Uusi aika IV -webinaari 14.10.2021

Uusi Aika IV -webinaari kutsuu vielä kerran virtuaalisesti maakunnan matkailuväen koolle torstaina 14.10.2021 klo 8. 30-11.30. Webinaarissa luotsataan ajatukset uuteen avautuvaan matkailumaailmaan ja kirkastetaan yhteisiä toimenpiteitä matkailun lähtiessä uuteen vahvaan kasvuun.


Tilaisuuden juontajana toimii Arto Asikainen Visit Lahdesta

Klo 8.30 Tilaisuuden avaus Päijät-Hämeen liitto, maakuntajohtaja Niina Pautola-Mol

Klo 8.45 Käynnistyvä matkailu- ja tapahtumaselvitys Päijät-Hämeen liitto, aluesuunnittelujohtaja Niina Ahlfors , erityisasiantuntija Tanja Gangsö

Klo 9.00 Visit Finland -strategia 2022–2025 Visit Finland, Senior Director Kristiina Hietasaari

Klo 9.30 Matkailunäkymiä kotimaassa tutkimusten valossa Sanoma Media Finland, Consumer Insight Strategist Jaana Jamalainen

Klo 10.00 Tauko

Klo 10.15 Datahub mahdollistaa näkyvyyden monissa digikanavissa Visit Finland, Manager, Digital Development Annakaisa Ojala

Klo 10.45 Vinkit yrittäjälle: Näin somesta tehot irti PING Helsinki, Head of Strategy Varpu Rusila

Klo 11.15 Päivän yhteenveto Lahden seutu – Lahti Region Oy, toimitusjohtaja Raija Forsman

Seuraa webinaaria tästä

Ole hyvä ja salli evästeet nähdäksesi sisällön tai katso sisältö täältä.

Niina Pautola-Mol

maakuntajohtaja Päijät-Hämeen liitto

Niina Pautola-Mol aloitti Päijät-Hämeen maakuntajohtajana elokuussa 2021. Maakuntajohtajana hän vastaa liiton toiminnasta, johon kuuluvat maakuntakaavoituksen, aluekehityksen ja edunvalvonnan tehtävät. Ennen maakuntajohtajan tehtävää Niina on hoitanut erilaisia talous – ja rahoituskysymyksiin liittyviä tehtäviä sekä kotimaassa että ulkomailla. Hän on työskennellyt mm. Suomen pankissa, Euroopan komission Moskovan edustustossa, Suomen Moskovan suurlähetystössä, valtiovarainministeriössä ja valtioneuvoston kansliassa. Viimeisten 13 vuoden aikana Niina P-M on hoitanut Euroopan unionin talous- ja rahoituskysymyksiin liittyviä tehtäviä valtioneuvoston kansliassa sekä kahteen otteeseen Suomen EU:n edustustossa Brysselissä. Suomessa perheen tukikohta ja koti on aina ollut Päijät-Hämeessä, Lahdessa.

Niina Ahlfors | Tanja Gangsö

Niina Ahlfors aluesuunnittelujohtaja | Tanja Gangsö, erityisasiantuntija Päijät-Hämeen liitto

Niina Ahlfors toimii aluesuunnittelujohtajana Päijät-Hämeen liitossa. Niinalla on pitkä maankäytön ja kaavoituksen kokemus kunta- ja konsulttipuolelta, ja hän on ollut nyt vuoden verran maakunnan liitossa seututason suunnittelun parissa. Maakunnan liiton päätyönä vuonna 2021 ja 2022 on Päijät-Hämeen rakennemallin ja Lahden kaupunkiseutusuunnitelman laatiminen yhdessä kuntien ja ELY-keskusten kanssa.

Tanja Gangsö toimii asumisen ja elinkeinojen erityisasiantuntijana aluesuunnittelussa Päijät-Hämeen liitossa. Suunnitteluvastuuna keskusverkon, asumisen, vapaa-ajan asumisen, palveluiden, kaupan, matkailun sekä työpaikka- ja teollisuusalueiden maankäyttömuodot maankäytön suunnittelussa.

