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Preserver is a Pocket TOS novel – the third novel in the retroactively-designated Mirror Universe trilogy – written by William Shatner , with Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens . Published by Pocket Books , it was first released in hardback in July 2000 .

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Background information [ ].

  • The audiobook was abridged by George Truett .
  • An extract from this novel appeared in Star Trek Monthly  issue 69 . It was the last extract to appear in the magazine for six years.

Cover gallery [ ]

Audiobook cover, US cassette edition

Characters [ ]

References [ ].

TOS : " The Corbomite Maneuver ", " Mirror, Mirror ", " The Paradise Syndrome "

External link [ ]

  • Preserver at Memory Beta , the wiki for licensed Star Trek works

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Thursday, August 9, 2018

In the Mirror Universe the tyrannical Emperor Tiberius, once captain of the ISS Enterprise , had great success turning captured alien weaponry to his advantage. Until, that is, his failure to seize the tantalising advances of the ancient First Federation. Now, in the more peaceful universe of the United Federation of Planets, Tiberius sees his second chance. And a new ally will help him take it - his alter ego for whom he has nothing but contempt - Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk. Honorable, idealistic and decent, James T. Kirk is many things Tiberius is not. But he is also a man deeply in love with his wife - and Teilani is dying. To save her life, Kirk is prepared to compromise his ideals and enter into his most dangerous alliance yet. Battling Captain Jean-Luc Picard and a new generation of Starfleet heroes, Kirk must guide Tiberius to a long-abandoned First Federation base which conceals a power so great it will enable Tiberius to conquer the mirror universe - and his own. But on that journey Kirk uncovers long-hidden secrets that raise the stakes far beyond the mere survival of family and friends. At the heart of their quest, something else is waiting: an object from a civilisation whose technology is far more advanced than any Kirk or Tiberius could hope to acquire, placed there for Kirk's eyes only by mysterious aliens who appear to have influenced life within the galaxy over eons of time - a message from the Preservers...
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A friendly reminder regarding spoilers ! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy , the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG , Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online , as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant . Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{ spoiler }}, {{ spoilers }} OR {{ majorspoiler }} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU

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Description [ ]


Jean-Luc Picard .

Summary [ ]


James T. Kirk .

James T. Kirk 's mirror universe double has risen to power as the evil Emperor Tiberius . This alternate universe version has failed in his quest to learn the secrets of the advanced First Federation . Tiberius tries to intervene in the primary universe to learn the secrets of its version of the First. To complicate matters, Kirk's wife Teilani is deathly ill, a situation Tiberius gleefully takes advantage of in order to secure Kirk's assistance.

References [ ]

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Cover image.

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  • Preserver (novel) article at Memory Alpha , the wiki for canon Star Trek .
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Published May 13, 2024

Last-Minute Reinforcements Are a Starfleet Tradition

As seen in Discovery's confrontation with the Breen, Starfleet's penchant for arriving with support in the nick of time has endured into the 32nd Century.

Collage of Star Trek episodic stills that showed when Starfleet reinforcements arrived

When four Federation vessels arrived to back up the U.S.S. Discovery -A during a confrontation with a Breen dreadnought in Star Trek: Discovery ’s " Erigah ," the impromptu armada proved that Starfleet's penchant for last-minute reinforcements has endured into the 32nd Century.

Let’s look back on some of Star Trek 's most exhilarating starship entrances from across the franchise's celebrated history.

10. "Beam Them Aboard, Chief!"

Garak and Odo pilot the runabout as they are pursued by the Jem'Hadar in 'The Die is Cast'

"The Die is Cast"

Held captive on a Romulan warbird in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 's " The Die is Cast ," Garak and Odo can only stand by as a joint Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order fleet is ambushed by scores of Jem'Hadar fighters near the Founders' homeworld. The two successfully retreat to their runabout, but Jem'Hadar ships follow and quickly knock out the small Starfleet vessel's shields and warp drive.

Garak and Odo resign themselves to their fates… at least until the U.S.S. Defiant swoops past their forward viewports and dispatches the nearest Jem'Hadar pursuers. Although the combined Romulan-Cardassian fleet is lost, the Defiant beams Garak and Odo out of danger and escapes back to the Alpha Quadrant.

9. "A Pakled Party, and I Wasn't Invited?"

A tattered Boimler points out the Cerritos viewscreen at the U.S.S. Titan as they're attacked by the Pakleds in 'No Small Parts'

"No Small Parts"

In the classic Star Trek: Lower Decks episode " No Small Parts ," the Pakleds surround the U.S.S. Cerritos — which the Pakleds erroneously refer to as the Enterprise — and begin to pull the Federation vessel apart. Ensign Beckett Mariner sits in the center seat and braces to order the crew to abandon ship, but Ensign Brad Boimler detects another starship approaching.

