Statistics and reports

The European Commission supports policymakers and stakeholders in developing better strategies for a more resilient European tourism ecosystem by gathering information and analysis on performance and trends in the sector. 

EU tourism dashboard 

The  EU tourism dashboard  is an online knowledge tool aimed at monitoring the  green and digital transitions   of the tourism ecosystem to make tourism more resilient and sustainable. 

The dashboard visualises tourism-relevant data and indicators collected from available, trusted sources covering the tourism ecosystem. It offers snapshot views of key tourism indicators for the European Union and each member country. 

Eurobarometer surveys 

Flash  Eurobarometer surveys  reveal the preferences and attitudes of Europeans towards tourism. The Eurobarometer surveys offer a portrait of the current situation and an outlook for the upcoming seasons.

Studies and reports 

An online repository is available for reports, studies and papers relevant to tourism policymakers and stakeholders. A user-friendly tool allows the library to be searched by country, theme or year of publication. This section offers access to relevant publications of the Directorate-General for the Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, and the Commission, as well as to a wide range of works published by other institutions, international organisations, EU countries and academia.

More information

  • Eurostat’s official tourism statistics
  • Eurostat’s visualisation of key tourism statistics
  • All Eurobarometer surveys referring to tourism

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This collection covers national tourism, in other words tourism by residents of a country to destinations in the country of residence (domestic tourism) or abroad (outbound tourism).

Alternatively, this part of tourism statistics is sometimes referred to as "the demand side".

Data are collected by the competent national authorities of the Member States (generally the national statistical institute) and are compiled according to harmonised concepts and definitions and recommended methodological guidelines, before transmission to Eurostat. Most of the time, data on domestic and outbound trips (where "outbound tourism" means residents of a country travelling to another country) is collected via sample surveys. However, in a few cases the data relating to outbound flows are compiled from border surveys. Surveys are generally conducted on a monthly or quarterly basis.

The concepts and definitions used in the collection of data are backed by the specifications described in the Methodological manual for tourism statistics .

The information on tourism demand concerns trips (for the population aged 15 years and over) of which the main purpose is holidays or business and which involve at least one or more consecutive nights spent away from the usual place of residence. Member States are transmitting microdata to Eurostat, which enables a more detailed analysis of the data, as well as better use of partner data.

Aggregated data on participation in tourim are also transmitted to Eurostat and cover the resident population aged 15 or over, participating in tourism for personal purpose during the reference year. Finally, the data also include aggregate data on same-day visits.

Microdata on trips of EU residents as well as participation data and data on same-day visits are transmitted to Eurostat one time per year. Data are disseminated when they respect agreed validation rules and other quality criteria.

Country codes are based on the ISO 3166 (International Organisation of Standardisation – alpha-2 format), with the exception of Greece, which is coded as EL. For more details on the classification, please consult: Country codes .

The International standard classification of education (ISCED) is used to measure the educational attainment level. The currently disseminated data are based on ISCED 2011. For more details on the classification, please consult: Eurostat-Metadata (ISCED) .

For data up to 2011 (reference year), the classification system applicable (under Directive 95/57/EC) is described in the document: "Community methodology on Tourism statistics", which is available from OPOCE, under the reference: ISBN 92-828-1921-3 .

[Not applicable]

The collection consists of harmonised data collected by the Member States in the frame of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning European statistics on tourism.

Available statistics include data on residents' (for the population aged 15 years and over) tourism demand : participation, trips, nights and expenditure

Participation in tourism for personal purposes

Number of residents, aged 15 or over, having made at least 1 trip of at least 1 overnight stay. Only trips for personal purpose are covered. A breakdown by duration and by destination of the trip is provided as well as by socio-demographic characteristics of the tourist.

Concerning the breakdown by destination:

  • domestic trips cover tourists who made domestic trips only,
  • outbound trips cover tourists who made outbound trips only,
  • domestic and outbound cover tourists who have made both domestic and outbound trips.

Number of tourism trips

All tourism trips made by residents, aged 15 or over, for personal or professional/business purpose, with at least 1 overnight stay.

Concerning outbound trips with a world geographical breakdown, the destination can be understood in different ways. It may be:

  • The place the visitor considers as the most important place visited (motivating destination); 
  • The place where the most amount of time is spent (time destination); or
  • The farthest place visited (distance destination).

It is useful to know all these destinations as well as less important destinations in transit. The main destination (place, country) should be separated from other destinations. The main destination is related to the main purpose of the trip and therefore the main destination should be defined as the place that the visitor considers as the main destination. If the respondent has difficulties for deciding what that is (e.g. for a touring trip), the main destination may secondarily be decided as the place, where most nights were spent or, if there are several such places, the farthest place.

Number of tourism nights

All tourism nights spent by residents, aged 15 or over, outside their usual environment for personal or professional/business purpose.

Expenditure on tourism trips

The total consumption expenditure made by a visitor or on behalf of a visitor for and during his/her trip and stay at destination.

Total expenditure (TOTAL) is broken down by following expenditure items:

  • Accommodation
  • Food and drinks in cafés or restaurants (to report separately on an optional basis, if not, it should be included under 'other expenditure')
  • Other expenditure

Expenditures for durable and valuable goods are also available, but are not included in the total expenditure. Durables and valuable goods include for instance cars, computers, paintings, works of arts or jewellery. This category is not included in the total expenditure, because goods are used mainly after the trip. Starting with year 2013 there is a recommendation to apply 300 EUR threshold and to not include smaller values in the category durables and valuable goods (300 EUR refers to unit price rather than the total price). This recommended threshold was not applied at the same time in all countries, which may lead to fluctuations in this category from 2013 on.

From the reference year 2020 onwards, data is also available on the expenditure on packages.

For collecting data on participation in tourism, the statistical unit is the individual.

For collecting data on tourism trips and visitors making the trips, the statistical unit is the trip made by the individual.

Any person travelling to a place other than that of his/her usual environment for less than twelve months and whose main purpose of trip is other than the exercise of an activity remunerated from within the place visited.

The statistical population consists of all residents in the respective Member States, aged 15 or over. However, the Regulation allows to send data for the age group 0-14 years on an optional basis. The series published refer in general to the population 15+.

EU individual Member States and EFTA countries.

European aggregates (EU Member States) are calculated when sufficient data is available.

Data referring to (potential) candidate countries to the EU are also published if available.

Data transmitted according to the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  is available from 2012.

Data according to Council Directive 95/57/EC on tourism statistics  are available from 1990 onwards (depending on the Member State) and up to 2011.

[not applicable]

Data are expressed in absolute values.

Participation data are expressed in absolute values and as percentage of population.

Data for expenditure on tourism trips are expressed in euro.

Data refer to the reference year.

Data on trips is available by month of departure, data on same-day visits is available by quarter.

From reference year 2012 onwards, the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism is regulated by the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  of 6 July 2011 and its Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1051/2011 of 20 October 2011.

Up to reference year 2011, the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism was regulated by the Council Directive 95/57/EC on tourism statistics . 

Eurostat tourism statistics also serve as an input for a.o. OECD and UNWTO datasets.

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to these confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society.

The collection of micro-data is considered as confidential. For this reason, all tourism data is stored and processed in a secure environment.

After the aggregation process, tourism demand data is in principle not confidential.

However, to avoid the publication of figures which are statistically unreliable, Eurostat applies the following basis guidelines when disseminating aggregate tables:

  • an estimate shall not be published (data are flagged as confidential) if it is based on fewer than 20 sample observations,
  • an estimate shall be published with a flag (u) if it is based on 20 to 49 sample observations.

Tourism statistics releases are announced in the Eurostat release calendar. This concerns data releases, news articles and updates to (Statistics Explained) articles. The announced release dates refer to the publication of EU aggregates, country level data is published as soon as it is validated and fit for publication. 

Data are released via Eurobase shortly after reception of the data transmitted by the Member State. Data are released when all validation rules are respected and when they are of sufficient quality.

