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travel rock turismo

Travel Rock garantiza los más altos niveles de diversión las 24 hs., ofreciendo a los chicos y chicas las mejores y más exclusivas excursiones de todo Bariloche ¡No te pierdas ni una de estas increíbles aventuras! Sin lugar a dudas, la mejor manera de aprovechar tu Gira de Estudios.

travel rock turismo

Nuestra cadena de hoteles cuenta con una estética vanguardista, amplias y cómodas habitaciones, seguridad las 24hs, consultorios con médicos exclusivos, equipamientos de última generación, salas de juegos, kiosco, excelentes restaurantes con atención personalizada, gastronomía de primera calidad diseñada y controlada por nutricionistas, con pensión completa y quinta comida incluida.

travel rock turismo

Travel Rock ofrece las mejores fiestas exclusivas en las discos más importantes de todo Bariloche. Hazte amigo del robot gigante de Cerebro, deslúmbrate con el show de lasers de By Pass y desafía a tus amigos/as bailando bajo el cañón de CO2 de alta potencia de Genux.

travel rock turismo

  • Cobertura médica total e integral de Assist Card
  • Centro médico exclusivo en la base del Cerro Catedral
  • Fast Pass en el Sanatorio San Carlos y el Centro Traumatológico Bariloche
  • Traslado aéreo de emergencia en avión sanitario
  • Consultorios médicos en los hoteles las 24hs
  • Médico exclusivo durante toda la estadía
  • 650 cámaras de seguridad
  • Pulseras Efesur de última generación con datos de cada pasajero/a
  • Sistema de reconocimiento facial en ingreso de los hoteles y habitaciones
  • Prevencionistas en los pasillos de los hoteles

travel rock turismo

Santiago  +56 22 471 0530 o +56 9 7435 1692 Talca +56 71 225 2882 o +56 9 7722 2736 Concepción  +56 41 267 9656 o +56 9 7722 3525 Viña del Mar  +56 32 332 3480 o +56 9 7721 2615 La Serena  +56 51 269 7664 o +56 9 7722 3986 Temuco +56 9 5000 7823 Antofagasta ‎+56 55 242 5594 o +56 9 5010 4379

travel rock turismo



travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


Una cadena de hoteles exclusivos únicos por su confort, calidad y ubicados en pleno centro..

  • Los Hoteles ofrecen:
  • Restaurantes y restobar
  • SUM y seguridad privada
  • Cabinas de teléfonos
  • Cajas de seguridad


Con toda la logística y seguridad.

travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


Seguridad, Calidad, Cortesía, Cumplimiento y Show: son la base de nuestra solidez, éxito y confianza. Somos una compañía que se formó en el año 2002. Quienes la creamos, hemos transitado más de 25 años en el mundo del turismo y el entretenimiento. Durante nuestra trayectoria transportamos a más de un millón de chicos de viaje de egresados a Bariloche.

Tomamos como estandartes principios de cultura ligados a fuertes conceptos que contienen un alto significado a la hora de brindar servicios de excelencia. Seguridad, en primer lugar y siempre. Es nuestro primer compromiso no solo con ustedes y los chicos, sino con la vida y nosotros mismos. Lo aplicamos a diario, en cada paso, en cada decisión. No hay improvisaciones.

Nuestros departamentos de Sistemas, Operaciones, Relaciones Institucionales, Coordinación, Coordinación de áreas y Coordinación General, operan 24 hs. monitoreando y controlando cada situación del viaje, cada traslado, cada comida, cada inquietud, cada movimiento, cada consulta, todo. En Bariloche más de 100 personas entre coordinadores, coordinadores de hotel, coordinadores de asistencia médica, médicos, representantes de relaciones institucionales, coordinadores de RRPP, expertos en calidad y gestión, gerentes, directivos, y accionistas, forman nuestra compañía y son parte fundamental de nuestro servicio, dedicado a la atención y el cuidado de cada uno de los chicos. No te lo pierdas, pasa una sola vez en la vida, TRAVEL ROCK Lo hace mágico!

Contratación ¿Cómo contrato el viaje de egresados con Travel Rock? Lo podes contratar mediante nuestros representantes que van a estar visitándote en la puerta del colegio o podes solicitar una reunión contactándote con nosotros a [email protected] o comunicándote al 011-4325-7625

¿Ya nos decidimos a viajar por Travel Rock, como se efectiviza? Se firma un contrato grupal, que se hace con dos padres representantes del grupo y luego se llena una solicitud de adhesión individual que se complementa a ese contrato grupal

¿Puedo contratar a Travel Rock en cualquier lugar de la Argentina? Travel Rock tiene sucursales propias en todo el País, así que no importa donde estés, podes solicitar que te vayamos a visitar con nuestra propuesta. Escribimos a [email protected] o comunicate al 011-4325-7625

El Viaje ¿Cuándo días dura el viaje? El viaje tiene una duración de 11 días, 8 noches, para la mayoría de las provincias, en algunos casos el tiempo de viaje se extiende dependiendo desde donde parta el grupo. ¿Cómo es el transporte? Todas las unidades de viaje, no tienen una antigüedad mayor a 2 años. Servicio 5 estrellas, servicio semi-cama.

Hoteles ¿Cómo son los Hoteles? Todos los hoteles cuentan con la misma categoría de calidad y servicios, son todos céntricos y los mismos son diagramados de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros viajantes y fecha de salida.

Fecha de Salida ¿Cuándo me confirman mi fecha de Salida? La fecha de salida se confirma 30 días antes del inicio de la temporada contratada.

