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red motorcycle in front of neo classical style mansion in Vedado, Havana Cuba

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people using telephone booths in Havana

Internet and Cell Phones in Cuba: A Guide for Americans

view from the top of a mountain in Soroa, Cuba

The Best Time to Visit Cuba? Actually, It’s Now

bedroom in the casa malecon colonial rental property in Havana Cuba

Stays on a Budget: Lodging in Havana Under $65/Night

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Κουβα – χριστουγεννα.

9, 10, 11, 13 ΗΜΕΡΕΣ

Αβάνα, Βινιάλες, Βαραδέρο, Γκουαμά, Σιενφουέγκος, Τρινιδάδ, Σάντα Κλάρα


Ρούµι, πούρα, αυτοκίνητα του ’50, µουσική, χορός, και όχι µόνο, είναι οι λέξεις που µας έρχονται  στο νου όταν  µιλάµε  για  την  Κούβα.  Αυτά  και  πολλά  ακόµα  θα απολαύσουµε και θα βιώσουµε στο πολυήµερο οδοιπορικό διείσδυσης στις πόλεις και στα χωριά της Κούβας, µε βασικούς σταθµούς του την Αβάνα, το Βινιάλες, το Γκουαµά, το Σιέν Φουέγκος, το Τρινιδάδ, τη Σάντα Κλάρα και το Βαραδέρο.

  • Κάντε βόλτα με παραδοσιακά αυτοκίνητα του ’50 στην καρδιά της παλιάς πόλης της
  • Αβάνας και δειπνήστε σε τοπικό εστιατόριο με ζωντανή μουσική.
  • Επισκεφτείτε ένα εργοστάσιο πούρων, το Μουσείο του Havana Club και το Μουσείο της Πόλης στην Αβάνα.
  • Εκδράμετε στο Βινιάλες και κάντε βαρκάδα στο σπήλαιο του Ινδιάνου.
  • Κάντε κρουαζιέρα με ταχύπλοο στο Isla Del Tesoro στο Γκουαμά και δείτε το εκτροφείο κροκοδείλων.
  • Επισκεφτείτε το Μουσείο Πόλης στο Τρινιδάδ και πιείτε ένα ποτό στο Κατσάντσαρα.
  • Ανακαλύψτε το Μαυσωλείο του Τσε και το Τρεν Μπλιντάδο στη Σάντα Κλάρα.
  • Χαλαρώστε και απολαύστε τα τιρκουάζ νερά και την ομορφότερη παραλία της
  • Καραϊβικής, στο κοσμοπολίτικο Βαραδέρο.

προτεινομενο προγραμμα

Συγκέντρωση στο αεροδρόµιο και πτήση για το ταξίδι µας στην πρωτεύουσα της Κούβας, την Αβάνα. Άφιξη, µεταφορά και τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο µας. ∆ιανυκτέρευση.

Η Αβάνα ιδρύθηκε το 1515 και χωρίζεται σε 3 τµήµατα: το ιστορικό, το αποικιακό και το σύγχρονο. Η παλιά Αβάνα, η οποία υπήρξε περιτριγυρισµένη από τείχη, κρίθηκε από την UNESCO Τόπος Παγκόσµιας Πολιτιστικής Κληρονοµιάς. Και παρόλο που αυτό αποτελεί από µόνο του πόλο έλξης για την πόλη, η πρωτεύουσα της Κούβας συγκεντρώνει προκλήσεις ικανές να µας σαγηνεύσουν. Σίγουρα είναι καρφωµένα στο µυαλό µας τα λόγια του Χέµινγουεϊ, ότι «σε όποιο µέρος του κόσµου κι αν ταξιδέψω, η Αβάνα θα ’ναι πάντα µέσα στην καρδιά µου». Είναι η ατµόσφαιρα του Μεσοπολέµου, τα αµερικάνικα αυτοκίνητα του ’50, τα αποικιακά κτίρια, το άρωµα των ανθρώπων, που σε κάνουν να µη χορταίνεις αυτήν την πόλη. Η Αβάνα είναι η ερωµένη του χρόνου και της µνήµης κι ας µην έχει χρήµατα να φροντίσει τον εαυτό της, να ανακαινίσει τα µνηµεία της, τα νεοκλασικά της και τις εκκλησίες της. Η Αβάνα είναι µία από τις εντυπωσιακότερες πόλεις της αµερικάνικης ηπείρου, εκεί όπου το αποικιακό δένει µε την αρτ ντεκό και τα κάστρα των Ισπανών δεσπόζουν απέναντι στα καζίνο της αµερικάνικης µαφίας. Στους δρόµους της οι Κουβανοί περπατούν περήφανοι, χαµογελαστοί, µε αυτήν τη µουσικότητα που χαρακτηρίζει το βηµατισµό ενός λαού αισθησιακού, ανεξάρτητου, ξεχωριστού. Θα ξεκινήσουµε σήµερα το πρωί την ξενάγησή µας από το σύγχρονο κέντρο της πόλης, το Βεδάδο, θαυµάζοντας την αρτ ντεκό των παλιών αριστοκρατικών οικηµάτων, τα καταπράσινα πάρκα και την Πλατεία της Επανάστασης, όπου εκφωνούσε τις οµιλίες του ο Κάστρο υπό το βλέµµα του εθνικού ήρωα Χοσέ Μαρτί, το µνηµείο του οποίου δεσπόζει επιβλητικά. Θα δούµε το παλιό Χίλτον, που εθνικοποιήθηκε για να στεγάσει τα γραφεία της κυβέρνησης, το Πάρκο Κοπέλια, χώρο συνάντησης των Κουβανών, που έχει απαθανατιστεί σε ορισµένες από τις καλύτερες ταινίες του εκπληκτικού κουβανικού κινηµατογράφου, και θα διασχίσουµε τη Λεωφόρο των Προέδρων για να περάσουµε µπροστά από τα Γραφεία Αµερικανικών Συµφερόντων, όπου ο αρχηγός µας θα µας µυήσει στην πολυπλοκότητα των κουβανοαµερικανικών σχέσεων. Σειρά έχει η Μαλεκόν, η θρυλική παραλιακή οδός απ’ όπου θα θαυµάσουµε το ξενοδοχείο Νασιονάλ και τη Συνοικία Centro µε τα µελαγχολικά κτίρια, που στέκονται µάρτυρες στις δεκαετίες µε τα δραµατικά σκαµπανεβάσµατα στην ποιότητα ζωής των κατοίκων της πόλης. Με τη θέα του Κάστρου του Άραβα να σηµατοδοτεί την είσοδό µας στην Παλιά Πόλη, ανεβαίνουµε το µεγαλοπρεπές Πράδο των ισπανικών επαύλεων για να καταλήξουµε στο Καπιτώλιο. Θα επισκεφτούµε το Μουσείο της Habana Club, όπου θα γευτούµε το περίφηµο ρούµι επτά ετών αφού µυηθούµε στα µυστικά παραγωγής του. Η βόλτα µας στην παλιά πόλη µόλις έχει ξεκινήσει: θα περιπλανηθούµε στα στενά της, επισκεπτόµενοι την Πλατεία του Αγίου Φραγκίσκου, την Παλιά Πλατεία, την Πλατεία των Όπλων και την Πλατεία του Καθεδρικού, αφού ξεναγηθούµε στο Μουσείο της Πόλης, µε τις εντυπωσιακές συλλογές αποικιακών επίπλων και αντικειµένων (σε περίπτωση που το Μουσείο της Πόλης είναι κλειστό, θα αντικατασταθεί από ξενάγηση στο αποικιακό κάστρο της Καµπάνια). Μετά τη γνωριµία µας µε την πόλη, ελεύθερος χρόνος για περιήγηση στο παζάρι ή ριλάξ στην πισίνα του ξενοδοχείου µε  θέα τη Μαλεκόν… Το βράδυ το Versus µας επιφυλάσσει µια εντυπωσιακή βόλτα µε τα αµερικάνικα αυτοκίνητα του ’50, για να µεταφερθούµε στην εντυπωσιακή Πλατεία του Καθεδρικού, όπου θα δειπνήσουµε υπό τους ήχους της πανταχού παρούσας κουβανικής µουσικής.

Πρωινή αναχώρηση για την επαρχία του Πινάρ Ντελ Ρίο, την κατ’ εξοχήν καπνοπαραγωγό περιοχή της Κούβας. Η κοιλάδα του Βινιάλες, το οµορφότερο ίσως τοπίο στην Κούβα µε τους µοναδικούς γεωλογικούς σχηµατισµούς και την οργιώδη βλάστηση, που αποτελεί Μνηµείο Παγκόσµιας Φυσικής Οµορφιάς της UNESCO, θα σας εντυπωσιάσει τόσο όσο και ο παραδοσιακός τρόπος ζωής των ντόπιων, αφού το ρολόι φαίνεται να έχει σταµατήσει σε περασµένες, πιο ξέγνοιαστες δεκαετίες. Θα επισκεφτούµε ένα εργοστάσιο πούρων προκειµένου να δούµε τον τρόπο παραγωγής του διασηµότερου εξαγώγιµου προϊόντος της περιοχής, το σπήλαιο του Ινδιάνου, το οποίο και θα διασχίσουµε µε βάρκα, θα απολαύσουµε παραδοσιακό γεύµα αυθεντικής κουβανικής κουζίνας σε ένα ειδυλλιακό τοπίο, ενώ η γιγαντιαία βραχογραφία της Προϊστορίας σε ένα τοπίο που κόβει την ανάσα είναι ο καλύτερος τρόπος για να κλείσουµε την επίσκεψη σε µια από τις αυθεντικότερες επαρχίες της Κούβας. Επιστροφή στην Αβάνα και το υπόλοιπο απόγευµα είναι στη διάθεσή σας για να απολαύσετε την πρωτεύουσα της Κούβας.

Ηµέρα ελεύθερη στην Αβάνα για να περιηγηθείτε µόνοι σας ή µε τη βοήθεια του έµπειρου ξεναγού µας στα δροµάκια της και στα παζάρια ειδών λαϊκής τέχνης, να δοκιµάσετε τα τοπικά κοκτέιλ µε ρούµι (daiquiri, µοχίτο) στα ιστορικά µπαράκια, να αναζητήσετε την ανεµελιά των κατοίκων της, των Habaneros, και να κάνετε ευχάριστες συζητήσεις µαζί τους ή για κάποια προαιρετική εκδροµή ή πρόσθετη ξενάγηση σε άλλα, πιο άγνωστα µέρη της πόλης, ανακαλύπτοντας πτυχές της που µόνο το Versus µπορεί να ξεδιπλώσει. Ο ξεναγός µας µπορεί να σας προτείνει δείπνο σε κάποια από τα paladar (εστιατόρια που στεγάζονται σε κουβανικά σπίτια) και, φυσικά, µια πλειάδα από δραστηριότητες για τη νυχτερινή ζωή της πόλης: φρενήρης σάλσα, δυναµική ροκ, λάτιν τζαζ, νοσταλγικά µπολέρο, δηµιουργική fusion, τίποτα δεν λείπει από το ρεπερτόριο µιας πόλης που ποτέ δεν κοιµάται.

