essai peugeot traveller business vip

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Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

Peugeot Traveller Noir Onyx vue extérieur

Commercialisé depuis un peu plus de deux ans, Peugeot Traveller progresse en volume de vente avec une hausse de près de 30% pour ce premier semestre 2018. Son cousin, le Citroën SpaceTourer n’est pas en reste puisqu’il affiche une progression de plus de 55% sur la même période. Basé sur la même plateforme que la gamme VUL des Peugeot Expert, Citroen Jumpy et Toyota ProAce, le Traveller se décline sous différentes finition Business et Business VIP. Ce dernier est disponible aussi bien en version long que court afin de séduire une clientèle toujours plus exigeante sur ce segment.

Dans le cadre de la journée portes ouvertes au parc presse Peugeot, j’ai eu l’occasion d’essayer le 16 mai le nouveau Peugeot Traveller dans sa version emblématique : Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6 .

Côté équipement de série, ce Peugeot Traveller Business VIP est richement doté avec de série :

  • Accès et Démarrage Mains Libres
  • Aide au stationnement avant + Caméra de recul
  • VisioPark 1+ Surveillance Angle Mort
  • Air conditionné automatique avant bizone et air conditionné additionnel arrière et pavillon avec diffusion douce
  • Combiné avec matrice couleur & Vision Tête Haute
  • Limiteur de Vitesse Variable / Régulateur de Vitesse programmable
  • Portes latérales coulissantes droite et gauche mains libres motorisées
  • Projecteurs Xénon
  • Navigation 3D connectée avec écran tactile 7 pouces

En option, notre modèle d’essai dispose en plus de la table coulissante escamotable.

Traveller : un design soigné

Peugeot Traveller porte coulissante motorisée main libre

Par rapport à son prédécesseur, le Peugeot Expert,  Traveller fait un bond considérable en matière de design. Notre modèle d’essai dans sa livrée noir Onyx et ses jantes 17 pouces dégage force et élégance. On est loin du style très consensuel de son ainé. La face avant reprend de nombreux codes stylistiques présents dans la gamme. La calandre n’est pas sans rappeler celle du Peugeot 2008 tandis que les deux appendices du pare-chocs remontant sur les projecteurs s’inspirent de la Peugeot 308. Sans nul doute le pari est réussi puisqu’on l’on ressent bien une montée en gamme. Mais qu’en est-il à bord ?

Une fois installé au volant, on surplombe la route à l’instar des monospaces d’autres fois tel que le Peugeot 807. La position de conduite idéale s’obtient aisément grâce aux multiples réglages du volant et du siège. La prise en main est immédiate avec des commandes qui tombent naturellement sous la main. L’écran tactile situé assez haut sur la planche de bord offre une ergonomie exemplaire. Jusqu’ici cette navette VIP confirme ses prétentions. Malheureusement, certains matériaux trahissent les origines VUL de cette version. On retrouve encore beaucoup trop de plastique durs que la sellerie cuir a du mal à faire oublier.

Une véritable navette VIP

Peugeot Traveller et la modularité des sièges

Aux places avant l’habitabilité est excellente avec une belle largeur aux épaules et une garde au toit qui ne décevra pas les personnes de grande taille. Un rapide accès aux place arrière depuis l’avant par le couloir central permet de constater que la largeur conviendra parfaitement à deux adultes que ce soit au rang 2 ou 3. L’espace aux jambes n’est pas non plus négligé avec en plus les possibilités de réglage des sièges coulissants à tous les rangs. Les sièges en cuir assurent en bon confort à l’avant comme aux places arrière. Ils se révèlent nettement plus moelleux que leurs homologues en cuir que nous avions pu tester de notre essai du Peugeot 5008 quelques heures avant.

On aurait pu s’attendre à des espaces de rangements pléthoriques sur un véhicule aussi volumique. Le Peugeot Traveller est assez bien loti avec à l’avant des bacs dans la portes, une vaste boite à gants de plus de 5 litres et deux rangements au centre de la planche de bord de 5 et 7 litres. Mais il déçoit au second rang. Les passagers ne disposent que des bacs de portes et se consoleront avec leur tablette aviation. Seul le rang 3 est mieux loti à condition de disposer de la console centrale de la table escamotable optionnelle. Enfin le volume du coffre est gigantesque même avec un troisième rang de siège avec 900 dm3.

Un couple moteur / boite de vitesse au top

Peugeot Traveller et sa planche de bord

Passons à la conduite. Moteur démarré, le 2.0 BlueHDi 180 se révèle assez discret. On apprécie le travail réalisé sur l’insonorisation et la filtration des vibrations. Ici point de levier de vitesse comme sur les autres modèles dotés de l’ EAT6 mais un sélecteur rotatif. Une fois le mode D enclenché, le véhicule s’élance en douceur grâce au couple généreux de 400 Nm disponible dès 2000 tr/min. Malgré le gabarit imposant, le Peugeot Traveller se conduit aisément en ville et offre une bonne visibilité avant et arrière.

A défaut de Peugeot i-Cockpit, l’affichage tête haute permet une lecture de la vitesse et des informations de navigation sur la lame en plexiglas sans quitté du regard la route . Les manœuvres de stationnement qui pourrait tourner au cauchemar avec plus de 5,3 mètres sont en réalité assez faciles. Notre modèle d’essai dispose de série du pack VisioPark 1 incluant les aides au stationnement avant et arrière ainsi qu’un caméra arrière offrant une vue à 180°.

Sur route, le 2.0 BlueHDi 180 accouplé à la boite automatique à 6 rapports est un modèle de souplesse. Le Peugeot Traveller bénéficie d’une grande vivacité et de performances routières plus que satisfaisantes compte tenu de son gabarit. Les relances sont franches et sécurisantes avec des performances très honorables avec près de 1,5 tonnes sur la balance. Le 0 à 100 km/h est abattu en à peine plus de 10 secondes. La boite EAT6 reste fidèle à sa réputation. Elle se montre très réactive et très douce avec une excellente gestion de passage des rapports. Notez qu’en l’absence de levier, le mode manuel de la boite de vitesse est assuré par les palettes au volant. Celles-ci  se révèlent très pratiques à l’usage. Sur ce chapitre c’est un sans-faute.

Un confort qui prime sur le dynamisme

En matière de tenue de route, Peugeot déçoit un peu compte tenu de son excellent savoir-faire en matière de liaison au sol. Le Peugeot Traveller offre certes un excellent confort de roulement avec un bon filtrage mais au détriment du maintien de caisse. Le roulis et le tangage est assez présent tout comme les phénomènes de pompage à vive allure sur les départementales du Vexin. Malgré tout, le comportement routier demeure sur. Le freinage est satisfaisant mais aurait mérité un toucher de pédale plus ferme avec un peu plus de mordant. Traveller reste avant tout axé sur le confort, moins sur le dynamisme. Sur ce point, il assure de très belles prestations avec un très bon confort acoustique. Les bruits aérodynamique et de roulement sont peu audible même sur autoroute.

Ce confort acoustique permet d’apprécier la qualité du système audio. La qualité est correcte avec 9 haut-parleurs et un caisson basses. Mais il aurait peut-être mérité de série ou en option une offre Bose ou Focal afin de conforter ses prétentions VIP. On retrouve l’écran tactile de 7 pouces capacitif du NAC équipant les Peugeot 308, 3008 et 5008 . Il dispose de toutes les fonctionnalités tel que le Mirror Screen, la reconnaissance vocale, le Bluetooth et la lecture d’à peu près tous les formats audio via la prise USB. La navigation dans les menus est fluide et intuitive comme nous avions pu le constater lors de précédents essais. Reste à redire sur ce point.

Pour conclure

Bilan très contrasté au terme de cet essai. On retiendra de cette version VIP Business , le tonus de son moteur, son excellente boite de vitesse et son confort hors pair. De plus, Peugeot Traveller offre une position de conduite haute qui séduira la clientèle des SUV. En revanche, le comportement routier n’est pas aussi dynamique que ce dont nous a habitué Peugeot. Sur ce point même les Peugeot 806/807 faisait mieux, dommage. Heureusement, Traveller dispose de nombreux atouts qui feront oublier cela. Preuve en est que ce modèle nous a finalement agréablement surpris puisque nous réaliserons un essai détaillé d’ici la fin de l’année. Nous reviendrons plus précisément sur la modularité, les équipements, les rangements et tous les petits plus de cette version VIP Business.

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Peugeot Traveller review

Category: Van-based MPV

Very spacious but handling and interior quality are likely to disappoint those used to a regular MPV

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Peugeot Traveller

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Introduction, what car says....

How many people can you legally squeeze into a car? If it’s a big saloon, you’re looking at five tops. A chunky SUV, MPV or even some estate cars can swallow seven – but surely that’s the limit, right? Not necessarily.

You see, the Peugeot Traveller can hold up to nine of your nearest and dearest including your good self. If that seems excessive, you can get versions with five, six, seven or eight seats, too. And you’ve got a choice of three lengths.

If that sounds more like the kind of flexibility you’d get from a minibus, that’s because it basically is. Like the near-identical Citroën Spacetourer or rivals such as the Volkswagen Caravelle , Ford Tourneo and Mercedes-Benz V-Class , the Traveller is essentially a van with windows, alloy wheels and a smattering of luxury accouterments.

Over the next few pages, we’ll look at just how practical the Traveller is, what it’s like to drive and which version is best. Don’t forget to look at our new car deals for big savings on this and many other new cars.

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Performance & drive, what it’s like to drive, and how quiet it is.

There are four engine options for the Traveller. Kicking off the range is a 1.6-litre diesel with 94bhp that’s attached to a six-speed manual gearbox. It’s cheap, but it’s likely to struggle with a few people on board; it’s also only available in the shortest body and in Business trim. The next engine up, another 1.6-litre diesel but with 113bhp, is better but only if you don’t mind leisurely acceleration.

We’d recommend spending a little more to get the 148bhp 2.0-litre diesel with a manual ’box. Its larger size provides more low-end power, meaning it doesn’t need working as hard to get up to speed. Performance will only ever be adequate, but the Traveller isn’t the kind of thing you’d want to hustle along a country road anyway.

The final option is a 2.0-litre diesel with 178bhp and a standard automatic gearbox. It certainly makes motorway work easier, thanks to the additional power, and the automatic ’box is smooth when changing gear in automatic mode. The trouble is that it’s only available in Allure trim or in the longest body in Business and Business VIP trims, making the car very expensive. Refinement is good in both 2.0 diesels, with little vibration and hushed manners when you’re at a cruise.

If you’re ambling along, the Traveller is a comfortable companion for the most part. Smooth but undulating roads are soaked up with a gentle waftiness that suits the relaxed nature of the driving experience. This calm is shattered when you run over broken road surfaces or expansion joints, though, with the Traveller bobbling around noticeably.

Peugeot Traveller image

Get to a corner and there’s no mistaking that the Traveller is a van underneath. The steering is quite slow and there’s an awful lot of body roll if you corner with even moderate enthusiasm. Grip levels are lower than in a regular MPV, with the front end always gently washing wide if you’re going too quickly.

Although there isn’t four-wheel drive, you can get something called Grip Control. This is a switchable traction control system with different modes for snow, mud, sand and other surfaces. You also get all-season mud and snow tyres thrown in, making for a surprisingly effective winter wagon.

Peugeot Traveller

The interior layout, fit and finish

The first thing you’ll notice when you clamber into the Traveller is just how high up you sit. Even with the height-adjustable driver’s seat on its lowest setting, you tower over SUVs for a truly commanding view of the road.

Visibility is for the most part very good, thanks to the Traveller’s boxy shape. Only the disappearing nose makes it tricky to park since you’re never quite sure where the front bumper is. To help, Active models get rear parking sensors, while Allure trim gets front parking sensors and a rear-view camera system.

Look around the interior and it’s clear that you’re in something that’s basically a van. There may be lashings of chrome-effect trim and even a leather-wrapped steering wheel on Allure and Business VIP models, but the acres of hard plastic give the game away.

All versions get a 7.0in touchscreen infotainment system with Bluetooth, a DAB radio, Android Auto and Apple CarPlay smartphone mirroring and a USB socket. Sat-nav is optional on Active trim and standard on Allure and upwards. The system is fairly easy to navigate but some of the icons are small and it can be a bit sluggish to respond to commands.

Peugeot Traveller

Passenger & boot space

How it copes with people and clutter.

Unusually for an MPV (but not for a van), the Traveller is available in three lengths. While the smallest, Compact, is likely to feel a little cramped if you opt for three rows of seating (an option on all models), the middle Standard option has plenty of space for people as long as you don’t mind a very small boot or only two rows of seats.

As for the Long variant, it can seat three rows of people in comfort with room for luggage. Compared with a Seat Alhambra or Ford Galaxy , even the Standard variant feels much more spacious and is suitable for full-sized adults in all three rows.

Most versions come as standard with five seats (two in the front, three in the back), with three seats optional in the third row. Business VIP models get two seats for the second row as standard, with a sliding central armrest with the option of pop-out tray tables. Business models get the option of a three-seater front bench to allow up to nine people aboard.

