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  • Tour della Florida e Nassau

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16 giorni / 14 notti

Viaggio in Florida tra Miami, Key West e Orlando, in fine Nassau alle Bahamas

Viaggio alla scoperta della Florida e delle bellezze di Nassau, splendida isola delle Bahamas

Un itinerario che parte da Miami, città vivace e alla moda, passando per le più belle mete della Florida; si raggiungono Key West, la città più a sud degli Stati Uniti, le splendide spiagge del Golfo del Messico, la divertente Orlando e Ft. Lauderdale, detta anche la “Venezia d’America”. Il viaggio prosegue verso Nassau, isola caraibica dalle bianche spiagge e mare cristallino per godervi giorni di totale relax.

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Mappa Viaggio

Guarda il video, esempio di itinerario, 1. italia > miami.

Partenza con volo di linea dall’ Italia per Miami, all’ arrivo trasferimento libero all’ hotel Marriott Courtyard Cadillac Miami Beach o similare. Resto della giornata a disposizione. Pernottamento.

Prima colazione. Ritrovo alle ore 9:00 nella Hall dell’hotel; mattinata dedicata alla visita orientativa della città. Entrerete subito nell’atmosfera magica di questa città: l’affascinante e colorato “Art Deco District” con i suoi palazzi anni ’30; i parchi e i giardini di Coral Gables, l’ambiente artistico di Coconut Grove, la vivacità di Little Havana e la modernità di Downtown. Rientro libero in hotel. Pernottamento.

3. Miami >Key West (275 km)

Prima colazione. Ritrovo nella Hall dell’hotel alle ore 08:00. Partenza alle ore 08:15 in direzione sud lungo la Overseas Highway alla volta delle Keys, un susseguirsi di isole collegate tra loro ad 42 ponti. Si raggiunge Key West, la città più a sud degli Stati Uniti dove si respira un’aria molto caraibica. Breve visita orientativa; resto della giornata a disposizione. Consigliamo una visita al museo Mel Fisher dei tesori sommersi (facoltativa – non inclusa nella quota). Assolutamente da non perdere il tramonto sul Golfo del Messico da Mallory Square. Sistemazione e pernottamento presso l’hotel Fairfield Inn & Suites o similare.

4. Key West>Everglades >Sarasota (600 km)

Prima colazione. Si lascia Key West, ripercorrendo in direzione nord la Overseas Highway. L’itinerario prosegue lungo il Tamjani Trail, una strada panoramica che attraversa le Everglades, la più grande distesa selvaggia subtropicale del nord America. Questa vasta regione conta migliaia di ettari di mangrovie canali, paludi e canneti. Habitat di coccodrilli, serpenti e tartarughe. Escursione con una caratteristica barca-airboat. Al termine, si assiste ad uno spettacolo con gli alligatori. Nel pomeriggio proseguimento per Sarasota, situata sulla costa ovest della Florida. Sistemazione e pernottamento presso l’hotel The Sandcastle Resort o similare.

5. Sarasota

Prima colazione. Giornata a disposizione: sole e mare sulle splendide spiagge del Golfo del Messico oppure shopping nelle numerose ed eleganti boutique di St. Armand’s Circle. Sarasota offre anche una varietà di giardini botanici e musei, che possono essere visitati individualmente. Pernottamento.

6. Sarasota > Tarpon Springs > Homosassa Springs > Crystal River (224 km)

Prima colazione. Partenza in direzione nord, verso una parte della Florida poco conosciuta. Lungo il percorso sosta nella storica cittadina di Tarpon Springs, villaggio costiero dalle belle e tranquille spiagge. A seguire sosta a Homosassa Springs State Park, famosa per le sorgenti naturali. Arrivo nell’affascinante cittadina di Crystal River, conosciuta anche con il nome di “Nature Coast”. Sistemazione e pernottamento presso l’hotel Plantation on Crystal River o similare.

7. Crystal River > Orlando (155 km)

Prima colazione. Partenza per Orlando. Lungo il percorso, sosta al Seaworld con possibilità di effettuare un’escursione facoltativa, non inclusa. Arrivo, sistemazione presso l’hotel Crowne Plaza Universal o similare. Resto della giornata a disposizione. Pernottamento.

Prima colazione. Giornata a disposizione . Possibilità di scegliere tra le attività che preferite (facoltative – non incluse nella quota): visita ai parchi tematici Walt Disney World (Epcot, Magic Kingdom, MGM Studios), Universal Studios. Nel tardo pomeriggio il pullman passerà a prendervi per riportarvi in hotel. In alternativa potete visitare il Kennedy Space Center (trasferimento libero da/per l’hotel). Pernottamento.

9. Orlando > Ft. Lauderdale (400 km)

Prima colazione. Proseguimento per Ft. Lauderdale, situata sulla costa orientale. Si avrà modo di capire perché questa graziosa località viene soprannominata la Venezia d’America, con una divertente mini-crociera “River Boat” lungo i suoi canali. Resto della giornata a disposizione Sistemazione presso l’hotel B Ocean Resort o similare.

10. Ft. Lauderdale > Miami > Nassau

Prima colazione, partenza per l’aeroporto di Miami, volo di linea per Nassau. Trasferimento all’ hotel Atlantis Paradise Island, sistemazione (Beach Tower).

11. – 14. Nassau

Trattamento di pernottamento e prima colazione.

15. Nassau > Italia

Prima colazione e trasferimento all’ aeroporto di Nassau in tempo utile per il volo per l’Italia.

Arrivo in Italia.

Nassau Beach

Quando andare

Le Bahamas sono un’ottima destinazione in ogni momento dell’anno; le brezze assicurano temperature sempre gradevoli.

Documenti, visti e obblighi sanitari

È sufficiente il passaporto con una validità residua di almeno sei mesi al momento dell’ingresso. Ai cittadini italiani non è richiesto alcun visto per visitare le Bahamas fino a 90 giorni di permanenza.

Tutti i passeggeri anche solo in transito nel territorio Statunitense devono seguire le normative degli Stati Uniti.

Formalità valutarie e doganali:  non si possono introdurre somme superiori a 10.000 US$. Vi sono numerose restrizioni sui prodotti alimentari in genere e sulle medicine. E’ vietato importare insaccati, vegetali, semi anche in piccole quantità.


Passaporto in corso di validità, ESTA o visto. Dal 1 aprile 2016 è possibile entrare negli Stati Uniti solo ed esclusivamente con il passaporto elettronico con microchip inserito nella copertina (unico tipo di passaporto rilasciato in Italia dal 26 ottobre 2006). I cittadini italiani che si recano negli Stati Uniti per turismo e non necessitano di visto, usufruiscono del Visa Waiver Program (viaggio senza visto). I passeggeri dovranno richiedere un’autorizzazione elettronica al viaggio ESTA -Electronic System for Travel Authorization. Si deve compilare la richiesta on-line il prima possibile sul sito https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov, in quanto l’autorizzazione potrebbe essere negata. L’ESTA ha validità di 2 anni o fino alla scadenza del passaporto, ha un costo di 21 USD a persona, pagabile solo con carta di credito.

I bambini e i neonati devono essere muniti di un proprio passaporto.

I cittadini italiani che a partire dal 1 marzo 2011 sono stati per turismo o per lavoro in: IRAQ – IRAN – SUDAN – SIRIA – LIBIA – SOMALIA – YEMEN non possono usufruire del Visa Waiver Program, ma dovranno richiedere il visto d’ingresso al consolato USA di competenza. Decadono anche gli ESTA già emessi e ancora in corso di validità.

Il 12 gennaio 2021 gli Stati Uniti hanno designato Cuba come Stato sponsor del terrorismo: i cittadini italiani che abbiano visitato Cuba a partire da tale data, devono pertanto richiedere il visto e non possono fare ingresso negli Stati Uniti con l’ESTA. In caso di dubbi, si consiglia di verificare la propria posizione con l’Ambasciata/Consolato USA di riferimento.

CITTADINI DI NAZIONALITÀ NON ITALIANA Consigliamo di consultate il Consolato Americano del paese di residenza. L’Agenzia di Viaggio si farà carico di informare i passeggeri affinché provvedano all’ottenimento dell’ ESTA o se necessario del visto.

Nessuna vaccinazione richiesta . Consigliamo di portare con se una piccola farmacia da viaggio e di stipulare un’assicurazione sanitaria che preveda, oltre alla copertura delle spese mediche, anche l’eventuale rimpatrio aereo sanitario o il trasferimento in altro paese.

Fuso orario

– 6 h rispetto all’Italia

La lingua ufficiale è l’inglese. È parlato il creolo inglese ed è compreso lo spagnolo.

La valuta ufficiale delle Isole Bahamas è il dollaro delle Bahamas (B$). Sono accettati indifferentemente sia il dollaro locale che il dollaro americano. Le carte di credito accettate sono: American Express-Mastercard-Visa.

Quando la tassa di servizio non è inclusa, è normale lasciare una mancia che va dal 10% al 15% circa per ristoranti, taxi, autisti, guide e facchini.

La guida è a sinistra. Si consiglia la patente internazionale.

Per chiamare l’Italia direttamente il prefisso è 01139 + il prefisso della città italiana + il numero dell’utente desiderato. Per chiamate dall’Italia, il prefisso è 001242.

La cucina delle Isole Bahamas è ricchissima di gusto. Piccante, delicata e creata unicamente con carni e prodotti locali. I piatti sono principalmente a base di crostacei e pesce, quest’ultimo accompagnato dal mais. Il piatto nazionale è il conch (lo strombo), grande mollusco che può essere mangiato come zuppa piccante (conch chowder), con pomodori, cipolle e succo di lime (conch salad), fritto (cracked conch) o come frittelle per gli aperitivi. Sono particolarmente curate le bevande alcoliche e analcoliche, tra i cocktail il più famoso è il Bahama Mama. Kalik, la birra delle Isole Bahamas, è straordinariamente leggera e ricca di frumento. La principale bevanda dissetante bahamiana è l’acqua di cocco (diversa dal latte di cocco che è pesante e grasso) mescolata a latte dolce e gin. Inoltre lo Switcher, bevanda preparata con  lime della zona.

È attiva una procedura relativa ai controlli di sicurezza per l’ingresso o il transito negli Stati Uniti riguardante l’imbarco dei dispositivi elettronici (in particolare dispositivi elettronici a batteria come telefoni cellulari, smartphone, tablet, PC, ecc.) destinati al bagaglio a mano. Potrebbe essere richiesto di verificare lo stato della batteria e il corretto funzionamento. Qualsiasi dispositivo che non potrà essere accesso verrà sequestrato ed il passeggero potrebbe essere soggetto a verifiche supplementari fino al negato imbarco sul volo. Raccomandiamo tutti i passeggeri di recarsi in aeroporto con largo anticipo. Per maggiori informazioni https://www.tsa.gov/

TASSE AEROPORTUALI Alla partenza dalle Bahamas sono dovute le tasse aeroportuali pari a circa 15 Dollari Usa per persona, soggette a variazioni senza preavviso.

Corrente elettrica

Corrente elettrica a 120 V. Prese a due entrate; si rende necessario un adattatore.

Altre informazioni utili

È consigliabile registrare il proprio viaggio nel sito www.dovesiamonelmondo.it (servizio del Ministero degli Affari Esteri), che consente agli italiani che si recano temporaneamente all’estero di segnalare – su base volontaria – i dati personali, al fine di permettere all’Unità di Crisi, nell’eventualità che si verifichino situazioni di grave emergenza, di pianificare con maggiore rapidità e precisione interventi di soccorso.

L’acquisizione preventiva di informazioni aggiornate rispetto alla situazione sanitaria, sociopolitica, meteorologica, documenti necessari del o dei Paesi che si intendono visitare, rappresenta una fase fondamentale della preparazione responsabile di un viaggio oltre che uno degli obblighi del turista, ed è un’attività opportuna e necessaria per evitare di affrontare situazioni poco piacevoli. A questo proposito si segnalano alcuni siti di utilità ove reperire informazioni aggiornate:

  • viaggiaresicuri.it , sito per aggiornamenti sulle  informazioni generali della destinazione specifica;
  • salute.gov.it  (o contattare la azienda sanitaria locale);
  • poliziadistato.it (o contattare la Questura di competenza locale) per informazioni sulle domande di richiesta passaporto.
  • nhc.noaa.gov , sito del National Hurricane Center degli Stati Uniti che contiene informazioni in tempo reale sul percorso e l’evoluzione/ involuzione di cicloni, uragani, depressioni tropicali nell’Area Statunitense e Caraibica.
  • https://www.who.int che contiene informazioni sanitarie nel mondo e sulle vaccinazioni.

ALBERGHI Tutti gli alberghi richiedono obbligatoriamente una carta di credito a garanzia, per eventuali extra.

100 MOTIVI PER PRENOTARE PRIMA Chi decide subito ha un vantaggio concreto: 100 euro di riduzione a camera prenotando un tour di gruppo almeno 45 giorni prima della data di partenza.

IL BELLO DI RIPARTIRE Quando finisce una vacanza non si vede l’ora di farne un’altra. E allora chi riparte entro 12 mesi dall’ultimo viaggio ha 100 euro di riduzione a camera.

COCCOLATI FIN DALLA PARTENZA Trattamento speciale per gli sposi: vantaggi dedicati, sconto di 100 euro a coppia (per usufruire dello sconto sono necessarie le pubblicazioni di matrimonio) oppure Valet parking e hostess dedicata, senza dimenticare il carnet con 50 voucher del valore di 100 euro ciascuno da regalare a chi contribuisce al tuo viaggio. Valido anche per le nozze d’argento. Le partenze devono avvenire entro 6 mesi dalla data del matrimonio.

Un motivo in più per scegliere Gastaldi Holidays.

Le riduzioni non sono cumulabili e sono applicabili su pacchetti di viaggio inclusivi di volo e soggiorno o tour di almeno 7 notti.

Lunedì-Venerdì: 09.00 – 13.00 / 14.00 – 18.30

+39 02 699 69 190 [email protected]

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Bahamas Air Tours

tour florida e bahamas

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  • Tour from Nassau
  • Tour from Miami Florida
  • Full Day Tour by Plane
  • Full Day Tour by Boat
  • Half Day Tour by Boat
  • About the Swimming Pigs
  • Where is the Pig Island?
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  • How to Get to Pig Island

Swimming Pigs

Thunderball grotto.

  • Plane Wreck
  • Staniel Cay
  • Islands Guides

tour florida e bahamas

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Exuma Tour from Nassau by Plane

Exuma tour from miami by plane, exuma tour from georgetown by boat, visit the stunning exuma cays and swim with pigs on this full day miami to bahamas day tour by plane.

Bahamas Day Trip from Miami highlights:

Visit the Bahamas Swimming Pigs at Big Beach (Big Major Cya) on a Miami to Bahamas Day Trip by Plane. Fly from Florida to Bahamas on a Pig Beach Excursion.

Swimming with Sharks

Take a unique Exuma Day Trip by Plane - the wonderful Bahamas Day Trip from Miami Florida - to the unique and famous Thunderball Grotto James Bond Cave at Staniel Cay in the Exumas. Take a snorkeling adventure with Bahamas Air Tours on a Staniel Cay Day Trip.

Exotic Wildlife

Sand Bar at Pipe Creek is a memorable stop on the Bahamas Day Trip from Miami Florida by Plane. Fly from Florida to Bahamas for the ultimate Exuma Day Tour, and visit all the top things to do in the Bahamas.

Stunning Sandbars

Miami to Bahamas Day Trip by Plane for a bucket list Exuma Day Tour, fly from Miami to Bahamas by Plane and go Swimming with Pigs at Pig Beach and visit the Swimming with Sharks experience at Staniel Cay Exuma Bahamas.

Flights Included

Visit the exuma swimming pigs on our bahamas day trip from miami.

Enjoy a thrilling day adventure in the Exuma Cays on our Full Day Bahamas Day Trip from Miami by plane. This tour departs from Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE). You will enjoy stunning window seat views of the Exuma Cays on your flight down to Staniel Cay, which has a quick stop on Andros Island to clear Bahamas Customs and Immigration. The total journey time from Florida to Bahamas is 2 hours. Once you arrive at Staniel Cay Airport you will be greeted by your local Boat Captain and Tour guide who will take you on a 4 hour guided boat tour around all 7 of the top Exuma attractions! Stops along the Tour include:

  • Swimming Pigs at Pig Island (Big Major Cay)
  • Swim with Nurse Sharks at Compass Cay Marina
  • Bahamian Rock Iguanas (Bitter Guana Cay)
  • Snorkel into the James Bond Thunderball Grotto
  • Stunning Sandbars at Pipe Creek
  • Sightseeing at the Underwater Plane wreck (Staniel Cay)
  • Enjoy Lunch (additional purchase) at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club

This is a Full Day Trip beginning with check-in at 6:30am at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE). The trip returns to Florida at approximately 6:45pm. We offer various Private Trip options too. NOTE: You may be booked on a flight departing earlier than published which requires check-in by 5:45am. Please check your Email Itinerary Confirmation for flight details, check-in time and check-in location.

Exuma Tour from Miami by Plane: Tour Map

The Staniel Cay Tour Map for visiting the Bahamas Swimming Pigs at Big Major Cay Island in the Exuma Cays. Visit Staniel Cay Exuma on a Bahamas Day Trip from Nassau Paradise Island or Miami Florida to Bahamas. The top rated Exuma Excursion.

Exuma Tour Photo Gallery

Bahamas Day Trip from Miami Florida to the Exuma Cays. Take a one of a kind Exuma Day Tour by Plane and visit the Exuma Sandbar at Pipe Creek.

Departure Information This tour departs from Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE) in Florida. Roundtrip Flights are included in the price of this Tour. The exact Departure Terminal will be confirmed after booking. Complimentary Valet Car parking available (Self Parking is not available). The FXE Airport is approximately a 1 hour drive from South Beach or Downtown Miami. No Hotel transfers are provided with this Tour.

Private Boat Upgrades:  Enjoy the Day Trip with the exclusivity of a Private Boat on our Semi-Private Day Trip option. You’ll still fly on the flight with other customers (flight is non-private) but you’ll get the boat tour experience absolutely private. The benefit of this is you call the shots on which tour stops you want to visit, skip, or spend longer at, within the 4 hour duration of the boat tour. If you want to spend longer with the sharks but skip the snorkelling activity, you have the freedom to chose this. For our Semi-Private Day Trips please Contact us  for pricing and availability.

Private Day Trips: Our most VIP experience that includes Private Flights and a Private Boat! You’ll depart from an exclusive Private Terminal at FXE, exclusively reserved for our Private flight guests only. For our Private Day Trips please Contact us for pricing and availability.

Pricing Price Per Person is: High Season departures 15-Dec to 31-Jul: Price is $949pp plus $231.30pp Tax & Fees (**see below) Low Season departures 1-Aug to 14-Dec: Price is $875pp plus $231.30pp Tax & Fees (**see below) Infants aged less than 24 month (2 years) at date of departure, only pay Tax & Fees. Infants can only travel as a lap baby. Prices are Per Person, fully inclusive of flights, entrance fees, boat excursion, transfers in the Bahamas. See list below for what’s not included.

Tax & Fees** Taxes and fees per person are as follows: Federal International Air Tax: $44.20 Bahamas Exit Tax: $31 Fuel Surcharge Fee: $40 Service Fee: $56 Security Scan Fee: $9 Bahamas VAT: $0.90 Entrance Fee: $15 Admin Fee: $35

Solo Bookings This tour is minimum 2 Persons . In the case that we don’t reach 2 customers and you are traveling alone as a Solo traveler, an additional Solo Supplement of $460 applies and is due at time of boat departure check-in on-island.

Customer of Size Upon booking, customers are encouraged to disclose if they anticipate needing a seatbelt extender. There is a weight limit of 350lbs per passenger. For customers weighing more than 350lbs, please enquire with us before booking regarding your options to travel.

Important Notes Each participant must complete a signed waiver before commencing the tour. The tour operator provide these to complete on-island prior to departing on your boat tour. For the group tour option, we need a minimum of 48 hours notice (2 days before) to take your booking and get it reserved. NOTE: Confirmation of your booking and place on the tour is only made after both payment and issue of the confirmation email with flight tickets . Submitting the booking request form on this website does not confirm your booking. We encourage customers to book as far in advance as possible to avoid disappointment. Last minute booking requests during peak season (Christmas, March-July) can be hard to fulfil. We can’t guarantee all stops on the tour itinerary due to weather, sea conditions and progress of the group along the tour route. Expectant mothers will require a Doctor’s clearance to fly letter. Weather: Tours operate Rain or Shine. We only have to cancel tours ahead of time during exceptional weather (tropical storms). Weather in the Bahamas is generally scattered clouds with isolated but fast moving thunderstorms. It is likely you will encounter a rain shower during your tour. For our full terms, conditions and cancellation policy see our Booking Terms.

Booking Terms and Cancellation Policy Reservations are strictly non-refundable and non-changeable. There is strictly no refund if you no-show. For a full list of booking terms see our  Booking Terms here .  WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND YOU TAKE OUT TRAVEL INSURANCE THAT INCLUDES COVERAGE AGAINST IRRECOVERABLE CANCELLATION COSTS.

Bahamas Day Trip Itinerary Timings Timings are all approximate to give an example of the format of the day trip. Timings will vary due to flight schedules, air traffic control delays, weather conditions and progress of the tour group along the tour route.

NOTE: All passengers must arrive and check-in a minimum of 60 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time as flights may depart earlier than scheduled.  6:30 AM:  Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport check-in (at Hangar 19). NOTE: Please check your Email Itinerary Confirmation for check-in Time & Location. 7:30  AM: Flight Departs to Staniel Cay NOTE: You may be booked on a flight departing at 6:45am which requires check-in by 5:45am. Please check your Email Itinerary Confirmation. 8:30  AM: Arrival at Bahamas Immigration and Customs on Andros Island 9:45  AM: Arrival at Staniel Cay 10:00  AM: Boat Tour ( Attractions visited here ) 1:00  PM: Break for Lunch at Staniel Cay Yacht Club (SCYC Lunch  menu here ) 4:30 PM: Flight Departs Staniel Cay back to Florida NOTE: You may be booked on a returning flight departing at 3:15pm. Please check your Email Itinerary Confirmation. 6:45 PM : Arrival back in Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport

What to Bring You are allowed to bring a small day bag per person, weighing upto 10lbs . What to pack:

  • Passports & Travel Documentation (Entry Visas, etc)
  • Money for tips ($US accepted in the Bahamas), the Yacht Club accepts credit cards for Lunch
  • Battery pack phone charger if you take photos on your phone, you will take alot!
  • Sun protection; shirt, hat and sun cream
  • A change of dry clothes
  • A warm layer if you don’t like air-conditioned aircraft!
  • Snacks, if you have any specific dietary needs

Carry-on Baggage Policy Baggage is limited to 10lbs per person, including your personal items such as handbag, laptop bags, etc. Excess baggage will be charged a fee of $1.75 per lb pound. For safety reasons, excess baggage can only be accepted on a space-available basis, as determined by the Flight Operator. Please note that all baggage will be considered checked baggage, unless the bag weighs 5lbs or under. Infants do not get a bag allowance.

Do I need a Passport to fly to Bahamas from Florida? Yes! Physical passports books are a requirement for all guests. US ID Cards or Birth Certificates are not an adequate substitute for a passport because these are international flights requiring entry to both the Bahamas and re-entry into the United States. Passports are required for all persons, including children.

  • Departure Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport. Street Address: 2331 Northwest 55th Court, Hangar 19A, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. (Check-in Terminal is confirmed in your Email Itinerary Confirmation)
  • Departure Time Check-in Time is confirmed in your Email Itinerary Confirmation. For a flight departing at 07:30AM please arrive by 06:30AM for check-in. For a flight departing at 06:45AM please arrive by 05:45AM for check-in.
  • Return Time Approximately 6:45 PM
  • Included Roundtrip Flights from FXE Boat Excursion Snorkel Equipment Towel Local Guide Soft Drinks & Water Light Snacks Entrance Fees
  • Not Included Lunch Gratuity Transfers from Miami to Airport Tax & Fees

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Bahamas Swimming Pigs at Staniel Cay logo

Bahamas Air Tours Inc doing business as, Swimming with Pigs Fla. Seller of Travel Ref No. ST41785

[email protected] +1 786-723-1723 Mon – Sun 9.00 – 17.00

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Bahamas Tours

Miami to bahamas day trips.

