Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Mit 5D-Kino, VR-Brille, Animatronic-Wachsfiguren, diversen Rides und multimedialen Shows sowie außergewöhnlichen Sound- und Lichteffekten macht Time Travel Vienna die bewegte Historie Wiens auf einzigartige Weise spür- und erlebbar.

Start alle 20 Minuten

mehr als 2 Millionen Besucher

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Audioguide in 10 Sprachen

1300 m2 Erlebnisfläche

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Das passende Geschenk gesucht?

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Die magische Reise

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Time Ride 5D Kino

Erleben Sie die Magie des Time Ride, der preisgekrönten 5D Attraktion. 

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Die Habsburger Show

Im kaiserlichen Theater sehen Sie die Habsburger Familie vor Ihren Augen zum Leben erwachen.

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Die Pestgrube

Fühlen Sie sich zurückversetzt in Wiens letzte große Pestepidemie im Jahre 1679.

Einführung durch Tourguides

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Malerei in Wien

Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Ateliers von Gustav Klimt und Egon Schiele und machen Sie Ihr persönliches Foto mit den Künstlern.

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Mozart und Strauss Musik in Wien

Erleben Sie eine humorvolle Unterhaltung zwischen den beiden bekannten Persönlichkeiten der Wiener Musik.

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

VR Music Ride Wiener Walzer

Erleben Sie einen Virtual Reality Ride zum Thema „Musikstadt Wien“.

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Mozart & Strauss Musik in Wien

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Fliegeralarm im Luftschutzbunker

Wie war der Krieg wirklich? Erleben Sie einen Fliegerangriff des Zweiten Weltkriegs!

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Besetztes Wien 1945 - 1955

Erfahren Sie mehr über Wien in den Jahren 1945-1955

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Magische Fiakerfahrt Ride

Nehmen Sie Platz in einer gemütlichen Kutsche und fliegen Sie zurück in die Gegenwart.

Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

Mozart & Strauss Musik in Wien

Optional im Kombiticket

Die neue Attraktion Sisi´s Amazing Journey

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Sisi's Reise

Virtuelle 5D Bootsreise mit Österreichs legendärer Kaiserin Sisi

Time Travel Vienna - Geschichte von Wien hautnah erleben!

Sisi’s Reise

Tickets und Preise

Erwachsene €20,90

Kinder und Jugendliche €17,10

Kombiticket Time Travel + Sisi ab €23,-

Studenten und Senioren €19

Häufig gefragt

Muß man vorher reservieren?

Unsere Empfehlung für Sie ist ein Onlineticket mit garantierter Startzeit und Preisvorteil. Gerne können Sie auch nur reservieren und vor Ort bezahlen oder einfach vorbei kommen mit gewissem Wartezeitenrisiko für die nächste verfügbare Tour.

Wie erfolgt die Anreise zu Time Travel und Sisi's Amazing Journey ?

Öffentlich: U-Bahn Station Stephansplatz

Mit dem Auto: am besten Parken in der Parkgarage Freyung, Adresse Freyung 4, 1010 Wien. Sie erhalten bei uns Nachsteckkarten für vergünstigtes Parken.

Beide Attraktionen befinden sich gegenüber in der Habsburgergasse beim Graben.

Sisi’s Amazing Journey befindet sich gleich gegenüber von Time Travel, in der Habsburgergasse 3.

Alle Anreisemöglichkeiten sowie eine Karte finden Sie hier .

Kann ich Time Travel Vienna mit einem Haustier besuchen?

Das Mitnehmen von Tieren ist bei Time Travel nicht gestattet.

Wie funktioniert das mit der Übersetzung / Audioguides ?

Internationale Gäste können die ganze Tour mit Audioguides (Kopfhörer) simultan übersetzt erleben, es sind 10 Sprachen zur Auswahl vorhanden. Die Audioguides sind im Eintrittspreis inkludiert.

Kann ich die Erlebniswelt mit einem Kleinkind besuchen?

Kinder von 0-4 Jahren können die Ausstellung kostenlos besuchen und teilen sich im 5D-Kino einen Sitzplatz mit der Begleitperson. Sofern in der Tour Platz ist, kann das Kind gerne auf einem eigenen Sitzplatz sitzen.

Welche Sehenswürdigkeiten kann ich mir nach einer Tour bei Time Travel Vienna anschauen?

Hofburg (Sisi-Museum und Kaiserappartements), Spanische Hofreitschule, Schatzkammer, Stephansdom, Nationalbibliothek und Albertina liegen ca. 5-10 Gehminuten von Time Travel Vienna entfernt.


Täglich von 10:00 – 20:00 Uhr Tourstart alle 20 Minuten (´00, ´20, ´40)

Wir bitten Sie 15 Minuten vor Tourstart einzutreffen

Dauer: ca. 50 Minuten Letzter Einlass: um 19:00 Uhr

Gastronomie in der Nähe

Hotels in der Nähe

Anfahrt und Parken

Habsburgergasse 10A 1010 Wien Nähe Graben

Auf Google Maps anzeigen

Parkmöglichkeiten Freyung

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Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

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Time Travel Vienna - Die Geschichte von Wien hautnah

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Everything about tourist attractions

Time Travel Vienna – tickets, prices, timings, what to expect

Time Travel Vienna

Take a sneak peek at rich Viennese history and culture at Time Travel Vienna. 

This attraction gives an immersive experience transporting you back to ancient times. 

Only when you come here, you’d realize that history, too, can be fun and interesting.

In this article, we’ll share everything you should know before booking tickets for the Time Travel Vienna, from what one can expect at the exhibition to ticket prices, opening hours, and much more!

Top Time Travel Vienna Tickets

# Time Travel Vienna tickets # Sisi’s Amazing Journey Virtual Reality Experience # Vienna Pass

Table of contents

What to expect, where to book tickets, how do online tickets work, ticket price, time travel vienna tickets, sisi’s “amazing journey” virtual reality experience, how to reach time travel vienna, how long does the tour take, best time to visit, faqs about time travel vienna.

At Vienna Time Travel, go back to old ages and get insights into imperial lives in a 400-year-old St Michael Monastery. 

Discover and unveil the history of Vienna through 5D cinema, the Habsurg show, VR Music Ride, and many other exciting events and activities. 

At the Habsburg Show, learn about the history of the royal family that throws light on the lives of Emperor Maximilian I., Franz Joseph, Sisi, and Maria Theresia. 

In the Plague Pit, meet the famous plague doctor and “Dear Augustin.” 

In the Mozart and Strauss Music, hear the dialogues between Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss, the two famous music composers. 

Get to know the musical legends Mozart, Beethoven, and “Rock me Amadeus” live – Falco and tap your feet on Waltz wearing a VR headset on VR Music Ride. 

