trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

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Test, Trek Émonda SL6 Pro

Émonda je v nabídce Treku považována za ideální silniční univerzál – rychlý, současně dostatečně pohodlný a svým jízdním projevem uspokojující požadavky závodníků i hobby jezdců. Sezóna 2021 přináší novou generaci Émondy, již jsme ve verzi SL6 Pro, s cenovkou 102 990 korun a karbonovými ráfky, důkladně otestovali. Několik set kilometrů po jihočeských a pošumavských silničkách ukázalo, jak univerzálním naladěním novinka disponuje.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Na úvod se zaměřme na mezigenerační změny, co všechno je jinak oproti verzi dosavadní? Je to jednoduché, nové je úplně všechno – geometrie, konstrukce i profilace jednotlivých rámových partií. Jediné, co přetrvalo, je karbon s označením OCLV. Nešlo o to „jen“ vylepšit původní Émondu. Požadavkem závodníků stáje Trek-Segafredo byla ještě vyšší rychlost, tudíž rám disponuje novými aerodynamickými prvky, byť ne tak ultimativními jako u modelu Madone. Aero-profilace se týkají partie hlavy s působivým přechodem do typicky prohnuté, široké horní trubky, dále přední vidlice nebo poměrně útlých sedlových vzpěr. Průřez dolní trubky zohledňuje redukci odporu vzduchu společně se zachováním boční tuhosti, tudíž je zde výchozí široký obdélníkový profil doplněn o spodní zakulacení usměrňující právě proudění vzduchu. I z dalších řešení je patrné zaměření na oba parametry, takže sedlová trubka mění ve své polovině průřez z kruhového na téměř obdélníkový, navíc s kónickým rozšířením směrem ke středovému pouzdru.

Typických prvků by se našla celá řada – od sedlovky se zažitou „opačnou“ konstrukcí, kdy je nosník sedla nasunován na komínek, jenž je součástí rámu, přes hodně výrazný rozestup sedlových vzpěr, plynule přecházejících v boční hrany horní trubky, až třeba po sníženou hlavu, jejíž horní krytka řízení navazuje na rám. Výsledek působí propracovaně a přitom čistě. Tomu nahrává i vnitřní vedení hadic hydrauliky či bovdenů řazení, jež najdeme také v útrobách hlavového složení či přední vidlice. Řídítka a představec jsou sice klasické konstrukce, nicméně vybízejí, aby se integrace hadic a bovdenů odehrála také zde. To je však už na potenciálním majiteli, stejně jako volba ze dvou barevných variant kola. V této souvislosti musíme zmínit, že nám obě přijdou trochu málo výrazné a i přes obří logo mohlo být té červené či bílé na testovaném modelu více. Je to otázka vkusu, ale tmavá silniční kola nepatří k našim oblíbencům...

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Geometrie H1.5, klíč ke spokojenosti

V úvodu jsme zmínili, že kompletně nová je nejen konstrukce, ale i použitá geometrie. Trek pro modelový rok 2021 sjednotil dosavadní ryze závodní naladění s označením H1 a na hobby jezdce zaměřené H2, výsledek je naprosto famózní. Vlastně právě geometrie je tím, čím nás nová generace Émondy nadchla nejvíce , přitom normálně nebýváme zastánci jakýchkoli kompromisů, z nichž nejednou vzejde jakýsi kočkopes, teoreticky sice univerzální, ale v reálu ne právě ideální pro kteroukoli ze zmíněných skupin. To se nové Émondy rozhodně netýká a naladění geometrie H1.5 je přesně takové, že svými reakcemi uspokojí závodníka, ale současně hobby jezdci nabídne nečekaně přátelský projev. Na jednu stranu lze na kole nastavit ryze závodní, nekompromisní posed, současně sériová verze disponuje vysokou sestavou podložek pod představcem a dokonce si můžeme vybrat ze dvou různých délek nástavců sedlovky, takže variabilita posedu je hodně nadstandardní, což u podobně „aero“ laděných závodních kol nebývá pravidlem.

Jedna věc je ovšem posed či míra přizpůsobení konkrétní postavě a jízdnímu stylu, a něco úplně jiného je naladění reakcí, ostrosti řízení či ochoty držet přímý směr bez nutnosti pevného svírání řídítek. A právě v tomto ohledu je nová generace Émondy vynikající. Na první osahání se totiž jeví extra klidná, s výbornou směrovou stabilitou, až by skoro člověka svou přátelskou povahou ukolébala. Zkrátka je to jedno z kol, u nichž se nebojíme v šedesátce pustit řídítka , aniž bychom chtěli kohokoli k nějakým vylomeninám navádět. To vše je ovšem jen první dojem, byť velmi důležitý třeba při jízdě v balíku, kde je klid vedení kola vyloženě žádoucí. Druhý dojem přichází v okamžiku, kdy přijdou do cesty zatáčky. V nich totiž zjistíme, že i zde kolo reaguje přesně tak, jak chceme. Není sice superostré, ale to ani nebylo jeho cílem. Serpentiny projíždí velmi čistě, bez nutnosti neustálých korekcí směru, a položení do zatáčky proto ve výsledku působí stejně přirozeně jako již zmiňovaná jízda přímým směrem. Je to podobné, jako když je dobře naladěný podvozek a řízení u auta – automaticky přestaneme přemýšlet o jízdě, o řízení, přestaneme se soustředit a pouze si užíváme to, jak všechno skvěle funguje. Aniž bychom vůbec vnímali, že to funguje. To je známka precizního naladění jízdního projevu – ať už u kola či auta.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Rychlost kontra pohodlí

Varianta SL6 Pro je prvním modelem řady Émonda využívajícím karbonové ráfky, jmenovitě kola Bontrager Aeolus Elite 35 s konstrukcí karbon OCLV, použitou i v případě rámu a vidlice. Výška profilu ráfku 35 milimetrů se zdá být oním ideálním univerzálem, jenž nás znatelně podpoří ve vyšších rychlostech, aniž by nás omezoval v rozletu v akceleraci, v kopcích či při nepříjemném bočním větru. Trek nabízí tentýž model Émondy i ve variantě SL6 bez přídomku Pro, tedy s klasickými duralovými ráfky a cenovkou 88 990 korun, ovšem z našeho pohledu má investice do testovaných karbonových Bontragerů určitě smysl. Z hlediska rychlosti funguje testovaný model parádně a čím rychleji jedeme, tím více cítíme, jak nám kolo v našem snažení pomáhá. Je to klasická vlastnost kol s vyššími karbonovými ráfky, o jejichž přínosu začínáme vědět při rychlosti circa nad třicet kilometrů za hodinu. Jestliže chtěli Američané stvořit opravdu rychlou Émondu, pak se jim to povedlo .

Rychlost je skoro opojná, pakliže dále akcelerujeme třeba z třiceti pětatřiceti kilometrů za hodinu. Ani v kopcích nemáme dojem, že bychom strádali, a to i díky celkové hmotnosti 8,05 kilogramu, nicméně pocitově se kolo cítí lépe na rovinatějších tratích nežli tam, kde musíme využít silovější způsob jízdy. Z hlediska torzní tuhosti patří rám k lepšímu průměru své třídy, nelze jej proto zařadit k těm nejtužším – na silové nástupy odpovídá sice dostatečně razantně, ale ne vyloženě ostře. Možná to byl záměr konstruktérů, kteří se snažili naladit univerzalitu i v poměru tuhost / nabízený jízdní komfort. Právě z hlediska schopnosti pohlcovat rázy od nekvalitního asfaltu nás totiž rám potěšil a i na úzkých silničkách s nekvalitním asfaltem byl ve výsledku pohodlnější, než jsme od něj čekali . To je rovněž zásluha konstrukce sedlovky, jejíž vnější stavitelný nástavec nebrání předozadnímu pružení této partie rámu – atypická konstrukce zde není jen pro oko či pro odlišení se od konkurence. Předek kola se sice ve srovnání se zadní partií jeví tvrdší, ale ne natolik, aby to působilo rušivě.

Pár slov závěrem

Potěšilo nás, že námi navážená hmotnost přesně odpovídala materiálům uváděným Trekem a ani z hlediska osazení není kolu co vytknout. Kompletní ultegra řadila i brzdila luxusně, byť brzdy se nám chvílemi zdály ostřejší, přece jen kotouče průměru 160 mm udělají hodně. Potěší i sestava převodníků 52/36, adekvátní schopnostem kola. Z výroby je vše připraveno pro montáž bezdušových plášťů, přičemž rám i vidlice si poradí se šířkou obutí až třicet milimetrů. Ale už dost popisování detailů kola. Máme-li napsat finální verdikt, pak nás nová generace Émondy přesvědčila rychlostí a hlavně univerzálním, velmi přátelským naladěním geometrie. Pokud máte v plánu investovat do kola sto tisíc, pak vám model SL6 Pro nabídne odpovídající schopnosti a hlavně nebudete muset přemýšlet o tom, jaká karbonová kola si následně pořídit. Zde jsou již v ceně.

Fotogalerie kola ZDE

Technické specifikace:

Rám: karbon OCLV řady 500

Vidlice: Émonda SL karbon

Kliky: Shimano Ultegra 52/36

Brzdy: Shimano Ultegra flatmount, 160 mm

Řazení: Shimano Ultegra

Přehazovačka: Shimano Ultegra

Přesmykač: Shimano Ultegra

Kola: Bontrager Aeolus Elite 35, karbon OCLV

Kazeta: Shimano Ultegra 11-30 (11)

Pláště: Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite, 700x25c.

Řídítka: Bontrager Elite VR-C

Představec: Bontrager Pro

Sedlový nástavec: Bontrager karbon, offset 20 mm

Sedlo: Bontrager Aeolus Comp

Hmotnost: 8,05 kg (vel. 56 cm)

Cena: 102 990 Kč

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Trek Emonda SL6 Pro review

Trek's latest GC/climbing bike has undergone an aero transformation, but has it helped?

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trek emonda sl6 pro

The radical changes brought about in this new Emonda frame are somewhat hampered within the SL range owing to the heavier nature of the frame and subsequent ride quality of the 500 Series OCLV carbon. It is a solid all-round performer and there's no getting away from the fact the ride quality provides a good balance of efficiency and ride comfort. It's just if you were looking for an improvement on the ride of the previous model you'll need to hold off and get one of the higher level SLR models to truly see improvements.

Efficient power transfer

Excellent handling prowess

Compliant ride

New SL frame has lost some of the excitement of the existing Émonda

Heavy for a 'climbing' bike

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James Bracey

Trek recently released a brand new re-imagining of the Emonda, the brand's lightweight climbing/GC model platform, featuring a drastically aero-ised chasis. The model family is split into a higher tier SLR and the lower SL range that this SL6 Pro sits in, the critical difference is in the carbon layup and the enhanced integration sported by the SLR range.

