guide tour co to znaczy

  • Co to jest system tour guide i dlaczego warto z ni...

Co to jest system tour guide i dlaczego warto z niego korzystać?

Wakacje to dla jednych czas niedużych wyjazdów, a dla innych realizacji podróży życia. Gdziekolwiek byśmy jednak nie byli, warto skusić się na zwiedzanie muzeów, starówek czy całych miast z przewodnikiem, dzięki czemu wycieczka stanie się dużo bardziej owocna. Coraz częściej elementem niezbędnym do oprowadzania stają się specjalne systemy tour guide. Na pytania - co to jest i gdzie ma zastosowanie - odpowiemy w dalszej części artykułu.

Czym jest system tour guide?

Zestawy tour guide to nowoczesne urządzenia mobilne, które służą do bezprzewodowej komunikacji, a dokładniej do jednokierunkowego przesyłu dźwieków. Są to radiowe systemy, które - jak wskazuje nazwa - służą oprowadzaniu. System tour guide składa się z nadajnika i odbiorników, które wielkością przypominają telefon komórkowy lub powerbank. Nadajniki posiadają niewielki mikrofony, przez które przewodnik kontaktuje się z grupą, zaś odbiorniki są wyposażone w słuchawki, by odsłuchiwać opowieści czy ogłoszenia osoby oprowadzającej. Zestaw tour guide jest zaprojektowany z myślą o obowiązkach przewodników turystycznych, którzy z reguły pracują w dość dużym hałasie i muszą przekazać jak najwięcej informacji grupie turystów. Tak zwane audioprzewodniki czy radioprzewodniki umożliwiają komfortową komunikację nawet w bardzo trudnych warunkach. Systemy tour guide są dostępne w dwóch wariantach - zestawach analogowych lub cyfrowych, niekiedy stosuje się też sprzęt do dwukierunkowego przesyłu dźwięku (raczej w biznesie, tłumaczeniach).

Zalety systemu tour guide

Największą zaletą zestawu tour guide jest oszczędność czasu i zdrowia przewodnika oraz zwiedzających. Osoba oprowadzająca nie musi już dłużej czekać, aż grupa się zbierze, by przekazać jej informacje na temat historii danego miejsca, a do tego nie musi krzyczeć, by być słyszaną. Co więcej, często odwiedza się miejsca, w których należy zachować ciszę, zatem mówienie pełnym czy podniesionym głosem w kościołach, muzeach czy miejscach kultu jest zakazane. Zestawy tour guide są również bardzo łatwe w obsłudze. Z reguły wystarczy wcisnąć jeden guzik, za pomocą którego uruchamiamy i wyłączamy urządzenie. Jest to więc dobre rozwiązanie również dla starszych osób i małych dzieci. Kolejna zaleta to możliwość słuchania opowieści przewodnika nawet z dużej odległości. Niektóre odbiorniki pozwalają na oddalenie się od nadajnika nawet o 100-200 metrów, przez co zwiedzanie staje się bardziej komfortowe i możemy na przykład zrobić więcej zdjęć z rożnych perspektyw, nie opóźniając wycieczki. Warto podkreślić, że zestawy tour guide mają możliwość podłączenia telefonu lub MP3, co daje kolejne możliwości w postaci autodeskrypcji opowiadanych historii. Tour guide są sprzętem wytrzymałym, dzięki czemu można udać się na bardzo długą wycieczkę, nie martwiąc się o baterię w odbiorniku. Niewielkie gabaryty sprzętu sprawiają, że jest on wygodny podczas zwiedzania i nie obciąża turystów ani przewodników. Coraz częściej nadajniki i odbiorniki są bardzo estetyczne i wykonane z dużą precyzją. Ostatnią zaletą jest cena sprzętu. Zestawy do oprowadzania są stosunkowo niedrogie, zaś ich działanie stanowią ogromne ułatwienie zarówno dla osoby oprowadzającej, jak i dla turystów.

Pozostałe zastosowania zestawów tour guide

Systemy tour guide, przez wzgląd na liczne zalety i funkcjonalności, ma zastosowanie również w innych branżach niż turystyka. Z zestawów nadajników i odbiorników tego typy korzystają również piloci, tłumacze czy prezenterzy, którzy często muszą zdawać relacje z różnych miejsc, niekiedy pracują w trudnych warunkach i ogromnym hałasie. System jest używany podczas oficjalnych kongresów czy ważnych konferencji, ale również podczas spotkań bądź szkoleń. Z tego względu częstymi klientami stają się biura podróży i muzea oraz agencje eventowe, międzynarodowe koncerny, uczelnie, agencje tłumaczeń, firmy szkoleniowe, przedsiębiorstwa, organizacje pozarządowe czy sektor publiczny. Należy dodać, że systemy tour guide są doskonałymi rozwiązaniami dla różnego rodzaju pracy w hałasie, dlatego są wykorzystywane również w fabrykach.

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guide tour co to znaczy

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Jakie jest tłumaczenie "tour guide" po polsku?

"tour guide" - polskie tłumaczenie, tour guide {rzecz.}.

  • volume_up pilot wycieczek

Tłumaczenia na język polski dostarczane przez Oxford Languages

Tour guide noun, tłumaczenia, tour guide {rzeczownik}, przykłady użycia, english polish przykłady kontekstowe "tour guide" po polsku.

Poniższe tłumaczenia pochodzą z zewnętrznych źródeł i mogą być niedokładne. nie jest odpowiedzialne za ich brzmienie.

  • open_in_new Link do źródła
  • warning Prośba o sprawdzenie

Przykłady jednojęzyczne

English jak użyć "tour guide" w zdaniu, english jak użyć "pilot wycieczek" w zdaniu, podobne tłumaczenia, podobne polskie tłumaczenia dla słowa "tour guide".

  • trasa koncertowa
  • oprowadzanie
  • ruszyć w objazd
  • naprowadzić
  • zaprowadzić
  • tour the region
  • tour the show
  • tour the site
  • tour tickets
  • tour together
  • tour travel
  • tour winner
  • touring acts
  • touring artists
  • touring band
  • touring bike
  • touring bindings
  • touring boot
  • touring car
  • touring circuit
  • touring company

Dalsze tłumaczenia oferuje rosyjsko-polski słownik

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Szanowny Użytkowniku,

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1. Wyrażenie Zgody.

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Składasz zapytanie o poszukiwane przez ciebie produkty czy usługi. My rozsyłamy zapytanie do firm spełniających Twoje kryteria. Firmy kontaktują się z Tobą na podany przez Ciebie email lub telefon. Usługa jest bezpłatna.

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Czym są i do czego służą systemy Tour Guide

WAGO ELWAG sp. z o.o..

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18-11-2016, 00:00 Systemy tour-guide powstały z myślą o turystyce. Ich pierwotnym przeznaczeniem było umożliwienie komunikacji przewodnika z grupami turystycznymi lub pielgrzymkowymi. Coraz częściej znajdują swoje zastosowanie w innych dziedzinach życia, na przykład w biznesie, przemyśle, czy kulturze, i cieszą się rosnącą popularnością.

Systemy tour-guide

Jak działa tour guide system i z czego się składa?

Typowy tour guide system składa się z nadajnika radiowego oraz kieszonkowych odbiorników ze słuchawkami. Osoba posiadająca nadajnik (np. przewodnik wycieczki) za pomocą bezprzewodowego mikrofonu przekazuje informacje do pozostałych członków grupy. Istnieją też systemy audio-guide, które polegają na odsłuchiwaniu nagranych wcześniej wypowiedzi lektora oraz systemy do komunikacji dwustronnej, które umożliwiają prowadzenie dyskusji.

Systemy audio tour guide umożliwiają przekazywanie informacji dużej grupie odbiorców w zatłoczonych, hałaśliwych miejscach, bez konieczności przekrzykiwania się. Są lekkie, niewielkie i wygodne, a ich obsługa jest prosta i nie sprawia kłopotów użytkownikom. Nie wymagają instalowania żadnego oprogramowania, ani stałego dostępu do źródła zasilania.

Gdzie można stosować tour guide system?

Pierwotnym przeznaczeniem systemów tour guide była turystyka. W ostatnich latach stały się też popularne w innych branżach. Jakich? Oto kilka przykładów.

