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Grand Calendrier GEO 2024 - Souffle d'ailleurs !

Du lac Tekapo en Nouvelle Zélande à Kyoto au Japon, du Worimi national park en Australie au site Landmannalaugar en Islande , en passant par les Asturies en Espagne, découvrez ces 12 clichés d’exceptions choisis spécialement pour le Grand Calendrier GEO 2024.


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Les 30 meilleures destinations de voyage en 2024 selon National Geographic

De l'Albanie à Miami en passant par la Sierra Leone, de nombreuses destinations disséminées à travers les cinq continents s'avèrent très prisées des touristes. Le magazine National Geographic Traveler en a sélectionné trente pour l'année 2024.

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Comment représenter la diversité du monde et des modes d'excursion dans un classement ? À cette question, le média américain National Geographic Traveler a trouvé une réponse. Il suffit de quadriller les cinq continents, de puiser dans les ressources géographiques, culturelles ou encore urbaines.

Trente sites ont été choisies par le magazine pour susciter l'intérêt des curieux encore en phase de réflexion sur leur prochaine destination.

Des monuments antiques aux splendides parcs nationaux, en passant par les aurores boréales, le choix se décline en plusieurs axiomes. Voulez-vous randonner dans les splendides montagnes d' Albanie ? Préférez-vous les forêts humides de la Sierra Leone ? Ou envisagez-vous de déambuler dans les rues vrombissantes de New York ?

⋙ Égypte antique : découverte de la tombe d'un scribe royal, protégé des morsures de serpents par des formules magiques

destination voyage 2024

L'Europe en tête de liste

En Europe, quinze destinations ont été choisies. Parmi ces dernières, figurent notamment Belfast , la capitale nord-irlandaise, Pompéi , la ville romaine ensevelie par une éruption destructrice ou encore la région d'Émilie-Romagne, célèbre pour sa gastronomie et ses paysages chatoyants.

En Amérique, le média a décidé d'offrir des représentations différentes. Au côté de Miami , se trouvent la région du Yucatan (Mexique), anciennement réputé pour ses ruines mayas , ou encore le désert d'Atacama , l'un des plus grands du monde.

En Afrique, trois sites ont été retenues, dont les forêts sèches d'Andrefana, à Madagascar , qui accueille une biodiversité importante. Enfin, l'Asie et l'Océanie accueillent, au total, quatre destinations.

⋙ Les images édifiantes d'une contre-offensive de phoques sur un grand requin blanc

>> Créez votre voyage sur mesure au Mexique avec notre partenaire

Les trente meilleures destinations, selon National Geographic

  • Belfast (Irlande du Nord)
  • Galloway et Ayrshire du Sud (Écosse)
  • Émilie-Romagne (Italie)
  • Nordland (Norvège)
  • Pompéi (Italie)
  • L'Europe en train
  • Alpes albanaises (Albanieà
  • Tartu (Estonie)
  • Pays de Galles
  • Saimaa (Finlande)
  • La Valette (Malte)
  • Wild Atlantic Way (Irlande)


  • Texas (États-Unis)
  • République dominicaine
  • Nouvelle-Écosse (Canada)
  • Yucatan (Mexique)
  • New York (États-Unis)
  • Désert d'Atacama (Chili)
  • Lima (Pérou)
  • Marécages d'Ibéra (Argentine)
  • Akagera (Rwanda)
  • Forêts sèches d'Andrefana (Madagascar)
  • Sierra Leone
  • Sikkim (Inde)
  • Tainan (Taiwan)
  • Xi'An (Chine)


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Où aller en 2024 : 12 destinations extraordinaires

destination voyage 2024

Lonely Planet (LP) a récemment fait paraître sa liste Best in Travel 2024 qui présente les 50 meilleurs endroits du monde où aller l’an prochain. 

On nous y recommande 10 pays, 10 régions, 10 villes (dont Montréal en 3e place), 10 destinations au bon rapport qualité-prix et 10 hauts lieux du tourisme durable. On a regroupé ici les suggestions de LP qui nous ont donné les fourmis dans les pattes les plus incontrôlables! 

12 des endroits où partir à l’aventure en 2024 selon Lonely Planet : 

À lire aussi -   Où aller en 2023 : top des voyages d'aventure qui font rêver

1. La Patagonie (Chili et Argentine)

destination voyage 2024

À cheval entre l’Argentine et le Chili, la Patagonie se retrouve dans la liste de 2024 de LP en raison de ses nouveaux sentiers et programmes de réensauvagement. Mais les voyageurs s’y rendent avant tout pour ses espaces sauvages démesurés et ses grands classiques : les glaciers du parc national argentin Los Glaciares ou encore les pics du parc chilien Torres del Paine, où zigzaguent les 80 km du fameux trek W.

À lire aussi  -  Patagonie : le trek du W, version légère

2. La Mongolie 

destination voyage 2024

Randonnée à cheval au cœur des steppes, nuits en yourte sous les étoiles, découvertes des traditions nomades, exploration du désert de Gobi… Enclavée entre la Chine et la Russie, la Mongolie est une contrée peu visitée, mais elle a de quoi faire rêver les intrépides en quête d’expériences différentes et d’espaces intouchés.

3. Le Chemin de Compostelle portugais (Portugal et Espagne)

destination voyage 2024

Il existe de nombreux « chemins de Compostelle », ces sentiers de pèlerinage à destination de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, en Espagne. Le « Chemin Portugais » part de l’envoûtante Lisbonne et traverse des villes et villages du Portugal comme Coimbra, Porto et Barcelos, ainsi qu’une variété de paysages sur 620 km.

À lire aussi : 9 choses à savoir sur le Chemin de Compostelle

4. Le Nicaragua

destination voyage 2024

Destination à petit budget par excellence de l’Amérique centrale selon LP , le Nicaragua est une belle terre d’aventure. On y va pour le surf, pour la jungle, pour la mer, pour les îles, pour les villages coloniaux et, bonus, pour assister à l’éclipse solaire totale du 8 avril 2024 sur le sommet d’un volcan! 

5. La région Saalfelden Leogang, Autriche

destination voyage 2024

En été comme en hiver, les Alpes autrichiennes sont un bonheur pour les amateurs de plein air en plus d’être d’une fabuleuse beauté. Populaire pour le ski et le vélo de montagne, la région Saalfelden Leogang se situe à environ 1h de Salzbourg. Lonely Planet vante sa nature, le virage vert de sa station de montagne, ses spas, ses couchers de soleil, ses concerts en montagne et sa tyrolienne allant à 130 km/h! 

6. Le Groenland 

destination voyage 2024

Fantasme d’un nombre grandissant de voyageurs (incluant l’autrice de ces lignes), le Groenland deviendra un peu plus accessible en 2024, explique LP , en raison de l’ouverture de deux aéroports internationaux. Parmi les aventures à y vivre : kayak à travers les iceberg, longue randonnée dans la toundra, chasse aux aurores boréales et découvertes culturelles à Nuuk, la capitale-carte postale. 

À lire aussi -  Groenland : pagayer et randonner au pays des icebergs

7. Le Maroc

destination voyage 2024

Malgré le terrible tremblement de terre qui l’a frappé en septembre 2023, le Maroc pourrait bien avoir le vent dans les voiles au cours des mois à venir avec, notamment, le lancement d’un vol direct Montréal-Marrakech par Transat. Entre les treks dans le Sahara, le surf à Taghazout, les randonnées dans le Haut-Atlas et les déambulations dans les souks urbains, on en a assurément plein les yeux.

À lire aussi -  Maroc : retour aux sources

8. Le comté Donegal, Irlande 

destination voyage 2024

D’une beauté sauvage qui marque la mémoire, le comté de Donegal longe l’Irlande du Nord et les flots rugissants de l’Atlantique. C’est ici, rappelle LP, que se trouvent les plus hautes falaises côtières d’Europe. On y découvre aussi des tonnes de plages désertes (qu’affectionnent particulièrement les surfeurs téméraires) et de sentiers de randonnée côtiers très peu fréquentés. Le comté de Donegal marque le début de la Wild Atlantic Way, une route plus-que-panoramique qui longue l'océan sur 2600 km. 

9. Le Chili

destination voyage 2024

Des volcans, des montagnes, des marais salants, des forêts tropicales, des fjords, des glaciers et l’une des îles les plus mystérieuses du monde (l’île de Pâques) : difficile de demander plus à une destination d’aventure! LP ajoute que la gastronomie à Santiago connaît un âge d’or, tout comme la production viticole du pays.

À lire aussi -  Patagonie : le trek du W, version légère

10. Les lacs du Sud et le centre de l’Otago, Nouvelle-Zélande 

destination voyage 2024

Qui dit destination de plein air dit Nouvelle-Zélande. Situées au sud de l’île du Sud, ces régions montagneuses à la Seigneur des Anneaux offrent à la fois des balades contemplatives et des poussées d’adrénaline. Pour vivre cette dernière option, on ne manque pas Queenstown, « capitale mondiale de l’aventure », où abondent les offres de randonnée, bungee, parapente, parachute et alouette!

À lire aussi -  Te Araroa : 3000 kilomètres à pied en Nouvelle-Zélande

11. La piste Trans Dinarica, Balkans occidentaux

destination voyage 2024

Le Trans Dinarica Trail, qui verra le jour en 2024, « constitue la première route cyclable reliant les Balkans occidentaux. De niveau modéré, ce sentier de 3364 km serpente à travers la Slovénie, la Croatie, la Bosnie-Herzégovine, le Monténégro, l’Albanie, la Macédoine du Nord, le Kosovo et la Serbie ». En route : chaînes de montagnes, lacs, rivières, parcs nationaux, villages et rivages de la mer Adriatique.

12. Le Montana, États-Unis

destination voyage 2024

On va dans l'État du Montana pour les montagnes, les prairies, les ranchs, les sources thermales, le ski et le parc national de Glacier. Il abrite à lui seul 1125 km de sentiers de randonnée et Lonely Planet le considère comme l’un des endroits les plus majestueux des États-Unis. Rien de moins.  

  • Pour consulter le top 50 Best in Travel 2024  de Lonely Planet, c’est par ici .
  • Pour acheter le livre, c’est par là .

À lire aussi :

  • 7 sentiers de longue randonnée qui font rêver dans le monde
  • 6 volcans actifs où faire de la randonnée dans le monde
  • 8 destinations de rêve pour la randonnée dans les Caraïbes
  • Vidéos : 5 treks parmi les plus difficiles au monde

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The 2024 Travel Destinations Experts Predict Everyone Will Flock To

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mallorca spain

International trips have been in high demand over the past couple of years, as evidenced by the record number of people applying for passports . But the emerging travel trend for 2024 isn’t just about going the distance — it’s all about exploring a variety of countries and climates often in a single, ambitious trip, according to Sophie-Anne Burton, the global travel curation manager of Origin , a luxury travel company that creates completely individual, personalized trips.

“Now that travelers have their sea legs back, they're eager to take some of those bigger long-haul journeys that span continents,” she says.

Whether they're mini "around-the-world" types of journeys or multi-continent destinations (like visiting Sri Lanka with a stop in Oman along the way), more adventurous and more elaborate travel is trending, Burton says. Travelers are eager to explore a variety of countries and climates, often in a single trip.

As such, Burton has seen increased interest in trips like a desert-to-jungle adventure that, say, begins in the Atacama Desert in northern Chile and winds down in the rainforest of Iguazu National Park in northern Argentina.

As for destinations? While some trending regions are familiar with tourists, the It destinations within these parts of the world feel fresh, like a sunny Spanish island that’s now easier for Americans to reach by air and a historic wine region in Mexico with new luxury hotel arrivals.

Ahead, these nine destinations will be big in 2024, according to travel experts.

Mallorca, Spain

Mallorca spain

Located east of mainland Spain and the largest of the Balearic Islands, Mallorca is having a moment. United’s new non-stop route between Newark and Palma de Mallorca is a convenient link and Sir Richard Branson has picked the island for the latest luxury property in his Virgin Limited Edition collection. Son Bunyola Hotel debuted on a stunning UNESCO heritage site in the Tramuntana Mountains over the summer. “The coastal landscape offers some of the best cycling in the world and it's become a place for the active traveler to enjoy, from pickleball to hiking and swimming and beyond,” says Vincent Padioleau, the hotel’s general manager.

The best part of hiking in Mallorca is the medieval villages you come across and the panoramic views, says Sarah Casewit, director of travel for Origin . “My favorite hike is to Cala Boquer, which takes you through a valley to a turquoise cala, where goats sunbathe and perhaps nibble at your picnic when you decide to take a dip,” she says.

Northern Morocco

northern morocco

By planning travel to Morocco in 2024, travelers can be a part of the country’s recovery story after a September earthquake struck the country’s High Atlas Mountains, claiming lives and destroying cultural sites. “Travel supports individuals at a hyper-local level, from artisans and craftspeople in the medinas to family-run restaurants, guides, drivers and employees at a myriad of hotels,” says Tom Marchant, co-founder of Black Tomato , a luxury travel company. Tangier, Marchant says, is an artistic city brimming with museums, art galleries, high-profile concerts, vernissages and art auctions.

Healdsburg, California

Healdsburg, California

A chic Sonoma County destination, Healdsburg has two Michelin-starred restaurants including SingleThread , a three-star restaurant whose alums have been opening up a slate of fantastic eateries and bars in this city of 11,000. Favored as the next It location by high-end hoteliers, the Montage Healdsburg opened a couple of years ago and is located among grape vines. Next up, Appellation , a culinary-focused hotel co-founded by celeb-chef Charlie Palmer, is debuting in 2024. “Healdsburg is a destination world-renowned for fine wine and food,” says Ed Skapinok, chief commercial officer of Appellation. “Yet, it has maintained its small town feel with deep roots in agriculture and a hospitable, welcoming way.”

Shikoku, Japan

Shikoku, Japan

Japan remains popular with travelers, but few venture beyond hot spots like Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto, says Brady Binstadt, CEO of GeoEx , which specializes in high-end and off-the-beaten-path trips. His advice: Venture off to the island of Shikoku, which has rural beaches, mountains carpeted in cedar and pine, and a riverside onsen reachable only by cable car. “In all of Japan, for me, Shikoku is the place where the country's special spirit and heart still most deeply thrive,” Binstadt says.

Pantanal, Brazil

Pantanal landscape flowering piuvas trees

Brazil’s Pantanal is the largest tropical wetland in the world, says Laura Burdett-Munns, the managing director of Journeysmiths , a boutique tour operator. It’s home to a huge diversity of wildlife, most notably jaguar, she says. Jaguar are elusive cats, and historically have been a threat to the farming economy. “But we are starting to see the rewilding of areas of this watery wilderness just as we saw in many of Africa’s safari regions between the ‘70s and ‘90s,” says Burdett-Munns. Visitors to Caiman Ecological Refuge can expect fantastic sightings, but book this trip far in advance because lodges have limited availability.

New Orleans, Louisiana

St. Louis Cathedral in central New Orleans

“The dining scene is exploding with new options from all around the world, the Second Lines and musicians are back in full swing, and the festivals continue to grow — a local and tourist favorite, Jazz Fest, has even added an extra day in 2024 to meet the demand,” says AnaMarie Alejandre, an advisor with Chase Travel .

Luxury hotels are making their mark on the Big Easy, with the arrival of Four Season New Orleans and Nobu New Orleans coming in 2024. The growing museum scene is also worth talking about from Vue Orleans immersive tech diving into the city’s rich culture and the expansion of the National WWII Museum , which is opening a new wing called the Liberation Pavilion with rare artifacts and a recreation of the annex where Anne Frank’s family hid from the Nazis.

Panama City, Panama

Road in Casco Antiguo, Panama City

Panama City’s historic core Casco Viejo is experiencing a revitalization with new restaurants, bars, coffee shops and galleries, drumming up interest in the area, says David Kianni, the general manager of Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo Panama . Sofitel in 2023 brought its brand of French luxury to the neighborhood, a UNESCO World Heritage site, opening at the storied location of a former social club once visited by Queen Elizabeth II and Albert Einstein. The capital city, he says, is the perfect place to explore colorful historic architecture and the feats of engineering around the Panama Canal, or venture to secluded beaches known for crystal-clear waters and powdery sands.

Paris, France

The view of Eiffel Tower Paris, France.

Paris is a perennial favorite. But in 2024, the City of Light will become especially buzzy as it hosts the 2024 Summer Olympics, says Liam Dunch, a Europe product manager with luxury travel company Abercrombie & Kent . Next year will also mark 135 years since the completion of the Eiffel Tower, he points out. For those who have multi-city itineraries, dispatching to Normandy, next year will mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings, which is realistically the last major anniversary at which survivors may still be present, Dunch points out. Abercrombie & Kent runs a Tailor Made France: Paris & Normandy customizable tour that includes stops in Versailles and Mont Saint-Michel, a Gothic-style abbey on an island.

mexico oaxaca

Beyond the all-inclusives of Cabo and Cancun, travelers are venturing to other destinations within the country like Oaxaca, which has an incredible food scene, mezcal distillery tours, and design-forward hotels like Pug Seal, points out Nicole Cueto , a Fora travel advisor.

Another Mexico destination garnering attention is the Valle de Guadalupe, which has been growing grapes for five centuries and has more than 100 wineries along its cacti-studded Ruta del Vino. “As we look ahead to 2024, Valle de Guadalupe is poised to rival Napa Valley with its diverse incredible Mexican wineries and picture-perfect settings,” says Ho Ren Yung, senior vice president, head of brand with Banyan Tree Group which is opening a collection of villas in Mexico’s vineyards in early 2024.

destination voyage 2024

destination voyage 2024

15 Destinations for Your 2024 Holiday Radar

They’re a mix of old favourites worth visiting again, and less-explored, even once-forbidden regions that are now ready to welcome you.

We explain why, where and how these places should be on your radar for next year’s holiday.

destination voyage 2024

Why: Design-forward boutique hotels are adding a new layer of luxury, in a destination of phenomenal natural beauty.

Where: The most exciting new hotel openings are around the Yucatan Peninsula , where jungle meets waterways and a superb Caribbean coastline.

How: Flight connections from Europe to the Yucatan are rapidly improving but don’t discount a Mexico City layover. It’s one of the world’s most upcoming gastronomy and art destinations.

Burgundy, France

destination voyage 2024

Why: Exceptional gastronomy and intimate old-world hospitality in one of the world’s most prestigious wine regions. Now with a hotel to match the Pinot Noir.

Where: COMO Le Montrachet is a divine new hotel, modelled on a traditional 19th-century Burgundy village.

How: Burgundy is within easy reach of Paris , Champagne and the French Riviera . It’s prime for a road trip to France .

destination voyage 2024

Why: Gorilla trekking . Plus chimpanzees. And some of the world’s best new lodges. Rwanda is the trendy African destination many people are talking about .

Where: Volcanoes National Park is one of only two places in the world you can go mountain gorilla trekking . Add on Nyungwe Forest and a stay at One&Only Nyungwe House .

How: Fly to Kigali via Brussels or Amsterdam. Connections to neighbouring safari countries like Tanzania and Kenya have massively improved too.

Turks and Caicos

destination voyage 2024

Why: Huge infrastructure improvements are making it easier to reach the outer Turks and Caicos archipelago , where Caribbean exclusivity is quickly being redefined.

Where: Go west, to private island resort COMO Parrot Cay, the excellent Amanyara, or the new Rock House on Grace Bay Beach. Avoid Grand Turks to the east, where a new cruise ship terminal is being built.

How: The best flights to Turks and Caicos are via the USA . Add a New York layover for a city and beach combo holiday.

destination voyage 2024

Why: Why not? Antarctica is a very accessible adventure suitable for almost anyone.

Where: New and highly advanced cruise ships, like Quark’s Ultramarine, visit the Antarctic Peninsula. Or fly to an ice runway in a Gulfstream 550 and stay at a luxury White Desert camp , deep in the continent.

How: Elite Travel Designer Michal Pátek recently visited Antarctica . He said: “Antarctica is not difficult to do. My main recommendation is that you should set aside enough time to do it properly.”

Melides, Alentejo (Portugal)

destination voyage 2024

Why: Europe’s best beaches. Certainly Europe’s best beaches that are yet to be properly discovered. Designer five-star hotels have started to arrive here, like Vermelho by Christian Louboutin.

Where: Rolling vineyards, ancient towns, castles and wild nature add to Alentejo’ coastal appeal.

How: Fly to Lisbon and explore Alentejo. Or make Alentejo part of an even longer Portugal holiday .

Sumba, Indonesia

destination voyage 2024

Why: What other island combines deserted white beaches with ancient culture and stunning new accommodations? It won’t be long before Sumba is world renowned.

Where: NIHI Sumba and Cap Karoso are the two design-led resorts capturing global attention, especially for how they redefine a remote island holiday.

How: Holidays in Indonesia typically involve flying to Bali, but note the many other islands of Indonesia that could also be part of your holiday.

Basque Country, Spain & France

destination voyage 2024

Why : Basque Country is probably the world’s greatest gastronomic region. The beaches are fabulous too. And now there are direct flights from Prague.

Where: Bilbao provides the vibrant city experience, San Sebastian is the glamorous beach destination, and it’s easy to explore French Basque and the Rioja region too.