Πρώτος σταθµός της σηµερινής µας διαδροµής είναι η περιοχή Γκουαµά, όπου θα επιβιβαστούµε σε ταχύπλοο και θα απολαύσουµε µια συναρπαστική µίνι κρουαζιέρα στη Laguna del Tesoro (Λίµνη του Θησαυρού), τη µεγαλύτερη φυσική λίµνη της Κούβας. Εκεί θα αντικρίσουµε µια αναπαράσταση ινδιάνικου χωριού της φυλής Ταΐνο, µε σπίτια χτισµένα στις όχθες της λίµνης ή στερεωµένα σε πασσάλους πάνω από το νερό. Στη συνέχεια θα επισκεφτούµε το κέντρο εκτροφής κροκοδείλων, όπου θα µπορέσουµε να φωτογραφηθούµε µαζί τους, αλλά και να τους… γευτούµε, αφού το τοπικό εστιατόριο φηµίζεται για τη σπεσιαλιτέ του «τηγανιά κροκόδειλου». Χρόνος για αγορές των απαραίτητων σουβενίρ και συνεχίζουµε για Σιενφουέγκος. Άφιξη και πανοραµική περιήγηση στην πόλη, η οποία ιδρύθηκε πριν από 150 χρόνια από Γάλλους καλλιεργητές ζαχαροκάλαµου και είναι αντιπροσωπευτική του γαλλικού χρώµατος στην Κούβα. Λόγω του σχηµατισµού του Κόλπου στον οποίο βρίσκεται, αποτέλεσε από την πρώτη στιγµή καταφύγιο για τους εξερευνητές και τυχοδιώκτες της Καραϊβικής. Ο τέλειος σχηµατισµός των δρόµων της σε συνδυασµό µε αποικιακά κτίρια, που είναι πραγµατικά στολίδια, αναδύουν το άρωµα ενός κοσµοπολίτικου αέρα. Από τα κυριότερα µνηµεία είναι το αραβικής αρχιτεκτονικής Παλάτι Μπάγιε, ένα αντίγραφο του Παρθενώνα που βρίσκεται στο κοιµητήριο της πόλης, το Πάρκο Μαρτί που προστατεύεται από την UNESCO και φυσικά το θέατρο  Τοµάς  Τερί  του  1889.  ∆εν   θα  παραλείψουµε  να  περιηγηθούµε  κατά  µήκος  της  παραλιακής, θαυµάζοντας τη φοινικογραµµή, που κοσµεί τον Κόλπο του «Μαργαριταριού του Νότου», όπως είναι γνωστή η πόλη. Συνεχίζουµε για το Τρινιδάδ, µία από τις πρώτες πόλεις που ίδρυσαν οι Ισπανοί στις αρχές του 16ου αι. Τακτοποίηση στο ξενοδοχείο µας. ∆ιανυκτέρευση. Ανάλογα µε την αναχώρηση, η διανυκτέρευση µπορεί να µεταφερθεί στο Σιενφουέγκος.

Πρωινή ξενάγηση της ίσως πιο αυθεντικής πόλης της Κούβας, που διατηρεί άθικτο τον αποικιακό     της     χαρακτήρα,     µε     τους πλακόστρωτους δρόµους, τις κεραµιδένιες σκεπές      και      τις      εσωτερικές    αυλές. ∆ικαιωµατικά ονοµάζεται «η πόλη όπου σταµάτησε ο χρόνος», µια και όλα φαίνεται να έχουν µείνει όπως ήταν πριν από 4 αιώνες. Η UNESCO την έχει συµπεριλάβει στον Κατάλογο των Πόλεων Παγκόσµιας Πολιτιστικής Κληρονοµιάς και το γιατί είναι εµφανές σε κάθε επισκέπτη. Θα περπατήσουµε στην παλιά ιστορική περιοχή της µε την κεντρική πλατεία, το Ροµαντικό Μουσείο και θα επισκεφτούµε το Palacio Cantero   (∆ηµοτικό   Μουσείο),  όπου   θα µάθουµε για την ιστορία των σκλάβων, των αποικιοκρατών, της Επανάστασης και θα θαυµάσουµε µια πανοραµική θέα της πόλης µε τις κεραµιδοσκεπές. Στην Canchachara, ένα µπαρ µε ζωντανή µουσική που στεγάζεται σε ένα αποικιακό κτίριο της παλιάς πόλης, θα γευτούµε το οµώνυµο ποτό φτιαγµένο από µέλι, λεµόνι και ρούµι. Σίγουρα θα σας αναζωογονήσει, αφού οι άποικοι συνήθιζαν να το δίνουν στους σκλάβους για να αντέξουν τη σκληρή δουλειά στις φυτείες. Στη συνέχεια θα αναχωρήσουµε για τη Σάντα Κλάρα, που το όνοµά της είναι άρρηκτα συνδεδεµένο µε τον Τσε Γκεβάρα. Με την άφιξή µας θα πάµε στο Τρεν Μπλιντάδο, το τρένο του δικτάτορα Μπατίστα που µετέφερε πυροµαχικά και 408 άντρες, το οποίο εκτροχίασε ο  Τσε στις 29/9/1958. Στην Πλάθα δε λα Ρεβολουσιόν βρίσκεται το µνηµείο και το Μαυσωλείο του Τσε και των συντρόφων του που σκοτώθηκαν στη Βολιβία (9/10/1967). Το σύνθηµά του «Hasta la victoria siempre» (= Πάντα προς τη νίκη) κατακλύζει ακόµα και σήµερα ολόκληρη την Κούβα. Συνεχίζουµε για το Cardenas, την αποικιακή πόλη µε σύµβολο το ποδήλατο, εκεί όπου γεννήθηκε το φηµισµένο ρούµι Havana Club και καταλήγουµε στον τροπικό Βορρά, στο πιο κοσµοπολίτικο θέρετρο της χώρας, το Βαραδέρο, που όλοι συµφωνούν πως έχει την πιο όµορφη παραλία της Καραϊβικής. Αυτή η 20 χλµ. παραλία σε συνδυασµό µε την άσπρη, λεπτή άµµο και τα τιρκουάζ ζεστά νερά κάνουν πραγµατικά το Βαραδέρο µοναδικό. ∆ιανυκτέρευση.

Ελεύθερη ηµέρα στο Βαραδέρο.  Προτείνουµε εκδροµή στο τροπικό ακατοίκητο  νησάκι   Κάιο   Μπλάνκο  για µπάνιο µε δελφίνια και γεύµα µε αστακό και θαλασσινά. Εκεί θα φτάσουµε µετά από κρουαζιέρα µε καταµαράν, υπό τη συνοδεία µουσικής και της αύρας της Καραϊβικής (τιµή: 110 CUC).

Μεταφορά στο αεροδρόµιο και πτήση επιστροφής µε ενδιάµεσο σταθµό.

Άφιξη στην Αθήνα

Αεροπορικά εισιτήρια οικονοµικής θέσης µε ενδιάµεσο σταθµό.

Ξενοδοχεία: στην Αβάνα το υπερπολυτελές Melia Cohiba 5* (4 διανυκτερεύσεις), στο Βαραδέρο 5* All

Inclusive (2 διανυκτερεύσεις), στο Τρινιδάδ 4* (1 διανυκτέρευση. Ανάλογα µε την αναχώρηση, η διανυκτέρευση

µπορεί να µεταφερθεί στο Σιενφουέγκος).

Πρωινό καθηµερινά και συνολικά 7 γεύµατα.

Βόλτα µε τα παραδοσιακά αυτοκίνητα του ’50, δείπνο και ποτό σε τοπικό εστιατόριο.

Εκδροµή στο Βινιάλες µε επίσκεψη στο εργοστάσιο πούρων.

Επίσκεψη στο Μουσείο της Havana Club.

Μουσείο της Πόλης στην Αβάνα.

Μουσείο Ρούµι στην Αβάνα.

Εργοστάσιο πούρων στο Βινιάλες.

Σπηλιά στο Βινιάλες.

Τοιχογραφία στο Βινιάλες.

Εξέδρα πανοραµικής θέας στο Βινιάλες.

Εκτροφείο κροκοδείλων στο Γκουαµά.

Μουσείο Πόλης στο Τρινιδάδ.

Ποτό στο Κατσάντσαρα, Τρινιδάδ.

Μαυσωλείο του Τσε και Τρεν Μπλιντάδο στη Σάντα Κλάρα.

Εκδροµή στο Γκουαµά & κρουαζιέρα µε ταχύπλοο σκάφος στο νησί Isla Del Tesoro.

Μετακινήσεις µε πολυτελή κλιµατιζόµενα πούλµαν.

Ξεναγήσεις, επισκέψεις και είσοδοι στα διάφορα αξιοθέατα όπως αναγράφονται στο πρόγραµµα,

Εµπειρότατος Έλληνας αρχηγός/ξεναγός-αποκάλυψη (και όχι τοπικός ελληνόφωνος), ο οποίος γνωρίζει πολύ καλά τη χώρα και ο οποίος θα σας προτείνει λύσεις ώστε η διαµονή να σας µείνει αξέχαστη. O Έλληνας αρχηγός θα είναι µαζί σας σε όλη τη διάρκεια του ταξιδιού σας στην Κούβα και όχι µόνο τις ηµέρες στην Αβάνα. Θα σας µυήσει στην πραγµατική ζωή της, θα σας µάθει την ιστορία της, θα σας διηγηθεί τους µύθους της, θα σας δείξει πώς διασκεδάζουν οι Κουβανοί και όχι οι τουρίστες στην Κούβα, θα σας βάλει στα σπίτιατους να αφουγκραστείτε τους ήχους και τους ψιθύρους των ανθρώπων, την ατµόσφαιρα του Μεσοπολέµου, το ρούµι και τη µυρωδιά των πούρων (ανάλογα µε την αναχώρηση, µπορεί να σας περιµένει στην Κούβα).

Τοπικός ξεναγός.

Ασφάλεια αστικής ευθύνης.

Φόροι, επιβάρυνση καυσίµων, φιλοδωρήµατα, αχθοφορικά & επιπλέον πακέτο ασφάλειας (ατυχήµατος, απώλειας  αποσκευών,  δαπάνες  επαναπατρισµού  λόγω  ατυχήµατος  ή  ασθένειας, δαπάνες  για  έξοδα επέκτασης ταξιδιού λόγω ατυχήµατος, δαπάνες για έξοδα επίσκεψης συγγενούς στο εξωτερικό, δαπάνες για επείγουσα επιστροφή στην Ελλάδα, απώλεια ταξιδιωτικών εγγράφων και έξτρα καλύψεων όπως ιατροφαρµακευτικές και νοσοκοµειακές δαπάνες, ασφάλεια προκαταβολής κ.ά.), τα οποία καταβάλλονται υποχρεωτικά στην Αθήνα. Ζητήστε πληροφορίες από το τµήµα κρατήσεων για την ακριβή περιγραφή των καλύψεων, το ύψος για την κάθε µια κάλυψη και τους όρους των καλύψεων για αποφυγή παρεξηγήσεων. Οι φόροι για το ταξίδι στην Κούβα ανέρχονται σε 656 €.

Βίζα Κούβας (Το κόστος συµπεριλαµβάνεται στην παραπάνω τιµή).

Στην έξοδο από την Κούβα πληρώνετε τοπικά φόρο εξόδου 25 CUC (το κόστος συµπεριλαµβάνεται στην παραπάνω τιµή).

