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Tim Dowling recovering at home after a night of drinking

Can taking a pill really stop you getting a hangover? There’s one way to find out …

Even at £30 a packet, the Myrkl ‘pre-drinking’ pill sold out before its UK launch. I spent four days finding out if it does indeed reduce the effects of alcohol

W e tend to think of a hangover as the price of inebriation: a little bit of wellbeing borrowed from the future for the sake of a good time, at a cost to be confirmed in the morning. Studies show that commonly touted remedies – ginseng , Korean pear juice, prickly pear, clove extract – don’t do anything, which feels like justice.

But what if a hangover cure really existed? What if you could drink too much and avoid the consequences? How would that affect your evening plans?

Myrkl – a probiotic remedy developed by the Swedish company De Faire Medical – is said to be the first hangover pill that works. Articles reporting its launch have referred to it as a “hangover prevention pill” and a “scientifically backed hangover cure”.

The company’s publicity material is a bit more cautious. It refers to Myrkl (pronounced “miracle”, not “Merkel”) as a “pre‑drinking” pill. In a press release, the CEO says its purpose is to help “regular moderate drinkers to wake up feeling their best the next day”.

The pill contains a proprietary supplement intended to metabolise alcohol into carbon dioxide and water in the intestinal tract and thus reduce the amount of alcohol absorbed by the bloodstream and prevent organ damage. The company claims the pill breaks down “up to 70% of alcohol consumed within 60 minutes”. A double-blind study with 24 participants, funded by De Faire, concluded that using the pills for a week did indeed result in “a substantially lower uptake of alcohol into the blood”.

The publicity spurred by the company’s claims meant that Myrkl, which costs £30 for 30 pills, sold out before its UK launch this week. But I managed to get myself a packet and, armed with a load of booze, put the pill to the test.

The recommended dosage of Myrkl is two capsules, taken between one and 12 hours before the consumption of alcohol. Each capsule is full of powdery beige stuff – rice bran laced with a probiotic culture and vitamin B12. I take my first dose about two hours before going out.

It’s hard to gauge exactly how much alcohol one consumes at a dinner party. I tend to measure my intake by how fun I’ve been. On this occasion, I worry that I’ve shown too much restraint for the purposes of the experiment, so I drink another large glass of wine as soon as I get in. I apologise if you heard me playing the piano at 11.30pm. I can’t really play the piano.

I wake the next day in a dreadful state: my head hurts, my throat is sore and I feel as if I have barely slept. I’m so surprised by this that for a few hours I’m convinced I have Covid. How many Covid tests have been squandered in the past two years in the same spirit of denial?

Tim Dowling recovering at home after a night of drinking

By the afternoon, I feel OK, but on the strength of these initial findings I’m forced to consider the possibility that I’m immune to Myrkl.

It’s easy to define drunkenness – it’s just a measure of the alcohol in your blood – but very difficult to define a hangover. Morning-after symptoms vary widely in their nature and intensity, depending on circumstances, genetics and other factors known and unknown.

“There have been hundreds of thousands of studies done on alcohol, intoxication and consumption, but hangover research is still in its infancy,” says Dr Sally Adams, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Birmingham. “We don’t really know all of the mechanisms that contribute to hangover.”

Adams, who includes the alcohol hangover in her areas of specialist interest, is at least able to offer a definition: “A range of psychological and physical symptoms that are experienced the day after an episode of drinking … It used to be that it was ‘heavy drinking’, but even a small amount of alcohol can give some people the symptoms.”

While it may be difficult to pinpoint when exactly a hangover ends, it begins, officially, when your blood alcohol level reaches zero. “Anything before that is still intoxication, technically,” says Adams.

Because it’s so hard to define, a hangover is also hard to measure. “Research hasn’t been really able to establish any sort of a biomarker of hangover,” says Adams (who doesn’t use a preceding article). “So, largely what’s been relied on is self-report measures: tell me on a scale of one to 10 how hungover you feel, or to what extent you have the symptoms – everything from anxiety to vomiting. That’s kind of the best we’ve got.” One commonly used questionnaire asks subjects to rate 19 symptoms, including thirst, tiredness, irritability, depression, sweating and sleep disturbance.

Adams has read the study on which Myrkl bases its claims. She found it deficient in one important respect: the word “hangover” does not appear once. “It’s a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, which are all the right things that we would want to be happening in this kind of trial,” she says. “But I don’t know how they can claim that hangover is affected by the pill when it’s not measured.”

The answer is: they don’t, quite. What the study found was that subjects who had taken the capsules for seven days prior to drinking any alcohol had “a substantial reduction of alcohol absorption into the blood” compared with those given a placebo. The idea is that you get less hungover, because ultimately you get less drunk.

I take two more capsules at about four in the afternoon. I’m staying in, so it’s possible to measure my evening intake with precision: a single bottle of beer, followed by a single bottle of wine. I know from long experience that under normal conditions this is more than sufficient to produce a hangover (and that I will have to rewatch that night’s episode of the TV series I’m halfway through).

I wake up feeling strangely fine – no headache, no sore throat, stomach more or less settled. I am plagued by a vague sense of foreboding, as if a debt I have neglected to pay is out there somewhere accruing interest. But I don’t know whether this is a symptom of a hangover or a symptom of not having one. And I don’t know if the pill is the reason I feel this way.

If the pill does turn out to be a hangover cure, it will be a first. “There’s been no convincing evidence, no compelling evidence, that anything works that you can take before you drink or after you drink,” says Adams. “I’d like to see more data, but I’m sceptical.”

Adams raises a further limitation of the Myrkl-funded study: 10 of the 24 participants were excluded from the results because the amount of alcohol ingested for the trial “did not lead to measurable relevant alcohol concentrations in the blood”. Subjects were given 0.3g of alcohol for every kilogram of their body weight. For a person who weighs 60kg (9st 6lb), that is 2.25 units. “Most UK beers are much stronger than two units a pint, so that’s not even a pint,” says Adams. In other words, this is intoxication at a level not normally associated with hangovers.

For the purposes of rigour, I’m keeping the dosage the same – one beer, one bottle of wine – although I drink them hours apart and take the pills in between. I don’t really want the last glass, but it’s science.

Once again, I feel oddly fine when I wake up the next morning – no headache, no stomach issues – although I can’t help noticing it’s 5.26am. Over the course of the day, I experience several symptoms from the hangover checklist – loss of concentration, tiredness, irritability, restlessness – but these are things I also associate with an unscheduled early start.

Myrkl’s publicity takes pains to link its product to responsible social drinking, insisting the pill is “in no way designed as an excuse to drink beyond NHS guidelines”. Dr Dawn Harper, from the TV show Embarrassing Bodies , is quoted in the company’s press release. “If you want to go out and get drunk, Myrkl would simply mean that it would take you a lot longer and cost you a lot more,” she says. “Where I see Myrkl could be relevant is for the huge number of moderate drinkers in the UK.”

But if a pill could eliminate hangovers, wouldn’t it do away with the main deterrent against the overconsumption of alcohol – the consequences? Isn’t the hangover the bedrock on which moderate social drinking is based? “The research seems to suggest that that’s not the case,” says Adams. “People go on, they drink, they have terrible hangovers – and they keep repeating this behaviour. It’s not a good deterrent.”

Nonetheless, it’s easy to see the danger in a pill that claims to keep you from getting as drunk as you might normally. “The other thing I worry about is that people might use it to try to drive after drinking,” says Adams. None of the subjects in the study, not even in the placebo group, reached a blood alcohol level anywhere near the legal driving limit.

I drink the bottle of wine, but not the beer, because I’m out of beer. This is still a lot for a Sunday night; I’m looking forward to a few days off. I don’t know if I’ve missed out on two hangovers because of Myrkl, but I have a feeling that even if the pills are doing me no harm, they are doing me no favours, either.