Here is the roadmap of your journey:

Time Ride 5D Cinema → The Habsburg Show → The Plague Pit → Painting in Vienna → Mozart and Strauss Music in Vienna → VR Music Ride (Viennese Waltz) → Air Raid Shelter → Occupied Vienna 1945-155 → Magical Fiaker Ride.

Back to Top

You can buy tickets to the Time Travel Vienna online or at the attraction. 

We recommend purchasing tickets online to avoid long lines and ensure availability.

Online ticket prices tend to be cheaper than tickets at the venue because you get exciting discounts.

When you book early, you also get your preferred time slot.

Booking online also helps avoid last-minute disappointment and delays.

Go to the Time Travel Vienna booking page , select the number of tickets and date, and buy the tickets by clicking on book now.

You will receive the tickets in your email after the purchase. 

There is no requirement to bring any printouts.

You can show the e-ticket on your smartphone at the entrance and get in.

The tickets for Time Travel Vienna are priced at €21 for all adults aged between 15 and 59 years.

Children up to 14 years get a discount of €4 and pay only €17 for admission.

Seniors over 60 years and students over 15 years get a discount of €2 and pay €19 for entry. 

Students should carry a valid ID.

Time Travel Vienna tickets

With this ticket, you get admission to Time Travel Vienna, a local history museum.

You can learn about Viennese history and WWII in an interactive and immersive setup.

This ticket offers discounts to children, students, and older people, so it is perfect for families.

A live German guide will accompany you throughout the tour, and audio guides are also available in different languages for this Time Travel and Magical History Tour.

Ticket Prices

Adult Ticket (15 to 59 years): €21 Child Ticket  (up to 14 years): €17 Senior Ticket (60+ years): €19 Student Ticket (15+ years): €19

Sisi's Amazing Journey Virtual Reality Experience

Step into the world of Elisabeth, a gorgeous, free-spirited empress of Austria, and learn about her life and mysteries by purchasing this ticket.

Read about the queen from displays over the wall in a small room. 

Then take a 5D virtual reality boat ride and get an insider view of Sis’s life in a unique way. 

You’ll be shocked to hear about society’s customs and traditions back then. 

Adult Ticket (16 to 59 years): €12 Child Ticket  (up to 15 years): €9 Senior Ticket (60+ years): €11 Student Ticket (15+ years): €11

Save time & money! Buy Vienna Pass and get free admission to Vienna’s top sights including Schönbrunn Palace, Schönbrunn Zoo, Giant Ferris Wheel, Albertina Museum and many more! Enjoy unlimited travel on the hop-on hop-off sightseeing buses with the pass!

Time Travel is a short distance from St Peter’s Catholic Church. 

Address: Habsburgergasse 10A, 1010 Wien, Austria. Get Directions

You can reach the history museum via bus, subway, or car. 

The bus stop Habsburgergasse (Bus No. 1A and 2A) is just a few steps away from the attraction.

The Herrengasse (Subway Line: U3) and Stephansplatz (Subway Line: U1 and U3) subway stations are within five minutes of walking distance.

If you’re traveling by car, turn on your Google Maps and get started. 

Click here to view the nearby car parking garages. 

The Vienna Time Travel welcomes guests from 10 am to 8 pm daily. 

The last admission is at 7 pm. 

How long does the tour take

The Time Travel Vienna tour lasts about an hour, taking you through nine different experiences. 

If you book tickets for the Sisi tour, keep aside at least 30 minutes. 

The best time to visit Time Travel Vienna is as soon as it opens at 10 am. 

The earlier arrival ensures a smooth tour without pushing through the crowd.

We suggest you reach the attraction 15 minutes before the scheduled time of the tour.

The museum gets busy on weekends and school holidays, so prefer going on weekdays for an uninterrupted and peaceful tour.

Here are some questions visitors usually ask before visiting Time Travel Vienna. 

The tour is available in ten languages, including English, French, Hungarian, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Czech, Russian, Japanese, and Chinese.

Yes! The museum offers group tours limited to 32 participants. The group tour starts every 20 minutes, and a Waiting Room is available for groups. 

Animals or pets are strictly not allowed on the tour.

A few sections of the Time Travel are not wheelchair accessible due to structural building constraints. 

Filming and photography are prohibited at the museum.

Sources # Time travel # Wikipedia.org # Tripadvisor.com The travel specialists at TheBetterVacation.com use only high-quality sources while researching & writing their articles. We make every attempt to keep our content current, reliable and trustworthy .

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This article was researched & written by

Nishtha Nogia

Nishtha Nogia loves to explore new places with family and friends. She travels to weave stories packed with fun, surprises, and laughter. For her, traveling is all about hogging local cuisines, interacting with people, and creating lifelong memories. She has a travel bucket list ready and is waiting to start ticking them one by one. Favourite Cities: Seoul, Paris, New York, and Istanbul.

Edited by Rekha Rajan & fact checked by Jamshed V Rajan

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Experience the varied history of Vienna as an interactive, accompanied tour in the historic vaults of the 400-year-old St. Michael Monestary. The past can be felt and experienced using state-of-the-art technology such as a 5D cinema, virtual reality, animatronics and much more. You travel rapidly into the time of the Roman camp Vindobona, follow in the footsteps of the Habsburgs and venture into a plague pit. You will meet the famous composers Mozart and Strauss, find refuge in an original air raid shelter and hear Leopold Figl's famous words "Austria is free". A magical carriage ride takes you back to the present.

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  • Sights from A to Z

Time Travel through Vienna

In Vienna city center, go on a virtual journey through the history of Vienna at "Time Travel Vienna".

The location is historical; the ambiance is modern: Go on a journey through the centuries in the vaulted ceilings of St. Michael’s monastery on Habsburgergasse. Your trip begins in a 5D cinema that takes visitors back to the age of Roman Vienna. The program also includes the Black Death in Vienna with plagues of rats (experienced up close!) and the second Turkish siege of Vienna in 1683.

The Emperor Maximilian I., Franz Joseph and his Sisi as well as Maria Theresia (in the form of animatronic figures) are the stars of the "Habsburg Show", which takes a tongue-in-cheek look back at the history of their family. In the plague pit, you can meet the plague doctor as well as "Dear Augustin" in person. In the "Ballroom", Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss deliver a verbal exchange of blows. Carousels and waltz music provide a festive atmosphere.

Other themes include the two world wars and the signing of the State Treaty on 15 May 1955. It ends with an interactive horse-drawn carriage ride through Vienna. The carriage "flies" and rides over the Imperial Palace, Stadtpark, State Opera to Schönbrunn and the Prater.

The total of eight stops are equipped with state-of-the-art show and effects technology. A "tour" lasts around 50 minutes through the virtual 1,300 m² world of history in Vienna’s underground. The show is in German. Special audio guides provide a simultaneous translation of the tour guides as well as the show and film texts (10 languages to choose from).

