logos travel filipiny

  • Podróże dla Koneserów
  • Wycieczki na 7 kontynentów
  • Hotele Logos
  • Japan Rail Pass
  • Ameryka Północna
  • Ameryka Południowa
  • Australia i Oceania
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  • Lato - wypoczynek
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  • Kalendarium

logos travel filipiny

Filipiny - wycieczki objazdowe

Logos Travel

  • POPULARNE Amazonia Ameryka Środkowa Argentyna Australia Bhutan Birma Brazylia Chile Chiny Dookoła Świata Ekwador Etiopia Indie Indonezja Iran Izrael Japonia Kanada Nowa Zelandia Peru Rosja RPA Tajlandia Tanzania USA Wietnam Zobacz resztę

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Logos Travel – Wyprawy na 7 kontynentów


logos travel filipiny

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Inti Raymi - „Święto Słońca”

logos travel filipiny

Korea Południowa

43 km biegiem przez antarktydę, biegamy na każdym kontynencie, ogranicza nas jedynie wyobraźnia, podróże z pasją - blog.

logos travel filipiny

Noc świętego Ignacego

Popularne kierunki.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Japonii

Jednymi z naszych propozycji są niezapomniane i pełne fascynujących atrakcji wycieczki do Japonii. Nasza agencja posiada siedzibę w Poznaniu, aczkolwiek nasze wyjazdy organizowane są z wielu miejsc w Polsce. W przypadku podróży do Kraju Kwitnącej Wiśni wylot odbywa się najczęściej z Warszawy, a lądowanie w Tokio.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do USA

Nasze wycieczki do USA pozwalają każdemu przeżyć "amerykański sen" i bliżej poznać to niezwykle zróżnicowane państwo. Celem wyjazdu może być Wschodnie lub Zachodnie Wybrzeże, a także inne, mieszczące się w centrum kontynentu, lokacje. Zawsze dbamy o to, by jego program był dopasowany do oczekiwań klienta.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Brazylii

Puszcza amazońska, barwne Rio de Janeiro, zapierający dech w piersiach Iguazú - tego wszystkiego można doświadczyć podczas wycieczki do Brazylii. Uczestnikom zapewniamy zakwaterowanie w sprawdzonych i zaufanych lokalach, a także mnogość zróżnicowanych atrakcji i doświadczeń, które pozostaną z nimi na długo.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Australii

Wiele osób marzy o odwiedzeniu tego najbardziej oddalonego i odizolowanego kontynentu, dlatego organizujemy także wyjątkowe wycieczki do Australii. Staramy się pokazać zarówno niesamowite, endemiczne ekosystemy czy formacje terenu, ale także strzeliste wieżowce i inne osiągnięcia architektury znajdujące się w miastach.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Indii

Indie są krajem pełnym kontrastów, w którym turyści z Zachodu mogą się zgubić bez odpowiedniego wsparcia. Ogromne i wiecznie żywe metropolie, wyjątkowa kultura oraz zaskakujące perełki architektury to tylko część tego co mają do zaoferowania. Nasze wycieczki do Indii odkryją przed klientami niepowtarzalność tego państwa.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do RPA

Organizujemy obfitujące w przygody wycieczki do RPA, podczas których pokazujemy najważniejsze atrakcje tego regionu. Ich uczestnicy będą mogli odwiedzić najistotniejsze rezerwaty przyrody, na własne oczy zobaczyć afrykańską sawannę z jej charakterystyczną roślinnością i zwierzętami, a także zwiedzić Johannesburg czy Kapsztad.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Argentyny

Podczas wycieczki do Argentyny każdy klient będzie mógł na własne oczy zobaczyć tętniące życiem Buenos Aires oraz posmakować wyjątkowych dań lokalnej kuchni. Poza odkrywaniem wyjątkowych zakamarków miasta, organizujemy także wyprawy na popularne szlaki turystyczne umożliwiające podziwianie tamtejszej przyrody.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Chile

Osobom chcącym lepiej poznać Amerykę Południową proponujemy nasze niebanalne wycieczki do Chile. Podczas takich wyjazdów podążamy popularnymi szlakami, odkrywając fenomenalne formacje skalne, wodospady czy inne naturalne atrakcje, a także poznajemy miejscową ludność, jej zwyczaje, historię oraz kulturę.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Nowej Zelandii

Wycieczki do Nowej Zelandii najczęściej łączymy ze zwiedzaniem Australii ze względu na stosunkową bliskość tych dwóch państw. Podczas wyjazdu przyglądamy się lokalnej architekturze oraz naturze, a także odwiedzamy lokacje znane z wielkich produkcji filmowych oraz dzielimy się informacjami dotyczącymi historii regionu.

logos travel filipiny

Wycieczki do Peru

Dla wszystkich osób zainteresowanych kulturą Inków przygotowujemy pełne niezapomnianych atrakcji wycieczki do Peru. Odwiedzimy znakomicie zachowane Machu Picchu, podążymy istniejącymi od setek lat szlakami górskimi oraz spędzimy trochę czasu w dżungli. Nasi przewodnicy pokażą także najistotniejsze zabytki tamtejszych miast.


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At-home anthro live.

Penn Museum exterior

1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Alumni Weekend 2024

penn alumni waving pennants at the parade

Various locations

268th Commencement

University of Pennsylvania flag.

Franklin Field

Wawa Welcome America Day

10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Penn Museum, 3260 South St.

Arts, Humanities, & Social Sciences

University-led research project seeks to streamline air travel

Megan ryerson of the weitzman school of design is part of a collaborative nasa-funded research team taming the turbulence of airport delays..

"Digital display showing the word 'DELAYED' in red alongside other information in blue on an airport board.

Long lines at the check-in counters, frustrated passengers stranded at airports, and the chaotic cancellation of flights due to unexpected storms or technical outages are becoming increasingly commonplace as more and more people rely on air travel, placing significant burden on decades-old infrastructure and protocols.

Responding to these growing challenges, Megan Ryerson , UPS Chair of Transportation at the University of Pennsylvania’s Weitzman School of Design and professor of city and regional planning and electrical and systems engineering at the School of Engineering and Applied Science , is part of a transformative research initiative aimed at bolstering the resilience of air travel. Funded by NASA, this project, led by a team of researchers and industry practitioners, will explore how the National Airspace System can be more adaptive to major storms, facility outages, and other technical issues that disrupt airline flight.

The project focuses on three critical thrusts aimed at transforming the National Airspace System: scenario generation; decision-making optimization; and validation, evaluation, and translation.

Scenario generation involves creating realistic simulations of potential issues such as weather disruptions and traffic congestions, allowing for proactive planning and robust contingency strategies.

The decision-making optimization portion uses advanced predictive models and operational research to provide recommendations for air traffic managers, ensuring that responses to any given scenario are effective and efficient.

And finally, the validation, evaluation, and translation focus ensures the practical application of research outcomes. It involves testing the proposed solutions in simulated environments and real-world settings to evaluate their impact and effectiveness, followed by formulating guidelines that can be implemented by stakeholders such as airport authorities, port authorities, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and airlines.

The project, slated to begin in August, ironically came about during a discussion spurred by a major delay.

Turbulence at the TRB

Last year, on a chilly early January morning in Washington, D.C., Ryerson was attending the annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) conference.