Kristiina Hietasaari

Senior Director Visit Finland

Kristiina Hietasaari on aloittanut Visit Finlandin johtajana vuoden alusta, mutta on toiminut kansallisissa matkailun edistämistehtävissä jo kymmenen vuotta. Tähän vuoteen asti hän on vastannut Visit Finlandin yhteistyöstä Suomen matkailuelinkeinon kanssa toimialan kehittämisen näkökulmasta. Keskeisessä roolissa on ollut mm. matkailun digitaalisaation sekä kestävän matkailun kehittäminen sekä matkailualan kilpailukyvyn parantaminen mm. ympärivuotisuutta ja alueellista verkostoitumista edistäen.

Jaana Jamalainen

Consumer Insight Strategist Sanoma Media Finland

Yli 30 vuoden kokemus media-alalta ja yli 15 vuoden kokemus kuluttaja- ja toimialaymmärrykseen liittyvistä tutkimuksista. Insight Strategina Jaana auttaa markkinoijia löytämään datasta sen oikean näkemyksen, jonka avulla päästään liiketoiminnan tavoitteisiin. Jaanan vastuualueelle kuuluvat myös mainostaja-asiakkaille markkinoinnin vaikuttavuuden ja mainonnan mittaamisen työkalujen suunnittelu ja tulosten analysointi.

Annakaisa Ojala

Manager, Digital Development Visit Finland

15 vuoden kokemus digitaalisten kuluttajapalveluiden ja asiakokemuksen kehittämisestä media- ja lentoyhtiöliiketoiminnassa. Annakaisa vastaa Visit Finlandin digistrategiasta ja sen toteuttamisesta, digitaalisten platformien kehityksestä sekä tukee ja sparrailee matkailuelinkeinon digitalisaatiota.

Varpu Rusila

Head of Strategy PING Helsinki

Strategiajohtaja, DI Varpu Rusilan, erikoisalaa ovat sosiaalinen media liiketoiminnassa, data ja luova tarinankerronta. Varpuun voi törmätä somessa myös Her Finland -kanavien kautta, jotka auttavat kansainvälisiä yleisöjä tutustumaan Suomeen. Kanavat tavoittavat yli 80 000 ihmistä kuukaudessa ja Varpun Suomi-vinkkejä on hyödynnetty Cosmopolitan, Marie Claire ja Sunday Travel Magazine -lehdissä ympäri maailman.

Raija Forsman

toimitusjohtaja Lahden seutu – Lahti Region Oy (Visit Lahti)

Raija Forsman on Lahden seutu – Lahti Region Oy:n (Visit Lahti) toimitusjohtaja. Aikaisempaa kokemusta  alueellisen matkailuorganisaation johdon lisäksi on niin laivayhtiö Silja Linen laiva- kuin brändimarkkinoinnista ja myynnistä. Lahden seutu – Lahti Region Oy:n (Visit Lahti) vastaa Päijät-Hämeen matkailullisen vetovoiman kasvattamisesta. Yhtiön tehtäviin kuuluu matkailun markkinointi, matkailullisen imagon rakentaminen, matkailupalveluiden myynninedistäminen ja välittäminen, uusien tapahtumien hankinta yhdessä kuntien kanssa sekä matkailun kehittäminen hankkeiden avulla.

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10 suosituinta travel festival -webinaaria.

Travel Festival Main Promotion Image WEB

Travel Festival: Top 10 -webinaaria

Tältä sivulta löydät joukon poimintoja menneiden vuosien parhaimmista webinaareista. Istu alas ja ota kuppi kuumaa käden ulottuville - enjoy!

1. "Solo Traveling: The Reality of Traveling Alone"

visit finland webinaarit

"Solo travel is one of the best ways to face your fears, step out of your comfort zone and meet interesting people along the way. All of this leads to learning more about yourself and the destinations you visit on your adventures abroad. During this session, we will dive into the topics surrounding solo (female) travel – the good, the bad, and all that in-between! Two globetrotting ladies will share their reality of solo travel in hopes of encouraging others to embark on their own solo, life-changing adventures!"

Katso webinaari

2. "Backpacking 101: Survival Guide for the First Time Traveler"

visit finland webinaarit

"In this session you will get all the best tips and tricks for your first adventure abroad by two experienced travelers. Our speakers Mirza and Joachim have traveled all around the world, so they know what they are talking about. What to pack, how to make friends abroad, some useful tools and apps, and many more tips will be discussed."

