travel map

Never before have we had the ability to travel to new countries as easily as we do today. While we are still sadly living during these weird pandemic times, hopping on a plane to go to a new place halfway around the world is still something our grandparents couldn’t fathom!

And thanks to Jim Lewis , who discovered astrocartography in the 1970s and coined / trademarked the term, we now can plan to relocate or travel to places that would most beneficially serve us on an energetic, soul level.

I’ve been studying birth charts and astrology for over ten years, but it wasn’t until after I lived on 7 different planetary lines across the globe from San Diego to NYC, Egypt to Bali and Virginia and then ultimately moving to France in 2018. It was while living in France on my Venuc IC line that my interest for reading natal charts very quickly turned to an exciting, small niche in astrology, that most captivated my love for travel: astrocartography.

If you’d like to go more in depth and learn astrocartography in my 7 week locational astrology course, click here to learn more!

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography is the astrology of place. It’s also called locational astrology, relocation astrology and astro-locality.

Based on your natal chart in astrology, there is a map that corresponds to where the different planets were at different points on the map at the specific time you were born. 

Just as there are supportive planets and challenging planets, there are more supportive and challenging places in the world for you.

As a traditional Hellenistic astrologer, I follow the stoic notion that nothing in life is good or bad; things are either preferable or unpreferable, but certainly some places in the world hold more challenging energies for us.

The more challenging places (Mars, Saturn, Pluto – but it depends entirely on the natal chart) are areas of growth. Venturing to planetary lines that are more difficult are areas to learn lessons and focus in on those particular energies in our lives.

Reading an Astrocartography Map

When you pull up your astrocartography map, by going to < astro click travel, or using professional astrology software like Solar Fire, you’ll find that your map is covered in longitudinal lines. The closer you are to a line, the closer you feel the energy of that planet.

Even if you aren’t directly on a planetary line, you’ll still feel the orb of influence of that line up to 600 miles. Which is why it’s so important to measure it! Vibrationally, the energy lessons the farther you move away from the planetary line. I share more about the distance and specific measurements for the best effect in this blog post here.

Other Lines in Astrocartography

Aside from the main natal lines, there are also local space lines, parans, zenith points, among others. There are also crossing points when longitudinal and latitudinal lines cross and points that target on a specific point on your astrocartography map. Professional astrocartography software like Solar Fire can show those other lines and crossings.

When multiple lines are together, they tell a deeper story. I’ve been studying astrology since 2011 and astrocartography for four years and now offer astrocartography readings to suit your personal needs and interests, as well as to dive deeper into your unique soul’s history in the world. You can learn more about my offerings here , but let’s get back to understanding your map! travel map

Steps to Uncovering Your Astrocartography Map

  • Learn the meanings of the planetary archetypes. Each planet has a positive and a negative side. (I’ve included some basic keywords at the bottom of this blog post.)
  • Research the angles and their meanings (scroll down to read more)
  • Most importantly, look at your natal chart first. Determine the sect of your chart (is Mars or Saturn more unpreferable for you? Is Jupiter or Venus your happiest planet?), the essential dignities, and where the planets are placed in which houses. What aspects are they making with one another? This will give you detailed insight as to whether a line will be positive or more challenging.
  • Look at Parans and Local Space Lines. These are crossings and horizontal lines that cross your natal A*C*G lines and give more information on specific cities, regions and places around the natal lines. You can only find paran lines and local space lines on professional astrocartography software like Solar Fire.
  • Look at your relocated natal chart , to see the different areas of your life and how they are activated in a new location!

solar fire parans 2

Example of what parans look like in Solar Fire

Examine the Natal Chart First

I’ve written some other important factors to determine a positive planetary line for you and your unique natal chart in this post here. I find many people just automatically jump right to the astrocartography map. This is where I would urge caution. Your map works in tandem with your natal chart. So if you have a very difficultly placed Venus, I would never recommend moving to a Venus line, even though Venus being benefic is typically a positive place to travel. It’s important to start always start with examining your natal chart first and seeing how the planets work for you.

Career and/or Family on your Astrocartography Map

As a general rule of thumb (definitely look to your natal chart for specifics), for career and public success of recognition, you want to ideally move to a Jupiter MC or a Sun MC or a strong 10th house placement.

Generally speaking, venus are especially supportive for creatives and artists. If you’re looking for a peaceful home and family life, Jupiter IC, Moon IC or Venus IC is lovely (After living on 7 different planetary lines, I currently live on a Venus IC line in France and love it)!

Tips for Understanding the Lines on Your Astrocartography Map

When lines are directly on top of each other, such as on an intersection, they merge to tell a more nuanced and detailed story of a person’s life there.

You don’t want to live in a place where there are too many lines; it’s just far too much energy for one to take in.  Even living directly on a natal line is intense and can feel overwhelming. I write all about how to measure the best distance from natal lines here in this recent blog post.

What if there are no lines?

If there are no lines anywhere around a place, that means the energy in that place isn’t supportive or challenging. It’s a respite of sorts. Personally, I think it’s better to travel or relocate to a more supportive planetary line to receive the maximum benefit. One can still feel the effects of astrocartography lines within 600 miles, so it’s important to measure the distance, even if a line is in ocean. Keep in mind the parans and local space lines, if there are no natal lines. 

Learning Astrology and Astrocartography

Astrology is complicated. It’s not as simple as knowing your sun, moon or rising sign. We are so much more than just our rising sign. We have many  planets telling a story in our natal chart. How you communicate with others (mercury) may not appear anything like your sun sign. There are various houses (areas of life), rulers of planets and aspects that tell a deeper story of how the planets  relate to one another. 

It’s always important for me to note that astrology is a system of correlations; it’s not causal. The stars don’t  cause us to do things or tell us to behave in a certain way. Rather, astrology is a reflection, a window of your karmic unfolding. Astrology is a language, and when you begin to study the language of astrology, you start to understand the symbols, the glyphics, the lines and their meanings.

Reading a full chart can then be like reading a book of a person’s life…which is w hy I love zodiacal releasing  – an ancient Hellenistic timing technique that divides a person’s life into positive and challenging “peak periods” which can help with planning purposes.

Essentially, astrology is the  language of life. If you don’t speak the language, of course, you’re not going to understand it. But by working one-on-one with experienced astrologers, reading books ( I recommend this one to get started and learning the basics) or learning the basic planets/aspects, which I’ve included down below, astrology can be easily learned with time and dedication.

Astrology isn’t a psychic or intuitive practice. It’s simply looking at what the chart says and simply acting as a messenger. travel map

Book an Astrocartography Reading with Me

I love studying the chapters and places of a person’s destiny. And I’m far more fascinated by other people’s charts than my own. That’s why I love giving client readings. I’ve been passionately studying astrology for over 12 years but I uniquely specialize in astrocartography (or travel and relocation astrology) and zodiacal releasing as travel and time are my favorite topics to explore in a person’s life biography. As a storyteller and seeker, I feel most at home uncovering the truth within a chart. And I’m so thrilled to be sharing what I’ve learned with you.

If you’d like to book a personalized one-on-one reading with me, where we go deeper on the map of your soul’s blueprint and look at the detailed themes that will emerge for you in those specific places in the world. You can learn more details and book an astrocartography reading with me here.   I consider both parans, local space lines and natal lines. 

Learn Astrocartography in my Locational Astrology Course

Want to learn astrocartography and add this valuable skill to your business offerings? Take my in-depth 7 week locational astrology course. This self-paced course includes 7 modules, including how to understand the story of a place as well as how I created a thriving business as an astrocartographer! Get more details and join the course program here!

Learn astrocartography in Helena's Locational Astrology Course

Just Have a Quick Question?

I’d be happy to answer any questions you may have about your natal chart, zodiacal releasing or travel/relocation astrology map here on Hey Hero! Send me your questions and I’ll look up your chart and send you a unique, personalized video answering your questions! travel map

Basic Keywords of Planets –

Sun: Most positive luminary. It’s where we shine and are seen! Leadership. It’s our will and spirit.

Moon: Feminine, nurturing, emotions and desires, inner needs and nourishment, a feeling of home and belonging

Neptune: Spiritual, unconscious, the unseen, the mysteries of life. A bit foggy and vague in energy.

Mars: Aggression, achievement, drive, stamina, motivation

Mercury: Communication, writing, technology. A very social and mentally stimulating line.

Jupiter: Fortune, blessings, luck, abundance. This planet is expansive!

Venus: Visual beauty, love, affection, style, art, partnership.

Uranus: Surprises, rebellious energy, changing society, instability

Saturn: challenge, discipline, hard work, order, delay, isolation, limitation

Pluto: transformation, death, rebirth, corruption, power, intensity

Angles and their Meanings in Astrocartography:

Ascending (AS) – Self / adopting the appearance and energy of that particular planet. Self-focused.

Imum Coeli (IC) – A sense of home and belonging, you will feel centered through the energies of this planet. More private.

Midheaven (MC) – Career, public reputation. How you are affected socially and in your career. More public.

Descendant (DS) – Relations. What you are drawn to in others and how others impact you. (partner, relationships, community)

Lunar Node – This special point shows a karmic connection. South nodes indicate a feeling of deja vu or familiarity, having come from. The North Node is your focus, obsession and the direction you’re heading toward.

Watch my astrocartography videos on Youtube!

I share more educational content on Youtube at Astrocartography with Helena, where I share example relocated natal charts, the meanings behind each astrocartography line and more tips on where the best places to live are based on your map!

I also make more spiritual, creative short films on Youtube here . 🕊☀️

I hope this provides some useful information on your astrocartography journey ☀️ Have a magical day!

