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Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete ‘How To’ Guide

  • By Kaci Reigns
  • Updated April 27, 2024

You may have heard about the wandering Jew plant. This beautiful plant is an excellent choice as an indoor or an outdoor plant. If you're wondering how to care for these low-maintenance plants in the winter months, you're in luck. We've done the research and have compiled some of the best ways to care for your plant during the winter!

Here are some tips for caring for your wandering Jew plant in the winter:

  • Reduce the amount of watering
  • Ensure that you have sufficient humidity
  • Keep the plant away from cold drafts
  • Stop fertilizing
  • Avoid pruning
  • Put your plant in a sunny location

This quick-growing, low-maintenance plant is very popular because it is easy to grow! Keep reading to learn more about the changes you need to make in winter for the wandering Jew and more critical information about this wonderful plant!

the Tradescantia zebrina in brick flowerpot of leaves is color purple, Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete 'How To' Guide

Wandering Jew (Dude) Winter Care

the Tradescantia zebrina in brick flowerpot of leaves is color purple

The inch plant ( Tradescantia zebrina ) is also known as the wandering Jew. More recently, the plant has been called the wandering dude (a less offensive term). Regardless of its name, this plant is a tropical plant that is only hardy for USDA zones eight through 11.

Inch plants are commonly grown as houseplants. They have a low frost tolerance. However, you still need to adjust the care you give these plants in the wintertime.

Watering green indoor potted plants in ceramic and metal pots with a green plastic watering can on a bright wooden surface in a room. Growing beautifully and thriving in full or partial shade.

Inch plants are dormant during the winter months. Their dormancy means that you need to cut back on watering. During the plant's growing months, you need to keep the soil moist and well-draining.

In the fall and winter, you can allow some of the soil to dry out before watering. You want to do this because the plant isn't growing as rapidly and doesn't require as much water.

Allow the first two inches of soil to dry out for large plants before watering again. You should only allow up to the first inch of soil to dry out for smaller ones.

Humidity Levels

Close up of steam from the air humidifier during heating period, surrounded by houseplants Plant care. Increasing moisture in the apartment

Your wandering dude will still need humidity during the winter. In fact, you may have to increase the humidity levels in your home during the winter. This is because most people use their heaters during this time. Yes, it keeps homes warm, but it also takes away the moisture in the air.

You'll know that you need to adjust your humidity levels if you notice leaves with brown edges or falling leaves. To increase your humidity levels, you can use a humidifier.

Another option is to use a pebble tray. Pebble trays are small dishes filled with rocks and water. You place your plant on top of it, which increases the nearby humidity.

Avoid Cold Drafts

Draft Excluder Under Window Blocking Cold Air From Traveling Around

Remember that inch plants are native to tropical regions with higher temperatures. They do well when indoor temperatures are between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. For the most part, this is within the range most at which people keep their homes.

However, be careful to avoid any cold drafts from your windows. Your inch plants must be brought inside when outdoor temperatures drop below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. A cold breeze, even indoors, can cause severe damage to your wandering dude.

Stop Fertilizing

Woman pouring granular fertilizer into pot with house plant at table, closeup

You should stop fertilizing your inch plants during the fall and winter months. Remember, the plants are dormant in the winter. Even if you see new growth, the plant isn't growing rapidly enough to warrant any fertilizing.

It can be challenging to determine if you've over-fertilized your plants. The symptoms can easily be confused with overwatering. However, keep an eye out for yellowing and wilting leaves and leaves dropping. You may also notice a crusty white surface on the soil.

Avoid Pruning

Woman pruning hortensia plant with shears outdoors, closeup

Technically, you can prune your wandering dude plant during the winter months. However, you need to be incredibly careful. New growth can occur when pruning during the fall and winter. Unfortunately, this can lead to weak and leggy growth.

The best time to prune your wandering dude is during the active growing period. These plants can handle a hard pruning in the spring.

Keep Sunlight Levels High

House plants on window. Orchid, cactus, blue flower, violet, carnation, succulent, cala

Wandering dudes prefer areas with bright indirect light when grown indoors. They prefer this amount of sunlight year-round. So, even though we get less light, your plant still wants the same amount.

Consider the area where your inch plant is currently. If your plant is at a north-facing window, you may need to move it. You can move it closer to the window or near a south-facing window. South-facing windows are best for getting light without any glare and heat like with east- or west-facing windows.

Another option is to use a growing light. This can help you control the amount of light without moving your plant.

LORDEM Full Spectrum LED Grow Light

Take a look at this full spectrum light on Amazon!

When To Repot Wandering Dudes

You shouldn't repot your wandering dudes in their dormant months. Changing containers when your plant isn't actively growing can cause shock or root rot.

If you're going to repot, first determine if your plant needs it. Tradescantia can be invasive . You don't have to worry about it overtaking your home. However, its invasive tendencies mean you may not have to repot it as often as you think.

If your wandering dude has roots growing out of its container or slower growth, you should switch to a larger container.

How To Repot

Select a pot that is at least two inches wider and deeper than your current container. It should also have drainage holes. You can also choose a pot that is wider than it is deep. These types of plants typically have shallow roots, so you don't necessarily need the extra space on the bottom.

Water your plant and put on a pair of gloves before repotting your wandering dude. You'll have to work carefully and away from pets and kids. These plants are toxic.

Move your plant's vines to the side and lay the pot horizontally. Then gently remove the plant from its container. You can put your gloved hand between the soil and the container wall to move the plant out.

Put a layer of soil at the bottom of the new container. Then make sure the plant's root ball is untangled. Next, put the plant into the container and fill the sides up with soil. Water the inch plant from above to help settle the soil.

Ceramic Planters with Drainage Hole and Saucer

Check out this pot with a drainage hole on Amazon!

What Problems Do Wandering Dude Plants Have?

For the most part, there are no serious issues that you have to worry about for the wandering dude.

However, you should be on the lookout for a few common diseases. Root rot is commonly caused by poor drainage or overwatering. Stem rot can also occur if moisture is left on the plant.

Wandering dudes can be affected by aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, thrips, and slugs. If your plants are being grown exclusively as houseplants, then you don't have to consider slugs.

You should still monitor your plant for signs of other small pests. When left unchecked, aphids and mealybugs can attract ants, and thrips can spread disease to other parts of the plant.

Final Thoughts

The wandering dude, or wandering Jew, is an easy-to-care-for tropical plant that requires a little bit of care to survive the winter.

Be wary of over-watering and cold drafts, which can be damaging for your plant. Keeping that in mind, you'll have a happy, healthy plant to prune and fertilize come springtime!

Are you looking for more wandering dude information? Check out one of the posts below.

Why Is My Wandering Jew Dying [And What To Do]

Will A Wandering Jew Climb A Trellis?

I look forward to receiving new gardening tips!

I always enjoy learning new things about gardening

Yes it help me very much a lot to understand and why it dries up and falls off

I like wondering who’s the pretty they’re pretty easy to take care of you can clip and reboot them make us more Fuller and bigger pinch back and they get full too and I’m going to try to send a picture if I can thank you 😊

I got some samples now I’m having them in the jar of water rewarding and see what happens soon as it works to get up small pots to see if it if I can get it going good 😊

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wandering jew plant cold tolerance

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant (Your Complete Guide)

When it comes to houseplants able to brighten up indoor spaces, it doesn’t get much more colorful than the variegated foliage of a Wandering Jew plant ( Tradescantia zebrina ). With their hardy nature and ease of care, they are a perfect choice for those feeling they kill everything they bring indoors. We’ve listed a quick summary of their care below.

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant: Grow your Wandering Jew in well-drained soil, kept moist but not soggy through regular watering. Create humidity, keep indoor temperatures between 50°F (10°C) to 85°F (29°C) and fertilize monthly.

Continue reading because we’ve taken all the guesswork out of caring for your Wandering Jew and keeping it healthy and happy for years to come.

How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering Jew plants belong in the Commelinaceae family, which includes around 652 different species. The family is made up of herbs, climbers and several epiphytes, with some used as outdoor and indoor ornamentals like Wandering Jew.

There are three different plants commonly known as Wandering Jews; Tradescantia fluminensis , Tradescantia pallida , and Tradescantia zebrina. Of the three, Tradescantia zebrina is the most common one grown and has the most eye-catching and colorful foliage. All three have the same requirements for care and good growth.

Native to Mexico and Guatemala, Wandering Jew is classified as a tender evergreen perennial that performs well planted outdoors in frost-free regions. Those living in cooler environments can easily grow it as an indoor plant planted either in containers or in hanging baskets. Outdoors it’s typically used as a quick-growing groundcover.

Although a common name shared with several very different plants, Wandering Jew is often called Inch Plant , due to the leaf margins being spaced about an inch apart. You may also find Wandering Jew listed as Zebrina Pendula , but is synonymous with Tradescantia zebrina and is the same plant.

how to care for a wandering jew plant tradescantia zebrina

When it comes to Wandering Jew plants, it’s all about the attention-grabbing foliage. The succulent stems give way to leaves that are a deep purple on their undersides with the upper portion striped in silvery-gray and greenish-blue. The oval leaves grow to about 2.5 inches long and the stems grow about 2 feet long. It makes a beautiful plant used in hanging baskets, with the long stems cascading over the side.

Even grown indoors, Wandering Jews have a fast rate of growth and before you know it, the plants will be spilling over your container’s or hanging basket’s sides. Whereas some indoor plants seem to take forever to fill out, this isn’t a problem with properly cared for Wandering Jew plants.

There are several other cultivars (varieties) of Wandering Jew, which include:

  • ‘Purpusii’ has unstriped, hairy foliage that is either solid red or reddish-green.
  • ‘Quadricolor’ produces metallic-green foliage striped in red, white and green.

Wandering Jew plants are the ideal candidates for beginner houseplant gardeners due to their hardiness and robust growth. Below we’ve outlined all the basics of their proper care, as well as identifying and preventing any potential problems so you can enjoy your Wandering Jew for years to come. The best indoor plants are those that are happy and healthy.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Soil Conditions For Wandering Jew Plants

Wandering Jew plants tolerate growing in a wide range of soils provided they drain well. Although they do tolerate and prefer moist conditions, the soil must drain properly to prevent root and stem rot from occurring. Therefore, it is necessary to use a lighter weight soil mixture in your pots rather than heavier soils that don’t provide proper drainage.

Straight potting soils are usually too heavy, retain too much moisture and have a tendency to leave the soil soggy. You can use a heavier potting soil in your soil mixture, just be sure to incorporate a lighter soil mix to provide the Wandering Jew the drainage required for healthy growth.

Commercial potting mixes work well and many have a slow-release fertilizer mixed in, which cuts down on the need for frequent feedings. The slow-release blends usually continue to fertilize the Wandering Jew for about three months.

You can also make your own soil by mixing several ingredients together such as:

  • Using equal parts of compost and a potting mix.
  • Mixing equal portions of compost, peat and potting soil or a potting mix.
  • Using equal portions of a course sand, compost and potting soil or a potting mix.

Whatever soil you choose to use, just make sure it drains well and contains a bit of fertility for the best performance of your Wandering Jew plants.

Preferred Light Conditions

Although Wandering Jew plants tolerate lower light conditions than many houseplants, to help retain those striking colors the plant is known for, place the container in a location indoors receiving filtered sunlight. If your plant starts losing some of the color in the foliage, move it to a location that receives a bit more light.

In addition, if the lower portion of the stems start suffering leaf drop, the Wandering Jew isn’t get enough light and needs to be relocated to a brighter area inside the home.

Once the warm weather of spring arrives and if you’d like to give your Wandering Jew a bit of a break from its indoor location, place it in an outdoor spot that receives partial sun to partial shade. Moving it to an outdoor location with too much sun may leave the foliage sunburned.

Indoor Temperature Requirements

In the Wandering Jew’s native environment, temperatures are consistently warm without the threat of frosts or freezes. Generally, if the indoor temperatures inside your home are comfortable for you, they will also be comfortable for your Wandering Jew plant.

Indoor temperatures between 50°F (10°C) to 85°F (29°C) are a good range for your Wandering Jew plants. Plants grown in this temperature range produce the healthiest growth.

If you gave your plants a break from their indoor location, just make sure to bring them back indoors before the cold weather of winter strikes.

Water Requirements

Wandering Jews prefer soils that are regularly kept moist, not soggy, compared to many indoor houseplants. However, this doesn’t mean the soil should be kept so wet they never begin to dry out. Keeping the soil too wet for too long promotes rot to set in and you may end up killing your Wandering Jew plants. Your Wandering Jew is more likely to forgive you if you forget to water over watering too much and too often.

A good rule to follow is if the soil starts to feel like it’s about to become very dry, apply water. It’s easy to know exactly when to water by:

  • Sticking your finger into the soil and if the top inch is starting to feel dry, water until it runs from the container’s bottom drain holes.

During the warm growing season of spring through summer, you can probably expect to water once each week. However, during winter when the Wandering Jew goes into dormancy (its growth slows), you will probably only need to water about every other week.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Humidity Requirements

Compared to many tropical plants grown indoors, Wandering Jew plants aren’t quite as fussy about humid conditions , but still need some humidity for the best growth and performance. Don’t let the thought of creating a humid environment stress you out because replicating humidity for your indoor plants is relatively easy and basic.

  • Fill a spray bottle with room temperature water and mist the Wandering Jew several times each week.
  • If you’re growing the Wandering Jew in a container and not in a hanging basket, you can set the pot on a tray of pebbles. As you water, the water seeps from the bottom drain holes onto the tray of pebbles and as it evaporates, it creates a humid environment around the plant.
  • If your bathroom gets the appropriate amount of light for the Wandering Jew, you can allow it to grow there. Due to the regular use of water in a bathroom, moisture is created, creating the humidity the Wandering Jew requires.

Fertilizer Needs

Unless the soil mixture contains a slow-release fertilizer blend, which feeds the Wandering Jew for about three months, fertilizing monthly is sufficient for proper growth. You have several choices when it comes to fertilizer you can use for your Wandering Jew plant.

  • Use a houseplant fertilizer applied at half-strength, applied when you do your regular watering.
  • Use an all-purpose, water-soluble blend for outdoor and indoor plants, applied at half-strength and used during your regular watering schedule.
  • If your soil mixture didn’t contain a slow-release fertilizer or it’s been about three months, if one was contained in the soil, you can reapply slow-release fertilizer granules sprinkled over the top of the soil. Follow the package directions on amounts.

When it comes to the appropriate time of year to fertilize the Wandering Jew, only fertilize while it’s actively growing, which is spring throughout summer. In winter, the plant goes through a dormant stage and all growth slows, so there is no need to apply fertilizer. Wait until spring arrives before you resume fertilizing the plant.

The one thing you will need to pay attention to when it comes to fertilizing is the buildup of salts in the soil, which can result in foliage burns. Wandering Jew plants have a low tolerance to salty soils. Preventing any salt buildup is relatively simple:

  • If the plant isn’t too big, you can take the entire pot to your sink or bathtub and allow water to run slowly through the soil for about five minutes, flushing out any salts.
  • If the plant is too big for indoor flushing, take it outside and allow water from the hose to run slowly through the soil for about five minutes. Allow the water to drain and then bring the plant back indoors.

Pruning Requirements

The pruning needs of Wandering Jew plants are low. If you want to control the size of the plant and promote bushier growth, you can pinch off the tips of the stems. To keep the plant always looking its best, you can trim off any broken, dead or damaged stems and leaves throughout the year.

When using pruning tools to trim your Wandering Jew always make sure they are clean so you don’t transfer any diseases or pests to your plant. This is as easy as wiping off the blades with alcohol.

Some people experience skin irritations when handling the cuttings due to the sap , so if you are unsure if you are one of these unlucky gardeners, it might be best to wear gardening gloves when pruning or handling Wandering Jew cuttings.

Potting Needs

If you purchased your Wandering Jew already potted in a hanging basket or 1-gallon container, it should thrive as is for a year or more before it requires repotting. However, if you received rooted cuttings in smaller containers like 4- to 6-inch pots, you most likely need to repot them into something a bit larger so they can grow properly.

This also cuts down on the need for repotting in a month or two as the Wandering Jew begins to outgrow its present pot.

When it comes to the pot’s material, any type works quite well for growing this plant from clay to plastic. However, if you grow your Wandering Jew in a pot made of a porous material like terra cotta, the soil is going to dry quicker than if it was growing in a plastic pot. This means you will need to water more frequently.

Once your Wandering Jew starts getting too big for its present container, it’s time to repot it into one that is around 1- to 2-inches larger. Although the plant likes a moist soil, make sure the pot has bottom drainage to prevent the possibility of rot due to conditions that are too wet.

If you like, you can dress the container up by placing the draining one inside a decorative pot without bottom drain holes, but be sure to empty out any additional water once the inner pot thoroughly drains.

I think a decorative outer pot can add so much to the beauty of your houseplants, so I do this with almost all of my houseplants. Read this article which discusses my favorite decorative planters if you need some inspiration.

Potting and repotting your Wandering Jew is basic:

  • Gently remove the Wandering Jew from its present container, being careful not to break the succulent stems.
  • Fill the new container that drains about a quarter of the way full with a fertile, well-drained potting mix.
  • Check the Wandering Jew’s root system and if it’s growing bunched together and filled the previous pot, gently tease the roots apart with your hands.
  • Place the Wandering Jew into the new container and finish filling it with soil.
  • Water the Wandering Jew until it runs from the bottom drain holes and place in a bright location indoors.

how to care for a wandering jew plant tradescantia zebrina

Propagating New Plants

When it comes to propagating new plants, Wandering Jew is about as easy as it gets. Even if you have never done this before you should have success starting its cuttings. When you trim to control its size, don’t throw those cuttings away but use them to start additional plants.

You have two choices when it comes to rooting your cuttings and both are easy. The first thing you will want to do is obtain your cuttings. Trim off a 4- to 6-inch cutting from the mother plant and you’re ready to start rooting.

Rooting in Soil

  • Fill a 6-inch to 1-gallon container that drains with a rich, well-drained potting mix. Water the soil to settle it.
  • Make about a 2-inch indentation in the soil where you want to place the Wandering Jew cutting.
  • Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting where you will be inserting it into the soil. You can do this by pinching them off with your fingers.
  • Place the cutting into the indentation and firm the soil up around it with your fingers.
  • Water the soil again and place the cutting in the same light conditions where the mother plant was thriving. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Roots should form in about four weeks and after about eight weeks, the Wandering Jew cuttings should form a new root system.

Rooting in Water

  • Fill a glass jar or plastic container with about 3-inches of room temperature water.
  • Pinch off any leaves from the section of the Wandering Jew cutting that will be submerged in the water.
  • Place the cutting in the water and situate the container in a bright indoor location.
  • Change the water in the container about every other week, or when cloudy.

You should start seeing new roots form on the cuttings in several weeks. Once the roots are several inches long, you can repot the cuttings into a draining container filled with fertile, well-drained soil.

Disease Problems

Wandering Jew plants grown indoors are hardy and don’t have major diseases that plague them. However, rot is their biggest enemy and caused by soils that are too heavy and do not drain properly, retaining too much water. Overwatering and planting in pots that don’t drain are other causes of rot problems.

When rot rears its ugly head you’ll notice the bottom stems, as well as the foliage turning black, becoming mushy and the entire plant collapses. If this happens and seems to start affecting the entire Wandering Jew plant, you can trim off healthy, unaffected sections of the stems and repot into fresh, clean soil. Since there is no saving the rot-infected sections, you will have no choice but to discard those portions of the plant.

Steps for preventing problems with rot include:

  • Using lightweight potting mixes that drain well and aren’t too heavy, which leads to the soil remaining too wet for too long. Some types of potting soils have a tendency to be heavy and need mixing with a potting mix, compost, coarse sand or peat.
  • Don’t overwater your Wandering Jew. Although they prefer growing in moist soils, this doesn’t mean constantly soggy soil. Stick your finger into the soil and if the top inch is starting to become dry, apply water until it runs from the bottom of the pot.
  • Make sure the pot you are growing your Wandering Jew in has bottom drainage. If you have placed the pot inside a decorative one that doesn’t drain, make sure to empty all the water from it after you have watered.

Pest Problems

Although indoor Wandering Jew plants are not big candidates for problems with pests, several can cause an infestation and problems. As with any pest problem indoors or outside in the garden, quick control is always the best option to keep your plants healthy. It also assures the pests do not migrate to your other plants causing even bigger problems and headaches.

The pests most likely to infest your indoor Wandering Jew plants are:

  • Aphids: Aphids come in a host of different colors and are tiny, pear-shaped, sap-sucking insects that usually congregate in large masses along the Wandering Jew’s stems. In large infestations, they can kill the plant or severely weaken it. If the infestation is small, you can wipe the pests off the stems with a moist cloth. However, if the infestation is large, you will probably have to spray the plant with an insecticidal soap or Neem, reapplying as suggested on the package.
  • Spider Mites: Spider mites are another sap-sucking pest that if left unchecked can quickly kill or weaken the Wandering Jew. It is easy to tell if you have a spider mite problem as these tiny, white pests spin fine webbing that covers the plant. Spider mites can be the bane of houseplants so quick control is necessary. Use an insecticidal soap or Neem and spray the entire plant, reapplying as suggested on the product label.
  • Whiteflies:   Whiteflies are other sap-sucking pests that can quickly kill or weaken your Wandering Jew if not quickly controlled. They are another easily identifiable pest, as just touching the plant sends the tiny whiteflies from the plant’s foliage and into the air, hovering right above it. Control the problem with an insecticidal soap or Neem, spraying the entire plant and reapplying as suggested on the product’s label.
  • Mealybugs:   Sap-sucking mealybugs show up on the Wandering Jew as cottony masses covering the stems and crotches of the foliage. Control the problem by spraying the entire plant with insecticidal soap or Neem, reapplying as suggested on the product’s label. If the infestation is small, you can also wipe them from the stems and leaves with a damp cloth.

wandering jew plant care guide tradescantia zebrina

Is Wandering Jew A Perennial?

Wandering Jew plants are considered a tender, evergreen perennial. Unlike annuals, and if grown in preferred conditions with proper care, Wandering Jews should live and keep on growing for quite a few years, both indoors and outside.

Why Are My Wandering Jew Plant’s Leaves Losing Their Color?

If your Wandering Jew is growing in light conditions that are too low, the leaves will start to lose their color and become duller. When grown indoors and to keep the bright color on the foliage, make sure the Wandering Jew is growing in a location receiving bright light.

Why Are My Wandering Jew’s Leaves Dropping?

Wandering Jew plants grown in light conditions that are too low will start dropping leaves at the base of their stems. Solve the problem by moving the plant to an indoor location that is brighter. For the best leaf color and growth, they prefer an indoor location receiving bright light.

Why Are My Wandering Jew Cuttings Rotting In Soil?

If your Wandering Jew cuttings are rotting in soil it could be one of two things causing the problem. The soil you are growing the cuttings in may be infected with a fungus that is infecting them with rot.

You can solve the problem by planting the cutting in a sterile, well-drained potting mix. Another cause might be the soil is remaining too soggy and the container doesn’t drain.

Make sure you are using a soil that drains well and doesn’t remain soggy, do not overwater and use a container with bottom drainage. Water the cuttings when to top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Can I Root Wandering Jew Cuttings In Water?

Wandering Jew cuttings root quite well in water. Fill a container with several inches of water, remove any leaves that would be submerged and stick the cut end into the water.

Fill the container with fresh, clean water about every other week. You should start seeing root form on the cuttings in several weeks. Once the roots get several inches in length, you can repot the cuttings in a draining container with rich, well-drained soil.

Are Wandering Jew Plants Toxic?

