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*Champ obligatoire

Redessiner la Skyline de La Défense

Futur siège du groupe TotalÉnergies, The Link revisite le modèle de la tour traditionnelle pour l’adapter aux évolutions des modes de travail. Sa morphologie en deux ailes reliées par des plateformes, les « links », offre des espaces favorisant l’intelligence collective et permet de donner une place inédite à la nature au sein d’un immeuble de grande hauteur.

tour link defense

The Link étant doté de 2 800 m2 d’espaces extérieurs, aucun salarié ne sera à plus de trente secondes d’un accès à l’air libre.

tour link defense

Larges de plus de 8 mètres et dotés de jardins offrant des vues spectaculaires, les "links" sont pensés comme des points de rencontre. En reliant les deux bâtiments, ils créeront des plateaux de 3 000 m2, surface inédite pour une tour de La Défense.

tour link defense

Tous les étages fonctionneront en duplex via de grands escaliers ouverts créant des unités de 6 000 m2 qui pourront accueillir 500 personnes, soit quatre fois plus qu’un étage de tour classique. Les déplacements au sein de chaque étage se feront à pied de façon à multiplier les interactions et générer de la sérendipité.

tour link defense

Contenus associés

tour link defense

Grande Armée

À l’initiative du Comité Grande-Armée, PCA-STREAM livre « Grande-Armée 2030 », une vision stratégique basée sur une étude de son histoire et des enjeux urbains contemporains pour réinscrire l’avenue de la Grande-Armée dans la dynamique urbaine que connaît l’axe historique de Paris et l’adapter aux mutations de la ville du XXIe siècle.

tour link defense

Exposition "Champs-Élysées, histoire & perspectives"

L’exposition Champs-Élysées, histoire & perspectives présente une étude menée par PCA-STREAM entre 2018 et 2020, à l’initiative du Comité Champs-Élysées, avec la collaboration d’une cinquantaine de chercheurs, scientifiques, acteurs économiques et culturels français et internationaux. Elle retrace l’évolution de la « plus belle avenue du monde » et propose une vision adaptée aux enjeux contemporains.

tour link defense

Fabrique de l'Art

Dans un contexte de mutations des pratiques culturelles qui interroge l’avenir des musées, le Centre Pompidou a lancé un concours pour la création d’un nouveau pôle de conservation, remporté par l’agence PCA-STREAM avec le projet de la Fabrique de l’Art. Abritant les collections du Centre Pompidou et du musée Picasso, il offrira un pôle de réserve de référence réunissant dans un même bâtiment un lieu de recherche et de conservation de pointe, mais aussi un lieu de diffusion qui deviendra un nouveau centre de vie pour les Franciliens, au cœur d’un parc magique.

tour link defense


tour link defense

  • Paris — La Défense
  • Architecture
  • Nouveaux usages
  • Modélisation
  • Systèmes techniques

Accompagner la transformation de La Défense

The Link rééquilibrera la skyline de La Défense, en miroir de la Tour First, dans la perspective de l’axe historique, du Louvre à l’Arche de La Défense via les Champs‑Élysées. Elle offrira un nouveau signal visible depuis l’ensemble de la métropole parisienne et participera à la transformation du quartier d’affaires en un lieu de vie pacifié et reconnecté à la ville. L’emplacement stratégique de The Link, à la frontière de la dalle et de la ville de Puteaux permettra de créer un nouvel accès vers la Défense depuis la ville, notamment pour les personnes à mobilité réduite et les vélos. Ces travaux préfigurent la transformation du boulevard circulaire en un boulevard urbain apaisé, aménagé pour les piétons et les mobilités douces. The Link enclenchera enfin la rénovation complète du cours Michelet, l’un des quartiers historiques de La Défense, qui n’avait pas changé depuis les années 1980, avec un projet paysager de désenclavement.

Repenser le modèle de la tour

Les tours classiques sont condamnées par des limites intrinsèques, désormais rédhibitoires : verticalité, cloisonnement, minéralité, absence d’accès extérieur. PCA-STEAM a pris le parti de repenser les fondamentaux de la tour traditionnelle en inventant une nouvelle horizontalité répondant à un changement de paradigme dans l’organisation du travail. L’agence a imaginé une morphologie de tour innovante qui tire parti de la taille de la parcelle : la tour est dédoublée en deux ailes, reliées par trente liaisons, les « links ». Larges de plus de 8 m et dotés de jardins offrant des vues spectaculaires, ils sont pensés comme des points de rencontre qui deviendront autant de « places du village ». En reliant les deux bâtiments, ces links créeront des plateaux de 3 000 m 2 , surface inédite pour une tour de La Défense.

Tous les étages fonctionneront en duplex via de grands escaliers ouverts créant des unités de 6 000 m 2 qui pourront accueillir 500 personnes, soit quatre fois plus qu’un étage de tour classique. Les déplacements au sein de chaque duplex se feront à pied, sans prendre l’ascenseur, de façon à multiplier les interactions et générer de la sérendipité. Les façades vitrées toute hauteur offrent une luminosité exceptionnelle sur tous les plateaux. Par ses caractéristiques de modularité et de flexibilité, The Link est capable de s’adapter aux différentes configurations souhaitées avec une simplicité inédite pour un projet de cette envergure : bureaux cloisonné, open space, espaces mixtes, flex office, salles de travail connectées, box, espaces d’isolement… The Link étant doté de 2 800 m 2 d’espaces extérieurs, aucun salarié ne sera à plus de trente secondes d’un accès à l’air libre. Le jardin paysager en rooftop, à 154 m du sol, créera lui un nouveau belvédère spectaculaire sur Paris et l’axe historique.

