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Short-term visit visa for Romania – step-by-step guide

romania visit visa form

This guide is applicable for nationals of countries for which approval of a special invitation letter is required. Therefore, it has been tailored for nationalities such as: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon .

Visa type : Visit visa (symbol: C/VV)

IMPORTANT: please carefully read the instructions below under “Important prerequisites” tab before following this guide, to ensure it applies to your specific case.

  • Required documents – explained in detail
  • Conditions and format of the invitation letter
  • Online application with the Romanian consulate
  • Interview at the consulate

This Romanian visa guide is applicable for nationals of countries such as: India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon.

What this means : a national of any of these countries must obtain approval from the Romanian Immigration Office on a special visa invitation letter prior to applying for the visa at the Romanian consulate. Therefore, before using this guide (which details the Romanian visa application with the consulate), the applicant must first fulfill a prior step. The first step entails the inviting party to obtain invitation approval from the Romanian Immigration Office. For guidance on the invitation letter approval procedure, please check and follow our step-by-step guide here: Romanian visit visa for short term – the invitation letter approval procedure .

Important conditions:

  • private visit visas (symbol C/VV) must be obtained by third-state citizens who travel to Romania for private visits to Romanian citizens, or to foreigners already living in Romania and holding valid Romanian residence permit;
  • the application for the travel visa at the Romanian consulate is the second step as part of the Romanian visit visa application procedure. The first step that must be fulfilled prior to this is obtaining the invitation letter approval from the Romanian Immigration Office; this first step must be fulfilled by the inviting party in Romania – for complete guidance on the first step, please use our guide:  Romanian visit visa for short term – the invitation letter approval procedure ;
  • the Romanian visit visa for short stay (symbol C/VV) allows you to enter Romania for a stay, or accumulated stays of no more than 90 days during any period of 180 days. If you need to stay in Romania for a longer period, you should apply for a long-term visa (which can be extended afterwards with a residency permit);
  • the applicant’s passport validity must exceed the validity of the requested visa by at least 3 months ; if validity criterion is not fulfilled, we recommend applying for a new passport before starting the visa application.

Short term visit visa for Romania


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Picture of Florin Stoicescu

Florin Stoicescu

3 responses.

i am indian passport holder residing in saudi arabia with valied resident permit.can i get a invitation letter for tourist visa to romania



My name is MUHAMMAD ALI & I’m from PAKISTAN, I want to travel & visit ROMANIA because of its natural beauty and so much flourished piece of Earth but for that invitation letter is required with other necessary documents but I don’t know how to get it. I’m completely freshman and it will be my first time to travel by plane and visit Romania. I hope you will help me in this matter to get invitation letter approved by Romanian Government & I hope you will response me in positive favour. Thank you. Sincerely Muhammed Ali.

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Informații utile

romania visit visa form

Începând cu această pagină aveţi posibilitatea de a completa dosarul de viză şi de a îl transmite către misiunea diplomatică / oficiul consular aleasă /ales a/al României.

Demnitarii deținători de pașapoarte diplomatice, de serviciu și/sau oficiale, precum și membrii lor de familie, care călătoresc în România în scopuri oficiale sunt rugați să contacteze misiunea diplomatică / oficiul consular aleasă /ales a/al României. Detaliile de contact ale misiunilor diplomatice pot fi accesate aici .

Pentru a putea completa o solicitare de viză online trebuie să:

  • Aveţi o adresă de E-mail valabilă
  • Utilizaţi un calculator care îndeplineşte anumite specificaţii tehnice. Pentru mai multe informaţii accesaţi pagina Despre portalul E-Viza
  • Aveţi posibilitatea de a încărca documentele justificative solicitate

Dacă doriţi să imprimaţi sau să salvaţi o copie a solicitării dumneavoastră de viză trebuie să aveţi acces la Acrobat Reader sau la alte programe similare ce permit deschiderea fişierelor de tip .pdf.

Se recomandă ca documentele justificative prezentate să fie traduse în limba română sau limba engleză de către un traducător autorizat. Toate documentele prezentate trebuie să fie lizibile. Toate documentele anexate trebuie să fie prezentate în original şi în copie la momentul depunerii în persoană a solicitării de viză.

  • Fiecare document trebuie să nu depăşească 2 Megabytes (2 MB) .
  • Sunt acceptate doar caractere latine în numele fişierelor.
  • Pot fi încarcate doar documente în următoarele formate: jpeg, jpg, tif, png, bmp, txt, rtf sau pdf.

Solicitarea de viză conţine un număr de câmpuri ce trebuie completate. Trebuie să aveţi în vedere că nu puteţi utiliza butoanele “înainte” şi “înapoi” din browser (ex: din Internet Explorer). Utilizaţi doar butoanele din formularul electronic pentru a trece de la o pagină la alta.

Solicitările de vize pentru România pot fi depuse doar individual. În cazul în care mai multe persoane călătoresc împreună, fiecare persoană trebuie să depună o solicitare de viză individuală. Suplimentar, vă aducem la cunoştinţă faptul că pentru persoane aflate pe acelaşi document de călătorie trebuie depuse cereri de viză individuale (ex: copiii minori incluşi în paşaportul parinţilor).

Pentru solicitările de viză începute este posibilă întreruperea completării şi salvarea parţială a datelor. Puteţi continua completarea solicitării la o dată ulterioară. O solicitare salvată temporar este păstrată pentru 30 de zile .

La momentul soluţionării solicitării dumneavoastră de viză veţi primi o notificare, prin E-Mail, la adresa furnizată pentru completarea cererii de viză online.

Pentru a putea demara completarea unei solicitări de viză, trebuie să agreaţi condiţiile de utilizare a portalului E-VIZA. Detaliile furnizate vă vor sprijini în a înţelege principiile aplicabile acestui instrument electronic.

Am luat la cunoştinţă informaţiile furnizate în secţiunea “Vreau să mă informez”, astfel încât îmi sunt clare condiţiile pe care trebuie să le îndeplinesc în vederea depunerii unei cereri de viză pentru România.

Înţeleg faptul că îmi pot fi solicitate documente suplimentare, pentru ca cererea mea de viză să fie procesată de către misiunea diplomatică / oficiul consular român pentru care optez.

Cunosc faptul că pentru a obţine o viză solicitată prin intermediul portalului E-VIZA, sunt obligat a mă prezenta și personal la misiunea diplomatică / oficiul consular român pentru care optez.

Înţeleg pe deplin că data de la care cererea mea de viză va fi supusă examinării, în vederea luării unei decizii cu privire la aceasta, este data la care mă voi prezenta în persoană la misiunea diplomatică/oficiul consular al României unde am înaintat cererea în format electronic.

Cunosc faptul că taxa aferentă procesării unei cereri de viză nu îmi va fi returnată în cazul neacordării vizei.

Toate datele pe care le furnizez sunt corecte şi complete. Înţeleg faptul că furnizarea de date false sau incomplete atrage după sine respingerea cererii mele de viză sau anularea unei vize deja acordate.

Cunosc faptul că am obligaţia de a părăsi teritoriul României la expirarea unei vize române pe care o obţin. Am fost informat că deţinerea vizei reprezintă doar una dintre condiţiile care trebuie îndeplinite pentru a îmi fi permisă intrarea în România. Cunosc faptul că simpla eliberare a vizei nu presupune faptul că sunt îndreptăţit(ă) la primirea unor compensaţii dacă nu îndeplinesc condiţiile stabilite la Capitolul II - Dispoziţii generale privind intrarea, şederea şi ieşirea străinilor din OUG nr.194/2002 republicată, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare şi îmi este refuzată intrarea în România. Îndeplinirea condiţiilor de intrare va fi supusă verificării la momentul intrării pe teritoriul României.


Pentru vizele solicitate prin intermediul portalului E-VIZA, operatorul de date cu caracter personal este MINISTERUL AFACERILOR EXTERNE AL ROMÂNIEI, cu sediul în Aleea Alexandru nr.31, Sector 1, Bucureşti, România. În cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe îşi desfăşoară activitatea Responsabilul desemnat cu Protecţia Datelor cu Caracter Personal – [email protected] .

Datele cu caracter personal ale solicitanţilor de vize sunt prelucrate în strictă conformitate cu dispoziţiile Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE (Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor - RGPD), a Legii nr.506/2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi protecţia vieţii private în sectorul comunicaţiilor electronice şi ale Legii nr.271/2010 pentru înfiinţarea, organizarea şi funcţionarea Sistemului naţional de informaţii privind vizele şi participarea României la Sistemul de informaţii privind vizele.

Datele cu caracter personal furnizate prin intermediului portalului E-VIZA, de către cetăţenii statelor terţe care au nevoie de vize pentru a călători în România, sunt furnizate Ministerului Afacerilor Externe şi prelucrate de către această instituţie, exclusiv în scopul bine determinat al procesării, examinării şi eliberării vizelor.


Categoriile de persoane vizate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal în vederea procesării şi eliberării vizelor de intrare în România: resortisanţii terţi care intră sub incidenţa instrumentelor juridice europene şi naţionale care reglementează politica de vize, respectiv regimul străinilor în România, prin formularea de cereri de vize române, indiferent de scopul călătoriei.

Prin utilizarea portalului extern E-VIZA www.evisa.ro , la momentul demarării procesului de solicitare a vizei, online, este necesară luarea la cunoştinţă şi agrearea termenelor şi condiţiilor privind furnizarea datelor dumneavoastră cu caracter personal, în scopul prelucrării şi eliberării vizelor de intrare în România.

Datele cu caracter personal furnizate prin intermediul portalului extern E-VIZA vor fi utilizate exclusiv în scopul procesării, examinării şi eliberării vizelor de intrare în România. Aceste date vor fi prelucrate de MAE, numai atunci când persoana vizată a agreat termenelor şi condiţiilor referitoare la acest aspect.

MAE prelucrează exclusiv categoriile de date cu caracter personal necesare pentru examinarea cererilor de vize, astfel cum acestea au fost stabilite la nivelul Uniunii Europene şi prin legislaţia naţională în materie. MAE nu solicită şi nu prelucrează date cu caracter sensibil, cu excepţia celor necesare pentru examinarea unei cereri de viză de intrare în România şi eliberarea unei vize, în conformitate cu dispoziţiile legale; toate datele cu caracter personal, precum şi orice date cu caracter sensibil sunt prelucrate în stricte condiţii de siguranţă.

Toate datele cu caracter personal solicitate prin intermediul formularelor din portalul extern E-VIZA vor fi puse la dispoziţia misiunilor diplomatice şi oficiilor consulare ale României, la care persoana vizată optează a se prezenta.

Datele din portalul extern sunt stocate pe un server central securizat care aparţine MAE al României. La momentul transmiterii unui dosar de viză către o misiune diplomatică/un oficiu consular al României, acesta va fi transferat în portalul intern aferent E-VIZA, fiind stocat pe un server central securizat în reţeaua internă al MAE al României. La acest moment, datele cu caracter personal din portalul extern vor fi transferate integral în reţeaua securizată a MAE, nemaifiind disponibile online.

Atunci când un solicitant de viză nu finalizează un dosar de cerere, datele acestuia cu caracter personal completate în portalul extern până la un anumit punct vor fi stocate pe serverul central al MAE, aferent portalului extern, pentru o perioadă limitată la 30 de zile. La expirarea acestei perioade, dosarul nefinalizat şi toate datele completate în cadrul acestuia se vor şterge automat, nemaifiind disponibile online şi nemaifiind disponibile, în egală măsură, operatorului.

