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Home » Travel Guides » Germany » 15 Best Things to Do in Darmstadt (Germany)

15 Best Things to Do in Darmstadt (Germany)

Although modest in size, Darmstadt has a multifaceted appeal. If you’re dazzled by the luxury and wealth of Germany’s nobility, the Landgraves of Hesse-Darmstadt and the Grand Dukes of Hesse lived in the city and they definitely lived well. Their art, porcelain, hunting gear and furniture is spread across museums around the city.

The last Grand Duke, Ernst Ludwig is remembered for turning a whole neighbourhood into an Art Nouveau wonderland, and this century-old ensemble is as special as ever. But Darmstadt also has a scientific feather in its cap: Not only does it now have a place on the Periodic Table thanks to Darmstadtium, it’s also the home of the European Space Agency’s operations centre, as well as the source of some of the most complete fossils ever found.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Darmstadt :

1. Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt

More than a century old, Hesse’s regional museum has a bit of everything from natural history to ancient archaeology to modern painting.

With such a massive and diverse collection, what you see will depend on your taste, but there are a few exhibits with universal appeal.

First up is the large collection of astoundingly detailed fossils from the Eocene Epoch recovered from the nearby Messel Pit.

Some of these specimens were so well preserved that it was even possible to extract stomach contents.

Also indispensible is the Ortenberg Altarpiece painted anonymously in the 1410s, as well as pieces by artists as varied as Brueghel the Elder, Oswald Achenbach, Lovis Corinth and Joseph Beuys.

2. Mathildenhöhe


In 1899 the Grand Duke of Hesse, Ernst Ludwig had the idea of attracting artists to build a colony in Darmstadt to breathe new life into the city’s culture and commerce.

He recruited some of the leading members of Germany’s Jugendstil movement (Art Nouveau) to design houses, studios and monuments in a wave of construction divided into four exhibitions across 13 years.

The Mathildenhöhe neighbourhood is littered with these amazing buildings, now listed monuments, designed by Peter Behrens, Hans Christiansen and Joseph Maria Olbrich.

You can download a map of the area with all of its wonders.

3. Hochzeitsturm


If there’s one sight that cannot be missed in Mathildenhöhe it’s Olbrich’s iconic Hochzeitsturm (Wedding Tower). The tower is just shy of 50 metres tall and was built in 1908 to commemorate Ernst Ludwig’s wedding to Princess Eleonore of Solms-Hohensolms-Lich.

Olbrich called on a team of craftsmen and artists for the tower’s masterful fittings and decoration.

The most sumptuous is the Zimmer der Großherzogin (Room of the Grand Duchess), which can be hired out for weddings.

The tower’s five looped gables are rumoured to depict Ernst Ludwigs hand, and they contain an observation platform that is open to the public.

4. Schlossmuseum


The possessions belonging to Darmstadt’s Landgraves and Frand Dukes are revealed at this museum in the bell-tower of their former residence opposite Marktplatz.

The historical artefacts, applied arts, paintings, photographs and documents help piece together hundreds of years of Hesse and Darmstadt’s past.

The museum has been open to all since 1924, six years after Ernst Ludwig handed his ancestral collections over when he abdicated in 1918. From the 1600s to the 1900s there’s silverware, gold, dresses, porcelain, tapestries, paintings, clocks, glassware, and furniture in 15 splendid rooms.

5. Messel Pit

Messel Pit

Within Darmstadt’s city limits is a UNESCO World Heritage Site regarded as the world’s richest fossil source from the Eocene Epoch.

The pit was only discovered by science in the 1970s; before that it was a mine for brown coal and a well for shale oil.

When the site was given a serious survey the unprecedented wealth of its natural heritage was revealed.

Now the pit is open to tourists on hour-long tours, on which guides go into depth about the history and methods of fossil excavation and even allow you to touch recently unearthed specimens.

The visitor centre also opened in 2010 and has set up information boards and a viewing platform at the site.

6. Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt

Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt

One of the Art Nouveau buildings constructed in the first exhibition was the Ernst-Ludwig-Haus, intended for ateliers and designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich.

The south facade catches everyone’s attention for its curved portal with fastidious gilded vegetal ornamentation and a pair of sculptures representing man and woman.

The museum’s galleries give you the inside story on Mathildenhöhe’s Art Nouveau exhibitions from 1899 to 1914. You can peruse marvellous examples of applied arts produced for those exhibitions, including furniture sets, sculpture, glassware, ceramics, textiles and metalwork.

From 1904 a lot of these decorative pieces were produced by factories around Darmstadt set up by Ernst Ludwig.

7. Waldspirale


Friedensreich Hundertwasser designed this apartment building in his inimitable quirky style.

Work started in 1998 and was completed in 2000, the year Hundertwasser passed away.

Set in the Bürgerparkviertel, the Waldspirale holds 105 apartments and rises to 12 storeys high.