Time Travel Vienna

Vienna City Card

Benefits of the Vienna City Card : -20%

Additional information on the offer:

Standard ticket price: 22€ / Available on site and at ticket.viennacitycard.at

Opening times

  • daily, 10:00 - 20:00

Last entry: 7 p.m.


  • no steps (Double swinging doors 180 cm wide)
  • Door 90 cm wide
  • Wheelchair accessible restroom available.

People with disabilities receive discounted admission.

Elevator to the lower floors. Wheelchair users are not accepted due to construction regulations. Seeing-eye dogs not permitted.

Advance registration, please.

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Time Travel Vienna

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Top ways to experience Time Travel Vienna and nearby attractions

time travel museum vienna

  • Stephansplatz • 3 min walk

time travel museum vienna

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Detailed Reviews: Reviews ordered by recency and descriptiveness of user-identified themes such as waiting time, length of visit, general tips, and location information.

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TIME TRAVEL VIENNA: All You Need to Know BEFORE You Go (with Photos)

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  • (0.01 mi) Cafe
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The exciting way to discover Vienna!

With 5D cinema, animatronic wax figures, various rides and multimedia shows as well as extraordinary sound and light effects, Time Travel Vienna makes the moving history of Vienna tangible and tangible in a unique way.

Start every 20 minutes

237,144 visitors per year


Audio guide in 10 languages

1300 m2 adventure area

Starts every 20 minutes

The magical journey

Introduction by tour guides.

In a great Sisi film you will learn everything about Sisi’s life, her most beautiful moments as well as her fateful years.

Time Ride 5D Cinema

Take a seat in three boats and experience an exciting and adrenaline-filled journey through the dreamlike world of the empress.

Sisi's amazing Journey - Österreichs legendäre Kaiserin Sisi

The Habsburg Show

In the imperial theater you will see the Habsburg family come to life before your eyes.

Introduction with Tourguide

Time Ride 5D cinema

The Habsburg Show

The Habsburgs Show

The plague pit

Time Travel takes you right back in time to Vienna’s last major plague epidemic in 1679.

Mozart & Straus Music in Vienna

Experience a humorous conversation between the two well-known personalities of Viennese music.

VR Music Ride Viennese Waltz

Experience a virtual reality ride on the theme of “Vienna, City of Music”.

VR Music Ride Viennese waltz

Air raid warning in the air raid shelter

What was the war really like? Experience an air raid of the Second World War!

Occupied Vienna 1945-1955

Learn more about Vienna in the years 1945-1955

Sisi's amazing Journey - Österreichs legendäre Kaiserin Sisi

Vienna fiaker ride

Take a seat in a comfortable carriage and fly back to the present.

Air raid shelter

Occupied Vienna 1945 - 1955

Magical Fiaker Ride

Magical Fiaker Ride

The new attraction Sisi's Amazing Journey

Sisi’s Journey

Sisi's Journey

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor

Tickets & Prices

Adults from €16,90

Children & Teenager from €13,50

Students and Seniors from €15,20

Combined ticket from €20,90

Frequently asked

What is the best way to get to Time Travel Vienna and Sisi's Amazing Journey?

Time Travel Vienna is located at Habsburgergasse 10a, 1010 Vienna (side street from Graben). The subway stations U3/U1 Stephansplatz or U3 Herrengasse are closest. City buses line 1A and 2A also stop at Habsburgergasse station.

Sisi’s Amazing Journey is located just across the street from Time Travel, at Habsburgergasse 3.

You can find all directions and a map here.

I would like to visit Time Travel Vienna. Do I have to make a reservation?

We always recommend a reservation, which we gladly accept by phone, email or via the homepage. The tours start every 15-20 minutes.

Can I visit Time Travel Vienna with a pet?

Taking animals with you is not permitted at Time Travel.

What sights can I see after a tour with Time Travel Vienna?

Hofburg (Sisi Museum and Imperial Apartments), Spanish Riding School, Treasury, St. Stephen’s Cathedral, National Library and Albertina are about a 5-10 minute walk from Time Travel Vienna.

I am coming by car. Where can I park nearby?

At discounted rates you can park at the Wipark Garage, address: Freyung 4, 1010 Vienna. You can find more information here. You are not allowed to drive into Habsburgergasse (driving ban).

How does it work with the translation / audio guides ?

International guests can experience the entire tour with audio guides (headphones) simultaneously translated, there are 10 languages to choose from. The audio guides are included in the price of admission.

Can I visit the world of experience with a toddler?

Children from 0-4 years can visit the exhibition free of charge and share a seat with the accompanying person in the 5D cinema. Provided there is room in the tour, the child is welcome to sit in their own seat. In exceptional cases, toddlers may find the 5D Cinema too loud and may put on hearing protection headphones. You are welcome to sit with your toddler in a separate chair with no movement effects. You are welcome to bring a stroller, but please note that there are approximately 50 steps to climb during the tour.

Children under the age of 10 should only visit the exhibition when accompanied by an adult. The Plague Pit and Bunker stations can be skipped with this age group.

Opening hours

Daily from 10:00 – 20:00 Tour start every 30 minutes (’00, ’30)

We ask you 15 minutes before Tour start to arrive

Duration: about 30 minutes Last admission: at 7:30 p.m.

Gastronomy Partner

Hotel Partner

Directions & Parking

Habsburgergasse 3/8 1010 Vienna Near Graben

Show on Google Maps

Parking Freyung

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Sisi's amazing Journey - Österreichs legendäre Kaiserin Sisi

A partner company of the Vienna City Card

Sisi's amazing Journey - Österreichs legendäre Kaiserin Sisi

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Time Travel in Vienna Betriebs GmbH

Time Travel Vienna, Habsburgergasse, Wien, Österreich

Monday - Sunday: 10am - 8pm

General information

Dogs allowed? No

Wheelchair-accessible? No

© Time Travel Vienna

An innovative 1,300 m² world of adventures through time, right in the center of Vienna

Humorous and informative, tour will take you from the  foundation of Vienna as a Roman camp all the way through to the modern times

A highly interactive and totally immersive experience, Time Travel Vienna uses 5D cinema, animatronic figures and special effects to whisk you to the past, and back to the present

Music. Power. Glory. War. As the center of the Ottoman Empire and the former home of Freud and Mozart among others, Vienna has been through a lot. And with this time travel experience, you'll get to experience it all!

In just one hour you'll feel and experience Vienna's dramatic and thrilling history. Using 5D cinema, animatronic figures, and special effects, you'll turn even the most disinterested member of your party into a history buff.

This one hour experience, led by a real tour guide, is the perfect gateway to Vienna. Each trip offers fact-based insights into the city  that started as the Roman camp Vindobonan and that's not all! You'll learn tons of things you never knew about the Imperial City.

Also, your time travel experience takes place in an actual monastery in the center of the city. Cutting-edge technology in an ancient monastery? No wonder the rules of space and time are so flexible here.