The frame on the Emonda SL6 Pro is constructed of Trek's own 500 Series OCLV carbon fibre. This carbon layup might be heavier than the newly showcased ultra light 800 Series OCLV of the top level SLR Émonda's but is considerably more economical to produce, helping keep the SL range prices in a much more affordable tier.

>>> The Trek Madone gets an update, but you won't spot it

The new Emonda features a completely new set of tube shapes, most of which have gone down the aero route. But Trek is at pains to keep the comparisons to the Madone aero race bike to a minimum; this isn’t simple a ‘Madone Lite’. Rather than being the same elongated shapes as found on a proper aero race bike, the aero shaping of the Emonda’s tubes is much more subtle and is based around the principle of unsteady aerodynamics.

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

In this case it’s more about how drag is affected through wind gusts and other factors at slower speeds than the usual 45km/h, after all, not even pros climb at these speeds. There are still the characteristic truncated airfoil shapes that we associate with aero frames but the effect is far less dramatic and produces a frame that still has a traditional look.

Trek Madone SLR9 Disc review

Trek hasn’t jumped on the dropped seatstay bandwagon with the new frame either, preferring to stick to a set of widely spaced yet aero shaped, thin seat stays.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

The new frame also enjoys a little more integration, bringing it more in-line with the Madone. All models now see the cable routing brought neatly into the frame at the front of the headtube keeping the front end profile as slippery as possible.

The other notable feature of the new frame is a wholesale move to the T47 bottom bracket standard . This style marries the reliability of a threaded shell with the capability of running larger diameter internal bearings and enables Trek to maintain its characteristic wide and efficient bottom bracket stance.

The new Emonda range has also been designed with Trek’s middle-ground H1.5 geometry ensuring a set of numbers that sits it half way between the ultra-aggressive pro H1 and its laid back and relaxed, endurance specific H2 geometry. A tall stack of split spacers under the stem provides plenty of height adjustment for a wide range of rider requirements.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

And finally, keeping the Emonda in a pretty rigid user set Trek has bucked another trend and limited tyre clearance to just 28c putting the focus of the bike purely on road going high performance.

The SL6 Pro sits near the top of the SL range and as such has a a pretty decent spec sheet. A mechanical Shimano Ultegra is the least we would expect at the +£3,000 price point and we don't need to point out how reliable and consistent it is in providing smooth shifting and braking.

As with the entire Emonda range the SL6 Pro runs on Bontrager wheels; Aeolus Elite 35 to be precise. These feature a carbon 35mm depth and complement the new 'aero' frame without compromising too much on weight and climbing ability. They feel stiff under power and spin up to speed relatively quickly. There are lighter and faster wheels that would suit the new frame but at this price point the Aeolus Elite is spot on. The tyres are Bontrager as well, in this instance 25mm R2 Hardcase Lite tyres. These are not Bontrager's fastest tyres, more classed as an everyday tyre with plenty of puncture protection.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

In a complete whitewash the entirety of the finishing kit is also provided by Bontrager. Unlike the integrated carbon bar/stem of the higher end SLR models, the SL6 Pro is fitted with a standard aluminium handlebar and separate stem, allowing for much simpler cockpit customisation. Despite the more ordinary setup the cable routing is still really neat underneath the stem without needing any additional housing.

The Émonda maintains the 'reversed' seat post, with a larger diameter seatpost mast fitted over the seat tube. This allows for plenty of adjustment plus further lengths are available if needed. The Bontrager Aeolus saddle also stands out for being incredibly comfortable even when sat right on the nose.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

I was curious to see if the new Emonda was able to improve on the ride quality of the highly rated existing version and the short answer is yes, well kind of....

The first thing to note is that in this new guise, the lower SL version I have on test feels a little chunky at over 8 kilograms - not something you expect when the bike's raison d'etre is all about low weight and climbing. However a total mass doesn't always equate to an anchor of a ride experience and this is true of the Émonda.

Trek has managed to provide a level of stiffness around the bottom bracket that enables the Émonda to deliver in its promise of rewarding effort. Granted it takes less effort to maintain speeds on flat and rolling terrain, much like the Madone aero bike, and I'm certain it is a 'faster' bike than the last version. But I can't help but feel that this new design has stifled some of the existing model's lively and exciting ride nature - it feels like using adjectives such as solid and dependable is more appropriate, almost like the Domane endurance bike.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Trek's relaxing of the geometry on the Emonda has increased its ability to keep you comfortable and riding hard on a long ride and I had no issue taking on some challenging and long routes around Dorset and South Wales. The tall stack of shaped and split spacers sit the cockpit a little too high for my personal preference but luckily I was able to drop the stem height by using some standard spacers on top of the stem, without needing to cut the steerer. This put a little more weight on the front wheel which enabled me to descend the Émonda with aplomb and happily stuff it into downhill corners at high speed without any of the vague feeling that can come with a front end that is a touch too high.

Climbing is where the Emonda should thrive and it certainly is no slouch on your typical British climb, however it doesn't set the tarmac alight and the near eight kilo weight does neuter the Émonda's ability to counter attack when your riding mates try to accelerate away from you on a climb.

It feels like I'm being a little harsh and critical of the Emonda SL6 Pro, after all in most respects it is a solid all-rounder and I have enjoyed my time riding the bike over the last few months. It's a great looking bike and I expect most riders will be satisfied with the performance, it's just I feel it has a lost a little of the magic the old version had. If you are looking for the sort of engaging ride the Emonda is known for I suspect you would need to save your pennies and opt for one of the lighter SLR options and certainly if it was my money that would be what I would need to do.

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James Bracey's career has seen him move from geography teacher, to MBR writer, to Cycling Weekly's senior tech writer and video presenter. He possesses an in-depth knowledge of bicycle mechanics, as well as bike fit and coaching qualifications. Bracey enjoys all manner of cycling, from road to gravel and mountain biking.

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Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro 2021

First up, the comfort.

I picked up on the fact that the SL6 Pro has quite a firm ride – a little bit old school, dare I say. By that I mean that a lot of carbon fibre frames have become much more comfortable over the years as designers and manufacturers have learnt about carbon fibre grades, tube profiles and, more importantly, the layup of the composite material.

The Cube Attain GTC SL I tested recently highlighted this in the way that it really managed to reduce road buzz while retaining plenty of feedback through the frame and fork.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - riding 3.jpg

This isn't a criticism of the Trek at all, it just wasn't quite what I was expecting. I like it; I'm a big believer in ultimate performance over comfort when it comes to race bikes, and that is exactly what the Émonda delivers.

Stiffness throughout the fork and the lower half of the frame is very impressive, and means the Trek is responsive to your inputs. The wide bottom bracket shell allows for a large down tube and chunky chainstays to reduce flex when you are really nailing it, while the front end backs this up via the tapered head tube and firm fork legs. Sprinting and climbing are all taken in the Émonda's stride.

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As you'd expect from a race bike, the riding position can be set up to be pretty aggressive – with a relatively short 151mm head tube length on this 56cm model I could achieve a low handlebar-to-saddle drop to aid the aerodynamics, especially when in the drops.

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The rest of the geometry follows the same theme with a 73.5-degree head angle and a relatively short wheelbase for a disc-equipped frame (the chainstays are often a fair bit longer than those on rim-braked frames because of the extra axle width at the rear dropouts) at just 983mm.

Trek has achieved a good balance here with the Émonda I reckon.

The shorter wheelbase makes it nippy, which allows for snappy direction changes at high speed, yet it's managed to tame the handling just enough that the Émonda never becomes a handful unless you do something really stupid.

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In my First Ride piece I mentioned that I hadn't managed to point the Trek at my favourite test hill, one that is fast and twisty with off-camber bends and chicanes. It really tests every part of a bike's handling in a blur.

Well, I have now, about five or six times, and the Émonda really impressed. It has the quickness in the steering and the overall agility to be pushed very hard into the corners.

After a night of heavy rain, gravel had been washed out into the lane slightly out of sight as I went into a fast left-hander at about 45mph; I dabbed the brakes a little, but seeing the grit and stones spanning the entire road there was no real way out of it. Letting the bike hit the gravel and predicting where the slide was probably going to end was the only option, and it was a sketchy couple of seconds.

As the front tyre regained grip on the asphalt there was a second where the still-sliding rear wanted to get in front, but the Trek's well-balanced handling allowed me to quickly regain control and blast to the bottom of the hill.

In less extreme circumstances the Émonda is an absolute hoot to ride downhill, with just slight adjustments to body position and the handlebar allowing you to flow from corner to corner.

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On longer rides the Trek is just as well mannered; it is a very easy bike to ride quickly even when fatigue can kick in or when you are on unfamiliar roads.

The stiffness I mentioned earlier doesn't come through as a negative on higher mileage jaunts, especially if you get on with the saddle and have a decent pair of shorts on. The three- to four-hour rides I used the Trek on were a lot of fun. Unleash the power for the fun bits and then when you are on the flat, straight slogs you can just hunker down and keep the pedals turning over.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - riding 6.jpg

The only thing I needed to do was to shift the saddle 5mm closer to the bar than I would normally have it, because of the width of the top tube as it flows into the seatstays either side of the seat tube. I have quite large thighs and I could feel them rubbing on the frame every pedal revolution when I first started riding the Trek.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - top tube shape.jpg

Frame and fork

The Émonda has always been the lightweight bike of Trek's road range, leaving outright speed to the Madone, but for this latest model Trek has incorporated more aerodynamic profiles in the Émonda's design.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - down tube.jpg

Unlike most aero bikes, though, the Émonda's frame doesn't focus on being fast in a straight line or at high speed, it is a climbing bike after all. Instead the engineers have focused on 'unsteady aerodynamics', which fit in with the much lower speeds found when ascending.

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Most of the attention has been placed on the front end, including the head tube and down tube. The top-end SLR models use the Bontrager XXX aero handlebar/stem combo which further increases the benefits, but that isn't available on the SL options.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - head tube.jpg

The SLR models also use a new OCLV 800 grade carbon fibre while the SLs use the 500 series, which increases the weight a bit, although a claimed frame weight of 1,142g and 380g for the fork is far from shabby.

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If wind cheating is your main goal then it's worth noting that the Émonda is optimised for 25mm tyres, as that is the most common size used for racing, but if you want something a bit wider 28mm will fit while still allowing 6mm of space around the tyre.

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As you'd expect on an aero-based bike, the Émonda has full internal cable routing but this is taken to an extra level compared with most frames, with the cables and hoses leaving the handlebar and entering the frame through the spacers rather than the head tube or down tube. This gives much cleaner lines at the front.

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You won't find a standard seatpost either. The Émonda's seat tube continues up past the top tube by a fair old way and then an external seat mast is placed over the top; you tighten the hex bolt to clamp it into place at the right saddle height.

