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La tour Shanghaï - le plus haut gratte-ciel de Chine

Second plus haut gratte-ciel au monde (pour l’année 2018), la tour Shanghaï s'élève à une hauteur de 632 mètres sur 128 étages. Elle constitue l’édifice touristique incontournable de la ville de Shanghaï .

Quelques faits sur la tour Shanghaï

Tour Shanghaï

  • Notation:  #7 surTripAdvisorparmi les plus de 1,000 choses à faire à Shanghaï.
  • Hauteur:  632 mètres
  • Nombres d'étages:  128 étages et 5 niveaux souterrains.
  • Fin de la construction:  2014- ouverture au public en 2016.
  • Coût de la construction: environ, 2.4 milliards USD
  • Appellation chinoise  上海中心大厦 Shànghǎi Zhōngxīn Dàshà

Points forts touristiques

Records en 2018.

  • Hauteur: second plus haut bâtiment au monde
  • Terrasse d'observation:  la plus haute terrasse d'observation du monde, située au 119 ème étage du gratte-ciel, soit à une hauteur de 561 mètres.
  • Hôtel de luxe: le second hôtel le plus haut du monde
  • Ascenseurs:  parmi les ascenseurs les plus rapides au monde

Le bâtiment le plus élevé de Chine

L'édifice éclipse, sans aucun doute, ces deux building situés à proximité, à savoir, la tour Jin Mao de 88 étages ainsi que le Centre mondial des finances de Shangaï qu’il dépasse de 122 mètres, environ, tout comme le Taipei 101 de Taipei à Taïwan.

Ses ascenseurs (pour certains, les plus rapides du monde) , transportent les visiteurs à la vitesse de 65 km/h. La montée et la descente représentent, déjà, à elles seules, une expérience unique de la visite.

Hôtel: le second hôtel le plus haut du monde

Vous apprécierez, assurément, un séjour dans cet hôtel de luxe, niché entre le 84 ème étage et le 110 ème étage du gratte-ciel.

Pour l'instant et, ce, depuis 2018, seul le Ritz Carleton de la tour ICC perché à une hauteur de 484 mètres reste le plus élevé. Néanmoins, il sera, bientôt,détrôné par l'hôtel du centre financier Ping'an de Shenzhen et le Rosewood du centre des finances CTF de Canton dont on envisage l’ouverture en 2019.


Photo de la tour Shanghaï avec, à proximité, la tour Jinmao et le centre financier mondial de Shanghaï

tour de shanghai

  • Objectif:  symboliser une structure emblématique au centre de la capitale économique de la Chine et constituer avec la tour Jinmao et le centre mondial de Shanghaï un ensemble triangulaire de hauts gratte-ciels.
  • Utilisation de l'espace:  observatoires, salles de conférences et de séminaires, hôtel, musée, boutiques, restaurants, jardins et galerie marchande.
  • Esthétique:  sa forme hélicoïdale confère à l'édifice, une apparence générale atypique et ultra-moderne.
  • Ergonomie: les installations sont conçues de manière à ce que le bâtiment devienne une entité habitable et autonome.
  • Eco- efficacité: Pour l’isolation, deux couches de verre recouvrent l’ensemble du bâtiment. Certaines eaux usées sont recyclées tandis que les eaux de pluie sont récupérées afin de les réutiliser. Enfin, des éoliennes et des panneaux solaires permettent de produire une partie de l'énergie indispensable au fonctionnement de la tour.

Une conception à la pointe de la modernité

Croquis sur la conception de la tour Shanghaï

La construction du bâtiment relève d’une innovation récente dans la conception de très haut gratte-ciel. A l’instar de tous les plus hauts gratte-ciels édifiés au cours de ces dernières années,à travers le monde, l’ossature de la tour comporte un noyau de béton épais en lieu et placed'une charpente composée de simples poutres en acier.

Construire à Shanghaï (ville située sur le delta d'une rivière), se révèle un véritable défi. Outre son sol sablonneux, la région doit, en effet, affronter, régulièrement, des typhons et des tremblements de terre. La tour est construite sur des piliers en béton de 70 mètres de longueur.

Avec sa forme cylindrique en spirale innovante qui la rend plus aérodynamique, on peut, ainsi, améliorer la stabilité de la structure par vents forts.Particulièrement insolite, cet aspect hélicoïdalembellit, encore, l’édifice.

Le bâtiment constitue une vitrine parfaite de l'ingénierie du 21 ème siècle . Effectivement, afin de réaliser des économies d'énergie et apporter une protection supplémentaire à l’ensemble,la construction de la tour Shanghaï se base sur le modèle d’une bouteille thermos avec une enveloppe extérieure constituée de façades vitrées à deux épaisseurs.

Comparaison de la tour Shanghaï avec la tour Burj Khalifa

Photo du noyau central en béton, autour duquel les pièces ont été construites, visible lors de la construction de l'édifice en 2013.

tour de shanghai

On compare, très souvent, ces deux “géants” qui restent,toujours, en 2018, les plus hauts du monde. Tous deux doivent leur conception , en grande partie, à Marshall Strabala , architecte américain expert dans la conception de gratte-ciels les plus impressionnants.

Hauteur : Le Burj mesure 829,80 mètres de haut dépassant, ainsi, la tour Shanghaï de 198 mètres. Toutefois, son dernier étage se situe, seulement, à 584 mètres, au-dessus, l’espace reste inoccupéet se termine par une antenne. En fait, la partie supérieure du Burj a été ajoutée, non seulement, pour servir de pylone à l’antenne mais, surtout,pour gagner en hauteur et lui donner, ainsi, une belle élégance visuelle.

Hauteur fonctionnelle : Le dernier étage et les terrasses d'observation (au nombre de deux) de la Tour Shanghaï sont plus élevés. Situéeau 119 ème étage du bâtiment à 561 mètres de hauteur et la seule ouverte au public, la terrasse d’observation dépasse de 6 mètres, la plate-forme de Burj Khalifa (555 mètres).

Panorama: Depuis la Tour de Shanghaï, la vue sur la rivière Huangpu, le quartier historique du Bund et le paysage urbain du district de Pudong est beaucoup plus belle en comparaison de celle que l’on aperçoit depuis la Burj Khalifa qui, sur chacun de ses côtés, donne sur un désert aride, sur la mer et la petite ville de Dubaï.

Essentiels de voyage

  • Adresse : District financier et commercial, Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghaï
  • Déplacements en métro : emprunter la ligne 2 du métro jusqu'a la stationLujiazui. Prendre la sortie 4 et marcher, environ, 500 mètres avant d’atteindre la tour Shanghaï..
  • Terrasse d'observation: prixd'entrée: 180 RMB;
  • Horaires d'ouverture 8:30 - 22:00
  • Panorama :Depuis les étages supérieurs de la tour, les visiteurs pourront admirer les lumières nocturnes et les scènes de coucher de soleil au crépuscule, particulièrement étonnantes. Toutefois, par temps pluvieux et de brouillard, la visibilité est réduite.

Visiter Shanghaï à votre façon !

tour de shanghai

Nos programmes de circuit bien conçus englobent les lieux symboliques de Shanghaï, de manière à ce que l'expérience et les commentaires de nos clients restentuniques. En outre, nous vous pouvons, si nécessaire, les adapter en fonction de vos centres d'intérêt et à votre façon de voyager.

Itinéraires de Shanghaï conseillés

  • Circuit de l'essentiel de Shanghaï et de Hangzhou sur 5 jours : Visiter les sites les plus célèbres de Shanghaïet de Hangzhou, comme, notamment, le quartier du Bund et le lac de l'Ouest.
  • Le Triangle d'Or  —L'itinéraire Pékin-Xi'an-Shanghai de 8 jours adaptable suivant les sites que vous souhaitez visiter en priorité, constitue, depuis plus de 20 ans, notre circuit le plus prisé des touristes qui viennent, pour la première fois, visiter la Chine .

Sinon, n’hésitez pas à nous adresser notre formulaire de création d'un circuit en 4 minutes, en précisant vos centres-d'intérêts et vos souhaits. Nous vous soumettrons, alors, dans les 48 heures, un itinéraire et le devis correspondant.

Besoin d'autres idées de circuit pour vous aider à organiser votre séjour ?

Le Triangle d'or

Le Triangle d'or

Pékin - Xian - Shanghai

8 jours / 7 nuits

 Voyage en Chine à travers le temps

Voyage en Chine à travers le temps

Pékin - Xian - Hangzhou - Suzhou - Shanghai

13 jours / 12 nuits

Préparez-vous à explorer les richesses culturelles de la Chine. Ce circuit vous invite à découvrir quelques uns des éléments les plus fameux du patrimoine culturel de l'Empire du milieu. Au programme, banquet de canard laqué à Pékin, escalade de la Grande Muraille et visite de la Cité interdite, où vécurent autrefois les empereurs, excursion jusqu'à l'armée de terre cuite de Xi'an, grandiose mausolée du premier empereur des Qin, et enfin visite des beaux jardins classiques de style chinois et découverte des soieries de Suzhou et Hangzhou, deux villes considérées en Chine comme des paradis sur terre.

tour de shanghai

  • Parlez-nous de vos centres d'intérêts, de votre agenda, de vos goûts et de vos choix d'hébergement et nous élaborerons pour vous un programme à un tarif raisonnable.
  • Modifier l'itinéraire à tout moment même durant votre voyage sur place.
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  • Pas de shopping forcés
  • Service clientèle 24/24 et 7/7.
  • Récompensé “Excellence” par Trip Advisor après 3 année. Voir les 5 000 avis .
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THE 10 BEST Shanghai Tours & Excursions

Shanghai tours.