This interactive attraction is a fun and informative way to get to know the culture, history, and traditions of Vienna.

Time Travel Vienna - Entry

time travel museum vienna

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All About Vienna

All About Vienna

Travel guides, attractions and tips


Time Travel Vienna – ticket

Time Travel Vienna - ticket


Habsburgergasse 10A, 1010 Wien

48.2082448, 16.3682446


08:00 – 20:00

With a visit to Time Travel Vienna , you can travel back in time to the city of Vienna. The interactive museum brings the past into the present day through the use of multimedia exhibits and attractions that provide audio-guided instructions.

Check out the period of Habsburg’s reign, explore the plague-stricken streets of medieval Vienna, and learn about the musical side of the city – all through the use of animatronics and spectacular effects, of course. A virtual horse-drawn carriage ride and an air-raid shelter from World War II are among the special attractions at the park.

Table of Contents

  • Tickets to Time Travel Vienna , the Vienna History Show.
  • With the help of spectacular special effects, images, and animatronics, take a journey through Vienna’s history.
  • Discover what it’s like to live in Rome. Vienna and the plague-stricken streets of the medieval city are two examples of this.
  • Embark on a waltz-car ride into the heart of Vienna’s musical legacy
  • Relive the era of the Habsburg rulers and learn what it was like to live in Vienna during a World War II air assault.
  • On a virtual fiaker trip, you’ll get a unique perspective on some of Vienna’s most famous sights.
  • Take advantage of the live guide or audio commentary to learn astonishing things about Vienna’s history.

Time Travel-Magic Vienna History Tour Ticket

Immerse yourself in the city’s evocative music and look out for Mozart and Strauss as you go across the virtual world. A recreated bunker from World War II allows you to imagine what life was like for the people of Vienna during an air raid. Finally, take a ride on a virtual fiaker and fly over Vienna in the present day.

Get a new perspective on some of the world’s most iconic monuments as you wander through the 21st-century city. When the show concludes and you leave the theater, your experience comes to an end.

Tour details

Tour type: Attraction ticket

Guide language: English (and 8 more, via audio guide)

Duration: 50 minutes

Price: from $24 (per person)

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Habsburgergasse 10a

1010 Vienna

Innere Stadt

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Photo of Kkomal A.

It's a museum to know about austria history in an interesting way. Its located in the centre of the market. Entrance ticket is 15 euros per person and is worth every penny. They have 5d movie and lots of good and interesting stories about Austria.

time travel museum vienna

Careful what tour you get put on here! The girl at the ticket booth purposely sold us tickets with a group of young children on a school trip. Why would you do such a stupid thing! She knew exactly what she was doing selling us these tickets because she sold tickets to the couple in front of us for the following tour telling them that was the next available tour. I should have picked up on it when she surprisingly sold us tickets to the tour earlier than them....real cute! We couldn't (or want to) sit in between screaming children having fun with their friends. They were so loud we couldn't hear what the tour was saying with our headsets on high volume!! Two rooms we couldn't even enter. For almost €20.00 per person this place should not have sold us tickets on this particular tour, its common sense. This place is either poorly run or uses discriminatory ways, either way would never return or recommend.

Do Not recommend this activity!

Do Not recommend this activity!

Photo of Jennifer B.

This was a neat way to learn a little history about Vienna in a more memorable way by having a guide take you through multiple rooms with different experiences in each one. The English audioguides we used were synced to when the actual guide started speaking in German. Throughout the experience you get to watch two 5 minute movies, listen to/watch life size historical figures, short clips of actual audio and footage from WWII, and watch a light show with classical music. This is a good activity for families and not too young kids, just overpriced so it's worth trying to find a discount if you can.


A mix of a limited motion ride with 3D glasses and a bunch of exhibits that you listen to talking replicas if historical figures in Vienna. Honestly, I found the experience very entertaining and informative. It's only 50 minutes long and it's great for the whole family!

time travel museum vienna

Helpful for learning Vienna's history, I would recommend the 3D rides. Audio system was a bit uncomfortable to use though

Photo of John D.

What fun. Definitely a must-see in Vienna. It's a bit of animated seats with a 3D movie and exhibits with animatronics. The posters are full of useful Vienna information and the electronic guides are good in many languages. The human guide speaks in German. I think the 3D movie might be a bit much for the very young set.

Photo of Connie B.

One of the most fun things to do on a rainy day! It is busy but they put visitors into small groups. It starts out with a cool 5D experience and then you go on a historic your of Vienna 12 meters underground. I don't recommend it if you are claustrophobic as part of the tour takes place in an air raid bunker that is locked(!) and simulates a bomb attack on Vienna. The tour is very well executed and takes about an hour.

Photo of Annelies B.

Our visit to Time Travel was very entertaining and the 5D cinema is really worth the visit. The information is presented in different and pleasant ways... which I let you discover yourself. This is not a boring historic museum, but an interactive insight in the Viennese culture.

Photo of Helena M.

I have heared some bad stories about the time travel vienna, but i can't agree with them. I found it really cool! Especially the 5d cinema was great!!! A little bit to short though, but over all the tourguide exerted him very much to give us a great experience - he also was very nice. as a local there were not a lot of new info about vienna, but i do think, if you are not from here, it can be very interessting beside the entertainment of the tour. also my friend liked it very much! I bought half price vouchers, so the price was OK, I would't have bought tickets for the regular price though - 19€ is really not cheap - but i understand after seeing the tour, that maintaining all the electricity down there must cost something, next to the costs for the service stuff.

Photo of Lavender L.

It was okay, but not worth the expensive price!! Get a merkur card and use your points to get half off coupons! The staff were very friendly and the guide was great! The movie was short and not very helpful in understanding the history of Vienna. Just a picture show with lots of air spraying on you. I learned more from living here, reading travel books, and talking to locals. Otherwise, I do not think I would have got anything from the movie. The rest of the tour was about the Habsburg dynasty and politics. Not so interesting for children.

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  • Stephansplatz • 3 min walk

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Visiting Vienna

Wien Museum on Karlsplatz

Entrance to the Wien Museum

Until they invent time travel, nothing beats the Wien Museum on Karlsplatz for a journey into the past. An all-new building and exhibition takes you through the history of Vienna and its people.

  • Lovely, modern ambience and design
  • Combines history with current perspectives
  • Be sure to go onto the terrace for the views
  • Look for the special exhibitions
  • All info also in English
  • Wien Museum locations

A city’s journey

The Wien Museum in the snow

(One side of the museum on the wintry day it reopened)

Early December 2023 saw the reopening of the main Wien Museum on Karlsplatz after a long closure for major redevelopment of both the building and the permanent exhibition within.

Remarkably, they completed all the work to plan, on time and on budget, despite the various public health and inflation issues of the construction years. But the big question for us, of course, is…was it worth it?

