
Los mejores lugares para hacer un road trip en Estados Unidos

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Cuando se trata de hacer un road trip por USA, varias dudas surgen: ¿qué rutas recorrer?, ¿en qué lugares parar?… ¡Bienvenido a la guía más completa sobre road trips en EE.UU!

¿Buscas una aventura a cuatro ruedas y no sabes cual destino escoger?. Hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos puede ser algo maravilloso, si sabes que hacer y como…

Es por eso que decidimos seleccionar los mejores lugares para hacer un road trip por USA. ¡Acompañamos en este viaje y conoce todos los secretos del road trip de tus sueños!

Por qué los road trips son una excelente opción para viajar en Estados Unidos

Hacer un road trip puede ser una buena opción de viaje porque te da la flexibilidad y libertad de escoger tu propio itinerario , además, puedes disfrutar del paisaje mientras conduces tu carro rentado.

Otra ventaja de hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos es que puedes parar donde quieras, por lo que tendrás el privilegio de conocer lugares ocultos que muchos turistas no pueden, por limitarse a una ruta más convencional.

road trip estados unidos

Otra cosa es que por regla general, las personas que hacen un road trip, son mejor recibidas por los lugareños y eso da la posibilidad de conocer mejor otras culturas.

Estados Unidos es un país muy diverso por lo que cada región tiene su propia cultura, gastronomía y estilo de vida, algo perfecto para enriquecer todavía más tu road trip por USA.

Además, los road trips ya constituyen una aventura por sí solos y pueden ser muy divertidos y emocionantes, mucho más que un viaje convencional. Una vez sabido esto, te vamos a explicar las principales rutas que puedes realizar en un road trip por Estados Unidos.

Rutas populares para hacer un road trip en Estados Unidos

Como comentamos anteriormente, Estados Unidos es muy grande, por eso, es mejor tener claro lo que vas a hacer y para ayudarte en la decisión, te vamos a mostrar las tres rutas más populares que se pueden hacer en un road trip por USA.

La ruta 66 es una de las más famosas de Estados Unidos y fue inaugurada en 1926. Esta ruta, con el pasar del tiempo, se intentó ir sustituir por carreteras más modernas pero actualmente es una carretera protegida por ley nacional porque cuenta parte de la historia contemporánea norteamericana.

road trip estados unidos

La ruta 66 empieza en Chicago, Illinois y lo que puedes hacer es retirar tu carro rentado en el Aeropuerto de Chicago O´Hare , queda más cerca del principio de la ruta.

5 lugares para visitar en la Ruta 66

1. Illinois:

Illinois será nuestro punto de partida, más específicamente, Chicago. Una vez allí, date un paseo por los principales puntos turísticos de la ciudad como la Willis Tower (uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de la ciudad), el Centro Cultural de Chicago o el Ponte du Sabe, lugar donde podrás hacer excelentes fotos.

2. Missouri:

La próxima parada de nuestro road trip por USA es el estado de Missouri que está a unas 7 horas en carro. Por desgracia, la preservación de la Ruta aquí deja bastante que desear, por lo tanto, tu viaje en carro por Estados Unidos desde Chicago no será tan provechoso.

Una vez en Missouri, tu destino será St. Louis, una gigantesca ciudad con lugares tan increíbles como el monumental Gateway Arch , con sus 192 metros de altura o el Jardín Botánico, considerado uno de los mayores del mundo.

Continuando con nuestro road trip por los Estados Unidos, escogimos como siguiente destino de la ruta 66, Texas.

Escogimos Texas como nuestro tercer destino porque es aquí donde se encuentran algunos de los mayores atractivos de nuestro viaje, como el famoso Cadillac Ranch . Este lugar tiene 10 Cadillacs de diferentes tipos y años con el frontal enterrado en la tierra, curioso, ¿no?

4. New Mexico:

Una vez pases la ciudad de Adrian que marca la mitad del viaje, estarás en Nuevo México, lugar con una interesante mezcla de cultura indigena, española y mexicana. Con paisajes que van desde montañas de difícil acceso hasta típicos desiertos de película del oeste.

5. Califórnia:

Finalmente llegamos a nuestro destino final, California y aquí podríamos hablar de un road trip a parte por su enorme variedad de lugares y si realmente estas interesado en conocer bien esta región, tenemos un artículo en el que explicamos con lujo de detalles, como hacer un road trip en California , ¡échale un vistazo después!

2. Ruta por la Costa Este de Estados Unidos

¿Cuando escuchas Miami , que te viene a la cabeza?, lugar paradisíaco, ¿no? En esta segunda ruta que hemos escogido para ti, Miami es uno de los destinos de este road trip . Vamos ahora por la costa este de Estados Unidos.

road trip estados unidos

Si desembarcas en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Miami, podrás retirar tu carro rentado allí mismo y hasta Miami ciudad, tardarás menos de 20 min, ¿ves que fácil y rápido?

Miami es una ciudad con gran diversidad cultural y muchas opciones de entretenimiento. Algunos de los lugares más representativos de la ciudad son South Beach , una de las playas más famosas de la ciudad o Little Havana , barrio conocido por su cultura cubana con deliciosa comida y mucha música en vivo.

Nuestra siguiente parada por la costa este de Estados Unidos es Nueva Orleans y la distancia entre Miami y Nueva Orleans no es poca aunque tratándose de un road trip y con la elección de un buen carro rentado , podrás disfrutar de las 12 horas en carro que hay entre las dos ciudades por los ricos paisajes de la costa este estadounidense.

Nueva Orleans cuenta con una gastronomía única en el país, la gastronomía cajún, además, posee una fuerte influencia de la música jazz y una arquitectura singular.

Para finalizar el road trip por la costa este de Estados Unidos que seleccionamos para ti, vamos en dirección a Charleston ahora, un largo camino de más de 20 horas en la carretera pero aprovechando el trayecto y viendo increíbles paisajes y ciudades como Atlanta.

Charleston , en Carolina del Sur, es considerado uno de los destinos más fascinantes para visitar con una bellísima arquitectura histórica, lujosos restaurantes y una combinación única entre lo moderno y lo tradicional.

3. Great River Road

La última ruta que seleccionamos para hacer en nuestro road trip por USA va desde Minnesota a Louisiana. Este trayecto proporciona vistas únicas e inolvidables para quien se atreve a recorrerlo.

Para hacer esta ruta, lo ideal es que desembarques en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Mineápolis y desde allí salgas con tu auto rentado en dirección a Potosí, Wisconsin . El viaje durará unas 4 horas y media.

Una de las paradas obligatorias es el Museo Nacional de la cerveza , lugar donde conocerás la historia del “oro verde” de esta región y aprovecha para visitar el Acuario y el Museo Nacional del río Misisipi, no te defraudarán.

Ahora vamos a Iowa, lugar ideal para pasear en barco por el protagonista de esta ruta, el río Misisipi. Además, no te puedes perder el Museo Buffalo Bill y el show que viene incluso sobre el lejano oeste.

¿Próxima parada?, Tennesse. La ciudad de Tennesse es también conocida como el hogar del Blues y si te gusta la carne a la parrilla, has venido al lugar perfecto.

Finalmente, bienvenido a Louisiana, nuestro destino final. Louisiana es famosa porque es el lugar de nacimiento del famoso trompetista Louis Armstrong y aquí encontrarás numerosos lugares para escuchar jazz del bueno.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre road trips en Estados Unidos

road trip estados unidos

Los road trips no son formas de viajar convencionales, por eso generan bastantes dudas. Te respondemos a continuación algunas de ellas:

1. ¿Es caro hacer un road trip en Estados Unidos?

La verdad es que sale más barato y es más cómodo que un viaje tradicional. La recomendación es rentar un carro . Además de que es mucho más práctico, te saldrá más barato que si decides ir en taxi o algo por el estilo.

2. ¿Cual es la mejor época para hacer un road trip por USA?

Esto va a depender un poco de lo que busques pero por regla general, la primavera es la mejor época por su clima suave, cantidad de gente y precios menores en comparación con temporadas altas.

3. ¿Que tipo de carro necesito para hacer un road trip en Estados Unidos?

Un SUV puede ser una buena opción, principalmente si vas con más gente aunque va a depender un poco de la ruta que decidas hacer y en Rencars, encontrarás las mejores opciones con los mejores precios.

4. ¿Qué documentos necesito para hacer un road trip en Estados Unidos?

Pasaporte (para turistas extranjeros), permiso de conducir y documentación del automóvil en día . Estos tres serían los fundamentales para andar por las carreteras de Estados Unidos con un carro.

5. ¿Cómo hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos?

Primero tienes que planificarlo todo, debes decidir con anticipación lo que vas a hacer y las rutas que vas a seguir. También es importante que tengas en cuenta la distancia que vas a recorrer por día y los lugares donde vas a descansar.

Bueno, llegamos al fin de un artículo más, seguro que te va a ayudar muchísimo, gracias por confiar en nosotros y si sigues nuestros consejos, tu experiencia será más que perfecta, ¡garantizado!

¡Atención! Se ha hecho todo lo posible para validar la información de los textos publicados en este blog en el momento de la redacción, pero no se responsabiliza de las inexactitudes o cambios futuros que puedan producirse debido al dinamismo de las ofertas y condiciones del mercado turístico. Los artículos aquí publicados, así como los comentarios de sus lectores, son meramente informativos y corresponde al cliente validar de antemano con y/o empresas de alquiler cualquier información que pueda afectar a sus planes de viaje.

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road trip usa que es

Los roadtrips más impresionantes de Estados Unidos

1. del pacífico norte a montana.

Esta gran vuelta está enfocada en los parques nacionales, los bosques, y algunos de los paisajes y la fauna más impresionante del mundo. Hacerla puede tomarte entre 2 y 4 semanas, yendo desde el bosque húmedo de la costa en Olympic Peninsula , hasta la zona montañosa del ecosistema de Yellowstone y alrededores, que incluye géisers y aguas termales.

  • Punto de partida: Seattle (Washington) o Portland (Oregon)
  • Toma la carretera 101 hasta Olympic Peninsula
A post shared by Marisa DeLano (@lifesjourney_marisa) on Aug 25, 2018 at 9:15am PDT
  • Acampa a lo largo de la zona conocida como “Wild Coast”
  • Paradas recomendadas: La Push (buena zona de camping, hoteles, lugar donde surfear estilo “Washington”), y el bosque húmedo de Hoh (Hoh Rainforest)
A post shared by Keith Ladzinski (@ladzinski) on Aug 20, 2018 at 8:01am PDT
  • Toma el ferry que va desde Kingston hasta Edmonds para regresar a Seattle
  • De Seattle, toma la carretera I-90 East (este) hacia el área de Missoula (son aproximadamente 7 horas de viaje), y acampa en las cercanías del río Clark Fork, cerca de Alberton
A post shared by Alex (@at_hart) on Aug 27, 2018 at 10:43am PDT
  • Ve desde Missoula hasta el Parque Nacional Yellowstone por Livingston (ruta 89)
  • Al regresar, dirígete a Yellowstone por la ruta 287, siguiendo al río Madison.

2. Del sur de los Apalaches hacia el mar

Este circuito combina la posibilidad de conocer la cultura de pueblos pequeños, con terrenos y áreas naturales variadas.

  • Punto de partida y de llegada: Atlanta, Georgia
  • Restaurante especialmente recomendado: Greenwoods en Roswell
  • Toma la ruta 85 N (norte) hacia la ruta 316, en dirección a Athens
  • Luego, continúa con la ruta 441 N (norte) desde Athens, pasando por Clayton (estado de Georgia) y Franklin (en Carolina del Norte)
  • Hay buenas zonas para acampar en el Bosque Nacional de Nantahala
  • Dirígete hacia Asheville tomando la vía 74 / US 40
A post shared by Thomas Hamilton (@hamiltonthomasjames) on Aug 25, 2018 at 12:35pm PDT
  • Conduce por la famosa ruta “Blue Ridge Parkway”, la cual está rodeada por el parque linear más largo de los Estados Unidos (tiene 755 kilómetros en total) al norte de Asheville
A post shared by Asheville Trails (@ashevilletrails) on Aug 26, 2018 at 5:59am PDT
  • Visita las cascada “Linville”; además, Linville Gorge o el cañón de Linville es un excelente lugar para viajar como mochilero
A post shared by Visit Asheville (@visitasheville) on Feb 27, 2018 at 9:34am PST
  • Sigue hacia el norte por la ruta Skyline, hasta llegar al Parque Nacional Shenandoah , o toma la ruta I-64 East (este) hacia Charlottesville
A post shared by Johnny Harris (@johnnywharris) on Aug 26, 2018 at 4:27pm PDT
  • Siguiente destino: ¡Richmond!
  • Dirígete hacia Wilmington pasando por Raleigh (I-85 hacia I-40)
  • Conduce a lo largo de la costa hasta Charleston.

3. De Front Range a Montana

En el verano, este camino en las Rocallosas se llena de motocicletas, casas rodantes (RVs o “recreational vehicles” en inglés) y personas disfrutando de la montaña, los ríos y las carreteras. El circuito incluye dos de los más icónicos parques nacionales del país, así como genuinos pueblos de cowboys.

  • Punto de Inicio y llegada: la ciudad de Denver o su área metropolitana (puede ser un lugar como Boulder o Fort Collins), en el estado de Colorado
  • Toma la carretera 287 Norte, pasando por Wyoming (autopista Chief Joseph)
  • En Wind River range puedes hacer trekkings y mochilear por lugar poco conocidos por la mayoría de los turistas
A post shared by Visit Pinedale (@visit_pinedale) on Aug 27, 2018 at 1:57pm PDT
  • Lander, en el parque estatal del cañón de Sinks (Sinks Canyon) , es un lugar hermoso donde acampar o pasar la primera noche, mientras se avanza hacia Yellowstone o Teton
A post shared by nickolas olson (@nocreative) on Aug 23, 2018 at 6:56pm PDT
  • Continúa por la 287 Norte hacia Teton
  • Está atento o atenta a Dubois, un verdadero pueblo de tradición cowboy
A post shared by Sky Garnick (@skizzlemanizzle) on Nov 5, 2016 at 3:01pm PDT
  • Visita el Parque Nacional “Grand Teton”
A post shared by Isaac Spotts (@isaacspicz) on Aug 27, 2018 at 6:59pm PDT
A post shared by Teton Fanatics (@tetoncollective) on Aug 27, 2018 at 9:19pm PDT
  • Y luego, conoce ni más ni menos que el Parque Nacional Yellowstone
A post shared by Billy DeKom | Photographer (@billydekom) on Aug 24, 2018 at 12:00pm PDT
  • La carretera escénica “Beartooth” (diente de oso en español, la carretera número 212) te llevará hasta la mismísima espina dorsal de las Rocallosas, llegando a los 3343 metros sobre el nivel del mar, y conectando Red Lodge con la ciudad de Cooke, en la entrada noreste del Parque Nacional de Yellowstone.

Nota: Adicionalmente, Jackson (en Wyoming), conocido por los foráneos como «Jackson Hole», queda a menos de una hora del Parque Nacional Teton –al sur- y vale la pena hacer el pequeño desvío para conocerlo. Jackson es uno de los pueblos más originales de los Estados Unidos. Además, sus grupos de practicantes de deportes de aventura son de los más fuertes y unidos en el mundo. Cuando veas con tus propios ojos el paisaje del lugar sabrás por qué.

A post shared by Paula Colman (@harpo_utah) on Aug 28, 2018 at 7:23am PDT

4. Lo mejor del suroeste (circuito largo)

Este road trip es uno de los más “calientes” de la lista, debido al clima que se puede llegar a experimentar. Sin embargo, los viajeros estarán sorprendidos por cómo bajan las temperaturas en el desierto al suroeste, especialmente cuando se está en altura, así que… a vestirse por capas.

Más que cualquier otro circuito, “lo mejor del suroeste” tiene una gran concentración de parques nacionales. Debes asegurarte de contar con algunos días extras para acampar o pasar la noche en los alrededores del Gran Cañón. Si uno lo desea, para viajar con tranquilidad, este circuito puede fácilmente durar un mes o más.

  • Punto de inicio y llegada: Phoenix, Arizona
  • Tomar la carretera hacia el norte I-17, pasando por Flagstaff, hasta llegar al Gran Cañón
A post shared by Polo Ramírez (@poloramirezc) on Aug 28, 2018 at 11:08am PDT
  • La 89 N hacia North Rim, te permite llegar a… ¡Marble Canyon!
A post shared by The Discoverer (@nowdiscovering) on Aug 25, 2018 at 1:29am PDT
  • El parque nacional Mesa Verde es otro de los puntos a visitar, y para eso debes conducir por la carretera US-160 Este, en dirección al sur del estado de Colorado, pasando por Durango. Las alcobas indígenas que se ven en la imagen datan del año 1200 aproximadamente.
A post shared by Mike Brown (@mbrown0316) on Aug 27, 2018 at 10:08pm PDT
  • Pagosa Springs, por su parte, son unas excelentes aguas termales de ambiente familiar
A post shared by Matt Macaulay (@mattmacaulay) on Aug 27, 2018 at 11:25am PDT
  • Dirígete al sur hasta Santa Fe (en el estado de Nuevo México), pasando por Chama
  • Más al sur aún, por la carretera 285, detente en Roswell y en las cuevas del parque nacional ”Carlsbad Caverns”
A post shared by Picturesque Traveler (@picturesquetraveler) on Aug 28, 2018 at 5:38am PDT
  • Siempre en dirección sur, ahora hacia Texas, haz una parada en el parque nacional Guadalupe Mountains
A post shared by Marshall Dutton (@marshdutt) on Aug 27, 2018 at 8:02pm PDT
  • ¡Más al sur! Hasta el parque nacional de Big Bend
  • Y ahora si, regresa rumbo noroeste, deteniéndote en El Paso y luego en el monumento nacional White Sands
A post shared by Forge Overland (@forgeoverland) on Aug 28, 2018 at 8:21am PDT
  • Regresa a Phoenix conduciendo hacia el oeste por la 10 (pasando por Tucson).

5. Circuito al norte de New England

Este circuito, por su parte, tiene que ver con temperaturas más bajas, con días de carretera más cortos pero en rutas serpenteantes, y también con caminatas en los Apalaches. Es una opción fantástica para familias con niños pequeños que buscan un “road trip” menos demandante.

  • Punto de inicio y de llegada: Burlington, Vermont (o alrededores)
  • Tomar la carretera 89 hacia el sur, pasando por Waterbury
  • Luego llega el turno de la ruta 100 hacia el sur, que es un hermoso camino rural serpenteante, pasando por las Warren Falls y su pileta natural para nadar
A post shared by Rick Mendez (@wanderinghealthcoach) on Aug 28, 2018 at 4:20am PDT
  • Conduce al este en la ruta 4, atravesando Woodstock
  • Cambia de estado e ingresa en New Hampshire, por la ciudad de Hanover (donde está “Dartmouth College”)
  • Ahora ve hacia el este, para el lago Winnipesaukee (puntos extra si lo puedes pronunciar bien), y continúa hacia Portland, Maine (si, la otra Portland, no la que está en Oregon)
  • Toma la ruta costera número 1, pasando por playas, pueblos artísticos, y Camden, para luego llegar al Parque Nacional Acadia
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Acadia National Park (@acadianps) on Jul 8, 2018 at 10:35am PDT
  • Dirígete hacia el norte, por Bangor, y luego sigue subiendo hasta el parque estatal Baxter
  • Ahora, llega el turno del ir al oeste… sentirás que estás en el medio de la nada, y luego llegarás al lago Moosehead
  • Regresa al estado de New Hampshire, luego de visitar el parque estatal de Grafton Notch
  • Continúa hacia el “reino del noreste”, es decir, Northeast Kingdom, una región del estado de Vermont
  • Regresa a Burlington, pasando por Stowe y “the Notch”, un pueblo de montaña y una montaña, respectivamente.

6. Lo mejor del suroeste (circuito corto)

Este circuito corto está lleno de aventuras, y te permitirá descubrir algunas de las más impresionantes maravillas naturales de los Estados Unidos.

  • Toma la ruta US-89 hacia el Parque Nacional Zion
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Zion National Park (@zionnps) on Jun 29, 2018 at 10:26am PDT
  • Pasa la noche en una de las 3 zonas de camping del parque o en el Zion Lodge
  • Regresar a la carretera US-89 y manejar hacia el norte, hasta el Parque Nacional Bryce Canyon . Observa unas formaciones geológicas llamadas “hoodoos” (ver imagen abajo), disfruta de los programas propuestos por los guardabosques, y acampa u hospédate en el parque.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Bryce Canyon NP (@brycecanyonnps_gov) on Jul 4, 2018 at 3:49pm PDT
  • Toma la ruta I-15 N y la I-70 E, pasando por el pueblo de Moab (Utah), ubicado entre el Parque Nacional Arches y el Parque Nacional Canyonlands
  • Regresa a Phoenix por la UT-24 (oeste), y de camino visita el Parque Nacional Capitol Reef luego, hacia el sur por la US-89, detente en el cañon del antílope o Antelope Canyon .

7. Desde las praderas hasta el océano

Este roadtrip es largo, y te permitirá descubrir la diversidad de paisajes que hay en los Estados Unidos. Desde las grandes ciudades, pasando por las praderas y las Montañas Rocosas, hasta la costa del océano Pacífico.

  • Punto de inicio: Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Toma la ruta I-94 hasta Little Missouri National Grassland
  • Acampa en Buffalo Gap Campground y explora el parque nacional Theodore Roosevelt , en Dakota del Norte
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by TheodoreRooseveltNPS (@theodorerooseveltnps) on Nov 15, 2016 at 7:49am PST
  • Continúa por la carretera MT-200 hacia el Parque Nacional Glaciares (Glacier National Park) , en Montana
  • Pasa la noche en una de las 13 zonas de camping del parque o quédate en el pequeño y artístico pueblo de Kalispell, Montana
  • Parada recomendada: Missoula, en el estado de Montana, es uno de los pueblos más chidos / copados / chéveres de los Estados Unidos
  • Desde Missoula, conduce por la I-90 hacia Seattle. Detente en las Snoqualmie Falls , unas cascadas que se encuentran a 30 minutos de la ciudad. Pasea por el lugar, o sube para tener una vista desde arriba de la caída de agua.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Gowtham (@gowthamramesh) on Jun 16, 2018 at 1:04am PDT
  • Para regresar, tomar la ruta I-90 hacia el Parque Nacional Yellowstone .

8. La autopista “Pacific Coast”

California tiene una ruta estadual, la número 1, que se ha convertido uno de los roadtrips más icónicos de los Estados Unidos. Conducir por aquí es un viaje épico, que te permitirá conocer la costa de California que toca al océano Pacífico.

  • Punto de inicio: el camino comienza oficialmente en Capistrano Beach (Orange County), pero puedes extender el recorrido un poco hacia el sur y de hecho comenzar en la ciudad de San Diego (carretera inter-estatal 5, o Interstate 5 )
  • Siempre sobre la ruta 1 del estado de California, ve hacia el norte y conoce las comunidades y playas de la zona de Los Ángeles: Newport Beach, Redondo Beach, y Hermosa Beach, para luego llegar hasta Santa Mónica
  • Visita el parque de atracciones que se encuentra en el muelle de Santa Mónica
  • Pasea por el Hearst Castle, en San Simeon, un lugar ridículamente lujoso
  • Presta atención al puente Bixby Creek, que es muy hermoso, cuando vayas de camino a Big Sur

mejores carreteras de Estados Unidos Bixby Creek bridge

  • Conduce por la ciudad de San Francisco, antes de cruzar el famoso puente de Golden Gate, y luego disfruta del área recreativa con el mismo nombre (Golden Gate National Recreation Area)
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Golden Gate Bridge (@golden_gate_bridge) on Jun 19, 2017 at 9:15pm PDT
  • Acampa en la costa, mientras te diriges a Point Reyes National Seashore
  • No te pierdas la playa conocida como “Glass Beach”, en Fort Bragg (ver imagen abajo)
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by E M I L Y L E H T I (@sweetcraft_mum) on Aug 29, 2018 at 9:56pm PDT
  • El circuito termina en Leggett, un pueblo que está cerca de algunos de los árboles más grandes del mundo.

9. Desde Oregon hasta Colorado, pasando por Yosemite

En síntesis, se trata de un circuito que tiene los “grandes éxitos” del oeste, en términos de naturaleza, con algunas paradas en ciudades también hermosas.

  • Punto de inicio: Portland, Oregon
  • Conduce por la carretera interestatal número 5, hacia la ruta 96, y haz una parada en “Redwood National Forest”, una zona de bosques protegida
  • Toma la 101 en dirección a la autopista Pacific Coast, por la que continuarás hasta llegar a San Francisco
  • Luego, dirígete al este, hacia el Parque Nacional Yosemite, donde puedes hacer caminatas y acampar
  • Ahora por la ruta 6, pasarás por Nevada (un estado que quizás te de la impresión de estar vacío de gente, ya que tiene una de las densidades de población más bajas del país), y luego llegarás al parque nacional Great Basin
  • Siguiendo por la ruta 50 hacia Moab, visita Canyonlands y el parque nacional Arches
  • Desde allí, estás cerca de Colorado, donde puedes pasar por Glenwood Canyon hasta de terminar con tu recorrido en Denver.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Michaela Kruis🍭 (@irongaze) on Sep 13, 2018 at 8:00am PDT

10. El circuito de los grandes lagos

Una mezcla fantástica de parques de atracciones y naturaleza que simplemente te quitará el aliento.

  • Punto de inicio y llegada: Chicago, Illinois
  • Conduce hasta Wisconsin Dells para encontrarte con parques de agua, montañas rusas y paseos en barco
  • Luego dirígete hacia el norte, en dirección a Michigan y su “Upper Peninsula”, donde hay tanto para hacer y para ver, que sería imposible resumirlo en este artículo. Algunas pistas para empezar a planear el viaje: las Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, el lago de las nubes (Lake of the Clouds) y un sitio llamado “Great Sand Bay” son todos impresionantes.
  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Brandon Erdman (@brandon_erdman_photography) on Sep 14, 2018 at 8:15am PDT
  • Desde allí, cruza el puente Mackinac hacia “Lower Peninsula” (si quieres, puedes pasar uno o dos días en la isla Mackinac) y conduce hacia la zona de Traverse City para poder visitar las dunas del oso dormido o “Sleeping Bear Dunes”

road trip usa que es

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Estos son los mapas de los 8 road trips que deberías hacer en Estados Unidos

Por Lidia González

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Pacific Coast Highway

Pacific Coast Highway

¡Cómo nos hace soñar el séptimo arte! Subidos en una moto o en un descapotable, pegados a unas gafas para que el sol no nos impida disfrutar de cada detalle del trayecto y con el viento explicando a nuestra melena lo que significa la libertad . Un road trip al más puro estilo estadounidense es una experiencia que todos queremos vivir una vez en la vida.

Desde películas como Thelma y Louise hasta canciones como 'Ride' de Lana del Rey son las culpables de que queramos agarrar un volante y lanzarnos al asfalto para descubrir, a través de amaneceres y atardeceres, la belleza de los espectaculares paisajes de Estados Unidos : impresionantes parques nacionales , tramos desérticos de arena rojiza, coquetos pueblos , grandes ciudades y playas donde reconciliarte con el mundo.

Por eso, para aquellos que buscan desconectar, vivir una aventura o una escapada idílica, NeoMam Studios , en colaboración con el ilustrador Ilias Sounas , ha creado 8 mapas minimalistas con las rutas más icónicas para recorrer Estados Unidos sobre ruedas.

“Elegimos estos 8 viajes por carretera porque pensamos que juntos proporcionaban una perspectiva equilibrada de la geografía de Estados Unidos. También son algunas de las rutas más históricas a través de un país fascinante” explica Mike Nudelman , director general de NeoMam Studios, a

Es difícil decantarse por una, cada una tiene su atractivo, pero compruébalo tú mismo. ¿Preparado para arrancar?

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Este camino, que recorre **los alcantilados del litoral central de California **, ofrece unas impresionantes vistas de la costa y de sus pueblos. El punto de salida es el puente Golden Gate de San Francisco . Conduce hacia al sur, a ritmo de The Beach Boys , hasta llegar a Santa Cruz , donde aún se siente el espíritu de los años 60.

Sigue dejando tu estela por la costa hasta Monterrey , aquí puedes deleitarte viendo ballenas antes de poner rumbo a Big Sur , una región de montaña que invita a la vida bohemia y hippie. Si llevas contigo la tabla de surf, la parada perfecta para ti es Malibú , te conquistará con sus impresionantes playas. Vive la noche de Los Ángeles y termina tu road trip en la ciudad de ** San Diego **.

La carretera madre la legendaria la Ruta 66

La carretera madre, la legendaria: la Ruta 66

Este es el road trip americano por excelencia . La ** Ruta 66 ** comienza en Chicago y acaba en California. Pese a que la carretera madre dejó de formar parte de la red de carreteras de los Estados Unidos debido a que había otras rutas alternativas en mejores condiciones, sigue siendo una de las más icónicas.

Deja que la tienda Eisler Brothers Old Riverton de Kansas , el Cadillac Ranch de Texas , el Desierto Pintado de Arizona o el pueblo fantasma de Calico te entretengan por el camino. ¡Ah! Y no te olvides de subirte a **la noria de Santa Mónica ** cuando acabes el viaje.

US Route 20

US Route 20

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Os presentamos el camino más largo de América , para los que les gusta vivir al límite. Esta carretera, que va de costa a costa, se extiende desde Boston hasta Newport , atravesando el corazón de Estados Unidos y pasando por 12 estados. ¿Primera parada? Los impresionantes Finger Lakes.

Si observas estos lagos desde las alturas, parecen los dedos de una mano (de ahí el nombre) . A mitad de camino, saca el paleontólogo que llevas dentro y visita el Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park de Nebraska . Luego, admira la belleza natural del Parque Nacional Yellowstone y termina maravillándote con los impresionantes paisajes de Oregón.

“Como equipo, nuestro road trip favorito es la US. Route 20 . La carretera de costa a costa es el camino más largo de América, cubriendo una impresionante en 12 estados. Todavía no hemos tenido la suerte de hacer ese viaje por carretera, ¡pero está en nuestros radares para 2019!” confiesa NeoMam Studios a

La ruta por los Cayos de Florida

La ruta por los Cayos de Florida

Florida Keys

Si lo que buscas en un camino tranquilo e inspirador , mete primera en Miami y aparca en ** Cayo Hueso .** Explora el Parque Nacional de los Everglades antes de llegar a Key Largo , la puerta de entrada a los paradisíacos Cayos de Florida.

Date un homenaje gastronómico en Marathon , cruza el famoso puente Seven Mile y deja que te hipnoticen las aguas turquesas, los delfines y las aves tropicales que encontrarás en los Lower Keys . No te vayas de Cayo Hueso sin visitar la casa donde vivió el escritor Hemingway.

¿Un road trip hawaiano ¡Hana Coast

¿Un road trip hawaiano? ¡Hana Coast!

Regala a tus retinas relajantes vistas a playas de arena negra y cascadas . Esta ruta, que se extiende a lo largo de unos 83 kilómetros por la costa este de Maui ( Hawái ) , tiene mucho que ofrecer: desde el exuberante Jardín del Edén, un jardín botánico que aparece en una escena de la película Jurassic Park , hasta el espectacular Parque Estatal de Waianapanapa.

“ Estados Unidos tiene un paisaje muy variado : desde áridos desiertos a playas, pasando por montañas nevadas y salinas bajo el nivel del mar. Un viaje por carretera es la mejor manera para entender cómo estos terrenos se mezclan entre sí y apreciar los sitios históricos y las personas interesantes que pueblan el paisaje” comenta Mike Nudelman , director general de NeoMam Studios, a

Blue Ridge Parkway

Blue Ridge Parkway

Naturaleza por doquier . Eso es lo que encontrarás si escoges la ruta de Blue Ridge Parkway. Esta carretera conecta dos de los parques naturales más populares de Estados Unidos : Shenandoah y el de las ** Grandes Montañas Humeantes .** Comenzando en Charlottesville , Virginia, este recorrido te guiará a través de paisajes de postal dibujados por senderos, bosques, cuevas, montañas y cascadas que se te quedarán grabados en la memoria.

Four Corners descubre el punto donde se unen Arizona Utah Colorado y Nuevo Mxico

Four Corners: descubre el punto donde se unen Arizona, Utah, Colorado y Nuevo México

Four Corners

En el suroeste encontramos una mezcla única de fascinantes paisajes. Este viaje comienza en Flagstaff y pasa por parajes como: el Parque Nacional del Bosque Petrificado ; Monument Valley , lugar de visita obligada; por el Monumento de las Cuatro Esquinas , el punto exacto donde se unen Arizona, Utah, Colorado y Nuevo México ; las impresionantes montañas de San Juan ; y pone su fin en la estación de esquí de Telluride.

Seward Highway

Seward Highway

Alaska alberga algunos de los paisajes más impresionantes de Estados Unidos. A pesar de que son solo dos horas de viaje , lo que nos encontramos en este camino son auténticos tesoros naturales.

El recorrido parte de Anchorage y atraviesa los acantilados del Parque Estatal Chugach , los glaciares de Portage Valley y las tierras Canyon Creek (portadoras de oro) . Al final de la carretera se encuentra la ciudad portuaria de Seward y Resurrection Bay , hogar de una gran variedad de fauna marina.

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Diseñan el mapa del road trip más eficiente por Estados Unidos

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Tremendoo Viaje

¡Aquí están nuestras 20 ideas de viaje por carretera en los Estados Unidos!

País de todas las posibilidades, Estados Unidos fascina e intriga a los viajeros del mundo entero. Si eres un fanático de los viajes a la ciudad o un amante de la naturaleza, ¡el país tiene tanto que ofrecer que no te aburrirás ni por un segundo! Desde ciudades bulliciosas y muy diferentes entre sí, hasta los esplendores de los parques nacionales del Oeste… pasando por las playas de ensueño de Florida y el ambiente tan especial de los Estados del Sur, hay para todos los gustos. Dónde ir ? ¿Cómo planificar tu viaje por carretera en los Estados Unidos? ¡Aquí están todos nuestros consejos para un viaje exitoso!

  • Visitas guiadas kotor
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¿Por qué hacer un viaje por carretera?

A menos que vaya a una gran ciudad estadounidense durante una semana corta, hacer un viaje por carretera en los Estados Unidos es la mejor manera de apreciar todas las bellezas del país . Ya sea en coche, furgoneta o autocaravana, ¡seguro que sientes un increíble viento de libertad!

Mientras visita los lugares de visita obligada, hacer un viaje por carretera le permitirá salir del camino trillado y poder incursionar en lugares donde los turistas nunca van. Una buena idea de aventura, ¿no? Es también la oportunidad de ir a tu propio ritmo : has descubierto un lugar idílico? ¡Tómate unos días de descanso antes de volver a la carretera! ¿Tienes un poco de hambre? ¡Aparca tu vehículo y saca el picnic!

Vivac en los Estados Unidos

Cómo organizar tu viaje por carretera en Estados Unidos ?

Si bien el road-trip es sinónimo de libertad, es importante prepararlo bien antes de irse. ¡Esto le permitirá administrar mejor su presupuesto, evitar molestias y optimizar el tiempo en el sitio para simplemente disfrutar! Pasa por una agencia quien organiza tu viaje a estados unidos de la A a la Z. ¿Las ventajas? ¡Valiosos consejos, tiempo ahorrado y una estancia llave en mano! Es ideal para salir tranquilo, con una organización realizada por profesionales que conocen bien el destino.

Tú también puedes organice usted mismo su viaje por carretera en EE. UU. . Para hacer esto, aquí están las cosas a considerar:

  • Coge tus billetes de avión según la ruta elegida . Si estás haciendo un bucle desde una ciudad, no hay problema, pero si estás haciendo un viaje de ida, puede ser interesante tomar vuelos multidestino, por ejemplo, ida Madrid/Los Ángeles y vuelta Las Vegas/Madrid .
  • ¿Qué tipo de vehículo elegir? Todo dependerá de sus deseos y del nivel de comodidad esperado. Solo o en pareja, puedes optar por un coche o una furgoneta. En familia, alquilar una autocaravana puede resultar ventajoso rápidamente. Furgoneta o Autocaravana, te ayudamos a elegir .
  • ¿O dormir? Si alquila un automóvil, puede detenerse en varios moteles u hoteles en el camino. Si tienes espíritu aventurero, también puedes ir de campamento, ya sea trayendo tu propio equipo o comprando localmente a bajo precio, por ejemplo en Walmart. En furgoneta o autocaravana, puedes mezclar noches de acampada (obligatorio en parques nacionales) o gratis en lugares autorizados.

Itinerarios en el oeste de EE. UU.

¡Conquista Occidente! Atmósfera del lejano oeste con su cuota de indios y vaqueros, parques nacionales mágicos, montañas salpicadas de lagos translúcidos, las maravillas de California con sus ciudades emblemáticas… ¡suficiente para hacer un viaje por carretera inolvidable a los Estados Unidos!

Para una estancia de unos 10 días.

Estas son las rutas preferidas:

  • Siga la autopista de la costa del Pacífico entre Los Angeles y San Francisco, vía Malibú, Santa Bárbara, Morro Bay, Big Sur y Monterey.
  • Bucle desde San Francisco : Sausalito, Berkeley, Silicon Valley, Bodega Bay y el Parque Nacional Yosemite te sorprenderán.
  • Descubre el Sur de California : Los Ángeles, Santa Bárbara, San Diego, Palm Springs y el Parque Nacional Joshua Tree.

Para un road-trip de 2 a 3 semanas

Puedes tomarte tu tiempo más:

  • Tapas occidentales de San Francisco a Los Ángeles : San Francisco Sequoia, Yosemite, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Lake Powell, Antelope Canyons, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon.
  • Un bucle en Utah y Arizona desde Las Vegas : Zion, Bryce Canyon, Capitol Reef, Moab et ses alentours (Arches et Canyonland), Monument Valley, Lake Powell, Antelope Canyons, Gran Cañón.

Cañón del antílope

Para un viaje de 3 semanas a 1 mes

¡Qué grandes lugares para explorar!

  • Un viaje 100% naturaleza : llegada a Phoenix, Gran Cañón, Lago Powell, Antelope Canyons, Monument Valley, Moab y sus alrededores (Arches y Canyonland), Bryce Canyon y llegada a Las Vegas. Luego tome un vuelo nacional a Salt Lake City para experimentar Jackson Hole, Grand Teton y Yellowstone antes de regresar a Salt Lake City para el vuelo de regreso.
  • Lo mejor de West San Francisco a Los Ángeles : San Francisco y sus alrededores, Sequoia, Yosemite, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Bryce Canyon, Moab y sus alrededores (Arches y Canyonland), Mesa Verde, Monument Valley, Lake Powell, Antelope Canyons, Grand Canyon y Los Ángeles.
  • El gran circuito de Los Ángeles : Desde Los Ángeles, suba por la costa hasta San Francisco a través de Malibú, Santa Bárbara, Morro Bay, Big Sur y Monterey. Disfrutede unos días en San Francisco, luego Yosemite, Death Valley, Las Vegas, Zion, Bryce Canyon, Lake Powell, Antelope Canyons, Monument Valley, Grand Canyon y de regreso a Los Ángeles.

