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Ouvert: 9 h 30 h à 21 h

Destination de célébration du Canada


Réservations 360


La Tour CN a reçu le sceau #SafeTravels du Conseil mondial du voyage et du tourisme, qui indique que nous avons adopté des protocoles rigoureux en matière de santé et d’hygiène afin d’assurer la sécurité de tous les visiteurs.

Partez à la conquête de L’HAUT-DA CIEUX

Mettez-vous au défi grâce à L’HAUT-DA CIEUX, un parcours à mains libres où vous ferez le tour de l’extérieur de l’observatoire de la Tour, à 116 étages au-dessus du sol.


Découvrez des vues en direct de la Tour, et depuis la Tour, grâce à EarthCam. Vérifiez la visibilité du jour, admirez le lever du soleil, regardez les nuages rouler sur les gratte-ciels de la ville et découvrez l'éclairage de la Tour la nuit. 

Quoi de neuf

Voir tout les annonces

Un jeune garçon blanc se tient au Niveau d'observation principal de la Tour CN, contre les murs de fenêtres allant du sol au plafond, face à la ville et tient un téléphone intelligent. Nous voyons l'icône des Expériences sensorielles réduites en surimpression sur l'image

Expériences sensorielles réduites

Design de l'Aquarium Ripley sur le radôme de la Tour CN

"Sea the Sky"

logo Toronto Citypass


Éléments de la murale intitulée Kiinwin Dabaadjmowin, ou "Notre histoire", sous forme de collage de fenêtre à la Tour CN.


Les terres sur lesquelles se dresse la Tour CN ont été gagnées sur le lac Ontario, dont les rives et les eaux servaient de lieu de rencontre pour de nombreuses Nations, en autres, pour la Première Nation des Mississaugas of the Credit et les peuples Anishinaabeg, Chippewa, Haudenosaunee et Wendat. Aujourd’hui, des membres de nombreuses Premières Nations, ainsi que des Inuits et des Métis, y vivent. 

Le territoire de la ville de Toronto est visé par le Traité n°13 conclu avec la Première Nation des Mississaugas of the Credit.

Illumination de la Tour CN

CN Tower Light up at night

Semaine nationale de la faune

Mois mondial de sensibilisation aux troubles neurologiques fonctionnels (tnf), semaine de l’action bénévole, photos de la semaine.


Télécharger l’application du Viseur de la Tour CN

Améliorez votre expérience grâce à notre application gratuite du Viseur de la Tour CN! Utilisez-la pour repérer les sites et les monuments les plus connus de la ville et profitez de la vue à 360 degrés qu’offre notre niveau d’observation principal.

CN Tower Viewfinder app mocked up on phone

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Drapeau Canadien

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Visite de la tour du CN

Avis des voyageurs.

Le plancher de verre


Durée :  Environ 2 heures Heure :  10h00 à 22h00 Saison : Ouvert toute l'année, sauf le 25 décembre Lieu :  CN Tower, Toronto (Quartier des divertissements) Une attraction incontournable! Point de repère dans le ciel de Toronto et l'un des bâtiments les plus élevés au monde, la Tour CN est l'une des 7 merveilles du monde moderne . Son nom provient de la compagnie ferroviaire du Canadien National (CN) qui fut le propriétaire de la tour.

La Tour du CN offre un panorama exceptionnel sur Toronto, en plus de nombreux divertissements.

Ses 4 niveaux d'observation présentent des panoramas étonnants. Les touristes ont seulement accès aux 3 premiers niveaux, situés entre 342 m et 351 m d'altitude. À 342 m d'altitude, vous trouverez le plancher de verre transparent et la terrasse d'observation à l'extérieur. Pour les amateurs de cuisine raffinée, le 360 Restaurant, lauréat de multiples prix, se trouve à une altitude de 351 m et offre un panorama de la ville sur 360 degrés.

Comme le restaurant effectue une rotation complète en 72 minutes, les convives peuvent admirer le paysage plongeant sur la ville, sans le moindre obstacle. En plus du panorama, le 360 propose plus de 500 vins internationaux.

Alors, pensez-vous que vous êtes au sommet? Pas du tout. La Nacelle, la galerie d'observation publique la plus élevée au monde, se trouve à une altitude étourdissante de 457 m. Le sommet de la Tour CN et de son antenne se situe à une altitude de 553,33 mètres. Car n'oublions pas que la Tour du CN est avant tout un important centre de télécommunications.

* Le prix inclut l'accès au Belvédère et au Plancher de verre ainsi que les taxes applicables. Notez que le plancher de verre est en construction pour une durée indéterminée. * Un billet distinct, payable sur place au guichet de la Tour et du Belvédère, est requis pour l'ascenseur de la Nacelle. * Stationnement payant. * Accès en moins de 30 minutes de marche à partir de certains hôtels; Bond Place Hotel, Le Germain Maple Leaf, Strathcona Hotel, etc.


301, Front St. West, Toronto, (ON)

Avis des Voyageurs

La montée à la tour CN est vraiment impressionnante (mois d'une minute pour monter). La vue sur les illuminations de la ville (à 20h) sans la foule est époustouflante.

Belle vue sur la ville

Attention avec les vouchers ! ne pas faire la queue sur la file d'attente mais aller voir directement le service client

Belle vue sur Toronto

Très beau point de vue sur la ville, et vue plongeante sur le stade Rogers : très surprenant lorsque le toit escamotable est ouvert et pendant un match de base-ball

