water fast journey

Unlock the Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fasting Journey

  • November 7, 2023
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Embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can be a transformative experience, both physically and mentally. As someone who has personally undertaken this challenge, I understand the struggles and rewards that come with it. In this article, I will share my own story and explore the benefits, challenges, and tips for success during a 40-day water fast.

Key Takeaways:

  • 40-day water fasting can have significant physical and mental benefits.
  • Proper preparation and consulting a healthcare professional are crucial before starting a long-term fast.
  • Positive thinking and mental determination play a vital role in completing a 40-day water fast.
  • Individual experiences may vary, and it’s important to listen to your body’s needs during the fasting process.
  • A supportive network and being around positive influences can greatly contribute to the success of a 40-day water fast.

The Benefits and Challenges of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can offer a range of potential benefits for both mind and body. This extended fasting period allows the body to detoxify, promoting weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity. However, it is important to be aware of the potential challenges and risks that come with such a prolonged fast.

Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fast

One of the key benefits of a 40-day water fast is detoxification. By abstaining from solid food for a prolonged period, the body can rid itself of toxins and unwanted substances, leading to a cleaner and healthier system. Additionally, many individuals experience significant weight loss during a water fast, as the body begins to burn stored fat for energy. This can be a motivating factor for those seeking to kickstart their weight loss journey.

Furthermore, a 40-day water fast can have a positive impact on digestion. With the absence of solid foods, the digestive system can rest and rejuvenate, allowing for improved gut health. Many individuals report feeling lighter and experiencing more efficient digestion after completing a water fast.

Mental clarity is another potential benefit of a 40-day water fast. By depriving the body of food, the mind becomes sharper and more focused. Many individuals report increased concentration and productivity during and after a fast. This mental clarity can extend to other areas of life, leading to improved decision-making and problem-solving skills.

Risks and Challenges

While there are potential benefits to a 40-day water fast, it is important to be aware of the risks and challenges involved. Extended fasting can lead to tachycardia, a rapid heart rate, which may require medical attention. Nausea, weakness, and mood swings are also common side effects of prolonged fasting. It is crucial to listen to your body and seek medical guidance if any adverse symptoms arise.

Moreover, a 40-day water fast requires tremendous mental determination and disciplined self-control. The absence of solid food for such an extended period can test one’s willpower and even lead to feelings of deprivation and frustration. It is important to have a strong support system and to approach the fast with a positive mindset, knowing that the challenges are part of the journey towards improved well-being.

In conclusion, a 40-day water fast can offer numerous benefits, including detoxification, weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity. However, it is crucial to be aware of the potential risks and challenges involved. Consulting with a healthcare professional and approaching the fast with a positive mindset are essential for a safe and successful fasting journey.

How to Start a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast requires careful preparation and a mindset of commitment. Before beginning this fasting journey, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nutritionist, to ensure that you are physically and mentally prepared for the challenges ahead.

Mentally and emotionally preparing yourself for a 40-day water fast is equally important. Take the time to reflect on your motivations for undertaking this fasting journey, and set clear goals for yourself. Visualize success and stay positive throughout the process, as the mental aspect of fasting is just as important as the physical.

Instead of diving straight into a 40-day fast, it is advisable to ease into it gradually. Start by incorporating shorter fasting periods into your routine, such as intermittent fasting or skipping meals. This will help your body adapt to the fasting state and minimize any potential discomfort or side effects.

Having a support system in place during your 40-day water fast can make a significant difference in your journey. Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand and respect your fasting goals. This could be friends, family members, or even online communities of like-minded individuals who can offer guidance, motivation, and advice throughout your fasting journey.

how to start a 40 day water fast

Table: Tips for Starting a 40-Day Water Fast

Tips for a successful 40 day water fast.

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can be a challenging but rewarding journey. To ensure your success and make the most of this experience, here are some valuable tips:

  • Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water is crucial during a water fast. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day to keep your body hydrated and support proper organ function.
  • Listen to your body: Pay close attention to how your body feels throughout the fast. If you experience dizziness, extreme fatigue, or any concerning symptoms, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional.
  • Incorporate light exercise: Engaging in gentle activities like walking or yoga during your fast can help maintain muscle tone, improve circulation, and enhance your overall well-being. However, avoid intense workouts that may strain your body.
  • Prepare beforehand: Give yourself the best chance of success by preparing mentally, emotionally, and physically before starting the fast. Gradually adjust your diet by reducing processed foods and incorporating more fruits and vegetables.
“Staying hydrated and listening to your body are key aspects of a successful 40-day water fast. Additionally, incorporating light exercise and proper preparation can greatly contribute to your overall experience and well-being.” – Anonymous

Remember, everyone’s journey is unique, so it’s essential to personalize your approach to fit your individual needs and abilities. Consulting a healthcare professional before starting a prolonged water fast is highly recommended. Implementing these tips can help you navigate the challenges and make the most of this transformative experience.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for a successful 40-day water fast and experience the numerous benefits that come along with it. Remember to prioritize your health and listen to your body throughout the journey.

The Healing Benefits of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can have incredible healing benefits for the body. This extended period of fasting allows the body to undergo a process of detoxification, rejuvenation, and renewal. One of the key benefits of a water fast is its ability to improve immune function by eliminating toxins and allowing the body’s natural defenses to strengthen.

In addition to boosting the immune system, a 40-day water fast can also help reduce inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a common underlying factor in many chronic diseases, and by giving the digestive system a break and allowing the body to focus on healing, a water fast can effectively reduce inflammation and promote overall health.

Another healing benefit of a water fast is its ability to stimulate autophagy. Autophagy is the body’s natural process of cellular renewal, where old or damaged cells are broken down and replaced with new, healthy cells. By initiating autophagy through a prolonged period of fasting, the body can improve its cellular health and function.

During my previous water fasts, I personally experienced a significant improvement in joint pain and musculoskeletal health. The reduction in inflammation during the fast allowed my body to heal and repair damaged tissues, resulting in enhanced mobility and decreased pain. This firsthand experience further emphasizes the powerful healing benefits that can be achieved through a 40-day water fast.

It is important to note that a 40-day water fast should be approached with caution and proper guidance. Consulting a healthcare professional before undertaking such an extended fast is crucial, as individual circumstances and health conditions may warrant modifications or alternative approaches. Nevertheless, when done safely and with appropriate preparation, a 40-day water fast can provide profound healing benefits for both the body and the mind.

water fast healing benefits

Long-Term Water Fasting: Is it Right for You?

Long-term water fasting , particularly for a duration of 40 days, is a practice that requires careful consideration and preparation. Before embarking on such a fasting journey, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure it is suitable for your individual circumstances and health profile. While water fasting can have potential physiological and psychological benefits, it is not without its risks.

Physiologically, extended fasting can lead to various effects on the body. It may result in a decrease in basal metabolic rate, making it harder to maintain weight loss after the fast. Extended fasting can also cause electrolyte imbalances and nutrient deficiencies if not properly monitored. Psychologically, the mental and emotional challenges of a prolonged fast should not be underestimated. It requires a strong level of commitment, discipline, and self-control to successfully navigate through the fasting period.

It is important to recognize that everyone’s body is unique, and individual responses to long-term water fasting can vary. What may work for one person may not be suitable for another. Listening to your body and paying attention to any warning signs or adverse reactions is crucial throughout the fasting process. If at any point you experience severe discomfort, dizziness, or other concerning symptoms, it is vital to break the fast and seek medical assistance.

Factors to Consider Before Attempting a Long-Term Water Fast

  • Overall health and medical history: Certain medical conditions or medications may not be compatible with a prolonged fast. Consulting with a healthcare professional is essential to assess any potential risks.
  • Support system: Having a strong support system in place, whether it’s friends, family, or a fasting community, can provide encouragement and guidance during the fasting journey.
  • Mental readiness: Long-term water fasting requires mental resilience and determination. It is important to prepare yourself emotionally and mentally before embarking on such a challenging endeavor.
  • Gradual progression: It may be beneficial to start with shorter fasting periods and gradually increase the duration to allow your body to adjust to the fasting state.

Ultimately, the decision to engage in long-term water fasting should be made after careful consideration of the potential risks and benefits, along with professional guidance. It is crucial to prioritize your health and well-being above all else and approach fasting with an informed and responsible mindset.

long-term water fasting

The Results of a 40 Day Water Fast

Embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can yield a range of results that vary from person to person. During my own experience with a 40-day water fast, I achieved significant outcomes in terms of weight loss, improved skin condition, and mental clarity.

One of the most noticeable results of my 40-day water fast was the substantial weight loss. As the body taps into its fat reserves for energy during a prolonged fast, the pounds began to shed. It’s important to note that individual weight loss results may vary, depending on factors like starting weight, metabolism, and overall health.

Additionally, I experienced a remarkable improvement in my skin condition. Throughout the fast, my complexion cleared up, and blemishes faded away. This may be attributed to the detoxification process that occurs during a water fast, as the body eliminates toxins through the skin.

Another significant result I observed was enhanced mental clarity. As I progressed through the fast, I noticed increased focus, concentration, and overall cognitive function. This mental clarity allowed me to stay motivated and positive throughout the challenging journey.

It’s important to note that while these were my personal results, every individual’s experience with a 40-day water fast may differ. Factors such as starting health, age, and underlying medical conditions can impact the outcomes of the fast. It’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before embarking on such an extended fasting journey.

Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough & Physical Health Benefits

Embarking on a 40-day water fast can offer not only physical health benefits but also serve as a catalyst for spiritual breakthroughs. Throughout history, spiritual leaders such as John Wesley and Martin Luther have practiced fasting as a means of deepening their connection with the divine. This article explores the spiritual and physical advantages of fasting for 40 days, highlighting the importance of personal preparation and finding a larger purpose in fasting.

During a 40-day water fast, the body undergoes a profound detoxification process, clearing out accumulated toxins and promoting overall wellbeing. This cleansing effect extends beyond the physical, as fasting can also help clarify the mind and create space for heightened spiritual experiences. By abstaining from food and focusing on prayer, meditation, or reflection, individuals often report a sense of inner peace, heightened awareness, and a deeper connection to their spirituality.

“Fasting is the greatest remedy—the physician within.” – Philippus Paracelsus

While the physical and spiritual benefits of fasting are well-documented, it is important to approach a 40-day water fast with caution and preparation. Consulting with a healthcare professional is vital to ensure one’s health can withstand the demands of an extended fast. Additionally, building a support system of like-minded individuals or joining a fasting community can provide guidance, encouragement, and a sense of community throughout the fasting journey.

Ultimately, fasting for 40 days can offer both physical and spiritual benefits, but it is important to approach such a journey with reverence and careful preparation. By harnessing the power of fasting, individuals have the opportunity to experience transformative changes in both their physical health and their spiritual connection.

water fasting spiritual breakthrough

The Risks and Considerations of Water Fasting for Weight Loss

While water fasting may lead to initial weight loss, it is crucial to consider the potential risks and drawbacks associated with this extreme approach. Some of the key risks include:

  • Loss of muscle mass: During extended fasting periods, the body may break down muscle tissue for energy, leading to a loss of muscle mass.
  • Nutrient deficiencies: Water fasting restricts the intake of essential nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals, which can lead to deficiencies and negatively impact overall health.
  • Metabolic adaptation: Prolonged fasting can slow down the metabolism, making it more difficult to maintain weight loss in the long term.
  • Rebound weight gain: Once normal eating patterns are resumed, the body may regain the weight lost during fasting due to metabolic adaptation and increased calorie storage.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting any type of extended fasting for weight loss. They can provide personalized guidance and ensure that the fasting approach is safe and appropriate for your individual needs and health status.

In conclusion, embarking on a 40-day water fasting journey can offer numerous benefits for both physical and spiritual well-being. However, it is crucial to approach this extended water fast with careful preparation and consultation with a healthcare professional. It is also important to remember that individual experiences may vary.

Throughout this article, we have explored the potential benefits of a 40-day water fast, including improved detoxification, weight loss, enhanced mental clarity, and potential healing effects on the body. We have also discussed the challenges and risks associated with such a prolonged fast, such as tachycardia and weakness.

As I have shared my personal experience, positive thinking and mental determination played a significant role in my successful completion of a 40-day water fast. However, it is crucial to remember that this fasting journey is not a one-size-fits-all approach, and listening to your body’s needs is paramount.

If you decide to embark on a 40-day water fast, remember that it is not solely about the physical aspect but also about finding a larger purpose and focusing on the spiritual breakthrough it can provide. By preparing yourself mentally and emotionally and having a support system in place, you can increase your chances of a successful fasting experience.

What are the benefits of a 40-day water fast?

Some potential benefits of a 40-day water fast include detoxification, weight loss, improved digestion, and increased mental clarity.

What are the risks and challenges of a 40-day water fast?

Potential risks and challenges of a 40-day water fast include tachycardia, nausea, weakness, and mood swings.

How do I start a 40-day water fast?

To start a 40-day water fast, it is important to consult with a doctor, prepare mentally and emotionally, and gradually ease into the fast by starting with shorter fasting periods.

What tips can help me have a successful 40-day water fast?

Tips for a successful 40-day water fast include staying hydrated, listening to your body’s needs, incorporating light exercise, and gaining some extra weight before starting the fast.

What healing benefits can I expect from a 40-day water fast?

Some potential healing benefits of a 40-day water fast may include improved immune function, reduction of inflammation, and increased autophagy for cell renewal.

Is long-term water fasting right for everyone?

Long-term water fasting is a personal decision and it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting an extended fast. Individual variation and listening to your body are crucial during the fasting process.

What results can I expect from a 40-day water fast?

Results from a 40-day water fast can vary for each person, but potential outcomes may include weight loss, improved skin condition, and increased mental clarity.

What are the spiritual and physical benefits of fasting for 40 days?

Fasting for 40 days can provide both spiritual and physical benefits. Many spiritual leaders have practiced fasting for spiritual breakthroughs, and individuals may also experience mental clarity and a sense of purpose during the fast.

Is fasting for weight loss effective?

While water fasting can lead to weight loss, using extreme fasting methods solely for weight loss is not recommended. It is important to maintain a balanced approach to weight loss and prioritize overall health.

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What to Expect on a 5 Day Water Fast

Water fasting is one of the most ancient and powerful healing strategies known to mankind.  Modern science is showing the profound benefits of water fasting on reducing inflammation, stimulating cellular cleansing called autophagy and producing stem cells to regenerate new tissue. In this article, I will take you on a journey to understand what is happening in your body and what to expect as you go through a 5-day water fast.

