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Winds of March

journey song of march

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Journey is an American rock band formed in 1973 in San Francisco by former members of Santana and Frumious Bandersnatch. The band has gone through several phases; its strongest commercial success occurred between 1978 and 1987, after which it temporarily disbanded. During that period, the band released a series of hit songs, including 1981's "Don't Stop Believin'", which became in 2009 the top-selling catalog track in iTunes history. Its parent studio album, Escape, the band's eighth and most successful, reached No. 1 on the Billboard 200 and yielded another of their most popular singles, "Open Arms". Its 1983 follow-up, Frontiers, was almost as successful in the United States, reaching No. 2 and spawning several successful singles; it broadened the band's ap… more »

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Written by: Robert A Fleischman, Stephen Ray Perry, Gregg Rolie, Matthew A. Schon, Neal J. Schon

Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing, BMG Rights Management

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind

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journey song of march

  • #2 Feeling That Way
  • #4 La Do Da
  • #5 Patiently
  • #6 Wheel in the Sky
  • #7 Somethin' to Hide
  • #8 Winds of March
  • #10 Opened the Door
  • #11 Majestic
  • #12 Too Late
  • #13 Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
  • #14 City of the Angels
  • #15 When You're Alone (It Ain't Easy)
  • #16 Sweet and Simple
  • #17 Lovin' You Is Easy
  • #18 Just the Same Way
  • #19 Do You Recall
  • #20 Daydream
  • #21 Lady Luck
  • #22 Don't Stop Believin'
  • #23 Stone in Love
  • #24 Who's Crying Now
  • #25 Keep On Runnin'
  • #26 Still They Ride
  • #28 Lay It Down
  • #29 Dead or Alive
  • #30 Mother, Father
  • #31 Open Arms
  • #33 Don't Stop Believin' [Live Version] [Live]
  • #35 Open Arms [Live Version] [Live]
  • #36 Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
  • #37 Send Her My Love
  • #38 Chain Reaction
  • #39 After the Fall
  • #40 Faithfully
  • #41 Edge of the Blade
  • #42 Troubled Child
  • #43 Back Talk
  • #44 Frontiers
  • #45 Rubicon
  • #46 Only the Young
  • #46 Only the Young [*]
  • #47 Ask the Lonely
  • #47 Ask the Lonely [*]
  • #48 Liberty
  • #48 Liberty [*]
  • #49 Only Solutions
  • #49 Only Solutions [*]
  • #50 Girl Can't Help It
  • #51 Positive Touch
  • #52 Suzanne
  • #53 Be Good to Yourself
  • #54 Once You Love Somebody
  • #55 Happy to Give
  • #56 Raised on Radio
  • #57 I'll Be Alright Without You
  • #58 It Could Have Been You
  • #59 The Eyes of a Woman
  • #60 Why Can't This Night Go on Forever

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Journey - Winds Of March Lyrics

Artist: Journey

Album: Infinity

Genre: Rock

journey song of march

I covered you with roses Like the stars at night I covered you with love Like a blanket on a cold winter's night I covered you with joy To make your lifetime big and bright You touched me with your eyes Soft as an evenin' breeze You held me in your arms As the winds rushed through the trees You are my child You make my lifetime big and bright You are my child You came like the winds of March With all the love in your eyes You are my child You came like the morning lights With all your love in your eyes You are my child You came like the morning lights With all your love in your eyes

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Winds Of March

Lyrics submitted by raisedonradio1109

Winds of March Lyrics as written by Stephen Ray Perry Robert A Fleischman

Lyrics © Wixen Music Publishing, BMG Rights Management, Hipgnosis Songs Group

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journey song of march

I never understood this song, but I liked how there were a lot of keyboard and guitar solos in it.

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I suppose it's about either the love for a child or, my guess, the love for a child that has passed away, which would make sense since they sing I covered you with roses, and covered with joy to make their lifetime bog and bright...

it could be either way though since the song was apparently written by Neal Schon's father...

Losing a child that is still living.....


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Journey - Infinity album cover

The stories behind Journey's Infinity album - by Steve Perry

Singer Steve Perry goes through his debut album with Journey, track by track.

journey song of march

Steve Perry talks us through the songs that made up his debut album with Journey, Infinity .

journey song of march

“I was standing in Griffith Park Observatory as the sun was coming up, and I could see the lights going down. It came to me like that. When I got together with Neal to write the bridge, it dawned on me that it was really about San Francisco, a city by the bay. I always wanted to live there but I couldn’t afford it.”