Incarner une vision durable

The Link permettra à TotalÉnergies de réduire de 50 % sa consommation énergétique par rapport à ses tours actuelles, notamment via sa façade en double-peau, qui créera une isolation thermique et sera dotée de panneaux photovoltaïques. The Link favorise également l’utilisation de transports décarbonés : pas de parking voiture mais 350 m 2 de parking vélo en sous-sol, des accès directs à pied ou en vélo depuis le boulevard et une participation au financement de la restructuration de la station Esplanade du Métro Ligne 1, en parallèle de l’apaisement du boulevard circulaire… Sur l’ensemble du cycle de vie du bâtiment, le recours aux transports décarbonés par les collaborateurs de la tour participera à équilibrer le bilan carbone de sa construction.

Groupama Immobilier

Tour de bureaux dédoublée en 2 ailes comprenant : 30 plateformes de vie (« links »), un rooftop à ciel ouvert, 10 cafés et restaurants, 3 auditoriums, un Business Center, un centre sportif, un centre médical. HAUTEUR DE CONSTRUCTION — Aile Arche : 241mètres — Aile Seine : 178 mètres


Cours Michelet, La Défense


HQE “Outstanding”; HQE Sustainable Building 2016 (V3 – Jan. 2019); BREEAM Excellent; BREEAM international 2016 – New construction; Well Building Standard Label – Level: Silver Effinergie+ 2013 Certification; Biodivercity Label – Level: Basic

Preneur : TotalÉnergies Investisseur : Groupama Immobilier Maîtrise d’ouvrage : ADIM Paris Île-de-France — contrat de CPI AMO Investisseur : Egis Conseils — MA — CAPTIM Entreprise générale : Bateg MOC : Artelia BET Structure : Setec TPI Géotechnique : Fugro BET Façades : EPPAG BET HQE : GreenAffair BET Fluides : Barbanel BET restauration : Convergence Acousticien : Jean Paul Lamoureux Économiste : AE75 Bureau de contrôle : Véritas SSI et sécurité : CSD Faces Paysagiste conception : Coloco Paysage

tour link defense

Investor/builder: Groupama (SCI The Link La Défense)/ADIM Ile-de-France Architect: PCA STREAM - Philippe Chiambaretta Architecte Height/storey: 54 levels, 242 metres (Arche wing) and 178 metres (Seine wing) Surface area: 130,000 sq.m, offices (demolition, reconstruction) Delivery date: 2025 Location: Esplanade Sud, Michelet district (Puteaux)

The Groupama Group and Total have signed a Lease in Future State of Completion for the construction of The Link project, which will house Total's future headquarters in Paris La Défense. The Link, which refers to the "links" that will connect the two wings of the tower, is a project designed by the architectural firm PCA-STREAM on behalf of Groupama, the site owner, and is being built by Vinci Construction France.

A new iconic tower for Paris La Défense

Located in the Michelet district, The Link comprises two towers linked by 30 levels of green walkways. The 'Arche' wing will rise to 228 metres above the Parvis with 50 floors and the 'Seine' wing to 165 metres with 35 floors. The whole complex will rest on a common base of three levels between the urban boulevard and the forecourt. The walkways will allow the creation of 3,000 sq.m. and 6,000 sq.m. duplex floors, with all floors connected in pairs by large, open, easily accessible staircases. Employees will benefit from 130,000 sq.m. of office, restaurant, co-working and relaxation space. These spaces are designed to improve the quality of well-being at work and collective efficiency.

The tower will be built on the current site of the Michelet building, which will be demolished in 2021. This will be followed by the construction of The Link until 2025.

The Link invents a new tower model

Philippe Chiambaretta has rethought the fundamentals of the traditional tower to respond to a change in the work organisation model.

  • A new horizontality: PCA STREAM has devised an innovative tower morphology that takes advantage of the size of the plot: the tower is split into 2 wings, connected by 30 links. Over 8 metres wide and equipped with aerial gardens offering spectacular views, they are designed as meeting points.
  • New 6,000 sq.m. duplexes: by connecting the two buildings, these Links will create 3,000 sq.m. floors. All floors will function as duplexes via large open staircases creating 6,000 sq.m. units that will accommodate 500 people, four times as many as a conventional tower floor.
  • Each duplex will have its own organic life, within which movements will be made on foot, without taking the lift, with the idea of multiplying human interaction.
  • An "open-air" tower, with 2,800 sq.m. of outdoor spaces: 6 large terraces, 15 open-air hanging gardens, 6 naturally ventilated winter gardens, 2 rooftop gardens. No employee will be more than 30 seconds' walk from an outdoor space.
  • A belvedere over Paris: the rooftop garden 154 metres above ground level creates a new view of Paris and the historic axis linking La Défense to the Louvre, via the Arc de Triomphe and the Concorde

The Link will have the highest environmental certification (HQE Exceptional), guaranteeing the best standards in terms of energy efficiency, thermal and acoustic comfort. 100% of the workstations will be first daylight and 25% of the energy required to light the tower will be provided by its photovoltaic façade. The work will be carried out in compliance with the Circular Economy Charter for the Real Estate and Construction sector, signed by Groupama Immobilier and VINCI Construction France.

The Link will enable Total to reduce its energy consumption by 50% compared with its current towers, thanks in particular to its double-skinned façade, which creates thermal insulation and will be equipped with photovoltaic panels.

Public spaces and traffic flow redesigned

The arrival of The Link tower in 2025 will transform the landscape of the Michelet district , which is currently isolated. In the future, the district will be largely connected to the rest of the Puteaux area and will bring a real dynamic to Paris La Défense. The Cours Michelet will be thoroughly renovated and planted.

The delivery of the Carré Michelet office complex (Eurosic Gecina) in September 2019 marked the start of this transformation.

In close collaboration with the Hauts-de-Seine Department and the City of Puteaux, a study was carried out in favour of creating urban connections to link the slab to Puteaux city centre. The redevelopment of the circular boulevard , which currently forms a border between the business district and the centre of Puteaux, is also being studied with a view to transforming it into a calm urban boulevard that can be crossed on foot.

