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Umroh Murah Ala Backpacker

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Umroh Ala Backpacker | Tips Umrah Sendiri atau Berdua Teman / Pasangan

Umroh Ala Backpacker – Mengunjungi rumah Allah di Tanah Suci adalah impian seluruh muslim untuk menyempurnakan ibadahnya. Namun karena letaknya jauh tentu saja membutuhkan biaya yang tidak sedikit. Bagi kebanyakan orang biaya umroh atau haji masih dirasa memberatkan meskipun saat ini tersedia banyak paket yang terjangkau. Akan tetapi tidak ada salahnya jika mencoba umroh backpacker untuk biaya yang sangat terjangkau. 

Umroh adalah alternatif bagi umat muslim untuk melakukan ibadah ke tanah suci kapan saja tanpa antre hingga bertahun-tahun seperti haji. Perjalan umroh mengharuskan banyak persiapan yang harus dilakukan. maka tidak heran jika banyak yang menggunakan jasa travel umroh untuk mengurusnya. 

Umroh backpacker menjadi salah satu jalan lain untuk menuju tanah suci dengan menekan biaya. Hal ini memang sangat dapat disesuaikan dengan budget, namun tentu saja bukan berarti tidak memiliki resiko. Umroh backpacker berarti melakukan perjalan umroh secara mandiri. Agar perjalan umroh ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar, maka terdapat beberapa cara jitu yang harus diperhatikan dan dilakukan. berikut ini adalah tips umroh ala backpacker antara lain:

Mengurus Visa Untuk Umroh Backpacker

Saudi Arabia tidak menerima dan memberlakukan visa on arrival untuk seluruh kunjungan apapun tidak terkecuali umroh. Sehingga pengajuan visa harus dilakukan terlebih dahulu di negara asal pada kedutaan Saudi Arabia sebelum keberangkatan. Namun sayangnya pengajuan visa tersebut harus dilakukan secara kolektif. Sehingga Anda diharuskan menggunakan jasa travel dan dikenakan biaya tertentu. 

Hotel / Penginapan Murah & Nyaman

Salah satu syarat dalam mengurus visa adalah diharuskan menunjukkan bukti booking hotel di Makkah dan Madinah. jika menggunakan jasa travel umroh, biasanya biaya booking hotel termasuk dalam satu pengurusan visa. Tarif hotel juga dipengaruhi dengan lokasinya. Semakin dekat dengan Masjidil Haram atau Masjid Nabawi akan semakin mahal juga tarif yang diberlakukan. Adapun solusi untuk hal ini adalah Anda bisa membooking hotel yang jauh dengan harga murah hanya sebagai syarat pengajuan visa.

Tiket Pesawat Umroh Backpacker

Bagi traveller yang terbiasa  bepergian ala backpacker tentu saja memburu pesawat murah bukanlah hal yang sulit. Apalagi saat ini terdapat maskapai low cost carrier dengan rute langsung ke Jeddah. Ada juga connecting flight, namun harus disertai dengan pengaturan waktu yang ketat dan detail agar tidak ketinggalan pesawat. 

Waktu Keberangkatan

Waktu keberangkatan juga menjadi faktor paling penting untuk melakukan perjalanan. Waktu pendaftaran untuk visa umroh dilakukan selama 8 bulan saja mulai dari bulan Shafar hingga Ramadhan. selain itu untuk umroh backpacker sebaiknya menghindari waktu high season yaitu di bulan Rajab, Sya’ban, dan Ramadhan. 

Hindari Cuaca Ekstrem 

Cuaca ekstrem di Makkah dan Madinah dapat meningkatkan resiko mudahnya terkena sakit. Sehingga faktor cuaca tidak bisa diremehkan. Jangan sampai bermaksud ingin mengirit biaya transportasi, penginapan, dan konsumsi namun cuaca sedang ekstrem. Cuaca ekstrem panas atau puncak musim panas di Arab Saudi terjadi pada bulan Juni hingga Agustus. Sedangkan puncak musim dingin terjadi pada bulan November hingga Februari bahkan suhu udaranya dapat mencapai 2 derajat celcius. 

Makanan / Catering Mandiri

Dalam masalah makanan terdapat beberapa pilihan. Untuk itu Anda harus pintar-pintar dalam mencari makanan dan menyesuaikannya dengan kantong. Di sekitar Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi terdapat banyak pedagang warung kali lima yang menjual makanan. pilihan lainnya adalah menggunakan catering hotel. Namun untuk pilihan kedua ini Anda harus kembali tepat waktu ke hotel. 

Transportasi 24 Jam

Transportasi menjadi hal yang cukup merepotkan. Sebab jika tidak mengetahui sama sekali tentang Arab Saudi, maka mobilitas maka akan menjadi terhambat. Namun untungnya di Arab Saudi transportasi umum tersedia 24 jam penuh. 

Traveling Dengan Teman / Pasangan

Traveller backpacker atau umroh backpacker memang sangat identik dengan melakukan perjalanan seorang diri saja. Namun sebaiknya usahakan untuk bepergian bersama beberapa teman. Anda juga  bisa bergabung dengan komunitas backpacker atau umroh backpacker . Dengan mengajak teman akan meminimalisir resiko  kemungkinan tersesat dan lainnya selama umroh. Hal ini juga dapat menekan biaya penginapan dan transportasi karena bisa dibagi secara bersama. 

Umroh backpacker bisa kamu tunaikan bersama Almera Travel, layanan umroh backpacker akan menghemat budget lebih untuk menunaikan umroh. Hubungi layanan jamaah Kami.

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  • Informasi Update

Panduan Umroh Mandiri / Backpacker Tanpa Travel Berdasarkan Pengalaman

Ummi Anna

  • September 27, 2023

Cerita Perjalanan

Umroh, salah satu ibadah sunnah dalam Islam, telah menjadi impian bagi banyak umat Muslim di seluruh dunia. Tradisionalnya, jemaah umroh akan berangkat dengan paket perjalanan yang telah disediakan oleh agen perjalanan khusus. Namun, seiring dengan perkembangan zaman dan kemudahan akses informasi, muncul konsep baru dalam pelaksanaan umroh, yaitu “Umroh Mandiri” atau sering disebut juga “Umroh Backpacker”.

Dalam artikel ini, kita akan menganalisa apa itu Umroh Mandiri, kelebihan dan kekurangannya, serta beberapa tips bagi Anda yang tertarik untuk mencoba konsep ini

Table of Contents

Apa itu Umroh Mandiri?

Umroh Mandiri adalah istilah yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan perjalanan Umroh yang dilakukan secara independen tanpa menggunakan jasa agen travel. Ini berarti bahwa seorang Muslim yang ingin menjalankan Umroh akan mengurus semua aspek perjalanan tersebut sendiri, termasuk akomodasi, transportasi, serta prosedur dan ritus yang diperlukan.

Apakah Umroh Mandiri Lebih Murah dibandingkan dengan Menggunakan Travel?

Pertanyaan tentang apakah Umroh Mandiri lebih murah dibandingkan dengan menggunakan travel adalah pertimbangan penting bagi banyak calon jamaah. Untuk menjawabnya, kita perlu mempertimbangkan beberapa faktor yang dapat memengaruhi biaya perjalanan Umroh.

  • Biaya Akomodasi: Salah satu faktor terbesar dalam biaya perjalanan Umroh adalah akomodasi. Ketika Anda menggunakan jasa agen travel, biasanya mereka telah menjalin kesepakatan dengan hotel-hotel tertentu untuk tarif khusus. Namun, dalam Umroh Mandiri, Anda memiliki fleksibilitas untuk memilih akomodasi sesuai dengan anggaran Anda. Anda dapat memilih dari berbagai tipe hotel, mulai dari yang berbintang lima hingga akomodasi yang lebih sederhana. Biaya akomodasi akan bervariasi berdasarkan pilihan Anda.
  • Biaya Transportasi: Transportasi juga merupakan faktor yang signifikan dalam biaya perjalanan Umroh. Agar lebih murah, Anda dapat mencari tiket pesawat dengan tarif terbaik, menyesuaikan waktu keberangkatan, dan mungkin memilih rute yang lebih ekonomis.
  • Visa dan Biaya Proses: Biaya visa Umroh adalah biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh semua calon jamaah. Namun, dalam Umroh Mandiri, Anda akan mengurus proses visa sendiri, yang mungkin mengurangi biaya yang dikenakan oleh agen travel.
  • Biaya Tambahan: Agen travel biasanya memasukkan biaya tambahan dalam paket mereka, seperti tour leader, makanan, dan transportasi lokal. Dalam Umroh Mandiri, Anda dapat menghemat biaya ini dengan mengatur sendiri kebutuhan Anda.

Untuk memberikan gambaran simulasi perbandingan biaya, mari kita ambil contoh perjalanan Umroh Mandiri dengan perjalanan menggunakan agen travel. Harap diperhatikan bahwa biaya perjalanan akan sangat bervariasi tergantung pada berbagai faktor, termasuk musim perjalanan, tanggal keberangkatan, dan pilihan akomodasi. Simulasi ini hanya memberikan gambaran umum.

Untuk memberikan simulasi biaya perjalanan Umroh Mandiri dan perjalanan dengan agen travel dalam mata uang Rupiah, kita akan menggunakan kurs yang umumnya berlaku saat ini, namun perlu diingat bahwa kurs dapat berfluktuasi, sehingga perlu dilakukan penyesuaian sesuai dengan waktu perjalanan Anda. Di bawah ini adalah simulasi perbandingan biaya dalam Rupiah:

Simulasi Perbandingan Biaya: Umroh Mandiri vs Agen Travel 

Umroh Mandiri:

  • Tiket pesawat PP: Rp7.000.000 (berdasarkan tarif promo)
  • Biaya visa Umroh: Rp2.800.000
  • Akomodasi 10 malam di hotel bintang tiga madinah / mekkah : Rp8.400.000
  • Makanan dan transportasi lokal: Rp4.200.000
  • Biaya lain-lain (ibadah, pakaian ihram, dll.): Rp2.800.000
  • Total biaya Umroh Mandiri: Rp16.800.000

Agen Travel:

  • Paket Umroh agen travel (termasuk tiket pesawat, akomodasi, makanan, transportasi): Rp28.000.000
  • Biaya tambahan agen travel: Rp2.500.000
  • Total biaya Agen Travel: Rp30.500.000

Namun, perlu diingat bahwa biaya perjalanan sebenarnya dapat berbeda tergantung pada berbagai faktor, seperti musim perjalanan, tanggal keberangkatan, dan pilihan akomodasi. Selain itu, biaya yang diberikan dalam simulasi ini hanya mencakup biaya umum yang mungkin Anda hadapi, dan mungkin ada biaya tambahan yang terkait dengan preferensi dan kebutuhan pribadi Anda

Apa Saja Yang Perlu Disiapkan Untuk Umroh Mandiri?

Persiapan untuk menjalankan Umroh Mandiri memerlukan serangkaian langkah yang harus ditempuh dengan teliti dan cermat. Dalam upaya untuk meraih pengalaman spiritual yang mendalam di Kota Suci Makkah dan Madinah, calon jamaah Umroh perlu memenuhi persyaratan dasar seperti memiliki paspor, visa, tiket pesawat, dan akomodasi.

Persiapan Paspor untuk Umroh Mandiri:

Paspor adalah dokumen yang sangat penting saat melakukan perjalanan internasional, termasuk Umroh. Untuk membuat paspor Indonesia, Anda perlu mengikuti serangkaian langkah dan memenuhi beberapa persyaratan:

  • Kunjungan ke Kantor Imigrasi: Anda harus mengunjungi kantor Imigrasi terdekat dengan membuat janji terlebih dahulu melalui aplikasi m-paspor, sekaligus melakukan pembayaran sebesar Rp 350.000 untuk paspor baru
  • Pengumpulan Dokumen: Langkah pertama adalah mengumpulkan dokumen yang diperlukan, seperti Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) asli dan fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku, Akta Kelahiran asli, dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4×6 cm sebanyak 6 lembar. Pastikan semua dokumen ini dalam kondisi baik dan asli.
  • Wawancara: Di beberapa kasus, Anda mungkin diminta untuk menjalani wawancara di kantor Imigrasi. Ini bisa dilakukan untuk memverifikasi informasi Anda.
  • Pencetakan Paspor: Setelah semua proses selesai, paspor Anda akan dicetak dan Anda akan diberikan petunjuk tentang kapan dan di mana Anda dapat mengambil paspor tersebut.

Visa Umroh untuk Umroh Mandiri

Visa Umroh adalah izin masuk ke Arab Saudi yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Haji Arab Saudi. Proses mendapatkan visa Umroh biasanya dilakukan dengan bantuan biro travel yang memiliki izin untuk mengurus visa Umroh. Lebih lengkapnya klik artikel kami :

Mencari Tiket Pesawat

Mencari tiket pesawat untuk perjalanan Umroh Mandiri bisa dilakukan secara mandiri dengan bantuan situs web mesin pencari tiket pesawat online (OTA) seperti Skyscanner.

Memilih Hotel

Untuk mencari akomodasi selama perjalanan Umroh Mandiri, Anda dapat menggunakan situs web pemesanan hotel seperti, Agoda, atau Airbnb.

Umroh Mandiri menawarkan pengalaman yang berbeda bagi jemaah yang ingin lebih fleksibel dan mendalami pengalaman ibadah mereka. Meskipun memiliki beberapa kekurangan, dengan persiapan yang matang, konsep ini bisa menjadi alternatif menarik bagi Anda yang ingin mencoba sesuatu yang berbeda. Pastikan untuk selalu melakukan riset dan konsultasi agar perjalanan ibadah Anda berjalan lancar dan penuh berkah.

Ummi Anna

Saya adalah jurnalis yang suka bercerita tentang perjalanan ke kota suci mekkah dan madinah. Semoga tulisan saya dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca

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Bisakah Orang Indonesia Umrah Backpacker, Simak Jawabannya travel travel update, wasti samaria simangunsong ,, anggara wikan prasetya.

Tim Redaksi

Wasti Samaria Simangunsong

Penulis anggara wikan prasetya.

Lebih lanjut, Nafit menjelaskan, ada sejumlah faktor pembeda antara orang yang berwisata dengan orang yang ber-umrah.

"Orang ber-umrah di situ ada unsur pelayanan, pembinaan dan perlindungan. Kami telah mengatur dalam undang-undang bahwa jemaah wajib mendapatkan tiga aspek tersebut," imbuhnya.

Baca juga: Visa Turis Bisa untuk Umrah, Tak Berlaku bagi Jemaah Indonesia

Terkait pelayanan, bila ingin berangkat secara perorangan, maka seseorang tidak akan bisa memproses visa, sebab yang dapat memproses visa adalah PPIU.

Sedangkan terkait pembinaan, PPIU wajib melakukan pembinaan manasik bagi jemaah umrah. Inilah yang membedakannya dengan orang berwisata.

Berikutnya terkait dengan perlindungan bagi jemaah itu ketika berangkat, mereka wajib mendapat perlindungan dari PPIU sebagai warga negara Indonesia di luar negeri.


"Jadi ketika dia menghadapi permasalahan hukum, masalah kehilangan dokumen, masalah kesehatan, kematian, itu siapa yang mau mengurus kalau dia berangkat sendiri?," tutur Nafit.

Itulah mengapa akan jadi masalah kalau pemerintah mengizinkan perorangan berangkat umrah.

Baca juga: Syarat dan Cara Pengajuan Visa Umrah Periode 1 Agustus 2022

"Itu sudah diatur dalam UU nomor 8 Tahun 2019 bahwa orang itu bisa berangkat umrah sendiri atau berkelompok, tapi harus tetap melalui PPIU, tidak boleh backpacker -an," pungkasnya.

Tips beli paket umrah agar lebih murah

Sebenarnya untuk harga paket umrah sudah ada pasaran normalnya sendiri. Namun, peluang untuk mendapat harga di bawah standar bisa dimaksimalkan bila kamu memesan paket pada bulan Maret-April.

"Kalau umrah udah ada harga standar. Kalau harga mau di bawah pasaran biasanya ada di periode Maret-April. Kalau Oktober sampai Desember itu high season , otomatis tiket dan hotel pun harganya naik, jadi lebih mahal," tutur pegawai MAS Umrah and Haji, Fitri, Sabtu.

Adapun selisih harga pemesanan di bulan Maret-April dengan Oktober-Desember, kata Fitri bisa sekitar Rp 3 juta-an.

Selain itu, harga paket umrah tergantung pula pada maskapai dan hotel berbintang yang akan digunakan calon jemaah di Tanah Suci nantinya.

Tag umrah ibadah umrah syarat umrah umrah backpacker bisakah umrah secara backpacker bisakah umroh backpacker bisakah umrah backpacker


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Umroh Backpacker vs Travel, Pilih Mana?

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Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

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Tips dan Trik Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

1. pengertian umroh backpacker.

Pemkab TTU Adakan Gerakan Pangan Tekan Inflasi

Pemkab TTU Salurkan Dana Hibah Pilkada KPU Sebesar 40 Persen

PIS Sukses Tekan Emisi 25,4 Ribu Ton Setara CO2

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

2. Persiapan Sebelum Berangkat Umroh Backpacker

  • Mempersiapkan dokumen yang diperlukan, seperti paspor, visa, dan kartu identitas.
  • Menyiapkan perlengkapan umroh, seperti mukena, pakaian ihram, sandal jepit, dan tas punggung.
  • Memeriksa kesehatan dan mempersiapkan obat-obatan yang dibutuhkan.
  • Mengikuti pelatihan umroh dan belajar mengenai rukun dan syarat umroh.

3. Memilih Agen Travel Umroh Terpercaya

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

  • Memilih agen travel yang telah memiliki izin resmi dari Kementerian Agama.
  • Memeriksa reputasi agen travel, seperti melalui ulasan dari jamaah sebelumnya.
  • Menanyakan secara detail mengenai paket umroh yang ditawarkan, termasuk fasilitas yang disediakan dan biaya yang harus dikeluarkan.

4. Memilih Tanggal Keberangkatan yang Tepat

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

5. Memilih Rute Perjalanan yang Sesuai

6. memilih transportasi yang ekonomis.

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

7. Memilih Akomodasi yang Murah Meriah

8. mengatur jadwal ibadah dengan baik.

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

9. Menggunakan Teknologi untuk Membantu Perjalanan

Tips aman saat melakukan umroh backpacker.

  • Selalu membawa dokumen penting, seperti paspor dan visa, dalam tas yang aman.
  • Menghindari tempat-tempat yang terlalu ramai atau gelap pada malam hari.
  • Tidak mengenakan perhiasan yang mencolok atau membawa barang berharga yang terlalu banyak.
  • Menghindari makanan atau minuman yang tidak jelas asalnya.
  • Menggunakan jasa transportasi yang resmi dan terpercaya.

Hal-hal yang Harus Dihindari saat Melakukan Umroh Backpacker

Tips Umroh Backpacker yang Aman dan Hemat Biaya

  • Mengabaikan tata cara dan etika beribadah.
  • Membawa barang-barang terlarang atau membeli barang-barang yang ilegal.
  • Mengganggu ketertiban dan keamanan di sekitar tempat ibadah.
  • Mengambil foto atau merekam video di tempat ibadah tanpa izin atau mengganggu ibadah orang lain.

Tips Menghindari Penipuan saat Melakukan Umroh Backpacker

  • Memilih travel umroh yang terpercaya dan sudah memiliki reputasi baik.
  • Memeriksa ulasan dan testimoni dari orang-orang yang sudah menggunakan jasa travel tersebut.
  • Tidak membayar sejumlah uang yang terlalu besar di muka, terutama jika belum ada konfirmasi pasti mengenai biaya-biaya lainnya.
  • Meminta rincian biaya dengan jelas dan memastikan tidak ada biaya tambahan yang tidak diinformasikan sebelumnya.
  • Memastikan tiket pesawat, akomodasi, dan transportasi sudah terkonfirmasi dengan jelas.

Tips Menghemat Biaya Selama Perjalanan Umroh Backpacker

  • Membawa bekal makanan dan minuman dari rumah atau membeli makanan di tempat-tempat yang murah.
  • Menghindari pengeluaran yang tidak perlu, seperti membeli barang-barang yang tidak penting atau mengunjungi tempat wisata yang tidak berkaitan dengan ibadah.
  • Memanfaatkan fasilitas umum, seperti toilet dan mushola di tempat-tempat umum.
  • Menggunakan jasa transportasi umum atau jalan kaki, daripada menggunakan taksi atau mobil sewaan.
  • Memanfaatkan diskon dan promo dari travel umroh atau maskapai penerbangan.

Brapa biaya umroh backpacker ?

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Home » Perencana Keuangan » Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial

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Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial

Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial 01 - Finansialku

Diperbarui 25 Mei 2023

Bagi kamu yang muslim, penasaran melakukan umroh backpacker? Selain pengalaman, imanmu pun akan semakin bertambah.

Bagaimana caranya? Yuk, simak panduan umroh backpacker yang cocok untuk milenial dalam artikel berikut ini.

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Panduan Backpacking Umroh Untuk Milenial

Umroh ala backpacker bisa menjadi solusi bagi para milenial yang berjiwa petualang. Seringkali, menunaikan ibadah umroh backpacker disebut umroh murah.

Pasalnya, biaya yang dibutuhkan cukup jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan biaya yang ditawarkan agen.

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Semua hal diurus sendiri. Mulai dari visa, tiket, penginapan, dan rute perjalanannya. Kesannya ribet, ya? Namun, ini cocok untuk kamu yang suka tantangan dan hal baru.

Berikut ini panduan yang bisa kamu jadikan acuan untuk umroh ala backpacker .

#1 Waktu Keberangkatan

Hal pertama yang paling penting adalah menentukan waktu keberangkatan. Semua kepentinganmu seperti tiket pesawat, visa, cuaca, dan lain-lain tergantung jadwal keberangkatan.

Waktu juga bisa sebagai patokan untuk menghindari  high season  pada bulan Rajab, Sya’ban, dan Ramadan. Jika kamu berangkat pada high season , biasanya harga menjadi lebih tinggi daripada bulan lainnya.

Selain itu, pertimbangkan pula suhu di Arab Saudi. Cuaca yang bersahabat biasanya pada Februari hingga Mei.

Pilihlah waktu di antara bulan-bulan tersebut supaya kamu bisa nyaman dalam melakukan ibadah tanpa terkendala cuaca atau suhu panas.

Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial 01 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Simak 10 Panduan Hemat dan Tips Belanja Saat Umroh ]

#2 Tiket Pesawat

Tiket pesawat adalah kunci terpenting. Kamu harus rajin mengecek supaya dapat tiket murah. Memesan tiket pesawat jauh hari pun bisa membuatmu mendapatkan harga murah.

Tentukan pula jenis maskapai yang akan kamu gunakan. Hal ini akan menentukan seberapa murah tiket pesawat.

#3 Penginapan Selama Beribadah

Rata-rata penginapan yang dekat dengan pusat ibadah biasanya berbintang 4 dan 5. Tentu saja harganya pun tinggi. Ini akan berakibat melonjaknya anggaran penginapan.