Datele cu caracter personal furnizate prin dosarele de solicitare a vizelor completate în portalul E-VIZA vor fi puse exclusiv la dispoziţia autorităţilor române competente şi procesate de către acestea, după caz, în scopul luării unei decizii cu privire la solicitarea de viză transmisă prin acest portal. Aceste date pot fi introduse şi stocate în bazele de date accesibile doar autorităţilor române competente în activitatea în materie de vize, în conformitate cu legislaţia naţională în vigoare.

Identitatea operatorului: exclusiv Ministerul Afacerilor Externe al României, prin intermediul misiunilor diplomatice şi oficiilor consulare române din străinătate.

Scopul în care este efectuată prelucrarea datelor este exclusiv procesarea / examinarea cererilor de vize formulate de către resortisanţii terţi supuşi obligativităţii vizei pentru a călători în România, precum şi, după caz, în vederea eliberării vizelor de intrare pe teritoriul României. Vizele acordate pot fi, totodată, anulate şi revocate, în conformitate cu legea.

Perioada de stocare a datelor cu caracter personal furnizate: conform art. 23 și 24 din Legea SNIV

Destinatarii datelor cu caracter personal furnizate în scopul solicitării vizelor de intrare în România: exclusiv autorităţile naţionale competente prevăzute la art. 30 din Ordonanţa de Urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 194/2002 privind regimul străinilor în România, cu modificările şi completările ulterioare, cât şi autorităţile competente cu efectuarea controlului la punctele de trecere a frontierei de stat. Datele transmise prin dosarele electronice constituite prin intermediul portalului E-VIZA pot fi accesate exclusiv de către MAE.

Solicitanţii de vize care nu consideră oportună furnizarea datelor cu caracter personal necesare pentru completarea formularelor standard de solicitare a vizelor, vor avea în vedere faptul că refuzul furnizării tuturor datelor necesare poate conduce la respingerea solicitărilor de vize.

DREPTURILE DE CARE BENEFICIAZĂ PERSOANELE VIZATE, ÎN CONFORMITATE CU DISPOZIŢIILE Regulamentului (UE) 2016/679 al Parlamentului European şi al Consiliului din 27 aprilie 2016 privind protecția persoanelor fizice în ceea ce privește prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal și privind libera circulație a acestor date și de abrogare a Directivei 95/46/CE(Regulamentul general privind protecția datelor - RGPD)

Potrivit dispoziţiilor RGPD, persoanele vizate beneficiază de următoarele drepturi, cu privire la prelucrarea propriilor date cu caracter personal:

  • dreptul de a fi informat;
  • dreptul de acces la date;
  • dreptul de rectificare a datelor;
  • dreptul de opoziţie;
  • dreptul la ștergerea datelor;
  • dreptul la restricţionarea prelucrării;
  • dreptul la portabilitatea datelor şi dreptul de a nu fi supus unei decizii automatizate;
  • dreptul de a înainta o plângere adresată operatorului, autorităţii de supraveghere a prelucrării datelor cu caracter personal şi dreptul de a se adresa justiţiei.

1. Dreptul de a fi informat:

În calitatea sa de operator de date cu caracter personal, potrivit dispoziţiilor RGPD, MAE respectă drepturile persoanelor vizate, în exercitarea atribuţiilor sale legate de activitatea în materie de vize. Datele personale colectate în desfăşurarea activităţii în domeniul vizelor sunt necesare în vederea îndeplinirii atribuţiilor MAE pe linia procesării/examinării cererilor de vize, respectiv a luării unei decizii cu privire la acordarea vizelor de intrare în România, acestea fiind prelucrate cu bună-credinţă, în legalitate şi în condiţii de securitate.

Conform dispoziţiilor RGPD, ale Legii nr.506/2004 privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal şi protecţia vieţii private în sectorul comunicaţiilor electronice şi ale Legii nr.271/2010 pentru înfiinţarea, organizarea şi funcţionarea Sistemului naţional de informaţii privind vizele şi participarea României la Sistemul de informaţii privind vizele, în calitatea sa de operator de date cu caracter personal, Ministerul Afacerilor Externe, cu sediul în Aleea Alexandru nr.31, Sector 1, Bucureşti, România, Tel.: +40 21 431 11 00, +40 21 431 15 62, +40 21 319 21 08, +40 21 319 21 25, Fax: +40 21 319 68 62, are obligaţia de a administra în condiţii de siguranţă şi numai pentru scopul specificat, bine determinat prin cadrul normativ special în vigoare, datele personale pe care ni le furnizaţi, în condiţiile legii, despre dumneavoastră, un membru al familiei dumneavoastră, ori o altă persoană. În cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe îşi desfăşoară activitatea responsabilul desemnat cu protecţia datelor cu caracter personal – [email protected] .

Prezenta informare se referă la scopul colectării datelor pentru procesarea şi examinarea cererilor de vize de intrare în România şi eliberarea vizelor solicitate. Persoanele vizate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal în scopul menţionat, care optează pentru solicitarea unei vize de intrare în România online, prin intermediul portalului naţional electronic de facilitare a solicitării vizelor, E-VIZA – www.eviza.mae.ro , au obligaţia de a furniza datele solicitate prin formularele de solicitare a vizei*, refuzul de a furniza datele solicitate, determinând inadmisibilitatea cererii de viză care nu va fi preluată la misiunile diplomatice/oficiile consulare ale României. Solicitarea unei vize prin intermediul portalului E-VIZA poate fi completată de persoana vizată exclusiv după agrearea termenelor şi condiţiilor legate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal. Datele persoanelor care nu finalizează o solicitare de viză online, sunt şterse automat, după 30 de zile de la data ultimei intervenţii a persoanei vizate asupra propriului dosar de cerere. Informaţiile înregistrate sunt destinate utilizării de către operator şi sunt comunicate de persoanele vizate, pentru preluarea acestora din portalul electronic extern al eViza, numai misiunilor diplomatice şi oficiilor consulare ale României. Informaţiile sunt preluate din portalul E-VIZA pentru prelucrarea subsecventă în Sistemul Naţional de Informaţii privind Vizele (SNIV).

Conform dispoziţiilor RGPD, persoana vizată de prelucrarea datelor beneficiază de dreptul de a fi informat, de dreptul de acces la date, de rectificare a datelor, de ştergere a datelor, de restricţionare a prelucrării şi de dreptul de a nu fi supusă unei prelucrări automatizate. Totodată, persoana vizată are dreptul de a se opune prelucrării datelor personale care o privesc**. Pentru exercitarea acestor drepturi, vă puteţi adresa cu o cerere scrisă, datată şi semnată, Responsabilului desemnat cu protecţia datelor cu caracter personal din cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe – [email protected] ***. De asemenea, beneficiază de dreptul de a se adresa cu o plângere, la A.N.S.P.D.C.P. ( http://www.dataprotection.ro ), precum şi de dreptul de a se adresa justiţiei.

Datele dumneavoastră, comunicate prin portalul electronic E-VIZA și prelucrate în cadrul SNIV de către utilizatori autorizați, nu vor fi transferate în străinătate. Dacă unele dintre datele despre dumneavoastră sunt incorecte, vă rugăm să ne informaţi cât mai curând posibil.

* Temeiul legal privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, în scopurile menționate anterior este dat de legislația în vigoare care poate fi consultată [ aici ]. Rubricile din formularele de solicitare a vizei, marcate cu asterisc - (*), nu trebuie completate de resortisanţii terţi, membri de familie ai cetăţenilor Uniunii Europene, ai Spaţiului Economic European şi ai Confederaţiei Elveţiene (soţ, soţie, copil sau ascendent dependent).

** În cazul în care nu sunteţi de acord cu prelucrarea datelor personale care vă privesc, va fi avut în vedere faptul că solicitarea de viză devine inadmisibilă. Totodată, în situaţia în care doriţi ştergerea datelor personale care vă privesc, însă, în perioada în care formulaţi cererea de ştergere, deţineţi o viză valabilă obţinută în baza acelor date, acestea nu vor putea fi şterse, potrivit dispoziţiilor art.17 alin.(3) lit.b) din RGPD. În cazul în care, asupra cererii de viză nu a fost luată o decizie, acesteia nu i se va mai putea da curs şi, de asemenea, se va avea în vedere faptul că taxa aferentă procesării cererii nu poate fi restituită.

***Cererile privind exercitarea drepturilor persoanelor vizate de prelucrarea datelor pentru cererile de vize, disponibile online, la adresa www.mae.ro , vor fi depuse, prin cerere scrisă, datată și semnată, adresată, potrivit art.38 alin.(4) din RGPD, Responsabilului cu protecţia datelor, din cadrul MAE, la adresa de corespondenţă [email protected] , respectiv la sediul operatorului MAE, în Aleea Alexandru nr. 31, Sector 1, Bucureşti, cod 011822.

2. Dreptul de acces la date:

Persoanele vizate de prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, beneficiază de dreptul de a obţine din partea operatorului, printr-o cerere scrisă, semnată şi datată, confirmarea faptului că se prelucrează, sau nu, date cu caracter personal care le privesc şi, în caz afirmativ, acces la aceste date, potrivit actului normativ european.

3. Dreptul de rectificare a datelor:

Orice persoană vizată are dreptul de a obţine de la operator, în conformitate cu prevederile art.16 din RGPD, fără întârzieri nejustificate, rectificarea (corectare, completare etc.) datelor cu caracter personal inexacte care o privesc.

Se va avea în vedere faptul că rectificarea datelor de către persoana vizată, care implică modificarea acestora, la cerere, atunci când viza acordată se află în curs de valabilitate, atrage după sine, după caz, anularea sau revocarea documentului.

4. Dreptul de ştergere a datelor:

Potrivit art.17 din RGPD, persoana vizată are dreptul de a solicita ștergerea datelor cu caracter personal care o privesc, fără întârzieri nejustificate, iar operatorul are obligația de a șterge datele cu caracter personal fără întârzieri nejustificate, în cazul în care se aplică unul dintre următoarele motive:

datele cu caracter personal nu mai sunt necesare pentru îndeplinirea scopurilor pentru care au fost colectate sau prelucrate;

persoana vizată se opune prelucrării în temeiul art.21 alin.(1) din RGPD și nu există motive legitime care să prevaleze în ceea ce privește prelucrarea;

datele cu caracter personal au fost prelucrate ilegal;

datele cu caracter personal trebuie șterse pentru respectarea unei obligații legale care revine operatorului în temeiul dreptului Uniunii sau al dreptului intern sub incidența căruia se află operatorul.

Este de notat faptul că ştergerea datelor în activitatea în domeniul vizelor nu se aplică MAE pentru toate situaţiile prevăzute în RGPD, întrucât nu toate dintre acestea (ex.: atunci când prelucrarea se bazează pe consimțământ sau când datele au fost colectate pentru oferirea de servicii informaţionale) sunt aplicabile sau au legătură cu activitatea MAE.

Atunci când persoana vizată solicită ştergerea datelor care o privesc, însă operatorul MAE constată că persoana deţine cereri de vize în curs de valabilitate (în curs de soluţionare sau cereri aprobate pentru care viza emisă este în curs de valabilitate), persoana vizată va fi informată că ştergerea nu poate fi efectuată, în temeiul art.17 alin.(3).

Fiecare solicitare de ştergere a datelor va fi examinată individual.