Feeling That Way

“Written by myself and Gregg [Rolie] as a song we could both share vocals on. Back then, they would do 25 minutes of their fusion stuff and then I would walk out on to the stage and sing the second verse after Gregg’s intro.”

“They had that intro/bridge when I joined them. Gregg and I did the layered vocals and it became a beautiful segue from the ending of the Feeling That Way a cappella line. Those two songs were played back to back on radio and became sort of hit records.”

“I do have a bit of a knack for the obvious, and maybe that was just a little too obvious. It’s not a save the world track. I guess it worked in the scope of the whole record.”

“The first song I ever wrote with the band. Herbie had flown me out to see the band in Denver, Colorado. After the show, Neal and I went back to the hotel room and we sketched out that idea. The lyrics explain that I was waiting for their [Journey’s] light to shine on me. It’s about me waiting and ready to walk out there and become part of the band.”

Wheel In The Sky

“The way they did that song with Robert [Fleischman] was different from how I was going to interpret it. In the studio in LA with Roy I sang real high falsetto notes with echo in the background while Neal was playing a beautiful solo. Roy spent hours with Neal doing what we called ‘violin guitars’ – root notes, harmonies, doubling, sustaining and providing a thick texture to it all.”

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Something To Hide

“One of my favourites. When I first heard Coldplay, they had that same unique feeling and emotional promise that I felt on Something To Hide . Some people felt it didn’t belong on that record. But I loved what it was doing and the vocal/guitar stuff, singing higher harmonies than Neal. After you’ve been on tour for a while that high falsetto can wreak hell, though. That’s why that song really never made it live much.”

Winds Of March

“We were in the south and I had never experienced massive thunderstorms before – it was amazing. I had just gotten a cassette tape recorder; I opened the window and taped the rain and the incredible thunder and we used that recording at our live shows to start the song.”

“It’s funny, but I don’t really remember that song apart from the title. It’s not one that has stuck in my mind.”

Open The Door

“I always thought that there was something very Cream about it. The China Cymbal that Aynsley was playing gave it that feel and Neal did a bunch of violin guitar over it. It had a Middle Eastern edge to it, and a spiritual lyric.”

Derek’s lifelong love of metal goes back to the ’70s when he became a UK underground legend for sharing tapes of the most obscure American bands. After many years championing acts as a writer for  Kerrang! , Derek moved to New York and worked in A&R at Atco Records, signing a number of great acts including the multi-platinum Pantera and Dream Theater. He moved back to the UK and in 2006 started Rock Candy Records, which specialises in reissues of rock and metal albums from the 1970s and 1980s.

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Journey : Winds of March Meaning

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Winds of March Lyrics

I immediately & have always interpreted these lyrics as a Father singing to his child, tears in his eyes, telling them of the unbridled Peace & love they have brought to his life, how they are his world, how he loves them with every depth of his being & will keep them always safe & forever TREASURED. That’s what makes it so interesting to me that so many have written here that they see it being about the LOSS of a child…

My daughter, a beautiful young woman of only 26 years of age. To her when she was a few years old I dedicated this beautiful song by this favorite group of musicians "Journey - Winds Of March - 10/6/1978" My daughter was born in March, my eldest brought us so much... Her dedication to studying at school and martial arts was amazing. She became a professional in biology with the hope of continuing her study with her passion and her love for animals and continue her studies to become a veterinarian, In her mind, she thought of having an animal shelter where they don't have to rest them. (Kill them) God had other plans for her... God gave her ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) My Daughter, my family and I fought hard to save her, but our sacrifices were in vain. My daughter had her boyfriend who loved her more than himself. He asked us for my daughter's hand in marriage so he could take care of her in our house, they got married. At her wedding, my daughter asked me to dance with her even though she could barely stand up. This was the song that she prepared to dance with me, her father. 7 years have passed since her departure, her brothers, my wife, and I, we constantly mourn the destinations that God gave her. Since then, only three times I could listen to this song... Journey - Winds Of March 15 1988 My baby

Siempre me gustó esta canción. Solo fue cuando mi sobrina de 14 anios se suicidó, pude comprender la profundidad del dolor de esa letra. I always liked this song. It was only when my 14-year-old niece committed suicide that I was able to understand the depth of pain in those lyrics.

