pressured to have sex because you “only have a few days together before you’ll be separated again.”

This is just your first meeting.

If it goes well, there will be others, and you don’t want to live with any regrets.

So if you’re the one “hosting,” it’s time to do some planning. If you’re the one traveling, help them out by telling them the sorts of things you like to do, or anything in particular you’d like to do together during the visit.

The Best Things To Do Together When Meeting For The First Time

1. the adventure challenge: couples edition.

the adventure challenge couples edition with camera

The couples edition of The Adventure Challenge is the perfect way to take on spontaneous adventures when you meet for the first time?

Because it does all the heavy lifting for you!

Inside there are 50 fun things to do and complete together. However, the fun part is that you won’t know what the adventure is until you scratch it off!

To note: This is also a great gift idea to combine with a surprise visit!

2. Take a picnic to a park or the beach

There are few things more romantic than sharing a nice bottle of wine on a picnic blanket at sunset. Picnics are also great for giving you time to talk without the intensity and pressure of being home alone together.

So, pack up some treats and find a lovely spot to spend some time soaking in the beauty of the outdoors, as well as the beauty of each other.

3. Go to a concert or a musical

  • Do you both like the same sort of music?
  • Is there a famous musical you’d like to see?

Take the opportunity to catch a special show together. It doesn’t have to be epic . Just being out together with some great music will make for a great time.

4. Go to an amusement park

Are one or both of you thrill seekers? Do you like the energy and fizz of rides and games and cotton candy?

If so, an amusement park might be the perfect way to spend a fun day together—and there could be lots of time to talk if you have to wait in line for the rides.

5. Do an adventure activity

If you are adventure junkies (or even if you’re not, but you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone) go and do something adventurous. What can you do near where you live? Can you go:

  • White-water rafting
  • Horse-riding, or
  • Parasailing?

Find something that sounds awesome (but not too scary) and book it in.

A quick word from the wise on this one, though: Don’t go bungee jumping or parachuting.

The goal when picking something in this vein for a first visit should be “fun-scary” not “OMG-maybe-I’m-actually-going-to-die-scary.” Save the truly terrifying stuff for at least visit #2.

6. Go to the zoo

I don’t know how you feel about animals in captivity—but a long stroll through a nice zoo can be a great way to spend quality time with someone. After all, who doesn’t love watching monkeys play?

7. Take a long walk

Get your walking shoes on. Go for a hike or take a long walk through the city. Hiking is another great way to enjoy the beauty of the natural world and do something together where you can talk at the same time.

Just a word of warning on this one, though. Make sure you’re both on the same page about what constitutes a “fun hike.” Mike once took me on a “little hike” to see the sunset in LA. I thought we’d be walking for 20 minutes and then kicking back and opening a bottle of wine. Ninety minutes after we started walking we were still sweating our way up a trail in the San Bernardino mountains, it had already gotten dark, and I was… pretty mad.

8. Go grocery shopping and then cook a meal together

Spending time together during your first visit doesn’t have to be all about epic concerts or roller coasters. In fact, it shouldn’t be.

Doing something completely ordinary like doing the grocery shopping and cooking together is a wonderful way to spend relaxed, quality time together.

As a bonus, you get to enjoy the meal together instead of with a video screen in between you. Add some candles to the table and you can’t get much more romantic than that, for real.

9. Play a board game

As long as you can keep your competitive side in check, playing a game is an easy, cheap way to spend some time laughing together.

Put some thought into the game choice, though. Unless you are die-hard trivia fans or word nerds, Trivial Pursuit and Scrabble can make people feel, um, “less than smart.” Try something like Settlers Of Catan , Carcassone , or an online game you both love already.

10. Have a games night with a few of your close friends  

If playing games sounds good to you, why don’t you broaden the circle a little and take the opportunity introduce your long distance love to some of your friends?

Hosting a games night is a good way to get the group laughing together and introduce everyone to each other in a low-pressure sort of way.

Taboo or Apples To Apples are good group games.  

11. Have a dinner with family and friends

You don’t want to spend the whole visit alone, especially if you have more than a weekend together. (Well, you might want to, but you shouldn’t.) If you’re playing host for this visit, it would be good for your new partner to meet some of your friends, and vice versa.

One way to make that happen is by organizing a pot-luck dinner. Have this as a picnic, or at your place. Make it pot-luck or go out to a restaurant so you don’t have to spend heaps of time and energy preparing to host a group.

12. Go to your favorite restaurant

Do you have a restaurant you love? Share it! Great food + great company = all the ingredients you need for a lovely night out.

13. Take them to one of your favorite spots

In a similar vein, take your long distance love to some of your favorite places. They will love seeing the spots you love, and you will love sharing them.

When I lived in LA I used to take people to the Santa Monica Pier, the Hollywood Bowl, the Huntington Gardens, or rollerblading around the Rose Bowl.

14. Play tourist in your own city

Another fun way to get out and about in your own city is to play tourist. Go to TripAdvisor and look up your own city.

Find something that you’ve never done before that sounds interesting and go do that together. That way you’ll both be having a new experience.

15. Watch a movie

There’s a reason this a classic couples date night favorite, and it can a great way to spend some time together during your first visit.

Grab some snacks, a blanket, a good movie you’re pretty sure you’ll both enjoy (don’t waste this time on a sub-par movie), and snuggle up together on the couch.

Enjoy the cuddle time and the chance to relax together. After all, how many nights have you spent dreaming about the chance to do something simple together like this?

What Will You Do When You Visit Your Boyfriend, Girlfriend or Partner For The First Time?

I hope whatever you end up doing, you have a really awesome time together. I think you most likely will. But, occasionally, when you meet someone for the first time, things won’t go as you’d planned and hoped. That’s OK, too. Chalk it all up to valuable learning in life.

If you’d like more tips to help make sure your first meeting goes smoothly: Check out our guide for long distance couples meeting for the first time .

Lisa McKay author image for bio

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A Conscious Rethink

50 surprises your girlfriend will go crazy over and love you for

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man holding surprise for girlfriend

You love your girlfriend.

You’re absolutely head over heels for her.

And, if you’re honest with yourself, you’re finding it hard to imagine life without her.

You might have been in a relationship for a month, a decade, or even a lifetime, but you want to show her just how much you love her.

If you’re reading this, chances are that she’s pretty good at surprising you and making you feel loved, and you want to return the favor.

Never fear! As a woman who loves nothing better than a romantic surprise, I’ve put together a list of things you can do to surprise your girlfriend.

It includes everything from sweet, tiny gestures that you can use to show her how appreciated she is at any time…

…to the bigger ones that you might drop in every now and then.

1. Leave her notes

If you’ve slept over at her place and you’re the last one to leave in the morning, leave a little note on the pillow for her to come back to at the end of the day.

Tell her how smart she is, how beautiful she is, or how proud you are of her.

Tell her one of the reasons that you love her . Or, break out your (fabulous, I’m sure) drawing skills and express yourself that way.

2. Arrange a shout-out on the radio

Many stations have regular times of the day when listeners can send messages to other people. Make it something short but sweet, and tell her to tune in when you know it’s going to be read out.

3. Express your feelings in your local newspaper

Most local papers have an announcements section, but you don’t need to announce anything other than how much you love and care for your girlfriend or how awesome she is. Grab a copy, leave it open on the right page, and draw a circle around your message so that she sees it.

4. Hide notes or little gifts for her to find

The notes don’t just have to be waiting on her bed. If she’s off to work, pop one in her bag, in with her lunch, or between the pages of her book.

If she’s going away, hide a tiny gift or a photo of the two of you in her suitcase for her to discover upon arrival.

5. Write a love letter

Notes not doing it justice? Go for a full-on love letter.

For extra points, send it through the post so that it arrives when she’s least expecting it.

6. Send her postcards

If you go away somewhere without her, send her a postcard telling her you wish she was there.

7. Write a poem or a song

If you’ve got any creative bones in your body, then don’t be shy. Use them!

Write her a sonnet. Or, if you’re handy with a guitar, why not go all out and compose a song?

But you don’t necessarily have to make it up yourself. There are plenty of poets out there who have probably already expressed the feelings you’re trying to get across.

Search online, then write out the poem and send it through the post. Or get it framed for her.

If you know she has a favorite poet, that’s a fantastic place to start.

On the song front, if you can play or sing, but fall at the composing hurdle, a heartfelt rendition of a love song to celebrate a special occasion will always go down well.

8. Do a job you know needs doing

If you live together, then the two of you will be dividing chores equally …

…but if you know there’s something she’s meant to be tackling that she hates, and that you could quite easily do for her, that’s a practical surprise she’ll definitely appreciate.

If you don’t live together, then it’ll be even more appreciated. Do the washing up, hang out the washing, or pop to the shops.

9. Gifts can be classic, but personalized

If you’d like to get her something for a special occasion, or just because you love her, then the stereotypical flowers, chocolates, and cuddly toys could be a good idea…

…provided that you put that extra little bit of thought into it, and get her something you know she likes.

If she’s a fan of dark chocolate, make it a box of organic dark chocolate truffles.

If she’s obsessed with sunflowers, get her a bouquet of them.

These are lovely gifts on Valentine’s Day or her birthday, but they’re best as a surprise when she is least expecting them or needs a bit of a pick-me-up.

As far as other types of gifts go, focus on the personalization.

Buy her tickets to a concert by her favorite band or her favorite author’s latest book.

Show her that you listen to her and you know her.

10. Make a little treasure hunt

Any gift can be made even more special if you make her follow some clues to find it. This could be around your/her flat or even outside if you have somewhere quiet where you can leave the clues and know they won’t be disturbed. It’s fun and you can make the clues personal to her or your relationship.

11. Buy her underwear or pyjamas

Whilst we’re on the subject of gifts, underwear is a perfect way to show her just how well you know her and makes sure you’re on her mind whenever she wears it.

If you’re not entirely sure of sizes or nervous about such an intimate gift, then a pair of luxury pyjamas is almost as intimate, and probably something she rarely buys for herself!

12. Make her a modern-day mix tape

Tapes aren’t very practical any more, and CDs are increasingly retro, but you could still surprise her with a carefully crafted playlist full of songs you know she’ll love or that remind you of her.

13. Do that one thing you’ve always talked about

Is there something the two of you have been talking about doing for as long as you can remember?

Organize it.

Get it locked into the diary. Show her that you’re not all talk, but can take action too!

14. Make plans that involve spending quality time, not vast amounts of money

You don’t need to spend huge amounts of money to have a good time together.

As they say, the best things in life are often free. Make plans that involve more effort on your part and less expenditure.

Everyone appreciates effort. Your girlfriend is sure to.

15. Perform a PDA

PDA stands for a public display of affection, and if you’re not normally the type to hold her hand or kiss her in front of others, this little gesture will be a big and very welcome surprise for her.

16. Take her to a sunset spot

When was the last time you watched the sunset together?

If you can’t think of a fantastic sunset spot yourself, then ask your friends or you could even ask Google.

Pack some yummy snacks and a bottle of something special and watch the sun go down in the company of the woman you love.

17. Get her favorite celeb to message her

Okay, this may be a long shot, but the payoff would be huge. Get yourself on Twitter or Facebook or Instagram, find her favorite singer, band, actor, sports star, or other famous personality, and ask them to record a really short video message for your girlfriend. Can you imagine the look on her face…? You never know, some celebs love to do nice things for their biggest fans.

18. Make a photo album or scrapbook

A photo album is a wonderful gift on a special occasion. She’ll really appreciate the time and energy you put into it.

If you save things like ticket stubs or receipts from special days, these will make it even more personal.

You could suggest that you add to it together over the years and watch as your story unfolds.

19. Write a travel bucket list

Suggest that the two of you make a list of places that you would love to visit in her company during your lives together.

Making a list like this lets her know that you want to travel the world in her company and share some incredible experiences.

20. Build or make her something

If you’re any good with a saw or crafty with your hands, then why not create something for her?

Make it something you know she needs, and she’ll think of you every time she sees or uses it.

21. Give her a massage

A shoulder, foot, or even full body massage at the end of a long, hard day is a wonderfully intimate way of helping her relax and unwind.

It costs you nothing, but offering her a massage when she hasn’t asked will win you a lot of brownie points.

22. Run her a bath

If she’s had a hard day, run a hot bath with a dash of bubble bath and light a scented candle.

Do whatever needs doing to make sure she has an hour of undisturbed peace.

23. Pop a hot water bottle between the sheets

Before you go to bed, heat up some hot water and pop the hot water bottle between the sheets on her side of the bed to warm it up for her.

24. Brush her hair

Having your hair brushed is a wonderful sensation that women normally only get to enjoy every couple of months at the hairdressers.

Brush her hair for her occasionally to give her a relaxing head massage.

Or let her lay her head on your lap and stroke her hair as you both unwind in the evening.

25. Adopt an animal in her name

From cuddly koalas to fierce tigers, there are many organizations that allow you to symbolically ‘adopt’ an animal in order to raise funds. If your girlfriend is into saving wildlife or has a favorite animal, she’ll love this!

26. Cook a special meal

If you never cook, then something simple will suffice, but if you’re handy in the kitchen, take the time to find a new recipe and buy the ingredients.

Light a few candles and lay the table to show her it’s a special occasion.

27. Make her breakfast in bed

Cereal, toast, pastries, coffee, fresh juice – go all out and take her breakfast in bed. It’s guaranteed to give her the best start to the day and there’s always enough for you to share. Make sure to sweep away the crumbs from the bed afterwards!

28. Pack a picnic

If it’s a beautiful day, or even a beautiful evening, then there’s no need to eat indoors.

Pack up a special picnic with her favorite foods, grab a blanket, and take her somewhere beautiful.

29. Go to outdoor cinema

Movie dates are fun, but it’s even more special when you can cuddle up on a blanket with a hamper full of popcorn and other snacks, and catch a movie under the stars.

30. Light a candle

Something as simple as just lighting a candle in your bedroom whilst you’re watching a film or chatting to one another shows her that you want to make things special.

31. Leave her a treat in the fridge

Buy her that desert you know she loves or have a meal ready and waiting for her in the fridge for when she gets back from work, so she doesn’t have to cook.

A cold bottle of wine waiting in the fridge on a Friday evening isn’t a bad idea, either.

32. Recreate your first date

Where did you first meet? Where did you first go for dinner?

Suggest going back there to show you remember, and tell her just how wonderful you thought she was when you first met.

33. Take time off when she’s ill

If she’s not feeling well, take the morning off work to go with her to the doctor.

