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Jeune coureur automobile, Cole Trickle est intégré à l'écurie de Tim Daland où il s'entraîne aux courses de Nascar. Véritable tête brûlée, Cole remporte de nombreux trophées mais un jour, à cause ce tempérament de feu, il commet une imprudence lors d'une course et se retrouve à l'hôpital. Aidé par la belle neurologue, Claire Lewicki, le jeune homme ouvre les yeux sur lui-même et très vite, remonte en selle pour participer à la plus grande compétition de sa vie.

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Ce soir en streaming gratuit : en 1990, Tom Cruise battait déjà des records de vitesse dans un film d'action injustement oublié aujourd'hui

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  • Jeckxdeel Du pur plaisir gros beauf si on veut être plus explicite!
  • Stefano A. Pareil très surpris de cette note ! j’ai du le voir une centaine de fois dans ma jeunesse ! un super casting une belle histoire d’amitié et de passion bref j’adore !
  • L'ours à lunettes Le genre de film qui sent bon les années 80/90, et même si c'est loin d’être le meilleur d'entre eux qui me rappelle à quel point j'adore le cinéma de cette époque, 30 ans après sa sortie je prend plaisir à le découvrir. Le casting est juste parfait, c'est dynamique et nous tient en haleine bien que le scénario soit assez prévisible. Voir Tom Cruise se faire malmener à plusieurs reprises par Nicole Kidman et surtout voir ses pétages de plombs en voiture (et même en fauteuil roulant) m'ont bien fait déliré ! Meilleur que Top Gun 3,5/5
  • Bruno G Je m'attendais pas non plus à une si mauvaise note spectateur... Je viens de le revoir avec le même plaisir... Un film frais qui fait du bien... Des valeurs, de l'humour, du rythme... Ce film sent l'huile et le garage... Et l'insouciance de mes jeunes années... Cette mauvaise note spectateur me surprend vraiment...
  • Naughty Dog je suis d'accord, je l'avais découvert avant Top Gun, et je l'ai toujours préféré à ce dernier :) et l'OST de Zimmer est top
  • Allolant Incroyable que ce film soit aussi mal noté. Ren à redire, ce film est une pépite.
  • malgood Quand je vois 2,5 pour ce film...je suis stupéfait!Quand je le regarde,j'ai l'impression d'étre Cole Trickle au volant entrain de faire des poussettes à Rowdy et la musique,juste culte!
  • salima D. le film de ma jeunesse ...sympas a voir .
  • BRAD CRUISE TOP GUN en 4 roues sur terre !de bons ingrédients et une bonne recette
  • mad-dog J'avais vu ce film quand j'étais gosse, depuis l'eau à coulé sous les ponts mais il reste toujours très plaisant à regarder. Certains y voit une sorte de "top gun avec des voitures" c'est plutôt juste d'ailleurs, même si sa popularité est moindre. Un film à voir, même sans être fan de sports mécaniques car les scènes de courses sont très bien réalisées et on ressent cette sensation grisante de vitesse et de danger.
  • lostlife je l'ai encore vu hier ... un des meilleurs film de voitures jamais réalisé.vivement le 2 !mais sans nicole "je suis une sal*** nympho planquée derriere un glaçon qui critique tout le monde '' kidman par pitié...
  • Lulumine11 un des films de mon enfance... fan d'auto je le re-re-regarde toujours avec autant de plaisir même si je l'accorde ce n'est pas le chef d'oeuvre du siècle non plus.
  • Romain Valette Excellent film, culte pour les amateurs de course automobile à la sauce US !
  • rl_Agent007 Un vrai plaisir ce film! Ma critique : http://www.critiques-de-chatle...
  • Jam Je me souviens je l'avais vu étant petit et j'avais adorer. L'idée de le revoir sous un autre point de vue me plaisait bien. Le résultat fut le même je suis également rester bouche bé devant. Je trouve qu'il est vraiment très bien mis en scène, les multitude de mouvements des caméras sont très malin. Personnellement, si je devais le comparer à Top Gun je le trouve bien aux dessus, même si il est beaucoup moins spectaculaire et pas aussi populaire. Tom Cruise est très convaincant dans son rôle de pilote casse-cou. Jours de Tonnerre est l'un des films de Tony Scott que je préfère avec True Romance. Même moi qui ne suit pas un grand fanatique de cours automobile j'adore.

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Meilleurs films avec Tom Cruise

Meilleurs films avec Tom Cruise

Quel est le meilleur film avec Tom Cruise ? Les aventures d’Ethan Hunt dans la saga Mission : Impossible sont-elles devenues avec le temps aussi réussies que Jerry Maguire ? Top Gun, qui contribua à faire de Tom Cruise une star, est-il surpassé par sa suite Maverick ? Cette liste de cinquante films tente de répondre à ces questions. A travers tous ces bons rôles joués par Tom Cruise , on voit aussi comment il a alterné entre action et film d’auteur . A réserver également à ceux qui cherchent un bon film de Tom Cruise à voir et n’ont pas d’idées.

affiche du film Magnolia

avis du public :

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Going Clear : Scientology

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Top Gun : Maverick

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Minority Report

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Quel est le film le plus connu de tom cruise .

On peut dire qu’ il s’agit de Mission : Impossible , tourné en 1996. Près de trente ans après sa sortie, il est toujours présent dans l’esprit des cinéphiles car ses suites continuent à être produites . La saga de films Mission : Impossible reste encore et toujours une série de longs-métrages à succès . Elle reste indissociable de Tom Cruise car elle le met en scène, film après film, dans des scènes de cascades impressionnantes. Ces dernières étaient présentes dès le premier volet, très marquant notamment pour sa scène de piratage d’ordinateur suspendu au-dessus du sol.

Tom Cruise a-t-il gagné un Oscar ?

Tom Cruise n’a jamais gagné d’Oscar . Certains l’imaginaient triompher lors de la cérémonie pour ses rôles dans Eyes Wide Shut ou Magnolia . Ces films ayant été réalisés par de grands cinéastes – Kubrick, et Paul Thomas Anderson – on pouvait s’attendre à ce que les prestations que Tom Cruise y livraient soient davantage saluées. Pour Magnolia, il a tout de même remporté le Golden Globe du Meilleur second rôle masculin . Le rôle de gourou du sexe machiste qu’il y joue a su trancher avec le reste de sa filmographie. Il a également gagné un autre Golden Globe en tant que Meilleur Acteur de Comédie, pour Jerry Maguire .

Quel film avec Tom Cruise a eu le plus de succès au box-office ?

Il s’agit de Top Gun : Maverick . Cette suite à Top Gun sortie trente-six ans après a dépassé le milliard de recettes au box-office mondial . Il s’agit du premier film de la star à réaliser ce score . Un record établi à l’âge de soixante ans, pour Tom Cruise . D’autres succès se préparent pour lui, car la saga Mission : Impossible continue. Son septième volet, Dead Reckoning, sortira en prime en deux parties. Reste à savoir si la saga Top Gun aura elle aussi encore des suites.

Quel a été le plus gros échec de Tom Cruise ?

Il s’agit de Legend . Il est sorti en 1985, alors que le jeune acteur venait de se faire beaucoup remarquer dans Risky Business . Sa prestation en courageux héros de conte allant sauver une princesse aurait dû lui permettre de briller à nouveau. De surcroît, Ridley Scott assurait la réalisation. Peine perdue : assez coûteux, ce film fantastique s’est avéré un gros échec au box-office . Heureusement, Top Gun est sorti la même année, avec succès .