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The Émonda range is now completely disc brake-equipped which to my mind is a bit of a shame as I am a big fan of rim brakes, and it would certainly bring the weight down for a bike aimed at climbing.

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Many manufacturers are seeing sales of disc models outstripping rim options by a large margin, though, so it is kind of inevitable. There is also the cost – the Émonda is available in seven sizes so that'd be 14 different moulds required if Trek offered both brake options.

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The Émonda comes with flat mounts, as you'd expect, and 12mm thru-axles front and rear.

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I mentioned the wide bottom bracket shell earlier and this is normally only achievable by using a press-fit BB, where the bearing cups are pressed into the frame. If tolerances aren't adhered to, creaking can occur, especially after water or grit gets between the mating faces, which is why we've seen many brands return to external threaded options.

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Trek has gone for what is possibly the best of both worlds with the T47 system. First introduced by Chris King and Oregon's Argonaut Cycles , they thread into the bottom bracket shell which allows it to be wider, increasing stiffness without affecting the width between the pedals (Q-factor).

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If you want a more in-depth look at what changes and design tweaks were made to achieve this new Émonda frameset then it'd be worth checking out Mat's full breakdown here .

Wheels and tyres

Trek says that the SL 6 Pro comes with all the lightweight components you need as standard, so there is no need to upgrade. You could save a few grams here and there, but overall it is a pretty complete package.

This model is the first carbon bike in the line-up that comes with a set of carbon fibre wheels. The 35mm Bontrager Aeolus Elite 35s are 35mm deep and are tubeless ready.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - wheel and tyre.jpg

It's a good set of wheels for a whole range of riding styles: shallow enough to work on the climbs and just about deep enough to give you a small aerodynamic gain without being affected by crosswinds. Comparing the price of the near-identical SL 6 suggests you are getting them for just £450 too.

Reliability isn't an issue as they took on everything that was put in their way over the test period, and should anything happen and they get damaged Trek will replace or repair them for free in the first two years of ownership.

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Wrapped around the wheels are a pair of Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite tyres. They are all right in terms of rolling resistance, grip and durability, but their 60tpi casing does give them a bit of a 'wooden' feel. You aren't getting a whole lot of suppleness which would really benefit the frameset, so I'd definitely upgrade when they wear out.

I've been using the R3 Hard Case Lites recently and they are a much better tyre, so something like that would be a good upgrade if you want to keep the Bonty/Trek theme going.

Drivetrain and brakes

On the SL 6 Pro, Trek is giving you a full Shimano Ultegra hydraulic/mechanical groupset and it suits the bike very well. You are getting near-Dura-Ace performance but at a much reduced price.

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Trek has specced a 52/36-tooth semi-compact chainset and an 11-30 cassette, which is a great choice of gear ratios for a bike of this style. There are plenty of top end gears for speed work while the 30-tooth sprocket will give you an extra bailout gear over the more usual 28T found on the majority of race bikes.

The gear shifts from Ultegra are top notch. You get quite a light feel at the levers, but one that also gives a very nicely defined click so you can be sure that the shift has taken place.

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When it comes to the braking, Trek has chosen to fit 160mm rotors front and back, which give more than enough power for a bike of this type.

Shimano's hydraulic systems are very powerful but also easily modulated thanks to loads of feel through the levers, allowing you to stop quickly without the fear of locking up the front tyre, even in the wet.

Finishing kit

All of the finishing kit is supplied by Bontrager, Trek's in-house parts department, and it's all decent quality stuff.

The handlebar is the Bontrager Elite VR-C which is an aluminium alloy model with a short reach and a shallow drop, making it ideal for a whole host of different riders' proportions. Helping that is the fact that different size frames get a different width bar, ranging from 38cm up to 44cm.

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It's the same for the Bontrager Pro stem: the smallest 47cm bike gets a 70mm unit, with the 62cm extending that out to 110mm. The stem on each frame size seems to come up a bit shorter than most bikes of this type, but it seems to work.

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - stem.jpg

I got on fine with the Aeolus Comp saddle. Its shape is well suited to riding hard and fast, and I like the firm padding which gives you a good platform to push against when you are really hammering it. (There's a separate review of it here .) 

2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro - saddle.jpg

This SL 6 Pro model has an rrp of £3,350, which isn't a bad deal for what you are getting here with the aero carbon frame, fork and deep-section wheels.

> Buyer’s Guide: 21 of the best 2020 aero road bikes

The similarly themed Scott Addict RC 30 is £3,199 and also come comes with an Ultegra groupset, but it is begging for an upgrade to the wheelset. It is light, though, at just 7.88kg.

If it's aero that you want then there is the Orro Venturi . The closest model in price is £3,299.99; you only get alloy wheels, but you are getting Ultegra Di2 for the gear shifting.

Overall, the Émonda is a very good bike. The aero tweaks have turned it into a very fast and efficient bike that still manages to deliver on the weight front and this SL 6 Pro model is so well specced there's no need to update anything when it comes to the components, just the tyres when they wear out.

A quality frameset that works both on the flat and the climbs, and well specced for the money test report

Make and model: Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro 2021

Size tested: 56cm

About the bike

List the components used to build up the bike.

Trek lists:

Front wheel Bontrager Aeolus Elite 35, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 35 mm rim depth, 100x12 mm thru axle

Rear wheel Bontrager Aeolus Elite 35, OCLV Carbon, Tubeless Ready, 35 mm rim depth, Shimano 11-speed freehub, 142x12 mm thru axle

Tyre Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite, aramid bead, 60 tpi, 700x25 c

Max tyre size 28c

*Shifter Size: 47, 50, 52

Shimano Ultegra R8025, short-reach lever, 11-speed

Size: 54, 56, 58, 60, 62

Shimano Ultegra R8020, 11-speed

Front derailleur Shimano Ultegra R8000, braze-on

Rear derailleur Shimano Ultegra R8000, short cage, 30T max cog

*Crank Size: 47

Shimano Ultegra R8000, 52/36, 165 mm length

Size: 50, 52

Shimano Ultegra R8000, 52/36, 170 mm length

Size: 54, 56, 58

Shimano Ultegra R8000, 52/36, 172.5 mm length

Size: 60, 62

Shimano Ultegra R8000, 52/36, 175 mm length

Bottom bracket Praxis, T47 threaded, internal bearing

Cassette Shimano Ultegra R8000, 11-30, 11-speed

Chain Shimano Ultegra HG701, 11-speed

Max. chainring size 1x: 50T; 2x: 53/39T

Saddle Bontrager Aeolus Comp, steel rails, 145 mm width

*Seatpost Size: 47, 50, 52, 54

Bontrager carbon seat mast cap, 20 mm offset, short length

Size: 56, 58, 60, 62

Bontrager carbon seat mast cap, 20 mm offset, tall length

*Handlebar Size: 47, 50

Bontrager Elite VR-C, alloy, 31.8 mm, 100 mm reach, 124 mm drop, 38 cm width

Bontrager Elite VR-C, alloy, 31.8 mm, 100 mm reach, 124 mm drop, 40 cm width

Bontrager Elite VR-C, alloy, 31.8 mm, 100 mm reach, 124 mm drop, 42 cm width

Bontrager Elite VR-C, alloy, 31.8 mm, 100 mm reach, 124 mm drop, 44 cm width

Handlebar tape Bontrager Supertack Perf tape

*Stem Size: 47

Bontrager Pro, 31.8 mm, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 70 mm length

Bontrager Pro, 31.8 mm, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 80 mm length

Size: 52, 54

Bontrager Pro, 31.8 mm, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 90 mm length

Bontrager Pro, 31.8 mm, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 100 mm length

Size: 58, 60, 62

Bontrager Pro, 31.8 mm, Blendr-compatible, 7-degree, 110 mm length

Brake Shimano Ultegra hydraulic disc

Brake rotor Shimano RT800, 160 mm, CenterLock

Tell us what the bike is for and who it's aimed at. What do the manufacturers say about it? How does that compare to your own feelings about the bike?

Trek says, "Émonda SL 6 Disc Pro is the first carbon road bike in the line-up that gives you lightweight carbon wheels to match your lightweight frame. Aero tube shaping, disc brakes and a high-performance drive train make it a great option for roadies who value great handling and lots of speed."

Where does this model sit in the range? Tell us briefly about the cheaper options and the more expensive options

There are five models in the range starting with the SL 5 which comes with a Shimano 105 groupset for £2,725, finishing off with the SL 7 with SRAM eTap at £5,250.

A frameset is also available for £2,200.

Tell us about the build quality and finish of the frame and fork?

A well made and finished frame and fork.

Tell us about the materials used in the frame and fork?

Frame – Ultralight 500 Series OCLV Carbon, Ride Tuned performance tube optimisation, tapered head tube, internal routing, DuoTrap S-compatible, flat-mount disc, 142x12 mm thru axle

Fork – Emonda SL full carbon, tapered carbon steerer, internal brake routing, flat-mount disc, 12x100 mm thru axle

Tell us about the geometry of the frame and fork?

The geometry is race orientated with a steepish head angle and a short head tube length.

How was the bike in terms of height and reach? How did it compare to other bikes of the same stated size?

The stack and reach figures are pretty typical for this size and kind of bike. This 56cm comes with a stack of 563mm and a reach of 391mm.

Riding the bike

Was the bike comfortable to ride? Tell us how you felt about the ride quality.

Overall it's fine, although it does have a firmer ride than a lot of new carbon fibre frames.

Did the bike feel stiff in the right places? Did any part of the bike feel too stiff or too flexible?

Stiffness is very impressive, especially around the bottom bracket area.

How did the bike transfer power? Did it feel efficient?

Efficiency is very impressive, it is a proper point and shoot bike.

Was there any toe-clip overlap with the front wheel? If so was it a problem?

How would you describe the steering? Was it lively neutral or unresponsive? Responsive.

Tell us some more about the handling. How did the bike feel overall? Did it do particular things well or badly?

The handling is very well balanced, making the Trek easy to ride whether you are just cruising along or pushing it hard through the bends.

Which components had the most effect (good or bad) on the bike's comfort? would you recommend any changes?

I liked the saddle, it was firm yet comfortable for all sorts of rides.

Which components had the most effect (good or bad) on the bike's stiffness? would you recommend any changes?

The Bontrager wheels offer loads of stiffness even when riding hard, out of the saddle.

Which components had the most effect (good or bad) on the bike's efficiency? would you recommend any changes?

I'd change the tyres for something a little more supple which would help you achieve higher speeds in the bends.

The drivetrain

Tell us some more about the drivetrain. Anything you particularly did or didn't like? Any components which didn't work well together?

The Shimano Ultegra groupset can't really be faulted. Gears and brakes offer great performance and reliability.

Tell us some more about the wheels.Did they work well in the conditions you encountered? Would you change the wheels? If so what for?