Experience the best that the Bahamas has to offer with  Gray Line Miami  to Bahamas day trips. The Bahamas is known for its tropical climate, gorgeous beaches, and excellent seafood. Making the most of this proximity, travellers flock to this archipelagic state in huge numbers by taking a one or two-day trip from the Bahamas by Ferry. If you have been looking forward to an idyllic getaway from Miami's city life or using Miami as the launching pad for your holiday, the Bahamas would be a perfect choice. 

Gray Line offers the best day trip tours to the  Bahamas  from Miami for you to choose from. From budget to luxury, we have the perfect tour to the island paradise to suit your needs. Say goodbye to stress and focus on having a great time. Creating beautiful memories with your friends, partner, or family has never been easier!

What to Do in the Bahamas?

Whether you are looking for pure relaxation for an adventurous trip to the Bahamas, we have the perfect Bahamas tour to make your time in the port an experience to remember. Admire the crystal blue waters and the palms swaying in the breeze as you lounge on one of the luxury cabanas. Visit historical attractions and learn more about the local history and culture. Indulge in water sports such as kayaking, diving, ride a jet ski, parasailing, bird watching, biking, and more. The Bahamas is also ideal for fishing and offers one of the world's best fishing and diving experiences. Treat yourself to the freshest seafood, or try your luck at the world-class casinos on the island. 

What Locations do you visit in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas has over 700 islands, and thus, it is important to pick the best islands before you book a Miami to Bahamas day trip. 

  • Grand Bahama – The main city of Grand Bahamas Island is Freeport. Located just 110 miles from Miami, the city is easily accessible by ferry. It takes about 2.5 hours to reach the city, making it perfect for Miami's day trip. The city is one of the most attractive places in the Bahamas because of its long clean beaches, local flea markets, and endless choices of activities to indulge in, such as water sports, snorkelling, swimming with dolphins, and wildlife tours. 
  • Bimini - is the closest point in the Bahamas to the mainland United States and approximately 210 km west-northwest of Nassau. We recommend visiting these attractions in Bimini, Sapona, Bimini Road, Bimini Bull Run, Rainbow Reef.

Where do the day trips depart from?

Our Miami to Bahamas day trips depart from  Fort Lauderdale  at Port Everglades. There are no hotel pick up points available for these boat rides.

Book Bahamas Tours with no cancellations fee

If you have decided the Bahamas is the perfect place for you to unwind, choose from our variety of expertly guided day trip to the Bahamas for exciting experiences below and above the water. Book our Bahamas economy premium class ferry ticket to the Bahamas islands at competitive prices today! 

Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Class

Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Class

Step off the mainland and onto a high speed ferry that will whisk you away from fort lauderdale to bimini in just 2 hours.

Rate from Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Class

Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Premium Class

Rate from Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Premium Class

Ferry Tickets to Freeport, Bahamas Economy Premium Class

Enjoy of a unique day trip to freeport, grand bahama just 3 hours away from miami.

Rate from Ferry Tickets to Freeport, Bahamas Economy Premium Class

Ferry Tickets to Freeport, Grand Bahama Economy Class

Rate from Ferry Tickets to Freeport, Grand Bahama Economy Class

Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Class - Overnight

Stay overnight at the magnificent bimini island for a full bahamas experience.

Rate from Ferry tickets to Bimini, Bahamas Economy Class - Overnight

Ferry tickets to Bimini, Economy Premium Class - Overnight

Stay in the magnificent bimini island for a full bahamas experience.

Rate from Ferry tickets to Bimini, Economy Premium Class - Overnight

Flying and Travel

Pilots in Paradise: Island Hopping the Bahamas by Plane

The Bahamas: A spectacular collection of the world’s most stunning, unspoilt and untouched tropical islands. We are Bahamas island hopping by piloting our own plane on the ultimate adventure across the Bahamas Out Islands from Florida to Bahamas . Flying across turquoise waters, join us as we encounter tropical islands, exotic wildlife, white-sand beaches, colonial towns and a sense of voyage like no other. This truly is a Pilots Paradise.

Teaming up with another Professional Pilot, Oli from Pilots Paradise , we are bringing you the very best in Flying and Travel. From our base in Florida we have a short hop across the ocean to the Bahamas .  We perhaps don’t realise how close the Bahamas actually is to the USA. These stunning islands are only a 1 hour flight from Florida to Bahamas. But it’s not just being accessible to Pilot’s that’s the main draw here, the convenience of speaking the same language and using the same currency are all factors which make the Bahamas the ultimate flying destination.

Pilot Mark from Flying and Travel with Pilot Oli from Pilots Paradise. At the Pilots Paradise base at Sebastian Airport in Florida. Pilots Paradise offer aircraft rental to the Bahamas, FLight Training, Bahamas Charter Flights, FLights to North Eleuthra. flights to bahamas, flights to north eleuthera, florida to bahamas flights bahamas charter flights, cat island bahamas flights, san salvador bahamas flights flight to san salvador bahamas, flights to cat island from florida

Bahamas Island Hopping : The only true way to “Island Hop” in the Bahamas is by Plane. Whilst the Bahamas is considered a Boaters Paradise, flying these remote Islands by plane offers the most flexible and expeditious mode of transport. We are navigating our way across 7 of the Out Islands: Eleuthera Island , Cat Island , Long Island, Staniel Cay , Exuma , San Salvador and Abaco Island.

The Out Islands are a collection of 700 beautiful coral lined islands, 100% unspoilt and untouched, they are scarcely populated boasting tropical islands with deserted beaches and exotic wildlife. This is the real Bahamas; Away from the hustle and bustle of the Bahamas Tourism capital in Nassau and Paradise Island , where cruise ship passengers are herded into duty free shops. The Out Islands is the authentic Bahamas Experience.

Mark from flyingandtravel, Oli from PilotsParadise island hopping the bahamas by plane, is the ultimate Bahamas Vacation. Flights to North Eleuthra, exuma pigs, swimming pigs, emeral bay bahamas, grand isle resort, Staniel Cay airport, long island, san salvador, the exumas and abacos island treasure cay.

Flying to the Bahamas is by no means easy. This is an adventure that requires planning. The paperwork can be daunting; customs and immigration forms, flight plans and cruise permits can be an un-necessary diversion from your goal of flying from Florida to Bahamas. But it’s a well travelled path. The Bahamas tourism board and AOPA both produce comprehensive guide books to help you on your way. And now Oli through  Pilots Paradise  can offer you an all-inclusive package for flying to the Bahamas with expert briefings and filing of all the paperwork.

Bahamas Island Hopping Map

Bahamas Travel Guide Free Download. Visit the Bahamas and Staniel Cay on a Bahamas Day Trip with Bahamas Air Tours

Day 1: Florida to Bahamas, Eleuthera Island

It was a gloriously blue-sunny day in Florida, the day before we would set off on our Bahamas Island hopping voyage. We had all the flight planning done, charts, manuals, flight plans, customs forms and export clearances. Our Archer PA28 light aircraft was fully fuelled and ready to go. But the weather forecasts weren’t looking good. A cold front was fast approaching the east coast of Florida, bringing with it severe thunderstorms and high winds! All the forecasts gave us a very small window to depart in the morning. We therefore had to get going at day break to beat the weather.

Taking flights to bahamas from florida, this was the sun rising behind a cold front on our epic adventuire island hoppin the Bahamas

So we departed from Vero Beach Florida, with a spectacular sunrise emerging from those thunderstorms just over the coastline. But would they block our passage across to the Bahamas? After flying south towards Palm beach, we found the edge of the Cold Front and successfully continued with our ocean crossing.

Landing on schedule in North Eleuthra Airport, on Eleuthra Island. It’s a long old flight down to Eleuthra direct from Florida, taking just over 2 hours. Whilst there are many other Bahamas islands in closer proximity from Florida to Bahamas, Eleuthera is conveniently located closer to the heart of the Out Islands. So without doubt, for the best start to your Bahamas Island Hopping adventure: make the journey down to Eleuthera in one day if you can; and begin your Bahamas Out Islands experience without delay!

Long Island Bahamas Airport, Florida to bahamas flights. Bahamas Air Tours.

Once you’ve arrived at North Eleuthera and cleared customs, remember to close your flight plan with air traffic control! Taxi driver wait outside the FBO buillding at North Eleuthra airport and will drive you to the jetty for $10USD . From the jetty you will take the speed boat ride across to Harbour Island .

Dunmore Town , the original capital of the Bahamas, is where you’ll land at the government dock of Harbour Island.  Dunmore Town has a beautiful collection of brightly coloured colonial style buildings featuring New England architecture. You’ll can to rent golf carts to explore the island because there are no cars! It will take you only a couple of hours to explore Dunmore Town and the outer edges of Harbour Island.

Colonial Dunmore Town on Harbour Island, Eleuthera Island the out islands Bahamas.

But the real gem of Harbour Island is the Pink Sand Beach . This pristine beach, picture postcard perfect, has a slight pink colour to the sand from the coral. Perhaps one of the most beautiful pink sand beaches in the World!

Read more about the hidden secrets of Harbour Island and the Pink Sands Beach .

Pink Sands Beach in Harbor Island Bahamas. Bahamas Air Tours provides flights from Florida to Bahamas, with Day Trips and multi-day tours. Our North Eleuthera Flights provide customers with a stay at the Pinks Sands Resort on the Pink Sands Beach at Harbour Island Bahamas.

The Pink colour of the sand is caused by it’s composition of broken shells, coral and microscopic shelled creatures known as Foraminifera. These Foraminifera have a particularly strong red or pink coloured shell. A popular activity on Pink Sand Beach is Horse Riding.

There are many other hidden secrets on Harbour Island . Scope out the Lone Tree, Haunted House and Queen Conch (for some the best local conch dishes).

Harbour Island Day Trip from Nassau with Bahamas Air Tours, dunmore town and pink sands beach excursions by plane from Nassau Bahamas.

Day 2: Schooner Cays and Cat Island

NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly described the Bahamas as “ the most beautiful place on earth viewed from Space “. I can see why.

Bahamas AirTours: Flying across the Schooner Cay. Flyingandtravel and pilotsparadise flying a plane island hopping across the Bahamas. This is a Pilot Paradise and the ultimate Bahamas Vacation. FLights to Bahamas, Bahamas charter flights can be taken from Florida to the Bahamas Islands.

The Schooner Cays are a stunningly beautiful collection of white sand bars and turquoise blue waters. Flying over these Cays is like flying into another world. It’s strange because the cloud cover was fairly thick over Eleuthera Island, behind us, and then all of a sudden as we flew over the Schooner Cays the blue sky opened out in front of us, revealing this hidden gem. Without a doubt, you should plot your flying route across the Bahamas to overfly this amazing area of natural beauty. For the exact location  of the Schooner Cays see pin #2 in our Bahamas Map.

From the Schooner Cays our flight path took us over Little San Salvador Island where the Atlantic Ocean was crashing onto the coral reef, and then onto Cat Island with our landing at Hawk’s Nest airfield.

The Andrew Deveaux Great House plantation on Cat Island Bahamas, is one of the op things to do in the Bahamas on a Bahamas Vacation, island hopping the out islands.

Cat Island is the unspoilt, authentic small island experience. Cat Island is an experience rich in Culture, History and Nature. We visited Plantation ruins (pictured above) which are crumbling next to the Bahamas Turqoise waters and  overgrowing with vegetation, it’s as if the island is slowly reclaiming its’ land. Another impressive landmark on Cat Island is the Bahamas highest point, Mt Alvernia.  Where sitting atop is the  Hermitage (pictured below). Taking the pilgrimage up the hillside of Mt Alvernia you pass father Jerome’s hand-carved stone crosses, which mark the route to the Hermitage; a miniature abbey featuring a small chapel, bell tower and living quarters. From her you can look out in 360 degree wonder, as the highest point int he Bahamas, surveying the scenery of Cat Island.

Read more about exploring Cat Island .

The Hermitage, Cat Island is built on the top of Mt Alvernia, the highest point in the Bahamas Islands.

For Nature Lover’s the Family run tours by Danny ( Cat Island Experience ) will take you into Fruit Bat  Caves. But of all the things to experienc on Cat Island, nothing quite compared to a Junkanoo Parade in New Bight Village.  Organised especially for me and Oli by the Governor of Cat Island! What an amazing experience.

This is the real, authentic Bahamas Out Island experience.

Day 3: Long Island

Long Island emerges on the distant horizon from our cruising altitude en-route from Hawk’s Nest on Cat Island. The billowing white cumulonimbus clouds part as we make landfall, greeting us with spectacular views of  Cape Santa Maria . Home to the peaceful Cape Santa Maria Resort, with it’s picture postcard perfect white-sand beach and calm turquoise waters.

Flying over Cape Santa Maria on the Long Island, Bahamas

Christopher Columbus landed on these rugged northern shores of Long Island Bahamas. The Columbus Monument on the clifftop overlooks the pounding ocean which erodes at the feet of their limestone walls. Overflying this northern part of Long Island Bahamas, you get a good vantage of the route which Columbus would have sailed along from his first Bahamas landfall on San Salvador to the East. You begin to picture Columbus arriving and setting anchor in the Cove and beginning their exploration of this uncharted world.

Flying over the Columbus Cove on the northern tip of Long ISland in the Bahamas out islands.

Long Island, is a true adventure playground. With only 3,000 inhabitants on Long Island, it’s sparsely populated. You will find you have beaches all to yourself. Travelling from North to South you can visit the stunning beaches on Cape Santa Maria, Plantation ruins, Mangroves and the worlds second deepest blue hole at Dean’s Blue Hole – a mecca for free divers.

Read more about why you should visit Long Island .

The cliffs guard the entrance to the Columbus Cove, one of the Landing sites of Christopher Columbus on Long Island, the Bahamas out islands

Day 4: Staniel Cay

Half way through our Island Hopping tour, and Day 4 took us on a flight from Stella Maris (Long Island) to Exuma’s Staniel Cay. Overflying the full length of Great Exuma, we passed many private islands which reportedly belong to Hollywood superstars.

Flying into staniel cay for the exuma pigs, known as the swimming pigs. Staying at the Staniel Cay Yacht Club is one of a few exclusive Staniel Cay Hotels. Also at Staniel Cay is the Thunderball Grotto and bahamas iguanas.

Staniel Cay is situated in the rich turquoise blue waters which have become all too familiar during our time here in the Bahamas. We took out a boat out for the day, in true James Bond style, visiting the  Thunderball Grotto – made famous by 2 James Bond films , Thunderball and Never say Never Again. But Staniel Cay’s most famous attraction has to be the Swimming Pigs . Also known as the Exuma Pigs , these swimming pigs will greet you beside your boat, in the hope you bring them food to feed them!

The Exuma Pigs are swimming pigs found in Staniel Cay in the Exumas on the out island bahamas. The staniel cay pigs will swim out to your boat to visit you. You can also go swimming with these swimming pigs.

A short boat ride south of Staniel Cay and we reach the secluded Bitter Guana Cay , home to the Bahamas Rock Iguana which is an endangered species. Wading through the crystal clear water, having jumped off our boat, we approach the empty beach. But then with a rustling in the undergrowth that surround the beach, the Bahamas Rock Iguanas appear.

Swimming Pigs Tours from Nassau and Florida to visit the Exuma Pigs at Staniel Cay Bahamas

Read more about how to visit Staniel Cay .

The Bahamas Rock Iguana can be found on a small isolated beach at Bitter Guana Cay, a short boat ride from Staniel Cay on Exuma.

Day 5: Exuma

Flying along the Exumas from Staniel Cay (swimming pigs) to George Town and the Tropic of Cancer Beach. Exuma is the Out Islands Bahamas.

We’ve flown from Staniel Cay in the very north of Exuma , down to Georgetown in the south of Exuma. The long thin chain of the Exuma islands provide incredible flight seeing on this route. We visited the Tropic of Cancer Beach , located on the Tropic of Cancer ! It’s a white sand beach with the most beautiful and vivd blue colours; every shade of blue.

The Grand Isle Resort at Emeral Bay, Bahamas. Is an exclusive resort on Exuma Island, one of the Bahamas Out Islands. WIth a whitesand beach and championship Emeral Bay golf course

Tonight we are staying at the Grand Isle Resort & Spa at the stunning  Emerald Bay , which we flew over (pictured above). The Grand Isle Resort is a luxury beach resort and a Golfer’s paradise ; The Emerald Bay Golf Course is a championship 18-hole golf course designed by Greg Norman, and the longest golf course in the Caribbean.

Read more about Exuma and visiting Emerald Bay .

Playing golf at the Emerald Bay Golf course and the Grand Isle Resort and Spa. The Emral Bay golf course is a Golfer's Paradise: its a 18-hole championship course designed by Greg Norman.

Day 6: San Salvador

Flying to the Out Islands Bahamas to San Salvador Island for a Bahamas Vacation. Pilot Mark from flyingandtravel is flying alongside Pilot Oli from pilotsparadise. Flying from Florida to Bahamas by plane. The Ultimate Island Hopping adventure.

Day 6 we flew from the Exumas across to San Salvador Island .

San Sal, as the locals call it, is the landing site for Christopher Columbus in 1492 on his voyage to discover the New World. As the most easterly of the Bahamas Islands, it was always going to be the first of the islands to be discovered by these pioneering European explorers. A white cross marks the spot that Columbus stepped foot on San Salvador.

The Columbus Monument, San Salvador Island. Commemorates when Christopher Columbus first landed in 1492 on his quest to discover the New World. San Salvador is one of the Bahamas Out Islands and should be visited on your Bahamas Vacation

Day 7: Schooner Cays & Abaco Island

We had another chance to take in the astounding views across the Schooner Cays on our flight from San Salvador to Abaco Island. One of our longest flights in the Bahamas, it took us 2 hours and 15 minutes to make the journey.

Flights to Bahamas and flights to North Eleuthra from Florida and Miami. FLight seeing across the Schooner Cays for the ultimate bahamas vacation.

Abaco Island is one of the larger Bahamas Out Islands and has the 3rd largest town at Marsh Harbour , which we flew into. Marsh Harbour is an international airport with aircraft handling, FBO services, AVGAS fuel and customs for the entry and exit process.

Adorned with beautiful beaches, the largest number of marinas – sailing is big here, and a rich cultural history that can be found at  Hope Town . We drove along to Treasure Cay further up the north coastline of Great Abaco Island. The drive from Marsh Habrour to Treasure Cay is only about 30 minutes by road. However Treasure Cay actually has it’s own airport you could fly into, instead of Marsh Harbour. Treasure Cay Airport has Customs for entry and exit but has no refuelling facilities.

Treasure Cay Beach, the Bahamas Abaco Island. Looking for the best Abaco Island Hotels? The Treasure Cay Resort at Treasure Cay in the North of Abaco is set on the white sand beach of Treasure Cay with a private Marina and airport nearby.

Why go to Treasure Cay? Stunning beaches set along side the Treasure Cay Resort, which has it;s own private marina. But the magic of Treasure Cay is over  on Green Turtle Cay , which you can reach by ferry or boat excursion. And their hidden gem; Swimming Pigs ! Yes, along with Staniel Cay, No Name Cay is home to it’s very own “Piggyville”, another collection of Bahamas Swimming Pigs.

How to Fly from Florida to Bahamas

Florida to Bahamas by plane air charter with Bahamas Air Tours. Flying the Out Islands and Island Hopping the Bahamas.

Island Hopping the Bahamas by Plane is the best flying adventure I’ve ever had! It’s by no means a walk in the park. It requires thorough planning and good Airmanship to navigate these remote areas safely. On top of all the normal preparations for private flying you’ll need to consider;

  • ICAO Flight Plan to cross international airspace. (Remember to Close your Flight Plan after landing!)
  • Customs and Border crossing procedures and fees
  • Passports and E-APIS crew and passenger information submitted to US authorities
  • Plan to arrive in the Bahamas at an Airport of Entry (AOE)
  • Bahamas C7A Cruising Permit (which is stamped on each Island you arrive at)
  • Aircraft Equipment: Airworthiness Certificate, Registration certificate Radio License, Registration Marking, ELT, Life vests for all passengers and a Life Raft whilst not mandatory is highly recommended.

This is not a complete list. Please refer to official documentation, the AOPA guide to Flying the Bahamas or the Bahamas Tourism Checklist for Pilots .

Florida to Bahamas Air Charter with Bahamas Air Tours, to the Bahamas Out Islands

Another consideration will be Airports and handling facilities. Firstly you need to make entry into the Bahamas and land at an Airport of Entry (AOE).; For example you cant fly direct from Florida to Staniel Cay because Staniel Cay Airport is not an AOE, they have no Customs & Immigration office.

A second consideration are the airport which have refuelling facilities . A lot of the airports do not have refuelling. Even if it says they have refuelling in documents or charts it’s always prudent to phone ahead to the FBO to check before departing if they actually have enough fuel. So consider this in your planning for your Florida to Bahamas routing.

Florida to Bahamas Air Charter with Bahamas Air Tours, to the Bahamas Out Islands

It’s not just arriving in the Bahamas which may feel daunting. Leaving has a whole process of it’s own and you’ll have to depart from an Airport of Entry (AOE) equipped with Customs and Immigration.

  • Leave a copy of your C7 General Declaration
  • Return the Bahamas Immigration Card copy
  • Pay the Bahamas Government Departure Tax ($29 per person)
  • File your international flight plans (Remember to Close your Flight Plan afterwards!)
  • Most of important of all; is to get in radio contact with Miami before penetrating the ADIZ zone, or risk being shot down!
  • Your landing back in to the USA has to be at an Airport of Entry, which has US Customs and Immigration facility. We used Fort Pierce, closest for Vero Beach.

Florida to bahamas and completing all the paperwork at Bahamas Customs office.

During our trip we worked closely with the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism and their Aviation department. They run a very informative Flying Ambassadors program, see here . The Bahamas Flying Ambassadors are a group of seasoned private pilots with experience of flying into and around the Bahamas Islands. You’ll find their contact details on the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism Flying Ambassadors webpage.

For more Photos from our Flying tour of the Bahamas visit us on  Facebook .

We are immensely grateful to be supported by the Bahamas Ministry of Tourism who are working with us to help provide you with the very best insight into the out Island of the Bahamas.

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Pig Beach Beach Bahamas at Big Major Cay next to Staniel Cay in the Exumas. Bahamas Day Trips by plane with Bahamas Air Tours

Pig Beach: The Ultimate Guide to the Swimming Pigs in the Bahamas

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Great photos!

Grew up in Exuma,George Town,born in Long Island…

Was in George Town,in January……

Swam at Sandal’s beach.

Thanks for sharing!

Thats great to hear Ena! Exuma is a beautiful island, I’m very jealous of you!!

WoW! This post is so motivational and inspiring. The Bahamas are breath-taking, Mark!

Thanks Agness, yes they are truly stunning. “The most beautiful place on earth viewed from Space” is how some astronauts describe the view! Stay tuned, I’m returning to the Bahamas (Nassau this time) in June to launch our Bahamas Travel Guide!

Do you conduct charter flights?

Hi Chris, Yes we can refer you to our Air Charter and Air Tours Holidays: Bahamas Air Tours , who provide private Air Charters across Southern Florida to the Bahamas. Mark

This has been on my “Bucket List” for a very long time. We need to get busy and go before I get too old to fly. Thank you for the great article and the inspiration to get us moving!

Hi John, Thank you that is great to hear you have been inspired to Island Hop the Bahamas by Plane. It’s by no means a walk in the park, flying to the Bahamas! We’ve just launched our Island Hopping Tours should you wish to do this from the comfort of a passenger seat!! Have a look at our Bahamas Air Tours .

We have the AOPA pilot’s guide to the Bahamas and map – and we did do a trip this past March, our question is places to stay. Any suggestions on a guide for overnight or a couple nights stay that would be friendly to pilots. We stayed at Staniel Cay Yacht Club and Hawk’s Nest last trip and loved both places but would like to try different areas this next trip.

Hi Bonnie, Yes thats a really good point, we will look to expand on places to stay in our next update of the article. There are some magnificent places to stay like Harbour Island (Valentines Resort), Emerald Bay on Exuma, Long Island and the Abacos including Green Turtle Cay.

looking for and island hopping tour but would also like to stay 2 or 3 nights on each island is this possible?

