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This article is more than 1 year old

Bad Apple Safari update breaks IndexedDB JavaScript API, upsets web apps

Developers fed up with igiant neglecting non-native software.

Apple's WebKit team has managed to break the popular IndexedDB JavaScript API in the latest version of Safari (14.1.1) on macOS 11.4 and iOS 14.6.

The bug, first reported on June 2, 2021, only manifests when applications first try to use IndexedDB NoSQL manager to store data. Reloading a web page or app implementing the API resolves the issue, according to several bug reports.

Nonetheless, the situation is less than ideal for web developers and for anyone using the desktop or mobile versions of Safari. While there are a variety of storage APIs available to web developers, IndexedDB is one of two (the other being the Cache Storage API) that's recommended ; the other options have specific use cases, shortcomings, or aren't widely supported.

Feross Aboukhadijeh, an open-source developer who runs Socket , on Monday said that the bug prevented his firm's web-based file transfer app Wormhole from working when initially loaded until a workaround was implemented.

safari js bug

"Opening an IndexedDB database fails 100 per cent of the time on the first try," he said via Twitter. "If you refresh, it starts working."

"It's really really hard to build reliable websites on macOS and iOS with showstopper bugs like this," he added , pleading with Apple's WebKit team to prioritize a fix. "This should have been caught by basic unit testing."

The Safari's issues with IndexedDB come as web developers await the release of a fix for a bug affecting localStorage , a more limited browser storage API, in Safari 14.1 and later, and word that an IndexedDB crash bug reported in 2019 will get some attention.

Paulus Esterhazy, director of engineering at presentation biz Pitch, recently documented various problems with IndexedDB, many of which have to do with Safari, in a GitHub post.

"The Webkit team keeps shipping critical storage-related bugs into production, again and again," he wrote.

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The browser engineering teams for Chromium , Edge, and Firefox, among others, regularly introduce bugs of their own – Apple does not have a monopoly on code errors.

But Apple's technology poses a particular challenge for web developers because the company requires all iOS browsers to be based on WebKit, the rendering engine used in Safari. Competing with WebKit simply isn't allowed on iOS.

Apple's platform rules are currently under scrutiny from lawmakers and antitrust officials around the globe and, in California, from US District Court Judge Yvonne Gonzalez Rogers, who is expected soon to render a decision in Epic Games' antitrust lawsuit against Apple.

Google software engineers like Alex Russell have long complained that Apple's leisurely browser development roadmap, limited API adoption , and platform rules ensure that web apps cannot compete with native iOS platform apps.

But others unaffiliated with a major Apple competitor share that sense of frustration.

"Given Safari’s privileged position on iOS, Apple has been disappointing in how slowly they adopt standards (if at all) and how incomplete the implementations are, like for media playback and WebRTC," said software developer Matt Mastracci in an email to The Register .

"At some point the developer experience on Safari was top-of-the-line but they are falling into the same trap as Microsoft did when they had a monopoly on the desktop browser."

In a recent post to Hacker News, Aboukhadijeh complained that Apple's actions make it appear that Cupertino is "outright hostile to the web" and eager to push developers to create native platform apps (which, unlike web apps, Apple can control through its App Store rules).

"Apple's neglect and underinvestment in the web platform definitely precludes websites or 'PWAs' from having the 'have the look, feel and functionality of a native app," he wrote. "Safari suffers from the twin effects of limitations that Apple has intentionally put in place and intentional under-staffing of the Safari team."

We asked Apple about the IndexedDB bug and whether its Safari team is understaffed compared to the competition. We would be stunned if it chose to reply. ®

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Debug JavaScript in Safari in 7 easy steps [2019]

This article will focus on debugging JavaScript code within Safari Web Inspector. Safari Web Inspector is a powerful tool built into Safari on OSX that makes finding and fixing bugs a lot faster!

Raygun lets you detect and diagnose errors and performance issues in your codebase with ease

The steps we are going to follow are:

  • Sample Project Introduction
  • Analyse a Raygun Error Report
  • Explore the Anatomy of Web Inspector
  • Add Breakpoints to your Code
  • Step through your Code
  • Determine the State of your Application
  • Fix the Bug!

So, let’s dive in!

Step 1: Sample Project Introduction

To demonstrate how to debug an application with Safari’s Web Inspector, I’m going to use a simple Add Person form. This form allows you to enter a first, middle and last name. On clicking the ‘Save’ button, the form will do a bit of processing, and the data will be sent off to your (imaginary) server.

Safari debugging example

The code for this form has three functions:

A click handler A capitalize string function A save function

Unfortunately, after shipping this to production late on a Friday evening, you start to see error reports coming into your dashboard. There’s a bug, and you need to fix it. Fast.

Step 2. Analyse the Raygun Error Report

Error reports that come into Raygun have plenty of info you can use to find and fix the error, so let’s have a look at what we’re dealing with.


The information you will need to debug the error is located in the Stacktrace module.

The Message part of the Stacktrace is a short overview of what is wrong. In this case, the toUpperCase method is being called on an undefined value.

The Stacktrace tells you where the error occurred and the sequence of function calls that led there. As you can see in the screenshot above, the error happened in the capitalizeString function on line 20 of the index.js file.

Knowing which line triggered the error means you can jump straight to the place where the error occurred and start digging into what has caused the problem.

Step 3: Exploring the Anatomy of Web Inspector

The first step is to launch the app in Safari and open up the Web Inspector. Before you can do this though you need to enable the Develop menu in Safari. Open Safari’s Preferences dialog by clicking the “Safari” menu item and selecting “Preferences…”.


Inside the Preferences dialog, go to the Advanced tab and then check the “Show Develop menu in menu bar” option at the bottom.


You can now close the Preferences dialog and open the Web Inspector by choosing “Show Inspector” from the new Develop menu, or by pressing CMD-OPT-I.

The Web Inspector will now be open inside the browser tab, and the Console tab will be active. This tab allows you to execute arbitrary JavaScript code at any time or to view any outputs from console.log calls.

Try entering alert('Hello!'); and hitting Enter—you should see the alert appear straight away.


The Console tab is a valuable debugging tool as you can use it as a scratch pad for trying out code and evaluating variables as you diagnose your problem.

To debug the code, you first need to be able to navigate through your source code in the Web Inspector. You do this in the Debugger tab.


The lower half of the left pane inside this tab has a list of all the source files loaded into the page. You can click any of these file names, and the contents are displayed in the central pane. You can expand an additional pane containing debugging tools by clicking the button at the top right of the tab.

If you have a lot of files, you can search them by using CMD-P on OSX and then start typing the name of the file.

In the app, you know the problem lies in the index.js file, so select it from the list on the left to view its contents.

Step 4: Add Breakpoints to your Code

Now you can view your code, we want to be able to step through it a line at a time to see where things go wrong. To do this, we use breakpoints. Breakpoints are markers at specific points in the code which stop execution so you can inspect the state of the code at that point in time, and continue execution line-by-line.

There are a few different ways to add breakpoints which I’ll go over here:

Line Breakpoints

Probably the most common way to add a breakpoint is to find the specific line you want to stop on and add it there. Navigate to the file and line you are interested in and click the line number. A blue marker will be added on that line and execution will stop every time it hits this line of code. In the screenshot below it will stop on Line 7 of index.js .


You will also notice that a list of the breakpoints you added is maintained at the top left of the tab. This list is useful for navigating to the breakpoints quickly or temporarily disabling them by clicking the marker beside it.

To remove a breakpoint, right-click the line marker and select “Delete Breakpoint”.

Programmatic Breakpoint

You can also add breakpoints programmatically which can be useful if you don’t want to search through your code in Web Inspector when you have it handy in your IDE. You can also use this approach to conditionally introduce breakpoints, for example at certain iterations of loops, or if the code runs on page load and there’s no time to add the breakpoint manually.

To do this, you add the debugger; statement at the position you want to break the execution. The code below will have the same effect as the Line Breakpoint above.


Error Breakpoint

Web Inspector has a handy feature which will stop execution when it hits an exception in your code, allowing you to examine what’s going on at the time of the error. You can even choose to stop on exceptions that are already handled by a try/catch statement.

To stop when any exception happens, click the arrow icon beside the label “All Exceptions”. You will see it darken when activated. To only stop when an uncaught exception occurs, click the arrow icon beside the “Uncaught Exceptions” label.


Step 5: Step Through Your Code

Now that we know how to break into our code we now want to step through each line so we can figure out what’s going wrong. First, put a breakpoint on Line 7 - just inside the Add button’s click handler so we can start at the beginning.

In the previous section, we inferred from the Raygun error report that the error came from the capitalizeString method. This method is called three times, so, which instance is the culprit? You can look a little closer at the Stacktrace and see that it was the call that came from Line 13 which caused the error. You know that line 13 relates to the Middle Name value. Therefore, you should focus your effort on reproducing the error by crafting your input correctly.

With this extra knowledge, you can fill in the First and Last Name fields but leave the Middle Name blank to see if this triggers the error.


Hit the Save button. From here, the Debugger tab will open where you can see the breakpoint activated. You can now start to step through the code. To do this, you use the four buttons in the debugging pane.


Resumes execution of your code and continues until the next breakpoint Steps over the current line, moving us on to the next line Steps into the next function call that is on that line Steps out of the current function call, back up the callstack one level.

You’re going to use these to step all the way to your capitalizeString function. So from Line 7, use the “Step over” button until we get to Line 13. The active line is shown with a green background.


Navigating the Call Stack

When you’re moving through the code like this, you might want to jump back to a parent function to check what was happening at that point. To do this, use the Call Stack section, which lists all the functions that have been passed through to get to this point in your code—exactly the same as the Callstack shown in the Raygun error report.


You can simply click on an item in this list and you will be moved back to that function. Bear in mind that the current position in the execution doesn’t change, so using the Step Over buttons will continue from the top of the call-stack.

Step 6: Determine the State of your Application

Now you’ve navigated to where your error happened we need to examine the state of the application and figure out what’s causing the error.

There are a bunch of options for figuring out what values variables contain and evaluating expressions before the code moves on. We’ll look at each in turn:

Mouse Hover

The simplest way to determine the value of a variable is to just hover the mouse over it and a tooltip will pop-up with the value. You can even select a group of expressions and hover over the selection to get the output of the expression.


You can add expressions to the Watch Expressions panel which displays the current value of the expression as you move through the code. The Watch Expressions panel is handy to keep track of how more complex expressions change over time.

You add these by clicking the “+” button at the top of the panel, entering the expression to watch and hitting enter.


The Local Variables section displays a list of variables currently within scope and their associated values. The Local Variables panel is similar to the Watch Expressions panel but is generated by the Web Inspector automatically. This section is good for identifying local variables and saves you explicitly adding them to the Watch Expressions list.


Finally, the Console tab is a great tool for checking expression values and experimenting with code. Just switch back to the Console tab, type some code and hit enter. Web Inspector will execute the code within the context and scope of the current breakpoint.

Step 7: Fix the Bug

Switch over to the Console tab and let’s start to break down the line that caused the error so you can fix it using the Console tab

First, check the output of the value.split(‘’) call so you can get the first character then call the toUpperCase function on it.

Executing the expression in the Console shows it returns an empty array—this is where the error comes from! Since it returns an empty array and we try to call toUpperCase on the first item (which is undefined, since there are no items) that gives you the error.

You can verify this by entering the full expression into the Console:


So, to fix the problem, you need to check that the string is either empty or undefined. If it is, you need to return an empty string back without doing any processing.

That wraps up this quick intro to debugging JavaScript in Safari with Web Inspector. I hope you’re able to put it it to use when trying to track down your next Safari bug. It is really worthwhile taking the time to master these tools to level up your debugging skills!

There are a number of other great features in the Web Inspector that I haven’t touched on here so I encourage you to have a play around and experiment with it.

Further Reading

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How to Activate the iPhone Debug Console or Web Inspector

Use Safari's web developer tools to study problematic websites

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What to Know

  • Activate Web Inspector on iOS: Go to Settings > Safari > Advanced and move the Web Inspector toggle switch to the On position.
  • Use Web Inspector on macOS: Connect your iOS device to a Mac and choose the URL to inspect from the Develop menu.

If you run into a bug or another issue with a website on Safari mobile, use the Web Inspector tool to investigate. This article explains how to use the Safari console for iPhone to debug errors with the help of your Mac computer. Instructions apply to iPhones with iOS 14, iOS 12, or iOS 11, and well as Macs with macOS Big Sur (11.0), macOS Catalina (10.15), or macOS Mojave (10.14).

Activate Web Inspector on Your iPhone or Other iOS Device

The Web Inspector is disabled by default since most iPhone users have no use for it. However, if you're a developer or you're curious, you can activate it in a few short steps. Here's how:

Open the iPhone  Settings  menu.

On an iPhone with an early version of iOS, access the Debug Console through Settings > Safari > Developer > Debug Console . When Safari on the iPhone detects CSS, HTML, and JavaScript errors, details of each display in the debugger.

Scroll down and tap  Safari  to open the screen that contains everything related to the Safari web browser on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.

Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Advanced .

Move the Web Inspector toggle switch to the On position.

Connect Your iOS Device to Safari on a Mac

To use the Web Inspector, connect your iPhone or another iOS device to a Mac that has the Safari web browser and enable the Develop menu .

With Safari open, select Safari from the menu bar and choose  Preferences .

Select the  Advanced  tab.

Select the Show Develop menu in menu bar check box and close the settings window.

From the Safari menu bar, select Develop and choose the name of your attached iOS device, then select the URL that appears under Safari to open the debug console for that site.

After you connect your device, use your Mac to inspect the website you want to debug and have it open in the Safari mobile browser.

What Is Web Inspector?

Web developers use Web Inspector to modify, debug, and optimize websites on Macs and iOS devices. With Web Inspector open, developers can inspect the resources on a web page. The Web Inspector window contains editable HTML and notes regarding the styles and layers of the web page in a separate panel.

Before iOS 6, the iPhone Safari web browser had a built-in Debug Console that developers used to find web page defects. Recent versions of iOS use Web Inspector instead.

With Safari 9 and OS X Mavericks (10.9), Apple introduced Responsive Design Mode in Web Inspector. Developers use this built-in simulator to preview how web pages scale to different screen sizes, resolutions, and orientations.

To set up Web Inspector on your iPad, open your iPad's Settings and select Safari > Advanced , then turn Web Inspector On . Connect the iPad to a Mac computer, then open Safari on the Mac and select Safari > Preferences > Advanced , then turn on Show Develop menu in menu bar .

You cannot just connect your iPhone to a Windows PC and start using Web Inspector through Chrome like you can with a Mac. Installing package manager software can provide you a sort of workaround, but it's not recommended unless you're familiar with the package management app you intend to use.