  • Sightseeing Tours
  • Private Tours
  • Ports of Call Tours
  • Up to 1 hour
  • 1 to 4 hours
  • 4 hours to 1 day
  • 5.0 of 5 bubbles
  • 4.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 3.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • 2.0 of 5 bubbles & up
  • Special Offers
  • The ranking of tours, activities, and experiences available on Tripadvisor is determined by several factors including the revenue generated by Tripadvisor from these bookings, the frequency of user clicks, and the volume and quality of customer reviews. Occasionally, newly listed offerings may be prioritized and appear higher in the list. The specific placement of these new listings may vary.

tour de shanghai

1. Zhujiajiao Water Town and Shanghai City Private Day Tour

tour de shanghai

2. Half Day Private Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai

tour de shanghai

3. Private Shanghai Full Day City Tour with Old and New Highlights

tour de shanghai

4. Authentic Local Food Tour in Central Shanghai

tour de shanghai

5. Private Amazing Shanghai City Day Tour in Your Way

tour de shanghai

6. Suzhou Private Day Trip from Shanghai with Bullet Train Option

tour de shanghai

7. Late Night Food Tour in the Shanghai's French Concession

tour de shanghai

8. Zhujiajiao & Shanghai Icons Private Day Tour

tour de shanghai

9. Private Full-Day Tour: Incredible Shanghai Highlights

tour de shanghai

10. Shanghai Breakfast Walking Tour of Former French Concession

tour de shanghai

11. Suzhou and Zhouzhuang Water Village Day Trip from Shanghai

tour de shanghai

12. Best of Shanghai Day Tour, including Jade Buddha Temple & Bund & Yuyuan Garden

tour de shanghai

13. Shanghai Circus World: ERA Intersection of Time Acrobatics Show

tour de shanghai

14. Eat Like A Local: Shanghai Night Food Tour

tour de shanghai

15. Flexible Half Day Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai

tour de shanghai

16. Private Suzhou Day Trip from Shanghai by Bullet Train with All Inclusive Option

tour de shanghai

17. Flexible Hangzhou Private Tour from Shanghai by Bullet Train

tour de shanghai

18. 3-Hour Shanghai Bund Swift Tour with River Cruise or Skyscraper

tour de shanghai

19. Biking Real Shanghai& Enjoy Local Food

tour de shanghai

20. Shanghai Tower Tickets Booking

tour de shanghai

21. 4-Hour Flexible Private Shanghai City Tour

tour de shanghai

22. Private Evening Tour: VIP Huangpu River Cruise and Shanghai Lights

tour de shanghai

23. Private Cooking Class: Make Your Own Dim Sum In Shanghai

tour de shanghai

24. Shanghai Private Guided Day Tour with Lunch Included

tour de shanghai

25. Private Shanghai Night River Cruise and Hot Pot Dining Experience

tour de shanghai

26. 3-Hour Private Tour to Jewish Ghetto and Shanghai Bund

tour de shanghai

27. Flexible Private Suzhou Day Trip from Shanghai by Bullet Train

tour de shanghai

28. Private Night Tour-VIP River Cruise and Shanghai Tower Option

tour de shanghai

29. 4-Hour Shanghai City Private Flexible Tour in Your Way

tour de shanghai

30. Zhujiajiao Water Town Private Tour with Local Farm Visit and Fruit Picking

What travelers are saying.

Brigitte L

  • Authentic Local Food Tour in Central Shanghai
  • Zhujiajiao Water Town and Shanghai City Private Day Tour
  • Private Shanghai Full Day City Tour with Old and New Highlights
  • Half Day Private Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai
  • Private Amazing Shanghai City Day Tour in Your Way
  • Amazing Shanghai Trip
  • Sunny Tours Shanghai
  • Shanghai Foodie
  • Jenny's Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Melody
  • Miki Tours & Transfer and Tickets Service
  • UnTour Shanghai Food Tours
  • Culture Shock Tours
  • SAT China - Day Tours
  • Shanghai Lily Tours
  • Shanghai Tower

APRIL SALE:   Book now and get   up to 60% off!

Shanghai Tours & Trips

Find the right tour for you through Shanghai. We've got 263 adventures going to Shanghai, starting from just 2 days in length, and the longest tour is 31 days. The most popular month to go is October, which has the largest number of tour departures.

250+ Shanghai tour packages with 279 reviews

China Express Tour

  • In-depth Cultural
  • Christmas & New Year

China Express

I loved the tour - it's a very quick trip through China's main tourist attractions and there really isn't time for rest but that was perfect given the limited time I had. There was a problem with one member of the group who didn't speak English and had fairly severe medical issues - which would have been fine if it didn't impact the rest of the group - but they did, and I don't believe he should ever have been let on the trip. G Adventures should at least be asking people if they have a decent grasp of English and are medically fit for the trip. Otherwise it was great - had a brilliant time, and if you want to see China in a limited amount of time then this is a great way to do it.

8-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi\'an and Shanghai Tour

8-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an and Shanghai

The name of our guide was Candy. There were 15 in our group. Unfortunately tour groups were banned from the visiting the Tiananmen Square due to the large crowds during the National holiday so our itinerary was changed slightly. On 4th Oct - We visited the Forbidden city, Hutong, have a delicious welcome lunch, visited the Temple of Heaven and enjoyed the late afternoon Kung Fu show at the Red Theatre. After the Jung Fu show, we are taken to Silk Street market stalls. On 5th Oct - we travelled to Mutianyu Great Wall, where we were free to enjoy approximately 3 hours hiking if we choice to do so. We had a toast with red wine at the bottom of the mountain before returning to the hotel. We found Candy to be very knowledge and passionate about her job. We also found Candy to be friendly. Unfortunately we had to leave the tour due to unforeseen circumstances on 6th Oct
  • 10% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Southern China Discovery 7Days: Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuzhen Water Town, Hangzhou Tour

Southern China Discovery 7Days: Shanghai, Suzhou, Wuzhen Water Town, Hangzhou

China Highlights (5 destinations) Tour

  • Train & Rail
  • Sightseeing

China Highlights (5 destinations)

Best of China Small Group Tour Tour

Best of China Small Group Tour

  • Book With Flexibility This operator allows you to rebook your dates or tours with them for free, waiving change fees.

Ultimate 4-Day East China Package: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Watertown Tour

Ultimate 4-Day East China Package: Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou and Watertown

Great Wall & Warriors - 10 days Tour

Great Wall & Warriors - 10 days

Too many guides Last guide Fey was unfriendly and controlling for first day but bit nicer second day Tower tour we were told on rainy day in Shanghai was low visibility It was zero visibility and waste of our time and money, why was it not put to last day in Shanghai The show as add on was very expensive with mediocre food and service Show was out of time but generally good All of the review forms was very annoying in deed Sights were good First hotel in Beijing was poorly located Hotel in Shanghai was nice but long from everything Not sure if would book other tours with you

11-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi\'an, Guilin and Shanghai Tour

11-Day Small Group China Tour to Beijing, Xi'an, Guilin and Shanghai

Very educational, cultural tour. organization was perfect, Would like to congratulate every one who played a role in organizing this tour.

8 Days Golden Triangle China Group Tour Tour

8 Days Golden Triangle China Group Tour

Chinese Cuisine & Culture Tour

  • Food & Culinary

Chinese Cuisine & Culture

I saw a lot and the chosen destinations were very interesting. The organization was also great. Everything went smoothly and on time. All the tour guides were extremely friendly, well informed and very keen to fulfill all wishes. The hotels were clean and well maintained. The hotels were centrally located for exploring on your own. I felt very well looked after, learned a lot about China and can only recommend this trip.

China Delights Small Group Tour Tour

China Delights Small Group Tour

This is a great tour that packs a lot in. Time flies as you see so much although you won't spend long at many of the sites. My favourite bits of the itinerary were: - The Great Wall at Mutianyu (Beijing) we took the chair lift option which meant we could ride the toboggan back down. - Terracotta Warriors (Xian) half day - Li River Cruise (Guilin) - Huangpu River Cruise (Shanghai) which luckily turned into an evening cruise as we couldn't get on the earlier one. Those are the highlights but there are so many other things such as the Tang Dynasty Dancing and Dumpling Dinner and Summer Palace in Beijng and Reed Flute Caves in Guilin. In particular Guilin so picturesque and Shanghai so modern. We were lucky with our first two guides, Tina (Beijing) and Celine (Xian) who were both excellent. Autumn in Guilin and Mindy in Shanghai were good too. Autumn stayed with us to help us find and order food in the evenings so a couple of long shifts for her. Celine helped arrange a birthday cake for one of our younger travellers. Included meals were excellent. Full banquets usually in local restaurants but we really enjoyed the home cooked lunch as well. Food was plentyful. We even enjoyed the set meal box on the cruise. Hotels were generally of a good standard. Check-in at The Great Wall Hotel in Beijing was really slow though and trying to find a table for breakfast was difficult and located a fair distance away from where the restaurants are (need to get the subway to reach them) The hotel in Guilin was the worst one, the rooms being some distance away from the lift and lobby and small bathrooms. The hotel in Shanghai was excellent. It was nice touch that we got framed photo souvenirs of our trip from Beijing although I think both myself and my sister should have received one each as we paid for single supplements. Some feedback I'd give would be that they need to let us know about the optional night tours that are available on the website/ itinerary before we come out so that we can budget properly. There was a night visit for the Big Goose Pagoda in Xian with the musical fountain light show which we would have liked to have gone to didn't go to due to the weather. We found that the night cruise in Guilin was expensive as the premium we paid for the guide to buy the tickets and come onboard with us was excessive. We could have just walked to the ticket office and bought the tickets ourselves. The night tour of Shanghai was just as expensive but at least that included a coach to drive us around as well as the guide. Having said that, we could have used the subway and got around ourselves and because it started so late, we didn't see much. It is worth going up Jin Mao Tower. Overall, we had a great time on this trip and would recommend Travel China Guide.

Great Wall to Great Cities: Beijing to Shanghai China Journey Tour

Great Wall to Great Cities: Beijing to Shanghai China Journey

I was very impressed with the accounting for optional activities, and with the knowledge of the guides.
  • 5% deposit on some dates Some departure dates offer you the chance to book this tour with a lower deposit.

Beijing and Shanghai Tour

Beijing and Shanghai

3-Day Tour to Zhangjiajie from Shanghai by Round-way Flight Tour

3-Day Tour to Zhangjiajie from Shanghai by Round-way Flight

Classical China end Xian Tour

Classical China end Xian

What people love about shanghai tours.

Great fun packed itinerary and wonderful leading by the guide Howard from Xian. Amazing, just go.
As a couple surprised by an fantastic individual tour by three very articulate guides and proficient drivers around Beijing, Xian and Shanghai. Learnt not only about history but culture and language today. Felt very safe even when venturing out alone around cities without guides. Our only issue was we could not get internet to connect but that is going to be more us being technophobic. However so supported by guides that not required.
A perfect taste of China!

Tours starting from Shanghai

  • for 2 Weeks (18)
  • for 10 Days (10)
  • for 3 Weeks (7)
  • for 7 Days (6)
  • to Asia (47)
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  • China Travel Guide | All You Need to Know


15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Shanghai

Written by Bryan Dearsley Updated Mar 23, 2023 We may earn a commission from affiliate links ( )

Shanghai, China's largest city, offers many exciting sightseeing opportunities for travelers. Despite having a population of more than 24 million, this always busy city offers a number of quieter historic districts and places to visit alongside its many newer tourist sites. One of the world's busiest container ports thanks to its position at the mouth of the Yangtze River, the city also provides opportunities for exploration by water along the Chinese coast and its inland waterways.