It's good to see a quality set of carbon wheels on a bike as standard at this price. They performed well in all sorts of conditions and seem to be durable.

Tell us some more about the tyres. Did they work well in the conditions you encountered? Would you change the tyres? If so what for?

The Bontrager R2s aren't bad, but the SL 6 Pro deserves something faster and grippier.

Tell us some more about the controls. Any particularly good or bad components? How would the controls work for larger or smaller riders?

Decent quality in-house kit that suits the bike well.

Your summary

Did you enjoy riding the bike? Yes

Would you consider buying the bike? Yes

Would you recommend the bike to a friend? Yes

How does the price compare to that of similar bikes in the market, including ones recently tested on

For a semi-aero bike the Émonda is pretty well priced, like against the Scott and Orro mentioned in the review.

Use this box to explain your overall score

The Émonda's new aero frameset means that not only is it a good climber, it also works well on the flat sections too. The overall quality is very good and you are getting a well chosen spec. The firm ride might not be ideal for those who focus more on comfort, though.

Overall rating: 8 /10

About the tester

Age: 41   Height: 180cm   Weight: 76kg

I usually ride: This month's test bike   My best bike is: B'Twin Ultra CF draped in the latest bling test components

I've been riding for: Over 20 years   I ride: Every day   I would class myself as: Expert

I regularly do the following types of riding: time trialling, commuting, club rides, sportives, fixed/singlespeed,

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

As part of the tech team here at F-At Digital, senior product reviewer Stu spends the majority of his time writing in-depth reviews for, and ebiketips using the knowledge gained from testing over 1,500 pieces of kit (plus 100's of bikes) since starting out as a freelancer back in 2009. After first throwing his leg over a race bike back in 2000, Stu's ridden more than 170,000 miles on road, time-trial, track, and gravel bikes, and while he's put his racing days behind him, he still likes to smash the pedals rather than take things easy. With a background in design and engineering, he has an obsession with how things are developed and manufactured, has a borderline fetish for handbuilt metal frames and finds a rim braked road bike very aesthetically pleasing!

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Quote: The Émonda has always been the lightweight bike of Trek's road range

8.23kg isn't 'lightweight'... that's porky. 1.4kg over the UCI minimum!

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Not a big fan of the way the cables and hoses run at the front of the bar in order to fit under the stem like that, I'm surprised they haven't gone for a system where they run intrnally then under a stem cover etc

Quite a lot of money for an 8.2 kilo bike. 

"Comparing the price of the near-identical SL 6 suggests you are getting them for just £450 too."

The side by side comparison of the SL6 and the pro makes them identical bar the wheels. Which listed on the trek website retail at a price difference of £250, not £450. So either the stock wheels on the SL6 are over priced on their own (then maybe the bike is too) or the only reason to buy the pro is if the Aeolus are the wheel upgrade you want over everything else on the market.

I'm still more inclined to the RC30.

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Émonda SL 6 Pro Ridden and Reviewed

Filter by category:, an early contender for "bike of the year".

Trek's launch of the new generation Émonda is a big deal. The previous generation was a very good bike but I felt it was out-classed by its arch rival the Tarmac SL6 (no harm there as the Tarmac was exceptional, but Trek and Specialized products are much closer in abilities in the aero road and endurance categories).

So a new Émonda is an exciting prospect; especially when the hype coming from the Pro teams has been so loud - this bike is aero enough that it will apparently replace the Madone as the main stage race weapon. That's some welcome extra versatility for a very light bike.

Being a bike tart I was initially focused on the top of the range Émonda SLR series (and I do have one on order).

But when we looked at the specs we realised the SL series (made with OCLV 500 carbon vs the 800 on the flagship range) looked a cracking bike for the money, and the pick of the bunch was the SL 6 Pro at £3350. A lightweight climbing bike with aero advantages, Ultegra disc groupset and carbon wheels. That's a heck of a bike for the money.

And it comes in a super smart Lithium Grey / Brushed Chrome finish (well, these things matter too!) that belies the price point.

In the first week it was launched we sold 10 of the SL 6 Pros; everyone loved it and I said to Dan that based on spec and first impressions this was a (very) early contender for 2020 Bike of the Year. And so, in the interests of editorial thoroughness, I decided to buy one myself and see how it performed.

I have wheelsets that cost more than this entire bike; so I was really keen to see how it performed vs the £9000 super bikes I kid myself I 'need'.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Initial impressions

On unboxing my first impressions were immediately very positive; it looks very smart indeed. I have always loved dark grey (slightly darker than Nardo grey if you are a car geek) and the chrome decals really set it off. Its a really good looking bike, with a sleek look from the aero tubes that still manages to be quite 'classic' in profile.

The SL range don't have the trick one piece bar/stem that features on the SLR models. Instead it comes with a separate alloy stem and an alu bar with Bontrager's VR-C shape. This is the first time I have ridden them and they are long - 100mm reach when most bars are 75-80mm; so my maths shows that all things being equal you need to lose some stem length. My bike comes with a 110mm stem in 58cm, and truth be told I might go down to 100mm (which hurts the ego... but fit matters!). But the bar shape overall is great, and the drops are super useful.

The saddle is the new Aeolus shape; with a massive pressure-relieving cut out in the middle, running almost the full length of the saddle. It comes in a posh one at £150 (with carbon rails and shell), a middle range one at £90, and this 'budget one', the Comp, which retails on its own at £49. The Comp is relatively heavy at 280g, thanks to steel rails, but that's my only issue with it; the shape is great and £49 for a saddle this good is outrageous value for money.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

I like mechanical Shimano; I have Dura Ace 9000 and 9100 on other bikes; but this was the first time I have ever owned a bike with a mechanical disc groupset. As ever with Shimano shifting is flawless, and I really like the shape of the hoods (whisper it, but more than the Di2 version) as there is a lot to grab hold of; its closer in size to AXS than Di2 (and to me, thats a good thing).

My only change from the stock bike is to put my SRM power meter crankset on the bike, replacing the stock Ultegra crank. Everything else is 'as is'.

Those carbon Aeolus 35 wheels look the part, the only thing I would recommend changing from stock immediately is the Bontrager R2 tyres which are decidedly 'budget' in feel and don't roll that well. You can feel the stiffness in the casing, and a more supple tyre would improve the ride and handling at little cost.

I popped on a set of my favourite Specialized Turbo Cotton 320TPI in 28mm and it really made the ride come alive. Sacrilege, I know, but they're what I had to hand. Something like the Vittoria Corsa would also be a superb option when you're looking to upgrade from the stock tyres, that supple casing makes all the difference.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Ride impressions after 4 rides

It's still early days; but I have tested enough bikes to know that good bikes rarely become bad, but sometimes bikes you don't immediately gel with can come good with some small positional or component tweaks.

I am pleased to say the Emonda SL 6 Pro is simply a very good bike from the off. I had to keep reminding myself it was 'only' £3350; apart from some small weight gain and cheaper tyres it rides like a bike that costs double this. Swap the tyres out and it's even better.

Trek have mirrored the Madone geometry. There's no longer the choice of H2 (moderately relaxed) or H1 (Pro aggressive), but instead they've gone to H1.5 across the range. This to me is a welcome development - it's a Goldilocks geometry; aggressive enough to be racey but not so low or long as to need lots of spacers.

It's hard to 'feel' the aero gains of the new Émonda; I am coming off a Venge with 65mm wheels so that's setting a pretty high benchmark. But it doesn't feel slow on the flat by any means; it's certainly competitive (especially vs the old Émonda which was a bit of a brick wall aerodynamically). Where it does shine is uphill; the thing just flies.

I have read some people think the SL 6 rides 'harsh'; I certainly don't agree. Direct and responsive yes, but definitely not harsh, and swapping out to 28mm tyres (vs the stock 25mm) has improved things further, without any downsides.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro


Trek offer the Émonda SL 6 as standard in two variants; the SL 6, at £2900 with Bontrager Paradigm alloy rims and the SL 6 Pro at £3350, which is the same bike but equipped with Bontrager's Aeolus Elite 35 carbon wheels.

Both wheelsets are tubeless ready, but the Paradigm are a fairly "entry level" wheelset, tough and durable but not especially matching the light weight of the frame (at approx 1750g per pair). So for the relatively small uplift in price it's no surprise that the SL 6 Pro is proving to be vastly more popular, it's a really cost effective way to get some decent carbon wheels from the offset.

I was really impressed with the 35mm deep Aeolus Elite carbon wheelset in my testing, it packs a lot of punch for the money, part of the new generation of superb value wheels that have reduced the cost of entry to carbon.

The Émonda SL though is a bike that makes a perfect platform for upgrading over time, it's such a strong base to build on. I couldn't resist trying it with some of my other wheelsets (some of which are £2000+ and thus 2/3rds of the bike's price!). You can tell a good bike when good wheels "lift" it further.

That's certainly the case here, and as seen in my photos I've been putting in some miles on the ENVE SES 5.6 and my Rovals, both of which take things up a notch further still. With a high-end wheelset the SL 6 really flies, it can hold its own with bikes costing much more.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

As you can tell, overall I really liked the bike. It's an outstanding privateer's race bike; for £3350 it offers everything you need; an aero climbing bike, with disc brakes and carbon wheels. The pace of technology is such that this is better than a £10,000 bike was a generation ago...

Of course me being me, I can't help but wonder when I get the SLR frame (rumoured to be 400gm lighter than the SL one) just how good it will be! But that'll get its own review, I'll just have to wait...

In the meantime the SL 6 is already proving to be a justified sales success for Trek, and has got the revamped Émonda line off to a superb start. If you're looking for an exceptionally capable race day bike and this fits your budget, it's got to be on your (very) shortlist. Its the most impressive new bike I have ridden in 2020.

words and pictures by Barry Scott

  • At Bespoke we offer the full Trek range, perfectly fitted. For more info and to discuss your own Émonda, get in touch

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

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Trek Emonda SL6 Pro – Review 2023  

  April 7, 2022

By   m bhatia

Trek Emonda SL6 Pro

Trek just introduced a totally new re-imagining of the Emonda , the brand's lightweight climbing/GC model platform, with a substantially aero-ised chassis. The model family is divided between a higher-tier SLR range and a lower-tier SL range, which this SL6 Pro falls under; the key distinction is in the carbon layup and the increased integration of the SLR range. 