EU aggregates for annual data are generally published towards the end of Q3 of the year following the reference year (eg. Year X -> transmission by end June YearX+1 -> EU aggregates released by end Q3 YearX+1).

Via Eurostat website.

In line with the Community legal framework and the European Statistics Code of Practice Eurostat disseminates European statistics on Eurostat's website (see item 10 - 'Accessibility and clarity') respecting professional independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably. The detailed arrangements are governed by the Eurostat protocol on impartial access to Eurostat data for users .

News releases on-line . News releases are issued at 11 a.m CET on Eurostat's website.


Statistics in focus, pocketbooks and yearbooks in pdf format are accessible on Eurostat's website :

Statistics Explained

Statistics Explained is an official Eurostat website presenting many statistical topics in an easily understandable way. Together, the articles make up an encyclopedia of European statistics, completed by a statistical glossary clarifying all terms used and by numerous links to further information and the very latest data and metadata, a portal for occasional and regular users alike.

The page, which provides a clickable list of all articles in Statistics Explained on tourism, can be accessed under the following link:

Tourism statistics are disseminated in the on-line database . 

Not available.

Overview of tourism statistics:

The Methodological manual for tourism statistics contains a comprehensive set of recommendations on the compilation of the tourism statistics.

Further methodological documents are available on the tourism statistics related methodology section:

National metadata reports are available on Eurostat's website.

Tourism statistics are compiled by the competent national statistics authorities. Data are collected and compiled in line with   Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  and with the Code of Practice applicable to all processes for collecting and compiling European statistics.

After reception of the data, thorough quality control and validation checks are performed by Eurostat before releasing the data.

According to  Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  (Article 6 (4)3), every year, Member States shall provide the Commission with a report on the quality of the data. The report shall be provided within 9 months after the end of the reference year.

All aspects of the basic principles of quality of European statistics, listed in  Regulation 223/2009 on European statistics  are evaluated by Eurostat.

  • Timeliness and completeness: compliance with transmission deadlines and compliance with the data requirements is evaluated on a regular basis. 
  • Punctuality: efficient validation tools and intensive compliance monitoring improves the punctuality of data disseminated on Eurostat public database.
  • Accessibility and clarity: data are available and disseminated on Eurostat's online database (Eurobase) and via online articles. Breaks in series, when observed, are flagged.
  • Accuracy: evolutions are systematically verified. When huge variations are observed, the reporting country is asked to explain/confirm.
  • Coherence and comparability: where possible, data are compared with population data. The comparison is generally very good.

The importance of the tourism sector for the economic, social and cultural development of Europe is generally acknowledged. Council Directive 95/57/EC of 23 November 1995 on the collection of statistical information in the field of tourism provided for the establishment of an information system on tourism statistics at Community level. The Directive has helped create national data collection systems with data on the capacity and occupancy of accommodation establishments, from a business perspective, and on tourism demand, from a visitors' perspective. The current availability of a system of tourism statistics in the European Union would not have been possible without the Directive.  Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  establishes a common framework for the systematic development, production and dissemination of European statistics on tourism.

Any appraisal of the competitiveness of the Community tourism industry, which occupies an important place in the economy of the Member States, with tourist activities representing a large potential source of employment, requires a good knowledge of the volume of tourism, its characteristics, the profile of the tourist and tourism expenditure.

The statistics on tourism demand complete the partial picture given by the statistics on tourism supply ( capacity and occupancy of collective accommodation establishments ) which only reflect the tourist accommodation sector. Further, the tourism demand data allow to analyse the tourism patterns by the socio-demographic profile of the visitor.

Measured directly via download statistics for publications and feedback on publications or presentations.

User satisfaction surveys (for all Eurostat statistics) are regularly conducted.

The Regulation has as a scope, trips made by individuals aged 15 and over. In general, the data are only representative for the population aged 15 years and over (totals also refer to this age group). Note that data for individuals younger than 15 can be sent on an optional basis.

The main possible source of error comes from the memory effect (respondents might forget trips and expenditure). This would lead to an underestimation of trips and expenses.

Sampling errors vary among variables. The main variables are relatively accurate (e.g. Number of trips with purpose "leisure, recreation and holidays") whereas more detailed variables have a larger sampling error (e.g. Number of trips by destination).

Non-response can be high for expenditure data. Data are in this case imputed by the Member State.

According to the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council , annual data on participation in tourism for personal purposes and micro-data on tourism trips and visitors making the trips, should be sent t+6 months after the reference period.

Data are released relatively soon after the reference period.

Breaks can be observed between the reference period 2011 and 2012 due to the implementation of the  Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council .

According to the size of the sample, number of trips/nights and expenditure with some partner countries of relatively low importance can show high variations.

Breaks can be observed between the reference period 2011 and 2012 due to the implementation of the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council .

Breaks at the level of Member States are described in footnotes and are flagged as such in the database.

The quality checks and validation rules include checks on the internal coherence across tables and across reference periods.

Not measured in a systematic way.

Article 8 of  Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council  specifies that by 12 August 2016, and every 5 years thereafter, the Commission shall submit an evaluation report to the European Parliament and to the Council on tourism statistics, in particular on their relevance and the burden on business.

To further specify the  general Eurostat revision policy , the following revision policy has been established for tourism statistics.

Released data are revised on an ad-hoc basis, following reception of revised data sent by the Member States. The revisions are published instantly (with the next update of the online database), EU aggregates are recalculated and republished accordingly when relevant.

Note that no revision policy is explicitly defined in Regulation (EU) 692/2011 concerning European statistics on tourism.

The revision practice effectively corresponds to the revision practice of the domain listed under sub‑concept 17.1 (data revision – policy).

All reported errors (once validated) result in corrections of the disseminated data.

Reported errors are corrected in the disseminated data as soon as the correct data have been validated.

Data may be published even if they are missing for certain countries or flagged as provisional or of low reliability for certain countries. They are replaced with final data once transmitted and validated. When updates or revisions affect the European aggregates, these are also recalculated, for consistency with new country data.

Whenever new data are provided and validated, the already disseminated data are updated right away after validation, alongside with the relevant EU aggregates that are affected by the update.

The majority of the Member States compile this information via household surveys in which the respondents are asked to report on their trips during the reference period (a month, a quarter). In a few cases, the information is collected via visitor surveys at the border.

Surveys are conducted generally on monthly or quarterly basis.

Data are transmitted to Eurostat on an annual basis.

Tourism demand data are collected by Member States by the way of:

  • Postal questionnaire
  • Telephone interviews
  • Face-to-face interviews
  • Web surveys

These figures are transmitted exclusively via eDAMIS, respecting the formats as specified by Eurostat.

According to Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council , the data comprise four datasets:

  • The participation in tourism (annual data - first reference period 2012) and the main reasons for not participating in tourism (triennial data - first reference period 2013)
  • The micro-data on tourism trips and visitors making the trips (annual data - first reference period 2012)
  • The data on outbound same-day visits (annual data - first reference period 2014)
  • The data on domestic same-day visits (triennial data - first reference period 2015 optional, 2018 compulsory)

Data must be transmitted within six months after the end of the reference period.

Data validation is done at the level of Member States and at the level of Eurostat.

Member States should send data file:

  • Consistent with format description
  • Internally consistent
  • Fully imputed where necessary

Eurostat makes some additional validation on micro-data, such as plausibility, detection of outliers and other verifications on aggregated data such as verifying the internal consistency of aggregated data, time validation and comparison with other sources. 

Data conversion

Data conversion consists in associating micro-data records to the correct dissemination code. Codes used in the tourism database have been harmonised as much as possible with the codes used in Eurobase.

Indicators calculation

As from 2012, data on trips of EU residents (from national tourism surveys) are transmitted to Eurostat in the form of micro-data. Each record represents and includes information both on the trip (duration, purpose, destination, expenditure for this trip, means of transport...) and on the tourist (sex, age, educational level). The Member States also provide information on the weight of each record (from sample to population).