The second and third row seats can be slid backwards and forward, and can be reclined to prioritise space or comfort on all models. If you really want the maximum amount of space, rows two and three can be removed entirely for a load area that’s as cavernous as a van’s (surprise, surprise). Just bear in mind that the seats are pretty hefty, so we’d recommend calling on the help of a friend to remove them.

If all that wasn’t practical enough, there’s also a cornucopia of storage solutions dotted around the interior. There are some of the biggest door pockets we’ve ever come across, two gloveboxes, a cubby on the top of the dash and a handy shelf by the USB port that’s the perfect size for a smartphone.

Peugeot Traveller

Buying & owning

Everyday costs, plus how reliable and safe it is.

All Travellers have a price that starts with a three, while you can easily spend significantly more than that if you want a larger, high-end model with one of the 2.0 diesel engines. There’s no doubting that you get an awful lot of motor for your money, but we’d recommend an Active model with the 148bhp 2.0 diesel engine.

This gets you a 7.0in touchscreen with Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, as well as a DAB radio, auto lights and wipers, dual-zone climate control and rear parking sensors. Sat-nav can be taken care of by your smartphone via the infotainment system, while you might want to consider adding a third row of seats.

Allure is too expensive to recommend, although Business trim could be worth considering if you need nine seats.

In terms of length, Long can be a little unwieldy, so unless you need the extra luggage space stick to Standard.

As for running costs, they might be a little higher than you’d think, given the relatively small diesel engines. Because the Traveller is a big heavy thing, CO2 emissions range from 137g/km to 155g/km depending on engine – this is worth bearing in mind if you’re a business user. Fuel economy will be worse than the likes of the Ford Galaxy or Seat Alhambra but on a par with similarly sized van-based MPVs.

The Traveller should be commended for its five-star Euro NCAP rating, with higher scores than the Galaxy in all categories but pedestrian protection. Even so, you have to pay extra for automatic emergency braking and a Mercedes-Benz V-Class is better at protecting adults.

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Peugeot Traveller

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Actualidad Motor

Essai peugeot traveller business vip 2.0 bluehdi 180 cv châssis moyen.

Diego Ávila Mis à jour le 17/02/2020 11:49

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Essai Peugeot Traveller VIP 180

Les grandes fourgonnettes ils sont principalement destinés aux loueurs de voitures, aux petites entreprises et aux indépendants ; mais attention, il peut aussi être une excellente alternative pour les familles nombreuses ou pour ceux qui voyagent régulièrement pour leurs loisirs. Oui, j'ai bien dit "grandes fourgonnettes", parce que comportement et qualité qui montrent qu'il est plus proche du tourisme que ce que nous avons tous connu toute la vie comme un "van" .

Cette semaine, une de ces grosses fourgonnettes est passée par notre garage. Spécifiquement nous avons essayé le Peugeot Traveller niveau de carrosserie moyen Business VIP et le moteur le plus puissant de la gamme, le 2.0 BlueHDI 180 ch avec la transmission automatique EAT8. Quoi de mieux pour le prouver qu'un voyage avec toutes les places occupées et le coffre en haut ? Voyons voir!

Avant de nous plonger totalement dans l'essai de ce Peugeot Traveller je voulais vous rappeler que ce modèle est identique au Citroën C5 SpaceTourer, au Toyota Proace Verso et aussi à la nouvelle Opel Zafira Life qui s'apprête à débarquer en concession. Il est pratiquement la même voiture , sauf que les avant s'adaptent à chaque image de marque, tout comme le volant. Pour le reste, tout est tracé.

Forme fourgon, mais avec façade personnelle

essai peugeot traveller business vip

Si nous regardons Design extérieur du Peugeot Traveller on retrouve quelques formes typiques d'un grand volume -ou d'une grande fourgonnette-. A l'avant, l'image de la marque Peugeot a été respectée, dans la mesure du possible. Les phares, par exemple, révèlent qu'il s'agit d'un modèle de la maison du lion.

En raison de ses formes extérieures, il n'est pas facile pour les concepteurs de créer une belle esthétique, car le fonction et l'utilisation maximale de l'espace prévaut sur tout le reste . En tout cas, ils se sont beaucoup améliorés par rapport aux conceptions que nous avons vues il y a une décennie.

essai peugeot traveller business vip

Cette unité correspond au niveau de Finition VIP d'affaires , qui bénéficie déjà d'une apparence plus soignée, et équipe également quelques extras. Entre autres choses, de l'étranger, on peut souligner le Jantes en alliage de 17 pouces dans une finition bicolore, des vitres assombries qui « camouflent » les occupants ou la charge que nous transportons, des feux de jour à LED et des phares principaux au xénon, entre autres. Dans notre cas, il convient également de noter que nous avons deux portes latérales coulissantes électriquement , un de chaque côté.

Comme curiosité, un point positif de cet appareil est que la vitre arrière, celle du hayon, peut être ouverte sans avoir à soulever le hayon. De cette façon, il nous donne accès aux objets que nous avons placés au-dessus de toute la charge que nous portons ou, dans un autre cas, aux objets légers que nous avons placés sur le plateau. Petit plus à souligner de par son extérieur.

Pas de fioritures et de matériaux résistants, mais bien fait

Prueba Peugeot Traveller salpicadero

Si nous ouvrons la porte du conducteur et accédons au interieur on retrouve une cabane qui nous ressemble déjà. Oui, car il est pratiquement identique au Toyota Proace Verso que nous avons testé en fin d'année dernière, sauf que l'unité était d'une finition plus basique et n'avait pas, par exemple, sièges en cuir ou affichage tête haute . Évidemment, le volant dans ce cas avait le logo Toyota, il en manquerait plus...

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Quoi qu'il en soit, j'aimerais faire un examen rapide. Ne cherchez pas de matériaux souples à l'intérieur du Peugeot Traveller, car je prévois que vous ne les verrez que sur les sièges et sur les accoudoirs de chaque siège. tout le reste est plastique dur ce qui, d'autre part, donne une bonne sensation de durabilité. À l'exception d'une petite moulure, elles étaient toutes parfaitement ajustées et nous n'avons entendu aucun « grillon ».

Puesto de conducción Peugeot Traveller

El tableau de bord C'est assez simple, même si nous avons les informations justes et nécessaires. Dans sa zone centrale, un petit écran apparaît avec les données de déplacement typiques, en plus de la vitesse maximale de la route. D'autres informations, telles que la vitesse à laquelle nous roulons ou la programmation du régulateur/limiteur, ainsi que les indications du navigateur sont projetées sur le affichage tête haute .

Pendant ce temps, dans la zone centrale du tableau de bord, il y a un Écran tactile de 7 pouces pas comparable en résolution avec les derniers que nous voyons atteindre les nouveaux modèles sur le marché, mais il remplit sa fonction. En elle, nous avons le navigateur et les systèmes aujourd'hui si importants de Apple CarPlay et Android Auto . La caméra de recul est projetée sur ce même écran qui, à vrai dire, n'a pas une bonne qualité d'image.

Comme vous pouvez le voir sur les images, cet appareil a détecteur qui est à huit vitesses. Doté d'une transmission automatique, il intègre des palettes de changement de vitesse au volant, qui sont fixes et de bonne taille. D'autre part, au lieu d'utiliser un levier sélecteur, nous trouvons un petit bouton rotatif, ce qui permet de gagner de la place.

Peugeot Traveller ventilaciones plazas traseras y techo solar

Et en parlant d'espace, dans le Peugeot Traveller c'est nombre et volume de trous remarquables de laisser des objets partout à l'intérieur, que parmi tous ajouter jusqu'à 49 litres . Dans les portes, nous avons plusieurs espaces pour placer des objets de différentes tailles, dans le tableau de bord, nous avons trois boîtes à gants fermé -l'un d'eux réfrigéré- et plusieurs trous pour laisser des bouteilles ou des canettes, même si la vérité est que ceux situés dans les coins du tableau de bord ne sont pas particulièrement pratiques car ils sont un peu éloignés et aussi parce qu'ils laissent la boisson gazeuse très exposée au soleil.

je ne veux pas oublier le climatisation , quelque chose qui est très important dans ces gros véhicules. Dans ce cas, nous avons plusieurs sorties d'air placées sur le toit pour les passagers arrière. Vous pouvez faire varier la température et le débit avec certaines molettes, mais elles ne disposent pas d'un mode de climatisation "automatique" pour programmer une température. Il y a aussi un toit ouvrant non rétractable, bien qu'à ce moment il soit préférable de garder le toit ouvrant fermé pendant la journée.

Habitabilité et modularité

Peugeot Traveller VIP interior

Comme je l'évoquais au début de cet article, l'unité testée correspond à la finition VIP. Compter avec un cabine six places , mais la vérité est qu'il existe plusieurs options de configuration, et vous pouvez également choisir entre trois longueurs de corps différentes qui dérivent de la plate-forme modulaire EMP2 de PSA.

Indication du volume du coffre en partant du sol jusqu'à la hauteur du plateau.

Dans notre cas, nous avons testé un Peugeot Traveller VIP six places en Corps standard, c'est-à-dire l'intermédiaire de 4,96 mètres de longueur. Tous les sièges sont indépendants, pouvant régler leur position longitudinale et l'inclinaison du dossier. De plus, et bien qu'ils pèsent les leurs, ils sont facilement amovibles, pouvant laisser les sièges des deuxième et troisième rangées de sièges à la maison pour profiter de l'espace comme espace de chargement.

Asientos Peugeot Traveller

Profitant de l'opportunité d'avoir ce véhicule, nous avons fait une escapade en famille avec six occupants adultes et bagages pour 3 jours de chacun d'eux. S'il est vrai que pour aligner tous les bagages il a fallu jouer un peu au Tetris et avancer les deuxième et troisième rangées, tous les occupants disposaient d'assez d'espace (pas trop pour les plus grands) pour les jambes et donc , la hauteur du véhicule était suffisamment éloignée du toit pour frôler la tête.

Voir ce post sur Instagram Bien que cela puisse ne pas sembler être le cas, pouvoir ouvrir et fermer les portes latérales du Peugeot Traveller depuis la clé à télécommande est un avantage très important, car il existe de nombreuses situations dans lesquelles nous utilisons ce système. ? @diego.motor – #peugeot #peugeottraveller #furgo #van #traveller #vip #travel #travelcar @peugeot @peugeotes Une publication partagée par Actualidad Motor (@actualidadmotor) Sur 17 juin, 2019 au 12: 36am PDT

Sans aucun doute, le pire pour les deux occupants de la troisième rangée de sièges était d'entrer et de sortir du véhicule. A chaque fois qu'il fallait descendre du Peugeot Traveller, il fallait avancer les sièges de deuxième classe, il fallait donc tout refaire par la suite pour répartir l'espace le plus équitablement possible.

En ce qui concerne coffre en soi, la capacité dépend beaucoup de la façon dont on configure l'habitacle. Si nous avons la troisième rangée dans la position la plus reculée, l'espace qui reste est minime, mais si nous avançons de plusieurs centimètres, nous gagnons de nombreux litres. A tel point que, comme je le disais, nous avons pu transporter le bagages pour six personnes (chacun avec son sac/valise individuel) plus un sac supplémentaire occasionnel.

Peugeot Traveller maletero

gamme mécanique

Passant déjà à options mécaniques , ce monospace n'est disponible qu'avec des moteurs diesel. L'accès est un moteur 1.6 BlueHDi 120 ch et boîte de vitesses manuelle à 6 rapports. Au point intermédiaire, il y a un 2.0 BlueHDi 150 ch avec transmission manuelle également 6 vitesses. Le haut de gamme est celui que nous avons testé, qui est essentiellement le même moteur utilisé par l'option intermédiaire mais avec une puissance de 177 CV et transmission automatique de type convertisseur avec 8 rapports préréglés.

2.0 BlueHDI 180 (177 ch)

Prueba Peugeot Traveller motor 180

Le moteur testé, bien qu'il s'appelle 180, développe en réalité 177 ch. Cette puissance est atteinte à une vitesse de 3.750 XNUMX tr/min. De son côté, le couple maximal est 400 Nm et est atteint à 2.000 8 tr/min. Comme vous pouvez l'imaginer, il envoie toute son énergie à l'avant en passant d'abord par une nouvelle boîte de vitesses automatique de type convertisseur à XNUMX vitesses préréglées.

Quant à la performances et consommation Peugeot cite une vitesse de pointe de 185 km/h que je ne recommanderais à personne d'atteindre avec ce véhicule, ainsi qu'une accélération de 0 à 100 km/h en moins de 9 secondes. La consommation combinée en homologation WLTP est de 7,4 litres, ce qui n'est pas mal pour un véhicule de ces proportions.

Comportement et consommation avec le Peugeot Traveller

Il est temps d'en parler comportement dynamique de ce Peugeot Traveller 180 avec carrosserie intermédiaire. Je n'ai pas été particulièrement surpris car j'ai déjà pu tester son frère jumeau, le Toyota Proace Verso avec ce même moteur, mais la vérité est que la conduire est vraiment facile.