Technical Specifications:

Frame  : Ultralight 500 Series OCLV Carbon, tapered head tube, BB90 Fork  : Émonda full carbon, carbon tapered steerer, carbon dropouts, direct mount rim brakes

Wheels  : Bontrager Aeolus Pro 3 Tires  : Bontrager R2 Hard-Case Lite, 700x25c

Drivetrain :

Shifters : Shimano Ultegra, 11 speed

Front derailleur : Shimano Ultegra, braze-on

Rear derailleur : Shimano Ultegra

Crank : Shimano Ultegra, 50/34 (compact)

Bottom bracket : BB90

Cassette :  Shimano Ultegra, 11-28, 11 speed

Pedals :  N/A

Components :

Saddle : Bontrager Montrose Comp, chromoly rails

Seatpost : Bontrager Ride Tuned carbon seatmast cap, 20mm offset

Handlebar : Bontrager Elite VR-C, 31.8mm

Stem : Bontrager Pro, 31.8mm, 7 degree, w/computer & light mounts

Headset :  Integrated, cartridge bearing, sealed, 1-1/8˝ top, 1.5˝ bottom

Brakeset : Shimano Ultegra hydraulic disc

Emonda SL6 Pro frame design and size:

The Émonda has always been Trek's lightweight road bike , leaving outright speed to the Madone, but with this current edition, Trek has incorporated more aerodynamic profiles into the Émonda's design.

Unlike other aero bikes, the Émonda's frame isn't designed to be fast in a straight line or at high speed; after all, it's a climbing bike. Instead, the engineers have concentrated on 'unsteady aerodynamics,' which correspond to the significantly lower speeds encountered when ascending. 

The front end, including the head tube and down tube, has received the most attention. The top-tier SLR models employ the Bontrager XXX aero handlebar /stem combo, which boosts the benefits even more, but it isn't available on the SL variants.

The SLR versions also utilize a new OCLV 800 grade carbon fiber, whereas the SLs use the 500 series, which adds some weight, but a reported frame weight of 1,142g and 380g for the fork is far from shabby.

What are the different parts included in Trek Emonda SL6 Pro?

According to Trek, the SL 6 Pro comes equipped with all of the lightweight components needed, thus there is no need to upgrade. You could save a few grams here and there, but it's a full package.

This is the first carbon bike in the lineup to include carbon fiber wheels. The Bontrager Aeolus Pro 3 wheels are deep and tubeless-ready.

Trek included a full Shimano Ultegra hydraulic/mechanical groupset on the SL 6 Pro, which fits the bike perfectly. You get close to Dura-Ace performance at a far lower cost.

Trek has specified a 50/34-tooth semi-compact chainset and an 11-28 cassette, which is an excellent gear ratio selection for a bike of this design. There are plenty of top-end gears for speed work, and the 30-tooth sprocket provides an extra bailout gear above the more common 28T seen on most race bikes.  

Ultegra's gear changes are excellent. The levers have a light feel to them, but they also provide a very well-defined click, letting you know that the shift has occurred.

Trek has chosen to put 160mm rotors front and back, which provide more than adequate power for a bike of this size.

Shimano's hydraulic systems are incredibly powerful, but they're also very easy to adjust, thanks to a lot of sense through the levers, which allows you to stop quickly without concern of locking up the front tire, even in wet conditions.

How does it feel to ride an Emonda SL6 Pro?

The first thing to note in this new incarnation is that the lower SL version feels a little thick at over 8 kilograms - not what you'd expect from a bike whose primary purpose is all about lightweight and climbing. However, total mass does not necessarily correlate to an anchor of a ride experience, and the Émonda is no exception. 

Trek has managed to offer a level of stiffness around the bottom bracket that allows the Émonda to deliver on its promise of rewarding effort. Granted, it requires less work to sustain speeds on flat and undulating terrain, similar to the Madone aero bike , it's a 'faster' bike than the previous version.

But this new design has repressed part of the prior model's lively and exhilarating ride style - it feels like using terms such as solid and trustworthy is more suitable, nearly like the Domane endurance bike .

What We Like

  • A race bike with suitable geometry.
  • High-end appearances.
  • Greater tire clearance than claimed.
  • Bottom bracket with threads.
  • Shimano Ultegra is difficult to fault.
  • Excellent saddle.

What We Don't Like

  • Ride quality is stiff.
  • Heavyweight carbon wheels.
  • Handlebar bend is very tight.  

Is the Emonda SL6 Pro Trek bike value for money? 

The bike is based on a complete Shimano Ultegra R8020 groupset. It's nearly tough to criticize R8000, which provides nearly all of the performance of Dura-Ace at a far lower price.

The crankset is 50/34, and the cassette is 11-28. This is an excellent choice for a go-fast, climb-friendly all-around bike.

It's worth mentioning that the bike has a short cage mech, which legally limits the drivetrain to a 30t cassette. If you need lighter gearing, you'll have to go with a smaller set of chainrings.

Nonetheless, the gearing provides more than enough range to climb comfortably in the saddle on the majority of climbs. 

The SL6 Pro is the 'lowest priced' bike in the new Emonda lineup with carbon wheels. 

Read Also – Best fixed gear frames

Is Trek Emonda good for climbing?

The new Trek Emonda isn't much lighter or stiffer than the previous model, but it is purportedly more aerodynamic - a clever trick since it still looks like a regular bike. The bike is an excellent climbing partner, as you might expect. The reduced weight, as well as the remarkable chassis rigidity, are immediately noticeable. 

What's the difference between Emonda SL6 and SL6 pro?

The SL6 Pro is part of a model family that includes a higher-tier SLR and a lower-tier SL range, with the key differences being the carbon layup and greater integration found in the SLR series. Trek's 500 Series OCLV carbon fiber is used to build the Emonda SL6 Pro's frame.

What is Trek Emonda SLR?

The Émonda SLR  is an ultralight, aerodynamic carbon road bike designed to be the fastest climbing bike we've ever built. Thanks to aero tubes crafted from our lightest OCLV layup ever, you get the legendary riding quality of our lightest platform, plus greater speed. 

What is the difference between Trek Domane and Emonda?

Trek Emonda is a race road bike with a light frame and aggressive geometry, while Trek Domane is an endurance road bike with a slightly heavier frame and more relaxed shape.

Can you use a gravel bike for touring?

Yes, if you ride an adventure-ready gravel bike, it could be the ideal bike for your next trip. These bikes often feature a stack/reach ratio of over 1.5, with chainstays ranging from 430 to 445 mm, which are suitable for a well-balanced gravel bike for touring.

The Endnote:

Overall, the Émonda is a fantastic bike. The aero changes have transformed it into a really fast and efficient bike that still manages to deliver on the weight front, and this SL 6 Pro model is so perfectly specced that there's no need to update anything in terms of components except the tires when they wear out. It boasts a high-quality frameset that performs well both on the flat and on the climbs, and it is well-specced for the price. 

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

Based on frame geometry and build specs.

A bike with lower gearing will be easier to ride up steep hills, while a higher top end means it will pedal faster down hills.

Émonda SL 6

Émonda SL 6 Pro


Based on build material and quality level of the frame, fork, wheelset, groupset, suspension system, and more. logo 500px with transparent background.

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Trek Émonda Bikes Compared: Which One to Choose?

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In this article, I’ll help you navigate the Trek Émonda aero road bikes by comparing the Émonda SL 6 to SLR 9 .

You will also learn:

  • Who are they best suited for?
  • Why I think you shouldn’t buy Trek Émonda with SRAM groupset.
  • And which model gives you the best value for your money?


Trek Émonda bikes are ideal for climbing and hilly terrain. They are the lightest bike family of all Trek road bikes . The models differ in components (e.g., electronic shifting) and frames. The more expensive ones are usually lighter and have a higher-grade carbon frame, but usually diminishing returns.

Let’s dive deeper to help make your decision easier.

This article compares Trek Émonda Gen 6 and 7. The main difference between Émonda Gen 6 and Gen 7 is that Gen 6 has IsoSpeed decoupler, while Gen 7 has IsoFlow.

Trek Émonda ALR 5 to SLR 9

The following table summarizes the main differences between all Émonda road bikes.

Émonda Pros & Cons Summary

I summarized the pros & cons of the Émonda series below.

Émonda Pros

  • Lighter than Madone road bikes
  • Aluminum and carbon models are available
  • Relaxed geometry
  • Availability in multiple sizes and colors
  • Integrated cable routing
  • Lifetime warranty

Émonda Cons

  • Slower than Madone road bikes
  • Narrow tire clearance (28mm)

Émonda Main Features

Let me now explain the most important features of the Trek Émonda aero bikes.

Frame and Geometry

The Émonda bikes are part of Trek’s road bike lineup . They’re made of aluminum or carbon .

Trek Émonda lightweight road bike.

The names of the bikes have abbreviations that refer to the type of material used for the frame:

  • ALR  are  aluminum  frame bikes.
  • SL are bikes with 500 series OCLV*  carbon (mid-range).
  • SLR are bikes with 800 series OCLV carbon (high-end).

*OCLV carbon is Trek’s patented carbon fiber process ( learn more ).

ALR Émondas are great entry-level road bikes , thanks to their affordability. However, they are still a bit more expensive than less-known competitors.

SLs are the best mid-range option. They are slightly heavier than SLRs but about 25% cheaper.

And SLRs are ideal for people who have more money to spend and don’t want to compromise.

Most Émondas are available in 47-62 sizes and multiple colors giving you a wide range of options.

Their geometry is more relaxed than on other racing bikes, so you won’t experience as much strain on your lower back and neck. The following picture shows the comparison with Specialized Tarmac SL 7.

Trek Emonda vs. Specialized Tarmac SL7 geometry comparison using tool.

Weight & Aerodynamics

Trek Émonda frame weighs 760g in size 56. The highest-end Émonda even weighs below the UCI 6.8 kg limit. However, low weight is not everything. Stiffness and aerodynamics are also important.

Trek claims Émonda frames are also relatively stiff and aero (of course, less aero than Madone). They are 18 seconds per hour faster at 8% gradients. ( Source ) However, more information on the methodology is not available.

Trek Émonda view from the front.

Émondas are so lightweight also due to the absence of an IsoSpeed decoupler that adds weight.

Wheels and Tires

On some Émonda models, the wheels may be different, but typically, they come with Bontrager Aeolus Pro 37 wheels.

Of course, the low-end models have cheaper aluminum wheels . Fortunately, all Émondas come with tubeless-ready wheels. But remember, the tires are clinchers. So, if you want tubeless tires, you have to buy them separately.

One of the things that surprised me is that the lower-end Émondas have 28mm tires, while the higher-end only have 25mm. Most road bikes these days (except for some aero bikes) have 28mm or 30mm tires.

Unfortunately, Émondas only have tire clearance for 28mm tires.

Unsurprisingly, the Émonda bikes have a 2X drivetrain, as is customary for road bikes.

Trek fits them with Shimano and SRAM groupsets, and the number in the bike name indicates the groupset.

  • Models ending with 5 use Shimano  105  (R7000) groupset.
  • Models ending with 6 use Shimano Ultegra , 105 Di2 (R7100) or SRAM Rival AXS groupsets.
  • Models ending with 7 use Shimano Ultegra Di2 (R8100) or SRAM Force AXS groupsets.
  • Models ending with 9 use Shimano Dura-Ace Di2 (R9200) or SRAM Red AXS groupsets.

