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Nordseehotel bremerhaven – park, sleep & cruise – hafen parken mit übernachtung.

Ihre Kreuzfahrt startet in Bremerhaven und Sie suchen noch einen sicheren Hafen Parkplatz für Ihr Fahrzeug? Dann nutzen Sie doch das Park, Sleep & Cruise Angebot des Nordseehotel Bremerhaven . Buchen Sie Ihren Kreuzfahrtparkplatz in Verbindung mit einer Übernachtung in diesem modernen Cityhotel – Bremerhaven Parken leicht gemacht!

Bremerhaven Parken mit exklusiver Hotelübernachtung – entspannt in See stechen!

Das erst 2015 eröffnete Hotel besticht durch sein modernes Design und die zentrale Lage in Bremerhaven. Direkt am Beginn der Fußgängerzone Bremerhavens gelegen, befindet es sich in der Nachbarschaft zu den Havenwelten. Hier können Sie entspannen, genießen und erleben! Egal ob vor oder nach Ihrer Seereise, genießen Sie die Übernachtung in eleganten, lichtdurchfluteten Zimmern und verlängern sie damit den Urlaub um einen weiteren Tag. Das Parken auf dem eingezäunten Hotelparkplatz ist bis zu 15 Tage inklusive – eine Verlängerung der Parkdauer ist gegen Aufpreis jederzeit möglich.

Am Tag Ihrer Seereise werden Sie direkt von dem Hotel zu dem gewünschten Kreuzfahrtterminal in Bremerhaven gebracht. Der individuelle 24-Stunden Taxitransfer zum Hafen und zurück ist in dem Park, Sleep & Cruise Paket inklusive. Kreuzfahrtparken leicht gemacht, mit Hafen-Parken.de!


  • hafen_bremerhaven_parken: ©Blickfang
  • Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen
  • Hotel am Kreuzfahrthafen

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Park, Sleep and Cruise - mit Sleep and Cruise Parken, Übernachten und Transfer vor der Kreuzfahrt.

Park, Sleep and Cruise

Übernachten und Parken vor der Kreuzfahrt.

Sleep and Cruise Hafen

Sleep and Cruise

Die Kreuzfahrt entspannt beginnen.

Park, Sleep and Cruise - Günstiges Parken und Übernachten vor der Kreuzfahrt

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise sofort mitten im Urlaub! Rechtzeitig und entspannt anreisen und preiswert parken.

Mit Sleep and Cruise günstig übernachten und bereits vorher den besten Urlaub erleben.

Mit Sleep and Cruise günstig übernachten und bereits vorher Urlaub erleben.

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise und einem preiswerten Transfer den Urlaub entspannt beginnen.

Transfer, Sleep and Cruise

Mit Park, Sleep and Cruise und einem preiswerten Transfer den Urlaub entspannt beginnen.

Was ist "Park, Sleep and Cruise"?

• Übernachten vor der Kreuzfahrt • Kreuzfahrten werden immer beliebter, die Reiseziele immer vielfältiger. Bevor die Schiffsreise beginnen kann, steht eine oftmals beschwerliche Anreise bevor. Wie wäre es da, wenn Sie bereits einen Tag vor dem Start Ihrer lang ersehnten Kreuzfahrt bequem anreisen, in einem Hotel übernachten, Ihr Fahrzeug sicher parken und so zum Reisebeginn der Seereise oder Flusskreuzfahrt entspannt und ausgeruht an Bord zu gehen? Dies alles bietet Ihnen Park, Sleep and Cruise.

Jede Kreuzfahrt beginnt mit einer Anreise, egal ob mit Auto, Flugzeug, Bus oder Bahn - Ihr Schiff erwartet Sie zu einer unvergesslichen Kreuzfahrt.


Gönnen Sie sich einen Urlaubstag mehr und gehen ausgeruht an Bord Ihrer Kreuzfahrt. Mit Sleep-and-Cruise oder Park, Sleep and Cruise vorher anreisen.

Park, Sleep and Cruise am Hafen und Sleep and Cruise am Kreuzfahrthafen

Sie möchten bei Ihrer Anreise auf Ihr Fahrzeug nicht verzichten? Kein Problem, parken Sie es günstig auf einem Hafenparkplatz in Hafennähe.

Beginnen Sie Ihre Kreuzfahrt entspannt mit einer Anreise in Transfer oder Taxi zum Kreuzfahrtterminal, gern auch ab Ihrem Flug oder Ihrer Bahnanreise.

Park, Sleep and Cruise - günstige Paketangebote

Sie interessieren sich für sleep and cruise oder park, sleep and cruise ..., innerhalb von deutschland am.

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Park, Sleep and Cruise - günstige Transferangebote

Finden Sie unter " Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen " oder " Hotels am Kreuzfahrthafen " Ihr optimales Sleep and Cruise - Paket. Eventuell, zum Beispiel bei fehlender Verfügbarkeit, könnte auch das Übernachten und Parken in Flughafennähe - mit Transfer oder Shuttle zum Kreuzfahrtschiff - eine gute Alternative sein.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Hotels am Kreuzfahrtterminal

Preiswerte Hotels in Hafennähe oder in der Umgebung Ihres Kreuzfahrtterminals.

Unsere weiteren Hotelempfehlungen

Folgenden Anbieter bieten optionale Angebote für Hotelübernachtungen in Hafennähe.

Ticket für den Nahverkehr incl.

Hotels immer in zentraler Lage und unmittelbarer Nähe zum zentralen Bahnhof. Viele IC Hotels bieten zugleich Park, Sleep-and-Cruise Angebote an.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Zentrale Lage

über 850.000 unterkünfte weltweit.

Hotelsuche leicht gemacht. Durch die Eingabe weniger Informationen finden Sie auch hier das optimale Hafenhotel. Die genaue Lage ist einfach sichtbar.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Vielfältige Angebote

Hotels auf der ganzen welt ....

Sie richten sich gern nach Erfahrungen anderer Gäste? Finden Sie hier einen reichen Erfahrungsschatz, auch für Kreuzfahrten und Flusskreuzfahrten.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Angebote nutzen

Hotelbuchungen weltweit.

Neben dem Angebot an Hotelverfügbarkeiten für Unternehmen und Geschäftsreisende hält das Portal natürlich auch Angebote für alle anderen Reisenden bereit.

Einzel- und Gruppenbuchung

park and cruise bremerhaven

Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal

Für das "Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal" stehen vielfältige Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Egal ob allgemeines Parken im Parkaus, auf einem Parkplatz, Shuttle-Parken (Parkplatz mit meist kostenfreiem Shuttle) oder dem Valet-Parken, bei dem Sie Ihr Fahrzeug direkt vor dem Kreuzfahrtterminal übergeben und nach der Kreuzfahrt wieder in Empfang nehmen können.

Parken am Kreuzfahrtterminal buchen

Hafenparkplatz national und international

Angeboten werden Hafenparkplätze und weitere Parkmöglichleiten in Deutschland und Europa, je nach Hafen und Lage mit Shuttle-Service. Sie erhalten sofort online einen unverbindlichen Kostenvoranschlag, auf Grundlage dessen Sie sich sofort Ihren Parkplatz reservieren und sichern können. Hafenparkplatz reservieren

park and cruise bremerhaven

Parkhaus oder Parkplatz mit Service

Vom Anbieter garantiert wird der optimalste Preis, egal ob es sich um einen Außenparkplatz mit Shuttle Service, um ein Parkhaus mit Valet Service oder einen Parkplatz handelt. "ich-parke-billiger" ist seit langem ein kompetenter Anbieter für sichere Flughafenparkplätze und Hafenparkplätze in ganz Deutschland.

Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen

Parkplätze, attraktive Hotelangebote (auch als Sleep-and-Cruise) und Transfers für alle Kunden, die entspannt in den Urlaub starten. Kombinierbar sind Sleep and Cruise- oder Sleep and Fly- Angebote, welche die Übernachtung, den Parkplatz, Transfer und oftmals auch das Frühstück beinhalten.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Spezialist für Parken am Flughafen

Seit 2005 ein kompetenter Partner, wenn es um einen günstigen Flughafen-Parkplatz geht. Als Spezialist für Parken am Flughafen sind Parkplätze, Parkhäuser und Tiefgaragen an 14 Standorten in Deutschland und einem in Zürich/Schweiz reservierbar.