Taking into account all the records with their respective weight, aggregated data on number of trips, number of nights and expenditure combined with trips characteristics and tourist profile are calculated.

EU aggregate calculation

EU aggregates are automatically calculated when data from all countries composing the aggregate are present. In case of missing countries, EU aggregates include estimated values for the missing countries; EU aggregates are only calculated if a minimum number of countries, representing a minimum share of EU tourism, is available.

Not applicable.

Special warnings

Please consult the file containing footnotes ( See annex at the bottom of the page ).

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UN Tourism | Bringing the world closer

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UN Tourism systematically collects tourism statistics from countries and territories around the world in an extensive database that provides the most comprehensive repository of statistical information available on the tourism sector. This database consists mainly of more than 145 tourism indicators that are updated regularly. You can explore the data available through the UN Tourism database below:

145 Key Tourism Statistics

Data on inbound, outbound and domestic tourism, international tourism flows, tourism industries, employment and other indicators.

Economic Contribution and the SDGs

Data on the economic contribution of tourism and the implementation of relevant standards, such as the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) and the System of Environmental-Economic Accounting (SEEA).

Travel, Tourism & Hospitality

Travel and tourism in Europe - statistics & facts

What are the most popular travel destinations in europe, travel planning and behavior of european tourists, key insights.

Detailed statistics

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Europe 2019-2034

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Europe 2019-2034

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region

Editor’s Picks Current statistics on this topic

European countries with the highest number of inbound tourist arrivals 2019-2023

Travel and tourism: share of GDP in the EU-27 and the UK 2019-2023, by country

Further recommended statistics

  • Basic Statistic Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide 2005-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals worldwide 2019-2022, by subregion
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Europe 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in Europe 2019-2023, by type
  • Basic Statistic Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in Europe 2019-2023, by tourist type
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism: share of GDP in the EU-27 and the UK 2019-2023, by country
  • Basic Statistic Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Europe 2019-2034
  • Premium Statistic Leading European countries in the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2023

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 2005 to 2023, by region (in millions)

International tourist arrivals worldwide 2019-2022, by subregion

Number of international tourist arrivals worldwide from 2019 to 2022, by subregion (in millions)

Travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in Europe 2019-2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in Europe in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in trillion euros)

Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in Europe 2019-2023, by type

Distribution of travel and tourism spending in Europe in 2019 and 2023, by type

Distribution of travel and tourism expenditure in Europe 2019-2023, by tourist type

Distribution of travel and tourism spending in Europe in 2019 and 2023, by type of tourist

Share of travel and tourism's total contribution to GDP in European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom (UK) in 2019 and 2023

Travel and tourism's total contribution to employment in Europe 2019-2034

Total contribution of travel and tourism to employment in Europe in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in million jobs)

Leading European countries in the Travel & Tourism Development Index 2023

Leading European countries in the Travel & Tourism Development Index (TTDI) in 2023

Inbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals in Europe 2006-2023
  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrivals in Europe 2010-2022, by region
  • Premium Statistic European countries with the highest number of inbound tourist arrivals 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic Monthly number of inbound tourist arrivals in Europe 2019-2024
  • Basic Statistic Change in monthly tourist arrivals in Europe 2020-2023, by region
  • Premium Statistic Inbound tourism visitor growth in Europe 2020-2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic International tourist arrival growth in European countries 2019-2023
  • Basic Statistic International tourism spending in Europe 2019-2034
  • Premium Statistic European countries with the highest inbound tourism receipts 2019-2023

International tourist arrivals in Europe 2006-2023

Number of international tourist arrivals in Europe from 2006 to 2023 (in millions)

International tourist arrivals in Europe 2010-2022, by region

Number of international tourist arrivals in Europe from 2017 to 2022, by region (in millions)

Countries with the highest number of international tourist arrivals in Europe from 2019 to 2023 (in millions)

Monthly number of inbound tourist arrivals in Europe 2019-2024

Number of monthly international tourist arrivals in Europe from January 2019 to March 2024 (in millions)

Change in monthly tourist arrivals in Europe 2020-2023, by region

Percentage change in monthly international tourist arrivals in Europe from 2020 to 2023, by region (compared to 2019)

Inbound tourism visitor growth in Europe 2020-2025, by region

Inbound tourism visitor growth in Europe from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

International tourist arrival growth in European countries 2019-2023

Percentage change in international tourist arrivals in Europe from 2019 to 2023, by country

International tourism spending in Europe 2019-2034

International tourism expenditure in Europe in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in billion euros)

European countries with the highest inbound tourism receipts 2019-2023

Countries with the highest international tourism receipts in Europe from 2019 to 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Domestic tourism

  • Premium Statistic Number of domestic tourist trips in EU-27 countries and the UK 2018-2021
  • Basic Statistic Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation in the EU 2011-2022
  • Basic Statistic Domestic tourism spending in Europe 2019-2034
  • Basic Statistic Domestic travel and tourism spending in EU-27 countries and the UK 2019-2023
  • Premium Statistic Share of Europeans planning to take a domestic summer trip 2024, by country

Number of domestic tourist trips in EU-27 countries and the UK 2018-2021

Number of domestic tourist trips in European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation in the EU 2011-2022

Number of domestic arrivals in tourist accommodation establishments in the European Union (EU-27) from 2011 to 2022 (in millions)

Domestic tourism spending in Europe 2019-2034

Domestic tourism expenditure in Europe in 2019 and 2023, with a forecast for 2024 and 2034 (in trillion euros)

Domestic travel and tourism spending in EU-27 countries and the UK 2019-2023

Domestic travel and tourism expenditure in European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom in 2019 and 2023, by country (in billion U.S. dollars)

Share of Europeans planning to take a domestic summer trip 2024, by country

Share of adults who planned to take a domestic summer holiday trip in selected countries in Europe as of April 2024

Outbound tourism

  • Premium Statistic Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Outbound visitor growth in Europe 2020-2025, by region
  • Premium Statistic Number of outbound trips from EU-27 countries and the UK 2018-2021
  • Premium Statistic European countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure 2019-2022

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide 2020-2025, by region

Outbound tourism visitor growth worldwide from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Outbound visitor growth in Europe 2020-2025, by region

Outbound visitor growth in Europe from 2020 to 2022, with a forecast until 2025, by region

Number of outbound trips from EU-27 countries and the UK 2018-2021

Number of outbound trips from European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom from 2018 to 2021 (in 1,000s)

European countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure 2019-2022

Countries with the highest outbound tourism expenditure in Europe from 2019 to 2022 (in billion U.S. dollars)

European travelers

  • Premium Statistic Travel intentions of Europeans in the next six months 2024, by destination
  • Premium Statistic Share of Europeans planning to travel domestically or in Europe 2023-2024
  • Premium Statistic Europeans planning domestic or European trips in the next six months 2024, by age
  • Premium Statistic Europeans planning leisure domestic or European trips 2024, by trip type
  • Premium Statistic European travelers' favorite destinations for their next European trip 2024

Travel intentions of Europeans in the next six months 2024, by destination

Share of European travelers planning a trip in the next six months as of June 2024, by destination

Share of Europeans planning to travel domestically or in Europe 2023-2024

Share of European travelers planning to take an overnight trip domestically or in Europe in the next six months as of September 2023, April 2024, and June 2024

Europeans planning domestic or European trips in the next six months 2024, by age

Share of European travelers planning to take an overnight trip domestically or in Europe in the next six months as of June 2024, by age group

Europeans planning leisure domestic or European trips 2024, by trip type

Share of Europeans planning to take a leisure overnight trip domestically or in Europe in the next six months as of June 2024, by type of trip

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  • Premium Statistic Hotel market revenue in Europe 2017-2028
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Number of tourist accommodation establishments in the EU 2012-2022

Number of tourist accommodation establishments in the European Union (EU-27) from 2012 to 2022