Spoiler: yes. We have a new jewel in the city’s museum landscape.

At its core, the Wien Museum presents the history of Vienna (the city and community) in three floors.

We discover the art and the achievements, but also the darker times.

We explore lives, events and movements. Witness the exceptional and the banal.

And browse over 1700 newly-renovated objects: all united by their association with a former Imperial capital that has a long entry in the chronicles of human civilisation.

The Permanent Exhibition

Model of Stephansdom cathedral

(The exhibition atrium with the giant model of Stephansdom cathedral; press photo by Lisa Rastl © Wien Museum)

The Vienna. My history exhibition takes you on a chronological journey through 13 chapters. You begin at the Paleolithic era with a mammoth tusk and end in the current day with a backpack from a food delivery service.

Roman encampments, Gothic cathedrals, Habsburg monarchs, Ottoman sieges, Nazis, Red Vienna, the Wiener Moderne and more all feature.

The displays go beyond just history to draw in art, culture, economics, social issues, urban development and even natural history (including an itinerant giant whale sculpture that once graced the insides of the Zum Walfisch restaurant in the Prater ).

Something for everyone and plenty of interactive hands-on elements for kids, too.

A journey full of change, yet always presented with a thread of continuity and parallels between past and present.

I’m working on a more detailed article on the exhibition itself, but here some personal highlights:

Paintings in an exhibition

(Klimt, Kurzweil and others in the Fin-de-siècle Vienna chapter; press photo by Lisa Rastl © Wien Museum)

You might almost consider this an art museum inside a history museum. The cityscapes in oils, etchings, watercolours and engravings bring the past to life and allow comparisons across the decades.

And then we have the famous artists, with works by the likes of Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele, Richard Gerstl, Auguste Rodin, Otto Wagner, Rudolf von Alt, Friedrich von Amerling, and Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller…among many others.

We can, of course, appreciate the many oil paintings for their artistic quality, but also understand their marketing or even propaganda value; disinformation did not begin with social media. As such, not all the displayed works make for comfortable viewing.

For example, the numerous Nazi banners in Igo Pötsch’s 1940 painting of Heldenplatz square and The Führer Travelling to the Proclamation on March 15th, 1938 feel like scars on the city’s character.

Models & installations

I love the giant models of Vienna at different time periods, not to mention a huge replica of Stephansdom cathedral built in the 1800s (with a periscope to see inside).

One large atrium also has the original statues from the 18th-century Donnerbrunnen fountain you can see on Neuer Markt square (home to one of my favourite cafés ).

Connections & commentary

Biedermeier paintings

(Despite these paintings, it’s not all about domestic bliss in the Wien Museum; press photo by Lisa Rastl © Wien Museum)

History is anything but dry here, as the exhibition constantly draws out links to current issues and times.

So you discover a long tradition of moving to where the work is: Roman soldiers assigned to Vindobona (Vienna’s Latin name) came from the British Isles, Arabia, North Africa and throughout Europe.

Six dedicated visitor stations actually invite you to consider specific parallels between the past and today. Medieval guilds restricted access to certain occupations, for example. Today we have more subtle glass ceilings.

I particularly value an approach that goes beyond the usual areas of emphasis.

Many places in Vienna have a laser-like focus on emperors and empresses. Understandable, of course, and the Wien Museum has its paintings of Imperial personalities, too. But the servants also get attention.

The museum, for example, invites us to admire the monumental construction era of the late 1800s that gave rise to the Ring and all its glories. But we also learn of the workers who built the famous buildings and the conditions under which they lived.

Expect some excellent temporary exhibitions , too, covering artistic, sociocultural and contemporary themes.

The building itself

The Wien Museum terrace

(View of Karlskirche church from the Wien Museum terrace; press photo by Lisa Rastl © Wien Museum)

The redevelopment means the Wien Museum oozes style and space.

No sweeping staircases and golden ornamentation. But the compensation is a next-generation airy, modern museum with room to breathe. And all carrying the Austrian Ecolabel. Both the building and permanent exhibition are designed for accessibility that goes far beyond the usual.

Be sure to go out onto the terrace, which gives you views across the park to the neighbouring Karlskirche church , Musikverein , Konzerthaus and other landmarks. In winter, dusk should provide a gorgeous outlook across the Art Advent Christmas market below.

Tickets, exhibitions & tips

Unusually for Vienna and the wider German-speaking world, basic museum entry is free. This includes the permanent exhibition. You only pay to access any special exhibition that might be on.

Special exhibitions

The current schedule for the main exhibition floor is:

  • Secessions. Klimt, Stuck, Liebermann (May 23rd to October 13th, 2024): exploring the secessionist movements that popped up at the end of the 1800s in Vienna, Berlin and Munich
  • Winter in Vienna (November 14th, 2024 to March 16th, 2025): the season through the centuries, tackling topics like climate change, winter activities, municipal challenges and more

The official website also offers a free digital guide to the permanent exhibition in English you can access via your smartphone’s web browser. No app needed.

The museum has the fully-fledged Trude restaurant (also open late at night) on the ground floor and a self-service café-bar (a certain summer hit) adjoining the terrace inside the main museum itself.

Vienna has other options for exploring specific aspects of its history outside the Wien Museum. Continue your journey with these articles, for example:

  • Overviews on historical eras: the Habsburg dynasty , the Ottoman siege of 1683 , Baroque Vienna , the Biedermeier , the Wiener Moderne and Jugendstil
  • Location guides: WWII , Klimt , Schiele and the composers
  • Imperial life: visit the Hofburg and Schönbrunn palace complexes

How to get there

You would struggle to pick an easier location to reach. The Wien Museum occupies the NE corner of the Karlsplatz area, which has its own subway station. Take the U1, U4 or U2 (when reopened) to Karlsplatz station and look for the Resselpark exit.

Alternatively, take a short walk from nearby tram stops. For example: Gußhausstraße (line D), Schwarzenbergplatz (lines D, 2, 71) and Oper/Karlsplatz (lines 1, 2, D, 71, 62)

Address: Karlsplatz 8, 1040 Vienna | Website

time travel museum vienna

The Best Museums To Visit In Vienna

Europe is a dream destination for many. After all, it's home to some of the most historic, charming, and friendly cities in the world. From Amsterdam's canals and endless museums to Florence's incredible food and London's endless family-friendly attractions , there's something for every type of traveler. The list of popular holiday destinations in Europe is extensive, but there is one place that's often overlooked. In fact, it may just be Europe's most underrated metropolis: Vienna.

It's time to change that! The Austrian capital is home to royal palaces, top-rated art museums, family-friendly attractions (like the world's oldest zoo), a rich cafe culture with mouth-watering cakes at every turn, and more. Many of its star attractions are located within walking distance of each other and a large portion are clustered in the MuseumsQuartier. Exploring the historic city center on foot is not only easy but a must. Meanwhile, attractions that are further afield are well connected by an extensive metro and tram network. To help inspire your next trip and make planning your itinerary a little easier, here are the very best must-visit museums in Vienna.