Transfer zum Kreuzfahrtterminal

Diese Transfer-Services bringen Sie bequem und pünktlich zu Ihrer Kreuzfahrt und zu jedem Kreuzfahrtterminal.

Weltweiter Flughafen Transfer

Der Anbieter bietet "... die beste Auswahl an weltweiten Flughafen Transfer, passend für jedes Budget." sowie eine faire Preisgestaltung.

Hafen, Hafenterminal, Flughafen

zum Festpreis

Zentraler Transfer

Individuelle Transfergestaltung mit oder ohne Parkplatzbuchung. Alle Bestandteile lassen sich einzeln kombinieren.

Shuttleservice und Transfer

Shuttlebus Transfer, Privat Transfer und Limousinen Transfer zum Festpreis buchen. Je nach Verfügbarkeit wird die Transferart angeboten.

park and cruise bremerhaven

Festpreistransfer auch von Zuhause zum Schiff

park and cruise bremerhaven


Park, Sleep and Cruise − Parken und Übernachten vor der Kreuzfahrt

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"Bei uns beginnt Ihr Urlaub..."

Parkplätze für Kreuzfahrer in Bremerhaven

park and cruise bremerhaven


Sprechen sie mit uns pesönlich, netzwerkpartner.

park and cruise bremerhaven



Parken für Kreuzfahrer in Bremerhaven

– in Sichtweite des Terminals – kostenloser Shuttle (nur 5 Minuten)

The Last of us

Ganz nah, in Sichtweite des Kreuzfahrtterminals Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven, bietet die Kreuzfahrtgarage exklusive Parkmöglichkeiten für Passagiere von Kreuzfahrten an. Als internationale Automobilspedition LPL Automotive GmbH sind wir Experten im Transport und der Lagerung von Fahrzeugen. Mit unser Kreuzfahrtgarage bieten wir Ihnen zwei Möglichkeiten Ihr Automobil während Ihrer Reise unterzustellen – sicher und hochwassergeschützt. Hafenatmosphäre inklusive. Wir freuen uns darauf, der Startpunkt Ihrer tollen Reise sein zu dürfen. Mehr als Parken…einfach Kreuzfahrtgarage!

park and cruise bremerhaven

HALLENLAGER Alte Bergungshalle

Erleben Sie das Premium-Parken in unserer historischen Hafenhalle.

für 8 Tage inkl. kostenlosen Shuttle-Transfer zu unserer Station am Terminal

park and cruise bremerhaven


Parken Sie Ihr Fahrzeug selbst auf unseren Außenstellflächen direkt an der Kaiserschleuse.


Sowohl das HALLENLAGER als auch das AUSSENLAGER beinhalten einen kostenfreien Shuttle-Service (Fahrtzeit ca. 5 Minuten). Das HALLENLAGER ist alarmgesichert und kameraüberwacht. Hochwassergeschütztes Parken direkt zwischen Weserdeich und Kaiserhafen. In Sichtweite des Terminals.


Aufgrund des hohen Verkehrsaufkommens am Terminal-Gate kommt es oft zu längeren Wartezeiten bis wir Sie absetzen oder abholen können. Um diese überflüssigen Wartezeiten zu vermeiden haben wir unseren Shuttle-Treffpunkt jetzt unmittelbar vor dem Terminal eingerichtet. Von hier können Sie ohne Wartezeiten direkt zum/vom Terminaleingang laufen (ca. 100m). Die Shuttle-Fahrzeit zwischen unseren Parkplätzen und dem Terminal beträgt circa 5 Minuten. Der Shuttlebus verkehrt in regelmäßigen Abständen. UNSER TIPP Wenn Sie möchten können Sie Ihre Koffer schon am Terminal abgeben bevor Sie Ihr Auto bei uns parken (siehe ABLAUF-FAQ). Bequemer und schneller geht es nicht! Sollte es Fragen zum Ablauf geben melden Sie sich gerne bei uns.

park and cruise bremerhaven

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Bremerhaven (Bremen, Germany)

Cruise port schedule, live map, terminals, news.

Bremerhaven cruise port

Region Baltic - Norwegian Fjords - Russia

Local Time 2024-04-22 03:18

Port Bremerhaven cruise ship schedule shows timetable calendars of all arrival and departure dates by month. The port's schedule lists all ships (in links) with cruises going to or leaving from Bremerhaven, Bremen, Germany. To see the full itineraries (ports of call dates and arrival / departure times) and their lowest rates – just follow the corresponding ship-link.

Bremerhaven is a major North Sea port and the cruise port to Bremen City (riverport). Bremerhaven is located on the east side of Weser River Estuary (Germany's North Sea / Baltic Sea coast). 

The seaport was established in 1827 as cargo port for Freie Hansestadt Bremen (Free Hanseatic City of Bremen / Germany's smallest state) to the south (located approx 50 km / 30 mi downstream Weser River). Train travel time from Bremerhaven to Hamburg is 1 hour 45 min. Road distance (via highways A1 and A27) is 95 km (59 mi).

Port Bremerhaven (locode DEBRV) is ranked the world's 16th-largest and Europe's 4th-largest containership port - with annual capacity 5+ million TEU-containers. The Port's annual Ro-Ro traffic includes 1,35+ million new cars (imported and exported), which is surpassed only by Rotterdam Holland .

A new Panamax-sized lock was opened in 2011, replacing the 1897-built Kaiserschleuse - back then world's biggest lock.

Bremerhaven is currently ranked Europe's third-largest car export port - after Zeebrugge Belgium  and Emden Germany .

In 2017, for the first time Costa Cruises used Bremerhaven as homeport (departures on roundtrip itineraries) for Costa Magica , with scheduled 11 partial turnarounds. Other major cruise companies homeporting here include TUI , Phoenix Reisen , Transocean Tours.

In 2018, the cruise port reported a record season with handled 111 ship calls and around 230,000 passengers, which was 45% increase over 2017. Maiden calls in 2018 included the liners Norwegian Bliss , Mein Schiff 1 , AIDAnova , Marella Discovery , Costa Mediterranea , Seabourn Ovation , Azamara Journey . In 2018, the port introduced new "cruise parking" packages, with optional pre-booking and luggage collection service from the vehicle. For 2019, the port had scheduled 121 ship calls with ~260,000 cruise tourists (~230 of whom booked on turnarounds/roundtrips).

As cruise port, Bremerhaven has total quay length 1 km and capacity to berth vessels with LOA length 350 m (1148 ft) and max draft 10 m (33 ft). The seaport has modern passenger terminal (Columbus Cruise Center) and good infrastructure with connections to highways and railways.

In 2022, Bremerhaven Cruise Port handled 230,000+ passengers, of whom ~90% homeport/turnaround.

In September 2023, GPH-Global Ports Holding BV (UK-based company, the world's largest cruise port operator) signed a 10-year port concession agreement (effective January 2025, with an optional 5-year extension/through 2040) with Bremenports GmbH & Co KG (representing Bremen City) for the operational management of Columbusbahnhof Bremerhaven Cruise Terminal.

Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven shipyard

Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH (1863-founded) is a shipyard used mainly for drydock repairs, ship refits/reconstructions and regularly scheduled maintenance works.

In 2015, GHK/Genting Hong Kong Ltd (1993-founded/2022-defunct Malaysian holding) purchased a 70% stake in Lloyd Werft, while having on order a total of 10 cruise vessels with the shipbuilder. In April 2016, GHK established the Lloyd Werft Group after purchasing Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven's remaining 30% and acquiring full ownership of Lloyd Werft Wismar , Lloyd Werft Warnemunde , and Lloyd Werft Stralsund .

Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven currently employs ~500 workers. The yard covers an area of approx 0,26 km2 (~0,1 mi2 / ~2,8 million ft2) and has a total of 11 drydocks.

Bremerhaven shipyard's facilities can accommodate vessels with max draft 11,5 m (37 ft).

Bremerhaven cruise terminal

Cruise ships in Port Bremerhaven dock at the passenger terminal "Columbus Cruise Center". Located just 2 km (1,2 mi) from downtown, this is one of world's most modern and advanced cruise terminals. In 2020 starts the EUR 80 million cruise pier renovation project (scheduled completion in 2024), by which the docking facility will be expanded to accommodate more large-sized vessels.