TOP 5 des road trips au Canada

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arrivecan : tout savoir, 5 bonnes raisons de voyager au canada en 2021, le meilleur circuit de 10 jours au québec, top 10 des paysages d'hiver au québec, l'ultime raid motoneige au québec, 5 bonnes raisons de choisir le vr pour votre voyage en famille, croisière à l'île bonaventure : le guide pratique, le meilleur road trip de 15 jours au québec, top 5 des plus beaux couchers de soleil au québec, le parc forillon de a à z, top 10 des plus beaux lacs du québec [avec carte + photos], quiz sur le canada, parc du fjord-du-saguenay : le guide complet, comment se protéger des tiques et la maladie de lyme , les 5 lieux secrets du québec préférés des québécois, visiter les chutes du niagara en 24 heures, l'ultime road trip à faire en famille au québec, banff : randonnée de johnston canyon (le guide complet), l'été indien prolongé de 2 mois cette année au canada, excursion aux chutes waber en mauricie [avec carte + photos], la route des microbrasseries du québec, promenade des glaciers entre banff et jasper [guide ultime], 10 choses à faire au canada... avant de mourir, la randonnée du mont jacques-cartier en gaspésie de a à z, 5 bonnes raisons de ne pas voyager dans l'ouest canadien en 2020, où dormir chez l'habitant au québec , top 10 des plus beaux paysages au québec, location de chalet au québec : top 10 des cabanes au canada, 9 erreurs à ne pas commettre au québec pour un "maudit français", voyage pas cher au québec : 5 astuces infaillibles pour économiser gros, voyage mythique au canada pour fêter le jour de l'an 2020, les 5 meilleures pourvoiries pour découvrir le vrai québec, 5 activités pour profiter de l’été indien, 20 spots photo incontournables à montréal, les 10 plus belles routes panoramiques de l’ouest canadien, top 10 des randonnées pédestres à faire en famille au québec, top 5 des croisières pour observer les baleines au québec, visiter les mille-îles en 24 heures, top 10 des plus beaux villages de l'ouest canadien, 10 activités incontournables pour observer la faune au québec, l'ultime road trip dans les maritimes, visiter ottawa en 24 heures, 5 parcs nationaux à découvrir au québec, 5 idées pour divertir les enfants en road trip au québec, top 10 des plus beaux lacs de l'ouest canadien, visiter percé en 24 heures, l'ultime road trip en vr au québec, 5 astuces pour trouver le billet d’avion le moins cher vers le canada, 10 bonnes raisons de ne pas voyager au québec en 2019, top 5 des expressions québécoises d'hiver, 5 astuces pour économiser sur une location de vr au canada, top 10 des plus belles citations de voyage, 10 mots à utiliser avec modération au québec pour un « maudit français », top 10 des activités à faire dans l'ouest canadien selon les voyageurs authentik, l'ultime voyage d'hiver au canada, visiter victoria en 24 heures, l’ultime road trip pour découvrir l’été indien, visiter québec en 2 jours, top 10 des endroits pour faire du canot au québec, visiter toronto en 24 heures, top 10 des plus belles routes du québec, 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visiter montréal en 2 jours, top 10 des destinations canadiennes selon les voyageurs authentik, où manger à québec , top 5 des incontournables à niagara falls, top 10 des hébergements au québec selon les voyageurs authentik, top 10 des expressions québécoises, 3 bonnes raisons de planifier votre voyage avec une agence locale, voyage gratuit dans l'ouest canadien... en 10 photos, montréal en 5 lieux mythiques avec melissa maya, où observer les baleines au québec , top 10 des incontournables du parc de banff, 10 choses à ne pas faire au canada en 2017, comment choisir son vol de la france vers le canada , les 10 plus beaux couchers de soleil au canada, où parle-t-on français au canada , top 5 des plus beaux villages du québec, 3 astuces pour une location de vr pas chère au canada, top 5 des endroits pour observer les couleurs de l'été indien, 5 bonnes raisons de ne pas voyager au québec cet hiver, top 3 des demandes irréalistes pour un voyage au québec, où changer mes euros en dollars canadiens , top 5 des randonnées pédestres dans l'ouest canadien, playlist musicale pour un road trip au québec, 5 choses à faire au québec avant de mourir, 10 choses à ne pas faire au québec pour un « maudit français », l'ultime road trip au québec, quels souvenirs rapporter du canada , les 7 merveilles de l'ouest canadien, 5 faits étonnants que vous ne saviez (peut-être) pas sur le canada, 5 astuces pour un voyage pas cher au canada, les 7 merveilles du québec, 7 bonnes adresses de restaurant canadien typique à montréal et québec, my happy canada tour : interview avec sandrine laporal, 5 bonnes raisons de ne pas voyager au québec en 2016, quoi visiter en 15 jours dans l'est du canada , la parlure québécoise : quelques mots (maux) d'hiver (divers), l'ouest canadien hors des sentiers battus, gaspésie : 3 types de séjour en montagne, voyager en vr au canada : on dit oui ou non , promenade des glaciers : 5 arrêts sur la route, top 5 des randonnées en famille au québec, voyage au canada : est ou ouest , top 10 des choses à faire dans l'ouest canadien, téléphone portable et internet au canada, top 5 des choses à faire au nouveau-brunswick, qui sont les loueurs de vr au canada , autorisation de voyage électronique (ave) pour le canada, top 5 des hôtels de luxe au canada, 3 road trips pour découvrir l’été indien, quoi faire si vous rencontrez un ours , 5 astuces pour vos photos de voyage, quoi faire à niagara falls , observation de l'ours noir au québec, conduire au canada, top 5 des endroits romantiques au québec, où manger à montréal , organiser son voyage de noces au canada, quoi faire dans charlevoix , 5 lieux d’exception pour faire du camping au canada, 5 trucs pour vaincre la peur de l’avion, 5 attraits incontournables à québec, où manger à tadoussac , voyager avec des enfants en avion, voyager avec des enfants, 5 astuces pour une location de voiture de montréal à new york, sirop d'érable : origine et légendes, les 10 plus belles photos du canada, 3 bonnes raisons de ne pas aller en gaspésie, pourquoi je retournerai au québec , guide d'observation des baleines à tadoussac, voyager dans l'ouest en français, voyage de noël au québec : 3 façons de fêter , été indien au québec : top 5 des activités à ne pas manquer, voyager au canada en avril : oui ou non , chutes niagara : 5 incontournables, quoi mettre dans ses bagages pour un voyage au canada , top 5 des routes panoramiques de l’ouest canadien, percé : 3 incontournables, lac st-jean : 4 incontournables, les 10 incontournables du parc de jasper, qu'est-ce qu'un autotour , 5 astuces pour une location de voiture pas chère au canada, 5 bonnes raisons de visiter ottawa, où, quand et comment observer les animaux du québec , 3 idées originales pour l'été indien au québec, top 6 des ranchs dans l'ouest canadien, 4 idées originales de camping au québec, 5 bonnes raisons de visiter les mille-îles, assurances voyage de votre carte bleue : 5 points à vérifier, top 5 des festivals de musique à montréal, plantez un arbre dans la forêt authentik, top 5 des sentiers de randonnée pédestre au québec, top 4 des lieux à visiter sur l'île de vancouver, le tour de la gaspésie en 3 coups de coeur, économisez sur l'achat d'un vol paris-montréal, 5 endroits romantiques au québec, 5 trucs pour conduire en hiver au canada, comment profiter de l’hiver à québec , 3 endroits magiques pour noël au québec, les rocheuses canadiennes en 9 escales, climat dans l'ouest du canada, climat dans l’est du canada, choisir son raid motoneige au canada, les 10 meilleurs festivals d'hiver au canada, aurores boréales : où et quand les observer , le temps des pommes au québec, les 4 meilleurs mets typiques du québec, l'été indien au canada : 5 choses à savoir avant de partir, pourquoi les français aiment-ils les québécois , 3 astuces pour économiser sur votre location de vr au canada, comment les français voient le québec , top 5 des plus belles routes du québec, 5 astuces pour conduire au québec (partie ii), connaissez-vous la chanson québécoise , 5 astuces pour conduire au québec (partie i), météorologie québécoise 101, rivalité emblématique du canada, ma cabane au canada: mythe ou réalité , la petite histoire du grand prix de montréal, 6 traditions typiquement québécoises, lauréat argent aux grands prix du tourisme, 3 incontournables de la colombie-britannique, l'accent québécois en 5 étapes faciles, safari aux baleines 101, observation de la grande oie des neiges, le printemps des sucres, comment se protéger des moustiques au canada , 6 trucs pour créer son itinéraire, questions & réponses sur la location de vr au canada.

I visited Toronto's CN Tower, which attracts 2 million visitors every year, and the iconic tourist destination far exceeded my expectations

  • Toronto's CN Tower sees nearly 2 million visitors a year, and its construction has landed it a spot as an " engineering Wonder of the Modern World ."
  • For 34 years after the tower was finished, it held the record as the tallest free-standing structure in the world — it's still the tallest free-standing structure in the western hemisphere, according to World Atlas .
  • On a recent trip to Toronto, I decided to see if this iconic tourist attraction was actually worth a visit. 
  • I typically stay away from perceived tourist traps when I travel for fear of wasting half my day standing in lines, but I arrived at the tower just as it was opening and was back on the ground just an hour and a half later. I even went up to the Sky Pod , the highest observation deck in the western hemisphere. 
  • A ticket agent told me that the offseason — which started the week I was visiting — typically sees wait times of around 10-15 minutes to reach the elevator, while peak-season visitors — those who travel in the summer months — can end up standing in line for up to two hours.
  • With no lines, the entire experience was really enjoyable and I was able to see what the Toronto cityscape looked like from above. I'm so glad I didn't skip out on this attraction . 
  • Here's what my experience at the CN Tower was like.
  • Visit Insider's homepage for more stories.

When I hear "Toronto," an image of the CN Tower immediately pops into my mind.

toronto visite tour cn

The towering landmark sees nearly 2 million visitors every year.

toronto visite tour cn

It's located near Toronto's Entertainment District ...

toronto visite tour cn

... on the same grounds as other attractions like Ripley's Aquarium of Canada.

toronto visite tour cn

In my experience with tourist attractions anywhere, it's expected that visitors will endure some pretty wild wait times. The tower opens for visitation at 9 a.m. so that's when I planned to get there — I wanted to hopefully beat the rush.

toronto visite tour cn

Surprisingly, there was no line. There were only a few other people waiting, and lots of empty stanchion chutes. After walking through the security vestibule, I passed through an empty, outdoor ticket booth …

toronto visite tour cn

… and continued on to the indoor ticket booths.

toronto visite tour cn

Again, it was fairly empty and I got my ticket quickly without an issue or a hold-up.

toronto visite tour cn

Ticket agents explained the different options available — I chose the $53 ticket for the main observation deck and access to the SkyPod.

toronto visite tour cn

I thought it was worth it to spring for the pod experience — after all, it's touted as one of the highest observation decks in the world at 1,465 feet.

toronto visite tour cn

Source: CN Tower Experience

After getting my ticket, the agent told me to continue down a photo-lined hallway. Visitors can stop and read historical anecdotes about the landmark along the way.

toronto visite tour cn

Then, I was greeted by two men working a photo station — a classic feature for any large tourist attraction is that they take your picture in front of a green screen and then print it out at the end if you want to buy it.

toronto visite tour cn

After walking around another corner, I was led toward an elevator that was going to take me up to the observation deck. Everywhere I turned there were stanchions set up for long lines, but nobody was there to fill them — a ticket agent said this is typical for the morning hours especially during the offseason.

toronto visite tour cn

Since there was hardly anyone else at the tower, it was just me and the CN Tower employee in the small elevator together.

toronto visite tour cn

In 2008, the CN Tower elevators became the first in North America to feature glass floor panels, but they were small and difficult to see through.

toronto visite tour cn

The elevator attendant told me a little bit about the observation deck and what I would see when I got there. When the doors opened, I immediately saw the view.

toronto visite tour cn

The whole observation area is white and sterile-looking from the floors …

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… to the café counters.

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The main level of the observation deck has a combination of floor-to-ceiling windows …

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… and half-walls.

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The tower opens to tourists at 9 a.m., but the café doesn’t open until 10 a.m., which was kind of a bummer since I got there early.

toronto visite tour cn

So instead I thought I'd explore the outdoor terrace. But again I was thwarted and found that the terrace wasn't open yet either. — employees were waiting for security to come open the automatic doors.

toronto visite tour cn

While tourists took photos on the glass portion of the floor, I remembered I had another option: the SkyPod. An employee on the main observation level scanned my ticket and showed me to another elevator.

toronto visite tour cn

A couple on their honeymoon rode up to the pod with me. The pod kind of felt like the top of a lighthouse. It was cramped, had a small circumference of walk-around space, and was filled with natural light.

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The SkyPod is 33 floors above the main observation deck.

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It's said that on a clear day visitors can see Niagara Falls from the SkyPod.

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Unfortunately, it was pretty cloudy when I was up there, so I didn’t see much. But it was still cool to be up that high.

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The attendant came back up to get us after around five minutes — visitors can't call the elevator from the SkyPod so the attendant on-duty makes a trip to the upper level every five minutes for those who have had their fill of the view. We went back down to the main level and I went straight for some coffee.

toronto visite tour cn

Iced coffee wasn’t on the menu, but the barista happily made one for me — the level of accommodation was really nice especially at a tourist attraction.

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I took the advice of foodies everywhere and decided to sit and really enjoy my coffee with a side of Toronto skyline as opposed to taking it to-go and finishing it in less than three minutes.

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As the morning went on, more and more people gathered to take photos on the see-through floor.

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The thrill-seeker in me was disappointed because it wasn't as jaw-dropping a view as I had hoped, but I imagine it's a difficult feat to cover a huge floor with supportive glass.