As much as she might claim she’s okay, she’ll love having you there to hold her hand. Offer to go to the pharmacy or the supermarket for her.

34. Take her lunch

If you know she’s free one lunchtime, why not turn up with food from her favorite lunch spot, for a spontaneous, middle-of-the-day date?

35. Or make her a packed lunch

If you know she doesn’t have time to leave her desk at lunch, then pack her lunch and hand it to her on her way out of the door. Pop a note in there to make the gesture even sweeter.

36. Help her out with things she often forgets

Does she always forget to fill up her car? Buy toothpaste? Book a train? Do it for her.

37. Take an interest in her career

If you’re genuinely interested in a woman’s career, she’ll love you for it.

If you happen to spot a job you think she’d be interested in, pass it on. If you see an article she might find useful, send her the link.

38. Comment on changes to her appearance

Did she get a haircut? Get a piercing? Buy a new dress? Make sure you comment whenever she’s looking different or particularly lovely, so she knows you really see her.

39. Boast about how great she is to your friends and family

Don’t be shy about singing her praises to others when she’s there.

Tell your best mates about how well she’s doing in her job, or your parents how good she is at coding.

She might seem a little embarrassed, but if they’re genuine compliments, deep down she’ll love that you’re proud of her.

40. Plan a whole weekend together

Block out a whole weekend, just for the two of you.

You could go away somewhere, but even plans for a relaxing weekend at home with romantic walks and lazy mornings enjoying each other’s company will mean you can relax and reconnect.

41. Call her just to chat

Texting is all well and good, but if she doesn’t get to see you in person, then hearing your voice is the next best thing. Call her in the morning just to wish her a nice day.

42. Leave her a voice message

If you aren’t free to chat, but you want to send her something more special than a text, many messaging apps allow you to record and send voice messages. She’ll love receiving one of these and hearing you say nice things.

43. Do something that’s overly romantic and cheesy

If you’ve got a hopeless romantic hiding inside you, then let them have free reign now and again.

Go as cheesy and over-the-top as you like, without holding back. Think candle-lit dinner on a rooftop with soft music and a bunch of flowers.

44. Suggest spending time with her family

Don’t wait for her to ask you if you’d like to go visit her family. Suggest it yourself, and tell her you’d love to spend time with them.

45. Throw her a surprise party – if that’s her kind of thing

Some people absolutely hate being the center of attention, but if you know she’d love it then plan a surprise party for her, to celebrate her birthday or a big achievement.

Just remember to focus on inviting her friends, not just yours.

46. Dance like no one’s watching

Dance with her. Dance with her at parties, no matter how bad you think you are. Just have fun with it.

Suggest signing up for dance classes. Dance with her in the kitchen. Dance with her even when there’s no music playing.

47. Do the planning for a big trip

If you’ve been talking about going away somewhere, but there’s a lot of planning involved, then do the research.

Check out transport, accommodation, and activities and then present it all to her, ready to be booked.

That’ll take all the stress out of it for her, and mean she can just relax and enjoy.

48. Book a holiday, but keep the destination secret

Obviously, you’ll need to let her know you’re going somewhere so she can sort out the time-off.

But, if she’s a fan of surprises, why not wait until the airport before you let her know where the two of you are going?

Just make sure you let her know what clothes to pack!

49. Scatter flower petals on the bed

It’s cheesy, but it’s also effective. Buy some roses and take a few of the flowers apart to turn your bedroom into a romantic, snuggly place to relax in. If you have any flowers left, put them in a vase on her bedside table.

50. Hire a horse-drawn carriage

Take her to a big town or city near you and find a company that provides horse-drawn carriage rides. Enjoy the sights and share in the moment as you clip and clop along the streets.

Be spontaneous , and pay attention to details

If you want to show your girlfriend how much you love her then grab every opportunity that presents itself, and don’t be shy.

Listen to the things she tells yo u and remember the things she loves so that you can surprise her in the ways she will love best.

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About The Author

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

Katie is a writer and translator with a focus on travel, self-care and sustainability. She's based between a cave house in Granada, Spain, and the coast of beautiful Cornwall, England. She spends her free time hiking, exploring, eating vegan tapas and volunteering for a local dog shelter.

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

15 Cute Things To Do For Your Girlfriend To Show Her You Love Her

Relationships should be exciting and rewarding for both partners. Every relationship comes with their share of challenges, but the happy times should make each challenge worth it. Sometimes, as a kind gesture, one partner will do something sweet for their significant other, creating one of those happy times.

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

When dating, initiating random  acts of kindness for your girlfriend is a good way to improve trust and keep the relationship exciting and intriguing. It's important to mix it up a little and find sweet things to do to put a smile on her face. Giving flowers and chocolates to show affection has long been a tradition. While this is a sweet gesture, you may want to try romantic ideas you've never done before.

If you're always doing the same thing  to show your affection, you've probably been wracking your brain trying to think of unique romantic things to do. Whatever the gift, as the saying goes, it's the thought that counts. However, to show your girlfriend just how much you enjoy spending time with her, loving her, or making her smile, you may want to consider surprising her with a unique treat or activity from time to time.

If you're stumped for romantic ideas, don't worry; here are a few sweet things you can consider doing for your girlfriend. It doesn't always have to be a romantic date—there are lots of sweet, romantic things you can do daily to make your girlfriend feel special. There's no need to make a huge list of things to do for her each day either—choosing a sweet thing to do now and then can  make your girlfriend feel special .

Be her Uber for the day

This is a nice gesture which may get you big points on the scoreboard, especially if she's always complaining about traffic. Offer to drive her to work one day and pick her up afterward. Unless she loves driving, she'll truly appreciate you doing this for her.

Put on her favorite playlist and give her a massage

This is a nice welcome home treat or a great way to help her destress after a long day at work. If she's been working on a big project or simply for long hours, consider setting the tone for a romantic massage. Focus on helping her to relax and use sensual oils such as lavender to enhance the moment. Even a nice foot rub after work can be just what she needed. As a bonus, you can draw her a hot bath and light some candles to further promote relaxation.

Do some handiwork for her

From time to time, your girlfriend might notice something broken in her home. It may be a broken cabinet door, a loose shower head, or that squeaky front door. Whatever it is, surprising her by fixing it out of the blue can be a kind gesture likely to lift her spirits. This lets her know that you are there to help her when needed. She'll be glad you did, and it shows her that you pay attention to the things she’s telling you.

Give her a piggy back ride

This may sound a bit childish, but she may think it's cute. You often see guys give their girls a back ride in romance movies. Show her that you have a romantic side as well. During a walk in the park, motion for her to hop on your back and carry her for a bit. You don't have to overdo it. Just take a few steps if that's all you can do. It's the gesture that counts.

Buy her a "just because" gift

It doesn't have to be a special occasion or holiday to give her a gift. Sometimes, if you don't make a big deal about surprising her with a gift, she'll realize it's just because she's special. She'll appreciate the thought behind this gift more than anything. It can be simple and doesn't have to be expensive. Just give her something that you know she'll enjoy. If you've always found it difficult to buy gifts for girlfriends, make sure you listen when she talks about things around the house, or if you go shopping together, remember when she says she likes something. She'll appreciate the sweet, cute, cuddly teddy bear, but you'll get extra brownie points for bringing her something she's mentioned in passing. Girls love to know they're being listened to and that you've remembered what they've said—so show your girlfriend you're listening and make her feel happy with the perfect gift. It’s one of the most romantic things you can do, and it makes a big difference!

Cook her a meal

While it's fun to cook dinner together, you can let your girlfriend know that she’s loved by doing all the work. It's a sweet romantic gesture that she'll appreciate. You don't have to be a chef to prepare a nice meal. Simple can be romantic, but you may want to add a few cute little touches to make it extra special. Choose her favorite dish, add candles, her favorite bottle of wine, and dessert to finish it off. Surprise her with the meal on a day she'd least expect. If you prefer cooking breakfast, that's a kind gesture also. Breakfast in bed is a very romantic idea. Perhaps on the weekend, plan to get up before she does and surprise your girlfriend by preparing the foods she likes most. Bring her coffee and set up a little table at the side of the bed while you're cooking. She'll love that you went to that effort while she was still sleeping!

Put a handwritten note in her lunch

It will be a pleasant surprise for her to unpack her lunch and find a sweet note from you. This could perhaps make the rest of her day much better than the first half. A few sweet words may be all it takes to make her smile. Don't be shy—write what you feel. Tell her what goes through your head when you wake up and see her next to you or what you feel when she walks into the room. A note that explains what your girlfriend means to you can make her day. It can be short, but make sure it's heartfelt. A heartfelt little love letter is sweet, cute, and incredibly romantic—and it lets her know that she’s loved.

Find a show that the two of you can watch as a couple

Find a series that you both enjoy and commit to watching it as a couple and only together. Regardless of how much you want to catch the next episode, you can't watch it without each other. It's a standing date and a great way to connect over something you both enjoy. It means that you don't need to be thinking of new date ideas all the time—and it's great for colder days, too! She'll love a cozy date night at home!

Give her new pajamas or underwear

Many girls find it romantic when their partner gives them underwear or pajamas. It's a sweet and sexy gesture that will cause her to think of you every time she’s wearing them. You may want to gift her seven pairs so she can think of you each day of the week.

Surprise her with a weekend away

Make arrangements to take her out of town for the weekend. A surprise visit to a place neither of you have been before can make it a special trip for both of you. Instead of a hotel, find a bed and breakfast to make it more romantic. She will appreciate your thoughtfulness and the effort you put into making it a special time for her, and she’ll remember it for a long time after you come back home.

Give her a spontaneous kiss in public

Does your girlfriend complain that you're not affectionate enough towards her when others are around? It could be that she wants reassurance that you care for her. Grab her hand while walking through the grocery store or lean over and kiss her while sitting in the park. She will be surprised that you're so affectionate, especially in public. Hold her hand when you're walking the dogs or when you're out with friends and family, as well as when you're at home. You don't need to give her kisses constantly, but she'll love extra kisses and hand-holding, especially when she’s not expecting them.

Post a picture of you two on social media

This may not seem like a big deal to you, but you can score some serious bonus points with it. If you haven't already done so, post a picture of the two of you on your social media page. Caption it with heart eyes or a heart. You don't have to include long text. Just add a few cute emojis.

Send her a good morning/good night texts

If she's always the one to initiate the goodnight or good morning texts, you could change that. Text her goodnight or good morning before she has a chance to text you. It will put a smile on her face and bring her heart joy to know that you're taking the lead in the communication space of the relationship.

Pick her outfit out for your next date

Girls like to look good for their partner, but they may dread deciding what to wear on a fancy date. Pick out her outfit or surprise her with something new to wear. She will feel confident because she knows that you like what she's wearing. She'll also be happy to know that you want to see her look at her best, even if it's just for you.

Grab something for her while out shopping for yourself

Sometimes, it’s the small acts that make the biggest difference. If you're out picking up things for yourself, grab something for her. Buy her something she's been talking about for a while. It can be a new flavor of ice cream that you know she'll like, a meal from her favorite restaurant, a new book by her favorite author, or those new gym shoes she's been talking about. It doesn’t have to be something romantic; it could be something she needs like a heating pad or soup when she’s sick. Often, these are the best gifts.

Support for improving your relationship is available online

It is important to keep the energy up in your relationship. The above list of sweet things to do for your girlfriend contains just a few ideas you might consider to put a smile on her face. They may completely change the trajectory of the relationship. If you and your girlfriend face challenges that have been difficult to overcome as a couple, be sure to incorporate acts of kindness into the relationship.

Gestures can be simple and don't have to be over the top. If you have a hard time expressing yourself, you may want to speak with a  professional counselor  at  Regain  to help address any underlying issues that may exist.

Online therapy is a great way to work on issues which may be affecting your relationship. It can even be as effective as in-person therapy. Sometimes, talking things out with a therapist either alone or together can make all the difference and make your relationship stronger.

Regain offers both individual and couples therapy. Once you're matched with the best therapist for your needs, you can have sessions at a time and place convenient for you.

If your relationship is flagging, it doesn't have to stay that way. Simple gestures can lift you both up and make your days together brighter.

Some commonly asked questions about this topic include:

How do I make my girlfriend feel loved?

There are many sweet things you can do to make your girlfriend feel loved. On your anniversary or another special day, try re-enacting your first date. Play hooky from work together so that you can check off a bucket list activity you’ve both been wanting to do.

These sweet things don’t have to be grand gestures though. Knowing the small things a girl likes can make a big impact. Bringing her ice cream or watching a few hours of her favorite TV show with her can make her feel like she’s special. Paying her a heartfelt, real compliment can also brighten up her day and make her feel like she’s loved.

Making your girlfriend feel loved could also mean spending time apart. Giving your girlfriend space lets her know that you respect her life outside of the relationship. Encourage her to have a girl’s night or to pursue her hobbies.

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The Well-Travelled Postcard

A travel blog for anyone with a passion for travelling, living, studying or working abroad..

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

The Art of the Surprise Visit

Waiting on the doorstep

Having been on the receiving end of an amazing surprise visit on Valentine’s Day last month, I thought I’d write about one of the best gifts you can give: a surprise visit.

When you’re living abroad, it is much harder to regularly see your nearest and dearest. Those in a long-distance relationship will understand that Skype (while a life-saver) is no substitute for regularly seeing someone in the flesh. Depending on where it is you live, you may have to go months at a time without your friends, family & boyfriend/girlfriend. The cost of flights adds up quickly if you’re travelling lots, and each moment when you are actually with your loved ones is precious and to be savoured.

So when it comes to birthdays and special occasions, your presence is often one of the best presents you can give. A fair amount of covert planning and cover stories goes into planning a surprise visit home, but when it’s done well, it’s seriously worth it!

My roses

Once you’ve decided which date to arrive, the second thing to check is what your intended surprise-ee has planned for that moment in time. Will they be at home to let you in? Are you surprising them at work or at a party? It helps if you have an accomplice on the ground to help co-ordinate the surprise-ee and make sure they’re in the desired location and the appointed time. Failing that, you could arrange a Skype session at a particular time, and make sure they’re going to be at home for the Skype. On the 14 th February 2013 I nearly decided last minute to go out for drinks with some of my other friends also in long-distance and so I cancelled the planned Skype session. Circumstances transpired that I decided to stay at home in the end, but had I gone out, I would have left my boyfriend waiting on my front door step in the freezing cold for a couple of hours!