Number of overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments in the EU 2011-2022

Number of overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments in the European Union (EU-27) from 2011 to 2022 (in millions)

Hotel market revenue in Europe 2017-2028

Revenue of the hotel market in Europe from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast until 2028 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Hotel market revenue in Europe 2017-2028, by region

Revenue of the hotel market in Europe from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast until 2028, by region (in billion U.S. dollars)

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Sales distribution of the hotel market in Europe from 2017 to 2023, with a forecast until 2028, by channel

Travel companies

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  • Premium Statistic Market capitalization of leading travel and leisure companies in Europe 2024
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Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide 2023

Market cap of leading online travel companies worldwide as of September 2023 (in million U.S. dollars)

Estimated EV/EBITDA ratio in the online travel market 2024, by segment

Estimated enterprise value to EBITDA (EV/EBITDA) ratio in the online travel market worldwide as of April 2024, by segment

Market capitalization of leading travel and leisure companies in Europe 2024

Market capitalization of leading travel and leisure companies in Europe as of March 2024 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Leading airlines in Europe based on passenger numbers 2023

Leading airlines in Europe in 2023, based on passenger traffic (in millions)

  • Premium Statistic Travel and tourism revenue in Europe 2019-2029, by segment
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  • Premium Statistic Revenue of travel and tourism market in selected countries worldwide 2023

Travel and tourism revenue in Europe 2019-2029, by segment

Revenue of the travel and tourism market in Europe from 2019 to 2029, by segment (in billion U.S. dollars)

Number of users of package holidays in Europe 2020-2029

Number of users of package holidays in Europe from 2020 to 2029 (in millions)

Number of users of hotels in Europe 2020-2029

Number of users of hotels in Europe from 2020 to 2029 (in millions)

Number of users of vacation rentals in Europe 2020-2029

Number of users of vacation rentals in Europe from 2020 to 2029 (in millions)

Revenue of travel and tourism market in selected countries worldwide 2023

Travel and tourism market revenue in selected countries worldwide in 2023 (in billion U.S. dollars)

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12 Must-Visit Historic Sites In Santa Clara, California

Published: January 16, 2024

by Charissa Gudino


Santa Clara, California, is a city steeped in rich history, boasting a myriad of captivating historic sites that offer a glimpse into its storied past. From the iconic Mission Santa Clara de Asís, which dates back to the 18th century, to the fascinating Harris-Lass House Museum, a Victorian-era gem, the city is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts. Whether you’re drawn to the architectural splendor of historic buildings or eager to delve into the cultural heritage of the area, Santa Clara’s historic sites offer a captivating journey through time. Join us as we explore 12 must-visit historic sites in Santa Clara, each with its own unique story to tell.

The Winchester Mystery House is a Historic Architectural Wonder

The Winchester Mystery House is a fascinating mansion with a haunting history. Once the personal residence of Sarah Winchester, the widow of firearm magnate William Wirt Winchester, this sprawling estate is renowned for its perplexing design. With staircases that lead to ceilings, doors that open to walls, and windows overlooking other rooms, this architectural enigma has captivated visitors for decades. The mansion’s mystique and the rumors of it being haunted make it one of the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Explore the Santa Clara University Campus

Established in 1851, Santa Clara University is the oldest institution of higher learning in California. The university’s campus boasts a rich history and striking architecture, making it a must-visit site for history enthusiasts and architecture aficionados alike. The Mission Santa Clara de Asís, the university’s landmark mission-style building, stands as a testament to the region’s cultural heritage and is a key attraction among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California .

Discover the History of Mission Santa Clara de Asís

Mission Santa Clara de Asís, a historically significant site established in 1777, is a captivating destination that offers a glimpse into California’s past. The mission’s iconic adobe architecture and serene gardens provide a tranquil setting for visitors to immerse themselves in the region’s history. With its deep roots in the founding and development of the area, Mission Santa Clara de Asís is an essential stop on the list of the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Step Back in Time at the Harris-Lass Historic Museum

The Harris-Lass Historic Museum, housed in a Victorian-era Italianate mansion, offers a compelling journey into the history of Santa Clara. Visitors can explore the well-preserved rooms and exhibits that showcase the lifestyle and artifacts of the late 19th century. The museum’s captivating displays and educational programs make it a valuable addition to the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Immerse Yourself in History at the Agnews Historic Cemetery

The Agnews Historic Cemetery, established in 1888, serves as the final resting place for many individuals with connections to the Agnews Developmental Center, a historic institution in Santa Clara. This serene and reflective site provides a poignant link to the region’s past and is a significant inclusion among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Experience the Innovation at Intel Museum

The Intel Museum offers a captivating exploration of the technological advancements and innovations that have shaped the world. Located at the Intel Corporation’s headquarters, this museum showcases the evolution of technology and the company’s groundbreaking achievements. As a site that celebrates the intersection of history and innovation, the Intel Museum is a standout attraction among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Delve into the Past at the Triton Museum of Art

The Triton Museum of Art, founded in 1965, houses a diverse collection of contemporary and historical artworks. With a focus on showcasing the cultural heritage and artistic expressions of the region, the museum provides a compelling avenue for visitors to connect with the area’s rich artistic legacy. Its role in preserving and presenting the cultural history of Santa Clara makes it an essential stop on the list of the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Visit the De Saisset Museum at Santa Clara University

The De Saisset Museum, located on the campus of Santa Clara University, offers an enriching exploration of art, history, and culture. With its extensive collection of artworks and artifacts, the museum provides a window into the diverse narratives and creative endeavors that have shaped the region. Its role in preserving and promoting cultural heritage solidifies its place among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Discover the Heritage Park Museum of Los Gatos

The Heritage Park Museum of Los Gatos, situated in the nearby town of Los Gatos, presents an immersive experience of the region’s history. The museum’s exhibits and preserved structures offer a compelling narrative of the area’s past, providing visitors with a deeper understanding of the cultural and historical dynamics at play. Its significance in preserving the heritage of the region earns it a place among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Explore the Pacific Hotel and Fallon House Historic Site

The Pacific Hotel and Fallon House Historic Site, located in the neighboring city of San Jose, offers a captivating glimpse into the Victorian-era lifestyle and architecture. The well-preserved buildings and period furnishings transport visitors back in time, allowing them to appreciate the historical charm and elegance of the bygone era. As a site that contributes to the collective historical tapestry of the region, it rightfully claims its spot among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Uncover the History of the Ainsley House

The Ainsley House, an elegant 1925 Tudor Revival-style home located in Campbell, provides a window into the opulent lifestyle of the early 20th century. The meticulously preserved house and its lavish furnishings offer a glimpse into the affluent past of the region, allowing visitors to step into a world of refined elegance and historical grandeur. Its role in preserving the architectural and cultural heritage of the area cements its place among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

Experience the Heritage of the Winchester Historic District

The Winchester Historic District, encompassing the Winchester Ranch and other historically significant sites, offers a comprehensive exploration of the region’s heritage. With its diverse array of preserved structures and immersive historical experiences, the district provides a multifaceted journey through the past, offering visitors a deeper appreciation for the cultural and architectural evolution of the area. Its status as a hub of historical significance solidifies its inclusion among the 12 Must-Visit Historic Sites in Santa Clara, California.

With its rich history and diverse cultural heritage, Santa Clara, California, offers a plethora of captivating historic sites for visitors to explore. From the iconic Mission Santa Clara de Asís to the immersive experiences at the Triton Museum of Art, the city’s historical landmarks provide a fascinating glimpse into the region’s past. Whether you’re interested in the early Spanish colonial era or the technological advancements of the 20th century, Santa Clara’s historic sites offer something for everyone. So, pack your bags, put on your walking shoes, and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey through time in this vibrant and historically significant city.

