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How to open links in Apple Maps instead of Google Maps

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Apple Park, as shown in Apple Maps.

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If you own an iPhone , you've almost certainly considered whether you should use Apple Maps or Google Maps on your travels.

There are pros and cons to each. Google Maps benefits from the huge amount of data harvested by Google, whereas Apple is more focused on data privacy.

While Google Maps integrates well with the rest of the world, Apple Maps integrates with your address book.

In the end, though, some of us just think Apple Maps looks prettier.

Why you might want to open links in Apple Maps

There are two factors which put Apple Maps aficionados at a disadvantage. For one, Google search results automatically open in Google Maps. So, if you're one of the 84% of us who use Google's search engine, directions to your nearest dental surgery will pop up in Google's app instead of Apple's.

Secondly, with Google's dominant market reach, and Google Map's availability on nearly any device, most websites will use its API. So, if you're on that dental surgery's website and tap a link to get directions, it'll probably open in Google Maps as well.

Have you ever wondered whether there's a way to redirect said links to open in Apple Maps? Well, as you might have guessed from this article's title, there is. And here's how.

How to modify links

Naturally, the easiest way to get to the same location in Apple Maps is to simply copy and paste the address from Google Maps. However, this can fail when:

  • A location is in a brand new development, industrial park, or subdivision.
  • A street passes through several communities and/or county boundaries, and changes names in each one. For example, "Glen Park" in one community might be called 45th Street in the next.
  • A community renames streets, like "2nd St S W" becomes "Veterans Way."
  • There are different naming conventions for the same address, which use abbreviations. e.g. , "County Road 300 South" could be "CR 300 S" or "Co Rd 300 So."

Usually, re-entering the address in another format results in success, but sometimes you need more precision. In this case, you can modify a Google Maps link to use the coordinates of latitude and longitude in Apple Maps.

Extracting coordinates from Google's URL is a laborious process

To convert a location's Google Maps URL, you'll need to convert it into a format that Apple Maps understands.

  • Open the location in Google Maps.
  • Tap the Share icon, then choosing Copy .
  • Paste the URL into a browser, e.g. , Safari.
  • Remove any details before the https:// , then visit the URL to expand it.
  • You'll need the coordinates of latitude and longitude (that's the two numbers which each have seven decimal places, and are separated by a comma).
  • Create the equivalent Apple Maps URL using the following schema: ,
  • Open Apple Maps and paste this URL into the search bar. Hey presto, the location should pop up.

That's awfully fiddly to do manually every time, though, especially when scrolling through a long URL on an iPhone to find the coordinates. However, automation is a possibility.

A note about Shortcuts

It was previously possible to automate the process of opening Google Maps links in Apple Maps using Apple Shortcuts, and there have been many Shortcuts shared online purporting to do this.

However, it seems that Google has changed the way its URLs are handled, such that Google Maps links now present a consent form before you can proceed to the location.

The consent form when manipulating Google Maps URLs.

This means that Shortcuts can no longer extract the coordinates of latitude and longitude from these URLs. However, Safari extensions still can.

Using a Safari extension

There is a free extension called " Rerouter - Open links in Maps ", but this only works if you remove the Google Maps app from your device, and even then we found it to be unreliable. However, a paid extension called " Mapper " does work consistently.

The Mapper extension's page in the App Store

Mapper is available on the App Store for $1.99, and runs on macOS, iPadOS , and iOS . When you tap on the thumbnail, address, or directions buttons in a Google search result, Mapper will automatically take you to that location in Apple Maps.

Mapper does have limitations though. It doesn't currently convert Google Maps locations embedded on websites, so you'll have to find your dental surgery via Google search results. The addition of this feature would make it the ideal solution.

Also, on the macOS version, the link will load in Google Maps in the background as well as in Apple Maps, but this is merely a quibble.

It's sometimes difficult to use a different preference in a world with an incumbent standard. However, if you aren't bothered about opening location links in websites other than Google search, then Mapper seems to be the most convenient way to keep your sense of direction rooted in Apple Maps.

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How to Use Apple Maps Online in a Web Browser

Want to use Apple Maps online on a desktop PC? Here's how to access Apple Maps in a web browser on any device.

Apple Maps has come a long way since it launched in 2012, but its biggest problem is that the app is still only available on Apple devices. What if you use both an iPhone and Windows? Can you use Apple Maps on a PC? Actually, you can.

As it turns out, the popular privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo offers Apple Maps as its default mapping software. And despite a few limitations, it's pretty good.

Read on to find out how to use Apple Maps online, no matter what platform you use.

Use Apple Maps Online With DuckDuckGo

If you use the  DuckDuckGo search engine , you can use Apple Maps in Chrome, Edge, or any other browser you choose. It works in Windows and Chrome OS, and with the DuckDuckGo app, you can even access Apple Maps on Android.