Prueba Peugeot Traveller lateral

La première chose que nous remarquons lorsque nous montons dans le siège du conducteur (oui, nous montons littéralement parce qu'il est en position surélevée), c'est que la posture est différente à celle d'une voiture ordinaire. C'est comme si nous étions assis sur une chaise, avec les pédales très proches et le volant bien à plat. Il faudra un peu de temps pour s'y habituer, mais ce n'est pas inconfortable une fois qu'on s'est adapté.

Lors de la conduite, nous devons tenir compte du fait que nous sommes dans un véhicule beaucoup plus grand, plus long et plus large et que n'importe quelle voiture à laquelle nous sommes habitués, donc l'inertie est plus grande et il faut prendre les choses sereinement , en plus de garder un bon œil sur les rétroviseurs lors des manœuvres ou de la conduite dans des rues relativement étroites. Évidemment, et même s'il tourne assez bien pour sa longueur, le rayon de braquage est plus large que celui d'une voiture.

Une fois sur la route, avec un peu de prudence et en ralentissant à l'arrivée des virages, il n'y a rien à craindre. Plus que tout, nous devons en tenir compte pour essayer que nos compagnons ne souffrent pas de vertiges, car les les mouvements sont plus perceptibles que dans un tourisme. La même chose se produit dans les zones cahoteuses, car la suspension rebondit et met du temps à absorber l'irrégularité, surtout lorsque nous sommes si lourdement chargés.

essai peugeot traveller business vip

Sur les routes rapides, c'est coudre et chanter. Le plus simple est d'activer le régulateur ou le limiteur de vitesse au maximum de la route et de se laisser aller tout simplement. La boîte de vitesses automatique rétrogradera si nécessaire, mais il est frappant de voir à quel point ça va même avec six adultes et plusieurs dizaines de kilos dans le coffre pour tous les bagages. Et c'est qu'à aucun moment le moteur n'a fait défaut, même si logiquement les voies d'accélération lors de l'entrée sur une autoroute et en montée lui font prendre pas mal de tours.

Il est également surprenant que, même s'il s'agit essentiellement d'une camionnette, il soit si bien isolé de l'extérieur . Logiquement, il y a plus de bruits aérodynamiques et de moteur que dans une Peugeot 308, mais même ainsi ils ne deviennent pas gênants avec peu que nous ayons la radio allumée. Et j'écris après avoir parcouru près de 1.200 XNUMX kilomètres en seulement deux étapes.

Mais s'il faut parler de quelque chose de vraiment spectaculaire, c'est son consommation . Avec un tel "kilométrage" et avec autant de charge, circulant toujours au maximum légal - le dépassant timidement à un moment donné - et avec la climatisation fonctionnant en milieu de journée, le moteur 2.0 litres et 177 ch avec transmission automatique s'est contenté de seulement 8,5 litres aux 100 kilomètres en moyenne . C'est un très, très bon chiffre pour les conditions de voyage que nous avons eues.


Prueba Peugeot Traveller 180 EAT8

Le Peugeot Traveller, ainsi que ses frères Citroën SpaceTourer et Toyota Proace Verso (et aussi l'Opel Zafira Live qui est sur le point d'arriver) sont options très intéressantes pour ceux qui recherchent un très grand véhicule avec lequel voyageant en groupe ou, bien sûr, pour les familles nombreuses.

La finition VIP est très complète, mais pour les particuliers, comme nous pouvons accéder à d'autres finitions plus conçues pour un usage familial et pas tant pour transporter des personnes confortablement, peut-être un La finition active peut avoir un meilleur rapport prix-produit .

Un autre aspect positif est le possibilité de configurer la voiture avec un nombre différent de sièges, pouvant alors utiliser ceux qui sont nécessaires. On peut même l'acheter avec neuf places. Bien sûr, le moins beau dans tout ça, c'est que chaque tabouret pèse le sien et que le monter et le démonter demande un effort physique important.

Naturellement, en raison de ses dimensions extérieures, Ce n'est pas une voiture pratique pour se déplacer en ville , car les places de stationnement ont toujours tendance à être petites et, en plus, il faut être prudent dans les anciens parkings ou les rues très étroites en raison du risque de se faire "piéger".

essai peugeot traveller business vip

La Brochure

  • Phares antibrouillard
  • Vitres électriques (celle avec pilote séquentiel)
  • Rétroviseurs extérieurs électriques, chauffants et rabattables électriquement
  • 2 prises accessoires 12 volts à l'avant
  • Siège conducteur avec réglage lombaire
  • Phares halogènes
  • Airbags latéraux avant
  • Climatisation manuelle
  • Régulateur et limiteur de vitesse
  • Roue de secours homogène
  • Vitres arrière surteintées
  • Feux et essuie-glaces automatiques
  • Roues en acier de 16 pouces
  • porte de droite

activer (ajouter)

  • détecteur d'obstacle arrière
  • volant avec commandes
  • Détecteur de fatigue
  • Cristaux dans la deuxième rangée
  • Jante en tôle de 17 pouces
  • Coussin gonflable rideau aux XNUMXe et XNUMXe rangées
  • Refroidissement supplémentaire à l'arrière
  • Deuxième rangée avec sièges 2/3 et 1/3
  • porte de gauche

VIP affaires (ajouter)

  • Affichage tête haute
  • Volant en cuir avec commandes intégrées
  • Sièges avant chauffants à réglages électriques
  • Jantes en aluminium de 17 pouces
  • Entrée et démarrage mains libres
  • Phares au xénon
  • Contrôle automatique du climat
  • Rideaux latéraux dans la deuxième rangée
  • Deuxième rangée avec 2 sièges individuels en cuir
  • Troisième rangée avec 3 ou 2 sièges en cuir
  • Ouverture électrique des portes latérales

Allure (ajouter)

  • Écran tactile en pouces 7
  • Prise accessoire 220 volts
  • Pré-installation pour attelage de remorque
  • fenêtre arrière chauffée
  • toit en verre

Prix ​​Voyageur Peugeot


Avis de l'éditeur

Peugeot Traveller Standard VIP 2.0 BlueHDi 180

  • Note de l'éditeur
  • 4.5 étoiles
  • Exceptionnel
  • Peugeot Traveller Standard VIP 2.0 BlueHDi 180
  • Examen de: Diego Avila
  • Dernière modification:
  • Design extérieur Editeur: 40%
  • design d'intérieur Editeur: 45%
  • sièges avant Editeur: 80%
  • sièges arrière Editeur: 100%
  • Coffre Editeur: 90%
  • Mécanique Editeur: 75%
  • Consommation Editeur: 95%
  • Confort Editeur: 75%
  • PRIX Editeur: 80%
  • modularité des sièges
  • Très bonne consommation de carburant sur autoroutes et autoroutes
  • Facilité de conduite


  • Tout à l'intérieur est en plastique dur
  • Porte-gobelets de tableau de bord peu pratiques
  • Système d'infodivertissement et caméra de recul

Galerie d'images Peugeot Traveller

Prueba Peugeot Traveller VIP chasis mediano180

Plus d'informations sur ce modèle

Peugeot Traveller

  • puissance 120 - 177 ch
  • Consommation 6,3 - 7,4l/100km
  • Évaluation 4,3

Chemin d'accès complet à l'article: Actualidad Motor » Actualidad Motor » Essais et rapports » Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP 2.0 BlueHDI 180 CV châssis moyen

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Peugeot Traveller Business VIP


Retrouvez la fiche de la voiture Peugeot Traveller Business VIP : le descriptif complet de la finition avec le d�tail de tous ses �quipements, int�rieurs et ext�rieurs, son design, ses �l�ments de s�curit� et de confort et ce qui la distingue des autres finitions. D�couvrez �galement les commentaires des internautes sur la Traveller Business VIP.

  • Traveller Business VIP

La fiche finition Traveller Business VIP

Peugeot Traveller Business VIP

  • Consulter les fiches des voitures Peugeot
  • Consulter la fiche Traveller
  • Traveller Active
  • Traveller Allure
  • Traveller Business

L'essai et le descriptif complet

Avec le Traveller Business VIP, le constructeur au lion cible le march� des navettes de luxe utilis�es lors d'�v�nements particuliers ou par des entreprises haut de gamme. Comme sur le palier pr�c�dent, la taille est unique (Standard). En revanche, les motorisations �voluent�: on a d�sormais le choix entre le diesel 2.0l BlueHDi de 150 chevaux et 180 chevaux (bo�te automatique).

Le nombre de places � bord passe de 8 � 6 mais pour une bonne raison : les assises de rang 2 et 3 sont d�sormais des si�ges individuels plus confortables, �quip�s d'accoudoirs et positionnables en vis-�-vis pour pouvoir discuter tranquillement . Ces si�ges sont �galement coulissants et amovibles.

Le nombre de portes coulissantes passent � 2 (droite et gauche) et elles sont d�sormais motoris�es. Le Peugeot Traveller Business VIP propose �galement des rangements ferm�s, de surtapis, des vitres extra-teint�es , une prise 220v en rang 2, un �clairage d'ambiance et une climatisation d�di�s � l'arri�re .

Si les passagers sont chouchout�s, c'est �galement le cas du conducteur. Entre son si�ge �lectrique, chauffant et massant (aussi pour le passager de rang 1), son air conditionn� automatique et son volant cuir multifonction, il est � bord d'une voiture de luxe�!

D'autant des �quipements technologiques viennent agr�menter sa conduite : �cran tactile avec navigation 3D connect�e , syst�me audio amplifi� avec caisson basses, acc�s aux applications smartphone, affichage t�te-haute , surveillance d'angle mort, cam�ra de recul , acc�s et d�marrage mains libres...

Enfin, concernant le look, le Traveller Business VIP soigne son apparence avec des poign�es de portes chrom�es, des jantes aluminium 17 pouces, un pack cuir et des surtapis sur les trois rang�es de si�ges.

L'avis Traveller Business VIP des internautes

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essai peugeot traveller business vip

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11 Feb 2016

PEUGEOT Traveller: an invitation to luxury travel and comfort

Presented as a world exclusive at the 2016 geneva motor show, the peugeot traveller has made a remarkable entry into the combispace and vip shuttle sector. peugeot design provides this segment with the new distinctive features of the brand's suv and saloon cars. the peugeot traveller's assertive design exudes strength and elegance. peugeot has equipped the traveller with many other attractive features making it a benchmark in the segment. its new base, adapted from the emp2 modular platform, provides top quality, efficiency and record fuel consumption levels in the segment. its euro6 bluehdi engines are equipped with the most efficient pollution control technology on the market with a scr (selective catalytic reduction) system upstream of the dfp (diesel particulate filter). already tried and tested since july 2013, they combine driving enjoyment and performance, offering up to 180 hp and 400 nm. thanks to this technology, the peugeot traveller range boasts an average co2 emission level of only 140 g/km (5.4 l/100 km), crowning it best-in-class in the segment. on board, the peugeot traveller promises calm journeys thanks to road qualities that are worthy of peugeot's expertise, as well as luxury comfort and ambience. multiple configurations up to 9 seats and a wide range of equipment, sometimes exclusive in the segment, make the peugeot traveller a vehicle that makes life easy and adapts to everyday life. as regards safety, the peugeot traveller was given the 5-star rating in the euro ncap tests, the results of which were released in december 2015..

PEUGEOT Traveller: an invitation to luxury travel and comfort

The PEUGEOT Traveller fully applies the brand’s expansion strategy by positioning us on the growth sectors of the Combispace and VIP Shuttle. Through its innovative design, the PEUGEOT Traveller gives a new dimension to PEUGEOT's upmarket shift.

Maxime Picat, Managing Director at PEUGEOT


With the PEUGEOT Traveller, PEUGEOT's large passenger car family is expanding with a Combispace that can accommodate up to 9 people with top-quality comfort and space for all seats.

Laurent Blanchet, PEUGEOT Product Director

PEUGEOT Traveller, in brief

PEUGEOT has given this new offer in its passenger car range a unique name . Its name, the PEUGEOT Traveller , just like its assertive and elegant design, exhibits a modern vision of travelling and open spaces .

Its new base, adapted from the EMP2 modular platform, combines compact exterior dimensions with maximum roominess . The PEUGEOT Traveller offers up to 9 spacious seats with 1,500 litres of boot space or up to 4,900 litres thanks to its removable seats.

Available in 3 lengths ranging from 4.60 m to 5.30 m , its height of only 1.90 m , which is rare in the segment, guarantees the PEUGEOT Traveller's entry into covered car parks . The Standard and Long versions of 4.95 m and 5.30 m are at the heart of the market. The 4.60 m Compact version, unique in the segment, can also comfortably accommodate up to 9 people in all seats . With its reduced overhang and dimensions, the PEUGEOT Traveller offers easy handling for everyday use including in urban conditions.

The PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP provides rear-seat passengers with a 4 face-to-face seat configuration with individual leather armchairs. The multi-function roof with tri-zone climate control and soft diffusion , equipment exclusive to the segment, and mood lighting, also contribute to passenger well-being.