Q: What is the best way to explore Santa Clara’s historic sites? A: The best way to explore Santa Clara’s historic sites is by planning a walking or driving tour. Many of the city’s historic landmarks are conveniently located near each other, allowing visitors to create their own itinerary and explore at their own pace.

Q: Are there guided tours available for these historic sites? A: Yes, several historic sites in Santa Clara offer guided tours led by knowledgeable docents who provide in-depth information about the significance and history of each location.

Q: Are these historic sites family-friendly? A: Absolutely! Many of the historic sites in Santa Clara offer engaging activities and exhibits suitable for visitors of all ages, making them perfect for families and history enthusiasts alike.


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The Tourist Checklist

23 Best & Fun Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

In search of the best and fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA?

Santa Clara is a city in Santa Clara County, California, with a population of nearly one hundred and twenty-five according to the last census.

For over two hundred years, the city has existed as a Spanish Mission. Santa Clara is famous for its flourishing tech industry, known as Silicon Valley worldwide.

There is a touch of everything here for a fun vacation, these cuts across places to visit, events, fun adventures, and more.

Planning an exploration of Santa Clara? Here are the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Things to Do in Santa Clara, CA

1. mission santa clara.

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is currently located on the campus of Santa Clara University, it was founded by Franciscans in the 1770s.

Fire, earthquakes, and floods eradicated the original building, so the location was changed, and a new one was established in 1822.

Mission Santa Clara was built to convert the Ohlone people, and the Franciscans were doing just fine until measles and smallpox attacked Ohlone.

The mission is one of the historic sites in the city, and it was gifted to the Jesuits in 1857, who built California’s first institute of higher education, Santa Clara University.

Mission Santa Clara is open seven days a week. Although it is no longer carrying out the function it was built for, it now serves as a museum and Chapel.

It is open to everyone, and visitors can take self-guided tours with the help of brochures found close to the entrance.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States.

2. The Central Park Library

Central Park Library

The Central Park Library is one of the three libraries in Santa Clara under the Santa Clara City Library. The other two include the Northside Branch Library and the Mission Branch Library.

This library is the largest library facility in Santa Clara, with more than 80, 000 Square feet of floor space packed with a massive library collection.

The Central Park Library consists of large community rooms, group study rooms, public art, and many more.

The library has more than one hundred public computers, a computer training facility with a high-speed internet connection for personal laptops.

Central Park Library features a children’s garden, fireplaces, and a large collection of educational and innovative programs materials.

There is a fully packed bookstore with a contemporary collection of books, a nice cafe, and lovely park views.

Address: 2635 Homestead Rd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

3. California’s Great America

California's Great America

For an exceptional outdoor experience in Santa Clara, spend a day at California’s Great America with your friends and family.

California’s Great America is a massive and exhilarating fun park with many eye-catching attractions and activities.

The park features various kinds of roller coasters, including a twenty-story drop tower and the Xtreme Skyflyer that serves as hang gliding and skydiving found high above the park.

California’s Great America features rides for the family, such as a carousel, bumper cars, a flume ride, and more.

There is an amazing playground with lots of play equipment for the little ones to explore and have a great time.

California’s Great America features numerous water slides, cabana rentals, a wave pool, and a lazy river where visitors can relax and cool off.

Address: 4710 Great America Parkway, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

4. Beat The Lock Escape Rooms

Lock Escape Rooms

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms will be one of the highlights of your visit to Santa Clara with your friends and family.

Don’t forget to add a visit to Beat The Lock Escape Rooms to your checklist of things to do in Santa Clara.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms offer visitors a unique sixty minutes of wonderful experience with their loved ones.

Each escape room requires a group of at least two to fourteen people who would be locked up in a themed room and made to find ideas, clues, crack codes, and solve puzzles to help them escape before the time elapses.

Beat The Lock Escape Rooms is an excellent place for nice team-building events by law enforcement, churches, companies, youth groups, sports teams, military, and others.

It is open for different special events and offers catering services for engagements parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthday parties, reunions, anniversaries, and more.

Address: 1171 Homestead Rd University Plaza, Suite 280, Santa Clara, CA 95050-5478 United States

5. 49ers Museum

49ers Museum

 The 49ers Museum is a favorite location for football fans, especially 49ers fans, and it is open every day of the week throughout the year.

The museum is located in Levi’s Stadium, which is the home of the San Francisco 49ers consisting of a whopping eleven fantastic galleries and spaces for exhibitions.

The 49ers Museum is exciting and interactive; it features an education center that uses football as a case study to enlighten about math & art, technology, engineering, field trips, and science.

You will find a twenty-minute introductory movie close to the museum’s entrance with a vast exhibit of 49ers memorabilia such as helmets, Jerseys, super bowl rings, balls, and cleats.

There is an interactive area where visitors could try on helmets and Jerseys, learn 49ers cheers and throw a football.

49ers Museum features lifelike statues of players, including past and present, with a site of the 49er’s history.

Address: Levi’s Stadium, 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

6. The South Bay Historical Railroad Society

South Bay Historical Railroad Society

The volunteers who operate this museum staff the Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History, buildings, and the society’s library.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society displays a wide collection of historical artifacts such as a velocipede, locomotive headlights, signals, and more.

The Museum contains two nice operational model train tracks, one in N gauge and the other in OH, including maintaining a business class car from the Oregon-Washington Railroad exemplifying the different periods in railway history.

The South Bay Historical Railroad Society comprises a library filled with railroad-related books and materials.

Address: 1005 Railroad Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

7. Anderson Lake County Park

Anderson Lake County Park

Visiting Anderson Lake County Park is one of the best things to do in Santa Clara for a spectacular experience.

Anderson Lake County Park stretches to a landscape of four thousand, two hundred and seventy-five acres.

The park is home to the Coyote Creek parkway with numerous trails, the Burnett Park area, the Jackson Ranch historic park site, and the Moses L. Rosendin Park.

Anderson Lake County Park is a fantastic location for picnickers, powerboat enthusiasts, equestrians, nature lovers, and bicyclists.

It is a great spot for fishing, jet skis, and swimming; the park is filled with beautiful wildflowers, cottonwood trees, sycamore, and more.

Anderson Lake County Park is a must-visit if you truly want to explore the outdoor pursuits offering exciting recreational activities.

Address: 19245 Malaguerra Ave, Morgan Hill, CA 95037, United States

8. Harris-Lass House Museum

Harris-Lass House Museum

The museum was built in a symmetrical Italianate style in 1865, and it was expanded and renovated in the 1890s.

The Harris-Lass House Museum is the last farm property in Santa Clara, consisting of a nice farmhouse.

The Museum contains a summer kitchen, a classic California barn, a Heritage Orchard, a tank house, and a landscaped garden.

Harris-Lass House Museum is remarkably furnished with Lass Family belongings, and it is open for occasional docent-led tours and school and group tours.

A ddress: 1889 Market Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

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9. K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara

K1 Speed Santa Clara is an exciting destination for families, friends, and co-workers to experience incredibly fun.

This family-friendly fun center features fast indoor electric go-karts, state-of-the-art safety barriers, and a professionally-designed track.

K1 Speed Santa Clara consists of many meeting rooms and an arcade room that features different varieties of games.

There is a snack bar that offers delicious meals and chilled drinks for reasonable costs; this is the best place for motorsports lovers.

K1 Speed Santa Clara is a wonderful venue for corporate events, social outings, fun date night ideas, company parties, bachelor or bachelorette parties, birthday parties, and much more.

 The fun offered here will give you a feel of adrenaline rush, K1 Speed Santa Clara guarantees you a fun experience, and it is open for all skill levels.

Address: 2925 Mead Ave, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

10. Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House

Headen-Inman House was originally built in 1913, but the recent building was in 1985, and its location was changed.

The beautiful bungalow was established in Arts and crafts style; it was transformed into a lovely museum containing several items.

Headen-Inman House features a collection of furniture owned by the Inam family, as well as dining room furniture, an old pump organ, and a bedroom suite.