Apple Maps in a browser works in the same way as Google Maps does. Whenever you search for anything, you'll see a Maps tab above the results. A quick click on that shows any relevant places plotted on the map.

When you search for a specific place, be it a city or an exact address, you're given the chance to refine your search to show particular points of interest. The standard ones offered are:

  • Restaurants

You can find whatever else you need as well, such as train stations and ATMs. To keep the results relevant, add the phrase "near me" to your search. So "ATM near me" will restrict the search to results in your immediate vicinity.

All the results are shown in the sidebar. Click through to see the location's address, phone number, pricing info, and reviews.

You can browse the map by clicking and dragging, or by zooming in and out. When you do this, click the Search this area button to quickly refine your search.

More Apple Maps Tips

A few other tricks can help you better navigate Apple Maps on the web. Type "my location" to see where you are on the map. Click the Satellite button to switch the map view, or the compass icon to rotate it.

To use Apple Maps in dark mode, hit the Back button to return to the main DuckDuckGo search page. Then, go to Settings and select Dark Mode under Appearance . This new theme will still be in place when you switch back to the Maps tab.

DuckDuckGo has more to offer than maps. Read our guide to the DuckDuckGo bangs feature that lets you search hundreds of websites in one step.

Limitations When Using Apple Maps on a PC

Is Apple Maps on a desktop the perfect alternative to Google Maps? No. While it does a great job for basic mapping, it has some limitations that you need to know about. If you're used to using some of the best Google Maps features , you might struggle to make the switch.

First, there's only limited support for route planning. There's a Directions button within the interface that allows you to plot a route between two places. It shows you a choice of three routes, and they're easy to print.

But you can't use it for navigation. Instead, there's a Navigate in maps app option on mobile that throws you out into whatever app you've got installed—Google Maps on Android, for example.

On top of that, the app lacks the general layer of interactivity you get on other map services. For instance, you can't click any random point of interest to see details about it, or even just drop a pin to mark a particular spot.

And you can't use the Look Around feature, which is Apple Maps' equivalent to Street View.

You also won't find any of the useful extras like public transportation or traffic information. For this, you'll need the dedicated Apple Maps app on iOS or macOS.

Is Apple Maps Better Than Google Maps?

DuckDuckGo gives you an easy way to use Apple Maps online. And unlike other solutions that have offered the same functionality in the past, this one's official. It's not going to simply disappear without warning.

With the platform limitations removed, now there's nothing to stop you from using Apple Maps.

How-To Geek

How to use apple maps on windows and android devices.

You have to know where to look.

Quick Links

Duckduckgo uses apple maps, this stops short of the full apple maps experience, why duckduckgo chose apple maps, give duckduckgo a try today, key takeaways.

  • DuckDuckGo uses Apple Maps, allowing users to browse and get directions on Apple Maps from any platform with a browser, including Windows and Android.
  • While DuckDuckGo's mapping solution lacks some features like real-time traffic and directions for cycling or public transport, it offers business listings with Tripadvisor ratings and contact information.

Apple Maps is only officially available on Apple devices like iPhones and Macs. But, thanks to DuckDuckGo , you can browse or get directions in Apple Maps from any platform with a browser, including Windows and Android.

In 2018, Apple announced the MapKit JS, an API that allows app developers to embed Apple Maps into websites. DuckDuckGo took this framework and used it to build its own mapping tool.

To access it, simply search for a place in DuckDuckGo, then click on the Maps filter at the top of the page, as you would with any other major search engine. You can also try searching for a place name and including "map" in your query.

You can get directions this way by searching for a place, then clicking on the "Directions" button, and choosing between walking and driving. You can also view local businesses on a map, but for this to work, you'll need to share your precise location using the map pin icon in the top-right corner of the map.

Unfortunately, Apple Maps isn't quite as feature-rich as Google Maps . This means it lacks information like real-time traffic and directions for cycling or public transport. On the plus side, business listings include Tripadvisor ratings, contact information, and opening hours.

Unfortunately, DuckDuckGo's mapping solution doesn't quite compare to using a dedicated Apple Maps app on a compatible device . There are no Apple-centric features, like saving favorite places to your iCloud account or syncing directions to a mobile device.

While you can switch between regular map view and satellite imagery, Apple Maps' impressive-looking 3D photogrammetry isn't present. Also absent is the "Look Around" street-view feature that is available in some areas when you're using a dedicated app version of Apple Maps.

If you're a DuckDuckGo user and you're willing to trade DuckDuckGo's privacy for Google or Bing's superior mapping experience, you can use dedicated bangs to search Google Maps (!maps) or Bing Maps (!bingmaps) directly. You can also query OpenStreetMap using the !openstreetmap bang.