Things to do here include visiting the city's world-class museums and art galleries, such as the Shanghai Museum and the China Art Museum; wandering through lovely gardens and parks; or getting in some shopping, especially in the "New World" pedestrian area with its luxury boutiques and galleries. Also fun is exploring the city's many fine old temples and traditional pagodas.

To help you plan your visit to China's most exciting city, be sure to read through our list of the top attractions and things to do in Shanghai.

See also: Where to Stay in Shanghai

1. Take a Stroll along Shanghai's Promenade: The Bund

2. visit shanghai's oldest green space: yu garden, 3. see the priceless statues of the jade buddha temple, 4. learn about chinese culture at the shanghai museum, 5. visit historic longhua temple and pagoda, 6. see the views from the oriental pearl tower, 7. shop 'til you drop on nanjing road, 8. gather at the people's square, 9. the french connection: tianzifang, 10. xujiahui cathedral and the sheshan basilica, 11. visit the shanghai science and technology museum, 12. the china art museum, 13. visit shanghai disney resort, 14. jin mao tower and skywalk, 15. shanghai natural history museum, where to stay in shanghai for sightseeing, map of tourist attractions & things to do in shanghai, shanghai, china - climate chart.

Shanghai's Promenade: The Bund

Best known by its Anglo-Indian name of Bund (Wàitan), the Zhongshan Lu is a lovely broad promenade running along the west bank of the Huangpujiang River. It's particularly popular among tourists - the area has retained a European feel, as it was once the location of the city's International Settlement. This influence is particularly noticeable in the many old English and French buildings now serving as restaurants, boutique stores, galleries, and offices.

Always bustling, it's a splendid place for a stroll day or night as you take in the Bund's 52 unique buildings, constructed in a variety of styles including Gothic, Romanesque, Baroque, Neoclassical, and Renaissance influences. The Bund is also home to what amounts to one of the world's most impressive collections of Art Deco architecture.

Moving from south to north, the dominant buildings are the former headquarters of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation with its splendid cupola, the harbor customs office with its bell tower, the old Peace Hotel, and the Bank of China.

Huangpu Park , located at the north end of The Bund, opened in 1886 and is famous as the country's oldest public park. It's a pleasant place to visit, and has an interesting museum dedicated to The Bund's history. The Bund is also a great place from which to embark upon a sightseeing tour aboard a boat around the port and the confluence of the Huangpujiang and Yangtze rivers.

Address: Zhongshan East 1st Road, Huangpu, Shanghai

The Yu Yuan district, the old town of Shanghai, on a sunny day, ChinaYu Garden

To the northeast of the old town and laid out in 1559 is the splendid Yu Garden (Yù Yuán). Also known as the Garden of Happiness, this vast green space covers an area of more than 20,000 square meters and consists of an outer and an inner garden.

The oldest section is the Outer Garden , with further changes being made in the 18th century when Sansui Tang, the park's main hall, was added. This impressive building is notable for its lovely roof ornaments, figurative representations in bas-reliefs, and window openings, as well as its dragon-adorned walls.

The best-known building is the Hall of Spring , where the Company of the Little Swords (Xiaodao Hui) had its headquarters between 1853 and 1855 when it ruled Shanghai. Of great historical importance are the artificial rocks in this part of the garden, the only work of the master garden designer Zhang Nanyang that has been preserved.

The newer and much smaller Inner Garden is also worth seeing. Dating from 1709, it includes features typical of a classical Chinese writer's garden: attractive little pavilions, decorative stones, and miniature mountain ranges, dividing walls and small ponds, and even a richly decorated theatrical stage.

Address: 279 Yuyuan Old Street, Huangpu, Shanghai

The Jade Buddha Temple

Located in the Anyuan Lu district of Shanghai, the beautiful Jade Buddha Temple houses two Shakyamuni statues, which the monk Huigen brought with him from Burma. The present building, erected in 1928 to replace the original temple built in 1882, is divided into three halls and two courtyards.

The most impressive structure is the splendid Hall of the Kings of Heaven (Tian Wang Dian), notable for its statues of the four heavenly kings and two Shakyamuni sculptures. Carved from white jade, one of these impressive statues stands nearly two meters high in the Wentang Main hall, where a collection of Buddhist manuscripts is also kept (the smaller statue is in the west courtyard).

Also of interest is the charming Hall of the Great Hero (Daxiong Baodian) with its Buddhas of the Three Ages, along with 18 Luohan figures. Another of Shanghai's many important Buddhist sites is the stunning Jing'an Temple on Nanjing West Road.

Address: 170 Anyuan Road, Jing'an, Shanghai

Official site: www.yufotemple.com/en/

The Shanghai Museum

Founded in 1952, the Shanghai Museum remains China's most important museum of classical Chinese art. Set in a modern building that's something of a work of art itself - its unique round top and square base encompasses traditional Chinese concepts of the Earth - the museum's four floors include impressive displays of bronzes and ceramics from prehistoric cultures to the 19th century.

Other highlights of the collection include ink drawings, calligraphy and seals, as well as large collections of art from ethnic minorities. It's also home to large collections of jade, coins, furnishings from the Ming and Qing periods (1368-1912), and a well-stocked gift shop.

Address: 201 Renmin Avenue, Ren Min Guang Chang, Huangpu, Shanghai

Official site: www.shanghaimuseum.net/mu/frontend/pg/en/index

Longhua Temple and Pagoda

Located in a pleasant park in the southwest area of Shanghai, the splendid Longhua Temple remains one of the oldest religious sites in China. Built along with the nearby 40-meter-tall wood and brick pagoda around AD 242, this important place of worship was destroyed and rebuilt many times through the years, with the present structure dating back to the 10th century.

The site is still used for regular Buddhist ceremonies and consists of five large halls, including the Maitreya Hall (Mile Dian), with its large Buddha statue; the Heavenly King Hall (Tian Wang Dian), dedicated to the Four Heavenly Kings; and the Grand Hall of the Great Sage (Daxiong Baodian), with its fine statues and a 16th-century bell.

Other highlights include the Bell Tower with an even older, two-meter-tall, five-ton bell from 1382, which is still used on special occasions; the Library with its old manuscripts and ceremonial instruments; and the impressive sight of some 500 gold-painted Luohan Buddhas.

Address: 2853 Longhua Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai

The Oriental Pearl Tower

A must-visit while in Shanghai is the 468-meter-tall Oriental Pearl Radio and TV Tower (Dongfang Míngzhuta). It's located in Pudong-Park on the east bank of the Huangpu River. In addition to its excellent views over the busy river and the new city, you'll be rewarded with superb views over the historic Bund promenade.

Built in 1991, the tower takes its name from its 11 linked spheres of various sizes, the highest of which - the Space Module - contains an observation level at the 350 meter mark with a glass-floored outside deck. All told, the tower boasts 15 viewing areas, including the Sightseeing Floor and Space City, as well as a revolving restaurant with great views.

Other highlights include a lower level shopping mall, the Space Hotel offering rooms with spectacular views, and a fun virtual reality rollercoaster ride. Even if you can't make it up the tower, you'll enjoy viewing it at night when the whole structure is lit up as part of a fascinating light show.

Address: 1 Century Ave, Lu Jia Zui, Pudong, Shanghai

Woman shopping on Nanjing Road

Nanjing Road (Nánjing Lù) is Shanghai's principal shopping street. Constructed in the second half of the 19th century, it runs from the Zhongshan Lu for several miles towards the west. Along this largely pedestrian-friendly street, you'll find every conceivable type of consumer goods, from street vendors selling Chinese-themed souvenirs to expensive boutiques selling traditional arts and crafts. There are also a number of large shopping malls and department stores such as the iconic Yibai and Jiubai.

It's also a busy entertainment district, home to many restaurants and cinemas, as well as a hub for street performances. It's especially fun to visit during major holidays such as Chinese New Year when the street becomes a focal point for festivities and fireworks.

Another dedicated shopping area to explore is Xintiandi , an affluent pedestrian zone that retains some of the ambience of the old city.

People's Square

Built on what was once the city's racecourse, the People's Square (Rénmín Guangchang) has been transformed over the years into Shanghai's premier public space. Home to the new Shanghai City Hall , the Shanghai Museum, and the state-of-the-art Grand Theatre , it's a perfect spot from which to begin touring the city.

You'll also want to spend time visiting the excellent Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center . Here, you'll find superb displays and models - even a 360-degree movie theater - showing both existing and planned-for buildings. Be sure to view this massive scale-model from the upper galleries for a fascinating bird's-eye perspective of this modern metropolis.

Address: Wusheng Road, Huangpu, Shanghai

The French Connection: Tianzifang

In what was once Shanghai's French Concession, Tianzifang has been transformed into a fascinating arts and crafts destination. While much of the older homes and buildings have been replaced, the character of this old European district has been carefully preserved in its architecture and layout, with numerous small laneways and alleys just begging to be explored.

In addition to its many shopping opportunities - it consists of numerous small galleries and craft shops, rather than the bigger stores found elsewhere in the city - it's also a fun place to visit at night due to its many restaurants serving traditional fare, its numerous cafés and music joints, as well as artists' studios and workshops.

Fuxing Park is another notable tourist attraction with a distinct French flavor. The city's largest park when constructed in 1909, it remains a delightful place to wander due to its many fountains, gardens, and pavilions.

Address: 10 Taikang Road, Da Pu Qiao, Huangpu, Shanghai

Xujiahui Cathedral and the Sheshan Basilica

Built in 1911 in Neo-Romanesque style, Xujiahui Cathedral - also known as St. Ignatius Cathedral - is another splendid reminder of Shanghai's rich multi-national heritage. In the southern city district of Xujiahui, it's the largest place of Roman Catholic worship in Shanghai, and in addition to its splendid park-like setting is worth visiting for its twin 50-meter-high bell-towers and restored interior with fine stained-glass windows.

Another important religious site is the Sheshan Basilica (the National Shrine and Minor Basilica of Our Lady of Sheshan). This fine old Roman Catholic church stands on the western peak of the hill after which it's named. Like so many other religious sites, it was heavily damaged during the Chinese Cultural Revolution but in recent years has undergone extensive renovations and remains an important pilgrimage site. A highlight of a visit is following the 14 Stations of the Cross, which zigzag up the hill to the church, along with the many splendid views along the way.