The Hofburg

The Hofburg was once the imperial palace of the Habsburg dynasty and served as the royals' winter residence as of the 13th century. It's one of the largest palace complexes in the world and today, it's home to numerous museums. Interestingly, it's also the official residence of the President of Austria. As a tourist, you can visit the Imperial Apartments to see where and how the Habsburgs lived for over six centuries and walk through lavishly decorated bedrooms, salons, and even Empress Elisabeth's exercise room. The empress, who was nicknamed Sisi, also gets her time in the spotlight in the second major museum here: the Sisi Museum . Comprising over 300 personal objects – including a milk glass complete with a traveling case! – it paints a full picture of the life (and personality) of Emperor Franz Joseph I's wife. A single-day ticket will get you into both attractions. 

Hofburg is also home to the Imperial Treasury where you can see crowns and other royal treasures; the Spanish Riding School where you can see Lipizzaner horses in action at a training or dressage performance; and the Austrian National Library, whose 18th-century State Hall is one of the most beautiful in the world. These require separate tickets.

The Belvedere

Set in a sprawling park, the Belvedere  museum complex is made up of two historic palaces (Upper Belvedere and Lower Belvedere), a modern-day addition dedicated to contemporary art (Belvedere 21), and lush Baroque-style gardens. You could easily spend an entire day here, but if you're tight on time and still want to visit all three museums (Tip: Opt for the 3-in-1 day ticket), you'll need to allocate about three hours.

Built by Prince Eugene of Savoy in the early 1700s, Upper and Lower Belvedere were meant to serve as his summer home. Now, the lavish estate houses some of the world's greatest art. Start at Upper Belvedere to see works from the Middle Ages running through Baroque, Modernism, and all the way up to the 1970s. Here, you'll have the chance to view pieces from greats like Egon Schiele, Claude Monet, and Vincent van Gogh. However, it's the Gustav Klimt collection – the largest in the world – that sets art lovers' hearts aflutter, including the iconic "The Kiss."

As for Lower Belvedere, it's home to temporary exhibits, like 2023's "Klimt. Inspired by Van Gogh, Rodin, Matisse," and offers a chance to glimpse how Prince Eugene lived through preserved period rooms, including the Marble Gallery, Gold Cabinet, and Hall of Grotesques. Finish off your visit at Belvedere 21, which was specially built to showcase contemporary art, film, and music.

Schönbrunn Palace And Schönbrunn Zoo

Located just outside the historic city center, Schönbrunn Palace is perhaps the most popular attraction in the city. The sprawling complex became the Habsburgs' summer home under the 18th-century rule of Maria Theresa. Today, the imperial palace, along with its lush gardens and award-winning Schönbrunn Zoo, is on UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites. While you could easily spend half a day exploring the palace, walking through the various green spaces, and getting lost in the park maze and labyrinth, you can tailor your visit to your time frame. Ticket reservations for the palace are a must and you can opt to visit the State Apartments (about 25 minutes), take the Imperial Tour (about 40 minutes) to see Emperor Franz Joseph I and Sisi's private apartments, or the Grand Tour (about 60 minutes) which covers all of the above, as well as Maria Theresa's rooms.

Schönbrunn Zoo, where you can spend the rest of your day, is equally impressive. In addition to being the oldest zoo in the world, it's repeatedly been voted Europe's best zoo and is home to 700 species, from Siberian tigers to capybaras, bearded dragons, exotic birds, and the show-stealing giant pandas. Tip: Make sure to check the daily animal feeding schedule for an added treat.

Depending on what you'd like to visit, there are various combination tickets available. For a family day out, be sure to also stop by the Children's Museum Schönbrunn Palace where kids can learn about royal life through hands-on exhibits.

Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna

The Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna looks like a palace and the collection it houses is truly royal in nature. Opened in 1891, the museum was commissioned by Emperor Franz Joseph I as a place to display the Imperial Collections of the Habsburgs. Step into the opulent entrance hall and you'll be greeted by a dizzying array of sculptures, marble columns, and gold. Walk up the grand staircase and admire the paintings created by brothers Ernst and Gustav Klimt and Franz von Matsch, which decorate all of the empty spaces between arches and columns.

This breathtaking beginning sets the tone for the impressive (and varied!) art collection you'll experience inside. Spanning Ancient Egypt to the late 18th century, artifacts range from Egyptian sarcophagi to Greek and Roman antiquities, some 600,000 coins, as well as paintings by an impressive array of Old Masters. Here, you'll be able to admire works by the likes of Peter Paul Rubens, Rembrandt van Rijn, and Johannes Vermeer, as well as experience the world's largest collection of works by Pieter Bruegel the Elder. In need of a break? You can stop by the café-restaurant for a traditional coffee and torte served in the gorgeous Cupola Hall or settle in for a full breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Natural History Museum Vienna

The Natural History Museum Vienna has a history as impressive as its displays. Franz I Stephan of Lorraine was a Habsburg monarch, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire as of 1745, and an avid lover of the natural world. It was he who founded the Schönbrunn Zoo in 1752, followed by Schönbrunn Palace's botanic garden the following year. His passion was so strong that he even funded scientific expeditions abroad and, in 1750, purchased what was then the world's biggest collection of natural history objects. Among the 30,000 pieces he acquired were fossils, minerals, corals, and much more. Following his death in 1765, the collection was made public, laying the foundation for today's museum.

Located right next to the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna, it brings together biology, earth sciences, anthropology, and archaeology. The rich permanent collection features everything from fossils to meteorites, minerals, animal specimens, and (always a hit) dinosaurs. Just some highlights include a full-sized pteranodon model, pterosaur skeletons, and an animatronic version of an allosaurus placed next to the real deal.

Leopold Museum

The Leopold Museum is conveniently located next to the Natural History Museum Vienna and Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna and is home to an impressive array of Austrian modern art collected by Dr. Rudolf Leopold and his wife, Elisabeth Leopold. Dr. Leopold began acquiring works in the 1950s and eventually ended up with over 5,000 pieces from local masters like Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, and Oskar Kokoschka. As his obituary in The New York Times pointed out, Dr. Leopold was particularly fond of Schiele, even though his works were taboo and quite controversial at the time. In addition to writing books about the artist, he amassed the largest Egon Schiele collection in the world, comprising 42 paintings, 187 original graphics, and various manuscripts.

In 2001, the Leopold Museum opened to allow everyone to enjoy the fruits of Leopold's art collecting. The space is truly a love letter to the art of Vienna, particularly Viennese Modernism. In addition to the Schiele collection, the permanent exhibition, "Vienna 1900. Birth of Modernism," brings together 1,300 paintings, sculptures, photographs, textiles, furniture, and more to present a well-rounded picture of the art of the times.