  • Przemysł. Podczas oprowadzania gości po hali produkcyjnej, czy prowadzenia szkoleń na terenie zakładu, hałas może stanowić barierę komunikacyjną. System tour guide pozwala unikać podnoszenia głosu i zwiększa komfort wypowiedzi. Dzięki temu goście czy prelegenci nie mają problemówz odbiorem komunikatów. Szczególnie efektywny jest system tourguide full duplex, który umożliwia komunikację dwustronną.  
  • Muzea. Panuje tam zazwyczaj cisza, więc gdy w jednym pomieszczeniu spotkają się dwie grupy turystów, mogą przeszkadzać nie tylko sobie nawzajem, ale też pozostałym odwiedzającym. W takich przypadkach system audio guide powoduje, że każdy uczestnik wycieczki może wysłuchać przewodnika lub lektora w komfortowych warunkach.  
  • Tłumaczenia. Podczas wycieczek, delegacji, na międzynarodowych targach, konferencjach, a nawet spotkań o charakterze rządowym – wszędzie tam tłumacze odgrywają ważną rolę. Systemy tour guide sprawdzają się doskonale, ponieważ pomagają usprawniać przebieg wydarzeń. Organizatorzy międzynarodowych spotkań mogą zdecydować się na systemy mobilne lub systemy stacjonarne, które wykorzystywane są zazwyczaj w profesjonalnych salach konferencyjnych, na uczelniach oraz w biurach tłumaczeń.  
  • Audiodeskrypcja. Jest to sposób werbalnego przekazywania wizualnych treści osobom niewidomymi niedowidzącym. Służy do relacjonowania wydarzeń sportowych, kulturalnych, czy artystycznych.Tour guide system pozwala aktywnie uczestniczyć w życiu społecznym osobom z dysfunkcjami wzroku.

Zastosowań systemów tour guide z pewnością jest dużo więcej, a sposób ich wykorzystania zależy często od fantazji użytkowników. Na rynku dostępnych jest wiele rodzajów systemów, które dają przeróżne możliwości. Mnogość rozwiązań powoduje, że systemy audio tour guide zyskują coraz więcej zwolenn

NORD Npędy

Polecane strony

W naszym serwisie możesz złożyć zapytanie do wielu firm. Zapytanie możesz wysłać bezpośrednio do firmy lub o wybrany produkt a nawet całą kategorię produktów. Poniżej w kilku krokach pokazujemy jak wysłać zapytanie.


1. Skorzystaj z wyszukiwarki wpisując czego szukasz.


2. Zaznacz na liście wyniku wyszukiwania wybrane pozycje.

Możesz także wejść bezpośrednio do katalogu firm lub katalogu produktów i dokonać wyboru.


3. Twój wybór będzie pokazany w górnym pasku portalu. Najedź myszką i kliknij.


4. Następnie kliknij przycisk „Wyślij zapytanie do firm”.


5. Jeżeli nie jesteś zalogowany to włączy się strona z możliwością wyboru w jaki sposób chcesz korzystać z serwisu.


6. Włączy się formularz składania zapytania. Miejsca, do których składasz zapytania zostały podzielone na zakładki. Na czerwono podświetlone są liczby wybranych firm, produktów itd. Tutaj możesz jeszcze dokonać zmian wyboru. Wpisz swoje zapytanie, podaj dane kontaktowe i wyślij.


7. My roześlemy Twoje zapytanie do wybranych przez Ciebie firm, a Ty czekaj na odpowiedzi.

8. Chcesz złożyć zapytanie? Kliknij tutaj i wpisz czego szukasz.

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Poniżej zamieściliśmy linki do informacji o możliwości i sposobach obsługi plików cookies, które są dostępne w ustawieniach popularnych przeglądarek internetowych.

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Pliki cookies zamieszczane są w urządzeniu końcowym użytkownika portalu i wykorzystywane mogą być również przez współpracujących z nami reklamodawców oraz partnerów.

Możesz zdecydować jakie pliki cookies mamy zapisywać:

Niezbędne pliki cookie

Te pliki cookie są niezbędne do działania strony i nie można ich wyłączyć. Służą na przykład do utrzymania informacji o wybranym mieście, które ma być uwzględniane podczas wyszukiwania firm/produktów.

Analityczne pliki cookie

Te pliki cookie pozwalają liczyć wizyty i źródła ruchu. Dzięki tym plikom wiadomo, które strony są bardziej popularne i w jaki sposób poruszają się odwiedzający stronę. Te informacje pomagaj nam w ulepszaniu funkcjonowania i dostosowania serwisów do potrzeb Użytkowników. Wszystkie informacje gromadzone przez te pliki cookie są anonimowe.

Reklamowe pliki cookie

Reklamowe pliki cookie mogą być wykorzystywane za pośrednictwem naszej strony przez naszych partnerów reklamowych. Służą do budowania profilu Twoich zainteresowań na podstawie informacji o stronach, które przeglądasz, co obejmuje unikalną identyfikację Twojej przeglądarki i urządzenia końcowego. Jeśli nie zezwolisz na te pliki to wyświetlane reklamy nie będą oparte na Twoich zainteresowaniach.

guide tour co to znaczy

"guide" po polsku — Słownik angielsko-polski | zobacz "guide" po angielsku

Guidebook , także: guide book guide ***.

obrazek do "guidebook" po polsku

  • przewodnik (książka) I bought this guide for London, but it wasn't any use. (Kupiłem ten przewodnik po Londynie, ale wcale się nie przydał.) I got her a travel guidebook because she's going to Spain this summer. (Kupiłem jej przewodnik turystyczny, bo tego lata jedzie do Hiszpanii.)

guidebook, guide rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności. Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów zdań również generowane są przez automatyczny moduł i nie są weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów.

He'd read the history in a guidebook several days ago.

Wczytał historię bedekerowy przed kilkoma dniami.

Her next project is a guidebook for children 6 through 12 years old.

Jej następny projekt jest przewodnikiem dla dzieci 6 w ciągu 12 lat stary.

But I've never seen anything in a guidebook about that.

Ale nigdy nie zobaczyłem niczego w przewodniku o tym.

He does not think of himself as a guidebook author.

On nie uważa siebie za bedekerowego autora.

Here is what some popular guidebooks have said about them.

Tu jest co jakieś popularne przewodniki powiedziały o nich.

Read a guidebook , do some research, and come back when you have specific questions.

Czytać przewodnik, robić jakieś badania, i wracać gdy dostajesz konkretne pytania.

Any good guidebook will keep you busy in either city.

Jakikolwiek dobry przewodnik znajdzie zajęcie ci w którymkolwiek mieście.

But are they any better than a map and guidebook ?

Ale oni są którymkolwiek lepiej od mapy i przewodnika?

No guidebook could ever lead you to this kind of crowd.

Żaden przewodnik kiedykolwiek nie mógł poprowadzić cię do tego rodzaju tłumu.

I am finding very little about this area in guidebooks .

Znajduję bardzo mało o tym obszarze w przewodnikach.

I tried hard to remember the map from my guidebook .

Bardzo starałem się pamiętać mapę z mojego przewodnika.

"There was no correct answer we could look up in some guidebook ."

"Nie było żadnej prawidłowej odpowiedzi mogliśmy popatrzyć w górę w jakimś przewodniku."

Anyway, you can find out more about the place in the guidebooks .

W każdym razie, możesz dowiadywać się więcej o miejscu w przewodnikach.

The guidebook and all those helpful people had given me the wrong information.

Przewodnik i wszyscy ci pomocni ludzie dali mi złe informacje.

So, I mean, it is a guidebook to how to do this.

Więc, oznaczam, to jest przewodnik aby jak robić to.

The 91-page guidebook is of little help for nurses, she said.

Przewodnik 91-strona nie na wiele się zdać dla pielęgniarek, powiedziała.

Surrender control of the guidebook and see where you get taken.

Kontrola przewodnika kapitulacji i widzieć gdzie dostajesz wzięty.

Taking out a small notebook and her guidebook , she set to work.

Wyjmując niewielki notebook i jej przewodnik, zabrała się do roboty.

The difficulty of each individual move can be found in guidebooks .

Trudność każdego indywidualnego ruchu może zostać znaleziona w przewodnikach.

A guidebook from the game was also released on July 30, 2009.

Przewodnik z gry również został wydany 30 lipca 2009.

It is a guidebook for people learning how to live with their dreams.

To jest przewodnik dla ludzi ucząc się jak godzić się z ich snami.

Guidebooks may indicate certain points in the city as having a great view.

Przewodniki mogą wskazywać pewne momenty w mieście jako posiadanie wielkiego widoku.

If I find a restaurant that's in every single guidebook then we'll probably take it out.

Jeśli znajduję restaurację być w każdym jednym przewodniku wtedy prawdopodobnie wyjmiemy to.

But I can still remember the awful feeling of being alone in a foreign city without a guidebook .

Ale wciąż mogę pamiętać okropne uczucie bycia sam w obcym mieście bez przewodnika.