The loss of a child and never getting over it.the author of this song must have went through losing a child

I've always interpreted as the strong, protective bond one has with their child whim is just as new to their lives as vice versa for the child, and the great abundance of love, that they have brought to each others lives.

The first stanza is not listed. It is.... I covered you in roses Like the stars at night. I covered you with love Like a blanket on a cold winter’s night I covered in joy To make your lifetime big and bright. The first two lines are about laying a grave blanket of roses on a grave. This is a song about the loss of a child and how the parents made this child’s lifetime, although short, big and bright.

This song is so about the loss of a child. If you have ever lost a child, there is absolutely no doubt. The unbearable sadness in the first part of the song and the chaos and agony you felt when you were told your child is dead,and inside everyday for the rest of your life, in the jam at the end. Trust me, the person that wrote it, lost a child.

This is a song about the loss of a child and how the writer loved him/her. The child was a powerful force in the writer's life because "the winds of march" are physically powerful. You would cover a child in roses if he/she is in a coffin. The rest of the first verse is in the past tense. It's morbid to sing this song to a living child.

I used to sing it to my now 16 year old daughter when she was a baby. To me, it's a song of a mother's unconditional, undying love for her child. <3

A man lost his sweet child whom he loves so dearly; he will be forever greatful of the time he spent with his child. "I covered you with roses" and "you are my child, you came like the winds of March...you made my life big and bright..." Heartbreaking, isn't it? It makes me cry every time...!!!! )":

Neal Schon's father, Matt Schon, is listed as one of the song writers. I believe this song can be interpreted as being about a father's love of his child.

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Meaning of Winds Of March by Journey

The song "Winds Of March" by Journey celebrates the deep and unconditional love and bond between a parent and their child. It showcases the immense affection and protection the speaker feels for their child.

The lyrics depict the speaker's devotion and care towards their child, symbolized through various tender and nurturing actions. "I covered you with roses" and "I covered you with love" emphasize the speaker's desire to surround the child with beauty and affection, comparing it to the vastness of the night sky and the warmth of a cozy blanket.

The line "You touched me with your eyes" suggests that the child possesses a remarkable ability to connect emotionally with the speaker. This connection is portrayed as gentle and comforting, like an evening breeze. Furthermore, the physical embrace mentioned in "You held me in your arms" represents a strong and protective bond between the parent and child, reminiscent of the winds rushing through the trees.

The repeated refrain of "You are my child" reinforces the parent's love and emotional connection to their child. The mention of the "winds of March" and the "morning lights" signifies the child's arrival, bringing immense love, joy, and brightness into the speaker's life. The child's eyes symbolize the purity and love they bring, adding to the parent's sense of fulfillment and happiness.

Overall, "Winds Of March" expresses the profound love a parent feels for their child, highlighting the child's ability to bring joy, warmth, and light into their life. It celebrates this unbreakable bond, emphasizing the transformative power of parental love and the beauty of a parent-child relationship.

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Which Taylor Swift Song Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Taylor Swift , the enigmatic pop sensation, has captured hearts worldwide with her diverse musical styles and ever-evolving image. From the country sweetheart to the fierce rebel, Swift's journey in the spotlight has been marked by transformation and self-discovery. But did you know that your zodiac sign may reveal which Taylor Swift persona resonates with you the most? Join us on a celestial journey as we uncover the cosmic alignment between the stars and Taylor Swift's multifaceted identities.

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Aries (March 21 - April 19): Fearless 

As a bold and adventurous Aries, you embody the fearless spirit of Taylor Swift's early years. Just like her debut album, you dive headfirst into new experiences without hesitation. With unwavering confidence and a pioneering attitude, you fearlessly pursue your dreams, much like Swift did when she burst onto the music scene as a teenage sensation.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Red 

Taureans, known for their steadfast determination and sensual allure, resonate with the passionate energy of Red-era Taylor Swift. Like the album's titular color, you embody intensity and depth in both your relationships and creative pursuits. With a penchant for romance and a strong sense of loyalty, you navigate life's ups and downs with grace and resilience.

