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Artinya, “Dari sahabat Abu Hurairah ra, dari Nabi Muhammad saw, ia bersabda, ‘Umrah ke umrah merupakan kafarah (dosa) di antara keduanya. Sedangkan haji mabrur tiada balasan baginya kecuali surga,’” (HR Malik, Bukhari, Muslim, At-Tirmidzi, An-Nasai, Ibnu Majah, Al-Asbihani).

Keutamaan umroh yang utama ini disampaikan oleh Rasulullah SAW dalam satu hadist. Dari Abu Hurairah ia berkata bahwa Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: “Antara umroh yang satu dan umroh lainnya, itu akan menghapuskan dosa di antara keduanya. Dan haji mabrur tidak ada balasannya melainkan surga.” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim).

"Ya Tuhan kami, jadikanlah kami orang yang berserah diri kepada-Mu, dan anak cucu kami (juga) umat yang berserah diri kepada-Mu dan tunjukkanlah kepada kami cara-cara melakukan ibadah (haji) kami, dan terimalah tobat kami. Sungguh, Engkaulah Yang Maha Penerima tobat, Maha Penyayang." QS Al Baqarah : 128

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What is the Multazam? How should one make du’aa’ there?

Publication : 24-12-2008

Views : 64707

Praise be to Allah.

The multazam (place of clinging) is the part of the Ka’bah that is between the Black Stone and the door of the Ka’bah. What is meant by iltizaam (clinging) is when the supplicant (person making du’aa’) places his chest, face, forearms and palms against it and calls upon Allaah saying whatever du’aa’ he wishes. 

There is no specific du’aa’ that the Muslim should say in that place. He can cling to the Multazam when he enters the Ka’bah (if it is easy for him to enter) or he may do that before performing the Farewell tawaaf (tawaaf al-wadaa’), or he may do it at any time he wants. He should not cause difficulty for other people by offering a lengthy du’aa’. Similarly it is not permissible to crowd other people or annoy them in order to cling there. If he sees a space then he should say du’aa’. Otherwise it is sufficient for him to say du’aa’ whilst circumambulating and when prostrating in prayer. 

What was narrated from the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) concerning the Multazam is more sound than that which has been narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). 

It was narrated that ‘Abd al-Rahmaan ibn Safwaan said: When the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) conquered Makkah, I said: I will put on my garments, as my house was on the road, and I will wait and see what the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) does. So I went and I saw that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) had come out of the Ka’bah, he and his companions, and they were touching the House from the Door to the Black Stone. They had placed their cheeks against the House and the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was in the midst of them. Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1898; Ahmad, 15124. 

Its isnaad includes Yazeed ibn Abi Ziyaad, who was classed as da’eef (weak) by Ibn Mu’een, Abu Haatim, Abu Zar’ah and others. 

It was narrated from ‘Amr ibn Shu’ayb that his father said: I circumambulated the Ka’bah with ‘Abd-Allaah, and when we came to the back of the Ka’bah I said: Will you not seek refuge with Allaah? He said: We seek refuge with Allaah from the Fire. Then he proceeded to touch the Stone, and he stood between the Corner and the door, and placed his chest, face, forearms and hands like this, and spread them out. Then he said: This is what I saw the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) do. Narrated by Abu Dawood, 1899; Ibn Maajah, 2962. 

Its isnaad includes al-Muthanna ibn al-Sabaah, who was classed as da’eef (weak) by Imam Ahmad, Ibn Mu’een, al-Tirmidhi, al-Nasaa’i and others. 

But these two ahaadeeth corroborate one another. 

Shaykh al-Albaani classed it as saheeh in al-Silsilah al-Saheehah, 2138. 

And he narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: “The Multazam is between the Corner and the door.” 