Attendance ranges well into the thousands, Ryerson says, and it is a great way to connect and learn about what is going on in the field. “It’s the most special conference because it's a real motley crew of who’s who in transportation; there are a lot of Department of Transportation folks, a lot of practitioners, students, and your most seasoned professors,” she says.

megan ryerson

As the conference was winding down, “the Federal Aviation Administration experienced a significant outage in their Notice to Air Missions system (NOTAM), a critical piece of infrastructure that communicates necessary flight safety information to pilots," Ryerson says, “and, as you could imagine, passengers and airports were in disarray and flights were grounded across the nation.”

The following morning, amid the unfolding chaos, Ryerson had planned a breakfast with Dave Lovell, a professor at the University of Maryland and her longtime collaborator in air transportation optimization. As they headed to their meeting, “my phone buzzed relentlessly with updates and messages from my colleagues trapped at airports, texting me in disbelief at the extent of this disruption.”

Sitting down for breakfast at a café near the conference venue, the atmosphere was charged with a palpable sense of urgency, Ryerson says. “The catch-up session between me and Dave quickly turned into a NOTAM deep dive,” she says, “and, with our expertise in air transportation, we saw this event not as an isolated incident but as a symptom of the broader vulnerabilities within the air transportation system.”

They discussed how such disruptions were becoming more frequent and severe, exacerbated by factors like climate change and technological failures, and the conversation turned into a catalyst as the two looked into a way to bolster the resilience of air transportation. They aimed to develop strategies that could mitigate the effects of such disruptions and decided to formalize their discussions into a white paper focusing on resilience strategies and they planned to assemble a “dream team.”

This team would later include Max Li, a former student of Ryerson’s from Penn who is now an assistant professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Michigan; Patty Clark, as the former chief aviation strategic officer at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, with extensive experience monitoring and solving delay problems at major airports in the New York area; and Mark Hansen, a professor of civil engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, who had been Ryerson's Ph.D. advisor.

With the groundwork laid, Ryerson and her colleagues began reaching out to other potential collaborators and community colleges, involving them in crafting a full proposal to submit to NASA.

Expanded operations

By mid-2023, Ryerson and the team were ready to submit a comprehensive proposal. They targeted a specific NASA call for projects under the University Leadership Initiative and saw this as a unique opportunity to highlight the work of community colleges by including several neighboring institutions in their proposal.

“Education, outreach, and workforce development are a huge component of this project,” says Li, who will be serving as a faculty co-director in public outreach and supporting initiatives for spreading awareness of opportunities to learn more about the aerospace industry. “We’re here to highlight the broader roles that support the people we see when we hop on planes. From aircraft mechanics and engineers to airline and airport management there are programs from our partnered institutions that will help the next generation’s workforce join the bigger ecosystem here.”

Ryerson says that their work towards bolstering resilience within air transportation contributes to equity in mobility. “For many, paying that airfare is a big expense,” she says, we want to ensure “that, if the flight is cancelled because things happen, there are provisions in place to get you to your destination in a way that won’t negatively impact you or your finances.”

The nuts and bolts

Ryerson explains that the provisions she and her team seek to tie in some existing frameworks airlines use to remedy such problems, such as inter-airline agreements. “These are essentially deals that airlines may make with each other when they have to deal with stranded passenger during a disruption,” she says. “One airline will buy tickets from a competitor airline to accommodate passengers to make sure they can get stranded, disrupted passengers where they need to be.”

There are nuances, though, because companies want to make a profit, she says. “So strange things start to happen in this space. Like airline ‘X’ severing an inter-airline agreement with ‘Y,’ not selling to Y during an outage because X comes out looking a whole lot better if Y fails to deliver during a bad period.”

Ryerson also cites how airlines have years-long leases on gates at airports and that one airline may decide to block access to a gate from a competitor’s plane that needs to use it, which means “if your plane has to land at a gate that’s not permitted for use, and that’s the only one that’s open, you may just sit on the tarmac until a common-use gate opens up. Since there aren’t many common-use gates at most airports, that could be a long wait.”

Ryerson emphasizes the importance of predictive analytics and simulation-based preparedness in managing these inter-airline dynamics more effectively, and the team is taking the lessons learned to generate the next set of protocols.

Li's contributions to the proposal sheds light on the use of machine learning models to forecast air traffic scenarios and develop contingencies for each of the major stakeholders.

“For situation A, we’re going to have plan 1, plan 2, plan 3, and so on, and we’re going to make sure that these contingencies are tailored to whoever we’re talking to. For airlines, we adapt one set of models because their objectives are different than even another competitor airline. You could have different competing objectives and neither of these airlines’ objectives are necessarily aligned with that of the airport, which may not be aligned with that of the FAA. So, this is what makes the problem tricky because there are multiple stakeholders with multiple objectives, but that's what also makes it exciting from a mathematical perspective,” Li says.

“But you can make all the models you want and try predictions till you turn blue, but that means close to nothing if you don’t have a keen understanding of how situations on the ground tend to pan out, which is where Patty and her decades of experience at the airport have and continue to provide valuable insights,” Li says.

Connecting more than flights

Li and Ryerson note how Clark has helped them broaden their research beyond wheels-up to wheels-down to account for variables that often go unseen in the literature.

“Patty Clark is a brilliant leader in air transportation. Since the early days of my career, she has been teaching me about how the air transportation system truly runs and introducing all of us to parties involved from the Port Authority to get their perspectives. Patty is completely focused on passenger mobility and passenger customer service in air transportation,” Ryerson says.

“The Port Authority always took the position to make sure passengers are taken care of before and after they land, so in working with Mark, Megan, and more recently, Max, I had shared as much valuable information about the considerations staff make when things don’t go as planned,” Clark says. “If a plane is delayed, we need to assess the availability of services in and around the airport like concessions, taxis, rental cars, trains; we need to make sure there are personnel who can handle the cargo, unexpected baggage, or passengers with special needs, and so these are all considerations that may cascade if they’re not accounted for.”

Clark says she also works to keep the focus on the broader goals of air travel, citing President Harry S. Truman’s address at the grand opening of Idlewild Airport, now known as John F. Kennedy International Airport, in which he emphasized the importance of air travel in promoting international understanding and cooperation.

“He spoke about air travel not just as a means of transportation but as a gateway to peace and mutual respect among nations,” Clark says. “This vision of air travel as a bridge between cultures and communities is something that resonates deeply with our team's objectives.”

Clark explains that this historical perspective provides a framework for the team’s efforts today in improving the resilience and efficiency of air travel. “It’s not just about getting passengers from point A to point B. It’s about ensuring that air travel remains a reliable and accessible service that fosters connectivity and understanding across the globe,” she says.

Class of 2025 relishes time together at Hey Day

students working with clay slabs at a table

Picturing artistic pursuits

Hundreds of undergraduates take classes in the fine arts each semester, among them painting and drawing, ceramics and sculpture, printmaking and animation, photography and videography. The courses, through the School of Arts & Sciences and the Stuart Weitzman School of Design, give students the opportunity to immerse themselves in an art form in a collaborative way.

interim president larry jameson at solar panel ribbon cutting

Campus & Community

Penn celebrates operation and benefits of largest solar power project in Pennsylvania

Solar production has begun at the Great Cove I and II facilities in central Pennsylvania, the equivalent of powering 70% of the electricity demand from Penn’s academic campus and health system in the Philadelphia area.

elementary age students with teacher

Education, Business, & Law

Investing in future teachers and educational leaders

The Empowerment Through Education Scholarship Program at Penn’s Graduate School of Education is helping to prepare and retain teachers and educational leaders.

barbara earl thomas with seth parker woods

‘The Illuminated Body’ fuses color, light, and sound

A new Arthur Ross Gallery exhibition of work by artist Barbara Earl Thomas features cut-paper portraits reminiscent of stained glass and an immersive installation constructed with intricately cut material lit from behind.