How: This is more than a weekend destination. Allow one week because there’s so much to eat and explore.

destination voyage 2024

Why: A sleepy island of pristine white beaches and gorgeous reefs, where the vibe is all about barefoot chic. Anguilla is a great winter alternative to the Indian Ocean.

Where: Cap Juluca, a Belmond Hotel , is our favourite property here and it’s located on the island’s best beach. The renovated Malliouhana can be a good choice too.

How: Fly to Saint Martin via Paris or Amsterdam. From here it’s a 30-minute boat transfer.

destination voyage 2024

Why: Spectacular mountains, fun-loving people, a hip capital city and ancient wine tradition. Georgia offers nature, history and unique culture, on the grandest of scales .

Where: Come to explore and expect to travel around. Georgia is an adventure destination where the lack of top-class hotels is compensated by the stunning landscapes.

How: Not so easy. That’s why we partner with Sky Travel in Georgia to create unique holidays here.

Sao Tome & Principe

destination voyage 2024

Why: Imagine a large volcanic island completely covered in jungle, where golden beaches remain blissfully without footprints.

Where: That’s a good question. This is Africa’s smallest country, made up of two islands in the Atlantic Ocean. Sundy Praia is the five-star tented beach resort you need to experience, on the island of Principe.

How: Fly via Lisbon . We recommend a city layover as it’s a great contrast to the remote island experience on Principe.

British Columbia, Canada

destination voyage 2024

Why: The pandemic helped many of us realise the power and beauty of nature. And adventures in nature rarely come on the scale or wonder of British Columbia.

Where: British Columbia also has a good collection of top hotels, so the adventure is easily combined with comfort.

How: British Columbia is the wow destination to build a trip around. And when you fly this far west it’s worth combining with destinations like California .

The Himalayas

destination voyage 2024

Why: New boutique hotels are helping to turn some of the world’s most remote mountain areas into luxury destinations for a select few.

Where: Shinta Mani Mustang by Bill Bensley is a new lodge in Mustang, one of Nepal’s least explored regions. andBeyond Punakha River Lodge is a divine place to stay in Bhutan. We also like Six Senses Vana in the Indian Himalayas .

How: Bring your sense of adventure. We will arrange the rest!

destination voyage 2024

Why: Wildlife numbers have increased dramatically thanks to 20 years of successful conservation. New lodges are creating a more contemporary, family-friendly experience . And the travel infrastructure has significantly improved too.

Where: An iconic safari will include the Maasai Mara plains, Amboseli in the south, and a private concession in the Laikipia Plateau.

How: Daily flights to Kenyan capital Nairobi via Dubai, Doha, Amsterdam, Frankfurt or Istanbul.

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  • Where to Go in 2024 Overview: Where to Go in 2024

The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2024

  • An Insider's Guide to Paris — Luxury Hotels, Vintage Shops, and the City's Best Restaurants Included
  • This Southern U.S. City Was Named One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024
  • 5 Coastal Towns in Alaska That Are Adorable in Any Weather
  • T+L's Review of Regent Seven Seas Cruises’ Seven Seas Grandeur
  • This Exclusive Helicopter Dining Experience Is the Best Way to See the 'Grand Canyon of Mallorca’
  • Belmond Brought Back Its Most Thrilling Trains Through Asia – Here's What to Expect
  • How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Montreal
  • Georgia May Be Getting Its First National Park Soon — and It Has More Than Just Scenic Trails
  • How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Costa Rica
  • How to Plan a Trip to Italy's Amalfi Coast
  • This Stunning Region in Portugal Is a Wine Lover's Dream
  • How to Visit Oslo, According to Someone Who Spent 6 Years in Scandinavia
  • This South American City Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024
  • The Caribbean's 'Nature Island' Has Rain Forests, Luxury Hotels, and a Rich Creole Culture
  • This Midwestern Gem Is Home to Barbecue, Music, and a Flourishing Womens’ Sports Scene
  • I've Lived in Las Vegas for 8 Years — Here's My Ultimate Guide to Sin City
  • Australia's Newest National Park Is Home to Dramatic Scenery and the Oldest Fossils in the World
  • This Might Be Japan's Most Beautiful National Park
  • How to Plan the Perfect Trip to New Zealand
  • This California Destination Has Charming Small Towns, Incredible Wine, and a Stunning Coastline
  • Fort Worth Has Great Modern Art, Cool Hotels, and a Vegan Dining Scene
  • This Underrated European City Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024
  • I Took My Kids on Spring Break to Rajasthan, India
  • This Hip Eastern European City Is One of the Best Places to Travel This Year
  • The Complete Guide to the Island of Hawai‘i
  • How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Florida's Anna Maria Island
  • This Luxe Colorado Hot Spot Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024
  • 7 Best Beaches Near Merida, Mexico
  • This Small Montana Town Is Built for Adventure Travelers Who Also Love Luxury
  • This Classic Cruise Ship Has Everything From Black-tie Galas to Fjord Kayaking Excursions
  • Where to Go in 2024 The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2024 An Insider's Guide to Paris — Luxury Hotels, Vintage Shops, and the City's Best Restaurants Included This Southern U.S. City Was Named One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024 5 Coastal Towns in Alaska That Are Adorable in Any Weather T+L's Review of Regent Seven Seas Cruises’ Seven Seas Grandeur This Exclusive Helicopter Dining Experience Is the Best Way to See the 'Grand Canyon of Mallorca’ Belmond Brought Back Its Most Thrilling Trains Through Asia – Here's What to Expect How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Montreal Georgia May Be Getting Its First National Park Soon — and It Has More Than Just Scenic Trails How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Costa Rica How to Plan a Trip to Italy's Amalfi Coast This Stunning Region in Portugal Is a Wine Lover's Dream How to Visit Oslo, According to Someone Who Spent 6 Years in Scandinavia This South American City Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024 The Caribbean's 'Nature Island' Has Rain Forests, Luxury Hotels, and a Rich Creole Culture This Midwestern Gem Is Home to Barbecue, Music, and a Flourishing Womens’ Sports Scene I've Lived in Las Vegas for 8 Years — Here's My Ultimate Guide to Sin City Australia's Newest National Park Is Home to Dramatic Scenery and the Oldest Fossils in the World This Might Be Japan's Most Beautiful National Park How to Plan the Perfect Trip to New Zealand This California Destination Has Charming Small Towns, Incredible Wine, and a Stunning Coastline Fort Worth Has Great Modern Art, Cool Hotels, and a Vegan Dining Scene This Underrated European City Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024 I Took My Kids on Spring Break to Rajasthan, India This Hip Eastern European City Is One of the Best Places to Travel This Year The Complete Guide to the Island of Hawai‘i How to Plan the Perfect Trip to Florida's Anna Maria Island This Luxe Colorado Hot Spot Is One of the Best Places to Travel in 2024 7 Best Beaches Near Merida, Mexico This Small Montana Town Is Built for Adventure Travelers Who Also Love Luxury This Classic Cruise Ship Has Everything From Black-tie Galas to Fjord Kayaking Excursions CLOSE Part of Where to Go in 2024

Where to go in 2024, according to Travel + Leisure editors — for cultural immersion and major travel bragging rights.

Since 1971, Travel + Leisure editors have followed one mission: to inform, inspire, and guide travelers to have deeper, more meaningful experiences. T+L's editors have traveled to countries all over the world, having flown, sailed, road tripped, and taken the train countless miles. They've visited small towns and big cities, hidden gems and popular destinations, beaches and mountains, and everything in between. With a breadth of knowledge about destinations around the globe, air travel, cruises, hotels, food and drinks, outdoor adventure, and more, they are able to take their real-world experience and provide readers with tried-and-tested trip ideas, in-depth intel, and inspiration at every point of a journey.

Well, you knew it was coming. This year, more than 20 Travel + Leisure staffers weighed in to create this hand-picked list of the places that thoughtful, curious travelers should consider in 2024.

These are the destinations that have captured our imaginations, the spots where T+L editors want to spend their own time in the year ahead. Among the picks are Canada's Métis Crossing, which headlined our October 2023 issue ; Istanbul, for which our editor in chief makes a compelling case ; and Paris, because there's a little thing called Les Jeux Olympiques coming up.

Other, lesser-known places are on the rise. Consider the small towns of Sonoma County, where new businesses are doing big things ; a remote corner of Australia, where expedition ships are the way in; a Himalayan hideaway where visitors are left breathless and not just because of the altitude.

We hope this list inspires you to see the world in a new way in the coming year. We'll see you out there.

— Edited by Paul Brady and Maya Kachroo-Levine  

Travel + Leisure

Destination by Category

For cultural immersion, ålborg, denmark.

Alexander Farnsworth/Getty Images

It rates as Denmark’s fourth-largest city, with around 120,000 residents, but out-of-the-way Ålborg might seem an unlikely international-travel hub. That's not stopping Scandinavian Airlines, which is betting on the compact, alluring city with newly launched flights from Newark Liberty International, which will run three times a week from April through October. The cobbled streets of Ålborg’s old town are lined with half-timbered houses and pastel exteriors; the attractively refurbished waterfront — where you’ll find the newly renovated Pier 5 Hotel — is another walkable district. The city’s rich cultural scene includes a modern art museum , an architecture center, and, a short drive away, Regan Vest 404 404 , a Cold War museum that opened in a former bunker in February 2023. Indeed, Ålborg is a gateway to the wider region of North Jutland, with its dramatic coastline around the town of Skagen, long a draw to Danish artists; windswept dunes of Thy National Park ; and 2,000-year-old Viking ring fortresses which have, at long last, been collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site . — Peter Terzian

Cartagena, Colombia

Sofia Jaramillo

A perennially hot destination, Colombia is coming into its own as a luxury escape these days, thanks to a ton of excitement in and around Cartagena, on the country’s Caribbean coast. In 2023, the city welcomed Casa Pestagua , a 16-room boutique hotel within a restored 17th-century building, in the historic center. Now, the same owners are working to open bungalows on Isla Barú, a popular day-trip spot, before the end of 2023. Sustainability minded travelers can find their fit at Blue Apple Beach , an eco-hotel on Tierra Bomba Island, just off the coast, that’s B Corp certified and generates half its power from solar, as T+L recently reported . In 2024, Disney's “Encanto”-themed tour of Colombia will debut, shining more light on Cartagena, one of the many stops on the itinerary. And there’s even more growth in the pipeline: Delta Air Lines is adding new nonstop flights to Cartagena from Atlanta in December 2023, a Four Seasons hotel is on the horizon, and the nation is investing in an airport expansion that will serve an ever-increasing number of visitors. — Susmita Baral

Eastern & Oriental Express, a Belmond Train

Courtesy of Belmond

After a four-year pause, this luxury train that crisscrosses Southeast Asia will ride again in February. Several new itineraries will be available on the revamped Express, which has 15 cherry wood–clad cabins and vibrant Malay-inspired decor. The Essence of Malaysia journey, for example, takes travelers from Singapore to Kuala Lumpur, with side trips to Langkawi, for snorkeling in Pulau Payar Marine Park, and Penang, among the greatest food cities on the planet. Alternatively, a Wild Malaysia option includes a stop at Taman Negara National Park, where visitors might spot a Sumatran rhino or tiger. “These ‘slow travel’ journeys give our guests the opportunity to rest their mind, rekindle, and reconnect,” said Dan Ruff, the CEO of Belmond. Much like a storied ocean liner, the majestic Eastern & Oriental Express is a destination unto itself, with a sultry piano bar car; an open-air lounge with wicker furniture where passengers can watch the Malaysian jungle rush by; and two restaurant carriages serving Peranakan food. You may not have had "eating laksa on a luxury train" on your 2024 bingo card, but you really should. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

Christian Kain

For one month between June and July, soccer — or should we say fußball — will take over Germany, as the nation hosts the 2024 UEFA European Football Championship. Held every four years, the tournament for men’s national teams will take place in 10 cities across Germany, including Berlin, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, and Munich. “This will be an incredible, not-to-be-missed moment,” said Sofia Markovich , a travel advisor on T+L's A-List who specializes in Austria and Germany. “I expect interest to go through the roof as this is a major sports event — second only to the World Cup.” Even casual fans should find the atmosphere thrilling, Markovich said, particularly those who happen to pass through game-day destinations while cruising the country’s rivers . One host city deserves a particular spotlight thanks to the new Rosewood Munich , which opened in October. Set across two buildings (one, formerly the headquarters of the State Bank of Bavaria, the other, a Baroque residence), the 132-key property is steps from the charms of Old Town, including the leafy Maximiliansplatz, and walkable to one of Europe’s most surprising surf spots: the rapids of the Isar River . — Liz Cantrell

Métis Crossing, Alberta

Amber Bracken

“This is not a place where you look at old things behind glass,” said Juanita Marois, the CEO of Métis Crossing, one of Canada’s most compelling Indigenous tourism projects. “This is an immersive destination where you experience the culture and the warmth of the Métis people through our land, water, skies, buildings, food, and programs.” The 688-acre retreat, which writer Carleigh Baker detailed in T+L’s October 2023 issue , is today home to a 40-room lodge, a cultural center, and campgrounds. Depending on the season, visitors can learn about traditional crafts, enjoy festivals held on-site, or head out for bird-watching, canoeing, or snowshoeing. A new addition to Métis Crossing is a collection of eight Sky Watching Domes , luxe stand-alone suites with panoramic skylight windows. From the Domes, Marois explained, “guests can listen to Indigenous stories of the night skies, see the stars, and view the aurora borealis." — Jalyn Robinson

Ocmulgee Mounds National Historical Park, Georgia

Getty Images

It’s not every day the U.S. gets a new national park, but 2024 could see this central Georgia destination enter the fold. Presently managed as a national historical park, Ocmulgee is home to large earthen mounds, including temple complexes, created by numerous Native American peoples over thousands of years. Should Congress approve the new designation in 2024, Ocmulgee will become the first national park in the state and the first in the U.S. to be co-managed by a nation whose ancestors were removed from the area: the Muscogee (Creek) were forcibly relocated from central Georgia as a result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. “We now have an opportunity to come back and not feel like we are visiting, but to feel like we are coming home,” said Tracie Revis, a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation and the director of advocacy for the Ocmulgee National Park & Preserve Initiative, a community group. The gateway to the park is the city of Macon, where the Muscogee (Creek) Nation flag flies alongside the Stars and Stripes, and the street signs are being replaced with ones written in both Muscogee and English. A particularly opportune time to visit will be in September, for the town’s annual Indigenous film festival . — Liz Cantrell  

Rajasthan, India

Aparna Jayakumar

India’s northwestern state of Rajasthan, with its wealth of iconic hotels and cultural attractions, is one of the best-known among U.S. travelers. It also promises new delights in the coming year, with several new addresses in Jaipur worth planning a trip around. There's Villa Palladio , a delightful nine-room hotel on the outskirts of town created by the Swiss-Dutch team behind Bar Palladio , an Instagram favorite in the city center. The Johri is a beautifully designed five-room property with a chic cocktail bar and organic vegetarian restaurant on the ground level, tucked away in a heritage townhouse in Jaipur's Old Town. Meanwhile, the Anantara hospitality group is set to launch its first-ever property in India next year. The 150-room, new-build Anantara Jaipur Hotel is designed with India's ballooning market for destination weddings in mind: it will have event facilities that can accommodate as many as 2,500 guests. In the meantime, the city and wider region are becoming more accessible than ever, thanks to a new six-lane expressway that connects Jaipur to New Delhi, a major hub for international flights. — Flora Stubbs

Shinta Mani Mustang, Nepal

Courtesy of Shinta Mani Mustang

A once-forbidden kingdom is now home to some truly palatial digs. Nepal’s Mustang district, which opened to outsiders in 1992 , is a place to watch in 2024 thanks to this stunning, 29-suite hotel, which welcomed its first guests in August. Shinta Mani Mustang, the latest property from the Bensley Collection, delivers the luxurious wellness experiences and thoughtful design that devotees of the brand have come to expect. Guests can spend their days trekking the surrounding Annapurna and Dhaulagiri mountain ranges, searching for rare wildlife like the Pallas’s cat and Tibetan wolf, horseback riding, and visiting local villages. “What caught my attention was that the outstanding aesthetics and architecture are in sync with sustainable and responsible tourism,” said Carole Cambata, an advisor on T+L's A-List and expert in Himalayan travel. “They sourced local building materials and used Indigenous construction methods.” The noteworthy opening comes at a time of positive change: in April, the Nepal Mountaineering Academy and the Nepal Tourism Board partnered on a program to educate the country’s first-ever class of LGBTQ+ trekking guides, CNN reported , in an effort to make Nepal’s hiking and climbing industries more inclusive. “Nepal is one of Asia’s most progressive countries for LGBTQ+ people due to laws that forbid gender identity discrimination,” said John Clifford , another A-List advisor. “Visitors to the country can even select ‘other’ as an option for gender identification on their visas.” — Samantha Falewée

Tallinn, Estonia

Nina Ruggiero/Travel + Leisure

This country’s literacy and secondary education rates consistently rank near the top in Europe, especially among women, so it should come as no surprise that Tartu, the university city to the southeast of Tallinn, has been designated Europe’s Capital of Culture for 2024 . Still, for first-timers to the Baltics, there’s no better place to get schooled than the country’s capital city, Tallinn: its walled Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the best-preserved examples of Medieval architecture in the world. PoCo Art Museum , which opened in May with pop art by Andy Warhol, Banksy, David Hockney, and Jeff Koons, is now one of nearly 50 art institutions in the city, joining Fotografiska (world-renowned photography), Kumu Art Museum (contemporary Estonian art), and Kadriorg Art Museum (early European and Russian art). After soaking in the culture, head for the Noblessner district , an industrial shipyard area turned seafront hot spot that’s now bursting with stylish cafes, shops, and Estonia’s first restaurant with two Michelin stars, 180° by Matthias Diethe . (You might also try a “ smoke sauna 404 404 ” at Scandi-chic Iglupark .) As for where to stay, the new Nunne Boutique Hotel has views over Old Town’s Towers Square . —  Nina Ruggiero

Warsaw, Poland

Christopher Larson/Travel + Leisure

The thriving contemporary art scene in Warsaw, which is home to art-circuit stalwarts like the Foksal Gallery Foundation and Raster Gallery , will get a big boost in 2024, when the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw finally moves into its own headquarters. Founded in 2005, the museum has burnished the city’s art reputation for two decades, with its holdings of both foreign and Polish work, despite operating out of temporary spaces. The new HQ will be part of a 22-acre arts district centered on the existing Palace of Culture and Science, a Stalinist skyscraper that towers over the city. The museum, along with a new 800-seat TR Warszaw Theater nearby, was designed by Thomas Phifer and Partners , the architecture firm behind other notable institutions, including the Glenstone Museum in Maryland and portions of New York’s Corning Museum of Glass . — Denny Lee

For the Food and Drinks

The austrian countryside.