The modern and efficient Euro6 95 to 180 hp engines and the new EAT6 automatic gearbox promise driving enjoyment and record CO2 emissions and fuel consumption in the segment. The most efficient version with 5.1 l/100 km, i.e. 133 g/km of CO2, and its entire range with 5.4 l/100 km, i.e. 140 g/km on average , are references in the segment .

The PEUGEOT Traveller offers a wide range of latest generation safety and comfort equipment, which is rare or even unique in the segment :

The head-up display and sign reading system with speed limiter recommendation are unique in the segment;

  • Opening rear window, glass roof panel , Active Safety Brake and automatic main beam switching are rare in the segment;

The PEUGEOT Traveller comes in 2 ranges, one for private individuals and the other for professionals, each with 2 levels of finish .

A new top-of-the range Combispace and VIP Shuttle benchmark

Professionals and private individuals in this segment have different needs and expectations depending on their activities and the people or customers that they are carrying.

To meet them, the PEUGEOT Traveller offers 2 ranges, each with 2 levels of finish :

  • For private individuals, the Combispace with the Active and Allure finishes available in 5, 7 or 8 seat versions;

The multi-functional roof , as standard on the superior level, includes LED mood lighting , in addition to individual reading lights , and soft diffusion climate control which, like in aeroplanes, is separate from the individual air vents.

Four 12 V sockets distributed in the passenger compartment, as well as a 230 V socket and a USB port are provided for charging any mobile device.

The VIP Shuttle

The PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP , an emblematic version of the range, offers rear-seat passengers the lounge configuration with 4 separate seats facing one another or 5 seats with the 3-seater bench seat option in row 3.

The interior ambience is functional and dedicated to passenger comfort: leather seats, mood lighting, tri-zone climate control with soft diffusion function separate from the air vents and an optional glass roof . These two items of equipment are unique to the segment .

The optional retractable sliding table provides an area conducive to work for a business customer.

The Shuttle

The PEUGEOT Traveller Business offers a premium exterior style for passengers who are seated within. In addition, the seats and comfort equipment can be configured exactly according to the professional's needs.

The ease of access to row 3 seats is remarkable. A single control folds the seat back and provides a wide passage to the rear bench seat.

The Combispace

The PEUGEOT Traveller in Active or Allure finish combines modularity and flexibility . It is available in 5, 7 or 8 seat versions. Row 2 has a 2/3 - 1/3 split bench seat, with both sections totally separate, as in row 3, or two individual seats with elbow rests. In both situations, the removable and sliding seats can be adapted to any configuration between transporting 8 people and luggage , and only keeping the 2 front seats. Folded down, the passenger backrest can be used to transport objects up to 3.50 m long.

The sliding and modular seats are particularly appreciated on the Compact version which can accommodate up to 8 people on a daily basis and if necessary can provide a generous 2 m3 of boot space in the 5-seater configuration in only 4.60 m of length .

Child mirror, aviation tablets on the back of the front seats, tri-zone climate control with soft diffusion function, sun blinds in row 2, luggage cover shelf, opening rear window , and 17" wheels with wheel trims are as standard equipment geared towards the pleasure of sharing journeys as a family or with friends.

An assertive design exuding strength and elegance

Before starting to design the PEUGEOT Traveller, for us it was important to have superb proportions and be able to inject the stylish features of the brand's passenger cars.

Keith Ryder, PEUGEOT Traveller Design Manager

The PEUGEOT Traveller revolutionises features in the segment. Proportions are harmonious between the front end, the driver position and the rear space. The compact overhangs and wheels positioned at the four corners give it verticality and a powerful presence. The sleek lines enhance its aerodynamic flow and the high window line contributes to the modernity of its profile.

From the very first glance, you can see that the PEUGEOT Traveller belongs to PEUGEOT's passenger car range . The headlights mounted flush with the bodywork evoke the PEUGEOT 308 compact saloon. The LED light signature, integrated with chrome-plated boomerangs, alludes to the PEUGEOT 508 grand touring car. The quality finish right down to the tiniest detail marks its contribution to the brand's upmarket shift.

The elevated new vertical grille accentuates the PEUGEOT Traveller's presence. The grille features the lion in the centre of a new dynamic, three-dimensional embodiment, instead of the usual horizontal blades. Its trapezoidal chromed edging with slight scalp motion in the upper corners accentuates the elegance and modernity of the front end.

The sleekly designed side panels are structured with sharp lines and sculpted by concave door sills, which enhance the impressiveness of the smooth wheel arches extending out from them. The proportions between the bodywork and the height of the windows give it a very modern style.

The fairly low side protections and the front bumper that integrates air inlets across the entire width of the car, with a more compact grille above, emphasises the robust look of the PEUGEOT Traveller.

A new modular and efficient platform…

Inaugurated by the PEUGEOT 308, then the 308 SW, the EMP2 platform once again demonstrates its efficiency and modularity with the PEUGEOT Traveller.

Rémi Seimpere, PEUGEOT Traveller Vehicle Base Chief Engineer

… Improved performance, fuel consumption and usage costs

The architecture of the front end, in particular the centre-to-centre distance and height of the roof drip moulding, along with the geometry of the front suspension permit integration of 1.6 L and 2.0 L BlueHDi engines. The main elements of their environment, such as the cooling panel, air supply, exhaust downpipe, and electrical architecture, etc., are also used. Their quality and their performances have already been tried and tested on the PEUGEOT 308 saloon.

By using a new platform, vehicle mass is significantly reduced, to 100-400 kg less than other vehicles with equivalent power in the same segment. Combining this new platform with BlueHDi engines allows the PEUGEOT Traveller to achieve record fuel consumption levels :

The new oblique wishbone rear suspension supports a payload of 1,400 kg to make the most of 9 seats with boot space. The wishbone filtering dampens the impacts. The variable stiffness springs and shock absorbers slaved to the load guarantee maximum comfort whether the vehicle is loaded or unloaded. This new rear suspension also has the advantage of being compatible with the DANGEL 4x4 transmission .

The wheels are available in 16" with wheel trims and 17" with wheel trims or alloy wheel rims. These alloy wheel rims can be combined with 3PMSF winter tyres that can be used all year round.

Combining these 2 suspension systems offers a compromise between handling and comfort and the best possible driving enjoyment regardless of the vehicle's load .

To complement passenger and driver comfort , the acoustic aspect has not been forgotten. The PEUGEOT Traveller offers the best level of acoustic comfort in the segment with

The PEUGEOT Traveller introduces a new generation of connected 3D navigation, controlled by voice recognition and/or using the touch-screen. It includes free lifetime updates of the mapping 4 times a year and the associated PEUGEOT Connect connected services for 3 years [2] .

PEUGEOT Connect 2 includes:

The Drive Assist Pack , available as an option, integrates three items of equipment in addition to the Visibility Pack that use the radar located at the front of the car and/or the multi-function camera located at the top of the windscreen:

[1] subject to approval

[2] Marketed upon launch in 11 countries (Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Spain, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal and Switzerland). Other countries including outside of Europe are under review.

  • 1.6 L BlueHDi 95 hp, 5-speed manual gearbox from 5.5 l/100 km, i.e. 144 g/km of CO2;
  • 1.6 L BlueHDi 95 hp S&S, ETG6 controlled gearbox from 5.2 l/100 km, i.e. 135 g/km of CO2 [1] ;
  • 1.6 L BlueHDi 115 hp S&S, 6-speed manual gearbox from 5.1 l/100 km, i.e. 133 g/km of CO2 ;
  • 2.0 L BlueHDi 150 hp S&S, 6-speed manual gearbox from 5.3 l/100 km, i.e. 139 g/km;

BlueHDi engines incorporate the SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system upstream of the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) with additive. They thereby meet the Euro6 standard with the most effective pollution control technology on the market. Their AdBlue 22.4 l tank provides a range of 15,000 km. AdBlue is filled up easily using the exterior filling flap, located in the middle pillar, which is invisible when the driver's door is closed.

The PEUGEOT Traveller benefits from competitive usage costs , in particular thanks to its best in class fuel consumption and its 40,000 km or 2-year maintenance frequency .

…Improved diversity of the offer for all customer uses

The PEUGEOT Traveller is available in 3 lengths, which can all be configured as 5 to 9-seaters:

  • The 4.60 m Compact version;
  • The 4.95 m Standard version;
  • The 5.30 m Long version.

Its modular platform achieves these 3 lengths with only:

  • 2 rear overhangs, one common to the Compact and Standard versions, the other specific to the Long version;
  • 2 wheelbases, one specific to the Compact version and the other common to the Standard and Long versions;

…Improved roominess, handling and safety

Thanks to the excellent efficiency of the architecture of its platform , the PEUGEOT Traveller offers up to 9 seats comfortably for all passengers and 1,500 litres (1,384 dm3 VDA) of boot space. This volume can even be increased to 4,900 litres (4,554 dm3 VDA) with its completely removable row 2 and 3 seats .

Unique in the segment, the Compact version also accommodates up to 9 people on board or 3,600 litres (3,397 dm3 VDA) of boot space in a length of only 4.60 m .

The optimised 0.88 m front and 0.80 m rear overhangs and the turning circle from 11.30 m assist the PEUGEOT Traveller's handling, in particular in cities or when manoeuvring. Its height limited to 1.90 m also guarantees its accessibility to covered car parks in town centres and shopping areas, as well as at home and in airports.

As regards safety, in addition to its new equipment, with its new base and reinforced structure, the PEUGEOT Traveller obtained 5 stars for the Euro NCAP tests published in December 2015.

… Improved comfort and dynamic handling

On board, the PEUGEOT Traveller also revolutionises the segment's features improving ergonomics and driving comfort . The step provides easy access to its elevated seating position, which dominates the road. The instrument panel and steering wheel in relatively vertical position for the segment, immerses the driver in an environment somewhere between the SUV for the commanding position and the saloon for comfort . The pure and modern design of the driver position combines the elegance of the materials and the ergonomics of the controls, like the touch-screen which is always easy to reach and see.

As regards the ground link, the PEUGEOT Traveller adopts the Pseudo MacPherson front suspension from the redesigned EMP2 . The electrohydraulic-assisted steering with the anti-roll bar position in front of the steering rack optimises the turning circle. It provides a little assistance for parking manoeuvres and keeps driving consistency more sustained.

Specific filtering of the subframe and hinges are designed to deal with impacts and road surface conditions.

  • Additional sound deadening foam pads and panels in the structure and opening elements;
  • The design of penetrating parts and joints made of absorbent materials ;

Top-of-the-range, modern and connected safety and comfort equipment

Making access on board easy

Hands-free sliding side doors can be opened or closed even with your arms full. This equipment, unique on the market, unlocks and opens the sliding side doors with a simple foot action, you just need to have the electronic key on you. It also closes and locks the vehicle automatically.

The motor-operated sliding doors are opened by push button in the front seats and in row 2 rear seats to make the driver's life and passenger access on board easier. They can be combined with the Hands-Free Access and Starting (HFAS) system .

For calm and connected journeys

The PEUGEOT Traveller inaugurates a new 7" capacitive touch-screen, in addition to the multimedia system. All of the services dedicated to simplifying journeys and driving are all here. Simply touch the screen lightly with your finger or use voice control.

Voice recognition provides additional security in particular for using the Navigation, Telephone and Media features without taking your eyes off the road.

  • TomTom Traffic real-time traffic information ;
  • The location and prices of Service stations and Car parks;
  • Weather information ;

Alert Zones 2 complete the offer as an option.

Thanks to real-time traffic information, this new PEUGEOT navigation system saves time and brings peace of mind by avoiding traffic jams.

Connection to PEUGEOT Connect services is automatic and at no extra cost with PEUGEOT Connect SOS & Assistance (SIM card and data included), if the vehicle is equipped with it. If this is not the case, connection can be made by tethering (modem method) via a smartphone connected by USB, Bluetooth or WiFi.

Renewal of the Peugeot Connect Nav Pack costs €60 for 12 months or €130 for 3 years.

Subscription to the Alert Zones costs €99 for 12 months or €199 for 3 years.

PEUGEOT Connect Nav also integrates the Mirror Screen function so that you can use your smartphone's applications on the PEUGEOT Traveller's 7" touch-screen in complete safety. The Mirror Screen is offered with both Apple CarPlayTM and Mirrorlink® technology to guarantee a wider range of compatible smartphones.

For intuitive driving in complete safety

For even more comfortable and safe driving, the PEUGEOT Traveller has a wide range of latest generation driving assistance devices. Some have been fitted to a vehicle from the PEUGEOT range for the very first time: Driving time warning system, Driver Attention Alert, Road sign reading with speed limit recommendation system and Active Safety Brake.

The Driving time warning system , as standard, alerts the driver after 2 hours of uninterrupted driving at a speed of 65 km/h or above. A warning light accompanied with a "Think to take a break" message reminds him of this on the instrument panel.