Quel est le pire film de Tom Cruise ?

Il ne s’agit pas du Dernier Samouraï ou de la suite de Jack Reacher. Lorsque des sondages sont lancés auprès du public, ou lorsque des sites de cinéma se penchent sur cette question , un film réalisé plus tard revient. Il s’agit de La Momie . Sorti en 2017, il devait ressusciter les monstres célèbres dont les studios Universal détenaient les droits (avec Dracula : Untold, film qui l’avait précédé en salles). Sa momie égyptienne et son Docteur Jekyll-Mister Hyde n’ont pas convaincu les critiques, ni même les spectateurs .

Tom Cruise est-il l’acteur le mieux payé du monde ?

En l’année 2022, Tom Cruise est l’acteur le mieux payé du monde . Son rôle dans Top Gun : Maverick lui rapporte 100 millions de dollars au final . Il bat Brad Pitt, Chris Hemsworth ou encore les deux stars d’action Vin Diesel et Dwayne Johnson , qui fut tout en haut du classement au cours de certaines des années précédentes. Si Top Gun : Maverick s’est avéré un carton public, il a su convaincre aussi la critique. Pas qualifié tout de même de meilleur film avec Tom Cruise jamais tourné, il a vu ses qualités être néanmoins saluées.


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All Tom Cruise Movies, Ranked By Tomatometer

Top Gun: Maverick is back in theaters for Rotten Tomatoes’ 25th anniversary screening series at AMC — get tickets now !

From his teen idol days in the early ’80s to his status as a marquee-lighting leading man today, Tom Cruise has consistently done it all for decades — he’s completed impossible missions, learned about Wapner time in Rain Man , driven the highway to the danger zone in Top Gun , and done wonders for Bob Seger’s royalty statements in Risky Business , to offer just a few examples. Mr. Cruise is one of the few honest-to-goodness film stars left in the Hollywood firmament, so whether you’re a hardcore fan or just interested in a refresher course on his filmography, we’re here to take a fond look back at a truly impressive career and rank all Tom Cruise movies.

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018) 97%

' sborder=

Top Gun: Maverick (2022) 96%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023) 96%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible Rogue Nation (2015) 94%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) 93%

' sborder=

Risky Business (1983) 92%

' sborder=

Edge of Tomorrow (2014) 91%

' sborder=

Minority Report (2002) 89%

' sborder=

Rain Man (1988) 88%

' sborder=

The Color of Money (1986) 88%

' sborder=

Collateral (2004) 86%

' sborder=

Born on the Fourth of July (1989) 84%

' sborder=

American Made (2017) 85%

' sborder=

A Few Good Men (1992) 84%

' sborder=

Jerry Maguire (1996) 84%

' sborder=

Magnolia (1999) 82%

' sborder=

Tropic Thunder (2008) 82%

' sborder=

Eyes Wide Shut (1999) 75%

' sborder=

The Firm (1993) 76%

' sborder=

War of the Worlds (2005) 76%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible III (2006) 71%

' sborder=

The Outsiders (1983) 70%

' sborder=

Taps (1981) 68%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible (1996) 66%

' sborder=

The Last Samurai (2003) 66%

' sborder=

Interview With the Vampire (1994) 63%

' sborder=

Jack Reacher (2012) 64%

' sborder=

All the Right Moves (1983) 61%

' sborder=

Valkyrie (2008) 62%

' sborder=

Top Gun (1986) 57%

' sborder=

Mission: Impossible II (2000) 56%

' sborder=

Oblivion (2013) 54%

' sborder=

Knight and Day (2010) 52%

' sborder=

Far and Away (1992) 50%

' sborder=

Rock of Ages (2012) 42%

' sborder=

Vanilla Sky (2001) 43%

' sborder=

Legend (1985) 41%

' sborder=

Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016) 38%

' sborder=

Days of Thunder (1990) 38%

' sborder=

Lions for Lambs (2007) 27%

' sborder=

Losin' It (1982) 18%

' sborder=

The Mummy (2017) 15%

' sborder=

Cocktail (1988) 9%

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‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning’ Debuts 20-Minute Car Chase With Tom Cruise, Hayley Atwell Evading Enemies Through the Streets of Rome 

By Brent Lang

Executive Editor

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Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning

Ethan Hunt clearly doesn’t want to die old and of natural causes.

The IMF agent swings back to action in “Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One,” and based on the footage that Paramount brought to CinemaCon on Thursday, his alter-ego Tom Cruise is once again putting it all on the line in service of keeping audiences on the edge of their seats. In the past, Cruise has hung on the sides of skyscrapers and airplanes. This time, Cruise rides a motorcycle off a cliff… you know, as one does to save the world.

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Cruise didn’t attend CinemaCon in person, as he has for previous installments. He was busy working on “Dead Reckoning Part Two” (and risking God knows what form of bodily harm). After the presentation, Paramount executives huddled on speaker phone in the lobby of the theater in Caesars Palace to reassure Cruise that the sequence had been a huge hit with the audiences. They also made a point of telling him that they had let the audience know that the 20 minutes they showed weren’t the first part of the film.

Christopher McQuarrie, who directed the two previous “Mission: Impossible” movies, returns, as do ensemble members Simon Pegg, Rebecca Ferguson, Ving Rhames and Vanessa Kirby. That’s to say nothing of the menacing presence of Henry Czerny, the shadowy government agent who stalked Hunt and crew in 1996’s inaugural “Mission: Impossible.”

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Tom Cruise

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Every Tom Cruise Movie Performance, Ranked

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No one better than Tom Cruise exemplifies the breed of megastars who dawned during the 1980s, felt like gods during the 1990s, and are now a curious class of their own in the twilight of the traditional stardom they represent. Since the early ’80s, Cruise steadily and successfully carved out a career fueled by his boyish megawatt smile, a practiced brand of charisma, and an interest in physically throwing himself into his roles with dangerous gusto. His work has run the gamut. He’s swaggered through dramas, romantic comedies, heaps of science fiction, and most often, action films — including his latest, Mission: Impossible — Fallout . In honor of the actor’s latest big-screen spectacle, we revisited and ranked all of Cruise’s performances in order to interrogate why he’s remained such a fixture in the public imagination all these years.

42. Rock of Ages (2012)

The worst thing a star can do is refuse to grow. Cruise has had performances that reached high yet fell short, but in his turn as rock star Stacee Jaxx, he’s never been more unengaging or laughable. Jaxx illustrates the reasons for many of Cruise’s recent duds: a lack of self-awareness, a refusal to adapt as he’s grown older, an element of humorlessness. Watching Cruise shirtless-singing to ’80s metal hits like “Pour Some Sugar on Me” tips into self-parody. It’s a train wreck of a performance that lacks any of the charm necessary to not come across as an unintentional joke, making this Cruise role hard to forget for all the wrong reasons.

41. The Mummy (2017)

No matter how miscalculated his moves, Tom Cruise isn’t usually the kind of actor you’d ever call listless. He’s known for that manic energy and sheer force of will that marks so much of his work. But in The Mummy, playing Sergeant Nick Morton — a military man who unintentionally unearths the tomb of Princess Ahmanet (Sofia Boutella), who haunts him after choosing him to be the vessel for the god Set for some damn reason — Cruise is drained of any energy. He leaves no distinct impression; the part feels like it could be played by anyone and no one in particular. It doesn’t help that the film is more or less terrible, but sometimes Cruise can rise above that. Not this time: His performance comes up empty.