5. Dreptul la restricţionarea prelucrării:

Potrivit dispoziţiilor art.18 din RGPD, orice persoană vizată beneficiază inclusiv de dreptul de a solicita restricţionarea prelucrării datelor care o privesc, atunci când:

persoana vizată contestă exactitatea datelor, pentru o perioadă care îi permite operatorului să verifice exactitatea datelor;

prelucrarea este ilegală, iar persoana vizată se opune ștergerii datelor cu caracter personal, solicitând în schimb restricționarea utilizării lor;

operatorul nu mai are nevoie de datele cu caracter personal în scopul prelucrării, dar persoana vizată i le solicită pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanță; sau

persoana vizată s-a opus prelucrării în conformitate cu art.21 alin.(1) din RGPD – dreptul la opoziţie, pentru intervalul de timp în care se verifică dacă drepturile legitime ale operatorului prevalează asupra celor ale persoanei vizate

În cazul în care prelucrarea a fost restricționată, datele persoanei pot, cu excepția stocării, să fie prelucrate numai cu consimțământul persoanei vizate sau pentru constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanță sau pentru protecția drepturilor unei alte persoane fizice sau juridice sau din motive de interes public important al Uniunii sau al unui stat membru.

6. Dreptul de opoziţie:

Potrivit prevederilor art.21 din RGPD, în orice moment, persoana vizată are dreptul de a se opune, din motive legate de situația sa particulară, prelucrării în temeiul art.6 alin.(1) lit.(e) sau (f), a datelor cu caracter personal care o privesc, inclusiv creării de profiluri pe baza respectivelor dispoziții. Operatorul nu mai prelucrează datele cu caracter personal, cu excepția cazului în care operatorul demonstrează că are motive legitime și imperioase care justifică prelucrarea și care prevalează asupra intereselor, drepturilor și libertăților persoanei vizate sau că scopul este constatarea, exercitarea sau apărarea unui drept în instanță.

MAE prelucrează date cu caracter personal în baza atribuţiilor legale ce îi revin în calitate de autoritate publică și a exercitării autorității publice cu care este investit. Prin urmare, cererea de viză a unei persoane vizate care se opune prelucrării datelor sale în acest scop, devine inadmisibilă, dosarul de cerere nu este preluat, iar taxa/serviciu consular nu este încasată.

7. Dreptul la portabilitatea datelor şi cel de a nu fi supus unei decizii individuale automatizate:

Potrivit art.20 din RGDP, persoana vizată beneficiază de dreptul la portabilitatea datelor, iar potrivit art.22 din acelaşi act normativ, de dreptul de a nu fi supus unui proces decizional individual automatizat.

În cadrul activităţii în materia vizelor, datele colectate în legătură cu examinarea şi eliberarea acestora, de către operatorul MAE, în virtutea calităţii sale de autoritate competentă centrală, nu sunt portate către alţi destinatari, nici la solicitarea persoanei vizate, întrucât procedurile de lucru inerente acestor domenii sunt clar reglementate prin legislaţia europeană şi naţională în vigoare, nefiind posibilă utilizarea unor date portate. Totodată, examinarea şi eliberarea unei vize nu se bazează, la nici un moment, pe procese decizionale individuale automatizate.

Prin urmare, în cazul activităţii în domeniul vizelor, exercitarea acestor două drepturi de către persoanele vizate de prelucrarea datelor pentru eliberarea de vize este lipsită de obiect.

8. Dreptul de a se adresa ANSPDCP sau de a se adresa justiţiei:

În vederea apărării drepturilor prevăzute de RGPD, persoanele ale căror date cu caracter personal fac obiectul unei prelucrări ce intră sub incidenţa actului normativ menţionat, beneficiază de dreptul de a înainta o plângere adresată operatorului, prin Responsabilul cu Protecţia Datelor din cadrul MAE.

Persoanele vizate au posibilitatea de a se adresa cu o plângere inclusiv Autorităţii Naţionale de Supraveghere a Prelucrării Datelor cu Caracter Personal, la:

Adresa: B-dul G-ral. Gheorghe Magheru 28-30, Sector 1, cod poştal 010336, Bucureşti, România;

eMail: [email protected];

Telefon: +40.318.059.211;

Fax: +40.318.059.602;

Adresă web: http://www.dataprotection.ro .

Totodată, potrivit dispoziţiilor art.78 şi 79 din RGPD, fiecare persoană fizică sau juridică are dreptul de a exercita o cale de atac judiciară eficientă împotriva unei autorități de supraveghere şi împotriva unui operator sau unei persoane împuternicite.

romania visit visa form

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Supporting documents required in order to lodge a visa application

IMPORTANT!  A visa application is lodged at the diplomatic missions or consular posts of Romania competent in the area of domicile or residence of the applicant. In particular or emergency cases, a visa application can be lodged at the diplomatic missions or consular posts of Romania from the state where the applicant is legally present. To consult the websites of Romanian diplomatic missions and consular posts, click here .


  • citizens of the state of residence;
  • third-state nationals residing in the country where the diplomatic mission or consular post is located and who can provide proof of their legal status in that country;
  • persons in whose country of origin there is no Romanian diplomatic mission or consular post;
  • third-state nationals who temporarily and legally reside on the territory of the country where the Romanian diplomatic mission or consular post is located.

They may apply for a visa in the following ways:

  • in person or, in the case of minors, through a legal representative;
  • through an accredited travel agency, in the case of an organised trip;.
  • by the authorised representative of the group, in the case of group travel.

Visa applicants whose fingerprints have never been collected (no previous uniform visa applications) or whose fingerprints have been collected more than 59 months before the date of submission of the visa application will present in person at the diplomatic mission or consular post for the collection of biometric data.


Any third-country national who wishes to apply for a Schengen visa has to:

  • the visa application form, appropriately filled-in and signed by the visa applicant;
  • a valid travel document accepted by Romania, on which a visa can be affixed. The validity of the travel document must exceed the validity of the visa you apply for, by at least 3 months, and must have been issued no later than 10 years ago;
  • two recent 3 x 4 cm coloured photographs;
  • supporting documents as provided for by the legal framework;
  • proof of the intention and possibility of returning to one’s state of origin, or of continuation of one’s journey towards another state, after the intended stay on the territory of Romania.
  • when ambiguity still prevails subsequent to the results of the interview, or from the submitted documents, as well as from the personal circumstances of the applicant, documents additional to those provided for in national legislation may be required.
  • submit a duly filled in and signed harmonised application form ; minors shall submit a form signed by both parents or by a person who exercises, permanently or temporarily, parental authority or guardianship;
  • present a valid travel document on which the visa shall be applied and which has to:

- be valid for at least three months after the estimated day of exit from the territory of the Member States; - contain at least two free pages; - have been issued within the last 10 years.

  • submit one photo, color, ¾, of recent date;
  • allow fingerprinting;
  • provide supporting documents specific to the purpose of the journey;
  • provide proof of appropriate and valid travel medical insurance;
  • provide proof of means of subsistence during the stay;
  • provide proof of the possibility of returning to their country of origin or continuing their journey in another country at the end of their stay in the Schengen area;
  • provide proof of payment of the visa fee.

The Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application for a uniform visa

(a) the Member State whose territory constitutes the sole destination of the visit(s); (b) if the visit includes more than one destination, or if several separate visits are to be carried out within a period of two months, the Member State whose territory constitutes the main destination of the visit(s) in terms of the length of stay, counted in days, or the purpose of stay; or (c) if no main destination can be determined, the Member State whose external border the applicant intends to cross in order to enter the territory of the Member States. The Member State competent for examining and deciding on an application for an airport transit visa shall be: (a) in the case of a single airport transit, the Member State on whose territory the transit airport is situated; or (b) in the case of double or multiple airport transit, the Member State on whose territory the first transit airport is situated.

Any third-country national who wishes to apply for a national visa to enter Romania has to:

  • submit a duly filled in and signed application form ; minors shall submit a form signed by both parents or by a person who exercises, permanently or temporarily, parental authority or guardianship;

- be valid for at least three months after the estimated day of exit from Romania; - contain at least two free pages; - have been issued within the last 10 years.

  • submit 2 photos, color, ¾, of recent date;
  • provide supporting documents specific to the purpose of the journey in accordance with the Government Emergency Ordinance No.194/2002

Also, each visa applicant must fulfil the conditions of entry.


Iv. documents required for airport transit visa (type a), iv. supporting documents for the transit visa (marked b), v. supporting documents for the short-stay visa (marked c), short-stay visa for official missions (marked c/m), short-stay visa for tourism (marked c/tu).

For the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Russian Federation, Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Ukraine, depending on the reason for which you intend to travel to Romania, please take into consideration the provisions of the Visa Facilitation Agreement, which you may access here . For the supporting documents necessary in order to attest the purpose of your journey, please see the text of the corresponding agreement.

Short-Stay Visa for Private Visits (marked C/VV)

The supporting documents that must be submitted along with a short-stay visa application for visit (marked C/VV) by aliens who are family members of Romanian citizens, namely the spouse of the Romanian citizen; the direct descendants of the Romanian citizen, aged no more than 21; the direct ascendants of the Romanian citizen or of their spouse who are also their dependants, are the following:

  • VALID TRAVEL DOCUMENT - Valid travel document that meets the following criteria: a) its validity must exceed by at least three months the expected date of leaving the territory of the member states or, in the case of multiple visas, the last expected date of leaving the territory of the member states. However, in cases of justified urgency, this obligation may be waived; b) the document must contain at least two blank pages; c) the document must have been issued within the last ten years.
  • PHOTOGRAPHS - Two recent 3 x 4 cm coloured photographs;
  • TRAVEL TICKET - Valid airplane ticket valid to destination
  • TRAVEL MEDICAL INSURANCE - Travel medical insurance that covers the entire duration of the requested period of stay;
  • In case of the alien accompanied by the Romanian citizen whose family member they are: The passport or the identity document of the Romanian citizen - in original, accompanied by a declaration on behalf of the Romanian citizen asserting as to the assurance of accommodation;
  • In case of the alien who is not accompanied by the Romanian citizen whose family member they are: a notarized invitation on behalf of the Romanian citizen asserting as to the assurance of accommodation, accompanied by a copy of the passport or of the identity document of the Romanian citizen;
  • Depending on the case, documents that make the proof of the marriage to a Romanian citizen - issued in accordance with Romanian legislation in force, or documents that make the proof of the family ties with the Romanian citizen.

Short-Stay Visa for Business Trips (marked C/A)

* Exceptions from the obligation of previously obtaining an invitation approved by the Inspectorate General for Immigration - Ministry of Internal Affairs:

Should you find yourself in any of the following situations, you are exempt from the procedure of previously obtaining an invitation approved by the Inspectorate General for Immigration - Ministry of Internal Affairs, as provided for the short-stay visas marked C/TU, C/VV and C/A.

N.B. : In order to fit into one of the following situations, the exemption must be attested by supporting documents.

The fact that you may find yourself in any of the situations listed below, does not exempt you from submitting all the other supporting documents required by Romanian legislation in force, when a short-stay visa is applied for.