Thirdly, you have to come up with a cover story for your whereabouts. Invent something plausible and don’t be vague about your plans, as this will only arouse suspicion and potentially let the cat out of the bag.

You’re aiming to leave the surprise-ee gobsmacked and perplexed as to how you could possibly be there. A good tactic when flying, as you’ll be out of contact while in the air, is to say you’re out somewhere and your phone is “running out of battery”. This avoids any suspicion building while you’re out of contact.

My roses

However this present should only be used every now and again, and interspersed with planned & agreed visits as well. Imagine if you were receiving surprise visits once a month – it would definitely lose its appeal after a while.

If you’re surprising someone while they’re at home, there’s always a risk you’ll catch them unawares, when they’re taking a nap or vegging out and completely unprepared. So you just have to keep that in mind. Fortunately I was still in a decent state when I received my surprise visit on Valentine’s Day, but I did panic that I wasn’t as prepared as I’d have liked.

Overall it was an incredibly sweet thing to do & I’d recommend everyone who lives far away do it at some point or other.

Have you ever surprised anyone with an unexpected visit? How did it go?


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should you surprise visit your girlfriend


Hey Visit postcard surprise around the world.

I am planning on surprising my boyfriend next week with a short visit home. I had to attend graduate school in Louisiana and he is up in Wisconsin. It’s only been about a month and a half I’ve been gone, but this is the first time in our 5-year relationship that we’ve ever been separated for more than a week. So it’s been hard for us. I had actually initially planned on coming back at this time in the beginning of May when I left, but ended up finding out that I wasn’t going to be able to come back home until August. When I told him this we were definitely both extremely saddened and upset by the idea of not seeing each other for 3 months. But I found out a few days ago that I will have enough time to fly back home for a short visit, and although it is not a special occasion, it will definitely bring both of our spirits up to be able to spend even a small amount of time together when we had initially believed we wouldn’t see each other at all. The hardest part of doing a surprise visit, in my personal opinion, is trying to predict and “orchestrate” where the person will be haha..My boyfriends parents don’t speak very good English so I don’t really want to try and negotiate/translate instructions back and forth and something possibly go wrong. So I will probably have to be very flexible and patient for this to go off how I plan. Hopefully everything goes well! 🙂 Thank you for this very helpful and creative post!

Good luck! I really hope it goes smoothly and I’m sure he’ll love the surprise!

hi, I’ve just planned a visit to Australia to visit my best friend who i haven’t seen for 6 month because I moved to a different country. However i feel like i need to tell some one about it. How do i deal with this and not ruin the surprise. Also since we are in different countries what is the best story to make up and should i film her reaction? Thanks. Ps. your blog was really helpful.

So sorry for such a late reply… Have you already been and surprised her? The best story would really depend on the circumstances, and you can film it if you like but holding a camera up might just confuse her even more and detract from the surprise! I’d just enjoy the moment and I hope all your planning works out in the end.

My best friend is off at college two hour away and I am stuck back home in high school. A few months ago, he surprised me with a visit. We hadn’t seen each other in a little over two months. A month and a half later I surprised him by showing up to his work. When would be a good time to surprise him next given the fact that him and I will be spending New Years Eve together?

That’s quite a lot of surprises! Maybe have a couple of non-surprises so they don’t lose the novelty…

I’m thinking about doing this to my lover over in the UK.. I’m not sure how I’ll do it or when exactly.. But I know that I want to surprise her enough to make both of us cry with joy. I’m going to take this plan and greatly expand it for myself, that way I won’t be scared in case something goes completely wrong. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Im flying to see my long distance husband soon. He has no idea and Im not telling anyone. Im going to fly over (I live in New Zealand he is in Melbourne, Australia) then I’m going to get a train to his work (he doesnt think I know where he works) he drives a very distinctive truck and doesnt lock it, so im going to find it in the carpark of his work and hope no one sees me lol Im then going to put my boarding pass which will say wellington-melbourne on it and the date and time on the steering wheel then on the back write ‘look in the trunk’ (he has the back seats down and a bed in the back with lots of blankets) im gonna hide under the blankets possibly in lingerie not sure about that part yet haha! so when he finishes work (i know exactly what time) he will get in the truck see the boarding pass then find me in the back. im sooo excited but the difficult part will be locating his work and his truck and not being seen by anyone snooping around his car cos someone might see me and go and tell him. i can barely wait to do it, its killing me keeping it a secret he wants to book a flight for me and i keep holding off until two weeks time saying we cant afford it. imagine if he flies to surprise me in new zealand at the same time that would be so funny! 🙂

What an intricate plan! I hope it all works like clockwork and that I’m sure he’ll be gobsmacked! (Is that a word you have down under too?) Good luck!

Hi Virginia!

Loved reading your post and all of the comments here about surprising people with a visit! I am currently planning a surprise visit for NYE 2015-2016. My boyfriend and I have been doing long distance since Oct 2014 and all of our visits have been planned trips, since we both work it can be difficult to find the right time to see one another. I am from the West Coast of the USA and he is from the Netherlands (South West). I will be arriving on the 31st in the morning and will surprise him sometime that day. His family is in on it and will be picking me up from the airport and his friends who is spending NYE with also know and have acquired all the necessary things for me (ticket to the party, plans, etc). The most difficult thing for me is HOW to do it, I know on the day he is planning to drive to Germany with his friend to get fireworks and that he has the day off from work. I will be there at around 9am. Not sure when his firework trip is, or exact planning for the day….

His grandma almost ruined the surprise! Luckily I avoided detection 🙂

Hopefully all of that makes sense! If you have any ideas I would love to hear from you.

You can ask him directly what his plans are for the 31st, but wait until the day before so he doesn’t suspect anything. Or schedule a skype at the exact time you’ll be arriving, so you know he’ll be at home? Good luck!

So, my boyfriend and I already said that we’re not going to see each other for Christmas this our first Christmas because we missed it last year. It was a difficult decision, but we had to make it because neither of us had the fund for me to travel to Utah from California. I just talked to him and he told me that he missese and he started crying. Real tears. So, I have decided to get a ride to surprise him. I’m really nervous. I’ve never done that before I don’t know how he will take it, but I already have a plan. His parents are aware that I’m coming. I will arrive there on December the 23rd. Any advice for me? Should I be nervous or excited? Or both?

Ahhh how did the surprise visit go? It sounded like a good plan!

I would really love to surprise my LDR boyfriend by a unexpected visit but I really can’t find the right situation. We are both busy with studies and the distance between us is from central Europe to India. Therefore the prices of flights are really high and personally I am not prepared to find the place he stays in the busy streets of an Indian City of Millions. Also there should be a certain amount of time I can stay so all the cost is worth it, but unfortunately he doesn’t really have holidays and mine are filled with internships and assignments. I am going desperate by the thought that we can’t see each other before our education is completed but I guess that’s the only chance. 😦

Oh I’m sorry, that does sound tough. Such long distance is never ideal, but harder than normal to plan a surprise visit. I hope you manage to see each other soon!

My girlfriend and I are from different countries. Her birthday will be in next month, and I’m gonna make a surprise visit for her. I told her friends about this to help me to arrange everything, to keep her stay in her place, not going anywhere, etc… But I think they told my girlfriend about this plan instead!! So right now both of us are acting stupid, we both act like she still doesn’t know anything. Any suggestion for this? I really need help. 😦

Oh really! That’s bad luck but maybe you can add an extra element into the surprise (and don’t tell the friends) such as arriving and then doing something special – like gets tickets for a show or something? Good luck!

Hi! I have an opportunity to surprise my LD bf with a visit after months apart. I’m really worried he’ll be annoyed that I didn’t give him at least a couple days advance notice (to prepare himself or his environment) or that I won’t be able to get him to go out somewhere in where I can surprise him! Is it better to let him know a day or two in advance or just go for the full surprise (knowing the logistical challenges)??

Personally I’d say full surprise, but it depends on how you think he’ll react!

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Dating Tips And Advice - Do Surprise Visits Help The Relationship?

Guest azn_guitar_guy

By Guest azn_guitar_guy July 19, 2009 in soompi hangout

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Guest azn_guitar_guy.

I just got into my first serious relationship and I feel that I need a lot of tips and advice, even tho I usually know what to do when I wasn't in such a serious one before. I wouldn't feel so insecure since I wasn't so attached at that time, but here I feel like I want to do something more to make her smile.

The thing is that we always discuss about what we're going to do for our next date and plan carefully our next outing (eg. take into consideration of the weather, how far we have to travel, $$, maps), but what I came to realize is that we don't have that "surprise" feeling into it... and that "out of the blue" thing that we just happen to do in the next second.

I was thinking about making a surprise visit to see her suddenly today, but I think that soley depends on how much she's thinking about me and how serious she is... otherwise it might be frowned upon.

Give me some feedback, Thanks!

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Guest Daylightful

Guest Daylightful


Guest Overtherainbow

I think surprise visits are only good if you're allowed at her house.

I'm technically not allowed to date so my boyfriend can not be anywhere near my house therefore he can't make surprise visits and he knows that.

I did surprise my bf one time when he was sick and I brought him medicine, soup and megan fox related magazines.

If you do decide to surprise her then at least have some plan. What happens if you go over there and you guys just sit there and she keeps asking you "what do you wanna do?". I guess I'm juvenile in that I think you should bring a game or something but you know her best.

I think surprise visits are only good if you're allowed at her house. I'm technically not allowed to date so my boyfriend can not be anywhere near my house therefore he can't make surprise visits and he knows that. I did surprise my bf one time when he was sick and I brought him medicine, soup and megan fox related magazines. If you do decide to surprise her then at least have some plan. What happens if you go over there and you guys just sit there and she keeps asking you "what do you wanna do?". I guess I'm juvenile in that I think you should bring a game or something but you know her best.

oh I didn't mean like visits to her house, I was thinking more like visits at her neighborhood and then call her up and talk about random stuff like:

me: "hey, what're u doing?"

her: "just at home... bored and have nothing to do"

me: "then wanna go do something?"

her: "sure, but u live so far away... so by the time u come it'll be really late"

me: "i assure u, i'll race there and be over there in less than 5 min"

or i could visit her at her workplace and i was thinking of giving her (or lending her) this electronic dictionary that she says she's been wanting to use for a while. i keep insisting on giving it to her but she wants to buy her own... go figure.

Guest kenny3435

Guest kenny3435

oh I didn't mean like visits to her house, I was thinking more like visits at her neighborhood and then call her up and talk about random stuff like: me: "hey, what're u doing?" her: "just at home... bored and have nothing to do" me: "then wanna go do something?" her: "sure, but u live so far away... so by the time u come it'll be really late" me: "i assure u, i'll race there and be over there in less than 5 min" or i could visit her at her workplace and i was thinking of giving her (or lending her) this electronic dictionary that she says she's been wanting to use for a while. i keep insisting on giving it to her but she wants to buy her own... go figure.

y dont u plan out ur next date by urself and pay for everything

and surprise her by coming to her house/neighbourhood and take her there

Guest hobobear

Guest hobobear


Guest michikosashimi

you should surprise her by going to her house with flowers too TEEHEE

cute idea d:

Guest Visvim

Guest heineken.

I love surprise visits. Even though I tell my SO that I don't, mostly because I don't want to look sloppy, I'm always pleasantly surprised when he just shows up.

I remember for Valentines Day once, my bf told me that he couldn't see me when we were talking on the phone. I was in the school library basement when I hung up with him to do my work. Then he came up from behind me with a dozen pink roses ^^ that was the first time I blushed. Sometimes he'd call me and say to get ready in 20 minutes and take me to a nice sushi restaurant he found on the internet.. or wake me up when I'm asleep in my dorm at 3AM and say that he was at the entrance of my building lol.

Spontaneity could be very romantic~ and it keeps the girls on their toes lol.

I love surprise visits. Even though I tell my SO that I don't, mostly because I don't want to look sloppy, I'm always pleasantly surprised when he just shows up. I remember for Valentines Day once, my bf told me that he couldn't see me when we were talking on the phone. I was in the school library basement when I hung up with him to do my work. Then he came up from behind me with a dozen pink roses ^^ that was the first time I blushed. Sometimes he'd call me and say to get ready in 20 minutes and take me to a nice sushi restaurant he found on the internet.. or wake me up when I'm asleep in my dorm at 3AM and say that he was at the entrance of my building lol. Spontaneity could be very romantic~ and it keeps the girls on their toes lol.

I liked hearing your experience, it's giving me a few ideas. Actually I'd like to hear more stories if possible. This sounds pretty useful.

Guest hsin531

Guest hsin531

Fan Level: 21-2

I love surprises, and most of the time it doesn't even have to include money. All you need to spend is your time, and in the long run, that's a pretty good investment I would think.

I have a few stories too. My ex was supposed to take me to the beach one time after work, but he got so tired after work that he just wanted to go home and rest. I was a bit upset because he was really irritated after work and didn't offer even an apology. Later, during midnight, I was getting ready for bed when he called me up and told me he was at the entrance of my dorm. Another time, he and I were having one of our routine arguments where we go 1 week without seeing or talking to each other. I was living in the dorms this time, and I was taking a nap when I heard the door open (I figured it was my roomie) but I was still drowsy with sleep. The next thing I remember, my ex crawled into bed and started hugging me from behind. He must have called my roomie and asked for the key to my room. It meant a lot that he cared and was willing to put SO much effort into making me smile again.

Believe it or not, surprise visits leave a verrrrry big dent in the memory department.

I feel like the thread's dying so this is very interesting stuff... I'll keep these in mind and thanks for ur comments everyone!

Guest onhotwires

Guest onhotwires

I think surprise visits are helped when it's not like 100% out of the blue, but rather... slightly hinted at, around the last minute. So, you know if she's free, what kind of mood she's in, and she gets that nice feeling of "oh, is he gonna do something sweet, which I'm hoping he'll do? yaay. he did. =]"

I personally love surprises. Best opportunities, I think, for surprises is when she's just been through a long day or is feeling down and lonely. You'll make her feel special. =3

Guest hanilemon

Guest hanilemon

I love surprises! My boyfriend surprised me about a month ago. He was so busy with sports so I haven't seen him in a week, and I thought I wasn't gonna see him for another week cause he was leaving for camp the next day. That day I was soooo exhausted from work so I was taking a long nap, then he calls around 9:30pm.

him- [my name]?

me- ...hello..? *half asleep*

him- did i wake you up?

me- yeah.. its okay. what's up?

him- i'm on your street

me- o___o *awake*

Sure as hell made me happy although my hair was messy..