From the outside its spiralling bands of texture, curved edges and apparently random window designs give it a playful, childlike quality.

As it happens the windows are so random that no two on the entire tower are the same.

That name “Waldspirale” (forest spiral), partly refers to the roof, which is planted with a grove of lime, beech and maple trees.

8. Herrngarten


Darmstadt’s largest and oldest park has roots that go back to the 1500s when three smaller parks were combined into one.

In 1766 it was redesigned in the English style on the orders of the Landgrave Caroline, and then in 1811 Grand Duke Ludwig I opened the park to the public.

The sculptor Ludwig Habich contributed a couple of noteworthy monuments at the start of the 20th century.

One is the monument to polymath and cultural icon Johann Wolfgang von Goethe from 1903, and the other is for Princess Elisabeth of Hesse and by Rhine (Queen Victoria’s favourite great granddaughter) who died from typhoid aged just eight years old in 1903.

9. Ludwigsmonument


Nicknamed “Langer Ludwig” (Tall Ludwig), this 40-metre column and statue on Luisenplatz is one of Darmstadt’s major landmarks.

This honours the first Hessian Constitution and depicts Ludwig I, the first Grand Duke of Hesse and by Rhine, who ruled from 1830 to his death in 1848. The Neoclassical monument was begun in 1841 while he was still alive and was composed by the architects Georg Moller and Balthasar Harres.

If you look up you’ll see Ludwig, dressed in Roman garb holding the constitution in his right hand.

For a small fee you can scale the 172 steps to reach a platform under the statue at a height of 30 metres.

10. Park Rosenhöhe

Park Rosenhöhe

The last Grand Duke Ernst Ludwig had a big hand in the design of this park on a hill to the east of the city.

The park’s history begins a century before in the early 1800s: It was first landscaped on what used to be a vineyard, and in the 1820s a Neoclassical mausoleum was built here for Princess Elisabeth Grand Duke Ludwig II’s daughter who also passed away as a child.

Later Ernst Ludwig built tombs for his parents, modelled on the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia in Ravenna.

But where Ernst Ludwig really made his mark is at the Rosarium at the highest point of the park, where more than 200 rose species bloom at different times from June to November.

11. Russian Chapel

Russian Chapel

Sitting under the Hochzeitsturm the golden onion domes of this church are a reminder that Darmstadt was the birthplace of the last Empress of Russia.

The sixth child of Grand Duke Ludwig IV, Alexandra Feodorovna was born in the city in 1872. Her husband Nicholas II commissioned architect Leon Benois to build him this orthodox chapel for when he visited Darmstadt with her.

Leading Russian artists of the period, like Viktor Vasnetsov came to produce paintings and mosaics for the chapel’s interior.

Beyond that, all of the building materials for the church were sourced in Russia, and the building is even claimed to have been built on Russian soil transported here by rail.

12. Großherzoglich-Hessische Porzellansammlung

Großherzoglich-Hessische Porzellansammlung

In 1908 Ernst Ludwig decided to open his stash of porcelain and other ceramics up to the public at the Rococo Prinz-Georg-Palais, which dates to 1710. The museum opens of Fridays and weekends, and along with the collection of the Hessian Grand Dukes, has variety of pieces acquired over the last century.

Much of the porcelain and faience was produced by manufactories not far away in Kelsterbach, which were patronised by the Landgraves of Hesse-Darmstadt.

Other famous manufactories represented include Vienna, Sèvres, St Petersberg, Frankenthal and Meissen.

13. Jagdschloss Kranichstein

Jagdschloss Kranichstein

In countryside to the northeast of Darmstadt is a sublime Baroque palace first raised during the reign of George I, the Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt in the late 16th century.

Jagdschloss Kranichstein was a hunting lodge on the edge of forest and connected to a spacious deer park, and entertained generations of Landgraves and Grand Dukes on their court hunts.

In the 18th century it became Landgrave Ludwig VIII’s main home when it got a theatrical Baroque makeover.

Now the palace is divided between a hotel and restaurant and a museum all about the court hunts.

While it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, the museum is a snapshot of the noble lifestyle in Darmstadt and has an arsenal of rifles, shotguns and crossbows, as well as hunting daggers and sabres.

14. European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)

European Space Operations Centre

Over the last 50 years more than 70 satellites built by the European Space Agency and its partners have been controlled from this facility on the west side of Darmstadt.

This purpose of this centre is to operate spacecraft that are in orbit, design and build systems to manage space missions and also take care of the ESA’s network of global tracking stations.

At any one time over 10 spacecraft are being controlled from this one facility, and the centre is staffed 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you’re keen to know more there are regular tours of the ESOC.

15. Zoo Vivarium Darmstadt

Zoo Vivarium Darmstadt

The city’s zoo is by no means large, at two hectares, but has around 190 species in green enclosures, terrariums and aquariums.

Instead of big beasts, these are smaller primates, birds and reptiles.