Oleh karena itu, lebih baik kamu memesan hotel berbintang 3 ke bawah. Memang, lokasinya agak jauh dari pusat ibadah. Hal ini cukup menguras energi. Namun, kamu bisa lebih menghemat biaya, kan?

Pertimbangkan pula opsi untuk menyewa apartemen murah. Carilah harga yang terjangkau dan bisa diisi 3-4 orang. Jadi, jika kamu umroh backpacker bersama teman, kalian bisa patungan.

Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial 02 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Kenali Reksa Dana Untuk Umroh Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial ]

Untuk makanan, kamu harus pintar mencari makanan yang sesuai budget . Jangan kepingin makan di restoran terus. Cobalah perhatikan kehidupan masyarakat di sana.

Banyak warung makanan kaki lima yang bisa kamu temukan di sekitar Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi. Harga satu kali makan yakni 10-30 SAR atau sekitar Rp 37-112 ribu.

Dengan makan di warung kaki lima, kamu mungkin saja berkenalan dengan masyarakat setempat sambil mencari-cari informasi mengenai perjalanan ibadahmu di tanah suci.

Namun, jika kamu tak ingin ribet, opsi katering hotel bisa jadi andalan. Kamu bisa meminta katering hotel yang biasa dipesan jamaah umroh. Namun, kamu harus kembali tepat waktu ke hotel saat jam makan.

Pilihan lainnya, jika kamu menyewa apartemen, kamu bisa memasak sendiri. Ini bisa menghemat pengeluaranmu beberapa kali lipat, lho !

#5 Transportasi

Masalah transportasi bisa cukup merepotkanmu. Apalagi, jika tidak tahu sama sekali tentang Arab Saudi. Untungnya, transportasi umum di sini tersedia selama 24 jam.

Kamu bisa lebih hemat jika menggunakan bis umum. Misalnya, dari Jeddah ke Masjidil Haram. Harganya kisaran 30 SAR atau setara dengan kisaran Rp 129 ribu. Keuntungan lainnya, kamu bisa lebih berbaur dengan orang lokal.

Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial 03 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Simak 10 Panduan Hemat dan Tips Belanja Saat Umroh ]

Untuk mengurus visa, kamu tidak bisa mengurusnya sendiri. Pasalnya, visa umroh tidak bisa dilakukan perorangan. Untuk itu, kamu harus menggunakan jasa biro travel umroh. Ingat, carilah jasa biro travel yang kredibel.

Namun, tak mudah mencari travel yang mau kasih pengurusan visa aja. Biasanya mereka menawarkan paket akomodasi dan transportasi yang sering disebut  Land Arrangement (LA) , biayanya sekitar 500-600 USD.

Hal ini dikarenakan untuk mencegah visa disalahgunakan untuk jadi TKI ilegal.

Walaupun demikian, ada jasa biro travel umroh yang mau membantu untuk visa saja. Biasanya, harus ada penjaminnya dan keterangan akan kembali lagi. Bukan untuk bekerja di Arab Saudi nantinya.

Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial 04 - Finansialku

[Baca Juga: Segini Biaya Yang Harus Kamu Siapkan Kalau Mau Umroh di 2020 ]

Intinya Ibadah, Bukan Gaya

Ketika kamu memutuskan untuk umroh backpacker , jangan lupa luruskan niat untuk beribadah. Perjalanan ibadah ke tanah suci hanya orang-orang yang dipilih Allah.

Jika sudah begitu, biasanya jalan akan terbuka tanpa hambatan. Itu artinya, Allah mengundang Anda ke tanah suci.

Ingat, inti dari perjalanan umroh adalah ibadahnya. Bukan untuk gaya-gayaan. Karena itu, buatlah budget yang sederhana, namun bisa membawamu ke tanah suci dan kembali lagi ke Indonesia dengan selamat.

Untuk kamu yang ingin menabung lebih banyak lagi demi bisa umroh backpacker , jangan lupa atur dan catat pengeluaranmu dengan aplikasi Finansialku.

Aplikasi ini dapat diunduh di Google Play Store atau Apple App Store . Simak video ini untuk mengetahui manfaat penting mencatat pengeluaran.

Itu dia panduan yang perlu kamu persiapkan untuk umroh. Tertarik untuk mencobanya? Jangan lupa share artikel ini, ya. Siapa tahu ada teman atau keluargamu yang tertarik untuk bergabung denganmu.

Sumber Referensi:

  • Septyan Bayu Anggara. 30 Oktober 2019. Panduan Umroh Backpacker Buat Kamu yang Mau Ibadah ke Tanah Suci. Jauh Lebih Hemat, Lho! –
  • Reza Iqbal. 18 Mei 2018. Mumpung Bulan Ramadhan, Begini Cara Umrah Murah ala Backpacker . –

Sumber Gambar:

  • Umroh 1 –
  • Umroh 2 –
  • Umroh 3 –
  • Umroh 4 –

About the Author: Mpur Chan, S.S.

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Umroh Backpacker

Seluk-beluk umroh backpacker.

Umrah backpacker adalah umroh mandiri. Artinya, semua hal terkait pelaksanaan ibadah umroh, mulai dari persiapan, pemesanan tiket pesawat dan akomodasi, sampai pelaksanaan ibadah ditentukan dan diurus sediri oleh orang yang ingin berumroh.

Satu-satunya kerja sama yang dilakukan dengan travel umroh hanyalah pembuatan visa. Sebab, visa umroh tidak bisa diajukan perorangan. Visa umroh hanya bisa dikeluarkan melalui melalui travel umroh yang terdaftar di Kementerian Haji Kerajaan Saudi Arabia. Jadi, jika Anda ingin melakukan umroh backpacker , untuk pengurusan visa umroh, Anda tetap harus mengurusnya melalui  travel umroh .

Sebenarnya travel umroh yang terdaftar tersebut jumlahnya sedikit, tetapi biro travel umroh yang beroperasi di Indonesia sangat banyak. Hal ini karena banyak biro travel yang bekerja sama dengan travel umroh yang terdaftar tersebut untuk pengurusan visa.

Keunggulan Umroh Backpacker

Hal ini banyak diminati oleh mereka yang memiliki jiwa petualang dan umumnya masih berusia muda.. Keunggulan umroh secara backpacker, antara lain sebagai berikut.

  • Biasanya lebih murah dibandingkan dengan biaya umroh standar. Selisih biaya antara umroh backpacker dengan paket umroh reguler bisa sekitar 5 juta rupiah.
  • Jamaah dapat menjalankan berbagai aktivitas dengan lebih fleksibel. Mereka tidak harus mengikuti jadwal yang ditetapkan biro perjalanan umroh bagi para jamaah reguler. Misalnya, mereka tidak harus kembali ke pemondokan untuk makan siang. Dengan demikian, jamaah umroh bacakpacker dapat lebih leluasa atau sepuasnya beribadah. Mereka bisa sepuasnya berada di dalam masjid.
  • Setelah menyelesaikan umroh, mereka dapat melanjutkan dengan perjalanan wisata, baik di wilayah Saudi Arabia maupun negara-negara Timur Tengah yang yang bebas visa, seperti Turki danYordania.

Kelemahan Umroh Backpacker

Di balik keunggulannya, umroh backpacke r juga memiliki kelemahan-kelemahan, antara lain sebagai berikut.

  • Waktu perjalanan yang lebih lama karena harus transit di beberapa negara. Waktu tunggu untuk transit ini bisa berjam-jam, bahkan banyak jamaah backpacker yang harus menginap di bandara negara yang menjadi tempat transit. Hal ini karena tiket penerbangan yang murah biasanya hanya menempuh jarak pendek. Jadi, dari Jakarta tidak bisa langsung ke Arab.
  • Kementerian Haji dan Kementrian Luar Negeri Kerajaan Saudi Arabia sekarang memperketat syarat pengeluaran visa. Sementara itu, hanya beberapa biro travel yang berani memberikan jasa visa umroh backpacker. Hal ini karena terjadinya banyak pelanggaran izin tinggal. Misalnya, mereka yang melakukan umroh backpacker tidak kembali ke Indonesia, tetapi justru menetap di Arab Saudi dan menjadi imigran gelap.
  • Hotel yang bertarif lebih murah biasanya berjarak sekitar 2 hingga 6 kilometer dari masjid. Jadi, untuk ke beribadah di masjid, jamaah harus melakukan upaya esktra, baik dengan berjalan kaki atau naik bus.
  • Jamaah umroh backpacker harus memikirkan sendiri konsumsi selama mereka berada di Mekah. Kadang, hal ini dapat mengganggu konsentrasi mereka dalam beribadah.

Persiapan Umroh Backpacker

Berikut adalah hal-hal yang harus Anda persiapkan jika Anda berencana menunaikan ibadah umroh secara backpacker

1.Pakaian ihram

Pakaian ini wajib Anda bawa karena menjadi syarat sahnya ibadah umroh.

2.NPWP (Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak)

Untuk membauat NPWP, Anda tidak dikenakan biaya apa pun (gratis). Jika Anda tidak memilki NPWP, Anda harus membayar fiskal pada saat keberangkatan menuju umroh.

3.Paspor hijau

Untuk menghemat biaya umroh backpacker, buatlah paspor melalui jalur resmi jauh-jauh hari sebelum Anda menggunakannya. Jika Anda telah memiliki paspor, masa berlakunya tidak kurang dari 7 bulan dihitung dari waktu keberangkatan.

Untuk membuat visa umroh, Anda bisa bekerja sama dengan agen wisata umroh terdekat yang memiliki izin untuk menyelenggarakan perjalanan umroh atau biro travel lain yang bekerja sama dengan agen wisata tersebut.

5.Tiket pesawat

Untuk pemesanan tiket pesawat, keputusan ada di tangan Anda sepenuhnya. Namun, untuk mendapatkan harga yang ekonomis, sebaiknya Anda memesan tiket jauh-jauh hari, 6-12 bulan sebelum keberangkatan. Disarankan pula Anda booking tiket saat low season untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah. Sebab, sebagaimana musim-musim wisata lain, musim umroh juga mengenal peak season dan low season-nya. Saat peak season harga tiket pasti lebih mahal dan bisa jadi biaya umroh backpacker justru menjadi lebih mahal karena harge tiket pesawat yang tinggi. Low season umroh terjadi pada bulan Februari hingga April.

6.Transportasi di Arab Saudi

Ketika Anda mengajukan visa ke biro perjalanan umroh, mintalah petugas biro perjalanan untuk menjemput Anda di bandara. Setiap agen wisata umroh di Indonesia, dipastikan memiliki cabang atau rekanan di Arab Saudi. Jika tidak dijemput, petugas bandara tidak akan menigizinkan Anda meninggalkan bandara. Setelah dijemput oleh petugas dari biro perjalanan umroh, Anda bebas memilih transportasi selama di Arab Saudi. Anda bisa menyewa jasa travel-travel lokal. Atau, Anda juga bisa membayar jasa orang-orang Indonesia yang bekerja di sini yang juga bekerja secara part time untuk mengantar tamu-tamu umroh.


Untuk menghemat biaya umroh, lakukannlah pada saat low season, di Arab Saudi banyak hotel yang kosong, bahkan rumah penduduk pun banyak disewakan. Jadi, Anda tidak akan kesulitan untuk mendapatkan hotel atau tempat menginap jika Anda melaksanakan umroh pada saat low season. Hotel yang biasa digunakan oleh jamaah dari Indonesia, antara lain Mekkah (Burh Alam, Al Biston, Lavendar) dan Madinah (Ares Salam, Aiyor Taybab, Bodes Ilyas).

Jika Anda tidak bisa menyantap makanan selain masakan Indonesia, jangan khawatir, di Arab Saudi Anda bisa mendapatkan masakan Indonesia dengan mudah. Namun, jika Anda bisa mengonsumsi jenis makanan apa saja, ada begitu banyak alternatif makanan yang dapat Anda pilih. Sebagai jamaah jenis ini anda juga tidak perlu khawatir mengenai bugdet. Sebab, harga makanan di Arab Saudi relatif terjangkau.

9.Pemandu / Muthowif

Jika Anda baru pertama menunaikan ibadah umroh, Anda tentu membutuhkan seorang pembimbing (Muthowif) untuk menjalankan ibadah ini dengan sebaik-baiknya. Untuk masalah ini pun Anda tidak perlu khawatir. Sebab, di Mekah banyak Muthowif yang siap membantu Anda menjalankan ibadah umroh. Anda bisa membayar jasa mereka untuk memberikan panduan mengenai rangkain ritual dalam ibadah umroh.

Demikianlah seluk-beluk umroh backpacker . Jika Anda adalah seorang yang memiliki jiwa petualang, dan ingin melaksanakan ibadah umroh, tetapi terkendala biayanya yang mahal, Anda dapat menjalankan ibadah ini secara backpacker. Namun, satu hal yang harus Anda ingat adalah tujan perjalanan. Tujuan Anda adalah untuk beribadah. Jadi, meskipun Anda menjalankannya secara backpacker, jangan sampai hal ini mengurangi fokus dan kekhusyukan Anda dalam beribadah.

Kami menerima pendaftaran Ibadah Umroh & Haji Insya Allah Amanah, Terpercaya, Berangkat Sesuai Jadwal Customer Service Info Umroh & Haji Nike Ari Arham HP /WA : 082 11 21 21 8 21 | 0877 8000 42 70 email : [email protected]

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Umat Islam dari berbagai penjuru dunia kembali bisa melaksanakan ibadah umrah di Masjidil Haram, Makkah seiring diolonggarkannya protokol Covid-19 oleh Kerajaan Arab Saudi/Instagram @haramain_info

Jangan Sampai Terlewat, Ini Persiapan saat Umrah Backpacker, JAKARTA - Umrah backpacker mengacu pada konsep melakukan ibadah umrah tanpa menggunakan jasa travel umrah. 

Istilah "backpacker" merujuk pada gaya perjalanan yang sederhana, mandiri, dan berbiaya rendah, di mana seseorang mengatur perjalanan mereka sendiri tanpa bergantung pada agen perjalanan atau paket tur.

Dalam konteks umrah  backpacker, individu yang ingin melakukan ibadah umrah akan mengurus semua persiapan dan pengaturan perjalanan sendiri. 

Mulai dari, pemesanan tiket pesawat , akomodasi, transportasi lokal, dan pendaftaran di Masjidil Haram untuk melaksanakan ibadah di Mekah dan Masjid Nabawi di Madinah. 

Bahkan, dari sisi keleluasaan waktu, umroh backpacker memiliki keunggulan. Jika umroh dengan travel dibatasi hanya 9-15 hari di tanah suci, Anda yang umroh mandiri bisa melaksanakannya lebih lama, tergantung kemampuan dan biaya Anda selama melakukan umroh.

Apa saja yang perlu dipersiapkan saat umrah ala  backpacker ? Berikut ulasan  Bisnis selengkapnya:

1. visa umrah.

Visa umrah adalah dokumen yang wajib dimiliki oleh setiap jemaah umrah. Visa umrah hanya bisa diurus melalui PPIU (Penyelenggara Perjalanan Ibadah Umrah) yang resmi dan terdaftar di Kementerian Agama. Visa umrah biasanya berlaku selama 30 hari dan tidak bisa diperpanjang

2. Tiket pesawat

Tiket pesawat adalah salah satu komponen biaya terbesar dalam umrah backpacker. Namun, untuk mendapatkan harga yang ekonomis, sebaiknya Anda memesan tiket jauh-jauh hari, 6- 12 bulan sebelum keberangkatan. 

Disarankan pula Anda booking tiket saat  low season untuk mendapatkan harga yang lebih murah. Sebab, sebagaimana musim-musim wisata lain, musim umroh juga mengenal peak season dan low season -nya. 

Saat  peak season harga tiket pasti lebih mahal dan bisa jadi biaya umroh backpacker justru menjadi lebih mahal karena harge tiket pesawat yang tinggi. Low season umroh terjadi pada bulan Februari hingga April.

3. Akomodasi 

Akomodasi adalah tempat menginap selama berada di Mekah dan Madinah. Akomodasi bisa berupa hotel, apartemen, atau guest house.

Untuk mendapatkan akomodasi yang murah dan nyaman, sebaiknya memilih lokasi yang tidak terlalu dekat dengan Masjidil Haram dan Masjid Nabawi, membandingkan harga dari berbagai sumber online, atau bergabung dengan komunitas umrah backpacker yang bisa berbagi akomodasi juga bisa menjadi pilihan. 

4. Transportasi

Transportasi adalah sarana untuk berpindah dari bandara ke akomodasi, dari Mekah ke Madinah, atau dari akomodasi ke tempat-tempat ibadah lainnya. Transportasi bisa berupa taksi, bus, kereta api, atau sewa mobil. 

Untuk mendapatkan transportasi yang murah dan mudah, sebaiknya menggunakan aplikasi transportasi online, membeli tiket bus atau kereta api secara online, atau menyewa mobil bersama-sama dengan jemaah lain

5. Perlengkapan ibadah

Perlengkapan ibadah adalah barang-barang yang dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan ibadah umrah dengan lancar dan khusyuk. 

Perlengkapan ibadah bisa berupa pakaian ihram, sandal jepit, tas pinggang, sajadah, buku panduan umrah, obat-obatan pribadi, dan lain-lain. Sebaiknya hal tersebut dibawa dari Indonesia agar tidak perlu membeli di sana dengan harga yang lebih mahal.

6. Siapkan Jadwal

Membuat jadwal perjalanan saat berada di Mekkah sangat penting untuk mengurangi risiko tersesat. 

Menggunakan pendekatan umroh backpacker bisa sangat bermanfaat karena Anda hanya perlu mengikuti jadwal yang telah dibuat sebelumnya tanpa harus repot memikirkan semuanya saat berada di Mekkah. 

Oleh karena itu, penting untuk merencanakan perjalanan ini sebelum berangkat dari Indonesia. Dengan demikian, begitu tiba di Mekah, Anda hanya perlu mengikuti rencana yang telah disusun sebelumnya.

Dalam rencana perjalanan ini, Anda perlu mencantumkan tempat makan, akomodasi, transportasi, dan lokasi-lokasi untuk menunaikan ibadah umrah. Lebih baik jika Anda mengelompokkan lokasi-lokasi yang berdekatan dalam satu hari untuk efisiensi dan mengontrol biaya umroh.

Saat ini, setiap orang memiliki kesempatan untuk melakukan perjalanan umroh secara mandiri karena Kementerian Haji dan Umrah Arab Saudi telah meluncurkan platform layanan terintegrasi yang disebut Nusuk. 

Platform ini memudahkan calon jemaah haji dalam merencanakan perjalanan mereka ke Mekkah dan Madinah.

Melalui Nusuk, prosedur kedatangan menjadi lebih sederhana bagi para pengunjung yang ingin melakukan umrah. Platform ini menyediakan berbagai layanan, seperti fasilitas visa, perizinan, paket perjalanan, dan informasi mengenai situs-situs keagamaan yang dapat dikunjungi di Arab Saudi.

Dengan Nusuk, prosedur kedatangan menjadi lebih mudah bagi para pengunjung yang ingin melaksanakan ibadah umrah.

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Home » Gear » best travel backpack

The BEST Travel Backpacks: (2024)

Did you know that the average human makes upwards of 35,000 decisions every single day? That’s a whole lotta deciding right? But in truth, some of life’s (many) decisions are more important than others. BIG decisions include what career to  pursue, who to marry and of course whether you should take the red pill, the blue pill (or both…_

So, in the grand scheme of things, choosing which travel backpack to buy may not seem all that important and yet take it from us (the experts), having the right backpack can sometimes make or break a trip. Seriously peeps, choosing which backpack to bring on a given trip is almost as important as choosing where to go.

Your travel backpack will carry every single one of your possessions on the road and will become your home. You need your chosen backpack to be strong, durable, comfortable, and compact enough to save you some space! Over the years, I have personally tried countless different backpacks and pushed them far past their limits.

So in this post I am going to channel all of that experience and knowledge in order to help you deuce what is the best travel backpack for your trip? Let’s go find out.

Quick Answer: These are the Best Travel Backpacks of 2024

So why choose to travel with a backpack, travel backpack: the best overall for 2024, the best carry on travel backpacks, best travel backpacks for hiking, best backpacks for digital nomads, the best backpacks for travel photographers, other special travel backpacks worth considering, what makes a good travel backpack, the great backpacker debate (must read), faq about the best travel backpack, conclusion of the best travel backpacks mega-list.

  • #1 Nomatic 40L Travel Bag – The Best Overall Backpack
  • #2 Tropicfeel Shell  – Best Organised Travel Backpack
  • #3 Osprey Aether Plus 70L  – Best Long Term Travel Backpack for Men (Large)
  • #4 Osprey Farpoint 40L   – Best Travel Backpack (Carry on)
  • #5 Osprey Aura 50L  – Best Large Long Term Travel Backpack (Womens )
  • #6 Osprey Airscape UNLTD – Best Travel & Hiking Backpack
  • #7 Tortuga Travel Pack  –Best Full-Size Carry On (Unisex)
  • #8 Osprey Ozone  – Best Travel Bag with Wheels
  • #9 WANDRD PRVKE 31  – Best Camera Backpack for Travel
  • #10 Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack  – Best Travel Bag for Laptops

nomatic 40l travel pack

Nomatic 40L Travel Bag

  • Liters > 30L and 40L
  • Material > Tarpaulin/Ballistic Weave
  • Best Use > Travel, digital nomad lifestyle, weekend trips

Osprey Aether Plus 70 Pack - Men's

Osprey Men’s Aether Plus 70

  • Price > $$$
  • Liters > 70L
  • Material > 210D high-tenacity nylon
  • Best Use > Backpacking

Osprey farpoint 40

Osprey Farpoint 40

  • Liters > 40L
  • Material > 450D recycled twist dobby polyester
  • Best Use > Travel, international backpacking, urban lifestyle

Osprey Aura AG 50 Pack - Women's

Osprey Aura 50

  • Liters > 50L
  • Material > 210D honeycomb recycled nylon
  • Best Use > Trekking, backpacking, hiking, international travel

Osprey Airspace UNLTD

Osprey Airscape UNLTD

  • Price > $$$$
  • Liters > 68L
  • Material > 210D Nylon Mini Hex Diamond Ripstop
  • Best Use > Hiking, international backpacking,

Tropicfeel Shell Backpack

Tropicfeel Shell

  • Liters > 22-40
  • Material > Polyester – 60% recycled material, 100% recycled nylon

Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L

Tortuga Travel Pack

  • Material > SHELL200D Recycled Polyester

Osprey Ozone 4-Wheel Carry-On Wheeled Luggage

Osprey Ozone

  • Liters > 38L
  • Material > 100-denier recycled high-tenacity NanoFly nylon
  • Best Use > Travel, international wheelpacking

wandrd prvke 31 backpack


  • Liters > 31-36L
  • Material > Combination of tarpaulin and robic nylon
  • Best Use > Travel photography

Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack

  • Liters > 25L
  • Material > 900D heathered polyester
  • Best Use > Travel, digital nomad lifestyle, carry on, day pack

Osprey Aether

Ok so why should you travel with a backpack rather than suitcase? Well, ultimately it depends on where you are going and your travel style.