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Apple Releases Safari Technology Preview 193 With Bug Fixes and Performance Improvements

Apple today released a new update for Safari Technology Preview , the experimental browser Apple first introduced in March 2016. Apple designed the ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ to test features that may be introduced into future release versions of Safari.

Safari Technology Preview Feature

The current ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ release is compatible with machines running macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma , the latest version of macOS that Apple released in September 2023.

The ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ update is available through the Software Update mechanism in System Preferences or System Settings to anyone who has downloaded the browser . Full release notes for the update are available on the Safari Technology Preview website .

Apple's aim with ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ is to gather feedback from developers and users on its browser development process. ‌Safari Technology Preview‌ can run side-by-side with the existing Safari browser and while designed for developers, it does not require a developer account to download.

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Top Rated Comments

benface Avatar

I'm always curious about these Safari Tech Preview posts. Are they just a quick way to add another headline? I suspect so, as I don't see many people trusting these builds as their daily driver. I've tried that in the past, but it never stuck.

macmac30 Avatar

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Safari 12 version, javascript Array.reverse() cache

const numplace = ['0', '00', '000', '0000'];

const r = numplace.reverse();

Today, after upgrading iOS 12, I inadvertently found that the order of the arrays was wrong.

The first load is normal, the page refresh is reversed, the refresh is normal, the refresh is reversed, and so on...,

The problem arises in Safari 12, as if the variables are "cached" by Safari, and even refreshing the page is preserved and inherited.

Is this a bug or feature in iOS 12 Safari? Where can you see the changes to the underlying mechanism of safari?

  • Safari Extensions

Yes, it's a bug. We are discussing on stackoverflow:

And also we release a js shim to fix this bug:

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Bug with Safari #1132


shammelburg commented Apr 14, 2018

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zigomir commented Apr 14, 2018

Sorry, something went wrong.


daniele-orlando commented Apr 20, 2018 • edited


yyx990803 commented Apr 27, 2018

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Talmobi commented jun 17, 2021.

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Setup and Debug JavaScriptCore / WebKit

safari js bug

TLDR We try to prepare WebKit for research by building a debug version.

  • 0x00: New Series: Getting Into Browser Exploitation
  • 0x01: Setup and Debug JavaScriptCore / WebKit
  • 0x02: The Butterfly of JSObject
  • 0x03: Just-in-time Compiler in JavaScriptCore
  • 0x04: WebKit RegExp Exploit addrof() walk-through
  • 0x05: The fakeobj() Primitive: Turning an Address Leak into a Memory Corruption
  • 0x06: Revisiting JavaScriptCore Internals: boxed vs. unboxed
  • 0x07: Preparing for Stage 2 of a WebKit Exploit
  • 0x08: Arbitrary Read and Write in WebKit Exploit


Linus Henze , my CTF teammate, created the Webkit Exploit and he released the proof of concept code on GitHub. Our plan is to go through the exploit to understand everything, but that will take some time. So let's start by looking at the goal and run the exploit!

Execute the PoC

At the time of preparing the video, the bug was already fixed in the repository, but it wasn't shipped in Safari for macOS and iOS yet. In the repo the bug is described as following:

This is an optimization error in the way RegEx matching is handled. By setting lastIndex on a RegEx object to a JavaScript object which has the function toString defined, you can run code although the JIT thinks that RegEx matching is side effect free. Exploitation is pretty similar to @5aelo's exploit for CVE-2018-4233, which can be found here .

Don't worry if you didn't understand the above description about the exploit, we'll learn about it in the future. Let's first run the exploit. The version of Safari I'm running is Version 12.0.1 (14606. .

Before we can execute the exploit, we need to start a webserver, which serves our exploit to the browser. To do that we can simply run a PHP server as shown below:

Additionally, for the exploit, we need to run a WebSocket server which is used to retrieve the output from the exploit.

Let's run this script.

Upon visiting , we see a link, and when visiting that site, the exploit is executed.

As you can see from the above image, the exploit process is pretty fast, and the output is shown in the browser as well as in the WebSocket server. Now, it's important to just glance over what the exploit process looks like, even though we don't understand it yet .

Exploit Stages

So, the exploit sets up some "Fake Objects", Cleans Some stuff up, Gets a "Read/Write primitive", Downloads the 2nd stage, Somehow gets access to "Read & Write Executable Memory", Copies the shellcode to that memory, and finally Executes the shellcode which prints "Hello world from Assembly", Awesome!

Getting the WebKit Source

As you already know WebKit is a web browser engine used in many products like Safari on macOS and iOS, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. We can breakdown WebKit into mainly two different components.

  • WebCore : Library responsible for HTML layout, rendering, and DOM.
  • JavaScriptCore : Library which provides a JavaScript engine.

Before we can dive into the exploit, we need to setup an environment to test. So we could start by downloading the WebKit source from the website , but in the description of the exploit it says "Fixed in current WebKit release". So how can we get the vulnerable WebKit version?

In an attempt to find this version, I simply checked my Safari's User-Agent string. The version of WebKit my browser's User-Agent said was 605.1.15 and so I checked out the source code that matches this version from the code repository . Trying to build from the source was failing due to a weird error. And I noticed that the downloaded version of WebKit was already a year old - this didn't make any sense. And after researching a bit more, I found that WebKit decided to freeze the User-Agent for some of the reasons mentioned here . Either way, it was clearly not the correct version.

Then I asked Linus about this, and he told me the exact commit of WebKit from the GitHub repository that was still vulnerable. Now we can get the sources.

This commit was just before the vulnerability was fixed, so we can have a look at the following commit, which fixed the bug, in order to read the developer's description of the issue.

RegExp operations should not take fast path if lastIndex is no numeric.

Additionally, there was more info on this.

This is because if lastIndex is an object with a valueOf() method, it can execute arbitrary code which may have side effects, and side effects are not permitted by the RegExp fast paths.

Here, arbitrary code execution doesn't refer to some kind of shellcode, but instead it means that there could be arbitrary JavaScript code, which can lead to some side effects the execution engine didn't expect. Again, what exactly all this means, is a topic for another post.

Building WebKit

To build WebKit on macOS, we need XCode installed and have it correctly set up.

Then we can execute the script which builds JSC (JavaScriptCore) as a debug build.

The JavaScriptCore Runtime

After the completion of the build process, we can find the binary in the path ./WebKitBuild/Debug/bin/jsc . Executing the binary gives us a REPL ( R ead E val P rint L oop), which is basically a prompt that accepts input and interprets JavaScript -  similar to NodeJs or the browser JS console.

Here's a quick little tip that I learned from Linus. There's a function called describe() , which can help to understand any object.

Here, the Int32 represents the 32 bit integer type and the 1 is the value.

Here, 4623716258932001341 is how the raw value of the double is represented in memory. We can easily decode this to 13.37 using python struct module.

Getting back to the jsc interpreter. When trying to describe a string, we start seeing a bit more information.

Apparently strings have something called a StructureID - we will learn more about this later down the road. For now let's get crazy by describing an Array.

So this array is an Object at the address 0x1079b4340 in memory and has so-called a butterfly at 0x10000e4010 . The underlying array structure is set to CopyOnWriteArrayWithInt32 and it kinda makes sense because this is an array of integer values. Now let's try to change the values of this array by adding some floating point numbers.

As you can see, this changes the Array to CopyOnWriteArrayWithDouble . This means the integer was also converted into a Double. Now, what happens if we were to add a string to this list.

Now this array becomes more generic due to the fact that it holds values of different types. If we play around a bit more, like adding an array inside an array, we see another small change.

Now we have only ArrayWithContiguous , it's not a "Copy On Write" array anymore. You can see this is already very useful to learn more about the internals of WebKit.

Setting up lldb

Let's try setting up a lldb - lldb is a debugger similar to gdb. We can use lldb to debug jsc.

Back to messing around with JSC

Now that we have the debugger attached to the jsc interpreter, let's create an array and dig deeper.

The object is at the address 0x1080b4340 and the butterfly is at 0x8000e4008 . Let's hit Ctrl+C to break out of the JavaScript interpreter into lldb. lldb 's commands are sometimes different from gdb 's commands, but to examine the memory it's pretty much the same.

Here, the second value 0x00000008000e4008 looks like the butterfly address, so let's examine that.

If we look closely, we can find some numbers which look like the values of the array [1, 2, 3, 4] .

However, the weird thing is that the high bytes of these values are set to ffff ; what this means we will learn later.

Now let's try one other thing - breakpoints . You can set a breakpoint using b command. Since we have the debug symbols, we can easily find functions by name using tab completion.

As you can see, we've listed some of the Math functions. If you want to look for a specific function, you can also try to search the function in the source code base and get the proper C++ function name. Just to play around, let's set a breakpoint to the Math.Max function.

Once the breakpoint is placed, we can get back to the JavaScript interpreter by using the c command, which stands for continue execution . Now if we try to execute Math.max(13.37) , we hit the breakpoint, and we even see the source code of the function!

We can also step through the code using n and print some values using p , to see how the function works.

This is exactly how I always wanted to debug and learn about browser exploitation.

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Reporting Bugs

1. check your webkit version, 2. search bugzilla, 3. create a bugzilla account, 4. file the bug.

So you found a bug? Here are 5 steps to getting it fixed:

To make sure you’re not wasting your (and our) time, you should be using the latest version of WebKit before you file your bug. First, you should download the latest WebKit build archive build to be sure you have the latest version. If you’ve done this and you still experience the bug, go ahead to the next step.

Now that you have the latest WebKit version and still think you’ve found a WebKit bug, search through Bugzilla first to see if anyone else has already filed it. This step is very important! If you find that someone has filed your bug already, please go to the next step anyway, but instead of filing a new bug, comment on the one you’ve found. If you can’t find your bug in Bugzilla, go to the next step.

You’ll need to create a Bugzilla account to be able to report bugs and to comment on them. If you’ve registered, proceed to the next step.

Now you’re ready to file a bug on the WebKit product . The Writing a Good Bug Report document gives some tips about the most useful information to include in bug reports. The better your bug report, the higher the chance that your bug will be addressed (and possibly fixed) quickly!

5. Next Steps

Once your bug is filed, you’ll receive email when it’s updated at each stage in the bug life cycle . After the bug is considered fixed, you may be asked to download the latest WebKit Build Archive and confirm that the fix works for you.

Where are the cicadas? Use this interactive map to find Brood XIX, Brood XIII in 2024

In a few weeks, over a dozen states will be abuzz as trillions of periodical cicadas will emerge from their yearslong underground stay.

Broods XIX and XIII will emerge in a combined 17 states, mostly in the Midwest and Southeast, in a rare, double brood event . These two broods last emerged together 221 years ago, and after this year are not predicted to do so again until 2245.

Once conditions are right, the two broods will emerge in massive numbers to feed, make noise, mate and die. Here's what to know about where to find the 13-year Brood XIX and the 17-year Brood XIII.

2024 double cicada broods: Check out where Broods XIII, XIX will emerge

The two cicada broods will emerge in a combined 17 states across the Southeast and Midwest, with an overlap in parts of Illinois and Iowa. They will emerge once soil eight inches underground reaches 64 degrees, expected to begin in mid-May and lasting through late June.

The two broods last emerged together in 1803 , when Thomas Jefferson was president.

What is a periodical cicada?

Both the 13-year Brood XIX and the 17-year Brood XIII are periodical cicadas, which emerge every 13 or 17 years across North America. They differ from annual cicadas, which emerge every year.

You may remember the last periodical brood to emerge in huge numbers: the 17-year Brood X that was found in 2021 throughout the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard.

Annual cicadas, which are dark green to black with green wing veins, are  typically larger than periodical cicadas , which are recognizable for their red eyes, red legs and red wing veins, according to North Carolina State University Extension.

Periodical cicadas emerge earlier, usually in mid-to-late May as opposed to annual cicadas in July and August. According to North Carolina State University Extension, annual cicadas begin mating, " singing conspicuously " and lying eggs about two weeks after they emerge. Their first nymphs will fall to the ground and begin feeding on roots under the soil, and fully-developed nymphs will emerge two years later and molt into adults.

Above ground, periodical cicadas have a similar life cycle, appear in much larger numbers and are much louder. At the end of their season, the next generation of nymphs move underground and remain for either 13 or 17 years.

safari js bug

Russia Maps Show 25% of Moscow Without Power Amid Winter Freeze 'Emergency'

R ussian President Vladimir Putin has ordered the nationalization of an ammunition plant in Moscow after a mechanical failure caused tens of thousands of Muscovites to lose heat and water amid freezing temperatures beginning last week.

On January 4, a heating main burst at the Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant in the town of Podolsk, which is around 30 miles south of central Moscow. Since then, tens of thousands of Russians are reported to have no heating in their homes in the Moscow region amid subzero temperatures.

Affected areas include the cities of Khimki, Balashikha, Lobnya, Lyubertsy, Podolsk, Chekhov, Naro-Fominsk, and Podolsk, a map published by a Russian Telegram channel and shared on other social media sites shows.

Other Russian media outlets reported that in Moscow, residents of Balashikha, Elektrostal, Solnechnogorsk, Dmitrov, Domodedovo, Troitsk, Taldom, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Krasnogorsk, Pushkino, Ramenskoye, Voskresensk, Losino-Petrovsky, and Selyatino are also without power.

That means that in total, more than a quarter of Moscow's cities have been hit with power outages and a lack of heating.

Newsweek has contacted Russia's Foreign Ministry for comment via email.

Many residents have taken to publishing video appeals on social media to complain about their freezing conditions. In one clip, people living in Moscow say that they are left with no choice but to warm their homes with gas stoves, heaters, and "whatever else we can find." Others said they are lighting fires in the streets to keep warm.

Andrei Vorobyov, governor of the Moscow region, announced on Tuesday that Putin ordered the ammunition plant to be nationalized because two of its owners have been "located abroad." He didn't name the individuals.

"We received the right to take control of this boiler house within the framework of an emergency," Vorobiev said, adding that the plant's boiler room was managed "very poorly" and there was "virtually no qualified competent personnel."

Russia's Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case over Klimovsk Specialized Ammunition Plant not meeting safety requirements.

On Tuesday, the committee said that because of the incident, the deputy head of Podolsk's administration, the head of the plant's boiler house, and the general director of the ammunition plant had been detained.

Residents of Selyatino have described the situation as "some kind of struggle for survival," Russian Telegram channel ASTRA reported.

Power outages have also struck St. Petersburg, Rostov, Volgograd, Voronezh, Primorsky Territory, and Yekaterinburg.