Address: 158 Puxi Road, Xu Jia Hui, Xuhui District, Shanghai

Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

In keeping with its status as a world-class city, Shanghai is not without its fair share of top-notch museums. In addition to the splendid Shanghai Museum, the city is home to the huge Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, the largest of its kind in China and one of the city's top draws with more than two million visitors each year.

Opened in 2001, the museum offers numerous things to see and do, including interactive multimedia exhibits, permanent displays, and state-of-the-art science theaters. Highlights include a large collection of animals native to the region, scientific achievements, a fascinating exhibit on robotics, as well as exhibits focusing on space travel.

Other fun attractions for families include the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium . This worthwhile attraction is popular for its 120-meter underwater tunnel, which provides a close-up view of the region's diverse marine life. Also worth a visit is the Shanghai Zoo , famous for its large collection of native species, including giant pandas and South China tigers.

Address: 2000 Century Ave, Pudong, Shanghai

Official site: http://en.sstm.org.cn

The China Art Museum

Also often referred to as the China Art Palace, the China Art Museum (Zhonghuá Yìshù Gong) is the largest art gallery in Asia. It's also home to the country's most important collections of modern art, housed in the city's spectacular China Pavilion, the sole survivor of the city's Expo 2010 event (and looking a little like an upside-down pyramid).

Highlights of a visit include its fascinating collections of Chinese modern art, exhibits of prominent Chinese artists, as well as numerous works related to Shanghai's cultural development over the decades. Culture lovers should also invest a little time visiting the Oriental Art Center , one of the city's most important venues for performances of classical music, opera, and theatrical productions.

Also of note is the splendid Shanghai Grand Theatre , well regarded for its regular roster of concerts, operas, ballet performances, and traditional theater.

Address: 205 Shangnan Road, Pudong, Shanghai


Shanghai Disney Resort, China's second Disney venture after Hong Kong Disneyland Resort, opened to great fanfare and huge crowds in 2016 and shows every sign of being a massive success.

In addition to its two themed hotels and the Disneytown entertainment and shopping district, this nearly 1,000-acre site in the city's Pudong district is home to the Shanghai Disneyland Park, the hub of all the action and the real reason some 10 million people visit the resort each year.

And it's every inch the kind of Disney experience fans and families alike can't seem to get enough of. The fun starts on Mickey Avenue, with its character meet and greets and merchandise-cum-souvenir shops, before guests head off to their favorite part of the park.

Highlights include Gardens of Imagination, with its pleasant Chinese gardens and Dumbo carousel, and Fantasyland, in many ways the parks "heart and soul." It's here you'll find the Enchanted Storybook Castle and hordes of mini wannabe princesses waiting to catch a glimpse of their favorite Disney royalty. Also popular is Treasure Cove, home to a thrilling Pirates of the Caribbean -inspired ride.

Address: 310 Huangzhao Road, Pudong, Shanghai

Official site: www.shanghaidisneyresort.com/en/

Jin Mao tower interior

In a country that seems to build super-tall skyscrapers at a rate of knots, the Jin Mao Tower (Jinmoh Dusa) certainly manages to stand out. Reaching 93-stories skyward (420.5 meters), this impressive tower stands as testament to the new found prosperity that is so evident in Shanghai - hence the building's name, which in Chinese translates to "Golden Prosperity Building."

One of the world's tallest freestanding structures, it has become a popular tourist attraction for its thrilling Skywalk, a massive enclosed observation deck located on the 88th floor that's capable of holding upwards of 1,000 people at a time. While the views over the city and the Bund are of course impressive, it's the building's unique and spectacular interior view down to the atrium of the Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel far below that draws the biggest "oohhs" and "aahhs."

While here, be sure to visit the large shopping center at the base of the tower. Also worth visiting are the other neighboring skyscrapers, including the 121-story Shanghai Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center, which together with the Jin Mao Tower make for the world's tallest trio of super-tall skyscrapers.

Address: 88 Century Ave, Lu Jia Zui, Pudong, Shanghai

Shanghai Natural History Museum /

Museum goers won't want to miss the chance to visit the Shanghai Natural History Museum. This stunning world-class facility was established in 1956 and only recently opened up in its new state-of-the-art location in Jing'an Sculpture Park in 2015. This is one of the country's largest museums - it covers an impressive 40,000 square meters.

You'll be rewarded with a chance to peruse a vast collection of more than 240,000 artifacts, many of them unique to China and including everything from rare animal and plant specimens, some dating back as far as 140 million years (there is a rare dinosaur skeleton, which stands over four stories high). Also fun to see are the many large animatronic dinosaurs, which provide a pretty good idea of the sheer size, power, and appearance of these extinct beasts.

Location: Jing'an District, Shanghai

If you're visiting Shanghai for the first time and want to see the top tourist attractions, the best place to stay is in the city center, near the Bund, Shanghai's famous waterfront promenade, which intersects with Nanjing Road, the bustling shopping street. Another popular base is near the People's Square, with the Shanghai Museum, Grand Theatre, and the exhibition center. Here are some highly rated hotels in these convenient locations:

Luxury Hotels:

  • In a fantastic location right on the Bund, the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund exudes grand elegance, with its chandeliers, lavish marble, and soaring columns.
  • Also on the Bund, overlooking Nanjing Road and decked out in beautifully preserved Art Deco style, is the Fairmont Peace Hotel , with a pool and spa, plush rooms, and attentive staff.
  • Near the Shanghai Museum, the art museum, and the Bund, JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai at Tomorrow Square delivers the same impeccable service found at other luxury Shanghai hotels for more affordable rates.

Mid-Range Hotels:

  • Fresh and modern with textural Chinese accents, Hotel Indigo Shanghai on the Bund , near Yu Garden, is a popular boutique option with large city-view rooms and a glass-encased pool overlooking the river.
  • Also on the Bund and near Yu Garden, Les Suites Orient, Bund Shanghai sits on the banks of the Yangtze River, a few blocks from Nanjing Road, while the Marriott Hotel City Centre is a 12-minute walk from the People's Square, near great shopping.

Budget Hotels:

  • Within walking distance of Nanjing Road and the Bund, Shanghai Fish Inn Bund offers clean, contemporary rooms and apartments, which are great value for groups, while the Jinjiang MetroPolo Hotel Classiq Shanghai Peoples' Square is a little pricier but offers excellent value for money in a fantastic location right next to its namesake attraction.
  • Across the Yangtze River from the Bund, about 12 minutes away by car, Jinjiang Inn (Shanghai Lujiazui) offers clean, basic rooms for budget prices.

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Historic Hangzhou : Just a two-hour train ride away from Shanghai is the historic city of Hangzhou . Famous for its many beautiful temples, including the 13th-century Yue Fei Temple, and the six-square-kilometer West Lake with its lovely waterside parks and pagodas, Hangzhou is also a great place to explore on foot, especially around the historic Qinghefang Ancient Street area, popular for its old cobbled streets, quaint squares, traditional restaurants, and shopping.


Taking Flight : Thanks to its being a major transportation hub - both nationally and internationally - Shanghai serves as a great jumping-off point to explore other parts of the country. An easy two-hour flight away, Beijing , the country's capital, is a must for visitors to China. Highlights include the magnificent Imperial Palace, the Forbidden City, Tian'anmen Square, and more modern wonders, including the Beijing National Stadium, famous for its role in the 2008 Summer Olympics, and the Beijing Capital Museum.

Beijing also offers a variety of interesting day trip options , the most popular being a trip to Badaling Pass and the Great Wall of China.

A little further afield but still under three hours flying time, Chengdu is where you'll have the unique opportunity to spend time getting up close to the country's most iconic animals at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding (be sure to opt for one of the special, immersive caretaking packages, which include feeding and cleaning up after these cuddly creatures).


China Vacation Ideas : Thanks to its immense size, China offers a wide variety of interesting landscapes to explore. One of the most popular is a Li River Cruise from Guilin to Yangshuo . Starting in Guilin, you'll spend the best part of a day drifting along the Li River, enjoying the beautiful karst mountain scenery along the way, before disembarking in Yangshuo. Here, you can enjoy activities like exploring the riverside pathways by bike, or taking a ride on one of the traditional bamboo rafts available for hire.

Another great option for adventurous types is to take the (silk) road less traveled to Dunhuang and Jiayuguan . Located in the northwestern corner of the country, here you can enjoy such experiences as a spectacular sunset camel ride across the Gobi Desert, or exploring parts of the Great Wall of China not normally visited by tourists around the spectacular Jiayuguan Pass.

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Shanghai & Hangzhou 2-Day Highlights Tour

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April 21, 2024 · 2 min read

Shanghai Hangzhou 2 Days Itinerary

Embark on a 2-day journey through the cultural and scenic wonders of Shanghai and Hangzhou. Begin your adventure in Hangzhou, where the tranquil Lingyin Temple awaits, offering a peaceful retreat for an hour amidst ancient Buddhist relics and spiritual surroundings. Next, immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Thousand Island Lake, a breathtaking expanse of water dotted with islets, where you'll spend a full day exploring the serene environment. On day two, the pace quickens in Shanghai with a visit to the iconic Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower, where you'll spend two hours marveling at the city's skyline from this architectural marvel. The trip culminates with a day of enchantment at the Shanghai Disney Resort, a theme park experience that promises to dazzle with its thrilling rides, shows, and attractions. This itinerary is designed to blend cultural depth with urban excitement, ensuring memories that will last a lifetime.

  • Day 1: Spiritual Serenity and Lakeside Leisure in Hangzhou

Lingyin Temple


Kicking off our Hangzhou adventure, we find tranquility at the Lingyin Temple, a sanctuary of peace nestled in the Xihu District. Devote an hour to exploring this ancient temple, one of the largest and wealthiest Buddhist temples in China, renowned for its beautiful architecture and spiritual ambiance. Surrounded by lush forests and the whispers of history, Lingyin Temple offers a serene retreat from the bustling city life. Its rock carvings and grand halls tell a story of a millennium, inviting visitors to wander through its sacred grounds and absorb the profound cultural heritage.

Attraction Info

  • No. 1 Fayun Lane, Lingyin Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou
  • Suggested tour duration: 1-3 hour
  • Open from 6:30am-5:30pm;Open from 6:30am-5:30pm,10:00pm-2:00am during New Year's Eve

Recommended Nearby Restaurants


Thousand Island Lake

After a morning steeped in spiritual reflection, we'll immerse ourselves in the natural beauty of Thousand Island Lake for the remainder of the day. This vast, man-made lake boasts over 1,000 islets, each with its own unique charm. A full day's stay allows ample time to indulge in various recreational activities such as boating, fishing, and hiking. The lake's crystal-clear waters and picturesque landscapes make it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts and nature lovers alike. As the sun sets over the shimmering lake, the day concludes with a sense of awe at the natural splendor of Hangzhou.