DuckDuckGo previously used a combination of OpenStreetMap, Bing Maps, and HERE Maps, but had no dedicated solution of their own. The search engine emphasizes privacy above all else, so using a service like Google Maps (which collects data about whoever is using it) was not an option.

The lack of data collection is what made Apple Maps such an enticing prospect and allowed DuckDuckGo to announce the partnership in early 2019. The search engine reassured its users that:

"Our strict privacy policy of not collecting or sharing any personal information extends to this integration. We do not send any personally identifiable information such as IP address to Apple or other third parties."

The search engine also told its users that location information is discarded immediately after use.

DuckDuckGo is a real alternative to Google that respects your privacy. The search engine does not track or collect data on its users, instead generating revenue from affiliate links and result-based advertising.

Learn more about how DuckDuckGo can protect your privacy .

iOS 18 apps: 7 biggest rumored upgrades

Expect these apps to see some changes when iOS 18 debuts

Unofficial iOS 18 logo on an iPhone

  • Pages & Keynote

It's safe to say it's been a long time since an iOS software update generated as much anticipation as this year's upcoming iOS 18 release has. We're a little less than two months away from a preview of the software — and many more months away from its full release — but iOS 18 is already being touted as one of the most significant updates in Apple's history.

That's mainly because Apple is likely to rely heavily on artificial intelligence for many of iOS 18's upgrades as the company looks to play catch-up with other tech giants already incorporating AI more aggressively into their products. Rumored changes to iOS 18 include large language modules (LLM), generative AI features and a revamped Siri that can respond to more complex requests.

While AI figures to grab the spotlight in any iOS 18 discussion, it's not the only change to keep an eye on — and we're not talking about the rumored redesign of Apple's iPhone software that's also apparently in the works. iOS updates bring new features to existing apps, and though Apple may be concentrating on system-wide improvements this time around, iOS 18 still figures to offer its share of app-specific updates.

We're already hearing about enhancements and new capabilities coming to your favorite built-in iPhone apps as part of iOS 18. And while some of those features figure to be part of Apple's AI push, others are the kind of improvements you'd see in any ordinary iOS update.

Expect more details to emerge as we approach WWDC 2024 and the anticipated preview for iOS 18. But here are the rumored app updates that have caught our eye so far.

iOS 18 Notes

iOS Notes app icon

Of all the apps set for an update in iOS 18, we probably have the most detailed information about Notes , thanks to a report from Apple Insider . Apple's note-taking app should add at least two significant capabilities — the ability to include voice recordings in a note and calculator integration.

In iOS 17's Notes, you can add pictures and video, make sketches and even scan documents, but you can't embed an audio recording. That's expected to change with iOS 18, where a recorder would be embedded into the Notes app. Possible use cases include recording lectures or meetings supplemented by typed-in notes or pictures of a whiteboard that amplify what's being said in the recording.

Fewer details are available about the rumored calculator integration coming to Notes, but basically, it sounds as if the feature will allow the app to display mathematical notations. While that may not interest you, it certainly is to scientists, engineers and academics. And as Apple Insider pointed out, it would also mirror similar capabilities already included in Microsoft's OneNote.

iOS 18 Maps

change the starting point in directions in iOS Maps

After iOS 17 added the ability to download offline maps , iOS 18 appears to be on tap to add another capability found in other mapping applications to Apple Maps — the ability to create a custom route . Nicolás Alvarez spotted the code for the feature, and MacRumors says it's confirmed that custom routes are coming.

With custom routes, you're not limited to taking the suggested routes that Maps generates when you enter your starting point and destination. For example, when I take a road trip, I'm not always a fan of the auto-generated route Maps comes up with to get me from my home to the freeway — presumably, with custom routes, I'll be able to tweak the directions to take my preferred route. It also sounds like a feature that will come in handy if you'd like to swing by a point of interest that's not necessarily on the route Maps has suggested.

The changes to Maps in iOS 18 may not end there. There's also rumors of topographical maps coming to the app. Those are already available to Apple Watch users, and this addition would merely extend the feature to the iOS, macOS and visionOS versions of the Maps app.

iOS 18 Messages

Apple RCS messaging support.

We know that Apple is adding support for the Rich Communication Service (RCS) standard to the iPhone this year—the company has already said as much. We're guessing that RCS support will arrive as part of the iOS 18 update.

This won't mean an end to the green bubble-blue bubble split, as Apple isn't planning on updating its own iMessage platform. Rather, RCS support will merely be added to messaging services on the iPhone, with that support bringing a number of improvements to interplatform texting, particularly in group chats. The addition of RCS means features like emoji reactions, real-time read receipts and typing indicators will now be available when you message your Android pals.

iOS 18 Music

Apple Music app on iPhone

Now, we're moving into areas where fewer details are available about Apple's plans — just rumors indicating that some sort of improvement will be coming to these apps in iOS 18. In the case of Apple Music, the rumored new feature involves Apple's AI efforts.