Pagos ¿Dónde se puede realizar los pagos? Todos los pagos se realizan en pago fácil o rapipago siempre que se esté dentro de la fecha de vencimiento que figura en la chequera de pagos. Pasada esta fecha se dispone de 10 días para abonar en Banco Nación, posterior a esto se debe abonar en casa central o en cualquiera de las sucursales habilitadas.

Coordinación ¿Cuántos coordinadores acompañan al grupo? Cada grupo dispondrá de dos coordinadores que se encontraran acompañando al grupo las 24hs en el transcurso del viaje. Además contamos con coordinación estable en San Carlos de Bariloche durante toda la temporada, supervisando cada una de las áreas que componen el viaje de egresados.

Documentación ¿Qué documentación es requerida para la salida? Documentación para la salida es DNI, CHEQUERA DE PAGOS Y FICHA MEDICA PERSONAL, debidamente firmada por los padres y médico autorizado.

Otras consultas Cancelación: Si por algún motivo debes cancelar tu viaje, podes leer las normas de cancelación que figuran en la cláusula DECIMO PRIMERA de las condiciones generales del contrato. También podes optar por transferir el viaje como se especifica en la cláusula DECIMO SEGUNDA del mismo contrato.

Bonificados y Liberados: La empresa da bonificados para padres acompañantes. Y liberados para estudiantes o integrantes del contingente de acuerdo a la cantidad de pasajeros pagos.

Centro Médico

Travel rock tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía.

La cobertura Incluye el viaje de ida y regreso con chequeo médico en ruta. Técnico en emergencias y médico las 24 hs en las discotecas y excursiones.

Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles.

Staff de prevención con personal capacitado para asistir en seguridad de higiene y predios, hoteles, unidades de transporte y discotecas. Ambulancias exclusivas.

Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre. Staff de médicos permanente para que te cuiden durante toda la estadía.

travel rock turismo

Sistema de Control

Monitoreo con tecnología de punta, una herramienta revolucionaria y exclusiva.

Seguridad y control de última generación. Travel Rock utiliza el sistema EFESUR y sus dispositivos que permiten tener un control total y completo, ágil y práctico.

Con sólo aproximar un smartphone sobre la pulsera con chip RFID que se le coloca a cada pasajero al comenzar su viaje, se obtendrán todos sus datos y accesos a los diferentes lugares que visite.

travel rock turismo

Travel Rock Headquartes

  • Florida 253 - 1° piso - CP 1005. Tel: 011-4325-7625
  • LOMAS DE ZAMORA Saavedra 370 (1832) Tel: 4292-1911
  • BAHIA BLANCA O'higgins 321 (8000) Tel: 0291-4546921
  • MARTINEZ Alvear 387 Planta Alta (1640) Tel: 011-4793-3507
  • LA PLATA Calle 49 Nº 882 (1900) Tel: 0221-4221840
  • MAR DEL PLATA Falucho 3252 (7600) Tel: 0223-4957404
  • PERGAMINO San Nicolas 244 - Planta Alta (2700) Tel: 02477-441517
  • CATAMARCA Esquiu 418 Local 11 (4700) Tel: 0383-4427164
  • CHACO Julio A. Roca 460 -Local 3 (3500) Tel: 0362-4426600
  • CÓRDOBA Av. Colon 259 - Primer Piso Galeria Planeta - Local 135 (5000) Tel: 0351-4242713
  • CORRIENTES Belgrano 1698 - Local 4 (3400) Tel: 0379-4429752
  • FORMOSA Fontana 766 1º Piso - Oficina 4 (3600) Tel: 0370-4429399
  • JUJUY Independencia 658 1º oficina 3 (4600) Tel: 0388-4243549
  • LA RIOJA Belgrano 217 (5300) Tel: 0380-4434706
  • LA PAMPA Juan B. Justo 12. Tel: 02954-422957 Cel: 0230 -2463883
  • MENDOZA Peltier 50 1º Piso - Oficina 14 (5500) Tel: 0261-4247856
  • MISIONES Calle 3 de Febrero 1915 E307 (ES307),Posadas Tel: 0376-4440821
  • PARANA 25 de Mayo 181 - Local 8 Gal. Paseo De La Catedral (3100) Tel: 0343-4228200
  • RECONQUISTA Belgrano 672 (3560) Tel: 03482-449204
  • RIO CUARTO Sobremonte 530 1ª Piso, OF 30 Galeria Sobremonte (5800) - Córdoba Tel: 0358-4642375
  • ROSARIO Cordoba 1724 - Planta Alta (2000) Tel: 0341-4407532 / 0341-4832278/2638
  • SALTA Santiago del Estero 555 1º oficina C (4400) Tel: 0387-4227889
  • SAN JUAN AV. Libertador San Martín 403 Oeste, Planta alta Tel: 0264-4229005
  • SAN LUIS Chacabuco 645 (5700) Tel: 0266-4443344
  • SANTA FE 9 de Julio 2350 (3000) Tel: 0342-4563036
  • SANTIAGO DEL ESTERO Independencia 125 1º Piso - Oficina A (4200) Tel: 0385-4228143
  • TRELEW Italia 164 (9100) Tel: 0280-4429284
  • TUCUMAN Buenos Aires 39/41 - Local 7 Galeria Baires (4000) Tel: 0381-4975400 / 0381-4975885


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#TravelRock #RockYourLife

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Are you ready for a good time?

Ministerio de Turismo Leg. 11297. Res. 23/2014 . | TODOS LOS DERECHOS RESERVADOS - TRAVEL ROCK ARGENTINA | LEGALES .

travel rock turismo

Ski día completo... alucinante!!! incluidos el equipamiento tablas / bastones instructores y medios de elevación! El mejor sector de la montaña para practicar Ski con mayor facilidad!.