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said: 

If (the pilgrim) wants to go the Multazam – which is the area between the Black Stone and the door – and place his chest, face, forearms and hands against it and make du’aa’ and ask Allaah for what he needs, he may do so. He may do that before the farewell tawaaf, for it does not matter if this iltizaam (clinging) is done at the time of the farewell tawaaf or at another time. The Sahaabah used to do that when they entered Makkah. If he wishes he may say the du’aa’ that was narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas: “O Allaah, I am Your slave, son of Your male slave, son of Your female slave. You have caused me to ride that which You have subjugated to me of Your creation and You caused me to travel through Your land until You caused me to reach Your house by Your grace, and You have helped me to perform my rituals (of pilgrimage). If You were pleased with me then I hope that you will be more pleased, otherwise be pleased with me now before I depart from Your House, for now I am about to depart if You permit, without turning to anyone but You and seeking to visit any house other than Yours. O Allaah, give me good health in my body and protect my religious commitment; let me find my family well and safe upon my return and help me to obey You so long as You keep me alive, and join me, and give me the good of this world and the Hereafter, for You are able to do all things.” 

If he stands by the door and prays there without clinging to the House, that is also good. 

Majmoo’ al-Fataawa, 26/142, 143. 

Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said: 

This is a matter concerning which the scholars differed, although it was not narrated from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) (i.e. that was not narrated in a saheeh hadeeth, as the ahaadeeth that were narrated concerning this were deemed to be da’eef or weak). Rather it was narrated from some of the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them). So is iltizaam (clinging) Sunnah? When should it be done – upon arrival or when about to leave, or at any time? 

The reason for this difference of opinion among the scholars is that it is not narrated in the Sunnah of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), rather the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) used to do that when they arrived in Makkah. 

The fuqaha’ said: He (the pilgrim) should do that when about to leave, and should cling to the multazam, which is the area between the corner where the Black Stone is located and the door…

 Based on this, there is nothing wrong with iltizaam (clinging to the Ka’bah in this area) so long as that does not involve annoying others. 

Al-Sharh al-Mumti’, 7/402, 403. 

And Allaah knows best.

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Table of Contents

The area between the Hajar al-Aswad and the Door of the Ka’bah is called the Multazam (Arabic: ملتزم) . It is approximately two metres wide and is a place where du’as (supplications) are accepted.

Du’as are accepted at the Multazam

  • The Multazam is an area where du’as are accepted. It is sunnah to hold on to the wall of the Ka’bah in such a manner that a cheek, chest and hands are against the wall. This action is known as ‘Iltizam’.
  • It is reported that Abdullah bin Umar (رضي الله عنه) once completed the Tawaf, performed the salah and then kissed the Hajar al-Aswad . Thereafter, he stood between the Hajar al-Aswad and the door of the Ka’bah in such a manner that the cheek, chest and hands were against the wall. He then said, “This is what I saw Rasulullah (ﷺ) do.”
  • Abdullah bin Abbas (رضي الله عنه) says,  “The signs of acceptance for any du’a made between the Hajar al-Aswad and the door of the Ka’bah will certainly be seen.” [Akhbaar Makkah by Faakihi – Hadith 23]
  • Mujaahid (رضي الله عنه) says, “The area between the Hajar al-Aswad and the door is called the Multazam. Allah will grant a person whatever he asks for there and save him from whatever he seeks refuge from there.” [Akhbaar Makkah by Faakihi – Hadith 238]

The area which makes up the Multazam

The area which makes up the Multazam

References:  The History of Makkah Mukarramah – Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani

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Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

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Moscow to Elektrostal by train

The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is .

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Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. You can find train tickets for prices as low as , but it may require some flexibility with your travel plans. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets. Unfortunately, no price was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find price results. Prices will vary when you travel from Moscow to Elektrostal. On average, though, you'll pay about for a train ticket. If you're looking for a low price, you may need to prepare to spend more time in transit. You can also often find cheaper train tickets at particular times of day, or on certain days of the week. Of course, ticket prices often change during the year, too; expect to pay more in peak season. For the lowest prices, it's usually best to make your reservation in advance. Be careful, though, as many providers do not offer refunds or exchanges on their cheapest train tickets.

How long does it take to get from Moscow to Elektrostal by train?