∆εν υπάρχουν τρίκλινα δωµάτια στην Κούβα. Σε σπάνιες περιπτώσεις µπορεί να βρεθεί δίκλινο δωµάτιο + πτυσσόµενο κρεβάτι.

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20 things to know before visiting Cuba

Brendan Sainsbury

Jan 5, 2024 • 8 min read

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Be ready for your visit to Cuba with these top tips on what to expect © Westend61 / Getty Images

To a first-time traveler, Cuba can seem like a confusing jigsaw puzzle, particularly if you’re breaking free of the resorts and traveling around on your own.

The Spanish spoken here is fast and hard to decipher, many streets have two different names and the country’s fickle and highly complicated monetary situation could fill its own guidebook. Yet the country’s pleasures are well worth the research you should do before you set off.

To help you be prepared, here is everything you need to know before planning a trip to Cuba.

1. Double-check your insurance

You are required to have medical insurance to visit Cuba and will need to bring digital or printed proof of your policy. Random checks are made at the airport. If you arrive without insurance, you’ll be asked to buy a Cuban policy at the airport for US$30.

2. Fill out your passenger information in advance

Cuba uses an online form called D’Viajeros to gather traveler information, including immigration and health data, in advance of travel. Fill out the form digitally up to 72 hours before your arrival in Cuba.

Friends sit on a coastal wall with their legs dangling over the sea and pose for a selfie

3. Every visitor needs a tourist card

To enter Cuba, all visitors need to present a completed tourist card . It’s usually available through your airline (ask when booking) and included in the price of your ticket.

If not, you can purchase one through a Cuban travel agency. Costs range from US$50 to US$85. Citizens of 20 African and Asian countries require a formal visa to enter Cuba. Check the situation for your country before booking.

4. Cash and currency: it’s complicated!

Money in Cuba is confusing, even to Cubans . Since the country abolished convertibles (CUC) in January 2021 and took the US dollar out of circulation in June 2021, there has been massive inflation and the emergence of a rampant black market. The knock-on effect is a bewildering dual economy.

The official currency of Cuba is the Cuban peso (CUP), but foreign currencies are also widely accepted, especially by private businesses who need hard cash to buy non-rationed goods in MLC (freely convertible currency) shops.

State-run enterprises and banks use official exchange rates. However, the prices of the superior services offered by private businesses generally reflect black market exchange rates.

Hence a main dish in a private restaurant in Havana will cost around CUP$500 (US$21). That’s an expensive meal if you’re paying in pesos bought from a Cuban bank.

However, most private restaurants will also accept payment in euros using a more favorable exchange rate. Some will even have a separate menu with prices printed in euros.

When buying something from a private business – be it a restaurant, casa particular (private accommodation) or taxi service – it’s usually best to pay in a foreign currency. Always ask upfront what currencies they accept and what exchange rate they use for their published peso prices.

Euros is the most interchangeable currency and the one preferred by Cubans. You can also use and exchange Canadian dollars and pound sterling.

US dollars still circulate on the black market, but we don’t recommend bringing them. The best bet, when you arrive, is to keep most of your money in a foreign currency and only change small amounts into pesos for incidentals like museum entry, concert tickets and tips.

5. MLC is a currency with no cash form

The Moneda Libremente Convertible (MLC) is a currency approved by the Cuban government in 2020 that can be used in certain shops to buy higher-end goods.

The currency doesn’t exist as cash and its value is pegged with the US dollar. It’s used mainly by Cubans with special magnetic cards.

Tourists needn’t worry too much about MLC$, although prices will sometimes be displayed in the currency in state-run enterprises such as cigar shops or airport souvenir stores where you can pay with a non-US credit card.

6. Only some credit cards will work

Credit cards are increasingly popular in Cuba and in many state-run businesses are the preferred (and sometimes only) method of payment.

Despite promises made in the Obama era, credit cards linked to US banks are not accepted. Private businesses almost never have credit card machines, meaning your only option is cash.

A blue classic car passes a cowboy-hatted man on a horse on a dirt road leading into Vinales, Cuba

7. Pack your favorite casual clothes – and men need a shirt

Dress in Cuba is casual, so you can leave your high heels and tux behind. The only real dress code is in cinemas, theaters and nightclubs, where male patrons are required to wear long trousers and shirts with sleeves or half-sleeves.

8. Cuban Spanish is fast and often informal

If you speak Spanish, you’ll find that Cubans mostly use the informal tú form of address, rather than usted . In the plural, ustedes is used over vosotros .

If you don’t know someone, it’s best to address them as señor or señora , though you’ll hear Cubans use all kinds of substitutes such as socio , hermano , papa , chica/o and asere .

9. Cuban cities are where the streets have two names

In most Cuban cities , the streets have two names: a contemporary one that is noted on maps and marked on street signs, and a pre-revolutionary one that is still used widely by the locals.

This can become confusing, especially when locals, unaware of the new street names, start giving out directions or addresses using the colloquial nomenclature. Always double-check addresses and, if possible, get two potential names for the street you’re looking for.

10. Understand the local art of queueing

Cubans have to endure a lot of long waits in boring queues, so they’ve invented a way of doing it that doesn’t involve standing in line. In a Cuban queue, you simply roll up at the bakery/clinic/visa office and yell out to the assembled masses, "Quien es último?" (Who’s last?).

Hopefully, someone in a 400m vicinity will answer your polite entreaty with the word, "yo" (me). That person is your yardstick. As long as they’re still around, feel free to go for a walk, sit in the lotus position or buy ice cream. When they get called up, be on your toes, you’re next!

11. Ask questions more than once

Thanks to heavy bureaucracy, answers to simple requests aren’t always straightforward – or even correct. Probe politely and ask at least five different people before you make important decisions.

12. Bring something to keep you warm on a cold bus journey

Cuba has a countrywide state-run bus service called Víazul that connects all of the main cities and some of the smaller towns. Prices are charged in MLC$ (the same rate as the US$) and tickets must be paid for with a credit card either in person or online.

A second service called Conectando, run by Cubanacán, also puts on buses in peak season along some of the more popular routes. Bring a sweater/jacket for long bus rides – the air-conditioning is akin to a chilly day in Vancouver.

Woman with camera in a candid shot in Trinidad, Cuba

13. Cuba is considered a safe place to travel

Cuba is one of the safest countries in the Americas in terms of violent crime. Pick-pocketing is more common but not rampant, and is mostly avoidable if you follow a few basic precautions: Wear a money belt, use safe boxes in hotel rooms and don’t flash your cash in public.

14. Solo female travelers report receiving unwanted attention

Solo female travelers report experiencing a good deal of unwanted attention, but it didn't necessarily spoil their enjoyment of traveling in Cuba.

There is a fine line between being open and friendly and harassment, and some men can cross that line by being overly familiar or asking too many personal questions. Learn some key phrases in Spanish that make it clear when you're not interested.

15. Beware of forgeries

Never change money with unlicensed traders on the streets. You run the risk of receiving estafas (forged notes).

16. Bring your own medicines

On one level, Cuba has a good health system (it invented and quickly distributed three COVID-19 vaccines); on the other, it is perennially short of pharmaceuticals.

Bring all the prescription medications you think you’ll need, as well others you might like ibuprofen or paracetamol. If you’d like to donate some medicines to the people of Cuba, it is currently possible to bring in 10kg of medical supplies tax-free (pack them in a separate bag).

Portrait of an Afro-Cuban woman smoking cigar and smiling in Havana, Cuba

17. Avoid dodgy cigars

Cuba has its share of jineteros (touts) spinning elaborate stories about super-cheap, high-quality cigars procured by their brother/mother/cousin from the factory. Don’t believe them. Instead, buy your cigars in state-run shops such as the Casa del Habano chain. Cigars sold on the street are invariably factory cast-offs and not genuine.

18. Driving is not as easy as you think

With light traffic on the road, driving might seem like an easy proposition , but with elevated rental prices and cars often in short supply, it’s not always so.

Add in sporadic signposting, potholed roads and a wide array of hazards – goats, horses, bicycles, kids and slow-moving, fume-belching trucks – and you might want to consider getting the bus or, at least, employing the services of a chauffeur .

19. Bring toilet paper and sanitary products

The pandemic made the provision of antiseptic hand lotion more common, but the same can’t be said of toilet paper. Carry your own roll and/or gravitate to four- or five-star hotels when you’re caught short in the city.

Re-usable pads and silicon cups, or disposable pads and tampons are must-pack items if you're expecting your period while you're in Cuba. These are in high demand here.

20. Don’t drink the water

The water won’t kill you, but it might give you a little queasiness or an upset stomach. Fortunately, bottled water is abundant and cheap. An even better idea is to bring your own filter bottle or water purification tablets.

This article was first published Feb 5, 2022 and updated Jan 5, 2024.

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Never Ending Footsteps

How to Spend Two Weeks in Cuba: An Itinerary for First-Time Visitors

Cuba is entirely unique. 

From the crumbling facades of Havana old town to the lush valley of Vinales and the pristine beaches of Varadero, there’s a lot to fit into two weeks in Cuba. You will fall in love with the salsa rhythms of the warm Caribbean evenings, find modern paladares with some amazing Cuban cuisine, and explore a surprisingly biodiverse country full of secret waterfalls and dense jungles.

But it’s the people of Cuba that are the most welcoming. Spending just 14 days in Cuba gives you a sense of an entirely unique culture that’s resourceful and resilient, but above all, happy. A turbulent history of revolution, communism and trade embargoes has given this island a ‘stuck-in-time’ feel that many of us in the Western world long for.  

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Getting Around in Cuba

Of course, it isn’t exactly a small country, and you couldn’t possibly fit everything into just two weeks in Cuba. Especially with the Cuban transport and road network being the way that it is. But if you focus on specific places that each show a different aspect, you can get a great insight into this wonderful country.

Cuba doesn’t have a fantastic rail infrastructure like Japan or the cheap overnight buses of South America . Getting anywhere takes a long time, it’s best to hire a local driver or book buses through a hotel if you’re traveling around Cuba for two weeks. 

Rather than trying to fit a lot into your Cuba itinerary, enjoy spending a little time in each place. Of course, the slow pace of life does have its benefits; Ernest Hemingway came for a short visit and stayed twenty years!

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Money in Cuba

There used to be a tourist currency (CUC) and a local currency (CUP), but thankfully this confusing system has been phased out by the government leaving just Cuban pesos as the sole currency. You can’t buy Cuban currency outside of the country or with an American bank account so make sure to take enough cash to exchange. ATM’s can be found in the cities, but are few and far between in remote areas and in various states of disrepair. Cards are not widely accepted either due to the lack of reliable internet connections. I have a detailed guide to travel costs in Cuba if you’re keen to read more.

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How to Spend Two Weeks in Cuba

Our Cuba itinerary starts with 3 nights in Havana, then heads out to cigar country in Viñales for a 3-night stay. We then spend 2 nights in Cienfuegos, 2 nights in Trinidad, and take time out with a 3-night beach retreat at Varadero. Finishing with the last night in Havana, to ensure we can easily make it back to the airport on time!

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Day One: Arrive in Havana and Acclimatize 

Cuba can be a bit of a culture shock. Even if you’re an accomplished traveler, Cuba has unique oddities that separate it from the rest of the world. Firstly, say goodbye to being connected 24/7, or maybe even at all. 