Fasting is like exercise in that it is very uncomfortable and can even be downright painful when you first get started.  But just like exercise, as you develop your fasting fitness, it will get easier and more enjoyable.

Most people are highly concerned about what they may experience on an extended water fast and rightfully so.  My purpose in writing this is to go through day to day what you can expect as you navigate the journey on a water fast.

water fast journey

The Transformational Benefits of Fasting

I am a huge fan of both extended and intermittent fasting strategies.  The main benefits you get from an extended fast that go beyond what you get with intermittent fasting or time restricted feeding include greater levels of autophagy and human growth hormone release and increases in stem cells within all the tissues of the body ( 1 ,  2 ,  3 ,  4 ).

While intermittent fasting is a very powerful healing tool, extended fasting allows the body to heal and repair older cells, tissues and organs at a much higher level.  If you are younger and very healthy then you may get all the benefits you need from intermittent fasting.  However, if you have health challenges or want to do all you can to prevent them then I think extended water fasting is one of the very best things you can do.

I believe that most everyone can benefit from one or two extended fasts each year to cleanse the body of all the older, weaker cellular components and rebuild a new cellular structure.

Those who stand to benefit the most from extended water fasting include individuals suffering from the following:

Metabolic Syndrome – Diabetes and Obesity

Overweight Individuals

Chronic Inflammatory Conditions

Autoimmune Diseases

Gut Health Challenges

Neurodegenerative Conditions

If you want to learn about all the great benefits of living a fasting lifestyle where you practice intermittent fasting and possibly some occasional extended fasts you can read about it in this article .

water fast journey

Who Shouldn’t Fast:

While most people stand to benefit from extended water fasting from time to time, there are certain individuals I would not recommend this too.  This would include the following:

Pregnant Women

Nursing Moms and Newborns

Young Children

Individuals with Type I Diabetes

Individuals with Eating Disorders

Extreme Athletes Who are in Season

Individuals Who Are Severely Underweight

Individuals Who Are on Medications (Especially  diabetes  medication, anti-seizure meds and corticosteroids as these can impact blood sugar levels).  These people may still be able to fast but should consult with their doctor first.

*Always check in with your doctor before stopping any medication. Some medications may still be needed, such as thyroid medications. These are okay to continue to take while fasting. With may find you need to take less of some medications. Always consult with your Doctor before changing doses or stopping a medication.

water fast

Preparing Your Body Ahead of Time:

I find that building your fasting fitness through intermittent fasting is one of the best daily activities you can do to improve your health and then periodically undergoing an extended water fast is a fantastic health improvement and maintenance approach to take into life.

There can be a lot of discomfort when you first begin fasting as your body has to make a lot of metabolic adaptations and we are so emotionally and neurologically driven to feed.  Many people have physical and emotional addictions to food, and this can be very challenging to deal with in the early phases of fasting.

There are certain things you should do to prepare your mind and body for the fast so you can have the best experience possible.  You can read about those things in the graphic below and in more detail in this article .

water fast journey

Fasting is just as natural for our body as feeding is.  Our ancestors have been going without food for days at a time quite often.  The level of food abundance we have today is a great benefit but at what cost?

In fact, when we eat food, we actually expose our body to a tremendous stress.  Food contains microbes on it, some good and some bad, that will impact our microbiome .  It also contains plant or animal material that is stressful on our digestive system and depends upon the proper production and release of digestive juices to metabolize correctly.

In general, we don’t see feeding as a stress on the body, because we are so used to doing it.  It is obviously a necessary stress in that we cannot survive without it.

When we begin to fast, there are many positive changes that occur, but also some unwanted symptoms that we will experience.  This is all normal and natural and, in this article, I will go through these so you can better understand what your body is experiencing.

water fast journey

Unless you are already keto adapted going into the fast, day one your body is primarily using stored sugar, called glycogen, as its fuel source.  We store roughly 500 grams of this glycogen in our muscles (400 grams) and liver (100 grams).

Some people such as athletes and highly active individuals store more than those who are less active.  500 grams of stored sugar equates to roughly 2000 calories.  The body will not use 100% of this as it will save a small percentage for later but roughly 70% or so is used up in the first day or two.

In addition, the body will begin to burn body fat.  If you are keto adapted, you will see a nice rise in your ketones toward the later half of the first day.  If you are not keto adapted, you will not have a significant level of blood ketones but will begin to urinate out ketones toward the end of the first day.

If you are keto adapted and have been practicing intermittent fasting then your body will begin to ramp up higher levels of autophagy and cellular cleansing in the last 4–8 hours of the day.

Day 1 Symptoms:

All of these symptoms are normal and not be concerned about.

Fatigue:   This is because the body is not well adapted to burning fat and ketones for fuel.  Because I practice a full 24 hour fast, 2 times each week myself, I actually feel quite energized on Day 1 of a longer fast.

Mental Lethargy:  We are so used to our brain having a steady sugar supply to fuel it and now that sugar supply is lower so we produce less brain energy.  In addition, food stimulates neurotransmitter production and so our levels are now reduced.  If you are keto adapted to begin with, you most likely won’t notice much mental lethargy on Day 1.

Hunger:   This is due to the hormone ghrelin, which is secreted by our stomach in response to the stomach being empty or as a conditioned response at times of the day when we are used to feeding.  Don’t worry, you are not starving or at risk of dying…you are simply responding to your body’s natural hormonal pattern.

Cravings:   Cravings are a brain-based response to an emotional desire.  When we eat, we stimulate a flood of feel good neurotransmitters in our brain such as dopamine and serotonin.  This is a great thing and it is very pleasurable to eat.  When we fast, if our brain is overly used too or reliant on this flood of emotions…it will send an increase in signals to fill this desire.

Mood Changes:   As the body is adapting to burning fat instead of sugar, the brain will experience periods of hypoglycemia and this can lead to brain fog, mental lethargy, depression and irritability.  You may also experience headaches.

Increased Urination:   When the body breaks down glycogen for fuel, it also releases more water into the urinary system.  Having to urinate more often is a normal and natural response.  You should also be drinking more water than normal, which will also increase the amount you pee!

Sleep Disturbances:   Some people sleep their best throughout the fast, while others have a harder time.  The more keto adapted you are to begin with the less hypoglycemia you will experience and you will typically notice better sleep.  Using some extra magnesium , L-theanine, melatonin and adaptogenic herbs such as ashwaghanda can be very helpful to improve your sleep if needed.  You can check out this article for more details on that.

As you move into Day 2, you will continue to experience all of the symptoms from Day 1 although your hunger levels are typically beginning to diminish.

For someone that is keto adapted and used to daily intermittent fasting , Day 2 is usually the toughest.  I have no problems at all doing the first 24 hour fast but as I get into day 2, I feel more fatigued.

water fast journey

Day 2 Symptoms

On Day 2, we will experience more of what we experienced on Day 1 and possibly an increase in the fatigue, brain fog and mood changes.  As I said above, Day 2 is typically the most challenging day.  Here are some additional unpleasantries you may experience:

Tongue Changes:   Your tongue may turn white, yellow or even black.  This is a part of the normal detoxification response of the body.

Rashes:  It is possible to have rashes although rare, these occur in about 10% or so of the population.  The rashes have to do with a resetting of the microbiome.  There is a communication between the gut microbiome and the skin microbiome.

Fasting starves down the biome and many toxic substances are released into circulation that trigger histamine and substance P in the skin that cause skin inflammation and rashes.  These will go away over time and are typically a sign of a healing response.

Feeling Cold:   When your body senses that you are in a time of famine, such as going multiple days without food, it will begin to downregulate active thyroid hormone .  This is done in order to help improve energy efficiency in the body.  One of the more common early symptoms here is having cold hands and feet and feeling colder in general.

Don’t worry however, as the process of fasting helps to reset hormone sensitivity and optimize hormone expression in the body.  This will lead to the body not needing as much thyroid hormone, insulin, etc. in order to function well.  This is a very positive adaptation.

water fast journey

Healing Activity on Day 2:

Here are some of the really cool things that ramp up on Day 2 of the fast.  You get these on Day 1 but in smaller amounts and each successive day up until Day 5, the levels continue to increase.

  • Resets the Microbiome: Fasting helps to de-weed the gut flora and pulls out a lot of good and bad microbes ( 5 ).  This is a really good thing as the food abundance we have in our society favors the development of a lot of bad gut microbes.
  • Cellular Autophagy: The body gets to work on intracellular cleansing, breaking down older, weaker cells and cellular components such as mitochondria and using the raw materials to rebuild new cells ( 6 ).
  • Rise in Human Growth Hormone: Human growth hormone (HGH) goes up significantly in order to help preserve our muscle mass.  This also helps to improve immune function, bone tissue and fat burning.
  • Stem Cell Rise: The body creates new white blood cells, repairs the intestinal membrane and increases new and youthful stem cells in joints and tissues that have suffered through damage and need repair ( 7 ).
  • Resets the DNA: We all have certain “bad” genes turned on that amplify inflammation and lead us down a road to chronic degeneration.  Some of these genes promote things like obesity, allergies, autoimmune conditions, etc. Fasting turns these genes off like flicking a light switch off so they go dormant ( 1 ).  Depending upon how many of these genes you have turned on, you may need repeated fasts or yearly/biyearly fasts to turn them all off or keep them off.
  • Hormone Optimization: There are many hormones in the body including thyroid hormone, insulin, estrogen, testosterone and more.  These hormones play a vital role in every function but they are dependent upon the sensitivity of the hormone receptors on the cells.  This is like having the right key to open the door and enter the cell.

Fasting helps the body get rid of defective hormone receptors and rebuild strong and healthy hormone receptors.  When this happens, we need less hormone circulating to have the desired effect.  This is the essence of hormone optimization…and ideal communication between the hormonal systems and the cells of the body.

water fast journey

On day 3 you will have a very large rise in ketones and many people feel better mentally as the brain loves using these ketones for energy.  If you were not keto adapted before the fast, it will probably take a bit longer for your brain to adapt and so you may not feel good.

If this is the case, you will probably experience more of the symptoms listed above.  I typically feel good by Day 3 but have some bouts of tiredness and brain fog throughout the day.  Definitely better than Day 3 but not as sharp as Day 4.

water fast journey

Healing Activity on Day 3:

You can further rise in autophagy, HGH and stem cells.  The body is kicking up the healing activity and you may notice areas of pain reducing.   On Day 3 and into Day 4 we experience the hormone optimization and will have great bouts of energy and mental clarity.

If you are still struggling on Day 3, hang in there as it should get better by Day 4.  One great thing to track to give you more clarity on how you are adapting to the fast is your blood ketones.

Urine ketones will typically be high on Day 1 and 2 but should drop on Day 3 as your body gets more efficiently adapted at using these for energy.  So, it is best to test with either breath or blood ketones.

Ketones in the blood will often rise up in the beginning and then drop back some as the body is using these as the main energy source by Day 3.  Breath ketones are a great measure as they are showing the breath acetone which is a reflection of the ketones your body is using for energy.  In this article here , I go over how to test your level of ketones.

water fast journey

Glucose to Ketone Ratio

The Glucose Ketone Index, or the GKI, is a ratio that researcher Dr. Thomas Seyfried has been using in his studies looking at tumors and how they respond to both fasting and the ketogenic diet ( 8 ).  A healthy nutritional ketosis marker for the GKI is between 1:1 and 4:1.   If you are in this zone, you are in nutritional ketosis and your body is either learning how to use ketones for energy or has adapted and is using them as a primary energy source.

However, when it comes to brain tumors and other cancers, Dr Seyfried and his colleagues have found a ratio close to 1:1 to be most effective.  The target zone for this is when the glucose numbers are in the 60’s and the ketones are roughly 3.0 mmol/L or more.  You can get to these levels through the water fast and typically by Day 4-5, most people will be hovering in this range.

The GKI is found by taking the blood glucose level and dividing it by 18.  You then take that number and divide it by the blood ketone level.  A blood sugar of 64 with ketone level of 3.1 would have a GKI of 1.15

GKI:   (64/18) / 3.1 = 1.15

According to Dr Seyfried, a GKI of 1:1 is the most effective level for shrinking tumors.  This is due to the rampant amount of autophagy that takes place and the lack of insulin and available glucose that tumor cells use to grow and divide.  If you are hitting close to a 1:1 GKI then the body is going to work on these destructive cells.

Your blood glucose will typically be at its highest in the morning due to higher cortisol levels but should drop as the day goes on.  Stress will cause it to go up higher so do your best to limit the amount of stress you are under.

water fast

As you head into Day 4 and 5, you should begin to see the GKI trending towards 1:1.   Autophagy is ramping up and you should have forced enough adaptation to where your brain is being fueled on ketones and feels alive and well.

On day 4, I feel so energized and mentally sharp that I am at my most productive level.  The majority of people experience great physical energy and mental clarity.  At this point, you should have no hunger or strong cravings but you may have just a slight emotional desire to eat.

There are a few things that can throw off your GKI and cause you to feel unwell at this point in the fast.  These include stress, constipation and high levels of toxicity in the body.  It can be helpful to use supplements and preparation steps if you are concerned about this.

water fast

Supplements to Support the Body

High stress and blood sugar issues can be balanced with Organic Aswhagandha and  Brain Calm Magnesium .  I also like adding in the Organic Multi Mushroom which has key adaptogenic mushrooms that support immune health, improve sleep quality and restore energy and vitality to the body.

For constipation, I use the Oxy Powder to flush the system and cleanse the bowels.  You will need to drink a good amount of water and replenish minerals by taking a small pinch of salt two to three times a day.

For systemic toxins in the blood stream, I use the BioToxin Binder to bind and move these out of the body.  The oxidative stress that toxins can cause will be neutralized by glutathione.  I like the  Super Glutathione .  The combination of these supplements can help you get the most cleansing and comfortable experience on your fast.

water fast journey

The Fasting Stress Support Pack

To try to simplify things, I have created 2 unique fasting support packs.  The  Fasting Stress Support pack  includes the Organic Multi-Mushroom, Organic Ashwagandha and Brain Calm Magnesium.  This is great for those who are new to fasting and individuals who struggle with high  cortisol  and hypoglycemia when they fast.

The recommendations for this are to take 1 cap of the Organic Multi Mushroom in the morning and mid-day in water and 1 cap of the Organic Ashwagandha in the mid-day and 1 cap in the evening to improve daytime energy and quality sleep at night.