Guest Mishi-san

Guest Mishi-san

Lol I love surprises!

It was one of our anniversaries and I'm all not into the celebrating thing so we both decided that it would be simple lunch and hanging out. I baked him a cake ( cause he likes cakes) in the morning and so when I was ready he knocked on my door. I opened - a bunch of roses was shoved into my face and I was SO surprised I was like WTH!? and he leaned back smiling standing inside his dodgy love heart he made out of candles it wasn't even all lit and in a tux. BAH rofl it was so cute and adorable rofl and its true what myxo said: Surprises do leave a big dent in the memory department.


^ I agree with your last sentence!

But make sure she's not busy/having a riff with family/has something else planned.

In other words, have a chat to her before but don't hint you are coming -- or visit her in the morning when her day's fresh! I would find that so sweet, aye. Just don't rock up at 5 am or when it's still dark. Please, no.

Fan Level: 25-1

Instead of always planning, why don't you guys just go and do whatever in the spur of the moment. Work around the things that go against you guys on that day, if it rains and you guys are outside, play in the rain, go indoors and watch a movie or jsut look at the rain and tell childhood stories or something just fun without costing money..

Guest Romancer.

Guest Romancer.

I absolutely love surprises!

If you're not sure if she does or not then maybe you shouldn't risk it. It would be bad if she had already made plans.

There are other ways to be spontaneous. You could both meet up and then close your eyes and point on a map and go where ever you land on. Take the train and explore new places that you've both never been to before!

Good luck. I hope she loves whatever you decide to do.

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How to Surprise a Girl on a Date

Last Updated: June 23, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Courtney Quinlan and by wikiHow staff writer, Janice Tieperman . Courtney Quinlan is a Matchmaker and Dating Coach and the Owner of Midwest Matchmaking. With over 15 years of experience, she specializes in finding individuals a compatible partner, providing guidance throughout the dating process, and crafting events for singles in the Midwest. Courtney holds a BS in Broadcast Journalism from The University of Nebraska at Omaha. There are 11 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 3,814 times.

Whether you’re meeting a girl for the first time or just spending time with your girlfriend, the element of surprise is your best friend. A special surprise can transform an average date into an unforgettable experience; best of all, it may even leave her wanting more. Ready to get your date night on? We’ve got you covered. Keep reading for plenty of ways to wow her on a first date, amp up your current dates, or give her a night she’ll never forget.

First Date Ideas

Step 1 Head to a trivia night with her.

  • You could always join forces on a single trivia team, or make things extra competitive by competing against each other!

Step 2 Go mini-golfing together.

  • Mini golf is the perfect opportunity to show off your playful, competitive side (not to mention your flirtatious side)!

Step 3 Get her tickets to an upcoming concert.

  • If you’d like to be extra impressive, score some tickets for a concert with a headlining band.

Step 4 Explore a nearby city together.

  • You could always make a reservation at a city restaurant if you’re feeling extra fancy.

Step 5 Hop from eatery to eatery.

  • You might stop by your favorite restaurant for appetizers and then switch to her favorite eatery for dinner.
  • Try mixing it up and trying different cuisines.

Girlfriend-Related Ideas

Step 1 Give her a heartfelt gift.

  • A keychain or trinket with her name on it
  • A silly gag gift

Step 2 Cook her a meal.

  • Grilled cheese and tomato soup
  • Loaded nachos
  • Eggplant florentine
  • Roast salmon and mushrooms

Step 3 Bring her favorite food or flowers.

  • If you don’t know any of her preferences, try talking to one of her friends! They’ll definitely have some good ideas.

Step 4 Plan a picnic for her.

  • Roast beef baguettes
  • Deviled eggs
  • Chicken salad
  • Tossed salad

Step 5 Get up early to watch the sunrise.

  • If you’re feeling alert enough afterward, head to your local diner or cafe to enjoy some tasty breakfast or brunch.

Step 6 Watch the stars together.

  • Make sure to bring extra blankets in case the weather gets chilly.
  • Set the mood with some relaxing background music.

Step 7 Make her an edible bouquet.

  • You can also order edible bouquets from certain specialty shops, like Edible Arrangements.

Extravagant Ideas

Step 1 Organize a mini scavenger hunt.

  • A clue might read “This is the best place to grab a bite in town,” which leads your date to the local diner or restaurant.
  • Another clue might say “This is the perfect place to play a game of Frisbee,” which guides your date to the local park.

Step 2 Visit a spa together.

  • Make sure that your date isn’t afraid of heights when you book this outing.

Step 4 Go sky diving or try something else thrill-seeking.

  • Before your date, make sure that she’s comfortable with high-thrill, adventurous activities.

Step 5 Invite her on a surprise trip.

  • For an extra memorable trip, take Friday and Monday off for a long weekend.

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52 Romantic Things To Do For Your Girlfriend - Make her smile.

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by Kyle Boureston | June 2nd, 2023

Kyle is the founder of Mantelligence, a relationship & dating coach, and a conversation & communication expert. His work has been featured on, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. He ... Read Full Bio

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Couple staring at each other by the beach - romantic things to do for your girlfriend

via: Unsplash / Jonathan Borba

If you want to take your relationship to that next level , it's always a good idea to think about romantic things to do for your girlfriend . Too often, relationships get bogged down in routine.

It's easy to feel like both parties are just "going through the motions" rather than taking the time really notice and appreciate each other . Even a few innovative date ideas can make a big difference.

If you take a few seconds out of your day to think of some romantic things to do for your girlfriend , she'll really appreciate your efforts. Make her happy, and she'll undoubtedly do her best to make you happy as well.

Why? Because at the end of the day, relationships are a two-way street .

Best - #Best

18 Best Romantic Things To Do for Your Girlfriend

couple dancing in the middle of the forest

via: Unsplash / Khuong Nguyen

If you're looking for romantic things to do for your girlfriend , it's best to stick with the very best options.

When you choose one of these romantic date ideas, you can be sure that your girl is going to respond in a positive way .

1. Rose Petals On Bed

Simple but effective. Get home before she does and place a handful of rose petals on the bed. It'll really make for a romantic experience .

2. Give your girl a bath and wash her hair

Tons of girls love to be pampered. Is there anything more romantic than a bubble bath? Take your time, wash her hair, and make her feel cared for .

3. Cook foods that she loves

Girls will be the first to state that there's nothing more romantic than a man who knows how to cook. Whip up her favorite meal, and she'll be yours forever .

tattooed woman looking at man preparing food

via: Unsplash / Toa Heftiba

4. Tell your girl, "I love you because..."

Don't just tell her you love her. Tell her  why . Try to come up with as many reasons as you can - even if you have to write them down. It's one of the most romantic things to do for your girlfriend .

5. Take a dance class together

There's something really special about dancing with your girl, and this ancient act of love becomes even more touching when you both learn how to dance together .

6. Massage her feet

It's one of the oldest ways to make your girlfriend feel loved. Take your time , and make sure you're hitting all the right spots.

cute tattoo on a foot

via: Unsplash / Jessica Alves

7. Write her a love letter

Although texting makes it very easy to connect with our loved ones, there's something a little sterile about it. A handwritten love letter is totally unique in today's age, and it's so very romantic.

8. Bring home her favorite take-out, and light some candles

Who said romantic dinners had to take place at a restaurant? All you need to make the night special is a few candles and her favorite take-out dish .

9. Go on a sunset dinner cruise

There's something inherently romantic about watching the sunset, and things get even more romantic when you're out on the water. A sunset dinner cruise ticks all of the boxes .

a wine glass in a yacht

via: Unsplash / Reiseuhu

10. Take her on a surprise weekend trip

If you think your girlfriend is getting down about the daily grind, a surprise weekend trip can really brighten up her life .

You'll seem like a total hero when you sweep her off her feet and take her on a little vacation .

11. Buy her jewelry

If all else fails, jewelry is always a solid plan. Remember, it's the thought that counts - so go with something unique and special rather than something that just costs a lot.

12. Tweet a Poem Dedicated to Her

Poetry is an awesome way to show how much you care. Even if poetry isn't really your thing, she'll appreciate the effort . Tweet it out for the world to see if you're comfortable with that.

13. Make out in the backseat of your car

A romantic go-to for teenagers since the 40s. The great thing is, you don’t even have to be teens to enjoy this activity. All you need is a car, and preferably some good music playing on the radio.

couple kissing inside a car

via: Unsplash / laurence la madeleine

14. Kiss her in a public place

Nothing says romance like showing public affection. Kissing in public may be annoying to onlookers, but it proves that you would give her love wherever you are, as long as you’re together. You just might have to ignore the people yelling “get a room!” as they walk by.

15. Go to a drive-in movie

I don’t know what it is about drive-in theaters , but they have a more romantic quality than regular movie theaters. Either way, if you’re in a drive-in movie, you’ll be alone in your car and can enjoy each other’s company without bothering the other people in their own cars.

old painted sign of a drive-in theatre

via: Unsplash / Tim Mossholder

16. Recreate your first date

Not only does this let her know that you care about remembering your first date, but it’s also a great opportunity to go down memory lane. Revisiting the first date can be ultra-romantic as it brings up the emotions you both felt at the time.

17. Go to an open house

It’s sometimes nice to go look at homes and imagine a future together in that particular house. Even if you can’t afford it, there’s always room for a little bit of dreaming. It’s also romantic to think about your future together.

18. Make each other breakfast in bed

Sometimes you just don’t feel like getting up and making breakfast for yourself. Maybe treat your girlfriend and make a great breakfast to enjoy in her bed. Anyone would appreciate such a kind and simple gesture.

couple wearing robes having breakfast in bed

via: Pexels / cottonbro

Romantic things to do for your girlfriend - infographic

via: Mantelligence

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9 Sweet Romantic Things To Do for Your Girlfriend

couple holding ice cream while giggling

via: Unsplash / Brooke Winters

When thinking about romantic things to do for your girlfriend , it's always a good idea to do your best to tug on her heartstrings.

When you choose sweet things to do for your girlfriend , you can be sure you're melting her heart and making her fall even more in love with you.

19. Take her out for ice cream

Ice cream definitely brings out the inner child in all of us. Taking your girl out for ice cream highlights the innocence of your relationship, and it's very romantic.

20. Pack her lunch and add a short love note wishing her a great day ahead

Pack your girlfriend's lunch, and she'll feel like she has someone who's really taking care of her. This is one of the most romantic things to do for your girlfriend .

21. Take her shopping

Relax - we're not telling you to spend all your money on her. A few items here and there can make her feel like she's cared for, and it can be a romantic experience if you don't go too far with it.

woman pointing inside a shop

via: Pexels / Andrea Piacquadio

22. Take her for a walk

Sometimes, it's the simplest things that end up being the most romantic things. A stroll among the cherry blossoms can be incredibly touching, especially if you hear the birds chirping.

23. Bring her flowers or chocolates for no reason

Don't wait for a reason! Chocolates and flowers out of the blue can make her scream and shout in pure bliss. Don't be surprised if she jumps straight into your arms.

24. Tell her she’s beautiful without makeup on

More girls need to know how beautiful they are without makeup. You can give your girl a serious self-esteem boost this way, and that's truly romantic.

couple cuddling in bed

25. Sing to her

Singing to your girlfriend is almost guaranteed to get a positive reaction out of her. You might feel embarrassed... but just go for it, man. Don't worry about how your voice sounds.

26. Go lingerie shopping with her

It might sound a little risque, but most girls will absolutely love this. And best of all? You get to enjoy everything you buy just as much as she does.

27. Send her a good morning text

This is a great idea if you're just getting to know your girlfriend. Make sure you're saying good morning each day , and she'll seriously warm up to you very quickly .

5 Cute Romantic Things To Do for Your Girlfriend

man playing a guitar for his girlfriend

Keep it cute, and you can be sure that your romantic act goes down well .

These cute things to do for your girlfriend may seem a little less awkward and intense, which makes them more likely to succeed.

28. Make a picture collage for her

One of the most romantic things to do for your girlfriend is to create a collage of all your happy moments together.

29. Adopt a pet together

Adopting a pet is a major step as a couple, and it gives you a chance to bond and (dare we say it?) practice being parents.

30. Take her to visit her parents

Another major step as a couple is to meet the parents. Introducing her to your parents shows that you're really serious about her.

people gathered around talking to each other

via: Unsplash / Antenna

31. Surprise her with a spa day

Girls love spa days ! Send her on a trip to the spa, and she'll be thinking of all kinds of ways to pay you back.

32. Bake her a cake

This is a seriously cute idea that she'll love. Make sure to try really hard with the presentation of the cake . Try pink icing .

5 Romantic and also creative things to do

couple making pottery together

via: Pexels / Gabby K

Are you getting tired of the generic romantic ideas that most couples do? Want to show how much you care for your partner by thinking outside the box? Checking out this list of creative things to do is sure to give you some new ideas on how to romance your significant other.

33. Make her jewelry

Buying your girlfriend nice jewelry is one thing. But making her nice jewelry screams romance. This one might take a bit of crafting knowledge depending on the type of jewelry you want to make, but even simple things can show how much you love them.

gold jewelries next to green moss

via: Unsplash / Danielle Gehler

34. Take a pottery class

This particular activity became a massive hit with couples when the film “Ghost” came out in 1990, thanks to its famous pottery scene. Couples are still finding out the joys of making pottery with their partners, so why not give it a try?

35. Go to karaoke

Karaoke is already fun with friends, so imagine how great it would be to do it with your partner! This has the potential of creating a truly unforgettable and fun night. Hopefully, it’ll give you some ideas that your partner will love!

girl holding microphone on stage

via: Unsplash / Igor Rodrigues

36. Write a poem

Poetry is said to be the key to any woman’s heart. The same thing could be said about chocolate, but that’s beside the point. Poetry gives you the chance to express your romantic feelings in their truest and most unique form. Romance and poetry go together perfectly, so your partner will definitely feel special for getting such a personal and creative gift.

37. Make a scrapbook with photos and mementos

This is a great way of immortalizing your time together. It will show that you are committed and that you want to remember your most special moments together. It’s needless to say that this oozes romance. The next time you’re looking for a good anniversary gift to get her, think about maybe making her something instead.

polaroid pictures on a scrapbook

via: Unsplash / Rirri

3 Romantic things to do online

smiling woman looking at her phone

via: Pexels / Gustavo Fring

Sometimes you and your significant other can’t be in the same place at the same time. It’s also possible that you are in a long-distance relationship and are unable to spend physical time together. There are a variety of different things to do online with your partner that are just as romantic.