Although there is some Wi-Fi in big hotels (like Hotel Inglaterra in Havana), the rest of the country remains disconnected. Wi-Fi hotspots in places like Vinales see crowds of teens huddled around them, desperate to stay updated with the outside world. 

So, you can forget about getting any updates unless you want to relive the dial up speeds of the late ‘90s, but it does have its benefits. Cuba gives you a chance to disconnect from modern life and get back to seeing a place through your own eyes rather than distorted through a screen.

Spend the first day easing yourself into the pace of life in Havana. I recommend staying in the old town. It’s touristy, but it’s also close to everything. In my mind it’s not worth wasting time bartering with taxis or getting lost on public buses when you can stay right in the heart of it all. 

Wander the cobblestone streets and head over to the old town square Plaza Vieja. Built in 1559 this square is full of the crumbling facades and colorful paintwork that make Havana so iconic. Pop up to Cámara Oscura for an unusual view of the city, then head over to retro 50’s bar La Vitrola for some of the best cocktails around. The food is a mix of Spanish tapas and traditional Cuban cuisine.

A great place to stay in the old town is Residencia Santa Clara . The rooftop terrace is great for evening drinks, with great views over the city. The hosts are wonderful, and they make you feel like you are part of the family. 

The house itself is well designed, spacious and each room comes with a bathroom with a rainfall shower. I love that the hotel offers such a generous breakfast, and the coffee is super strong!

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Day Two: See the Sights of Havana in a Vintage Car

A great way to get your bearings and fit in a lot of the more spread-out sights in Havana is by taking a classic car tour. Pick the best-looking vintage car from the parade at Parque Central and tour the city in style. And yes, my choice always is a bright, Barbie pink!

Seeing the city in the way easily beats the Havana hop-on-hop-off bus that’s also available in nearly every other capital city. 

We were so enamored with our 1950’s Ford Thunderbird that we neglected to check that the driver could speak English on our second visit to Cuba. And so, my biggest tip here is that if you want an informative tour, always check your drivers spoken language and tour route before you hop in!

The driver will usually take you out to Vedado, past many beautiful colonial buildings and wide boulevards. A stop at Plaza de la Revolución is a must to grab snaps of the great monuments to the imposing revolutionaries of Cuba. These include the iconic portrait of Che Guevara, heroic guerrillero Camilo Cienfuegos, and the José Martí Memorial. The square serves as the base of the Cuban government and hosts large-scale political rallies and events like the pope’s famous visit.

You will also likely visit a small park with a familiar Liverpudlian seated on a bench. Although he never visited Cuba, John Lennon Park was created by the communist Cuban leader Fidel Castro as an ode to a “fellow dreamer”. There’s also a full-time security guard loitering around the bench, looking after Lennon’s iconic glasses. 

Back at Parque Central you can’t miss the grand golden cupola of the National Capitol of Cuba. The whole area is full of baroque buildings that wow at every turn. Spend the evening next door, catching a show at the Grand Theater of Havana. The impressive architecture of the palatial theater built in 1838 is worth the entry fee alone.

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Day Three: Visit the Museums of Havana

For your third day in Havana, dig a little deeper by visiting some of the best museums in the city. The Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes holds some of the most important art in Cuba. There are 24 rooms with more than 45,000 works, there are also art pieces from the ancient world with collections from Rome, Greece, and Egypt. 

Head over the road to El Floridita Bar for a quick refreshment at one of the most famous bars in the city, you might not get a table as this place gets super busy, but the interior is worth a look if you’re nearby.

Remaining on the drinks theme, Havana Club Museo Bar is the place to learn all about the globally exported tipple. Havana Club Rum is a big deal in Cuba, learn all about the rum-making process, from the sugar cane itself to a scale model factory. Tasters are usually free too!

You can also visit the Museum of the Revolution housed in the former presidential palace. This museum pays homage to the country’s greatest revolutionaries as well as Fidel Castro’s famous yacht. Another option that’s great for children is the Natural History Museum or ‘Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Cuba’ located in the center of Havana at the Plaza de Armas. It’s full of natural wonders and a great place to learn about the diverse life on this island.

Spend the late afternoon climbing the bell towers at La Catedral de la Virgen María de la Concepción Inmaculada de La Habana. Get some great views over the city and explore one of the best churches in Havana. It’s advised to wear long pants as a mark of respect, or wraps are provided to cover bare legs.

Havana has some of the best food in Cuba, so don’t miss eating at one of the many great restaurants, or paladares, while you’re in the city. Try Ropa Vieja (shredded beef) at La Lluvia de Oro restaurant or for some of the best traditional Cuban cuisine visit Los Mercaderes.

For evening drinks there’s no better place than La Bodeguita Del Medio. It’s one of the most famous watering holes in Havana, with walls covered in messages and pictures of famous visitors. There’s only one thing to drink here, a mojito. A popular spot with the mint cocktail loving author, Ernest Hemmingway, this place is usually busy with tourists, but the music and the friendly staff always make everyone feel welcome.

Of course, for a real slice of Havana life, visit the Malecón at sunset. Spot couples out on a date, families taking an evening walk and businessmen on their way home from work. All walking along the promenade taking in the last sun kissed views of the city before nightfall. 

You can arrange your onward travel by bus through a hotel or tourist information point or arrange a collectivo (share taxi) or private driver through your casa particular.

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Day Four: Stop at Las Terrazas on the Way to Vinales

On the way to your next casa particular in Vinales, stop off at Las Terrazas. Started in 1968 as an ecotourism project, the area contains over half of Cuba’s native birds; it’s home to 117 species of birds in total, and 12 of them are endemic. 

Fidel Castro enlisted Camilo Cienfuegos’s brother to build 1,360 kilometers of terraces to combat erosion, resulting in a self-sustaining community with roads, homes, and schools. Locals include an entire artist colony, who live and work in the area full time. 

The community planted an astonishing seven million trees between 1968 and 1978. Then it was designated a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO in 1984. It’s the perfect stop for lunch and a hike. Las Terrazas is located in the Artemisa province in the Sierra del Rosario mountains, on the way from Havana to Vinales.

Many tourists never stop here, but locals often visit Las Terrazas as a day trip from Havana. Visit community projects like the Aire Libre café, the Casa-Museo Polo Montañez and the Moka Hotel. There’s also Cuba’s first zipline, with six lines surrounding the local village, and horseback riding along the San Juan River.

If, like us, you love hiking, the Sierra del Rosario has some amazing options. Climb Taburete Mountain, visit the ruins of the San Ildefonso and El Contento coffee plantations, or take the easy six kilometer hike up to the Santa Serafina Coffee farm. It’s best to hire a local guide for all of these though, as the trails aren’t marked and it’s pretty easy to get lost!

Then travel onto your casa particular in Vinales to relax for the night. Stay in the heart of town to be close to everything. Casa Esperanza Tuta features air conditioning, private bathrooms, and mountain views. We loved the hosts – they went above and beyond to make our stay as comfortable as possible. And the continental breakfast, with locally grown fruit, is amazing.

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Day Five: Discover Where Real Cuban Cigars are Made 

Vinales is a beautiful part of Cuba to visit, with its lush green valleys and large limestone outcrops. These towering cliff-like structures are known as mogotes, they can rise as high as 300 meters in this area and dominate the landscape. 

Vinales is best known for its tobacco and coffee plantations, take a tour to find out how the locals grow, harvest, and produce these vital commodities. These aren’t the polished, flashy coffee tours of Costa Rica or the organized tours of coffee plantations in Colombia .

These tobacco and coffee tours are the real workers taking you around their farms. There’s usually a healthy amount of rum involved! And of course, at the end you have the chance to buy their products straight from the source (at heavily discounted prices, which I can highly recommend). 

Avoid buying fake cigars from street sellers in places like the Malecon in Havana and get them here instead. Cuba is of course well known for its cigars, but if you’ve never tried the coffee be prepared for a kick! It’s some of the strongest coffee in the world. 

A mixture of how the beans are grown and how the coffee is made makes for an intense caffeine hit. Even the most avid caffeine addict might get a shock from the strength of Cuban coffee.

In the afternoon hire a bike to explore Vinales, you can visit the nearby Mural de la Prehistoria and see the many beautiful views of the valley. Explore the backstreets and get a sense of the quiet country life in Cuba.

Return to your casa to enjoy a beautifully home cooked meal. There are usually three choices; chicken, pork or lobster, served with rice and a tasty assortment of local vegetables and fruit. You will probably get to try them all if you’re in Cuba for two weeks.

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Day Six: Go Caving in Vinales

On your last day in Vinales, you could do other farm tours or simply relax around town. But for something a bit different, take a day trip from Vinales to visit the largest cave system in Cuba. 

Gran Caverna de Santo Tomás is just a 30-minute drive away and is composed of more than 46 km of galleries in eight different levels. Take a 90-minute guided tour to see the stalactites and stalagmites, underground pools, and other interesting rock formations.

Your casa particular should be able to arrange a driver, and maybe even the tour. Cubans are entrepreneurs and everyone knows each other in these small towns. Don’t be surprised if you find one person doing multiple jobs; tour guide, driver, cook, entertainer!

In the evening make sure not to miss the music and dance venues that line Cisneros Street. 3J Bar Tapas is a great place to grab a rum, pull up a rocking chair, and watch the world go by.

Vinales is the perfect place to get a sense of Cuban life outside the city. There may not be an amazing internet connection or public transport, but everyone is smiling, and help is never too far away.

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Day Seven: See the Architecture in Cienfuegos 

Next up is a visit to Cienfuegos, which translates to ‘One Hundred Fires’. The city was founded in 1819 by French immigrants from Bordeaux and Louisiana, and you will notice the buildings have strikingly different architecture to the rest of Cuba. 

There is an unusual combination of Baroque, Gothic and Moorish styles. Visit the Jose Marti Park and the central plaza on your first day to get a taste of the city. Many say it’s the most beautiful main square in Cuba.

A visit to La Reina Cemetery is also a must while in the city. Declared a national monument in 1990, the impressive statues and headstones make it one of the most interesting places to visit in the city.

In the evening head to the well-known Te Quedaras restaurant for traditional Cuban food, great drinks, and a lively atmosphere. We loved the pina coladas, and the Cuban music playing well into the night.

Stay at the Casa Buena Vista for bright airy rooms right in the center of Cienfuegos. The eclectic design, with everything from old vinyls to patron saints stuck to the walls, made us fall in love with this home from home. The terrace and lively bar are also fantastic for meeting other guests.

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Day Eight: See Flamingos and Bathe in Waterfalls in Cienfuegos  

On your second day in Cienfuegos, explore the surrounding area with its diverse landscapes and abundant wildlife. 

For a chance to spot pink flamingos head to Laguna Guanaroca, just a 30 minute drive out of the city. Take a guided tour of the lake to learn about the local wildlife, flora, and fauna that make this part of Cuba their home. 

Another option to get out of the city for a while is a visit to El Nicho, a beautiful and popular swimming hole fed by waterfalls. A round-trip taxi will cost you about U.S. $30 from Cienfuegos center. It’s a great way to cool off in the summer heat and hang out with the locals.

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Day Nine: Visit the Historic City of Trinidad

Travel east to Trinidad on day nine, and the furthest point on your trip around Cuba. 