Even the worst of the common hangover symptoms – dehydration, bad sleep, stomach upset – don’t fully illustrate the havoc that is taking place within you. “Some drugs have certain receptors that they bind to in the brain, but alcohol literally will interact with every neurotransmitter in your brain,” says Adams. “When you’re in a state of hangover, your brain is desperately trying to get back to some sort of equilibrium. The next day, all your neurotransmitters are trying to get back to normal. And that’s really effortful on your brain. That’s why people experience terrible anxiety, what’s been coined ‘hangxiety’.”

On the final morning, to my surprise, I feel pretty good: eager, light of mood and filled with an utterly alien sense of possessing the upper hand. This may be illusory, but it feels like a miracle, especially because I forgot to take the pills the day before. I’m afraid I can describe the results of my experiment only as hopelessly inconclusive.

I may not have a hangover, but I do have worries about drinking at levels that might require a regular remedy for the effects. Even the Myrkl-funded study begins with a few paragraphs about the dangers of alcohol. “While social drinking is commonly accepted, alcohol abuse is a serious medical and social problem,” its authors write. “Almost 3.3 million people die from alcohol abuse each year worldwide, accounting for almost 5% of all deaths.” The more you think about it, the harder it is to believe the UK has a vast population of moderate drinkers – all adhering to the NHS guideline of 14 units a week – who have only the most responsible uses in mind for a £1 hangover pill.

On the final morning, despite feeling pretty chipper, I confess to Adams that I have a certain unease about experimenting with a hangover cure. I wonder if it might be alcohol-induced anxiety. “That’s the worst thing for me,” she says. “That’s actually what stopped me drinking: I felt too anxious the next day. This research drove me to not drink any more.”

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Top 8 Best Hangover Pills

Updated April 10, 2024

Hangovers are an unfortunate side effect of a night of drinking. The headache, nausea, and fatigue can make it difficult to get anything done the next day. While there are many remedies for a hangover, one of the most popular options is hangover pills. These pills are designed to alleviate the symptoms of a hangover and help you feel better faster.

When it comes to choosing the best hangover pill, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you'll want to consider the ingredients. Some hangover pills contain caffeine, which can help with fatigue, while others contain vitamins and minerals that can help replenish your body after a night of drinking. It's also important to consider the dosage and any potential side effects.

After researching and testing several hangover pills, we've identified the best options on the market. Our top picks not only help alleviate hangover symptoms but also contain high-quality ingredients that are safe and effective. So, whether you're looking to recover from a night of partying or just need a little extra help after a few drinks, these hangover pills are sure to do the trick.

Top 3 Best Hangover Pills

Afterdrink hangover pills, bettermorning hangover relief remedy, purple tree post-celebration wellness vitamins.

We've all been there - a night of overindulgence that leaves us feeling less than our best the next day. While there's no magic cure for a hangover, there are products out there that can help ease the symptoms. In this roundup, we've compiled a list of the best hangover pills on the market. From hydration tablets to liver support supplements, these products are designed to help you feel better after a night of drinking. So whether you're looking to prevent a hangover before it starts or alleviate symptoms the morning after, we've got you covered.

The Editor's Choice

After trying AfterDrink Hangover Pills, we can vouch for their post-party rescue. The revamped packaging houses the same trusted formula, guaranteeing a reliable remedy for rough mornings. Packed with liver-loving ingredients and made in the USA, it's a quality safety net for celebratory aftermath.

We highly recommend AfterDrink Hangover Pills as they are an effective way to prevent hangovers and help you wake up feeling refreshed.

  • AfterDrink uses high-quality plant-based ingredients at optimal doses, with no cheap "proprietary blends" or under-dosed extracts.
  • The balanced formula ensures that every ingredient is dosed properly and makes a difference.
  • No artificial additives, fillers, or magnesium stearate.
  • The recommended dose of three capsules before and after drinking may seem like a lot to some people.
  • The price may be higher compared to some other hangover pills on the market.
  • Some people may experience mild side effects such as upset stomach or headaches.

Having personally experienced the AfterDrink Hangover Pills, we can attest to its efficacy in alleviating post-celebration discomfort. The renewed packaging maintains the same trusted formula, ensuring a reliable solution for those rough mornings after.

Packed with essential ingredients like Milk Thistle, Dihydromyricetin DHM, Vitamin B, Ginger, and various herbal extracts, this hangover pill provides comprehensive relief. The formula's emphasis on liver support, coupled with its USA origin, assures users of both quality and safety.

However, it's important to note that individual preferences vary, and some users might find the pill size a bit larger than preferred. Additionally, a minority may experience mild stomach sensitivity. While the price may be higher compared to basic hangover remedies, the extensive formula justifies the cost for those seeking a more robust solution.

In conclusion, if you're on the lookout for the best hangover pill to kickstart your day after a night of celebration, the AfterDrink Hangover Pills with its new look and reliable formula is a top-notch choice. It's an investment in your well-being that ensures you're ready to take on the day, no matter how lively the night before was.

Are you searching for an effective hangover relief remedy? BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy could be the solution you've been looking for. Packed with essential nutrients and designed to alleviate the symptoms of a rough morning after, this remedy offers a promising solution for those seeking relief from hangovers.

  • Fast-acting formula to ease hangover symptoms quickly
  • Contains key vitamins and minerals to replenish the body
  • Easy-to-use format for convenience
  • May not completely eliminate all hangover symptoms
  • Could be priced higher compared to some other remedies on the market
  • Taste may not be palatable for everyone

One of the standout features of BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy is its fast-acting formula, which works swiftly to alleviate hangover symptoms, allowing you to get back on your feet in no time. Packed with essential vitamins and minerals, this remedy helps replenish the body after a night of indulgence, promoting a better morning after.

While BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy offers significant benefits, there are a few considerations to keep in mind. While it effectively reduces hangover symptoms, it may not completely eliminate them for everyone. Additionally, some users may find the price point slightly higher compared to alternative remedies. Lastly, taste preferences vary, and while some may find the flavor enjoyable, others may not.

In conclusion, if you're seeking an effective hangover relief remedy that works quickly and replenishes your body with essential nutrients, BetterMorning Hangover Relief Remedy is worth considering for those rough mornings after a night out.

If you want to enjoy a night out without worrying about a hangover the next day, you should try Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins.

  • Promotes healthy liver function
  • Replenishes key vitamins and electrolytes
  • Can be taken any time before, during or right after drinking
  • Not a cure-all for hangovers
  • May not work for everyone
  • May cause stomach upset for some people

We recently tried Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins and were impressed with the results. The herbal multivitamin pills are formulated to promote healthy liver function and replenish key vitamins and electrolytes. We appreciated the fact that the lab-tested ingredients and formula include Dihydromyricetin (DHM), a liver support herb. DHM is a natural extract that has been used since ancient medicine.

We found the pills easy to take, and they did not cause any unpleasant side effects. We liked that they can be taken any time before, during or right after drinking for extra support. We also appreciated that they are created for health-minded adults who live life fully and responsibly and are made in California at a GMP quality facility.

While the pills did not completely eliminate our hangovers, we did notice a significant improvement in how we felt the next day. We also liked that they are a natural supplement and can be repeated anytime for extra support. Overall, we would recommend Purple Tree Post-Celebration Wellness Vitamins to anyone looking for a natural way to combat hangovers.

Himalaya PartySmart

We highly recommend Himalaya PartySmart for anyone who wants to enjoy a night out without worrying about a hangover the next day.

  • Helps process alcohol while you sleep
  • One capsule for a better morning
  • Herbal ingredients to eliminate acetaldehyde
  • Must remember to take it while drinking
  • May cause upset stomach in some individuals

Himalaya PartySmart is a game-changer when it comes to hangover prevention. We were skeptical at first, but after trying it out, we were pleasantly surprised by how well it worked. The herbal ingredients in PartySmart help support the liver's ability to process alcohol while you sleep, which means you wake up feeling great the next day.

One of the best things about PartySmart is that it's incredibly easy to use. Simply take one capsule while drinking and another before going to bed. The capsules are small and easy to tuck into your purse or pocket, so you can take them with you wherever you go.