  • Menggu Road, Qiandaohu Town, Chun'an County, Hangzhou
  • Suggested tour duration: 1-2 days
  • Open from 1/1-12/31

Where to Stay Tonight

Qian'an xinqing homestay, qiandao lake qianxun homestay.

  • Day 2: Soaring High and Magical Moments in Shanghai

Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower

Kicking off the second day with an iconic start, the Oriental Pearl Radio & Television Tower stands as a testament to Shanghai's futuristic skyline. Located at No. 1 Century Avenue, Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, this architectural marvel offers more than just a panoramic view of the bustling city. Spend a couple of hours exploring its multiple spheres, which house various attractions including a revolving restaurant, an exhibition facility, and an observation deck that promises breathtaking vistas. The tower's unique design and multimedia exhibits make it a must-visit for those looking to dive into the heart of Shanghai's modernity.

  • No. 1 Century Avenue, Lujiazui, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
  • Suggested tour duration: 2-3 hour
  • Open from 01/01-09/28,9:00am-9:00pm;Open from 09/29-10/06,8:30am-9:00pm;Open from 10/07-12/31,9:00am-9:00pm

Jin Xuan

Shanghai Disney Resort

After reaching new heights at the Oriental Pearl Tower, immerse yourself in the enchantment of Shanghai Disney Resort. As a theme park that brings dreams to life, it's the perfect place to spend the remainder of your day. Located in Chuansha New Town, Pudong New Area, this magical kingdom is filled with thrilling rides, captivating shows, and beloved Disney characters. Whether you're seeking adventure in Treasure Cove, wandering through the whimsical gardens of Fantasyland, or watching the night sky light up with fireworks, Shanghai Disney Resort is an unforgettable experience that captures the wonder of Disney in the heart of China.

  • Shanghai Disney Resort, Chuansha New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai
  • Open from 04/18-05/05,8:30am-9:30pm

Royal Banquet Hall

Shanghai Disneyland Hotel

Linjia campsite.

* All user reviews in this article have been translated by machine.

* The information above is subject to change at any time. For the latest information, please check the websites of hotels and attractions.

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La Perle de l'Orient

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La Perle de l'Orient

La Tour de Télévision de Shanghai, connue comme la Perle de l’Orient, est le symbole et l’édifice le plus photographié de la ville .

Son architecture surprenante marque un avant et un après dans la skyline de la ville .

Sa construction en 1995 marque le début de la Chine actuelle , un pays qui, avec une grande dose de travail, est devenu un leader dans le monde développé.

Que faire à la Perle de l’Orient

La Tour de Télévision est connue pour ses incroyables vues obtenues depuis ses divers miradors à 360º . Le mirador principal, situé à 263 mètres d’altitude dans la seconde sphère, dispose de deux étages panoramique , l’étage inférieur a un sol en verre et marcher sur ce dernier fait trembler les plus peureux.

Dans cette même sphère se trouve un restaurant giratoire qui offre un buffet pour le déjeuner et le dîner à un prix abordable, entre 150 ¥ (20,70 US$ ) et 200 ¥ (27,60 US$ ).

Même s’il est possible de monter dans la sphère supérieure en achetant un billet additionnel, la différence est casi inexistante et ses fenêtres ont tendance à être assez sales, nous ne vous le recommandons pas.

Dans la sphère intérieure se trouve certaines attractions dont une montagne russe. Vous atteindrez cet étage après avoir visité la sphère principale.

Au pied de la tour se trouvent plusieurs boutiques  et  restaurants , ainsi que l'intéressant Musée d'Histoire de Shanghai .

Hautement recommandé

Shanghai dispose de 3 excellents points de vue : la Perle de l'Orient, la Tour Jinmao et le  Centre Mondial des Finances de Shanghai . Nous vous recommandons de monter dans l’un d’eux pendant la journée et un autre la nuit, car les vues changent radicalement . La montée à la tour de télévision ne vous décevra pas.

Tour de Télévision Perle de l'Orient


1 Shiji Dadao. Dans la zone de Pudong.

Tous les jours de 08h30 à 21h30.

Ticket Combiné  (sphère supérieure, musée d’histoire municipal et traversée sur le fleuve Huangpu) : 260 ¥ (35,90 US$ ). Module spacial, sphère supérieure, sphère inférieure et musée d’histoire municipal : 220 ¥ (30,30 US$ ). Sphère supérieure, sphère intérieure et musée d’histoire municipal : 160 ¥ (22,10 US$ ). Musée d’histoire municipal : 35 ¥ (4,80 US$ ).

Métro  : Lujiazui , ligne 2 (sortie 1). Bus  : Lignes 81, 795, 799, 870, 961, 971, 985, 993 et 996.

Lieux à proximité

Musée d'Histoire de Shanghai (5 m) Centre Mondial des Finances (482 m) Tunnel touristique de Bund (627 m) Tour Jinmao (772 m) Bund de Shanghai (947 m)

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Top Places to Visit in Shanghai

15 Epic Places to Visit in Shanghai & Shanghai Bucket List 2024

Even if you're not mesmerized by the Shanghai's soaring skyscrapers, you'll be blown away by its flourishing fashion and nightlife scenes. Shanghai is modern and untamed . It is also traditional and exotic with Yu Garden and The Bund as its proofs. It's anything you want it to be. You can spend your morning browsing Nanjing Road , your afternoon catching stunning city views from the top of the Observation Deck on the Oriental Pearl Tower , and the night cruising on the dazzling Huangpu River . Or, if you're a museum-goer or an art lover, you can admire the various collections and striking works on display at Shanghai Museum and Tianzifang . So, let's go! Explore these 15 unmissable places and discover what it is that you LOVE about Shanghai .

Shanghai Attractions Map

Shanghai Attractions Map (Click to Enlarge)

Boats in Zhujiajiao Water Town - Our Guest Gaye from Australia

3 Days Shanghai Highlights Tour with Water Town

Shanghai Night View Shot by Our Guest Chona

The Bund - Witness the Past and Present of Shanghai

The Bund, “a gallery of international architectures”, is the landmark of Shanghai. It is always the best place to view Shanghai. Take a stroll along the embankment of the Huangpu River, and you’ll get various architectural styles from Gothic, Baroque, Romanesque to Classicism and the Renaissance in your camera. The modern skyscrapers of Lujiazui across Huangpu River in Pudong New Area provide another backdrop. The night view here is more breathtaking, how about taking an evening cruise or a stroll by it?

Type: Historic Walking Areas, Points of Interest & Landmarks, Sights & Landmarks Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: On the bank of Huangpu River, Shanghai, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区中山东一路(临黄浦江)

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Yuyuan Bazaar Shot by Our Customer Paul

Yu Garden & Bazaar - Classic Chinese Garden in Shanghai

Dating back to the 16th Century, Yuyuan Garden is the most revered green space in Shanghai. Known as the “Mountains and Forest within the City”, it is crowded to bursting point every day. And yet, it managed to maintain something of its air of serenity. Here, you’ll find ornate structures as well as intimate enclaves that are divided by “dragon walls”. Highlights include the Heralding Spring Hall, the Jade Magnificent Hall, and the Lotus Pool. Out of the Yuyuan Garden is the Yuyuan Bazaar where you could explore how elaborating and cute the traditional Chinese handicrafts and art works are, and also savor some local flavor snacks here…

Type: Gardens, Nature & Parks, Bazaar Opening Hours: 09:00-16:30, No entry after 16:00, closed on Monday Tickets: CNY 40 - Peak Season (Apr to Jun, Sep to Nov); CNY 30 - (Jul to Aug, Dec to Mar) Address: No. 168 Fuyou Street, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区福佑路168号

Vigorous Night Life in Nanjing Road

Nanjing Road (Nanjing Lu) - The Busiest Pedestrian Street in Shanghai

Running west from the Bund, Nanjing Road is Shanghai’s foremost shopping street and is one of the world’s busiest shopping streets. The Shanghai equivalent of New York’s Fifth Avenue, Nanjing Road boasts retailers from all over the world. In the daylight, you’ll admire the graceful architecture of the surrounding buildings. At night, you’ll marvel at the illuminated logos and brand names that line the avenue.

Type: Shopping, Street, Points of Interest & Landmarks Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: Nanjing East Road & Nanjing West Road, Huangpu District & Jing’an district, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区&静安区,南京东路&南京西路

Zhujiajiao Water Town, Picture Shot by Our Guest Chona from Philippines

Zhujiajiao Ancient Town - "Venice of Shanghai"

Known as the “Venice in Shanghai”, Zhujiajiao Ancient Town has a history of 1,700 years and is a well-preserved waterside ancient town. In Zhujiajiao Water Town, You could take the traditional boat to cruise along the canals and see the old residences, shops and bridges that are filled with classic architectural tone in Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911).

Type: Known as the “Venice in Shanghai”, Zhujiajiao Ancient Town has a history of 1,700 years and is a well-preserved waterside ancient town. In Zhujiajiao Water Town, You could take the traditional boat to cruise along the canals and see the old residences, shops and bridges that are filled with classic architectural tone in Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368 - 1911). Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: Zhujiajiao Town, Qingpu District, Shanghai 上海市青浦区朱家角古镇旅游区

Our guests from Singapore visited Shanghai Museum in March 2019

Shanghai Museum – No. 4 Museum in China

Shanghai Museum is not only the cultural landmark of Shanghai but the biggest museum in China with numerous fine Chinese artifacts. It contains over 120,000 items rated precious cultural relics. Unlike many museums in China, it arranges its exhibits by theme rather than by dynasty. The collection consists of 21 categories, having its highlights bronze wares from Shang and Zhou Dynasties, pottery and porcelain spanning 8,000 years, and a large variety of calligraphy works and paintings.

Type: Comprehensive Museum, historical & Cultural site Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00, no entering after 16:00, closed on Monday (except national holidays) Tickets: Free Ticket (ID card or passport is needed) Address: No. 201, Peoples Avenue, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China (上海市黄浦区人民大道201号)

Woo's group visited Jade Buddha Temple with China Discovery

Jade Buddha Temple (Yu Fo Si) - Enshrine Two Jade Buddha Statues

Quite different from many other temples hidden in mountains and forests, Jade Buddha Temple shows itself in the center of Shanghai city. It enjoys a high reputation both home and abroad for the extraordinary jade Buddha enshrined within it, hence the temple’s name. Among the clouds of incense smoke, it’s kind of unexpected to see so many pilgrims in such a modern city, no fewer than in Tibet.