Do you have a tip on a world news story that Newsweek should be covering? Do you have a question about the Russia-Ukraine war? Let us know via [email protected].

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People walk on the Patriarch Bridge over the Moskva river, with the Kremlin seen in distance, during a snowfall in Moscow on November 24, 2023. Tens of thousands of Muscovites don't have heat and water in their homes.

Electrostal History and Art Museum

safari js bug

Most Recent: Reviews ordered by most recent publish date in descending order.

Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as wait time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

Andrey M

Electrostal History and Art Museum - All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (2024)

  • (0.19 mi) Elektrostal Hotel
  • (1.21 mi) Yakor Hotel
  • (1.27 mi) Mini Hotel Banifatsiy
  • (1.18 mi) Elemash
  • (1.36 mi) Hotel Djaz
  • (0.07 mi) Prima Bolshogo
  • (0.13 mi) Makecoffee
  • (0.25 mi) Amsterdam Moments
  • (0.25 mi) Pechka
  • (0.26 mi) Mazhor

40 Facts About Elektrostal

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Premium Content

What’s out there? Why humanity keeps pushing the cosmic frontier.

Drawing from their new book, Nat Geo Explorer Neil deGrasse Tyson and Lindsey Nyx Walker journey through the history of space exploration.

Astronaut free flying in space.

Once upon a time, before humans understood what lay above the clouds, the realm of sky and stars was inhabited only by gods and explained only by myths and fables. But a series of discoveries, intermingled with fits and starts, wrong ways and dead ends, ultimately shattered those primal beliefs, empowering humankind with the knowledge to unveil strange and humbling truths.

The odyssey of cosmic discovery had begun—and it has continued on ever since. Slowly but surely, a new universe emerged—one roiling with molecules, lurking with monstrous black holes , snaking with voids and galaxies of every size and shape, and hinting at untold mysteries.

What empowered humans to escape our home, physically and intellectually, and soar into the unknown? What insights, what courage, what technological failures and successes carried us to the knowledge we have today? And what mind-blowing realizations at the edge of our understanding provide glimpses of a vast cosmos yet to be explored?

Vastness, emptiness, darkness, coldness: concepts ill fathomed by a comfortably warm-bodied, recently evolved, carbonaceous creature in a suburban solar neighborhood of the Milky Way galaxy . If you did not already know that Earth orbits the sun, and not the other way around, you would have a hard time discovering that truth for yourself. If you did not know our solar system includes eight planets, hundreds of thousands of asteroids , and millions of comets, you might understandably assume that only Earth and the five planets visible to the unaided eye make up our little corner of the cosmos. To reach these milestones of knowledge, we had to leave the nest.

journey of discovery and

The force that keeps Earth whole, that tethers our moon to Earth and Earth to our sun, has also kept humans stuck beneath the clouds for nearly all our existence. We cannot easily escape Earth’s gravity, which may be why the Wright brothers’ first powered flight, in 1903, and the Apollo 11 moon landing, in 1969, appear near the top of everyone’s list of the greatest human achievements. Since then, thousands of satellites, hundreds of space probes, rovers, and even a helicopter have launched from Earth, turning our solar system into an explorer’s backyard.

And that backyard continues to expand. In 2012 the Voyager 1 space probe went interstellar, escaping our solar system entirely—but not before transforming the mysterious planets and their moons into worlds of wonder. Voyager’s final mission is not done: The tiny craft carries a golden record, an audio recording of songs and sounds of Earth and its species, bidding hello to anyone or anything that might intercept our greeting. Voyager carries forward the unending quest passed down from the first humans who wondered what more awaits our outstretched hands and upturned eyes.

Beginning in 2022, the James Webb Space Telescope extends the odyssey ever outward, sending us images of the most ancient light ever seen and reminding us just how expansive our universe really is. Webb’s First Deep Field image unveiled thousands of faint and distant galaxies, including several that formed 13.7 billion years ago, bringing us as close to the big bang as we’ve ever been able to reach.

Try to imagine explaining that composite image to Newton or Galileo, whose radical new understanding of the universe upended all Christendom and shook the worlds of knowledge and belief. Imagine telling them that we are but one of trillions of planets in a universe with no tangible end. Imagine sharing with them how quantum physics and general relativity hint that not one, but countless, universes may exist beyond our own.

Welcome to the cosmic odyssey—a thrilling, humbling, and thoroughly entertaining journey of discovery through space-time to infinity and beyond.

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How to Begin Your Self-Discovery Journey: 16 Best Questions


As part of this process, we must not only search to determine what constitutes our true selves, but let go of objects of identification we’ve long mistaken for ourselves, requiring a balance of introspection and new experiences.

So let’s set sail.

In this article, we’ll give you a range of powerful questions to help you along your journey of self-discovery and point you toward further reading and resources.

Before you continue, you might like to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free . These creative, science-based exercises will help you learn more about your values, motivations, and goals and will give you the tools to inspire a sense of meaning in the lives of your clients, students, or employees.

This Article Contains:

What is self-discovery according to psychology, fostering self-discovery skills: 10 examples & tips, why is the process important, a look at self-discovery coaching, 3 exercises, games, and activities for adults, best worksheets and journal prompts, 16 questions to ask yourself or your clients, helpful books & apps for your journey, tools from, a take-home message.

Drawing often from the field of philosophy , psychologists point to the illumination of our daimon (or ‘true self’) as the ultimate goal of self-discovery.

Formally defined, this true self is

“the central inner force common to all human beings and yet unique to each, which is the deep source of growth… [that is] free, healthy development in accordance with the potentials of one’s generic and individual nature.”

Horney, 1950, p. 17

As part of the process of searching for our true selves, we are ultimately working to identify three things (Waterman, 2011):

  • Personal potentials
  • Our purposes for living
  • Opportunities to act upon those potentials and purposes in living

The search for our true selves, therefore:

“refers to those processes, both intuitive and reasoned, by which those [personal, purpose-related] potentials are discovered and come to attain the status of personally concordant goals that are to be actualized.”

Waterman, 2011, p. 360

According to this view, a person’s true self essentially lies beneath the surface, and our task is to find, recognize, or understand that which already exists. Once you have, you can then make choices about your life and identity that are more consistent with this self-knowledge (Waterman, 2011).

Self-discovery support

Seek a supportive atmosphere

The more time we spend in the presence of supportive family, friends, lovers, and communities , the sooner we will be likely to discover our true nature. This is because warm and encouraging atmospheres facilitate feelings of inner security while providing the freedom to have our own feelings and thoughts (Horney, 1950).

To this end, here are some ideas to consider:

  • Seek quiet spaces and time out to facilitate reflection or journaling .
  • Join a social group whose interests and passions align with your own, such as a painting, writing, or poetry group.
  • Find a coach or therapist for a safe space to pursue self-discovery.
  • Set boundaries with people who discourage your individuality, negatively affect your emotions, or put you down.
  • Seek the company of people who inspire you, make you feel positive, and challenge your perception of yourself.

Identify your drifts

Pay close attention to the things you naturally love doing, or drifts, particularly those that are personally expressive . By paying attention to the subconscious pull of these activities, you can allow them to guide you toward your true self, stemming from your genetic makeup, upbringing, and experiences (Pagedar, 2021).

  • Our drifts tend to emerge when the mind is still, so try selecting a quiet day to do some meditation or practice some relaxation techniques.
  • Try to notice activities that cause you to slip into the state of flow , as these often point us toward our drifts.
  • Consider which activities you possess a natural aptitude or talent for, perhaps using a strengths-finding exercise .
  • Think about which activities you find intrinsically motivating . These are the activities you would undertake in the absence of external rewards, such as money or the approval of others.
  • Notice times when you feel a strong sense of personal responsibility to do something or have a unique vision about how something should be carried out.

3 meaning valued living exercises

Download 3 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises (PDF)

These detailed, science-based exercises will equip you or your clients with tools to find meaning in life help and pursue directions that are in alignment with values.

Download 3 Free Meaning Tools Pack (PDF)

By filling out your name and email address below.

To understand why self-discovery is so important, we must consider the consequences of failing to identify our true selves.

According to Horney (1950), when a person experiences a large discrepancy between their lived and real selves, they are likely to experience a sense of alienation from themselves. This remains true even if the person is successful in their activities and receives external rewards.

Such a person may often notice themselves wondering, “ Why am I doing this when it’s not who I really am? ” The consequence is a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction if we fail to live up to an idealized version of ourselves that we cannot be.

Besides this negative emotional toll, the problem with pursuing such an ideal is that it will be rooted in externally derived standards of worth.

To illustrate, here are some examples:

  • A student feels pressure from their parents to pursue a prestigious career in law, even though this line of work does not inspire them.
  • A famous musician has mistaken their true self with their like of the status, prestige, and social validation they receive while performing.
  • A woman’s family talks her into finding a husband and settling down when she’d rather travel the world with her friends.
  • A son feels obligated to take over the family business when he’d prefer to start his own venture.

When we cannot live in alignment with our true selves, we must spend energy attempting to deny and distort our experiences to make sense of a pervasive lack of happiness and personal fulfillment. This ongoing effort can go so far as to produce psychological states and conditions such as depression (Waterman et al., 2010).

This is why self-discovery is so important.

Our goal in life should not be to pursue imagined or externally derived ideals, but rather to develop a more realistic understanding of our strengths and limitations. By doing so, we can avoid negative psychological states and self-actualize , feel contentment, and make better contributions to the world.

Self-discovery coaching

A growing trend in coaching, self-discovery coaching is about looking beyond specific goal pursuits (e.g., “I want to improve my self-esteem ”) to discover how we can live authentically and be truly happy .

Self-discovery coaching has many components, including (Elevate Life Project, n.d.):

  • Exploring your values to live in congruence with what’s most important to you
  • Discovering grounded confidence, centeredness, and strength
  • Identifying your abilities for making easier decisions

The role of a self-discovery coach in this process is to act as co-pilot on a client’s journey toward authentic fulfillment by challenging them, imbuing them with courage, and showing compassion.

If you or your clients are looking to set off on a self-discovery journey, consider the following fun and insightful activities to get you started.

This exercise is a useful starting point for viewing yourself clearly in terms of values, beliefs, and more. The exercise guides users through a two-step process of considering themselves from the perspective of others, followed by a consideration of their self-perceptions at different times in their life.

Spontaneous collage

Collage is a fun and cathartic method of self-discovery that helps people bypass the socially protective aspects of the mind and reveal aspects of their authentic self. Best of all, no previous art experience is required.

For a great resource, check out Shelley Klammer’s 12-week online course and check out the #collageforselfdiscovery hashtag on Instagram to get inspired by others’ collages.

Kokology: The Game of Self-Discovery

Created by famous Japanese psychologists Tadahiko Nagao and Isamu Saito, kokology , the study of kokoro (“mind” or “spirit” in Japanese), is a fun and sometimes hilarious game for learning about yourself.

The game invites players to answer questions about seemingly innocent topics, such as the color of an imaginary bird that has flown in their window, to reveal profound insights in their answers.

Self-discovery journaling

Journaling and worksheets can both be hugely helpful for this purpose.

To help, look at some of the following free resources from our site:

  • Self-Awareness Worksheet for Adults This worksheet poses a series of 15 questions to help you discover more about your true self. Specifically, the questions tap into topics such as your talents/strengths, values, and barriers to living more authentically.
  • What Are My Qualities and Traits? This worksheet invites you to identify your top five and weakest two qualities from a list of 100 strengths. It then invites you to consider how you might shape, develop, and use your toolkit of identified strengths to better your life.
  • Reflecting on Three Things This worksheet invites you to explore what defines who you are. These reflections can include statements, objects, roles in life, people you admire, and ambitions.

If you’re more into journaling, see if any of the following prompts might inspire some of your upcoming entries (Hollis, 2019):

  • What things have you been doing lately that may be positively or negatively affecting your mental health ?
  • What ways can you touch or move your body that makes you feel good?
  • If you could spend the day doing anything, what would you do?
  • How do you show love to other people?
  • What are some things about you that you wish other people knew?

How to discover your authentic self – at any age – Bevy Smith

For more ways to get started on your journey of self-inquiry, consider the following questions, drawn from leading books designed to guide you toward self-discovery (see Helpful Books & Apps for Your Journey ):

Mindful self-discovery questions

  • What’s going on inside your body at the moment (e.g., sensations, flows of energy)?
  • Is there joy, ease, and lightness in what you are doing at the present moment?
  • Do you really have any problems right now in this present moment ?
  • Is there anything you can do to change, improve, or remove yourself from a present dissatisfactory situation? If not, how can you move toward accepting your present circumstances?

Exploring values

  • What are your top five personal and professional values?
  • How are you living outside your values?
  • In what areas do you feel a personal sense of responsibility to better the world?
  • How are you living outside of your integrity?

Questions about fear and courage

  • What do you fear the most?
  • What fears have actually come true in your life?
  • What would happen if you treated the actions you fear as an experiment?
  • For which pending decision could you use 10% more courage?

Considering worthwhile experiences

  • What has made your childhood worthwhile?
  • What lessons did you learn last week?
  • What makes life worthwhile for you?
  • What trip have you always wanted to take, and how could you make this trip happen?

More questions for self-discovery

For even more powerful coaching questions, be sure to check out some of the dedicated articles throughout our blog:

  • 73 Powerful Coaching Questions to Ask Your Clients
  • 100 Most Powerful Life Coaching Questions [+PDF]
  • Self-Coaching Model Explained: 56 Questions & Techniques for Self-Mastery

Here are some of our favorite books and apps to support greater self-insight and discovery.

1. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment – Eckhart Tolle

The Power of Now

A critical first step toward greater self-insight involves ceasing to confuse your true self with the endless stream of thoughts flowing through your mind.

The bestselling book The Power of Now  takes readers on a journey to find their deepest self through the lens of mindfulness and spirituality.

The book guides the reader through steps to help recognize and free themselves from ego in the form of defense mechanisms, automatic negative habits, and over-identification with thought. From here, readers can then discover their true nature and lasting contentment, rooted in the present moment.

Find the book on Amazon .

2. Self-Discovery Questions: 155 Breakthrough Questions to Accelerate Massive Action – Barrie Davenport

Self-Discovery Questions

Not all of us have the resources to employ a self-discovery coach, making it all the more important to know what questions to ask on your self-discovery journey.

Barrie Davenport’s book of 155 powerful questions is a perfect companion for self-reflection and journaling, helping readers become less reactive and take charge of their lives and destiny.

Once you become acquainted with your answers, you can strengthen self-awareness , break out of automatic patterns, and feel empowered to make positive new life changes.