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I finally made it out onto the outdoor terrace, and wow it was windy.

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The outside area is covered with this metal fencing that obstructs the view but, of course, is meant to keep people safe.

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The fencing made me feel like I was in an area I wasn’t supposed to be in — like I walked through the “employees only” door to this cool secret view.

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Of course, that’s not the case, and anyone with a basic ticket up the tower can access the terrace, but it was a cool feeling.

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I did a quick lap around, but the wind was a bit much for me to handle — my hair was flying all over the place and the air felt a lot colder than it did on the ground — so I went back inside.

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There’s a restaurant on the upper level of the main observation deck that’s quite fancy.

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It wasn’t open during the morning hours I was visiting, but I snuck a peek through the glass doors before heading back to the ground level.

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On my way back down, the elevator seemed to be moving a lot faster. But the employee in the elevator and I decided that was just because we were now "falling" toward the ground instead of soaring away from it.

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All visitors exit through the gift shop — of course — where they sell Canada-themed clothes ...

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... souvenirs ...

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... and have another cafe.

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On the way out, I passed one last counter offering the chance to purchase the photo they took of me before going up to the deck. I took a pass on that, though.

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On my way out of the attraction area — nearly two hours after I first arrived — I saw that ticketing and security lines were starting to form. But it still wasn't anything overwhelming.

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When I exited the doors of the tower, I was able to explore the grounds — it's a nice place to walk around.

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I saw the Blue Jays’ baseball stadium …

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… the old roundhouse — a maintenance area for trains typically built in a semi-circle with a rotating piece of rail track in the center — across the road ...

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... which now houses a brewery …

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… and a beautiful city skyline.

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The CN Tower is within walking distance of other Toronto neighborhoods as well as the waterfront, and visitors can reach the tower via their transportation method of choice.

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I'm usually someone who stays far away from tourist attractions when I'm traveling, but I'm glad I visited the CN Tower. Had I got caught up in lines or crowds of people, I probably would have thought differently ...

toronto visite tour cn

... but it's worth getting up early and beating the rush to be able to see the whole of Toronto from the sky.

toronto visite tour cn

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Must Do Canada

The Best Things to Do in Canada

23 of the Best Toronto Tours

April 18, 2023 By Matthew G. Bailey 3 Comments

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As Canada's largest city, there's lots of fun Toronto tours.

If you’re looking for the best Toronto tours, you’ve come to the right place!

As the largest city in Canada and one of the most multicultural cities on Earth, there are so many things to do in Toronto. From soaring over the city in a helicopter to joining a food walking tour in one of the most famous neighbourhoods, there’s truly something for everyone in Toronto.

So whether you’re visiting the city for the first time or just looking for something new to do, here’s our list of the 23 best Toronto tours.

Toronto Tours Disclaimer: This article contains affiliate links, which means when you make a purchase, we get a small commission. Affiliate links cost you nothing to use and they help keep these travel guides free. It’s a win-win! For more information, visit our  privacy policy.

Don’t have time to read the entire Toronto Tours article? These are our four favourite tours overall:

  • Best of Toronto Small Group Tour : This 4-hour tour combines the best of Toronto, including a knowledgeable guide to walk you around the city, including the CN Tower and a lovely harbour cruise.
  • Kensington Market Food Tour : Thanks to Toronto’s multicultural scene, food is a great way to experience the city and this 2.5-hour tour takes you to the city’s most diverse neighbourhood.
  • Helicopter Tour of Toronto : I mean, it’s a helicopter! Imagine how cool it is to see Canada’s largest city from the sky.
  • Day Trip to Niagara Falls : Since Canada’s most famous and iconic natural attraction is so close to Toronto, we highly recommend taking a tour from Toronto to Niagara Falls.

Table of Contents

Best of Toronto Small Group Tour with CN Tower and Harbour Cruise

Things to do in Toronto

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (343+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  4 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Enjoy some of Toronto’s top sights during this comprehensive tour with a small group. Travel with no more than 9 guests as you explore landmarks like the world-famous CN Tower before enjoying a scenic harbour cruise with great views of the Toronto skyline. Visits to other Toronto attractions include St. Lawrence Market, Queen’s Park and much more. You’ll also get round-trip hotel transport and skip-the-line entrance to make your Toronto tour as smooth as possible.

We had two tours this trip. This one was the best! Mike took his time sharing the history of the city and giving us enough time to explore. My children said it was the best tour they’ve had through Viator. Thank you! -Kona ( see more reviews )

Explore the many highlights of Toronto on this comprehensive sightseeing tour with a small group , including beautiful city views from the observation deck of the CN Tower, stunning skyline views from a scenic harbour cruise, and much more.

This four-hour Small-Group Toronto Highlights Tour includes:

  • Guided driving tour passing Dundas Square, Queen’s Park and Nathan Phillips Square and more
  • Admission to Toronto Harbour Cruise (seasonal, May-Oct only)
  • Tour stop with free time at St. Lawrence Market (closed Sun & Mon)
  • Visit the Distillery District when St. Lawrence Market is closed
  • Small-group tour (limited to 9 guests)
  • Skip the ticket line access to some attractions
  • Pick up and drop off from anywhere downtown
  • Toronto Admission to the CN Tower
  • Visit Casa Loma (Nov-Apr. only)

Click Here to See Reviews, Pricing, and Availability.

Kensington Market -Toronto’s Neighbourhood International Food Tour

When it comes to the best Toronto tours, we highly recommend a food tour of Kensington Market.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (375+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  2.5 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

When it comes to the best food tours in Toronto , it’s hard to beat those that take you into Kensington Market, home to one of the most diverse food scenes in Toronto. Visitors are often overwhelmed by choice if exploring alone. Instead, join a guide and head straight to the area’s best eateries , where you skip notoriously long lines to sample at least 6 international cuisines—from Tibetan momos to Jamaican patties.

The tour was fantastic. Kensington Market is a vibrant and diverse area. Lots of interesting history there. The food samples were large and tasty at each stop. Our tour guide William was wonderful. He was witty, funny and very informative!!! I definitely recommend this tour. – Cindy ( See More Reviews )

If you’re looking to try some of the best food in the city while exploring Toronto’s most eclectic and bohemian neighbourhood, this tour is for you. These Toronto tours are available during the weekend and include enough food for lunch. Vegetarian options are available and all ages and abilities are welcome.

This 2.5-Hour Kensington Market Food Tour includes:

  • Food tasting
  • Local guide
  • Guaranteed to skip the long lines

Toronto Food Tour: Taste the World in Kensington Market

Add food to your Toronto tours to experience the diversity of the city.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (183+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  2.5 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

As you can see, Kensington is a great place for Toronto food tours, which is why we’re listing another option. In fact, we joined this tour back in 2017 when we were doing our 150-day Canada road trip . Those fries we had at Moo Frites were some of the best fries we’ve ever had. This is your chance to savour multicultural cuisine on this walking food tour of downtown Toronto’s Kensington Market . Learn about Toronto’s fascinating food history and its influences from around the world while roaming the streets of this eclectic district. Sample frybread from Canada’s Indigenous people, Syrian hummus, and a special sweet concoction that melds some of Canada’s favourite flavours. This small-group tour is limited to 10 people to ensure an intimate atmosphere and all tasting fees are included.

I loved this tour! Damien was our guide and he was knowledgeable and super nice. We tried delicious food and learned a lot. Would for sure recommend this tour to anyone new to the city – it’s a great way to try new foods that you probably wouldn’t on your own. Thank you, Damien! -Nancy ( see more reviews )

This Guided food tour of Downtown Toronto’s Kensington Market allows you to learn about one of the most multicultural cities in North America while indulging in some tasty foods.

This 2.5-hour Toronto food tour includes:

  • All tastings

Downtown Toronto Bike Tour

Biking Toronto tours are a great way to see the city.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (244+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3.5 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Get to know the best of Toronto on this popular 3.5-hour guided bike tour of the city ! Get some exercise while you learn about the history, culture and architecture of the largest city in Canada, along with some of its fascinating stories and facts. Ride through the bustling downtown district as well as a few scenic areas off the beaten path. This tour includes the sights and sounds of the CN Tower, Chinatown, Kensington Market, the Hockey Hall of Fame, Toronto City Hall and much more.

Jeffrey and Theodora our guides were so knowledgeable about the Toronto area. They were patient with all and ensured everyone’s comfort and safety. The ride was taken at a pace that was suitable for all, young and older. Thoroughly enjoyed this tour, would recommend and have personally not ridden a bike for many years. -Teresa ( see more reviews )

This bike tour of Toronto features an easy route that is suitable for all riders and features a small-group tour limited to 12 people to ensure a more personalized experience.

This 3.5-hour Bike Tour of Toronto includes:

  • Use of bike and helmet
  • Granola bars and water

Toronto Islands Morning Bike Tour

Visit the Toronto Islands for some easy biking.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (88+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3.5 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

If you happen to peer out over Lake Ontario, especially from a vantage point such as the CN Tower, you’ll see the beautiful Toronto Islands, a great place to get into nature with views of the Toronto Skyline. Thankfully, when it comes to Toronto tours, there’s this guided 3.5-hour morning bike tour that explores the Toronto Islands, the largest car-free community in North America. Get to know this unique neighbourhood through sights and stories while enjoying breathtaking views of Toronto’s skyline from across the Inner Harbour.

We had a lot of fun and both said it was a highlight of our trip. It was great to see the islands and learn about the history. The views back to the city are amazing. Ryan was very knowledgeable and patient. He was a fantastic guide and took some great photos for us. Highly recommend this tour. -Phil ( see more reviews )

While the hustle and bustle of Toronto can be fun, this is your chance to enjoy a morning bike ride with a panoramic view of the city while visiting landmark locations like the Gibraltar Point Lighthouse and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club. Use of a bike and helmet, plus snacks are included.