Parque Nacional Zion para un viaje por carretera en los EE. UU.

Itinerarios en el Sureste de USA

Explorar los estados del sureste durante tu viaje por carretera en EE. UU. es sumérgete en un crisol de culturas unico. Del ambiente caribeño de la Florida con su increíble despreocupación en Luisiana con sus misteriosos pantanos y sus ciudades donde la música es omnipresente… ¡tus sentidos estarán en constante ebullición!

Para una estancia de 10 días

Centrarse en una sola región:

  • Miami y el sur de Florida : los Everglades y los Cayos.
  • Miami y la costa oeste de Florida : Nápoles, Isla de Sanibel y Captiva.
  • orlando y sus alrededores : parques de atracciones, el Centro Espacial Kennedy y las playas de la Costa Este.
  • Tops de Luisiana : Nueva Orleans la carretera de la plantación, el puente Breaux y el lago Martin, los pantanos.

Disfruta del archipiélago de los Cayos de Florida

En un viaje por carretera de 2 a 3 semanas

Puedes visitar un estado completo:

  • tapas de florida : Miami, Orlando, Cabo Cañaveral, San Petersburgo, Isla Sanibel, Nápoles, los Everglades, los Cayos.
  • Tops de Luisiana : New Orleans, la ruta de la plantación, Saint Francisville, Natchez, Lafayette y sus alrededores, New Iberia, Houma y los pantanos.

Descubre Nueva Orleans

Viajar de 3 semanas a 1 mes

Combinar Florida y Luisiana entre Nueva Orleans y Miami, por la ruta de las plantaciones, Orlando, Cabo Cañaveral, San Petersburgo, Sanibel Island, Nápoles, los Everglades y los Cayos.

Escala en Orlando

Itinerarios en el Noreste de USA

Hacer un viaje por carretera en el Noreste de los Estados Unidos te permitirá visitas culturales alternas y joyas naturales . Tierra de los primeros pobladores, estos estados han sido marcados por la historia, y las ciudades les rinden homenaje en museos de primer nivel. En verano, hay muchas posibilidades para nadar, mientras que en invierno, ¡puedes agregar algunos días de esquí a tu viaje!

En un viaje de 10 días

Tendrá tiempo para explorar un área:

  • Nueva Inglaterra desde Boston a través de Cape Cod, las islas de Martha’s Vineyard y Nantucket.
  • Los Grandes Lagos desde Chicago a las magníficas Cataratas del Niágara. Y si quieres hacer una incursión rápida en Canadá, Toronto está muy cerca y ofrece grandes oportunidades para visitar en un ambiente muy diferente.

Cape Cod en Massachusetts para un road-rip en los EE. UU.

Estas son las mejores rutas:

  • De Boston a Washington a través de Cape Cod, las islas de Martha’s Vineyard y Nantucket, Rhode Island, Mystic, Nueva York y Filadelfia.
  • De Nueva York a Chicago a través de los Grandes Lagos con las siguientes paradas: Cataratas del Niágara y descansos naturales al borde de los distintos lagos.

Para una estancia de 3 semanas a 1 mes

tendrás tiempo para hacer el gran recorrido principales ciudades, mientras toma descansos en la naturaleza en el camino: Nueva York, Filadelfia, Washington, Williamsburg, Durham, Charleston, Savannah, Montgomery, Memphis y Chicago.

sabana georgia

¿Listo para la gran aventura americana? lo hubieras entendido, Estados Unidos está lleno de pepitas por descubrir ¡y no tendrás demasiada vida para explorar cada rincón! Antes de emprender tu viaje por carretera en Estados Unidos, no olvides leer todos nuestros consejos para hacer de este memorable viaje un éxito. ¿Acabas de regresar? ¡Cuéntanoslo todo en los comentarios!

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Magazine Cultural Independiente

road trip usa que es

Guía para el Road Trip perfecto por Estados Unidos

road trip usa que es

Estados Unidos es uno de los mejores países del mundo para disfrutar de un road trip, ya que aquí se encuentran la famosa Ruta 66, la Pacific Coast Highway y la Ruta 61, entre otras. Son rutas en coche donde la variedad de paisajes y la historia y cultura del país son los principales protagonistas.

Sin embargo, para poder hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos y que salga perfecto hay que tener en cuenta una serie de cosas, como la de tener contratado alguno de los mejores seguros de viaje por si durante el viaje surge algún imprevisto.

1. Elegir la ruta por carretera en Estados Unidos

Hay muchas rutas por carretera en Estados Unidos, pero es la Ruta 66 , conocida también como The Mother Road o The Main Street of America, la más famosa de todas. Se trata de una ruta que une Chicago (Ilinois) y Santa Mónica (California) pasando por los estados de Misuri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nuevo México y Arizona.

También es muy popular la Pacific Coast Highway o Ruta Estatal 1, que une Los Ángeles y San Francisco. Además, es parte de la ruta por carretera de la Costa Oeste , que pasa por Los Ángeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Yosemite, Gran Cañón y Monument Valley, entre otros lugares de interés.

Otras rutas interesantes y muy populares son la Ruta 61 o Great River Road, que sigue el curso del rio Misisipi pasando por los estados de Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin o Kentucky; o la Hana Highway , en la isla de Maui, Hawaii, que une las ciudades de Kahului y Hana a través de una carretera serpenteante entre paisajes preciosos.

Elegir la ruta por carretera que hacer en Estados Unidos es el primer paso para disfrutar de un viaje perfecto.

2. Alquilar un coche que se adapte a nuestras necesidades

El coche es imprescindible para poder disfrutar de un road trip por Estados Unidos. Aunque hay viajeros que se lanzan a hacer una ruta por carretera en EE.UU. en coche, también es muy buena idea alquilar una autocaravana en Estados Unidos o una camper para ahorrar dinero en alojamientos y tener libertad total.

También se debe tener en cuenta que en función de la ruta y el tipo de carreteras por las que se vaya a circular puede que sea mejor un vehículo tipo SUV que un coche pequeño o mediano.

Lo que sí hay que tener en cuenta a la hora de alquilar un coche en Estados Unidos, sobre todo cuando la intención sea hacer un road trip, es que la empresa permita cogerlo en una ciudad y devolverlo en otra.

3. El GPS es una herramienta imprescindible

Aunque las carreteras están muy bien señalizadas, tener un GPS es indispensable para poder orientarse . Además, en Estados Unidos hay carreteras hasta de 20 carriles, por lo que situarse en el correcto para no saltarse la salida es fundamental. El GPS también es muy útil para orientarse por ciudad.

No es necesario contar con aparato GPS como tal, basta con tener un móvil con datos suficientes o ilimitados para poder utilizar una aplicación GPS para el móvil.

4. Planificar muy bien las paradas

Conducir durante horas puede ser agotador, por lo que además de turnarse entre varios también es importante planificar las paradas. Buscar lugares donde comer y donde descansar y tener localizadas las gasolineras es clave para poder disfrutar de un road trip perfecto.

También se puede improvisar y parar en lugares que sean bonitos y curiosos aunque inicialmente no se hayan tenido en cuenta. De hecho, hacer un road trip es mucho más que ir de un punto a otro, es un viaje en el que disfrutar de los paisajes y los lugares por los que se pasa.

5. Cuidado con las normas de circulación

Las normas de circulación en Estados Unidos son diferentes a las de España , por lo que antes de iniciar el viaje es importante informarse de ellas. O, como mínimo, de las más básicas.

Por ejemplo, en Estados Unidos se puede adelantar por la derecha en las autopistas. Además, mucho cuidado con los lugares donde aparcar, ya que no puede hacerse delante de una boca de incendios o puede haber carteles que indiquen horarios de estacionamiento.

También es muy curioso el tema de los peajes, ya que algunos no tienen barreras pero deben pagarse igualmente. En cuanto al tema de la velocidad, esta no puede superarse más de 5 millas.

Y muy importante, un viaje de estas características hay que organizarlo con tiempo, tanto para tener clara la ruta a seguir con sus correspondientes paradas como para poder reservar el vehículo adecuado. Así que si estás planeando hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos, ¡empieza con tiempo a prepararlo y disfrútalo al máximo!

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Viajes | By Josean | mayo 1, 2023

5 road trips por Estados Unidos para conocer el país de costa a costa

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¿Con ganas de una nueva aventura? ¿Te gustaría conocer lo más interesante del país norteamericano? ¡Genial! Estas 5 rutas para hacer road trip por Estados Unidos son perfectas para ti.

Cada una de ellas ha sido escogida para que tengas la mejor experiencia al estilo Hollywood y te enamores de hacer viajes en coche. Sin duda, es la manera soñada de recorrer los lugares turísticos de Estados Unidos .

Ahora, para hacer road trip por Estados Unidos existen varias rutas. Sin embargo, en Experiencia Joven hemos escogido 5 carreteras de lo más interesante para que tengas muchos recuerdos llenos de aventura. ¡Sigue leyendo!

1. Route 66: El road trip por Estados Unidos más famoso

La Ruta 66 es una de las rutas más famosas de Estados Unidos , por no decir que es la más icónica. De hecho, es tan importante que la mencionan en películas como Almost Ghost , Thelma and Louise y Cars , o en series como Breaking Bad .

La Ruta 66 tiene 3.939 km y recorre 8 estados: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nuevo México, Arizona y California. 

¿Por qué hacer road trip por Estados Unidos en la Ruta 66? Según National Geographic , estas son las razones para recorrerla:

  • Si te gusta la estética de los años 50, esta ruta es para ti. Hay muchas paradas que te harán regresar en el tiempo. Visita el famoso Blue Swallow Motel o El Rancho Hotel donde se hospedan las estrellas de Hollywood. Además, pásate por el restaurante Mr. D’z en Kingman. ¡Delicioso!
  • Es una de las rutas más largas de Estados Unidos. Si tienes 15 días para viajar por el país, recorrer la Ruta 66 viene como anillo al dedo. ¡Así conocerás más de la cultura estadounidense!
  • Por la Ruta 66 podrás llegar al Gran Cañón. Y, una vez estés allí, puedes realizar un trayecto por tren; se le conoce como Grand Canyon Railway .
  • También podrás conocer otros lugares turísticos de Estados Unidos. Algunos de los lugares para visitar en la Ruta 66 son el Escondite de Bonnie & Clyde (Missouri), Riverton (Kansas), Midpoint (Texas), el desierto de Arizona (Arizona) y el Muelle de Santa Mónica (California).

Dato curioso 💡 ¿Sabías que su nombre fue escogido para generar más recordación? Al principio se llamaba Ruta 62, pero al final se popularizó como Ruta 66. Hoy también se le conoce como The Main Street of America —La Calle Principal de América—, o The Mother Road —La Carretera Madre—.

2. Route 61: ¡La ruta del Blues!

Esta carretera es también una de las más importantes junto a la Route 66. Sin embargo, a diferencia de la anterior, la Ruta 61 inicia en New Orleans (Louisiana) y termina en Wyoming (Minnesota) , por lo que tu experiencia será completamente diferente.

Fue inaugurada en 1926, tiene 2.253 km de longitud y atraviesa 7 estados: Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Arkansas, Tennessee, Mississippi y Louisiana.

Este road trip por Estados Unidos comienza en New Orleans, conocida por ser la cuna del Blues y un punto gastronómico clave del sur del país . Así que, si te consideras un amante de este género musical y quieres conocer más de la tradición culinaria sureña, esta carretera endulzará tus oídos y tu paladar.

Estos son algunas actividades imperdibles de la Ruta 61:

  • Gran parte de la Ruta 61 sigue el curso del río Mississippi , por lo que si te gustan las actividades al aire libre encontrarás mucho que hacer en las paradas de la carretera.
  • En el estado de Mississippi, dirígete a Walnut Street y ve directo al Blues Bar , un icónico lugar para conocer los primeros pasos de este género musical. De paso, visita el hogar de Elvis Presley, en Tupelo.
  • Haz una parada en Bourbon Street, en New Orleans. Este conjunto de 13 calles del barrio francés será tu ventana para conocer un poco de historia musical. ¿Sabías que, además, es una calle conocida por sus clubes de striptease?
  • Si te desvías un poco de la ruta y te diriges a Nashville encontrarás la capital mundial del Country.
  • Acompaña el recorrido con el álbum Highway 61 Revisited  de Bob Dylan .

3. Highway 2: Descubre las costas de Estados Unidos

Una de las ventajas de hacer road trip por Estados Unidos es que muchas de las rutas son largas y llenas de paradas interesantes, lo que permite que disfrutes del viaje. En el caso de la Autopista 2, podrás conectar las dos costas del país.

La Highway 2 cuenta con 4.138 km y atraviesa el norte continental de EE. UU. en 10 estados: Washington, Montana, Dakota del Norte, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire y Maine.

Para que sepas cómo es el recorrido y cuánto tiempo puedes tardar, presta atención a estos datos:

  • La carretera está dividida en 2 secciones : la parte Oeste comienza en Everett (Washington) y finaliza en St. Ignace (Michigan); mientras que la parte Este comienza en Rouses Point (New York) y termina en Houlton (Maine). En el medio, la Highway 2 se conecta con carreteras que van a Canadá.
  • Es una de las pocas carreteras de Estados Unidos con la que podrás conocer los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico.
  • ¡Debes tener cuidado al conducir! En muchos tramos pasarás por espacios abiertos poco transitados. Lleva siempre lo necesario para tu viaje.

4. Alaska Highway: Road trip por Alaska

Sí, sabemos que ir a Alaska no te permite conectar con otros estados para hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos, pero el encanto de la Ruta Alaska hará que se convierta en una de tus favoritas .

Esta ruta es una conexión que se realiza entre Dawson Creek, en la provincia canadiense de Columbia Británica y Fairbanks, en el estado de Alaska. ¡Son 2.451 kilómetros de carretera!

¿Qué tiene de especial Alaska Highway y por qué es una de nuestras recomendaciones? Descubre toda la magia de esta ruta:

  • ¡Alaska Highway casi llega al Polo Norte! En el medio, pasarás por los hermosos parques naturales de Canadá .
  • Fue una ruta importante durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial para la distribución de suministros. De hecho, fue la primera ruta que conectó a Alaska con el resto del mundo.
  • Actualmente, es considerada una de las mejores rutas turísticas de Norteamérica , sobre todo para aquellos amantes de la naturaleza y el senderismo .
  • Para disfrutar mejor del recorrido, te recomendamos que rentes una caravana. Luego, únete a uno de los grupos de conductores que realizan el recorrido juntos desde la ciudad de Haines, en Estados Unidos.

5. Pacific Coast Highway: Un road trip para almas libres

California es reconocido mundialmente como uno de los epicentros del movimiento Hippie de los años 60. Por eso, si quieres respirar amor y paz mientras haces un road trip por Estados Unidos, la Ruta Estatal de California 1 te encantará.

La Ruta Estatal 1 pasa a lo largo de la costa del Pacífico del estado de California. Son 951 km los que conectan las ciudades de San Francisco y San Diego. Por su importancia cultural, es reconocida como una carretera All-American Road .

  • Lo mejor de esta ruta es que jamás dejarás de ver el mar. Recorre las líneas costeras de California, por lo que tiene algunas de las vistas panorámicas más impresionantes de la Costa Oeste.
  • Si te gusta la playa , aquí encontrarás varios destinos secretos con paisajes deslumbrantes, sobre todo, si andas por San Diego.
  • Un plus de hacer un road trip por la Pacific Coast Highway es que siempre vas a encontrar a otros tipos de viajeros en el camino. ¡Y es que en esta ruta hay planes para todos los gustos! Desde pasar el día en pueblos surferos, catar vinos regionales,  vivir la ostentación de Hollywood y disfrutar de la cultura bohemia californiana.

Bonus track: 7 consejos para hacer road trip por Estados Unidos memorable

¿Listo para rentar un auto y hacer road trip por Estados Unidos? ¡Embárcate en una nueva aventura y sácale el máximo provecho con estos consejos! Toma nota.

  • Haz una buena planeación de tu viaje. Como te dijimos, la mayoría de las rutas en Estados Unidos son largas. Por eso, es mejor que lleves buena alimentación, tengas reservaciones, cuides el mantenimiento del auto y fijes puntos de parada para descansar.
  • Prepara una playlist con anticipación. Nada más aburrido que repetir las mismas rolas una y otra vez. Por eso, crea una lista de reproducción para hacer el viaje más divertido. ¿Ya conoces nuestra playlist con mucho pride ?
  • Lleva dinero en efectivo y tarjetas de crédito o débito . Es mejor tener varios métodos de pago antes de viajar al extranjero.
  • Siempre que puedas, recarga el tanque de tu coche . Asimismo, debes mantener todos los kits de seguridad de tu vehículo en buenas condiciones. ¡No olvides llevar una buena batería!
  • Lleva ropa para clima frío y cálido. Aprovecha la comodidad de viajar en tu propio auto y lleva prendas para cualquier ocasión.
  • Empaca todos tus documentos y varias copias, así como un mapa . ¡No sabrás en qué momento los necesitarás!
  • Prepara un botiquín . Incluye todos los productos que puedas necesitar para prestar primeros auxilios.

Esto es todo lo que debes saber para hacer road trip por Estados Unidos. ¿Te sientes preparado para iniciar esta aventura? Toma las llaves de tu coche y lánzate a conocer las carreteras de este increíble país. ¡No te arrepentirás de vivir en Estados Unidos !

road trip usa que es

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10 of the best road trips in the USA

Bailey Freeman

Jan 5, 2024 • 6 min read

road trip usa que es

Take to the open road and discover a different side to the USA © monkeybusinessimages / Getty Images

While a plane may get you there faster, road-tripping across the US is one of the most iconically American things you can do.

Get up close and personal with the country’s most striking landscapes – dense eastern forests, windswept plains, red rock canyons, dramatic Pacific coastlines – and make pit stops at some of its most famous cities all in one go.

Crisscrossed with an extensive network of pretty well-maintained highway systems, the US is remarkably easy to traverse by car . Some distances may be long, but gas, food and accommodations are largely easy to come by (except in some of the most rural locales), and a set of wheels gives you the freedom to do extra side quests along the way.

Here’s a list of our favorite routes across America’s wide open spaces, along with some tips on how to make the most of your journey.

1. Pacific Coast Highway

Best road trip for Pacific views San Diego–Seattle; 1600 miles; 8–12 days

The Pacific Coast Highway delivers one of the US’ most iconic road trip experiences, linking together the West Coast’s most notable metropolises, quirky California beach towns, ancient redwood forests, and the dramatic capes and pools of the Pacific Northwest . The route includes Hwy 1, Hwy 101 and I-5, starting in San Diego ; it winds up the coast through LA , Big Sur , San Francisco and Redwood National & State Parks , eventually terminating in Seattle .

Planning tip: Always check for road closures, particularly in the Big Sur area, where rockslides are common along the sea cliffs.

2. Blue Ridge Parkway

Best Appalachian road trip Cherokee, NC–Waynesboro, VA; 469 miles; 2–5 days

This spectacular route takes you through the heart of the US’ oldest mountain range, delivering view after view of rolling green mountains chock full of enchanting hiking trails, thundering waterfalls, ancient rock formations and prolific wildlife. The Parkway – part of the NPS system – begins adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and passes through the spectacular Pisgah National Forest, a number of state parks and recreation areas, and Roanoke, VA, before ending at the southern entrance of Shenandoah National Park .

Detour: In addition to state and national parks , many one-off hikes originate along the parkway. Consult trail maps to avoid missing some of Appalachia’s top routes.

Roadside attraction along historic Route 66 in Kingman Arizona

3. Route 66

Best road trip for American kitsch Chicago–Los Angeles; 2250 miles; 1–2 weeks

Nicknamed the Mother Road, Route 66 has permanently ingrained itself in the international psyche as the original US road trip. Starting in Chicago , it crosses eight different states and connects travelers to national parks, weird-but-wonderful roadside attractions and tons of vintage Americana.

Planning tip:  The route can be driven in pieces or all at once, but we suggest allotting plenty of time to explore – distances are long, and the activities are numerous.

4. Natchez Trace

Best road trip for Southern history Pasquo, TN–Natchez, MS; 444 miles; 2–3 days

The path for the Natchez Trace was originally carved not by humans, but by buffalo that wandered the region from middle Tennessee to Natchez, MS. Indigenous hunters and traders soon followed, and later the route became a full-fledged thoroughfare for European colonists, soldiers and dignitaries. Today, a trip down the Trace yields gorgeous scenery, historic towns and the experience of traveling one of the most storied roads in the country.

5. Florida Highway 1

Best road trip for Gulf Coast culture Amelia Island–Key West; 475 miles; 6 days

Florida’s Hwy 1 runs the length of the state’s Atlantic Coast before banking east at Miami  and ending in stunning Key West . This sublime multi-day journey takes you through tons of Florida ’s most iconic stops: historic St Augustine , windswept Canaveral National Seashore , Nascar-fueled Daytona, laid-back Fort Lauderdale and the glam and glitter of Miami and South Beach.

Planning tip: Hurricane season lasts from June through October – with the most active months being August and September – and has the potential to significantly affect Florida. If you’re visiting during this window, keep your eyes on the forecast.

Cowboys herd American buffalo across an auburn plain

6. Badlands – Black Hills Loop

Best road trip to experience the Great Plains Badlands National Park–Badlands National Park; 330 miles; 2 days

If you want to get a taste of how expansive the Great Plains really are, head to South Dakota for this fascinating road trip through a state of huge ecological and cultural importance. Start your trip at the mind-bendingly beautiful Badlands National Park before looping over to the Black Hills, home to the Crazy Horse Memorial , Mt Rushmore and Wind Cave National Park . Along the way, take in views of thriving buffalo herds, fascinating rock formations and plenty of rolling hills.

7. San Juan Skyway

Best road trip for Rocky Mountain peaks Durango–Durango; 236 miles; 1–3 days

The San Juan Skyway delivers some of the Rockies ’ biggest views in high definition. This route – which includes the renowned Million Dollar Highway – leapfrogs across central Colorado’s mountainous core connecting Durango, Silverton, Ouray, Telluride and Mesa Verde National Park , known for the cliff dwellings left behind by the Ancestral Puebloans.

Whether you’re a history buff, ski bum, landscape photographer or simply someone who enjoys a thrilling drive, San Juan Skyway has something for you.

Planning tip: A fact that can be deduced by its name, the San Juan Skyway runs through high-altitude terrain, and that makes road conditions somewhat unpredictable, particularly during shoulder season. Always check for closures or local warnings before heading out.

8. Richardson Highway

Best road trip for Alaska outdoors Fairbanks–Valdez; 364 miles; 2–4 days

No road trip list would be complete without a journey through the country’s largest, northernmost state. The Richardson Highway, Alaska’s oldest highway, connects Fairbanks with Valdez, winding past dramatic mountain peaks and glaciers and giving travelers a front seat to some of the country’s most jaw-dropping natural attractions. Be sure to make pit stops for hiking, fishing and whitewater rafting.

An older couple take a break from hiking to enjoy the view at Utah outlook overlooking a canyon. They are sitting on the cliff's edge and soaking in the scenery. The mountains and canyon are in front of them.

9. Scenic Byway 12

Best road trip through red rock country Bryce Canyon National Park–Capitol Reef National Park; 122 miles; 1 day

Southern Utah feels like an entirely different planet, and this backroads route takes you through the best scenery this geologically diverse state has to offer. Start your journey in the town of Panguitch – right outside of Bryce Canyon – and follow the road through red rock canyons, historic towns and pine forests until you finish your journey in Torrey, gateway to Capitol Reef National Park , one of the west’s best-kept secrets.

Detour: From Torrey, it’s an easy 2.5-hour drive to Moab , Canyonlands and Arches , making these routes the best way to see Utah’s Big 5 . And the road itself takes you through some amazing lunar-like scenery that contrasts sharply with the red rocks – wild.

10. Coastal New England

Best road trip for Atlantic maritime vibes New York City–Portland, ME; 430 miles; 3–5 days

Prep yourself for seafood chowder, picturesque oceanside towns and all the lobster you can handle – this coastal New England trip will definitely help you find your sea legs. Start in New York City and make your way north along the coast, stopping to enjoy the lovely beaches in Rhode Island , Massachusetts’  wealth of historical heavy hitters and New Hampshire’ s lighthouses before arriving in culinary-minded Portland, ME .

This article was first published May 2019 and updated January 2024

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25 Best Road Trips in the USA (Itinerary Ideas + Tips!)

If there’s one travel bucket list experience that our home country of the United States is best for, it’s road trips.

From small towns to big cities, from mountain ranges to deserts, from forests to plains, and from sea to shining sea, there is no shortage of epic destinations for road trips in the USA.

We’ve taken USA road trips in about 30 of the 50 states ourselves (and hope to finish them all off one day!).

To help fill in the gaps, we asked fellow travel bloggers to share some of their favorites for this Great American road trips blog post.

They delivered an enormous variety of USA road trip itinerary ideas, from weekend trip options to weeks-long excursions!

Dreaming of taking a road trip in the United States and not sure where you want to go?

This list of exciting USA road trip itinerary ideas will help you decide where to hit the open road next! 

Table of Contents

Quick Tips for Your USA Road Trip

Cross-country usa road trip ideas, southern road trips in the usa, united states road trip ideas in the west, east coast road trips in the usa, central usa road trip routes, non-continental usa road trips.

Kate Storm in a black dress walking away from the camera along Jones Steet in Savannah GA, with several American flags hanging from homes on the right side of the photo

Some links in this post may be affiliate links. If you make a purchase through one of these links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Please see our disclosure policy for more detail.

Before we dive into exploring the best USA road trips, there are a few tips to be aware of–especially if you’re visiting as an international tourist and haven’t explored the United States before!

If you’re renting a car, shop around.

The best company to rent a car from for your United States road trip will likely vary dramatically depending on where and when you’re traveling.

Sometimes large international carriers offer the best prices, sometimes local outfits.

Sometimes one company has an excellent base price, but terrible rental requirements.

The best way to find your rental car is to search through  Discover Cars , which will sift through dozens of companies to find the best combination of low prices and reasonable rental terms for your USA road trip.

Browse rental cars for your American road trip today!

white hyundai accent parked on the million dollar highway in colorado

Read the rental requirements carefully.

Especially make sure you know how many miles you’ve been allotted (or ideally, if they’re unlimited), if you need to return the car empty or full of fuel, what to do if the car breaks down, and what damages you’re liable for in the event of an accident.

On the off chance that you’re planning on continuing your road trip into Canada or Mexico , be sure to check any requirements for crossing the border as well.

Book travel insurance.

We don’t ever suggest traveling without travel insurance–anything can happen on the road, and an epic road trip is definitely a case of better safe than sorry.

Check prices and inclusions with Safety Wing for road trips in the USA!

kate storm jeremy storm and ranger storm at craggy pinnacle on blue ridge parkway during 3 days in asheville nc

Don’t underestimate how sparsely populated parts of the USA are.

If this is your first time visiting the USA, you may be surprised to see just how long you can drive in the United States without coming across a town or even a gas station–especially out west.

Be sure to keep an eye on your directions, and fill up your gas tank before heading into any particularly unpopulated areas!

Kate Storm and Jeremy Storm taking a selfie in Spooky Canyon Utah

Make sure you pack the right gear.

From safety gear to snacks, a big USA road trip requires bringing the right tools along, whether you’re taking a short vacation, diving into van life , or somewhere in between.

We recommend taking a look at the suggestions in our road trip packing list before you go!

kate storm in front of emerald lake, one of the best hikes in rocky mountain national park colorado

Consider bringing your sleeping arrangements along with you.

It’s not right for everyone, but there’s a reason that using an RV or campervan is such a classic American road trip experience!

And, you don’t need to dive into the RV lifestyle and buy one for your next trip in order to try it out: you can try out the experience by renting RVs and camper vans from Outdoorsy .

Browse RVs available to rent with Outdoorsy today!

Pacific Coast Highway California shot from above, one of the best romantic vacations for couples in the United States

If possible, stop in at least one national park!

Our home country is filled with an enormous number of interesting and beautiful places, but perhaps none shine quite as brightly as our national park system.

Want to climb sand dunes? We have that.

Marvel at glaciers? Check.

Hike across mountains? Take your pick.

Go scuba diving? Definitely.

Admire the power of incredible geysers? Got that, too.

Whatever kind of outdoor wonder you have in mind, you can find it at one of the most beautiful national parks in America !

Things to Do in Acadia National Park

From Stephanie of Oklahoma Wonders

Route 66 is the quintessential American road trip, inspiring songs, movies, and novels.

Starting in Chicago and ending in Santa Monica, Route 66 passes through nine states: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California.

Some of the best things to do on the route are enjoying the kitschy 1950s motels, gas stations, and restaurants that harken back to the days of the Great American Road Trip.

You’ll also find tons of quirky roadside attractions like the Catoosa Whale, Cadillac Ranch , and the Twin Arrows that are must-sees.

If you want to enjoy some nature along the way, you can visit the Grand Canyon or Petrified Forrest National Park.

jeremy storm sitting on top of a car at cadillac ranch in amarillo

The most typical way to explore Route 66 is to start in Chicago and drive all the way to Santa Monica, but there are many who drive smaller portions of it or go from west-to-east instead of east-to-west.

There’s no single “right” way to make the drive. Just make sure you enjoy yourself as you go!

Recommended Road Trip Length

Because the route is so long and there’s so much to see, it’s recommended you spend two weeks exploring it one way.

Route 66 in California with Joshua trees on either side. Route 66 is one of the absolute best road trips in USA

New York to Los Angeles

Driving across the United States from New York to Los Angeles is one of those classic American road trip routes that, quite honestly, is not suited to most USA vacations–you’ll be looking at a lot  of cornfields and open plains along the way and spend many days on the road.

… But that being said, the legend and myth of this USA road trip route endure because it does make for quite the adventure!

With nearly 3,000 miles of driving to do between NYC and LA, you have extreme flexibility to create your own USA road trip itinerary!

However, the most direct route (a mere 44 hours of drive time, not including stops and traffic!) will take you to Chicago, across the open fields of Iowa and Nebraska, through some stunning nature in Colorado and Utah, and right through Las Vegas before delivering you to the beauty of the Pacific Ocean.

view of an rv driving through valley of fire state park, one of the best day trips during 3 days in las vegas nevada

If you’re open to detours, plenty of national parks will be within your reach on this USA road trip, including Rocky Mountain National Park, Joshua Tree National Park, Zion National Park, and even the Grand Canyon!

If you’d like to enjoy a coast-to-coast road trip in the USA, we recommend setting aside at least two weeks to ensure you have enough time to experience the route along the way (and avoid spending too many days at a time looking at nothing but highways)!

Kate Storm standing on the beach next to Santa Monica Pier is Los Angeles, California, the final destination of some of the most classic USA road trip itinerary ideas

Blue Ridge Parkway

From Carl of NC Tripping

If you’re exploring the western parts of North Carolina or Virginia , the Blue Ridge Parkway is always lingering somewhere nearby.

It’s the most popular road trip between the two states and connects two of the United States’ most-visited national parks, Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Shenandoah National Park.

At 469 miles in length, this road will take some time to explore !

Narrowing things down to a few places you must visit is tough, but here are some “musts.” 

Moving north to south, highlights on the Virginia side include Humpback Rocks (Milepost 5), Mabry Mill (MP 176), Peaks of Otter (MP 85), and the Blue Ridge Music Center (MP 213).

Across the border in North Carolina, you at least need to see Linville Falls (316), Craggy Gardens (MP 364), Graveyard Fields (418), and Oconoluftee (MP 469) at the end of the line.

Blue Ridge Parkway USA shot from above during the fall, with fall foliage on either side of the road--one of the best weekend trips in the United States

Of course, there are more spots scattered throughout that are within a short drive of the Parkway , such as the ever-popular Asheville, NC , the Biltmore Estate , and more charming mountain towns than you can count.

That, along with its length, is why this is one USA road trip that will take some time, if ever, for you to complete. 

Please note that some areas of the Blue Ridge Parkway close during winter through parts of spring. The NPS is pretty good about keeping information up to date on their website .

While you can drive the Blue Ridge Parkway in less time, ideally, if you want to hike and explore along the route, a week is a great starting point for this USA road trip route.

kate storm and ranger storm at looking glass falls, one of the best stops on a 3 days in asheville itinerary

Kentucky Bourbon Trail

From Katie-Beth of Her Life in Ruins

Who doesn’t love a nice glass of bourbon?

On the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, you tour 18 different distilleries, try multiple bourbons (and other treats) at each, and take in tons of bottled-up history throughout the gorgeous Bluegrass State. 

While there is no official route for the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, stay in either Lexington or Louisville as a “home base” for the experience, as all of the distilleries are within a few hours’ drive of these cities (some are mere minutes!).

Each day, pick 4-5 distilleries to visit, starting when they open in the morning and touring until they close.

Try to do the distilleries that are closest together on the same days (less driving and easier to get from one place to another).

If you’re a serious drinker, there are some bus tours that will chauffeur you throughout the Trail!

You’re never given more than about 2 ounces of alcohol at each distillery, but you may want a designated driver just in case.

On the drive between distilleries, you’ll see the rolling hills of Kentucky, some of our famous horse farms, and, of course, rick houses holding millions of gallons of the delicious spirit. 

In order to visit all of the distilleries, I recommend spending 4-6 days on the Kentucky Bourbon Trail.

Flight of Bourbon--you'll see plenty of these if you take one of the best us road trips in the south, the kentucky bourbon trail

Southeast Coastal Road Trip

The stretch of coastline running from St. Augustine, Florida to the Outer Banks of North Carolina is packed with beautiful sights, historic cities, and laid-back beach towns.

We consider this area one of our personal favorites for road trips in the USA, and we’ve taken dozens of road trips in the region!

Start in St. Augustine, founded in 1565 by Spanish settlers and one of the most historic cities in the USA.

Explore its beautiful Castillo de San Marcos, check out the Fountain of Youth, relax on the beach, and explore the Colonial Quarter.

From there, head north to Savannah , where you can enjoy its incredible architecture and town squares, and then move on to Charleston , where you’ll find compelling American history and the lovely Folley Beach.

Kate Storm sitting in front of the pineapple fountain in Charleston SC--choosing whether to visit Savannah or Charleston is no easy task, but we wrote this guide to help!

As you move up the coast, consider detouring for brief stops in Beaufort, South Carolina and/or Hilton Head Island, before heading into North Carolina.

Historic Wilmington and New Bern are always worth a look as you pass by, and while you’ll need to head all the way up to Kitty Hawk and Nag’s Head to experience the classic Outer Banks destinations, the Crystal Coast ( Emerald Isle , Morehead City, Beaufort , Atlantic Beach , etc.) has been my family’s haunt for generations and is also well worth experiencing.

And, the Crystal Coast also happens to be closer geographically to the rest of the stops on this United States road trip itinerary!

ranger storm standing on the sand at atlantic beach nc at sunset

Want to continue north to the Outer Banks?

Ocracoke Island, Nags Head, Duck, Kitty Hawk (famously home to the Wright Brothers’ first-ever flight!) and more are all ready to welcome you.

We recommend spending about 10 days enjoying this USA road trip route.

Cape Lookout Lighthouse NC as seen from behind sand dunes

Orlando to New Orleans Road Trip

From Christine of Live Love Run Travel

Driving from Orlando to New Orleans  gives you plenty of options for stops along the way as well as enough to fill up an entire vacation at the starting point and ending point of the road trip.

From natural springs to beaches to caverns, there is plenty to see along this route to break up the trip.

Orlando is of course known for its iconic theme parks including Disney and Universal Studios.

However, Orlando and Florida also offer plenty of natural highlights including the natural springs.

On the way from Orlando to New Orleans , stop at Rainbow Springs, Silver Springs, or Ginnie Springs along I-75.

Once you get onto I-10, make sure to stop at Florida Caverns State Park for a unique Florida experience.

Plus, if you are taking this trip in the summer, you’ll appreciate the cooler air in the caverns!

clear waters of three sisters springs in florida with sup board, one of the best places to visit in summer in the united states

Along I-10, there are also plenty of opportunities to stop for some time at the beach.

Consider Pensacola, Florida, or the Gulf Shores, Alabama, or any of Mississippi’s beaches to avoid a long drive off the main road.

From there you are in New Orleans where you can enjoy the bayou, lots of amazing food and live music, and plenty of history and beautiful architecture in the various districts within the city.

The length of this road trip depends on a few factors including how long you want to spend in Orlando and New Orleans.

The drive itself only takes about 9 hours, but if you want to spend time at the springs, beaches, and caverns, stretch it out to a 2 or 3 day drive, with a few days on either end to explore Orlando and New Orleans.

close up shot of wrought iron balconies in the french quater of New Orleans--you'll see plenty of beautiful corners like this throughout your 3 days in New Orleans itinerary!

Washington State

From Katie of Two Wandering Soles

With rugged driftwood-strewn beaches, snowcapped peaks, small towns, and major cities, Washington State is a true gem.

Home to incredibly diverse landscapes and endless adventures to be had, this Pacific Northwest destination is one of the best places to take a road trip in the United States. 

Start by  exploring Seattle (if you have the time) because there is plenty to do in this PNW hub. But when you’re ready to get out of the city, head straight to the Olympic Peninsula .

With temperate rainforests, waterfalls, remote beaches, and a towering mountain range, Olympic National Park is arguably the most diverse swath of land in the state, if not one of the most unique places in the country, and is the perfect place to try out some hikes in Washington .

Rocky Beach in Olympic National Park washington at sunset, a fantastic view along a west coast usa road trip destination

Another drive well worth your while is to head northeast toward the iconic Mount Baker.

If you have the time, continue north to Highway 20 which brings you into the breathtaking North Cascades National Park.

Make photo stops along the way (like at the spectacularly beautiful turquoise waters of Lake Diablo), set off on epic hikes, and refuel at the small towns along the way.

Eventually, you’ll reach Lake Chelan , which is a perfect spot to cool off on a hot summer day.

From Lake Chelan, you have a stunning drive on Highway 2 back to Seattle with many more opportunities for exploring small towns and hiking along the way, if time allows. 

If you want to cover this whole route, you should allow 1.5 – 2 weeks. If you have less time, shorten your USA road trip itinerary accordingly.

