Schroeders Guiding Service


Northern Fishing Guide - Lake Minnetonka & Lake Waconia

Lake Minnetonka Northern Pike Fishing

Lake Minnetonka Northern Pike Fishing

If you are looking for fast action with big hard fighting fish, this may be your trip. This is a very popular trip and everyone enjoys it. It is awesome for kids too! Northern fishing is fun and easy. No finesse fishing here. They bite hard and fight even harder. We usually troll for Northerns covering water looking for the aggressive feeders. Just kick back, relax, and hang on to the rod! There will be no doubt when you have a bite.

During May through July last year, we averaged about 20 pike per trip. I always tell clients to expect 10, but my personal goal is to land 15-20.

Come join the best pike fishing guide in Minnesota for a fun, action-packed trip catching big Pike!

Reel in More Fish!

Reel in More Fish!

On a typical northern trip on Lake Minnetonka, we catch 10 to 30 northerns in 4 hours. Our record is 52 on a 4 hour trip. During one full day, 8 hour trip on Lake Minnetonka, we boated 64 northerns and a bonus 48” muskie! Our largest Lake Minnetonka northern was nearly 19 pounds. Most northerns weigh between 3 and 10 pounds. We do catch many northerns over 10 pounds annually. Bonus fish include Bass and Muskies.

Corporate Northern/Bass Trips are a Hit

Corporate Northern/Bass Trips are a Hit

If you are looking for a Corporate Outing or to make memories with your family or friends, a northern fishing trip on Lake Minnetonka is always a big hit!

The Summer of (2018) during a Corporate fishing Event that my company hosted, we broke a personal record on Lake Minnetonka. In a 4 hour trip, with 3 clients fishing, my boat landed 49 Pike, 2 Bass and a 29 inch Muskie!! As we were nearing the 50 fish mark, I said lets get 50 landed. The owner of the company exclaimed I just had my 52nd birthday, lets shoot for 52! With 56 seconds left in the trip he boated the 52nd of the day. This was a company tournament which they won with 1005 total inches of fish!!!

A corporate event usually starts and ends at the docks of a restaurant or public access. The tournament  style format is very popular. We provide everything including a custom weigh board for YOUR company. Give it a try!!

Northern season runs May through September. Prime time is May through August.

See Our Northern Pike Gallery

Starship Marine Boating and Fishing Gear Outlet of America

The Ultimate Guide to Northern Pike Fishing in North America

Starship marine fishing spinners set

Section 1:Introduction to Northern Pike Fishing

Northern Pike fishing is an exhilarating pursuit that draws anglers to the waters of North America in search of this formidable predator. Renowned for their aggressive strikes and impressive size, Northern Pike offer anglers a thrilling challenge and a chance to reel in trophy catches. In this blog, we’ll delve into the world of Northern Pike fishing, exploring its allure, techniques, and everything you need to know to embark on a successful angling adventure.

Section 2:Understanding Northern Pike Behavior and Habita

Northern Pike, scientifically known as Esox lucius, are apex predators inhabiting freshwater ecosystems across North America. These ambush predators are characterized by their elongated bodies, sharp teeth, and voracious appetites. Understanding their behavior and habitat preferences is crucial for successful fishing.

Northern Pike are opportunistic predators known for their aggressive feeding behavior. They often lie in wait, camouflaged among aquatic vegetation or submerged structures, ready to ambush unsuspecting prey. During the warmer months, they are more active and tend to roam in search of food, while in colder months, they may remain in deeper waters to conserve energy.

Habitat: Prime Northern Pike habitats include lakes, rivers, reservoirs, and large ponds with abundant cover, such as submerged vegetation, fallen trees, rocky shorelines, and shallow bays. They prefer areas with ample prey populations, such as minnows, suckers, and other smaller fish. Understanding the underwater terrain and structures where Northern Pike reside is key to locating them effectively.

Factors Influencing Behavior:

Several factors influence Northern Pike behavior and feeding habits. Water temperature plays a significant role, with Northern Pike being more active in warmer waters. Seasonal changes, weather patterns, and time of day also impact their activity levels. Additionally, factors like water clarity, oxygen levels, and presence of prey species influence their movements and feeding behavior.

In the upcoming sections of this blog, we’ll delve deeper into the techniques, gear, and strategies for targeting Northern Pike, equipping you with the knowledge to enhance your angling skills and increase your chances of landing that trophy Pike.

Section 3:Essential Gear for Northern Pike Fishing

Rods, Reels, and Lines:

When targeting Northern Pike, anglers typically opt for medium to heavy-action rods ranging from 7 to 9 feet in length. These rods provide the strength and backbone needed to handle the powerful strikes and fight of Northern Pike. Pair your rod with a quality baitcasting or spinning reel capable of handling heavier lines and lures. Braided lines in the 20 to 50-pound test range are popular for their strength and sensitivity, especially when fishing around dense cover.

Weights, Rigs, and Terminal Tackle:

For Northern Pike fishing, use a variety of weights and rigs to adapt to different fishing conditions. Common rigs include Carolina rigs, Texas rigs, and slip sinker rigs, depending on the terrain and presentation style. Carry a selection of bullet weights, egg sinkers, and barrel swivels to customize your rigs. Use strong, corrosion-resistant hooks in sizes ranging from 1/0 to 5/0 to match the size of your bait and target fish.

Other Necessary Equipment:

In addition to rods, reels, and terminal tackle, several other items are essential for Northern Pike fishing. Leaders or wire traces are vital to prevent Northern Pike from biting through your line due to their sharp teeth. Opt for heavy-duty fluorocarbon or steel leaders in the 20 to 50-pound test range. A sturdy landing net with a wide opening and strong frame is crucial for safely landing and handling Northern Pike, especially large specimens.

Section 4:Bait and Lure Selection for Northern Pike

Best Bait Options:

Northern Pike are opportunistic feeders and will strike a variety of baits, including live, dead, and artificial options. Live bait such as large minnows, suckers, and shiners are popular choices for enticing Northern Pike. Dead bait like smelt, herring, or cut bait can also be effective, especially when fishing deep or during colder months. Additionally, artificial baits such as spoons, spinners, crankbaits, swimbaits, and soft plastics mimic the movements of prey fish and are highly effective for targeting Northern Pike.

Effective Lure Choices and Presentation Techniques:

When selecting lures for Northern Pike, opt for larger sizes and vibrant colors to grab their attention. Flashy and noisy lures like spinnerbaits, spoons, and inline spinners are excellent choices for attracting Northern Pike from a distance. Crankbaits with a wide wobble and rattling noise are effective for covering water quickly and triggering strikes. Soft plastic swimbaits and jerkbaits can mimic injured baitfish, enticing strikes from predatory Northern Pike. Experiment with different retrieval speeds, pauses, and depths to find the most effective presentation for the day.

Tips for Experimenting with Different Bait and Lure Combinations:

One of the keys to success in Northern Pike fishing is versatility. Be willing to experiment with different bait and lure combinations to determine what the fish are actively feeding on. Keep a variety of baits and lures in your tackle box and switch them up based on water conditions, weather patterns, and fish behavior. Pay attention to subtle cues such as baitfish activity, water temperature, and wind direction to make informed decisions about bait and lure selection.

By equipping yourself with the right gear and mastering the art of bait and lure selection, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the challenge of Northern Pike fishing and increase your chances of landing these prized freshwater predators.

Section 5:Rigging and Presentation Techniques

Rigging Options:

The rigging you choose for Northern Pike fishing depends on the type of bait or lure you’re using and the fishing conditions. For live bait like large minnows or suckers, rig them using a quick strike rig or a single hook with a wire leader to prevent bite-offs. When using dead bait or soft plastics, consider Texas rigs, Carolina rigs, or drop shot rigs to present the bait effectively. For artificial lures, ensure proper rigging by attaching them securely to the line or leader using appropriate knots or hardware.

Casting, Trolling, and Jigging Techniques:

Casting is one of the most common methods for targeting Northern Pike, especially when fishing along weed beds, submerged structures, or shorelines. When casting, aim for accuracy and cover as much water as possible by varying your retrieves with pauses, jerks, or erratic movements to trigger strikes. Trolling can be effective for covering large areas of water and locating active fish. Use planer boards or downriggers to present lures at different depths and distances from the boat. Jigging with heavy jigs or spoons can be productive, particularly in deeper water or when fishing vertical structure like drop-offs or rock piles. Experiment with jigging motions, speeds, and depths to entice Northern Pike into striking.

Tips for Adjusting Presentation: Adapt your presentation based on water conditions and the behavior of Northern Pike. In clear water, use natural-looking baits and lures and employ stealthy approaches to avoid spooking fish. In murky or stained water, opt for larger, brightly colored baits with rattles or vibration to draw attention in low visibility conditions. Pay attention to water temperature, weather patterns, and the presence of baitfish to adjust your presentation accordingly. During colder months, slow down your retrieve and focus on deeper water where Northern Pike may be holding to conserve energy.

Section 6:Fishing Strategies for Northern Pike

Tailoring Fishing Tactics:

Successful Northern Pike anglers adjust their tactics to match the changing seasons, water conditions, and time of day. During the spring and fall, Northern Pike are more active and can be found in shallower water near spawning areas or feeding grounds. Use aggressive lures and cover water quickly to locate actively feeding fish. In summer, Northern Pike may move to deeper water or seek cooler areas near structures like weed beds, submerged logs, or rocky points. Slow down your presentation and focus on enticing strikes from more lethargic fish. During winter, target Northern Pike in deeper holes or near thermally stable areas where they may be feeding on baitfish. Consider ice fishing techniques such as tip-ups or jigging with live bait or small lures.

Targeting Northern Pike in Different Water Bodies: Northern Pike can be found in various freshwater environments, including lakes, rivers, and reservoirs. In lakes, focus on areas with abundant vegetation, submerged structures, or drop-offs where Northern Pike may be lurking. In rivers, target slack water areas behind current breaks, eddies, or deep holes where Northern Pike can ambush prey. Reservoirs offer diverse habitats, ranging from flooded timber to rocky points and creek channels. Use fish finders or maps to locate underwater structures and transition zones where Northern Pike may congregate.

Tips for Locating Northern Pike Hotspots:

Locating Northern Pike hotspots requires a combination of research, observation, and experience. Start by studying maps, satellite imagery, or local fishing reports to identify potential fishing spots. Look for areas with features like weed beds, points, submerged timber, or drop-offs, which provide cover and ambush opportunities for Northern Pike. Spend time on the water observing fish activity, such as surface strikes, baitfish schools, or bird activity, which can indicate the presence of Northern Pike. Keep a log of successful fishing locations and patterns to refine your strategies over time.

By mastering rigging and presentation techniques and implementing effective fishing strategies, you can increase your chances of success when targeting Northern Pike in North American waters.

Section 7:Catching and Handling Northern Pike

Proper Hooking and Landing Techniques:

When targeting Northern Pike, use appropriate tackle and gear to handle their powerful strikes and aggressive fighting behavior. Ensure your hooks are sharp and strong to effectively penetrate the Northern Pike’s bony mouth. When a Northern Pike strikes, set the hook firmly with a smooth, sweeping motion to secure a solid hookup. Be prepared for their acrobatic leaps and powerful runs, and maintain steady pressure on the fish to tire it out quickly. Use a landing net to safely bring the Northern Pike aboard the boat or shore to minimize the risk of injury during landing.

Handling Northern Pike Safely:

Northern Pike have sharp teeth and can thrash violently when handled, posing a risk of injury to both the angler and the fish. To handle Northern Pike safely, use needle-nose pliers or a jaw spreader to remove hooks from their mouth without putting your fingers at risk. Avoid placing your hands near their mouth or gills to prevent bites or accidental injury from their sharp teeth. When handling Northern Pike, support their body horizontally to minimize stress and avoid damaging their delicate internal organs.

Catch-and-Release Practices and Regulations:

Catch-and-release fishing is essential for conserving Northern Pike populations and ensuring sustainable fisheries for future generations. Follow catch-and-release best practices by using barbless hooks or crimping down barbs to facilitate easier hook removal and reduce injury to the fish. Minimize the time the Northern Pike spends out of the water by keeping it in the net or releasing it promptly after unhooking. Adhere to local regulations regarding Northern Pike size limits, bag limits, and seasons to protect spawning populations and maintain healthy fish stocks.

Section 8:Cleaning, Filleting, and Cooking Northern Pike

Step-by-Step Guide to Cleaning and Filleting Northern Pike:

Cleaning and filleting Northern Pike can be intimidating due to their Y-bones, but with the right technique, it’s relatively straightforward. Start by making an incision behind the Northern Pike’s gills and running the knife along the spine towards the tail. Use the tip of the knife to fillet the meat away from the bones, avoiding the Y-bones along the lateral line. Once you’ve removed the fillets, trim away any remaining bones and skin to yield boneless Northern Pike fillets ready for cooking.