40. Endless Love (1981)

Cruise’s first big-screen appearance is a brief role in this 1981 romantic drama about a bunch of teenagers in the Chicago suburbs. It has none of the vitality to hint at the star Cruise would become later in the decade. (Also, 19-year old Cruise has a surprisingly high-pitched, annoying voice.)

39. Losin ’ It (1983)

Losin’ It is one of a string of films that pockmarked the decade that brought Cruise to prominence. They are failures to be sure, but forgettable enough to not rank lower. This charmless teen comedy, hinging on a group of friends trying to lose their virginities, marks Cruise’s first starring role, one that’s unfortunately saddled by dullness. There’s not enough appeal here to make this more than a masochistic exercise for Tom Cruise completists.

38. Cocktail (1988)

For some, Cocktail is a beloved albeit thoroughly ridiculous testament to the cinematic excesses of the 1980s. To others (including myself), it’s a testament to how easily Cruise can read as loathsome and smarmy rather than buoyantly alluring. The film focuses on Brian Flanagan (Cruise), a student who turns to bartending to make ends meet. Cruise is energetic to a manic degree (which doesn’t always work in his favor), producing a vibe that repels rather than seduces.

37. Legend (1985)

I have a bit of a soft spot for this Ridley Scott–helmed dark fable, one of Cruise’s only forays into fantasy territory. But it’s hard to ignore how miscast he is as the adventurous, dashing young man saving his beloved from the Lord of Darkness (an unrecognizable and amazing Tim Curry). He’s a bit lost and even seems perpetually confused in this muddled story, unable to create the gravitational pull he’d go on to prove capable of elsewhere.

36. Knight and Day (2010)

Knight and Day reteams Cameron Diaz with Cruise in a markedly different film than their first collaboration, Vanilla Sky. This spy/romantic romp should play to Cruise’s strengths, but there’s something severely miscalculated about his performance as Roy Miller, an oddball superspy on the run who ropes Cameron Diaz’s everywoman into his mission against her will. What’s supposed to be played as eccentric ends up falling into an uncomfortable territory that kills any sense of romance or intrigue. This role, more than any other he’s played, shows how easy it is for the hypercapable, badass superspy character to tip into asshole/know-it-all territory, more eye-roll-worthy than charming.

35. Lions for Lambs (2007)

Tom Cruise seems tailor-made for the role of a Republican senator pointedly trying to cajole and enchant a liberal-minded journalist (Meryl Streep) in order to get positive coverage for a new initiative in this muddled Iraq War drama. But he lacks the slipperiness and conviction necessary to elevate the dialogue, and the movie suffers for it, coming across as a well-intentioned morality play with little heft.

34. Far and Away (1992)

It is often said about actors of Cruise’s stature that they are merely stars that play themselves again and again. It’s an argument I disagree with for a number of reasons. In Far and Away, the tepid 1992 romantic drama directed by Ron Howard, it’s clear Cruise purposefully working against that notion — but in all the wrong ways. He adopts a shaky Irish accent in order to play a boxer/immigrant who joins Shannon Christie (Nicole Kidman) in America looking for a better life. Cruise gives it his all.

But he’s an actor best suited for our times, coming across as uncomfortable in period dressing. His energy and style is far too modern to pull this off completely, although his chemistry with Kidman remains a bright spot in an otherwise drab entry.

33. Days of Thunder (1990)

I can see how Days of Thunder seemed like a good idea, as it reteams Cruise with Top Gun director Tony Scott. And Cruise, as a race-car driver trying to make a name for himself, does have nice rapports with co-stars Robert Duvall and Nicole Kidman. But it isn’t enough to craft a strong emotional center to what is an ultimately bland performance.

32. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)

This misguided, tonally confused sequel is an example of a decent Tom Cruise performance dragged down by the lackluster film that surrounds him. Cruise is highly dedicated as the titular character, going at it with a scrappiness and sense of focus that’s fun to watch. Unfortunately, he’s burdened by a makeshift family story line (which includes Cobie Smulder as a wrongfully framed colleague and a teenager who may be Reacher’s daughter?) as he goes on the run. Cruise admirably nails the action-oriented scenes, but when he’s called to sell the emotional reality of his predicament (particularly with his maybe-daughter character) he fails to deliver.

31. The Last Samurai (2003)

Cruise is widely considered one of the last stars in today’s Hollywood ecosystem whose sheer force of personality and high-wattage smile is a brand unto itself. But not even he has enough confidence to distract from how ill-formed this bloated epic is, or how ill-suited he is to lead it. Cruise himself doesn’t seem convinced in his portrayal of the bitter, alcoholic war veteran who travels to Japan and finds himself fighting alongside the rebellion he was originally tasked to help quell. This is just more fuel for my belief that something about Cruise’s energy is all wrong for period pieces (except for one example that comes later) — especially a 19th-century period piece set in Japan. Co-star Ken Watanabe provides the authenticity and complexity that Cruise lacks, leading him to steal the film entirely.

30. Mission: Impossible 2 (2000)

After the success of the first outing, the franchise moves into vastly different territory, thanks to Hong Kong action legend John Woo and screenwriter Robert Towne doing a  very obvious riff on Hitchcock’s Notorious and, more broadly, operatic action films that rely on a lot of slow-motion. These qualities are important to understanding what doesn’t work about Cruise’s performance as he’s asked to handle clashing tones and earnest romance, leaving him out of his depth. A part of me actually enjoys his chemistry with leading lady Thandie Newton, who plays an amoral thief. Unfortunately, Cruise sometimes tips into skeezy territory, and his best action work relies on a sort of simpleness that Mission: Impossible 2 seems allergic to. Despite his considerable efforts, Cruise often gets lost in the movie’s bombast.

29. The Firm (1993)

I’ve seen The Firm several times, but not much of it, including Tom Cruise’s starring performance, sticks with me. It’s a capably structured legal thriller but not much else. Cruise seems disconnected from the story, lacking the right mix of raw-nerved paranoia and intensity to rise above the admittedly lacking narrative. Mark this as another solid but otherwise uneventful performance.

28. The Outsiders (1983)

With a supporting role in Francis Ford Coppola’s adaptation of S.E. Hinton’s beloved classic, Cruise turns in a solid if not altogether memorable turn, dimmed a bit by the presence of his more fascinating co-stars, including a magnetic Patrick Swayze.

27. All the Right Moves (1983)

As a football player hell-bent on leaving his dead-end small town with a scholarship, Cruise provides the kind of tender and heartfelt performance the film calls far. He convincingly communicates the intensity and grandeur that comes with high-school sports, in which every win or loss feels like a harbinger for rest of your life.

26. Valkyrie (2008)

Cruise was far from the best choice to play doomed German army officer Claus von Stauffenberg, who aims to assassinate Adolf Hitler and undermine the Nazi Party with his dedicated crew of peers. But he actually finds a nice rhythm as the stakes for his character escalate, even if he doesn’t bring the kind of electricity needed to stand out from the film’s ensemble.

25. Mission: Impossible — Rogue Nation (2015)

After the critical failure of Mission: Impossible 2, the franchise course-corrected; any sort of emotional arc would play a distant second to Cruise’s interest in difficult stuntwork. Good: The franchise is pure thrill-ride cotton candy. Still, not all thrill rides are created equal. Cruise’s return as superspy Ethan Hunt has its pleasures, yes; a particular highlight is watching Cruise work with Rebecca Ferguson’s Ilsa Faust, an undercover MI6 agent with steely intensity. The primary joy of Rogue Nation , however, is in watching Cruise pivot from one action scene to another, running with a peerless frenzy. It’s fun one, if a bit weightless.