Uwaga: Tłumaczenia dodatkowych przykładów nie były weryfikowane przez naszych lektorów - mogą zawierać błędy.

obrazek do "guide" po polsku

  • wskazówka (coś, co pomaga nam podjąć decyzję) [policzalny] She didn't want to reveal any guides for the riddle. (Ona nie chciała ujawnić żadnych wskazówek zagadki.) I don't know how to solve this, I need you to give me some guides. (Nie wiem, jak to rozwiązać, musisz mi dać jakieś wskazówki.)
  • przewodnik , przewodniczka (osoba, np. podczas wycieczki, podróży) [policzalny] She'd make a great tour guide. (Ona byłaby świetnym przewodnikiem wycieczek.) The guide hoped to reach the top of the mountain by the evening. (Przewodnik miał nadzieję dojść na szczyt góry do wieczora.) The guide gave us lots of amusing details on the castle's history. (Przewodnik opowiedział nam wiele zabawnych szczegółów o historii zamku.)
  • harcerka , druhna   BrE [policzalny] Mary was the leader of the guides. (Mary była liderką harcerzy.) My daughter is a guide and she's going on a camp next week. (Moja córka jest harcerką i w przyszłym tygodniu jedzie na obóz.)
  • poradnik [policzalny] I bought this guide because I want to learn to sew. (Kupiłem ten poradnik, bo chcę nauczyć się szyć.)
  • przewodnik (zwykle w sprawach związanych z wiarą) [policzalny] He was a successful banker before he became a spiritual guide. (On był wziętym bankierem zanim został przewodnikiem duchowym.)

guide rzeczownik

He had a problem at work, the guide told us.

Miał problem w pracy, przewodnik powiedział nam.

But the same might be said for the guide as a whole.

Ale to samo może być powiedziane dla całego przewodnika.

Can you provide me with information on how to get a guide ?

Możesz dostarczać mi informacje na jak rozumieć wskazówkę?

If history is any guide , he may well be right.

Jeśli historia będzie jakimkolwiek przewodnikiem, on dobrze może mieć rację.

And if the past is any guide , they are not pretty.

A jeśli przeszłość jest jakimkolwiek przewodnikiem, oni nie są ładni.

What makes the report the best guide for a story?

Co robi raportowi najlepszą wskazówkę dla historii?

If the past is a guide , less will not mean more.

Jeśli przeszłość będzie przewodnikiem, mniej nie będzie oznaczać więcej.

If history is any guide , the industry will get its way.

Jeśli historia będzie jakimkolwiek przewodnikiem, przemysł będzie mieć swoją drogę.

More often than not, common sense is your best guide .

Najczęściej, zdrowy rozsądek jest twoim najlepszym przewodnikiem.

Here is a guide to what to keep and why.

Tu jest przewodnikiem do co trzymać niby dlaczego.

During 2009, the guide was used by more than 26 000 people.

Podczas 2009, przewodnik był używany przez więcej niż 26 000 ludzie.

Here is a guide for those who need to know.

Tu przewodnik jest za tymi, które muszą wiedzieć.

I think his father was some kind of a guide .

Myślę, że jego ojciec był pewnego rodzaju przewodnikiem.

At its end we turned to the right, following our guide .

W jego końcu przekręciliśmy w prawo, przestrzegając naszej wskazówki.

However, he needed a guide to help him get around the city.

Jednakże, potrzebował przewodnika pomóc mu obchodzić miasto.

In all these questions common sense must be the guide .

We wszystkich tych pytaniach zdrowy rozsądek musi być przewodnikiem.

Almost at the end, his guide turned left into a large office.

Prawie na końcu, jego przewodnik skręcił w lewo do dużego biura.

He would not have known how to get back without a guide .

Nie potrafiłby wrócić bez przewodnika.

He really would have been better off with a guide .

Mu naprawdę powiodłoby się lepiej z przewodnikiem.

I'll talk to him and meet with our guide after.

Będę rozmawiać z nim i spotkam się z naszym przewodnikiem potem.

After what seemed like minutes the woman turned to the guide .

Po co wyglądać jak minuty kobieta odwróciła się do przewodnika.

You can use these as a guide when doing your own.

Możesz używać te jako wskazówka robiąc twój własny.

I have found the guide who can bring me here again.

Znalazłem przewodnika, który może zabierać mnie tu jeszcze raz.

I had no guide here to show me where everything was.

Nie dostałem żadnej wskazówki tu pokazać mi gdzie wszystko było.

Just look at the guide and tell us of him, or her.

Właśnie patrzeć na przewodnika i mówić nam z niego, albo jej.

  • kierować , wpływać [przechodni] The woman guided her husband not to move out. (Kobieta wpłynęła na męża, żeby się nie wyprowadzał.) I can't allow my parents to guide me anymore. (Nie mogę pozwolić rodzicom, by mną wciąż kierowali.)

guide czasownik

Thank you, and may God guide us to what is right.

Dziękuję, i Bóg może prowadzić nas co ma rację.

As such, I should know how best to guide them.

Jako taki, powinienem potrafić najlepiej prowadzić ich.

I said, and tried again to guide him inside the house.

Powiedziałem, i spróbować jeszcze raz prowadzić go w domu.

She will guide him, and do what must be done.

Ona poprowadzi go, i robić co musieć być zrobić.

And perhaps I can guide you to a place where life is.

I może mogę prowadzić cię do miejsca gdzie życie jest.

He is looking to guide the team to the international market.

On patrzy by prowadzić zespół do rynku międzynarodowego.

He may have used a model to guide the building process.

Mógł wykorzystać modela do prowadzenia procesu budynku.

Every day until then we'll meet to guide him with our power.

Codziennie do tego czasu spotkamy prowadzić go z naszą mocą.

Even if I could guide you, we would be only two.

Nawet gdybym mógł poprowadzić cię, bylibyśmy tylko dwa.

And here is one who could guide us into change.

I tu jest jednym kto móc poprowadzić nas do zmiany.

But how would she get on without him to guide her?

Ale jak kontynuowałaby bez niego prowadzić ją?

She held up her hand to guide him out of the door.

Uniosła swoją rękę prowadzić go z drzwi.

She would keep her head, and guide them all through to the other side.

Zatrzymałaby swoją głowę, i prowadzić ich wszystkich całkowicie do innej strony.

"Not when they can guide the power of nature or put another person's energy to work for himself."

"Nie gdy oni mogą prowadzić moc natury albo mogą dawać zajęcie energii innej osoby dla siebie."

Do we have information in the record that can guide us?

Mamy informacje w płycie, która może prowadzić nas?

For 38 years you were always there to guide us.

Przez 38 lat miałeś zawsze tam prowadzić nas.

But at least this time around, he has experience to guide him.

Ale co najmniej tym razem wokół, on ma doświadczenie prowadzić go.

"A lot of people are looking to us to help guide them."

"Wielu ludzi liczy na nas, że pomóc prowadzić ich."

We have less than a century of use to guide us.

Mamy mniej niż wiek wykorzystania prowadzić nas.

We'd have to guide him every step of the way.

Musielibyśmy prowadzić go na każdym kroku.

And I still have to guide him back when it's done!

I wciąż muszę prowadzić go z powrotem gdy zrobiło!

We are too many, and there is no single one to guide us.

Jesteśmy również wieloma, i jest nie pojedynczy prowadzić nas.

And there's no one to guide us in our studies.

I nie ma nikogo do przewodnika nas w naszych naukach.

At least six men are needed to guide and control it.

Przynajmniej sześciu ludzi jest potrzebne prowadzić i kontrolować to.

It was a way for me to guide them to God.

To była droga dla mnie prowadzić ich do Boga.

rod guide guide *** fishing rod eye eye *****

  • przelotka (element wędki)

rod guide, guide, fishing rod eye, eye rzeczownik

Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.

I then started to mark out where the rod guides needed to go.

Run the line through the rod guides down to the reel.

No more bulky and annoying knots clankety-clanking their way through rod guides .

Exchangeable rod guide and jaws for standard drilling dimensions up to 80 mm.

It always amuses me that the topic of fly rod guides is so emotionally debated.

Do not fit push rod guide plates.

Keep your cleaning rod and rod guide clean.

Casts easier that DT lines because the small diameter running line offers less resistance to rod guides .

Exchangeable rod guide and jaws for standard rods, casings and core barrels.

Operating rod guide .

Because they are so exceptionally slick, AST-coated lines produce less friction through the rod guides .

Some of the new materials in modern reels - graphite, Carbaloy, aluminum oxide, go into rods or rod guides .

Rod twist is minimized by orienting the rod guides along the side of the rod with the most 'give'.

It is fitted with a new front sight base, gas block (lacks the bayonet lug) and an under-barrel cleaning rod guide .

Also visually inspect your rod guides regularly for any nicks or cuts that could damage or fray your line.

Removable Front Rod Guide allows back reamers and product pipe to be disconnected inside the main frame of the 605.

Some of the metal parts of many reels, reel seats, rod guides and lures rust or corrode rapidly after exposure to salt water.

Chas Riegert gave the members of the Drycasting group a very compelling demonstration of the differences between different types of rod guides / runners.