3. The 365 Self-Discovery Journal: One Year of Reflection & Development – Created by 21 Exercises

The 365 Self-Discovery Journal

Journaling remains one of the best ways to pursue self-discovery and greater self-insight (Charles, 2010).

This book provides journal lovers with a year’s worth of challenging and original questions to guide self-discovery.

By combining each prompt with thought-provoking poems and quotes, this book is an excellent tool to help steadily expand the reader’s comfort zone and curiosity across domains ranging from career and finances to love and relationships.

4. The Quenza app

Quenza Telepsychology Example

Quenza was designed by our very own team as a one-stop resource for coaches and psychologists wishing to remotely support their clients’ self-inquiry between scheduled sessions.

The app links with an online dashboard and growing library of science-backed activities you can customize and send directly to your clients’ smart devices, including audio meditations, guided visualizations, and many thought-provoking reflections.

Try the app, platform, and entire library of pre-built activities for 30 days for just $1.

5. The Waking Up app

Waking Up

While Western takes on meditation tend to emphasize health and stress reduction, there is much more we can discover about ourselves through this powerful practice.

Waking Up , developed by philosopher and neuroscientist Sam Harris, features a rich array of audio-based meditations, exercises, and conversations with leading experts and teachers to help you make profound discoveries about the nature of your own mind.

This app is a top-rated resource for those seeking to dismantle illusions of the self and rediscover their true nature and purpose.

6. The Reflectly app


With the growing recognition of journaling as a tool for self-insight, new technologies are emerging to support this powerful practice.

Reflectly is a modern journaling app for self-care and greater happiness. Drawing on evidence-based approaches from positive psychology, mindfulness, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, this app serves as an AI companion to help you manage negative thoughts and find greater happiness.

Among its personalized functions, the app includes daily quotes, a mood tracker , and personalized insights via its reporting features.

Throughout this post, we’ve discussed the importance of clarifying values to better understand what brings meaning throughout one’s journey of self-discovery. To this end, we invite you to check out our free Meaning & Valued Living Exercises Pack .

This pack features three of our top tools from the Positive Psychology Toolkit©, all of which center on the theme of values-based living:

  • The Top 5 Values This exercise draws on key principles of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy to help clients begin brainstorming their values. Following this, clients will then prioritize these values in a list to identify those most central to who they are.
  • Self-Eulogy This exercise invites clients to consider how they’d like to be remembered at their funeral as a means to identify and clarify values. Based on this, they can then consider how well they are living in alignment with these values.
  • The Scoreboard Metaphor This exercise helps clients recognize how to enact their values through goal-setting. In particular, it draws on the metaphor of a basketball game to illustrate how living into one’s values is an ongoing process and that the paths by which we pursue our goals are opportunities to enact our values in daily life.

You can access all three exercises for free by downloading our Meaning & Valued Living Exercises Pack .

If you’re looking for more science-based ways to help others discover meaning, this collection contains 17 validated meaning tools for practitioners. Use them to help others choose directions for their lives in alignment with what is truly important to them.

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17 Tools To Encourage Meaningful, Value-Aligned Living

This 17 Meaning & Valued Living Exercises [PDF] pack contains our best exercises for helping others discover their purpose and live more fulfilling, value-aligned lives.

Created by Experts. 100% Science-based.

Self-discovery is an ongoing process of stripping away that which is unimportant, reviewing our core values, and seeking to live in greater alignment with these inner truths.

Importantly, anyone can take steps toward greater self-knowledge . All that’s required is an attitude of curiosity and regular time out for meditation, reflection, or self-questioning.

We hope this article has left you feeling equipped for your journey of self-discovery, and if you decide to try out any of the tools or exercises we’ve explored, be sure to let us know in the comments.

We’d love to hear from you.

We hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don’t forget to download our three Meaning and Valued Living Exercises for free .

  • 21 Exercises. (2018).  The 365 self-discovery journal: One year of reflection & development.  Author.
  • Charles, J. P. (2010). Journaling: Creating space for “I”. Creative Nursing , 16 (4), 180–184.
  • Davenport, B. (2015).  Self-discovery questions: 155 Breakthrough questions to accelerate massive action.  Bold Living Press.
  • Elevate Life Project. (n.d.). Self discovery coaching . Retrieved October 11, 2021 from
  • Hollis, B. (2019, July 16). Who am I? Journaling prompts for self-discovery and self-reflection. Learning to Be Free . Retrieved October 11, 2021 from
  • Horney, K. (1950). Neurosis and human growth: The struggle toward self-realization . Norton.
  • Pagedar, A. (2021). Finding awareness: The journey of self-discovery . Author.
  • Tolle, E. (2004).  The power of now: A guide to spiritual enlightenment.  New World Library.
  • Waterman, A. S. (2011). Eudaimonic identity theory: Identity as self-discovery. In S. Schwartz, K. Luyckx, & V. Vignoles (Eds.), Handbook of identity theory and research (pp. 357–379). Springer.
  • Waterman, A. S., Schwartz, S. J., Zamboanga, B. L., Ravert, R. D., Williams, M. K., Bede Agocha, V., … Brent Donnellan, M. (2010). The Questionnaire for Eudaimonic Well-Being: Psychometric properties, demographic comparisons, and evidence of validity. The Journal of Positive Psychology , 5 (1), 41–61.

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This is a great article for self-discovery, I recommend it to all, it’s a must read for the young minds.


Thanks to a great counselor. I appreciate your encouragement and efforts that have served as an eyes opener to self discovery and other resources that is helpful.

Morning Upgrade

You have some great resources listed here in this article. Thanks for the great read! -Ryan

Koot van Nieuwholtz

Appreciated, Nicole, for insight well done to start kicking where need be. Keep up te good work!

Linda Berlach

Thanks Nicole. I will explore some of the resources which sounds great. I work with medical students, some of whom are at the very beginning of learning reflective approaches to enhance their self knowledge. The challenge is always to find a variety of ways to promote engagement. You have given me some helpful ideas.

James Fox

Thank You Dr, Nicole.

I have left you a message on LinkedIn.

Radha Ganesh

Thank you so much for this wonderful article. Very useful and helps in the journey of self awareness and so helpful to the therapist and counselors who are using these resources to support clients. Heartfelt thanks and gratitude for all the resources that benefit the clients and counselors who otherwise would not be able to access such great quality articles and resources. Thank you. As a counselor who is doing a lot of free counseling these resources and articles are so helpful, cause I cannot afford them otherwise. Thanks for supporting the counselors and therapist and clients who ultimately benefit.

Oliver Tian

Thanks, Nicole … you shared a very interesting set of perspective.

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Lewis and Clark Expedition

By: Editors

Updated: March 28, 2023 | Original: November 9, 2009

Lewis and Clark Expedition Route

The Lewis and Clark Expedition began in 1804, when President Thomas Jefferson tasked Meriwether Lewis with exploring the lands west of the Mississippi River that comprised the Louisiana Purchase. Lewis chose William Clark as his co-leader for the mission. The excursion lasted over two years. Along the way they confronted harsh weather, unforgiving terrain, treacherous waters, injuries, starvation, disease and both friendly and hostile Native Americans. Nevertheless, the approximately 8,000-mile journey was deemed a huge success and provided new geographic, ecological and cultural information about previously uncharted areas of North America.

Who Were Lewis and Clark?

Meriwether Lewis was born in Virginia in 1774 but spent his early childhood in Georgia . He returned to Virginia as a teenager to receive his education and graduated from college in 1793. He then joined the Virginia state militia—where he helped to put down the Whiskey Rebellion —and later became a captain in the U.S. Army. At age 27 he became personal secretary to President Thomas Jefferson .

William Clark was also born in Virginia in 1770 but moved with his family to Kentucky at age 15. At age 19, he joined the state militia and then the regular Army, where he served with Lewis and was eventually commissioned by President George Washington as a lieutenant of infantry.

In 1796, Clark returned home to manage his family’s estate. Seven years later, Lewis chose him to embark on the epic excursion that would help shape America’s history.

Louisiana Purchase

During the French and Indian War , France surrendered a large part of Louisiana to Spain and almost all of its remaining lands to Great Britain.

Initially, Spain’s acquisition didn’t have a major impact since it still allowed the United States to travel the Mississippi River and use New Orleans as a trade port. Then Napoleon Bonaparte took power in France in 1799 and wanted to regain France’s former territory in the United States.

In 1802, King Charles IV of Spain returned the Louisiana Territory to France and revoked America’s port access. In 1803, under the threat of war, President Jefferson and James Monroe successfully negotiated a deal with France to purchase the Louisiana Territory—which included about 827,000 square miles—for $15 million.

Even before negotiations with France were finished, Jefferson asked Congress to finance an expedition to survey the lands of the so-called Louisiana Purchase and appointed Lewis as expedition commander.

Preparations for the Lewis and Clark Expedition

preparations immediately. He studied medicine, botany, astronomy and zoology and scrutinized existing maps and journals of the region. He also asked his friend Clark to co-command the expedition.

Even though Clark was once Lewis’ superior, Lewis was technically in charge of the trip. But for all intents and purposes, the two shared equal responsibility.

On July 5, 1803, Lewis visited the arsenal at Harper’s Ferry to obtain munitions. He then rode a custom-made, 55-foot keelboat—also called “the boat” or “the barge”—down the Ohio River and joined Clark in Clarksville, Indiana . From there, Clark took the boat up the Mississippi River while Lewis continued along on horseback to collect additional supplies.

Some of the supplies collected were:

  • surveying instruments including compasses, quadrants, telescope, sextants and a chronometer
  • camping supplies including oilcloth, steel flints, tools, utensils, corn mill, mosquito netting, fishing equipment, soap and salt
  • weapons and ammunition
  • medicines and medical supplies
  • books on botany, geography and astronomy

Lewis also collected gifts to present to Native Americans along the journey such as:

  • ivory combs
  • bright colored cloth
  • sewing notions

Corps of Discovery

Lewis entrusted Clark to recruit men for their “Corps of Volunteers for Northwest Discovery,” or simply the Corps of Discovery. Throughout the winter of 1803-1804, Clark recruited and trained men at Camp DuBois north of St. Louis, Missouri . He chose unmarried, healthy men who were good hunters and knew survival skills.

The expedition party included 45 souls including Lewis, Clark, 27 unmarried soldiers, a French-Indian interpreter, a contracted boat crew and an enslaved person owned by Clark named York.

On May 14, 1804, Clark and the Corps joined Lewis in St. Charles, Missouri and headed upstream on the Missouri River in the keelboat and two smaller boats at a rate of about 15 miles per day. Heat, swarms of insects and strong river currents made the trip arduous at best.

To maintain discipline, Lewis and Clark ruled the Corps with an iron hand and doled out harsh punishments such as bareback lashing and hard labor for those who got out of line.

On August 20 of that year, 22-year-old Corps member Sergeant Charles Floyd died of an abdominal infection, possibly appendicitis. He was the only member of the Corps to die on their journey.

Native American Encounters

Most of the land Lewis and Clark surveyed was already occupied by Native Americans. In fact, the Corps encountered around 50 different Native American tribes including the Shoshone, the Mandan, the Minitari, the Blackfeet, the Chinook and the Sioux .

Lewis and Clark developed a first contact protocol for meeting new tribes. They bartered goods and presented the tribe’s leader with a Jefferson Indian Peace Medal, a coin engraved with the image of Thomas Jefferson on one side and an image of two hands clasped beneath a tomahawk and a peace pipe with the inscription, “Peace and Friendship” on the other.

They also told the Indians that America owned their land and offered military protection in exchange for peace.

Some Indians had met “white men” before and were friendly and open to trade. Others were wary of Lewis and Clark and their intentions and were openly hostile, though seldom violent.

In August, Lewis and Clark held peaceful Indian councils with the Odo, near present-day Council Bluffs, Iowa , and the Yankton Sioux at present-day Yankton, South Dakota .

In late September, however, they encountered the Teton Sioux, who weren’t as accommodating and tried to stop the Corps’ boats and demanded a toll payment. But they were no match for the military weapons of the Corps, and soon moved on.

Fort Mandan

In early November, the Corps came across villages of friendly Mandan and Minitari Indians near present-day Washburn, North Dakota , and decided to set up camp downriver for the winter along the banks of the Missouri River.

Within about four weeks they’d built a triangular-shaped fort called Fort Mandan , which was surrounded by 16-foot pickets and contained quarters and storage rooms.

The Corps spent the next five months at Fort Mandan hunting, forging and making canoes, ropes, leather clothing and moccasins while Clark prepared new maps. According to Clark’s journal, the men were in good health overall, other than those suffering from sexually transmitted infections.

While at Fort Mandan, Lewis and Clark met French-Canadian trapper Toussaint Charbonneau and hired him as an interpreter. They allowed his pregnant Shoshone wife, Sacagawea , to join him on the expedition.

Sacagawea had been kidnapped by Hidatsa Indians at age 12 and then sold to Charbonneau. Lewis and Clark hoped she could help them communicate with any Shoshone they’d encounter on their journey.

On February 11, 1805, Sacagawea gave birth to a son and named him Jean Baptiste. She became an invaluable and respected asset for Lewis and Clark.

The Continental Divide

On April 7, 1805, Lewis and Clark sent some of their crew and their keelboat loaded with zoological and botanical samplings, maps, reports and letters back to St. Louis while they and the rest of the Corps headed for the Pacific Ocean.

They crossed through Montana and made their way to the Continental Divide via Lemhi Pass where, with Sacagawea’s help, they purchased horses from the Shoshone. While there, Sacagawea reunited with her brother Cameahwait, who hadn’t seen her since she was kidnapped.

The group next headed out of Lemhi Pass and crossed the Bitterroot Mountain Range using the harrowing Lolo Trail and the help of many horses and a handful of Shoshone guides.

This leg of the journey proved to be the most difficult. Many of the party suffered from frostbite, hunger, dehydration, bad weather, freezing temperatures and exhaustion. Still, despite the merciless terrain and conditions, not a single soul was lost.

After 11 days on the Lolo Trail, the Corps stumbled upon a tribe of friendly Nez Perce Indians along Idaho’s Clearwater River. The Indians took in the weary travelers, fed them and helped them regain their health.

As the Corps recovered, they built dugout canoes, then left their horses with the Nez Perce and braved the Clearwater River rapids to Snake River and then to the Columbia River. They reportedly ate dog meat along the way instead of wild game.

Fort Clatsop

A bedraggled and harried Corps finally reached the stormy Pacific Ocean in November of 1805. They’d completed their mission and had to find a place to live for the winter before heading home.

They decided to make camp near present-day Astoria, Oregon , and started building Fort Clatsop on December 10 and moved in by Christmas .