Key dates for the project

  • April 2019: Planning permission granted
  • March 2020: signing of the Lease in Future State of Completion between Groupama and Total and the Property Development Contract between Groupama and VINCI Construction France
  • 2020: demolition of existing buildings, design
  • 2021: construction of the foundations
  • 2022: construction of the base (7 floors, from the 2nd basement to the 2nd floor)
  • 2023 - 2025: construction of the structure at the rate of one floor per week, interior fittings 2nd half of 2025: finishing touches, inspection and acceptance of the site

Labels and accreditations


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The Link

The Link © PCA-Stream

The Link

The Link from Puteaux © PCA Stream

Did you know ?

The Link encourages the use of low-carbon transport: no car parking but 350 sq.m. of underground bicycle parking, direct access on foot or by bicycle from the boulevard, calming of the circular boulevard, etc.

Le futur siège de Total sera la plus haute tour de La Défense

Groupama annonce, ce jeudi, le lancement de The Link, futur siège de Total, qui deviendrait du haut de ses 244 mètres le plus haut gratte-ciel de La Défense. Livraison prévue en 2025.

 La Défense. Projet de tour The Link (120 000 m2, 244 mètres de haut) présenté par Groupama Immobilier et PCA-Stream.

Des tours occupées à 10 ou 20 %, un parvis clairsemé, le quartier d'affaires reprend très doucement vie après des semaines de confinement. C'est dans ce contexte inédit que Groupama a annoncé, ce jeudi matin, le lancement de son projet The Link, futur siège du groupe Total. Du haut de ses 244 mètres, la future tour deviendra le plus haut gratte-ciel de La Défense, treize mètres plus grande que la tour First .

LIRE AUSSI > Total choisit La Défense et la tour Link pour installer son QG mondial

Conçu par l'agence d'architecture PCA-Stream, The Link sera construit par Vinci Construction France. Le propriétaire du site, Groupama, et Total ont signé le 14 mars dernier un bail en état futur d'achèvement.

Le groupe pétrolier y déménagera ses équipes. Ils sont aujourd'hui entre 5500 et 6000 salariés, installés dans les tours Coupole et Michelet. Ces dernières, propriétés du géant français de l'énergie, ont été construites en 1982, à La Défense également, près du Cnit. Au total, près de 120 000 m² de bureaux leur sont d'ores et déjà réservés dans le futur immeuble, dont la livraison est prévue dans cinq ans.

Le projet immobilier de Groupama avait connu un coup de frein début 2018. Le préfet de région avait un temps reporté l'agrément de l'Etat, au motif que The Link quadruplait les surfaces d'activités de bureaux et que la production de logements (27 %) était insuffisante au regard de celle des bureaux (73 %) sur ce territoire. La ville de Puteaux, où sera érigée la tour, avait fait valoir que son objectif de construction de logements fixé avec l'Etat est largement dépassé. L'agrément avait finalement été signé en avril 2018.

Un ensemble de deux tours

Situé dans le quartier Michelet à La Défense, le projet The Link comprend deux tours reliées sur 30 niveaux par des passerelles végétalisées. L'aile Arche s'élèvera à 228 mètres au-dessus du parvis, avec 50 étages, et l'aile Seine, à 165 mètres avec 35 étages. L'ensemble reposera sur un socle commun de trois niveaux entre le boulevard urbain et le parvis.

La Défense. Le projet de tour The Link se situe à gauche de la Grande Arche. GROUPAMA IMMOBILIER/PCA-STREAM

Les travaux démarreront cette année par la démolition de bâtiments existants, tel l'immeuble GAN. Ils se poursuivront à partir de l'an prochain, avec la construction des fondations et du socle, puis de la structure, à raison d'un étage par semaine. Le chantier devrait s'achever au deuxième semestre 2025.

« Avec The Link, nous rassemblerons nos équipes, actuellement réparties à Paris La Défense, dans un cadre moderne, lumineux, agréable, qui respectera le confort individuel, tout en facilitant les interactions et qui répondra aux plus hautes exigences de qualité environnementale », présente Namita Shah, directrice générale people & social responsibility (RSE, responsabilité sociale des entreprises) et membre du comité exécutif de Total.

La Défense au 4e rang des quartiers d'affaires attractifs

« Dans le contexte si particulier de la crise sanitaire actuelle, le lancement du projet The Link confirme l'attractivité de notre quartier d'affaires. Nous sommes fiers que The Link vienne enrichir la skyline de Paris La Défense », déclare pour sa part Georges Siffredi, le président (LR) du conseil départemental des Hauts-de-Seine et de l'établissement public Paris La Défense.

« Cette tour, avec son implantation dans le quartier Michelet, nous permet de retravailler les circulations et connexions avec la ville de Puteaux », ajoute l'élu.

LIRE AUSSI > En 2020, La Défense aura plus d’une nouvelle tour dans son sac

Ces dernières années, l'établissement public Paris La Défense a ainsi multiplié les projets d'espaces de convivialité, extérieurs et intérieurs. « Le Parc » vise par exemple à verdir le parvis. Le site a en outre accueilli de nouveaux restaurants, ainsi que des lieux de coworking, de séminaires ou d'exposition. Table Square, un ensemble de restaurants et de vente à emporter vient d'ouvrir partiellement (Dailypic, Koedo et It Trattoria) ses portes près de la fontaine Agam.

En mai dernier, La Défense s'est encore distinguée dans une étude du cabinet d'audit et de conseil EY, installé dans la tour First. Cette étude, portant sur l'attractivité des quartiers d'affaires internationaux, place Paris La Défense en quatrième position des vingt-et-un territoires analysés, grâce à son environnement urbain, son offre immobilière adaptée et innovante, et sa « capacité à attirer les talents ».

tour link defense

  • Avant/Après
  • Faits divers
  • Arche Ouest
  • Esplanade Nord
  • Esplanade Sud
  • La Garenne-Colombes
  • Hauts-de-Seine
  • Île-de-France

tour link defense

The Link : une nouvelle étape importante de franchie

La construction de la tour The Link, futur siège de TotalEnergies se poursuit avec une « étape clef », la réalisation du radier qui permettra de construire le socle des tours.