Albertina And Albertina Modern

Although these two museums are housed in separate buildings, it's just a nine-minute walk between them and buying a combined entry ticket will save you over 25% on admission. Begin at Albertina and get lost in the stellar permanent exhibition "Monet to Picasso: The Batliner Collection," which features works by greats like Marc Chagall, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, and Paul Cézanne. The museum also hosts top-rated temporary exhibits, like 2023's "Dürer, Munch, Miró: The Great Masters of Printmaking." But it's not just fine art you'll see here. The building that houses Albertina was once the residence of the Habsburg Archdukes and today, there are 20 restored and furnished Habsburg State Rooms for you to visit.

Once you've finished your journey to the past, you can venture over to Albertina Modern for a big dose of contemporary art. While the permanent collection focuses on post-1945 Austrian artists, temporary exhibits take a more international approach with shows like 2022's "Ai Weiwei: In Search of Humanity" and 2023's "Andy Warhol to Damien Hirst: The Revolution in Printmaking."

Tip: It makes sense to do both museums on the same day, given their proximity, but your ticket allows you to visit them on different days within one year.

Former Apartments Of Beethoven, Strauss, And More

Think of a famous composer and chances are, they lived and worked in Vienna – at least for a time. Indeed, Ludwig van Beethoven, Johann Strauss, Franz Schubert, and Joseph Haydn all called the city home and six of their former apartments have been turned into museums. You can purchase a combined ticket to save nearly 40% on admission and gain access to: Haydnhaus where Haydn spent the last 12 years of his life; Johann Strauss Wohnung where Strauss lived and worked for seven years; Schubert Geburtshaus where the composer was born; Schubert Sterbewohnung, the apartment where he spent the last few weeks of his life before his death at just 31; Beethoven Pasqualatihaus where Beethoven worked on many of his famed symphonies over eight years; and the Beethoven Museum which showcases the famed maestro's life, work, and struggles. While the museums are compact, they are spread out across the city, so you may want to visit them on separate days. Luckily, your ticket is valid for a full year.

Note: You may also wish to visit Mozarthaus Vienna, the only remaining Viennese apartment that Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart once called home, but that will require a separate ticket.

Klimt Villa

Located close to Schönbrunn Palace, Klimt Villa is a must-visit for Gustav Klimt fans. While it may not generate as much buzz as, say, Upper Belvedere's collection of Klimt paintings, it is the only space in the city where you can literally walk in the artist's footsteps and learn more about him as a person.

What is now an impressive villa used to be a single-story summer house which Klimt rented and used as a workshop from 1911 until his death in 1918. Notably, while the home was later expanded (and nearly demolished!), the studio space was left untouched. Today, it has been meticulously reconstructed to look as it did when Klimt was in residence. With help from photographs and historical accounts, curators were able to bring Klimt's reception room and studio back to life, offering visitors the unique chance to experience the space as the artist himself would have seen it. Once you're done inside, you can wander out into the very garden he once painted and imagine yourself the subject of one of his works. Tip: If you happen to be visiting on a weekend between May and October, you can enjoy a coffee break in the Garden Café.

Jewish Museum Vienna

The first Jewish museum in the world was founded in Vienna in 1895 and today's Jewish Museum Vienna continues that storied legacy. During WWII, Nazis closed the museum and confiscated its collection, over half of which was never to be seen again. The surviving objects now make up the core of today's museum, which aims to shine a light on Jewish history, religion, and culture. It is split into two locations – Museum Judenplatz and Museum Dorotheergasse – but they can easily be visited at the same time, as they're just an eight-minute walk apart. However, your ticket is valid for seven days, so you can also split them up if you prefer.

We recommend starting at Museum Dorotheergasse where the permanent exhibit "Our City! Jewish Vienna - Then to Now" will teach you about Jewish life from the Middle Ages until the present day. Other highlights include the Atelier, which showcases the art of celebrating various holidays and festivities, as well as Visible Storage, which houses the remaining collection from the original museum. Then, you can make your way to Museum Judenplatz, housed on the site where a 13th-century synagogue once stood until its destruction in 1421. This was the heart of the Jewish quarter at the time and the synagogue's remains can be seen inside the museum alongside a virtual reconstruction.

Museum Of Applied Arts (MAK)

The Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) dates all the way back to 1863 when Rudolf von Eitelberger, the first-ever professor of history at the University of Vienna, dreamt up the space to rival London's Victoria and Albert Museum. Initially called the Imperial Royal Museum of Art and Industry, the MAK showcases a wide-ranging collection, from furniture to textiles, contemporary art, and Venetian glass. Its permanent exhibition, titled "Vienna 1900," is a must-see made up of 500 pieces that shine a spotlight on the various art forms of the time. Fans of Gustav Klimt will be delighted to find that the exhibit is home to a shimmering design drawing that runs over three feet in length and is covered in gold leaf, silver leaf, and platinum leaf. The panel depicts the design from the Stoclet Frieze, which Klimt designed for the Palais Stoclet in Brussels (a private home) around 1900.

Other highlights include the MAK Permanent Collection Asia, as well as temporary exhibits from the likes of French performance artist Lili Reynaud-Dewar and New York Minimalist Rosemarie Castoro.

Ernst Fuchs Museum (Otto Wagner Villa)

Yes, the Ernst Fuchs Museum (Otto Wagner Villa) is off the beaten path, but it rewards those who make the effort to reach it with a truly surprising gem of a visit. Accessible by public transport from the Maria-Theresien-Platz, this unique museum brings together two great artists – Otto Wagner and Ernst Fuchs – and offers a rare respite from the crowds.

Famed Austrian architect Otto Wagner (born in 1841) left his stamp all around the city and you can still admire his Art Nouveau creations while wandering Vienna's historic center, from his Majolikahaus (Majolica House) to the Karlsplatz metro station. However, this villa offers the unique opportunity to visit an entire home dreamt up by Wagner. Built in 1888 as a summer getaway for his family, the villa later changed hands and fell into disrepair until Viennese painter Ernst Fuchs (born in 1930) purchased it in 1972. With help from Wagner's original designs, he lovingly restored the home and went on to use it as his own studio. These days, a visit offers the chance to admire the works of both men.

Walk through the opulent rooms filled with period furniture (including Art Nouveau decor designed by Wagner himself), take in the Fuchs paintings adorning the walls, and get ready to have your breath taken away by beautiful touches, like the stunning stained glass windows by Adolf Böhm.