24. Vanilla Sky (2001)

Cruise’s work in Cameron Crowe’s trippy, messy psychological thriller is best described as an admirable failure. He plays David Aames, a rich and powerful publisher whose romantic cruelty has disastrous results when a former paramour (an unhinged Cameron Diaz) drives their car off a bridge. Post-accident Ames is disfigured and plagued by visions that question the nature of his reality. Unsurprisingly, Cruise is able to play up Aames’s narcissistic and exacting qualities, but as the film ventures into more confusing, less emotionally well-thought out territory, he loses hold of the character.

23. Taps (1981)

Taps was only Tom Cruise’s second performance on the big screen , but it already shows the nascent version of a character type he’d later perfect: a man who’s determined to the point of psychosis. Cruise plays Cadet Captain David Shawn, a rigid young man whose youthful aggression becomes sinister when his fellow military students decide to take over their school in hopes of saving it from closing. He proves to be the perfect foil for the conflicted Cadet Captain Alex Dwyer (Sean Penn) and more thoughtful lead Cadet Major Brian Moreland (Timothy Hutton). Cruise’s performance lacks the fine-tuning he’d demonstrate down the line, but it is an impressive early turn that nearly dominates the entire film and proves his star presence.

22. Jack Reacher (2012)

What makes a truly good action film? I’m talking about the bare-bones qualities of an action film that forgoes the fantasy or horror gleam that many modern examples have these days. I’ve thought about this question a lot, especially while watching Tom Cruise in his first appearance as the titular Jack Reacher, a bruising U.S. Army military police corps officer with no fixed address. Cruise is notably completely wrong if you’re looking for a direct adaptation of the Lee Childs hero. His fights are more brutal and occur in closer range. His humor veers from dry to downright caustic. He’s a bit darker-edged than the typical lead Cruise tends to adopt. And while there are moments when Cruise doesn’t quite nail the tone — or the blunt, vaguely offensive jokes (like the clip above demonstrates) — this performance still holds many delights.

21. American Made (2017)

American Made is a confused film, unsure whether it wants to be a glossy Hollywood anti-hero romp or a grimy 1970s crime flick. Tom Cruise’s leading performance as Barry Seal — a perpetually sweat-drenched hot-shot TWA pilot turned gun/drug runner for the American government and narcotics smuggler for the Medellín cartel — reflects that confusion. It isn’t a wholly terrible performance. Cruise is engaging, carrying a blend of cocksure bravado and befuddlement at the sheer ridiculousness of the situations he finds himself in. American Made feels like an throwback to Cruise’s well-worn playbook; it’s particularly in line with his work in Top Gun. It’s mostly fun, though Cruise does lose points for trying (and failing) to pull off a Baton Rouge accent that can be best described as Generic Southern Accent That Doesn’t Really Exist™.

20. Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol (2011)

Ghost Protocol sees the MI franchise eschew even the semblance of reality. It’s full-on cartoonish, bombastic action, and it’s clear Cruise is having a ball with the increasingly inventive dilemmas his superspy is forced into. Ethan Hunt is a bit more world-weary here than he’s been before (can you blame him?), but the film never gets dour thanks to Cruise’s great chemistry with castmates Simon Pegg and Paula Patton.

19. Tropic Thunder (2008)

To survive at Cruise’s level of stardom, you have to understand how the business works. That veteran insider knowledge goes to great use in his small but uproarious turn in Tropic Thunder. He’s nearly unrecognizable as studio exec Les Grossman, who makes venomous, expletive-laden insults an art form. But Cruise’s approach to the character is the chilling undercurrent he lends Grossman. Just look at the dead-eyed glare he gives Matthew McConaughey when he calmly explains how to use an actor’s death to his own advantage. It’s rare but refreshing to see Cruise cut loose and be a little less concerned about endearing himself to the audience.

18. Oblivion (2013)

At first blush, Oblivion looks to embody some of the more noxious issues that mark a lot of recent Cruise work: a sterile action film with a science-fiction sheen; thin emotional through lines; Cruise paired with actresses notably younger than he is . Thankfully, Oblivion proves to be a fascinating, if uneven, study on the nature of loss, much of which is thanks to Cruise’s turn as a futuristic repairman in Earth’s devastated future — a role that gives him the opportunity to stretch a bit more than he’s had to lately.

17. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

Edge of Tomorrow adds new wrinkles to the typically hypercompetent military figure he’s played elsewhere. This time he’s an official with no combat training thrust into a messy war with an alien species — and he dies nearly immediately when he hits the battlefield. He ends up reliving his final day again and again, dying in creative ways each time. In truth, the movie’s true badass is a curt Emily Blunt as Sergeant Rita Vrataski, who whips him into shape, creating a fun tension between the two. But it’s exhilarating to watch Cruise lean into the physical humor and meld together the various personae that have come to define his career as a leading man.

16. A Few Good Men (1992)

Legal dramas — particularly those written by the likes of Aaron Sorkin — can be tricky pursuits for actors, requiring a verbal dexterity that can easily overpower them. But Cruise is excellent here, conveying an ease and gravitas as Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee, who must work a thorny case when a Marine is murdered and a cover-up ensues. Cruise more than holds his own against the bluster of Jack Nicholson, an actor who can easily dominate whatever scene he’s in. But by the end of the film Cruise has a confidence and steadfast demeanor that proves to be a fascinating, subtle transformation.

15. The Color of Money (1986)

In an interview on Inside the Actors Studio , when discussing this Martin Scorsese–helmed sequel to The Hustler, Cruise described co-star Paul Newman as an idol. It’s clear here that Cruise is learning from Newman’s trademark ease and depth as an actor, rising to the challenge the movie asks of him. Cruise has played plenty of young, talented hot shots early in his career, but his work as Vincent Lauria is particularly noteworthy for the exuberance he carries, and how wonderfully he plays off the weary Newman.

14. Risky Business (1983)

In her excellent essay collection This Is Running for Your Life, Michelle Orange wrote, “True movie stars are born twice.” She’s right. There is, of course, the first story of how their stardom happened. The second birth is when they do something fans can’t forget, moments that became singed into the cultural consciousness. Cruise has produced a handful of them, but one of the most important happens here , when he dances to “Old Time Rock ‘n’ Roll” by Bob Seger. Risky Business helped launch Cruise’s stardom, and it’s no wonder why.

13. Jerry Maguire (1996)

Tom Cruise has not appeared in many romantic comedies, and for good reason. Not many modern rom-coms could play toward his strengths — that practiced allure, the charming opportunism behind his easy-but-calculated smile, and the distinct impression that he’s holding something back. All of these qualities are used to great effect in this Cameron Crowe rom-com/sports drama, which gives Cruise some of his most iconic lines. But most importantly, it gives him a venue to chart a fascinating progression from a self-obsessed sports manager with shadings of a classic fuckboy to a man who reckons sincerely with his more loathsome instincts.

12. Mission: Impossible III (2006)

The third installment of what’s now Cruise’s signature franchise sees Ethan Hunt retired from fieldwork, training new recruits, and eventually squaring off with Philip Seymour Hoffman, who relishes and dominates every scene he’s in. The story line involving Michelle Monaghan as Hunt’s kept-in-the-dark fiancée has some well-worn beats, but Cruise is still an absolute pleasure to watch. The film’s otherwise excellent team dynamics allow him to expand his repertoire within the franchise, showing off some wry humor and even a surprising tenderness opposite Keri Russell.