This 3.5-hour Biking Tour of the Toronto Islands includes:

  • Bottled water
  • Use of bicycle
  • Use of helmet

7-Minute Helicopter Tour Over Toronto

When it comes to exciting Toronto tours, a helicopter ride can't be beat.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (104+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  7 Minutes | 🚀  BOOK NOW

If you think exploring Toronto on land is cool, imagine how great it is to see the largest city in Canada from a helicopter!

See the city of Toronto and the surrounding region on this brief but stunning 7-minute helicopter flight (or this 14-minute helicopter flight ) getting a birds-eye view of downtown Toronto, the iconic CN Tower, the Canadian National Exhibition grounds, and the beautiful Lake Ontario waterfront. This incredible helicopter flight covers almost 15 kilometres (approx nine miles) and includes one keepsake digital photo (delivered online) plus a printed souvenir picture. A variety of departure times are available throughout the day to fit into almost any schedule, so don’t miss crossing this truly unique Toronto tour off of your bucket list.

The whole experience was amazing. The staff were so friendly and accommodating making every dollar worth spending. If you’re looking for something fun to do around Toronto this is definitely worth checking out -Maryam ( see more reviews )

If you’re looking for breathtaking views when it comes to Toronto tours, this is the tour for you. There’s also a 14-minute helicopter tour if you want more time.

This 7-minute helicopter tour of Toronto includes:

  • 7-minute helicopter flight
  • Local taxes
  • Keepsake digital photo
  • Printed souvenir picture

Click Here for Reviews, Pricing, and Availability.

Exhilarating 120km Aerial Tour of Toronto with iflyTOTO

Fly in a plane for some excellent views of Toronto.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (109+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  24+ Minutes | 🚀  BOOK NOW

If you think Toronto looks great from the ground, imagine what it looks like from the sky! Take in sweeping aerial views of Toronto from the comfort of an 8-person executive plane tour . Get some incredible photos as soar by top landmarks such as the CN Tower, Rogers Center, Toronto Islands, and Lake Ontario. For your comfort and convenience, the experience includes free parking and access to the airport’s VIP lounge prior to departure.

One word… spectacular! From start to finish, this whole journey was unbelievable. I am petrified of heights but this was one of the best experiences of my life. Our guide flew us around the CN Tower and we saw all of the sights from above. Toronto is sensational and you get to see all of this from the plane. I would 100% recommend booking this!!! -Chelsea ( see more reviews )

Of the many amazing Toronto tours, this is your chance to get a rare birds-eye view of Canada’s largest city while enjoying a cool 8-seater executive plane. Plus, you get free parking and access to a VIP airport lounge access.

This 24-minute tour of Toronto includes:

  • Free Parking
  • Fixed-wing air tour of Toronto
  • Pictures in your camera with our client host

Niagara Falls Day Tour from Toronto

Taking a day trip from Toronto to Niagara Falls is one of the best Toronto tours you can take.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (1,816+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  10 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Thanks to its close proximity to Niagara Falls , one of the most popular Toronto tours is to actually take a Niagara Falls day tour from Toronto to see one of the most iconic sights in Canada.

A Niagara Falls Day Tour from Toronto is an experience that is sure to leave you in awe. It’s the perfect way to get away from the city and see one of the most breathtaking natural wonders in the world. Take a scenic drive along the Niagara Parkway with your guide, admiring top regional attractions such as the floral clock, enjoying photo stops including the Niagara Whirlpool and the smallest chapel in the world, and spend about three hours exploring the Niagara Falls site and marvel at the incredible waterfalls.

You can also take a thrilling boat ride on the Hornblower Niagara Cruise, which will take you right up to the base of the Falls for a truly unforgettable experience. And if that’s not enough, you can even enjoy a delicious lunch at one of the many restaurants overlooking the Falls. So, whether you’re a nature lover or just looking for an exciting day trip, a Niagara Falls Day Tour from Toronto is an adventure you won’t want to miss!

Great experience. Loved the tour guide and commentary. Got to sit back and enjoy the ride. Niagara Falls was beautiful! – Keisha, Viator.com

This ten-hour Niagara Falls Day Tour from Toronto includes:

  • Comfortable and modern buses/coaches with air conditioning
  • Driver/guide Live commentary on board
  • Small group ensures personal service
  • Hassle-free round-trip transport from Toronto

Niagara Falls Private Half-Day Tour with Boat and Helicopter

Things to do in niagara falls. Best Views of Niagara Falls is a helicopter ride.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (28+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  6-10 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Since we just mentioned a popular group tour from Toronto to Niagara Falls, we thought we’d fill you in on a popular private tour to Niagara Falls as well.

Plan your own route around one of Canada’s top attractions on this private 8-hour Niagara Falls tour from Toronto . Hop into your chauffeur-driven vehicle in Toronto and travel in style through the Niagara region. With your private driver on hand, hit the top sites that you want to see without the hassle of having other people around you. Enjoy the opportunity to participate in the attractions you’d most like to experience, such as a helicopter tour, a Hornblower boat cruise, the Skylon Tower or even the Whirlpool Rapids.

You’ll also get to enjoy a delicious buffet lunch with uninterrupted views over Horseshoe Falls and visit Niagara-on-the-Lake for a sampling of wine or a visit to Fort George. Note: A minimum of 2 people is required per booking.

Our tour guide Shahz was amazing! It felt like we were traveling with a friend. We were driven from Toronto to Niagra Falls in style with music. We ate out over the falls. They sang happy birthday to my fiancé. Then we did the boat ride and even stopped at a haunted house. This tour is indescribable. Just book! -Cheryl ( see more reviews )

This 10-hour Private Niagara Falls tour from Toronto includes:

  • Private tour with Licensed Tour Guide
  • Niagara City cruise (April-Nov) (addon)
  • Sheraton Buffet Lunch (addon)
  • Toronto and Niagara Falls Hotels pick-up and drop-off
  • 2 Hours Freetime at Niagara Falls

Toronto Local Beer Tour: 2 Beers at 2 Unique & Historical Pubs

This Toronto tour includes beer and history.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (133+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  4 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

If you like beer and are looking for the best Toronto tours, this one is for you. Discover how Canadian beer aligns with the history of Toronto on this guided small-group walking tour . Roam through the streets of Old Town Toronto while learning the role that beer played in the city’s past. Enjoy a beer tasting at the popular Mill Street Brewery before visiting St. Lawrence Market to sample a variety of Canadian specialties. You’ll then get to explore the trendy Distillery District, one of Canada’s hottest tourist attractions.

Our tour guide Roidan was wonderful! He was super knowledgeable, personable and engaging! It ft like we were hanging out with a friend while learning not only about beer but also some of Toronto’s history. Highly recommend! -Guy ( see more reviews )

If you’re booking Toronto tours, don’t miss the chance to learn some interesting history about the city while visiting two classic Toronto pubs. The small-group size with a maximum of 12 people ensures a personalized experience and this tour is carbon neutral, operated by the world’s largest travel B Corp accredited company.

This four-hour Toronto tour featuring beer and history includes:

  • Friendly local
  • English-speaking guide
  • Local beer at each of the two pubs

Private Canadian Food Discovery at the St Lawrence Market

The St. Lawrence Market is one of the top Toronto tours for people who love food.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (4+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

While so many of the Toronto food tours focus on the Kensington neighbourhood, everyone is missing out on one of the top foodie destinations in Toronto – St. Lawrence Market!

Join a food-loving local guide and head to one of the city’s most beloved food markets to learn about some of Canada’s best culinary creations – from poutine to the iconic peameal bacon sandwich. In between bites, your guide will share insights into everything you’re tasting, giving you an inside look at how and what Canadians love to eat! As an added bonus, the small-group size with a maximum of 12 people ensures a personalized experience.

This was an amazing tour! Our guide had great knowledge of the area as well as the food. We were given so much food we couldn’t finish it all. He took us to the local places we never would have entered if we were on our own. Those places were our favorites. We finished in the market and it was great. We did a similar tour in Seattle and this was even better. -Brian ( see more reviews )

As one of the most historic food markets in Canada, this is such a great opportunity to learn about Canada while stuffing your face with super tasty food.

This three-hour food tour of Toronto’s St. Lawrence Market includes:

  • Local English-speaking guide
  • Locally roasted coffee (or tea)
  • Famous Canadian soft drink
  • Piece of a peameal bacon sandwich
  • One butter tart
  • Piece of Montreal-style bagel
  • Maple candy

Walking Tour of Toronto’s Kensington Market and Chinatown

Art and graffiti tour of Toronto.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (97+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  3 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Whenever we visit a new city, we find that the best way to experience it is by doing a walking tour. With that in mind, this is your chance to discover two of Toronto’s most colourful and multicultural neighbourhoods. Explore Kensington Market and Chinatown on this guided, three-hour, small-group walking tour . Of all the Toronto tours, this is one of the best for experiencing the sights, sounds and smells of Toronto’s legendary Chinatown before exploring the unique, bohemian atmosphere of Kensington Market, one of Toronto’s most popular and eclectic neighbourhoods.

We took this tour on a cold November day and our experience was just fantastic. Jason our guide and a true local is very knowledgeable about the Kensington market neighborhood history and current make up. In addition to inviting us to Chinese pastry and coffee, he pointed out the most interesting food spots and took us to great shopping. An all around great experience that was the highlight of our 3 days stay in Toronto. -Manon ( see more reviews )

Learn about the history of these very popular Toronto neighbourhoods while visiting the locally-owned eateries, unique shops and produce markets and wandering the hidden lanes and alleyways to check out some great graffiti and street art.