Hi Vickie, if you contact Bahamas Air Tours they will be able to help you with assisting tours and day trips within the Bahamas. Kind Regards Mark.


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Bahamas swimming pigs are the most popular attraction of a swimming pigs Exuma tour. Visit Pig Beach Bahamas from anywhere.

Island with Pigs in the Bahamas: How to visit Big Major Cay in Exuma

The Andrew Deveaux Great House plantation on Cat Island Bahamas, is one of the op things to do in the Bahamas on a Bahamas Vacation, island hopping the out islands.

The Cat Island Experience: Culture and Heritage in the Bahamas

The swimming pigs Exuma are the most visited attraction in the Bahamas. Take a Bahamas day trip to go swimming with pigs at Pig Beach Bahamas.

9‌ ‌Reasons to Experience the Bahamas Swimming‌ ‌Pigs‌ ‌Exuma‌ ‌Day‌ ‌Trip‌

tour florida e bahamas

  • Travel Partner: Makers Air
  • Staniel Cay
  • Private Island: Hattie Cay
  • Nurse Sharks at Compass Cay
  • Pipe Cay Area Sandbar
  • Staniel Cay Yacht Club
  • Thunderball Grotto
  • Exploring the Exuma Cay’s Famous Iguanas
  • Snorkeling the Sunken Planes
  • Andros Blue Hole and Barrier Reef Day Tour
  • Farmers Cay Turtle Day Tour
  • The Ultimate Snorkeling Experience
  • Fishing In The Bahamas Day Tour
  • Day Tour FAQ
  • Private Tours
  • Discover Scuba
  • Brunch or Lunch in Paradise
  • Private Island Day Rental
  • Travel Reschedule Form

Day Tours The Bahamas



The Bahamas Island Tours experience is found in every detail, from the luxurious accommodations to the attentive service.

Team Charter fligth destinations

The Bahamas Island Tours family is here to make your travel an unforgettable experience. We look forward to serving you and taking you to your destination.

Day Tours and Vacations To The Bahamas

Day tours staniel cay.

And on the rare occasion that another visitor disrupts your peace and tranquility, you can always go sail on to the next island. There’s a good chance it’ll be equally pristine and beautiful.

Vacations Marsh Harbour

A fully tarred and graded highway links the colorfully named settlements including Mango Hill, Snake Cay, Cherokee Sound, Fire Road, Red Bays, and our all-time favorite, Hole in the Wall.

Day Tours George Town, Exuma

We offer Bahamas tours from Fort Lauderdale or Miami, making it easy to get to your desired destination. Our experienced and professional team will take care of all the details, so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride.

Vacations Treasure Cay

Charter flights deadman's cay, long island, bahamas, vacations freeport, grand bahamas, vacations and day tours cat island, bahamas.

From the breathtaking New Bight Beach to the gorgeous Mount Alvernia, Cat Island has many natural attractions for you to enjoy. Everything on this island has an authentic feel to it.

Bahamas Island Tours from Fort Lauderdale to Cat Island make your Bahamas vacation seamless.

Vacations and Day Tours Fresh Creek, Andros

Charter flights san andros, bahamas, charter flights chub cay, charter flights normans cay, charter flights bimini.

So what are you waiting for? Book your from Miami to Bimini today and start planning your dream vacation. Trust us, you won’t regret it.

Charter Flights Rock Sound, Eleuthera, Bahamas

Only Eleuthera Island crosses our mind when we think of rocky bluffs, modern resorts, massive coral reefs, and low-lying wetlands in the Bahamas. The 2-mile-wide island is not only known to have some of the world’s best dive sites, but it also offers the authentic tropical feel of the Bahamas.

Charter Flights Governor's Harbour, Bahamas

Charter flights congo town, andros bahamas, charter flights great harbour cay.

The Berry Islands in the Bahamas is one of the most exotic holiday destinations in the Caribbean. Great Harbour Cay is the largest island that constitutes the Berry Islands, making it the most popular. This island is full of scenic landscapes and tropical attractions that’ll make every bit of your stay worthwhile.

At Bahamas Island Tours, we ensure you don’t miss out on this little piece of Caribbean magic by offering scheduled weekly flights to the Great Harbour Cay.

Charter Flights Harbour Island, North Eleuthera

Charter flights nassua, bahamas, charter flights hope town, abaco, charter flights green turtle abaco, bahamas charter flight destinations.

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Bahamas Island Travel 2201 NW 55th Ct Hangar 11 B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Exuma Cays Travel Inc DBA Bahamas Island Travel is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel Registration NO. ST4469

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  • Swimming Pigs Day Tour
  • Unique Experiences

Day Tours and Vacation Rentals in The Bahamas

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Travel Guide: From Florida to The Bahamas By Boat

With summer season approaching, wanderlust takes the imagination far and wide. We have travel on the brain and more time to explore. There’s no shortage of vacation ideas and dream destinations to consider. Case in point: The Bahamas.

With over 700 awe-inspiring islands ranging between 50 and 200 miles from the eastern Florida coast, The Bahamas brings an entirely new meaning to tropical getaway . This gorgeous archipelago is filled with pristine islands, rich culture and unforgettable experiences. Perhaps the best part is proximity; you can take a day trip there from Florida or enjoy a longer getaway.

From offering advice on how to travel to The Bahamas to helping  make sure you’re safe  and  insured  the whole way there, our travel guide below will help make sure you’re ready to traverse the Gulf Stream.

8 tips for planning your boat trip to the Bahamas

  • Sportfishing permit for Bahamian waters
  • A week’s supply of food & water
  • Cooler for non-perishables
  • Sunscreen, long-sleeve shirt & pants (for sun safety)
  • Seasickness medication
  • Fishing gear
  • Snorkeling gear
  • Diving gear
  • Have all the right paperwork on hand – Because The Bahamas is located amidst foreign waters, you will need the following:
  • Clearance Form: If you’re planning to visit The Bahamas and are not a resident, you will need to pass through Customs and Immigration at the designated port of entry. Your crew needs only one  Bahamas Customs  Clearance Form . While your boat is being inspected, instruct passengers to remain on board.
  • Bahamas Immigration Card: Each passenger must fill out a  Bahamas Immigration Inward Passenger Form  and have it ready to show customs at the port of arrival. Be sure to discard this when you re-enter the United States.
  • Proof of citizenship: Whether you have a passport card, book or both, have them on hand and make sure they are not within six months of the expiration date. You could have issues getting to the Bahamas or back to the States if so. It’s always a a great idea to keep a photo of your birth certificate on board just in case.
  • Fishing license: All visitors entering The Bahamas with the intent to fish from a vessel that is not Bahamian-owned need to carry a  Sportfishing Permit . It is illegal to fish without one.
  • Make sure you have the correct anchor(s) – If your vessel breaks down or you experience any difficulties while on the water, having the right anchor (s) to launch is pivotal while you repair the damage or wait for help to arrive. Always make sure to anchor in the best possible place. This will depend on the size of the boat, wind speed and current location.

Florida doesn’t require boat owners to carry insurance , which leaves a lot of room for uninsured boater claims in the event of accident or emergency. If someone is injured onboard or otherwise, you can be found liable.

  • Get in touch with the marine insurance advisors – With a comprehensive coverage plan from W3 in place, you and your guests will be free to enjoy the serene waters of The Bahamas. Coverage designed to keep you protected in the event of an emergency or unforeseen circumstance offers peace of mind.

Whether you are traveling by boat or yacht, be sure to check out our policies, decide if you need personal coverage, and plan the trip accordingly. Contact our marine insurance advisors today to r equest a quote  that meets your boating needs – and bon voyage to The Bahamas!

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Shark Feeding and Diving in the Bahamas

3 Night Bahamas Cruise

Your ship grandeur of the seas.

Grandeur of the Seas, Side View, Southeast Coast, Bahamas, Canada and New England Destinations


Navigator of the Seas Adventure Ocean

Adventure Ocean ®

Man Arrive on the top of the Rock Wall

Rock Climbing Wall

Friends Splashing at the Pool


Salad - Chops Grille

Chops Grille℠

Park Cafe's Kummelweck Sandwich

Chef's Table

Izumi Appetizer


Rhythm and Rhyme Cruise Show, Performers in Yellow Singing, Grandeur of the Seas

Broadway Rhythm & Rhyme

Schooner Bar with Piano

Schooner Bar

Tango Buenos Aires Cruise Show, Performers on  stage dancing, Jewel of the Seas

Tango Buenos Aires

Explorer of the Seas Pool Deck Night Time Outdoor Movie

Outdoor Movie Nights

Day 1: fort lauderdale, florida.

Waterway in Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Bird's eye view of A1A, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Nightfall High Rises Lit Up, Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Promenade at a beach in Fort Lauderdale, Florida


Beachwear Hats Shop, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Day 2: Nassau, Bahamas

Bahamas Boy Swimming and Hugging Dolphins, Nassau, Bahamas


Aerial of the Pearl Island Lighthouse, Nassau, Bahamas

Private Paradise

Jet Skis Lining a White Sandy Beach, Nassau, Bahamas


Closeup of a Dolphin Swimming, Nassau, Bahamas

Local Cuisine

Colorful Homes Architecture, Nassau, Bahamas

popular Shore Excursions

Amazing experiences coming soon., day 3: cruising.

Young Boy Climbing on the Rock Wall

Day 4: Fort Lauderdale, Florida

Everglades Swamp, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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Bahamas Cruises From Florida

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Luxury Cruises to the Bahamas From Florida

Feel the tropical sun on your face and the breeze in your hair on our luxurious Bahamas cruises from Florida. White sand beaches and aquamarine seas await, with plenty of chances to snorkel over coral reefs in rainbow colors, see dolphins swimming in the wild, and relax in the shade of a palm tree with an ice-cold rum punch.

Our Bahamas cruises conveniently depart from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, and Orlando. You’ll visit some of the most enchanting destinations in the archipelago. Nassau is an intriguing mix of stately Victorian and colorful Caribbean architecture and gorgeous beaches. In Bimini, join a catamaran cruise along the coast, or snorkel over a wreck. CocoCay, our award-winning private island, is the place to fly down North America’s tallest waterslide, or to unwind in the luxury of a private overwater cabana.


Featured ports of call, perfect day at cococay.

Unwind in paradise at CocoCay, our private island destination with something for every pace and taste. Whizz down North America’s tallest waterslide or gaze down on this tropical paradise from a hot air balloon. Sip ice-cold cocktails at the swim-up bar in Oasis Lagoon, the largest freshwater pool in the Caribbean, and jump the waves in Thrill Waterpark. Indulge yourself in the ultimate luxury, a private, overwater cabana with its own slide, perfect for gliding into the aquamarine water.

The Bahamian capital of Nassau is a delightful mix of culture, cuisine, and blissful beaches. Climb the historic Queen’s Staircase in the 18th century Fort Fincastle. Snorkel over the reefs fringing tiny Pearl Island, and sample rum at John Watling’s Distillery. Try the watersports along Cable Beach, or indulge in watery fun at the Aquaventure waterpark, where you can ride the white water of the Rapids River and see sharks circling in Predator Lagoon.

Beautiful Bimini, fringed with white sand beaches, mangroves, and coconut palms, basks in the aquamarine Caribbean. This is a paradise for snorkeling among shoals of dazzling tropical fish, deep-sea fishing, wreck diving, and blissful days on gorgeous beaches. Visit the enchanting Dolphin House Museum, lovingly built by hand out of shells, beach glass, and other recycled materials by a local preservationist, or hand-feed stingrays at Honeymoon Harbor.

View All Bahamas Cruises From Florida

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Tomáš Klinka Et Al. Standing On A Balcony

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3-Night Bahamas Cruise

A perfect weekend escape.

Easy-breezy island weekends can be found aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise, where 4-day, 3-night cruises to the Bahamas exclusively feature Saturdays at Sea! You'll get a full day on the open ocean to explore, escape, and energize with a lineup of all new ways to set sail to Margaritaville, including Sail Yeah Deck Party, Bottom’s Up Party Brunch, Tropic Like It’s Hot, and more!



Be among the first to explore the new Saturdays at Sea, sailing Fall 2024 and beyond.



Day 1 – Palm Beach, FL Port of Palm Beach Departs: 5:00pm   Day 2 – Saturday at Sea   Day 3 – Freeport Grand Bahama Island 7:00am - 4:30pm   Day 4 – Palm Beach, FL Port of Palm Beach Arrives: 7:00am 

Arrival and departure times are approximate and may vary by sailing.

A Group Of People Running On A Stage

Saturdays at Sea is a brand-new way to experience Margaritaville at Sea with more time aboard, by popular demand! Now, guests will get a full extra day on the open ocean to explore, escape and energize with a lineup of programming including deck parties, a theme night, brunch with live music and more!

Saturdays At Sea

Margaritaville at Sea announces new weekend 3-night cruise itineraries from Palm Beach to Grand Bahama Island with the addition of Saturdays at Sea, a full day on the open ocean to explore, escape and energize with a lineup of all new ways to set sail to Margaritaville. Choose how to spend your Saturday at Sea with our all-new exclusive experiences, including Sail Yeah Deck Party, Bottom’s Up Party Brunch, Tropic Like It’s Hot, and more!

A Group Of Women Sitting At A Table With Food And Drinks


Andrew Howe Et Al. In Swimsuits By A Pool


A Group Of People Drinking Wine


A Man And Woman Wearing Clothing


A Person Lying On A Chair


Paradise accommodations, staterooms & suites.

Your stateroom aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise is your private retreat—every room is designed with laid-back luxury in mind. Choose your perfect room, whether it be an Interior, Ocean View, Junior Suite, or Grand Terrace Suite, and let the journey begin.

Cozy Interior Staterooms

Cozy Interior Staterooms

Picturesque Oceanview Staterooms

Picturesque Oceanview Staterooms

Serene Junior Suites

Serene Junior Suites

Luxurious Grand Terrace Suites

Luxurious Grand Terrace Suites

A Woman In A Pool With A Frisbee


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Whether you want to wind down, stop by the spa, chill by the pool, or kick back in your stateroom, every second aboard Margaritaville at Sea is a chance for adventure.

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Bimini ferry AUGUST 30 CANCELLED ►

Ferry to Bahamas

  • Ferry to Bahamas

Florida Bahamas ferry

  • Florida Bahamas ferry

from Florida to Freeport and Bimini

ferry to Bahamas 2022

ferry to Bahamas 2022

From $98 per person + taxes.

ferry from Fort Lauderdale to Bahamas

ferry from Fort Lauderdale to Bahamas

The caribbean fast ferry from florida.

Balearia Caribbean Bahamas ferry

Balearia Caribbean Bahamas ferry

The express ferry service to bimini and grand bahama.

fast ferry to Bahamas

direct fast ferry to Bahamas

¡ only 2 hours to bimini and 3 hours to grand bahama.

Balearia Caribbean opperates the Florida Bahamas ferry routes connecting Miami and Florida with the Bahamas islands.

Fort Lauderdale, in Florida, is from where Balearia opperates its rides to Gran Bahama (Freeport) and to Bimini.

Florida Bahamas ferry: schedules and prices

¿How long is Florida Bahamas ferry ride? The ferry sailings from Florida to the Bahamas takes between 3 hours (Florida - Bimni route) to 4 hours (Florida - Gran Bahama route).

Each week there will be 1 frequency to and from Grand Bahama and three frequencies (also roundtrip) to connect Bimini with Florida.

If the health situation caused by Covid 19 improves, more frequencies and schedules will be placed on the two routes from Florida.

Search our timetable and prices search engine for the dates of the route you want to take.

Ferry to Bahamas

  • Bimini ferry:
  • Ft Lauderdale to Bimini
  • ferry to Bimini
  • Miami to Bimini ferry
  • to Bahamas:
  • Ft Lauderdale to Bahamas

ferry to Bahamas

  • Boat from Miami to Bahamas
  • Most searched routes:
  • Miami Bahamas ferry
  • ferry and Hotel packages
  • Schedule and prices

Florida Bahamas ferry news

Leap year 29% off to bahamas.

tour florida e bahamas

February 29th, 2024

Book today with this offer from Balearia Caribbean and travel on the Bimini ferry with a 29 percent discount on the price of your ferry tickets. You must book today, February 29, 2024, to travel to Bimini or Freeport until May 31.

This offer is only valid for booking on February 29, 2024. You can travel until May 31 on any of its routes. It is mandatory that the trip be round trip. But it is not valid for daytrips .

Enter the Promo Code LEAPYEAR when making the reservation and enjoy this discount. You have only 24 hours to make your reservation, while there are seats available. Balearia Caribbean has limited places for this Leap Year offer.

Offer Conditions of "29 off to Bahamas for Leap Year" with Balearia Caribbean ferry.

With the promo code LEAPYEAR you will get a 29% discount on the price of your ferry tickets to Bimini or Freeport.

You have to book today, February 29th, 2024 or until the end of offer seats.

It's mandatory to book return tickets. Offer not valid for daytrips.

If you book this offer and want to make changes, you will be subject to a penalty fee and to pay if there is a difference in the price of your rate.

Cancellations and annulments are not allowed for this offer.

Book as soon as possible as the places in this offer are very few and they will run out quickly.

Another option is to discover the Bahamas islands with a stay in Bimini. Check the Bimini hotel and ferry vacation packages (staying at the Hilton at World Resorts Bimini) or the package all-inclusive resort in Freeport (Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive).

29 off to Bimini or Freeport Leap Year

Ferry to Bahamas Thank You message

ferrytobahamas.com Thank you message to our Team, Balearia Caribbean and Customers. Thank You all!

23rd of November, 2023

ferrytobahamas.com Thank You message

Updated on the 23rd of November, 2023

Hey everyone,

Today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. and it’s always a good time to reflect and express gratitude.

From Ferry to Bahamas we want to thank you all.

THANK YOU to our whole TEAM that works hard to keep all the information updated about the schedules and prices to travel by ferry to Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama) from Fort Lauderdale (Florida).

Without your work, these amazing results would be impossible.

THANK YOU to our trusted provider, BALEARIA CARIBBEAN ferry , for the support that all their departments (Customer Service, Commercial, Billing, Crew on board the fast ferry Jaume II, Ground staff and Management) give us. You make our work easier and the relationships with our mutual customers smoother.

THANK YOU to all of you for the community that we are creating.

And, of course, THANK YOU to our more than 5,000 CUSTOMERS in these barely 2 years of journey.

Your desire to discover the wonders of the Bahamas islands has inspired us to create and develop this project.

THANKS to your support we have been able to offer you all the updated information about the schedules, prices and Bahamas (Freeport and Bimini) vacations deals of the Balearia Caribbean, the information of the hotels in Bahamas where you can stay (both in Bimini and Grand Bahama), what you can see and do in the Bahamas or how to book the best ferry and hotel packages in Bimini or Freeport.

Our mission is that you can continue to discover the natural and spiritual beauty that the Bahamas islands radiate and we remind you that during these days the Balearia Caribbean Black Friday , Cyber Monday and the discounts on Bahamas ferry and hotel of Balearia Caribbean are still available.

We hope to continue helping customers like you to dream of the Bahamas as we do every day and, why not, to see each other someday on one of their magnificent islands.

Until then, THANK YOU

Balearia Caribbean Black Friday

Balearia Caribbean Black Friday 2023, ferry tickets with -35% Off

21st of November, 2023

Balearia Caribbean Black Friday 2023. -35% Off!

Updated on the 21st of November, 2023

Enjoy the Balearia Caribbean's Black Friday Week and you will have a discount of 35% Off for your next ferry tickets to the Bahamas (Bimini and Freeport). Take advantage of this incredible offer and get your cheapest boat tickets from Fort Lauderdale to Bahamas now! . Don't let escape the 35% Off Pre-Black Friday Discount Now! 🚀 .

This offer is valid for travel during the entire 2024 calendar except for some special days that you have below. Enter the Promo Code BLACK35 when booking and enjoy this discount. The deadline to make your reservation is from November 21 to 26, while there are still places available. Balearia Caribbean has limited places for this Black Friday offer.

TAKE NOTE: Exclusive Pre-Black Friday Access : If you are a member of Balearia Caribbean (or are a new member), for three days starting November 21st, you will have early access to all the places on offer that Balearia Caribbean is going to put on sale this week. In addition, and just by becoming a member of Balearia Caribbean, you will receive an even more surprising discount. Enter the Rewards section of Balearia Caribbean and buy the cheapest tickets to the Bahamas now.

Balearia Caribbean Black Friday 2023, ferry tickets with -35% Off with Balearia Caribbean

Offer Conditions of "35 off to Bahamas on Black Friday 2023" with Balearia Caribbean ferry.

With the promo code BLACK35 you will get a 35% discount on the price of your ferry tickets to Grand Bahama and Bimini.

Offer valid for travel on 2024 open calendar except deadlines.

Offer NOT valid to travel: between 17th and 30th November 2023. Between 20th December 2023 and 2nd January 2024. Between 1st and 31st March 2024. Between 20th and 30th November 2024 and between 17th and 31st December 2024.

This offer is ONLY valid for ferry tickets. NOT valida for ferry and hotel packages. Limited places.

You can book until November 27th, 2023 or until the end of offer seats.

If you want to book one of the Bimini ferry and hotel packages that Balearia Caribbean offers, whether in Bimini or in Freeport, check out our Bimini hotel and ferry vacation packages (staying at the Hilton at World Resorts Bimini) or the package all-inclusive resort in Freeport (Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive).

Hilton Bimini packages with ferry from $250

Hilton Bimini packages with ferry

November 21, 2023

Celebrate Spring Break this coming February at Hilton at Resorts World Bimini with the special offers from Balearia Caribbean. Enjoy the whitest waters of the Caribbean, from February 24 to 1st of March from $250 per person, per night, incluiding the ferry tickets too. The best getaway for a 5 nights stay and Bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale (Florida). Bahamas, the perfect place to conect with sun and water.

If you have heard of a paradise called Bimini (in the Bahamas) and a wonderful Hilton hotel (World Resorts Bimini) that is at least on the beachfront, with a Casino and a very cool beach club, this website will help you book the perfect weekend.

You can enjoy 5 hotel nights at the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini plus roundtrip ferry to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale starting from $250 per person per night .

Bimini is only 2 hours by direct fast ferry from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Balearia Caribbean is the company that makes the crossing. The Jaume II ship is a modern and fast ferry, which has different categories of confortable seats: tourist and economy premium. It also has a cafeteria, snack bar, outdoor terrac and duty free

The Hilton at World Resorts Bimini hotel is ideal for spending a romantic weekend, enjoying the beautiful sunsets over the island in the rooftop pool, having a cocktail at its bar, and enjoying the crystal clear waters that surround North Bimini. Lovers of water sports or fishing also have excellent entertainment options to discover Bimini.

KEEP IN MIND: Offer "Hilton Bimini packages with ferry" conditions:

This promotion applies only to Bimini Island. NOT for Grand Bahama or Freeport Resorts.

The price is per person per night, based in double occupancy.

This offer is subjected to change or to cancel at Balearia Caribbean's discretion.

This promotion is non-refundable.

The Balearia Caribbean or Hilton at Resorts Wolrd Bimini hotel flexible policy does not apply to ferry and hotel packages. If you want to make any changes, you must do so more than 72 hours before the ferry departure time.

You can also make just one reservation for the Hilton at Words Resorts Bimini hotel, by clicking on the following link that we show you: Hilton at Resorts World Bimini Bahamas

If you prefer to book separately the ferry and on the other hand the hotel or your vacation package you can do it on our website, at your leisure. ferrytobahamas.com . The Balearia Caribbean system will send you, directly to the email you provide us, the confirmation of the reservation..

Book your package with Balearia Caribbean's ferry and the Hilton Bimini Hotel as soon as possible and enjoy a few days in paradise. You deserve it!

Hilton Bimini packages with ferry

Bimini ferry August 30th Cancelled

Bimini ferry on August 30th cancelled by Balearia Caribbean due to bad weather conditions

September 1st, 2023

BBimini ferry on August 30th cancelled by Balearia Caribbean due to bad weather conditions

Updated on the 1st September, 2023

All Balearia ferry services from Fort Lauderdale (the Bimini ferry and the Freeport ferry) have already been restored and are operating normally.

And the following is the Old New about the cancellation of Bimini ferry of Balearia Caribbean due to Idalia Hurracane on August 30th.