The U.S.S. Titan — or, according to the Pakleds, "another Enterprise " — sails in with its phasers and photon torpedoes ablaze, causing their confused foes to depart in a hasty fashion. Captain Riker's Titan even comes away from the encounter with an additional officer, as Boimler accepts a promotion and is transferred over to Riker's command.  

8. "Might We Be of Assistance?"

Picard looks out the viewscreen to see the Romulans arrive to support them in Star Trek Nemesis

Star Trek Nemesis

With Praetor Shinzon intent upon deploying his Scimitar 's devastating thalaron-based weapon against Earth in Star Trek Nemesis , Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the U.S.S. Enterprise -E put up a valiant struggle in the face of their opponent's overwhelming firepower. Two additional Romulan warbirds decloak, seemingly reducing the Starfleet vessel's odds of survival… at least until Commander Donatra announces her intention to ally with the Enterprise -E and openly oppose Shinzon.

Although the two Romulan ships are eventually incapacitated, they take a toll on the Scimitar and provide valuable humanitarian aid to Picard’s ailing crew once the Praetor’s vessel is vanquished. This newfound rapport with the Romulans ultimately plays a key part in Picard’s future dealings involving the proposed evacuation of Romulus.

7. "Who's to Say We Aren't a Federation Armada?"

James Kirk pilots a shuttle in 'A Quality of Mercy'

"A Quality of Mercy"

In " A Quality of Mercy ," the stunning first season finale of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds , Captain Christopher Pike partakes in an alternate future in which he avoids being wounded in a training accident. Opposed by the Romulan Praetor's flagship and its accompanying armada, the U.S.S. Enterprise is weeks away from any Starfleet support.

Luckily, the ever-resourceful Captain James T. Kirk utilizes a shuttle to retrieve dozens of robotic mining craft to bluff their way through the situation. Hostilities prove inevitable, but the unmanned Federation haulers divert enough incoming fire to grant the Enterprise the ability to escape. A declaration of war and severe injuries inflicted upon Spock demonstrate to Pike what could happen if he dodges his own fate.

6. "I'll See If I Can Get the Klingons' Attention."

An alt-future Picard looks out the viewscreen with an alt-future Riker standing behind him on the bridge in 'All Good Things...'

"All Good Things..."

In Star Trek: The Next Generation 's iconic series finale " All Good Things… ," Jean-Luc Picard experiences an alternate future in which he travels into Klingon space aboard Captain Beverly Picard's U.S.S. Pasteur . In search of any signs of a temporal anomaly, the Pasteur 's unsanctioned mission draws the ire of two Klingon warships that greatly outmatch the medical ship's shields.

An attempt to surrender fails, and only the equally unauthorized appearance of an upgraded U.S.S. Enterprise -D saves the day. Commanded by Admiral Riker, the Enterprise -D beams over the Pasteur 's survivors and sets course back to the Federation. Jean-Luc Picard convinces Riker to reconsider, and the Enterprise -D returns to help seal an anti-time rupture and prevent it from consuming the galaxy.

5. "Our Destiny Has Arrived."

Admiral Brett Anderson warps in with reinforcements to help Georgiou's Shenzhou as they face off against the Klingons in 'Battle at the Binary Stars'

"Battle at the Binary Stars"

Drawn to the outermost borders of Federation space by T'Kuvma in Star Trek: Discovery ’s "Battle at the Binary Stars," the U.S.S. Shenzhou faces off against a Klingon fleet that has assembled to heed the sacred call of the Beacon of Kahless. A task force overseen by Admiral Brett Anderson warps in to back up Captain Georgiou's ship, but T'Kuvma has orchestrated the entire situation as a ruse.

Initially seen as a way to even the odds, Starfleet's reinforcements actually play into T'Kuvma’s ploy to start a war between the Federation and Klingons with the goal of uniting the Great Houses behind him. Although T'Kuvma perishes in the battle's aftermath, the skirmish results in the devastating war that he wished to ignite.

4. "We're Basically a Hotel Now."

The Titan rushes in to aid the Eleos XII as it was trapped in the Shrike's tractor pull in 'Disengage'


Star Trek: Picard 's " Disengage " finds Jean-Luc Picard, William Riker, Jack Crusher, and a severely wounded Beverly Crusher trapped on board the S.S. Eleos XII as Captain Vadic's malevolent Shrike bears down upon it. Ensnared by the Shrike 's tractor beam and unable to break free, the Eleos XII 's capture seems inevitable.