Therefore, a short-stay visa marked C/TU, C/VV or C/A may be granted without previously obtaining the special invitation form from the Inspectorate General for Immigration - Ministry of Internal Affairs, to the following categories of third-state nationals:

  • underage third-state nationals, should one of their parents benefit from the refugee status, or from subsidiary protection, or should they hold a Romanian residence permit, provided that the permit is valid for at least 90 days from the date of issuance of the entry visa;
  • the spouse and parents of a third-state national, who benefits from the refugee status, or from subsidiary protection, or who holds a Romanian residence permit, provided that the permit is valid for at least 90 days from the date of issuance of the entry visa;
  • third-country nationals of age, should one of their parents be a Romanian citizen;
  • third-country nationals who are parents of a Romanian national;
  • third-state nationals married to Romanian citizens;
  • third-state nationals who are underage children of Romanian citizens;
  • third-state nationals who are in possession of a valid residence permit in one of the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or in states that are party to the Schengen Agreement, provided that the validity of the visa does not exceed the validity of the residence permit;
  • third-state nationals who are in possession of a valid residence permit in states the nationals of which are exempt from the obligation of an entry visa for the members states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or of states that are party to the Schengen Agreement;
  • third-state nationals who hold visas for the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area, of states that are party to the Schengen Agreement or of states the nationals of which are exempt from the visa obligation for the aforementioned states. The Romanian visa may not exceed the validity of those visas;
  • third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania for business, upon request on behalf of the administrative authorities and companies registered on the lists of contributors to the state budget as established by order of the president of the National Agency for Fiscal Administration, published in the Romanian Official Gazette and who undertake, as per a letter of guarantee ( see template and instructions regarding the drafting of a letter of guarantee ) addressed, in original form, to the National Visa Center, the obligation to bear all expenses as regards financial and medical assistance, as well as those of execution of repatriation measures;
  • third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania for private visits, upon request from diplomatic missions or foreign consular posts accredited to Romania;
  • third-state nationals for which the granting of a visa is requested, in writing, to Romanian diplomatic missions or consular posts, on behalf of foreign central public authorities or foreign chambers of commerce;
  • third-state nationals for whom the granting of the Romanian entry visa is requested at the National Visa Centre, by the following Romanian institutions: the Presidential Administration, the Parliament, the Government and other central and local public authorities, from the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, as well as any territorial Chambers of Commerce and Prefectures that undertake to bear all material and healthcare expenses, as well as those expenses related to the execution of repatriation measures, through a letter of guarantee, sent in original;
  • truck drivers;
  • personalities of the Romanian diaspora and their descendants;
  • parents of pupils or students from third-state, accepted for studies in Romania, arriving for their first settlement, provided that they submit a document with an apostille or, accordingly, a superlegalized document which attests their family ties, issued by the authorities of the state of origin.
  • third-state nationals who intend to travel to Romania upon request from a legal person of public interest that functions legally and undertakes to bear all material and healthcare expenses, as well as those expenses related to the execution of repatriation measures, through a letter of guarantee, sent in original to the National Visa Center. In case the host non-patrimonial legal person of public interest is listed in the tables accessible HERE , you may benefit from this exemption.

Short-Stay Visa for Sports (marked C/SP)

Short-stay visa for transport (marked c/tr), short-stay visa for cultural, scientific and humanitarian activities, as well as short-term medical treatment or any other activities that do not breach romanian laws (marked c/za), v. supporting documents for the long-stay visa (marked d), the long-stay visa for economic activities (marked d/ae), the long-stay visa for professional activities (marked d/ap), the long-stay visa for commercial activities (marked d/ac), the long-stay visa for employment (marked d/am), the long stay visa for secondment (marked d/dt), a. for holders of an authorization for secondment, b. for visa applicants exempt from the authorization for secondment.

The long-stay visa for secondment (marked D/DT) is granted without submission of a copy of the authorisation of secondment , to the following categories, only provided that applicants submit appropriate documents that make the proof that they fall into one of these categories :

  • a. to third-state nationals hired by legal persons located in one of the member states of the European Union, of the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, seconded in Romania, provided that they submit the residence permit issued by that state;
  • b. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out didactic, scientific or other categories of temporary specific activities in specialized institutions that are accredited or temporarily authorized in Romania, on the grounds of bilateral agreements and to especially qualified staff, on the grounds of the order of the minister of national education, as well as to third-state nationals who carry out artistic activities in cultural institutions from Romania, on the grounds of the order of the minister of culture;
  • c. to third-state nationals who are bound to carry out, in Romania, temporary activities required by ministries or other entities of the central public or local administration, or by autonomous administrative authorities.

For visa applicants who fall into one of the categories listed above, the endorsement of the Inspectorate General for Immigration is necessary in order for the visa to be granted. The endorsement can be issued in a term of 30 days.

The Long-Stay Visa for Studies (marked D/SD)

The long-stay visa for family reunification (marked d/vf).

The sponsor holding a temporary residence permit valid for one year, an EU Blue Card, a permanent residence permit, or the sponsor who benefits from the refugee status or from subsidiary protection, may request family reunification for the following:

  • unmarried minor children of the sponsor and of their spouse, including adopted children;
  • unmarried minor children of the sponsor, including adopted children, under the sponsor’s care and over whom the sponsor exercises their parental rights. If parental rights are exercised in common, the approval of the other holder of these rights, is compulsory, in order to achieve the family reunification requested by the sponsor;
  • unmarried minor children of the spouse, including adopted children, under the spouse’s care and over whom the spouse exercises their parental rights. If parental rights are exercised in common, the approval of the other holder of these rights, is compulsory, in order to achieve the family reunification requested by the sponsor.

N.B. The categories of third-country nationals indicated above, holders of a right of stay granted for the purpose of scientific research and third-country nationals who hold an EU Blue Card, may request family reunification even when the residence permit is valid less than one year.

Provided that legal conditions are met, the Inspectorate General for Immigration from the Romanian Ministry of Internal Affairs may also approve family reunification for the following categories:

  • a. next-of-kin, in ascending line, of the sponsor or spouse, if these persons cannot care for themselves and do not benefit from appropriate family support in their country of origin;
  • b. unmarried adult children of the sponsor or of the spouse, if due to medical reasons, they are unable to care for themselves.

Unaccompanied underage children who benefit from the refugee status or from subsidiary protection may request family reunification for:

  • a. next-of-kin, in ascending line, or for their legal guardian; or
  • b. when such persons do not exist or cannot be identified, for any other relative of the underage child.

The long-stay visa for family reunification (marked D/VF) is issued by the diplomatic missions or consular posts of Romania from the home country or from the country of residence of the family members.

The following categories of people may also request a Romanian long-stay visa for family reunification:

  • a. third-country nationals married to Romanian citizens;
  • b. unmarried third-country nationals who cohabit with unmarried Romanian citizens, provided they have at least one child together, hereinafter referred to as partners;

c. children of a Romanian citizen, of their spouse or partner, including adopted children, who:

  • i) are not yet 21 years of age;
  • ii) continue their studies and have not surpassed 26 years of age;
  • iii) although they are adults, they cannot care for themselves for medical reasons.

N.B. The adoption must be decided upon by a competent Romanian authority, in accordance with legal provisions, or by an authority of another state, that takes effect on the territory of Romania;

  • d. next-of-kin in ascending line, of the Romanian citizen or of their spouse;
  • e. the third-country national who is the parent of an underage Romanian citizen, provided that they can make proof of the fact that the underage citizen is in their care or prove the existence of an obligation of payment of a support pension, provided that this obligation is regularly fulfilled by the third-country citizen;
  • f. third-country nationals, family members of Romanian citizens, who prove being registered with a right of residence as family members, in another member state.

The Long-Stay Visa for Religious Activities (marked D/AR)

The long-stay visa for scientific research (marked d/cs), the long-stay visa for other purposes (marked d/as), the diplomatic and service visa (marked ds).

romania visit visa form

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Visa for Romania

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Romania e-Visa Application

  • Evisa.Express
  • Romania e-Visa

Romania e-Visa: Basic information

The Romania e-Visa is a multiple-entry online visa that allows travelers from 104 eligible countries to stay in Romania for tourism , business , and transit-related purposes .

Romanian visa is now available in an electronic form and serves as a required document to have to enter the territory of this country.

Travelers can complete a simple online application process to get a multiple-entry travel authorization for Romania that allows its holders to spend 90 days within the country (for tourism and business purposes) or 5 days for transit reasons . Moreover, the electronic visa for Romania stays effective for 180 days from issuing.

Travelers should check if they meet the requirements to make a Romanian visa application online to receive the approved travel authorization at their email address. The electronic visa is then delivered to each applicant in PDF form within 15 business days .

Romania e-Visa types

Romania e-Visa is a multiple-entry permit that stays valid for 180 days (6 months) from the day of issue and allows a 90-day stay in Romania .

All online applicants can travel to Romania with the following electronic visa types :

  • A tourist e-Visa  that is designed for travelers who wish to visit Romania for tourism purposes . Whether you want to go on vacation, visit your friends and family who are staying in Romania, or explore the country's tourist destinations, this online visa type will be perfect for you .
  • A business e-Visa that is dedicated to anyone who needs to handle their business affairs in Romania . Attend a business meeting, conference, or negotiate a contract with the online business visa .
  • A transit e-Visa  allows its holders to transit through Romania to the next destination. It can be issued for single-entry, double-entry, or multiple transits, provided that each stay won't exceed 5 days .

Please note! Your passport must stay valid for at least 6 months from the planned date of the trip.

List of eligible countries

Below-listed countries can make an online application for the Romanian visa :

  • Afghanistan
  • Burkina Faso
  • African Republic
  • D'ivoire
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • North Korea
  • Philippines
  • & Princippe
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Sierra Leone
  • South Africa
  • South Sudan
  • Turkmenistan

Romania e-Visa application form

Every traveler needs to submit a separate Romania visa application online . For all children traveling to Romania, the application should be made by their parents/guardians .

Before starting the online visa application process , the most crucial step is to collect the two documents mentioned in the section describing the requirements. Make sure that you have your passport and a digital photo of yourself ready and start applying.

  • Choose the purpose of your travel using the panel on the left. Romanian electronic visa is available for tourism, business, and transit travel . Then, provide your personal information, travel details, and attach the digital photo of yourself taken with your phone or a PC camera .

Pay the fees for the e-Visa using any of the several available online payment methods .

  • Check your inbox . Both e-Visa to Romania and its confirmation number arrive at the applicant's email address .

The processing time for the electronic visa to Romania can take up to 15 business days . To avoid any delays, double-check if you have filled the application form correctly.

Should you need any help while applying, our support team is available and happy to help via email or phone .

Validity period

The Romanian e-Visa  is a multiple-entry permit in an electronic form that allows numerous visits to Romania and a total of 90 days spent in the country .

Electronic visas stay valid for 180 days (6 months) starting from the day of the issue. Applicants' passports must not expire for the next 6 months beyond the planned date of arrival.

Make sure to apply for your visa online  at least 15 business days in advance to receive your entry permit on time.

Transit information

Any traveler who needs to travel through Romania to get to their final destination needs to apply for an electronic transit visa issued for one, two, or multiple transit visits. However, each stay cannot exceed 5 days .

See what supporting documents are required for the transit e-Visa to Romania:

  • a valid travel document , i.e., a passport that will be valid for a minimum of 6 months from the planned arrival date
  • applicant's face photo (may be taken with your phone or via the PC camera )
  • any document proving the onward journey (a visa to the final destination country or a copy of the onward ticket )

Requirements on arrival

The customs officials will check if you have the following documents upon entering Romania:

  • a valid passport
  • a printed copy of the Romanian e-Visa

Make sure to have the above-listed required documents when arriving in Romania. Travelers are advised to print their electronic visas out before going on their trip.

Required Documents

Before applying online, make sure to prepare all of the documents listed in this section . Your documents should be appropriately valid to ensure quick e-Visa approval .

To apply online for Romanian visas , gather the following supporting documents:

  • a passport valid for at least 6 months beyond the intended arrival in Romania date
  • applicant's photograph (can be taken with a phone or a PC camera)

Preparing your passport and taking a photo of yourself with your phone takes just a few minutes !