Cooking Tips and Delicious Recipes:

Northern Pike has a mild, sweet flavor and firm, white flesh that lends itself well to a variety of cooking methods. Try pan-frying Northern Pike fillets with a simple seasoning of salt, pepper, and lemon for a classic and delicious dish. Alternatively, grill Northern Pike fillets with your favorite marinade or sauce for a smoky and flavorful meal. For a healthier option, bake Northern Pike fillets with herbs, garlic, and olive oil for a light and nutritious entree. Experiment with different recipes and cooking techniques to find your favorite way to enjoy Northern Pike.

Proper Storage Techniques:

To maintain the freshness and quality of Northern Pike fillets, it’s essential to store them properly after cleaning and filleting. Place the fillets in an airtight container or vacuum-sealed bag to prevent exposure to air and minimize the risk of freezer burn. Store Northern Pike fillets in the refrigerator for up to two days or freeze them for long-term storage. When freezing Northern Pike fillets, wrap them individually in plastic wrap or wax paper before placing them in a freezer bag to prevent them from sticking together. Label the freezer bag with the date and use them within three to six months for the best flavor and texture.

Section 9:Conservation and Ethical Considerations

Sustainable Fishing Practices to Protect Northern Pike Populations:

Sustainable fishing practices are crucial for maintaining healthy Northern Pike populations and preserving their habitats. Anglers should practice catch-and-release fishing whenever possible, especially for large, trophy-sized Northern Pike, to ensure the continued viability of the species. Avoid overharvesting Northern Pike and follow local regulations regarding size limits, bag limits, and closed seasons to prevent population declines and promote sustainable fisheries.

Understanding Size and Bag Limits, and Adhering to Regulations:

Familiarize yourself with the size and bag limits for Northern Pike in your fishing area and adhere to these regulations to support conservation efforts. Size limits help protect juvenile Northern Pike and ensure that fish have the opportunity to reach maturity and reproduce before being harvested. Bag limits restrict the number of Northern Pike that can be kept per angler per day to prevent overfishing and maintain healthy fish populations. By following size and bag limits, anglers can contribute to the long-term sustainability of Northern Pike fisheries.

Promoting Responsible Angling Behavior and Environmental Stewardship:

Anglers play a crucial role as stewards of the environment and should strive to minimize their impact on Northern Pike habitats and ecosystems. Practice Leave No Trace principles by properly disposing of trash, fishing line, and other waste to prevent pollution and habitat degradation. Respect wildlife and their habitats by avoiding sensitive areas such as spawning grounds and nesting sites. Support conservation organizations and initiatives that work to protect Northern Pike and their habitats through research, advocacy, and habitat restoration projects.

Section 10:Safety Tips for Northern Pike Fishing

Importance of Safety Gear and Precautions While Fishing:

Safety should be a top priority when fishing for Northern Pike, as these powerful predators can pose risks to anglers, especially when handling large fish. Wear appropriate safety gear, including a properly fitting personal flotation device (PFD) when fishing from a boat or kayak, to reduce the risk of accidents and drowning. Protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays by wearing sunscreen, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed hat, and dress appropriately for the weather conditions to stay warm and dry.

Tips for Fishing Safely from Shore, Boats, or Kayaks:

Whether fishing from shore, a boat, or a kayak, practice caution and common sense to ensure a safe and enjoyable fishing experience. When fishing from shore, be mindful of slippery rocks, steep banks, and uneven terrain, and use caution when wading in shallow water to avoid tripping or falling. When fishing from a boat or kayak, always wear a PFD and familiarize yourself with the watercraft’s operation and safety features. Follow boating regulations and navigation rules to prevent collisions and accidents on the water.

Being Aware of Potential Hazards and Risks Associated with Northern Pike Fishing:

Northern Pike fishing can involve certain risks and hazards, such as sharp teeth, strong jaws, and thrashing movements during handling. Use caution when handling Northern Pike to avoid bites or injuries from their sharp teeth and spiny dorsal fins. Use appropriate tools, such as jaw spreaders and needle-nose pliers, to safely remove hooks and minimize the risk of injury to both yourself and the fish. Be aware of potential hazards such as inclement weather, rough water conditions, and underwater obstacles, and take appropriate precautions to ensure your safety while fishing for Northern Pike.

Section 11:Northern Pike Fishing Destinations

Best Locations for Northern Pike Fishing in North America:

North America offers a wide range of excellent fishing destinations for Northern Pike enthusiasts. Some of the best locations include:

  • Great Lakes Region: Lakes such as Lake Erie, Lake Ontario, Lake Huron, and Lake Michigan are renowned for their trophy-sized Northern Pike populations.
  • Canadian Shield Lakes: Remote, pristine lakes in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and other provinces offer exceptional Northern Pike fishing opportunities, with pristine wilderness settings and abundant fish.
  • Northern Rivers and Reservoirs: Rivers and reservoirs in Northern states like Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and North Dakota provide excellent Northern Pike fishing, especially during the spring and fall seasons.
  • Alaskan Waters: Alaska’s lakes, rivers, and streams are home to massive Northern Pike, offering anglers the chance to catch trophy-sized fish in breathtaking wilderness settings.

Local Regulations, Permits, and Access Points:

Before embarking on a Northern Pike fishing trip, it’s essential to research local regulations, obtain the necessary fishing permits or licenses, and familiarize yourself with access points and boat launches. Check fishing regulations for size limits, bag limits, and closed seasons to ensure compliance with local laws and conservation efforts. Many Northern Pike fisheries require special permits or have specific regulations to protect the resource and ensure sustainable fishing opportunities.

Tips for Planning a Successful Northern Pike Fishing Trip:

Planning is key to a successful Northern Pike fishing adventure. Consider factors such as the time of year, weather conditions, water temperature, and fish behavior when planning your trip. Research potential fishing spots, consult local guides or anglers for advice, and gather information on bait and tackle preferences for Northern Pike in the area. Prepare your gear, pack essential supplies, and plan for accommodations and transportation to ensure a smooth and enjoyable fishing experience.

Section 12:Conclusion

In this blog, we’ve explored the exciting world of Northern Pike fishing in North America. From understanding Northern Pike behavior and habitat to selecting the right gear, bait, and techniques, we’ve covered essential aspects of pursuing this formidable freshwater predator. We’ve also discussed conservation and safety considerations to ensure responsible angling practices and protect Northern Pike populations for future generations.

Northern Pike fishing offers anglers thrilling challenges and memorable experiences in some of North America’s most scenic and pristine waters. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a novice enthusiast, Northern Pike fishing provides endless opportunities for adventure and excitement. So grab your gear, head to the water, and immerse yourself in the thrill of Northern Pike fishing. Remember to respect the fishery, follow local regulations, and cherish the natural beauty of the Northern Pike’s habitat as you embark on your fishing journey.

  • Q: What is Northern Pike fishing? A: Northern Pike fishing involves targeting Northern Pike, a predatory freshwater fish species found in North America’s lakes, rivers, and reservoirs, for sport or recreation.
  • Q: Where can I find Northern Pike in North America? A: Northern Pike are commonly found in various water bodies across North America, including the Great Lakes, Canadian Shield lakes, northern rivers, and Alaskan waters.
  • Q: What makes Northern Pike fishing popular? A: Northern Pike fishing is popular due to the fish’s aggressive nature, challenging fight, and potential for trophy-sized catches.
  • Q: What are some essential techniques for catching Northern Pike? A: Common techniques include casting with artificial lures, trolling with spoons or crankbaits, and jigging with soft plastics or live bait.
  • Q: What kind of gear do I need for Northern Pike fishing? A: You’ll need medium to heavy rods, sturdy reels with a smooth drag system, strong lines (fluorocarbon or braided), and wire leaders to prevent bite-offs.
  • Q: What are the best baits for Northern Pike? A: Effective baits include large spoons, crankbaits, jerkbaits, spinnerbaits, soft plastic swimbaits, and live bait such as large minnows or suckers.
  • Q: When is the best time to fish for Northern Pike? A: Northern Pike can be caught year-round, but they are most active during the spring and fall seasons when water temperatures are cooler.
  • Q: What are some tips for finding Northern Pike hotspots? A: Look for Northern Pike near weed beds, submerged vegetation, rocky points, drop-offs, and ambush points where they can ambush prey.
  • Q: Are there any regulations or size limits for Northern Pike fishing? A: Yes, regulations vary by location, so it’s essential to check local fishing regulations regarding size limits, bag limits, and seasons.
  • Q: How do I handle Northern Pike safely? A: Use a rubber-coated landing net to avoid damaging their delicate skin, and use needle-nose pliers to remove hooks while minimizing handling to prevent injury.
  • Q: Are Northern Pike good to eat? A: Northern Pike are edible and can be tasty if properly prepared, but they have a reputation for having many Y-bones, which can be challenging to remove.
  • Q: What are some effective techniques for catching Northern Pike in shallow water? A: Casting large spinnerbaits, topwater lures, or weedless spoons into shallow weed beds and retrieving them with erratic movements can trigger strikes.
  • Q: What are some safety precautions to take when fishing for Northern Pike? A: Use wire leaders to prevent bite-offs, be cautious when handling Northern Pike due to their sharp teeth, and wear polarized sunglasses to see submerged obstacles.
  • Q: How can I target trophy-sized Northern Pike? A: Focus on fishing in deeper waters near structure or drop-offs, use larger baits or lures, and fish during low-light conditions when big Northern Pike are more active.
  • Q: What are some effective techniques for ice fishing for Northern Pike? A: Drill holes near weed edges or drop-offs, use tip-ups baited with large minnows or smelt, and experiment with jigging spoons or swimbaits.
  • Q: Can I catch Northern Pike from shore? A: Yes, you can catch Northern Pike from shore by casting large lures or bait rigs near shoreline cover, weed beds, or rocky areas where Northern Pike may be lurking.
  • Q: How can I locate Northern Pike in deep water? A: Use fish finders or sonar to locate baitfish schools or underwater structures such as humps, points, or submerged timber where Northern Pike may be holding.
  • Q: What are some effective techniques for catching Northern Pike during the summer months? A: Fish early in the morning or late in the evening when Northern Pike are more active, target shaded areas, and fish deeper waters where Northern Pike seek cooler temperatures.
  • Q: Are there any specific lures or baits that Northern Pike prefer? A: Northern Pike are known to be opportunistic feeders and will strike a variety of lures and baits, but they are particularly fond of large, flashy spoons and swimbaits.
  • Q: How can I avoid line twist when trolling for Northern Pike? A: Use a quality swivel or snap swivel between your mainline and leader to prevent line twist caused by the rotation of the lure or bait.
  • Q: What are some signs that Northern Pike are actively feeding? A: Look for surface disturbances, baitfish activity, or birds diving into the water, as these can indicate the presence of feeding Northern Pike.
  • Q: What are some common mistakes to avoid when fishing for Northern Pike? A: Avoid using tackle that’s too light, neglecting to check your gear for damage, and failing to adapt your techniques to changing weather or water conditions.
  • Q: Can I fly fish for Northern Pike? A: Yes, you can fly fish for Northern Pike using large streamers or poppers, but you’ll need sturdy fly fishing gear and heavy leaders to handle their aggressive strikes.
  • Q: How can I release Northern Pike safely? A: Use a hook removal tool or long-nosed pliers to minimize handling, support the fish in the water until it’s ready to swim away, and avoid dropping it onto hard surfaces.
  • Q: What are some effective trolling speeds for targeting Northern Pike? A: Troll at speeds between 2 to 4 miles per hour, depending on the lure or bait you’re using and the depth you’re targeting.
  • Q: Can I catch Northern Pike using live bait? A: Yes, Northern Pike will readily take live bait such as large minnows, suckers, or shiners rigged on a wire leader or bait rig.
  • Q: What are some productive techniques for catching Northern Pike in weedy waters? A: Use weedless lures or rig your bait weedless to avoid snagging, and focus on fishing near weed edges or open pockets within the weed beds where Northern Pike may be hiding.
  • Q: Are there any specific times of day that are best for Northern Pike fishing? A: Early morning and late evening are often prime times for Northern Pike fishing, but they can also be caught throughout the day, especially during overcast or windy conditions.
  • Q: How can I determine the depth at which Northern Pike are holding? A: Use a fish finder or depth finder to locate schools of baitfish or underwater structures where Northern Pike may be lurking, and adjust your lure or bait presentation accordingly.
  • Q: What are some resources for learning more about Northern Pike fishing? A: Angling books, online forums, fishing guides, and local tackle shops are valuable resources for learning more about Northern Pike behavior, techniques, and fishing hotspots in your area.