38. Get a beer of the month club subscription

Why not share a distant drink by using a beer of the month club service? With this subscription, you can get a variety of different beers delivered to your home each month. You can both subscribe to one and share a drink over the internet. Just pretend you’re at a bar!

39. Curate playlists for each other

Sharing music is a lot of people’s love language. Letting them in on what you listen to is almost like opening up a secret door in yourself that only very few people get to see. If you and your partner curate playlists for each other, it can possibly deepen your bond.

hand holding a phone showing playlists

40. Send a love email every day

It’s not a handwritten love letter , I’d argue this is the next best thing. Regardless of the format, sending love letters is probably one of the most romantic things you could ever do. Putting down your feelings into words can show how much you really care about someone.

3 Romantic yet also productive things to do

man cutting tomatoes in an outdoor setting

via: Pexels / Nataliya Vaitkevic

Do you feel like doing something productive, but feel bad about not having your full attention be on your partner? You don’t have to worry about that, as we’ve got some productive things to do that can be romantic.

41. Learn awesome trivia questions

Don’t you wish there was a way to spend time with your partner and learn about new things? Well, why not explore some awesome trivia questions with them and learn new things together! If you’d like to infuse some more romance into trivia, then look up some valentines day trivia .

couple surfing internet while drinking coffee

via: Pexels / Ketut Subiyanto

42. Solve a puzzle

Solving a puzzle is already a very relaxing pastime, so why not relax together with your partner? Taking a moment to do a quiet activity together can be very romantic, as you’ll both just be taking each other's presence in as you concentrate. If being quiet isn’t your still, then just strike up a conversation!

43. Burn a CD with love songs

Now, this is old school. Giving someone a CD full of love songs is a great way to express yourself. There’s something nostalgic about receiving a romantic mix CD that nothing else can replicate.

black and white record player with record

via: Unsplash / Patrick Lindenberg

3 Romantic adventurous things to do

couple atop a hill overlooking landscape

via: Pexels / Taryn Elliott

Is your partner an adventure seeker? Are you looking to expand your horizons and do some more exciting things with your partner that may be outside your comfort zone? Then check out these adventurous things to do with your significant other.

44. Go to a murder mystery dinner

Get your sleuthing skills ready! Solving a murder can be really fun. Doing so with your partner can be even more fun. This is a good way to see if you’re dating an intelligent person and if you’re intelligent yourself.

45. Go for a hot air balloon ride

A hot air balloon ride can be amazingly romantic. It can be very intimate when you share such a great view with your partner from that high up. It’s as if you are the only two people in the world, observing everything from so far up.

red hot air balloon being fired up

via: Unsplash / Walter Lee Olivares de la Cruz

46. Go skiing

Skiing is a popular pastime for those near ski mountains. Why not spend a day skiing down a mountain and enjoying the great view with your partner? Afterward, you can get comfy and snuggle up with some hot cocoa and wind down.

3 Romantic things to do on a first date

couple with horizon on the background

via: Unsplash / Dmitry Vechorko

Going on a date can be nerve-wracking, but going on a first date can be even more stressful. It’s very common to worry about what impression you’ll make and what to even do on a first date. Sometimes you just have no idea where to take them! Have no fear. This list is full of great ideas of what to do on a first date . Check them out and see if they give you any ideas!

47. Go to a psychic together

This one is a bit out there, but it can be really fun to explore such a topic. Who knows, maybe the psychic sees a great future for the both of you.

woman burning herbs with candles

via: Pexels / Anastasia Shuraeva

48. Check out a local film festival

A film festival is a great event to attend on a first date. Usually, a bunch of films, long and short, are scheduled, so you can watch a few that seem interesting. This also gives you an opportunity to see how you both think since you’ll be talking about what you liked or didn't like about the films.

49. Slow dance to romantic music

Slow dancing is one of the most romantic activities to ever exist. Nothing says romance like embracing your partner and just swaying to some love songs. Just try not to step on her toes.

couple slow dancing outdoors

3 Romantic things to do at home

couple sitting with man pointing somewhere

via: Pexels / Tima Miroshnichenko

Don’t feel like leaving the house, but don’t know what to do with your partner? It can be easy to think that you don’t have romantic things to do at home , but that’s absolutely not true. Check out some of these at home date ideas and see what you can do in the comfort of your own home!

50. Make her a cup of coffee

Nothing says romance quite like a delicious cup of coffee. Maybe it’s worth investing in a good fancy coffee maker to make your partner some specialty coffees?

51. Stay in and cuddle

Who doesn’t love cuddling? Being in each other’s presence like that can be very comforting, and it’s just nice to hold someone you care about. The simple things can be just as romantic.

couple cuddling in bed

via: Pexels / Ba Tik

52. Prepare strawberries with fondue chocolate

There is something about chocolate and strawberries that just drips romance. All you need now are some candles and some love songs and you got yourself a memorable evening.

How to Pick The Best Romantic Thing To Do For Your Girlfriend

sitting man writing on his notebook

via: Unsplash / Priscilla Du Preez

If you're still not quite sure about how to "make the move," don't worry. Picking the right romantic thing to do for your girlfriend isn't always easy.

You can refer to this guide to find the best choice for that special girl in your life.

1. Keep It Fun

a couple smiling at each other while riding the carousel

via: Unsplash / sept commercial

It's always great to show that you care, but sometimes romance can get a little too intense if you're not careful.

While you should be passionate about your girl, keeping it light-hearted and innocent makes it less awkward. Don't be afraid to crack a joke or two .

2. Consider Her Personality

man looking at woman in a field of flowers

via: Unsplash / rayul

Not all girls have the same idea about what's romantic. Some might prefer a more serious approach, while others may enjoy something fun and exciting.

When choosing what you're gonna do for your girl, think about what would really blow  her  socks off. Don't just pick something because it sounds safe or mainstream. Make it special for her .

3. Not Everything You Do Have To Cost Money

ten dollars held by 2 persons

via: Pexels / Karolina Grabowska

Not every date has to cost you an arm and a leg. And you don’t have to just buy your significant other’s love through gifts. Sometimes the most personal moments come free, so be sure to create opportunities that let you spend time with each other without spending money.

4. Get Creative

man and woman exchanging gifts

via: Pexels / olia danilevich

It’s always a pleasure to go on a date that is unconventional and exciting. Try thinking outside the box and see how creative your date ideas can get. Showing your love for someone in a creative way that is unique to you can be really romantic. After all, if all you do is go to the same restaurant and give them the same gifts over and over again might get stale. Keep it exciting and get creative!

5. Make It Personal

man lying on a woman's lap

via: Pexels / Ryutaro Tsukata

A box of chocolates or a night out to a fancy restaurant are both fine romantic gestures, but are they personal? Sometimes these basic romantic gestures can seem more like an obligation, and not something with true meaning. If you really want to woo someone with romance, get them a gift that is really thoughtful and that shows that you are thinking about them. You can take them on a date somewhere that means something to your relationship. Sometimes, this extra effort of really thinking and making your romantic gestures mean something more will strengthen your relationships.

6. Don't Expect Anything In Return

closeup shot of a couple dancing happily

Doing romantic things for your girlfriend should be non-reciprocal. You should do this because you  want to , not because you feel like you should get something back in return.

On that note, spontaneity is great in this situation. Doing romantic things out of the blue is much better than doing something for her birthday or for her anniversary. Why? Because it's unexpected! So much more romantic.

Downloadable and Printable List of Romantic Things To Do For Your Girlfriend

Here is a downloadable and printable list of Romantic Things To Do For Your Girlfriend (right click the image and select Dave Image As...)

Downloadable list of things to do

More Great Tips To Make Your Girlfriend Feel Special

In case you were wondering, these ideas aren't the only way to make your girl feel like she's the most important lady in the world.

There are tons of other things you can do to give your relationship a boost . Here are a few tips to get you started:

  • If your girlfriend's birthday is coming up, it's always a good idea to make an extra effort when you shop for gifts . Check out these birthday gifts for girlfriend , and she won't be disappointed.
  • A few romantic words can go a long way . If you feel like the cat's got your tongue, don't sweat it - here are a few ideas for romantic things to say to your girlfriend.
  • It's never a bad time to get to know your girlfriend a little better. Asking her questions can help you form a deeper connection . Check out these deep questions to ask your girlfriend for more information.

In Conclusion

Hopefully, you're now feeling like you've been equipped with all the tools you need to make an amazing impression on your girlfriend.

We know that not everyone is naturally romantic.

In the end, that doesn't really matter. What  does matter is that you make an effort . Choose one of these romantic things to do for your girlfriend , and she'll see that you care. It might not be perfect, but she'll love that you're  trying .

So go ahead, Romeo. Rock her world .

About The Author

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Kyle Boureston

Kyle is the founder of Mantelligence, a relationship & dating coach, and a conversation & communication expert. His work has been featured on, Reader's Digest, Vice, Ask Men, and Refinery29. He lives in Austin, TX with his loving wife and his energetic Border Collie.

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100 Romantic and Special Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend

100 Romantic and Special Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend

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Who doesn’t love surprises? The joy of discovering something unexpected is one of the universal experiences that connect us all.

Now, what if we channel that joy into our romantic relationships? Surprising your girlfriend is not just about the grand gesture; it’s about showing her you care in a unique and special way. So, want to surprise your lady and make her smile? Let’s dive in!

First, we will take a look at the view of the best and then we will get into our top 100

The Classic Love Letter

Remember the age-old days when lovers used to pen down their feelings?

Writing a love letter might seem outdated, but it’s a timeless way to show your girlfriend how much you care. It’s intimate, personal, and one of the best ways to express your love.

A love letter can make your girlfriend feel loved in a way that texts and instant messages can’t.

Spontaneous Road Trip Adventures

Life is all about the journey, not just the destination, right?

If you and your girlfriend enjoy spending time together on the open road, a spontaneous road trip could be the best way to surprise her.

Choose a location she’s always wanted to visit or a scenic route that you think she’ll love. Make sure to pack some of her favorite snacks!

A Surprise Romantic Weekend Getaway

Nothing screams romantic surprise more than a weekend getaway.

Take the initiative to book a cozy Airbnb or a luxurious hotel where both of you can spend quality time.

From long walks on the beach to a cozy night in, a romantic weekend is a fantastic way to make your girl feel special.

The Power of a Relaxing Massage

What better way to end a long day at work than with a relaxing massage?

If you want to make your girlfriend happy, consider giving her a massage. It shows that you care about her well-being.

For an extra touch, use essential oils to make the experience even more luxurious.

Planning the Perfect Picnic

If the weather is right, why not plan a picnic? Grab a basket, pack it with her favorite treats, and find a quiet spot in a local park. A picnic is a cute and romantic way to spend time together, enjoy the great outdoors, and make her day special.

Organizing a Surprise Party She’ll Never Forget

Is it a special occasion or a milestone in her life? A surprise party can be a grand gesture that shows how much you know and appreciate her. Coordinate with her friends and family to make it a day of celebration she’ll never forget.

Little Love Notes Hidden Around the House

Sometimes, the little things mean the most. Write small love notes or short love poems and hide them around the house. This is a delightful way to make her feel loved and special, each note becoming a treasure hunt that brightens her day.

Planning a Romantic Date Night

Why wait for a special occasion? A simple, well-thought-out date night can be just as meaningful. It could be dinner at her favorite restaurant or a night of dancing. The goal is to spend quality time together and enjoy a romantic evening.

Why a Romantic Evening Can Be So Impactful

Sometimes a romantic evening can be more impactful than the most extravagant gestures. Create an atmosphere that makes her feel cherished. Maybe it’s watching her favorite romantic comedy, a romantic dinner at home, or just cuddling under the stars.

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Top 100 Romantic And Special Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend

1. memory lane scrapbook.

Create a scrapbook of your most cherished moments together. Include photographs, movie tickets, and little notes.

2. Weekend Getaway

Book a surprise weekend trip to a place she’s mentioned wanting to visit or somewhere completely new to both of you.

3. Surprise Date Night

Handle all the arrangements for a surprise date night. From restaurant reservations to choosing her favorite film to watch at home.

4. Love Notes

Hide small love notes in unexpected places for her to find throughout the day.

5. Breakfast in Bed

Prepare her favorite breakfast and serve it to her in bed.

6. DIY Spa Day

Run a warm bubble bath, light some candles, and pamper her with massages and facials at home.

7. Serenade Her

Learn to play her favorite song on a musical instrument and serenade her.

8. Personalized Jewelry

Gift her a piece of jewelry that’s engraved with a significant date or her initials.

9. Cooking Together

Plan a night where you cook a meal together, with all her favorite ingredients.

10. Star Gazing

Drive away from the city lights and gaze at the stars. Bring a telescope if you have one.

11. A Love Letter

Write a heartfelt love letter expressing your feelings and reminiscing about your journey together.

12. Bookstore Date

Spend an afternoon exploring a local bookstore and pick out books for each other.

13. DIY Movie Night

Set up a projector in the backyard and have an outdoor movie night with blankets and popcorn.

14. Mystery Tour

Plan a day where she gets clues leading her to different romantic or memorable locations.

15. A Dance

Even if it’s just in your living room, pick a song and ask her to dance.

16. A Jar of Love

Fill a jar with little notes, each describing something you love about her.

17. Picnic Adventure

Pack her favorite snacks and have a picnic in the park, beach, or even your balcony.

18. Commissioned Art

Hire an artist to create a portrait of the two of you.

19. Personal Playlist

Create a playlist of songs that remind you of her or your relationship.

20. Midnight Snack Run

Surprise her with a midnight snack run to grab her favorite treats.

21. Book Subscription

Gift her a subscription box that sends her a new book in her favorite genre every month.

22. Morning Hike

Wake up early and go for a sunrise hike together.

23. Customized Calendar

Create a calendar with photos of your favorite moments together.

24. Surprise Party

Organize a surprise get-together with her closest friends and family.

25. Personalized Puzzle

Turn one of your favorite photos together into a jigsaw puzzle.

26. Plan a Day Off

Handle her responsibilities for a day and let her enjoy some downtime.

27. Pottery Class

Enroll in a pottery class together and create something special.

28. Memory Box

Start a memory box where you can store little mementos from your dates and travels.

29. Romantic Dinner

Cook or order a fancy dinner and set the table with candles and soft music.

30. Recreate Your First Date

Visit the spots you went to on your first date and reminisce about that day.