  • Día de Ski completo
  • -Aventura en four trax o speed mountain Chall-Huaco.
  • -Hard trekking en Colonia Suiza
  • -Travel Rock Sports Games
  • -Circuito regional y City Tour
  • -Cerro Catedral y Gruta Virgen de las Nieves
  • -Refugio de Montaña Rock
  • -Circuito Chico y Punto Panorámico.

City Tour Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza. Rafting en el rio Limay Circuito Regional TRAVEL ROCK Sport Games!!! y Premios.

travel rock turismo

Toda la Magia del día, aventuras a toda nieve.

EXCURSIONES circuito chico, punto panorámico y Cerro López, Ski. Cerro Catedral, visita a la gruta Virgen de las Nieves. Piedras Blancas, Cabalgatas en la montaña, Safari 4x4, Paintball, Aventura en Four Trax, Speed Mountain! Búsqueda del tesoro de los piratas.

City Tour Magic Search! Trekking exclusivo en Colonia Suiza, rafting en el Río Limay, Cross road, Circuito regional.

TRAVEL ROCK Sports Games! Premios! Staff de coordinadores 24hs intercomunicados por radio VHF. Lugares privilegiados! Aventura nocturna en la montaña! Expedición patagónica de TRAVEL ROCK!

TRAVEL ROCK tiene asistencia médica durante toda la estadía. Chequeo médico en ruta y médico las 24hs en las discos y excursiones. Consultorios médicos exclusivos en cada uno de los hoteles. Un seguro completo que lo cubre todo respondiendo siempre.

travel rock turismo

COMIDAS Desayuno-almuerzo-merienda-cena con postres y gaseosas libres! (Línea Coca-Cola) Incluye 5ta comida. Al regreso de las discos hay pizzas, empanadas, hamburguesas y gaseosas sin cargo.

SERVICIO Equipados con Play Station y otros entretenimientos para que puedas disfrutar al máximo. Cómodas y perfectas habitaciones amplias totalmente equipadas.

Salidas de emergencia, credenciales de acceso.

COBERTURA MÉDICA TOTAL E INTEGRAL DE ASSIST CARD: Asistencia médica total y completa, con medicamentos durante toda la estadía y consultorio médico en los hoteles las 24hs. Los médicos son exclusivos de Travel Rock.


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo


travel rock turismo

Resolución 23/2014

VISTO el Expediente N° STN:0001846/2011 del Registro del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria, y CONSIDERANDO: Que por el artículo 1o de la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria se determinó que las agencias de viajes debidamente habilitadas e inscriptas en el Registro de Agentes de Viajes de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO de la PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, de conformidad con la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829, que brinden servicios a contingentes estudiantiles, deben contar con un "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil". Que la misma ley en sus artículos 5o, 6o y 7o impuso una serie de requisitos para el otorgamiento del citado certificado y la realización de contratos, según condiciones establecidas por la Autoridad de Aplicación. Que mediante la Resolución No 237 de fecha 15 de marzo de 2007 de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN se aprobó el Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil, siendo posteriormente modificada por las Resoluciones Nros. 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008 del mismo registro y 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN. Que a través de la Resolución No 237/07 y sus modificatorias se establecieron los requisitos para el otorgamiento y vigencia del "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", se indicaron las causales objetivas de reintegro de los aportes efectuados al referido fondo, se especificaron las obligaciones de las agencias y las sanciones en caso de incumplimiento, entre otros aspectos. Que, posteriormente, mediante el artículo 6o de la Resolución No 435/08 se implementó la modalidad de pago de multa voluntario para determinadas conductas con sanciones de contenido pecuniario. Que es intención de este Ministerio agudizar y extender los controles ya existentes para el funcionamiento de las agencias destinadas a la comercialización de turismo estudiantil. Que se propicia asimismo el pago de la denominada "Cuota Cero" al inicio de la relación contractual, a fin de lograr una cobertura desde el comienzo de la vigencia de los contratos de todos aquellos turistas-usuarios que la norma intenta proteger. Que la sola denominación "Cuota Cero" indica que su pago debe ser anterior a todo otro y que la base del sistema de cobertura está dado por el pago efectivo de esta cuota. Que como acción preventiva y en cumplimiento del principio de protección de los derechos del turista, este Ministerio debe efectuar los controles también directamente con los prestadores de servicios de las agencias de viajes que cuenten con el "Certificado Nacional de Autorización para Agencias de Turismo Estudiantil", de conformidad con los datos que surgen del Sistema Aplicativo de Turismo Estudiantil. Que con el fin de evitar la acumulación innecesaria de trámites y obligaciones que pesan sobre los administrados, corresponde restringir presentaciones de documentación para los viajes de estudios, sin que esto implique un menoscabo en el control pertinente. Que ello obedece a que las modalidades de turismo estudiantil (viajes de estudio y viajes de egresados), si bien tratadas de manera uniforme por la legislación vigente, poseen características disímiles que obligan a diferenciarlas. Que mediante el "Convenio de Cooperación y Emprendimientos Conjuntos para la Implementación y Puesta en Marcha del Registro de Coordinadores y Asistentes de Turismo Estudiantil", suscripto entre el MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, la ASOCIACIÓN ARGENTINA DE AGENCIAS DE VIAJES Y TURISMO y la ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DEL TURISMO ESTUDIANTIL y aprobado mediante la Resolución No 154 del 23 de diciembre de 2010 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO, es requisito indispensable que los coordinadores y asistentes de coordinador de turismo estudiantil se inscriban en dicho registro y efectúen la renovación anual de su inscripción, como presupuesto indispensable para desempeñarse en tal carácter. Que además resulta necesario efectuar otras modificaciones a la normativa vigente, en aras de establecer mejores herramientas a fin de garantizar el cumplimiento de las prestaciones de servicios de turismo estudiantil en los destinos del exterior de la REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA. Que asimismo, en virtud de las obligaciones que se generan corresponde imponer nuevas sanciones y modificar el monto de las existentes ante posibles incumplimientos. Que por último, resulta conveniente establecer en un único cuerpo normativo las normas reglamentarias vigentes a la fecha. Que la presente medida se dicta en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Ley de Agentes de Viajes No 18.829 y sus modificaciones, la Ley de Turismo Estudiantil No 25.599 y su modificatoria y los Decretos Nros. 919/10 y 8/11. Por ello, EL MINISTRO DE TURISMO RESUELVE: ARTÍCULO 1°.- Apruébase el "Reglamento de Turismo Estudiantil" que como Anexo integra la presente medida. ARTÍCULO 2°.- Deróganse las Resoluciones Nros. 237 del 15 de marzo de 2007, 61 del 6 de febrero de 2008 y 435 del 19 de junio de 2008, todas ellas de la ex SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO entonces dependiente de PRESIDENCIA DE LA NACIÓN, 271 del 21 de abril de 2009 de la entonces SECRETARÍA DE TURISMO del ex MINISTERIO DE PRODUCCIÓN y 143 del 6 de junio de 2012 del MINISTERIO DE TURISMO. ARTÍCULO 3°.- La presente medida entrará en vigencia a partir de su publicación en el Boletín Oficial. ARTÍCULO 4°.- Comuníquese, publíquese, dése a la Dirección Nacional del Registro Oficial y archívese. RESOLUCIÓN No 23 Publicada en el Boletín Oficial el 6 de Febrero de 2014