For example, the cobbled streets of Europe, dirt roads of Nepal, and busy bus stations around the world are quite simply not suitcase friendly. In these environments your suitcase is likely to get damaged, get in the way and, in general, piss you off. Trust me, carrying your suitcase because the wheels have fallen off while you search for the hostel, is not a great start to a trip.

And, if you are planning to visit multiple destinations and using public transport, a suitcase is simply not practical and you will hate yourself for bringing one!

Backpacks also look kind of cool whereas suitcases just make you look like a tourist.

jasa travel backpacker

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Crucially, when traveling with a backpack your hands are free to use Google Maps to find your hostel, tackling stairs is not a problem, and you can officially join the backpacker hordes! No one likes a suitcase.

Still not convinced? What if I told you that once you invest in the best travel bag you shouldn’t ever need to buy another one! A good quality travel backpack lasts years and does not get damaged as easily as suitcases. I’ve been dragging my pack around the globe for nearly ten years and it’s still going strong.

The best backpacks for travel will be flexible in size and shape so when they are not full, there is more chance that you can take them on board planes. Some traveling backpacks even come with detachable day packs to make things even easier.

Why Should You Trust Us?

The Broke Backpacker team have been travelling and living out of their own backpacks for years now. Collectively, we must have 200+ years of travel experience and, by now, know what it takes to be successful on the road. We are experts in our field and take great pleasure in presenting the best possible gear to you.

Let’s kick this off with what I feel are the absolute TOP backpacks to travel with.

#1 Nomatic Travel Bag 40L

nomatic 40l travel pack

  • Dimemsions: 22.86 x 53.34 x 35.56 cm
  • Weight: 1.55 kg
  • Looks sexy!
  • Modern and efficient
  • Tons of room
  • Lots of awesome features
  • Carry on size

Nomatic bags are designed to be modern, sleek, and provide ultimate packing efficiency. This is accomplished by great design: tons of features, and more pockets and sleeves than you’ll know what to do with.

The Nomatic Travel Pack 40L is widely acclaimed as the perfect travel pack for several compelling reasons. Firstly, its meticulously designed organization system sets it apart. The pack features an array of compartments and pockets that are intelligently laid out, ensuring that every item has its specific place. This includes a dedicated laptop and tablet compartment, a secure RFID safe pocket, and a versatile main compartment that can expand or contract based on your packing needs.

The bag can seamlessly transition from a 40L check-in bag to a slimmer, day pack by simply adjusting the expansion zipper, making it incredibly versatile for different types of trips. The thoughtful design extends to the inclusion of a cord management system and a magnetic water bottle pocket, making it incredibly convenient to stay organized and access essentials on the go. Whether you need a backpack for a business trip  or are a digital nomad traveling the world, this will keep your laptop and valuables well secured all while looking stylish.

Read our full review of the Nomatic Travel Bag!

#2 Aer Travel Pack 3 – Our Favorite Backpack to Travel With Runner Up

aer travel pack 2 backpack

  • Volume: 35 liters
  • Dimemsions: 55 x 33 x 22
  • Weight: 1.87 kg
  • Multiple compartments for organization
  • Lots of potential customization

aer flight pack 2 review

Here at The Broke Backpacker, we are big fans of AER – and the Travel Bag is one of their best backpacks to date. This bag has gotten a ton of (much deserved) hype and it’s our pick for the best overall travel backpack!

The AER Travel Pack 3 is a testament to functional design and urban style, ideal for the modern traveler who values efficiency and aesthetics. This pack is crafted from high-quality, water-resistant materials, ensuring durability and protection against the elements. a wonderful backpack for digital nomads on the go. It can fit your laptop as well as any other travel gear you tote around. Use it as a daypack around town or bring it on the pane for one bag travel.

There are many different compartments, pockets, and zippers to keep you organized. There’s a laptop sleeve and a very handy place just for shoes. With its blend of durability, organization, and style, the AER Travel Pack 3 stands as an excellent choice for those seeking a reliable and fashionable travel companion.

The minimalist outer design helps deter thieves, and what the outside lacks in pockets it makes up for with well-designed internal storage.

Read our Aer Travel Pack 2 review to learn more about thus bag!

jasa travel backpacker

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#3 Osprey Men’s Aether Plus 70 – Best For Backpacking (Men)

Osprey Aether Plus 70 Pack - Men's

  • Dimemsions: 83.82 x 38.1 x 35.56 cm
  • Weight: 2.81 kg
  • Convertible top-lid day pack.

Aether Backpack

The Osprey Aether is in our view, the quintessential backpackers backpack. If you headed to Southeast Asia for a few month, or maybe going on a backcountry hiking trip, then this arguably the PERFECT backpack.

It’s offers a whopping 70 litres of storage and has all the advantages that every pack from the Osprey brand offers. (the Osprey ‘All-Mighty Guarantee’ , durability, comfort). Several of us here at TBB use this pack for all of our backpacking trips and I have carried mine across 5 continents now. It has plenty of pockets and compartments to keep things extra organized plus An AirScape back panel to keep you cool on the warmest adventures. I can guarantee it’ll last a lifetime, if you don’t believe me, just ask Osprey!

Literally guys, they put a lifetime guarantee on every single product they sell to prove it. The only downside to this pack is you can’t avoid checked luggage fee’s with this bad boy as its too big. But at least you don’t have to dump any stuff! This is hands down one of the best backpacks for traveling around the world on a longer adventure.

Check out our review of the Aether 70 backpack to learn more!

#4 Osprey Aura 50 – Best For Backpacking (Women)

Osprey Aura AG 50 Pack - Women's

  • Dimemsions: 81.28 x 38.1 x 30.48 cm
  • Weight:  1.86 kg
  • Anti-Gravity Suspension
  • Floating top-lid replaceable with FlapJacket
  • Multiple organisation options.

The ladies-specific Osprey Aura is the best travel backpack for the female form. This is a high-quality backpack for women traveling on epic short or long haul adventures. Osprey as a brand are awesome and they guarantee to last many adventures! Seriously, all Osprey travel bags come with a lifetime guarantee making them undeniably the best value backpacks.

With the unique built-in Anti-Gravity suspension system, this bag is designed to carry up to 40lbs without the carrier even noticing! Meaning this travel backpack is stable, strong and can carry the weight without you having to suffer for it! If you’re a lady hitting the road, this is the travel backpack I recommend.

Overall, you should get the Osprey Aura 50 if you are traveling in a variety of weather (humidity and snow) and hike and backpack often. This backpack will be a great fit if you are looking for a high-quality backpack that can handle wear and tear.

Check out our awesome Osprey Aura 50 review!

#5 Osprey Airscape UNLTD – Best Hiking & Travel Backpack

Osprey Airspace UNLTD

  • Dimemsions: 81.28 x 40.64 x 38.1 cm
  • Weight:  2.72 kg
  • Cutting edge super comfy back support
  • Lid detaches into a day pack

The Osprey Airscape is one of two spanking hiking packs launched by the world’s leading backpack brand’s as part of its UNLTD series. The Airscape UNLTD is a 68 litre hiking and travel backpack that utilises cutting edge, 3D printing technology to create an ultra comfy, supportive and breathable lumbar, back support.

Whilst there are too many little features to list in this section (read on for the full run down), another major bonus is the 8l top lid that converts to an 18l day pack which brings a whole new dimension to the pack. 

Alas, the Osprey Airscape UNLTD also comes with a hefty $750 price tag which by far makes it the most expensive backpack that I have ever come across. Whether it is really worth that amount of money is of course debatable but what I can say is that this is by far the most comfortable hiking backpack that I have ever tried.


I have about four different travel backpacks now. For longer trips I generally use my Osprey Aether, but I also have a number of carry on backpacks which I use for shorter trips.

And hear this, these days it is increasingly common for airlines to charge separately for checked bags and it can often increase the price of the ticket by 50%. As such, if you only travel with a compact backpack you can save a fortune on luggage fees and simply take your backpack on a flight as carry-on. Budget backpacking win right there!

Below are some of my favorite backpacks that I use as a carry-on. If you’d like to learn more about these sort of bags, then be sure to head over our comprehensive guide on the top carry-on backpacks to take traveling!

#1 Osprey Farpoint 40 L  – Best Carry-on Backpack (Men)

Osprey farpoint 40 review

  • Dimemsions: 55.88 x 35.56 x 22.86 cm
  • Weight: 1.59 kg
  • Large panel zip access to main compartment.
  • Stowaway backpanel, harness and hipbelt with zippered rear flap for protection.
  • Laptop and tablet sleeve secure in lockable compartment.

Overall, you should get the Osprey Farpoint 40 if you are traveling the world, and like to pack super light (like me). If you are looking for a nearly indestructible carry on backpack which can actually carry, and compartmentalize, a lot of stuff – this backpack might be your match made in heaven.

Because of it’s 40 liter size, the Farpoint 40 is a near-guarantee to carry on no matter the airline. This will save you hundreds of dollars in checking fees, and countless hours waiting in baggage claim. And as we will look at later, there is plenty of space to make sure that light-traveling does not mean bad-traveling.

In my opinion, the Osprey Farpoint 40 is the best value carry on backpack on the market right now. Check out our epic Osprey Farpoint review here . 

#2 Osprey Fairview 40  – Best Carry-on Backpack (Women)

Osprey Fairview 40

  • Size: 40 Liters
  • Dimemsions: 53.34 x 35.56 x 22.86 cm
  • All of the pros of the Osprey Farpoint 40.
  • A hiking and carry-on backpack specifically designed to fit women!

The Osprey Fairview 40 was designed specifically for girls and women – making this category an easy choice! To clarify for the ladies… ANY of the bags mentioned prior can be used for women. Whether you are interested in Minaal, Tortuga, AER, or any of the others – all of these bags are unisex. Except for the Osprey Fairview 40, which was designed specifically for women.

Osprey Farpoint 40L Backpack

This travel backpack can transform into a duffel bag, which is made even more awesome by the included shoulder strap, and the ability to stow the bag’s harness and hip belt. At a square 40 liters, you’ll rarely have to worry about this bag being checked.

If you are a lady, and want all of the glory of Osprey in a bag that is specifically designed for you, then hell yes! Please, don’t be hesitant to purchase any of the other bags (as they are all unisex!) but if you want a badass hiking pack that also functions as a carry on backpack, this is an easy pick.

#3 Peak Design Travel Pack – Best 30l Carry On Travel Pack

jasa travel backpacker

  • Capacity: 30 litres
  • Dimemsions: 53cm x 34cm x 20cm
  • Weight: 1.44 kg
  • Price: $250
  • Great organisational capacity
  • Extends to 33L
  • Amazing for organization
  • Comfy to carry and fits under the seat

The Peak Design 30L Travel Pack is built with the modern traveler in mind. Its 30-liter capacity is perfect for weekend getaways or even extended travel if you pack light. The bag’s sleek design isn’t just about looks; it’s also about function. Its adjustable compartments allow for a customized fit for your belongings, while its innovative side access points provide convenience in retrieving items without having to dig through the entire bag. The expansion zippers give you the flexibility to accommodate extra items when needed, making it an adaptable companion for various travel durations.

tbbteam - Peak Design Travel Pack 30

I have been incredibly impressed by this travel pack and it has now accompanied me on a free weekend rips already. What I really love about it is how well organised I can get with my packing – everything has its place and there are enough zips and pockets to stash all of those little odds and ends. In terms of downsides, the packs material is thick and robust but not all that nice to the touch. The bag does also feel a bit heavier than it looks.

Finally I personally find that 30 litres is only ever enough storage for a few nights worth of traveling but perhaps thats just me – I do after all travel with a hair-dryer. Fortunately though there is a 40 litre version available.

#4 Tortuga Travel Pack  – Best Full Size Carry-on

Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L

  • Size:  45 litres
  • Dimemsions: 47 x 30 x 23
  • Weight:  1.5 kg
  • The design will leave you fairly impressed
  • It has tons of pockets/compartments
  • It packs huge – you can put A LOT in it

The first thing I noticed when packing my new Tortuga Travel Pack, was just how massive the main compartment was. It has the capacity to carry a ton of clothes. If you are a world traveler, then this is great because it means you have to do less laundry – score! And yet despite its generous capacity, the new and improved version of the Tortuga Travel pack was custom designed to for carry on meaning that it complies with the limits for pretty much every airline in the world.

Its a cleverly designed pan too. The Travel Pack by Tortuga’s design enables its the main compartment to be opened like a suitcase; this is far more convenient than a traditional backpackers backpack. Reaching my stuff was simple, and because of the organization of the compartments, it was easy to know what was where.

Inside the main compartment are six smaller compartments. The first four smaller compartments are enclosed within the main compartment. The Tortuga Travel Pack is still without a doubt one of the best backpacks on the market. It’s quality build, intuitive design, fantastic organization, and smaller size make it the perfect compact travel bag for anyone who wants to travel light, but travel in style.

Check out out our must-read full Tortuga Travel Pack review .

#5 Tropicfeel Shell Backpack – Best Backpack for Organizing

Tropicfeel Shell

  • Size: 22-40 litres
  • Dimemsions: 51 x 30 x 19 cm
  • Really fucking versatile
  • Packs up easily
  • Fairly priced

The Shell by Tropicfeel is a little to medium backpack sized with a big concept. Firstly, it is a 3 in 1 extendable backpack that begins life as a 22 liter pack, rolls up to 30 litres and then with the addition of a detachable pouch goes all the way to 40 litres.

As well as being a 3-in-1 backpack (which you can easily adapt to use as day pack, overnight pack and carry-on pack), the Shell also has another awesome feature – a little, mini drop in pull out travel roll up wardrobe! With multiple compartments, you can easily pack and unpack all of your belongings. For a quick outfit change at the airport, this is ideal.

This is a VERY unique and special pack and it seriously impressed me. While not all of you will want this kind of pack, it has won itself a delisted fanbase. I also just love how mega-stylish this bag is too. Keeping everything tidy, easily accessible and organized during your travels has never been so easy. On top of that, the recycled material is also weather and water-resistant.

Want to know more about the company, we’ve done a full review of TropicFeel just for you!

A lot of people like to go hiking while they are out traveling the world. To do so, they need a special type of travel backpack, one that can go further, carry more, and last longer.

Aside from the Osprey Aether and Aura, here are a couple more options when looking for a good bag to go traveling and hiking with. If you would like to read more about these special pieces of gear, then be sure to check out our ENORMOUS hiking backpack guide !

#1 Osprey Aether Plus 85 Backpack – A BIG Travel Backpack

Osprey Aether

  • Dimemsions: 86.36 x 40.64x 40.64 cm
  • Removable top lid w/compartment and waterproof zipper
  • Converts to a lumbar pack with AirScape lumbar pad

Looking to head into the back country in search of adventure? Whether it is a couple of days hiking or an epic adventure The Osprey Aether Plus 85 backpack is the best travel backpack on the market by far.

I’ve been adventuring with my Aether for nearly ten years now. The best thing about Osprey is that they operate an all-mighty guarantee. This means that they will repair any damage done to your pack, no questions asked, for free. However, note that in recent years they have amended this guarantee and it now excludes wear & tear, water damage and airline damage.

The Osprey Aether Plus 85 is a big expedition backpack; it’s 85 liters, extremely comfortable thanks to the custom-molded hip belt, is compatible with hydration systems, has plenty of sections for storage and can easily be loaded up with a ton of stuff – I once strapped three tents to the outside and had a fourth tent on the inside plus cooking equipment, sleeping bags, food, clothes, electronics etc…

#2 Osprey Skarab 30 – A Smaller Backpack for Shorter Journeys

Osprey Skarab 30 Hydration Mens Pack

  • Dimemsions: 53.34 x 27.94 x 25.4 cm
  • Weight: 0.74 kg
  • Walking pole attachments
  • Adjustable BIOFIT back system

For the days when you venture into the wilderness or walk the market streets, you need a pack that is both comfortable and practical. I’ve been using my Osprey Skarab for three years now as my go-to backpack for shorter adventures or hikes.

It’s one hell of a pack and is the best budget backpack I’ve come across. It’s pretty cheap considering the quality and it has plenty of pockets for storage, a padded hip belt, a safety whistle on the chest strap (always handy!) and an in-built rain cover.

The Osprey Skarab backpack is 30 liters so it’s a backpack best for weekends or ultralight hiking rather than long expeditions where you have to carry tents and food. It can just about handle long trips but space is limited so whilst it is one of the best backpacks for travel, it wouldn’t be my first choice for a long trip. For more intel check out our full-length Osprey Skarab review .

jasa travel backpacker

Now, you  could spend a fat chunk of $$$ on the WRONG present for someone. Wrong size hiking boots, wrong fit backpack, wrong shape sleeping bag… As any adventurer will tell you, gear is a personal choice.

So give the adventurer in your life the gift of convenience: buy them an REI Co-op gift card!  REI is The Broke Backpacker’s retailer of choice for ALL things outdoors, and an REI gift card is the perfect present you can buy from them. And then you won’t have to keep the receipt. 😉

#3 Deuter Aircontact Core 65 + 10 Pack – A Cheaper Travel Backpack Osprey-Alternative

Deuter Aircontact Core 65 + 10 Pack - Men's

  • Dimensions: 84.07 x 32 x 27.94 cm
  • Weight: 2.25 kg
  • 15% perspiration control
  • Dimemsions:

Hands down, this is one of the best backpacks for hiking. This is a fantastic backpack for those looking for comfort, support, breathability and freedom of movement. This backpack is absolutely one of my best picks and if it wasn’t for my trusty Osprey, I would probably be a Deuter man.

These days, traveling without a laptop is just not going to happen. For many of us, a laptop is just as essential as a phone and if you are a digital nomad hitting the road, you need to protect your baby. So amigos, let me share the best travel backpacks for digital nomads and laptop lovers.

#1 Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack – Best Travel Backpack for Digital Nomads

Tortuga Setout Laptop Backpack

  • Size: 25 liters
  • Weight:  1.27 kg
  • Very functional
  • High-quality manufacturing
  • Super organized

This one is pretty obvious – the Setout Laptop Backpack is great for…. laptops! But seriously, if you are looking for a sturdy pack to carry your laptop around– look no further, this bad boy is as good as it gets. This is for a few reasons.

First off, Tortuga Backpacks are possibly some of the most well designed and durable backpacks on the market. We’ve reviewed tons of Tortuga products and they all have an incredible amount of detail to them, and are made of the highest quality materials. High quality/durable materials means your precious laptop will be safe and sound.

Simply put, this backpack has tons of organization features, all of which are designed specifically for laptops. Notice in the pictures above and below, that this bag is loaded with ways to keep your gear safe, and very organized. Tortuga markets this bag as an “organized daypack for air travel” – and it’s certainly true!

The design and features of this backpack make it perfect for air travel. Whether it’s the sleek laptop sleeve, the easy to lock zippers, the luggage handle pass through or the hideaway shoulder straps, this bag thrives in airports and airplanes.

Check out our in-depth Tortuga Setout Laptop backpack review . 

#2 High Spirit Laptop Backpack – Supreme Organization, Style, and Security

stylish black travel backpack

  • Size: 19.5 liters
  • Extremely well made
  • Durable shock-absorbing base

High Spirit Bags have broken onto the travel backpack scene with an emphatic BANG. Their brand new Laptop Backpack is the perfect choice for travelers who prioritize style , security, and functionality all rolled up into one tidy package.

Every inch of the Laptop Backpack is thoughtfully designed to provide the best possible user experience. The high quality leather exterior is the ideal combination of sleek and anti-theft – which when you are toting around expensive electronics – this feature is very important.

Perhaps my favorite feature is the pack’s access design. The zippers are located on the back panel making it virtually impossible for thieves to unzip your backpack whilst you are wearing it. The organizational layout of this backpack provides more than enough storage options for your work day in the city or a weekend jaunt to Barcelona.

Surprisingly, the High Spirt Laptop Backpack is much more affordable than many other laptop-focused travel backpacks out there. The verdict is in: you are not going to find a more high-quality laptop backpack that looks and functions this well for the given price point (£110).

#3 Arcido Akra 35L – A Large yet Lightweight Travel Backpack

Arcido Akra 35L

  • Dimemsions: 55 X 35 X 20 cm
  • Weight:  1.7 kg
  • Sleek, stylish design
  • Super lightweight makes travel easy
  • Organized + customizable

This is the perfect carry on travel backpack for urban travelers. Its laptop harness, organizational pockets, and integrative packing cubes (in the Arcido Akra and Vaga Daypack Bundle ) make this the perfect travel backpack for digital nomads too.

At only 2.4 lbs, this is a lightweight backpack for travel that can become even lighter when the sternum straps and waist belt are removed. In essence, Arcido makes simple, tough, and well-designed travel backpacks equipped with enough storage and organizational features make any modern traveler happy. We love that this is an affordable backpack for its high-quality design.

Check out our full Arcido Akra review!

#4 Incase Icon Pack – One of the Toughest Laptops Bags

Incase icon slim pack travel backpack

  • Size: 9 x 13 x 19 inches
  • Dimemsions: 48.26 x 33.02 x 22.86 cm
  • Dedicated laptop compartment
  • Multiple organisation options
  • Airflow channels in back panel

The Incase Icon Pack is a great travel backpack if you’ll be working on the road and need a sturdy, durable pack to keep your laptop safe while exploring new areas. Featuring multiple exterior and interior pockets, the Icon laptop backpack allows maximum organisation and easy access to your belongings, with a dedicated laptop compartment to stow your gear away safely.

Check out our in-depth breakdown of the best laptop backpacks for more intel!

Photographers need to be very mindful of their gear while traveling. Rough rides and constant movement can imperil sensitive camera equipment, so it’s very important to have a reliable backpack that can keep everything safe.

These are a few more good travel backpacks, this time with the photographers and aspiring photographers in mind. If these suggestions aren’t enough, we’ve also written an in-depth guide to choosing the best camera backpacks too!

#1 WANDRD PRVKE 31  – Best Travel Camera Backpack

wandrd prvke 31 backpack

  • Size: 31 Liters
  • Dimemsions: 48 X 30 X 18 cm
  • Expandable roll top
  • Large enough for travel camera + 3-4 lenses
  • Additional straps for accessories

For those who want a backpack that can does a little bit of everything, is durable, and looks damn good in the process, the WADNRD PRVKE 31 is an excellent investment. At 31 (expandable to 36) liters, this backpack can hold quite a bit and there are plenty more pockets to hold everything else. Thanks to its robust weather-resistant design, your belongings will be safe as well. Add in some customizable straps and sleek sexy design and you have a backpack that can do damn near anything.

Though the PRVKE 31 has lots of padding and additional straps for distributing weight, it lacks certain key features that make it truly adept at carrying heavier loads. During our tests, both of the women on our trip struggled somewhat while carrying this bag as it did not fit snugly against their bodies.