The Brain Calm magnesium capsules should be taken with these other supplements with 1 cap in the morning, 1 at mid-day and 1 in the evening to support smooth energy and mental clarity during the day and good sleep at night on the fast.  As an added bonus, the magnesium will also help with bowel motility.

We priced this pack out in order to provide over 15% savings off of the regular retail rate.

fasting supplements

The Fasting Detox Pack

The  Fasting Detox Support pack is designed to help individuals who struggle with endotoxemia induced inflammation on their fast.  This includes Oxy-Powder, BioToxin Binder and Super Glutathione.

This product pack is exceptional for helping improve bowel motility and colon cleansing while binding to endotoxic debris that is in circulation.  The molecular hydrogen protects the cells, mitochondria and DNA from oxidative stress and supports the process of autophagy for optimal cellular cleansing.

water fast journey

When Should You Stop the Fast?

At Day 4, your body should be thriving and it is typically quite easy to keep the fast going for the 5 th and final day.  However, some individuals who have significant metabolic dysfunction or excessive stress may have some issues and need to stop early.  Here are warning signs to look out for

Strong Hunger:   You may have a slight desire to eat but should not experience real hunger.  If you do, you may want to listen to your body and break your fast.

Heart Palpitations:   If you are noticing heart palpitations that are scaring you or causing you not to sleep, it is best to break the fast.

Increased Hair Loss:   If you notice hair falling out in clumps then it is time to stop the fast.

Losing Consciousness and Passing Out:   If you lose consciousness and pass out and feel extremely dizzy then it is time to stop the fast.

Extreme Pain:   If you are in unbearable pain during the fast, then it is time to stop the fast.

Heavy Bouts of Diarrhea or Vomiting:  This could cause you to lose too many electrolytes , you will need to break the fast.

Too Much Weight Loss:  If you look and feel emaciated and weak, then go ahead and break the fast.

There is no shame in stopping the fast early.  Our body gets stronger and healthier with each successive fast.  If you have major health challenges, then you should be doing a water fast every 1–3 months and over time you will have less of these problematic symptoms and be able to do the full 5 days.

water fast

Day 5 is when your body gets the largest rise in HGH and Stem Cells.  You get tremendous amounts of autophagy and hormone optimization.  When you consume food at the end of Day 5, you feed the stem cells and replenish the bodies white blood cells.

You should feel fantastic today although you may see your blood ketones slightly drop as your body is getting better and better at using them for energy.

Fasting for longer than 5 days can have continued benefits but after 5 days you risk losing lean body mass.  For lean individuals like myself, I stay at 4–5 days.

If you are looking to lose more weight then extending the fast can be extremely beneficial as long as you are feeling okay.  In addition, if you have a chronic inflammatory condition and you are feeling better at Day 5 then you can consider continuing the fast.

People have successfully done 40+ day water fasts without any issues.  This doesn’t mean you have to do something like that, but these extended fasts can be safe and beneficial in certain circumstances.

water fast

How Often Should I Do an Extended Fast?

I believe that for many people a 4-5 day water fast is all that is needed.  If you are significantly overweight or have debilitating inflammation, you may consider doing a longer fast such as 8-10 days or you can just do the 4-5 day fast more frequently.

For lean individuals with  chronic inflammatory  diseases, I will typically recommend a 3–5 day water fast every 8–12 weeks until the inflammatory condition improves.  Your body will get stronger and healthier through each fast.  Over the course of 6-8 months, you can see dramatic improvements by doing these periodic extended fasts.

For individuals with a lot of weight to lose, I will often recommend a 10-day water fast every other month or a 5-day water fast each month.  This is a great regimen to follow along with daily intermittent fasting or alternative day fasting to see significant weight loss and dramatic improvements in insulin sensitivity and inflammation levels.

water fast

How to Break the Fast:

My general rule on breaking an extended water fast is to add up the amount of days you fasted and divide by 2.  Give yourself that many days before adding back harder to digest foods such as raw veggies, meat and eggs.

The first meal when you break your fast should be a protein shake with high quality ingredients, possibly bone broth or vegetable broth and a fermented drink like coconut water kefir.  Here is a helpful infographic to guide you.

water fast

The Fasting Transformation Book

If you want to improve your metabolic health and burn fat, improve your brain and overall energy levels…intermittent and extended fasting are incredibly powerful strategies.

That is why I want to introduce you to my best-selling book,  The Fasting Transformatio n .  It goes into the most recent scientific research and strategies for implementing intermittent and extended fasting into your life.

This book is the best book on fasting the world has ever seen and I have read them all!  It is now, my great honor to present this to you and I am deeply appreciative of your support!

autoimmune diseases, 3 Ways Fasting Improves AutoImmune Diseases

Inflammation Crushing Ebundle

The  Inflammation Crushing Ebundle  is designed to help you improve your brain, liver, immune system and discover the healing strategies, foods and recipes to burn fat, reduce inflammation and thrive in life!

As a doctor of natural medicine, I have spent the past 20 years studying the best healing strategies and worked with hundreds of coaching clients, helping them overcome chronic health conditions and optimize their overall health.

In our  Inflammation Crushing Ebundle , I have put together my very best strategies to reduce inflammation and optimize your healing potential.  Take a look at what you will get inside these valuable guides below!

Sources For This Article Include:

1. longo vd, mattson mp. fasting: molecular mechanisms and clinical applications.  cell metab . 2014; 19(2):181-92. pmcid:  3946160, 2. ho ky, veldhuis jd, johnson ml, et al. fasting enhances growth hormone secretion and amplifies the complex rhythms of growth hormone secretion in man.  j clin invest . 1988; 81(4):968-75. pmcid:  329619, 3. cheng cw, adams gb, perin l, et al. prolonged fasting reduces igf-1/pka to promote hematopoietic-stem-cell-based regeneration and reverse immunosuppression.  cell stem cell . 2014; 14(6):810-23. pmcid:  4102383, 4. mendelsohn ar and larrik jw. prolonged fasting/refeeding promotes hematopietic stem cell regeneration and rejuvenation.  rejuvenation res . 2014 aug; 17(4): 385-9. pmid:  25072352 , 5. haas jt, staels b. fasting the microbiota to improve metabolism cell metab. 2017; 26(4): 584-585. pmi d: 28978420, 6. pietrocola f, pol j, kroemer g. fasting improves anticancer immunosurveillance via autophagy induction in malignant cells. cell cycle. 2016; 15 (24):3327-3328. pmcid: 5224452, 7. mihaylova mm, et al. fasting activates fatty acid oxidation to enhance intestinal stem cell funciton during homeostasis and aging. 2018 may; 22(5): 769-778. pmid: 29727683, 8. meidenbauer jj, mukherjee p, seyfried tn. the glucose ketone index calculator: a simple tool to monitor therapeutic efficacy for metabolic management of brain cancer. nutr metab (lond). 2015; 12:12. published 2015 mar 11. pmcid: 4367849, let's improve your health today.

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Dr Jockers

Dr. Jockers, thank you! This was such an awesome wealth of information and I’m really excited to do a five day water fast now, and attend your Fasting Summit!

It’s great how you outlined what to expect each day, the positive and perhaps negatives and a guide on when to perhaps break the fast. I appreciate the honestly! It’s only got me more intent on doing it.

In regards to the GKI, is there an formula by which breath testing can be used or is it solely with blood glucose. That was very interesting.

Thank you for this great article and for taking the time to create the Fasting Summit.

Thanks Amanda! I am not familiar with a breath testing formula but I am sure that will be developed in the next 5-10 years.

Ofcourse! Such an exciting time with all the fasting information , studies and new developments. If there’s a desire, it will be created! Thank you and though I’m traveling internationally right now, I so appreciate being able to attend your summit no matter the time zone I’m in each day! I’m loving it all!!!!!

Thanks so much for being a part of the summit and the fasting community Amanda! Blessings to you!!

Hey thanks al the great info and the graphics are spot on. I posted them for my wife to follow. She’s 100% behind me so I love the fact I can keep her up to date where I am in a fast. Also I love your forward ness in sharing your faith. Be blessed

Thanks Dave! That is great to hear.

Thank you Dr. Jockers, I’ve been following closely and would love to try incorporating fasting into my lifestyle but I always experience severe pain while fasting. Do you know why that is so?

Hey Camilla – that sounds like you may have an ulcer. Here is a helpful article: https://drjockers.com/stomach-ulcers-causes-natural-solutions/

Dr. Jockers, Thank you so much for your response! I really appreciate that you’re sharing your valuable time and information with us. I’ve long been a fan 🙂 I don’t present with any ulcer symptoms and for the sake of clarify, (I’m sorry I didn’t mention that earlier) the severe pain is in my joints. I have joint pain in general, but fasting really takes it over the edge and it can take several days post-24hr-fast for things to return to their status quo. I’m looking forward to the Fasting Transformation series but can’t imagine how I can actually incorporate all those new ideas without flaring up badly.

Hey Camilla, this is an inflammatory reaction. I will be putting together an article on best supplements to use during fasting. For inflammatory reactions, I really like molecular hydrogen which is the smallest anti-oxidant in the world. We have a great product you can use here: https://store.drjockers.com/products/echo-h2-drops

Perfect. Thank you so much!

You got it Camilla!!

I just wanted to know if a fat fast has the same benefits as a water fast? Also, I just started the water fast. Should I be taking my normal daily supplements?

A fat fast will not the same healing benefits as a water fast, but still very good for the body!! I would recommend avoiding any supplements that are supposed to be taken with food. Blessings!

Is black coffee and tea allowed during the 5 days fasting?

as always D’r J.!! Very throw, Very organized, Very interesting!!!! Thanks!! judy

Thanks Judy!!

Great information. Bought the package and transcripts to go over at my leisure time and really digest.

Thanks so much for your support Marvelle!!

Excellent guide, valuable information. Thank you! After breaking the fast, do you suggest to stay in a semi keto diet to accelerate weight loss and improve mitochondrial function?

I’m curious about muscle pain specifically back/sacrum/hip pain. I started getting this the evening of day three of a water fast. I was getting plenty of water and taking a liquid electrolytes plus adding some sea salt to water each day.

The pain felt burning and achy. When I googled it, I found that a lot of people seem to get this particular pain, and that there were many theories about what caused it but no definitive answers that I could find. It made it a little hard to sleep.

The pain subsided in the day, but I found that my posterior chain muscles felt tight and bending forward was difficult (I’m an long-time yogi and yoga teacher, so this was unusual for me). The back/hip pain came back at bedtime that next night and this time it was stronger. I could not lie down at all and had to prop myself up in a sitting position with pillows. I really thought about the pain because it seemed familiar to me and then it hit me, it felt like the pain of fatigued muscles during labor while pregnant. It was the same burning ache in low back, across hips and then started extend down my thighs. Since it felt like labor muscle pain, I decided to take my regular Magnesium/Calcium supplement to see if that would help. It did. The muscle pain subsided within 15 minutes and I was able to sleep. The big pains did not return and I completed my fast after six days. However, the tightness in my posterior chain has lingered. It has gotten a bit better each day. I continue to perform gentle yoga post fast, and my forward bending capacity is returning, but I am still quite stiff three days post fast.

So, after my long-winded story, my question is, what is going on with these muscles biologically during the fast? The low back/hip thing seems to be somewhat common.

I loved the fast and felt so many deep emotional healing and energetic healing benefits from it, so I will do another fast at sometime, and I will take my regular magnesium supplement from the start to see if I can prevent any muscle pain at all. But, I’m still curious about your thoughts on this. I heard no one mention this in the entire Fasting Symposium.

Hey Dawn, one thing that happens as we hit Day 3 is we ramp up autophagy and stem cells. The body will break down old injured tissue – such as muscle, connective tissue, joint tissue, etc in order to rebuild new cells. Sometimes this can result in pain and cramping. That is most likely what is going on here.

What brand did you use on your supplements? I just finish my 3 and a half day water fast and my back is killing ,but only at night. I also starting having skin rash on my body too. Don’t know if that is because of detox from my water fasting.

Dude, that is caffine/coffee withdrawl! Happens every time with me, a heavy caffine drinker.

Hi Dr Jockers! Great information 🙂 Can one safely do an extended water fast with some level of adrenal dysfunction (early stages of adrenal fatigue)? Or would it be too taxing on the adrenals? Would you then recommend taking the mentioned adaptogens during the fast or rather not fast at all? Thanks so much!!

Yes you can do this but you will want to begin with intermittent fasting and gradually progress to a longer fast and take adaptogens.

I wish to know if pancreatic beta cells are rebuilded during extended fasting.

There isn’t direct research yet on that, but based on what we know about fasting and how it impacts the body, it is quite plausible.

So interesting, thank you.

Day 4 should read ‘ if you feel emaciated….. ‘not emancipated.

Thanks so much Gisele! We made that edit! Be Blessed!

Great article, thank you! I have gout I get a flare around 2 times a year. I have done 2 weeks of intermittent fasting and now I am on my day 4 of water fasting. Do I need to worry about gout and could a water fast for 5 days help with gout or even fix the problem on a repeated water fast?

The water fast will help you get rid of the gout permanently!

Wow, thank you so much!

You got it!!

Hi, thanks for the great article. I want to ask about psyllium husks ina five day fast (as a natural way to allow things to keep moving)

Hi Yonatan, I don’t recommend physillium husks. Instead, Oxy Powder can be used during a fast to keep the bowels moving: https://store.drjockers.com/products/oxy-powder

Hi Dr. Jockers,

As I get ready to do your 3-5 day water fast tomorrow, I wanted to ask if a 3-5 day fast every month would be good or too much. I did my first 42 hour (yeahhh) fast during your Fasting Summit and with adrenal issues, that was as long as I felt comfortable going for my first water fast. I am very lean (86 pounds and 4foot 11) yet have systemic inflammation, many food allergies and insulin sensitivity issues. I did read your recommendation of every 8-10 weeks to do the 3-5 day water fast for lean people yet anxious to heal and just wanted your opinion if every four weeks would be too aggressive or not, based on if I feel really well after this week’s 3-5 day fast? Thank you again so much for this super informative article. I so appreciate your time!

A huge Dr. Jockers fan,

Hi Amanda, Please join my closed Facebook group Fasting Transformation Experience: https://www.facebook.com/groups/807737992920006/about/ . In this group I do my best to answer these questions and you will find a community of support from others on the same health journey.

Thanks very much Dr. Jockers! I’ve actually never been on Facebook though will for your great knowledge and that community. I appreciate you writing back and have a great weekend!