This three-hour small-group walking tour of Kensington Market and Chinatown includes:

  • Stop for a coffee or tea in one of the local cafes
  • Sample a snack at a local food vendor
  • Experience the sights, sounds, and smells of Toronto’s legendary Chinatown
  • Explore the unique, bohemian atmosphere of Kensington Market
  • Walk the hidden lanes and alleys to discover amazing graffiti art

Toronto Tall Ship Boat Cruise

This is one of the best Toronto Boat Cruises.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (228+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  2 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Set sail off the coast of Toronto on this 2-hour Toronto tall-ship boat cruise aboard a beautiful vintage 3-masted 1930s schooner. Following a 30-minute tour, sail out into the seas off the Canadian coastline. Help the crew raise the sails or sit back and relax on the route from Toronto’s Harbour to massive Lake Ontario. Enjoy panoramic views over Toronto’s islands and skyline while listening to ancient sea shanties as your crew coil the ropes. They’ll even fire the ship’s cannon!

Great staff, very easy-going and entertaining! Engaging…allowing us to help pull up the sail! The amazing music! The small cannon! And of course the beautiful sunset and wind! (Also, very interesting to learn about the history). It was a perfect balance of entertainment and quiet time to enjoy the scenery/boat itself. -Michael ( see more reviews )

With Lake Ontario Glistening next to the big city, your first visit to Toronto should always include some sort of cruise. This cruise is quite unique as it takes part on a pirate-looking ship!

This two-hour Toronto harbour cruise includes:

  • 2-hour Toronto tall-ship boat cruise
  • Hop aboard a 3-masted 1930s schooner that takes you along the coastline
  • Relax as you soak up the Lake Ontario scenery, or help the crew with the sails
  • Get a kick out of the firing of the ship’s cannon
  • Choose from an array of departure times to suit your schedule
  • Purchase a commemorative photo of your outing, if you like

Click Here to See Reviews, Pricing, and Availability

1-Hour Toronto Harbour Tour with Live Narration

When it comes to Toronto tours, we highly recommend getting out on Lake Ontario.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (284+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  1 hour | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Get a different perspective of Toronto on this lovely harbourfront boat cruise . Set out from historic Pier 6 and admire the glittering skyline that includes the CN Tower, Rogers Center, and First Canadian Place. Cruise by the beautiful Toronto Islands as your captain provides entertaining narration along the way.

I like how convenient it was to book and board the boat. The facts and historical details of lake ontario and its surrounding places made us appreciate Canada and the city of Toronto. You also get to see Toronto in another light and looking at the skyline from the lake’s vantage point is awesome! Captain Cat and Sarah were awesome guides and they were very entertaining and funny as well. Tour is worth the price. -Mark ( see more reviews )

Since Toronto is located on the shores of Lake Ontario, you really need to get out on the lake to get a sense of this massive city. This low-cost Toronto tour is a narrated boat tour of the dynamic Toronto Harbour with multiple departure times to suit your schedule.

This 1-hour Toronto Harbour Tour includes:

  • Captain and crew
  • Live narration

Show me the City! Toronto Walking Tour

The Hockey Hall of Fame is a must-visit for all hockey fans.

When it comes to big cities, the best way to learn about and become better oriented with the city is to take a walking tour. On this three-hour Toronto walking tour , you’ll soak up the atmosphere of Canada’s largest city, from the CN Tower to the historic St. Lawrence Market.

Your guide eliminates the hassle of navigating and planning an itinerary on your own and points out landmarks often missed by visitors and locals alike. At the end of the tour, walk away with a new perspective and recommendations for the rest of your stay.

Dave was so friendly, knowledgeable and charming! I learned so much in 3 hours but the tour was so well paced that it didn’t feel like information overload, as well as having plenty of time to take in the scenery. Lots of fun as well as being educational. Highly recommend to anyone unfamiliar with Toronto. -Victoria ( see more reviews )

What we love about walking tours is that they help make the city come alive through history and storytelling. Once it’s over, you’ll see the city in a new way. We highly recommend doing a walking tour as early into the trip as you can.

This three-hour walking tour of Toronto includes:

  • Knowledgable local guide

Toronto Distillery District Walking Tour

This Toronto Distillery District tool teaches you all about one of the city's most historic neighbourhoods.

⭐️  RATING:  4.9 out of 5 Stars (225+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  1 hour | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Get to know the historic side of Toronto on this walking tour of Toronto’s Distillery District . Your knowledgeable guide will take you around Victorian Industrial architecture, sharing the history and entertaining anecdotes along the way. Learn about the business of the area and the company that became the world’s largest distillery. Choose from two departure times to suit your schedule.

Guide had lots of details on the history of the site and colorful stories. Really enjoyed learning so many things about things you would easily just walk past without a guide! -Teresa ( see more reviews )

This 1-hour Toronto Distillery District Walking Tour includes:

  • Professional Guide

30-Minute Distillery District Segway Tour in Toronto

This tour in Toronto features Segway for added fun and enjoyment.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (141+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  30 Minutes | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Experience Toronto like never before on this educational and entertaining, 30-minute Segway tour . Have fun operating a Segway while learning about Toronto’s trendy Distillery District, one of Canada’s hottest tourist attractions. Discover the fascinating history behind the former Gooderham and Worts Distillery and roll past the many designer boutiques, unique pubs and cafés, artisan shops, art galleries and award-winning restaurants that line the brick roads of this pedestrian-only village. Guided Segway training, plus all the necessary equipment, including a helmet, is included. Dress in weather-appropriate clothes with flat, closed-toed shoes.

Guides were extremely pleasant, and patient with teaching us newbies how to ride lol. Lots of fun had by the whole family, great way to experience the District for the first time. Highly recommend! -Jessica ( see more reviews )

This 30-minute Segway Tour of the Toronto Distillery District includes:

  • 30-minute Segway tour
  • Training session
  • All necessary equipment, including a helmet

Original Haunted Walk of Toronto Ghost Tour

For those interested in the dark sights of a city, this Toronto tour is for you.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (39+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  1 hour | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Whether you’re a local or a tourist, this is your chance to experience a different side of Toronto! This one-hour small-group ghost tour of Toronto takes you to some of the creepiest places in the city to share the spooky stories behind familiar landmarks that might look pleasant to you at first. This tour is best for those who love a good fright as you’ll learn more about Toronto’s history through stories of crime, mystery, and the supernatural.

Tour guid was knowledgable and very personable. She took pride in her presentation and story telling ,we really enjoyed her, Thank you Jack!! -Sherry ( see more reviews )

We’ve taken similar walking tours in places like Vancouver and it’s always interesting to learn about the darker side of a city.

This one-hour ghost tour of Toronto includes:

  • Professional Tour Guide / Storyteller
  • All Fees and Taxes

Algonquin Provincial Park Day Tour from Toronto

For Toronto tours that leave the city, don't miss this trip to Algonquin Park.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (45+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  12 hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

As awesome as Toronto is, you really can’t experience the true wonder of Ontario without also exploring some of its natural attractions. Thankfully, one of its star provincial parks is not that far away.

Enjoy the beauty of Canada’s oldest provincial park on a convenient day trip from Toronto . The forests, lakes, and sweeping views contrast with the busyness of Toronto and you’ll skip walking amongst skyscrapers for canoeing, hiking, swimming, and cliff diving (if you dare). This is an ideal tour for active travellers, especially groups of friends looking for a fun day out in nature.

The canoeing offered on this tour from Toronto is suitable for beginners as you’ll receive a thorough briefing. In addition, both round-trip transfers in an air-conditioned van and provincial park fees are included.

Mike Davis, our guide took us to this beautiful National Park area 2.5 hrs drive out of Toronto. The day exceeded expectations with 2 short, scenic walks, canoeing and swimming as well as accompanying us to the Park’s Visitors Centre. A truly memorable day that I can highly recommend. -Thomas ( see more reviews )

This 12-hour Algonquin Day Tour from Toronto includes:

  • Driver/guide
  • Transportation from Toronto by minivan or 15-passenger van
  • Canoe or snowshoes

Romantic Jewel – Private Helicopter Tour for 2

For date ideas in Toronto, check out this private helicopter Toronto tour.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (44+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  7 Minutes | 🚀  BOOK NOW

Helicopter tours are always a memorable experience and a great way to get a birds-eye view of a city. So why not bring in some romance and enjoy a private helicopter flight over Toronto ? This romantic flight for two, which also makes for a great date idea in Toronto , offers an exclusive sightseeing tour of Toronto’s downtown skyline, including the iconic CN Tower and the beautiful waterfront. Two framed photographs are included and there’s an option to upgrade to the Interlude flight that also includes wine and chocolates, dessert wine glasses, a souvenir teddy bear and two souvenir helicopter toys. This is a great option for a honeymoon, marriage proposal or any special occasion.

My wife and I took this tour to celebrate her birthday and it was probably the best time we had ever had. It was an unbelievable experience and definitely one we will never forget -Mahar ( see more reviews )

Treat your partner to a truly incredible experience in Toronto with this romantic private helicopter tour over Toronto.

This 7-minute helicopter tour includes:

  • 15 km private helicopter tour
  • Approximately 7 minutes in the air
  • A 6″ x 8″ print of the two of you next to the helicopter

Bruce Peninsula Day Trip from Toronto

This Bruce Peninsula Tour from Toronto is a great way to see Ontario's natural side.