Blind Spot Monitoring alerts the driver of the presence of a vehicle in the adjacent right or left-hand lane in his blind spot. This equipment is available with front and rear parking assistance or VisioPark 1.

VisioPark 1 completes the front and rear radar parking assistance equipment, or rear radar with reversing camera offer. It provides a 180° overhead view of the rear zone of the vehicle and its environment. The image is created by the reversing camera as the vehicle reverses. The rear view includes guide lines that rotate with the steering wheel. As soon as an obstacle is detected, the automatic zoom feature above the rear zone is used to view the distance from it. Reversing manoeuvres and the vehicle's alignment with parking space lines and obstacles are therefore made easy and the vehicle's integrity is secured.

Grip Control is an enhanced traction control system, patented by the PSA Peugeot Citroën Group. It extends the usability of the PEUGEOT Traveller on roads or tracks with low levels of grip allowing the vehicle to continue to make progress in a situation where a 2-wheel drive vehicle would remain stuck.

Versatile and flexible, it adapts to the conditions encountered by acting on the front driving wheels, while leaving the driver in control at all times. At any time, the driver can effectively choose to allow this equipment to use its intelligence to function in Standard mode or select the desired mode using the dial on the dashboard central panel: Snow, Off-Road, Sand, ESP Off.

The Safety Pack , available as an option, integrates the Visibility Pack and four items of equipment that use the multi-function camera located at the top of the windscreen :

  • Road Sign Reading and Speed Limit Recommendation system recognises speed limit signs and alerts the driver of this limit on the instrument panel. The speed read is suggested to the driver as the setpoint value for his speed limiter or cruise control. The driver can accept this suggestion, in just 2 presses. One press for selection and one for confirmation effectively prevents any unintentional action; Driver Attention Alert measures the vehicle's swaying via the camera and steering wheel angle sensor. A visual and audible alert forces the driver to pay better attention; Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) detects when the vehicle crosses a solid or broken white line marked on the road. In this situation, if the flashing light is inactive, the driver is alerted by visual and audible feedback on the instrument panel; Automatic main beam switching enabled at night automatically switches the headlights from main beam to dipped beam and vice-versa depending on other vehicles detected by the camera.
  • active Cruise Control is a cruise control/speed limiter system with extended regulation function in relation to the distance from the vehicle in front. This function is particularly suitable for motorway driving conditions in moderately heavy or fluid traffic avoiding systematic disconnection of the cruise control every time a vehicle is in front. Effectively, as soon as the radar detects a vehicle, a constant space is maintained by automatically reducing the vehicle's speed up to 20 km/h via the engine brake by activating the accelerator. When the lane is free, the cruise control resumes the speed initially requested. If deceleration of 20 km/h is not enough to maintain this space, the cruise control alerts the driver and gives control of the speed back to the driver; Distance Alert warns the driver of an imminent risk of collision to make him react. This visual and audible warning occurs just before the Active Safety Brake is activated; Active Safety Brake is a new generation of automatic emergency braking system. The camera and the radar detect the imminent collision with any moving or stationary obstacle. In this case, if the driver fails to brake or does not brake enough, the system applies maximum braking instead of the driver. It helps to avoid the impact (up to 30 km/h) or reduce its consequences whatever the vehicle's speed with deceleration up to 1 g. 2 passenger-side glove compartments, a larger 7-litre refrigerated compartment can contain 5 small 0.5 l bottles, and a smaller 5-litre compartment and a 5-litre A4 format closed storage box above the instrument panel used, for example, for keeping your tablet or smartphone safe from prying eyes;
  • 2 cup holders on either side of the dashboard both accommodating a 0.5 l bottle;
  • A storage area in the centre of the dashboard;
  • In each front door, a storage compartment and a large 8-litre door tray can contain two 1.5 l bottles;
  • A 5-litre storage compartment in each sliding side door;
  • An 8-litre storage compartment in the 2-seater front passenger bench seat configuration can contain a pack of six 0.5 l bottles.

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Peugeot Traveller- The VIP Shuttle Business VIP, an emblematic version of the range.

Peugeot has given this new offer in its passenger car range a unique name. Its name, the Peugeot Traveller, just like its assertive and elegant design, exhibits a modern vision of travelling and open spaces. Its new base, adapted from the EMP2 modular platform, combines compact exterior dimensions with maximum roominess. The Peugeot Traveller offers up to 9 spacious seats with 1,500 litres of boot space or up to 4,900 litres thanks to its removable seats.

Available in 3 lengths ranging from 4.60 m to 5.30 m, its height of only 1.90 m, which is rare in the segment, guarantees the Peugeot Traveller’s entry into covered car parks. The Standard and Long versions of 4.95 m and 5.30 m are at the heart of the market. The 4.60 m Compact version, unique in the segment, can also comfortably accommodate up to 9 people in all seats. With its reduced overhang and dimensions, the Peugeot Traveller offers easy handling for everyday use including in urban conditions.

The Peugeot Traveller Business VIP provides rear-seat passengers with a 4 face-to-face seat configuration with individual leather armchairs. The multi-function roof with tri-zone climate control and soft diffusion, equipment exclusive to the segment, and mood lighting, also contribute to passenger well-being. The modern and efficient Euro6 95 to 180 hp engines and the new EAT6 automatic gearbox promise driving enjoyment and record CO2 emissions and fuel consumption in the segment. The most efficient version with 5.1 l/100 km, i.e. 133 g/km of CO2, and its entire range with 5.4 l/100 km, i.e. 140 g/km on average, are references in the segment.

The Peugeot Traveller offers a wide range of latest generation safety and comfort equipment, which is rare or even unique in the segment: The hands-free sliding side doors are unprecedented in the market; The head-up display and sign reading system with speed limiter recommendation are unique in the segment; Opening rear window, glass roof panel, Active Safety Brake and automatic main beam switching are rare in the segment; For the first time ever, one of the brand’s vehicles is equipped with new voice-control connected navigation and real-time traffic information, VisioPark 1 reversing camera with 180° overhead rear view and rear view zoom, or Driver Attention Alert.

The Peugeot Traveller comes in 2 ranges, one for private individuals and the other for professionals, each with 2 levels of finish. A new top-of-the range Combispace and VIP Shuttle benchmark Professionals and private individuals in this segment have different needs and expectations depending on their activities and the people or customers that they are carrying. To meet them, the Peugeot Traveller offers 2 ranges, each with 2 levels of finish: For private individuals, the Combispace with the Active and Allure finishes available in 5, 7 or 8 seat versions; For professional people carriers, the Shuttle with Business finishes available in 5 to 9 seat versions and Business VIP available in 6 and 7 seat versions. In keeping with the brand’s upmarket shift, the deluxe levels offer a wide range of distinctive and enhancing interior and exterior equipment. The Peugeot Traveller provides passengers with toplevel features, comfort and ease. Its assertive and elegant style takes its inspiration from Peugeot passenger car features. The space and comfort dedicated to passengers meets the needs of high-end professional people carriers, for example for taking VIPs and their luggage to their hotel.

Whether for doing the shopping, family trips, or going away with friends on mountain bike trips, the Peugeot Traveller adapts to all situations. Thanks to its multiple sliding seat configurations and the broad flexibility of use of its interior space, the Peugeot Traveller is also suitable for various family uses such as leisure and sports hobbies. Premium design and comfort

The Peugeot Traveller’s distinctive and modern style exuding strength and elegance is enhanced on premium levels with Xenon headlights and 17″ alloy wheels. As soon as the passengers open the doors, they are greeted with door sill lighting, a sleekly designed, luxury interior embellished with premium materials, in particular leather seats and thick carpets on the floor. For rear passenger entry on board, all versions are equipped as standard with motor-operated sliding side doors, and in addition are hands free on deluxe versions.

Available in 3 lengths ranging from 4.60 m to 5.30 m, its height of only 1.90 m, which is rare in the segment, guarantees the Peugeot Traveller's entry into covered car parks. The Standard and Long versions of 4.95 m and 5.30 m are at the heart of the market. The 4.60 m Compact version, unique in the segment, can also comfortably accommodate up to 9 people in all seats. With its reduced overhang and dimensions, the Peugeot Traveller offers easy handling for everyday use including in urban conditions.

The Peugeot Traveller offers a wide range of latest generation safety and comfort equipment, which is rare or even unique in the segment: The hands-free sliding side doors are unprecedented in the market; The head-up display and sign reading system with speed limiter recommendation are unique in the segment; Opening rear window, glass roof panel, Active Safety Brake and automatic main beam switching are rare in the segment; For the first time ever, one of the brand's vehicles is equipped with new voice-control connected navigation and real-time traffic information, VisioPark 1 reversing camera with 180° overhead rear view and rear view zoom, or Driver Attention Alert.

The Peugeot Traveller comes in 2 ranges, one for private individuals and the other for professionals, each with 2 levels of finish. A new top-of-the range Combispace and VIP Shuttle benchmark Professionals and private individuals in this segment have different needs and expectations depending on their activities and the people or customers that they are carrying. To meet them, the Peugeot Traveller offers 2 ranges, each with 2 levels of finish: For private individuals, the Combispace with the Active and Allure finishes available in 5, 7 or 8 seat versions; For professional people carriers, the Shuttle with Business finishes available in 5 to 9 seat versions and Business VIP available in 6 and 7 seat versions. In keeping with the brand's upmarket shift, the deluxe levels offer a wide range of distinctive and enhancing interior and exterior equipment. The Peugeot Traveller provides passengers with toplevel features, comfort and ease. Its assertive and elegant style takes its inspiration from Peugeot passenger car features. The space and comfort dedicated to passengers meets the needs of high-end professional people carriers, for example for taking VIPs and their luggage to their hotel.

The Peugeot Traveller's distinctive and modern style exuding strength and elegance is enhanced on premium levels with Xenon headlights and 17" alloy wheels. As soon as the passengers open the doors, they are greeted with door sill lighting, a sleekly designed, luxury interior embellished with premium materials, in particular leather seats and thick carpets on the floor. For rear passenger entry on board, all versions are equipped as standard with motor-operated sliding side doors, and in addition are hands free on deluxe versions.

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Combined fuel consumption (WLTP)

Between 15.0 and 18.6 km/l

Combined CO2 emissions (WLTP)

PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP: a van with up to 7 seats

Avantages motorisation électrique.

Jusqu'à 330 kilomètres d'autonomie (WLTP)

La conduite 100% électrique procure de nouvelles sensations :

  • Une conduite fluide sans à-coups
  • Une accélération nette grâce au couple moteur immédiat
  • Un moteur silencieux

0 grammes de CO2 émis

Réalisez des économies grâce à :

  • Un coût énergétique inférieur à celui du carburant
  • Un faible coût à l’usage grâce à un entretien réduit
  • Une aide de l'État pouvant aller jusqu'à 6 000€ + la prime à la conversion
  • L'utilisation du mode ECO qui permet d'optimiser l'autonomie de la batterie

30 minutes pour récupérer 80% d’autonomie Sur borne de recharge rapide 100 kW. Le temps de recharge peut varier en fonction du type et de la puissance de la borne de recharge, de la température extérieure au point de charge et de la température de la batterie.  .

Simplifiez-vous la vie grâce à une recharge rapide et intuitive.

  • Avec le service ChargeMyCar par Free2Move, trouvez un point de recharge où que vous soyez, à n'importe quel moment.
  • Gérez la charge, le pré-conditionnement thermique et d’autres fonctionnalités à distance via l’application MyPeugeot.
  • Louez un véhicule thermique à un tarif avantageux avec le Mobility Pass si besoin ponctuel de plus d’autonomie.


With the PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP, you're opting to travel business class.

To help you in your day-to-day work, the PEUGEOT Traveller is available in a 5.3m length and with a height limited to 1.9 m*. With its vast range of equipment and configurations with 5, 7 or 8 seats, the PEUGEOT Traveller is easy-going and adapts to your needs.


2 glass roof panels.

Two concealed glass roof panels, which can be covered and uncovered individually, cascade natural light into the passenger compartment and offer a panoramic view of the sky. The roof includes LED mood lighting* as well as individual reading lights.

For even more on-board luxury, the PEUGEOT Traveller Business has gentle air conditioning for the rear seats. *Depending on version and country  


À PARTIR DE 289€/ MOIS APRÈS UN 1er LOYER DE 4 250€  En location longue durée sur 49 mois et pour 40 000 km. Exemple pour la location longue durée (LLD) d’un Peugeot TRAVELLER Active Compact 1,5 BlueHDi 120 S&S BVM6 neuf, hors options, incluant l’assistance et l’extension de garantie pendant 49 mois. Montants exprimés TTC et hors prestations facultatives. Offre valable du 01/03/2021 au 30/04/2021, réservée aux personnes physiques pour un usage privé pour toute LLD d’un Peugeot TRAVELLER neuf dans le réseau Peugeot participant, sous réserve d’acceptation du dossier par CREDIPAR, loueur et SA au capital de 138.517.008 €, RCS Versailles n° 317 425 981, ORIAS 07004921 (, 2-10 boulevard de l’Europe 78300 Poissy. Offre non valable pour les véhicules au prix Peugeot Webstore et les véhicules sur le site Le Contrat de Service Pack Extension peut être souscrit indépendamment de toute LLD aux conditions disponibles dans le réseau Peugeot participant.  


