From Freshman To Pro: How To Survive 9th Grade

Starting high school can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially when it comes to how to survive 9th grade. As a freshman, you’re stepping into a whole new world filled with new classmates, new subjects, and new expectations. But fear not!

With the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate this transitional period like a boss and set yourself up for success in the years to come. In this article, we will explore the key challenges high schoolers often face. And provide you with practical tips and advice on how to survive 9th grade. From managing your time effectively to building strong relationships with teachers and peers, we’ve got you covered.

So, whether you’re feeling anxious or excited about your upcoming journey as a freshman, read on to discover how you can make the most of your 9th grade experience and thrive both academically and personally. Get ready to embrace the challenges, step out of your comfort zone, and become the boss of your high school journey.

From Freshman To Pro: How To Survive 9th Grade

Adjusting To A New Environment

Entering 9th grade means leaving behind the familiarity of middle school and venturing into a larger, more diverse high school environment. It’s crucial to approach this transition with an open mind and a positive attitude. Embrace the opportunity to meet new people from different backgrounds and engage in a variety of experiences.

Remember that everyone else is also navigating this new environment, so don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and introduce yourself to your classmates. Building connections early on will make your high school journey much more enjoyable.

Additionally, familiarize yourself with the layout of the school, locate your classrooms, and take advantage of any orientation programs or tours offered by the school. By taking these steps, you’ll feel more confident and prepared to survive 9th grade.

Balancing Academics And Extracurricular Activities

As you transition into high school, you’ll soon realize that the workload becomes more demanding, and the expectations for academic performance increase. It’s essential to strike a balance between your academic responsibilities and extracurricular activities.

While it’s tempting to join every club and sport that interests you, be mindful of your time commitments and prioritize your academics. Assess your interests and choose a few extracurricular activities that align with your passions and goals. This way, you can fully dedicate yourself to those activities without compromising your academic progress.

Additionally, consider creating a study schedule that allows you to manage your time effectively by allocating dedicated blocks for homework, studying, and extracurricular activities. Remember, finding the right balance will help you excel both inside and outside the classroom.

Dealing With Increased Workload And Time Management

One of the significant challenges of 9th grade is the sudden increase in workload. The transition from middle school to high school often involves more assignments, longer essays, and complex projects. To manage this increased workload, it’s crucial to develop effective time management skills.

Start by creating a study schedule that outlines specific times for homework, studying, and relaxation. Break down larger assignments into smaller, manageable tasks, and set deadlines for each task to ensure you stay on track.

Avoid procrastination by tackling your most challenging assignments first and utilizing any free periods or study halls to make progress on your work. Remember to take breaks and allow yourself time to recharge, as this will ultimately enhance your productivity and prevent burnout.

Study Habits And Organizational Skills

To survive 9th grade, you must establish effective study habits and organizational skills. Find a study routine that works best for you, whether it’s studying in short bursts with frequent breaks or dedicating longer periods of focused study.

Experiment with different techniques such as flashcards, summarizing information in your own words, or teaching concepts to someone else. Additionally, keep your notes and assignments organized by using folders or binders for each subject.

Develop a system for tracking important dates, deadlines, and assignments, such as a planner or digital calendar. By staying organized and practicing consistent study habits, you’ll set yourself up for success in 9th grade and beyond.

Building Relationships With Teachers And Peers

Establishing positive relationships with your teachers and peers can greatly enhance your high school experience. Teachers are there to support you academically and provide guidance, so don’t hesitate to reach out to them when you have questions or need clarification.

Participate actively in class by asking questions, contributing to discussions, and seeking feedback on your work. By demonstrating your dedication and enthusiasm, you’ll not only build rapport with your teachers but also gain valuable insights and opportunities for growth.

Additionally, forge friendships with your classmates by engaging in group activities, joining clubs, or participating in extracurricular events. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network of peers will make the challenges of 9th grade more manageable and enjoyable.

Social Pressures And Peer Dynamics

Navigating the social landscape of high school can be intimidating, as it often comes with social pressures and peer dynamics. It’s important to stay true to yourself and resist the temptation to conform to societal expectations or peer pressure. Surround yourself with friends who share your values and interests, and don’t be afraid to assert your boundaries when necessary.