Trinidad is the Cuba you’ve always imagined. Colorful houses, straw hats and cigar toting locals. It’s the second oldest city on the island. Trinidad was founded in 1514 and declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1988.

Visit Plaza Mayor to see the beautiful 17th-century structures and get to the heart of the local culture. Grab a coffee and watch the world go by as you soak in the atmosphere in this lively, picture-perfect town. Or take a walking tour of the area. 

Get some of the best views over town from Museo Nacional de la Lucha Contra Bandidos. Then in the evening visit one of the music venues hidden in an underground cave, like Disco Ayala. 

Stay at Casa Barmarin , located in the pedestrian area of ​​Trinidad, right between the markets. The tranquil gardens and rustic rooms are stylish and full of eco-friendly little touches, but the casa still retains its Cuban charm. A highlight is the outdoor terrace and seating area, the perfect place to unwind from a busy day’s sightseeing.

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Day Ten: Day Trips from Trinidad 

There’s plenty to do outside of Trinidad too. If you’re feeling energetic, visit the stunning mountains of Topes de Collantes. Take a seven kilometer round trip hike to Salto del Caburni, a 60-meter-high waterfall with impressive views of the surrounding area. 

Another great thing to do near Trinidad is to take a steam train ride to visit the abandoned sugar plantations at Valle de Los Ingenios. It was the center for sugar processing and refinery and brought a lot of wealth to Trinidad during the 17th and 18th centuries. 

There were 56 sugar mills in total powered by more than 11,000 slaves, bringing with it Afro-Cuban heritage like Santería, a syncretic religion between Catholocism, and Yoruba beliefs.

If you can, fit in a visit to the untouched reefs at Playa Ancon, and chill by the sea. Head back to Trinidad to try some of the local catches at the best paladares, like fresh snapper at Restaurante San José, or grilled octopus at Vista Gourmet.

In the evening try a Canchánchara, a potent rum cocktail, at the Taberna La Canchánchara. It’s one of the four drinks that Cuba’s best known for along with the mojito, daiquiri, and Cuba libre. 

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Day Eleven: Take a Trip to the Beach in Varadero 

Spend the last few days in complete contrast to the rest of your trip to Cuba by visiting the largest tourist resort in the Caribbean. Located on the 20-kilometer long Hicacos Peninsula, Varadero boasts over 60 hotels (mostly all inclusive). It’s famous for its white sand beaches and is a vital part of Cuba’s tourism industry.

Playa Varadero offers all of the western comforts the rest of Cuba lacks, like public toilets as well as conveniently located cafes and beach loungers. It’s the perfect place to unwind and relax in total peace and quiet, with a mojito in hand of course!

But it’s not all beaches and cocktails. Visit the landscaped gardens of Parque Josone, the old Hershey chocolate factory, or the nearby town of Matanzas to get to know the area better.

Stay at the relaxed Casa de Betty y Jorge right in the middle of Varadero. This place has everything you need for a peaceful stay, plus there’s a great Italian restaurant next door. One of the highlights of this casa is the location, you can easily grab a bite to eat in town and head out to Varadero Beach.

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Day Twelve: Go Scuba Diving in Varadero 

For me, one of the main reasons to go to Varadero is scuba diving. Visit Cayo Piedras del Norte located five kilometers north of Playa las Calaveras to dive a sunken towboat, a missile carrying gunship, an airplane and the Coral Negro yacht. 

The marine park here was created during the 90’s and has since attracted a plethora of sea life. You can also snorkel some sites or take a glass bottom boat tour of the area. 

There are some fantastic dive sites dotted around the many cayes and coves surrounding Varadero. Tours are easy to book from your hotel reception, and don’t break the bank either.

Fill your day with all of the underwater wonders of Cuba, this is the Caribbean after all.

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Day Thirteen: Off the Beaten Path Things to do in Varadero

If you get tired of the pristine beaches and out of this world diving, there are plenty of other things to do in Varadero too. 

Visit 47 pre-Columbian cave drawings in Cueva de Ambrosio. Only recently found in 1961, they are thought to be around (an astonishing) 2000 years old. Then head to the Varahicacos Ecological Reserve to uncover 2,500-year-old human remains as well as ancient pictographs. 

You can also take a day trip to explore the cenote at Cueva Saturno or visit the amazing coral reef at Playa Coral, just a 30-minute drive away in Carbonera. 

The great thing about Varadero is the crowds of tourists don’t tend to leave the resorts, so you can have the beautiful surrounding area all to yourself!

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Day 14 Havana: Spend the Last Night Sipping Mojitos and Salsa Dancing in Havana

Head back to Havana for a fitting end to your time in Cuba. It’s hard to fit in everything this city has to offer and there are a few extra things to do on the last day here. Visit the Almacenes San José Artisans’ Market, one of the best in the city, for local handicrafts and produce to take home as souvenirs.

After a day checking off anything you missed the first time around, get the ferry over to Casablanca. There are fantastic views over the old town, and the neighborhood feels very different to the rest of the city. My favorite spot is the Christ of Havana statue.

Visit La Cabaña de Che Guevara (Che Guevara’s modest house) and the Fort of San Carlos of the Cabin. Don’t miss the “Cañonazo”, a nightly event in which ceremonial soldiers re-enact the historical firing of the cannon that once announced the closing of the city gates. Try to arrive around 8pm for a good view as the cannon is fired at around 9pm.

Another option is to head to one of the most famous spots in Cuban musics’ history. The Legendarios del Guajirito Buena Vista Social Club is the place to be on your last night in the city. If you haven’t heard the album or seen the film don’t worry, you will be familiar with the Buena Vista Social Club by the time you leave Cuba. Eat before you arrive as the food is nothing to write home about, but the music and dancing is a great way to end your time in Cuba.

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That’s How to Spend 14 Days in Cuba!

This is an easy way to spend two weeks in Cuba. Fit in some of the major sights, a few off the beaten path adventures, and some cultural highlights. 

You could cut down some beach time in Varadero if you have less time or alternatively spend more time in Trinidad. But remember, if you are going it alone don’t try to fit too much in. Allow plenty of time for last minute changes and “Cuba time”, things might just take a bit longer than you were expecting!

Lauren Juliff

Lauren Juliff is a published author and travel expert who founded Never Ending Footsteps in 2011. She has spent over 12 years travelling the world, sharing in-depth advice from more than 100 countries across six continents. Lauren's travel advice has been featured in publications like the BBC, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Cosmopolitan, and her work is read by 200,000 readers each month. Her travel memoir can be found in bookstores across the planet.

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Yes, Americans Can Still Travel to Cuba. Here’s How

Is it legal for u.s. citizens to travel to cuba what types of travel can they take and what are cuba tourist cards here’s what you need to know about visiting cuba..

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A classic 1950s car outside row of two- and three-story pastel-colored buildings

Havana, Cuba’s capital city, is known for its vintage cars and historic architecture.

Courtesy of Spencer Everett/Unsplash

Cuba is a beautiful Caribbean island with a complex history and rich culture. But for decades, it’s been just beyond the reach of many Americans. In addition to several difficult years involving devastating hurricanes, pandemic-era travel restrictions, ever-changing U.S. State Department travel advisories, and frequently updated trade and tourism regulations , it’s not surprising that many Americans may be confused about whether and how U.S. travelers can legally visit Cuba .

As of early 2024, the short answer is: Yes, you can travel to Cuba as a U.S. citizen. There are, however, some hoops you’ll need to jump through, because (technically speaking) travel to Cuba for pure vacationing isn’t allowed. For U.S. citizens interested in planning a trip to Cuba, here’s what you need to know before you go.

Can you travel to Cuba?

The relationship between the United States and Cuba has been tumultuous, to say the least. Following the Cuban Revolution during the 1950s and the subsequent rise of Fidel Castro’s regime, diplomatic ties between the two nations deteriorated rapidly. In 1960, the United States imposed a trade embargo on Cuba, effectively severing most economic and political connections.

In the time since, travel between the two countries has been heavily restricted by the U.S. government, which has implemented various policies to discourage or prohibit its citizens from visiting Cuba. Making matters more complex, those policies often changed with each presidential administration. The island nation was more accessible during the Carter, Clinton, and Obama years and more closed off during the G.W. Bush and Trump years.

In 2014, it became significantly easier for Americans to visit Cuba after President Obama announced a series of measures aimed at normalizing diplomatic ties and loosening travel restrictions to allow Americans to visit for certain purposes (more on that later). Additionally, in 2016, commercial flights between the United States and Cuba resumed for the first time in more than half a century.

However, the Trump administration made it significantly harder to visit Cuba. During his time in office, President Trump enacted more than 200 measures against Cuba , which included limiting what Cuban airports flights from the U.S. could fly into, banning cruises from stopping in Cuba, and eliminating the most common visa category under which U.S. citizens planned legal visits to Cuba (known as “people-to-people” travel).

Then in May 2022, President Biden’s administration announced it would undo many of the Cuba-related restrictions enacted under Trump and would work on expanding authorized travel. Under the new order, regular passenger and charter airplanes are again allowed to fly to any Cuban airport (and airlines announced new flight paths ). And officials said that the “people-to-people” category of travel, under which many tours and organized travel companies bring U.S. travelers to Cuba, will ultimately return, though there is no timeline on when that will happen.

Several musicians on the street in Cuba in front of a turquoise building

Cuba’s music scene is also a big draw.

Photo by Shutterstock

How to travel to Cuba as an American citizen

U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a “general license” based on one of 12 approved categories.

The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials
  • Certain authorized export transactions

Licenses are self-qualifying, meaning that when you purchase your airline ticket, you’ll be asked to state your category in a signed affidavit before checkout.

When former President Obama first eased travel restrictions to Cuba , the move allowed leisure travelers to pursue self-led trips under the “people-to-people” educational activities category. Today, the “support for the Cuban people” category is the most popular because it’s the broadest.

What the “support for the Cuban people” license entails

To adhere to the requirements for independent travel under “support for the Cuban people,” travelers must first declare the category (when prompted) while booking flights and lodging. As part of the license, travelers are also expected to prepare an itinerary outlining how their trip will fulfill the category’s terms and contribute to Cuba’s local economy. (This itinerary could be—but isn’t always—requested on arrival to the country.)

An appropriate “support for the Cuban people” itinerary could including staying in casa particulares (locally run guesthouses), visiting Cuban-owned businesses, going on tours (like classic car rides or architecture walking tours) run by Cubans, visiting independent museums and galleries, partaking in cultural dance and music classes, and eating at locally owned restaurants and markets. (For specific recommendations and local resources, check out AFAR’s Cuba Travel Guide .)

Travelers can visit independently under that category, though it’s important you keep a record of your itinerary and your receipts: The U.S. government can ask for them up to five years after the trip.

Can you still travel to Cuba with organized tour operators?

Even though the Trump administration’s tightened restrictions on travel to Cuba prohibited organized “people-to-people” tours entirely, many tour companies have switched their approach to adhere to the “support for the Cuban people” license, according to Tom Popper, president of U.S.-based tour operator InsightCuba . Other tour providers that offer “people-to-people” trips, such as GeoEx Adventure Travel , Flash Pack , Intrepid Travel, and G Adventures, have similarly transitioned their program itineraries in order to offer legal trips to Cuba that comply with the regulations.