Passenger comfort, greater modularity and greater flexibility.

With the PEUGEOT Traveller Business, you can offer your passengers an enhanced service: airport shuttle, urban taxi, long-distance journeys and much more.

In the interior, choose from many configurations of between 5 and 9 seats thanks to the removable seats. It is incredibly easy to access the third row: a single command tilts the seat and leaves a space large enough to get through to the rear.


Optimized access, connectivity, head-up display, visiopark 1, active safety brake, autonomie & recharge.

L’autonomie de la batterie du PEUGEOT e-Traveller vous permet de parcourir jusqu’à 230km en 50kWh et 330 km en 75 kWh selon le protocole d’homologation WLTP  Les valeurs de consommation de carburant, d'émissions de CO2 et d’autonomie indiquées sont conformes à la procédure d’essai WLTP sur la base de laquelle sont réceptionnés les véhicules neufs depuis le 1er septembre 2018. Cette procédure WLTP remplace le cycle européen de conduite (NEDC), qui était la procédure d'essai utilisée précédemment. Les conditions d'essai étant plus réalistes, la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 mesurées selon la procédure WLTP sont, dans de nombreux cas, plus élevées que celles mesurées selon la procédure NEDC. Les valeurs de consommation de carburant, d'émissions de CO2 et d'autonomie peuvent varier en fonction des conditions réelles d'utilisation et de différents facteurs tels que: la fréquence de recharge, le style de conduite, la vitesse, les équipements spécifiques, les options, les types de pneumatiques, la température extérieure et le confort thermique à bord du véhicule. Veillez à vous rapprocher de votre point de vente pour plus de renseignements. Plus d’informations sur   (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures).

daptez votre conduite à vos envies et aux conditions de la route, grâce aux 3 modes de conduite proposés sur le  PEUGEOT e-Traveller : 

  • Eco : optimisation de l’autonomie de la batterie
  • Normal : confort optimal pour le quotidien
  • Sport : priorité aux performances et aux sensations avec une puissance et un couple au maximum.

L’activation du mode ""brake"" (frein moteur) permet de limiter les actions sur la pédale de frein, tout en rechargeant la batterie en décélération.

Deux modes de freinage sont disponibles :

  • modéré, pour des sensations proches d’un véhicule thermique,
  • augmenté, pour une décélération contrôlée par la pédale d’accélérateur.

La différence d’autonomie peut varier de 35% entre le printemps et l'hiver. 

Pré-conditionnez votre véhicule lorsqu'il est branché pour préserver votre autonomie en limitant l’impact du chauffage ou de la climatisation.

La régulation thermique de la batterie permet d’utiliser des chargeurs 100 kW et d’atteindre 80% de la charge en 30 mn Le temps de recharge peut varier en fonction du type et de la puissance de la borne de recharge, de la température extérieure au point de charge et de la température de la batterie  . Un large réseau de plus de 185 000 bornes publiques est disponible à travers toute l'Europe.

Souscrivez à  l'offre Charge My Car Pass payant développé en partenariat avec Free2Move   et la carte de recharge via l’application mobile Free2Move pour accéder au vaste réseau de plus de 140 b000 bornes publiques partout en Europe.

Le PEUGEOT e-Traveller se recharge  soit sur : 

  • Une prise domestique classique Avec le câble standard fourni.  . 
  • Une prise renforcée type Green’Up Avec la batterie 50 kWh : le temps de charge est réduit à 15h* grâce à un câble spécifique disponible en accessoire et à 23h avec la batterie 75 kWh  .
  • Votre combispace électrique se recharge plus rapidement grâce à une Wall Box : 7h30 batterie 50 kWh et Wall box 7,4kW monophasée   pour une charge complète.
  • Peugeot a sélectionné le partenaire Zeborne qui vous propose une solution adaptée pour l'installation de votre borne à domicile Voir conditions en point de vente  .
  • Pensez aux aides gouvernementales pour l'installation de votre Wall Box : crédit d’impôt , prime Advenir .


Services spécifiques à l’électrique.

Grâce aux services offerts par MyPEUGEOT et Free2Move,

vous n’aurez jamais été aussi autonome dans la gestion de votre véhicule électrique.


Charge my car avec free2move.

Optez pour une solution simple d’accès aux bornes de recharge publiques via l’offre Charge My Car  Service payant   de Free2Move.


Application mypeugeot®.

Bénéficiez de services synchronisés en temps réel à votre compte grâce à l’application gratuite MyPeugeot® Sous réserve d'avoir accès au réseau mobile et disponible selon les destinations   :

  • Gardez un œil sur les statuts de votre véhicule (Données de conduite, localisation).
  • Accédez rapidement à l’assistance.
  • Gérez l’entretien et les services de votre véhicule.
  • Gérez facilement la charge de la batterie et la température à bord.


The PEUGEOT Traveller Business van was designed to meet the requirements of professionals, in particular by optimizing the total cost of ownership. The brand has mobilized its experts to maximize the design excellence, quality of finish and durability of the PEUGEOT Traveller Business in order to maximize its resale value.

Similarly, the equipment, materials and powertrains have been selected with great care and rigour to minimize routine maintenance costs and consumption.


Peugeot offers various financing solutions for your professional vehicle.

Discover contract hire, finance leasing and classic finance.

*Due to global semi-conductor supply shortages, vehicles may not have some features mentioned prior. Please reach out to your local Peugeot dealer to confirm vehicle specifications prior to purchase.

48 Offers for Peugeot Traveller business-vip

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Peugeot Traveller   Business VIP L3 2.0 BlueHDI 150

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Peugeot Traveller   BlueHDi 150 S&S Standard Business Vip

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Peugeot Traveller   Business VIP L3 | 2.Hand | Massage-Si.

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  • VAT deductible
  • You can obtain more information on the official fuel consumption and official specific CO2 emissions of new passenger vehicles from the guideline on fuel consumption and CO2 emissions of new passenger vehicles. This guideline is available free of charge at all dealerships and from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH at
  • Dealer price
  • The field displays approximate values provided by the creator of the offer. The values may represent experiences with this model or originate from other sources.
  • The values stated were determined according to the prescribed measurement procedure (in accordance with the Passenger Car Energy Consumption Labelling Ordinance (PKW-EnVKV) in the respective applicable version). The data refers to the vehicle model offered and is used for comparison purposes between the different vehicle types. – For The Smarter Car Buyer


Peugeot Traveller MPV (2016 onwards) Business VIP Long 2.0 BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6 auto (9 seats) 5d Specs & Dimensions

  • Used Prices
  • Lease deals

Available new from: April 2017  -  June 2018

Peugeot Traveller MPV (16 on)

Specs Overview

What is the price to buy a used and new Traveller MPV 2016 and what is the overall running cost?

What are the dimensions of Traveller MPV 2016 and its fuel capacity and the overall weight?


What is the BHP, top speed, torque, and CO2 emissions of Traveller MPV 2016?

Equipment list & trim options

  • 3x3 point rear seat belts
  • Body coloured bumpers
  • Cruise control
  • Driver`s airbag
  • Front fog lights
  • Heated mirrors
  • Isofix child seat anchor points
  • Passenger`s airbag
  • Remote locking
  • Side airbags
  • Steering wheel rake adjustment
  • Steering wheel reach adjustment
  • Traction control
  • Heated seats
  • Height adjustable drivers seat
  • Leather seat trim
  • Air conditioning
  • Alloy wheels
  • Audio remote
  • Electric driver`s seat
  • Electric mirrors
  • Electric passenger`s seat
  • Folding rear seats
  • Front electric windows
  • Full size spare wheel
  • Parking sensors

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What is the Engine size, fuel type, transmission, and Gearbox of Peugeot Traveller MPV 2016?

Cabin & Luggage

What are the number of seats and doors in Peugeot Traveller MPV 2016 and its boot size?

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  • Maximum Select Max 1.0 Litre 1.2 Litre 1.4 Litre 1.6 Litre 2.0 Litre 3.0 Litre
  • ULEZ Compliant
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Peugeot Traveller Business Business Vip

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Toomey Peugeot Basildon

Basildon, Essex, SS15 6RW

Toomey Peugeot Southend

Southend-On-Sea, Essex, SS4 1GP

Finance Example

Finance available subject to status. Indemnities may be required. Other finance offers may be available but cannot be used in conjunction with this offer. We work with a number of carefully selected credit providers who may be able to offer you finance for your purchase. We are only able to offer finance products from these providers. Postal Address: Toomey Motor Group Limited, Service House, West Mayne, Basildon, Essex SS15 6RW

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MotaClarity Home

Peugeot e-Traveller Business Vip 138PS Automatic

Electric 50kwh standard business vip auto 8-seat.

essai peugeot traveller business vip

  • Advance Payment of: £999 Advance Payment of: £52
  • Weekly Rental: Total Allowance Weekly Rental: £83.95
  • Comprehensive Insurance: Included
  • Annual Road Tax: Included
  • Mileage Allowance: 60,000
  • Tyre Replacement: Included
  • Servicing and Repairs: Included
  • RAC Breakdown Assistance: Included
  • Many Adaptations Fitted: Included
  • Windscreen Replacement: Included

The Motability package includes a complimentary EV charging solution for customers who order a Peugeot e-Traveller.

Exchange your Mobility Allowance and lease a brand new car through the Motability Scheme for 3 years.

Did You Know? To help with the rising cost of new vehicles on the Motability Scheme, Motability have introduced a ‘New Vehicle Payment’ worth £750. Motability customers who are either renewing or new to the Motability Scheme in 2024 are eligible for the £750 one-time payment, and the money can be sent directly to the dealership to pay towards the Advance Payment of a new vehicle. > More Info

  • Transmission Automatic
  • Engine Electric
  • Range 148 mi
  • Power 136 bhp
  • Top Speed 81 mph
  • Age Restriction Age 25+
  • Insurance Group 38

Getting a new Motability car? Need to sell your car? MotaClarity has partnered with Motorway – the fast, free car-selling platform – to make that process hassle-free. Get an instant valuation, and they’ll find the dealer who’ll pay the most for your car. It's that easy. More info

Driving aids and accessible adaptations for this Peugeot e-Traveller can be ordered via the Motability Scheme, with many available at no additional cost. Find out which specialist adaptations fit this Peugeot e-Traveller at Mobility in Motion, who offer a nationwide UK fitting service either at your home, a regional fitting centre or at your local car dealership. Request a brochure, use their Live Chat feature, or book an assessment here > More info

  • Performance Engine Power: 138 ps Engine CC: ~ 0-62 mph: ~ Drive Type: ~ Top Speed: 81 mph Engine Torque: 300 Nm Engine Torque: 221 lbs/ft Engine Type: ~
  • Weight and Capacities Number of Seats: 8 Gross Vehicle Weight: 3,950 kg Fuel Tank Capacity: ~ Max Towing Weight (Braked): 2,000 kg Max Loading Weight: 1,000 kg Max Towing Weight (Unbraked): 750 kg Max Boot Space: 640 Litres Kerb Weight: 2,950 kg
  • Vehicle Dimensions Length: 4956 mm Height: 1,890 mm Width: 1,920 mm Width (in mirror): 2,204 mm
  • Check The Seat Height, Headroom, Legroom And Boot Size The RiDC helps people with a disability find specific accessibility measurements that could help you decide if this Peugeot is the right vehicle for you. You can search for measurements and features for Peugeot vehicles including seat heights, headroom, legroom, door openings, boot sizes, boot sills and find out if the vehicle can easily store a folded wheelchair. >more

Advance Payment Price History

Peugeot e-traveller dimensions.

essai peugeot traveller business vip

  • Length: 4,956 mm
  • Height: 1,890 mm
  • Width: 1,920 mm (2,204 mm inc mirrors)

essai peugeot traveller business vip

Pictures for illustration purposes only. Vehicle information originates from a 3rd party, is subject to change and is shown for guidance only. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies in the data

We advise that you obtain professional and/or specialist advice from Motability, a trained and accredited Motability specialist at a Motability approved car dealership or a related agency or organisation before acting on the basis of the content on this site.

Want to know more?

Speak to your nearest peugeot dealer.

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This car brochure may not be the latest brochure available. Contact your local Motability dealer for the current brochure and latest model information. The information and illustrations in all brochures are for illustration purposes only and are subject to change without notice. The fuel figures quoted are provided solely for comparison purposes between different models. If this brochure is out-of-date and needs updating, please let us know .

Motability’s all-inclusive 3 year / 60,000 mile car lease package includes:

Insurance cover for 3 named drivers is included.

The cost of servicing and maintaining your car is included.

Full breakdown cover provided by RAC Motability Assist is included.

Tyre and windscreen repair and replacement cover is included.

Motability will automatically tax the vehicle every year.

Many helpful adaptations are available at no extra cost.