Which Taylor Swift Song Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign? e7awi 1 Which Taylor Swift Song Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Speak Now

As a Gemini, you share a kinship with Speak Now-era Taylor Swift, whose whimsical charm and vivid imagination captivated audiences worldwide. Like the album's eclectic blend of storytelling and fantasy, you thrive on variety and adaptability. With your quick wit and playful demeanor, you enchant those around you and embrace life's ever-changing narrative.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): Folklore  

Cancerians, with their deep emotional intuition and nurturing instincts, resonate with the introspective beauty of Folklore-era Taylor Swift. Like the ethereal melodies of the album, you possess a soulful depth and a profound connection to the past. With your intuitive wisdom and empathetic nature, you find solace in storytelling and seek refuge in the quiet whispers of the heart.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): 1989

Leos, the charismatic and vibrant leaders of the zodiac, embody the electric energy of 1989-era Taylor Swift. Like the album's synth-pop anthems and glittering aesthetics, you shine brightly in the spotlight and command attention wherever you go. With your magnetic charm and unapologetic confidence, you dazzle with every step and leave a trail of stardust in your wake.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Evermore

Virgos, known for their analytical minds and meticulous attention to detail, resonate with the introspective musings of Evermore-era Taylor Swift. Like the album's haunting melodies and introspective lyrics, you seek meaning in the quiet moments and find beauty in life's imperfections. With your introspective nature and gentle spirit, you navigate the complexities of the world with grace and authenticity.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): Lover

Librans, with their harmonious nature and romantic ideals, embody the enchanting allure of Lover-era Taylor Swift. Like the album's celebration of love in all its forms, you cherish harmony and balance in your relationships and surroundings. With your diplomatic charm and artistic flair, you create a world of beauty and romance wherever you go.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Reputation

Scorpios, with their magnetic intensity and fierce determination, resonate with the bold attitude of Reputation-era Taylor Swift. Like the album's defiant anthems and unapologetic swagger, you embrace your inner strength and resilience in the face of adversity. With your unwavering loyalty and passionate spirit, you command respect and leave a lasting impression wherever you go.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): Taylor Swift 

Sagittarians, known for their adventurous spirit and boundless optimism, embody the free-spirited energy of Taylor Swift's self-titled debut album. Like the album's youthful exuberance and wide-eyed wonder, you embrace life's journey with open arms and a sense of wonder. With your adventurous soul and philosophical outlook, you fearlessly explore new horizons and embrace the magic of the unknown.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Better Than Revenge

Capricorn, your determination and ambition mirror Taylor Swift's relentless pursuit of success in Speak Now album. Like Swift, you approach life with a sense of purpose and drive, unafraid to carve your own path to greatness. A song like Better Than Revenge resonates with your tenacity and resilience, reflecting your unwavering commitment to achieving your goals. Just as Swift celebrates her triumphs, you embrace success as the result of hard work and perseverance.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Mirrorball 

Aquarians, known for their visionary ideas and progressive ideals, are unafraid to challenge conventions and break boundaries. A track like Mirrorball resonates with your eccentricity and originality, offering a glimpse into your avant-garde mind. Just as Swift embraces her creative freedom, you embrace your individuality and express yourself fearlessly. With your innovative spirit and humanitarian values, you challenge the status quo and inspire others to see the world through a different lens.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Daylight 

Pisces, your romantic imagination mirrors Taylor Swift's ethereal persona in Loved album. Like Swift, you possess a deep connection to the world of dreams and fantasy, finding solace in the beauty of art and music. A song like Daylight resonates with your whimsical nature, offering a soundtrack to your reveries. Just as Swift celebrates love in all its forms, you cherish the magic of imagination and possibility.

Unlock the cosmic connection between your zodiac sign and Taylor Swift's iconic personas, and discover which version of the pop sensation resonates with your celestial identity.

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Which Taylor Swift Song Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?


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  1. Journey

    "Winds Of March" by JourneyListen to Journey: https://Journey.lnk.to/listenYDWatch more Journey videos: https://Journey.lnk.to/listenYD/youtubeSubscribe to t...

  2. Journey

    Artist: JourneyAlbum: InfinityTrack: 08Official site: http://www.journeymusic.comiTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/infinity/id170108857Infinity is th...

  3. The Meaning Behind The Song: Winds of March by Journey

    Winds of March, along with other influential songs by Journey, has left a lasting impact on the music industry. The band's ability to create emotionally charged music has inspired countless musicians and songwriters. Answer: Journey's unique blend of rock, pop, and soul in songs like Winds of March has influenced subsequent generations of ...

  4. Journey

    As the winds rushed through the trees. You are my child. You make my lifetime big and bright. You are my child. You came like the winds of March. With all the love in your eyes. You are my child ...