Remember that everyone is on their own journey, and it’s okay to prioritize your well-being and personal growth. If you’re ever struggling with social pressures or facing difficulties in your relationships, don’t hesitate to reach out to a trusted adult or guidance counselor for support and advice.

Managing Stress And Mental Health

The transition to high school can be stressful, and it’s essential to prioritize your mental health and well-being. Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as exercise, journaling, or pursuing hobbies. Practice mindfulness and stress management techniques, such as deep breathing exercises or meditation, to alleviate anxiety and promote mental clarity.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed, don’t hesitate to seek support from a trusted adult or counselor. High schools often have resources available, such as counseling services or support groups, to assist students in managing their mental health. Remember, taking care of your well-being is just as important as your academic success.

Seeking Support And Utilizing Resources

Throughout your 9th grade journey, remember that you are not alone. High schools offer a plethora of resources and support systems to help students succeed. Take advantage of tutoring programs, study groups, or academic support centers if you’re struggling with a particular subject.

Seek guidance from your teachers or academic advisors when selecting courses or planning your academic path. Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it, as these resources are designed to support your growth and development. By utilizing the available resources, you’ll be better equipped to overcome challenges and thrive in 9th grade.

Setting Goals And Staying Motivated

Setting goals is a powerful way to stay motivated and focused throughout your 9th grade year. Reflect on your aspirations and identify both short-term and long-term goals that align with your interests and passions. Break down these goals into actionable steps and track your progress along the way.

Celebrate small victories and use setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Stay motivated by regularly reminding yourself of your goals and the reasons why you embarked on this high school journey. By maintaining a clear vision and staying committed to your goals, you’ll be empowered to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

As a freshman, embarking on your 9th grade journey can seem daunting, but with the right mindset and strategies, you can navigate the challenges ahead like a boss. Embrace the opportunity to adjust to a new environment, balance academics and extracurricular activities, manage your time effectively, and develop strong relationships with teachers and peers.

Remember to prioritize your mental health and utilize the available resources and support systems. Set goals and stay motivated throughout the year, celebrating your achievements along the way. By embracing the challenges and adopting a proactive approach, you’ll survive 9th grade and set a solid foundation for success in the years to come.

So, take a deep breath, step out of your comfort zone, and embark on this exciting journey with confidence. You’ve got this!

About The Author

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My Ninth Journey

Grade 9 journey has been amazing. As I started my grade 9 it was nerve racking. Since it was my first time studying at Philippine College of Technology. I started my journey by making friends and adopting the my surroundings. Since I already knew Samantha and Maurice, it wasn’t difficult for me to find new friends. It was great to transfer school because I made a lot of friends and created great memories. Surronded by too many people but still there anre not Probably not most of the time, it wasn’t great especially if the projects, aasignments already lined up. Someone told me that grade 9 year will be arduous. Realizing that I really need to focus on studying and my health.

Meeting new people, feels great and makes me feel like I’m friendly. I had a lot of struggle in this year. I have a disease that is why it is hard for me to catch up on the lessons in the first grading. I really want to surpass the expectations of wait parents. I studied hard to my parents. It was the happiest year among my highschool years. As I come to the end of my grade 9 days. I want to continue my journey with my friends. All in all, my ninth year is joyful, tiring and memorable.

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my grade 9 journey

Jian's Thoughts and Talks

my grade 9 journey

A Stupendous and Phenomenal Grade 9 Journey

It’s Summertime once again….  I’ve always loved Summer, most especially because during these days, I love having the thoughts of doing nothing, (haha! 😂) indulging and enjoying, binge watching anime series, Netflix and chill! 😍 But this case is very different… I want to meet my Grade 9- St. Monica family again! I miss them so much. 😢

This blog of mine has had a very long hiatus. My last post was on June 18, 2016… almost a year ago! But today, I decided to make a blog post about how amazing and blissful my Grade 9 life was. I am very inspired! I just want to share this with everyone because it was and it will always be very genuine, indeed! This is also a tribute to my Grade 9 family, because I love them so much. 💖💖