Specifically, Bloomberg has reported that AI-generated playlists are coming to Apple Music. Because that's the extent of the reporting, we don't know specifics. Still, we'd assume that you'll be able to provide specific prompts for the kinds of songs you want to hear — either music from a particular genre or songs that match your current mood — and Apple Music will assemble a playlist. We'd also assume that feature will be tied to Apple Music's subscription service, though that's just a guess on our part.

iOS 18 Pages and Keynote

These are two separate apps, but we're lumping them together here because 1) they're both on tap to get similar AI-powered improvements, and 2) there's not much in the way of details about the extent of those changes.

Nevertheless, the Pages word processing tool and the Keynote presentations app are both tipped to adapt generative AI for iOS 18. According to reports, that will mean an AI-powered writing assistant and help with deck creation for presentations. It sounds a lot like what Samsung added to its smartphones with its Galaxy AI features, which include tools to rewrite texts based on different tones and auto-formatting for notes powered by AI.

iOS 18 Freeform

freeform app running on an iPad

Freeform debuted as part of the iOS 16.2 update, giving you a tool for cross-platform collaboration on your Apple devices. The app looks to be getting a new navigational feature in iOS 18, at least if initial reports prove accurate.

Specifically, MacRumors claims that Freeform will add a new feature called Scenes that will let users designate specific sections of their whiteboard as a scene. Doing so will allow them to more easily jump back to that scene should they find themselves working elsewhere in the app.

iOS 18 Safari

Annual iOS updates usually introduce new capabilities to the Safari web browser, and it sounds like this will once again be the case for iOS 18, even if details are pretty sparse about the new additions. 

We once again turn to code found by Nicolás Álvarez that indicates Safari is getting an AI-powered browsing assistant and encrypted visual search as part of the iOS 18 update. We assume the former feature will be able to summarize the contents of websites, which is not unlike a similar capability offered by Galaxy AI. The latter addition sounds like enhanced privacy to searches.

iOS 18 app outlook

That's just a handful of the rumored changes to apps that have emerged thus far. While AI-flavored enhancements will garner most of the attention with iOS 18, we're certain that more apps will see updates of their own and that some of the apps listed here are in line for additional improvements. We'll find out for certain on June 10 when WWDC 2024 gets underway with Apple's opening keynote about the software updates it plans to introduce later this year.

More from Tom's Guide

  • iOS 18 — this is the biggest AI move Apple needs to make
  • Here are the customization features I want to see in iOS 18
  • iOS 18 device support details leak — will your iPhone be able to upgrade?


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Philip Michaels

Philip Michaels is a Managing Editor at Tom's Guide. He's been covering personal technology since 1999 and was in the building when Steve Jobs showed off the iPhone for the first time. He's been evaluating smartphones since that first iPhone debuted in 2007, and he's been following phone carriers and smartphone plans since 2015. He has strong opinions about Apple, the Oakland Athletics, old movies and proper butchery techniques. Follow him at @PhilipMichaels.

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safari apple maps

safari apple maps

Google vs. Apple Maps: Comparisons and tricks you need to try

A s a kid, on vacations I remember looking into the front seat to see my mom with a large map and print-out directions. I loved being able to pretend to use the map myself, looking at the small freeways or streets and imagining driving there.

Once I got older and learned how to drive, there wasn’t a need for a physical hand-held map. It was hard not to pick a phone app over a physical map for directions when everything was given step by step in the moment of driving.

While there are a multitude of map apps, two of the most popular are Google and Apple. These apps regularly update to help users get to where they need to go. If choosing to follow the updates and features, you might find there are fun tricks to up the usability and decrease travel confusion.

The Points Guy , a website created by travelers for travelers, compiled a list of recent Apple Maps updates.

Major city navigation

Apple’s map enhancements make navigating major cities like Paris, Houston, Dallas and New York City easier. With features such as detailed 3D landmarks, road markings and public transit routes, getting around is easier whether you’re walking or driving.

Currently available in 24 cities, this enhanced experience offers a “windshield view” when driving, making exits and on-ramps easier to navigate.

Additionally, Apple provides over 2,000 curated city guides from publishers like AllTrails and Lonely Planet, allowing you to explore local favorites. You can even create your own guides to share with visiting family and friends, highlighting the best of your hometown.

Offline maps

Apple Maps’ new offline maps feature is a game-changer for travelers, especially those venturing into areas with poor internet connectivity. Whether you’re camping in remote wilderness or avoiding data charges abroad, this feature ensures access to driving, walking, transit and cycling directions even with spotty internet.

To use offline maps, download the map of your destination while connected to Wi-Fi or cellular data. Simply search in Apple Maps and select the option to download the offline map. You can customize the map’s size and storage space.