The herbal ingredients in PartySmart are what make it so effective. Andrographis, chicory, grapes, and dates work together to help eliminate acetaldehyde, a byproduct of alcohol breakdown, from your blood. This means you wake up feeling better and more refreshed, even after a night of heavy drinking.

While PartySmart may not work for everyone, we highly recommend giving it a try. It's a small investment that can make a big difference in how you feel the next day. Just remember to take it while drinking and you'll be good to go.

Blowfish for Hangovers

We highly recommend purchasing Blowfish for Hangovers if you are looking for a fast and effective way to relieve hangover symptoms.

  • Provides fast relief from hangover symptoms
  • Contains FDA-recognized safe and effective ingredients
  • Effervescent tablets are easy to take and have a pleasant lemon flavor
  • May not work for severe hangovers
  • Only treats symptoms and does not prevent hangovers
  • Higher price point compared to other hangover remedies

Blowfish for Hangovers is a lifesaver for those mornings after a night of heavy drinking. The effervescent tablets are easy to take and quickly provide relief from hangover symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and fatigue. We were impressed with how fast the tablets worked, and we appreciated that they contained safe and effective ingredients recognized by the FDA.

While Blowfish for Hangovers is an excellent option for treating hangover symptoms, it may not be effective for severe hangovers. Additionally, it is important to note that Blowfish for Hangovers only treats symptoms and does not prevent hangovers. Finally, the higher price point may be a deterrent for some consumers.

Overall, we highly recommend Blowfish for Hangovers for anyone looking for an effective and fast-acting hangover remedy.

Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets

If you're looking for a quick and effective way to relieve your hangover symptoms, Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets are definitely worth considering.

  • Fast-acting relief in about 15 minutes
  • Includes caffeine to boost the pain-relieving effects of aspirin by up to 40%
  • Pocket-sized packets make them perfect for party favors and wedding welcome bags
  • May cause stomach upset in some people
  • Contains aspirin, which may not be suitable for everyone

We tried Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets after a night of drinking and were pleasantly surprised by how quickly they worked. Within 15 minutes, our headaches and body aches started to fade away, and we felt more alert and awake thanks to the added caffeine. The orange-flavored fizz was also a nice touch, making it easy to drink and hydrate at the same time.

While these tablets may not work for severe hangovers, they are perfect for those mornings when you just need a little extra help bouncing back. Plus, their pocket-sized packets make them a fun addition to any party favors or wedding welcome bags.

Overall, we would definitely recommend Alka-Seltzer Hangover Relief Tablets for anyone looking for a quick and easy way to relieve their hangover symptoms. Just remember to drink plenty of water and take them as directed to avoid any stomach upset.

Good Morning - Hangover Pills

If you're looking for a natural hangover remedy, then Good Morning - Hangover Pills by Good Health Co might be worth considering.

  • No Magic, Just Science: This hangover kit uses natural ingredients to support your body's recovery process after a night of drinking.
  • Independently Tested: Clinical testing by the University of Pacific, California, proves the effectiveness of this product.
  • Liver Support: The milk thistle, dihydromyricetin (DHM), and amino acids in this product help support liver function and detoxification.
  • Not a Magic Pill: While this product can help support your body's recovery process, it's not a cure-all for hangovers.
  • Takes Time: It's important to take this product before bed to help support your body's recovery process, so it might not be the best option for those who forget to take supplements before bed.
  • May Not Work for Everyone: As with any supplement, individual results may vary.

In our experience, we found that Good Morning - Hangover Pills helped to reduce the severity of hangover symptoms the next day. The natural ingredients in this product, such as milk thistle and DHM, help support liver function and detoxification, which can be beneficial after a night of drinking.

We appreciated that this product was independently tested by the University of Pacific, California, which gave us confidence in its effectiveness. Additionally, we found that the electrolytes in this product helped to keep us hydrated and replenished after a night of drinking.

However, it's important to note that this product is not a magic pill and won't completely eliminate hangover symptoms. It's also important to take this product before bed to support your body's recovery process, which might not be feasible for everyone.

Overall, we think that Good Morning - Hangover Pills by Good Health Co is a solid option for those looking for a natural hangover remedy.

Flyby Recovery Pill

If you're looking for an effective hangover pill, Flyby Recovery Pill is definitely worth considering.

  • Flyby Recovery Pill is designed to replenish vital nutrients and prevent dehydration after a night of drinking.
  • It contains high-quality ingredients, including Dihydromyricetin (DHM), Milk Thistle, Chlorophyll, and Vitamins B and C.
  • The capsules are small and easy to take on the go.
  • Exposure to moisture can cause the pills to oxidize, so they need to be stored properly.
  • Some customers have reported that the pills are difficult to swallow.
  • The product is relatively expensive compared to other hangover pills on the market.

Flyby Recovery Pill is a great choice if you're looking for a post-recovery supplement that will help you feel better after a night of drinking. The pill is packed with essential electrolytes and nutrients that work quickly to prevent dehydration and replenish what's missing from your body.

The high-quality ingredients used in Flyby Recovery Pill, including DHM, Milk Thistle, Chlorophyll, and Vitamins B and C, make it one of the best hangover pills on the market. The capsules are small and easy to take on the go, so you can always have them with you when you need them.

However, it's important to note that exposure to moisture can cause the pills to oxidize, so you need to store them properly. Some customers have also reported that the pills are difficult to swallow, so keep that in mind if you have trouble taking pills.

Overall, Flyby Recovery Pill is a great choice if you're looking for an effective hangover pill that will help you feel better after a night of drinking. Just make sure to store the pills properly and be prepared for the relatively high cost.

Buying Guide

When it comes to choosing the best hangover pill, there are a few key factors to consider. Here are some things to keep in mind when making your selection:


The first thing to look at is the ingredients list. Make sure the product contains ingredients that are known to help alleviate hangover symptoms, such as electrolytes, vitamins, and antioxidants. Some common ingredients to look for include:

  • Vitamin C: helps boost the immune system and reduce inflammation
  • B vitamins: help support energy levels and reduce nausea
  • Electrolytes: help replenish fluids lost during alcohol consumption
  • Milk thistle: helps support liver function and detoxification
  • N-acetyl cysteine (NAC): helps reduce the toxic effects of alcohol on the liver

The next thing to consider is the dosage. Make sure you follow the recommended dosage on the label, and don't exceed it. Taking too much of a certain ingredient can be harmful, so it's important to stick to the recommended amount.

Price is also a factor to consider. While you don't want to skimp on quality, you also don't want to overspend on a product that may not work for you. Look for a product that is reasonably priced and offers good value for the money.

Brand Reputation

Finally, consider the reputation of the brand. Look for a product from a reputable company that has a good track record of producing high-quality supplements. Read reviews from other customers to get an idea of their experiences with the product.

By keeping these factors in mind, you can choose the best hangover pill for your needs and enjoy a more comfortable recovery after a night of drinking.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best hangover medicine.

The best hangover medicine is subjective and varies from person to person. However, some commonly used medications include ibuprofen, aspirin, and acetaminophen. It's important to note that taking too much of these medications can cause liver damage, so it's best to follow the recommended dosage.

What are the best tablets to stop a hangover?

There are several hangover prevention tablets available in the market. Some of the popular ones include Flyby Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills, RU-21, and Blowfish for Hangovers. These tablets contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms.

What is the pill before drinking for a hangover?

There is no one-size-fits-all pill before drinking for a hangover. However, some people swear by taking activated charcoal or milk thistle supplements before drinking. These supplements are believed to help absorb toxins and protect the liver from damage caused by alcohol.

What is the number one cure for a hangover?

There is no one definitive cure for a hangover, but there are several things you can do to alleviate symptoms. Drinking plenty of water, getting enough rest, and eating a nutritious meal can help your body recover from the effects of alcohol. Additionally, taking over-the-counter pain relievers can help reduce headache and body aches.

Are there any effective hangover prevention supplements?

Yes, there are several hangover prevention supplements available in the market. These supplements contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. Some of the popular ones include Flyby Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills, RU-21, and Blowfish for Hangovers.