The many indoor habitats here allow the zoo to stay open in winter.

These hold species as diverse as Celebes crested macaques, binturongs and dwarf crocodiles.

Outside there are plenty of opportunities for kids to interact with animals, in a walk-in enclosure that has Bennett’s tree-kangaroos, or the petting zoo hosting African dwarf goats.

15 Best Things to Do in Darmstadt (Germany):

  • Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt
  • Mathildenhöhe
  • Hochzeitsturm
  • Schlossmuseum
  • Museum Künstlerkolonie Darmstadt
  • Waldspirale
  • Herrngarten
  • Ludwigsmonument
  • Park Rosenhöhe
  • Russian Chapel
  • Großherzoglich-Hessische Porzellansammlung
  • Jagdschloss Kranichstein
  • European Space Operations Centre (ESOC)
  • Zoo Vivarium Darmstadt

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Germany Travel Guide

Darmstadt Germany: 1-day Itinerary and Map

Darmstadt Germany

Darmstadt is a city in  Germany located in the state of Hessen 35 km from Frankfurt . It is the old capital of the Duchy of Hesse.

Georg Park Darmstadt

How to spend 1 day in Darmstadt Germany

In this 1-day itinerary in Darmstadt , discover the main attractions of the city.

Day 1 in Darmstadt

Start the day by visiting Mathildenhöhe , one of the city’s must-see attractions, where Duke Ernst Ludwig established an artists’ colony in 1899. Climb the Hochzeitsturm tower and visit the Russian Chapel located next to the tower.

Head to the Hessisches Landesmuseum , a museum that houses the art and natural history collections of the earls and grand dukes. On Marktplatz , located near the Hessisches Landesmuseum is the Schlossmuseum .

The Schlossmuseum has a collection that traces the ancient history of the Duchy of Hessen-Darmstadt .

Located near the Schlossmuseum is Luisenplatz , the city’s central square surrounded by buildings, shops, and restaurants. It houses the 33-meter commemorative column of Ludwig I , Ludwigsäule .

Things to see


  • Russian Chapel
  • Hochzeitsturm
  • Hessisches Landesmuseum
  • Schlossmuseum
  • Luisenplatz

Itinerary Map

Sights in Darmstadt

1. mathildenhöhe.

Mathildenhöhe Darmstadt

The Mathildenhöhe is one of the main Darmstadt  attractions, where Duke Ernst Ludwig established an artists´ colony in 1899.

You will see many Art Noveau houses, art exhibitions.

It´s worth visiting the Hochzeitsturm ´s platform ( Wedding Tower ).

2. Russian Chapel

Russian Chapel Darmstadt

The Russian Chapel is an orthodox Russian church built between 1897 – 1899. It was used as a private chapel by the last Czar.

18, Nikolaiweg, 64287 

3. Stadtkirche

Stadtkirche Darmstadt

The Stadtkirche is a protestant church located in the pedestrian area of Darmstadt .

The church has Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque elements.

An der Stadtkirche, 64283

4. Waldspirale

Waldspirale Darmstadt

The Waldspirale is a residential complex in Darmstadt . The construction was finalized in 2000.

The complex has more than 105 apartments and more than 1000 unique windows.

Waldspirale, 64289

5. Orangerie

Orangerie Darmstadt

The Orangerie was established in 1716 by Duke Ernst Ludwig. Today the buildings are used as a restaurant and a place for many events.

Bessunger Str. 44, 64285

6. Schlossmuseum

Schlossmuseum Darmstadt

The Schlossmuseum  was established in 1924.

The exhibition is about the history of the Duchy of Hessen-Darmstadt and the history of the city as a royal residence through portraits, furniture.

Marktpl. 15, 64283 

7. Hessisches Landesmuseum

Landesmuseum Darmstadt

The Hessisches Landesmuseum was opened in 1906.

The museum houses collections of art and natural history of the counts and grand dukes.

Friedenspl. 1, 64283 

8. St. Ludwig

St-Ludwig Darmstadt

St. Ludwig is a church built in 1827. It was the first catholic church after the Reform.

Wilhelminenpl. 9, 64283

9. Jugendstilbad

Jugendstilbad Darmstadt

The Jugendstilbad was built between 1907 – 1909.

It is a true temple of wellness.

Merckspl. 1, 64287

10. Rosenhoehe

Rosenhoehe Darmstadt

The Rosenhoehe is a highlight of Rosenhoehe Park with a wide variety of roses.

It also serves as the cemetery for the dukes, with two impressive mausoleum buildings in its remote parts.

Rosenhoehe, 64287

11. Darmstadtium – Science and Congress Center

Kongresszentrum Darmstadt

Darmstadt’s Science and Conference Centre  was built between 2005 – 2007.

The conference complex also has a restaurant, the Calla .

Schloßgraben 1, 64283 

12. St Elisabeth Church

St-Elisabeth Darmstadt

The St Elisabeth Church is located 1 km from the Marktplatz near the Herrngarten Park and the Prinz-Georg-Garten .