DISCLAIMERS : 😊 • I AM NOT, in any way, comparing this class from my previous classes. • I AM NOT saying that this class is better. (They’re better than no one, but no one is better than them.) • I AM NOT saying that the traits of my classmates this year aren’t present in my previous classes. • I love this class so much and I AM NOT saying that I don’t feel the same for my previous classes. I love everyone! • I may be happier this school year, but I AM NOT saying that I wasn’t before. • I just want to clarify that I AM NOT BOASTING, BRAGGING, BEING MEAN, AND SUCH. I JUST WANT TO SHARE MY EXPERIENCES, AND EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHT TO DO SO. • MOST OF ALL, I DID NOT PUBLISH THIS BLOG POST TO HURT ANYONE. (If you are offended, I am heartily sorry.) • I AM HAPPILY PUBLISHING THIS AS A TRIBUTE TO MY 9th Grade FAMILY.

This post displays my sincere and heartfelt gratitude. Heretofore, my writing has never displayed such depth and sincerity, so thank you so much to my Grade 9 family for inspiring me to make this post! 😍

Also, if people would just stop being very closed-minded, this world will be a better one. People who are firmly unperceptive to honest contents annoy me the most. JUST ACCEPT THINGS THE WAY THEY ARE! 😘😘

Let’s start looking back! 😊   It was a typical summertime when my family finally decided to transfer me and my sister ( Ate Jelena ) to other schools. (Ate Jel is in Colegio de San Ignacio) The thought of transferring got me hesitating whether to really do it or not, because when I do, I’ll be going to a different school, wearing a new uniform, going inside a different classroom, meeting new people, sitting in a new chair, having a new seatmate, greeting new teachers, having a new environment, and going home from a different school. I had numerous choices, but one school stood out the most— yes, it was MCPI. Why? Because when we went inside, the staff was very accommodating, we even exchanged greetings. (Of course, I’m not saying that other schools didn’t do this, MCPI just stood out.) The vibe was very extraordinary, and the surroundings felt very peaceful. Long story short, I took two different examinations, passed and was accepted as a Grade 9- St. Monica (Star section) student, and didn’t have any right idea what the star section would be like. My expectations were out of this world; I expected the class to be having very conceited students, (because “star”, sure.) I also thought no one would warmly welcome a transferee like me, because why would they? I thought they’d care only about academics. (I looked down upon myself. x) But man, I WAS WRONG. MY EXPECTATIONS WERE WRONG.  I live in Ilang, Davao City and I study in Maryknoll College of Panabo Inc. . Some people told me I was impractical because there are way too many schools in Davao to choose from to opt to go to a school very far away from home. But I disregarded their opinions because right when I entered the school, I knew I was for it and it was for me. ❤️  I wake up early in the morning to travel across 4 places EVERY SINGLE SCHOOL DAY and go home very early in the afternoon and arrive late. Physically exhausting, yes, but I didn’t have any regrets. It was life-changing. 💘 I can still reckon the first day when I had nothing to do but to read a book quietly as though I was a turtle constantly hiding inside its shell. ***Shout out to Queenie, (first seatmate) Ivy, Leian, Maxene, Kenn! (TLE groupings) You were the ones who made me talk first! 😂*** They did seem very smart ones— their ideas and the words they said were amazing. And then they approached me. I happily exchanged greetings with them. The talks went smoothly one after the other, and suddenly the vibe got intimidating. Don’t get me wrong, they were very open-minded and I loved the way they talked, it was just becoming very awkward. So I gathered all my courage to tell them to let me adjust first, then they did. And when I finally adjusted, they were still there, happily welcoming me in their Grade 9 lives. They were very amazing, sure. ❤️ Many things have happened, from mere days full of smiles and laughter to days filled with stress and preoccupation—we survived those together. Days, weeks, and months have passed… a lot of things have changed, we were better, but they were still my Grade 9 family that I have known and I have always loved. We went through numerous ups and downs, and those actually made our bond even stronger. We lost a classmate, an angel and a very big blessing, Gecille Jul Pormento. A few deaths also came upon some of my classmates’ family members. But those didn’t knock us down— we rose, we continued fighting the battles, grew and learned so much things all the way through. We were brave. We were faithful. 🙏   Gecille Jul Pormento.  Gecille’s hands upon being in a comatose state….  If I were to describe them using one word, it’ll be very hard because they have diverse personalities, but I think the word “TRUTHFUL” would be the general term. 😊 Truthful in a way that will never hurt others because all of us are ready and very open to receive constructive criticisms and opinions, in a way that will help everyone get better and better, in a way that won’t lower one’s self-esteem, in a way that will help all of us in any aspect. They are very loved but they aren’t conceited—they just spread the love that others give them to others as well, and our section is full of love because of that particular characteristic. They are very matured and open-minded that they barely get offended and hurt because they take everything as, again, constructive criticisms and opinions. They cumber themselves never about consequences, about interests; they give independent and genuine verdict. They are very sincere and mindful in everything that they do and say. They are in the star section but they have never looked down upon others, instead, they are very down to earth. ❤️❤️   I have learned a lot of things from them. I admit I wasn’t as matured as they were when I first entered their world, but eventually, they taught me so many things and I have carried numerous lessons along with me and I grew. One thing that I loved and I will always love the most about them is in terms of helping, they have the mentality of giving help according to the QUALITY OVER QUANTITY principle. They always think about ways to effectively help some people and how helpful the help they offer would be over the quantity of resources that their help would be made from. I learned how to have a happy disposition in life, to focus on the positive sides despite being fully aware of the negative sides, to appreciate and respect diversity and differences, to bravely let go of whatever is weighing me down, to fill the empty spaces that made me spiral at the very anticipation of being alone in my thoughts, to challenge the mean, to accept the peer pressure and the changes in my life, FROM THEM.   Also, MCPI has taught me to be humble, to hold in high regard and/or value my skills and talents, to communicate well, and to always be good.  I might have teeter-tottered about the choice of being there but nevertheless, I have decided not to regret anything because I wanted to be there from the very first place and since then, I haven’t had any regrets. I am immensely happy that I chose MCPI! 😍 It is impossible to measure the extent of my gratitude to MCPI, so I will just be wholeheartedly extending my gratefulness to them. They’re one of a kind. This school is very genuine and it is a very joyful place. It is one of the finest academic institutions in Panabo City, Davao del Norte 8105. 