However, Commander Seven of Nine persuades Captain Liam Shaw to intercede, and the refit U.S.S. Titan -A races into position between the two ships. This severs the tractor beam and allows them to rescue the four passengers from certain death. The relatively small-scale triumph ends up paving the way for a far greater achievement, as the Federation ensemble tracks clues which unearth Vadic's plot to infiltrate Starfleet and the Borg Queen's own insidious plans.

3. "Captain, I’m Sorry We Were Late."

Worf appears on the Defiant viewscreen to apologize for being late with Klingon reinforcements in 'Sacrifice of Angels'

"Sacrifice of Angels"

Resolved to wrest Deep Space 9 from Dominion hands, several Federation fleets converge on a Dominion armada twice their size in Deep Space Nine 's " Sacrifice of Angels ." As the lead ship, Captain Benjamin Sisko's U.S.S. Defiant is pummeled by enemy fire and its shields are pressed to the limit.

Fortunately, Commander Worf bursts into the fray with Klingon reinforcements which dive through the Dominion formation. Bolstered by their allies, the Defiant 's crew members propel their vessel on a daring charge through the Dominion lines and become the only starship to reach Deep Space 9 before the Dominion's own reinforcements can emerge from the wormhole. With help from the Bajoran Prophets, the Defiant denies the additional Dominion forces entry into the Alpha Quadrant and retakes the pivotal space station.

2. "Fly Her Apart, Then!"

The Excelsior appears on the Enterprise viewscreen in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

As Captain James T. Kirk and the U.S.S. Enterprise -A are rattled by incoming fire from General Chang and his Klingon Bird-of-Prey in Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country , Captain Hikaru Sulu orders his crew to push the U.S.S. Excelsior 's warp drive to the limit.

Sulu's starship arrives on scene in time to split Chang’s attention, and the Excelsior follows the Enterprise -A's lead in a coordinated strike on the cloaked enemy vessel. The Excelsior 's heroic intervention supplies Captain Kirk with enough time to expose the conspiracy to scuttle the Khitomer Conference, thus paving the way for the Khitomer Accords and a lasting peace between the Federation and Klingon Empire.

1. "It's the Enterprise !"

The Borg lays on its assault on several Starfleet vessels in Star Trek: First Contact

Star Trek: First Contact

A Federation fleet intercepts the Borg in the Typhon Sector, but the cube's powerful weapons and regenerative technology leave death and destruction in its wake. As the Collective approaches Earth, Commander Worf readies the heavily-damaged U.S.S. Defiant for ramming speed in an effort to prevent the Borg from assimilating the planet.

Worf's helm officer suddenly calls out the arrival of another starship, quickly identifying it as Captain Jean-Luc Picard's U.S.S. Enterprise -E. The flagship's appearance boosts morale, and Picard harnesses his lingering connection with the Collective to pinpoint a weak spot on the cube for the remaining Starfleet vessels to target. The Borg ship explodes, momentarily ending the most immediate threat to Earth and handing the Federation a victory in Star Trek: First Contact 's Battle of Sector 001. 

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Jay Stobie (he/him) is a freelance writer, author, and consultant who has contributed articles to, Star Trek Explorer, and Star Trek Magazine, as well as to Star Wars Insider and Learn more about Jay by visiting or finding him on Twitter, Instagram, and other social media platforms at @StobiesGalaxy.

Star Trek: Discovery Seasons 1-4 are streaming exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., the UK, Canada, Switzerland, South Korea, Latin America, Germany, France, Italy, Australia and Austria. Seasons 2 and 3 also are available on the Pluto TV “Star Trek” channel in Switzerland, Germany and Austria. The series streams on Super Drama in Japan, TVNZ in New Zealand, and SkyShowtime in Spain, Portugal, Poland, The Nordics, The Netherlands, and Central and Eastern Europe and also airs on Cosmote TV in Greece. The series is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Star Trek: Lower Decks streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution. In Canada, it airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel. The series will also be available to stream on Paramount+ in the UK, Canada, Latin America, Australia, Italy, France, the Caribbean, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Ireland and South Korea.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds streams exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S., U.K., Australia, Latin America, Brazil, South Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland and Austria. In addition, the series airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada and on SkyShowtime in the Nordics, the Netherlands, Spain, Portugal and Central and Eastern Europe. Star Trek: Strange New Worlds is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

In addition to streaming on Paramount+ , Star Trek: Picard also streams on Prime Video outside of the U.S. and Canada, and in Canada can be seen on Bell Media's CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave. Star Trek: Picard is distributed by Paramount Global Content Distribution.