⭐️  RATING:  5 out of 5 Stars (22+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  12 Hours | 🚀  BOOK NOW

The lush woodlands, coastal walks, and wildlife-filled wetlands of Bruce Peninsula National Park are situated a 3.5-hour drive north of Toronto, so If you don’t mind a long drive to see one of the most scenic natural areas in Ontario, this tour is for you.

On this Bruce Peninsula Day Trip from Toronto , discover the park’s natural wonders with a knowledgeable guide, including a scenic hike to Big Tub Lighthouse and Inglis Falls, a visit to the fishing village of Tobermory, and plenty of photo opportunities.

It was literally the most fun I had during my visit in Canada. The places we visited were wonderful and the weather was great, albeit this can’t be impacted by Tripadvisor. 😉 Joe was an excellent tour guide: very considerate, always in a good mood and basically part of us. I would definitely recommend doing this trip. -Happy customer (see more reviews)

This 12-hour day trip to the Bruce Peninsula from Toronto includes:

  • Snacks and bottled water along the way
  • Small-group experience with a maximum of 14 people
  • All park fees to Bruce Peninsula National Park
  • Transportation from Toronto
  • Guided hiking

Royal Ontario Museum Admission Ticket

The Royal Ontario Museum is a must-visit.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (182+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  N/A | 🚀  BOOK NOW

While this isn’t exactly a tour, we wanted to list it here since it’s one of the top museums in Canada and a self-guided tour is a must. The stunning Royal Ontario Museum is dedicated to art, culture, and nature, holding more than 13 million objects in its collections with over 40 galleries and exhibition spaces showcasing art, archaeology, and natural science.

The exhibits explore everything from dinosaurs to mummies, Chinese architecture to Indigenous objects, and so much more, making it an entertaining and educational experience for all ages.

Wow the Canadian History along with the history of dino’s and man. They have more artifacts than I have ever seen over the coarse of my 47 years combined. Take your time and enjoy every part. -David ( see more reviews )

The Royal Ontario Museum is one of Toronto’s top attractions and is great for everyone, including families. Don’t forget to see Gordo the Barosaurus, the largest real fossil dinosaur skeleton mounted in Canada.

This self-guided tour includes:

Hockey Hall of Fame Admission Ticket

Visiting the Hockey Hall of Fame is a highlight for hockey fans.

⭐️  RATING:  4.5 out of 5 Stars (173+ reviews) | ⏳  TOUR LENGTH:  N/A | 🚀  BOOK NOW

When it comes to hockey, Canada is the most famous country on Earth. It’s the most popular winter sport in the country and the sport Canada is most known for around the world. With that in mind, no hockey fan should miss the opportunity for a self-guided tour of the Hockey Hall of Fame , which is home to the greatest collection of hockey artifacts from around the world, plus themed exhibits, multimedia stations, theatres, larger-than-life statues, a replica NHL dressing room and the iconic Stanley Cup.

You can even try your hand at goaltending and shooting against life-sized animated versions of today’s top players in the NHLPA Game Time model rink, call the play-by-play and host your own SportsCentre in the TSN Broadcast Zone and much more.

Extremely impressed with the Hockey Hall of Fame. I would recommend anyone to go check it out. They had fun interactive pieces. The layout was well thought of. Loved the Habs locker room, the mask exhibit and of course, the Great Hall with the Stanley Cup Trophy. It was a fun couple of hours. -Konnor ( see more reviews )

In addition to being the #1 spot in the world for hockey fanatics, it’s also located in one of the most beautiful historic buildings in downtown Toronto. Although this isn’t one of the many guided Toronto tours, it’s an excellent place for a self-guided tour for fans of all ages.

Toronto at sunset.

As you can see, there are lots of awesome Toronto tours to choose from. Whether you want to walk around the city with a guide, try some delicious food, hit the water to see Toronto’s famous skyline, or soar high in a helicopter for spectacular views, there are many types of Toronto tours for everyone.

For more travel guides about Toronto and Ontario, check out these guides below:

  • Weekend Getaways from Toronto
  • Niagara Wine Tours
  • Toronto in the Winter
  • Things to Do in Mississauga
  • Things to Do in Hamilton
  • The Canadian Canoe Route from Toronto

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About Matthew G. Bailey

Matthew G. Bailey is the founder and editor-in-chief of Must Do Canada. Growing up in Alberta to a mother from Quebec and a father from Newfoundland, Matt spent his childhood playing hockey under the Northern Lights and hanging out in the forest before moving to Calgary and travelling to more than 250 cities spanning 42 countries and 6 continents. He loves travel, learning new things, playing sports, writing, making videos, photography, and scuba diving. You can also find him at LiveLimitless.net .

Reader Interactions

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April 19, 2023 at 8:11 am

Hi Matthew, Awesome article ! Thank you for including Toronto Heli Tours TWICE on your list of top tours in Toronto. We are thrilled to be a part of this great story about Toronto’s vibrant tour/sightseeing services. We welcome guests of all ages and all flying experiences. You haven’t seen Toronto until you have explored it by helicopter ! Thank you again for including us ! Clear Skies, Julia Smith President, Toronto Heli Tours (Canadian owned and operated for 26 yrs)

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April 19, 2023 at 9:36 am

Thanks, Julia! Hopefully, we get to actually try it out ourselves one day 🙂

September 20, 2023 at 7:43 am

Hi Matthew, Thank you ! We are thrilled to make your Top 23 Toronto Tours list 3x. That’s awesome. You are fabulous supporter of the Toronto Attractions, and we really appreciate it ! Julia & the Heli Crew !

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A group of people taking photos from the observation deck

For moments that your entire group will cherish long after they’ve left Toronto, nothing tops the CN Tower. Come celebrate this icon of Canadian engineering to see the city as it was meant to be seen—and when you visit, you’ll be entitled to all kinds of benefits:

  • Group rates available for approved tour operators for both dining and observation
  • Dedicated check-in for tickets, payment and questions in one easy step
  • All-access phone number to change bookings, get details and more at 1 888 684 3268 (North America only),  416 601 4707  (observation & dining visits) or write an email to  @email

Existing Travel Tour Company partners please click here to access the online booking portal.

Please note, our Lower Observation Level has partially reopened while we put the final touches on our major renovation. Guests visiting our Lower Observation Level can experience our glass floor and a sneak peek of “ Artmosphere ”, our new immersive, interactive art showcase.

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36 Hours in Toronto

By Ingrid K. Williams April 11, 2024

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A view over a city skyline with a body of water to the right. A spire towers above the skyscrapers. The sky is turning a bright orange.

By Ingrid K. Williams Photographs by Eugen Sakhnenko

Locals may insist (politely, of course) that Toronto doesn’t belong atop any traveler’s wish list, but don’t fall for that Canadian modesty. Proudly multicultural with an outstanding art scene, fantastic food and a patchwork of diverse neighborhoods to explore, this sprawling city — Canada’s most populous — has more to offer than one could possibly digest in a single weekend. But that’s enough time to sample the local smorgasbord, from the many new restaurants and shops to the latest art exhibitions and a newly revitalized landmark theater. Anyone in town for Hot Docs , North America’s biggest documentary festival, which begins on April 25, will find plenty of reasons to roam beyond the downtown core, from the beaches in the east to drinking and dining hotspots that have sprouted in some unexpected places in the west.


  • Trillium Park , west of Toronto’s inner harbor, is relatively crowd-free despite having an outstanding view of the downtown skyline.
  • Sunny’s Chinese , a popular restaurant hidden inside a mini-mall in the Kensington Market neighborhood, serves fun plates like Hong Kong-style French toast with black-sesame jam.
  • The Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto is currently hosting “Greater Toronto Art 2024,” the second installment of its triennial.
  • Cry Baby Gallery is an art space with a cocktail bar hidden behind a curtain in the back.
  • Massey Hall , a landmark theater, reopened in 2021 after a three-year renovation and modernization project.
  • Evergreen Brick Works is a cultural community center with a popular year-round farmers’ market.
  • The Gardiner Museum is dedicated to the artistry and craft of ceramics.
  • The Philosopher’s Walk winds through the leafy St. George campus of the University of Toronto.
  • The Bata Shoe Museum has an unexpectedly fascinating exhibit exploring the history of what we put on our feet.
  • The Beach (also called the Beaches), on the eastern edge of the city, is a neighborhood abutting Lake Ontario with sandy shorelines and a wood-plank boardwalk.
  • The McMichael Canadian Art Collection is a sprawling gallery surrounded by acres of pristine woodland.
  • Zaal Art Gallery has paintings, sculptures and fashion from contemporary Iranian artists.
  • Patois is a festive restaurant serving Caribbean-Asian dishes like jerk chicken chow mein.
  • Bad Attitude Bread is a plant-based bakery with specialties like vegan Cheddar biscuits with Old Bay seasoning.
  • Milky’s , a cool cafe, brews up specialty drinks like a spiced maple syrup latte.
  • Taverne Bernhardt’s is a cozy neighborhood bistro featuring local produce and rotisserie-style chicken.
  • Bowie , a vibey bar beneath a laundromat, offers great people-watching behind an unmarked entrance.
  • Bathurst Local is a laid-back bar with a maze of private karaoke rooms.
  • White Lily Diner is an all-day restaurant serving comfort food, with produce supplied by its own Ontario farm.
  • Easy Tiger Goods is a sunny boutique that sells cute made-in-Toronto ceramics.
  • Issues Magazine Shop stocks rare print titles.
  • Etc Home , a home décor shop, sells hand-crocheted coasters, embroidered tote bags and more.
  • A solid option downtown, the Ace Hotel opened in 2022 in a newly constructed building designed by the Toronto firm Shim-Sutcliffe Architects. Beyond the lobby framed by soaring concrete arches, the hotel features 123 cozy guest rooms as well as a restaurant and a rooftop lounge. Rooms start at around 499 Canadian dollars, or around $367.
  • In the trendy West Queen West area, the Drake Hotel is a longtime favorite for its cultural events, concerts and art-filled interiors. With the addition of a new five-story wing, which opened in 2021, the property now has 51 rooms in addition to a popular lounge, cafe and rooftop terrace. Rooms start at around 360 dollars.
  • On vibrant Dundas Street West in Little Portugal is the family-run Ode , which opened in 2021 with eight private guest rooms, each designed in collaboration with a different local artist. Rooms start at 260 dollars.
  • Look for a short-term rental in the Trinity-Bellwoods neighborhood, which is surrounded by great restaurants, shops, bars, bakeries, breweries and the popular Trinity Bellwoods Park .
  • It's easy to get around Toronto by public transportation — there are subways , buses and streetcars — and on foot . You can also find taxis and use ride-hailing apps , including Lyft and Uber, and there are bike-share stations throughout the city (a day pass is 15 dollars). From Toronto Pearson International Airport, the UP Express train takes 25 minutes to arrive at Union Station downtown. Even closer is Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport, a regional hub on the Toronto Islands that is connected to downtown by ferry and a pedestrian tunnel.