MEMENTOS 😍💘  (read the captions!)


 [Trimmed video. Duration: 17 seconds] 

Dara pa. Good morning, Vince! ( Hapon diay to ani.) 😂👇

Disclaimer : 

Wala diay siya naghatag ug violent reaction ani. Nagkatawa ra daw siya. Therefore, wala siya nasuko or nalain. 




      June Ritchie, Jericho, Gilbert Emmanuel, Hearken Dave, Ryan Daniel, Vince Yvan, Mark Laurence, Kenn, Oswald Jay, Mac Jerard, Jacob, Daryl John, James Clark, Rachelle Jane, Hannah Grace, Kiana Andrea, Ivy, Ma. Nicole, Beah Bianca, Dyan Shae, Myka, Mary Shanelle, Dennise Jane, Rhea Mae, Marylee Cleo, Pia Keziah, Keah, Ericka Jean, Xyrxes Andrzej, Alona Christelle, Anjelene, Christine Mae, Gecille Jul , Maxene, Kristine Claire, Julia Alexia, Rio Dyanne, Korinne, Queenie Mae, Joanna, Chriszel, Honey Mae, Leian May, Hazel Kaye, THANK YOU. I will certainly treasure everything that we have celebrated within our bond forever. I will always be proud of you. The thought of leaving saddens me, knowing that I may not really be able to find people like you, but even in another school, I will always support and root for you in any aspect. You have been and you will always be the best, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH. 💖💖💖💖 Also, to Paul Monico, Kyle Matthew, Josh Andrei, Argel James, Leslie, Mara Ericka, Jubea, Merasol, and Christianne, THANK YOU for giving me glimpses and for sharing your experiences from your past years with my classmates to me. You have made adjusting to a new school for me so much easier.  (I literally typed all of your names, that’s how special all of you are to me! Special thanks to Hazel, Rachelle, June! 😊) And of course, to MCPI’s staff, MCPI’s students, to my adviser, Ms. Villar and to all my subject teachers; Mr. Lantoria, Ms. Besinan, Mrs. Sarmiento, Mr. Cajegas, Ms. Narido, Ms. Saga, Mr. Into, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING.  CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF US! It has been an amazing, fun-filled, happy, and holy academic year. ❤️😊 I know it won’t be easy bidding “goodbye” to them. But again, a”goodbye” to a wonderful journey means “hello” to an another one. ❤️❤️❤️❤️     MAY GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS US ABUNDANTLY. With love, Jian Marie

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My grade 9 journey

• English language

•All of the literature in this ninth-grade category focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and composition. Moreover, students will be exposed to topics like oral presentation, literary analysis, citing sources, and writing assignments

•We practice narrative writing, information writing, and argument writing as a result of assignments Use colons and semicolons correctly.