The journey between Moscow and Elektrostal by train is approximately 32.44 mi. It will take you more or less 2 hr 7 min to complete this journey. This average figure does not take into account any delays that might arise on your route in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to make a connection or operating on a tight schedule, give yourself plenty of time. The distance between Moscow and Elektrostal is around 32.44 mi. Depending on the exact route and provider you travel with, your journey time can vary. On average, this journey will take approximately 2 hr 7 min. However, the fastest routes between Moscow and Elektrostal take 1 hr 3 min. If a fast journey is a priority for you when traveling, look out for express services that may get you there faster. Some flexibility may be necessary when booking. Often, these services only leave at particular times of day - or even on certain days of the week. You may also find a faster journey by taking an indirect route and connecting in another station along the way.

How many journeys from Moscow to Elektrostal are there every day?

On average, there are 71 daily departures from Moscow to Elektrostal. However, there may be more or less on different days. Providers' timetables can change on certain days of the week or public holidays, and many also vary at particular times of year. Some providers change their schedules during the summer season, for example. At very busy times, there may be up to departures each day. The providers that travel along this route include , and each operates according to their own specific schedules. As a traveler, you may prefer a direct journey, or you may not mind making changes and connections. If you have heavy suitcases, a direct journey could be best; otherwise, you might be able to save money and enjoy more flexibility by making a change along the way. Every day, there are an average of 18 departures from Moscow which travel directly to Elektrostal. There are 53 journeys with one change or more. Unfortunately, no connection was found for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal. Selecting a new departure or arrival city, without dramatically changing your itinerary could help you find connections.

Book in advance and save

If you're looking for the best deal for your trip from Moscow to Elektrostal, booking train tickets in advance is a great way to save money, but keep in mind that advance tickets are usually not available until 3 months before your travel date.

Stay flexible with your travel time and explore off-peak journeys

Planning your trips around off-peak travel times not only means that you'll be able to avoid the crowds, but can also end up saving you money. Being flexible with your schedule and considering alternative routes or times will significantly impact the amount of money you spend on getting from Moscow to Elektrostal.

Always check special offers

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Unlock the potential of slower trains or connecting trains

If you're planning a trip with some flexible time, why not opt for the scenic route? Taking slower trains or connecting trains that make more stops may save you money on your ticket – definitely worth considering if it fits in your schedule.

Best time to book cheap train tickets from Moscow to Elektrostal

The cheapest Moscow - Elektrostal train tickets can be found for as low as $35.01 if you’re lucky, or $54.00 on average. The most expensive ticket can cost as much as $77.49.

Find the best day to travel to Elektrostal by train

When travelling to Elektrostal by train, if you want to avoid crowds you can check how frequently our customers are travelling in the next 30-days using the graph below. On average, the peak hours to travel are between 6:30am and 9am in the morning, or between 4pm and 7pm in the evening. Please keep this in mind when travelling to your point of departure as you may need some extra time to arrive, particularly in big cities!

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The Moscow Metro Museum of Art: 10 Must-See Stations

There are few times one can claim having been on the subway all afternoon and loving it, but the Moscow Metro provides just that opportunity.  While many cities boast famous public transport systems—New York’s subway, London’s underground, San Salvador’s chicken buses—few warrant hours of exploration.  Moscow is different: Take one ride on the Metro, and you’ll find out that this network of railways can be so much more than point A to B drudgery.

The Metro began operating in 1935 with just thirteen stations, covering less than seven miles, but it has since grown into the world’s third busiest transit system ( Tokyo is first ), spanning about 200 miles and offering over 180 stops along the way.  The construction of the Metro began under Joseph Stalin’s command, and being one of the USSR’s most ambitious building projects, the iron-fisted leader instructed designers to create a place full of svet (radiance) and svetloe budushchee (a radiant future), a palace for the people and a tribute to the Mother nation.

Consequently, the Metro is among the most memorable attractions in Moscow.  The stations provide a unique collection of public art, comparable to anything the city’s galleries have to offer and providing a sense of the Soviet era, which is absent from the State National History Museum.  Even better, touring the Metro delivers palpable, experiential moments, which many of us don’t get standing in front of painting or a case of coins.