  • Inspiration

Travel agency

Travel agency logos

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo für ein junges, mobiles Schweizer Reisebüro'

Show off your brand’s personality with a custom travel agency logo designed just for you by a professional designer. Need ideas? We’ve collected some amazing examples of travel agency logos from our global community of designers. Get inspired and start planning the perfect travel agency logo design today.

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Try our Logomaker today. It's fast, free and oh-so-easy.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Escaporado Logp'

Escaporado Logp

Logo for a luxury travel agency based in the UAE.

Travel agency logo with the title 'simple design for travel agency'

simple design for travel agency

Simple but bold design using topography lines to form a butterfly shape for a travel agency.

Travel agency logo with the title 'JOURNEYS'

JOURNEYS near and far Travel Agent specializing in honeymoons, romantic getaways..

Travel agency logo with the title 'Cool logo for E-commerce'

Cool logo for E-commerce

Nicely executed modern logo with hidden meanings. Contains letters C+S

Travel agency logo with the title 'high-end logo for a luxury travel and lifestyle brand'

high-end logo for a luxury travel and lifestyle brand

Luxury travel, experience consultancy & concierge service

Travel agency logo with the title 'AHOI logo | Plane Logo | Travel logo | Passport logo | Apps logo | Icon Design'

AHOI logo | Plane Logo | Travel logo | Passport logo | Apps logo | Icon Design

Ahoi is a simple app pairs pilots and no-nonsense travelers who prefer transparent, real-time pricing, without gimmicks, middlemen or membership fees. Work to focus on small, non-jet aircrafts from piston to eVTOL. Company more concerned with convenience and affordability.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Redknot travel agency'

Redknot travel agency

This was not the final iteration of the concept as the client wanted to tweak and enhance the design even further but the spirit of the design is essentially the same. This travel industry logo created has a clean and youthful look that would reflect freedom of travel in the Redknot bird. The logo mixes the simplicity of flight in clean lines as well as the thickness of the typeface to demonstrate solid foundations. The contrast is a staple in the logo industry but always demonstrates beauty.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo concept for Happeno'

Logo concept for Happeno

Happeno is all about making good trips happen for travelers. Happeno is a positive and happy place for people to book vacation trips. Happeno is the ultimate place that connects people from all around the world.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo Concept'

Logo Concept

Pinneapple balloon

Travel agency logo with the title 'Tattered Passport Logo'

Tattered Passport Logo

Passport + Travel in the logo. Company are Expert travel planning service. Helping people research and plan exceptional holidays.

Travel agency logo with the title 'uncut travel & hospitality | Travel | Hospital | Plane | Fly | Logo'

uncut travel & hospitality | Travel | Hospital | Plane | Fly | Logo

Tran Quoc Pagoda in Hanoi + Flying Plane in the logo.

Travel agency logo with the title 'chat + arrow concept'

chat + arrow concept

An app for digital travel. Visit locations and sightsee from your phone via video stream. I want the logo to be sleek but have a slightly futuristic look. It should convey, "This is something new and modern." I don't want any cliche icons like the map location (or pin) icons. "Woah, that's cool." should be the response when seeing the logo. This is not just a logo, it should identify a new technology. Dig deep and get creative. If you're not blown away by your idea, I won't be either.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Fun and playful logo concept for LOOP'

Fun and playful logo concept for LOOP

Travel agency logo with the title 'travel agency'

travel agency

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo Spanglish 360'

Logo Spanglish 360

Travel agency logo with the title 'Blossom & Grove Travel Company'

Blossom & Grove Travel Company

We specialize in Disney and Universal vacations as well as cruises.

Travel agency logo with the title 'River and Rails Travel'

River and Rails Travel

Travel agency with focus on US and international river cruises and rail excursions.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Tripfez Logo'

Tripfez Logo

The logo for an online travel agency for Muslim-friendly hotels and tours, pointing on young, hip and affluent travelers. "i" - fez (a Turkish hat).

Travel agency logo with the title 'Freedom Rings'

Freedom Rings

Tour and travel company specializing in RV and boating adventures

Travel agency logo with the title 'Whimsical yet classy logo for luxury travel agency'

Whimsical yet classy logo for luxury travel agency

Lavender Landings Travel is a specialized travel expert catering to high-end clients planning luxury travel experiences (target audience is honeymooners and middle- to late-aged adults/couples); focus on European and exotic vacations. The brand personality is confident, whimsical, sophisticated/elegant, airy, and charming.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Minimalistic Logo Design with Favicon icon'

Minimalistic Logo Design with Favicon icon

https://www.citytrip.travel/ a TV Tower as the letter " i ", with negative shadow effects to create a sense of dimension... To represent many different cities all around the world (Toronto, Auckland, Berlin, Moscow, Kuala-Lumpur...)

Travel agency logo with the title 'Postcard Getaways Travel logo'

Postcard Getaways Travel logo

Unique retro scene design for a traveler looking for the next trip (mountain/beach).

Travel agency logo with the title 'Travel agency'

Logo for travel agency in Finland for clients from Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo design for a travel agency'

Logo design for a travel agency

The icon in the logo is a Romduol, the national cambodian flower.

Travel agency logo with the title 'vrbo finder'

vrbo finder

We will provide travelers with THE most comprehensive website for information on bed & breakfasts and inns globally - from properties, to real-time bookings, to ratings to gift cards, etc.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Travel Honey'

Travel Honey

Logo for an online booking agency that focuses on millenials on a medium budget wanting to travel to Europe. The goal was to create a neon sign inspired logo without recurring to a dark background. The font used was fully customized and the company of the bear re-inforces the internal branding brief for further exploration.

Travel agency logo with the title 'The Travel Team'

The Travel Team

Travel for leisure and business

Travel agency logo with the title 'GUARANTEED PRICE - Young, fresh, masculine logo requested for party travel agency'

GUARANTEED PRICE - Young, fresh, masculine logo requested for party travel agency

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo for Destination Management Services by De Palm'

Logo for Destination Management Services by De Palm

Destination Management Services by De Palm is Aruba’s only full-service destination management company offering all the tools you need to plan a stellar, one-of-a-kind island experience for your group—from the moment you arrive to your final departure.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Jetcharter Logo Design proposal'

Jetcharter Logo Design proposal

Logo design proposal for jet charter company.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Icon Logo for Travel company'

Icon Logo for Travel company

simple, fun, unique and iconic

Travel agency logo with the title 'Also Voyages'

Also Voyages

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo for Peace of Mind Travel'

Logo for Peace of Mind Travel

Travel agency logo with the title 'Friendly Logo for a Travel Agency'

Friendly Logo for a Travel Agency

The client wanted a reference to the sunset, and I used the initial letters SS to form the sun in negative space, accentuating the sun rays and the sea with a few lines. I utilized rounded shapes to evoke feelings of relaxation and approachability. Everything is colored in an exciting and optimistic gradient.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Inspired'

Travel Group

Travel agency logo with the title 'Scott's cheap flights logo'

Scott's cheap flights logo

Logo design for Scott's cheap flights

Travel agency logo with the title 'Tripna Logo Design'

Tripna Logo Design

A Clever negative space logo for an online travel agency 𝙒𝙞𝙣𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝘿𝙚𝙨𝙞𝙜𝙣: https://99designs.co.uk/logo-design/contests/design-professional-logo-tripna-686037/entries/195

Travel agency logo with the title 'Fun logo for a travel agency'

Fun logo for a travel agency

bold fun logo for a travel agency

Travel agency logo with the title 'apelsin logo'

apelsin logo

Travel agency logo with the title 'Azur Vibes'

Azur Vibes is a travel guide for Cote d'Azur, location represented by a palm, a symbol of the beaches of the Côte d'Azur. For design, I used the symbol geolocation to understand that it is about travel.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo design for Voupara Tour Company'

Logo design for Voupara Tour Company

Travel agency logo with the title 'Solgruppen Logo'

Solgruppen Logo

Logo for Travelling Agency

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo for travel agency that specializes in luxury travel and destinations'

Logo for travel agency that specializes in luxury travel and destinations

Travel agency logo with the title 'VACATION OFFER'


Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo concept for a travel agency'

Logo concept for a travel agency

A charming logo depicting a blue crab escaping the everyday. The goal was to design a simple and fun logo that people can relate to.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Seeker Travel'

Seeker Travel

Travel Agency

Travel agency logo with the title 'Various logo concepts for traveling agency.'