Lake Diablo in Washington State as seen from above--an excellent stop on a west coast road trip USA

Southwest Colorado Road Trip

From Tanya of Rad Family Travel

Exploring Southwest Colorado on a memorable summer road trip through the mountains offers adventure in every direction.

Sand-sled through Great Sand Dunes National Park, drive breath-taking mountain passes, soak and swim in hot springs, and climb ladders to ancient Puebloan dwellings at Mesa Verde National Park.

From there, imagine taking a jeep ride to old mining towns, biking along scenic trails, and hiking among wildflowers.

Arrive in Telluride in style via a free gondola, go whitewater rafting or alpine sliding, sleep under the stars, and top it all off with local burgers and cold brews.

Gondola in southwest Colorado with mountains visible in the background

In other words: whatever kind of outdoor adventure you’re looking for, southwest Colorado has you covered.

A Southwest Colorado road trip highlights diverse outdoor fun in Great Sand Dunes National Park, Pagosa Springs, Durango, Mesa Verde National Park, Telluride, Ridgway, Ouray, Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Crested Butte, and Buena Vista.

Choose from tent camping, cabins, or hotels, or a mixture thereof, for lodging along the way.

Allow at least nine to ten days for this epic southwest Colorado Road Trip , starting from Colorado Springs.

If you prefer slower travel and lots of outdoor adventure, consider making it a fourteen-day loop by staying longer in Ouray, Crested Butte, and Buena Vista — and really delve into these sweet mountain towns . 

great sand dunes national park colorado as seen from a distance

Utah’s Mighty Five

From Ali of Travel Made Simple

Utah is home to five amazing national parks, all close enough to each other to visit on one iconic national parks road trip .

These national parks are Arches, Bryce Canyon, Canyonlands, Capitol Reef, and Zion. Since they’re all in the southern half of the state, you can drive in a loop to get to them all.

This also works well as part of a bigger  southwestern US road trip .

If you’re short on time or not in great shape, you can see a lot by driving or taking park shuttles, where available.

Hop out at designated parking lots, lookout points, or shuttle stops, take pictures, and go for a short walk.

For more activity, each park has hiking trails for beginners to expert-level hikers.

You can see the highlights of each park in about a day, but allow more time at any park where you want to experience more hiking.

kate storm holding ranger storm at dead horse point state park

Start and end in Las Vegas and drive counterclockwise.

Since driving from Las Vegas to Moab , where Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park are located, is quite long, consider stopping in Page, AZ (home of the famous Horseshoe Bend ), or Monument Valley on the AZ/UT border. Or both!

From Moab, drive to Capitol Reef National Park, then Bryce Canyon National Park , and lastly Zion National Park before heading back to Vegas.

If you prefer, you can also do this route in reverse!

Give yourself at least a week to do this road trip, or longer if you’re stopping in Page and/or Monument Valley.

View from Sunrise Point, which is one of the best places to visit in Bryce Canyon Utah

South Dakota

If you’re craving wide open spaces, plenty of buffalo and prairie dog sightings, gorgeous caves, and a quirky roadside stop or two, then South Dakota is the American road trip for you!

Driving from east to west (though you can easily reverse it), pay a quick visit to Sioux Falls and then The World’s Only Corn Palace (their words, not mine) before diving into Badlands National Park.

Drive the Badlands National Park scenic loop, do some hiking (the Notch Trail is not to be missed), and when you’re ready for a break, detour to Wall Drug for a heavy dose of kitsch.

landscape of badlands national park in south dakota, one of the best things to do usa

Head north to visit the Wild West town of Deadwood, and if you’re up for it, detour into Wyoming for a quick visit to Devil’s Tower, the first US national monument!

Back in South Dakota, base yourself in or around Keystone to explore Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, Wind Cave National Park, and–if you have time–Spearfish Canyon.

Going inside Wind Cave National Park requires a guided tour, so be sure to book in advance!

Determined road-trippers can do justice to this South Dakota road trip route in about 5 days, though 7 allows for a bit more hiking and a chance to add on places like Rapid City.

South Dakota is also perfectly located for combining with road trips in Wyoming and beyond, so you can easily use this route as a building block for a bigger US road trip itinerary!

3 praire dogs in badlands national park, a great stop on a south dakota midwest road trip

Scenic I-90 from Portland to Yellowstone

From Catherine of Passports and Adventures

Visiting Yellowstone National Park from Portland, Oregon is easy and there is no better route to take than the scenic I-90.

This 812-mile trip starts from Portland and takes the I-84 along the very beautiful Columbia River Gorge.

As you get started, stop at Multnomah Falls to photograph the famous waterfall!

Continue to Richland where you could rest overnight before jumping onto the I-90, the longest interstate in the United States.

Multnomah Falls near Portland OR in the early fall

This interstate highway passes Spokane before trailing alongside the lake of Coeur d’Alene, a beautiful part of the country, and then snakes through the Nez Pearce-Clearwater National Forests.

Imagine a highway surrounded by forests on either side, and you have an idea of what this part of I-90 is like.

A great town to stop along the I-90 is Missoula, which sits along the Clark Fork River and has plenty on offer including a great park, Caras Park where families and visitors can unwind.

After Missoula, continue along the I-90 and join Highway 287 which will take you to West Yellowstone to start your visit to the first national park.

This route from Portland to Yellowstone is 812 miles via these interstates and highways and could be done in two days but is best enjoyed over a few days before your  Yellowstone vacation .

As you get close to the national park, you can also find some great camping near Yellowstone along this route.

herd of buffalo in yellowstone national park with geysers visible in the background. yellowstone is an unforgettable piece of some of the best road trips in usa

Northern New Mexico

From Stella Jane of Around the World in 24 Hours

Northern New Mexico is one of the most beautiful places in the United States to have a road trip.

The weather is gorgeous and sunny at almost any time of year, and many of the state’s most interesting places are just an hour’s drive away from each other!

Start the road trip in the state’s largest city, Albuquerque. Almost all people arriving in New Mexico start here because this is where the major airport is located.

Tourism in Albuquerque has really taken off since the show  Breaking Bad  was filmed here, but those who are not  Breaking Bad  fans will still love seeing Albuquerque’s charming Old Town.

If you’re lucky enough to be able to plan your trip around the famous Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta , you won’t be sorry you did!

kate storm and jeremy storm smiling at the camera at the albuquerque international balloon fiesta

After a couple of days in Albuquerque, drive an hour up to Santa Fe and spend a couple of days here. This is New Mexico’s capital and its most beautiful city.

You can stop for a bath in the hot springs at Ten Thousand Waves and see the historic Spanish Colonial Palace of the Governors. 

Finally, check out some smaller towns like Los Alamos, where the atomic bomb was developed, Chimayo, which is a popular pilgrimage site, and Taos, where you can visit a Native American pueblo that’s also a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

You’ll be amazed at how much Northern New Mexico has to offer!

I recommend spending about a week on this USA road trip route.

Chimayo Pueblo Church in northern New Mexico, a popular pilgrimage site and a stop on one of the best road trips in America

Denver to Yellowstone Loop

Starting from Denver, you can easily craft a fantastic road trip plan.

USA national parks are in abundance in the west, but from Denver, you can hit three of the most legendary in short order: Rocky Mountain National Park, Grand Teton National Park, and the ever-popular Yellowstone National Park.

For your first stop, base yourself in the beautiful mountain town of Estes Park , where you can access some of the best hikes in RMNP while also enjoying this idyllic mountain town.

From there, head up to Yellowstone to enjoy a few days of geysers, geothermal pools, wildlife spotting, and utterly unique views.

geothermal pool in yellowstone np, an amazing feature on a road trip plan usa

On your way back to Denver, head to Grand Teton National Park to visit highlights like Jenny Lake, enjoy some hiking, and soak in iconic views like those along Mormon Row.

Don’t miss the chance to spend a bit of time in Jackson Hole, one of the USA’s most iconic mountain towns, while you’re there!

We recommend setting aside at least a week for this all-American road trip–if you’d like to spend some time in Denver, a full two weeks is best.

kate storm standing in front of a barn at mormon row in grand teton national park, a feature on many of the best usa road trip itineraries

San Francisco to Yosemite Loop

From Julie of More Than Main Street

Typically, you think of the Pacific Coast Highway when you think of the best California road trips, right? Well…consider something a little different!

This 10 day California road trip , forming a loop from San Francisco to Yosemite National Park and back, is one of the best road trips in the USA.

You’ll get the best of big-city excitement, some time by the ocean, beautiful scenic vistas, and outdoor fun galore!

After spending a few days in San Francisco , hit up Monterey, Carmel, and part of the Pacific Coast Highway.

Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco CA shot from above on a clear day

Can’t-miss destinations include the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, Alcatraz, Big Sur, and the world-class Monterey Aquarium.

Next head east over to Yosemite National Park for some incredible hiking, followed by a little wine tasting in Sonoma or Napa Valley, a stop in Muir Woods to see the giant redwoods, then finally back to San Francisco.

This road trip is perfect for families, couples, or even solo travelers and is guaranteed to be one you won’t forget!

You’ll need at least 10 days to do justice to this epic California road trip.

Vineyard in Napa Valley CA with a wood barn visible in the background, one of the best honeymoon destinations in usa

The American Southwest from Las Vegas

Thanks to inexpensive flights, a convenient location in southern Nevada, and its widespread appeal, Las Vegas is a fantastic place to kick off a road trip through the southwest!

With Las Vegas as a starting point, head off to Valley of Fire State Park in Nevada before making your way to the ultimate USA road trip destination: the Grand Canyon.

From there, loop up to Moab to explore Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park, head west to visit Bryce Canyon National Park , and then move onto Zion before circling back to Vegas.

Kate Storm wearing a blue tank top walking between two formations in Goblin Valley State Park Utah

With extra time, you can add on more exciting stops in Arizona and Utah like Monument Valley, Page (home of Antelope Canyon and Horseshoe Bend ), Capitol Reef National Park, Goblin Valley State Park, and more.

Ten days is a good starting place for this American road trip, but you can do an abridged version in one week, and the sky is the limit as far as how long you can take to explore every nook, cranny, and slot canyon in the region!

South Kaibab trail into the Grand Canyon, one of the most famous national parks in USA

New York State Road Trip

From Melissa of Navigation Junkie

The route from Buffalo, NY to New York City is full of great attractions and small towns to explore, and the variety of stops along the way will be sure to entertain every member of the family!

To begin the journey, start at Niagara Falls in Buffalo, NY.

See the roaring power of the American and Canadian falls, and if you are up for it, take a ride on the Maid of the Mist to get up close and personal with the falls.

After visiting the falls continue on to Letchworth State Park, the Grand Canyon of the East, for a day of hiking and enjoying nature.

Continue on to   Rochester, NY , where you will find a variety of fun attractions, history, and nature experiences.

The next stop along the route is the Finger Lakes region, where you can enjoy the lakes, waterfalls, and some wine tasting.

rainbow falls in watkins glen new york, a fantastic usa road trip itinerary destination

From there, head to Saratoga Springs, known for horse racing and mineral baths.

After visiting Saratoga Springs, continue on to the Catskills Region, where you will find plenty of scenic views and hiking trails for hikers of all abilities.

Finish up your road trip in New York City, where you can visit the Statue of Liberty, The World Trade Center Memorial, Central Park, and Times Square, among many other iconic attractions!

We recommend taking a minimum of one week to fully experience all stops along this USA road trip route.

kate storm standing at a magnifying glass on liberty island overlooking financial district manhattan

Miami to Key West Road Trip

From Hannah & Adam Lukaszewicz of Getting Stamped

If you’re looking for a tropical road trip, consider making the drive from Miami to Key West .

On this US road trip, you’ll travel through the islands that make up the Florida Keys on the “Overseas Highway.”

It’s said to be one of the best road trips in the country!

While the drive to Key West isn’t too far (165 miles), the stops and the scenic beauty along the way are what make it worthwhile. The road trip is full of fun and quirky things to do and see!

The John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and the Spiegel Grove Shipwreck are two great spots for exploring under the surface, where you’ll find coral reefs, sea life, and a sunken Navy ship.

Highway over the Caribbean Sea leading the to Floriday Keys as shot with a drone. The Florida Keys are one of the best places to visit in USA

For above the water, consider taking a cruise on The Africa Queen through the canals of Key Largo. 

There are great restaurants and bars along the way too.

Some popular stops include Plantation Key’s Mile Marker 88 Beach & Bar for all the tiki vibes, Islamorada Beer Company, and Robbie’s Restaurant, where you can feed tarpons from the dock. 

This road trip is best for a weekend (2-3 days).

Palm-tree lined path leading to Caribbean Sea beach in Key West Florida, one of the best southern weekend getaways

New England

Made up of some of the USA’s smallest states, the northeast region of New England is one of the best places for a road trip in the USA.

Featuring historic cities (hello Boston !), adorable small towns, a rugged coastline, gorgeous harbors, and plenty of lighthouses, New England spots a charm and culture all its own.

Consider starting and ending your New England road trip in Boston, the region’s largest city and airport hub, where you can walk the Freedom Trail, stroll cobblestone lanes, and visit some of the most impressive universities and museums in the country.

From there, make your way to beautiful Acadia National Park in Maine, stopping at charming coastal villages like Portsmouth, New Hampshire, and Kennebunkport, Maine along the way–plus of course, a stop in the charming city of Portland.

Things to Do in Acadia National Park

On your way back south, drop by the White Mountain National Forest, and beautiful towns like Stowe, Vermont (legendary for its fall foliage) and Woodstock.

If you have time, head south of Massachusetts before heading back to Boston, visiting the Gilded Age mansions in Newport, Rhode Island, and the idyllic small town of Mystic, Connecticut.

To take a USA road trip through all six New England states, two weeks or more is best. 

However, with less time you can easily pick and choose a couple of states to visit and still have an amazing road trip experience!

2 Days in Boston Itinerary: Beacon Hill

Texas Hill Country

Tucked into the central part of the Lone Star State, west of both Austin and San Antonio, lies an oasis of beauty.

Visit the Texas Hill Country for sparkling rivers, charming small towns, incredible hiking, beautiful waterfalls, excellent Texas barbecue , magnificent wildflowers, and more wineries and distilleries than you can count.

Some of the best things to do in the Texas Hill Country include visiting the town of Fredericksburg, which is known for its German heritage, enjoying a wine tasting, exploring beautiful Wimberley, climbing Enchanted Rock, exploring dramatic limestone caves, sampling barbecue, and visiting some of the best swimming holes near Austin , including the legendary Hamilton Pool and Jacob’s Well.

kate storm in a blue dress in front of the luckenbach post office

Be sure to save time for a couple of state parks, as well!

In addition to Enchanted Rock, popular state parks in the Hill Country include Garner State Park, Guadalupe River State Park, and Colorado Bend State Park (home to 70-foot Gorman Falls).

The lakes are also unforgettable: don’t miss a chance to admire the beauty of Canyon Lake or Lake Travis during this incredible US road trip!

Even if you only have one day, it’s worth taking a quick Texas Hill Country road trip–but ideally, we recommend setting aside a week to explore.

While you can visit year-round, bluebonnet season (roughly late March-April) is undoubtedly the most scenic time to visit!

cypress creek blue hole in wimberley texas, one of the best american small towns to visit

Northwest Arkansas

Packed with beautiful forests, idyllic hot springs, historic towns, and a lesser-known but beautiful national park, Northwest Arkansas is the perfect option for travelers looking for an interesting but off-the-beaten path US road trip destination.

Start your road trip at Hot Springs National Park, one of the only US national parks to be set in an urban (really, more like small-town) setting.

Nine historic bathhouses in the national park line Bathhouse Row, where visitors flocked to enjoy the local hot springs in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

You can still soak in two of them today!

small waterfall in hot springs national park arkansas

From there, head north all the way to Eureka Springs, which is known for its historic architecture, beautiful setting in the Ozark Mountains, and even more hot springs.

Along the way, consider detouring slightly to visit Hawksbill Crag (pictured below), one of the best viewpoints in Arkansas.

Whether you want to hike, soak, shop, or simply relax and enjoy the views, Northwest Arkansas is a delightful getaway.

This trip can be completed over a long weekend, but 5 days would be ideal.

hiker standing on hawksbill crag in northwest arkansas ozark mountains

From Carole of Travels With Carole

For one of the best road trips in Texas , begin in El Paso and head southeast. 

West Texas is filled with art, much of it BIG Texas art.

Before reaching the iconic West Texas art hub of Marfa , you’ll encounter some roadside art stops that include the “Giant” movie set installation featuring huge cutouts of stars Elizabeth Taylor, James Dean, and Rock Hudson.

This is followed by stops at the Prada Marfa store that never opens, and at the railroad-side World’s Smallest Target Store that is complete with a shopping cart. 

kate storm in front of prada marfa in west texas, one of the best road trips in america

The tiny town of Marfa itself is home to the Chinati Foundation’s series of huge indoor and outdoor installations located on a former military base, as well as a plethora of art galleries–one of which displays Andy Warhol’s “The Last Supper.” 

In addition to art, Marfa has a viewing center where locals and visitors alike congregate at night hoping to see the area’s legendary and unexplained bouncing light orbs.

And if that’s not enough, you can also dine at the Stripes convenience store where Anthony Bourdain ate a fried burrito while filming what turned out to be his last episode of “Parts Unknown.” 

This is just the tip of the iceberg of a fascinating visit to this area. 

Allow 3 nights to visit this area and another night or two for an excursion to Big Bend National Park.

fort davis drugstore hotel in west texas with a pink truck parked in front of it, part of one of the best road trips in us southwest

Northern Michigan

When considering the best road trips in America, the Great Lakes are often overlooked in favor of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts–but for a magnificent summer road trip through one of the USA’s hidden gems, head to northern Michigan.

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Lake Michigan and Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore on Lake Superior are located a mere five hours or so apart if you drive directly.

And, if you’ve never set eyes on the Great Lakes, this road trip will defy your expectations of what lakeshores look like!

view of fall foliage with lake in the foreground on michigan upper peninsula

Between them, be sure to take a step back in time at Mackinac Island, one of the best places to visit in Michigan.

Here’s the twist, though: no cars are allowed on the island, so you’ll need to leave yours on the mainland during your island escape!

Plan for about a week to make the most of this USA itinerary.

arch rock formation on mackinac island michigan

From Zach & Julie of Ruhls of the Road

Kauai is one of the most unique and beautiful destinations on earth.

However, when most people visit, they experience the inside of their resort and maybe a few beautiful places on day trips.

In truth, the best way to experience this incredible island is on a road trip to all of the best places on the island!

To start your Kauai road trip, go to the number one destination on the island: the Na Pali Coast.

The Na Pali Coast defies description, it is a place you have to see to believe.

The best way to see the area is on the Awa’awapuhi Trail, but make sure you hike the trail on a clear day for the best views!

Na Pali Coast of Kauai Hawaii. Kauai is one of the best road trips in USA.

From here, check out the Alakai Swamp, a boardwalk that also boasts incredible views.

As you leave the Na Pali Coast area, head down towards Waimea and see the Waimea Black Sand Beach.

Moving along the coast, stop at the Poipu area and see one of Kauai’s famous Hula shows.

Continue this coastal route and head into Wailua State Park. In this beautiful area, you’ll want to see Wailua Falls, Opaeka’a Falls, and hike the Kuilau Ridge.

The Kuilau Ridge Hike offers a 360-degree view of the Kauai landscape that will leave your jaw on the floor.

Finish your road trip by heading up to the Princeville area and checking out Queen’s Bath.

This is a beautiful tide pool that will make for the perfect ending to your Kauai road trip.

Make sure to check tides and go at low tide, as this area isn’t safe at high tide.

We recommend completing this Kauai road trip in 3 days.

twin waterfalls in forest in kauai hawaii

Road to Hana, Maui

From Jess of I’m Jess Traveling

When you think of Hawaii you may not think of a road trip but prepare to have your mind altered.

When traveling on the island of Maui driving the Road to Hana is a must!

The scenic drive takes you from Kahului to the east side of the island to the town of Hana. 

The Road to Hana is 52 miles of one-lane bridges, hairpin turns, and curves.

This drive will take up an entire day so make sure you pack lots of snacks and fill up for gas beforehand.

black sand beach in Waianapanapa state park on road to hana maui, one of the best things to do in usa

The winding road takes you past jaw-dropping seascape views, roaring waterfalls, and exotic flora.

Some highlights of this drive include Ho’okipa, Twin Falls, the Painted Forest, Honomanu Bay, Wailua Falls, and the awe-inspiring Wai’anapanapa State Park.

Don’t forget to wear your bathing suit and pack a towel because pulling off the side of the road to take a dip in the ocean or swim under a waterfall is the name of the game.

Buckle up, enjoy the ride, and prepare for a trip of a lifetime.

You can drive the Road to Hana in a day, but if you’d like to savor the experience, consider camping or staying in Hana town for a few days to make sure you see all the best sights along this road trip in the USA.

Bright blue water as seen along the Road to Hana in Maui, one of the best USA road trip itinerary ideas

Alaska Road Trip (Anchorage to Valdez)

From Wendy of Adventurous Retirement

Alaska is filled with excellent American road trip opportunities, especially in the summer.  

Start in Anchorage, when the museums are open.

Visit the Alaska Native Heritage Center to learn about the indigenous people of the ‘last frontier’, and the Alaska Public Lands Information Center to learn about the history and culture of Alaska for free.

Take the Trolley tour for a fun overview of Anchorage, its history, and the earthquake of ‘64.

Ride the free shuttle to the Ulu factory, and check out the salmon runs at Ship Creek.

On day 2, head to Palmer and visit the Iditarod Museum before driving to Hatcher Pass.

Go to the high point for incredible views, hike the trails, and admire blue mountain lakes. 

Continue on this road to loop back to town.

Matanuska Glacier near Valdez Alaska. Alaska is home to some of the best road trips in USA

From there, head to Matanuska Glacier, located one hour from Palmer. Spend day 4 hiking to and on the glacier. 

After that, drive toward Valdez Alaska on the Scenic Richardson Highway. It’s about 3 hours to Valdez.

Stop at Worthington Glacier Recreation Area to see the glacier or hike it. Stop at the various pullouts to view the waterfalls along Thompson Pass and the Highway.

If the salmon are spawning, visit Crooked Creek and see if you can spot a bear fishing for dinner.

While in and around Valdez, also consider taking an all-day wildlife glacier cruise, visiting the Valdez Museum and Annex, and visiting the Maxine & Jesse Whitney Museum.

This is a 5-day, 6-night road trip that keeps visitors busy every day. 

3 photos of usa travel destinations: alaska glacier, havasu falls, portland maine. black and red text on a white background reads "25 bucket list usa road trips"

About Kate Storm

Image of the author, Kate Storm

In May 2016, I left my suburban life in the USA and became a full-time traveler. Since then, I have visited 50+ countries on 5 continents and lived in Portugal, developing a special love of traveling in Europe (especially Italy) along the way. Today, along with my husband Jeremy and dog Ranger, I’m working toward my eventual goal of splitting my life between Europe and the USA.

6 thoughts on “25 Best Road Trips in the USA (Itinerary Ideas + Tips!)”

Love all these ideas and inspiration for my next trip!

Thanks Jess! So hard to choose.

So many fantastic ideas – I can vouch for the awesomeness of WA, my home state! I am itching to get driving!

We are too! Hopefully we’ll all be able to soon. 🙂 We’d love to get back out west this year!

Everybody skips over Arkansas and Missouri when they suggest road trips, big mistake. Some of the best driving roads and scenery are located in the Ozarks and Quachita National Forests. Start in Springfield, Mo to the north. Stops could include Branson, Mo, Buffalo National River, Little Rock, Ar, Hot Springs, Ar, Talimena Scenic Drive from Mena, Ar then back north through the river valley of Fort Smith, Ar,, up Hwy 23 (Pig Trail) to Historic Victorian Eureka Springs, Ar. Then back to Springfield, Mo. You could easily spend 10-14 days on this road trip and see very diverse entertainment, scenery, hiking and waterfalls, mineral and hot springs, mountain and valley vistas. Best time to travel would be spring and/or fall. Scenery rivals anywhere in the country.

It is a beautiful part of the country! We actually visited Eureka Springs the weekend we got engaged, stayed at the Crescent. 🙂 We had someone signed up to contribute the Ozarks to this post but we haven’t heard back from them yet–maybe we’ll add it ourselves during a post update!

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31 USA Road Trip Ideas + Tips

Home » Blog » U.S.A. » 31 USA Road Trip Ideas + Tips

Heading out on a USA road trip this summer? This MASSIVE list is packed with routes recommended by travel bloggers all around the US sharing tips about their favorite American road trips. From the West Coast to Key West, this article has the best routes for your next open road adventure!

USA Road Trips Campervan

Imagine this: The windows are down and the wind blows through your hair as your favorite playlist blasts through your car’s speakers. You sing along and soak up the feeling of freedom that only comes with driving on the open road.

The United States is one of the best countries in the world for road tripping. And we’re not just saying that… With mountains, deserts, beaches, forests and lakes, you can’t argue the natural beauty and diversity the U.S. has to offer.

On top of the sheer amount of places to see around the country, the U.S. is also very well-suited for road trips. 

With clean drinking water accessible in most parts of the country, roadside rest stops (ahem, public toilets!), well-maintained roads, relatively affordable gas prices, and lots of camping options, it’s hard to find any other country that comes close to the ease and accessibility that the USA offers when it comes to road tripping.

Article contents

  • Getting started
  • Tips for planning your road trip
  • USA road trip routes

Road Trip packing list mobile banner

Ultimate Road Trip Packing List!

Whether you are staying in a hotel, living in a campervan or RV, or you’re trekking in the backcountry, here is everything you’ll want to pack on a road trip . Plus tips and advice on making your next road trip go as smoothly as possible!

Start planning your perfect USA road trip

USA Road Trip

Make your way along famous highways, like Route 66 through the heartlands of the country, or California’s iconic Highway 1. Venture on lesser-known backroads and escape the crowds and get lost along the way. 

Drive through charming small towns and big, lively cities. Explore National Parks or get off the beaten path in State Forests and protected lands.

There are literally endless road trip routes you could take, and choosing the best one for you depends on what exactly you’re looking for.

  • Do you want to explore any National Parks on your trip?
  • Do you want to see iconic sites or get off the beaten path?
  • Do you plan to camp or stay in hotels? (If you plan on camping, our advice is to download The Dyrt, an app that’ll take your campervan game to the next level. Use this link to get 30 days of the Pro Membership totally free – no strings attached).
  • Are you more into nature or cities? (Or maybe you want a combination of both!)
  • How long do you have? Maybe you have the entire summer to do as you wish and you’re planning an epic 3-month road trip. Or maybe you just have a few days to spare between work weeks.

Whatever type of getaway you’re craving, there is a perfect USA road trip out there waiting for you!

Tips for planning your USA Road Trip

Road Trip Quotes

Use these helpful tips to start planning your USA road trip. If you want a more detailed breakdown, we have an entire guide that walks you through how to plan a road trip , packed with hacks and expert advice.

1. Research your destination

Find out what the weather will be like in your destination during the time of year you plan to travel. Check average temperatures in the area to know what to expect and how to pack. 

Consult city guides and other travel resources to figure out which highlights to stop at and which tourist traps to avoid. You can get a lot of information simply from typing “things to do in…” and then entering your destination into Google. 

Buying a guidebook will give you tons of insider advice and helpful information at your fingertips. 

Having a physical guidebook allows you to have all the info you need in one place; plus, you can make notes and highlights (anyone else love being able to do this?!). And you won’t have to worry about losing signal on your phone while exploring — this happens a lot in the mountains! — because you’ll have all the tips you need with a turn of a page.

If you plan on visiting any National Parks during your trip, listen up… 

Moon USA National Parks is one of the best guidebooks we’ve found for exploring the United States. 

This 700-page guide goes through each of America’s 62 National Parks and explains the history, best hikes, iconic viewpoints, and places to stay. Plus, it includes maps of each park so you can plan your itinerary accordingly. This guidebook will be a super handy tool while on the road.

Bonus: The Moon guidebook has super beautiful photography, making it a fun coffee table book after your trip (and possibly to inspire future travels).

2. Choose your method of transportation


Consider your options for transportation on your USA road trip…

  • Your own car: No need to pay for a rental vehicle if you have your own—just be sure it can handle the conditions and terrain you plan to traverse on your road trip.
  • Campervan or RV: Our personal favorite way to go on a road trip and for so many reasons ! It gives you the ultimate freedom, you save money on hotels and can get off the grid, to name just a few. 
  • For example, we rented a small SUV for a road trip in Washington state and paid less than $30 per day!

Wanna test out #VanLife?

It’s no secret we are big fans of #vanlife. If you don’t have the time (or interest!) in building your own conversion but you still want to give van life a test drive on your USA road trip, we’ve tons of ideas for you! Check out our list of top companies for USA Campervan Rentals , from budget to bougie, including exclusive discounts for our readers!

Or, if you’re planning on exploring a certain region and want more specific recommendations, click on one of the links below.

  • Campervan rentals in Portland, Oregon
  • Campervan rentals in Seattle, Washington
  • Campervan rentals in Salt Lake City, Utah

One company we’d recommend looking into is Escape Campervans . They have 12 different locations across North America and come fully loaded with all the gear you need for an epic road trip. Plus, their rates are fair and affordable.

BONUS: We’ve partnered with them to give you a 10% off discount when you use our link !

3. Set a budget and plot out your accommodation

Campervan Lyle River Campground

A road trip budget will vary from person to person, but having an idea in mind of how much you plan to spend beforehand is always a good idea. 

You can find out exactly how much money we spent on our first vanlife experience in the US in our 3 month road trip budget breakdown . If you’re traveling on a budget, you’ll want to check out these money-saving tips for a cheap road trip . 

Once you have a good idea of the costs to factor in a road trip budget and a reasonable idea of how much you’re able to spend, it’s time to start booking accommodation!

Since we are usually traveling in our campervan on road trips, we tend to seek out campsites as accommodation, but you can choose to stay in hotels or Airbnbs as well. 

Psst! Read our tips for booking an Airbnb if you’re not familiar with the site.

If you’re traveling in a campervan or on a tight budget, camping is the way to go! We have some great tips for finding free campsites along the way. Another suggestion is to get familiar with campsite apps—a great resource for finding campsites along your route and filtering for your specific needs.

TWS The Dyrt banner (30)

Our recommendation: Our favorite camping app is The Dyrt because it has the largest network of campsites in the USA (and has some other really cool features). It has both free and paid versions, but we’ve got a special link just for our readers which will give you 30 days of the Pro membership totally FREE!

4. Save money with the America the Beautiful Park Pass

National Park Pass

You’ll notice many of these epic USA road trips include stops at some of our National Parks. Entrance fees to the US National Parks can run you upwards of $30+ per vehicle for each park, which can really add up. 

If you’re planning to stop at more than one National Parks on your road trip, you may want to think about getting the America the Beautiful Park Pass to save money. 

At just $80 for a full year, the pass grants you free access to over 2,000 Federal recreation areas in the United States, including all 62 National Parks. We put together an article detailing the America the Beautiful Park Pass and answering the question, is it truly worthwhile?

5. Download maps and entertainment offline

Best Japan Travel Apps

You don’t want to be ripping through your data plan while on the road. In order to avoid those pesky overage fees, you can download your navigation (hello Google maps offline feature!) and entertainment like Spotify playlists, podcasts and audiobooks to your device so you can listen offline. 

Downloading Google Maps offline is super simple and you will be able to get real-time GPS coordinates, search the map for nearby establishments and turn on directions from point to point, all without using any data. 

Follow these steps to download Google Maps offline:

  • Download and sign into the Google Maps application (it’s connected with your Gmail account).
  • Search for a destination in the search bar. (Example: “San Francisco” or “Idaho”)
  • The top half of your screen should populate with a map of your destination while the bottom half shares details about the place. Swipe up so the details fill your screen. Then just under the Location, toggle to the right past the labels for “Directions,” “Save,” “Label,” etc. until you see “Download”. 
  • Make sure you’re on WiFi, center the map in the area you will be driving, and click the “download” button.

The map data from this region will now be on your phone, and can be accessed even when you have no cell signal! You’ll even be able to see your current GPS location as long as you have it authorized. (Settings > Google Maps > Location > select “Always”)

Best USA Road Trips

USA Road Trip

We’ve called on some travel bloggers to share their top American Road Trips. We’re even adding a few of our own favorite road trips in there!

All the road trips below are broken down by region in the United States, and each route includes how many days you should plan to be on the road, best time of year to travel, and the top things to do along the way.

If you know which region you’re interested in, click on the link below to jump straight to that section. Otherwise, keep scrolling down for ALL the inspiration you can handle!

  • West Coast USA
  • Western USA
  • Hawaii & Alaska
  • Midwest USA
  • Southern USA
  • Eastern USA
Psst! Get motivated to plan your next adventure with this list of inspiring road trip quotes (+ graphics!).

West Coast USA Road Trips

With the Pacific Ocean to the west and mountains and deserts to the east, this part of the country is one of the best places to take a road trip. 

You’ll be able to explore some of the most exciting cities in the United States, like San Francisco , Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle. Plus, the West Coast boasts some of the best sunsets in the nation.

Road Trips:

  • Pacific Coast Highway
  • Oregon Coast & Forests Road Trip
  • San Francisco to Seattle: Coastal Drive
  • Seattle to San Francisco: Inland Route
  • Washington State Road Trip
  • Olympic Peninsula
  • Yosemite to Sequoia National Park
  • Lake Tahoe to Eastern Sierra
  • Eastern Oregon Road Trip

1. Pacific Coast Highway in California

This gorgeous USA road trip along the Pacific Coast Highway will lead you across one of the most beautiful regions in the country. With mesmerizing beaches, ample palm trees, and perfect weather, the journey is an ideal two-week getaway.


  • Route: Pacific Coast Highway Road Trip
  • At a glance: San Francisco – Yosemite National Park – Santa Barbara – LA – San Diego
  • Distance: 731 miles
  • Duration: 12 days
  • When to go: June-August; summer is the perfect time for this road trip since the water will be warm enough for a quick dip along the way!

Begin your road trip in San Francisco. Catch a glimpse of the Golden Gate Bridge before all the tourists wake up in the morning, then head to Fisherman’s Wharf. Grab some lunch at one of the many restaurants and visit a few historical ships along the way. Rent a bike and spend some time touring the streets, including one of the oldest Chinatowns in the country and Union Square, a modern plaza.

Spend the next day exploring the Google Campus in Mountain View before jumping back into your car and heading east, where you can spend a day or two hiking in Yosemite National Park amongst the breath-taking landscape.

Next, head south towards Santa Barbara, where you can enjoy some delicious seafood and a more laid-back vibe. There are many things to do in Santa Barbara , including visits to wineries, a walk along the shoreline, and a short hike at Lizard’s Mouth, which is a beautiful viewpoint that overlooks the entire city. 

Spend two days relaxing along the coast before making your way down to Los Angeles.

Located two hours south of Santa Barbara, L.A. can keep you busy for days. A walk along Hollywood Blvd will prepare you for the glam and glitz of the city. Check out the Hollywood Sign and catch a movie at the TCL Chinese Theater before grabbing some dinner at the Hollywood and Highland Center. 

Spend the following day at Universal Studio Hollywood, before heading south to Orange County.

Orange County has a few beautiful beaches, including Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, and Huntington Beach. A day can be spent beach-hopping before heading to Disneyland in Anaheim the following day.

The last two days will be spent in San Diego visiting the Balboa Park and the San Diego Zoo. Hike and scuba dive at La Jolla Cove and end your Pacific Highway road trip with one last dip in the ocean!

  • Ride in a street trolley in San Francisco
  • Hike Yosemite and catch a sunrise!
  • Grab a photo of the Golden Gate Bridge from Battery Spencer Viewpoint
  • Go winery hopping in Santa Barbara
  • Have some fresh oysters right by the Santa Barbara Harbor
  • Hike to the Hollywood sign in L.A.

Contributed by: Daisy Li from Beyond My Border

2. Oregon Coast & Forests Road Trip

This road trip takes you through quirky Portland and charming oceanside towns. You’ll adventure in the mountains, find hot springs, and explore one of the coolest National Parks in the US. Let’s go! 

Tamolitch Blue Pools Oregon

  • Route: Oregon Coast & Forests road trip
  • At a glance: Portland – Hood River – Bend – Crater Lake – Samuel H. Boardman State Corridor – Cannon Beach – Portland
  • Distance: 1,100 miles
  • Duration: 10 – 12 days
  • When to go: May – October will give you the best weather, and the earlier and later end of the spectrum will help you avoid the summertime crowds. Enjoy fall foliage in mid-October!

After exploring the quirky sights of Portland , head east along the Columbia River Gorge. Make a day of it and see as many waterfalls as you can before stopping for the night in charming Hood River where you can see people windsurfing on the Columbia River.

Heading south, you’ll enter Mount Hood National Forest, which offers lots of hiking if you have the time. Stop at Trillium Lake for a picnic with unrivaled views of the volcanic mountain.

Heading even further south, you’ll reach the beautiful town of Bend , which is a fun place to explore for a day. For a fun little side trip, head past the small town of Sisters and into the Willamette National Forest where you can find waterfalls and the incredibly vibrant Tamolitch Blue Pools.

Continuing further south, spend a couple days taking in the sights and hikes in Crater Lake National Park , and hunting for hot springs in Umpqua National Forest .

Short on time? If you’re short on time, you can cut over to the coast and head back to Portland along the ocean.

But if you have the time, there are more adventures to be had. Explore the cute little town of Ashland, and if you’re lucky you might be able to catch one of their famous Shakespeare Festival, which happens all summer long.

You’ll actually need to cross into California briefly before returning into Oregon to see the Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor. The name of this park is long, but the ocean views are some of the best in the state! 

After you’ve explored to your heart’s content, make your way north through all sorts of cute coastal towns, stopping whenever you get the urge. (We liked the town of Bandon, and enjoyed seafood and sunset here!)

On your way back to Portland, stop at the Tillamook Creamery for some of their famous cheese and ice cream, and spend the night in Cannon Beach so you can see the iconic sea stacks at sunset.

  • Sample all the craft beer you can in Portland
  • Go chasing waterfalls in the Columbia River Gorge
  • Picnic with views of Mount Hood at Trillium Lake
  • Explore the fun towns of Bend, Hood River and Ashland
  • Hike to Tamolitch Blue Pools for some of the bluest water you’ll ever see!
  • Explore Samuel H. Boardman State Park for some of the most epic ocean views in the state 
  • Eat clams and seafood in one of the many small towns along the coast. We loved Tony’s Crab Shack in Bandon.
  • See the sea stacks on Cannon Beach at sunset
  • Stop at the Tillamook Creamery for the famous cheese and ice cream

Helpful resources for your Oregon road trip:

  • If the coast is calling your name and you’d rather spend all your time near the ocean, we have a huge Oregon coast road trip guide to help you customize your itinerary and plan your trip.
  • If you’re interested in traveling by campervan (highly recommend!), be sure to check out the best campervan rentals in Portland .