Though tours are available , discovering the Moscow Metro on your own provides a much more comprehensive, truer experience, something much less sterile than following a guide.  What better place is there to see the “real” Moscow than on mass transit: A few hours will expose you to characters and caricatures you’ll be hard-pressed to find dining near the Bolshoi Theater.  You become part of the attraction, hear it in the screech of the train, feel it as hurried commuters brush by: The Metro sucks you beneath the city and churns you into the mix.

With the recommendations of our born-and-bred Muscovite students, my wife Emma and I have just taken a self-guided tour of what some locals consider the top ten stations of the Moscow Metro. What most satisfied me about our Metro tour was the sense of adventure .  I loved following our route on the maps of the wagon walls as we circled the city, plotting out the course to the subsequent stops; having the weird sensation of being underground for nearly four hours; and discovering the next cavern of treasures, playing Indiana Jones for the afternoon, piecing together fragments of Russia’s mysterious history.  It’s the ultimate interactive museum.

Top Ten Stations (In order of appearance)

Kievskaya station.

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Kievskaya Station went public in March of 1937, the rails between it and Park Kultury Station being the first to cross the Moscow River.  Kievskaya is full of mosaics depicting aristocratic scenes of Russian life, with great cameo appearances by Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin.  Each work has a Cyrillic title/explanation etched in the marble beneath it; however, if your Russian is rusty, you can just appreciate seeing familiar revolutionary dates like 1905 ( the Russian Revolution ) and 1917 ( the October Revolution ).

Mayakovskaya Station

Mayakovskaya Station ranks in my top three most notable Metro stations. Mayakovskaya just feels right, done Art Deco but no sense of gaudiness or pretention.  The arches are adorned with rounded chrome piping and create feeling of being in a jukebox, but the roof’s expansive mosaics of the sky are the real showstopper.  Subjects cleverly range from looking up at a high jumper, workers atop a building, spires of Orthodox cathedrals, to nimble aircraft humming by, a fleet of prop planes spelling out CCCP in the bluest of skies.

Novoslobodskaya Station

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Novoslobodskaya is the Metro’s unique stained glass station.  Each column has its own distinctive panels of colorful glass, most of them with a floral theme, some of them capturing the odd sailor, musician, artist, gardener, or stenographer in action.  The glass is framed in Art Deco metalwork, and there is the lovely aspect of discovering panels in the less frequented haunches of the hall (on the trackside, between the incoming staircases).  Novosblod is, I’ve been told, the favorite amongst out-of-town visitors.

Komsomolskaya Station

Komsomolskaya Station is one of palatial grandeur.  It seems both magnificent and obligatory, like the presidential palace of a colonial city.  The yellow ceiling has leafy, white concrete garland and a series of golden military mosaics accenting the tile mosaics of glorified Russian life.  Switching lines here, the hallway has an Alice-in-Wonderland feel, impossibly long with decorative tile walls, culminating in a very old station left in a remarkable state of disrepair, offering a really tangible glimpse behind the palace walls.

Dostoevskaya Station

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Dostoevskaya is a tribute to the late, great hero of Russian literature .  The station at first glance seems bare and unimpressive, a stark marble platform without a whiff of reassembled chips of tile.  However, two columns have eerie stone inlay collages of scenes from Dostoevsky’s work, including The Idiot , The Brothers Karamazov , and Crime and Punishment.   Then, standing at the center of the platform, the marble creates a kaleidoscope of reflections.  At the entrance, there is a large, inlay portrait of the author.

Chkalovskaya Station

Chkalovskaya does space Art Deco style (yet again).  Chrome borders all.  Passageways with curvy overhangs create the illusion of walking through the belly of a chic, new-age spacecraft.  There are two (kos)mosaics, one at each end, with planetary subjects.  Transferring here brings you above ground, where some rather elaborate metalwork is on display.  By name similarity only, I’d expected Komsolskaya Station to deliver some kosmonaut décor; instead, it was Chkalovskaya that took us up to the space station.

Elektrozavodskaya Station

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Elektrozavodskaya is full of marble reliefs of workers, men and women, laboring through the different stages of industry.  The superhuman figures are round with muscles, Hollywood fit, and seemingly undeterred by each Herculean task they respectively perform.  The station is chocked with brass, from hammer and sickle light fixtures to beautiful, angular framework up the innards of the columns.  The station’s art pieces are less clever or extravagant than others, but identifying the different stages of industry is entertaining.