Schloßgartenstraße 57, 64289 

13. Frankenstein Castle

Frankenstein Castle Germany

The Frankenstein Castle is located 17.5 km (10.8 miles) from Darmstadt city center.

It is believed that the castle served as inspiration for Mary Shelley when she wrote her Gothic novel, Frankenstein.

64367, Burg Frankenstein, 64367 Mühltal, Germany

Where to stay in Darmstadt

1. intercity hotel darmstadt.

The Intercity Hotel Darmstadt is located 1,8 km from the  Luisenplatz close to the Central Station .

Rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV, safe, minibar, work desk.

Poststraße 12, 64293

2. Maritim Konferenzhotel Darmstadt

The Maritim Konferenzhotel Darmstadt is located 1,4 km from the  Luisenplatz .

Rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV, work desk, safe. The hotel has a swimming pool.

Rheinstraße 105, 64295

3. Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein Darmstadt

The Hotel Jagdschloss Kranichstein is located in a green area 5 km from the Luisenplatz .

All rooms are equipped with a flat-screen TV. Some accommodations have a sitting area.

Kranichsteiner Str. 261, 64289

Malls and Department Stores in Darmstadt

1. galeria kaufhof darmstadt.

Galeria Kaufhof is a German department store chain with many stores in Germany .

The company features brands like Esprit, S. Oliver, Tom Taylor, Gerry Weber, Tommy Hilfiger, Bugatti, Olymp.

Rheinstraße 2, 64283 

2. Luisencenter Darmstadt

The Luisencenter Darmstadt is located at Luisenplatz close to the Galeria Kaufhof .

Brands: Levi´s, Bonita, Zero.

Luisenpl. 5, 64283

3. LOOP5 Darmstadt

The LOOP5 is located 4,5 km from the Luisenplatz .

Brands: Douglas, Levi´s, Mango, Marc O´Polo, Marc Shoes, Swarovski, Saturn.

Gutenbergstraße 5, 64331

Plan your Trip

Darmstadt has easy train access from various cities in Germany . Famous cities nearby: Frankfurt , Mannheim , Heidelberg , Wiesbaden , Würzburg , Nuremberg , Koblenz .

Frankfurt – 33. km (20.7 miles)

Mannheim – 57.8 km (35.9 miles)

Heidelberg – 61.6 km (38.3 miles)

Wiesbaden – 46.2 km (28.7 miles)

Würzburg – 123 km (76.3 miles)

Nuremberg – 230 km (143 miles)

Koblenz – 134 km (83.4 miles)

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Darmstadt Germany Map

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  • The Best Day Trips From...

The Best Day Trips From Darmstadt, Germany

Frankenstein Castle

If you find yourself in Darmstadt with a day or two to spare, it’s worth looking beyond the city borders and exploring some of the other attractions the region has to offer. Germany’s efficient train network easily connects you to other major hubs and allows you to explore the historical sights, learn about locals myths and sagas, tour ancient castles and see the natural wonders of the area. Here are the best day trips to take from Darmstadt.

Direct trains from Darmstadt take you to Frankfurt’s city centre in less than 20 minutes. The cobbled alleys and plazas of the old town are seamed with timber-framed houses and form a stark contrast to the highrises of the financial district in the background. Frankfurt offers the best of both worlds: you can tour Goethe’s birthplace, marvel at the Gothic cathedral and soak up the historic atmosphere of the iconic Römerplatz square before you browse the shops of the futuristic MyZeil shopping centre and sip on a chai latté at Sugar Mama or the Holy Cross Brewing Society .

Old meets new in Frankfurt

Wiesbaden is located just across the Rhine River from Mainz and can be reached within 45 minutes via train from Darmstadt. Just like its neighbouring city, Wiesbaden is home to a number of interesting historical sights. Don’t miss out on a stroll past the State Theatre, the City Palace and the rusty-red market church. Other highlights of a day trip to Hesse’s capital are a railway ride up the Neroberg hill and a stroll down past the Russian Orthodox Church.

Kurhaus Wiesbaden

What can be translated to ‘sea of rock’ describes the surreal Felsenmeer landscape in the Odenwald forest, 25 kilometres (15.5 miles) southeast of Darmstadt. A sequence of geological processes created countless boulders, which have carved their way through the densely forested area. A local saga provides a less sober explanation, however. According to the story, two giants who lived on opposing sides of the valley threw the rocks at each other in a feud, until one of them collapsed and was buried under the large boulders.

Frankenstein Castle

English novelist Mary Shelley visited Darmstadt and the surrounding region back in 1814, and is said to have found inspiration for her most famous piece of work in the area. Merely 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) south of the city centre stand the crumbling ruins of a hilltop castle . Enshrouded in myths and entwined in stories revolving around cults, witches, ghosts and a mad alchemist who lived in the castle, the decaying walls may well have inspired Shelley’s gothic novel Frankenstein, which was published only two years after her visit.