31. DIY Art Session

Buy some canvases and paint, and spend the afternoon painting together.

32. Handmade Gift

Whether it’s knitting, woodworking, or crafting, make her something from scratch.

33. Home Theater

Transform your living room into a theater with blankets, fairy lights, and her favorite films.

34. Adventure Day

Plan a day full of adventurous activities she loves, like zip-lining or kayaking.

35. Fresh Flowers

Buy her a bouquet of her favorite flowers, just because.

36. Surprise Lunch

Show up at her workplace or school with her favorite lunch.

37. Game Night

Host a game night with just the two of you, complete with snacks and her favorite games.

38. Personal Chef

Hire a chef to cook a gourmet meal for both of you at home.

39. Candlelit Bath

Run a bath with rose petals, essential oils, and candles for her to relax.

40. Enroll in a Class

Sign up for a class together, be it dance, cooking, or anything she’s interested in.

41. Plant a Garden

Plant flowers or vegetables together in a garden or pots.

42. Watch the Sunrise

Wake up early, grab some blankets, and watch the sunrise together.

43. Beach Day

Spend a day at the beach – sunbathing, building sandcastles, and enjoying the sea.

44. Personal Perfume

Buy her a unique perfume or create a custom scent for her.

45. Ice Cream Date

Go on an ice cream date and let her pick as many flavors as she wants.

46. Monthly Date Box

Set up a monthly date box, where each box contains the itinerary for a surprise date.

47. Scrapbook Supplies

Buy her scrapbooking supplies so she can create a memory book of your adventures.

48. Take Over Chores

Do all of her chores for a day, letting her relax and enjoy her free time.

49. Surprise Photoshoot

Hire a photographer for a surprise couple’s photoshoot at a beautiful location.

50. DIY Coupon Book

Create a coupon book with promises like “Good for one back massage” or “Redeem for a movie night.”

51. Craft Night

Set up a night where you do crafts together, like making candles or DIY decor.

52. Mystery Book

Buy her a book in a genre she loves but hasn’t read, adding a little mystery to her reading list.

53. Handpicked Playlist

Curate a playlist of songs that you feel represent your relationship.

54. Plan a Road Trip

Take her on a spontaneous road trip to a place she’s never been.

55. Bake Together

Spend an afternoon baking her favorite cookies or cake together.

56. Flower Planting

Buy seeds or bulbs of her favorite flowers and plant them together.

57. Star Naming

Name a star after her, giving her the certificate and coordinates to find it in the night sky.

58. Handwritten Poem

Write a poem about her or your love story and frame it.

59. Romantic Balcony

Decorate your balcony with fairy lights, cushions, and blankets for a romantic evening.

60. Jewelry with Meaning

Gift her a piece of jewelry that holds special meaning, like a necklace with a pendant of the place you first met.

61. Chocolate Fondue Night

Set up a chocolate fondue and dip her favorite fruits and snacks.

62. Custom Illustration

Commission an artist to create an illustration of a special moment you shared.

63. Indoor Picnic

Lay a blanket in your living room and have an indoor picnic with all her favorite treats.

64. Night at a Fancy Hotel

Book a night at a luxurious hotel and enjoy the amenities together.

65. Fashion Show

Take her shopping and let her pick out an outfit, then have a mini fashion show at home.

66. Couples Massage

Book a couple’s massage at a local spa for a day of relaxation.

67. DIY Perfume Making

Enroll in a perfume-making workshop where you both can create your own unique scents.

68. Love Story Book

Write down your love story and get it printed in a beautiful book format.

69. Take Her to a Show

Buy tickets to a musical, concert, or play she’s been wanting to see.

70. Memory Lane Drive

Take her on a drive to places that hold significance in your relationship.

71. Customized Jewelry Box

Gift her a jewelry box engraved with a special message or date.

72. Paint and Sip Night

Join a paint and sip class where you can paint while enjoying wine or her favorite drink.

73. Private Yoga Session

Book a private yoga session for just the two of you.

74. Surprise Day Off

Call in a day off for her (with her employer’s permission) and spend it doing her favorite things.

75. Horseback Riding

Plan a day of horseback riding through scenic trails.

76. Home Decor Surprise

Buy that piece of furniture or decor she’s been eyeing for a while.

77. Sunset Cruise

Take her on a romantic sunset cruise with dinner onboard.

78. Personal Chef for a Day

Hire a personal chef to come and cook her favorite meals for a day.

79. Handmade Candle

Make a candle in her favorite scent, adding personal touches like dried flowers.

80. Surprise Dessert

Order or make her favorite dessert and surprise her with it after dinner.

81. Plan a Themed Date

Pick a theme she loves (like a movie or decade) and plan a date around it.

82. Adopt a Star

Adopt a star in her name, and spend an evening stargazing together.

83. Personal Video Message

Compile video messages from her friends and family, sharing their love and best memories with her.

84. Surprise Vacation

Plan and book a surprise vacation, giving her clues leading up to the departure date.

85. Hot Air Balloon Ride

Take her on a surprise hot air balloon ride at sunrise or sunset.

86. Monthly Flower Subscription

Subscribe to a monthly flower service that delivers fresh flowers to her.

87. Surprise Hobby Class

Enroll both of you in a class she’s mentioned wanting to take, like photography or cooking.

88. Surprise Workout Session

Book a private workout session in a form she enjoys, be it Pilates, kickboxing, or dance.

89. Personalized Locket

Gift her a locket with a picture of the two of you inside.

90. DIY Bath Bombs

Make bath bombs in her favorite scents and colors.

91. Surprise Book Delivery

Order a book she’s been wanting and have it delivered to her as a surprise.

92. Home Karaoke Night

Set up a karaoke machine at home and spend the night singing your hearts out.

93. Custom Illustration of Your Home

Hire an artist to make a custom illustration or painting of your shared home.

94. Plan a Future Trip

Sit down with her and plan a dream trip for the future, researching and making a tentative itinerary.

95. Bake Her Favorite Cake

Find out her favorite cake and bake it for her from scratch.

96. Write a Song for Her

If you’re musically inclined, write and perform a song dedicated to her.

97. Recreate Her Favorite Restaurant Dish

Find out her favorite dish from a restaurant and try recreating it at home.

98. Custom Recipe Book

Compile a recipe book filled with recipes you’ve tried together or want to try.

99. DIY Beauty Products

Make DIY beauty products like lip balms or body scrubs in her favorite scents.

100. Adventure Book

Create an “Adventure Book” filled with ideas for future dates and adventures you want to take together.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some unique ways to surprise my girlfriend.

Some unique ways to surprise your girlfriend include planning a scavenger hunt, booking a hot air balloon ride, or even arranging a flash mob!

How can I make her feel special on a regular day?

Just holding her hand or leaving a love note for her to find can be enough to make her feel special.

What if my girlfriend isn’t a fan of big surprises?

In that case, smaller, more intimate gestures like writing a love letter or planning a cozy movie night at home can still have a huge impact.

How can I know what kind of surprise my girlfriend will love?

Knowing your girlfriend’s likes and dislikes, paying attention to what she mentions she wants to do or have, and taking note of past things she’s enjoyed can offer hints.

Is planning a surprise expensive?

It doesn’t have to be. Even simple gestures like cooking her favorite meal or setting up a home spa day can be deeply meaningful.

Final Thoughts

So there you have it—some fantastic ways to surprise your girlfriend and make her feel loved. From the classic love letter to a spontaneous road trip, each of these methods has its own unique flair. What’s important is the love and thought you put into making her day special. So go ahead, plan that perfect surprise!

Phil Taylor

Body Language Matters

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  • Relationships

How to Behave Around Your Girlfriend: 15 Ways to Make Her Happy

Last Updated: June 12, 2023 Fact Checked

Treating Her with Respect

Showing her that you care, spending time together, expert q&a.

This article was co-authored by Joshua Pompey and by wikiHow staff writer, Hannah Madden . Joshua Pompey is a Relationship Expert with over 10 years of helping people navigate the online dating world. Joshua has run his own relationship consulting business since 2009 at a success rate of over 99%. His work has been featured in CNBC, Good Morning America, Wired, and Refinery29 and he has been referred to as the best online dater in the world. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 637,497 times.

Learning to navigate a new relationship can be tricky, but it’s also super exciting! Figuring out you and your girlfriend’s special dynamic is a great way for you to learn more about her (and about yourself). If you’re feeling a little nervous about how to act around your gf, we’ve got you covered—we’ll tell you exactly what to keep in mind as you interact with your partner to have a fun, relaxing time together.

Things You Should Know

  • Treat your girlfriend with respect, and always be honest and kind.
  • Shower her how much you care by checking in often and standing up for her in public.
  • Plan dates you know she’ll like by picking events or activities she’s interested in.
  • Have dedicated date nights, but spend time with other friends and family too—time apart is as healthy as quality time together.

Step 1 Speak to her kindly.

  • Always speak in a kind tone, even if you’re upset. Keeping your tone of voice in check lets your girlfriend know that you care about her.
  • Never call your girlfriend names, even if you’re mad. Name-calling is a big sign of disrespect.
  • Similarly, avoid swearing at her or cursing at her.

Step 2 Observe and respect her body language.

  • If your girlfriend is enjoying the moment, her body language will likely reflect that feeling. She may be smiling coyly, making consistent and lingering eye contact, or leaning her body in towards you. She will probably appear relaxed, and her face, body, and feet will be directed toward you. Pay attention to these cues to know when you are doing something you should continue doing, whether in an intimate setting or amongst a group of peers.
  • If your girlfriend is feeling uncomfortable or nervous, she might touch her neck, stroke her own hair, or play with something in her hands. If you notice these things, quietly pull her aside and ask her if she’s okay.

Step 3 Treat her as your equal.

  • Accept differences in political stance, taste in art or music, and interest in recreational activities. Whether or not they are the same stances and interests as yours, her opinions and tastes matter. Just remind yourself that you're really not the authority and arbiter on all things, personal and public. Just think of your differences as part of the "spice of life." Wouldn't it be boring if you two agreed on everything?
  • If you feel like you can't respect her opinions, this might not be the right relationship for you. If you differ on fundamental issues—a desire for monogamy in the relationship, for instance, or the religious upbringing of your children—it might be time to reevaluate the relationship. While you should still treat her opinions and feelings with respect, you may realize they are just not compatible with yours.

Step 4 Be honest.

  • Be honest from the start. Trust can be very hard to regain once it's broken. Instead of risking being caught in a lie, just be honest from the beginning. A relationship built on lies will never make you truly happy.
  • If you have told a lie, admit it. The best thing you can do is to have your girlfriend hear the truth from you and not from someone else. She will likely respect you more for your ultimate honesty (once she gets over the shock of being lied to). She wants to believe you—and believe in you.

Step 5 Apologize if you make her upset.

  • Apologize sooner rather than later. The best time to apologize is as soon as you know you were in the wrong.
  • Speak from the heart. Say something like, “I'm really sorry I hurt your feelings. I'll try to do better next time.” This can be as powerful as a dozen roses.
  • Don't force your apology or fake one. Your girlfriend will probably be able to tell that you don’t mean it.

Step 1 Let her know you're thinking about her.

  • Try a simple message: “Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you.” A little gesture like this may make her day.
  • Bring up a recent memory. For example: “I can't stop thinking about the time I accidentally dropped all the eggs on the floor and you slipped on them! It's been making me laugh all day.”
  • Begin with a compliment: “Your beautiful smile has been on my mind all day today!”

Step 2 Use your manners...

  • Open the door for her. This move has been appreciated by women for centuries!
  • Walk on the outside of the sidewalk, closest to traffic. This is a quiet sign of protection. Put your arm around her in busy, public places.
  • Offer to pay the bill at dinner. Even if she refuses and asks to split the bill, your offer will not go unnoticed.
  • Introduce her to your friends or people you know. It might bother her to be standing next to you chatting with a crowd of your friends when none of them knows her name. Make sure the first thing you do is introduce your girlfriend. This will make her feel important to you and let her relax a bit in conversing with your friends.

Joshua Pompey

Joshua Pompey

Our Expert Agrees: Many women especially appreciate chivalry, because it can sometimes be lacking these days. For instance, try planning a date that shows you're paying attention to what she's interested in and what she likes. Also, make little romantic gestures here and there, like giving her a surprise gift. It doesn't have to be a big financial investment—sometimes the best gifts might only cost a few dollars, or they might even be free.

Step 3 Make her feel special

  • Make eye contact with her from across the room. Let her know she's the only one on your mind without having to say a single word.
  • Smile at her. You know how you feel when she smiles at you. It works in the other direction, too.
  • Take her feelings into consideration. For example, when you are making plans, discuss them with her. Make her feel like half of a couple.
  • Compliment her . Whether it's a new outfit, a new haircut, or simply the way her smile lights up the room, tell her you've noticed and that you like it.
  • Spoil her a little bit. Has she been eyeing a certain scarf at the mall? Buy it for her and give it to her as a “Just Because it's Thursday” present.
  • Thank her when she brings you something, helps you with something, or does something kind for you. A simple "thank you" can mean a lot and will make it more likely she'll go out of her way for you in the future. Better yet, thank her for no reason at all—just for being herself. An unexpected kindness will warm her heart for days.

Step 4 Get to know her friends.

  • Show interest in her friends. Ask them the same questions you asked her when you were getting acquainted. A great place to start is asking her friends how they met your girlfriend.
  • Prove she's in good hands. Show her friends that you genuinely care about her, but don't push it too hard. Hold her hand, perhaps, but don't display affection to the point of embarrassing anyone.
  • Speak highly of her. Her friends don't want to see you making fun of her or putting her down. While light jesting can be okay, save that for when you know her group a bit better. For the first few meetings, just be quietly but firmly complimentary.
  • If you can't get along with her crew, minimize your contact with them. Just let her know that you approve of her spending time with them and that you won't feel jealous of them as a result.

Step 5 Surprise her...

  • Leave her a note on her bathroom mirror. If you get up for work before she does, leave her a quick “I love you!” note somewhere she'll be sure to notice. This will undoubtedly make her smile, and she'll think about it all day.
  • Send her a card in the mail for no reason. It doesn't have to be a holiday. Getting something in the mail will be a pleasant surprise.
  • Send her flowers. Choose a bouquet that’s perfect for her, and have them delivered to her home or work. You may not care about flowers, but she does.
  • Plan a surprise date. Text her: “See you at 7 at my house,” and have a candlelit home-cooked dinner waiting for her when she walks in the door. She will remember this for the rest of her life.