It was not an easy winter at Fort Clatsop. Everyone struggled to keep themselves and their supplies dry and fought an ongoing battle with tormenting fleas and other insects. Almost everyone was weak and sick with stomach problems (likely caused by bacterial infections), hunger or influenza-like symptoms.

Lewis and Clark Journey Home

On March 23, 1806, the Corps left Fort Clatsop for home. They retrieved their horses from the Nez Perce and waited until June for the snow to melt to cross the mountains into the Missouri River Basin.

After again traversing the rugged Bitterroot Mountain Range, Lewis and Clark split up at Lolo Pass.

Lewis’ group took a shortcut north to the Great Falls of the Missouri River and explored Marias River—a tributary of the Missouri in present-day Montana—while Clark’s group, including Sacagawea and her family, went south along the Yellowstone River. The two groups planned to rendezvous where the Yellowstone and Missouri met in North Dakota.

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HISTORY Vault: Lewis and Clark: Explore New Frontier

Discover the adventures of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark as they traversed the vast, unknown continent of North America.

Pompey’s Pillar

On July 25, 1806, Clark carved his name and the date on a large rock formation near the Yellowstone River he named Pompey’s Pillar , after Sacagawea’s son whose nickname was “Pompey.” The site is now a national monument managed by the U.S. Department of the Interior.

Two days later, at Marias River near present-day Cut Bank, Montana, Lewis and his group encountered eight Blackfeet warriors and were forced to kill two of them when they tried to steal weapons and horses. The location of the clash became known as Two Medicine Fight Site.

It was the only violent episode of the expedition, although soon after the Blackfeet fight, Lewis was accidentally shot in his buttocks during a hunting trip; the injury was painful and inconvenient but not fatal.

On August 12, 1806, Lewis and Clark and their crews reunited and dropped off Sacagawea and her family at the Mandan villages. They then headed down the Missouri River—with the currents moving in their favor this time—and arrived in St. Louis on September 23, where they were received with a hero’s welcome.

Legacy of the Expedition 

Lewis and Clark returned to Washington, D.C. , in the fall of 1806 and shared their experiences with President Jefferson.

While they had failed to identify a coveted Northwest Passage water route across the continent, they had completed their mission of surveying the Louisiana Territory from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, and did so against tremendous odds with just one death and little violence.

The Corps had traveled more than 8,000 miles, produced invaluable maps and geographical information, identified at least 120 animal specimens and 200 botanical samples and initiated peaceful relations with dozens of Native American tribes.

Both Lewis and Clark received double pay and 1,600 acres of land for their efforts. Lewis was made Governor of the Louisiana Territory and Clark was appointed Brigadier General of Militia for Louisiana Territory and a federal Indian Agent.

Clark remained well-respected and lived a successful life. Lewis, however, was not an effective governor and drank too much. He never married or had children and died in 1809 of two gunshot wounds, possibly self-inflicted. A few years later, Sacagawea died, and Clark became her children’s guardian.

Despite Lewis’ tragic end, his expedition with Clark remains one of America’s most famous. The duo and their crew—with the aid of Sacagawea and other Native Americans—helped strengthen America’s claim to the West and inspired countless other explorers and western pioneers.

Building Fort Clatsop. Discovering Lewis & Clark. Corps of Discovery. National Park Service: Gateway Arch. Expedition Timeline. Thomas Jefferson Foundation: The Jefferson Monticello. Flagship: Keelboat, Barge or Boat? Discovering Lewis & Clark. Fort Clatsop Illnesses. Discovering Lewis & Clark. Fort Mandan Winter. Discovering Lewis & Clark. Indian Peace Medals. Thomas Jefferson Foundation: The Jefferson Monticello. Lemhi Valley to Fort Clatsop. Discovering Lewis & Clark. Lolo Trail. National Park Service: Lewis and Clark Expedition. Louisiana Purchase. Thomas Jefferson Foundation: The Jefferson Monticello. The Journey. National Park Service: Lewis and Clark Expedition. The Native Americans. PBS. To Equip an Expedition. PBS. Two Medicine Fight Site. National Park Service: Lewis and Clark Expedition. Washington City to Fort Mandan. Discovering Lewis & Clark.

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Atlas & Boots

The UK's most popular outdoor travel blog

Shackleton's ship, Endurance, during the epic journeys of discovery

10 epic journeys of discovery

Humans are an intrepid race. For centuries, explorers have disappeared over the horizon in search of new lands and distant shores on epic journeys of discovery. Thanks to these pioneers we’re able to follow in their footsteps now and forevermore.

As a new generation of visionaries – from SpaceX’s Elon Musk to Virgin Galactic’s Richard Branson – look forward to new frontiers, we cast an eye back and pay homage to history’s most epic endeavours thus far.

1. Roald Amundsen’s Northwest Passage expedition 1903–1906

epic journeys of discovery

Amundsen is better known for being the first person to reach the South Pole, which is plenty epic enough. However, he first made his mark on history by undertaking a three-year voyage from the Atlantic to the Pacific via the Arctic Ocean to become the first to conquer the epic route that’s been sought by explorers for centuries.

As if sailing the complex waterways wasn’t impressive enough, Amundsen then skied 800km across Alaska to send a telegram about his success. Then he skied the 800km back again. (Norwegians, eh?)

2. Livingstone’s travels through Africa 1851–1873


The near-mythical status held by David Livingstone is not without merit. He is probably best known for crossing the African continent (1852-56), navigating the Zambezi river (1858–64) and seeking the source of the Nile (1866-73).

Livingstone travelled for years at a time (at one point lost to the outside world for six years) and eventually died of malaria in present-day Zambia. Today, his name is immortalised with countless places and memorials named in his honour throughout Africa and further afield.

3. Shackleton’s failed Trans-Antarctic Expedition 1914–17

Shackleton's ship, Endurance, during the epic journeys of discovery

The expedition intended to be the first to cross the Antarctic but unfortunately, it suffered cataclysmic events at almost every stage. It began when the expedition’s ship, Endurance, became trapped in ice and then broke up under the strain. After camping on the moving ice and failed marches across to the mainland, the party launched three lifeboats for Elephant Island.

Shackleton and five others then set sail in an open boat for South Georgia some 800 miles (1,287km) away. After reaching the island they had to cross it on foot to reach a whaling station. Finally, three years after leaving, he returned to collect the others without loss of life.

4. Cook’s voyage aboard Endeavour 1768–1771

A map of Cook's epic journeys of discovery

Captain James Cook made three voyages throughout the Pacific leaving his name and mark on countless islands throughout the Ocean. I’ve actually lost count of how many places we’ve visited that mention his name in a landing place, memorial or, in one case, a whole collection of islands (The Cook Islands of course).

Prior to all this, his first voyage aboard the HMS Endeavour saw him circumnavigate the globe via Cape Horn, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia, Indonesia and the Cape of Good Hope. En route, Cook managed to track the 1769 transit of Venus across the Sun and map large areas of the largely undiscovered Australia.

5. Lewis and Clark Expedition 1804-1806

epic journeys of discovery maps - 4

What do you do when your president buys a territory and doubles the size of your country? Explore it, of course. The United States was a very different place back in the early 19th century when President Jefferson purchased the territory of Louisiana from France for about 4 cents per acre. He needed the newly acquired land explored and mapped as well as fixing a route across the western half of the continent.

Captain Meriwether Lewis and Second Lieutenant William Clark followed the Missouri river westwards travelling massive distances, overcoming violent rapids and hostile conditions while establishing (often tense) relations with indigenous populations along the way. The group arrived at the Pacific Ocean in late 1805.

6. Fridtjof Nansen‘s crossing of Greenland 1888

A portrait of Fridtjof Nansen who made several epic journeys of discovery

Nansen looks tough – just like an explorer should do. Not only was he tough but he was also smart. The crossing of Greenland was hampered with upsets including a delayed landing, horrendous weather conditions, a dramatic change of route and, finally, missing the return boat home.

Spending seven months on Greenland waiting for the next ship, Nansen used this time and the preceding expedition to perfect techniques and innovations in polar equipment and clothing, paving the way for future similar expeditions. He would later claim the record for reaching the northernmost latitude during his North Pole expedition (1893–96).

7. Charles Lindbergh’s first solo transatlantic flight 1927

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In 1919, the hotelier Raymond Orteig offered $25,000 dollars to the first person to complete a nonstop flight between New York and Paris. It took Charles Lindbergh eight years to raise the capital and source a plane suitable for the flight.

Six well-known aviators had already lost their lives in pursuit of the prize by the time Lindbergh took off in Spirit of St. Louis from New York. Thirty-three and a half hours later he landed in Paris in front of more than 100,000 spectators.

8. Burke and Wills’ crossing of Australia 1860–61

epic journeys of discovery maps - 1

Robert O’Hara Burke and William John Wills led an ill-fated expedition of 19 men from Melbourne on the southern coast of Australia 2,000 miles (3,250 km) to the northern coast. The party was halted just three miles (5km) short of the coastline.

Unfortunately, on the somewhat farcical and tragic return journey both the expedition’s leaders lost their lives along with five others. At one point the returning party missed their rendezvous by just nine hours. Only one man of the expedition’s original 19 crossed the continent and returned alive to Melbourne.

9. Magellan’s near circumnavigation 1519–1522


The Portuguese explorer came wretchedly close to being the first man to circumnavigate the globe. Instead that went to Juan Sebastián Elcano who took command of the expedition after Magellan was killed at the Battle of Mactan in the Philippines.

The final distance of the voyage clocked in at an epic 37,560 miles (60,440 km). It was also the first expedition to sail from the Atlantic Ocean into the Pacific Ocean and the first to cross the Pacific.

10. The voyages of Marco Polo 1271-1294

A map of Marco Polo's epic journeys of discovery

This guy wrote the book on discovery – literally. Nearly 750 years ago, a 17-year-old Venetian merchant set off on a 15,000-mile (24,000 km) voyage that lasted over 24 years. The journey took him through the Middle East, Central Asia and China. His subsequent book, The Travels of Marco Polo, helped introduce Europeans of the time to the distant lands of Central Asia and China.

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Want to read more about these epic journeys of discovery? DK has published an outstanding coffee table book in collaboration with the Royal Geographical Society called Explorers: Tales of Endurance and Exploration .

Lead image: Public Domain

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Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery

Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery (1997)

The story of the most important American exploration expedition in American history and the participants in it. The story of the most important American exploration expedition in American history and the participants in it. The story of the most important American exploration expedition in American history and the participants in it.

  • Dayton Duncan
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  • 12 User reviews
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Lewis & Clark: The Journey of the Corps of Discovery (1997)

  • Merriwether Lewis
  • Self - Geographer

Stephen Ambrose

  • Self - Historian
  • (as Stephen E. Ambrose)
  • Self - Mandan-Hidatsa

Matthew Broderick

  • John Ordway

Tantoo Cardinal

  • Patrick Gass
  • Self - Writer

Murphy Guyer

  • William Clark

Gene Jones

  • Joseph Whitehouse
  • Self - Descendant of Twisted Hair

John Trudell

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Himself - Historian : It's a great story. it's a human story. It's the story of those who went first. They were first. They led the way. They opened the trail.

  • Connections Featured in Ken Burns: America's Storyteller (2017)
  • Soundtracks Buffalo Hump Written and Performed by Skip Gorman Courtesy of Rounder Records

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  • Runtime 4 hours
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The Journey of Discovery

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It was Thomas Jefferson's vision that enabled the journey of Lewis and Clark. He dreamed of discovering an all- water route through the continent to the Northwest Passage, the sea route through the Arctic Ocean that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. His prime motivation was to advance trade and settlement, and he started making preparations for an expedition as early as 1792. His strongest incentive for westward expansion came in 1802, after he heard of Alexander McKenzie's overland journey across Canada. Fearing that the British might gain control of the Western territories, Jefferson sought funding for an American expedition to the Pacific -- this, in turn, led to the Louisiana Purchase [source: University of Virginia].

On April 30, 1803, Jefferson signed the Louisiana Purchase, Treaty with France, undoubtedly the most important legacy of his presidency. He paid less than 3 cents an acre for the roughly 828,000-square-mile area, which doubled the size of the country [source: Encyclopedia Britannica ]. The land stretched south from just above the Canadian border to New Orleans and the Gulf of Mexico, west to the Continental Divide in Colorado, and east to the Mississippi River. If it weren't for the Louisiana Purchase, the expedition of Lewis and Clark would not have been possible.

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Journeys of Discovery with Tom Wilmer

Tom Wilmer's award-winning shows travel from the Arctic to African safaris, in the wheelhouse of the Rainbow Warrior II, flying in WWII bombers, navigating a micro light above Victoria Falls, sailing around Grenada, hiking through the wilds of Malaysian jungles and exploring remote atolls and isles throughout the South Pacific.

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Reflecting on a journey of discovery and innovation

The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is a national key university established by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in 1958. It combines education and research by integrating CAS and USTC resources. For 60 years, it has been devoted to educating science and technology leaders for China and the world, and developing cutting-edge science and technologies, with breakthroughs in quantum information, high-temperature superconductivity, nanotechnology, as well as in interdisciplinary areas of artificial intelligence, earth and environment sciences, and life sciences and health.

With an emphasis on interdisciplinarity, USTC is enhancing its strengths in physical sciences, expanding its engineering research to develop emerging technologies, and initiating a new life science and biomedical centre. It is poised for greater success.  

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60 years of USTC brilliance

The University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) is unique. Governed by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), this top research university in China combines its education and research capabilities with the vast resources of CAS. Because of this, USTC can focus on developing cutting-edge science and technology while educating the world’s future leaders, gaining a worldwide reputation for its academic excellence.

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Crossing Physical boundaries

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Discovering Your True Identity: A Journey of Self-Reflection and Purpose

  • August 26, 2023
  • Achieve Your Goals

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Hey, you! Ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the realm of self-reflection and purpose, guiding you towards uncovering your true identity. It’s time to take control of your actions and align them with who you really are. By questioning external expectations and prioritizing your well-being, you’ll unlock your best self and leave a lasting legacy. So, let’s get started on this innovative path to self-realization!

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Being conscious of your finite time motivates you to focus on what you want out of life.
  • Take control of your actions and align them with your true identity.
  • Prioritize your health as the foundation for success in all areas of life.
  • Reflect on how you want to be remembered and the impact you want to make on others.

The Power of Self-Reflection

Reflect on your own thoughts and actions to gain a deeper understanding of who you truly are and what you want out of life. The importance of introspection cannot be overstated. By reflecting on past experiences, you can uncover valuable insights about yourself. Take the time to ask yourself important questions: What truly makes you happy? What are your core values and beliefs? Reflecting on past experiences allows you to identify patterns and learn from them. It helps you make better decisions and set goals that align with your true identity. Through introspection, you can gain clarity on your passions, strengths, and areas for growth. It is a powerful tool for personal development and a necessary step on the journey of self-discovery.