Frankenstein Castle

One of Germany’s oldest cities – if not the oldest – is Worms, which you can reach within an hour-long train ride from Darmstadt. The city is primarily known for two things. Firstly, the impressive Roman Imperial Cathedral of St. Peter, which was built in the 12th century and sits perched upon the highest hill around overlooking the historic old town. Secondly, the city’s mention in the epic saga of the Nibelungs , which picks up the motifs of love, betrayal and murder and revolves around dragon-slayer Siegfried. A city-centre museum is dedicated to the saga and its cultural reception.

Enchanting river views, unspoiled medieval and Renaissance architecture, a quaint old town and the ruins of a hilltop castle make Heidelberg a hard-to-beat choice for a day trip from Darmstadt. A fast train takes you from Darmstadt to Germany’s most romantic city in under 40 minutes. Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Goethe all roamed the streets and found inspiration for their writing in this gem of a city, and a day in Heidelberg is enough to follow their path and explore the major sights. A tour of the castle is a must, but make sure to plan enough time to explore the sights of the old town.

Heidelberg, Germany

Since you are here, we would like to share our vision for the future of travel - and the direction Culture Trip is moving in.

Culture Trip launched in 2011 with a simple yet passionate mission: to inspire people to go beyond their boundaries and experience what makes a place, its people and its culture special and meaningful — and this is still in our DNA today. We are proud that, for more than a decade, millions like you have trusted our award-winning recommendations by people who deeply understand what makes certain places and communities so special.

Increasingly we believe the world needs more meaningful, real-life connections between curious travellers keen to explore the world in a more responsible way. That is why we have intensively curated a collection of premium small-group trips as an invitation to meet and connect with new, like-minded people for once-in-a-lifetime experiences in three categories: Culture Trips, Rail Trips and Private Trips. Our Trips are suitable for both solo travelers, couples and friends who want to explore the world together.

Culture Trips are deeply immersive 5 to 16 days itineraries, that combine authentic local experiences, exciting activities and 4-5* accommodation to look forward to at the end of each day. Our Rail Trips are our most planet-friendly itineraries that invite you to take the scenic route, relax whilst getting under the skin of a destination. Our Private Trips are fully tailored itineraries, curated by our Travel Experts specifically for you, your friends or your family.

We know that many of you worry about the environmental impact of travel and are looking for ways of expanding horizons in ways that do minimal harm - and may even bring benefits. We are committed to go as far as possible in curating our trips with care for the planet. That is why all of our trips are flightless in destination, fully carbon offset - and we have ambitious plans to be net zero in the very near future.

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Guides & Tips

The story behind germany's neuschwanstein castle.

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Places to Stay

The best hotels to book in thuringia, germany.

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Places in Germany for History Lovers

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See & Do

A voyage through germany: the lowdown on river cruising.

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The Best Hotels in Germany for Every Traveller

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10 Reasons Why You Should Visit Bavaria

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The Best Spa Hotels in Baden-Baden

Culture trip spring sale, save up to $1,100 on our unique small-group trips limited spots..

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It was absolutely fabulous. Marataba is an experience beyond words. The animals speak for themselves but the lodge is extraordinary. Capetown was lovely but Maratab...

Scott & Mary B.

Memories for a life time

We have returned from our trip to South Africa and Zimbabwe. Our accommodations and travel arrangements were excellent in each location, but our safari in Thornybush...

What a wonderful experience!!!

What a wonderful experience!!! Everything was absolutely great! I had read many reviews and heard good things about Lion World, but everything far exceeded my expec...

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Editoral Review of Lion World Travel

Despite the “World” in its name, Lion World Travel is all about African safaris and tours, promising “extraordinary experiences of affordable luxury” from East Africa down to South Africa.

You can choose between group travel and individual itineraries, where you can mix and match as you please. Along with wildlife safaris, for instance, Lion World Travel can set you up with a luxury train trip (such as South Africa’s Blue Train) on your itinerary or into a luxury resort on an island in the Indian Ocean.  

What Makes Lion World Travel Stand Out?

Lion World Travel has more than 50 years of experience running tours and safaris in Africa. While it’s now part of the giant Travel Corporation and is headquartered in Toronto, its roots are in Africa, and the company maintains offices and a full staff on the ground in Africa.

They know their stuff, including the top lodges and tented safari camps – where they negotiate the best prices for their customers. Lion World Travel also includes airfare and/or single traveler specials in many of its trips, making them more affordable. Guides in the field are top-notch.

Who Will Enjoy Traveling with Lion World Travel?

Lion World Travel is the perfect tour company for travelers who are after the classic luxury safari experience, but perhaps find the pricing for this kind of experience prohibitive from a lot of other luxury safari operators.