Journey south of Vienna and you’ll find two of the regions that give the countryside of Austria its fairy-tale quality. Styria has rolling hills and hiking trails, with the medieval city of Graz at its heart. Mellow, rural Burgenland is home to Lake Neusiedl, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Both regions have a long, rich history of winemaking, and in recent years, have become the site of a burgeoning natural wine scene. Cult producers such as Winery Maria and Sepp Muster 403 and Alice & Roland Tauss should be at the top of any visitor’s list, as should Burgenland’s beloved vintners Gut Oggau and Meinklang . Then, round out a visit to the country with a stay at Rosewood Schloss Fuschl , a meticulously restored 15th-century castle opening on the shores of a small lake near Salzburg in spring 2024. — Peter Terzian

Mérida, Mexico

Itzel Garrido/Travel + Leisure

The capital of Yucatán, this city has long been popular with Mexican travelers drawn to its Maya ruins, cerulean-blue cenotes, restored haciendas, and incredible food . But it has a growing acclaim among international visitors — especially LGBTQ+ travelers, who often describe Yucatán as very gay friendly . Mérida’s historic beauty and laid-back cantina culture might explain why LGBTQ+ retirees have embraced the city in recent years, buying homes and bringing their friends along. Those not ready to make a full-on move will find lots of designer hotels carved out of stately mansions, not to mention wonderful shopping and plenty of food tours, both in the city and in the surrounding countryside, which is punctuated by haciendas, many of which host pop-up events or even overnight guests. Plans for a sprawling new “ Yucatán Central Park ,” with a food market and amphitheater, remain hazy, as does an exact timeline for the arrival of the ballyhooed Maya Train , which is nearing completion and should make it easier to hop between Mérida and popular seaside spots such as Cancún and Tulum. — Denny Lee

Sonoma County, California

Gentl & Hyers

More than double the size of Napa, Sonoma might offer twice as much to do. It’s not just about the wine — though with the addition of a new American Viticultural Area (AVA) called West Sonoma Coast last year, Sonoma County now has 19 AVAs slinging chardonnay, pinot noir, and zinfandel at established wineries, such as Flowers and Scribe , and new ones, including Vérité Wines . There’s also a long coastline to explore, from Bodega Bay up to Sea Ranch, where the dreamy, cliff-top Sea Ranch Lodge is newly renovated . Inland, the opening of Dawn Ranch shines a spotlight on Guerneville , a crunchy town along the Russian River known for its LGBTQ+ scene and proximity to the Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve. Tear yourself from the 22-acre haven, with tree house–like cabins, creekside glamping tents, and alfresco redwood tubs at the idyllic spa, to bike into town where the reimagined Piknik Market serves one of Oprah’s favorite biscuits . The changes coming to Sonoma County in 2024 are largely shaped by the area’s most famous chefs: in Healdsburg, California, Noma alum Stu Stalker debuted the plant-based restaurant Second Story, above Little Saint and down the street from Michelin three-starred SingleThread and chef Dustin Valette’s The Matheson . Restaurant powerhouse Charlie Palmer plans to launch his hotel brand, Appellation , in Healdsburg by the end of next year. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

For Big-city Thrills

Tessa Desjardins/Travel + Leisure

“It’s a classic Asian megacity: frenetic, neon-lit, and overwhelming to the senses,” said Jack Tydeman , a Southeast Asia specialist at Audley Travel and member of T+L's A-List. But change is coming to Bangkok, in the form of many megaprojects, including Dusit Central Park, which is slated to open in 2024, with the 259-room Dusit Thani Bangkok Hotel and a multi-terraced roof park. Also coming soon will be King Rama IX Memorial Park, a park that honors the sustainability initiatives of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Meanwhile, Lumpini Park , Bangkok’s original public green space, is getting a massive refresh next year that will add a new food hall, a vegetable farm, and a sports club ahead of its centennial. Even while sprinting to finish these new developments, Bangkok is finding time to slow down and prioritize wellness. Luxury travel network Virtuoso recently named Thailand as just one of five “emerging self-care destinations” worldwide, noting that “travelers are seeking a more spiritual journey, turning to Thailand for more than the traditional Thai massage.” The forthcoming Aman Nai Lert Bangkok , slated for 2024, is sure to deliver, with 52 spacious suites overlooking Nai Lert Park and a multifloor wellness sanctuary. — Susmita Baral

Courtesy of Cleveland Museum of Natural History

The year ahead has the Land set to shine, thanks to national and international events, world-class cultural expansions, and the rebirth of historic hotels. It all starts in April, when the NCAA Women’s Final Four comes to the state-of-the-art Rocket Mortgage FieldHouse and a total solar eclipse sweeps over the city on April 8, 2024. Cleveland will see even more action when the Pan-American Masters Games crisscross the city July 12-21. And in November, The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony, which was held in Brooklyn in 2023, will return home. Meanwhile, many institutions are in the midst of revitalization. The Cleveland Museum of Natural History is nearing completion of its multiyear $150-million expansion, with updated exhibits and new public spaces in University Circle. Karamu House , the nation’s oldest Black producing theater, will debut a new restaurant, outdoor stage, and an additional venue in the Fairfax neighborhood. The city’s oldest hotel will reopen in 2024 after extensive renovations as a Marriott Autograph Collection called Hotel Cleveland. Also coming is the Fidelity Hotel, a new boutique property with a speakeasy that's slated to launch in a landmark building downtown. There’s development along the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie, too, where paved hiking and biking trails are livening up a waterfront that has, for many decades, been underutilized. — Jennifer Salerno Yong

Fort Worth, Texas

Mariah Tyler

Offering classic Western experiences like bull riding, cattle drives, and stock shows, Fort Worth, Texas, is booming, bringing in $3 billion in tourism revenue last year alone. With all of the renewed interest in the city, luxury hotels are flocking to Cowtown’s Cultural District. The Crescent Hotel, Fort Worth opened in November, home to the first-ever wellness club by Canyon Ranch and a Mediterranean restaurant by Food Network chef Preston Paine. Bowie House, Auberge Resorts Collection , is slated to open its doors December 2023, with a tree-lined pool terrace, chic spa, and upscale chophouse called Bricks and Horses. Walking distance from both hotels is The National Cowgirl Museum , which will run a 2024 exhibit honoring the Mexican female horseback riding tradition of escaramuza charra . Looking ahead, the National Juneteenth Museum is scheduled to open in the city’s Historic Southside neighborhood in 2025. — Mariah Tyler

Turkey’s style capital is seeing a resurgence of life along the Bosphorus, thanks in part to the Galataport, the world’s first underground cruise ship terminal with a pedestrian promenade and the Renzo Piano–designed Istanbul Museum of Modern Art just above. Another neighborhood anchor is the 177-room Peninsula Hotel , spread out over four buildings, three of which date to the early 1900s. Highlights include a glittering pool facing the Hagia Sophia; a sprawling, subterranean spa; and Gallada, a rooftop restaurant from whiz kid chef Fatih Tutak, whose eponymous restaurant is Turkey’s first to earn two Michelin stars. The hotel staff wears posh uniforms courtesy of Arzu Kaprol, a designer who has a boutique in the nearby Paket Postanesi, a historic post office turned chic shopping mall. Also on the waterfront, in Beşiktaş, the lavish Çırağan Palace Kempinski has been reimagined by local interior designer Serdar Gülgün, with rooms that lean into Ottoman-era grandeur (think tulip-pattern motifs and mother-of-pearl furniture). Finally, don’t miss The Basilica Cistern, open again after a five-year closure, and now hosting contemporary art exhibits amid the ancient columns. — Jacqui Gifford

Kansas City, Missouri

Jonathan Tasler/Courtesy of Visit KC

World famous for barbecue and jazz, KC is now staking a claim as a global leader in sports and entertainment — and not just because of Taylor and Travis . In March, the Kansas City Current, of the National Women's Soccer League, will open the first-ever purpose-built stadium for women’s pro sports. “It will be a destination for sports lovers and will inspire generations of girls to follow their dreams,” said Katie Mabry van Dieren, CEO and curator of The Strawberry Swing , a brand that organizes events and pop-ups in the city, as well as Shop Local KC , a string of boutiques. The stadium’s construction has spurred other developments around the city, including the forthcoming Origen Hotel KC , a 118-room boutique property; the massive Berkley Beer Garden; and an extension of the free KC Streetcar that will serve the Berkley Riverfront area. Also coming soon is the country’s first entertainment district of its kind, the Rock Island Bridge , a reclaimed rail crossing over the Kansas River. “Visitors will be able to enjoy two levels of entertainment with food from two restaurants and three bars, plus a covered event space with a dance floor and open veranda seating overlooking the river and city,” a source told T+L of the High Line–inspired project that will connect Kansas City, Missouri, and Kansas City, Kansas. — Jalyn Robinson

Raf Willems/Getty Images

Just when you think Sin City can’t get any bigger, louder, or glitzier, Las Vegas turns it up another notch. On the heels of blockbuster residencies from Adele , Katy Perry, and Lady Gaga, U2 kicked off their inaugural stint at the long-anticipated Sphere this fall. Filmmaker Darren Aronofsky’s immersive sci-fi production “Postcard from Earth” will also show off the new arena’s 16K LED display, beginning this fall and continuing through 2024. Formula 1 and Netflix’s Formula 1: Drive to Survive captured a growing American audience for the international racing circuit, and the Las Vegas Grand Prix will hit The Strip Nov. 16-18, 2023, and again Nov. 21-23, 2024. It won’t be the only megaevent on the sports calendar: Las Vegas will host Super Bowl LVIII on Feb. 11, 2024, at Allegiant Stadium, marking the first time the game will take place in Nevada. Still not enough? The 67-story Fontainebleau Las Vegas will open in December with 3,700 rooms and a ton of buzzy restaurants, including a Casa Dragones Tasting Room and a Chinese noodle den from the restaurateur behind Wagamama and Hakkasan. — Elizabeth Rhodes

Louisville, Kentucky

Nick Simonite/Courtesy of Hotel Genevieve

The Kentucky Derby will celebrate its 150th anniversary on May 4, 2024, as well as the debut of the redesigned Churchill Downs Paddock, which is coming off a multiyear, $200-million renovation. Those that can’t make race day can brush up on the event’s history and culture year-round at the Kentucky Derby Museum , which has interactive exhibits on subjects like Black horsemen’s contributions to racing . Continue on theme at Derby City Hotel, a Canopy by Hilton property, which will open in downtown Louisville this summer with 168 rooms plus a rooftop pool and bar, or opt for another new property, such as The Myriad Hotel, Common Bond Hotel Collection , or the trendy Hotel Genevieve by Bunkhouse Group. Also coming in 2024 is “Ali,” a musical about the Louisville icon, which opens at the Kentucky Center for the Performing Arts in the fall. There’s news on the spirits scene, too, including the launch of Bourbon and Belonging – Kentucky’s Queer Bourbon Week, a statewide celebration running Oct. 3-6, 2024, that will have events in Louisville and beyond. — Elizabeth Rhodes

Alessandra Amodio/Travel + Leisure

As close as you can get to Europe without the transatlantic flight, this island city of nearly 2 million is newly relevant in the year ahead, thanks to forward-thinking infrastructure that’s made it one of the greenest and most visitor-friendly spots in North America. The Réseau Express Métropolitain, or REM, is a new automated light rail system that Canada’s Globe and Mail calls “ Montreal’s biggest public transit project in more than half a century ,” with a growing number of stations coming online in the years ahead. (All of them are or will be “ universally accessible .”) The Grand Quay, the city-center pier that many cruise ships use, has a new attraction in the form of the Port of Montreal Tower , a blocky observation spire that echoes the look of the famed Habitat 67 nearby. Meanwhile, the city’s bike-sharing program, Bixi, which launched back in 2009, is still going strong and now offers an all-you-can-bike monthly pass for just $14 that makes using the system a no brainer; the city’s 560 miles of bike lanes help, too. The recently renovated Vogue Hotel Montreal Downtown, Curio Collection by Hilton , and the new-in-2023 Honeyrose Hotel, Montreal, a Tribute Portfolio Hotel , join the four-year-old Four Seasons in adding a touch of luxury that had, perhaps, been missing in the heart of the city. That said, Montreal has more than 24,000 hotel rooms — and plenty of Airbnbs — across the metro area, which will make it an ideal last-minute destination for eclipse watchers who want to be in the path of totality on April 8. — Paul Brady

When Paris hosts 329 distinct sporting events next summer, the whole city will be on display: the first-ever Olympic Games breakdancing competition will be at Place de la Concorde; beach volleyball courts will skirt the Eiffel Tower; and the opening ceremony’s Parade of Nations will sail down the Seine River. The host city of the 2024 Summer Olympic Games (July 26-August 11) and Paralympic Games (August 28-September 8) will welcome visitors with a flurry of new hotels and restaurants. Chateau des Fleurs is an extravagant new stay in the eighth arrondissement with 19th-century style and an haute Korean restaurant. Celebrated hotel designer Martin Brudnizki just unveiled two projects : the 50-room Grand Mazarin , in the Marais, and La Fantaisie in the ninth. And the hoteliers behind the Hôtel Dame Des Arts , which appeared on T+L’s 2023 It List , unveiled their train-themed Hôtel des Grand Voyageurs in Saint-Germain-des-Prés in October. The legacy establishments have new life, too: Hotel Plaza Athénée , named the best hotel in Paris by T+L readers, has a French restaurant, Jean Imbert au Plaza Athénée, which recently scored two Michelin stars, to say nothing of the property’s brand-new Dior Spa. And the sumptuous La Tour d’Argent restaurant just got a sensational facelift. Meanwhile, “numerous museums and institutions will host sports-related exhibitions, films, performances, workshops, and kids’ programming throughout the summer,” writer Lindsey Tramuta reported in T+L’s November 2023 issue. For those in need of a sports break, La Galerie Dior and Fragonard Musée du Parfum are two new additions to the scene worth checking out. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

For Moments on the Water

Coastal alaska.

Cruising is back in a big way, and Alaska's Inside Passage is leading the charge. In 2023, the state saw ships including Regent’s Seven Seas Explorer and Carnival’s Luminosa for the first time, while Royal Caribbean recently sent Brilliance of the Seas north for the first time in years. The new Klawock port, on Prince of Wales Island, is poised to welcome large ships in the 2024 season with food and retail outposts, exhibits detailing Indigenous culture and history, and nature trails. Skagway, a well-known port that’s home to Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park and the scenic White Pass and Yukon Route Railway, is getting a 550-foot floating pier, which will allow the port to host two megaships simultaneously beginning in the 2024 season. Lately, that season has been getting longer: most companies run trips May to September, but Norwegian Cruise Line had October sailings in 2023, which gave passengers a look at Alaskan life during a quieter season. Considering Alaska is projected to notch 1.65 million cruise travelers on around 700 voyages this year, opting for a shoulder season trip in 2024 might not be a bad idea. —  Nina Ruggiero

Coastal Norway

Sebastian Lamberg Torjusen/Courtesy of Salmon Eye

Long known for its cutting-edge design and architectural marvels like the Oslo Opera House, Norway has lately doubled down on building big. “Over the last few years, we’ve seen a surge in new attractions,” confirmed Katrine Mosfjeld, the chief marketing officer for Visit Norway. In seaside Oslo, the new luxury hotel Sommero is a study in adaptive reuse, inside a landmark building from 1930 originally designed by famed Norwegian architects Andreas Bjercke and Georg Eliassen. Four hours southwest, in Kristiansand, the Kunstsilo , or Art Silo, is another repurposed wonder: the one-time industrial complex will reemerge in 2024 as a museum devoted to Nordic modernist art. Up the coast, in Bergen, Iris Expedition Dining is a new tasting-menu destination located in Hardangerfjord, inside a floating sculpture known as the Salmon Eye. North of the Arctic Circle, the long-awaited Six Senses Svart promises to be one of the hottest openings anywhere when it finally debuts. The ring-shaped resort, at the base of the Svartisen glacier, aims to be off-grid, carbon-neutral, and emissions-free, with a zero-waste dining program and a “design lab,” as the hotel calls it, meant to foster further innovation. — Taylor McIntyre

Douro River, Portugal

Courtesy of Tauck

As recently as a decade ago, almost nobody was talking about wine tourism in Portugal. These days, “you have to see the Douro River,” said Sheree M. Mitchell , a T+L A-List advisor based in the country and the president of Immersa Global. “It’s non-negotiable.” Mitchell’s preferred way to do it is on a yacht charter, which gives guests the chance to spend a few hours or days hitting quintas , or wine estates, and dining at Michelin Guide–approved restaurants like Castas e Pratos . Cruises are a more affordable option, and lines are expanding their presence on the river, which cuts across Spain and Northern Portugal before reaching the Atlantic in the city of Porto. Tauck , a favorite among T+L readers, unveiled the Andorinha in 2021, which will sail 33 wine-country itineraries in 2024. Another T+L reader favorite, Viking, will have four ships on the Douro in the year ahead, visiting towns such as Peso da Régua and Pinhão, in the heart of port country. And AmaWaterways recently announced a special November 2024 departure that will “explore the history of the Black and African diaspora in Lisbon and along Portugal's stunning Douro River,” according to the brand. — Maya Kachroo-Levine

Faroe Islands

This remote, starkly beautiful archipelago in the North Atlantic just got way more accessible. Summer 2023 saw Atlantic Airways launch nonstop flights from New York Stewart International, 70 miles north of New York City, to Vágar Airport, in the islands. “This direct flight is not only about easier transport to our great ocean nation, but a means of creating a bridge between two worlds,” Jóhanna á Bergi, CEO of Atlantic Airways, told T+L. The news seems to have been warmly received by U.S. travelers. Melissa Lee , a Northern Europe specialist on T+L’s A-List said she has seen an uptick in interest in the Faroes. "Previously, you could only get there from Copenhagen, or Reykjavik, Iceland.” Once there, a world of adventure awaits, with activities including cold-water surfing , traditional knitting , and hiking to places such as Sørvágsvatn, the so-called lake above the ocean . Then there’s the top-flight dining: the restaurant Roks in Tórshavn, the Faroe Islands’ capital, is an offshoot of Koks, the Michelin two-starred restaurant in Greenland which is presently on hiatus. — Liz Cantrell

Kimberley, Australia

Bruno Cazarini/Courtesy of Silversea Cruises

This destination in northwest Australia, also called The Kimberleys, is home to ancient wonders: dinosaur tracks; striated geological formations, some 350 million years old, known as Bungle Bungles; waterfalls and reefs that seem unmoored from time; and Aboriginal history from what some call the world’s oldest continuous culture . Lately, though, some of the world’s top cruise lines have caught on to all the upside and are racing to offer thrilling expedition-style itineraries that combine all this history with modern-day adventures, such as sightseeing flights by helicopter, paddling, Zodiac tours, scuba diving, and cultural excursions. Silversea will have its Silver Cloud in the region from May through September, doing 10- to 17-day trips, with a maximum of 200 passengers. Seabourn is also bullish on the destination, and its newest expedition ship, the 132-suite Seabourn Pursuit , will spend June, July, and August cruising the region. (Both lines are perennial favorites among T+L readers .) Also operating on this remarkable stretch of coast are several Australian companies , including Coral Expeditions and True North Adventure Cruises , as well as private yacht charters like those organized by Yotspace . — Paul Brady

The Mississippi River

Courtesy of Viking

New ships are bringing fresh interest to one of America’s most storied waterways, meaning now’s the time to consider river cruising closer to home. “The Mississippi River is such an important part of American history,” said Adam Peakes, president of Hornblower Group, the parent company of American Queen Voyages. The line will have two ships on the Mississippi in 2024, both of which are already booking up for summer. “Many of our cabin categories are nearly at capacity almost a year in advance,” Peakes added. Other brands are also betting on the river: the Viking Mississippi launched in 2022, with 193 Scandi-chic suites, all with private verandas; American Cruise Lines has launched three new ships on the Mississippi in the past three years. There are new draws on land, too. In Memphis, the newly completed riverfront Tom Lee Park has an installation by artist Theaster Gates and a pavilion named for Tyre Nichols; the expansive riverfront attraction — a collaborative effort from Studio Gang, Scape Studio, and numerous other architectural and design firms — sits just south of Beale Street and is connected to the city via the River Line, a walking and cycling path. Meanwhile Natchez, Mississippi, is these days “filled with surprises, thanks in large part to a cohort of young natives who wandered away and then returned home with new ideas,” according to Southern Living ; come December, the town hosts holiday markets akin to those in Central Europe, as T+L recently reported . In St. Louis, the newest 21c Museum Hotel recently opened in a renovated, century-old YMCA building, with numerous permanent art installations as well as rotating shows and a beautiful, all-day cafe. And, of course, there’s always New Orleans . — Paul Brady

Courtesy of Cunard

Few voyages are as iconic as a transatlantic crossing aboard a Cunard ocean liner. So when the new Queen Anne departs Southampton, England, in May 2024, expectations will be sky-high for the first new Cunard ship to launch since the Queen Elizabeth in 2010. The 1,498-cabin vessel is slated to sail to Lisbon and will then spend its first summer in the Mediterranean. It will also represent an evolution for the 183-year-old brand: Queen Anne will have four new restaurants, including an omakase venue and an Indian dining room, alongside more familiar options such as the Princess Grill and Queens Grill, all overseen in partnership with U.K. chef Michel Roux, Jr. A top-deck wellness studio, with yoga and other fitness classes, will be another noteworthy addition to the ship. A third distinction: Queen Anne will be captained by Inger Klein Thorhauge, the first woman to hold that rank for Cunard. For all the new, some familiar traditions will remain, including proper high tea service and, naturally, an outpost of the Golden Lion pub pouring Cunard’s own microbrews. — Paul Brady

Seven Seas Grandeur

Courtesy of Regent Seven Seas Cruises

Slated to launch in November 2023, Seven Seas Grandeur will be the sixth ship from Regent Seven Seas Cruises, a luxury line that T+L readers consistently say is one of their absolute favorites thanks to no-nonsense, all-inclusive pricing and fabulous suites. The newcomer will feature fresh takes on the elevated dining, shore excursions, and entertainment already found on ships such as Seven Seas Splendor and Seven Seas Explorer , said Andrea DeMarco, the brand’s president. “ Grandeur is inspired by our rich heritage, but we’re reimagining signature restaurants and offering 15 exceptional suite categories to only 746 guests,” she explained. Among the no-expense-spared features of the new ship will be a multimillion-dollar, 1,600-piece art collection that counts among its trophies a handful of Picassos and a custom Fabergé Egg. (Fittingly, the ship’s godmother is Sarah Fabergé, the director of special projects for the jewelry house.) Grandeur ’s inaugural season will be in the Caribbean, but it will head for the Mediterranean in April before returning to the U.S. in August. — Elizabeth Rhodes

For Nature Lovers

Amboseli national park, kenya.