Recommended by Katie and Ben from Two Wandering Soles

3. San Francisco to Seattle: Coastal Drive

This San Francisco to Seattle drive is a scenic route that includes the dramatic California and Oregon coastlines and stops at a few national and state parks. Since most of this USA road trip follows the Pacific Coast Highway, the views from the drive alone will be stunning.

San Fransisco to Seattle USA Road Trip

  • Route: San Francisco, CA to Seattle, WA (coastal drive)
  • At a glance: San Francisco – Mendocino – Florence – Redwood National Park – Cannon Beach – Olympic National Forest – Seattle
  • Distance: 920 miles
  • Duration: 2 weeks 
  • When to go: June – October. Summer months bring pleasant temperatures and mostly sunny skies. Visiting in the early Fall is great because there are fewer tourists and the weather is still mild.

The drive begins in San Francisco. Visiting the Golden Gate Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf, riding the trolley, and hopping over to Sausalito, there is plenty to do and eat in a couple of days.

After taking in the sights in San Fran, begin driving north to Mendocino. This charming coastal northern California town has scenic kayaking and biking opportunities, as well as hiking trails nearby. 

The last stop in northern California is to explore the majestic redwoods. In addition to Redwood National Park, there are many state parks that have redwood forests. 

Continue your route along the coast until the next stop in Florence, Oregon. Florence is where you can hop on an ATV and explore the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area. 

Then continue along the Pacific Coast Highway making stops along Oregon’s gorgeous and charming coast line. A highlight is a stop in Cannon Beach , one of the cutest towns on the Oregon Coast, where the famed Haystack Rock is just a few feet offshore. 

The final leg of the journey is the drive towards Seattle, with a stop at Olympic National Park . After admiring the beauty of the Pacific Northwest coastline, this park showcases even more of Washington’s untouched nature. 

Seattle is the last stop on the road trip. Visiting the classic attractions such as the Space Needle and Pike Place Market are some of the top things to do in Seattle . 

  • Walk along the Golden Gate Bridge, stroll Fisherman’s Wharf, take a ferry to Alcatraz Island and take a ride on a trolley in San Francisco
  • Kayak sea caves and go biking along the Big River in Mendocino, California
  • Hike along trails in Redwood National Park
  • Ride an ATV on the Oregon Sand Dunes
  • Take a walk on the beach during low tide to Haystack Rock in Cannon Beach and have some coffee at the Sleepy Monk
  • Hike some scenic trails in Olympic National Park
  • Grab some lunch at Pike Place Chowder and witness the views from the Space Needle in Seattle

Contributed by: Margie from DQ Family Travel

4. Seattle to San Francisco: Inland Route

This lesser explored route between the two major cities takes you inland to national and state parks you’ve probably never heard of, chasing waterfalls and hiking mountains.

Seattle to San Fran USA Road Trip

  • Route: West Coast Inland Road Trip – Adventures and Waterfall Hikes
  • At a glance: Washington – Oregon – California
  • Distance: 807 miles
  • Duration: 2 weeks
  • When to go: Fall – So you can see those incredible fall colors and the crowds have left.

Your first day will be spent just outside Seattle exploring some of the waterfall hikes like Snoqualmie, Franklin and Twin Falls. 

Meander your way down into Mount Rainier National Park for the next day or two and take it all in, there’s a lot going on there.

Then make your way to the Columbia River Gorge in Oregon, where you’ll see some of the most beautiful Oregon waterfalls . Multnomah Falls is famous and absolutely worth a gander, but there are other falls worth a visit. We also recommend the underrated Dry Creek Falls, which is actually way better than it sounds.

Wrap up your first week on the road by riding through Bend, Oregon, the adventure capital of the state! Smith Rock State Park is a must and treat yourself to as many craft beers as you’d like.

As you make your way to California, you can stop off to do some hiking in Crater Lake National ,  before you bid adieu to Oregon. Lassen National Park and Lava Beds National Monuments aren’t as well-known, but have some great hikes and incredible views. Kings Creek Falls hike is known for bear sightings!

As you wrap up your inland Seattle to San Francisco road trip , take time to visit Burney Falls, one of the most spectacular waterfalls you’ll probably ever see, Big Trees National Park and Muir Woods National Monument.


  • Mount Rainier National Park is a playground for hikes, exploring, and seeing those epic fall colors!
  • Find out all the fun things to do in Bend, Oregon — hands down the best city in the area. (I’m only sort of biased)—a visit to Smith Rock State Park, the craft beer scene, lots of hikes , waterfalls, floating down the river… There’s so much to do and the area is gorgeous.
  • Burney Falls is STUNNING.
  • The Columbia River Gorge in its entirety and getting the less popular spots like Dry Creek Falls all to yourselves will be epic—not many wander up there.
  • Seeing Crater Lake at sunset is incredibly majestic.

Contributed by: Nina Ragusa from Where in the World is Nina?

Psst! We have a guide to the best campervan rentals in Seattle that will be super helpful if you’re thinking about this route!

5. Washington State Road Trip

Washington State is packed with some of the most stunning natural landscapes you’ll find in the United States. There is so much more to this PNW state than Seattle, and if you get out of the city limits, you’ll find adventure and beauty abound. This route will bring you through some of the most beautiful places in this state.

Washington State Road Trip

  • Route: Best of Washington State
  • At a glance: Seattle – San Juan Islands – North Cascades National Park – Winthrop – Lake Chelan & Stehekin – Leavenworth – Seattle
  • Distance: 500 miles
  • Duration: 10 – 12 days, with options to add on 2 – 4 days for the Olympic Peninsula (find the itinerary below)
  • When to go: May – October

Start your road trip in Seattle, and spend a day or two exploring the city if you’ve never been. Once you leave the city limits, the real adventure begins! 

Heading north, you’ll come to the seaside town of Anacortes, from which you can take a ferry to the San Juan Islands. Explore the cute island towns, and if your budget allows, splurge on a whale watching tour – it’s one of the best places in North America to do it!

Once you’re back on the mainland, head into the mountains. North Cascades National Park is home to the most epic scenery you’ll see on this trip, so stop often and take lots of photos along the way. Mount Baker National Forest is a great place for hiking, and you’ll get stunning views at Diablo Lake and Ross Lake.

Continue east on Highway 20 and you’ll come to Washington Pass, where you’ll definitely want to get out of your car and bring your camera! The next stop is the Western style town of Winthrop, which is a fun stop for a beer before heading on to Lake Chelan.

This narrow, 50.5-mile lake almost looks like a river from the map, but it’s possible to take a ferry to the opposite end of the lake, where the tiny town of Stehekin lies. With fewer than 80 permanent residents, Stehekin is a great place to get away from it all, go hiking, stay in a cozy cabin, and eat at the town’s famous bakery. 

Now it’s time to make your way to the Bavarian-themed town of Leavenworth . Home to lots of cute shops and breweries, it’s a nice place to relax. 

If you have the time, try to get out and explore the nature surrounding the town, as it is absolutely magnificent (Colchuck Lake is one of our favorite hikes!). If you want an extra adventure, book a trip with our friends at Wildwater Rafting for a fun time on the Wenatchee River!

Your drive back on Highway 2 is beautiful and passes by a couple waterfalls and viewpoints. If you’re hungry, stop at a local favorite, Sultan Bakery, for donuts and famous sandwiches before arriving back in Seattle.

Tip: Be sure to stay at some of Washington’s best campsites along the way!
  • Visit Seattle’s famous sites : Pike’s Place Market, the Post Alley Gum Wall, and the Space Needle, then explore the Fremont neighborhood where you can sample the city’s best craft beer and seek out the famous Fremont Troll.
  • Go whale watching in the San Juan Islands
  • Hike as much as you can in North Cascades National Park: Diablo Lake and Mount Baker are highlights
  • Take a ferry on Lake Chelan to the tiny town of Stehekin. Don’t forget to eat at the town bakery!
  • Sample German pretzels and beer in the Bavarian town of Leavenworth

6. Olympic Peninsula Washington

With driftwood-strewn beaches, temperate rainforests, mountains and waterfalls, Olympic National Park is packed full of beauty and adventure. This short but sweet route brings you through the best of the Olympic Peninsula .


  • Route: Olympic National Park and Beaches  
  • At a glance: Seattle – ferry to Bainbridge Island – Port Angeles – La Push – Olympia – Seattle
  • Distance: 550 miles
  • Duration: 2-4 days

The Olympic Peninsula is just a short drive from Seattle, making it a great weekend camping trip, or a good addition to a longer PNW road trip. The quickest way to get to the OP is by taking the ferry to Bainbridge Island. You can find the schedule here .

Once you’re back on the road, make your way to Hurricane Ridge where you can enjoy epic mountain views and explore the trails in Olympic National Park . On a clear day, you can even see the ocean! 

Spend the night at Lyre River Campground, which is free and absolutely beautiful. Try to arrive early, as it is first come, first served. In the morning, head inland to explore Lake Crescent and Sol Duc Falls before making your way back to the coast and preparing for a hike. 

Walking out to Shi Shi Beach will likely be a highlight of your time in the OP (especially if you’re a photographer). If you have the time and camping equipment, plan to spend the night at Shi Shi and enjoy an epic sunset with few other people around.   

The next morning, hike out and get back on the road. You’ll pass through Forks, the small town made famous by the Twilight series, and you can explore the beaches near La Push. This is a nice place to spend the night. 

Wander through the Hoh Rainforest and stop for a picnic lunch near Ruby Beach on the following day before making the drive back to Seattle. 

  • See mountains and ocean at the same time at Hurricane Ridge
  • Explore the lush Hoh Rainforest
  • Imagine fairies are real on a walk around stunning Sol Duc Falls
  • Camp on a beach in the Olympic Peninsula

Go Wander Wild Banner

7. California National Parks

One of the most picturesque drives in California through some of the most famous National Parks in the United States.

California National Parks

  • Route: Yosemite to Kings Canyon & Sequoia National Park
  • At a glance: Yosemite – Kings Canyon – Sequoia
  • Distance: 186 miles
  • Duration: 5-8 days 
  • When to go: April- October; Spring and Fall are the best time of year to travel to the National Parks, since the weather will not be too hot or too cold, and the crowds should be fewer than in the Summer.

​​Yosemite is one of the busiest national parks in the country. For this reason, you might want to book your spot in advance, if you plan to hike the famous Half Dome. Otherwise you can enjoy the hikes around like Vernal Falls or Taft Point and view Half Dome from a distance. 

Be sure to be on the lookout for bears and other wildlife hanging around as well. For a nice easy stroll, take the trail down to Mirror Lake for a one-of-a-kind view.

Continue your road trip south towards Kings Canyon and Sequoia National Parks. The two adjacent parks are jointly managed by the National Parks Service and with a single entrance fee. 

Spend a day exploring Kings Canyon and then make your way to Sequoia National Park. Its in both of these parks where you’ll find yourself among some of the largest redwood trees in the world.

In fact, the General Sherman tree in Sequoia, stands as the largest tree in the world by volume. And don’t forget to drive through the downed Redwood, as it’s one of the last drive thru trees around.

  • Enjoy all the waterfalls you find along the route 
  • Hike Half Dome, or many of the other hikes around Yosemite
  • Drive through the giant Redwood trees in Kings Canyon & Sequoia
  • Take a picture in front of the largest tree in the world

Contributed by: Sara from Our Kind of Crazy

8. Lake Tahoe to Eastern Sierra California Road Trip

This beautiful road trip may not cover a lot of distance, but it’s so crammed with epic scenery and things to do that seven days will seem too short! The road travels along the stunning Eastern Sierra, and side trips include the scenic Tioga Pass Road and other short roads leading to points of interest along the route.

Fall colors at Conway Summiton CA Route 395

  • Route: California State Route 395 from South Lake Tahoe to Bishop
  • At a glance: South Lake Tahoe – Bridgeport – Lee Vining – Mammoth Lakes – Bishop
  • Distance: 175 miles
  • Duration: 7 days
  • When to go: Hands down, Autumn is the best time of year to do this spectacular road trip through the Eastern Sierra . The next best is late spring, when wildflowers are in bloom. In late spring, summer, and fall, you can enjoy hiking trails all along the route! 

Start this USA road trip in scenic South Lake Tahoe, where you can spend a couple of days enjoying the beauty of the large alpine lake. Make sure to take the short drive to Hope Valley and the nearby mountain passes to see leaf colors in the fall.

Next, take California SR395 South to the Bridgeport area, where you can take the short detour to see the ghost town of Brodie (it’s now a state park). 

Further south, you can make a stop at Conway Summit, the highest point along the route, and Mono Lake, a large saltwater lake famous for its tufa towers and thousands of birds. Arrive at Mammoth Lakes, which will be your base for the next three days.

Spend the next three days exploring the areas north and south of the resort town of Mammoth Lakes. From lakes to waterfalls and mountains to creeks, you will find lots to see here. The town of Mammoth Lakes is a well-known winter sports resort, and offers lots of accommodation and dining options.

Spend the last two days of your trip in Bishop, where again you can explore side roads to scenic lakes and an abundance of color in the fall.

  • Try SUP boarding on the crystal clear waters of beautiful Lake Tahoe 
  • Explore the ghost town of Brodie, preserved exactly as the occupants left when they fled
  • Visit the Devil’s Postpile National Monument in Mammoth Lakes
  • Marvel at the tufa towers at Mono Lake: an excellent sunset photography spot!
  • Enjoy the stunning beauty of the lakes of the Eastern Sierra all along the route

Contributed by: Dhara from It’s Not About the Miles

9. Eastern Oregon Road Trip

This off-the-beaten path adventure offers wide open roads, rustic hot springs, mesmerizing desert and unparalleled stargazing.

Wildhorse Steens Eastern Oregon

  • Route: Steens Mountain Scenic Byway in Eastern Oregon
  • As an alternative to Boise, you can drive the Steen’s Mountain Scenic Byway from Bend, Oregon. The distance and timing is approximately the same.
  • Distance: 600-650 miles
  • Duration: 4-5 days
  • When to go: Soaring heat in summer and the closure of the Steen’s Mountain Loop in winter, mean Spring and Fall are the best times of year to drive the Steen’s Mountain Scenic Byway.

Drive four hours west from Boise (or four hours east from Bend) and enter one of the most remote areas of the United States. 

Your first stop is at the Alvord Hot Springs, where you can soak in the rustic thermal pools at the edge of a large dried-out lake known as the Playa. For optimal stargazing, head to the middle of the cracked-earth Playa and camp in complete solitude under the milky way.

In the morning, spend a few hours zooming around the Alvord Playa in your 4×4 vehicle and marvel at the vastness of your surroundings. Fill up with gas in the small town of Fields (population 14), before driving up the west side of Steen’s Mountain to the historic town of Frenchglen.

Frenchglen is the gateway to the Steen’s Mountain Loop and the surprisingly lush Malheur Wildlife Refuge. Enjoy one or two days of hiking or bird-watching. Before heading back to Boise or Bend, spend the night soaking under the stars at the Crystal Crane Hot Spring.

  • Soak in the Alvord Hot Springs at any hour of the day or night
  • Drive your vehicle onto the cracked-earth Playa and chase mirages across the desert.
  • Camp out on the Playa and enjoy opportunities for perspective photography
  • Drive the Steen’s Mountain Loop and soak in views of glacial valleys
  • Hike to Wildhorse Lake
  • Admire birdlife at the Malheur Wildlife Refuge
  • Take a sunrise soak in the warm lake waters of Crystal Crane Hot Springs

Contributed by: Erika Bisbocci from Erika’s Travels

Western USA Road Trips

The mountains are calling! And the deserts too! Drive through the Rocky Mountains over snowy mile-high passes. Explore the unique rock formations of the deserts that has taken millions of years to create.

This is also where you’ll find some of the nation’s most prized National Parks, and some of the best preserved Native American sites. You can really get out in the wild in the Western States.

  • American Southwest National Parks
  • Las Vegas to Grand Canyon
  • Utah’s National Parks
  • Colorado Road Trip
  • Idaho Wilderness & Small Towns
  • Glacier, Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks

10. American Southwest National Parks

This epic road trip with both popular and off-the-beaten-path stops is one of the finest adventures the wild west can offer.

Horseshoe Bend American Southwest Road Trip

  • Route: American Southwest Road Trip
  • At a glance: Nevada – Utah – Arizona
  • Distance: about 1,000 miles
  • Duration: 1 week 
  • When to go: May is a very popular month, and it was when I did the trip, though the locals said fall is the best time of the year. 

This American Southwest Road Trip begins in Los Angeles, California. Take your car or campervan to Nevada, and make a stop at the Seven Magic Mountains, followed by a helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon (the best way to see it if you are short on time!), and be sure to make a stop at the Valley of Fire State Park.

Recommended sights at the Valley of Fire include Seven Sisters, Elephant Rock, Beehives, and Fire Wave Trail, some of the best hikes near Las Vegas . 

Next, move on to Utah and get ready for the gorgeous views at Zion National Park , Bryce Canyon National Park , Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and more.

Finally, make your way to Arizona, which is famous for some more incredible canyons, like the Grand Canyon, Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, and The Wave.

  • Helicopter tour of the Grand Canyon
  • Coyote Gulch trail in one day via the sneaker route, which involve using a rope to climb down a 250-foot vertical rock and navigating by GPS
  • Sunset at Dead Horse Point State Park
  • The gorgeous rock formations at Valley of the Gods

Contributed by: Kristin Addis from Be My Travel Muse 

11. Utah’s National Parks

If Utah is on your bucket list, you should bookmark this road trip route. It takes you through the state’s 5 National Parks plus some other hidden gems and cool towns—basically all the best places to visit in Utah .  

Zion National Park | Two Wandering Soles

  • Route: Utah’s Mighty 5 National Parks    
  • At a glance: Moab (Arches & Canyonlands National Parks) – Capitol Reef National Park – Grand Staircase Escalante – Bryce Canyon National Park – Zion National Park – St. George
  • Distance: 550 Miles
  • When to go: March – May and September – November; avoid the summer months as it is very crowded and hot at this time of year. Spring and fall bring much more comfortable temperatures and fewer people.

Begin by exploring the town of Moab for a day or two. If you like mountain biking, this is the place to get out on two wheels! 

Make stops at both Arches National Park and Canyonlands National Park , as they offer very different experiences. You can also stop at Dead Horse Point State Park if you have the time.

On your way westward, make a stop at the House on Fire, ancient ruins located near a river bend of Mule Canyon. And like the name implies, they look just like a house on fire. When we visited there were only a handful of other people, and it was a super interesting place many travelers miss. 

Capitol Reef is the next park on the route, and it is the least visited of Utah’s National Parks, but certainly worth the stop. 

Spend the night near Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, and if it’s open, Kiva Koffeehouse makes a perfect place for food, coffee and views. 

Now you’re almost to Bryce Canyon National Park which is your next stop before heading to your final park: the famous Zion. St. George is a cute town to spend the final days of your trip, or to relax before continuing on.

Depending on your time frame and flights, you can either:

  • end your trip in St. George
  • continue onto Las Vegas (lots of cheap flights leave from here)
  • extend your trip to include stops at Horseshoe Bend, Antelope Canyon, and Monument Valley before circling back up to Moab 
  • Sunrise at Mesa Arch in Canyonlands National Park
  • Photographing House on Fire Ruins
  • Picking apricots from the orchards in Capitol Reef National Park
  • Coffee with a view at Kiva Koffeehouse near Escalante
  • Peek a Boo Loop hike at Bryce Canyon National Park
  • Angel’s Landing Hike at Zion National Park
  • Stargazing on clear nights in the desert

12. Las Vegas to Grand Canyon

This epic road trip brings you from the craziest city to 3 amazing canyons, a beautiful forest and back to Las Vegas, all along the famous Route 66.

Grand Canyon Arizona USA

  • Route: Las Vegas to Antelope Canyon and Grand Canyon
  • At a glance: Las Vegas – Antelope Canyon – Horseshoe Bend – Coconino National Forest – Flagstaff – Grand Canyon – Las Vegas
  • Distance: 800 miles
  • Duration: 1 week
  • When to go:  All year long, but remember July – August will be quite hot.

Begin your journey in Las Vegas and spend the day driving through Utah and Arizona to the Antelope Canyons. Explore both the Upper and Lower Canyon, each a wonderland for photographers as lights, sand and shadows play beautifully together.

Spend a night in Page and also visit Horseshoe Bend the next day. The Colorado River writing poems into the landscape should not be missed.

Next, head south towards Flagstaff. You will pass the Coconino National Forest. Be sure to stop and take a left into the forest. The flower fields are breathtaking and there is also an interesting crater to visit.

Once in Flagstaff, enjoy the rustic wild west atmosphere (and if you have more time in Arizona try checking out Tucson ). 

The next day make your way towards the Grand Canyon. Drive back up the road to Cameron and take a left there to make the most of your time in the park. Several Native shops will offer nice handicrafts as a souvenir.

To end the journey, find your way towards the setting sun again, West, and take a little detour from the main new interstate to end up on the famous Route 66.

  • Gamble but don’t lose all your money in Las Vegas
  • Explore and take a photographers tour in the Antelope Canyons
  • Hike around Horseshoe Bend
  • Just breath and relax in the Coconino National Forest
  • Feel like a cowboy in Flagstaff
  • Finally visit the most majestic canyon of them all: Grand Canyon. Several hikes are available in the area
  • Head back to Las Vegas via Route 66 and crank up the radio

Contributed by: Theo from Tripcrafting

13. Colorado Road Trip

Take in the snow-capped mountains, breathtaking landscapes, and soak in natural hot springs on this epic Colorado road trip. 

Hanging Lake Colorado

  • Route: Colorado Road Trip: Cities and Nature
  • At a glance: Denver – Boulder – Glenwood Springs – Grand Junction – Ouray – Mesa Verde National Park – Buena Vista – Colorado Springs – Denver
  • Distance: 900 miles
  • Duration: 1-2 weeks
  • When to go: June – August; Spring is nice too, but a summer Colorado road trip does allow you to see more and enjoy the outdoors that makes Colorado so awesome.

Kick start your Colorado road trip with 2-3 days in the ‘Mile High City’ of Denver exploring its vibrant arts scene. Stop two is a day trip to Boulder, stroll along Pearl Street, the pedestrian walkway downtown, or head to the foothills to hike any of the 45,000 acres of designated trails.

From there, head to Glenwood Springs, but make a stop on the way to hike to Hanging Lake to take in the stunning turquoise lake suspended on the edge of Glenwood Canyon.

After a few days chilling in the laid back vibe of Glenwood Springs, pick up the pace with 1-2 days in Grand Junction. The area has a number of sightseeing hotspots such as the vineyards of Palisade and the Colorado National Monument.

Continue south to the charming town of Ouray before heading onto Mesa Verde National Park which you can easily explore in 1 day.

Your next stop is Buena Vista, a must for all adventure lovers. Get ready for stunning scenery as you head to the penultimate stop on your itinerary, at Colorado Springs. 

There you can marvel at the red sandstone formations in the Garden of the Gods or spend the day at the North Cheyenne Canon Park before heading back to Denver to complete your epic Colorado road trip.

  • A scenic drive to Lookout Mountain for spectacular views of Denver
  • Explore the hiking and riding trails around Boulder, especially the Hanging Lake Trailhead
  • Whitewater rafting along the Colorado River.
  • Have a picnic after hiking the nature trails at the beautiful Rifle Falls State Park
  • Take in the grandness of the Colorado National Monument, its spectacular canyons, red rocks, and sandstone towers.
  • Explore Pike’s Peak by Cog Train to view the beautiful vistas of Colorado Springs from above

Contributed by: Oksana & Max from Drink Tea & Travel

14. Idaho Wilderness & Small Towns

We’ve said time and time again that Idaho is one of the most underrated states in the US, and we’re going to preach its epic-ness once again. With incredible hot springs , the rugged Sawtooth Mountain Wilderness, and charming towns, a road trip through Idaho is perfect if you want to have epic adventures without the crowds of many other Western states.

Goldbug Hotsprings Idaho Hike Katie and Ben

  • Route: Best of Idaho Road Trip
  • At a glance: Boise – Twin Falls – Ketchum – Stanley – Salmon
  • Distance: 915 miles
  • When to go: June – September, outside of these months, you will likely find some roads closed due to snow, so it’s best to travel during the summertime. Compared to other states in Western USA, you won’t find nearly as many crowds even during the peak summer season.

Begin your journey in Boise and spend a day exploring Idaho’s largest city by bicycle. Your next stop is the town of Twin Falls where you can watch BASE jumpers and make the detour to the nearby sand dunes.

Next, head up towards the Sawtooth Wilderness, where you can stop off for hikes along the way. Ketchum is a small town with lots of charm and outdoor activities all year long.

Stanley is not far from here, and this tiny town of 63 people looks like it’s straight out of a Western movie set. Enjoy the scenery and do a little hiking if you’re keen. 

From here, make a stop at the stunning Goldbug Hot Springs before ending your trip in the Western-themed town of Salmon.

  • Explore Boise by bicycle and stop at a few of the (many!) breweries along the way
  • Watch BASE jumpers at the bridge in Twin Falls
  • See Ernest Hemingway’s grave in Ketchum, and enjoy the many cute shops and cafes in town 
  • Go for a hike (or two!) in the Sawtooth Mountains Wilderness Area. Alice’s Lake is a good one!
  • See the cute little town of Stanley, and be sure to grab a bite to eat at the Stanley Bakery. You can’t miss it! Tip: The cinnamon rolls are to die for!
  • Soak in Goldbug Hot Springs — likely the most scenic hot springs you’ll ever see! If you have a tent, you can spend the night here beneath the stars!

Recommended by Katie & Ben from Two Wandering Soles

15. Glacier, Yellowstone & Grand Teton National Parks

Take an incredible road trip through some of the most epic scenery in the northwestern United States. This road trip has you stopping in Glacier, Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks as you make your way through Montana and Wyoming. 

Grand Teton National Park | Two Wandering Soles

  • Route: Glacier Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks
  • At a glance: Glacier – Yellowstone – Grand Teton
  • Distance: 450 miles
  • Duration: 1 week or longer depending on the time you want to spend in each park
  • When to go: April to September

This route brings you through three of the best National Parks in the U.S. beginning in Montana, and heading south into Wyoming. Give yourself a minimum of 2 full days to explore each of these famous National Parks and allow an extra day in between each for driving time. 

Start your road trip at Glacier National Park in Montana where the highlights include driving the Going-to-the-Sun Road, wildlife spotting and plenty of incredible hiking. If you’re up for an overnight backpacking adventure, hike the Highline Trail to get off the beaten tourist path and see some of the best views in the park.  

From Glacier you can reach the west entrance of Yellowstone in just 6 hours and 30 minutes. 

Yellowstone National Park is the oldest national park in the U.S. and probably one of the most well-known, next to the Grand Canyon. The park is home to some of the most unique ecosystems in the world.

Don’t miss the drive down Yellowstone’s scenic loop road where you’ll pass by geysers, encounter wildlife, and witness geologic sites like the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone. 

Finally, make your way south for just about 30 miles to reach Grand Tetons National Park and your third stop on this incredible USA road trip. 

Famous for the snow-capped jagged peaks of the Tetons Mountain Range, excellent chances for spotting wildlife, alpine lakes in brilliant shades of blue, and plenty of opportunities for adventure, Grand Teton National Park isn’t overrated in the slightest. 

Be sure to check out some of the best Grand Teton hikes while you’re there to really experience the beauty of this place. 

  • Get the best views of Glacier National Park while driving the Going-the-Sun-Road
  • Spot a moose or some buffalo in the wild
  • Take a chilly dip in a glacial lake
  • Drive Yellowstone’s Scenic Loop Road, circumnavigating the entire park
  • Photograph the rainbow colors of Grand Prismatic Spring
  • Watch Old Faithful erupt on time
  • Hit the trails in Grand Teton National Park

Hawaii & Alaska Road Trips

Get out of the continental USA for a road trip of your dreams!

In Hawaii, your road trip will have shorter distances, but with stops for fresh poke and shave ice plus epic sunset views, this small state packs in a ton of adventure!

And up in Alaska you’ll drive some of the most remote roads in the USA. This is the perfect state for a road trip through epic wilderness without the crowds.

  • The Dalton Highway
  • Denali to Kenai
  • Hawaii’s Big Island Road Trip
  • Road to Hana, Maui

16. The Dalton Highway

Take a drive into the Arctic wilderness as you follow the famed Ice Road from Fairbanks to the Deadhorse, Alaska.

The Dalton "Ice Road" Highway Alaska

  • Route: The Dalton Highway – The Ice Road
  • At a glance: Fairbanks – Yukon River – Arctic Circle – Coldfoot – Deadhorse
  • Distance: 828 miles
  • Duration: 4 Days 
  • When to go: June to August – The summer provides the most daylight and the conditions are most favorable for driving the road. 

Before heading up the Dalton Highway, one of Alaska’s most remote roads, you need to be prepared. The Dalton is a remote grave 2-lane highway. The primary use of this road is to haul oil drilling supplies from Fairbanks to the oilfields of the Northern Slope of Alaska . The speed limit is 50 m.p.h.

The weather here is unpredictable, so you need to be ready for snow at any time. There are four gas stations on the road and NO CELL SERVICE. If this hasn’t scared you off yet, get ready for an adventure…

Your trip up the Dalton Highway starts in Fairbanks, Alaska. First learn about Alaska’s gold mining history at Gold Dredge 8 and view the Alaskan Pipeline exhibit. 

Upon departing Fairbanks, follow the Elliot Highway until Livengood. From here you will be on the haul road. 

Your first big stop will be at the famed Yukon River. The river bank has thick mud that really likes to eat shoes. Depending on the salmon run, you may see locals harvesting salmon. Across the road from the camp is a small overlook with great views of the bridge.

Up next is Milepost 115 and the Arctic Circle. Be sure to take a picture with the sign. There is a campground and restrooms here. You will pass several scenic lakes and stops as you reach Coldfoot Camp and the halfway point of the Dalton. 

Next, get ready to cross the Brooks Mountain range through Atigun Pass. This is the highest point on the road and the most dangerous spot. 

The landscape will start to open up and you will start being able to see for miles. Keep an eye out for Musk Ox. There are several small herds on the way to Deadhorse. 

Once at Deadhorse, you are at the end of the road. You will need to arrange a tour if you would like to get to the shore of the Arctic Ocean. 

From here, turn around and head back the way you came.

  • Gold Dredge 8 and the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline to learn about the mining and drilling history of Alaska
  • Walk down to the edge of the Yukon River and watch the water flow
  • Check out the unique rock formations at Finger Mountain
  • Get your photograph taken at the Arctic Circle
  • Have lunch at Coldfood Café which is seen on Ice Road Truckers
  • Tour Weisman and learn what life above the Arctic Circle is life
  • Take a tour to Prudhoe Bay and learn about the oilfield and see the Arctic Ocean

Contributed by: Jennifer Melroy from National Park Obsessed

17. Denali to Kenai

This scenic road trip itinerary takes you through some of the most stunning landscape of Alaska, from the snow-covered peaks of Denali National Park to the glaciers and fjords of Kenai.

Denali National Park Alaska

  • Route: 7 Days in Alaska: Denali to Kenai
  • At a glance: Anchorage – Denali – Anchorage – Seward – Kenai
  • Distance: Around 800 miles
  • Duration: 7 Days
  • When to go: Mid-May to mid-September is the best time to visit Alaska, with July and August as the “warmest” months (and the busiest) when temperatures reach 60°F to 80°F. 

Your road trip starts with a drive 4 hours north from Anchorage to Denali National Park where you can admire the majestic Denali (formerly Mount McKinley), the highest mountain peak in North America.

At visit the park offers a chance to spot grizzlies, moose and other wildlife. Other opportunities for epic adventures include hiking, white water rafting, off-roading, zipline tours, and aerial tours of Denali.

Head back to Anchorage and learn about Alaska Native traditions at the Anchorage Native Heritage Center . 

Finally, drive straight south past Anchorage for 2.5 hours to the Kenai Peninsula for a chance to visit Kenai Fjords National Park. Don’t miss a hike to the Exit Glacier, and take a cruise through the Kenai Fjords.

Return to Anchorage when you’re ready for your road trip to come to an end. 

  • Join a ranger-guided tour at the Denali National Park and learn about the fantastic wildlife
  • Go on a flightseeing tour to admire Denali from up close
  • Take a heli-hiking tour to explore the Alaskan backcountry
  • Visit the Anchorage Native Heritage Center
  • Try salmon jerky or jams made of local berries like salmonberries, lingonberries, or cloudberries
  • Catch dinner by salmon fishing on the Kenai Peninsula
  • Hike on the Glacier Overlook Trail of Exit Glacier
  • Board a cruise to see whales, seals, and sea lions on Resurrection Bay

Contributed by: Patricia from Ze Wandering Frogs

18. Hawaii’s Big Island Road Trip

This road trip takes you through every single landscape you can imagine: From the rough volcanic rocks at Hawai’i Volcano National Park to the stunning beaches of Captain Cook and right up to a stargazing oasis at the volcano Mauna Kea.

Hawaii Big Island

  • Route: Big Island & Volcano National Park
  • At a glance: Hilo – Hawai’I Volcanoes National Park – Captain Cook – Kona – Mauna Kea
  • Distance: 187 miles
  • Duration: 2 Days
  • When to go: All year around: Big Island has a climate that works from January till December. 

Start in the cute little village of Hilo, where you can stock up on your food supplies before you head right into the Hawai’i Volcano National Park. 

The park is easy to drive through and it’s up to you how long you want to stay here. You could definitely easily spend an entire week here, hiking and exploring, but if you only have a couple of days on Big Island you can squeeze the highlights into half a day. 

Once the day ends, you will have reached Kona, where you can chill at the beach the next day. Don’t forget to get ready for sunset at the most epic spot ever: Mauna Kea. The volcano not only has the perfect sunset setting, but also a free stargazing event that takes place several days a week. Do check their website for the most accurate information. 

  • Have a burger at the Hilo Burger Joint
  • Attend the stargazing event at Mauna Kea
  • Go for a helicopter flight above Big Island’s volcanoes and opt-in for the open door flight 
  • Make sure to go on at least a short hike at Hawai’i Volcano National Park
  • Look out for turtles at the beaches around Kona

Contributed by: Anne Steinbach & Clemens Sehi from Travellers Archive

19. Road to Hana, Maui

This tropical road trip through winds around the east side of Maui, Hawaii, taking you through quaint surf towns and showing off the gorgeous coastline with ample hiking opportunities.

Black Sand Beach at Wainapanapa State Park

  • Route: The Road to Hana, Maui
  • At a glance: Paia – Haiku – Hana – Kaupo  
  • Distance: 64.4 miles
  • Duration: 1 day travel time
  • When to go: It’s Hawaii so the weather is generally perfect year round. During the summer months, it is much busier than other times of the year. 

Start your drive in Paia, a cute surfer town on Maui’s north shore. Get breakfast at Charley’s to start the day. They have monster pancakes and some of the cajun Ono eggs benedict on the island. 

If you have time, do some shopping. Paia has lots of funky boutiques with surf gear and clothing. Don’t forget to grab some snacks from Mana Foods before you head out.  

Next, take a break at Twin Falls just up the road from Paia. They have some really nice and easy hiking trails and waterfalls. With fresh coconut water, smoothies, and homemade banana bread, the snack stand there is also quite popular. 

Waianapanapa State Park is another great stopping point along the way and not far from Hana. This 122-acre state park is known for its beautiful black sand beach but don’t miss the lava tubes or freshwater caves. 

Once in Hana, relax for a bit. Go to the spa at Travaasa Hana , check out the Hana Beach Park or enjoy shopping at the local art galleries.

The drive is long and I’d highly recommend spending the night in Hana before making your way back. There is one major hotel, Travaasa Hana, vacation rentals, and places to camp overnight.

  • An easy but beautiful waterfall hike at Twin Falls 
  • Take your time and pull over at overlooks to take in the incredible views
  • Stop at Nahiku Marketplace (Mile Marker 29) if you get hungry. There are lots of different food trucks serving everything from Thai food to shave ice.  
  • Kīpahulu District of Haleakala National Park is just 12 miles past Hana and a must visit. Hike the Pīpīwai Trail (4 miles) to see gorgeous waterfalls, a bamboo forest, and a giant banyan tree
  • The White Pocket, which is an awesome alternative to The Wave

Contributed by: Emily Hines from Em’s on the Road

Midwest USA Roadtrips

Don’t skip over the Midwest, you’ll be surprised at what you’ll find. 

From the shores of the Great Lakes to the historic Route 66, when road tripping through the Midwest you’ll meet some of the nicest people in the US. 

Summer and autumn are the best times to take a trip, but they are also the most popular.

  • Route 66 Road Trip
  • North Shore Lake Superior, Minnesota
  • Amish Country Byway, Ohio

20. Route 66 Road Trip

One of the world’s most famous driving routes, this USA road trip takes you through small town America and the former Wild West.

Route 66 California

  • Route: Route 66 from Chicago to Los Angeles
  • At a glance: Chicago – St. Louis – Carthage – Clinton – Tucumcari – Gallup – Seligman – San Bernardino – Los Angeles
  • Distance: 2400 miles
  • Duration: 8 days
  • When to go: Spring and Fall – the route will be less busy and not so hot, but pleasant for sightseeing and driving

Route 66 starts in Chicago, and you’ll want to get going early as you have a long way to drive in a week. Your first day has you driving through Illinois, with highlights including the Rabbit Ranch in Staunton and the Cozy Dogs in Springfield.

Stay overnight in St. Louis where you’ll want to at least visit the arch, before heading on to the world famous Meramec Caverns. We’d also recommend a stop at the Mule Trading Post and Route 66 Car Museum. Spend your second night in Carthage, MO.

On day 3, follow the Route from Carthage with a stop in Galena, Kansas, to see the tow truck that inspired Mater in the movie “Cars”. Continue on into Oklahoma to see one of our favorite stops, the Blue Whale, then overnight in Clinton.

From Clinton, you’ll drive across a sliver of Texas and into New Mexico. You can spend the night at Tucumcari, home to some of the best preserved Route 66 motels. 

On day 5, be sure to stop in Albuquerque where Route 66 crosses itself. We also recommend a stop at the Continental Divide, before overnighting in Gallup.

Day 6 has you crossing through Arizona, with stops at Petrified Forest National Park, the “Here it is!” sign and the town of Flagstaff. Spend the night in Seligman.

The following day you’ll enter your final state: California. Make sure to stop in the town of Oatman for a Wild West show before spending the night in San Bernardino.