  5. Winds of March

    Provided to YouTube by Columbia/LegacyWinds of March · JourneyInfinity℗ 1978 Columbia Records, a division of Sony Music EntertainmentReleased on: 1978-01-20C...

  6. The Meaning Behind The Song: Winds Of March by Journey

    As with many Journey songs, "Winds of March" has the ability to transport listeners to a different time and place. Its universal themes of love, hope, and renewal resonate with people from all walks of life. Decades after its release, the song continues to captivate audiences and remains an integral part of Journey's discography. Its ...

  7. Journey

    You held me in your arms. As the winds rushed through the trees. You are my child. You make my lifetime big and bright. You are my child. You came like the winds of March. With all the love in your eyes. You are my child. You came like the morning lights.

  8. Journey

    Winds Of March Lyrics. 5.3K ... Infinity is the fourth studio album by American rock band Journey, released in January 1978 on Columbia Records. ... "Patiently" was the first song Perry and ...


    You held me in your arms. As the winds rushed through the trees. You are my child. You make my lifetime big and bright. You are my child. You came like the winds of March. With all the love in your eyes. You are my child. You came like the morning lights.

  10. Journey

    Watch Journey perform their classic song "Winds of March" live on Soundstage in 1978. Enjoy the powerful vocals of Steve Perry and the amazing guitar work of Neal Schon. This video is a rare gem ...

  11. Winds of March (Official Audio) · Journey

    Winds of March (Official Audio) · Journey. Released Feb 1, 2022. Comments. Most relevant  Cheryl Guinard. Best voice ever!!!! 3. 1y. Brian Hercher. Hidden gem song off a classic album. 9. 1y. View more comments.

  12. Journey

    Like a blanket on a cold winter's night. I covered you with joy. To make your lifetime bog and bright. You touched me with your eyes. Soft as an evening breeze. You held me in your arms. As the winds rushed through the trees. You are my child. You make my lifetime big and bright.

  13. Journey

    Infinity is the fourth studio album by American rock band Journey, released on 20 January, 1978 on Columbia Records. It was the band's first album with vocal...

  14. Journey

    You touched me with your eyes. Soft as an evening breeze. You held me in your arms. As the winds rushed through the trees. You are my child. You make my lifetime big and bright. You are my child. You came like the winds of March. With all the love in your eyes.

  15. The stories behind Journey's Infinity album

    Patiently. "The first song I ever wrote with the band. Herbie had flown me out to see the band in Denver, Colorado. After the show, Neal and I went back to the hotel room and we sketched out that idea. The lyrics explain that I was waiting for their [Journey's] light to shine on me. It's about me waiting and ready to walk out there and ...

  16. Journey

    This is a song about the loss of a child and how the writer loved him/her. The child was a powerful force in the writer's life because "the winds of march" are physically powerful. You would cover a child in roses if he/she is in a coffin. The rest of the first verse is in the past tense.

  17. Journey

    Journey - Winds Of MarchRecorded Live: 6/10/1978 - Capitol Theatre - Passaic, NJMore Journey at Music Vault: http://www.musicvault.comSubscribe to Music Vaul...

  18. 13 Of The Best Songs About March

    The rock sphere offers songs about March just as folk and other softer genres do. Hard-rock champions Journey recorded "Winds of March" on their 1978 album Infinity, giving a romantic comparison between a lover's attention and the spring weather during the month of March.. The lyrics are a bit cryptic and can be interpreted in many ways.

  19. Who wrote "Winds Of March" by Journey?

    Genius is the ultimate source of music knowledge, created by scholars like you who share facts and insight about the songs and artists they love. "Winds Of March" by Journey was written by ...

  20. Meaning of Winds Of March by Journey

    The song "Winds Of March" by Journey celebrates the deep and unconditional love and bond between a parent and their child. It showcases the immense affection and protection the speaker feels for their child. The lyrics depict the speaker's devotion and care towards their child, symbolized through various tender and nurturing actions. ...

  21. Journey

    This song is performed by Steve Perry and Journey.I really wanted this to sound good, so I remastered and edited it.There is no Copy-Write infringement inten...

  22. Which Taylor Swift Song Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

    Read More: All the Pop Culture References in Taylor Swift's New Album! Aries (March 21 - April 19): Fearless . As a bold and adventurous Aries, you embody the fearless spirit of Taylor Swift's ...


    one of journey's best songs from the late 70's when steve perry joined the group.