3. "Travel Stories From Adventurers With a Green Heart"

visit finland webinaarit

"In this session we get to talk with some super inspirational travelers who are all about finding sustainable ways to travel. Do you also love to travel, but you also want to take care of our beautiful planet? Tune in and get inspired!"

4. "Quitting Your 9-5 To Travel the World"

visit finland webinaarit

"Leaving everything behind to go explore the world, doesn't that sound amazing? Maybe you are dreaming about going on a trip around the world, but you're still hesitant about giving up on your steady job and cosy apartment and break free from the norm."

5. "Visiting Indigenous Tribes: an Inside Look of a Travel Documentary"

visit finland webinaarit

"Travel connects us, widens our horizons, and increases our understanding of other people and cultures. During this session, we will be joined by the filmmakers behind the up-and-coming documentary series, “Patterns of Life.” Filmmaker Michael and anthropologist Sofie are driven by storytelling and have set off on the ultimate adventure to preserve cultural knowledge in some of the most tucked-away pockets of the planet. Join us live to hear from the filmmakers firsthand and learn more about the places they’ve visited, where they’re planning on going next, and all of the wild experiences they’ve had on their venture to preserve the ancient art of tattooing."

6. "Top Travels for 2023: Our Top Picks For Your Next Trip"

visit finland webinaarit

"We have put together the ultimate list of must-visit destinations for 2023! Join this session to hear which destinations you should add to the top of your bucket list for your next adventure. Our KILROY Travel Experts Nienke and Ingrid will share regional tips, recommendations on specific countries to consider and touch on a few activities that will elevate your experience abroad!"

7. "How Travel Can Boost Your CV"

visit finland webinaarit

"Do you want to learn new skills, take a new career path or learn more about yourself? The world is your classroom! Through traveling you can learn about new cultures, gain new perspectives and learn about your own values. You can even add to that by doing a course or full study at your favorite destination. What do you think about doing a photography course in Bali, learning how to code in Thailand, becoming a yoga instructor in Guatemala, getting your freediving certification in Indonesia or learning while you sail the world?"

8. "The World’s Top 5 Epic Train Routes"

visit finland webinaarit

"They say that it's less about the destination, and more about the journey to get there. There are very few transport styles that allow you to sit back, and take in the natural wonders right outside the window. Travel train is back, and no longer a romanticized idea of the past. From the world's highest train journey, to the speediest train in the world, join this session to hear about our top 5 picks of the world's most epic train routes!"

9. "Asia on A Shoestring"

visit finland webinaarit

"Asia has it all - beautiful golden beaches, intriguing religions and cultures, magical jungles, unique wildlife, and a huge population that is both as diverse as it is fascinating. On a journey through Asia, you will have the opportunity to visit bustling cities that offer a bit of everything or journey off the beaten path to explore intimate and small remote villages where daily life goes on, unchanged, as it has for centuries. You can elevate your experience by adding in some exciting activities like a tuk-tuk tour through the bustling streets of Bangkok or a sunrise hike up one of Indonesia’s monstrous volcanos – the sky is quite literally the limit! Join this session to hear more from our travel experts on the top off the beaten path backpacking destinations and activities in Asia! These pro tips will be sure to help you plan your next big adventure so you can get more bang (or beach!) for your buck."

10. "The Best of the Lands Down Under: Australia & New Zealand"

visit finland webinaarit

"Brilliant beaches, colorful coral, bustling cities, pristine nature and endless desert, Australia and New Zealand attract travelers of all types. From the adventurous bunch wanting to do a road trip from the North island in New Zealand to the South, (or the outback in Australia); to those wanting to soak in all the Gold Coast’s sunshine – a trip to the lands down under will surely allow any adventurer to fulfill all their travel dreams. Tune in to get our experts advice on planning your next trip to Oceania."