Type: Buddhist Temples, Sacred & Religious Sites, Architectural Buildings Opening Hours: (Except for Major Festivals, No entry after 16:00) Tickets: Free Address: No. 170 Anyuan Road, Putuo District, Shanghai 上海市普陀区 安远路170号

Rajeev's group from India visited Shanghai World Financial Center with China Discovery

Shanghai World Financial Center - One of the Tallest Skyscrapers in Shanghai

Shanghai World Financial Center in the key CBD is a new and vital landmark in Shanghai. Being the fifth tallest building in the world with a total height of 492 meters, SWFC provides visitors the world's highest observatory at 474 meters high that is the best deck to appreciate the panorama of the whole old and new Shanghai, including the Bund, Oriental Pearl TV Tower, Jinmao Tower, and Huangpu River, and so on.

Type: Observation Decks & Towers, Modern Buildings & Landmarks Opening Hours: 11:00~21:00 (No entry after 20:00, except for major festivals) Tickets: Free Entry (Sky Walk: CNY 135 per person, CNY 200 for two) Address: 88 Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区世纪大道88号

Fairytale-like Shanghai Disney Resort, Picture Shared by Fiona

Shanghai Disney Resort - The 6th Disneyland in the World

Shanghai Disney Resort is the first Disney resort in China's mainland and the sixth one in the world. In Disneyland Park, you can lignite your dream by exploring Mickey Avenue, Gardens of Imagination, Fantasyland, Treasure Cove, Adventure Isle, and Tomorrowland with different themes, characters, and activities. It is about 18 kilometers from Shanghai Pudong International Airport, about 27 kilometers from the Huangpu River area. Disney is a dreamland for both children and adults. With Disney Resort, your Shanghai tour will be more enjoyable.

Type: Theme Parks, Water & Amusement Parks Opening Hours: 09:00~21:00 Tickets: CNY 261 - CNY 1250 Address: No. 310 Huangzhao Road, Chuansha Town, Pudong New District, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区川沙镇黄赵路310号

The Oriental Pearl Tower stands proudly among the modern skyscrapers of Shanghai

Oriental Pearl Tower – See the Whole Shanghai & Seek Thrill

Standing at the end of the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower soars 468 meters, setting the character of the new urban area as well as its cityscape. An all-around panorama view of Shanghai from the tallest TV tower in Asia and the third tallest in the world can be amazing, walking on the glass bottom and feeling your adrenaline pumps is also cool. It is worthy to visit in the late afternoon that you could see the sunset and the city come alive with lights.

Type: Observation Decks & Towers, Modern Buildings & Landmarks Opening Hours: 8:00-21:30 Tickets: CNY 35 - CNY 458 Address: No. 1, Century Avenue, Pudong New Area, Shanghai, China 上海市浦东新区世纪大道1号

Enjoy A Leisure Time in Xintiandi

Shanghai Xintiandi - Represtative of Traditional and Fashionable Shanghai

Located in the downtown area of Shanghai City, Shanghai Xintiandi is a historical site as well as a fashionable center full of entertainment, restaurants, and shopping malls. You could enjoy the antique and rebuilt Shikumen structure which is a witness of the communication between the building cultures of western countries and China. Despite in old appearance, the inside life is tailor-made for people in modern society, you can feast on the international art galleries, fashion shops, coffee houses, themed restaurants, and so forth.

Type: Neighborhoods, Points of Interest & Landmarks, Shopping & Entertainment Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: Xintiandi, Huangpu District, Shanghai 200021, China 上海市黄浦区新天地

Spend  Leisure Time at the Mazy Lanes of Tianzifang

Tianzifang – Blend of Shanghai Ordinary Life & International Charm

Tianzifang at Taikang Road is one of the coolest places to wander in Shanghai. A lot of artistic and cultural studios of celebrities and young creatives set here in the typical Shikumen houses of both Shanghai and western styles make the mazy lanes full of artistic culture. Strolling along the old paths to see the daily life of the residents here to feel the old Shanghai flavor, watching people chatting and laughing in the restaurants and bars from many other countries, and finding various kinds of interesting items and Chinese crafts are especially funny!

Type: Historical & Cultural Lanes, Artistic Shops, International Restaurants Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: No. 210, Taikang Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, China

Space Motorcycles Performed in Shanghai Circus World

Shanghai Circus World - Enjoy the Best Chinese Acrobatics

Referred as the No. 1 Circus World in China, Shanghai Circus World is a world-renowned comprehensive recreational venue with a uniquely designed building and acrobatic performance. It enjoys excellent hardware like complete facilities, advanced devices, and full-equipped functions as well as preeminent acrobats. Two great programs are performed in the Shanghai Circus World. One is ERA - Intersection of Time, from which the audiences could watch the most magical scenes and breathtaking acrobatics. The other is the Happy Circus, which is most loved by the kids and recommended as a family tour.

Type: Architectural Buildings, Theatre, Shows & Performance Opening Hours: 09:00 ~ 19:30 Tickets: 130 RMB ~ 880 RMB Address: No. 2266, Gonghexin Road, Zhabei District, Shanghai 上海市静安区共和新路2266号

Wukang Road City Walk

Shanghai Wukang Road - Authentic Old Shanghai in Exotic Flavor

Shanghai Wukang Road Area is located in Huangpu district (黄浦区) and Xuhui District (徐汇区). Since its opening up in 1849, groups of foreigners from many countries came to Shanghai and settled down. Nowadays, while walking along the streets in the Shanghai Wukang Road Area, you can still feel the rich culture combining many antique buildings in many styles in other countries and the authentic Shanghai custom.

Type: Historic & Cultural Site, Walking Streets, Old Exotic Buildings Opening Hours: All Day Tickets: Free Entry Address: 22 Jianguo Middle Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区建国中路22号

Sanchez's Family from Mexico took a Huang River Cruise in 2019

Huangpu River Cruise - Gorgeous West-Meets-East View by the Riverside

The Huangpu River, known as the Mother River of Shanghai as well as the largest river in Shanghai, is a 113-kilometer long river flowing through Shanghai which is the last tributary of Yangtze River ends in the East China Sea. Puxi (West Bank) and Pudong (East Bank) are bounded by it, forming the world-famous Bund, Lujiazui financial zone, and other important landmarks. The western side of Puxi is home to “An Exhibition of International Buildings”. The eastern side of Pudong is a recent development of the last few decades and is the new business and financial district boasting many awesome glass and steel towers.

Type: River Cruise; Bodies of Water Opening Hours: 11:00~21:30 Tickets: CNY 120 per person (without dining and snacks onboard) Address: Huangpu River, Pudong New Area, Shanghai 上海市浦东新区黄浦江

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center

Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center – Witness the Development of Shanghai Over Time

Are you curious about what turned Shanghai into today’s super city? Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Center is a must-see to witness how Shanghai became a cosmopolitan city from a shabby fishing village. With the theme of “ City, man, environment, and development” it serves for exhibition, research, communication, consultation, education, and sightseeing. The 3rd Floor is perhaps the most impressive, which displays a scale model of Shanghai. A cup of coffee on the top will be a good ending to this time travel.

Type: Museum, Exhibition Hall, Points of Interest Opening Hours: 9:00-17:00; Tuesday to Sunday Tickets: CNY 30 Address: No. 100, Peoples Avenue, Huangpu District, Shanghai 上海市黄浦区人民大道100号

Keep Reading About Shanghai Tours

  • China Tours from Shanghai
  • Top Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Layover Tours
  • Shanghai Day Tours
  • Top 6 Shanghai Vacation Packages
  • Weekend Trips from Shanghai
  • Beijing Shanghai Tours
  • Beijing Xian Shanghai Tours
  • Beijing Xian Guilin Shanghai Tours
  • Shanghai Xian Tours
  • Shanghai Yangtze River Tour
  • Shanghai Suzhou Hangzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Suzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Hangzhou Tours
  • Shanghai Huangshan Tours
  • Shanghai Mt. Jiuhua Tour
  • Shanghai Mt. Putuo Tour
  • Shanghai Guilin Tours
  • Shanghai Zhangjiajie Tours
  • Shanghai Dunhuang Tours
  • Hong Kong Shanghai Tours

Keep Reading About Shanghai Attractions

  • Shanghai Attractions
  • Shanghai Skyline
  • Top Museums in Shanghai
  • Top Parks in Shanghai
  • Yu Garden & Bazaar
  • Huangpu River Cruise
  • Nanjing Road
  • City God Temple
  • Zhujiajiao Ancient Town
  • Shanghai Museum
  • Shanghai World Financial Center
  • Jade Buddha Temple
  • Shanghai Disney Resort
  • Shanghai Oriental Pearl Tower
  • Shanghai Xintiandi
  • Shanghai Tianzifang
  • Shanghai Circus World
  • Shanghai Tower
  • Urban Planning Exhibition Center
  • Shanghai Travel Guide
  • Shanghai Trip Planner
  • Shanghai Transportation
  • Shanghai 144h Visa-free Transit
  • Things to Do in Shanghai
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  • Shanghai Weather & Seasons
  • Shanghai Maps
  • Shanghai Travel FAQs & Tips
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Best Shanghai Tour Packages for 2024

As the gateway city to visit China, Shanghai is an internatinal metropolis with numerous scenic sites. You can stroll along the Bund to enjoy the city's nightscape, appreciate the exotic buildings facing the towering skyscrapers, and step into the traditional Yu garden to experience the oriental sense of beauty...all of your dreams about Shanghai can be tangible in our Shanghai tours. No matter how many days you plan to stay in Shanghai, there is always a tour suitable for you. Following are some best Shanghai tour packages covering most highlights in Shanghai. If you still have no idea where to start, you can design a tailor-made Shanghai trip with us.

Antal's family enjoyed the scenery of Shanghai skyscrapers in March 2024

Explore the old and new of Shanghai, admire the past cultural heritages among the modern scrapers, meet perfect blend of traditional and urbanization

West Lake Summer Scenery

Explore the 3 most popular destinations of the Yangtze Delta - Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Suzhou by the fast bullet trains. Every day is connected well, without any waste of time and money.

Western-style Architecture at the Bund, Taken by Taylor from USA

In this 2-day classic Shanghai tour, you will discover top iconic landmarks of Shanghai like the Bund, Yu Garden, Shanghai World Financial Center to appreciate the real charm of Shanghai. Everything is perfectly arranged!

Boats in Zhujiajiao Water Town, Shot by Our Guest Gaye from Australia

Looking for a unique Shanghai tour which is different from the regular itineraries? Here it is - A harmony between soft and hard landscapes results in one of a kind holiday in Shanghai.