Bremerhaven Bus (bus line) offers direct shuttle transfers between the port's train station and the cruise ship terminal (~10 min drive). Bus schedules are according to the cruise ship scheduled arrivals/departures times. At cruise terminal's main entrance there is a taxi rank. Taxi ride to the city is about 5 min. Road signs to the terminal have written "Kreuzfahrt Terminal". Bremerhaven Airport is about 15 min from the passenger terminal.

Cruise ship Maud navigates to Bremerhaven, Germany after North Sea storm damage

Cruise ship Maud navigates to Bremerhaven, Germany after North Sea storm damage

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3-year-long World Cruise delayed weeks before departure due to AIDAaura's failed sale

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AIDA Cruises bids farewell to its AIDAaura ship

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GPH-Global Ports Holding signed a 10-year terminal concession for Bremerhaven Cruise Port

GPH-Global Ports Holding signed a 10-year terminal concession for Bremerhaven Cruise Port

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Ocean Majesty cruise ship retires from service

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Ambassador Cruise Line's ship Ambition leaves drydock at Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven (Germany)

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Ambassador Cruise Line's ship Ambition enters drydock at Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven (Germany)

Ambassador Cruise Line's ship Ambition enters drydock at Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven (Germany)

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P&O UK's newest cruise ship Arvia officially welcomed to the fleet

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Bremerhaven - user reviews and comments


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Blick vom Autoterminal auf das Containerterminal mit Bahntrasse/Gleisen dazwischen

Container, cars and innovations

Directly at the mouth of the river Weser where the water is deep enough for sea going ships, Bremerhaven offers ideal conditions for handling containers. The maritime city is one of Europe’s leading car hubs and is also turning onto a key port for the offshore wind industry.

Bremen’s city ports are specialists for handling conventional break bulk and heavy lift cargo. Bulk goods are also handled here. Numerous logistics centres are based in Bremen, together with Germany’s leading Freight Village.  


park and cruise bremerhaven

Container-Terminal Bremerhaven

One of the longest coherent riverside quays in the world

The success story of Bremerhaven Container Terminal began in February 1968 when construction work began on a 700-metre long quay. After four expansion projects (latterly Container Terminal 4) the impressive terminal location has meanwhile grown to a total length of almost five kilometres. The world’s longest coherent riverside quay now has 14 berths for mega-container vessels. As the fourth-largest container terminal in Europe, Bremerhaven is one of the leading transhipment hubs for intermodal import and export traffic.

More information

Quay lenght:  4,930 m

Approx. 2.9 million m² terminal area

14 berths for mega-container vessels

Container Cranes: 41

Das Containerterminal Bremerhaven in der rechten Bildhälfte. Kranarme und Containerbrücken überragen 4 Schiffe, die dort liegen. Leichte Bewölkung.

Bremerhaven Auto Terminal

Automobile hub and global player

Bremerhaven is one of the largest automobile hubs anywhere in the world. In peak years, it handles more than two million vehicles. There are operating and storage areas for 120,000 cars, including covered storage for 45,000 vehicles. re indoors. But the Auto Terminal does more than just load and discharge vehicles: it also offers finishing, repair and retrofitting services, installs individual special equipment or attends to final assembly. High quality, continuous logistics, good transport connections and a full range of services rank amongst the terminal’s many strong points.

Total area: 240 ha

Approx. 100.000 car  storage areas

Automobile throughput 2021:  1.7 million units

Blick über das Autoterminal Bremerhaven von der Wasserseite aus

Fruit terminals & cold store

Temperature-controlled cargo for Europe

Bremerhaven is the leading distribution centre for temperature-controlled cargo in Germany. With one of the biggest container terminals in the world, Bremerhaven is a strategic location for the successful management of import/export flows. With a range of temperature-controlled services and efficient first-hand logistics, Bremerhaven is your gateway to the European and worldwide markets. BLG Coldstore, the largest commercial cold store in the region, can accommodate around 33,000 pallets for refrigerated and frozen goods.

Two dedicated fruit terminals at Kaiserhafen (Verbindungshafen) and at Columbuskaje load and discharge more than 250,000 tonnes of temperature-controlled cargo every year. The temperature-controlled goods from overseas are destined for Germany and other European countries.

BLG Logistics

Heuer Logistics

Total area: 68,000 m² + 26,000 m²

BLG Coldstore storage capacity: 33,000 Euro paletts

Ein Kühlhausmitarbeiter hält in Bremerhaven eine Staude Bananen in den Händen

Cruise Terminal

modern, secure, purpose-built

One of the most modern passenger terminals in Europe, Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven (CCCB) plays a key role for Bremerhaven’s growing attractiveness as a tourist destination. Since its refurbishment in 2003, CCCB has had spacious check-in and waiting areas for roughly 4000 passengers, modern equipment for transporting and loading their baggage as well as covered passenger walkways. The approx. 1000-metre long quay can handle up to four cruise liners simultaneously.

Approx. 52,000 passengers  2021

38 ships inbound and outbound 2021

Telescopic gangways: 3

Blick von der Wasserseite auf die alte Columbuskaje in Bremerhaven. Zwei Kreuzfahrtschiffe liegen dort. Sonnenuntergang. Rechts oben fliegt eine Möwe aus dem Bild.


Fish processing meets offshore wind energy

Bremerhaven is one of the leading locations in Germany for fish and food processing. The entire supply chain of the fish industry is represented at Fischereihafen: medium-sized firms and large corporations which process fresh fish and seafood, packaging and warehousing companies as well as forwarders specialising in reefer transports. The sites in the south of Bremerhaven also offer optimum conditions for the booming offshore wind energy industry.

480 ha commercial area

Quay lenght:  7000 m

Up to 8.1 m water depth

Die Komet liegt im Fischereihafen in Bremerhaven. Dämmerung.


Good question? Good answer. From A to Z.

You have a question we have the answer..

Approach by car, private bus or truck

The signs will help you to find us. Look out for „Kreuzfahrt Terminal“

From the expressway to the cruise terminal in 10 minutes:

  • Expressway A 27 exit no. 7 „Bremerhaven Mitte“
  • B 212 Grimsbystrasse / Lloydstrasse until the end (direction: „Neuer Hafen“)
  • Turn right into „Barkhausenstrasse”
  • Keep on going past the MWB until you reach the toll gate / Zolltor „Roter Sand“
  • Turn left into the Franziusstrasse / Brückenstrasse
  • Passing by the Lloyd Werft shipyard, you drive over a revolving bridge
  • Pass by the sightseeing tower made out of containers
  • Make a right and follow the signs leading you to the „Kreuzfahrt Terminal”

Approach by train

The “Deutsche Bahn” takes you right into the city centre of bremerhaven (Bremerhaven Hbf)

The public transportation company “BREMERHAVEN BUS” is offering a direct transfer with modern coaches between Bremerhaven’s main train station and the cruise terminal.

Directly in front of the Main Station Bremerhaven you will find the “cruiseport coach” with a sign “Kreuzfahrt-Terminal”. The “cruise coach” is the direct connection to the Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven. During the cruise season the departure times are 12:40, 13:40, 14:40 and 15:40.

Adult Price: 7,00€. (children under 14 years are free). The ticket is a daily ticket for all lines of “BREMERHAVEN BUS” in the 250 zone. All tickets are sold by the bus driver.

“Mein Schiff”/ TUI TUI Cruises has its own departure times You will get the information within your travel documents

Costa Costa has its own departure times CCCB to Main Station Bremerhaven 8:45, 10:45. Main Station Bremerhaven to CCCB 9:40, 11:40, 12:40 The 7€ Ticket is here not valid. The ticket must be payed directly with Costa.

Also for the journey from the CCCB to the main station Bremerhaven you can use the Bremerhavenbus busses. After arrival by cruise ship you can find the busses on platform 6&7.

If you have any questions please contact: 0471/3003500 or [email protected]

ATM/EC cash point

An ATM/EC cash point is situated on the ground floor

Bike Rental

Pedal On! We’ve got bikes you can rent. Bremerhaven is perfect for exploring by bike! Register and rent a bike straight away using a phonecall 0049471902625-0 or contact our information desk on the 1st floor.

Check-in The check-in counters are located on the ground floor of the terminal building. If you are arriving by bus, you do not have to check in your luggage yourself. The responsible staff will transport your luggage to your cabin onboard. As a matter of course also the luggage of the individually travelling passengers will be brought right onto the cabins after registration of luggage at one of the check-in counters located outside the Terminal on parking lot P1 and P3.