Graphic illustration of Voyager, Discovery, and Defiant navigating the Badlands

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Preserver Resonant Technologies Set

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The Preserver Resonant Technologies Set is a set of space items that are available from the “Blood of Ancients” mission.

  • [ Console - Tactical - Harmonic Resonance Relay Mk XII ]
  • [ Resonant Transphasic Torpedo Launcher Mk XII ]

Either (but not both) of the following resonant disruptor energy weapons will count toward a set bonus:

  • [ Resonant Disruptor Beam Array Mk XII ]
  • [ Resonant Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons Mk XII ]
  • 1.1 Game Description
  • 1.2 Obtaining
  • 1.3 Upgrades
  • 2.1 Game Description
  • 2.2 Obtaining
  • 2.3 Upgrades
  • 3.1 Game Description
  • 3.2 Obtaining
  • 3.3 Upgrades
  • 4.1 Game Description
  • 4.2 Obtaining
  • 4.3 Upgrades
  • 5 Set powers

Console - Tactical - Harmonic Resonance Relay [ | ]

Energy credit icon

Game Description [ | ]

The Harmonic Resonance Relay tactical console is capable of enhancing the output of disruptor energy weapons and transphasic projectiles. Additionally, your ship weapons will have increased Armor Penetration resulting in less damage resistance.

Obtaining [ | ]

This item is obtainable from the “Blood of Ancients” mission.

Upgrades [ | ]

Resonant disruptor beam array [ | ].

Resonant Disruptor Beam Array icon

Beam Arrays are the most common and versatile weapons available. They fire a series of average damage beams across a wide arc. Beam weapons are equally effective against starship shields and hull . Resonant Disruptor space weapons incorporate Preserver technology to generate a sympathetic resonance within targets. This has a chance to pulse from the target, damaging and reducing the damage resistance of enemy ships nearby.

This item is freely upgradable to Mark XII. Further upgrades require Technology Points and Dilithium as normal.

Beam weapons can be upgraded using the Beam Weapons Tech Upgrades or assorted Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Resonant Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons [ | ]

Resonant Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons icon

Dual Heavy Cannons fire a quick, very high damage burst in a very narrow firing arc. Beam weapons are equally effective against starship shields and hull . Resonant Disruptor space weapons incorporate Preserver technology to generate a sympathetic resonance within targets. This has a chance to pulse from the target, damaging and reducing the damage resistance of enemy ships nearby.

Cannon weapons can be upgraded using the Cannon Weapons Tech Upgrades or assorted Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Resonant Transphasic Torpedo Launcher [ | ]

Resonant Transphasic Torpedo Launcher icon

Torpedo launchers fire projectiles that deal heavy kinetic damage. Shields drastically reduce the effects of kinetic damage. Transphasic projectiles deal average damage with a long recharge and have a chance for increased shield penetration. Resonant Disruptor space weapons incorporate Preserver technology to generate a sympathetic resonance within targets. This has a chance to pulse from the target, damaging and reducing the damage resistance of enemy ships nearby.

Torpedo Launchers can be upgraded using the Projectile Weapons Tech Upgrades or assorted Universal Tech Upgrades. This item will receive an additional modifier on successful quality improvement:

Set powers [ | ]

For each item added after the first, an additional power is available.

Set 2: Resonance Amplifiers

Harmonic Firing Enhancement Matrix icon (Federation)

For 15 sec:

Gallery [ | ]

Klingon Bird-of-Prey launches Transphasic Torpedo

Klingon Bird-of-Prey launches Transphasic Torpedo

Klingon Bird-of-Prey fires Resonant Disruptor Beam

Klingon Bird-of-Prey fires Resonant Disruptor Beam

Klingon Bird-of-Prey fires Resonant Disruptor Cannons

Klingon Bird-of-Prey fires Resonant Disruptor Cannons

Klingon Bird-of-Prey activates Harmonic Firing Enhancement Matrix

Klingon Bird-of-Prey activates Harmonic Firing Enhancement Matrix

  • 1 Gold-Pressed Latinum
  • 3 Playable starship

Star Trek: Discovery Just Dropped a Sneaky Timeline Easter Egg

Let's talk about 2371.

Tig Notaro as Jett Reno in 'Star Trek: Discovery' Season 5.

What was the most action-packed year in Star Trek’s future history? Thanks to some deep-cut Easter eggs in the latest episode of Discovery , the answer might surprise you. As Discovery approaches the end of its fifth and final season, the show continues to expand our knowledge of the Breen, while also sending its eponymous starship on a zig-zag quest around the galaxy to solve a puzzle that explains the very nature of life itself .