11. Mission: Impossible — Fallout (2018)

During its short time thus far in theaters, Mission:Impossible — Fallout has proven to be an action master class, marrying ridiculous plot turns with astounding set pieces. Cruise matches the bravura of the film around him with gusto. He throws himself headlong into his outrageous stunts — one of which led to an injury, which brings up a host of questions about how his career can continue in this manner. But Cruise is a blast to watch as he navigates confusion and double crosses, his performance dented only by the requirement of traditional romance (although his scenes with Michelle Monaghan bristle with an intriguing awkwardness). He shares the glory here with some great supporting cast, most notably Henry Cavill’s surprisingly effective turn as a bruiser with slippery loyalty and Rebecca Ferguson as Ilsa, the gimlet-eyed agent turned quasi–love interest.

10. Rain Man (1988)

While Cruise is obviously adept at providing the presence and physical dexterity action films require, his skills as an actor really shine through in drama films of this caliber. Rain Man gives Cruise the chance to stretch his abilities without resting on his typical charms. The entire film depends on his ability to capably communicate his character’s tricky arc: Cruise plays Charlie Babbitt, an unscrupulous and cunning yuppie who finds out that most of his estranged father’s estate is being given to an older brother he didn’t know about (Dustin Hoffman in an Oscar-winning role). As the two brothers travel across the country, Cruise delivers a genuinely touching portrayal of a man shedding his abrasive, self-centered nature to become a protective, tenderhearted brother. He has rarely felt so vulnerable onscreen.

9. Top Gun (1986)

Maverick is the quintessential cocksure, determined, highly skilled leading character that Cruise has spent a career perfecting. For many people, Top Gun is synonymous with the actor — it’s the first image they think of when they think of Tom Cruise. And while the film, directed by Tony Scott, exemplifies some of the worst aspects of Reagan-era America, Cruise himself isn’t dragged down by this one bit. It’s easy to see why this performance has left such an impact on the pop-culture imagination. His physical bravado, confidence, and joyfulness cast a spell.

8. Mission: Impossible (1996)

It’s easy to believe that Tom Cruise The Action Star has always been with us. But Mission: Impossible is when he became the real-life action figure we know him as today. And what a doozy it is. Helmed by Brian de Palma, in the film Cruise effortlessly toggles between espionage-thriller mood and impactful physicality. The movie perfectly demonstrates how smoothly Cruise can shift between tones when he needs to — just look at the infamous Pentagon break-in sequence, where he blends sweaty anxiety with light humor and, on top of all that, the action-movie tension needed to make it all work.

7. Minority Report (2002)

Minority Report is a sleek, absorbing science-fiction yarn that manages to turn a Philip K. Dick story into an expressive blockbuster action film. But Tom Cruise’s performance as John Anderton, an on-the-run detective in a futuristic world in which people can be arrested for crimes before they’ve even committed them, pushes the dark social commentary and exhilarating nature of the story to new heights. As Anderton, Cruise marries the best of his genre-film talents into one impressively gripping performance. There’s a haunted quality to his Anderton, the kind of man who carries his past wounds with him. Cruise proves to be extremely potent as a neo-noir lead.

6. Born on the Fourth of July (1989)

This adaptation of the autobiography of the same name by Vietnam War veteran Ron Kovic (played by Cruise) is an emotional gauntlet for the actor — and it requires a dramatic physical transformation too. I’ve lamented Cruise’s work in period pieces, but he works well in this film’s ’60s and ’70s settings. One of Cruise’s specialties is to dissect the American myth, and he gets ample opportunity to do so here as he charts Kovic’s transformation from a fresh-faced soldier to an emotionally wounded, paralyzed, war-protesting vet. A mirror opposite of the more traditional military leads Cruise tends to play, his performance here is arresting, raw, and powerful.

5. War of the Worlds (2005)

Cruise is not exactly the first actor you’d expect to play an Everyman like Ray Ferrier, the longshoreman at the heart of Steven Spielberg’s 2005 sci-fi epic . But he brings gravity and heart to the central dynamic of the film — Ferrier’s desire not to be a failure as a father, and the all-consuming goal to protect his children from the alien havoc decimating the world. It’s an excellent, absorbing, humane performance that sees Cruise’s typical mania soften into a heartwarming dedication to save his family.

4. Magnolia (1999)

Few modern actors understand the mask-like quality of celebrity better than Tom Cruise, who interrogates these ideas with aplomb in Magnolia. Has Cruise ever been more utterly disturbing or strangely entrancing than as self-help guru and living embodiment of toxic masculinity Frank T.J. Mackey? Cruise only plays a supporting role here, but he’s what the viewer is drawn to most; he embodies modern masculinity’s most noxious qualities. And when all that bravado is threatened by the mere mention of his family, the way Cruise communicates the damaged vulnerability lurking beneath the surface is a marvel.

3. Collateral (2004)

In a Black Book interview, director Mary Harron shared that actor Christian Bale found inspiration for American Psycho ’s obsessive serial killer Patrick Bateman in Tom Cruise. “We talked about how Martian-like Patrick Bateman was, how he was looking at the world like somebody from another planet, watching what people did and trying to work out the right way to behave. And then one day he called me and he had been watching Tom Cruise on David Letterman, and he just had this very intense friendliness with nothing behind the eyes, and he was really taken with this energy.” It’s for precisely this reason why Cruise never feels like a truly capable romantic lead: There’s something practiced, even unnatural about his charisma, like a mask being worn. Most directors miss out on this quality, but Michael Mann capitalized on it. Cruise delivers one of his most assured and complex performances as Vincent, a hit man who ropes in an unsuspecting cabdriver played by Jamie Foxx. Cruise’s charisma is finally used as a weapon, not a lure.

2. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

Dr. Bill Hartford is an unlikely part for Cruise. He’s humiliated, confused, and frequently out of his depth in Stanley Kubrick’s odd erotic drama Eyes Wide Shut. But it proves to be one of Cruise’s richest and most complex performances as he navigates a strange milieu of sexual desire. The tension between him and then-wife Nicole Kidman, playing his movie wife Alice Hartford, along with Cruise’s utter lack of an equilibrium make this as much about sexuality as it is about the trials and tribulations we endure to find any sense of happiness.

1. Interview With the Vampire (1994)

Lestat, the preening and egotistical creation by Gothic novelist Anne Rice, is the photo negative of a typical Tom Cruise role — at least that’s how he seems at first. He doesn’t run or channel manic energy or do stunt work; he saunters and stalks with the coolly focused energy of a wolf. He’s languid and frightening, lupine and menacing. But Lestat does share one trait that snakes its way through Cruise’s greatest work: bold narcissism. Interview With the Vampire allows Cruise to lean into that. It lets Cruise be something he’s rarely been — archly humorous, disturbingly erotic, truly dangerous. It’s wondrous watching him turn from sincere to brutal as he plays off the cheerfully cruel Kirsten Dunst and the solemn Brad Pitt.

More importantly, this is one of the rare performances in which Cruise utterly cuts loose and experiments beyond the usual archetypes he’s grown accustomed to. It isn’t a perfect performance — it’s better than that. Beguiling and malevolently anti-charismatic, Cruise has never been more fun to watch.

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Tom Cruise Celebrates 38 Years Since the Original Top Gun : 'It's Incredible to Look Back'

'Top Gun' producer Jerry Bruckheimer told PEOPLE in March that Tom Cruise has been pitched an idea for a third 'Top Gun' movie that "he liked"


Tom Cruise is celebrating nearly four decades of taking to the skies.

