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Indien u meer verbruikt, € 0,10/mb op top, € 0,20/mb op rest van de wereld, € 17,77/mb op uitzonderingszone, (gefactureerd per 100 kb), * = een gebruiksdag start en eindigt om middernacht  belgische tijd , nooit de lokale tijd van de reisbestemming, andere voorwaarden:, je betaalt enkel voor de dagen dat je de optie effectief gebruikt., de dagelijkse prijs (€ 3,50 of € 14,87) wordt afhankelijk van de zone waarin je je bevindt (top- of rest van de wereld- zone bestemmingen) automatisch toegepast., niet-gebruikte mb's worden niet overgedragen naar de volgende (gebruiks)dag., geen vaste maandelijkse abonnementskosten., niet cumuleerbaar met andere roamingopties die datavolume in het buitenland bevatten., door de activering van daily travel surf zullen alle andere roamingopties automatisch worden gedeactiveerd., de start- en einddata kunnen tot maximum 3 maanden op voorhand voorgeprogrammeerd worden., langer verblijf in het buitenland, andere voorwaarden: travel surf top (intense):, enkel cumuleerbaar met travel passport outside eu+top ., door de activering van travel surf top (intense) zullen alle andere roamingopties automatisch worden gedeactiveerd (behalve de travel passport outside eu+top)., het bundeltarief wordt steeds per facturatiemaand aangerekend (= volgens uw toegekende facturatiecyclus), en is dus niet per se gelijkoplopend met de desbetreffende kalendermaand., het bundeltarief wordt bij activatie ervan steeds volledig aangerekend (= en dus geen pro rata), ongeacht het aantal (resterende) dagen in éénzelfde facturatiemaand (= tip: controleer steeds uw facturatiecyclus)., andere voorwaarden: travel surf world (intense):, door de activering van travel surf world (intense) zullen alle andere roamingopties automatisch worden gedeactiveerd..

Prijzen exclusief BTW

Goed om te weten

  • Prijzen gelden vanaf 1 juli 2021.
  • Proximus is niet verantwoordelijk voor de kwaliteit van de buitenlandse netwerken.
  • Sommige operatoren rekenen extra kosten aan voor de ontvangen oproepen – de bedragen kunnen variëren naargelang de operator.
  • Buiten België hangt het tarief voor de oproepen en sms’en naar speciale nummers (lokale 0800 nummers inbegrepen) af van de door de bezochte buitenlandse operator aangerekende vergoedingen. Het nationale tarief is niet van toepassing voor deze oproepen en sms’en.
  • Maandvolumebundels worden steeds voor een volle facturatiemaand aangerekend (zelfs indien activatie of deactivatie tijdens éénzelfde lopende facturatiemaand plaatsvindt).
  • Alle individuele data roaming bundels worden gefactureerd met sessie per 100KB.
  • De op deze pagina vermelde opties gelden niet voor: Angola, Bhutan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopië, Falklandeilanden, Libanon, Maldiven, Nieuw-Caledonië, Sao Tomé en Principe, Venezuela. Voor deze landen zijn geen opties beschikbaar. Hier gelden de standaardtarieven.
  • Landen waar 5G beschikbaar is: Arabische Emiraten, Bahrein, Brazilië, Bulgarije, Canada, China, Denemarken, El Salvador, Estland, Filipijnen, Finland, Frankrijk, Griekenland, Groenland, Hong Kong, Hongarije, Ierland, Israël, Italië, Japan, Koeweit, Kroatië, Letland, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Monaco, Nederland, Nieuw-Zeeland, Noorwegen, Oman, Oostenrijk, Polen, Portugal, Qatar, Roemenië, Saoedi-Arabië, Singapore, Slovenië, Spanje, Taiwan, Tsjechië, Turkije, Verenigd Koninkrijk, Zuid-Afrika, Zuid-Korea, Zweden, Zwitserland. (Dit is een update van februari 2022)  

Official website of Safari Surf Adventures, an intensive, hands on coaching tutorial program dedicated to the “inter-mediate” skill level surfers

World class waves | 1st class surf coaches | sustainable travel

Our program will take your surfing to the, next level.

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One very important key to improving your surfing is to surf

High quality waves.


of oneself is critical to becoming a better surfer

In depth video analysis.

travel surf world intense 5gb

both in and out of the water is essential to improving your surf skills

Hands on coaching.

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Travel to exotic un-crowded locations

Around the world.

localisations worldwide


Safari surf adventures (ssa) is a preeminent surf program combining superlative surf instruction from professional surf coaches with surf travel to some of the premier surf locations in the world..

This combination along with intense surf video analysis is foremost for surfers looking to take their surfing to the next level.

SSA is also committed to sustainable surf travel…making sure our footprint to locations we visit is as small as possible while also helping and giving back the local communities where and when we can.

Why Safari Surf Adventures?

Nonpareil surf instruction & travel program on the market today for beginner + to intermediate level surfers, exotic locations – to surf better one must surf better waves … we take you there, small groups between 4-8 guests per trip to make sure trips are personalized, hosted by professional surf coaches who will be coaching you both in and out of the water, video analysis is absolutely key in any surfers development and this is principle to our program, breathwork program from yoga and / or surf stretch sessions, sustainable surf travel philosophy…engaging local cultures and customs while giving back to communities, ssa can customize a trip for you (min. 3 guests), all video and photos will be yours, we offer non-surfer & family options and pricing, the ability to create and customize your own surf trip see the customization offer.



Our upcoming events, featured trips.


Want To Customize Your Own Trip?

Our   locations.

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  • Beginner - 1
  • Beginner Surfer + - 2
  • Beginner / intermediate Surfer - 3
  • Intermediate Surfer - 4
  • Intermediate / Advanced Surfer - 5

0 months surfing

Never surfed before, need basic beach lesson., surfs at minimum 1-2 times a month / 1- 6 months, depending on times per month surf frequency, you understand the basic principles of surf technique. you have general basic ocean awareness, basic pop-up concepts mastered, basic paddling concepts. you need assistance in getting out through the surf, assistance getting into waves (whitewater or small open face waves). can only surf straight…cannot turn the board on rail to trim down the line..

For who – This level is tricky as every person picks up this sport at different rates of speed. We find that kids who are super light tend to pick it up much faster than adults who have more weight to distribute on a board. That being said, this level is very important on (3) levels…one, having some high end surf instruction is very important and can speed up your learning curve exponentially. Two, having the right equipment for your height and weight and surf skill set. And finally, and most important is your environment…or what type of surf break you are surfing on. For this level you want to be on a sand bottom wave so not rocks or reef to contend with. In addition, you must find a beach where the bottom contour of the bottom has a very gradual decent. This type of bottom will slow the oncoming waves down some and they tend to break a little further from shore so as not to be “pounding” right on the shoreline. If you have these 3 elements you will have the best chance for success. The Costa Rica location for Safari Surf School is perfect for you as a surfer who is committed to improving to the vext level.

Surfs at minimum 2 – 4 times a month / 6-12 months

You’re proficient at paddling (both paddling out through surf & paddling to catch a wave). depending on your board size and shape, you can “duck dive” and / or “turtle roll” surfboard well enough to get through oncoming surf / get out of impact zone. you have average + paddling capability – strength, can catch an open face wave physically unassisted, average pop up speed into the proper surf stance, can maneuver your board to turn down the line of a wave. ocean awareness building, your able to read the ocean a bit more and understand what you are seeing with respect to wind, currents, conditions, line up etc..

For who – This is the level where most people tend to get a little frustrated either due to not being able to get in the ocean and practice enough or perhaps your technique is not what it needs to be due to lack of surfing and / or lack of quality instruction. This level is very important, as this is where you will take a very positive turn in a short period of time with high-end instruction and video analysis. This is where we perfect your current techniques of paddling, pop-ups, duck diving or turtle roll. This is where we take you to a physically stronger, sounder technical form of surf skills. But more importantly, get your mind / confidence up to where you can really start to push yourself. Just by strengthening your techniques from paddling to pop-ups and shoring up and technical flaws in weight distribution on your board to your arms not being in a proper position, you will see your surfing level boost exponentially in a very short time. But, probably more important will be the boost in your metal state …your confidence. This level is all about getting your technique and confidence level to an all time high so you can keep progressing.

Surfs at minimum 4 – 6 times a month / 12 months +

All of level 3 techniques plus – you have high confidence in your paddling ability, strong duck diving and / or turtle roll technique, comfortable in the line up. ocean awareness and general line up identification are pretty spot-on (watching new line up and understanding where to sit in line up, seeing who may be a liability in the water and stay clear, identifying rocks, reef, currents etc.). you can identify, paddle, and catch your own waves, can bottom turn both front side and back side with some consistency, can trim down the line after a bottom turn, small “s” turns on the open face of waves, you understand how to wipe off speed (cut back) but may need more practice..

For who – At this level you are really starting to become very comfortable in the ocean where you typically surf. But the key here is that you must start pushing your limits, pushing you comfort zone, surfing perhaps a little bigger waves than you have in the past, trying a new surf spot or two to feel the rhythm of the ocean at a different surf location, and attempt more aggressive maneuvers closer to the pocket. Start pushing on your rails more. Instead of just drawing a straight line down the wave, start pumping the legs up and down getting your board on its rails or edges. This is where we introduce “rail to rail” surfing…or you can call it “heel to toe”…being able to transfer your body weight both forward and back as well as from heel to toe. This is where we start to get in tune with the “flow” of your surfing, how your body positioning and weight distribution is so important to how you surf a wave.

Been surfing for a couple of years pretty regularly

All levels of 4 techniques plus – you can take off on a wave at an angle which is headed down the line, can bottom turn consistently both front and back side and drive down the line with “s” turns, can do solid cut backs, you can do top turns and off the tops with some regularity. strong ocean awareness, strong paddling technique for catching waves and getting back out to the line up..

For who – At this level “you” are looking to improve your style / technique, looking to take your surf skill set to the next level of aggressiveness. Looking to push your surfing standards higher and to progress. This means attempting more radical maneuvers in the “pocket” of a wave. Staying as close to the pocket, curl (or power) of the breaking wave as possible through the entire ride. At this level is where you start to develop your own “style”…how you want to surf each wave. At this stage you have to push the limits to advance, you have to try new aggressive moves in order to learn from mistakes. This level is also where you will really focus on your body positioning, distribution of weight while riding a wave, following your body mechanics to see if they are in line with the wave that you are surfing. Surfing is ALL ABOUT flow…your body MUST flow with the wave in synch…it’s a function of putting together all the techniques you’ve learned while staying in rhythm or flow of the wave you are on. This will create YOUR surf “style”. Video analysis and a surf coach is key to all levels of surf progression but none more so than this level! This is where it all comes together…form and function.

wave image


"Andrew and I are so grateful we had the opportunity to experience Rote with SSA.  I thought the accommodation was amazing. The SSA coach's professionalism, organizational skills, surfing ability, creative and therapeutic yoga skills and local knowledge was what made our surf trip so successful." ROTE ISLAND, INDONESIA ~ 2017

Patricia and Andrew Kelly

"The trip was super great. The adventure I had hoped for. I went in with no expectations so everything was a delightful surprise.  The staff are exceptional in every way. I loved the SSA coach so much! Our pro mentor was fun to be around and inspirational." ROTE ISLAND, INDONESIA ~ 2017

Allison Stratton

"SSA's help with flights and logistics was great. Overall it was one of the best surf trips I have done the people and the place were amazing." ROTE ISLAND, INDONESIA ~ 2017

Jon Guitar

"The coaches were truly excellent, as was the hotel and the hotel staff. The coaches truly helped me to understand wave selection and direction better than I had ever before. I am very happy that you put this trip together and that I went with you.  I was considering taking the trip on my own, but believe I could not have overcome the language barrier nor understood the wave nearly as well on my own." CHICAMA, PERU ~ 2017

"It was a really great week – the organisation was great, the small size of the group worked really well, the surf instruction was really helpful and very tailored to each of our needs and the resort was comfortable, laid back and very enjoyable. I had a great week and would definitely consider going on another SSA adventure (and have already started looking!)." CHICAMA, PERU ~ 2019

Sam Whitaker

"Dirk and gang. Thanks for sending the pictures and videos. It made me very "homesick" for our time in Chicama. We had a great time and what made it extra special was getting to know each of you and spending quality time together. Hope to see all of you sometime soon." CHICAMA, PERU ~ 2019

David Rostov

Indeed it was a brilliant surfing and human experience! It has been hard to shake the memories and return to the much less thrilling everyday… Thanks so much to you Dirk for a seamless organisation, Dani, for yoga and support in and outside the water, and Javier for top notch surfing instructions. And for everyone for the camaraderie and the fun! PERU, CHICAMA ~ 2019

Frederique Dahan


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LGBT friendly

Phone: 866 – 433 – 3355 (Toll Free US & Canada)

Email (General Enquiries): [email protected]

Contact form

Copyright: © 2017 Safari Surf Adventures


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Bundels voor verbruik in het buitenland (vanaf 1 juli 2021).

Binnen de EU

Binnen de EU (+ enkele andere landen) belt, surft en sms’t u tegen hetzelfde tarief als in België. Åland-eilanden (Finland), Andorra, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Denemarken, Duitsland, Estland, Finland, Frankrijk, Frans-Guyana, Gibraltar, Griekenland, Guadeloupe (Franse Antillen), Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Kroatië, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Martinique (Franse Antillen), Monaco, Noorwegen, Nederland, Oostenrijk, Polen, Portugal, Réunion, Roemenië, Saint-Barthélemy (Franse Antillen), Sint-Maarten (Franse Antillen), Slovakije, Slovenië, Spanje, Tsjechische Republiek, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Zweden.


Buiten de EU belt, sms’t en surft u tegen de standaardtarieven van het betreffende land.  Om goedkoper te bellen, sms’en en te surfen, neemt u het beste één van de onderstaande opties.  Betaal per gebruiksdag of per maand. U kan deze opties stopzetten wanneer u maar wilt.  

Optie geldig in volgende landen: Albanië, Algerije, Australië, Bosnië-Herzegovina, Brazilië, Canada, China, Dominicaanse Republiek, Egypte, Faeroër, Guernsey (Bailiwick of), Hong Kong, Indië, Indonesië, Israël, Japan, Jersey (eiland), Kaapverdië, Korea (Zuid), Macau, Macedonië, Maleisië, Man (eiland), Marokko, Mexico, Montenegro, Moldavië, Myanmar, Nieuw-Zeeland, Oekraïne, Puerto Rico, Rusland, Servië, Singapore, Sri-Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tunesië, Turkije, Verenigde Staten, Wit-Rusland, Zuid-Afrika en Zwitserland.  