A person sits on a low rocky shelf on a pebbly shore. The person is surrounded by mostly bare trees and they are looking out onto calm water.

Trillium Park

Trillium Park , which opened in 2017 just west of Toronto’s inner harbor, remains relatively uncrowded despite having an outstanding view of the skyline. From Queens Quay West, it’s an easy half-hour walk to the park along the popular Martin Goodman Trail. Or rent a bicycle from one of the many bike-share stations and pedal along the lakeshore. After admiring the view of the iconic CN Tower across the water, head back toward downtown, stopping at nearby Inukshuk Park , with its 30-foot-high Inuit stone formation, and at the Toronto Music Garden, a grassy waterfront park where live performances take place during the summer.

Down the hallway of a nondescript mini-mall, a small handwritten sign on a door indicates you’ve found Sunny’s Chinese . Since opening in the eclectic Kensington Market neighborhood in 2022, this buzzy spot has packed its mint green booths with crowds hankering for a spicy, family-style feast. On a recent visit, highlights included the spinach-and-chrysanthemum-stem salad (12 Canadian dollars, or about $9), fiery dan dan noodles (19 dollars), and what a server said “pays our rent”: the sublime Hong Kong-style French toast layered with black-sesame jam and oolong-infused condensed milk (14 dollars). Couldn’t nab a reservation? Try for a last-minute table at nearby Patois , a festive Caribbean-Asian restaurant with flaky Jamaican patties (12 dollars) and jerk chicken chow mein (27 dollars).

Audience members are seated in the red chairs of a grand-looking theater.

Massey Hall

In 2021, Torontonians applauded the reopening of Massey Hall , a landmark theater, after a three-year renovation and modernization project. For over a century, this downtown concert hall has hosted top international performers, including Charlie Parker, Aretha Franklin, Gordon Lightfoot and Jon Batiste. The revitalized theater is now part of a larger performing arts complex, the Allied Music Centre , with a new music venue and recording studios in an adjacent building. But one thing that hasn’t changed: the famously excellent acoustics. To hear for yourself, check the calendar for upcoming events, which include concerts by the Black Crowes, the indie-rock group Waxahatchee and the Canadian singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn.

People sit on the lawn of a park during the daytime. The sky is clear and blue. The trees in the park are bare, and a skyline is visible in the distance.

Grange Park, just south of the Art Gallery of Ontario.

A market stall with jars of honey displayed on a table. A vendor behind the table is in conversation with a person on the other side of the table.

Saturday farmers’ market at Evergreen Brick Works

A former quarry and brick factory have been repurposed as Evergreen Brick Works , a cultural community center northeast of downtown. People flock here on Saturdays for the year-round farmers’ market, which reflects the diversity of the city itself. In addition to the usual market stalls — local cheeses, produce, fish, meat and bread — many vendors sell prepared foods that include Persian baklava , Swedish pastries and Tibetan momos (try the beef ones doused with hot sauce; 11.50 dollars for five). Seating is available between the historic brick kilns, but in fair weather, grab your food to go and explore the trails snaking through the surrounding forested ravines.

Many visitors prioritize the best-known museums, but that would mean missing niche standouts like the Gardiner Museum , which specializes in the artistry and craft of ceramics. Inside, explore ancient figures from Mesoamerican cultures and contemporary sculptural vases depicting polar animals by the Inuit ceramicist Roger Aksadjuak (admission, 15 dollars). Afterward, stroll along the Philosopher’s Walk, a nearby path through the leafy St. George campus of the University of Toronto. Then continue to the Bata Shoe Museum , another oft-overlooked institution, where an unexpectedly fascinating, two-floor exhibit traces the history of what we put on our feet (admission, 14 dollars).

A table displays stacks of magazines. One cover has a picture of a crying baby and has the title "Feels."

Issues Magazine Shop

Little Portugal is packed with quirky independent shops and galleries, many conveniently clustered along Dundas Street West. Start at Easy Tiger Goods , a sunny boutique that sells pastel taper candles and cute made-in-Toronto ceramics. Peruse the rare print titles at Issues Magazine Shop , then shop for hand-crocheted coasters and embroidered tote bags at Etc Home . Consider investing in an artwork at Zaal Art Gallery , a cavernous space that opened last October showcasing paintings, photographs, sculptures and fashion from contemporary Iranian artists. Later, continue farther down the street to Bad Attitude Bread , a vegan bakery, for an Old Bay-seasoned Cheddar-flavored biscuit (5 dollars), and to Milky’s , a cool cafe nearby, for a spiced maple syrup latte (6.50 dollars).

An excellent primer on what’s happening in the city’s art scene is now on display at the Museum of Contemporary Art Toronto , in a former factory building in the Lower Junction Triangle neighborhood. The current exhibition, “Greater Toronto Art 2024,” is the second installment of the museum’s triennial and features a range of artworks, performances and installations, including photographs by the American-born artist June Clark of her adopted home of Toronto in the 1970s and ’80s; a site-specific greenhouse installed by the Brooklyn-based Canadian artist Lotus L. Kang; and a series of sculptural drawings, traced from an heirloom Persian rug, from the Iraqi-born Canadian artist Sukaina Kubba (through July 28; admission, 14 dollars).

A tall soft-serve ice cream with sauce and candy, served in a glass dish on a small plate.

Roast chicken and local produce are the winning formula at Taverne Bernhardt’s , a cozy neighborhood bistro on a quiet lane south of Dundas Street West, where date-night couples sip wine at the pewter-topped bar and groups of friends encircle tables along a soft leather banquette. The short seasonal menu recently included tender roasted carrots with herbs and tahini (20 dollars), in addition to the crisp-skinned, rotisserie-style chicken served on a platter with thick-cut fries, coleslaw and pickles, toasted sesame-seed buns, and a side of gravy (37 dollars). And for dessert, there’s a heaping swirl of soft serve in changing flavors, like Earl Grey (14 dollars).

Exploring Toronto’s nightlife could mean ice bathing at Othership , a sociable sauna downtown, or sipping a white stout at Blood Brothers Brewing in the revitalized northwestern warehouse district. But you needn’t venture that far after dinner to find appealing options, if you know where to look. It’s a short walk from Bernhardt’s to Cry Baby Gallery , a white-walled art space where a curtain in the back hides a moody cocktail bar serving spicy mezcal margaritas (the best is the passion-fruit version, 20 dollars). Even closer is Bowie , a vibey, mirrored lounge that opened last year beneath a laundromat. It offers great people-watching and pink Paloma cocktails (16 dollars), and is accessible via an unmarked entrance (down the alley, below the neon bow-tied mouse sign). Later, visit Bathurst Local , where a laid-back bar leads to a maze of private karaoke rooms, each more colorful than the last.

toronto visite tour cn

People strolling in the trendy West Queen West area.

A person walks a dog along a boardwalk that follows a shoreline. It is a sunny day and there is a large tree in the foreground that is bare of leaves.

The ocean may be hundreds of miles away, but you can still start the day with a walk on the beach. On the east side of the city, an easy streetcar ride from downtown, the neighborhood abutting Lake Ontario is known as the Beaches (or the Beach, depending on whom you ask ) because of its long, sandy shoreline. Head down to the water to join locals walking their dogs through the sand. From the easternmost edge, it’s a leisurely half-hour promenade along the wood-plank boardwalk to Woodbine Beach, the widest stretch of sand lapped by the lake’s calm waves.

When hunger strikes, hop back on the streetcar headed west to the White Lily Diner , an all-day restaurant in the Riverside neighborhood serving its own brand of comfort food. One must-order is the cheesy patty melt, served with poblano relish on house-made bread (23.25 dollars), which comes with a side salad of crisp greens from the restaurant’s own White Lily Farms , northeast of the city. This snug locale has only five counter seats and seven Dijon yellow booths, so there’s often a wait. But I’d happily queue for even a single bite of the fluffy buttermilk griddle cakes with maple syrup (16.25 dollars).

People admire a large painted canvas on display in a low lit gallery. In the foreground, a neat bundle of sticks are on display.