A luxury safari conjurs up images of comfortable lodges keeping out the bugs, sunsets with silhouettes of elephant and giraffe in the distance, cocktails on the veranda, and five star dining. This is exactly what you’ll experience with Lion World Travel - in addition of course to the incredible daytime activities out on the savannah in a comfortable (or as comfortable as possible) safari jeep vehicle encountering incredible species after another.

Lion World also doesn’t skimp on the cultural aspects of visiting Africa. Especially due to their legacy - with many strong relationships formed with local people over - you’ll feel a sense of warmth and welcoming.

Families, honeymooners, single travelers, and food and wine aficionados are all welcomed with special itineraries and deals. “Platinum Itineraries” are offered for those seeking luxury all the way.

Top Destinations

Lion World Travel runs safaris and other trips in 12 countries in East and southern Africa, including two Indian Ocean island groups, Mauritius and the Seychelles.

On the mainland, you can explore the wildlife parks and other attractions of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Mozambique, Rwanda, and Namibia.

Lion World Travel Style

The Lion World Travel style allows you to either choose a set itinerary for a small group tour – such as “Victoria Falls and Botswana,” “South Africa Culinary and Wildlife,” or “Luxury Tanzania” (including the Serengeti) – or put together your own custom made itinerary with Lion’s Africa experts there to advise you.

Once you’re there, expect a luxurious feel with top notch friendly service, and excellent food and drink.

While luxury accomodations are a big part of traveling with Lion World Travel, they are also all about making sure you experience the best the Africa has to offer.

Safaris take advantage of full days, departing at 6am returning for a bit of rest and heading out again to observe the nocturnal behavior out on the savannah. The day might wind down with a glass of champagne but not before you’ve taken to the air in a hot air balloon!

Why Choose an Africa Tour With Lion World Travel?  

Lion World Travel combines more than five decades of experience in Africa with the resources and backing of the Travel Corporation, which owns two dozen respected travel brands, including Trafalgar, Insight Vacations, and Uniworld river cruises. If you’re seeking a well-organized luxury safari with good value, this might be the company for you.

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About the company.

Lion World Travel specializes in group and individual tours to Southern and East Africa as well as Egypt. For fifty years we have demonstrated our destination expertise and have become one of North America's largest agencies for this exotic continent. Our experience in this niche market creates a level of comfort among clients that is unique. With our safari specialists all having first-hand knowledge of Africa, Lion World Travel can confidently assist clients in creating an African adventure that fulfills their specific interests as well as their budget. Lion World Travel has offices in Toronto, Edmonton, New York and Atlanta.

Lion World Travel is a member of the family-owned The Travel Corporation group of companies. The Travel Corporation is a highly successful international travel group with over 25 award-winning brands including Trafalgar Tours, Insight Vacations, Contiki and Red Carnation Hotels. The company’s guiding principle is one of providing the most enjoyable, enriching travel experience for its customers across the globe. The Group maintains an uncompromising commitment to offering the highest standards of product integrity and is renowned and trusted for its outstanding quality, service, value, reliability and financial stability.

We understand that an African adventure is an investment of time, money and especially dreams, and we are committed to offering a unique travel experience with memories that will last a lifetime.  Whatever your dreams of Africa, we are committed to assisting you in creating your perfect safari just your way.  We make it a reality by tailoring an itinerary to suit your desires, interests and price range.

Safari Your Way

Choose one of our best-selling, “In Style”, popular journeys which represent affordable luxury – luxury safaris at value for money prices. Perhaps add a recommended extension and customize your local sightseeing activities.

Peruse our collection of suggested inspirational safaris and take them as is, or use them to mix and match and create your own dream safari.  

For the best value we suggest checking our specials which are packaged to include airfare from North America.

Review your favorite itineraries with one of our Lion World Travel Africa specialists who will help you create an unforgettable African journey, just your way!

Affordable luxury, value for money, and our signature customer service are what keep clients coming back to Lion World Travel.

On Being Local

As part of The Travel Corporation group which owns companies in Southern Africa and North America, we are proud to say we have a truly local presence in both continents to better serve your needs.

Our parent company, The Travel Corporation, has its roots in Africa and Lion World Travel, now in its 5th decade is also proudly local. Our staff hail from South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia as well as from North America. Our Africa based associate tour companies and hotels provide us with a strong presence in Africa. Together with our decades of practice in the industry, this has allowed us to build a solid relationship with hotels and safari lodges, and provided us with exceptional buying power, which gives us a distinct advantage in terms of negotiating the best rates.  With our local offices in Africa providing 24 hour  emergency assistance and having personnel on hand to deal with any issues that may arise, our clients can feel safe and secure in travelling with us.

With our roots in Africa and our headquarters in Toronto and offices in New York, Atlanta and Edmonton, we are local in North America as well.  We are here to service you on, or close to, your own time zone and can answer travel questions immediately and provide quotes usually within 24 hours.  Together with our knowledge and experience in meeting the unique needs and desires of our clients, this differentiates us from other African-based tour operators.