Challenges and considerations for travel to Cuba

Despite the easing of restrictions, traveling to Cuba as an American still presents some challenges. For example, there are limited banking services available to U.S. visitors, and American credit and debit cards are not typically accepted (as noted on the website for the U.S. embassy in Cuba ), so it’s important to bring plenty of cash. Similarly, internet access in Cuba is limited —expect connections to be patchy .

How to get a Cuba Tourist Card

Cuban Tourist Card with blue pen

The terms Cuba Tourist Cards and Cuban visas are sometimes used interchangeably.

Courtesy of Easy Tourist Card

Regardless of the license under which you travel to Cuba, you’ll still need to organize a few important documents before you go.

The Cuban government requires that all travelers entering the country provide a valid passport and proof of travel insurance that covers medical emergencies and evacuation by air. In addition, all U.S. travelers—adults, children, and infants—must purchase a Cuba Tourist Card , which grants visitors a maximum stay of 30 days on the island. Tourist Cards are valid for 180 days after purchase, which means you will need to travel within six months of obtaining the document. Note that the terms Cuba Tourist Card and Cuban visa are sometimes used interchangeably; they’re the same thing.

There are several ways to buy a Cuba Tourist Card: Many U.S. airlines with direct service to Havana—among them United Airlines , JetBlue , American Airlines , Delta , and Southwest —offer Tourist Cards either online or at the gate; prices and purchase locations vary among carriers, so it’s important to check in advance.

Websites like Easy Tourist Card allow travelers to apply for and purchase Tourist Cards online with two-day international shipping. Those who plan to fly to Havana directly from the United States will need to purchase a pink Tourist Card at a rate of $100, while those departing from non-U.S. airports can purchase a green Tourist Card for $37, even with a U.S. passport.

“U.S. travelers should note that travel to Cuba has been regulated since 1963 and has changed under each presidential administration since that time,” states Popper of InsightCuba. “Cuba travel has always been a hot political topic, and you never know when the rules are going to change. I always tell people to go now—while you can.”

This article was originally published in 2018. It was most recently updated on March 21, 2024, to include current information.

The Colorado Street Bridge of Pasadena

$1399—Cuba: 8 nights w/guided small group

Learn how to make Cuban cocktails

Group sizes are limited to just 12 travelers, providing an intimate sightseeing experience.

Why We Love This Deal

Snap photos of vintage cars in Old Havana with the backdrop of colonial architecture. Take salsa dance lessons and tour an organic farm in Viñales Valley. These are just a few of the activities that await on this  guided tour through Cuba . Best of all, this offer—exclusively for Travelzoo members—saves $1900.

What's included for   $1399 per person:

  • 8 nights in well- located guesthouses (privately owned Cuban bed-and-breakfasts) 
  • Sightseeing tours and activities, including in Havana, the Viñales Valley and more
  • Daily breakfast, three lunches and two dinners 
  • All  transportation during tour
  • Airport transfer on arrival
  • English-speaking guide
  • Maximum group size of 12 people

When to go:  Depart on select dates in March–June and October 2025. Other dates are available for +$100 per person.

Note:  Offer does not include flights, but they can be booked after purchasing the trip.

Customize your trip:  For an additional cost, add additional nights in Havana. You can also purchase an airport transfer for departure.

Entry into Cuba: See our partner's website for information on entry requirements for U.S. citizens. Learn how the tour meets requirements for the  Support for the Cuban People travel  category.

Book by Oct. 9.

When You Can Go

March–June and October 2025; other dates at +$100

Up to $1900 vs. similar trips

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Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements

Traffic by the Capitol building, Havana

Photo: Shutterstock

Stay updated with the latest travel information for your trip to Cuba!

Embarking on a journey to Cuba? Here's your guide to the latest visa requirements and travel protocols. Whether you're coming from North America, Europe, or elsewhere, we've got you covered.

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Cuba visa application form

What are the visa and entry requirements to Cuba?

US Citizens

Planning a trip to Cuba as a US citizen? There are special regulations you need to be aware of. While tourism trips to Cuba aren't yet authorized, general licenses have been issued for a variety of travel categories. If you meet the requirements of the general license under which they plan to travel, you won't need to apply for another permit from the OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department) for your trip.

However, it's important to note that the US Embassy in Havana and the State Department in Washington D.C do not process visa applications for trips to Cuba. If you need to apply for a visa or have any questions regarding your specific case, you should contact the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C.

And remember, certain activities may not be allowed, so it's best to check with the US embassy for information on organizations or businesses in Cuba that U.S. citizens are not allowed to engage with due to economic sanctions or other legal restrictions.

Canadian Citizens

As a Canadian citizen, you'll need a valid passport for the duration of your stay in Cuba. Make sure your passport's expiration date isn't near to avoid any travel hiccups. Depending on your trip's purpose, you may need different types of visas. If you're traveling as a tourist, you'll need a tourist visa, which can be obtained from tour operators, airlines, or a Cuban government office in Canada.

European Citizens

If you're a European citizen planning to travel to Cuba, remember that visa protocols can vary depending on your country of residence. For most European citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. Some countries, like Spain, require the passport to be valid for at least 6 months.

It's also important to note that if you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, you'll need a visa. This is because the electronic system for travel authorization (ESTA) is not sufficient for those who have traveled to Cuba before. This visa must be obtained at the Consulate General of the US Embassy in your place of residence.

Given the varying requirements, it's a good idea to contact your tour operator or travel agency to understand the specific visa requirements for your travel.

Latin American Citizens

For Latin American citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. You'll also need to obtain a tourist visa or tourist card for your trip. This can be processed at tourism agencies or airlines, which usually handle its issuance.

The visa is generally issued for about 90 days and can then be extended. It's also important to note that you should have travel insurance with medical coverage. 

Visa Costs: What to Expect

Visa costs can vary depending on where it's issued. Generally, prices range between $20 and $80. If you apply online, additional charges may apply, and prices can range from $110 to $150.

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Jose Marti International Airport in Havana

What items can I bring to Cuba?

When packing for your trip to Cuba, you can bring personal effects, including personal phones and computers, free of charge. The range of objects you can bring to Cuba is quite wide, from musical instruments to televisions. However, some items may be subject to charges depending on Customs regulations.

Some items can be brought into the country without having to pay any import taxes. These include used personal objects, art and literature books, music discs, manufactured pharmaceutical products, and wheelchairs, among others.

However, it's crucial to be aware of prohibited items. While some of these, like explosives, drugs and narcotics, and blood derivatives, may seem obvious, others might surprise you. For instance, literature, articles or objects that are considered obscene, pornographic or that attack the general interests of the nation are also prohibited.

If you attempt to bring into the country articles that are not allowed for import, the General Customs of Cuba can exercise administrative sanctions. This means that Customs can seize those imported articles whose entry is prohibited in Cuba, as well as products that have been entered with a fraudulent declaration.

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Travelers on a beach in Varadero

Photo: Unsplash

Health and Vaccinations

Before you embark on your journey to Cuba, it's important to ensure you're up to date with routine vaccines. This includes vaccines against chickenpox, tetanus, influenza, rubella, and polio. In the current climate, being vaccinated against COVID-19 is also essential.

Additionally, consider getting vaccinated against Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B. If your trip to Cuba includes exploring nature or venturing into rural areas away from the city center for activities such as outdoor camping, the rabies vaccine is also recommended. Travelers are also advised to consider the typhus vaccine.

Can I bring my pet to Cuba?

If you're planning to bring your pet to Cuba, there are a few requirements you need to meet. Make sure your pet has the necessary vaccines and an official health certificate. You'll also need to request a travel certificate for your pet from the Consulate or Embassy of Cuba in your country.

Written by Teresita Padrón .

Published July 2023.

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Can Americans Travel to Cuba? [2024 Legal Cuba Travel Guide]

I’m an American citizen who travels to Cuba all the time, so “can Americans travel to Cuba?” is one of the questions I’m most frequently asked related to Cuba travel. While many Americans believe that Cuba is still “off-limits” to American citizens, this couldn’t be further from the truth; there are many ways to legally travel to Cuba for American citizens.

Want to travel to Cuba from the United States – as a U.S. citizen or otherwise? Our ultimate guide to Cuba travel for Americans will show you how, answering some of the most common questions about Cuba travel safety , Support for the Cuban People travel , and more.

old havana cuba

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American Travel to Cuba

The short answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is YES, American citizens can travel to Cuba.

Non-U.S. citizens are allowed to travel to Cuba via the United States as well. American citizens can fly from the United States directly to Cuba, travel independently (no need for a group trip or guided trip here!), and enjoy Cuba just as they would any other travel destination.

The longer answer to the question “can Americans travel to Cuba” is that while legal travel to Cuba is entirely possible and even quite easy, there are some important regulations around American travel to Cuba that travelers should be aware of.

U.S.-Cuba Policy Changes

For years, U.S.-Cuba travel by citizens of the United States has been restricted in many ways. In 2014, President Obama announced a new way forward in the relationship between the United States and Cuba, including lifting many of the travel restrictions that made it quite challenging for U.S. citizens to travel to Cuba.

While the subsequent Trump and Biden administrations have made slight changes to Obama’s new policies, Obama’s new Cuba policies remain mostly intact. Americans can still travel to Cuba more easily than they’ve been able to in decades .

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  • Currency in Cuba: A Local’s Guide for Travelers
  • How to Get Wifi in Cuba [Updated!]
  • Is Cuba Safe? Updated Cuba Safety Guide
  • Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide – A Local’s Advice for Travelers

Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

Here’s why so many travelers ask us, “can Americans travel to Cuba?” – because Americans are still not able to legally travel to Cuba purely as “tourists.” Americans must still have a “reason” for traveling to Cuba.

Currently, the U.S. government doesn’t allow American citizens to Cuba as tourists. However, the U.S. government allows American citizens to travel to Cuba so long as they support local, non-government-owned businesses while in Cuba.

Essentially, yes, you can visit Cuba and travel exactly as you would anywhere else. Just avoid government-run hotels, restaurants, and tours while you’re there. This is actually incredibly easy, as all the best things to do in Cuba and the best places to visit in Cuba are local anyway!

So why might it feel like Americans can’t travel to Cuba (when it’s actually quite easy to travel to Cuba)? Americans must give a “reason” for traveling to Cuba – usually when purchasing an airline ticket or booking a hotel room.

How Can Americans Travel to Cuba?

You’ll probably need to check a box when purchasing your airline ticket asking for your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. No need to get nervous; this is easy – by stating that your trip to Cuba is in “ Support for the Cuban People ,” you’re simply acknowledging that while in Cuba, you won’t be staying at government-run hotels and the like.

It’s really that easy. Check a box on a form, and travel to Cuba.

Former President Obama’s policy changes towards travel to Cuba made this possible by creating 12 categories of authorized travel to Cuba , travel that is permitted by the U.S. government for American citizens looking to travel to Cuba. Now it’s as easy as checking a box and booking your airline ticket!