BBC TopGear

Peugeot Traveller review: eight-seat MPV tested



That's not pretty.

No, but it's pretty useful.

It's an eight-seater. People-carriers and SUVs normally stop at seven. And you'd feel pretty useless if you drive off having left one of your intended passengers standing at the kerb.

But it's a van with windows…

It is, but not so crude as you might expect. Eight-seaters tend to fall into two sorts. The ones that really are vannish, with industrial cabins of hard walls and bare metal, and year-2000 equipment. Then there's the VW Caravelle and Mercedes V-Class that do at least have car-like trim and modern equipment, but cost a very stern £50k-ish each. This is £10k less, even in leather'n'nav trim.

So what exactly do we have here?

The Peugeot Traveller. (AKA Citroen SpaceTourer and Toyota ProAce Verso. They have different grilles and kit lists, but are essentially the same.) It's in Allure trim here, with the middle of its three available lengths. Size matters of course, and this one is below 5m long and, critically, under 2m high so it'll fit multi-storey car parks. It's handy and manoeuvrable, but it will still fit eight. In comfort.

Adults can fit in the third row – they'll have enough leg-room and width and their seats, like row two, individually recline.

Separate air-con is provided for the rear half with aimable vents, sunroofs, reading lights and electrical outlets. That goes to make the people in the back feel kindly treated.

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The words 'executive shuttle' come to mind.

Sure, there are obvious commercial uses for this thing, but it does have family-and-friends relevance too. It's pretty flexible. The Allure has two front seats, three behind and three more in the tail.

Also, you've got to go a long way to find a vehicle that can take three Isofix child seats in one row, let alone two rows as this one can.

Rows two and three split-fold and both of them slide. That leaves good opportunity for making the boot bigger.

There's a boot?

Of a sort. Behind row three it's 603 litres, a very tall space, but cramped front-to-rear. Though you can expand it by sliding row three forward a bit. You do get a parcel shelf. Beware – because the boot is tall, everything has to be stacked upright and tends to topple out when you open the tailgate. A partial solution lies in the tailgate glass, which opens independently.

All the seats fold, but only by dropping the backrests, not tumbling too. So they're still an obstruction. You can actually take them right out, but that involves deploying major muscle groups. Or a crane. Then comes the issue of storing them outside the vehicle.

Top Gear tests usually don't put the boot before the driving. but it's going to feel like a van, surely. Looks like a van. A van with chrome grille, fancy headlights and a set of alloys. Lipstick on a pig.

Sure, it's a very van-like driving position: you sit upright with your legs pointing down not forward. But it's not uncomfortable, even over a long haul.

Beyond that, the dynamics do make a passable impression of a car, albeit not a brilliant one. Much of the platform is actually shared with Peugeot's mid-size cars such as the 5008. So the suspension is mostly placid, and the ride decently supple. This does not happen with most vans.

The steering is remote and low-geared, but otherwise cornering is capable. Anyway, handling agility is about the last trait you want when there are six mouths behind you waiting to vomit down the back of your neck.

Anything in the way of performance?

The engine is a 150bhp HDi, and it does a stout job, without making much fuss. It supposed to be able to beat 100mph, but boy that'd need a run-up. The 0-62 time of 11 seconds gives a better impression of its ability, and of course that's before you add seven more warm bodies. The stubby little gearlever clearly meets the transmission via a tortuous path – its action is on the flaccid side.

Fuel consumption is also in the car rather than truck realm – 35mpg is easily achievable, on an official rating of 53.3mpg and 139g/km CO2.

OK so it's not bad to drive and it's got space. But is the cabin a happy place?

The dash is nicely designed and decorated, if not quite made of the same level of robust-yet-soft material in a Caravelle. The rest of the cabin is well-decorated, for instance fully shrouding the bare metal of the doors and seat mechanisms, and carpeting the entire floor.

The car-derived platform also means lots of useful electronics, including active cruise, a HUD with speedo and navigation arrows, CarPlay/Android Auto, and a parking camera.

As to happiness, we can't guarantee what congenial company your travelling companions are. But the actual hardware around you is moderately cheering.

But it's still a van.

Alright alright. Not a van-like car, no, but a car-like van.

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40 facts about elektrostal.

Lanette Mayes

Written by Lanette Mayes

Modified & Updated: 02 Mar 2024

Jessica Corbett

Reviewed by Jessica Corbett


Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to captivate you.

This article will provide you with 40 fascinating facts about Elektrostal, giving you a better understanding of why this city is worth exploring. From its origins as an industrial hub to its modern-day charm, we will delve into the various aspects that make Elektrostal a unique and must-visit destination.

So, join us as we uncover the hidden treasures of Elektrostal and discover what makes this city a true gem in the heart of Russia.

Key Takeaways:

  • Elektrostal, known as the “Motor City of Russia,” is a vibrant and growing city with a rich industrial history, offering diverse cultural experiences and a strong commitment to environmental sustainability.
  • With its convenient location near Moscow, Elektrostal provides a picturesque landscape, vibrant nightlife, and a range of recreational activities, making it an ideal destination for residents and visitors alike.

Known as the “Motor City of Russia.”

Elektrostal, a city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia, earned the nickname “Motor City” due to its significant involvement in the automotive industry.

Home to the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Elektrostal is renowned for its metallurgical plant, which has been producing high-quality steel and alloys since its establishment in 1916.

Boasts a rich industrial heritage.

Elektrostal has a long history of industrial development, contributing to the growth and progress of the region.

Founded in 1916.

The city of Elektrostal was founded in 1916 as a result of the construction of the Elektrostal Metallurgical Plant.

Located approximately 50 kilometers east of Moscow.

Elektrostal is situated in close proximity to the Russian capital, making it easily accessible for both residents and visitors.

Known for its vibrant cultural scene.

Elektrostal is home to several cultural institutions, including museums, theaters, and art galleries that showcase the city’s rich artistic heritage.

A popular destination for nature lovers.

Surrounded by picturesque landscapes and forests, Elektrostal offers ample opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and birdwatching.

Hosts the annual Elektrostal City Day celebrations.

Every year, Elektrostal organizes festive events and activities to celebrate its founding, bringing together residents and visitors in a spirit of unity and joy.

Has a population of approximately 160,000 people.

Elektrostal is home to a diverse and vibrant community of around 160,000 residents, contributing to its dynamic atmosphere.

Boasts excellent education facilities.

The city is known for its well-established educational institutions, providing quality education to students of all ages.

A center for scientific research and innovation.

Elektrostal serves as an important hub for scientific research, particularly in the fields of metallurgy, materials science, and engineering.

Surrounded by picturesque lakes.

The city is blessed with numerous beautiful lakes, offering scenic views and recreational opportunities for locals and visitors alike.

Well-connected transportation system.

Elektrostal benefits from an efficient transportation network, including highways, railways, and public transportation options, ensuring convenient travel within and beyond the city.

Famous for its traditional Russian cuisine.

Food enthusiasts can indulge in authentic Russian dishes at numerous restaurants and cafes scattered throughout Elektrostal.

Home to notable architectural landmarks.

Elektrostal boasts impressive architecture, including the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Elektrostal Palace of Culture.

Offers a wide range of recreational facilities.

Residents and visitors can enjoy various recreational activities, such as sports complexes, swimming pools, and fitness centers, enhancing the overall quality of life.

Provides a high standard of healthcare.

Elektrostal is equipped with modern medical facilities, ensuring residents have access to quality healthcare services.

Home to the Elektrostal History Museum.

The Elektrostal History Museum showcases the city’s fascinating past through exhibitions and displays.

A hub for sports enthusiasts.

Elektrostal is passionate about sports, with numerous stadiums, arenas, and sports clubs offering opportunities for athletes and spectators.

Celebrates diverse cultural festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal hosts a variety of cultural festivals, celebrating different ethnicities, traditions, and art forms.

Electric power played a significant role in its early development.

Elektrostal owes its name and initial growth to the establishment of electric power stations and the utilization of electricity in the industrial sector.

Boasts a thriving economy.

The city’s strong industrial base, coupled with its strategic location near Moscow, has contributed to Elektrostal’s prosperous economic status.

Houses the Elektrostal Drama Theater.

The Elektrostal Drama Theater is a cultural centerpiece, attracting theater enthusiasts from far and wide.

Popular destination for winter sports.

Elektrostal’s proximity to ski resorts and winter sport facilities makes it a favorite destination for skiing, snowboarding, and other winter activities.

Promotes environmental sustainability.

Elektrostal prioritizes environmental protection and sustainability, implementing initiatives to reduce pollution and preserve natural resources.

Home to renowned educational institutions.

Elektrostal is known for its prestigious schools and universities, offering a wide range of academic programs to students.

Committed to cultural preservation.

The city values its cultural heritage and takes active steps to preserve and promote traditional customs, crafts, and arts.

Hosts an annual International Film Festival.

The Elektrostal International Film Festival attracts filmmakers and cinema enthusiasts from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of films.

Encourages entrepreneurship and innovation.

Elektrostal supports aspiring entrepreneurs and fosters a culture of innovation, providing opportunities for startups and business development.

Offers a range of housing options.

Elektrostal provides diverse housing options, including apartments, houses, and residential complexes, catering to different lifestyles and budgets.

Home to notable sports teams.

Elektrostal is proud of its sports legacy, with several successful sports teams competing at regional and national levels.

Boasts a vibrant nightlife scene.

Residents and visitors can enjoy a lively nightlife in Elektrostal, with numerous bars, clubs, and entertainment venues.

Promotes cultural exchange and international relations.

Elektrostal actively engages in international partnerships, cultural exchanges, and diplomatic collaborations to foster global connections.

Surrounded by beautiful nature reserves.

Nearby nature reserves, such as the Barybino Forest and Luchinskoye Lake, offer opportunities for nature enthusiasts to explore and appreciate the region’s biodiversity.

Commemorates historical events.

The city pays tribute to significant historical events through memorials, monuments, and exhibitions, ensuring the preservation of collective memory.

Promotes sports and youth development.

Elektrostal invests in sports infrastructure and programs to encourage youth participation, health, and physical fitness.

Hosts annual cultural and artistic festivals.

Throughout the year, Elektrostal celebrates its cultural diversity through festivals dedicated to music, dance, art, and theater.

Provides a picturesque landscape for photography enthusiasts.

The city’s scenic beauty, architectural landmarks, and natural surroundings make it a paradise for photographers.

Connects to Moscow via a direct train line.

The convenient train connection between Elektrostal and Moscow makes commuting between the two cities effortless.

A city with a bright future.

Elektrostal continues to grow and develop, aiming to become a model city in terms of infrastructure, sustainability, and quality of life for its residents.

In conclusion, Elektrostal is a fascinating city with a rich history and a vibrant present. From its origins as a center of steel production to its modern-day status as a hub for education and industry, Elektrostal has plenty to offer both residents and visitors. With its beautiful parks, cultural attractions, and proximity to Moscow, there is no shortage of things to see and do in this dynamic city. Whether you’re interested in exploring its historical landmarks, enjoying outdoor activities, or immersing yourself in the local culture, Elektrostal has something for everyone. So, next time you find yourself in the Moscow region, don’t miss the opportunity to discover the hidden gems of Elektrostal.

Q: What is the population of Elektrostal?

A: As of the latest data, the population of Elektrostal is approximately XXXX.

Q: How far is Elektrostal from Moscow?

A: Elektrostal is located approximately XX kilometers away from Moscow.

Q: Are there any famous landmarks in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to several notable landmarks, including XXXX and XXXX.

Q: What industries are prominent in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal is known for its steel production industry and is also a center for engineering and manufacturing.

Q: Are there any universities or educational institutions in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal is home to XXXX University and several other educational institutions.

Q: What are some popular outdoor activities in Elektrostal?

A: Elektrostal offers several outdoor activities, such as hiking, cycling, and picnicking in its beautiful parks.

Q: Is Elektrostal well-connected in terms of transportation?

A: Yes, Elektrostal has good transportation links, including trains and buses, making it easily accessible from nearby cities.

Q: Are there any annual events or festivals in Elektrostal?

A: Yes, Elektrostal hosts various events and festivals throughout the year, including XXXX and XXXX.

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Combined fuel consumption (WLTP)

Between 15.0 and 18.6 km/l

Combined CO 2 emissions (WLTP)

PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP: a van with up to 7 seats

Avantages motorisation électrique.

Jusqu'à 330 kilomètres d'autonomie (WLTP)

La conduite 100% électrique procure de nouvelles sensations :

  • Une conduite fluide sans à-coups
  • Une accélération nette grâce au couple moteur immédiat
  • Un moteur silencieux

0 grammes de CO2 émis

Réalisez des économies grâce à :

  • Un coût énergétique inférieur à celui du carburant
  • Un faible coût à l’usage grâce à un entretien réduit
  • Une aide de l'État pouvant aller jusqu'à 6 000€ + la prime à la conversion
  • L'utilisation du mode ECO qui permet d'optimiser l'autonomie de la batterie

30 minutes pour récupérer 80% d’autonomie Sur borne de recharge rapide 100 kW. Le temps de recharge peut varier en fonction du type et de la puissance de la borne de recharge, de la température extérieure au point de charge et de la température de la batterie.  .