For many years, most fly lines were designed for cool climates but, in the tropical heat, these lines became unbearably soft and would stick to the rod guides .

Semi automatic rod loading magazine holds up to 19 rods and with the rod guide allows quick and easy alignment and rod connections.

If an obstacle to the passage of the line through the rod guides has to be removed from the line, then the obstacle shall be held and cut free.

It has the advantage that the stops moves readily over the rod guides , but grips the monofilament nylon so tightly that it will not slide over the line.

"Clear your line, clear your line, clear your line," Mr. McKee yelled as loose coils flew through the rod guides and made the reel sing.

Plus, super lines can be effective when flipping and pitching for bass in heavy cover, since the lines flow more smoothly through the rod guides , to allow for precise lure placement.

Curt Behnke stowed his cleaning rod, removed the rod guide from the receiver, sat down on the stool, and squinted at the target frame he had set up in the distance.

guide somebody to something

  • zaprowadzić kogoś do czegoś , nakierować kogoś na coś

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Podobne do "guide" po angielsku — słownik polsko-angielski | zobacz "guide" po polsku.

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What is Guided Tour? Meaning, Origin, Popular Use, and Synonyms

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What is a Guided Tour?

A Guided Tour is a travel experience where a knowledgeable and experienced guide leads a group of travelers through a specific destination, providing valuable insights, information, and commentary along the way. Guided tours can be conducted on foot, by bus, boat, or other means of transportation, depending on the nature of the tour and the destination. The main objective of a guided tour is to enhance the travel experience by offering in-depth knowledge about the history, culture, landmarks, and attractions of the place being visited.

Origins of the term Guided Tour

The concept of guided tours can be traced back to the 19th century when travel and tourism started to become more popular. Initially, guided tours were organized for educational and cultural purposes , allowing travelers to explore historical sites and natural wonders with the guidance of knowledgeable experts. Over time, the tourism industry embraced the idea of guided tours, recognizing its value in providing a more enriching and informative travel experience.

Where is the term Guided Tour commonly used?

The term “Guided Tour” is commonly used in the tourism industry worldwide. Guided tours are prevalent in popular tourist destinations, historical sites, national parks, and cultural landmarks. They are especially popular in cities with rich historical and cultural heritage, where travelers seek to gain a deeper understanding of the place they are visiting.

Synonyms of the term Guided Tour

While “Guided Tour” is the most common term used to describe this travel experience, it may also be known by other names depending on the region and the type of tour. Some synonyms and related terms for Guided Tour include:

  • Sightseeing Tour: A tour focused on visiting and exploring various points of interest and attractions.
  • Excursion : A short journey or trip taken for leisure, education, or pleasure, often guided by a local expert.
  • Tour Package: A pre-arranged tour that includes transportation, accommodation, and guided activities.
  • Escorted Tour: A tour where a guide accompanies the group throughout the entire journey.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Deciding on a Guided Tour

guide tour co to znaczy

Booking your ticket to the far-off destination you’ve been dreaming of is a thrilling experience in itself. The exhilaration of knowing you are about to have the adventure of a lifetime is enough to keep you riding high for weeks or even months.

But if you're not a planner by nature, spending hours figuring out the logistics of your trip can be a serious buzzkill.

Thankfully, travel companies are making it easier than ever for travelers to head out on breathtaking excursions without planning a single thing. If you’re up to trying something new but don’t have time to figure out all the details, then perhaps it’s best to leave it up to the professionals.

On a recent journey to South America, I tagged along with Mountain Lodges of Peru , a travel company offering a unique take on guided tours. (It’s no wonder this company was named one of the best tour operators in Travel + Leisure ’s 2017 World's Best Awards .)

From transportation, to food, to lodging, right down to the pack mules for the Inca Trail , every single moment of this trip was meticulously planned for our group. All we had to do was take in everything Peru had to offer, worry-free.

If you’re hesitant to book a guided trip, ask yourself these five crucial questions to set your mind at ease before putting your travels in someone else’s hands.

How large is your group?

If I learned one thing about guided tours on my trip through Peru, it was that they are the ultimate way to see a new destination as a solo traveler .

Upon landing in Cusco at 6 a.m. following a nine-hour overnight flight from Los Angeles, a member of the Mountain Lodges of Peru team was there to greet me, help with my bags, and get me to my hotel so I could get back to bed before our big adventure began. As a woman traveling alone to a country I had never visited, it was quite reassuring to know I wasn’t simply riding along in the dark with total strangers.

How comfortable are you traveling to a new and unfamiliar place?

If you’re traveling to a destination where you’ve been once or twice, then perhaps you won’t feel the need for a guide, instead opting to re-visit all your favorite haunts. But, if you’re going somewhere new and you don’t know the language or the location well — or are simply looking for a new take on a classic — then a group guided tour may be the ideal answer.

Having a guide to share the ins and outs of Peruvian travel culture proved crucial more than once on my trip. For example, in Peru it’s customary to tip a few sol to people you take pictures of, especially those dressed in traditional clothing at its many cultural sites. This was something our guides informed us of in the beginning of our trip, along with the custom of tipping to use the public toilets in many of the villages and towns we passed through. And perhaps best of all, our guides also carried plenty of extra supplies with them along the routes, just in case.

How deep do you want to dive into a new culture?

Beyond feeling like I was truly immersing myself in the Peruvian culture thanks to my intrepid guides who explained every sight and sound’s importance to the country in detail, I also learned a great deal by listening in on what other travelers on my trip were asking.

Moreover, during our journey, our guides took us to places other tourists don't venture to, like the town of Choquecancha, where we met with master weavers to learn about their trade and have a peaceful lunch with them in their own shop. While I had my own questions for these women, it was an added bonus to join conversations they were having with my fellow tour group participants.

There, I was able to learn things I didn’t even realize I had questions about, like how the women dye their threads in such remote locations (they boil local vegetation and dip the alpaca wool in and out throughout the day), and just what their different hat styles really mean (it’s an indicator of their marital status. If only it were that easy in the United States).

Thanks to my tour group's unique partnerships within the communities they pass through, we were given unfettered access to the people and places that make Peru so unique. And that’s an experience I would have a hard time finding on my own.

Is your location particularly difficult to travel around in?

In Peru, the roads are thin and winding, the mountains are endlessly high, and some areas are so steep and so narrow to climb that had my guide not been there to show me the way, I may have turned back more than once. But having the backing of someone who has been there once or twice (or a thousand times) gave me the complete sense of calm I needed to let go of all travel fears and anxiety .

And sure, not every destination is as treacherous sounding as climbing a 13,000-foot elevation, but you know what, navigating the streets of Rome, Tokyo, or Rio can be just as confusing. A guided tour offers you the chance to not worry about which route is best, as someone else has already determined that for you.

Do you find value in sharing experiences or would you rather have time to self-reflect?

Going to Peru I knew I’d see a lot, learn a lot, and have plenty of time to soak up the culture, but one thing I didn’t anticipate was how easily I’d make a host of new friends and how crucial they’d become to my journey.

Each night, our tour group would gather over a meal to discuss the plans for the next day and also share with one another what we had learned along the way. It was in these shared moments that I felt even more connected to my trip and was able to see the same experience through other perspectives.

But the guided tour also offered me the opportunity to break away from the group whenever I chose to do so to take a quiet moment to myself. Be that over morning tea (or coca leaves in Peru), an evening stroll, stepping away in Machu Picchu to soak it all in, or simply choosing to not take part in a guided activity, those little moments were just as essential to the enjoyment of my travels as the guided days.

And, on this particular trip, I was able to choose which adventure I wanted to go on each day: a guided hike or a guided cultural exchange, which meant I could still personalize my travels.

In the end it’s important to remember it’s your money, your time, and your own personal journey, so do what’s right for you to ensure it’s the fulfilling experience you were hoping for.

Once you choose a destination, do a bit of searching to see if there’s a guided tour that fits your goals (like eating your way through Italy or biking through Napa Valley), your budget, and your time.

If you decide a guided tour is the right fit for you, check out our 2017 list of best tour providers here.

What does a tour guide do?

Would you make a good tour guide? Take our career test and find your match with over 800 careers.

What is a Tour Guide?

A tour guide provides assistance, information, and guidance to individuals or groups of tourists during their travels. Their primary role is to enhance the travel experience by sharing knowledge and insights about the destinations, attractions, and cultural aspects of the places being visited. Tour guides are well-versed in the history, geography, culture, and traditions of the locations they cover, and they use their expertise to educate and entertain the tourists.

Tour guides are responsible for organizing and leading tours, ensuring that the itinerary is followed, and the group stays on schedule. They may work in various settings, including cities, historical sites, natural landscapes, or cultural landmarks. During tours, guides provide commentary, answer questions, and engage with the tourists, creating an interactive and immersive experience. They may also assist with logistical matters, such as arranging transportation, coordinating entry to attractions, and recommending places to eat or shop.