Astrocartography: The Best Places to Travel or Relocate Based on Your Map

Client tips , travel, january 5, 2022.

astrocartography moon photograph on beach


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Free-spirit, author, astrocartographer and all around creative in love with documenting the simple joys of life. I am passionate about noticing light and truth around me and reflecting it back to others. 

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Looking for some inspiration to live free and true to your heart? These posts will uplift and encourage you! 


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A gorgeously designed hardcover coffee table book with Helena's photographs from around the globe, this practical how-to guide includes everything needed to live a slow, simplified life. For anyone who's ever felt the pressure to do more, be more, achieve more and feels the desire to let go of the busy go-go-go energy of a time we're living in, this book is for you. Free yourself by living slow. 

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How to Let Astrocartography Guide Your Wanderlust

Use the astrology of travel to inspire your next vacation, active adventure, or relocation.

The Basics of Astrocartography

  • What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

How to Use Astrocartography Before Making a Major Move

If you read your monthly horoscope and looked up your astrological compatibility with that hot Bumble date, you already know astrology can be a useful tool for self-awareness, getting a read on current vibes (hey, dramatic eclipse season), and understanding relationship dynamics. But did you know it can also be used to inform your wanderlust and even a big move?

Pioneered by an astrologer named Jim Lewis in the 1970s, astrocartography (or locational astrology) is a system that allows you to see how your perspective on the world, energy, love, and career prospects might be influenced when you travel or lay down roots somewhere new.

"Life may feel great for you in one location but difficult in another because of your unique astrocartography profile," explains Ralph MacIntyre , a San Diego-based astrologer who specializes in astrocartography. "There are places on Earth with energies that will have a positive influence on your work or love life, for example, or promote good health, while other locations may frustrate these developments. Astrocartography maps indicate where your unique astrological influences show opportunities for growth and highlight challenges or disadvantages also associated with particular areas."

Here's what you need to know to use astrology as your life — or vacation-planning — GPS.

If you've ever cast your astrological birth chart using a website, an app, or ideally, by working with a professional astrologer, you already know that it serves as a "snapshot" of the sky when you were born. Rack up "HBD" texts every August 3? You're a Leo . Born on New Year's Day? You're a Cap , obv. But while everyone tends to refer to themselves as their sun sign, it's basically the equivalent of a doctor looking over labwork and noting your age. Your sun sign — the zodiac sign that the sun was in when you were born — is just one detail of many that make up your individual astrological picture. And once you have your unique birth chart handy, you can use it to understand how you might be influenced when you're living or visiting a particular spot on the planet, according to the theory of astrocartography.

Astrocartography compares your birth chart to the location of the sun, the moon, and the planets relative to the Earth when you were born. By keying into these specifics, you can get a sense of where you might enjoy or struggle with certain energy shifts (and use that info to plan an adventure vacation or self-reflective yoga retreat.)

What an Astrocartography Map Looks Like & Means

To get your astrocartography map, you can consult with a professional astrologer, such as MacIntyre , or use an online tool, such as's AstroClick Travel feature . To take advantage of AstroClick Travel, you'll need to enter your birthdate (including the time) and birthplace, and voilà, your AstroClick travel chart.

If you pull up your individualized astrocartography map, you'll see lines running vertically or curving across the map. One line might run straight down the east coast, another directly through the middle of the Pacific. Each is related to a planet and its position in the sky when you were born

Check out the energetic effect of each planetary line:

  • Sun: A confidence-boosting line, the sun line can lift your mood, making you feel in sync with your core self.
  • Moon: Associated with emotions, the moon can boost feelings of vulnerability and sensitivity.
  • Mercury: As the planet of communication (as well as transportation and technology) Mercury's line bolsters self-expression, as well as travel and intellectual pursuits. (And, yes, it also goes retrograde sometimes .)
  • Venus: The planet of romance, beauty, and money, the Venus line can amplify all of these themes, leading to long-term love and partnerships, creativity, as well as feeling and appearing extra magnetic.
  • Mars: Ruling action, athleticism, energy, and sex, the Mars line can encourage combativeness — but amplify excitement and passion.
  • Jupiter: The largest planet in the solar system is linked to expansion and fortune, so it's considered one of the luckiest spots.
  • Saturn: The taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees hard work and uphill battles that are meant to teach crucial lessons. Being near a Saturn line might make life feel like a slog, but ultimately, it can boost your maturity and personal growth.
  • Uranus: Revolutionary Uranus is all about sudden, unexpected shifts, change, and freedom. The influence of the line can have you feeling energized (generally in an anxious way) and determined to break free of convention.
  • Neptune: The planet of dreams, spirituality, and intuition, Neptune clouds rational thought, so its line elevates imagination — but also illusion.
  • Pluto: The planet of transformation also deals with deep-rooted, psychological issues and power struggles, so it can be an emotionally challenging spot to spend time in.

And because the sun is always rising in one spot while it sets at another, there are four lines for each celestial body, referred to as the "four angles" or cardinal points:

  • Rising or Ascendant (AC): Your rising line is associated with your outward personality, and you'll identify with the energy of whichever planet(s) was coziest to your ascendant at the time of your birth. Travel or move to your sun AC line, and you could feel more confident and centered in the way you appear to others out and about in the world.
  • The Descendant (DC): The descendant line speaks to your relationships with others. For instance, your Venus descendant line might be a powerful one for finding love.
  • The Imuni Coeli (IC): The IC line is associated with your origins, your home, your family, security, and how that foundation influences your identity. It has a reflective influence, so your moon IC line might be a place where you can make headway with a practice like therapy or meditation, getting in touch with deep-seated emotions.
  • The Medi-Coeli/Midheaven (MC): The MC line reflects social standing, public reputation, who you are — or aspire to be — at your peak level of success. Spending time on your Mars MC line might have you feeling fired up to pursue bold professional goals.

Pair these angles with your Astroclick Travel lines (or the planetary lines provided by an astrologer), and you'll get an interesting sense of what lessons or energies you might experience in a particular part of the globe. Say you go to college in Boston, right on your Venus AC line. This could mean that you're more apt to be social, make vibrant connections, and cultivate your sense of self-worth. Or if you move to Los Angeles, where your Mercury IC line lies, it may be easier to speak about your emotions and inner life or learn more about yourself through therapy or researching your genealogy.

Say you were born in Chicago and want to know how you'll feel if you take a job in Miami. You can also use the theory of astrocartography to do relocation astrology, which involves "shifting" your birth chart.

"For example, if two people are born at the same moment in time, but one is in California and the other in London, their perspective on the sky is very different," explains astrologer April Elliott Kent of Big Sky Astrology and the Big Sky Astrology Podcast . "The stars and planets are in the same signs and relationship to one another, but [people's] perspective on them shifts depending on their geographic location."

Here's how this could look: If Pisces is rising in the east in California, a child born there will approach unfamiliar situations in a Pisces way — gentle, empathetic, says Kent. And if a child is born in London at the same moment, Leo would be rising — a commanding, expressive personality. "If that child grows up and moves to California, they'll align with the Pisces that was rising there at the time of their birth," she explains. "[It would be] very disorienting for a Leo ascendant person to have to behave in a Pisces way."

The Bottom Line

Astrocartography is not a magic bullet, says MacIntyre. It's simply a way to key into the energies of a given location, which might influence you in a particular, preferable way. "You will still need to make the effort to change or accept new opportunities that cross your path," he says.

Kent echoes that point by reminding that even if you accentuate or moderate natural tendencies and opportunities by shifting your chart, you're not going to shrug off your core wiring informed by your birth chart. "You're still you, wherever you go," she emphasizes, but by understanding and applying astrocartography, you might be able to better understand yourself — and get a leg up on your dreams and goals.

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The Art of Astrocartography: Intrepreting Your Chart Lines

Last Updated: October 27, 2023 Fact Checked

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography map basics, planetary meanings, what can i learn from my astrocartography map, expert interview.

This article was co-authored by Angel Eyedealism and by wikiHow staff writer, Amber Crain . Angel Eyedealism is an Astrologer and Performance Artist based in the Lower East Side of Manhattan. With nearly three decades of astrology experience, Angel specializes in relocation astrology and astrocartography. Eyedealism has been featured in numerous media outlets such as Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Atlantic, The Washington Post, Refinery29, NBC, MTV, Showtime, and Bravo. Angel aims to help others through a straightforward, kind, and humorous astrological lens, utilizing her entertainment and singing skills for performance art astrology readings. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 304,231 times.

Ever wondered where in the world you truly belong? Looking for a life-changing travel destination? Hoping to meet the love of your life abroad? Your astrocartography map can point you in the right direction! In this article, we'll explain exactly what astrocartography is, how to generate your own map, and provide detailed interpretations for the corresponding lines and planetary meanings. If you're ready to get moving and expand your horizons, read on!

Things You Should Know

  • Use an astrocartography map generator to create your chart. You'll see lines charting points all over the globe.
  • The lines will have planetary symbols on them. Each planet represents a different aspect of your life/personality.
  • Note where the lines are on the map. The closer you are to a line, the more you feel the energy of that particular planet.
  • Use the map to figure out where to relocate, find vacation spots, or look for your soul mate based on the planetary energy you want to cultivate.

Astrocartography is a form of astrology that focuses on geography.

  • Similarly, your map can tell you which places to avoid because they're inauspicious and don’t support your personal goals.
  • Astrocartography is an old concept, but was officially "invented" in the 1970s by American astrologer Jim Lewis. Lewis devised a systematic way to generate astrocartography maps based on planetary movements at the time of a person's birth. [2] X Research source For an in-depth look into this branch of astrology, check out Lewis' seminal book, The Psychology of Astro*Carto*Graphy .