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10 of the best places to visit in Finland: from Helsinki cool to the frozen wilds of Lapland

Kerry Walker

Jun 1, 2022 • 10 min read

Aerial view of fishing boat with young woman and man in blue summer lake in Finland; Shutterstock ID 1950372253; your: Claire Naylor; gl: 65050; netsuite: Online ed; full: Finland best places

From energetic cities to chilled lakeside retreats, here are the best places to visit in Finland © nblx / Shutterstock

Finland moves to its own Nordic beat. This land of geographical and climatic extremes is a land of possibility. A land on the final frontiers of the imagination and a source endless fascination: whether you are flying across the frozen tundra behind a team of yapping huskies in Lapland, with the northern lights swooping overhead, paddling from island to forested island in the Lakeland, with rare Saimaa ringed seals bobbing alongside your kayak, or leaping headfirst into Helsinki’s offbeat design scene.   

There’s so much nature, so much culture, so much otherness here that you could keep returning forever more and still be surprised. Here’s our rundown of the 10 best places to visit in Finland.

People lounge in the sun on some decking by the water in Helsinki

Helsinki is effortlessly cool

Dipping its toes into the brilliant blue Baltic, Helsinki has a generous pinch of everything that makes Finland so special: cutting-edge design, elegant art nouveau villas, galleries brimming with contemporary art, market halls singing of seasonal bounty, and restaurants riffing modern on foraged flavors. There are few capital cities that swing so effortlessly between the urban and the outdoors, with glorious forests, islands and beaches just a walk, pedal, paddle or ferry ride away. And if locals seem remarkably relaxed, you can thank saunas like Löyly Sauna , where you can steam before leaping into the sea (through an ice hole in winter).

You’re bound to find your own favorites, but unmissables include Unesco World Heritage Suomenlinna , a magnificent mid-18th century island fortress, the boutique and workshop-filled Design District and the picnic-perfect Esplanadi park. Put Kiasma for contemporary exhibitions and the palatial, neo-Renaissance Ateneum for Finnish art (including compelling frescoes of the national epic, Kalevala) at the top of your museum wish list. Home to the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, the glass-and-copper Musiikkitalo should be your first choice for high-caliber classical concerts and gigs.

As sunset bruises the sky above the Baltic, book a table at intimate, candlelit, Michelin-starred Demo , where Finnish cuisine is elevated to a new gourmet level in dishes like king crab with nettle pesto, and blackcurrant and liquorice-leaf marinated Åland lamb.

Rovaniemi is the capital of Finnish Lapland

Tossing you in at the Arctic deep end, Rovaniemi , is Lapland in overdrive. Granted, you won’t have it to yourself – come Christmas time the city heaves with Santa groupies – but choose the shoulder season to visit and factor in time in the quieter surrounds and you’ll have a ball.

First up on your wish list is likely to be a visit to Santa and his gingerbread-baking elves in the blingy Santa Claus Village , atop the Arctic Circle, and Santapark . But this is really just the tip of the iceberg. Outside there’s scenery straight out of a snowglobe and a million and one ways to explore it: by reindeer-drawn sleigh, snowmobile, dogsled or on snowshoes. You can float in an icy lake spellbound by the northern lights arcing and swaying above, go ice fishing, or stay in a snow hotel or glass igloo. You name the Nordic fun – it’s here.

There’s a flurry of culture too in the form of Arktikum museum, zooming in on Lapland, Sámi culture and the history of Rovaniemi, and providing a fascinating primer on Arctic wildlife.

Tampere is a scenic city with creative energy

Scenically clasped between two lakes, Tampere fizzes with life and creative energy. The Tammerkoski rapids flow through the heart of the city, past the striking red brick facades of revamped fabric mills and industrial buildings now harboring museums, shops, bars and cafes. And with hiking trails, summer cottages, lake cruises and Finland’s oldest public sauna, Rajaportin , right on its doorstep, it’s never a toss up between culture and nature.

Sight-wise, you’ll want to tick off Amurin Työläismuseokortteli , where wooden houses take an insightful peek into workers’ lives from 1882 to 1973, and glass-and-steel Vapriikki , an eclectic exhibition space in the renovated Tampella textile mill. Tampere’s cathedral, Tuomiokirkko , is a whimsical vision of National Romantic art nouveau architecture. And kids (and lovers of cult trolls) go crazy for the Moomimuseo .

Tampere has one of Finland’s hottest food and nightlife scenes, too. Hit the kauppahalli (covered market) for a feast of fish, cheese, meat and pastries. Here you can try the city’s speciality, mustamakkara , blood sausage with lingonberry jam. In summer, there’s always a festival on, but year-round you’ll find live music at artsy Telakka .