Bimini ferry of tomorrow, August 30 th, has been cancelled by Balearia Caribbean due to bad weather conditions. The Freeport service is confirmed and it will be direct, the sailing times will remain as they are.

Due to bad weather conditions, Balearia Caribbean, the ferry company that connects Florida with the Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale, has suspended the departure of its ship, Jaime II, tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30, 2023.

If you have a ferry reservation for this day, August 30, to go to Bimini, contact Balearia ferry to reschedule your trip or to get a refund of your total reservation.

You can contact Balearia Caribbean directly by sending an email to [email protected] or by phone (+ 1 866.699.6988). The Balearia Caribbean staff will be happy to help you, give you the information you need and answer all your questions.

You can also find all the updated information on the Balearia website and on our website, ferry to Bahamas .

Bimini ferry August 30 cancelled

Balearia Caribbean promo code FALL4U

25% off with Balearia Caribbean ferry, one-day trips and ferry and hotel packages to Bimini or Freeport (Grand Bahama) with FALL4U promo code

August 23rd, 2023

Updated on the 23rd of August, 2023

New offer from Balearia Caribbean to travel this coming fall to Bimini and Freeport. Get a 25% off on your ferry tickets from Fort Lauderdale.

Attentive! If you are thinking of buying ferry tickets with Balearia Caribbean, here is a good offer that you cannot miss. Just use the promo code FALL4U and bam! you will get a fantastic 25% discount. This discount is not only valid for Balearia ferry trips, but also for the purchase of the ferry and hotel in Bimini vacation packages. Why is this Balearia offer a good offer? Don't let this offer from Balearia Caribbean slip through your fingers: before you is the perfect opportunity to explore Bimini Island or Freeport (Grand Bahama). And hey, don't forget, you can take a quick day trip or stay in a hotel overnight and still take advantage of this amazing promo code. So what are you waiting for to book it?"

if you want to do it (we are talking about the day trip to Bimini or Freeport (Bahamas) or you prefer to book a ferry and hotel package) run and calculate in our ferry search engine the price of your ferry tickets with Balearia Caribbean. Then perform the same calculation again but, in the "Promotional Code" section of the search engine, write the promo code FALL4U. If you meet all the conditions of the offer (which you have here above) a 25% discount will be automatically applied to the price of your ferry tickets (or to your Bimini vacation package).

Remember that if your stay in Bimini or Freeport lasts a few days, you must add more luggage to the basic rate of your trip, since it only accepts the limited number of pounds. Depending on the days you want to stay in the Bahamas, you will have to carry more or less luggage. So plan your vacation days well and prepare your luggage ahead of time. You can always add extra luggage to your reservation. Although it may be cheaper, you do it in advance than the Balearia Ferry Terminal at boarding time.

Do you want to know more about Balearia Caribbean ferry ? Also known as Balearia Bahamas express the Balearia is the only ferry company that departures from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini and Freeport (in Grand Bahama island) on the Bahamas. Get all the info you need in this website ( Balearia ferry schedule or photos, as example).

Balearia Caribbean promo code fall4u

Bahamas vacation 15 Off

Bahamas vacation 15 off with Balearia Caribbean on ferry and hotel Summer Sale

June 20th, 2023

Updated on the 20th of June, 2023

Enjoy your Bahamas vacation with a 15 percent discount using the "SUMMERSALE" Balearia Caribbean's code. In this way, you will have in the same package the ferry tickets to travel from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini or Freeport (Grand Bahama island) and your hotel stay.

Balearia Caribbean has the promo code SUMMERSALE available for you to have a 15 percent discount on the price of your ferry and hotel package for your vacation in the Bahamas this summer. What does this Bahamas vacation package consist of? In the price of the package you have the ferry tickets, round trip, from Fort Lauderdale (Fll) to Bimini or Freeport (Grand Bahama). If you want to visit Bimini you will stay at the Hilton Hotel and if you prefer the all-inclusive package of the offer you will stay at the Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach Hotel on Grand Bahama Island.

What is the difference between the "Bimini vacation package" and the "All inclusive vacation package" offered by Balearia Caribbean? The first one will take you to the island of Bimini (2 hours by ferry from Fort Lauderdale) and the stay at the Bimini Hilton hotel. This vacation package ONLY package includes the hotel stay (no breakfast, meals, dinner or any drink).

In the Bahamas vacation packages that included All Inclusive, Balearia Caribbean will take you from its base in Florida to the island of Grand Bahama, to the port of Freeport (about 3 hours from Fort Lauderdale). In this package, you will stay at the Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach resort in All Inclusive (food and drinks) during your entire stay.

If you want to know more info about Balearia Caribbean, the Balearia ferry to Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama), check one of these pages where you will find all the information you are looking for: Balearia Caribbean ferry offices , Balearia ferry schedule and Balearia ferry to Bimini info.

Bahamas vacation 15 off

Bahamas ferry 15 Off

Bahams ferry 15 off, the Balearia Caribbean Summer Sale to Freeport (Grand Bahama) and Bimini

June 14th, 2023

Updated on the 14th of April, 2023

Paradise awaits you. Summer to the Bahamas with a 15 percent discount with the Balearia Caribbean offer on the ferry tickets that depart from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport (Grand Bahama) and Bimini.

To get this discount you have to add the code SUMMERSALE in the Promotional Code box and your discount will be updated directly on the price of your ferry tickets (if you meet the conditions of the offer of course). If you have been waiting for a long time to get to know the Bahamas with this offer from Balearia Caribbean, you have no excuse to discover Freeport (Grand Bahama) or the beautiful island of Bimini.

Take note that, in order to travel to the Bahamas, it is necessary to comply with the regulations of the Bahamas in possession of the mandatory travel documentation (passport or residence card, depending on your nationality). It is also mandatory to have a valid driver's license if you plan to rent a golf cart. And if you want to rent a boat or yacht to sail the waters of the Bahamas on your own, you must also have your corresponding navigation and fishing licenses in order.

If you want to stay at the best hotel on Bimini Island, click on "Bimini ferry and hotel" page. Balearia Caribbean usually has special offers for your vacations called "Bimini Vacation packages" where you can buy, at a special price, both your accommodation at the Hilton hotel and the Balearia Caribbean ferry tickets..

If you visit this website regularly you will get all the updated information about Balearia Caribbean : schedule, reviews, office phone numbers, port adresses, customer service number, promo codes, ... and all the info you need to travel with Balearia.

Bahamas ferry 15 off

Memorial Day 2023 15 Off to Bahamas

15 Off to Bahamas on Memorial Day 2023 with Balearia Caribbean ferry to Grand Bahama (on May 27th) and on the Bimini ferry on May 28th

May 21st, 2023

15 Off to Bahamas Memorial Day 2023

Updated on the 21st of May, 2023

Take advantage of the Balearia Caribbean offer to travel on Memorial Day 2023 and enjoy a 15 percent discount on the price of your ferry tickets. Book before May 28th, 2023 for travel in this weekend. (Saturday to Grand Bahama and on Sunday to Bimini island).

This offer is valid for travel on Memorial Day weekend. To travel on May 27, from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, to Freeport in Grand Bahama and on May 28 to travel on the Bimini express ferry that makes the Fort Lauderdale - Bimini route.

Enter the Promo Code MEMORIAL15 when making the reservation and enjoy this discount. You have until May 28 to make your reservation, while there are seats available. Balearia Caribbean has limited places for this Memorial Day offer.

15% Off on ferry tickets with Balearia Caribbean from Fort Lauderdale to Grand Bahama and Bimini on Memorial Day 2023

Offer Conditions of "15 off to Bahamas on Memorial Day 2023" with Balearia Caribbean ferry.

With the promo code MEMORAIL15 you will get a 15% discount on the price of your ferry tickets to Grand Bahama and Bimini.

Offer valid for travel on Memorial Day weekend 2023.

Offer valid to travel on May 27 from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport (Grand Bahama) in a One Day Trip. Round trip on the same day.

Offer valid to travel on May 28 from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini in a One Day Trip. Round trip on the same day.

You can book until May 28th, 2023 or until the end of offer seats.

If you prefer to spend the entire Memorial Day weekend staying in Bimini check out our Bimini hotel and ferry vacation packages (staying at the Hilton at World Resorts Bimini) or the package all-inclusive resort in Freeport (Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive).

15 off to Bahamas Memorial Day 2023

Balearia Caribbean ferry Offices

Balearia Caribbean ferry offices: Fort Lauderdale (Florida), Freeport and Bimini Bahamas, number, adress and schedule info

March 28th, 2023

Balearia Caribbean ferry offices

Updated on the March 28th, 2023

Balearia Caribbean has offices in Fort Lauderdale (Fll, United States) and in the Bahamas on the island of Bimini and in Freeport, in Grand Bahama island. From these offices and ports the Balearia boat departs, they are the boarding point and you can buy ferry tickets directly too.

The Fort Lauderdale offices, in Port Everglades, are where passengers embark to Bimini and Grand Bahama (Bahamas). As a general rule, boarding takes place at Terminal 21, although it is always good to make sure that there has not been a last minute change in the departure terminal. Balearia is working on being granted its own terminal in the port of Port Everglades..

In Bimini, the Balearia office is located in a yellow house in Fisher Village, less than a 5-minute walk from the Hilton Hotel. The boarding pier is also a 5-minute walk away. From the office there is a free transfer that leaves you at the ferry door before boarding.

Here you have a lot of information about the Balearia Caribbean offices in each of the ports. We will update and expand this information as we can. Thanks for your understanding..

Balearia Caribbean

NOTE: Balearia ferry schedules are subjected to modifications due to operational issues or the state of the sea without prior notice.

If you want to know the schedules, departure dates and real-time price of the Balearia Caribbean ferry to go to Bimini, click on the following link: ferry to Bimini schedule or if you prefer to visit Grand Bahama click in the following link ferry to Bahamas schedule to know all the schedules, time and prices.

If what you want to know the schedules and prices of the Balearia Caribbean ferry to travel from Bimini to Fort Lauderdale or from Freeport (Grand Bahama) to Florida US, click on the following links: Bimini to Fort Lauderdale ferry schedule and ferry from Freeport schedule .

You can find all the information about Balearia Caribbean offices, their contact number, address and information about schedules and routes on the Balearia Caribbean website and on our website.

Balearia Caribbean Changes, Cancellations & Refunds

Balearia Caribbean Changes, Cancellations & Refunds

March 23, 2023

Balearia Caribbean's ferry ticket are not transferable. The name of the passenger cannot be modified in any case.

Those reservations whose cancellation is requested seven days before the ferry departure date, are entitled to a full refund.

If the reservation cancellation request is made between 7 and 4 days before the ferry departure date, the cancellation penalty will be 50%.

Those reservation cancellations requested three days or less before the ferry departure date will not be refunded.

Date changes : Date changes are allowed if they are requested at least 24 hours before the ferry departure date. A fare difference and a US$75 penalty will be applied for each change.

Special Offers and One day Trips: No refund will be applied for cancellations of special offers and one-day trips.

Any passenger who does not board the ferry for any reason, beyond the control of Balearia Caribbean, will not be entitled to a refund or date change under any circumstances.

Balearia Caribbean does not assume any responsibility other than the refund of the ticket, in case it has to refund it, if the ferry trip for which the ticket has been issued does not make the stipulated trip due to operational difficulties, weather conditions, unforeseen circumstances or forces beyond Balearia Caribbean's control.

Baleària Caribbean is not responsible for any denied boarding due to failure to present the appropriate travel documentation. Always remember to carry all the documentation in order to be able to enter and exit correctly both in the United States and in the Bahamas depending on the nationality of your passport.

You can check the Balearia Caribbean ferry ticket contract at the following link: https://www.baleariacaribbean.com/en/ticket-contract

Bahamas Spring Break packages

Bahamas Spring Break packages: ferry and hotel vacation deals with Balearia Caribbean ferry

March 21st, 2023

Updated on the March 21st, 2023

Are you looking for one of Balearia Caribbean's Hilton Bimini packages with ferry for this Spring Break? Take advantage of your Spring Day vacation and relax 2 nights in Bimini at an incredible price. This is probably one of the best Bimini vacation packages you will find.

This package consists of a 2 night hotel stay at the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini with the tickets from the ferry to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale . Price starting from $567 per person per night .

The Balaria ferry makes the connection in only 2 hours, departing Fort Lauderdale (Florida, US) at 9 am and arriving Bimini port at 11 am.

The Bimini package includes only the stay at the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini hotel. Meals, drinks and casino expenses, among other expenses, go separately. Resort taxes and Bimini fees are also payable at the hotel.

KEEP IN MIND: Offer "Bahamas Spring Break packages: ferry and hotel packages with Balearia Caribbean ferry" conditions:

This offer is only for travel to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale. NOT valid for Freeport and Grand Bahama.

The starting price is per person per night, based in double occupancy in double room.

Subject to change or to cancel at Balearia Caribbean's discretion.

This deals is non-refundable.

Another option that you have is to enjoy in Freeport (Grand Bahama) the All Inclusive hotel Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach Resort.

Enjoy the best All Inclusive in the Bahamas with this package that includes hotel and ferry tickets from $299 per person.

You will be able to do the excursion of the swimming pigs, bathe in the transparent waters of the Caribbean, dance all day and savor the delicious Bahamian food.

KEEP IN MIND: Offer "Bahamas Spring Break packages: ferry and All Inclusive hotel packages with Balearia Caribbean ferry" conditions:

The price of this package starts from $299 per person based in double room occupancy.

Also includes ferry tickets from Fort Lauderdale (Florida, US) to Freeport (Grand Bahama, Bahamas), round trip, on Economy seats.

Depending on the ferry avilable dates, you can enjoy 2 nights, 3 nights, and 4 nights packages. You have to check the availability and traveling dates on the searching engine to choose them.

This package offer is valid for travel anytime during 2023.

Remember to ckeck ferry and Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach availability to travel.

Depending on the travel dates you choose, ferry rates and the price of the vacation package may vary. Only during sailing dates this promotion is apllicable.

Take note that taxes (like resort tax, Bimini tax) are not included in this price).

Bahamas Spring Break packages: ferry and hotel vacation deals with Balearia Caribbean ferry

Grand Bahamas Spring Break

15% discount on the One Day Trip from Balearia Caribbean to Grand Bahama island.

March 17th, 2023

Updated on the 17th of March, 2023

Get the latest Balearia Caribbean offer to enjoy Spring Break. It is a 15% discount on the One Day Trip tickets from Fort Lauderdale to Grand Bahama island, only on Saturdays until April 30. Use the code SPRINGDAY15 in the "Promotional code" section of the schedules and prices search engine and, automatically, the price of the ferry to Grand Bahama will have the discount included. Remember to read the conditions of the offer well to be able to comply with them all.

Celebrate Spring Break traveling to Grand Bahama by ferry with Balearia Caribbean and enjoy a full day on its fine sandy beaches, soaking up the Caribbean sun, taking selfies with the pink swimming pigs or simply resting from the speed of life in Miami.

Below we show you all the information you need to know about this offer, One Day Trip to Grand Bahama on Spring Break, with the Balearia Caribbean discount.

General Conditions of the "Spring Break" offer for the route Fort Lauderdale - Freeport, Grand Bahama - Fort Lauderdale on Balearia Caribbean ferry.

Travel on Suntardays until April, 30th 2023, to Freeport (Grand Bahama, Bahamas) and get a 15% off.

Book your One Day Trip to Grand Bahama going and back on the same day.

The reservation must be made before April 30th 2023.

The travel date of this offer is the Saturdays before the April, 30th 2023.

This offer is valid for the Florida Bahamas ferry route between Fort Lauderdale to Freeport, in Grand Bahama island.

Changes allowed subject to a fee and rate updates. No cancellations allowed.

If you want to get the deal it's reto book in advance to take this deal it is advisable to book in advance as the seats with this discount are very few.

This offer is for a One Day Trip to the Bahamas. Perhaps you are more interested in spending 2 or 3 nights in the Bahamas. If you click on the following link, Bimini hotels , you will see Bimini ferry and hotel packages in the Hilton . The Hilton is the best Bimini Bahmas hotels in the resorts category. It has a private beach club where you can enjoy the sand, a pool roof, a private yacht marina and a casino.

Would you like to know Bimini island? Well, book your Day Trip to Bahamas now on Saturdays to Freeport and on Wednesdays to Bimini and enjoy up to a 15% discount with the Balearia Caribbean ferry deal for this coming Spring Break.

15% discount on the One Day Trip from Balearia Caribbean to Grand Bahama island.

Bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale from $155

Bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale from $155 + taxes, return, the Balearia Caribbean ferry's most wanted deal

March 14th, 2023

Bimini ferry schedule 2023 updated

Updated on the 14th of March, 2023

Many of you ask us how much is the bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale with Balearia Caribbean ferry company. Depending on the date you want to travel, the price of the Bimini ferry is different, and it is also different if you do the day trip - this is a round trip on the same day - or if you want to make a round trip and stay a few days in Bimini island.

If you want to do the Balearia Caribbean day trip you can buy it from $155 + taxes per person. This price is for 1 adult, children (from 1 to 12 years old) pay half. But if the round trip is on different days the price is higher. Also, if you book in advance the price is cheaper than if you wait until the last day to book. Here your have some examples of bookings from our clients and the prices of the Bimini ferry from Balearia Caribbean.

Our customers' bookings examples to Bimini

tour florida e bahamas

The conditions of this offer / deal as follows:

$155 + taxes, price valid from for the day trip with Balearia Caribbean to Bimini (the Bimini day trip).

This deal is valid to travel anytime during 2023 schedule

It's valid only for ferry bookings. Not valid for Bimini ferry and hotel packages , only hotel bookings or any kind or Bimini vacation packages.

Limited seats available. Please, book in advance as soon as you can.

No cancellations allowed. This deal doesn't allow cancellations. Please, be sure about all of details of your booking at the time you do it.

Changes subject to a fee or penalty and rate updates.

You already have the information to be able to travel on the Bimini ferry, round trip on the same day - the Bimini day trip - and thus be able to experience, at least for a few hours, the wonders that are told about Bimini and the Bahamas.

But if you prefer to spend more days on the island, rest at the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini hotel, you can see the offers that are in the Bimini vacation packages that Balearia Caribbean has prepared. Check them out!

Bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale from $155 + taxes

fast ferry to Bahamas

Fast ferry to Bahamas, schedule and prices

February 23th, 2023

Updated on the 23th of February, 2023

Many people do not travel to the Bahamas by ferry because they think that the "fast ferry to the Bahamas" takes 4 hours to make the crossing between Fort Lauderdale and Bimini, and that is not the case. In fact, it only takes 2 hours! to travel the 55 miles between Fort Lauderdale and Bimini by ferry. The shipping company Balearia Caribbean is the company that makes these trips.

The Bahamas fast ferry company, Balearia Caribbean , based in Fort Lauderdale (Florida, US), makes 3 to 4 weekly trips to Bimini and 2 to 3 departures to Freeport (Grand Bahama) on it's ship, Jaime II, a comfortable fast speed ferry.

Most of you may know these crossings as the Bimini fast ferry or the fast ferry to Bahamas to Fort Lauderdale that for many years left from the port of Miami (operated by FRS Caribbean) and is now operated by Balearia Caribbean from Port Everglades in Fort Lauderdale.

The fast ferry to Bahamas schedule for 2023 is:

fast ferry to Bahamas schedule 2023

Touch on the schedule you prefer to check the availability and price on this moment.

from February 03rd to December 31st, 2023

From bimini, to freeport (grand bahama), from freeport (grand bahama), from january 04th to december 30th, 2023.

Schedules subject to modifications by the shipping company due to operational issues or the state of the sea without prior notice.

The following ferry routes between: Fort Lauderdale and Bimini , Fort Lauderdale and Freeport (Grand Bahama) and the connection between Bimini - Freeport (Grand Bahama) are the routes planned to date by Balearia Caribbean in which they provide passenger transport service at least for all of 2023. In the event that Balearia Caribbean increases the number of frequencies to the Bahamas, adds one more ship to these routes or launches new routes in different Caribbean countries (Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic,...) we will keep you informed of all this, when it is made public by Balearia Caribbean.

If what you want is to obtain information about schedules and prices of ferries to the Bahamas and the option of being able to stay in Bimini at the Hilton hotel, you only have to click on the following link: Hilton Bimini packages with ferry . If you prefer to book an All Inclusive in the Bahamas, we recommend traveling to Freeport (Grand Bahama) and staying at the Viva Wyndham hotel. Here you can see the prices and book the package all-inclusive resort in Freeport (Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive).

Fast ferry to Bahamas, schedule and prices

Bahamas fast ferry schedule 2023

Bahamas fast ferry schedule 2023

February 06th, 2023

Bahamas fast ferry schedule 2023 updated

Updated on the 6th of February, 2023

A fast ferry takes 4 hours? No! The Balearia Caribbean fast ferry to Bahamas that departs from Fort Lauderdale (Florida, US) takes only 2 hours of direct sailing to Bimini island and just 3 hours to Freeport in Gran Bahama, both in the Bahamas. That is the reason a lot of people call Balearia ferry the fast boat to Bimini. Now the schedule for 2023 is public and here you can get the info and make the reservations for your next vacations in the Bahamas.

The Bahamas fast ferry is named the ferry service that provides the Balearia ferry company between the port of Fort Lauderdale (Port Everglades) to Bimini island and to Freeport in Gran Bahamas. It's fast beacause the ride is only 2 hours or 3 hours if you go to Freeport. There is no other company that make these rides.At least 6 o 16 times a week to both islands.

Known as Bimini fast ferry , or Bahama express, or the fast ferry to Bimini, the vessel Jaume II is the ship tha makes the connection Fort Lauderdale-Bimini. The Balearia fast ferry It usually has more or less fixed dates and times for its departures and they only tend to vary if the weather or sea conditions so advise. So that nothing catches you off guard, write your personal information correctly (email and telephone as well) when making the reservation with Balearia Caribbean so that, in case they have to notify you of any changes, you can receive it immediately.

Balearia ferry has this schedule in 2023 for the Bahamas fast ferry:

This calendar of dates and times are for the routes between Fort Lauderdale and Bimini , Fort Lauderdale and Freeport (Grand Bahama) and the connection between Bimini - Freeport (Grand Bahama) . If in the future more ferry routes are added in the Bahamas, the United States or in other Caribbean countries (Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, for example) we will update them in our search engine and we will publish it in our news for your information, as soon as possible. as Balearia Caribbean communicate it to us.

Also take advantage of the info and engine that this website offers you to complete your vacation in the Bahamas. Book your vacation package with a hotel in Bimini (Hilton at World Resorts Bimini) or an package all-inclusive resort in Freeport (Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive).

Balearia ferry schedule 2023

Balearia ferry schedule 2023

Balearia ferry schedule updated

Updated on the 14th of February, 2024

Here you have a direct link to the updated Balearia Caribbean ferry schedule for this year. Enjoy the Bahamas!

And here you have all the info about the schedule in 2023 for you to compare with this year.

Once the year 2023 has begun, and after the stop of the Jaume II ferry for its mandatory inspections, all the schedules of the ferry services that connect Fort Lauderdale with Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama) in the Bahamas are already underway. Here we show you the scheduled schedule, as of today, for Balearia ferry to travel between Florida and Bahamas, in both directions. You can also check the dates and times that the Balearia Caribbean ferry makes the direct route between Bimini and Freeport as a layover between Fort Lauderdale and Grand Bahama.

The ferrie usually leave quite early from Port Everglades (Fort Lauderdale) and in just 2 hours it reaches Bimini and in 3 hours it reaches Freeport. Every week there are usually between 2 and 4 departures from Florida to each of the islands, being in summer, spring break and Christmas when there are more departures.

In case there is any change in the schedules and/or dates scheduled for the departures of the ship, Balearia Caribbean will contact you directly through the communication channels that you have provided at the time of making the reservation (email, sms, telephone) so it is very important that you make sure that you enter your information correctly when you make your ferry reservation to the Bahamas .

Balearia ferry has planned these schedules in 2023 to connect Fort Lauderdale, Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama):

from Bimini to Freeport (Grand Bahama)

From freeport (grand bahama) to bimini.