Along the way, Discovery is retreading a bit of Star Trek history the crew skipped over thanks to their time-traveling shenanigans at the end of Season 2. Now, in the episode “Erigah,” Discovery has reminded us that several major Star Trek events all happened in the same year. For us, it was 1994, but in Star Trek it was 2371. Spoilers ahead.

Why the 24th century matters

The USS Voyager in the Badlands.

The USS Voyager in the Badlands in 2371.

Although Discovery, which is now in the year 3191, exists well beyond all the other Trek shows and films, it still has several ties to the franchise’s past. From Season 3 onward, Disco’s retro-Trek connections mostly stem from the fact the majority of the regular characters are from 2258, just before The Original Series, before they jumped forward in time. But now, because the ship is on a quest to find the Progenitor tech uncovered in the 24th century by Jean-Luc Picard, many of Discovery’s Easter eggs are tied to that golden era of Trek.

The 24th century is the most robust spot on the Trek timeline, simply because three classic shows took place between 2364 and 2379: The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, and Voyager . When you add in four feature films, and the recent series Lower Decks and Prodigy, it’s easy to see why the 24th century is such a big part of Star Trek. But why is 2371 so pivotal? Discovery just revealed the answer through two seemingly unrelated Easter eggs.

2371, the year that everything happened

The crash-landed saucer of the USS Enterprise

23171 was a busy stretch.

In “Erigah,” the Discovery crew learns the next clue on their list is an antique Betazoid book called Labyrinths of the Mind , written in 2371. By the end of the episode, with the help of Jett Reno (Tig Notaro), they also learn this book is in a mobile library called “The Eternal Gallery and Archive,” currently situated in a part of space called the Badlands. At the same time, Dr. Culber is researching medicine during the Federation’s struggle against the Dominion. Guess what this all has in common? Events in 2371.

As revealed in the Deep Space Nine Season 3 finale, “The Adversary,” 2371 was the year the Federation learned the Changelings had come to the Alpha Quadrant and could shapeshift into anyone and anything. This was also the year when Thomas Riker, Will’s naughty transporter duplicate, stole the USS Defiant to help the Maquis fight the Cardassians. The first place Thomas took the Defiant ? Yep, the Badlands, where Discovery is now headed.

For Voyager fans, the Badlands is the rough and tumble area of space that flung Voyager halfway across the galaxy to the Delta Quadrant. Yes, Voyager also launched in 2371. And while DS9 was dealing with shapeshifters and a Riker doppelgänger, and Voyager was trying to figure out how to get home, the beloved USS Enterprise-D was forced to separate its saucer section and crashland on the planet Veridian III. While Will Riker (the good one) is crashing the Enterprise in Star Trek Generations , Picard is fighting a mad scientist named Dr. Soran and dealing with a time-traveling Captain James T. Kirk. All in the year-of-our-Q, 2371.

In our universe, all these events played out between May 1994 and January 1995. Star Trek was packing in as many events as possible, and impressively, fans were able to follow all the twists and turns in the canon. Discovery may not have meant to make a connection between a fictional book, the Badlands, and the most important year in 24th-century history, but when you look at all the stuff that happened back then, it was, as William Shatner might say , a very, very good year.

Star Trek: Discovery streams on Paramount+.

Phasers on Stun!: How the Making — and Remaking — of Star Trek Changed the World

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  • ‘Young Sheldon’ Series Finale: EP Steve Holland Talks Return Of Mayim Bialik & Jim Parsons, Why The World Needs A Sheldon Cooper Memoir

By Lynette Rice

Lynette Rice

Senior TV Writer

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Spoiler alert! This story contains details from the series finale episode of Young Sheldon on CBS.

Good luck at Caltech, Sheldon! We know you’ll do just fine and go on to make great friends in Pasadena.

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DEADLINE What was the very last scene you shot before Young Sheldon wrapped for good?

STEVE HOLLAND It was the family dinner scene where Mary [Zoe Perry] wants them to get baptized. George’s chair is there with a place setting, but he’s obviously passed away at that point. So we wanted to end in a scene that had as many of the characters in it as possible. And those dinner scenes have been such a staple of the show.

DEADLINE What was that last day like?

HOLLAND It was really emotional. I mean, honestly, the whole last month was. It was incredibly emotional writing the funeral episode and the finale and realizing how that was the last Young Sheldon script we were ever going to write. And then, when we got into production on those last three episodes … everyone knew the show was coming to an end and they were grieving that in some way, while grieving the death of the character. So there was a lot of real life emotions being mixed in with character emotions. Tears were readily available to everybody, but it literally had been weeks of saying goodbye.