Is Morning Recovery hangover drink effective?

Morning Recovery is a popular hangover drink that claims to help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms. The drink contains a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help support liver function and reduce inflammation. While some people swear by its effectiveness, others have reported mixed results. It's important to note that the effectiveness of Morning Recovery may vary from person to person.

Affiliate Disclosure: The links provided may earn us a small commission at no additional cost to you if you choose to purchase the recommended product. This support allows our research and editorial team to continue providing high-quality recommendations. As a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising initiative, we are able to earn advertising fees through providing links to products on Please rest assured that we only recommend high-quality products.

  • Patient Care & Health Information
  • Diseases & Conditions

People usually don't go to a healthcare professional to get a diagnosis or treatment for a hangover. Mostly likely, you'll know if you have a hangover based on your symptoms the morning after drinking alcohol. Common symptoms include tiredness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, problems thinking clearly, and low tolerance for light and sound.

Talk to your healthcare professional if regular hangovers affect your quality of life, including your personal relationships or your performance at school or work. Treatment for problems with alcohol is widely available.

Time is the only sure cure for a hangover. Symptoms can last up to 24 hours. In the meantime, here are a few things you can do to help yourself feel better:

  • Fill your water bottle. Sip water or fruit juice to prevent dehydration. Resist any temptation to treat your hangover with more alcohol. It'll only make you feel worse.
  • Have a snack. Bland foods, such as toast and crackers, may boost your blood sugar and settle your stomach. Bouillon soup can help replace lost salt and potassium.
  • Take a pain reliever. A standard dose of a pain reliever you can buy without a prescription may ease a headache. But be careful about using these medicines with alcohol. Aspirin and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB, others) can irritate your stomach. The combination of alcohol and acetaminophen (Tylenol, others) can cause serious liver damage.
  • Go back to bed. If you sleep long enough, your hangover may be gone when you awaken.

Alternative medicine

Many alternative remedies are marketed for hangovers. But studies haven't found any natural remedies that consistently or effectively improve hangover symptoms.

Talk with your healthcare professional before trying any alternative medicine. Keep in mind that natural doesn't always mean safe. Your healthcare professional can help you understand possible risks and benefits before you try a treatment.

  • Alcohol's effects on health: Hangovers. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Accessed Nov. 1, 2023.
  • Verster JC, et al. Unknown safety and efficacy of alcohol hangover treatments puts consumers at risk. Addictive Behaviors. 2021; doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2021.107029.
  • Scientific Report of the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Alcoholic beverages. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed Feb. 1, 2023.
  • Palmer E, et al. Alcohol hangover: Underlying biochemical, inflammatory and neurochemical mechanisms. Alcohol and Alcoholism. 2019; doi:10.1093/alcalc/agz016.
  • Devenney LE, et al. Memory and attention during an alcoholic hangover. Human Psychopharmacology. 2019; doi:10.1002/hup.2701.
  • Roberts E, et al. The efficacy and tolerability of pharmacologically active interventions for alcohol-induced hangover symptomatology: A systematic review of the evidence from randomized placebo-controlled trials. Addiction. 2021; doi:10.1111/add.15786.
  • Merlo A, et al. An evening of alcohol consumption negatively impacts next-day immune fitness in both hangover-sensitive drinkers and hangover-resistant drinkers. Addictive Behaviors. 2023; doi:10.1016/j.addbeh.2023.107776.
  • Understanding the dangers of alcohol overdose. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Accessed Nov. 1, 2023.
  • Careful: Acetaminophen in pain relief can cause liver damage. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Accessed Nov. 2, 2023.
  • Sasso A, et al. Strategies to cut down drinking, alcohol consumption, and usual drinking frequency: Evidence from a British online market research survey. Social Science & Medicine. 2022; doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115280.
  • Understanding alcohol use disorder. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Accessed Nov. 3, 2023.
  • Ramsbottom A, et al. Drinking on an empty stomach: A scoping review of the evidence on how consuming food with alcohol affects short-term outcomes. Journal of Public Health. 2023; doi:10.1093/pubmed/fdac117.
  • Limit alcohol. National Center for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. Accessed Nov. 8, 2023.
  • Devi A, et al. Inhibition of ALDH2 by quercetin glucuronide suggests a new hypothesis to explain red wine headaches. Scientific Reports. 2023; doi:10.1038/s41598-023-46203-y.
  • Hall-Flavin DK (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Dec. 18, 2023.
  • Kung S (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Dec. 19, 2023.

News from Mayo Clinic

  • Consumer Health: When is a hangover an emergency? Dec. 28, 2023, 03:00 p.m. CDT

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Motion sickness & nausea.

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Walgreens Motion Sickness Relief Chewable Tablets Raspberry

Know More about Motion Sickness & Nausea

Many people may experience motion sickness when traveling, which can include symptoms of queasiness, sweating, dizziness, pale skin, and vomiting. In fact, one in three people is susceptible to motion sickness. Over-the-counter products and medications are available at Walgreens in stores and online to help alleviate nausea and other symptoms associated with motion sickness .

What causes nausea?

Nausea is a common symptom of many conditions, rather than a health condition itself. Although having nausea is uncomfortable, it is usually not serious and goes away with time or once the cause is resolved. If you are experiencing nausea and vomiting for a prolonged period of time, contact your healthcare provider.

Possible causes of nausea can include:

  • Motion Sickness
  • Gastroenteritis (infection in the gastrointestinal tract) and other infections
  • Food Poisoning
  • Morning Sickness during pregnancy
  • Certain medications
  • Chronic health conditions such as GERD (reflux disease) and gastric ulcers
  • Other health conditions like pancreatitis

When motion sickness occurs, it is thought that symptoms result from an imbalance in what you feel versus what you see while your body is sitting still but your surroundings appear to be moving.

What kind of medicine gets rid of nausea?

There are many different medicines for nausea relief offered over-the-counter and by prescription. Choosing an appropriate symptom treatment option depends on the cause of your nausea. If you’re experiencing nausea from motion sickness, some common ingredients in over-the counter medicine can include meclizine or dimenhydrinate for nausea relief. Nausea caused by certain foods or infection may be settled with other medications or products intended to coat the stomach, reduce overproduction of acid, or increase the speed of digestion. Ask your healthcare provider or Walgreens pharmacist to help you explore available anti-nausea products.

Types of nausea relief medicine

Walgreens offers a variety of over-the-counter medicine and products for nausea relief in stores and online. Oral antihistamines and antiemetics are commonly featured to alleviate nausea symptoms, particularly for motion sickness. These medications often have ingredients such as meclizine or dimenhydrinate, which can cause drowsiness.

Other products may be drug-free with natural ingredients or complementary therapies such as acupressure wristbands . Ginger is a common ingredient thought to settle a queasy stomach, which can be offered in capsules, gum, and lozenges. There are also topical roll-ons that can be applied to the skin behind the ear. If you’re not sure which product to choose, chat with a Walgreens pharmacist in store or online via Pharmacy Chat 24/7 to find which option may be most appropriate for you.

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Nausea medicine

Peer reviewed by Dr Colin Tidy, MRCGP Last updated by Dr Toni Hazell Last updated 14 Jun 2023

Meets Patient’s editorial guidelines

In this series: Nausea and vomiting Dehydration

Various medicines are available to treat nausea . They work in different ways to one another. These medicines are not usually started until your doctor is sure what has caused your nausea. This is because knowing the cause helps your doctor to choose the right medicine for you. If they are required then any medicine usually only needs to be taken for a few days. Most people are able to take these medicines.

In this article :

Types of nausea medicine, when is nausea medicine prescribed, which medicine is usually prescribed for nausea, side-effects of nausea medicine.

Continue reading below

The medicines for nausea used are sometimes called antiemetics. Some of these medicines work on the gut and speed up how quickly food moves through it. Other medicines work on the brain and block signals to the vomiting centre. Listed below are some of the more commonly prescribed medicines:

Cinnarizine , cyclizine , promethazine - these medicines belong to a group of medicines called antihistamines . The exact way that they work is not fully understood. It is thought that antihistamines block histamine 1 (H1) receptors in the area of the brain which creates nausea in response to chemicals in the body. They are thought to work well for nausea caused by a number of conditions including ear problems and motion (travel) sickness.