There is a reserved room specifically for photographs and artifacts that demonstrates the history of Santa Clara.

The Santa Clara founders and pioneers room consists of credible information about the early settlers in the region.

Address: 1509 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States .

11. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

The de Saisset Museum was established in 1955, and it is located adjacent to Mission Santa Clara at the Santa Clara University.

The museum started as an art gallery showcasing more than one hundred works made by the Painter Ernest de Saisset.

It combines both art and history with diverse and easily accessible exhibits, with great emphasis on art from the San Francisco Bay Area and the Santa Clara Valley.

The de Saisset Museum also houses European and American artworks from the Renaissance. In addition, the museum has an impressive collection of Mission-era Liturgical vestments and an exhibit on California history.

Address: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, California 95053, United States

12. Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park

Henry Schmidt Park should certainly be on your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It is home to the “Henry Schmidt Park Walls of Fame.”

This eight-acre park showcases sports memories of Henry Schmidt, a forty years old who dedicated himself to training athletes.

Henry Schmit coached Santa Clara University Bronco athletic teams and the San Francisco 49ers; the sports display is in the large neighborhood building.

Henry Schmidt Park features basketball courts, four tennis courts, the Tom Barrett softball field, a large play area, and an exercise course.

Picnic facilities are available in the picnic area with bbq grills and restrooms, including a playground.

Address: 555 Los Padres Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

13. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is one event you shouldn’t miss in Santa Clara.

The Festival is open to both tourists and residents alike for free, and it is an extremely exciting family event in Santa Clara.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival is held in the city’s central park and usually features numerous talented local and regional artists.

The festival features about two hundred vendors selling different merchandise like a wide variety of California’s best wines, fine arts & crafts, and gourmet food.

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival features twenty-five community groups serving International foods, micro-brewed beer, and fine wines, with live entertainment on three stages.

The festival also features the ever-popular kids’ kingdom and a new shaded Craft Beer Garden.

Address: Location is Central Park, 969 Kiely Blvd, Santa Clara, California United States

14. Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

Fleming's Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar

If you haven’t visited Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar, you’re missing out; add dining at this lovely restaurant to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar offers the best sevice when serving amazing prime steak, handcrafted cocktails, and wines.

This restaurant offers an extensive food menu which includes French onion soup, Miso Glazed Chilean Sea Bass, fleming’s salad, sweet chilli calamari, lobster bisque, Crème Brûlée, key lime pie, caesar salad, Filet Mignon Sandwiches, and more.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar comprises a full-service bar that offers wines like loosen bros, maso canali, Kim Crawford, duck horn, Francis coppola, goldeneye, and more.

If you’re planning a special occasion, hosting a business date, or you just want to enjoy a delicious meal with great services, Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar is the best option.

Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar also offers online delivery if you can’t come yourself or simply want to enjoy the meal in the comfort of your home or wherever you are.

Address: 2762 Augustine Dr Suite 110, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

15. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

If you’re searching for a place to shop, add shopping at Santa Clara Farmers’ Market to your list of things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers a wide variety of commodities, starting from seasonal produce & freshly baked goods, prepared food items to health & body products.

The market is open all year-round on Saturdays only from 9am-1pm, offering goods for affordable prices you can’t get elsewhere.

Santa Clara Farmers’ Market offers fresh and healthy produce to encourage the public to always choose the best products.

The market offers you an opportunity to meet and interact with locals and ask them questions about the town.

Address: 950 Jackson St, Santa Clara, CA 95050, United States

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16. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

 A day at Levi’s Stadium is one of the top things to do in Santa Clara, CA. It has a sixty-eight thousand seating capacity.

Levi’s Stadium is home to the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers, and it is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The stadium is the venue for the 49ers season; the pre-season begins from August to its final season-ending in early January.

Levi’s Stadium is a host of world-class entertainment and concerts that are always held daily.

The stadium is available for public tours, which may be booked through Ticketmaster; the public tour includes a 90-minute tour of the stadium and admission to the 49ers Museum.

A group of more than twenty people can organize a private tour, and the stadium features a restaurant, Bourbon Steak, that offers delicious American fares.

Address: 4900 Marie P. DeBartolo Way, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

17. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee

The best way to start your day is by drinking a flavorful cup of coffee, and Voyager Coffee serves the most delightful coffee in Santa Clara.

Voyager Coffee was founded in 2016 and has continually served the public with world-class coffee they can’t get anywhere else.

The owners and staff ensure the customers are happy by providing a comfortable environment to feel free and interact with other guests and form new friendships.

They offer fresh and delicious pastry and baked foods, tea, coffee, and other non-coffee drinks, served however you want it.

Voyager Coffee offers drinks like Chai latte, drip coffee, Americana, mocha, cold brew, drinking chocolate, London fog, cappuccino, macchiato, and more.

Aside from drinks, they also offer meals like Avocado toast, almond butter toast, nut & honey, cinnamon rolls, Chocolate Almond Croissant, Pesto Ricotta Toast, chocolate cake, and so on.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Address: 3985 Stevens Creek Blvd, Santa Clara, CA 95051, United States

18. Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

 Whether you’re an art lover or not, add a visit to the Triton Museum of Art to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara, CA.

Triton Museum of Art’s primary mission is to promote local, regional, and national art by showcasing the various artworks.

The Museum collects and displays historical and contemporary California artworks with a duty to motivate cultural and gender inclusiveness.

Triton Museum of Art enlightens the public on art and the creative process; the building itself is a piece of art with a curved glass wall.

The Museum is home to the historic 1866 Jamison-Brown house and a seven-acre sculpture garden.

Address: 1505 Warburton Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

19. Central Park

Central Park

Are you ready for a terrific fun moment with your dear friends and family? Then, visiting Central Park should be on your Santa Clara to-do list.

Central Park is a center for recreational activities, and it houses the George F. Haines International Swim Center and a 30, 000 square foot Community Recreation Center.

The park consists of two softball fields, two lighted tennis courts, basketball courts, a green bowling lawn, an exercise course, and more.

Central Park also consists of a fantastic amphitheater and a beautiful children’s playground with lots of fun equipment.

This park is a perfect venue for group and family picnics at designated areas with barbecue pits and public restrooms.

Address: 969 Kiely Blvd., Santa Clara, California 95051, United States.

20. Montague Park

Montague Park

Montague Park is a wonderful 5.5-acre park with several facilities suitable for both adults and children.

The park is home to a neighborhood recreation facility that features two tennis courts, a large multi-purpose room, and restrooms.

Montague Park features a children’s play area with several play apparatus for them to explore and have a memorable experience.

There is a picnic area with picnic tables and bbq grills perfect for a small family outing or friends gathering to grab a meal together.

Montague Park is adjacent to the Montague Swim Center, which offers recreational swim and swimming lessons during the summer months.

Address: 3595 MacGregor Ln, Santa Clara, CA 95054, United States

21. Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is housed in an old training center behind the Santa Clara Fire House in Santa Clara.

 The museum contains numerous memorabilia from 1855 when the Santa Clara Fire Department was established.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum showcases photographs, documents, and fire equipment like fire extinguishers, nozzles, and hoses.

The museum features an excellently refurbished Model T Ford truck purchased by the Santa Clara Fire Department. It was used as a she truck from 1921-1945, and it has been well refurbished by volunteers.

The Santa Clara Fire Museum is open to everyone as well as school groups with educational programs relating to fire safety.

Address: 1900 Walsh Avenue, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

22. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area is a forty-one acre open space that brings you close and helps you communicate with nature.

The area is committed to preserving the native Californian vegetation and wildlife with a variety of natural habitats.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of riparian woodland, grassland, savannah, wetlands, coastal scrub, and other natural habitats.

This nature preserve features a bird and butterfly garden with nectar plants, including monkeyflower and fuchsia, that attract hummingbirds and a wide range of butterflies.

Ulistac Natural Area consists of natural trails featuring interpretative signs, and it was once a seasonal camp for the Ohlone Indians.