Customs Customs inspections may take place in the CCCB. German Customs Regulations will apply.

Early lugaage drop service You can bring your luggage to counter 1 (usually open from 8:00, deviations possible) The luggage will be tagged and handled by security cleared staff members before being screened as normal and being stored in a secure area before being placed into the baggage system to be loaded onto the ship.

Events The cruise terminal is a great location for exhibitions, congresses, events, etc… You can book parts of it or even the entire terminal on days without cruise calls. For further information kindly contact us: + 49 (0) 471 902625-0

First Aid In the case of an emergency please refer to our information desk on 1st floor or to one of our staff members respectively. Our employees have been trained for such situations. The CCCB is equipped with a room for First Aid and two heart defibrillators.

Gates / Access to the ship You may go aboard your cruise ship through one of our six gates on the first floor. This is also where the security check for the guests and the hand luggage takes place. Please have your boarding pass and your passport or equivalent picture ID available. You will find further information regarding the gate and the embarkation time on the monitors in the terminal.

Guests Guests of the Columbus Cruise Center who are not going on a cruise can stroll around outside the secure areas. We would like to recommend a visit of the panorama view on the 4th floor. (Temporary closed for renovation!)

Handicapped Accessible Facilities

are located on the ground and on the 1st floor and are signposted. Should you require any assistance, kindly contact the information desk on the 1st floor or any of our employees. For the request of wheelchair assistance and other assistance we recommend to contact your ship company in advance.

For help at the terminal please call the 0471/90262512 or email us [email protected] (please at least 24h in advance, please consider the CCCB is not able to assist you on board).

Facilities provided by the CCCB

  • Wheelchair access available from the street and car park
  • Wheel chair access by disabled lift to the first floor
  • Bathroom facilities accessible
  • Luggage assistance provided by staff
  • Disabled parking bays on P1
  • Parking on P3
  • Parking with our Partner Hafenpark GmBH Hotline: 0471/90082870 E-Mail: [email protected]

Rights of passengers travelling by sea and inland waterways you will find here:


Harbour The Columbus Cruise Center is located in the free port area.

History of the Columbus Quay Since Bremerhavens foundation in the early 19th century, more than 7 million people have departed from here towards the new world. The german cruise industry began in Bremerhaven in 1890.

The city was one of the most important european ports fort the transatlantic traffic in the 1920ies and 30ies.

After World War II Bremerhaven was the biggest provisioning port of the US military in europe as well as a port of destination of the „United States“, the „America“ and the passenger ships of the Norddeutscher Lloyd. In the sixties Bremerhaven became the most important german cruise port.

Hotels Bremerhaven is always worth a visit. Extend your stay and reserve an accommodation or book our special offer „Landgang für Kreuzfahrer“. This pre-/ post-cruise package includes accommodation, parking, dinner, transfers, insurance etc. and can be booked through BIS Bremerhaven Touristik H.-H.-Meier Strasse 6, 27568 Bremerhaven Fon: + 49 (0) 471 80936100 [email protected] www.bremerhaven-tourism.de

Information desk Our information desk on the 1st floor is open during the stay of the cruise ships. Our friendly and helpful employees will gladly answer your questions.

Kiosk siehe Shop

Luggage carts To use one of our numerous luggage carts, you only need a 1€ or 50 cent coin as a deposit. There are two areas where you will find the carts: at the parking lot and on the ground floor.

Nautical Information

Geographical Location:

53, 33` North

8, 34` East

Water depth during low tide: 9,80 m

Tidal range: 3,66 m

Panorama View The panorama view on the 4th floor is open for the public on departure days until the ship is leaving the port. Enjoy the wonderful view on the Weser River and observe the clearance and embarkation process of the vessel. Temporary closed for renovation!

Parking fees https://cruiseport.de/parking

Parking machines Parking machines for P1 are located on the ground floor of the terminal and at the main entrance.

Passenger Rights https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/HTML/?uri=LEGISSUM:tr0049&from=DE

Rent a Car The car rental company “SIXT” has its own counter inside the terminal. There you will be able to book a car. You can pick up or drop off your rental car just in front of the main entrance of the Columbus Cruise Center. SIXT offers its customers high-quality equipped vehicles ranging from Compact Class to Full Size. Having picked one car you can conveniently continue your journey and don’t need to worry about public transportation.

Booking is also available through the central reservation office via Fon: 0180 5 252525 (€ 0.14/min) Fax: 0180 5 221120 (€ 0.14/min) Internet: www.sixt.de

You can contact the local branch of SIXT in Bremerhaven also under the following address: SIXT, Auf dem Reuterhamm 17, 27576 Bremerhaven Fon: + 49 (0) 471 9512143 Fax: 0180 5 2229300159

Security The CCCB is in full compliance with the international security measures of the ISPS code that amongst other things guarantees a 100% check of passengers and luggage. We are holding the according certificates with world wide validity. Our partner Securitas – as in many other German ports – takes care of these security services. Their staff is trained and qualified accordingly and run through continuous instructions. Their claim is to always combine safety with the highest possible customer service attitude when doing the security checks.

Shop On sailing dates, located opposite of gate 4, a convenience shop is opened for passengers and crew. Not only can you get the classical shop assortment of goods but also items you might have forgotten to pack for your cruise, as well as maritime souvenirs. This is also the place where you can inform yourself about the special offers of BIS Bremerhaven Touristik.

Sightseeing Brochures on Bremerhaven’s sights (the museums, the zoo, the shopping center “Columbus Center”, etc.) are available on the promotion stand of the Erlebnis Bremerhaven(ground floor) or in the promotion displays in the waiting area on the first floor and on www.bremerhaven-tourism.de Erlebnis Bremerhaven GmbH H.-H.-Meier-Straße 6 27568 Bremerhaven [email protected]

Smoking areas Our terminal is a smoke-free facility. Please refer to the specially marked smoking areas outside the terminal.

Taxis / Cabs A roofed taxi shelter is located at the main exit of the Columbus Cruise Center.

Technical Data 1000 m quay with 3 berths 3 covered laser controlled passenger bridges 2 cranes (for luggage and supplies)

VIP Lounge / Conference Room The VIP lounge, which can also be used as a location for a conference, is available for customers upon request. It is located on the first floor opposite Gate 6.

WIFI free WIFI is available, for more Information contact our Information at the 1st floor.


park and cruise bremerhaven

© Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven | Wismar | 2023

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Home » Travel Guides » Germany » 15 Best Things to Do in Bremerhaven (Germany)

15 Best Things to Do in Bremerhaven (Germany)

There was a time when Bremerhaven had the largest fishing port and the largest emigration port in all of Europe. So it’s apt that this harbour city on the North Sea Coast should be dubbed the “Seestadt” (Sea City). Bremerhaven is an enclave of the Free City of Bremen, which lies 60 kilometres up the River Weser to the south.

Most of your activities in Bremerhaven will have something to do with the sea: You might step aboard a heritage U-Boat or fishing trawler, or pass time at the old fishing harbour where the scent of brine and smoked fish hangs on the air.

The old and new port have been regenerated over the last 20 years by the “Havenwelten” scheme, which has brought cutting-edge visitor attractions, hotels, malls and pedestrian areas.

Let’s explore the best things to do in Bremberhaven :

1. Klimahaus Bremerhaven

Klimahaus Bremerhaven

Opened in 2009, this attraction has a unique concept, guiding you through all the different climate zones and cultures on the 8th meridian east.

This line of longitude passes just west of Bremerhaven and of course wraps around both poles, passing through Africa and the Mediterranean on the way.

You’ll be able to feel the changes in temperature from the temperate German North Sea Coast to the rainforest in tropical Cameroon, and each zone is a multisensory journey with sounds, smells and scenery.

Climate change is a common theme, and for instance in the Swiss zone you’ll discover how rising temperatures have changed people’s way of life.

2. German Emigration Center

German Emigration Center

The only museum in Germany dedicated to migration, the German Emigration Center addresses the departure of Germans for the New World.

From 1830 to 1974 there were seven million emigrants, and Bremerhaven was the main point of embarkation.

What’s amazing is that the names and destinations of all of the emigrants in that period have been recorded, and people cross the Atlantic to trace their ancestors here.

The museum has moving accounts of life on board the ships, dioramas of the different cabins, interactive stations and heaps of original documents.

You can also explore the general topic of migration down the ages, from the Huguenots in the 17th century to the refugees of the Syrian Civil War.