Hi Doctor Jockers,

Amazing article, so informative. I did the 5 day water fast and then struggled with constipation for almost 10 days. I was advised by a herberalist to take antiviral meds specifically Isentress and Truvada to get rid of all the toxins inside my body that were trapped as a result of the constipation, but this seemed a bit unusual to me. Would you recommend doing this…?

Hi Sherry, These medications have serious safety precautions and you should always consult with your physician first! These articles are helpful: https://drjockers.com/fasting-mistakes/ , https://drjockers.com/fasting-supplements/

Hi Doctors Jockers

Iam really suffering with my life. I have hemorrhoids for the past 3 years, I have had several procedures and 1 of them back in September went wrong and made things worse. It is the worst pain I have ever experienced and I don’t know how to cope. I feel like I can’t go on Iam in constant pain. I also have problems with my eyesight I have floaters, Visual snow/ (static vision) I have had loads of tests and everything is coming back clear it’s so hard not knowing what’s going on. My question is could an extended water fast heal hemorrhoids and floaters and if so how long would you recommend??

I am 33 Male height 5.6 weight 9 stone

I would appreciate any information thank you

Hey Kevin, I am very sorry to hear this! Have you read my article on healing hemorrhoids with easy remedies? This article will help: https://drjockers.com/8-home-remedies-hemorrhoids/ . I would also recommend that you work with a functional health practitioner that will get to the root cause of your issues and create a customize plan to aid you in your healing journey: https://drjockers.com/functional-nutrition-tips-to-find-a-great-health-coach/ . I will be praying for you. If you decide to practice fasting, you will find a supportive community on my private facebook group page here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/807737992920006/

Thank you Dr Jockers for great info. I would really appreciate your help. I suffer terribly from constipation , it’s a complete mystery because I do all the right things. I eat loads of the best veggies ( broccoli , onion , spinach ) . I eat some fruit – apples and bananas didn’t help. Chia seeds don’t really help , I drink at least 3 liters of water every day. I don’t eat junk food or anything processed: I exercise: I take probiotics. I use the acupuncture pressure points .

I eat a high fat low carb diet – since doing this I have been really struggling. I often do intermittent fasting – that seems to make it worse. But my diet is good , i eat all the recommended stuff , And …… still nothing. I think I have very very low gut motility : I have to take a laxative so I take aloe fiber tablets and a little bit of aloe crystals but I still battle. What to do ? Perhaps your oxy- powder.? If so – how would I get it ? I live in South Africa and the postal system is shocking- it would never get to me. Is via courier an option ?

I would be so grateful for your help.

Kindest regards and thanks ,

Kathy Perry

Hey Kathy, Some of the healthiest diets can cause digestive upset. This article can help: https://drjockers.com/beat-digestive-problems-low-fodmap-plan/ . Please feel free to contact our sales team or visit our FAQs page for more information on international shipping: https://store.drjockers.com/pages/drjockers-com-store-faqs

What a beautiful coincidence you repost this Dr. Jockers as I plan to do a water fast tomorrow. I attempted your five day water fast 7 days ago and though went the longest I ever have, it was only 64 hours. Since it wasn’t even three days, would it be safe to try again so soon? I loved the experience and oddly, I miss it and all the fascinating things I experienced during it ( both uncomfortable and euphoric) knowing it was all healing me.

Thank you so much for this super informative post, I read it often and it’s strengthening and very supportive for doing the fast.

A huge fan,

Hey Amanda, Thank you for sharing and I am glad you enjoyed it. I would suggest reading this article for tips on improving your fasting window and experience! Be Blessed!

Hello Dr. Jockers, very interesting article. Quick question: during a 5 day water fast is it still ok to lift weights and do cardio every other day without eating to “feed” your muscles?

Hey AW, I don’t recommend training too hard while fasting. It can put too much stress on your body resulting in adrenal fatigue. I suggest using weights and high-intensity workouts on non-fasting days so that your body can focus on repair while fasting. This article offers additional insight about fasting strategies.

Thanks so much!

I love your informative article. You need a better proofreader and I will volunteer. The grammar mistakes are quite frequent and very distracting from your articulate attempt at explaining the process. Thank you for your efforts.

Hi Lynn, Thank you for sharing! I have made a few edits. I appreciate your understanding!

Excellent article, Dr. Jockers. I am contemplating a longer fast, and am waiting for the right conditions. Dear Dr. Jockers,

You article is clear, well illustrated, and I love the summary of key points you provide for each section. An observation: you used “than” three times where you should have used “then”, “too” when “to was needed, and “bodies” when the singular possessive form “body’s” (i.e. ‘of the body’) was required. The are probably subconscious errors: I’m sure, with your extremely high level of education, you know your grammar points very well.

Keep up you excellent work.

Saulius Jaskus, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Hi Saulius, Thank you for sharing! I welcome corrections and have made the edits where needed! Please join my facebook group if you are interested in a community to support your fasting experience! Blessings!

I have done 3 extended fasts during the past year, but reading your article got me started again! I am spot on with every one of your daily expectations to a T. Day 2 has always been the hardest. I am day 6 today, and going great. However I am a little confused by the 1:1 ratio. I measure every day- glucose is in the low 60s, but blood ketones have been .6 since day 3. Is this lower than 1:1? Is it okay, or better, or too much? Thanks for your great article!

Hey Linda, It may just be that your body is highly keto adapted and is using the ketones. Most people will get higher ketones on a longer fast, but for some it may stay low. As long as you feel good with a blood sugar that low, you know you are keto adapted.

Hi Dr. Jockers, I’ve been doing intermittent fasting for about 6 months. I lost 13 lbs in 2 months but now I’m stuck at this weight, so considering doing the 5 day water fast. My question is, since I’m T2 diabetic and taking metformin as well as Losartan for HBP, is it safe to continue my meds, or should I stop while fasting? My blood glucose had come down significantly but seems to be creeping up again, especially my morning tests. My BP is well controlled but my Dr. Says I should still take my pill. My goal is to get off meds altogether. Any advice?

Hey Jane, as long as you are closely monitoring your HBP and glucose you can take your meds while fasting. In general, both your glucose and HBP should drop while fasting so you should need less and in some cases none of the medication. But you need to have a conversation with your prescribing physician about the proper dosage as these go down.

Hello, Dr. Jockers –

Thank you for this site and the knowledge you share.

I have been struggling with hemorrhoids, internally and externally, for years.

They seem to worsen with stress, emotional and physical, and when I eat red meat…which I rarely do and which I have now completely stopped doing. Actually, I have always tried to stay away from ANY kind of meat, chicken or fowl.

I also stay away from fish and dairy.

But every few months or so, I do have some meat or fish, and the results are not good.

Constipation usually transpires.

In retrospect, my digestive issues began when I took some antibiotics a few years back…and that’s when the constipation began. I’ve heard that antibiotics destroy both the good and bad flora in the stomach, and I think that’s what’s happened.

And I’ve worked to repair that flora for years…(with coleslaw, saur crout, etc.). But in the process of my damaged flora, constipation and subsequently the hemorrhoids were the result.

Into this mix, I try to not eat ANY processed food. But I love sweets. So, it’s quite the challenge.

Either way, it’s quite a challenge for me when it comes to food.

Monitoring my eating, in general, has become a chore.

With all that said, I juice often with a juicer and love carrot juice in particular.

My question is, if I go on any kind of water fast, extended or otherwise, will my internal hemorrhoids heal, dissipate, and disappear altogether?

Also: I’m 59 years old, and I have not had a colonoscopy and I do not want to have one.

Number 1: If there IS an a serious issue, I will never choose any traditional medicine procedures because I believe they are poison.

Number 2: And won’t the colonoscopy procedure aggravate my hemorrhoids?

Please help…I feel like I am constantly between a rock and a hard place in a daily battle.

So sorry to hear about this! Here is a helpful article on Hemorrhoids and helpful strategies to practice https://drjockers.com/8-home-remedies-hemorrhoids/

Dear Herbie – sorry to hear of your issues. My husband & I are both 55 years & like you we didn’t want to do a colonoscopy – so our Doctor prescribed a ColoGuard kit to take sample at home & send in. We just did it & it’s pretty simple (compared to Colonoscopy) & we got our results in 1 week & have peace of mind …. perhaps this is something you may be interested to learn more or do. Hope you are getting better. Wish you the best!

Thank you for all this amazing fasting information. My husband and I both fast and are doing our first extended water-only fast now. I’m curious about how this is for women overall with the varying cycles throughout the month. I’ve also heard some people say that it can throw off women’s hormones and others say that it optimizes them. Are there any precautions as far as the menstrual phases or women’s hormones are concerned?

I remember hearing somewhere not to fast during your premenstrual and menstrual phases and have been trying to do my fasts during the follicular and ovulatory phases but think I am entering my luteal phase now.

Yes Leah, absolutely this is important. Here is a helpful article https://drjockers.com/menstrual-cycle/

I read the other article and am trying to work out the days. Fasting day 1-10 and 17-21. Does this mean no fasting during the ovulatory and luteal phases (as this is when hormones are highest), but it’s ok during menses and the pre-ovulatory phases (because hormones are lower)? If they are lower are they less likely to be thrown out of balance?

Thank you, Dr. Jockers!

Hey Leah – you can fast during both the follicular and the luteal phases. Day 1-10 in the follicular phase is a good time and Day 17-22 in the luteal phase is a good time.

Hi, Dr. Jockers. Can I use essential oils during fasting? And in general, can I use topical essential oils everyday for different problems twice or more each? Also,can I use an enema when fasting and how often? Many authors recommended and I personally used some. Probably to keep some fecal impactions in the bowel is not so healthy and could be toxic if it stays there for many days. Thanks. YPK

Yes you can use essential oils while fasting but I wouldn’t ingest them. I would just diffuse them or apply them topically with a diluted oil. You can also do enemas https://drjockers.com/detoxify-body-coffee-enemas/

Hi, Dr. Jockers. And more. You mentioned that after 5 days you can start loosing your lean muscles. What about cartilages? Thanks YPK

Would they (muscles and cartilages) fully recover and how long does it take?

We really don’t know as that will be different for each individual.

Thank you Dr. Jockers for you reply.

You are welcome!

Thanks Dr jockers.. Been looking for this information for a very long time.. I managed to go through 4 days 2 weeks ago ” I managed to arrest my acute gastritis for a few day’s ” went back to normal feeding’then currently doing Omad’ie 1 meal a day! However ‘the gastritis is back in full swing’ the weight too is back by 6kgs in 2 weeks 🙆‍♀️🙆‍♀️am sooo frustrated.. Can I go back to the long fasts Doc🤔🤔

Sorry to hear this! I would recommend reading this article: https://drjockers.com/abdominal-bloating-causes-symptoms-solutions/

My GKI was .9 – BG was 70 and ketones were 4.3. Is this bad or good because it it lower than the 1:1?

Yes that is very good!

Hello Dr. Jockers,

Very exhaustive article indeed, you added a great deal of informative materials since I last visited your website. I wish you had, or able to direct me , to more references to credible materials on molecular mechanisms .

I have the following questions, if I may:

1. Are any of your materials sold on Amazon? Even though I do not approve of Amazon’s business practices, but do use it at times for expediency. 2. On days 3 and 4 I do experience flu-like symptoms; for instance a feeling of fever, but no measured temperature! Any input? 3. Any insights on whether fasting positively influences lumbar stenosis?

Finally, and last comment, any need for additional dental care during a five-day fast? Thank you so much and keep up the positive work!

Hey Michael – yes we have our book – The Fasting Transformation on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3b1vbWk

Day 3 & 4 – you may need more salts. When we are salt deficient it is common to have flu-like symptoms. Additionally, you may need a good binder like activated charcoal to help bind to endotoxins. Check out the article here https://drjockers.com/fasting-supplements/

I haven’t seen anything to indicate fasting influencing lumbar stenosis but since it is anti-inflammatory it should benefit it. No need for additional dental care during a 5 day fast.

I’m wondering if you can comment on water fasting and mild neutropenia associated with lupus – I read that water fasting is good for turning over white cells but can’t understand the mechanism to see whether it would be harmful or beneficial in regards to an autoimmune white cell deficit. Thank you!

(Not asking for medical advise, just wanting to understand theoretically)

Yes I think it could be very beneficial but we don’t have the research to prove that at this point.

Thank you for this information! If you could respond, I would appreciate it immensely. Currently on my second day of a water fast. I was going to do three but now I am wondering if I should prolong the fast. My situation: Chronic gastritis, colitis and small parasites. I am also 3 lbs under the healthy weight for my height. I do not want to lose any weight which I know may be impossible but I will surely try. Regaining weight for me has always been tough in the past. Will the water fast help with my condition? If so, how long would you recommend? 3, 4, or 5 days? I had a lot of acid reflux on day one and a sharp pain on my left abdomen. Today-reduced inflammation but that sharp pain on the left side persists. Thanks in advance!

Hello Maria,

Yes the fast will definitely help but you to heal and when you begin eating again, you will absorb nutrients better and have more success at regaining the weight. I would recommend going 3-5 days for this first time and here is a chart to help you understand when to do the next fast. Each successive fast will help your body get stronger and more resilient but you will need time between them to refeed and get back in balance. https://drjockers.com/extended-fasting/

Today i finished a 42 day water fast. The first 24 days i lost over 60 pounds nonstop. everything was fine and perfect. But for the last 18 days, ive been stuck. Like just starving meaningless. No more weight loss. ive totally stopped loosing weight. My goal was to loose 80 pounds. Did it to the end. and the last 2 weeks it just stoped. With no explanation

Hello Rita, amazing! You should be super proud of yourself. You need to bring more nutrients into your body now and I would do a good eating pattern with daily 14-18 hour fasts for the next 2-3 months before doing another fast.

Hello Dr Jockers,

What a thorough, informative article! Thank you! I am vegetarian (eggs sometimes) & have sero-positive Rheumatoid Arthritis with some erosions in hands, wrists, feet… diagnosed 10years ago & on Rx whole time, switching from 1 Rx to another after it stops working or there are side-effects… Am 55 years old – this is no way to carry on Life. The docs have no answer except to change Rx. I realize many people say leaky gut could be cause (I also have constipation, I go every 2-3 days which is normal for me, but no bloating, cramping, etc ever) – but is the chance for success most for those who have sero-negative RA (their anti-CCP antibodies & Rheumatoid Factor are normal)? Do you know if 2-5 days water fasting would help sero-positive RA inflammation (my both anti-CCP& Rheumatoid Factor are very high) ? I appreciate all that you are doing & thanks for any information you can share!

Yes absolutely doing an extended water fast is one of the best things you can do to bring down autoimmune antibodies!

thank you for this extremely educational content 🙂

Thank you for your support!