Apple Maps may prompt you to download an offline map based on upcoming trips or service availability predictions.

Offline maps include turn-by-turn navigation, detailed trail maps for parks, Apple Watch sync for walking directions, arrival estimates, public transit schedules and nearby points of interest. While offline, information remains accurate at the time of download. To update, connect to Wi-Fi or cellular data.

Try it out by downloading a map for your local area or next travel destination.

Real-time electric vehicle charging availability

With the increasing availability of electric vehicles in dealerships and rental services, having precise information about EV charging stations is crucial.

Apple Maps now offers real-time updates on EV charging station availability, allowing users to filter by charging network, plug type, operating hours and other criteria. Users can also set their preferred charging network for convenience.

This feature proves invaluable, particularly for electric vehicle drivers navigating unfamiliar areas, providing reassurance and preventing last-minute charging crises.

Trail information

In iOS 17, trail information is now more comprehensive than ever before. Through Apple Maps, users can explore thousands of trails located in local, state and national parks across the United States. When you come across a hiking trail or campground of interest, you’ll find details such as trail length, photos, parking availability and the park’s information center contact number.

For Apple Watch users, watchOS 10 updates introduce user-friendly topographic maps featuring contour lines, hill shading, elevation markers and points of interest. These enhancements facilitate outdoor adventures and seamlessly integrate with offline maps on your iPhone when downloaded in advance and kept accessible during your visit.

Google Maps

On the other hand, The Washington Post shares three tips to get the most from Google Maps.

Download maps for areas with unreliable phone service

Similar to Apple Maps, if you’re traveling outside the United States and concerned about phone data charges, or if you frequently visit areas with unreliable mobile phone service, consider downloading a map.

A downloaded map functions perfectly even without cell reception.

To download a portion of a map in Google Maps:

  • Choose the area you wish to save.
  • Click on your profile picture or initials located in the upper-right corner of the screen.
  • Select “Offline maps” and then “Select your own map.” Adjust the zoom until you’ve highlighted the desired area for saving.
  • Tap on “Download.” Your selected map section is now accessible even without an internet connection.

Keep track of your favorite spots using ‘lists’

Bookmark spots you like to go to or need for an emergency, like a shop, restaurant, parking or hospitals.

To bookmark a restaurant on Google Maps:

  • Search for the restaurant by name. Once its details appear, check the options located to the right of “Directions.”
  • Select the “Save” option and click on “New list” at the top of the subsequent screen. Name it something like “Best Burgers.”
  • Tap “Create” in the upper-right corner.
  • You have the option to keep your list private or select “Shared” and invite friends and family to contribute their favorite burger spots.
  • To access your lists and individual places within a list, navigate to the main screen of Google Maps and tap “Saved” on the bottom row of the app.

After saving places in a list, you can tap on them to “Add a note about this place.”

In addition to lists, Google Maps offers options to save places under similar categories like “Want to go” or “Starred places.” This variety might seem overwhelming, so you can choose to use just one or utilize all three features differently.

Google has stated that it is continuously enhancing the Google Maps experience to facilitate the discovery of helpful information.

Use visual pointers for walking directions

Imagine you’re just a half-mile away from a restaurant listed in your “Best Burgers” compilation, but you’re uncertain about the walking route.

You have the option to click “Directions” in Google Maps for step-by-step instructions — or you can enhance those instructions significantly.

Simply tap “live” at the bottom right of the Google Maps screen and point your phone towards your surroundings. Note: Your phone might prompt you for permission to activate the camera.

Google overlays virtual arrows onto your screen, guiding you to your next left turn. It’s reminiscent of the Pokémon Go game, but tailored for pedestrian directions.

Exercise caution when using this feature. It’s important not to endanger yourself or others by constantly holding your phone in front of your face.

Apple Maps vs. Google Maps, which is better?

While the app you use might depend on your phone brand, the debate about which app is better is ongoing. According to Tom’s Guide , the answer might be Google Maps. However, apps are updating constantly so performance levels may vary.

Winners in selected categories:

  • Availability on devices: Google Maps, available on almost every device and brand.
  • Interface: Apple Maps, everything is in one place.
  • Map design: Apple Maps, less distraction.
  • Navigation: Google Maps, for accuracy and prioritizing safety and fuel consumption.
  • Traffic data: Google Maps, adjusting travel time and “Commute” feature.
  • Public transportation: Google Maps, notes where crowds are.
  • Discovery: Google Maps as Google itself has more information available.
  • Hands-free control: Tie, both work great.
  • Street view: Google Maps, more locations documented for now.
  • Privacy: Apple Maps, for ensuring anonymity.

Google Maps wins seven to four.

On a personal note, my brother, a firefighter and EMT in both Virginia and Utah, says his teams use Google Maps for speed.

Are there other map apps?