Neema Ngelime/Travel + Leisure

This 151-square-mile expanse, close to the border with Tanzania, is famed among safari insiders for its big-time wildlife: Amboseli has a well-earned reputation for elephant spotting, with massive herds roaming the dusty plains, along with all sorts of other charismatic creatures including cheetah, giraffe, and zebra. Camps and lodges surrounding the park tend to be basic, which is one reason the fall 2023 opening of the richly appointed Angama Amboseli is so exciting. The second? The 10-suite lodge is the first spinoff of the Angama Mara , a destination hotel that's among the best safari lodges in the world, according to T+L readers . The new property, located about 45 minutes driving from Amboseli National Park, on a private wildlife conservancy, will offer game drives as well as cultural experiences organized in partnership with local communities. Another draw: Angama Amboseli will have unparalleled views of the peak of nearby Mount Kilimanjaro, including from private patios attached to every suite. — Paul Brady

Aspen Mountain, Colorado

Jesse Hoffman/Courtesy of Aspen Snowmass

The legendary ski destination is getting its biggest makeover in four decades this season, with the opening of a new lift, a high-speed quad known as Hero’s that will make accessible a fresh 153 acres of fluffy powder. The project will increase the mountain’s skiable terrain by some 20 percent, adding more than a dozen new chutes, glades, and trails for intermediate and expert skiers. “The quad is a game-changer for Aspen,” said Maureen Poschman, a spokesperson for the Aspen Chamber Resort Association. “The new terrain is a big area, it’s high-altitude skiing, and it’s a bit of a hedge against climate change,” she noted. Not that you have to be a pro skier to find something to love in ever-evolving Aspen, which experienced an influx of residents the past few years . The cultural calendar is as packed as ever; Balenciaga and Hermès now have shops in the heart of town; and scene-y restaurants, including a Sant Ambroeus coffee bar, keep popping up. Where to stay? Mollie Aspen is the newest luxury hotel in town, slated to open in December with 68 rooms designed by Post Company, plus a rooftop plunge pool and terrace, right in the middle of it all. — Denny Lee

Big Sky, Montana

Mark Hartman

Just an hour from Yellowstone National Park, this wild, wide-open area offers heart-pumping activities such as fly fishing, hiking, horseback riding, and skiing at every turn. So, thankfully, a new retreat from hospitality brand One&Only is slated to bring some rest and relaxation to Big Sky in 2024. Situated between Lone Mountain and the Spanish Peaks, the 73-room Moonlight Basin will provide convenient access to 5,850 skiable acres, with a dedicated gondola connecting guests to Big Sky’s terrain, plus a private ski lodge and a Chenot spa. (The resort will also have 19 villas and 62 private residences.) The first U.S. outpost of One&Only, Moonlight Basin arrives a few years after another five-star resort, Montage Big Sky , which opened in 2021, with 139 rooms, six dining venues, a bowling alley, a huge spa, and, naturally, ski-in, ski-out access. — Alisha Prakash

Hokkaido, Japan

Courtesy of Club Med

Travelers are flocking back to Japan , but in the year ahead, they should look beyond Tokyo and Kyoto. Hokkaido, the northernmost of Japan’s main islands, has a sterling reputation for food — its biggest city, Sapporo, is famous for miso ramen — and its Shiretoko National Park is a natural wonder with excellent hiking and photogenic waterfalls. Hokkaido is also, insiders know, one of the world’s premier ski destinations thanks to simply phenomenal snow . The center of the action is the village of Niseko, which has plenty of hotels, homestays, and resorts — but has gotten a touch easier to visit thanks to the 2022 opening of Club Med Kiroro. The something-for-everyone property has two distinctive concepts, Club Med Kiroro Peak , for guests age 12 and older, and the new-in-2023 Club Med Kiroro Grand , a family-friendly alternative. These all-inclusives are helping to eliminate the intimidation factor when booking a Japanese ski week, by rolling up everything from accommodations and equipment rentals to off-the-mountain entertainment and kids' clubs. Another perk? Club Med Kiroro Grand will also have the brand’s first-ever Japanese onsen alongside other wellness facilities including soaking tubs and saunas. — Danielle Pointdujour

KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Sven Musica/Courtesy of Madwaleni River Lodge - Babanango Game Reserve

This out-of-the-way South African province, sometimes shortened to KZN and located on the country’s eastern coast, is moving into the spotlight. “KwaZulu-Natal has two World Heritage Sites — the iSimangaliso Wetland Park and the majestic uKhahlamba Drakensberg National Park — and is popular for its beaches, safari parks, green hills, and temperate weather,” said Julian Harrison , a safari expert and longtime member of T+L’s A-List. It’s also home to an ambitious rewilding project backed by the Emcakwini Community Trust , which began reintroducing once-endemic species including black rhino, cheetah, elephant, giraffe, and lion in 2018; today, it’s known as Babanango Game Reserve . Harrison also points to other conservation efforts, such as those underway at andBeyond Phinda Private Game Reserve , which is monitoring critically endangered Temminck’s ground pangolins. The newly opened Madwaleni River Lodge is the place to stay, said Raza Visram , another A-List expert. “The intimate lodge has 12 beautifully designed tents that overlook the White Umfolozi River,” he explained. There’s also Sala Beach House , an oceanfront escape on Thompson’s Bay that writer Heather Richardson detailed in T+L’s September 2023 issue . Coming soon in KZN will be The Homestead , a 12-suite eco-lodge in the province’s western Nambiti Game Reserve. — Samantha Falewée

Mababe, Botswana

Dana Allen/Courtesy of Wilderness

Long considered one of Africa’s most exclusive safari destinations, Botswana has a huge array of five-star lodges, operated by the likes of African Bush Camps, andBeyond, and Great Plains Conservation. But the most compelling new place to stay isn’t one with high thread count sheets or over-the-top amenities: Mokete, a new safari lodge from Wilderness , is worth the trip because it will only exist until 2026, when the operator pulls down the tents and carries away any sign the nine-suite escape was ever there. The temporary enclave will be situated east of the famed Okavango Delta, in the heart of a 124,000-acre tract known as the Mababe Concession, which has considerable populations of lion, elephant, and buffalo, plus a huge variety of birds. Wildlife watching is the thing here, with all-day game drives and guided nature walks. Mokete is all about an elemental connection with the outdoors, down to the design of the guest quarters: each tent will have a retractable roof so guests can stargaze from bed — and hear the calls of hyenas from the surrounding bush. — Paul Brady

New Zealand

It’s time to take it off your once-in-a-lifetime list and just go : earlier this year, Delta launched service from Los Angeles to Auckland, and United Airlines plans to start a San Francisco to Christchurch route in December. That’s on top of an existing Air New Zealand nonstop between Auckland and New York City that launched in 2022 . “Any time of year is a great time to visit,” said Sarah Farag , a member of T+L’s A-List and the Auckland-based owner and director of Southern Crossings , a luxury travel firm. “Our summer months are always popular,” Farag said of the December to March period, “but those who come at other times are well-rewarded with captivating colors during autumn harvest season, snow-capped adventures and spectacular stargazing in the winter, and fabulous fishing and hiking in spring.” There’s a growing number of enticing stays, including the new exclusive-use villas at Flockhill Lodge , set on a working sheep station, and the Clifftops at Anderson Cove , a tented camp above the Northland coast. Christchurch has recently seen the opening of two new boutique properties, the sleek, modern Mayfair and the artsy Observatory Hotel ; meanwhile the beloved Huka Lodge in Taupo is getting a makeover. If the outdoors are a priority, turn an eye to the North Island’s Wairarapa Dark Sky Reserve , the country’s second, which was certified earlier this year, or the new Tom Doak–designed golf course which just opened at Te Arai Links . — Peter Terzian

For Beach Vibes

Anna maria island, florida.

Flavio Vallenari/Getty Images

Compared to some brand-name Florida destinations, this island south of Tampa Bay is way under the radar. But it's cultivated a loyal following, thanks to its no-high-rises shoreline, incredible sunsets, and small-town feel. Case in point: Anna Maria Island is a place where most people tool around by golf cart or beach cruiser, and almost all the sherbet-hued clapboard homes are vacation rentals. In an effort to keep things copacetic, the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, which works on the island, inked a partnership with Leave No Trace this summer, making Anna Maria the first destination in Florida to work with the nonprofit. Meanwhile, new developments fit right in with the vibe: Mello on the Beach , a hotel that opened in July, offers vibrant retro-style apartments on the Gulf of Mexico, while the villas of Joie Inn , which opened in 2021, still feel super-fresh. On the dining scene, the cocktail bar Doctor’s Office recently added a “dining room” to its string-lit outdoor garden, and coming soon to the island is Bohemian, a restaurant from repeat James Beard semifinalist Jeannie Pierola. Getting there has gotten easier thanks to growth at Sarasota-Bradenton International, which added nonstops to four new domestic destinations in 2023. A planned terminal expansion looks to be right-sized, too: the airport aims to add five gates next year. — Jennifer Salerno Yong

Coastal Campania, Italy

Courtesy of Hotel La Palma

It’s no wonder Campania — the southern Italian region that’s home to Amalfi, Capri, Positano, and Sorrento — is having a bit of a hotel boom: visitors have been flocking to this splashy coastal destination over the past few years. The renaissance kicked off with Il Capri Hotel , which opened on the island last spring, offering travelers a boutique option inside a neo-Gothic villa reminiscent of a Venetian palazzo. Next, Oetker Collection, the luxury hotel brand behind the celeb-loved Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc in Antibes, France, debuted its first Italian hotel in June: the glamorous, 50-room Hotel La Palma is a fresh take on a property that originally opened in 1822. Then there’s the new Convento di Amalfi , a 52-room Anantara with a cliffside pool, set in a 13th-century Capuchin convent. Airlines have also taken note of the increased demand: American Airlines 429 405 and Delta are both launching new routes to Naples next year, the former from Philadelphia, the latter from New York City. Lindblad Expeditions, meanwhile, will have its new Sea Cloud II in southern Italy this coming May, for an 11-day itinerary that will take guests to the ancient ruins of Pompeii and the Amalfi Coast’s most beautiful seaside villages, with a focus on Italian food and wine. —  Nina Ruggiero

Taylor McIntyre/Travel + Leisure

The land of pura vida just keeps getting better, which is why Costa Rica was just named T+L’s 2024 Destination of the Year . Surfers can find their bliss at the new, boho-chic Sendero hotel, which opened in February in oceanside Nosara, on the Nicoya Peninsula. A few hours north, the Four Seasons Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papagayo has added the new Virador Beach Club, updated its golf course (while cutting water usage), and opened Wellness Shala, a spa that offers healing treatments with local ingredients like cacao, coconut, and volcanic mud. Nearby, the community of Las Catalinas has announced a new mixed-use space, La Rambla, which will promote spending time outside and car-free living. Forward-thinking tour operator Intrepid Travel has launched new trips that shine a light on the Terraba community, one of Costa Rica’s eight Indigenous groups. Meanwhile local outfitters such as UrriTrek are now offering guided hiking trips on the 174-mile Camino de Costa Rica , a trail connecting the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. — Samantha Falewée

The self-declared Nature Island, Dominica has been voted the best island in the Caribbean for the past two years in T+L’s World’s Best Awards , thanks in part to its serene tropical rain forests, enticing hot springs, and gushing waterfalls. There’s also an ever-growing number of resorts and hotels, such as the InterContinental Dominica Cabrits Resort & Spa , which opened this year, and the forthcoming Anichi Resort & Spa, Autograph Collection , and Tranquility Beach Resort — Curio — a Collection by Hilton . Also of note is the new 32-nautical-mile Waitukubuli Sea Trail, which takes sea-kayakers along the island's western coast from Scott’s Head to Capuchin; Soufrière Outdoor Centre can supply equipment, an itinerary, and a guide. And there’s another element to Dominica’s story that’s capturing the attention of travelers who care about sustainability. The volcanically active country plans to commission its first geothermal power plant in 2024, and in the meantime gets about a quarter of its overall power from hydroelectric sources. It’s also home to what T+L has called one of the world’s most eco-friendly resorts, Coulibri Ridge . — Annie Archer 429 405

Hawai’i Island

Courtesy of Rosewood Resorts

“We welcome mindful visitors to Hawai‘i Island,” said Ilihia Gionson, the public affairs officer of the Hawai'i Tourism Authority, in an interview with T+L. Commonly known as the Big Island, the destination is planning for a meaningful 2024, with the help of returning visitors. “Travelers have the opportunity to help mālama , or care for, our natural resources and support our community to ensure a regenerative model of tourism that is sustained for generations,” Gionson said. The theme of mālama is more significant than ever this year following the devastating fires that impacted both Hawai’i Island and Maui in 2023. Those looking to support relief efforts have many choices, including the Hawaii Red Cross, the Lāhainā Restoration Foundation, and more 429 405 . Travelers ready to return might consider Kona Village, an iconic hotel that reopened in 2023 as a Rosewood Resort following its closure in 2011. “Each villa feels like your own little beach house,” Nicole Hollis, the interior designer of Kona Village, told T+L 429 405 . Various events are on the island’s cultural calendar in the year ahead, including the Kona Brewers Festival in March and the Big Island Chocolate Festival in April. — Christine Burroni 405 405

Los Cabos, Mexico

Mariah Tyler/Travel + Leisure

With its rugged desert-meets-ocean landscape, 350 days a year of sun, and stunning five-star resorts, Los Cabos isn’t exactly an unexpected choice for a dreamy vacation. But 2024 promises to be a big year for the Baja California destination, thanks to all the new resorts coming to Cabo del Sol, the 1,800-acre community just east of Cabo San Lucas with two miles of beach and two 18-hole golf courses. Four Seasons Resort Cabo San Lucas at Cabo Del Sol and Soho House Beach Club are expected to open in the first part of 2024; Park Hyatt Los Cabos 429 429 at Cabo Del Sol will join them by the end of the year. On the southern shore of the peninsula — and not far from the Waldorf Astoria Los Cabos Pedregal 405 405 , a T+L reader fave — there’s even more happening: the resort community of Quivira Los Cabos will welcome the 120-room St. Regis Los Cabos at Quivira by late 2024, with access to 2.5 miles of beach and its own Jack Nicklaus golf course. — Danielle Pointdujour

Mallorca, Spain

Lara D'Agostino/Travel + Leisure

The sparkling waters, delicious food, and laid-back atmosphere are all still here — and Americans are loving United’s summertime nonstop service from Newark Liberty International. In the year ahead, though, they’ll be visiting for the booming luxury hotel scene, which is poised to help this island steal the spotlight from its western neighbor, Ibiza. One must-see is Son Bunyola , a Virgin Limited Edition retreat on Mallorca’s northwest coast, with three miles of beautiful coastline backed by olive groves. Sir Richard Branson first purchased the property in 1994, as T+L recently reported 405 405 , but it only opened to guests this summer, with 26 rooms and suites, plus three villas. Nearby is The Lodge Mallorca , a Small Luxury Hotels of the World retreat that opened in May, which has wood-fired dining and extensive wellness programming. Then there’s the first hotel from 22-time Grand Slam champion and Majorcan Rafael Nadal, whose new Zel lifestyle brand has opened — what else? — Zel Mallorca , an approachable, beachy hotel in partnership with Meliá, the Spanish operator. Coming soon, said Clare Watkins, an expert in the Balearic Islands at Red Savannah , are more exciting properties: Four Seasons Resort Mallorca at Formentor will be a top-to-bottom refresh of a century-old hotel, while Mandarin Oriental Punta Negra, Mallorca, will have 131 rooms, plus 44 suites and nine bungalows, overlooking the sea just outside Palma. — Danielle Pointdujour

For Adventurous Travelers 

Alula, saudi arabia.

Didier Marti/Getty Images

Of all the ambitious tourism developments in Saudi Arabia, AlUla may be the most enchanting, which may explain why Qatar Airways recently launched new flights to the destination from its Doha hub. This huge sweep of red rocks and desert in the country’s northwest is home to Hegra, a 2,000-year-old archeological site filled with soaring tombs carved by the Nabataean civilization, the same one that built Petra, in modern-day Jordan. After touring ancient history, visitors can retreat to decadent contemporary hotels, including a forthcoming 36-room luxury resort at Hegra that will sensitively incorporate parts of an old railway station and fort. A short drive away, in AlUla’s Old Town, the contrast of old and new continues; the new 30-room eco-hotel Dar Tantora , for example, eschews electricity in favor of candlelight. In the year ahead, more fresh thinking will touch down in AlUla, courtesy of Wadi AlFann, or Valley of the Arts, a permanent showcase of works from big-name international artists. The best way to see it might be from on high, duringca April’s “AlUla Skies” festival, when helicopters and hot air balloons will soar above Instagram-worthy monuments. —  Jacqui Gifford

Bahia, Brazil

Marta Tucci

This coastal state, situated between the Amazon and Rio de Janeiro, is the sort of place most Americans never quite get to — and that’s a shame. Its coastline offers some of the most mythical surf-and-sand spots in the world, including Itacaré, which is home to the community-minded Barracuda Hotel & Villas 405 405 , and the boho-chic enclave of Trancoso, a place that “first captured the imagination of the international creative set back in the 1980s,” as T+L reported in the September 2023 issue 405 405 . “The beaches are some of the most picturesque in Brazil,” said Paul Irvine 405 405 , an expert in the country and member of T+L’s A-List. But, he added, there’s more to Bahia than the coast. “We’ve started sending our more adventurous clients to the Chapada Diamantina National Park ,” he said, “which has its own vibrant, off-grid hippy culture.” While high-end hotels in the area are in short supply, more villa accommodations are popping up all the time. One thing to keep in mind for 2024: Brazil stopped requiring a visa for U.S. citizens back in 2019, but the country’s tourism officials have said that the mandate will return on Jan. 10, though further details on how to apply and any fees have yet to be announced. — Paul Brady

Northern Pakistan

Courtesy of Intrepid Travel

The northern reaches of this South Asian nation have a growing profile in the adventure-travel world, thanks to striking topography, high-elevation lakes, and precipitous peaks. Consider that, in 2023, Intrepid Travel launched a 12-day women-only expedition to the region, a first for the tour operator, which has similar trips in places such as Jordan, India, and Morocco. Intrepid will return in 2024 — with departures in May, September, and October — taking women to ancient villages, alpine lakes, and historic forts; travelers will have ample opportunity to meet with locals in areas that would be off-limits if men were part of the group, according to Intrepid. Other outfitters are heading to Northern Pakistan as well. Wild Frontiers will debut a brand-new, 14-day walking adventure that will no doubt challenge the bodies and minds of those who are up for it, with several full-day hikes, some above 4,000 meters (13,123 feet). The payoff comes in the form of staggeringly beautiful landscapes — not to mention the chance to make connections with people you meet along the way and see historic gems in Islamabad, the trip’s jumping off point. — Alisha Prakash

Peru's Trekking Routes

In a country where all roads seemingly lead to spectacular scenery and historic finds, there’s much more to explore beyond majestic Machu Picchu. These days, travelers have more options for getting off familiar routes thanks to the efforts of companies such as Alpaca Expeditions , an Indigenous-owned outfitter that will lead its first-ever, all-women hiking trip on the Salkantay Trail 405 405 in 2024. Operated by women — including guides, porters, drivers, chefs, and other staff — for women, the seven-day adventure will include stays high in the Andes and cultural experiences such as cooking classes and farm visits that aren’t typical on more popular Inca Trail trips. Meanwhile the tour operator Intrepid Travel debuted in 2023 a 12-day expedition on the Great Inca Road in northern Peru. Starting in Huaraz and culminating at the Inca site of Huanuco Pampa, the trek will immerse hikers in this less-visited region’s nature and culture, including plentiful archeological sites. — Alisha Prakash

South Australia

ROBERT LANG/Courtesy of South Australia Tourism Commission

Visitors to this low-key state may feel like they’re in on a big-time secret with all that’s happening lately. The biggest news may be Australia’s new national park, Nilpe­na Ediacara , which opened in April and gives travelers a look at the oldest known fossils on the planet. “They’re about 550 million years old,” Mary L. Droser, an American paleontologist, explained in a recent interview with T+L 405 405 . Across South Australia’s wine country, meanwhile, hotels such as Le Mas Barossa , Sequoia Lodge , and The Vineyard McLaren Vale are gateways to the hundreds of vineyards and cellar doors just outside of Adelaide, the state capital. “South Australia is known as the wine state for a reason,” said Tim Duval, the winemaker at John Duval Wines . Travelers can learn about small-batch wineries (including Duval’s) at Artisans of Barossa ; sample eco-conscious shiraz at Bird in Hand ; and enjoy a tasting in The Cube, a five-story structure fashioned after an unfinished Rubik’s Cube, at d’Arenberg . Another notable stay can be found on Kangaroo Island, where the famed Southern Ocean Lodge is slated to reopen in December after the disastrous bushfires of 2020. — Samantha Lauriello 405 405

Tatiana Kashko/Getty Images

This small South Asian island nation has big things on offer. “You can cover a lot of ground in two weeks, with loads of variety in the landscapes, from gorgeous beaches to lush jungles to high mountains to historic cities,” said Catherine Heald, co-founder and CEO of Remote Lands, a luxury travel firm. This year, the tea company Dilmah opened two boutique stays under its Reverie brand, Kayaam House and Ahu Bay ; Sri Lankan–owned hotel group Uga is debuting Uga Riva in Negombo this November; and for foodies, Red Savannah recently rolled out a culinary tour of Sri Lanka. Political unrest in 2022 took the destination off the table for many travelers, acknowledged Rachel Cooper , a South Asia travel expert at Red Savannah. But, she added, "the new government has introduced measures to protect and encourage a positive traveler experience throughout the country.” — Susmita Baral

Where to Go in 2024

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Voyage Nos destinations coup de cœur pour 2024

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Nos destinations coup de cœur pour 2024

destination voyage 2024

Ce texte fait partie du cahier spécial Plaisirs

De nombreux collaborateurs du cahier Plaisirs prévoient de voyager à l’étranger en 2024. Afin de vous inspirer pour vos prochaines destinations, plusieurs d’entre eux se confient sur leurs projets de l’année. Nos fidèles collaborateurs vous donnent un avant-goût de leurs destinations favorites pour 2024. Deuxième et dernier texte de la série.