Hyoscine - this medicine works by blocking a chemical in the brain called acetylcholine. It is a type of medicine called an antimuscarinic (or anticholinergic). It works well for nausea caused by ear problems and motion sickness.

Chlorpromazine , haloperidol , perphenazine, prochlorperazine , levomepromazine - these medicines work by blocking a chemical in the brain called dopamine. They are useful for nausea that is caused by some cancers, radiation and opiate medicines such as morphine and codeine. Prochlorperazine (or brand name Stemetil®) is one of the most used medicines for nausea. It works for many common causes of nausea, including vertigo, ear problems and sickness in pregnancy.

Metoclopramide - this medicine works directly on your gut. It eases the feelings of sickness by helping to empty the stomach and speed up how quickly food moves through the gut. It is often used for people with sickness due to gut problems or migraine. It is not usually used for more than a few days.

Domperidone - this medicine works on the CTZ. (CTZ stands for chemoreceptor trigger zone.) It also speeds up the emptying of the gut. It is not usually used for more than a few days. The use of domperidone is strictly regulated following a 2014 warning about the risk of cardiac (to do with the heart) side-effects. It is no longer available over the counter and should only be used at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time.

Dexamethasone - this is a steroid medicine. It is a man-made version of a natural hormone produced by your own body. Dexamethasone has a wide range of actions on many parts of the body. The reason why it reduces nausea is not clear.

Granisetron , ondansetron , and palonosetron - these medicines work by blocking a chemical called serotonin (5-HT) in the gut, and the brain. Serotonin (5-HT) has an action in the gut and the brain to cause nausea. These medicines are useful for controlling nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy.

Aprepitant and fosaprepitant - these are newer medicines and work by blocking a chemical that acts on neurokinin receptors in the body to cause nausea. They are sometimes called neurokinin-1 receptor antagonists. They are usually given to people on a certain type of chemotherapy.

Nabilone - it is still not clear how this medicine works to control nausea. It is normally prescribed for people who are having chemotherapy.

Medicines for nausea are usually only prescribed once your doctor is sure what is causing your feeling of sickness (nausea). This is because, in a lot of cases, if you treat the condition causing your nausea, it will go away. For example, if your nausea is caused by taking too much of a particular medicine, your doctor will reduce the dose and your nausea will often go away.

If the cause of your nausea is not known, your doctor can still prescribe a medicine for you but it is much better to know what the cause is so the right medicine can be chosen.

The choice of medicine depends on various factors, including:

What is causing your feeling of sickness (nausea).

Whether you have any other medical conditions.

Whether you are pregnant.

Possible side-effects of the medicines.

It is not possible to list all the conditions that can cause nausea and which treatments are usually prescribed. However, some examples include:

Motion (travel) sickness : hyoscine is the most effective medicine for motion sickness. Promethazine, cyclizine, or cinnarizine also work well. See the separate leaflet called Motion Sickness (Travel Sickness) for more detail .

Pregnancy : if you are pregnant, your doctor will usually prefer not to treat nausea and being sick (vomiting) with medicines unless the symptoms are severe. However, if it is decided that you need treatment, generally promethazine, prochlorperazine, or metoclopramide may be prescribed. This is because they are not thought to harm the unborn baby. See the separate leaflet called Morning Sickness in Pregnancy for more detail .

Migraine : both metoclopramide and domperidone work well for nausea caused by a migraine. See the separate leaflet called Migraine Medication, Treatment and Prevention for more detail .

Chemotherapy : it is not unusual to take a combination of different medicines to control nausea and vomiting if you have chemotherapy. Some chemotherapy medicines are more likely than others to cause nausea and vomiting. If you have chemotherapy that has a low risk of nausea, your doctor will usually prescribe metoclopramide or domperidone. If you have chemotherapy that has a high risk of nausea, three medicines that work in a different way to each other may be prescribed - for example, ondansetron, dexamethasone and aprepitant. See the separate leaflet called Chemotherapy for more detail.

It is not possible to list all the possible side-effects of each of these medicines in this leaflet. However, as with all medicines, there are a number of side-effects that have been reported. To see the side-effects specific to your medicine, see the information leaflet that came with your medicine.

Common side-effects may include:

Constipation .

Headaches .

Drowsiness or tiredness.

Trouble with sleeping ( insomnia ).

Indigestion .

However, the side-effects are different with each different medicine. Most side-effects are not serious and each person may react differently to these medicines. Usually most people do not get the side-effects listed; however, they can happen to some people.

Further reading and references

  • British National Formulary (BNF) ; NICE Evidence Services (UK access only)
  • Flake ZA, Linn BS, Hornecker JR ; Practical selection of antiemetics in the ambulatory setting. Am Fam Physician. 2015 Mar 1;91(5):293-6.
  • Becker DE ; Nausea, vomiting, and hiccups: a review of mechanisms and treatment. Anesth Prog. 2010 Winter;57(4):150-6; quiz 157. doi: 10.2344/0003-3006-57.4.150.
  • Domperidone: risks of cardiac side effects. MHRA ; 2014

Article History

The information on this page is written and peer reviewed by qualified clinicians.

Next review due: 12 May 2028

14 jun 2023 | latest version.

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Zaca Recovery Chewable Supplement | Hydration + Recovery | Party, Travel, Exercise & Altitude | Sugar Free & Gluten Free | Mixed Berry, 6 Packs = 12 Tablets

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Zaca Recovery Chewable Supplement | Hydration + Recovery | Party, Travel, Exercise & Altitude | Sugar Free & Gluten Free | Mixed Berry, 6 Packs = 12 Tablets

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About this item.

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Product Description

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Research has shown up to 75% of people are dehydrated and struggle with daily stressors that hold them back. Enjoy a few cocktails, extensive travel or a tough workout without suffering the consequences later. This natural supplement blends hydration support, herbs & amino acids to accelerate your recovery—so you can be at the top of your game the next day.

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  • Japanese Raisin (contains DHM) for superior liver detox support*
  • L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine enhances electrolytes and water absorption*
  • Prickly Pear high in antioxidants and flavonoids*
  • L -Glutathione for antioxidant protection, detoxification & immune fortification*

Product details

  • Is Discontinued By Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ No
  • Product Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 2 x 3 x 4 inches; 1.13 ounces
  • Date First Available ‏ : ‎ January 12, 2016
  • Manufacturer ‏ : ‎ Zaca
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B01AIWD1U0
  • #72 in Sports Nutrition Endurance & Energy Supplements

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Zaca Recovery Chewable for Hydration + Liver Aid

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What Can Zaca Recovery Chewables Help With?

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Unboxing Life-Saving Chewables: Zaca

Important information, safety information.

Zaca's ingredients are safe for children, however, due to risk of choking it's recommend for children ages 12 and up. Please check the ingredients if you have allergies or with your doctor for concerns with pharmaceutical drugs


Packet Ingredients For Each Chewable: Japanese Raisin (Hovenia Dulcis w/ DHM flavonoid) Extract, L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine (Sustamine®), Prickly Pear, L-Glutathione (Setria®)

Just take one packet (2 chewables) as needed for any activity, such as traveling, working out, hiking or drinking. When drinking, it's best to take Zaca before bedtime, and to take double (2 packets, 4 chewables). When exercising, traveling or encountering high altitudes, take a packet just before or during. If you are already feeling the aftermath, you can take a pack of Zaca after to help recover as well.

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Statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

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Customers say

Customers like the side effects of the nutritional supplement. They mention it helps with hangovers, nausea, and performance. They appreciate the ease of travel and portability. Customers also say the tablets help with altitude sickness. They also appreciate the taste.

AI-generated from the text of customer reviews

Customers are satisfied with the performance of the nutritional supplement. They mention that it is effective, works well, and reliable. Some say that it helps noticeably and is not a magic pill.