There are many map apps available that can be downloaded on phones, no matter the brand.

According to data research published in Statista, Google Maps is the most downloaded map and navigation app in the U.S. with over 21 million downloads, not including the number of apps pre-installed on Android smartphones.

Waze , a community-based traffic and navigation app, was found to be downloaded 9.89 million times, coming in second, the research found. Waze is owned by Google.

Citymapper , a public transit app, was the third most downloaded app with almost 900,000 downloads, per the data research .

No matter which app you choose to use, remember to stay updated on features to get the most out of your traveling experience.

This March 19, 2018 photo shows the Apple Maps app on an iPad in Baltimore.

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Better ways ahead.

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Navigation. Clean and simple.

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A world of ways to explore the world.

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Guides to all the right places.

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Works seamlessly across your Apple devices.

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Shows you around without following you around.

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Your ultimate road trip.

Maps gives you at-a-glance information to make every drive a good one. Route planning provides ETAs for future departures based on expected traffic. As you drive, you see real-time traffic, current speed limits and nearby speed cameras. Turning lanes, cycle, bus and taxi lanes, central reservations and pedestrian crossings are displayed in incredible detail. When you approach a complex intersection, Maps switches to a 3D road-level perspective to simplify what’s ahead. Lane guidance prepares you for turns and exits, so you can avoid wrong turns and missed exits. If you drive an electric vehicle, Maps can assess your charge level, elevation and compatible charging stops along your route. 1

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Public Transport.

Hit all the right stops., public transport.

Getting around town is a breeze with Maps. See real-time information about public transport arrival and departure times, service suspensions, current locations of buses and trains, and connections. 2 You can even be alerted when you’re approaching your stop. Nearby departures are just a tap away, and you can pin your favourite lines so the closest ones always show up at the top.

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A heightened way to hoof it.

safari apple maps

Use augmented reality and Indoor Maps to stay on point when you’re on foot. Just raise your iPhone to scan the buildings in the area, and Maps will show step-by-step guidance in augmented reality. 3 You can also use Indoor Maps to easily find your way around major airports and shopping centres all over the world. See which restaurants are past security at the airport, where the nearest toilets are, or what floor your favourite chain store is on at the retail park.

safari apple maps

Be ready for any path, lane, hill or obstacle.

Keep rolling with cycling directions that include an elevation profile of your route. 4 Maps will let you know if there’s a steep incline along your way, if you need to carry your bike up stairs, or if there’s a safer, easier route that avoids busy roads. And with voice guidance and Haptic Feedback on Apple Watch, you can stay even more focused on the path ahead.

safari apple maps


safari apple maps

Detailed city experiences.

A better way to get your bearings., detailed city experiences.

Explore San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and London — with more cities coming soon — in unprecedent­ed detail for elevation, neighbourhoods, buildings, trees, and road features like crossings and turning lanes. Visit amazing 3D landmarks like the Golden Gate Bridge in both the day and dark mode maps.

safari apple maps

Look Around.

Go there before you get there..

safari apple maps

Look Around

Explore selected cities with an interactive 3D street-level experience and a smooth, seamless 360‑degree view. Use Look Around to scope out the parking situation by that hot new brunch place, locate landmarks near a meeting place, or get a feel for the neighbourhoods in a new city. Precise views let you know what to expect when you get there — so you can make the most of every outing.

safari apple maps

Interactive globe.

Mountains and deserts and rainforests. oh my., interactive globe.

Discover Earth’s natural beauty with a rich and interactive 3D globe. Explore amazing textures and contours, with vibrant details of mountain ranges, deserts, forests, oceans and more. 3 The most remote and precious locales on the planet are now readily accessible.

safari apple maps

Place cards.

More ways to learn and interact..

safari apple maps

Place Cards

Choose a destination, and its interactive place card shows you everything you need at a glance. See basics like address, opening hours, website and phone number, along with details like price range, photo galleries, associated Guides, accepted payment types — even whether you can take your dog. Launch Flyover or Look Around to get a sense of the location and surroundings. You can even quickly and securely rent a bike, pay for parking, order food and more with just a tap.

safari apple maps

Find the right spot. Right now.

It’s quick and easy to find just what you’re looking for in Maps. Use ultra-targeted filters to search for restaurants by cuisine, price range and whether they offer takeaway. Or choose to see only places that are open right now. Want to broaden your search? Just move the map, and your search results update automatically. Want something closer to home? Tap Nearby to find local places in categories like Restaurants, Petrol Stations, Coffee, Hotels, Bars, Fast Food, Supermarkets and Shopping Centres. Locations are displayed on the map with colourful badges, making it even easier to pinpoint your picks.

safari apple maps

Get a bird’s-eye view.

safari apple maps

Get a whole new perspective on selected major cities with photorealistic, immersive 3D views. Move your iPhone or iPad through space to experience a city from above, or take a closer look at cities and their landmarks in high resolution as you zoom, pan, tilt and rotate. 5 It’s exploration elevated.