Important Information

  • the processing time may take up to 15 business days
  • every applicant must have a valid passport and a digital photo of themselves
  • travelers need an online visa to enter Romania, including children
  • electronic visa applications for underage travelers should be made by their parents/guardians
  • your passport must stay valid for at least 6 months to apply for the Romanian entry permit
  • Romania e-Visa does not serve as a working permit but can be used for tourism , business , and transit purposes
  • online visas arrive at the applicant's email address in PDF form
  • all travelers need to apply at least 15 business days in advance of their travel
  • should you need help at any point in the process of applying, do not hesitate to contact our support team

Benefits of Evisa Express

  • Easy application process There are three easy steps to get your e-Visa to Romania. Any issues during the application process can be addressed by contacting our support team
  • Qualified team of experts A qualified team oversees the processing of each and every application
  • Guarantee of service If an application is unable to be processed, reimbursement is provided according to the conditions set out by our Terms of Service

Evisa Express is an independent company that offers efficient and professional assistance in obtaining visas online. We are not associated with any governmental agency. See Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.

FAQ about the Romanian e-Visa

Romania e-Visa is an obligatory document to have when you enter this country. It comes in three different types : an electronic tourist , business , and transit visa . Choose the one that will suit your needs best , prepare your valid travel document, i.e., your passport , and apply online in just a few minutes . The processing time may take up to 15 business days .

An electronic visa is necessary for anyone who travels from a country that cannot enter Romania visa-free . Check if your country is listed as eligible for the e-Visa to Romania and apply online for an intuitive and quick process of applying. Whenever you want to explore the European Union , make sure to visit Romania as it makes a perfect destination and offers some great cultural and historical experiences .

The required documents to gather before your Romania travel are elementary . All applicants must have is a valid passport and a digital photo of the applicant's face. The photographs may be taken with a phone or a PC camera .

Applicants can pay for the e-Visa using any of the several online payment methods available when using our electronic visa services. After your payment registers , you will receive a confirmation number to the email address provided. Should you have any issues with payment processing, please contact our support team .

Prepare the necessary documents , choose a preferred online visa type (tourist, business, or transit). Then, start filling the application form with your data. Make sure all the data provided is correct and make the payment. Now, wait for your approved e-Visa to arrive at your email address.

Once approved, an e-Visa to Romania will be sent directly to the applicant's email address in PDF form. Print your online tourist, business, or transit visa, and take it with you to the Romanian airport for control of the customs officials upon arrival.

The processing time may take up to 15 business days . Make sure to apply at least 15 business days in advance of your Romanian travel not to face any problems with entering this country.

The electronic Romania visa stays valid for 180 days (6 months) from the date of issue . Make sure that your passport will not expire for at least 6 months starting from the date of arrival in Romania .

The electronic visa serves as a multiple-entry permit  that allows its holders to travel to Romania numerous times within the 6-month validity period . Romania e-Visa enables an overall 90-day stay in the country.

Every traveler who does not come from a visa-free country needs the electronic Romanian entry permit to cross the country's border. Children also must have an e-Visa to travel to Romania. Underage travelers'  parents or guardians should make the application on their behalf .

Romanian online visas  cannot be extended . Do not overstay your Romanian travel to avoid any issues. However, e-Visa allows you to have a 90-day (three months) stay in the country. That's plenty of time to explore it properly !

In case your e-Visa would not be approved, please contact our support team via email or phone to resolve your online visa processing issues . Make sure that you have attached all of the listed supporting documents and that the data you provided was error-free .

Three easy steps to get your e-Visa

  • Apply online Fill out basic information on your citizenship and purpose for travel
  • Fill out the remaining required information and make an online payment We accept both credit and debit cards and other convenient methods of payment.
  • Check your email Once your payment is confirmed, the e-Visa will be sent to the email address provided in your application
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Legal Disclaimer: Evisa Express operates with no affiliation with any US governmental agencies or departments. Our consulting service fees do NOT include any government applications, medical examinations, filling, or biometric charges. Since Evisa Express is not a law firm and our customer service representatives are not lawyers, we do not provide legal advice. We operate as a private internet-based travel and immigration consultancy agency providing help to individuals traveling to the United States. Visa applications can be made directly at travel.state.gov or at uscis.gov.

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romania visit visa form

  • Passports, travel and living abroad
  • Travel abroad
  • Foreign travel advice

Entry requirements

This advice reflects the UK government’s understanding of current rules for people travelling on a full ‘British citizen’ passport from the UK, for the most common types of travel.

The authorities in Romania set and enforce entry rules. If you’re not sure how these requirements apply to you, contact Romania’s Embassy in the UK .

COVID-19 rules

There are no COVID-19 testing or vaccination requirements for travellers entering Romania.

Passport validity requirements

Romania is now part of the Schengen area, you must follow the  Schengen area passport requirements  to travel there.

To enter Romania (and all Schengen countries) your passport must:

  • have a ‘date of issue’ less than 10 years before the date you arrive. Passports issued after 1 October 2018 are now valid for only 10 years, but for passports issued before 1 October 2018, extra months may have been added if you renewed a passport early
  • have an ‘expiry date’ at least 3 months after the day you plan to leave

Check the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the latest guidance on passport validity.

Contact the Romanian embassy in the UK if you think that your passport does not meet both these requirements. Renew your passport if you need to.

Passport stamping

At the Romanian border your passport may be stamped when you enter and exit Romania or another country in the Schengen area. Border guards will use passport stamps to check you have not overstayed the 90-day visa-free limit for short stays in the Schengen area.

You can show tickets or boarding passes as evidence of when and where you entered or exited the Schengen area. Ask the border guards to add this date and location in your passport.

If you have a Withdrawal Agreement residency document for another country, your passport might still be stamped if you are a visitor to Romania.

You may also need to:

  • show a return or onward ticket
  • show you have enough money for your stay

Read about passport stamping if you live in Romania .

Visa requirements

Romania is now part of the Schengen area. Visits to Romania now count towards your 90-day visa-free limit in the Schengen area.

You can visit the Schengen area for up to 90 days in any 180-day period without a visa. This applies if you travel:

  • as a tourist
  • to visit for family or friends
  • to attend business meetings, cultural or sports events
  • for short-term studies or training

On 31 March, Romania  joined Schengen for border control-free travel via air and sea. Border controls will continue to remain at all land and river borders, including those within the Schengen zone. You will need to show your passport at land and river borders, although your passport should not be stamped.

Visits to any other Schengen countries in the 180 days before you travel to Romania will count towards your 90 day visa-free limit.

If you’re travelling to Romania (and all other Schengen countries) without a visa, make sure your whole visit to the Schengen area is within the 90-day limit.

To stay longer (to work or study, for business travel or for other reasons) you will need to meet the Romanian government’s entry requirements. Check with the  Romanian Embassy in the UK  what type of visa and/or work permit you may need.

Your passport must be valid for at least 6 months after the end date of the visa.

If you stay in Romania with a Romanian residence permit or long-stay visa, this time does not count towards your 90-day visa-free limit for travel to the Schengen area.

Vaccination requirements

At least 8 weeks before your trip, check the vaccinations and certificates you need in TravelHealthPro’s Romania guide .

Customs rules

There are strict rules about goods that you can take into or out of Romania (in Romanian). You must declare anything that may be prohibited or subject to tax or duty.

Leaving Romania with children aged 17 and under

If you’re travelling with a child who holds Romanian citizenship, and you are not the child’s parent, or you are a parent but the other parent is not travelling with you, you may need to show notarised parental consent.

A list of the public notaries can be found on the website of the National Union of Public Notaries of Romania.

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Romania Tourist Visa – Requirements, Application and Duration

Table of Contents

This guide will show you how to apply for a Romania tourist visa, the requirements, application, and durations.

Romania is a country located in Eastern Europe. The capital city is Bucharest. It has a population of over 20 million people.

It is a member of the European Union (EU) and Schengen Area. This means that citizens from other EU countries can travel freely within the Schengen area without having to apply for visas or passports.

If you want to travel to Romania for leisure, to visit family, or to conduct business, then this article is for you. After reading this guide, you should know what to do to obtain a visa to visit this lovely country.

What is Romania Tourist Visa, the requirement, application, and duration?

Romania is a country in southeastern Europe. To the north, it shares borders with Hungary, to the west with Serbia and Bulgaria, to the south with Greece and Turkey, and to the east with Ukraine. It has a diverse terrain, including the Carpathian Mountains, highlands, forests, and rivers.

Romania remains an emerging destination with vast opportunities for travelers interested in visiting this exotic place. However, unless you’re a citizen of one country that doesn’t require a visa to enter Romania, you will need to apply for a tourist visa. Click the link to the right to learn more about Romania Tourist Visa requirements, application process, and duration.

Who needs a Romania Tourist Visa?

Every person who is not a citizen of Romania, or a citizen of one of the countries whose citizens can enter Romania without a visa, must apply for a Romania tourist visa. You don’t need to apply for a Romanian visa if you have a valid Schengen visa.

However, if you plan to stay longer than 90 days in the Schengen area (all EU countries plus Switzerland, Norway , and Iceland), you must apply for a long-stay visa.

Romania Tourist Visa Rules

Romania does not require a visa for entry from many countries. If your nation is not permitted to enter Romania without a visa, you must apply for a Romanian visa and take into account the following visa requirements:

  • For the passport to be valid, a minimum of three months should have passed from the anticipated day of arrival in Romania.
  • A minimum of two white background passports cannot be older than ten years.
  • A parent or legal guardian must also sign the children under 18’s visa application form.
  • Start the application procedure for an e-visa to Romania at least two weeks before the anticipated entrance date.

What Are Romania Tourist Visa Requirements 

The following are the requirements for a Romanian tourist visa. Check the embassy website before applying, as they often change their requirements and processing times. You will need to fill out a visa application form. You can get this from the Romanian embassy website page .  

Applying for a Romanian tourist, visit, or business visa is simple. It would help if you met the prerequisites for foreign citizens to accomplish this. Which are:

A letter of invitation

An invitation letter is necessary if you plan to apply for a visitation or business visa. If you are on a private visit visa, your host should prepare this letter. The company, corporation, or business partners should draft the invitation if you request a business visa.

Additionally, according to the letter, if you linger in the nation after the short-stay visa’s expiration date in Romania, they must pay for your repatriation costs.

The General Inspectorate for Immigration-Ministry of Internal Affairs must give its clearance before the host can send an invitation (IGI-MAI). You won’t be able to apply for a Romanian tourist, visit, or business visa without the IGI clearance. MAI’s

The tour planners will adhere to the invitation above process if you request a tourist visa.

It is advised that your host send the invitation and other crucial documents to the IGI-MAI at least two months before you start the visa application process so that they can be processed.

You will need to submit one original copy of the invitation to the host, and they will give you the other copy if the invitation is accepted. The invitation must be sent along with other required documents when you apply for a Romanian tourist, visitation, or business visa. Within thirty days after its issuance and this invitation must be accepted.

A passport valid internationally

A passport or other international travel document valid for longer than the duration of your visit to Romania; must be valid for at least six months after your visa application has been granted.

  • Two most recent photos for a passport
  • Bank Statement

You must demonstrate your ability to pay for living expenses during your stay in Romania to obtain a short-stay visa. The daily projected cost of living is 50 EUR. Your account balance should be sufficient to pay for the number of days you will be in Romania. The price of a flight and overnight accommodations should also be included. You should have at least 500 EUR available for this.

Proof of a hotel reservation or lodging

You must present a payment receipt or proof of a hotel reservation if you plan to stay in a hotel. If your host pays for your lodging, you must provide the address or other proof of the arrangement. For the duration of the visa application processing, the reservation must be valid.