Step 6 Be affectionate...

  • Hold her hand when you go for a walk. This simple and sweet action will show her that you're proud to call her yours.
  • Wrap your arm around her when it's cold. This gesture will show her you care for her and want to take care of her.
  • Kiss her on the cheek. This is a tender move that shows her that you care.

Step 7 Stand up for her.

  • Showing your support can be as simple as listening to her vent and validating her feelings. If she’s telling you about a fight with her friend, you might say something like, “Wow, that sounds really stressful. I’m sure you’re upset—I would be.”

Step 1 Plan a date...

  • If you know she loves music, take her to enjoy a jazz concert in a garden, and pack your own picnic, complete with champagne. You can listen to the music together and cuddle up as the sun goes down.
  • If spaghetti is her favorite food, take her on a date to an Italian cooking class. You'll learn to make pasta while also having a great time getting messy in the kitchen.
  • Does she like beer? Plan a tour at a local brewery that includes tasting the products they turn out. Not only will you get to try some tasty beverages, you'll learn something, too.
  • Is France her favorite country? Plan a “French night” at home. Buy French wine, have fresh croissants and cheese, try your hand at French cuisine, and put on a French playlist with Spotify. Light candles, and pull up a picture of the Eiffel tower on your laptop for effect. Voilà! A perfect evening in Paris.

Step 2 Try a new activity together.

  • Pick a unique activity: think whale watching, bouldering, brewing your own beer, or learning how to shear a sheep! The possibilities are endless.
  • Get out of your comfort zone: dress up for a night and schmooze with the elite at an art show or gallery opening.
  • Don't be afraid to look silly. Even if you aren't an "all-star" at the date activity you've chosen, showing your girlfriend that you have the confidence to try something different can be impressive.

Step 3 Spend time alone and in groups.

  • Make a dedicated “date night.” Setting aside 1 day a week as a day that you will spend together (even if it's just an evening) is an important part of any relationship. It is important to show your girlfriend that she is one of your top priorities. Make this night extra special by trying a date idea suggested above.
  • Schedule time with friends. Getting groups of friends together can be challenging, but scheduling a get-together well in advance can help make it happen. Send a Facebook invite or a group text suggesting a meet-up at a favorite restaurant, a local park, or a new bar. Be sure to invite her friends as well as yours.
  • Double (or triple!) date. Planning a night out with another couple can be a fun way to maintain a social life while also spending important time with your girlfriend.
  • Host a party . This is a great way to get all your and your girlfriend's favorite people together in one place at one time. The party can be for a holiday, a big sporting event, a birthday, or “just because.” This is a chance to spend time party-planning and practicing teamwork with your girlfriend.

Become a Better Lover with this Expert Series

1 - Become a Better Lover

  • Remember that each woman and each relationship is unique. What works for one couple may not for another. The important thing is to maintain open communication so that your girlfriend feels comfortable telling you what makes her happy and what could be improved. Thanks Helpful 3 Not Helpful 0
  • All of this information is timeless. You may have noticed that most of it can apply not only to a girlfriend but to a wife or fiancée, too. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0
  • Consider showing this article to your girlfriend. If nothing else, it may spark an interesting and useful discussion between the two of you. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Joshua Pompey

When you’re with your girlfriend, the most important thing is to treat her with kindness and respect. Speak to her in a kind tone of voice and avoid insults, name-calling, or sarcasm, even if you’re feeling frustrated. Treat her as your equal and respect her boundaries. If she says she’s not comfortable with something you’re doing or saying, stop and apologize. Be courteous with her and look for ways to show her that you care. For instance, if you’re apart, send her a text now and then asking how she’s doing. When you spend time together, make her feel special by showing her affection or doing little things to make her life easier. For more tips, including how to plan a fun date for your girlfriend, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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31 Best Gifts for Girlfriend That She'll be Bragging About Months to Come

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

By Sarah Hoffmann

orange tinted collage of a robe bottle of body oil and a suitcase on orange background

Girlfriends. We know 'em, we love 'em, and sometimes they're impossible to shop for — so we've compiled the best gifts for girlfriend that'll make her smile and brag to all of her friends about how thoughtful and generous you are.

Whether your girlfriend is a comfy clothes fanatic, eye shadow palette collector, or fragrance aficionado, we've got unique gift picks that will cure your holiday shopping woes. This gift guide includes an adorable skin-care set from Soko Glam , a cordless straightener from GHD , and some Best of Beauty winners from brands like Ouai and Shark Beauty .

Whether you've been together for a long time and want to treat her to something luxurious or you're both sticking to strict 2023 budgets this year, keep reading for thoughtful gifts for girlfriend that'll make her day, year, etc.

Our Top Picks:

  • Best Skin-Care Gift: Rhode The Rhode Kit , $92
  • Best Hair-Care Gift: Shark FlexStyle Air Styling & Drying System , $300
  • Best Fragrance Gift: Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Set , $178
  • Best Makeup Gift: Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk On the Go Kit , $54
  • Best Home Decor Gift: Anthropologie Twisted Taper Candles , $30
  • Best Cozy Gift: Brooklinen Super-Plush Robe , $99
  • Best Travel Gift: Away The Carry-On , $275

Need more gift-spiration? Check out our ultimate holiday gift guide for 2023 .

All products featured on Allure are independently selected by our editors. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Set white box and two pink perfume bottles on white background

Chanel Chance Eau Tendre Set

Chanel's Chance Eau Tendre is one of the prettiest scents on the market — it's a sparky fruity floral that's hard not to love. This splurge-worthy set comes with full-size bottle of the eau de toilette and a portable Twist and Spray bottle, so she never has to go anywhere without a cloud of jasmine, rose, and grapefruit surrounding her.

Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk On the Go Kit pink box of rose gold makeup products on white background

Charlotte Tilbury

Charlotte Tilbury Pillow Talk On the Go Kit

If your girlfriend can spot Charlotte Tilbury's rose gold packaging from a mile away, this holiday set from the brand is probably going to be a slam dunk. The Pillow Talk On the Go Kit comes with the Matte Beauty Blush Wand, Matte Revolution Lipstick, and Lip Cheat Lip Liner in the brand's iconic pinky-nude shade, plus a mauve brown eyeliner and editor-favorite mascara to round out the look.

Ouai LeaveIn Conditioner white spray bottle on white background

Ouai Leave-In Conditioner

We may be biased, but we think Allure Best of Beauty Award winners make some of the best gift ideas. Take Ouai's Leave-In Conditioner for example. This multitasking leave-in detangles hair, protects from heat damage, and conditions hair without weighing it down. The dainty floral musk scent is just the cherry on top.

Brooklinen SuperPlush Robe dark gray robe on light gray background

Brooklinen Super-Plush Robe

Any item that makes lounging around or working from home in your cozy clothes feel stylish belongs in the "perfect gifts" category. Brooklinen's Super-Plush Robe (available in sizes XS to XL) is basically a fluffy, spa-quality towel reborn as a robe that your girlfriend won't want to take off. Cancel the dinner reservations — date night's at home this year.

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Ugg Ultra Mini Classic Boot

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Rhode The Rhode Kit

One product from Hailey Bieber's Rhode skin-care line is already a great gift, but why not up the ante and get her the full routine this holiday season? The Rhode Kit comes with all of Mrs. Bieber's glazed donut skin essentials, including the Glazing Milk, Peptide Glazing Fluid, Barrier Restore Cream, and a tube of the Best of Beauty-winning Peptide Lip Treatment . It doesn't hurt that the minimalist packaging on these glowy goodies looks gorgeous on any bathroom counter either.

Shark FlexStyle Air Styling  Drying System nickel blow dryer and brush dryer system with four attachments on white...

Shark Beauty

Shark FlexStyle Air Styling & Drying System

The Shark FlexStyle Air Styling & Drying System might be the king of beauty gifts this holiday season, purely because it can do so much. That's why it won a 2023 Best of Beauty Award for Hair Multitasker after all — this sleek tool can do bouncy blowouts, sleek straight hair, or amp up the volume, all you have to do is switch out the attachments.

Larq Bottle PureVis mint and green water bottle on white background

Larq Bottle PureVis

If your girlfriend is into prioritizing self-care and wellness, the Larq Bottle PureVis is the ideal gadget-meets-gift. This water bottle comes with a built-in purification system that removes up to 99% of contaminants from the water. It also does all the regular fancy water bottle stuff too, like keeping beverages cold for up to 24 hours, plus it's self-cleaning.

Le Labo Eau de Parfum Discovery Set four mini perfume bottles with black caps on white background

Le Labo Eau de Parfum Discovery Set

This adorable set from Le Labo is the perfect gift for the perfume enthusiast girlfriends of the world. The Eau de Parfum Discovery Set comes with four mini atomizers of some of the New York-based brand's bestsellers, including the celeb favorite Santal 33 and sweet, earthy Thé Matcha. Bonus: once she chooses her favorite of the four, gift her a full bottle for Valentine's Day.

Sunnys KBeauty Essentials beauty products on white stands and sticker sheet on white background

Sunny's K-Beauty Essentials

This Soko Glam-exclusive kit makes an adorable gift all on it's own, but we can help but imagine it as a stocking stuffer set. This set comes with four products from beloved women- or AAPI-owned brands, including the anti-inflammatory I'm From Mugwort Essence and nourishing Cosrx Advanced Snail 92 All in One Cream, and the cutest AAPI-themed sticker sheet.

Bearaby Organic Cotton Weighted Knit Blanket folded woven gray weighted blanket on white background

Bearaby Organic Cotton Weighted Knit Blanket

Gift unlimited good night's sleeps with the Bearaby Organic Cotton Weighted Knit Blanket. This woven weighted blanket is made from 100% organic cotton, is machine washable, and comes in three weight options between 15 and 25 pounds. If you feel like going the extra mile, add a hair- and skin-soothing silk pillowcase to the present to create the ultimate beauty rest bundle.

Uncommon Goods Potted Felt Flowers felt flowers on beige background

Uncommon Goods

Uncommon Goods Potted Felt Flowers

If you feel like you've done flowers for the holidays one too many times, these potted Felt Flowers from Uncommon Goods are a creative, adorable way to switch things up. These hand-felted wool flowers are the cutest possible method of saying, "You don't have a green thumb, but I love you anyway."

Anthropologie Twisted Taper Candles blue and green twisted candles on tan background


Anthropologie Twisted Taper Candles

If your girlfriend is constantly sending you home decor TikToks, take the hint and give her a set of Anthropologie Twisted Taper Candles for the holidays. These funky taper candles add a little bit of spice to any table setting, whether you're hosting an elaborate holiday dinner party or having a stay-at-home date eating takeout off the coffee table. It also comes in three different colorways, so you can easily match the set to her home aesthetic.

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Skims Ribbed Long Slipdress

Even though the Skims Ribbed Long Slipdress is sleek and simple enough to wear out for date night, it's also so comfortable and soft that your girlfriend might fall asleep in it after you get home from said dinner. It comes in eight colors, two of which — Onyx (pictured above) and Heather Grey — are permanently available. There are also six additional seasonal shades to choose from, like Hot Pink , which you definitely shouldn't sleep on.

Away The CarryOn white suitcase on white background

Away The Carry-On

If you and your girlfriend are doing long distance right now, gifts that make traveling to see each other a little easier are as thoughtful as it gets. Away's The Carry On suitcase is the brand's smallest luggage option, so it's perfect for stowing on a plane, train, or bus. This lightweight suitcase comes with a TSA-approved combination lock for save travels and interior compression pads that'll help you fit everything you need for the trip in the bag, minimal squishing required.

Lululemon Wunder Train HighRise Tight model wearing orange leggings on gray background

Lululemon Wunder Train High-Rise Tight

Lululemon Wunder Train High-Rise Tights are a two-in-one gift in that they're technically workout leggings but it's perfectly acceptable to wear them to lounge around the house, too. Made from quick-drying fabric, these leggings are supportive, stretchy, and available in 11 color options, sizes 0 to 20, and three lengths. If you're feeling extra inspired, you can also turn this present into a workout set by including a matching sports bra .

Apple AirPods white wireless ear buds on white background

Apple AirPods Pro

At first glance, a pair of Apple AirPods might not seem like the most romantic gift, but hear us out. With seamless Bluetooth pairing, active noise-canceling abilities, and six hours of listening on one charge, you're giving your girlfriend the practical gift of uninterrupted listening — or maybe just some peace and quiet — for a good chunk of the day. Sounds pretty sweet to us.

Floral Street Scented Reeds reeds and floral box on white background

Floral Street

Floral Street Scented Reeds

Floral Street's Scented Reeds are about as low maintenance as home fragrance gets, which busy girlfriends will appreciate more than anyone. These Best of Beauty Award -winning paper reeds are already infused with fragrance, so you don't need oil or a diffuser to reap the benefits. Pop them in a pretty vase so they can double as home scent and home decor, but she can also leave them basically anywhere and her home will still smell great.

Aprs Gel X Nail Extension Kit gold black and white gel nail kit with black carrying case on white background

Aprés Gel X Nail Extension Kit

If your girlfriend is an aspiring at-home manicurist, go for the gold standard of DIY manicure kits. The Aprés Gel X Nail Extension Kit comes with everything she'll need to do countless soft gel manicures from the comfort of her own home — including nail tips, primer, and gel topcoat — no salon visit required.

Allure Beauty Box flat lay of Allure Beauty Box and products on white background

Allure Beauty Box

Want to get your girlfriend something to feed her beauty habit but don't know the difference between foundation and concealer? Gift her an Allure Beauty Box — or get her a subscription — and let the beauty experts do the hard work. Each gift box comes stuffed to the brim with deluxe samples and full sizes of the best products the beauty world has to offer.

GHD Unplugged Styler on white background

GHD Unplugged Styler

Ulta Beauty


Hi-tech hair tools are always a Hanukkah or Christmas gift idea for someone special, and the 2021 Best of Beauty-winning GHD Unplugged Styler is no exception. This cordless styler is easy to maneuver and styles for 20 minutes on a full charge. If your girlfriend is a big traveler , this flatiron will be a welcome addition to her overnight bag.

Glossier Candle red candle on gray background

Glossier Candle

If your girlfriend loves Glossier's Body Hero line (or fresh citrus scents), she'll love unwrapping a Glossier Candle this Valentine's Day. The Orange Blossom Neroli Candle is a bright, floral scent with a distinct orange twang, thanks to the neroli. Glossier also has a scented candle version of its crowd-favorite Glossier You fragrance, if sweet and musky is more your girlfriend's scent profile.