Oh, the places you’ll know.

safari apple maps

Guides help you find amazing things to see and do in cities around the world. 6 Just tap the Explore Guides button to access nearly 1,000 expertly curated Guides, and find and save the ones that catch your eye. Curated Guides automatically update when new places are added, so you always have the latest recommendations at your fingertips. You can also create your own Guides and share them with friends and family.

safari apple maps

Get to the good stuff.

safari apple maps

Interested in boho-chic gastropubs in Rio? Family-friendly rock pools near Cape Town? A film star’s best-kept secrets for Palm Springs? We’ve got you covered. Guides tap into the local culture for the ultimate insider experience wherever you eat, shop, meet friends or explore in cities around the world.

safari apple maps

Editorial experts.

Follow the leaders., editorial experts.

We’ve partnered with some of the most trusted and experienced names in travel and publishing to create distinctive collections of must‑see city attractions. Current Guides are constantly being updated, and new ones are always on the way — so you’re sure to find the latest and greatest, wherever you go.

safari apple maps


Seamless experience., go from device to device with the greatest of ease..

safari apple maps

Seamless Experience

Enjoy a smooth, uninterrupted experience across all the Apple devices you use to get around. Haptic Feedback on Apple Watch nudges you in the right direction so you don’t have to get out your iPhone when you’re on foot or on your bike. Calendar alerts on your Mac let you know when it’s time to stop working and go. Just say the word, and HomePod finds directions and sends them to your iPhone on your way out the door. And Maps also syncs automatically with Siri, Spotlight, Messages and Weather to give you relevant information at all the right moments.

safari apple maps

Eyes on the road, not your device.

CarPlay brings the power and simplicity of Maps behind the wheel. It can make intelligent suggestions based on data you already store on your device, like addresses from your email, text messages, contacts and calendars. And with a detailed map, turn‑by‑turn spoken directions and immersive 3D experiences, it’s easier than ever to get where you need to go.

Issues and incidents.

Have a tip just tap..

safari apple maps

Issues and Incidents

Incorrect lunch hours listed at your favourite café? Old mattress in the middle of the road? Whatever issue you encounter, it’s fast and easy to report it in Maps. Edit and submit updated information about a business directly in the place card interface. And report an accident or hazard safely and easily with Siri. Just say “There’s an accident up ahead” or “There’s something on the road” and Siri will file the incident for you. If an incident displayed on the map has been cleared, you can report that too — all while keeping your hands free and your focus on the road.

safari apple maps

Quickly get to your go‑tos.

Open Maps and tap your user account photo at the bottom of the screen to see your most used settings — like preferred mode of transport, reported issues and favourites — all in one place. And when you open Maps on your devices or on your dashboard with CarPlay, it displays the places you visit most — so you’re always just a tap away from home, work, the gym, your kid’s school, the nearest petrol station or your favourite restaurant.

safari apple maps

Data protection.

Keep your location history, history..

safari apple maps

Data Protection

Maps delivers a great experience without Apple knowing which shops, neighbourhoods or clinics you visit. Because Maps doesn’t include a sign-in, where you go isn’t associated with your Apple ID at all. And personalised features, like locating your parked car, are created directly on your device. Data used to improve navigation, such as routes and search terms, is not associated with your identity. Instead, that information is based on random identifiers that are constantly changing.

safari apple maps

In case you missed anything.

Where is maps available.

Maps is available in over two hundred regions around the world. For information on which features are available where you are, visit the Feature Availability page.

How does Maps keep my information private?

Maps doesn’t associate your data with your Apple ID, and Apple doesn’t keep a history of where you’ve been. Personalised features, like locating your parked car, are initiated directly on your device. Data used to improve navigation, such as routes and search terms, is not associated with your identity. Instead, that information is based on random identifiers that are constantly changing.

What are curated Guides?

Curated Guides are lists of places created by trusted partners to help you find great places to eat, shop, meet friends or just explore. Maps offers more than 1,000 curated Guides in cities around the world. In iOS 15, tap Explore Guides in Maps to see Guides recommended by Maps editors.

How can I integrate Maps into my app or website?

Apple offers two ways for developers to integrate Maps into their products.

MapKit allows you to integrate Maps into your iOS, iPadOS or macOS apps. You can display map or satellite imagery, add annotations and overlays, call out points of interest, determine information for map coordinates and more.

Learn more about MapKit

MapKit JS brings interactive maps to your website — complete with annotations, overlays and interfaces for Maps services like search and directions.

Learn more about MapKit JS

How can I get the latest Maps features?