Travel Protection

A copy of your proof of current, Romania-specific travel health insurance. An authorized and well-known insurance provider must provide this.

Flight Reservation

A flight reservation is stating your arrival and exit dates in Romania. It should also include your PNR and complete information as it appears on the bio-data page of your foreign passport.

Introduction letter from your employer

Evidence that you will depart the country after your short-term visa expires and return home. And this can be a recommendation letter from your company or corporate headquarters. It might also be a letter from your college or university.

Receipt for Visa fee Payment

receipt proving you’ve paid the necessary visa application fee

Evidence of Connection to Host

Evidence of your connection to the person you are visiting. When requesting a visit visa to Romania, this is necessary.

Tour voucher

If feasible, you should present your booking documentation to the tour operator or organizer, which could be significant when requesting a tourist visa. Visa Application form fully completed and signed.

How to apply for a Romania Tourist Visa

Assuming you meet the requirements above, the process for applying for a Romania tourist visa is as follows: 

Fill out the application form and ensure all your information is correct and legible.

  • Confirm the details of your trip to Romania. Make sure that your departure date is no more than 90 days after the date of your application.
  • Make a copy of your passport, all of its pages, and your photo page. Keep the original documents in a safe place.
  • Make payment and send your application to the Romanian embassy.

The processing of your application and the necessary documentation should take at least 15 days.

Duration of Romania Tourist Visa

A one-month tourist visa to Romania is valid for 91 days from the date of issue. If you stay for more than 30 days, you must register at the nearest police station within 30 days of arrival. You can extend your stay in Romania if you register and have proof of financial means and travel insurance. The maximum length of stay in Romania for citizens of most countries is 90 days.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to obtain a Romanian visa?

It typically takes 3-5 days to process a visa for Romania.

Is it Possible to Apply for a Visa to Romania from Another Country?

Yes, you can apply for a Romanian visa from another country. However, you will need to meet the Romanian embassy or consulate requirements in your home country.

Do I need anything else to enter Romania than a visa?

Yes, you do need something other than a visa to enter Romania. You can get a visa at the Romanian embassy or consulate in your country of residence.

Is Romania Part of Schengen?

Romania is not a member of the Schengen Area , a collection of 26 European nations that have established visa-free travel and eliminated border controls.

The Schengen Agreement will soon include Romania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Croatia.

However, even if they only have a visa for one of these four nations (Croatia, Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Romania), visa holders are still permitted to travel between them.

Can You Enter Romania if You Have a Schengen Visa?

Yes, you can enter Romania with a Schengen visa . However, you may need to pay a visa fee.

What If I Want To Stay in Romania for More than 90 Days?

If you want to stay in Romania for more than 90 days, you must apply for a visa. The process can be time-consuming and requires several documents, including an application form, passport photo, proof of income, and a letter of invitation from a Romanian company or individual.

We recommend you read our guide about  Romanian tourist visas , the requirements, application, and durations.

Romania is a majestic country with a lot of history, culture, and natural beauty. If you’re from one country that needs to apply for a Romania visa, we strongly recommend that you do so. You won’t regret it – Romania is worth a visit! Now that you know everything you need about Romanian tourist visas, the requirements, and the duration, you can make an informed decision on whether or not to apply for one. If you do, we wish you a wonderful trip.

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Visa Types and Categories for Romania

Romania offers various visa types and categories for individuals who wish to visit the country for different purposes. The required documents for these visas vary depending on the type of visa applied for and the purpose of the visit.

For short-stay visas, which are usually granted for tourism, business, or family visits, the applicant is required to provide a valid passport, completed visa application form, and proof of travel insurance. Evidence of intended travel plans, such as hotel reservations, round-trip ticket, or itinerary, may also be required. Additionally, the applicant may be required to provide financial means to support their stay.

Long-stay visas are granted for individuals who intend to stay in Romania for more than 90 days, for work, study, or family reunification. Required documents for long-stay visas may include a letter of invitation, proof of accommodation, a detailed study plan, or a work contract, depending on the purpose of the stay.

For student visas, the applicant is required to provide a letter of acceptance from the educational institution, proof of financial means, and evidence of health insurance coverage.

Overall, the required documents for Romania visas may vary depending on the type of visa and the individual circumstance.

Categories to Apply for Romania

Romania airport transit visa, romania tourist visa, romania business/congress/trade fair visit visa, romania cultural, scientific, sports events visa, romania visiting family and friends visa, romania study (up to 90 days) visa, romania work (up to 90 days) visa, romania transit visa, romania employment (long-term) visa, romania study (long-term) visa, romania family reunion visa, romania self-employment visa, romania au pair visa.

A Romania Airport Transit Visa is a document that permits its holder to transit through the international area of Romanian airports without leaving the transit area. It allows travelers to wait there until they board their flight to their final destination. This visa is typically required for non-EU citizens who are transiting through Romania and need to leave the international transit area of the airport or spend a longer time in the transit area. However, if you are not leaving the transit area, you do not need a transit visa.

Romania Short-term Visa

Romania offers short-term visas for individuals who are traveling temporarily to the country for various reasons such as tourism, visiting family or friends, business trips, short-term education, exchange programs, short-term work, and other non-permanent purposes.

The visa fee, processing time, and the application procedure may also vary based on the type of visa and the country of residence of the applicant. It is recommended to check the latest visa requirements and procedures with the Romanian embassy or consulate in the applicant's home country before starting the visa application process.

If you are traveling to Romania for the purpose of tourism and your stay will be for a period of less than 90 days, depending on your nationality, you may be required to obtain a Romania Tourist Visa before entering the country.

The Romania Tourist Visa allows you to stay in Romania for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. This means that you can stay in the country for up to 90 days during a period of 180 days, counting from the first day of entry.

During the validity of your visa, you can engage in tourist activities such as sightseeing, visiting tourist attractions, and participating in cultural events. However, the Romania Tourist Visa does not permit you to work or study in the country.

To apply for a Romania Tourist Visa, you will need to submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in your home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during your stay in Romania.

The Romania Business Visa allows its holder to enter Romania and engage in business-related activities for a maximum period of up to 90 days within six months, as permitted. This type of visa is designed for individuals who are traveling to Romania for short-term business purposes such as attending meetings or conferences, conducting or attending training, conducting internal audits, installing equipment, or performing other temporary services for a client, local affiliate, or branch office.

To apply for a Romania Business Visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during the stay in Romania.

In addition to the above documents, the applicant may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a letter of invitation from a Romanian company, a business proposal, or a document confirming the conference or event attendance.

It is important to note that the Romania Business Visa does not allow the holder to work or take up employment in Romania. If the applicant intends to work or take up employment in Romania, they will need to apply for a work visa or a residence permit.

Under the Business visa category, other following cases would be applicable:

  • Business matters/meetings/ negotiation/trainings
  • Conference/Congress/Exhibition
  • Scientific/Research events
  • Journalists
  • Official delegations

he Romania Cultural/Scientific/Sports Visa is designed for individuals who intend to enter Romania for cultural, scientific, or sports purposes, such as attending cultural events, participating in scientific conferences or seminars, or attending sports competitions or training programs.

This type of visa allows its holder to enter Romania for a maximum period of up to 90 days within six months, as permitted. To apply for a Romania Cultural/Scientific/Sports Visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country.

The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during the stay in Romania.

In addition to the above documents, the applicant may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a letter of invitation from the Romanian organizer of the cultural, scientific, or sports event, or a certificate of participation in the event.

It is important to note that the Romania Cultural/Scientific/Sports Visa does not allow the holder to work or take up employment in Romania.

The Short-stay Family/Friend Visit visa is designed for individuals who wish to visit their family or friends in Romania for a short period of time, up to a maximum of 90 days within a period of 180 days.

To apply for this type of visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during the stay in Romania.

In addition, the applicant may also be required to provide a letter of invitation from their Romanian family member or friend, confirming the relationship and purpose of the visit. The letter should include the full name and address of the inviting party, as well as the duration and purpose of the visit.

It is important to note that the Short-stay Family/Friend Visit visa does not allow the holder to work or take up employment in Romania.

A Romania Study (Short-term) visa is designed for individuals who intend to visit Romania for short-term study or educational training, requiring a stay of up to 90 days within a period of six months.

To apply for this type of visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a letter of acceptance from the Romanian educational institution, a travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during the stay in Romania.

In addition to the above documents, the applicant may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a detailed study plan, academic transcripts, and proof of language proficiency.

It is important to note that the Romania Study (Short-term) visa does not allow the holder to work or take up employment in Romania

A Romania Work (Short-term) visa is designed for individuals who intend to visit Romania for short-term work activities, requiring a stay of up to 90 days within a period of six months.

To apply for this type of visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a letter of invitation from the Romanian employer, a work contract or a certificate of engagement, a travel itinerary, proof of accommodation arrangements, travel health insurance, and proof of financial means to cover the expenses during the stay in Romania.

In addition to the above documents, the applicant may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of their visit, such as a work plan, a list of tasks and responsibilities, and proof of relevant qualifications or work experience.

It is important to note that the Romania Work (Short-term) visa only allows the holder to engage in the specific work activities for which the visa was issued, and does not permit the holder to engage in any other type of work or take up employment in Romania beyond the scope of the visa.

If you are a non-EU citizen and you have to pass through the international transit area of Romanian airports without actually entering the national territory of Romania during a stop-over or transfer between two stages of an international flight, you may be required to obtain an Airport Transit Visa.

The Airport Transit Visa is a type of short-term visa that allows the holder to transit through the international transit area of Romanian airports for a maximum period of 24 or 48 hours, depending on the type of transit visa issued. The visa is issued for a single or double transit, depending on the itinerary of the trip.

To apply for an Airport Transit Visa, the applicant must submit the required documents to the nearest Romanian embassy or consulate in their home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a travel itinerary, and proof of onward travel, such as a valid visa for the country of destination or a return ticket.

In addition to the above documents, the applicant may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of their visit and to demonstrate their intention not to enter the national territory of Romania, such as proof of accommodation arrangements in the country of destination and evidence of ties to their home country.

List of the states whose citizens are required airport transit visas:

  • Afghanistan
  • The Democratic Republic of Congo

Romania Long-term Visa

If you are a citizen of a country that is exempt from visa requirements for short stays in Romania, but you intend to stay in Romania for more than 90 days, you will need to apply for a long-stay visa from the Romanian embassy or consulate in your home country before coming to Romania.

The long-stay visa is also known as a national visa or type D visa, and it is issued for stays longer than 90 days. The national visa allows you to enter Romania on the basis that you will be applying for a residence permit, which will allow you to stay in Romania for a longer period.

The national visa is issued for a period of up to one year, depending on the purpose of your stay in Romania. It can be extended for a maximum of five years, depending on the type of residence permit you are applying for.

To apply for a national visa, you will need to submit the required documents to the Romanian embassy or consulate in your home country. The required documents may include a completed visa application form, a valid passport, two recent passport-sized photographs, a travel itinerary, and proof of accommodation in Romania.

In addition to the above documents, you may also need to provide additional documents to support the purpose of your stay in Romania and to demonstrate your financial means and ties to your home country. These may include a letter of invitation from a Romanian sponsor, proof of employment or enrollment in a Romanian educational institution, and bank statements.

Once you arrive in Romania with a national visa, you will need to convert your visa into a residence permit within three months of your arrival. You can do this by applying for a residence permit at the Romanian Immigration Office in the area where you will be residing. The process for obtaining a residence permit can be complex and time-consuming

The Romania Work (Long-stay) visa is designed for applicants who wish to take up employment in Romania. This visa allows the holder to enter Romania for a long-term stay and to take up employment for a period longer than 90 days.