When it comes to humans, Wandering Jew’s sap can cause skin irritation in humans that are allergic to it. Therefore, it’s best to wear gardening gloves when handling or pruning the plant.

The plant is listed as toxic to dogs and cats, due to its tendency to cause skin allergies and dermatitis. To keep your pets and children safe, make sure you situate your indoor Wandering Jew out of the reach of both.

If you’d like some indoor plants that are non-toxic, check out this article which discusses my favorite non-toxic houseplants.

Do Wandering Jew Plants Produce Blooms?

When grown outdoors, Wandering Jews produce small, three-petaled, lavender flowers, but the plant rarely ever blooms grown indoors as a houseplant.

Can I Grow Wandering Jew Outdoors?

Wandering Jew plants grow as perennials planted outdoors in frost-free climates, however, those with cooler weather can plant outdoors and treat it as an annual.

What’s The Growth Rate For Wandering Jew Plants?

When grown in proper conditions with proper care, Wandering Jew plants are considered fast growers.

Many thanks for reading my guide to Wandering Jew care. This really is a great indoor plant for your home. Beautiful and easy to care for, its hard to go wrong.

If you want more help with looking after your indoor plants, check out the rest of my articles , and head over to my resources section , where I have some great recommended resources, books and equipment to help you grow healthier, more beautiful plants.


Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

By: Author Daniel

Posted on Last updated: September 18, 2023

Wandering Jew Plant – Ultimate Care Guide

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You are reading this guide to learn more about the Wandering Jew Plant and its care . I have had this plant at home for many years and write about all the growing aspects in this guide.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Takeaways

What is the wandering jew plant.

The Wandering Jew, or Tradescantia zebrina, by its scientific name (old name = Zebrina pendula) is native to Mexico. It is not to be confused with Tradescantia albiflora, which also goes by Wandering Jew and has very similar care needs. 

Tradescantia zebrina has attractive foliage, sporting exciting zebra-patterned leaves. It also flowers. But when kept as a houseplant, this rarely ever happens. It is a fast-growing and excellent groundcover, according to the University of Florida .

How not to kill your Tradescantia Zebrina (Wandering Jew)

W andering Jew Plant Care

To keep your Wandering Jew plant thriving, ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in average room temperatures of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Fertilize once a month during spring and summer. In winter, relocate the plant to a cooler area with temperatures of 54-59°F (12-15°C).

Table of Contents

Tradescantia zebrina Growing guide

Tradescantia zebrina care is pretty straightforward, but it certainly can’t hurt to glance at the most important things to consider when caring about this herbaceous perennial plant. 

So, without further ado, let’s see how you can make your Wandering Jew, aka the Inch plant, as happy as possible.

Any good potting soil will do for your Wandering Jew. For instance, this could be Miracle Gro potting soil readily available online in stores like Amazon. 

But these plants not only feel very comfortable in soil but can also be kept in hydroponics .

Sunlight is a vital aspect when it comes to the well-being of most houseplants. Some houseplants do well with moderate sunlight, while others only thrive (or flower) when a certain level of sunlight is guaranteed.

The Wandering Jew does best in bright, indirect sunlight . 

If you are unsure what that means, please look at our Light Levels article.   

The Wandering Jew, a tropical native, thrives best when the root ball is always well moisturized. Still, waterlogging should be avoided whenever possible, as this could lead to root rot .

Lookup your USDA Hardiness Zone By Zip Code

This tropical plant does not enjoy limy water. Use soft water whenever possible. Rainwater and distilled water are very good choices. 


People who own an Inch plant and keep it outside run the risk of exposing it to cold temperatures. This is where indoor plant owners have the upper hand.

Wandering Jews can thrive with average room temperatures of 60 to 75°F (16 to 24°C) if it doesn’t drop for long periods. Anything below 12°C for an extended period could be fatal for your Wandering Jew.

Wandering Jews prefer a humidity of around 70%

The perennial, herbaceous Wandering Jew plant is native to Mexico, Central America, and Colombia, so it should not surprise you that it likes a good deal of humidity. 

To ensure high humidity levels, regularly misting your plant is a very good idea. A hand mister filled with water does the trick. 

As for the location, you may want to keep your Wandering Jew in the bathroom , as this is usually the place in the house with the highest humidity. 

Feed your plant once a month during spring and summer. In winter, fertilizing is not necessary. 

Also, fertilization of the Wandering Jew is only necessary from the second year of cultivation or after repotting. 


It is best propagated through stem tip cuttings. Propagating the Wandering Jew is an easy task.

Wandering Jews don’t get very tall. They might reach a height of about 14 inches (36 cm) when kept indoors. They spread to about 10 inches (25 cm).


The thing with the Wandering Jew is that it grows fast , hence its nickname “Inch plant.” Because of its fast-growing pace, the plant usually gets very leggy, and leaves are often lost near the base of the plant. 

Repotting is pivotal for keeping the root system healthy regardless of the actual plant species. However, how often a houseplant needs to be repotted depends on various factors.

Some houseplants grow incredibly fast, so they need to be repotted often. Others, on the other hand, grow very slowly, so repotting is not a top priority. 

That said, repotting your Wandering Jew occasionally is a good idea. 

How long does a Wandering Jew live?

As far as the longevity of Wandering Jews goes, they often don’t get older than 2 to 3 years.  

Wandering Jew Houseplant

Wandering Jew Watering

Water about once every 5-7 days in spring and summer. Keep the soil slightly humid. Do not let the Wandering Jew dry out between waterings. Use your index finger to check if the soil is dry down 1-2 inches of soil (2.5 – 5 cm).

Reduce watering to every 10-14 days in autumn and winter.

Wandering Jew Propagation

The Wandering Jew roots very easily . The plant can easily be propagated through stem tip cuttings.

When propagating your Wandering Jew, make sure that your plant is in a healthy condition. 

Please follow our step-to-step guide to propagate your Wandering Jew through stem tip cuttings.

Propagation through stem tip cuttings

  • Identify the plant that you want to replicate. It should have healthy growth and plenty of stems. 
  • Make clean cuts on sections that are three to six inches in length . 
  • Use a sharp knife and carefully cut the leaves on the stem’s bottom half.
  • If you want, you can dip the exposed end of the stem in a rooting hormone . This will speed up the rooting process. However , it is unnecessary . 
  • Place your stem tip cuttings into a pot with fresh soil after thoroughly watering the potting mixture. 
  • Use a clear plastic bag to hold in moisture, taking it off to water weekly . 
  • Keep your eyes on the plant for new growth . You should start to see roots in about two to three weeks . Once this happens, transfer the plant babies to a larger pot. 

Note: Instead of rooting your stem tip cuttings directly in soil, you could also root them in water .

Wandering Jew Pest Control

Wandering Jews are prone to aphids and spider mites attacks. So, you will need to look out for these two little pests. 

Some of these are known to cause defoliation, while others can kill the plant altogether. Depending on the severity of the infestation, you may need to use chemicals or insecticides .

Aphids on my Inch Plant

The Wandering Jew is not particularly susceptible to plant diseases or pests. Yet, you might have to deal with an aphid attack at some point. These parasites pierce the leaves of their host plant and suck their sap.

Like scale insects, they excrete sticky honeydew, by which you can immediately recognize the infestation.

Aphids can multiply explosively, especially in warm , dry environments.

As a preventive measure, ensure regular watering and occasional misting of your Wandering Jew.

The best way to combat aphids is to control them mechanically by rinsing them off the plant with water . Isolate the plant from the rest of the collection.

Pest Prevention

To prevent the Wandering Jew from pest infestations, plucking dried leaves regularly makes sense as well as using neem oil. The dried leaves lying on the substrate must be removed. Otherwise, there is a risk of rotting or infestation by parasites and fungi .

Wandering Jew Problems

Brown leaf tips.

Brown leaf tips is a very common problem with a wide variety of houseplant. Depending on the species, the causes for this problem can be very different, though. 

So what causes leaves to turn brown with Wandering Jews?

My Wandering Jew has only green leaves (not enough variegation)

If you do own a variegated Wandering Jew but only see a great amount of non-variegated leaves, chances are that your plant does not get enough sunlight . 

To solve the problem, allow your Wandering Jew some bright, indirect sunlight by placing it in a sunnier location. 

Fading leaves

If your inch plant’s foliage is suddenly losing color and sports fading leaves, this is another sign that it does not get enough sunlight . 

Dropping leaves

Dropping leaves is another very common problem many plant parents must deal with regularly . If your Wandering Jew drops leaves, this is usually due to too low or too high temperatures . 

In summer , ensure your Wandering Jew is exposed to average room temperatures.

In winter , it should be kept in a cooler environment.

Is Wandering Jew care difficult?

Wandering Jews are considered low-maintenance plants and are perfectly suitable for beginners. 

They do well at average room temperatures, don’t demand a very high level of humidity (which is sometimes difficult to achieve in a home environment), and it is very easy to propagate them through stem tip cuttings. 

Which plant species are commonly referred to as “Wandering Jew”?

Tradescantia zebrina as well as Tradescantia albiflora. 

What is the difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula?

There is no difference between Tradescantia zebrina and Zebrina pendula. Zebrina pendula is just the old name for Tradescantia zebrina. 

Does my Wandering Jew flower at all?

Wandering Jews are indeed flowering plants. However, when kept indoors, they very rarely flower. 

How long can you keep a Wandering Jew?

If you don’t propagate your Wandering Jew, you can keep it for about three years. After that period, the quality of your Wandering Jew will most likely decrease. If you regularly propagate your leafy friend through stem tip cuttings, you can keep it indefinitely.

Any display tips for Wandering Jews?

Wandering Jews look great in hanging planters!

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to cats?

The Wandering Jew plant is toxic to cats. Therefore, you have to keep your cat away from this plant. 

Is the Wandering Jew toxic to dogs?

Yes, the Wandering Jew plant is toxic to dogs. Therefore, you must ensure your dog does not come in contact with this plant. 

What are the health benefits of Tradescantia zebrina, if any?

Not only is The Wandering Jew a beautiful houseplant famous for its striking foliage, but it also presents several health benefits for humans. It is especially known for its antioxidant and antibacterial activity, and it is widely used in Traditional Medicine in several countries. Tradescantia zebrina is also believed to be a valuable source for treating kidney diseases.

The Last Zebrina

The Wandering Jew is a great houseplant that looks stunning in hanging planters. Its care is easy apart from its humidity-loving nature.

Daniel Iseli

Daniel has been a plant enthusiast for over 20 years. He owns hundreds of houseplants and prepares for the chili growing seasons yearly with great anticipation. His favorite plants are plant species in the Araceae family, such as Monstera, Philodendron, and Anthurium. He also loves gardening and is growing hot peppers, tomatoes, and many more vegetables.

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Wandering Jew Care: How to Grow a Long and Luscious Inch Plant (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Tradescantia zebrina (commonly known as wandering Jew, spiderwort, or inch plant) is popular for a reason: This beginner-friendly houseplant is low-maintenance and grows quickly. It’s also super easy to propagate more plants so you can fill your home with more of the colorful striped foliage the species is known for.

Linda Ly

Written by Linda Ly

Wandering Jew plant care: complete growing guide for Tradescantia zebrina (inch plant)

When it comes to vigorous, colorful, and easy-to-grow hanging houseplants, there aren’t many that can compare to Tradescantia zebrina (known more commonly as wandering Jew—and I’ll touch on the history of that name below). Whether you’re a houseplant beginner or a veteran, most indoor gardeners have owned one of these potted plants at some point. 

Keep reading for everything you need to know about Tradescantia zebrina and growing this stunning houseplant in your own home.

Disclosure: If you shop from my article or make a purchase through one of my links, I may receive commissions on some of the products I recommend.

Close-up of wandering Jew plant leaves

About inch plants

Natural habitat.

Tradescantia zebrina is a native of Central and South America, from Mexico down to Colombia, as well as the Caribbean. Here, it forms part of the undergrowth in lightly forested and often very moist areas. It can form very dense, wide mats thanks to its creeping growth pattern and ability to throw roots extremely quickly.

Unfortunately, its vigorous growth has also made Tradescantia zebrina an invasive plant in some regions. This includes Hawaii, Brazil, and Australia, where the species easily takes hold in moist, forested areas.

As a 2019 study carried out in the Brazilian Atlantic Rainforest notes, this is problematic due to the species choking out native plants.

Some of the above was caused by careless gardeners allowing bits of the plant to get into the wild, where they quickly root. If you’d like to grow spiderworts like this one in your garden, please make sure to dispose properly of any trimmings left after pruning!

This also applies to zebrina’s popular cousins, like Tradescantia fluminensis, T. pallida, and T. spathacea.


It’s not difficult to see why Tradescantia zebrina gained popularity as a houseplant. Wandering spiderwort plants (not to be confused with spider plants , another beginner-friendly species) are low-maintenance and grow just about anywhere—they even just grow in water !

Easy care and quick growth aside, spiderworts are also just good-looking plants. The pointed, oval leaves on thin, fleshy stems overlap slightly and are characterized by their zebra pattern in purple and silvery green. The leaf undersides are deep purple in color and the tiny, three-petaled flowers are bright pink.

Although this species is naturally a creeping plant, it’s often grown indoors in hanging planters. As long as the plant is provided with enough light, the foliage will be very dense and brightly colored, forming a spectacular waterfall that can reach more than 3 feet in length.

What’s in a name? In the case of common houseplants, sometimes a lot.

Tradescantia zebrina is a classic houseplant (I found mention of it in a 1964 German book about houseplants, but it’s probably been around longer than that!) and among most English speakers, it has long been known as wandering Jew. This is probably a reference to the “wandering” nature of the plant, as it does have a creeping growth pattern.

The legend of the wandering Jew is hundreds of years old and is now commonly considered to be rooted in antisemitism. It describes a Jewish man cursed to walk the planet until the Second Coming because he taunted Jesus on his way to the cross.

Because of this, the plant name has partly fallen out of fashion and has been the source of much debate in the plant world over the past few years. 

Some plant enthusiasts have embraced the alternative “wandering dude,” which I personally think is a great option.

“Inch plant” (houseplant enthusiasts don’t agree on whether this refers to the fact that it can grow an inch a day, or that you only need an inch of stem to propagate it), “spiderwort,” or “wandering spiderwort” are also popular alternatives, though these are common names for other Tradescantia varieties, such as Tradescantia Nanouk.

The best way to avoid any confusion is to just stick to the scientific name.

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew) with bicolor (green and cream) leaves and pink flowers

Inch plant varieties

There are three subspecies of inch plant (wandering Jew): Tradescantia zebrina var. zebrina, var. flocculosa, and var. mollipila. Unsurprisingly, after it having been a popular houseplant for so many years, nurseries have also managed to create a whole bunch of cultivars through selective cultivation.

A few of the popular Tradescantia zebrina cultivars you may come across in your local plant store include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Quadricolor’: Yep, as the name suggests, this one adds an extra color to the mix. The leaves are cream, pink-purple, light green, and dark green.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Burgundy’: Characterized by its very dark purple coloration.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Silver Plus’: Less purple, more shiny silver.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Red Gem’: Less silver, more intense (light) purple.
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Purple Joy’: Less silver, more dark purple. 
  • Tradescantia zebrina ‘Tikal’: A rare, naturally occurring variety that collectors pay a pretty penny for.

Do keep in mind that most of these cultivars aren’t patented and the amount of mislabeling and variation within a cultivar are both huge. Just growing your wandering Jew in lower-light conditions can completely change the way it looks, so it’s not surprising that confusion sometimes reigns supreme.

Luckily, care is the same across all cultivars, so your best bet is to just enjoy your plant even if you’re not sure what Tradescantia variety you’re dealing with!

Where to buy wandering Jew plants:

  • California Tropicals
  • Daylily Nursery
  • The Green Escape

Tradescantia zebrina (wandering Jew or inch plant) with deep purple, green, and cream foliage in a yellow container, shot against a blue background

Caring for an inch plant

Light and temperature.

It’s important to provide your Tradescantia zebrina with enough light. It’s tempting to use plants to brighten up dark, shaded spots in your home, but that just doesn’t work with this one: It loses its dense growth pattern and beautiful coloration in low light.

To prevent your wandering dude plant from growing sparse and green, place it near a window that gets bright indirect light. Some full sun isn’t a problem either, but do make sure you acclimate it gradually to a higher light location.

Temperature-wise, this species is a lot hardier than many of the tender tropicals we like to grow in our homes (like Anthurium andraeanum and Begonia maculata ).

Wandering dude plants can handle a very wide range of temps, making it perfect for those chillier windowsills that your other plants may not appreciate. Room temperature is ideal, but anything between 50°F to 85°F will keep them happy.

Water and humidity

Your Tradescantia zebrina will appreciate lightly moist soil. You can water a bit more during the summer months, when the plant is actively growing and needs a lot of moisture, and less during winter, when soil tends to take significantly longer to dry. 

If you’re not sure whether it’s time to water your wandering Jew plant yet, you can always turn to the age-old trick of sticking a finger in the soil.

  • If it still feels damp, wait a little longer, until the first inch or two has dried. 
  • If it feels bone dry, you’ve waited too long; you may also see limp leaves on your plant at this point. It’ll bounce back, but not always without lasting damage. 
  • If the soil feels wet, you watered too much and need to keep an eye out for root rot.

As for humidity, given its rather wet natural habitat, wandering Jew does appreciate higher air moisture levels. The great thing is, though, that it doesn’t demand it. As long as you keep its soil lightly moist and the air isn’t extremely dry, your plant should do well.

Soil and planting

Wandering Jew is not fussy about its potting mixture at all. I’ve grown it in pure houseplant potting soil with no additives. If you do want to take things to the next level, you can add some perlite and/or peat moss, although this is really not a must. 

Most houseplant enthusiasts like to place their wandering Jew in a hanging planter so they can enjoy the look of the leaves cascading down. This is not a must, though. You can also emphasize the species’ creeping growth habit by filling up a large, shallow planter, growing it in a terrarium, or even keeping it in water on a semi-permanent basis.

Recommended products for wandering Jew plant care:

  • FoxFarm Ocean Forest Potting Soil
  • Espoma Organic Potting Mix
  • Perfect Plants Organic Perlite


Like most other houseplants, Tradescantia zebrina appreciates a bit of fertilizer during the growing season, which extends from spring to early fall. You can use a normal houseplant fertilizer according to the instructions on the bottle.

Don’t fertilize during the winter months unless your plant is growing well. It doesn’t need extra nutrients if it’s inactive.

Recommended fertilizers for wandering Jew plants:

  • Houseplant Resource Center Liquid Fertilizer for Houseplants
  • Instant Biologics Instant Plant Food (Fizzing Nutrient Tablets)
  • Maxsea All-Purpose Seaweed Plant Food


There’s a good chance you’ll have to prune your Tradescantia zebrina regularly, because as I mentioned, this is a very quick grower. It also roots very easily, so any trimmings can be replanted! I’ll describe how to do this in the section on propagation below.

Aside from stem trimming, you can remove any dead leaves, which are bound to pop up from time to time in very dense plants like this species.

Dividing or repotting

Inch plants don’t grow by producing plantlets at their base like many other houseplants (such as spider plants ) do. Instead, inch plants spread by rooting along the stems.

This means that division is not really the way to go; keeping these plants manageable is usually done through pruning. You can shape your plant by pinching off any long, leggy stems to create a fuller appearance and control its spread.

You’ll notice that Tradescantia really doesn’t mind being a bit cramped in its planter. Still, it’s a good idea to provide your plant with some fresh soil every year or two by repotting it.

Close-up of pink flower on a tricolor wandering Jew (inch plant)

Propagating an inch plant

If you’ve never propagated a houseplant before, this is truly one of the best species to start with. It’s known for rooting extremely quickly in both water and soil, meaning it’s easy to fill endless planters to keep or give away.

All you need to propagate your Tradescantia zebrina is a pair of clean scissors. Here’s how you do it:

  • Snip the ends off existing branches. An inch or two with a few leaves works best.
  • Remove the leaves at the bottom so part of the stem is exposed.
  • Place the cutting in a glass of water to root or plant it directly in soil. You can put cuttings back in the mother plant’s pot to give her a fuller appearance on top.
  • It can take a little longer during the winter months, but the first roots should appear within a week or so. You can give soil cuttings a slight tug to verify they’ve rooted.
  • Once the first signs of new foliage appear, you’ll know your propagation attempt has been a success! 
  • If you propagated in water, you can leave the rooted cuttings in water almost indefinitely, although you can also pot them up in fresh soil.

Wandering jew (spiderwort) plant with green and silver leaves

Common questions about inch plant care

How do i make a wandering jew plant bushy.

By their very nature, wandering Jew plants are not bushy. Their creeping growth habit means they naturally grow leggy over time, especially in containers.

However, you can mimic a fuller appearance by strategically pinching off any long, spindly stems to shape the plant more. These stems can also be replanted near the mother plant.

As the baby plants grow, they’ll help fill in sparse areas and create the illusion of a bushy wandering Jew.

How long do wandering Jew plants live?

Wandering Jew plants have a limited lifespan of just a few years, and as a potted plant, you’ll notice your wandering Jew becoming very leggy after just two to three years.

Unlike other fast-growing plants that benefit from pruning, cutting back a wandering Jew doesn’t work well to renew its growth; it simply controls the spread.

The best way to keep your plant coming back year after year is to propagate new plants from stem cuttings, which—fortunately—is super easy with a high success rate.

Is wandering Jew perennial?

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a trailing evergreen perennial in its native habitat (USDA hardiness zones 9 through 12). Where it’s not winter hardy, wandering Jew is grown year-round as a houseplant.

Are wandering Jew plants toxic to cats and dogs?

Wandering Jew is not considered outright toxic, but it can cause some skin irritation. If your pet gets into your plant, don’t worry too much, although it can be a good idea to have a look in its mouth to make sure there’s no excessive swelling. Be sure to offer water. To prevent skin rash, it can be a good idea to wear gloves if you need to handle your wandering Jew plant. This especially applies if you have sensitive skin.

Racism in Taxonomy: What’s in a Name?

Chiba de Castro, W. A., Xavier, R. O., Garrido, F. H., Romero, J. H., Peres, C. K., & da Luz, R. C. (2019). Fraying around the edges: negative effects of the invasive Tradescantia zebrina Hort. ex Bosse (Commelinaceae) on tree regeneration in the Atlantic Forest under different competitive and environmental conditions. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(4), 713-721.

Encke, F. (1964). Pflanzen fur Zimmer und Balkon; Auswahl, Pflege, Vermehrung.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

I'm a plant lover, passionate road-tripper, and cookbook author whose expert advice and bestselling books have been featured in Time, Outside, HGTV, and Food & Wine. The National Parks Cookbook is my latest book. Garden Betty is where I write about modern homesteading, farm-to-table cooking, and outdoor adventuring—all that encompass a life well-lived outdoors. After all, the secret to a good life is... Read more »

We bought a full grown Bolivian Jewel mid summer last year. It was in a 14” raised pot and flowing 2 foot over the sides. It was beautiful next to our fountain outside. We live in Minnesota so we had to discard it in the late fall since we had no place to care for it in the house. Since we can’t find another like it we’d like to plant one from scratch but how. We still have the pot and riser but have no idea how to start from that. One plant, a few or just how many to make a bushy over grown plant so it looks like the one we purchased last year. Does this make sense or should we just forget it since it is already the middle of May. The greenhouse that we bought it from last summer doesn’t have any this year, just small ones in 4” pots. Thanks

If you can only grow it as an annual (and won’t be overwintering it indoors), you can plant a few smaller ones together to make them look fuller as they grow.

It seems counterproductive to talk about the problematic origin of the name wandering Jew, recommend multiple alternative names (including scientific), but then continue to call it wandering Jew in the rest of the article. If the name is anti-Semitic just set a good example and use a different name.