Step 1 Use an online astrocartography map generator to create your chart.

  • You can also buy special software to generate an astrocartography map, or consult a professional astrologist that specializes in locational astrology (search "locational astrologer + your zip code" to find local pros).

Step 2 The map charts a series of lines around the globe.

  • All of the planet lines will also be labeled with one of the following abbreviations: AC (Ascendant), IC (Imum Coeli), MC (Midheaven), and DC (Descendant). These lines have specific meanings that you will interpret in conjunction with the planetary meanings.
  • Astrologers generally read your birth chart next to your astrocartography map to provide deep insights about who you are and where you belong.

Step 1 Sun ☉

  • People often seek out astrocartography charts before relocating. For example, if you’re trying to decide on a college, your chart can tell you which places are most suitable for your energy and goals.
  • Look for the lines marked "IC" if you're looking for places to move to since those are tied closely to home and family. Then, look at which planetary symbol is on the line to figure out how your home/family will be influenced.

Step 2 Ideal travel destinations and vacation spots

  • Look for your AC and MC lines when picking travel destinations. Be sure to check the planetary symbol so you know what kind of energy you'll find there.
  • You don’t have to visit these spots in person to reap the benefits. For example, if you have a strong spiritual connection to Austria, you can harness that energy by learning the language, customs, and myths.

Step 3 Where to find love or other meaningful relationships

  • Look for your DC lines on the map if your goal is to meet someone or form relationships. Then, use the planetary symbol to figure out the kind of energy you'll find along that line.
  • You don’t necessarily have to permanently relocate to these areas—you can connect with people online. You might make business or long-distance love connections in these places by using social media or other platforms.

Expert Q&A

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Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about astrocartography, check out our in-depth interview with Angel Eyedealism .

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How To Use Astrocartography To Chart Your Future Vacation or Relocation travel map

Recently, I learned about an astrology discipline that's speaking to my own indecisive, wanderlusty soul: astrocartography . Learning how to read astrocartography can help with future vacation planning, relocation, and more—and your astrocartography guide awaits.

  • Clarisse Monahan , astrologer and tarot reader
  • Dara Dubinet , astrologer
  • Helena Woods , astrocartographer, astrologer, and locational astrology teacher
  • Talisa Zampieri , intuitive tarot reader, astrologer, and astrocartography expert behind Two Wander

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography, also known as "relocation astrology" or the "astrology of place," is a discipline of astrology. Astrologers believe different places on Earth hold different planetary energies for each person, based on where and when they were born.

Clarisse Monahan , an astrologer and tarot reader, explains that astrocartography “uses the scientific aspects of geography and astronomy, showing you which places will have the most significant impact by looking at how the angles in your chart are performing in these new locations.” In other words, the intel can provide insight into the best and worst places for you to live and travel, energetically speaking.


So, if you, say, studied abroad in Melbourne, Australia, and felt a new rush of confidence there, it could be because that city lies on your sun line. ("Lines" are latitude lines that correspond with the major celestial bodies, and they're different for everyone depending on that person's natal astrology chart .) Or, conversely, if you recently moved to New York City and have felt overworked and weighed down ever since, it could be because the Big Apple's on a Saturn line for you.

While astrocartography may sound supremely woo-woo, astrologer Dara Dubinet contends that it's actually a super-practical life tool. "Any time we're thinking of relocating, traveling, holding a retreat, or having a wedding, it’s good to know what energies the destination holds for us," she says. It's also good to be aware of the vibes of the place where you're living in right now, since they may be affecting you in either a positive or negative way.

As with all forms of astrology, Monahan adds that astrocartography is simply another tool we can use to help us on our life-long journey of self-discovery.

The history of astrocartography

It’s shocking that more people aren’t talking about relocation astrology, given how mainstream astrology has become . (Same with chart ruler astrology , the north node in astrology, and your astrocartography past life .) But there's a good reason why it’s one of the astrology terms that’s remained under the radar for so long. "Before 1978, it was a very complicated process—it could take days of people measuring and mapping," says Dubinet. But in that year, an astrologer named Jim Lewis streamlined a method to chart out people's personal hot spots more quickly and easily, so more could use the intel, and he trademarked it "astrocartography."

Thanks to computers, we're now able to get our own astrocartography maps with the tap of a trackpad, either by going deep in a session with a pro astrologer or downloading your chart basics for free from . If you choose to go the DIY route, however, be warned—it's a lot to take in. The good news is this guide on how to read astrocartography will help you on your journey.

How astrocartography can benefit your life

Whether you’re doing some future vacation planning, looking for travel astrology insights, or are hoping to use astrology for relocation, having an astrocartography guide that helps you learn how to read astrocartography can come in handy.

“By learning the language of astrology, we can identify where in the world would hold different activations for us,” says Helena Woods , an astrocartographer, astrologer, and locational astrology teacher. “Astrocartography can benefit our lives in a myriad of ways, from learning where we’ll feel most energized, expansive, and productive, to where we will feel the most peace and ease in our personal and domestic life.”

Woods says your map and relocation chart can also show you super specific things—everything from the best place to work on the novel you’ve been dreaming of writing to where you would have the most active dating life. Talisa Zampieri , the intuitive tarot reader, astrologer, and astrocartography expert behind Two Wander , says astrocartography can also give the reassurance you need to make bold moves in your life. “Astrocartography can benefit someone's life by acting as a supportive tool for clarity, alignment, and decision-making ability when choosing where to live or to maximize a holiday experience,” she says.

Ready to dive into the ins and outs of astrocartography? Below, you’ll learn how to use astrology for relocation, gain some vacation astrology tips, and discover how astrocartography mapping can help ensure you’re in the right place at the right time for all your future adventures.

How to decode your astrocartography chart

First, you'll want to establish your own personal astrocartography chart to guide this process. There are many free astrocartography tools to help get started, but ultimately, your map must be tailored for your unique astrological self.

Once you've run your own personal map —using your birth date, time, and place—you'll receive a map of the world with tons of crisscrossing colored lines on it. Each of these lines is linked with a certain celestial body, and each one is thought to bring out certain qualities in you when you're in a place near that line.

But how do you read astrocartography maps? The best way to make sense of it all, says Dubinet, is to first think about what you're looking to call into your life— a summer fling , financial success, creative inspiration, that kind of thing. Then, determine which planet that desire corresponds with and find that planetary line on your astrocartography map. Places on or near that line are said to contain the energy of its respective planet. Here's a rundown of each planet's energy, in Dubinet's words:

  • Sun line: "The sun is good for being seen—it gives you a healthy dose of ego. I call it your fame and reputation [line]."
  • Moon line: "The moon represents the divine feminine. It has to do with mothering yourself and others."
  • Mercury line: "Mercury is the planet of communication. Places on your Mercury line would be great for writing a book or activating your interest in something."
  • Venus line: "Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, as well as design and style."
  • Mars line: "Mars is drive. It's passion. If you want to feel lots of masculine energy, go somewhere on a Mars line."
  • Jupiter line: "Jupiter is the planet of joy, expansion, and abundance. It's a good one."
  • Saturn line: "In the long term, places on your Saturn lines can be aging and bring too much responsibility. But they're certainly good if you want to bring discipline and order into your life—like if you're choosing where to go to college."
  • Uranus line: "If Saturn's like the old man, Uranus is the teenage rebel. It comes in the form of surprises and change."
  • Neptune line: "Neptune is so spiritual, but you can't see things clearly on a Neptune line. You wouldn't necessarily want to live there."
  • Pluto line: "If you need to shake things up, go to a Pluto line—it's gonna cause destruction, but also rebirth and growth."
  • Chiron line: "[The asteroid] Chiron is the magical healer. It gives a little bit of life purpose insight [by indicating] how we're supposed to help others."
  • North and south nodes: "These represent your karma and fate. [Places on the node lines] feel like home, almost as if you'd been there before."

You may notice that some of your lines overlap or cross each other—for instance, my Jupiter and Pluto lines are right on top of each other. This just means that the energies of both are amplified in the places where they meet, says Dubinet.

The four cardinal points in an astrocartography chart

Diving a little deeper, exploring the cardinal points in an astrocartography can give you insight into four areas of your life: self, relationship, career, and home. “Astrocartography looks at where certain planets in your chart work with or against these cardinal points,” says Monahan. “They do this by taking these points and applying them to each planet, in turn plotting them on a map. We can then use these maps to tap into their energy.”

Zampieri says if you’ve been to a Saturn MC line, for example, you can think about what you learned about your place in the world and what your work-life balance was like while you were there. Here's a rundown of each planet's energy, in Zampieri’s words:

  • The Ascendant (AC): “This is the exact degree of the sun in the zodiac sign that was rising on the eastern horizon at the moment you were born. As such, it represents how you show up in the world, how you perceive it, and how you are perceived in return. Thus, AC lines can show us where we might feel most aligned in ourselves and bring those planetary influences to the forefront. For example, a Moon AC line can feel like wearing our hearts on our sleeve while a Saturn MC line can be good for personal discipline.”
  • The Midheaven (MC): “This is the highest point the sun reached on that day, the culmination point. It represents what we are working toward—our legacy, career, and public image. MC lines can bring the planetary focus to our life path and profession. For example, a Jupiter MC line can be good for growth and expansion in our business.”
  • The Descendant (DC): “This is where the sun set on the western horizon, directly opposite the Ascendant, as such it represents our partnerships. DC lines can bring a focus to the other, so going to a Venus DC line can emphasize a desire for relationships and allow us to foster harmonious ones (always depending on what Venus is doing in your natal chart, of course).”
  • The IC (Imuni Coeli): “The IC point is the nadir, the lowest point of the sun, opposite the midheaven. It represents our inner world, lineage, and upbringing. Going to an IC line can feel like home and where we belong. A Mercury IC line, for example, can bring us friendships that feel like family or can be good for private learning and self-expression.”