To obtain a Romania Work (Long-stay) visa, the applicant needs to have a job offer or an employment contract from a Romanian employer. The employer needs to obtain a work permit on behalf of the applicant from the Romanian Ministry of Labor, which is a prerequisite for the visa application.

In addition to the work permit, the applicant will need to provide a range of documents to support the visa application, including a valid passport, proof of accommodation, evidence of financial means, and a clean criminal record certificate.

Once the visa is granted, the applicant can enter Romania and commence employment with the sponsoring employer. The work visa is valid for a period of up to one year and can be extended if required.

The Romania Study (Long-stay) visa is intended to permit foreign nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in Romania for a longer period to pursue their studies at a state college or state university in Romania.

To obtain a Romania Study (Long-stay) visa, the applicant needs to provide proof of acceptance from the Romanian state college or state university. The applicant will also need to provide a range of documents to support the visa application, including a valid passport, proof of accommodation, evidence of financial means, and a clean criminal record certificate.

Once the visa is granted, the applicant can enter Romania and commence their studies at the state college or state university. The study visa is valid for a period of up to one year and can be extended if required.

The Romania Family Reunification (Long-stay) visa is intended to permit family members of Romanian nationals to obtain a long-term visa, allowing them to stay in Romania for a longer period and obtain a permit for long-term residence in Romania.

To obtain a Romania Family Reunification (Long-stay) visa, the applicant needs to provide evidence of their family relationship to the Romanian national, such as a marriage certificate, birth certificate, or proof of adoption. The applicant will also need to provide a range of documents to support the visa application, including a valid passport, proof of accommodation, evidence of financial means, and a clean criminal record certificate.

Once the visa is granted, the applicant can enter Romania and apply for a long-term residence permit, which will allow them to stay in Romania for an extended period. The family reunification visa is typically valid for a period of up to one year and can be extended if required.

The information you have provided appears to be accurate. The Romanian Self-Employment (Entrepreneurial) visa is designed for third-country nationals who wish to invest in the national economy of Romania by becoming stockholders or shareholders in Romanian legal entities, with management or administration powers.

To be eligible for this visa, applicants must demonstrate that they have made a minimum investment of €100,000 in a Romanian company and have a minimum of 10% of the company's share capital. They must also provide evidence of their business experience and the ability to manage the company.

Once granted, the Self-Employment (Entrepreneurial) visa allows the applicant to reside and work in Romania for a period of up to one year, with the possibility of extending the visa for up to two additional years. After five years of continuous residence in Romania, the visa holder may be eligible for permanent residency.

The visa being described here is likely the "Temporary stay visa for cultural, scientific, humanitarian or religious purposes" in Romania. This type of visa allows foreign nationals to stay in Romania for a longer period of time, typically up to 90 days, for cultural, scientific, humanitarian, or religious purposes.

It sounds like the visa is being used to allow young people to participate in a cultural exchange program by temporarily living with a host family in Romania. In exchange for lodging and food, the young person would assist the family with light everyday tasks, and in the process, improve their linguistic and cultural knowledge.

How Much is the Romania Visa Fee?

The cost of a Romania visa fee can vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for, as well as your nationality and other factors. Here are some general guidelines for the cost of a Romania visa:

  • Short-Stay Visa: €80
  • Long-Stay Visa: €120
  • Airport Transit Visa: €80
  • Transit Visa: €80

Note that these are general fees and may vary depending on the purpose of your travel, the type of visa you are applying for, and other factors. Additionally, there may be additional fees for services such as visa application processing or courier services.

Frequently asked questions about the Romanian eVisa

Romania offers a variety of visas, including short-stay visas, long-stay visas, transit visas, and airport transit visas.

A short-stay visa is for stays in Romania that are less than 90 days. This type of visa is typically used for tourism, business, or family visits.

A long-stay visa is for stays in Romania that are more than 90 days. This type of visa is typically used for work, study, or family reunification purposes.

A transit visa is for travelers who are passing through Romania on their way to another destination. This type of visa allows for a stay of up to 5 days.

An airport transit visa is for travelers who are transiting through a Romanian airport but will not leave the airport's international area. This type of visa allows for a stay of up to 24 hours.

The type of visa you should apply for depends on the purpose and length of your stay in Romania. If you are unsure which type of visa to apply for, you can consult the website of the Romanian embassy or consulate in your country for guidance.

Yes, Romania offers a variety of special visa categories, including student visas, work visas, family reunification visas, and cultural exchange visas. Each visa category has its own specific requirements and application process.

The documents required for a Romania visa can vary depending on the type of visa you are applying for and your individual circumstances. However, some common documents that are often required include a valid passport, a completed visa application form, proof of travel insurance, and evidence of your intended travel plans and financial means to support yourself during your stay.

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Visa Application Form

Tourist Visa Form for Romania

Visiting Romania and need a Romanian tourist visa form? Download a Romanian tourism visa form here.

Romanian Tourist Visa Application Form

The Romanian Tourist Visa for your Holiday or Visiting a Family

Applying for a Romanian Tourist visa is necessary if you are visiting on holiday trip or to see a relative residing in Romania.

Usually, a visitor can apply for the necessary Romanian tourist visa online/ at the nearest Romanian consulate in the country of your residence for a stay in Romania of up to three months.

General Visa Requirements and Validity Period of Romanian Tourist Visa

It is advisable to check the Romanian tourist visa requirements, before applying for your tourist visa to Romania.

A brief summary of the most important requirements and conditions when obtaining the tourist visa for Romania:

  • You do not expect to undertake volunteer job that may otherwise be performed by a paid staff in Romania.
  • You do not intend to enter into a work relationship in Romania.
  • You do not plan to provide services to Romanian organisations (this is permitted with a Romanian work visa or business visa).
  • You do not plan to provide or sell services or products to consumers in Romania.
  • You and your relative are not in debt to the Romania Government.
  • You do not pose a risk to the health or safety and security of residents of Romania.
  • You have the ability to show that you have enough funds to finance your trip and return from Romania.

romania visit visa form

Do I need a Romanian tourist visa?

It relies on your nationality and also the kind of travel document you are using to travel to Romania.Please visit here to check if you require a Romanian visa.

Who exactly can get a Romanian tourist visa?

Anybody wishing to go on holiday to Romania can request a Romanian tourist visa.

There are many types of visa for Romania which you can use as a visitor to Romania. If you are unsure which sort of Romanian tourist visa you need to apply, please get in touch with the nearest Romanian visa office to obtain more information as purpose of this page is to provide you basic overview when obtaining Romanian tourist visa.

What type of Romanian visa do I need?

This relies on 3 factors:

  • The citizenship according to your passport – If the nationality according to the passport is from a country that is on visa free travel to Romania or eligible to get a visa on arrival in Romania, then you may not need to apply for a Romanian tourist visa before leaving from your home country. Please click here to find out if you require a Romanian visa.
  • The timeframe of your visit in Romania – If you intend to stay in Romania for a much shorter duration no more than 90 days, then you can apply for the Romanian tourist visa. If you want to remain much longer, then contact the nearby Romanian visa office to obtain the appropriate visa for your travel.
  • The activities you like to carry out in Romania – If your sole purpose of travelling is for vacation, then you can make an application for all kinds of Romanian tourist visas stated on this web page.

General Visa Application Requirements to Request Romanian Traveller Visa

  • Traveler visa Form for Romania – Completed Romanian visa Form.
  • Original and signed passport – The passport should be valid for at the very least six months prior to going into Romania and three months after departing Romania. It has to contain a minimum of 2 spare visa web pages and can not be older than ten years.
  • Passport type photo – Photo must be no older than 6 months and ought to be 35 x 40mm in size.
  • Previous passport – Offer a previous passport if you had any.
  • Previous visas – Copies of previous Romanian visas details if you had any.
  • Flight tickets to Romania – Reservation of return or round trip flight tickets. In some instances the Romanian visa office may request prepaid air travel tickets to Romania.
  • Travel insurance – Evidence of travel insurance with a minimum cover set by the Romanian consular office provided with the Certificate of Insurance and the table of benefits. The travel insurance policy must cover the cost of repatriation for medical reasons and the Certificate of Currency should be issued by an insurance company. If you are considering using your credit card travel insurance for your travel to Romania, please call Romanian consular office to find out more and travel insurance policy requirements for the Romanian visa.
  • Original financial institution declarations – Original financial institution statements for the last 3 months revealing adequate funds to cover your visit in Romania. If statements are printed online after that it has to be Verified (stamped) by the bank officials.
  • Hotel Reservations in Romania – Copy of confirmed hotel bookings including name of the applicant, name and address of the hotel, length of stay. In many scenarios, only bookings which are partly or completely pre-paid can be accepted.
  • Work letter – This letter should be: original and signed letter from employer written on company letter head paper, validating your ongoing employment, the status of employment, regular monthly income and annual leave. Additionally, please provide your 3 latest pay slips. If you are self-employed: supply certified copies of company registration, income tax return.
  • For students. Please supply the following:
  • Proof of current student status: Certificate of Enrollment.
  • Original and signed letter from university written on university letter head paper, affirming ongoing enrolment, verifying the payment of tuition fees or any kind of scholarships, and confirming semester break.
  • Insurance coverage from Organisation/University – Give a letter from the University stating the purpose, duration of travel and confirmation that you will be covered by the insurance policy for the whole trip in addition to the Certificate of Currency and summary of benefits.

In general, visa applications for Romanian visa ought to be sent for a maximum of 6 months, and no later than 15 days, before the journey.

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Two Monkeys Travel Group

How to Apply For Romania Tourist Visa for Filipinos

Want to visit a hotel in Transylvania or see Dracula’s Castle? Here’s our guide on how to get a Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders.

romania visit visa form

One of the countries in the Balkans is Romania, which’s near Serbia , Ukraine , and Hungary , and the Black Sea. Bucharest is its capital, but I bet you heard of Transylvania more (maybe due to the kid’s movie Hotel Transylvania.” With buildings preserved medieval towns, painted or wooden churches, and intriguing traditions, you will have fun on your trip to Romania.

There’s a Romania Embassy in the Philippines. You will also need to apply online first and having an appointment with the Embassy before coming. Read our guide to getting one!

  • How to Get a Five Year Multiple Entry Schengen Visa for Filipino Citizens
  • My Itinerary in Bucharest, Romania & Experience Staying at Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest
  • How To Provide Proof of Onward Travel – Rent a Flight Ticket
  • 7 Awesome Things to Do in Brasov, Romania @twodriftersxo
  • How to Apply For A Croatia Tourist Visa with Your Philippines Passport

Table of Contents

Romania Fun Facts

  • The heaviest building in the world is the Parliament Palace in Romania
  • There are 8 UNESCO Heritage Site in Romania, mostly are historic churches or those with painted ceilings
  • Danube Delta is the best-preserved river wetlands in the whole world
  • Want to do something haunted? Walk aroundHoia or Baciu Forest; you’ll feel something creepy
  • Vlad Dracula (Vlad Tepes), a Romanian ruler and hero, was the inspiration for Count Dracula because of his cruel ways

Embassy in the Philippines

Embassy of Romania in the Philippines Address: 150 Legaspi St., G.C. Corporate Plaza, 6 fl., Legaspi Village, Makati City Telephone Numbers: +63 2 88927682 or + 63 2 88310784 Tuesday and Friday between 09:30 – 12:00 E-mail: [email protected]

Exemption in Getting a Romania Tourist Visa

If you have a Philippine Passport and issued at least one of the following, you can skip getting a Romania Tourist Visa:

  • Double or Multiple Entry and Resident Permits issued by a Schengen State (Schengen C/D Visas)
  • Double or Multiple Entry visas of Bulgaria, Croatia, and Cyprus

romania visit visa form

Documents Required in Applying for Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders

1. Passport – Valid at least 3 months from the period of stay

Philippine Passport

2. Copy of Valid ID

3. 2 Photos – 3X4cm recently taken on a white background

4. Visa Application Form – Filled Up

5. Certificate of Employment or Business Registration/Permit

6. Two-Way Ticket Booking – to/from Romania

Rent A Flight

7. Medical Insurance – valid in Romania and covering one day longer from your stay, at least EURO 30,000 (original and copy). We recommend SafetyWing .