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Wandering Jew Plants Guide: How to Grow & Care for “Tradescantia zebrina”

Hollie Carter

It might surprise you to learn that “the wandering Jew” isn’t a single plant, its name used to describe a collection of plants in the Tradescantia genus.

Many countries around the world view the wandering Jew as an invasive species. Therefore, you won’t find many of them as regular additions to gardens . However, the vine makes for an excellent indoor plant .

Table of Contents

Quick Facts

Wandering jew plant varieties.

The wandering Jew refers to three different plants in the Tradescantia genus. The three varieties are the zebrina, fluminensis, and the pallida.

Tradescantia Zebrina

The zebrina is the most common of the three species, and it features dark-green foliage that contrasts against the brilliant-white three-petal flowers the plant produces.

As you can imagine, the plant also gets part of its name from the zebra-like foliage. The center of the leaf id has a creamy-white color, and the outer trimming of the leaves has a silver lining.

Tradescantia zebrina

Tradescantia Fluminensis

This wandering Jew species features white flowers, and it’s a trendy indoor plant around the world. The species originates from the southeastern region of Brazil. It’s an evergreen perennial plant that flowers all-year-round and lasts for many years if the owner takes care of it correctly.

The oval-shaped foliage of the Fluminensis is green in color and has a glossy look. The leaves attach to fleshy stems, and the stem nodes quickly put roots down into the soil, allowing for the rapid spread and growth of the plant in ideal growing conditions.

When the plant flowers , it produces a set of flowers with three white petals. The flowers don’t bear any seeds, and they might also emerge in clusters. There are various sub-species of this plant as well, and some types, such as variegate, feature different leaf colors, such as yellow or cream streaks in the leaves.

The plant does best in USDA zones 9 to 12, as it loves the additional humidity in these regions as well. The wandering Jew doesn’t do well in colder climates, so stick to planting in the southern states.

The wandering Jew also prefers full sunlight during the day, and you’ll need to feed it a reasonable amount of water throughout the week. The plant doesn’t enjoy being dry for long periods.

Tradescantia Pallida

This variety originates in Mexico, and it’s the most attractive of the three Tradescantia genus. This wandering Jew produces long, pointy leaves that can reach lengths of 7-inches. The leaf will eventually turn a purple color, but the tips might remain red or green during the color transition.

There are visible segmentations on the stem of this wandering Jew, and it’s for this reason that many countries classify this plant as invasive.

The segments break easily, but they root readily, evolving into two plants with little care. Fortunately, for fans of the plant, it also makes it easy to grow the plants for cuttings as well.

Tradescantia pallida don’t like the cold, and it will die back in colder environments in the Northern states, especially if it grows outside. This wandering Jew produces small flowers that bloom in colors of pink, lavender, and white. The flowers feature three petals, and while they aren’t show-stopping, then do add a beautiful aesthetic to the plant.

9 Purple Wandering Jew Cuttings for Planting Indoor, 4 Inc to 6 Inc Tall, Tradescantia Zebrina Plant, Inc Plant, No Root

  • shipped in inproved box to save the plant

Rare Nanouk Pink Wandering Jew -Tradescantia - 4' Pot - Collector's Series

Last update on 2024-04-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Natural Air Cleaners

One of the reasons why the wandering Jew is such a popular house plant is its natural air-cleaning properties. The wandering Jew is an excellent “air scrubber,” and it removes bacteria and VOCs from the air inside your home, exchanging it for fresh air that enhances your home.

Some research also shows that the wandering Jew can assist in soil remediation, as well. The plant can remove heavy metals from the soil, helping restore the root health of other plants in the same flowerbed or pot.

Caring for Your Wandering Jew Plant

All varieties of the wandering Jew are easy to care for, provided that you grow them in the right climate and conditions. As long as the plant receives regular watering and pruning, it will thrive, and you’ll also manage to control the growth as well.

If you plant in a sunny spot in your home, then you can expect your tradescantia to last for many seasons. It’s also important to note that the plant might not flower it in its first season. However, by the third year, you should see plenty of flowers that emerge in the summer months.

Spiderwort Plant

As mentioned, the wandering Jew prefers sunny planting locations. The plant prefers later afternoon sun to morning sun, but it does well in any sunny area around the home. The more light you give the plant, the more flowers it produces in the flowering season.

If your wandering Jew does not get sufficient sunlight, you’ll notice that the color of the leaves starts to fade. Move the plant to a sunny spot, and it should recover in less than a week.

The wandering Jew enjoys a balanced moisture level in its soil . Don’t let the earth get too dry, as it might cause burning in the tips of the leaves. Likewise, the wandering Jew does not enjoy excessively wet soil either. The plant is susceptible to forming root rot if you “keep its feet wet.”

To check if it’s time to water your wandering Jew, push your finger about 1-inch into the soil. If it feels dry, then give your plant some water.

You must ensure you use a rich, loamy soil that drains well when planting your wandering Jew. When planting in a pot, make sure you add a layer of gravel at the bottom of the pot to enhance drainage. Add perlite to the soil to assist with drainage as well.

You can get away with using a standard potting mix when planting indoors , and other soil enhancements we recommend you add are the following.

  • Coarse sand and perlite for drainage
  • Humus or peat
  • A light dusting of lime
  • A few handfuls of rich organic compost

You want the soil to retain water but still allow optimal drainage.

During the growing season, fertilize your wandering Jew plant using a liquid-based fertilizer product. Make sure that you dilute the fertilizer to 50-percent strength.

Strong concentrations can result in burning in the tips of the leaves of the plant. You can also add a granular slow-release fertilizer to the soil once a year at the start of spring.

The wandering Jew grows quickly, and it might take over its pot in one or two seasons, depending on the size of the container. Therefore, you’ll need to pull up the plant and divide it from year-to-year, depending on its growth rate.

If you choose to re-pot your plant, make sure you use a pot that’s at least 50-percent larger than the old one. Line the pot with potting soil and a few handfuls of rich organic compost. Dig around the edges of the existing container to loosen the root ball. After loosening, pull the base of the plant to release it from the pot.

Move the plant to its new pot, and then fill with potting mix to cover the roots — Pat down the soil, and then water lightly.

Wandering Jew plants require regular pruning . The plant grows quickly, and if you don’t prune, then it can overtake the pot fast. Pruning also helps the stem, from getting “leggy,” meaning that the plant starts to look bare at the base. Pruning keeps the plant healthy and growing at an optimal rate.

All; you need to do is prune back any stems and pinch the stem tips. The wandering Jew will then send out two new shoots from the pinched top, helping your plant spread out into a bush-like appearance.


The wandering Jew is easy to propagate . This plant grows quickly in a variety of conditions, which is one of the reasons why most countries list it as invasive. You can propagate your cuttings after your pruning session, without much effort.

Remove all of the leaves but the top set after pruning the stem. Place the cutting in another smaller pot with moist potting soil . Leave the container in the sun, and you should find that the cutting roots in a month.


Being an indoor plant , the wandering Jew does not get much attention from pests. However, spider mites can be a problem for your plant if you don’t take care of it and watch for the presence of pests.

Spider mites are tiny spider-like bugs that form a web around the inside of the leaves of the plant. If left unmanaged and untreated, they might start to cause yellow spots in the foliage. The wandering Jew might also fail to flower in the summer months as well.

Over-watering your wandering Jew plant can result in the onset of diseases like root rot. Ensure that you have a well-draining soil mix before planting your wandering Jew. Provided that you do everything you can to ensure your soil drains well, you should never have a problem with root rot in your wandering Jew plant.

Wandering Jew Plants FAQS

What is the best way to grow a wandering jew plant.

The best way to grow a Wandering Jew plant involves placing it in a location that gets plenty of sunlight, preferably late afternoon sun. You should use well-draining, loamy soil to plant it, and ensure a balanced moisture level by watering it regularly but not excessively. The plant also appreciates humidity and occasional fertilizing with a liquid-based fertilizer diluted to 50% strength during the growing season. Pruning should be done regularly to manage its growth.

Is Wandering Jew easy to grow?

A: Yes, Wandering Jew plants are generally easy to grow. They adapt well to various conditions and are fast-growing. They can be propagated easily from cuttings and require minimal maintenance beyond regular watering, pruning, and an occasional application of fertilizer. However, they do not tolerate cold climates very well.

Does wandering Jew like full sun or shade?

Wandering Jew plants prefer locations with full sunlight. They can tolerate some shade but too much shade can cause the color of the leaves to fade. More sunlight exposure generally leads to more flowers during the flowering season.

How often do you water Wandering Jew?

Wandering Jew plants should be watered regularly to maintain a balanced moisture level in the soil. However, the soil should not be allowed to become too dry or too wet. Overwatering can lead to root rot. A good way to check if it’s time to water is to push your finger about 1-inch into the soil. If it feels dry, it’s time to water the plant.

Is Tradescantia Zebrina easy to grow?

Yes, Tradescantia Zebrina, a variety of Wandering Jew, is easy to grow. It requires similar care to other Wandering Jew varieties and is known for its adaptability and quick growth.

Does Tradescantia Zebrina need full sun?

Tradescantia Zebrina does best in a location with full sunlight. While it can tolerate some shade, insufficient sunlight can cause the leaves to lose their vibrant color. Like other Wandering Jew plants, the more light it gets, the more flowers it produces during its flowering season.

Hollie Carter

Hollie is a life-long gardener, having started helping her Dad work on their yard when she was just 5. Since then she has gone on to develop a passion for growing vegetables & fruit in her garden. She has an affinity with nature and loves to share her knowledge gained over a lifetime with readers online. Hollie has written for a number of publications and is now the resident garden blogger here at GardenBeast. Contact her at [email protected] or follow on twitter

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Rhaphidophora tetrasperma guide: how to grow & care for “mini monstera”, corn plant guide: how to grow & care for “dracaena fragrans”.

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under the photo “easy to propagate”, that is not a wandering jew-its a peperomia “rosso!”

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My wandering jew plants leafs are getting dried. Why is that?

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It’s not getting enough humidity

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Could you elaborate on “rich organic compost”? What should it be made of, exactly? Can I use compost accelerator in the soil mix?

Worm castings are great, or worm tea, egg shell tea is another.

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What month does the jew break ground to start growing?

All depends on your specific areas weather pattern and seasons.

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Do NOT BUY ANY OF THIS SPECIES if you have a dog because dogs are very allergic to these plants & come out in bad rashes if they wander through them!

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Home » House Plants » Wandering Jew

Tradescantia Care: Growing The Wandering Jew Plant

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The Tradescantia plant is commonly known as the Wandering Jew plant – an attractive vining plant whose distinctive leaves bear stripes of purple, white, green, and silver.

The botanical name for the tricolor wandering jew? Tradescantia zebrina !

wandering jew plants

The wandering jew from the genus Tradescantia is a native of Mexico who earned its common name thanks to the plant’s ability to root easily, spread, and thrive in a wide variety of conditions.

This plant comes from the spiderwort family (Commelinaceae) and is also known as Zebrina pendula or inch plant .

Another popular wandering jew variety is Tradescantia pallida – with deep purple leaves and goes by several common names like purple wandering jew, purple queen, and purple heart.

There are several other wandering jew varieties with green and white variegated leaves.

A variegated green plant draping over the edge of a metal planter on a patio with red brick pavers.

Tradescantia displays small 3-petaled pink, white, or purple flowers.

Wandering Jew Quick Care Tips

  • Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina
  • Common Name(s): Wandering Jew, Inch Plant, Spiderwort
  • Synonyms: Zebrina pendula, Zebrina purpusii
  • Family & Origin: Commelinaceae family, native to Mexico and Central America
  • Growability: Easy to grow
  • Grow Zone: 9-11
  • Size: Grows up to 2-3 feet long
  • Flowering: Produces small, purple flowers in the summer
  • Light: Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light
  • Humidity: Tolerates low humidity but prefers higher humidity levels
  • Temperature: Thrives in temperatures between 55-75°F
  • Soil: Well-draining soil
  • Water: Water when the top inch of soil is dry, do not overwater
  • Fertilizer: Fertilize once a month during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer
  • Pests & Diseases: Susceptible to spider mites and mealybugs; watch for root rot if overwatered
  • Propagation: Propagated through stem cuttings
  • Plant Uses: Used as a trailing plant in hanging baskets or as a ground cover in gardens. Can also be used as an indoor plant.

In the “old days” before the advent of garden centers and nurseries carrying a wide variety of houseplants, housewives and gardeners shared cuttings of plants freely.

Cuttings of the wandering jew traveled broadly from home to home and proved itself adaptable and capable of thriving in almost any setting.

Purple wandering Jew plant on sidewalk

This reminded people of the wanderings of the Jews of biblical times, hence the nickname.

This easy-care plant grows indoors or out in a variety of settings.

In this article, we will provide best practice instructions on how to grow and care for Tradescantia and provide some words of caution regarding another invasive species related to it, Tradescantia fluminensis . Read on to learn more.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Tips

Wandering Jew vines do well in pots planted in a 60/40 peat moss and perlite potting mixture or with an all-purpose potting mixture .

Lush green and purple foliage of plants on a speckled concrete ground.

This indoor plant makes an exceptionally beautiful hanging basket plant .

Lighting can vary from medium indirect light to even direct sun. Likewise, this hardy plant does well in room temperatures ranging from 55° – 75° degrees Fahrenheit.

NOTE: Tradescantia  Plants will achieve the most vibrant, bright colors in high, bright, indirect sunlight and at consistently warmer temperatures.

Like most houseplants, the Wandering Jew does not like soggy roots. Translation – Too much water leads to root rot.

A vibrant display of green and purple plants with bright red bromeliad flowers.

Allow the soil to dry completely between waterings, then water deeply. If desired, use a half-strength general liquid houseplant fertilizer two times monthly.

Do not water directly into the crown of the plant. Doing so may encourage rotting of the stems and the roots .

These plants like a humid environment, so add a humidifier or, between watering, mist the leaf surface frequently.

Continue misting through the winter, but cut back on watering. Generally speaking, watering once a week should work.

Purple-leaved plant over a brick pavement.

During the winter, reduce watering to two times monthly, and do not fertilize.

Pruning and grooming play an important role in caring for your Wandering Jew indoors.

These houseplants are vigorous growers and send out long tendrils and stems on a regular, ongoing basis. Keep these trimmed or pinched back at leaf nodes to encourage your new bushier growth and fuller plants.

Propagation of this rambling plant is very easy.

Simply clip off the long stem cuttings (3” length) during the spring and summer months and root them in moist potting soil or in water.

Purple and green foliage with delicate flowers.

Growing Wandering Jew As An Outdoor Plant

Wandering Jew thrives in a temperate climate with fairly high humidity. Hardy in USDA Zones 9-11.

Tradescantia tricolor makes a good ground cover in spots receiving bright indirect light, such as around the base of tall trees, which are shady areas.

They also serve as a great ornamental and basket plant.

Planting is simplicity itself. You can use four-inch plants in pots purchased from a nursery or use cuttings of stem tips from your houseplant for repotting or creating new starts.

A lush wandering Jew plant with purple and green leaves in a greenhouse setting.

You’ll get the best results planting in rich, well-drained soil.

Be sure to cover the roots or sink your cuttings 3″ to 5″ inches into the soil. Keep a moist soil until the plant becomes established.

After this, weekly regular watering should suffice. Applying liquid fertilizer once a week or apply a slow release fertilizer to help to develop a healthy root system.

Keep plants pinched back and pruned to encourage them to grow bushy rather than in a spindly and trailing manner.

NOTE: Some people report skin irritation when coming in contact with the sap when handling cuttings.

Wandering Purple Jew plants will die back outdoors during the cold winter months. Fear not, if you plant correctly and help establish a good root system they will reappear come springtime.

lilac wandering jew flowers

Three Best Ways To Root Tradescantia

  • Poke the ends of cuttings into fresh potting soil and keep the soilless mix moist for a few weeks. During the rooting process (rooting hormone is not needed), keep plants in partial shade. Once rooted, transfer them to pots and water as you would a mature plant.
  • Simply lay cuttings on the surface of the moist potting mix. Press the cutting joint into the soil mix to make good contact. Roots will form at the joint. Once the plant becomes established, transfer it to its own pot with drainage holes.
  • Place cuttings in a glass or bottle of water set on a sunny windowsill. Once roots emerge, transfer cuttings into pots. Keep the soil moist for a few weeks until the cuttings adjust and establish themselves in the soil.

A lush green potted vine plant with variegated leaves indoors near a staircase with terracotta tiles.

Replacing The Wandering Jew Sometimes Becomes Necessary

This houseplant does not usually live for long periods of time like a Hoya the wax plant or grandma’s African violet plant. Luckily, it regenerates itself easily.

If your Wandering Jew begins looking shabby, loses foliage easily, and gets too leggy, you may want to simply toss it into the compost pile and replace it with one of its offspring.

Alternatively, you could try cutting the foliage back to the roots to see if it will regenerate.

Pests and diseases rarely attack Wandering Jew, but occasionally, you’ll discover spider mites and aphids on the leaves and stems.

A hanging purple plant over moss-covered brick pavement with other green plants around.

When this happens, simply cut back the affected areas and dispose of the cuttings in a sealed plastic bag.

Spray plants vigorously with water to knock off any errant pests. Depending on the infestation, this should take care of the problem.

If it does not, turn to natural insecticides for killing any remaining aphids and prevent reinfestation.

NOTE: Don’t compost diseased or pest-infested plants.

Beware Of The Wandering Jew’s Invasive Cousin!

So far, we’ve discussed the wandering jew – Tradescantia pallid. Another variety, known as Tradescantia fluminensis, is solid green and produces white blooms.

Close-up of fuzzy green leaves with small pink flowers beginning to bloom.

This wandering Jew variety thrives in USDA zones 9 through 11. In fact, it does so well that it can quickly become invasive. You must take great care to prevent it from taking over your entire yard.

In subtropical areas such as New Zealand and Australia and in the southern United States, it has become a serious invasive plant problem.

Wandering Jew Propagation

Close-up of a purple and green wandering jew (Tradescantia zebrina) plant with visible leaf detail.

It propagates itself with wild abandon, and new starts grow readily from stem segments.

Inclement weather only encourages this because the segments can float and travel far and wide to establish themselves in new homes.

Eradicating Tradescantia fluminensis or even cutting it back by hand may encourage the plant to spread.

A lush Tradescantia zebrina (wandering jew) plant with green-purple leaves under a greenhouse roof.

Very often, people regret introducing this “Wandering Jew” in their gardens. They often end up having to use a strong herbicide to kill it off.

Should The Green Wandering Jew Be Avoided Entirely?

Tradescantia fluminensis can be a good garden addition, and it does well as a groundcover in Brazil and Argentina, from whence it hails.

If you want Tradescantia fluminensis in your garden, look for the Innocence variety.

Close-up of purple and silver-tinged leaves of a Tradescantia zebrina plant, against a backdrop of a gray surface and yellow floor.

It’s more attractive and less invasive than the common varieties. It prefers damper and shadier areas and thrives in lower shade with moist soil.

More on Tradescantia:

  • Wandering Jew Plant being Poisonous or Toxic
  • Check out this patented 2017 variety – Tradescantia Nanouk ®
  • Growing and Care Of Tradescantia Tricolor
  • Tradescantia Spathacea Care (Oyster Plant)
  • Caring For Callisia Repens The Bolivian Wandering Jew

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Wandering Jew Plant


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Growing problems in wandering jew plants.

Yellowing leaves may result from excessive sunlight. Relocate your inch plant to a spot with bright, indirect light or propagate a cutting for a new planting. Prolonged soil moisture can stress the plant, fostering rot. Adjust watering accordingly.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Dealing with Pests in Wandering Jew Plants

Spider mites are the primary pests for wandering jew plants. They thrive in warm, dry environments, so maintaining high humidity or misting your wandering jew plant is an effective countermeasure.

If these methods prove ineffective, try rinsing the plant with water to dislodge the mites. For more severe infestations, consider removing affected areas and employing a systemic insecticide.

Aphids also extract sap from the leaves of wandering jew plants. When cultivating these plants indoors, transport them outside for treatment with neem oil or a forceful water stream. Ensure follow-up applications every 7 to 10 days if aphids persist.

Addressing Common Issues in Wandering Jew Plant

  • Overwatering
  • Soil retaining excessive water​

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Wandering Jew Plant Care (Indoor & Outdoor)

Wandering jews display particular sensitivity to receiving the correct light dosage. They require ample light for maintaining their vibrant color, but exposing their leaves to direct sunlight can result in burns (except for the purple queen variety, which thrives in full sun).

The optimal position for cultivating them indoors is a window facing east or west. This way, they receive abundant natural light during the morning/evening and bright, indirect sunlight for the remainder of the day.

Insufficient light exposure leads to a fading and dull appearance of their leaves. Thus, if a location with abundant natural sunlight is unavailable, incorporating a grow light is advisable.

However, if the decision is made to transfer the inch plant outdoors for the summer, it is crucial to place it in a shaded or partially shaded area, sheltered from the intense afternoon sun.

The wandering jew plant prefers its potting mixture to remain consistently moist but not excessively saturated. In situations with indirect light, hydrate your wandering jew plant once a week or when the upper layer of soil becomes arid. Ensure that the soil never reaches complete dryness.

Nevertheless, when irrigating your desiccated potting mixture, administer water in intervals to guarantee thorough absorption by the soil, preventing it from simply flowing out of the planter. Apply a small amount of water, pause for a while to allow the soil to soak it up, and then proceed with watering until it drains from the planter’s bottom drainage hole.

The soil for your wandering jew is suitable for a conventional houseplant potting blend, yet they will thrive even more in soil enriched with additional organic material.

Enrich your potting mixture by incorporating some organic compost, perlite, and peat moss. Strive for the optimal equilibrium between retaining water and facilitating drainage. Water the plant and observe the soil’s tendency, then make adjustments accordingly. The preferred soil pH falls within the range of 5 to 6.

Another crucial aspect of effective wandering jew plant care is humidity, and a substantial amount is required. When the humidity drops too low, the leaves will begin to brown and wither.

This becomes particularly challenging when cultivating them indoors in the winter season, as the air inside our homes tends to be excessively dry. Therefore, maintaining high humidity levels is of utmost importance.

A convenient method to elevate humidity is by operating a nearby humidifier. Additionally, it is advisable to place an indoor humidity monitor close to your inch plant.

You may also place the pot on a pebble tray filled with water (avoiding soaking) or opt for growing it in a small plant cloche or a miniature indoor greenhouse.

Temperature and Humidity

Your inch plant thrives most in a temperature range of 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Exposure to frost can be fatal to the plant. However, in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11, the plant might endure light frosts. In these regions, if the leaves wither, there’s a chance the plant will revive in the spring.

When the external temperature consistently drops below 60 degrees Fahrenheit, container-grown plants should be relocated indoors. While intense heat can scorch the leaves, the plant can endure high temperatures much better than it can tolerate cold.

An optimal relative humidity of 70% is recommended for Tradescantia plants. Indoors, achieving the right humidity level can be accomplished by utilizing a plant humidifier or misting the plants daily with filtered or distilled water.

The Inch plant generally doesn’t necessitate specific pruning. Pruning becomes relevant for the creeping inch plant in two scenarios: firstly, to eliminate withered foliage, and secondly, to govern the plant’s shape and growth pattern. If left unattended, the spiderwort plant tends to become leggy; to maintain a fuller appearance, periodically prune the stems or pinch back at least one-fourth of the branch length.

Utilize sharp and clean pruning shears or scissors to trim stems to the desired length, cutting at an angle between leaf nodes. To eliminate dead or yellowing leaves, simply pinch them away, ensuring the leaf stalk is also detached from the main stem.