On your final day, you’ll be arriving at the end of the road in Los Angeles. Well done! If you want a more detailed version of this route, check out our complete 8 day Route 66 itinerary .

  • See The Rabbit Ranch in Staunton, Illinois
  • Visit the Blue Whale in Catoosa
  • See the “Here it Is!” sign near Holbrook, AZ
  • Eat all kinds of incredible food
  • Visit one of the many Route 66 museums along the Route

Contributed by: Laurence from Finding The Universe

21. North Shore Lake Superior, Minnesota

Minnesota’s scenic Highway 61 follows the shoreline of the Great Lake from Duluth, Minnesota all the way into Ontario, Canada. Dubbed simply “the North Shore,” this region of Lake Superior is known for scenic trails, historic sites and untouched wilderness.

North Shore Lake Superior Minnesota

  • Route: North Shore of Lake Superior: Minneapolis to Grand Marais
  • At a glance: Minneapolis – Duluth – Two Harbors – Grand Marais
  • Distance: 264 miles
  • Duration: 3 – 4 days, you can make the drive in 4.5 hours but you’ll want to stay a few days.
  • When to go: May – October. Summertime is nice because you’ll have long days, but the fall is the best because it’s the peak season for fall foliage and leaves changing colors.

While there are so many things to do in Minneapolis , head north out of the city and make the quick 2 hour drive up to Duluth, MN, the farest west port city of the Great Lakes.

Duluth is a fun college town with some serious character. Explore the brick downtown or head down to Canal Park to watch the historic Lift Bridge operate, allowing cargo ships to pass underneath. 

Grab a burger and beer at Grandma’s Saloon or Fitger’s Brewhouse for dinner. Then stay the night, or continue up the north shore taking in the coastal view of Lake Superior until the town of Two Harbors. 

Pop into the Northshore Pizza cafe for a bite to eat or visit Castle Danger Brewery (one of our favorite brews in MN).

Be sure to stop at Split Rock Lighthouse and Gooseberry Falls (very easy 0.5 mile hike to the lower falls) on your way up to Grand Marais.

Spend a night or two in Grand Marais. Get a donut at the World’s Best Donut Shop and a slice of pizza from the iconic Sven and Ole’s (get a sticker while you’re there!). For a nicer meal, the seasonally-open Angry Trout is a good choice, and if you want a morning Bloody Mary, you won’t find any better than at the Gunflint Tavern .

  • Watch as cargo ships come into Duluth harbor and see the iconic Lift Bridge rise to let them in
  • Get smoked fish from a local market along the way
  • Stop at Split Rock Lighthouse
  • Skip rocks into Lake Superior (the largest freshwater lake in the world!)
  • See Gooseberry Falls
  • Grab a beer at Castle Danger Brewing near Two Harbors, and Voyager Brewing in Grand Marais
  • Take a gondola ride at Lutsen Ski Resort (in the summer or fall months), or go skiing in the winter months
  • If you’re not camping, we highly recommend staying at The Hungry Hippie Farm & Hostel !

22. Amish Country Byway, Ohio

This Northeast Ohio road trip travels over rolling hills and past Amish farms. The Amish Country Byway is a designated federal Scenic Byway.  The roads of the Amish Country Byway share the story of the simple life of the Amish and Mennonites and allow visitors to explore this quiet part of Ohio.

Amish Country Byway Ohio

  • Route: Amish Country Byway
  • At a glance: Various routes throughout Holmes County, Ohio make up the Amish Country Byway (Map)
  • Distance: 160 miles
  • Duration: At least 2 days
  • When to go: May – November; May and November are considered the shoulder-season and travelers will find smaller crowds and less traffic. Due to the religious nature of this area, most attractions are closed on Sunday.

Begin your journey near Berlin, Ohio at Behalt. This cyclorama, known as the Amish & Mennonite Heritage Center, shares the history of the Amish culture and their journey from Europe to NE Ohio.

Continue north on County Rd 77 to Heini’s Cheese. Weekday visitors will have a chance to see cheese being produced and sample numerous flavors of this local delicacy.

Next, take US 62 North to Ohio 515 South. Stop and taste Trail Bologna, owned by the same family since 1912. Locals send this bologna to friends and family all over the world.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Amish, make sure to stop at Yoder’s Amish Home. Tours include a typical Amish home, an Amish school, and a horse and buggy ride. This is a great place to apply what was learned at Behalt!

  • Looking to sample more cheese? Don’t miss the world-famous baby swiss at Guggisberg Cheese, located near Charm.
  • Interested in glass collection? Millersburg Glass was crafted in Millersburg, Ohio for only 3 years, and its carnival glass is known for its brilliant coloring. The Millersburg Glass Museum has a full collection of the glass, plus tells the story of founder, John Fenton. This is one of the few attractions open on Sundays during the high season.
  • Historic downtown Millersburg is home to antique shops, small eateries, and a brewery.  
  • If visiting during the fall, the Hershberger Farm and Market offers a pumpkin patch.  

Contributed by: Leah Yoder from Yoder Toter Blog

Southern USA Road Trips

Welcome to southern hospitality at its finest. Cruise through lands where the sky is big and so are the BBQ’s! 

If you’re into having a beverage or two, take your pick of distilleries, breweries and moonshine-ries. Travel here in the springtime to enjoy the blooming flowers and avoid the heat of the summer.

  • Dallas to San Antonio
  • Louisiana to Florida
  • Great Smoky Mountains
  • Kentucky Bourbon Trail

23. Dallas to San Antonio, Texas Road Trip

This Texas road trip takes you to Enchanted Rock State Park, through the pseudo-German town of Fredericksburg, San Antonio, often called the “Venice” of Texas, and Austin.

Austin, Texas

  • Route: A Texas Road trip
  • At a glance: Dallas – Enchanted Rock – Fredericksburg – San Antonio – Austin
  • Distance: 415 miles
  • When to go: March to June; Spring is the best time for this road trip as the medians along the highways are covered with wildflowers and the Texas state flower bluebonnets are in bloom.  It is a great time for hiking on the Enchanted Rock.

Begin your journey in Dallas. Spend a day exploring the metroplex and enjoying some BBQ. In the evening head out towards Enchanted Rock in the Hill Country, 250 miles Southwest of Dallas. 

Enchanted Rock State Park’s massive pink granite dome has drawn hikers and rock climbers to climb the magical rock formations for years. The following morning is a great time to attempt this hike. 

Next, drive to Fredericksburg which is home to more than 20 wineries, second only to Napa in the United States. Sample some German beer and bratwurst and peruse the many quaint shops.  

Afterwards you’ll want to head up towards San Antonio. 

Just North of the city, stop by the Natural Bridge Caverns, the largest known commercial caverns in the state of Texas.  Within the city limits you have The Riverwalk, Fiesta Texas, the Alamo, San Antonio Zoo, Six Flags and The Pearl. You can spend an entire week here, but plan for at least 2 days.

Austin, the capital of Texas, is an hour and 30 minutes away and there is so much to do here . From shopping on funky South Congress Avenue to stand-up paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake and seeing live music, not to mention the best tacos in Texas.

Once you’ve had your fill, make your way down to Austin from San Antonio. Be sure to make time on the drive between the cities for a shopping spree at The San Marcos Outlets, which feature some designer stores.

If you have more time, explore the Texas Hill Country which is home to over 45 wineries, vineyards and lavender fields. 

  • Taste the best BBQ in Dallas
  • Scale the massive pink granite dome in Enchanted Rock State Park
  • Sample some German beer and bratwurst in Fredericksburg
  • Enjoy the Riverwalk and a boat ride in the canals in San Antonio 
  • Designer Outlet shopping in San Marcos
  • Explore the Texas State Capitol Complex at the Texas Capitol Visitors Center in Austin

Contributed by: Priya from Outside Suburbia

24. Louisiana to Florida Road Trip

This cultural road trip along the US Gulf Coast brings you through the heart and southern soul of coastal Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida, some of the lesser explored areas of the United States.

Wakulla Springs Florida Gulf Coast Travlinmad

  • Route: Gulf Coast Road Trip from Louisiana to Florida
  • At a glance: Lafayette, LA – New Orleans, LA – Mobile, AL – Gulf Shores, AL – Tallahassee, FL – Wakulla Springs, FL – Crystal River, FL
  • Distance: 685 miles
  • Duration: 10-15 days
  • When to go: May through October with summer shoulder months of May and September being ideal with less traffic.

The Gulf Coast of the southern United States from Louisiana to central Florida has some of the most beautiful scenery in the country. Not only is there interesting American history, the distinct culture along the Gulf Coast is like nowhere else in the world.

If you love local food, you’ll love the fresh seafood in this region, just one of the reasons a Gulf Coast road trip is always a great idea.  

Start your trip in Lafayette, Louisiana, where you’ll find Louisiana’s original good time town. The Acadiana (Cajun) culture is evident here in everything from the local food to the dance halls where any night of the week you’ll find welcoming crowds who will happily teach you the local zydeco moves! 

Just an hour away in nearby New Orleans is where the party really starts…and lasts for days.

Spend a day tasting the local flavor then drive out into the country and explore the River Road plantations, some of which offer interesting and poignant tours of the Antebellum history of New Orleans. 

Psst! Read this ethical guide to plantation tours to gain a better understanding and find the tours that combat racism through education. 

An hour east of the Big Easy (aka New Orleans) is the gracious southern city of Mobile, Alabama. A trip through here deserves a few days of boat tours, vintage thrift shopping, and eating their famous Alabama shrimp and oysters. 

Afterwards, head for the beach in nearby Gulf Shores, Alabama, just an hour away. Alabama truly has some of the most beautiful beaches along the Gulf Coast, and natural wildlife you can enjoy from a boat or kayak. The white sand beaches here are spectacular. 

From here, head to Florida’s capital city of Tallahassee and explore the Spanish history the state was founded on. Just 20 miles south of Tallahassee is Wakulla Springs, a natural warm crystal spring where you can swim and relax, and even stay a night or two.

Next, head further down the Gulf Coast to the town of Crystal River, where summertime is scallop season. Grab your snorkel and fins and head out on a scalloping tour to gather up your own scallop feast for dinner!

  • Lafayette, Louisiana is a foodie’s dream and there’s always a fun festival to attend. A visit to Avery Island and the TABASCO factory is a must. Plus, if you haven’t tried a drive-thru daiquiri, here’s your chance!
  • New Orleans is a must-see along this trip, whether you have a day or more. Spend the day in the French Quarter, grab some beignets and pralines and stroll to your heart’s content.
  • Tallahassee, Florida is a hip University town with great farm-to-table restaurants, awesome vintage stores, and a thriving art scene. Don’t miss the fun and funky Railroad Square Art Park!
  • Wakulla Springs, Florida offers a great chance to cool off from the heat in one of Florida’s most beautiful natural crystal springs.
  • Crystal River, Florida is home to the Florida manatee, but summertime is scallop season and a must-eat when you’re in town!

Contributed by: Lori Sorrentino from Travlinmad

25. Great Smoky Mountains Road Trip

This epic road trip through the Smoky Mountains and the Blue Ridge Mountains takes you through one of the most gorgeous national parks and best roads in the country. 

Great Smoky Mountains view from Craggy Gardens

  • Route: Great Smoky Mountains and Blue Ridge Parkway Road Trip
  • At a glance: Gatlinburg – Cataloochee Valley – Asheville – Mount Mitchell – Linville Falls
  • Distance: 130 miles
  • When to go: Spring for Wildlife; Fall for Foliage

The Great Smoky Mountains National Park spans between Tennessee and North Carolina and has always been one of my favorite places in the world. The perfect one-week road trip starts in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, traveling to Asheville, North Carolina through the Smoky Mountains before hopping on the Blue Ridge Parkway and heading North to Linville Falls.

Gatlinburg is a great starting point for this road trip because it has a little something for everybody: moonshine distilleries, restaurants, themed attractions, beautiful wildlife, and scenery. I would spend two days here.

For the first day, check out the town of Gatlinburg, the trails near town including the ghost town of Elkmont, Roaring Fork Motor Trail and more. 

On the second day, I would spend exploring Cades Cove. Cades Cove is an 11-mile paved loop where you can drive or bike the loop while making stops along the way and exploring the trails. Here is your best chance of seeing black bears!

There are so many beautiful spots between Gatlinburg and Asheville. See the elk in Cataloochee Valley, visit Soco Falls (right off the road), and several other gorgeous locations. Next stop is Asheville – one of the best cities in the South in my opinion. Don’t miss checking out local breweries, touring Biltmore Estate, the Battery Park Book Exchange and Champagne Bar.

On the way to Linville Falls, North Carolina, you’ll pretty much be on the Blue Ridge Parkway the entire way and you’ll find yourself stopping often for the views. A few of my favorite spots included Mount Mitchell and Little Switzerland. 

Once in Linville Falls, the Falls, Gorge, and Caverns are all absolutely breathtaking and worth checking out. Using Linville Falls as a base, take your second day here to explore Grandfather Mountain, Boone, and Blowing Rock.

  • See black bears in Cades Cove 
  • Visit the abandoned ghost town of Elkmont
  • See elk in Cataloochee Valley
  • Visit a unique bookstore in Asheville that also doubles as a champagne bar
  • Visit Little Switzerland to fill your Bavarian-themed town quota
  • Hike the Craggy Gardens Overlook at sunrise but be prepared to be brought to tears 

Contributed by: Ashley Hubbard from Wild Hearted

26. Kentucky Bourbon Trail

Who doesn’t love a nice glass of bourbon? On the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, you tour 16 different distilleries, try multiple bourbons (and other treats) at each, and take in tons of bottled up history throughout the gorgeous Bluegrass state. 

Kentucky Bourbon Trail

  • Route: The Kentucky Bourbon Trail 
  • At a glance: Lexington – Frankfort – Louisville – Owensboro (with some smaller towns in between) 
  • Distance: 250ish miles (depending on order of distilleries)
  • When to go: Late spring or early fall, as many of the distilleries shut down during the hot summer months. 

While there is no official route for the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, I recommend picking either Lexington or Louisville as a “home base” for the experience, as all of the distilleries are within a few hours drive of these cities (some are mere minutes!). 

Each day, pick 4-5 distilleries to visit, starting when they open in the morning and touring until they close.

I usually try to do the distilleries that are closest together on the same days (less driving and easier to get from one place to another). If you’re a serious drinker, there are some bus tours that will chauffeur you throughout the Trail so you don’t have to worry about driving. 

You’re never given more than about 2 ounces of alcohol at each distillery, but you may want a designated driver just in case.

On the drive between distilleries, you’ll see the rolling hills of Kentucky, some of our famous horse farms, and, of course, brick houses holding millions of gallons of the delicious spirit. 

  • Dip your very own bottle of Maker’s Mark at Maker’s Mark Distillery
  • Drink bourbon barrel aged beer at Town Branch Distillery in Lexington 
  • Pose with a giant Louisville Slugger near Angels Envy in Louisville 
  • Experience what it was like to access a Prohibition Era speakeasy at the Evan Williams Experience
  • Live like Matthew McConaughey at Wild Turkey Distillery
  • Visit the stone warehouses at Woodford Reserve 

Contributed by: KB Gamblin from Her Life in Ruins

Eastern USA Road Trips

Cute oceanside towns and major metropolises alike dot the East Coast. This is where you’ll find some of the country’s oldest buildings and most historic neighborhoods. 

Eat all the seafood you can handle, and soak up the quaint fishing village vibes.

And you won’t have to drive too far from any major city to get into the beautiful countryside. Visiting this region in the autumn months will reward you with stunning fall foliage.

  • Southern Florida Road Trip
  • Miami to Savannah
  • Golden Isles of Georgia
  • New York State Road Trip
  • New England Coast

27. Southern Florida Road Trip

This road trip will take you all over South Florida, from cities to small towns and swamps to beaches.  It’s the best of Florida with plenty of time off the beaten path.

Southern Florida Road Trip

  • Route: South Florida National Parks and Outdoors
  • At a glance: Miami – Everglades City – Homestead – Key Largo – Key West – Miami
  • Distance: 465(ish) miles
  • Duration: 10 days
  • When to go: January to mid-March; the weather is coolest then, but still hot, and the bugs are minimal, but still around.

Flying in and out Miami will be easiest for this South Florida road trip . Start here before heading over to Everglades City on Alligator Alley.  Spend the night camping in Big Cypress National Preserve or in a hotel in Everglades city if you’re not a camper.  Make sure to book far in advance for that.

With Everglades City as your base, visit Fakahatchee Strand State Park, Florida Panther Preserve, 10,000 Islands, and Big Cypress National Preserve. Spend a few days exploring the area before heading back to the east in Homestead.  

From Homestead, visit the main area of Everglades National Park. Look for wildlife on the Anhinga Trail, stop at the boardwalks, and take a boat or kayak tour at the Flamingo area. This is a great base for visiting Biscayne National Park, too.  

Next up is the Keys. Spend a night on Key Largo and take a day to drive down to Key West making stops along the way at beaches and John Pennekamp State Park. Make sure to do some snorkeling. 

And you can’t forget about the food scene in the Keys because it is delicious! The flavors of the Caribbean are added to the freshly caught fish, you really can’t go wrong!

Finally, before heading back to Miami, spend a couple of days in Key West and go to Dry Tortugas National Park for a day.  

  • Hike to the Fakahatchee Hilton and admire the gator pond out back
  • Explore Big Cypress National Preserve and sleep under the stars (if that’s your thing)
  • Look for wildlife on the Anhinga Trail and a boat trip in Everglades National Park
  • Take a boat tour to the islands in Biscayne National Park
  • Visit the John Pennekamp State Park on your way to Key West
  • Take the ferry or seaplane to Dry Tortugas National Park for a day 
  • Explore Miami and see the Wynwood Walls

Contributed by: Megan Johnson from Red Around The World

28. Miami to Savannah, Georgia East Coast Road Trip

This beautiful road trip takes you through the East coast of Florida and in to Georgia via some of the region’s most iconic cities, charming small towns and gorgeous islands.

Driftwood Beach on Georgia coast

  • Route: Miami to Savannah via the big cities, small towns and beautiful islands
  • At a glance: Miami – Orlando – New Smyrna Beach – Amelia Island – Jekyll Island – Saint Simons Island – Savannah
  • Distance: 600 miles
  • When to go: Autumn. Go when the summer crowds have left the sunshine state but the weather is still balmy and you can enjoy the beaches and coastline.

Start your road trip in Miami for some beautiful beaches and stunning art deco buildings. However long you spend here it won’t be long enough but enjoy the buzz of the city and the vibrant experiences on offer.

Head up the coastline to Orlando for some theme park fun or to take in some of the amusements of the area. There’s something here for everyone whether you’re into roller coasters or some of the natural springs you can view from glass-bottomed boats. 

For an extra bit of adventure, head toward the ocean where you will find the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge which is known as one of the best places to go bioluminescent kayaking in Florida . This is a pretty spectacular phenomenon that’s well worth a spot on your itinerary.

From there, it’s only a short hop to New Smyrna Beach on the coastline. Stop off at Kennedy Space Center to get your fix of rockets and space shuttles before small town America beckons. 

New Smyrna Beach will feel a world away from the bright lights of Miami and Orlando. Enjoy the windswept beaches which have turtles nesting on them if you’re there in the right season. It’s also a great location from which to see dolphins in the wild.

Further up the coastline Amelia Island is a beautiful final Floridian stop off with the longest stretch of beach and a lovely old school feel. There’s a simplicity to life here which is refreshing and uplifting.

It’s just around the final edge of Florida and into Georgia for the next island stop off of Jekyll Island. Once the playground of the rich and famous it fell out of favor for a time. Now it’s a lovely retreat and with beaches including the stunning Driftwood Beach it’s a lovely place to cycle around with Spanish Moss-covered trees creating the perfect shade. 

Saint Simons Island has a real feel-good factor with shopping arcades and a wonderful playground that spills out onto the sand if you’re traveling with kids. There’s more going on here and it’s the perfect contrast to Jekyll Island.

Finish off in Savannah where the antebellum houses sit grandly and wide streets and gorgeous public parks call for impromptu picnics. 

  • Don’t miss Little Havana, the Cuban district of Miami, known for bright colors and cool vibes
  • Silver Springs just outside of Orlando is a great place to get some retro USA vibes going
  • Visit Indian River Lagoon to try and spot bottlenose dolphins at New Smyrna Beach
  • Stop off in the Georgia State Railroad Museum in Savannah to clamber aboard historic carriages
  • Eat great Asian fusion food in Vault, Savannah

Contributed by: Nichola West from Globalmouse Travels

29. Golden Isles of Georgia

This peaceful coastal road trip through Georgia’s Sea Islands brings you to a quaint beach town, 5-star resort, massive state park, and National Seashore.  

Golden Isles of Georgia

  • Route: Georgia Sea Islands
  • At a glance: St. Simons Island – Sea Island – Jekyll Island – Cumberland Island
  • When to go: Late spring or early fall. Avoid summer to save cash and steer clear of crowds. April-May is a beautiful time to visit this area because the spring blooms will be in full force and the brunt of the summer heat won’t have hit yet. Early fall is great too because it is still warm enough to hit the beaches and the bugs won’t be as bad.

Begin your journey in St. Simons Island and spend your time biking on the island-wide bike paths covered by the shade of an incredible live oak canopy. 

Grab award-winning BBQ at Southern Soul before hitting the beach. As one of the first colonial outposts in the United States, the island is the perfect mix of coastal scenery, great local restaurants, cool boutiques, and history. 

If you’re looking for some luxurious R&R head to Sea Island and the fabulous Cloister Resort, the only Forbes Five Diamond Resort in Georgia. Book a room at the hotel, visit their incredible spa and dine like royalty.  

Jekyll Island is the next stop on this road trip and the next island south of St. Simons and Sea Island. Once a winter escape for New England’s elite, Jekyll is now a state park so it is far less developed than St. Simons and Sea Island.

Bike around the island and take a picnic to the famous Driftwood Beach. Tour the historic Jekyll Island Club resort and neighboring historic district before grabbing some Wild Georgia Shrimp at The Wharf on the waterfront.

The last stop on the trip is Cumberland Island, Georgia, one of the nation’s National Seashores. The largest barrier island on Georgia’s coast has acres of untouched maritime forests, beaches, and marshes. 

Camp beneath the live oak canopy or stay at the exquisite all-inclusive Greyfield Inn, once home to the Carnegie family. 

  • Sample some of Georgia’s best BBQ at Southern Soul in St. Simons Island, Georgia  
  • Climb the 129 stairs of the St. Simons Island Lighthouse for an incredible view 
  • Dine like royalty with a multi-course tasting menu in the Forbes Five Star Georgian Room at Sea Island’s Cloister Resort 
  • See the eerie Driftwood Beach on Jekyll Island
  • Visit the church where JFK Jr. and Carolyn Bessette-Kennedy married on Cumberland Island, Georgia 
  • Explore the Carnegie’s Dungeness Mansion ruins on Cumberland Island   

30. New York State Road Trip

This road trip through the Lower and Mid-Hudson Valley of New York is not only beautiful but showcases the history of the Hudson Valley through architecture, tradition and art. It inspires and educates through the most breathtaking area in the North East of the United States.

Hudson River GW Headquarters

  • Route: Lower to Mid-Hudson Valley, NY from Tarrytown to Highland
  • At a glance: Tarrytown – Tuxedo – New Windsor – Newburgh – Highland
  • Distance: 73.6 miles
  • Duration: 3-4 days
  • When to go: September (weekends); Late summer/Early Autumn is the best time for this road trip, as that is when the Annual NY Renaissance Fair takes place and the weather is more agreeable for outdoor exploration.

Begin your journey at Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, NY and spend a few hours taking a tour of the mansion and exploring the grounds. Visit the Sleepy Hollow Lighthouse and take in the views of the Majestic Hudson River. Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow are wonderful places to have dinner.

Next, head North over the ‘Governor Mario Cuomo Bridge’ or the “New Tappan Zee Bridge” towards Rockland County, where you can stop off to shop at the famous Palisades Mall or Spend the Day at the NY Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo, NY.

The next stop is the Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, NY. This massive open-air Museum and Sculpture Park is a must see when in the area. After exploring the grounds of Storm King, a quick drive to Newburgh is in order for a view of the Hudson River from Washington’s Headquarters.

Lastly, for those interested in a one-of-a-kind experience, a visit to the Walkway Over the Hudson State Park is in order. This is the World’s Longest Pedestrian Bridge.

  • Take a tour of Lyndhurst Mansion in Tarrytown, NY
  • Eat and enjoy a day full of Entertainment at the NY Renaissance Faire in Tuxedo, NY
  • Explore enormous sculptures at Storm King Art Center in New Windsor, NY.
  • Learn all about the area’s history at the Washington’s Headquarters Historic Site in Newburgh, NY
  • Walk over the Hudson River at the Walkway Over the Hudson State Park.

Contributed by: Jackie Ramirez from Hudson Valley Exposed

Psst! If you’re going to be passing through the Big Apple on your way to upstate New York, be sure to read our article with the best things to do in NYC .

31. New England Coast Road Trip

Thanks to its scenic beauty and rich history, New England is the perfect road trip destination – as long as you wait until after the snow melts. 

Driving straight from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine, the town adjacent to Acadia National Park, takes about 6 hours. However, to do this trip right, you’ll probably want to take at least a week (and eat a lot of lobster along the way!).

Acadia National Park Maine, USA

  • Route: Scenic New England – from Boston, Massachusetts to Acadia National Park in Maine
  • At a glance: Boston – Salem – Portsmouth – Bar Harbor (You’ll follow Route 1 north for most of the trip.)
  • Distance: 269 miles
  • Duration: 7-10 days
  • When to go: April to October; this is a great route to see some fall foliage

Once the snow and ice melt, I love nothing more than getting out of Boston for a few days and exploring New England’s beautiful beaches and charming towns. Driving straight from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine (my favorite route) usually takes about 6 hours.

First up along the coast is the North Shore of Massachusetts, which is jam-packed with things to do. 

Historic Salem is definitely worth a stop for its kitschy witch-themed attractions, and so is Gloucester for its Fisherman’s Memorial. The streets of both Rockport and Newburyport are lined with galleries, restaurants and shops, and if you’re looking for beaches, Manchester-by-the-Sea and Crane Beach are two of the best.

Passing briefly through New Hampshire, you should spend at least a few hours strolling around Portsmouth. There are lots of great craft breweries in and around the city.

Crossing into Maine, Kennebunkport and Old Orchard Beach are popular vacation destinations in the summer, and if you’re an L.L. Bean fan, then you can’t miss the flagship store in Freeport. 

Portland has the region’s hottest restaurant scene, so you’ll want to plan at least a meal or two there.

Once you arrive in Bar Harbor, you’ll need a few days to relax and see the sights in and around Acadia National Park. If you’re feeling ambitious, head up to Cadillac Mountain and watch the spectacular sunrise!

  • Stop by the witch-themed attractions in Salem
  • Check out Fisherman’s Memorial in Gloucester
  • Enjoy the beach at Crane Beach and Manchester-by-the-Sea
  • Stroll around Portsmouth and drink a craft beer or two
  • Watch the sunrise at Cadillac Mountain

Contributed by: Brianne Miers from A Traveling Life

A special Thank You to Moon Travel Guides for sponsoring this article.

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Are you planning an epic road trip? Save this article on Pinterest for later!

Best USA Road Trips | Two Wandering Soles

We want to hear from you!

Where has your favorite road trip taken you? Do you have any of these USA road trips planned out soon? Let us know in the comments below!

Comments (33) on “ 31 USA Road Trip Ideas + Tips ”

Love these road trip ideas! Can’t wait to try out the Pacific Coast Highway route. The photography tips are especially helpful. Great post! 🚗📸

I love road trips! I’m so excited to try out some of these ideas!

It’s really important to be ready all the time when doing a road trip and totally agree with all the guide you shared. Thanks for sharing.

Next December we will go out on the road with a group, and that’s why I am doing research. I found your post and just read it. I really learned a lot. Many thanks.

Oh neat! I wonder if I can get my friends to go on the NYS roadtrip with me. I’ve been wanting to do a roadtrip for a whileeee

That would be such a fun trip with friends! I don’t think it’ll take much to convince them to go on a road trip once it’s safe again!

So many of these have been on my bucket list for a couple of years now. I think if our current lock down situation has taught me anything, it’s that I should just plan them and get out there once it’s safe.

Oh we know what you mean! We’ve had to cancel some trips, so I can’t wait until it’s safe to travel again and we can reschedule! SO many places I’m excited to go, and I won’t be taking the freedom to spontaneously plan a trip for granted anymore!

These look so amazing!! I’m a non-driver, but I’ve always wanted to do a USA road trip – I’m not sure if I’d be able to choose between these! Maybe one day… Thanks for sharing!

I know what you mean – Ben does most of the driving! Road trips are one of my favorite ways to travel though because it lets you go at your own pace and allows you to stop in places you otherwise never would. Happy you enjoyed this article!

I would absolutely love to do an Alaska road trip! Those wild landscapes are something I’ve always wanted to see. Was meant to be on a west coast road trip now but sadly it got pushed back. Maybe when I do get round to doing it I’ll combine it with an Alaska road trip! Thanks for sharing, such beautiful suggestions! 🙂

That is one of our dreams too! We were planning to travel to Alaska this summer, but sadly, that’ll probably be put on hold. Just happy to know all these places will still be there when it is safe to travel again!

This is a great list and this is all I needed.during my visit to USA last year we took a road trip from Vegas to Grand canyon n horse shoe bend.looking forward to more

That’s a great plan! You’ll get to see lots of incredible sights, city and nature; plus, they’re all located relatively close together (in USA terms of "close"! haha). Best of luck planning!

What an impressive list! Ive always dreamed about doing a road trip through the states and I’d love to start in the Pacific Northwest! USA has so many beautiful national parks with such diverse scenery so I can’t wait to get home and explore more!

Oh, what a good place you’ve picked to start: our absolute favorite part of the country! I hope you get to plan your road trip soon!

Wow, what a list! I love that you included Wakulla on your Florida list!

Thanks! I lived in Florida for a couple of years, so it was fun hearing others’ favorites and gathering road trips from all around the country!

I’ve never been to Yosemite but I’ve been dying to go! This is such an extensive guide and so helpful!

Thanks! Yosemite is amazing! If you like getting off the beaten path, we’d definitely recommend getting a backcountry permit because it is absolutely incredible. We were there on a weekend in July (busiest possible time!), but in the backcountry, we only saw one other person camping!

I am really keen to do the Pacific Coast drive but also think the drive north to Seattle looks fantastic. Which would you recommend if I only have time for one?

Ohh a tough choice for sure! Highway 1 (in California) is stunning, but it is a bit more crowded, whereas some of the drives around Seattle and north are more rugged and have fewer people.

Temperatures for lounging at the beach are going to be more comfortable in California though (so it depends on what you’re most looking forward to!). Either choice will be a good one 🙂

What an extensive list! I’ve done many of the West Coast ones, but haven’t made it to the Southwest/ much of the East Coast! Pinning this for later!!

Thanks! Yeah, we’d love to got out to the East Coast in time for the fall colors someday!

I’ve done most of these, but you’ve done a great disservice skipping Arkansas. The Pig Trail is not to be missed, especially by motorcycle. Boston and Ozark Mountains are beautiful, especially in the fall.

These are great options! I would love to do a road trip but sadly I can’t drive. I just need to find that right person to do the trip with me to tick it off my bucket list! I’m looking forward to visiting San Francisco too.

I love all the road trip suggestions! I am planning to get a campervan with my boyfriend next year to do USA, and we need all the tips we can find!! Thanks for sharing!!

If you have time, the Boston to Acadia trip should extend down to NYC! There’s a lot of amazing stops in CT to see.

YESSSSSSSSSSSSS I love a good USA roadtrip!!

Great guide!! I’ve been wanting to do another USA road trip! There are sooo many to choose from 🙂

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The perfect itinerary for an epic USA roadtrip (48 states at once)

You are currently viewing The perfect itinerary for an epic USA roadtrip (48 states at once)

  • Post author: Andrew D'Amours
  • Post published: December 28, 2022
  • Post category: Travel inspiration / Trip itineraries & destination discoveries
  • Post comments: 23 Comments

Do you like roadtrips? They happen to be a very American tradition and we found the perfect itinerary to visit every state in the continental USA during 1 epic roadtrip. A great trip idea for those who have a lot of time but want to stay closer to home .

Personally, I love roadtrips and I hit the road as much as I can, despite also being an aviation geek: you can like both, right? What matters is traveling and seeing new places , no matter how.

So here are the maps and details of the 2 itineraries that allow you to see all the lower 48 states at once, depending on your travel preference.

Basics of the 2 epic USA roadtrip itineraries

The USA is a huge country, almost as big as Europe (it’s even larger than Canada when considering land area alone).

So the USA has a lot of variety in terms of landscapes, but even in terms of culture too (even if many who aren’t from the country don’t realize that).

If you aim to eventually visit every state, any 1 of these 2 itineraries is a great way to almost all of them at once. The only 2 states you’ll have left to visit after this roadtrip will be Hawaii and Alaska.

There’s a version for national parks and points of interest and a version for cities.

road trip usa que es

I’m on the quest to visit all 50 states myself (in addition to also visiting every country obviously), and I’m not doing too bad with 47 already.

But let’s just say it would’ve been much quicker to get to 48 at once with this roadtrip instead of having to do it over dozens of trips.

Here are the details.

48-state roadtrip – national parks/points of interest version

Here’s a map of the 1st itinerary.

road trip usa que es

It was conceived by American Ph.D. student Randy Olson, on  his blog , and it was done scientifically to optimize the routing: each stop represents a national park or a point of interest.

So you’re not just seeing every state, you’re seeing cool parts of every state (which sadly wasn’t our case in North Dakota during our very random 1200-miles-nonstop-in-2-days Flytrippers roadtrip across the Midwest just for fun).

Good times. Roadtrips always make for great stories.

Anyway, the itinerary has also been optimized to be as efficient a route as possible to see all 48 states, so you can rest assured you won’t be wasting any time.

If you only stop to sleep, you can complete this roadtrip in only 9 days, but we recommend taking at least a couple of weeks to explore all these places obviously.

And gas is significantly cheaper in the US in case you were wondering. You can start anywhere, it’s a continuous loop, and it passes through many spots near the Canadian border.

You can even take a shortcut from Michigan to Vermont through Canada, as the stop in Cleveland is only to keep Americans without a passport from crossing into the Great White North.

Here is the complete list of all 50 landmarks (48 states + Washington, DC + a bonus stop in California):

1. Grand Canyon, AZ 2. Bryce Canyon National Park, UT 3. Craters of the Moon, ID 4. Yellowstone National Park, WY 5. Pikes Peak, CO 6. Carlsbad Caverns National Park, NM 7. The Alamo, TX 8. The Platt Historic District, OK 9. Toltec Mounds, AR 10. Elvis Presley’s Graceland, TN 11. Vicksburg National Military Park, MS 12. French Quarter, LA 13. USS Alabama, AL 14. Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, FL 15. Okefenokee Swamp Park, GA 16. Fort Sumter National Monument, SC 17. Lost World Caverns, WV 18. Wright Brothers National Memorial Visitor Center, NC 19. Mount Vernon, VA 20. White House, Washington, D.C. 21. Colonial Annapolis Historic District, MD 22. New Castle Historic District, DE 23. Cape May Historic District, NJ 24. Liberty Bell, PA 25. Statue of Liberty, NY 26. The Mark Twain House & Museum, CT 27. The Breakers, RI 28. USS Constitution, MA 29. Acadia National Park, ME 30. Mount Washington Hotel, NH 31. Shelburne Farms, VT 32. Fox Theater, MI 33. Spring Grove Cemetery, OH 34. Mammoth Cave National Park, KY 35. West Baden Springs Hotel, IN 36. Abraham Lincoln’s Home, IL 37. Gateway Arch, MO 38. C. W. Parker Carousel Museum, KS 39. Terrace Hill Governor’s Mansion, IA 40. Taliesin, WI 41. Fort Snelling, MN 42. Ashfall Fossil Bed, NE 43. Mount Rushmore, SD 44. Fort Union Trading Post, ND 45. Glacier National Park, MT 46. Hanford Site, WA 47. Columbia River Highway, OR 48. San Francisco Cable Cars, CA 49. San Andreas Fault, CA 50. Hoover Dam, NV

These are all very enticing attractions, for the most part. It seems I’ve only seen 14 of those, so maybe I should hit the road again after all.

How about you? Tempted?

48-state roadtrip – city version

Here’s a map of the 2nd itinerary.

road trip usa que es

If you’re more of a city slicker, the map’s author has created a 2nd version that routes you through amazing cities instead.

It is slightly shorter but quite as impressive: it makes you go through the “Best City to Visit” in each state, according to TripAdvisor .

But you won’t have all the lower 48 states, unlike the other itinerary. That’s because no city in Vermont, West Virginia, or North Dakota made the top 400 cities to visit ranking, unfortunately. So plan on making a few extra detours if you want to hit all states at once with this version of the itinerary.

Here is the complete list of all cities:

  • Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
  • Wichita, Kansas
  • Denver, Colorado
  • Albuquerque, New Mexico
  • Phoenix, Arizona
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • San Francisco, California
  • Portland, Oregon
  • Seattle, Washington
  • Boise, Idaho
  • Park City, Utah
  • Jackson, Wyoming
  • Billings, Montana
  • Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Omaha, Nebraska
  • Des Moines, Iowa
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Chicago, Illinois
  • Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • Columbus, Ohio
  • Detroit, Michigan
  • Cleveland, Ohio
  • Manchester, New Hampshire
  • Portland, Maine
  • Boston, Massachusetts
  • Providence, Rhode Island
  • New Haven, Connecticut
  • New York City, New York
  • Ocean City, New Jersey
  • Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  • Wilmington, Delaware
  • Baltimore, Maryland
  • Washington, D.C.
  • Virginia Beach, Virginia
  • Charlotte, North Carolina
  • Charleston, South Carolina
  • Orlando, Florida
  • Atlanta, Georgia
  • Nashville, Tennessee
  • Birmingham, Alabama
  • Jackson, Mississippi
  • New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Houston, Texas
  • Little Rock, Arkansas
  • Branson, Missouri

I do a little better on this list, with 31 already visited. You can see I love cities. How about you?

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If you were looking for an excuse to go on a roadtrip, this is it. And since we always enjoy giving you more for your money, we think 48 states instead of only 1 or 2 is something you’ll enjoy!

What’s the coolest roadtrip you’ve ever been on? Tell us in the comments below.

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Featured image: The itinerary (image credit: Randy Olson)

Original publication date: May 29, 2018

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Andrew D'Amours

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This post has 23 comments.