I’ve been inspired by many people and have researched into the 5 day water fast. Although I’m labeled “obese” my initial intent was to try the 5 day fast for the wellness benefits – weight loss was just a plus. Your page and channel here is a wealth of good information. Thank you for this! So I’m on the fifth day and I’ve yet to experience any real signs or symptoms of positive results. It’s almost disheartening. I’ve read about the possible parasite symptoms as this was one thing I was hoping to take care of but have had none. In fact I haven’t felt any real difference than the day before I started other than I’m chilled more. I have lost 10 pounds but I was hoping for a bit of energy or feeling better overall. Nothing…just the same. I’m not complaining that I have no headaches, stomach pains, weakness, etc. I miss most foods but have no real cravings – even as I cook for my husband. I’ve even started at the gym (on the first day, unintentionally, of the fast) and just took it easier (every other day) because it’s been awhile. I just had hoped for some signs of things working. Could it be that being fat won’t allow for the “cellular benefits” until it’s all gone? I’d hate to think that all this was for nothing.

Hello Kara – yes I am sure your body is doing tremendous healing as you are doing the fast. If you have been very insulin resistant, than it can take time (multiple fasts + low carb eating and exercise outside of the fasts) to heal. But this is fantastic to drop 10 lbs during the fast and you will get more metabolically efficient and feel the energy overtime.

I have your book… I have been fasting between 17 and 22 hours every day for the last 6 weeks. I haven’t done any longer than that 22 hours yet, but I am planning to. I am working up to a 3 Day Fast 😉 I am not eating much, probably less then 1000 maybe 1200 at the most, during a 5 to 2 hour time . Could that cause constipation? I don’t eat processed food. Mostly organic. rarely Carbs except vegetables, and some fruit, some protein. I swim every other day. I have sensed that my body uses up what I eat, but there must be waste, so where does it go? LOL The scale has been very stubborn I know that I have a Adrenal issue/ Stress seems to have caused it… Although the stress has been very minor since I have allowed God to take over 🙂 . Any suggestions on how to handle the constipation. I bought some Polythylene Gycol and I had a small amount of runs(mostly water, for a couple days?

Ooh. I don’t know if it matters but I am 70 years young 🙂

Hi Dr Jockers, do you have any guidance on fasting after surgery? I have been through three extensive surgeries over the last seven months and I’m feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck, fatigue in particular has been really hard to manage and also leaky gut symptoms. Prior to surgery I was an avid IF and did multi-day fasts once a month. I know I need to take in good nutrition while my body is healing and I’m also wanting to get back to multi day fasting to help my body clear out anesthetic, medicines and inflammation. Any general guidance would be super helpful. Allopathic docs don’t seem to value the healing benefits of fasting.

Sorry to hear about this Meg. Yes fasting can really help quickstart your recovery but it is wise to work with a functional health coach to guide you: https://drjockers.leadpages.co/long-distance-coaching-dr-jockers/

helo Dr. Jockers, I love reading your wonderful health publishings. I don’t see anything for epilepsy. Can you help in this area.

Yes here is a helpful article: https://drjockers.com/epilepsy/

Thanks again for more in depth information. I’d love to do a 3 – 5 day fast with an online group. Have you considered organizing something like that? I once did 11 days at True North but getting away, travel and dog care make it a challenge.

I have mild neutropenia. Would a 3-5 day fast be okay for me, and if so are there any special considerations? Thanks!

Yes absolutely it can be helpful!

Thank you so much!

One other thing just occurred to me. I take 300mg of pregabalin daily for severe neuropathic pain in my feet. Is it okay to continue taking that while fasting? Thanks!

Hello Barry – it is always best to discuss any medication usage with your prescribing physician. Blessings!

Hi Dr. Jockers.- I was only able to complete a 58-hour fast. The second night was very difficult to sleep, because I felt my whole body in terrible pain, specially a sensation of someone squeezing my ribs. Every Friday, I do a 36-hour fast with no issues whatsoever, so I thought I was ready for the three-day fast. I did two sauna sessions on the first and second day, so do you think that was a lot of stress to my body.

I love ❤️ all your articles, and you cannot imagine how much I have learned from them. Thanks. Rocío

Sorry to hear about this Rocio. Yes the sauna may have depleted minerals and electrolytes so I would focus on replenishing those.

Dear Dr. Jockers. I really love and enjoy reading your articles and it has helped me alot. I enjoy doing intermittent fast, but i have been diagnosed with an under-active thyroid and told that fasting is not good. I’d love to hear from you regarding this. Many thanks Merle

Hi Dr. Jockers! You are the best. Thank you for providing all of your information for free. Your website is my first go-to and I direct all my clients and friends to you. You are most appreciated! With fasting, do you have some general guidelines on how much water we should drink a day at a minimum (oz per body weight) and how much salt is recommended daily? You might have covered this, but I missed it… Thank you! Mona

Yes it is best to drink at least half your body weight in ounces and take about 1 tsp of salt (in smaller doses) throughout the day.

16 years ago I was tragically injured in a logging accident at 19 years old. When the helicopter arrived 2 hours after my accident I had no pulse and both of my lounges were collapsed lounges, my right lounge had collapsed an additional time. After reviving the first time via adrenaline, I flatlined one more time doctors time. The doctors were originally telling my mother that I would never come out of a coma, but rather stay in the vegetated for the rest of my life.Well I came out of a coma, was confined to a wheelchair for 3 years, walker for 2 years, and I have been walking with a stick scene 2011. I have this sneaking suspicion that with a 5 day water fast that I could get enough cellular repair in my brain to one day walk again, unassisted. Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from you.

P.s. the longest I have fast I have done is 46 hours.

I have done the 5-day water fast successfully twice before, but now I am facing a peculiar problem. I have unfortunately acquired a postnasal drip that has a cough component. I tried many different medications, some OTC some on prescription. The only remedy that works is HALLS candy. However, a candy would break the fast and therefore ruin my attempts to reach autophagy. Please offer some advice.

Hi, I don’t think I could manage 5 days, 3 would be more realistic as I haven’t fasted for years! Are you saying supplements should be taken during the fast?

Not that they should be taken, but that they can be helpful for improving the fasting experience.

Happy New Year!

I’ve wanted to do a short fast (3-5 days) but when I get to the end of day 1 I have sleep issues and heart palpitations. I’ve had severe Adrenal Fatigue in the past and am on the lower end when it comes to blood sugar, averaging 5 even after eating. Are there precautions I should be taking? Is water-fasting something I should avoid?

I had to stop taking Dr. Wilson’s Super Adrenal Stress Formula(which is B-complex with extra stuff in it) after having taken it with his other supplements in the Adrenal Fatigue Recovery Protocol for over 2 months, because of the Chromium in it causing my blood sugar to dip way too low. I was feeling very unwell for a week before I realized(God showed me) that it was the added Chromium causing me grief. Felt great after quitting that particular product. I’m sure it’s great for many who have high blood sugar, but not me. I continue to take the glandular support.

I would greatly appreciate your advice as I need to get better and believe water-fasting is one of the ways to do so. I homeschool my three boys and am slowly working on my prerequisite coursework in hopes I can be accepted into Naturopathic Medicine in the next 2 to 3 years. Our bodies were made to heal. I love how we were created and am passionate in learning how to help others heal both physically and spiritually.

May God bless you and keep you!

Hello Priscilla, it would be better to take 2 weeks and focus on improving your metabolic flexibility by eating a high protein, moderate fat and low carb diet and reducing stress before doing a longer fast.

If you are on thyroid medication, should you stop taking it during the fast? Article says your thyroid dials down so perhaps stop supplementation?

I am wondering about whether I should stop taking my Armour thyroid also.

It is always best to discuss with your doctor, but most people are able to come off of it safely for a few days.

I understand why this wouldn’t be recommended for breastfeeding mums, but I just want to check whether once baby starts solids and is using mum’s milk as a top up it would be ok to do? Or is not recommended at all during breastfeeding because of toxin release which could transfer via breastmilk? Thank you 🙂

Yes you can breastfeed but it is a good idea to take a binder to help with toxin elimination during the fast.

Thanks so much for taking the time to reply!

Would charcoal tablets be enough or do you recommend something more?

Hi, great article. I fasted for 21 days with water only. Is there any study about longer fasts? What is your opinion on that? Thank you.

Yes you can do these, but it is best to do it with the guidance and supervision of an experienced health care practitioner if you want to do more than 5 days.

Could 5-10g of EAA’s taken 2-3x a day be used to protect muscle loss or would that negate much of the benefits of the fast?

That can be done during your eating window, but no you wouldn’t want to do that during the fast.

This was such a great article and very timely, as I’m on day 5 of a Prolon Fast Mimicking fast. I am 57 and have Hashimotos, (I was diagnosed in 2015) so am trying to reduce inflammation, antibodies and produce better healing and weight loss. I have been weight loss resistant for years while following a keto/carnivore diet along with intermittant fasting, and although I would like to take off 12-15 lbs., I still struggle with good body composition. On Day 5 of my fast, I have noticed a small patch of psoraisis showing up on my elbow, which has been in remission for well over a year or two. I feel pretty good overall, and will start refeeding tomorrow. I would like to follow thru with at least two more 5 Day fasts in the next two months, and Prolon suggests 25 days after completion of each 5 day fast. I am hoping this is still advisable with Hashimotos, as I continue to struggle with many symptoms this autoimmune condition presents and I really do want to feel as if I’m thriving once again.

Great to hear you are doing better with this Devonne. Yes, absolutely you can do the FMD each month if you have weight to lose and it is safe as long as you refeed properly when you come off of the fast.

Hi Dr Jockers, Thank you for another highly informative & detailed article. I’m 57 and in the midst of menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, more sleeping issues, stubborn wgt gain, hair loss & prbly low adrenals). I’ve spent time on AL Gittleman’s Radical Metabolism plan and more recently Magdalena Wszelaki’s Overcoming Estrogen Dominance plan and gotten from those that skipping meals will cause blood sugar drops and exacerbate symptoms. I’ve not found real improvements with those plans (maybe not enough time spent) but my hormones are clearly out of whack and I’m anxious for relief. Is fasting a viable way to help bring them back into some balance without making symptoms worse?

Can a person drink herbal teas ie nettle or elderberry during the fast? Or must it be just good water or can you add fresh squeezed lemon juice to hot water? And how much water/liquid? Will a fast improve my eyes / vision – night driving/double vision/dry eye…


Dr. Jockers, I’ve been on a modified keto diet since December-2020 and I’ve lost 110 lbs. and kept it off since the end of 2021, but at 5’10 inches tall and 180 lbs., I have 49.8% visceral fat and do several 24 hour fasts a week as this visceral body fat puts me at increased risk of strokes or heart attacks. I want to try this fast but am taking quite a few supplements from a functional neurologist for leaky gut, heavy metals and anemia. Would a 3 or 5 day fast be a concern since some of the supplements and vitamins I take are to be taken with meals. I could just take a tablespoon of coconut oil with these and wonder if that would sabotage the extended fast? I’ve been having TIAs the last 2 months and putting a tsp of cayenne pepper in my 1st cup of coffee and eating 3 raw cloves of garlic a day and it really helps but again, will this sabotage an extended fast? I also put a tablespoon of coconut oil, pat of butter and smidgen of cinnamon in my coffee.

Would you recommend for someone with hypoglycemia?

I used to fast twice a year, spring and fall. Indigenous fasting. No food, no water for four days. I noticed that as my body eliminates its waste, my stools are liquid and are neon orange. It has been like this for the four years I fasted.

Now I have not fasted for the last three seasons (fall, spring, fall), but I do feel the difference.

My question is – is this normal?

I was thinking of doing your water fasting this fall.

Thanks for your time.

I have morphea. a form of Scleroderma. I have had this 3 years and it has spread quickly. I was trying to stay off Methotrexate but a few months ago I went on it. It isn’t working. I am assuming this water fast would be helpful and how long do you think for my condition?? Nobody knows what to do with me. Any information or suggestions would be helpful.

Dr. Jockers:

I just completed an 84-hour fast. I’ve been doing fasting periodically, once a year, a few times twice a year for most of the last 30 years. However, I hadn’t done one in about five years. I did it because of health issues in the gut that I have been experiencing. Most of the time I have been doing juice fasts, which are not as demanding as water fasts. However, I have done water fasts a couple of times and experience muscle and joint pain; apparently a problem with electrolytes.

I think the reason I have experienced this is because the way I learned fasting was to use an oral cleansing each morning — a quart of water with two tspns of sea salt, which I drink every morning. I had no problem with it when doing the juice fast, but with the water fast I think I depleted my electrolytes (not a Dr, btw, just based on what I’ve read).

The pain was very uncomfortable this time and interfered with my sleep. Is there a mineral preparation you’d recommend to counteract this? Also, it seems to me that this cleansing actually is a good thing because it accelerates the detoxing process. It also seems to improve my digestion and elimination after the fast.

What are your thoughts about this?

Incidentally, as soon as I ended the fast, the pain and discomfort abated.

Just discovered your profile and like your information about intermittent fasting. I purchased the bundle about a week ago, what a deal only $17. However I have not seen any link yet to the books? Can you please help me out. Thanks for the great work your organization is providing

Gearing up for an extended fast, but as I do not have a gall bladder, I take your Bile Flow Support and additional Ox Bile every day to help my digestion. On an extended fast, we are burning fat yes? So should I continue to take the Bile Flow Support and Ox Bile while fasting?

Thank you so much for all you do! Your newsletters are so informative and helpful – I feel like you are empowering all of us to be better advocates for healthy lives. God bless!

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Water Fasting Results: My 40-Day Journey Blog

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water fast journey

When I tell people I went 40-days without eating any food the reactions are funny… people generally look at me like this…

So why, you may ask would one decide to try a 40-day fast and then post about their water fasting results online? Water fasting is extremely personal, it is a spiritual and natural experience all at once. I had so many crazy moments in my fast that I thought they were worth sharing with the world and letting you all know, fasting is AMAZING!

Water Fasting Benefits

I covered this extensively in a previous post on my blog which you can find here if you want to read more about the benefits of prolonged water fasting.

There are a lot of benefits to water fasting including:

  • Better mental clarity
  • Healing of old injuries
  • Hormonal balance
  • Repairing gut health
  • Resetting cravings
  • Overall body cleansing

How to Water Fast

This is the part that a lot of people get hung up with. “How do you even begin a water fast?” they ask me. It is not actually just as simple as deciding to start. There are a few things you need to do before deciding to water fast.