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travel rock turismo

Atención Presencial - Reservá Tu Turno

Atención: para pagos, presentarse sin turno en su sucursal.

Logo Rock Tourism

An unmissable tour by Maria Fumaça in the Vinhedos region

Serra gaúcha is an invitation to wine. shall we go, the best way to discover the main attractions of canela and gramado., best selling experiences, discover rock turismo.

Rock Turismo specializes and is passionate about the Serra Gaúcha. We are a young company, but our team has a lot of experience in the tourism sector and, above all, is composed of people who love and understand our region like no one else.

Excellent value for money to visit Gramado and Canela

We chose to visit Gramado and Canela through the Rock Turismo bustour tour. It was super beautiful and cozy. With packages ranging from one day to three, the tour covers the main points of these neighboring cities. And the best: the price. The service is excellent. The super modern bus and the landscape... without words.

Reliable and Safe

We carried out the transfer to and from Caxias airport and the Maria Fumaça tour with the company Rock Turismo, I highly recommend it. They are very friendly and knowledgeable. Reliable and secure company.

Everything Perfect

I bought tours and tickets through Whatsapp, on the recommendation of the Gramado Blog, and everything was perfect. During the days when I was in Gramado, I sent messages with questions and were answered every time, I recommend.

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The Present Perspective

Moscow Travel Guide: Best Things to Do + More [2023]

· everything to know about visiting moscow, including the best things to do and how to get around. ·.

the red st basils church in moscow on a white winters day

Moscow is Russia’s vibrant capital city, and it also happens to be the largest city in all of Europe. The city’s long and infamous history makes it one of the most unique places we have ever visited.

The architecture ranges from centuries-old palaces to uniform, gray concrete buildings. The people range from cold and private to warm and welcoming. Moscow is a city is strong juxtapositions, and we learned a lot during our time there.

This post will break down all you need to know about visiting Moscow, including the best things to do, how to get there, how to get around, and more.

man and woman standing in front of main church in moscow

The Best Things to Do in Moscow

1. explore the red square.

The Red Square is the heart of Moscow. Most of the city’s top attractions can be found here, including just about everything on this list. The Kremlin, St. Basil’s Cathedral, and Lenin’s Mausoleum are all located here, and the State Historical Museum and GUM are not far from here, either.

The Red Square is a common home for parades, protests, and seasonal celebrations. There are massive Christmas celebrations here, with food vendors and carnival rides set up in numbers.

red orthodox church in moscow russia red square on a winter day

2. Check Out the Ziferblat

The Ziferblat is a café in Moscow that is unlike any café we have ever been to. While most cafes charge you for your drinks and food, the Ziferblat charges you for your time.

Upon arrival, you are given a clock. When you leave, the barista calculates how much time you spent in the café and charges you accordingly. This concept was created to help visitors to be more intentional with their time, and the cafe itself is incredibly charming.

For a detailed look at everything you need to know before you visit, make sure you read my post about visiting the Ziferblat Cafe in Moscow .

white lcocks on a table

3. Marvel at St. Basil’s Cathedral

St. Basil’s Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil’s Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style. The church is of the Russian Orthodox faith, and the inside is just as wondrous as the outside.

St. Basil’s Cathedral is located on the edge of the Red Square, making it incredibly convenient to visit. Entrance for non-worshippers costs 800 rubles, and tickets can be bought at the church

woman in winter jacket standing in front of St Basils Russian Orthodox in moscow on a winter day

4. Explore the Kremlin

The Kremlin is the largest active fortress in Europe, and it is the site of most of Russia’s government affairs. In addition to government buildings, the Kremlin Complex is filled with courtyards, towers, and museums that are open to the public. If you have the time, you could spend a couple of days fully exploring all that there is to see in the Kremlin.

selfie of man and woman pointing to the Kremlin in Moscow

5. Walk Through Lenin’s Mausoleum

Vladimir Lenin is one of the most important figures in Russian history, and his body is located perfectly embalmed in a mausoleum in the Red Square. The Mausoleum is open to the public to visit, and as long as you are willing to go through a few security checks, it is easily one of the best things to do in Moscow. Its convenient location in the Red Square makes it a can’t miss attraction.