A series of red gondolas travel along a wire leading up a ski slope covered in snow in Yllas, Finland

Ylläs is an uncrowded Lapland resort

Folk from more mountainous lands may scoff at the idea of skiing in Ylläs , whose eponymous fell reaches a modest 718m (2355ft), but frankly they are missing a trick. This cute little resort in Lapland, 150km (93 miles) north of the Arctic Circle, has the kind of uncrowded slopes and fresh, downy powder other countries can only dream of. Throw in rime-frosted forests, views out across frozen tundra and the northern lights dancing in night skies, and it is the full on Narnia package.

The skiing scene here is delightfully low key, with pristine snow and 63km (39 miles) of downhill slopes to pound, plus plenty of off piste and cross-country tracks to glide along. And then there’s the clincher: the world’s only sauna gondola , where you can strip off and sweat as you float above the winter wonderland.

Åland Islands is a top summer destination

Dropped into the piercing blue Baltic Sea off the country’s southwest coast, the Åland Archipelago is the summertime Finnish fantasy. Bridges and ferries skip across to one sleepy, forested island to the next (there are 6500 islands and islets in total, but some are little more than nameless specks of red granite). The islands move to their own gentle rhythm, with days spent pedaling or hiking to castle ruins, windmills and beaches, or kayaking to remote islets, where you might spot an elk family swimming from island to island, see a sea-eagle soar overhead, or paddle alongside seals.

By night, it’s back to the summer cottage (many with their own boats and saunas) or campsite for an evening around a crackling campfire under starry skies. The remoter you go to the outer isles, the more magical it gets.

Piece together your own island-hopping itinerary. RO-NO Rent in Mariehamn can sort you out with bikes, canoes and small boats that don’t require a license, or rent a kayak or paddleboard at Paddelboden .

A woman sits on a cliff at the edge of a lake looking out towards forested islets that dot the landscape

Kuopio is a cultured Lakeland city

If you’re seeking a bit of urban buzz before dipping an oar into the waters of Finnish Lakeland, Kuopio , dreamily hugging the shores of Lake Kallavesi delivers. The views out across sapphire waters, forested islands and skerries are an uplifting prelude to this cultured little city. Get your bearings over morning coffee in the revolving restaurant at the top of Puijon Torni . From there, you can dive into Finnish art at bank-turned-gallery Kuopion Taidemuseo and local history in Kuopion Museo , lodged in a castle-like art nouveau mansion.

One look at the sun burnishing the lakes and you’ll be itching to head outdoors to hike in spruce forests, hang out in beer gardens (and, of course, sample the famous local cloudberry liqueur), or cruise and kayak the waters. A steam and lake swim at the city’s huge, fabulously rustic smoke sauna, Jätkänkämppä , is perfect for unwinding at the end of a mellow summer day.

Savonlinna is a forested gateway to national parks

All is forest and water, green and blue in pretty Savolinna, embedded in Finnish Lakeland near the Russian border. Necklaced by islands and topped off by a turreted 15th-century stunner of a castle, Olavinlinna , the town wins hearts on looks alone. But this is also one of Finland’s cultural heavyweights as the host of the country’s most revered festival, July’s Savonlinna Opera Festival , held in the castle’s covered courtyard. Book well in advance to snag tickets to see the town at its aria-singing, life-loving best.

The beauty of basing yourself here is that you are but a splash away from some of Finland’s most serene and enchanting lake escapes: Linnansaari and Kolovesi national parks. The only way to get a true sense of their loveliness is to hire a kayak or canoe and go paddle camping . As you float past cliffs, caves and pine forests, keep a sharp eye out for otters, ospreys and one of the world’s rarest seals: the mottled, big-eyed Saimaa ringed seal. If you want to coo over their fur ball pups, come in spring.

Inari is home to indigenous Sámi culture 

Whether you glimpse its forest rimmed under the glow of the midnight sun or blanketed in snow and illuminated by the northern lights, Inari makes you catch your breath. This tiny speck of a village peers out across Lapland’s largest lake, island-speckled Inarijärvi, 300km (187 miles) north of the Arctic Circle. And it’s here that the pulse of the indigenous Sámi beats strongest.