Daily Travel Passport

Travel Passport Top

Travel Passport Top Intense

€ 4,13/gebruiksdag

€ 150/maand

40 min bellen + 40 min gebeld worden 40 sms’en 160 MB

400 min + 400 sms’en 400 MB

1000 min + 1000 sms’en 10 GB

Daily Travel Surf

Travel Surf Top

Travel Surf Top Intense

€ 3,50/gebruiksdag

Onderstaande voordelige opties gelden in alle landen van de wereld buiten de EU. Uitgezonderd sommige landen.

Optie niet geldig in volgende landen: Angola, Armenië, Bahama’s, Bhutan, Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopië, Falklandeilanden, Libanon, Maldiven, Nieuw-Caledonië, Sao Tomé en Principe, Oost-Timor, Venezuela. Voor deze landen zijn geen opties beschikbaar.

Travel Passport World

Travel Surf World

Travel Surf World Intense

€ 295/maand

400 min + 400 sms’en 400 min gebeld worden 400 MB

World (incl. topbestemmingen)

Reist u regelmatig naar een Topbestemming en heel af en toe naar een bestemming daarbuiten, kies dan één van de voordelige onderstaande opties. 

Travel Passport Outside EU & Top

€ 14,87/gebruiksdag

200 min + 200 sms’en 200 min gebeld worden 200 MB

Spin the Globe

The search for your next surf expedition


Check out our new website focused entirely on travel specials!

Plan Your Trip

Find the expedition that fits your budget and needs.

Start To Finish

Learn how to prepare for your next surf adventure.

Extra! Extra!

Our latest news and surf strikes.

Hotel & Rental Properties

The ultimate do-it-yourself surf trip.

Surf Properties and Business Listings

Unique listings and opportunities from around the world.

Surf Strikes

Short term surf trip ideas based on swell and availability.

Plan your next expedition and get your questions answered here.

Featured Destination: Tenggara

Tenggara Point Lodge is a brand new destination that delivers a perfect empty right reef point out front

Just Keep Surfing

World Wave Expeditions will take you there.

World Wave Expeditions creates experiences that expand beyond the stereotypical surf trip. Utilizing a balance of great destinations and a team of experts to ensure your trip goes off without a hitch we strive to make booking a spot in one of our surf travel, hotel, or surf rentals destinations as quick and efficient as possible while delivering a first-class experience every step of the way. Surf Adventures , Surf Expeditions, Surfing San Clemente

Surf Travel Destinations

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Surf Travel Specials

surf strike

Surf Strike

surf property

Surf Property/Business Listings

Discover upcoming surf strikes, the best deals, and latest news about all of our surf listings..

All of our best surf travel deals in one place

Recent News

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World Wave Expeditions has acquired surfsleeptravel.com

We are happy to introduce a major addition to the World Wave Expeditions team, a new website entirely devoted to…

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We’ve Made Surf Travel Better! Introducing surftravelspecials.com

Trip inquiry form.

  • Type of surf trip TYPE OF SURF TRIP Surf Travel Hotel and/or Rental Properties Surf Strike
  • Destination * DESTINATION Australia Canada Costa Rica Dominican Republic Ecuador El Salvador Fiji France French Polynesia Iceland Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Maldives Marshall Islands Mexico Micronesia Morocco Namibia New Zealand Nicaragua Panama Peru Philippines Portugal Puerto Rico South Africa Other (please specify)
  • Number of surfers
  • Number of non-surfers
  • Number of children under 12 *
  • Total Budget *
  • Nearest Airport *
  • Name * First Last


  • Bobby’s G-Land Surf Camp


  • Pohnpei Surf Club :: Western Pacific
  • Safari Surf School – Nosara
  • Safari Surf Tour – Nosara
  • Ecuador Surf Tours


  • Miraflores Surf Lodge
  • Hotel Los Mangos
  • Casa de Mar Hotel
  • Namotu Island Resort
  • Waidroka Bay Surf Resort
  • Matanivusi Surf Resort
  • Cobalt Day Charter
  • Horizon II Yacht Charter
  • Ocean Oasis Yacht Charter
  • Cinnamon Dhonveli Maldives
  • Sibon Jaya Yacht Charter
  • Melaleuca Yacht Charter
  • Sibon Baru Yacht Charter
  • Macaronis Surf Resort
  • Kandui Villas
  • Huatulco :: Infinity Surf Resorts
  • Sinaloa :: Cardon Resort
  • Salina Cruz :: Punta Conejo Resort
  • Salina Cruz :: Punta Escondida Surf Tours
  • Two Brothers Surf Resort


  • Aura Surf Resort
  • Surfing Village
  • The Seriti Surf Yacht
  • Red Frog Bungalows


  • PNG Explorer
  • Chicama Surf Resort


  • Nemberala Beach Resort
  • Salani Surf Resort


  • Jeffrey’s Bay

Request Details

Contact Info

350 5th Ave, Floor 64, Austin, TX, 78718

+123 456 7896

[email protected]

Expertly Crafted Surf Experiences

Travel Intelligently.

Who is Waterways?

We are a boutique surf travel agency with decades of experience and knowhow. Our unique approach provides surfers and their families highly personalized travel advice and execution you can trust.

We’re excited to offer two new surf trip options in Costa Rica

We have partnered with Safari Surf to create custom surf tour and learn to surf packages in beautiful Nosara, Costa Rica.

Exotic, Emerging and Proven Destinations

Ocean health is our pledge, we’re partnering with seatrees to help our eco system.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Waterways has a talent for finding off-the-beaten-track destinations. We personally visit the world’s newest and best properties, check and optimize travel to-and-from, and handpick the guides and services to make the trip amazing. Our immersive itineraries allow surf travelers to dive deep in the culture of this liquid planet’s undiscovered locations.

Travel Destinations

Papua New Guinea PNG Explorer Surfaris

Fiji Namotu Island Resort

South Africa Jeffrey’s Bay

Marshall Islands Beran Island

Samoa Salani Surf Resort

Panama Red Frog Bungalows

El Salvador Hotel Los Mangos

Rote Island, Indonesia Nemberala Beach Resort

Nicaragua Two Brothers Surf Resort

Find Your Spot



Discover Waterways

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The 5 Best Surf Trips for Travel During the Pandemic

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It feels like a lifetime since we were told “two weeks to flatten the curve!” One of the most frustrating elements of the past couple of years has to be the impact on surf trips, and just how difficult it has been to travel during the pandemic.

The incessant announcements of mutated variants, and the associated restrictions, has disrupted the plans of anyone with intentions of a foreign surf trip. Just as we thought Delta was dealt with and the opportunity to travel to surf destinations had become somewhat easier, along came Omicron. Travel during the pandemic has become even more confusing.

If you are like me, trying to work out IF and WHERE we are able to travel has become too much of a head ache. Why can’t we just have the Do’s and Don’ts laid out nice and simply?

I want to know where I can go, how long I can go for, and how safe will I be?

With this in mind we approached our good friends over at LUEX Surf Travel to find out more about just where surf travel is right now, and the best surf trip destinations for travel during the pandemic.

Table of Contents

Who are LUEX Surf Travel?

Rumour has it that Tim Heising was sat in a busy Sydney lineup when he came up with the idea of running surf charter boats in The Maldives. It sounds like the sort of pipe-dream we surfers come up with when we’re floating around in a crowd, waiting for sub par waves. However, Tim followed through on those initial thoughts and LUEX Surf Travel was born.

In 2007 a few successful strike missions in The Maldives were arranged. Tim soon realised he had a winning formula.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Fast forward somewhat, LUEX Surf Travel has grown to the point where they are heralded as one of the main players in the surf travel industry, with an ethos unlike no other. Adding snow trips bolstered their reputation as a major disruptor with the company now offering over 500 options for the discerning traveller.

At SURFD, we might be a touch biased, but in our opinion LUEX Surf Travel are the number one option for any surfer looking for a trip. Especially those considering a luxury option.

The company has a dedicated team who’s sole purpose is to make sure you guys have the very best surf trip possible.

We don’t just sell you a holiday, but we want to make sure that we find you a trip that’s made for you. We invite you to see traveling through our eyes while making sure you create your own memories.

There are no better, and no more trusted people to turn to when researching the best surf trip destinations during the pandemic.

The LUEX Covid Tool

The guys at LUEX Surf Travel have developed the incredible LUEX Covid Tool to assist you in making sense of the labyrinth of restrictions and regulations.

The tool has a straight forward interface allowing you to enter your location, immediately feeding back pertinent information regarding potential departures and destinations.

LUEX Covid Tool

In true LUEX Surf Travel style there is even a comprehensive walk-through video of how to use the Covid Tool for best results.

The LUEX FM Podcast

I strongly recommend subscribing to the LUEX FM podcast, available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts . Sunny Fassler and the team offer a wealth of topical discussion around surfing and surf travel, which makes for great listening.

Critically, the guys use the podcast as a means to update us about the fluid situation around surf travel, and their advice moving forward.

The discussions that Sunny, Tim, and Martin recently had regarding The Current State of Travel and The Future of Travel are well worth your time. These episodes are also available for you to watch on Youtube.

The Best Surf Trip Destinations for Travel During the Pandemic

In conjunction with LUEX Surf Travel, here are our choices for the best surf trip destinations for travel during the pandemic.

The Maldives

  • Fully open since June 2020
  • Vaccines Not Required
  • Negative PCR test prior to arrival & Health Card Form
  • Some limitations with moving to different resorts once there
  • Some African Countries have recently been prohibited

The Maldives have a solid reputation for clean, almost beginner-friendly waves, that break on the most exposed parts of the atoll reefs.

Surfing in the Maldives remains focused on North Malé, which claims the highest density of lefts and rights within a 2hr cruise. Combined with an appealing proximity to Hulhumalé international airport, it’s an especially convenient, fun-wave playground for time-restricted travellers.

The Maldives during the pandemic

The Maldives are a true surf holiday destination, and its resorts take the word “paradise” to a whole new level. Luxurious resorts co-exist with breathtaking tropical landscapes and are surrounded by the ever graceful azure Indian Ocean and white sandy beaches.

Waking up in over water suites, or in an all-your-heart-desires bungalow with private beach access will set your day off in the right way. Some of the worlds best reef breaks are either a short boat ride or a short paddle away.

The Maldives are one of our dream destinations during more settled times. At this time they have become our number one destination for travel during the pandemic.

Famous Surf Spots

Pasta point.

Pasta Point is the wave-machine of North Male Atoll. Less affected by wind than any of the other spots, this reef break consistently pumps out pristine lefthanders of all sizes.

travel surf world intense 5gb

A hollow, heavy right hander, Cokes is the best big wave spot in the area, and the feature wave of the North Male Atoll. Cokes has two really good sections that provide consistent, if brief, shelter from the heat of the Maldivian sun.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Excellent right with great barrels over 4ft. Beautiful peak take-off that turns into a thick tube on the inside.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Arguably the best and most consistent left hander in the Maldives. Links up well on a big SE swell and high tides. 

travel surf world intense 5gb

$$ La Due Thulusdhoo

$$ Samura Maldives

$$ Surf Yoga Resort

Surf Resorts

$$$$ Niyama Private Islands

$$$$ Ayada Surf Resort

$$$ Hudhuranfushi Surf Resort

$$$$ Azalea

$$$ Gurahali

$ Blue Star

  • Opened up on 01st Dec – Early reports suggest all is good so far.
  • The current requirement is to be fully vaccinated and to present a negative Covid test result which should be done 3 days before you board your flight.
  • Current Guidance From Fiji Government

Once upon a time, Fiji was invisible to the global surfing masses, having been surfed by only a select few nomadic go-getters, and kept hidden from surfing magazines and common folk until the early 1980s.

The crescendo of popularity has one benefit to the rest of us; Fiji is open for business. As if the powers above designed these islands for their own surfing addiction, Fiji is a mecca for those who love incredible almond-shaped barrels, crystal blue windows to the marine life beneath and consistent swell and conditions, ensuring not only an incredible visit but a good chance of the ride(s) of their life.

Fiji is a fantastic choice when you are looking to travel during the pandemic.

Fiji during the pandemic


Small swells and mild winds from the south east produce waves tame enough for all but beginners. Larger swells and stronger winds produce waves that can reach 10 ft or higher. Experienced surfers will find super-smooth barrels over the exposed reef.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Cloudbreak has a fierce reputation for huge waves and fast barrels. The surf usually ranges between 5 and 8 ft, making it a great playground for intermediate surfers. With large swells from the southeast and southwest, Cloudbreak can produce the worlds most perfect 20 ft waves.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Wilkes Passage

The best waves are produced by swells from the southwest and trade winds from the northeast. Long barrels and powerful, fast waves make Wilkes Passage a thrilling surfing experience.

travel surf world intense 5gb


Desperations is popular due to the breaks consistency. You’ll find powerful, fast barrels, even when other spots are flat. When swells from the southwest and winds from the northeast push in, the wave becomes truly awesome. .

travel surf world intense 5gb

$$$$ Tavarua Surf Resort

$$$$ Six Senses Fiji

$$ Gipsea Fiji Surf Charter

  • All international tourists are permitted to enter Costa Rica by air, land and sea.
  • Complete the digital form called HEALTH PASS
  • Travel Policy – Tourists who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and individuals aged 18 and younger (even if unvaccinated) can enter the country without a travel policy. The last dose of the vaccine must have been applied at least 14 days prior to arrival in Costa Rica.
  • Unvaccinated individuals aged 18 and older or with unauthorized vaccines must purchase a travel policy that is valid for at least 5 days and covers accommodation and medical expenses in the event of COVID-19 infection.

Costa Rica during the pandemic

Nestled between the calm, pristine waters of the Caribbean Sea, and the deeper blue, open waters of the Pacific Ocean lies Costa Rica .

An intensely rich natural habitat made up of dense rainforest, simmering volcanoes, pristine beaches and some of the world’s most iconic waves.

If Earth was a crown then Costa Rica’s waters would be the emerald gem! Heading to Costa Rica opens up a world of adventure and activities, from hiking to sight-seeing and most importantly, epic surf sessions.

It is well worth considering Costa Rica as a choice destination for travel during the pandemic.