How astrocartography can help you decide where to relocate

Astrolocatrography is also called “relocation astrology” for a reason. If you’re looking to make a big move, Zampieri says it can be a helpful tool in determining where you should be.

“Astrocartography can help you decide where to relocate by using it in conjunction with your own intuition and reasoning for what is best for your current situation,” she says. “What kind of climates do you like, do you need city or nature, what’s your budget, are you moving for work or with family? By combining astrocartography with places you’re already interested in, you can more easily make a decision.”

But how does using astrology for relocation work, exactly? Woods says each planet has its “own specific archetypal meaning, as well as their own unique story based on our birth charts.” Once you decide what’s most important to you at this current moment (like relationships and community, for example), you can look for details in those areas in your relocation chart.

“We have many lines criss-crossing on our astro maps,” says Woods. “Aside from knowing your current priorities, it's a nice way to determine where to be in the world by looking at the best planetary lines, latitude crossings (or parans, which tell us at which latitude would be the best), local space lines (which show us which specific cities/towns), and then timing it (so that particular area of life is activated and eventful).”

With a little help from an astrocartography guide, using astrology for relocation could help you uncover the best possible place to move to—somewhere that will leave you feeling happy and fulfilled.

Using astrocartography to plan future vacations

While learning how to read astrocartography can be great for relocation, it's also a top-notch skill for future vacation planning. According to Woods, one of the best ways to gain travel astrology insights through astrocartography mapping is by taking your astro map and adding the overlay of the transits and progressions. This allows you to see the right timing and overall energy. Talk about a prime vacation astrology tip.

“We all have planetary lines on our maps, but certain themes and energies become activated when we have a transit or progression moving across that exact area where that line is placed,” says Woods. “Whether you’re looking for a relaxing beachside vacation that feels dreamy and ease-filled, a spiritual meditation retreat to connect deeply with nature, or an active and adventurous scuba diving adventure, astro lines and latitude paran lines are really helpful in determining those specific energies.”

Need a starting place? Zampieri says for the long-term, Uranus lines are often considered too unstable. “But for just a short trip it can be exhilarating and exciting,” she says. “You can also look to the planetary ruler of your ninth house of travel for destinations that can help expand your worldview.”

With these vacation astrology tips, you'll be able to better plan the getaway of your dreams. With that being said, you can also experience a certain location’s astrological energy without ever leaving the comfort of your home.

You don't have to visit a place to experience its astrological energy

According to Dubinet’s travel astrology insights, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is where I will experience “explosive abundance.” But there's just one problem: I'm not about to travel there. And as much as I'd love to add that stamp to my passport, I don't think I'll be able to any time soon. The good news is that she says this doesn't matter...

Of course, being in a given location would seem to be the best way to soak in its energy. And while that may be true, Dubinet claims you can also bring its influence into your life without leaving home. "You can call in the energies from the cosmos wherever you are,” she says. “There are great ways of bringing them into the place you’re living now, without feeling like you have to relocate."

Immerse yourself in the energy of the destination

For example, let's say France is a particularly lucky place for you according to your astrocartography chart. If you can't physically go there to soak in its good fortune, Dubinet suggests channeling your inner French girl by listening to French music, watching French movies, wearing clothes by French designers , taking a French cooking class—you get the idea. You can also look for opportunities to connect with people from that place, as they may be able to deliver an important lesson or experience. (BRB, going to swipe for Brazilian guys on Hinge.)

And you may not have to try very hard with the latter. Monahan says many often naturally sync with people from their power lines. “Venus lines, of course, represent romantic connections and these are people you will easily attract and can create harmonious relationships with,” she says. “People from Jupiter lines tend to offer wisdom and knowledge and usually show up as teachers or mentors in life.” Pro tip: If you’re feeling stuck in your dating life, Monahan encourages experimenting with setting up new locations on dating apps to shake things up.

Focus on the energy of the astrocartography line

Furthermore, Monahan says you can also harness the power of your astrocartography lines by connecting with the energy of the lines themselves. To do so, she recommends choosing one planet you want to work with and focus on the energy that the planet represents. For instance, if you want to connect with your Jupiter line, get to know the planet intimately first. “Jupiter is known as the Greater Benefic, the most positive planet in the sky,” Monahan says. “It is associated with luck, higher wisdom, philosophy, generosity, coherence and expansion.”

From there, Monahan says you can apply the planet’s keywords to the places on your Jupiter line. “Are there certain philosophies from these areas you want to find out more about?,” she says. “Is there a language or culture you want to learn more about? Are there historical books you really want to dig into to find out more about these places?” Get curious and approach the areas through a Jupiter lens.

Don't stress—there's no such thing as a "bad" place for you

Let's say that you've got your astrocartography map and you find out that you're living on a tricky line, like Saturn or Neptune. Remain calm, says Dubinet. "The biggest thing is not to be fearful of the harder lines, because there are things that they all are giving us," she says. "If you chose a more challenging line to live on, it’s only making you stronger and more evolved. It might be the shake-up you need."

Monahan echoes this, adding that because everyone’s astrocartography chart is individual and features a mix of different planets and energies, there are no difficult lines. Of course, if you live on an astrocartography line of a benefic planet (aka the ones with a positive influence) such as Venus and Jupiter, things can be very positive, but only if those planets are in good condition in your chart. “If you have a natal Venus that is being hindered/aspected in a difficult way, moving to this line only agitates and aggravates this situation,” Monahan says.

And vice versa, malefic planets (ones with more challenging energies) such as Mars and Saturn can be tricky to navigate, but for people who have a strong sense of the planets in their charts, they can be very productive places for them. “Saturn can be great for completing a body of work, or undertaking a serious study,” Monahan says. “Mars can be perfect if you are someone who thrives in a fast-moving, busy energy.”

So again, there’s no such thing as a bad place to be, but rather each place has a different energy to it, and astrocartography helps you tap into those energies depending on what you need during whatever phase of life you’re in. “Make sure you are moving to [or traveling to] a place that complements your chart and encourages expression of what you are looking to do next in your life,” Monahan says. For example, a high-energy, social place may have been great for you during your young, single days, but as you get ready to start a family, maybe you’re craving a slower, more supportive energy.

The takeaway: Astrocartography mapping can help you better understand the energetic influences of different geographic locations and how they specifically apply to you and your life. Then you plan your travels (or big moves) accordingly.

Frequently asked questions about astrocartography

What are the best astrocartography lines to live on.

The answer to this question is going to be different for everyone. “There is no best astrocartography line, as the lines all depend on the person’s natal planet,” says Woods. “Jupiter and Venus are the two benefics in astrology, or the two most positive planets. Generally, they feel light, ease-filled, and abundant. However, if someone has a poorly-placed planet (even if it is as magical as a planet as Venus or Jupiter), it can be more challenging for someone.”

Zampieri says the best astrocartography lines to live on depend on your intentions and your own natal chart. “Look to the most relevant house/planet/placement and then to which is the most ‘dignified’ planet in your natal chart,” she says. “For example, if you are seeking a partner, you can look to either the planetary ruler of your seventh house or to Venus, depending on which one is in better condition in your natal chart.”

What is the difference between MC and IC in astrocartography?

According to Zampieri, the difference between the MC and IC in astrocartography is visibility. “The MC is our most public point. It brings the planetary significations to our career and professional life,” she says. “The IC is our inner sanctum. A deeply intimate and tender point, it can infuse the planetary significations into our psyche or home life instead.”

Is Rising the same as Ascendant?

Yes, the Ascendant and Rising Sign are the same thing. “The Ascendant is simply the exact degree within the Rising Sign,” says Zampieri. “As the sun rises on the eastern horizon, it takes about two hours for it to pass through a zodiac sign of 30 degrees. The Ascendant is the precise point within it at the moment you were born.”

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How Astrology Can Help You Plan Your Next Vacation

More from spirit, r29 original series.

Ellie Cleary

How to read your AstroCartography Map to Plan Travel

Curious about how to read your AstroCartography map so you can choose the best places to travel to and get the best out of your natal astrology? In this blog I share my own experiences and tips of living and working astrocartography as I’ve travelled and relocated around the world – so if you’re looking for tips on how to work with your AstroCartography lines, read on!

As a lover of both astrology and travel as incredibly powerful tools for self-discovery, growth, change, navigating life transitions and so much more, you can imagine how excited I was several years ago to discover that there was a tool that blends exactly these two things.

From the moment I first discovered how to calculate my AstroCartography chart, I was hooked.

Those places that had called to me all of my life, suddenly made sense.

The places that I’d never really felt at home in or had downright challenging experiences, suddenly made sense too.

The thing is, there’s a reason we feel drawn to certain places – and that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the easiest places for us to be – but in my experience it does mean that the energy – the planetary lines and influences running through there – do have medicine and wisdom for us.

As someone who has travelled the world mostly full time since 2015 and a career in travel for 13 years, AstroCartography mapping is the tool I wish I’d known about when I first started travelling 20 years ago.

So, without further ado, let’s get into some pointers for how to read your AstroCartography map, and how you can use that information to plan the perfect trip!

AstroCartography map reading

What is AstroCartography?

AstroCartography is a type of locational astrology, created by astrologer Jim Lewis in the 1970’s. Simply speaking, it is a visual system for mapping how your astrological birth chart (natal chart) corresponds to different locations on earth.

More specifically, AstroCartography maps the locations where the planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus et al) were rising and setting around the world at the time of your birth.