SRAM RED groupset detail on Trek Émonda.

Interestingly, the Émondas with SRAM are heavier than the Émondas of the same series with the Shimano groupset. In addition, those with Shimano are also cheaper.

This is somewhat strange because Shimano retail prices are higher than SRAM. That’s why I recommend choosing Trek bikes with Shimano groupsets unless you prefer SRAM.

TIP : You might also be interested in this comparison of Shimano vs. SRAM .

So, which Trek Émonda bike is the best?

If you’re considering buying an Émonda, I suggest a model with a Shimano groupset. They are lighter and less expensive than the equivalent SRAM models.

For better value, consider the Émonda SL. It’s around 30% cheaper than the SLR but offers almost the same performance. From all models, I believe the Émonda SL 6 Pro with the Shimano 105 Di2 is the best deal.

However, if you don’t want to compromise, go for the SLR, which is more expensive but lighter.

Trek Émonda FAQ

Trek Émonda bikes are for pro cyclists, competitive roadies, and enthusiast cyclists who want a lightweight road bike. They are ideal for hilly, mountainous terrain and short, medium, and long-distance rides.

The main difference between Émonda and Madone is that Émonda is a lightweight road bike, while Émonda is an aero road bike. For more detailed info, please check out my comparison of Émonda vs. Madone .

The main difference between Émonda and Domane is that Émonda is a lightweight aero road bike. Domane is an endurance road bike with wider tire clearance, also suitable for off-road adventures. Domane is somewhere between Émonda and Madone. Learn more in my Émonda vs. Domane comparison.

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Trek Émonda SL5 vs SL6 (Comparison)

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Bikes , Other , Riders , Road bikes , Road cyclists

Updated: April 25, 2023

Disclosure: I may receive referral fees from purchases made through links on BicycleVolt. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

If you’re looking for a comparison of the Trek Émonda SL5 and the SL6, then you’ve come to the right place.

I’ve been researching these two awesome machines from Trek and have pulled together a number of resources which I hope will make choosing between them a little easier. First up, we have the full specification list for each bike – a head-to-head comparison so that you can easily cross-reference every component on the SL5 with its peer on the SL6. Next, I’ll highlight the major pros and cons of them and, finally, I’ve written up an in-depth review of the Émonda range, with a deep-dive on the SL5 and SL6.

If you think the choice comes down to a straight shoot-out between Shimano’s 105 and Ultegra systems, you wouldn’t be totally wrong. But that misses a number of critical differences which will undoubtedly have a bearing on your decision.

My conclusion though is that (1) I’d choose the Émonda SL6 over the SL5 and also that (2) both the bikes are fantastic, and you’ll be riding with a grin plastered on your face whichever one you go for.

Let’s take a look at the details, kicking off with the spec list rundown.

Trek Émonda range overview

Launched in 2014, the Émonda was (and still is) the top-flight mountain climber in Trek’s road bike arsenal, thanks to their obsession with weight reduction and the super-stiff and responsive frame. But the new Émonda is no “one-trick pony” and will excel whatever the terrain. The move to H1.5 geometry and aero style tubing, combined with the internally-routed cabling, make this a fast bike whether you’re going up, down or flat out on the flats.

There are 7 models in the current Émonda line-up, plus a frame-only option if you’d prefer to build your own. The SL5 is the entry-level model in the range – though this is said with a grin and a glint in the eye as there’s not much that’s “entry-level” about this work of art. Top of the tree is the SL7 Disc eTap – carbon throughout (including the wheels) and with a full wireless electronic drivetrain. It’s expensive (over double what you’d pay for the SL5) but, if you’ve got the budget available, then you won’t regret spending it on the SL7 eTap. Although the rest of your riding buddies might.

Let’s take a more detailed look at the SL5 and SL6. We’ll see how they compare against each other. Highlight the pros and cons of each bike. See which has the best spec for the money and finally come to a conclusion about which is the bike to go for.

Trek Émonda SL5 Disc Review

Pros Race-ready Carbon frame and forks Full Shimano 105 drivetrain Shimano 105 hydraulic disc brakes Very light (20.18 lbs) More wallet-friendly than the SL6

Cons No Ultegra components like the SL6 has Heavier wire bead tires than the SL6’s aramid bead 2 lbs heavier than the SL6

There can’t be many “entry level” road bikes that are as droolworthy as the SL5 Disc. If you like to ride fast then the Émonda SL5 is an excellent starting point and, if you’ve got racing in mind, then this could be the bike that sees you to the podium.

Both the SL5 and SL6 have identical carbon frames, with the new aero styling that Trek has bestowed on the Émonda range. This, combined with the carbon forks, give a bike that is light, stiff and highly responsive. Trek says that the aero tube shapes, along with the internal cable routing, will play a measurable role when you’re traveling at speed. This was essentially ‘free speed’ that was just being left on the start line beforehand, so it’s fantastic to see these changes by the team at Trek.

Looking at the buyer reviews, we see a lot of happy and smiling faces. That’s testament to how enjoyable a bike SL5 is to ride. Lots of comments describe the speed and agility of this bike. I’ll mention the negative comments, but there are only a few. There’s concern over the stock saddle and stock wheels – both of which are easy to upgrade – and also the apparent ‘middle of the road components’.

Let’s take a look at those ‘middle of the road components’ because they’re the 800-pound bike tech in the corner of the bike shop. Shimano 105 vs Shimano Ultegra drivetrain – what’s the deal?

Look around on the bike forums and you’ll see plenty of opinions on these two systems. Well, here’s my take on them. First up, both are excellent. They perform great, when and where you need them to. That goes for both the drivetrain and the brakes. If you’re a mid-level club cyclist you’re unlikely to notice a difference in the performance between the two.

Where you will notice a difference between the 105 and the Ultegra is in the weight and the cost. The SL5 is around 2 lbs heavier and $800 cheaper than the SL6 and much of that is due to the upgrade from 105 to Ultegra.

Which brings us to the SL6.

Trek Émonda SL6 Disc Review

Pros Race-ready Carbon frame and forks Full Shimano Ultegra drivetrain Shimano Ultegra hydraulic disc brakes Super light (18.18 lbs!) – that’s only a few ounces less than the SL7 eTap

Cons Around $800 more expensive than the SL5

I’ll start by saying that, of the two bikes, this is the one that I would choose every time.

Yes, it’s substantially more expensive than the SL5 Disc. No, I can’t feel a significant difference in performance between the Shimano 105 and Ultegra components (both feel fantastic). But, where I can feel a big difference is in the 2 lb weight reduction on the SL6 over the SL5.

Pick the bikes up, one in each hand, and you’ll be able to feel the 32-ounce difference. Get them out on the road and you’ll really start to notice the weight decrease. Those 2 lbs will convert to extra speed, seconds knocked off, and more PBs. On climbs, you’ll feel you’ve got a spring in your step. On the flat, you’ll feel like you’ve got your own personal tailwind following you.

Will you feel like a superhero on the SL6? It’s possible, but don’t start wearing your bright red underpants on the outside of your bib tights.

Because of that weight difference, the SL6 will feel like a big step up from the SL5.

And it’s not just me who thinks that. Customer reviews talk about the silky smooth feel of the SL6, the benefits of the aero styling, and the beautiful design. One even said that it, “forces you to ride fast”. No bad thing.

In fact, the only downsides were that the handlebars weren’t felt to be aero enough, and “haven’t found any so far”. Which all sounds perfectly fine to me.

There is much debate amongst road bikers as to the benefits or otherwise of disc brakes over rim brakes. The entire Émonda range now has disc brakes, with the SL6’s Ultegra brakes being, in a word, sweet. My view is this. There may be a slight overall weight increase for the disc brakes vs rim brakes / reinforced wheel rims setup. But, the benefit you get from those disc brakes when you hit a patch of slippery stuff and pull your brakes whilst taking a hairpin bend on a steep and fast descent…is best measurable in terms of the number of packs of band aids you’ll need to apply in sticking yourself back together again.

I know that disc brakes are “on-trend” right now. In five years time we might be told that we need to switch back to rim brakes. But, frankly, I’m keeping the discs so I can slow down and stop when and where I need to.

Conclusion – which one to go for?

I really like the Émonda range and I really, really like the SL5 and SL6. The SL5 is substantially cheaper than the SL6 and, with the Shimano 105 drivetrain and brakes, it’s a fantastic and great value bike that will climb fast and barrel along the flat.

2 lbs is a lot of weight and that’s a deal-clincher for me. I can’t feel a performance difference between 105 and Ultegra, but I can really feel a difference of 2 lbs. The SL6 will get you up hills faster than the SL5 and will beat the SL5 on the flat. That, for me, is worth the price difference and it makes the SL6 my bike of choice from these two excellent machines.

The podium awaits.

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trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro








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Trek Émonda comparison review: SL6 versus SLR6

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In developing the Émonda, Trek devoted considerable resources to designing a lightweight race bike and trumped the industry with a 690g frame. CTech editor Matt Wikstrom takes a close look at the new bike and assesses the influence of different grades of carbon fibre by comparing the mid-level Émonda SL6 with the upper-level SLR6.

Trek is well known for its Madone and Domane road bikes but neither was ever designed as a lightweight race bike. So in 2012, the company set out to see what it could achieve and came up with the Émonda. The development process required over 30 months but the result is currently the world’s lightest production road bike. At 4.65kg for a size 56cm bike, the Émonda SLR10 trumps the previous title-holder by almost 1kg, but at a significant cost: $17,999.

There are, of course, more affordable versions of the bike yet Trek believes that the Émonda range is the world’s lightest production road line . There are over a dozen models in the Émonda range including women’s-specific versions and custom builds via Trek’s Project One portal . Variations in parts specifications account for some of the differences between each model, but there are also three different versions of the frameset (designated S, SL, and SLR) that differ in carbon fibre grade, country of manufacture, and ultimately, final weight.

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Trek uses five different grades of carbon fibre for frame construction that vary in weight, strength, stiffness and cost. At one end of the spectrum there is 300 series carbon, a cost-effective blend, and at the other there is 700 series carbon, a high-cost, low-weight, military-grade blend.

As the base model in the range, the Émonda S is made in Taiwan from 300 series carbon with a simplified design (e.g. a standard seatpost is used rather than semi-integrated design) to reduce production costs.

In contrast, the Émonda SL and SLR share many of the same design features (such as a semi-integrated seatpost) however the SL is manufactured in Taiwan from 500 series carbon while the SLR is manufactured from 700 series carbon in the U.S.A. The use of the highest-grade carbon affords the SLR a weight saving of over 300g when compared to the SL but almost triples the price of the frameset.


While weight was an important design imperative for the Émonda, Trek spent a considerable period road testing the new bike to refine its handling characteristics while paying attention to its stiffness. Riders from Trek’s professional team were instrumental in determining the value of each refinement but engineers were also guided by data collected from strain gauges and accelerometers fitted to prototypes.