• Mathematics

•9th- grade math usually focuses on Algebra I, but can include other advanced mathematics such as Geometry, Algebra II, Pre-Calculus or Trigonometry

•I have developed fluency in writing and solving multi-variable equations and inequalities and gain an understanding of nonlinear functions, including exponential and quadratic functions.

The b asic concept of science

my grade 9 journey

I have learned that Motion. Distance and displacement Average speed and average velocity Instantaneous speed and velocity Acceleration.

Moreover , I studied the Force & laws of motion. Newton's first law & unbalanced forces: Force & laws of motion Newton's second law & Inertia: Force & laws of motion Newton's third law.

Chemistry is the science that tries to understand the properties of substances and the changes that substances undergo

Chemistry concepts deal with the understanding of basic constituents of matter, atoms, and molecules.

I have learned how to use laboratory equipment and materials to collect data and then use a variety of data analysis

Social Studies

•Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their world.

•From social studies classes I have learned about government, political ideas, country economy and resources, and more

my grade 9 journey

I have learned that art encourage self-expression and creativity and can build confidence as well as a sense of individual identity.

Also , the traditional way of looking at art, namely the visual arts, suggests that there are five basic elements of an artwork – line, shape, color, texture and space.

Art gives meaning to our lives and helps us understand our world.

my grade 9 journey

Islamic culture

Computer science

•Islamic Studies in grades 9 and 10 build the foundation for students in building their beliefs, understanding their Islamic identity, learning various Islamic principles, understanding the rules, and discovering the beauty of prayer, fasting, and other ways of worshipping Allah .

Understand the components of a computer system , This includes hardware, software, peripherals and other subsystems. Understand a myriad of programming concepts and develop skills to create programs. Build upon skills necessary to solve computer-based problems using high-level programming languages.

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English Journey 9 Student's Book

English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level (Proficiency) in the CEFR. Each level is of a manageable length and can be completed in one academic year. A strong skills syllabus runs through the course which actively improves students’ performance in reading, writing, listening and speaking. Vocabulary is presented in context in theme-related word sets and there is also a focus on collocations, phrasal verbs and prepositions.

Key features of English Journey 9 Student’s Book • 12 theme-related units, each containing carefully developed tasks designed to develop students’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills • 12 Reload sections, one at the end of each unit, to reinforce vocabulary and grammar presented • 6 Progress Reviews, one after every two units, to consolidate the vocabulary and grammar • a Grammar Reference to support the grammar theory presented in each unit • a Writing Bank and a Speaking Bank to support students’ productive skills An interactive version of English Journey 9 Student’s Book, including the audio necessary for the listening activities, can be found on the English Journey 9 Interactive Whiteboard Software.

English Journey 9 Workbook

English Journey 9 Workbook

English Journey 9 Workbook accompanies English Journey 9 Student’s Book. It practises and consolidates the skills, vocabulary and grammar taught in the Student’s Book. The structure of the Workbook unit reflects that of the units in the Student’s Book, providing a valuable tool which allows students to follow up lesson-by-lesson on the Student’s Book content. Its clear and simple format means that it can be used by students at home as well as in class. English Journey 9 Workbook contains • 12 theme-related units, containing Reading, Vocabulary, Grammar, Listening and Writing sections. The vocabulary and grammar taught in each unit of the Student’s Book is further practised in exam-style tasks in the Use-Your-English sections of each unit. • 6 Progress Reviews, providing further consolidation of the vocabulary and grammar. An interactive version of English Journey 9 Workbook, including the audio necessary for the listening activities, can be found on the English Journey 9 Interactive Whiteboard Software.

Grade 9 Academy

Our story so far…

From a Tik Tok account to an online school , the grade 9 academy is on a mission to help as many people as possible to get a grade 9!