These scheduled departure times and dates to travel to the Bahamas by boat from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) or on the Bimini Bahamas ferry are operated by Balearia Caribbean, the only shipping company that makes ferry trips from Fort Lauderdale to Bahamas ferry , (not Miami) to the islands further north than the Bahamas, as Bimini island, on the also known as Bimini Bahamas ferry .

You can also enjoy the different packages that add a stay at a hotel or resort in Bimini or Freeport to your ferry tickets. By booking a ferry and hotel package in Bahamas you get a cheap way to save on your vacation in the Bahamas. If you want to stay in Bimini you can stay at the Hilton at World Resorts Bimini in North Bimini hotel. Its beach club and its marina are the ideal place to enjoy the sea. If you prefer an All Inclusive package in the Bahamas, book your ferry tickets and stay at the Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive hotel in Freeport on Grand Bahama Island. The best way to enjoy an All Inclusive while saving money.

Balearia Caribbean Rookie 2022

Balearia Caribbean Rookie 2022: I Love Ferry has received this award from Balearia ferry at the Fitur 2023 fair

January 30, 2023

Updated on the 30th of January, 2023

Balearia ferry company has awarded I Love Ferry the Balearia Caribbean Rookie 2022 award for having been one of the leading European agencies in its sales on the routes between Fort Lauderdale and the Bahamas (Bimini and Freeport in Grand Bahama).

During the celebration of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) that took place in Madrid from January 17th to 22th, 2023, the shipping company based in Denia (Alicante), Balearia ferry awarded a group of travel agencies for their trajectory and results during the past year 2022.

I Love Ferry, the company of which we are a part, was awarded by Balearia as the European agency with the greatest increase in sales on the routes in the United States and the Bahamas in the first two years that I Love Ferry has been selling these routes between Fort Lauderdale and the islands of Bimini and Grand Bahama.

Our Marketing Director collected the Balearia Caribbean Rookie 2022 award from the Sales Director of Balearia in Spain and our Denia salesperson during the award ceremony for travel agencies.

This type of event and many others, such as those that took place during the International Tourism Fair, are among the events celebrating the 25th anniversary of the foundation in 1998 of the Balearia ferry shipping company. Throughout this year 2023 Balearia will carry out various events to commemorate its anniversary.

We are extremely grateful for the recognition received by Balearia Caribbean and Balearia ferry and we will continue working very hard to, on future occasions, be eligible for another award.

About I Love Ferry.us : I Love Ferry is a search engine for ferries in the United States and the Bahamas where you can access information on schedules and prices of the routes of the Balearia Caribbean shipping company between the ports of Fort Lauderdale (Florida, US) and the islands of Bimini and Grand Bahama (Freeport) in the Bahamas. In addition to having access to the latest news and offers from Balearia Caribbean, buy your ferry tickets (both one-way and return) you can also book ferry and hotel packages in Bimini (at the Hilton hotel) and ferry and hotel in Freeport.

Balearia Caribbean Cyber Monday offer

Balearia Caribbean cyber Monday offer, get a 40% discount on your Bimini ferry or your Bahamas vacations

Novermber 28th, 2022

Balearia Caribbean cyber Monday offer, get a 40% discount on your Bimini ferry or your Bahamas vacations

Updated on the November 28th, 2022

Only today, Cyber ​​Monday, you can get a 40 percent discount when buying your Bimini ferry tickets or on your vacation to the Bahamas. Run, time is running out!

Use the code CYBERSALE22 when making the reservation in our ferry ticket search engine and our system will automatically apply the discount to the final price of your trip.

This price discount is valid for the following routes operated by Balearia Caribbean: Fort Lauderdale - Bimini , Fort Lauderdale - Freeport (Grand Bahama) , Bimini - Fort Lauderdale , Freeport (Grand Bahama) - Fort Lauderdale , Bimini - Freeport (Grand Bahama) and Freeport (Grand Bahama) - Bimini .

This offer is valid ONLY for ferry bookings. NOT valid for Bimini ferry and hotel bookings, Bimini world resorts packages or Hilton Bimini packages with ferry .

As always, places are limited. Make your reservation today and get this amazing offer for your future vacations.

Make your reservation now in our search engine and enjoy this incredible discount for travel to Bahamas with Balearia Caribbean bahamas express compnay.

Balearia Caribbean Cyber Monday offer.

Balearia Caribbean ferry Schedule Change - Ian Hurricane

Balearia Caribbean ferry schedule change, Ian Hurricane

September 27, 2022

Balearia Caribbean ferry Schedule change - Ian Hurricane

Updated on the 27th of September, 2022

Today, September 27th, Hurricane Ian will reach the coast of Florida, will arrive in Tampa late on Wednesday, September 28th and will cross the entire state, with winds of more than 30 miles per hour as a tropical storm.

This Wednesday, September 28th, is when the strongest winds are expected in the Fort Lauderdale area (Florida, US) and even in Bimini and Freeport in the Bahamas.

Hurricane Ian, who is currently a category 3 hurricane, is moving from western Cuba and will cross the Florida Keys in the next few hours towards the north of the state.

Due to weather conditions Balearia Caribbean ferry company has changed its sailing hours from Freeport (Grand Bahamas, Bahamas) to Fort Lauderdale (Florida), today, Tuesday September, 27th 2022. The new departure schedule is earlier than normal one.

Balearia Caribbean's vessel will depart from Freeport (Grand Bahama) at 2:00 PM arriving to Fort Lauderdale (Florida) at 5:00PM .

Daytrips from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport (Grand Bahama) have been canceled. If you have a confirmed booking with us please contact us to re schedule your booking or cancel to obtain a refund.

Schedules are subject to modifications by Balearia Caribbean due to operational issues or the state of the sea.

In the event that Balearia Caribbean makes new changes to the schedules of its ferries we will notify you on our website as soon as possible.

Balearia Caribbean ferry schedule change - Ian Hurricane

Balearia Caribbean ferry Schedule Change - Hurricane Fiona

Balearia Caribbean ferry schedule change, hurricane Fiona nears Bahamas

Balearia Caribbean ferry Schedule change - Hurricane Fiona

Hurricane Fiona becomes the strongest atlantic storm in 2022 and now is near Bahamas islands. Fiona winds remain at 130 miles per hour (more than 200 kilometres per hour) according to a US National Hurricane Center.

Balearia Caribbean ferry schedule change - Hurricane Fiona

Bimini ferry and hotel package from $275

Bimini ferry and hotel package

July 29, 2022

Updated on the 29th of July, 2022

Looking for the best Bimini ferry and hotel package? If you want to enjoy a fantastic hotel, like the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini hotel, here you will find an offer that will leave you speechless. This package includes round trip ferry tickets from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini in tourist seats and two hotel nights, in a double room, room only, at the Bimini Hilton.

The offer consist in 2 hotel nights at the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini plus roundtrip ferry to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale starting from $275 per person per night .

The Bimini Islands are the closest Bahamian island to Florida (just 50 miles away). It consists of several islands, being the North Island where the ferry arrival dock and the Hilton Hotel are located.Bimini is a group of islands known for its transparent waters, its sea full of marine species - which you can see while snorkeling and even fishing - white sand, and delicious local food.

Bimini is the perfect place to spend a romantic weekend. The Hilton hotel has rooms with king size beds, junior suites, and a rooftop pool from where you can watch the sun go down.What are you waiting for to book your bimini ferry and hotel package now and share it with the person you most want?

KEEP IN MIND: Offer "Bimini ferry and hotel package" conditions:

This promotion applies only to Hilton at Resorts Words Bimini. NOT for any other hotel in Bimini, Grand Bahama or Freeport Resorts.

The price of the offer is per person per night, based in double occupancy.

This offer is non-refundable.

If you prefer to book directly the Hilton hotel you can do it throught this link: Hilton at Resorts World Bimini Bahamas

Want to book ferry tickets with Balearia Caribbean not in a package? In our website, ferrytobahamas.com , you can do by yourself. Make your booking and get your booking confirmation at your email adress.

Anyway you prefer to do it, don't waste time and book right now your next holidays in Bimini island and enjoy this incredible ferry and hotel package opportunity.

Bimini ferry and hotel package

Bimini and Grand Bahama ferry Travel Requeriments and covid restrictions

Bimini and Grand Bahama Bahamas ferry travel requeriments

June 17th, 2022

Bimini and Grand Bahama ferry Travel Requirements and covid restrictions

New requirements effective on June 19th, 2022 .

June 17th, 2022: ALL passengers will NO LONGER need a Bahamas Health Visa starting on June 19th, 2022

Every passenger that is fully vaccinated WILL NO LONGER NEED A TEST .

All unvaccinated travelers ages 2 and older will be required to obtain either a negative RT-PCR test or a Rapid Antigen test— taken no more than three days (72 hours) prior to travel and present the negative test results at check-in before travel to The Bahamas.

Passengers will be required to bring Covid test result, proof of vaccinations (original card) on travel day. This is a mandatory request by The Bahamas government. The embarkation may be denied due to failure of facilitating the proper travel documents.

Children under the age of 2 are exempt from testing requirements.

* Currently, no Covid test or vaccination is required to enter Florida when traveling by ferry.

May 31, 2022: LATEST UPDATE from the Bahamian authorities regarding passengers traveling to the Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale (both Bimini and Grand Bahama) on the day trip. Although those passengers who come to the Bahamas for one day trip do not need to present the Health Visa upon arrival at the port of the Bahamas, it is mandatory that they present a negative result of a rapid antigen test upon arrival.

All other passengers who spend at least one night in the Bahamas must present the Health Visa upon arrival in the country.

As of now, May 2022, the health visa that was requested by the Bahamian authorities from Balearia Caribbean passengers on a one day trip to the Bahamas (both Bimini and Grand Bahama) will no longer be mandatory however they are requiring a Negative RAPID Test.

With this new initiative of the permanent secretary of the Bahamas government, it is intended to increase the number of visitors and travelers of the one day trip, in both directions, both for those who want to travel to the Bahamas (Bimini and Grand Bahama), and for those Bahamians who want to travel to the United States.

As of this communication received from Balearia Caribbean on May 23th, the shipping company will apply this new regulation from now on to all passengers traveling on routes between Fort Lauderdale - Bimini and Fort Lauderdale - Grand Bahama , in both directions.

NOTICE that Balearia Caribbean continues to apply all Health Visa requirements to those passengers who spend at least one night in the Bahamas or Florida.

Covid travel requirements to enter Bimini and Grand Bahama, and the rest of Bahamas islands, depending on your vaccination status. Travel requirements update. Travel requirements to enter the Bahamas.

These conditions and obligations may change depending on the health situation in the Bahamas or the United States. Please visit the websites of the Ministry of Health of the USA, Bahamas or Balearia Caribbean where you will find all the updated information.

Requirements to travel to Bimini and Grand Bahama for VACCINATED passengers:

- All passengers of the ferry who are FULLY VACCINATED must present a negative rapid antigen test or negative PCR test no more than 72 hours prior to boarding date.

- All travelers who want to enter the Bahamas, including children and infants regardless of their age at the time of travel, must fill out a Bahamas HEALTH TRAVEL VISA on the website travel.gov.bs. Citizens or residents of the Bahamas are exempt from presenting this travel visa.

- Passengers who want to travel to Bimini or Grand Bahama islands must present at the time of boarding: the negative result of the Covid test, proof of vaccination (original card) and the health visa for travel approved on the day of travel. As it is a mandatory request from the government of the Bahamas, boarding the ferry in Fort Lauderdale may be denied for not providing the requested travel documents.

Requirements to travel to Bimini and Grand Bahama for UNVACCINATED passengers:

- All unvaccinated passengers who want to visit Bimini or Grand Bahama (Bahamas) will be required to present a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken no more than 72 hours before the date of boarding the ferry.

- All travelers who want to enter the Bahamas, including children and infants regardless of their age at the time of travel, must fill out a Bahamas HEALTH TRAVEL VISA on the website travel.gov.bs. Citizens or residents of the Bahamas are exempt from presenting this travel visa

- Passengers who want to travel to Bimini or Grand Bahama islands must present at the time of boarding: the negative result of the Covid PCR test and the health visa for travel approved on the day of travel. As it is a mandatory request from the government of the Bahamas, boarding the ferry in Fort Lauderdale may be denied for not providing the requested travel documents.

Travel with CHILDREN and BABIES to Grand Bahama and Bimini by ferry

- To travel with children between 2 and 11 years old, a negative rapid antigen test or a negative PCR test must be obtained no more than 72 hours before the date of embarkation on the ferry.

- Testing requirements to enter the Bahamas are waived for children under 2 years of age.

- Children and babies (no matter how old they are at the time of travel) must present their own health visa. Children and infants who are citizens or residents of the Bahamas are exempt from this rule.

CURRENTLY, no Covid test or vaccination is required to enter Florida when traveling by ferry.

Measures adopted by Balearia Caribbean for the prevention of Covid in the Embarkation and Disembarkation Terminals, in all its ships and among its crew.

All passengers, (vaccinated, unvaccinated, children and infants) are required to wear a mask/face covering at all times while at the ferry terminals and while sailing their ship.

For the safety and hygiene of ferry passengers, Balearia Caribbean has placed additional disinfectant dispensers in its terminals and in its lounges on board the ship. Baelaria Caribbean has also placed methacrylate partitions and information signs in all areas of the ship, common and private, to ensure that the safety distance between all passengers and crew members is maintained.

For full details of these travel requirements, please visit Bahamas.com/travelupdates or ask Balearia Caribbean.

Bimini and Grand Bahama Bahamas ferry travel requeriments and covid restrictions

Bahamas ferry Fathers day 2022

Fathers day 2022 from $135 plus taxes to Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale with Balearia Caribbean ferry

May 18, 2022

Updated on the 18th of May, 2022

This year 2022 Fathers day is celebrated on June 19th. As always, it is the third Sunday of the month of June. This year 2022 marks the 50th anniversary since President Nixon proclaimed Fathers Day as a holiday throughout the United States. Although there have been more than a hundred years trying to make Fathers Day a holiday on the calendar..

At first, it was even said that establishing the Fathers Day holiday was the idea of ​​men's clothing retailers who, in order to sell clothes, wanted Fathers Day to be celebrated just like Mothers Day. Although there may be a sales intention beyond celebrating Fathers Day, what was intended, initially, was also to give value to the efforts and sacrifices that fathers make for their children, giving this day the importance it deserves.

For those who are looking for gifts and ideas to Fathers Day, we will tell you that an idea that everyone likes is to go on a trip. And what better place than the Bahamas to enjoy a weekend with your partner or family under the umbrella, with your feet in the warm waters of the Caribbean of the Bahamas islands. Look at this special deal that can take your father to Bimini (Bahamas islands) on the Balearia Caribbean ferry. It is also valid to take to the father of your children and is be able to travel with the whole family together.

KEEP IN MIND: Offer "Bahamas ferry Fathers day 2022 from $135 plus taxes" conditions:

This promotion applies only to Bimini Island. NOT for Grand Bahama.

Price per person per night, based in double occupancy.

Subject to change or to cancel at Balearia Caribbean's ferry company discretion.

The Balearia Caribbean ferry company or Hilton at Resorts Wolrd Bimini hotel flexible policy does not apply to ferry and hotel packages. If you want to make any changes, you must do so more than 72 hours before the ferry departure time.

If you want to make a reservation for the Balearia Caribbean ferry and at the Hilton hotel, click on the following link: Hilton at Resorts World Bimini Bahamas package

And if you prefer do the package by your self you can book your ferry tickets to Bahamas directly here ferrytobahamas.com . The boarding cards will be send to your email address or mobile.

Book your ferry and hotel package in Bimini now and enjoy a well-deserved getaway to the Bahamas on Mothers Day 2022.

Fathers day 2022

Memorial day 2022 weekend and getaway to Bahamas

Memorial day 2022,

May 11, 2022

Memorial day 2022 holiday in Grand Bahama, Bahamas. Enojoy deals, celebrate Veterans Day

Updated on the 11th of May, 2022

Memorial Day 2022 is very close and surely you want to celebrate it this year in a more special way than ever. Have you thought about celebrating this Veterans Day in Grand Bahama (Bahamas islands) by enjoying one of the holiday weekend deals of ferry and hotel package?

Enjoy traveling by ferry from Fort Lauderdale, Florida to Freeport on Grand Bahama with Balearia Caribbean the fast ferry express service between Florida and the Bahamas. The ferry ride is only 2:30 hours as you will travel on the super fast ferry, Jaume II, of Balearia Caribbean, a modern ship that can reach to 32 knots of speed and where more than 600 passengers can travel.

The Viva Wyndham Fortuna Resort is an incredible All Inclusive hotel where you can enjoy the crystal clear waters of the Bahamas, go on jet ski excursions and sailing sports and, of course, enjoy a Caribbean meal and a refreshing drink.

If you want to have an unforgettable holiday on Memorial Day, prepare your suitcase, wear shorts and light shirts, don't forget your sunglasses and sunscreen and a lot of desire to have fun. Grand Bahama Island offers you crystal clear waters, white, soft and fine sand, and beachfront resorts where you are going to live an incredible weekend, where relaxation and fun reign equally.

If you are a beach lover, the Bahamas is your ideal place to enjoy the Memorial Day 2022 deals. Book a room with a sea view and wake up every morning seeing the Caribbean sea. The sun will enter through your window and will say good morning to you. Try its tasty food, relax with a cocktail in front of the sea and let the sound of the waves transport you to the ocean.

For lovers of fishing, water sports and marine fauna, Grand Bahama is a very special place to go fishing on a tour, rent a jet ski or snorkel among colorful fish, corals and plants. Swim with dolphins or look for your Blue Marlin fish in the Caribbean Sea. Try the tasty conch salad where you will discover all the flavor of the Bahamian Caribbean.

About Memorial Day

Memorial day (also known as Veterans day or Decoration day) is an American holiday, celebrated every year on the last Monday of May. This day is a holiday to honor the men and women who belonged to the United States of America Army and gave their lives for their country.

When is Memorial Day 2022? Memorial Day 2022 will take place next Monday, May 30.

A little bit of history about Memorial Day. After the Civil War between the Confederates and Unionists in the mid-19th century, Decoration Day began to be celebrated in honor of those who had fallen during the war years. In 1971 this date became an official federal holiday and during this day tribute is paid to all those members of the army who have lost their lives.

Nowadays,on Memorial Day it is very common to see families and members of the military visiting cemeteries or memorials, as well as participating in parades throughout the country.

For Americans, it's the unofficial start of summer.

If you want to celebrate Memorial Day in a special way with your loved ones, make a getaway to Grand Bahama, in the Bahamas islands, in All Inclusive.

Memorial day 2022 weekend, a getaway to Grand Bahama in the Bahamas islands

Balearia Caribbean ferry price increase from April 1st 2022

Balearia Caribbean ferry has to raise the price of ferries to the Bahamas from April 1st, 2022

March 30th, 2022

Balearia Caribbean ferry has to raise the price of ferries to the Bahamas from April 1, 2022

Today, March 30th, in a written statement, the shipping company that makes the connections from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to the Bimini and Grand Bahama islands (in the Bahamas) by ferry, Balearia Caribbean, has informed us that:

"Due to the actual situation with operational cost increases affecting our business model mainly coming from the oil and gas prices, we, Balearia Caribbean, are being forced to increase the Operational Fees and Taxes with an addition of fuel surcharge in passengers and cargo."

Starting April 1st 2022:

$10 Fuel Surcharge per passenger

$20 Fuel Surcharge per cargo piece

This price increase will be applied to the prices of all the routes operated by Balearia Caribbean: Fort Lauderdale - Bimini, Fort Lauderdale - Freeport (Grand Bahama), Bimini - Fort Lauderdale, Freeport (Grand Bahama) - Fort Lauderdale, Bimini - Freeport (Grand Bahama) and Freeport (Grand Bahama) - Bimini.

"Prices will be reflected on the on the overall Taxes & Fees costs for each pax reservation. Keep in mind that any date changes in the reservation will update the rate and the difference will have to be covered by the customer."

Which means that, as of April 1st, 2022, it will be more expensive to go on vacation to the Bahamas traveling by ferry. If you were thinking of going to the Bahamas at Easter, or to celebrate Memorial Day and you still don't have your reservation, you still have time to book and save money. Remember that whenever you make your reservations in advance, you save money that you can later spend in the Bahamas.

Make your reservation now in our search engine and only worry about what bikini you are going to wear in the Bahamas.

Balearia Caribbean ferry price increase from April 1st 2022.

Day trip to Bahamas from Miami (Fort Lauderdale)

Day trip to Bahamas from Miami (Fort Lauderdale)

March, 30 2024

Day trip to Bahamas . Although a day trip to the Bahamas may seem like a short trip, it is actually a trip to paradise. Miami, and the southern coast of Florida, are only 60 miles from the Bahama Islands (58,8 miles to Bimini and 96,7 miles to Freeport, in Grand Bahama island). Bustling Miami, teeming with people, traffic jams and high-rise business buildings, is just a stone's throw away from the crystal-clear waters of the Caribbean and the tranquility of the Bahamas.

The Bahamas are a group of more than 700 islands, very famous for their warm climate throughout the year, their cuisine based on fish and shellfish and their beautiful beaches, almost virgin, that will take your breath away. The perfect place to make a day trip from Miami.

You can also take a day trip to Freeport, on Grand Bahama Island, another of the magnificent islands in the Bahamas that are close to Miami and Florida. From Fort Lauderdale the fast ferry takes only 3 hours to navigate and, although it may seem like a short time, your total stay on the island is the best and cheapest option to get to know a little bit of the Bahamas. And if you like it you can always come back and stay for several days.

Those who do not know these islands can visit them on a day trip to the Bahamas, by ferry or by plane, and find out if their next trip will be a 2, 3 or 4 day trip to the Bahamas or not.If you are on vacation in Miami (or in the south of the Florida) you can also take advantage of a one-day getaway to the Bahamas. More fun for little money.

Day trip to Bahamas from Miami Lately everyone in Miami wants to go to the Bahamas: some want to take a day trip and get to know Bimini, others - the younger ones - want to celebrate Spring Break on the beaches of Grand Bahama with All Inclusive and couples prefer to relax on the white sand beaches and crystal clear water to celebrate Memorial Day, for example.

Just 2 hours by ferry from Fort Lauderdale (30-45 minute drive from Miami) Bimini is the closest Bahamian island to Florida. To get to Grand Bahama from Miami - Fort Lauderdale it takes 3 hours by ferry. Balearia Caribbean is the shipping company that makes this connection. Because the distance between Miami - Florida and these islands of the Bahamas is so short, it is easy to make a 2, 3, 4 and 5 day trip to the Bahamas and stay in some of the hotels on the islands ( Hilton World Resorts Bimini in Bimini island and Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive hotel , Grand Lucayan Bahamas hotel , Flamingo Bay Hotel & Marina , Grand Lucayan Light House Pointe , Island Seas Resort , Taino Beach Resort hotel , Pelican Bay Resort hotel , Castaways Resort hotel and Bell Channel Inn hotel in Grand Bahama island), some of them even with All Inclusive packages.

We recommend this one day trip to Bimini (Bahamas) or to Grand Bahama island, to all those who live in one of the following cities, or in their vicinity: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Hialeah, Port St. Luice, Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar, Coral Springs, West Palm Beach (all Palm Beach, North and South, Royal and Palm Beach Gardens), Pompano Beach, Miami Gardens, Davie, Boca Raton and Sunrise.

Most of the time, the best way for those living near Miami to travel to the Bahams is by ferry or plane. If your vacation destination is Bimini or Grand Bahama, it is better to go by ferry from Fort Lauderdale. It will take between 2 to 3 hours by ferry. From here you can access to our search engine for ferry to Bahamas .

If you prefer to travel to other islands of the Bahamas, such as Nassau or Exuma, it is better to travel by plane. You can find cheap hotels and flights to the Bahamas from Miami at this link: Hotels in Bahamas .

2 day trip to Bahamas

Day trip to Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale

Fort Lauderdale is the city where the shipping company Balearia Caribbean has its headquarters and from where the ship Jaume II departs every day for the Bahamas (sometimes to Bimini and other times to Grand Bahama - Freeport).

Remember that if you are going to board the Bimini ferry you have to be at the passenger terminal 3 hours before the scheduled boarding date. Boarding closes one hour before the ferry departure time. After this time Balearia Caribbean will not let you access the ship. We advise you to be in Port Everglade in plenty of time to board the ferry to the Bahamas.