Firstly (because I don’t want to get sued) please note I am NOT a medical professional and I can not give you individual medical advice. Please consult a physician before beginning a prolonged water fast of any kind.

Before beginning a fast I recommend using my fasting prep checklist. Just put your email below and tell me where to send it. I will give you all my best tips for starting and ending your water fast strong so you get the best results from it!

Get the Free Prep Kit

Water fasting tips (what i learned in 4o days).

Firstly, I can not take all the credit for my amazing breakthroughs in my water fasting journey. I was guided by some amazing people and I created. a support system around myself before starting. I made sure that my husband and daughter had everything they needed before I started the journey, meaning that they wouldn’t starve when I was fasting.

I also talked to my husband about what my goals were for the fast and what would constitute breaking the fast. We set the bar really high so that I wouldn’t get 5 days in and decided this wasn’t for me.

I also read an amazing book (if you are fasting for spiritual reasons this book is an amazing guide and will help you a lot.)

The things I did not anticipate were the leg cramps. These started around day 6 for me and lasted till I got these fasting minerals and electrolyte drops. Had I known I would need these I would have made the investment to have them before beginning. They were an absolute life save for sure!

I started out doing a water and bone broth fast. After a few days, I noticed that my hunger should have been subsiding and it was not. I couldn’t figure out why. Then I realized it was happening each time that I had my broth. After day 3 I stopped drinking broth altogether and immediately my hunger began to subside.

This lead to the leg cramps, however. Hence the need for the electrolytes. I love the drops I got because they gave me all the essential minerals you can’t live without. All I had to do was add one small capful to my favorite 32 oz water bottle and I was good to go!

Emotional 40-day Water Fasting Results

Undoubtedly the emotional changes that I faced when fasting were some of the hardest ones I have ever had. It seemed like every emotional trigger that would have caused me to lean on food was present in those short 40 days.

My father in law passed away suddenly and very traumatically. That was really hard. Traveling all day on multiple flights to get to the funeral, emotional stressors, extreme motion sickness on thee flights, and of course the grief of the situation were all hard. I think the hardest part was sitting in the multiple meals with family and explaining over and over again why I wasn’t eating from the multitudes of food that was brought to our family to help ease the grieving process.

I had to learn in this process that food was consistently in the way of me processing my emotions. This was a scary part of fasting. I had no buffer between me and my emotions. I had to feel deeply. All the joy, all the pain, all the stress, all the love that life had to offer me was all waiting for me to embrace and feel it, but I was nervous.

I am not saying that every moment of my life was like that, I had moments when I could feel and I realized a lot of times, as we get older we feel life begin to “pile up” on us. If we dont take the time to process things, meaning we need to actually take time and feel things after they happen, we may find one day it all just a little too much.

Physical 40-day Water Fasting Results

I had some amazing things happen while water fasting. Along with losing 35 lbs in 40 days, I also had some scars completely disappear. I also had some really fun experiences like fitting into new clothes sizes, my confidence when putting on an outfit was sky high, and I had perfect skin the whole time.

My mental clarity was likely the most intense feeling I had ever had. While my body was weak at times if I was really physically exerted myself, my mind was at peak performance. I was thinking and processing faster thanks to being in deep Ketosis and running on the best fuel for brains!

Get Your Own Water Fasting Results

Have my words inspired you to take on a long fast? YAY you! Along with all the amazing benefits of fasting talked about above, I have a surprise gift for you. I love helping my friends out and we are friends now so here ya go…

Free Water Fasting Prep Kit

Are you trying a water fast put comments or questions below.

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Navigating a 7-Day Water Fasting Journey: A Comprehensive Guide

by Corine Short

January 17, 2024

Embarking on a 7-day water fasting journey is a profound endeavor that requires meticulous planning and thoughtful consideration. This transformative experience can offer a myriad of benefits but should be approached with caution and ideally under medical supervision. In this blog post, we provide a sample 7-day water fasting schedule, incorporating gentle workouts and refeeding suggestions for a holistic approach to this fasting practice.

Day 1: Preparation and Gentle Exercise

Before diving into a week of water fasting, it's crucial to prepare your body. Engage in light exercises such as gentle stretching or yoga. Opt for easily digestible foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins to set the foundation for the fasting days.

Days 2-7: Water Fasting

Stay well-hydrated throughout the fasting period, considering the addition of electrolytes if the fast extends beyond 24 hours. The following days will involve a gradual reintroduction of workouts and careful refeeding.

Day 2: Light Exercise and Refeeding Initiation

Gently ease into light exercises such as short walks or gentle bodyweight exercises. When breaking your fast, start with a small, easily digestible meal, perhaps a vegetable broth or a light salad.

Day 3: Rest and Hydration

Allow your body to rest and recover, engaging in light stretching. Begin introducing more substantial foods like steamed vegetables or a small serving of lean protein during refeeding.

Day 4: Low-Intensity Exercise and Balanced Nutrition

Incorporate low-intensity exercises like gentle yoga or swimming. Refeed with a balanced mix of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to replenish vital nutrients.

Day 5: Moderate Exercise and Nutrient Replenishment

Engage in moderate activities such as brisk walking or light cycling. Continue with a balanced diet, adding sources of healthy fats like avocados or nuts to your meals.

Day 6: Active Recovery and Diverse Nutrition

Focus on active recovery with light activities such as gardening or easy hiking. Gradually introduce lean proteins like grilled chicken or fish, complemented by a variety of colorful vegetables.

Day 7: Gentle Exercise, Meditation, and Gradual Refeeding

Conclude your fasting journey with gentle exercise like restorative yoga or meditation. As you reintroduce food, maintain a balanced diet, including complex carbohydrates and staying mindful of hydration.

Post-Fast Considerations:

Refeeding Strategy: Gradually reintroduce foods to avoid digestive discomfort, starting with easily digestible options and progressing to regular meals.

Nutrient-Rich Foods: Prioritize nutrient-dense foods to replenish essential vitamins and minerals depleted during the fasting period.

Hydration Continuation: Continue prioritizing adequate water intake to support overall well-being.

Listen to Your Body: Pay close attention to hunger cues and any signs of discomfort. If uncertain, consult with a healthcare professional for guidance.

Remember, extended water fasting is not suitable for everyone and may carry risks. Always consult with a healthcare professional before attempting a prolonged fast. This blog post serves as a general guideline and should be adapted based on individual health conditions and needs.Embarking on a 7-day water fasting journey requires careful planning and consideration. It's important to note that extended water fasting should only be undertaken with thorough preparation and, ideally, under medical supervision. Additionally, incorporating workouts during a water fast requires a cautious approach, focusing on lighter activities. Here's a sample 7-day water fasting schedule with suggested workouts and potential food ideas for refeeding afterward:

Day 1: Preparation and Light Exercise

  • Workout: Gentle stretching or yoga.
  • Food Ideas (Pre-Fast): Opt for easily digestible foods like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Consider adding electrolytes if fasting for an extended period.

Day 2: Light Exercise

  • Workout: Short walks or gentle bodyweight exercises.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): When refeeding, start with a small, easily digestible meal like vegetable broth or a light salad.
  • Workout: Rest or light stretching.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): Gradually introduce more substantial foods like steamed vegetables or a small serving of lean protein.

Day 4: Low-Intensity Exercise

  • Workout: Gentle yoga or swimming.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains to replenish nutrients.

Day 5: Moderate Exercise

  • Workout: Brisk walking or light cycling.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): Continue with balanced meals, incorporating sources of healthy fats, such as avocados or nuts.

Day 6: Active Recovery

  • Workout: Light activities like gardening or easy hiking.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): Include lean proteins like grilled chicken or fish, along with a mix of colorful vegetables.

Day 7: Gentle Exercise and Gradual Refeeding

  • Workout: Restorative yoga or meditation.
  • Food Ideas (Post-Fast): Continue with a balanced diet, introducing
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Waterfasting.org: Articles and Coaching for Water Fasts

Dr. Tallis Barker, D.Phil., Nat.Dip., holistic consultant

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water fast journey

Hello. I’m Dr. Tallis Barker

I’ve successfully guided over 900 clients from across the world (US, Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia) through water fasts of 3-40 days. Having regularly fasted for 15 years, I became a water fasting coach after experiencing the deep cleansing and healing in my own body.

Although I coach fasts undertaken for numerous reasons (both physical and spiritual), I specialise in helping people heal from chronic illness such as:

  • Gut issues such as IBS, SIBO and ulcerative colitis
  • Autoimmune issues such as allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue (CFS) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
  • Hormonal issues such as insulin resistance, adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism
  • Fibroids, ovarian cysts and even cancer

More about me here

For people unfamiliar with water fasting, the idea of giving up food can be frightening. But the fact is that homo sapiens have been successfully fasting for millennia.

Many people today practice intermittent fasting as a basic lifestyle, but longer fasts are also possible in order to go much deeper into healing., gut / digestive illness, autoimmune issues, hormonal imbalances, you can completely recalibrate your body from the ground up, allowing yourself to heal. the way to do this is through water fasting., water fasting is completely safe for the vast majority of people. with guidance from an expert, you too can make the most of your fast and begin your healing journey..

water fast journey

FASTING TRIVIA We all know the most famous examples of religious 40-day fasts, but you probably haven’t heard others. For example, the Greek mathematician Pythagoras demanded that all his students undertake a 40-day fast in order to sharpen their minds!

Choosing the right fast.

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extended healing fasts

Learn how water fasting can help, i regularly share inspiring articles and videos to help people just like you build sustainable health and vitality., don’t miss out join today.

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Anna Sayce


Complete a 3-day water fast.

This video + pdf bundle provides you with all you need to know in order to safely, successfully and smoothly carry out your first 3-day water fast. If you already have a little experience, there are plenty of additional tips to help you go deeper into water fasting.

Watch my videos and read my articles for more information

Free video faq’s.

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water fast journey


Healing SIBO with water fasting


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JOIN THE CONVERSATION (recent comments)

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Hi Joshua, Thanks for writing. I’m afraid it’s never as easy as plugging your symptoms into an equation in order…

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How long would you recommend I water fast to help with Asthma and a histamine intolerance?

Hi Fastedone, Thanks for the clarification. Yes this video and article applies to extended fasts in which the body’s supply…

Hi Mel, Thanks for writing. Yes, most definitely! Tallis

Hi Victoria, Thanks for writing. Everything you do to adapt a pure water fast is going to have an impact…

Check out the webshop on waterfasting.org

The webshop offers downloadable fasting plans and guides to help make your water fast a success.

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water fast journey


water fast journey

“Let us fast from self-love not self-punishment!” Dr Tallis Barker


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water fast journey


water fast journey


water fast journey

The 3-day water fast Online Course with distance coaching videos

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Dealing with detox symptoms while water fasting (40 pages)

water fast journey

Plan, Prepare and Practice a 3-day Water Fast (100 pages)

water fast journey

Pdf Bundle: The Complete 3 Day Water Fasting Plan (140+ pages)

water fast journey

How to break any water fast and manage refeeding (86-pages)

water fast journey


My 21-day water fast

I began a journey into what I can only describe as one of the special events of my life: a 21-day water fast. Even now, it remains as fresh and vivid in my memory as if it were yesterday…


I’ve been water fasting as part of a healthy lifestyle and path of self-discovery for many years now – and I’ve helped countless others do the same. I hope the various programs and online support, as well as the articles and videos offered on this website, deepen your own journey into water fasting.


To receive free articles and videos about water fasting, sign up here

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The Brothers Green

Fast Series Part 4: Eight Steps to a Successful Water Fast

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The stages of water fasting with particular focus on entry and re-feeding. Tips around how to incorporate hemp oil and hemp seeds into a water fast.

The Brothers Green team regularly practice fasting and thrive from the nutrients that come from consuming the range of The Brothers Green raw hemp foods leading up to the fast.

The 8 stages of a 72 hour water fast.

  • 48-36 Hours Before the Fast - Prepare Your Body with Hemp Seed Oil
  • 12 Hours Fasting - Enter the Metabolic State
  • 18 Hours Fasting - Switch to Fat-Burning Mode
  • 24 Hours Fasting - Autophagy
  • 48 Hours Fasting - Increase Growth Hormone Levels
  • 54 Hours Fasting - Insulin Levels Drop to Lowest Point
  • 72 Hours Fasting - Generation of New Immune Cells
  • After the Water Fast - The ‘Refeed’ with Hemp Seeds

How to Begin A Water Fast - The Brothers Green


Stage 1 - how to begin a water fast.

What you eat before the fast can set up the next few days for a greater chance of success. The 48 - 36 hours before the fast are important to prepare the body and mind. Beginning to implement a 16 hour fast for the day or two before will give your body time to adjust and then cut down the intake of energy intensive food to process. By eating light, wholefood meals (fruits and vegetables) and not consuming any processed foods you will allow your body to better capitalise on the benefits of the fast and make the most of the experience for autophagy and cell renewal.

Hemp Seed Oil is high in  polyunsaturated  fats, low in carbs, perfect to enter a ketogenic state. In the 2-3 days leading up to your fast, increase your usual 1 TBSP daily serving to 3 TBSP a day. The Brothers Green Hemp Seed Oil is perfect because it's cold-pressed, unprocessed, Omega-3 rich healthy oil.

The Water Fast Itself

Stage 2 - 12 hours fasting.

By 12 hours fasting you’ve entered the metabolic state called ketosis ( Anton et al., Obesity 2018 ). This is when your body starts to break down stored energy and starts to burn fat.  

Stage 3 - 18 Hours Fasting

By 18 hours you’ve switched to fat-burning mode and are generating significant ketones ( Anton et al., Obesity 2018 ).

Stage 4 - 24 Hours Fasting

Within 24 hours your cells are increasingly recycling old components and breaking down misfolded proteins linked to alzheimers and other diseases ( Alirezaei et al., Autophagy 2010 ). This is the process called autophagy which we need to begin immune system regeneration.

Stage 5 - 48 Hours Fasting

By 48 hours fasting without any/ very few calories, carbs or protein, your growth hormone level has increased up to five times higher than when you started your fast ( Hartman et al.,1992 ).

Stage 6 - 54 Hours Fasting

By 54 hours your insulin has dropped to its lowest level point since you started fasting and your body is becoming increasingly insulin-sensitive ( Klein et al., 1993 ). This is where those with type 2 diabetes (insulin insensitivity) begin to see the body naturally re-sensitise to insulin.  