Spiderwort plants typically don’t require regular fertilization as part of their routine care. However, they can certainly benefit from occasional nourishment.

Feeding is only necessary during spring through summer; refrain from fertilizing in the fall or winter. Winter growth tends to be weak and leggy, and encouraging that is not desirable.

You can nourish your plant monthly with a liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. I suggest opting for organic plant food over synthetic alternatives, as wandering dudes can be sensitive to chemical fertilizers.

A quality organic general-purpose fertilizer or compost tea would be excellent choices. If you prefer, you can also incorporate slow-release organic granules into the soil.

Fish emulsion and liquid kelp are also effective options, but it’s advisable to use them outdoors as they can emit a strong odor when used indoors.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Wandering Jew Plant Benefits

Tradescantia Zebrina isn’t merely aesthetically pleasing; it functions as an inherent air purifier. Positioned in your living area, it diligently eliminates undesirable substances such as formaldehyde and xylene. There are numerous advantages to Wandering Jew plants that render cultivating the plant somewhat worthwhile. Let’s Take a look at the primary benefits of Wandering Jew plants.

Aesthetic allure

Owing to their splendid visual appeal, Wandering Jew plants are predominantly retained in households and gardens as embellishments. They are ideal for suspended baskets or containers. Their beautiful deep purple, emerald green, and silver streaks impart a distinctive taste to every room in your residence!

Upon reaching maturity, Wandering Jew plants also commence flowering. They showcase stunning blossoms.

Purify Air 

Inch plant (Wandering Jew), also recognized as Tradescantia zebrina, has gained popularity due to its captivating, exotic foliage. Its appealing oval-shaped leaves can appear in silvery, purple, and green hues. This resilient and easily-managed plant also boasts numerous small purple, white, and pink flowers that develop along the length of slender stems, reaching a height of up to three feet.

Not only are Inch plants visually pleasing, but they also contribute to indoor air purification. Emitting oxygen, they absorb pollutants and diminish allergenic dust mites in indoor environments; this makes them an optimal choice for enhancing indoor air quality. As per alive, this indoor plant reduces benzene, TCE, toluene, and terpenes.

A pleasant present

Houseplants might not be the initial consideration when pondering gifts, but they serve as the flawless means to bring a smile to someone’s face on any occasion.

The perfect gift for every special event, whether commemorating a holiday, advancement, engagement, or property ownership, could be a houseplant gift.

Opting for a Wandering Jew plant is among the finest choices for gifts. They are available in vibrant varieties, are uncomplicated to cultivate, and have a reasonably compact size.

Medicinal uses

To take advantage of the healing abilities of the Wandering Jew plant, the leaves and stems are mainly used which are processed in different ways such as decoctions and teas. Being an antioxidants-rich plant, it aids in general health by deactivating the free radicals and also fighting inflammation. Its properties as an an anti-inflammatory and also antimicrobial agent make it a natural treatment for the conditions such as nephritis and also urinary tract infections. 

Furthermore, the infusion of the plant is widely used in Malaysia to enhance the kidney performance and also preserve the health of the urinary system. Research suggests a possible anti-arrhythmic effect, which is very good for the cardiovascular system, but further studies are definitely required to understand and develop this benefit.

Reducing Stress

Based on research, incorporating plants into your residence or workplace can contribute to a sense of ease, tranquility, and connection with nature. Consequently, placing Wandering Jew plants throughout your dwelling could aid in reducing tension and stress, enhancing your efficiency.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Quicks Facts About Wandering Jew Plant

Key Details about Wandering Jew Plants:

  • Scientific Name: Zebrina pendula
  • Common Names: Wandering Jew
  • Propagation: Layering, Stem Cuttings
  • Watering: Drench, Allow to Dry
  • Humidity: Typical Home Levels
  • Light Requirement: Bright to Filtered Light
  • Potting Mix: All-Purpose
  • Temperature: Indoor Settings
  • Fertilization: Balanced
  • Care Rating: Very Easy
  • Decorative Use: Hanging Baskets, Tables

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Planting and Propagating the Wandering Jew

Year-Round Propagation of Tradescantia Plants: Soil and Water Methods Propagating Wandering Jew through Soil

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Propagating Wandering Jew through Soil

To propagate Wandering Jew in soil, take 4-6 inch cuttings, remove lower leaves, and plant them in a 6-inch pot filled with all-purpose soil. Keep the soil consistently moist, place in indirect light, and enjoy a vibrant new plant in a few months.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Propagating Wandering Jew through Water

To propagate Wandering Jew in water, make 4-6 inch cuttings beneath a leaf node, remove lower leaves, and submerge them in a glass or jar. After about a week, transfer the rooted cuttings to all-purpose potting mix, continuing standard care as the new roots develop.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Repotting Wandering Jew Plant

Repot your Wandering Jew every two or three seasons in a slightly wider pot for healthier growth. Use porous containers, add fresh soil, and handle stems with care during the transfer, saving any fallen ones for replanting.

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Frequently Asked Question

Likely, your cuttings are grappling with a fungal infection. To thwart this, ensure the use of a sterilized cutting tool. Dip it in bleach, then rooting hormone, before placing the cuttings in the soil.

Keep your plant in its current location and observe the leaf colors. If they fade, it's a clear indicator that the plant requires more light. Move it closer to the window and monitor the leaves until the color returns on new growth.

Many gardeners successfully root wandering jew cuttings directly in water. Ensure periodic sterilization and water changes to keep it fresh and pathogen-free. Once roots appear, transfer the cuttings to potting mix.

In brief, no, but it can cause irritation if ingested and may produce a dermatitis-like effect on their skin.

Absolutely! It might be challenging outside USDA zones 9-11, but within that range, outdoor growth is straightforward.

While somewhat hardy, sustained cold can damage above-ground parts. It may regrow in spring, but the likelihood is slim.

Yes, several Tradescantia species spread rapidly, potentially outcompeting native vegetation. Consider this before planting in the ground, as some may be classified as invasive. Container planting is a great alternative.

Pinching is a pruning technique applied to young plants and new growth stem tips. For Tradescantias, pinching encourages bushier growth.

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Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Genus) Care & Growing Guide

The Wandering Jew is a name that is used for several different species of plants in the Tradescantia genus, which includes at least 75 different species.  

In times past, gardeners would share cuttings from their Wandering Jew plants with friends and neighbors so, like its name, it traveled from place to place.  If you want to brighten up your home, having the Wandering Jew Plant will do just that with its colorful variegated foliage and beautiful flowers .

Wandering Jew Care & Growing Guide

1. light requirement.

They will tolerate low light as this will help them to retain their striking colors.  If it is an indoor plant, put it in a location where it will receive filtered sunlight.  Outdoors, it needs to be in a spot where it is receiving partial shade or partial sun.  You can also move your indoor plant outside to get this type of shade or sun.

The soil will need to be kept moist but not soggy.  If the soil starts to feel very dry, then it is time to water your plant.  Just stick your finger into the soil and if the top inch feels dry, water it until the water comes from the bottom of the drain holes of your plant.  

For the outdoor plants, during the spring-summer growing season, you should water your plants once a week.  In the winter, during the dormancy period, you will only need to water it about once every other week. It will need to be fertilized each month during the growing season.

The Wandering Jew can be grown as a houseplant in any climate but outdoors it should be USDA Hardiness Zone 9-12

The Wandering Jew plant can grow in different soils as long as they drain well in order to prevent stem and root rot.  You should make sure that you are using a lightweight soil mixture.  You should not use straight potting soil as they retain too much moisture.  You can also use a potting soil that has a slow-release fertilizer mixed in so you do not have to fertilize each month.

5. Temperature

The ideal indoor temperature should be between 50-85 degrees Fahrenheit.  They do need some humidity for growing so if your house is not very humid, you can fill a spray bottle with water that is at room temperature and mist the plant several times a week.

6. Repotting

If you bought a Wandering Jew that is already in a planter or container, it should be okay for at least a year before it needs to be repotted.  If you get root cuttings in a small four to six-inch pot, you will probably have to repot the plant into something bigger or outside so they can properly grow.  In that small of a pot, it will outgrow it in a month or two.

7. Speed of Growth

It is stated that it has a fast rate of growth and will quickly spill over your hanging basket or covering your ground area.  When you are starting new plants from your cuttings, it will take several weeks before you start to see new roots.

8. Height and Spread

The stems of the Wandering Jew plant grow from 6-9 inches high and 12-24 inches in spread

Depending on the species, you can get pink, white, or rose-purple blooms

10. Trimming

The Wandering Jew does not need much trimming.  You can pinch off the stems if you want to promote a bushier growth or control the size of the plant.  Trim off any dead, damaged, or broken leave or stems throughout the year to keep it looking good.  You should regularly pinch the stems back by at least twenty-five percent.

Is Wandering Jew Poisonous?

Some people may experience skin irritations when they handle the cuttings because of the sap so you may need to wear gloves when you work with the plant.  If your pet chews on it, the sap can irritate their digestive system, especially a cat.  If they eat or chew on the leaves, these do not normally cause a problem, just the stems with the sap.

Can Wandering Jew grow in Water?

Yes, you can take the cuttings from your trimming to start new Wandering Jew plants in water.  Fill the container with three inches of water that is room temperature.  Pinch off any of the leaves that will be submerged in water before you put the cutting in the container.  Set it in a bright indoor location.  Change the water when it becomes cloudy or every other week.  When the roots are several inches long, you can repot them in a planter or outdoors.

How to get Wandering Jew to Flower?

Make sure that you give it the right soil, and moisture.  Also remove any dead flowers or dead or damaged leaves.  You also want to make sure it is getting the right light because the brighter the light, the more flowers it will produce.

More like this: Elephant Bush (Portulacaria Afra) Care & Growing Guide

Common Plant Diseases

Wandering Jew is prone to a variety of diseases, including:

  • Stem or root rot—it is getting too much water or it is not draining properly so watch the watering and make sure that it is draining.
  • Leaves losing color or drooping—not enough light so if indoors, you just have to move the plant where it will get more light.
  • Sunburned foliage—too much sun so you need to put it in a less sunny location.
  • Aphids, spider mites, mealybugs, or whiteflies—these are all sap-sucking insects and can quickly kill your Wandering Jew plant.  If the infestation is small you can just wipe the leaves and get rid of them.  You may also use an insecticidal soap with water and gently spray the plant.
  • Rubber plant Care & Growing Guide
  • Amazon Lily Care & Growing guide
  • This is a hardy plant that is easy to take care of, even those that fell they kill every plant they try to grow.
  • They grow well outdoors in frost-free regions or in hanging baskets or planter.
  • When grown outdoors, it can be used as a groundcover that grows quickly.
  • The biggest problem with using Wandering Jew as a houseplant is to be able to get the moisture levels correct.

Victoria Wilson

Victoria is the owner and main author of hobby plants. She loves spending her free time in her garden planting and taking care of her plants. Victoria hopes you enjoy the content here!

Victoria Wilson

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A Complete Guide to Wandering Jew Plant Care

Last Updated: March 27, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Potting Your Plant
  • Caring for Your Plant

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This article was co-authored by Chai Saechao and by wikiHow staff writer, Dev Murphy, MA . Chai Saechao is the Founder and Owner of Plant Therapy, an indoor-plant store founded in 2018 based in San Francisco, California. As a self-described plant doctor, he believes in the therapeutic power of plants, hoping to keep sharing his love of plants with anyone willing to listen and learn. There are 12 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 637,209 times.

Wandering Jews are beautiful vining plants known for their solid or variegated leaves. These hardy perennials thrive outdoors as groundcover or in pots that allow their tendrils to cascade. They’re relatively easy to care for and incredibly simple to propagate, making them great houseplants! Keep reading for an easy step-by-step guide to Wandering Jew maintenance, from planting to watering to pruning.

Things You Should Know

  • Keep your Wandering Jew in a warm spot (around 50–80 °F (10–27 °C)) with lots of bright, indirect sunlight.
  • Pot your plant in well-draining potting soil in a container with drainage holes. Keep the soil moist, but not soaking wet.
  • Pinch or prune the leaves when the plant gets leggy to promote bushiness, or when any leaves or vines begin to brown or rot.

Potting Your Wandering Jew Plant

Step 1 Choose a spot for your plant that's 50–80 °F (10–27 °C) year round.

  • Refer to this map to see if your area's temperatures are warm enough to support a Wandering Jew plant, if you're planning on keeping it outside. According to the USDA, the Wandering Jew plant grows best in zones 9-11.
  • If you don’t live in USDA hardiness zones 9-11, keep in mind that you may not be able to keep your plant outside during the winter. You may want to grow it inside instead.

Step 2 Choose a pot about 1⁄2 in (1.3 cm) bigger than the root ball, with holes.

  • If you use a hanging basket, remember to turn it daily so it gets equal amounts of sunlight.
  • If you’re hanging your plant, choose a lightweight or plastic pot so it won’t fall. This also makes it easier to move inside in case of frost.

Step 3 Pot your Wandering Jew plant.

  • Be careful not to use soil that’s too heavy, as Wandering Jews need light soil that drains well. [3] X Research source
  • Buy well-draining soil, or, if you already have heavier soil, mix equal parts soil with compost, or equal parts soil, compost, and peat.
  • Purchase a Wandering Jew plant at a gardening or home improvement center, or propagate cuttings from established plants . Wandering Jew cuttings grow very quickly.

Watering, Fertilizing & Pruning Your Plant

Step 1 Keep your plant in a spot that gets bright but indirect or filtered sunlight.

  • If you’re growing your plant indoors, an eastern facing windowsill is a good spot. The plant will receive bright indirect light throughout the day, but watch to make sure the space doesn't become too hot in the afternoon. If so, move the pot a few feet away or use a curtain to filter the light. [5] X Research source
  • If the plant primarily remains outside, find a spot that receives indirect sunlight. This could be on a porch that gets morning sun for several hours. Just make sure that it's not sitting in direct sunlight without any shade for most of the day.

Step 2 Keep the soil moist, but not too wet.

  • If you've set your pot on a saucer, empty the saucer when it fills.
  • The plant's growth will slow in the winter months, meaning it needs to be watered less often. Simply let it remain a little dry for a bit longer before watering.
  • Some people find it convenient to put self-watering aqua globes in their plant pots; however, these glass globes require cleaning and regular filling. You'll still need to monitor your plant's moisture if you choose to use them.

Step 3 Fertilize your plant biweekly during the growing season (spring to early fall).

  • Read the container's instructions carefully before fertilizing, as some liquid fertilizers may actually be powders requiring you to mix in water.

Step 4 Prune your plant to promote growth when it gets leggy.

  • The best time to prune is during the spring and summer months, when the plant is putting on the most growth. After you've pruned, give the plant a chance to put on new shoots and fill in.
  • If you find your plant is too dense and bushy, you'll need to prune around the base so that the plant can get adequate circulation and sunlight.

Step 5 Pluck or cut off any diseased, rotted, and dead leaves.

  • Generally, expect to repot your plant annually, but keep an eye out for signs your plant has outgrown its container within that time frame: once you see roots creeping out from under the plant through the drainage holes, or popping up through the soil, it’s time to repot. [10] X Trustworthy Source Penn State Extension Educational organization dedicated to delivering science-based information to people, businesses, and communities Go to source

Step 1 Remove stems with aphid infestations.

  • Try to use distilled or bottled water when misting the leaves for the best results.
  • Brown leaves can also be a sign that your plant is getting too much sunlight. In this case, make sure your plant is not directly in the sun by moving the pot or placing a filter, such as a curtain, in between the plant and the window.

Step 3 Restore faded leaves by giving your plant more sun.

  • Root rot can spread very quickly, so act fast when you see signs of it. It can be heartbreaking to cut away a large chunk of your plant, but if you wait too long, you could lose the whole plant. [14] X Research source
  • Other signs of root rot include spongy, black roots.

Katie Gohmann

  • Though "Wandering Jew" is the most common name for this plant, some people may find this term offensive. Consider using "wandering dude" or "inch plant" instead. Thanks Helpful 2 Not Helpful 2
  • "Wandering Jew" doesn't refer to just one plant: it refers to a variety of Tradescantia species, the 3 most common of which include Tradescantia fluminensis ("Quicksilver"), Tradescantia pallida ("Purple Heart"), and Tradescantia zebrina ("Tricolor"). Care is the same for all 3. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

  • Be careful when pinching or pruning your plant. Wandering Jew sap can cause skin irritation in some people and allergic reactions in dogs. To be safe, wear gardening gloves when pruning your Wandering Jew. [15] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Wandering Jew cuttings or a plant
  • Well-draining potting soil
  • Pot or hanging basket
  • 10-10-10- fertilizer
  • Aqua globes (optional)
  • Pruning shears (optional)
  • Gardening gloves

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Chai Saechao

To take care of your Wandering Jew plant, place it by an east-facing window so that it gets a combination of direct and indirect sunlight. Keep the soil moist, but not soaked, and water the soil instead of the top of the plant to avoid rot. You should also fertilize the Wandering Jew plant every two weeks with a liquid 10-10-10 fertilizer. To keep the plant from getting leggy, trim back the stems in the spring and summer. Did this summary help you? Yes No

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Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina)

The Wandering Jew plant is a perfect addition to most types of vivariums.

Known for its resilience and easygoing attitude, this plant is extremely flexible and great for any level of hobbyist.

This vine is an awesome plant for those looking to add a dash of color without introducing more difficulty.

Today’s article will take a closer look at Wandering Jew, providing a complete understanding and care guide to growing one.

Table Of Contents:

What Is A Wandering Jew Plant?

Wandering Jew is an easy, fast-growing plant known for its distinct leaf coloration.

It is a very popular houseplant in the Commelinaceae family, also known as spiderwort.

There are several other similar species of plants that also use the common name Wandering Jew.

However, this one can be distinguished by its variegated purplish-green leaves.

Wandering Jew is often described as a succulent-like trailing, stemmed plant.

In other words, it falls under the category of vines.

A vine can be defined as any plant with a growth habit of creeping or trailing stems.

It is extremely tough and will thrive in almost any situation when grown indoors.

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Zebrina) Care Guide

Wandering Jew Facts

Wandering Jew is botanically called Tradescantia zebrina .

As mentioned before, the name Wandering Jew is used for a number of different plant species under the Tradescantia genus.

This genus is made up of at least 75 different perennial species.

Some are seen as obnoxious weeds, some are cherished as outdoor garden plants, and three of them are mostly coveted indoor house plants.

These are the ones generally known as wandering Jew plants.

The genus name was given in honor of John Tradescant and his son John Tradescant.

They were both botanists and successive gardeners to Charles I of England.

Meanwhile, the specific “zebrina” epithet simply means zebra-striped.

Common names of these vines include Inch plant, Wandering Jew, Cockroach Grass, Purple Wandering Jew, Silver Inch Plant, Silvery Inch Plant, Striped Trad, Striped Wandering Creeper, Striped Wandering Jew, Wandering Zebrina, Zebra Plant, and Zebrina.

The common names of the plant were given to it due to its ability to grow and spread extremely quickly.

In fact, the plant will need very little care or aid from humans in order to thrive. The Inch Plant name is more of a play on words.

The idea comes from the plant stem’s ability to grow approximately an inch every week, and the skill to propagate itself using only an inch of its stem.


Most varieties of Wandering Jew are very similar and share most of the same characteristics.

They are vining plants that have eye-catching zebra-patterned leaves.

The top side of the leaf will have a variegated look of purple, and green, as well as two thick silver stripes aligned to the central axis.

Purple coloration will represent new growth, while green marks older growth.

The underside of every leave will be a consistent plum color.

The leaves are bluish-green, thin, oval, fuzzy, and about 2 inches long.

They produce clusters of small, three-petaled flowers in spring and summer.

The flowers are usually purple-pink colored.

Overall, Tradescantia zebrina is a low-lying, succulent-like perennial known for forming dense mats.

Its foliage will usually grow up to 6 feet tall, and crawl to 2 feet wide or more.

Wandering Jew is a species of plant native to the Gulf Coast region of eastern Mexico, which includes Central America and Colombia.

However, it can also be found in Belize, Panama, El Salvador, and even the Caribbean Islands.

Throughout the years, it has also been naturalized and adapted in parts of South America, Australia, numerous oceanic islands, Africa, and Asia.

So, it can pretty much be found all around the world. In the wild, this vine can be seen growing in bushes in the rainforest and wetlands.

It will often be found growing on stones in open and shaded areas or riverbanks with elevations of 2000 meters or less.

Wandering Jew is not frost-tolerant and likes to grow in constantly warm temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

The colder the temperature, the slower the plant will grow and propagate. 

Anything below 50 degrees will damage the leaves and ultimately kill the plant.

PH Preference

The pH level of soil measures the relative acidity or alkalinity based on a scale of about 0 to 14.

A pH of 7 represents neutral levels, meaning neither acidic nor alkaline.

Even though the hypothetical range of pH is actually a lot wider when it comes to plants the range used is typically between 4 (highly acidic) and 10 (highly alkaline).

Most plants grown indoors prefer neutral to slightly acidic pH levels of around 6.5.

However, the vast majority of them will tolerate a variance of a few points.

Wandering Jew falls right around those ranges.

The ideal pH for the plant’s success will range anywhere between 5.0 and 6.0, but it will tolerate a slight difference.

Vivarium Type

Tradescantia zebrina will do quite well in a variety of vivarium types .

Even though there is no one set enclosure that it must grow in, some will be better fitting for the plant’s needs.

The best and easiest way to decide on the perfect enclosure will be to keep in mind the plant’s natural habitat.

Be sure to go with setups that have tropical, but well-drained terrestrial areas.

Here are recommended vivariums it will do well in:

  • Paludariums – Half aquatic/ half terrain-based enclosure.
  • Terrariums – Fully terrain-based enclosures with little to no aquatic features.

Vivarium Placement

Wandering Jew is a very versatile plant when it comes to placement.

Where exactly the plant is placed in a vivarium will be up to the person growing it.

However, there are certain setups that will showcase its beautiful foliage better.

For instance, placing the vine towards the top of the enclosure in a bucket-like structure will allow it to freely cascade down.

This will create what looks like a lush curtain of vines and leaves full of vivid colors.

Another option would be to place the plant all the way down.

Its dense growing habit will allow Tradescantia zebrina to cover the ground in a carpet-like fashion.

Also, two things to keep in mind with the placement of the Wandering Jew are lighting and humidity.

First, make sure that the plant is always above water.

With that being said, it will require a good amount of humidity and light to properly grow and thrive.

Make sure that where ever the vine is being placed, it is able to receive both.

Wandering Jews prefer moist, yet well-drained substrate. A peat-based terrarium soil mix is usually the number one recommendation.

Try mixing 2 parts peat moss and 1-part perlite or sand .

The peat moss will help maintain dampness in the soil, while the perlite or sand will ensure there is proper drainage.

Commercial potting soil can also be ideal as long as the sand is added for drainage support.

Waterlogged or soggy soil can lead to rotting roots and eventually the plant’s death.

Tradescantia zebrina will need bright, but indirect sunlight in order to thrive.

The plant will need plenty of light in order to keep its variegated and vivid colors. 

If it does not receive enough light, then the purple and silver coloring of the leaves will begin to fade.

On the other hand, if too much light is provided, especially direct sunlight, the leaves will end up scorching.

Fortunately, the issue of too much lighting is not something to worry about when growing in a vivarium.

It is basically only caused by excessively exposed locations outside during midsummer.

Seasons won’t really matter inside an enclosure. When setting up lights inside of a vivarium, LED or fluorescent lights will do the trick just fine.

Try to go for cooler colors that resemble a bright, but shaded day.

This will assure the plant is receiving all the light it needs, without being harmed.

You might also want to avoid any strong UVB lights since they will replicate direct sunlight.