This preserve was used as a golf course in the mid-20th century, as grazing land for sheep and cattle during the Spanish and Mexican conquest era, and as agricultural land for 19th-century Chinese settlers.

Address: 4910 Lick Mill Road, Santa Clara, California 95054, United States

23. War Memorial Playground

War Memorial Playground

 For your next family outing, add a visit to War Memorial Playground to your list of fun things to do in Santa Clara.

War Memorial Playground is a one-acre park perfect for families with children who want to share an intimate moment.

The playground is small but unique, with large sculpted ants and an anthill for climbing. They were designed and made by Francine Agapoff, California artists.

War Memorial Playground is ideal for preschoolers and toddlers with their guidance; for their utmost safety, dogs are prohibited from the park.

There are sandboxes for kids to play in and a flagpole with memorial plaques underneath it to commemorate those that died during the war.

War Memorial Playground provides benches for the adults to sit on while the little ones play around with picnic areas.

Address: 295 Monroe Street, Santa Clara, California 95050, United States

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Plan your trip to Santa Clara

Santa Clara offers something for everyone, making this city an exciting place to visit for the entire family.

Santa Clara should be your next vacation destination as there are several fun options to pick from. Whether you’re in the mood to go out and have great fun or simply want to relax, enjoy a delicious meal, read a novel, or discover new things.

Start planning a trip to Santa Clara, CA.

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15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA)

Santa Clara is a city of nearly 125,000 residents that’s located in Santa Clara County, about 75 kilometers south of San Francisco .

The city was founded more than 200 years ago as a Spanish Mission. Now, it’s most well-known for its booming tech industry that’s commonly referred to around the world as Silicon Valley.

Though it’s common knowledge to most football fans, it’s a surprise to many to discover that the relatively small city is also the home of the National Football League’s San Francisco 49ers.

Visitors to Santa Clara have abundant activity options at their fingertips without venturing outside city limits, so staying engaged and entertained shouldn’t be an issue.

1. Levi’s Stadium

Levi's Stadium

With a capacity of nearly 70,000, Levi’s Stadium on Marie P. DeBartolo Way in Santa Clara is one of the country’s premier professional football stadiums.

The 49ers play their home games here, and during the off-season, the stadium hosts a variety of annual events, including concerts featuring big names in the music industry.

Taking a family to a football game isn’t the least expensive activity option in the area, but for those who’ve never taken in a pro game, it’s an exhilarating experience that may be worth the cost.

Guided tours are also regularly available, and the bars and restaurants around the stadium are fun to visit year-round.

2. Ulistac Natural Area

Ulistac Natural Area

Despite its large population and the overall hustle and bustle, the Bay Area features plenty of urban parks and natural areas that are convenient options for those interested in enjoying the great outdoors.

The Ulistac Natural Area is located on Lick Mill Road in Santa Clara. It is comprised of more than 40 acres that include a variety of distinct environments.

The natural area straddles the Guadalupe River and is home to an array of plants and animals that are well-suited to its riparian habitat.

A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs.

3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival

Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there’s no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.

The event is held in the city’s Central Park and features nearly 200 vendors from across the country selling fine art and crafts, gourmet food, and a vast selection of California’s best wines.

Proceeds are donated to worthwhile causes that benefit residents in need. It all takes place in the early fall when the central California weather is perfect for outdoor activities.

Other highlights include live entertainment and lots of art-related activities for kids.

4. The de Saisset Museum

de Saisset Museum

Though he’s not exactly a household name for those who don’t typically travel in West Coast art circles, Ernest de Saisset was one of the Bay Area’s most prominent artists in the 19th century.

Saisset was a French immigrant who enrolled in Santa Clara University and studied painting as a young man.

The museum that now bears his name is located on the university’s campus. It includes a collection of more than 100 of his most impressive works.

It’s as much a historical attraction as it is an art one, and it also has other works from European and American artists dating back hundreds of years.

5. Intel Museum

Intel Museum

Intel is one of the titans of the tech world. Over the years, it has been responsible for some of the most significant technological leaps forward in computer hardware.

The Intel Museum is located on the campus of the company’s world headquarters in Santa Clara, and it’s regularly open to the public.

Even for those who don’t fall into the tech-savvy category, it’s a fascinating place that’s definitely worth an hour or two of time.

Though it may sound dry to technophobes, it’s packed with interactive exhibits for visitors of all ages, so it’s great for kids with short attention spans too.

6. Santa Clara Farmers’ Market

Farmers Market

There’s really no better way to rub elbows with locals, enjoy pleasant weather, and have access to tons of great products you won’t find elsewhere than by visiting a farmers’ market.

The Santa Clara Farmers’ Market is open year-round and features a little bit of everything – from seasonal produce and fresh baked goods to health and body products and prepared food items.

Held on Jackson Street near the downtown area, it’s common to find different items each time you go.

Spending a few bucks is a great way to support local farmers and entrepreneurs, and don’t be shy about asking them for suggestions for things to see and do while in town.

7. California’s Great America

California's Great America

There’s no shortage of theme parks in the Golden State, but there’s one clear choice for those visiting Santa Clara.

California’s Great America is located on Great America Parkway just outside of town. It features tons of rides, dining options, kid’s activities, and a water park that’s a huge draw during the hot summer months.

Though Great America can really draw a crowd during peak times when kids are enjoying their summer vacations, previous guests have noted that wait times for rides weren’t overly long.

Many families choose to spend an entire day on-site to avoid wasting valuable recreational time in the car.

8. Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara

Mission Santa Clara is one of the city’s premier historic sites, and it’s now conveniently located on the campus of Santa Clara University.

The mission was established by Franciscans in the 1770s to spread Christianity to the area’s Native American population.

Sadly, things didn’t go according to plan; due to several natural disasters, the mission was forced to move from its original site to where it is now.

Over the years, it was also run by the Jesuits. Though it’s no longer functioning in its original role, it now doubles as a museum and chapel that are open to visitors.

9. The Triton Museum of Art

Triton Museum of Art

Though guests tend to visit the Triton Museum of Art for the works in its collection, its stunning contemporary architecture usually makes a big impression as well.

The museum’s collection includes works from all over the country, but its emphasis is on pieces created by Bay Area artists using local people and scenery as inspiration.

The grounds also include a sprawling outdoor sculpture garden spread over nearly seven acres, and a home from the mid-1860s that’s among the most well-preserved examples of historic American architecture in the area.

The museum is located on Warburton Avenue, and most visitors spend a few hours on-site.

10. Santa Clara Players

The Santa Clara Players traces its roots all the way back to the early ‘60s, when a group of local performers began putting on small shows for the community.

Now nearly seven decades later, they’re still going strong. Their annual performances run the gamut from dramatic theater and mystery to satire and humor.

The players are part of a community theater group staffed by talented volunteers dedicated to providing high-quality, family-friendly entertainment at a reasonable cost.

They’re located on Don Avenue in Santa Clara and offer lots of volunteer opportunities for budding actors and stagehands.

11. Central Park

Santa Clara Central Park

Featuring lots of wide-open spaces and massive swimming and community rec centers, Santa Clara’s Central Park is a go-to destination for activity minded visitors looking to make the most of their limited vacation time without traveling to more distant attractions.

The park is centrally located on Keily Boulevard, has ample parking, and features lots of outdoor amenities and recreational activity options.

From tennis and basketball to softball, lawn bowling, and a big playground, there’s really no excuse for getting bored while on-site. For those looking to spend a relaxing afternoon, there are a lake, built-in BBQs, and public restrooms.

12. The 49ers Museum

49ers Museum Located In The Levi’s Stadium

Even for those who won’t be in Santa Clara during the regular season, the 49ers stadium and museum are fun attractions worth visiting for sports-minded visitors.

The museum is located inside Levi’s Stadium and features nearly a dozen distinct galleries that are open to the public year-round.