I was impressed with the number of customizable options that PRVKE 31 offered. Between the many loops found on the pack as well as the ability to attach adjustable accessory straps (sold separately), users will be able to find many alternative means of packing. Overall, a badass camera backpack!

Read our WANDRD PRVKE 31 review!

#2 Nomatic Peter Mckinnon Camera Bag  – Best Travel Camera Backpack

nomatic camera bag

  • Size: 35 liters
  • Dimemsions: 55.88 x 34.29 x 22.86 cm
  • Weight:  2.61 kg
  • Expands to 42 liters
  • Can hold a full-frame camera, multiple lenses, and a small drone
  • Doubles as a great short-term travel backpack

This is the first true camera bag offered by Nomatic. Inspired and designed by legendary Youtuber and renowned photographer Peter Mckinnon, this 35 liter backpack is already a top competitor of the Wandrd PRVKE 31.

Built to last and with the traveling photographer in mind, the Nomatic Camera Bag is ultra-functional, durable, and sleek. Small enough to be a carry on, yet big enough to support extended weekend trips, the 35 liters offered here makes this bag ideal for photographers who find themselves frequently out on overnight/ inner-city trips.

The drawback: to get the most of this bag, you really need to go for the bundle package – which comes with all of the nice accessories that make this backpack great. If you have the money, going for the Nomatic Camera Bag is an excellent investment and is probably an all-around better backpack then the WANDRD 31 when all of the accessories and features are added up.

Read our Nomatic Camera Pack review !

Sometimes traveling calls for a unique bag. Maybe you’re a weekend warrior who needs something both professional and rugged. Maybe you just like to mix things up. Either way, these backpacks maybe more appropriate for you.

#1 Osprey Ozone 4-Wheel – Top Wheeled Backpack for Travel

Osprey Ozone 4-Wheel Carry-On Wheeled Luggage

  • Size: 38 Liters
  • Weight: 2.27 kg
  • Will attach to any of the wheeled luggage by Osprey
  • Can be combined with other Osprey bags to make a nimble beast

Wheeled luggage sometimes get a bad reputation. We’ve all seen those travelers trying to roll giant pieces luggage around cobble stone streets or busy Asian alleys, clearly in over their head. But wheeled backpacks are different. …

Designed for the savvy traveler, Osprey Ozone 4-Wheel Carry-On Wheeled Luggage is pretty much one of the best travel backpacks out there. The padded hip-belt and shoulder harness stow away for easy transport. It can clip on to the wheeled range by osprey for easy transport and it is super breathable. It even has an inside zipped compartment perfect for smelly hiking boots!

I’ve been using this pack on and off for two years: you can fit a TON of stuff in it – a genuinely surprising amount considering it still qualifies as hand luggage most of the time – however, once it’s heavy it quickly becomes a tad uncomfortable – not ideal if you plan on taking it hiking. This is one of the best backpacks for travel if you have a ton of valuables you want to keep in your hand luggage – i.e. if you are a digital nomad!

#2 REI Co-Op Flash 55 – An Excellent Budget Backpack

REI Co-op Flash 55

  • Dimensions: 76.2 x 35.56 x 30.48 cm
  • Weight: 1.28 kg
  • Perfect-Fit suspension for on-body adjustments
  • Easy access
  • Budget-friendly

Although a little smaller than the Osprey Aether (and not as well-built), the REI Flash 55 still makes for a quality backpack for travel on long haul minimalist trips and weekend backpacking missions.

Ideal for use in both cities and in the mountains, the Flash 55 is a versatile, sturdy backpack with multi-functional pockets, a comfortable, suspension- supported fit, and easy access compartments allowing you to get to your essentials whenever you need to. This is one of the best hiking bags around for under $200.

Coming in just under $200, this pack features 8 external pockets plus a main compartment, making packing for your adventure a breeze. Combine this with a breathable back frame and comfortable hip belt, this is a great go-to for your weekend backpacking trips and more. I’ve used this pack primarily in desert climates, and typically tried to keep the overall packed weight under 35 lbs, and it’s yet to fail me.

All that being said, there are a few things I don’t love about the bag. For starters, the zipper pouch on the back side is made from a ripstop nylon material, which I found to be super inconvenient.. Another small complaint I had was the option to not include a rain cover for the bag. The nylon exterior can fend off small mistings of from mother nature, but anything more would more than likely render the bag (and your belongings inside) rather soaked and heavy.

Osprey Aether

Picking the best backpack to travel with doesn’t need to be difficult or expensive…

It’s easy to grab a great discount deal from a top brand and, to be honest, if you buy anything from Osprey, AER, or Tortuga you won’t be disappointed. However, not all backpacks are created equal and there’s a few factors you should always look at when picking a backpack for traveling…

1. The Right Travel Backpack Size

Size is a personal choice and the best travel packs have no definitive size. If you are a medium to long term traveler who needs more space for camping gear, who wants to pick up lots of trinkets or who travels with a full wardrobe then you need a 60-liter minimum backpack. I have seen some backpackers make do with 50 litre packs, and while I applaud them, they are definitely freaks!

Larger backpacks however mean checked baggage fees and you are less likely to be able to take your backpack into the bus with you -instead you’ll have to strap it to the roof and hope it doesn’t rain (rain covers do exist mind).

Is Turkey safe to travel alone?

The smaller your travel bag, the less you can take, but the big bonus is no checked bag fees and it’s easier to keep tabs on your pack at all times. If you can keep your backpack below fifty liters you will save a fortune when flying. However the reality is that small bags are usaally too small for trips that last longer than a week to maybe two.

Think carefully about the size of your pack and what’s best for you – the best backpacks for travel are different for everyone. Personally, I travel with a seventy liter pack as I am often carrying camping gear.

2. Straps on Your Travel Backpack

Carrying everything you need to travel the world on your back doesn’t come lightly… even when you pack light! Wandering lost, trying to find a hostel in the heat of the day with a travel bag is not fun, even the lightest packers will agree.

To combat this, the best backpacks will include well designed load bearing straps to help turn that heavy backpack into a fairly light backpack.

The aim of the game is to take weight off your shoulders and onto the hips. This is significantly better for you and you can walk, climb and even jump around pretty comfortably if your pack’s weight is distributed evenly. These days most larger backpacks include hip belts as standard.

For me, quality hip belts are what makes a great travel backpack. Without a hip belt, even the best backpack in the world can turn into a nightmare. Some traveling backpacks have heat-molded custom made hip belts that may appear somewhat gimmicky but are very comfortable.

Your shoulder straps are equally important and should be comfortable to wear, without the hip belt. Look for shoulder straps that have plenty of padding.

A swagman with a durable backpack

3. Pockets, Pockets, POCKETS

Well organised travel bags make the best travel bags. There’s nothing more annoying than a typical backpack which only opens from the top meaning that each and every time you need something you’ll be pulling literally, everything else but that, out.

Pockets alleviate this problem; allowing you to assign certain segments of your travel backpack to particular items (e.g. clothes, toiletries, passport and money) for easier access. The best pocket is a U-shaped opening pocket as this allows easy access.

Nomatic bag features

4. Travel Backpack Weight

Great travel backpacks are those which are as light as a feather. Sadly these don’t really exist and instead, you need to consider the best weight for what you’ll be doing. Backpacks themselves are not weightless, the heavier the frame, the more weight you have to start with.

In general, you want to go for the lightest, but toughest, pack you can find. Gregory Packs are some of the lightest packs on the market but they are simply not as tough as Osprey or AER and that is there downfall…

Osprey Renn 50: a light travel backpack

5. How Comfortable Should a Travel Backpack Be?

Your travel backpack will become your new best friend, it’s where you will store all of your shit, it will basically become your home; therefore you need to try and choose the most comfortable backpack.

You’ll find the best travel pack by trying it on in the store before buying. When trying it on, load it up with some weight to take it for a proper test drive. I strongly recommend trying a bunch of different backpacks on at an REI or Outdoor Store before making your choice.

When it comes to fitting a backpack , you want an even distribution of weight across your hips, shoulders and chest, and to make sure there are no pressure points that may cause the bag to rub or pinch as you walk. Cushioned shoulder pads and padded hip belts are always a winner my friends…

The better your hip belt, the better your pack will sit upon your body and the more comfortable it will be.

osprey exos 58 review: one of the most comfortable backpacks

6. Material and Construction of a Good Travel Backpack

So it’s raining and you’re still trying to find your hostel? Or you can see your backpack from the plane window waiting to be loaded and it’s sitting in the rain? ( Fuck you Kingfisher Airlines ). Water-resistant material is essential when traveling!

Your bag will be exposed to rain, puddles or leaks at some point. There’s nothing worse than opening the bag to find your clothes soaked and stinking or worse, your electronics damaged. The most durable backpacks are made from strong, durable, stretchy, waterproof material.

So look out for backpack material that will last for years – the last thing you want is a ripped bag halfway through your travels!

Does the sound of having a super-durable backpack speak to you? Check out our in-depth best heavy duty backpacks review!

a most durable backpack in snowy mountains

7. Best Travel Backpacks for Men vs Women

There are literally thousands of backpacks for traveling on the market and the best packs tend to be made with one gender or another in mind. Unisex backpacks usually will fit pretty much anybody but you can get a man’s backpack, which will take into account broad shoulders, for the same price so I definitely recommend finding a gender-specific backpack when you hit the road.

Finding the best female travel bag requires more research than nice colors and comfortable straps. I am, of course not a woman. So to help me out on this I spoke to a bunch of kick-ass women adventurers for advice.

A woman hiking with a medium size backpack

Size is perhaps the most important consideration along with comfortable straps and weight distribution. This doesn’t mean that women have to buy travel bags specifically for them, but the feedback from my girlfriend and friends; is that they’re so much better.

Other than the different design for a typical woman’s body, there is not much difference between the women’s and the men’s travel backpacks. Most of the points that you’ll below apply to both genders so keep these in mind.

Generally speaking, backpackers are some of the most warming, understanding, agreeable people on the planet.

But there is one decisive issue among backpackers.

To travel with a carry on backpack, OR to travel with a large backpack ?

This has proven to be quite the epic debate. Every backpacker has an opinion on the topic, making it difficult for newbie travelers to know which side to pick, and most importantly, which bag to buy.

Let’s go over both options.

In Favor of a Big Backpack (60L – 80L)

The most obvious reason to have a larger backpack is that you can carry more stuff! A 65-70 liter backpack can hold all kinds of extra items from food to gear to photography/videography equipment!

Now not everyone is going to want or necessarily need to deal with all of these extra pieces of kit. More kit means more weight, more check-in fees, and more tedious packing and unpacking sessions. Ultimatly, you should only be packing what you need.

How About 50 Litres?

Some backpackers prefer to use 50 litre backpacks. They offer the comfort and durability of “proper” big backpacks but obviously are lighter and carry less stuff making them lighter again. Honestly, a litre backpack feels really nice to carry and they are easy to throw on and take off bus roofs.

However. While some travellers a 50 litre backpack to be something of a “not too big not too small” sweetspot, I actually find them to occupy a bit of a neversphere. What I mean is that they are too big to take as carry on but (for me) not big enough for a proper long trip. Personally, my view is that you are going to go with a full sized pack, go with 60 litres. Even if you don’t use all 60, at least you have room for souvernirs.

  • Can accommodate extra gear for hiking, camping, etc
  • Great if traveling to colder destinations
  • Great when traveling off the beaten path
  • More room=more options
  • Additional strain on your back
  • Have to check it on airplanes and buses
  • Many travelers simply don’t need it
  • Not as ideal for urban travel

In Favor of a Carry On Bag (35L – 40L)

tortuga travel backpack

While traveling with a  60L+ bag might make sense for some people, it is completely unnecessary for other people. If you are a lighter packer, or maybe if you are just going away for the weekend, then need a 65L beast is too way much.

If this is you, then you may prefer a 40L, “carry on” size bag. To be fair, they are still a decent size and can carry a lot of stuff. If you are not any bringing camping or hiking gear, then a 40-50L bag can be more than enough to handle all of your stuff.

Traveling with a light bag means traveling with less stress. Less stress on your back, less stress in your bag, less stress in your life in general. Travelers who carry large bags often fill it with things they don’t need.

But traveling light does require a sense of dedication, and if this minimalist bag style doesn’t appeal to you, then go big baby!

  • Less shit to worry about
  • Less stress on your back
  • If your bag is under 40L, you don’t have to check it
  • Great for urban travel
  • Forget about camping, trekking or hitchhiking
  • Limited space means less stuff
  • Not a great option if you want to bring a lot of clothes

Should you get a Large or Carry On Backpack?

This is completely up to you and will ultimately depend on your travel style.

Take into consideration the type of person you are… is traveling super lightweight attractive to you? Do you plan to go camping around the world ? Do you plan to travel mostly to cities? Will you be flying a lot and want to avoid luggage fees?

By determining your travel plans and travel style, you’ll be able to better make a selection for which travel bag is best for you

jasa travel backpacker

If you still have some questions then no problem! We’ve listed and answered the most commonly asked questions below. Here’s what people usually want to know:

How can you find the right travel backpack for you?

Comfort, durabilty, size and prize are the main factors that determine a good backpack. Make sure you measure your torso and find out how much capacity you need for your gear during your trip. Then choose from the remaining options accordingly.

Is a 40L backpack big enough for Travelling?

Unless you’re travelling extremely minimalistic, long term travel can be tricky with only 40L. For short term travel however, it’s abolutely enough.

What is the best value travel backpack?

The Nomatic Travel Bag 40L is a great value backpack since it offers the best bang for your buck that you could find on the market. However, the Aer Travel Pack 3 is a strong competitor.

Are there any good budget backpack options?

The REI Co-Op Flash 55 is an excellent budget option. With 55L and high quality material, the Flash 55 is a versatile, sturdy backpack.

Which is the best travel backpack brand?

For us, the obvious choice is Osprey as they hit the right price point, the backpacks are durable and they offer a big variety of styles.

REI Flash backpack

So there you have it amigos, the best tips to help you find the best travel packs for your upcoming adventures. The packs featured here are our personal favourites and we can vouch for each and every one of them.

Still not sure which backpack to buy? Well to nicely summarise it all for you, the best backpacks for travel are:

  • The Nomatic Travel Bag 40L is the best overall travel bag for 2024.
  • For the best hiking travel backpack, it is the Osprey Aether 70 …

You are now armed with all of the best options to find the best backpack for you! Our hope is that you find the backpack of your dreams and have many, many awesome adventures with your new best friend.

Now that you have your backpack, it’s time to check out our backpacking packing list for some ideas of what to put in it!

jasa travel backpacker

And for transparency’s sake, please know that some of the links in our content are affiliate links . That means that if you book your accommodation, buy your gear, or sort your insurance through our link, we earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). That said, we only link to the gear we trust and never recommend services we don’t believe are up to scratch. Again, thank you!

Aiden Freeborn

Aiden Freeborn

Best Travel Backpacks Pinterest Image

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jasa travel backpacker


You can backpack with a surplus military rucksack and do well. Poorly chosen footwear, tho, not so much.

Lets not hype it too much. Any three of the comparable packs in size and intent would be usable for the length of that trip. For the experienced packer tho, you only get one pair of boots. Choose wisely – and carry extra socks.

I know most of the experienced packers would read right past the opening line, but someone wanting to try the trail for their first time to Devil’s Den would not be well served concentrating on a high end pack and hitting the trail head with flip flops.

Great detailed article. I ended up going with the Wandrd Prvke. I think i made an awesome choice. Really love the looks and functionality of the bag.

Hey Will, Thanks for your wounderful review. Actually I was using Pacsafe Metrosafe backpack and now I want to upgrade my backpack. I’ll go for Nomatic as exactly you said it is designed to be modern, sleek, and provide ultimate packing efficiency. Thank for this buying guide!

Glad you are enjoying the Nomatic Pack! Indeed, that pack is awesome. Cheers.

very informative article sir

Thanks for sharing. I’m the new in backpack travel. I was torn between nomatic backpack and zynego backpack. Although I know the popularity of these two bags cannot be compared, I am very interested in zynego’s ai intelligence system. I think I need help! hhh

Our top choice at the moment is the Nomatic backpack :). Cheers!

I use the Osprey Porter 30L as my Carry On, because I have NEVER had to check it in no matter what airline. Even on small regional flights, I had no issues with it as a Carry On. The Farpoint and Fairview are excellent bags, but depending on the airline, yoiu may have to check them in. That’s never an issue with the Osprey Porter 30L.

Same with my 35 liter Minaal 2.0 Never have to check it. Always allowed carry on. Best way to travel… light… quickly… easily.. one bag… carry on. Much more free feeling…

I missed Deuter act lite but I bought 60 + 10 liter for women and I am more than happy with it!

60 – 70 liters. WOW ! I would never want to be packing that much stuff. Why would you need to pack so much stuff and put so much strain on your body? I travel for months at a time with just a 35 liter convertible backpack and I find that’s plenty. Pick up and go. I never have to check a bag, always carry on. I used to travel with a 45 liter bag, but it was big, and I always had to check it at the airport and then hang around the carousel waiting for it at my destinations. Now I just carry my 35 liter bag on and toss it in the overhead and no waiting a carousels or wondering who’s handling my bag. One Bag…Carry On travel. I always travel for a minimum of two months at a time, and up to four months. One, 35 liter, convertible backpack.

Whoah, Thanks for the lovely post. A great help, hope you continue to do this more often. I really like studying your posts. Cheers!

Hey, I’m in a bit of a dilemma- I’m so used to suitcases and i’m doing my first backbacking trip around SE Asia for 5 weeks in aug-sept. I want to pack quite a few clothes and I’m travelling by plane between different cities. Should I still go for a backpack and what size would you recommend. I was thinking backpack because I want to get scooter Grabs, and also the terrain. I was thinking 60-70 because of the amount of stuff I wanna bring but I was told by a friend that it would break my back lol.

Pssshhhh!!! Don’t listen to them! You can totally take a 60L without a problem so long as you don’t have a pre-existing spinal problem. Just make sure the pack fitted right! Depending on how heavy you pack, you might not need all that stuff though. I’m in Thailand for 7 weeks with Nomatic’s 30L . (Don’t worry, they have laundry service everywhere!)

I’m in my 60’s and would never think of taking a 60 or 70 liter back pack. Too much stuff. And you will have to check it at the airport and possibly pay baggage fees. Why would you want to take lots of clothes? I take three pair of summer weight material zip off pants, three thin summer weight material Columbia shirts wit roll up sleeves and three pair of ex-officio underwear and a good pair of hiking sandals. So I wear one set of clothes, and my other two sets are “Ranger Army Rolled” and in packing cubes in my 35 liter backpack. There are cheap laundries everywhere there that will do a load for a buck or two. And you can even wash your clothes in the sink and shower and hang to dry in your hotel room or apartment. I go for months at a time in Southeast Asia and carry only my 35 liter Minaal 2.0 convertible backpack. So much easier to carry less stuff, and not have to check any bags. Just carry it on the plane and throw it in the overhead. No waiting at carousels, or worrying about other people being rough with your bag or having it being diverted to another country and not showing up. Minimalist, one small bag, carry on is the way to travel. And it’s becoming more popular.

60 – 70 liters. WOW ! I would never want to be packing that much stuff. Sounds like major Himalayan expedition for a few months. I travel for months at a time with just a 35 liter convertible backpack and I find that’s plenty. Pick up and go. Never check a bag, always carry on.

Hey thank you for writing this post. It’s really helpful 🙂

Hi I am not a frequent traveller though like travel. In a recent trip with a connection inDubai, i used an american tourister 35L backpack, which caused a heavy toll on my back. Is it due to the particular brand or backpacks as a whole. Please suggest a backpack that is Back’ frenly.

Hi Shephy, I don’t really know about that model specifically, but if you have no spinal issues normally, a well-made, well-fitted pack won’t give you problems. Make sure you have hip straps (and use them). You can have someone help you fit it properly and always pack the bag with the heaviest stuff closest to your spine. This helps maintain your normal posture.

Have you tried the Eagle Creek Global Companion 40L? I’m trying to decide between that one an the farpoint 40L. Thank you.

Hi Lucas, we have not tested the Eagle Creek backpack you mentioned, but we always recommend anything by Osprey…and the Farpoint is a solid choice!

Any suggestions for a woman with low back issues. I hurt my back last year and can no longer carry larger bags but love the freedom of having a backpack for travel. I’m also only about 5″3″ if that helps.

It’s recommended to have a backpack with hip straps if you’re traveling but in your case, I’d say it’s ESPECIALLY important to have sturdy and padded hip straps, even if it’s a smaller backpack. This will take most of the pressure off your back. The second key element will be to get it properly fitted, especially if you’re wearing a larger bag. You need to find the tension that works for your hip straps, shoulder straps, and stabilizers (if you have them). You can research this online or ask a professional at an outfitter – they’re usually willing to help, even if you didn’t purchase the pack in their store. Similarly, do research on how to mount the pack properly without doing more damage to your back. Lastly, manage the time that you’re carrying your pack. This will just take a little planning before you leave your hotel or get off your flight – take breaks when you need to and cut down on weight as much as possible. I hope you find that backpacking freedom again! See ya out there!

Jackie… take a look at the Minaal 2.0 It’s only 35 liters and is convertible to duffle or backpack. Get the optional waist belt for it. I did. It’s the only bag I take even when I go for months, and I never have to check it. No more waiting at carousels.. I’m 67, and still carry my own bag. No wheelie luggage. There are other 35 liter and even smaller bags out there. You don’t have to get a Minaal 2.0 It’s a pricey bag. But I love mine.

First of all, I’ve been scouring the Internet for any articles/blogs/videos/Reddit comments regarding backpacks that are optimal for people with lower back pain, as I have really bad lower back pain too. Second of all, I HIGHLY recommend you to check out a rolfer or a trained Structural Integration practitioner in your area. Saved me thousands in chiro fees and made me stand straight after years of lower back pain.

As for backpack choices, I suggest maybe 30L and below and with hip straps (maybe Tortuga Setout if you’re in the US) and/or load lifters. I personally am 6 ft and around 185lbs and decided to go with Thule Subterra 34L and Tortuga Setout 35L (for when I need to pack more stuff).

Hope your lower back issues can be fixed!

Thank you all so much!! I appreciate all of the advice!! I have seen a doctor and went through physical therapy for 3 months to get me pretty much back to normal. Unfortunately, heavy lifting still bothers my back and I need to be careful about how and how much I carry. With all of your suggestions I went to get fitted and learned even more about keeping your pack weighted correctly. They fitted me with the Osprey Sirrus 24 Hiking backpack which is a little too small for longer travel so I’m looking at getting the Osprey Fairview 40 Women’s Travel Backpack. Smaller than the ones listed here but I think should be a good option for me. I haven’t bought one yet so I can’t speak to how it works for someone with back pain but I’m hoping it works well. Thanks!!