On May 13, the actor-producer, 61, shared photos from the set of 1986's original Top Gun on Instagram in honor of the film's 38th anniversary.

The photos show behind-the-scenes pictures of him on set with the movie's director Tony Scott , who died in 2012 at 68, as well as a photo of him sitting with the film's cast in its air-hangar-turned-classroom set.

One throwback photo shows the actor smiling during a conversation with producer Jerry Bruckheimer . Another shows Cruise filming 2022's Top Gun: Maverick as he stares at the famous still of him and costar Val Kilmer shaking hands at the end of the original movie.

"It’s incredible to look back on the thirty-eight years of Top Gun ," he wrote in a caption. "To the fans who have been with us since the start, there wouldn’t be a Top Gun Day without you."

Cruise's original Top Gun movie was an immediate hit when it hit theaters May 16, 1986. The movie follows his character Pete "Maverick" Mitchell as he attends the U.S. Navy's Fighter Weapons School, better known as Top Gun. The movie costarred Anthony Edwards, Kelly McGillis and Kilmer, 64, as Maverick's chief rival and eventual ally Tom "Iceman" Kazansky."

Top Gun was the highest-grossing film at the domestic box office that year. It won one Academy Award , for Best Original Song, at the 59th Oscars in 1987, among four total nominations.

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Decades later, Cruise regrouped with producer Bruckheimer, 80, to make a sequel, Top Gun: Maverick , which similarly captured audiences' imaginations as the highest-grossing movie of 2022 domestically and made $1.5 billion worldwide. The sequel sees Maverick return to Top Gun to train a new generation of pilots — including characters portrayed by Miles Teller and Glen Powell , among others — for new missions with the Navy.

Paramount/Courtesy Everett 

Many have speculated about the franchise's future given the smash success of Maverick . The Hollywood Reporter reported in January that a third Top Gun movie was in development . In March, producer Bruckheimer told PEOPLE he is working on putting a new entry together.

" We pitched Tom a story he liked . But he's a very in-demand actor and he's got a lot of movies lined up, so we have to wait and see," he said.

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Tom Cruise says he’ll still be making ‘Mission: Impossible’ movies when he’s 80

The action star was inspired by Harrison Ford's own role in the 'Indiana Jones' franchise

'Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One'

Tom Cruise has said that he plans to still be making Mission: Impossible  films when he’s 80.

  • READ MORE: ‘Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One’ review: staggering stunts can’t make up for the nonsensical plot

The 61-year-old action star, who reprises his role as Ethan Hunt in Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One , said he has no plans to wrap up the franchise just yet.

“ Harrison Ford is a legend; I hope to be still going. I’ve got 20 years to catch up with him,” Cruise told The Sydney Morning Herald at the film’s Australian premiere, referring to the legendary actor’s role in Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny . “I hope to keep making ‘Mission: Impossible’ films until I’m his age.”

Tom Cruise

The seventh instalment in the Mission  franchise, out July 10, has received numerous positive reviews , with critics praising it as an “impeccably made” action film that “does not stop entertaining”.

A less positive three-star from NME , however, said that “staggering stunts can’t make up for the nonsensical plot”.

It went on: “The problems come when  Dead Reckoning  tries to be too clever. Production on the film wrapped in 2021, so Cruise and director Christopher McQuarrie couldn’t have known how prescient the AI themes would prove to be. Now, as  ChatGPT dominates the internet and we all wait anxiously for robots to make us redundant, the film’s setup seems like a masterstroke. But it’s sadly also its downfall.”


Meanwhile,  Ford recently confirmed that he has no plans to retire from acting just yet . “I don’t do well when I don’t have work. I love to work. I love to feel useful. It’s my jones. I want to be helpful,” he said.

The actor was de-aged for a 25-minute scene in the film , and has since defended criticism of the technology .

Indiana Jones And The Dial Of Destiny  has so far received mixed reviews from critics , with some hailing it as delivering a “sweet blast of pure nostalgia”, while others have declared it to be a “complete waste of time”.

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Sort by Popularity - Most Popular Movies and TV Shows With Tom Cruise

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1. Top Gun: Maverick (2022)

PG-13 | 130 min | Action, Drama

After thirty years, Maverick is still pushing the envelope as a top naval aviator, but must confront ghosts of his past when he leads TOP GUN's elite graduates on a mission that demands the ultimate sacrifice from those chosen to fly it.

Director: Joseph Kosinski | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jennifer Connelly , Miles Teller , Val Kilmer

Votes: 700,935 | Gross: $718.73M

2. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)

PG-13 | 163 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

Ethan Hunt and his IMF team must track down a dangerous weapon before it falls into the wrong hands.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie | Stars: Tom Cruise , Hayley Atwell , Ving Rhames , Simon Pegg

Votes: 248,884 | Gross: $172.14M

3. Mission: Impossible (1996)

PG-13 | 110 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

An American agent, under false suspicion of disloyalty, must discover and expose the real spy without the help of his organization.

Director: Brian De Palma | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jon Voight , Emmanuelle Béart , Henry Czerny

Votes: 471,070 | Gross: $180.98M

4. The Outsiders (1983)

PG | 91 min | Crime, Drama

In a small Oklahoma town in 1964, the rivalry between two gangs, the poor Greasers and the rich Socs, heats up when one gang member accidentally kills a member of the other.

Director: Francis Ford Coppola | Stars: C. Thomas Howell , Matt Dillon , Ralph Macchio , Patrick Swayze

Votes: 97,890 | Gross: $25.60M

5. Top Gun (1986)

PG | 109 min | Action, Drama

As students at the United States Navy's elite fighter weapons school compete to be best in the class, one daring young pilot learns a few things from a civilian instructor that are not taught in the classroom.

Director: Tony Scott | Stars: Tom Cruise , Tim Robbins , Kelly McGillis , Val Kilmer

Votes: 503,721 | Gross: $179.80M

6. Eyes Wide Shut (1999)

R | 159 min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller

A Manhattan doctor embarks on a bizarre, night-long odyssey after his wife's admission of unfulfilled longing.

Director: Stanley Kubrick | Stars: Tom Cruise , Nicole Kidman , Todd Field , Sydney Pollack

Votes: 375,949 | Gross: $55.69M

7. Tropic Thunder (2008)

R | 107 min | Action, Comedy, War

Through a series of freak occurrences, a group of actors shooting a big-budget war movie are forced to become the soldiers they are portraying.

Director: Ben Stiller | Stars: Ben Stiller , Jack Black , Robert Downey Jr. , Jeff Kahn

Votes: 448,832 | Gross: $110.52M

8. Edge of Tomorrow (2014)

PG-13 | 113 min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

A soldier fighting aliens gets to relive the same day over and over again, the day restarting every time he dies.

Director: Doug Liman | Stars: Tom Cruise , Emily Blunt , Bill Paxton , Brendan Gleeson

Votes: 738,566 | Gross: $100.21M

9. A Few Good Men (1992)

R | 138 min | Drama, Thriller

Military lawyer Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee defends Marines accused of murder. They contend they were acting under orders.

Director: Rob Reiner | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jack Nicholson , Demi Moore , Kevin Bacon

Votes: 288,086 | Gross: $141.34M

10. The Last Samurai (2003)

R | 154 min | Action, Drama

Nathan Algren, a US army veteran, is hired by the Japanese emperor to train his army in the modern warfare techniques. Nathan finds himself trapped in a struggle between two eras and two worlds.