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Hello Andrew, the PHD student suggests in the 1st Itinnerary that the one stop to make in Washington State is the Hanford Nuclear Reservation?! Flat out, that is a terrible idea. It is in the middle of nowhere, I am just shocked it’s mentioned. Out of all the beautiful and amazing places to see in such a diverse state as Washington, a Nuclear Site was chosen? Surely this student could have done so much better. Thank you for allowing comments.

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Having been all around the Olympic Peninsula, I agree that’s there are better stops. But my understanding is that he really optimized for the quickest way to do all 48 and had to choose a point of interest that wasn’t too far off that optimal path, hence that choice (I think).

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thanks for sharing this information with us.

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I have taken a road trip from California to the the most northeastern part of theUS. west Quaby light house. it was my 1st trip across the us. .I seen so many amazing places.

Quite the drive for sure! Must have been epic.

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Why do Americans always think the Statue of Liberty is in NY? it is in NJ. I’ve done road trips now that have taken in 39 states. Here’s a quiz to see how well you know the USA: Which state has only one syllable? Only one city has been name-checked on the moon. In which state is it? Which is the most Northerly of the contiguous states? In which state were Tennessee Williams and Elvis Presley born? Which was the last of the contiguous states to be admitted into the USA? Which four states all share a border with each other? Which state has the lowest population? Twelve cities are name-checked in “Get Your Kicks on Route 66” but only three states. Which? Which state has the longest name? Which two states have the most borders with other states? In which state is the geographical centre of the USA – and which one if you exclude Hawaii and Alaska? Which of the states of the USA has respectively the most Northerly, Southerly, Easterly and Westerly points?

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The official Statue of Liberty address is Liberty Island, New York, NY, 10004.

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Wow, these comments are very rude for no reason. Thanks for the article, maybe when I graduate from college I’ll consider hitting part of one of these itineraries.

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“it’s a huge country (even larger than Canada when considering land area alone).”

Canada – 3.855 million mi² USA – 3.532 million mi² Where does this math fail you?

Where did reading fail you :P? It explicitly says “ when considering LAND area alone ” The quote you copied literally has a link provided under “even larger than Canada” and if you read that, it explains how Canada is only larger than the US due to water area being counted 🙂

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There is no stop in North Dakota on the city version. You should stop in Fargo after Billings and before Sioux Falls

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I’m 46 years old .. I have been to all 50 states and I’m 17 away from all 50 twice .. I have driven to 47 .. flown to Alaska, Hawaii and Washington..

Wow! That’s impressive :O

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This is awesome

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This is inspiring! Thank you for sharing!

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“this roadtrip in only 9 days“ is extremely false statement. It is only 9 days if you are driving non stop, no breaks to even get out of your car, get gas, or actually see these places. From start to finish drive time it is 225 hours, 16 minutes = 9 days. Wow. Take some time to enjoy the view.

Yes, that’s what we said too 😛

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Thanks for the tip 😊

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Do you know the total distance of this itinerary? At what moment of the year doing this trip would be the best? Thanks!

Hi! It is 13,699 miles (22,046 km) for the landmarks itinerary and 12,290 miles (19,780 km) for the city version. You can even have the Google Maps links on the creator’s original post (I’ve reposted the link below). As for the timing, I guess it depends on your preferences, but I’d want to avoid that top half of the country (so half the itinerary) in the winter for sure!

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Crappy itinerary! Does not even include Zion National Park… and so many stops in the North Eastern states?? Nobody cares about those places except maybe a couple of places.

As explained, the PhD student who built the itinerary wanted to have one stop per state, and there are many states in the North-East so that’s why there are many stops there. I agree that Zion is an iconic spot, but his goal was also to optimize a routing that was as short as possible so that’s why it’s billed as an itinerary to see all lower 48 states at once and not an itinerary to see *the best spots*. But those interested in doing this can definitely adapt it and add many interesting stops for sure 🙂

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Curtis, you are crappy. Obviously this is meant as a guide that can be adapted to add spots. I think it’s awesome.

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Los mejores road trips que puedes hacer en estados unidos.

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US Traveler

In carretera , escape perfecto , explorador.

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Si tienes ganas de escapar a una gran aventura nuestras recomendaciones de los mejores viajes por carretera te llevarán de costa a costa y llenarán tu vida de historias, hermosos paisajes y divertidas aventuras. Antes de salir a la autopista asegúrate de trazar tu ruta, cargar gasolina y armar el mejor playlist;  una vez que estés listo simplemente déjate llevar por el camino.

El icónico road trip de la ruta 66, recorre desde Chicago a Los Ángeles. Es un hermoso viaje en el tiempo, que atraviesa grandes secciones de la “Mother Road” a través de las calles principales de pequeños pueblos. No olvides parar en Meramec Caverns en Misuri, un sistema de cuevas de casi cinco millas de largo y 400 años de antigüedad.

Foto: International Traveller

Blue Ridge Parkway

Un viaje en carretera diseñado específicamente para los ciclistas, el limite de velocidad es de solo 45 millas por hora. El Blue Ridge Parkway serpentea a través de los Montes Apalaches en Virgina y Carolina del Norte y conecta Shenandoah y los Parques Nacionales de Great Smoky Mountains. A poco más de 6,000 pies en su punto más alto ofrece vistas naturales que son más espectaculares en otoño, cuando los robles y los fresnos se vuelven de color naranja y amarillo. La casa más grande de Estados Unidos, Biltmore Estate de George Vanderbilr, se encuentra a las afueras de Asheville, Carolina del Norte.

Foto: Blue Ridge Parkway

Going – to – the – Sun Road

Si quieres conducir a través del Parque Nacional Glacier en Montana tu única opción es Going – to – the – Sun Road, un recorrido de 50 millas a través de las Montañas Rocosas y sobre la División Continental en Logan Pass. El viaje es majestuoso y puedes dirigirte a Golden Staircase para una vista privilegiada.

Foto: National Park Service

Olympic Peninsula Loop

Este camino de 330 millas rodea y te adentra en el Olympic National Park en Washington. El atractivo radica en la rapidez y el cambio dramático del terreno, desde las playas del Pacífico salpicadas de enormes rocas hasta selvas templadas y cascadas nevadas.

Foto: Roadtrippers

Columbia River Highway

Lewis y Clark acamparon aquí y hay detalles por todas partes que denotan sus actividades a lo largo de la ruta. Partiendo de Portland, Oregón esta ruta se encuentra a 70 millas en auto a través de Columbia Gorge. Esta carretera permite que el viajero disfrute toda la belleza que ofrece el paisaje. Además, hay museos de historia dedicados a los nativo americanos, rutas de senderismo y un montón de hermosas cascadas.

Fotos: Travel Oregon

Fuente: Time Out.

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Are you ready for a Road Trip? Explore these eleven incredible cross-country road trip routes across the U.S.!

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Pacific Coast

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Border to Border

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The Road to Nowhere

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The Great River Road

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Appalachian Trail

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Atlantic Coast

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The Great Northern

oregon trail road trip badge

The Oregon Trail

loneliest road trip route badge

The Loneliest Road

southern pacific road trip badge

Southern Pacific

route 66 road trip badge

Classic American Road Trips

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Pacific Coast Highway

Starting at the northwest tip of the United States at Washington’s Olympic National Park and remaining within sight of the ocean all the way south to sunny San Diego, this 1,650-mile, mostly two-lane road trip takes in everything from temperate rainforest to near-desert.

Highlights along the Pacific Coast Route: Olympic National Park (WA), Three Capes Loop (OR), Redwood National Park (CA)

mountain landscape with overlaid text reading Route 66 Road Trip

Historic Route 66

The romance of traveling along historic Route 66 from where it starts in Chicago and ends in Los Angeles continues to captivate people around the world. If you’re looking for great displays of neon signs, rusty middle-of-nowhere truck stops, or kitschy Americana, do as the song says and “get your kicks on Route 66.”

Highlights along Route 66: Chicago (IL), Meramec Caverns (MO), Tucumcari (NM), Painted Desert (AZ), Santa Monica (CA)

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  • Barnes & Noble
  • Books-A-Million
  • Indigo (Canada)
  • Powell's Books
  • Apple Books

big sky and water adjacent to a road with overlaid text reading the loneliest road trip

Running coast-to-coast from San Francisco to Ocean City, Maryland, “The Loneliest Road in America” is a 3,200-mile odyssey from sea to shining sea. US-50 passes through a dozen different states, four state capitals, and the nation’s capital, Washington, D.C.

Highlights along the Loneliest Road: South Lake Tahoe (CA), Moab (UT), The Million Dollar Highway (CO), Washington D.C.

suspension bridge backed by forest with overlaid text reading The Oregon Trail Road Trip

Following in the footsteps of pilgrims and pioneers, US‑20 takes in a little of everything during its two-lane trek from Oregon’s rugged coast to the glorious sea and sand of Cape Cod.

Highlights along the Oregon Trail: Cannon Beach (OR), Fort Boise (ID), Yellowstone National Park (WY), Mt Rushmore & Carhenge (NE)

trees with vivid fall color with overlaid text reading The Great Northern US-2 Road Trip

Dubbed the Great Northern in memory of the pioneer railroad that parallels the western half of the route, US‑2 is truly the most stunning and unforgettable, not to mention longest, of all the great transcontinental road trips.

Highlights along the Great Northern: Tumwater Canyon (WA), Glacier National Park (MT), Lake Michigan (MI), Acadia National Park (ME)

The Open Road

The Appalachian Trail

This driving route of the Appalachian Trail parallels the epic hike. From the top of New England to the heart of Dixie, it takes you through continuous natural beauty—without the sweat, bugs, or blisters.

Highlights along the Appalachian Trail: Mt. Washington (NH), The Poconos (PA), Shenandoah National Park (VA), Great Smoky Mountains National Park (NC)

lakes and green landscape with overlaid text reading the Great River Road Trip

Old Man River, Father of Waters, “body of a nation,” Big Muddy: By any name, the mighty Mississippi River cuts a mythic figure across the American landscape. Tag along from its headwaters in Minnesota to where it meets the sea in Louisiana via the GRR.

Highlights along the Great River Road: Main Street USA (WI), St. Louis (MO), Natchez Trace Parkway (MS), New Orleans (LA)

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Starting at the Statue of Liberty and ending with a drive across the Overseas Highway to free-wheeling Key West, these almost 2,000 miles of roadway run within earshot—if not sight—of the Atlantic Ocean.

Highlights along the Atlantic Coast: The Statue of Liberty (NJ), Assateague Island National Seashore (MD), Savannah (GA), Cocoa Beach (FL)

old Spanish-style church with overlaid text reading the Border to Border Road Trip

Starting at Canada’s Jasper National Park, and winding down in the Sonora Desert, this route traverses some of the wildest and most rugged lands imaginable: mighty mountains, glaciated valleys, raging rivers, and two very different deserts.

Highlights along the Border to Border Route: Columbia Icefield (AB), Bitterroot Mountains (MT), The Extraterrestrial Highway (NV), Joshua Forest Parkway (AZ)

dunes with overlaid text reading tThe Road to Nowhere US-83 Road Trip

Once the only entirely paved route from Canada to “Old Mexico,” US‑83 cuts across America’s heartland and remains a must-do long-distance byway—transnavigating this broad, odd nation without once grazing a conventional tourist destination.

Highlights along the Road to Nowhere: Sitting Bull Memorial (SD), Nebraska Sand Hills (NE), Monument Rocks (KS), Paint Rock Pictographs (TX)

trees draped with moss with overlaid text reading the Southern Pacific US-80 Road Trip

Following old US-80 and its contemporary equivalents takes you through more varied cultural and physical landscapes than you’ll find along any other cross-country route. From deserts to bayou swamps and Tex-Mex to barbecue, this route offers a full-flavored taste of America.

Highlights along Southern Pacific: The Desert View Tower (CA), Tombstone (AZ), Roswell (NM), Civil Rights Movement National Historic Trail (AL)

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Whether you’re looking for sweeping views of the pacific ocean or a multiday adventure through national parks, these road trips provide plenty of opportunities to explore the united states..

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Glacier National Park is one of many scenic places you can visit on an American road trip.

Photo by Zack Frank / Shutterstock

In a country as large as the United States, there’s no shortage of destinations and detours to explore by car . Whether your idea of the perfect American road trip entails an epic, cross-country journey or a shorter jaunt through a few of its most iconic national parks , your options are as large and varied as the country itself.

Even if you don’t have the time to drive cross-country, there are plenty of road trip routes (ranging from three days to a week or longer): classic California itineraries , New England routes that shine especially well in the fall, scenic East Coast adventures, and a variety of Midwest journeys for folks farther from the coasts.

No matter your mode of transportation—be it van, RV, motorcycle, or four-door sedan—these are 21 of the best road trips in the nation to consider.

Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

Plan your next Route 66 trip around thirst-quenching stops.

Photo by Peek Creative Collective/Shutterstock

There are many ways to do a cross-country road trip in the USA, but these two itineraries will take you through some truly iconic American places.

1. Chicago to Los Angeles: A Whiskey Road Trip on Route 66

It doesn’t get more American than a 2,000-mile drive along the entirety of Route 66. There are endless ways to take this legendary trip (including an EV version —but to take your cross-country road trip to the next level, we recommend exploring another American pastime: whiskey.

Starting in Chicago and ending in L.A., you’ll stop by some of the leading craft distilleries in the United States, like Few Spirits in Chicago, Still 630 in St. Louis, and Red Fork Distillery in Tulsa. In between tastings, make time for detours to natural attractions, like the Grand Canyon, and quirky roadside curiosities, like Cadillac Ranch in Amarillo, Texas. Just remember to drink responsibly—this is a road trip after all.

Plan your trip

The full itinerary: Put a New Twist on Route 66—Make It an American Whiskey Road Trip

People biking on a busy street

No cars are allowed on Mackinac Island, so you need to park before taking the ferry to this spot.

Photo from Shutterstock

2. Bangor, Maine, to Seattle, Washington: The Great Northern on U.S. Route 2

Covering both the U.S. and Canada, a cross-country trip along U.S. 2 is ideal for anyone who wants to experience the vast diversity and expansiveness of North America. This drive runs the entire top border of the U.S. and showcases otherworldly natural wonders like Acadia National Park in Maine, the Apostle Islands National Lakeshore in Wisconsin, and Mackinac Island in Michigan. The route also passes through Canada, taking road-trippers through Ontario into Quebec—this route may focus on nature, but you won’t want to miss a stop in Montreal or Ottawa.

You’ll also get to explore Montana and Glacier National Park ( reservations may be required ) before passing the Columbia Plateau and ending in the Pacific Northwest’s largest city, Seattle. Don’t miss spending time in the Olympic Peninsula (home to Olympic National Park) for a peek at one of the most scenic places on the West Coast.

3. Dana Point to San Francisco: Driving California’s Pacific Coast Highway

The seemingly endless views of the Pacific Ocean along Highway 1 (also known as the Pacific Coast Highway) are what road trip dreams are made of, and exactly what makes this California road trip so popular. However, with so many stops along the 655-mile stretch, we pulled together a list of the ones well worth pulling over to view. Don’t miss the perfect surfing waves in Santa Cruz, seasonal cuisine in Malibu, an afternoon a the boardwalk in Santa Monica, or a night in Big Sur as you drive between Dana Point (just south of Los Angeles) and San Francisco.

  • The full itinerary: The Best Stops for a Road Trip on the Pacific Coast Highway
  • The AFAR Guide to San Francisco

Wooden pier with shops on top juts out into the ocean

The seaside town of Monterey was the setting for John Steinbeck’s Cannery Row .

Photo by Denise Lett/Shutterstock

4. Big Sur to Mono County: A Literary Road Trip Through Northern California

Yes, this itinerary requires you actually put down your book to drive, but seeing some of the pivotal places that shaped American authors will be so worth it. Follow in the footsteps of writers like Jack Kerouac, Maya Angelou, and Amy Tan on this road trip that takes you through literary landmarks in Northern California, such as Caffe Trieste, a meeting place for Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Alan Watts, and other bohemian writers and thinkers. This 12-stop itinerary is perfect if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area because you’ll be able to stay make these trips in one or two days.

The full itinerary: The California Road Trip All Book Lovers Should Take

Wide shot of a red canyon with a river running through it

Arizona may take its nickname from the Grand Canyon, but the state has far more natural wonders than just that one.

Courtesy of Shutterstock

5. Phoenix to the Grand Canyon: An Iconic Arizona Road Trip

This 240-mile Arizona road trip takes travelers along some of the state’s most iconic highlights, including its most famous one, the Grand Canyon. A great itinerary for first-time visitors and returning travelers alike, it offers plenty of opportunities for scenic drives, hiking, and biking—as well as tasty food along the way. Hike the 2,704-foot-tall Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale or take in the beautiful red rocks of Sedona on a hike to Cathedral Rock while exploring the Grand Canyon State.

  • The full itinerary: The Classic 5-Day Arizona Road Trip
  • Grand Canyon guide: The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon
  • Where to eat in Phoenix: A Chef’s Guide to the Best Restaurants
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Arizona ; The Best Airbnbs in Sedona

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah's Arches National Park

The Delicate Arch living up to its name in Utah’s Arches National Park

Photo by tusharkoley / Shutterstock

6. Zion to Grand Canyon: A National Parks Road Trip in the Southwest

If you’re looking to visit as many national parks as possible in one road trip, this southwestern itinerary is for you. This journey through Utah and Arizona lets you hike Angel’s Landing in Zion, feel tiny under Delicate Arch in Arches National Park, explore Fairyland Loop Trail in Bryce Canyon, and, of course, raft down the Colorado River in the Grand Canyon. Most visitors to the Grand Canyon remain on the rim, but take at least four days to venture within the canyon and take advantage of the trails and river rafting.

  • The full itinerary: The Ideal Road Trip Through U.S. National Parks
  • Utah’s 8 Best National Parks and Monuments
  • 10 Best National Parks and Monuments in Arizona
  • The First-Timer’s Guide to the Grand Canyon

Couple sitting in front of a curving road

Stop and admire the winding roads of the San Juan Skyway.

Photo by Anh Luu/Shutterstock

7. San Juan Scenic Skyway Road Trip: An Adventure Through Southwestern Colorado

This Colorado trip takes you along the 232-mile loop of the San Juan Scenic Skyway, where you will see plenty of alpine forests, mining towns, and craggy peaks. And for anyone looking to enjoy refreshments after a long day of driving, this route features many opportunities to stop at some of the best breweries in Colorado , such as Ska Brewing Co. in Durango.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Southwestern Colorado Road Trip
  • Five Classic Colorado Road Trips To Take This Year

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

In small-town Buena Vista, the riverfront Surf Hotel offers front-row seats to Colorado-style adventure seekers.

Courtesy of the Surf Hotel

8. Denver to Montrose: A 420-Mile Road Trip Through Colorado

Want to explore even more of the Centennial State? Head out on this weeklong road trip where you can fish for salmon in Colorado’s largest reservoir, visit numerous small towns, like Paonia and Crawford, with thriving art scenes along the Colorado Creative Corridor , and explore Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, one of the least visited national parks in the nation.

  • The full itinerary: Art Stars, High-Altitude Wines, and a Remote National Park: The Ultimate Colorado Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Colorado
  • The AFAR Guide to Denver

Woman walking by a mural of a river and bridge

Portland may be Oregon’s largest city, but with a population of some 652,000 (or 2.5 million in the larger metropolitan area), it isn’t intimidatingly large.

Photo courtesy of Travel Portland

9. Portland to Astoria: An Oregon Coast Road Trip for Outdoor Lovers

If you love the outdoors, then this six-day road trip along the coast of Oregon is for you. After driving to Coos Bay from Portland, travelers will meander along Oregon’s dramatic, rocky coastline, discovering some quintessentially Pacific Northwest vistas along the way: evergreen forests, seaside dunes, and marine ecosystems. Between stops, there are ample opportunities to stretch your legs hiking, kayaking, or strolling around the region’s small towns—like the historic old town in Florence.

Of course, it wouldn’t be an Oregon road trip without a stop (or three) at a craft brewery, such as Fort George Brewery in Astoria, or cozy coffee shop, like Bread & Roses in Yachats.

  • The full itinerary: An Outdoor Lover’s Road Trip on the Oregon Coast
  • The AFAR Guide to Portland

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

The State Capitol Building in Nashville marks the end of this road (trip).

Photo by / Shutterstock

10. Seneca Falls, New York, to Nashville, Tennessee: Follow the Path of the Women’s Suffrage Movement

Starting in New York’s Finger Lakes region and ending at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, this road trip traces the route of the national women’s suffrage movement. Highlights include stops at the Susan B. Anthony Museum & House ; Union Square in New York City, which was the site of the first suffrage march; and the Belmont-Paul Women’s Equality National Monument in Washington, D.C.

  • The full itinerary: Celebrate Women’s Suffrage on an Epic, Self-Guided Road Trip
  • Where to stay: The Best Hotels in Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Nashville
  • The AFAR Guide to Washington, D.C.

A long shot of a mountain-backed city, framed by flowers and trees

Asheville is one must-stop on a North Carolina road trip.

Courtesy of

11. Charlottesville to Asheville: A Scenic Road Trip Through Virginia and North Carolina

The Blue Ridge Parkway is one of the most scenic drives in the country. Beginning in the soft hilly meadows of the Appalachian Mountains from Shenandoah National Park down into the Blue Ridge Mountains, then into the Great Smoky Mountains, this five-day road trip is best done at a slower pace, which is perfect for admiring the dramatic outlooks and green plateaus. This eclectic itinerary features stops at an art museum, a dairy farm, and plenty of hiking trails.

  • The full itinerary: The Ultimate Blue Ridge Parkway Road Trip
  • Where to stay: 12 Dreamy Blue Ridge Mountain Cabins You Can Rent on Airbnb and Vrbo
  • 8 U.S. National Park Road Trips to Take in Your Lifetime

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Dowa:kwe dance group from Zuni Pueblo in 2019

Courtesy of Indian Pueblo Cultural Center

12. Albuquerque to Las Cruces: Discover New Mexico on This Three-Day Road Trip

This route steers you away from New Mexican tourist hot spots like Taos and Santa Fe and instead takes you on a three-day adventure with places that teach you about Pueblo history. You’ll stop at Indian Pueblo Kitchen (formerly known as Pueblo Harvest), a restaurant inside the Indian Pueblo Cultural Center that features Indigenous cuisine ; pick up peppers at Three Brothers in Hatch; and slide down the dunes in White Sands National Park.

  • The full itinerary: This New Mexico Road Trip Is the Perfect Introduction to the Land of Enchantment

Green tree near brown house during daytime

Historic Fort Martin Scott is one of the places travelers can visit to learn about Fredericksburg’s history.

Photo by Mark König/Unsplash

13. A Five-Day Scenic Road Trip Through Texas Hill Country

This Texas road trip starts and ends in San Antonio with stops in small towns like Bandera, Boerne, and consider a stop in Fredericksburg, which is one of AFAR’s best places to go in 2024 ). Over five days, you’ll find opportunities to stroll in a Japanese tea garden in San Antonio, relax along the Sabinal and Frio Rivers by inner tube, and eat as many tacos as you want. Seriously: You could eat tacos for every meal on this road trip and not get tired of them.

  • The full itinerary: Tree Houses, Tubing, and Tacos: The Ultimate Texas Hill Country Road Trip

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Mount McKinley looms large on a drive through Denali National Park.

Photo by warnsweet / Shutterstock

14. A Weeklong Road Trip Through Alaska’s Most Majestic Sights

This weeklong drive in Alaska starts and ends in Anchorage. You travel along four scenic byways; explore Wrangell–St. Elias wilderness, the largest U.S. national park; catch sight of Denali, the tallest peak in North America; and enjoy the surprisingly stellar food scene of McCarthy, a one-road town with only a couple dozen residents.

  • The full itinerary: Glaciers, Mountain Peaks, and Organic Farms: The Ultimate Alaska Road Trip
  • Which Alaska National Parks Should You Visit?

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

More than geothermal pools, Kirkham Hot Springs features a piping-hot waterfall.

Courtesy of Idaho Tourism

15. Boise to Sun Valley: Explore Idaho’s Scenic Byways

Even a short road trip can be packed with adventure, good food, and scenery, which is exactly what this trip from Boise to Sun Valley along Idaho’s Ponderosa Pine Scenic Byway offers. Although the drive only takes six hours, we recommend taking a few days to explore all the stops and detours along the way. One can’t-miss spot is the Kirkham Hot Springs , where you can stand under a waterfall that will splash you with 135-degree mineral water year-round.

  • The full itinerary: The Little-Known Idaho Road Trip You Need to Drive
  • Things to do: The Best Outdoorsy Things to Do in Idaho

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Grand Portage State Park is the only state park jointly managed by a state and a Native American band.

Photo by Shutterstock/QZ

16. Duluth to Grand Portage State Park: A Scenic Minnesota Sampler

Although there are many appealing road trips throughout the Midwest, this 143-mile, three-hour circuit, which starts and ends in Duluth, Minnesota, is worth keeping in mind. Meandering north on MN-61 with this itinerary, you will enjoy prime views of Lake Superior and towns like Grand Marais, as well as Grand Portage State Park, home to waterfalls, hiking trails, and opportunities to learn about the Ojibwe community who occupy the land today. Once back in Duluth, enjoy a beer at Canal Park Brewing Company before checking into the waterfront Canal Park Lodge nearby.

  • The AFAR Guide to Minnesota

Overhead view of curvy Kancamagus Highway through fall forest

Wind your way through colorful foliage in New Hampshire.

Photo by Shutterstock

17. Kancamagus Highway: A Quintessential New England Drive

Yes, you can take a road trip in New England at any time of the year , but this region shows off its best colors in the fall, when locals and tourists alike head out into the country to view the changing colors of the trees. Join other admirers of fall foliage on this popular, 34.5-mile road trip along New Hampshire’s Kancamagus Highway, colloquially known as the “Kanc,” for picturesque ponds, hiking trails, and scenic overlooks.

  • Plan Your Fall Getaway With This Peak Foliage Prediction Map

Red boat beside a wooden dock in a cove

Ogunquit is home to the small, postcard-perfect harbor of Perkins Cove.

Photo courtesy of QualityHD / Shutterstock

18. Maine’s “Lobster Trail”: Travel Route 1 Along the Coast

Traveling Route 1, affectionately known as “the lobster trail,” along Maine’s jagged coastline is an exercise in indulgence. Sample lobster dishes in all forms—buttered, steamed, on a roll, or even in a decadent mac-and-cheese.

The trip starts in the quaint small town of Ogunquit , with its rare (for the area) 3.5 miles of white-sand beach. Make your first lobster of the journey count, steamed with a side of drawn butter at Barnacle Billy’s in picturesque Perkins Cove harbor. Stop at Big Daddy’s for a cone on your way to the shipbuilding center—and summer home of George H. W. Bush—Kennebunkport. Stay at the recently redesigned 150-year-old classic White Barn Inn , and consider a sailing trip for an afternoon. With lobsters cooked in ocean water, the legendary lobster roll at the Clam Shack is a must.

  • 8 Scenic East Coast Road Trips to Take This Year

Interior of Leah & Louise restaurant in Charlotte

Throughout North Carolina’s Piedmont region, innovative restaurants, shops, and restaurants like Leah & Louise in Charlotte, above, are creating a buzz.

Photo by Peter Taylor Photography

19. Raleigh to Charlotte: A 4-Day Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

North Carolina’s Piedmont region extends from the coastal plain to the Blue Ridge Mountains, and includes farmland and rolling wooded hills, especially on the 1-40 stretch near Hillsborough. Starting in Raleigh, drive the short distances to Greensboro, Winston-Salem, and Charlotte to see how these cities are innovating through art, food, and a celebration of the past. Take your time—four days should do—to experience downtown arts districts, James Beard Award–winning restaurants, and civil rights museums that speak truths. Plan your trip

  • A Road Trip Through North Carolina’s Reinvented Core

The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Scenic South Walton is part of the Emerald Coast of Florida.

20. Scenic Highway 30A: A Sunday Drive Through South Walton, Florida

Florida is full of places to cruise with the top down, but it’s hard to beat a Sunday (or any day) drive along Scenic Highway 30A through northwest Florida, home to a postcard-perfect stretch of seaside towns known as South Walton.

The roughly 28-mile route through South Walton County kisses the coast for nearly all its length, taking you through gorgeous residential Gulf-front communities like Rosemary Beach, Grayton Beach, and Blue Mountain Beach . Roll down the windows and let the emerald-hued views in.

Pull over to explore, too—maybe to admire the New Urbanism architecture in Alys Beach or to swim in the clear waters at Grayton Beach State Park . (The beach here has been lauded among the best in the world.)

  • The full itinerary: The Florida Road Trip You’ve Been Missing

Two stand-up paddleboarders on the water at sunset

Stand-up paddleboarding is just one way to enjoy a Florida Keys sunset.


21. The Florida Keys: An Island-Hopping Getaway

For a sunny road trip itinerary in Florida, skip Miami and head farther south. Beginning in Key Largo and ending in Key West, the Florida Keys Scenic Highway is often overlooked for more well-known routes up north, but it is well worth going out of your way to experience.

As the name suggests, this route is very scenic, so plan to spend at least a few days exploring it and numerous stops along the way. Some highlights include driving across the impressive Overseas Highway, stopping to admire art in the town of Islamorada, and enjoying the historic sites, food, and (of course) beaches in the city of Key West.

  • The full itinerary: How to Road Trip in the Lesser-Known Florida Keys

A brick building with an oversized guitar hanging off the side and a sign that says "Sun Studio"

Sun Studio in Memphis was the site of the famous Million Dollar recording session that brought together Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, and Johnny Cash.

Photo by f11photo on Shutterstock

22. Memphis to Bristol, Tennessee: A Music-Driven Adventure

If you have about a week to spare and a deep appreciation for music, take a road trip from one side of Tennessee to the other, starting in Memphis and ending in Bristol. The eastbound trip spans genres, including rock ( Graceland ), blues ( Beale Street) and, of course, country (did you really go to Tennessee if you didn’t go to Dollywood ?). Nashville serves as the halfway point on your journey—so consider penciling in an extra 48 hours to fully explore the state capital’s greatest hits.

  • The full itinerary: 5 Great American Road Trips For Music Fans

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

The stunning coastline near Cueva del Indio has been the backdrop of star-studded films.

Photo by

23. Arecibo to Condado, Puerto Rico: A Lesser-Known Side of a Well-Loved Island

In the minds of many, trips to Puerto Rico bring images of stunning beaches , delicious foods , and maybe a bioluminescent bay or two . But there’s plenty of history to be found here, too, as Puerto Rico was home to an Indigenous population known as the Taino, a heritage many Puerto Ricans embrace. That history can be explored via a road trip. Starting in the northern town of Arecibo, travel south to Ponce, then back north to Condado—along the way you’ll encounter petroglyphs, Indigenous sites, and breathtaking natural spots.

  • The full itinerary: A Puerto Rico Road Trip That Puts Indigenous Culture First

Additional road trip planning resources Picking the route for your road trip is only one part of your planning. From what snacks to pack to which podcasts to listen to, these additional resources will help you prepare for your next adventure:

  • Best road trip snacks
  • Road trip planning apps
  • Podcasts and audiobooks to download
  • What to pack for a road trip

This article originally appeared online in August 2020. It was most recently updated on April 4, 2024, to include current information. Additional reporting by Jessie Beck, Erika Owen, Ray Rogers, Terry Ward, and Sheryl Nance-Nash.

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20 Tips for taking a road trip in the USA for the first time by an American

July 31, 2019 by Dawn Allcott 1 Comment

The car is packed and you’re headed on a long-awaited road trip. Whether you’re taking your own vehicle coast-to-coast, or you’re renting a car to make a U.S. road trip part of your international adventure, a little planning goes a long way. 

With 20 years of traveling up and down the Eastern seaboard, plus car trips to Chicago, Oklahoma, and Tennessee, I’ve picked up a few handy tips to share for taking a road trip in the United States. I hope that these helpful tips help you plan your US road trip!

road trip usa que es

  • 1 Plan Ahead
  • 2 Connect with Locals for the Best Tips
  • 3 Search Groupon for Deals – and Ideas
  • 4 Leave Room for Spontaneity
  • 5 Purchase Toll Passes for Areas Where You’ll Be Traveling
  • 6 Understand U.S. Rental Car Rules
  • 7 Educate Yourself About Rental Car Insurance
  • 8 Join AAA if traveling on your own
  • 9 Know the Difference Between a Rest Stop and a Truck Stop
  • 10.1 Eat Even Healthier by Stopping at Farm Stands
  • 11 Find the Best Hotel Prices Online
  • 12 Call the Hotel for Discounts
  • 13 Account for Security Deposits
  • 14.1 Useful items for your overnight bag:
  • 15 Take Advantage of Local WiFi
  • 16.1 Use Waze to Avoid Traffic Snarls
  • 17 Time Your Travel to Save Travel Time
  • 18 Keep a Stash of Paper Maps
  • 19 Let Your Bank Know You’re Traveling
  • 20 Any other US road trip tips that you’d recommend? Any questions about taking a road trip in the United States?

Having a broad idea of your major stops, must-see tourist attractions, and areas where you want to spend several days or even a week helps give your vacation structure. It ensures you’ll experience what matters the most to you in each state, whether that’s theme parks, shopping, or the best gourmet restaurants.

Each summer, my family takes a three-week road trip from New York to Florida. We plan two major stops along the way, spending two or three days in spots like Washington, D.C., or Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I save money by booking hotel rooms and attractions for these places in advance.

On a related note, do not go too crazy planning your trip and underestimate how large the United States is. Many first-time road trippers in the United States assume that you can go coast-to-coast in a short time and often cram in too much. Although the driving may not take as long as you might expect, you’ll probably want to explore cities, national parks, and major tourist attractions along the way. Give yourself enough time to stop off beyond a quick pit-stop!

Friends enjoying a fun ride in a car during their first time road tripping in the United States

Connect with Locals for the Best Tips

Talk to locals, join Facebook groups for people traveling to given areas, and visit the tourist and visitor’s bureau website for each city you plan to visit. Also pay attention to insider travel guides like the ones on WanderlustingK to discover the secret hotspots only the locals know about.

Click for Karen’s recommendations on the best ways to meet locals while traveling with real stories!

Search Groupon for Deals – and Ideas

You can find some great attractions (at a low price) by browsing Groupon for things to do in the places you want to visit. Sometimes, you’ll discover an activity you hadn’t planned, like a local escape room or a helicopter ride across a city. 

Leave Room for Spontaneity

While we keep a broad idea of our journey and major stops in mind, we also take time to explore interesting restaurants, fun stores like that we don’t have near us (like Cabela’s), or even just a hotel with a pool off I-95 if we’re getting tired.

Some of our greatest road trip memories happened by accident. Our kids still talk about the time we decided to stop and visit the world-famous South of the Border between the Carolinas.  It was incredibly kitschy (like all of SOTB), overpriced, hilarious, yet terrifying at the same time. We won’t do it again, but we’re glad we did it once.

Purchase Toll Passes for Areas Where You’ll Be Traveling

Pre-paid toll booth transponders make it easy for U.S. travelers to skip the toll booth lines and avoid carrying cash for tolls. The problem? Not all passes are accepted in all states. 

But there’s good news for East Coast travelers. In August 2018, Florida began accepting E-Z Pass. That’s the transponder used across the Northeast, as far south as North Carolina, and in some Midwestern states. If your trip includes Georgia, you’ll need to purchase a Peach Pass, also good in North Carolina and Florida. South Carolina only has two tolls roads, but a Palmetto Pass makes it easier to cross them.

You can buy your E-Z Pass within any state that offers it, either online or through AAA . To save the most money, purchase the pass from the state where you plan to spend the most time because you’ll get some discounts on those tolls.

If your travels will take you all the way to California, it’s wise to invest in a FasTrak, too. If you’re renting a car for your trip, ask if you can get a toll pass directly from the rental car company. 

20 Essential tips for taking a road trip in the United States for the first time, including money-saving hacks!

Understand U.S. Rental Car Rules

Car rental tips, rules, and regulations could fill a whole blog post. Some rental companies require customers to be 25 or older. Other companies, including Alamo and Enterprise, rent cars to drivers 21+, but additional surcharges and requirements may apply. Hertz rents to drivers as young as 20, with an additional fee. The minimum age to rent a car in New York and Michigan is 18.

Some companies require you to have a valid credit card, while others accept a debit card for the rental. In either case, expect a hold to be placed on your account until you return the car. You generally are expected to bring a car rental back to the same location where the car was rented. Not doing so will result in extra fees, so one-way trips may be more expensive than you realize!

Inspect the car carefully and take photos with your phone before you drive away so you won’t be held responsible for pre-existing damage.

Educate Yourself About Rental Car Insurance

Beautiful open road with stunning American national park along Route 66, one of the most iconic road trip routes in the United States

Rental car insurance can add another $10 to $30 per day to your bill. Do you need it? The answer is: It depends. 

If you don’t have your own car insurance, you’ll want to pay for liability insurance, at a minimum. This protects you against having to pay out-of-pocket if you cause an accident and hurt someone else or damage their vehicle.

If you’re paying with a credit card, you might be able to skip Collison Damage Waiver (CDW) insurance, which covers theft or damage to the rental car. Read the fine print on your credit card statement, because most credit cards offer this perk.

Join AAA if traveling on your own

AAA stands for the American Automobile Association. This organization which advocates for travelers has offices where you can often pick up maps and other handy essentials.

Karen’s husband Jacob swears by the premium membership at AAA, which is a yearly cost. However, the roadside assistance has been a lifesaver in many rural places of the US during breakdowns after numerous breakdowns in rural West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and numerous other states.

Depending on your membership tier, you can get a certain number of tows up to a specific number of miles. Their services include delivering fuel to you if you run of gas, roadside assistance with a tow, vehicle lockout service, flat tire service, and battery starting assistance. It’s less than $150 to join for the year with the premium tier of membership (2019), so consider stopping by your local AAA office (or checking online!) to join.

Know the Difference Between a Rest Stop and a Truck Stop

Once you’re on the road, you’re going to have to stop at some point. You check the GPS and notice there’s a rest stop up ahead. Now, you’re looking forward to that Starbucks Cloud Macchiato.

If you began your journey in the Northeast, you might be used to the “rest stops” dotting the New Jersey Turnpike every 10 miles or so. Big box-style buildings, each with a giant food court, convenience store, and a gas station. You can buy everything from sunglasses to phone chargers. But I wouldn’t recommend it because you’ll pay less at Wal-mart or Target.

Maryland, Virginia, and Connecticut also have robust, state-funded rest stops worth visiting. However, rest stops across most of the country are not like that. You’ll find a few vending machines, bathrooms, and a place to walk dogs. But you won’t find shopping, a gas station, or much of anything else. 