Baumanskaya Statio

Baumanskaya Station is the only stop that wasn’t suggested by the students.  Pulling in, the network of statues was just too enticing: Out of half-circle depressions in the platform’s columns, the USSR’s proud and powerful labor force again flaunts its success.  Pilots, blacksmiths, politicians, and artists have all congregated, posing amongst more Art Deco framing.  At the far end, a massive Soviet flag dons the face of Lenin and banners for ’05, ’17, and ‘45.  Standing in front of the flag, you can play with the echoing roof.

Ploshchad Revolutsii Station

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Novokuznetskaya Station

Novokuznetskaya Station finishes off this tour, more or less, where it started: beautiful mosaics.  This station recalls the skyward-facing pieces from Mayakovskaya (Station #2), only with a little larger pictures in a more cramped, very trafficked area.  Due to a line of street lamps in the center of the platform, it has the atmosphere of a bustling market.  The more inventive sky scenes include a man on a ladder, women picking fruit, and a tank-dozer being craned in.  The station’s also has a handsome black-and-white stone mural.

Here is a map and a brief description of our route:

Start at (1)Kievskaya on the “ring line” (look for the squares at the bottom of the platform signs to help you navigate—the ring line is #5, brown line) and go north to Belorusskaya, make a quick switch to the Dark Green/#2 line, and go south one stop to (2)Mayakovskaya.  Backtrack to the ring line—Brown/#5—and continue north, getting off at (3)Novosblodskaya and (4)Komsolskaya.  At Komsolskaya Station, transfer to the Red/#1 line, go south for two stops to Chistye Prudy, and get on the Light Green/#10 line going north.  Take a look at (5)Dostoevskaya Station on the northern segment of Light Green/#10 line then change directions and head south to (6)Chkalovskaya, which offers a transfer to the Dark Blue/#3 line, going west, away from the city center.  Have a look (7)Elektroskaya Station before backtracking into the center of Moscow, stopping off at (8)Baumskaya, getting off the Dark Blue/#3 line at (9)Ploschad Revolyutsii.  Change to the Dark Green/#2 line and go south one stop to see (10)Novokuznetskaya Station.

Check out our new Moscow Indie Travel Guide , book a flight to Moscow and read 10 Bars with Views Worth Blowing the Budget For

Jonathon Engels, formerly a patron saint of misadventure, has been stumbling his way across cultural borders since 2005 and is currently volunteering in the mountains outside of Antigua, Guatemala.  For more of his work, visit his website and blog .

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Photo credits:   SergeyRod , all others courtesy of the author and may not be used without permission


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  17. Trains Moscow to Elektrostal: Times, Prices and Tickets

    The journey from Moscow to Elektrostal by train is 32.44 mi and takes 2 hr 7 min. There are 71 connections per day, with the first departure at 12:15 AM and the last at 11:46 PM. It is possible to travel from Moscow to Elektrostal by train for as little as or as much as . The best price for this journey is . Journey Duration.

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    Have a look (7)Elektroskaya Station before backtracking into the center of Moscow, stopping off at (8)Baumskaya, getting off the Dark Blue/#3 line at (9)Ploschad Revolyutsii. Change to the Dark Green/#2 line and go south one stop to see (10)Novokuznetskaya Station. Check out our new Moscow Indie Travel Guide, book a flight to Moscow and read 10 ...

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    Rome2Rio is a door-to-door travel information and booking engine, helping you get to and from any location in the world. Find all the transport options for your trip from Elektrostal to Moscow right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can ...

  21. 10 ways to travel via train, and plane, and bus

    Find the travel option that best suits you. The cheapest way to get from Chania to Elektrostal costs only RUB 18001, and the quickest way takes just 14¼ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you. ... El Al Website Flights from Chania to Moscow Domodedovo via Tel Aviv Ave. Duration 15h 55m When Saturday Estimated price RUB ...

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