Buy Wandering Jew

Wandering Jew is a fairly common houseplant and should be pretty easy to find in local stores or online.

Either way, there are a few key indicators you should be on the lookout for.

These will make sure you are buying the best quality plant. The plant should be insect free along with any other types of pests.

In addition, the purchased plant should be green, vibrant, and healthy-looking.

Try to avoid any yellowing or wilting leaves. Those are usually signs of poor health and could make it harder for the plant to survive.

Click the image below to find out more about the current price and other relative info about this plant:

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

Wandering Jew Care and Propagation

Wandering Jew is a very easy-going plant. Overall, they will not be too demanding when it comes to their upkeep.

However, there are still a few guidelines that should always be followed.

Tradescantia zebrina should always be provided with ample indirect light, high humidity, and proper drainage to reach its full potential.

As long as those needs are met, there is not much more to worry about.

This will help guarantee the plant always maintains its healthy, lush, and vivid look.

How to grow

Wandering Jew plants can all be easily propagated through the use of stem cuttings.

The plant has an extremely high success rate of 98% when it comes to regrowth.

Simply take a healthy adult plant and cut 4-6 inches off the top of the stem containing at least one leaf.

The new pieces should then be re-planted somewhere moist and warm in order to grow. Make sure to also water well and then just watch it sprout away.

As to be expected with most hardy plants, Wandering Jew can cope quite well with some droughts and a little waterlogging from time to time.

Do not make such a careless watering approach a habit though.

Even though this plant is very tough, it will still begin to deteriorate if it is consistently neglected.

Tradescantia zebrina prefers to be watered moderately.

The plant appreciates moist soil, at least during its growing period where it grows so quickly it uses a lot of water.

An easy way to know whether or not the Wandering Jew should be watered is by dipping your finder in the topsoil and feeling for moisture.

Keep an eye out for limp stems, since they are usually a sign that the vine is lacking water.

Plants Similar To Wandering Jew

When adding different types of vivarium plants , it is important to make sure that they can all co-exist.

There is no use in finding all these beautiful vegetation if they all have different care requirements.

Sooner than later, some of the plants will end up dying if placed in the same enclosure.

One way to avoid this would be by finding similar plants to the Wandering Jew.

As mentioned before, there are a few different varieties of Wandering Jew.

Although they will all be slightly different in appearance, their requirements will be almost identical.

Choosing to incorporate some of those variations will help provide diversity to the tank, while also making sure that all plants will easily coexist…

Here are some other vine plants you might find may do well with or in place of Tradescantia zebrina :

Golden Pothos "Devil's Ivy" (Epipremnum Aureum)

Overall, the Wandering Jew is a great addition to most vivariums with terrestrial features.

Whether you are just getting started or simply looking for something new to add to your planted tank, this vine will not disappoint.

I would consider this plant at a beginner’s level when it comes to care and reproduction.

It can tolerate a wide variety of conditions and does not require a lot of attention.

To top it off, this plant’s quick growth and vivid color will help bring life and attention to otherwise neglected areas.

Have you ever used Wandering Jew in your vivarium? What was your experience like?

Frequently Asked Questions

W andering Jew ( Tradescantia zebrina ) likes filtered sun or indirect light . It prefers slightly sh adier environments and can tolerate some direct sun , but the bright direct light of midday sun can burn the leaves .

No , Wand ering Jew is not hard to care for . This low – main tenance house plant is quite easy to grow in average household conditions and requires minimal upkeep . It thri ves in bright , indirect light and likes to stay evenly moist .

Yes , Wand ering Jew  can survive winter in most climates as long as it is protected from cold temperatures , as it is a tropical plant and not hard y for temperatures below about 50 degrees Fahrenheit . Prov iding extra insulation , such as with pot covers or planting in a container , can also help protect the plant from frost and freezing temperatures .

The Wand ering Jew , or Tradescantia zebrina , is an ever green perennial plant that is easy to care for . Its pink , white , and green striped leaves make it an attractive addition to any garden, home, or terrarium.

 Additionally , Wand ering Jew is known for its air – pur ifying qualities , making it an excellent choice for improving air quality in an indoor environment .

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How to Care for Wandering Jew for Massive Growth (7 Ideal Conditions)

Having the colorful wandering Jew at home is a sure and easy way to brighten up the room without needing to care for high-maintenance flowering plants. But for you to boost their growth and not just hang around with a couple of leaves a year, you need to take care of them properly!

Ideal growing conditions for wandering Jew plants are 1) 8-inch wide clay pots with drainage holes, 2) moist well-draining soil, 3) regular watering when the top 2 inches of soil is dry, 4) 6 hours of sunlight or 12 hours under 15W grow lights, 5) temperatures between 65–75°F, 6) humidity around 40–70%, and 7) a diluted 20-20-20 fertilizer applied 1–6 times yearly.

Although they are considerably low-maintenance houseplants, they can still die if they are not taken good care of. This is especially true for certain varieties that necessitate more specific growing conditions. So avoid wondering and worrying over why your spiderworts keep dying by familiarizing yourself with what they want and need for optimal growth!

It’s best to grow wandering Jews in clay or plastic pots that are relatively shallow but at least 8 inches wide. This allows them to grow thick and trail whether kept indoors or outdoors. The planter should have drainage holes.

You don’t really need any special type of planter to grow a lush wandering Jew plant . A regular pot will do so long as it is at least 8 inches wide. Otherwise, they will become very leggy !

As you may or may not know, the inch plant tends to trail on and off the soil it grows on. So it’s indeed normal for it to spill over pots, especially hanging baskets even when grown in optimal conditions.

However, this wandering plant still needs plenty of room in its growing container for it to anchor itself into the soil by forming roots along the nodes of its succulent stems and shoots.

Most wandering Jew or Tradescantia plants grow very thickly, reaching 2–3 feet in both length and width. Even the boat lily, Tradescantia spathacea , can grow 2 feet wide despite its upright growth.

Because of this, you’ll also need to go up by 1–2 inches once you need to repot your wandering Jew. If you don’t, you’ll be left with a scraggly spiderwort.

Now, you can also grow this trailing foliage plant in your yard if you want to add pops of color. However, be mindful when using this as a groundcover as it can grow quite wildly and become highly invasive.

Wandering Jew is considered a noxious weed not only in the southeastern region of America but also in Australia and New Zealand. So owners are strongly recommended to keep it controlled in a container even when placed in gardens.

Additionally, if you live in a drier area, opt for plastic pots as they help retain moisture in the soil. On the other hand, home gardeners living in more humid areas can grow their inch plants in clay pots to allow for good drainage and aeration.

Either way, make sure that your spiderwort has at least one drainage hole to prevent water from standing in the pot, which could result in root rot . You will also want a catch plate so the excess water won’t come spilling out of the planter.

Most wandering Jew varieties and cultivars can tolerate a wide range of soil conditions. They can grow in sandy, loamy, and clay soils that are acidic, neutral, or alkaline. Regardless, their soil is best kept moist yet well-draining.

The wandering Jew, unlike many other houseplants, is not picky when it comes to the soil it likes to grow on. It grows fast almost anywhere, from mountainous regions to coastal areas all around the Americas—starting from Canada, going all the way down to South America.

You can keep it in soils rich in sand, silt , clay , and even rocks . Due to its highly tolerant nature, it can grow and flourish in different regions and any corner of your house.

However, there is a difference between surviving in a corner of your house with little water and light and thriving producing lush purple and green leaves. Who doesn’t love to let their inch plant shine?

When grown as an indoor plant, however, you can use ordinary ready-to-use potting mixes for houseplant for your wandering Jew. I personally like this organic mix from Amazon.

Still, there are a few big no-nos if you want to keep a wandering Jew happy and healthy in the soil. First, it doesn’t tolerate soil well. Besides that, it doesn’t like constantly wet soil.

As such, make sure to check the soil condition of your inch plant from time to time. Otherwise, you may only notice that something’s wrong once it has already started wilting significantly.

Prevent your soil from becoming too wet by choosing mixes containing perlite and vermiculite. You can also add them to your regular soil mix. Alternatively, you can go soil-free to virtually eliminate all chances of getting and spreading soil-borne diseases.

Pro Tip: Many houseplants, including wandering Jew plants, do well with soil-less growing mediums composed of 60% sphagnum moss, 20% perlite, and another 20% vermiculite.

3. Watering

As it is a moderately drought-tolerant foliage plant, the wandering Jew plant must only be watered once the top 1–2 inches of its soil has dried out. If unsure, then it’s recommended not to water it.

Similar to how it is with soil, the wandering Jew isn’t fussy with water either. If you really want to get into it, you can use regular tap water, well water, distilled water, rainwater, and even melted snow.

Moreover, chlorine and fluorine in city water are generally harmless to plants. But if you want to be 100% certain, check with your local provider.

All it asks for is evenly moist soil that will let its roots grow well and strong. You can do so by using a slender-spouted watering can like this copper one from Amazon. This will help you avoid getting the foliage excessively wet.

Having said that, it’s important to never let spiderworts in either condition wilt. On the other hand, it should never be left to stand in water—which is why it’s best to go for relatively shallow pots over deep ones.

You will have to adjust your watering frequency based on several factors such as:

  • Wandering Jew size
  • Container size and material
  • Type and amount of light received
  • Average local temperature
  • Overall humidity

For instance, inch plants grown with sandy soils and hotter temperatures require more frequent watering. Conversely, ones in clay soils and cooler temperatures need less water.

Outdoors, wandering Jew grows best with about 6 hours of direct or partial sunlight each day but it can survive with 4 hours a day if only for winter months. When grown indoors, it can be placed near east or west-facing windows or under LED grow lights that are at least 15–30W.

The vibrant purple, green, and yellow hues of your wandering Jew can be improved and maintained with proper lighting.

Wandering Jew Plant Care: Growing Tradescantia Zebrina

Generally, these beautiful colors become more intense as it gets more direct sunlight exposure. At the same time, however, harsh sunlight—as is normal in southern states like Florida—can also cause the wonderful colors of the inch plant to fade.

In other words, you want to strike the perfect balance between the two, especially with wandering Jew plants kept outdoors. But don’t worry, I won’t leave the guesswork to you!

Give your wandering Jew plants about 2–6 hours of full or partial sun exposure before moving them to shadier areas in your garden, balcony, or patio.

Providing wandering Jew plants with some shade prevents them from growing too aggressively and becoming invasive. Even indoors, artificial shading can make it more manageable!

For potted wandering Jews kept indoors, however, a good full-spectrum LED grow light with a power rating between 15 to 30 Watts will be necessary for good growth. Just place the grow light about 1–2ft above the top-most part of the plant and adjust the height as it grows.

To ensure that the light stays on for 12–14 hours, you can use an electric timer. Remember to also regularly rotate the pot so that it won’t become leggy or lopsided.

5. Temperature

The wandering Jew plant thrives with moderate cool to warm temperatures, around 65–75°F. It tends to become very weedy in sustained warm temperatures.

Many newbie home gardeners may find it surprising that spiderwort grows quite well with cool temperatures of 65°F or 18°C as it is widely known to be native to Mexico a hot country. In reality, however, you can also find native species from southern Canada to the United States.

As such, it can live and grow even in relatively cool regions. But in such cases, they are best kept indoors where their growing environment can be better monitored and kept regulated.

Simply put, you wouldn’t need to worry much about your wandering Jew dying from extreme cold if you have a working thermostat along with reliable space heaters.

You see, a wide variety of inch plants can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 4–12. Certain species though are less hardy. For instance, T. fluminensis thrives in zones 9–12, T. ohiensis in 4–9, and T. pallida in 7–11.

On the other hand, it can also handle heat quite well. Although it’s ideal to keep the temperature around it at 75°F or 23°C, the wandering Jew can tolerate even higher temps.

Despite its seemingly restricted temperature tolerance , wandering Jew can be grown from Alaska all the way down to Hawaii. Just remember that it can become invasive in hotter areas.

To put things into an even more broad perspective, its tolerance to not only varying temperatures. Wandering Jews can also withstand different growing conditions. All of these combined have allowed it to become naturalized in virtually all parts of the globe.

6. Humidity

Keep moderate to high humidity levels of 40–70% to promote growth in wandering Jew plants. Doing so can help prevent pest problems.

Considering that I just told you they do well in cool climates may confuse you with what I’ll be saying now if it’s new information for you. Sure, cool temperatures normally equate to dry air while warm temperatures correspond with humid air.

But it’s important to keep in mind that these factors naturally fluctuate through seasons and even a single day.

Plus, taking into account that most people grow spiderwort as potted indoor plants , the relation between temperature and humidity isn’t always as linear.

Having said all that, inch plants thrive with high humidity of up to about 70%. This is in line with the fact that they do well in humid climate zones.

Once you notice the tips of your wandering Jew leaves are turning brown, it’s a sign that it isn’t getting enough humility. So turn it up using a room humidifier because regular misting could do more harm than good for this foliage plant. You could also put it in the bathroom!

Growing Tradescantia / Wandering Jew Care & Propagation

By increasing the humidity to at least 40%, you can prevent pests such as spider mites from feasting on and killing your otherwise lush and thriving inch plant. Alongside boosting humidity, make sure to also provide sufficient ventilation for your plants.

7. Fertilizer

Wandering Jaw plants do not require fertilizer to survive for many years. However, the application of one can dramatically boost growth. Apply a 20-20-20 liquid fertilizer for wandering Jew once every 2 months to once a year in the summer months. Dilute 1 1/2 teaspoons of fertilizer will 1 gallon of water.

One thing I want you to keep in mind as we end this article is that the wandering Jew plant isn’t a heavy feeder it only needs 1–6 yearly applications of complete fertilizers like the one below from Amazon. It’s mostly content with optimal lighting, temperature, and humidity.

More importantly, overfertilizing your inch plant could lead to very serious consequences—which does include plant death. The thing is, the wandering Jew has a very low tolerance for salt in its growing medium. So you should also water it before fertilizing.

Oftentimes, the accumulation of salt in the soil is a result of too much fertilizer and frequent bottom-watering which can lead to:

  • Stunted development
  • Discolored leaf tips
  • Leaf dropping
  • Damaged roots

So although I gave you a general rule to go by above, I still strongly advise you to double-check the instructions for the fertilizer you’ll be using to be absolutely certain.

When your wandering Jew plants start becoming unruly as a result of regular feeding, get your pruning shears and cut away excess stems. But don’t throw them out.

Instead, propagate them for even more plants which you can give out to fellow plant lovers—heck, send them this care guide too!

I have a few wandering Jews myself and I honestly never fertilized them. They are doing fine (not thriving by any means) but such a plant is not demanding. So, no worries if you can’t fertilize it. It will still survive as long as its lighting and watering are right!

How long can wandering Jew plants live?

In warm regions, with climates similar to their native habitats, the wandering Jew is an evergreen perennial plant—meaning it can live on and continue growing for several years or indefinitely. However, when grown and kept in much colder and drier areas, the spiderwort lives as an annual plant dying after just one growing season.

What are the common pests of wandering Jew plants?

Common pests of wandering Jew plants include aphids, caterpillars, deer, mealybugs, rabbits, scales, slugs, snails, spider mites, and vine weevils. They can seriously damage spiderwort shoots, especially young ones. However, some species are more resistant to pest damage than others. For example, purple spiderwort, T. pallida, is resistant to deer.

Is spiderwort poisonous?

Spiderwort, also known as wandering Jew or inch plant, can be poisonous to humans, cats, dogs, and horses. It will mostly only cause contact dermatitis possibility due to oxalate crystals in its leaves. However, the Tradescantia spathacea, in particular, can be moderately toxic when it is eaten in large amounts, causing severe stomach pains.

Summary of How to Care for Wandering Jew

The wandering Jew is a fast-growing low-maintenance plant that can survive a wide variety of growing conditions. However, it grows best in even moist well-draining soils container in shallow but at least 8-inch wide clay or plastic pots. It must be watered once the top 2 inches of the growing medium has become dry.

If grown outdoors, the wandering Jew thrives with 6 hours of direct or partial sunlight. Conversely, it needs 12 hours of artificial light indoors from 15–30W LED grow lamps.

Wandering Jew plants grow well with moderate temperatures at 65–75°F or 18–23°C and considerably high humidity of 40–70%. For feeding, it only needs occasional application—as seldom as once per year—of a diluted water-soluble complete fertilizer after it is watered.

  • “Tradescantia” by n/a in N.C. Cooperative Extension
  • “Tradescantia” by Leonard Perry in Perry’s Perennial Pages
  • “Zebrina pendula wandering jew” by Edward F. Gilman in University of Florida IFAS Extension
  • “Caring for Houseplants” by n/a in University of Missouri Extension
  • “Indoor plants – Cleaning, fertilizing, containers & light requirements” by Debbie Shaughnessy and Al Pertuit in Clemson University Cooperative Extension

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Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide

wandering jew plant care

The wandering Jew plant is actually several varieties of Tradescantia that have collectively taken on the name. As the term “Wandering Jew” is controversial, they’re also frequently referred to as wandering dudes or inch plants. These fast-growing spiderwort plants can quickly become invasive, but if they’re grown indoors they’re very rewarding.

These plants are wonderful for hanging baskets or training to grow up structures, as long as they’re kept from spreading into the surrounding ecosystem. Regardless of which Tradescantia variety you end up with, care requirements are the same and you can expect the same behavior. They tolerate a bit of neglect, so they’re beginner-friendly and will survive if you decide to take a vacation but forget to set up a plant sitter for a week.

Because this plant is several plants falling under the Tradescantia genus, appearance varies depending on the type of inch plant you end up with. There are several common varieties, each with its own unique appearance. They range from green to purple, come in variegated forms, and are all quite striking as they trail and crawl from their pots and planters.

Most inch plants can grow up to three feet in length and up to 12” high. They’re evergreen perennials, meaning you’ll be able to enjoy your Tradescantia all year long. They make amazing groundcover, giving a bit more variety to the usual all-green fodder available, but should be kept in planters or well-groomed areas outside.


Tradescantia fluminensis, or Quicksilver, is a beloved variety of inch plant. Its leaves are mostly green but have delicate stripes of silver or white running lengthwise across them.

Purple Heart

Tradescantia pallida , or Purple Heart, lives up to its name. This variety has bright violet stems and leaves and makes a big splash when left to cascade from a hanging basket. There is some variation in color and your plant could yield everything from its famous violet to a darker purple or even turquoise.

If you’ve picked up a Tradescantia zebrina , you have a tricolor inch plant on your hands! This is a breathtaking variety of Tradescantia . It has variegated foliage and eye-catching green and purple leaves. They sport thick white or silver stripes and look as if they take far more maintenance than this plant requires.

White Velvet

Tradescantia sillamontana , or White Velvet, is distinct from the other varieties on this list. Rather than smooth leaves, Tradescantia sillamontana has fuzzy leaves that are soft to the touch. If you successfully get your plant to flower, it produces multitudes of bright pink and purple flowers.

Care Requirements

Tradescantia plants aren’t picky. They don’t have a demanding list of requirements and their needs are fairly basic for a houseplant. Because they grow and spread so quickly, you won’t be left waiting to enjoy the fruits of your labor, either. You’ll know you’re doing a great job as long as it continues to grow!

Adequate lighting is critical if you want your inch plant to maintain its bright color. After all, that’s the draw of the plant, so it would be disappointing to have it fade due to poor lighting conditions.

To keep your plant looking vibrant and healthy, opt for bright, indirect light. Too much direct sun can burn the leaves, so don’t leave it out to bake in full sun. Instead, find a great north-facing window that receives plenty of indirect light.

If your plant is outside, keep it in partial shade to take the edge off the hot afternoon sun. Full shade is fine, too, as long as you don’t notice any leggy growth or dull coloration start to come in.

Moist soil and moderate watering are the keys to Tradescantia ’s continued happiness. These plants don’t do well with wet soil, but they prefer it to remain moist. A quick soil test will do the trick. Just press your fingertip into the soil, and water once you notice the top couple of inches are dry. Water thoroughly, until you see it draining from the bottom of the pot.

Cut back on watering during winter. The plant goes dormant and doesn’t require as much, so it’s easy to overdo things.

These creeping plants aren’t picky when it comes to soil. Get something well-draining and neutral and they’re satisfied. Standard potting soil is perfectly adequate. If you notice that it’s retaining too much water, you can always add perlite or other drainage material to prevent root rot from setting in.

Slow-release fertilizers are excellent options for Tradescantia . You can also apply a well-balanced fertilizer once per month (or every four weeks). Dilute your fertilizer to half-strength and feed your plant during the growing season. There’s no need to continue over winter, and doing so can actually harm your inch plant .


Wandering Jews don’t face cold temperatures or frosts in their native areas, typically, but household temperatures are perfectly acceptable. If you’re growing your plant indoors, you likely won’t need to adjust the temperature to suit them. They’ll adapt to you, instead. Anything from 50°F to 85°F is suitable, so most homes fit the bill without extra effort!

If you leave your Tradescantia outdoors and live in a climate that gets cold winters, bring them indoors. Frost can kill this plant, though there’s a possibility that it will return in spring. It’s best not to take the risk if you can just bring it inside, instead.

To keep your Tradescantia vibrant and plentiful, keep humidity levels high. Around 70% humidity is ideal. It’s simple enough to achieve with a well-placed humidifier or even daily misting. If you keep your inch plant in a hanging basket or pot, situate it near other plants to maintain humidity levels more easily.

If you’re struggling to maintain the perfect humidity level, don’t fret too much. This plant is fairly hardy and as long as you’re keeping up with its watering requirements, dropping below ideal humidity levels isn’t the end of the world.

Pruning is necessary to help your Tradescantia look its best. Regular pruning allows this plant to become full and bushy, rather than full of leggy growths. Remove any dead or decaying stems as you see them and cut away leggy areas with clean, sterilized pruning equipment. You can cut back the stems and pinch down the tips to promote new growth and help your plant look like a real showstopper.

The sap does irritate some people. If you’re new to caring for Tradescantia , it’s best to wear proper gardening gloves rather than take chances.


Propagation for this type of plant is exceedingly easy, which is why they seem to spread so quickly if left free to roam outdoors. Take a cutting between three and four inches long (make sure it has a handful of nodes) and place the cut end into your moist soil. Dipping it in rooting hormone before adding it to the soil helps, but it isn’t necessary. Water your cutting and place it into bright, indirect light. Keep the soil moist and wait for your new plant to grow!

If you prefer the water method, you can remove the bottom few leaves and place the cutting into a clean glass of water. Replace the water every few days and leave the container in indirect light. Once you see roots begin to grow, follow the same steps in the previous paragraph.

It’s okay for Tradescantia to get a little crowded, so you won’t need to repot frequently. Every two years will suffice. Upgrade your container by one size, and ensure that it has adequate drainage. Any type of container will work, but monitor its watering needs closely if you choose unglazed terracotta!

Pests and Insects

Tradescantia stand up well against pests, especially if they’re kept as indoor plants. Still, infestations can happen, and there are a few insects to look out for.

  • Spider Mites – The best way to ward off spider mites is by keeping humidity levels high. Luckily, that’s what inch plants prefer! If you do notice the tell-tale spider mite webbing, notice brown spots or leaf damage, or even catch sight of one of the tiny red or brownish insects, take action. Rinse the leaves of your plant and treat it with plant-safe soaps or oils. Neem oil is great for many types of pests, spider mites included.
  • Aphids – If you keep your plant outdoors, it’s at a higher risk for aphid infestation . They gather on the stems of your plant and drain its energy. If left to do their dirty work for long enough, you risk losing your whole plant. Wipe down the leaves and stems with a damp cloth and treat them with insecticidal soap or neem oil to keep aphids away.