Sur son site internet, Paris La Défense, établissement public gestionnaire et aménageur du quartier d’affaires revient sur l’avancement des travaux de The Link, futur siège de TotalEnergies.

Il est ainsi expliqué qu’une étape clef débute, la « réalisation du radier de la tour ». « Le radier est une « dalle très épaisse » sur laquelle nous allons réaliser le socle de la tour puis les deux ailes de la Tour. Il s’agit donc d’un ouvrage majeur qui assurera la répartition des charges, raconte l’établissement public. Dans notre métier, il s’agit d’une étape clef dans l’avancement d’un projet car elle lance le démarrage du “gros-œuvre” ».

Pour réaliser les travaux et garantir l’accès au chantier, le boulevard circulaire devra être fermé durant plusieurs samedis dans les prochaines semaines. Il est ainsi expliqué que le boulevard sera partiellement fermé entre la boucle Gallieni et le carrefour Bellini, du vendredi à partir de 21 h et jusqu’au samedi minuit, les samedis 27 mai, 4 juin, 18 juin, 25 juin et 2 juillet. Concernant les déviations, elles seront similaires à celles « initiées lors du montage de la plateforme logistique ».


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Découvrez The Link, le nouveau siège de Total à La Défense

Tour The Link Paris la Défense

EN IMAGES. Le groupe Total a choisi de faire de la tour The Link, à La Défense , son futur siège. Découverte en images de ce bâtiment imaginé par l' architecte Philippe Chiambaretta.

  • Philippe Chiambaretta gagne le nouveau QG de l'art contemporain de Montpellier
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=> Plateaux dédoublés, espaces de rencontre multipliés, rapport à la ville modifié, façades bioclimatiques… découvrez la suite de ce reportage dans les pages suivantes


Contenus qui devraient vous intéresser

tour link defense

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Total installera son siège dans la tour la plus chère de France

Vinci construira pour 850 millions d'euros un des plus gros projets de tours à La Défense depuis Coeur Défense. En tout, le projet du nouveau siège de Total dépassera le milliard d'euros, ce qui en fera la tour la plus chère de France.

L'actuelle Tour Michelet sera rasée cette année pour construire d'ici la fin de 2025 The Link, deux tours siamoises, s'élevant à 228 et 165 mètres (50 et 35 étages respectivement) au-dessus du parvis de La Défense, reliées à chaque étage sur trente niveaux par des passerelles vitrées (les « links »).

Par Myriam Chauvot

La construction d'un des plus gros projets de tours jamais entrepris depuis Coeur Défense est lancée à La Défense, qui poursuit sa mutation. Vinci a officialisé le contrat de 850 millions d'euros conclu le 14 mars avec Groupama pour construire et livrer à la fin de 2025 The Link, le futur siège de Total.

En tout, le projet dépassera la barre du milliard d'euros, ce qui en fera la tour la plus chère de France à date. « A son pic, le chantier mobilisera plus de 900 personnes, 200 entreprises et représente sept millions d'heures travaillées », explique Vincent Mathieu chez ADIM Ile-de-France, la filiale de promotion immobilière tertiaire de Vinci, qui a déjà récemment livré la nouvelle tour voisine de Saint-Gobain.

Comparé aux 49.000 m 2 et 165 mètres de haut de cette dernière, formatée pour 2.700 collaborateurs, The Link fait figure de mastodonte avec 135.000 m 2 . L'ouvrage prendra la place de l'actuel immeuble GAN Michelet, qui sera rasé cette année au profit de tours siamoises s'élevant à 228 et 165 mètres (50 et 35 étages respectivement) au-dessus du parvis de La Défense, reliées entre elles à chaque étage sur trente niveaux par des passerelles vitrées (les « links ») formant des terrasses végétalisées.

Et le flex-office ?

Juste avant le confinement, le 14 mars, Total avait signé un bail pour douze ans avec Groupama, propriétaire de The Link. Télétravail, Flexoffice… Total n'échappera pas aux réflexions suscitées par la crise sanitaire sur l'organisation du travail, mais le délai de construction est de cinq ans. « Nous avons deux ans pour définir l'aménagement intérieur », remarque-t-on chez le groupe pétrolier, où l'on souligne que l'ouvrage a été conçu pour être particulièrement flexible. « C'est une nouvelle conception de la tour », confirme son architecte Philippe Chiambaretta de l'agence PCA-Stream, déjà auteur du #Cloud, le siège de Facebook à Paris.

Lire aussi :

A quoi ressembleront les Champs-Elysées en 2030 ?

Immobilier : à Paris, l'offre de bureaux est au plus bas depuis près de vingt ans

La double tour sera composée de duplex. Chacun aura son escalier intérieur et occupera deux étages, soit 6.000 m 2 (pour 500 personnes) avec 55 m 2 de terrasse végétalisée sur la passerelle. Ou, dans la moitié supérieure, composée d'une seule tour, 3.000 m 2 et 70 m 2 de terrasse végétalisée.

« C'est un lieu fait d'espaces autonomes pouvant avoir des locataires distincts ou un seul. Et partout on est à moins de trente mètres de l'escalier et d'une terrasse ou d'un espace extérieur. L'usage des ascenseurs diminue, le fonctionnement est horizontal », poursuit Philippe Chiambaretta, pour qui la révolution ne vient pas du Covid mais de l'ordinateur portable, qui « a supprimé le besoin d'être vissé à son poste de travail. On peut être très productif sur une terrasse », souligne-t-il.

Autre signe des temps, aucun parking n'est ajouté comparé à l'actuelle petite (30.000 m 2 ) tour Michelet. Pour l'investisseur, Groupama, « le maintien de ce projet dans la période inédite que nous connaissons constitue un choix fort de confiance en l'avenir ».

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Tour Links Putting Greens

Since 2001, Tour Links has led the industry in premier putting green systems. Throughout the globe, golfers everywhere know the quality of Tour Links putting greens. Using a patented modular design, the putting greens are simple to install in any setting.