Start planning your tailor-made holiday to China by contacting one of our specialists. Once inquired, you’ll get a response within 0.5~23.5 hours.

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What roads will be closed during today's Greenville Cycling Classic? What you need to know

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Tour de France veterans George Hincapie, Bobby Julich, and Christian Vande Velde will take a 20-minute ride alongside other cyclists at the Greenville Cycling Classic , presented by Prisma Health, today at One City Plaza.

Tour de France legends Julich, Vande Velde and Hincapie will ride alongside the first 200 registered riders to a casual, one-kilometer speed criterium loop race that travels around downtown for 20 minutes beginning at 5:15 p.m.

Beginning at 3 p.m., men's and women's professional and amateur cycling will occur along Main and Coffee Street. Bike races will continue through 9 p.m. to determine a winner in nine divisions, ranging from 30-minute rides to a 70-lap competition.

This race is part of the Speed Week race series, with nine races in South Carolina and Georgia.

Who is George Hincapie?

Hincapie is a former professional racing cyclist who competed alongside Lance Armstrong as his domestique or assisting rider on the U.S. PostalPro Cycling Team. He is also known for helping Alberto Contador and Cadel Evans to their first Tour de France victories in 2007 and 2011.

During Hincapie's 27-year professional cycling career, he won three U.S. Professional Road Race championships and finished second in the 2005 Paris-Roubaix, still the highest-placing American ranking for that specific race.

How do I attend the Greenville Cycling Classic?

The racing path will expand between East North Street, East McBee Avenue, South Laurens Street, and South Brown Street.

What roads will be closed during the race?

Road closures for the event will be in place from noon to 11 p.m. on April 25.

They will include:

  • Main Street, from McBee Avenue to East North Street
  • East North Street, from North Main to Brown Streets
  • Brown Street, from East North Street to McBee Avenue
  • McBee Avenue, from South Brown Street to South Laurens Street
  • South Laurens Street, from West McBee Avenue to West Washington Street
  • Washington Street, from South Laurens to Brown Streets

Greenville Cycling Classic Event Schedule

  • 3:15 p.m. -- Women's Category 4/5 Race
  • 3:50 p.m. -- Men's Category 4/5 Race
  • 4:25 p.m. -- Masters 40 +
  • 4:25 p.m. -- Masters 50 +
  • 4:25 p.m. -- Masters 60 +
  • 5:15 p.m. -- Ride with the Tour de France Legends
  • 5:55 p.m. -- Men's Category 2/3 Race
  • 6:55 p.m. -- Women's Pro 1/2/3 Category Race
  • 8:05 p.m. -- Men's Pro 1/2 Category Race

For more information, visit greenvillecyclingclassic.com

– A.J. Jackson covers the food & dining scene, along with arts, entertainment and downtown culture for The Greenville News. Contact him by email at [email protected], and follow him on X (formally Twitter) @ajhappened. This coverage is only possible with support from our readers. Sign up today for a digital subscription .  

The Shanghai Tower — China's Tallest Skyscraper

The Shanghai Tower, the world's second-tallest building in 2018, is 127 stories or 632 meters (2,073 feet) tall and is a premier Shanghai tourist highlight .

Shanghai Tower Quick Facts

  • Rated: #7 on TripAdvisor out of more than 1,000 Thing to Do in Shanghai.
  • Height: 632 meters (2,073 feet)
  • Floors: 128 floors above ground and 5 below ground.
  • Completion: 2014, opened to the public in 2016.
  • Cost: about 2.4 billion USD
  • Chinese: 上海中心大厦 Shànghǎi Zhōngxīn Dàshà

Tourist Highlights

Records in 2018.

  • Height: world's 2nd tallest building
  • Observation deck: world's highest observation deck on the 119th floor (561 meters)
  • Luxury hotel: world's 2nd highest hotel
  • Elevators: among the world's fastest elevators

Tallest Building in China

The building dwarfs the Shanghai World Financial Center and the 88-story Jin Mao Tower next to it. It is about 122 meters (400 feet) taller than Shanghai World Financial Center and the Taipei 101 too.

Some of the world's fastest elevators speed up and down at 65 kph (40 miles per hour). You may want to visit just for that experience.

J Hotel: World's 2nd Highest Hotel

You might enjoy a stay in the luxury hotel on the 84th to 110th floors.

As of 2018, only the Ritz Carleton in the ICC Tower in Hong Kong that is at 484 meters (1,587 ft) is taller. Shenzhen's Ping'an Financial Center's hotel and Guangzhou's CTF Finance Center's Rosewood will be higher when opened perhaps in 2018 or 2019.


  • Purpose: to be a Shanghai landmark and financial icon in the center of China's financial center and be part of a super-tall cluster triangle
  • Use of space: observatories, conference rooms, hotel, meeting rooms, a museum, shops, restaurants, gardens and a mall
  • Aesthetics: The helical shape gives it an ultra-modern signature appearance.
  • Ergonomics: The facilities are designed to make it a self-contained, livable, community.
  • Resource efficiency: The building is covered with two layers of glass for insulation, some water is recycled, some rain water is caught and reused, and wind turbines and solar panels help to produce energy.

Advanced Engineering

The building is built according to a recent innovation in very high skyscraper design. Like the rest of the world's tallest buildings built in the last several years, instead of having a simple steel girder framework for a skeleton, it has a thick concrete core .

Building in Shanghai is difficult because the land is sandy river delta soil and there are typhoons and earthquakes. The tower is built on 70-meter -long (200-feet) concrete piles.

To make the structure stable in strong winds, it has an innovative spiraling cylindrical shape that is aerodynamic. The distinctive helix shape looks beautiful.

It is a showcase of 21st century engineering. To save energy and provide extra protection, the tower is built like a thermos bottle with an outer skin consisting of two-layer glass facades.

The Shanghai Tower vs The Burj Khalifa

The present (2018) two tallest buildings are often compared. Both were largely designed by Marshall Strabala who is an American architect who specialized in designing the tallest buildings.

Height: The Burj measures 829.8 m (2,722 ft), so it is 198 meters taller. However, the top floor is only at 584 meters, the rest of it is unoccupied tower that ends with an antenna. So the top was mainly added for height and looks and functions as an antenna tower.

Functional height: The Shanghai Tower's top floor is higher, and it's observation decks (there are two) are higher. The public one on the 119th floor is at 561 meters compared to Burj Khalifa's 555 meter (1,821 ft) deck.

The view: From the Shanghai Tower, the view of the Huangpu River, the historic Bund district, and the Pudong cityscape is more beautiful compared to the dry desert, sea view and the small city of Dubai.

Travel Essentials

  • Address : Financial Trading District, Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai
  • Subway transport : Subway Line 2 to Lujiazui Station. Take Exit 4 and walk about 500 meters to Shanghai Tower.
  • Observation deck: ticket price, 180 RMB (28 USD); open 8:30am - 10pm
  • The view: The night lights and dusk sunset scenes are particularly amazing from the top floors, but in rainy and foggy weather you can see little.

Travel Shanghai Your Way!

Our well-designed tour plans cover the highlights of Shanghai in ways that experience and customer feedback shows are best. They can all be customized to your interests and travel style.

Recommended Shanghai Itineraries

  • 5-Day Essence of Shanghai and Hangzhou Tour : See the most famous sights in Shanghai and Hangzhou, like the Bund and West Lake.
  • The Golden Triangle — Variations on the 8-day Beijing–Xi'an–Shanghai itinerary are our most-chosen first-time China trip over 20 years.

Or you could just submit our 4-minute Create-My-Trip form with your interests and requirements, and we will send you a quote and proposed itinerary within 24 hours.

Further Reading

  • The Best Places for Shanghai Skyline Views
  • China's 10 Tallest Skyscrapers — About Half of the World's Top 20
  • China's Top 10 Buildings

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Address: Building 6, Chuangyi Business Park, 70 Qilidian Road, Guilin, Guangxi, 541004, China

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Kid cudi cancels tour after breaking foot at coachella, kid cudi gotta cancel my tour ... long recovery after foot surgery.

Kid Cudi won't be raging around the globe anytime soon ... his recently broken foot will require surgery and a recovery time that will keep him from touring, this according to him.

Cudi broke the news to fans on Wednesday -- saying that his Insano: Engage the Rage World Tour was canceled for good as he prepared to go under the knife.

He promised to revamp the tour once he returns back to health but is unsure when that will be ... apparently, the injury is more severe than he first thought.

The 40-year-old took a terrible tumble last weekend while attempting to jump off the massive Coachella stage ... and failed to complete his set, although the festival wasn't prepared for the technical difficulty and kept the live stream booming with no action.

Cudi owned up to no longer being a spring chicken once he was safe in bed -- at least he knows what stunts not to pull when the tour rolls back around.

The good news is fans who purchased tickets will get refunds. The bad news is Pusha T , Jaden Smith and Earthgang are currently SOL without a summer tour schedule!!!

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Tour de France

Tour de france stage 1: the hilliest-ever opening stage of the tour, a dramatic opener to this year's tour with an elevation gain of 3,800 meters. will the bunch fragment like last year.

Heading out the door? Read this article on the new Outside+ app available now on iOS devices for members! >","name":"in-content-cta","type":"link"}}'>Download the app .

Stage 1 — Saturday, June 29 Florence-Rimini Distance: 206km (128 miles) Profile: Medium mountain stage

Stage 1: A daunting opener

Last year’s first stage was said by some to be amongst the hardest Tour openers ever; one year later, the organizers have decided to follow the same template.

Indeed they have ramped up the difficulty, with an elevation gain of 3,800 meters, some 500 meters more than last time around. The stage will not so much shake off the cobwebs as evaporate them. Starting in Florence as part of the first-ever Italian Grand Depart in history, the riders will have 30 mainly flat kilometers before the first of seven categorized climbs rear up.

The Col de Valico Tre Faggi is the highest on the stage, peaking at 930 meters altitude after 12.5km of climbing. A breakaway is almost certain to form here and, passing over the subsequent climbs of the Côte des Forche, the Côte de Carnaio and the Colle de Barbotto, should be able to further pad their advantage.

The pendulum may well swing the other way over the three climbs located in the final 50 kms. The last of these, the Côte de Saint-Marino, is followed by 25 downhill and flat roads to the finish in Rimini. Much will depend on how the favorites ride the stage but if the big names and their teams go all in, a very difficult first day is in store.

The stage finish is a poignant location for Italian cycling. The 1998 Tour de France winner Marco Pantani died in Rimini in 2004, with this year’s Tour taking place 20 years after that tragic event.