When clients do readings with me, there are more types of locational astrology that I factor into the mix beyond AstroCartography for a more holistic approach, but AstroCartography is a great tool for getting started, and in particular thanks to the free map on, it’s easy to play around with if familiar with the different planetary archetypes and energies.

Using AstroCartography, you can easily locate your different lines – for example your AstroCartography Venus line or your AstroCartography Moon Line – and see which locations they run through in the world.

How to Use AstroCartography to Make Decisions on Location & Travel

There are multiple software options that offer AstroCartography, but the best free one to use is the one on Astrodienst. Simply go to and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It has handy descriptions when you click on a place so it’s perfect for beginner dabbling.

NB: For AstroCartography you need to know your accurate time of birth. AstroCartography is all based on the angles of your chart, which change by the minute.

Astrocartography map meaning

Which are the Best AstroCartography Lines?

A common question I get, is which is the best line to go to or visit? Which is the best AstroCartography line to live on?

And the answer – somewhat predictably is, it depends. Let me explain why.

AstroCartography is just one very specific form of astrology – and although working with it on its own can be helpful, it is far more powerful when combined with the wisdom and magic available through working with your natal chart as a whole and your current transits.

For example, you can be in the middle of your Pluto square Pluto transit and travel to your Venus AS line, but still feel like you’re living in deep pain and your worst fears are coming up to be dealt with. Ultimately, there’s no escape from the Pluto cycle – but we do get to choose to put ourselves somewhere more supportive for the process and healing.

Likewise, if you’re planning to launch your next big project and share it with the world, going to your Venus IC line may not help you in the ways you hope. As that’s a much more inwards energy.

It also depends very much on: What are you looking for? What are you seeking at this time? How are you looking to be supported on your life journey? What is your soul needing?

That said, there are some really supportive energies to look for when searching for where to settle longer term (eg home) – it’s really hard to go wrong with Sun, Moon, or Venus on your IC, unless you have other challenging lines crossing in the same location. But again, it’s really best to make these decisions when taking your whole natal and relocated chart into consideration, as well as current transits for big decisions like this. If you would like to take a holistic look at where is right for you looking at all of these things, you can book a Soul Travel Oracle reading with me here .

how to read your AstroCartography map

What Kind of Trip are you Planning?

When working with AstroCartography to plan travel, one of the first things to do is to spend some time sitting with your intention and what you want to get out of your upcoming trip. That will help inform you about which AstroCartography lines and which energies would be best to work with.

Or, you can simply take the AstroCartography as inspiration – by looking at where the most beneficial lines are for you, where they pass through, and consider how they relate to the places that most call to you / you most feel drawn to.

A few pointers:

  • If you want to go somewhere on a healing retreat or take time for yourself to heal after life challenges, Chiron can be a supportive energy to work with
  • If you want a lazy week in the sun look for Venus – Mars lines may have you running around more than you bargained for!
  • For those once in a lifetime journeys of the unknown and adventure, Jupiter lines are your teacher and guide
  • And if you’re really over something and ready to let it go and create something new instead, Pluto lines can be very supportive in the death-rebirth process – this energy is often avoided in AstroCartography and is incredibly powerful and transformative, even if it’s not always easy at the time.

It’s not always about the AstroCartography Lines, but it’s a great place to start

There’s more to the energy of a place of course than the AstroCartography – I believe that land holds different energies, which can be affected by the history of a place, and what has happened there. Places that have seen incredible hardships, genocide, or constant destruction through climate change can take on a heavier energy than their lines may suggest when you learn to read your AstroCartography map.

That said, I also believe that AstroCartography can be seen as a tool to guide us home. To our truest selves. And this is the deepest work.

The AstroCartography map can be seen as a way to find the missing parts of ourselves; to reclaim our stories and unfinished business from past lives, and reintegrate the pieces of our story we have forgotten – whether we can physically travel to those places or not.

And sometimes, the places we are most drawn to are on the most challenging AstroCartography lines – but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t go.

Following this path and journey is a process, which is why I love to support and guide women home along this journey. You can find out more about working with me here .

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The Complete Guide to Astrocartography: How to Read & Relocate Your Astro Map

  • By Daria Burnett
  • April 8, 2023

In this guide, you'll learn everything you need to know about astrocartography. By the end, you'll be able to read and relocate your astrological map with ease!

If you’re interested in astrology, then you’ve probably heard of astrocartography, which is is the practice of reading and relocating your astrological map using coordinates.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know about astrocartography, from basics like Chiron lines and Uranus lines to more advanced concepts like North / South node lines and Saturn lines.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to read and relocate your astrological map with ease!

What is astrocartography?

Astrocartography is the art and science of using astrology to create world maps that are personal and unique, and useful in guiding us to our best destinations.

Astrocartographers often insist on joint readings for couples, families, and business teams in order to identify places that are most beneficial for living and working.

Astrocartography is not just for helping people find their best places to live and work; it can also help people find important relationships.

🔥 Ready to meet your Twin Flame?

Do you know what your Twin Flame soulmate looks like? 💓

Master Wang is a "psychic artist" and a master of astrology; he's famous in China for being able to draw anyone's soulmate.

Thousands of people have found love thanks to Master Wang's gift.

Don't delay! Yes, I want my Twin Flame soulmate drawing!

How can astrocartography be used to determine the best places to live or travel?

Astrocartography can be used to identify the most favorable locations for travel or relocation by taking into account the relationships between different astrological lines.

By considering the larger picture, astrocartographers can find spots that offer the best opportunities for success and happiness.

Checking the weather forecast before making any decisions is always a good idea, and using astrocartography can be thought of in a similar way.

This tool provides us with valuable insight into our personal lives and helps us make better choices for our future.

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What are some common questions about astrocartography?

Astrocartography is a complex practice that requires expertise in astrology and an understanding of how to interpret celestial information.

It is used as a tool to help individuals understand themselves and their circumstances.

How do I read an astrocartography map?

Astrocartography maps are interpreted by looking at the lines that connect different points on the map.

These lines represent the energy flow between different planets and points on the Earth.

By understanding the meaning of these lines, you can gain insights into your own life and circumstances.

Don’t miss out on this unique astrological opportunity!

Are you tired of spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? Well, there’s a reason you can’t get to where you want to go.

Simply put, you’re out of sync: you're out of alignment with your astral configuration.

But: there’s a kind of map that can help you find your alignment. Think of it as your own personal blueprint to success and happiness: a personal blueprint that will help you live your most amazing life . Find out more here !

What are some common questions about astrocartography? Answers to common questions about astrocartography

How can you get an astrocartography reading?

Astro cartography is the study of how an individual’s energy is affected by specific destinations around the world.

Through astrocartography, you can find out which cities impact your unique energetic signature and how to use this information to live life to the fullest and thrive.

You can book an astrocartography reading to learn more about your unique energetic signature and how to use this information to live life to the fullest and thrive.

How to Create Your Own Astrocartography Chart

Go to’s AstroClick Travel tab or AstroSeek.

Enter your birth information.

You’ll see a world map covered in many colorful intersecting and wavy lines.

Be warned: the map looks overwhelming at first, but through time and practice, interpreting it will become less elusive.

How does astrocartography work?

As someone who is interested in astrology, you may have heard of astrocartography.

Astrocartography is a tool that can be used to help you understand the relationships between the planets and your personal birth chart.

By looking at an astrocartography map, you can get a sense of where the planets were located at the time of your birth and how they relate to your current location.

If you’re interested in learning more about astrocartography, this guide will show you how to read and relocate your astrocartography map.

We’ll also provide some tips on how to use this tool to find the most advantageous spots for travel and relocation.

What the lines represent.

Sleep support+.

The lines of the planets represent how the planets influence different parts of our lives.

Sleep support can help you understand your personal sleep cycle and improve it.

What is a Sun line?

The sun line is a line that represents your energy and where you’ll be the most in sync with your feelings and sense of self.

A Sun line is all about uplifting energy.

By traveling to places or living in places where your Sun line is, you’ll feel more in sync with yourself and at ease.

You’ll feel more in control of your own destiny wherever your Sun line draws over.

What is a Moon line?

The Moon line is the line that represents your emotions and feelings.

It is a place where you are vulnerable and sensitive.

A Moon line represents the place where your past lives have lived.

What is a Mercury line?

A Mercury line is a line that represents communication and thought.

A Mercury line touches the ground in a certain location to indicate that it is a good place to talk or think about life choices.

What is a Venus line?

A Venus line is a type of astrology line that is associated with love, social life, community, and being a positive force in your existence.

The Venus line is good for the arts and things to do with beauty.

What is a Mars line?

A Mars line is a line that represents action and sex.

A Mars line can help you to feel more drive and passion.

What is a Jupiter line?

A Jupiter line is a place where you can go to gain more money, opportunities, and investments.

A Jupiter line can also be a great place to invest in higher education.

Jupiter is the planet of luck and abundance, so a Jupiter line represents an area of your life where these things are possible.

If you’re looking for a windfall of cash or an opportunity to improve your circumstances, look to the areas of your chart ruled by Jupiter.

What is a Saturn line?

The Saturn line is a difficult line that is known for hardship.

The Saturn line is known for learning life’s necessary tough lessons.

What is a Uranus line?

A Uranus line is a line that represents energy but also nerves.

A person under the influence of a Uranus line could feel restricted and this leads to a feeling of rebellion and wanting to free yourself.

The constant change could make you feel nervous and it could be too much for you in this area.

What is a Neptune line?

The Neptune line is a line that is under the planet Neptune.

The Neptune line can lead to a distorted sense of self.

What is a Pluto line?

A Pluto line is a line of important, transformational situations.