At Home In Africa

We are indeed at home in Africa. We have local knowledge on what’s hot and happening and can plan itineraries around popular events. Whether you are interested in golf, cuisine, hot air ballooning, endangered species or culture, our safari specialists are at your service to make your dream a reality.

Lion World Travel Trips & Specials

Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania

Ultimate Kenya and Tanzania

Namibian Adventure

Namibian Adventure

Tanzanian Highlights

Tanzanian Highlights

Botswana In Style

Botswana In Style

Stunning Selous

Stunning Selous

Southern African Wild Wonderlands

Southern African Wild Wonderlands

Johannesburg Sightseeing Tours

Johannesburg Sightseeing Tours

Seductive Seychelles

Seductive Seychelles


Experience impressive Victoria Falls, river cruises, luxury accommodation & game drives, as an exciting add-on to a South African trip.


Discover the awesome wildlife of Tanzania's Serengeti, Tarangire and Ngorongoro Crater.


Affordable luxury is the signature of this South African vacation to Cape Town and a "Big Five" safari.


Experience the highlights of Cape Town, a hot air balloon ride and Africa's majestic wildlife on this luxury safari package 

See all specials.

Want a tailor-made trip instead?

Your trip, your way, planned by an expert:.

  • You choose budget, destinations, activities, transport & lodging type
  • Expert designs the itinerary for you, and once approved, takes care of logistics

Top Lion World Travel Trip Categories

Lion world travel company ranking by category.

--2014: South African Tourism Ubuntu Award for North America’s Top Producing Tour Operator for the 5th year in a row!

--2013: South African Tourism Ubuntu Award for North America’s Top Producing Tour Operator 

--2012: South African Tourism Ubuntu Award for North America’s Top Producing Tour Operator, South African Airways Award of Excellence in Travel and Tourism for North, Travelzoo Award for Best Overall Provider of Vacation Packages to Warm Weather Destinations and Travel Weekly Magellan Award for Best Tour Operator Marketing

--2011: South African Tourism Ubuntu Award for North America’s Top Producing Tour Operator

--2010: South African Tourism Ubuntu Award for North America’s Top Producing Tour Operator


United states tour operators association.

USTOA is a nonprofit professional association representing the tour operator industry.Its members are made up of companies who provide services worldwide but who conduct business in the U.S.

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Alaska Cruise Tours:

A cruise tour is a voyage and land tour combination, with the land tour occurring before or after the voyage. Unless otherwise noted, optional services such as airfare, airport transfers, shore excursions, land tour excursions, etc. are not included and are available for an additional cost.

Safari Packages Available

African safari vacations, extraordinary african safari experiences..

From a bucket list safari to whale watching on the Cape to the splendor of a river cruise, we offer the ultimate in African travel expertise across your choice of travel styles, all with special member value. Customize your own independent package with the premier destination specialists from Lion World Travel. Or choose a perfectly planned guided vacation from award winning brands Luxury Gold, Trafalgar and Contiki.

Featured Vacations

Lion world travel: botswana experience vacation of a lifetime.

Meerkat Experience, Kalahari Desert, Okavango Delta and More Luxury Suite or Tent

Lion World Travel

Lion World Travel's independent safari packages feature exclusive member prices, deluxe accommodations, "meet and greet" upon arrival and spectacular game drives with local experts, rangers and/or trackers. Select itineraries have airfare included.

Africa Guided Vacations

All details are taken care of from start to finish as you travel like a local with the experts on unforgettable African adventures from Luxury Gold, Trafalgar and Contiki.

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Forever Lion | Pop & Rock Partyband

WHITE LION – Where you can find our Locations

Headquarters and production site of White Lion are in Germany near Darmstadt. Here you will also find the addresses of all general importers in the following countries:

Austria Denmark France Great Britain Switzerland China Singapore

Germany (Headquarter)

WHITE LION GmbH An der Schillertanne 13 D-64367 Mühltal

Phone: +49 6151 6066820 Fax: +49 6151 3594081

Email: [email protected] Web:

Your personal contact in Austria regarding our dry ice cleaning machines is Mr. Harald Kastner

EDER STRAHLTECHNIK Kranichbergstraße 16 2640 Enzenreith Austria

Phone: +43 2662 4207064 Fax: +43 2662 4207024

Email: [email protected] Web:

Your personal contact in Denmark is Mr. Tim Larsen

Danduct Clean A/S Teglvaenget 63 7400 Herning Denmark

Phone: +45 97 12 30 30

Email: [email protected] Web:

Your personal contact in France is Ms Monika Butterbrodt

Société White Lion Dry Ice c/o CFACI 18, rue Balard F – 75015 Paris

Phone: +33 1 82 88 27 65

Email: [email protected] Web:

Great Britain

Your personal contact in Great Britain is Mr. Paul Ferriday

Ice Tech Technologies 8 Atlas Way, Atlas North Trading Estate S4 7QQ Sheffield Great Britain

Phone: +44 7713 412 991

Email: [email protected]


Please download the chinese brochure for our dry ice blasting device model WL 3000 Profi here .