Various logo concepts for traveling agency.

For this Design I tried to follow exactly what the briefing says, minimalistic logo with a strong identity to be recognizable everywhere.

Travel agency logo with the title 'LYST logo design'

LYST logo design

Travel agency logo with the title 'Tamelot Bags'

Tamelot Bags

Concept logo design for Tamelot Bags.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo for sitata'

Logo for sitata

Travel agency logo with the title 'Travel Booking Brand Logo'

Travel Booking Brand Logo

By using Haplopia to book round the world flights travelers save time and money. The logo approach was based on simplicity and satisfaction.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Travel accessories'

Travel accessories

Letters Z and L. Sailing in the sun...

Travel agency logo with the title 'Cruise Booking'

Cruise Booking

Travel agency logo with the title 'Clean and minimalist logo for Hawaii activities website'

Clean and minimalist logo for Hawaii activities website

Clean, minimalist and flat logo designs

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo concept for a Travel company’s event'

Logo concept for a Travel company’s event

The logo is for a virtual event for the travel industry, since the travel industry is hurting now and everyone is sick and bored with zoom meetings So this logo depicts a fun, creative and exciting event with all these colour mash.

Travel agency logo with the title 'THE SOLOIST'


Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo MLOCKT'


Travel agency logo with the title 'Good Weekend Co - Logo design and responsive Brand Image'

Good Weekend Co - Logo design and responsive Brand Image

Good Weekend Co. is a new trip-planning platform that connects city-dwellers with cool, curated destinations within driving distance of their city centre. The central piece of the branding is the symbol which is an simplistic representation of the postage stamp. This project started with concepts tagged by more illustrative style, but finally it ended up with clean, bold and fresh brand look.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Winning logo Design For Between Holidays Travel'

Winning logo Design For Between Holidays Travel

Travel agency focusing on international, Disney/Universal, and domestic travel, including cruises and beaches. With the tagline : Discover the Wonders Between Holidays; Your Journey, Your Time, Your Memories.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Minimalist logo for a marketing agency'

Minimalist logo for a marketing agency

Minimal typography logo for a marketing agency.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Stayfull Logo Design - Online Travel Agency'

Stayfull Logo Design - Online Travel Agency

Stayfull offering a wide choice of hotels, activities and travel services that are suitable for travelers for all budgets and various types of activities at competitive rates. With more than hundreds of thousands of hotel partners around the world and comprehensive offers for flight inventory available on the website.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Outdoor emblem'

Outdoor emblem

An emblem style logo with mountain peaks in the clouds. Unsold. If interested, contact me via 1-to-1 projects.

Travel agency logo with the title 'pin + key'

Vacation Rental Agency and Property Management in Pigeon Forge, TN.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Yacht charters  Logo'

Yacht charters Logo

La Vie en Bleu specializes in intimate customized yacht charters and experiences for small groups under 8 passengers. Modern and sleek logo incorporating our name and likeness of the yacht we charter, "La Vie en Bleu"

Travel agency logo with the title 'Travel sailing'

Travel sailing

A minimalistic boat

Travel agency logo with the title 'Bold and Minimalist Logo for Meet Kyoto'

Bold and Minimalist Logo for Meet Kyoto

Experience Kyoto, Japan

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo Travelsmeet'

Logo Travelsmeet

Travel agency logo with the title 'Bold logo concept for Hotel'

Bold logo concept for Hotel

I was really interesting with the logo title. I created the old building drawing the CH was very much impressed and select me finalist.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Fun, organic and elegant logo for a travel agency that specializes in luxury family and group travel'

Fun, organic and elegant logo for a travel agency that specializes in luxury family and group travel

Fun, organic and elegant logo for a travel agency that specializes in luxury family and group travel.

Travel agency logo with the title 'combine sun + pin + human'

combine sun + pin + human

Senior living community and property management service

Travel agency logo with the title 'Trym'

Highland Glade

This is a logo to be used for apparel at a personal residence.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Literal Logo for Travel Company'

Literal Logo for Travel Company

The client didn't want images of the sea or palm trees in the logo. So I made the sound of flying butterflies (migrating butterflies) to show the impression of travel.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Salty Sheep'

Salty Sheep

A boutique project and development delivery agency, focusing on the Australian and NZ Tourism Sector. We partner with people who are as passionate about excellent tourism experiences as we are, to help them bring their vision to life.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Logo Design for Kinslen travel'

Logo Design for Kinslen travel

Travel agency logo with the title 'pin+m+c'

This program is for the vacation rental industry (Airbnb, HomeAway, etc.).

Travel agency logo with the title 'Classy logo for Croatian travel agent'

Classy logo for Croatian travel agent

This clean design is based on a combination of one of the national symbols of Croatia - the pleter and the geotag, making for a unique and recognisable symbol

Travel agency logo with the title 'Minimal aviation logo'

Minimal aviation logo

Simple and minimal but still stunning, logo I did while back for aviation company. Flat and modern with as little details as possibile client was happy with this solution and I hope it will propel thier business up to the sky ;)

Travel agency logo with the title 'UNCHARTED COLLECTION'


When I see a word uncharted and related to a journey, I imagined "adventure" and especially for this industry, an adventure in a luxurious way. This logo has a dual meaning. First of all, the icon represents a compass arrow facing up but as a puzzle, this puzzled arrow shape needs to be put together. This concept represents "adventures and challenges". And the second meaning represents a subtle image of a sailboat in an abstract way to represents the journey. So when someone asks... "What's the meaning of the logo?" you can simply say... an adventure in a luxurious way! UC specializes in the booking of high-end sailing yachts in the Caribbean for traveling and adventure.

Travel agency logo with the title 'BAREFOOT STAYS'


I have a Short term rental business. I do direct booking along with Airbnb and VRBO platform advertising. I rent home mostly in Smoky mountain Tennessee and also on the beach in Florida. I choose the name as it is a play on being barefeet on the beach but also a BEAR's foot, since Smoky mountains are known for black bears. I target a wide audience, mostly families with kids. Women book the stays mostly. Mostly target all of the US but mostly south and eastern US.