Witch’s Rock

Witch’s Rock is considered one of Costa Rica’s best surf spots. Made famous in the movie Endless Summer II, the beach-break provides world class sand bottom surfing almost every day of the year.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Playa Hermosa

A four mile long sandy beach which produces consistent hollow waves. Large swells can generate waves up to 10ft.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Tamarindo Bay

Beginners won’t need to look very far for perfect little waves. Advanced surfers can look a little further for the A-frame wedges and rivermouth barrels that are a bit further down the beach.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Costa Rica’s most famous wave. The left hander at Pavones is up there with one of the best waves on the planet. It has been called the second longest left in the world. Pavones is super consistent and breaks all the way through the tide.

travel surf world intense 5gb

$$ Lapoint Surf Camp, Zopilote Surf Camp

$ – $$ Dreamsea Surf Camp

$$$$ Four Seasons Costa Rica, Florblanca Luxury Resort

$$$ Pranamar Villas,

$$$ Nantipa

$$$$ Playgrounds

  • PCR test taken 72 hours before arrival is required.
  • Health screening procedures in place at airports

Nicaragua during the pandemic

Nicaragua is almost unbeatable. An offshore breeze along the southern coastline ensures quality waves virtually year round. Every type of wave exists in Nicaragua, from punchy beach breaks, through concrete slab barrels, and ending with the mesmerising long walls of reeling point breaks. It’s because of this magic that Nicaraguan surf trips are becoming something of a must do on any surf seeking adventurer’s list.

Nicaragua has only become a mainstream surf trip destination in recent years. It is a brilliant option for travel during the pandemic.

Classic left-hand point break that works right through the tide and handles all swells. Theres an offshore slab that’s possibly Nicaraguas heaviest wave.

travel surf world intense 5gb


The Nicaraguan version of Trestles, Playgrounds offer super fun waves that surfers of all levels can rip to pieces. The left has a smooth outside shoulder, perfect for carving, while the inside has a beautiful barrel. Although shorter, the right offers multiple hollow sections.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Playa Colorado

Hollow beach break with punchy waves. Waves at Playa Colorado generally range from shoulder-high to double overhead. Success can mean a stand up barrel, while failure can result in a good old fashioned slam and a broken board.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Manzanillo is a left-hand point break, that peels along a picturesque cliff background. A fantastic combination of open walls and hollow sections. The break is one of Nicaraguas more fickle spots, but if you luck into it, you’re not going to forget the session for a long time.

travel surf world intense 5gb

$ – $$ Punta Miramar Surf Camp

$$ Dreamsea Nicaragua

$$$$ Mukul Luxury Resort

$$$ Hacienda Nicaragua Mark & Daves

$$$ Rancho Santana Nicaragua

$$$ Malibu Popoyo

  • “Fully Vaccinated” travelers can stay at any type of accommodation and no on-arrival PCR test required.
  • “Not-Fully Vaccinated’’ travelers stay in a ‘Flexible bio-bubble’ with all facilities of the hotels made available and ability to visit approved tourist sites.
  • “Not-Vaccinated’’ travelers can still have a great time under the protection of the Tourism Bio Bubble for a duration of 7 nights/8 days.
  • All visitors must have Covid 19 insurance (Local Gov can provide this for 12 USD with one month cover)

Sri Lanka during the Pandemic

The teardrop-shaped island off the coast of India has everything a surfer’s heart desires and much more! Perfectly shaped point breaks, secret bays, and an endless supply of reef setups. The surf zone stretches from Hikkaduwa on the southwestern coast, all the way across to Arugam Bay on the west.

Sri Lanka is one of those rare gems that has something for everyone. Conditions range from empty and mellow, to perfect barrels. Coupled with plenty of culture, epic food and mind blowing scenery, Sri Lanka is just as dreamy as the Mentawais or the Maldives, minus the heavy waves.

We definitely advise you take a good look at the options available in Sri Lanka when planning to travel during the pandemic.

Hikkaduwa Main Break

Rights and lefts over a flat reef. Mega consistent waves which can get pretty busy, however the vibe is usually cool and enhanced by the party time activity on the beach.

travel surf world intense 5gb

A beautiful crescent shaped beach surrounded by palm trees. A cruisey right hander breaks in a manner that makes it perfect for longboarding. A slightly heavier left hand option can be found near the harbour wall.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Lazy Left as it’s name suggests is a mellow left hand wave on a deep reef that holds to 5-6ft on a good day. You can get some really long rides up to 500m on this one and its mostly a deep and forgiving reef.

travel surf world intense 5gb

Situated on the East coast, Arugam Bay is the best wave on the island of Sri Lanka. The area boasts beautiful right-hand point breaks and a selection of reefs and barrels a little further out of town.

travel surf world intense 5gb

$$$ Salty Pelican Yoga Retreat

$$ The Green Rooms

$$$$ Cape Welligama

$$$ Anatara Peace Haven

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  • Solo Surf Travel: How To Plan a Solo Surf Trip

If you REALLY want to tick a new surf destination off your bucket list but none of your mates are available, sometimes there’s just nothing for it but to fly solo. This is a guide to planning the perfect solo surf trip, with our Top 5 Trips for solo travellers – who knows, with no one but yourself to please, it might just be the best trip you ever do!

Why would you go surfing alone?

Planet Earth is a big place, and as over 70% of it is ocean with around 620,000km of coastline, there are a LOT of places to go surfing.

Long distance travel has never been quicker, Google Earth means scouting new potential surf destinations is so easy that new spots are popping up every other day, and the wonders of the internet mean the surf media gets our eyes on all these new discoveries with just the click of a button; consequently bucket lists grow daily, and there isn’t enough aspirin in the world to deal with the headaches that ensue when trying to get your family and friends to agree on where and when to go on your next trip. Sometimes, if you really want to tick somewhere new off your list, you just have to step up and go it alone.

Luckily for us, surfing is a fairly individualist and selfish sport, and solo trips are much easier logistically than many other sports: there’s no need for a well-equipped group of friends to watch your back like when backcountry skiing in avalanche terrain, or for belay buddies as on climbing trips. You just have to make your way to your chosen destination, paddle out, and ride a wave back to the beach. Pretty simple, really.

Despite that, there are some factors you need to consider when planning your trip, to keep everything easy and make the most out of your time away: preferred type of waves, accommodation vibe (social camp or quiet retreat), cost, ease of travel, and journey time. Here are some tips to help you plan your next solo trip.

Where is a good place to go as a solo surfer?

Naturally choosing where to go is the single most important factor in planning a surf trip. There are just so many great surf spots, which are increasingly easy to get to, that making the final decision can actually be pretty tough.

If you’re travelling at short notice it’s easy: check the surf forecasts, and head to wherever is about to get a good swell. There’s pretty much always somewhere firing in the Indian or Pacific Oceans.

If you’re planning well in advance, the world is oyster. If you’re feeling spontaneous you can always just fling a dart at a globe and let the fates make the decision for you, or start narrowing down the options more intelligently.

When do you want to go, and where is in season?

Indonesia gets great waves with incredible consistency from July through September, though something is pretty much always cooking in the Mentawais; Portugal and Morocco start firing with powerful surf and cool offshore winds from around September/October; Sri Lanka is warm and glassy throughout most of the Northern Hemisphere winter, while the Maldives offer clean, sapphire blue waves from March and bigger swells from May.

The dual options of Pacific or Caribbean coast in Central America mean you can find good waves there pretty much all year round, and likewise in South America where you can choose between the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. Africa has an absolutely bewildering amount of surf spots – the most iconic is easily J Bay, which starts cooking in March and works through September, while Senegal is at its best from November to February.

Make a list of the destinations in season when you want to travel, then break it down further:

  • What sort of waves do you want to surf? High performance and shallow reefs, mellow beach breaks, long grinding points?
  • How far are you will to travel? Indo is a long flight from just about everywhere, while Europe and Central America are generally pretty accessible.
  • How ‘different’ from home do you want to get? Asia is absolutely crazy, but you’ll have to deal with touts trying to rip you off at every turn. Bali is pretty modernised and offers a manageable taste of the exotic for inexperienced travellers looking for adventure, compared to the wilds of the outer islands where some ‘travel savvy’ comes in handy. On the other side of the coin, the Maldives are more ‘civilised,’ yet (at least around North Male) lack a little in the adventure department.
  • What’s your budget? While flights to Sri Lanka can be expensive it’s much cheaper than Europe or the US once on the ground. If you have money to spend, it’s hard to top a boat trip in the Mentawais for a pure surf experience, but you’ll definitely be paying for the privilege.

The island of the gods is what comes closest to a surfer's paradise.

A surf charter can take you to the best waves in one of the best surf spots in the world.

One of the hottest and the most reliable surf spots in the world - and you can have it, no matter what!

What type of accommodation is suitable for solo travelers?

Where you stay will really affect the vibe of your trip, and is one the key factors to making a solo trip a success. You may be traveling solo purposely in search of some solitary ‘me time,’ or your single status might be imposed because none of your surf buddies were free to come along.

Do you want to get off the grid and away from society, or would you prefer somewhere more vibrant where it’s easy to meet people? Do you want to get back to nature and live like a hermit – eat, surf, sleep, repeat – or do you want a comfortable ‘holiday’ with air con, a big double bed, swimming pool, and free wifi?

The social aspect of surf camps makes them very popular among solo travelers, with the instant opportunity to meet fellow surfers and make new friends – the perfect way to take the ‘lonely’ out of solo travel. Despite the name, most don’t involve actual camping – they’re more of a hostel-type vibe. You can find surf camps all over the world, and they’re normally very easy on the wallet: you can normally choose between shared dorms or private rooms, and food, surf guiding/tuition and equipment rental is often included in the price.

If you are the kind of surfer with a wave-riding appetite that can only be fed by exploration, then a surf boat trip could be the perfect choice. On a boat trip you will not just be next to but on the ocean throughout your trip. Most boat trips are in Indonesia and the Maldives, and can get quite expensive – especially in the more far flung destinations like the Mentawais Islands. However, they are perfect for the solo traveller looking to get off the beaten path – especially ‘open boats,’ which are basically small floating hotels which you can join on any date and for any period of time you like.

Surf road trips are for all those with an explorer in their soul, who have dreamed of riding in remote locations but can’t get past the logistical nightmare of the how and where to stay. Groups tend to be quite small, so it’s easy to integrate as a solo traveller and get to know everyone on the trip. They’re about the easiest and cheapest way to score a lot of different surf spots and travel around a country on one trip, without the associated costs hiring drivers by yourself or navigating confusing or non-existent public transport systems.

Camp sites are the budget travelers’ dream and definitely the least expensive way to go: the ideal choice for those who have big dreams for surf travel but just don’t have the bank balance to match. You don’t get any services or extras with camp-site options – it’s just you, the surf and as much time as you can find to enjoy it. In fact, camp sites are really all about the surf, and finding an ideal spot for your own skill level whether you’re a novice looking for something gentle and forgiving or a hard-core charger seeking out the fast and the hollow. Good surf campsites are most common in France, Spain and Portugal, and the huge variety means you can find somewhere to suit no matter your reasons for travelling solo: pick a vibrant party site if you want to socialise, or somewhere quieter if you want some time with just you and the waves.

Self Catering Apartment

Not every traveling surfer wants a whole range of surf services – sometimes all you need is perfect surf out front and a comfortable base to enjoy it from. If you’re a competent experienced or advanced surfer and just want somewhere nice to stay near some fantastic surf, you’re happy to cater for yourself and want the freedom to come and go as you please without compromising quality, then simply renting an apartment and hire car/moped is the way to go. There are good options all over the world – think of a popular surf area and the chances are that there will be something to suit for your surf trip.

Top 5 Surf Trips for Solo Travellers

Lapoint surf camp bali.

Variety is the spice of life, and at Lapoint Surf Camp Bali you have a foot in two different worlds – a peaceful retreat, with easy access to rampant hedonism and powerful Indian Ocean swells.

The camp is right amidst Canggu’s serene rice fields, but very close to nightlife hotspots like Deus Ex Machine and Old Mans, with world class breaks also within walking distance.

Private bungalows and shared dorm rooms are available, of which the latter in particular are great for solo travellers, with the chance to instantly tap into a shared social scene. When you’re not out in the warm ocean catching waves you can lounge in the garden and soak up a few tropical rays, or take a dip in the pool for an instant cool down.

The famous left hand reef break Echo Beach is just down the road – fairly mellow at high tide but a little more challenging when the tide drops, with occasional barrels up for grabs. The other Canggu breaks are also very close, and if you want to explore further Lapoint’s guides will get you to wherever the best surf action is, depending on your ability and conditions at the time.

Oceano Surfaris Maldives

The Maldives share more than a passing resemblance to paradise: they’re basically a chain of tropical atolls ringed by coral, set in the crystal clear Indian Ocean and blessed with reliable fun size waves ideal for surfers of all abilities.

Oceano Surfaris operate the boat ‘Anloran’ there on an open boat concept from April up to November. It’s essentially a floating hotel, and the easiest and most flexible surf package in the Maldives. You can join and leave the boat whenever you want, so simply find the cheapest flights you can and book a berth – you’ll be picked up according to your flight times and transferred by tender boat to wherever the main boat is anchored that day (wherever the waves are best at the time!). At the end of your stay, the tender will again transport you back to the airport for your outbound flights.

Accommodation is in air conditioned double bunks, and the boats bar, indoor and outdoor dining rooms and sundeck are perfect to get to know your fellow passengers between surf sessions.

Moroccan Surf Adventures Explorer Tour

This unusual surf road trip helps you to discover empty waves between Safi and the Sahara. The exact route depends on the wave conditions forecasted for your trip, and as such, your accommodation will depend on where you are. This is what it takes to get you the best surf, and you might find yourself sleeping in tents on the beach, or at other times staying in comfortable Moroccan riads.

This trip is all about the surf so set itineraries are not the order of the day here. However, there are some things which are certain – the waves, the comfort of knowing you will be well fed, and also plenty of good, restful sleep to keep up your energy.

The trip is available for advanced surfers only, to ensure you get the most out of the wave hunt and to maintain a certain level and constancy within the group: it’s all about high quality waves without the crowds associated with more developed spots. It’s an all-inclusive package so you don’t need to worry about anything other than surfing; it’s the perfect antidote for committed surfers sick of fighting it out with the crowds at the famous breaks.

Dreamsea Surf Camp Portugal

Located on the mid-west coast of Portugal, Dreamsea is a perfect destination for surfing due to the constant swell, variety of waves and year round warm weather. The atmosphere is buzzing, as young people from all over Europe come to enjoy the beach, sun, waves and parties; it’s perfect for solo travellers looking for a more social experience.

Acommodation is in either ‘glamping’ or normal tents. The normal tents are equipped with wooden floors, lighting and power, while the ‘glamping’ tents are even more cozy and comfortable: fully furnished, with all bedding included so there’s no need to bring a sleeping bag or duvet.