Where it all began…

The Grade 9 Academy was founded in 2018 with a dream of transforming confused and overwhelmed pass level students into Grade 9 heroes! 

It all began really as a Tik Tok account and since then we have continued to build and grow into a global online school.

Our goal is that no matter where you live or what educational opportunities you have available to you, you ALWAYS have access to excellent, high-quality, educational resources at the Grade 9 Academy!   We keep our prices affordable and competitive  and all of our products and services are available globally … anywhere…anytime!

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Hey there, I’m Maya…

I’m the founder of Grade 9 Academy!

I’m a qualified teacher, grade 9 tutor and examiner and I have nearly a decade of experience in helping students from all over the world to achieve a grade 9!

I am so passionate about breaking down the curriculum, making it simple, easy and accessible!

So, here’s my story…

When I was a kid, I blooming loved school, especially English. During childhood, I’ve always just LOVED learning and the human brain FASCINATES me. 

So…I dived into school, learned new things, got stuck in. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not actually very ‘naturally’ intelligent, in my younger years I definitely struggled with school: I wasn’t in top sets, I definitely wasn’t top of the class, but I just loved learning and I had this belief that if I just kept going I’d get there eventually, and I did! I came out with all 9’s in my GCSEs as well as  full marks in all science exams and English! I don’t say all of that to impress you and flatter my own ego, I say that to try and in-still you with more confidence and to encourage you to believe in yourself! Because I honestly believe that one of the biggest things holding young people back from getting top grades is… confidence!!

There are some phenomenal teachers out there who do incredible and inspiring work, but there also might be times when people underestimate you. I always remember one of my English teachers telling me at the start of year 11 that he thought I would get a grade C and that’s what I should ‘aim’ for. Luckily, there were some incredible teachers who did believe in me and with their help I  went on to get full marks in GCSE and A Level English.

Anyway, I’m not here to shame and complain whatsoever, that’s really not my jam , but I am here to warn you to take other people’s opinions of you with a pinch of salt…because they are not YOU! There is only one of you, and you are magical! Don’t outsource your power! And honestly, YOU don’t even know what you’re capable of yet! Expect the unexpected! Your potential is honestly limitless!

I then went on to study my A-Levels, got a top degree in English Lit, trained to be a teacher, got a masters in education , worked as an English teacher , worked as a GCSE examiner , worked as a one to one private tutor. Anyway, long story short , over a decade later, I’m now pretty good at teaching others how to get a grade 9 too and so that’s basically what I do!

I encourage young people to believe in themselves and open up their eyes to their own potential . I teach them a series of strategies to help them to get a grade 9. Along the way, I also try to make it fun, light and easy!

Oh yeh, and one final thing…

Please…above all else…do it for YOU!

Don’t do it for your teachers , don’t do it for your parents , don’t do it for anyone else .

Do it for you.

Do it because you want to .

When you do it for you, you have no competition, because your only competition is… yourself . When you do it for you, you have no predicted grades or expectations, because your only expectation is… your best .

So good luck and happy studying!

Love, Maya!

Success stories from around the world….

my grade 9 journey

“I absolutely loved learning with Maya! With her help I have gone from a grade 3 in English to achieving a grade 7 in my most recent mock exams which is amazing. Now I am aiming for a grade 9!  Maya is always positive when giving feedback and explaining ways to improve my work. She explains things really clearly and has transformed my progress. I would really recommend her. “

my grade 9 journey

Saskia, Belgium

“ Before, I honestly wasn’t a big fan of English, but you allowed me so much freedom and you were so kind and encouraging and patient with me – I’m going to really miss your help! I usually hate studying for exams as it’s so stressful and daunting but you made it all surprisingly fun! I never thought I would be proud of any essays I would write but I am honestly really proud of my work and I wouldn’t be without all your help! Thank you so, so much!”

my grade 9 journey

“Maya is an amazing tutor, she has the most helpful methods and they are so easy to remember. The first lesson I barely knew anything , she expanded me in so many ways. I now feel very comfortable in my English classes, I feel confident to contribute and use my knowledge in my writing and comprehension skills. She prepared me so well for my exams and I would’ve been struggling without her. I highly recommend her, thank you so much!”