The phenomenal Siida museum immerses you in Sámi culture, lending insight into their reindeer-herding traditions and Lapland’s unique ecology. Equally riveting is the architecturally striking Sajos , Sámi parliament, with a floor plan designed on a reindeer hide. But you’ll want to go deeper: perhaps taking a snowmobile out to Petri Mattus ’ reindeer farm in winter, or seeing the calving and earmarking in May. There’s a lot happening events-wise here, too: from July’s traditional Inari Weeks festivities to the grand finale of reindeer-racing season at the King’s Cup in late March.

Regardless of season, round out the day with foraged flavors and views of the Jäniskoski rapids at Aanaar , where you can dig into the likes of Arctic king crab with nettle butter, smoked reindeer heart with pine-needle vinaigrette, and cloudberry sorbet.

Inari is also a terrific springboard for forays into the remote fells, forests and gold-panning rivers of Lemmenjoki National Park and canyon-riven Kevo Strict Nature Reserve .

Turku has an exciting food and culture scene

Looking longingly out across the piercing blue Baltic, south coast Turku (in Swedish: Åbo) is an absolute knockout. This was the capital until 1812, when Tsar Alexander I of Russia decided to up sticks to Helsinki. A rich historic and cultural legacy is imprinted on the city to this day in the form of experimental art, upbeat music festivals and one of the country’s most exciting food scenes.

You’ll want to factor in time for a spin of Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova , a museum that whisks you underground to Old Turku’s medieval streets, then pings you back into the present with contemporary art upstairs. Finland’s largest fortress, Turun Linna , rewinds to the 13th century with its dungeons and lavish banqueting halls. And Turun Tuomiokirkko , the "mother church" of Finland’s Lutheran faith, is a Gothic vision in red brick. Visit during the silent hour (9-10am) as the morning sun slants through the windows to see it at its most atmospheric.

Summer turns the heat up a notch with music festivals like Turku Jazz and Ruisrock , boat bars on the south bank of the Aura River and parties fuelled by local craft beers. And when you tire of the city, you can hop on a ferry or kayak across to an island of your choice.

Urho Kekkonen National Park has lots of Finnish wildlife

It’s wild out there… Snuggling up close to the Russian border in the north of Lapland, the Urho Kekkonen National Park has an extraordinary portfolio of all the landscapes you come to the Arctic to see: old-growth pine, spruce and birch forests, high fells (including Korvatunturi, sacred among Finns as the original home of Santa), aapa mires and dazzlingly clear rivers and creeks. The park reels off the "greatest hits" of Finnish wildlife. With luck, patience and a decent pair of binoculars, you might see elk, reindeer, snow grouse, Arctic foxes and golden eagles. Brown bears, wolverines, wolves and lynx are far more elusive, but just knowing they are here adds an extra level of thrill.

Hiking here takes you through some soul-stirring landscapes, and there’s always a wilderness hut with a campfire and sauna where you can rest up after a long day’s trek. The Sámi town of Saariselkä is one of the most accessible gateways to the park.

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UNESCO recognizes more than just historical sites—here are 5 protected health customs

An Indonesian elixir is the latest ancient wellness tradition to be acknowledged for its distinct contribution to heritage.

A woman kneeling in front of a stone bowl with rice and a mat of other ingredients such as tumeric and other spices, next to a glass drinking bottle with an orange drink inside.

UNESCO famously protects crucial architecture, nature, and artforms around the world, but lesser known is that it also recognizes historic health practices. Indonesia’s jamu —a medicinal drink—is the latest wellness custom to be named to UNESCO’s Intangible Cultural Heritage list , which safeguards distinctive rituals, festivals, languages, and music.

From Indonesia to Finland, here are five places where travelers can find UNESCO-listed experiences that combine tradition and health.

Jamu in Indonesia

Carved into Indonesia’s biggest temple are 1,200-year-old stone images of an elixir now popular with tourists. The bas reliefs at the Borobudur temple compound   on the island of Java depict jamu—a blend of ingredients that can include ginger, lime, turmeric, and tamarind—being offered to a sick man to promote healing.