What does a Tour Guide do?

An animated tour guide giving a group of visitors information about the area they are in.

Tour guides bring destinations to life by providing valuable expertise and insights. While guidebooks and online resources can offer information, tour guides offer a unique and personalized experience that cannot be replicated.

Duties and Responsibilities Tour guides have a range of duties and responsibilities to ensure a smooth and enjoyable travel experience for tourists. Some of the key responsibilities include:

  • Planning and organizing: Tour guides research and plan tour itineraries, considering factors such as the duration of the tour, the interests of the group, and the availability of attractions. They arrange transportation, accommodation, meals, and any necessary permits or tickets, ensuring that everything is well-coordinated.
  • Providing information and commentary: A primary role of tour guides is to offer informative and engaging commentary about the destinations being visited. They share historical facts, cultural insights, and interesting anecdotes to educate and entertain tourists. Guides should have a deep understanding of the locations, including their history, architecture, local customs, and traditions.
  • Leading tours and managing groups: Tour guides are responsible for leading the group throughout the tour. They ensure that the group stays together, follows the itinerary, and adheres to any safety guidelines. Guides should have good organizational and leadership skills to manage groups of varying sizes and diverse backgrounds.
  • Assisting with logistics: Tour guides handle practical aspects of the tour, such as coordinating transportation between sites, arranging entry to attractions, and managing timing to optimize the itinerary. They provide directions, answer questions, and offer recommendations for meals, shopping, and other activities.
  • Ensuring safety and security: Guides prioritize the safety and security of the tourists. They inform the group about potential risks or hazards, and they take necessary precautions to prevent accidents or incidents. In emergency situations, guides should be prepared to provide assistance and follow appropriate protocols.
  • Interacting and engaging with tourists: Tour guides create a welcoming and interactive environment for tourists. They foster a positive and friendly atmosphere, encourage questions, and actively engage with the group. Guides should be approachable and adaptable, catering to the needs and interests of the tourists.
  • Resolving issues and addressing concerns: Tour guides act as a point of contact for tourists, addressing any concerns or issues that may arise during the tour. They handle complaints, resolve conflicts, and provide assistance or alternative solutions when needed.
  • Promoting responsible and sustainable tourism: Guides play a crucial role in promoting responsible tourism practices. They educate tourists about local customs and cultural sensitivities, encourage respectful behavior towards local communities and the environment, and advocate for sustainable travel practices.

Types of Tour Guides There are various types of tour guides, each specializing in different areas and catering to specific types of tours. Here are some common types of tour guides and a brief description of what they do:

  • City Tour Guides: City tour guides specialize in providing tours within a specific city or urban area. They are well-versed in the history, architecture, landmarks, and culture of the city. Their role is to guide tourists through popular attractions, historical sites, and local neighborhoods, offering insights and commentary along the way.
  • Cultural Tour Guides: Cultural tour guides focus on highlighting the cultural aspects of a destination. They provide in-depth knowledge about local traditions, customs, festivals, and arts. These guides may accompany tourists to museums, art galleries, cultural events, or religious sites, helping them understand and appreciate the cultural significance of these places.
  • Ecotourism Guides : Ecotourism guides are responsible for designing and planning itineraries that are environmentally and culturally responsible, researching the destination, developing educational materials, preparing necessary equipment, and coordinating logistics such as transportation, accommodation, and meals.
  • Adventure Tour Guides: Adventure tour guides lead tours focused on outdoor activities and adventure sports such as hiking, rock climbing, kayaking, or skiing. They possess skills and knowledge in the specific activities offered, ensuring the safety of participants while providing guidance and instruction. Adventure guides may take tourists to remote and challenging locations, coordinating logistics and providing a thrilling experience.
  • Historical Tour Guides: Historical tour guides specialize in providing detailed insights into the history of a destination. They are knowledgeable about specific historical periods, events, and significant landmarks. These guides often work in historical sites, monuments, or archaeological sites, sharing historical context and stories that bring the past to life for tourists.
  • Specialized Tour Guides: Specialized tour guides cater to niche interests or specific types of tours. Examples include food tour guides who focus on culinary experiences, wine tour guides who provide expertise on vineyards and wine tasting, or art tour guides who lead tours in museums and art galleries, offering interpretations of artworks.

Are you suited to be a tour guide?

Tour guides have distinct personalities . They tend to be social individuals, which means they’re kind, generous, cooperative, patient, caring, helpful, empathetic, tactful, and friendly. They excel at socializing, helping others, and teaching. Some of them are also enterprising, meaning they’re adventurous, ambitious, assertive, extroverted, energetic, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic.

Does this sound like you? Take our free career test to find out if tour guide is one of your top career matches.

What is the workplace of a Tour Guide like?

The workplace of a tour guide can be quite diverse and dynamic, offering a mix of indoor and outdoor environments. One aspect of their workplace involves cultural and urban settings. City tour guides, for instance, operate within bustling cities, leading tourists through streets, squares, and iconic landmarks. They may work in vibrant neighborhoods, historic districts, or cosmopolitan areas, immersing tourists in the local culture and urban atmosphere. These guides navigate through crowded streets, interact with locals, and provide insights into the city's history, architecture, and vibrant lifestyle. They may also lead tours in museums, art galleries, or cultural centers, where they can showcase the city's artistic and cultural offerings.

Another significant aspect of a tour guide's workplace is outdoor settings. Nature and wildlife tour guides find themselves working in breathtaking natural landscapes, such as forests, mountains, or coastal areas. These guides lead groups on hikes, nature walks, or wildlife safaris, sharing their knowledge about the local flora, fauna, and ecosystems. Their workplace is characterized by stunning scenery, serene environments, and opportunities for visitors to connect with nature. Adventure tour guides also operate in outdoor settings, taking tourists on thrilling activities like rafting, rock climbing, or skiing. They work in adventurous and often remote locations, ensuring the safety of participants while providing an adrenaline-pumping experience.

Additionally, the workplace of a tour guide can extend to various modes of transportation. They may lead tours on buses, boats, trains, or even walking tours, utilizing different forms of transportation to explore diverse attractions and destinations. This allows guides to provide a comprehensive experience, showcasing various facets of a region while offering comfort and convenience to tourists.

Tour Guides are also known as: Tourist Guide

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What Does a Tour Guide Do?

How do you make your travels more memorable? Let's talk about tour guides, the unsung heroes of every great trip.

A tour guide makes up 85% of what travelers think about a tour. So, if you're running a travel business and want to improve customer satisfaction, start by hiring and/or training great tour guides.

In this guide, we'll explore what makes a great tour guide. We'll look at the skills they should have, like sharing knowledge, ensuring safety, respecting local cultures, and caring for the environment.

How important are tour guides?

Travel guides are the heartbeat of the industry. They turn simple trips into unforgettable experiences by blending stories, culture, and adventure.

These guides do more than just show the way. Whether it's leading a tour through ancient ruins, leading a wildlife safari, or guiding you through a city, they connect people with the world.

So what do they do? We've got 10 key things tourist guides should practice and be trained in.  

What does a tour guide do?

1. provides information.

what a tour guide do, storytelling skill

A tour guide's superpower is sharing fascinating information. They don't just show places; they bring them to life with stories about history, culture, and more.

Imagine exploring an ancient site while your guide unveils its secrets, from architectural marvels to dramatic historical tales.

  • Why It Matters: This storytelling turns a regular trip into an unforgettable journey. It's the difference between just looking at old stones and feeling the pulse of history beneath your feet. Tourists carry these stories home, making their experience richer and more meaningful.
  • The Risk of Falling Short: A guide who can't weave these tales leaves travelers with just snapshots, not stories. It turns an adventure into just another walk, leading to disappointment and forgettable trips. For a travel business, this means unhappy customers and a reputation that takes a nosedive.

2. Guarantees guest safety

safety gears, hiking tours

At the core of a tour guide's responsibilities is ensuring the safety and well-being of guests. This includes sticking to safety protocols, guiding guests during activities, and handling emergencies effectively.

Take a wilderness hike, for example. A skilled guide not only checks that everyone has the right gear but also clearly explains safety rules. If a hiker twists an ankle on a tricky trail, a guide's quick response is crucial.

  • Why Safety is Key: Safety is the foundation of a successful tour. A guide's ability to manage risks and respond to emergencies not only protects the guests but also builds trust. This trust is essential for an enjoyable and worry-free experience.
  • The Consequences of Neglect: Ignoring safety can lead to serious consequences. A lapse in safety measures might result in accidents or emergencies, tarnishing the tour experience and the reputation of the travel business. In the world of travel, a safe journey is as important as an enjoyable one.