my grade 9 journey

Amani, Zanzibar

“At first, I didn’t like learning but little did I know, slowly and surely, I was getting better. Maya’s teaching skills are excellent ; she is patient, listens to your mistakes and tells you what you need to do straight away. You could even say I am now exceeding the people that used to outpace me in my class. I would certainly recommend Maya 100%. Thank you for your help Maya!”

my grade 9 journey

Lucie, Hong Kong

“ Maya has helped me through many problems including grammar, punctuation, spelling, descriptions and stories. She has taught me many things and she is just wonderful. She taught me so much in such a short time. She is really nice, she is fair and she has helped me build my confidence. I would really recommend her ; I really love her!”

my grade 9 journey

“I just want to say a huge thank you! At the start of the year I was predicted a grade 5 and I was getting average scores. However, after purchasing your cards and products, I started getting significantly higher (8’s and 9’s). Today I opened my results and I got a grade 8 and 6 marks off a 9! Thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it without you!”

If you would love to become a grade 9 student, I challenge you to come on this journey with me.

Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you land among the stars!

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  1. From Freshman To Pro: How To Survive 9th Grade

    Study Habits And Organizational Skills. To survive 9th grade, you must establish effective study habits and organizational skills. Find a study routine that works best for you, whether it's studying in short bursts with frequent breaks or dedicating longer periods of focused study. Experiment with different techniques such as flashcards ...

  2. My grade 9 English journey by Aparna Yogarajan on Prezi

    Aparna Yogarajan. Updated Jan. 14, 2015. Transcript. By the end of grade 9, i was able to step over difficulties and "build" my way to success. I started off as a confused person, but was able to take in what I was taught, to grow as a student. I was able to grow as a student, just like how a few simple blocks of me explaining my jouney grew ...


    MEMORIES IN MY NINTH GRADE JOURNEY ... Being a Grade 9 student has been a tough job for me. For a typical high school student, it was just an easy one but for an STE student, it's really a hard one. Since we're in the pilot section, we're of big responsibility. We have to study harder, have advance reading every day and maintain high ...

  4. Reflection

    Grade 9 English Portfolio. Final Reflection. This year in honors English 9, we learned a lot. We learned how to be better readers, writers, and thinkers. This year we had to write a lot of essays and read a lot of novels. This year was very challenging for me, but I feel that I improved a lot on those three skills.

  5. My Ninth Journey

    Written by sittieshareena. Grade 9 journey has been amazing. As I started my grade 9 it was nerve racking. Since it was my first time studying at Philippine College of Technology. I started my journey by making friends and adopting the my surroundings. Since I already knew Samantha and Maurice, it wasn't difficult for me to find new friends.

  6. IXL skill plan

    Grades Topics Weekly plans. Skill plans. Skill plan for myPerspectives - Grade 9 ... Poetry Collection: For My People and Incident 1. Identify elements of poetry 2. Use semicolons and commas to separate clauses 3. Use dashes ... Journeys of Transformation Whole-class learning from the Odyssey, Part 1 ...

  7. My Journey- Grade 9

    My Journey- Grade 9. It was just yesterday, the first day I enter our classroom meeting my classmates talking about our experiences and wants in the class. And now I already accomplished another year full of experiences and discoveries. Continuing my journey; I joined the Literary Character Impersonation in the Lasallian Academic Breakthrough ...

  8. Life in Grade 9

    Grade 9 is one of the best years of your life, because you are starting a new chapter, with new experiences. Along with this, it is one of the most nerve-racking experiences, going from being the "big fish", to the "smallest fish" in the pond. Once you get past the first week, you will start to settle in and get to know more about high ...

  9. A Stupendous and Phenomenal Grade 9 Journey

    My last post was on June 18, 2016… almost a year ago! But today, I decided to make a blog post about how amazing and blissful my Grade 9 life was. I am very inspired! I just want to share this with everyone because it was and it will always be very genuine, indeed! This is also a tribute to my Grade 9 family, because I love them so much. 💖💖

  10. Salem Hasen Portolio

    •English language •All of the literature in this ninth-grade category focuses on grammar, vocabulary, and composition. Moreover, students will be exposed to topics like oral presentation, literary analysis, citing sources, and writing assignments •We practice narrative writing, information

  11. My 9th Grade Journey by Alex Indelicato on Prezi

    My 9th Grade Journey. Realized how important things start to get. Took more responsibility. Started taking things more serious.