In addition to the surf, there are also optional weekly activities, including trips to Lisbon, beach volleyball, movie nights, barbeques. You can add surf lessons to the package, with the option of ‘normal’ course or ‘intensive’ courses for anyone keen to progress fast, plus airport transfers or the Surf Express Bus from many big EU cities.

Hooked Cabarete

Located on the North coast of the Dominican Republic at Carbarete, the quiet and peaceful apart-hotel Hooked Carbarete is just 300 metres away from some fantastic Caribbean breaks. It’s perfect for some alone time if you just want to get away from it all, though the communal garden and pool also provide a space to socialise. Accommodation is comprised of little studios, which are ideal for solo travellers: with your own self-catering facilities you can cook your own meals, so you never have to finish your session early when the surf’s pumping just for imposed meal times.

The reef break at Encuentro is the nearest surf spot, providing very consistent waves year round, though it’s at its best from November to April, when regular ground swells from Canada reach the Dominican north shore. It’s a great spot: uncrowded, and the lineup is friendly with a relaxed atmosphere. The nearby Coco Pipe – the Dominican Pipeline – provides some heavier waves and barrels on a good swell.

There are various packages available, so you can add surf lessons if you’re starting out or just feeling a bit rusty. Yoga classes are also possible, plus frequent trips to other surf spots if you fancy a change of scenery.

Here you can find all trips mentioned

At LUEX we have so many more trips perfectly suited to solo travellers – no matter your surf skills, appetite for adventure or budget. Get in touch with our surf travel experts today to discuss your requirements and start planning your trip!

  • Surf Trips around the world
  • Solo Traveler

Ollie and the Captain

Guide On Where To Surf: Best Surfing Destinations Month-by-Month

If you’re digital nomads, like us, then you can adjust your location to stay in areas that offer amazing swell throughout the year. You have the opportunity to move around and follow the best conditions around the world.

If you’re bound to a desk job, then your opportunities may be slightly limited but you’ll find that it’s always cooking somewhere – and here’s the guide to help you find out where!

Looking to free up your working conditions? Read our blog on how to work remotely and transition from office to freedom here.

Guide on Where to Surf Throughout the Year

This guide on where to surf throughout the year is a summary of a more in-depth series of blogs that tackles each month in detail.

* Just to let you know that this article may contain affiliate links. If you click on them we might receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Where to Surf in January

world map surfing in january

January is the peak of winter in the northern hemisphere, which means that there are plenty of fun destinations receiving the powerful and playful winter swell. This makes January a great month for surfing among experienced surfers. Some of the top spots include  North Shore Oahu ,  Keramas and  Ericeira .

For less intense surfers who enjoy paddling out without fearing for their lives, then Bocas del Toro, Lanzarote in the Canary Islands and  South Coast in Barbados are a great bet. Consider yourself a novice? The swell does ease up for some fun waves on a longboard in areas. Planning a trip to  Essaouira   in Morocco,  Coolangatta in Australia and  Mirissa will leave you with a big smile.

  • Read more on where to surf in January here

Where to Surf in February

world map surfing in february

February continues to bring the powerful, winter swell to surf spots in the northern hemisphere.   With this in mind, most spots are better suited to competent surfers that can handle a larger wave. Even so, there are plenty of spots around the world that are prime for learning or enjoying a more chilled session.

Some of the best spots to surf in February include Bocos del Toro in Panama, Rincon in Puerto Rico, and Nazare in Portugal. These spots pump hard and can get quite sizey with the storm swell that comes through.

For more gentle waves, that still offer rippable moments, you can plan a trip to  Taghazout in Morocco and Tenerife  in the Canary Islands. Keramas in Bali is one of the few spots on the island that peak in the wet season (which is Feb). If you’re a beginner or traveling with a buddy that is fairly new to the sport, then South Coast in Barbados,  Margaret River Valley in Aus,  San Juan del Sur   in Nicaragua are top spots. As an added bonus, you can also visit  Mirissa in Sri Lanka.

  • Read more on where to surf in February here

Where to Surf in March


Sitting on the shoulder season, March continues to receive the powerful winter swell that follows through from the previous months but doesn’t have the crowds that are synonymous with peak season. Major win! Overall, intermediate surfers are sure to have a field day during March, with plenty of spots to choose from. With this in mind, there are spots for surfers of all levels.

Places such as  Cascais in Lisbon and Santa Teresa in Costa Rica are surfing havens for intermediate surfers. If you consider yourself to be intermediate to advanced, then you can plan a trip to  Bells Beach in Australia,  Chicama  in Peru, and Malé Atolls in the Maldives.

There are also some incredible spots that suit surfers of all levels. Such as  Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands,  Taghazout in Morocco,  Lombok in Indonesia, and  Maui in Hawaii. The world is your oyster!

  • Read more on where to surf in March here

Where to Surf in April

Planning a surf trip in April is a great idea for budget-conscious travelers as it falls in the shoulder season of tourism, meaning you can expect deals on flights and accommodation. There’s something for everyone, whether you’re a novice or a pro.

The surf season in  Cape Town , South Africa starts to pick up for surfers of all levels. Similarly, Rio de Janeiro in Brazil,  Lombok in Indonesia, and the coastline line running south of Lima in Peru are great for surfers of varied skills. Absolute beginners will have a great time learning to surf in Tamarindo , Costa Rica.

For intermediate to advanced surfers, there’s a lot of fun to be had in  Oahu and Hawaii’s northern shores,  Ericeira in Portugal, and  Namotu in Fiji. If you have a little bit extra to spend, then confident surfers can also expect good times in Malé Atolls in the Maldives.

  • Read our guide on surfing in April here

Where to Surf in May

May is an incredible month to book a surfing trip if you’re an intermediate surfer. It sits on the shoulder season for both tourism and prime surfing season, meaning that you miss the crowds but still receive the incoming swell.

These spots that are especially epic for intermediate surfers include  Byron Bay  in Australia and Santa Teresa in Costa Rica. If you’re more on the advanced end of the spectrum, then you’ll also find a lot of fun in  Oaxaca in Mexico and  Hossegor in France.

But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t spots that are especially great for beginners – such as  Ericeira in Portugal. For more choice and variety, then  Chicama in Peru,  Bali in Indonesia,  Cape Town in South Africa, and  San Juan del Sur in Nicaragua.

  • Read our guide on where to surf in May here

Where to Surf in June

world map of where to surf in june

June is supposedly the heart of winter in the southern hemisphere and the peak of summer in the north. This brings a strong storm swell to some coastlines and a more gentle break in others.

In Africa, the waves are powerful and perfect for intermediate to advanced surfers. In Southern Africa, Skeleton Bay and Jeffreys Bay lead the pack for pros. Other great spots for more experienced surfers include the Mentawai Islands and Bali in Indonesia.

Beginner surfers will find fun, gentle waves to learn to surf in Carcavelos, Portugal, and Hossegor, France. There is also plenty of swell that is perfect for intermediate surfers, as in the tropical waters of Barbados.

  • Read more on where to surf in June here

Where to Surf in July

map of where to surf in july

The strong swell that starts to pick up in June continues into the month of July, promising hours of fun in the surf. South Africa’s Cape Town continues to offer consistent swell at a variety of different surf spots. A little bit further up the coast, in Mozambique, Tofo produces a pretty gnarly point break, while Mexico’s Puerto Escondido is reserved for those who know what they’re doing.

Other epic spots for intermediate surfers include Oahu, Santa Teresa in Costa Rica, and Arugam Bay . Each of these destinations also boasts a vibrant culture to immerse yourself in when you’re not in the water.

Europe’s surfing destinations are on the smaller end of the spectrum, but still consistent and fun. This makes spots in areas like Hossegor unforgettable.

  • Read more on where to surf in July here

Where to Surf in August

places to surf in august

Looking for the perfect spot to surf in August? Well, you have several unbeatable options…

As August is the shoulder season of tourism in many destinations, there should be fewer crowds in the water. It’s also the storm swell season for several areas, promising heavy breaks. Puerto Escondido pumps in August and boasts flawless left- and right-hand beach breaks (but don’t paddle out unless you know what you’re doing).

Tahiti is also a hotspot for pros, with the famous reef break of Teahupoo spitting out consistent barrels over a shallow reef. If you prefer surfing without a death wish, then you can also book a surf trip to San Clemente in the United States or Durban in South Africa.

Beginners looking for a few lessons and some easy waves will have the time of their lives in areas like Biarritz in France, or El Sunzal in El Salvador.

  • Read more on the best places to surf in August here

Where to Surf in September

best spots to surf in september

In many ways, September is the start of the turn of seasons. For us in South Africa, it’s the beginning of spring and offers the first whispers of summer. It falls outside of the main vacation season and so crowds are significantly thinner – both in the water and in the streets.

During September, certain spots around the world are highlighted for experienced surfers, such as Lagundri Bay in Indonesia and Tahiti in French Polynesia.

If you’re traveling with a group of surfers at different levels, then September is a good time to hit places like Cape Town and Hossegor that are experiencing a transition in swell power. This means that there are a variety of breaks to choose from, perfect for different skill levels.

  • Read more on the best places to surf in September here

Where to Surf in October

where to surf in october around the world

Booking a surf trip in October is a great way to break up the year and get a teaser for the festive season. If you’re planning a digital nomad stint in a country for the month and looking for a spot that has a decent surf break, then you’re spoiled for choice.

The Mentawai Islands experiences the end of its dry season in October, making it a great time to book a surf trip if you want to squeeze it in. The powerful swell from the Indian Ocean leaves no-wave unformed! Other epic spots for intermediate to experienced surfers are North Carolina’s Outer Banks , Panama’s Chiriqui, and Canary Islands’ Fuerteventura.  

There’s also a large choice of spots perfect for beginner to advanced. Take your pick from Sydney in Australia, Siargao in the Philippines, and Santa Teresa in Costa Rica.

  • Read more on where to surf in October here

Where to Surf in November

best places to surf in november

The surfing season has shifted by November and the powerful swell is served up in the northern hemisphere, with the friendlier waves making their way to the south. If you look at the map overview, you’ll see that the North Atlantic Ocean is a definite hotspot.

Tenerife in the Canary Islands is a top choice for pros. Dakar in Senegal, Taghazout in Morocco, and Rincon in Puerto Rico are popular destinations for intermediate to advanced surfers, offering a range of reef breaks and right-hand point breaks to get lost in.

Although the swell is stronger and more consistent in the north, there are still spots that are perfect for beginners. Two of these spots are the Algarve in Portugal and Palm Beach in Florida.

  • Read about the best places to surf in November here

Where to Surf in December

Ah, December, the festive season that offers joy, merriment and, of course, impeccable swell in certain parts of the world.  The Northern Hemisphere performs particularly well as the winter swell hits the shores of respective places. But you’re certain to find a spot of fun in any area if you look close enough.

Taghazout in Morocco is arguably the best surfing destination in December, especially for intermediate to advanced surfers. Siargao Island is also a hot spot for those that are more confident in the water, catching the tail of the Philippines peak surf season.

If you have a little bit of cash to spend, and you want to treat yourself a Christmas gift, then Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia also fires during December. For more varied skills set, then it’s worth looking into Barbados , Mirissa in Sri Lanka, Fuerteventura in the Canary Islands, and Brisbane in Aus.

  • Read the best places to surf in December here.

When you realize that there’s always swell somewhere in the world, the boredom of waiting for the season to hit your shores is removed. Make sure that you check the water temp of the destination that you’re visiting so that you can bring along the correct gear.

When visiting new surf spots, it’s always important to respect the locals and uphold proper surfing etiquette – no drop-ins! Make sure that you familiarize yourself with the rips, currents, and tides of the new spot so that you can surf blissfully.

See you in the water!

  • Read reef-safe sunscreen options here
  • Pick your surf wax based on water temperature here
  • Browse 22 awesome gifts for surfers here

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Candice Boyers

Candice Land, aka Candi Land, aka The Captain, is a freelance writer, digital nomad and full-time globe trotter.

Best Place to Surf in November: 9 Spots for Surfers of All Levels

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Hawaii's 9 Best Waves

Hawaii is where the global surfing world — past and present — meets.

Surfers of all walks of life dream of surfing the big waves of Pe’ahi, the performance tubes of Pipeline, and even the slow-rolling waves of Waikiki.

With so much good surf spread across the Aloha State, it can be tough to narrow down one spot to surf.

In this article, we’ll break down some of Hawaii's best waves for surfers of all abilities, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro.

Hawaii’s 9 Best Waves

Of course, our list of Hawaii's best waves starts with the famed Pipeline .

The mecca of the surfing world, Banzai Pipeline is located on the North Shore of Oahu at Ehukai Beach Park.

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Once thought unsurfable when discovered by surfers in the 1960s due to its extremely hollow and large tubes breaking over a shallow razor sharp reef, Pipe has become known as the one of the best waves in the world.

Pipe’s three reefs usually turn on during a West or Northwest swell forming a perfect A-frame tube.

Surfers like Gerry Lopez to John John Florence have made their names out at Pipe.

Pipe holds multiple contests throughout the winter including a stop on the WSL Championship Tour.

Despite the glory that Pipe holds throughout the surfing world it’s still an extremely difficult and dangerous wave to ride.

It has a left simply known as Pipeline and then an extremely hollow right known as Backdoor.

Dropping in is anything but easy at Pipe. The reef sucks so much water and the wave ramps up so quickly that one is practically dropping in non-vertically.

If you can make the drop, which is a big if, you’re usually awarded with one of the best, most powerful tubes of your life.

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In addition to the extremely hazardous conditions Pipe is home to very strict pecking order in the lineup, making it all the more difficult to get a wave.

Also on the North Shore of Oahu, Haleiwa is the start of one of the best stretches of surf in the world.

Although Haleiwa is a chaotic reef break during the winter, some of the inside reefs are perfect for groms to cut their teeth.

Haleiwa takes North and Northwest swells best. Its main break is just in front Ali’i Beach Park and during the winter it can get extremely intense.

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The currents at Haleiwa are pretty tricky and can either leave you paddling in place or send you straight out to sea. It takes a very experienced waterman to navigate the reefs and rips at Haleiwa.

Some surfers elect to use the rip to their advantage using it to paddle out to the lineup.

The closeout section at the end of the wave at Haleiwa is known as the Toilet Bowl and can be extremely dangerous for both the surfer and their board.

The Toilet Bowl is extremely shallow and very powerful and is not a place where you want to fall at Haleiwa.

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Crowds can get pretty heavy when it's pumping in the winter but there's usually plenty of waves to go around if you’re respectful and know what you’re doing.

Along the 7 mile miracle on the North Shore of Oahu is the famed Sunset Beach.