The view of Tour de France race director Christian Prudhomme: “It’s rare for the Tour de France to start with more than 3,600 meters of climbing — in fact it’s never happened before! — and it’s also the first time that the race has visited the home city of Gino Bartali.

“The succession of hills in Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna are likely to be the setting for an immediate and testing confrontation between the contenders for the title, particularly the climb into San Marino (7.1km at 4.8 percent), where the race will add a 13th name to its catalogue of foreign visits.”

Tour de France 2024 stage 1 map


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  6. Tour De Shanghai: Th New York of China #travel #shanghai #shorts #skyscraper #youtube


  1. THE TOP 10 Shanghai Tours & Excursions (UPDATED 2024)

    A: The best tours in Shanghai according to Viator travelers are: Zhujiajiao Water Town and Shanghai City Private Day Tour. Private Shanghai Full Day City Tour with Old and New Highlights. Half Day Private Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai. Suzhou Private Day Trip from Shanghai with Bullet Train Option.

  2. China Shanghai Tours, Top 6 Shanghai Tour Packages 2024/2025

    China Shanghai Tours & Top 6 Shanghai Tour Packages 2024/2025. Situated in the south estuary of the Yangtze River, China's east coast, Shanghai impresses the world with lots of labels, such as China' largest and most developed city, a "Magic City" and "the Oriental Paris" whose attractions fascinate millions of tourists each year.Perfect cultural fusion of the West and East, the ...

  3. La tour Shanghaï

    Découvrez la tour Shanghaï, le second plus haut gratte-ciel au monde, qui offre une vue panoramique sur la ville et la mer. Apprenez-en plus sur son architecture, son hôtel, ses ascenseurs et son histoire.

  4. The BEST Shanghai Tours and Things to Do in 2024

    8. Shanghai Half-Day Bicycle City Tour. See the highlights of one of China's most vibrant and historical cities in this half-day tour of Shanghai. If you're strapped for time, or just want a quick orientation, this 20km bicycle tour is a great way to see Shanghai's top attractions.

  5. 2 Days Classic Shanghai City Tour

    Affordable and valuable price. 100% tailor-made packages. Highly rated customers reviews. Efficient customer support. 2 Days Classic Shanghai Tour is our most popular & classic itinerary which takes you to discover top highlighting attractions of Shanghai in the most time-efficent way.

  6. THE 10 BEST Shanghai City Tours (Updated 2024)

    27. Private Suzhou and Zhouzhuang or Tongli Tour from Shanghai. 28. Full-day Tours. 8-9 hours. This private day trip from Shanghai will allow you to see the typical south-east (Jiang'nan) style water-way city Suzhou…. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers. from.

  7. Shanghai Tours with Local Private Tour Guides

    Find your perfect Shanghai tour. Local Guides offer 145 unique and customizable tours in Shanghai. When are you visiting? From. To. Adventure / Active After Dark City Day Trip / Out of Town First Time Visitor Food and Wine Hiking and Walking Local Experience Museums / Culture Nature and Wildlife Religious Heritage Shopping Youth and Family ...

  8. Shanghai Small Group Day Tours

    Price From US$ 119 p/p. Details. One-day Zhouzhuang and Jinxi Water Town Tour From Shanghai. Discover two totally different water towns. Price From US$ 135 p/p. Details. Half-Day Private Shanghai Zhujiajiao Water Town Tour. Riding a boat to tour around the town. Price From US$ 130 p/p.

  9. THE 10 BEST Shanghai Tours & Excursions

    15. Flexible Half Day Tour to Zhujiajiao Water Town with Boat Ride from Shanghai. 29. Historical Tours. 4-5 hours. Enjoy a relaxing half day tour to the remarkable ancient water town Zhujiajiao with your local lovely guide. Experience …. Free cancellation. Recommended by 100% of travelers.

  10. Shanghai Travel Guide

    Shanghai Travel Guide. Shanghai, a vibrant city situated on the Yangtze River Delta, has a fascinating past as a gateway to China. It is not only the largest economic and trade hub in the country but also a fantastic cultural center. You can still catch glimpses of Shanghai's colonial history in the charming Bund area, which adds to its ...

  11. Shanghai Trip Planner

    Plan D. Downtown Sightseeing + Customized Shanghai Biking. Day 1: Shanghai Arrival. Day 2: Shanghai Museum + Tianzifang + Shanghai World Financial Center+Nanjing Road + The Bund. Day 3: Half-day Biking in Xintiandi, Tianzifang, Wukang Road (can be customized) 3 Days Best Shanghai Tour with Half-day Biking.

  12. The Top 20 Things to Do in Shanghai

    Nanjing Road features historic Chinese sculptures at the "Golden Belt". Read more on Shanghai Shopping - Top Places to Shop for Souvenirs. 11-Day Tour: Beijing - Xi'an - Guilin/Yangshuo - Shanghai Classic Wonders. 6. Stroll around in a Watertown - Zhujiajiao. Zhujiajiao Water Town.

  13. Tour Shanghai

    La tour Shanghai ( chinois : 上海中心大厦 ; pinyin : shànghǎi zhōngxīn dàshà) est un gratte-ciel du quartier financier de Pudong à Shanghai. L'immeuble, qui s'élève à une hauteur de 632 mètres, a 128 étages et développe une surface de 420 000 mètres carrés. En 2016, c'est la troisième plus haute structure construite par ...

  14. 10 Best Shanghai Tours & Trips 2024/2025

    Shanghai Tours & Trips. Find the right tour for you through Shanghai. We've got 263 adventures going to Shanghai, starting from just 2 days in length, and the longest tour is 31 days. The most popular month to go is October, which has the largest number of tour departures. 250+ Shanghai tour packages with 279 reviews. View Map. In-depth Cultural.

  15. Best things to do in Shanghai 2024

    Regarded as Asia's New York, Shanghai, is deemed as the financial and cultural center of China. Experience breathtaking city views atop the Oriental Pearl Tower, one of the most important and best-maintained tourist attractions in China. Visit the Suzhou & Zhouzhuang Water Village, the Venice of East, and learn more about ancient China.

  16. 15 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions in Shanghai

    Visit Shanghai Disney Resort. 14. Jin Mao Tower and Skywalk. 15. Shanghai Natural History Museum. Where to Stay in Shanghai for Sightseeing. Map of Tourist Attractions & Things to Do in Shanghai. Shanghai, China - Climate Chart.

  17. Shanghai Tower

    Shanghai Tower (Chinese: 上海中心大厦; pinyin: Shànghǎi Zhōngxīn Dàshà; Shanghainese: Zånhe Tsonsin Dusa; lit. 'Shanghai Center Building') is a 128-story, 632-meter-tall (2,073 ft) megatall skyscraper in Lujiazui, Pudong, Shanghai. It is the tallest building in China and the world's third-tallest building by height to architectural top.It is the tallest and largest LEED Platinum ...

  18. Shanghai & Hangzhou 2-Day Highlights Tour

    Shanghai Disney Resort, Chuansha New Town, Pudong New Area, Shanghai; Suggested tour duration: 1-2 days; Open from 04/18-05/05,8:30am-9:30pm; Recommended Nearby Restaurants. Royal Banquet Hall. 4.8 /5 · 13457 reviews. 0.6 km from attraction. Stargazer Grill. 4.3 /5 · 39 reviews.

  19. La Perle de l'Orient

    Shanghai dispose de 3 excellents points de vue : la Perle de l'Orient, la Tour Jinmao et le Centre Mondial des Finances de Shanghai. Nous vous recommandons de monter dans l'un d'eux pendant la journée et un autre la nuit, car les vues changent radicalement. La montée à la tour de télévision ne vous décevra pas.

  20. La Tour de Shanghai

    La Tour de Shanghai est avec ses 632 mètres de hauteur la 3ème plus haute construction humaine de l'histoire.Sa plus grande particularité est surement sa faç...

  21. An inside look at Portland's Shanghai Tunnels and their history

    The old system of corridors beneath the city of Portland are known as 'The Shanghai Tunnels'. Tour Guide Doug discusses where the name came from, the rumors of their actual use, why they were ...

  22. 15 Epic Places to Visit in Shanghai & Shanghai Bucket List 2024

    Following are some best Shanghai tour packages covering most highlights in Shanghai. If you still have no idea where to start, you can design a tailor-made Shanghai trip with us. 3 Days Shanghai Past and Present Contrast Tour. Explore the old and new of Shanghai, admire the past cultural heritages among the modern scrapers, meet perfect blend ...

  23. Greenville Cycling Classic's race schedule, road closures. What to know

    Tour de France legends Julich, Vande Velde and Hincapie will ride alongside the first 200 registered riders to a casual, one-kilometer speed criterium loop race that travels around downtown for 20 ...

  24. Sprint Highlights: 2024 Chinese Grand Prix

    Watch highlights from the F1 Sprint at the Shanghai International Circuit ahead of the 2024 Formula 1 Chinese Grand Prix. Related. 6:51 Now Playing. Sprint Highlights: 2024 Chinese Grand Prix. 9:53 Now Playing. Top 10 Onboard Moments: 2024 Chinese Grand Prix. 10:04 Now Playing.

  25. The Shanghai Tower

    Shanghai Tower Quick Facts. Shanghai Tower. Rated: #7 on TripAdvisor out of more than 1,000 Thing to Do in Shanghai. Height: 632 meters (2,073 feet) Floors: 128 floors above ground and 5 below ground. Completion: 2014, opened to the public in 2016. Cost: about 2.4 billion USD. Chinese: 上海中心大厦 Shànghǎi Zhōngxīn Dàshà.

  26. The BEST Shanghai Tours 2024

    Red Route (Shanghai City Tour) 1. People's Square 2. People's Park 3. Shanghai Art Museum 4. Nanjing Road 5. The Bund 6. River Cruise, Pier 16 7. Yuyuan Garden 8. Xin Tian Di Blue Route (Pudong Tour) 1. The Bund 2. Oriental Pearl Tower 3. World Financial Center and Jin Mao Tower 4. Cool Docks 5.

  27. Formula 1 Lenovo Chinese Grand Prix 2024


  28. Kid Cudi Cancels Tour After Breaking Foot At Coachella

    The 40-year-old took a terrible tumble last weekend while attempting to jump off the massive Coachella stage ... and failed to complete his set, although the festival wasn't prepared for the ...

  29. Tour de France 2024 Stage 1 Preview

    The 1998 Tour de France winner Marco Pantani died in Rimini in 2004, with this year's Tour taking place 20 years after that tragic event. The view of Tour de France race director Christian Prudhomme: "It's rare for the Tour de France to start with more than 3,600 meters of climbing — in fact it's never happened before! — and it's ...