CT’s roving reporter Dave Everett attended the launch of the Émonda last year and was able to take one ride on the SLR8 . While his report served as a good introduction to the Émonda, the new bike deserved a longer look. In this review, I spend a lot more time on the Émonda, and thanks to Trek Australia , compare two models — SL6 and SLR6 — to learn more about how different grades of carbon fibre affect the performance of the bike.

Before the ride

In developing the Émonda, Trek’s engineers pared away at the frame and forks until they arrived at the minimum structure that satisfied all of their performance and safety criteria. The result is a frameset that is noticeably skinnier than the Madone and Domane .

| Related : Trek 5 Series Madone and Domane comparison review

Like the Madone and Domane, the Émonda SL and SLR framesets utilise a BB90 bottom bracket and E2 headtube. At 90mm wide, the BB90 bottom bracket provides a broad footing for the downtube and chainstays to help the stiffness of the frame. The E2 headtube also helps the stiffness of the frame with an oversized lower headset bearing and tapered fork steerer.

Trek further refines the design of the SLR with an asymmetric steerer that is wider from side-to-side and skinnier from front-to-back. The difference provides extra stiffness for cornering while affording some compliance to soak up road shock.


The Émonda SL and SLR also inherit the semi-integrated seatpost design that was introduced with the Madone. A seatpost cap fits over an extended seat tube and offers a range of 10cm for saddle height adjustment. Trek offers a choice of two lengths for the seatpost cap (135mm and 175mm) along with two offsets (5mm and 20mm) to help with refining the fit of the bike.

| Related : First-look review: 2016 Trek Madone

Both framesets provide internal routing for the gear and rear brake cables, with interchangeable cable stops and ports to suit mechanical and electronic transmissions. There is also an adjustable chain keeper that is integrated into the seat tube while the left chainstay is ready to accept Trek’s DuoTrap S speed/cadence sensor .

Aside from the difference in carbon fibre blend and country of origin, the SLR frameset is further distinguished from the SL in a number of small ways. I’ve already mentioned the asymmetrical fork steerer above. Another difference lies with the brake caliper mounts: the SLR frameset uses direct mount calipers front and rear, while the SL uses conventional calipers.

The front derailleur mount also differs: the SL frameset has an alloy fitting that is riveted to the seat tube while the SLR has a carbon mount that is molded into the frame. Finally, the SLR frameset is offered with a choice of Trek’s H1 or F2 fit, while the SL is only available with a H2 fit. The difference between the two is in the length of the head tube, which is 30-35mm taller for the H2 fit at every frame size (see chart below).

There is a choice of up to nine frame sizes for the Émonda, as shown in the table below:


The range of frame sizes varies, depending on the model and fit of the frame. The SL6 is offered in sizes 47-62cm with a H2 fit only while the SLR6 is available in sizes 50-62cm with a H1 fit and 47-64cm with a H2 fit. Trek’s H1 fit can be considered very aggressive and race-oriented, affording plenty of handlebar drop. In contrast, the H2 fit is more moderate but riders looking for a more upright position will be better served by the geometry of Trek’s Domane. Visit Trek for detailed geometry charts for the SL6 and SLR6 .

The styling of the Émonda is very clean and simple with inviting lines that flow from one point to the next. The seat tube junction in particular is elegant and I like the way the seat stays seem to sprout with energy for the dropouts.

Trek keeps the paintwork simple with a minimum of decoration though the gloss paint adds some luxury to the final result. The Émonda SL6 is currently available in a choice of two colours (Matte Trek Black with Gloss Trek Black logos, or, Viper Red with Trek Black logos) compared to one for the SLR6 (Crystal White with Argent Silver logos and Trek Cyan details). However, there are many more paint finishes available for the SLR via Project One .

The SL6 and SLR6 are both dressed with Shimano’s mechanical 11-speed Ultegra groupset and a suite of Bontrager components but there are some distinct differences between the two bikes. For example, the SL6 uses Bontrager’s entry-level Race wheelset while the SLR6 gets an upgrade with a Race Lite wheelset that is lighter.

Similarly, the SL6 is supplied with a Bontrager Paradigm Race saddle with chromoly rails while the SLR6 gets a Paradigm RL saddle that has hollow titanium rails. There is also a difference in brake calipers, where the SL6 has standard Ultegra calipers while the SLR6 uses Bontrager Speed Stop calipers.


All of these differences, from the grade of carbon fibre to individual parts, provide significant weight savings for the SLR6 when compared to the SL6. The SL6 sent for review (size 54cm, H2 fit) weighed 7.42kg sans pedals and cages while the SLR6 (size 54cm, H1 fit) weighed 6.68kg. The savings (740g) can be attributed largely to the SLR frameset (~300g) and the Race Lite wheelset (300g), with smaller weight savings provided by the shorter head tube and a lighter saddle.

Unsurprisingly, the weight savings come at a significant cost: the Émonda SL6 has a recommended retail price of $3,699 while the SLR6 retails for $8,499. In both instances, the frames come with a lifetime warranty while the forks and all Bontrager parts are covered by a two-year warranty. For more information on the Émonda range, visit Trek .

After the ride

After spending the day riding an Émonda SLR8 last year , Dave Everett found that “the first noticeable thing for me was not so much the weight but how planted the bike felt on the road.” Later though, once he found himself in hillier terrain, Dave was “definitely using the big chainring a lot more” than he normally would thanks to the low weight (6.15kg) of the bike.

Like Dave, I wasn’t wowed by the weight of the SL6 or SLR6. Instead, the Émonda was surprisingly ordinary, even mundane, compared to its marketing hype. Of course, there was more to discover, but after my early rides on the SL6 and SLR6, all I could say was that both bikes offered a very smooth and refined kind of ride that I’ve long associated with Trek’s bikes.


A “refined kind of ride” is not necessarily a compliment though. For those riders that like the bike to disappear beneath them so that they remain unaffected by road feedback, the Émonda should have plenty of appeal, regardless of whether it is the SL or SLR. However, I found myself wanting more from the bike, and while I could criticise the Émonda as being “dead” or “unlively”, that wouldn’t be fair. Instead, I’ll say this: riding an Émonda is like visiting a library to enjoy the quiet.

The steering and handling of the Émonda was very stable and predictable. As such, the bike is incredibly easy to ride. The bike obeyed my every instruction and while the steering tended towards slow, I didn’t find it required any extra effort to hold a line through sharp corners. I wouldn’t recommend the bike for criterium racing but then there isn’t much about the Émonda’s styling or marketing that would likely attract a dedicated criterium racer.

Neither the SL6 nor SLR6 felt like a particularly light or responsive climbing rig. Capable, yes, but still some distance from ever being explosive. What seemed to be missing was any great sense of the bike’s stiffness. It’s not that the bike was too compliant, but rather, I wasn’t getting any feedback from the bike in order to judge its performance. Thus it seems the Émonda is defined more by the absence of any sensation rather than what can be felt by the rider.


The Émonda was well suited to long rides. The bike doesn’t rattle or chatter, even on rough roads, and I found the hours passed by with ease as the bike continued with steadfast assurance. I found myself re-evaluating the subdued ride quality as a comfort, like the support and encouragement from a devoted friend. After all, there’s no need for showmanship on a long ride, just steady commitment from the rider and the bike, and the Émonda was prepared to keep going for as long as I wanted.

By taking turns on the SL6 and SLR6, and then swapping the wheelsets between each bike, I found that the SLR6 was a stiffer bike. It was only a mild difference, but it could be felt when rising out of the saddle on a climb, traversing rough roads, and as a little feedback from the road. Overall, it provided the SLR6 with a racier feel than the SL6, but I must stress, it was very mild. Switching to stiffer mid-profile carbon wheels ( Curve 38mm clinchers ) enhanced this sense a little more but the wheels weren’t able to transform the Émonda into an aggressive race bike.

The Domane has a strong reputation for its comfort but the Émonda shouldn’t be overlooked, especially the SL series. I found myself marvelling at how well the SL6 was able to soak up every crack, bump and rut. Furthermore, there was a good balance of compliance between the front and rear of the bike. Adventurous riders that enjoy demanding terrain may find the Émonda lacking, otherwise the bike is well suited to a wide variety of terrain.


The SL6 had a lot in common with the SLR6. The overall ride quality was very similar while the steering and handling were identical. I’ve already mentioned that the SLR6 was marginally stiffer; it was also marginally more agile, but that was due largely to the lighter wheelset. Indeed, swapping wheelsets between the two bikes improved the SL6, however it made no difference to the stiffness of the bike.

Finally, I’m pleased to report that Bontrager’s new direct mount Speed Stop calipers are a significant improvement over the previous iteration supplied with the Madone . The calipers were smooth and effective with plenty of bite but they didn’t suffer any of the heavy effort that defined the last version. Indeed, I couldn’t find anything to separate the performance of Speed Stop calipers from the standard Ultegra brakes fitted to the SL6.

My only complaint is with the way the inner cable is routed: it ends up between the tyre and the brake arm to rest upon the brake pad. Cutting the cable short removes any risk of it getting caught against the rim but then is too fiddly to hold when re-adjusting the cable.

Summary and final thoughts

The Émonda has been positioned by Trek as an ultralight bike, purpose-built for climbing, with a strong emphasis on race performance. I don’t have a quarrel with their claims or strategy but the bike is much more versatile than a dedicated climbing rig. The ride quality is easy to like and the steering and handling ensure its reliability in essentially any situation, so while it won’t satisfy buyers looking for extremes in performance, it’s hard to see how it will disappoint anybody else.

trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

The differences between the SL6 and SLR6 were modest at best. Some were a matter of the parts specified for each bike, but fundamentally, the SLR frameset is lighter, stiffer and more race-oriented that the SL.

It is interesting to note that most of the weight savings offered by the SLR6 can be obtained for an Émonda SL by upgrading from the SL6 to an SL8 (RRP $4,999) and substituting the stock Race wheelset for the Race Lite version without spending any more than $6,000. I’m not criticising the price of the SLR though, just highlighting what is perhaps the Émonda’s greatest strength, which is Trek’s range of models and options for the bike.

Trek Émonda SL6 Gallery


Trek Émonda SLR6 Gallery


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  • Émonda SL 6 Pro Di2

We'll take care of you. Period.

It's our mission to provide you with world-class hospitality every time you visit us online or in-store. We're always here to help you. It's the Trek way.

Free shipping and professional assembly

All bikes ordered online ship for free to your local Trek shop for professional assembly. Participating retailers will even deliver your new ride to your doorstep!

Warrantied for life

Each Trek carries a simple promise. We'll take care of you and do what's right.

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'One of the fiercest climbing bikes available, the new Émonda is even faster thanks to a dose of aero.'