Travel agency logo with the title 'R+pin'

Route My Fleet is a disruptive route optimization algorithmic software that is going to be given FREE to companies who are doing last mile deliveries. This software solution will help them to optimize the stops for all their drivers in the most efficient and shortest time to completion routes, all done in the matter of mere seconds. We are on a quest to prove to the world that route optimization which previously requires heavyweight computational power and the support of the expensive Google maps calls can be scalable and provided for free. We welcome businesses all over the world to test out the system for FREE.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Finding Sunsets Travel Agency'

Finding Sunsets Travel Agency

I would like ONLY a sunset sunburst over the water. No palm trees or birds. I want the company name Finding Sunsets letters to be fairly large, and both co. name and tag line to be in colors that stand out, not yellow, white, gold. Thank you!

Travel agency logo with the title 'Vintage plane for travel agency '

Vintage plane for travel agency

hand-drawn vintage plane in envelope-style logo

Travel agency logo with the title '3 day'

Cool and cartoonish Logo.

Not winning proposal in a contest. So, if you like this design, you can buy it. Also, I can modify it for your project. Cool, funny and cartoonish logo with a holiday hero for a travel company. Target group is between 18 and 30.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Luxury Resort Logo'

Luxury Resort Logo

Unused & available logo looking for new home, check my services page for details. Modern and minimal logo design featuring palm leaf neatly packed in square shaped icon. Colorway pays ode to summer, sandy beaches and crystal clear sea, while subtle shadow gives design depth and catches the eye. Modern and bold serif lettering compliments the icon making this logo design great for hotel, beach bar or even a yacht, you name it ;)

Travel agency logo with the title 'Sweet T logo'

Sweet T logo

simple lettering logo with nicely incorporated happy face

Travel agency logo with the title 'LOGO DESIGN'


Travel agency logo with the title 'Vo City'

Logo for Organising group trip travelling

Travel agency logo with the title 'Design an eye catching travel logo to stand out in front of others travel logos'

Design an eye catching travel logo to stand out in front of others travel logos

Create travel experiences for casual or business travel. Curated or wanderlust. Solo, couple or family exploration to their desired destination. Mountains, oceans, lakes. Air, land, cruise travel.

Travel agency logo with the title 'LOGO DESIGN'

The Airport Hotel a 3 star hotel is situated near Muscat International Airport, an established area with commercial and residential properties. The design depicts luxury in its style while incorporating the tail of a jetliner representing its business function and target audience.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Simple clean logo for fly.me'

Simple clean logo for fly.me

I had a blast working on this project. The shape is a bag label and the dot is the connecting element between flying and you. You are "figuratively" the bag.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Beautiful logo concept for Hello Horizon Travel'

Beautiful logo concept for Hello Horizon Travel

Absolutely outstanding logo for travel agency.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Vo LasVegas'

Vo LasVegas

pieman by E-T

Travel agency logos not a good fit? Try something else:

It all starts with a travel agency logo.

Whether you're brand new or on brand two (or three!), we've got a solution that'll suit your business and elevate your branding.

Examples of various logo designs created using logomaker

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Create your travel agency logo design in minutes. It's fast, free and oh-so-easy. The perfect way to get started, or use it as inspiration for our designers to level up your branding.

Examples of various designers that may participate in the logo contest

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Take your branding further. Get dozens of professional, custom travel agency logo options from our community of freelance designers, and experience next-level creative direction.

What makes a good travel agency logo?

A great logo shows the world what you stand for, makes people remember your brand, and helps potential customers understand if your product is right for them. Logos communicate all of that through color, shape and other design elements. Learn how to make your travel agency logo tell your brand’s story.

Travel agency logo with the title 'Modest-Luxury Travel Company needs a creative, cool, sophisticated logo!'

Types of logos There are 7 different types of logos. They’re all a combination of image and typography, but each gives your brand a distinct feel... Keep reading
Logo colors Choosing the right logo colors can highlight your business’ strengths and help you attract the right customers... Keep reading
Logo shapes The shape of your logo can tell customers if your company is friendly or serious, scientific or artistic, traditional or cutting edge... Keep reading

Travel Logo Maker

Create your ideal travel logo in no time with our free logo maker tool. Get inspired by a variety of travel agency logos and kickstart your travel company's branding journey today.

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Travel logo ideas

Check out these travel logos created by real Wix users.

Vista Vacations Travel Logo

How to make a travel logo in minutes

A screenshot showing the first step to create a fast logo using Wix including entering your business name and tagline.

1. Tell us about your brand

Enter your travel business name, tagline and brand aesthetic—or just let our AI logo generator come up with one for you.

Product screenshot showing step 2 - icon customization with different colors or icon shapes to choose from using the Wix logo maker.

2. Make it your own

Choose a style that speaks to you. Then, customize the font, colors, icons and text to bring your new travel logo to life.

Product screenshot showing step 3 - the ready-made brand logos by Wix ready to be downloaded.

3. Share it with the world

Download your custom logo design and use it anywhere you need to—from business cards to branded merch.

The front and back of business cards for a design company called Bura, made using the Wix logo maker.

Build your brand with Wix Logo Maker

A memorable travel logo can elevate your brand by clearly communicating what you do and showcasing your brand's personality. Popular elements in travel logo design include iconic landmarks, airplanes, compasses or waves, each symbolizing different aspects of travel and adventure. With the Wix logo maker , you can create a professional travel agency logo that captures the essence of your company in minutes.

After crafting your travel company logo, take advantage of Wix's suite of free business tools to further establish your brand. Generate a unique name with our travel agency business name generator , select from a variety of travel tourism website templates and draw inspiration from successful travel website examples . These resources are designed to help you create a cohesive and memorable brand identity that resonates with travelers worldwide.

Travel logo design tips

The Wix logo maker in action showing how colors, design and text can be edited for a retreat brand called Eden Oasis.

Choose the right font

Your logo's font can significantly impact how your business is perceived. Select a typeface that mirrors the energy of your brand and draws in your desired clientele.

For travel logos, the font should evoke a sense of adventure and reliability. Consider using clean, readable typefaces for a modern look or script fonts to add a touch of elegance and personalization. The right font will make your travel agency logo design stand out and convey the professionalism and unique experience your company offers.

Use color strategically

Like typography, colors also communicate the personality of your travel business. It’s a good idea to research logo psychology when choosing your logo colors . 

Blues and greens often reflect tranquility and nature, perfect for eco-tourism or adventure travel companies, while vibrant colors like orange or yellow can capture the excitement of travel and exploration. Remember to choose colors that differentiate you from competitors while appealing to your target audience.

Make a graphic statement

Icons, illustrations and graphics also help you stand out from the competition. Make sure to choose a graphic element that represents your type of travel business.

A well-chosen icon can communicate much about your brand at a glance. For instance, a globe or airplane may be fitting for an international travel agency logo, while local landmarks are great for niche tour operators. Make sure that the graphic you choose is scalable and looks good in both color and black and white.

Select the right layout

When selecting a layout for your travel logo, it's important to think about the persona you want to convey. Consider your niche within the industry and the message you want to send to your clients.

A minimalist layout can suggest sophistication, while a more dynamic composition might convey excitement and adventure. Adapt your logo's layout for different uses—opt for simplicity on digital platforms where space is limited but consider more detailed versions for print materials where you have room to expand on your brand story.

Explore logos by industry

Explore logos by style, dive deeper into logo design.

Check out these tips from design and branding experts on the Wix Blog to help you create the right logo for your business.

How to Start a Travel Blog (+ Get Paid Doing it)

How To Start a Travel Blog In 2024

travel blog names

80+ travel blog names to inspire

How to design a logo from start to finish

How to design a logo from start to finish

What is a travel logo?

A travel logo is a visual symbol that represents a travel company or agency. It combines imagery, typography and color to convey the essence of the brand and its services. A well-designed travel logo should evoke feelings of adventure, leisure or exploration and be easily recognizable to customers.