Yes, 24 liter might be a bit small for long term travel, although there are some minimalists who do travel long term with bags that small. I downsized from a 45 liter bag to a 35 liter convertible backpack. It’s great traveling lighter and being able to carry it on the plane and just toss it in the overhead. I spend months at a time in Southeast and South Asia with only that one 35 liter bag. No waiting at carousels and worrying about it going missing or being mishandled. I feel better not being over loaded down with stuff, not paying baggage fees. Becoming a minimalist one bag, carry on traveler takes adjusting, but is so much more freeing and enjoyable.

You should also start backing up the data you store on your device(s). If you don’t know where to start, you’ll want to dig into our guides covering iCloud backups and iTunes backups. Data loss issues are pretty rare, but there’s always a chance something gets lost in the shuffle as you transition to a new version of iOS.

Hi. Just wanted to leave some information on my trip that I just returned from. I used the Osprey Porter 30. Carry On bag only. I had one connection both ways of the trip. My trip was for three days, and I had no issues fitting what I needed in the bag and I was able to fit it under the seat in front of mine, even on the smaller planes. I stowed away the straps to do it, and it worked out great. One of the best travel investments I made. It also wasn’t uncomfortable walking through the terminals to my connections. I highly recommend the Osprey Porter 30 for shorter trips as a carry on bag. I love it.

Amazing! This makes traveling easier.

Thanks for the recommendations. I really like Osprey and was going to get the Farpoint 40, which because of you and others I know, is said to be an excellent carry on bag. That said, I opted for the Osprey Porter 30 because I need a bag that will ALWAYS be carry on size, no matter what airline I am flying on. I usually only need a bag to get me by for a few days and I am pretty good at packing what I need. This bag looks small on the outside, but it is bigger than it looks. I have no problem packing everything I need. I won’t be hiking, camping, or anything like that. Just needed a carry on bag. I may attach an Osprey Daylite Plus Daypack to it, but I really don’t need to.

I travel one bag, carry on also. So many great bags out there. Used to travel with a 45 liter convertible backpack, but was made to check it too often. So I bought the 35 liter Minaal 2.0 with zip away backpack strap. Can carry it like a duffle bag when I want. I’ve always been able to carry on my Minaal. Never had to check it. Love being a one bag, carry on traveler. Even when going for months, I only take my Minaal 2.0. It’s so freeing not taking so much stuff. I can’t believe the travelers I see with huge 70 – 120 liter expedition backpacks on their back, a second, smaller backpack on their front. Why ? We call them “Turtle Backpackers” Some of them with all that stuff also pulling a big wheelie suitcase. Unbelievable! That can’t be a comfortable way to travel. Impossible. I just toss my little 35 liter backpack on…and gone. For months at a time. Have safe flights and happy travels.

Good content with great pieces of information on traveling bags with so much variety.

Hi Will! Do you have any thoughts or experience with the Osprey Talon 44 as a travel pack in comparison to the osprey packs you mention?

I plan to travel for 1-3 months, fairly light, so I’m hopeful I can use it as a carryon in some cases. I know I want to to some hiking so a travel-specific pack is a no-go for me.

Thanks for the great guide and your awesome website!

Thank you for the very detailed guide and for your recommendation. I’ve had an Osprey backpack for several years, but I am looking to upgrade to something new and I am browsing opinions from experienced backpackers. To be honest, Nomatic was not on my short list, I was looking at Tortuga and Osprey again, but after your strong recommendation, I may have to take it seriously into account. Keep up the good work.

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Not a fan of the Osprey Ozone. It was weird, I expected to love it- my Osprey Vector 22 (a model they don’t make anymore, sadly) is an almost-perfect carry-on rollaboard type of bag.

But the T-handle is a pain in the ass if the bag rocks or a wheel catches just a bit- it twists too easily in your hand and you can’t steady it while walking. I live in Spain and travel Europe, and so there’s lots of cobblestones, and the Ozone wasn’t great there.

The frame is also a little bit weird. Their guarantee is excellent, which is good because the way the bag attaches *to* that bottom frame is with fabric straps and they’re going to get beat up and break.

Just all in all, wasn’t a fan, and I normally love Osprey stuff. I wish they’d bring the Vector back.

That’s why I like my 35 litre Minaal 2.0 backpack.. which I can also carry like a duffle if I wish just by zipping the backpack straps behind their panel. I don’t have to worry about handles and wheels, sand, mud, stairs, cobblestones. It’s going with me again this year back to southeast Asia. Traveling for much longer than the two months I did last time. Just pick up and go…. carry on… no checking baggage or waiting at carousels. It’s the only bag I take.. whether going for two weeks… or for a year or more.. 67 years old now.. 35 litre backpack… get up and go….

I am very thankful to you as your article has given me lots of ideas. I enjoyed a lot by reading this post. Thanks for sharing your blog.- staff providing agency in bangalore

I’m surprised you didn’t include the Minaal 2.0 in your reviews.. I’ve had a Tortuga bag and an M.E.I Voyageur….. both good bags..Both 45 liters. (They’ve been making the Voyageur since the early 1980’s..with a few tiny improvements over the years. Nothing says “Great Product” like longevity in production). But in early 2017 after a lot of research and comparisons, I bought the Minaal 2.0 …a 35 liter convertible backpack. I was made to check my Tortuga and Voyageur on many flights… but during a two month trip to Cambodia and Thailand in 2017… I was always able to carry it on and toss it in the overhead. Its clean lines and grey color with minimalized Minaal logo keep it from sticking out in the crowd.. discrete. Small… pick up and go.. Hide away backpack straps, rain cover in its own little hidden pocket, I like to use a single strap and carry it like a duffle at times.. Only using the backpack straps and hip belt if I do a long hike across a city… You might like to check out the Minaal 2.0

Your guide is phenomenal. I was looking to buy a Best Camera Backpack for my tactical gear trip and happy that I read your review! Love your other travel articles as well.

It is a very advantageous post for me. I’ve enjoyed reading the blog. It is very supportive and useful information. I would like to visit the post once more its valuable content. Thanks for such post and please keep it up.

Thanks for such a comprehensive post about travel backpacks, Will! Love how you managed to incorporate the important features of each backpack, the pros and cons, as well as links on where we can buy them. Thanks for also providing additional links on your detailed reviews for each product

thank you for share this blog with us. I also like travelling and also like hyking on mountains.

Hi Will, I’m a very tall girl 5’10 and travelling SE Asia for a few months next year. I used a bag with detachable dayback while in Australia and loved it. I noticed the Fairpoint doesn’t have an adjustable back system. Which would you recommend?

Hmmm… tough for me to recommend as you’re taller than me! 😛 I recommend going into a shop for this and testing a bunch out to find one that works for you.

Thanks for such a comprehensive post about travel backpacks, Will! Love how you managed to incorporate the important features of each backpack, the pros and cons, as well as links on where we can buy them. Thanks for also providing additional links on your detailed reviews for each product. It saves us time and headache when looking for the best travel backpack for us. Kudos!

I’m planning on travelling from Australia to Asia, and then on to Europe with total travel time of 9 months (potentially staying on to work). Would you recommend getting something bigger than the womens Osprey 55?

Love your website – it’s filled with really great and helpful information!!

Cheers, Ash

Hey Ash! Hmmmm… it really depends on how much stuff you need, and also how tall you are… but personally I would stick to 55 as the max size, if you have something bigger then you WILL fill the space, and you’ll have a real heavy pack!

Hi Will, How does a laptop fit into these travels bags? Im deciding between a 50l deuter bag and a 60l osprey. I think the 50l is enough for me right now but i think i will travel to some colder places in the future and may appreciate the larger size. However, i need to travel with my laptop as well. I dont want to check my laptop in with the checked backpack. Do you think carrying a smaller normal backpack just for my computer would be reasonable?

If you want to travel with a laptop in your main pack, I would honestly consider picking up a pack specifically designed for this, have a read of this post –

A vote for the Farpoint here, I ‘ve bought two others since I first bought that and gone back to it each time.. so much better build quality and just so comfortable to carry.

Great review. Thanks. I’m torn between the Nomatic Travel Bag and the Osprey Farpoint 40. I’m going to be island hopping and diving in the Philippines, so it looks like I will be getting the obligatory ‘back sweat’ from wearing backpacks.. Is the Nomatic comfy? I see you have to purchase the hip straps separately and they are detachable, which leads me to believe thay won’t be particularly comfy or robust. Plus the price is probably swing it in favour of the Farpoint 40.. although I wish they did it in more colours.. I really like the green (that they only appear to do in the women’s version ‘Fairview’. Keep up the good work.

I personally think the Farpoint is the better pack…

hi will I am looking at the osprey farpoint 70-80 litres, I am going travelling for 6 weeks, I do however have a wedding to attend so I have 2 extra outfits plus 1 extra pair of shoes, It will be summer so not worried about a load of clothes, I love backpack so the travel backpack with the zip all the way around looks great, any suggestions?oh I am 5ft 5in, 68kilos medium build, & have always carried a backpack, oh yeah I do not need a day pack attached, thanks?

The Farpoint is a great pack, assuming you don’t plan on hiking and if you pick up the 70 litre Farpoint, you’ll have plenty of space for sure!

Finally – a comprehensive list of the best backpacks for travellers. I think you’ve persuaded me to pick up the Osprey Ozone. Firstly it looks beautiful but also 46 Litres is the perfect size for me. Thanks for the advice Will!

Happy to help – The Ozone is an epic backpack!

Thanks for sharing. Some great idea’s for backpacks. Love the detail you go into. Makes choosing a new backpack so much easier.

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Paket Wisata Dieng terbaik 2024

Paket wisata hemat ke Dieng

Dieng Plateau yang terletak di daerah Jawa Tengah ini begitu populer di hati para pelancong. Tidak hanya menikmati sunrise Bukit Sikunir yang indah namun kamu juga bisa menikmati tempat wisata di Dieng seperti Candi Arjuna, Kawah Sikidang, Telaga Warna, Batu Pandang, Thetare dan masih banyak lagi. Kami menyediakan pilihan paket tour murah untuk membantu trip Anda ke Dieng.

Paket wisata

  • Private tour Dieng

Paket liburan keluarga

  • Paket tour untuk rombongan
  • Outing dan outbound
  • Paket honeymoon Dieng
  • Paket family gathering

Trip favorit

Rencanakan perjalanan wisata ke dieng bersama

paket wisata dieng 1 hari

One day tour Dieng

Liburan ke Dieng seperti apa yang kalian inginkan? Nikmati paket wisata Dieng 1 hari dengan harga hemat yang bisa anda kustom bersama komunitas

paket wisata dieng 2 hari

Paket Dieng 2 hari

Cari paket wisata Dieng 2 hari 1 malam dengan harga promo? Yuk daftar sekarang. Customer Service Dieng trip akan senang membantu menyiapkan liburanmu.

paket wisata dieng 3 hari

Paket Dieng 3 hari

Dapatkan paket tour Dieng 3 hari 2 malam dengan harga murah. Pilih destinasi wisata Dieng sesukamu dan nikmati liburan ceria dengan fasilitas lengkap harga hemat.

Trip Gunung Prau

Trip Gunung Prau

Trip ke Gunung Prau hemat. Yuk gapai puncak tertinggi di Dieng, melihat pesona matahari terbit dan melihat Bunga daisy. Cocok dilakukan saat musim kemarau.

paket sunirse

Paket Sunrise Sikunir

Paket wisata ke Bukit Sikunir untuk melihat matahari terbit yang terkenal dengan sebutan Golden Sunrise. Ini bukan open trip ya kak, jadi bisa berangkat kapan saja.

paket bulan madu ke dieng

Paket Bulan Madu

Paket bulan madu ke Dieng menawarkan perjalanan romantis dengan mengunjungi tempat wisata yang bikin buat betah kamu berdua. Banyak spot menarik untuk foto.

jasa travel backpacker

Penawaran paket liburan keluarga ke Dieng dengan pilihan menginap di homestay, hotel atau villa. Tersedia durasi liburan 2-3 hari.

paket backpacker ke dieng

Paket Backpacker Dieng

Backpacker ke Dieng Plateau tidak harus berangkat sendiri, dengan paket trip ini kamu berkesempatan mendapatkan biaya murah.

paket gathering ke Dieng

Paket Gathering

Paket wisata untuk acara family gathering, outing kantor, outbound dan rombongan. Kami akan menyesuaikan agenda liburan Anda.

Trip Dieng dari Jogja

trip Dieng dari Jogja

Cara mudah ke Dieng dari Jogja dengan mengikuti paket wisata, tim Diengtrip akan menjemput Anda langsung dari Jogja, setelah selesai trip akan diantar pulang ke Jogja. Pilihan paket Dieng dari Jogja / Yogyakarta mulai dari satu hingga tiga hari.

Trip Dieng dari Semarang

trip Dieng dari Semarang

Biasanya wisatawan dari Jakarta atau Surabaya akan singgah terlebih dahulu di Kota Semarang sebelum melanjutkan trip ke Dieng. Untuk mempermudah kunjungan ke Dieng kami menyediakan paket Semarang – Dieng dengan harga terjangkau.

Promo trip ke Dieng

Promo trip dieng

Promo trip satu hari ke Dieng, harga Rp200.000,00 /orang. Fasilitas sebagai berikut:

– Shuttle bus Dieng – Makan 2 kali (Prasmanan) – Pemandu wisata Dieng (HPI) – Tiket wisata & parkir

Paket promo ke Dieng berlaku pemesanan minimal 45 orang meeting point dari Wonosobo. Untuk harga jumlah peserta lain silakan hubungi kami.

Berkenalan dengan

about trip ke Dieng

Yuk berkenalan dengan crew agar mendapatkan harga terbaik untuk trip ke Dieng. Jangan sungkan hubungi kami ya kak , karena crew dengan senang hati akan menerima Telepon atau pesan WhatsApp kapan saja.


Ratusan customer sudah menggunakan layanan paket tour Dieng Kami. Konsultasi perjalanan, Buat Itenary Custom ke Dieng dan Booking paket wisata sekarang.

Harga paket wisata Dieng

Harga promo paket tour ke Dieng untuk rombongan, minimal pemesanan 45 orang dari Wonosobo.

Trip Dieng dari luar kota

Trip Dieng murah dengan penjemputan dari hotel / stasiun / bandara / kator dan bahkan rumah tempat tinggal.

Tanya jawab tour ke Dieng

Dengan mengikuti paket wisata ke Dieng, kamu akan mendapatkan fasilitas seperti:

  • Transportasi (Mobil, supir, bbm)
  • Penginapan (Hotel / Homestay)
  • Tiket wisata Dieng
  • Lokal guide Dieng
  • Layanan makan
  • Penjemputan dari Wonosobo, Jogja, Semarang atau Purwokerto.

Daftar tempat wisata yang ada di Dieng

  • Gardu Pandang Tieng
  • Sunrise Bukit Sikunir
  • Telaga Warna

Kawah Sikidang

  • Candi Arjuna
  • Dieng Plateau Theater
  • Batu Ratapan Angin
  • Telaga Dringo
  • Sumur Jalatunda
  • Air Terjun Sikarim
  • Telaga Menjer menyediakan pilihan hemat paket liburan ke Dieng, seperti:

  • Paket Jalan-jalan keluarga
  • Paket outing, outbound dan gathering
  • Paket bulan madu
  • Paket camping dan mendaki Gunung Prau
  • Paket tahun baru
  • Paket wisata backpacker
  • Paket rafting serayu

Open trip Dieng

Open trip ke Dieng adalah paket wisata murah untuk memperkenalkan destinasi wisata menarik di Dieng Plateau kepada wisatawan. Tujuan wisata paket open trip ini dimulai dari Sunrise di Bukit Sikunir, Telaga Warna, Batu Pandang (Batu Ratapan Angin), Kawah Sikidang dan Candi Arjuna Dieng.

Open trip ini diselenggarakan setiap hari dimulai dari jam 02.30 pagi sampai selesai dengan meeting point di hotel/homestay area Dieng Plateau dan Wonosobo.

Detail open trip

  • Ketersediaan : Tersedia
  • Keberangkatan : Setiap hari minggu
  • Minimal pendaftaran : 1 orang
  • Minimal keberangkatan : 2 orang
  • Meeting point : Wonosobo
  • Start trip : 02.30 (Pagi)
  • Selesai trip : 17.00 (Sore)
  • Harga open trip : Rp500.000,- / peserta
  • Pembayaran : DP 20%
  • Turis asing: Extra Charge Rp. 200.000/org
  • 02.30-03.20 : Penjemputan
  • 03.20-03.40 : Ke Desa Sembungan
  • 03.40-04.20 : Trip di Bukit Sikunir
  • 04.20-05.30 : Menikmati sunrise
  • 05.30-06.30 : Trip Telaga Cebong
  • 06.30-07.30 : Istirahat & sarapan
  • 07.30-09.30 : Trip Candi Arjuna
  • 09.30-10.30 : Trip Kawah Sikidang
  • 10.30-11.30 : Telaga Warna & Pengilon
  • 11.30-12.25 : Dieng Plateau Theater
  • 12.25-13.15 : Istirahat, makan siang
  • 13.15-14.30 : Trip ke Batu Pandang
  • 14.30-15.00 : Perkebunan Teh
  • 15.00-15.30 : Trip Telaga Menjer
  • 15.30-16.00 : Belanja oleh-oleh
  • 16.00-17.00 : Peserta diantar pulang

Fasilitas Open Trip

  • Mobil wisata APV, Avanza, Xenia, Innova, Luxio, Elf Pariwisata 12 / 16 Seat.
  • Tiket masuk kawasan wisata Dieng Plateau sesuai itinerary.
  • Makan 1 x Prasmanan / Box
  • Sopir pariwisata/Lokal Guide

Proses Penjemputan

  • Penjemputan akan dimulai jam 02.30 Dor to dor di area Wonosobo (Peserta akan dijemput satu persatu ditempat yang ditentukan peserta ). Kemudian melakukan perjalanan ke Dataran Tinggi Dieng dan melakukan penjemputan peserta trip yang menginap di Homestay Dieng sampai dengan jam 03.30.
  • Mohon informasikan alamat penjemputan maksimal H -1. Team kami akan menghubungi anda melalui Telepon/Hp yang anda daftarkan pada saat reservasi.
  • Khusus saat high season, penjemputan dilakukan 30-45 menit lebih awal untuk menghindari kemacetan.

Informasi tambahan

  • Minimal keberangkatan 2 peserta (Quota Tidak terpenuhi penyesuian Harga, Rescedule atau Refund).
  • Open trip ke Dieng ini cocok untuk wisatawan yang sudah berada di Dieng / Wonosobo.
  • Tidak termasuk biaya paket trip Dieng: penginapan, pengeluaran pribadi, makan di luar paket dan asuransi perjalanan.

Obyek wisata yang dikunjungi dalam program open trip Dieng sebagai berikut:

Telaga Warna Dieng

Telaga Warna adalah telaga vulkanis yang airnya mengandung kadar mineral yang berubah-ubah sehingga pantulan warna yang dihasilkan beraneka ragam.

Warna indah di permukaan telaga akan muncul bersahutan saat terpantul oleh sinar matahari ketika hari mulai terik seperti seperti warna pelangi yaitu hijau, biru, kuning, silver dan coklat. Keindahan Telaga Warna Dieng dapat disaksikan dari tepian telaga atau dari atas Bukit Sidengkeng dan dari Batu Ratapan Angin/Batu Pandang.

Secara geografis Telaga Warna berlokasi di Desa Dieng Wetan, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo. Telaga Warna Dieng dikelola langsung di bawah naungan Badan Konservasi Sumber Daya Alam (BKSDA).

Di dalam kawasan BKSDA, selain Telaga Warna juga terdapat Telaga Pengilon dan komplek gua alam. Telaga Pengilon terletak di samping Telaga Warna dengan permukaan airnya terlihat berkilauan seperti cermin serta tidak mengandung belerang sehingga berwarna jernih.

Kawah Sikidang merupakan salah satu kawah vulkanis di Dieng Plateau yang masih aktif. Kawah utama yang selalu berpindah-pindah tempat atau melompat-lompat sehingga kawah aktif ini dinamakan dengan Kawah Sikidang yang berasal dari kata kidang atau hewan rusa.

Kawah Sikidang mengandung sulfur pekat berupa lumpur cair mendidih berwarna hitam keabu-abuan. Kawah ini memiliki bau belerang yang menyengat sehingga pengunjung diharapkan untuk mengenakan masker untuk mengurangi bau belerang yang muncul dari dalam kawah.

Kawah Sikidang memiliki lokasi yang strategis yaitu masih di dalam kawasan Plateau Dieng sehingga mudah dijangkau oleh semua pengunjung wisata. Kawah Sikidang terletak di Desa Karangsari , Dieng Wetan, Kabupaten Banjarnegara. Tempat wisata ini dibuka pukul 06.00 hingga pukul 18.00 sore hari.

Komplek Candi Arjuna

Candi Arjuna adalah kumpulan candi-candi Dieng yang dibangun pada awal abad ke 8 hingga abad ke 13 pada masa kekuasaan Raja Sanjaya. Komplek Candi Arjuna ini terdiri dari lima bangunan candi kuno yang menyatu di dalam satu lokasi diantaranya Candi Arjuna, Candi Srikandi, Candi Puntadewa, Candi Sembadra dan Candi Semar.

Penamaan candi-candi Dieng tersebut berasal dari kisah – kisah mahabarata dan bukan berasal dari nama asli candi tersebut karena belum ada prasasti yang mengisyaratkan nama candi tersebut.

Komplek Candi Arjuna merupakan candi beraliran Hindu yang dibangun tepat di tengah-tengah Plateau Dieng diantara Gunung Prau, Gunung Pakuwojo dan Gunung Pangonan pada ketinggian 2.093 meter di atas permukaan laut. Bebatuan yang digunakan untuk membangun candi Dieng ialah batu andesit yang diambil dari Gunung Pakuwojo.

Daya tarik Komplek Candi Arjuna merupakan bangunan candi Hindu tertua di Pulau Jawa dengan kekayaan arsitekturnya serta berlokasi di area pegunungan dengan panorama alam menawan sehingga komplek candi ini terkenal hingga ke mancanegara.

Sunrise Sikunir

Dalam perjalanan wisata menuju Dataran Tinggi Dieng, panorama indah yang tidak bisa terlewatkan adalah pemandangan matahari terbit yang dapat disaksikan dari puncak Bukit Sikunir dengan ketinggian 2.370 m di atas parmukaan laut.

Sunrise Sikunir merupakan maskot utama wisata Dieng yang menawarkan pemandangan spektakuler matahari terbit dengan cahaya keemasan yang disebut dengan Golden Sunrise Sikunir.

Wisata Sunrise Sikunir berada di Desa Sembungan, Kecamatan Kejajar, Kabupaten Wonosobo. Untuk mencapai puncak bukit, pengunjung akan berjalan kaki mendaki bukit kurang lebih 30 menit dengan akses alami berupa bebatuan dan tanah.

Panjang track dari area parkir menuju puncak bukit 800 meter. Udara yang sangat dingin bisa mencapai -3 derajad celcius sehingga mengharuskan wisatawan untuk mengenakan jaket hangat, sepatu trekking dan perlengkapan mendaki yang cocok lainnya.