3. German Maritime Museum

German Maritime Museum

On the Weser Dyke, the German Maritime Museum is a trip through the history of seafaring in Germany.

Inside there are model ships, maritime paraphernalia and archaeological remnants, and outside there are ten museum ships to board.

Most absorbing of all is the Bremer Kogge, the wreck of a 14th-century merchant’s vessel discovered in the Weser just outside Bremen in 1962. Elsewhere in the halls there are exhibits for whaling, polar exploration, container shipping, fishing and the German navy.

Look out for the mechanical tide calculator used in Hamburg from 1919 to 1935. Outside climb on board the RAU IX whaling steamer or the Seute Deern, a barque launched in 1919.

4. U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer

U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer

Even though it never saw action you can say that this U-Boat, docked outside the Maritime Museum has had an eventful career.

The only remaining model of its kind, the Wilhelm Bauer is a diesel-electric Type XXI commissioned in February 1945, but scuttled at the end of the war without ever going out on patrol.

In 1957 it was salvaged and re-commissioned for the West German navy before finally being restored to its Second World War configuration and converted to a museum ship in 1984. You can duck inside and look around a piece of hardware that revolutionised submarine design after the war.

There are plaques in German and English explaining the role of each of the submarine’s compartments, and how the crew worked, slept and ate at extremely close quarters (the galley is minuscule).

5. Schaufenster Fischereihafen

Schaufenster Fischereihafen

Bremerhaven’s century-old fishing harbour has been revitalised, and has restaurants, cafes, pubs, maritime-themed shops and visitor attractions in an evocative setting.

On weekends there’s always something going on at the Schaufenster Fischereihafen, whether it’s live music in summer, outdoor movie screenings or exhibitions.

And it’s always a minor thrill to idle along the dock and size up the ships, like the FMS GERA, which we’ll cover later.

For dining look no further than Packhalle IV, a former fish packing hall, now housing a line of fish restaurants infused with the fragrance of smoked halibut.

6. Look-Out-Platform SAIL City

Look-Out-Platform SAIL City

At more than 140 metres the sail-shaped Atlantic Hotel Sail City is among the tallest structures on Germany’s North Sea coast.

Provided the weather is safe there are two observation platforms at 86 and 95 metres, open to the public for a fee of €3.00. The higher of the two is open-air.

And if you’re planning on stepping outside, be prepared, because even on clear days it will be very blustery up here.

But you can always enjoy the view of the port and Weser Estuary from the comfort of the indoor lookout.

7. Zoo am Meer

Zoo Am Meer

A few steps up from the Maritime Museum, the Zoo am Meer is an animal attraction for marine and polar species.

The zoo has been around in some form since 1913, but was given a complete overhaul in the early 2000s and reopened in 2004. Along with polar bears, seals, gannets and Humboldt penguins, the zoo has primates like chimpanzees, which have been part of life in this port city for hundreds of years.

The North Sea Aquarium here has nine tanks containing zander, seahorses, eels and sea trout, and there’s also a children’s zone with rabbits and guinea pigs.

8. Museumsschiff FMS GERA

Museumsschiff FMS GERA

The FMS GERA is the last of its kind: This big old side-loading trawler was launched in Wolgast in East Germany in 1961 and belonged to Rostock’s deep sea fishing fleet.

Throughout the 60s and 70s the FMS GERA would head off on long expeditions to the North Atlantic off Iceland, and later Canada and West Africa.

These trips were famously dangerous for the crew, who had to haul the nets onto the deck with their own muscle power with the help of a net winch.

The Museum ship gives you a snapshot of the hard-working lives of those on board, and you can inspect every inch of the ship, including the fishing deck, holds, washroom, crew quarters, engine room and galley.

9. Historisches Museum Bremerhaven

Historisches Museum Bremerhaven

On the left bank of the Geese is a smartly designed museum telling the story of Bremerhaven and the surrounding region, known as the Elbe-Weser Triangle.

The main exhibition reveals 120,000 years of history, from the earliest traces of human habitation up to the 1960s.

There life-sized vignettes as you go, showing life on the docks, shipbuilding activity and deep-sea fishing.

You can pore over weapons, maps, navigation tools, period furniture and historic everyday items like 19th-century bicycles.

There are reminders from the immediate post-war years, like an American jeep, the interior of a fishmongers in Bremerhaven and a reproduction of a cinema hall.

10. Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm


More like a church tower than a lighthouse, the graceful Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm on the new harbour is still in operation and dates back to 1855. This makes it the oldest working lighthouse on Germany’s North Sea coast.

At just under 40 metres high, the tower is in the Brick Gothic Revival style and is named for its architect Simon Loschen, who also designed Bremerhaven’s main church, the Bürgermeister-Smidt-Gedächtniskirche at roughly the same time.

Now the tower is a listed building, and its lower hall serves as a venue for wedding ceremonies.

11. Bremerhaven Radar Tower

Bremerhaven Radar Tower

Climbing to 106 metres next to the mouth of the Geeste River, the Bremerhaven Radar Tower went up in 1965 and is made of reinforced concrete.

As well as serving as a radar station the tower is a key maritime radio transmitter, and also opens its doors to visitors.

There’s an observation platform at 60 metres for a 360°, bird’s eye view of the city.

Like a watchman of old, you can look out to sea and track the meandering courses of the Geeste and Weser Rivers.

12. Columbus Center

Columbus Center

Both the Klimahaus and SAIL CITY have maritime-themed silhouettes, but the first project to transform Bremerhaven’s skyline was this mixed-use development in the 1970s.

By the old harbour, The Columbus Center is one of the city’s most visible landmarks for its three apartment towers shaped like the chimneys of a steamship.

Beneath this is a mall with 75 shops, counting the German department store Karstadt.

Since 2009 there has also been a glass bridge linking with the Klimahaus across the water and for arresting views of the old harbour and the new Hafenwelten development.

13. Container-Aussichtsturm


Right in Bremerhaven’s port there’s a peculiar viewing tower made from 12 stacked shipping containers.

The Container-Aussichtsturm has four layers of containers, all bearing their logos, and a platform installed at the top at a height of 15 metres.

The tower is a free attraction and from the top you get a clear panorama of the Nordschleuse lock, the cranes of the container port, car terminal and the cruise terminal.

There’s a map to help you get your bearings, as well as binoculars if you want to identify the many ships docked or towing in and out of the harbour.

14. HafenBus


If your German is up to scratch then you can set off on a guided two-hour bus tour organised by Bremerhaven’s tourist office.

The HafenBus is something to keep in mind because Bremerhaven and its modern container port cover a sizeable area, and it’s not very practical to get around on your own steam.

The bus also has access to places you wouldn’t normally be able to visit.

The container port is an obvious standout for its towering cranes and the world’s longest quay, which has 14 berths and extends to 4,680 metres.

You’ll hear about all the goods that come ashore here, from coffee to heavy machinery, but also get snippets of Bremerhaven’s shipbuilding, fishing and emigration history.

15. Mediterraneo


One of the anchors for Hafenwelten is a Mediterranean-themed mall on the south side of the Klimahaus.

Like something out of Las Vegas, Mediterraneo is halfway between a shopping centre and a free theme park with a bright, sunny atmosphere when it’s pouring with rain outside.

There’s an arcaded garden, a market square and an Italianate piazza with a Renaissance-style fountain under a glass dome modelled on Florence Cathedral.

Mediterraneo has a choice of mid-market brands, specialty shops and restaurants, while its free wi-fi always comes in handy.