How do I find the right travel logo?

To find the right travel logo, consider your brand's unique characteristics and what you want to communicate to your audience. Use tools like the Wix logo maker to experiment with different designs, fonts and colors. Look at other travel logos for inspiration but aim to create something that stands out and resonates with your target market.

Can I edit my travel logo after creating / downloading it?

Yes, with Wix logo maker, you can edit your travel logo even after downloading it. If you need to tweak colors, fonts or other design elements, you can simply log back into the tool and make the necessary tweaks to ensure your logo always meets your evolving brand needs.

Do I own my travel logo after downloading it?

Once you download your travel logo from Wix logo maker, you have full ownership of the design. You can use it for all branding purposes without any restrictions. It's important to make sure that all elements of your logo are original or licensed for use to avoid any copyright issues.

Logos and mottos for Pope’s visit to Asia released

By Joseph Tulloch

The Holy See Press Office has released the official logos and mottos for the Pope’s upcoming visit to Asia.

The Pope’s journey to the continent – which will include stops in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore – is scheduled to take place on September 2-13, 2024.

First stop: Indonesia

Pope Francis will land in Jakarta, Indonesia, on September 3, remaining until the 6 th .

The logo for this visit features the Pope with his hand raised in blessing, standing in front of a golden “ Garuda ”, a sacred eagle, which has been depicted in a manner reminiscent of traditional Indonesian “batik” fabric. 

Inlaid is a map of Indonesia, an archipelago characterized by a great variety of ethnic and social groups, languages, cultures and religious beliefs. 

The Apostolic Journey has been given the motto ‘Faith - Fraternity – Compassion’.

Papua New Guinea: “Teach us to pray”

Next, the Pope will travel to Papua New Guinea, where he will remain until September 9.

The centrepiece of the logo for this visit is a cross, depicted in colours meant to evoke Papua New Guinea’s sunrises and sunsets.

On the cross, a Bird of Paradise, symbolising Papua New Guinea, can be seen. 

The motto for this Apostolic Journey is “Pray”, inspired by the disciples’ request to Jesus: “Lord, teach us to pray” ( Lk 11:1).

Timor-Leste and the value of inculturation

From Papua New Guinea, Pope Francis will travel to Timor Leste, remaining until September 11.

In the centre of the logo for this journey, we see Pope Francis with his hand raised in blessing. Behind him is the globe, from which a map of Timor Leste emerges.

Above, written in an arc, is the motto of the papal visit, "May your faith be your culture”, an exhortation to the Timorese people to live out their faith according to their culture and traditions.

Singapore: Hope for the region’s Christians

The Pope’s final stop will be the island nation of Singapore, which he will visit on September 11-13.

The logo for this Apostolic Journey depicts a stylized cross, inspired by the star that guided the Magi, by the Eucharist and by the five stars of the flag of Singapore.  

On either side of the Cross is the motto of the Apostolic Journey: “Unity—Hope.”

“Unity” expresses communion and harmony among believers, both within the Church and in the context of society and family relations. 

“Hope,” meanwhile, suggests that the Apostolic Journey will be a beacon of hope for Christians in the region, especially for those who experience discrimination and persecution.

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Bombardier’s new logo is part of a growing trend: naming your logo

T he new logo introduced recently by Canadian jetmaker Bombardier is not only sleek and striking, but boasts a feature that is becoming a must-have for any symbol aspiring to prominence: a name. It is called the “Mach,” in line with the company’s description of the logo as the silhouette of an aircraft breaking the sound barrier.

Certain logos have been acquiring names of various sorts for quite some time now. Perhaps the best-known logo sobriquet belongs to Nike’s “Swoosh.” Its name evokes speed and motion (and just sounds cool). But even as far back as 1932, brands were giving their logos nicknames. That’s when the British Airways mark dubbed the “Speedbird” was introduced; it would be used for over a half-century by the brand and its predecessors. A classic of early trademark design, the Speedbird might, in its avian abstractness, be deemed the Mach’s graphic great-granddaddy. The name was so popular that it outlived the symbol itself and survives in use today as the airline’s callsign .

Many logo names seem to have emerged organically and unofficially as nicknames. They offer a way for people—often employees of the company the logo represents—to easily talk about the logo itself. Some are merely descriptive, like the CBS “Eye,” or rather generic like the circular symbols of General Electric or NASA that have been dubbed “meatballs.” Others, like Delta’s “Widget” or Microsoft’s bygone “Blibbet,” seem to reflect a need to simply have some term to refer to an abstract logo that would be otherwise difficult to describe.

Certain nicknames, though irreverence and humor, indicate a sort of affection for the logo and, presumably, its associated brand: Chase’s “Beveled Bagel,” United’s “Tulip,” Quaker Oats’ “Larry” trade character, or, for that matter, Twitter’s “Larry the Bird” (RIP). Conversely, there are nicknames that ooze derision or animus, such as AT&T’s “Death Star” or UPS’s “ Golden Combover.”   

Other logos had more formal names. Those like 1960’s Steelmark and 1964’s Woolmark needed names because they represented industry categories, rather than specific brands. Other symbols, like those of the Olympic Games of 1972 ( Strahlenspirale , “Spiral of Rays”) and 1984 ( Stars in Motion ), received titles like works of art.

Eventually, brands and the agencies designing for them realized that they could try to preempt a potentially negative nickname by christening a logo with an “official” name before its ink dried. Because names were used to discuss logos, assigning a name was a way to attempt to control how logos were talked about. Enter examples like BP’s “Helios,” Bank of America’s “Flagscape,” and Decathlon’s recent “L’Orbit.”

Additionally, a name could help shape a logo’s meaning, which was particularly important for abstract symbols that were ripe for multiple interpretations. In the face of an assortment of anatomical readings of its new 2014 logo, Airbnb leveraged the mark’s “Bélo” name to try to convince users that it represented love and belonging.

The formal logo name didn’t always stick, though. The 1990s saw monikers like Imation’s “Hand of Imagination” or Lucent’s “Innovation Ring,” grandiose mouthfuls that were virtually begging to be usurped by nicknames. Sure enough, the Lucent mark soon became known in some quarters as “the flaming asshole.”

It would seem prudent, then, to keep logo names short—just a couple of syllables—and to ensure that they are evocative and memorable. Bombardier’s Mach succeeds on all counts.

A final benefit of naming a logo is that it imbues the mark itself with an identity, and with it a sense of being “bespoke,” rather than “off the rack.” This sort of naming is, in a funny way, branding for branding.

This post originally appeared at fastcompany.com

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Bombardier’s new logo is part of a growing trend: naming your logo

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The Big Problem With Marilyn Mosby’s Innocence Campaign

Former State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby became a national figure in 2015 when, a few months into office in Baltimore, she charged six police officers who were involved the death of Freddie Gray with serious crimes, including murder and manslaughter. Young, Black, and charismatic, she developed a reputation on the national stage as a “ progressive prosecutor .” She appeared regularly in the national media as an expert on police accountability and earned headlines for progressive actions including ending the prosecution of marijuana possession and other low-level offenses.

On May 1, nine years to the day after Mosby announced charges in the Gray case, she appealed to the public for sympathy for her own legal woes. “I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong, nothing illegal, nothing criminal,” she insisted during an interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid. On May 23, Mosby will be sentenced on three federal charges for fraud and perjury related to the purchase of two homes in Florida. She also mentioned that she is seeking a pardon from President Joe Biden. The NAACP is supporting her request, and a petition is circulating online in support as well.