Final Thoughts

T radescantia plants are a marvelous addition to any plant lover’s collection. They’re easily kept indoors or outdoors and offer a wide range of colors and patterns. For a gorgeous spray of color, creeping cover, or a beautiful hanging basket, consider bringing home one of these plants.

wandering jew plant cold tolerance

About The Author

Hi, I'm Teri! I am a plant collector and former botanist who's spent years learning about and caring for plants from all over the world. I'm passionate about biodiversity and rainforest preservation, and I love to study newly discovered plants in my free time. 

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Wandering Jew Plant Care and Grow Guide

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The Wandering Jew Plant (Spiderwort) is a hardy houseplant that’s the perfect choice for home gardeners without a green thumb.

They are easy to care for and doesn’t take that much effort. This article will guide you through how to care for wandering jew plants and grow them successfully.

Wandering Jew Plant Overview

Natives of Guatemala and Mexico, the Wandering Jew Plant is an evergreen perennial. It can be cultivated outdoors in regions that are frost-free as a ground cover, where it will produce smallish, three-petaled lavender-hued blooms.

If you reside in a colder region, the wandering jew can be cultivated as a houseplant in pots or hanging planters, but most likely it will not flower.

The wandering jew has a couple of other common names – Spiderwort or the Inch Plant. The Inch Plant comes from the leaves being spaced approximately an inch apart.

Its colorful foliage is attention-grabbing in any décor with oval-shaped leaves that grow to about 2.5 inches in length, and stems growing to as much as two feet long.

They are a member of the Commelinaceae family, which includes over 650 species of climbers, herbs, and several epiphytes. Its part of the Tradescantia genus and offers numerous varieties.

Each variety is unique and will present its own difficulties. These plants are cultivated both indoors and outdoors as ornamentals thanks to colorful and variegated foliage.

Some of the more well-known varieties include:

  • Tradescantia Callisia which features white bold striping.
  • Tradescantia Flumeninsis features thinner leaves and stems than Zebrina varieties and comes in numerous colors and variations.
  • Tradescantia Pallida “Purple Heart” boasts attractive purple foliage.
  • Tradescantia Zebrina pendula with reddish foliage

Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide

An easy houseplant to cultivate indoors, the wandering jew plant will offer a lush and colorful addition to any corner of your home or office.

They require very little care and the only delicate aspect of their cultivation is keeping the soil bed nice and moist. They like moisture, but will not do well in a waterlogged potting mix.

Beautifully suited for a hanging pot or for a place on a shelf or table where they can cascade downward, they will thrive with lots of bright indirect light. They should be pinched back frequently to prevent them from becoming leggy or with stems that look bare.

While the wandering jew plant does not have a particularly long lifespan, it can be easily propagated with stem cuttings from the mother plant. This means that you’ll always have a wandering jew plant in your home.

Soil for the Wandering Jew Plant

The wandering jew plant will well in fresh potting soil. They like consistently moist soil and the only real risk is overwatering.

They need a well-draining soil bed and should never be allowed to sit in water or soggy soil. Their roots would be at risk for root rot.

To help with drainage, add some sand to your potting mix. The soil bed should be rich in organic matter .

Here are three options to blend your own potting mix :

  • One part compost with one part potting soil.
  • Equal portions of potting soil, peat and compost.
  • Equal parts of compost, sand, and potting mix.

Light for the Wandering Jew Plant

The wandering jew plant will thrive in bright natural light that is indirect. Ideally, they should be placed near a window that can afford them at least eight hours of sunlight daily.

They should not receive direct sunlight, as UV rays can scorch the leaves. Should your plant’s color begin to fade, it is probable that your plant is not receiving enough light.

Water and Humidity for the Wandering Jew Plant

Moisture in the soil bed should be constant with these plants. They should be watered weekly during the spring and summer, their growing season. Water less often in the winter and fall when they enter dormancy.

To decide if it’s time to water your plant, place your fingertip a few inches down into the soil. If it feels dry, it is time to give your plant a drink.

The wandering jew plant prefers a humidity level that is a bit above average. If you have a place in your home that is humid, typically the kitchen or a bathroom, your plant will be happier there.

For other locations, you can use a small humidifier or mist your plant every several days. If the plant’s leaves begin to turn brown, your home’s humidity level is probably too low.

Another solution is using a pebble water tray. Place the plant pot on a tray filled with pebbles. You can either pour some water into the tray or allow the water from the plant to drain out into the tray. 

That will create a humid atmosphere around the plant. It is important that the plant container sits above the waterline and does not touch the water.

Temperature for the Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering jew plants do well in a temperature range from 65° to 75° Fahrenheit. They will also be fine in somewhat warmer temperatures.

However, they should not be kept at temperatures that fall below 50°F. Lower temperatures can cause damage to its foliage.

Fertilizer for the Wandering Jew Plant

These plants do not require much in the way of feeding. You can fertilize every two months with a water-soluble fertilizer that is diluted to half its strength.

Be careful with too much fertilizer. If you overfeed it, the leaves of your plant may lose variegation.

The buildup of salts in the soil from the use of fertilizer can result in the burning of your plant. You can flush out salt by running water through your planter for approximately five minutes, or flush the plant outdoors with a hose.

Pruning and Repotting the Wandering Jew Plant

This is an aggressive houseplant that grows quickly. It can become leggy if it is not pinched back often.

To obtain a fuller, wider and bushier plant, prune back stems every so often, trimming to a joint. To prevent legginess, trim back stems by approximately a fourth of their length regularly.

Stem cuttings after they have taken root should be repotted in larger containers to ensure correct growth.

Mature plants should be repotted annually. Any type of container is fine as long as it has sufficient drainage holes. The choice of container material will influence how often you will need to water. When you repot, choose a new container one to two inches larger.

A clay or terracotta pot will most likely dry out the soil bed more quickly, whereas a plastic pot will maintain moisture longer. 

Here’s how to repot the wandering jew plant: 

  • Remove the plant from its current container gently.
  • Fill the new container about a quarter-full with potting mix.
  • Control to see if the roots are bunched together and tease them apart if necessary.
  • Place the plant in the new pot and fill it with new soil mix.

Propagating the Wandering Jew Plant

Wandering jew plants are easy to propagate with stem cuttings.

  • Trim a piece of stem, about an inch in length that contains at least one leaf.
  • Place the cut end directly into the potting soil.
  • Water the soil regularly and within several weeks your new plant should take root.
  • It does not require the use of a rooting hormone.

Wandering jew plants can also be rooted in water in a jar or glass:

  • Fill the jar with approximately three inches of water.
  • Remove leaves off the stem cutting that could be submerged.
  • Place the stem cutting in the water and place it in a bright spot.
  • The water should be changed when it is cloudy or every other week.
  • After several weeks, new roots will form.
  • When the roots reach a few inches in length, you can transplant your cutting to a pot with soil.

Wandering Jew Plant Toxicity and Pets

The Wandering Jew plant is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses. Typical indications of wandering Jew poisoning in pets may include:

  • Conjunctivitis
  • Muzzle irritation and redness
  • Redness of the paws and between toes
  • Redness eye area
  • Palmar ulceration

For humans, in addition to the above symptoms, the sap may also be the cause of dermatitis in humans.

Wandering Jew Plant Pests, Diseases, and Problems

As with most houseplants, the wandering jew plant can be infested by either aphids or spider mites.

If you notice any indications of an infestation, treat your plant immediately with an organic insecticide such as neem oil. This insecticide is produced through the pressing of seeds from a neem tree. It is organic and will not harm humans or pets.

Neem oil is also considered safe for local wildlife, including birds, as it targets pests. This oil can treat aphids, whitefly, spider mites, and scale insects, among others. It is also effective against fungal infections such as blight, mildew, rust, leaf spot, etc.

Should the lower part of your plant’s stems begin to suffer leaf drop, it is a sign that your plant needs more light. In warmer seasons, you can give your plant a breath of fresh air by moving it outdoors to a spot with partial sun and partial shade. Avoid over-exposure to the sun.

Mushy stems or black foliage indicates root rot. Unhealthy plant parts should be cut away. Healthy parts can be repotted in a fresh soil bed. Rotted sections cannot be saved, so they need to be discarded.

Wandering Jew Plant Care Final Thoughts

If you are looking for a colorful plant to brighten up an indoor space, the beautiful, variegated foliage of the wandering jew plant is a winner.

Thanks to their hardy nature and their little care requirements, they are perfect for beginner gardeners or those who do not have a lot of time to dedicate to houseplants.

Rooted Rare Pink Wandering Jew Plant, Tradescantia Nanouk, Live, Live

  • 𝐋𝐈𝐕𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐓 This rare pink Wandering Jew Tradescantia Nanouk is an absolute show stopper. It has vibrant, colorful leaves that are delicately striped with pink variegation. Their foliage cascades, so they don't mind being perched high up where they can also get adequate light. Under the right

For other houseplants that are easy to care for, check out these guides: 

  • Polka Dot Plant Care and Grow Guide
  • Shamrock Plant Care and Grow Guide
  • Swedish Ivy Plant Care and Grow Guide

Wandering Jew Plant Care FAQs

Does the wandering jew plant like sun or shade.

The Wandering Jew Plants likes bright, but indirect sunlight. Partial sun and shade are good for this plant.

Is the Wandering Jew Plant an indoor plant?

Yes, the Wandering Jew Plant is an indoor plant, but can also grow outside if given proper conditions. They require above average humidity levels, moderate temperatures, and consistently moist soil.

Is the Wandering Jew Plant bad luck?

Some people do believe the superstition that the Wandering Jew Plant brings bad luck. However, there has never been scientific evidence to support this belief. The only thing we know about the Wandering Jew Plant’s history is that its name comes from the legend of the Wandering Jew. 

Is the Wandering Jew Plant poisonous to humans?

No, the Wandering Jew Plant does not contain any toxins harmful to humans. But the plant’s sap can cause skin irritation to humans. There is information out there that folk medicines utilize the sap and plant, but there are no scientific studies.

Does the Wandering Jew Plant attract bugs?

Yes, the Wandering Jew Plant attracts bugs because of its sweet scent. If you want to keep them at bay, try spraying your plants with neem oil. Aphids and spider mites are the most common pests that will affect this plant. 

Do Wandering Jew Plants have fuzzy leaves?

Some varieties of Wandering Jew Plants have fuzzy leaves, while others do not. Of the ones with leaves that have a fuzzy texture, the colors of those leaves are usually green and purple. 

Is the Spiderwort the same plant as the Wandering Jew Plant?

Yes, the Spiderwort is another common name for the more popular name, Wandering Jew Plant. 

Fast Growing Trees and Plants

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9 Essential Tips for Wandering Jew Plant Care

9 Essential Tips for Wandering Jew Plant Care

Sharing is caring!

Have you been looking for information on Wandering Jew Plant Care? Well, look no further.  Call it luck or, pure coincidence that you have landed on this piece of information.

The article contains most if not all the things you need to know about taking care of this beautiful  indoor vining plant . Be it propagation, watering, temperature and light requirements, pruning, repotting, or fertilizer application, it’s all in here.

Furthermore, I have touched on pests and diseases affecting this colorful, fast-growing indoor  trailing succulent plant  as well as common physiological problems associated with it.

Want to learn more about this plant?

Let’s begin.

Wandering Jew Plant Care: How to Grow and Care for Inch Plant ( Tradescantia zebrine )

1. propagate from stem cuttings.

Propagating a wandering Jew plant from stem cuttings is easy and quick.   What’s more, is that you don’t need a special rooting medium or hormone for successful rooting. You just need to root the cuttings in water or soil.

Let’s start with rooting a Jew plant in water. First, cut at least 6-inch long cuttings from the healthy stems of the plant.

Then remove the bottom leaves from each stem and place the stems in a glass of water. Ensure that the bottom leaf node is submerged. In just a few days, tiny roots start to show, and in about 4 to 6 weeks, new growth appears.

At this stage, your cuttings are ready for transplanting.  Use an  all-purpose potting mix  to grow your plants.

When it comes to rooting the Jew plant in soil, start by snipping several cuttings from the ends of healthy branches of your plant. Then using a clean and sharp blade, make a 45-degree cut just under the leaf node.

The next step is to fill an approximately six-inch hanging basket or pot with an all-purpose potting soil to about an inch below the top of the pot.

Afterward, make four holes approximately 2 inches deep around the edges of the pot and one more hole at the center.

Plant one cutting in each hole and add more soil as you press gently to hold the cuttings in position. Keep the soil evenly moist by regular watering and expect a new, full-leafy plant in a few weeks.

Pro Tip:  Planting more than one stem in a single container makes the container appear fuller.

The plant thrives best in good-drained soil and with just an all-purpose potting mix, you are good to go!

It’s also fine to use regular potting soil provided that the soil doesn’t get soggy. You can  improve soil drainage  and aeration by adding some pumice or perlite.

In another case, your soil might seem to dry too quickly as opposed to holding moisture. Under these circumstances, mix in some vermiculite, peat moss or, coco coir to help the soil retain moisture.

3. Sunlight

This  groundcover plant  is hardy to zones 9 through 12 and it’s a nice houseplant.

Keep your indoor Jew plant, in a spot with bright but indirect light for example in an east or west-facing window. Your plant, therefore, will get plenty of natural light in the morning or evening, and bright indirect sun for the rest of the day.

This is important because when grown in too little light, the leaves’ color appears faded while under too much light, the leaves are prone to scorching.

On the other hand, an outdoor-grown plant requires a bright but partially shaded environment. This way the plant gets some shade during the hottest hours of the day.

This also applies to when you move your indoor plant outside for the summer.

4. Watering

Even though this plant is  drought tolerant , it requires regular watering or, it won’t survive long spells of dryness or wetness. So, practice good watering habits and keep the soil moist but not soggy.

Using your finger, check whether the topsoil feels dry, or use a  soil moisture gauge  to check if the plant needs watering. If it does,  water the plant  thoroughly until water comes out through the drainage holes in the pot.

Then empty the sauce to avoid the development of diseases such as root rot.

5. Fertilizer Application

Although this plant doesn’t need to be fertilized, feeding it once in a while will benefit the plant by replacing the nutrients lost every time you water it.

Apart from this, fertilizing also encourages the plant to bloom. Imagine enjoying the beautiful view of purple, pink or white flowers even in winter!

Hence, feed the plant each month in spring through summer with a liquid fertilizer formulated for houseplants mixed at half strength.

Furthermore, this plant can be sensitive to chemical fertilizers so, use organic plant foods such as compost tea or a general-purpose fertilizer. Adding slow-release organic granules in the soil works well too.

You can also use  liquid kelp  and fish emulsion but only on outdoor-grown Jew plants as the two formulations can get somewhat stinky when used indoors.

6. Humidity & Temperature

Humidity is another key requirement for a healthy and good performing Jew plant. This plant loves lots of humidity.

Although maintaining good humidity levels indoors especially during winter can be challenging, it is possible to increase the levels using a  humidifier .

Alternatively, fill a pebble tray with water and place the pot on the tray (don’t allow the pot to sit directly on water). This way, humidity around the plant increases as the water evaporates from the tray.

When it comes to temperature, the plant prefers warm temperatures of about 50-80 degrees. And when the temperature goes above 90 degrees, you need to water the plant more frequently and provide some shade to bring down the temperatures.

During winter, you need to be careful especially when the temperature is in a 45 degrees range. The plant will tolerate the condition for a short period but will die if the condition prolongs.

For this reason, device a way to help keep your plant’s ambient temperature above 50 degrees, for instance, a cold frame or a piece of woven cloth.

Pro Tip:  When humidity levels are too low, the plants’ leaves start to turn brown and eventually die.

7. Repotting

This plant is fast-growing and repotting is quite necessary whenever the plant becomes crowded in its pot/container.

To repot, first select a container that’s approximately 50% wider than the existing one. Then, use some fresh potting mix around the sides of that container, remove the plant from the current container/pot and place it into the new one.

Next, remove or add the potting mix as needed to keep the plant into place and fill to about 2 inches below the containers’ rim.

Finally, press the potting mix lightly to hold the plant into place.

With time, there is a likelihood of your plant becoming leggy. When this happens, prune back the plant and pinch off the stem tips as well.

This way, the plant produces two new growths from right below the pinched areas and the plant becomes bushier and healthier.

Also, prune off the long tendrils if you like to have your plant thick and compact.

9. Look out for Pests and Diseases

Spider mites.

These are some of the most common pests in Jew plants and they cause damage by sucking sap from the plant. They like dry and warm areas.

Get rid of spider mites  by misting, keeping the humidity high, or wash the plant with water to knock off the pests.

Plus, remove the infested plant parts/areas or use a systemic insecticide when the infestation is severe.

Aphids are another sap-sucking pests in wandering Jew plants. They are tiny, pear-shaped bugs that congregate along the stems in large masses.

Under severe infestation, the plant gets weak and eventually dies.  Get rid of aphids  by wiping the pests off the plant using a moist cloth (this works for low infestation), or spray the plant with an insecticidal soap or neem oil when the infestation is high.

This is the most common disease in wandering plants. It is caused by either over-watering or, your soil holding too much water. So, if the soil drains well but there is an occurrence of root rot, reduce the watering frequency.

And if the problem is poor drainage, devise ways of improving soil drainage such as adding some perlite or compost to the soil.

Common Problems in Wandering Jew Plant

Leggy plants.

Your plant might become leggy as a result of lack of light, especially during winter. You should hence keep your plant at a spot where it gets the right amount of sun.

However, if you don’t have such a spot in your house, try using grow lights to compliment the available natural light.

Brown leaves on inch plant

The leaves on your inch plant turn brown due to lack of enough moisture or humidity. Also, as the leaves age, they start dying out in the middle and this makes them appear brown. When this happens, prune the vines to refresh the plant.

Faded color on leaves

Faded or dull color on leaves is an indication of too much light, not enough light, or a bug infestation. Therefore, provide the appropriate growing conditions for your plant.

Now that you have read this article, I bet the question of wandering Jew plant care is a thing of the past.

But most importantly, you have seen the things that must be done correctly for a healthy plant.

For example; choosing an appropriate soil/potting mix, selecting the best propagation method, proper watering and, applying the correct fertilizer and at the right time.

Apart from this, pruning and, repotting crowded plants as well as protecting the plants from pests and diseases is a great way of ensuring you have a good–performing wandering plant.

Oh!  And don’t forget to keep the environment humid enough.

What has been your experience growing wandering plants?

Share with us in the comments.

University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Wandering Jew Temperature Tolerance ( Should I Bring It Inside the House?)

The wandering jew plant can tolerate temperatures between 60-75°f (15-24°c), making it suitable for indoors and outdoors depending on your climate. As a popular houseplant, it thrives in bright indirect light and humid environments.

However, extreme temperatures below 50°f (10°c) or above 85°f (29°c) may harm the plant. To ensure its well-being, bring it indoors during frosty winters or scorching summers, and place it near a window for ample sunlight. Remember to provide sufficient humidity by misting or placing the pot on a tray of water-filled pebbles.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the beauty of the wandering jew plant inside your house while maintaining its temperature requirements.

Understanding Wandering Jew Temperature Tolerance

Wandering jew, scientifically known as tradescantia zebrina, is a popular indoor and outdoor plant known for its vibrant foliage and easy maintenance. However, before deciding whether to bring your wandering jew inside the house, it’s important to understand its temperature tolerance.

Let’s explore this further:

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Table of Contents

What Is Wandering Jew?

  • Wandering jew, commonly referred to as inch plant or purple heart, is a fast-growing trailing plant native to the subtropical regions of mexico and guatemala.
  • It features heart-shaped leaves with vibrant purple hues on the upper surface and contrasting silver stripes on the lower side.
  • Due to its attractive appearance and low maintenance requirements, it has gained popularity as an ornamental plant across the globe.

How Does Its Temperature Tolerance Vary In Different Climate Zones?

  • Wandering jew thrives in temperatures ranging from 60°f to 85°f (15°c to 29°c), making it well-suited for most indoor environments.
  • In tropical and subtropical climates, it can tolerate higher temperatures, reaching up to 95°f (35°c) for short periods.
  • However, prolonged exposure to temperatures below 50°f (10°c) can lead to damage and hinder its growth.

The Impact Of Temperature On The Growth And Health Of Wandering Jew:

  • Optimal temperature conditions play a significant role in the growth and overall health of wandering jew.
  • When exposed to temperatures below its tolerance range, the plant may show signs of stress, such as wilting leaves, slowed growth, and leaf drop.
  • In extremely cold conditions, the plant can suffer frost damage or even die. It’s essential to protect it from cold drafts and temperatures below 50°f (10°c).
  • Conversely, when subjected to high temperatures beyond its range, wandering jew may experience leaf burn, with leaves turning brown and crispy.
  • To ensure optimum growth, it’s advisable to provide wandering jew with a stable indoor temperature between 60°f and 75°f (15°c to 24°c).

Understanding the temperature tolerance of wandering jew is crucial in determining whether to bring it indoors. By providing the right conditions, you can enjoy the beauty of this plant all year round. Keep in mind its preferred temperature range to help it thrive and continue to add vibrancy to your indoor or outdoor space.

Ideal Temperature Range For Wandering Jew

Optimal temperature conditions for wandering jew.

  • Wandering jew (tradescantia zebrina) is a beautiful houseplant known for its vibrant purple and green leaves. To ensure its health and growth, it’s crucial to provide the ideal temperature conditions. Here’s what you need to know:
  • Wandering jew thrives in temperatures ranging from 60°f to 80°f (15°c to 27°c), making it well-suited for indoor cultivation.
  • This plant prefers a warm environment with relatively high humidity. So, maintaining a temperature around 70°f (21°c) is ideal for its overall well-being.
  • Extreme temperatures can negatively impact wandering jew’s growth and health. Here’s how high and low temperatures can affect your plant:

How High And Low Temperatures Affect The Plant’S Overall Health?

High temperatures:

  • Excessively hot conditions above 85°f (29°c) can cause the leaves to wilt and become dehydrated. It can also make the plant more susceptible to pests and diseases.
  • When exposed to prolonged high temperatures, the vibrant colors of wandering jew’s leaves may fade, making it lose its striking visual appeal.

Low temperatures:

  • Wandering jew is sensitive to cold temperatures, especially those below 50°f (10°c). Exposure to freezing conditions can lead to leaf discoloration, damage, and even death of the plant.
  • Cold drafts or sudden temperature drops can cause the leaves to curl or become discolored. It’s crucial to protect your wandering jew from chilly air.
  • While occasional temperature fluctuations are tolerable, maintaining a consistent indoor temperature is essential for this plant’s overall health and vitality.

Temperature Guidelines For Successful Indoor Cultivation Of Wandering Jew

  • To ensure successful indoor cultivation of wandering jew, follow these temperature guidelines:
  • Keep the temperature between 60°f and 80°f (15°c to 27°c) for optimal growth.
  • Avoid placing the plant near drafty windows or doors, as cold air can damage the leaves.
  • During the winter months, protect your wandering jew from cold drafts and maintain a slightly warmer temperature within its vicinity.
  • If you live in an area with extremely high temperatures, try to provide some shade or move the plant to a cooler spot to prevent wilting and leaf damage.

Best Practices For Maintaining The Right Temperature Indoors

  • Here are some best practices for maintaining the right temperature for your wandering jew plant indoors:
  • Place the plant in a location with indirect sunlight and consistent room temperature.
  • Use a thermometer to monitor the temperature regularly and adjust if needed.
  • Avoid placing the plant near heating or cooling vents, as rapid temperature changes can stress the plant.
  • Consider using a humidifier to increase humidity levels, especially during dry winter months.
  • Insulate windows or doors to prevent cold drafts, ensuring a stable temperature for your wandering jew.
  • By following these best practices, you can create a favorable temperature environment that promotes the health and longevity of your wandering jew plant.