3. Manages itinerary

itinerary management, calendar

A tour guide's ability to organize and execute a tour itinerary is vital. This involves scheduling activities, coordinating transport, and managing time effectively to guarantee a seamless experience.

Consider a multi-day city tour. Here, the guide carefully plans each day, arranging museum visits, landmark tours, and dining experiences, all while balancing the group's time to maximize their enjoyment.

  • Why it matters: Efficient itinerary management is the backbone of a smooth tour. It ensures that every experience is woven seamlessly into the journey, giving guests a well-rounded and hassle-free experience.
  • The impact of poor management: If a guide mismanages the itinerary, the tour can turn chaotic, leading to missed opportunities and dissatisfaction. Timely and organized execution is key to keeping the tour on track and ensuring that every moment counts for the guests.

4. Knows how to engage guests

good customer engagement skills

A tour guide's skill at engaging with guests, answering their questions, and offering enlightening insights plays a big role in enhancing the tour experience.

Imagine a wildlife safari where the guide doesn't just point out animals but passionately describes their habits and habitats. They encourage questions, sparking a deeper connection between the tourists and the wildlife around them.

  • Why engagement matters: Effective engagement transforms a standard tour into an interactive journey. It's not just about seeing; it's about understanding and connecting. When a guide is interactive, it elevates the tourists' enjoyment and enriches their learning.
  • The downside of disengagement: A guide who lacks this ability may leave guests feeling disconnected and uninvolved. Engagement is key to keeping the experience lively, educational, and memorable. Without it, even the most exotic tour can feel flat and unimpressive.

5. Speaks local

local language, foreign guests

A tour guide's proficiency in the local language, coupled with their ability to translate or interpret for non-native speakers, is crucial for a smooth tour experience.

For instance, in a foreign country, a skilled guide not only fluently translates the tour explanations but also bridges the gap in conversations between tourists and locals. This ensures clear and effective communication throughout the journey.

  • Why language skills are vital: Being fluent in the local language is more than just about communication; it's about connection. It helps in accurately conveying the essence of culture and history, and in facilitating meaningful interactions with locals.
  • The impact of language barriers: Without strong language skills, misunderstandings can occur, potentially leading to a less fulfilling experience for the tourists. A guide's ability to speak the local language fluently is key to a seamless and enriching travel experience.

6. Excels at tour planning and logistics

logistics and tour planning skills

A tour guide's role in overseeing and executing the logistical aspects of a tour is crucial. This includes arranging accommodations, meals, permits, and tickets, ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Take a cruise excursion as an example. Here, the guide handles all the details, from coordinating transport from the ship to securing attraction tickets. He also organizes a picnic lunch for the group.

  • Why it matters: Efficient planning ensures that every aspect of the tour is hassle-free for guests. It's about providing a seamless experience where tourists can focus on enjoying their adventure, not worrying about the details.
  • The consequences of poor planning: Poor planning can lead to logistical mishaps, inconvenience, and frustration. A tour guide's skill in managing these details is essential for a successful and enjoyable tour, enhancing the overall travel experience.

7. Respects cultural aspects & beliefs

guide tour co to znaczy

Tour guides' ability to promote cultural respect and sensitivity among tourists is pivotal. It involves ensuring tourists appreciate and follow local customs and traditions.

For example, on a cultural heritage tour, the guide might encourage visitors to remove their shoes before entering a sacred temple. This reinforces the importance of respecting local practices.

  • Why it matters: Respecting cultural norms is the key to an immersive and respectful travel experience. It helps tourists connect more deeply with the places they visit and fosters mutual understanding between different cultures.
  • The impact of cultural insensitivity: Lack of cultural respect can lead to uncomfortable situations and offend local communities. A guide's role in educating and guiding tourists about these aspects is critical for maintaining harmony and enhancing the overall quality of the tour.

8. Promotes sustainability

sustainability in tours

A tour guide's commitment to promoting responsible and sustainable tourism practices is crucial. This includes educating tourists on proper waste disposal and minimizing their impact on the natural environment.  

Consider a nature hike: a knowledgeable guide leads the way and teaches the group about preserving the ecosystem. They emphasize the importance of leaving no trace, like avoiding littering, to protect the environment.

  • Why sustainability matters: Encouraging sustainability is vital for protecting the places we love to visit. It ensures that these destinations remain pristine and enjoyable for future generations. Responsible practices reflect a commitment to the environment and local communities.
  • The risks of ignoring sustainability: Neglecting sustainable practices can lead to environmental degradation, disrupting natural balance and diminishing tourist destinations. A guide's role in promoting sustainability is key to maintaining our natural and cultural treasures.

9. Handles the unexpected with ease

good tour guide in emergency situations, weather changes

Tour guides' ability to handle unexpected challenges, like weather disruptions or participant concerns, is critical.

Imagine a sudden rainstorm hitting during an outdoor activity. An adept guide doesn't just find shelter; they swiftly rearrange the schedule to adapt to the new conditions, ensuring the tour continues smoothly.

  • Why it matters: The unexpected is part of travel, and a guide's readiness to tackle these surprises head-on can make or break the tour experience. Their quick thinking and problem-solving skills keep the adventure on track, providing peace of mind for tourists.
  • The impact of unpreparedness: If a guide cannot manage unforeseen events effectively, it can lead to disarray and disappointment. Being equipped to handle the unexpected is essential for maintaining the flow and enjoyment of the tour, no matter what comes your way.

10. Good record-keeper

record keeping

Tour guides' skill in maintaining accurate records of tour-related information, including attendance, expenses, and incidents, is vital. Utilizing an online booking system enhances this process significantly, offering ease and precision in record-keeping.

Consider a guided photography tour. With an online system, the guide can efficiently log participant details, track locations visited, and note special photographic moments. This streamlines organization and provides participants with a detailed account of their experience.

  • Why it matters: Online booking systems bring efficiency and accuracy to record-keeping. They simplify data management, making it easier to track and update tour details, leading to better planning and execution. For guests, these records can become cherished summaries of their journey.
  • The downside of manual record-keeping: Relying solely on manual methods can lead to errors and oversights, potentially affecting the tour’s smooth operation and perceived professionalism.

An online system mitigates these risks, ensuring records are up-to-date and easily accessible. This digital approach is a significant advantage for both tour guides and operators in delivering a high-quality travel experience.

To sum up, tour guides are much more than just travel facilitators; they are the architects of unforgettable experiences. Their expertise in delivering engaging information, prioritizing safety, seamlessly managing itineraries, and promoting cultural sensitivity transforms a mere trip into an enriching journey.

In recognizing the invaluable role of tour guides, we see them as essential guides to the world's marvels. They bring depth, safety, and insight to every adventure. They are the bridge connecting curious travelers to the wonders around them, making each journey not just a visit, but a story worth telling.

As we applaud these unsung heroes of travel, we understand that their skills and passion truly open the doors to the world's treasures for us all.

FAQ Section

What are the duties of a tourist guide.

Tourist guides provide guidance and extensive knowledge of local history, attractions, and archaeological sites while entertaining their visitors. They ensure compliance with establishment or tour regulations, manage the itinerary, and provide assistance in emergencies. Tour guides educate and interact with clients, making each destination more interesting and engaging.  

What do tour guides do daily in their tour guide jobs?

Tour guides conduct walking tours and guided tours, often in art galleries, historical sites, or remote locations. They research and plan each tour, ensuring they have extensive knowledge to share.  

Tour guides work confidently with clients, answer questions, and provide engaging and educational experiences. They also coordinate with tour companies and ensure safety practices are upheld.

Is tour guiding a hard career?

Tour guiding as a career can be demanding but also rewarding. It requires confidence in public speaking, proficiency in the English language, and the ability to teach and entertain in an interesting manner.

Tour guides must be adaptable to handle various sites and situations, from busy city tours to remote locations. It's a job that involves constant learning and interaction, making it a good fit for those who enjoy teaching and exploring.

How much does a tour guide make per tour in tour guide jobs?

Tour guide jobs earn vary. Tour guides work for tour companies or as freelancers and are often paid per tour, with rates depending on the tour's length, destination, and the guide's experience.  

Guides may also receive tips from clients for providing excellent service. Additionally, online resources and tour operator platforms can offer avenues for tour guides to find more clients and establish a stable income. Research and understanding of the local market are key to estimating potential earnings in this career.

What qualifications or training are typically required to become a tour guide?

Qualifications and training requirements can vary by location and the type of tours offered. Tour guides may benefit from formal education in tourism or related fields, as well as relevant certifications or licenses.

Training often includes developing communication skills, knowledge of the tour's subject matter, and practical guidance on leading tours.

How do tour guides handle unexpected challenges or emergencies during a tour?

Tour guides are trained to handle a variety of situations, including emergencies. They may have contingency plans in place, such as knowing the nearest medical facilities or alternate routes in case of road closures.