Mosby’s dramatic fall from grace is a familiar story in U.S. politics: The career of an otherwise seemingly laudable politician is ended by personal greed and/or issues unrelated to their leadership in office. Yet, the story of Mosby’s career is told very differently among Baltimore insiders and close observers. Her progressive bona fides haven’t been broadly accepted in Baltimore, beginning with her handling of the Gray case. And she has been accused of “malicious” and “vindictive” prosecutions.

There is an ironic twist to Mosby’s journey from prosecutor to defendant: She and her supporters, including Reid, have made similar accusations about the federal prosecutor, Leo Wise, who indicted her and who is currently prosecuting Hunter Biden. Wise’s anti-corruption efforts in Baltimore brought down a police squad known as the Gun Trace Task Force, a police commissioner, a mayor, a state senator, a prominent attorney, and Mosby. The local media portrayed Wise as cleaning house in the city, but he has his own controversial history. Mosby’s case is a tale of two prosecutors, both of whom built their reputations on anti-corruption but faced similar accusations of political targeting.

Wise’s backstory as a “ bulldog ” has been told in the media but largely in a way that minimizes Mosby’s claims. In 2008, Wise was named as the first chief counsel of the Office of Congressional Ethics. Within two years, he resigned from the role after there were complaints about racial and political targeting. At one point, he had eight open investigations, all of them targeting Black Democratic members of the House. He was also criticized for selecting investigations on a whim; letting investigations become public news, sometimes before elections; and digging into personal finances. The Congressional Black Caucus drafted a resolution to limit Wise’s discretion. Wise moved to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Maryland in 2010, where he worked mostly on financial fraud and embezzlement cases for several years.

Meanwhile, in 2015, Mosby took over as the Baltimore State’s Attorney. Within four months, her office was consumed by the Freddie Gray case. She faced her first public accusations of a “ malicious prosecution ” from the officers in the case and their supporters . The officers filed a lawsuit that was ultimately thrown out by the Supreme Court, so it wasn’t taken seriously. They did, however, have a point.

Mosby was widely praised for her seemingly bold and progressive charges in the Gray case. Yet, the fanfare around the case overshadowed the fact that Gray’s cause of death was left mysterious after four trials with no convictions. Prosecutors argued Gray suffered a broken neck from being thrown forward in the van while it was in motion because he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt. The judge pointed out that there was no evidence to support that theory, and he faulted the prosecutors for legally unsound charges, like alleging assault while making claims about actions merely being negligent.

As the author of an investigative book on the Gray case, I obtained unreleased evidence showing that officers used excessive and deadly force on Gray when they stopped the van around the corner from where they arrested him and took him out of the van to shackle his legs, as some witnesses had told the media. Case files show that prosecutors knew about this evidence from early on and didn’t share it with the medical examiner or during the trials. Instead, they explicitly argued in court that the officers did not use force on Gray at all, aside from reckless driving.

Case files and notes from Mosby’s office further show that prosecutors rushed the charges before investigating most of the evidence and that politics was in play in their decisionmaking. Ultimately, the officers who cried “malicious prosecution” benefited from Mosby’s office not pursuing the stronger brutality case. But they were not wrong that she put a politically expeditious narrative above the facts and law.

Not long after the officers were acquitted, Mosby was being publicly accused of a “ malicious prosecution ” again, but this time by Baltimore activists. Two months after Gray’s arrest, in June 2015, Keith Davis Jr. was shot more than 30 times by police who believed he had committed a robbery. Rather than prosecute the officers, Mosby’s office prosecuted Davis, who survived, first for the robbery and then, when he was acquitted on those charges, for a murder charge filed days after his robbery acquittal. Police claimed that Davis had murdered someone on the same day of his arrest, despite no apparent motive or connection to the victim.

For the next six years, Mosby would not stop prosecuting Davis for the murder, despite two hung juries and two overturned convictions, one resulting from a discredited jailhouse informant. While she appeared on cable news programs and in Op-Eds as an exemplar of a “progressive” prosecutor, her office turned Davis into “the most aggressively prosecuted man in American history,” according to legal scholar Colin Miller .

Mosby’s zeal against Davis is hard to reconcile with her approach in the Gray case. One factor seemed to be her antagonism towards Davis’ wife, Kelly Davis, who became a vocal opponent. In 2022, a judge accused Mosby of having a “ presumption of vindictiveness ” and “personal animosity” toward the Davis family and their supporters based on statements and actions.

Accusations of vindictiveness continued to follow Mosby, including claims of retaliatory and politicized treatment of employees in lawsuits and affidavits . Still, Mosby remained popular and was reelected in 2018.

Mosby’s reelection took place during a period of intense corruption scandals in Baltimore. Wise was prosecuting a string of high-profile cases, including the Gun Trace Task Force and Mayor Catherine Pugh, who pleaded guilty to fraudulently selling copies of children’s books she had written to nonprofit organizations and other groups in exchange for money and political favor. In 2020, Wise took over as chief of the Fraud and Public Corruption Unit in Maryland.

There was one major red flag in Wise’s Baltimore portfolio, though: His targets continued to be almost all Black. Shortly after he took office, he indicted police commissioner Darryl DeSousa, a Black man, for failure to pay taxes. He did not indict the white police commanders who oversaw the Gun Trace Task Force, one of whom was named in court as a conspirator. Wise did indict two white Gun Trace Task Force officers, but only because they ended up being heard on a wiretap that was tracking a drug crew. The officers had extraordinary records of complaints but were not under investigation until the wiretap.

Wise seemed to approach his new role in Baltimore as he did his position in Congress. The Baltimore defense bar also became concerned with his apparent antagonism toward lawyers. He indicted and convicted Kenneth Ravenell, a prominent Black attorney, for money laundering. He then indicted Ravenell’s own attorney and defense investigator for obstruction of justice. He was unsuccessful in those additional cases. Wise even accused the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers of taking laundered money from Ravenell at one point.

Mosby was Wise’s last major corruption target in Baltimore. A year before her indictment, in March 2021, Wise’s office made it known to the press that Mosby and her husband, Nick Mosby, the City Council president, were under investigation. The Baltimore Office of the Inspector General had published a report showing that Marilyn Mosby was not properly reporting on her extensive travel and was running a questionable nonprofit. Nick Mosby seemed to retaliate against the OIG by seeking to limit its independence. There was a cloud of apparent impropriety around the Mosbys during 2021.

Yet, Marilyn Mosby was never indicted for anything to do with the OIG report. Wise finally indicted her in January 2022 for making false statements on financial documents in 2020, which had allowed her to purchase two properties in Florida—arguably minor, victimless crimes. According to the indictment, she had falsely checked a box indicating a COVID-related hardship to access her retirement income, and she wasn’t honest about her finances on mortgage applications.

Mosby’s attorney spoke out, claiming that Wise was leading a racist and “ selective and vindictive ” prosecution. He cited examples of Wise making inflammatory statements about her office in the past. He also noted that, as it was an election year, Wise had previously donated to Mosby’s two opponents. Sherrilyn Ifill, the former president of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, spoke out on Twitter: “There must be a federal prosecutor assigned just to Black mayors.”

The local support for Mosby was limited, though. Especially for activists and city residents who supported Keith Davis Jr., Mosby being prosecuted by an arguably vindictive prosecutor was her just deserts.