There is absolutely no photography allowed inside the Mausoleum. Do not test this rule.

red exterior of lenins mausoleum in moscow russia

6. Wander Along Arbat Street

The Arbat is a very popular street in Moscow that is lined with stores, cafes, and other touristy attractions. It is one of the oldest streets in the city, dating back to the 1400s. This street is both quaint and trendy, and there are many walking tours that introduce tourists to the neighborhood’s wonders and highlights.

man in sinter jacket standing in arbat street moscow at night with glistening white lights strung from the buildings

7. Catch a Show at the Bolshoi Theatre

As a lover of the arts, it is hard to think of Moscow and not think of ballet. Russia has always been a top dog in the world of fine arts, and Bolshoi Theater is one of the best places to catch a performance. We were lucky enough to attend an Opera here, and it is a venue that you don’t want to miss out on if you enjoy opera, ballet, or orchestral performances.

8. Visit the State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is one of the most respected museums in Moscow. Despite its name, it is not really focused on the history of Russia as a nation. Rather, it contains a collection of artifacts from all throughout Russia’s history.

The museum’s collection is very broad in nature. It houses some items from indigenous tribes that used to occupy the region, pieces collected by the Romanov family, and more.

9. Wander Around GUM

GUM is an absolutely massive mall within walking distance of the Red Square. It isn’t just the size that draws visitors here; it’s the sense of luxury. The mall is so beautiful inside, much like the metro stations.

While visiting a mall might not sound like it belongs on a bucket list, this mall does. You will not want to miss out on visiting GUM while in Moscow.

people walking inside GUM mall in russia with christmas lights

10. Admire the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour

While St. Basil’s Cathedral is the most iconic church in Moscow, it isn’t the only one. The Cathedral of Christ the Saviour is absolutely stunning, with massive golden domes. It is the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and it is the seat of the Orthodox Patriarch of Moscow.

It is located just about a mile from the Red Square, just south of the Kremlin Complex. You can walk to it from the Red Square in about 20 minutes.

How to Get to Moscow

Flying to moscow.

Moscow has three major international airports: Sheremetyevo (SVO) , Domodedovo (DMO) , and Vnukovo (VKO) . All three of them are directly connected to downtown Moscow by the Aeroexpress trains, which leave every 30 minutes throughout the day. By Aeroexpress train, you can expect to get to the city center in 25-45 minutes depending on the airport that you fly into.

Sheremetyevo is the biggest and busiest of the three airports, and it is the one you are most likely to fly into – especially if you are coming from outside of Europe or the Caucus region. We flew into Sheremetyevo on a direct flight from New York City.

I usually provide backup airport options, because flying right into the city isn’t always the cheapest way to get where you’re going. Unfortunately, when it comes to Moscow, don’t really have a choice other than to fly right into Moscow. It is a very remote city, and it is usually the cheapest place to fly into in Russia as a whole.

Since Sheremetyevo is so busy, you will probably find a great flight option anyway. I wrote in  my post about finding cheap flights  that using hub airports will lead to more affordable airfare, and the same logic applies here. Even though Russia’s national airline, Aeroflot, is no longer a member of the SkyTeam Alliance, Moscow is still a major hub connecting passengers from all over the world.

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Train or Bus to Moscow

Trains and buses are one of the most popular ways to get around Europe. However, they’re of very little use when you’re trying to get to Moscow.

Moscow is hundreds of miles from the nearest major cities. The only major European city that can even be reached within 8 hours on the ground is St. Petersburg, and even the Baltic capitals of Riga, Vilnius, and Tallinn are over 12 hours away.

If you want to get to Moscow, the best option is almost always to fly. While the train routes to Moscow are scenic, they simply take forever.

How to Get Around Moscow


Moscow has one of the most memorable metro systems in the world. Its metro lines are very deep underground, and the stations are absolutely stunning. Each station has its own unique style, but all of them contain escalators that seem to go on forever.

turned-on chandelier on ceiling of moscow metro

The system was built in an effort to showcase the power of the Soviet Union and its bright future. The plans were a form of propaganda, but they resulted in what is still one of the most visually appealing subway systems on earth.

Moscow’s metro system isn’t just pretty. It is also very useful and accessible. The system has 17 lines that connect the city and its surrounding area.

But wait; there’s more!

The Moscow metro system is also incredibly affordable, with each ride costing less than a dollar. The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow, as it is almost impossible to beat the connection times and the low cost to ride.

Tickets can be bought at electronic, English-speaking kiosks in stations, or directly from ticket counters at certain larger stations. There are also day passes available, which are a very solid option if you plan on riding the metro several times per day.

long gray escalator in moscow russia

The metro is by far the best way to get around Moscow.

In addition to the metro system, Moscow also has a network of buses, trams, and trolleys. This system is nowhere near as convenient or well-connected as the metro, though, and is likely of little use to you during your trip. There is no Uber in Moscow, but a similar app named Yandex is available if you need a ride in a pinch.

How Many Days Do You Need in Moscow?

Moscow is the biggest city in all of Europe, and it is absolutely loaded with things to do. You could spend weeks in Moscow and still find new things to do. Of course, most travelers don’t have that kind of time to spend in one place!

I recommend spending no less than three full days in Moscow, and ideally closer to five or seven.

Moscow is very spread out, and it can take some time to get from one major point to another. There are also so many places that are nice to just sit back and relax, which is hard to do when you’re in a hurry trying to cram activities into just a few days.