Director: Edward Zwick | Stars: Tom Cruise , Ken Watanabe , Billy Connolly , William Atherton

Votes: 472,170 | Gross: $111.11M

11. Legend (1985)

PG | 94 min | Adventure, Fantasy, Romance

A young man must stop the Lord of Darkness from destroying daylight and marrying the woman he loves.

Director: Ridley Scott | Stars: Tom Cruise , Mia Sara , Tim Curry , David Bennent

Votes: 72,616 | Gross: $15.50M

12. Interview with the Vampire: The Vampire Chronicles (1994)

R | 123 min | Drama, Fantasy, Horror

A vampire tells his epic life story: love, betrayal, loneliness, and hunger.

Director: Neil Jordan | Stars: Brad Pitt , Tom Cruise , Antonio Banderas , Kirsten Dunst

Votes: 348,119 | Gross: $105.26M

13. Magnolia (1999)

R | 188 min | Drama

An epic mosaic of interrelated characters in search of love, forgiveness and meaning in the San Fernando Valley.

Director: Paul Thomas Anderson | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jason Robards , Julianne Moore , Philip Seymour Hoffman

Votes: 328,948 | Gross: $22.46M

14. War of the Worlds (2005)

PG-13 | 116 min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

An alien invasion threatens the future of humanity. The catastrophic nightmare is depicted through the eyes of one American family fighting for survival.

Director: Steven Spielberg | Stars: Tom Cruise , Dakota Fanning , Tim Robbins , Miranda Otto

Votes: 476,014 | Gross: $234.28M

15. Jack Reacher (2012)

PG-13 | 130 min | Action, Mystery, Thriller

A homicide investigator digs deeper into a case involving a trained military sniper responsible for a mass shooting.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie | Stars: Tom Cruise , Rosamund Pike , Richard Jenkins , Werner Herzog

Votes: 365,504 | Gross: $80.07M

16. Oblivion (I) (2013)

PG-13 | 124 min | Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi

A veteran assigned to extract Earth's remaining resources begins to question what he knows about his mission and himself.

Director: Joseph Kosinski | Stars: Tom Cruise , Morgan Freeman , Andrea Riseborough , Olga Kurylenko

Votes: 553,952 | Gross: $89.02M

17. Mission: Impossible - Fallout (2018)

PG-13 | 147 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

Ethan Hunt and his IMF team, along with some familiar allies, race against time after a mission gone wrong.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie | Stars: Tom Cruise , Henry Cavill , Ving Rhames , Simon Pegg

Votes: 378,851 | Gross: $220.16M

18. Minority Report (2002)

PG-13 | 145 min | Action, Crime, Mystery

John works with the PreCrime police which stop crimes before they take place, with the help of three 'PreCogs' who can foresee crimes. Events ensue when John finds himself framed for a future murder.

Director: Steven Spielberg | Stars: Tom Cruise , Colin Farrell , Samantha Morton , Max von Sydow

Votes: 585,213 | Gross: $132.07M

19. Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part Two (2025)

Action, Adventure, Thriller | Post-production

The 8th entry in the long running Mission Impossible franchise.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie | Stars: Katy O'Brian , Hannah Waddingham , Tom Cruise , Vanessa Kirby

20. Top Gear (2002–2022)

TV-PG | 60 min | Adventure, Sport, Talk-Show

The hosts talk about everything car-related. From new cars to how they're fueled, this show has it all.

Stars: Jeremy Clarkson , Richard Hammond , James May , The Stig

Votes: 126,962

21. The Others (2001)

PG-13 | 104 min | Horror, Mystery, Thriller

In 1945, immediately following the end of Second World War, a woman who lives with her two photosensitive children on her darkened old family estate in the Channel Islands becomes convinced that the home is haunted.

Director: Alejandro Amenábar | Stars: Nicole Kidman , Christopher Eccleston , Fionnula Flanagan , Alakina Mann

Votes: 393,811 | Gross: $96.52M

22. Valkyrie (2008)

PG-13 | 121 min | Drama, History, Thriller

A dramatization of the July 20, 1944 assassination and political coup plot by desperate renegade German Army officers against Adolf Hitler during World War II.

Director: Bryan Singer | Stars: Tom Cruise , Bill Nighy , Carice van Houten , Kenneth Branagh

Votes: 259,623 | Gross: $83.08M

23. Rain Man (1988)

R | 133 min | Drama

After a selfish L.A. yuppie learns his estranged father left a fortune to an autistic-savant brother in Ohio that he didn't know existed, he absconds with his brother and sets out across the country, hoping to gain a larger inheritance.

Director: Barry Levinson | Stars: Dustin Hoffman , Tom Cruise , Valeria Golino , Gerald R. Molen

Votes: 547,468 | Gross: $178.80M

24. The Mummy (2017)

PG-13 | 110 min | Action, Adventure, Fantasy

An ancient Egyptian princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension.

Director: Alex Kurtzman | Stars: Tom Cruise , Sofia Boutella , Annabelle Wallis , Russell Crowe

Votes: 206,558 | Gross: $80.10M

25. Collateral (2004)

R | 120 min | Action, Crime, Drama

A cab driver finds himself the hostage of an engaging contract killer as he makes his rounds from hit to hit during one night in Los Angeles.

Director: Michael Mann | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jamie Foxx , Jada Pinkett Smith , Mark Ruffalo

Votes: 433,860 | Gross: $101.01M

26. Jerry Maguire (1996)

R | 139 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance

When a sports agent has a moral epiphany and is fired for expressing it, he decides to put his new philosophy to the test as an independent agent with the only athlete who stays with him and his former colleague.

Director: Cameron Crowe | Stars: Tom Cruise , Cuba Gooding Jr. , Renée Zellweger , Kelly Preston

Votes: 287,495 | Gross: $153.95M

27. Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)

PG-13 | 132 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

The IMF is shut down when it's implicated in the bombing of the Kremlin, causing Ethan Hunt and his new team to go rogue to clear their organization's name.

Director: Brad Bird | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jeremy Renner , Simon Pegg , Paula Patton

Votes: 529,039 | Gross: $209.40M

28. American Made (2017)

R | 115 min | Action, Comedy, Crime

The story of Barry Seal, an American pilot who became a drug-runner for the CIA in the 1980s in a clandestine operation that would be exposed as the Iran-Contra Affair.

Director: Doug Liman | Stars: Tom Cruise , Domhnall Gleeson , Sarah Wright , Jesse Plemons

Votes: 208,757 | Gross: $51.34M

29. Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

PG-13 | 131 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

Ethan and his team take on their most impossible mission yet when they have to eradicate an international rogue organization as highly skilled as they are and committed to destroying the IMF.

Director: Christopher McQuarrie | Stars: Tom Cruise , Rebecca Ferguson , Jeremy Renner , Simon Pegg

Votes: 411,546 | Gross: $195.04M

30. Mission: Impossible III (2006)

PG-13 | 126 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

IMF agent Ethan Hunt comes into conflict with a dangerous and sadistic arms dealer who threatens his life and his fiancée in response.

Director: J.J. Abrams | Stars: Tom Cruise , Michelle Monaghan , Ving Rhames , Philip Seymour Hoffman

Votes: 391,254 | Gross: $134.03M

31. Mission: Impossible II (2000)

PG-13 | 123 min | Action, Adventure, Thriller

IMF agent Ethan Hunt is sent to Sydney to find and destroy a genetically modified disease called "Chimera".