8. Proof of Means – e.g., Bank Statement or Bank Certificate, you must have at least EURO 50 per day during your stay and not less than EURO 500

9. Proof of Accommodation – e.g., Hotel Booking or Confirmation

10. Visa Fee – EURO 80 / EURO 40 (for ages 6 – 12) but paid in USD

Polio Vaccination might also be asked.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders

STEP 1:  Gather all documents needed. Scan them; they should not be more than 2MB and preferably in .jpeg, .png, or .pdf.

STEP 2 : Go to this website . Choose “apply for a visa.”

Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders

You will need to register and then check your e-mail to proceed.

STEP 3 : Fill up the information needed. Upload the documents. Submit this.

Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders

STEP 4 : Wait for an e-mail stating that your application has been verified. It will take more or less a week. After that, you will need to schedule an appointment to submit the original copy of your documents.

STEP 5 : Go to the Embassy on your appointment date with the necessary documents. You can also authorize a travel agent or another person to do so.

STEP 6 : Submit it to the Consul Officer and pay the visa fee.

STEP 7 : Wait for them to contact you that you can claim your passport and visa. During claiming, don’t forget to bring the receipt.


Frequently Asked Questions About Romania Tourist Visa

1. How long can I travel with my Short Stay Visa?

The maximum is 90 days; however, tourists are granted a maximum of 15 to avoid visitors looking for work.

2. How many days is processing?

It will take 7 – 14 days.

3. When should I apply for a visa?

You can apply at least 2 weeks before your departure but not for more than 3 months. I suggest applying 4 to 6 weeks before in case there are additional requirements needed.

4. Is there an interview?

No, there’s no interview unless if the Embassy thinks the documents are not credible.

5. I cannot go to the Embassy, can I send my documents via courier?

No, you can’t. You’ll either do it personally or through a representative with an authorization letter and a valid ID. SPA is not needed.

romania visit visa form

I hope you now know how to apply for a Romania Tourist Visa with your Philippine Passport. It is so fascinating you would love it, don’t worry about vampires! In case you need help with your visa application, you can get our visa application bundle service . Good luck!

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About the Writer

Lyza Paloma

Hey, I’m Lyza! I once was a person who just imagined going to places “one day” but decided to pursue my dreams. My first travel abroad was in Japan, solo, last 2018, and fell in love with the journey since. I’m aiming to visit 10 countries before turning 30 and 2 new places in the Philippines every year. Besides traveling, I love organizing trips, photography, reading, and making new friends. Follow my adventures through my  Instagram .

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How To Apply for Romania Tourist Visa for Filipinos

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15 thoughts on “ How to Apply For Romania Tourist Visa for Filipinos ”

Hi Ms.Lyza ask ko lang po what if I wanna apply a visit visa for 30 days in romania? Is that posible to be granted by the embassy po? Do you assist? My boyfriend will make an invitation for me. Thank you looking forward for your answer.

Hi ma’am naga assist ba kayo o naga process ba kayo ng visit visa or tourist visa po pa Romania like ko po kc mg visit sa friend ko gagawan nya po ako ng invition ko,baka po pwd nyo ako matulungan kahit mg bayad po ako

Hello po, yes po we assist for Romania. You can check here: https://filipinopassport.com/visa-application-bundle-service/

Hope I can visit romania next year in God’s grace.

Hi Ms Lyza, I checked flights sa skyscanner there are 2 stops. Do we need another visa for connecting flights na self transfer?

Hello. I am applying for a visit visa to go to Romania. May I ask what to input in the “Diplomatic mission?” on the step 3 above the ‘travel documents” Thank you!

is Manila the only one having an error? if so, maybe it’s because they are not yet accepting due to lockdown.

Hi ma’am Liza how to get a short stay visa going to Romania I have invitation from friend Thanks u

Good Day I would like to apply a short stay visa goin Romania. Please help. Need advice and tell me all how this pandemic situation. I have invitation from friend. Please help me what would i do to be approved. Thank you

You can fill up the form here: https://mrandmrshowe.com/visa-application-bundle-service

hi Liza can you help mo to fill up the form, i dont know what i write sa diplomatic mission

nandyan po sa picture 🙂

Good evening po,I just wanna ask about antipolio vaccine if when I start to get this vaccine? because it’s mandatory.thank you!

Can i follow up also on this po? Is polio vaccine mandatory? Thanks

Hi Ms Kach, is your service also accommodate Romanian Visa Application?

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Written by Two Monkeys Travel - Contributor

Two Monkeys Travel Group – Community Travel Blog is a travel blog and website. We quickly grew into a valuable source of inspiring travel stories, advice, itineraries and travel guides, with the aim of demonstrating how to live a sustainable life of travel, whilst living your own definition of success. If you'd like to contribute and write a guest post, contact us at [email protected]

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  1. Acasa

    With respect to visas applied for through the E-VIZA portal, the personal data controller is the MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS OF ROMANIA, with its headquarters in 31, Aleea Alexandru, 1st district, Bucharest, Romania. Within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the designated Personal Data Protection Officer can be contacted at [email protected].

  2. eViza

    4. 5. Get informed Apply for a visa. For detailed information about other programs financed by the European Union, please visit www.fonduri-ue.ro. This material does not represent the official position of the European Union or the Romanian Government.


    Citizens of certain countries and territories need a visa to visit Romania. To quickly check if you need a visa please visit www.E-Visa.MAE.ro (select the "Get Informed" tab (up left) and enter the following information: ... For travel to Europe, an additional single-sheet EU Vet Health Certificate form must be filled out and certified by your ...

  4. Romania Tourist Visa: How to Apply for the Romanian eVisa for Tourism?

    Some countries have visa-free agreements with Romania, which means their citizens can travel to Romania without a visa for up to 90 days within 180 days. Other countries need to apply for a visa at the Romanian embassy or consulate in their country of residence before their trip. This visa allows them to visit Romania for tourism purposes.

  5. Romania Visa

    When you submit your visa application at the Romanian consulate or diplomatic mission, you must also pay a non-refundable Romania visa processing fee. The fees for a Romania visa are as follows: Short-Stay Visa: €80. Long-Stay Visa: €120. Airport Transit Visa: €80. Transit Visa: €80.

  6. Short-term visit visa for Romania

    the application for the travel visa at the Romanian consulate is the second step as part of the Romanian visit visa application procedure. The first step that must be fulfilled prior to this is obtaining the invitation letter approval from the Romanian Immigration Office; this first step must be fulfilled by the inviting party in Romania ...

  7. Romania Visa Requirements

    A Romania visa application form, which you can download from the website of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ... Any additional documents which correspond to the purpose of your travel. Romania C Visa Requirements. Foreign nationals who want to stay in Romania for up to 90 days for tourism, business, or private visit purposes (among ...

  8. eViza

    Types of visas and the purpose of your trip. A Schengen visa is an authorisation issued by a Schengen Member State (MS), in the form of a sticker or stamp affixed to a valid state border crossing document, allowing a third-state national who is subject to this requirement, to present him/herself at a border crossing point of the Schengen area in order to apply for transit or temporary stay for ...

  9. Acasa

    INFORMAŢII IMPORTANTE: Pentru vizele solicitate prin intermediul portalului E-VIZA, operatorul de date cu caracter personal este MINISTERUL AFACERILOR EXTERNE AL ROMÂNIEI, cu sediul în Aleea Alexandru nr.31, Sector 1, Bucureşti, România. În cadrul Ministerului Afacerilor Externe îşi desfăşoară activitatea Responsabilul desemnat cu Protecţia Datelor cu Caracter Personal - [email protected].

  10. eViza

    The long-stay visa for family reunification (marked D/VF) is issued by the diplomatic missions or consular posts of Romania from the home country or from the country of residence of the family members. The following categories of people may also request a Romanian long-stay visa for family reunification: a. third-country nationals married to ...

  11. Romania Short Stay Visas

    Proof of accommodation, such as a hotel reservation or another form of tourist accommodation. Travel itinerary, such as a travel ticket. If you are driving there, you must submit your driver's license and the vehicle registration and green card. Proof of sufficient financial means - €50 per day, but no less than €500.

  12. Romanian Visa Application Form

    Visitor visa Form for Romania - Completed Romanian visa application form. Original and signed passport - The passport needs to be valid for at least six months before going into Romania and three months after leaving Romania. It needs to contain at least two extra visa pages and can not be older than ten years.

  13. Romania e-Visa

    The Romanian e-Visa is a multiple-entry permit in an electronic form that allows numerous visits to Romania and a total of 90 days spent in the country.. Electronic visas stay valid for 180 days (6 months) starting from the day of the issue.Applicants' passports must not expire for the next 6 months beyond the planned date of arrival.. Make sure to apply for your visa online at least 15 ...

  14. Romania Visa

    Citizens of nearly 110 nations, territories, and regions may visit Romania visa-free. Argentina, Brazil, Fiji, South Korea, Chile etc. are only a few examples. ... Access the Application Form: Begin by visiting the VisaHQ website and locating the Romania E-Visa application page. Choose the specific type of e-visa you require and carefully fill ...

  15. Romania Visit Visa Requirements in 2024 [Document Checklist]

    Step-by-Step Application Process for a Romanian Visit Visa. 1. Complete the Online Application: Begin your journey to Romania by accessing the eVisa portal, the official online platform of the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Fill out the visa application form meticulously, ensuring all data is accurate and up-to-date.

  16. Entry requirements

    To enter Romania (and all Schengen countries) your passport must: have a 'date of issue' less than 10 years before the date you arrive. Passports issued after 1 October 2018 are now valid for ...

  17. Romania Tourist Visa

    When requesting a visit visa to Romania, this is necessary. Tour voucher. If feasible, you should present your booking documentation to the tour operator or organizer, which could be significant when requesting a tourist visa. Visa Application form fully completed and signed. How to apply for a Romania Tourist Visa

  18. Visa Types and Categories for Romania

    The Romania Tourist Visa allows you to stay in Romania for a maximum of 90 days within a 180-day period. This means that you can stay in the country for up to 90 days during a period of 180 days, counting from the first day of entry. ... a completed visa application form, proof of travel insurance, and evidence of your intended travel plans and ...

  19. Tourist Visa Form for Romania

    General Visa Application Requirements to Request Romanian Traveller Visa. Traveler visa Form for Romania - Completed Romanian visa Form. Original and signed passport - The passport should be valid for at the very least six months prior to going into Romania and three months after departing Romania. It has to contain a minimum of 2 spare ...

  20. How to Apply For Romania Tourist Visa for Filipinos

    Step-by-Step Guide on How to Apply for Romania Tourist Visa for Philippine Passport Holders. STEP 1: Gather all documents needed. Scan them; they should not be more than 2MB and preferably in .jpeg, .png, or .pdf. STEP 2: Go to this website. Choose "apply for a visa.".