Simplifiez-vous la vie grâce à une recharge rapide et intuitive.

  • Avec le service ChargeMyCar par Free2Move, trouvez un point de recharge où que vous soyez, à n'importe quel moment.
  • Gérez la charge, le pré-conditionnement thermique et d’autres fonctionnalités à distance via l’application MyPeugeot.
  • Louez un véhicule thermique à un tarif avantageux avec le Mobility Pass si besoin ponctuel de plus d’autonomie.


With the PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP, you're opting to travel business class.

To help you in your day-to-day work, the PEUGEOT Traveller is available in a 5.3m length and with a height limited to 1.9 m*. With its vast range of equipment and configurations with 5, 7 or 8 seats, the PEUGEOT Traveller is easy-going and adapts to your needs.


2 glass roof panels.

Two concealed glass roof panels, which can be covered and uncovered individually, cascade natural light into the passenger compartment and offer a panoramic view of the sky. The roof includes LED mood lighting* as well as individual reading lights.

For even more on-board luxury, the PEUGEOT Traveller Business has gentle air conditioning for the rear seats. *Depending on version and country  


Passenger comfort, greater modularity and greater flexibility.

With the PEUGEOT Traveller Business, you can offer your passengers an enhanced service: airport shuttle, urban taxi, long-distance journeys and much more.

In the interior, choose from many configurations of between 5 and 9 seats thanks to the removable seats. It is incredibly easy to access the third row: a single command tilts the seat and leaves a space large enough to get through to the rear.


Optimized access, connectivity, head-up display, visiopark 1, active safety brake, autonomie & recharge.

L’autonomie de la batterie du PEUGEOT e-Traveller vous permet de parcourir jusqu’à 230km en 50kWh et 330 km en 75 kWh selon le protocole d’homologation WLTP  Les valeurs de consommation de carburant, d'émissions de CO2 et d’autonomie indiquées sont conformes à la procédure d’essai WLTP sur la base de laquelle sont réceptionnés les véhicules neufs depuis le 1er septembre 2018. Cette procédure WLTP remplace le cycle européen de conduite (NEDC), qui était la procédure d'essai utilisée précédemment. Les conditions d'essai étant plus réalistes, la consommation de carburant et les émissions de CO2 mesurées selon la procédure WLTP sont, dans de nombreux cas, plus élevées que celles mesurées selon la procédure NEDC. Les valeurs de consommation de carburant, d'émissions de CO2 et d'autonomie peuvent varier en fonction des conditions réelles d'utilisation et de différents facteurs tels que: la fréquence de recharge, le style de conduite, la vitesse, les équipements spécifiques, les options, les types de pneumatiques, la température extérieure et le confort thermique à bord du véhicule. Veillez à vous rapprocher de votre point de vente pour plus de renseignements. Plus d’informations sur   (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures).


Services spécifiques à l’électrique.

Grâce aux services offerts par MyPEUGEOT et Free2Move,

vous n’aurez jamais été aussi autonome dans la gestion de votre véhicule électrique.


The PEUGEOT Traveller Business van was designed to meet the requirements of professionals, in particular by optimizing the total cost of ownership. The brand has mobilized its experts to maximize the design excellence, quality of finish and durability of the PEUGEOT Traveller Business in order to maximize its resale value.

Similarly, the equipment, materials and powertrains have been selected with great care and rigour to minimize routine maintenance costs and consumption.


Peugeot offers various financing solutions for your professional vehicle.

Discover contract hire, finance leasing and classic finance.

*Due to global semi-conductor supply shortages, vehicles may not have some features mentioned prior. Please reach out to your local Peugeot dealer to confirm vehicle specifications prior to purchase.

Yakor Hotel

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YAKOR HOTEL: See Reviews and Traveller Photos (Elektrostal, Russia) - Tripadvisor

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essai peugeot traveller business vip

Elektrostal' Travel Guide

Experience elektrostal'.

The Moscow Kremlin

The Moscow Kremlin

Krasnaya ploshchad'

Krasnaya ploshchad'

State Historical Museum

State Historical Museum

St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral


Moscow Metro

Great Moscow State Circus

Great Moscow State Circus

Moscow State University

Moscow State University

Bolshoi Theatre

Bolshoi Theatre

Moskva River

Cafe Vostochny Express

Kroshka Kartoshka

Kroshka Kartoshka


Coffee Shop Usy Teodora Glagoleva

Fabrika Obedov

Fabrika Obedov


Beer Club Tolsty Medved

Cafe Antresole

Cafe Antresole


Quest-Cafe 4 Komnaty

Prima Bolshogo

Prima Bolshogo

Other recommended cities.

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Popular Types of Attractions in Elektrostal'

Popular attractions in elektrostal', popular restaurants in elektrostal', popular destinations, recommended attractions at popular destinations, more things to do in elektrostal'.

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  1. Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

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  2. Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

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  3. Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

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  4. Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

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  5. Обзор Peugeot Traveller Business VIP

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  6. Peugeot Traveller 100kW Business VIP Long [7 Seat] 50kWh 5dr Auto 2024

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  1. New 2021 Peugeot Traveller "VIP" interior-exterior review

    Do you want to see the new 2021 Peugeot Traveller "VIP" model in action? Watch this video to discover its interior and exterior features, design, and performance. You will be amazed by this ...

  2. Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6

    Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP Long 2,0L BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6. Commercialisé depuis un peu plus de deux ans, Peugeot Traveller progresse en volume de vente avec une hausse de près de 30% pour ce premier semestre 2018. Son cousin, le Citroën SpaceTourer n'est pas en reste puisqu'il affiche une progression de plus de 55% sur la même ...

  3. 2018 Peugeot Traveller Business VIP 2.0 BlueHDI 180

    Automobile Classics shows short clips of cars taken at international automobile shows. We are interested in the evolution of cars, and show their future, pre...

  4. Peugeot Traveller Review 2024, Price & Specs

    Very spacious but handling and interior quality are likely to disappoint those used to a regular MPV. Spacious and flexible interior. Largely comfortable ride. Seating for up to nine. Wallowy ...

  5. Essai Peugeot Traveller VIP 180 CV, outil de voyage familial

    Essai du Peugeot Traveller en finition VIP avec 180 CV. Nous vous apportons toutes les impressions, comportement, consommation, équipement, prix et photos. Actualidad Motor. ... Actualidad Motor » Actualidad Motor » Essais et rapports » Essai Peugeot Traveller Business VIP 2.0 BlueHDI 180 CV châssis moyen. Suivez-nous sur Google Actualités .

  6. Peugeot e-Traveller Business VIP Long (2020

    The Peugeot e-Traveller line-up starts from £42,935 for the Standard model in entry-level Business grade and at the top of the scale is the Business VIP model in Long wheelbase, as tested, and this costs £49,685. Our test vehicle featured a couple of optional extras, including metallic paint (£650) and a VIP Pack that upgraded the seats in ...

  7. Peugeot Traveller Business VIP : essais, comparatif d'offres, avis

    L'essai et le descriptif complet. Avec le Traveller Business VIP, ... Le Peugeot Traveller Business VIP propose également des rangements fermés, de surtapis, des vitres extra-teintées, une prise 220v en rang 2, un éclairage d'ambiance et une climatisation dédiés à l'arrière.

  8. PEUGEOT Traveller: an invitation to luxury travel and comfort

    The PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP provides rear-seat passengers with a 4 face-to-face seat configuration with individual leather armchairs. ... The PEUGEOT Traveller Business offers a premium exterior style for passengers who are seated within. In addition, the seats and comfort equipment can be configured exactly according to the professional ...

  9. Peugeot Traveller- The VIP Shuttle Business VIP, an emblematic version

    The Peugeot Traveller Business VIP provides rear-seat passengers with a 4 face-to-face seat configuration with individual leather armchairs. The multi-function roof with tri-zone climate control and soft diffusion, equipment exclusive to the segment, and mood lighting, also contribute to passenger well-being. ...

  10. PEUGEOT Traveller VIP

    The PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP is just as well-equipped when it comes to illumination: two concealed glass roof panels, which can be covered and uncovered individually, cascade natural light into the passenger compartment and offer a panoramic view of the sky. ... Les conditions d'essai étant plus réalistes, la consommation de carburant ...

  11. Peugeot e-Traveller MPV 100kW Business VIP Long [8St] 50kWh ...

    100kW Business VIP Long [8St] 50kWh 5dr At 11kWCh. Available new from: January 2023 - April 2023. Scroll down for the full details of the Peugeot e-Traveller MPV 2020 right here. On this page, you will find all the key specs for the e-Traveller MPV from overall fuel efficiency in MPG and its top speed in MPH, to running costs, dimensions, data ...

  12. Brand New Peugeot Traveller 100kW Business VIP Long [8 Seat] 50kWh 5dr

    The E-Traveller is available in 'Business' and 'Business VIP' trim levels, with prices starting at around £43,000 for 'Business'-spec or around £49,500 for plusher 'Business VIP' spec. There's a premium of £840 to move from the 'Standard' to the 'Long' body shape. 'Business'-spec models are 9-seaters, while 'Business VIP' variants are 8-seaters.

  13. Peugeot Traveller (2022) : Test, Caractéristiques & Prix

    Traveller Allure : Prix à partir de 46 900 euros. Caractéristiques (en plus d'Active) Navigation GPS. 2 portes latérales coulissantes et électriques. Accès et démarrage mains libres. 8 places (7 en option gratuite) Aide au stationnement avant. Surveillance angle mort. Système audio 9 HP et caisson de basses.

  14. Find Peugeot Traveller business-vip for sale

    Peugeot Traveller Business VIP/Head-up-Standheizung VOLL. € 33,299.-. 114,116 km Automatic 09/2019 Diesel 130 kW (177 hp) Cars Halberstadt Andreas Kowalewski • DE-38820 Halberstadt.

  15. Peugeot Traveller MPV Business VIP Long 2.0 BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6 auto

    Find all the key specs about the Peugeot Traveller MPV Business VIP Long 2.0 BlueHDi 180 S&S EAT6 auto (9 seats) 5d from fuel efficiency and top speed, to running costs, dimensions data and lots more ... If you're looking for a Peugeot Traveller you will definitely want to know all about every aspect of the car - and Parkers has all the spec ...

  16. Peugeot Traveller Business Business Vip for Sale

    Available from Toomey Peugeot in Essex. Discover the Peugeot Traveller Business Business Vip available from Toomey Peugeot in Southend-On-Sea and Basildon. Sort. Drive away the Peugeot Traveller Business Business Vip, designed by Peugeot and delivered to you by Toomey Peugeot across Essex.

  17. Peugeot e-Traveller Business Vip 138PS Automatic

    Height: 1,890 mm. Width: 1,920 mm (2,204 mm inc mirrors) Pictures for illustration purposes only. Vehicle information originates from a 3rd party, is subject to change and is shown for guidance only. We cannot be held responsible for any discrepancies in the data. Explore the Peugeot e-Traveller Electric 50kWh Standard Business VIP Auto 8-seat ...

  18. Peugeot Traveller review: eight-seat MPV tested

    The engine is a 150bhp HDi, and it does a stout job, without making much fuss. It supposed to be able to beat 100mph, but boy that'd need a run-up. The 0-62 time of 11 seconds gives a better ...

  19. 40 Facts About Elektrostal

    40 Facts About Elektrostal. Elektrostal is a vibrant city located in the Moscow Oblast region of Russia. With a rich history, stunning architecture, and a thriving community, Elektrostal is a city that has much to offer. Whether you are a history buff, nature enthusiast, or simply curious about different cultures, Elektrostal is sure to ...

  20. Elektrostal to Moscow

    Moscow, Russia. Moscow is the capital and largest city of the Russian Federation. The city stands on the Moskva River in Central Russia, with a population estimated at 13.0 million residents within the city limits, over 18.8 million residents in the urban area, and over 21.5 million residents in the metropolitan area.

  21. PEUGEOT Traveller VIP

    The PEUGEOT Traveller Business VIP is just as well-equipped when it comes to illumination: two concealed glass roof panels, which can be covered and uncovered individually, cascade natural light into the passenger compartment and offer a panoramic view of the sky. ... Les conditions d'essai étant plus réalistes, la consommation de carburant ...

  22. YAKOR HOTEL: See Reviews and Traveller Photos ...

    Yakor Hotel, Elektrostal: 6 Hotel Reviews, traveller photos, and great deals for Yakor Hotel, ranked #3 of 7 hotels in Elektrostal and rated 3.5 of 5 at Tripadvisor.

  23. Elektrostal' Travel Guide 2024

    何游天下. The Red Square is located in the center of Moscow, Russia, is a famous square in Russia. It is also the venue for major events in Moscow and is one of the famous landmarks in Moscow. There is also Vasili Ascension Cathedral nearby. . St. Basil's Cathedral. เด็กน้อยในมอสโก. Very beautiful, give full marks.