Why is it one of Hawaii's best waves? Visit Sunset Beach during the winter, and you'll quickly see why.

Known for its difficult conditions and extremely strong currents, Sunset Beach is a wave for only the most skilled surfers, especially during the winter.

Sunset needs a north or northwestern swell to turn on and when those swells hit, Sunset is no joke.

There’s quite a few reefs out at Sunset, the most frequently surfed is Val’s Reef, the most mellow among the group.

Then there’s West Peak, which gets going on those NW swells. Sunset is known for being a paddle heavy wave and being increasingly unpredictable.

A gnarly rip current can easily get you caught inside until Sunset eventually just spits you back out on the beach.

Sunset is full of stories and legends as well. Legendary surfer Herbie Fletcher lost his board at Sunset and a friend found it washed up on Kauai, displaying the unforgiving currents at Sunset.

Along with boards Sunset has claimed many lives over the years and should be taken incredibly seriously.

On the West coast of Oahu is Makaha Beach. Before Waimea Bay was conquered Makaha was where early surfers would try their luck in real big waves.

Widely considered the birthplace of big wave surfing, Makaha is home to some serious legends — and that's what makes it one of Hawaii's best waves.

It’s here where Greg Noll conquered a huge storm in 1969.

Much of the North Shore was too big and stormy to ride so Noll headed down to Makaha where it’s said that he rode one of the biggest waves ever ridden. This pushed both Noll and Makaha into legend status. In terms of swell, Makaha works best on a northwest swell but it tends to provide surf year round for longboards to guns.

Wave height usually reaches up to 25 feet during the winter and they are usually composed of mostly right handed waves.

The crowds can get pretty bad and waves are usually reserved for west side locals who have been known to be pretty rough around the edges.

If you surf Makaha, be respectful and know it’s history.

Makaha also holds Buffalo’s Big Board Surfing Classic once a year named after legendary Makaha lifeguard Buffalo Keaulana.

Honolua Bay

Located on Maui is one of the best right handed point breaks in the world.

Honolua Bay is tucked away on the northwest shore of Maui and is capable of fun two to four foot waves or terrifying double to triple overhead surf depending on the time of year, making it one of Hawaii's best waves.

Surfers at Honolua are awarded nearly a quarter mile long rides and stand up barrel sections.

It usually lights up on a NW swell and a NE can sometimes bring in some surf as well. Winter usually provides Maui surfers with plenty of pumping surf.

Summer through early fall is usually pretty lackluster for surfing and Honolua usually becomes a better snorkeling spot rather than a surf spot.

That being said, Maui locals are protective of this spot — especially when it’s pumping.

Crowds can also be heavy as this is one of the most popular point breaks not only in Maui but in the world.

Honolua also boasts a final stop on the WSL Women’s Championship Tour, and has crowned many women WSL champions over the years.

Hawaii’s premiere big wave spot, Pe’ahi or Jaws is a ferocious big wave located on Maui.

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Surfers once thought Pe’ahi was simply too big to paddle into and it was. That was until Laird Hamilton and a crew of big wave surfers pioneered tow-in surfing at Jaws, allowing surfers to get into bigger waves earlier. Hamilton eventually became the first surfer to tow-in at Jaws.

Pe’ahi usually lights up on a north or northwestern swell and is only the pristine big wave seen in magazines a couple of times a year.

It’s no doubt that Jaws is reserved for only the best and most experienced watermen with wave sizes reaching up to 60 feet in winter months.

Pe’ahi holds the Red Bull Jaws Big Wave Challenge competition once a year in between the months of November to March.

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It’s rare to see Pe’ahi breaking perfectly but when it does it is one of the best big waves in the world.

Waikiki is considered the birthplace of modern surfing.

It’s here where Waikiki beach boy Duke Kahanamoku introduced surfing to the world.

The turquoise blue water, white sand, palm trees and easy going waves all provide for a dreamy Hawaiian surf day, making it one of Hawaii's best waves.

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Today, it’s a perfect beginner wave, providing tourists and locals alike with fun slow rolling longboarding waves.

It usually gets going on a south swell making it an ideal summer wave.

There’s quite a few breaks all along Waikiki beach, including

Queens is a pristine longboarding wave and one of the best waves in Waikiki.

Waikiki is also home to some longboarding icons, including Kaniela Stewart, who finished second last year on the WSL Men’s Longboarding Tour.

Unfortunately, Waikiki can often be a mirage.

The crowds can be unbearable, especially during the summer months.

You can usually sneak in a couple of long rides but you’ll usually have to dodge a plethora of tourists who are way in over their head.

Ala Moana Bowls

The South Shore of Oahu’s best performance wave, Ala Moana Bowls is a great wave that really turns on in the summer months on a south swell. Ala Moana is a reeling left reef break with numerous tube sections. It’s also worth noting Ala Moana is a man made wave.

In the 1950’s construction crews connected Kewalo Basin and the Ala Wai Small Boat Yacht Harbor, the construction led to creation of the bowl as we know it today.

Not too far from Waikiki, Ala Moana for most of the year is a perfect wave for surfers of all abilities looking for a great high performance wave.

However, in the summer, when it catches a bombing south swell it becomes a playground for only the best surfers from Oahu’s south shore.

Locals here can be pretty territorial, so it’s important to know your place in the lineup and know what you're doing.

Hanalei Bay

Located on the secluded North Shore of the Garden Isle, Hanalei Bay is a great spot for beginners and advanced surfers alike.

Tucked away in the lush Hanalei Valley on Kauai are some legit big waves and fun beach breaks. The Iron brothers hail from Hanalei and helped put it on the map.

The entire bay usually needs a north swell to get going, meaning winter months are most plentiful for waves at Hanalei.

The main break is a right reef break on the eastern side of the bay known simply as The Bowl.

During the winter this wave can get tow-in big but for the most part it's set aside for advanced surfers who have local knowledge.

Patience for non locals and beginners is very thin out at The Bowl.

Pinetrees is a fun beach break that can also get big during the winter months but for the most part this wave is perfect for intermediate surfers and groms.

Pinetrees can be a great longboarding wave in the spring and summer months as well.

Then, on the western side of the bay, is Waikokos, another fun reef break going left.

The Bottom Line: Hawaii's Best Waves

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Surfing is embedded in Hawaii’s culture, and it’s a one stop shop for any kind of wave that a surfer desires.

There are plenty of waves to go around in the Aloha State as long as you respect the culture and locals who were there before you.

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Top 10 Best Surfboard Travel Bags

best surfboard travel bags

Surfing has been THE beach sport for as long as anybody could remember. But when you start to love pursuing the life of surfing on beaches, it is necessary to start looking for the best surfboard travel bags in the market.

The surfboard travel bag is a must-have carrier in the world of surfing, and it is essential to order an appropriate bag for your board. 

Table of Contents

The Top 10 Surfboard Travel Bags

Of all the surfboard travel bags available in today’s market, we’ve selected the most reviewed and picked surfboard travel bags online. Check it all out to find which bag suits your needs. Let’s get it started!

  • Curve New Supermodel Longboard Travel Bag
  • Wave Tribe Eco Surfboard Travel Bag
  • Pro-Lite Smuggler Surfboard Travel Bag
  • SurfStow SUP Deluxe Transport Board Travel Bag
  • Dakine Regulator Triple Surfboard Travel Bag
  • Channel Islands Travel Light CX2 Coffin Surfboard Travel Bag
  • Ocean & Earth Double Travel Compact Shortboard Travel Bag
  • Pro-Lite Travel Double – Longboard Bag Rhino
  • South Bay Board Co . Premium Surfboard and Paddle Board Travel Bags
  • Dakine Daylight Surf Thruster Travel Bag

#1. Curve New Supermodel Longboard Travel Bag

Do you have a surfboard that is up to 23.5-inches wide or categorized as a longboard? This Supermodel is not entitled to its name without proof. It fits exactly that surfboard size and still has allotted space for the other surf gear.

The Curve Travel Bag is a lightweight bag with an adjustable and padded shoulder strap. The design provides comfort in carrying the bag throughout the surfing escapade. In addition to its sophisticated look are the reflective silvers on both sides for more visibility, especially at night. Size ranges are available in the middle of 7’6 to 26” wide. The surfboard bag isn’t compatible with Infinity Secret Weapon Boards due to its 4-inches thickness.

The big tooth zipper with added Delrin slider is responsible for enclosing the bag with improved security. Wetsuits and other swimming gears can be stored in a pocket stash for easy access. It also includes Velcro close features with different appropriate sizes from 7’6 to 10.2′.

Plus, you can easily carry the bag from place to place with its lightweight construction.

Key Features

  • 3mm foam core
  • Reinforced 600D nose and tail design
  • Extremely lightweight
  • Adjustable padded shoulder strap

#2. Wave Tribe Eco Surfboard Travel Bag

One surfboard isn’t enough for the whole squad, and so you’ll need another piece of a surfboard to let everyone enjoy the waves. Wave Tribe created a travel bag that can contain up to two surfboards at once. The design is based on over ten years of research and development just to ensure the highest possible protection for the boards. Their bags are used by thousands of surfers from Bali and South Africa.

The company applies rebound technology on its interior design such as the rebound foam dynamics with padded board separators. Additionally, the nose and tail sections have a 13mm foam insert. It has two sides, which are made of quality hemp that supports the green surfing movement. The Outside A is made of Rugged Eco Hemp with rebound foam dynamics, which acts as a high impact padding protection. Reflective Energy Shield works for protecting the surfboard from the direct sunlight.

This travel bag is surrounded by an easy flow zip system made of nickel-plated zippers that never rust and break. The total padding construction is 25mm thick and so considered as the most padded surfboard bag in the industry.

The bag can be held through a shoulder strap or carrying handle. And it has additional pockets for the other materials. Every size and shape of surfboards like hybrid and retro shapes fit on this travel bag.

  • Interior leash pockets
  • Padded shoulder strap
  • Made of ecological materials
  • One size fits all
  • ESPN reviewed

#3. Pro-Lite Smuggler Surfboard Travel Bag

This surfboard travel bag might cost more than the previous bags, but it comes with high-performance in keeping not just one but three boards. One board is out of sight as the bag has a false bottom that hides the board even when the bag is wide open. It can store up to 24” wide surfboard. This feature saves you money as you don’t need to buy another travel bag for the other boards your friends or family might have.

The bag is built with 10mm Air Lite Foam Protection and 600 Denier Poly top and bottom to secure the boards from scratch or breakage fully. The non-corrosive zipper is used so that it won’t be easily destroyed. Moreover, it has an exterior pocket to store wetsuits and other accessories. There’s an additional internal accessory pocket. It’s well-ventilated to keep the boards cool while being stored.

The two-point entry system is built with this bag to insert the surfboards separately. The two boards will smoothly slide inside the bag because of its top zip flip-top opening feature on the tail of the bag. Another entry is on the tail of the bag, which is used to insert the third board. So in short, the boards are easy to get from the bag.

There are two handle options, including molded rubber handles and a padded deluxe shoulder strap. Both give extra durability as three boards are contained within.

The Surf Industry Manufacturers Association nominated this travel bag as a reasonably priced board bag because of its high-quality construction and reasonable price.

  • Hidden bottom storage
  • Several extra pockets
  • Rail guard around the zipper
  • Two entry point
  • Rubberized handle

#4. SurfStow SUP Deluxe Transport Board Travel Bag

If you’re looking for a lightweight surfboard bag that’s heavily padded, look for no other than the SUP Deluxe Transport Board Bag by SurfStow. It makes traveling easy, whether through land or plane. The bag is simple in design with Velcro fin slots, hold-down straps, and luggage tags. It is enclosed by a large and molded noncorrosive zipper which assures the security of your board. We recommend this bag for standup paddleboards.

Apart from the mainboard storage, there are extra interior and exterior pockets for the other stuff. The interior pockets are designed with drainage so that placing a wet board inside the bag will not cause any lingering smell. Besides, the board paddle has a place on the bag’s exterior pocket, where it will be fully secured. Plus, the whole bag is foam-padded, which serves as the protection on the board.

This transport cover isn’t supposed to stay outdoors 24/7. It’s recommended that you use this one for storage. When damage inevitably happens due to the incorrect use of transport covers, there’ll be no warranty given.

When it comes to pricing, you’ll spend over 200 bucks in one travel bag. Not too much for a quality surfboard bag.

  • Interior and exterior pockets
  • All-sided Velcro fin slots
  • Fully-padded travel bag

#5. Dakine Regulator Triple Surfboard Travel Bag

This travel bag by the renowned Dakine is simply fabricated, yet it gives all-around protection for your surfboard. It has a three surfboard capacity which is safely separated by padded dividers. The Regulator Bag might lack some unique features the other bags have, but we still consider it an excellent bag option for surfboards.

The bag’s entire construction is well-built. For one, it’s designed with a 3/8 thick layer of foam padding and 600D Polyester top. The bottom portion is made of heat-reflecting material that keeps the bag away from moisture which may result from too much heat. Additionally, the noncorrosive zipper will last you years as it won’t be corroded by the salt from the sea.

The specially fabricated interior design adds to the durability of this bag. The two padded dividers, we believe, is the best feature on this bag because its much thicker foam-padding adds security to the boards throughout the trip. You can also find internal fin and wax pockets.

The padded shoulder strap is removable and has a stash pocket for extra easy to access storage. You can choose not to remove it anymore to avoid the strap being misplaced.

  • Triple surfboard capacity
  • Tarp lined wax pocket
  • Velcro mesh sleeve pocket
  • Foam-padded board dividers
  • Extremely padded construction

#6. Channel Islands Travel Light CX2 Coffin Surfboard Travel Bag

The previous travel bags might still be bulky for you, so we searched for a lighter surfboard bag. The Channel Islands creates a surfboard travel bag that is both lightweight and durable. According to Stefan, a Cleanline Staff member, the bag is perfect for carrying shortboards for long-distance beach travel.  The overall weight of the bag is lightweight yet made tough with its extra padding design.

This CX series of travel bags can contain up to two surfboards and can carry three shortboards boards if they’re all standard size shortboards. The travel bag is super light and slim in shape like a coffin, which is where its name originally comes from. It can be easily brought to the airport if you plan to have a surfing competition abroad. We recommend this surfboard travel bag for groveler and fish style boards.

The boards won’t be crashing into each other with the help of the padded internal dividers. The boards are also fully protected by the corrosion-proof zipper. It has 10mm overall padding, including the nose and tail portions. These features protect all the boards inside the bag effectively. Its shell design is watertight heck rip-stop, so the bag remains dry even when touched by the water.