Escale islandaise aux îles Vestmann

L’Islande a connu son heure de gloire il y a une dizaine d’années. Et même si WOW Air n’offre plus ses vols au rabais au départ de Montréal, ce n’est pas une raison de bouder son plaisir. Pour cause : cette destination aux paysages uniques a tout pour plaire aux amoureux de plein air. Après avoir arpenté Reykjavik, la capitale, qui se laisse découvrir en quelques jours, ainsi que les attraits incontournables du Cercle d’or, c’est le moment de mettre le cap sur des lieux un peu moins conventionnels. À environ 150 kilomètres de la ville, les îles Vestmann (Vestmannaeyjar), au large de la côte sud du pays, offrent un panorama à couper le souffle. Haimaey, la plus importante de l’archipel, est accessible par le traversier de Landeyjahöfn, une balade d’une quarantaine de minutes qui rend encore plus plaisante l’expérience. Sur place : une forteresse datant du XV e  siècle, considérée comme la plus ancienne construction d’Islande, la plus grande colonie de macareux moines du monde et Edfell, un volcan récent où est survenue une éruption il y a 50 ans. Une randonnée relativement facile jusqu’au sommet permet par ailleurs d’admirer le village de pêcheurs d’en haut. Un musée documente autant l’histoire de l’archipel que celle de l’éruption surprise, qui a bien failli tuer toute la population sous la lave et les cendres en 1973. Une expédition pour le moins dépaysante ! Jessica Dostie

Paris : vivre l’effervescence des JO toute l’année 

Tous les yeux seront tournés vers Paris cet été, puisque la capitale française sera l’hôte des Jeux olympiques du 26 juillet au 11 août prochains. Ils seront suivis des Jeux paralympiques. Pour l’occasion, la Ville Lumière s’est parée de ses plus beaux atours et elle accueillera des événements uniques, dont plusieurs dureront toute l’année. Si vous aviez prévu un voyage à Paris durant la période des Jeux, sachez que les lieux ont été repensés pour simplifier les déplacements lors de cette période achalandée. De nouvelles voies  offriront 185 kilomètres d’axes routiers réservés pour accéder plus facilement aux zones de compétition en voiture, en taxi ou en train. Un aménagement cyclable de 415 kilomètres reliera également tous les sites olympiques, à l’exception de celui de Villepinte. La flotte de Vélib’sera augmentée pour s’élever à plus de 21 000 vélos cette année. Toutefois, nul besoin de venir durant les JO pour s’imprégner de leur atmosphère. Profitez de votre séjour pour découvrir le Parcours du marathon olympique, qui rendra hommage à la marche des femmes sur Versailles le 5 octobre 1789. Arpentez aussi un à un les quartiers des sites olympiques porteurs d’histoire. Leurs localisations sont indiquées sur le site de Paris Région. La Seine tiendra un rôle majeur durant certaines épreuves des Jeux. Des entreprises comme Bateaux parisiens offrent aux visiteurs la chance d’admirer les édifices emblématiques de la Ville Lumière depuis la Seine. Plusieurs réouvertures de monuments sont attendues cette année. Au printemps, la nef et les galeries du Grand Palais vont redevenir accessibles au grand public. La géode du parc de la Villette également, et elle proposera une expérience cinématographique au moyen de nouveaux écrans IMAX. Après une rénovation majeure, la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris rouvrira en fin d’année. Plusieurs événements ayant pour thème les JO sont aussi présentés. Le Musée du Louvre met à l’honneur une exposition intitulée  L’olympisme, une invention moderne du 11 avril au 16 septembre. Marie-Claude Di Lillo

destination voyage 2024

Hantée par la vallée des Fantômes

Hiver 2020 : je nourris le projet d’aller voir de près la fameuse vallée des Fantômes, dans le parc national des Monts-Valin. Je connais déjà ce joyau du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean, mais pas encore durant la saison froide. Je savoure à l’avance la randonnée en raquettes que je prévois pour le mois de mars. L’idée, c’est de quitter le refuge du pavillon Antoine-Dubuc, de monter dans le minibus sur chenilles, le  Fantôme Express , pour une balade avec vue panoramique de 45 minutes sur le chemin Bras-des-Canots. Ensuite, on entame le circuit à pied jusqu’au sommet du pic Dubuc, à 984 mètres d’altitude. À ce stade, la vue promet d’être époustouflante tant le paysage s’étire de part et d’autre sur les monts Valin, les collines du piémont et les basses terres du Saguenay. Arrive la pandémie. À défaut d’aller promener mes bottes sur les flancs enneigés des monts Valin, je grimpe régulièrement les 233 mètres du mont Royal, tout près de chez moi. Une chance dans ma malchance. 2024 : retour du projet de randonnée dans le parc des Monts-Valin. Fin janvier, j’irai assister au spectacle ahurissant de l’hiver dans l’une de ses plus belles déclinaisons : conifères emmaillotés dans la neige, frimas luminescent, surface vitrée des lacs. J’ai hâte. Nathalie Schneider

destination voyage 2024

Le Sri Lanka et les trains à faibles émissions

Après quelques années tumultueuses, le Sri Lanka voit peu à peu revenir les visiteurs. Moins étourdissante que son voisin du nord, la larme de l’Inde séduit par sa végétation luxuriante, ses plages, le charme suranné de ses gares et sa richesse culturelle. Bien que l’ouverture prochaine d’établissements de luxe risque d’attirer une clientèle plus fortunée, on trouve des hébergements pour toutes les bourses. C’est sans l’ombre d’un doute l’un des coins du monde qui m’ont le plus envoûtée. Du côté de l’Europe, le regain d’intérêt pour les trains de nuit s’accorde parfaitement avec celui, grandissant, pour les voyages plus lents. En décembre 2023, les lignes Paris-Berlin, Berlin-Bruxelles et Paris-Aurillac ont été ressuscitées. Mieux vaut toutefois réserver le plus tôt possible pour dénicher des prix raisonnables. Il nous faudra tout de même traverser un océan pour profiter de ces trajets sur rails à faible impact environnemental… À moins de filer en Floride ou dans l’Ouest américain pour tester les trains de Brightline et de voir du pays pendant la journée. Marie-Julie Gagnon

destination voyage 2024

Nerja et ses alentours

Se rendre deux années de suite au même endroit est un bon indice de l’amour qu’on porte à une destination. J’en suis l’exemple pour le sud de l’Espagne. La Costa del Sol est certainement la plus connue des côtes espagnoles. Mais il ne faut pas penser que cette « côte du Soleil » ne propose que des stations balnéaires touristiques. Tout particulièrement, la charmante ville de Nerja est un excellent camp de base pour explorer ce coin du pays où l’on mange toujours bien. On installe ses pénates dans un appartement ou un hôtel de cette petite ville côtière ou juste à côté, dans les condos qui dominent la berge. À Nerja, on déambule dans les rues étroites, on visite les échoppes et on prend l’apéro accompagné de   tapas. De là, par un escalier, on peut accéder à la plage de Burriana, l’une des plus belles de la région, entourée de falaises et de hautes montagnes. Le long de la rive se trouvent quelques restaurants de fruits de mer qui proposent de déguster le repas tout en ayant les pieds dans le sable. Cela pourrait suffire si c’est le repos qu’on cherche, mais, ce qui est bien avec cette destination, c’est qu’on peut alterner entre les journées de farniente et celles de découvertes. La jolie Málaga, avec ses musées et ses restaurants, est à environ 45 minutes de voiture, alors que Grenade et les majestueux jardins et palais de l’Alhambra sont à une heure de route. À partir de Nerja, il ne faut pas non plus hésiter à flâner à Frigiliana, l’un des plus beaux villages blancs de l’Espagne. Il est à l’image de ce que l’on s’imagine de l’Andalousie, où, à chaque tournant, la vue est à couper le souffle. Véronique Leduc

destination voyage 2024

Voyage à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador

destination voyage 2024

Les Terre-Neuviens-et-Labradoriens sont des gens fiers, chaleureux et avenants qui aiment rire et faire la fête. Malgré les distances à parcourir, explorer ce « pays » pendant deux semaines m’a donné l’impression de fouler une terre encore vierge, inaltérée. Ce fut un voyage captivant, parsemé de nombreux coups de coeur, dont celui pour la capitale, St. John’s. Avec ses maisons colorées, son université, son quartier Quidi Vidi et le lieu historique haut perché de Signal Hill, cette ville a tout le cachet qu’il faut pour plaire ! Angeline Demers, lectrice du cahier Plaisirs

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Introducing Our New 2024 Collection: 350+ Voyages Worldwide

Encompassing more than 350 itineraries across seven ships and all seven continents, our 2024 Collection invites you to explore the world like never before. Discover this sweeping collection of 2024 voyages to Europe, Alaska, Canada, Asia, Australia & New Zealand, Africa, South America, the South Pacific, and the Caribbean. The itineraries opened for reservations on May 4, 2022.

Destination-rich itineraries fill our latest collection with a captivating mix of marquee destinations and exotic new locales blended together in creatively crafted voyages perfect for discerning and seasoned travelers. Even better, more than 130 Grand Voyages are featured, combining leisurely global exploration with the comfort and luxury for which Oceania Cruises has become so renowned. Continue reading below for details on our new 2024 cruises in each of our fascinating world regions.

destination voyage 2024

Europe Cruises Our 2024 Europe cruises create our most expansive and diverse European season to date. With six ships positioned around the continent, the destinations are as diverse as Greenland and Iceland in the north and west to the Holy Lands of Egypt and Israel in the south and east and everywhere in between. Every voyage is a celebration of history, culture, and cuisine in myriad mesmerizing destinations. From the glittering jewels of the Greek Isles, Italian Riviera and France’s famed Côte d’Azur to the delightful hidden gems of Norway’s fjord-lined coast and the rugged outposts of Greenland and Iceland, these 2024 European itineraries are a study in diversity. Insignia , Nautica , Marina , and Sirena will spend the majority of the season exploring Europe’s northern reaches and the western wine countries. Riviera and Vista will call the Mediterranean home with a seemingly endless bounty of voyages to Spain, France, Italy, Croatia, Greece, Turkey, Malta, Israel, Egypt and more.

North America Cruises Regatta , Insignia , and Nautica will offer close to three dozen enticing explorations of Alaska, New England, Canada, Bermuda, and the United States’ colonial south. Regatta will reprise her perennially popular Alaska cruise season with a series of voyages that showcases the region in all its glory. Must-see destinations include Icy Strait Point, Kodiak, Juneau, Skagway, Ketchikan, Sitka, Wrangell, Prince Rupert and Victoria. On the East Coast, Insignia and Nautica will offer sailings to Bermuda, New England, and Canada’s maritime provinces from New York City, Boston, and Montreal.

South America Cruises From the lush and verdant tropical clime of the Amazon to the rugged, glacially carved coastline of Chile, South America is a vast continent brimming with thrilling explorations and vibrant heritage. Marina will sail the entire continent and will even take a breathtaking diversion down to Paradise Bay, Admiralty Bay, and Half Moon Island in Antarctica.

destination voyage 2024

Asia & Africa Cruises With more than three dozen sailings in the regions, Oceania Cruises showcases these intriguing lands in a fashion that has no peer. Riviera will chart her inaugural season in the region sailing from Arabia to India, to southeast Asia, the Philippines, Vietnam, China, South Korea, and Japan. Nautica will explore the Far East while also offering up a delightful array of voyages that showcase South Africa, Mozambique, Mayotte, and the Seychelles, and Regatta will offer a series of voyages that is a literal kaleidoscope of these fabled countries. There are also copious opportunities to explore singular countries or regions with in-depth immersions of Japan, Arabia, and Indochina.

destination voyage 2024

South Pacific, Australia & New Zealand Cruises Oceania Cruises is greatly expanding its offerings by having two ships in the region – Regatta and Nautica . Regatta presents an intense focus on New Zealand and Australia, including a 35-day holiday circumnavigation of the continent. There is also a cornucopia of voyages that follows the Southern Cross across the Pacific and up to Polynesia where Nautica offers a series of four 10-day sailings roundtrip from Papeete.

Caribbean, Panama Canal & Mexico Cruises Our season of explorations in the Caribbean, Panama Canal, and Mexico regions introduces an uncommonly diverse and creative roster of sailings. Itineraries include off-the-beaten-path destinations such as Bonaire, Dominica, Guadeloupe, and St. Vincent along with the beguiling yacht harbors of Gustavia, Rodney Bay, Tortola, and Port Royal, to name a few. Sailing westward, travelers can immerse themselves in the storied cultures of Mexico, Belize, Honduras, and Guatemala. Panama beckons with its world-changing canal, the colonial charm of Colón and the glittering, cosmopolitan modernity of Panama City.

  • New ports of call include Beppu, Japan; Bluff, New Zealand; Castro, Chile; Coron, Philippines; Djupivogur, Iceland; Gatun Lake, Panama; Heimaey, Iceland; Port Royal, Jamaica; Kumamoto, Japan; Limerick, Ireland; São Francisco do Sul, Brazil; Seydisfjordur, Iceland; Szczecin, Poland; and Taranto, Italy.
  • Itinerary lengths range from 7 to 82 days.
  • Hundreds of overnight and extended port stays.
  • Riviera charts her inaugural season of cruises to Arabia, India, Asia, Japan, and the Philippines.
  • Regatta and Nautica offer two dozen cruises to Australia, the South Pacific, and Polynesia.
  • Marina , Riviera , Sirena , and Vista offer 99 voyage choices throughout the Mediterranean.
  • Insignia , Nautica , Marina , and Sirena present more than 60 cruise options to the splendors of Iceland, Greenland, the British Isles and Ireland, the Norwegian Fjords and North Cape, and the wine countries and great capitals of Europe.
  • Regatta reprises her perennially popular Alaska cruises in 2024 with a selection of 7- to 23-day itineraries sailing from Seattle, Vancouver, Seward, and Los Angeles.
  • Insignia and Nautica offer fifteen 7- to 18-day voyages to Bermuda, New England, and Canada with departures from New York City, Boston, and Montreal.
  • Nautica and Marina offer 15 South America voyages ranging from 10 to 51 days.
  • Regatta , Insignia , Nautica , Sirena , and Vista offer an epic selection of more than 50 cruises to the Caribbean, Panama Canal, Mexican Riviera, and California wine country.

destination voyage 2024

The Evolution of Perfection – A Better-Than-Ever Experience Oceania NEXT is our continual quest to evolve and elevate the Oceania Cruises guest experience . It focuses on the hallmarks that inspire guests to return to Oceania Cruises time and again: Exquisitely Crafted Cuisine, Curated Travel Experiences and Small Ship Luxury. Reflecting the crisp sophistication of Regatta , Insignia , Nautica , Sirena and Vista , the sweeping Re-inspiration of Marina and Riviera presents a symphony of entirely new suites and staterooms as well as elegant public spaces imbued with a new light, airy ambiance. The signature onboard experience is better than ever too, with the addition of an extensive collection of new flavors and culinary experiences that transforms dining into a sublime experience and service into an art form. The gourmet cuisine has been entirely reimagined, from a bounty of new flavorful dishes at The Grand Dining Room to a Dom Pérignon pairing dinner that is the only one of its kind. Our newest ship, Vista , offers multiple unique firsts in the realms of dining and guest experience. Across all ships, holistic wellness encounters at Aquamar Spa + Vitality Center encourage a lifestyle of health and longevity, while new destination experiences such as Go Green , Go Local , Beyond Blueprints , Culinary Discovery Tours , Food & Wine Trails tours , and Wellness Discovery Tours by Aquamar encourage deeper explorations.

The Heart of the Experience One aspect of the Oceania Cruises experience remains constant and unchanged: our trademark warm and personalized service. Whether guests are sailing for the first time or the fifteenth, they will note the ease with which the staff remembers their names and their preferences along with the genuine smiles and enthusiasm that can only come from the heart.

Where will your heart lead you next? Tell us on Facebook which 2024 voyages you can’t wait to reserve.

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  • 2025 Polynesia Voyages: In-Depth Island Explorations, Natural Wonders & More
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Où voyager en 2024 : Les 7 destinations tendances

Dernière mise à jour : 17 juil.

Chaque année, nous sommes nombreux à nous demander quelle destination serait idéale à découvrir. Pour certains, les vacances représentent le moment le plus important de l'année ! Nous pouvons enfin nous déconnecter de la réalité et souffler le temps de quelques semaines. Il est donc important de choisir la bonne destination afin de ne pas être déçu.

Panorama de El Nido aux Philippines

Aujourd'hui, il est très simple de découvrir de nombreux pays dans le monde entier. C'est justement pour cela que la plupart des gens ont souvent du mal à choisir leur voyage idéal ! Dans cet article, vous allez pouvoir découvrir les 7 destinations qui seront tendances en cette année 2024. Elles ont été choisies en fonction de leur ouverture au tourisme ainsi que de leur côte qui est en hausse actuellement ! Cependant, il ne s'agit pas d'un classement officiel.

Le Cap-Vert

La Colombie

Les Philippines

Les Îles Canaries

La Corée du Sud


1. Le Cap-Vert

Plage à Boavista au Cap-Vert

Situé dans l'Océan Atlantique au large des côtes du Sénégal, le " Cap-Vert " est un archipel composé de 10 îles volcaniques. Depuis plusieurs années maintenant, le tourisme se développe petit à petit sur l'archipel et cela n'est pas dû au hasard. Le Cap-Vert offre une diversité de paysages naturels sublimes mais également une température estivale tout au long de l'année ! Les touristes sont notamment attirés par les plages paradisiaques mais également par les nombreuses randonnées réalisables sur les différentes îles. Les plongeurs sont également servis car la faune marine est généreusement fournie ! Cela ne fait aucun doute, le Cap-Vert sera l'une des destinations où voyager en 2024.

2. La Colombie

Panorama de la ville de Guatapé en Colombie

Situé au nord du continent Sud-Américain, la " Colombie " est un très joli pays qui possède une véritable diversité de paysages naturels mais également une culture très différente de la nôtre. Entre jungles, montagnes et plages paradisiaques, les touristes peuvent profiter de diverses activités en fonction de ce qu'ils affectionnent. Cependant, certains touristes craignent encore de voyager en Colombie ! Il est vrai qu'il fût un temps où le pays avait mauvaise réputation notamment à cause des cartels, mais ce pays d'Amérique du Sud a fait de gros efforts pour pouvoir accueillir les touristes en toute sécurité ! La ville de " Medellín " par exemple est devenue très touristique ce qui la rend beaucoup plus sure. Cette destination sera forcément dans les esprits de pas mal de voyageurs et c'est pour cela qu'elle se classe parmi les destinations tendances en cette année 2024.

3. Les Philippines

Plage de El Nido aux Philippines

« Une nouvelle fois, c'est la diversité des paysages naturels qui rend cette destination de plus en plus attractive. »

" Les Philippines " sont un pays qui se compose de plus de 7000 îles ! Elles se situent toutes dans l'Océan Pacifique entre Taiwan et l'Indonésie en Asie du Sud-Est. Cette destination est encore plus ou moins épargnée par le tourisme de masse qui préfère en règle générale se rendre à Bali . Une nouvelle fois, c'est la diversité des paysages naturels qui rend cette destination de plus en plus attractive. Chaque île réserve son lot d'émerveillement et de surprises ! La nature est abondante ce qui permet d'observer de nombreux animaux que ce soit dans la jungle ou dans l'océan. Nul doute que cette destination sera en vogue cette année d'autant plus que le gouvernement tente de plus en plus de développer le tourisme dans ce très joli pays asiatique.

4. Les Îles Canaries

Plage sur l'île de Fuerteventura

Perdu dans l'Océan Atlantique au large des côtes du Maroc , les " Îles Canaries " sont un archipel espagnol qui se compose de 7 îles volcaniques. Cependant, elles proposent toutes plus ou moins des paysages différents. J'ai eu la chance de m'y rendre durant l'été et de découvrir les îles de " Fuerteventura ", " Lanzarote " ainsi que " Tenerife ". Ces trois îles offrent respectivement des plages magiques, de très beaux paysages volcaniques ainsi que de magnifiques randonnées. Ce qui m'a le plus surpris, c'est qu'il n'y avait pas énormément de touristes ! J'ai pu en profiter pour découvrir les différents lieux immanquables et me reposer sur les sublimes plages sans être entouré par la foule. Les Îles Canaries ont malheureusement eu pendant de nombreuses années une image un peu ternie par les différents clubs de vacances all inclusives. Cependant, une fois sorti de ces immenses complexes hôteliers, cet archipel est tout simplement magnifique et cela deviendra une destination extrêmement tendance en 2024.

5. La Corée du Sud

Panorama de la ville de Incheon en Corée du Sud

Situé dans la partie Sud de la péninsule de Corée, ce petit pays d'Asie de l'Est devient une destination de plus en plus tendance chaque année. Malgré le conflit qui l'oppose à la " Corée du Nord ", il n'est absolument pas dangereux de découvrir les magnifiques villes coréennes qui renferment d'ailleurs de merveilleuses surprises ! La capitale, " Séoul ", est extrêmement bien développée. Cela permet à certains de profiter de l'ultra modernité asiatique. Cependant, la " Corée du Sud " possède également de nombreux espaces naturels pour ceux qui préfèrent la beauté des paysages. La gastronomie coréenne est très différente de la nôtre, mais réputée très bonne. C'est donc l'occasion de faire des expériences culinaires atypiques. La Corée du Sud ne cesse de se développer et de nombreux voyageurs risquent de voyager dans cette destination tendance en 2024 !