Midnight Sun Trophy Pike Adventures

Alaska Fishing Trips

northern pike fishing trip

Northern Pike

Lurking in the back bays and grassy sloughs, Northern pike patiently wait to ambush their pray. Being the fastest accelerating fish in the world provides great sport for anglers young and old. Having 702 teeth necessitates a wire leader and a strong hook set to land these violent predators. Averaging 7 pounds their wake will intimidate the most hardened pike fisherman. Just be careful, we have seen 40

northern pike fishing trip

What's a Sheefish you ask? Sheefish is the largest member of the whitefish family. Migrating in schools up river all through the spring and early summer, these exciting fish provide great action for the spin cast, or fly fishing enthusiast.

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Northern Pike

The best Canadian Northern Pike fishing—these are the big beasts

Northern pike common catch and release: 20-30+ pounds..

Imagine catching a 33-year-old Pike. Because Northern Manitoba is in the upper latitude of North America, fish grow slowly here. For example, a 49-½ inch, 32-lb. Northern Pike is estimated to be 33 years old. One thing they don’t lose with age is their attitude: always aggressive, always fighting.

Northern Pike aren’t tough to find in Canada; what’s unusual (and exceptional) about Big Sand Lake Lodge is our monstrous fish . Our sustainability efforts over the past two decades have allowed these fish to grow … and grow … into the biggest Pike in Canada.

Each year, numerous guests catch Northern that qualify for a Manitoba Master Angler award, the most reputable and oldest master angler program in North America. Get your achievement recognized, receive a Master Angler Catch-and-Released badge, and have your name entered into the official master angler registry.

northern pike fishing trip

Recommended Lure:

Len thompson 5 of diamonds, scientific classification, binomial name, esox lucius, ready to go for the canadian grand slam.

THE CHALLENGE IS OUT!  Can you to catch Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Walleye, and Arctic Grayling during one Canada fishing vacation?

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Big Sand Lake Lodge's 5-day fishing trips make the memories


Big Sand Lake Lodge

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Big Sand Lake Lodge offers 5-day and 10-day fly in fishing trips during which you’ll experience our main lodge and world-class fishing. No matter how long you stay, an all-inclusive Northern Pike fishing trip at the exclusive Big Sand Lake Lodge creates memories that last forever.



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“If you’re looking to rough it, forget Big Sand Lake Lodge. The cabins are clean, the beds comfortable, the food first class.”

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Kayak Fishing

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Rafting 1/2 Day, Cabin Night, Full Day Fishing, Cabin Night

northern pike fishing trip

Lake Fishing Trip in Elk Rapids

Elk Rapids Ice Fishing Adventure

northern pike fishing trip

Pike In The Alaska Wilderness

Most popular types of northern pike trips.


“Our Damn Good Guides go above and beyond to provide you an incredible trip, and we’ve handpicked every single one. We’re passionate about the outdoors and about empowering people to find the perfect-match guide for the trip of a lifetime, every time.”

Jonathan and Attison   |   Co-founders   |   Austin, Texas

More Northern Pike Fishing Guides

northern pike fishing trip

After the spawn concludes and the big Chinook, Coho, and Steelhead make their way back out to the lake, the Small Mouth fishing gets red hot! If you're looking to catch some studdly smallies and wild Inland Trout around Milwaukee and Sheboygan, there's no better guide than Bailey here to put you on them. He's made a name for himself by mastering all the local rivers flowing into Lake Michigan catching massive Salmon and Steelhead in the cold months and Small Mouth and more in the late spring and Summer. The Driftless Region of Wisconsin is a very unique, scenic area that offers a variety of species and types of water to target beyond Small Mouth as well. Although some public access, the vast majority of lands surrounding trout streams are privately owned. Here is where Bailey's 14' SmithFly Raft comes into play, allowing you to access miles & miles of untouched, pristine water. The Inland Trout fishing is mainly done using fly fishing gear with streamers and spin gear with hardbaits to target bigger, wild fish. Smallmouth Bass and Inland Trout offer a great experience to all levels of anglers. Expect sunny, warm days with great action and the chance at a Trophy Smallmouth as well! We target the Bass on both Fly and Spin setups, as well as Float Fishing for them sometimes using jigs. During your fishing adventure, you will be floating down the rivers in a 14' SmithFly BigShoals Raft. This will make it much easier for you to access parts of the river and fish, all while staying dry and warm inside the raft! All the rods, reels, gear and tackle will be provided for you, along with you fishing licenses! The only thing you have to do is show up and fish! Read More

River Fishing Trip in Sheboygan Falls

Smallmouth Bass, Pike, & Musky

northern pike fishing trip

Although Lake St. Claire isn't considered one of the five Great Lakes, it's part of the Great Lakes system, connecting Lake Huron to the north with Lake Erie to the south. The lake averages just 11 feet deep, but boasts a rich freshwater fishery with tons of Bass, Perch, Pike, Muskie, and more! On this trip, you'll be chasing big ol' Northern Pike and Muskie. These closely-related fish are picky eaters, but when they hit, they hit hard! You'll be using classic light tackle techniques to get bites. Captain Tom will make sure you're throwing the best lures for the season and water conditions, so you'll have the best possible chance of getting a monster on the line. You'll be fishing aboard his 24' cuddy cabin. She's a beauty, and is perfect for the kinds of fishing you'll be doing. She sports a 220-HP Ford V8 engine, so you'll be out there trolling in the blink of an eye, and has a comfortable cabin area with seating to keep you having fun all day. Captain Tom will come prepared with everything you need for an awesome trip! Just make sure to bring proper clothing, your Michigan fishing licenses, and a smile. Read More

Lake St. Claire Muskie And Pike

northern pike fishing trip

Come on a multispecies adventure targeting trophy Pike, Bass, and Bowfin. These trips often have a ton of action with many different species being caught. Most people have heard of the morning bite and that's what you'll be fishing on these trips. The fish have rested and the fish love to feed first thing in the morning. Especially before the sun makes its mid-day peak. Meeting times and places can be coordinated in the days leading up to your trip. Read More

Lake, River Fishing Trip in Pulaski

Morning/Afternoon Trip (6 Hrs)

northern pike fishing trip

This is the perfect trip for anglers looking to experience the true, remote, and rugged Alaskan Wilderness in its pristine beauty! Fly out to a beautiful lake or stream for this fabulous 8-hour trip where you'll be targeting some Pike, with opportunities to catch Rainbow Trout, Arctic Grayling and Lake Trout. These lakes are located high in the Talkeetna Mountains, providing wonderful views and abundant wildlife. Dave will take you out to the best spot depending on water conditions and where the fish are biting! This is a fully guided adventure. Your trip includes an experienced guide, all fishing gear (but feel free to bring your own), wade boots, and round-trip 45 minute fly-outs. Just make sure to bring your chest waders, snacks/lunch, and a fishing license. If you're looking to make a multi-day trip, cabin rentals are available upon request. Tight Lines! Read More

northern pike fishing trip

Can’t wait for the dog days of summer to start hauling in fish? Switch it up and join Jim on an ice fishing expedition! Out on one of many Michigan inland lakes, you will be dropping lines through holes in the ice and waiting for a bite. Your prey might include, Trout, Pike, Perch, Burbot, or Walleye. These fish are less active in the cold winter months, but still just as tasty! Jim will clean and bag your catch for you, which is lucky because these freshwater species are delicious! This trip can accommodate big groups, making this fun for family and friends. Make sure everyone on your trip is bundled up tight though—you don’t want to catch a chill. Jim will set up an shelter to keep you warm, but it is still important to have warm socks and several layers of thick clothing. Other than warm clothes, you don’t have to bring anything! Jim will provide all the rods, reels, bait, and tackle needed to bring up a big one. Feel free to bring some snacks and drinks though, so you don’t get hungry on the half-day trip. If you’ve never been ice fishing before, this trip is an incredible opportunity to learn a fun winter sport! Read More

northern pike fishing trip

We are proud to be Rhode Island’s first kayak fishing charter service! Anglers can choose a freshwater trip or a saltwater trip. Everything is included in the price of booking besides your fishing license. All trips are done in pedal driven kayaks so that you can keep your hands free! On saltwater trips you can expect to target striped bass, bluefish, false albacore, Bonito, Tautog, summer flounder, Black Sea bass, Weakfish, and a few more. While on freshwater trips you can expect to target largemouth bass, carp, crappie, and trout. Most trips start at first light however sometimes due to weather/water conditions a trip might need to start later in the day. While we can never guarantee fish quantity or size, what we will guarantee is that you’ll get a great experience for what kayak fishing is all about, you will master the techniques used throughout the day, and you will have great knowledge of the fishery. We look forward to seeing you on the water! Read More

northern pike fishing trip

This trip with Captain Tom is perfect for making some classic Michigan memories! You'll be fishing Lake St. Clair, which connects Lake Huron with Lake Erie. This rich freshwater fishery is a perfect place to hook trophy Pike, Musky, Walleye, and Bass! Captain Tom knows all the hot fishing spots in the lake, and will work hard to put you on the fish fast. On this trip, you'll do a combination of trolling for Pike and Musky, bottomfishing for lurking Walleye, and light-tackle jigging for Bass. As you try different spots, looking for the biggest and hungriest catches, you'll switch your techniques in order to maximize your success. You'll be fishing aboard Captain Tom's 42' sportfisher, which provides a quick and comfortable ride in any weather. She includes outriggers for trolling, a bathroom, and a cabin to keep you out of the sun. Captain Tom will provide everything you need for an awesome trip; all you need to bring is sunscreen, proper clothing, sunglasses, and your Michigan fishing licenses! Read More

This is the perfect trip for getting out and experiencing some of the best fly fishing in the world. Your trip includes an experienced guide, all fishing gear (but feel free to bring your own), and wade boots. Just make sure to bring your chest waders, snacks/lunch, and a fishing license. You'll be fishing a number of rivers around Talkeetna depending on where the bite is hottest. If you're looking to make a multi-day trip, cabin rentals are available upon request. Read More

Everything to Know About Booking a fishing trip

What are the best northern pike fishing trips.

Our Damn Good Guides currently offer 11 northern pike trips, and the most popular trips are Talkeetna Area Day Fishing Trip guided by Dave , Harsen's Island Charter Adventure guided by Tom , and Kayak Fishing guided by Dustin .

Our guides are rated a 5 out of 5 based on 2477 verified reviews on Captain Experiences.

All guides on Captain Experiences are licensed, insured, and vetted by our team. You can access their reviews, click through trip photos, read bios to get to know them, and preview trip details like species, techniques, group sizes, boat specs and more.

Looking for kid friendly northern pike guides? Check out our beginner and family friendly northern pike guides .

What types of northern pike fishing trips are common?

Lake fishing is the most popular for northern pike as well as river fishing, nearshore fishing, and inshore fishing.

The most common fishing techniques are light tackle fishing, fly fishing, and artificial lure fishing but wading and live bait fishing are popular as well.

How much does a northern pike fishing trip cost?

for northern pike prices can range anywhere from an affordable $150 to $2,780, but the average price for a half day trip for northern pike is $553. The average price for a full day trip for northern pike is $844.

What month is best for northern pike fishing?

The most popular season for northern pike fishing is summer, and most anglers book their trips 49 days in advance.

Do I need a fishing license for northern pike and what are the bag limits for northern pike?

See here for more information on northern pike fishing licenses, northern pike bag limits, and fishing season regulations for northern pike. When in doubt, your fishing guide will always know the right northern pike rules and regulations.

Recent Reviews of Captain Experiences

Paul D. with Dustin S. of North Kingstown, Rhode Island

Simon S. with Dave F. of Talkeetna, Alaska

  • Rhode Island
  • Clay Township, MI
  • Elk Rapids, MI
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  • Pulaski, NY
  • Roscommon, MI
  • Sheboygan Falls, WI
  • Talkeetna, AK

Other Fishing Species

  • Atlantic Salmon
  • Black Seabass
  • Brown Trout
  • Chinook Salmon
  • Dolly Varden
  • False Albacore
  • Largemouth Bass
  • Rainbow Trout
  • Smallmouth Bass
  • Striped Bass

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What's biting?