Your personal contact in Singapore and Peninsular Malaysia is Mr. Alan Wong

Pacific Disposable Pte Ltd 60 Paya Lebar Road Paya Lebar Square #13-35 Singapore 409051

Phone: +65 9655 7306

Email: [email protected]

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    From the 1600s to the 1900s there's silverware, gold, dresses, porcelain, tapestries, paintings, clocks, glassware, and furniture in 15 splendid rooms. 5. Messel Pit. Within Darmstadt's city limits is a UNESCO World Heritage Site regarded as the world's richest fossil source from the Eocene Epoch.

  8. Affordable Luxury African Safari Vacation Packages

    Making affordable luxury safari dreams come true for more than 59 years, Lion World Travel is one of North America's largest operators of safaris to Africa. We love Africa and specialize in small group safaris and custom tours to Southern Africa, East Africa and Egypt. Learn more.

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  10. Darmstadt Germany: 1-day Itinerary and Map

    How to spend 1 day in Darmstadt Germany. In this 1-day itinerary in Darmstadt, discover the main attractions of the city.. Day 1 in Darmstadt. Start the day by visiting Mathildenhöhe, one of the city's must-see attractions, where Duke Ernst Ludwig established an artists' colony in 1899. Climb the Hochzeitsturm tower and visit the Russian Chapel located next to the tower.

  11. The Best Day Trips From Darmstadt Germany

    Enchanting river views, unspoiled medieval and Renaissance architecture, a quaint old town and the ruins of a hilltop castle make Heidelberg a hard-to-beat choice for a day trip from Darmstadt. A fast train takes you from Darmstadt to Germany's most romantic city in under 40 minutes. Mark Twain, Ernest Hemingway and Goethe all roamed the ...

  12. Kenya Safaris and African Vacation Packages

    SHABA NATIONAL RESERVE. Shaba National Reserve is a protected area in northern Kenya to the east of the Samburu and Buffalo Springs National Reserves, covers an area of 50 square miles. The Shaba reserve has dramatic scenery including river-side forests, scattered woodlands and dry grasslands dominated by the Shaba Hill volcano.

  13. Lion World Travel Profile [2024]

    Get the 360 view of Lion World Travel. 102 traveler ratings + professional review. See photos, videos, itineraries and more to know if Lion World Travel is right for you. Lion World Travel Profile [2024] - 102 reviews, 47 trips

  14. Safaris

    East Africa SkySafari. 12 Nights From $18,700. Fly across Kenya and Tanzania on private planes, to luxurious and eco-friendly safari camps in East Africa's most famous parks. Learn more.

  15. African Safari Vacations

    Extraordinary African safari experiences. From a bucket list safari to whale watching on the Cape to the splendor of a river cruise, we offer the ultimate in African travel expertise across your choice of travel styles, all with special member value. Customize your own independent package with the premier destination specialists from Lion World ...

  16. Destinations

    This website uses cookies.We use cookies to analyze our traffic, enhance our website's functionality and performance and better experience for our users.

  17. Affordable Luxury African Safari Vacation Packages

    Dedicated Dream Team. Making affordable luxury safari dreams come true for more than 60 years, Lion World Travel is one of North America's largest operators of safaris to Africa. We love Africa and specialize in small group safaris and custom tours to Southern Africa, East Africa and Egypt. Learn more.

  18. Classic Tanzania

    Trip Cancellation, Trip Interruption and Medical Insurance are required for the entire duration of your travels - please note that insurance for this trip is a mandatory requirement from suppliers in Africa - proof of insurance must be provided before bookings are confirmed. It is your personal responsibility to ensure you have sufficient ...

  19. Online bus ticket booking : Lion Travels

    We offer you a complete end-to-end travel experience with our professional crew, round the clock command centre and many. other features. We put all our efforts into making every trip an on-time trip! Book your bus tickets with Lion Travels today and make your trip memorable. Easy rescheduling, cancellation & live tracking features are available.

  20. Forever Lion

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    Headquarters and production site of White Lion are in Germany near Darmstadt. Here you will also find the addresses of all general importers in the following countries: Austria Denmark France Great Britain Switzerland China ... WHITE LION GmbH An der Schillertanne 13 D-64367 Mühltal. Phone: +49 6151 6066820 Fax: +49 6151 3594081. Email: info ...

  22. 2024 African Safaris

    12 Nights From $18,700. Fly across Kenya and Tanzania on private planes, to luxurious and eco-friendly safari camps in East Africa's most famous parks. Learn more. Small Group, Luxury African Safaris by Lion World Travel. Plan your dream vacation to Africa today, with the experts in Affordable Luxury Safaris.