To find some unique pit stops to break up the route, Karen loves buying (and reading out loud in the car!) the Weird America books for inspiring and wacky rest stops! You can also get state-focused guides for road trips within only one state.

When you’re craving a latte and you need to fill up, you need a truck stop. Truck stops combine gas stations, restaurants, and convenience stores, plus amenities like showers for truckers and free WiFi. We like Flying J and Pilot because they’re clean and always have a variety of merchandise in the stores to browse as you stretch your legs. Fun fact: Iowa 80 in Walcott, Iowa, even has a movie theater.

Buy Your Snacks at Walmart or Local Grocery Stores to Save Money

Woman eating snacks by car after purchasing snacks, one of the best tips for saving money on a USA road trip!

While truck stops are great for that spur-of-the-moment fast food craving, you can save tons of money on your trip by stocking up at snacks from Wal-mart or a local grocery store in the area you’re visiting.

Bring your own reusable grocery bags as some states charge for plastic bags (and it’s greener!) Pack a cooler for drinks and refill it as supplies get low. (A pro tip: bring a bag for the trash!)

Eat Even Healthier by Stopping at Farm Stands

Pack a second cooler and stop at local farm stands or food co-ops for fresh produce for the trip. A few pints of strawberries and a bag of string beans keep me and the kids satisfied until we reach the next Cracker Barrel – a must-stop meal for us on every family road trip.

Find the Best Hotel Prices Online

Ready to stop for the night but haven’t reached your first pre-planned destination? Tap into free WiFi at the next truck stop to find the best prices for hotels on sites like Expedia, Travelocity, Booking, and It’s smart to stick with one service, as prices don’t vary much, and you’ll earn rewards each time you book to save more money. (Karen usually uses the app for last-minute bookings!)

Book your hotel about 20 minutes before you plan to arrive to be sure your reservation made it into the system. You can book a hotel from the parking lot of the hotel, but it might take a bit more time for the front desk to find your reservation. 

Call the Hotel for Discounts

Typical Motel Sign along American highway during a road trip through the United States

In my experience, I find the best hotel prices booking online. But it always pays to call the hotel and see if they will match that price. When you’re negotiating a rate, make sure you’re accounting for any added taxes and fees. A rate that looks lower online before you book might actually be higher than the hotel’s rate once you get the final price with taxes and fees. Also, be sure to check whether you will need to pay in cash or can pay in person by card.

Be sure to ask about AARP or AAA discounts, if you’re a member of either organization. You can’t use these discounts online, but the discount might just beat the online price.

Likewise, if you’re visiting a local or major regional tourist attraction, the hotel might offer a discount to the attraction or a discounted hotel room if you show your attraction ticket.

Account for Security Deposits

When you book a hotel or rental car, the company is likely to bill a security deposit on your credit card. The deposit covers incidentals – such as room charges – or damage to the room.

After some unfortunate incidents, editor Karen swears by paying extra to bring the deducible of your rental car down to zero in case of something happening. The longer your trip, the more likely you’ll be happy that you paid for it!

Make sure you leave enough room on your card to cover this charge, with the knowledge that it may not be returned until seven to 10 days after your stay. Check your statement to make sure the hotel refunded the charge.

Keep a Smaller Bag Handy for Overnight Stays

No doubt, your trunk or overhead carrier is piled high with suitcases for your journey. If you’re planning multiple overnight pit stops, keep a separate bag with just the necessities. A larger backpack should work well enough although an inexpensive overnight bag will work too!

Useful items for your overnight bag:

  • Bathing Suit 
  • Towel (hotel pools never have enough!)
  • One change of clothes
  • Wall charger for your phone plus USB cord
  • Your adult beverage of choice for relaxing in the hotel room at night* (Note: some states require stopping off at a state-run liquor or wine/liquor store to purchase said beverages while others sell adult beverages in the gas station.)

When you’re ready for an overnight stop, you’ll have just one small bag to carry, which also means less chance of leaving anything in the hotel room.

When you leave, put your dirty clothes in a reusable plastic bag – or do a load of laundry in the hotel room – and re-pack the overnight bag for your next stop. (Karen uses a cute yet light foldable world map laundry bag that she’s had for years.)

Take Advantage of Local WiFi

Tap into free WiFi at hotels, truck stops, fast food restaurants, and coffee houses to conserve your data for when you really need it. If you have Verizon FIOS or Cablevision service at home, you might be able to use HotSpots for WiFi.

Make Sure You Have Plenty of Data

Of course, you can’t tap into a WiFi network doing 70 mph down the highway. (At least, not yet.) Consider increasing your phone’s data plan before you start your journey. Even if you don’t have passengers streaming Netflix throughout the trip (I’m looking directly into the backseat at my kids!) – you’ll need it for the GPS. (If you’re looking for some entertaining games that work offline, click for 15+ fun travel-friendly apps perfect for a road trip !)

Use Waze to Avoid Traffic Snarls

Apple Maps or Google Maps? The answer, for us, is neither. Waze not only has the most up-to-date traffic information, but you can find out why traffic slowed to a halt on the Belt Parkway. Oh wait, it’s the Belt. Of course , traffic stopped.

An insider New Yorker tip : Avoid the Belt Parkway, a series of three parkways that go from Brooklyn to Queens, if at all possible. (Also avoid the Cross Bronx Parkway, which is terrible most of the time!) It’s often faster to get into New York City via Staten Island or the Lincoln Tunnel via New Jersey.)

Time Your Travel to Save Travel Time

Google Maps usually generates the time to a destination at the moment that you check on your app. If you’re checking when it’s not rush hour, be sure to add extra time into your time calculations if you’re traveling close to or during rush hour.

Native New Yorkers traveling through the Tri-state area know that you want to get through the city before rush hour. For us, this means leaving between 10 AM and 2 PM.  

Wherever you travel, it’s best to time the trip so you’re navigating big cities (think: D.C., Boston, Nashville, Chicago, Jacksonville, etc.) either late at night or early in the morning. If you’re not stopping in the city, you can also look for ways to loop around it.

If you do happen to get stuck in a big city at rush hour, don’t fight it. Stop for dinner and do some shopping until 7 PM when traffic should be clear.

Keep a Stash of Paper Maps

Person planning a first time road trip through the United States using an old school atlas with map of the United States open.

Sometimes, there’s just no avoiding traffic. Or a cell phone dead zone. That’s when paper maps help. You can usually pick up maps at rest stops and at AAA offices although well-prepared travelers can purchase regional maps online. (Karen recommends Rand McNally for US maps , which is the gold standard for US road maps.)

We traveled to Anderson, South Carolina to see the solar eclipse of 2017. On the way back home, we got caught in eclipse traffic (who imagined that would be a thing!?) in North Carolina. 

While hundreds of travelers followed their GPS,  which took us through a residential neighborhood with traffic at a standstill, my husband pulled out a paper map and circumvented the crowd. We took a scenic route in the pouring rain through Batcave, North Carolina – which is just as creepy and cool as it sounds. It’s a travel moment we won’t forget.  

Let Your Bank Know You’re Traveling

Right before our trip, my son fell in love with a pair of sneakers while we were school clothes shopping, but they didn’t have his size and I couldn’t find them online. Browsing the outlet stores in Asheville, North Carolina, he spotted them – at a shoe store chain that we don’t have on Long Island. 

He was bouncing with excitement as I pulled out my Chase debit card – only to have it declined. I checked my balance online and saw I had plenty of money in the account.

Why was my card declined? The bank’s fraud protection department flagged several transactions outside my home state as “unusual activity.” I called the bank and within five minutes, had my account reactivated to buy the sneakers.

As a veteran traveler, I should know better. Learn from my mistake and call your bank and credit card companies to let them know your trip itinerary. Then you can rest easy knowing you have access to all your funds during your road trip adventure – plus all these handy tips in mind to ensure a smooth journey.

Any other US road trip tips that you’d recommend? Any questions about taking a road trip in the United States?

  • Tips for traveling in the United States WITHOUT a car
  • Tips for tipping in the United States
  • First-time tips for visiting New York City by a New Yorker
  • How to travel in the United States on a budget

Taking your first road trip through the United States? 20+ Essential tips to know before you road trip in the US by an American!

About Dawn Allcott

Reader interactions.

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July 27, 2021 at 5:25 pm

thank you helpful!!!

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road trip usa que es

Te hemos hecho un post específico de las ciudades principales de la Ruta 66. Por tanto, en todo el planning que vas a ver en el siguiente punto, vas a ver los hitos más importantes de cada etapa de ruta idóneo para tener una visión global de lo que hay que ver en la Ruta 66, pero si quieres profundizar en las ciudades principales, entra en el siguiente enlace:

▶️ Ruta 66 – Ciudades Principales

Servicio The sky's the limit


Una vez que sabes cuántos kilómetros tiene la Ruta 66, te preguntarás cuál es su itinerario real. A continuación te vamos a explicar cada una de las etapas de viaje de las que se compone la Ruta 66 .

Este itinerario no tiene desvíos. Es la Ruta 66 pura. En el siguiente apartado sí que te hablamos de los mejores y más recomendados desvíos.

Ruta 66 Paradas:

Día 0: Llegada a Chicago

Si te preguntabas dónde empieza la Ruta 66 , ya te acabamos de contestar. Chicago, la ciudad del viento es el inicio de tu aventura .

Probablemente llegues al mediodía o por la tarde, tiempo más que de sobra para ver aquellos puntos de la ciudad que están enfocados a la Ruta 66.

Bajo nuestro punto de vista, deberías dedicarle varios días a esta ciudad y no conformarte solamente con el día de llegada.

Recomendamos estar mínimo 2 días completos en Chicago y una vez exprimida la ciudad, comenzar la ruta.

No habrás comenzado la ruta si no vas a la calle de Chicago donde está la placa que marca el inicio de la misma.

¿Dónde está la placa del inicio de la Ruta 66?   79-98 E. Adams Street de Chicago .

donde empieza la ruta 66

Día 1: De Chicago a Springfield (Illinois)

El inicio de tu día debe de ser en un restaurante de Ruta 66. Es más, no sólo es un restaurante típico de la ruta como los que verás de ahora en adelante, sino que es tradición desayunar en él justo antes de comenzar la ruta .

Se trata de Lou Mitchell’s . Fue creado en 1923 y pertenece al Hall of Fame de la Route 66 .

Dirección Lou Mitchell’s : 565 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago.

Hoy la ruta discurrirá todo el tiempo por el primer estado que es Illinois.

▶️ Hitos o lugares principales del día :

  • Castle car wash : Lavadero de coches con forma de castillo donde se dice que estuvo escondido Al Capone. 3801 Ogden Ave, Cicero, Illinois.
  • Prisión de la película The Blues Brothers : 1125 Collins St, Joliet, Illinois.
  • Figura gigante «Gemini Giant» : Será habitual que veas gigantes hechos, en su mayoría, de fibra de vidrio a lo largo de la ruta. Cada uno de ellos tendrá una temática. Gemini Giant es el gigante que acompaña al antiguo restaurante de la ruta llamado Launching Pod y miembro del Hall Of Fame de la Route 66. La temática de este gigante es el espacio y nos traslada a cuando Estados Unidos acababa de entrar en el programa espacial. Año 1960.
  • Antigua gasolinera Texaco : Preciosa extinta gasolinera que mantiene la esencia de la Ruta 66. Amble’s 417 W Wasupansie, Dwight, Illinois.
  • Route 66 Museum : Museo de la Ruta 66 en Pontiac. 110 W Horward St, Pontiac, Illinois.

⚠️ La mayoría de museos de la Ruta 66 son gratuitos , pero es recomendable dejar algo de dinero en el bote o buzón de entrada para que puedan subsistir y la ruta siga viva. ⚠️

  • Visitar Springfield (Illinois): Pueblo famoso no sólo por ser la capital del estado, sino también por ser denominado «Tierra de Lincoln» haciendo referencia a que el 16º presidente de Estados Unidos estuvo viviendo allí e incluso fue enterrado en sus tierras. Un lugar inapelable que ver en la Ruta 66 .

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 353 km / 4 horas 40 minutos.

Que ver en la Ruta 66

Día 2: De Springfield (Illinois) a Springfield (Missouri)

En nuestro segundo día remataremos un último tramo de Illinois y nos adentraremos en un nuevo estado: Missouri .

  • Henry’s Rabbit Ranch : Lugar singular y con esencia de la ruta. Podrás comprar algún souvenir y sobre todo hablar con Rich y Linda Henry, dos de esas personas que luchan por transmitir la verdadera esencia de lo que es la Ruta 66. 1107 Historic Old Route 66, Stauton, Illinois.
  • Old Chain of Rocks Bridge : Espectacular puente sobre el río Mississippi. 10842 River View Dr, Madison, Illinois
  • St. Louis : Llegamos a Missouri e indudablemente debemos visitar la ciudad de St. Louis. Se trata de una parada de Ruta 66 interesante y espectacular por las vistas que tendremos desde arriba de su atracción principal: Gateway Arch . 11 N 4th St, St Louis, Missouri.
  • Murales de Cuba : Otra cosa que ver en la Ruta 66 son los murales a lo largo y ancho del pueblo de Cuba en Missouri.
  • Visitar Gay Parita : En toda guía de Ruta 66 debe aparecer Gay Parita. Se trata de una gasolinera que está en pie desde los años 30 que lleva el nombre de su primera propietaria y donde podrás charlar con Gary Turner, actual propietario desde los años 60. La magia vintage de la estación de servicio y la amabilidad de Gary es inigualable.

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 565 km / 5 horas 45 minutos.

Por que es famosa la ruta 66

Día 3: De Springfield (Missouri) a Tulsa (Oklahoma)

Hoy tocamos 3 estados . Acabaremos los últimos resquicios de Missouri , recorreremos Kansas y finalizaremos en Oklahoma .

  • Visitar Galena:  El primer pueblo recomendado de Kansas nos trae lugares tan emblemáticos como Four Women on The Route 66 Service Station que podrás encontrar la grúa que inspiró al personaje de «Mate» en la película Cars . También podrás ver una bonita placa dedicada a Will Rogers , viajero y amante de la 66.
  • Entrar en la ballena de Catoosa . Una foto que hay que hacer en la Ruta 66. 2705 N. Hwy 66, Catoosa, Oklahoma.
  • Hospedarte en el Oasis Motel , mítico establecimiento de la ruta. 9303 E. 11th St, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Comer en Tally’s Cafe . 1102 S Yale Ave, Tulsa, Oklahoma.

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 327 km / 4 horas 20 minutos.

guia ruta 66

Día 4: De Tulsa (Oklahoma) a Oklahoma City (Oklahoma)

Hoy tendremos un día relajado en el que haremos menos kilómetros y donde podremos pasear tranquilamente por el centro de Oklahoma City al caer la tarde.

  • Visitar la casa de John Hargrove: En todo recorrido de Ruta 66 que se precie tiene que estar incluido la casa de John Hargrove. Este entusiasta e historiador de la Ruta 66 tiene una de las casas más alucinantes que vas a poder ver en este viaje. Año a año, Hargrove ha construido por sí mismo réplicas de las principales paradas de la Ruta 66. Su casa y el terreno en la que se encuentra es digno de ser visto. Llama a su puerta sin miedo que te recibirá con los brazos abiertos. ¡Así es la Ruta 66!
  • Pasear por el paseo que bordea el Bricktown Canal de Oklahoma City .
  • Como te sobrará algo de tiempo por la tarde, puedes aprovechar y ver un partido NBA de los Oklahoma City Thunder .

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 187 km / 2 horas 20 minutos.

es peligrosa la ruta 66

Día 5: De Oklahoma City (Oklahoma) a Amarillo (Texas)

Nos despedimos del estado de Oklahoma y seguimos el recorrido de la Ruta 66 por el estado de Texas , uno de los sitios clave para entender por qué es famosa la Ruta 66 .

  • Disfrutar del City Meat Market: No te puedes ir de Oklahoma sin visitar este pintoresco lugar y a su amable y singular propietario que te enseñará muchas curiosidades de la ruta y con el que pasarás un rato entrañable y divertido.
  • Tower Station & U-Drop Inn Cafe : Estación típica de la ruta 66 e inspiración para la película Cars. La encontrarás en 111 U.S. Rt. 66, Shamrock, Texas.
  • Comer en The Big Texan Steak Ranch . 7000 7701 I-40 East, Amarillo, Texas.
  • Pintar graffitis en los coches clavados de Cadillac Ranch : Amarillo es una de las ciudades principales de la Ruta 66 y una de las razones es por visitar este emblemático enclave al borde de la I-40. 100% recomendable. 13651 I-40 Frontage Rd, Amarillo, Texas.

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 429 km / 4 horas 25 minutos.

Cadillac Ranch Texas

Día 6: De Amarillo (Texas) a Albuquerque (New Mexico)

Vamos a seguir unos kilómetros más por Texas y vamos a cruzar una nueva frontera que no es nada más ni nada menos que el carismático Nuevo Mexico .

  • Route 66 Midpoint : Este es el punto exacto que marca la mitad de la Ruta 66. ¡Foto obligatoria! Route 66, Exit 23A I-40 West.
  • Ver los murales y el encanto de Tucumcari: 31 murales espectaculares que te invitan a dar un paseo por este sorprendente pueblo. Nuestro preferido es «The legendary Road» en la 66 con 3th Street.
  • Relajarte en la plaza del pueblo de Santa Fe , una de las ciudades principales de la Ruta 66 y de las más bonitas. También puedes ver la Misión San Miguel que es una de las más antiguas del país.
  • Albuquerque : Pasear por su Historic Downtown y aprovechar para ver dónde se rodó Breaking Bad.

Descubre las mejores localizaciones de cine y TV de Estados Unidos .

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 569 km / 5 horas 55 minutos.

Desierto buzones

Día 7: De Albuquerque (New Mexico) a Holbrook (Arizona)

Hoy conoceremos uno de los más impresionantes estados de la Ruta 66: Arizona .

El salvaje oeste ha llegado a tu Ruta 66 🙂

  • Top of the world: Este es el punto más alto de la Ruta 66 situado en el Continental Divide es la línea divisoria que forman las Montañas Rocosas.
  • Petrified Forest National Park : Una de nuestras más queridas paradas de la Ruta 66. Es aquí donde vas a poder ver troncos de árboles petrificados y unas estampas de naturaleza espectaculares.
  • Holbrook : Una de las primeras cosas que aconsejamos cuando alguien nos pregunta cómo hacer la Ruta 66 es hospedarse en Wigwam Hotel en Holbrook. Con ello, conseguirás dormir en unas habitaciones dentro de unos tipis indios que te transportarán a las películas del oeste americano.

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 390 km / 3 horas 55 minutos.

Donde dormir en la Ruta 66

Día 8: De Holbrook (Arizona) a Williams (Arizona)

Proseguimos por Arizona para empezar a ver algunos de los mejores pueblos de la Ruta 66 .

  • Jack Rabbit Traiding Post:  Súbete al conejo de la parte trasera de esta tienda mítica de la 66.
  • Fotografiate con la inmensa señal en el suelo de Winslow y con la escultura «Standing on the Corner» homenaje a la canción «Take it easy» de The Eagles.
  • Meteor Crater : Admira el hueco que dejó el impacto de un meteorito hace 50.000 años.
  • Twin Arrows : Punto cinematográfico de Forrest Gump .
  • Flagstaff : Uno de los pueblos más grandes y famosos de la ruta. 
  • Williams : Simplemente por pasear por sus calles y dejarse empapar por el espíritu de la Ruta 66 ya merece la pena.

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 222 km / 4 horas.

que es la ruta 66

Día 9: De Williams (Arizona) a Oatman (Arizona)

Hoy es nuestro último día en Arizona . Aprovéchalo al máximo que es uno de los estados de la Ruta 66 con más encanto.

  • Seligman:  Aunque es bastante turístico, tenemos que reconocer que Seligman es nuestro pueblo preferido de la Ruta 66. A destacar la hamburguesería de Delgadillo Brothers y la Historic Seligman Sundries.
  • Peach Springs : El pueblo en sí no tiene grandes atractivos pero es fiel al espíritu de la ruta y fue en el que se inspiraron para el Radiator Springs de la película Cars .
  • Kingman: Otra ciudad célebre que no te puedes perder de la 66.
  • Oatman : Fin de día colosal rodeado de burros que pasean como unos ciudadanos más. Un pueblo al que llegarás por un puerto de montaña y que es auténticamente un pueblo del Far West .

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 303 km / 3 horas 30 minutos.

Oatman Route 66

Día 10: De Oatman (Arizona) a Santa Monica, Los Angeles (California)

Hoy acaba la aventura . Después de mil aventuras, entrarás en el muelle de Santa Monica sabiendo que has vivido uno de los Road Trips más intensos y especiales de cuantos existen.

  • Calico Ghost Town:  Recreación de un pueblo fantasma de la época.
  • Comer en el diner de los años 50 llamado Peggy Sue’s . I-15 & Ghost Town Rd, Yermo, California.
  • Visitar Bottle Tree Ranch : Atracción formada por cientos de «árboles» formados por botellas. 100% curioso. Elmer E. Long 24266 National Trails Hwy Oro Grande, California.
  • Pier de Santa Monica y final de la Ruta 66 .

🚗 Total kilómetros y horas de conducción : 566 km / 6 horas.

Final Ruta 66


La Ruta 66 tiene un recorrido que se presta a hacer desvíos que no conllevan demasiados kilómetros extra y que harán mucho más completo tu Road Trip.

Estos son los mejores:

  • Parque Nacional Gran Cañón del Colorado
  • Monument Valley
  • Antelope Canyon

Realmente Grand Canyon National Park y Las Vegas son los 2 desvíos más estándar que todo el mundo suele hacer. A nosotros también nos gusta meter Monument Valley ya que es nuestro parque favorito. Además si vas a regresar a la ruta por Page (Arizona) podrás incluir puntos como Antelope Canyon o Horseshoe Bend siempre y cuando no los conozcas o no tengas pensado viajar a la Costa Oeste .

¿Cuándo hacer estos desvíos?

  • El día 8 en vez de dormir en Williams, dormiríamos en Grand Canyon para poder ver el parque al día siguiente junto con un atardecer en Monument Valley.
  • El día 9 veríamos Monument Valley, Horseshoe Bend y dormiríamos en Page.
  • El día 10 podríamos hacer la excursión de Antelope Canyon y viajar hasta Flagstaff y ahí, proseguir nuestra ruta.
  • El día que dormimos en Oatman, dormiríamos en Las Vegas y veríamos la ciudad esa noche y todo el día siguiente. Es decir, haríamos 2 noches para el siguiente día viajar hasta Calico desde Las Vegas y proseguir nuestra Ruta 66 original.

Gran Cañón del Colorado


El primer consejo que te queremos dar es que trates de reservar tu viaje a la Ruta 66 con toda la antelación que puedas . Esta será la forma idónea de poder abaratar y que no se te disparen los distintos elementos del viaje.

Hacemos un simulacro y calculamos un viaje para dos personas para abril 2023 . Haríamos la ruta (sin desvíos) que en este post hemos explicado. Estaríamos 10 días haciendo la Ruta 66 + el día de llegada a Chicago + el día que salimos de L.A.

En total (contando TODOS los elementos del viaje) nos saldría por 4600€ .

Es decir, tendríamos una Ruta 66 de 12 días por 2300€ por persona .

Si te gustaría saber el desglose y cómo podemos abaratarlo , entra en el siguiente enlace :

▶️ Cuánto cuesta hacer la Ruta 66: Precios para hacer el viaje .

ruta 66 tabernas


Cuando estás analizando cómo hacer la Ruta 66, te puede surgir la duda de que transporte utilizar; Coche, moto o autocaravana.

Vamos a exponer las ventajas y desventajas de cada uno para que te sea más fácil decidir.

Hacer la Ruta 66 en coche:

  • 👍🏼 Es la opción más económica de las tres. 
  • 👎🏼 Implica tener que reservar hoteles. Lo tendrás que hacer con antelación. No te da la libertad de la moto ni de la autocaravana.

Ruta 66 en moto:

  • 👍🏼 La sensación de libertad es indescriptible.
  • 👎🏼 No es un tipo de viaje para todo el mundo. Tienes que estar acostumbrado a viajar de este modo ya que puede resultar mucho más cansado.

Ruta 66 en moto

Hacer la Ruta 66 en autocaravana:

  • 👍🏼 Te evitas reservar hoteles. Puedes parar a descansar si lo deseas. Tiene la magia de la autocaravana.
  • 👎🏼 El elevado precio. Debido al lógico mantenimiento de la autocaravana (aguas, etc) el viaje se puede ralentizar.

Estos son los pros y los contras de cada uno, pero hemos profundizado más y hemos hecho un post específico para cada medio de transporte. Pincha en cada uno de ellos y sal de dudas:

▶️ Hacer la Ruta 66 en coche .

▶️ ¿Es recomendable hacer la Ruta 66 en moto?

▶️ Cómo hacer la Ruta 66 en autocaravana. Precio, consejos .

Guia Hold my hand Nueva York


Estos son los 10 sitios para comer que no te puedes perder durante este Road Trip por Estados Unidos .

Todos ellos tienen una calidad excepcional y lo que es más importante es que reflejan qué es la Ruta 66… Su esencia .

  • Lou Mitchell’s en Chicago.
  • Polk-a-Pot Drive In en Brainwood, Illinois.
  • Cozy Dog Drive In en Springfield, Illinois.
  • Gay Parita en Ash Grove, Missouri.
  • Waylan’s Ku-Ku Burger en Miami, Oklahoma.
  • Tally’s Cafe en Tulsa, Oklahoma.
  • Big Texan Steak Ranch en Amarillo, Texas.
  • Twisters 50’s en Williams, Arizona.
  • Peggy Sue’s Diner en Yermo, California.
  • Pink’s en Los Angeles.

restaurante ruta 66


Exceptuando los hoteles que tendrás que reservar en Chicago y Los Angeles donde no podrás abaratar en exceso, el resto de noches de la Ruta 66 se prestarán para optar por moteles de carretera donde la calidad es buena, el precio es asequible y su aura es muy cinematográfica.

Es decir, no aconsejamos gastar en exceso en hoteles de mucho lujo ya que prácticamente no los vamos a poder disfrutar. Date cuenta que llegaremos tarde por las noches y nos iremos temprano por la mañana.

Aún así, hay un puñado de hoteles en la Ruta 66 que no te deberías perder por su singularidad y por su « alma de Ruta 66 «.

Hoteles recomendados:

  • Blue Swallow Motel en Tucumcari, New Mexico.
  • Hotel El Rancho en Gallup, New Mexico.
  • Wigwam Motel en Rialto, California.
  • The View en Monument Valley por si te apeteciera hacer este desvío.

Dormir en la Ruta 66


Historia de la mother road.

Se construyó en 1926 y su fin era proporcionar un camino para encontrar una vida mejor . Es decir, la ruta 66 era la nueva carretera por la que emigrar tanto desde los estados sureños como desde los estados del Este del país hacia el Oeste de USA.

Eran los años 30, época de la Gran Depresión y California era el destino lleno de nuevas posibilidades al que acudir.

Podemos decir que con la Ruta 66 comienza gran parte del Sueño Americano .

Hacer la ruta 66 es una de las mejores experiencias que puedes hacer en Estados Unidos. Adentrarte de lleno en parte viva de la historia de Norteamérica, recorrer sus pequeños pueblos, sus extintas y míticas gasolineras, conocer a todas las grandes personas que siguen luchando porque la Mother Road siga viva … Hacer la ruta 66 es simple y llanamente… La aventura que tienes que hacer para conocer a fondo Estados Unidos.

ruta 66 cuantos dias

¿Es peligrosa la Ruta 66?

Cuando hacemos un viaje necesitamos saber si vamos a estar seguros. En este caso, no tienes de qué preocuparte.

A tu pregunta de si es peligrosa la Ruta 66 te tenemos que decir que no, para nada.

Deberás tener las precauciones lógicas que seguirías en cualquier Road Trip por Estados Unidos (y por cualquier lugar del mundo) como por ejemplo no dejar cosas valiosas a la vista en el interior del coche. Salvando la mera coherencia que debe tener cualquier viajero en cada uno de sus viajes, no tienes que preocuparte de nada más.

Es más, las gentes de la Ruta 66 es afable y estará encantada de recibirte . Para ellos es un verdadero honor.

Descuento Mondo Seguros de viaje

Cuáles son las mejores películas rodadas en la famosa Ruta 66

Si algo tiene que tener cualquier guía de la Ruta 66 es un apunte sobre cine. Y es que se trata de un Road Trip 100% fotogénico y cinematográfico .

Si, como nosotros, eres amante de las localizaciones de cine, has llegado a un edén.

Desde Easy Riders hasta Forrest Gump pasando por Rebeldes o Las uvas de la ira , la Ruta 66 te permitirá recrearte en muchos de tus road movies favoritos.

Te hemos preparado un post exclusivo con las 15 localizaciones de cine que podrás ver al hacer la Ruta 66.

▶️ 15 películas ambientadas en la Ruta 66 que no te puedes perder antes de hacerla .


Cómo conseguir internet haciendo la ruta 66.

Para tener internet durante tu Ruta 66, puedes optar por 2 opciones:

  • Comprar un tarjeta SIM en el aeropuerto de Chicago : Esta opción no la recomendamos por la pérdida de tiempo y porque al final, sale más caro .
  • Comprar una tarjeta SIM de datos de Holafly : Holafly es la mejor compañía para tener datos en Estados Unidos. Tienes tarjetas SIM para este viaje desde 29€ y tras probarlo varias veces, podemos decirte que la cobertura es muy buena. Tienes varias opciones de GB y algo importante es que conservarás tu número de whatsapp .

▶️ Contrata internet en la Ruta 66 con Holafly .

¿Debo contratar un seguro?

Tener un seguro de viajes para viajar a la Ruta 66 es algo VITAL si no quieres tener la posibilidad de arruinarte el viaje. La sanidad en Estados Unidos es desorbitada y cualquier simple visita a urgencias se elevará a una cantidad desproporcionada. Imagínate si fuera algo más grave.

Nosotros siempre contratamos el seguro de viajes con Mondo . Es el que mejor funciona y calidad – precio es insuperable. Además, tienes descuento al venir de nuestra parte.

Puedes informarte en el siguiente botón:

Qué es la solicitud ESTA

▶️ Requisitos para entrar a Estados Unidos .

  • Contratar un seguro médico : Tener un seguro de viajes para viajar a Nueva York es algo VITAL si no quieres tener la posibilidad de arruinarte el viaje. La sanidad en Estados Unidos es desorbitada y cualquier simple visita a urgencias se elevará a una cantidad desproporcionada. Imagínate si fuera algo más grave. Nosotros siempre contratamos el seguro de viajes con Mondo . Es el que mejor funciona y calidad – precio es insuperable. Además, tienes descuento al venir de nuestra parte. Puedes informarte en el siguiente botón:

Antes de viajar a la Ruta 66, debes preparar una documentación y hacer una serie de cosas fundamentales si quieres que tu viaje salga bien.

Uno de los requisitos más importantes para poder hacer el viaje es tener el ESTA aprobado.

Tener el ESTA aprobado : Debes solicitar y tener aprobado el formulario ESTA (Electronic System for Travel Authorisation). Es un requisito indispensable y no podremos entrar a Estados Unidos si no lo tenemos aprobado. Su coste es de $21 y sirve para todos tus viajes hasta 2 años después de su aprobación . Para saber el paso a paso de cómo obtenerlo, te enlazamos nuestra guía indicada para ello:

▶️ Cómo solicitar el formulario ESTA para viajar a Estados Unidos .

Te hemos preparado un post específico para que sepas todos los requisitos de entrada a Estados Unidos en época post pandemia.

Cómo consigo mi Carnet de conducir Internacional en Estados Unidos

Aunque es un documento que no suelen pedir, siempre aconsejamos llevarlo para tenerlo todo en orden.

Se trata de un documento de 16 páginas en forma de pequeño libro en el que figuran los datos personales del titular y los permisos que posee traducido a inglés, alemán, italiano, portugués, árabe y ruso. De esta manera, el agente que te pare podrá interpretar todos los datos de tu permiso de conducir .

Puedes aprender a solicitarlo con nuestra siguiente guía:

▶️ Carnet de conducir Internacional: Cómo y cuándo obtenerlo .

Ruta 66 coches

Qué debo tener en cuenta para conducir durante la Ruta 66

La conducción en Estados Unidos es muy sencilla. Las carreteras en general son muy buenas y los americanos suelen ser muy cívicos al volante.

Aún así, si nunca has conducido por el país, es conveniente que te familiarices con las señales de tráfico más importantes, en especial con una que suele confundir bastante al viajero primerizo. Te dejamos aquí nuestras dos guías al respecto que te serán muy útiles:

▶️ Cómo conducir en Estados Unidos .

▶️ Cómo interpretar la señal de tráfico «No turn on red» .

Cuál es la mejor época del año para visitarla

Realmente la Ruta 66 no tiene una temporada alta y una temporada baja. Al menos, no de forma muy marcada.

Eso quiere decir que la gente va durante todo el año porque la realidad es que es un buen destino los 12 meses del año .

La única salvedad puede ser que algunos restaurantes, gasolineras o sitios típicos de la ruta cierran en invierno (de octubre-noviembre a marzo aproximadamente).

Exceptuando esto, no habrá de qué preocuparse.

Obviamente tendremos que tener en cuenta que si queremos hacerla lo más tranquilos posible, tendremos que evitar julio y agosto .

Aún así, la afluencia se notará en las ciudades y pueblos más grandes, ya que el resto de enclaves no se suele notar demasiado la masificación.

Nuestra época preferida para hacer la Ruta 66: Primavera . Mejores precios que en verano, buen tiempo y bastante tranquila.

Petrified Forest

¿Cuántos días necesito para visitar la Ruta 66?

Es posible que viendo el planning de 10 días del principio del post, te preguntes: ¿Este es el único itinerario o realmente cuántos días hay que estar en la Ruta 66?

Te contestamos que estos 10 días que te acabamos de planificar es lo más rápido que aconsejamos hacerla. Es decir, no merece la pena apurarla más. Sería un maratón absurdo.

Ahora bien, ¿podemos alargarla? Por supuesto, si tienes más días, aprovéchalo, recréate en los sitios y sobre todo, ¡haz desvíos! Coge el apartado de desvíos que antes leíste y combina aquellos que más te atraigan con el total de la Ruta.

Siendo así, un viaje idóneo para hacer la Ruta 66 serían entre 15 y 17 días.

Ruta 66 Winslow Arizona

¿Te ha quedado alguna duda sobre la Ruta 66? Aquí te enlazamos otros posts de esta increíble Mother Road para que profundices sobre ella:

O quizás prefieras que alguien pueda ayudarte con la planificación del viaje...


Con nuestro servicio « The sky’s the limit » vamos a enseñarte a tener la Ruta 66 más auténtica y más pura. Confiando en nosotros, tendrás una planificación completa de toda la ruta, desde el comienzo de la primera idea en la que anhelas vivir esta experiencia hasta el momento en el que tu vuelo despega rumbo a Chicago, el inicio de la aventura.

¿De qué nos encargaremos?

Del diseño del viaje, de armarte el mismo al completo con sus vuelos, transportes, alojamiento y excursiones (puedes hacer extensiones a la propia ruta que la harán aún más completa) .

Todo, totalmente exclusivo para ti, en base a tus gustos, deseos y sueños.

Sin olvidar la documentación que necesites para tenerlo todo a punto. Es decir, desde el lado más técnico del viaje hasta el más emocional que te lleve a exprimir la Route 66 y todo lo que la rodea.

¿Qué ganarás con ello?

Además de tener un viaje inolvidable, ahorrarás tiempo y dinero.

¿De qué te encargarás tú?

Tú tan solo pon la ilusión y las ganas de vivir el viaje que lo cambiará todo.

Ruta 66 Museum


La histórica Ruta 66


Ha llegado el momento de volver a viajar…

¿No te parecería espectacular retomar los viajes haciendo esta inigualable ruta? 

Te aseguramos que es algo que tienes que hacer al menos una vez en la vida… Y si puede ser, ¡más de una!

Existen las buenas rutas, las inolvidables y luego está la Route 66.

road trip usa que es

Descuento Entradas

  • Entradas NBA
  • Musicales Broadway
  • NFL - Fútbol Americano
  • New York Pass

road trip usa que es

  • Empire State Building
  • Tour de Contrastes
  • Estatua de la Libertad
  • De JFK a Manhattan

road trip usa que es


  • Viaja barato a L.A
  • Parque Nacional Yosemite
  • Cartel de Hollywood
  • Arches National Park

Route 66

  • Guía Ruta 66
  • Autocaravana
  • Presupuesto

road trip usa que es


  • Mount Rushmore
  • Horseshoe Bend
  • Devils Tower
  • Yellowstone
  • Zion National Park

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Links de interés

  • Seguro viaje
  • Cambiar euros a dólares
  • Guía solicitud ESTA
  • Requisitos entrada
  • Propinas en USA

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Ha llegado el momento. Es hora de volver a viajar a USA y sentir de nuevo esa libertad. Estamos aquí para ayudarte a conseguirlo. Con nuestro servicio y nuestras guías , podrás sentir eso que una vez soñaste: Tener el viaje de tu vida a Estados Unidos



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20 lugares poco conocidos de USA que debes conocer al menos 1 vez en la vida

Descubre los “20 lugares poco conocidos de USA que debes ver al menos 1 vez en la vida”

  • Lugares recónditos y mágicos.
  • Mapa para navegar por todos ellos.
  • Podrás tomar ideas para tu siguiente viaje a USA.

Responsable: Viajes Road Trip USA Finalidad: envío de publicaciones y correos comerciales. Legitimación: tu consentimiento. Destinatarios: Active Campaign con titular Active Campaign LLC, alojada en EEUU y suscrita al EU PrivacyShield.


Descubre los “20 errores de novato que no debes cometer en tu primer viaje a USA”

  • Da el primer paso para realizar tu viaje soñado.
  • Resuelve las dudas más frecuentes que se tienen antes de emprender una aventura así.
  • No pierdas un segundo de tu tiempo en buscar soluciones para esas dudas que tienes para tu primer viaje. Están aquí. Ve preparado, para que cuando llegues, solo te encargues de disfrutar.

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† RV-Friendly routing features (including routing warnings for vehicle hazards and propane restrictions) are available in the U.S. only.

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Qué es un Road Trip

Inicio » Rutas en coche » Qué es un Road Trip

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¿Qué es un Road Trip en español? 🚗. Definición y significado.

Road Trip por el Levante

Cómo organizar un Road Trip

¿cuánto me va a costar, coche propio o de alquiler.

Ruta en coche por Almería y Murcia

Lleva un plan pero sé flexible

El tiempo es clave ⛈️, ¿road trip solo o con compañeros.