Communication with tour participants and swift, calm decision-making are essential skills for addressing unexpected challenges.

What's the role of a tour guide in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism?

Tour guides play a crucial role in promoting responsible tourism by educating tourists about respecting local cultures, wildlife, and natural environments. They encourage responsible behavior, such as minimizing waste and supporting local communities.

Guides also ensure that tour groups follow designated paths and adhere to any specific rules or regulations at destinations of environmental or cultural significance.

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Here's how skilled tour guides elevate travel, offering unique insights and smooth, enjoyable journeys for a truly enhanced experience.

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Be Original Tours

The Difference Between Tour Guide and Tourist Guide

  • 2024-03-07 2024-03-07

When it comes to exploring a new place, many people rely on the expertise of professionals to make their experience more enjoyable and informative. Two terms that often come up in this context are ‘tour guide’ and ‘tourist guide.’ While the names might seem interchangeable, there are actually significant differences between the two roles. In this article, we will explore these differences and understand the unique responsibilities each entails.

1. Tour Guide

A tour guide, as the name suggests, is responsible for guiding a group of tourists through a specific destination. Their primary role is to provide detailed information about the location’s history, culture, traditions, and landmarks. Tour guides are typically well-versed in their area of expertise and possess extensive knowledge of the sites they are showcasing.

Responsibilities of a Tour Guide:

  • Conducting guided tours of various attractions and landmarks
  • Explaining the historical and cultural significance of the places visited
  • Answering questions and providing additional information
  • Maintaining a structured itinerary and ensuring that the group stays on schedule
  • Ensuring the safety and well-being of the tourists
  • Offering recommendations for local restaurants, accommodations, and activities

For example, imagine visiting the magnificent architectural wonders of Rome. A tour guide would take you through the Colosseum, the Roman Forum, and the Vatican, sharing captivating stories and highlighting interesting details about these iconic sites.

2. Tourist Guide

A tourist guide, on the other hand, focuses on providing individualized assistance to tourists. While they may have knowledge about the destination, their primary role is to assist visitors in navigating their way around a new place and ensuring a smooth travel experience. Tourist guides often work in the form of freelancers or are dedicated to a particular travel agency.

Responsibilities of a Tourist Guide:

  • Assisting tourists with travel arrangements, such as booking flights, accommodations, and transportation
  • Providing recommendations on popular tourist spots, local cuisine, and shopping areas
  • Helping tourists communicate with locals by acting as interpreters
  • Offering guidance on travel itineraries based on individual preferences
  • Resolving any issues or challenges faced by tourists during their trip

Let’s say you’re planning a trip to Thailand. A tourist guide would assist you in finding the best beaches, recommending popular local dishes like Pad Thai, and even help with language barriers when interacting with locals.

Key Differences

While both tour guides and tourist guides play essential roles in enhancing the travel experience, understanding the difference between the two can help you choose the right professional for your needs. If you’re interested in learning about the history and cultural significance of a destination, a tour guide is your go-to person. On the other hand, if you need assistance in making travel arrangements and want personalized recommendations, a tourist guide is the right choice. Remember, both guides have their own unique expertise and can contribute significantly to making your journey unforgettable.

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“Tour guide.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 26 Apr. 2024.

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Elena, Beatriz & Sophie with guide Simon in Uganda boat ride on Nile River near Jinja

12 reasons why good tour guides are so important

Ah, the tour guide. That special person who welcomes you to their country and looks after you, ensuring you have a fabulous trip! But how and why exactly are they a great addition to a trip? We enumerate ...

1. Tour guides navigate for you

Wondering if you've missed your bus connection is frustrating. So too is getting off at the wrong stop. And fuming at a loss of signal at the very moment you need your app to tell you which exit to take ... nobody needs that.

So yes, primary among the benefits of a tour guide is having someone to do all the navigating for you.

Navigating can include:

  • Getting your from the airport to your hotel without hiccough.
  • Leading you through the warren of streets in an old town.
  • Taking the lead on a trek so you don't go in a circle.
  • Even just ensuring you find your way out of that enormous botanic garden.

Two trekkers and their Nepali guide on the Everest Base Camp trek route

Some of our trekkers with their selfie-taking guide Angelu on the EBC trek

Navigating can include driving you

A tour guide also often drives you around. Or in some cases, they'll acquire a vehicle and driver for you.

This is a big help, saving your from the hassle of a car hire. You also won't have any heart-stopping moments when you pull out and realise you're facing oncoming traffic. And you won't ever come back to your vehicle to discover you didn't feed a hidden parking meter.

Adventure safari drive in Africa

On safari, your tour guide is also your driver

2. Tour guides do your admin for you

This is a biggie. Tour guides take care of all of your admin for you, like:

  • Preordering permits and pre-booking accommodation.
  • Paying admittance fees beforehand, saving you the need to queue.
  • Coordinating travel times for buses, trains, flights, etc.
  • Overseeing the transfer of luggage.
  • Ordering and collecting packed lunches, drinking water and the like.

Kilimanjaro crew readying food and supplies

Some of our trips, like Kilimanjaro climbs, involve a LOT of admin!

3. Tour guides keep you safe

If safety was the only benefit of a tour guide, we think it would be enough for us to be super pro tour guides! A tour guide looks after you from arrival to departure.

It's worth pointing out that at Follow Alice we believe tour guides should be locals. One of the reasons for this (although there are certainly others as well) is that only locals can truly know the do's and don'ts of their society and environments in order to keep you safe.

Man smiling in Cusco street scene, Peru

Mario is our Cusco and Inca Trail lead guide

Local tour guides are there with you to ensure:

  • You don't go into any dangerous areas.
  • You're not accosted by overly zealous vendors.
  • Your belongings are kept safe.
  • You don't get bamboozled by shysters.
  • You don't pick a poisonous plant, or pet a treacherous animal.

The list could go on.

Tour guides also ensure you don't get 'little things' wrong, like wearing sandals on a day when they know you need closed, sturdy shoes.

Adventure tour guides are especially important

The adventure tour guide offers a whole other level of safety and security. Whether it's guiding you safely through islands on a kayaking adventure, or leading you through thick forest on a trekking trip, they're there to ensure you:

  • Set out with the right clobber to protect you from the elements.
  • Stay on path and don't get lost.
  • Don't push yourself too hard (sometimes by monitoring your vitals).
  • Receive timely and appropriate treatment (medical or otherwise) should you need it.

Chris doing first aid

Chris, our Tanzania local leader, doing his refresher mountain first aid course

It's impossible to overstate the value of a tour guide in keeping you safe, especially on an adventure trip.

4. Tour guides are interpreters

A tour guide speaks the language of the locals, and as such is your ever-present translator. Without a tour guide, you wouldn't be able to communicate with some locals. You'd also miss out on many interesting insights and some beautiful moments of connection.

Brad and Rebecca homestay in Rwanda Azizi Life

Brad and Rebecca opted to do a homestay in Rwanda through Azizi Life

Remember to always ask before taking photos of locals; your tour guide can assist in this to ensure nothing is lost in translation.

5. Good tour guides explain things to you

It's easy to find out the name of the bridge you're walking over. But do you want to know why it's called that? And yes, you can take a pic of a gorgeous tree and use an app to tell you it's name. But do you want someone there to explain why, for instance, the bark is stripped away near the base?

Tour guides are there to answer your questions, and also supply answers to questions you hadn't even thought to ask!

Annapurna village with trek guide discussing map, Annapurna Circuit packing list

An Annapurna Circuit trek guide explaining tomorrow's route

Tour guides have intimate knowledge of the area and can drop all sorts of fabulous knowledge bombs.

Tour guides also give you insights into how locals feel about what's going on in their country and around the world. So from them you get to learn about some truly local perspectives. And we all know that logic isn't universal – what seems logical to one culture can be very different in another, and it helps to have a guide with you to illuminate such things.

Bridge Bhutan - Bhutan cost

A Follow Alice group with their Bhutanese tour guide

Finally, tour guides are there to ensure you don't blunder unnecessarily in terms of local customs and sensitivities. They can also advise you ahead of time if you need to dress smartly or cover up in order to enter certain places.

6. Good tour guides get you good deals

When you travel with a tour guide, they (and the tour company they work for) are able to get you the best deals. They know which days have cheaper admittance fees, for instance. They can also sometimes get tour guide discounts that aren't available to tourists.

Finally, when you join a tour guide who's leading a large group, they're often able to get some sweet group discounts.

7. Good tour guides are photographers

Sometimes it's great to hand the camera to someone else to take a photo with you in it. 📸

Male and female hiker with hiking staffs standing in front of Sipi Falls in Uganda, August 2022

They can take a snap for you ...

Hikers on Sipi Falls hike in Uganda

... or a selfie with all of you in it!