"...with using these as a sleep aid, and they actually work very well for that purpose . In fact, they work better than melatonin for me...." Read more

"Well, what I mainly like is that I think they are effective !..." Read more

"...this product last year on a work trip and was completely satisfied with the benefits ...." Read more

"...n't keep anything in my stomach - the chewables seemed to help me recover more quickly as they kept me from getting totally dehydrated...." Read more

Customers like the taste of the nutritional supplement. They mention it tastes good, and they like the convenience of a prepackaged. Some appreciate that the tablets are chewable.

"...They taste pretty decent and I had no side effects. Definitely ordering for our next trip!" Read more

"This product is easy to chew and doesn’t leave a horrible aftertaste like other hydration supplements. Plus super easy to pack and travel with!..." Read more

"...Also, they have a great taste to them so you almost want to eat them like candy." Read more

"...I felt great and they taste great too !" Read more

Customers are happy with the nutritional supplement. They say it helps with nausea and they feel great the next morning. They also say they don't upset their sensitive stomach and do not cause headaches.

"...With two of these tablets, I sleep through the entire night ...." Read more

"...convinced these tablets were the reason for the success, but they certainly didn't hurt ...." Read more

"...I did feel the lack of oxygen, but Zaca kept me hydrated and I did not cramp up nor did I bonk." Read more

"...I wake up feeling 200% better than when I don’t take it. Also helps with the “hangxiety”. My only complaint is it’s expensive." Read more

Customers like the side effects of the supplement. They say it helps them avoid a hangover, making a hungover a lot more liveable. They also say it's a great product for before and after drinking, and helps with hangxiety. Customers also say the pills helped keep things down and enabled them to rally the next day.

"...In fact, they work better than melatonin for me. I have a hard time sleeping due to pain in my sacrum and lower back...." Read more

"...They taste pretty decent and I had no side effects . Definitely ordering for our next trip!" Read more

"...I'll take these instead of Tylenol or Advil and it feels like a much healthier option . Mind you I still drink some water with them, but not always...." Read more

"...I wake up feeling 200% better than when I don’t take it. Also helps with the “hangxiety ”. My only complaint is it’s expensive." Read more

Customers say the nutritional supplement helps with altitude sickness. They say it helps ward off any higher altitude effects like dizziness, dehydration, and fatigue. Customers also mention that the taste is great and it helps with elevation changes.

"...I took another one at the start of the day and had no issues with altitude sickness . I highly recommend!!..." Read more

"...worked very well and we stayed grounded the whole trip with no elevation sickness !" Read more

"...I think it contributed to me staying hydrated and it helped me acclimate to high elevation faster ...." Read more

"...I felt full of energy, and had no problem with the altitude . The taste is also great. Highly recommend!" Read more

Customers find the nutritional supplement easy to travel with and bring with them anywhere. They say the packs are small and easy to pack. Some customers also mention that the tablets are great for on the go or travel and are convenient.

"...The way it’s packaged currently is very good for grab and go though. And traveling." Read more

"...Plus super easy to pack and travel with ! Lastly, I love that you don’t need water or anything just the Zaca tablets!" Read more

" Easy to take and taste great." Read more

"...Would recommend to anyone that needs hydration on the go. Perfect for travelers ." Read more

Customers find the hydration of the nutritional supplement great. They say it's a miracle for rehydration, and great for quick hydrations on the go. They also say it keeps them from getting totally dehydrated. Customers also mention that the product is tasty and helps them hydrate much faster than without it.

"...Plus super easy to pack and travel with! Lastly, I love that you don’t need water or anything just the Zaca tablets!" Read more

"...At these high altitudes, I did feel the lack of oxygen, but Zaca kept me hydrated and I did not cramp up nor did I bonk." Read more

"...seemed to help me recover more quickly as they kept me from getting totally dehydrated ...." Read more

"...I think it contributed to me staying hydrated and it helped me acclimate to high elevation faster...." Read more

Customers are dissatisfied with the value of the nutritional supplement. They mention that it is kind of pricey and they don't have an option for bulk purchase.

"...As much as I love these tablets, I think they are a bit overpriced . The cost is almost $2 per tablet...." Read more

"...Also helps with the “hangxiety”. My only complaint is it’s expensive ." Read more

" Kind of pricey but I do think you get what you pay for." Read more

"...I highly recommend!! Worth every penny to enjoy the mountains.Also, they have a great taste to them so you almost want to eat them like candy." Read more

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Disclaimer : While we work to ensure that product information is correct, on occasion manufacturers may alter their ingredient lists. Actual product packaging and materials may contain more and/or different information than that shown on our Web site. We recommend that you do not solely rely on the information presented and that you always read labels, warnings, and directions before using or consuming a product. For additional information about a product, please contact the manufacturer. Content on this site is for reference purposes and is not intended to substitute for advice given by a physician, pharmacist, or other licensed health-care professional. You should not use this information as self-diagnosis or for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your health-care provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem. Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition. assumes no liability for inaccuracies or misstatements about products.

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Generic name: meclizine [  MEK-li-zeen  ] Brand names: Antivert , Bonine , Bonine Max, Dramamine Less Drowsy , Dramamine Nausea Long Lasting, Travel-Ease Drug class: Anticholinergic antiemetics

Medically reviewed by on Aug 29, 2023. Written by Cerner Multum .

What is Travel-Ease?

Travel-Ease is used in adults and children aged 12 years and older to treat or prevent nausea , vomiting and dizziness caused by motion sickness .

Travel-Ease is also used in adults to treat symptoms of vertigo (dizziness or spinning sensation) caused by disease that affects your inner ear.

Travel-Ease may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

Travel-Ease side effects

Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction : hives, difficult breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Common side effects of Travel-Ease may include:

drowsiness ;

dry mouth ;

vomiting; or

feeling tired.

This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about side effects. You may report side effects to FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088.

Use only as directed. Tell your doctor if you use other medicines or have other medical conditions or allergies.

Before taking this medicine

You should not use Travel-Ease if you are allergic to it.

Do not give Travel-Ease to anyone younger than 12 years old without medical advice.

Tell your doctor if you have or have ever had:

breathing problems such as asthma , emphysema , or chronic bronchitis ;

an enlarged prostate or urination problems;

recently used alcohol, sedatives, or tranquilizers; or

liver or kidney disease.

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

How should I take Travel-Ease?

Follow all directions on your prescription label and read all medication guides or instruction sheets. Use the medicine exactly as directed.

Swallow the tablet whole and do not crush, chew, or break it.

You must chew the chewable tablet before you swallow it.

To prevent motion sickness, take Travel-Ease about 1 hour before you travel or anticipate having motion sickness. You may take this medicine once every 24 hours while you are traveling, to further prevent motion sickness.

To treat vertigo, you may need to take Travel-Ease several times daily. Follow your doctor's instructions.

Store at room temperature away from moisture, heat, and light.

What happens if I miss a dose?

Travel-Ease is used when needed. If you are on a dosing schedule, skip any missed dose. Do not use two doses at one time.

What happens if I overdose?

Seek emergency medical attention or call the Poison Help line at 1-800-222-1222.

What should I avoid while taking Travel-Ease?

Avoid driving or hazardous activity until you know how Travel-Ease will affect you. Your reactions could be impaired.

Avoid drinking alcohol. Drinking alcohol with this medicine can cause side effects.

What other drugs will affect Travel-Ease?

Using Travel-Ease with other drugs that make you drowsy can worsen this effect. Ask your doctor before using opioid medication, a sleeping pill, a muscle relaxer, or medicine for anxiety or seizures .

Sometimes it is not safe to use certain medicines at the same time. Some drugs can affect your blood levels of other drugs you use, which may increase side effects or make the medicines less effective.

Other drugs may affect Travel-Ease, including prescription and over-the-counter medicines, vitamins , and herbal products . Tell your doctor about all other medicines you use.

More about Travel-Ease (meclizine)

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Further information

Remember, keep this and all other medicines out of the reach of children, never share your medicines with others, and use this medication only for the indication prescribed.