Best Places To Stay in Havana

  • Casa Giraldilla ($) 
  • Casa Flamboyan ($ – $$) 
  • Residencia Santa Clara ($$) 
  • El Candil Boutique Hotel ($$ – $$$) 
  • La Reserva Vedado ($$$) 

cienfuegos cuba hotels

12 Categories of Authorized Travel to Cuba

Now when traveling to Cuba, you simply choose one of these twelve categories of authorized travel to Cuba that applies to your trip. Most travelers’ trips fall under the Support for the Cuban People category of authorized travel, which allows for travel to Cuba so long as it supports local businesses.

These are the Twelve Authorized Categories of travel to Cuba:

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and international organizations;
  • Journalistic activity;
  • Professional research and professional meetings;
  • Educational activities;
  • Religious activities;
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions;
  • Support for the Cuban People ;
  • Humanitarian projects;
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes;
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or informational materials;
  • Certain export transactions.

When you book your airline ticket to Cuba or book your accommodations in Cuba in advance, you may be asked your “reason” for traveling to Cuba. It’s as simple as stating “Support for the Cuban People.”

Read More: Support for the Cuban People Travel Guide

Support for the Cuban People

Most travelers looking to experience Cuba need to only offer “ Support for the Cuban People ” as their “reason” for traveling to Cuba. When you do this, it means you’re saying to the U.S. government that you acknowledge that you’re planning to spend your travel dollars with local, non-government-run businesses while you’re in Cuba – that’s it!

This is stuff that you’d be doing on a trip to Cuba anyway – which is what makes it so easy to travel normally this way.

Stay at a casa particular (room for rent or apartment for rent owned by a Cuban, Airbnb style) or a small boutique hotel, meet up with local guides, eat at any of the innovative new restaurants around the island , or experience Cuba from a local’s eyes. This is all permitted and encouraged on a “Support for the Cuban People” trip.

Travel Insurance

Cuba requires that all travelers have proof of a comprehensive travel insurance policy in order to enter the country. Check out our guide to travel insurance for Cuba for more details. We recommend these brands for Cuba travel insurance:

  • Visitors Coverage : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries, though not currently available to residents of New York and Maryland in the United States.
  • Insubuy : Coverage for Cuba travel available to citizens of all countries and states of the United States.

vinales cuba

Regulations on American Travel to Cuba

While many continue to ask, “ can Americans travel to Cuba ?” – one of our most frequently asked questions on this website! – the answer is yes, and with these new regulations, it’s easier than ever.

However, keep in mind that some travel regulations put in place by the U.S. government still apply to American travelers visiting Cuba. These include:

  • American citizens are no longer able to bring rum or cigars back from Cuba ;
  • American citizens are now prohibited (by the U.S. government – not the Cuban government) from staying at a variety of hotels in Cuba ;
  • Some methods of traveling to Cuba, such as “ people to people Cuba ” travel organized tours and the ability to travel to Cuba by cruise, have been scaled back or eliminated.

Read on for some of the regulations on travel to Cuba that Americans should be aware of during their trip.

Restricted Hotels in Cuba

One of the newer travel restrictions for Americans traveling to Cuba relates to places where American citizens are not allowed to stay while visiting Cuba. The Trump Administration developed a list of specific hotels and guesthouses that are either partially or entirely owned by the Cuban government and declared them off-limits to American travelers.

Check out the full list here before you book your accommodations in Cuba.

Some newspapers and websites have been incorrectly reporting that Americans are not allowed to stay in any hotel in Cuba, but this is not actually the case. Americans are just prohibited from staying in certain hotels that are owned entirely or partially by the Cuban government.

There are many boutique hotels with private ownership where Americans are still able to stay, plus private rentals called “casas particulares” or private home rentals like Airbnbs. In fact, some of our favorite hotels in Havana and around the country are still open and ready for business for American travelers ( La Reserva Vedado , La Rosa de Ortega , El Candil Boutique Hotel , and plenty of other Old Havana hotels are among our favorites in the capital).

Read More: Accommodation Guides in Cuba

  • What is a Casa Particular Guest House in Cuba?
  • Where To Stay in Havana, Cuba
  • 10+ Best Resorts in Cuba
  • 16+ Best Hotels in Cuba

Financial Restrictions in Cuba

It’s very important that American travelers to Cuba be aware of the financial and banking restrictions they will experience while traveling in Cuba. Because of the decades-long U.S. embargo against Cuba, American debit cards and credit cards will not work on the island as they do for those traveling from any other country .

That means that while American citizens can travel to Cuba, they can’t access their money from Cuba. This is quite important, as it means that if plan to travel to Cuba, you need to plan ahead and bring the money you’ll need for your trip with you in cash .

You can bring American dollars and convert them into Cuban pesos once you arrive in Cuba. Please read our complete Cuban currency guide before doing this – you’ll see why it’s not wise to exchange your money for Cuban pesos at the airport, for example, and learn how much money to bring with you on your trip to Cuba.

Read More: Financial Restrictions in Cuba

  • The Ultimate Guide to Currency in Cuba
  • Budget Your Trip: How Much Money To Plan To Bring to Cuba

Internet Restrictions in Cuba

There are no internet restrictions in Cuba that are specific to American travelers. However, it’s important to be aware of some important internet-related challenges in Cuba.

We get a lot of questions about whether there is internet access in Cuba , and if there is, if it’s safe to use or restricted by the government.

While the internet in Cuba is slower than you may be used to, it is now quite widespread and is pretty easy to use in most places in Cuba. Some websites are blocked in Cuba , and there have even been widespread internet outages during times of social unrest, though these blockages have mostly been of news websites that have been critical of the Cuban government.

However, the United States embargo of Cuba and the related financial and economic restrictions on U.S. companies doing business in Cuba means that some companies can’t offer their services to internet users in Cuba (notably, PayPal and many other banking apps, but the list changes) . You will not be able to access these websites from Cuba.

You can easily get around this if you want by using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) in Cuba . We recommend NordVPN – it’s by far the best VPN to use in Cuba But, even without a VPN, you can still use the internet in Cuba without too much of a hassle.

Read More: How To Use the Internet in Cuba: A Local’s Guide For Travelers

Read More: Internet in Cuba

  • Guide to Using the Internet + Getting Wifi in Cuba
  • Best VPN For Cuba ( + How to Use a VPN in Cuba)

Packing Restrictions in Cuba

There are some limitations worth noting about what you can bring into Cuba. While most are quite obvious – the usual dangerous substances and the like – there are a few rules for packing for Cuba , both for travelers from the United States and elsewhere :

  • Travelers can not bring drones to Cuba
  • Travelers can not bring devices like walkie-talkies, satellite phones, or GPS devices. Any personal computers, cell phones, cameras, or any other devices you normally travel with are absolutely fine – no worries here.
  • Avoid bringing any literature to Cuba that may be seen as critical of the Cuban government. My brother was once held up in customs for bringing a university textbook with Donald Trump on the cover.

What to Pack for Cuba

Check out our  Ultimate Cuba Packing List   to help you pack for your trip – we’re sharing exactly what to bring to Cuba and what we never travel without.

havana cuba

American Travel to Cuba – Frequently Asked Questions

Can americans fly to cuba.

Yes – Americans can fly to Cuba! American citizens can fly to Cuba either from the United States directly or from other countries. Flights to Cuba leave regularly from many of America’s largest cities like Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta, and New York.

We frequently get the “can Americans fly to Cuba?” question because when travel to Cuba was more restricted, many Americans used to fly to Cuba through Canada or Mexico as a way to skirt travel restrictions .

However, flying to Cuba via another country like Mexico or Canada is no longer a necessity. Obama’s Cuba policy changes allowed many more American citizens to travel to Cuba much more easily, kicking off many more flights to Cuba from the United States.

Do Americans Have to Travel to Cuba With A Group?

One of the most popular ways to travel to Cuba prior to the Cuba travel policy changes of former President Obama was with a “people-to-people” group or as part of an educational tour. However, with the ease of traveling to Cuba from the United States now, these group travel to Cuba experiences are no longer a necessity to visit the island.

While there are groups that travel to Cuba and tout the ease of traveling to Cuba by purchasing a spot on a group trip doing so, it isn’t necessary to travel to Cuba with a group . Feel free to travel to Cuba with a group if this is your preferred style of travel – or plan your trip to Cuba independently, too!

Looking for some engaging tours in Cuba, ways to meet up with local guides, or fun activities and excursions in Cuba? We recommend Civitatis , a fantastic company we’ve used countless times before that runs tours with local guides all around Cuba.

cayo coco

Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

While Cuba isn’t crime free, Cuba is a safe travel destination for all travelers, including American travelers. Statistics prove Cuba is quite a safe destination for travelers, and my own experience exploring Cuba, even as a solo female traveler, confirms it.

In all my years of visiting Cuba, I’ve never been met with anything other than curiosity when people leave I’m from the United States. While many Cubans disapprove of the government of the United States, I’ve never met a single Cuban who holds this against the average American citizen.

Overall, Cuba is safe for Americans , and as a traveler, you have absolutely nothing to fear while visiting.

Read More: Is Cuba Safe for Americans?

Travel Essential

Don’t think about traveling to Cuba without a good  VPN (Virtual Private Network) . Using a VPN while connecting to the internet is an easy way to keep your personal information safe from hackers and trackers.  We’ve used  NordVPN  for years and couldn’t recommend it more – it’s a must for safety online, especially in Cuba. 

plaza vieja havana

American Embassy in Cuba

Part of the policy changes of former President Obama in 2014 paved the way for reopening the United States Embassy in Cuba after nearly 60 years of closure. The American Embassy in Cuba offers emergency services to American citizens traveling in Cuba, including assistance with lost passports, registering births abroad, and more.

Located prominently along the Malecón sea wall in central Havana, the American Embassy in Cuba is currently providing services to American citizens and has just started providing limited services to Cuban citizens seeking visas to the United States.

As a U.S. traveler to Cuba, you should save the address and contact information for the embassy just in case you need it:

U.S. Embassy Havana Malecón, Calzada between L & M, Vedado Havana, Cuba Phone: (53)(7) 839-4100

Travel to Cuba

There are so many things to do in Cuba – much more than laying on the beach and riding in old, classic American cars.

Anything from taking a guided tour of Havana to eating at a restaurant operated as a small business or taking salsa classes are ways to enjoy Cuba. And guess what – all of these things are perfectly legal – and welcome! – when you travel to Cuba as part of a Support for the Cuban People trip.

For more travel ideas, we put together a guide to the top ten activities in Cuba for a Support for the Cuban People trip with our favorite ideas for a fantastic trip! Go ahead – get started planning your once-in-a-lifetime trip to Cuba! As always, we’ll be here to help you get started.

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila

Carley Rojas Avila is a bilingual travel writer, editor, content marketer, and the founder of the digital travel publications Home to Havana and Explorers Away. She is a serial expat and traveler, having visited 40+ countries and counting. Carley has written for publications like Travel + Leisure, MSN, Associated Press, Weather Channel, Wealth of Geeks, and more. Find her front row at a Bad Bunny concert, befriending street cats, and taste-testing every pizza in Havana.

Cuba Holidays

Cuba Holidays

Classic cars, colourful cities, and caribbean coastlines; let the rhythms of salsa kickstart your cuban adventure., holidays in cuba.

Located off the coast of Miami, holidays to Cuba are a great alternative to the beaches of the US’s busy East Coast. A destination where Chevys cruise along grand plazas shaped by revolution and beaches come alive with the rhythms of island life, Cuba vibrates with classical magic. Known for its lively music, colourful colonial architecture, and pristine beaches, this Caribbean gem welcomes couples and families alike to soak up its back-to-basic charms mouthwatering cuisine, and endless sunshine.