For those of you who live in Fort Lauderdale, or near Fort Lauderdale, an hour's drive from Fort Lauderdale for example, it is very interesting to do this one day trip to the Bahamas, whether it is to Bimini or Freeport (Grand Bahama).

Getting to Fort Lauderdale from many Florida cities will take no more than an hour by car. Miami, Hialeah, Port St. Lucie and West Palm Beach are some big cities that are within a 1-hour drive from Fort Lauderdale. Other cities, such as Pembroke Pines, Hollywood, Miramar or Coral Springs, are located more or less 30 minutes by car from Fort Lauderdale and, therefore, it is very easy to get to the ferry terminal to the Bahamas with your car and enjoy your one day trip to Bahamas.

3 day trip to Bahamas

Bimini day trip . Bimini is the closest Bahamian island off the coast of Florida (USA) and the fastest way to get to the island is by ferry from Fort Lauderdale (30-45 minute drive from Miami). From Fort Lauderdale there are between 2 to 4 departures a week (depending on the month of the year), and the shipping company that does it is Balearia Caribbean. The trip between Fort Lauderdale and Bimini takes two hours and departs from the Port Everglades docks in Fort Lauderdale.

The ferry arrives at the pier in Alice Town (North Bimini) from where you can rent a golf car to explore this small island and go to one of its beautiful beaches, one of its famous beach clubs, where you can spend the day, or at the Hilton at World Resorts Bimini Hotel and Casino where you can also spend the day paying an extra admission.

During the ferry ride you can enjoy an outdoor deck and a cafeteria where you can order hamburgers, soft drinks or hot drinks. Once in Bimini we advise you to enjoy a refreshing seafood salad or grilled fish on the seafront. The lobster salad is also one of those dishes that you should not miss. Bury your feet in the white sand as your senses marvel at the culinary spectacle. Luxury turned into food.

Of course you should not forget a refreshing cocktail where you will notice the Caribbean character of its people. Ask for it with a little spice. Tabasco, lime and salt will give life to your drink.

If you like sea sports you can snorkel, swim with dolphins, kayak and paddle surf. Other sports, such as diving, feeding sharks or jet skiing, are recommended for longer stays in Bimini, from 2 to 5 day trips.

Discover the Hilton at Resorts World Bimini and prepare your next 3 or 4 day trip to the Bahamas. This hotel has panoramic views of the sea and the marina, more than ten restaurants, a casino and a roof pool that will make Instagrammers fall in love.

On a day trip to Bimini you will be between 5 and 6 hours on the island, so we recommend that you simply enjoy one of its beaches, try the local food and plan your next getaway to Bimini to spend your next vacation on the island with one of the ferry plus hotel packages.

4 day trip to Bahamas

5 day trip to Bahamas

ferry or crusie day trip

If you are thinking about which is better, whether to do a ferry one day trip or a cruise one day trip to the Bahamas, we are going to present you the advantages and disadvantages of each of them, in our opinion.

ferry one day trip to bahamas, Pros: It only takes 2 hours from leaving Fort Lauderdale to arriving in Bimini - 3 hours if you do your one day trip to Grand Bahama. Traveling by ferry to the Bahamas makes the most of your time in Bimini (6 hours) or in Grand Bahama (5 hours).

Bahamas Cruise Day Trip, Pros: Cruise ships usually have pools, bars, entertainment. As soon as you leave Miami for the Bahamas, your vacation begins. As a rule, the ferry does not have a swimming pool and has a small cafeteria.

Bahamas Cruise Day Trip: Pros: On cruises you have the option to purchase All Inclusive beverage packages. From the moment you get on the cruise you are entitled to your drinks.

You can take a day trip to the Bahamas by ferry almost every day. Some days to Bimini and other days to Grand Bahama. One day (really one night) cruises have fewer departures and less flexibility in dates. In addition, with the ferry you can travel on a one day trip to the Bahamas all year round, while cruise ships usually do these mini cruises (1 or 2 nights) normally in low season.

As you can see, doing a one day trip to Bimini (or Bahamas) by ferry or on a cruise is very different. In addition to the price, there are other factors that you must take into account when choosing your next vacation in the Bahamas. But most importantly, never give up on the Bahamas vacations, whether you're vacationing at a resort in Bimini (Hilton for example) or cruising in Nassau or Exuma.

Book your one day trip to the Bahamas as soon as possible and get the best prices and offers.

Balearia Caribbean ferry Bimini Bahamas schedule

Balearia Caribbean ferry Bimini Bahamas schedule

March 24, 2022

Balearia Caribbean ferry Bimini Bahamas schedule updated

Updated on the 24th of March, 2022

All the schedules for this year of the shipping company Balearia Caribbean with final destination by ferry to Bimini , in the Bahamas, from Fort Lauderdale (Florida), are already published on our website ferrytobahamas.com . Thanks to our boat search engine, schedules and prices, you will be able to find all the updated information in real time, to travel to and from Bimini (Bahamas) to the port of Fort Lauderdale, in Florida, US.

Remember that there are still some rules and regulations that must be followed regarding the restrictions imposed by Covid-19. Both to enter the Bahamas and when returning to the United States, you must comply with regulations (vaccination, PCR and documentation) that we encourage you to know so that you can make your trip to the Bahamas without setbacks.

The schedules that we show on these pages are subject to possible changes by Balearia Caribbean, either for reasons of the state of the sea, for weather reasons, or for operational reasons. In case of modification of the departure time of your ferry, Balearia Caribbean will contact you through the means of contact that you have added when making the reservation (SMS to the telephone and/or email). We remind you to be at the Balearia Caribbean terminal at least 2 hours before the ship's departure time to avoid problems.

These are the next schedules planned by Balearia Caribbean to and from Bimini Bahamas:

from January 02nd to December 30th, 2022

Schedules subject to modifications by Balearia Caribbean due to operational issues or the state of the sea without prior notice.

If you also want to see the ferry schedules to Grand Bahama island, another paradisiacal island of the Bahamas, visit the following page: Freeport Grand Bahama ferry schedules .

Here you will also find all the answers to the questions you may have about making your trip on the Bimini Express ferry and on the Bahamas: How long does the Bimini ferry take? How much is the Bimini ferry from Fort Lauderdale? Is it possible to do a one day trip to Bimini? How to travel from Freeport - Grand Bahama - to Florida by ferry?. We will also inform you of all the offers published by Balearia Caribbean, its discount codes, ferry + hotel packages to Bahamas offers, All Inclusive offers, schedules and prices for fast ferry only and everything about documentation, luggage, children and fun on board the ship. of Balearic Caribbean.

Balearia Caribbean ferry Freeport Bahamas schedule

Balearia Caribbean ferry Freeport Bahamas schedule

Balearia Caribbean ferry Freeport Bahamas schedule updated

The Balearia Caribbean schedules for traveling by ferry from Freeport (Grand Bahama) to Fort Lauderdale (Florida, USA) and ferry from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport (Grand Bahama island) in 2022 are now published. In our ferry search engine you will be able to find information about the schedules and prices of each route and you will be able to buy your ferry tickets to and from the Bahamas.

Even today, it is necessary to keep in mind the mobility restrictions that must be met in order to board the ferry to the Bahamas, and back to the United States. Please, contemplate the vaccination documentation and personal documentation that you must present, both in Fort Lauderdale and in Freeport, to travel without problems.

The schedules and prices that, right now, are published on this Balearia Caribbean website, and in ours Bahamas ferry web, are subject to possible changes due to weather or Balearia Caribbean operational causes. Stay tuned to your email, telephone and Balearia Caribbean social networks. If there is any change, Balearia Caribbean will try to contact you through the information you provided when making the booking. Thank you for your collaboration. These schedules for the line may vary. We encourage you to stay tuned on this website for possible changes and modifications that Balearia Caribbean may make.

These are the next schedules planned by Balearia Caribbean to and from Freeport Bahamas:

from January 04th to December 31th, 2022

From january 28th to december 30th, 2022.

If you also want to see the ferry schedules to Bimini island, another paradisiacal island of the Bahamas, visit the following page: Bimini ferry schedules .

If your are looking for the most important information about Balearia Caribbean ferry services, you are in the correct website. We explain how to get to the Balearia Caribbean ports in Fort Lauderdale (Florida - USA), Freeport (Grand Bahama) and Bimini in the Bahamas, how to book ferry tickets with Balearia Caribbean, the rules for children, babies and the time in advance (3 hours before) with which you must present yourself at the Balearia Caribbean ports to board and we solve all your doubts about Balearia Caribbean so that your trip to the Bahamas will be an incredible experience.

Children policy on Bahamas Bimini ferry

Children policy on the Bahamas Bimini ferry

March 15, 2022

Children policy on the Bahamas and Bimini ferry

Updated on the 15th of March, 2022

Minors, children and babies have a special space on the Balearia Caribbean ship that travels to the Bahamas. A trip to the Bahamas by ferry, whether it's a day trip to Bimini or a family vacation on Grand Bahama island, is without a doubt the ultimate family vacation. But if you are traveling with children (for the best family vacations) you must take into account Balearia Caribbean's policy for traveling with children, minors, babies and pregnant women.


Children 2 years old and under travels FREE with an accompanying adult. (They pay only taxes), Economy or Premium class, any season, one way or round trip. Babies must travel in the lap of an adult and they have no seat asigned.

Children from 3 to 12 years old travel by ferry with a 50% discount on the price of the adult fare, taxes not included.

Children 13 years and older pay the regular Adult rate (paying the same taxes as adults).

Infants (from 0 to 6 months) may travel on board Balearia Caribbean ferry to Bahamas.

PLEASE NOTE: In the event of heavy seas, strong winds or inclement weather, Balearia Caribbean may deny boarding of the baby at the discretion of the Company for reasons of safety of the baby.

MINORS (under 18 years of age) traveling with an accompanying adult, who is not the parent or legal guardian of the minor, a notarized parent/guardian letter of consent is required at the time of travel (signed by both parents) with a copy of a photo ID.

MINORS traveling with ONLY ONE of their parents ALSO require a notarized consent letter from the other parent not traveling, if this parent does not have the Consent Letter available, they must sign a Release Form, which is available at check in.

If there is no second parent with legal claims to the child (deceased, sole custody, etc.) any other relevant paperwork, such as a court decision, birth certificate naming only one parent, death certificate, etc., would be useful.

NOTES: While the Authorities may not ask to see this documentation, if they do ask, and the traveler does not have it, may be detained until the circumstances of the child traveling without both parents can be fully assessed.

Adults traveling with children should also be aware that, while the U.S. does not ask sometimes for this documentation, other countries (as Bahamas) may have a requirement and failure to produce notarized permission letters and/or birth certificates could result in travelers being refused entry.

Balearia Caribbean LTD, ferrytobahamas.com and its ownwer, are not responsible for any person(s) denied boarding due to failure to produce the consent letter. To request the Consent Letter Form for minors , please email: [email protected]

Birth certificates are not accepted as a valid document to travel from April 23, 2018.


Any passenger who is 31 weeks or more pregnant on the date of their ferry journey will not be allowed to sail. Before the departure of the ship, pregnant women from 24 to 30 weeks must present, before boarding, a letter from their doctor certifying the gestation period in which they are and that the future mother is fit to navigate on ferry.

If you are traveling as a family on vacation, with minors, children and babies, and you have questions about the documentation you have to present to travel and enter the United States and/or the Bahamas, do not hesitate and ask us. We will be happy to help you solve your doubts.

Children policy on the Bahamas Bimini ferry

FRS Caribbean to Bimini ferry

FRS Caribbean to Bimini

March 08, 2022

Updated on the 08th of March, 2022

We are sorry but the ferry company FRS Caribbean is now no longer available here at ferrytobahamas.com . Instead, please look at our ferry routes that run from Fort Lauderdale ferry , or ferries that are offered by Baléaria Caribbean.

There are already many clients who are asking us about the shipping company FRS Caribbean and its ferries to Bimini and Freeport in Grand Bahama from Miami. You ask us about the schedules of FRS Caribbean, its prices and offers for this upcoming summer 2022. The truth is that the shipping company FRS Caribbean has not operated on the ferry routes to Bimini and on the ferry route to Freeport for a few years now. These routes are now carried out by the shipping company Balearia Caribbean from the port of Fort Lauderdale (Florida), to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale and to Freeport (Grand Bahama island) from Fort Lauderdale.

If you want to know the schedules, prices and offers to travel on the Bahamas ferry of Balearia Caribbean, we present them below. You can find in our search engine offers to spend a one day trip in Bimini, round trips to Freeport (Grand Bahama), where we encourage you to book an All Inclusive hotel and enjoy the Bahamian blesse.

These are the schedules planned by Balearia Caribbean for the Bahamas ferry route in 2022:

Bahamas ferry 2022 schedule

from January 26th to December 30th, 2022

If you prefer to see the schedules by destinations, here you can see the Bimini ferry schedules and here the schedule of the ferry to Freeport (Grand Bahama) from Fort Lauderdale (Fll) .

About FRS Caribbean.

For you to know more about FRS Caribbean, we tell you that it began its journey on the Bimini ferry, connecting the port of Miami with the port of North Bimini in 2015, to later carry out the Miami Freeport (Grand Bahama) ferry route from 2017. In July 2017 FRS Caribbean announced the launch of its new service to Freeport, Grand Bahama Island. On that date, the super fast ferry "San Gwann" made the connection between Miami and Bimini Island. As of this date, it also began to carry out this route that took clients from Miami to Freeport in 3 hours.

The FRS Caribbean ferry San Gwann had a capacity for 427 passengers seated in seats. In addition, this FRS Caribbean ferry was equipped with: 2 bars on the passenger decks, where passengers can buy snacks and soft drinks during their trip, a tax free shop for souvenirs and gifts. In addition, FRS Caribbean also gave the option of buying excursions on board to enjoy the islands, both Bimini and Grand Bahama, (water activities, kayaking, rowing, jet skiing and snorkeling), among others. All of these services are now also available on Balearia Caribbean's Jaume II ferry on its routes to Bimini and Grand Bahama.

According to FRS Caribbean "Bimini and Grand Bahama islands offers a combination of historic appeal and modern attractions. Clients can enjoy a glamorous vacation at a luxury resort with charming small-town charm." FRS Caribbean began its operations between Miami and Freeport on Thursday, November 9, 2017, allowing passengers to enjoy a fast, easy and relaxing one day trip aboard the HSC "San Gwann" with day trip prices starting at just $69.98 plus taxes and fees.

FRS Caribbean had its headquarters in Port Miami, Terminal H, where passengers could park their car nearby during the day or night. With this new line, and the Bimini ferry line, FRS Caribbean continued to bet on the development of maritime connections between Florida and the Bahamas, although a couple of years later it left the Caribbean and suspended all its operations.

About FRS Group.

FRS Caribbean was part of the FRS Group. FRS Group is a leader in the short-sea transportation of people, vehicles and cargo: a global group of ferries and maritime transport. FRS Group currently operates 64 vessels and carried 7.9 million passengers and 2.1 million vehicles last year on domestic and international ferry lines. Headquartered in northern Germany, FRS includes 24 operating subsidiaries in Europe, North America, North Africa and the Middle East, with more than 1,500 employees. The FRS fleet includes RoPax ferries, passenger ferries, high-speed vehicle and passenger catamarans, crew transfer vessels for the offshore wind industry, hovercrafts, water taxis and solar electric powered ferries. In addition, FRS provides port management and operation services around the world.

FRS Caribbean to Bimini

Memorial day 2022 weekend and getaway in Bahamas

Memorial day 2022 weekend, a getaway to Grand Bahama in the Bahamas islands

February 25, 2022

Updated on the 25th of February, 2022

If you are thinking about "things to do on Memorial Day weekend 2022 near me" and you are one of the lucky ones who live in Florida, or near Fort Lauderdale, we encourage you to make a getaway to Grand Bahama, in the Bahama Islands.

In this getaway you can enjoy the ferry from Fort Lauderdale to Grand Bahama and stay at the Viva Wyndham Fortuna Beach All Inclusive resort, an incredible All Inclusive resort where you can rest by the sea and enjoy the crystal clear waters of its beach.

You can leave Fort Lauderdale on May 28 and return from Grand Bahama on May 31 - one day after Memorial Day 2022 which this year is May 30, 2022.

4 days of vacationsin which you will discover the happiness of the Bahamas' bliss. Where very friendly people serve you, always with a smile on their face. Now is the time to dedicate some time to yourself and your loved ones and what better time than to take advantage of Memorial Day to treat yourself to these holidays.

Book your ferry tickets in our website ferry to bahamas where you have all information about schedules, offers and prices of Balearia Caribbean's ferries.

If you want to make your reservation at the Viva Wyndham Fortuna Resort you can do so at this link: Viva Wyndham Fortuna Resort Bahamas

Stop thinking about things to do on Memorial Day 2022. This is a great idea to surprise your partner and escape to paradise together.

Plan this Memorial Day getaway in advance and discover the Bahamas Islands. Catch that fish you always dreamed of in its deep waters, invite your friends to a long weekend where you can enjoy the warmth of its beaches, its crystal clear waters and the friendliness of the locals.

If you book your fast ferry tickets to Grand Bahama on our website ferrytobahamas.com you will receive youre boarding cards for your next ferry to the Bahamas directly at your email.

You already have things to do on Memorial Day weekend 2022: book your trip to Grand Bahama, tell your partner about it, think about the things you are going to pack in your hand luggage, discover the Bahamas, immerse yourself in its transparent waters, rent a jet ski, a kayak, savor a local beer, a shell salad and everything you can think of ;)

Bahamas Spring Break 2022

Bahamas Spring Break 2022

February 23, 2022

Updated on the 23rd of February, 2022

The Bahamas islands (both Bimini and Grand Bahama) are possibly one of the best places to celebrate Spring Break 2022, for many reasons. The first reason is due to climate and good weather. Spring Break is usually during the months of March and April. In these months, in the Bahamas, temperatures are usually around 77 degrees Fahrenheit. This good temperature makes possible many outdoor activities and the practice of water sports. It also makes it possible for you to be outdoors at night and enjoy the islands or music concerts.

Another reason why the Bahamas is the perfect place for Spring Break is the islands themselves. We are talking about paradise. Fine white sand beaches. Crystal clear water, very clean. A natural environment full of life, ideal for snorkelling, diving and spotting marine animals, such as sharks or dolphins. In the Bahamas you can go on excursions on the sea, rent jet skis, a boat to discover desert islands or paddle surf, among many other activities. If you like sport fishing you have found paradise. In the Bahamas there is a great diversity of big fish and many companies that will help you make your biggest catch.

The All Inclusive resorts in the Bahamas are hotels that have everything you need to spend a good Spring Break vacation. Places to relax or have fun, a beach club by the sea, casinos, delicious food and drinks included in the price of your resort, a very friendly staff and all kinds of activities to do.

The best way to get to the Bahamas from Florida is by ferry from Fort Lauderdale. The ferry takes only 2 hours whether you are traveling to Bimini or Grand Bahama (Freeport). It is comfortable, safe and cheap. If you travel to Bimini, the ferry leaves you in North Bimini, very close to the Hilton Resort, one of the best resorts in the Bahamas. If you travel to Grand Bahama we recommend that you take a taxi to, for example, Viva All Inclusive resort. You can buy ferry tickets by clicking on this link: ferry to bahamas

If you want to make your reservation at the Hilton at Resorts Bimini Resort you can do so at this link: Hilton at Resorts Bimini Hotel Bahamas

Don't think twice and enjoy the upcoming Spring Break 2022 in the Bahamas, the perfect place to make this getaway that you've been waiting for so long.

What are you waiting for?

Book your ferry tickets to Bahamas on our website ferrytobahamas.com and you will receive in your email the boarding passes for your next ferry to the Bahamas.

Balearia Caribbean ferry services

Balearia Caribbean ferry services

January 31, 2022

Updated on the 31th of January, 2022

Balearia Caribbean is the only shipping company that makes direct fast ferry routes to the Bahamas from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama). The journey time between Fort Lauderdale and Bimini is only 2 hours and between Fort Lauderdale and Freeport, Grand Bahama is 3 hours long.

With Balearia Caribbean you can go on vacation to the Bahamas for a few days and stay in one of its fantastic hotels, on the beachfront, with incredible views of its crystal clear waters or make the round trip on the same day (Same Day Return offers) ideal for a quick getaway and also a perfect option for those tourists on vacation in Florida who want to take advantage of the proximity to Bimini to discover the Bahamas.

While sailing aboard this fast ferry you will find a variety of services on board and different lounges that will make your trip very pleasant. In the cafeteria or bars on board you can taste snacks, soft drinks and coffee to quench your thirst. Music and movies for all ages (children and adults) are part of the entertainment you can enjoy while browsing. Travel by ferry with the whole familiy is fantastic.

On the exterior deck of the boat, and if the weather and waves allow it, you can enjoy the Atlantic Ocean while you sail, see how Miami and the Florida coast recede, and how a sea of ​​clean waters and white sand opens up before your eyes. In addition, once the ferry is in international waters, the ship's shop will open where you can buy souvenirs, perfumes, cigars and liquors tax exempt.

For those who want to have everything planned, we encourage you to go to the Excursions Stand where you will find a wide variety of activities to do after setting foot in Bimini or Freeport. Booking them is easy and the ship's staff will inform you of any questions.

Plan your next vacation in Bimini or Freeport now and don't miss out on the Caribbean closest to Miami.

Book on our website ferrytobahamas.com and you will receive in your email the boarding passes for your next ferry to the Bahamas.

Bahamas ferry 2022 schedule

January 28, 2022

Bahamas ferry 2022 schedule updated

Updated on the 28th of January, 2022

The schedules of the Balearia Caribbean ship that makes the routes by ferry to Bimini from Fort Lauderdale and to Freeport (Grand Bahama island) in 2022 are now public. In this website you can find all the information about the ship that makes the ride, its prices and the engine to book the ferry tickets to these two destinys of the Bahamas islands.

At this time (January 2022) there are still many restrictions and mandatory regulations that must be met in order to leave the United States and travel to the Bahamas.Please, take into account the documentation that you must fill out and provide. Stay informed on this website, and your trip will be safer and without mishaps.

The schedules and dates published at this time of the Bahamas ferry of Balearia Caribbean may be modified due to weather conditions or without notice of the operating price. Although, in case of changes in schedules or dates, the shipping company will try to contact you (by phone, email or sms), please keep yourself informed of possible changes. Thank you for your collaboration. These schedules for the line may vary. We encourage you to stay tuned on this website for possible changes and modifications that Balearia Caribbean may make.

If your are looking for the most important information about Bimini and Freeport (Grand Bahama) ferry services, you are in the correct website. All the info about how long does the ferry from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to Bimini and Grand Bahama take, the distance from Miami to Bahamas or how much does the boat from Miami to Bahamas cost, click on the buttons of our search engine and you will obtain, with a few clicks, all the information on the available dates for each route, the departure and arrival times of each port and the prices (with taxes included) of each journey. With ferrytobahamas.com it is very easy to book Balearia Caribbean Miami to Bahamas ferry .

Bahamas travel Health Visa

Bahamas Travel Health Visa new requeriments: All travelers who want to travel to the Bahamas must present a PCR test or rapid antigen test, even those travelers who are fully vaccinated.

August 4, 2021

Bahamas Travel Health Visa new requeriments: All travelers who want to travel to the Bahamas must present a PCR test or rapid antigen test, even those travelers who are fully vaccinated

Bahamas will require negative PCR or rapid antigen test event vaccunated travelers from August 6th

Updated on the August 04th, 2021

The government of the Bahamas has modified the requirements for entry into the Bahamas islands and travel between certain islands in the Bahamas in order to provide a safe and healthy island experience for all travelers visiting the Bahamas to safely enjoy the islands.

This new regulation is aimed at all people who apply for a Health Visa to travel to the Bahamas or travel between islands within the Bahamas as of next Friday, August 6, 2021.

From this date to:

Entering the Bahamas from other countries:

All fully vaccinated travelers, as well as children ages 2 to 11, will need to obtain a negative COVID-19 test (either a rapid antigen test or a PCR test) taken no more than five (5) days prior to departure/arrival date to the Bahamas.

Unvaccinated travelers 12 years of age and older must obtain a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken no more than 5 days prior to arrival.

All children under the age of 2 are exempt from any testing requirements.