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Tour Links offers several sizes in putting greens, for every golfer’s needs. The company offers exceptional quality in larger putting greens for advanced golfers. In contrast, they also offer training putting greens for newbie golfers.

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The Tour Links 4’x10′ Indoor/Outdoor Putting Green offers 40 square feet of putting green surface area. This full-size putting green offers enough room for two golfers to practice. The high-impact polymer construction is durable and designed to last.  The bump rail along the perimeter of the putting green helps make sure your ball doesn’t roll off the green.

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If you’re looking for a putting green with a larger surface area, take a look at the Tour Links 6’x12′ Birdie Maker Putting Green . This putting green keeps you on your game indoors, even when the weather outdoors isn’t great. The patented design makes self-installation easy, too. Get prepared and practice this winter with this putting green. You’ll impress when it’s time to get out on the real greens!

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Opinion Ahead of state visit, an ‘epic’ shift in Japan’s defense posture

Takeo Akiba is the Japanese national security adviser.

The Meiji Restoration in the second half of the 19th century is regarded by the Japanese people as an epic period in which our nation transformed itself from a feudal society into a modern democratic state. As Western countries expanded their influence in East Asia, the government of Japan sought to catch up through industrial development and enhancement of military power, while accepting new values ​​from the West.

Now, more than 150 years later, another epic change is underway, in which Japan sees its role in the world as one of maintaining universal values and protecting the international order based on the rule of law.

War in Ukraine has undermined the international order. The security of Europe and the Indo-Pacific is inseparable, and now, other developments in the Indo-Pacific have threatened the international order. Military buildups, including nuclear weapons and missiles , cross-border cyberattacks on critical civilian infrastructures, attempts to unilaterally change the status quo at sea and in the air, and information warfare have all placed Japan in its most severe security environment since World War II.

Against this challenging backdrop, Japan formulated a new national security strategy in December 2022 and decided to fundamentally reinforce its defense capabilities. Under the leadership of Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, who is visiting the United States this week , government ministries and agencies in Japan, sometimes noted for operating in self-contained silos, are now coordinating closely and remaking themselves for a new era.

Though it has long been true that the Japan-U.S. alliance is the cornerstone of Japan’s security policy, Japan is at the same time fully committed to defending itself. Japan will take necessary measures to spend 2 percent of gross domestic product on defense initiatives, up from 1.2 percent two years ago. In fact, Japan’s defense budget in fiscal 2024, which passed at the end of March after intense discussions at the Diet, increased by about 50 percent from fiscal 2022.

We are reshaping not only the size of the defense budget, but how the budget is spent. Japan decided to acquire counterstrike capabilities to deter armed attacks, a historic step for our country. Japan will acquire the Tomahawk Land Attack Missile system, or TLAMs, with the cooperation of the United States. By leveraging standoff defense capabilities including TLAMs, Japan will be able to conduct effective counterstrikes to prevent further attacks, while bolstering our missile defenses.

We are updating our domestic rules related to security policy as well. Japan has refrained from promoting arms exports, regardless of the destination, since the 1970s. However, this policy has proved increasingly unsuitable as security challenges have intensified.

Japan has opened a way to enable the transfer of a wider variety of defense equipment, including fighter jets co-developed with other countries. In December, Japan opted to transfer Patriot missiles to the United States to replenish the U.S. inventory. This policy change will help create a desirable security environment for Japan, while maintaining our firm and consistent position as a peace-loving nation. Now that production lines are severely stretched in various countries, Japan will seek the possibility of supporting its ally and like-minded countries in this field.

We have expanded the scope of our national security efforts into the economic field as well, to bolster our supply chain resilience, strengthen control of critical technologies and more effectively prevent unintended transfer of advanced technologies to other countries. And we intend to beef up our internal security protocols related to economic security by introducing security clearance legislation, which also will enable us to further deepen cooperation with other countries.

The threat of cyberattacks is growing rapidly. The Kishida administration is also preparing necessary legislation to strengthen defenses against cyberattacks and establish a new cybersecurity organization with strong resources and solid authority.

Our efforts should not be misinterpreted. Our goal is to strengthen deterrence and make room for genuine dialogues with countries and regions, including authoritarian regimes. Kishida’s visit to the United States this week will be a historic opportunity to underscore Japan’s commitment to improving the security environment and strengthening a free and open international order based on the rule of law.

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Tony Finau ties course record, grabs lead in title defense at Texas Children's Houston Open

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HOUSTON – Tony Finau nearly broke the course record he shares Friday at Memorial Park Golf Course, Houston’s beloved local muni that has presented a rollicking stage for this week’s Texas Children’s Houston Open.

A share of the record will suffice, though. It has him positioned to defend his title this weekend in the Lone Star State – even with world No. 1 Scottie Scheffler hot on his heels, and with contrasting springtime conditions after winning here in fall 2022.

Propelled by a new driver shaft and a putting adjustment, Finau carded 8-under 62 in Friday’s second round at Memorial Park Golf Course, moving atop the leaderboard at 9-under 131 through the morning wave (Scheffler held second place, two shots back, with nine holes to play). Finau caught fire with a torrid six-hole stretch on his back nine, Memorial Park’s front side, playing Nos. 3-8 in a combined 6-under – capped by a chip-in eagle at the par-5 eighth.

Tony Finau chips in for eagle at Houston Open

Nonetheless, it’s a performance that sets up Finau, a six-time TOUR winner, to successfully defend for the first time, as he matches his second-round 62 in fall 2022 (also shot by Scheffler in the second round in fall 2021, en route to a runner-up finish). Ron Streck (1981/R3/Woodlands CC) and Fred Funk (1992/R3/TPC Woodlands) previously carded rounds of 62 at the Texas Children’s Houston Open, an event first played in 1946.

“I didn’t quite see a 62 out there,” quipped adopted Houstonian Sahith Theegala after seeing Finau’s score. “That’s one where you take your hat off and shake Tony’s hand. That’s a hell of a round.”