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northern pike fishing trip

49 North Fishing

Lake of the woods and upper red lake fishing charter.

northern pike fishing trip

Book with 49 North Fishing and let Capt. Adam take you on the best walleye, perch, and northern pike fishing trips in Minnesota. The fishing on Lake of the Woods and Upper Red Lake is an experience you can’t get anywhere else you go; I will try my hardest to give you the trip of a lifetime.

I have been fishing summer walleyes with success for 10 years on these lakes and have what it takes to put you on fish.

Your vessel for the day is a 20’ Larson FX TL boat that can take up to three people. The boat was built in 2015 and is equipped with 150 HP Mercury engine. The vessel is fitted with navigational electronics, including GPS and a fish finder. Onboard, you will also find an ice box, live well, trolling motor, and safety gear. The boat stores an assortment of rods, reels, and tackle.

The trips with 49 North Fishing are private charters and work best with smaller groups of fishermen. My departure times are flexible, and I will adjust the schedule to meet your needs.

You will find all the fishing gear on the boat. All live bait included you do however need to purchase the Minnesota fishing license before the trip. Bring along a cooler with ice to have storage space for your catch after the trip. Also make sure to bring rain gear, a jacket, sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. You will definitely want to bring a camera to take a good shot of your catch. If you’re prone to seasickness, you may want to consider taking meds accordingly.

Meet your guide:

           Hi! I’m Adam Strutz. I grew up in central Minnesota fishing and hunting since I was a young boy.  Loved coming to Northern, MN to fish for many years and finally moved up here with my family. I’ve always wanted to be a fish guide and am passionate about Walleye fishing. I also enjoy catching almost anything whether it is a big Pike, Crappie or some Jumbo Perch. My main focus is fishing Lake of the Woods or Upper Red Lake, but fish most area lakes. I enjoy taking people out to fish, whether it’s beginners or a more experienced fisherman. Give me a call or message me and we’ll start Rippin lips!


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Canada Fishing Trips - Sydney Lake Lodge

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Northern Pike Fishing Trips & Tips 2024

Northern Pike

Fly-In Northern Pike Fishing

Fly-In northern pike fishing is truly an exhilarating experience. Large ones fight with amazing power and speed, can break equipment and leave you scarred for life.

Watch out for sudden breaches near your boat that can leave you soaking wet with the flick of a tail.

These monsters are caught off of rocky points, near moving water, lurking in the deep and in weedy bays. Pike like almost any bait, especially spoons and crank baits.

The best time to fish for pike is in the summer months of July and August with a slight preference for July. Searching our records we have found that on average, the most trophy pike are taken in the month of July. This includes many people who have caught multiple trophies on a single trip. 

All months yield trophy pike and a spring or fall trip will leave you satisfied, yet yearning for more.

Trophy Northern Pike Fishing

Trophy northern pike fishing the big game fish of the Canadian north. Sydney and Kilburn Lakes are located in Ontario's Trophy Waters for good reason - the size and number of trophy pike that are caught each year.

To get a hat & pin as a master angler you need to have a picture and a witness of your catch. Fish are measured from the tip of the nose to the tip of the pinched tail. The largest pike caught each year in the trophy waters wins a free fishing trip for the following year.

Carefull handling and timely release of the fish is encouraged for high survival rates, that ensure these monsters grow to be caught again even bigger.

A trophy northern pike is one that is larger than 38 inches - that's on average 17.3 lbs. Every year many trophy pike are caught and released to grow bigger.

Several every year are in the high 40 inch range which are big fish over 30 pounds. Some of the pike caught are over 50 inches (35 + pounds) and some are big - huge in fact but never landed.

Trophy Northern Pike

Northern Pike Tackle and Equipment

Start with a medium - heavy rod thats between 6'6" and 7' long matched with a baitcaster or open face reel that will take 12-25lb line.

To start off use a steel leader, these babies have sharp teeth that will slice your line with one head jerk.

Think bright colors! Bait-casting or spinning reels rods spooled with 10 to 20 pound line are suggested. Tandem spinner baits in 3/8- to 1 -oz. sizes are excellent. Choose chartreuse, gold or silver blades matched with white or fluorescent skirts.

Northern pike fishing tackle should include a selection of spoons, including Silver and gold Dr. Spoons, five of diamonds and red/white. Don't overlook a Daredevil or Little Cleo in silver/chartreuse combos, at least 3/4oz. in size.

Mepps or Blue Fox spinners. Use blades in 4 and 5 size and larger. Silver or fire tiger blades are good, including prism blades. The larger Mepps Minnows are great - in blade sizes of 4 and 5. Northern Pike have razer sharp teeth so steel leaders are suggested on the spinners.

Larger minnow lures are fun for top water action. Rapalas, Husky Jerks, Rebels, etc. Rat-L-Traps in larger sizes, emphasis on nickel and chartreuse. Also 6-8 inch Suicks. Fishing Northern Pike using top water techniques is exhilarating when they break the surface!

Norther Pike Fishing Tips & Techniques

Casting is by far the most common technique for catching big trophy pike. They strike at the time you are almost least suspecting and have the power to rip the rod right out of your hands if you are not paying attention.

Pike are found most often along the shore near creek mouths, reefs, rocky points and shallow weedy bays. Still water near small waterfalls is an excellent place as is the break between calm and faster moving waters.

Cast in a fan pattern when you have picked out a target spot, moving from right to left or left to right to draw in nearby fish with a consistant pattern.

Try the deep water side too - big northern retreat to deeper water when spooked and are often overlooked. Let the lure sink for several seconds before starting your retrevial.

Canada Trophy Northern Pike

Fly-In Northern Pike Fishing Trips

Remote fly-in northern pike fishing trips on Sydney and Kilburn lakes are full of thrills and spills as you catch yourself a trophy of one of the largest freshwater predators. Be ready for severed lines and hooks spat back at you, in addtion to the sudden plunges, screaming reels and surface breaches.

Trips run from 3 to 7 days and are packages that include your float plane trip to and from Kenora Ontario, boat, motor, gasoline, cabin and conservation fishing license. Guides are available to get you to the best spots on day one.

Trophy pike have been put back into the waters here for years to grow and be caught again. Enjoy great walleye and lake trout fishing at in addtion to hammering trophy pike.

Space is limited, check to see if your prefered 2024 dates for a fly-in northern pike trip are still available.

Start your fly-in fishing adventure...

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  • Fly-In Fishing Camp
  • Walleye Fishing
  • Northern Pike Fishing
  • Lake Trout Fishing

Sydney Lake Lodge is a fly-in fishing camp located on two exclusive lakes in Woodland Caribou Wilderness Park and Ontario's Trophy Waters. Your hosts are the Fahlgren family, we have been here since 1933.

Website made by Jeb Fahlgren - Check out my other sites - Alaskan Fishing Games , The poker sites with the most fish , 2024 US poker sites and the best Canadian poker sites .


© 2018-2024 Sydney Lake Lodge - Authentic Fly-In Fishing Trips in Northern Ontario Canada | Privacy | Sitemap

northern pike fishing trip

Northern Pike Fishing

More 45+ inch pike caught continuously then anywhere else in the world.

northern pike fishing trip

Endless weedy bays

Lake of the Woods is the only place in the world where it can catch continuously more 45+ inch Pike fish. With its endless weedy bays it is possible to catch more than one at the same hour, in any other place of the world will be possible this.

northern pike fishing trip

About the specie regarding the place

Many of the species which live in the lake are native from this region, and the northern pike is not an exception. This is the natural environment of the fish, so it is not possible to find it in any other lake.

fishing guides on totem resort

Fishing Guides

Fishing guides- our pro-staff guides boast over 10+ years of navigating the waters of lake of the woods, and are sure to put you on ‘the spot’.

Fishing guides with 10+ years of experience, natives of the Lake, know the best fishing zones, they are professional anglers. Many of them were adventurers who have come from other locations and established in here, becoming in guides while they do the thing that love the most, fishing!

Fishing Boats

More than 100 fishing boats at Totem resort, to provide the guests a 5 stars services at all time. As fishing is the main activity, the boats are one of the most important things to fully live and enjoy the moment. The boats are provided with all the features needed for a relaxing day.

northern pike fishing trip

Fishing packages

Here at Totem Resorts, we offer specialized fishing packages custom tailored to your very needs. Each package is specifically designed for you and your group's individual needs. So you can rest assured. When staying at a Totem Resorts property, you can expect nothing but world-class service!

Backup Gear and equipment

With our professional guides during the fishing trip, navigating the lake of the woods, the experience will be something to remember of. We have all the equipment to catch that dreaming fish for our guests, and take the picture that will be remembered for all the time.

northern pike fishing trip


Totem resorts offer all the comforts of a 5-star all-inclusive resort, with luxurious accommodations and a top service from our staff. With gourmet meals, professional guides and a magnificent view, this place is indeed the right place to fully enjoy a fishing experience.

Gear We Recommend For Your Northern Pike Fishing Trip

One of the pleasures of anticipating your fishing trip to Canada is assembling the kit of gear that will allow you to successfully catch the fish you want. Here is the basic gear list for northern pike. For those new to this fishing, the Andy Myers Lodge website has an overall primer under fishing, entitled Planning Your Trip: A Year on Eagle Lake, and separate pages for each of the target gamefish species in the lake.

Gear For Your Northern Pike Fishing Trip

Northern pike spawn in shallow water as soon as the ice melts in the spring. They remain in the shallows until mid-June when the bigger fish begin migrating deeper, usually staying below the thermocline throughout the summer. At this time, some of the biggest pike, to 20 pounds, are caught by walleye anglers fishing deeper structures, or by pike anglers specifically deep jigging, rigging, and trolling. If that’s not your cup of tea, there are always large numbers of ‘action sized’ pike up to 34” in the shallows along reed and weed lines. They offer fast, aggressive casting action on lighter tackle. In the fall, after turnover, they can be found on shallower structures again, and real beasts are regularly taken on live bait. All this means that your approach to pike fishing will change markedly depending on the season.


  • Spinning Rod/Reel/Line Combinations – 7-7.5’ medium to medium heavy, fast taper spinning rod, such as St. Croix Premier or Legend Tournament, with a Shimano Stradic, Sustain, or Stella series 2500 spinning reel, spooled with 12 to 17 pound monofilament, or 30 to 40 pound braid, like Seaguar Threadlock, Power Pro, or Berkley Big Game, with a 10 to 16” leader of 17 to 30 pound fluorocarbon or 6 to 12” of Berkley bronzed 7 Strand 40 pound wire leader from Stealth Tackle.
  • Casting Rod/Reel/Line Combinations – 7 to 8.5’ medium to medium heavy, fast to extra fast taper casting rod, like: St. Croix Premier; Mojo; Legend Tournament; or Legend Extreme, with a Shimano Tranx 300-400 series reel; Calcutta 300; Calcutta D 300-400; or an Abu Garcia Revo Toro Beast 50-60 reel, spooled with 40 to 60 pound braid (Seaguar Threadlock or Power Pro), with a 14 to 20” leader of 40 to 60 pound fluorocarbon, or 10 to 14” of Berkley bronzed 7 Strand 40 to 60 pound wire leader from Stealth Tackle.
  • Casting Lures – 3” #5 Mepps; Muskie Mayhem Baby Girls and Show Girls; ¾ to 1.5 oz spinnerbaits; 5 to 7” suspending minnow jerkbaits; 7” Suick; 6” Phantom Softail; 4 to 7” spoons; Lewis Rat-L-Trap; Bait Rigs Esox Cobra Jig with a Yamamoto Reaper or Lizard, or a 5 to 7” sucker minnow or fillet strip.
  • Live/Dead Baiting – 30 to 40” leader of 40 to 60 pound fluorocarbon, or 40 pound Berkley bronzed 7 Strand wire leader, with a #1-1/0 quickset rig with a live or dead 5 to 9” sucker or cisco. You will also need a ½ to ¾ oz rubber core sinker, or a slip bobber.


  • Casting/Jigging – Chatterbait, 1.5 to 2.5 oz spinnerbaits, in-line spinners such as: Mepps; Muskie Mayhem Showgirl; or Panther Martin; 5/8 to ¾ oz Lewis Rat-L-Trap; 9 to 10” Suick; Regular Bulldawg and Regular Swimming Dawg; Medusa; Depth Raider; Bait Rigs Esox Cobra Jig with a Yamamoto Reaper or Lizard.
  • Trolling – Livingston Lures Voyager, Interceptor, and Bulldozer; Rapala X Rap 40; Mann’s Stretch Trolling Series 20 to 40; 5 to 6” Spoonplug; Grandma; Cisco Kid; 2 to 4 oz spinnerbait; 9 to 10” Suick; 8 to 10” Bobby Bait; all in black/orange; chartreuse; black/nickel; and white/nickel.
  • Livebaiting – 1/2 to 1 oz inline or sliding sinker, with 30 to 40” of 30 to 40 pound fluorocarbon leader, or 20 to 30” of 40 pound bronzed 7 strand wire leader; 1/0 to #1 octopus or J hook, or #1/0 to 2/0 quickset rig, with a 5 to 8” dace or sucker minnow.