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.

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Copyright 1996-2024 Cerner Multum, Inc. Version: 8.01.

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Answer to all Questions

Do Travel Sickness Tablets Work For Hangovers

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There are a lot of different ways that people swear by to cure a hangover. However one method that is often overlooked is taking travel sickness tablets. That’s right those same little tablets that you take before getting on a plane or car can also help to relieve the symptoms of a hangover.

But how do they work and are they really effective?Travel sickness tablets work by helping to regulate your body’s level of serotonin. This is the chemical that is responsible for making you feel happy and relaxed.

It is also what helps to control your nausea and vomiting reflex. By increasing the level of serotonin in your body the travel sickness tablets can help to reduce the feeling of nausea and vomiting that is often associated with a hangover.So do travel sickness tablets work for hangovers? The answer is yes they can be effective in helping to relieve the symptoms of a hangover.

However it is important to remember that they will not cure a hangover. They are simply a means of helping to make the symptoms more bearable. If you are looking for a hangover cure then you may want to try one of the many other methods that are available.

Do travel sickness tablets work for hangovers?

Table of Contents

No travel sickness tablets are not effective for hangovers.

What are some effective treatments for hangovers?

Some effective treatments for hangovers include drinking lots of fluids eating small meals and resting.

What are the symptoms of a hangover?

The symptoms of a hangover can include headache fatigue thirst nausea and sensitivity to light and sound.

Why do hangovers occur?

Hangovers occur because of the dehydration and electrolyte imbalance that results from drinking alcohol.

How long do hangovers typically last?

Hangovers typically last for 24 to 48 hours.

Is it possible to prevent a hangover?

Yes it is possible to prevent a hangover by drinking lots of fluids and avoiding alcohol.

What should you not do when you have a hangover?

When you have a hangover you should not drink alcohol as it will make your symptoms worse.

What is the best way to treat a hangover?

The best way to treat a hangover is to drink lots of fluids eat small meals and rest.

What can you do to prevent a hangover?

You can prevent a hangover by drinking lots of fluids and avoiding alcohol.

What are some common misconceptions about hangovers?

Some common misconceptions about hangovers include that they can be cured by drinking more alcohol that coffee will help and that hair of the dog will help.

What foods should you eat when you have a hangover?

When you have a hangover you should eat small meals that are high in carbohydrates and low in fat.

What drinks are good for a hangover?

Drinks that are good for a hangover include water sports drinks and green tea.

What should you not eat when you have a hangover?

When you have a hangover you should not eat spicy or greasy foods.

What can you take for a hangover?

There is no cure for a hangover but you can take over-the-counter pain relievers and anti-nausea medications.

How long does it take for a hangover to go away?

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Avoiding Altitude Sickness: How to Enjoy the Mountains Safely

An illustration of four people hiking on a trail in a rugged mountain range. The hikers at the lead of the pack are carrying backpacks and using poles. The hiker at the rear of the group is pulling up a pair of sunglasses and looking up at the sky with a sense of wonderment. There are several mountain goats standing alongside the path.

By Megan McCrea

At last, you’ve arrived in Cuzco, Peru — you’re ready for your dream trek to Machu Picchu. There’s just one problem: You can barely catch your breath, your stomach is churning and, in the morning, your head is throbbing.

The culprit? Altitude sickness, or in medical terms, acute mountain sickness — the various symptoms tied to your body’s response to the higher altitude. As elevation increases, air pressure drops, meaning you get less oxygen from each full breath. It is temporarily uncomfortable for most people, but in extreme cases, severe altitude sickness can even be fatal.

It sounds scary, but as Paul Nicolazzo, the president of Wilderness Medicine Training Center said, “There’s really no reason to be afraid of going to altitude, as long as you understand what you’re up against, and you obey some very, very basic rules.”

Know the symptoms

A.M.S. has four general symptoms: headache, gastrointestinal discomfort (nausea and lack of appetite), fatigue/weakness, and dizziness/lightheadedness.

Many people experience the morning altitude headache, in which “your skull feels too small for the pulse that’s coming,” said Steve House, the founder of Uphill Athlete , a company that offers high-altitude endurance coaching.

It is also common to struggle with sleep at high altitudes. This occurs partly because the part of your nervous system responsible for keeping you awake has kicked in to increase your respiratory rate, Mr. Nicolazzo said.

Pay attention to elevation

The two main drivers of A.M.S. are how high you’re going and how fast you’re getting there. People with a higher altitude sensitivity might start experiencing challenges not far above 5,000 feet, say in places like Denver and Johannesburg. Anyone traveling above 8,000 feet may be at risk for altitude sickness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention .

Serious adventure travelers — say, those trekking in the Himalayas, or climbing Mount Kilimanjaro — usually know they’re headed for high altitudes. But the elevation of destinations like Mexico City (about 8,000 feet), the summit of Haleakala on Maui (10,023 feet), Cuzco (about 11,150 feet), or even Santa Fe, N.M. (6,996 feet), might come as a surprise. To set expectations, check your destination’s altitude in advance on Google Earth or the U.S. Geological Survey national map viewer .

Listen to your body

If you have a condition like heart disease, heart failure, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, atrial fibrillation, lung disease, C.O.P.D., asthma or sleep apnea, you’ll want to start paying close attention to how you’re feeling at around 5,000 feet.

If you have a pre-existing condition or have had trouble with high altitudes before — or if you’ll be going above 10,000 feet — consider visiting a specialist, who can help you prepare and may be able to advise you about the main drugs used to prevent and treat altitude sickness, Diamox (acetazolamide) and dexamethasone.

Sleep your way up

Traveling to high altitudes is a little like running a marathon: It will go better if you build up to it.

Say you’re headed to a high-altitude ski resort. Consider working your way up from a lower sleeping elevation to a higher one, since the critical factor — for altitude purposes — is where you spend the night.

If you’re traveling from sea level to Breckenridge, a Colorado ski town that sits at about 9,600 feet, first spend a night in Denver, at 5,280 feet, advised Dr. Peter Hackett, the founder of the Denali Medical Research Project and a high-altitude specialist. By doing so, he explained, “you drop the incidence of headache by almost half. So that little bit of extra time that you take to get to 9,000 feet to sleep can make a big difference.”

Skip that fatty steak

When Mr. Nicolazzo worked as a ski patroller, there was a behavior so common — and certain to exacerbate altitude illness — he remembers that local lodges posted warnings about it. People would fly in from sea level, he recalled, drive to the ski areas around Taos, N.M. (which is itself at 6,969 feet), “have a big steak, baked potato with sour cream and a lot of butter,” along with several cocktails. Then, they would feel terrible the next day, he said.

To avoid that feeling, trade the steak and extra butter for something with more carbohydrates, as fats and proteins take more oxygen for your body to metabolize.

And if you’re having a cocktail, keep it to one: Alcohol and other depressants can decrease your oxygen level, particularly while you’re sleeping, Dr. Hackett said.

Above all, drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help your kidneys work better, Mr. Nicolazzo explained, which can help you adjust to the altitude and, hopefully, avoid the headache.

Watch for red flags

A mild case of A.M.S. can become moderate or severe if someone ascends too high or too fast. Most — but not all — people progress through the mild symptoms before reaching this level, which includes symptoms like dizziness, disorientation, severe nausea and extreme shortness of breath.

To guard against severe A.M.S., monitor how you feel, and if you’re experiencing a persistent headache, trouble sleeping or other A.M.S. symptoms, tell your companions and don’t ascend any higher.

At the severe end of the continuum, if not treated, A.M.S. could progress into high altitude pulmonary edema , in which fluid builds up in the lungs, or more rarely, high altitude cerebral edema , where fluid builds up in the brain. Both conditions can be fatal.

“There are three cures for altitude illness,” Mr. House said, “descent, descent and descent.” Anyone who appears confused, is coughing up fluid or seems to have trouble breathing or walking — symptoms of severe conditions like HAPE or HACE — needs to be taken down immediately, Dr. Hackett said. “Just a thousand feet is all they have to go. And that could save their life.”