If you want to travel between islands within the Bahamas from the following islands:

Nassau and Paradise Island, Grand Bahama (Freeport), Bimini (Alice Town), Exuma, Abaco, and North and South Eleuthera, including Harbor Island.

Requeriments for Cruise Passengers.

Guests on cruises originating in and returning to the Bahamas must apply for a Bahamas Travel Health Visa and follow the new testing requirements for vaccinated and unvaccinated persons.

Vaccinated people must provide a negative PCR test or rapid antigen test performed no more than five (5) days prior to arrival in the Bahamas islands.

Unvaccinated people must obtain a negative PCR test performed no more than five (5) days prior to the date of arrival in the Bahamas islands.

All travelers entering the Bahamas on cruises originating in the United States will be subject to the testing requirements required by the cruise line and approved by the Bahamian government.

Cruise lines may have different requirements for vaccinated and unvaccinated passengers. Travelers should check with their cruise line for specific details related to their cruise.

The new testing protocols are for all travelers applying for a Bahamas Travel Health Visa from Friday, August 6th onwards. These protocols will not apply to anyone with imminent travel who has already applied for and obtained a Bahamas Travel Health Visa.

For full details, please visit Bahamas.com/travelupdates .

As of today, August 4th, 2021, less than 16% of the total population of the Bahamas has received the first dose of the vaccine.

Bahamas will require negative PCR or rapid antigen test to vaccinated tourists too.

Bahamas for vaccinated tourists

Bahamas will allow the arrival of vaccinated tourists from May 1st

April 26, 2021

Bahamas for vaccinated tourists from May 1st

Updated on the April 26th, 2021

With the idea of ​​seeking stimuli to reactivate tourism in the Bahamas islands from next May 1st, tourists vaccinated with the 2 doses will be able to travel to the Bahamas without having to present a negative COVID 19 test result.

The Bahamas islands will allow all those people who have received the full doses of immunization, at least two weeks before traveling, to the country to enter the country. Negative PCR with up to 5 days of validity is required for the rest of the travelers.

Prime Minister Hubert Minnis announced at a press conference that: "All that will be medically required to enter the country will be the proof of vaccination and that two weeks have passed since the final dose." This measure wants to activate tourism as soon as possible, on which the Caribbean archipelago largely depends.

The prime minister indicated that anyone who has not been fully vaccinated must provide a negative PCR test taken within five days prior to arrival in the Bahamas. "This measure will greatly enhance our economy and will also help reduce the number of infections. When tourists are fully vaccinated, since they will have received all the doses, they will be able to participate in events in a closed environment where the mask would not be necessary".

This measure has been announced when several cruise lines (Royal Caribbean, Crystal Cruises and Bahamas Paradise Cruise Lines) are going to start sailing in the Bahamas from June and July, this coming summer.

Warning in the United States. On the other hand, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) raised the warning level for the Bahamas this week to the highest level of health risk, the 4.

Fully vaccinated travelers may be at risk of contracting and spreading covid-19 variants, due to the current situation in the Bahamas, so all trips to the archipelago should be avoided," says the updated advice from the CDC. The United States recommends not traveling to 80% of the world's countries.

The Bahamas has reported 10,000 infections and 194 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic, with a population of around 400,000 people. There are currently just over 500 active cases in the nation. Not everyone has been in favor of this decision, although many sectors of the Bahamas, dependent on tourism, want to reactivate their economy as soon as possible.

As of today, April 26th, 2021, less than 4% of the total population of the Bahamas has received the first dose of the vaccine.

Bahamas will allow the arrival of vaccinated tourists

Ferry to Bahamas relaunched

Ferry to Bahamas relaunched on Febraury 2021 from Port Lauderdale (Florida) with Balearia company

February 02, 2021

Balearia Caribbean will relaunch its ferry service from Florida to the Bahamas on Febraury 2021, departing from Fort Lauderdale port. The South Florida-based company runs ferry services from Fort Lauderdale to Bimini first and from Port Everglades to Freeport (Grand Bahama island).

The company announced last week that the Government of the Bahamas has approved the launch of the fast ferry service between Miami (Fort Lauderdale) and Grand Bahama (Freeport) in the Bahamas. His first departure to Freeport is scheduled for February 11, 2021.

Balearia will be offering initially one sailing service a week, with ferry on Thurdays. At the end of Febraury, another ferry service will be implemented on Sundays. If there is an increase in demand for passenger transport, the shipping company is prepared to increase the number of weekly departures in March and April.

At the same time, Balearia will reopen the ferry route between Florida to Bimini island starting on February 10th, 2021. This route will have, at the moment, a frequency of 3 departures a week, in both directions. The Jaume II ferry will be the ship that does both routes.

Balearia will retake its operations with a host of new health and safety protocols, including mandatory face masks, electronic boarding passes, enforced social distancing and temperature checks prior to boarding, and only 40% occupancy of the total capacity of its ferry.

Other sanitary measures imposed by Balearia are: plexiglass dividers have been placed in the common areas and between all the seats, the ship and the ferry terminals are subjected to a deep and extensive cleaning process before, during and after each crossing.

The company’s ships also undergo “deep and extensive sanitation” before, during and after each sailing, the company said. Balearia says it has been certified by Bureau Veritas with the Global Safe Site Covid-19 certificate, one of the first shipping companies to receive the designation. It should be noted that all travelers to The Bahamas must fill out an electronic travel form and have proof of a negative COVID-19 test that is no more than seven days old, among other requirements.

All passengers boarding from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to Grand Bahama or Bimini (Bahamas) will have to show a negative PCR test for COVID-19 performed at least 5 days before the trip. Each passenger must also apply for a travel health visa.

NOTE: We recommend that all passengers verify all the necessary travel requirements at the time of their trip, both in and out of the countries they are going to visit, always before starting with the preparations and purchases of their ferry tickets.

To keep up to date and have all the information, safety and travel protocols in the Bahamas, you can visit the websites http://travel.gov.bs (Bahamas) and https://travel.state.gov (United States). The reopening of the shipping routes between Grand Bahama and the United States is expected to increase the number of visitors to Grand Bahama island and help recover the jobs lost due to Covid-19 and mitigate the economic effects of the pandemic.

Ferry to Bahamas Covid 19

Latest news about how Covid 19 affects the operation of Balearia Caribbean ferry to Bahamas

April 29, 2021

The government of the Bahamas has announced that it will open its borders to the transport of passengers by ferrys of February 10, 2021 to Bimini island and on February 11, 2021 to Freeport Harbour (Gran Bahama island).

For that, Balearia Caribbean is preparing the safety and hygiene protocols (in its ships and passenger terminals) necessary to offer its customers safe transport, both for people and goods.

The ferry route to Freeport, Grand Bahama, will be opertate once a week (Thurdays) and, if possible, it will be two days a week in February. If passenger demand increases, and sanitary conditions allow it, the frequency on the ferry routes will be increased in March and April 2021.

When booking your trip to The Bahamas Islands, be sure to read, understand and follow these requirements, which are mandatory and required by the government of The Bahamas

As a GENERAL RULE, all travelers who want to visit the Bahamas should apply for a Bahamas Health Travel Visa. This visa can be obtained through the website travel.gov.bs . Also children and babies (regardless of their age) will need their own health visa (although they are not required to take the Covid test due to their age).


People who are fully vaccinated (2 doses or 1 dose depending on the vaccine) and who have waited as least the 14 days immunity period will be able to travel to The Bahamas without a negative COVID-19 test result.

Vaccinated passengers must provide, for their entry into the country, proof of vaccination (original card and copy of vaccination card) in addition to the approved Travel Health Visa printed on the day of travel. As we have discussed previously, this is a mandatory requirement of the Bahamian government. If you do not provide the required travel documents, boarding the ferry can be denied by the health authorities.

In case of traveling to Freeport, Grand Bahama Island on a Sunday, you must bring 2 printed copies of the Travel Health Visa and Covid vaccination card plus the original.


All unvaccinated passengers over 10 years of age must submit a negative RT-PCR COVID-19 test performed no more than 5 days prior to their travel date. (This requirement is not mandatory for children under 10 years old).

At the time of boarding in Fort Lauderdale (Florida) and entering the country, passengers must present printed copies of the negative result of COVID 19 and of the Travel Health approved on the day of the trip. The health authorities of the Bahamas Islands are requesting these two printed reports, both the Travel Health Visa and the result of the COVID-19 RT-PCR test with a negative result. If the passenger does not provide these documents, the health authorities can deny the boarding or entry into the country.


In order to maximize the safety and tranquility of the passengers on board, and due to the current situation, Balearia Caribbean has taken the following measures against Covid 19:

Before boarding, a member of the Balearia Caribbean staff takes the body temperature of all passengers who are going to make the trip. If the reading of this temperature is higher than 100º Fahrenheit or 37.7º Celsius, the passenger will be denied boarding on the ferry.

While in the ferry terminals and on board the boats throughout the navigation, the use of a mask or face cover is always mandatory for all passengers.

With the safety and hygiene of passengers in mind, Balearia Caribbean has installed additional disinfectant dispensers in all its terminals and on board the ship.

Plexiglass dividers and informational signs have also been placed in different areas throughout the vessel to promote safe distances between passengers and the crew members.

You can contact Balearia Caribbean directly by email ([email protected] or [email protected]) or by phone (866) 699-6988 to resolve any questions you may have.

How long is a Florida to Bahamas ride?

Florida bahamas ferry schedule.

This schedule MAY VARY because of Covid 19 Alarm. Check Information Advisory

Florida Grand Bahama ferry Florida Grand Bahama Balearia Caribbean Florida Grand Bahama Fort Lauderdale - Grand Bahama

From february 03rd to december 31st, 2024, florida bimini ferry florida bimini balearia caribbean florida bimini fort lauderdale - bimini.

Schedule subject to variation by the shipping company for operational reasons without prior notice.

Florida Bahamas ferry shipping companies


Ships Florida Bahamas

Balearia - Jaume II

Super Fast Ferry

Balearia - Jaume III

High speed seacat catamaran in which the whole family will enjoy a pleasant journey.

Enjoy its modern facilities suitable for all members of the family.

Our customers last bookings

tour florida e bahamas

People also ask

How much is the Florida Bahamas ferry?

ferry to Bahamas schedule

From january 02nd to december 31th, 2022, how long is the florida bahamas ferry ride.

2 hours and 30 minutes to do the Florida - Grand Bahama route.

How far is Bahamas from Florida?

And 51 miles is approximately the distance from Fort Lauderdale (Florida) to Bimini island, about 44 nautical miles.

Is there a Florida Bahamas ferry?

Yes, there are two ferry regular routes from Florida to Bahamas. Departing from Port Everglades, Fort Lauderdale, connets US with Grand Bahama and Bimini islands in the Bahamas.

Do you need a passport to embark in the Florida Bahamas ferry?

Yes. An international travel passport is required to be able to enter and exit the Bahamas. It is also mandatory to comply with the measures and requirements imposed by the Government of the Bahamas, as well as the measures adopted by the United States Health Department when entering the country.


In accordance with Customs, Border Protection (CBP) regulations, please be advised that all U.S. Citizen adults and minors must be in possession of a current, valid passport book or passport card as of, April 23, 2018.

*Note that Birth Certificates, Photo I. D, and naturalization documents ( Naturalization certificate) will no longer be accepted* Only PASSPORTS will be accepted for international travel. This applies to our day trip and overnight packages.

Ehanced driver's license is not a valid document to board the vessel.


US Residents must travel with Valid ARC (Green card).

Bring the valid passport of country of citizenship at check in.

If ARC is expired must bring the original extension document with expired ARC card​.


Bring ARC (green card) and must have passport of the country you were born in.

IMPORTANT NOTE* Balearia Caribbean LTD and ferrytobahamas.com are not responsible for any denied boarding due to failure to produce the proper travel documentation*

You can find all up-to-date information on international travel regulations at https://travel.state.gov/content/passports/en/passports.html in the travel section of the border protection home page.

Bahamas travel restrictions

In order to maintain the health and well-being of all tourists visiting or residing in the Bahamas, all Bahamians are making great diligent efforts to minimize the spread of COVID-19. The Government of the Bahamas has implemented the following entry and travel protocols to ensure that The Bahamas is a safe and clean destination.

Get the Bahamas Travel Health Visa in this link:

Pre departure & Arrival:

1.- Everyone travelling to The Bahamas must obtain a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR (swab) test taken no more than 5 days prior to the date of arrival. The day the test is taken is considered day zero. Test must return a negative result for entry into The Bahamas.

2.- Travellers must apply for their required Bahamas Travel Health Visa at travel.gov.bs. (Clicking on International Tab). Travellers will be required to opt-in to COVID-19 health insurance that covers them for the duration of their stay in The Bahamas. The cost of insurance is included in the Travel Health Visa application fee.

*A Bahamas citizen or resident planning to travel abroad for five (5) days or less must secure a test in the destination they visited before travelling back to The Bahamas. Any RT-PCR test taken in The Bahamas prior to travel will not be valid for re-entry.

During travel:

3.- Wear a face mask (airport terminals), comply with health monitoring procedures. Travellers who are staying in The Bahamas longer than four (4) nights and five (5) days will be required to take a rapid COVID-19 antigen test.

All persons travelling into and throughout The Bahamas will be required to complete a short Health Survey during their stay.

Once on Island:

4.- Wear a face mask and physical distance when in public places and abide by all protocols and restrictions as outlined in the most recent Emergency Powers Order.

All Rules and Regulations are being enforced:

- Travellers who do not complete a Bahamas Travel Health Visa or present COVID-19 RT-PCR Test with a negative result will be denied entry.

- Travellers who show symptoms of COVID-19 may be transferred to an area away from others for further testing and evaluation, and quarantine may be required by health personnel.

- A $250 fine or a penalty of one month imprisonment, or both, is to be enforced for visitors or residents found not wearing face masks in areas where it is required.

- For travellers staying longer than four nights and five days, failure to take a rapid antigen test on the fifth day will result in a $1,000 fine or one month imprisonment.

- Citizens and residents who fail to complete the daily Health Survey will be required to submit to a mandatory quarantine at a government identified facility.

- Travellers who fail to complete the daily Health Survey will be subject to deportation.

For more official information visit the following link

Bahamas vacation

The most popular destinations to enjoy a Bahamas vacation are:

Grand Bahama: Freeport, beautiful beaches and ideal waters for snorkelling. Ferry: rt tickets from $166 + tax. Grand Bahama hotel prices from $126.

Bimini: exclusivity, sharks, crystal clear waters, diving and sport fishing. Ferry: rt tickets from $198 + tax. Bimini hotel prices from $290.

Nassau: Bahamaian capital and place of large casino & all inclusive hotels. Nassau hotel prices from $260.

Pig Beach: famous beach where you can swim with pigs. Hotel prices from $258.

Eleuthera: Caves, clear water beaches and open water swimming. Hotel prices from $298.

Great Abaco: group of islands in the Bahamas known worldwide for coral reefs, ideal for diving and sailing in the Abaco Sea. Hotel prices from $298.

Andros island: Large island ideal for diving vacations with coral reefs

Long island: white sand beaches, caves and fishing sports.

Can I travel with my pets by ferry to Bahamas?

At the moment, only dogs are allowed to board on the Baleària Caribbean fast ferry. You can travel with your dog by ferry to Bahamas considering the following rules. Always remember that, when you make your reservation, you must also make the reservation for your pet and obtain the boarding card since, otherwise, they will not be able to travel. Your dog/s must travel in its own kennel or pet carrier or in the kennels supplied and equipped by Baleària Caribbean on the ship.

Dogs will be charged as an additional passenger. Please check the ferry Booking enging to confirm rates in any moment. Dogs under 6 months are not allowed to travel. While dogs are on the boat, they must be in their own pet carriers or restrained with a harness and leash, and never in the passenger seat. Owners will also be asked to ensure that their dog does not disturb other passengers.

During the crossing: The dog would need a kennel and a muzzle during the trip. Small dogs (less than 11 lbs.) During the voyage, they will be on the deck or in the place indicated by the crew. Large dogs (over 11 pounds) must travel in a kennel. The kennels are installed on the deck of the ferry, properly ventilated and located in a suitable place, protected from the rain and cold. Only "service dogs" can remain in the passenger area during the trip. While on board, outside of the kennel, all dogs must be restrained with a harness and a leash.

Pet owners must sign a liability waiver form that exempts Baleària Caribbean and ferrytobahamas.com from all liability that may arise from the injury or death of an animal during the trip. Baleària Caribbean reserves the right to deny the transport of an animal for reasons it deems appropriate, such as: illness of a pet or an animal that shows aggressive or violent behavior.

Dog documentation requiered to enter the Bahamas islands: always dogs must travel with the corresponding documents. Pets must have a valid document certifying that they have been vaccinated against rabies within no less than 1 month and no more than 10 months prior to import for the 1 year vaccine. For the 3-year vaccination, it must be within no less than 1 month and no more than 3 years before entering the Bahamas.

All dogs must have a Veterinary Health Certificate presented within 2 days of arrival in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas to a licensed veterinarian for examination. An import permit from the Ministry of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry is required for all pets brought to the Commonwealth of the Bahamas. You can get this permit in the following link http://www.bahamas.com/sites/default/files/pdfs/bahamas_application_to_import_domestic_animals_in_tiotb.pdf

To enter the United States all dogs must have an APHIS 7001 form completed by a registered veterinarian. This form can be obtained at the following link: https: //www.aphis.usda.gov/library/forms/pdf/APHIS7001.pdf

Price of traveling with a dog on the ferry to Bahamas. The cost to travel by ferry with a dog to the Bahamas is $ 100 for each leg of the trip.

Dog reservations must be made in advance and can be made by emailing the customer service department of Balearia Caribbean ([email protected].). At least 72 hours prior to the departure of the ferry to the Bahamas.

Baggage policy and ferry fares to Bahamas

Baggage policy and ferry fares to Bahamas with Balearia Caribbean. As a courtesy to all the passengers, each adult can bring only ONE carry-on item on board at no charge. The courtesy bag must weigh a maximum of 26.5 LBS or less, with maximum dimensions of 22 ”x18” x10 ”.

All passengers traveling with infants / children will be allowed one additional piece of luggage (26.5 LBS or less, with maximum dimensions of 22 ”x18” x10 ”) free of charge.

Rate: Bags that exceed 26.5 LBS or the excess of a courtesy bag will be subject to a charge of $ 25.00 (USD) per bag, one way.

Oversized bags or large items such as bicycles, kayaks, diving equipment, etc., will be subject to a charge of $ 50.00 (USD) per item, one way.

The best way to know the prices, schedules and offers of every date is to make a booking in our Balearia ferry engine .

Florida Bahamas ferry reviews

" A coffee or breakfast would be appreciated before boarding the ferry. The Fort Lauderdale terminal is not bad although I miss more offer while waiting for the ship to depart.

The bathrooms in the terminal are small. The ferry ride to Freeport was quick and comfortable"


"The ferry was fine and seems well organized. We pay for premium seats because it has priority boarding and food and soft drinks included on board. Highly recommended. The trip is short, barely two hours, and we did not have time to cool down despite the fact that the air conditioning was very strong.

As soon as we got to Freeport, we went by bus to a beautiful beach. The people of the place are friendly and if you only go for a day it is better that you bring food and drink since there the prices are expensive and there is not much option.

A round trip on the same day is enough time."


" Enchanting with the trip. Very comfortable premium seats. The crew members are very friendly. My experience aboard the Balearia Caribbean ship is highly recommended. We leave from Port Everglades at the scheduled time.

The premium service has been good as it allows you to charge the phone on the seat. You can stretch your legs while resting. We will be back."


" My experience traveling by ferry with Balearia Caribbean has not been the best. I bought the ferry tickets to travel to Bahamas on February 12 and my trip was one way. The boarding process is very slow and there is a lack of communication between the company and customers.

The Balearia Caribbean confirmation system gave my boyfriend Javier and I different terminals to board. While my boyfriend was told to go to terminal 21, I received a notice to show up at terminal 19. All this, as you can imagine, is very confusing and we lost a lot of time to find the correct terminal."


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A Florida Traveler

6 Best Boat Trips From Miami To Bahamas

Whether you are on a vacation to Miami, or simply looking for a new activity, there is nothing as striking as a trip to the Bahamas. Private boats, cruises, and ferries all make regular trips from the ports of Miami to the nearby islands of the Bahamas giving you plenty of options to choose from when starting your Bahamas excursion.

A day cruise to one of these islands is a great option as a day trip from Miami. This popular destination is the perfect place to experience crystal clear waters and beautiful beaches on the tropical islands, and it’s all just a boat ride away.

The easiest islands to visit from Miami are Bimini, Freeport, and Nassau. Every trip has a different length, but you probably will not spend more than 3 hours getting to these islands. The most affordable options are the ferries to these islands, which cost about $250 per person.

There are several factors to consider when selecting the right boat trip for you. But we have compiled the best boat trips and ferries from Miami to the Bahamas. So, no matter what you pick, you are sure to have an unforgettable experience!

Top Boat Experiences From Miami To Bahamas

Check Availability: Bimini Day Cruise From Fort Lauderdale With Round-Trip Miami Transfer

1. Ferry to Bimini

This ferry from Miami to Bimini is at the top of our list, as it is affordable, quick, and accessible to everyone! This Bimini ferry actually leaves from Fort Lauderdale, but it is not a far drive from Miami for the amazing deal. The Bimini islands are 60 miles from the coast of Florida and takes about 2 hours to reach.

The boat itself is quite large, giving you plenty of space to walk around the ship and enjoy the trip! They have a full bar on board as well as a shop to spend some extra time in. After the 2-hour trip, you will receive a day pass to a Hilton at Resorts World Bimini!

At this resort, you will be able to swim, enjoy the beaches, gamble at the casino, and receive excellent meals at the restaurants on site. This day pass makes it very easy for you to relax and not have to plan your day in the Bahamas! Of course, there is no requirement to use this day pass but it is always available if you want it.

The ticket for this ferry is $300+ per person depending on the day. The best part about this ferry is you do not need to return to Florida on the same day! You are able to stay on the island for a week before using the return ticket back to the states. It is a great price with incredible flexibility, making it perfect for vacations and day trips alike!

2. Ferry to Freeport, Grand Bahama

The city of Freeport in Grand Bahama island is another one of the most popular islands to visit off the coast of Miami. The island offers all the water activities you could hope for, as well as diverse flea markets full of items and food to try. This ferry to Freeport also leaves from Fort Lauderdale, and is one of the cheapest trips on this list!

This day trip takes you from Fort Lauderdale to Freeport. It’s just under 100 miles and about a 2.5-hour ferry ride. At $230 per person, you get all the fun of being in two different places at once without having to worry about getting your travel expenses all lined up ahead of time. This ferry also keeps you from incurring any extra costs while on vacation while still being able to enjoy the trip!

This trip also offers some amazing scenery – both during the drive there and while you’re visiting Freeport itself. The clear blue waters will make your heart race as you take in views that can only be seen from sea level. Meanwhile, the tropical flora and fauna will amaze everyone who sees it for the first time (or second time!).

3. Bahamas Fast Ferry

If you’re looking for a fun and relaxing vacation, the Bahamas Fast Ferry is one of the best options out there. This ferry leaves regularly from Fort Lauderdale and offers trips to Bimini and Freeport. It is very easy to make a reservation online and you can even book trips the day of!

This ferry is about 170ft long and can carry 600 passengers. So, there are plenty of areas to walk around, grab a drink, and enjoy the sea. It also has a snack bar on board, so you can relax with a drink while you enjoy the ride.

Prices start at $250 per person for an ocean voyage. You can pay a $50 upgrade that gives your priority boarding and a free meal on board. The ferry takes about two and a half hours, and it runs seven days a week. This is a very reliable service, so it is perfect if you would like to take an impromptu Bahama trip!

Boat Trips From Miami To Bahamas

4. Ferry to the Bahamas

This Ferry to the Bahamas is definitely a unique and interesting experience. It works on a loop system, stopping in both Nassau and Freeport during the trip. Because it is a long-form trip, the total time it runs is 8 hours, but it will not take longer than 3 hours to reach your destination.

This boat does not run daily but usually operates on Wednesdays and Saturdays around noon. The ferry has a full bar on board too, so you can relax with a drink while you enjoy the ride. As long as the weather does not interfere, it is a nice and peaceful trip!