6. L'Albanie

Ksamil Beach en Albanie

« Les amoureux de la nature sont également servis avec des littoraux sublimes et des paysages à couper le souffle. »

Situé le long de la Mer Adriatique et de la Mer Ionienne dans le Sud-Est de l'Europe, " l'Albanie " est un petit pays qui a su s'ouvrir au tourisme il y a maintenant quelques années. En effet, il suffit de quelques heures d'avion pour se retrouver dans un pays qui propose une véritable richesse culturelle notamment avec de majestueux châteaux... Les amoureux de la nature sont également servis avec des littoraux sublimes et des paysages à couper le souffle. Cette destination offre un véritable dépaysement à ses touristes pour un prix assez alléchant. C'est pour ces raisons que l'Albanie fera partie de ces destinations très tendances tout au long de l'année 2024.

7. La Suède

Panorama de la ville de Kiruna en Suède

Situé en Scandinavie, la Suède fait partie de ces pays qui fascinent les voyageurs notamment pour leur mode de vie très sain. De nombreux touristes apprécient se rendre en Suède afin de se déconnecter de leur quotidien et se rapprocher de la nature mais également d'un mode de vie différent du leur. J'ai eu la chance en fin d'année de me rendre à " Stockholm " et malgré le froid, j'ai vraiment apprécié l'atmosphère que cette capitale peut offrir. Les bâtiments sont très modernes ce qui en fait une ville plutôt agréable à visiter. Le Nord de la Suède est totalement différent car durant l'hiver, la neige transforme les paysages en véritable carte postale. Comme je le disais en introduction, les voyageurs cherchent avant tout la destination idéale afin de se déconnecter de leur quotidien. C'est justement pour cela que la Suède fait partie de ces destinations qui seront tendances en 2024.

Le mot de la fin sur les destinations tendances où voyager en 2024...

En conclusion, chaque voyageur a ses propres critères afin de choisir la destination qui lui convient le mieux. Certains vont préférer lézarder sur des plages de sable blanc pendant que d'autres préféreront découvrir la culture et ressentir le dépaysement que peut offrir un pays. Ce classement vous propose différents types de voyages et j'espère qu'il vous aidera à trouver la prochaine destination de vos rêves ! N'hésitez pas à partager en commentaire les destinations qui sont pour vous les plus tendances actuellement. Cela pourrait me permettre de faire de belles découvertes en vue d'un futur voyage ! Vous pouvez également suivre mes aventures à travers le monde sur mes réseaux sociaux !

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Les 10 destinations incontournables pour 2024

L’année 2024 s’annonce riche en découvertes pour les voyageurs. Chacun cherche son aventure, qu’elle soit sur des plages de sable fin, au cœur de paysages montagneux , ou près de sources chaudes apaisantes. Les destinations incontournables de cette année promettent des expériences uniques, mêlant culture, nature et gastronomie. De Tokyo à Paris, du Costa Rica à la Sicile, le monde ouvre ses portes aux explorateurs. Préparez-vous à vivre des moments inoubliables dans ces lieux exceptionnels.

1. Tokyo, Japon

En 2024, Tokyo se révèle comme une destination incontournable . La ville fusionne harmonieusement le passé et le futur. D’un côté, les temples anciens comme Senso-ji témoignent d’une histoire riche. De l’autre, Shibuya et Shinjuku illustrent le dynamisme urbain. Tokyo brille aussi par ses sources chaudes , notamment celles d’Odaiba, offrant détente et vue sur la baie.

La gastronomie n’est pas en reste. Des sushis de Tsukiji aux ramens d’Ikebukuro, chaque repas est une découverte. En outre, le parc Ueno et le jardin impérial offrent des échappées vertes en plein cœur de la métropole. Ainsi, Tokyo promet une expérience complète, alliant culture, détente et gastronomie.


2. Paris, France

Paris, en 2024, continue de charmer ses visiteurs. La ville lumière est célèbre pour son riche patrimoine . La Tour Eiffel, Notre-Dame, et le Sacré-Cœur sont des icônes mondialement reconnues. Mais Paris, c’est aussi des quartiers vivants comme le Marais et Montmartre. Chacun offre une atmosphère unique, entre cafés historiques et galeries d’art. La Seine, avec ses bords aménagés, invite à la flânerie.

Côté gastronomie, les bistrots parisiens servent des plats emblématiques comme le coq au vin et le boeuf bourguignon. Le Louvre et le musée d’Orsay, quant à eux, ravissent les amateurs d’art. Paris, en embrassant son passé tout en se tournant vers l’avenir, reste une destination incontournable pour une escapade culturelle et gastronomique.


3. Le Caire, Égypte

Le Caire se présente comme une destination incontournable pour 2024. Cette ville, riche de son patrimoine culturel , accueille les voyageurs avec les majestueuses pyramides de Gizeh. De plus, le Sphinx veille sur l’histoire millénaire de l’Égypte. Le Musée égyptien du Caire dévoile trésors anciens et momies, offrant un voyage à travers le temps.

Pour les gourmets, le koshari, plat traditionnel, promet une expérience culinaire authentique. Le souk de Khan el-Khalili, quant à lui, invite à la découverte d’artisanats locaux. Ainsi, Le Caire offre une immersion dans l’histoire, enrichie par la gastronomie et le commerce traditionnel.

Le Caire

4. La Patagonie, Argentine et Chili

La Patagonie, partagée entre l’Argentine et le Chili, est une destination incontournable pour les amoureux de la nature en 2024. Cette région propose des paysages montagneux à couper le souffle, notamment dans le parc national Torres del Paine. Les glaciers, comme le Perito Moreno, offrent des spectacles naturels grandioses. Les amateurs de randonnée exploreront le Fitz Roy pour des vues imprenables.

Côté cuisine, le barbecue patagonien, ou asado, ravira les palais en quête de saveurs authentiques. La Patagonie est aussi un havre pour la faune sauvage, avec des guanacos et des condors. En somme, cette région invite à l’aventure dans un cadre naturel préservé, où la découverte et la gastronomie se rencontrent.


5. Bhoutan, Asie du Sud

Le Bhoutan se distingue comme une destination incontournable en 2024. Ce royaume himalayen préserve son patrimoine culturel avec soin. Le monastère de Taktshang, accroché à une falaise, en est un exemple frappant. Par ailleurs, la capitale Thimphou offre un mélange unique de modernité et de traditions. Les dzongs, forteresses monastiques, dominent le paysage. Le Bhoutan est aussi célèbre pour son engagement envers le développement durable .

Les visiteurs peuvent explorer des paysages montagneux lors de randonnées éco-responsables. La cuisine bhoutanaise, avec des plats comme l’Ema Datshi, ravit les palais en quête d’authenticité. Ainsi, le Bhoutan invite à une immersion dans une culture préservée, au cœur de la nature.


6. Séoul, Corée du Sud

Séoul, en 2024, se révèle être une métropole dynamique et une destination incontournable . La ville allie harmonieusement futurisme et traditions. Le palais Gyeongbokgung témoigne de l’histoire royale, tandis que le quartier de Gangnam illustre le modernisme. Séoul est également un paradis pour les gourmets. Des rues de Myeong-dong, célèbres pour le street food, aux restaurants étoilés Michelin, chaque repas est une découverte.

Le bibimbap et le kimchi sont des incontournables. Pour les amateurs de shopping, Dongdaemun offre une expérience sans pareille. Enfin, la rivière Han et le parc Namsan offrent des espaces de détente en plein cœur urbain. Séoul promet donc une expérience riche, mêlant culture, gastronomie et détente.

Séoul, destination intournable

7. Costa Rica, Amérique Centrale

Le Costa Rica s’impose comme une destination incontournable pour les voyageurs en quête de nature et d’aventure en 2024. Ce pays est un pionnier du développement durable , offrant des expériences écologiques uniques. Le Parc National Manuel Antonio, avec ses plages immaculées et sa faune diversifiée, en est un parfait exemple.

De plus, le Costa Rica abrite des sources chaudes naturelles, notamment à Arenal, où détente et beauté naturelle se rencontrent. La cuisine costaricaine, avec le casado comme plat typique, promet des saveurs authentiques. Entre les forêts de nuages de Monteverde et les plages de sable de la côte pacifique, le Costa Rica offre une diversité de paysages. Ainsi, ce pays est une invitation à l’aventure, au cœur d’un environnement préservé.

Costa-Rica destination incontournable

8. Sicile, Italie

La Sicile, joyau de la Méditerranée, se révèle être une destination incontournable en 2024. Cette île est riche d’un patrimoine culturel exceptionnel, avec des sites comme la Vallée des Temples et le théâtre antique de Taormine. La Sicile est également célèbre pour ses plages de sable fin, comme celles de Cefalù, offrant détente et paysages idylliques.

La cuisine sicilienne, avec des spécialités comme l’arancini et le cannolo, est un festin pour les sens. Les vignobles de l’Etna proposent des dégustations de vins locaux, dans un cadre volcanique unique. De Palerme à Syracuse, la Sicile invite à un voyage à travers l’histoire, la gastronomie et la beauté naturelle. Ainsi, l’île promet une expérience riche et variée, mêlant culture, gastronomie et détente au bord de la mer.

Cefallu Italie destination intournable

9. Nouvelle-Zélande

La Nouvelle-Zélande se confirme comme une destination incontournable pour les amoureux de la nature en 2024. Ce pays, synonyme d’aventure, offre des paysages montagneux spectaculaires, notamment dans le parc national de Fiordland. Les fjords de Milford Sound, avec leurs eaux miroitantes et leurs falaises abruptes, en sont le joyau.

En outre, la Nouvelle-Zélande est réputée pour ses activités de plein air, comme le saut à l’élastique à Queenstown. La culture maorie enrichit également l’expérience des visiteurs, avec des possibilités de découvrir l’haka et de déguster un hangi, plat traditionnel cuit dans la terre. Les plages dorées de la région de Bay of Plenty invitent à la détente après l’aventure. Ainsi, la Nouvelle-Zélande offre un mélange parfait d’émotions fortes, de découvertes culturelles et de détente.

nouvelle Zélande

10. Québec, Canada

Le Québec, avec son charme européen en Amérique du Nord, est une destination incontournable en 2024. Cette province canadienne se distingue par sa culture francophone et son patrimoine culturel riche. La ville de Québec, avec son Vieux-Québec classé au patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, est un exemple vivant d’histoire. Montréal, quant à elle, offre une scène artistique et gastronomique vibrante.

Les visiteurs peuvent y savourer la poutine, plat emblématique de la province. Le Québec est aussi une terre d’aventure, avec des forêts, des lacs et des paysages montagneux dans des régions comme les Laurentides. Le parc national de la Gaspésie invite à la randonnée et à l’observation de la faune. En somme, le Québec propose une expérience diversifiée, alliant culture, gastronomie et nature.

destination voyage 2024

En somme, les destinations incontournables pour 2024 offrent un éventail d’expériences pour tous les goûts. Que vous soyez attiré par l’aventure, la culture ou la détente, chaque lieu promet des souvenirs impérissables. L’engagement envers le développement durable enrichit ces voyages, assurant des découvertes respectueuses de l’environnement. Alors, que ce soit en Nouvelle-Zélande ou au Québec, préparez-vous à explorer, à apprendre et surtout, à vous émerveiller.


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The 24 Best Places to Go in 2024

The 24 best places to go in 2024

All products are independently selected by our editors. If you buy something, we may earn an affiliate commission.

This is part of our global guide to the Best Places to Go in 2024 – find more travel inspiration for next year, organised by continent, here .

In considering the destinations that excite us the most for 2024, there’s an overarching sense of possibility.

When the last corners of Asia fully reopened their borders earlier this year, the pandemic's claim on our travels finally fell away. We, as travellers, are now more able to set our sights on the farthest-reaching adventures , to dust off our bucket lists – and in many cases, return to the places we love and miss. The world remains an unpredictable and complicated place in many ways. Yet, in being reminded that travel is the greatest of luxuries, we are forced to ask the question: what should we do with our enviable power to traverse the globe in 2024? Where, we wonder, will we go first?

There are so many compelling reasons to take travel far and wide in the year ahead. Emerging boutique hotels, wellness resorts, and expedition cruises , as they vie for travellers’ bookings with new offerings, are being forced to carefully consider what it means to be relevant and exciting, yes, but also sustainable. Destinations are setting their sights on everything from pioneering eco-tourism initiatives to restorative land stewardship efforts, handing back narratives to Native communities that thread their past with their future. As for us, travellers? We get to take our pick.

To help you find the trip worth your vacation days, we’ve collaborated with Condé Nast Traveller editors from around the globe. For months we have researched, debated, and vetted, from a large pool of fantastic cities, regions, and countries with new reasons to visit. The result is this: our definitive guide to the 24 best places to go in 2024. It includes extraordinary superblooms in a new national park in Chile, up-close encounters with wildlife alongside Inuit guides in Canada, and an exciting, community-led dining destination in Rwanda . This complete list, while an immense challenge to narrow down, mirrors just how big, beautiful, diverse – and ever-changing – our world is.

Here are the 24 places that we believe should be on every traveller's radar for the year ahead. We can’t wait to see where you go. – Arati Menon and Megan Spurrell

All listings featured on Condé Nast Traveller are independently selected by our editors. If you book something through our links, we may earn an affiliate commission.

The Best Places to Go in 2024

Budapest, hungary.

Go for: a fresh take on the 150 year-old city

As the city of Budapest turns 150 an overwhelming sense of oldmeetsnew is inspired by historic attractions living...

As the city of Budapest turns 150, an overwhelming sense of old-meets-new is inspired by historic attractions living alongside just-opened hotels (such as the art deco-inspired W, above), and the futuristic House of Music Hungary.

Renowned for its architecture, the Hungarian capital is home to everything from art nouveau and neoclassical to gothic and baroque, with the Blue Danube connecting it all like a ribbon. And then there are the mineral-rich thermal baths, featuring ornate design flourishes. The city also buzzes with creativity, which spills over into the vibrant nightlife; the ruin bars district is a tangible example of crafting opportunity from the ashes of adversity following the brutality of Communist rule. November 2023 marks 150 years since the previously divided cities of Buda, Pest, and Obuda were unified, as well as a series of cultural events. The Chain Bridge – the city’s oldest and a “symbol of togetherness,” according to Mayor Gergely Karácsony – has fully reopened after a two-year restoration, granting excellent views of Buda Castle and the Hungarian Parliament Building. New builds such as the spectacular House of Music Hungary and the National Athletics Centre (the central stadium for 2023’s World Athletics Championships) are testament to a city with optimism for its next 150 years. The art deco W Budapest – formerly a palace and on a UNESCO World Heritage-listed street – opened in July 2023 opposite the Hungarian State Opera. Also in the Marriott portfolio is the Dorothea Hotel , with its 216 rooms and glamorous rooftop restaurant. In keeping with the musical events celebrating the 150th anniversary, the 2022 opening of the Hard Rock Hotel – Eastern Europe’s first – combines musical memorabilia (Prince’s faux-fur coat in a shade of, unsurprisingly, purple) with an in-thick-of-it location on Nagymező Street, Budapest ’s legendary louche entertainment strip. – Sarah Rodrigues

Cyclades, Greece

Go for: salty-air island-hopping made easier than ever

Stylish boutique hotel Kalesma Mykonos is opening a spa in 2024 marking a hotel boom throughout the cluster of islands...

Stylish boutique hotel Kalesma Mykonos is opening a spa in 2024, marking a hotel boom throughout the cluster of islands known as the Cyclades.

It will be easy to hop between Kalesma and islands like Mykonos Santorini Paros Milos and Ios thanks to new flights to...

It will be easy to hop between Kalesma and islands like Mykonos, Santorini, Paros, Milos, and Ios, thanks to new flights to and throughout the dazzling blue archipelago.

Is there anywhere more popular than the Greek islands right now? This past summer, the Cyclades – an island group that includes Mykonos , Santorini , Paros, Milos , and Ios – dominated social-media feeds with beautiful blue and white backdrops, thrilling beach clubs and nightclubs, and unparalleled shopping. With more smart stays being unveiled in 2024, as well as new flights, next summer is the time to make a Cyclades trip happen. Etihad, British Airways and Saudia added new routes to various Greek islands in 2023, plus the 2022 launch of Cycladic , the first inter-island airline, means it’s easier than ever to get there. Hotel business is booming. Santo Pure in Oia on Santorini has just added 20 new suites, and next year it will be joined by sister hotel Santo Mine , a 37-suite luxury resort. Slick boutique hotel Kalesma on Mykonos will launch its spa for the 2024 season, including a hammam and cryotherapy area. Five-star, 80-acre Gundari Resort will open on Folegandros next May, while a new One&Only property will come to Kea in April. Such plush hotels are rare on these islands, expanding the options for luxury stays in the Cyclades. – Ali Wunderman

Yorkshire, United Kingdom

Go for: star chefs leading a foodie revolution

Picturesque scenery is complemented by a wave of memorable dining from Michelin starwielding chefs  and it's easy to...

Picturesque scenery is complemented by a wave of memorable dining from Michelin star-wielding chefs – and it's easy to stay awhile since the best new rooms tend to be directly above these must-visit restaurants.

For a bewitching break in 2024, go north. Yorkshire-born sculptor Henry Moore once said: “The observation of nature is part of an artist’s life.” And Yorkshire has some of the most seductive nature: sweeping landscapes like living oil paintings; undulating dales and peaks; deep-forested moors with big skies; heady lavender fields; lofty woodlands filled with birdsong; and golden sandy sweeps skirting the peppermint-blue sea. The Brontës’ romanticism is not lost. In 2024, go stargazing in Yorkshire’s national parks at the magical Dark Skies Festival . The Yorkshire Balloon Fiesta will return to its new home at Castle Howard in 2024, with rainbow-bright, early-morning mass balloon flights and night glows. There were plenty of Michelin mentions for the county in 2023, with keen eyes on the 2024 list, so restaurants with rooms are ramping up. Just up the road from The Black Swan in Oldstead, Michelin-lauded chef Tommy Banks’ latest outpost, The Abbey Inn , opened in May and its three luxurious bedrooms, care of Tommy’s mother, were launched in July. For the ultimate culinary sleepover, stay two nights and eat at both restaurants. Newbie Mýse , helmed by chef-and-sommelier couple Joshua and Victoria Overington, is a petite restaurant with rooms set among caramel-colored cottages in the sleepy village of Hovingham. Book in for its creative tasting menu, then retire upstairs to one of the cozy-cool rooms. In June , Middleton Lodge , a sustainable luxury retreat bordering the Yorkshire Dales National Park , launched the Forest Spa in the heart of a serenely wooded estate. Don’t pass by honeycomb-hued Helmsley, with its emerging culinary scene and the recent opening of Pignut a restaurant with a sustainable focus and impressive casual and tasting-menu options. Expect plenty more magic in 2024. – Rachel Everett

Go for: Indian Ocean waters, a museum, and dazzling beach villas

The recently opened House of Digital Art  brings contemporary art to a historic PortLouis building on the Indian Ocean...

The recently opened House of Digital Art (HODA) brings contemporary art to a historic Port-Louis building on the Indian Ocean Island.

After visiting HODA above head to the Intercontinental Slavery Museum opened in 2023 which inspects the island's...

After visiting HODA, above, head to the Intercontinental Slavery Museum, opened in 2023, which inspects the island's colonial history.

Mauritius ’s heyday in the ’80s conjures images of striped parasols, a tanned Stéphanie de Monaco on water skis, and all of Europe’s jet set holed up in the few – but fabulous – hotels. Fast-forward three decades and the Indian Ocean island has even more to land itself on your travel list: a dynamic cultural scene and new wave of hospitality are unfolding on its shores. In the capital of Port Louis, the years-in-the-making Intercontinental Slavery Museum , located inside a restored 1700s military hospital, opened in September 2023, marking the nation’s first monumental step in making amends for its long colonial history. Culture buffs are also gravitating to the recently opened House of Digital Art (HODA) nearby: Old meets new in this historic Port-Louis building, housing a cutting-edge array of contemporary art installations. The Indian Ocean isle has always been renowned for its dreamy seaside resorts, but encouraging visitors to venture away from the beaches is the forthcoming Socio Tribeca (late 2024) – heralding the launch of a new hotel brand from the Lux Collective – which promises to be an impressive contemporary hotel with its finger on the pulse of the island. Muse Villas , a newcomer seeking to offer an elevated resort experience, enables travellers to stay on their own private islet. Meanwhile, legendary resorts Lux Belle Mare and Paradis Beachcomber just unveiled massive restorations in October, and Hotel Riu Palace Mauritius , a kitesurfers’ paradise, will emerge from its own facelift in May 2024. But beyond the well-trodden coastline of Mauritius, this may be the year its barely known little sister, Rodrigues, a speck of an island an hour-and-a-half flight east, gets its due. It’s long been a well-kept secret among even the most in-the-know travellers, but now a clutch of reimagined properties is adding a touch of luxury gloss: The island’s two historic hotels, Play Mourouk and Cotton Bay Resort & Spa, are reopening after months of renovation and reinvention (the first as of November 1, 2023; the latter in 2024). – Anissa Macaulay

South and Central Sri Lanka

Go for: wellness retreats, a new food festival, and a nearly 200-mile nature trail

Kayaam House is one of several openings that signals the luxury and wellness boom marking Sri Lanka's tourism industry...