Director: John Woo | Stars: Tom Cruise , Dougray Scott , Thandiwe Newton , Ving Rhames

Votes: 378,263 | Gross: $215.41M

32. Vanilla Sky (2001)

R | 136 min | Fantasy, Mystery, Romance

A self-indulgent and vain publishing magnate finds his privileged life upended after a vehicular accident with a resentful lover.

Director: Cameron Crowe | Stars: Tom Cruise , Penélope Cruz , Cameron Diaz , Kurt Russell

Votes: 286,082 | Gross: $100.61M

33. Endless Love (1981)

R | 116 min | Drama, Romance

Parental disapproval of a passionate romance between two teenagers leads to arguments, circumstance, insanity and tragedy.

Director: Franco Zeffirelli | Stars: Brooke Shields , Martin Hewitt , Shirley Knight , Don Murray

Votes: 9,603 | Gross: $31.18M

34. The Firm (1993)

R | 154 min | Drama, Mystery, Thriller

A young lawyer joins a prestigious law firm only to discover that it has a sinister dark side.

Director: Sydney Pollack | Stars: Tom Cruise , Jeanne Tripplehorn , Gene Hackman , Hal Holbrook

Votes: 147,956 | Gross: $158.35M

35. Knight and Day (2010)

PG-13 | 109 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

A young woman gets mixed up with a disgraced spy who is trying to clear his name.

Director: James Mangold | Stars: Tom Cruise , Cameron Diaz , Peter Sarsgaard , Jordi Mollà

Votes: 210,547 | Gross: $76.42M

36. Jack Reacher: Never Go Back (2016)

PG-13 | 118 min | Action, Crime, Drama

Jack Reacher must uncover the truth behind a major government conspiracy in order to clear his name while on the run as a fugitive from the law.

Director: Edward Zwick | Stars: Tom Cruise , Cobie Smulders , Aldis Hodge , Robert Knepper

Votes: 175,651 | Gross: $58.70M

37. Rock of Ages (2012)

PG-13 | 123 min | Comedy, Drama, Musical

A small-town girl and a city boy meet on the Sunset Strip while pursuing their Hollywood dreams.

Director: Adam Shankman | Stars: Julianne Hough , Diego Boneta , Tom Cruise , Alec Baldwin

Votes: 81,749 | Gross: $38.52M

38. Risky Business (1983)

R | 99 min | Comedy, Crime, Drama

A Chicago teenager is looking for fun at home while his parents are away, but the situation quickly gets out of hand.

Director: Paul Brickman | Stars: Tom Cruise , Rebecca De Mornay , Joe Pantoliano , Richard Masur

Votes: 100,036 | Gross: $63.50M

39. Young Guns (1988)

R | 107 min | Action, Drama, Western

A group of young gunmen, led by Billy the Kid, become deputies to avenge the murder of the rancher who became their benefactor. But when Billy takes their authority too far, they become the hunted.

Director: Christopher Cain | Stars: Emilio Estevez , Kiefer Sutherland , Lou Diamond Phillips , Charlie Sheen

Votes: 68,189 | Gross: $45.66M

40. Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002)

PG-13 | 94 min | Action, Adventure, Comedy

Upon learning that his father has been kidnapped, Austin Powers must travel to 1975 and defeat the aptly named villain Goldmember, who is working with Dr. Evil.

Director: Jay Roach | Stars: Mike Myers , Beyoncé , Seth Green , Michael York

Votes: 223,144 | Gross: $213.31M

41. Formula 1: Drive to Survive (2019– )

TV-MA | 40 min | Documentary, Sport

Docuseries following the FIA Formula One World Championship across multiple seasons.

Stars: Will Buxton , Jack Nicholls , Daniel Ricciardo , Lewis Hamilton

Votes: 51,124

42. Cocktail (1988)

R | 104 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance

A talented New York City bartender takes a job at a bar in Jamaica and falls in love.

Director: Roger Donaldson | Stars: Tom Cruise , Bryan Brown , Elisabeth Shue , Lisa Banes

Votes: 92,033 | Gross: $78.22M

43. Born on the Fourth of July (1989)

R | 145 min | Biography, Drama, War

The biography of Ron Kovic . Paralyzed in the Vietnam war, he becomes an anti-war and pro-human rights political activist after feeling betrayed by the country for which he fought.

Director: Oliver Stone | Stars: Tom Cruise , Bryan Larkin , Raymond J. Barry , Caroline Kava

Votes: 116,147 | Gross: $70.00M

44. Dateline NBC (1992– )

TV-PG | 60 min | Documentary, News

Long-running news-magazine/investigation series.

Stars: Lester Holt , Keith Morrison , Andrea Canning , Josh Mankiewicz

Votes: 3,439

45. Days of Thunder (1990)

PG-13 | 107 min | Action, Drama, Sport

A young hot-shot stock car driver gets his chance to compete at the top level.

Director: Tony Scott | Stars: Tom Cruise , Nicole Kidman , Robert Duvall , Randy Quaid

Votes: 96,552 | Gross: $82.67M

46. The Color of Money (1986)

R | 119 min | Drama, Sport

Fast Eddie Felson teaches a cocky but immensely talented protégé the ropes of pool hustling, which in turn inspires him to make an unlikely comeback.

Director: Martin Scorsese | Stars: Paul Newman , Tom Cruise , Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio , Helen Shaver

Votes: 93,436 | Gross: $52.29M

47. The Daily Show (1996– )

TV-14 | 22 min | Comedy, News, Talk-Show

A comedy news show featuring humorous takes on top stories.

Stars: Jon Stewart , Trevor Noah , Stephen Colbert , Roy Wood Jr.

Votes: 48,220

48. Shattered Glass (2003)

PG-13 | 94 min | Drama, History

The story of a young journalist who fell from grace when it was discovered he fabricated over half of his articles from the publication The New Republic magazine.

Director: Billy Ray | Stars: Hayden Christensen , Chloë Sevigny , Steve Zahn , Peter Sarsgaard

Votes: 37,728 | Gross: $2.22M

49. Far and Away (1992)

PG-13 | 140 min | Adventure, Drama, Romance

A young Irish couple flee to the States, but subsequently struggle to obtain land and prosper freely.

Director: Ron Howard | Stars: Tom Cruise , Nicole Kidman , Thomas Gibson , Robert Prosky

Votes: 68,421 | Gross: $58.88M

50. Going the Distance (2010)

R | 102 min | Comedy, Romance

A romantic comedy centered on a guy and a gal who try to keep their love alive as they shuttle back and forth between New York and San Francisco to see one another.

Director: Nanette Burstein | Stars: Drew Barrymore , Justin Long , Ron Livingston , Charlie Day

Votes: 60,004 | Gross: $17.80M

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  7. Tom Cruise

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    Risky Business (1983) R | 99 min | Comedy, Crime, Drama. A Chicago teenager is looking for fun at home while his parents are away, but the situation quickly gets out of hand. Director: Paul Brickman | Stars: Tom Cruise, Rebecca De Mornay, Joe Pantoliano, Richard Masur. Votes: 99,532 | Gross: $63.50M.

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    An ancient Egyptian princess is awakened from her crypt beneath the desert, bringing with her malevolence grown over millennia and terrors that defy human comprehension. Director: Alex Kurtzman | Stars: Tom Cruise, Sofia Boutella, Annabelle Wallis, Russell Crowe. Votes: 206,497 | Gross: $80.10M. 25.