On the island of Bali, many cafés and street stalls sell jamu , which aims to treat illness by balancing the body’s temperature. Cold jamu is offered to people with a fever, while heated versions help patients suffering chills. It is drunk by Indonesians of all ages, and primarily made by women, many of whom use herbs and spices they cultivate themselves.

Jamu recipes vary by Indonesian region, and its makers often customize each dose to the age and health of its drinker. Some blend it only for friends and relatives. Others sell the beverage at shops and markets, or run jamu classes for tourists. AYANA Bali Resort offers two-hour workshops , led by veteran jamu makers, during which participants learn the history of this custom, pick herbal ingredients at an on-site farm, and then boil an organic remedy.

(Bali’s mask tradition offers a connection to the gods.)

Yoga in India

Whether on Himalayan mountainsides, palm-spiked beaches, or temple floors, tourists to India have long twisted their bodies in pursuit of enlightenment, physical recovery, emotional repair, or other personal intentions. Each is lured by the 5,000-year-old promise of yoga .

Founded in northern India , yoga is at once physical, spiritual, and philosophical. Practitioners engage in a sequence of bodily poses, which can range from simple to challenging. They may simultaneously meditate, chant, or practice breath control, in an effort to achieve mental tranquility.

UNESCO cited yoga for being practiced in India “by the young and old without discriminating against gender, class, or religion.” Tourists to India, meanwhile, can delve as deeply as they wish into this custom, from singular classes at five-star resorts, like Shimla’s Wildflower Hall , to immersive retreats at Himalayan Iyengar Yoga Centre in Dharamkot. Many foreigners also earn yoga instructor certification, at schools such as the hundred-year-old Kaivalyadhama , near Mumbai.

(Why our fast-paced society loves yoga.)

A woman in a large white t-shirt dress is laying on her stomach with her arms back while another woman is kneeling behind her and pulling her arms.

Massage in Thailand

Thailand’s tourist districts are so laden with massage parlors that foreigners might perceive this physical therapy as solely a money-making venture. In fact, Nuad Thai massage is a 2,500-year-old pillar of this nation’s culture , practiced in many homes and proudly viewed as a fusion of art and science.

Nuad Thai masseurs use their hands, feet, knees, and elbows to skillfully knead, bend, stretch, and squeeze patients. Their aim is to treat health conditions by unblocking the body’s 72,000 sen, or energy pathways. In Thai Buddhist belief, clearing these routes restores harmony between a person’s internal elements of water, air, fire, and earth.

Travelers can have their bodies manipulated at hundreds of Nuad Thai parlors from Phuket to Chiang Mai. Or they can learn this skill by attending facilities like Bangkok’s Nuad Thai Massage School .

Acupuncture in China

The practice of deliberately pricking human skin began in China almost 5,000 years ago, rooted in Chinese philosophy. Acupuncture , as it’s now known, is a method for balancing energies within the human body, specifically the dark force of yin and the light of yang.

Similar to Nuad Thai, acupuncture seeks to improve mental and physical health by clearing blockages in the life force. This energy, known as qi, supposedly courses along 12 paths within us, each linked to a key organ or bodily function. Acupuncturists typically insert five to 20 small needles into strategic points on their patient’s skin. In doing so, they treat everything from migraines to nausea, muscle pain, respiratory disorders, and menstrual cramps.

Some studies have also shown acupuncture can release endorphins , the “feel-good hormones.” Tourists to China can try acupuncture in Shanghai at the two branches of Body & Soul Medical Clinic .

( Savoring China’s divine drink at its source. )

A woman in a bikini bathing suit hits a man wearing swim shorts with a bushel of leaves inside a wooden sauna

Sauna in Finland

Even 10,000 years after embracing the sauna , Finland remains infatuated with it. Remarkably, there’s about 3.3 million of these steam-filled spaces in this Scandinavian nation of only 5.5 million people. To Finnish people, 90 percent of whom use a sauna at least once a week, this sweaty activity doesn’t just purge toxins and stress.

It can also be a social outing and a chance to commune with nature. Families and friends often meet for a conversation-rich session at a sauna, some of which are set in picturesque locations—perched by a lake, amid forest, or on a mountainside.

Tourists can experience this Finnish custom at places including Löyly in Helsinki, Arctic Sauna World in the Sápmi (Lapland) region, and Hawk Nest Sauna in Nuuksio National Park.

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