For example, a person’s birth chart may have a Pluto line running through it which indicates times of great change or upheaval.

What is a Chiron line?

A Chiron line is a deep healing line.

The lines represent potential for healing yourself and others.

According to astrology, Chiron lines can be used to understand your own personal journey of self-healing, as well as to help others heal from their own wounds.

What is a North / South node line?

Your north node represents fate and destiny, while your south node represents your karmic past.

So, if you’re looking to understand your life’s purpose and where you’re meant to be headed, look to your north node.

On the other hand, if you want to understand why you keep repeating certain patterns or making the same mistakes, look to your south node.

Can Astrocartography Help Me Find Harmony with My Astrology Birth Chart?

Astrocartography can enhance your search for harmony with your astrology birth chart.

By pinpointing key locations on Earth that are aligned with your astrological influences, you can find places where you are more likely to experience a sense of harmony with astrology birth chart and personal alignment with the universe.

The bottom line.

Astrocartography is the study of how the planets and stars influence our lives.

It can be used to help us understand our personal strengths and weaknesses, as well as where we are most likely to find success or happiness.

Some believe that we are all influenced by the position of the planets at the time of our birth.

This is called natal astrology.

Astrocartography takes this a step further by looking at how the planets move over time, and how their positions can influence our lives throughout our lifetime.

There are different lines that can be drawn on an astrocartography map, each representing a different planetary influence.

For example, there is a line for Mars which represents energy and action, and another line for Venus which represents love and beauty.

By understanding what each line represents, we can gain insights into which areas of our life will be most affected by planetary influences.

Astrocartography can be used to help us make decisions about where to live, work or travel.

It can also be used to help us understand ourselves better and make the most of our talents and abilities.

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How Your Astrological Chart Can Tell You Where to Travel Next

Feeling restless with your location or in need of a getaway — but can't quite figure out where to go? Astrocartography is an emerging travel trend to help with those destination dilemmas.

How Your Astrological Chart Can Tell You Where to Travel Next

Plenty of people in the world find themselves restless with their surroundings — they're yearning for a change in location, but figuring out where that next Big Move is supposed to take them, or where to spend their hard-earned money on visiting, isn't always easy to determine. The answer might be closer to home than you think: your Astrological Chart.

Recently in the travel space, some travelers have started turning to their own zodiacs in the form of Astrocartography, an astrology-based system that uses your chart and a map of the earth to find out which places on the planet might suit you best for your next jaunt, near or far. Feeling bogged down by your career? Maybe skip New York. On a path of growth and change? A hike up a mountain could do the trick. Lovelorn? Get thee to Italy!

It's a little more complicated than that, so let's break down the specifics of Astrocartography and how it could help you decide your next trip.

What is Astrocartography?

Astrocartography, at its most basic, is the process of adding lines to a global map based on your astrological birth chart that gives personal meaning to certain locations. More precisely, it is a locational astrology system that takes your astrological birth chart — based on the time, date and place of your birth — and overlays it with a map of the Earth.

Astrocartography can be explored through often-free software online or, for more precise and perhaps trusted insight, you can get a professional reading and be shown the four angles of your birth chart (Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven and Imum Coeli) and how they correspond to certain places on Earth. Any planet close to the four angles of your birth chart will affect you, and thus your travel, in a stronger way.

Where did Astrocartography come from?

Renowned American astrologer Jim Lewis (1941-1995) popularized the modern-use of location astrology in the 1980s, creating maps, writing books and articles, and formalizing the practice. He even copywrote the name as Astro*Carto*Graphy.

Today, Evolutionary Astrologer Ralph MacIntyre has been studying Astrology for the better part of the last 40 years, and in the early 2000s, he was able to utilize Google Maps to create a more sophisticated version of what Lewis had pioneered with older technology. Now, there are hundreds of Astrocartographers on the web, some with their own proprietary software, and available for readings. MacIntyre gets upwards of 50 inquiries a month from people looking to use Astrocartography, he says.

If you want to try it yourself without the professional reading, a few simple steps through free software online will get you started, but be wary: once you get into the process of reading and deciphering your chart, it can take a long time to understand the lines on the chart, what they represent, and how best to utilize them in your travels or decision to move. If you want a thorough explanation, it’s best to get a reading done, though MacIntyre humbly cautions not to put too much stock in anything someone is selling you.

“A lot of people just want me to tell them where the best place is for them to live,” he says, “but it’s not that simple. My readings tend to be more soul level, helping you to understand what you’re here to do. And then once you understand what your soul’s habits are, the karma you’re working on, then we can go to the map.”

Astrocartography in action

Text, Line, Font, Parallel, Screenshot, Map,

In Mass., my natal line of Mercury ran north to south directly through the middle of the state. Mercury is the planet ruling intellect, and it said, “When you traverse this line, you are likely to experience an eventful home life. The doorbell is always ringing, the telephone is in constant use and any computer networks are lively. This is ideal if you are seeking to set up a business in your house or if you want more stimulation in your house. [...] It is also possible you are constantly in communication with a member of your family who resides at this location.” I have always thought that I would end up back in Massachusetts; an inexplicable pull has always been there and, in my late 30s, I have been feeling this even more. And, yes, I’m definitely in constant communication with my family there!

And for London, where my Pluto line crosses nearby, I’ve been challenged professionally and personally during a Masters program and simultaneously getting psychoanalytic therapy that has ultimately made me mature my means of communication, tested my patience, and helped me grow as a person. My chart said: “Be prepared for transformation along this line. [...] Events occur that change your ideas about yourself. It is possible that unforeseen emotional and psychological issues will surface forcing you to re-evaluate yourself and your relationships. [...] Perhaps you enjoy taking more time for self-reflection. Transformation of the self is the key.”

Lifestyle and wellness expert Justine Ma did a whole year’s worth of travel based on her chart. She received an Astrocartography reading as a gift when she became displaced during the 2018 Kīlauea volcano eruption on the Big Island of Hawaii, and uncertain as to whether or not it was safe to stay on the island due to the sulfuric acid and active lava flow, she accepted a reading as a form of guidance.

“I had no idea what Astrocartography was,” says Ma, a New York City native, “however, as a world traveler, I was intrigued.”

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The Astrologer did her maps and told her that it’d be beneficial to go to Oaxaca, Mexico, skip New York City, and head somewhere south of Rome. Ma adds: “I felt like this was a message I shouldn’t take lightly. Since I make my own work schedule, I was up for the challenge. I wanted to know who or what was waiting for me in these locations. Some people asked if I was nervous to embark on a trip based on the reading, but I was ready for it. I knew getting around wouldn’t be an issue since I solo travel often, and after living abroad in Milan, I speak Italian and mediocre Spanish; I knew the biggest challenge for me would be trusting the process... and it was.”

When she began her journey, she booked one-way flights and looked for signs wherever she went. The Astrocartographer predicted she had the potential to learn a lesson to benefit her growth in Oaxaca Mexico (trust), may regret her visit to New York City (old triggers) and would enjoy her trip to Italy since she was following her Venus (love) line on the map.

”When I started to notice that the predictions were accurate, I began to rely heavily on them. While in Mexico I decided to visit a waterfall and got stuck in a lightning storm at the bottom of a mountain. The only way to get out was to put one foot in front of the other, even though I wanted to give up.”

In Italy, her electricity went out for three days and in the quiet and the dark, Ma began to think for herself and ruminate on her current journeys. It was there that she realized Hawaii was calling her home. It was there she developed a plan to build a women’s retreat for solo travelers on the property she owns in Hawaii. It was there that she realized she had to keep traveling around the world and continue unfinished business from her first world tour back in 2011. After completing her Astrocartography world tour, Ma believes the trip was beneficial, necessary, healing and abundant.

“There are places in the world that will benefit you and there are places in the world that will challenge you,” says Ma. “Reading your Astrocartography chart will guide you towards places that work in your favor, but there will always be a lesson or experience to grow from no matter where the lines fall on your chart.”

Valentina Valentini is a London-based entertainment, travel and food writer for Vanity Fair, Vulture, Variety, Thrillist, Heated and many more. Her personal essays can be read in the Los Angeles Times and Longreads and her tangents and general complaints can be seen on Twitter at @tiniv .

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With my interactive maps and intuitive readings I can show you how the unique astrology of your location affects you each and every day.

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Astro-Maps-Links is a great ACG program. Very easy to use, very comphrehensive does all four line types. Made for a novice or a professional. I highly recommend it. ~ Matt (GA)

These Interactive AstroCartoGraphy World Maps let you look any where in the world and easily see your Personalized Astrological Influences.

AstroCartoGraphy is an Astrological Technique that takes your personal Birth Chart and lays it out on a map of the Earth. The maps clearly show how your Astrological Influences change depending on where you live or travel. Have you notice that some places feel better than others? AstroCartoGraphy Maps can help explain why. Want to Find the Right Places where you can thrive? Locational Astrology can help by giving you insight into how a place will be for you. These interactive AstroCartoGraphy maps will allow you to unleash the full power of your Personal Astrology.

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You can easily look anywhere in the world and see what Locational Astrological Influences affect you there.

We are the First to put your Locational Astrology on a Google Map. The map has all your AstroCartoGraphy Lines with Planet Interpretations Based on Jim's Teachings. You can look anywhere in the world so you don't have to pick locations and are not limited to the locations you ordered. AstoMapLinks have full Google Map Zoom capability so you don't have to work with hard to read world maps. You can zoom in to find the small towns or even your house on Satellite View. Our maps make it Easy for anyone to Understand their Locational Astrology. The "Orb of Influence Circles" make it easy to see what lines affect you at any locations .