In 2023, Wise was demoted and removed from his position as anti-corruption chief. He was also removed from prosecuting the Mosby case. His boss, U.S. Attorney Erek Barron, had taken over in 2021 and had put some checks on him. As in Congress, Wise had a brief but intense reign in Maryland that ended with a whimper. He transitioned to the DOJ’s public integrity section, where he has been attracting controversy during his prosecution of Hunter Biden for tax and gun offenses—a case Biden’s team claims is “ politically motivated .”

Ultimately, Wise’s impact in Baltimore was to indict a handful of police officers for racketeering and try a series of other financial cases with narrow targets. But the cultures of police brutality, cover-ups, prosecutorial misconduct, and even purchasing political influence in Baltimore largely remain unbothered, and both Mosby and Wise played important roles in limiting the fallout.

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AAA Newsroom

Automotive, Travel, and Traffic Safety Information

For Pump Prices, No News is Good News

By: andrew gross.

Andrew Gross 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 9, 2024)—Gas prices posted a quiet week, with the national average drifting lower by three cents to $3.64 since last Thursday. Tepid pre-Memorial Day domestic demand and oil costs below $80 a barrel are the likely culprits.

“The current news cycle is jam-packed, so not having gas prices in the mix should be a welcome relief,” said Andrew Gross, AAA spokesperson. “Most consumers will probably see pump prices barely budging for now. That’s important because, on May 13, AAA will release the Memorial Day travel forecast, which could be a robust weekend for car trips. Stay tuned!”

For the complete report, including the latest EIA data and oil market dynamics, please visit:  https://gasprices.aaa.com/for-pump-prices-no-news-is-good-news/

The golden age of golden visas is over in southern Europe

  • Southern European economies have had remarkable recoveries since the financial crisis over a decade ago.
  • But a surge in real estate investment, partly due to "golden visas", has led to skyrocketing housing costs.
  • Northern Europe is also facing a housing crunch, despite very different economic conditions.

Insider Today

Southern European economies — from Greece to Portugal — have made remarkable recoveries since the European financial crisis just over a decade ago. Tourism is booming , investors and major businesses have moved in, and lots of foreigners are relocating to the region to take advantage of new jobs and a cheaper cost of living .

But one side effect of this growth is skyrocketing housing costs. Home prices and rents have soared in cities like Lisbon and Athens , while beach towns from Spain to the Greek islands are dominated by pricey short-term rentals.

This is in part the doing of so-called " golden visas ," hugely popular residency visas for foreign investors. In countries like Greece, Spain, and Portugal, most visa applicants qualify by buying residential property.

Americans make up a big portion of the foreigners flooding into southern European countries. They're gobbling up some of the most expensive real estate in Spain . They spent more per square meter on homes in Spain than any other nationality besides Danes, The New York Times reported last year. And they purchased more Portuguese golden visas than any other nationality in 2022 . Some are escaping increasingly unaffordable housing markets in the US . But they're now contributing to housing affordability issues across the Atlantic.

A surge in real estate investment has pushed home values way up, gentrifying in-demand cities , displacing longtime residents, and preventing young people from moving out of their parents' homes. Despite their booming economies, average southern Europeans still have relatively low wages and just can't compete with foreign investors, homebuyers, tourists, and remote workers.

Portugal, which has had one of the most popular and lucrative golden visas, rolled out its policy in 2012, fast-tracking visas for well-heeled foreigners, including those who transferred at least one million euros to a Portuguese bank account, purchased at least 500,000 euros in real estate, created at least 10 jobs, or donated at least 250,000 euros to certain cultural or artistic initiatives. The visa holders can travel freely in more than two dozen EU countries and are eligible for family reunification.

The visas have had a huge impact on Portuguese real estate and housing costs, João Pereira dos Santos, a researcher at the School of Economics and Finance at Queen Mary University of London, told Business Insider. The vast majority of visa holders have used a real estate purchase as their way in.

"They buy houses, so they do not invest and create jobs. And we know part of this housing is immediately put in the long-term and in the short-term rental markets," Pereira dos Santos said. "So these people that apply for the visa, they do not come to live in Portugal."

Portuguese home prices rose 19% just between 2021 and 2022. The whole market — from cheaper rentals to luxury houses — has been affected, Pereira dos Santos said. "The problem was so salient that it even appreciated houses that were deals between Portuguese buyers and sellers," he said.

Golden visas aren't all to blame. At the same time, Portugal, like the rest of sunny southern Europe, has seen a huge surge in tourists. Many emerged from pandemic lockdowns with the travel bug — and cash to spend. Last year was "the best year in the history of tourism in Portugal," the country's Secretary of State for Tourism, Trade and Services, Nuno Fazenda, told Bloomberg . The pandemic also ushered in a wave of remote workers and retirees looking for a high quality of life in relatively affordable European countries. New digital nomad visas for foreign remote workers have also juiced demand for housing.

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But as Portugal has experienced a worsening housing affordability crisis, Portuguese public opinion on golden visas has soured. Pereira dos Santos and his colleagues conducted a nationally representative survey in Portugal that found that a majority of respondents were in favor of ending the golden visa program even if it harmed the Portuguese economy to do so. Last year, the country changed the terms of its golden visa program to exclude real estate investment .

Other southern European countries are following suit, similarly pointing to skyrocketing real estate prices. Last month, Spain announced the end of its golden visa program, which was almost entirely dependent on foreign real estate investment.

Due to these measures, some of the most in-demand places in southern Europe will likely see slower housing price growth going forward. But because these economies are still doing so well overall, real estate prices will generally continue to tick up, Holger Schmieding, the chief economist at Berenberg Bank in London, told Business Insider.

"These economies are better places to invest and create jobs for domestic and for foreign investors into the economies as a whole," Schmieding said. "With better employment prospects people feel confident to buy a house or build a house. The real estate market is largely a reflection of the economy being on a more solid footing."

Northern Europe faces its own crunch

The economies of southern Europe are doing much better than the traditional powerhouses of northern Europe. Portugal and Spain grew more than three times as fast as Germany did in the first quarter of this year. But northern Europe is struggling with a housing crunch of its own.

The Netherlands has one of the most severe housing crises on the continent. Home prices have doubled , on average, over the last decade and now a newly-constructed home costs 16 times the average Dutch salary. Limits on building permits, a shortage of building materials and construction workers, and limited land have all contributed to the country's housing shortage.

Germany has seen a significant home price correction as it faced relatively high interest rates, an energy crisis, and new regulations requiring that homeowners switch from oil and gas heating systems to heat pumps that rely on renewable energy. That combination has helped dampen demand for homes and construction.

German housing prices are expected to start rebounding as the home heating policy becomes better understood, the European Central Bank signals it will soon cut interest rates, and wages rise faster than prices . "The German market for house prices is close to bottoming out, and the same probably holds for building permits and residential construction," Schmieding said.

France similarly saw housing costs steadily climb in recent years, but, like Germany, has seen its prices come down amid high interest rates. Schmieding also expects home prices and rents to tick back up later this year in France as long as interest rates come down.

The country is still facing housing affordability issues — a situation one prominent charity recently called "a social bomb"  — with rising homelessness and a growing waitlist for social housing. The Paris Olympic games this summer are only intensifying housing demand in the capital, including for short-term rentals, which has reduced the number of rental apartments on the market .

Despite very different economic conditions, all kinds of European countries are facing the same dilemma that's plaguing the US: a shortage of affordable homes.

Axel Springer, Insider Inc.'s parent company, is an investor in Airbnb.

Watch: Was Italy's $1 home scheme worth it?

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