The bag can be put on wheels by connecting it via the straps, making it easier and quicker to transport. It is compatible with the CI Carry-on Bag. Most surfers even use this bag as a sleeping bag for long time travel.

  • Custom Hex D-rings
  • Expandable paddle compartment
  • Comes in a series (CX1, CX2, and CX3)
  • Compact design

#7. Ocean & Earth Double Travel Compact Shortboard Travel Bag

The Surfboard Warehouse offers several designs of travel bags for all types of surfboards. One of which includes the Double Travel Compact Bag by Ocean & Earth that is suitable for shortboards between 6’0” and 7’2” wide. In our opinion, the best feature of this bag is the 40” waterproof shock absorbing foam, which is also the thickest padded bag on the list. Plus, this travel bag can hold up to two shortboards. It can also hold the fins and other accessories in the extra space.

The bag is designed to be compact and is available in two colors, black, and navy. Its exterior is made from 600D nylon material and is accompanied by a noncorrosive nylon zip. This results in a tougher bag. Within the actual bag lies a large internal paddle bag to keep the paddle more secure. Lastly, there’s also removable hook storage for your indoor storage surfboard needs.

Storing a surfboard with or without fin can be easily accomplished with the help of the included foam gusset and zip out tail gusset.

Apart from being compact, the travel bag can be carried in three ways with full convenience because of the load compression straps. It can be held via a detachable shoulder strap or a rubberized handle. Whichever one it is, both are for easy transport.

The price is very affordable for every surfer in the world.

  • Waterproof design
  • Internal paddle bag
  • Made of tough nylon material
  • Removable hook storage
  • Shock-absorbing foam design

#8. Pro-Lite Travel Double – Longboard Bag Rhino

Travel Bag Rhino is appropriate for longboards. It can hold up to 2 longboards without fins and accessories and one longboard with other accessories. Two longboard sizes between 7’2” and 10’6” fit inside the bag. However, the bag can only contain one longboard that is sized between 10’0” and 10’6”. It can, therefore, go for the single or double board during travels, whether on a plane or in the car.

The materials used in the production are 10mm foam padding and 600D polyester. It has a reinforced nose and a flip-top opening to easily slide the boards in and out of the bag. It is sealed off with top zip opening surrounded by rail guard to fully protect the boards. As an added protection, there are Velcro closures around the rails with a collapsible gusset.

Bag Rhino is full of additional interior and exterior pockets. One is a large external pocket for wetsuits and other accessories and one pocket for the keys. Another one is the strap pocket to store the padded shoulder strap when not in use on the inside area mesh storage pocket and a vent that allows airflow to keep the surfboard cool.

Plus, the material is stormproof.

  • High-density foam material
  • Several interior and exterior pockets
  • Deluxe padded removable shoulder strap

#9. South Bay Board Co. Premium Surfboard and Paddle Board Travel Bags

South Bay Board Co. offers the most affordable surfboard bag on the list. Most surfers like these bags so much not just because of the price but also because of its specs. It was simply designed with extra durability due to its high-quality materials. This lightweight board bag is made of tarpaulin material that is heat and water-resistant. Both of its sides are composed of UV resistant foils for maximum protection against the dangerous effect of too much sun rays.

It is built with 1/5” foam protective layer so that when you accidentally drop the bag off, the boards inside will not break into a million different pieces. Moreover, this bag doesn’t only contain surfboards but also paddleboards that are sized between 5ft to 11ft. It is, therefore, a complete package during trips. For extra storage to hold other accessories, there’s a Bungee Rope System.

The bag’s zipper enclosure is sand-resistant, and so it can’t be easily destroyed by the beach sand. The bag has a built-in carrying handle and a removable soft-padded shoulder strap for easy transport and therefore perfect for travels.

The company offers a risk-free purchase for up to 30-days wherein the product can be returned to the manufacturer without any fees.

  • Additional paddleboard storage
  • UV resistant foil on both sides
  • Made of heat and water-resistant materials
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Available in different sizes
  • Foam protective layer

#10. Dakine Daylight Surf Thruster Travel Bag

Last but surely not the least surfboard travel bag among the list is from Dakine. The manufacturer has already proven itself in producing high-quality bags for surfboards. They continue their stride in the surfboard travel bag industry with the Daylight Surf Thruster Bag, which comes with good features at a very reasonable price.

This bag can be carried all day long with the help of its padded shoulder strap that eases pressure on your shoulders. You can go on a trip with only one bag as it has wax and a fin pocket. This adds convenience for every sea wanderers out there.

Daylight Surf Thruster Bag is very versatile for most boards’ shape fits in it. Its ¼ inches foam padding renders maximum protection to what it contains which is a great deal. Also, the bag is made of heat and waterproof tarpaulin materials which provides superior protection for the board.

Its heavy-duty construction enhances its durability and usefulness for a longer period, so you won’t have to worry about having to buy another bag for a while. This bag comes in several different sizes but only one color: white. It’s only offered in white because it looks cleaner than way and can easily blend to other beach apparel.

  • Stash pocket
  • One size fits all board’s shapes
  • Thick foam padding
  • Waterproof and heat-resistant materials used
  • Coiled zipper designed

Our Favorite Surfboard Travel Bag

Among the listed surfboard travel bags, we pick the Wave Tribe Eco Surfboard Travel Bag as the best board carrier. Click on the link to check out the price.

The bag is popular to most surfers from Bali and South Africa because of its 10-year in the making design. Its interior and exterior design are both made of rebound technology. Within is foam-padded with board separators to provide maximum protection for the board. Its exterior design supports the green surfing movement. Rugged Eco Hemp and Reflective Energy Shield are the designs for its side A and B, respectively. Other features such as flow zip system, shoulder strap, carrying handle, and additional pockets are all present.

Buyer’s Guide: What to Consider in Buying a Surfboard Travel Bag?

Now that you have a bit idea on the best surfboard travel bag products, which among the list is your best pick? To know whether your prospected surfboard travel bag in the market is a good buy, we provide the following key factors that need to be considered:

Size and Shape

There are different kinds of surfing boards, such as hybrid, short, and longboards. Therefore, knowing the size and shape of the travel bag is the first step in buying a surfboard travel bag.

First is considering the shape of your surfboard before buying a suitable bag for it. This is to avoid further inconvenience in properly fitting the boards into the bag.

Picking the right size of the bag will prevent some parts of the board from sticking out of the bag. It would be better if the board fits snugly inside the bag you’ll choose.

Every buyer must know both of these factors to pick the right product surely.

Materials used

The primary materials used in the production of surfboard travel bags are nylon and polyester. These are known for durability in all accounts. The kind of travel bag for surfboards is 100% exposed to outdoor elements like water, sunlight, and salty beaches. Therefore, it is important that the materials used are water and heat-resistant.

Check out this factor to be able to know when a product can last long or not. The useful life of a travel bag depends upon its production.

If the materials used are all well, expect the bag to be tough in carrying surfboards. It must not break, especially the carrying strap which is prone to damage. Its overall design will determine the sturdiness of the travel bag. So, keep your eyes towards its features.

Determine how many surfboards it can contain. There are product models that are capable of accommodating only one board and up to several boards. This depends upon the need of the buyer, whether it has several boards or only one. You can buy one board bag for the whole team.

Zip quality

The zipper is the part of a travel bag that is most prone to damage that’s why choosing a quality-made zip is necessary. It is responsible for securing the board when stored so the zip must better not fall apart. The life of the zipper also depends on how careful the user in fastening the bag.


The primary goal of having a surfboard bag is to bring the board from one place to another easily. And so, being lightweight and sturdy must come together to consider the bag a good buy still. Different carrying techniques, such as via carrying handle or shoulder strap, are needed for the movability of the product.

Some models can be connected to wheels for easier transport.

Since the primary purpose of a surfboard travel bag is to protect the board, foam-padded construction is necessary. This is to secure the board from getting damage in all situations.

Consider buying a board bag that is within your budget. No need for breaking your pocket just to have the best product. Other above-products are very affordable yet perform very well in securing a surfboard. You can look for more inexpensive bags online or in retail stores.

Other features

There are still other unique features you’ll encounter in looking for surfboard travel bags. One of the features is the extra pockets both on the outside and inside the bag. This is so beneficial, especially for those surfers who bring a lot of stuff during a trip. Another is the Top Zip Flip Top feature which helps for the proper fitting of boards inside the bag. The containing boards can also be separated by the padded dividers to avoid marks among the boards. A paddle holder is also important to keep the paddle secure and not be misplaced.

How to Pack Surfboards in a Travel Bag

After having the surfboard travel bag with the best features, the next step is to know how to pack up. Making sure that surfboards are packed away safely inside a travel bag is somewhat challenging if you’re not doing the proper way of packing. Here is the step-by-step process on how to pack surfboards within a travel bag:

Step no. 1: Prepare travel bag

You can choose from the above products depending on the number of boards you’ll pack.

Step no. 2: Separate the fin off your board

The paddle is separately stored inside the bag. Wrapping the fin with a soft towel helps to keep it secure. The other way to store a fin is by buying a fin box with a separate cost.

Step no. 3: Protect the rails

This is to avoid further injuries. By using foam pipe insulation, it’ll provide a little extra precaution for anyone not to be hurt. Another way to protect the rails is to wrap it with plastic wrap.

Step no. 4: Extra protection on nose and tail

Bubble wrap or thick towels work in securing the nose and tail of the board. It is extra protection in addition to the prior for the betterment of your board.

Step no. 5: Wrap up the entire board

After protecting the rails, nose, and tail, now, wrap up the whole board with a bubble wrap. Add more layers to ensure full protection for the board.

Step no. 6: Ensure evenly distributed weight

Storing the other accessories in an even manner will keep the weight of the bag more balance and therefore easier to carry.

Step no. 7: Pay careful attention to luggage attendants

Perhaps, you’re planning to go on board with a fully packed surfboard. Remind the luggage attendants to give extra care to the bag because it is fragile, unlike other baggage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

After knowing these and that, you might be still asking queries inside your mind. We have collected some popular questions asked by most consumers of surfboard travel bags. And we’d end up having these five (5) helpful statements you might depend on:

Q: Are surfboard travel bags washable?

Q: how important are vents and meshes on a surfboard travel bag, q: does surfboard travel bags come with warranties, q: should the board be put a shine on when stored in a bag, q: how to make a surfboard travel bag last longer, the bottom line.

The surfboard travel bag that you should get depends on your needs. Those reviewed brands of board bags are some of the best solid bags out there that we recommend for picking. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced surfer, a good investment of board bag can save you from tons of expenses and worries. We command you to carefully read the Buying Guide Section to know which bag is the best buy fully.

For more questions, don’t be shy, leaving a comment below and wait for a quick response.

Now, get your board bag and enjoy surfing!

Related Resources

  • Fish Surfboards
  • Mini Mal Surfboards
  • Longboard Surfboards
  • Bodysurfing Fins
  • Surfboard Wax
  • Foam Surfboards
  • Surfboard Brands

How to Get Better at Paddling for Surfing

Torsten Bjord is a talented and adventurous waterman from Western Australia, passionate about surfing , stand-up paddleboarding , hydrofoiling , skimboarding , snowboarding and skateboarding . Torsten has spent countless hours mastering his skills and his dream is to one day represent Australia as an Olympic athlete.

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The Best Surfboard Bags for Daily Use and Surf Travel in 2024, Reviewed

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Anna Gudauskas’ Sagebrush Board Bags bring the style with reclaimed materials. Photo: Sagebrush Board Bags

The Inertia

As surfers, the surfboard is our most prized possession and as such, we want to do everything in our power to keep it in pristine condition. While a ding is inevitable at some point, a solid board bag can help prolong the life of your board, and give you some peace of mind when traveling, whether it’s to your local break, a coastal roadtrip, or flying across the globe.

We took the liberty of acquiring and testing the best surfboard bags on the market, to give you our analysis and top picks for a variety of applications. For more detailed info on the bags and what we looked for in reviewing them, check out our Comparison Table and Buyer’s Guide towards the end of the article.

The Best Surfboard Bags of 2024

Best All-Around Surfboard Bag: Creatures of Leisure Adventure-Ready Shortboard Double Best Surfboard Bag for Air Travel: Wave Tribe Hurricane Chaser Travel Bag Most Protective Surfboard Bag: Db Djärv Surfboard Coffin Best Day-Use Surfboard Bag: Creatures of Leisure Fish Day Use DT2.0 Best Bang for Your Buck Surfboard Bag: Dakine Daylight Surfboard Bag Most Affordable Surfboard Bag: Curve Boost Travel Bag

Best All-Around Surfboard Bag

roark x creatures of leisure surfboard travel bag

Creatures of Leisure Adventure-Ready Shortboard Double ($263)

Pros: Internal compression straps, ventilation system, padded straps Cons:  Not super heavy padding

If you’re looking for a rugged bag that will keep your board safe during long-haul trips, look no further than the Creatures of Leisure x Roark Adventure-Ready bag. Designed for lightweight, compact travel the board comes in three size options that securely hold your board in place while offering maximum protection. Featuring Diamond-Tech fabric, 10-mm closed cell foam protection, an expandable sidewall, 20 percent more protection on the nose/tail, marine-grade corrosion resistant zippers, a padded handle and shoulder strap, internal compression straps, an aero mesh ventilation system, and a limited edition cover, the Adventure-Ready bag has everything you could want in a good travel bag and more. With style points to boot, the Adventure Ready bag is the one we’ll be reaching for on our next globe trotting adventure.

Best Surfboard Bag for Air Travel

Wave tribe hurricane chaser travel bag (from $260).

Wave Tribe Surfboard Bag

At Wave Tribe, the goal is to offer a bag that is stylish, sustainably made, durable, and offers the maximum protection possible—the brand hit the nail on the head with the Hurricane Chaser travel bag. In an effort to be gentle on the environment, the bag is made from high-density recycled nylon and hemp, which keeps the board about 10 degrees cooler than a traditional bag.

Thoughtful exterior bag features include heavy-duty YKK zippers, a padded shoulder strap, heavy-duty handles, a zippered pocket, wheels, and breathable hemp. Interior features include 25 mm of padding on the nose and tail, a padded board separator to securely separate boards, and an interior pocket for stashing fins/leashes. The bag is available in nine different size options and is designed to comfortably hold two boards, making it perfect for overseas adventures. This bag recently accompanied our tester on a trip to Hawaii and it performed like a dream, with all of her gear arriving intact.

Most Protective Surfboard Bag

Db djärv surfboard coffin ($449).