After losing nearly three strokes to the field on the greens in an opening-round 1-under 69 (-2.884, ranking No. 139 of 144 players), Finau made a setup adjustment into Friday’s round with the guidance of instructor Boyd Summerhays, who is on-site this week in Houston. It paid quick dividends – he ranked No. 1 in Strokes Gained: Putting for the second round at press time, gaining nearly four strokes on the field. The flatstick heated up big-time on his final few holes – he drained a 27-foot birdie at No. 4 and a 10-footer to save par at No. 5 before rolling in back-to-back 30-foot birdies on Nos. 6 and 7. Then came the 40-foot chip-in eagle at No. 8, which was almost gravy at that point.

Finau entered the week at No. 57 on the FedExCup standings, making seven cuts in eight starts but with just one top-10 finish (a T6 at the Farmers Insurance Open in January). He professed confidence in the direction of his game at a Tuesday press conference, though, noting diligent gym work and speed gains that have him feeling spry in his 10th TOUR season.

Meanwhile, he was testing a new driver shaft – a Mitsubishi Diamana GT 70TX – that he implemented for competition after early-week range work and pro-am experimentation. He entered the week at No. 74 this season in Strokes Gained: Off-the-Tee, after ranking no worse than No. 44 in the category in his previous nine TOUR seasons. As of press time, he ranked No. 4 this week in the category, gaining roughly 2.5 strokes on the field.

“Spin numbers have been really high and it's been enough time to where after last week, I was just kind of fed up,” Finau said Friday. “I was like, ‘Alright, it's time to make a change with the driver.’ We looked at shafts and I threw this one in and I'd say it was a nice change.

“The shaft's a little bit less tip stiff than my other shaft. I felt like with the way I'm kind of dragging the club a little bit more because of how much speed I have, I think it's been helpful.”

Tony Finau’s interview after Round 2 of Texas Children's

A finely tuned Finau is hard to beat, as noted by his playing partner Wyndham Clark – fresh off a pair of back-to-back runner-up finishes to Scheffler at the Arnold Palmer Invitational presented by Mastercard and THE PLAYERS Championship. Clark, world No. 4, knows good golf when he sees it, and that was good golf from his compadre.

“We were joking because on about four or five times today I had to move his coin … I hit the putt, I missed and then he made, so I kept telling him I was dishing him assists,” Clark said afterward. “With that said, he hit it amazing and then he made a lot of putts, so it was fun to watch.”

Like Clark, who tweaked a back muscle early this week, Finau grinded through some adversity through the first two rounds. Finau paused for congestion at times during his Friday media interview, saying afterward that he was on the back end of the flu. He didn’t appear much fatigued though, which correlated with his sterling 62 and several minutes signing for fans afterward.

At first glance Tuesday when seeing the Texas Children’s Houston Open’s new and lighter trophy, Finau quipped that it didn’t look as heavy as the hardware he hoisted in fall 2022. He was seemingly already pondering the idea of raising this one come Sunday afternoon at Memorial Park.

That vision is very much in the realm – even with Scheffler lurking.

Kevin Prise is an associate editor for the PGA TOUR. He is on a lifelong quest to break 80 on a course that exceeds 6,000 yards and to see the Buffalo Bills win a Super Bowl. Follow Kevin Prise on Twitter .

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I am having trouble reserving a Pentagon tour using the online Pentagon Tour Reservation Portal; is there another way I can reserve a Pentagon tour?

All Pentagon tours must be reserved using the Pentagon Tour Reservation Portal . The Pentagon Force Protection Agency operates this website in collaboration with the Office of the Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs. A detailed user guide is available at this link . If you need additional assistance using the Pentagon Tour Reservation Portal or have questions about the Pentagon Visitor registration process and pre-visit security review for adult members of your tour group, please call the Pentagon Force Protection Agency Service Desk Line at 1-888-623-7457 to request a support ticket for the Pentagon Tours application.

A member of my tour group is a foreign national; is there an exception available to permit them to join our tour?

At this time, all individuals who are 18 years or older on the day of the tour must be United States citizens or aliens admitted for permanent residence in the United States under 22 U.S.C. 6010. There is no exception to this requirement, unless those individuals will be cleared into the Pentagon for an official purpose that is separate from the tour.

How can I schedule a short notice Pentagon tour?

Reservations may only be submitted from 14 to 90 days in advance. Reservations will not be accepted for tour dates within 13 days or more than 90 days away. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Where can I park at the Pentagon?

Public parking is not available at the Pentagon. Visitors may opt to park at the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City, also known as the Pentagon City mall. No shuttle service is provided to or from the Pentagon. The Pentagon is less than a five-minute walk from the mall and can be reached through a pedestrian tunnel. Once through the tunnel, look for signs to the Metro entrance. Click here for more information about getting here.

Where do I check in for my scheduled tour?

Check-in for all tours is at the Pentagon Tours window (in the Pentagon Visitor Center at the Pentagon Visitor Entrance). Click here for more information about getting here.

Can we eat inside the Pentagon?

Food and beverages are not permitted on the tour and tour guides will not pause during the tour to allow time for the purchase and consumption of food and beverages. All tours begin and end in the Pentagon Visitor Center. If a member of a Pentagon tour has been separately sponsored into the Pentagon by a Pentagon employee with escort privileges, they may be escorted to and from the Pentagon Visitor Center by their sponsor either before or after the tour.

Are tours offered in other languages?

Currently all tours are presented in English. However, translation is permitted for tour groups that bring approved translators with them.

What accommodations are there for people with disabilities?

Ramp access is available. Tour visitors using wheelchairs must be accompanied by someone who will assist them. The Pentagon Tours program does not provide wheelchairs or other personal mobility devices. With two weeks' notice, a sign language interpreter will be added to tours as needed to assist hearing impaired visitors. Special tours for visually impaired visitors may also be arranged with two weeks' notice.