Kayaam House is one of several openings that signals the luxury and wellness boom marking Sri Lanka's tourism industry right now.

Built from scratch by a local architect Kayaam House settles into its coastal setting with earthy textures and teak...

Built from scratch by a local architect, Kayaam House settles into its coastal setting with earthy textures and teak furniture.

Rising from economic uncertainty, Sri Lanka ’s tourism industry is in the midst of a luxury and wellness boom – from its tea-filled highlands to its palm-fringed shores. In the south of the country, new luxury resorts continue to entice. Among them, Kayaam House and Ahu Bay by homegrown luxury travel specialist Resplendent Ceylon; a Hilton resort next to the Indian Ocean-bordering Yala National Park, one of the best places to spot Sri Lanka’s elusive leopards; and the art deco-inspired The Charleston , which opens in December in the UNESCO-listed Galle Fort. The already established Kalukanda House – a villa in surf town Weligama by British-Sri Lankan interior designer Dee Gibson – is making its mark with retreats centred on female empowerment, with yoga, breath work, reiki, and Ayurveda included.

A comprehensive renovation of the nine-room Meraki , which employs local women and offers yoga, holistic treatments, island-sourced vegetarian fare, and artisanal crafts in the Polhena Beach district of Matara, is set to be unveiled in early 2024; and luxury fitness getaway Makahiya is gearing up to launch its own brand of bespoke retreats.

In January, the Galle Literary Festival will return after a five-year hiatus, with appearances by literary figures such as Shehan Karunatilaka and Alexander McCall Smith, while Gourmet Galle , the country’s new food festival, will spotlight 12 chefs in 12 venues, ranging from beaches to paddy fields, over a 12-week period from January to March.

Inland, development of the Pekoe Trail , a new nearly 200-mile network of hiking routes that snakes its way through Sri Lanka’s highlands, continues. Traversing historic tea plantations, colonial estates, local villages, holy shrines, and forests brimming with biodiversity, it’s a novel way to experience Sri Lanka’s lush hill country, particularly when paired with stays at boutique properties such as W15 Hanthana , the luxurious Goatfell , or the Kelburne Estate , scheduled to open in December 2024. – Zinara Rathnayake

Red Sea, Saudi Arabia

Go for: pristine nature, and a new take on sustainability

Saudi Arabia's Red Sea has both untouched desert and vibrant coral reefs  both of which will be part of ambitious...

Saudi Arabia's Red Sea has both untouched desert and vibrant coral reefs – both of which will be part of ambitious sustainable tourism development in the destination.

Sixteen hotels are already open in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea with a Six Senses Ritz Carlton and St. Regis opening their...

Sixteen hotels are already open in Saudi Arabia's Red Sea, with a Six Senses, Ritz Carlton, and St. Regis opening their doors to travellers in 2024.

Creating a completely new tourism destination in an area of pristine natural beauty – including coral reefs that are home to critically endangered species, unspoiled desert, and dormant volcanoes – is a fine tightrope to walk. Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea aims to navigate these challenges with ambitious efforts that will make it a centre of regenerative tourism, powered by 100 percent renewable energy. Only 22 of the more than 90 islands in the area will be developed, and nine have been designated as protected conservation areas. While many of the sustainability efforts will be behind the scenes, some are visible – and visitable.

New mangrove parks will be populated with trees currently being grown in a mangrove nursery (the project aims to plant 50 million by 2030). The first phase of the destination, which includes 16 luxury hotels, is powered by 760,000 solar panels, and the world’s first zero-carbon 5G network has already been installed. Three resorts – Six Senses Southern Dunes ; Nujuma, a Ritz Carlton Reserve; and The St. Regis Red Sea Resort – are set to open in the coming months, each with its own strict program of sustainability measures, ranging from light-touch modular structures to intelligent landscaping, smart waste management, and local sourcing. Transport within the destination will be by e-vehicles, and hydrogen-powered seaplanes will eventually transport visitors between the islands. Whether a luxury tourist destination can ever truly be sustainable remains to be seen, but the efforts being made in the Red Sea are certainly testing the hypothesis. – Nicola Chilton

Go for : new direct flights, luxe resorts, and a spicy carnival celebration

All-new direct flights will mean Grenada will finally get the attention it deserves – perfectly timed for the luxury hotels and resorts that are on their way in 2024.

While it may have traditionally been overlooked in favour of, say, St. Barths or Turks and Caicos , Grenada has more than proven itself a worthy contender – especially for travellers based on the East Coast. Starting in November 2023, JetBlue is making it easier to get there, with the launch of a direct service from Boston to join existing nonstops out of JFK. Air Canada also recently ramped up service and now has up to four flights per week between Toronto and Grenada.

Several new hotels and resorts are also on their way. Six Senses has picked Grenada for its first resort in the Caribbean: La Sagesse is set to open in early 2024 and will spread out over 38 acres of land with unparalleled access to the ocean and a range of adventures, from shipwreck dives to waterfall trails. Also in January 2024, Beach House by Silversands will open its doors to a mix of 28 beachfront and cliffside villas and suites ( Silversands Resort opened on the island in 2018 and boasts a 100-meter infinity pool, said to be the longest in the Caribbean). Further out, IHG has broken ground on a 150-room, 30-private-suite resort that will sit next to Six Senses and is projected to open in 2025.

August is a popular time to visit: Spicemas, Grenada’s Carnival and the island’s largest cultural event, shimmies in during this time and brings with it weeks of parades, food, dancing, and performances. This year, JetBlue added a second daily flight from JFK during the days of the festival to accommodate the diaspora and the growing number of travellers heading to the Spice Island. Things are only going to get busier in 2024. – Madison Flager

Go for: new hiking and biking trails, pristine countryside views

Kosovo's untouched valleys offer the perfect canvas for multi-day hiking and biking trips – like the Trans Dinarica cycling route, opening in 2024, which will wind its way past rivers, markets, and via ferrata setups.

Tiny Kosovo lacks the stunning beaches of Albania and luxury resorts of Montenegro , but Europe’s newest country has sky-scraping peaks, pastoral countryside and heart-warming hospitality, a combination ideal for multi-day hiking and biking trips. 2024 will mark the 25th anniversary since the end of the Kosovo war, and there's much to discover in the region now. Following in the footsteps of cross-border adventure trails such as the Peaks of the Balkans and High Scardus, the Trans Dinarica cycling route opens in 2024, making its way past the minarets framing Prizren’s eponymous river, through the Ottoman market town of Gjakova, and on to Peja. Perched on the edge of the Rugova Gorge, Peja serves as base camp for the country’s many outdoor adventures, including via ferratas and spelunking. A new paved path will soon connect the Lumbardhi River Promenade with the popular Health Trail – the beginning of the south-to-west route through the inaptly named Accursed Mountains. Two additional forthcoming routes connect trails in the Rugova Mountains to the gushing White Drin waterfall and Radac cave. Steps from the waterfall, the sleek, modern Ujëvara e Drinit Resort specialises in rooms with a view and fresh trout dinners. Through-hikers can rest weary bones and fill hungry bellies further from town at rural guesthouses such as Ariu , where traditional Kosovar dishes include flija, made with dairy produced on-site. – Naomi Tomky

French Polynesia

Go for : Olympic surfing, sublime flora and fauna

An alternative Olympics experience can be found in Tahiti where skilled surfers will ride the waves at Teahupoo. Plan a...

An alternative Olympics experience can be found in Tahiti, where skilled surfers will ride the waves at Teahupo’o. Plan a 2024 trip to catch the action IRL, then kick back at one of several new and reopened hotels elsewhere in the territory.

All eyes may be on Tahiti this year as Teahupo’o, a village on the south coast and home to one of “the deadliest waves in the world,” gears up to host the 2024 Paris Olympics surf competition . Spectators can watch the event on giant screens at celebration sites across the island, such as Jardin de Paofai, Papara Beach Break, and Marina of Punui. The rest of French Polynesia , a sublime blue territory of 118 islands, is continuing its dedication to sustainability over mass tourism. Keen to bill itself as a regenerative destination, Coral Gardeners, an ocean conservation group, is in the process of planting one million heat-resilient corals worldwide by 2025. It’s also working on upcycling abandoned pearl farms for coral restoration on Ahe, an atoll northeast of Tahiti. Hotels across the jumble of islands are also getting spruced up, with a flurry of rejuvenations, starting in Bora Bora. In January 2024, the Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora will launch a botanical tour highlighting its carefully preserved native flora and fauna, followed by the reopening of Le Meridien as Westin Bora Bora in mid-2024.

Looking forward to 2025, on the Tuamotu Islands, Le Tikehau will reopen as a Relais Chateaux property, and the Kia Ora Resort & Spa in Rangiroa is renovating to include overwater bungalows. – Kaila Yu

Accra, Ghana

Go for: the heart of a pan-African cultural renaissance, Indigenous pop-up dinners, Afrobeats

Accra continues to draw travellers with a surge of cool new pop-up restaurants, museums, and the pilgrimage-worthy music festival, AfroFuture (previously Afrochella).

Accra has steadily been cementing its reputation as the continent’s capital of cool, and a reimagination of pan-African heritage has ignited the city’s foodies. Leading the way is the Ghana Food Movement , a network of food change makers intent on surfacing the sexy in sustainable food. With the May 2024 opening of its Link-up Kitchen in the buzzing Osu neighbourhood, this meeting place–cum–test kitchen will house the Movement’s popular Dine and Dance series, where young chefs highlight local ingredients in multicourse dinners before getting down to beats by local DJs. The hub will also host pop-ups featuring up-and-coming chefs and Indigenous menus, such as those offered by Abena Offeh-Gyimah, whose food tours spotlight heirloom ingredients and a “reconnection to ancestral ways of eating.” This year also sees chef Selassie Atadika of Midunu resuming her Nomadic Dinners celebrating African ingredients, as well as quarterly chocolate tastings of her gorgeous bonbons inspired by flavours like beriberi chili and Cape Malay spice. After dinner, you’ll find the balmy West African capital’s electric club scene spoils you for choice. While the Grammys have just come to the party (the awards will feature a Best African Music Performance category for the first time, in 2024), locals have been lighting it up at festivals like Chale Wote Street Art Festival (August) and AfroFuture (previously Afrochella ; December) for years. Should you find time to sleep, the December 2023 opening of the 145-room Hilton Accra Cantonments marks the brand’s debut in Ghana.

Looking ahead: A state-of-the-art cultural institution is coming just outside the city as well. Enriched by voices from the diaspora, an overdue zeitgeist to reclaim African narratives finds a physical home in the Pan African Heritage Museum , which has begun construction and will open in 2025 or 2026. Located on 10 lush acres in Winneba (40 miles from Accra), the space’s first offerings will include a music amphitheater, a youth innovation centre, and a food court. Like all its planned exhibits (you can digitally preview the collection), these will both showcase and connect the continent’s rich history and cultures to its contemporary global might. – Lee Middleton

Go for: new cruises leading to ancient ruins, and a burst of artsy openings

Luna Zorro Studio which sells artisan textiles will open a boutique with a twobedroom casita for rent in October 2024 in...

Luna Zorro Studio, which sells artisan textiles, will open a boutique with a two-bedroom casita for rent in October 2024, in Antigua.

Across the country new art cultural and community spaces beg travellers to venture beyond ancient ruins like Tikal  and...

Across the country, new art, cultural, and community spaces beg travellers to venture beyond ancient ruins like Tikal – and stay awhile.

When National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions launch their new Belize to Tikal itinerary in January 2024, travellers may be tempted to tack on a few days ashore Belize’s white sand beaches and palm-dotted islands. But Guatemala, home to the jungle-shrouded Mayan ruins of Tikal, is the extension not to skip. The country’s mix of rich Indigenous and colonial history, staggering natural beauty, and now expanding infrastructure for tourism in the form of restaurants, hotels, and tours makes 2024 the year to explore Guatemala in earnest. In the charming city of Antigua, the world class MUNAG (National Museum of Art Guatemala) , which covers 3,000 years of heritage through a contemporary lens, is now open, and a second-phase unveiling is expected imminently. Nearby, the team behind Luna Zorro studio – known for merging traditional craftsmanship with modern textile design and crafting boutique trips throughout Guatemala in collaboration with El Camino Travel – is renovating a historic property into La Valiente: It will house a Luna Zorro boutique and a coffee-and-wine bar in the front, with a two-bedroom casita for rent in the back, all set to open in October 2024. Café No Sé , meanwhile, an anchor of the old city that’s touted as the first mezcal bar outside of Mexico , will continue to honour “20-ish” years of being in business with events and live music. A flush of new art spaces, like Aura Galerías , and innovative restaurants continue to characterise the capital of Guatemala City.

Air carriers have taken notice of the increasing interest in this destination – in December 2023, Alaska will begin daily service from Los Angeles to Guatemala City, marking a new year-round route for the airline. Delta is bumping up access to Latin America in general and upping the frequency of winter flights from its Atlanta hub to Guatemala. – Ali Wunderman

The Kimberley, Australia

Go for : pristine wilderness newly accessible by cruise, First Nations cultural immersions

The Kimberley's hard-to-reach waterways, spectacular coastlines, and ancient rock art sites will soon welcome fresh visitors, thanks to an influx of new cruise lines in 2024.

Western Australia’s remote Kimberley is one of the world’s last wild frontiers, known for its untouched wilderness of towering ochre cliffs, cornflower blue waters, and ancient Aboriginal rock-art sites. But it’s always been difficult to explore. That’s about to change, because in 2024, this region is set to welcome an influx of cruise lines, keen to make the most of the region’s hard-to-reach waterways. Seabourn will cruise the Kimberley for the first time with Seabourn Pursuit ; Ponant has deployed its all-new Le Jacques-Cartier to join sister vessel Le Lapérouse from May 2024; and from June 2024, Silversea will replace Silver Explorer with Silver Cloud to increase capacity. Not to be outdone, Scenic’s Scenic Eclipse II will become the only ship in the region with two helicopters onboard for flightseeing and excursions. Her first Kimberley voyage will take place in May.

In Broome, a coastal town and a gateway to the Kimberley, tourism projects are heating up too. Tipping its hat at the pearling history of the region, Salty Plum Social is making plenty of noise with its new Pearling Master’s Trek which, after its inaugural walk in 2023, kicks off with regular tours from April 2024. Plus, leading tour operators have joined forces to launch Aboriginal Culture Expedition , a four-night itinerary that includes participation in First Nations experiences in and around iconic Cable Beach and Roebuck Bay – the first of its 2024 tours debuts in May. A top tip: relax with a native-ingredient craft beer, courtesy of the all-new part-Aboriginal-owned 4,500-square-meter Spinifex Brewery Cable Beach . Improving access to this incredible region is Nexus Airlines , which has joined Airnorth in servicing regional Western Australia with its first Broome-Kununurra-Darwin route – and with further services scheduled for 2024. – Dilvin Yasa

Kobe, Japan

Go for: high design with a sense of place

Kobe Japan is best known for its eponymous beef  and designforward spaces like the new Officine Universelle Buly...

Kobe, Japan, is best known for its eponymous beef – and design-forward spaces, like the new Officine Universelle Buly skincare shop, are creatively building on this heritage.

Though Kobe's richest pleasures are earthly  beef sake and hot springs for starters  the view from Kobe Port Tower which...

Though Kobe's richest pleasures are earthly – beef, sake, and hot springs, for starters – the view from Kobe Port Tower, which will reopen in early 2024, lets travellers take the city in from above.

Sandwiched between steep mountains and sparkling seas in southwestern Japan , the port city of Kobe is seriously strengthening its design credentials. Taking centre stage is Vague Kobe , a new creative space by Teruhiro Yanagihara Studio (TYS). Spanning the upper levels of an elegant former 1930s bank, it houses a gallery, bookstore, café, wine bar, flower shop, and design studio. In a perfectly measured showcase of contemporary Japanese design – and a reflection of Kobe’s seafaring heritage – renovated interiors combine crafted walls of traditional Japanese plasterwork and clean minimalist lines with large windows, stone floors, and ornate tilework.

Further proof of Kobe’s design ascendency was the arrival of French artisanal perfume and skincare brand Officine Universelle Buly in mid-2023, its shop and café interiors flamboyantly layered in signature style – from Kobe beef-inspired expanses of red-veined marble to chocolate-like lacquerware and “dripping” lamps. Recent plans by Trunk , arguably Tokyo’s hippest hotel group, to make Kobe the setting for its first hotel outside the capital is further evidence of the city’s prominence. And Kobe Port Tower – a panoramic observation deck on the shores of Osaka Bay – will reopen in early 2024 with a string of new facilities, including a new museum showcasing light-themed artworks and a fancy 360-degree revolving café bar. – Danielle Demetriou

Okavango Delta, Botswana

Go for: a watershed moment for exclusive camps in a unique landscape

A wave of new safari lodges  including a twoyearsonly temporary camp  make a visit to the Okavango Delta more desirable...

A wave of new safari lodges – including a two-years-only temporary camp – make a visit to the Okavango Delta more desirable, and pressing, than ever.

Go. Go now. Because if you’ve always dreamed of discovering Botswana ’s Okavango Delta, where seasonal floodwaters transform parched sands into a filigree of shimmering channels, right now is when you’ll be spoiled for choice. A surge in demand, coupled with a proactive approach to developing community-owned concessions, has led to a flush of new lodges across the world’s largest inland delta.

Take Sitatunga Private Island , or Natural Selection’s North Island Okavango , where just three tented suites rest on an island beneath wild ebony trees. Natural Selection will add to their portfolio in May 2024 with a new build: Tawana . Set in the wildlife-rich Moremi Game Reserve, this partnership with the chief of the local Batawana tribe will offer eight thatched suites amid the grasslands lining the perennial Gomoti River. Each stay is at least 1,000 square feet in size and comes with a private plunge pool and terrace.

Water is gold in the Delta, and this past year, African Bush Camps (ABC) opened the riverside Khwai Lediba . But our eye is really on Atzaro Okavango , slated for a March 2024 debut: It’s the third Icon camp in the Delta for ABC, with 10 lagoon-side suites promising impressive levels of Delta luxe and a strong sense of place through design (both markers of the Icon portfolio).

If you’re feeling adventurous, look east to the untapped Mababe marshlands and the brand-new Wilderness Mokete (opening mid-2024) for a fresh look at under-canvas exploration – out with plush campaign-style furnishings and in with geometric lines and contemporary decor. But be quick: Mokete will only stand for two years before being replaced by a new-build permanent camp set to open in 2026. – Richard Holmes

Go for: biodiversity, castaway vibes, and water sports

Miavana in Madagascar exemplifies the island's allure with water sports adventures through baobab forests and...

Miavana in Madagascar exemplifies the island's allure with water sports, adventures through baobab forests, and jaw-dropping views.

In 2024 it will become easier to travel between remote destinations across Madagascar thanks to a new flight circuit and...

In 2024, it will become easier to travel between remote destinations across Madagascar, thanks to a new flight circuit and cruise itineraries.

An otherworldly land of undiscovered species and bizarre biological riches, the rugged, remote Indian Ocean isle of Madagascar has always promised to upend visitors’ senses and logistical prowess. Happily, the latter is changing as the pioneers responsible for some of the continent’s finest conservation tourism offerings are upping the ante on the world’s fourth largest island. Located inside the essentially unvisited Namoroka National Park, Namoroka Tsingy Exploration Camp’s mid-2024 opening makes seven luxury safari tents your portal to a landscape of baobabs jutting from the formations of limestone knives known as tsingy and populated by lemurs that haven’t learned to fear people.

More of a coastal explorer? Look no further than Masoala Forest Lodge , which recently launched a Blue Lagoon Expedition trip in 2022. Paddling the breathtaking rainforest- and mangrove-fringed Antongil Bay, kayakers en route to a magical island campsite will share pellucid waters with migrating humpback whales and schools of reef fish. If that’s a touch too rugged, Time + Tide’s Miavana – arguably the Platonic ideal of exclusive island luxury – is launching a kiteboarding centre and new mainland excursions (think quad biking through baobab forests), in January 2024 and March 2024 respectively, for those who enjoy a splash of adrenaline in their bliss cocktail.

Finally – and critically – 2024 sees access to the Red Island expanding. Masoala Forest Lodge and Madagascar Classic Collection are starting a new flight circuit that will link choice remote destinations, like Andasibe, Namoroka, and Masoala parks, and luxe cruise lines like Silversea , Lindblad , Swan Hellenic , and Seabourne have added the country as a port of call on new voyages. – Lee Middleton

Magdalena River, Colombia

Go for: scenic river cruises with a big hit of culture

The Magdalena River, lined with history and charming towns like Mompox (pictured above), is about to become the buzziest river cruising destination in South America, thanks to two new itineraries from AmaWaterways launching in 2024.

Immortalised in Gabriel García Márquez’s classic Love in the Time of Cholera, the Magdalena River is Colombia’s largest and most important waterway. Running 930 miles from the snowcapped Andes through fertile valleys and into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean , it's the economic and cultural heart of the country. However, for many travellers, the mighty Magdalena has been off the radar.