It’s a fun and educational experience for visitors of all ages. In addition to football, its exhibits touch on science, technology, and art in a way that engages and entertains young and old minds alike.

Most guests check out the introductory video in the visitor’s center before showing themselves through the impressive collection of trophies, balls, and Super Bowl memorabilia on display.

13. The Santa Clara Fire Museum

Santa Clara Fire Museum

The Santa Clara Fire Department’s roots run all the way back to the 1850s when it was founded.

The museum is now located on Walsh Avenue in an unused training center behind the city’s new fire station.

It sports an impressive collection of equipment and historical memorabilia that give visitors unique insights into the lives of fire and rescue personnel in years past.

The museum’s highlights include a fully restored Model-T fire truck that served for two decades, beginning in the 1920s.

The knowledgeable local volunteer staff also offer regular programs geared at educating the public about fire safety and prevention issues.

14. Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History

The Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History is run by a local historical society. It is housed in the depot of a now-defunct railroad on Railroad Avenue in Santa Clara.

Like many local historical attractions, the museum is staffed by local volunteers who love answering questions and showing first-time visitors around.

The museum’s exhibits include a variety of railroad equipment and memorabilia, including signals, safety equipment, and historical photographs dating back over 100 years.

The museum is regularly open to the public. It maintains an extensive library of books relating to railroad development and local history as well.

15. Voyager Coffee

Voyager Coffee, Santa Clara

Though it has only been around since 2016, Voyager Coffee’s owner and staff are dedicated to the noble pursuit of making their customers happy.

They do this largely by providing world-class coffee, but also by offering a comfortable space in which guests have opportunities to build relationships with like-minded customers.

Many of their coffees sport internationally influenced flavors, and they’re often infused with things like orange essence and cherry blossom water.

Don’t worry if you prefer your coffee straight-up, because they’ve got more traditional brews as well.

They offer fresh pastry and baked goods, tea, and other non-coffee drinks too.

15 Things to Do in Santa Clara (CA):

  • Levi's Stadium
  • Ulistac Natural Area
  • Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival
  • The de Saisset Museum
  • Intel Museum
  • Santa Clara Farmers’ Market
  • California's Great America
  • Mission Santa Clara
  • The Triton Museum of Art
  • Santa Clara Players
  • Central Park
  • The 49ers Museum
  • The Santa Clara Fire Museum
  • Edward Peterman Museum of Railroad History
  • Voyager Coffee

Byron Bay's 2024 Bluesfest pumped $230 million into NSW economy, report finds

By Max Tillman

ABC North Coast

Topic: Carnivals and Festivals

A drone shot of tents, cars and stages on a site

Bluesfest attracts thousands annually, driving local tourism. ( Supplied )

A report commissioned by organisers of Byron Bay's Bluesfest shows it pumped more than $230 million into the NSW economy this year.

The final Bluesfest is scheduled for Easter 2025.

What's next?

Ballina MP Tamara Smith is petitioning for government funding to keep the festival alive.

A report commissioned by the organisers of Byron Bay's Bluesfest estimates this year's event contributed more than $230 million to the NSW economy. 

With the 2025 line-up announced as the event's last, the report paints a picture of what the region could lose.

Conducted by Queensland-based company Lawrence Consulting, it shows the 2024 festival generated $235.1 million in total economic output across New South Wales. 

Three musicians face a heaving crowd as they perform at Bluesfest 2019.

Australian artist Baker Boy played to a packed tent at Bluesfest 2019. ( Supplied: Dave Kan )

Author Reuben Lawrence said that figure took into account what happened beyond the confines of the festival site at Tyagarah near Byron Bay.

"We're [also] talking about how much people spend outside of the festival," he said. 

"It's a catalyst for people to spend more time holidaying in NSW, and we capture that too." 

Flow-on effect

The report found the festival generated $42 million for the Byron Shire and $83 million across the Northern Rivers region, providing work for 748 full-time employees. 

Mr Lawrence said the findings were based on data generated by an extensive survey of spending habits completed by more than 1,300 patrons.

"We know that patrons spend about $425 a day in the local area, outside of what they spend at Bluesfest itself," he said.

The data showed the biggest winners across the Byron Shire were the arts, accommodation and food sectors. 

Arts and recreation services saw $25 million spent over the festival period, more than a quarter of the total spend across the Byron Shire.

Bluesfest founder and executive chairman Peter Noble said the report's findings were "bittersweet".

"This is an amazing achievement not only for the Byron Shire but for the entire state, demonstrating just how significant Bluesfest is to our local and state economies, yet in 2024 Bluesfest lost money" he said.

A grey haired man leans forward towards the camera with a broad grin.

Peter Noble says the report outlines the economic benefits of the festival to the Northern Rivers.  ( Supplied: Bluesfest )

Mr Noble said although at this point 2025 would be the last year for Bluesfest, "it doesn't have to be".

"Under current economic conditions, we simply cannot continue and that's why we have asked for NSW government support," he said.

"We’re not looking for a handout, we're looking for a hand up as our industry grapples with the cost-of-living crisis and other challenges."

Calls to save festival

two women laughing as they take a selfie outdoors at the 2023 bluesfest music festival in byron bay

An e-petition calling for a rescue package from the NSW government has about 6,000 signatures. ( AAP: Jason O'Brien )

The event has taken place almost every Easter since 1990, but has faced a raft of challenges since COVID-19.

An e-petition calling on the NSW government to provide an eleventh-hour rescue package, started by local Greens MP Tamara Smith, currently has about 6,000 signatures.

The region has already suffered economic blows caused by the loss of events such as Splendour In The Grass and Falls Festival.

Across Australia, major events like Groovin The Moo , Spilt Milk and Harvest Rock will not be staged this year, while the Sunshine Coast Council recently cancelled the Caloundra Music Festival for good .

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  3. High-value datasets

    Tourism data from Eurostat. The EU's official statistical office, Eurostat, offers a large number of datasets to study tourism, along with a detailed page in the 'Statistics Explained' section that shows major trends. One way to look at tourism is to analyse where people tend to come from and where they go.

  4. EU tourism statistics and reports

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  5. Eurostat, Tourism

    Eurostat, Tourism. Eurostat, Tourism (Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments: arrivals and nights spent by residents and non-residents. Capacity of tourist accommodation establishments ...

  6. Trips of EU residents

    14.1. Timeliness. According to the Regulation (EU) 692/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council, annual data on participation in tourism for personal purposes and micro-data on tourism trips and visitors making the trips, should be sent t+6 months after the reference period. 14.2.

  7. Data browser first visit

    Deliberately limited to line/bar/map charts to leave the floor to Eurostat Visualisation Tools. Data export + API wider format SDMX, JSON-STAT should help you to reuse Eurostat data in the solution of your choice. Please contact [email protected] for further information. Keep up to date using Eurostat's daily updates!

  8. The EU Tourism Dashboard

    A network and system's view of the ETD. The ETD can be seen as a node in the tourism information network, where existing data from others nodes (data providers) are collected, reprocessed, and re-distributed. To function properly, this node, or connected knowledge system, needs the following elements: People, institutions, governance.

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    Sign in. Hidden fields

  10. Tourism Statistics Database

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    The growth rate of inbound tourism in the region accelerated in the 2010s, with Europe reporting a peak of more than 740 million inbound visitors in 2019. While this figure declined sharply with ...

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    Number of tourist arrivals per 100 residents Total number of tourism arrivals (domestic and international) at tourist accommodation establishments per 100 residents by NUTS 2 level. An arrival is defined as a person (tourist) who arrives at a tourist accommodation establishment and checks in or arrives at non-rented accommodation.

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  14. International tourism, number of arrivals

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    A particularly popular attraction for bird watchers, it features a number of well-marked nature trails dotted with interpretive signs. 3. Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival. Californians take their art and wine seriously, and there's no better way to combine the two than by visiting the Santa Clara Art & Wine Festival.

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