When is the best time to visit? The best time to visit Cuba is during the dry season, from November to April. This period offers warm, pleasant weather with minimal rainfall, making it ideal for exploring the vibrant cities, relaxing on the beaches, and enjoying outdoor activities. Peak tourist season is from December to March, so book your package early to secure the best accommodations.

Where is the best place to stay? For an authentic Cuban experience, Havana is the top choice. The capital city offers a mix of vibrant culture, rich history, and stunning colonial architecture. Stay in Old Havana for charming cobblestone streets, lively plazas, and easy access to the city’s famous landmarks like the Malecón and El Capitolio. If you’re seeking a beach escape, Varadero is renowned for its pristine white sands and crystal-clear waters, perfect for a relaxing getaway with luxury resorts and beachfront hotels.

Travel guide

A holiday in Cuba is more than just a getaway—it's an immersion into a world of vibrant colours, captivating rhythms, and unforgettable moments.

  • Best time to visit: November-April
  • Average flight time: 10 Hours
  • Most suited for: Couples, Groups
  • Currency: Cuban Peso
  • Time Difference: -5 hours

Discover Cuba’s Heartbeat in Havana

Discover Cuba’s Heartbeat in Havana

When people think of Cuban holidays, they picture Havana. Cuba’s bustling capital city, Havana is a living museum of Spanish colonial architecture, classic cars, and vibrant street life. Stroll through the cobbled streets of Old Havana and marvel at the beautifully restored buildings, historic squares, and lively bars where the sounds of salsa fill the air. Visit the iconic Malecón, a scenic seaside promenade that stretches along the city's northern coast, offering stunning sunset views and a taste of local life. For a deeper dive into Cuba's history, visit the Museum of the Revolution housed in the former Presidential Palace. The museum offers fascinating insights into the country's revolutionary past, featuring artefacts and exhibits that chronicle the Cuban struggle for independence. Meanwhile, the nearby El Capitolio, with its grand neoclassical architecture, stands as a symbol of Havana's grandeur and ambition.

Relax in Cuba’s Beachside Paradise

Relax in Cuba’s Beachside Paradise

For those seeking sun, sand, and sea, Varadero is the ultimate seaside destination. Located on the Hicacos Peninsula, this resort town boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean. With over 20 kilometres of white sandy shores and crystal-clear turquoise waters, Varadero is perfect for water sports enthusiasts, sunbathers, and families alike. Snorkel or dive in the vibrant coral reefs, take a catamaran cruise across shimming seas, or simply relax on the beach with a mojito in hand. Beyond the beaches, Varadero also offers cultural attractions such as the Varadero Municipal Museum, which provides insights into the region's history and culture. The nearby Josone Park is a tranquil oasis with lush gardens, lakes, and charming cafes, ideal for a leisurely afternoon stroll. But we wouldn’t blame you if you struggled to pull yourself away from unwinding by the beach.

See Cuba’s Natural Beauty and Tobacco Fields

See Cuba’s Natural Beauty and Tobacco Fields

For a taste of Cuba's natural beauty, head to the Vinales Valley, renowned for its dramatic limestone mogotes and verdant tobacco fields. This region is the heart of Cuba's cigar production, and a visit here offers a fascinating glimpse into the traditional methods of tobacco farming. Tour a local farm, learn about the cigar-making process, and even try your hand at rolling your own cigar. The Vinales Valley also offers excellent opportunities for outdoor activities. Explore the extensive cave systems, such as Cueva del Indio, where you can take a boat ride through underground rivers. Hike or horseback ride through the lush landscapes, enjoying breathtaking views of the valley and the surrounding countryside.

Food & Drink

Food & Drink

Blending African, Spanish, and indigenous influences, Cuba’s food and drink scene is a feast of flavour. Savour traditional dishes like ropa vieja (shredded beef), picadillo (ground beef stew), and fresh seafood. Pair your meal with a classic mojito or a refreshing daiquiri and enjoy the lively atmosphere of a local paladar. For a unique experience, why not visit a casa, where you can enjoy a home-cooked meal and connect with local Cuban families?

Cuba Weather

Average monthly temperature in Cuba (°C)

  • Jan 21 °C
  • Feb 22 °C
  • Mar 23 °C
  • Apr 24 °C
  • May 26 °C
  • Jun 27 °C
  • Jul 27 °C
  • Aug 27 °C
  • Sep 26 °C
  • Oct 25 °C
  • Nov 23 °C
  • Dec 22 °C

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  1. Solo, independent travel in Sept. 2024 to Cuba

    #2 and others — Thanks for the kind words. #4 and others — I'm aware that the U.S. hasn't actively enforced its Cuba travel laws against individuals in quite some time, that almost nothing is expressly prohibited beyond staying at properties on a certain list, and that the law is routinely violated. For various reasons it was my plan from the beginning to comply with the law; I make no ...

  2. Xenos Travel

    Το μεγαλύτερο νησί της Καραϊβικής, στα ανοιχτά του κόλπου του Μεξικού, η Κούβα, ιδιαίτερη και διαφορετική, εξωτική και περιπετειώδης, σας περιμένει να μπείτε σε ρυθμούς σάλσα!

  3. CAYOS

    Checklist: How To Plan A Cuba Trip. Flights can be booked online through U.S. airlines. Support for the Cuban People declaration is built into the process. Visas are available through airlines or online agencies that ship to your home. Lodging options for privately owned hotels and B&Bs are plentiful. Your itinerary must include a full schedule ...

  4. Cuban Adventures USA

    We've the latest information you need as an American citizen on Cuba travel licenses, Cuba tourist visas, flights to Cuba, and advice to plan your Cuba trip, safely and legally. Read more. Our Cuba Tours Our Cuba tours are compliant with U.S. Government regulations. We offer 9, 11 & 15 day options, with groups limited to 12 travellers.

  5. ΚΟΥΒΑ

    Το γραφείο XENOS TRAVEL με τα έμπειρα στελέχη του φροντίζει να διασφαλίζει την καλύτερη ποιότητα υπηρεσιών και να σας προσφέρει ένα αξέχαστο ταξίδι. Stay tuned.

  6. 20 things to know before going to Cuba

    2. Fill out your passenger information in advance. Cuba uses an online form called D'Viajeros to gather traveler information, including immigration and health data, in advance of travel. Fill out the form digitally up to 72 hours before your arrival in Cuba. 3.

  7. Traveling to Cuba

    Travel to Cuba for tourist activities remains prohibited by statute. However, the Department of Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) has issued general licenses for 12 categories of travel. Individuals who meet the regulatory conditions of the general license they seek to travel under do not need to apply for an additional ...

  8. How to Spend Two Weeks in Cuba: An Itinerary for First-Time Visitors

    How to Spend Two Weeks in Cuba. Our Cuba itinerary starts with 3 nights in Havana, then heads out to cigar country in Viñales for a 3-night stay. We then spend 2 nights in Cienfuegos, 2 nights in Trinidad, and take time out with a 3-night beach retreat at Varadero.

  9. The 7 Things You Need to Know Before You Travel to Cuba

    2. Entry Requirements: Visa, QR Code, and Health Insurance. How to Get a Cuba Visa. QR Code For Entry. You Need Health Insurance, But It's Included in Your Main Cabin Airfare. 3. Cash is King - Your U.S. Credit Cards Will Not Work. People Will Compete to Exchange Your U.S. Dollars - But Be Careful. 4.

  10. Is it Legal for U.S. Citizens to Travel to Cuba?

    U.S. law states that those who want to go to Cuba need to qualify for a "general license" based on one of 12 approved categories. The 12 categories currently authorized by U.S. government, for travel to Cuba are: Family visits. Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations.

  11. $1399—Cuba: 8 nights w/guided small group

    These are just a few of the activities that await on this guided tour through Cuba. Best of all, this offer—exclusively for Travelzoo members—saves $1900. ... Learn how the tour meets requirements for the Support for the Cuban People travel category. Book by Oct. 9. This offer is booked through, and is therefore subject to, the travel or ...

  12. The Best & Worst Times to Visit Cuba in 2024 (Expert Opinion)

    The best time to visit Cuba is between November and April, when the weather is sunny and dry, ideal for beaches and outdoor adventures. It's cooler and less rainy then, perfect for exploring vibrant cities and jungles, or enjoying lively cultural events. This season also hosts the Havana Film, Jazz, and Habanos Festivals, making it a great ...

  13. Cuba Holidays

    Cuba Holidays. Trips to Cuba are a visual feast. Classic cars rumble along cobbled streets in between yellow, crumbling colonial mansions. While the white sandy beaches, like the Playa Ancon, are the ideal place to relax and unwind, our Cuba holidays allow you to delve deeper, where you'll find a fascinating culture born from a tumultuous, revolutionary history -as well as proud locals who ...

  14. Book your trip Cuba and Panama: flights, hotels, tours and more

    Since 2002, Knowing Cuba has been a leader in Cuba Tours with passionate local guides. Contact Us (53) 7204 7428 English . Español . Cuba . Vacations; Tours; Hotels; Panama ... WHAT YOU MUST DO TO TRAVEL TO CUBA. From 2024 . Learn more. LGBTI HAVANA. Havana, Varadero and Cayo Santa Maria . Learn more. CUBA PACKAGES. ...

  15. Travel to Cuba with Globus®

    Exploring Cuba's Culture, History, and Colonial Cities. Havana Havana 10 days, 1 country Cuba. From: (USD) $5,340 $4,840. GET A QUOTE. View Tour. The "Starting at" or listed price is based on the lowest price available to book. Price is per passenger based on double occupancy and does not include International airfare.

  16. Entry to Cuba: Visas & Travel Requirements

    For most European citizens, a valid passport is required during your stay in Cuba. Some countries, like Spain, require the passport to be valid for at least 6 months. It's also important to note that if you plan to travel to the United States after visiting Cuba, you'll need a visa. This is because the electronic system for travel authorization ...

  17. Cuba

    All international travelers should be fully vaccinated against measles with the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, including an early dose for infants 6-11 months, according to CDC's measles vaccination recommendations for international travel. Dogs infected with rabies are sometimes found in Cuba.

  18. 45+ Things To Know Before Going To Cuba in 2024 ...

    You must go through it to live the richness of the culture and, up to a certain extent, the hassles of their daily life. 45. Reconsider traveling to Cuba with a drone. You can travel to Cuba with a drone, but odds are it will be confiscated at customs - or you will be exposed to HOURS of questioning.

  19. Can Americans Travel To Cuba? [2024 Legal Travel Guide]

    American Travel to Cuba. The short answer to the question "can Americans travel to Cuba" is YES, American citizens can travel to Cuba. Non-U.S. citizens are allowed to travel to Cuba via the United States as well. American citizens can fly from the United States directly to Cuba, travel independently (no need for a group trip or guided trip ...

  20. Cuba Holidays 2024 / 2025

    A holiday in Cuba is more than just a getaway—it's an immersion into a world of vibrant colours, captivating rhythms, and unforgettable moments. Best time to visit: November-April. Average flight time: 10 Hours. Most suited for: Couples, Groups. Currency: Cuban Peso.

  21. Home Page

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