15 Best Things to Do in Bremerhaven (Germany):

  • Klimahaus Bremerhaven
  • German Emigration Center
  • German Maritime Museum
  • U-Boot Wilhelm Bauer
  • Schaufenster Fischereihafen
  • Look-Out-Platform SAIL City
  • Zoo am Meer
  • Museumsschiff FMS GERA
  • Historisches Museum Bremerhaven
  • Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm
  • Bremerhaven Radar Tower
  • Columbus Center
  • Container-Aussichtsturm
  • Mediterraneo

Northern EU Cruises

  • Bremerhaven
  • Le Havre (Paris)
  • London Greenwich
  • London Portsmouth
  • London Tilbury
  • Southampton
  • Warnemunde (Rostock)
  • Zeebrugge (Bruges)
  • Arctic Circle
  • British Isles
  • Midnight Sun
  • Northern Europe
  • Northern Lights
  • Norwegian Fjords
  • Scandinavia
  • Transatlantic
  • Western Europe
  • AIDA Cruises
  • Azamara Club Cruises
  • Carnival Cruise Line
  • Celebrity Cruises
  • Costa Cruises
  • Crystal Cruises
  • Cunard Cruise Line
  • Disney Cruise Line
  • Fred. Olsen Cruise Lines
  • Holland America Line
  • MSC Cruises
  • Norwegian Cruise Line
  • Oceania Cruises
  • P&O Cruises
  • Princess Cruises
  • Regent Seven Seas Cruises
  • Royal Caribbean
  • Saga Cruises
  • Silversea Cruises
  • Viking Ocean Cruises
  • Ports Of Call

Cruises from Bremerhaven

Bremerhaven, Germany

Port of Bremerhaven

Ships typically depart from Bremerhaven Port throughout the year, offering a range of cruises to various Northern European destinations. The general check-in time for cruises departing from Bremerhaven is usually a few hours prior to the scheduled departure. While in the harbor, you can witness the bustling activity of the port, explore the interactive German Maritime Museum, or simply enjoy the picturesque views of ships sailing in and out. The port area is well-equipped with amenities such as restrooms, cafes, and souvenir shops, ensuring a comfortable and enjoyable pre-cruise experience.

Destinations from Bremerhaven

Cruises that leave from Bremerhaven in 2024 can take you to a wide variety of destinations that are located all around Europe and even further beyond. Most commonly, cruises from Bremerhaven go to exciting destinations such as the and countless more Northern European sites.

What cruise lines depart from Bremerhaven?

The port of Bremerhaven is served by a variety of different cruise lines in 2024. These range from those oriented toward families to those that are more elegant and traditional. Bremerhaven port includes itineraries with and other cruise lines.

Cruise Season

The best time to visit Bremerhaven and embark on a Northern Europe cruise is during the summer months, from June to August. This period offers pleasant weather, longer daylight hours, and a range of cultural events and festivals taking place in the city. Additionally, the summer months coincide with the peak season for cruises departing from Bremerhaven, providing ample choices for itineraries and cruise options. However, it's worth noting that the city can experience occasional rainfall throughout the year, so be prepared for changing weather conditions and pack accordingly.

Due to the region's moderately cold climate and short summers, there is a short window of opportunity for cruises to depart from Bremerhaven. The months of May to September, which are considered to be the peack seasons, are the best times to go on a cruise. However, if you want to see the Northern Lights, the best months are from December through March because during this time there are more hours of darkness and the night skies are cleaner. Explore cruises from Bremerhaven that depart in the months of

Cruise Duration

Cruise Lines offer itineraries from Bremerhaven that range from to days. You can choose cruises lasting from depending on the length of your holiday.

Bremerhaven Port boasts multiple cruise terminals that cater to the increasing number of cruise ships visiting the city. The terminals are modern and well-designed, providing seamless embarkation and disembarkation processes. The main terminals include Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven and Weser Cruise Center, offering a range of facilities and services such as luggage handling, passenger lounges, and duty-free shops. These terminals provide a comfortable and efficient experience, ensuring a smooth transition from land to sea.

Upon arriving at the port, it is recommended to arrive with ample time to complete the check-in procedures. The general check-in time for cruises departing from Bremerhaven is typically a few hours before the scheduled departure. This allows sufficient time for security checks, document verification, and baggage drop-off. Ensure that you have your valid identification, cruise tickets, and travel documents readily available to expedite the check-in process and commence your cruise adventure smoothly.


Bremerhaven Port is easily accessible from Bremen Airport, which is approximately 60 kilometers away. Convenient transportation options, including taxis, private transfers, and shuttle services, are available to take you directly to the port terminals. If you're already in the city, Bremerhaven has a well-connected public transportation system, including buses and trams, providing easy access to the port from various locations within the city.

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Moscow vs St Petersburg – A Russian Rumble

Moscow vs St Petersburg

Russian river cruises are a fantastic way to discover the rich history and culture of an iconic nation. Moscow and St Petersburg are arguably two of Russia’s most famous and popular destinations – but which one is better? Two of our writers will go head to head in an attempt to persuade you why their favourite Russian city should be yours too – with Mark in Moscow’s corner and Jim St Petersburg’s. Ding ding! Let battle commence!

Don’t get me wrong, I do think that St Petersburg is a nice city – but I also think that Moscow is a fantastic city and beyond doubt the best in Russia. The entire region is steeped in illustrious history, from Red Square in the heart of the metropolis, where impressive historic landmarks including the Lenin Mausoleum and St Basil’s Cathedral dominate the skyline, to the world-famous Kremlin. If its history and culture you’re after, St Petersburg simply does not compare.


Moscow also surpasses St Petersburg in terms of areas of natural beauty as well as tranquil parks and gardens. On a pleasant day, visitors can stroll through a number of the city’s wonderful green spaces, including the vast Gorkiy Park, the former imperial estate of Kolomenskoye and the ever-popular Park Sokolniki, filled with beautiful flora and a collection of charming attractions. Moving further off the beaten track is difficult in St Peterburg, whereas in Moscow, stunning outlying areas such as the Patriarshi pond area and the Japanese Garden in Botanichesky Sad offer the perfect place to spend a peaceful day.

When it comes to the shopping and dining experiences on offer, Moscow beats St Petersburg hands down. A wealth of authentic local food, delicious international cuisine and familiar fast food outlets are scattered across the city, offering tourists a plethora of culinary delights. Incredible mixes of gastronomic cultures are available in Moscow. Visitors will find everything from Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese dishes to Armenian and Azerbaijani cuisine.

Tourist’s hoping to pick up some local gifts will find a treasure trove of souvenirs across Moscow, at the range of opulent shopping malls and quaint marketplaces located all over the centre of the city.

In my humble (and correct) opinion – based on the facts in front of me – St Petersburg doesn’t hold a candle to the amazing sights and sounds of Moscow, Russia’s world-famous capital city.

St Petersburg

Sure, Moscow’s the capital; it’s great for squares, overly-expensive cups of coffee and the like. But you can never take Russia’s second city out of contention. Yes, it was built on a swamp, but Peter the Great clearly knew what he was doing. St. Petersburg is one of the most vital modern European cities, don’t let the devotees to the (admittedly, pretty) sights of Moscow fool you.

Perhaps it’s because St. Petersburg’s architect was Italian that it manages to so thoroughly stand out from the crowd of Russian cities. Maybe it’s the winding canals and the classical architecture. Regardless of the past, St. Petersburg is a city which manages to straddle the sweet spot between historical importance and modern style.

St Petersburg

But who says Moscow rules the roost when it comes to the historical? There are enough sights in St. Petersburg to keep tourists occupied for days, if not weeks.

Leading the pack is the iconic Winter Palace, an eternally magnificent reminder that Russia is always a hotspot for architecture. Beautifully pristine even after all these years, it remains a contender for the finest photographic subject in Europe – a grand mass of imperial pillars and colourful décor.

And then, of course, there’s the State Hermitage Museum. If the Winter Palace had Moscow on the ropes, this is where St. Petersburg draws back and flings out an uppercut to finish it off.  The museum remains firmly rooted in prodigious hype, but that never stops it from living up to it. Everything from Egyptian mummies to Picasso masterpieces can be found in the endless varnished halls of the State Hermitage, and like the city itself, you’ll wish you had days more to explore it.

And to top it all off, you can visit it all during the legendary White Nights, where on long summer days the sun never seems to dip below the horizon. St Petersburg might be known as a second city, but Moscow has best be looking over its shoulder.

To book your Russian river cruise to Moscow, St Petersburg or both, call the number at the top of this page or click here for our latest deals.

Image Credits:

(1) Ed Yourdon – fotopedia.com

(2) Holgar Zscheyge – fotopedia.com


Moscow Boat Tour

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See all the gems of historical and cultural center of the capital in short time and without traffic jams or tiresome walking.

Depending on the itinerary and duration of the Moscow River boat trip, the tour can be 3 or 5 hours.

Highlights of the tour

  • St Basil’s Cathedral;
  • Stalin skyscraper on Kotelnicheskaya (Tinkers) embankment;
  • The Kremlin;
  • “House on the Embankment” Stalin skyscraper;
  • Monument to Peter I;
  • The Central House of Artists;
  • Christ the Savior Cathedral;
  • Gorky Park;
  • Moscow State University;
  • Russian Academy of Sciences;
  • Luzhniki stadium;
  • Novodevichy Monastery;
  • Kiev railway station;
  • Europe Square;
  • Moscow City Hall;
  • Government House;
  • Expocentre Exhibition Complex;
  • and other famous sights.