Pros: Wheels, semi-rigid ribs, pockets, compresses down for storage Cons: Too large for day trips, only offered in one size, pricey

This bag is pretty incredible. It’s designed to hold three to four boards and the protection it offers is as good as it gets with tons of padding, semi-rigid ribs that keep your boards from getting squished, and  strategic pockets to stash your towels and clothing and create even more padding at the nose and tail.

Other features include custom wheels and a handle to make hauling easier. It also has a built-in hook up system, so you can attach it to other Db bags to make your airport endeavor smoother. Additionally, the bag has internal pockets for stashing leashes/wax, dividers to place between your boards, and strategically placed exterior handles to ensure baggage handlers are gentle when lifting your board. When you’re finished traveling, the bag compresses down to 30% of its size to make storage easier.

When it comes to bells and whistles, this one’s a winner. The only downsides to this awesome product is that it may be a little overkill for the casual surf-tripper who only wanted to take a board or two with them, and is certainly too bulky to double as a daybag. And at close to $450, those bells and whistles aren’t coming cheap. Finally, the bag is only offered in one size, that (just barely) fits boards up to 6’6″ in length. That said, if you need a super-protective surf coffin, this is as good as it gets. Read our full review here.

Best Day-Use Surfboard Bag

Creatures of leisure fish day-use dt2.0 ($140).

travel surf world intense 5gb

Pros: Expandable side wall, ventilation system, lightweight yet durable Cons: Not reliable for international travel

If you’re looking for a day-use bag that offers a little extra protection, the Creatures of Leisure Fish Day Use may be the bag for you. The Fish Day Use is specifically designed for day-to-day usage with single board capacity for wider fun boards.

The bag is constructed from Diamond-Tech fabric, which is strong, water-resistant, and lightweight. The bag also contains Diamond-Tech 2.0 fabric on high stress areas for extra protection. Additionally, the Day Use bag includes 5mm closed cell foam protection, an expandable sidewall, marine-grade resistant zippers, a foam padded handle, a padded shoulder strap, a fin slot, and an interior pouch for stashing essentials. The bag also features an aero mesh ventilation system to keep boards cool, which we were big fans of as we tend to spend hours at the beach after a good surf session.  We really liked how lightweight this bag is while remaining durable. With generous zippers, the board slides in and out with ease and the shoulder straps makes it easy to carry on long treks to the beach.

Best Bang for Your Buck

Dakine daylight surfboard bag ($94).

travel surf world intense 5gb

Pros: Zippered fin slots, long zippers Cons: Not enough padding for airplane travel

A hybrid bag designed for storage and transport, the Daylight is advertised as a day-use bag, but we think it’s sturdy enough for gentle travel as well. Created specifically for longboards, the Daylight offers heat and water-resistant coverage and full-length ¼ inch foam-padded ding protection. And, it’s available in both a longboard , and shortboard version.

Additionally, the bag features a heavy duty, YKK coil zipper, a zippered fin slot, a non-slip padded shoulder strap with a stash pocket, and a wax/fin pocket. We thought it was unique that this bag had a zippered fin slot as opposed to traditional Velcro ones—we found it easier to fit the bag snuggly around our fin. We also appreciated the plethora of pockets, and the padded shoulder strap was a nice addition for easy transport. Generously long zippers made it simple to slid the board in and out and a subtle camo design added a little extra flair. The only reason we would hesitate to use this bag for airplane travel is the lack of extra padding in the nose area—but it makes for a great day-use bag.

Longboard Version

Thruster Version


Best Budget Surfboard Bag

Curve boost travel bag (from $80).

boost surfboard travel bag

Upon first examination, Curve’s Boost bag looks more like a day-use bag than a travel bag due to its compact design. However, upon taking a closer look, we noticed 20-mm boosted nose and tail foam zones that provide added protection during transport. Additionally, the bag features a 7 mm foam core, a 600D water-resistant canvas base, heat reflective silver tarpee upper, fin slot with Velcro closer, and a detachable shoulder strap. An especially unique feature of the bag is the Tail Protection Strap System, a built-in strap that allows you to firmly secure the board inside the pack. Although the body of the bag doesn’t provide as intense protection as other travel options, the price is right and the paddling is sufficient — you just may want to wrap some towels around your board for a little extra cushion.


If you’re willing to spend a little more for the extra padding, the Curve Armordillo is an absolute tank with thick foam panels on the rails, nose, and tail. Buy the shortboard version here , and the longboard version here .

Best of the Rest

Runner up: best day-use surfboard bag, fcs dayrunner all purpose cover (from $130).

travel surf world intense 5gb

Pros: High-density padding, 3D rail protection Cons:  Not ideal for airplane travel

Available in five size options and two colorways, the FCS Dayrunner cover is lightweight yet durable, making it ideal for transit to and from the beach. The bag features five-mm high-density padding, noncorrosive zippers paired with Velcro, an ergonomic shoulder pad, and an internal pocket for stashing fins or wax. Standout features include 3D rail protection that contours to the shape of the rail, an expandable fin wing that allows you to transport your board with or without the fin, and a contoured stretch fit that provides ventilation while simultaneously keeping the bag snug around your board. Although this bag is advertised as a day-use bag, it is extremely well made and raises the bar for day-use bags by being ultra padded and secure.


Sagebrush Surf Bags ($140)

travel surf world intense 5gb

Pros : Stylish, sustainably made Cons: No padding, no place to stash wax

If you have yet to hear of Sagebrush , it’s time to put them on your radar. From the mind of professional freesurfer Anna Gudauskas, Sagebursh offers eye catching bags created with the environment in mind. Available in a wide variety of prints and sizes, all of Sagebrush’s bags are handmade from remnant or vintage fabric and coffee bean sacks from organic, fair trade coffee roasters.

The style of these bags is similar to a sock, but they’re made from thick canvas, so they’re super easy to slide on and off while remaining durable. The material is much thicker than your traditional sock, so we feel confident that our boards will be protected in transit, when stacking it on the car, and during long beach days in the sun. While we wouldn’t use a Sagebrush bag for airplane travel (unless it’s stashed in a travel bag), our tester has been sporting a Sagebrush bag for years and is impressed by the durability. Made from remnant and vintage fabrics, it’s cool to know that each bag is available in extremely limited quantities, ensuring that you will have a unique bag. The only thing missing from this rad bag is a place to stash your wax!

Shred Surf Bag ($56)

Pros: Made from recycled materials, extra fleece on the nose, fins, tail, and side rails, machine washable Cons: Day-use only, not enough padding for airplane travel

travel surf world intense 5gb

Made from 100% recycled materials, Shred’s bags are a mix of 60% recycled cotton and 40% recycled plastics. They are shipped in 100% recycled packaging via carbon neutral shipping (in the U.S.), so they’re gentle on the environment. The bags sport a protective interior design with double layered unbrushed fleece on the nose, fins, tail and side rails, so you can rest easy knowing there’s extra cushion where you need it. The bags also include a stowaway pocket for wax and other essentials, a drawstring closure, and UV protection. Should your bag get a little stinky, it’s machine washable so you can easily run it through a cycle and have it looking as good as new in no time. With a variety of patterns to choose from, we love the aesthetic of this bag and it seems sturdy and well made. When it’s time to travel overseas, our tester plans on stashing her board in her Shred bag before securing it in her travel bag for an added layer of protection. All and all, a super solid day-use option.

The Classic Boardsock (From $30)

the classic boardsock

Pros: Reinforced nose, velcro pocket Cons: Sometimes difficult to slide board in/out, everything sticks to it

The Ho Stevie! Surfboard Sock is a super simplistic sock design. Available in three different color options, the sock offers an added layer of protection from sunlight and anything that could potentially ding your board. The sock is made from durable knit stretch fabric and has a reinforced nose for an added layer of protection. Additionally, the bag features a drawstring closer as well as a small, Velcro storage pocket for wax, keys, or any other small items you might have.

Like most surfboard socks, we occasionally had some trouble sliding the bag over our boards—we found it easier with shorter boards. Another thing we noticed was if you set your sock down in any sort of debris, like a leaf-covered yard, it acted like Velcro and we’d end up bringing a bunch of leaves and weeds home with us. That said, the Ho Stevie! surfboard sock has everything you’d expect in a solid surfboard sock for lightweight, day-use protection, and the price is right.

Comparison Table

surfboard bags

You can’t go wrong with one of these great boardbags from Db, Dakine, Sagebrush, and more. Photo: Rebecca Parsons/The Inertia

How We Tested

Our lead tester, Rebecca Parsons, is a surfer based on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, who has made it her mission to surf as many different waves in the world as she can, both at home in Hawaii, on roadtrips up and down the California coast, and on overseas trips. In 2022, she got her hands on each of the bags featured in this review (as well as some that didn’t make the cut), and since then has been storing and transporting her boards in them to get a feel for how they perform. Some have gone on trips close to home, and those made for air travel, she’s taken overseas to see how they held up, and how well they protected her precious surfboards. As surfers and wave-chasers, other members of The Inertia’s editorial and gear team have done additional testing of products on this list, like the Wave Tribe Hurricane Chaser, which has been a favorite of Senior Editor Alex Haro’s for years now, and the Db Djärv which has accompanied Gear Editor Will Sileo on a number of trips to and from his home in California and the Hawaiian Islands. We continue to test these bags, as well as any new products to hit the market, and will keep this article updated with the latest and greatest based on our experiences with the products.

For each bag, our main considerations were the type and level of protection it offers, how easy it is to transport, and the ease of use. We rated each bag on these three metrics, as well as taking into account additional features, and the various pros and cons related to the design of each bag.

Rating Table

What makes a good board bag.

Protection The most important feature of a board bag is how well it is able to protect your stick. Although there are different types of bags available at different levels of protection, we expect the bag to provide the type the protection advertised. For example, a day bag should provide ample protection for trips around town but we wouldn’t expect it to hold up on an overseas flight. A travel bag, on the other hand, should do its due diligence and keep our board protected on a long haul trip. Before purchasing a bag, we take into consideration what kind of travel we will be doing with it and then consider the features it offers.

Transport Traveling with boards is a challenge and such, features that make the board easier to transport are always appreciated. If it’s a shortboard bag, a padded shoulder strap is a plus. If it’s a longboard bag or a bag for multiple boards, wheels are a game changer.

Ease of Use This may sound like strange criteria as surfboard bags are fairly straightforward in their design, but we want a bag that is easy to slide/off. If you’re anything like us, you’ve found yourself in a parking lot, wrestling with your board bag or sock, banging your board around in the process, and wondering if you would have done better had you left the bag at home. When we’re in the market for a board bag, we consider whether it will slide on and off easily, regardless of if the board is wet or dry. If it’s a more fitted bag, we considered zippers and how far down they go to make sure it’ll be easy to use.

It's hemp! And you could drive a tank over it! surfboards bags

The Wave Tribe Hurricane Chaser has been a long-time favorite at The Inertia. Here’s Senior Editor Alex Haro with one in 2017. Photo: Alex Haro/The Inertia

What Are Some Other Factors to Consider?

Size is super important. You want a bag that fits your board snugly, to ensure maximum protection. But you also don’t want to be wrestling your bag each time you use it to try and get your board to fit. It’s a bit of a Goldilocks scenario. In general, a good rule of thumb is to order a bag that is a little longer than your board. If you’re ordering a board online, check the length, width, and thickness of your board and order accordingly. Length will determine which size bag you order and width and thickness will determine the style (for example, a 6’2” fish isn’t going to fit into a 6’2” shortboard bag).

Like surfboards, a good board bag doesn’t come cheap and as such, we want one that is going to last. For those bags we want to accompany us overseas, bags aren’t always handled with care at the airport, so you’ll want to make sure you’re getting a bag that is made from a durable material. Although it’s possible to find bags at an agreeable price point (see our top picks for value and budget, above), it’s worth spending a few extra bucks to ensure you’re not buying a board bag made of cheap fabric that’s going to quickly fall apart.

Extra Storage Although it’s not essential, it sure is nice when a bag comes with a Velcro or zippered pockets to stash your fins, leash, wax, etc. For travel bags especially, it’s nice to have a generous amount of pockets for organizing all your surf-trip essentials, but for something like a sock, all we need is a little pocket to store some wax or our keys.

Return to Comparison Table | Return to Top Picks

Editor’s Note: For more gear reviews and features on The Inertia, click here .


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Appeler et surfer à l'étranger

Au sein et en dehors de l'UE

Au sein de l'UE

Au sein de l'UE (et dans quelques autres pays), vous appelez, surfez et envoyez des SMS au même tarif qu'en Belgique.

Voir les pays de l’UE

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Top Destinations

En dehors de l’ue.

En dehors de l'UE, vous appelez, surfez et envoyez des SMS aux tarifs standard du pays en question.

Pour appeler, surfer et envoyer des SMS à moindre coût, choisissez l'une des options ci-dessous.

Payez par jour d'utilisation ou par mois. Vous pouvez mettre fin à ces options quand vous le souhaitez.

Top Destinations où les options s'appliquent

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Appeler et surfer

Daily Travel Passport

  • 40 min. d’appels émis + 40 min. d’appels reçus

€ 4 ,13 /jour d'utilisation

Uniquement facturé les jours où l'option est utilisée

Travel Passport

  • 400 min. d'appels émis + reçus

Cette option peut être arrêtée à tout moment

  • 1000 min. d'appels émis + reçus

€ 150 /mois

Appels et SMS dans toutes les zones selon les tarifs standard hors forfait*. Surfez dans les Top Destinations: € 0,10/Mo. Surfez dans le reste du monde: € 12/Mo. * Lors de l'utilisation de Daily Travel Passport TOP, un appel coûte € 1,24/min, recevoir un appel en TOP vaut € 0,62/min. L'envoi de sms dans les meilleures destinations est facturé € 0,29/sms et le surf est égal à € 4,96/Mo.

Uniquement surfer

Daily travel surf.

€ 3 ,50 /jour d’utilisation

Uniquement facture les jours où l’option est utilisée

Travel Surf

Appeler et envoyer des SMS hors forfait : voir les tarifs standard . Surfer hors forfait : € 0,10/MB. Lors de l'utilisation de Daily Travel Passport, un appel coûte € 1,24/min, recevoir un appel vaut € 0,62/min. L'envoi de SMS est facturé € 0,29/SMS et le surf est égal à € 0,20/MB.

Les options avantageuses ci-dessous s'appliquent dans tous les pays du monde hors de l'UE et aux réseaux de navires de croisière, de ferries, d'avions et de satellites. Exception faite de certains pays.

Les pays qui ne bénéficient pas des options ci-dessous

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Travel passport

  • 400 min. d’appels émis et reçus

€ 295 /mois

Appeler et envoyer des SMS hors forfait : voir les tarifs standard . Surfer hors forfait : € 0,10/MB pour les Top Destinations et € 0,20/MB pour les autres pays.