McMichael Canadian Art Collection

Yes, it’s a trek to the McMichael Canadian Art Collection , a sprawling gallery surrounded by acres of pristine woodland, about 17 miles northwest of downtown. But there’s no prettier place to become acquainted with some of Canada’s most influential artists: Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven, a collective of landscape painters who rose to fame in the early 20th century with their romantic depictions of Canadian nature. Admire the rural landscape paintings, including glacial mountains by Lawren Harris and placid lakes by A.J. Casson. Then visit galleries dedicated to contemporary Canadian works, including those by Inuit and First Nations artists, such as the brilliantly colorful paintings of Norval Morrisseau . Not keen on splurging for a car ride? There’s an equally edifying collection of Canadian art — minus the sylvan setting — at the Art Gallery of Ontario downtown (admission to the McMichael, 20 dollars; to the AGO, 30 dollars). (The AGO is temporarily closed because of a workers’ strike.)

More From 36 Hours

Have a weekend to explore a destination we’ve got the perfect travel itinerary..

Paris: A different side of the French capital reveals smaller museums, under-the-radar spots in Montmartre and a diverse performance scene .

Montreal : Climb a mountain, wander the waterfront and enjoy a smoked-meat sandwich  in a city with a surprise around every corner.

Cartagena: With a limonada de coco in hand, explore two walkable neighborhoods over a weekend  in this coastal Colombian city.

Glasgow:  Take in Gothic architecture, green riverside walks and a global banquet  in Scotland’s largest city.

Chicago:   ​​ Cycle miles of urban trails, tour a restored Frank Lloyd Wright masterwork and catch golden hour  along Lake Michigan.


keith lee food critic

Food critic Keith Lee just visited a Toronto pizza joint and left a $3,000 tip

Latest Videos

Food critic Keith Lee just made his first visit to downtown Toronto to try the food at Afro's Pizza , a restaurant near TMU campus that serves Wu-Tang inspired deep dish pizza. 

The restaurant, open since only last year, has flown mostly under-the-radar but had enough positive social media hype (including from our own videos ) to land on Lee's to-do list of places to check out.

This was Lee's third video posted to his TikTok since he started his Toronto food tour. 

Previous stops included Sumac Iraqi Charcoal Grill in Scarborough and Biscuit To Baskets in Ajax.

In the video, Lee tries Afro's mac and cheese (he liked it but said it could use a bit more cheese) as well as a number of the restaurant's pizzas. 

@keith_lee125 Afros Pizza taste test 💕 would you try it ? 💕 #foodcritic @Afro's Pizza @mixinthe6ix ♬ original sound - Keith Lee

At the end of the video, there's footage of Lee talking to the owners and he tells them he's going to leave them a $3,000 tip!

Co-owner Rodney C. Best responds in shock "what?"

Afro's Pizza is at 107 Mutual St.

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  5. Canada vlog/Toronto City Ontario Drive/DownTown Toronto City Tour/CN Tower Visit

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  1. Billets

    Inscrivez-vous à notre bulletin d'information. Recevez les dernières informations sur les événements à venir, les menus saisonniers et d'autres mises à jour sur la Tour CN, directement dans votre boîte de réception. Vous pouvez retirer votre consentement en tout temps. La Tour CN 290, boulevard Bremner Toronto ON M5V 3L9 416 868 6937.

  2. CN Tower

    Get the latest on upcoming events, seasonal dining menus and other CN Tower updates, straight to your inbox. You may withdraw your consent at any time. CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, 416 86 TOWER. Welcome to the CN Tower. Whether you need to plan your visit, make a reservation for 360 Restaurant or book EdgeWalk, you can do it ...

  3. La Tour CN

    Bienvenue à la Tour CN. Que vous ayez besoin de planifier votre visite, de faire une réservation pour le restaurant 360 ou de réserver L'HAUT-DA CIEUX, vous pouvez le faire ici. ... La Tour CN 290, boulevard Bremner Toronto ON M5V 3L9 416 868 6937. Suivez la Tour CN. CN Tower Instagram. CN Tower Facebook.

  4. Tickets

    Visit the CN Tower, VIP style. With a Premier ticket, you have priority access to elevators and observation levels, including SkyPod. Premier ticket holders receive front-of-the-line check-in and elevation, exclusive (private) elevator up, next available SkyPod time slot, priority elevation down, and a 15% discount at the Shop.

  5. CN Tower

    According to Tripadvisor travelers, these are the best ways to experience CN Tower: 1-Hour Toronto Harbour Tour with Live Narration (From $25.11) Best of Toronto Small Group Tour with CN Tower and Harbour Cruise (From $143.01) 7-Minute Helicopter Tour over Toronto (From $112.74) Toronto Small Group Night Tour with CN Tower (From $105.17)

  6. Best of Toronto Small Group Tour with CN Tower and Harbour Cruise

    Enjoy top Toronto sights during this comprehensive tour with a small group. Travel with no more than 9 guests as you explore landmarks like the sky-high CN Tower before enjoying a scenic harbor cruise with great views of the Toronto skyline. Visits to other Toronto attractions including St. Lawrence Market, Queen's Park and much more as well as round-trip hotel transport, and skip-the-line ...

  7. Toronto: Best of Toronto Tour with CN Tower and River Cruise

    Admire the city's skyline on a cruise along the Toronto waterfront (May-October) Discover the stunning Casa Loma when the river cruise is not available. Uncover the wonders of the city's waterfront and the greenery of Queen's Park. Full description. Experience the best of the best on this complete Ultimate Toronto Tour.

  8. Visite de la tour du CN

    Visitez la Tour du CN de Toronto, une attraction incontournable! Point de repère dans le ciel de Toronto et l'un des bâtiments les plus élevés au monde, la Tour CN est l'une des 7 merveilles du monde moderne. À 342 m d'altitude, vous trouverez le plancher de verre transparent et la terrasse d'observation à l'extérieur. Garantie du meilleur prix et forfait road trip disponible.

  9. Toronto: Walking Tour With CN Tower Entry

    Embarking on the Toronto Walking Tour with CN Tower Entry offers an immersive 3-hour experience guided by a knowledgeable tour guide through downtown Toronto's highlights. ... Discover the city of Toronto in a whole new light with the Toronto Walking Tour, featuring a thrilling visit to the CN Tower observation deck.

  10. Inside Toronto's CN Tower, a Tourist Destination That's Worth a Visit

    I visited Toronto's CN Tower, which attracts 2 million visitors every year, and the iconic tourist destination far exceeded my expectations Rachel Askinasi 2019-10-28T21:38:00Z

  11. Toronto: Walking Tour with CN Tower Entry

    Select participants and date. Check availability. Meeting point. The meeting point for the 9:00 AM tour is utside the front of the St. Lawrence Market. 93 Front St E, Toronto, ON M5E 1C3 The meeting point for the 12:00 PM tour is in front of the Canada sign at the CN Tower. 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, Canada. Open in Google Maps .

  12. Toronto: Best Of Toronto Tour With CN Tower And River Cruise

    Tour Details. Set out on a 4-hour journey through Toronto's iconic landmarks and hidden gems with the Best of Toronto Tour, featuring the CN Tower and a scenic river cruise. This tour offers flexibility with free cancellation up to 24 hours in advance and the option to reserve now and pay later.

  13. Toronto: Guided Night Tour with CN Tower Entry

    Full description. Begin your tour with pickup from your hotel in downtown Toronto. Head out on a narrated driving tour on the way to your first stop in the Distillery District. Take a walking tour of the district's cobblestone streets and 19th-century, industrial-style buildings with your guide. After the walking tour, you'll have some free ...

  14. 23 of the Best Toronto Tours

    Best of Toronto Small Group Tour: This 4-hour tour combines the best of Toronto, including a knowledgeable guide to walk you around the city, including the CN Tower and a lovely harbour cruise.; Kensington Market Food Tour: Thanks to Toronto's multicultural scene, food is a great way to experience the city and this 2.5-hour tour takes you to the city's most diverse neighbourhood.

  15. CN Tower Toronto, Canada

    From the top of a building that for 34 years was ranked as the tallest building in the world. A visit within the main Pod at 346 metres (1,135 ft) as well a...

  16. Discounts and Offers

    You may withdraw your consent at any time. CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, 416 86 TOWER. Check out these discount coupons, offers, and promo codes to see how you can save a little extra on admission when you purchase a ticket from our guest services desk, located on the east side of ou.

  17. Toronto CN TOWER Visit tour

    Toronto CN TOWER Visit tour - Top Toronto View from CN Tower 4K Canada Travel vlogIn this video we went to the top of Toronto CN Tower inside CN tower toront...

  18. Hours

    You may withdraw your consent at any time. CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, 416 86 TOWER. Morning, afternoon or evening—it's always a good time to visit the CN Tower. Open all year round with views of Canada's four seasons, we always have a new experience waiting for you.

  19. Take your tours higher

    Get the latest on upcoming events, seasonal dining menus and other CN Tower updates, straight to your inbox. You may withdraw your consent at any time. CN Tower, 290 Bremner Blvd, Toronto, ON M5V 3L9, 416 86 TOWER. For moments that your entire group will cherish long after they've left Toronto, nothing tops the CN Tower.

  20. TOUR CN

    290, Bremner Boulevard,Toronto,Canada. •. Voir sur la carte. +1 416 868 6937. Envoyer un mail. 2024. Recommandé. •2024. Ouverte au public en 1976 et anciennement propriété du Canadien National (CN, compagnie nationale des chemins de fer), la Tour CN était originellement prévue comme une antenne pour la radio et la télévision (elle ...

  21. 36 Hours in Toronto: Things to Do and See

    From Toronto Pearson International Airport, ... After admiring the view of the iconic CN Tower across the water, ... On a recent visit, highlights included the spinach-and-chrysanthemum-stem salad ...

  22. Food critic Keith Lee just visited a Toronto pizza joint and left a

    Food critic Keith Lee just made his first visit to downtown Toronto to try the food at Afro's Pizza, a restaurant near TMU campus that serves Wu-Tang inspired deep dish pizza. The restaurant, open ...