You will learn about the different epochs of the city from the foundation in 1147 till Soviet times of 20 th  century.

Moscow River

Moskva river has the form of a snake and is the main waterway of Moscow, consisting of a cascade of reservoirs. Within the city, Moskva river is 80 km long, 120 m - 200 m wide and up to 14 m deep. The narrowest part of the river is the Kremlin area in the city center, and the most extensive is around the Luzhniki Stadium in the south. 

Bridges in Moscow

Undoubtedly, bridges and embankments are among the most scenic spots and main attractions of Moscow. Plus, they are so romantic.

  • Bolshoy Kamenny Bridge –  Great Stone Bridge –  is the main bridge of Moscow . The first stone bridge was constructed here in the 17th century.
  • Patriarshy Bridge  is one of the youngest pedestrian bridges, built in 2004. The bridge connects the iconic Christ the Saviour Cathedral with funky Bersenevskaya embankment, extremely popular place among locals for its trendy art galleries, cafes and panoramic views. Patriarshy Bridge used to be a shooting location for ex-Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's New Year speech to the nation.
  • Borodinsky Bridge,  erected in honor of the 100th anniversary of the glorious victory in the Battle of Borodino (which every Russian kid knows about), a fierce legendary battle during the Russo-French war of 1812.
  • Bagration Bridge  one of the  pedestrian bridges with most picturesque views of the Moskva River with its numerous upper-level observation platforms. The bridge was erected to celebrate the 850th anniversary of Moscow city in 1997.
  • Krymsky Bridge  used to be in Top 5 Europe’s longest bridges some 100 years ago. The bridge got its name after the ancient Krymsky ford which Crimean Tartars used to invade Moscow in the 16 th  century.

Embankments of Moscow

Moscow river boats 37 embankments, the most popular being Kremlevskaya, Sofiyskaya, Pushkinskaya, Vorobyovskaya and Kolomenskaya.

You can get the most spectacular views of the Kremlin from  Kremlevskaya and Sofiyskaya embankments.

  • Pushkinkaya embankment  is the most romantic in Moscow. It meanders along Gorky Park and Neskuchnyi garden and is rich for all kinds of entertainment as well as cozy nooks, including Olivkovy beach, the famous Zeleny theater as well as a pier for river cruisers.
  • Vorobyevskaya embankment  is part of Sparrow Hills nature reserve. This place opens a beautiful panorama of the river and city from the observation deck and is considered to be the place for taking serious decisions in life.
  • Embankment in Kolomenskoye  Museum-Reserve has a special charm due to its peculiar geographical relief. The boat trip around Kolomenskoye would be the most peaceful in your life.
  • Taras Shevchenko embankment  is popular among photographers for its modern Moscow City skyscrapers. Highly recommended for your night boat trip.
  • Embankments of Moscow are the pride of the capital. A distinctive feature of each of the promenades is its architecture and beautiful views. In addition, almost all the embankments of Moscow have a rich history and a lot of notable buildings.

Different epochs

Taking a walk along the Moskva River by boat, you will witness the architecture of Moscow from different eras and styles. Archaeological studies indicate that already in the XI century there stood a fortified settlement on Borovitsky hill, which is now called the Kremlin. Little fortress could not accommodate all the residents of the rapidly growing city, and the Grand Duke ordered the construction of a new Kremlin, larger than the former.

Boat trip around Kolomenskoe Park

Moscow river boat trip starts from the pier Klenovy (Maple) Boulevard and provides reat views of Nicholas Perervinsky monastery.

Nicholas Perervinsky monastery was founded at the time of the Battle of Kulikov (1380). The monastery, got its name from the surrounding area – “Pererva”, which can be translated like “tear off” and because of the location –  here it abruptly changed its course, turning to Kolomna, standing on the opposite bank.

Nowadays Kolomenskoye is State Art, Historical, Architectural and Natural Landscape Museum-Reserve, which doors are open to everyone who wants to get in touch with the ancient history of Russia.

Take a break from the big city hustle in the shady parks and gardens of the Kolomenskoe Museum-Reserve. Don’t miss a wonderful Church of the Ascension and Tsar Alexey’s Palace in Kolomenskoye!

Monasteries and temples

  • Novospassky Monastery
  • Founded in the 13th century on the site where now is located the Danilovsky monastery. After a few decades, in 1330, Ivan Kalita moved the monastery onto the Borovitskii hill of the Kremlin. However, in the 15th century, Spassky Monastery again moved, this time to a more spacious place on Krasnoholmskaya waterfront.
  • Church of St. Nicholas in Zayaitskom
  • Erected in the middle of the XVIII century in baroque style. The building survived after the 1812 fire, but the utensils were destoyed. Parishioners collected donations and restored the temple on their own. In Soviet times, it was closed and re-opened only in 1992.
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior
  • The church was originally erected in honor of the victory over Napoleon and was being under construction for long 44 years. Notoriously demolished in 1937 to be a giant swimming pool under open sky. The current building was constructed in 1990s. It is the tallest and one of the largest Orthodox churches in the world.
  • The temple was built in 1679-82, during the reign of Tsar Fedor Alekseevich, in late Muscovite Baroque style and can be characterized as bonfire temple. Each gable is a symbol of a heavenly fire.
  • Novodevichy Convent
  • The most famous concent and monastery in Moscow, presumably founded in 1524. Novodevichy’s status has always been high among other monasteries, it was in this monastery where the women of the royal blood, the wives of Tsars and local rulers of Moscow were kept in prison as nuns.
  • St. Andrew’s church  (male acts as Compound Patriarch of Moscow)
  • St. Andrew’s church stands right on the slopes of the Sparrow Hills, on the way down to the Moskva River, on the territory of the Nature Reserve “Sparrow Hills”. The monastery is small in size but is very cozy. It’s situated in a quiet courtyard surrounded by temples, fruit trees and flowers.

What you get:

  • + A friend in Moscow.
  • + Private & customized Moscow river cruise.
  • + An exciting pastime, not just boring history lessons.
  • + An authentic experience of local life.
  • + Flexibility: changes can be made at any time to suit individual preferences.
  • + Amazing deals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the very best cafes & restaurants. Discounts on weekdays (Mon-Fri).
  • + A photo session amongst spectacular Moscow scenery that can be treasured for a lifetime.
  • + Good value for souvenirs, taxis, and hotels.
  • + Expert advice on what to do, where to go, and how to make the most of your time in Moscow.

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Scenic cruise along the river - Flotilla Radisson Royal

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  • Moscow - Things to Do    
  • Flotilla Radisson Royal

This was a surprise for me by my partner and daughter. Getting onto the boat was very orderly, and... read more

park and cruise bremerhaven

We did a lunch cruise, boarding at 1230hrs and returning to the dock promptly at... read more

park and cruise bremerhaven

Scenic cruise along the river

A must do is the Moscow river cruise by Radisson Blu (flotilla). Now they have different options at different locations. And both are quite a walk from the metro so give yourself lots of time to reach in time for the cruise. It's a beautiful scenic view of the entire city and all tourists attractions visible.

Its one of the best things to do in Moscow. The cruise is absolutely top notch. Does not nag you at all by speaking in Russian while cruising. Also, takes you around the entire city past all the important tourist spots. They provide you with blankets which is a bonus in the windy and chilly moscow weather. And once inside you can treat yourself to a great cappuccino while you cruise. Highly recommended.

We caught the boat trip leaving at 8:00 PM. This was the ideal time at this time of year as we saw the sights on the way out in good light and as it was dark on the way back. Some amazing sights from a totally different perspective of the Kremlin, St Basil's and many other places. I would definitely recommend the trip.

The cruise was very relaxing and Moscow was lit up beautifully Really worth taking while in this lovely city. The food was also delicious and at a very reasonable price. They do have to learn that the appetizer should be served before the main entrée and give the client time to eat that course first.