If you only have a week to visit Russia, I’d advise spending all of the time in one city. If you decide to split your time between Moscow and St. Petersburg, I recommend not trying to squeeze in any day trips beyond those two cities.

moscow bridge at night with lights

When Is the Best Time of the Year to Visit Moscow?

There are two different ways to approach this question. Personally, I think the best time to visit Moscow is around Christmas and New Year’s Day. While the weather will be absolutely freezing, Moscow is a surreal winter wonderland in December and January.

We were in Moscow right before Christmas. While it was very cold, you can always bundle up. Exploring the Christmas markets and pop-up ice skating rinks throughout Moscow is one of my favorite memories from anywhere I’ve traveled, and I dream of going back to do it again.

If you aren’t fond of the cold, Moscow is beautiful in the summer. It tends to get pretty cold in the shoulder seasons, so if you want warm weather, you should plan to visit in the summer. Moscow actually gets pretty warm in July and August, and there are a bunch of fantastic places to soak up the sun within the city.

The best time to visit Moscow is either around Christmas or from late May to August.

group of people walking in moscow red square at night with christmas lights everywhere

Is Moscow Safe to Visit?

While Moscow is a truly wonderful city, there’s no denying that visiting Russia comes with risks. As the country is run by an infamous communist dictator, concerns about visiting are valid. While we didn’t experience any sort of threat or negative treatment during our time in Moscow, we visited in a peaceful time.

In our experience, Russia doesn’t seem to detain normal Americans or Westerners to use as pawns. As a regular person, as long as you don’t commit any crimes, there is a slim chance you will run into any issues. However, Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

Russia will not hesitate to enforce its laws against foreigners, and illegal behaviors will likely land you in a very compromising position.

To make matters worse, Russia has a bad reputation for gang violence. While the Russian mafia has very little interest in normal Western tourists, they won’t hesitate to pick a fight with anyone who ventures into their sphere of influence. If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

If you seek out illegal substances or activities, you could be a target of the mafia.

Finally, since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, things are all very different. Russia is currently at war, and there are battles raging within 8 hours of Moscow. While it is still relatively safe to visit, that could change at any time as the war with Ukraine continues.

Is Moscow Worth Visiting?

Without a doubt, Moscow is worth visiting. It is one of the most unique major cities we have ever visited, and we hope to make it back one day. The Russian Orthodox churches are stunning, the city’s history is unlike any other, and the food is to die for.

While many visitors prefer St. Petersburg to Moscow, I think Moscow deserves a lot of hype of its own. Moscow is the beating heart of Russian culture and history, and it’s a place I highly recommend checking out if you have the chance.

woman in head scarf hugging bronze statue of angry bear

That’s all we have for you about Moscow! I hope this post was helpful as you plan your trip to Russia’s capital.

Have you been to Moscow? Or is this your first time visiting? Comment below if you have anything to add to our travel guide!

Hi, I'm Greg. I'm an avid traveler who has traveled to over 50 countries all around the world with my wife and kids. I've lived in Italy, Mexico, China, and the United States, and I dream of moving abroad again in the future. With this blog, I provide my audience with detailed destination guides to my favorite places and pro-tips to make travel as stress-free as possible.

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Moscow Visitor Guide 2024: Everything you need to know

Zhivopisny Bridge in Moscow

Searching for a new adventure in Eastern Europe? Consider a trip to Moscow. Russia's capital and largest city, this frigid megacity is known for its political, scientific, and literary pursuits. With traditional Russian architecture, unique cultural traditions, and several world-class museums, Moscow is a city that should be on everybody's bucket list.

With a population exceeding 12 million, Moscow is one of the world's largest economies and one of the richest cities in Europe. Moscow is also a very popular vacation destination and has four international airports, linking the Russian capital with locations worldwide. Check in at a Russian luggage locker, and check out some of the best sights Moscow has to offer. 

A weekend in Moscow

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Saint Basil's Cathedral

8 Best Ways To Experience Moscow In 2024

From the Red Square to the Bolshoi Theater to the Red October Chocolate Factory , Moscow is overflowing with unique and diverse attractions as well as endless examples of eye-boggling architecture. Moscow is not just the biggest city in Russia, but one of the largest in the world and has a history covering over eight centuries. For those two reasons alone it makes sense to explore it with people in the know. The companies and guides detailed below will make sure your visit to Moscow is as fascinating and exciting as the Russian capital itself. Don’t forget to drop off your luggage at a Bounce luggage locker in Moscow so that you won’t be carrying more than you need to.

Best Free Tour – The Guide In Moscow

Keep more rubles in your rucksack by taking a free tour of Moscow with The Guide In Moscow . You'll find the guide under the statue of Karl Marx in the Red Square holding a white umbrella. Once the group of the day has gathered, you'll set off to go around all the best sights by foot while the guide narrates interesting facts and anecdotes about the famous landmarks you're seeing.

To find out more details of this free tour of Moscow send an email to [email protected] or call The Guide In Moscow on 79-670-273-002.

Best Food Tour – Moscow With Locals

The best way to learn all about the gastronomy of a city is to experience it with a local. Try a food tour with Moscow with Locals and you'll be amazed at the eateries and dishes they introduce you to. It definitely beats eating in McDonalds every day because you haven't got a clue what the food on the restaurant menus contains. Once you've eaten Russian dumplings, you'll never eat a burger again.

Prepare for a food adventure in Moscow by emailing Moscow With Locals at [email protected] or call them on 79-032-400-786.

Best Sightseeing Tour – Lovely Moscow

There are as many interesting monuments outside of Moscow as there are in it. Head away from the city with a guide from Lovely Moscow and they'll take you on a journey of discovery to see the Kremlin of Suzdal, the Golden Gates of Vladimir, and the monastery in Sergiev Posad. This tour is also a great way of getting to see rural Russia where the landscape is dotted with scenic lakes.