Leonor Greyl Paris Huile Secret de Beaut Hair  Skin Oil square bottle of gold oil with skinny gold cap on white background

Leonor Greyl

Leonor Greyl Paris Huile Secret de Beauté

A bottle of Leonor Greyl Paris Huile Secret de Beauté is beautiful enough to use simply as decor, but it'd be a shame not to reap the skin and hair benefits of this lightweight oil. The formula, which contains organic grenadine, sweet almond, and mongogo oils, hydrates and acts as a UV filter for hair. The lemon grass, gardenia, and yucca scent is just the icing on the luxurious, delicious cake.

Uncommon Goods JewelTone Birth Month Dish four gemstone trays on pale yellow background

Uncommon Goods Jewel-Tone Birth Month Dish

These Jewel-Tone Birth Month Dishes from Uncommon Goods are a welcome addition to any dresser or nightstand. Handmade in Minneapolis, Minnesota, each tray has a unique crushed glass center, plus, you can personalize the gift by opting for the glaze that matches your girlfriend's birthstone.

Henry Rose Flora Carnivora Fragrance on white background

Henry Rose Flora Carnivora Eau de Parfum

Credo Beauty

Fragrance is a go-to holiday gift for partners for good reason: it's personal, it's special, and the nostalgic power of scent will infuse a perfume with romantic memories for years to come. Henry Rose Flora Carnivora Eau de Parfum, a 2022 Best of Beauty Award winner, is not for the floral faint of heart, but girlfriends who love flowers will swoon over this vetiver, jasmine, and tuberose scent.

Jenny Bird Earring Play Kit striped bag and white box with pairs of gold earrings in it and tan tube of lipstick next to...

Jenny Bird Hero Hoop Kit

If your girlfriend is indecisive, go for a varied earring set this holiday season. Jenny Bird's Heart Hoop Kit comes with four sets of unique gold hoop earrings that she can rearrange, stack, or mix-and-match to create her ideal combination of high-polish hoop earrings.

Baggu Fanny Pack beige fanny pack on gray background

Baggu Fanny Pack

There was a time when getting your girlfriend a fanny pack as a gift would have been a nail in the coffin for a relationship, but luckily the trend cycle moves fast and fanny packs are back, baby. This Baggu Fanny Pack comes in eight colors and patterns including checkered Indigo Trippy Checker and chic Dark Khaki (pictured above). If she's not feeling wearing it around her waist, she can also wear it as a cross-body or over her shoulder. It's peak fashion-meets-function.

Umamicart x Emme Cut Fruit is My Love Language Natural Soy Candle black candle with purple label on white background

Umamicart x Emme Cut Fruit is My Love Language Natural Soy Candle

The next best thing to a box of real fruit? A candle that smells just like one. If your person has a penchant for sweet smells, a Umamicart x Emme Cut Fruit is My Love Language Natural Soy Candle to your Valentine's Day cart, stat. Made in collaboration with Emme , an AAPI-owned small business, this candle has notes of lychee, golden pears, apples, and dates — filling any room it's in with love.

All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews book on white background

Sarah Thankam Mathews

All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews

The secret to gift ideas when your girlfriend loves to read is that even if it seems like she has enough books, she doesn't, and will always appreciate a juicy new novel. Books also make great personalized gifts because you can really cater your choice to your girlfriend's interests but if you're stumped, you can't go wrong with a buzzy new release. All This Could Be Different by Sarah Thankam Mathews follows a group of young people in Milwaukee navigating friendship, financial hardship, and queerness. This poignant novel has received glowing reviews from Vogue , The New Yorker , and them — your bookworm girlfriend won't be able to put it down.

Isamaya Industrial Color Pigments Eyeshadow Palette on white background

Isamaya Beauty

Isamaya Industrial Color Pigments Eye Shadow Palette

Moda Operandi

Folks with aspiring makeup artists for partners: Isamaya's Industrial Color Pigments Eye Shadow Palette is the perfect present. This luxe palette is pricey, but the futuristic metallics and high-fashion color palette are worth the investment. There's no limit to the makeup artistry she'll be able to create with this palette, although lacquered silhouette case is a fine art sculpture all on its own.

Poppy Lissiman Caidyn Sunglasses yellow sunglasses on white background

Poppy Lissiman

Poppy Lissiman Caidyn Sunglasses

Poppy Lissiman's Caidyn Sunglasses are the perfect early 2000s-inspired shades for your fashionista girlfriend. We love the pastel yellow colorway Banana (pictured above), but these beauties also come in Black, Lilac, and Terracotta. Did we mention that these sunnies have been spotted on the likes of Billie Eilish and Kylie Jenner?

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

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What's the best state for you », exclusive-before arrest in russia, us soldier's relationship with russian girlfriend turned bloody, wife says.

Exclusive-Before Arrest in Russia, US Soldier's Relationship With Russian Girlfriend Turned Bloody, Wife Says


Gordon Black, Facebook/via REUTERS

By Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Months before his arrest in Russia, U.S. Army soldier Gordon Black made a surprise video call from his overseas tour in South Korea to his 6-year-old daughter in Texas.

Instead of a normal chat, however, his daughter and wife witnessed a fight break out between Black and his Russian girlfriend that became bloody, said his wife, Megan. Screaming turned to violence, with his girlfriend clawing at his face. Then she pulled a knife.

"She stabbed him," Megan Black told Reuters in an exclusive interview, saying Black "had blood on his face." Her daughter was distraught.

Black could not be reached for comment about the video call. The Army did not respond to a request for comment about his case. Reuters was unsuccessful reaching Black through the State Department.

Black, a U.S. Army staff sergeant posted at Camp Humphreys outside Seoul, was arrested on May 2 in Russia's far eastern city of Vladivostok and is being held in pre-trial confinement, accused of theft after an argument, according to Russian authorities.

His mother, Melody Jones, told Reuters he followed his girlfriend to Russia even though they "fought like cats and dogs."

"I told them both: You don't need to be together. One of you is going to get hurt one of these days," Jones said. "You know, because if you fight, it's a not a good thing if it's all you do."

Black's arrest presents another headache for U.S. officials already coping with several high-profile detention cases in Russia, including Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and former U.S. Marine Paul Whelan.

An Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran, Black broke army rules by traveling to Russia without Army authorization, and flew through China to get there, the Pentagon says.

Neither Russian authorities, the Pentagon, Black's wife nor his mother have suggested anything like espionage as a concern. The Russian Foreign Ministry said the case had no political element.


In her only interview, Megan Black became emotional when describing life with her husband, and explained that they were finalizing their divorce when Black was arrested.

Her attorney, Jeff Linick, said Black's wife had not received any of her husband's housing allowance, which he is given by the military. Linick said she and her daughter are entitled to support under military regulations, even if the couple is separated.

Although Megan Black is caring for their daughter, her husband had refused to pay the court-ordered child support, Linick said. It was not until she went to the military and its lawyers that they recently started withholding some child support from his paychecks, he said.

"It really took pulling teeth... essentially threaten legal enforcement to finally get the Army - I imagine against his wishes - to finally withhold some child support from his payments," Linick said.

The Army did not respond to a request for comment about support payments, and Black could not be reached for comment. Linick said Gordon Black was representing himself in the Texas divorce.

Megan Black said she met her husband at a bar in 2014 in Killeen, Texas, near his base at Fort Cavazos. The two hit it off quickly, and she recalls how he was charming and accepted her despite a speech impediment.

"He was good to me at one point," she said.

Things started to sour around 2018, and Gordon Black initiated divorce proceedings shortly after he left for South Korea.

Megan Black said she first learned of the Russian girlfriend around January 2022 when she saw pictures of them together on Facebook. The girlfriend was calling him "her husband," Black said.

Jones said she thought the Russian girlfriend was "sent back" to Russia from South Korea, possibly after a problem with her paperwork. She had warned her son not to follow her there.

"I tried to tell him not to go," she said. Megan Black said she and her daughter had no idea he was in Russia and had been expecting him in Texas, as his tour in South Korea had just ended.

On May 2, the day Russian authorities say they arrested him at a local hotel, Megan Black says she got a message from him "telling me that he wasn't coming home."

That was the last she heard from him.

She said the case has hurt her daughter's image of her father.

"She now looks at her dad as a bad man," she said.

(Reporting by Phil Stewart and Idrees Ali; Editing by Don Durfee and Gerry Doyle)

Copyright 2024 Thomson Reuters .

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A child rests her head on the lap of her mother as she gets her hair done, at a school turned into a makeshift shelter for people displaced by gang violence, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Wednesday, May 8, 2024. (AP Photo/Ramon Espinosa)

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Stormy Daniels Takes the Stand

The porn star testified for eight hours at donald trump’s hush-money trial. this is how it went..

Hosted by Michael Barbaro

Featuring Jonah E. Bromwich

Produced by Olivia Natt and Michael Simon Johnson

Edited by Lexie Diao

With Paige Cowett

Original music by Will Reid and Marion Lozano

Engineered by Alyssa Moxley

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This episode contains descriptions of an alleged sexual liaison.

What happened when Stormy Daniels took the stand for eight hours in the first criminal trial of former President Donald J. Trump?

Jonah Bromwich, one of the lead reporters covering the trial for The Times, was in the room.

On today’s episode

should you surprise visit your girlfriend

Jonah E. Bromwich , who covers criminal justice in New York for The New York Times.

A woman is walking down some stairs. She is wearing a black suit. Behind her stands a man wearing a uniform.

Background reading

In a second day of cross-examination, Stormy Daniels resisted the implication she had tried to shake down Donald J. Trump by selling her story of a sexual liaison.

Here are six takeaways from Ms. Daniels’s earlier testimony.

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Dan Farrell, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Renan Borelli, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson and Nina Lassam.

Jonah E. Bromwich covers criminal justice in New York, with a focus on the Manhattan district attorney’s office and state criminal courts in Manhattan. More about Jonah E. Bromwich



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  2. Romantic Awesome Tips & Ideas How To Surprise Your Girlfriend

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  3. 48 Cute And Romantic Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend

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  4. 7 Unique Ways To Surprise Your Girlfriend

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  5. Cute And Romantic Ideas To Surprise Your Girlfriend

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  1. has anyone ever surprised their partner with a visit? if so how did you

    I've definitely considered it but ONLY because I have discussed surprise visits with my partner and he was receptive to the idea. I would never recommend a surprise visit unless you have confirmed with your partner that would be okay. In the end I just surprised him by letting him know I could visit on short notice and that was amazing enough.

  2. Visiting in a Long-Distance Relationship

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    Find something that you've never done before that sounds interesting and go do that together. That way you'll both be having a new experience. 15. Watch a movie. There's a reason this a classic couples date night favorite, and it can a great way to spend some time together during your first visit.

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    24. Brush her hair. Having your hair brushed is a wonderful sensation that women normally only get to enjoy every couple of months at the hairdressers. Brush her hair for her occasionally to give her a relaxing head massage. Or let her lay her head on your lap and stroke her hair as you both unwind in the evening.

  5. 29 Ways to Surprise Your Girlfriend

    Relieve her stress and make her feel relaxed. Have your girlfriend lay down and slowly massage her legs, her feet, her back, and her shoulders. If you really want to make things calming and cozy, light a few candles and turn on some soothing music. [7] Use some lotion to make your massage extra sensual and smooth. 20.

  6. Should I tell her I have planned a surprise visit? : r/LongDistance

    shecanrawr. •. I think if you don't know how she'll react to a surprise visit, it's best to tell her beforehand. It's still going to be a surprise, since you've already arranged and booked it… and it has the added bonus of giving her something to look forward to.

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    Give her a piggy back ride. This may sound a bit childish, but she may think it's cute. You often see guys give their girls a back ride in romance movies. Show her that you have a romantic side as well. During a walk in the park, motion for her to hop on your back and carry her for a bit. You don't have to overdo it.

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    4. Call your girlfriend right at midnight if you can't do anything else for her. This is the easiest birthday surprise you can do for your girlfriend, as long as you're able to stay awake until midnight. Don't just send her a text message; calling or Skyping her will be much more personable and special for her.

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    I'm technically not allowed to date so my boyfriend can not be anywhere near my house therefore he can't make surprise visits and he knows that. I did surprise my bf one time when he was sick and I brought him medicine, soup and megan fox related magazines. If you do decide to surprise her then at least have some plan.

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    13. Make a scrapbook or a photo album. Like notes, love letters, and postcards, a scrapbook or photo album is another way to surprise your woman. While an album limits you to photographs, a scrapbook offers more flexibility. You can add whatever material you have and come up with a spectacular gift for her.

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    This suction vibrator provides diffuse, customizable sensations, and it comes in a small, convenient size. $101 from Amazon. $119 from Saks Fifth Avenue. $119 from Dame. This vibrator sucks to ...

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  18. 101 Cute Things to Do For Your Girlfriend » GoDates

    Using a heating pad can provide extra relief. Give her a foot rub. Physical touch is proven to release stress-relieving hormones, and foot rubs are a cute way of doing this. Brush her hair. Brushing a girl's hair is an often-overlooked gesture that shows care and attention. Do household chores for her.

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    23) Surprise her with a thoughtful note. Sometimes all you need is a simple love note to let your girlfriend know just how much she means to you. Leave her a card or a note in a secret place in the house where she'll be bound to find it. Make sure it has something sweet written on it like "I love you.".

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    1. Memory Lane Scrapbook. Create a scrapbook of your most cherished moments together. Include photographs, movie tickets, and little notes. 2. Weekend Getaway. Book a surprise weekend trip to a place she's mentioned wanting to visit or somewhere completely new to both of you. 3. Surprise Date Night.

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  25. Kendrick Lamar

    [Verse 2] Dear Sandra Your son got some habits, I hope you don't undermine them Especially with all the girls that's hurt inside this climate You a woman, so you know how it feels to be in ...

  26. Exclusive-Before Arrest in Russia, US Soldier's Relationship With

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Months before his arrest in Russia, U.S. Army soldier Gordon Black made a surprise video call from his overseas tour in South Korea to his 6-year-old daughter in Texas.

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    What makes this one of the best step mom Only Fans pages is Amie's love for life, and her willingness to try new and kinky things. Send her a DM to get the party started. #2. Dominant Next-Door ...

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    On today's episode. Jonah E. Bromwich, who covers criminal justice in New York for The New York Times. Stormy Daniels leaving court on Thursday, after a second day of cross-examination in the ...