En dehors de l'UE & Top

Si vous voyagez régulièrement vers une Top Destinations et très occasionnellement vers une destination autre, choisissez l'une des options avantageuses ci-dessous compatible avec votre bundle TOP.

  • 200 min. d’appels émis et reçus

€ 14 ,87 /jour d’utilisation

Gestion du budget

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Questions fréquentes

Lorsque des services d’itinérance (roaming) sont disponibles dans un pays étranger, la qualité de service offerte dans ce pays peut différer de celle offerte en Belgique en raison de différents facteurs locaux liés aux technologies disponibles dans le pays visité : l’état du déploiement de la technologie la plus récente, la couverture du réseau local, la vitesse disponible, la latence, mais aussi d’autres facteurs locaux externes tels que la topographie, etc.

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  • en envoyant le mot DATA par SMS au 8888: l'information sur le montant de votre consommation hors forfait à l'étranger vous sera envoyée par SMS (envoi et réception gratuits)
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Les appels téléphoniques et les connexions data effectués en zones non-terrestres (par exemple depuis un bateau lors d'une croisière ou depuis un avion) utilisent les réseaux satellites correspondant à une autre zone géographique et sont considérés comme hors de l'Union européenne. Le tarif national ne s'applique pas à ces communications et les frais de roaming liés à ces communications seront facturés.

Une connexion à des réseaux non-terrestres, parfois involontaire, peut faire grimper le montant de votre facture. Pour éviter cela, mieux vaut:

  • activer le mode avion sur votre appareil via les paramètres
  • ou demander la désactivation (opt-out) gratuite du roaming hors Union européenne via l'app MyProximus ou en appelant le 6060 afin de bloquer la connexion à ces réseaux tout en conservant la possibilité de faire du roaming au sein de l’Union européenne
  • demander la désactivation ( opt-out) de la connexion internet dans les zones non-terrestres. Vous conservez dans ce cas, la possibilité d'appeler et d'envoyer des sms via les réseaux non-terrestres au tarif hors Union européenne et la possibilité de faire du roaming au sein de l’Union européenne.

Vous pouvez éviter de vous connecter à des réseaux étrangers via les paramètres de votre appareil:

  • soit en désactivant le choix automatique de l’opérateur de réseau et en sélectionnant manuellement Proximus
  • soit en supprimant l'itinérance

Afin d'éviter des factures élevées, votre connexion internet mobile à l'étranger est interrompue lorsque la consommation de data à l'étranger atteint € 60 TVAC hors forfait.

Si vous souhaitez continuer à surfer, vous pouvez demander de supprimer cette limite sous votre propre responsabilité. Dans ce cas, votre connexion internet mobile sera à nouveau interrompue jusqu'à ce que l'usage atteigne € 121 TVAC hors forfait, sauf si vous avez également décidé de supprimer cette seconde limite. Dans ce cas, vous continuez à surfer sans limite sous votre propre responsabilité.

Vous pouvez modifier votre choix à tout moment.

Les numéros de services à valeur ajoutée (SVA) sont par exemple les numéros surtaxés, les numéros gratuits ou les numéros à coûts partagés que vous pouvez appeler et/ou contacter par SMS pour avoir accès à un service (jeu, mise en relation, édition de contenu, informations comme les prévisions météorologiques, médecins de garde, etc.).

Lorsque vous voyagez en dehors de la Belgique (roaming) et que vous établissez un appel ou envoyez un SMS à destination de n'importe quel numéro SVA (local, belge, européen ou non européen):

  • votre tarif national n'est pas applicable
  • le tarif annoncé pour les utilisateurs locaux n'est pas applicable
  • des frais plus élevés peuvent s'appliquer, y compris pour les services annoncés comme gratuits dans le pays visité (ceux-ci ne sont gratuits que pour les utilisateurs locaux et non pour les utilisateurs en roaming).

Les séries de numéros SVA varient d'un pays à l'autre. Pour éviter toute mauvaise surprise sur votre facture, vous pouvez vérifier quelles séries de numéros SVA sont soumises à un surcoût en cliquant sur https://legalinfo.proximus.be/fr/vas Les informations sont disponibles par pays de l'UE (y compris l'Islande, le Lichtenstein et la Norvège), mais ne sont malheureusement pas disponibles pour les autres pays.

Dans un souci de transparence, lorsque vous entrez dans un pays étranger, vous recevez par SMS les informations relatives aux tarifs applicables pour les communications mobiles dans ce pays, en ce compris pour l’usage de l’internet mobile. Si vous ne souhaitez pas ou plus recevoir de SMS relatifs aux tarifs, vous pouvez demander à désactiver ce service en appelant le 6060. Vous pouvez également modifier votre choix à tout moment.

Si le pays dans lequel vous séjournez fait partie des 26 autres pays de l’Union européenne, vous recevez en outre un SMS vous informant des moyens disponibles pour contacter les services d’urgence dans le pays visité. Pour des raisons de sécurité, vous ne pouvez pas demander à désactiver ce service et nous vous invitons même à conserver ce SMS.

L'accès au pages web (qu'elles soient gratuites ou payantes) n'est possible que pour autant que vous ou votre fleet manager n'ayez pas activé de blocage d'utilisation de la connexion internet mobile ("data barring" ou configuration par votre entreprise). Consultez la politique interne de votre entreprise. Si un tel blocage a été implémenté à votre demande ou à l'initiative de votre fleet manager, vous aurez accès à ces pages mais uniquement en WI-FI.

En situation d'urgence, Proximus recommande d'appeler gratuitement le numéro d'appel d'urgence unique européen 112. Ce numéro d'appel est disponible depuis n'importe quel pays de l'UE, y compris depuis l'Islande, le Lichtenstein et la Norvège, pour les utilisateurs locaux, mais aussi pour les utilisateurs en roaming.

Vous pouvez vérifier quels moyens alternatifs locaux sont disponibles pour contacter les services d’urgence dans chaque pays de l'UE (y compris l'Islande, le Lichtenstein et la Norvège) en cliquant sur https://legalinfo.proximus.be/fr/emergency .

Les applications mobiles d'alerte du public sont des applications mobiles que l'utilisateur peut télécharger sur son smartphone dans certains pays afin de recevoir des alertes publiques en cas d'urgences et de catastrophes majeures imminentes ou en cours de développement dans le pays visité.

Vous pouvez vérifier la disponibilité des applications mobiles d'alerte du public locales par pays de l'UE (y compris l'Islande, le Lichtenstein et la Norvège) en cliquant sur https://legalinfo.proximus.be/fr/emergency .

  • Vous ne payez que par jour d’utilisation. Le prix journalier s’active en fonction de la zone dans laquelle vous vous trouvez dès que vous passez un appel, envoyez un SMS vers un pays de l’une de ces deux zones, utilisez
  • plus de 200 KB d'internet mobile ou recevez un appel.
  • Dans le forfait, le volume de surf est débité par tranche de 100 KB par jour d'utilisation et par zone, à partir d'un volume de consommation de 200 KB. Pour les consommations inférieures à 200 KB et une fois le volume inclus dans l'option
  • dépassé, le tarif standard vous sera facturé.
  • Une journée d'utilisation commence et se termine à minuit, heure belge. Les minutes, SMS et MB non utilisés ne sont pas reportés au jour suivant.
  • Non compatible avec d’autres options de roaming ou plans tarifaires offrant des réductions sur les tarifs roaming, avec VPN, ni avec les plans tarifaires Bizz incluant des minutes, SMS ou MB de roaming. L'activation du Daily Travel Passport désactivera automatiquement toutes les autres options de roaming.

Bon à savoir

  • Les tarifs ou options de roaming mentionnés ci-dessus ne sont pas applicables aux appels en roaming vers des numéros de service à valeur ajoutée (VAS) qui sont tarifés comme suit: depuis la Zone UE: €2,07 /min; depuis la Zone TOP Destinations: €2,27 /min; depuis la Zone Exception: €5,10 /min; depuis le reste du Monde: €2,89 /min (TVA exclue).
  • Certains opérateurs chargent des frais additionnels pour les appels reçus - les montants peuvent varier selon l'opérateur.
  • Les abonnements sont facturés pour un mois complet (même si l’abonnement est activé ou désactivé au cours du mois).
  • Tous les forfaits de roaming de données individuels sont facturés par session de 100 KB.
  • Les options énumérées sur cette page ne sont pas valables pour: Angola, Bhoutan, Djibouti, Érythrée, Ethiopie, Iles Falkland, Liban, Maldives, Nouvelle Calédonie, Sao Tomé-et-Principe et Venezuela. Aucune option n'est disponible pour ces pays. Les tarifs standard s'appliquent.

Consulter les tarif lorsque vous dépassez votre volume disponible

Liste des opérateurs de l’EU et leurs technologies

Vous souhaitez savoir quelles technologies sont disponibles dans le pays visité? Vous pouvez consulter la liste des technologies disponibles dans chacun des pays de l'Union européenne (+ Islande, Liechtenstein et Norvège) et ceci pour chaque opérateur avec lequel Proximus a conclu un accord de roaming dans ce pays. Cette liste indicative (.pdf) est sous réserve d'erreurs et de modifications. Elle est régulièrement mise à jour sur base des informations fournies à Proximus par les opérateurs étrangers.

Le nom du réseau sélectionné en roaming peut s’afficher sur votre écran sous une appellation commerciale différente, choisie par l’opérateur étranger, indépendamment de la volonté de Proximus. En outre, pour les raisons expliquées ci-avant (telles que la couverture réseau ou la topographie), certaines technologies peuvent ne pas être disponibles sur l’ensemble du territoire visité.

Pays de l'UE

Allemagne, Autriche, Andorre, Bulgarie, Chypre, Croatie, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Finlande, France, Gibraltar, Grèce, Guadeloupe (Antilles Françaises), Guyane Française, Hongrie, Îles Åland (Finlande), Irlande, Islande, Italie, Lettonie, Liechtenstein, Lituanie, Luxembourg, Malte, Martinique (Antilles Françaises), Monaco, Norvège, Pays-Bas, Pologne, Portugal, République Tchèque, Réunion (La), Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Saint-Barthélemy (Antilles Françaises), Saint-Martin (Antilles Françaises), Slovaquie, Slovénie et Suède.

Les options avantageuses s’appliquent à:

Afrique du Sud, Albanie, Algérie, Australie, Bosnie-Herzégovine, Belarus, Brésil, Canada, Cap-Vert, Chine, Corée Du Sud Égypte, les Etats-Unis, Guernsey (Bailiwick of), Hong Kong, Îles Féroé Inde, Indonésie, Israël, Japon, Jersey (île de), Macédoine, Macao, Malaisie, Man (Île de), Maroc, Mexique, Moldavie, Monténégro, Myanmar, Nouvelle Zélande, Porto Rico, République Dominicaine, Russie, Serbie, Singapour, Sri Lanka, Suisse, Taïwan, Thaïlande, Tunisie Turquie et Ukraine.

Les options avantageuses s'appliquent dans tous les pays du monde hors de l'UE, sauf:

Angola, Arménie, Bahamas, Bhoutan, Djibouti, Érythrée, Ethiopie, Iles Falkland, Liban, Maldives, Nouvelle Calédonie, Sao Tomé-et-Principe et Venezuela. Aucune option n'est disponible pour ces pays. Les tarifs standard s'appliquent.


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Daily Mail

Putin taunts the West by traveling to within 55 miles of the US

Posted: January 10, 2024 | Last updated: April 3, 2024

President Vladimir Putin has arrived for his first-ever presidential visit to Chukotka in Russia 's Far East - just 55 miles from the US state of Alaska . Putin arrived in Anadyr, the local capital of the Chukotka region this morning after flying from Moscow some nine time zones away. Chukotka is the easternmost region of Russia, with a maritime border on the Bering Strait with Alaska.

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  1. Call & surf rates for companies

    When using Daily Travel Passport, making a call costs €1.24/min, receiving a call equals €0.62/min. Sending SMS is billed €0,29/SMS and surfing equals €0.20/MB. World The advantageous options below apply in all countries of the world outside the EU and with cruise ship, ferry, airplane and satellite networks.

  2. Tarieven voor bedrijven buiten de EU

    Daily Travel Surf 200 MB € 3,50 /gebruiksdag. ... 5 GB € 75 /maand. Contacteer mij Nieuw venster. Deze optie kan op elk moment worden gestopt ... World Intense. 5 GB € 295 /mois. Contacteer mij Nieuw venster. Deze optie kan op elk moment worden gestopt

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    Travel Surf TOP INTENSE; € 75, 00 /facturatiemaand: 5 GB: in TOP: Check landenlijst: Travel Surf WORLD; € 95, 00 /facturatiemaand: 1 GB: in TOP én Rest van de Wereld: ... Travel Surf WORLD (INTENSE): Niet cumuleerbaar met andere roamingopties die datavolume in het buitenland bevatten.

  4. Safari Surf Adventures

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  5. PDF Use your smartphone anywhere in the European Union just like ...

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  6. Proximus Mobiele Telefonie Internationaal corporate

    Travel Surf World. Travel Surf World Intense. € 75/maand. € 95/maand. € 295/maand. 400 min + 400 sms'en 400 min gebeld worden 400 MB. 1 GB. 5 GB. World (incl. topbestemmingen) Reist u regelmatig naar een Topbestemming en heel af en toe naar een bestemming daarbuiten, kies dan één van de voordelige onderstaande opties.

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    Cloudbreak. Cloudbreak has a fierce reputation for huge waves and fast barrels. The surf usually ranges between 5 and 8 ft, making it a great playground for intermediate surfers. With large swells from the southeast and southwest, Cloudbreak can produce the worlds most perfect 20 ft waves.

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    Daily Travel Surf 200 MB € 3,50 ... 5 GB € 75 /mois. Contactez-moi Nouvelle fenêtre. Cette option peut être arrêtée à tout moment ... World Intense. 5 GB € 295 /mois. Contactez-moi Nouvelle fenêtre. Cette option peut être arrêtée à tout moment

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    Travel from. To. See all options. Search accommodation with Expedia. Duration: 49 min: Distance: 42 mi: Average price: $14: Nearby airports: 5 found: ... Find the best way to get from A to B, anywhere in the world, on your mobile or tablet. Compare your options: plane, train, bus, car, ferry, bike share, driving and walking directions all in ...

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    Putin arrived in Anadyr, the local capital of the Chukotka region this morning after flying from Moscow some nine time zones away. Chukotka shares a a maritime border with Alaska.

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