  • Trolling – Livingston Lures Bulldozer, Pounder, Squeaky Pete, Headhunter, or Rachel; Grandma; Depth Raider; Cisco Kid; Believer; Legend Perchbait; or 5 to 6” Spoonplug.
  • Casting/Jigging – Magnum Bulldawg; Medusa; 9 to 10” weighted Suick; Phantom Softail; Regular Swimming Dawg; Water Wolf Shadzilla; Livingston Pounder; Depth Raider; Grandma; Bait Rigs Esox Cobra Jig with a Yamamoto Reaper or a 5-8” sucker; Ripppin’ Dawg.
  • Live/Dead Baiting – 6 to 8’ glass or glass/graphite composite heavy to extra heavy, fast action rod, with a Shimano 300 to 400 series Tekota LC reel, spooled with 80 to 100 pound braid (Seaguar Threadlock or Power Pro), with a 3 to 6’ leader of 120 to 150 pound fluorocarbon, or 36” of 90 pound Berkely bronzed, braided 7 Strand wire leader, and a quickset rig with a 10 to 16” live sucker, or a 10 to 16” dead cisco, sucker, or tuillibee; ¾ to 1.5 oz Bait Rigs Esox Cobra Jig Head with a 5-9” sucker or cisco (live or dead).
  • Accessories – Quickset rigs; ½ to 1.5 oz rubber core sinkers; Livingston Bullet Sound Weight; slip bobber or push spring round bobber 1.5 to 2” in diameter. Also make sure you have long-nose pliers, a quality hook cutter such as Knipex, a jaw spreader, and a muskie net.

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Trophy Pike Fishing lodges in Maintoba Canada

Fishing Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Fly-Fishing for Northern Pike

Dive into the thrilling world of northern pike fly-fishing. From gear to techniques, discover everything you need for the ultimate fishing adventure.

Table of Contents

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Hello there, fishing fanatic! Have you ever heard of a northern pike? You’re in for a treat if not! This is hardly the delicate trout fishing of your grandfather. No, the fish in question has a face only a mother could adore and an attitude to match. The northern pike is what you would get if you crossed a mutant alligator with a dash of fish. Fly fishermen are becoming increasingly enamored with these bad boys and for a good cause. They are entertaining, ferocious, and eager for you to cast your line.

Many anglers hope to land a northern pike, a fiercely regarded freshwater predator. But in order to improve your chances, you must be aware of their peak activity times and locations. Let’s deconstruct it:

1. Seasonal Movements

Spring: Pike go to shallow, weedy areas for spawning as the ice melts and the waters warm. They are busy and aggressively feeding after spawn, making this an excellent time to hunt them. Seek out marshy/weedy areas, flooded and have a lot of vegetation.

Summer: Pike tend to seek out deeper, colder waters as the temperature rises. During cooler hours of the day, they may travel into shallow water, but they typically stay in deeper areas close to drop-offs or underwater structures.

Fall: Another excellent time of year to fish for pike. Pike grow more active and feed more frequently to put on weight as they prepare for winter. They can be found in areas where deep and shallow waters meet.

2. Key Habitats

Weedy Flats: Pike prefer locations with lots of vegetation because it offers good cover for sneaking up on prey. Locate areas with various weeds, such as milfoil, cabbage, and lily pads.

Ledges and drop-offs: These are transitional areas where shallow and deep water converge. Pike frequently traverse these waters in search of baitfish schools.

Sunken Timber and Structures: For pike, submerged logs, rocks, and man-made structures offer great cover. They frequently skulk about these areas, watching for a fish to swim past that’s not paying attention.

River Mouths and Inflows: Hotspots are places where minor rivers or streams enter larger bodies of water. These areas frequently bring in cooler water with more oxygen and baitfish, which draws pike.

3. Weather Patterns

Pike are susceptible to fluctuations in the weather. Because pike feel more comfortable roving and hunting in shallower waters, overcast days can be fruitful. However, pike may become less active and retire to deeper waters after a cold front.

4. Local Knowledge is Gold

Although it’s important to comprehend pike behavior in general, nothing can replace local expertise. Speak to local guides, fishermen, or proprietors of bait shops. They can offer priceless information on specific locations and recent pike activity.

5. Use Technology

GPS and modern fish finders have the potential to revolutionize the game. You can use them to spot variations in depth, underwater structures, and even fish activity.

There are a few things to do before you start this thrilling trip. Gearing up properly is half the battle won, from reels that can endure those strong runs to rods that won’t let you down. Let’s start with the fundamentals to make your pike fishing trip more than just another day on the water.

1. The Right Fly-Fishing Rod

You need a fly-fishing rod to handle the challenge when targeting pike, especially the big ones. A stout, fast-action fly rod is ideal. Depending on the size of the pike and the type of water you’re fishing, a 7-weight to 9-weight rod is typically recommended. This ensures you have enough backbone to cast larger flies and handle a powerful pike without breaking your rod.

Close-up of the Sage R8 Fly-Fishing Rod's sleek design, highlighting its ergonomic grip and polished finish.

Manufacturer Link: Sage

2. Trustworthy Fly-Fishing Reel

Pike are renowned for their powerful runs and devastating strikes. It’s essential to have a large arbor reel with a smooth drag system. This makes it possible to retrieve the line more quickly and effectively exhausts the fish. If you’re fly-fishing in salty water, make sure the reel is corrosion-resistant.

Step into the future of fly-fishing with the ICONIC FLY REEL, 4 PLUS

Manufacturer Link: Hatch Outdoors

3. Fly-Fishing Line Choices

Your choice of line type will likely have a significant impact:

Floating Line: Great for topwater flies and shallow water presentations.

Intermediate Line: Sinks slowly and is perfect for fishing just below the surface, especially in weedy areas.

Sinking Line: Ideal for getting your fly down deep, especially in colder months when pike are lurking in deeper waters.

Close-up view of the ELITE RIO GOLD fly fishing line coiled neatly, highlighting its vibrant gold hue and premium texture.

Manufacturer Link: RIO Products

4. Wire Leaders

The razor-sharp teeth easily cut regular fishing line on pike. Use a wire leader at all times to avoid devastating snaps. Typically, a length of 12 to 18 inches is adequate. Select leads with snap swivels for quick fly adjustments.

The fun part is about to begin: the flies! In contrast to trout fishing, you won’t require a ton of fly boxes. It only takes a few confidence flies to work. Think in terms of size, flash, and color. There is no end to the creativity you may unleash, from streamers that appear to have robbed a feather shop to topwater patterns that imitate frogs or mice.

1. The Deliveryman by Andreas Andersson

This fly is a beast in the water, to put it simply. The Deliveryman has a bright appearance with a blend of vibrant hues intended to simulate the chaotic movement of injured baitfish. Looming pike can’t help but be drawn to it by its long tail and large eyes.

Close-up of The Deliveryman fly-fishing fly by Andreas Andersson, showcasing its detailed craftsmanship and mix of vibrant colors.

YouTube Link: Andreas Andersson Flies

2. Bearded Wonder by Paul Beel

The Bearded Wonder is a distinctive synthesis of conventional and contemporary fly design. Its tassels, which resemble a beard, move tantalizingly in the water. It is sure to draw notice because of its vivid colors and reflective materials.

Close-up of the Bearded Wonder Fly-Fishing fly by Paul Beel, highlighting its unique tassels and rich color palette.

Retail Link: Paul Beel’s Fly Creations

3. The Yard Sale by Matt Grajewski

Don’t be fooled by the name; this fly is all about planned pandemonium. The Yard Sale has a hefty yet aerodynamic appearance because it uses a combination of feathers, tinsel, and synthetic materials in its construction. It attracts pike because of its erratic movement in the water, which resembles a prey in distress.

Detailed view of The Yard Sale fly-fishing fly by Matt Grajewski, showcasing its intricate mix of materials and dynamic design.

YouTube Link: Nomad Anglers

4. Manbearpig by Pat Cohen

The Manbearpig is a fascinating fly that is truly a masterpiece in fly design. This fly’s realistic presentation is provided by a combination of natural and synthetic elements in its construction. Experienced pike fisherman love it for its colossal profile and brilliant colors.

YouTube Link: Pat Cohen’s Custom Flies

5. MEGA Jerk by Gunnar Brammer

Everything about the MEGA Jerk revolves around size and action. This fly has a long, slim shape and a combination of flashy materials because it was made to catch huge pike. Thanks to its articulated design, even the most resolute pike will be enticed to strike by its natural swimming motion.

Close-up of the MEGA Jerk fly-fishing lure with its long, slender profile and flashy materials.

YouTube Link: Gunnar Brammer’s Fly Tying

Presentation is crucial when fly-fishing, especially for a crafty predator like the northern pike. It’s essential to make that fly come to life in the water, not merely to have the right fly. How to become an expert is as follows:

1. Recognize Pike’s viewpoint

Spend a moment thinking like a pike before you even cast your line. These scavengers are ambush hunters waiting for the ideal moment to strike. Movement, flash, and anything that resembles their natural prey will draw their attention. Your goal is to make your fly look like an easy meal.

2. Retrieved in Jerk-Strip Fashion

This is a tried-and-true pike fishing technique. An injured baitfish is a prime target for a hungry pike. Therefore, the plan is to imitate one. Cast your line, allow the fly to sink a little, and then retrieve it by jerking and pausing again. The fly’s inherent design and this irregular movement will frequently result in a strike.

3. Vary Your Recovery

Pike has a temper. They will chase a moving target some days while preferring a slower, more deliberate prey on other days. Never be hesitant to vary the speed of your retrieval. Try quick, violent jerks followed by extended pauses or gradual, steady retrieves interspersed with rapid twitches.

4. Employ the Water Column

Depending on the time of day, season, and water conditions, pike can be found at various depths. Don’t only concentrate on the top or bottom. Try out various depths until you discover where the pike are feeding. This can entail utilizing different fly line types (floating, intermediate, or sinking) to achieve the appropriate depth.

5. Pay Attention to the Shadow of Your Fly

A fly’s shadow can be an alluring lure for pike on sunny days. Your fly’s shadow will dance and dart on the lake or riverbank as you recover it, frequently drawing the attention of hungry pike. Utilize this to your advantage by positioning your fly to always cast a distinct, moving shadow between the sun and the pike.

6. React to Follows

A pike may occasionally follow your fly without striking. If you see this, keep trying! Change your retrieve speed, pause more frequently, or even reverse your path. An abrupt shift in the fly’s motion can often bring a strike.

7. Practice Makes Perfect

Mastering the presentation requires time and practice, just like any other art form. Spend some time on the water watching pike as they respond to various moves and retrieves. Don’t be afraid to attempt new things and to learn from your experiences.

Are you prepared to accept the task, then? Northern pike fly fishing is a unique experience. It’s exciting, primal, and guaranteed to make your heart race. You only need one mouthful to become addicted (pun intended)!

Why not create lasting memories on your upcoming fishing trip? Visit Cobham River Lodge for the best fishing around. It’s an angler’s heaven with clear waters and plenty of pike. So gather your fishing supplies, grab your companions, and enjoy an unforgettable fishing experience!

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northern pike fishing trip

World-Class Angling

With 16 different lakes and rivers teeming with trophy northern pike, lake trout, and Arctic grayling, you’re guaranteed a world-class fishing experience.  

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Canadian Hospitality

One of the hallmarks of a trip to Misaw Lake Lodge is the intimate and authentic interactions with our amazing staff who will make you feel right at home!

northern pike fishing trip

Outstanding Guides

Our experienced guides are just as excited with the adventure of landing the big one as our guests are! You’ll appreciate the help with all the fish you’ll be reeling in!

northern pike fishing trip

Breathtaking Scenery

Nestled among the Poplars and the Pines, surrounded by endless miles of diverse lakes and river systems, the sights and scenery in this part of the north are remarkable!

northern pike fishing trip

Famous Pike Fishing

The pike fishing at Misaw Lodge has big name organizations like Bass Pro Shops Outdoor World and the North American Fishing Club talking about this fishing destination!

northern pike fishing trip


The Best Place to Fish in Every State

Posted: July 16, 2023 | Last updated: October 5, 2023

<p>If you like your trophies with a little squeeze of lemon, you must be an angler. If you're not yet, take note: It's one of the few outdoor activities that lends itself to social distancing. From interior lakes and ponds to brackish channels and open ocean, America has a vast network of fishing spots along both coasts and every state in between. No matter where you live, hungry fish are nearby. Here are the choicest fishing spots in all 50 states that we determined by consulting online rankings, recommendations from pros, and reviews from visitors. </p>

The Fish Are Jumping

If you like your trophies with a little squeeze of lemon, you must be an angler. If you're not yet, take note: It's one of the few outdoor activities that lends itself to social distancing. From interior lakes and ponds to brackish channels and open ocean, America has a vast network of fishing spots along both coasts and every state in between. No matter where you live, hungry fish are nearby. Here are the choicest fishing spots in all 50 states that we determined by consulting online rankings, recommendations from pros, and reviews from visitors. 