What are some major points of interest on the Pentagon tour?

All tours will feature information and prominent displays that explore the history and facts pertaining to the service branches of the military (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Space Force). You may have an opportunity to visit the indoor memorial placed near the September 11th crash site, along with the September 11th Memorial Chapel. Also, the names of all the recipients of the Medal of Honor may be seen in the Hall of Heroes, as well as an up-close look at an actual Medal of Honor medallion. These are only a few of the many exhibits that may be viewed on your tour.

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NATO Weighs Taking Over U.S.-Led Group Directing Ukraine Military Aid

The proposal faces several obstacles, including whether all members would agree to the changes. But the alliance is worried about wavering American support for Kyiv.

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Two people in military uniforms handle a box containing weapons inside a wooden structure.

By Lara Jakes

Lara Jakes writes about weapons and military aid to Ukraine.

With continued American aid to Ukraine stalled and the looming prospect of a second Trump presidency, NATO’s top diplomat said on Wednesday that the alliance was poised to take more control over military support sent to Ukraine — a role that the United States has played for the past two years.

Details are still being worked out, but Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO secretary general, said foreign ministers meeting in Brussels agreed to pursue plans to give the military alliance more oversight in coordinating security assistance and training for Ukraine.

Should the plan comes to fruition, it would represent a shift from NATO’s previous reluctance to be pulled more directly into the conflict and risk a severe military response from President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. And it is not certain that NATO’s most powerful member, the United States, ultimately will agree to a measure that could dilute its influence.

But Mr. Stoltenberg said it was necessary to ensure that Ukraine could rely on NATO for years to come in a war with no immediate end in sight.

“The Ukrainians are not running out of courage — they’re running out of ammunition,” Mr. Stoltenberg said at NATO headquarters. “We need to step up now and ensure our support is built to last.”

He echoed impatience across the alliance with the United States’ delay in sending Ukraine a $60 billion aid package that congressional Republicans have stalled for six months. “We have a responsibility as NATO allies to take the decisions, and to ensure that the Ukrainians get the ammunition they must have, to be able to continue to push back the Russian invaders,” Mr. Stoltenberg said. “So it is urgent that the United States make a decision.”

One measure discussed at Wednesday’s meetings, officials said, would bring the Ukraine Defense Contact Group under NATO’s control. The group is currently led by the United States, and coordinates the donation and delivery of weapons to Ukraine’s battlefields.

Discussions are also underway about a plan floated by Mr. Stoltenberg to secure an additional $100 billion from the alliance’s 32 member states for Ukraine over five years. He called it obvious “that we need new and more money for Ukraine, and we need it over many years.” He added that he hoped to have final agreements by a July summit meeting of NATO leaders in Washington, where officials are expected to continue debating when Ukraine will be allowed to join the military alliance, as has been promised for years.

The United States and Germany insist that the government in Kyiv must make democratic and security reforms before it can become an alliance member. And few leaders are willing to bring Ukraine into the fold before the war with Russia is settled.

A NATO official confirmed the proposals, which were reported earlier by news outlets including Bloomberg News , but passage is by no means assured.

A second NATO official said that Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban has maintained warm relations with Russia , opposed the effort to put the Defense Contact Group under the alliance’s oversight. And several allies have questioned how NATO would be able to raise the $100 billion when it has no leverage over member states, the official said. Both NATO officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the details of the plans have not been publicly released.

Biden administration officials also appeared dubious, although Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken did not publicly discuss the proposal to relinquish American leadership of the Defense Contact Group during remarks with Mr. Stoltenberg. A White House spokesman was careful not to say whether it would be supported or opposed in Washington.

The group of about 50 countries and international organizations “is bigger than NATO, it’s bigger than the alliance,” said John Kirby, a National Security Council spokesman. “And what brought them together was American leadership.”

Washington’s support for Ukraine has wavered in recent months, though the House speaker, Mike Johnson, is now expected to seek Republican approval for a version of the $60 billion aid package next week. The delay has infuriated Kyiv, irritated allies and prompted Mr. Stoltenberg to declare on Wednesday that it “has consequences” on the battlefield, where Ukraine’s forces are running out of artillery and air defense systems as Russia gains ground along the front line.

Concern is also growing among NATO allies over the possible re-election in November of former President Trump, who in the past has vowed to withdraw the United States from the military alliance and recently threatened not to defend Europe if it were under attack . Mr. Stoltenberg sidestepped a question on Wednesday about Mr. Trump, but said that “you need long-term planning” for NATO to continue supporting Ukraine.

In the two years since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine , the United States has led an effort to funnel more than $88 billion in weapons and security assistance to Kyiv through the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, which usually meets at an American air base in Ramstein, Germany. In addition to the NATO members, the group includes major allied nations, like Australia, Japan and South Korea.

It is not clear how the NATO alliance would work with nonmember states. But Mr. Stoltenberg noted that NATO states provide 99 percent of the military aid that Ukraine receives.

Ukraine’s foreign minister, Dmytro Kuleba, is scheduled to meet top NATO diplomats at headquarters on Thursday, the official 75th anniversary of the military alliance that was created at the start of the Cold War in a collective security pact against the Soviet Union.

Its latest member is Sweden, which abandoned decades of nonalignment after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022. Sweden joined the alliance formally last month, and Wednesday was the first time its foreign minister, Tobias Billström, joined the diplomatic discussions as a full NATO member.

Matina Stevis-Gridneff and Michael D. Shear contributed reporting.

Lara Jakes , based in Rome, reports on diplomatic and military efforts by the West to support Ukraine in its war with Russia. She has been a journalist for nearly 30 years. More about Lara Jakes

Our Coverage of the War in Ukraine

News and Analysis

The head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency has condemned recent drone strikes at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant , saying “such reckless attacks significantly increase the risk of a major nuclear accident.”

Russian rockets slammed into residential buildings in Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials said, killing at least seven people and injuring at least 11 more in the latest assault on Ukraine’s second-largest city .