Get ready to explore rural Russia with Lovely Moscow by calling them on 79-267-253-159 or by emailing them at [email protected].

Best Off-The-Beaten-Path Tour – Spasibo Tours

Sometimes doing something totally different from the regular touristy things makes for a more memorable visit no matter where you go. You can take an off-the-beaten-path tour of Moscow with Spasibo Tours that will give you a real insider view of the city. By the time you've finished photographing several metro stations or visited half a dozen vodka museums, you'll feel just like a local yourself.

Plan to do something different in Moscow by contacting Spasibo Tours on 79-036-194-438 or email them at [email protected] for more information.

Best Metro Tour – Maria Moscow Tours

The metro stations in Moscow are an underground world of amazing architectural finesse. Take a tour of ten of them with Maria Moscow Tours and you'll be impressed from the first to the last by the elaborate Art Deco and Baroque designs. There are incredible mosaics, giant marble columns, and even stained glass panels, so plenty of opportunities for some great social media-worthy photos.

Get in touch with Maria Moscow Tours by calling 79-096-903-661 or by emailing [email protected].

Best Private Tour – We Heart Moscow

If your free time in Moscow doesn't coincide with the day of the tour that's caught your eye, take a private tour with We Heart Moscow instead. They have a super range of tours covering all of the city's main attractions and then some. You can choose the pre-organized itinerary that suits your schedule and interests or arrange your own tailor-made tour.

Make the most of your time in Moscow by contacting We Heart Moscow by email at [email protected] or call them on 74-951-667-269.  

Best Cultural Tour – MoscowMe

Moscow is world-renowned for its ballet, theater, and art. To learn more about all three of these aspects of the city's culture, and some food too, go out and about with a guide from MoscowMe . They have in-depth knowledge of the history of the arts in Moscow and enjoy nothing more than sharing their knowledge with interested visitors.

Get arty with MoscowMe by calling them on 79-100-965-565 or email them at [email protected] for more details.

Best Adventure Tour – Travel Real Russia

Forget all about sedate sightseeing and go off-road in a pimped-up UAZ van along mud trails in the Russian forests. You'll ford rivers and go below ground with a session of caving before taking a break while your hosts cook you a big barbecue lunch. This tour is great fun but definitely only for the truly adventurous.

Plan your off-road adventure with Travel Real Russia by emailing them at [email protected] or by calling them on 79-263-614-981.  

Home to several world-famous landmarks and fascinating museums, planning a weekend away in Moscow is no easy feat. Maximize your time by dropping your cumbersome belongings at a Moscow luggage storage service, and head to some of these top attractions in Moscow.

  • Plan a tour of the world-famous St Basil's Cathedral. Constructed in the 16th century under orders from Ivan the Terrible to celebrate military victories over Kazan and Astrakhan, St Basil's Cathedral is one of the finest examples of Russian architecture globally. 
  • Take a stroll through Red Square. Moscow's central plaza is a must-see and is flanked by two of Russia's best-known buildings, the Kremlin and St Basil's Cathedral.
  • Catch a show at the iconic Bolshoi Theatre. Home to the world's largest ballet company, the Bolshoi Theatre is one of the most highly respected venues in the world. 
  • Chow down at one of the top restaurants in the Russian capital. Moscow is home to dozens of classy eateries, including Tkemali, Sabor de la Vida Restaurant, and Dzhumbus.

Moscow lockers

Moscow is a sprawling city, and during icy weather, the chances are you won't want to lug around anything heavy through snow-covered streets. Save yourself any unnecessary hassle by booking a spot at a Moscow suitcase storage service. Bounce provides the best luggage storage services in Moscow , with easy-to-locate and secure facilities across the city. Book online via the Bounce app, and before you know it, you'll have a safe spot to stow your suitcases while you explore the Russian capital. 

Off the beaten path in Moscow

Surprisingly, Moscow is one of the greenest cities in Europe, with around 40% of the city consisting of parks and green spaces. This makes Moscow the perfect place to relax and escape large crowds. Step off the beaten path and check out some of these parks and hidden gems dotted across Moscow. 

  • Take in views of the city from Sparrow Hills. Located 260 feet up on a hill on the banks of the Moskva River, this parkland provides some of the best natural panoramas of Moscow's skyline. 
  • Get some brief respite from the crowded streets at Gorky Park. Moscow's main public park is located at the center of the city, covering over 110 acres along the Moskva River. Challenge your fellow travelers to a game of volleyball, or peruse the park's modern art exhibitions. 
  • Go for a romantic ramble with a loved one through the Apothecary Garden. Moscow University's botanical gardens date back to the 18th century and are meticulously laid out, featuring exotic flora from across the globe.

What to do alone in Moscow

Moscow skyline at night

Travelers who find themselves in Moscow on a Russian road trip or happen to be in town on business may be wondering how to kill time during their visit. Thankfully, Moscow offers a plethora of activities for solo adventurers. Keep your luggage safe by visiting a Moscow storage locker, and add these activities to your itinerary.

  • Climb to the top of Europe at the Ostankino Television Tower. Standing at over 1,700 feet, the Ostankino Television Tower is the highest free-standing building in Europe. Enjoy the best bird's eye views of Moscow from the observation deck, or book a table at the 7th Heaven Restaurant for dinner in the clouds.
  • Pay a visit to Lenin's Mausoleum. The final resting place of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, visitors can come face-to-face with the embalmed body of one of the most important political figures in Russian history. 
  • Discover the largest art collection in Europe at The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. This massive art museum has a collection of over 700,000 objects, with artworks by the likes of Picasso, Rembrandt, and van Gogh.