<p>The largest lake in the state, <a href="">Lake Guntersville</a> spans 75 miles and 69,100 acres. Thanks to its national reputation as a home to giant fish, two out of three people fishing the lake pursue largemouth bass — topwater baits are especially reliable. But don't be surprised if you come up with catfish, sunfish, sauger, crappie, bluegill, or bream. </p>

Alabama: Lake Guntersville

The largest lake in the state, Lake Guntersville spans 75 miles and 69,100 acres. Thanks to its national reputation as a home to giant fish, two out of three people fishing the lake pursue largemouth bass — topwater baits are especially reliable. But don't be surprised if you come up with catfish, sunfish, sauger, crappie, bluegill, or bream. 

<p>At milepost 82.3 of the Izaak Walton Campground, you'll find the <a href="">Kenai River-Moose River Confluence</a>. Since the former is still as a lake and the latter rushes fairly swiftly, you'll have to be skilled with your tackle, but if you are, you can expect bites from king salmon, rainbow trout and Dolly Varden trout, but the pinks are the real draw: A pink salmon that earned the state record was caught here.</p>

Alaska: Kenai River-Moose River Confluence

At milepost 82.3 of the Izaak Walton Campground, you'll find the Kenai River-Moose River Confluence . Since the former is still as a lake and the latter rushes fairly swiftly, you'll have to be skilled with your tackle, but if you are, you can expect bites from king salmon, rainbow trout and Dolly Varden trout, but the pinks are the real draw: A pink salmon that earned the state record was caught here.

<p>The warm, muddy waters of the <a href="">Verde River</a> are so tight and thin that it's hard to even classify it as a river — but its reputation for massive bass and trout speaks for itself. Pick a spot south of the reservoirs to encounter the giants coming in from the Salt River.</p>

Arizona: Verde River

The warm, muddy waters of the Verde River are so tight and thin that it's hard to even classify it as a river — but its reputation for massive bass and trout speaks for itself. Pick a spot south of the reservoirs to encounter the giants coming in from the Salt River.

One of the finest trout streams in Middle America runs through <a href="">Bull Shoals-White River State Park</a>, where the Bull Shoals Dam meets the White River and Bull Shoals Lake. Catfish, crappie, bream, and lunker bass keep anglers busy, but the area is best known for its record brown and rainbow trout.

Arkansas: Bull Shoals-White River State Park

Steep mountains paint the background of <a href="">Lake Berryessa</a>, which is located about an hour outside of Napa. Pick the right lures and you'll be in just the right spot to bring home dinner. Use chicken livers, nightcrawlers, salmon eggs or minnows for catfish, try silver spoons, salmon eggs or needlefish lures for trout and salmon, and crankbaits, zara spooks and plastic worms for bass.

California: Lake Berryessa

<p><a href="">Gore Creek</a> runs through the world-famous ski community of Vail. The creek has earned the coveted Gold Medal designation from the state of Colorado, and even though it's right off I-70, the classic Colorado angler's haven is one of the most picturesque in the state. The Gold Medal section extends from the Eagle River to the spot where Red Sandstone Creek meets the Gore. </p>

Colorado: Gore Creek

Gore Creek runs through the world-famous ski community of Vail. The creek has earned the coveted Gold Medal designation from the state of Colorado, and even though it's right off I-70, the classic Colorado angler's haven is one of the most picturesque in the state. The Gold Medal section extends from the Eagle River to the spot where Red Sandstone Creek meets the Gore. 

The legend of the giant Bantam Bertha pike stirs the imagination of anglers who flock to <a href="">Bantam Lake</a>. While its true that northern pike populate the lake and Bertha is out there somewhere among them, you'd probably be satisfied with bites from the lake's many yellow and white perch, sunfish, bullhead, pickerel, calico, and smallmouth bass.

Connecticut: Bantam Lake

<p>The 66-acre millpond known as <a href="">Killens Pond</a> is the centerpiece of the park that bears its name. Established at the end of the 18th century, the pond is home to pickerel, bluegills, carp, catfish, largemouth bass, crappie, and perch.</p>

Delaware: Killens Pond

The 66-acre millpond known as Killens Pond is the centerpiece of the park that bears its name. Established at the end of the 18th century, the pond is home to pickerel, bluegills, carp, catfish, largemouth bass, crappie, and perch.

<p>Florida is a shore-fishing state — and <a href="">Fort Myers Beach</a> has spots that rival any other. Residents can cast for free, and visitors can score a three-day license for $17. That will give you access to Fort Myers Beach Pier, Punta Rassa, the South End Bridge, Lovers Key State Park, or any of the best Fort Myers Beach spots. Also known for great freshwater fishing, Florida has numerous lakes filled with lunker bass, like massive <a href="">Lake Okeechobee</a>, where shiners, plastic worms, and rattling crankbaits are highly effective.</p>

Florida: Fort Myers Beach

Florida is a shore-fishing state — and Fort Myers Beach has spots that rival any other. Residents can cast for free, and visitors can score a three-day license for $17. That will give you access to Fort Myers Beach Pier, Punta Rassa, the South End Bridge, Lovers Key State Park, or any of the best Fort Myers Beach spots. Also known for great freshwater fishing, Florida has numerous lakes filled with lunker bass, like massive Lake Okeechobee , where shiners, plastic worms, and rattling crankbaits are highly effective.

The <a href="">Golden Isles</a>, between Savannah and Jacksonville, Florida, on Georgia's Atlantic coast, boast one of the most dynamic ecosystems in the state — and that diversity offers some of the finest fishing in Georgia. Fly fish the coastal marshes for skipjack and redfish or charter a boat to pull some cobia, snapper or kingfish out of the water.

Georgia: Golden Isles

<p><a href="">Ewa Beach Park</a> in Honolulu is wild, rugged and remote. The beach packs stunning views, even by the standards of Hawaii — and the fishing isn't bad, either. You can cast right from the shoreline, or, as was the case with one Yelp reviewer, you can even try your hand at spearfishing. </p><p><b>Related:</b> <a href="">The Best of Hawaii on a Budget</a></p>

Hawaii: Ewa Beach Park

Ewa Beach Park in Honolulu is wild, rugged and remote. The beach packs stunning views, even by the standards of Hawaii — and the fishing isn't bad, either. You can cast right from the shoreline, or, as was the case with one Yelp reviewer, you can even try your hand at spearfishing. 

Related:   The Best of Hawaii on a Budget

When you visit <a href="">Henry's Fork of the Snake River</a>, you're likely to see moose, geese, muskrat and blue heron — but it's what you don't see that will keep you coming back. Beneath the winding river, which traverses sprawling ranch land and timber-covered canyons, several species of hungry trout, including rainbows and browns, await your bait.

Idaho: Henry’s Fork of the Snake River

<p><a href="">Sand Pond</a> is one of Illinois' great sleeper fishing holes. This 20-acre glacial lake, which is so small its shoreline covers less than a mile, is home to yellow perch, warmouth, northern pike, black crappie, bluegill, and largemouth bass. It's shore fishing only here, as boats and wading are not allowed.</p>

Illinois: Sand Pond

Sand Pond  is one of Illinois' great sleeper fishing holes. This 20-acre glacial lake, which is so small its shoreline covers less than a mile, is home to yellow perch, warmouth, northern pike, black crappie, bluegill, and largemouth bass. It's shore fishing only here, as boats and wading are not allowed.

<p>One of the most popular recreation areas in the state, <a href="">Brookville Tailwater</a> is teeming with panfish, bass, catfish, and walleye. The real treat, however, lies beyond the dam, where a 2-mile section of river bursts with both brown and rainbow trout. The water released from that dam is cold enough to support them year round, which makes it a trout lover's dream.</p>

Indiana: Brookville Tailwater

One of the most popular recreation areas in the state, Brookville Tailwater is teeming with panfish, bass, catfish, and walleye. The real treat, however, lies beyond the dam, where a 2-mile section of river bursts with both brown and rainbow trout. The water released from that dam is cold enough to support them year round, which makes it a trout lover's dream.

More than 20 species of fish swim the waters of <a href="">Lake Macbride</a>, which spans 940 acres and extends to a depth of 45 feet at its deepest point. Shore fishing is excellent there, and among the beauties you can pluck from within are redear sunfish, bigmouth buffalo, flathead catfish, and yellow and black bullhead.

Iowa: Lake Macbride

<p>Created in the 1930s and located in Greenwood County, <a href="">Severy City Lake</a> is quiet and well maintained. You'll see some redear sunfish and bluegill — they're not big, but they're many. Largemouth bass and channel catfish are there for the taking, too — particularly for those who venture out in kayaks. Visitors are encouraged to follow social-distancing guidelines.</p>

Kansas: Severy City Lake

Created in the 1930s and located in Greenwood County, Severy City Lake is quiet and well maintained. You'll see some redear sunfish and bluegill — they're not big, but they're many. Largemouth bass and channel catfish are there for the taking, too — particularly for those who venture out in kayaks. Visitors are encouraged to follow social-distancing guidelines.

Kentucky is an angler's paradise, thanks to natural gems like <a href="">Lake Barkley</a>. It spans 134 miles and is encircled by 1,004 miles of shoreline. Sauger, bass, catfish, bluegill, and crappie are all there for the taking, but the real payoff comes during spawning, when the shallow waters produce some of the largest catches in the state.

Kentucky: Lake Barkley

The saltwater-fishing mecca of <a href="">Venice</a> has made it onto several prominent best-of lists and continues to be the go-to location for anglers around the state. Both brackish and freshwater options are also available in the channels nearby. Dozens of charter boat captains serve the town and the countless outdoorsmen and women who make the pilgrimage to Venice year after year.

Louisiana: Venice

<p>A tributary of the St. John's River, the <a href="">Allagash River and Waterway</a> is a genuine wilderness experience in the remote wilds of Maine, so plan well before you go. The Allagash's pristine waters aren't known for their diversity of fish species, but if you're okay with whitefish, brown trout, and lake trout, however, you'll be satisfied and then some. </p>

Maine: Allagash River and Waterway

A tributary of the St. John's River, the Allagash River and Waterway is a genuine wilderness experience in the remote wilds of Maine, so plan well before you go. The Allagash's pristine waters aren't known for their diversity of fish species, but if you're okay with whitefish, brown trout, and lake trout, however, you'll be satisfied and then some. 

The <a href="">Youghiogheny River Reservoir</a>, which is maintained by the Army Corps of Engineers, spans 2,800 acres. Flowing along the Pennsylvania border, the reservoir is known for its smallmouths, but largemouth bass live there, too, albeit in smaller numbers. Tournaments are held there thanks to the trophy-size northern pike and crappie, but don't be surprised to pull out a bluegill, yellow perch, rock bass, pumpkinseed, brown bullhead, or chain pickerel.

Maryland: Youghiogheny River Reservoir

You can fish by boat or from the shore at the <a href="">Quabbin Reservoir</a>, but no matter which method you prefer, you're likely to go home a winner. The reservoir is one of just two in the entire state of Massachusetts that's home to trophy-sized landlocked Atlantic salmon.

Massachusetts: Quabbin Reservoir

<p>Home to five of America's top 50 bass lakes, four of the five Great Lakes, and arguably the best fly fishing in the country, Michigan just might be the best state in America for anglers. Seawall fishing on <a href=",4570,7-350-79119_79146_81198-469743--,00.html">southern Lake Michigan</a>, however, is arguably the best experience you'll have with a rod and reel in the state. There you'll be able to catch your fill of Chinook salmon, brown trout, steelhead, freshwater drum, coho salmon, perch, and more.</p>

Michigan: Southern Lake Michigan

Home to five of America's top 50 bass lakes, four of the five Great Lakes, and arguably the best fly fishing in the country, Michigan just might be the best state in America for anglers. Seawall fishing on southern Lake Michigan , however, is arguably the best experience you'll have with a rod and reel in the state. There you'll be able to catch your fill of Chinook salmon, brown trout, steelhead, freshwater drum, coho salmon, perch, and more.