Open Up Your World

Considering a trip, or just some armchair traveling here are some ideas..

52 Places:  Why do we travel? For food, culture, adventure, natural beauty? Our 2024 list has all those elements, and more .

Mumbai:  Spend 36 hours in this fast-changing Indian city  by exploring ancient caves, catching a concert in a former textile mill and feasting on mangoes.

Kyoto:  The Japanese city’s dry gardens offer spots for quiet contemplation  in an increasingly overtouristed destination.

Iceland:  The country markets itself as a destination to see the northern lights. But they can be elusive, as one writer recently found .

Texas:  Canoeing the Rio Grande near Big Bend National Park can be magical. But as the river dries, it’s getting harder to find where a boat will actually float .

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Anne Hathaway's plan was to stop drinking until her kids were grown up. Now, she says she's over 5 years sober.

  • Anne Hathaway is celebrating over five years of sobriety.
  • "That feels like a milestone to me," the actor told The New York Times .
  • In 2019, Hathaway said she wanted to quit alcohol "for 18 years" until her son is grown up.

Insider Today

Anne Hathaway , 41, is celebrating over five years of sobriety.

The actor spoke to The New York Times about her health and what it's like being in her forties.

"There are so many other things I identify as milestones. I don't normally talk about it, but I am over five years sober. That feels like a milestone to me. Forty feels like a gift," Hathaway told The New York Times.

The actor also shared that she wasn't comfortable referring to herself as middle-aged because "we don't know if this is middle age."

"The fact of the matter is I hesitate at calling things 'middle age' simply because I can be a semantic stickler and I could get hit by a car later today," Hathaway added.

Hathaway first spoke about quitting alcohol during an appearance on " The Ellen DeGeneres Show " in January 2019.

"I quit drinking back in October," Hathaway told DeGeneres. "For 18 years. I'm going to stop drinking while my son's living in my house because I don't totally love the way I do it and he's getting to the age where he really needs me all the time in the morning."

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She later clarified in an April 2019 interview with Modern Luxury that she stopped drinking not because she had an alcohol problem but because she had really bad hangovers, per People .

"My last hangover lasted for five days," Hathaway told Modern Luxury. "When I'm at a stage in my life where there is enough space for me to have a hangover, I'll start drinking again, but that won't be until my kid is out of the house."

Hathaway has two sons, Jonathan, 8, and Jack, 4, with her husband Adam Shulman . The couple have been married for 12 years.

In a Vanity Fair interview from March, Hathaway also spoke about how her mental health has improved since she quit alcohol.

"It's a path everybody has to walk for themselves," Hathaway said. "My personal experience with it is that everything is better. For me, it was wallowing fuel. And I don't like to wallow."

A CDC report found that the loss in productivity due to hangovers cost the economy almost $90 billion in 2010, per The Atlantic .

Although they can vary from person to person, hangover symptoms typically include fatigue, headache, and nausea, among others.

Research has also found that the effects of a hangover can continue to affect a person even after the alcohol has already left the bloodstream.

Apart from Dry January , there are also other ways for people to cut down on their alcohol consumption , including the " One Week No Booze Method. "

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    Drowsiness, constipation, blurred vision, or dry mouth /nose/throat may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly. To relieve dry mouth, suck ...

  6. Bonine Uses, Side Effects & Warnings

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    Hangover pills or not, consuming alcohol in excess amounts raises your risk of negative health outcomes associated with alcohol. Peart reminds us that our "brain, heart, cholesterol and liver ...

  8. Top 8 Best Hangover Pills

    There are several hangover prevention tablets available in the market. Some of the popular ones include Flyby Hangover Cure & Prevention Pills, RU-21, and Blowfish for Hangovers. These tablets contain a combination of vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients that help reduce the severity of hangover symptoms.

  9. Hangovers

    People usually don't go to a healthcare professional to get a diagnosis or treatment for a hangover. Mostly likely, you'll know if you have a hangover based on your symptoms the morning after drinking alcohol. Common symptoms include tiredness, dry mouth, headache, nausea, problems thinking clearly, and low tolerance for light and sound.

  10. Motion Sickness (Travel Sickness): Prevention and Treatment

    Ondansetron. Ondansetron is a powerful antisickness medicine which is most commonly used for sickness caused by chemotherapy, and occasionally used for morning sickness in pregnancy. It is not usually effective for motion sickness. This, and its relatively high cost means that it is not prescribed for motion sickness alone.

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  13. Hyoscine hydrobromide: medicine for travel sickness

    Hyoscine hydrobromide (Kwells and Joy-Rides) Other brand names: Kwells Kids, Travel Calm, Scopoderm. Hyoscine hydrobromide (Kwells and Joy-Rides) Find out how hyoscine hydrobromide treats travel sickness and how to take it. NHS medicines information on hyoscine hydrobromide - what it's used for, side effects, dosage and who can take it.

  14. Why travel can make you exhausted just by sitting still

    For the driver: • Take regular breaks. This allows passengers to take a breather, and to reduce to a significant extent or even get over their symptoms. Sometimes symptoms can take a while to ...

  15. Nausea Medicine: Anti-sickness tablets

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    Convenient Chewable Tablets: Our sugar-free recovery tablets fit easily into a purse or wallet and can be consumed without water. Plus unlike other supplements, they taste great (not chalky)! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: Customers rave about our supplement! If you don't experience the same great results, let us know.

  17. Boots Travel Calm 12 Tablets

    Please ensure your contact details are correct before ordering this medicine. Boots Travel Calm Tablets Hyoscine Hydrobromide - 12 Tablets. Travel sickness. Fast prevention & relief. For adults and children. Uses: Prevents and relieves the unpleasant effects of travel sickness in adults and children.

  18. Travel-Ease Uses, Side Effects & Warnings

    Travel-Ease side effects. Get emergency medical help if you have signs of an allergic reaction: hives, difficult breathing, swelling of your face, lips, tongue, or throat. Common side effects of Travel-Ease may include: feeling tired. This is not a complete list of side effects and others may occur. Call your doctor for medical advice about ...

  19. Do Travel Sickness Tablets Work For Hangovers

    By increasing the level of serotonin in your body the travel sickness tablets can help to reduce the feeling of nausea and vomiting that is often associated with a hangover.So do travel sickness tablets work for hangovers? The answer is yes they can be effective in helping to relieve the symptoms of a hangover.

  20. Travel Sickness

    Registered VAT number 116300129. For details of Boots online pharmacy services see Using Our Pharmacy Servicespage. View our range of travel sickness tablets & travel wrist bands. Shop today & collect Advantage Card points for every pound you spend.

  21. How to Avoid and Reduce the Symptoms of Altitude Sickness

    Above all, drink plenty of water. Staying hydrated will help your kidneys work better, Mr. Nicolazzo explained, which can help you adjust to the altitude and, hopefully, avoid the headache.

  22. Kwells

    The last thing you want on your next trip away is a bout of motion sickness - so what motion sickness remedies are out there to help you find motion sickness relief? Learn more. View the Kwells range. Get motion sickness under control with Kwells. Available range for kids 2-12 years and also adults.

  23. Hangovers and sea-sickness pill

    Hangovers and sea-sickness pill. ayroman03. 1. ... probably entirely unrelated but i took some travel tablets before I was going on a boat with a bad hangover (it was a moment of blind panic) and all the bleuh feeling had gone by the time I was boarding the boat. maybe i was just really lucky though. 0 Report. Related discussions.

  24. Anne Hathaway Quit Drinking for Her Kids and Is Over 5 Years Sober

    Anne Hathaway is celebrating over five years of sobriety. "That feels like a milestone to me," the actor told The New York Times. In 2019, Hathaway said she wanted to quit alcohol "for 18 years ...

  25. Anne Hathaway reveals she's now five years sober

    Anne Hathaway first shared she lost interest in drinking after a bad hangover in 2018. She's now five years sober. Hathaway first shared her decision to skip alcohol during an appearance on the ...