'I expect so much from a modern high-end pro-level road racing bike that it’s hard to exceed those expectations. It’s rare when a bike does: The Émonda SLR is one of those rare bikes.'

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'It's an incredible update from Trek.'

'The updated Emonda packs one hell of a punch, and Trek has a winner on its hands. The integrated cockpit is nice and all, but the real win is the H1.5 fit, which makes the Emonda feel more stable while maintaining the aggression and responsiveness of previous Emondas. That, coupled with a lightweight construction, comfortable ride and aerodynamic shaping, brings Trek's top-of-the-line climber from a very good bike to an excellent one.'

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'The Emonda is still light, and it’s still stiff, but now there’s an extra dose of free speed.'

'Overall, Trek has done a solid job here of updating the Emonda, infusing meaningful improvements in several key areas, but without breaking the basic formula that has made the bike so popular.'

How to be seen

Using lights and wearing hi-vis clothing on every ride can help you stand out to drivers.


There's a lot more to Trek than making the world's best bikes and cycling gear. Learn more about everything Trek is doing to make the cycling space safer and more inclusive, plus a whole lot more fun.

Product features

All-new aero design.

Faster on climbs, faster on the flats. The aero tube shapes on the all-new Émonda give you an advantage wherever you’re riding. Plus, Émonda SLR is equipped with a sleek new Aeolus RSL bar/stem for front-end aero performance.

Outstanding bikes for everyone

Every rider – regardless of gender, body type, riding style or ability – deserves a great bike. The all-new Émonda is equipped with size-specific components that deliver a great fit to competitive riders of all genders.

Shimano 105 Di2

With a shared Di2 platform inherited from Dura-Ace and Ultegra, sophisticated ergonomics, Shimano 105-optimised gear combinations and an exceptional hydraulic disc brake system, Shimano 105 Di2 R7100 marks a new era of affordable, 12-speed electronic performance. You can set up the drivetrain just the way you like it via Shimano’s user-friendly E-Tube app.

Don’t forget your pedals

This bike doesn’t come with pedals because you’ll have a better time on your new bike if you choose your own. See the pedal guide to find the best pedals for your riding style. We recommend clipless road pedals for control and efficiency.

500 Series OCLV

500 Series OCLV achieves a superb balance of light weight, strength, and stiffness that's perfectly suited to the sophisticated frame technologies that distinguish Trek frames.

H1.5 geometry, developed with Trek-Segafredo pro cycling teams, puts the rider in the optimal aero race position. It’s the sweet spot for what our racers want.

Ride Tuned seatmast

Our no-cut Ride Tuned seatmast is designed for the rigours of pro racing. It's the lightest, most comfortable solution for day-in, day-out performance and comfort, however rough the roads or hard the riding.

12mm thru-axle

Our robust and confidence-inspiring rear through axle is about 35% stiffer than an open dropout design. And now, a through-axle wheel change is actually quick and easy, thanks to a tabbed guide in the frame's dropout.

Flat Mount disc brakes

All-new Flat Mount disc brakes are more elegant, lighter, smaller and cleaner than traditional disc brakes, providing superior performance and stopping power under harsh conditions.

Blendr-compatible stem

Bontrager Blendr stem technology lets you clip your gear directly to the stem for clean looks and maximum user friendliness.

DuoTrap S compatible

DuoTrap S (sold separately) integrates a Bluetooth®/ANT+ sensor into the frame. Log routes and track fitness progress on your computer or smart phone with no external sensor. Works with all major ANT+ wireless players, including Bontrager, Garmin, PowerTap, and SRM.


  1. 2021 Trek Emonda SL Pro 6 road bike review: for the climb lovers

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

  2. Review: Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro 2021

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

  3. Review: Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro 2021

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

  4. Trek Emonda SL6 Pro review

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

  5. Trek emonda sl6 pro

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro

  6. Trek EMONDA SL6 PRO disque 2021 Carbone

    trek emonda sl6 vs sl6 pro


  1. 6 Brand New Road Bikes

  2. 2023 new Emonda SL6 Pro Di2 入荷!!①

  3. 2023 TREK EMONDA Dark Prismatic/Trek Black 1x ( 1x12) Sram AXS CUSTOM BUILD Walkaround

  4. New Bike Day

  5. TREK Emonda SL6 PRO Shimano 105 Di2 12 SP PROBIKE

  6. Trek Emonda SL6 Disc Roadbike


  1. Compare: 2021 Trek Émonda SL 6 vs Émonda SL 6 Pro Summary. The Trek Émonda SL 6 and Trek Émonda SL 6 Pro are both carbon frame race bikes with high-end components and hydraulic disc brakes. The Émonda SL 6 has aluminum 700c aluminum wheels, while the Émonda SL 6 Pro has carbon 700c carbon wheels.

  2. Test, Trek Émonda SL6 Pro

    Testy kol. Test, Trek Émonda SL6 Pro. Émonda je v nabídce Treku považována za ideální silniční univerzál - rychlý, současně dostatečně pohodlný a svým jízdním projevem uspokojující požadavky závodníků i hobby jezdců.

  3. 2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro review

    2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro review - BikeRadar. The 2021 Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro is an uncompromising and spectacularly stiff all-round race bike, but one spec niggle makes it is...

  4. Trek Emonda SL6 Pro review

    The model family is split into a higher tier SLR and the lower SL range that this SL6 Pro sits in, the critical difference is in the carbon layup and the enhanced integration sported by the...

  5. Review: Trek Emonda SL 6 Pro 2021

    The latest iteration of the Trek Émonda focuses on aerodynamics more than ever before, which makes this SL6 Pro one very quick and efficient road bike. The stiff frameset offers a firm yet fun ride, while the component choice keeps the weight down to exploit that stiffness on the climbs.

  6. Trek Émonda SL 6 Pro Ridden and Reviewed

    But when we looked at the specs we realised the SL series (made with OCLV 500 carbon vs the 800 on the flagship range) looked a cracking bike for the money, and the pick of the bunch was the SL 6 Pro at £3350. A lightweight climbing bike with aero advantages, Ultegra disc groupset and carbon wheels. That's a heck of a bike for the money.

  7. 2021 Trek Emonda SL Pro 6 road bike review: for the climb lovers

    VeloNews Road Road Training. 2021 Trek Emonda SL Pro 6 road bike review: for the climb lovers. The first review from our 2021 Road Bike Field Test. We review and compare the mid-priced...

  8. Trek Emonda SL6 Pro review

    The Trek Emonda SL6 Pro is a fast and agile road bike that combines light weight, aerodynamics and wireless shifting. It has a carbon frame, a SRAM Force eTap AXS groupset and Bontrager carbon ...

  9. Trek Domane SL 6 vs Émonda SL 6 Pro? : r/cycling

    The Domane SL 6 looks more comfortable and has discs, but is heavier and the wheels aren't as good (I think) The Émonda SL 6 Pro has rim brakes and doesn't have the ISOspeed thing, but is 3lbs lighter. It also has some wheels that look like they're better than the Domane's wheels.

  10. Émonda SL 6 Disc Pro

    Lightweight parts to match the lightweight frame: with Émonda SL 6 Disc Pro, there's nothing left to upgrade. Aerodynamic tube shaping makes this our fastest Émonda SL platform ever—on flats and climbs alike. Hydraulic disc brakes give you stopping power and control in any weather, on any road.

  11. Trek Emonda SL6 Pro Review 2023

    What's the difference between Emonda SL6 and SL6 pro? The SL6 Pro is part of a model family that includes a higher-tier SLR and a lower-tier SL range, with the key differences being the carbon layup and greater integration found in the SLR series.

  12. Émonda SL 6 Pro Di2

    Popis. Specifikace. Velikosti. Geometrie. Servis. Recenze. Je pro vás vhodné, pokud… Hledáte výkonnostní výhody pro rychlé skupinové jízdy a závody a chcete přesné a spolehlivé řazení pohonu Shimano 105 Di2 a skvělá a rychlá karbonová kola OCLV. Získáte toto vybavení.

  13. Émonda SL 6 Disc Pro

    V řadě silničních karbonových speciálů je Émonda SL 6 Disc Pro prvním modelem s karbonovými koly, která odpovídají nízké hmotnosti rámu. Aerodynamicky tvarované trubky, kotoučové brzdy a špičkový pohon z něj dělají ideální volbu pro silničáře, kteří ocení skvělou ovladatelnost a pořádnou rychlost. Porovnat.

  14. Compare: 2021 Trek Émonda SL 6 vs Émonda SL 6 Pro

    The Trek Émonda SL 6 and Trek Émonda SL 6 Pro are both carbon frame race bikes with high-end components and hydraulic disc brakes. The Émonda SL 6 has aluminum 700c aluminum wheels, while the Émonda SL 6 Pro has carbon 700c carbon wheels.

  15. Trek Émonda Bikes Compared: Which One to Choose?

    The main difference between Émonda Gen 6 and Gen 7 is that Gen 6 has IsoSpeed decoupler, while Gen 7 has IsoFlow. Trek Émonda ALR 5 to SLR 9. The following table summarizes the main differences between all Émonda road bikes. This table compares the features of Trek Émonda road bikes. Specifications source:, updated 26/04/2023.

  16. Trek Émonda SL5 vs SL6 (Comparison)

    Pros. Race-ready. Carbon frame and forks. Full Shimano 105 drivetrain. Shimano 105 hydraulic disc brakes. Very light (20.18 lbs) More wallet-friendly than the SL6. Cons. No Ultegra components like the SL6 has. Heavier wire bead tires than the SL6's aramid bead. 2 lbs heavier than the SL6.

  17. Émonda SL 6 Pro

    Émonda SL 6 Pro is a race-ready road bike that's built for big climbs, sprint finishes, and Strava KOMs. It pairs a 500 Series OCLV Carbon frame with Aeolus Pro 3 carbon wheels and a full Shimano Ultegra drivetrain for lighter weight, reliability, and race-ready performance. Compare. Color / Matte Metallic Gunmetal. Select a color. Select size.

  18. Giant TCR ADVANCED PRO 1 DISC VS Trek EMONDA SL 6 PRO (2021 ...

    Giant TCR ADVANCED PRO 1 DISC VS Trek EMONDA SL 6 PRO (2021 Models) - YouTube. Pedaler. 16.7K subscribers. Subscribed. 107. 10K views 3 years ago. Hey PEDALERS, lepedaler coming with...

  19. Trek Émonda comparison review: SL6 versus SLR6

    The difference provides extra stiffness for cornering while affording some compliance to soak up road shock. The Émonda SL and SLR also inherit the semi-integrated seatpost design that was...

  20. Émonda SL 6 Pro Di2

    The Émonda SL 6 Pro has all the advantages of an ultra-light carbon road bike, with the added benefit of aero tube shaping that will make you faster on flats and up climbs as well.