<p>The <a href="">Whitefish Chain of Lakes in Northern Minnesota</a> is not so much of a great fishing spot as it is a series of great fishing spots. Located in the picture-perfect Brainerd Lakes region, the chain is a network of 14 lakes with names like Whitefish and Big Trout. Depending on where you settle in, you'll take in some of the most picturesque landscape on Earth while you wait for bites from bluegill, bass, crappie, walleye, and northern pike. </p>

Minnesota: Whitefish Chain of Lakes

The Whitefish Chain of Lakes in Northern Minnesota is not so much of a great fishing spot as it is a series of great fishing spots. Located in the picture-perfect Brainerd Lakes region, the chain is a network of 14 lakes with names like Whitefish and Big Trout. Depending on where you settle in, you'll take in some of the most picturesque landscape on Earth while you wait for bites from bluegill, bass, crappie, walleye, and northern pike.

<p>At least 200 species of fish roam the warm, serene waters of Mississippi's Gulf Coast, and anglers from around the world flock there knowing that it will be one of the greatest fishing experience of their lives — and what better place than to have that experience than at <a href="">Jimmy Rutherford Fishing Pier</a>. With 1,100 linear feet of space, the pier also provides covered platforms for protection from the elements, a fish-cleaning table, and some of the best angling in the state. Unlike many other piers, this one is free and open to the public.</p>

Mississippi: Jimmy Rutherford Pier

At least 200 species of fish roam the warm, serene waters of Mississippi's Gulf Coast, and anglers from around the world flock there knowing that it will be one of the greatest fishing experience of their lives — and what better place than to have that experience than at Jimmy Rutherford Fishing Pier . With 1,100 linear feet of space, the pier also provides covered platforms for protection from the elements, a fish-cleaning table, and some of the best angling in the state. Unlike many other piers, this one is free and open to the public.

<p>In Missouri, trout is the name of the game, and while there's no shortage of blue ribbon trout lakes, <a href="">Barren Fork Creek</a> is a gem among gems thanks to the smaller streams that support the natural reproduction of rainbow trout.</p>

Missouri: Barren Fork Creek

In Missouri, trout is the name of the game, and while there's no shortage of blue ribbon trout lakes, Barren Fork Creek is a gem among gems thanks to the smaller streams that support the natural reproduction of rainbow trout.

Known for world-class river fly fishing, Montana offers anglers no shortage of great spots, but the <a href="">Gallatin River</a> is so spectacular in both scenery and production that it deserves a mention even in a state known for stellar fishing. Spanning the gap between Gallatin Lake in the mountains of Yellowstone to the Missouri River, the river is perfect for dry fly fishing for those on the hunt for smaller, but plentiful trout that are not picky eaters.

Montana: Gallatin River

<a href="">Medicine Creek State Recreation Area</a> is home to the body of water that bears its name. There, you'll find walleye nibbling in the shallows in early spring, and really start biting in the summer. There are also plenty of panfish, including king-size crappie, too.

Nebraska: Medicine Creek

<p>Close to Las Vegas, <a href="">Lake Mead</a> straddles the border between Arizona and Nevada. Anglers will find the massive lake is teeming with smallmouth and largemouth bass, bluegill, tilapia, channel catfish, stripers, green sunfish, and black crappie.</p>

Nevada: Lake Mead

Close to Las Vegas, Lake Mead straddles the border between Arizona and Nevada. Anglers will find the massive lake is teeming with smallmouth and largemouth bass, bluegill, tilapia, channel catfish, stripers, green sunfish, and black crappie.

<p>Of all the great fishing spots in the New England state of New Hampshire, the <a href="">Contoocook River</a> stands out for supporting both cold- and warm-water habitats. While Atlantic salmon nibble below the surface of the water, keep an eye out above for one of the most impressive collections of birds in the region, including nighthawks, osprey, great blue herons, and bald eagles.</p>

New Hampshire: Contoocook River

Of all the great fishing spots in the New England state of New Hampshire, the Contoocook River stands out for supporting both cold- and warm-water habitats. While Atlantic salmon nibble below the surface of the water, keep an eye out above for one of the most impressive collections of birds in the region, including nighthawks, osprey, great blue herons, and bald eagles.

<p>The coast of the quaint South Jersey beach town of <a href="">Brigantine</a> is one of the East Coast's premier surf fishing destinations. That's thanks to the fact that the beach isn't crowded even during peak season — as well as the abundance of flounder, weakfish, kingfish, and bluefish. </p>

New Jersey: Brigantine Beach

The coast of the quaint South Jersey beach town of Brigantine is one of the East Coast's premier surf fishing destinations. That's thanks to the fact that the beach isn't crowded even during peak season — as well as the abundance of flounder, weakfish, kingfish, and bluefish. 

<p>Anglers are drawn to <a href="">Chama River</a> not just for the brown trout, rainbow trout and Rio Grande cutthroat that call it home, but for the stunning Southwestern scenery they enjoy while they're waiting for bites. If you go there, plan well — the best time to fish is mid-morning. Weekend launch dates are managed using a lottery system. Pandemic guidelines are still in effect, but vaccinated individuals can generally go maskless. </p>

New Mexico: Chama River

Anglers are drawn to Chama River not just for the brown trout, rainbow trout and Rio Grande cutthroat that call it home, but for the stunning Southwestern scenery they enjoy while they're waiting for bites. If you go there, plan well — the best time to fish is mid-morning. Weekend launch dates are managed using a lottery system. Pandemic guidelines are still in effect, but vaccinated individuals can generally go maskless. 

<p>Don't be surprised if you pull a largemouth bass from the <a href="">St. Lawrence River</a>, but smallmouth are certainly more common. Walleye, northern pike, muskie, yellow perch and bullhead are also all there for the taking. The river, which is the sole natural outlet for the Great Lakes System, is truly magnificent, measuring an average of 2 miles wide and dropping to a depth of 200 feet at its deepest point.</p>

New York: St. Lawrence River

Don't be surprised if you pull a largemouth bass from the St. Lawrence River , but smallmouth are certainly more common. Walleye, northern pike, muskie, yellow perch and bullhead are also all there for the taking. The river, which is the sole natural outlet for the Great Lakes System, is truly magnificent, measuring an average of 2 miles wide and dropping to a depth of 200 feet at its deepest point.

<p>Spanning 10 miles with 350 miles of shoreline, <a href="">High Rock Lake</a> was the site of the BASS Master's Classic tournament in 1994, 1995 and 1998 — and for good reason. Largemouths bite reliably from the spring through the summer all the way through November, and the postcard scenery alone is worth the trip.</p>

North Carolina: High Rock Lake

Spanning 10 miles with 350 miles of shoreline, High Rock Lake was the site of the BASS Master's Classic tournament in 1994, 1995 and 1998 — and for good reason. Largemouths bite reliably from the spring through the summer all the way through November, and the postcard scenery alone is worth the trip.

There are giants in the <a href="">Red River of the North</a>, where it's not uncommon to reel in a catfish weighing 30 pounds, 45-inch northern pike, and 13-pound walleye. But those are just a few of the possibilities — the river is packed with more than 70 species of fish.

North Dakota: Red River of the North

<p><a href="">Lake Erie</a> should be a bucket-list must not just for Ohio-based fishing enthusiasts, but for any angler who can make the trip. Ice fishing is available in the winter, and when massive body of water takes liquid form, walleye, smallmouth bass, white bass, steelhead trout, and yellow perch are plentiful from countless access points across dozens of towns and cities.</p>

Ohio: Lake Erie

Lake Erie should be a bucket-list must not just for Ohio-based fishing enthusiasts, but for any angler who can make the trip. Ice fishing is available in the winter, and when massive body of water takes liquid form, walleye, smallmouth bass, white bass, steelhead trout, and yellow perch are plentiful from countless access points across dozens of towns and cities.

<p>Although it was built by people in 1966, the <a href="">Lake of the Arbuckles</a> is now the sole domain of animals — fish, in particular. Located at the confluence of the Guy Sandy, Rock and Buckhorn creeks, the lake offers a bounty of crappie, catfish, bass, and perch. </p>

Oklahoma: Lake of the Arbuckles

Although it was built by people in 1966, the Lake of the Arbuckles is now the sole domain of animals — fish, in particular. Located at the confluence of the Guy Sandy, Rock and Buckhorn creeks, the lake offers a bounty of crappie, catfish, bass, and perch. 

The area where the mainstem Nehalem River meets the <a href="">North Fork</a> is the place that the bulk of the river's winter steelheads congregate. Boating can be tricky and access is limited, but for those who tame the river, catch rates are as high as they are in the state's much larger, much more crowded spots.

Oregon: North Fork Nehalem River

<p>You can fish from shore or by boat on <a href="">Lake Arthur</a>, provided your motor is 20 horsepower or less. Either way, a tug on your line could be coming from any one of at least a dozen primary species of fish swimming below, including striped bass, muskies, black crappie, channel catfish, and bluegills.</p>

Pennsylvania: Lake Arthur

You can fish from shore or by boat on Lake Arthur , provided your motor is 20 horsepower or less. Either way, a tug on your line could be coming from any one of at least a dozen primary species of fish swimming below, including striped bass, muskies, black crappie, channel catfish, and bluegills.

<p>A regional fly fishing destination, <a href="">Wood River</a> has enough icy cold pockets that trout can always find a place to call home, even in the most scorching summers. The upper reaches of the river and all its tributaries conceal wild brook trout, but be warned, part of the river is slated only for catch and release.</p>

Rhode Island: Wood River

A regional fly fishing destination, Wood River has enough icy cold pockets that trout can always find a place to call home, even in the most scorching summers. The upper reaches of the river and all its tributaries conceal wild brook trout, but be warned, part of the river is slated only for catch and release.

<p>The 50,000-acre, man-made fishing hole known as <a href="">Lake Murray</a> is known throughout the state for its striped bass. It has produced record-setting white bass, white perch, white crappie, and white catfish. Not only is it productive for anglers, but it's a beautiful gathering ground for birds. More than a million purple martins flock every year to their seasonal roost at Bomb Island in the middle of the lake. </p>

South Carolina: Lake Murray

The 50,000-acre, man-made fishing hole known as Lake Murray is known throughout the state for its striped bass. It has produced record-setting white bass, white perch, white crappie, and white catfish. Not only is it productive for anglers, but it's a beautiful gathering ground for birds. More than a million purple martins flock every year to their seasonal roost at Bomb Island in the middle of the lake. 

The Missouri River's first stop in South Dakota is <a href="">Lake Oahe</a>, which is the largest of the four Missouri River reservoirs — it spans 231 miles. Deep and clear, it's a haven for walleye anglers, although perch, northern pike, white and smallmouth bass are on the prowl, as well.

South Dakota: Lake Oahe

If you're in the Chattanooga area and love bass fishing, you're in luck — no travel is necessary. <a href="">Chickamauga Lake</a>, created in 1940 with the building of the Chickamauga Dam, is known as one of the best bass fishing lakes in the country. The 15-pound, 3-ounce largemouth hauled from the lake in 2015 still holds the state record.

Tennessee: Chickamauga Lake

<p>Anglers who cast a line at <a href="">Aquilla Lake</a> have an advantage. Submerged at strategic locations throughout the water are manmade fish attractors and fish-hiding structures. Teeming with fish just waiting to be caught, these hideouts include "crappie condos" made of bamboo. Anglers can use GPS to find the exact locations.</p>

Texas: Aquilla Lake

Anglers who cast a line at Aquilla Lake have an advantage. Submerged at strategic locations throughout the water are manmade fish attractors and fish-hiding structures. Teeming with fish just waiting to be caught, these hideouts include "crappie condos" made of bamboo. Anglers can use GPS to find the exact locations.

You'll hear the rushing <a href="">Logan River</a> before you see it, thanks to cascading pocket water, seam lines, eddy and western freestones. Numerous insect hatches and even-temperature waters keep fish populations plentiful for catches like brook trout, cutthroat, rainbow trout and brown trout. Anglers have a wide selection of fishing spots to pick from.

Utah: Logan River

<p>Fishermen and women of all skill levels can enjoy fishing at the 116-acre <a href="">Lake St. Catherine State Park</a>. While you're fishing for the northern pike, yellow perch and largemouth and smallmouth bass that roam the lake, keep an eye out for the white-tailed deer and moose that make regular appearances in the park.</p>

Vermont: Lake St. Catherine State Park

Fishermen and women of all skill levels can enjoy fishing at the 116-acre Lake St. Catherine State Park . While you're fishing for the northern pike, yellow perch and largemouth and smallmouth bass that roam the lake, keep an eye out for the white-tailed deer and moose that make regular appearances in the park.