Uncovering Your True Identity

Imagine peeling back the layers of who you think you are to reveal the authentic version of yourself. This journey of self-discovery involves exploring your passions and finding your true authenticity. By delving into your passions and interests, you can uncover the aspects of your identity that bring you joy and fulfillment. Embracing your authentic self allows you to live a life that aligns with your values and desires, leading to a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction. Through self-reflection and introspection, you can identify the activities and experiences that make you feel most alive and connected to your true self. By embracing your authentic identity and pursuing your passions, you open yourself up to a world of innovation and creativity, allowing you to make a meaningful impact on the world around you.

Aligning Actions With Purpose

Take control of your actions and align them with what truly drives you, paving the way for a life of purpose and fulfillment. Finding clarity in purpose requires introspection and reflection. Start by identifying your core values and beliefs, and then integrate them into your daily actions. Ask yourself if your choices align with your values and if they contribute to your overall sense of fulfillment. It’s essential to bridge the gap between what you believe and how you live. By consciously aligning your actions with your values, you create a sense of congruence and authenticity in your life. This integration leads to a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment, as you are living in accordance with what truly matters to you.

Nurturing Health and Well-being

Prioritize your health by making small changes to your daily habits and routines, ultimately leading to a greater sense of well-being. By prioritizing self-care and maintaining a healthy mindset, you can unlock your full potential and thrive in all aspects of life. Start by envisioning the kind of health you desire and make yourself a priority. Imagine the benefits of healthier habits, such as increased energy and productivity. Visualize how improved health can contribute to achieving your career goals and a higher quality of life. Remember that taking care of your body is the foundation for success in all areas of life. By making conscious choices and incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine, you can prioritize your health and create a solid foundation for a fulfilling and innovative life.

Leaving a Lasting Legacy and Impact

Shift your focus from superficial achievements to the impact you want to make on others and the lasting legacy you want to leave behind. Creating meaningful connections and leaving a positive imprint are the keys to leaving a lasting legacy and impact. In a world that craves innovation, it is essential to go beyond the surface level and strive for deeper connections that can truly make a difference. By investing time and effort into building genuine relationships, you can inspire and uplift others, leaving a positive imprint on their lives. Whether it’s through acts of kindness, sharing knowledge and expertise, or simply being a source of support, your actions can have a ripple effect that extends far beyond your own sphere of influence. So, don’t just chase accomplishments for the sake of it; focus on creating meaningful connections and leaving a positive imprint that will endure long after you’re gone.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can i overcome the fear of change and step out of my comfort zone during the journey of self-reflection and purpose.

You can overcome the fear of change and step out of your comfort zone by embracing it as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Recognize that staying stagnant won’t lead to personal fulfillment. Take small steps outside your comfort zone and gradually increase the level of challenge. Surround yourself with a supportive network and celebrate your successes along the way. Embrace the unknown and trust in your ability to adapt and thrive.

What Are Some Practical Strategies to Identify and Overcome the External Pressures That May Be Influencing My Choices and Desires?

To identify and overcome external pressures, start by examining your internal motivations. Reflect on whether your choices are driven by societal expectations or your own fulfillment. Consider if your desires align with your true identity and purpose. Challenge the status quo and question the narratives that influence your decisions. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support your journey of self-discovery. By staying true to yourself and breaking free from external pressures, you can forge a path that is authentic and fulfilling.

How Can I Effectively Incorporate Self-Care and Healthy Habits Into My Daily Routine to Support My Overall Well-Being?

Incorporating self-care and healthy habits into your daily routine is essential for supporting your overall well-being. Research shows that dedicating just 30 minutes a day to activities like exercise, meditation, or journaling can have a significant impact on your mental and physical health. Prioritize self-care by scheduling it into your day, setting boundaries, and making it a non-negotiable part of your routine. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish, but necessary for your overall happiness and success.

Are There Any Specific Exercises or Practices That Can Help Me Deepen My Understanding of My True Character and Align My Actions Accordingly?

To deepen your understanding of your true character and align your actions accordingly, try personal growth exercises. Engage in self-reflection activities like journaling, meditation, and introspection. Explore your values, strengths, and passions to uncover your authentic self. Seek feedback from trusted individuals to gain valuable insights. Experiment with new experiences and challenges to push your boundaries. Remember, self-awareness is a lifelong journey that requires consistent effort and a willingness to embrace growth.

How Can I Measure and Track the Impact I Am Making on Others and Ensure That It Aligns With the Legacy I Want to Leave Behind?

To measure and track the impact you’re making on others and ensure it aligns with your desired legacy, start by setting clear goals and objectives. Define what success looks like in terms of the impact you want to have. Then, establish measurable metrics to track progress. Regularly evaluate your actions and their outcomes against these metrics. Adjust and refine your approach as needed to stay on track and make a lasting impact that aligns with your legacy.


The world reimagined.

  • Journey of Discovery
  • London – National Maritime Museum 2023
  • Oxford – Rhodes House 2023
  • Birmingham 2022
  • Bristol 2022
  • Leicester 2022
  • Liverpool City 2022
  • Liverpool City Region 2022
  • London: Camden – Westminster 2022
  • London: City of London 2022
  • London: Southwark – Lambeth 2022
  • London: Hackney – Newham 2022
  • Swansea 2022

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Go on a Poetic Journey of Discovery with The World Reimagined Book - Out Now!

Get your copy of this unique collection featuring new works by some of the UK's favourite poets - including John Agard; Benjamin Zephaniah; Malika Booker and many more.

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To create a world that embraces the dignity of all, we must recognise a simple truth: We are our history.

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We honour and share the work of communities committed to making racial justice a reality.

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Out Now! The World Reimagined Book

Buy your copy of this unique collection of original poetry and support our learning programme!

Find Out About Our Exhibitions & Explore the Globes

The World Reimagined created 103 unique globes across the UK exploring the history, legacy and future of the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans through the work of incredible artists.

36 Globes at the National Maritime Museum in the summer of 2023! Incredible artworks that were been inspired by the Journey of Discovery and the communities in which they are hosted.



At exhibition of 18 Globes at Rhodes House, Oxford during summer & autumn 2023!

Explore the 103 unique Globes that were created by artists for The World Reimagined – see the designs, meet the artists and discover what inspired them.

Go on a Journey of Discovery through our shared history, present and future.

Each of the Globes speaks to one of the nine themes of the Journey of Discovery – ranging from Mother Africa through The Reality of Being Enslaved and Echoes in the Present – which give us the opportunity to reimagine our past, present and future.

Get Involved In Your Community

Find out about and get involved with people and organisations working to make racial justice a reality.

Explore the events and activities near you – exhibitions, workshops, performances, cook-offs and more – bringing people together to  reimagine the future we can create.

We were honoured to give more than £75,000 in INSPIRE grants to these incredible people and organisations. Find out more about and connect with them here!

If you have an event / activity / exhibition taking place between the 13 August – 31 October 2022 that contributes to the mission of making racial justice a reality, please list your event with us so we can promote it to our trail visitors!

The World Reimagined Learning Programme empowers schools, colleges and community groups working with young people to create a future where racial justice is better understood.

Created with artists, teachers and educationalists, our Learning Programme is an experiential and transformative journey for students, teachers and school communities.

A New Generation For Racial Justice

Created with artists, teachers and educationalists, The World Reimagined Learning Programme is an experiential and transformative journey that empowers students, teachers and school communities to create a future for racial justice racial justice.

Created through unique collaborations between artists and subject experts in partnership with educationalists and teachers, our resources for both primary and secondary students are ready to use and can be adapted across  the curriculum.

Across our host cities, pupils and students have created their own small Learning Globes in response to their work on racial justice and reimagining the future. We have been amazed and inspired at the incredible creativity and imagination of the hundreds of young people who have conceived and created these Globes, which are on display in collections in public spaces near the main Globe Trails.

Official Presenting Partner

Supported by, supported by, host city partner, official globe partner, host city region.

The World Reimagined is a company limited by guarantee (#1250114) and a registered charity (#115223). 

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How to know yourself: Tips for beginning your self-discovery journey

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What does self-discovery mean?

How to start a self-discovery journey, 7 elements of self-discovery, why is self-discovery so important, 5 benefits of self-discovery, how to keep yourself engaged with your self-discovery journey, moving forward.

Life moves fast. We have errands to run, work to do, and commitments to uphold. Learning how to begin self-discovery could be the last thing on our mind. 

Our busy routines rarely give us time to consider what kind of life we actually want. Do you reflect on who you are while standing in line at the grocery store? Most likely, no. It can be hard to find the space to discover and become our most authentic selves . However, there are endless benefits that make taking the time worth it.

If you’re wondering how to begin self-discovery, know that the first step is making a commitment. Your journey will require you to focus, take action, and prioritize your needs. Remember, you can’t make a change without putting in the work. 

Ready to find out how to begin your self-discovery jour ney? Let’s start by defining what self-discovery is. 

Self-discovery is the process of understanding your true self: your values, your needs and wants, even what food you like and dislike. You might have naturally learned some of these things about yourself over time. Yet, for a lot of people, we have a way of losing touch with our values and hiding our own motivations and preferences, even from ourselves. Going deeper into self-discovery can transform your life. 

It’s one thing to know your personality type or your favorite meal. But true self-discovery starts when you evaluate your life and think about what’s energizing and what's not. What will bring more joy into your life? What inspires you to jump out of bed each morning? 

Once you’ve discovered more about yourself, you’ll have an easier time finding your life purpose and being your authentic self in work as well as in personal life. Understanding what’s been missing from your life will help you learn about yourself. 

But don’t think you can finish this journey overnight. Self-discovery is an ongoing process. It requires you to dive in and examine all areas of your life and take the time to reflect . You’ll need courage and resilience to stick with the process — in the process of looking inward, you may learn things about yourself that you find hard to accept . 

Discovering your inner self also requires lots of self-awareness , otherwise known as self-knowledge. Self-knowledge usually refers to your knowledge of your own feelings, beliefs, and desires . If you have more of this in your life, you’ll have better emotional regulation . This will help you better your personal and work relationships and improve your stress management . 

Knowing more about the way your mind works also improves your empathy, helps you exercise better self-control, be more creative, and have higher self-esteem. You’ll even be more honest as a result. 

There are endless benefits to learning how to start a self-discovery journey. The important thing is to take the first step and get started. 

You may feel intimidated by the prosp ect of embarking on a journey of self-discovery. Where do you even begin? The steps to self-discovery aren’t set in stone. That means you can start with whatever action feels right for you. Remember that having the courage to begin this journey is already admirable, so keep that momentum going.

Here are 11 tips you can follow to learn how to discover yourself:

  • Work to be your best self each day, no matter what you’re doing
  • Take risks and try new things
  • Hone in on your passions and what makes you excited
  • Understand your strengths and think about how you can apply them everywhere
  • Start journaling your thoughts so you can reflect on them later
  • Make sure you surround yourself with people who support you
  • Learn from your mistakes and move on
  • Think back to your childhood and connect with your inner child again
  • Be curious and ask questions
  • Build habits that support your personal growth and goals
  • Practice positive self-talk and reward yourself for your wins


Discovering your true self will help you feel more confident in your decision-making abilities. This is true for all areas of your life because self-discovery helps you understand yourself on a deep level. You’ll know better than anyone else what’s good for you.

As you work to improve your sense of self-awareness, here are seven elements to keep in mind:

  • Reflect on where you started and what you’re accomplishing each day
  • Zero in on what gives you energy and what zaps your energy
  • Visualize the person you want to be
  • Follow where your passions and interests lead you
  • Let go of your inner critic and any self-doubt
  • Choose a life of meaning and be purposeful with your actions
  • Be proud of your power, grit, and resilience during challenging times


BetterUp offers the guidance and objective support — not to mention accountability — that you need to start your journey. We’ll help you chart an organized and purposeful plan toward self-discovery.

Self-discovery is important because it helps us live more meaningful lives. You learn how to take better care of yourself when you understand yourself. Plus, you might find a more fulfilling career if you’re connected to your true self. And if you’re on a career path you’re truly passionate about, you’re more likely to succeed . 

Perhaps you’ll learn that, although you’re an introvert, you’re also a people person. Taking care of our social health is always important, but maybe you need more social connection than you’d initially realized.

This also gives you more clarity on what you want your future to look like. By understanding yourself, you can chart a future that satisfies your needs and supports your well-being . Without self-discovery, you won’t live the most passionate and fulfilling life possible. 

Let’s say that you do some reflecting and realize that your favorite projects at work are the ones you lead . That probably means that you have a talent or a passion for leadership. With that in mind, you can work to become a manager . You’ll have a clearer career path and find a role that you’re more passionate about. 

And when you know yourself, you can recognize your strengths and weaknesses. Maybe you’re skilled at mindfulness , empathy, or compassion . Or you could be an amazing writer or public speaker . The best way to find out is to begin your self-discovery journey. 

This process can help you see where you need to grow, too. If you need to strengthen your communication skills , for example, taking the time to reflect on yourself will show you that.

The impact of your self-discovery will touch other people’s lives, too. You can put your newly sharpened skills to work in your social life and form deeper relationships . This authenticity will help you become a better friend, coworker, and family member. 


The road to self-discovery can look different for many people. But for everyone, it brings benefits that help you become your true self.

To put that into perspective, here are 5 benefits that you can experience after finding yourself:

1. Your relationships will thrive

Your relationships will be healthier when you better understand your core values and what you want out of your life. You’ll be able to identify toxic traits — yours or not — and solve deeper issues you have. You can then improve your social health by being more honest and open.

2. You’ll experience less self-criticism

Rather than criticize every mistake you make , you’ll know that mistakes sometimes happen because we’re human. It doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. Plus, with more self-awareness, you’ll learn to avoid some mistakes. Understanding why you’ve made an error is the first step to preventing it from happening again.

3. You’ll feel more creative

Self-expression is key for letting others know how you feel and for becoming more creative . But how can you express yourself if you don’t know who you are? Self-reflection will help you find your identity and learn how to express it.

4. You’ll have a better ability to focus on what you truly want

The ongoing process of discovering yourself requires you to be committed and focused . That practice will help you set and achieve goals with a better sense of self in mind. You can plan a future that embodies who you really are.

5. Your self-confidence will increase

Believing in yourself and your abilities can impact your professional and personal life. With more confidence, you’ll walk into new experiences as a whole person ™, not someone who shies away from challenges or change. And as you begin your journey of self-improvement, your confidence will continue to grow.