Ruta en coche Gales en 5 días

Cuáles son los motivos principales y las razones para hacer muchos Road Trips en tus escapadas.

Lugares no masificados.

road trip usa que es

Excursiones o lugares turísticos a otras horas

Barato no, lo siguiente, cómo ahorrar en un road trip.

  • Cuántos más seáis, más barato es el precio de dividir el precio del coche, el combustible, los peajes e incluso el alojamiento.
  • Si no tienes prisa, evita los peajes y cambia tu ruta.
  • Alójate fuera de los lugares turísticos. Aprovecha que tienes coche para moverte de un lado a otro. Siempre reserva en el que te incluya el parking gratuito.
  • 💡 Si tienes posibilidad lleva una nevera pequeña de las que se enchufa al USB o mechero del coche . Beber fresquito en verano siempre apetece.
  • Descarga aplicaciones móviles que puedas utilizar offline . Sirve para mapas y todo tipo de app. Ahorra datos al máximo si viajas al extranjero.
  • El día que necesites repostar escribe en Google «petrol near by» te muestra los precios de las gasolineras, haz la parada en la más económica :).
  • Como veras en las fotografías, dependiendo del tipo de viaje hemos alquilado un coche diferente.

Cuáles son los mejores Road Trip del mundo

Road trip en españa o tu lugar de origen.

  • Ruta en coche por Almería y Murcia
  • Pueblos de Albacete con encanto – Los 5 mejores.
  • Mejor ruta por los pueblos negros de Guadalajara
  • Fuerteventura en 4 días ❤️
  • Gran Canaria ruta en coche

Road Trips en Europa

  • Reino Unido ( Ruta e n Coche Gales y Ruta en coche por Irlanda del Norte. Itinerario 4 días.[2021][MAPA]. )
  • Qué ver en Lituania, Letonia, Estonia y Bielorrusia
  • Croacia y Eslovenia
  • Viajar a Liechtenstein. Recomendaciones y consejos.
  • Ruta en coche por Sajonia, Alemania.

Precio Taxi de la estación de tren de Alicante a Benidorm

Inconvenientes y desventajas de hacer un Road Trip

  • Demasiados km. Si no planificas la ruta de tu Road Trip bien puedes acumular fatiga. Por ese motivo, siempre que sea posible, intenta que tus compañeros sepan conducir.
  • El camino es hermoso pero a veces largo. Lleva tiempo en rutas ambiciosas ir de un punto a otro. La paciencia es un don que no debemos enterrar.
  • Perderse. A día de hoy es más complicado perderse si llevamos GPS pero puede darse el caso de que esté oscureciendo y no sepamos dónde estamos ni cómo continuar.✅ Ten paciencia, para, respira e intenta buscar soluciones. Ten por seguro que tu Road Trip será inolvidable.
  • Aparcar. Es muy importante que tu alojamiento tenga parking. Si visitas «grandes capitales» probablemente te sea complicado encontrar aparcamiento. una buena opción en Google es preguntar «parking near by» y te muestra las opciones de parking de pago y a veces el precio. En Kosovo me funcionó a las mil maravillas.
  • Multas/impuestos de dudosa legalidad . Las mordidas están a la orden del día si decides viajar a países poco turísticos aunque también en los países más desarrollados tendrás que hacer frente a las multas de las cámaras de tráfico. Intenta conocer de antemano las reglas de circulación y los limites para evitar sorpresas a la vuelta. Un aspecto del Road Trip que no muchos dicen pero es importante conocer.

Ruta en coche por Croacia y Eslovenia.

¿Por qué amamos los Road Trips? Conclusión

Participa activamente con nosotros 🙏🏻, asegura tu viaje a un 7% dto.

Por unos euros al día viajarás asegurado, tranquilo y sin complicaciones.  Te contamos qué seguro necesitas dependiendo de tu estilo de viaje.

Escapada o viaje puntual

  • Cap Trip Basic: 200.000€ gastos médicos y hospitalización
  • Cap Trip Plus: 750.000€ gastos médicos y hospitalización
  • Pocos seguros tienen una cobertura sanitaria tan amplia

Viaje de larga duración

  • Para viajes de más de 3 meses
  • Desde 29€ al mes
  • Viaja por varios países

Viajas varias veces al año

  • Si viajas varias veces al año te interesa
  • Viaja libremente. No tienes que notificar cuándo te vas.

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Les voyageuses du Québec | Blog voyage au féminin

Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis

Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

La côte est des USA vous attire et vous vous dites qu’un road trip serait la façon idéale de visiter les plus belles villes de l’est des États-Unis ? Notre collaboratrice vous partage son itinéraire détaillé, de Boston à Chicago, pour un road trip sur la côte est des USA réussi.

Sommaire de l'article

Un road trip sur la côte est des USA : un sentiment de liberté

Croyez-moi quand je vous dis que la liberté se trouve derrière un volant, une bonne musique à la radio, avec l’essentiel pour bien vivre dans le coffre de sa voiture et la route devant soi qui paraît mener à l’infini! Je me souviens de mon road trip sur la côte est des USA  comme si c’était hier, même si cela fait déjà quelques années. Je ne me suis jamais sentie aussi bien, libre et heureuse que lors de cette escapade de 6 semaines , déambulant à travers les paysages et rêvant d’une vie de nomade.

En mode visite urbaine, je vous propose un itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis s’adressant à celles voulant TOUT voir avec un petit budget.

⇒ À lire également : Visiter la Nouvelle-Angleterre aux USA : Que voir lors d’un road trip de 3 jours

Si vous avez besoin d’aide pour la planification et la réalisation de votre voyage, mais que vous voulez un   voyage personnalisé et authentique aux USA , prenez contact avec Michael, l’expert local d’Evaneos.

Vous pourrez échanger directement avec lui via votre espace client et même  l’appeler aux USA  avec un numéro gratuit ! Vous pouvez demander un devis gratuit ici-même.

Mon itinéraire en bref à travers 12 villes de l’est des États-Unis

Voici donc brièvement mon itinéraire de road trip à travers 12 villes de l’est des USA.

Montréal / Boston / New York / Atlantic city / Philadelphie / Washington / Myrtle beach / Miami / Nouvelle-Orléans / San Antonio / Forth Worth / Nashville / Chicago

Itinéraire cote est USA dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Un itinéraire dans l’est des USA qui vous fera découvrir une panoplie de paysages uniques!

Comment se préparer à un road trip dans l’est des USA à petit budget

Tout d’abord, pour qu’un road trip soit réussi et pour limiter les imprévus, il faut bien se préparer. De mon côté, comme j’étais à l’époque une jeune étudiante avec un petit budget, j’ai opté pour réaliser le road trip de mes rêves en VUS . Celui-ci était assez grand afin d’y dormir, ce qui permet d’économiser énormément d’argent et apporte une liberté infinie. Comme l’hébergement fait partie de ce qui est le plus dispendieux en voyage, quand on peut éviter ces coûts, ça permet d’avoir plus de sous pour les activités.

Quant à l’aménagement minimaliste du VUS, j’avais un matelas en mousse simple où nous dormions tous les deux, mon ancien copain et moi. Donc, sur la route, le matelas était plié et les bagages posés sur la banquette arrière; une fois stationnés pour la nuit, on déplaçait les bagages sur les bancs de devant et le matelas était déplié. Il est réellement possible d’être confortable dans une voiture quand on a prévu notre coup, par exemple en plaçant du papier d’aluminium (ou son équivalent) dans les fenêtres afin de refléter la chaleur du soleil estival et d’éviter de se réveiller dans un four.

Le stationnement la nuit lors d’un  road trip sur la côte est des USA est très facile d’accès : Walmart, rest areas , centres d’achats… Nous avons passé la majorité de nos nuits dans les stationnements des Walmart Supercentre puisqu’ils sont ouverts 24h, ce qui permet d’aller à la salle de bain avant de se coucher et d’acheter son déjeuner le lendemain matin. Le seul inconvénient est la localisation des Walmart : pour s’y rendre, il faut sortir de la ville,  parfois sur plusieurs kilomètres.

Pour la question des douches, une alternative intéressante est le savon sec, qui permet de se laver sans eau uniquement avec une débarbouillette (très pratique). Bien sûr, c’est une solution à court terme et nous avions décidé d’entrecouper notre voyage de quelques locations de Airbnb pour la douche et le confort d’un vrai lit. Il est aussi possible de payer un petit montant pour se doucher dans certains truck stops  sur la route.

⇒ À lire également : Mini-van aménagé : aménager un van de manière simple et économique pour voyager

Déjeuner au Walmart dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Petit déjeuner gastronomique dans le stationnement d’un Walmart!

L’itinéraire détaillé de mon road trip sur la côte est des USA

Voici donc en détails l’itinéraire de mon road trip dans l’est des États-Unis , une belle boucle à travers 1 2 villes de la côte est américaine.

1. Le grand départ, de Montréal à Boston : une ville moderne aux accents british

⇒ Distance : 500 km

⇒ Durée : 3 jours

Comme premier arrêt d’un road trip sur la côte est des USA , Boston est la meilleure ville pour s’initier à nos voisins du Sud. Sans nécessairement avoir fait mille et une activités, j’ai adoré me balader dans la ville sans destination précise pour y découvrir ses petits coins de rue. Étant l’une des premières villes à avoir été fondée, son architecture, qui oscille entre le moderne et l’ancien, rend la promenade très agréable. Imaginez-vous déambuler, un bon café à la main, entre le Boston Common Park et ses magnifiques jardins et le Quincy Market et ses pubs sur la Union street! Peut-être serez-vous aussi chanceux que nous et ferez-vous la rencontre d’un enfant prodige chantant et jouant de son piano en pleine rue devant passants et touristes? Selon moi, ce sont ces petites découvertes imprévues qui font les plus beaux souvenirs. Après avoir traversé le pont vers le quartier bourgeois de Cambridge, on aperçoit les prestigieux campus de MIT puis d’Harvard, un endroit rêvé pour réaliser une séance photo dans l’une des plus belles villes de l’est des États-Unis . Boston, c’est aussi le paradis des fruits de mer au Seaport district, où l’on retrouve des restaurants avec vue sur la mer.

⇒ À lire également : Visiter Boston à Noël : petit guide d’un séjour à Boston réussi en période des fêtes

Vue Boston dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Vue de Boston, mon premier arrêt lors de mon road trip sur la côte est des USA

2. Après Boston, l’incontournable New York

⇒ Distance : 350 km

⇒ Durée : au choix, il y aura toujours quelque chose à visiter

*Début des routes à péage, alors prévoyez de la monnaie!

Que dire de plus sur la grande ville de New York que tout ce qui a déjà été raconté sur cette ville qui ne dort jamais? Elle a tellement été visitée qu’il existe des blogues de voyage consacrés uniquement à cette ville! Allons-y avec mes coups de cœur : Central Park pour ses randonnées qui me font oublier à tous coups être dans l’une des villes les plus peuplées au monde,  The Metropolitan Museum of Art,  un classique qui ne se démode pas, le McGees pub , ce fameux bar qui a inspiré la série How I Met Your Mother ainsi que l’ Empire State Building, pour la vue illuminée le soir et pour le musée qui explique l’historique course aux gratte-ciel.

Comme sortir de cette ville pour y dormir prend un peu plus de temps, je n’y suis restée qu’une longue journée. Pour celles qui veulent la visiter plus en profondeur, cet article pourra vous inspirer ⇒ Que faire à New York : 10 nouveautés du nouveau New York à visiter

Gratte-ciel New York dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Impossible de ne pas s’arrêter à New York lors d’un voyage sur la côte est américaine

3. Atlantic City, le mini Vegas de l’est des USA

⇒ Distance : 200 km

Après New York, c’est l’heure d’aller faire le party au mini Vegas de la côte est des États-Unis … Je parle, bien sûr, d’Atlantic City! C’est l’endroit parfait pour se prélasser sur le bord de la plage dans la journée avant de déambuler de bar en bar en soirée entre les rues illuminées. Lors de mon road trip sur la côte est des USA , j’ai séjourné dans un Airbnb à Ventnor City, où je profitais de plages dans la journée qui se trouvent à environ 15 minutes de voiture des casinos. En soirée, Wild Wild West Casino est selon moi LA place où sortir, avec ses spectacles rock gratuits et ses décors de vieux saloon. Comme à Las Vegas, la visite des casinos est une activité en soi, mais les petits plus d’Atlantic City résident dans les plages, le boardwalk et la vue de soir tout au bout du parc d’attractions Steel Pier, qui dévoile un magnifique panorama des lumières des casinos.

Wild Wild West Casino à Atlantic City dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

4. Philadelphie, la ville de l’indépendance américaine

⇒ Distance : 100 km

⇒ Durée : 1 jour

Comme Philadelphie se trouve à environ une heure d’Atlantic City, une journée est suffisante pour visiter la ville. Je dois avouer ne pas avoir été particulièrement impressionnée par la fameuse Liberty Bell ; placée derrière une vitre, la file d’attente pour la voir est interminable. En revanche, le Philadelphia Museum of Art , avec la fameuse statue de Rocky postée devant le musée, plaira à tout fan d’art. Celui-ci relate l’histoire de l’art de l’époque classique en passant par l’impressionnisme et le cubisme jusqu’à la modernité. On y trouve des toiles de grands artistes tels que Monet, Picasso et Van Gogh. En regardant ces peintures, je repensais à mes cours d’histoire de l’art, que j’avais maintenant la chance de voir en vrai!

Pour vivre une expérience différente des grandes villes, il y a la possibilité d’aller visiter des villages amish à Lancaster , à 1h30 de Philadelphie. Par refus de la modernité, ils vivent à l’ancienne, sans électricité ni technologie, et prônent l’autosuffisance. C’était bien particulier de voir cohabiter des voitures avec des calèches dans le village de Kitchen Kettle.

⇒ À lire également : Quoi faire à Philadelphie en 10 coups de coeur

Independance Hall Philadelphie dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

L’Independance Hall à Philadelphie, où l’on a adopté la Constitution américaine

5. Washington, le paradis des musées

⇒ Distance : 225 km

⇒ Durée : 2 jours

Visiter Washington durant son road trip dans l’est des États-Unis , c’est faire une immersion dans le patriotisme américain. Bien qu’il y ait de nombreux musées gratuits à Washington , la ville est un musée en soi avec la Maison-Blanche, le Capitole, le Washington Monument et la statue d’Abraham Lincoln. Les musées que j’ai préférés sont le musée national de l’histoire américain ainsi que le musée de l’air et de l’espace , qui est très impressionnant de par sa grande collection  d’avions et de fusées. Les journées sont occupées, mais dès que le soleil se couche, la ville devient soudainement bien tranquille.

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L’illustre Maison-Blanche à Washington, sur la côte est des USA

6. Myrtle Beach, les vacances à la plage

⇒ Distance : 700 km

⇒ Durée : 3 à 5 jours

Au départ de Washington, c’est parti pour la première longue journée de route de l’itinéraire; l’horizon se transforme en cours de route en un paysage aux accents bucoliques. Je dois dire que le fait de s’y rendre en voiture de si loin rend l’expérience particulièrement palpitante. C’est au moment où l’on aperçoit ses premiers palmiers que l’on se rend compte du trajet parcouru depuis Montréal!

Myrtle Beach est la petite ville de vacances familiales par excellence à ajouter à son itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis . On y retrouve tout ce que les films américains d’été nous présentent : plage, bodysurf, mini-golf, frisbee, restaurants sur la plage, parc d’attractions et j’en passe! Comme cela faisait déjà un moment que nous étions sur la route et que nous avions à ce moment-là besoin d’un peu de confort, nous avons opté pour un Airbnb près de la plage.

⇒ À lire également : Ogunquit dans le Maine : petit guide pour des vacances en famille réussies

Plage Myrtle Beach dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

La plage de Myrtle Beach a tout du rêve américain!

7. Miami, ses plages et son ambiance de feu

⇒ Distance : 1130 km

⇒ Durée : 5 jours

Comme il y a plus de 1000 km entre Myrtle Beach et Miami Beach et que les activités sont assez semblables, cette escale est selon moi optionnelle. Bien sûr, voulant TOUT voir en un seul voyage, nous ne pouvions passer si près sans nous arrêter dans cette fameuse ville balnéaire à l’ambiance de feu. Bien que les plages de Myrtle Beach soient jolies, cela n’a rien à voir avec les très larges plages au sable blanc de Miami , qui mènent à l’infini. Nous avions cette fois opté pour un hôtel-boutique très sympathique avec son bar et sa table de billard, comme nous y sommes restés pour quelques jours : le Norman’s Tavern dans North Beach, à 30 minutes d’autobus du centre, ce qui vaut amplement la peine dû aux prix beaucoup plus bas.

Miami est l’endroit idéal pour profiter de bien des plaisirs de la vie. Laissez-vous emporter par les 5 à 7 étirés sur Ocean Drive , d’une bonne margarita aux bières renversées devant soi, faites du jogging vers la pointe de l’île, qui est tout simplement paradisiaque, passez les journées sur la plage à nager et à admirer les bateaux de croisière, baladez-vous sur la Lincoln Road pour ses boutiques et ses terrasses, assistez à un show de drag queen au bar Paradise en soirée, etc.

⇒ À lire également : Walt Disney World à Orlando : Le meilleur de ce parc d’attractions en Floride

Miami Beach dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Miami Beach est réputée pour ses immenses plages de sable très blanc, un vrai petit coin de paradis

Visiter des petits villages entre Myrtle Beach et Miami

Si faire plus de 10h de route sans arrêt est trop pour vous, je vous propose deux arrêts très sympathiques à faire sur le chemin lors de votre road trip sur la côte est des USA .

Savannah, la vie typique sudiste

Ville historique charmante et bourgeoise, se promener à travers les rues de Savannah donne l’impression d’être dans un livre d’histoire, notamment par l’entremise de son architecture coloniale anglaise et de ses monuments rappelant l’époque de l’esclavage. La River Street , une promenade qui longe la rivière, sa verdure dominante ainsi que le Forsyth Park représentent bien le calme et le charme de cette ville. Pour un arrêt nourriture, je propose le Debi’s restaurant , où ils servent de très bons déjeuners.

St-Augustine, ville coloniale espagnole

En direction de la Floride, on arrive à St-Augustine, ville historique et coloniale de type espagnole. Se balader en toute tranquillité, autant le jour que le soir, est le meilleur moyen de sentir la douce ambiance de cette magnifique petite ville. Les galeries d’art, le monument national Castillo de San Marcos , plus ancien fort des États-Unis, la rue piétonne St-George avec ses nombreuses tavernes et restaurants-terrasses et le pont-levis où nous avons aperçu un dauphin nageant dans la rivière Matanzas sont tous des attraits à ne pas manquer. Avec sa Plaza de la Constitución et ses nombreux bâtiments datant de la colonisation, on dirait un petit bout d’Espagne en plein cœur de la Floride .

⇒ À lire également : Visiter St-Augustine en Floride : nos bonnes adresses et que faire lors d’un séjour

St-Augustine USA dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

8. Nouvelle-Orléans, la ville du jazz

⇒ De Miami : 1400 km

⇒ De Myrtle Beach : 1330 km

La Nouvelle-Orléans est cette ville américaine culturelle atypique où règne le jazz. Je n’ai jamais vu autant de talents musicaux que dans les bars de la Nouvelle-Orléans, qui sont toujours remplis, même un lundi soir. Le Quartier français est le lieu historique de la ville qui a heureusement été épargné par l’ouragan Katrina et a ainsi pu préserver son architecture coloniale. Bien qu’on puisse y sentir un niveau de pauvreté assez élevé, le quartier a beaucoup de charme : nombreux musiciens qui jouent dans les rues étroites, galeries d’art autant intérieures qu’extérieures, marché français situé sur le bord du fleuve du Mississippi,  cathédrale Saint-Louis , où j’ai eu la chance de pouvoir assister à un gospel, etc.

Cathédrale Saint-Louis dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

La cathédrale Saint-Louis de la Nouvelle-Orléans dans toute sa splendeur

La Bourbon Street est un must pour son ambiance de party, malgré l’odeur d’urine dans la rue. Un côté lugubre rend d’autant plus le quartier mystique par ses magasins de vaudou et ses histoires de fantômes . J’ai compris pourquoi la Nouvelle-Orléans était réputée pour fêter l’Halloween en grand! Honnêtement, nous n’avions même pas prévu visiter la Nouvelle-Orléans, mais ce sont les locaux qui nous ont convaincus d’y faire un tour. L’avantage d’habiter dans sa voiture est la liberté de modifier son parcours en cours de route. Au final, j’ai été fascinée par cette ville et je crois qu’il est impossible d’être déçu par cet arrêt lors d’un road trip dans l’est des USA .

⇒ À lire également : 5 incontournables de la Nouvelle-Orléans à visiter en 3 jours

Cathédrale Saint-Louis dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Le Quartier français, aussi appelé Vieux Carré, en Nouvelle Orléans

9. San Antonio et son influence mexicaine

⇒ Distance : 875 km

Par la suite, il est temps de quitter la Louisiane vers un État qui m’a toujours intriguée : le Texas. Je dois avouer avoir été agréablement surprise qu’une de mes destinations coup de cœur du voyage, San Antonio, soit dans cet État conservateur des États-Unis. Son influence mexicaine, sa riche histoire et ses magnifiques cours d’eau m’ont éblouie. L’attrait historique de la ville est le vieux Fort Alamo et ses fortifications, converti en musée, qui est un témoin important de la révolution texane. Ce musée relate l’histoire de la victoire des États-Unis lors de la guerre d’indépendance du Texas contre les Mexicains et permet d’attraper un brin d’histoire lors de ce road trip aux USA . Un autre attrait de cette ville est la promenade le long des cours d’eau avec ses restaurants mexicains, ses musiciens de rue et ses boutiques, qui ajoutent un charme enchanteur.

⇒ À lire également : Mes 10 parcs nationaux des USA préférés que j’ai visités lors de mon road trip

Cours d'eau à San Antonio dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

10. Forth Worth et ses cowboys

⇒ Distance : 450 km

Un court arrêt, mais indispensable dans cet itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis , est Forth Worth près de Dallas. Vous devez vous rendre plus précisément dans le quartier historique de Stockyards pour rendre visite aux cowboys du Texas! Le quartier ressemble en tout point aux décors d’un vieux western spaghetti. L’une des attractions principales est le fameux spectacle de rodéo, pour ainsi découvrir le plus grand stéréotype des cowboys du Texas.

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Un inoubliable spectacle de rodéo à Forth Worth, près de Dallas

11. Nashville, ville du country

⇒ Distance : 1120 km

Nashville est connue pour sa scène musicale de country… Et croyez-moi quand je vous dis que vous ne serez pas déçu! Les moments passés dans cet univers musical ont été parmi les plus beaux de mon voyage. Quand nous sommes arrivées dans la ville à 17h un samedi, les bars étaient déjà remplis de cowboys et la musique des groupes country live se faisait entendre de partout. La tournée des bars est donc un must et mon coup de cœur est le Wildhorse Saloon , pour ses cours de danse en ligne où j’ai pu apprendre des pas de danse dont je me souviens encore aujourd’hui. Pour rendre l’expérience complète, visitez le musée Country Music Hall of Fame , qui retrace toute l’histoire de la musique country aux États-Unis et dont la collection très complète est fascinante : disques, instruments, costumes, clips vidéo, vieilles voitures, etc.

Botte géante Nashville dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Nashville fait honneur à son surnom de « Music City »!

12. Chicago, dernier arrêt de l’itinéraire

⇒ Distance : 750 km

Après avoir visité tant de villes de l’est des États-Unis , différentes les unes des autres, et créé des souvenirs pour le restant de ma vie, voilà que le retour à la maison se fait sentir. Chicago est le dernier arrêt. En résumé : belle ville, bonne bière, mauvaise pizza. Eh oui, je dois avouer ne pas comprendre la popularité de la deep-dish pizza, qui est en fait une pizza plus épaisse avec une croute qui ressemble à une tarte! Nous avions essayé la Pizzeria Uni, inventeur de cette pizza hors norme que j’ai réellement détestée. Disons simplement qu’elle est à l’opposé de la bonne pizza classique à croûte mince de l’Italie!

Bien sûr, l’architecture de la ville, les œuvres d’art urbaines, les ponts-levis de la rivière qui traverse Chicago, les parcs et les pubs font de Chicago une très belle ville à découvrir et où se balader à pied.

13. Retour à Montréal

⇒ Durée : 1365 km

C’est ainsi que, tels des Jack Kerouac modernes, nous avons traversé les derniers kilomètres pour rentrer à la maison, le cœur gros et la tête remplie de souvenirs incroyables. Bien qu’il y ait de nombreuses activités à faire et de belles villes à découvrir lors de ce road trip sur la côte est des USA , ce sont les matins à déjeuner à l’arrière de ma voiture dans la cour d’un Walmart, l’accueil des gens rencontrés tout au long du chemin et la liberté de me balader au gré du vent que j’ai préférés.

Un road trip dans l’est des États-Unis en VUS, c’est accepter le fait qu’on ne prend pas de douche à tous les jours et qu’on dort bien une nuit sur deux, c’est de manger beaucoup trop de fast food et d’être toujours sur la GO, mais c’est aussi de voir les paysages changer au fil de la route, de passer tout son été à jouer dehors et, surtout, c’est la liberté sur quatre roues.

Mon seul regret est de ne pas avoir pris plus mon temps pour vivre le voyage. Parfois, je n’étais de passage qu’une journée dans la ville avec une liste d’activités très longues et puis go on the road again ! Je réalise maintenant de l’épuisement que cela m’a apporté et j’essaie aujourd’hui de voyager en mode slow travel , qui concorde plus avec mes valeurs et mes aspirations de voyage.

⇒ À lire également : Le slow travel : voyager lentement et de manière responsable

Route 66 dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

La mythique route 66, qui traverse de Chicago à Los Angeles

Informations pratiques pour un road trip dans l’est des États-Unis

Trucs & astuces pour un road trip réussi .

-Prévoyez votre itinéraire, mais laissez-vous le champ libre pour improviser, car c’est le luxe qu’on peut s’offrir avec un voyage en mode road trip.

-Vérifiez les alentours lorsque vous stationnez la voiture pour la nuit. Il m’est déjà arrivé de me stationner dans la noirceur… À côté d’une raille de train qui nous a réveillés à toutes les heures pendant la nuit!

-Prévoyez quelque chose à mettre dans les vitres de la voiture en prévision du soleil du matin. Nous avions utilisé du papier d’aluminium, mais c’était difficile à réutiliser, alors je conseille plutôt de poser des rideaux.

-Ayez toujours de la monnaie dans la voiture pour les routes à péage.

Où s’arrêter sur la route lors d’un road trip sur la côte est des USA

Mes restaurants coup de cœur, qui sont partout aux USA :

-Denny’s, qui offre des bons déjeuner typiquement américains durant toute la journée

-Cracker Barrel Old Country Store, restaurant abordable qui sert des plats typiques des États-Unis et qui est plus santé que le fast food .

-Jack Daniel’s Distillery Visitor Center à Lynchburg près de Nashville. Le site offre des visites guidées suivies d’une dégustation du célèbre whiskey Jack Daniel’s.

Réserver ses hébergements dans les villes de la côte est américaine

⇒ Suggestion LVDQ : Pour réserver vos hébergements durant votre road trip sur la côte est des USA, vous pouvez explorer les offres sur Booking afin de trouver un hébergement à votre goût. Chaque fois que vous utilisez ces liens pour réserver, Booking nous verse une partie de sa commission sans que cela vous coûte davantage. Ce simple geste permet de nous aider à faire vivre ce Magazine web. Merci de nous encourager dans notre travail de vous fournir de l’information pour vos voyages.

Visiter les villes de la côte est des USA en tant que femme

En tant que femme, je me suis sentie en sécurité durant la plupart de mon road trip aux États-Unis. Toutefois, j’étais bien heureuse d’être accompagnée puisque je n’aurais probablement pas visité les villes en soirée avec autant de confiance si j’avais été seule. Je conseille aussi de faire attention à son habillement dans certains États plus conservateurs. J’ai commis l’erreur de porter mon court one piece pour aller aux toilettes dans un Walmart du Mississippi et les gens se retournaient sur mon passage pour me traiter de pute. Eh oui, une petite différence de mentalité!

Road trip est USA femme dans notre article Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

Assurances voyage pour visiter les États-Unis

Si vous recherchez une bonne assurance voyage pour visiter les États-Unis, économique, fiable et appréciée des voyageurs depuis de nombreuses années, on vous suggère fortement de faire votre demande de soumission ici, via ce lien, sur le   site de Sécuriglobe , le plus important courtier en assurances voyage et santé au Canada qui représente plus de 7 assureurs différents. C’est un bon partenaire à nous et si vous cliquez sur notre lien ici haut, vous serez dirigés directement sur notre page partenaire pour faire votre achat en ligne qui vous donnera automatiquement 5% de rabais. Si vous préférez les contacter via téléphone, il est important de leur mentionner le code REF002.

L’outil par excellence de planification d’un road trip sur la côte est des USA

Pour celles qui adorent planifier leurs voyages, vous serez ravies d’apprendre qu’il existe un outil hyper complet de planification et de gestion de voyage. Créé par deux Québécois, dont Nathalie, fière voyageuse du Québec,   Planning Motion est l’outil en ligne à avoir . Ça fonctionne sur un plan d’abonnement et cette application vous permettra d’avoir au même endroit le calendrier interactif de votre voyage, votre itinéraire sur une carte (qu’il est possible de partager), les informations et documents de vos réservations d’hébergements, de transports, les dépenses converties en une seule devise, des listes de planning, un PDF complet du voyage et bien plus. L’essayer, c’est l’adopter!

Est-ce que cet article vous a donné envie de crier « GO! » et de partir à l’aventure en road trip sur la côte est des USA ? Ou peut-être avez-vous déjà vécu une expérience similaire sur la côte est américaine ? Nous serions curieuses que vous nous partagiez vos coups de coeur parmi les  villes de l’est des États-Unis  dans la section commentaires.

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Road trip sur la côte est des USA : itinéraire en boucle parmi les villes de l’est des États-Unis #CôteEstUSA  #EastCoast #USA #ÉtatsUnis #Roadtrip 

* Cet article a été rendu possible grâce à la collaboration de notre auteure. Tous les propos et les expériences demeurent les siens. Il comporte également des liens affiliés de partenaires, choisis  judicieusement par l’équipe de LVDQ pour vous aider à planifier l’itinéraire parfait votre futur road trip sur la côte est des USA.

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Marie-Michèle Demers

Citoyenne du monde, rêveuse, mais surtout aventureuse, MM a acquis plusieurs expériences de voyage différentes, mais c’est le slow travel, permettant une réelle immersion et compréhension de la culture locale, dans un esprit social et environnemental, qu’elle favorise. Que ce soit de marcher dans Compostelle ou le désert du Sahara, visiter les plus belles villes du Portugal en auberge de jeunesse, travailler en Workaway dans un camp de surf au Maroc, réaliser un stage de solidarité internationale en Équateur ou un safari photo au Kenya, voyager est pour elle plus qu’un bonheur profond, c’est aussi un mode de vie, une manière de remettre en question le monde dans lequel elle a grandi, de s’ouvrir aux autres et de découvrir ce qui se cache au plus profond d’elle-même.

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    Ruta 66. Este es el road trip americano por excelencia. La ** ** comienza en Chicago y acaba en California. Pese a que la carretera madre dejó de formar parte de la red de carreteras de los Estados Unidos debido a que había otras rutas alternativas en mejores condiciones, sigue siendo una de las más icónicas. Deja que la tienda Eisler ...

  4. ¡Aquí están nuestras 20 ideas de viaje por carretera en los Estados Unidos!

    En un viaje por carretera de 2 a 3 semanas. Puedes visitar un estado completo: tapas de florida : Miami, Orlando, Cabo Cañaveral, San Petersburgo, Isla Sanibel, Nápoles, los Everglades, los Cayos. Tops de Luisiana : New Orleans, la ruta de la plantación, Saint Francisville, Natchez, Lafayette y sus alrededores, New Iberia, Houma y los pantanos.

  5. Guía para el Road Trip perfecto por Estados Unidos

    De hecho, hacer un road trip es mucho más que ir de un punto a otro, es un viaje en el que disfrutar de los paisajes y los lugares por los que se pasa. 5. Cuidado con las normas de circulación. Las normas de circulación en Estados Unidos son diferentes a las de España, por lo que antes de iniciar el viaje es importante informarse de ellas ...

  6. Viaje por carretera en Estados Unidos

    Descubriremos Estados Unidos desde la libertad de la carretera abierta, y tú estarás al volante. No hay mejor manera de disfrutar de vistas extraordinarias, pueblos pequeños encantadores y gemas ocultas. Explora estos viajes seleccionados en Estados Unidos y, luego, personaliza tu propio viaje con el Planificador de viajes en Estados Unidos.

  7. 5 rutas para hacer un road trip por Estados Unidos

    1. Route 66: El road trip por Estados Unidos más famoso. La Ruta 66 es una de las rutas más famosas de Estados Unidos, por no decir que es la más icónica.De hecho, es tan importante que la mencionan en películas como Almost Ghost, Thelma and Louise y Cars, o en series como Breaking Bad.. La Ruta 66 tiene 3.939 km y recorre 8 estados: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Nuevo ...

  8. The American Road Trip Planner

    USA Trip Ideas. We're discovering the USA from the freedom of the open road, and you're in the driver's seat. There's no better way to experience extraordinary vistas, charming small towns, and hidden gems. Explore these curated trips across the USA, then customize your own trip using the USA Trip Planner.

  9. 10 of the best road trips in the USA

    3. Route 66. Best road trip for American kitsch. Chicago-Los Angeles; 2250 miles; 1-2 weeks. Nicknamed the Mother Road, Route 66 has permanently ingrained itself in the international psyche as the original US road trip. Starting in Chicago, it crosses eight different states and connects travelers to national parks, weird-but-wonderful ...

  10. 25 Best Road Trips in the USA (Itinerary Ideas + Tips!)

    From Stephanie of Oklahoma Wonders. Route 66 is the quintessential American road trip, inspiring songs, movies, and novels. Starting in Chicago and ending in Santa Monica, Route 66 passes through nine states: Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and California. READ NEXT.

  11. 31 USA Road Trip Ideas + Tips

    Recommended by Katie and Ben from Two Wandering Soles. 12. Las Vegas to Grand Canyon. This epic road trip brings you from the craziest city to 3 amazing canyons, a beautiful forest and back to Las Vegas, all along the famous Route 66. Views from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon.

  12. The perfect itinerary for an epic USA roadtrip (48 states at once)

    Here is the complete list of all 50 landmarks (48 states + Washington, DC + a bonus stop in California): 1. Grand Canyon, AZ. 2. Bryce Canyon National Park, UT. 3. Craters of the Moon, ID. 4. Yellowstone National Park, WY.

  13. Los Mejores Road Trips Que Puedes Hacer En Estados Unidos

    Route 66. El icónico road trip de la ruta 66, recorre desde Chicago a Los Ángeles. Es un hermoso viaje en el tiempo, que atraviesa grandes secciones de la "Mother Road" a través de las calles principales de pequeños pueblos. No olvides parar en Meramec Caverns en Misuri, un sistema de cuevas de casi cinco millas de largo y 400 años de ...

  14. 11 Epic Cross-Country American Road Trips

    Buy Now. Your great American road trip awaits! Get the fully updated 25th Anniversary Edition of Road Trip USA for the glovebox or as a gift for your favorite armchair adventurer. Author Jamie Jensen's full-color guide includes over 125 driving maps and key sights along the eleven cross-country road trip routes featured on this site.

  15. Visitar Estados Unidos

    La Costa Oeste de Estados Unidos es un lugar inapelable que ver en Estados Unidos. Libertad y aventura te esperan en un viaje idílico por algunos de los mejores escenarios del mundo. ... Responsable: Viajes Road Trip USA Finalidad: envío de publicaciones y correos comerciales. Legitimación: tu consentimiento. Destinatarios: Active Campaign ...

  16. 23 Best Road Trips in the U.S. to Take in 2024

    Photo by / Shutterstock. 10. Seneca Falls, New York, to Nashville, Tennessee: Follow the Path of the Women's Suffrage Movement. Starting in New York's Finger Lakes region and ending at the State Capitol Building in Nashville, this road trip traces the route of the national women's suffrage movement.

  17. 15 BEST USA Road Trips of a Lifetime 2023 (Photos + Maps)

    If you're interested in this road I recommend checking out our article on the best things to do in Rocky Mountain National Park. 14. Natchez Trace Parkway. Location: Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, USA. Distance: 444 miles (715 km) Suggested Time: 5 days. Minimum Time: 1 day. Best Time of Year: October - November.

  18. 20 Tips for taking a road trip in the USA for the ...

    1 Plan Ahead. 2 Connect with Locals for the Best Tips. 3 Search Groupon for Deals - and Ideas. 4 Leave Room for Spontaneity. 5 Purchase Toll Passes for Areas Where You'll Be Traveling. 6 Understand U.S. Rental Car Rules. 7 Educate Yourself About Rental Car Insurance. 8 Join AAA if traveling on your own.

  19. Ruta 66: Itinerario, precios y desvíos

    La Ruta 66 es más que un Road Trip, más que un camino que te lleva del punto A al punto B. La ruta 66 es una filosofía de vida. La Ruta 66 es la madre de todas las carreteras. Atraviesa gran parte de Estados Unidos desde Chicago (Illinois) hasta Santa Monica en Los Angeles (California).. A día de hoy la Ruta 66 no existe de manera íntegra.

  20. Road Trip Planner

    Keep exploring with the Roadtrippers mobile apps. Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you when you hit the road! Plan your next trip, find amazing places, and take fascinating detours with the #1 trip planner. Every trip is a road trip.

  21. Qué es un Road Trip . ️ TODO lo que necesitas saber.

    Road Trip por el Levante Cómo organizar un Road Trip. Una vez ya sabemos qué es un Road Trip es momento de pensar en cómo organizarlo. A continuación os mostraré aspectos generales a tener en cuenta antes de realizar un Road Trip, no obstante, piensa en lo que es verdaderamente importante para ti y súmalo a la ecuación de cómo organizar el Road Trip perfecto para que no haya ningún ...

  22. Road trip sur la côte est des USA : 12 villes de l'est des États-Unis

    Mon itinéraire en bref à travers 12 villes de l'est des États-Unis. Voici donc brièvement mon itinéraire de road trip à travers 12 villes de l'est des USA. Montréal / Boston / New York / Atlantic city / Philadelphie / Washington / Myrtle beach / Miami / Nouvelle-Orléans / San Antonio / Forth Worth / Nashville / Chicago.