The best souvenirs in Moscow

With a unique culture and long history, you'll find plenty of interesting souvenirs to pick up during your travels to Moscow. By far one of the most popular inexpensive mementos you can pick up is a Matryoshka or Russian nested doll. Another great souvenir you can pick up is a fur hat to keep you warm during your vacation and when you return home. 

If you're looking to splash out on something special, pick up an ornate samovar, a type of traditional kettle dating back to the 18th century. Moscow also has plenty of culinary treats that you might want to buy as gifts for folks back home. Muscovites are famous for their love of vodka, and you won't have trouble finding a unique bottle in the capital. Russia is also known for producing world-class caviar, in case you're looking to indulge in the finer things.

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"Northern-most Megacity of the World"

Moscow tourism.

Moscow is Russia's capital, and its cultural, economic and political heart. It is the largest and the most populated city in Russia, and also a city of huge global influence. It is the country's biggest tourist destination, home to some of the most historic architectural works in the country.

Moscow is a city with a very rich past. It served as Russia's capital for a long time and after the Bolshevik Revolution became the capital of Russia again. It has one of the best collections of architectural structures in the world. The Kremlin, which serves as the residence of the Russian President today, is an emphatic complex of palaces, cathedrals and walls. The iconic St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most unique cathedrals you'll find anywhere in the world. Moscow has a huge number of museums as well, displaying artworks from throughout the history of Russia. There is even a display of priceless jewellery and state regalia in the Kremlin Armoury. Apart from that, Moscow is home to many splendid gardens and parks that find their origins in the imperial era. These parks today have been restored and beautified and are a favourite hangout spot for locals who are looking for some time away from their busy lives. Gorky Park , Tsaritsyno and the Alexander Garden are an example of the remarkable gardens in the city. The city's nightlife is world famous and so is it's shopping, symbolised by the GUM on the Red Square . Several musical concerts and cultural events take place often in the city and the city is also home to Russia's national theatre, the Bolshoi Theatre . Moscow provides you with a huge variety of activities and is sure to keep you occupied throughout your trip. When you're done with it all, take a hike up Sparrow Hills and absorb a beautiful panorama of the city.

Things To Do In Moscow

Red Square

St. Basil's Cathedral

Moscow Kremlin

Moscow Kremlin

State Tretyakov Gallery

State Tretyakov Gallery

Moscow Metro

Moscow Metro

Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

More on Moscow Travel

Exchanging money in moscow, shopping in moscow, nightlife in moscow, history of moscow, language of moscow, moscow customs, religion of moscow, daily budget for moscow, currency in moscow, best time to visit moscow, nearby places.

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Russia arrests another suspect in the concert hall attack that killed 144

The Associated Press

April 27, 2024, 9:34 AM

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`MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow court has detained another suspect as an accomplice in the attack by gunmen on a suburban Moscow concert hall that killed 144 people in March, the Moscow City Courts Telegram channel said Saturday.

Dzhumokhon Kurbonov, a citizen of Tajikistan, is accused of providing the attackers with means of communication and financing. The judge at Moscow’s Basmanny District Court ruled that Kurbonov would be kept in custody until May 22 pending investigation and trial.

Russian state news agency RIA Novosti said Kurbonov was reportedly detained on April 11 for 15 days on the administrative charge of petty hooliganism. Independent Russian media outlet Mediazona noted that this is a common practice used by Russian security forces to hold a person in custody while a criminal case is prepared against them.

Twelve defendants have been arrested in the case, including four who allegedly carried out the attack at the Crocus City Hall concert venue, according to RIA Novosti.

Those four appeared in the same Moscow court at the end of March on terrorism charges and showed signs of severe beatings. One appeared to be barely conscious during the hearing. The court ordered that the men, all of whom were identified in the media as citizens of Tajikistan, also be held in custody until May 22.

A faction of the Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for the massacre in which gunmen shot people who were waiting for a show by a popular rock band and then set the building on fire. But Russian officials including President Vladimir Putin have persistently claimed, without presenting evidence, that Ukraine and the West had a role in the attack.

Ukraine denies involvement and its officials claim that Moscow is pushing the allegation as a pretext to intensify its fighting in Ukraine .

Copyright © 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, written or redistributed.

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    3. Marvel at St. Basil's Cathedral. St. Basil's Cathedral is one of the most iconic churches in the world, and it was the single thing we were most excited to see while in Moscow. Built almost 500 years ago, St. Basil's Cathedral is recognized by its colorful domes and whimsical style.

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    With a population exceeding 12 million, Moscow is one of the world's largest economies and one of the richest cities in Europe. Moscow is also a very popular vacation destination and has four international airports, linking the Russian capital with locations worldwide. Check in at a Russian luggage locker, and check out some of the best sights ...

  20. Travel

    Plan your trip with Google. Find flights, hotels, vacation rentals, things to do, and more.

  21. Moscow Russia Tourism (2024) Travel Guide Top Places

    5 Days / 4 Nights. Sightseeing Tour Package Moscow & St Petersburg. $ 614. 21% off. $481 per adult on twin sharing. Get Quotes >. 6 Days / 5 Nights. Budget Russia Holiday Package -St Petersburg & Moscow. $421 per adult on twin sharing.

  22. Turismo Rock Córdoba

    Turismo Rock Córdoba, Villa Carlos Paz. 12,434 likes · 21 talking about this · 127 were here. Viajamos a todos tipos de recitales de bandas internacionales de ROCK Y POP que se presenten dentro y...

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  24. Russia arrests another suspect in the concert hall attack that killed

    `MOSCOW (AP) — A Moscow court has detained another suspect as an accomplice in the attack by gunmen on a suburban Moscow concert hall that killed 144 people in March, the Moscow City Courts ...