Initially I did not think it would be worth the time or the money infact to try it, but it came with high recommendations from my friends, living in Moscow, so I went with my family on the last time slot in the evening(this too was advised by them only). I was wrong as through and through, the experience was fantastic, with beautiful city Moscow in night time, with all its major attractions seen from a different angle and place, the ambience, food etc. Do not miss it when in Moscow and try and arrive a little earlier than your slot and have a sit-down dinner first with your friends, and enjoy the cruise there after - lots and lots of photo-ops!

instead of walking all around the city..cruise around in style with your choice of a nice meal or a few coctails with the nice views of Moscow. Would recommend it was a great experience.


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  4. Besuchergalerie Kreuzfahrt-Terminal Bremerhaven

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  5. Visitors'Gallery Cruise Terminal Bremerhaven

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  1. Park, Sleep & Cruise am Hafen Bremerhaven

    Park, Sleep and Cruise am Kreuzfahrthafen Bremerhaven Die Passagierschifffahrt hat in Bremerhaven Tradition. Schon seit Jahrzehnten ist die größte Stadt an der Nordsee, im Elbe-Weser-Dreieck, ein wichtiges Zentrum der deutschen Kreuzschifffahrt. 2018 starteten ca. 230 000 Passagiere von Bremerhaven aus zu einer Hochseekreuzfahrt.

  2. Parken in Bremerhaven am Hafen

    Bremerhaven. PARKEN & MEER ist Ihr vertrauenswürdiger Partner für bequemes Parken in Bremerhaven, speziell zugeschnitten auf die Bedürfnisse von Kreuzfahrtpassagieren. Unser Standort in der Nähe des Terminals Columbuskaje ist strategisch ideal gelegen, um Ihnen bei jedem Kreuzfahrtanlauf den besten Service zu bieten.


    Der individuelle 24-Stunden Taxitransfer zum Hafen und zurück ist in dem Park, Sleep & Cruise Paket inklusive. Kreuzfahrtparken leicht gemacht, mit Hafen-Parken.de! Bremerhaven Parken mit Hotelübernachtung - exklusive Park,Sleep & Cruise Angebote für Ihre Kreuzfahrt, direkt buchen und entspannt auf Kreuzfahrt gehen.

  4. Sleep and Cruise am Hafen

    Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen. Parkplätze, attraktive Hotelangebote (auch als Sleep-and-Cruise) und Transfers für alle Kunden, die entspannt in den Urlaub starten. Kombinierbar sind Sleep and Cruise- oder Sleep and Fly- Angebote, welche die Übernachtung, den Parkplatz, Transfer und oftmals auch das Frühstück beinhalten.

  5. Parken am Kreuzfahrthafen Bremerhaven » Sicher & günstig!

    Park and Cruise in Bremerhaven. Garantierter Parkplatz. Inklusive Shuttle-Service zum Hafen und zurück! Hohe Sicherheitsstandards. Umbuchen und Stornieren kostenlos möglich. ab 99,00 € für 8 Tage Parken. Jetzt günstigen Parkplatz am Kreuzfahrthafen buchen!

  6. park-it-easy

    Parkplätze für Kreuzfahrer in Bremerhaven. Bei uns ist Ihr Fahrzeug sicher aufgehoben. Unsere Parkflächen sind eingezäunt, gesichert und videoüberwacht. Wir bringen Sie im bequemen Shuttle-Bus von unserem Parkplatz direkt zum Schiff und holen Sie bei Ihrer Rückkehr wieder ab.

  7. Terminal BHV

    The Columbus Cruise Center in Bremerhaven is without doubt one of the most modern passenger terminals in the world. Against the background of a long tradition of passenger shipping in Bremerhaven, the Columbus Cruise Center was formally opened on May 2nd 2003. More than eight million emigrants left Europe for the New World from the famous ...

  8. Arthotel ANA Nautic Bremerhaven » Park, Sleep & Cruise

    Das Angebot Park, Sleep & Cruise ist im Arthotel ANA Nautic Bremerhaven nur buchbar, wenn Sie eine Kreuzfahrt antreten. Bitte belegen Sie die Reise an der Hotelrezeption mit entsprechenden Unterlagen. Am Abreisetag der Kreuzfahrt bitte zum Parkplatz "Überseering 23, 27580 Bremerhaven" fahren. Von dort findet der Transfer zum Kreuzfahrtterminal ...


    PARKEN & MEER is your trusted partner for convenient parking in Bremerhaven, specifically tailored to the needs of cruise passengers. ... Our owner-managed 4-star superior hotel Munte am Stadtwald is the ideal starting point for your cruise from Bremerhaven. Situated directly at the Bremer Stadtwald, it offers the opportunity for a relaxing ...


    Ganz nah, in Sichtweite des Kreuzfahrtterminals Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven, bietet die Kreuzfahrtgarage exklusive Parkmöglichkeiten für Passagiere von Kreuzfahrten an. Als internationale Automobilspedition LPL Automotive GmbH sind wir Experten im Transport und der Lagerung von Fahrzeugen. Mit unser Kreuzfahrtgarage bieten wir Ihnen ...

  11. Parken & Meer

    kreuzfahrthÄfen. flughÄfen. flughÄfen

  12. Bremerhaven (Bremen, Germany) cruise port schedule

    Bremerhaven cruise port schedule 2024-2025-2026, map, address, ship terminals, hotels, tours, shore excursions. ... In 2018, the port introduced new "cruise parking" packages, with optional pre-booking and luggage collection service from the vehicle. For 2019, the port had scheduled 121 ship calls with ~260,000 cruise tourists (~230 of whom ...

  13. Bremerhaven

    Cruise Terminal. modern, secure, purpose-built. One of the most modern passenger terminals in Europe, Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven (CCCB) plays a key role for Bremerhaven's growing attractiveness as a tourist destination. Since its refurbishment in 2003, CCCB has had spacious check-in and waiting areas for roughly 4000 passengers, modern equipment for transporting and loading their ...

  14. Questions & Answers BHV

    The "cruise coach" is the direct connection to the Columbus Cruise Center Bremerhaven. During the cruise season the departure times are 12:40, 13:40, 14:40 and 15:40. Adult Price: 7,00€. (children under 14 years are free). ... Parking with our Partner Hafenpark GmBH Hotline: 0471/90082870 E-Mail: ...

  15. 15 Best Things to Do in Bremerhaven (Germany)

    You can pore over weapons, maps, navigation tools, period furniture and historic everyday items like 19th-century bicycles. There are reminders from the immediate post-war years, like an American jeep, the interior of a fishmongers in Bremerhaven and a reproduction of a cinema hall. 10. Simon-Loschen-Leuchtturm.

  16. Cruises from Bremerhaven 2024

    Take a memorable cruise adventure from Bremerhaven, Germany in 2024. For cruise ships, Bremerhaven serves as both a port of call and an embarkation port. The city of Bremerhaven is home to a large number of interesting sights and cultural attractions that are sure to spark the attention of tourists. Experience the maritime charm of Bremerhaven ...

  17. Cruise Port Hotels and Parking Deals

    Avoid delays due to heavy traffic, bad weather or airport security measures by booking through ParkSleepHotels.com. Avoid the hassle of finding affordable parking near your airport or cruise port by purchasing a park stay fly package that is most times cheaper than airport parking alone. Our hotels are conveniently located around airports.

  18. Moscow vs St Petersburg

    Find your Perfect River Cruise; River Cruise Deals; February 24, 2014 | By Emma Smith In Destinations. Moscow vs St Petersburg - A Russian Rumble. ... the former imperial estate of Kolomenskoye and the ever-popular Park Sokolniki, filled with beautiful flora and a collection of charming attractions. Moving further off the beaten track is ...

  19. Imperial Waterways of Russia

    Day 1: Moscow (Embarkation Day) Arrive at Moscow's Sheremetyevo International Airport where you'll be transferred to the ship. (D) Day 2: Moscow. If Russia is "a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" as Churchill famously said, then Moscow presents an intriguing starting point for cultural discovery.

  20. Moscow River Cruise Tour with Friendly Local Guides

    Moskva river has the form of a snake and is the main waterway of Moscow, consisting of a cascade of reservoirs. Within the city, Moskva river is 80 km long, 120 m - 200 m wide and up to 14 m deep. The narrowest part of the river is the Kremlin area in the city center, and the most extensive is around the Luzhniki Stadium in the south.

  21. Scenic cruise along the river

    Flotilla Radisson Royal: Scenic cruise along the river - See 1,115 traveler reviews, 1,513 candid photos, and great deals for Moscow, Russia, at Tripadvisor.