8. Good tour guides encourage you

On tough adventures like high-altitude trekking, most of us end up in need of some encouragement when the legs tire and the mind starts to tell you sneaky lies like you can't keep going. Your guide is invaluable is encouraging you in such moments. They can also provide little tips for the mind and body to help you to keep going.

Ours. EBC trek trekkers

One of our groups tackling the tough Kala Patthar near Everest Base Camp

A good tour guide believes in you and knows how to help you to believe in yourself.

We can't tell you how many folks have told us that they would literally not have made it to the summit of Kilimanjaro if it hadn't been for the support of their guides.

Two trekkers in the snow near the summit of Kilimanjaro with glacier behind them

Our client George K. took this fab pic of two of his Kilimanjaro crew members

9. Good tour guides ensure you miss nothing

A tour guide knows the area intimately and knows of people, quiet spots and experiences that aren't discussed on any website. They're there to ensure you get the most out of your time, and have the most authentic experience possible.

Two happy men standing on a rock near Lake Natron in Tanzania

Dean with his safari guide Heri on a walk near Lake Natron

This includes seeing animals!

Safari guides are trained to spot hard-to-see animals that city-dwelling mortals would surely miss. It's amazing the number of camouflaged animals and birds that safari guides are able to point out to clients.

Danielle Elliot. Ngorongoro Crater group pic by safari vehicle, Tanzania

Dannielle took this pic with her group's safari guide in Tanzania

They give you recommendations

A tour guide can also be invaluable in terms of recommendations for markets and shops to pop into, museums, galleries and palaces to visit, gardens and parks to explore, and so on.

And the reverse is true too. They know what places to avoid because they're actually letdowns, overcrowded or overpriced.

guide tour co to znaczy

Amber on a chimp trek in Uganda

Tour guides also know where the locals like to eat – and those are often the places with the tastiest and best-prices meals. And when you have a local with you, there's no possibility of feeling awkward, like not knowing if you should seat yourself or wait to be seated. (Your tour guide is also a good person to ask about tipping customs.)

10. Good tour guides pivot when necessary

If you arrive somewhere and it's closed for renovations, or unexpectedly overcrowded, then your tour guide is able to pivot and suggest the next best option, or an alternative, to ensure you still maximise your time in the destination.

They really do take the headache out of travelling!

Inca Trail trek group at Machu Picchu in Peru

An experienced guide can pivot when necessary in a way that still gives you a memorable trip

11. Great tour guides celebrate your wins with you

A really great tour guide is invested in your trip. They want you to get the most out of the experience. And if it's an adventure trip with a set goal in mind, they want you to succeed in that!

Then, when you reach your mark, or push yourself beyond what you thought possible, a great tour guide is there to celebrate with you! They add to the victory moment by high-fiving you and generally making a fuss. 😄

Also, if you're a solo traveller, then it's especially wonderful to have another person there to make a noise about your win with you.

Kilimanjaro summit Uhuru FA flag group photo George K.

Tour guides are there to celebrate your achievements with you!

12. Great tour guides can even become friends

Sometimes, your tour guide adds so much to your trip, and you spend so much time together, that you end up becoming friends!

We cannot begin to tell you how many times this has happened on our trips. In their post-trip feedback, our clients often express not just gratitude for the encouragement and support of their guides, but also a genuine affection for these special people with whom they bonded and shared an incredible adventure.

One picture that perhaps best sums this up is this one below of Jack with one of his Kilimanjaro crew members at the end of the climb ...

Kilimanjaro trekker with his guide and completion certificate putting on funny expressions

Jack and David celebrating with Jack's summit certificate

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Guided tour.

(Definition of guided tour from the Cambridge Essential Dictionary © Cambridge University Press)

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    Systemy audio tour guide umożliwiają przekazywanie informacji dużej grupie odbiorców w zatłoczonych, hałaśliwych miejscach, bez konieczności przekrzykiwania się. Są lekkie, niewielkie i wygodne, a ich obsługa jest prosta i nie sprawia kłopotów użytkownikom. Nie wymagają instalowania żadnego oprogramowania, ani stałego dostępu ...

  4. guide

    guide ****. rzeczownik. wskazówka (coś, co pomaga nam podjąć decyzję) [policzalny] She didn't want to reveal any guides for the riddle. (Ona nie chciała ujawnić żadnych wskazówek zagadki.) I don't know how to solve this, I need you to give me some guides. (Nie wiem, jak to rozwiązać, musisz mi dać jakieś wskazówki.)

  5. tour guide

    Adrian who speaks English and Russian works as a tour guide. - English Only forum book vs. reserve a tour guide - English Only forum do you have a tour guide - English Only forum I wasn't a good tour guide because I don't speak enough languages - English Only forum rent a tour guide - English Only forum They waited until the tour guide ...

  6. What is Guided Tour? Meaning, Origin and Popular Use

    What is a Guided Tour? A Guided Tour is a travel experience where a knowledgeable and experienced guide leads a group of travelers through a specific destination, providing valuable insights, information, and commentary along the way. Guided tours can be conducted on foot, by bus, boat, or other means of transportation, depending on the nature ...

  7. Tłumaczenie hasła "tour guide" na polski

    Eksploruj przestronne wnętrze, słuchając przewodnika (prawdziwego lub audio). Deposit luggage, assistance during your stay, transfers, tour guide. Przechowalnia bagażu, pomoc podczas pobytu, transfery, przewodnika. Tłumaczenia w kontekście hasła "tour guide" z angielskiego na polski od Reverso Context: Our regular tour guide has been ...

  8. tour

    tour de force n (great accomplishment) majstersztyk m : John Coltrane's saxophone solo on "My Favorite Things" was a tour de force. tour guide n ([sb] who shows tourists around) przewodnik wycieczek : The tour guide took the visitors to see many local attractions. tour of duty n (military: period of service in one place) okres służby ...

  9. Znaczenie TOUR, definicja w Cambridge English Dictionary

    TOUR definicja: 1. a visit to a place or area, especially one during which you look around the place or area and…. Dowiedź się więcej.

  10. TOUR

    Tłumaczenie TOUR : wycieczka, podróż, objazd, tournée, podróżować (po), objeżdżać, wycieczka, objazd, tournee, obchód…. Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku ...


    GUIDED TOUR definition: a visit to a place such as a museum with a guide who explains facts about the place. Learn more.

  12. How to Decide on a Guided Tour While Traveling

    Joining a group can have some unexpected rewards. Upon landing in Cusco at 6 a.m. following a nine-hour overnight flight from Los Angeles, a member of the Mountain Lodges of Peru team was there to ...

  13. What does a tour guide do?

    The average pay for tour guides in the United States is around $11.32 per hour. Wages typically start from $9.87 an hour and go up …. A tour guide provides assistance, information, and guidance to individuals or groups of tourists during their travels. Their primary role is to enhance the travel experience by sharing knowledge and insights ...

  14. Book Things To Do, Attractions, and Tours

    Find, compare, and book sightseeing tours, attractions, excursions, things to do and fun activities from around the world. Save money and book directly from local suppliers.

  15. What Are the Key Skills and Duties of a Tour Guide?

    A guide's ability to speak the local language fluently is key to a seamless and enriching travel experience. 6. Excels at tour planning and logistics. A tour guide takes care of coordinating transportation. | Photo. A tour guide's role in overseeing and executing the logistical aspects of a tour is crucial.

  16. The Difference Between Tour Guide and Tourist Guide

    1. Tour Guide. A tour guide, as the name suggests, is responsible for guiding a group of tourists through a specific destination. Their primary role is to provide detailed information about the location's history, culture, traditions, and landmarks. Tour guides are typically well-versed in their area of expertise and possess extensive ...

  17. Tour guide Definition & Meaning

    tour guide: [noun] a person who takes people on trips through an area and explains the interesting details about it.


    TOUR GUIDE definition: someone whose job is to show visitors a place or area: . Learn more.

  19. The changing face of the tour guide: one-way communicator to

    The guide, together with tourists, co-creates this type of tour, with the guide once again harnessing his/her communicative (particularly listening), interpretive and mediatory skills but also applying adaptability and improvisational skills. The guide uses these skills to broker the experience on a range of dimensions as shown in Table 2. The ...


    TOUR GUIDE definition: → guide noun. Learn more.

  21. 12 reasons why good tour guides are so important

    4. Tour guides are interpreters. A tour guide speaks the language of the locals, and as such is your ever-present translator. Without a tour guide, you wouldn't be able to communicate with some locals. You'd also miss out on many interesting insights and some beautiful moments of connection.

  22. GUIDE

    Tłumaczenie GUIDE : przewodni-k/czka, przewodnik, pomoc, wskazówka, naprowadzać, prowadzić, doradzać, służyć radą…. Przeczytaj więcej w słowniku ...


    GUIDED TOUR definition: a visit to a place such as a museum with a guide who explains facts about the place. Learn more.