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  1. Time Travel Vienna

    Hofburg (Sisi Museum and Imperial Apartments), Spanish Riding School, Treasury, St. Stephen's Cathedral, National Library and Albertina are about 5-10 minutes walk from Time Travel Vienna. Opening hours. Daily from 10:00 - 20:00 Tour start every 20 minutes (´00, ´20, ´40) We ask you 15 minutes before

  2. Time Travel Vienna

    Hofburg (Sisi-Museum und Kaiserappartements), Spanische Hofreitschule, Schatzkammer, Stephansdom, Nationalbibliothek und Albertina liegen ca. 5-10 Gehminuten von Time Travel Vienna entfernt. Öffnungszeiten. Täglich von 10:00 - 20:00 Uhr Tourstart alle 20 Minuten (´00, ´20, ´40)

  3. Time Travel Vienna

    You will learn the history of Vienna in 50 minutes, in a 1200m² monastery, which is 400 years old. Let your personal tour guide take you into the mystical vault and experience the award winning 5D cinema, where you will travel 2000 years back into the past.Time Travel will introduce to you in person, the Habsburg family and the famous ...

  4. Time Travel Vienna

    How to reach Time Travel Vienna. Time Travel is a short distance from St Peter's Catholic Church. Address: Habsburgergasse 10A, 1010 Wien, Austria. Get Directions. You can reach the history museum via bus, subway, or car. By Bus. The bus stop Habsburgergasse (Bus No. 1A and 2A) is just a few steps away from the attraction. By Subway

  5. Time Travel Vienna

    Experience the varied history of Vienna as an interactive, accompanied tour in the historic vaults of the 400-year-old St. Michael Monestary. The past can be felt and experienced using state-of-the-art technology such as a 5D cinema, virtual reality, animatronics and much more. You travel rapidly into the time of the Roman camp Vindobona ...

  6. Time Travel through Vienna

    In Vienna city center, go on a virtual journey through the history of Vienna at "Time Travel Vienna". Map. The location is historical; the ambiance is modern: Go on a journey through the centuries in the vaulted ceilings of St. Michael's monastery on Habsburgergasse. Your trip begins in a 5D cinema that takes visitors back to the age of Roman ...

  7. Time Travel Vienna

    Chocolate workshop in Chocolate Museum Vienna "BO-YO" 120. Food & Drink. from . £34.16. per adult. Historical Hitler Walking Tour of Vienna. 217. Recommended. 95% of reviewers gave this product a bubble rating of 4 or higher. Historical Tours. ... Time Travel Vienna admission prices can vary. Entrance tickets currently cost £19.17, while a ...

  8. Home

    Time Travel Vienna is located at Habsburgergasse 10a, 1010 Vienna (side street from Graben). The subway stations U3/U1 Stephansplatz or U3 Herrengasse are closest. ... Hofburg (Sisi Museum and Imperial Apartments), Spanish Riding School, Treasury, St. Stephen's Cathedral, National Library and Albertina are about a 5-10 minute walk from Time ...

  9. Time Travel Vienna

    And with this time travel experience, you'll get to experience it all! In just one hour you'll feel and experience Vienna's dramatic and thrilling history. Using 5D cinema, animatronic figures, and special effects, you'll turn even the most disinterested member of your party into a history buff.

  10. Time Travel Vienna

    With a visit to Time Travel Vienna, you can travel back in time to the city of Vienna.The interactive museum brings the past into the present day through the use of multimedia exhibits and attractions that provide audio-guided instructions.. Check out the period of Habsburg's reign, explore the plague-stricken streets of medieval Vienna, and learn about the musical side of the city - all ...

  11. Time Travel tour of Vienna

    Think of the Time Travel tour as an experience, rather than a tour. It all takes place in the underground chambers of an ancient monastery (genuinely) right in the centre of Vienna, with around 1300m 2 fitted out with various rooms and tracts containing what we might call edutainment stations. You walk from one to the next, accompanied by a ...

  12. Time Travel Vienna tickets

    The zoo was founded as an imperial menagerie in 1752, by the then Holy Roman Emperor, Francis I. It was opened to the public in 1779. The Tiergarten has an amazing array of animals (more than 700 species in all). 4.8 (2,215) From$3.20. Vienna.

  13. Time Travel in Vienna Betriebs GmbH

    32 reviews and 52 photos of TIME TRAVEL IN VIENNA BETRIEBS GMBH "I have heared some bad stories about the time travel vienna, but i can't agree with them. I found it really cool! Especially the 5d cinema was great!!! A little bit to short though, but over all the tourguide exerted him very much to give us a great experience - he also was very nice. as a local there were not a lot of new info ...

  14. Time Travel Vienna

    Top ways to experience Time Travel Vienna and nearby attractions. Time Travel-Magic Vienna History Tour Ticket. 798. Historical Tours. from . ... Chocolate workshop in Chocolate Museum Vienna "BO-YO" 119. Food & Drink. from . $43.01. per adult. BEST SELLER. Vienna Classical Concert at St. Peter's Church. 569.

  15. Vienna: Time Travel and Magic Vienna History Tour

    Visitors can travel back in time using virtual reality glasses and witness key moments in Vienna's history through an interactive multimedia experience.; The tour allows participants to experience the grand concert halls and opera houses of the past, listen to Chancellor Figl's historic speech, and visit the 5D cinema to see ancient Vienna in all its glory.

  16. Vienna: Time Travel and Magic Vienna History Tour

    Meeting point. Meeting point: Habsburgergasse 10A, 1010 Vienna Time Travel Vienna is located in Vienna's Altstadt district (historic city center), 200 meters from the Hofburg and just 100 meters from Graben, Kohlmarkt und Stephansplatz. You can reach Vienna Time Travel with the underground on lines U1 (Stephansplatz) or U3 (Herrengasse), you ...

  17. Time Travel: The Vienna History Show Ticket in Vienna 2024

    Step back in Viennese time with a visit to Time Travel: The Vienna History Show. The exciting museum brings the past into the present day, courtesy of multimedia displays and attractions audio-given information. Check out the era of Habsburg rule, uncover the plague-hit streets of medieval Vienna and discover the musical side of the city — all through animatronics and special effects ...

  18. Time Travel Vienna, Vienna

    1. Vienna: Time Travel and Magic Vienna History Tour. Experience fun and action for the whole family and travel through 2000 years of Vienna's history. Lose yourself In the extensive cellars of the St. Michael's monastery, on this journey into Vienna's past. Through the use of the latest in entertainment technology travel through time, going ...

  19. Wien Museum on Karlsplatz

    Until they invent time travel, nothing beats the Wien Museum on Karlsplatz for a journey into the past. An all-new building and exhibition takes you through the history of Vienna and its people. Lovely, modern ambience and design. Over 1700 objects in the (free) permanent exhibition. Combines history with current perspectives.

  20. The Best Museums To Visit In Vienna

    The Museum of Applied Arts (MAK) dates all the way back to 1863 when Rudolf von Eitelberger, the first-ever professor of history at the University of Vienna, dreamt up the space to rival London's ...