Update to iOS 15, iPadOS 15 and macOS Monterey to get the latest Maps features, including the interactive globe, 3D experiences for cities like San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and London, nearby public transport and more.

Get iPadOS 15

Get macOS Monterey

safari apple maps

Get moving.

Moscow Metro & Subway 4+

Metro map and route planner, laszlo faczan, designed for ipad.

  • 4.0 • 4 Ratings
  • Offers In-App Purchases

Ratings and Reviews

App privacy.

The developer, LASZLO FACZAN , has not provided details about its privacy practices and handling of data to Apple.

No Details Provided

The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update.


English, Arabic, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish

  • Fast Food POI Pack £0.99
  • App Support

More By This Developer

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Vienna Metro and Subway

Map of the 2100 Moscow Metro

July 31, 2010

Planning on taking the Moscow metro at the beginning of the next century? If so, be sure to have this map handy — it should clear things up for you:

This map — and the version detailing the current Moscow Metro , which is slightly more sane — was made by Artemy Lebedev . In all seriousness, his map of the 2010 metro is a nice improvement to the current standard .

2 Zamoskvoretskaya Line map - Moscow metro


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  1. Maps

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  2. How To Open Apple Maps by Default on iPhone and iPad

    Here's how you can open Apple Maps by default on iPhone and iPad. Scroll down and tap Safari. Tap Extensions. From the list, select Open in Apple Maps. Tap the toggle at the top to enable the extension. Under Permissions, tap All Websites. Tap Allow. Now, you'll no longer need to be worried about having to enter address manually into Apple ...

  3. How to open links in Apple Maps instead of Google Maps

    To convert a location's Google Maps URL, you'll need to convert it into a format that Apple Maps understands. Open the location in Google Maps. Tap the Share icon, then choosing Copy. Paste the ...

  4. Maps

    Apple offers two ways for developers to integrate Maps into their products. MapKit allows you to integrate Maps into your iOS, iPadOS, or macOS apps. You can display map or satellite imagery, add annotations and overlays, call out points of interest, determine information for map coordinates, and more. Learn more about MapKit.

  5. How to Use Apple Maps Online in a Web Browser

    More Apple Maps Tips. A few other tricks can help you better navigate Apple Maps on the web. Type "my location" to see where you are on the map. Click the Satellite button to switch the map view, or the compass icon to rotate it. To use Apple Maps in dark mode, hit the Back button to return to the main DuckDuckGo search page.

  6. How to Use Apple Maps on Windows and Android Devices

    Apple Maps is only officially available on Apple devices like iPhones and Macs. But, thanks to DuckDuckGo, you can browse or get directions in Apple Maps from any platform with a browser, including Windows and Android.. DuckDuckGo Uses Apple Maps In 2018, Apple announced the MapKit JS, an API that allows app developers to embed Apple Maps into websites.

  7. Maps

    Walking. Use augmented reality and Indoor Maps to stay on route when you're on foot. Just raise your iPhone to scan the buildings in the area, and Maps will show step-by-step guidance in augmented reality. 2 You can also use Indoor Maps to easily find your way around major airports and shopping centres all over the world. See which restaurants are past security at the airport, where the ...

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  13. Maps

    Walking. Use augmented reality and Indoor Maps to stay on point when you're on foot. Just raise your iPhone to scan the buildings in the area, and Maps will show step-by-step guidance in augmented reality. 3 You can also use Indoor Maps to easily find your way around major airports and shopping centres all over the world. See which restaurants are past security at the airport, where the ...

  14. ‎Moscow Metro & Subway on the App Store

    ‎Read reviews, compare customer ratings, see screenshots and learn more about Moscow Metro & Subway. Download Moscow Metro & Subway and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

  15. ‎Moscow Metro & Subway on the App Store

    This app is for people who visit Moscow and want to use subway railway for travel. With this program You can easily find stations. The app calculates the distances of each station from Your current position and shows them in a list and on map. Это программа предназначена для тех, кто в Москва хочет ...

  16. Map of the 2100 Moscow Metro

    This map — and the version detailing the current Moscow Metro, which is slightly more sane — was made by Artemy Lebedev. In all seriousness, his map of the 2010 metro is a nice improvement to the current standard. @pmylund — Subscribe — Contact.

  17. 2 Zamoskvoretskaya Line map

    Moscow metro 2 Zamoskvoretskaya Line map - Moscow metro. 2 Zamoskvoretskaya Line metro stations: - Alma-Atinskaya - Krasnogvardeyskaya - Domodedovskaya - Orekhovo - Tsaritsyno - Kantemirovskaya - Kashirskaya - Kolomenskaya - Tekhnopark - Avtozavodskaya - Paveletskaya - Novokuznetskaya - Teatralnaya - Tverskaya - Mayakovskaya - Belorusskaya - Dinamo - Aeroport - Sokol - Voykovskaya