Pemandangan yang sangat indah dan tidak terkalahkan akan segera Anda dapatkan ketika tiba di puncak Bukit Sikunir yang dikelilingi oleh pegunungan menjulang dan areal pertanian luas beriringan dengan awan melayang berterbangan menghiasi suasana pagi di Bukit Sikunir Dieng.

Telaga Cebong

Telaga Cebong merupakan salah satu telaga cantik di Dieng Plateau. Telaga Cebong menjadi tempat piknik di Dieng untuk menikmati suasana pegunungan yang khas dengan menawarkan pesona keindahan alamnya. Telaga Cebong merupakan bekas kapundan kawah raksasa yang kemudian menjadi penampungan air hujan serta mata air yang muncul disetiap sisinya.

Telaga Cebong memiliki bentuk unik seperti anakan katak atau berudu sehingga penduduk Sembungan menamai telaga tersebut dengan sebutanTelaga Cebong. Telaga Cebong memiliki luas kurang lebih 18 hektar, telaga ini menjadi jantungnya desa Sembungan sebagai sumber air untuk keperluan warga desa dan menjadi menara air bagi warga kampung yang berada di bawah Desa Sembungan.

Telaga Cebong terletak tepat di kaki Bukit Sikunir yaitu di Desa Sembungan sebuah desa tertinggi di Jawa Tengah mencapai 2.260 m di atas permukaan laut. Keindahan Telaga Cebong ini bisa wisatawan saksikan dari atas bukit atau sekedar bersantai ditepian telaga sambil menikmati hembusan angin pegunungan.

Area telaga cebong juga di gunakan sebagai tempat camping terbaik di Dieng dengan area yang telah dipersiapkan oleh pemuda kelompok sadar wisata (Pokdarwis) Cebong Sikunir Dieng dan oleh para pelaku wisata lainnya.

Batu Pandang

Batu Pandang sebuah tempat wisata di Dieng yang tidak pernah lengah dari pengunjung yang ingin menyaksikan panorama alam terbaik di Dieng Plateau. Batu Pandang merupakan salah satu lokasi terindah untuk menyaksikan keindahan Telaga warna dan Telaga Pengilon serta pegunungan yang mengelilinginya dari atas bukit.

Batu Pandang merupakan destinasi wisata yang mudah dijangkau oleh setiap pengunjung karena dari area parkir menuju puncak hanya memerlukan waktu sebentar saja yaitu dengan melewati areal pertanian kentang dan sayur mayur warga.

Selain sebagai tempat menyaksikan keindahan Telaga Warna dan Telaga Pengilon para pengunjugn juga bisa menikmati aktivitas wisata di area Batu Pandang diantaranya flying fox, menyeberangi jembatan merah sebagai spot foto bagus serta menyaksikan aktivitas para petani Dieng yang sedang memanen kentang dan bercocok tanam.

Telaga pengilon

Telaga Pengilon adalah sebuah danau alami di Dieng yang letaknya berdampingan dengan Telaga Warna. Telaga Pengilon merupakan area terlindungi yang dibuka untuk wisatawan berada di kawasan konservasi sumber daya alam Dieng. Tidak mengandung sulfur dan tidak pula berbau belerang seperti halnya Telaga Warna.

Telaga Pengilon memiliki air tawar yang gemerlap seperti cermin. Area sekeliling Telaga Pengilon ditumbuhi oleh pohon akasia serta rumput semak yang tinggi hingga menutupi tepian telaga. Pengunjung perlu berjalan pada jalanan setapak yang rindang kurang lebih 200 meter untuk mencapai Telaga Pengilon dari depan pintu masuk lokasi wisata Dieng.

Banyak aktivitas yang dapat dilakukan selama mengikuti paket wisata ke Dieng dari, hari pertama Anda akan diajak melihat pemandangan pegunungan yang indah di Gardu Pandang Tieng, dari ketinggian 1.700 mdpl ini Anda akan merasakan kesejukan khas udara pegunungan.

Aktivitas berikutnya cuci muka di mata air kuno, yaitu di tuk bima Lukar sebagai hulu sungai serayu ditempat ini Anda akan merasakan kesegaran alami mata air pegunungan yang masih jernih, kemudian dilanjutkan tour ke komplek Candi Arjuna Dieng, sebagai candi tertua di pulau Jawa, bagi Anda yang menyukai wisata sejarah kumpulan candi-candi di Dieng dapat menjadikan inspirasi baru.

Tak hanya sampai disini saja, perjalanan akan dilanjutkan ke Dieng Plateau Theater dan Batu Ratapan Angin sebuah destinasi wisata yang paling disukai wisatawan, karena tempat ini menyuguhkan pemandangan alam luar biasa berupa dua telaga cantik, yaitu Telaga Warna Dieng dan Telaga pengilon.

Aktivitas liburan ke Dieng pada hari pertama ditutup dengan acara makan malam dan istirahat di hotel. Kemudian trip ke Dieng hari kedua, Anda akan diajak menikmati golden Sunrise dari puncak Bukit Sikunir, sebuah destinasi wisata yang paling banyak dinanti-nanti para traveler, banyak cerita mengesankan ditempat ini, salah satunya adalah pemandangan lautan awan di kaki gunung serta semburat golden sunrise yang menakjubkan.

Saat kami menayakan kepada tamu, manakah tempat wisata yang paling berkesan? kebanyakan dari tamu kami mengatakan sunrise di Sikunir merupakan tempat terbaik yang pernah kami kunjungi. Sebagai penutup tour ke Dieng selama 2 hari 1 malam, Anda akan kami ajak menikmati indahnya Telaga Warna dan telaga pengilon dari dekat, selanjutnya mengujungi obyek wisata perkebunan teh tambi, Telaga Menjer dan terakhir menikmati sajian kuliner khas Dieng Wonosobo (Mie ongklok).

(Cek melalui WhatsApp / Telepon)

Marketing dengan senang hati akan membantu menyiapkan kebutuhan liburan Bapak / Ibu ke dataran tinggi Dieng.

Silakan hubungi marketing

Telepon: 082151805640 WhatsApp: 082151805640 [email protected] Griya Nirwana RT. 05 RW. 04, Jlamprang Kec. Wonosobo, Kabupaten Wonosobo Jawa Tengah 56319

Monday—Friday: 8AM–5PM Saturday & Sunday: 9AM–4PM

12 Tips Backpacker Pemula: Jalan Jalan & Liburan Murah Ala Wisata Backpacker

Tips Backpacker Pemula mukuko studio unsplash

Pantai Pasir Putih Trenggalek Biaya Tiket Masuk 2024 & Jalan Menuju Wisata

Tips Backpacker Pemula bagi kamu yang ingin Jalan Jalan Hemat Liburan Murah Ala Backpacker. Bisa mendapatkan pengalaman liburan seru sekaligus mengunjungi beberapa objek wisata di Indonesia terindah tanpa mengeluarkan banyak biaya, tentulah dambaan bagi siapapun bukan? Meskipun terdengar mudah tapi sebetulnya cukup sulit tips backpacker pemula untuk dapat travelling backpacker atau wisata Backpacker, terutama bagi yang tak biasa melakukannya.

Untuk liburan backpacker memang membutuhkan perencanaan lebih matang jika dibandingkan dengan liburan menggunakan jasa travel. Dewasa ini memang dengan seiring tingginya minat berlibur membuka banyak kesempatan para pengusaha travel untuk dapat mengembangkan bisnisnya lebih besar.

Terbukti dengan adanya beberapa paket liburan murah dengan harga yang kopetitif. serta bervariatif. Meskipun kamu cukup mudah hanya dengan menyetorkan sejumlah biaya saja pada agent travel tersebut, kamu sudah dapat berlibur dengan tenang dan nyaman.

Akan tetapi terdapat beberapa kekurangan jika halnya kamu menggunakan jasa tersebut, secara otomatis kamu akan mengikuti segala ketentuan yang telah dibuat oleh mereka baik secara jadwal hingga susunan acara. Merasa kurang bebas untuk menikmati liburan dengan gaya tersebut?

ya, memang terkesan diatur dan kurang leluasa tapi itu konsekuensi yang diterima jikalau menggunakan jasa travel untuk liburan.

Demi menjawab segala persoalan diatas, maka kami merekomendasikan kamu agar mencoba untuk liburan murah ala backpacker. Dalam pembahasan kali ini akan memberikan sedikit tips backpacker bagi kamu yang ingin mencoba liburan dengan sentuhan petualangan seru.

Kami akan memaparkan secara detail perihal Tips Backpacker Pemula atau Jalan Jalan Hemat Liburan Murah Ala Wisata Backpacker. Semoga kiranya informasi yang nantinya disampaikan dapat berguna dan bermanfaat bagi kamu atau para pembaca budiman dimana pun anda berada.

Sebelumnya bagi kamu yang ingin menikmati sebuah perjalanan dengan berkunjung ke sebuah tempat wisata haruslah  menentukan terlebih dahulu tema lalu tempat yang akan dituju. Untuk tema, sebetulnya dalam berwisata terdapat dua buah tema secara umum yakni “Liburan” atau “Backpacker”.

  • 47 Tempat Wisata Di Malang Terbaru Yang Wajib Dikunjungi Saat Liburan
  • 23 Tempat Wisata Di Jogja Yang Wajib DiKunjungi Waktu Liburan
  • 60 Tempat Wisata di Bandung Paling Populer & Hits 2024
  • 13 Tempat Romantis di Jogja Murah & Cocok Untuk Pasangan

Secara umum banyak orang yang keliru untuk mendefinisikan keduanya, oleh sebab itulah pengalaman wisata yang ia dapatkan kadang kurang sesuai dengan keinginan hatinya.

Lantas, apakah kamu tau perbedaan antara Liburan dengan Backpacker? menurut asumsi saya, pengertian Liburan dapat di definisikan dimana orang meluangkan waktu bebas (cuti kerja atau hari libur) untuk berkunjung ke beberapa tempat wisata.

Sedangkan Backpaker ialah merupakan orang (sekelompok orang) yang melakukan perjalanan dengan biaya yang ditekan seminimalis mungkin. Kemudian, berarti dapat ditarik sebuah kesimpulan bahwasanya Backpacker hampir sama dengan Traveller.

Dari kedua definisi tersebut tentulah kita dapat mengetahui seperti apa jenis wisata yang tepat untuk keduanya. Secara umum biasanya untuk wisata liburan, mereka melakukannya dengan mengunjungi tempat-tempat yang ramai dan populer.

Kemudian untuk para backpacker biasanya mereka lebih senang mencari tempat-tempat lebih sepi atau baru yang mungkin saja belum banyak orang ketahui, secara umum dapat disimpulkan untuk para penggemar backpacker mereka lebih senang dengan wisata alam.

Setelah kita mengetahui perbedaan antara Liburan dan Backpacker, barulah kamu dapat menentukan tema wisata apa yang cocok bagi kamu.

Sebuah masalah biasanya muncul dan dirasa cukup krusial bagi mereka yang ingin merencanakan suatu perjalanan yakni persoalan keuangan atau finansial. Sebetulnya sebagai salah seorang pecinta traveling backpacker, dalam hidup saya mempercayai adanya sebuah siklus kehidupan dalam dunia traveling.

Dimana siklus ini terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yaitu pertama fase sebagai seorang pelajar, karyawan (pegawai) dan pensiunan. Dari ketiga siklus tersebut memiliki perbedaan satu anta lain sebagai berikut,

  • Pelajar, secara umum pada tahapan ini mereka mempunyai banyak waktu luang dan belum terlalu sibuk dengan persoalan kehidupan yang berat. Mereka hanya diharuskan menuntut ilmu pada beberapa lembaga pendidikan formal. Akan tetapi pada fase ini mereka mempunyai kelemahan dari segi keuangan atau finansial. Terang saja, dikarenakan belum mempunyai penghasilan pribadi dan harus bergantung pada kedua orang tua. Oleh sebab itu mereka sangat erat hubungannya dengan permasalahan finansial untuk dapat berwisata.
  • Karyawan (Pegawai/Wirausaha), pada tahan dewasa ini biasanya mereka tak mempunyai permasalahan yang berarti dari segi keuangan. Disebabkan mereka sudah memiliki penghasilan pribadi sehingga dapat menyisihkan sedikit pengeluaran untuk berwisata. Kendati demikian jangan salah, ternyata mereka pun memiliki persoalan lainnya, dikarenakan secara umum mereka mempunyai aktivitas sebagai seorang pekerja maka secara otomatis mereka mempunyai masalah dengan waktu luang. Kesibukan atau jatah cuti menjadi masalah utama lainnya pada fase ini.
  • Pensiunan, fase ini memang terbilang cukup memiliki segalanya jika dibandingkan dengan Pelajar atau pun dengan Karyawan. Dimana seorang pensiunan biasanya tak mempunyai masalah dengan keuangan atau dengan waktu luang. Tetapi ternyata ada permasalhan lainnya yang muncul pada tahap ini yakni permasalahan kesehatan atau kebugaran fisik, sehingga acap kali menjadi faktor penghalang untuk dapat berwisata.

Lantas bagaimana solusi untuk semua problematika di atas? jika dicermati secara mendalam sebenarnya terdapat beberapa trik untuk menyiasatinya yakni dengan cara Tips Backpacker Wisata. Mengapa demikian? Berikut adalah Tips Backpacker Jalan Jalan Hemat yang dapat kamu lakukan,

Simak juga tentang Backpacker ke Bandung? Ini 10 Pilihan Tempat Menginap Untuk Backpacker Di Bandung .

1. Manfaatkan moment tertentu

Pada fase Karyawan, di mana pada masa tersebut kamu haruslah jeli untuk memanfaatkan setiap moment yang ada. Sebagai contoh dengan pemanfaatan tanggal tertentu atau yang sering kita kenal dengan “tanggal merah”.

Jika terdapat sebuah tanggal yang berada di antara tanggal merah dengan tanggal libur (Sabtu dan Minggu), maka biasanya tanggal tersebut kita kenal dengan istilah “Hari Kejepit Nasional”. Dinmana pada moment tersebut kamu dapat melakukan perjalanan wisata dengan memanfaatkan waktu sekitar 4 hari.

Bagi kamu seorang karyawan atau pekerja, kamu dapat mengambil jatah cuti kerja untuk menggenapkan hari tersebut. Kemudian untuk fase Pelajar, kamu dapat melakukan perjalanan wisata dengan memanfaatkan moment liburan sekolah.

Kunci utama dalam pemanfaatan waktu ialah jangan sampai ada penyesalan nanti di saat masa tua atau pensiun yang tak kita lakukan sewaktu kita muda dulu, karena waktu tak kan bisa diputar kembali.

2. Sisihkan sedikit pendapatan (Menabung)

Ini adalah solusi paling logis untuk menjawab persoalan finansial yang kerap ditemui pada fase Pelajar atau pun Karyawan. Mengacu pada kenyataan dimana banyak orang yang salah kaprah dengan persepsi atau sudut pandang dalam wisata.

Kebanyakan orang pergi berwisata dengan memanfaatkan penghasilan yang ia dapat pada bulan yang sama dengan waktu keberangkatan wisata. Maka apa yang terjadi? dimana secara umum mereka akan mengeluhkan uangnya habis untuk berlibur dan akhirnya apa yang terjadi? akan ada masalah baru yang datang setelah pergi liburan, padahal ini bertentangan dengan fungsi liburan “Dimana liburan sebagai salah satu media sarana untuk merefreshkan pikiran dan menumbuhkan semangat yang baru”. 

Oleh sebab itulah, akan lebih bijak jikalau kita menabung terlebih dahulu dengan menyisihkan sedikit pendapatan selama beberapa waktu. Sehingga begitu kepulangan setelah berlibur, kita masih memiliki uang yang cukup untuk memenuhi segala kebutuhan wajib bulanan. 

3. Tentukan lokasi yang dituju dan sesuaikan dengan budget

Usahakan lakukan prediksi biaya agar dapat memperhitungkan besarnya biaya wisata yang dibutuhkan. Kemudian sesuaikan dengan biaya masuk tempat wisata yang dituju, akomodasi, penginapan dan keperluan pribadi selama pergi berlibur.

Pastikan semua biaya sesuai dengan kemampuan keuangan pribadi dan jangan memaksakan. Hindari kebiasaan berbelanja oleh-oleh yang berlebihan, karena itu adalah salah satu faktor yang membuat budget liburan membengkak. Sebagai tambahan wawasan tentang Wisata Kawah Ijen Banyuwangi Backpacker. Sebelum berangkat ke Kawah Ijen alangkah baiknya membaca terlebih dulu 6 Tips ke Kawah Ijen yang Perlu Kamu Ketahui Sebelum Berangkat .

4. Tentukan tujuan lokasi yang dituju dalam satu jalur

Ini merupakan langkah yang tepat dan kunci utama untuk liburan ala backpacker. Terinspirasi dari banyak orang yang pergi berwisata namun bingung ingin kemana objek wisata akan yang dituju.

Ada pula kasus lainnya yakni ada pula yang sudah tau destinasi wisata yang akan dituju namun tak mengerti dengan jarak dan kondisi jalur yang menghubungkan satu lokasi dengan lokasi lainnya, maka apa yang akan terjadi dalam kasus tersebut? ya, banyak waktu akan terbuang sia-sia dalam perjalanan dan tentu hal tersebut dapat berpengaruh terhadap kualitas berlibur.

Demi menghindari hal tersebut, dalam tips backpacker pemula maka kamu dituntut harus mencari informasi detail tentang lokasi tempat wisata yang akan dituju. Perhatikan tentang akses jalan, jarak dari satu tempat ke tempat lainnya dan jarak dari tempat kamu menginap.

Jika ingin lebih mengefisiensikan waktu liburan yang singkat, kamu dapat mengikuti tips backpacker dengan berkunjung ke beberapa lokasi wisata yang masih dalam satu jalur atau saling berdekatan, sehingga waktu liburan pun tak akan terbuang sia-sia. Sebagai salah satu contoh rekomendasi Tempat Wisata Jogja Untuk Backpacker .

5. Persiapkan selalu barang yang akan dibutuhkan dengan baik

Bagi kamu yang ingin berpergian ke suatu tempat dengan cara backpacker atau travelling, maka dalam tips backpacker pemula kamu wajib untuk memperhatikan barang-barang yang dibutuhkan selama melakukan perjalanan.

Sesuaikan barang bawaan dengan lokasi yang dituju dan jangan terlalu banyak (berlebihan), bawalah barang yang benar-benar dibutuhkan. Sebagai contoh bila kamu ingin camping atau kegiatan outdoor lainnya, maka peralatan menjadi kunci utama dalam kesuksesan berlibur dan selalu perhitungkan cuaca. Sebagai contoh dalam Pendakian Gunung Agung Bali.

6. Bawalah selalu kartu nama tempat dimana kamu menginap

Meskipun banyak orang yang lalai dan cenderung menyepelekan hal ini, padahal tersebut adalah kunci utama untuk berjaga-jaga atas segala kemungkinan resiko selama berpergian baik perorangan atau pun rombongan.

Selalu mintalah kartu nama tempat di mana kamu menginap, jika kamu tersesat atau terpisah dari rombongan, gunakan alamat pada kartu nama tersebut sebagai acuan kembali ke penginapan. 

7. Gunakan kemampuan tawar menawar harga

Terdengar seperti hal yang konyol atau lucu bukan? tetapi ini sebetulnya adalah kemampuan yang sangat berharga bilamana kamu sedang berlibur. Mengacu pada kebiasaan warga lokal yang cenderung memberikan harga lebih tinggi pada setiap wisatawan.

Oleh karena itulah dalam Tips Backpacker pemula, kamu harus mahir dalam melakukan tawar menawar harga demi agar mendapatkan harga terbaik dan juga meminimalisir pengeluaran dalam jalan jalan ala Backpacker. 

8. Usahakan pergi dengan jumlah rombongan

Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwasanya dalam berpergian tentu kamu membutuhkan akomodasi transportasi, kemudian bukan rahasia umum lagi jikalau harga yang dikenakan pada wisatawan biasanya lebih mahal.

Oleh sebab itu dalam tips backpacker pemula, bila kamu datang dengan jumlah rombongan tentu besar biaya tersebut dapat dibagi rata agar lebih ringan. Ini lah salah satu manfaat yang dirasakan jika kamu tak berpergian seorang diri. Sebagai tambahan Wisata Gili Labak Backpacker.

9. Carilah penginapan yang memiliki dapur

Meski dalam berwisata ada ungkapan “Jangan terlalu menghabiskan waktu di tempat penginapan”, ya hal tersebut memang benar adanya. Namun dalam tips backpacker pemula ini lain konteksnya, dimana maksud dan tujuan untuk mencari penginapan yang memiliki dapur ialah agar kamu tak perlu membeli makanan diluar atau cafe dan restoran yang sudah pasti mahal harganya.

Demi menekan pengeluaran untuk liburan murah, ada baiknya kamu dapat memasak untuk keperluan makan, sehingga kamu tak terlalu sering membeli makanan diluar. Sebagai contoh dalam satu hari kamu dapat memasak setidaknya untuk satu kali makan.

10. Ramah terhadap masyarakat sekitar

Tips backpacker pemula ni penting, mengingat kamu berada di sebuah lingkungan yang cukup asing, sehingga dituntut kamu agar ramah terhadap masyarakat sekitar. Disadari atau tidak, ada kebiasaan yang biasa dimiliki oleh wisatawan urban yang berasal dari kota-kota besar misalnya Jakarta.

Dimana tak sedikit dapat kita temui wisatawan tersebut berlebihan dalam berperilaku, sebagai contohnya kerap memamerkan barang-barang elektronik di muka umum (kamera, handphone, laptop hingga barang-barang berharga lainnya).

Tak salah memang, namun hal tersebut dapat beresiko memancing tindak kejahatan atau bisa juga mencerminkan sifat sombong di mata para warga sekitar. Padahal ada nilai manfaat lebih jikalau kamu dapat berbaur pada masyarakat sekitar sebagai contohnya kamu dapat diberikan beberapa informasi penting terkait dengan transportasi untuk backpacker, akses jalan, tempat-tempat unik, hingga tempat makan murah.

11. Selalu update promo tiket murah pesawat atau kereta 

Terbilang cukup malas memang untuk kita mencari info tiket murah pesawat atau kereta, namun karena pada pembahasan kali ini tips backpacker pemula mengacu pada jalan jalan murah maka kita pun harus dituntut untuk jeli memanfaatkan waktu promo tiket murah.

Dimana biasanya pada waktu-waktu tertentu banyak maskapai atau PT KAI sering memberikan potongan harga spesial untuk beberapa tujuan nasional dan biasanya promo tersebut memiliki waktu keberangkatan yang jauh dari tanggal pemesanan tiketnya.

Oleh karena itu agar tak menyia nyiakan kesempatan yang ada, akan lebih baik jika kamu memesan promo tiket tersebut terlebih dahulu dan barulah kemudian mulai menabung untuk biaya yang dibutuhkan nanti saat berlibur.