Self-discovery isn’t something that you start and finish in one afternoon. It could take months, a year, or more to get to a point where you feel content with what you’ve discovered.


Throughout that process, here are a few ways you can keep yourself engaged and learning:

  • Stay organized with the career and person goals you’re working to achieve
  • Find journal prompts that keep you stimulated and thinking
  • Listen to podcasts, read books, and watch videos about other people’s journeys to make you feel inspired
  • Ask yourself questions like “Why do I like these things?” or “What impact do I want my choices to have on my life?”

Remember, finding your true self and defining your life purpose will be more than worth it. 

The journey of self-discovery doesn’t involve only thinking about the future. It asks you to take a look at your past, too. Spending time revisiting past feelings and experiences can be tough. Remember, it’s okay to ask for help from your friends and family.

Knowin g how to begin self-discovery is only the first step. In this process, you’ll need to get out of your comfort zone and ask yourself some hard questions. As you start, feel proud of yourself. It’s never too late to become more in touch with yourself and you’ll be so grateful you took the leap.

If you feel like you need some extra accountability to stay focused, BetterUp can help. You can experience what it’s like to reach new heights with a support system that brings out the best in you.

Discover your authentic self

Kickstart your path to self-discovery and self-awareness. Our coaches can guide you to better understand yourself and your potential.

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

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Self Help Education

Navigating the Journey of Self-Discovery

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Embarking on a Journey of Self-Discovery

Have you ever considered what truly makes you tick? We each embark on our own unique journey through life, complete with highs and lows, successes and challenges. Yet, at the core of all our experiences lies the personal quest of self-discovery. This journey is about exploring who we are, understanding our desires, and figuring out our purpose.

The journey is not a linear path, nor is it a destination where one arrives. It’s a continuous process that can yield profound insights into our deepest values and beliefs, often leading to an enriching life filled with meaning and satisfaction.

Understanding the Importance of Self-Discovery

At its heart, self-discovery is about self-awareness. It’s asking the question, ‘Who am I?’ beyond your job title, responsibilities, or social status. The answer is not always clear or easy to find, but it is vital. Without self-awareness, you might find yourself on a path not truly aligned with your inner self.

Self-Awareness as the Foundation

Self-awareness lets you understand your strengths and weaknesses, your passions, and fears. It is the foundation for emotional intelligence, important for building strong relationships, achieving personal goals, and navigating life’s decisions. Knowing yourself allows you to live more authentically, and make choices that resonate with your personal values, leading to a more fulfilling life.

The Role of Values and Beliefs

Your values and beliefs shape your perception of the world. They influence your thoughts, actions, and reactions. Understanding what you value most can help steer your life in a direction that brings genuine happiness and satisfaction.

Starting Your Journey of Self-Discovery

The journey to self-discovery can start at any point in your life. It could be triggered by a significant event, or it can begin with the simple desire to know yourself better. Here are some steps you can take to start your journey:

  • Reflect on Your Life: Take time to look back on your life experiences, accomplishments, and failures. Reflect on the lessons learned from each experience.
  • Identify Your Passions: Ask yourself what you love to do, even if you weren’t getting paid for it. What activities bring you joy and make time fly by?
  • Iron Out Your Goals: Set short-term and long-term goals. What do you want to achieve in different areas of your life?
  • Embrace Change: Be open to change and willing to grow. Your journey is about evolution, not staying stagnant.

Journaling can be a powerful tool during this process. Writing down your thoughts can help to clarify them and give you a tangible record of your inner world.

The Power of Questions in Self-Discovery

Asking yourself probing questions can drive the discovery process deeply. Here are some you might ponder:

  • What moments in my life have brought me the most happiness and fulfillment?
  • What values do I hold that I would never compromise on?
  • How do I define success for myself, apart from societal standards?
  • What are the fears or beliefs holding me back from pursuing my passions?

Give yourself the space to answer these questions honestly. The answers might not come immediately or easily, but they will provide valuable insights into your true self.

The Role of Relationships in Self-Discovery

Our relationships often serve as mirrors reflecting parts of ourselves we might not see. Engaging in deep, meaningful conversations with friends, family, or mentors can reveal aspects of your personality and hidden strengths or beliefs. Listen to how others perceive you, not as an absolute truth, but as additional data to consider on your journey.

Overcoming Obstacles on the Trek to Self-Knowledge

Your journey of self-discovery will not be without challenges. It’s natural to encounter obstacles.

Fear of What You Might Find

The idea of uncovering aspects of ourselves that we may not like can be intimidating. Remember that self-discovery is a process of understanding and acceptance, not judgment. It allows you to work on areas you may want to improve.

Inner Resistance

Change can be hard, and the mind often resists it. Acknowledge the resistance but remind yourself of the benefits of self-understanding and personal growth.

External Pressures

Social expectations and other people’s opinions can sometimes derail your journey. Focus on what truly matters to you, rather than conforming to external standards.

Inspiration from Self-Help and Self-Development Resources

Books and other resources on self-help and self-development can offer guidance and support through your journey. For instance, the seminal book “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey provides timeless principles that can help you understand and manage yourself better. The resources you find can serve as a compass, but remember that your journey is entirely your own.

Staying Committed to Your Journey

Consistency is key. Regular self-reflection and mindfulness practices like meditation can help maintain a strong connection with your inner self. Dedication to the journey, despite inevitable distractions, is crucial for continuous growth.

The Evolving Nature of Self-Discovery

Understand that self-discovery is a lifelong endeavor. Who you are can evolve with your experiences and the insights you gain. So the questions you ask yourself today might bring different answers 10 years from now, and that’s part of the beauty of being human.

Finishing Thoughts

Embarking on a journey of self-discovery invites us to explore the depths of our being, to seek a richer understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. It equips us with the knowledge to live with intention and make choices that resonate deeply with who we are. The path is not always easy, but the rewards are innumerable and personal growth is assured. So let’s step forward with curiosity, openness, and courage, knowing that with each step, we’re becoming more tuned with the essence of who we truly are.

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14 Reflective Passages on the Journey of Self-Discovery

Posted: April 17, 2024 | Last updated: April 17, 2024

<p>Exploring who we are on the inside is like going on a treasure hunt, where the treasure is a deeper understanding of ourselves. This journey isn’t always easy, but it’s full of lessons that help us grow and see things more clearly. We often think about our favorite memories, the challenges we’ve faced, and the dreams we have for the future. Along the way, we learn about our strengths, discover new things we love, and figure out how to be better friends and family members.</p>

Exploring who we are on the inside is like going on a treasure hunt, where the treasure is a deeper understanding of ourselves. This journey isn’t always easy, but it’s full of lessons that help us grow and see things more clearly. We often think about our favorite memories, the challenges we’ve faced, and the dreams we have for the future. Along the way, we learn about our strengths, discover new things we love, and figure out how to be better friends and family members.

<p>This passage emphasizes the importance of self-awareness as the foundation for wisdom. When you understand your feelings, thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses, you’re better equipped to make wise decisions. This self-knowledge serves as a compass in life, guiding your actions and reactions in a way that aligns with your true nature.</p>

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom

This passage emphasizes the importance of self-awareness as the foundation for wisdom. When you understand your feelings, thoughts, strengths, and weaknesses, you’re better equipped to make wise decisions. This self-knowledge serves as a compass in life, guiding your actions and reactions in a way that aligns with your true nature.

<p>This suggests that introspection and taking moments of silence can reveal deeper truths about our lives and ourselves. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook our inner voice and intuition. Quiet reflection allows these subtle insights to surface, offering guidance and understanding.</p>

Pause and reflect; in silence, the truths are whispered

This suggests that introspection and taking moments of silence can reveal deeper truths about our lives and ourselves. In the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook our inner voice and intuition. Quiet reflection allows these subtle insights to surface, offering guidance and understanding.

<p>This passage highlights the importance of reflecting on both positive and negative experiences. Triumphs teach us about our strengths and capabilities, while trials help us understand our vulnerabilities and areas for growth. Together, they provide a balanced perspective on our journey and lessons learned.</p>

Take time to reflect on the moments of triumph and trials; both are the teachers of life’s curriculum

This passage highlights the importance of reflecting on both positive and negative experiences. Triumphs teach us about our strengths and capabilities, while trials help us understand our vulnerabilities and areas for growth. Together, they provide a balanced perspective on our journey and lessons learned.

<p>This reflection points out that our reactions to others serve as mirrors, reflecting aspects of ourselves we may not readily acknowledge. Irritations and annoyances can reveal our own biases, insecurities, or areas needing attention and growth, prompting self-discovery and personal development.</p>

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves

This reflection points out that our reactions to others serve as mirrors, reflecting aspects of ourselves we may not readily acknowledge. Irritations and annoyances can reveal our own biases, insecurities, or areas needing attention and growth, prompting self-discovery and personal development.

<p>This emphasizes the importance of independent thought in self-discovery. By thinking for ourselves, we develop a set of beliefs and values that are truly our own, rather than adopting those imposed by others. This autonomy in thought is crucial for defining our identity and understanding our place in the world.</p>

To find yourself, think for yourself

This emphasizes the importance of independent thought in self-discovery. By thinking for ourselves, we develop a set of beliefs and values that are truly our own, rather than adopting those imposed by others. This autonomy in thought is crucial for defining our identity and understanding our place in the world.

<p>This passage suggests that both action and inaction have significant impacts on our lives. Sometimes, the choices we avoid or defer are as defining as the ones we actively make, shaping our life’s trajectory and contributing to our understanding of ourselves.</p>

It’s not only about the choices you make but the choices you don’t make that can change your life

This passage suggests that both action and inaction have significant impacts on our lives. Sometimes, the choices we avoid or defer are as defining as the ones we actively make, shaping our life’s trajectory and contributing to our understanding of ourselves.

<p>This highlights the value of looking back at our life’s journey to discern patterns and trends. Such reflection can reveal consistent themes, behaviors, or decisions, helping us understand our underlying motivations and guiding future choices in a more informed and intentional manner.</p>

Life’s patterns become clearer as we reflect on the paths we’ve taken

This highlights the value of looking back at our life’s journey to discern patterns and trends. Such reflection can reveal consistent themes, behaviors, or decisions, helping us understand our underlying motivations and guiding future choices in a more informed and intentional manner.

<p>This reflects the idea that relationships play a crucial role in our development and self-discovery. The people we love and interact with profoundly influence our thoughts, behaviors, and values, shaping our identity and helping us understand who we are at a deeper level.</p>

We are shaped and fashioned by those we love

This reflects the idea that relationships play a crucial role in our development and self-discovery. The people we love and interact with profoundly influence our thoughts, behaviors, and values, shaping our identity and helping us understand who we are at a deeper level.

<p>This passage underscores the importance of listening to one’s inner voice or intuition, which often holds deep insights into our true desires and values. By tuning into this inner guidance, individuals can navigate the journey of self-discovery with more confidence and clarity, leading to a life that is more aligned with their authentic selves.</p>

Your inner voice is a guiding star in the voyage of self-discovery

This passage underscores the importance of listening to one’s inner voice or intuition, which often holds deep insights into our true desires and values. By tuning into this inner guidance, individuals can navigate the journey of self-discovery with more confidence and clarity, leading to a life that is more aligned with their authentic selves.

<p>This suggests that reflection illuminates the inner workings of the heart, revealing our deepest feelings and desires. Just as a lantern casts light in dark places, reflection shines a light on aspects of ourselves that we may not regularly examine, helping to understand our emotional landscape and fostering emotional intelligence.</p>

Reflection is the lantern of the heart

This suggests that reflection illuminates the inner workings of the heart, revealing our deepest feelings and desires. Just as a lantern casts light in dark places, reflection shines a light on aspects of ourselves that we may not regularly examine, helping to understand our emotional landscape and fostering emotional intelligence.

<p>This highlights the power of quiet reflection in amplifying the innermost thoughts and feelings of the soul. In silence, subtle inklings and intuitions can transform into powerful insights and convictions, guiding personal growth and self-understanding.</p>

In the quietude of reflection, the soul’s whispers become roars

This highlights the power of quiet reflection in amplifying the innermost thoughts and feelings of the soul. In silence, subtle inklings and intuitions can transform into powerful insights and convictions, guiding personal growth and self-understanding.

<p>This passage emphasizes the communal aspect of self-discovery, suggesting that while the journey is personal, it is enriched by interactions with others. Learning from different perspectives, experiences, and relationships contributes to a fuller understanding of oneself and enhances personal growth.</p>

The journey of self-discovery is not a solo voyage but a communal adventure

This passage emphasizes the communal aspect of self-discovery, suggesting that while the journey is personal, it is enriched by interactions with others. Learning from different perspectives, experiences, and relationships contributes to a fuller understanding of oneself and enhances personal growth.

<p>This reflects the idea that challenges and adversities are not just obstacles but opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Difficult situations test our resilience, values, and character, helping to refine and define our sense of self.</p>

Adversity is the crucible in which the self is refined

This reflects the idea that challenges and adversities are not just obstacles but opportunities for self-discovery and growth. Difficult situations test our resilience, values, and character, helping to refine and define our sense of self.

<p>This suggests that understanding oneself requires exploring one’s life across different time frames. Reflecting on the past provides insights into formative experiences, assessing the present helps understand current identity, and envisioning the future guides toward potential growth and aspirations.</p><p>This article originally appeared on <a href="">UnifyCosmos</a>.</p>

The map to personal enlightenment is charted through the exploration of one’s past, present, and future

This suggests that understanding oneself requires exploring one’s life across different time frames. Reflecting on the past provides insights into formative experiences, assessing the present helps understand current identity, and envisioning the future guides toward potential growth and aspirations.

This article originally appeared on UnifyCosmos .

<p>Caring for our skin is like tending to a delicate garden; it requires patience, nurture, and the right ingredients to flourish. Every choice we make, from the foods we eat to the air we breathe, impacts our health and appearance. Your skin is your body’s canvas, showcasing your life’s journey. <a href="">Read More</a>.</p>

More from UnifyCosmos

Caring for our skin is like tending to a delicate garden; it requires patience, nurture, and the right ingredients to flourish. Every choice we make, from the foods we eat to the air we breathe, impacts our health and appearance. Your skin is your body’s canvas, showcasing your life’s journey. Read More .