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How to use Astrocartography to promote your Business

Astrocartography or locational astrology provides you with insight into how planetary lines can influence your happiness, health, and wealth in various parts of the world. Given today's competitive world, you can utilize the information gained from astrocartography to provide you with a unique business advantage. While astrology is an invaluable asset, you still require strong business plans and proper implementation of those plans. Regardless of how favorable your astrological placements may be, if you do not engage in strategic business practices, then astrology alone can not save the day. Once you have a solid foundation for a business, then astrology can help you leverage your potential. J.P. Morgan said "Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do."

Astrocartography maps can be utilized to help you succeed in business. The focus of this blog will be on business; however, you can utilize these techniques to help you do almost anything, including finding a job. Your natal chart provides the framework for locational astrology. Your unique birth chart highlights your strengths, weakness, and areas for improvement. The benefit of consulting a qualified astrologer for a natal chart reading can be invaluable. I recommend someone who practices Evolutionary Astrology because they will stress free will, rather than just fate. In Evolutionary Astrology, the birth chart is used to show you how to make adjustments, and not to be fatalistic, as some other forms of astrology do. At Astro-Map-Links ,we can provide you with a lesson to help you understand your birth chart, or else recommend other astrologers for you to contact. Your unique locational astrology map displays where on the entire earth your astrological placements have the strongest impacts. Once you have this information in hand, it provides you with a competitive edge over others. Initially, you need to understand the astrology related to where you currently reside. By understanding the unique strengths and challenges associated with your present location, you can subsequently make business decisions that harness these energies for the most optimal results possible. Your relocated birth chart and astrocartography map for a particular location are great tools to help you understand your astrological influences and outcomes for that area. Before making any major decisions or physical moves, consulting a professional that specializes in locational astrology can save you a great deal of energy, money, and potential regret. At Astro-Map-Links, we offer several interactive astrocatography maps that make understanding your astrology easier. We also offer astrocatography map readings. There is a locational astrology technique known as remote activation. Remote activation operates on the principle that you do not have to be physically present at a location to experience the effects of your astrology associated with that place. For example, let's say you reside on the East coast, but you have a natal Jupiter line on the West coast. (Jupiter is typically considered to be a very favorable planet in astrology). You can utilize that Jupiter energy by interacting with people or businesses located near that line on the West coast. For instance, let's say that you are looking for an advertising firm and have identified several companies that seem to fit your needs. They are fairly similar, but one company is located near your Jupiter line. Thus, you might choose the firm near your Jupiter line so that you can utilize the beneficial energy of Jupiter. This a powerful technique, but it needs to be used in conjunction with good business practices. Therefore, a poorly run business near your Jupiter line will be really bad. In this case, Jupiter will expand the negative situation. Remote activation is a technique you can easily use in many different areas of your life. Once you identify areas of the world where you have favorable astrological lines, then you can actively seek out ways to interact with people in these locations. I have noticed that a large portion of my astrology clients live near or on my Mercury line. Mercury can enhance a person's ability to communicate. This knowledge has helped me identify where to target my business. With businesses increasingly relying on the internet, using remote activation to your benefit has become easier. For example, you may choose to have your website hosted at a data center based near where you have good astrology. In this way, you are drawing in this favorable energy with everybody who visits your website. If you advertise with Google or Facebook, then you can target areas where you have favorable locational astrology. By focusing your ads on places that give you a distinct advantage, you can experience better than average returns. Remote activation can be very helpful in this case since this is a business tactic that your competitors do not employ. If you give lectures, participate in book releases, or other such events, you might choose areas where you have favorable astrology over other areas. Conversely, remote activation can be utilized to avoid areas where your astrology is challenging. This can be the most helpful to your business so that you do not waste your money in places where it will not be fruitful. After I explain the astrology of a particular location to clients, I have had many of them tell me how their experience was challenging in that place, for reasons previously beyond their comprehension. Remote activation explained this phenomenon. After I interpreted the cause of this challenging energy, they were able to make constructive changes, rather than struggle against the situation. Your birth chart is your personal user manual; it will explain your life experiences like nothing else. Your Astrocartography Map will explain what you can expect to experience from any place on the planet. By better understanding this and working with the energies, instead of against them, you will have an unparalleled advantage over others that do not utilize this knowledge. At Astro-Map-Links, all of our products and services are designed to help you better understand your astrology so you can adeptly work with the planetary energies. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge so that you can thrive. This is the first blog of a series. In the next blog, I will explain how you can use your astrological transits and progressions to help plan events and to properly time the releases of new products or services.

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This Gorgeous California State Park Was Just Named the Best Place for Stargazing in the U.S.

All you need to do is look up. travel map

Kevin Key/Slworking/Getty Images

The 2024 eclipse may have come and gone, but it left plenty of people hungry for more astrotourism. And luckily, there are plenty of fantastic spots to stargaze across the United States, and HomeToGo has rounded up a few of the best destinations in its new Stargazing Index . 

“Astrotourism has emerged as the defining travel trend of 2024 so far, with April’s total solar eclipse generating a notable uplift in demand. Leading up to the event, the search demand for vacation rentals in towns along the path of totality skyrocketed by 139 percent week-over-week on HomeToGo, with median nightly prices registering increases of 40 percent,” Eleanor Moody, a spokesperson and travel expert at HomeToGo shared in a statement provided to Travel + Leisure . “We predict that this piqued interest in celestial tourism will persist further into the year, and have curated HomeToGo’s 2024 Stargazing Index with a new wave of eager astro-travelers in mind.”

As Moody explained, the new index is designed to assist travelers in discovering all the darkest places to ensure the best view of the stars above. 

In total, it found 24 Dark Sky communities across nine states, including California, Arizona, Texas, Indiana, Utah, Colorado, Illinois, Idaho, and Florida.

It then ranked them on five indicators, including an "under-the-radar score," which it gave based on their search volume (the lower the search volume the higher the score); an "affordability score" based on the median nightly price per person for a vacation rental on HomeToGo; an "availability score," based on the number of vacation rentals in each destination bookable on HomeToGo; a "clear sky score" based on the average number of clear days in each community; and a "solitude score," based on the size of each certified International Dark Sky Place and the area's population size. (For the latter, the lower the population density, the higher the score.)

After looking at all that data, it named Borrego Springs, California, the home of Anza-Borrego Desert State Park , to be the No. 1 astrotourism spot. "This small community is the only International Dark Sky Community in California," the findings noted. "Dedicated to protecting the night sky from light pollution, backyard stargazing parties are a daily occurrence. Visitors are invited to embrace the local natural and cultural wonders with the annual Night Fall Star Party, southern California’s prime opportunity to view the night sky with others." 

It was joined by two Arizona locations: Fountain Hills at No. 2, followed by Flagstaff in third. Dripping Springs in Wimberley, Texas, and Cottonwood, Arizona, came in fourth and fifth, respectively.

Ready to get out and enjoy a blanket of stars? Check out the full findings at .

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Why Is This Seder Unlike All Other Seders?

The dinner parties held by Shtick, a pop-up series celebrating Jewish culture, draw out New York’s influencers, artists, designers and celebrities.

People sit around a table for a Seder, a dinner to commence Passover.

By Joseph Bernstein

Why was this Seder different from all other Seders?

Start with the setup: a glittering table set for 100, running the length of a drafty warehouse in the Bushwick section of Brooklyn. And it was not just any old warehouse; this is where Joyva, the stalwart kosher candy company, stores its stacks of halvah, a fudgelike sesame confection.

Then there were the guests: not your typical Passover assortment of Tisches, Kaplans and Rubensteins. Sitting elbow to elbow at the table, waiting to snap matzo, were dozens of New York influencers, artists, designers, creative directors, chefs and fashionistas. If the prophet Elijah showed up midway through the meal, his seatmates would have surely asked for his Instagram handle.

Also unlike most seders, this one, on Thursday night (before the start of the holiday), featured a D.J. with face tattoos who blasted a Hot 97 -style air horn at intervals throughout the evening.

It was all the doing of Shtick, a pop-up dinner party series around the city that celebrates Jewish culture. The events are mostly invite-only. Guests at the Seder and past parties have included Brett Gelman, the actor; Samantha Ronson, the D.J.; Richard Kind, the actor; Chi Ossé, the Brooklyn city councilman; and the actor David Schwimmer.

Shtick is more or less a one-woman project, run by Jacqueline Lobel, a freelance television producer and director whose aim, she said, is to organize “Jewish communal dining experiences that are sexy.”

The Seder is a ritual meal that retells the biblical story of the Israelites’ bondage and salvation. So what exactly does a sexy one look like?

It began with a cocktail hour on the Joyva factory floor, where guests wearing sanitary smocks and hairnets shuffled in Bode Astro Grabbers and Tory Burch flats past steaming vats of semiliquid halvah and hulking machines enrobing candy rings in chocolate.

Then, a young, stylish rabbi named Arielle Stein — whom several guests referred to as “the hot rabbi” — led a service from a custom Haggadah that characterized Passover as “the Super Bowl of Jewish holidays” and featured images of Fran Drescher, Gene Simmons (Jewish!) and Larry David.

The ceremonial ingredients were served not off large plates, but out of vintage champagne coupes. Matzo ball soup came in those blue and white paper coffee cups with Hellenic lettering.

A photographer and a videographer sidestepped around the giant table, and despite the rabbi’s request for phones to be put away, phones were not put away. The meal was intended to be eaten; the Seder was intended for social media consumption.

“Every Shtick dinner is what I wished my bat mitzvah looked like,” said Ms. Lobel, 34, who was wearing a sheer, pink tulle dress by the designer Batsheva Hay, who herself was a guest at the Seder.