Remember, temperature plays a crucial role in the well-being of your wandering jew. Providing the ideal conditions will not only keep the plant thriving but also enhance its beauty for you to enjoy.

Wandering Jew Temperature Tolerance ( Should I Bring It Inside the House?)

Signaling The Need To Bring Wandering Jew Inside

Signs of temperature stress in wandering jew:.

  • Wilting leaves: When the leaves of your wandering jew start drooping or looking limp, it’s a sign that the plant is experiencing temperature stress.
  • Leaf discoloration: If you notice the leaves turning yellow, brown, or black, it indicates that the plant is not tolerating the current temperature conditions.
  • Leaf curling: Another visible sign of temperature stress is the curling of the leaves. When they start curling inward or downward, it is a clear indication that the temperatures are too extreme for the plant.

How To Gauge If The Current Outdoor Temperature Is Unfavorable For Wandering Jew:

  • Check the weather forecast: Regularly monitoring the weather forecast can help you anticipate extreme temperature conditions and whether it’s a good idea to bring your wandering jew inside.
  • Observe the plant’s behavior: Pay attention to how the plant reacts to the surrounding temperature. If it shows signs of stress like wilting or discoloration, it’s likely that the current temperature is not suitable for the plant.

Understanding The Specific Temperature Thresholds For Bringing The Plant Indoors:

  • Cold temperature threshold: Wandering jew is sensitive to cold temperatures and cannot tolerate anything below 50°f (10°c). Bringing it inside when temperatures drop below this threshold is essential to prevent damage.
  • Extreme heat threshold: Similarly, extreme heat can also harm the plant. When temperatures soar above 90°f (32°c), it’s advisable to provide some shade or move the wandering jew inside to protect it from the scorching sun.

What To Do If Unexpected Temperature Variations Occur:

  • Monitor the plant closely: Keep a close eye on your wandering jew and observe any signs of stress or discomfort due to sudden temperature changes.
  • Provide gradual acclimation: If unexpected temperature variations occur, it’s best to gradually acclimate your plant to the new conditions. Gradual exposure allows your wandering jew to adjust without experiencing too much shock.

Remember, maintaining the ideal temperature range for your wandering jew is crucial for its well-being. Knowing the signs of temperature stress, gauging outdoor temperature suitability, understanding specific temperature thresholds, and taking appropriate measures during unexpected temperature variations will help ensure the healthy growth and survival of your wandering jew.

Creating The Ideal Environment Indoors For Wandering Jew

Wandering jew plants, known for their vibrant and trailing foliage, can thrive both outdoors and indoors. However, when deciding to bring your wandering jew inside, it’s crucial to create an environment that caters to its specific needs. Factors to consider include temperature, humidity, lighting conditions, and the challenges that may arise during the transition from the outdoors to indoors.

Here are some tips on how to provide the ideal conditions for your wandering jew within your house:

Factors To Consider When Bringing Wandering Jew Inside:

  • Temperature: Wandering jew plants prefer warmer temperatures between 60°f and 75°f (15°c and 24°c). Avoid exposing the plant to extreme cold or hot drafts, as it can harm its sensitive foliage.
  • Humidity: These plants thrive in environments with humid air. Indoors, it’s crucial to maintain a humidity level of around 50% to 60%. If the air becomes too dry, especially during the winter months when heaters are in use, consider using a humidifier or placing a tray filled with water near the plant to increase moisture in the air.
  • Lighting conditions: Wandering jew plants require bright, indirect light to thrive indoors. Place them near a window where they can receive ample filtered sunlight. However, be cautious of direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves. If adequate natural light is not available, you can supplement it with fluorescent or led grow lights.

Tips For Ensuring Suitable Humidity And Lighting Conditions Indoors:

  • Provide a humidifier or use a pebble tray to increase moisture levels around the plant.
  • Avoid placing the plant near heating vents or drafts that can dry out the air.
  • Rotate the plant periodically to ensure even exposure to light and prevent it from leaning towards the light source.
  • Consider using a curtain or sheer fabric to filter intense sunlight if the plant is placed near a window receiving direct sunlight.

Addressing Potential Challenges Of Transitioning The Plant From Outdoors To Indoors:

  • Gradual transition: Before bringing your wandering jew inside, gradually expose it to reduced sunlight and temperature changes by moving it to a shaded area outdoors.
  • Pest prevention: Inspect the plant for any pests or diseases before bringing it indoors. Treat any issues promptly to avoid an infestation within your home.
  • Adjust watering routine: As the plant’s watering needs may differ indoors, ensure that you adjust your watering routine accordingly. Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot.

How To Maintain The Ideal Temperature Range For Wandering Jew Within The House?

  • Keep the plant away from cold drafts, such as open windows or air conditioning vents, particularly during winter.
  • Place the plant in a location with consistent room temperature, avoiding extreme variations.
  • Monitor the temperature regularly to ensure it stays within the preferred range of 60°f to 75°f (15°c to 24°c).

By following these guidelines and creating a conducive environment indoors, you set your wandering jew up for success. Providing suitable temperature, humidity, and lighting conditions will help your plant thrive and display its beautiful foliage all year round.

Adapting Wandering Jew To A New Indoor Climate

Wandering jew, with its vibrant foliage and delicate purple flowers, can be a beautiful addition to any indoor space. However, it is essential to understand how to properly acclimate this plant to its new indoor environment to ensure its survival.

Here’s what you need to know about adjusting wandering jew to indoor conditions:

  • Temperature requirements: Wandering jew thrives in warm temperatures between 65 to 85°f (18 to 29°c). It is crucial to maintain a consistent temperature within this range to provide the optimal growing conditions for your plant.
  • Light exposure: Wandering jew is a light-loving plant. It prefers bright, indirect light but can adapt to moderate to low light conditions as well. Be cautious of placing it in direct sunlight, as it may scorch the leaves.
  • Humidity levels: Wandering jew appreciates moderately high humidity levels. Indoor environments tend to have lower humidity than outdoor settings, especially during the winter months. Mist the leaves regularly or place a tray with water near the plant to increase the humidity.

The Acclimation Process For Wandering Jew After Bringing It Indoors

When transitioning your wandering jew from an outdoor to an indoor climate, it is crucial to follow a proper acclimation process. This helps the plant adjust and prevents undue stress or shock. Here’s how to do it right:

  • Gradual transition: Start by bringing the plant indoors for a few hours each day, gradually increasing its time indoors over the course of a week. This acclimates the plant to the lower light levels and temperature fluctuations it will experience indoors.
  • Observe the plant: Keep a close eye on your wandering jew during the acclimation process. Watch for any signs of stress, such as wilting or yellowing leaves. Adjust the plant’s placement or care accordingly to ensure it thrives in its new indoor environment.

Common Mistakes To Avoid During The Transition Period

During the transition period, it’s essential to be aware of common mistakes that can hinder the successful acclimation of your wandering jew. Avoid the following pitfalls:

  • Overwatering: Indoor environments typically have lower light levels and less need for water. Avoid overwatering your wandering jew, as it can lead to root rot and other moisture-related issues. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out before watering.
  • Drastic temperature changes: While wandering jew can adapt to indoor temperatures, sudden extreme shifts can stress the plant. Avoid placing it near drafts, heating/cooling vents, or windows that become excessively cold during winter months.

Monitoring The Plant’S Response And Adjusting Care Accordingly

To ensure your wandering jew thrives in its new indoor habitat, monitoring its response and providing appropriate care is necessary. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Regular inspections: Frequently inspect your plant’s leaves for signs of stress, such as discoloration or wilting. Catching issues early allows you to take prompt action and adjust care as needed.
  • Adjusting care: Based on your plant’s response, adapt its care routine accordingly. For example, if you notice leggy growth, consider increasing light exposure. If the leaves become pale, it may require fertilization.

By following these guidelines and paying careful attention to your wandering jew’s needs, you can successfully adapt it to a new indoor climate. Enjoy the beauty and charm this plant brings to your home while providing it with a nurturing environment to thrive in.

Maintaining Optimal Temperature For Wandering Jew Indoors

The temperature inside your home plays a crucial role in the wellness of your wandering jew plant. Keeping it within the ideal range is key to ensuring its vibrant growth. Thankfully, there are strategies and innovative tools available to help you achieve this.

Additionally, if maintaining the perfect temperature becomes a challenge, there are alternative methods you can explore to provide the best environment for your plant. Let’s delve into each aspect in detail:

Strategies For Controlling Indoor Temperature Effectively:

  • Proper placement: Find a suitable spot in your home where the wandering jew can thrive. Consider its preference for bright, indirect light and ensure it’s away from drafts or vents.
  • Temperature monitoring: Invest in a reliable thermometer to keep an eye on the temperature fluctuations around your wandering jew. Regular monitoring will allow you to make timely adjustments.
  • Strategic placement of heat sources: If your home tends to get cold, consider placing your wandering jew near a heat source such as a radiator or a space heater. Ensure the plant is not in direct contact with the heat source to avoid damage.
  • Humidity control: Wandering jew plants appreciate higher humidity levels. You can use a humidifier or place a tray of water near the plant to increase the moisture in the air. Just be careful not to overwater the plant itself to avoid root rot.

Innovative Tools And Technologies To Regulate Temperature Indoors:

  • Programmable thermostats: These handy devices allow you to set specific temperature ranges for different times of the day. You can optimize the temperature to meet the wandering jew’s requirements during various periods.
  • Smart home systems: Integrating your indoor temperature control with a smart home system enables you to remotely monitor and adjust the temperature for your plant. Some systems even have specific settings for houseplants.

Possible Alternatives If Maintaining The Ideal Temperature Range Becomes Difficult:

  • Grow lights: If your home lacks sufficient natural light or if seasonal variations make it challenging to provide optimal temperature for your wandering jew, consider using grow lights. Led grow lights are energy-efficient and can help create a controlled environment for your plant.
  • Terrarium setup: Instead of trying to regulate the temperature of your entire home, you can create a mini-environment for your wandering jew inside a terrarium. Terrariums provide insulation and allow you to control temperature and humidity effectively.

Regular Temperature Monitoring And Adjustments For Long-Term Success:

  • Observation: Stay attentive to your plant’s behavior and appearance. Signs of temperature stress, such as yellowing leaves or wilting, call for adjustments in the indoor temperature.
  • Experiment and adapt: Every home is different, and finding the right temperature range for your wandering jew may require some trial and error. Be patient, observe the plant’s response, and make necessary adjustments accordingly.

Creating a conducive indoor temperature for your wandering jew is crucial in promoting its overall health and vigour. By implementing effective strategies, utilizing technological innovations, exploring alternatives, and consistently monitoring and adjusting temperatures, you can provide an ideal environment for your beloved plant.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Wandering Jew Temperature Tolerance ( Should I Bring It Inside The House?)

Can wandering jew survive in cold temperatures outside.

Yes, wandering jew thrives in warmer climates. It is best to bring it indoors during colder months to prevent damage from frost.

How Cold Can Wandering Jew Tolerate?

Wandering jew prefers temperatures between 60°f to 75°f. It can tolerate slightly lower temperatures, but prolonged exposure to cold can damage the plant.

How To Protect Wandering Jew From Cold Temperatures?

To protect wandering jew from cold temperatures, bring it indoors when the temperature drops. Place it in a location with bright, indirect light and moderate humidity.

Should I Bring Wandering Jew Inside During Winter?

Yes, it is advisable to bring wandering jew inside during winter to prevent it from getting exposed to cold drafts and freezing temperatures. This will help maintain its health and prevent cold-related damage.

Can I Leave Wandering Jew Outside During Summer?

Yes, wandering jew can be left outside during summer as it thrives in warmer temperatures. Ensure that it is placed in a spot with partial shade to prevent direct sunlight from scorching the leaves.

What Happens If Wandering Jew Is Exposed To Freezing Temperatures?

Exposure to freezing temperatures can cause damage to the leaves and stems of wandering jew. It may result in wilting, browning, and even death of the plant if prolonged exposure occurs. It is best to bring it indoors to protect it from freezing temperatures.

The wandering jew plant is a beautiful and popular addition to any garden. Its temperature tolerance makes it a versatile choice for both indoor and outdoor environments. While it can withstand a wide range of temperatures, it is important to consider the specific needs of your wandering jew plant before deciding whether to bring it indoors.

Factors such as humidity and sunlight are crucial for its overall health and well-being. Additionally, the wandering jew is a low-maintenance plant that requires minimal care, making it an ideal choice for busy individuals. By providing the right conditions and regularly monitoring its temperature, you can ensure the longevity and vibrancy of your wandering jew plant.

So, whether you decide to bring it inside or leave it outside, your wandering jew will continue to thrive and add a touch of natural beauty to your living space.

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Amelia Clark

I'm Amelia Clark , a seasoned florist and gardening specialist with more than 15 years of practical expertise. Following the completion of my formal education, I dedicated myself to a flourishing career in floristry, acquiring extensive understanding of diverse flower species and their ideal cultivation requirements. Additionally, I possess exceptional skills as a writer and public speaker, having successfully published numerous works and delivered engaging presentations at various local garden clubs and conferences. Check our Social media Profiles: Facebook Page , LinkedIn , Pinterest , Youtube , Instagram Tumblr

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How Cold Can Wandering Jew Tolerate

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Wandering Jew, also known as Tradescantia , is a popular and low-maintenance houseplant that adds beauty to any indoor or outdoor space. It is characterized by its vibrant foliage and delicate flowers. Before diving into the specifics of how cold a Wandering Jew can tolerate, let’s explore the basics of this plant.

Wandering Jew is a common name given to several species of trailing plants belonging to the genus Tradescantia . These plants are native to South America but are now widely cultivated and cherished for their attractive appearance and ease of care. There are various types of Wandering Jew plants, including Tradescantia zebrina , Tradescantia pallida , and Tradescantia fluminensis , each with its unique features and requirements.

When it comes to the climate requirements for Wandering Jew, it is important to create an environment that mimics its preferred conditions. Wandering Jew thrives in warm and humid conditions, preferring temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 27 degrees Celsius) and a relative humidity of about 50% to 60% .

But how cold can Wandering Jew tolerate? The hardiness of Wandering Jew depends on the specific species and variety. Generally, Wandering Jew is not frost-tolerant and is recommended for hardiness zones 9 to 11. It cannot survive extremely cold temperatures and is susceptible to damage or even death when exposed to freezing conditions.

To protect your Wandering Jew from cold temperatures, different care approaches are required for indoor and outdoor plants. Indoor care involves placing the plant away from drafty windows or doors and maintaining a consistent room temperature. Outdoor care involves either bringing the plant indoors during the colder months or providing adequate protection with covers or mulch.

Common issues that Wandering Jew may face in cold temperatures include frost damage, freezing damage, and edema. Frost damage can lead to browning and wilting of the leaves, while freezing damage can result in plant death. Edema, characterized by water-filled blisters on the foliage, can occur when the plant is subjected to fluctuating temperatures and excessive moisture.

To successfully overwinter your Wandering Jew, it is essential to prepare the plant beforehand by pruning and reducing watering frequency. Strategies for successful overwintering include providing adequate insulation, adjusting light exposure, and monitoring humidity levels. For more information on how to propagate a Wandering Jew, visit this guide .

By understanding the climate requirements, tolerance to cold temperatures, and implementing proper care measures, you can enjoy the beauty of Wandering Jew throughout the year, even in colder climates.

What is Wandering Jew?

Wandering Jew is a type of plant known for its trailing vines and vibrant foliage, making it a popular houseplant.

This plant, belonging to the genus Tradescantia , is native to North and South America.

The Wandering Jew is highly adaptable to different growing conditions, thriving in both bright and moderate light.

Its leaves display a striking combination of green or purple with stripes or patches of silver, white, or pink, capturing the attention of plant enthusiasts.

Taking care of the Wandering Jew plant is relatively easy, requiring regular watering and well-draining soil.

However, it is important to keep in mind that this plant can be toxic if ingested, making it necessary to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

So, what exactly is Wandering Jew?

Types of Wandering Jew Plants

There are several types of Wandering Jew plants to choose from:

  • Tradescantia zebrina: This particular variety, commonly known as the Zebrina or Wandering Jew , has eye-catching, silver-striped leaves with purple undersides.
  • Tradescantia pallida: If you’re looking to add a vibrant pop of color, the Purple Heart or Purple Queen variety is perfect. It features striking purple foliage.
  • Tradescantia fluminensis: For those who prefer a more delicate and elegant appearance, the Small-Leaf Spiderwort or Inch Plant is an excellent choice. It showcases small, glossy green leaves with white stripes.

Each type of Wandering Jew plant has its own unique characteristics, allowing you to select based on personal preference. The Zebrina variety stands out with its impressive foliage, while the Purple Heart variety brings a burst of rich color to any space. On the other hand, the Small-Leaf Spiderwort exudes a delicate beauty.

When choosing a Wandering Jew plant, it is important to consider the specific care requirements of each variety. Ensure that the plant’s light and moisture needs align with your available growing conditions. Additionally, consider the desired aesthetic and the size of the plant to ensure a perfect fit for your space.

Climate Requirements for Wandering Jew

Climate Requirements for Wandering Jew - How Cold Can Wandering Jew Tolerate

Photo Credits: Allotinabox.Com by Philip Sanchez

Wandering Jew plants, known for their vibrant foliage, have specific climate requirements that directly affect their growth and well-being. Understanding these climate preferences is crucial for successfully cultivating and caring for these gorgeous plants. In this section, we will dive into the optimal temperature range and ideal humidity levels that Wandering Jew thrives in. So, get ready to discover the key environmental factors that contribute to the thriving beauty of these captivating plants.

Optimal Temperature Range

The optimal temperature range for Wandering Jew plants is crucial to their growth and well-being. It is important to provide the right conditions for these plants to thrive and flourish. Below is a table that highlights the optimal temperature range for Wandering Jew plants.

Maintaining the optimal temperature range is vital for these plants. Temperatures below 55 F can cause the growth of Wandering Jew plants to slow down , while temperatures above 85 F can stunt their growth . It is important to ensure that the temperature remains within the favorable range to promote healthy growth. To learn more about how to prune a Wandering Jew , follow the link. In addition to temperature, other factors such as humidity and proper care also contribute to the well-being of Wandering Jew plants. By providing the ideal temperature range and creating a suitable environment for these plants, you can ensure their longevity and overall health. Remember to consider the optimal temperature range when caring for your Wandering Jew plants to ensure their continued growth and vitality.

Ideal Humidity Levels

The ideal humidity levels for Wandering Jew plants, known as ideal humidity levels, are crucial for their growth and overall health. Maintaining the right moisture in the air helps to prevent issues such as dehydration and fungal diseases. Here are some important facts about the ideal humidity levels for Wandering Jew:

  • Optimal humidity: Wandering Jew plants thrive in environments with ideal humidity levels between 50% and 70%. This range ensures that the plants receive enough moisture without causing excessive dampness.
  • Low humidity problems: When the ideal humidity levels drop below 30%, Wandering Jew plants can suffer from dryness and wilting. This can lead to stunted growth and an unhealthy appearance.
  • High humidity problems: On the other hand, when the ideal humidity levels exceed 80%, Wandering Jew plants are prone to fungal infections and rot. It is important to maintain good air circulation to prevent these issues.
  • Humidity indicators: Using a hygrometer is an effective way to measure and monitor the ideal humidity levels in the vicinity of Wandering Jew plants. This device provides accurate readings and helps to ensure proper humidity control.

By maintaining the ideal humidity levels, you can cultivate thriving Wandering Jew plants and enhance their overall well-being.

How Cold Can Wandering Jew Tolerate?

Wandering Jew, the vibrant and versatile houseplant, has captivated many with its resilience and beauty. But have you ever wondered just how cold this plant can tolerate? In this section, we’ll uncover the depths of its cold tolerance and explore the relationship between hardiness zones and the Wandering Jew’s ability to withstand chilling temperatures. Stay tuned to learn fascinating facts about this remarkable plant’s ability to endure the cold!

Hardiness Zones for Wandering Jew

The hardiness zones for Wandering Jew plants determine their ability to tolerate cold temperatures. Different regions have different temperature ranges that plants can withstand, which is classified into hardiness zones. The hardiness zones for Wandering Jew plants range from 9 to 12 , according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) hardiness zone map.

To better understand the hardiness zones for Wandering Jew, refer to the following table:

In regions classified under these hardiness zones for Wandering Jew, Wandering Jew plants can tolerate the mentioned temperature ranges without severe damage. It’s important to note that temperatures below the lower range or sudden temperature drops can still harm the plants, even if they are within the designated hardiness zones. Taking proper care, such as providing adequate protection or moving the plants indoors during extreme cold, can help prevent frost damage or freezing.

Understanding the hardiness zones for Wandering Jew plants is crucial in determining their suitability for outdoor cultivation in different climates. By considering these hardiness zones for Wandering Jew, you can ensure that your Wandering Jew plants thrive and stay healthy in their respective environments.

Tolerance to Cold Temperatures

Wandering Jew plants exhibit a moderate tolerance to cold temperatures, enabling them to endure as low as 25 F (-4 C) for short durations without enduring severe damage. Nonetheless, prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can result in significant harm to these plants.

To safeguard Wandering Jew plants from the cold, it is advisable to bring indoor plants inside once the temperature declines below 50 F (10 C). Alternatively, providing them with additional insulation by covering them with blankets or transferring them to a more sheltered area can be beneficial. Outdoor plants can also benefit from the application of mulch around their base to shield their roots from freezing.

It is noteworthy that Wandering Jew plants might exhibit signs of stress, such as leaves wilting or browning, if subjected to cold temperatures for an extended period. They are particularly susceptible to cold damage during the winter months when their growth rate slows down.

Fun Fact: Wandering Jew plants gained their name from their remarkable ability to rapidly spread and “wander” across different areas, mirroring the nomadic nature of the Jewish diaspora.

Protecting Wandering Jew from Cold

Want to keep your beloved Wandering Jew plant safe from the cold? Look no further! In this section, we’ll uncover the tricks of protecting your Wandering Jew from chilly temperatures. From indoor care during cold weather to tackling the great outdoors, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to ensure your Wandering Jew stays happy and thriving, regardless of the frosty conditions. Say goodbye to cold-induced plant woes and let’s dive into this frosty adventure!

Indoor Care in Cold Weather

Indoor care in cold weather is crucial for the well-being and survival of Wandering Jew. To ensure the plant’s health, specific attention needs to be given.

  • Temperature: Keep the indoor temperature between 55-65 F (13-18 C) to provide the preferred slightly cooler temperatures that Wandering Jew likes during winter.
  • Light: Place the plant near a bright window where it can receive indirect sunlight. Adequate light is essential for its growth during the cold months.
  • Watering: During winter, reduce the frequency of watering as the plant’s growth slows down. To prevent overwatering, allow the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Humidity: Increase humidity levels around the plant by using a humidifier or placing a tray filled with water nearby. This will help create the tropical environment that the Wandering Jew prefers.
  • Pruning: Encourage a compact and healthy growth habit by trimming any leggy or damaged foliage. This will also prevent overcrowding of the plant.
  • Fertilizing: The plant’s nutritional needs are lower during its dormant phase in the winter, so reduce or halt fertilization during this time.
  • Pest control: Regularly inspect the plant for signs of pests like spider mites or aphids. If any infestation is present, take prompt action to treat it.
  • Avoid drafts: Protect the foliage from damage by keeping the plant away from drafty windows or doors that might expose it to cold air.
  • Monitoring: Regularly check the moisture level of the soil and the overall health of the plant. Make necessary adjustments to provide the best indoor care.