Stage 7 - 72 Hours Fasting

By 72 hours water fasting your body is breaking down old immune cells and generating new ones ( Cheng et al., 2014 ).

Benefits of Water Fasting - The Brothers Green

Maximising the Fasting Benefits

Stage 8 - after the water fast - the 'refeed'.

What happens after a water fast - the ‘refeed’ - is one of the most important parts of the fast as this is how your body will regenerate your system. After multiple days without any food your digestive system needs something simple and easy to process. The best food to break a fast is light fruit such as watermelon or a smoothie is the best way to start. This is giving your system a chance to get used to food again before beginning on solid foods. Usually waiting 2-3 hours after your fruit or smoothie is enough time before reintroducing solid food. Although it can be tempting to get stuck into an indulging feed, you won’t regret giving your body time to readjust. This ensures you don’t upset the system and can get back to your normal routine. Your first feed will taste amazing!

I find that my appetite is never as strong as before the fast , the fast can reset our idea of hunger. This gives our mind the understanding that just because our stomach is empty, it does not mean our bodies need more food. It can make it a lot easier to introduce an intermittent fasting regime or healthier diet as it resets your hunger and taste buds.

Hemp Oil & Hemp Seeds

The Brothers Green Hemp Seed Oil & Hemp Hearts are the ideal food for the transition back into eating. They are light, versatile and easy on the gut. The high polyunsaturated fats and low carbohydrates profile will keep your body in ketosis and prolong the benefits of your fast. 

Stages of Fasting- The Brothers Green

Fasting While Working & Working Out While Fasting

When Brendon and I did our water fast we aimed to fast for 72 hours . Consuming nothing but water, tea and black coffee for three days. We had our last meal on Monday evening and then we didn’t eat again until Thursday evening. During this time we also:

  • Worked three full days
  • Went to the gym three times
  • Walked up the Rapaki Track at Otautahi’s Port Hills
  • Attended a Bikram Yoga session at Flow Hot Yoga Christchurch
  • Ran around Hagley Park, Otautahi’s largest park

All while not eating . This is not exactly necessary, but we wanted to highlight the fact that we do not always need to eat to operate. Our body stores energy (yes, that’s what fat is) for us to use in these times, however, we never have access to this stored energy because we keep topping up our fuel tank with food.

As a matter of fact, one of the most surprising outcomes of the fast is how much more focused you are, and how much work you can get done when you’re not having to prepare and consume a meal three times a day. Your body is the most complicated and intelligent machine that we have ever discovered. You’re not going to fall over and die if you don’t eat for 12 hours - I’m not sure how we would have made it this far otherwise. Especially when we have so much energy stored around our body.

My favourite part… it’s so simple! Just drink water and don’t eat… I dare ya!!

Our 3 Water Fasting Tips

1. Share the Experience and Results

Practice with a friend, group or partner. This means you have someone to share the experience with and they can keep you on track. It is always easier knowing that someone else is going through the same experience and you will both be able to share the benefits.

2. Keep Your Schedule Free

Don’t plan anything too strenuous or physically difficult. Enjoy the last 24 – 48 hours of the fast at home (weekends, days off, quarantine etc.) and try not to plan any social engagements around a meal. Instead you could go for a walk or have a cup of tea. 

3. Keep Your Mind Busy

Although you don’t want to be doing anything involving food, it is a great time to read, study, do some mindfulness or complete those tedious jobs that you have been putting off. You will see that you will have a lot more time in your day, so planning to get some of these activities and jobs done will pass the time quicker.

4. Use Hemp in Transition Periods

Before & after the fast are the key times for getting the most benefits. Food with high fats and low carbs are perfect. Drink hemp seed oil and eat hemp seeds ! Click here to explore The Brothers Green product range.

Comments (70)

I am currently 28 hrs in to a 30 day fast. I will report back in 1 month.

54 hours into the fast, feel good not hungry at all since started, reckon could go longer than the 72 hours but out the following day on 15 mile hike so going to fuel before. Information on this page was super helpful thank you!

i am 40 hours into an attempt @a 72 hour water fast, the electrolytes must be helping in my water because i feel fine, over half way there now.4lb gone @36hrs.

I am wrapping up my 72 hour fast. The first 24 hours was a little bit tough because my body wanted to eat at the times I’m used to eating. I began this journey by fasting a week prior by doing a 16/8. And I was mentally preparing myself to go into a 72 hour fast. What’s amazing is you have so much clarity, energy, and you’re really not hungry. So this is an incredible way to reset you gut, cleanse and create new stem cells. Our bodies are an awesome machine!!! Thank you God!

Great info on the stages, just at the end of a 78 hour fast longest I’ve done yet.I work on site as a civil engineering carpenter so quite a physical job, really surprised how easily I’ve done it.I’ve had more energy than I do when I’m eating regularly.When I’m not fasting I’ve been on a strict keto diet since January.So I’ve felt strong anyway but as I say really surprised how great I feel could definitely go longer.

I just did a two day fast. I tried to go for three but got nauseous on the third day and stopped about six hours into the day. However, reading this article and a few others actually helped me stay with it. Knowing the benefits in stages was very helpful. So thank you. I will be trying again soon.

Hello, hello, love this article. Tomorrow morning I’ll be completing my 79 hours fast. Definitely going to look into the products you sell. Do you have a distribution in the UK? Thanks!

prolong water fast 72 hrs how many times in a month ?

Hello brother I found your information on the physiology of fasting very interesting. I am in a partial state of ketosis, eating mainly fruits vegetables and nuts at the end of the day. I have begun my 3 day fast today. I’m afraid but determined to make it, especially with the information I’ve acquired about what stages the body enters as the fasting progresses.

Hello thebrothersgreen.co admin, Your posts are always a great source of knowledge.

I’m in my second day of the water fast , I’m so hungry with a little bit of energy but I’m hanging in there . I’m only drinking water no coffee/ tea at all .will complete my 3 day . Thanks for the information

Dear thebrothersgreen.co admin, Your posts are always well-supported and evidence-based.

To the thebrothersgreen.co owner, Your posts are always well-formatted and easy to read.

I am so glad I opened this page when looking up pros and cons of extended water fast. Lots of the information on the net points readers away from water fasts and raises alarms for health concerns. I am on day 3 of water fast and I feel good. A bit less energy when exercising, but I woke up for the past two days ready to face the day, without alarm clock, and with mental clarity. Reading many of the comments gives me encouragement to continue further and allow my body to reset its metabolism, energy consumption, and ultimately change my eating habits. I am reading a book “Drop Acid” by David Perlmutter MD which is also eye opening and gives me a great place to start a healthier, more energetic, and enjoyable future. Stick to it, it’s well worth the challenge.

Interesting article with interesting feedback. I’ve been water fasting for 7 years. Just once a year. Last year my usual 72 hour fast was so easy I went on to complete a 4th day. Year after year it gets easier and more enjoyable. My family too is now involved.

One important thing to dive deeper on that is HUGELY important. When the old cells are burned they release toxins. Some are heavy metals. You do not want these released into your bloodstream for reabsorption. For that reason it is important to add a “binder supplement” once ketosis starts.

The cautions with binders… Use a proper binder that does not need food for it to be expelled. Something that can be expelled through urine. Use binders for toxins and heavy metals. Best I have found to suit is a liquid Silica and powdered Chlorella devolved in water.

I also maintain my daily dose (3 drops) of a deep earth Iodine (the only type I would recommend) to promote the necessary cellular activity being activated by your fast..

Finally, AFTER YOUR FAST IS BROKEN follow up with a liver cleanse and liver supplement. There are many so pick one right for you.

Parasite cleanses are also incredible. they do not require fasting but they do require a total lack of sugar and grains (which feed parasites). Using good quality antiparasitic teas for a week or two (yes along time with out bread lol) . Again, use binders that capture the toxins that the parasites release as a defence mechanism. NOW YOUR PROAND PREBIOTICS WILL ACTUALLY WORK!

I started the fasting regimen in desperation with astounding results to my health. My immune systems now kicks ass and I have noted my brain function (no brain fog anymore), energy, stamina and skin. It is the only reason I continue to do because the results are simply undeniable.

Good luck to all of you. And congratulations for taking your health into your own hands.

Happy Friday, I was so happy to find your instruction/information on the right and safe way to start fasting and recorrecting your body in and better healthier way. I wanted a safe way to do a 3-day water fast and then get into happy healthy eating. Thanks so much for helping me out I would like to keep your posted on how it goes while following what I read. This is important for me to do this because I’m getting ready to have a knee replacement and I want my body to be ready for it and also to have a great recovery process.

This is a great read. I had started my water fast already when I found your site. Part of my motivation to keep on track is looking online for inspiration and I found it here this time. I short fast regularly and long fast at least once a year, so I’m going to include help oil in my prep on the next one. Thanks for the tip. Great to hear from fasting legends in Aotearoha too. Otautahi is my hometown.

thanks for the information youssefweb7-online forever

Hi, I am on day 2 of a 3 day water fast. I am hungry, but feel pretty good. Just laying low and drinking green tea and lemon water. I am hoping to build new stem cells to ward off my auto immune response to winter. I fortified well before I started and plan on breaking the fast with a smoothie, including hemp seeds. This isn’t easy LoL 🤠

How often can you do the 80 hour fasts? I have been doing them once a week and I love it, but is it safe to continue?

It is great to connect with so many water fasters! I am at the end of my first day of at least 7 days only water with a bit of himalayan salt. I feel a long fast period but not sure how long yet. I did several fasts before and the longest on water (and herbal tea) was 3 days, but I feel really confident in my body. I prepared by intermittent fasting 6/18 eating only greens. Excited about the journey ahead! Joyah Sol

I’m currently on day 6 of a H20 fast & undecided about how long I’ll remain on it - hopefully 21 days. I’ve only H20 fasted once b4 in my life. The last time was years ago. I did 15 days & on day 16 I refed w/far 2 much food - the story of my life.

I’m a 72 yr old food addict who’s been fighting food & “dieting” all her life!! I’ve tried everything out there but never able 2 maintain the loss & not yo-yo w/my weight. Heretofore, my goal has only been 2 lose weight but now my focus has changed. Here’s how:

I’m a Christian & thruout the Bible people have fasted & prayed 2 achieve a goal. Jesus, Moses, Elijah, David, Daniel & Nehemiah are just a few who did it.

Now rather than my goal being just 2 lose the weight, I want 2 increase my intimacy w/God. This is the game changer. For me, the fast has become the gift & the weight loss is the bonus that comes with it.

In Phillipians Paul says “I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me”. I thought about this & it made sense. 6 successful days on H20 w/my urge 2 binge on junk controlled tells me that I can do this…. but only in His strength. Day 3 was the hardest but it was smooth sailing starting day 4. 2 say that I’m abundantly grateful is an understatement!! 😊

This time when I refeed, I’ll start with a bit of watermelon & gradually increase 2 a whole food plant based diet & include small amts of salmon & other healthy protein.

I wish all of u success in ur endeavor!! Stay safe & healthy! 🤗

Thank you so much for this information.I am planning to do a fast,maybe starting with 2 days.I feel like my relationship with food is becoming unhealthy because of stress.I find myself spending money on junk food and eating when I am not hungry,so I think it’s time I reset.I am starting with the intermittent fasting for 3 days before I get into the 2 day water fast.I will come back on here to update.

Hey all, I’m on day 9 of a 10 day water only fast. Feeling pretty good. Days 3 or 4 always feel a bit ropey for me but it gets better. I’ve been exercising throughout, but not strenuously and working 5 days a week. I have clarity and feel I’m functioning normally, but I can feel a little tired from time to time, but that always lifts. One of the side effects of fasting is of course weight loss and I’ve already dropped over 8kg, losing all that lockdown weight gain thankfully. My longest water only fast was for 2 weeks. A friend had fibromyalgia and after 2 weeks all her pain she’d suffered for 3 years was gone and now she manages much much better. I did it because I could. (BTW I wouldn’t recommend doing 2 weeks straight off the bat, I’ve been fasting for 20 years and have embraced extended fasting over the past 3 or 4 years). The awesome effects of autophagy (eating those damaged cells which age us), Immune system reset, and the production of new stem cells. Can’t get much better than that! I try to do 3 to 5 day water only fast occasionally throughout the year as a top up. Intermittent fast during the week with one 24 hour fast a week. Except on holiday and some weekends I eat and drink as I please. My energy is great, my skin is great, and best of all I feel great. Just hit 60 years old, told I look Like I’m in my forties, and I agree! :-) Keep it up everyone, you won’t regret the end results. It keeps you younger for longer.

I thought a water fast only consisted of water. Not stimulants such as coffee and tea. 🤷‍♀️

I’m currently on Day 2 of 7 water fast and the hunger pangs are getting crazy. I tried the juice fast for a month several years ago but I don’t remember getting this hungry back then (though I do recall feeling sluggish the first 4 days of it). Right now I’m only consuming water the entire day and I find myself watching food recipes on youtube mostly to fend off boredom. I don’t know if I’ll make it to Day 7 but I take comfort in seeing some comments saying it gets somewhat better by Day 4 so I’m really really really looking forward to that.

Hello fasting fellow, so nice to become part of the fasting community. It’s my first 3-day water fast – on day one so I still feel great. Very excited to see what happens on day 3. I might continue or really slow down the referring process.

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What if We can do 30-Day Water Fasting?

Are you considering embarking on a 30-day water fasting journey? Dive into this comprehensive guide to learn every step in detail and prepare yourself for a transformative experience.

Introduction to Water Fasting

Water fasting involves abstaining from all food and consuming only water for a specified period, typically ranging from a few days to several weeks. A 30-day water fast is an extended fasting protocol that offers numerous health benefits, including detoxification, weight loss, and cellular rejuvenation.

Getting Started: Pre-Fast Preparation

Before diving into a 30-day water fast, it’s crucial to prepare your body and mind for the journey ahead. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition into fasting:

  • Consult with a Healthcare Professional : Before starting any extended fast, consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying health conditions or are taking medications.
  • Gradually Reduce Food Intake : In the days leading up to your fast, gradually reduce your food intake and focus on consuming light, nutritious meals. This will help prepare your body for the fasting period.
  • Stay Hydrated : Hydration is key during fasting. Start increasing your water intake a few days before the fast to ensure you’re adequately hydrated.
  • Stock Up on Supplies : Ensure you have an ample supply of clean, filtered water to sustain you throughout the fast. Consider purchasing electrolyte supplements to replenish essential minerals.

The 30-Day Water Fasting Journey

Week 1: transition phase.