  12. MY JOURNEY: GRADE 9 by Andrea Serralde

    MY JOURNEY: GRADE 9 by: Andrea Serralde :) WHAT THIS YEAR HAS DONE FOR ME: This year has allowed me make new friends and open up to all kinds of people It was a part of a new chapter in my life and.... -I participated in Culturefest in grade 9 in the Latin American pavilion. -I

  13. My Grade 9 Journey: Discovering Myself Through Challenges

    Charlotte Ann C. Dingding reflects on her journey through 9th grade. She recalls being nervous on her first day but finding that her teachers were kind and she was able to make new friends. Throughout the year, she learned important life lessons and improved her studying habits. While there were challenges, her faith helped her persevere. She is grateful for the growth and learning experiences ...


    But do not hurry the journey at all. Better if it last for years, so you are old by the time you reach the island, wealthy with all you have gained on the way, not expecting Ithaka to make you rich. Ithaka gave you the marvelous journey. Without her you would not have set out. She has nothing left to give you now.

  15. English Journey 9

    English Journey 9 Student's Book. ISBN-13: 9789925318292. CEFR Level: B2. English Journey is an exciting and complete ten-level English course especially researched and written to appeal to young learners and teenagers alike. Its carefully constructed syllabus gradually and effectively takes your students from Pre-A1 (Beginner) to C2 level ...

  16. Unit 5: Journeys of Transformation

    MyPerspectives Grade 9 Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free.

  17. PDF IXL Skill Alignment

    Grade 9 alignment for myPerspectives Use IXL's interactive skill plan to get up-to-date skill alignments, assign skills to your students, and track progress. ... Journeys of Transformation Whole-class learning Textbook section IXL skills from the Odyssey, Part 1 Making meaning 1.Analyze short stories: set 2 WHN

  18. my grade 9 journey by aziz qaderi

    my grade 9 journey my learning journey I am more organized than i was in grade 8. I would not take the time to place my work where it belongs, so it would end up being misplaced. I know i developed time management because of how many things i have to do in my day, and i get it. Get started for FREE Continue.

  19. PDF Common Core State Standards English Language Arts

    9 Journeys Grade K Lessons From Page To Page Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts, Kindergarten Lesson 7 T81 T159 Reading Standards: Foundational Skills 2.c. Blend and segment onsets and rimes of single-syllable spoken words. 3.a. Demonstrate basic knowledge of one-to-one letter-sound correspondences by producing the primary or ...

  20. About

    The Grade 9 Academy was founded in 2018 with a dream of transforming confused and overwhelmed pass level students into Grade 9 heroes! ... If you would love to become a grade 9 student, I challenge you to come on this journey with me. Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you land among the stars! ...

  21. Z league

    zleague__ on April 22, 2024: "For the next couple years I will be producing a documentary series on YouTube filming my 7th grade son journey as he and his teammat...". Z league | For the next couple years I will be producing a documentary series on YouTube 📺 filming my 7th grade son journey as he and his teammat... | Instagram

  22. Grade 9 English Journey by Thipa E on Prezi

    Quotation The First Stone Grade 9 English Journey ~Thipa E Setting & Theme All Summer In A Day Thank You For Being Part Of My Grade 9 English Journey "Just because they don't fit with the others don't make'em less important" (Aker,34) Skills I Have Developed In This Course. Get started for FREE Continue.

  23. Fostering community engagement at Northbridge with the Grade 9

    Fostering community engagement at Northbridge with the Grade 9 Community Project Showcase. Northbridge International School Cambodia Grade 9 is ready to present their community project, a journey of exploration and service learning undertaken by our students since November 2023. Aligned with the International Baccalaureate's (IB) mission to ...

  24. MY JOURNEY: GRADE 9 by Andrea Serralde on Prezi

    MY JOURNEY: GRADE 9 by: Andrea Serralde :) WHAT THIS YEAR HAS DONE FOR ME: This year has allowed me make new friends and open up to all kinds of people It was a part of a new chapter in my life and.... -I participated in Culturefest in grade 9 in the Latin American pavilion. -I

  25. My Grade 9 journey

    # grade 9 journey# fyp#masaya #grade 9