12. Mengetahui alternatif transportasi

Terkesan memang kurang efisien dalam mengatur waktu jika harus menggunakan mode transportasi umum jika dibandingkan dengan menyewa mobil atau motor.

Tapi dalam tips backpacker pemula ada baiknya kamu pun mengetahui alternatif transportasi umum lainnya, terlebih jika kamu ingin liburan dengan backpacker ke negara lain, tentu akan terasa berat untuk menyewa kendaraan mobil atau motor.

Sehingga mau tak mau kamu harus menggunakan angkutan umum jika tak ingin menggunakan taxi yang tentu mahal harganya.

Demikianlah ulasan saya kali ini perihal Tips Backpacker Pemula atau Jalan Jalan Hemat Liburan Murah Ala Backpacker. Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan semoga dari segala informasinya dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber referensi yang dapat memberikan inspirasi bagi kamu atau pun para pembaca budiman lainnya. 

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The Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks

A person standing outside in a light blue short sleeve shirt wears the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L backpack, in black with a gray llama-head logo and aqua accents.

By Kit Dillon

Kit Dillon is a writer focused on bags and travel gear. He has worked for Wirecutter for a decade and lost count of the number of bags he has tested.

When you open up your favorite carry-on travel backpack, it should feel like you’re opening the door to a well-organized closet or sitting down at a clean desk, with everything in the right place and easy to reach.

This is your moment to center yourself, no matter how chaotic the journey.

What we considered

A 45-liter bag maximizes overhead space but can get heavy when fully packed; 35-liter bags tend to be more manageable.

A bag with a clamshell design opens like a book and is the easiest to pack, but a bag that opens traditionally tends to have more structure.

Ideally, a travel backpack has handles on all sides—especially the bottom—so you can pull it out of overhead bins or from under seats.

Some internal pockets are useful, but major organizing is better managed with packing cubes.

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack and the larger Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L offer the best combination of features, quality, and durability. Both bags are exemplary carry-on travel backpacks that are designed for comfort, durability, and organization. Though these backpacks are great as companion bags for any trip, they’re designed to ultimately replace all of your other luggage and become your exclusive bag as you travel.

This style of packing is not for everyone, but once some people try it, they’re forever hooked. Finding the right bag is a personal choice, though, and no single bag will appeal to everyone. That’s why we also have picks that are great for people who travel for work , others that are designed to be carried over long distances , and a bag that’s basically luggage on your back .

The research

Why you should trust us, who this is for, best small carry-on bag for most situations: cotopaxi allpa 35l travel pack, best large bag for most situations: peak design travel backpack 45l, best mobile office: patagonia black hole mlc 45l, best bag for long journeys on foot: osprey farpoint 40 and fairview 40, best bag if you need a large suitcase on your back: tortuga travel backpack pro 40l, other good carry-on travel backpacks, how we picked and tested, the competition.

I’ve been covering aspects of luggage and travel bag design for Wirecutter for nearly a decade, and I have personally researched, tested, and compared hundreds of bags in that time. I personally try to do most of my travel with a single backpack, whenever possible. I spent nine months roaming around Hawaii with not much more than that, and I spent another six months nomadically couch-surfing in New York City.

I reached out to writers who specialize in traveling the world carrying everything they need in a single bag: Eytan Levy, the owner and operator of the Snarky Nomad travel website; James Feess, founder of The Savvy Backpacker ; and Sharon Gourlay, of the Where’s Sharon? travel website. I also spoke with moderators of Reddit’s r/onebag and r/heronebag forums, as well as with Chase Reeves, bag fanatic, reviewer, and owner of Matterful .

We researched and tested bags designed for those who want to travel light and stay flexible while flying, without the burden of checking luggage. For some people, the challenge of cutting down a packing list is intimidating. But if you can get past that initial hurdle, traveling with a single bag is a revelation. With fewer items, you have more time to concentrate on and appreciate the journey.

  • When you’re not loaded down by heavy luggage, it’s easy to remain more mobile. And it’s easier to adjust your plans mid-trip. If you’re willing to do laundry on the road, then one bag is all you need to travel indefinitely. At its heart, one-bag travel allows you to discover more—not just about the places you’re going but also about yourself and what you really need day to day.
  • Size and weight still matter. If you desire more creature comforts or more gear, or if you plan to be away for a long time across multiple climates, you’ll want a bigger travel backpack . These larger bags tend not to be carry-on-friendly, however, especially in Europe, so be prepared to check them.
  • No single backpack is perfect for everyone. Before you make any purchase, consider some basic points. How much can you carry? And where do you usually visit: the city or outback? Travel gear should feel like a welcome companion—there to support you when you need it but unobtrusive when you don’t.

45-liter bag vs. 35-liter bag

A graphic comparing the difference in capacity between a 45-liter and a 35-liter backpack.

Cotopaxi Allpa 35L

A versatile small pack for a week or a weekend.

This durable bag’s clamshell design makes it easy to organize your stuff. And due to its strap design, this bag can be worn on your back or carried in your hand while you’re on the move.

Buying Options

The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack is an easy-to-organize, comfortable-to-carry bag for getaways lasting just a few days or a whole week.

It’s one bag that can do it all. This is a great all-around bag for any traveler who’s dedicated to packing light, or for a smaller person who wants less to carry. There are handles on all four sides of this bag, so it’s easy to grab no matter where you’ve stowed it. It’s also protected by a full lifetime warranty, and it has the build quality to back that up. After more than four years of testing, this single backpack (plus a personal item ) has replaced nearly every travel bag or piece of luggage I use.

It comes in various sizes, but we think the middle-of-the-road version is the best. Cotopaxi also makes the Allpa in 28-liter and 42-liter sizes. But for us, the 35-liter bag is the best option. At 42 liters, this bag becomes heavy for most people to carry when it is fully packed, and we’d prefer that it had a more-robust hip belt. At 28 liters, the bag becomes a touch small for most people, and its internal organization feels fussy for shorter trips, such as an overnight. Cotopaxi also makes a hip pack , which is designed to fit snugly into the Allpa bag’s front top compartment. It’s a neat little addition to the bag, and it is worth getting if you like wearing fanny packs while you travel.

It’s organized, easy to pack, and easy to carry. The Allpa bag has a clamshell design, so it opens like a hard-sided suitcase—a large YKK zipper runs around three sides of the bag, allowing it to fall open into two halves when unzipped. On the right side is a deep compartment, spacious enough for two large packing cubes or half a suitcase’s worth of clothing (which you access through a mesh zippered flap). On the left, there’s space for one more medium-size packing cube behind a zippered flap. Above that there are two smaller pockets with high-visibility backing—useful when you’re looking for hard-to-differentiate personal items.

The packed Cotopaxi Allpa Travel Pack, shown fully open so that the contents are accessible.

It’s secure but still accessible. The Allpa pack has two side-access zippers—great for on-the-go access, especially when the bag is hanging from your shoulder. One of these reveals a flat computer pocket with a padded false bottom; so if you drop the bag, it won’t land on the corner of your computer. The other reveals a “secret” pocket with a hidden zipper and access to the main compartment. All of the main compartment zippers are protected by security loops, which you thread the zipper through at the end of its run. This prevents anyone from subtly or quickly grabbing a zipper and opening your bag when you aren’t paying attention.

It’s comfortable to carry. The Allpa bag’s hip belt—which can be removed while the bag is on your back—is substantial enough that it’s comfortable to wear when you need it. With or without the hip belt, the Allpa bag is comfortable to carry over long distances. However, folks who have longer torsos (over 19 inches) may find that the waist belt sits a little high off the hips, unless you fully extend the shoulder straps. Speaking of shoulder straps, unlike the ones on our other picks, the Allpa bag’s straps are contoured to fit people who have large or small chests. It’s not a specifically gendered design, but our female tester noticed the improvement right away.

The Allpa pack is made with 1680-denier ballistic nylon, similar to the Tom Bihn Aeronaut 45 . (Denier is a measure of a fabric’s fiber thickness.) It feels similar to a strong canvas, but it has a more prominent weave. This is the type of bag that’s as easy to toss into an overhead compartment as it is into the back of a rusty pickup truck. And it also includes a rainfly, which is unique in this category.

Flaws but not dealbreakers

  • Though this pack is well organized for packing, it’s less ideal as a mobile office. The Allpa pack has a minimal amount of administrative organization—places to keep pens and papers, spaces to hold tickets, and so forth. This is where a good personal item comes in handy. However, if you want to travel with just this one bag, there are a few nooks you can hide things in. The front organizer is deep enough that you can also fit several small organizing pouches, if you want, or the aforementioned fanny pack.
  • We prefer the model without the TPU front. Cotopaxi does enjoy playing around with fabrics and colors. Sometimes the company has released the Allpa pack without the TPU-lined front panel. The TPU panel improves water resistance, but after many years of traveling with our bag, we’ve found that the TPU layering can begin to flake in spots.

Capacity: 35 liters Weight: 3 pounds 5 ounces Main compartment access: clamshell opening Style: adventurous Colors: assorted

A person stands by a wooden fence outdoors while wearing the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L, our larger pick for the best carry-on travel backpack.

Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L

An easily customizable large bag for long trips and expensive gear.

This bag was built with photographers in mind. Yet most travelers will appreciate its easy accessibility, clever tuck-away straps, and the elegant way the bag expands and contracts. The accessory cubes cost extra, though.

The Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is a good choice for those carrying more expensive gear—especially camera gear. It’s also great for those who prefer a large, backpack-based packing system.

One bag provides many configurations. Some bags in this category are built to do one thing extremely well—be carried on your back. But the Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L is built to adapt. It’s the Swiss Army knife of backpacks: adjustable, customizable, and (if you spring for the extra cubes and organizers) an almost perfect system for a photographer or gearhead on the move. Most bags’ expanding mechanisms aren’t worth the extra zipper they’re built on, and they look about as attractive as a boiled ham splitting out of its plastic packaging. That’s not the case with the Peak Design: This bag looks just as good fully packed at 45 liters as it does compressed to a 30-liter daypack.

It’s expandable, with clever folds and zippers. You can access the bag through a back panel (which doubles as a computer and tablet pouch) as well as a front one (if you unzip the pass-through divider). You can also get into the main compartment via two wing-like trapezoidal flaps, which run along each side of the pack. In its natural shape, the Travel Backpack holds 35 liters, but an expansion zipper lets the bag swell to 45 liters. If you want to use the bag as a daypack, you fold in the top corners and snap them down, reducing the bag’s volume to a slim 30 liters. In this configuration, it will still feel larger than a normal daypack, but we think that’s a small compromise for being able to use one backpack as both your travel bag and your daily explorer. The bag itself consists of 400-denier nylon and polyester fabrics. It feels tough but not as tough as some other bags we’ve tested, such as the Cotopaxi Allpa.

It has fold-away straps, for easier storage. The Peak Design lets you tuck its shoulder and hip straps away when you’re not using them. But unlike any other bag we’ve ever tested, this pack has magnetic flaps on the back panel that open and close with an almost magical snap. Once you’ve played with them, you’ll wonder why every backpack doesn’t have something similar. A small, childish part of me still gets excited about tucking away the straps when I put the Peak Design into an overhead bin. Although the straps are thin, they’re still comfortable. The hip belt isn’t quite as plush as the one on the Tortuga pack; still, even when the Peak Design is fully loaded, the belt doesn’t pinch or dig into the body.

It’s great for carrying expensive gear. If you travel with a camera, you don’t have to use Peak Design’s camera cubes , but they do make carrying that gear a whole lot easier. The cubes come in five sizes. And if they’re situated properly in the bag with the provided clips, they line up with the Travel Backpack’s side-access flaps for quick access. Caleigh Waldman (a photographer for this piece and, full disclosure, my spouse) took this bag across the country for a wedding shoot. “I want this backpack,” she said after three weeks of travel. “I want to travel with it everywhere. With my cameras. Without my cameras. It doesn’t matter. I want to travel with it.”

  • It’s expensive—especially if you commit to the entire system of packing and camera cubes.
  • More complexity means more things that can break. The adjustable design and multiple zippers do add complexity, and complexity adds potential weaknesses. Peak Design covers all of its bags with a lifetime warranty , which should alleviate most people’s concerns. But if you’re particularly hard on your gear and still need to carry as much as possible, you might consider the Tortuga bag instead.

Capacity: 45 liters Weight: 4½ pounds Main compartment access: back-panel loader Style: minimalist and unobtrusive Color: black, sage

The Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L, our also-great pick for the best carry-on travel backpack, is held in midair by a person wearing a plaid shirt.

Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L

Combines more organization with a simple interior.

This bag’s split interior makes organizing easy. Those who travel for work will appreciate this bag’s dedicated panels for organizing tech, books, papers, and assorted miscellaneous items.

If you travel often for business and prefer a bag that’s much easier to work out of than most of our other picks, you may like the Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L . This bag has a front panel and assorted pockets that make it feel like a small traveling office.

It’s built like luggage but organized like your office. Of all the bags we recommend, the MLC (short for Maximum Legal Carry) comes closest to being a suitcase on your back, due to its large size, simple interior, and minimal external features. The MLC is also one of the simplest bags we tested, divided into two leaves (imagine a book with only one page), with a main compartment for packing and a second compartment for document organization and tech storage. The MLC has a built-in laptop compartment that fits 17-inch laptops and is situated close to your back; this protects the computer and keeps its weight closer to your body.

Despite its size, it’s comfortable enough to carry. Most carry-on backpacks of this size, without frames, become somewhat unwieldy when fully packed. Thankfully, the Black Hole MLC bag, like the Cotopaxi Allpa, is a welcome exception to this rule. The MLC has two shoulder straps, a hip belt, and an optional shoulder strap, for easy carrying. When they're not in use, or when you’re checking your bag, all of the straps can be stowed away easily. When fully loaded, the bag was pleasant to carry—not as comfortable as the Peak Design or the Osprey, but decent enough. I wouldn’t want to carry it all day across a city, but I wouldn’t mind carrying it through an airport to a car and to a hotel.

It’s built from high-quality materials, with durability in mind. This pack is made from recycled polyester, and the fabric is woven in a cross-weave that’s very similar to what Patagonia uses in its long-lasting Black Hole series of duffle bags . This is a material I’ve come across a bunch with Patagonia gear, and I’ve tested it thoroughly; it’s very tough. The front of the bag is coated in a weather-resistant TPU, for extra protection from the elements. The bag has large YKK zippers (the industry leader) and smaller YKK zippers throughout. Unlike the Cotopaxi Allpa pack, the Black Hole MLC bag has no security loops.

It comes with one of the best repair programs and a lifetime warranty. Similar to our other picks, the MLC is backed by an excellent lifetime warranty , and we’ve always found that Patagonia’s repair program goes above and beyond other comparable companies.

  • We wish the Maximum Legal Carry (despite the name) came in a few more sizes. The 45-liter capacity may be intimidating for some people, and there is no alternative.

Capacity: 45 liters Weight: 3 pounds 10 ounces Main compartment access: clamshell Style: retro Colors: tan, black, olive, green

The Osprey Farpoint/ Fairview 40 Travel Pack, one of our also-great picks for the best carry-on travel backpack, shown in black.

Osprey Farpoint 40

For long distances on foot.

A great starter option for one-bag travel, this bag is easy to pack, adaptable to most situations, and sturdy enough to take with you as you travel the world.

jasa travel backpacker

Osprey Fairview 40

For long distances and smaller torsos.

A scaled-down version of the Farpoint, this bag has shoulder straps that are slightly lower, to keep the bag’s bulk more aligned with smaller torsos.

Updated in 2023, the Osprey Farpoint 40 and Fairview 40 packs are both built around a hiking backpack frame that’s easy to carry over long distances.

It’s built for travel but designed for hiking. The Farpoint 40 bag is well made, easy to pack, and comfortable to carry over most mid-length distances—such as walking across a city for an afternoon. (For simplicity’s sake, everything we say here about the Farpoint bag also applies to the Fairview bag.) Osprey makes excellent backpacks for hauling around, and its lifetime warranty is renowned within the industry . The Farpoint pack also has an optional messenger bag–style strap, which offers some flexibility when you’re maneuvering tight spaces like subways or crowded city centers.

View of the straps on the reverse of the Osprey travel backpack.

It’s simple to pack, but not as spacious as it seems. Opening the bag reveals a clamshell design; it’s deep enough to accommodate most large items, yet you won’t have to fumble awkwardly with zippers once it’s time to close up the bag. The feeling you get is not unlike when you’re packing a bit of sturdy luggage, and that’s something we love about bags like this one—especially when you use packing cubes . Osprey says this bag, when fully packed, can carry 40 liters. But after using the Farpoint bag for a few years, we’ve decided that its rounded shape seems to cut into that theoretical packable space more than other bags do. In practice, the Farpoint pack’s available space is closer to—but still less than—that of the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L .

It’s the easiest bag to carry among our picks. Like all Osprey bags, the Farpoint 40 has very comfortable shoulder straps. The years of design and consideration Osprey has put into its hiking backpacks are quite evident in the Farpoint 40. After more than seven years of long-term testing this bag, we’re still surprised by how great it feels to wear when fully packed. Crucially, the straps of the Farpoint 40 stow away neatly behind a zippered panel. However, when you’re using the shoulder straps, the design forces you to also use the hip straps. Though this isn’t a huge issue, if you prefer a sleeker look or would rather have the option of using shoulder straps without hip straps, the Cotopaxi Allpa pack is more flexible, and it lets you hide the waist straps while the bag is on your back.

The Fairview 40 has the same features, in a scaled-down size. The Farpoint 40 and the Fairview 40 packs basically have the same design, but the Fairview pack is made for someone with a more-diminutive torso. It’s also slightly lighter. However, it has the features and durability of the Farpoint bag. It also has the same hip belt and adjustability. On both, the chest-strap clip is also equipped with a small security whistle that’s surprisingly loud. It’s a handy feature for anyone traveling in unfamiliar environments.

  • For a smaller carry-on travel backpack, this one has little to not like. However, we do wish Osprey would trade some of the sleeker contours for a little more interior space.

Capacity: 35 liters Weight (Farpoint): 3 pounds 3 ounces Weight (Fairview): 3 pounds 2 ounces Main compartment access: front-panel loader Style: active Colors (Farpoint): green (Gopher), gray (Tunnel Vision), blue (Muted Space), black Colors (Fairview): blue (Winter Night), red (Zircon), blue (Night Jungle), black

The Tortuga Travel Backpack 40L, our also-great pick for the best carry-on travel backpack.

Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L

A suitcase to carry on your back.

For dedicated single-bag travelers, this water-resistant, durable bag is easy to pack and to travel with. And it’s comfortable to wear over endless miles—as long as you don’t mind the heavier weight.

The Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L maximizes packing space in a bag that’s durable, water-resistant, and customizable to fit most torso lengths (there’s also a 30L version ), with plenty of organizational features to suit any digital nomad.

It’s like a suitcase, with backpack straps. The Tortuga Travel Backpack Pro 40L is built to occupy the maximum carry-on space available. It’s a nearly perfect blend of backpack and luggage. On the outside, its tear-resistant sailcloth and sealed zippers provide ample protection from sharp objects and the elements. Opening the main clamshell zipper reveals a cavernous interior and a few organizational features that make the bag a cinch to pack. The front panel is a particular standout, great for keeping track of electronics and chargers. Of all the bags we tested, the Tortuga strikes the closest balance between the carrying comfort of a hiking backpack and the space and organization of a piece of luggage.

The Tortuga Backpack Pro shown with the front clamshell lid in the open position.

It’s as easy to pack as luggage. When it comes to packing, the Tortuga pack has a soothingly minimal interior, as any good suitcase should. In addition to the bag’s cavernous main pocket, its interior lid has a large vented panel. The panel is too narrow to hold additional packing cubes, but it’s great for holding light jackets or doubling as a dirty-laundry bag (if you’re really committed to one-bag travel). The Tortuga is available as a 40-liter pack (the maximum space for a carry-on bag), which we tested; there is also a 30-liter version, which is compliant with some intra-European flights. The more-diminutive version is a decent choice for weekend travel or for minimalist travelers—but for those uses, we prefer the space-saving profile and extra internal organization of the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L bag.

It’s very customizable. The Tortuga pack is the most adjustable model we tested, thanks to its adjustable torso length, shoulder straps, and waist-belt system. The adjustable strap system lets you manipulate the location of the shoulder straps (video) to fit a wider variety of body sizes, in both the 30- and 40-liter versions. Of the packs we’ve tested, this one (with its included load-adjuster straps at the top, to prevent the bag’s weight from sagging toward your lumbar region) is the best at distributing its weight (4½ pounds when empty—roughly 1½ pounds more than most of our other picks, except the Peak Design ). The hip straps are removable if you need, but the shoulder straps are not stowable.

  • Its straps don’t stow away. Some people, especially those who are hard on their gear, may consider not being able to remove or stow the shoulder straps (as they can with our other picks, like the Cotopaxi Allpa ) a disqualifying factor. But after years of testing, traveling with, and occasionally checking our bag, we haven’t had an issue. However, if these mysteries beneath the airport also make you nervous, you might prefer our picks with easy-to-stow straps, such as the Peak Design.
  • It's heavy. We’ve fielded complaints from some testers who said that older models of this bag were too heavy for them to carry, even with the padded hip belt and adjustable straps. The additional padding does add weight. At 4½ pounds, this latest Tortuga bag is more than half a pound lighter than it used to be (the difference is noticeable), and it weighs the same as the equally large Peak Design pack. We are currently testing a new, lighter, and less-expensive version of this pack—aptly named the Travel Backpack Lite 40L —and will report back soon.  In the meantime, if you think you would struggle carrying the Tortuga, we strenuously encourage you to consider one of our more-manageable picks, like the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L.

Capacity: 40 liters Weight: 4½ pounds Main compartment access: clamshell opening Style: minimal, with a rigid construction Color: black

If you want to travel like a backpacker but also fit in at a board meeting (and you have the budget for it): Consider the Tom Bihn Aeronaut 45 . This bag’s reputation for durability, adaptability, and a low-key aesthetic make it a favorite among many dedicated one-bag travelers. And after testing it, we think it’s a great bag too. That said, for the bag to really stand out against other backpacks—and to take full advantage of its carrying adaptability—you need to buy the internal frame , the hip belt , and (if you’re traveling with a suit or jacket) the shoulder strap . On a bag that already costs $330, all of this adds up. Everything about the Tom Bihn bag (the fabric, the zippers, the quality of construction) feels like an upgrade from other bags, but it’s simply too pricey, and its design is too rarified and specific for most people. The biggest flaw, from our perspective—apart from the price—is that the Tom Bihn bag lacks a dedicated laptop pocket. In its place, the company sells laptop sleeves (a fine version if you don’t have one) that clip into the bag’s central compartment. Not everyone needs a dedicated laptop pocket, but we prefer the more secure feeling of bags that do.