Day 1-3 : Begin your fast by consuming only water. Focus on staying hydrated and listening to your body’s cues. You may experience hunger pangs and fatigue during this transition phase.

Day 4-7 : As your body adjusts to the fasting state, you may notice increased mental clarity and reduced hunger. Stay hydrated and prioritize rest and relaxation to support your body’s healing processes.

Week 2-3: Deepening the Fast

Day 8-21 : Enter the deeper stages of fasting as your body enters ketosis, a metabolic state where it begins to burn stored fat for energy. During this phase, you may experience heightened detoxification symptoms, such as headaches, fatigue, and nausea. Stay hydrated, rest as needed, and listen to your body’s signals.

Week 4: Nearing the Finish Line

Day 22-28 : As you approach the final week of your fast, reflect on your journey and celebrate your progress. You may experience a renewed sense of energy and vitality as your body continues to detoxify and regenerate.

Week 5: Breaking the Fast

Day 29-30 : Begin the process of breaking your fast gradually. Start with small amounts of easily digestible foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and broths. Avoid overeating or consuming heavy meals to prevent digestive discomfort.

The Benefits of a 30-Day Water Fasting Challenge

1. detoxification and cleansing.

Experience the ultimate detox as your body flushes out toxins and impurities accumulated from processed foods, environmental pollutants, and stress. Water fasting allows your digestive system to rest and repair, promoting optimal detoxification at the cellular level.

2. Weight Loss and Fat Burning

Say goodbye to stubborn fat as your body taps into its reserves for energy during the fasting period. By restricting caloric intake and promoting ketosis, water fasting can kickstart your metabolism and accelerate fat burning, resulting in significant weight loss over the 30-day period.

3. Cellular Repair and Regeneration

Unlock the power of autophagy, the body’s natural process of cellular repair and regeneration. During fasting, autophagy is upregulated, allowing cells to remove damaged components and optimize their function. This rejuvenating process can enhance longevity and promote overall health.

4. Mental Clarity and Focus

Experience heightened mental clarity and focus as your brain operates more efficiently in a state of ketosis. By utilizing ketones for fuel instead of glucose, fasting can sharpen cognitive function, improve concentration, and enhance productivity throughout the 30 days.

5. Spiritual and Emotional Growth

Embrace the spiritual and emotional benefits of fasting as you cultivate mindfulness and introspection. By disconnecting from food and external distractions, you can deepen your awareness, strengthen your resilience, and foster a greater sense of gratitude and inner peace.

How to Successfully Complete a 30-Day Water Fast

1. preparation.

Prepare your body and mind for the fasting journey by gradually reducing your food intake in the days leading up to the fast. Focus on consuming nutrient-dense foods and staying hydrated to ease the transition into fasting.

2. Hydration

Stay hydrated throughout the fast by drinking plenty of water and herbal teas. Hydration is essential for flushing out toxins, supporting cellular function, and maintaining overall well-being.

3. Rest and Relaxation

Prioritize rest and relaxation during the fasting period to allow your body to heal and rejuvenate. Practice gentle movement, such as yoga or walking, and incorporate stress-reducing activities like meditation and deep breathing exercises into your daily routine.

4. Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to your body’s signals and adjust your fasting protocol accordingly. If you experience symptoms of dehydration, weakness, or dizziness, break the fast with a small meal and consult a healthcare professional if necessary.

5. Breaking the Fast

Gradually reintroduce solid foods into your diet at the end of the 30-day fast to avoid overwhelming your digestive system. Start with easily digestible foods such as fruits, vegetables, and soups, and gradually transition to more complex meals over several days.

FAQs About 30-Day Water Fasting

  • Is it safe to water fast for 30 days? Yes, water fasting for 30 days can be safe for healthy individuals when done properly and under medical supervision. However, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting an extended fast.
  • What are the potential benefits of a 30-day water fast? Some potential benefits include detoxification, weight loss, improved mental clarity, enhanced cellular repair, and reduced inflammation.
  • What should I do if I experience severe symptoms during the fast? If you experience severe symptoms such as dizziness, fainting, or severe dehydration, it’s essential to break the fast immediately and seek medical attention.
  • Can I exercise during a 30-day water fast? While gentle movement such as walking or yoga may be beneficial, it’s essential to listen to your body and avoid strenuous exercise during an extended fast.
  • How should I break my fast after 30 days? To break your fast safely, start with small amounts of easily digestible foods and gradually reintroduce solid foods over several days to avoid overwhelming your digestive system.

Embark on Your 30-Day Water Fasting Journey Today!

Are you ready to experience the profound benefits of a 30-day water fast? Follow this detailed guide, listen to your body, and embark on a transformative journey of health and wellness. Remember to prioritize hydration, rest, and self-care throughout your fasting journey. Here’s to a healthier, happier you!

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The Great Water Fasting Journey: 60 Days of Spiritual and Personal Growth & the Out of Body Experience That Came With It

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The Great Water Fasting Journey: 60 Days of Spiritual and Personal Growth & the Out of Body Experience That Came With It Paperback – December 15, 2017

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  • Print length 65 pages
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  • Publication date December 15, 2017
  • Dimensions 5.25 x 0.15 x 8 inches
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  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
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  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1973527107
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My water fasting results: How I lost 40kg

Published by dan on june 19, 2020 june 19, 2020, my water fasting results..

I’ve had a fascinating journey through the world of health and fitness over the last few years. I was overweight and unhealthy, and now I’m lean and healthy.

In fact, at thirty-six, I’m the fittest I have ever been , and I didn’t follow the traditional health and fitness rules.

Sometimes I’m lazy, undisciplined, and like to overindulge. Eating a strict diet, or many hours of exercise each day wasn’t going to work for me.

Overall I do eat healthier than before, but I still overindulge on occasion. I’m currently exercising most days, but sometimes I don’t do anything for a while.

Interestingly I now do occasional water fasting , as I’ve got great results from it. But we aren’t there yet, let’s start at the beginning.

The journey to quick weight loss results begins, but it doesn’t start with water fasting.

My journey started a few years ago with an innocent comment from a three-year-old. It was my nephew who said: “That is a big belly”.

You have to love the complete honesty of kids. We laughed it off, but it certainly stuck with me.

He was right though, you can see the before, and after photo below, I had a big belly. I did lose a lot of weight, and this was my journey.

Water fasting results before and after

Initial good results without water fasting.

My nephew’s comment struck deep. Time to stop pretending I wasn’t overweight and improve my fitness. Being over 110kg I wanted to lose weight and quickly.

Water fasting wasn’t something I knew about yet, but I still got great results from traditional methods. I set an ambitious goal of losing 10kg in five weeks , so 2kg per week. So I started eating healthier and exercising more.

I managed to achieve my goal, losing 10kg in five weeks.

Going from no exercise and never eating healthy, to exercising and eating healthy, does produce quick results. And five weeks wasn’t too long, so I was able to be strict with myself.

Being incredibly proud of the results I had achieved, I was expecting encouragement from everyone close to me, but it never came. Not a single person noticed that I lost weight quickly. But I was happy with my results, so that didn’t stop me.

I extended my goal for another five weeks to lose another 10kg.

I struggled to reduce my weight in the final two weeks but was successful again . My strategy was starting to falter. In the end, I achieved my initial goal as well as the extended goal. Over ten weeks, I had lost 20kg and felt amazing.

Now all of a sudden people started noticing, everybody noticed . The encouragement I was expecting earlier started coming in thick, and it felt great.

I settled into the new me, exercising a little, and eating healthier than before, staying around 90kg. But then the weight loss urge returned, and I wanted quick results again.

Can water fasting get quick results?

I had been experimenting with losing more weight, but my previous strategy wasn’t producing quick results, so time to try something new.

By researching water fasting, I saw others getting incredible weight loss results. And then found out about the many benefits of fasting .

Considering the health benefits and possible rapid weight loss results, I was ready to give water fasting a try.

I also figured my digestive system deserved a break, as it had been working nonstop for decades, it had earned itself a well-deserved week-long vacation.

water fast journey

My results for a week-long fast.

I gave water fasting a try for a week and achieved incredible results. Over the week, my weight started at 90kg and went down 1kg per day to 83kg.

Fitness-wise I was still exercising during the fast but did find it more difficult, especially when doing cardio. I felt my max effort while fasting was around 80-90% of normal.

On the other hand, with normal activities, I felt more energized. I put this down to my digestive system being on a break. It’s like the opposite of a food coma by overeating.

Throughout the experience, there were a few things that caught me off guard, like my hunger decreasing.

The surprises, reduced hunger, and super smell.

During my water fast, I was hungry for the first few days, and then unexpectedly, my appetite reduced . I thought my hunger would continually escalate, but it didn’t.

I did some research and found there is a “hunger hormone” called ghrelin which reduces during a fast. A detailed study is here . That explanation matched my experience, so I had found my answer. But there were tempting influences like food smells.

During my fast, my sense of smell was suddenly a superpower. I could smell foods from miles away, especially fast-food chains they are the worst.  And great smelling food wasn’t my biggest temptation, boredom was.

The hardest thing I had to deal with was boredom.

I do strict water fasts. Water only. So as well as no food, I don’t have tea, coffee, zero-calorie drinks, etc.

Water is uninteresting by itself. I have tried all different methods of drinking water to break the boredom, hot, cold, iced, room temperature, not many options.

Less strict fasts, such as including tea, coffee, a drop of lemon juice, cause me to bend the rules more, so I stick with just water.

My best defence to defeat boredom is to keep busy , which is challenging, as I end up with a lot more time than usual.

An unexpected benefit of extra time.


I hadn’t imagined fasting would free up time, but adding up the time spent cooking, eating, and cleaning up, for each meal, it made sense.

I enjoyed the extra time, but then a week was up, and I really wanted to break the boredom , so I finished my fast.

Everything then returned to normal. My weight climbed a little, and I stabilized at 85kg. But a few months later, I wanted to fast again.

My two-week fast.

I wanted to do another longer fast, so I decided on two weeks.

In the first week, my results were very similar to my initial fast, and I lost around 1kg per day. The second week was different though I only lost about 1/2kg per day.

My body had adjusted to fasting, and I had also stopped doing cardio workouts. Sweating a lot, while doing long water fasts, isn’t a great combination.

But still, over two weeks, I lost 10kg. I started at 85kg and ended at 75kg.

My weight did increase after I resumed eating, going up to 80kg. But I was happy at this new weight, so it didn’t change for a while. But then curiosity — insanity — got the better of me.

Now an even longer three-week fast.

I started with one week then two, three weeks seems the next logical step. Starting at 80kg, I undertook a three week fast.

My first week’s results were the same as previous, losing 1kg per day. Then the remaining two weeks around 1/2kg per day.

After the three weeks, I was down to 68kg. My weight hadn’t been this low since I was 18 years old.

But in the final week of the fast, I had felt drained and wondered if I had overdone it. I wanted to organize some blood tests to look for answers, so time to visit the doctor.

Doctors visit.


Explaining my fast to my doctor was an awkward conversation . He instantly thought I was crazy and asked if I heard voices.

I did try to explain the health benefits to him, but he is the doctor after all, and I’ll admit a three-week fast isn’t usual. He still thought I was crazy in the end, but we did organize some blood tests.

My test results were amazingly good. I was expecting many things to be down, after not eating for three weeks, but the tests showed everything in the normal range.

The only abnormality was my LDL (bad) Cholesterol was very high at 200. Maybe that was the cause of not feeling great, or we missed testing for something. Annoyingly the tests didn’t produce any concrete answers for my feelings.

But for me, three weeks didn’t feel right, I trust my gut feelings, so I won’t do a fast that long again.

I did also track my weight for the three-week water fast, and continued after but wasn’t impressed by the long term results.

My results after a three-week water fast.

My three-week water fasting results were disappointing. During the three weeks of fasting, my weight did drop rapidly, but most of it quickly returned.

I had a ravenous hunger the days after my fast finished, so I was eating everything I could . Healthy or unhealthy it didn’t matter, I was going to eat it. I guess my body wanted to replenish itself.

Over the three weeks, I started at 80kg, dropped to 68kg, and then stabilized at 76kg. I feel I could have achieved the same with a one-week fast. I had tracked my weight daily, so I have a graph showing progress during and after the fast below.

Three week water fast weight results chart

Regression due to holidays.

I stayed at 76kg for a while but then went back to Australia for my holidays. Everything got thrown out the window, I didn’t exercise and was indulgently eating and drinking. My weight quickly increased to 88kg in under two months. But then it was time to go back to Dubai.

Time to get back into shape.


After returning to Dubai, it was time to get back into shape. I started exercising and eating better.

I wanted to speed up my weight loss by fasting, as it was reducing slowly. But I didn’t want the fast to impact my gym routine. Then it got interrupted anyway, as my gym closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It was time to change my exercise routine.

I dug up an old exercise plan called Insanity – its name seemed to match my doctor’s thoughts about me – which didn’t require any equipment . It was a nine-week plan, four easier weeks, followed by a rest week, then four harder weeks.

I saw an opportunity to do a week-long fast during the rest week, so I started the program.

Fasting impact on fitness.

I completed the program, which took longer than nine weeks due to a sprained ankle. I also did the week-long fast in the recovery week as planned.

A benefit of this program was a built-in fitness test. I had felt a reduction in fitness from previous fasts, but now had a tracking system to investigate.

The fitness test involves counting max repetitions of different exercises within a minute. The test is repeated every two weeks throughout the program to compare. The below graph shows my average results.

Water fasting fitness results graph

The feelings of my fitness temporarily dropping due to a fast matched the results I recorded. There was a reduction on the 1st of May, which was the test after my fast.

But overall I’m happy with my final results, they do show good improvement, especially when compared to the first fitness test.

The continuing journey.

That’s my fitness story. Right now, I’m happy with my weight and fitness. What’s next? Kaizen , which is Japanese for continuous improvement.

I will start from the beginning of the exercise program again as I enjoy it and may explore some weight training options as the gym is now open.

I find water fasting interesting due to the rapid weight loss results, and health benefits . At my current weight though, I won’t be undertaking any long fasts but may do occasional short ones.

I do like a short day or two fasts to compensate for occasional overindulging. My diet is mostly healthy now, but I’m not going to go through life, avoiding everything unhealthy. Chocolates, ice-creams, pizzas, burgers, etc. aren’t exempt from my diet.

And when indulging, I can go overboard . If I’m going to order Pizza, I usually get garlic bread, a starter, a dessert, and wash that down with beer. I can eat double my daily calories. But then I can take the next day off eating. All guilt gone. Living life.


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