The price is usually $150 per person, which is the cheapest you can find. Tickets book out well in advance, so this is not a very accessible option to get to the Bahamas. However, if you’re a great planner and looking to visit the Bahamas on a budget, this may be the trip for you!

5. Grey Line Miami Day Trips

Next, there is the Grey Line boat trip, which like all the others so far leaves from Fort Lauderdale and delivers you to either Bimini or Freeport. Each trip will take about 2 hours to reach the islands. These 600-passenger boats will give you an easy ride to your Bahama adventure.

Grey Line is a famous cruise line, that offers many different trips to the nearby Bahamas islands. They run regularly and do not book out too far in advance. You can also book tickets in groups of 4, making it perfect for small families or friend groups. In addition to this, they are also wheelchair accessible!

Each ticket is about $200 each, but you can add to the price if you would like to arrange hotel transfers or buy a day pass to the Hilton Bimini Resort! You can choose a premium ticket which allows you more perks on the boat. Plus, it is very easy to book these tickets online, making a stress-free travel day!

 6. Private Bimini Boat Trip

This private plane and boat trip to Bimini is for lovers of luxury and fantastical excursions. It is a 6-hour day trip that begins at the Miami Executive Airport with a short flight to the island. From there you will spend the day at all the famous spots around this island. Ideal for groups or large families, you can bring up to 9 people with you on this Caribbean boat tour.

The island of Bimini is just 50 miles off the coast of Miami and is known for its crystal-clear waters, white-sand beaches, and stunning coral reefs. The trip begins with a short cruise to the island, before visiting the ‘Fountain of Youth’. This famous landmark was sought out by the famous explorer Ponce de Leon.

Then you will go on a snorkeling tour around the old shipwreck of the S.S. Sapona. Here you will be able to explore the natural wildlife and the famous snorkeling ground of this fascinating site. Next, you will get the chance to see some sharks! The tour takes you to the shark arena, where you can swim amongst the pristine coral reefs of this island.

Finally, you will be able to enjoy the white sand beaches of the Bahamas and relax at a secluded beach at stingray island. Then the plane will drop you back of in Miami. This excursion is $6,000 per group, but as we mentioned you can bring up to 9 people on the trip.

Best Boat Trips From Miami To Bahamas

Ferries to the Bahamas from Miami, are convenient, affordable, and fast! If you are looking to simply get to one of these islands, a ferry is the best option for you. But if you are looking for a leisurely day trip that allows you to enjoy the islands before returning to Miami, private boats and cruises are perfect for you.

There are more boat options than the ones we listed that can comfortably take you to the Bahamas. However, these are the top-rated and most popular options available to you! No matter which you choose, a Bahamas day trip will certainly be memorable. Just be sure to check the weather conditions ahead of time.

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Florida & Bahamas Cruise

Oct 13, 2024 - Oct 20, 2024

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If a passenger cancels from deposit to Jul 1/24 fee of $100pp; Jul 1-14/24 fee of 50% pp; Jul 15-Aug 5/24 fee of 75% pp; no refunds if canceled after Aug 6/24.

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Trip Protection Coverage is strongly recommended. Friendship Tours offers Travel Protection insurance through 2 insurance providers: NTA Travel Protection Plan and Travel Insured International. Trip Protection offers coverage for Cancellation for covered medical reasons, Interruption, Emergency Medical, Travel Delay, & more.

· The AON/NTA Travel Protection Plan offers 3 levels of insurance: Basic or Enhanced or Enhanced with Cancel For Any Reason (CFAR). The Pre-existing medical condition exclusion can be waived by purchasing the Enhanced Plan within14 days of your deposit or initial payment. The Enhanced Plan with the add-on of CFAR must be purchased within 14 days of initial deposit. CFAR allows you to cancel for any reason up to 48 priors to departure and reimburses up to 75% of your nonrefundable trip cost. To enroll: https://nta.aontravelprotect.com Tour Operator Location #076068 OR call AON 1-800-388-1470.

· Travel Insured International offers the Worldwide Trip Protection plan with the option to add upgrade benefits (available for additional cost) including CFAR when purchased within 21 days of your initial deposit. Other upgrades include Bed Rest, Electronic Equipment, Event Ticket Fee Protection, Travel Inconvenience. To enroll: https://www.friendshiptours.net/protection-plan Agency #18649

Premiums are non-refundable once paid. Terms & Conditions apply.

Plan details are available at https://www.friendshiptours.net/protection-plan . Call Friendship Tours 860-243-1630 for assistance in enrolling.

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Bahamas Day Trips

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Florida to Bahamas by Plane: How to Travel in Style

tour florida e bahamas

A trip from Florida to Bahamas can be as spectacular or as ordinary as you make it. As you dream of fluffy white sand beaches and water like glass, you can either arrive to the Bahamas tired and sick or in-style. Though Miami to Bahamas travel time can take as little as thirty minutes, the views from a Bahamas cruise from Florida by air are incomparable to anything in the world. Staring out of your window seat aboard our private Cessna Grand Caravan, you see the glistening turquoise sea, underwater coral, white-sand beaches, and green, tall palms swaying in the wind. A flight from Florida to Bahamas is guaranteed to be a highlight of your trip before you ever even arrive. We can help you make sure you get the best views on your way.

The Bahamas are an archipelago nation to the southeast of Florida’s peninsula. The chains of islands — many of them — over 700 islands, in fact, have their own cultures and traditions making each of them unique. Many of them are left untouched, unvisited, and unexplored. However, the beauty remains.

Most of these islands are found in what is known as the out islands. When flying from Florida to Bahamas, you will get to experience the Exuma Cays from a bird’s eye view which many astronauts have agreed is the most beautiful place on Earth. The Exumas are a region of 365 islands which are known for being wilder, quieter, and sometimes entirely new environments.

Bahamas Air Tours will take you on a Miami to Bahamas day trip you won’t soon forget. A day trip to Bahamas via our Bahamas air charter means unparalleled views that not many Bahamas vacation-goers ever get to see.

Below, we have highlighted our services and why taking flights to Bahamas with us is an experience all in itself. Put the romance back into this all-too corporate world of flying and book your experience today.

Take a Bahamas cruise from Florida or you may elect to fly. Come from Florida to Swimming pigs Bahamas today!

Take a Bahamas cruise from Florida or you may elect to fly.

Florida to Bahamas: Putting the value back into flying

It is no secret that in today’s age of big commercial airlines and business jetting, the beauty of being transported through the air has lost its romanticism. It doesn’t have to be like that anymore, though. Traveling Florida to Bahamas on our Bahamas air charter will revitalize that sensational feeling you get suspended in mid-air and put a spark in you for the rest of your vacation. With unparalleled views from above, you will, once again, see the majesty in air travel.

Our air charter from Florida to Bahamas is our main service, but it doesn’t stop there. Our pilots, which double as trained and experienced Bahamas guides, have all spent substantial time in the Bahamas and can answer almost any question you throw at them.

There are a wealth of options for those vacationing in Bahamas and southern Florida. First, if coming from Florida to Bahamas, you have the option of flying out from Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or any local airport which Bahamas Air Tours is allowed to enter.

From there, we can fly you to islands like Providence Island (Nassau), Bimini, or even the out islands of the Exumas. Our tours are special because we allow you to cultivate your own itinerary to give you the most personal, customizable experience you can receive on a vacation in the Bahamas.

One of many scenic Bahamas beaches. Take a Florida to Bahamas day trip today. A Miami to Bahamas day trip is one of the top Florida attractions waiting to be explored with Bahamas Air Tours.

One of many scenic Bahamas beaches.

Why fly with us

There are a number of services we provide that other tour companies don’t — which makes our tours as stress-free and abling as you could ever want. The sheer size of our private charter allows us to show you the best, most pristine, untouched parts of the Bahamas.

Additionally, your Bahamas charter flights will not be filled with any strangers, only the people you are traveling with which is a joy that can’t be expressed with words. It is a unique chance to enjoy the VIP exclusive experience on a Bahamas Air Charter.

Island hopping around the Bahamas is the best way to experience the country and by doing it through the air, you will save so much time while also being allowed some of the best views known to man. Even astronauts have been quoted saying their favorite view from space is of the Bahamian islands. It is hard not to believe they are telling the truth once you witness it. However, there is only one way to find out and that’s by seeing for yourself.

The biggest advantage of flying around the Bahamas is the fact that you save so much time when compared to other ways of island hopping the Bahamas. Take, for instance, a flight from Florida to Bahamas like one of the trips we offer, Miami to Bimini. Bimini is the closest Bahamian island off the Florida coast. It is about fifty miles east of the Florida peninsula, but on a ferry, the round trip can take up to five hours. Compare this to an hour (round-trip time) through the air.

As you can see, by flying, you are able to spend more time on the beach or sightseeing or doing adventurous things as you imagined doing in the Bahamas — not stuck in transport.

Take a Miami to Bahamas cruise in the sky! Bahamas Air Tours makes your Florida to Bahamas vacation simple. Check out pigs in the Bahamas from Florida to Bahamas today.

Take a Miami to Bahamas cruise in the sky!

Why you should avoid ferries when traveling Florida to Bahamas

The ferries, although the more popular option because of the number of ferry tour companies, also have a number of disadvantages too.

For starters, the boats are almost always crowded, especially in the high tourist season. There is always a chance if you are traveling with a group that you will have to be split up when on-board and you won’t get to share the experience with the whole family or group.

There’s no chance you will be able to ask questions to experts and the trip itself is not very informative at all. Once you are aboard one of these massive ferries, you are pretty much on your own.

You also have to factor in the frequent delays due to sea conditions being less than ideal. Often, vacationers get stuck in ferry terminals with their limited time on the day trip being delayed even further — or worse — canceled. By flying, you avoid almost all weather delays as most bad weather conditions in the Bahamas are to do with rough sea conditions.

If the trip isn’t delayed, you will undoubtedly still have to deal with long queues and most of your day will feel like you are being herded on and off the boat with the rest of the en-mass of ferry tourism.

Lastly, sea sickness is something which most people don’t anticipate having to deal with. Many claim they don’t have a problem with getting sick at sea, but being confined to a tight space on board and sometimes with little airflow, it is easy to feel sick. Especially as others are getting sick around you.

Little piglet in the clear waters of the Bahamas. Take a Florida to Bahamas vacation with Bahamas Air Tours today. Come on a Bahamas vacation today.

Little piglet in the clear waters of the Bahamas.

Florida to Swimming Pigs Bahamas Day Trips by Plane

Going from Florida to swimming pigs tours to see the Exuma pigs in the Bahamas on Pig Island is as easy as ever. Check out our tours to Pig Beach to get a chance to play with these lovable pink piglets on our Exuma day trips. Big Major Cay is the perfect plan for your Bahamas cruise from Florida.

Spend some time soaking in the sunshine and create a customized itinerary to fit your needs on your one day cruise to Bahamas. Our flights to Bahamas are offered year-round, too, so let us help you start planning that trip to Bahamas today!

Get our FREE Bahamas Guidebook

Discover the Bahamas with this informative Bahamas Travel Guide PDF download. Fly from Florida to Bahamas with Bahamas Air Tours on their unique Bahamas Day Trips by Plane from Miami and Nassau, and Bahamas Tours to the amazing Bahamas Out Islands.

Discover the Bahamas Out Islands

With beautifully illustrated maps and informative destination guides. Download the Guidebook

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Travel | Carnival doles out more details on new Bahamas…

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Subscriber only, travel | carnival doles out more details on new bahamas destination.

Lokono Cove is the name of the retail area coming to Carnival's Celebration Key on Grand Bahama island when it opens in summer 2026. (Carnival Cruise Line)

MIAMI BEACH — Carnival Cruise Line has released another round of updates on what travelers can expect when its new private destination Grand Bahama Celebration Key opens.

Debuting in summer 2025, the port of call will be welcoming ships from Florida ports Port Canaveral, PortMiami, Tampa and Jacksonville as well as six other U.S. ports.

The 369-acre site less than 20 miles east of Freeport will be the first dedicated to Carnival Cruise Line, although Carnival ships have used sister line destinations Princess Cays and Half Moon Cay for years.

The largest port construction project in the line’s history will be carved into five segments the company calls portals, and Carnival released details about the third one tied to retail, an artisan village called Lokono Cove.

Named in deference to the native Lucayan language, “lokono” means “the people.” It was the winning selection from Grand Bahamas resident Deidre Rahming, who was on hand in Miami Beach with an entourage from the Bahamian government on Tuesday at the Seatrade Cruise Global conference.

She received a check for $5,000 from Carnival and a future day pass for the resort, which won’t normally be open to visitors from the island. The line says at least 300 jobs will be generated for locals serving the cruise guests.

Lokono Cove will have kiosks and stores alongside “an authentic Bahamian artisan market” showcasing local craftsmanship, according to Carnival Cruise Line President Christine Duffy. Beyond the items for sale, the space will have music and murals to enhance the space, and local food.

“Lokono Cove will be a treasure trove – a place for our guests to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Bahamas and find locally inspired keepsakes, symbols of paradise they can share with loved ones, or cherish for themselves for years to come,” said Duffy said/ “Honoring the beauty and culture of the Bahamas is integral to our plans for Celebration Key, and that will be on display throughout Lokono Cove.”

The space also will be the excursion gateway for visitors to explore Grand Bahama.

It’s the third name drop by Carnival following the reveal of welcome area Paradise Plaza and adult-friendly area Calypso Lagoon. The final two space names and details, which will be a family-friendly area and an adults-only private area, will be revealed later.

The site will also have a south-facing mile-long beachfront expanse and massive freshwater inland lagoon the line says is the largest in the Bahamas and Caribbean.

Paradise Plaza is the name of the welcome area coming to Carnival's Celebration Key on Grand Bahama island when it opens in summer 2026. (Carnival Cruise Line)

Paradise Plaza features a rainbow-colored walkway through a sunshine entranceway with a 10-story “Suncastle” as a centerpiece. The welcome area is the place to book the day’s activities including cabanas, water sports and shore excursions. The area will also feature a Bahamian-themed fountain and ice cream shop.

Calypso Cove is the name of an adult-friendly area coming...

Calypso Cove is the name of an adult-friendly area coming to Carnival's Celebration Key on Grand Bahama island when it opens in summer 2026. (Carnival Cruise Line)

This image shows cabanas within Calypso Cove, an adult-friendly area...

This image shows cabanas within Calypso Cove, an adult-friendly area coming to Carnival's Celebration Key on Grand Bahama island when it opens in summer 2026. (Carnival Cruise Line)

Calypso Lagoon falls just to the west, home to the sport court and freshwater lagoon and lounging options galore. It’s home to a bar with 50 swings that let visitors dip their feet into the water, and just one of many bars serving the space and two full-service restaurants and other casual snack shacks. And adults-only area of the portal will feature a swim-up bar with a DJ, food trucks and more lounging options.

Future expansion will build beyond the five portals including the construction of a water park.

The port of call will open with one dock capable of handling its largest ships, the 6,000-passenger Excel class, including Port Canaveral-based Mardi Gras and Carnival Celebration out of Miami.

The line announced this year a $100 million plan to expand that with a second dock so that it could handle up to four such ships beginning in 2026. That expansion, which grows the line’s investment to $600 million so far, means it expects nearly 4 million passengers to visit the site annually by 2028, an average of 11,000 visitors every day. For now, it has more than 500 itineraries planned among 18 ships available to book.

Other U.S. ports visiting the new site are Galveston, Texas; Baltimore; Norfolk, Virginia; Mobile, Alabama, Charleston, S.C. and New Orleans.

“As is fitting for our plans for Grand Bahama island, our vision for Celebration Key is quite grand, and we’re already thinking about the next phase of expansion and development,” said Duffy when the pier expansion was announced. “Building the second pier now allows us to implement growth plans and build itineraries with certainty, and signals to the local community just how important this development is to Carnival Cruise Line and the future of the island.”

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  1. Itinerario Florida e Bahamas

    Viaggio in Florida tra Miami, Key West e Orlando, in fine Nassau alle Bahamas. Viaggio alla scoperta della Florida e delle bellezze di Nassau, splendida isola delle Bahamas. Un itinerario che parte da Miami, città vivace e alla moda, passando per le più belle mete della Florida; si raggiungono Key West, la città più a sud degli Stati Uniti ...

  2. Day Trip to Bahamas Eleuthera from Miami Florida

    The tour departs from Hangar 38A at Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport. Street Address: 5151 E. Perimeter Road, Hangar 38A, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309. Free parking is available. The airport is approximately a 1 hour drive from South Beach or Downtown Miami. Day Trip to Bahamas (Eleuthera) Itinerary Timings.

  3. Day Trips to Bahamas from Florida: Vacation Guide and Itinerary

    Bahamas Day Trip Top Attraction: Pig Island. One of the best highlights during your day trip to Bahamas from Miami will definitely be Pig Island. Upon reaching Pig Beach, you will be welcomed by a group of lovely pigs and piglets floating in a tranquil blue ocean. Note: They're mostly unentertained by you and, rather, are swarming you for snacks.

  4. Day Trip to Bahamas from Florida: The Bahamas Tour by Plane

    The beauty of a day trip to Bahamas is that it takes only one day and you get to visit another country and enjoy the many different experiences the Bahamas has to offer. Your trip will begin at one of several Florida departure sites: Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Vero Beach or Orlando. Arrive by 7:00 a.m. for a 7:30 a.m. departure.

  5. Bahamas Air Tours

    9:00 AM - 5:00 PM. Write a review. See all photos. About. We offer Day Trips and Island Hopping Tours to the Bahamas by Plane. Let us take you on a full day adventure to Staniel Cay to visit the famous Swimming Pigs, Sharks, Iguanas, Sand Bars and James Bond Thunderball Grotto. We have tours available from Miami, Fort Lauderdale and Nassau.

  6. ULTIMATE Bahamas day escape to Bimini or Freeport by ferry

    Arrival Private Transfer: Airport FLL to Fort Lauderdale in Business Car. from $80.52. Price varies by group size. Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Fort Lauderdale Private Transportation To & From Port Everglades. 5. from $89.00. Per group. Operators have paid Viator more to have their experiences featured here.

  7. Bahamas Day Trip from Miami Florida by Plane to the Exuma Swimming Pigs

    For a flight departing at 07:30AM please arrive by 06:30AM for check-in. For a flight departing at 06:45AM please arrive by 05:45AM for check-in. Swim with Pigs in the Bahamas from Miami on a unique Bahamas Day Trip from Fort Lauderdale Florida. Discover the stunning Exuma Cays island all in One Day!

  8. From Fort Lauderdale: Bahamas Full-Day Trip by Ferry

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  9. Bahamas Day Trips & Tours

    Stay in the magnificent Bimini Island for a full Bahamas Experience. From. $ 445. Enjoy of a unique day trip to Freeport, Grand Bahama just 3 hours away from Miami. From. $ 255. Discover the best unforgettable trips & adventures to do in Bahamas. Book a Bahamas Tour at Gray Line Miami today with No Hidden Fees & Free Cancellation!

  10. Bahamas Island Hopping adventure by Plane: Florida to Bahamas by Plane

    The Bahamas: A spectacular collection of the world's most stunning, unspoilt and untouched tropical islands. We are island hopping the Bahamas by piloting our own plane on the ultimate adventure across the Bahamas Out Islands from Florida to Bahamas. Flying across turquoise waters, join us as we encounter tropical islands, exotic wildlife, white-sand beaches, colonial towns and a sense of ...

  11. Cruises from Florida to the Bahamas

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  12. Day Tours From Florida To The Bahamas

    Bahamas Island Travel 2201 NW 55th Ct Hangar 11 B Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309 Exuma Cays Travel Inc DBA Bahamas Island Travel is registered with the State of Florida as a Seller of Travel Registration NO.

  13. Bahamas Day Tours by Plane to the Swimming Pigs from Miami & Nassau

    We provide private air charter services across Southern Florida and the Bahamas. Whilst our Bahamas Air Tours provide set itineraries for day trips and multi-day tours, our private air charters offer a full private flight experience or we can create bespoke tour itineraries to any of the Bahamas Islands, Southern Florida or the Florida Keys.

  14. Travel Guide: From Florida to The Bahamas By Boat

    Case in point: The Bahamas. With over 700 awe-inspiring islands ranging between 50 and 200 miles from the eastern Florida coast, The Bahamas brings an entirely new meaning to tropical getaway. This gorgeous archipelago is filled with pristine islands, rich culture and unforgettable experiences. Perhaps the best part is proximity; you can take a ...

  15. 3 Night Bahamas Cruise

    Try again. The 3 Night Bahamas Cruise visits Fort Lauderdale, Florida; Nassau, Bahamas; Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Explore our cruise itineraries and choose from a variety of rooms depending on your needs and budget. Start planning your next cruise vacation by selecting a destination and departure port.

  16. Bahamas Cruises From Florida

    Nassau. The Bahamian capital of Nassau is a delightful mix of culture, cuisine, and blissful beaches. Climb the historic Queen's Staircase in the 18th century Fort Fincastle. Snorkel over the reefs fringing tiny Pearl Island, and sample rum at John Watling's Distillery. Try the watersports along Cable Beach, or indulge in watery fun at the ...

  17. 4-Day Weekend Cruise to The Bahamas

    Easy-breezy island weekends can be found aboard the Margaritaville at Sea Paradise, where 4-day, 3-night cruises to the Bahamas exclusively feature Saturdays at Sea! You'll get a full day on the open ocean to explore, escape, and energize with a lineup of all new ways to set sail to Margaritaville, including Sail Yeah Deck Party, Bottom's Up ...

  18. Florida Bahamas ferry from $115 + tax, schedule and prices

    Florida Bahamas ferry from $115 + tax, schedule and prices. Get the fast direct ferry from Florida (Fort Lauderdale) to Grand Bahama island (Freeport - 2.5 hours) or to Bimini island (Alice Town - 2 hours) with Balearia Caribbean. The best option to visit the Bahamas and the Caribbean sea for a day trip or a hotel three or four night stay at Hilton at World Resorts Bimini.

  19. 6 Best Boat Trips From Miami To Bahamas

    Top Boat Experiences From Miami To Bahamas. Check Availability: Bimini Day Cruise From Fort Lauderdale With Round-Trip Miami Transfer. 1. Ferry to Bimini. Check Availability. This ferry from Miami to Bimini is at the top of our list, as it is affordable, quick, and accessible to everyone! This Bimini ferry actually leaves from Fort Lauderdale ...

  20. Bahamas Air Tours and Flights to Bahamas from Florida and Miami

    Enquire about our group pricing for our Bahamas Air Tours and Bahamas Day Trips from Florida. Enquire Now. Contact Info. [email protected] +1 786-289-8977 Mon - Sun 9.00 - 17.00 4300 Biscayne Blvd, Miami, FL Fla. Seller of Travel Ref No. ST41785 . The Bahamas Blog. Swim with Bahamian Pigs: A once-in-a-Lifetime Experience ...

  21. Grand Bahamas Round-Trip Ferry Ride from Fort Lauderdale 2024

    Easily get over to the island of Grand Bahama from Fort Lauderdale with this round-trip ferry ticket. Board the 'Balearia Caribbean' for a two-and-a-half hour ride across the Atlantic Ocean to Freeport Harbour, and then enjoy about five hours of free time to go snorkeling, relax on white-sand beaches, or explore by scooter before catching your return ferry back to Fort Lauderdale that evening.

  22. Friendship Tours

    October 13-20, 2024. 8 Days/7 Nights. Symphony of the Seas is one of the most spectacular Oasis Class ships from Royal Caribbean. Hop on the motorcoach to the NJ pier and you're off - it's a great getaway on an amazing ship! · Port Canaveral, FL. · "Perfect Day" Coco Cay, Bahamas (Private Island) · Nassau, Bahamas.

  23. Florida to Bahamas by Plane: How to Travel in Style

    Take, for instance, a flight from Florida to Bahamas like one of the trips we offer, Miami to Bimini. Bimini is the closest Bahamian island off the Florida coast. It is about fifty miles east of the Florida peninsula, but on a ferry, the round trip can take up to five hours. Compare this to an hour (round-trip time) through the air.

  24. Carnival doles out more details on new Bahamas destination

    MIAMI BEACH — Carnival Cruise Line has released another round of updates on just what travelers can expect when its new private destination Grand Bahama Celebration Key opens. Debuting in summer ...