<p>In today’s interconnected world, smart gadgets are redefining home living. From lighting to security, these 22 carefully selected devices promise to elevate your home into the epitome of modernity and convenience. <a href="">Read More</a>.</p>

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<p>Exploring the world can start right at your dinner table! Every country has its special dish, telling a story through the flavors, ingredients, and ways they cook food. Think about biting into a meal and tasting a country’s history, traditions, and love in every bite. <a href="">Read More</a>.</p>

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International Programs

Jaki Banner

My journey of self-discovery through London and Wales: a business student's reflection on studying abroad

Jaki Bass

Reflecting on my time in London, I can confidently say it was a whirlwind of new experiences and eye-opening moments. Stepping out of the familiar confines of the United States for the first time on my own was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. However, as I embarked on my adventure, I quickly realized that every moment was worth the initial uncertainty.

London welcomed me with open arms, offering me a glimpse into the rich tapestry of European culture. The city's diversity struck me in ways I hadn't anticipated, and my exploration extended beyond the bustling streets to the charming landscapes of Wales. The contrasts in culture and demeanor between the places I visited were stark yet fascinating, revealing the intricate layers of human experience.

Coming from the bustling metropolis of Chicago, London presented a refreshing change of pace. The warmth and politeness of its inhabitants, coupled with their penchant for privacy, left a lasting impression on me. The efficiency and cleanliness of London's transportation system were a pleasant surprise, a far cry from the crowded chaos of home. As I navigated the city's labyrinthine streets and parks, I embraced the unexpected joys of walking everywhere—an integral part of London's culture.

"While my time abroad presented its share of challenges, such as adjusting to new social norms and expectations, each obstacle became an opportunity for growth. Embracing the unknown with an open mind allowed me to overcome these hurdles and emerge stronger and more resilient."

During our trip I not only got to experience the International Business: Data Analytics program in London but also in Wrexham, Wales. We took this travel to do exploration about the new celebrity owner Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenny of the Wrexham football team. London and Wrexham, Wales, exhibit distinct cultural differences. London, a bustling metropolis, embraces multiculturalism, boasts iconic landmarks, and thrives as a global financial hub. In contrast, Wrexham, a smaller town, focuses on Welsh heritage, features a more localized economy, and emphasizes community values.  

We got to experience numerous football games during the time abroad to assist in the class and it was a fascinating experience to witness the various types of matches and how deeply embedded football is in their cultural fabric. From the lively discussions in the stands to the electrifying atmosphere on the field, the passion for the sport was palpable. The warmth and inclusivity of football culture welcomed us with open arms, allowing us to seamlessly integrate into the community. I found myself unexpectedly captivated by the fervor surrounding the game, realizing just how integral it is to their way of life. As we delved deeper into the history and traditions of football, I gained a newfound appreciation for its significance within their culture. The sense of camaraderie and shared enthusiasm among fans transcended language barriers, forging connections that transcended mere sporting events. It was a testament to the power of sport to unite people from diverse backgrounds under a common passion. In retrospect, my immersion into football culture was a highlight of my time in London and Wales, enriching my understanding of their heritage and fostering a deep appreciation for the universal language of sport.

In hindsight, my journey to London was more than just a physical voyage—it was a journey of self-discovery. I gained insights into different facets of my identity and learned to navigate the complexities of cultural exchange with grace and humility. 


The Global Access Ambassador Scholarship program provides awards to study abroad for a summer, semester, or academic year. The scholarships are intended to support students who study abroad with the intent to serve as Global Access Ambassadors upon return to the UI campus. Upon completion of the study abroad program and return to UI, award recipients are asked to submit a photo and an open letter to prospective students or suggest an alternate means of sharing with prospective students.

Please note that the opinions and views expressed by ambassadors are solely those of the students and do not reflect or represent the views of International Programs or the University of Iowa.

International Programs  (IP) at the University of Iowa (UI) is committed to enriching the global experience of UI students, faculty, staff, and the general public by leading efforts to promote internationally oriented teaching, research, creative work, and community engagement.  IP provides support for international students and scholars, administers scholarships and assistance for students who study, intern, or do research abroad, and provides funding opportunities and grant-writing assistance for faculty engaged in international research. IP shares their stories through various media, and by hosting multiple public engagement activities each year.

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International Programs at the University of Iowa supports the right of all individuals to live freely and to live in peace. We condemn all acts of violence based on race, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, and perceived national or cultural origin. In affirming its commitment to human dignity, International Programs strongly upholds the values expressed in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights .  

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Wandering Into Grace: A Journey of Discovery and Hope

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Laurie Haller

Wandering Into Grace: A Journey of Discovery and Hope Paperback – February 18, 2020

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  • Print length 144 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Abingdon Press
  • Publication date February 18, 2020
  • Dimensions 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN-10 1501896261
  • ISBN-13 978-1501896262
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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Abingdon Press (February 18, 2020)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 144 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1501896261
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1501896262
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 6.4 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 5.5 x 0.55 x 8.5 inches
  • #47,212 in Christian Spiritual Growth (Books)

About the author

Laurie haller.

Laurie Haller is the episcopal leader of the Iowa Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. Her personal mission is to embody the grace and hope of Jesus Christ by loving her neighbor and allowing God to use her to make a positive difference in the world. Laurie served local churches in Michigan and was a district superintendent before being elected a bishop in 2016. Laurie aspires to a ministry centered around spiritual leadership that is humble; collaborative leadership that seeks input from different constituencies; visionary leadership that is strategic and contextual; bold leadership that is willing to risk and sees failure as a crucible for growth; and reconciling leadership that builds bridges by always asking “Who needs to be at the table?” Laurie writes simply, honestly, and transparently out of her experiences of both adventure and burnout. Her books include Recess; Rediscovering Play and Purpose and Wandering into Grace; A Journal of Discovery and Hope. Laurie publishes a weekly blog at

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Koreanness Beyond Borders: A Journey of Self-Discovery with Jennifer Park A Story Tells

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Jennifer Park, a Korean expatriate who spent her formative years in mainland China and Hong Kong, invites us into her world in this episode of the podcast. Her journey is a fascinating exploration of the complexities of cultural identity and the intricacies of navigating multiple languages and traditions. Born in Korea but raised in mainland China due to her father's expat job, Jennifer's early childhood was immersed in Mandarin, shaping her perception of self and identity. Yet, her family's move to Hong Kong at the age of 10 marked a significant shift, introducing her to a new linguistic and cultural landscape. As Jennifer shares her experiences, we uncover the layers of her multicultural identity. From struggling to maintain her Korean heritage amidst the dominant influences of Westernized education to the challenges of fitting into Korean society during her visits back home, Jennifer's journey is one of constant adaptation and self-discovery. Despite feeling torn between her presence in overseas countries and her Korean roots, Jennifer embraces the richness of her multicultural identity. She reflects on the importance of language as more than just a communication tool but a gateway to understanding different cultures and perspectives. Join us as we delve deeper into Jennifer's story, exploring the complexities of cultural identity in today's globalized world and the profound impact of embracing diversity and self-discovery. Powered by Firstory Hosting

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‘Star Trek: Discovery’: Sonequa Martin-Green on Showcasing Burnham’s Series-Long Journey

Sonequa Martin-Green as Burnham in Star Trek: Discovery, episode 1, season 5

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[Warning: The below contains MAJOR spoilers for  Star Trek: Discovery Season 5 Episode 4 “Face the Strange.”]

The crew’s latest encounter with Moll ( Eve Harlow ) and L’ak (Elias Toufexis) sends two of its members on quite the timey wimey trip—including to Star Trek: Discovery ‘s past and (hopefully not) future.

Their foes planted a time bug on Adira’s ( Blu Del Barrio ) sleeve in the previous episode , and as a result, Captain Michael Burnham ( Sonequa Martin-Green ) and her Number One, Rayner ( Callum Keith Rennie ), go jumping through time. At one point, Burnham even encounters herself—the Season 1 version, fresh off being a mutineer and not trusted by any of the crew (including Airiam!).

Revisiting the past version of her character and fighting her as the present-day one “was one of my favorite moments,” Martin-Green raves to TV Insider. “We had such an amazing time shooting it, and I loved being able to see the contrast between who Burnham used to be and who she is now because I think it can be easy to forget how far she came over the course of the series, but you really see it right in front of your face. I love that they gave me that, and I love that they gave Burnham that as well, where her maturation was cemented because of that storyline, in my opinion.”

Figuring out which past events to revisit wasn’t too hard. “That was one of those that we really had to thread the needle on because we had the present-day story that was happening that they were exploring via these past incidents, and so it felt like we hit the things that we wanted to hit,” explains executive producer Michelle Paradise . “We thought it would be neat to see Airiam again.”

'Star Trek: Discovery' Stars Tease How Series Ends for Their Characters

'Star Trek: Discovery' Stars Tease How Series Ends for Their Characters

The focus, the EP continues, “is about Burnham recognizing how far she has come. She has started the series as a mutineer and became captain, and that is quite a trajectory. To give our Burnham the chance to see who she used to be and just how far she’s come was really the heart of that entire episode. And so we just wanted to make sure that any past time we visited was supporting that goal.”

Due to Stamets’ ( Anthony Rapp ) tardigrade DNA, he lives outside of time and therefore was aware of what was happening around him, thusly a vital source for Burnham and Rayner—and aware that he’d already lived events like the Season 2 finale and Season 1. “I had such a good time getting to kind of live in both worlds, also as an actor, as a person reflecting back on that experience, which was from the first season,” Rapp shares. “It was a really special experience. It’s hard to separate in a way, Stamets’ experience from my own experience. There was very little difference between the two of us in a way because we were both revisiting something that was very impactful and having a lot of fun doing it.”

Rennie calls it “a bonding episode,” filled with  Star Trek and  Discovery history, for his and Martin-Green’s characters. He also enjoyed what we saw of Stamets and Rayner, who has been doing the bare minimum to get to know the crew but volunteers to help the former.

“We had a funny dynamic on set in person, and so then some of that plays into the work,” Rennie says. “You’re learning who’s going to go off on you and who’s not and how much. If you really want to get things done on this, you really have to learn how to communicate better. And with him is just one of those moments.”

But will Rayner take any of what he’s learned in this episode, especially the importance of getting to know his crew, going forward? “I think once you’ve gone through a considerable battle that seemed way out of control and you’ve fought a crisis, you’ve been in the trenches, there’s a respect built all around,” says Rennie.

What did you think of  Discovery ‘s trip through time? What was your favorite part to relive? Let us know in the comments section, below.

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Anthony rapp, callum keith rennie, michelle paradise, sonequa martin-green.

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Unknown sailor's notebook found hidden in furniture tells story of USS Amesbury's WWII journey

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A Massachusetts woman discovered a historic artifact that dates back to World War II and was hidden inside of a piece of furniture.

Brenda O'Keefe, a Massachusetts resident, found a green notebook that documented events from the USS Amesbury, according to the NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary .

“I was thrilled to be contacted by the notebook's discoverer, Ms. Brenda O'Keefe,” Matthew Lawrence, a maritime archaeologist at Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary told USA TODAY. “It is not often that someone reaches out to the sanctuary's staff with a discovery such as this, so we greatly value Ms. O'Keefe's efforts to share the information.”

Although the author is unknown, many of this ship's voyages and activities during World War II are documented.

Starting on June 13, 1944, the writer wrote key events of the ship's journey.

By July 2, 1944, the ship left for England. Making trips between the Unites States and England, the author showed that these journeys lasted a few days at a time.

On April 7, 1945, the author created an entry titled, “war ended with Germany.”

Although there were no identifiers to who this person might be, Lawrence said their record-keeping adds another layer to the vessel's story.

“The notebook's information allows us to tell the maritime stories embodied by the National Marine Sanctuaries,” Lawrence said. “Sometimes the stories are local, like when the Amesbury had to leave Key West to avoid a hurricane. Other times the stories are global, like when the Amesbury's participated in the D-Day landings in France.”

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USS Amesbury was a warship that made many voyages across the sea

In 1943, the USS Amesbury, a U.S. naval destroyer escort, was converted to a high speed transport vessel, according to the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary .

Known to Floridians as Alexander's Wreck, the ship was named after Lt. Stanton Amesbury who was killed in enemy action over Casablanca on Nov. 9, 1942.

In the notebook, the author dated an entry on Feb. 23, 1945, “left for Philly for conversion.”

The marine sanctuary notes this event on its website, stating that the USS Amesbury was one of the 104 destroyer escorts that was converted to a high-speed transport at the Philadelphia Navy Yard .

The USS Amesbury traveled to Korea and China and was equipped with a five-inch turret gun and three twin-mount, 40 mm antiaircraft guns, the sanctuary said.

In 1946, the ship was retired from active missions and was stationed in Florida.

Ahjané Forbes is a reporter on the National Trending Team at USA TODAY. Ahjané covers breaking news, car recalls, crime, health, lottery and public policy stories. Email her at  [email protected] . Follow her on  Instagram ,  Threads  and  X @forbesfineest.

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Finishing Thoughts. Embarking on a journey of self-discovery invites us to explore the depths of our being, to seek a richer understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. It equips us with the knowledge to live with intention and make choices that resonate deeply with who we are. The path is not always easy, but the rewards are ...

The journey of self-discovery is not a solo voyage but a communal adventure. This passage emphasizes the communal aspect of self-discovery, suggesting that while the journey is personal, it is ...

In hindsight, my journey to London was more than just a physical voyage—it was a journey of self-discovery. I gained insights into different facets of my identity and learned to navigate the complexities of cultural exchange with grace and humility. LEARN HOW YOU CAN APPLY FOR A GLOBAL ACCESS AMBASSADOR SCHOLARSHIP

Journey Of Self Discovery Quotes. Quotes tagged as "journey-of-self-discovery" Showing 1-30 of 60. "For the Gypsy, it's moments in time that count, not interpretations or rhetorical questions or resolutions or justifications, and not even the journey's end, for the journey never ends. Just moments in time. They are born for disappearing".

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Learn life lessons to wander into grace as a way of life. In Wandering into Grace, Bishop Laurie Haller explores "wandering" as a way of life.Through the narrative of her 2018 trekking trip in Nepal, Haller shares her adventures alongside lessons for navigating difficult issues with grace, learning to adapt in a changing world, leading calmly, using collective wisdom to solve problems ...

Her journey is a fascinating exploration of the complexities of cultural identity and the intricacies of navigating multiple languages and traditions. Born in Korea but raised in mainland China due to her father's expat job, Jennifer's early childhood was immersed in Mandarin, shaping her perception of self and identity.

The crew's latest encounter with Moll (Eve Harlow) and L'ak (Elias Toufexis) sends two of its members on quite the timey wimey trip—including to Star Trek: Discovery's past and (hopefully ...

Starting on June 13, 1944, the writer wrote key events of the ship's journey. By July 2, 1944, the ship left for England. Making trips between the Unites States and England, the author showed that ...


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