DEADLINE Why was it important for Mary to have her kids baptized?

DEADLINE It was such a great idea to put Sheldon in a scuba suit for that.

HOLLAND When we were talking about what it would take to get Sheldon baptized, we liked the call back to the pilot where Mary gives him an out and he says, ‘I don’t believe, but I do believe in you.’ But we also felt like Sheldon’s not going to get in that tank of water unprotected. So it was a discussion about what he would wear. At first we had him just in a wetsuit, but honestly, a black wetsuit looked kind of like a superhero costume. It looked a little too cool. So then we were trying to figure out how to gussy it up with yellow boots and a life preserver to give it color. We just kept adding and taking away until we found what seemed like the best look for him.

preserver star trek

DEADLINE Did you know for several seasons that you wanted Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik in the finale?

HOLLAND I think in the back of our minds, it was always the thing we wanted. Certainly Jim, because he’d been narrating the whole thing. As we got to the finale, I think Chuck Lorre had pitched the idea of bringing back Mayim and Jim, which was really exciting and so much fun. But then it was like a balancing act for us. We wanted to make sure that we honored this cast and not let adult Sheldon and Amy dominate the last episode. I’m really happy with the balance we found. I think that Jim and Mayim are in it a great amount, but I think the Cooper family still gets their moment to shine.

DEADLINE So why would the world need a Sheldon Cooper memoir?

HOLLAND He’s a Nobel Prize winning physicist. I think he might’ve assumed the world needed that, whether that happened or not, but in the wake of him being a Nobel Prize winner and perhaps going on to even more research, the world needs to know about his childhood.

DEADLINE So was the first time that we learned Sheldon and Amy named their kid Leonard?

HOLLAND We’d said that before, I think in the episode where Sheldon graduates from high school. I think adult Sheldon says in voiceover that they have a son named after Leonard.

DEADLINE What was it like bringing Mayim and Jim back together?

HOLLAND Those are actors who I love and spent a decade of my life with. I see them from time to time, and obviously Jim narrated the show, so we saw him. But that’s usually on Zoom. He lives in New York, so we’re not in the same actual room that often. So just to be in the same room with him again was great and a little surreal because it felt like no time had passed.

DEADLINE Was that final scene shot at Caltech?

HOLLAND Yeah. I think that might be the first time, although we shot in an office at Caltech once when Stephen Hawking was on Big Bang. But I think it was the first time we’ve actually shot outside on the campus.

DEADLINE Even watching that episode, you can imagine the next chapter of this saga with Sheldon going to college and meeting Leonard. But I guess that’s too much to dream about?

HOLLAND I think so. You also get into this weird thing where somehow, he would have to morph into Jim Parsons. But we at least know we’re sending him off on that hopeful note, and we know that his future is full of friends and relationships and good things.

HOLLAND Multicam is our background. For Chuck and Steven Molaro and I, that’s how we came up in this business. The single camera show has been great and lovely, but I think in our bones we’re kind of multi-cam people and there’s nothing quite like putting a show up in front of an audience every week. It was important for Young Sheldon to be single cam, just to separate it from The Big Bang Theory, so it didn’t feel like we were just trying to copy Big Bang. This is a way to make this new show also feel like its own thing and not feel like it’s another season of Young Sheldon. It’ll give it its own identity. It’ll give it its own flavor. And putting this cast up in front of an audience is going to be really exciting.

DEADLINE What soundstage will you be on?

HOLLAND We’re going to be on the Big Bang stage, stage 25. I actually haven’t been back on that stage since we wrapped Big Bang. I’m excited. I think I’ve been in this business long enough to have heard the death of multi-cam many times and it’s always sort of bounced back. I think there’s something to be said for a comedy in front of an audience, a comedy that’s really about laughs. I hope audiences are ready for a return to that. I think there’s a real space for that in the world. There are so few of them now, and I have no idea how audiences are going to respond, but I know we are excited about it, and that’s been a good sort of guiding light for us throughout all this is, to try to do things we’re excited about and hope an audience follows you along.

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I Think Burnham's Star Trek: Discovery Prime Directive Violation is Better Than Picard's in TNG

Warning: SPOILERS for Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 6 - "Whistlespeak"

  • Captain Burnham respects Halem'nite beliefs, bridging technology and faith better than Picard in TNG.
  • Dr. Culber explores spirituality in "Whistlespeak", showcasing science and faith coexisting.
  • Star Trek: Discovery promotes tolerance by validating different beliefs.

In Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 6, "Whistlespeak", written by Kenneth Lin and Brandon Schultz, and directed by Chris Byrne, Captain Michael Burnham (Sonequa Martin-Green) violates Starfleet's Prime Directive in a way that's better than Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart) did in Star Trek: The Next Generation . The USS Discovery's next stop in Star Trek: Discovery 's treasure hunt is Halem'no, where a pre-warp society reveres Denobulan scientist Hitoroshi Kreel's camouflaged weather-regulating towers religiously. The 800-year-old towers are failing due to disrepair, and the Halem'nites are responding by sacrificing people, including Lt. Sylvia Tilly (Mary Wiseman), so Burnham halts the sacrifice and explains the rainmaking technology isn't divine.

In Star Trek: The Next Generation season 3, episode 4, "Who Watches the Watchers", the USS Enterprise-D crew resupplies the researchers observing the pre-warp society on Mintaka III from behind a holographic "duck blind". An accident at the research station causes the failure of the hologram and injures Liko (Ray Wise), a Mintakan civilian who spies the scientists. After Dr. Beverly Crusher (Gates McFadden) resuscitates Liko on the Enterprise, Liko returns to his village, proclaiming to be healed by an ancient Mintakan god, and the god's name is "the Picard" . Picard's answer is to deny not only his own divinity, but the existence of any gods at all.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 6 Ending Explained

Captain Burnham must break the Prime Directive to save Tilly and find the Progenitors' next clue in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 6.

Captain Burnham Validates The Halem'nites In Star Trek: Discovery Season 5

Captain picard's philosophy in tng matches roddenberry's vision, but is that okay.

After making a conscious decision to violate Starfleet's Prime Directive of non-interference with pre-warp civilizations, Captain Michael Burnham doesn't deny the existence of the Halem'nite gods. Burnham reveals herself to Ohvaz (Alfredo Narciso), a Halem'nite elder, and explains Burnham's transporter and Halem'no's rain are both the result of advanced technology. That gets Ohvaz questioning the existence of gods entirely, and Michael responds with genuine uncertainty, instead suggesting that the Halem'nite faith can coexist alongside knowing that technology is responsible for the rain. It's not up to Burnham to decide whether gods are real, just to tell Ohvaz how to keep the weather stations functional and the Halem'nite people alive.

Burnham's agnostic compassion in Star Trek: Discovery stands in contrast to Captain Jean-Luc Picard's atheistic response to the Mintakans in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Captain Picard agrees to dispel Liko's notion that Picard is one of Mintaka III's ancient gods, not just because Picard isn't a god, but because Jean-Luc himself believes that Liko's faith in any religion is a backward development. The TNG portrayal of religion as a superstitious practice that must be discarded for cultural evolution aligns with Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry's vision of the future, but it's an insensitive line of thinking that Star Trek: Discovery rectifies.

In Star Trek: Deep Space Nine , season 1, episode 19, "In the Hands of the Prophets", Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) shows similar respect for others' culture when Ben tells his son Jake (Cirroc Lofton) that the Bajorans aren't wrong to believe the wormhole aliens are Prophets because they very well could be.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 5, Episode 6 Raises Questions of Faith

Dr. culber's storyline in "whistlespeak" is synergistic with the a-plot.

Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 6, "Whistlespeak", allows science and faith to coexist on the same level. As Captain Burnham and Lieutenant Tilly address the beliefs of the Halem'nites, Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz) searches for a physical, scientific reason for feeling connected to something greater than himself. Culber theorizes the feeling is an after-effect of lending his body to Trill host Jinaal in Star Trek: Discovery season 5, episode 3 , "Jinaal", but without an anomalous reading, the only explanation is a spiritual one. Framing Culber's newfound spirituality as positive instead of regressive is a beautiful conclusion that reaffirms what Burnham tells Ohvaz on Halem'no.

Faith can bring communities together by giving hope and comfort to people in difficult times.

By treating religion and technology as separate, but equally valid concepts, Star Trek: Discovery is more in line with Star Trek 's overall message of respecting cultures and being tolerant of those unlike ourselves than Roddenberry's atheistic vision. Religion can be used as a tool to harm others, as Picard fears in Star Trek: The Next Generation, but faith can also bring communities together by giving hope and comfort to people in difficult times, as the Halem'no faith does in Star Trek: Discovery . Burnham recognizes the benefits inherent to the Halem'nites' beliefs, and respects their faith, making Burnham's approach to a Prime Directive violation better than Captain Jean-Luc Picard's.

Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: The Next Generation are streaming on Paramount+.

Star Trek: Discovery

Cast Blu del Barrio, Oded Fehr, Anthony Rapp, Sonequa Martin-Green, Doug Jones, Wilson Cruz, Eve Harlow, Mary Wiseman, Callum Keith Rennie

Writers Alex Kurtzman

Where To Watch Paramount+

Star Trek: The Next Generation

Cast Michael Dorn, LeVar Burton, Brent Spiner, Wil Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes, Patrick Stewart, Marina Sirtis, Gates McFadden

Writers Jeri Taylor, Michael Piller, Rick Berman, Brannon Braga, Ronald D. Moore

I Think Burnham's Star Trek: Discovery Prime Directive Violation is Better Than Picard's in TNG

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William Shatner

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Star Trek: Preserver Audio CD – Audiobook, July 1, 2000

  • Language English
  • Publisher Simon & Schuster Audio
  • Publication date July 1, 2000
  • Dimensions 5.74 x 1.01 x 4.94 inches
  • ISBN-10 0743506383
  • ISBN-13 978-0743506380
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Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Simon & Schuster Audio; Abridged edition (July 1, 2000)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0743506383
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0743506380
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 7 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.74 x 1.01 x 4.94 inches
  • #36,896 in Space Operas
  • #57,620 in Books on CD

About the author

William shatner.

William Shatner has cultivated a career spanning over 50 years as an award-winning actor, director, producer, writer, recording artist, and horseman. He is one of Hollywood’s most recognizable figures and a major philanthropist.

His accomplishments in television, film, and stage would take a great deal of time and more space than allotted here.

In 1966, Shatner originated the role of “Captain James T. Kirk” in the television series Star Trek. The series spawned a feature film franchise where Shatner returned as Captain Kirk in seven of the Star Trek movies, one of which he directed.

Shatner played the title role in the hit television series T.J. Hooker before hosting television’s first reality-based series, Rescue 911.

He won Emmys and his first Golden Globe for his portrayal of eccentric lawyer “Denny Crane” on both The Practice and Boston Legal. He received four more Emmy nominations as well as other Golden Globe and SAG Award nods.

Shatner's Raw Nerve, which aired on Bio, was his own edgy, celebrity interview series. Each episode showcased Shatner getting to know his guest on an intensely personal level, touching upon subjects not normally visited on other talk shows. Guests have discussed topics such as addiction, grief, childhood, marriage, combat and parenthood.

Mr. Shatner was cast in the NBC hit show Better Late Than Never in the late Summer 2016 and that show will be returning with a second season in 2017.

His love of music inspired him to record the critically acclaimed album Has Been. The Milwaukee Ballet performed “Common People,” a dance presentation set to several numbers from the record; the event and its preparations are featured in the documentary Gonzo Ballet, which played to sold out houses at film festivals worldwide.

Shatner’s musical project, Ponder The Mystery, with lyrics by William Shatner and music by Billy Sherwood was released October 2013. It followed the well-received, space-inspired album Seeking Major Tom, which featured songs by U2, Frank Sinatra, Queen and Pink Floyd and was released in October 2011.

Off the screen and broadcast waves, Shatner has authored nearly 30 best-sellers in both the fiction and non-fiction genres. His autobiography, Up Till Now, was a New York Times best-seller and was followed by Shatner Rules which was released in October 2011. William Shatner’s book, Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man, was released in February 2016 appearing on the NY Times Bestseller list. William Shatner’s newest book, Spirit of the Horse: A Celebration in Fact and Fable, will be released in May 2017.

In April 2011, Shatner launched his hugely popular one-man show, Shatner’s World in Australia and New Zealand, followed by tours in Canada and over 50 cities in the United States. The show is currently touring again in the United States and abroad.

Shatner has been successful in another area — horse breeding. A longtime dedicated breeder of American Quarter horses, he has had enormous success with the American Saddlebred, developing and riding world champions and has won numerous world championships in several equine events. His passions for horses and philanthropy were united when he started the Hollywood Charity Horse Show (, which benefits Los Angeles-based children’s charities.

Shatner continues to act, write, produce and direct while still making time to work with charities and further his passion in equestrian sports. He and his wife, Elizabeth and three married daughters live in Los Angeles.

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    Star Trek: Preserver. Audio CD - Abridged, July 1, 2000. by William Shatner (Author, Reader) 4.6 35 ratings. See all formats and editions. Captain Kirk is helpless to prevent his evil twin from capturing him, but the reappearance of the long-dormant "Preservers" will threaten the entire galaxy, unless he can stop them.