President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine has signed into law three measures aimed at replenishing the ranks of his country’s depleted army, including lowering the draft age to 25 .

Conditional Support: Ukraine wants a formal invitation to join NATO, but the alliance has no appetite for taking on a new member  that would draw it into the biggest land war in Europe since 1945.

‘Shell Hunger’: A desperate shortage of munitions in Ukraine  is warping tactics and the types of weapons employed, and what few munitions remain are often mismatched with battlefield needs.

Turning to Marketing: Ukraine’s troop-starved brigades have started their own recruitment campaigns  to fill ranks depleted in the war with Russia.

How We Verify Our Reporting

Our team of visual journalists analyzes satellite images, photographs , videos and radio transmissions  to independently confirm troop movements and other details.

We monitor and authenticate reports on social media, corroborating these with eyewitness accounts and interviews. Read more about our reporting efforts .

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  11. PARIS

    a dévoilé une nouvelle tour la tour THE LINK 244 métres pour 120.00m2 source le parisien bon il semble qu'ils ont retiré l'info a l'instant . Reactions: Demos-cratos, ... eut-dominer-la-defense-16-05-2017-6954837.php . Un peuple prêt à sacrifier un peu de liberté pour un peu de sécurité ne mérite ni l'une ni l'autre, et finit par ...

  12. THE LINK

    Conçu par l'architecte Philippe Chiambaretta (PCA-Stream), l'immeuble de 130 000 m2 accueillera le siège social de Total. Il se compose de deux ailes de resp...

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    The Department of Defense is America's largest government agency. Our mission is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and ensure our nation's security.

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  15. File:Tour The Link La Defense 2.jpg

    Français : Étape de construction de la Tour The Link de Total energy à La Défense, Courbevoie. Date: 2 February 2023 (according to Exif data) Source: Own work: ... Tour_The_Link_La_Defense_2.jpg&oldid=803079456" Category: Tour The Link; Hidden categories: France photographs taken on 2023-02-02; Files with coordinates missing SDC location of ...

  16. Pentagon Tours

    Arrival and Check-In. You must arrive at the Pentagon Visitor Entrance 60 minutes before your scheduled tour to allow time for processing through building security. All visitors must pass through ...

  17. Pentagon Tours

    Link to chart on who is a US person versus non-US person. Visitor Entrance Location The Pentagon Visitor Entrance is located adjacent to the Pentagon Metro Entrance. Pentagon Visitor Entrance hours: Monday - Friday, 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. Prohibited Items Prohibited items include, but are not limited to: Mobile devices will not be allowed on the tour.

  18. U.S. Department of Defense

    MOBCOP is the official portal for U.S. Department of Defense reservists and national guard soldiers. Find and apply for mobilization opportunities, access your records and more with your CAC card.

  19. La Défense

    La Défense (French: [la de.fɑ̃s]) is a major business district in France, located 3 kilometres (1.9 mi) west of the city limits of Paris.It is part of the Paris metropolitan area in the Île-de-France region, located in the department of Hauts-de-Seine in the communes of Courbevoie, La Garenne-Colombes, Nanterre, and Puteaux.. La Défense is Europe's largest purpose-built business district ...

  20. Tour The Link

    Démolition de l'immeuble Michelet à La Défense dans le cadre de la construction de la future tour The Link. Actuellement, une pelleteuse Liebherr 974 de l'en...

  21. Tour Légende

    Tour EDF is an office skyscraper located in La Défense, the high-rise business district west of Paris, France.. The tower was built for Électricité de France (EDF), France's main electricity company, and hosts the company's offices. Tour EDF is 165 m (541 ft) tall. The skyscraper's ground shape is elliptical, with a maximum length of 70 m (230 ft) and a maximum width of 32 m (105 ft).

  22. Tour Links Putting Greens

    The Tour Links Training Aid Putting Green is one of the best entry-level putting greens around. Available in 9 ft. and 13 ft. lengths, you'll love practicing on this putting green. There are a number of exciting features included in this training putting green. For example, the foam contour pads and the cup-reducing ring help you improve your ...

  23. Ahead of state visit, an 'epic' shift in Japan's defense posture

    In fact, Japan's defense budget in fiscal 2024, which passed at the end of March after intense discussions at the Diet, increased by about 50 percent from fiscal 2022.

  24. Vingegaard has collapsed lung after crash in Basque Country race. Tour

    BARCELONA, Spain (AP) — Two-time defending Tour de France champion Jonas Vingegaard remained hospitalized in Spain a day after he broke his collarbone and several ribs in a bad crash with other ...

  25. TAC Outreach Call 04/09/2024: Sustainable Defense Travel

    Join the TAC Outreach Call on Tuesday, April 9, 2024, at 0800 (8 AM) and 1300 (1 PM) ET for an encore presentation of Sustainable Defense Travel. Answers to frequently asked questions on defense travel are also now available for download.,

  26. Tony Finau ties course record, grabs lead in title defense at Texas

    Nonetheless, it's a performance that sets up Finau, a six-time TOUR winner, to successfully defend for the first time, as he matches his second-round 62 in fall 2022 (also shot by Scheffler in ...

  27. Pentagon Tours

    A detailed user guide is available at this link. If you need additional assistance using the Pentagon Tour Reservation Portal or have questions about the Pentagon Visitor registration process and ...

  28. Japan's Kishida Advocates Wider Defense Network Ahead of US Trip

    Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said he would seek to build a multilayered defense network with other countries while bolstering military cooperation with the US as he seeks to strengthen ...

  29. NATO Weighs Taking Over Ukraine Defense Contact Group

    A second NATO official said that Hungary, where Prime Minister Viktor Orban has maintained warm relations with Russia, opposed the effort to put the Defense Contact Group under the alliance's ...

  30. Pacific Defense Completes Hardware Integration Milestone for USSF MOSA

    Pacific Defense, a leading provider of Modular Open Systems Approach (MOSA) products and solutions, recently announced it has completed a key program