If you want a budget pick (but only when it’s on sale): The eBags Mother Lode Travel Backpack (our former budget pick) is still your best budget option, if you can catch it on sale for at least half off the list price. It’s not comfortable enough for trekking long distances on foot, but there are plenty of external pockets for organization, a laptop sleeve (which holds the weight of your computer high up on your shoulders), and an easy-to-access main compartment. This pack also has the largest capacity of any bags we tested, expanding to 65 liters—well beyond any airline’s regulated 45-liter limit. However, the bag’s casual-to-basic looks might not be to everyone’s taste. In 2024, eBags raised the price of the Mother Lode to $200. We have seen it on sale for $100, and in our opinion it’s worth getting only at the sale price.

We’ve narrowed our specifications for a great bag to the following list of features, ordered from most relevant to least:

  • Front- or back-panel loader or clamshell opening, for the main compartment: As with any good piece of luggage, with this type of bag, you should be able to open it and see everything you’ve packed. When you have a bag with a panel-loading or clamshell design—rather than a traditional, top-opening design—you can pack and unpack it just as you would a suitcase.

A graphic illustrating a clamshell bag opening

  • Backpack strap comfort and design: You never know when you’ll be walking farther with your bag than you’d intended. The more comfortable and well designed the straps are, the easier traveling will be. “Ideally, you want a bag’s shoulder straps to adjust to the angle of your shoulders,” said Eytan Levy of Snarky Nomad. “Good shoulder straps are the difference between an easy trip and a hard trip.”
  • Hip-belt comfort and design: A hip belt transfers heavy loads from your back and shoulders onto your hips, letting your legs—not your back—bear the brunt of the weight. Just having a waist belt is a plus, but having a padded and sculpted one—especially on bags with over 40 liters of volume—makes a world of difference.
  • Material quality: Durability is critical for any type of luggage, but especially for a backpack that will be your only bag. Most bags worth considering are made of nylon, which resists abrasion more than polyester fabrics of similar density. Spending more, however, can get you exotic, light, and strong materials, such as Dyneema or sailcloth.
  • Weight: Once the bags arrived, we weighed each one ourselves. Most of the bags weighed within a few pounds of one another. But unless you’re very strict with yourself, by the time you’re packed for a two-week journey, all bags are going to feel equally massive, even if one is just 2 pounds heavier than another when empty.
  • Stowable straps: These are nice to have, but they aren’t absolutely necessary. “The more often you need to check a bag, the more often you need to hide away the straps,” Levy said. “But if the straps are tough enough, it doesn’t matter.”
  • Accessory pocket layout and design: Some people will love an accessory pocket that has a specific space for everything; others may find that feature constricting and unadaptable. We prioritized bags with simple designs that guided our packing without constraining us.
  • Style: This is purely subjective. We preferred bags that had a minimalist exterior style, but not all of our picks will please everyone. Most of the people we spoke with, however, preferred not to stick out like a tourist wearing a large, colorful backpack, if they could avoid it.

During testing, we flew across the country with these bags, took weekend trips to nearby cities, lived out of them on extended trips, and tried them locally in our daily routines. We also packed and unpacked each bag, using a standardized set of weeklong travel necessities and accessories, to see how well the internal organizational features (or lack thereof) aided or got in the way of efficient packing.

This is not a comprehensive list of all of the carry-on travel backpacks we have tested. We have removed any models that have been discontinued or that no longer meet our criteria.

The Away Outdoor Convertible Backpack 45L is a rare miss from the Away team. This bag is resoundingly average for the price. Although it’s made from excellent materials, the bag is let down by its overall design, which lacks any kind of structure or attention to comfort. There are better options.

The cheap, no-frills Cabin Max Metz bag is intriguing for the price. Any bag at this price should almost be considered disposable. That said, if you need a simple bag that costs less than a seat upgrade, this might be the way to go—unless you can pick up the eBags Motherlode bag for under $100, which we think is a better deal at that price.

The GeniusPack Travel Backpack is the only model we came across that tried to fit a suit into a travel backpack. Though some people might need that, we think those who have to travel with a suit (or clothes that require pressing) would be better off with a piece of carry-on luggage . GeniusPack now offers a second version of this bag, but our conclusion hasn’t changed.

For certain people, the GoRuck GR3 is almost worth the cost. It’s strong and simple and covered by an iron-clad repair guarantee. The removable hip belt is comfortable to wear, and it’s good at displacing the weight of a 45-liter backpack. This is a decent bag. After testing it, however, we weren’t thrilled with the internal Velcro lining for compatible Velcro packing cubes. Velcro isn’t great: It wears out, it’s difficult to keep clean, and it clings to dirt. That might seem like a small thing, but for the price, this bag should feel perfect.

The Minaal Carry-On 2.0 was designed to be a backpack for business people. But if you’re carrying it for business, you’re probably wearing at least a blazer, so you wouldn’t use a backpack in any case. If you’re a business traveler who falls more on the casual end of the business-casual spectrum, and you’re not on a budget, this is a well-thought-out pack. But we think our picks are more versatile for world travel, and they come at a better price. Minaal has since introduced a 3.0 version of this bag ; our thoughts about it remain the same.

The Osprey Sojourn Porter 46L is a slightly larger sibling of the Farpoint pack. The Sojourn Porter bag is about 2 inches longer, and it pushes right up to most airline limits. If you don’t mind possibly having to check your bag at the last minute, this would be an excellent alternative to the Farpoint pack.

This article was edited by Ria Misra and Christine Ryan.

Chase Reeves, , phone interview , October 10, 2018

Addison Ryan, moderator, r/onebag , email interview , September 8, 2018

Lindsay Lorraine Calderón, moderator, r/heronebag , phone interview , September 28, 2018

Meet your guide

jasa travel backpacker

Kit Dillon is a senior staff writer at Wirecutter. He was previously an app developer, oil derrick inspector, public-radio archivist, and sandwich shop owner. He has written for Popular Science, The Awl, and the New York Observer, among others. When called on, he can still make a mean sandwich.

Further reading

Four Osprey travel backpacks, two blue, two green, sitting next to each other.

The Best Travel Backpack

by Geoffrey Morrison

For trips ranging from a week to multiple months, the Osprey Farpoint 55 and Fairview 55 carried everything we needed comfortably.

A person in an outdoor environment wearing one of our picks for best buy it for life backpack with a minimalist look, the GoRuck GR1.

The Best Buy It for Life Backpack (Please Don’t Call It Tactical)

by Kit Dillon

A buy-it-for-a-lifetime backpack should last you for years of heavy use. But as with all investments, you need to decide if it makes sense for you.

Three of our favorite backpacks, totes and duffle bags on display

Wirecutter’s Favorite Bags, Totes, Backpacks and Carryalls

by Truth Headlam

Whether you’re going to school, work, the gym, the store, or on vacay, you need a bag. Here’s the Wirecutter-recommended carrying gear we love most.

A person wearing the Cotopaxi Allpa 35L travel backpack.

I Took 5 Trips in 6 Months. My Go-To Weekender Bag Was This Surprisingly Spacious Backpack.

by Elissa Sanci

Struggling to pack for your weekend away? The Cotopaxi Allpa 35L fits so much more than you’d expect.

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Traveling Moscow on a budget

The Russian capital, Moscow, is a fascinating place in itself. This enigmatic city is steeped in history and art but that doesn’t limit it to tourists who enjoy lessons in culture, history, arts or architecture only.

In fact, Moscow warmly welcomes about thousands of tourists every year,looking for simple vacationing or memoriesadding to their experience, including the families with children, honeymoon couples and business travelers as well.

Moscow is the financial and power centre of Russia, hence it can be extremely expensive and daunting for those looking to travel on a budget. However, a bit of planning and research can help travel enthusiasts visit this enigmatic city without losing their sleep over the money they have appointed to spend during the trip.

Take Your Trip During Off Season

This is the key to budget travel. Winters begin in December and summers least from June to mid-September (the high tourist season) so that leaves Fall, from mid September to the end of November an ideal season to visit Moscow. One of the most exciting facts about traveling to Moscow in off season is that the famous Moscow ballet plays throughout the Fall season, whereas during summers, the theatre and the ballet both are away.

Budget Hotels In Moscow

Get your cheapskate radar on and hunt for budget hotels before you make your trip. Here are some options you can consider staying at during your time in Moscow.

  • Hostel Asia: This is an exceedingly affordable hotel accommodation where you can comfortablystay in a single room and shared bathroom, for just 26 euros, while double beds each with a separate bathroom are for 44 euros only.

Maxima Hotel

  • Maxima Slavia Hotel: This hotel room starts with the rate of 85 euros, while discounts are offered for online booking; open up the official site and book in today to remain equipped with at least a rented abode when you travel to Moscow. The second best thing of the hotel is it’s about 10-minute walking distance to the nearest Metro Station!

Use Public Transport To Travel

Travelling by public transport, mainly the Moscow Metro is a very viable option. Although Central Moscow is best explored on foot, the gigantic size of the city makes it impossible to do so. Therefore, public transport is the most economical option available to tourists who wish to explore this mystical city without breaking their banks. The Moscow Metro is one of the most feasible transportation available to tourists in order to satisfyingly explore all the major attractions in the city. There are more than 160 stations of the metro bus throughout the Moscow, and their locations leave the sights at a few minutes’ walk once you get off the train.

Hunt For Coupons and Cheap Tickets Online

When you finally land in this city of intriguing past, you must not miss out on the tour to Kremlin , the famous Moscow circus and the Moscow ballet shows among other attractions and sights to view in the city. A bit of homework before you plan your trip will save you hundreds of dollars. Search online for discount coupons and cheap tickets to central attractions in Moscow, and make your reservations beforehand so that you are well-aware of when and what to enjoy once you reach at the spot.It’s no trip to Moscow city if one misses out either the thrill of the Moscow circus, the sheer artistic feel of the ballet shows, or the alluring museums in Kremlin .

  • Contributed to TheBackpackers by ‘StagHorn’
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The rise of booze-free backpacking: why gen Z are choosing to travel sober

As more young travellers opt for morning yoga over late-night parties, tour companies are shifting their focus away from alcohol-fuelled activities

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I ssy McDermott used to go on holidays to drink: she did schoolies, partied her way through Central America, Europe and Asia, and “worked at a party hostel in Indonesia where I drank every day for an entire month”. But over the past year, she has experienced a shift.

The 23-year-old Sydneysider, who also leads group tours with Plotpackers, a UK-based company marketing more affordable trips to young social media creators, became tired of the party life and wanted to travel “to experience the culture and adventure, rather than drinking” when she goes on holiday. She went to India in February and didn’t drink at all, even when she ventured out with large groups of fellow travellers.

McDermott is one of many gen Zs – those born between 1997 and 2012 – who are choosing to drink less, including when they travel.

Young women stands in front of lake surrounded by mountains

Dr Amy Pennay, the deputy director of the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research at La Trobe University, has been studying “fundamental changes” in young people’s drinking patterns for 10 years. She believes the decline in gen Z drinking is because “they are more cautious and risk averse”.

“They are worried about their futures and economic security, they are more disciplined and surveilled by parents and on social media, they are more health-conscious, they are anxious, and mental health problems are increasing for young people.”

Drinking isn’t seen as “cool” as it once was, Pennay adds. This trend, she says, is playing out globally, “at least in high-income countries” – in line with the decrease in other risky activities including drug use, truancy and crime.

Student Universe, a discount flight and travel business, has noticed “a significant uptick in young people wanting to avoid alcohol on holiday”, says brand manager Will Jones. The company conducted a study of 1,000 gen Z Australians that showed 84% would take a holiday without drinking. Safety (62%), money (57%) and a desire to not feel unwell and affect the next day’s activities (56%) were the strongest deterrents.

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A sober experience

With gen Z’s travel priorities shifting, travel companies that target the demographic have been forced to shift too. Contiki has upped its focus on wellness and sustainability experiences after its research also revealed that most gen Zs (77%) would consider an alcohol-free trip.

“The most common question I’m asked is ‘how is travel changing?’ and we have certainly seen a shift in how gen Z are travelling,” says Toni Ambler, the managing director of Contiki. “Gen Z travellers value experiences over big nights out.”

Four young people dancing

Ambler references the hikes, safaris, food tours, cold plunges and cultural experiences included on Contiki tours. She says more than 80% of tours include a “make travel matter experience” focused on sustainability. For example, on Contiki tours through India, travellers visit the Dhonk centre, a social enterprise making and selling local crafts, while in Canada, Cree knowledge keepers teach about plant medicine in Jasper national park.

Contiki recently added a South Korean tour featuring a K-pop dance class. A the Philippines tour announced this year “was introduced to satiate the appetite of young travellers looking to visit more remote locations in a safe but authentic way”, Ambler says.

Boutique disrupters are also reimagining the group tour. Australian author Bri Lee takes small groups on trips through Morocco, Egypt and Turkey through Aweventurer, a company that aims to “create experiences as if it is your first and last trip”. On these tours, attenders connect over reading and writing, instead of over drinking.

Two young women sitting on ruins

Emma Dower, a 28-year-old teacher from Donnybrook in Victoria, went on the Turkey trip led by Lee because she wanted to travel with “like-minded people”.

“We visited ancient ruins and ballooned over the mountains of Cappadocia, but the true highlight was the meaningful and intellectual discussion with my peers,” Dower says.

Other Aweventurer trip leaders include influencer and Tammy Fit founder Tammy Hembrow as well as artist and author Reyna Noriega, who market their trips to their legions of young, mostly female followers.

after newsletter promotion

‘I had the shock of my life’

Amid a cost-of-living crisis, young backpackers coming to Australia are also noticing a move away from drinking. Lauren Frater, 20, who is in Sydney on a working holiday visa from the UK, says back home she was working 60 to 70 hours a week across two minimum-wage jobs and “drank excessively after and in between work”. She says “initially, yes, I was attracted to Australia for the backpacker party scene”, but soon realised it would be hard to keep up.

Young women leans back in front of an ocean view

“I had the shock of my life when I discovered just how expensive it is to drink out here,” Frater says. “After a full-on party week in Sydney and realising how much money I had spent, I was quite disappointed as I had now knocked off almost a week of travel from my itinerary based on how much I had spent drinking and partying.

“I kind of had the realisation that if I wanted to do this trip, I really needed to make some lifestyle changes.”

The backpacker drinking scene hasn’t been extinguished, however. Bella Robben, a 20-year-old American residing in Melbourne, who has spent the past two years backpacking across the world, says: “I know just how big the drinking culture is within it [backpacking].”

She enjoys meeting new people when she travels, and drinking can help with that, but she says it “definitely takes its toll emotionally, mentally, financially and physically”.

“How much I drink also depends on the culture and attitude of the location. For example, when I travelled to Barcelona, it was essential to experience the nightlife whereas when I visited Morocco, although we tried a couple of the local beers, drinking as a whole was not ingrained in their culture.”

Young women in front of Uluru

“The cost of alcohol also plays a big part in whether I decide to drink or not, especially since I am travelling on a budget. Here in Australia, the price of alcohol is expensive relative to other places I have been which deters me from drinking.”

Next, Robben plans to drive from Melbourne up the east coast of Australia “to hit every beach possible” before backpacking through south-east Asia.

Meanwhile, McDermott is headed to Oman and Spain next month, with different priorities than when she “used to plan my travels around party hotspots”.

“In Oman, I hope to experience the culture and go on a road trip around the country,” she says. “[Then] I’m going to Majorca for a week. I just want to relax and explore the beautiful beaches and Spanish villages.”

  • Australian lifestyle

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    Menggunakan jasa transportasi umum atau jalan kaki, daripada menggunakan taksi atau mobil sewaan. Memanfaatkan diskon dan promo dari travel umroh atau maskapai penerbangan. Brapa biaya umroh backpacker ? Biaya umroh backpacker bisa bervariasi tergantung pada banyak faktor, seperti musim, waktu, dan rute perjalanan.

  7. Begini Panduan Umroh Backpacker Yang Cocok Untuk Milenial

    Panduan Backpacking Umroh Untuk Milenial. Umroh ala backpacker bisa menjadi solusi bagi para milenial yang berjiwa petualang. Seringkali, menunaikan ibadah umroh backpacker disebut umroh murah. Pasalnya, biaya yang dibutuhkan cukup jauh lebih sedikit dibandingkan biaya yang ditawarkan agen. GRATISSS Download!!! Ebook Perencanaan Keuangan Usia 20 an

  8. Biaya Umroh

    Selisih biaya antara umroh backpacker dengan paket umroh reguler bisa sekitar 5 juta rupiah. Jamaah dapat menjalankan berbagai aktivitas dengan lebih fleksibel. Mereka tidak harus mengikuti jadwal yang ditetapkan biro perjalanan umroh bagi para jamaah reguler. Misalnya, mereka tidak harus kembali ke pemondokan untuk makan siang.

  9. Jangan Sampai Terlewat, Ini Persiapan saat Umrah Backpacker, JAKARTA - Umrah backpacker mengacu pada konsep melakukan ibadah umrah tanpa menggunakan jasa travel umrah. Istilah "backpacker" merujuk pada gaya perjalanan yang sederhana, mandiri, dan berbiaya rendah, di mana seseorang mengatur perjalanan mereka sendiri tanpa bergantung pada agen perjalanan atau paket tur.. Dalam konteks umrah backpacker, individu yang ingin melakukan ibadah ...

  10. 19 BEST Travel Backpacks (for Adventuring in 2024)

    Quick Answer: These are the Best Travel Backpacks of 2024. #1 Nomatic 40L Travel Bag - The Best Overall Backpack. #2 Tropicfeel Shell - Best Organised Travel Backpack. #3 Osprey Aether Plus 70L - Best Long Term Travel Backpack for Men (Large) #4 Osprey Farpoint 40L - Best Travel Backpack (Carry on) #5 Osprey Aura 50L - Best Large Long ...

  11. Pilih Mana, Liburan Ala Backpacker atau Travel Tour?

    Kali ini, kamu perlu tahu kapan waktu terbaik kamu memilih liburan ala backpacker dan kapan kamu harus menggunakan jasa travel tour untuk perjalanan liburan kamu yang menyenangkan. Kamu bisa menjadi backpacker jika: Kamu merasa mahir menentukan tempat tujuan dan sudah ada rencana liburan yang matang.

  12. Paket Wisata Dieng terbaik 2024

    Promo trip ke Dieng. Promo trip satu hari ke Dieng, harga Rp200.000,00 /orang. Fasilitas sebagai berikut: - Shuttle bus Dieng. - Makan 2 kali (Prasmanan) - Pemandu wisata Dieng (HPI) - Tiket wisata & parkir. Paket promo ke Dieng berlaku pemesanan minimal 45 orang meeting point dari Wonosobo.

  13. Mengenal Umroh Backpacker yang Memiliki Biaya Lebih Terjangkau

    Di atas sudah disinggung bahwa umroh backpacker adalah ibadah umroh yang dilakukan tanpa jasa travel seperti biasanya. Dengan begitu, kamu perlu merencanakan semuanya sendiri ala backpacker pada umumnya, mulai dari mengurus visa, membeli tiket pesawat, hingga akomodasi dan hal-hal apa saja yang perlu dilakukan di sana.

  14. 12 Tips Backpacker Pemula: Jalan Jalan & Liburan Murah Ala Wisata

    Tips Backpacker Pemula bagi kamu yang ingin Jalan Jalan Hemat Liburan Murah Ala Backpacker. Bisa mendapatkan pengalaman liburan seru sekaligus. ... Untuk liburan backpacker memang membutuhkan perencanaan lebih matang jika dibandingkan dengan liburan menggunakan jasa travel. Dewasa ini memang dengan seiring tingginya minat berlibur membuka ...

  15. Moscow, Russia

    Moscow, Russia. Красивая, as spoken as "Krasivaya" is the Russian word for 'beautiful.'. Because that is what the Russian city, Moscow, truly is. Russia is the largest country in the world, becoming naturally the ninth most populous inhibited land, covering a huge area of about one-eighth of the Mother Earth. Coming capital to ...

  16. Konten dari Biso Jasa Travel Umroh Backpacker Ramadhan + I'tikaf

    Baca konten dari Biso Jasa Travel Umroh Backpacker Ramadhan + I'tikaf Terpercaya Murah Sesuai Sunnah 📲 0813-3413-1253 di setiap hari. Kami dari Biso Jasa Travel Umroh Backpacker Ramadhan + I'tikaf Terpercaya Murah Sesuai Sunnah 📲 0813-3413-1253 siap membantu saudara-saudara sekalian untuk bisa menunaikan ibadah umroh full romadhan dan itikaf sesuai sunnah dengan ...

  17. The 6 Best Carry-On Travel Backpacks for 2024

    Best small carry-on bag for most situations: Cotopaxi Allpa 35L Travel Pack. Best large bag for most situations: Peak Design Travel Backpack 45L. Best mobile office: Patagonia Black Hole MLC 45L ...

  18. Tanogaido Tours And Travel

    Tanogaido Tours and Travel (PT.Tanogaido Fantasi Pratama) adalah perusahaan travel agen yang membantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan wisata ke Jepang. Kami menyediakan berbagai kebutuhan liburan ke Jepang seperti paket tour Jepang berupa full-package, land-tour, private tour jepang, sewa wifi, rental mobil dan bus wisata serta tour guide online yang menjadi daya pikat tersendiri untuk customer kami.

  19. Angkasa Tour & Travel

    Angkasa Tour & Travel, Berpengalaman Sejak Tahun 1999, Penyedia Layanan Liburan Favorit dan Biro Perjalanan Wisata di Jakarta, Indonesia. TENTANG KAMI CARI TOUR. PROMO TOUR FLASH SALE. START FROM Rp. 25.990.000. LIHAT. 11D TOUR WEST EUROPE 9 NEGARA BY QR - 29 MAY 2024 WEST EUROPE. 11 DAYS - 08 NIGHTS. 29 MAY 2024.

  20. Traveling Moscow on a budget

    Maxima Slavia Hotel: This hotel room starts with the rate of 85 euros, while discounts are offered for online booking; open up the official site and book in today to remain equipped with at least a rented abode when you travel to Moscow. The second best thing of the hotel is it's about 10-minute walking distance to the nearest Metro Station!

  21. Tour & Travel Agency in Moscow

    In addition to our standard services, Grand Russia offers tours packages to Moscow and St Petersburg. You cannot resist our Two Hearts of Russia (7 Days &6 Nights), Golden Moscow (4 Days &3 Nights), Sochi (3 Days & 2 Nights), Golden Ring (1 Day & 2 Days), and many more. As a leading travel agency specializing in the tour to Russia and Former ...

  22. A Rail journey through Moscow and Russia

    Backpacker Travel throught Russia and taking a train in Moscow. ... Moscow Backpacker. The temperature in my destination, Moscow , was supposed to be somewhere over the freezing -20 C but judging from the thermometer inside the Leo Tolstoy-train, I found it very hard to believe.

  23. The rise of booze-free backpacking: why gen Z are choosing to travel

    Gen Z travellers such as Issy McDermott (top left), Bella Robben (top right) and Emma Dower (bottom left) are choosing to travel sober or curtail their drinking while on holiday.