But courtesy of luxe river-cruise company AmaWaterways , two different ships will kick off voyages in the future: AmyMagdalena , in November 2024, and AmaMelodia , in January 2025. Both ships will sail the Magic of Colombia itinerary, from Barranquilla to Cartagena , and the Wonders of Colombia itinerary, from Cartagena to Barranquilla – each taking passengers upriver to the UNESCO-designated city of Mompox , founded in 1540, where riverfront plazas and ornate churches await in this lost-in-time pueblo mágico.

Along the way, the three-story ships, which come with rooftop sun decks and balconies, stop for birdwatching and hiking. What really sets this river sailing apart from those in the Amazon River , though, is its focus on culture: From musical explorations in the town of Palenque , the first “free” town founded by formerly enslaved people in the Americas, to jazz concerts in Mompox and a special Colombian Carnaval celebration in Barranquilla, this is a journey into the exuberant heart of Colombian life.

Fly via Cartagena, with its world-class beaches, dining, and nightlife – not to mention the new Casa Pestagua hotel , situated in a lavishly restored 17th-century palace – for a soft landing before or after the cruise. There are a number of existing nonstop flights from the US, including an increase in weekly flights from Atlanta via Delta as of October 2023. – Ocean Malandra

Go for: improved access, unique cultural festivals, and unscripted adventure

The rich heritage and staggering landscapes of Mongolia have captured the hearts of many travellers  but new lodges...

The rich heritage and staggering landscapes of Mongolia have captured the hearts of many travellers – but new lodges, immersive cultural experiences, and the first-ever direct flight to the US, coming in 2024, prove that adventure doesn't always have to mean rugged.

Mongolia has long been the destination for thrill-seeking adventure travellers – as participants in the wonderfully chaotic Mongol Rally will attest – but the country is expanding beyond that niche as its tourism board sets its sights on attracting one million tourists per year. In 2023, the country launched visa-free travel for a further 34 nationalities – bringing the total up to 61 – in a campaign that is set to run until 2025.

The launch of new luxury lodges, cultural tours, and the announcement of the country’s first ever direct US flight, coming in 2024 to the $650-million Chinggis Khaan International Airport, further signal Mongolia’s tourism ambitions.

Following the success of the rugged-but-chic Three Camel Lodge , Mongolia’s luxury accommodation options are expanding with places such as Yeruu Lodge , which opened in 2023. Offbeat cultural experiences are one of the most compelling reasons to visit the country’s vast, rugged expanses and local operator Breanna Wilson offers some of the best. After a successful season of horse trekking and the Naadam Festival – a colourful display of strength, horsemanship, and marksmanship – in 2023, Wilson is expanding her 2024 tours to include a digital nomad week, a women-only retreat in Orkhon Valley, and a three-day archery training session with Namnaa Academy , an organisation that began reviving the ancient art of mounted archery in 2020. – Ali Wunderman

Northern Rivers, Australia

Go for : adaptive surfing, immersive hiking, and stylish ranches

A flurry of designled hotel openings in Byron Bay will follow the lead of Sun Ranch and range from equestrianstyle...

A flurry of design-led hotel openings in Byron Bay will follow the lead of Sun Ranch, and range from equestrian-style ranches to breezy seaside hideaways.

Spread across 55 acres in Byron Bay Sun Ranch pays homage to the iconic Californian ranch houses of the 1970s.

Spread across 55 acres in Byron Bay, Sun Ranch pays homage to the iconic Californian ranch houses of the 1970s.

Made up of a patchwork of coastal towns and linked via scenic drives that take you along stunning Pacific beaches, lush valleys, and rainforests, this region has long been a popular destination for road-tripping, surfing, and trekking. Though devastated by apocalyptic floods in 2022, this northeastern corner of New South Wales is making a comeback. The region’s recovery was boosted in 2023 with the opening of the first stage of the Northern Rivers Rail Trail , which, when completed in the coming years, will link Byron Shire with a string of hinterland towns via an 82-mile mixed-use pathway. Also threading through this abundant region shaped by a now-extinct volcano is a new multiday hiking trail. Slated for a mid-2024 opening, the 24-mile Gidjuum Gulganyi Walk (meaning “old people’s track” in the local Bundjalung Aboriginal language) will pass through ancient traditional lands forming part of the World Heritage–listed Gondwana Rainforests of Australia.

A highlight in March: the wave-lashed town of Byron Bay is set to host the 2024 Australian Pro Adaptive Surfing Championship , the country’s first international event for surfers with disabilities. Supporting all of this is a flurry of hotel openings in the region. Following Swell Hotel and California-style Sun Ranch in Byron Bay, Copperstone by the Range Estates will open its equestrian-style ranch in nearby Bangalow in early 2024, while in Yamba on the southern fringe of the Northern Rivers, designer and stylist Sheree Commerford’s breezy seaside inn Il Delfino is slated to open early 2024. – Sarah Reid

Quebec, Canada

Go for : off-the-beaten-track nature and cultural immersion

Come summer Inuitowned Ungava Polar EcoTours will explore unpopulated islands like Gyrfalcon Islands in Ungava Bay.

Come summer, Inuit-owned Ungava Polar Eco-Tours will explore unpopulated islands like Gyrfalcon Islands in Ungava Bay.

From musk ox sightings to some of the highest tidal elevations Quebec's northernmost regions offer unparalleled natural...

From musk ox sightings to some of the highest tidal elevations, Quebec's northernmost regions offer unparalleled natural immersion.

The largest of Canada’s 10 provinces, Quebec offers a vast stage for wide-ranging Indigenous-led experiences, from sipping beer at a Mohawk-run brewery near the US border to polar bear–watching with Inuit guides in the far north. Nunavik, Quebec’s northernmost region and homeland of the Inuit, has long been off most travellers’ radars, but new experiences offer immersion into both nature and culture.

Starting in summer 2024, Inuit-owned Ungava Polar Eco-Tours will offer five-day adventures to the uninhabited Gyrfalcon Islands in Ungava Bay. There, visitors will be able to spot wildlife from polar bears to musk ox and caribou, as well as experience some of the highest tidal elevations in the world. Even more wildlife-viewing experiences will become available in the summer when the Wolastoqiyik Wahsipekuk First Nation opens the Putep 't-awt observation site, providing a one-of-a-kind land-based location to view a beluga whale nursery on the St. Lawrence River.

Visitors to the Quebec City region can look forward to refreshed experiences in the Huron-Wendat community of Wendake, where, in summer 2023, the Hôtel-Musée Premières Nations opened 24 new and renovated suites, and Sagamité restaurant in Old Wendake reopened after a nearly five-year closure and with plans to add a microbrewery and pub in 2024. While you’re in Quebec, definitely don’t miss the Contemporary Native Art Biennial , which will be held across Montreal throughout the year. – Karin Gardiner

Quito, Ecuador

Go for: a city on the rise

Quito is catching up to culinary neighbour Lima with spots like Nuema where awardwinning chef and coowner Pia Salazar...

Quito is catching up to culinary neighbour Lima with spots like Nuema, where award-winning chef and co-owner Pia Salazar blends sweet and savory ingredients.

Opposites also attract in the heart of Quito. Modern architecture lives alongside a UNESCOanointed colonial centre  in...

Opposites also attract in the heart of Quito. Modern architecture lives alongside a UNESCO-anointed colonial centre – in late 2023, an all-new metro will better connect the city's various parts.

Quito is finally getting its due. The city’s mile-high skyline got a lot higher thanks to the work of architects like Bjarke Ingels Group, whose 32-story IQON tower (completed in 2022) is now the city’s tallest. It's just one of several projects to come from Ecuadorian development firm Uribe Schwarzkopf , in its ongoing effort to mature the ancient Andean city into an unlikely new hub of contemporary architecture. That’s no small feat considering that Quito stands atop both the ruins of a pre-Columbian settlement and an earthquake-prone high plateau and is anchored by an untouchable colonial centre with UNESCO status. But a new generation of Ecuadorian and international creatives are pushing the city toward the future - and not just for the sake of visitors.

Moving things along in that direction, an all-new metro system will be inaugurated in late 2023, with 15 stations spanning from Quitumbe in the southern part of the city to El Labrador in the north. New hotels have been slower to arrive, but one standout is the affordable 151-room Go Quito Hotel , which opened in June 2023 with a rooftop bar-restaurant, spa, sauna, pool, and airy rooms offering unbeatable views of the city. Meanwhile, Quito’s dining scene is finally catching up to culinary neighbour Lima. Buzzy new restaurants include Cardó , where Chef Adrián Escardó makes octopus bacon and suckling pig with naranjilla sauce; Aura , which leans into native Ecuadorian ingredients like Mashua honey and Manaba cheese from the coast; and Nuema , where chef and co-owner Pia Salazar’s sweet-salty hybrid desserts – think pastries with leek with lemon verbena and tonka bean, and white seaweed with black garlic – won her World’s Best Pastry Chef 2022, a first for Quito and Ecuador, and 2023. – Adam H. Graham

San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Go for: stargazing, a luxe stay, and a superbloom in a new national park

San Pedro de Atacama is known for its geographical wonders from snowcapped volcanic mountains to shimmering lakes with...

San Pedro de Atacama is known for its geographical wonders, from snowcapped volcanic mountains, to shimmering lakes with flamingos – and now, a boutique hotel from Habitas complements the dramatic desert surrounds.

With its bronzed, dusty roadways and handcrafted adobe dwellings, Chile ’s oldest village has captivated adventurous visitors for decades. But now, the soulful oasis of San Pedro de Atacama is securing the spotlight as Chile’s northern star, with a variety of travellers eager to experience its rugged-chic vibe. After all, this celestial city is a hotbed of geographical wonders, with snowcapped volcanic mountains in the world’s driest nonpolar region, high-altitude lagoons dotting the Andean desert, and dazzling salt flats.

Wildlife lovers flock to Los Flamencos National Reserve for up-close encounters with the world’s rarest flamingos and native vicuñas. And the surreal, dramatic scenery of the steaming El Tatio Geysers at sunrise can only be rivaled by the fiery palette of the Valle de Catarpe canyons at dusk. In 2024, El Niño is likely to spark an extraordinary Atacama superbloom inside Chile’s new national park, Desierto Florido .

Under the clearest skies on the planet, backyard astronomers can explore the cosmos on ethereal stargazing tours . The ALMA Observatory , poised at an atmosphere-topping 16,000 feet, promises expert-led interstellar experiences. But the most otherworldly excursion might be traversing the Valle de la Luna's inhospitable yet magically serene moonscape environment. Earthly travellers can seek solace in the area’s newest luxe property, Habitas Atacama . Opened in September 2023, the elite outdoorsy design guarantees a memorable stay before you jet off to glimpse Easter Island’s annular solar eclipse in October. – Colleen Kelly

Santa Fe, US

Go for : Indigenous design spotlights, a brand new museum, and the 100th anniversary of a beloved cultural event

Old Man Gloom meets his fiery end at the Burning of the Zozobra, a beloved annual cultural event in Santa Fe that turns 100 in 2024.

Christopher Nolan’s acclaimed film Oppenheimer may have sparked new interest in Santa Fe, the closest town of note to Los Alamos, but the New Mexican capital has held its own for centuries. One of the oldest cities in the country, it’s known for its adobe-style architecture, storied arts institutions (including the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum ), and vibrant mix of Native American, Mexican, and Spanish cultures.

Fresh art and cultural programming with an emphasis on Indigenous efforts makes 2024 a banner year to visit. From May 2 to 5, the Southwestern Association for American Indian Arts will launch the inaugural Santa Fe Indigenous Fashion Week to showcase Indigenous designers, artists, and runway models. Indigenous Art Fair Contemporary , a gallery show spotlighting present-day Native American art, is slated to roll out August 15 to 18 as well, timed to the renowned Santa Fe Indian Market; and a two-block walk away, FaraHNHeight , a Native American–, First Nations–, and Indigenous-forward gallery, is new on the scene and well worth a visit. Travellers visiting before the end of April can catch “Shadow and Light,” the debut exhibition at Vladem Contemporary , the first major museum building to open in The City Different in more than a decade. (Part of the New Mexico Museum of Art , the 38,000-square-foot space is the latest anchor to join the Santa Fe Railyard arts district.)

Furthermore, 2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the Burning of the Zozobra , a beloved cultural tradition that brings to mock-trial a 50-foot effigy known as Old Man Gloom. The marionette, which is stuffed with paper “glooms” such as old love letters, speeding tickets, and divorce summons, is dramatically set ablaze after dark – a moment of catharsis that encourages locals and visitors alike to release their worries and start anew. – Ashlea Halpern

South Island, New Zealand

Go for : laid-back wilderness experiences, immersive Māori history

At the end of the year the ultraluxury Flockhill Lodge will unveil 14 new villas and an onsite restaurant under the...

At the end of the year, the ultra-luxury Flockhill Lodge will unveil 14 new villas and an onsite restaurant under the direction of an acclaimed chef.

With snowcapped peaks and 36000 acres of wilderness at its doorstep Flockhill is a fitting representation of South...

With snow-capped peaks and 36,000 acres of wilderness at its doorstep, Flockhill is a fitting representation of South Island's exceptional allure.

With its lush rainforests and aquamarine lakes framed by snowcapped peaks, New Zealand ’s South Island is steeped in superlatives – and United Airlines’ new nonstop service from San Francisco to Christchurch starting December 1 will make it all the easier to immerse yourself in it. In October 2024, the 38-mile-long Tuatapere Hump Ridge Track will become New Zealand’s 11th Great Walk. Offering panoramic views of Fiordland, it features mountaintop accommodations, like Okaka Lodge and Port Craig Lodge, that offer amenities not always found on other Great Walks, including hot showers, king-size beds, and even pack transfers by helicopter.

In Queenstown, the nine-mile Wharehuanui Trail – set to open in late 2024 – will connect the 19th-century gold-mining town of Arrowtown to the suburb of Arthurs Point. And on the West Coast, the multimillion-dollar project Pounamu Pathway , the driving route from Haast to Westport, will bring Māori history to life with four new immersive (and interconnected) visitor centres. Scheduled along the journey, they were developed by Wētā Workshop, the visual effects studio behind Lord of the Rings, and the Ngāi Tahu tribe. Launching in 2023 and opening in stages, the first to debut will be Māwhera/Greymouth in mid-December 2023, followed by Kawatiri/Westport in February 2024, Awarua/Haast in mid-2024, and lastly Hokitika in the final quarter of 2025.

Those looking for a more laid-back wilderness experience will find it here too. At the end of 2024, Flockhill , the ultra-luxury lodge in Arthur’s Pass, will expand on its offerings with 14 new villas and an on-site restaurant with acclaimed Kiwi chef Taylor Cullen at the helm. Until then, check in to one of the recently refurbished premium rooms at the historic Hermitage Hotel in Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park . – Jessica Wynne Lockhart

Upstate New York, US

Go for : bucolic lodging, winter adventures, and exceptional stargazing

Exceptional new lodgings like Wildflower Farms Auberge Resorts Collection make the Hudson Valley  once primarily an...

Exceptional new lodgings like Wildflower Farms, Auberge Resorts Collection make the Hudson Valley – once primarily an escape for New York City dwellers – a top draw for travellers from further afield.

Sought out year-round for its vibrant small towns, nature preserves, culinary hot spots – and its proximity to New York City – the region is humming with new opportunities for travellers to surrender themselves to its legendary landscapes in 2024.

In the Hudson Valley, New York State Parks will celebrate the centennial of the founding of the statewide park and historic-site system. Community events and special performances are on the calendar, plus discounts on park admission fees and new opportunities to volunteer. Also in 2024, the much-loved Storm King Art Centre debuts new hospitality pavilions, a conservation and fabrication facility, and ADA-accessible pathways. And in the summer, the 160-acre Klocke Estates will open its doors, with artisanal brandy and stunning views of the Catskills.

When it comes to exceptional lodgings, the Hudson Valley has seen a wave of hospitality projects since 2020. From the aesthetic delight that is Habitas-on-Hudson, near Rhinebeck, to Inness, the chic all-in-one getaway in Accord, to Wildflower Farms, Auberge Resorts Collection, a bucolic escape in the shadow of the iconic Shawangunk Mountains, the region has gone from being a New Yorker-favourite to a top draw for travellers from further afield. And there are fresh digs to look forward to in the year ahead. The Front Boutique Hotel in Port Jervis is opening in May with a 120-seat restaurant and easy access to 50 miles of trails; and in the spring, famed wellness haven The Ranch opens its first East Coast property.

About three hours away by car, the Adirondacks' towering peaks replace the Hudson river valleys. Its majestic forests, farmlands, mountains, and meadows make up a fifth of the state, and the region will be in the path of totality of April’s solar eclipse. Go stargazing at the Adirondack Sky Centre , or use the website of the Regional Office of Sustainable Tourism for self-guided viewing. You can also walk, bike, snowshoe, or snowmobile along the 34-mile Adirondack Rail Trail , which will be completed over the course of 2025. And on Whiteface Mountain, one of the five Adirondack High Peaks, a detachable quad lift launching just in time for ski season allows you to access more slopes than ever before. For a peaceful getaway, stay at the Lodge at Schroon Lake , which reopened in June 2023 after an extensive $21 million renovation, or NewVida Preserve , a new members club meets traveller’s oasis on 2,000 acres with 360-degree mountaintop views. – Robin Catalano


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  3. Où partir en voyage en 2024

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  4. Best travel destinations to visit in 2024

    See 23 more destination ideas for 2024. Tartu, Estonia: One of the most-loved landmarks in Tartu — a 2024 European Capital of Culture — is this statue of kissing students in Town Hall Square ...

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    San Diego and Tijuana. The San Diego-Tijuana area was recently named the World Design Capital 2024 by the World Design Organization. The group credits the two cities for having a history of cross ...

  8. The 24 Best Places to Go in 2024

    Launching in 2023 and opening in stages, the first to debut will be Māwhera/Greymouth in mid-December 2023, followed by Kawatiri/Westport in February 2024, Awarua/Haast in mid-2024, and lastly ...

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    By planning travel to Morocco in 2024, travelers can be a part of the country's recovery story after a September earthquake struck the country's High Atlas Mountains, claiming lives and destroying cultural sites. "Travel supports individuals at a hyper-local level, from artisans and craftspeople in the medinas to family-run restaurants ...

  10. 15 Destinations for Your 2024 Holiday Radar

    Plus chimpanzees. And some of the world's best new lodges. Rwanda is the trendy African destination many people are talking about. Where: Volcanoes National Park is one of only two places in the world you can go mountain gorilla trekking. Add on Nyungwe Forest and a stay at One&Only Nyungwe House.

  11. The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2024

    Queen Anne. Courtesy of Cunard. Few voyages are as iconic as a transatlantic crossing aboard a Cunard ocean liner. So when the new Queen Anne departs Southampton, England, in May 2024 ...

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    C'est pour ces raisons que l'Albanie fera partie de ces destinations très tendances tout au long de l'année 2024. 7. La Suède. Situé en Scandinavie, la Suède fait partie de ces pays qui fascinent les voyageurs notamment pour leur mode de vie très sain. De nombreux touristes apprécient se rendre en Suède afin de se déconnecter de leur ...

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    4. La Patagonie, Argentine et Chili. La Patagonie, partagée entre l'Argentine et le Chili, est une destination incontournable pour les amoureux de la nature en 2024. Cette région propose des paysages montagneux à couper le souffle, notamment dans le parc national Torres del Paine.

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    Enfin, selon KAYAK, la plupart des destinations connaissent des prix de vol plus bas à l'automne 2024 qu'à l'automne 2023, Tokyo enregistrant des prix de billets inférieurs de 19%, et Bali de 16%.

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    106. from $77/night. AZIMUT Hotel Kemerovo. 174. from $50/night. Hotel Kuzbass. 138. from $36/night. Crystal De Luxe Hotel.

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    Theatres. By NorvikSiberia. Last years Kemerovo Drama theatre plays and performances are going to be more modern and fashionable in dynamic... 9. Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon. 6. Churches & Cathedrals. 10. Kart Racing Center Adrenaline.

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    Kemerovo. Kemerovo is a city in Kemerovo Oblast, Western Siberia. Kemerovo is the capital of Kemerovo region or Kuzbass. It is a city with over half a million of population — big enough for Siberia. Rivers Tom and Iskitimka run through the city. Photo: Vyacheslav Bukharov, CC BY-SA 4.0. Photo: Atsirlin, CC BY-SA 4.0.

  22. The 24 Best Places to Go in 2024

    The result is this: our definitive guide to the 24 best places to go in 2024. It includes extraordinary superblooms in a new national park in Chile, up-close encounters with wildlife alongside Inuit guides in Canada, and an exciting, community-led dining destination in Rwanda. This complete list, while an immense challenge to narrow down ...

  23. Kemerovo Oblast

    Kemerovo Oblast — Kuzbass, also known simply as Kemerovo Oblast (Russian: Ке́меровская о́бласть) or Kuzbass (Кузба́сс), after the Kuznetsk Basin, is a federal subject of Russia (an oblast). Kemerovo is the administrative center and largest city of the oblast. Kemerovo Oblast is one of Russia's most urbanized regions, with over 70% of the population living in its ...