<p>Also known as John H. Kerr Reservoir, <a href="">Buggs Island Lake</a> is a 50,000-acre freshwater paradise. Family friendly, pet friendly and friendly to anyone who loves great scenery, Buggs Island was recently crowned the country's No. 1 crappie fishing lake by a major fishing magazine.</p>

Virginia: Buggs Island Lake

Also known as John H. Kerr Reservoir, Buggs Island Lake is a 50,000-acre freshwater paradise. Family friendly, pet friendly and friendly to anyone who loves great scenery, Buggs Island was recently crowned the country's No. 1 crappie fishing lake by a major fishing magazine.

<p>Salmon flood into the <a href="">Strait of Juan de Fuca</a> every year from mid-summer to early fall. Made famous as a home to werewolves in the "Twilight" movies, the spot is bursting not just with crabs and salmon, but an abundance of nature that makes it worth a visit even if you don't have any luck with the rod. Roosevelt elk, sea lions, black bears, blacktail deer, eagles, whales, porpoises, seals, and river otters will all be your fishing companions.</p>

Washington: Strait of Juan De Fuca

Salmon flood into the Strait of Juan de Fuca every year from mid-summer to early fall. Made famous as a home to werewolves in the "Twilight" movies, the spot is bursting not just with crabs and salmon, but an abundance of nature that makes it worth a visit even if you don't have any luck with the rod. Roosevelt elk, sea lions, black bears, blacktail deer, eagles, whales, porpoises, seals, and river otters will all be your fishing companions.

<a href="">Little Kanawha River</a> is filled with nearly as much history as it is fish. Winding through six counties, the river represents the heart of some of the most rural areas of both the state and the country. A tributary of the Ohio River, Little Kanawha has history dating back to West Virginia's timber and mining industries. Locals and tourists alike know that the muskies there are as giant as they are plentiful.

West Virginia: Little Kanawha River

<p><a href="">Petenwell Lake</a> spans more than 23,000 acres and reaches 44 feet down at its deepest point. The lake's murky waters hide a bonanza of muskie, catfish, sturgeon, smallmouth and largemouth bass, walleye, and northern pike. You'll also have access to a beach and boat landings if you want to make a day of it.</p>

Wisconsin: Petenwell Lake

Petenwell Lake spans more than 23,000 acres and reaches 44 feet down at its deepest point. The lake's murky waters hide a bonanza of muskie, catfish, sturgeon, smallmouth and largemouth bass, walleye, and northern pike. You'll also have access to a beach and boat landings if you want to make a day of it.

<p>Wyoming is as close to a mecca as fly fishing enthusiasts have, and of the seemingly limitless options for spots that are both picturesque and productive, <a href="">North Platte</a> is regarded by many as the best of them all. From the North Platte River to the 6 Mile Gap is 150 miles of the finest trout fishing in America, thanks to consistent temperatures, a diverse ecosystem, plenty of bugs, and some of the most captivating scenery in the world. </p><div class="rich-text"><p>This article was originally published on <a href="">Cheapism</a></p></div>

Wyoming: North Platte River

Wyoming is as close to a mecca as fly fishing enthusiasts have, and of the seemingly limitless options for spots that are both picturesque and productive, North Platte is regarded by many as the best of them all. From the North Platte River to the 6 Mile Gap is 150 miles of the finest trout fishing in America, thanks to consistent temperatures, a diverse ecosystem, plenty of bugs, and some of the most captivating scenery in the world. 

This article was originally published on Cheapism

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Gear up for spring fishing and get your 2024 fishing license

April 01, 2024

Michigan's new fishing license and regulation season kicks off Monday, April 1, so anglers need to be sure they have purchased a new license for this fishing season in order to enjoy some great fishing opportunities. The 2024 fishing licenses are valid through March 31, 2025.

Fishing licenses can be purchased at or by downloading the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app and purchasing your license through the app.

Michigan DNR Hunt Fish, an official app of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, gives you a mobile path to buy and store hunting, fishing, ORV and snowmobile licenses and permits, report harvests, access guides and digests, and get the latest outdoor recreation updates.

Make future online fishing license purchases even quicker by selecting auto-renew at checkout to automatically receive licenses in the future.

2024 fishing seasons

  • The statewide trout opener and the Lower Peninsula inland walleye and northern pike seasons all open Saturday, April 27.
  • In Upper Peninsula waters, the walleye and northern pike seasons open Monday, May 15.
  • Michigan’s muskellunge possession season on all Great Lakes, inland waters, the St. Marys River, Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair and Detroit rivers opens Saturday, June 1. (Remember that catch-and-release fishing for muskellunge is open all year.)
  • The catch-and-immediate-release season for largemouth and smallmouth bass is open all year on nearly all waters (unless otherwise closed to fishing – check the current Michigan Fishing Regulations for specifics).
  • The possession season for bass opens statewide Saturday, May 25, except for Lake St. Clair and the St. Clair and Detroit rivers which open Saturday, June 15.

The 2024 Michigan Fishing Regulations and Inland Trout & Salmon Maps are available online along with a lot of other helpful fishing information. Visit the DNR website at for the most up-to-date information. For fishing license questions, contact DNR eLicense at [email protected] or call 517-284-6057. 

Help protect Michigan's waters

Remember to start and end each fishing adventure by doing your part to prevent the spread of invasive species . Start with a clean boat and clean gear. End by cleaning debris and plant material from boats and trailers and draining live wells and bilges. Decontaminate waders and gear by applying a chemical disinfectant such as Formula 409® Antibacterial All-Purpose Cleaner after each use, and prevent the spread of fish diseases by disposing of leftover bait in the trash.

Note to editors: Accompanying photos are available below for download. Caption information follows.

  • Fishing : Fishing licenses can be purchased at or by downloading the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app and purchasing your license through the app. The 2024 fishing licenses are valid through March 31, 2025.
  • DNR Hunt Fish app : Screenshots from the Michigan DNR Hunt Fish app, showing some of the things users can do with the app, such as buying licenses, looking up regulations, viewing maps and accessing drawing results.

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    The best Canadian Northern Pike fishing—these are the big beasts Northern Pike common catch and release: 20-30+ pounds. Imagine catching a 33-year-old Pike. Because Northern Manitoba is in the upper latitude of North America, fish grow slowly here. For example, a 49-½ inch, 32-lb. Northern Pike is estimated to be 33 years old.

  7. Ontario

    4 - 5 Days: $2,000 to $3,000 Per Person. Anderson's Lodge has a long history of providing outstanding fishing for happy anglers. The lodge sits along the shores of Abram Lake and offers access to Walleye, Muskie, Lake Trout, and Northern Pike. The lodge sits near Sioux Lookout and is just over a four hour drive from Thunder Bay.

  8. Northern Pike Fishing Trips and Fishing Guides

    Deshka Wilderness Lodge. Fly-In Fishing From $1,695 to $2,995. Alaska • The Deshka River starts at the foot of the Alaska Range and is a clear water river, not glacier fed. The Deshka is a premier Alaska freshwater river. It is well known for its great runs of King salmon (Chinook) and Silver salmon (Coho)as well as large numbers of Rainbow ...

  9. How to Catch Northern Pike & Northern Pike Fishing Guides

    Our Damn Good Guides currently offer 11 northern pike trips, and the most popular trips are Talkeetna Area Day Fishing Trip guided by Dave, Harsen's Island Charter Adventure guided by Tom, and Kayak Fishing guided by Dustin. Our guides are rated a 5 out of 5 based on 2477 verified reviews on Captain Experiences.

  10. 49 North Fishing Charter

    Book with 49 North Fishing and let Capt. Adam take you on the best walleye, perch, and northern pike fishing trips in Minnesota. The fishing on Lake of the Woods and Upper Red Lake is an experience you can't get anywhere else you go; I will try my hardest to give you the trip of a lifetime. I have been fishing summer walleyes with success for ...

  11. Best Northern Pike Fishing Trips & Tips 2024: Ontario, Canada

    Discover the ultimate Northern Pike fishing experience in 2024! Exclusive trophy pike tips and insights for both beginners and seasoned anglers. Join us for unforgettable northern pike fishing trips in pristine northern waters, where the thrill of the catch meets breathtaking natural beauty. Book your adventure today and reel in the excitement!

  12. Northern Minnesota Fishing Guides

    Grand Rapids, MN. [email protected]. Jeff 218-259-8893. Collin 720-879-8538. Tanner 262-339-2738. Northern Drift Outfitters is northern Minnesota's most specialized fishing guide service. View our available fishing trips, from walleye to smallmouth bass on the fly.

  13. Northern Pike Fishing

    Lake of the Woods, Ontario is conveniently situated 90 miles north of International Falls, MN and only a 3 hour drive from Winnipeg, MB. From most destinations, we are located less than a full day drive from the Midwest USA. Northern Pike Fishing is native to the region. Lake of the Woods is the natural environment of Northern Pike.

  14. Northern Pike Fishing Trips in Ontario, Canada

    World Class Northern Pike Fishing Trips. The tackle-busting northern pike sits atop the freshwater food chain and is right at home in Eagle Lake, Ontario. The lake provides the shallow spawning bays, baitfish-covered reefs and humps, and the deep, cool waters that grow the biggest pike. Thanks to a quarter-century of a protective slot limit ...

  15. Gear We Recommend For Your Northern Pike Fishing Trip

    Here is the basic gear list for northern pike. For those new to this fishing, the Andy Myers Lodge website has an overall primer under fishing, entitled Planning Your Trip: A Year on Eagle Lake, and separate pages for each of the target gamefish species in the lake. Northern pike spawn in shallow water as soon as the ice melts in the spring.

  16. The Ultimate Guide to Fly-Fishing for Northern Pike

    1. The Right Fly-Fishing Rod. You need a fly-fishing rod to handle the challenge when targeting pike, especially the big ones. A stout, fast-action fly rod is ideal. Depending on the size of the pike and the type of water you're fishing, a 7-weight to 9-weight rod is typically recommended.

  17. Misaw Lake Lodge

    With 16 different lakes and rivers teeming with trophy northern pike, lake trout, and Arctic grayling, you're guaranteed a world-class fishing experience. Canadian Hospitality. One of the hallmarks of a trip to Misaw Lake Lodge is the intimate and authentic interactions with our amazing staff who will make you feel right at home! Outstanding ...

  18. 11 Best Northern Pike Fishing Spots in New York

    Great Sacandaga Lake's greatest claim to fame is New York's state record pike, a 46-pound, 2-ounce behemoth that was caught on a Heddon Flaptail plug in 1940. That fish also reigned as the world record northern pike for around 40 years. Weedy bays are some of the best spots. Try Woods Hollow Bay, Silver Bay, the North Broadalbin area, and ...

  19. Northern Pike Fishing Trips

    Northern pike has a long, almost eel-like body, with protective coloring - usually dark green, with vertical stripes that blend its silhouette when it waits for its prey among the roots of cattails or reeds. Its big mouth and strong jaws enable the pike to catch prey that is up to half its own size. The pike is an ambush predator: it waits for ...

  20. The Best Place to Fish in Every State

    The largest lake in the state, Lake Guntersville spans 75 miles and 69,100 acres. Thanks to its national reputation as a home to giant fish, two out of three people fishing the lake pursue ...

  21. Gear up for spring fishing and get your 2024 fishing license

    The 2024 Michigan Fishing Regulations and Inland Trout & Salmon Maps are available online along with a lot of other helpful fishing information. Visit the DNR website at for the most up-to-date information. For fishing license questions, contact DNR eLicense at [email protected] or call 517-284-6057.

  22. Church of the Intercession on the Nerl Review

    View All Trip Ideas The Best Road Trips in America. Log in with user name: Remember Me

  23. Golden Gates Review

    Everything you need to know about Side Trips from Moscow from our travel experts.

  24. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Find all the transport options for your trip from Elektrostal to Moscow right here. Rome2Rio displays up to date schedules, route maps, journey times and estimated fares from relevant transport operators, ensuring you can make an informed decision about which option will suit you best. Rome2Rio also offers online bookings for selected operators ...

  25. Na Ulitse Yalagina 13B Apartments

    LocationIf you want to feel like you're at home no matter where you are, choose this — apartment «Na Ulitse Yalagina 13A Apartments» is located in Elektrostal. This apartment is located in 3 km from the city center. You can take a walk and explore the neighbourhood area of the apartment — ZIL Culture Center, Saint Basil's Cathedral and ...