Much like a certain kind of bat mitzvah, the night had a theme: “Secret Soviet Seder,” in honor of the refuseniks, Soviet Jews in the 1970s who were discriminated against for their religious practice and weren’t allowed to emigrate, as they wanted, to the United States or Israel. Guests didn’t receive the location of the Seder until 48 hours beforehand. And in between the cocktail hour and the meal, there was a video art installation about Soviet Jews.

Ms. Lobel was born to modern Orthodox parents in Brooklyn. When she was 5, her father came out as gay, and his community ostracized him. Ms. Lobel stayed in Jewish school through high school, but never felt as if she fit in, she said.

But later, as an adult, Ms. Lobel felt drawn back to her Jewish heritage, and it bothered her that there didn’t seem to be many Jewish dining experiences outside delis and bagel shops. So Ms. Lobel set out to design a version of Jewish culture that she wished she had growing up.

After a few fits and starts, she introduced the current iteration of Shtick in 2022 with a Hanukkah dinner at the historic Greek synagogue on Broome Street. Influential New Yorkers like the food writer Alison Roman and the jewelry designer Susan Korn were among the attendees.

Shtick is as much about the secular signifiers of New York Jewish culture — the Shtick Instagram account has posts devoted to Billy Joel and Barbra Streisand — as it is about any kind of dogmatic religious practice.

“I’ll quote Virgil Abloh,” Ms. Lobel said. “For me, Shtick is about having a mix of tourists and purists.”

In the Joyva factory, the latter did their best to guide the former. Aisha Rosenfeld, the head of human resources in North America for the designer Brunello Cucinelli, patiently demonstrated to her seatmate, a model and yoga teacher named Eden Amare, how to dip her pinkie in red wine and tap out on her plate the 10 drops that symbolize the 10 plagues God brought against the Egyptians. Helaina Ferraioli, who works at the vintage shop where Ms. Lobel sourced many of the table settings, haltingly pieced together a sandwich of matzo and charoset, a sweet slaw made of apples, walnuts and cinnamon.

Typically, a Seder concludes with the chanting of “L’Shana Haba’ah B’Yerushalayim,” which means “Next Year in Jerusalem” — historically, an expression of the wish for the end of Jewish exile. Today, the phrase takes on a particularly loaded significance as people come together for the first Passover since the Oct. 7 attacks by Hamas that led to the ongoing war in the Gaza Strip.

But though the Haggadah included an entry explaining the expression, the Seder itself never got around to it. After the main meal, guests were socializing too much to corral back to the table.

Indeed, the Shtick Seder was relatively light on references to the Jewish state — despite being funded, in part, by the Fooksman Family Foundation, a California nonprofit whose mission is “to help shape the future of Israel, strengthen Jewish continuity, and promote Jewish life and culture in a post-exile era.”

“It’s always the elephant in the room,” said Ms. Stein, the rabbi. “But I don’t think it needs to be central to every event.”

The war hovered at the edges. One guest, Vanessa Bronfman, was wearing an oversize dog tag that read, “Bring Them Home,” referring to the remaining Israeli hostages being held in Gaza. Ms. Bronfman had connected with Ms. Lobel at a discussion group at the New York home of her younger sister, Hannah Bronfman, the influencer. Ms. Lobel said that since Oct. 7 she had been “inundated” with requests to attend her events, such is the desire among Jews to reconnect with Jewish ritual.

During the Seder, Luba Proger, an artist who was born in the Soviet Union, in modern day Russia, gave a toast in which she encouraged the audience not to hide their support for Israel, nor their Jewish identities.

“I invite you to be proud,” she said.

Then, she seemed to reconsider — perhaps taking into account the spectrum of opinions in the room.

“Well, I invite myself to be proud; you can do whatever you want,” she said, to nervous laughter.

On the way out of the warehouse, guests filed past stacks of Jell Rings and marshmallow twists, as well as a taupe pyramid made entirely of halvah. Outside, in the moments before rideshares arrived, the sounds of noshing could be heard.

Joseph Bernstein is a Times reporter who writes feature stories for the Styles section. More about Joseph Bernstein

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    for Marilyn Monroe, 1 June 1926, 9:30 am, Los Angeles, CA (US) As one of the largest astrology portals WWW.ASTRO.COM offers a lot of free features on the subject. With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology ...

  4. Astrocartography: The Best Places to Travel or Relocate Based on Your Map

    Career and/or Family on your Astrocartography Map. As a general rule of thumb (definitely look to your natal chart for specifics), for career and public success of recognition, you want to ideally move to a Jupiter MC or a Sun MC or a strong 10th house placement. Generally speaking, venus are especially supportive for creatives and artists.

  5. How to Tune Into Astrocartography, the Astrology of Travel

    To take advantage of AstroClick Travel, you'll need to enter your birthdate (including the time) and birthplace, and voilà, your AstroClick travel chart. If you pull up your individualized astrocartography map, you'll see lines running vertically or curving across the map. One line might run straight down the east coast, another directly ...

  6. How to Read an Astrocartography Map: Line & Symbol Meanings

    Use an online astrocartography map generator to create your chart. There are plenty of free websites, like and AstroSeek, that can generate your map or chart for you. To use them, you'll need to enter the exact time, place, and date of your birth. At first glance, the map will just look like a bunch of colorful lines.

  7. How To Read Astrocartography: Plan a Vacation or Relocation

    According to Woods, one of the best ways to gain travel astrology insights through astrocartography mapping is by taking your astro map and adding the overlay of the transits and progressions ...

  8. Astrocartography: How to use AstroClick Travel

    Learn how to use the AstroClick Travel tool for #Astrocartography in a minute!🔮 is a complete, accurate tool you will surely love when you get the...

  9. How To Use Astrocartography And Travel By The Stars

    2 of 5. illustrated by Anna Sudit. Know your angles. While some of the planetary lines on your map run from north to south, others arc from east to west, reflecting the four astrological angles ...

  10. AstroClick トラベル・ホロスコープ

    最大級の占星術ポータルとして、WWW.ASTRO.COMでは、たくさんの無料特集のテーマをご提供しています。Liz Greene, Robert Handやその他の世界を代表する占星術師による、質の高いホロスコープの解読と、初心者から専門家向けの、多くの無料の占星術や豊富な情報満載のwww.astro.comは、オンライン占星 ...

  11. How to read your AstroCartography Map to Plan Travel

    How to Use AstroCartography to Make Decisions on Location & Travel. There are multiple software options that offer AstroCartography, but the best free one to use is the one on Astrodienst. Simply go to and select the AstroClick Travel chart. It has handy descriptions when you click on a place so it's perfect for beginner dabbling.

  12. The Complete Guide to Astrocartography: How to Read & Relocate Your

    1. Go to's AstroClick Travel tab or AstroSeek. 2. Enter your birth information. 3. You'll see a world map covered in many colorful intersecting and wavy lines. 4. Be warned: the map looks overwhelming at first, but through time and practice, interpreting it will become less elusive.

  13. Relocation Chart, Relocation Astrology Online Calculator, Astro Map

    Astrology Online Calculator. Planet Sign °Degrees don't change in your Relocation chart when you travel, but: - the Ascendant (ASC) changes. - the Medium Coeli (MC) changes. - and other relocation houses change according to new location. By relocating, you can move certain planets into particular house position to improve those parts of your ...

  14. My star sign is my travel agent: How astrocartography helps ...

    My astro travel map shows that I have a strong, light blue line running through Sorrento, and the description states, "If you feel your life is monotonous and dull, then you should try a trip to ...

  15. How Your Astrological Chart Can Tell You Where to Travel Next

    Any planet close to the four angles of your birth chart will affect you, and thus your travel, in a stronger way. Where did Astrocartography come from? Renowned American astrologer Jim Lewis (1941-1995) popularized the modern-use of location astrology in the 1980s, creating maps, writing books and articles, and formalizing the practice.

  16. How to Find the Best Places to Travel or Relocate to Using Your

    3. The program will automatically generate your astrocartography map. At first, you'll see a map of the world covered by criss crossing colorful lines. Each of the astrocartography lines represents the placement of a planet at the time of your birth. In addition, the map includes a key for you to quickly see which planet is represented.

  17. AstroCartoGraphy World Map Home of Locational Astrology Interactive

    These interactive AstroCartoGraphy maps will allow you to unleash the full power of your Personal Astrology. We offer Three Personalized Locational Astrology Map Products. Standard Map Shows your Natal Chart "AstocartoGraphy" Lines and Paran on a Google world map. $25. Complete Map Shows everything The Natal Map has plus Local Space Lines and ...


    Locational Astrology is a cosmic tool for understanding your path in life. This niche form of astrology uses mapmaking and charting techniques to display exactly how planet energies create and impact unique life experiences. Tracking planet locations is a sacred science, used by ancient civilizations for building, rituals, farming, and navigation.

  19. Google Maps

    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.

  20. These Are the Best U.S. Astrotourism Destinations for 2024 ...

    Leading up to the event, the search demand for vacation rentals in towns along the path of totality skyrocketed by 139 percent week-over-week on HomeToGo, with median nightly prices registering ...

  21. Horoscope AstroClick Travel

    With high-quality horoscope interpretations by the world's leading astrologers Liz Greene, Robert Hand and other authors, many free horoscopes and extensive information on astrology for beginners and professionals, is the first address for astrology on the web. [p=1235143] AstroClick Travel gives you information about the ...

  22. Schtick's Pop-Up Event Series for Seder Celebrates Jewish Culture

    Ms. Lobel was born to modern Orthodox parents in Brooklyn. When she was 5, her father came out as gay, and his community ostracized him. Ms. Lobel stayed in Jewish school through high school, but ...