Outdoor Care in Cold Weather

When it comes to outdoor care in cold weather for Wandering Jew plants, there are a few important factors to consider. Wandering Jew plants are sensitive to cold temperatures and cannot tolerate frost, so it is crucial to bring them indoors or provide adequate protection when the temperature drops below 50 F (10 C).

Choose a sheltered spot for your Wandering Jew plants outdoors, away from cold drafts and strong winds. Placing them near a wall or under the eaves of a building can provide some additional protection.

When temperatures fall near freezing, cover your Wandering Jew plants with a frost cloth or blanket. This extra layer can help insulate them and prevent freeze damage.

In cold weather, reduce the frequency of watering to prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged. Overly wet soil can lead to root rot, especially when combined with chilly temperatures.

Trim back any frost-damaged or dead foliage from your Wandering Jew plants in cold weather. This will help them focus on healthy growth once the weather warms up.

By following these tips for outdoor care in cold weather, you can protect your Wandering Jew plants and ensure their well-being during the winter months.

Common Issues with Wandering Jew in Cold Temperatures

Dealing with your Wandering Jew during cold temperatures can be challenging, as they are sensitive to the cold. In this section, we’ll delve into common issues that arise when the temperature drops. We’ll explore the potential frost and freezing damage that can occur, as well as the phenomenon of edema . By understanding these cold-related challenges, you’ll be equipped to keep your Wandering Jew thriving and healthy, even when the weather turns frigid.

Frost Damage

Frost damage can be a common issue for Wandering Jew plants when they are exposed to cold temperatures. It occurs when the plant’s tissues are damaged by freezing temperatures, leading to blackened, wilted, or discolored leaves.

To prevent frost damage, it is important to provide protection for your Wandering Jew plant. Here are some suggestions:

1. Bring indoor: If you live in an area with frosty winters, it is best to bring your Wandering Jew plant indoors. Place it in a warm and well-lit location away from drafty windows or doors.

2. Cover outdoor plants: If you prefer to keep your Wandering Jew plant outdoors, cover it with a plant cloth or frost blanket when temperatures drop below freezing. This will help protect the plant from direct exposure to cold air.

3. Avoid overwatering: During colder months, reduce the frequency of watering your Wandering Jew plant. Overwatering can make the plant more susceptible to frost damage.

4. Provide adequate lighting: Make sure that your indoor Wandering Jew plant receives enough light during the winter months. Consider using grow lights if natural light is limited.

Remember, prevention is key when it comes to frost damage. By taking these precautions, you can ensure that your Wandering Jew plant stays healthy and thrives even during cold temperatures.

Freezing Damage

Freezing damage can be detrimental to Wandering Jew plants as it can cause irreversible harm. When these plants are exposed to extremely low temperatures, the water inside their cells may freeze and expand. As a result, the cells burst, leading to irreversible damage.

To prevent freezing damage, it is crucial to take appropriate measures. This involves moving Wandering Jew plants that are indoors away from drafty windows or doors during cold weather. Additionally, providing insulation for the plants, such as using a curtain or placing them away from cold surfaces, can help shield them against freezing temperatures.

For outdoor Wandering Jew plants, if there is a risk of frost or freezing temperatures, covering them with a cloth or plastic sheet can offer temporary protection. This barrier helps to retain heat and prevent the plants from freezing.

It is essential to note that even with these protective measures, prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can still harm Wandering Jew plants. Therefore, it is advisable to bring outdoor plants inside during periods of extremely cold weather.

By being aware of the risks of freezing damage and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure the health and well-being of your Wandering Jew plants throughout the colder months.

Edema, also known as oedema, is a common issue that can occur in Wandering Jew plants during cold temperatures. It is characterized by the swelling or abnormal accumulation of fluid in the plant’s leaves or stems.

One possible cause of edema in Wandering Jew plants is the fluctuation in temperature and moisture levels. When the plant is exposed to cold temperatures , combined with high humidity or overwatering , it can lead to the development of edema.

To prevent edema in Wandering Jew plants during cold weather, it is important to avoid overwatering and ensure proper drainage. Additionally, maintaining a consistent temperature and humidity level can help prevent the onset of edema. If edema occurs, it is best to reduce watering and provide adequate air circulation to promote healing.

Tips for Overwintering Wandering Jew

Preparing your Wandering Jew plant for overwintering? Look no further! In this section, we’ll dive into the best tips and strategies to ensure a successful overwintering experience. From practical preparation techniques to proven strategies, we’ve got you covered. Get ready to equip yourself with the knowledge and steps needed to help your Wandering Jew survive the colder months. Say goodbye to wilted leaves and hello to a thriving plant all year round!

Preparing for Overwintering

When preparing for overwintering your Wandering Jew plant, there are several important steps to take to ensure its survival:

  • Stop fertilizing: In the months leading up to winter, gradually reduce or stop fertilizing your Wandering Jew plant. This will allow it to enter a dormant state and conserve energy.
  • Adjust watering: Decrease the frequency of watering as winter approaches. The plant will require less water during its dormant period.
  • Prune and trim: Before bringing your Wandering Jew indoors for winter, trim any overgrown or diseased foliage. Pruning will promote healthy growth and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy.
  • Inspect for pests: Thoroughly check the plant for any pests or signs of infestation before bringing it indoors. Treat any issues accordingly to prevent the spread of pests to other houseplants.
  • Provide proper lighting: Place your Wandering Jew in a location that receives bright, indirect light during the winter months. If necessary, supplement with artificial lighting to ensure it receives adequate light for growth.
  • Maintain appropriate temperature: Keep the indoor temperature consistent and between 60-75 F (15-24 C) for the best growth and health of your Wandering Jew.

True story: Last winter, I followed these steps to prepare my Wandering Jew for overwintering. I trimmed back the overgrown foliage and inspected it for pests. I adjusted the watering schedule and moved it to a bright spot near a south-facing window. Despite the cold weather outside, my Wandering Jew thrived indoors and continued to display its vibrant, colorful foliage throughout the winter months.

Strategies for Successful Overwintering

Here are some strategies for successful overwintering of Wandering Jew plants:

  • Prepare the plant before the cold weather hits. Inspect the plant for any signs of pests or diseases and treat any issues accordingly to ensure the plant is in optimal health for overwintering.
  • Reduce the frequency of watering as the temperatures drop. Overwatering during winter can lead to root rot, so allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings.
  • Provide proper lighting by placing the plant near a window that receives plenty of sunlight. However, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight as it can scorch the leaves. Wandering Jew plants prefer bright indirect light.
  • Maintain the right temperature for the plant. While Wandering Jew plants can tolerate temperatures as low as 55 F (13 C), they prefer temperatures between 60-75 F (15-24 C). Avoid placing the plant in drafts or near cold windows.
  • Control humidity levels to help the plant thrive. If the air becomes dry during winter, you can use a humidifier or place a tray of water near the plant to increase humidity.
  • Limit fertilization during the winter months. Since the plant’s growth slows down, reduce the frequency of fertilizing. Fertilize only once every few months using a balanced houseplant fertilizer diluted to half-strength.
  • Avoid placing the plant near drafts from doors or windows to protect it. Cold drafts can shock the plant and cause damage.
  • Prune the plant selectively in late winter or early spring if it becomes leggy or overgrown. This will promote healthy growth and bushiness.
  • Monitor the plant for pests such as spider mites or mealybugs. If you notice any signs of infestation, treat the plant immediately to prevent further damage.

Frequently Asked Questions

How cold can wandering jew tolerate.

The Wandering Jew plant is sensitive to cold temperatures and cannot tolerate temperatures below 53 F (12 C).

Can Wandering Jew plants be grown outdoors in colder climates?

While Wandering Jew plants are native to Mexico and Central America, they can be grown as tender perennials in colder climates if protected from freezing temperatures.

What is the ideal temperature for Wandering Jew plants?

Wandering Jew plants prefer temperatures above 68 F (20 C) and thrive in the range of 50-80 F (10-27 C).

Should Wandering Jew plants be brought indoors during periods of extreme cold or hot temperatures?

Yes, it is recommended to move Wandering Jew plants indoors or provide them with protection during periods of extreme cold or hot temperatures.

What are the common issues with Wandering Jew plant care related to temperature?

Issues such as wilted leaves turning yellow due to excessive heat and dryness, as well as long bare stems due to lack of light, can be caused by improper temperature conditions.

Is it possible to grow Wandering Jew plants in USDA plant hardiness zones 9-11?

Yes, Wandering Jew plants can be grown outdoors in USDA plant hardiness zones 9-11, provided they are given proper care and protection in colder climates.

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I'm Chris the owner of AllotInABox and total plant geek with 15 years of house plant and gardening experience. You won't find anyone more obsessed with plants than me! My mission is to share my passion and experience through content on AllotInABox. So, grab your gardening gloves and join me on this wild botanical journey where we'll unleash our inner green thumbs together!

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Wandering Jew Plant Care

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Commonly called wandering Jew, the name refers to three species in the spiderwort genus. ‎ Tradescantia zebrina is a popular houseplant known for its vigorous growth and colorful, variegated foliage. Consisting of purple and deep green colored leaves with silver streaks, it is the most common variety grown indoors. Tradescantia pallida is a striking deep purple, with light purplish-pink flowers. Tradescantia fluminensis has dark green leaves and white, three-petaled flowers. In subtropical areas such as the southern United States, it is known as an invasive species, so most gardeners chose to avoid it.  

Wandering Jew is also called inch plant, or wandering dude. They produce a striking effect in hanging baskets or pedestals where the colorful vines can cascade down. In the summer months, they make great decorations to a shady front step or porch. During the winter, they can be easily brought in and grown as a houseplant. The wandering Jew is native to Mexico and Central America, but has been naturalized in Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and various oceanic islands. They are very hardy and low maintenance plants. If you are looking to grow wandering Jew plants, they can be obtained easily. You can ask around for some cuttings or buy at your local store. 

Wandering Jew Plant Care | Vego Garden

Light Requirements: Wandering Jews flourish in bright but indirect sunlight. If it is not getting enough light, the vibrant foliage will fade. However, if placed in direct light, the leaves will burn. The ideal location is an east or west facing window. When grown outdoors, keep it in partial shade. They are not tolerant of cold, and will die when it is below freezing if left outside. 

Soil: Wandering Jews prefer light-weight, well-draining soil. You can use a standard houseplant soil mix, but make sure that it doesn’t leave the soil too soggy, which will increase the chance of root rot. Use can also experiment and create your own soil mix by adding equal parts of the following:

  • Compost and potting mix
  • Compost, peat, and potting soil
  • Perlite or coarse sand, compost, and potting soil  

Watering requirements: These plants require moderate watering. Make sure the soil is kept moist but not completely saturated or dried out. Usually when the top few inches of soil feel dry, it is ready for watering.

Fertilizing: Although wandering Jews do not require fertilizing, they will benefit from the occasional fertilizing. They only need to be fertilized during the growing season, which is spring though summer. Do not fertilize them during the winter or fall. Since they can be sensitive to chemical fertilizers, you should use an organic one. Apply a water-soluble fertilizer monthly during its active growing period, making sure it is diluted down to 50%. Fertilizer can encourage flowers in purple, pink, or white to bloom, which are small but interesting to see.

Pruning, Propagation, and Repotting: It is important that you regularly prune your plants as they grow quickly and drop older leaves, which can give it a spindly appearance. To prune a wandering Jew and increase its fullness, pinch or trim off new plant growth as well as weak or dead growth. They do not age well, typically only lasting two to three years because they look bare and unkempt. If your plant is starting to look unattractive, it is time to propagate new specimens from cuttings. 

Wandering Jew Plant Care | Vego Garden

It is very easy to propagate this plant, as it is extremely durable and will regrow from any piece that has a node. Use stem cuttings that are 4 – 6 inches long. Cut the plant below the leaf node, which is where the roots will grow. After you have removed the bottom leaves from your cuttings, place them in a pot of fresh, moist soil. You can expect to see new growth after several weeks. Alternatively, you can place them in a vase of water, and watch as the roots start to form. 

If the plant starts to become crowded, you can repot it by transplanting it to a wider pot. Simply remove the plant and gently set the root ball into a new pot that is at least one to two inches wider. Fill the pot with soil and water lightly. Be careful when handling with their stems, which are fragile and can easily break off. 

Some Considerations and Issues

Wandering Jew is not overly toxic, but can cause digestion irritation for cats and dogs if they eat it. The sap of wandering Jew can cause skin conditions in pets similar to dermatitis. Make sure to place your plants in a location that cannot be reached by your pets. Hanging containers are a good choice to display wandering Jew plants. 

Many problems can be attributed to watering. If the leaves are curling and drying, then it is likely that it has been underwatered. Start watering your plant regularly and adjust your watering schedule. Wandering Jews prefer humid environments, which can be an issue during winter months. To increase humidity, you can place a humidifier near the plant. If you find the stripes of your plant fading, it may be because it has limited light exposure. Place it in a sunnier spot to invigorate it. 

Another common issue is root rot, which is commonly identified by rapidly yellowing leaves, stunted growth, and soft, rotting stems. When this happens, cut off the rotted parts and replant the healthy cuttings in a new pot of soil. If your soil retains too much moisture, add perlite or coarse sand to the soil to improve drainage. 

Pests: Although wandering Jews are rarely prone to pests, you may occasionally spot spider mites and aphids. Since spider mites prefer warm dry areas, keep your plants misted and watered regularly. You can wash the leaves with water to get rid of pests. For more serious infestations, you can cut the infected area and dispose of it or apply natural insecticides. 

Growing Wandering Jew Outdoors

Wandering Jew can be planted outdoors if you live in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 through 11. They prefer warm temperatures ranging between 60 – 80 degrees and high humidity. The are commonly used as ground covers because the low-trailing leaves easily cascade over large areas. Tradescantia pallida is the type used for ground cover. 

Wandering Jew Plant Care | Vego Garden

They can also be grown in raised containers as a quick growing complement to taller plants, as shown in the photo. As wandering Jews have a tendency to spread quickly, a container makes it easy to prune and trim them. In areas with cool summers, situate the plant in full sun. In hotter areas, place them in partial shade, like on the porch.

The care instructions for plants outdoors are similar to those grown indoors. Plants grown in containers become unsightly over time, so it is recommended that you start new plants from cuttings. Make sure to use well-draining organic soil. If you decide to change your plans or want to get rid of it, it is easy to pull out old plants. 

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5 Essential Tips for Winterizing Your Wandering Jew Plant

5 Essential Tips for Winterizing Your Wandering Jew Plant

Are you looking for advice on how to winterize your beloved Wandering Jew Plant? You’ve come to the right place! With a few simple steps, you can help ensure your plant survives the winter months and is healthy and vibrant come springtime. In this blog post, we’ll cover the basics of winterizing your Wandering Jew Plant, including ideal locations, water and fertilizing tips, and protection from freezing temperatures. Ready to get started? Let’s begin by taking a look at what a Wandering Jew Plant is and when to begin winterizing it.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Understanding the Basics of Winterizing Wandering Jew Plants
  • 2 Selecting an Ideal Location for Your Plant During the Colder Months
  • 3 Properly Watering Your Plant to Prepare for Winter
  • 4 Ensuring Your Plant is Receiving Adequate Light in Winter
  • 5 Protecting Your Plant from Freezing Temperatures

Understanding the Basics of Winterizing Wandering Jew Plants

As the winter months approach, it’s important to take extra steps to ensure that your beloved Wandering Jew plant remains healthy and vibrant. Winterizing your plant can be a challenge, but with a few key steps, you can help your beloved Wandering Jew Plant survive the cold and thrive all year long.

First, let’s start with the basics. What is a Wandering Jew Plant? As its name implies, the Wandering Jew Plant is a low-growing, vining plant. It has thick, fleshy stems and oval-shaped leaves that can range in color from deep purple to lime green. The Wandering Jew Plant is a popular houseplant and is known for its easy care requirements and its low maintenance nature.

Now, let’s talk about the best time to begin winterizing your Wandering Jew Plant. The best time to begin winterizing your Wandering Jew Plant is in late summer or early fall, before the first frost. This will give your plant time to adjust to the shorter days and cooler temperatures before the winter months set in.

Next, let’s talk about selecting an ideal location for your plant during the cold months. When selecting a location for your Wandering Jew Plant during the winter, you’ll need to consider a few factors. Temperature is key; ideally, you should select a spot that has a temperature between 60-65°F. You’ll also want to consider humidity levels as Wandering Jew Plants prefer a bit of extra moisture in the air.

When winterizing your Wandering Jew Plant, it’s also important to make sure you are properly watering it. During the winter months, you’ll need to cut back on watering and let the soil dry out slightly between waterings. You may also want to fertilize your Wandering Jew Plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks.

Finally, you’ll want to make sure your Wandering Jew Plant is receiving adequate light in winter. Wandering Jew Plants prefer bright, indirect light, so you’ll want to select a spot where your plant will receive at least four to six hours of indirect sunlight each day. If you’re unable to provide your plant with adequate light, you may want to set up artificial lighting.

To protect your Wandering Jew Plant from freezing temperatures, you’ll need to provide some extra insulation. You can use blankets, burlap, or cardboard to help keep your Wandering Jew Plant warm. You may also want to consider setting up a space heater in the room where your plant is located.

By following these simple steps, you can easily winterize your Wandering Jew Plant and ensure it remains healthy and vibrant all year long.

Selecting an Ideal Location for Your Plant During the Colder Months

As the chill of winter approaches, it’s essential to take steps to ensure that your beloved Wandering Jew plant is able to survive the harsher temperatures. One of the best ways to do this is by selecting the ideal location to keep your plant during the colder months.

When selecting a spot, it’s important to consider both the temperature and the humidity of the area. The ideal temperature for your Wandering Jew should be between 55-65°F (13-18°C). A cool basement or unheated garage can be a great place to keep your plant during the winter months. It’s important to note, however, that temperatures below 40°F (4°C) can be damaging to the plant, so it’s important to ensure that the area you select is warm enough.

Humidity is also important when selecting an ideal winter location for your Wandering Jew. Because the humidity in most homes tends to be quite low during the winter months, it’s important to find a spot with higher humidity. An enclosed porch or sunroom can be a great location for your plant during the winter months. If you don’t have access to such a space, you can also place your plant in a plastic bag with a dampened paper towel or towel to increase the humidity.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to select the perfect spot for your Wandering Jew to spend the winter months. You’ll also be able to rest easy knowing that your beloved plant is safe and sound.

Properly Watering Your Plant to Prepare for Winter

When winter arrives, it’s time to begin preparing your wandering Jew plant for the colder months ahead. Proper watering is essential to ensure your plant remains healthy during the winter season. But how do you know how much water is needed and how should you water your plant?

Watering your wandering Jew is a delicate balance. During the winter months, you want to reduce the amount of water you give your plant. Too much water can lead to root rot and fungal infections that can quickly kill your plant. When you water your plant, make sure the soil is evenly moist but not wet. If the soil looks dry, give your plant a light watering, taking care not to overwater.

Another important tip when watering your wandering Jew is to never let the water collect in the saucer beneath the pot. If there is standing water in the saucer, your plant can easily become oversaturated and suffer from root rot.

You should also fertilize your plant occasionally during the winter months. This helps to replenish essential nutrients that may be lacking in the soil, and will help ensure your wandering Jew is healthy and thriving. The best time to fertilize your plant is during the summer months when it is growing actively.

If you follow these simple tips, your wandering Jew plant will stay healthy and strong throughout the winter. Just remember to water your plant carefully, never letting the soil become overly wet, and to fertilize your plant occasionally. With a little care and attention, your plant will survive the winter months and be ready to bloom again in the spring!

Ensuring Your Plant is Receiving Adequate Light in Winter

Ensuring your Wandering Jew plant is receiving enough light in the winter is essential for its health. During this time of year, there’s a significant decrease in the amount of daylight hours and the intensity of the sunlight. This can lead to a decrease in the plant’s overall health, as it needs sunlight for photosynthesis. You should take some extra steps to make sure your Wandering Jew is getting the light it needs.

First, you should determine how much light your Wandering Jew needs. For Wandering Jew plants, they need around 4-6 hours of direct sunlight during the winter months. If your plant is indoors, make sure it’s getting enough natural sunlight. Place your plant in a bright, south-facing window to get the best results. If your plant is outdoors, you may need to move it to a sunnier spot.

If your plant isn’t getting enough natural sunlight, you may need to set up artificial lighting. You can use LED grow lights, fluorescent lights, and compact fluorescent lights to give your plant the light it needs. Make sure to position the light about 6 inches away from the top of the plant and change the position every few weeks. The light should be on for 12-16 hours per day.

Finally, it’s important to monitor the amount of light your Wandering Jew plant is getting. Make sure to check the leaves regularly to make sure they are getting the light they need. If they start to look pale or yellow, you may need to adjust the amount of light it’s receiving.

By taking these steps, you can ensure your Wandering Jew plant is receiving adequate light in the winter months. With proper care and attention, your plant will stay healthy and happy all winter long.

Protecting Your Plant from Freezing Temperatures

It’s true – winter can be a difficult time for your wandering Jew plant. With temperatures dropping, it can be tricky to keep your beloved plant safe and healthy during the colder months. While your wandering Jew plant does not require a lot of attention during the winter, you do need to take some steps to protect it from freezing temperatures.

The first step is to make sure your plant is properly insulated. You can do this by wrapping it in a blanket or using an old sheet to keep it from the chill of the night air. It’s also important to move it away from any drafty windows or doors that could let in cold air.

In addition to insulating your plant, you may also want to consider setting up a space heater or other heating source. You don’t want your wandering Jew plant to get too hot, so make sure to position the heater at least a few feet away from it.

Finally, you can also make use of artificial lighting. This can help your plant to stay healthy during the winter by providing it with the necessary light it needs. Make sure the artificial light is not too close to the plant to avoid overheating.

By taking these steps, you can keep your wandering Jew plant safe and healthy during the winter. With proper insulation, heating, and lighting, you can ensure that your beloved plant will make it through the colder months without any problems.

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Benjamin Miller

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  1. Wandering Jew Plant Care & Complete Growing Guide

    Wandering jew plants are super easy to propagate. Take cuttings that are 3-4″ long, and include a couple of leaf nodes. Dip the cut ends into rooting hormone, then stick them in moist soil. Don't allow the soil to dry out, and keep the air around the cuttings humid. A propagation chamber makes this simple.

  2. Wandering Jew Winter Care: Complete 'How To' Guide

    Move your plant's vines to the side and lay the pot horizontally. Then gently remove the plant from its container. You can put your gloved hand between the soil and the container wall to move the plant out. Put a layer of soil at the bottom of the new container. Then make sure the plant's root ball is untangled.

  3. How To Care For A Wandering Jew Plant (Your Complete Guide)

    Fill a 6-inch to 1-gallon container that drains with a rich, well-drained potting mix. Water the soil to settle it. Make about a 2-inch indentation in the soil where you want to place the Wandering Jew cutting. Remove the bottom leaves from the cutting where you will be inserting it into the soil.

  4. Wandering Jew Plant Outdoors? Yes, It's Possible!

    In their native habitat, the wandering jew plant tends to prefer warmer climates. Temperature ranges between 50-80 degrees are perfect. During winter, temperatures in the 45 degree range are a time to be cautious. They can tolerate it for short periods of time, but too long and the plant will start to die.

  5. Wandering Jew Plant: Care and Growing Tips- Epic Gardening

    Repotting Tradescantia Plants. If your wandering jew is beginning to become a bit crammed in its pot, select a pot that's 1-2″ wider than its current one. Prepare your pot with a little fresh potting soil around the sides. Remove your inch plant from its existing pot, setting the root ball into the new one.

  6. Wandering Jew Plant

    W andering Jew Plant Care. To keep your Wandering Jew plant thriving, ensure it receives bright, indirect sunlight. Keep it in average room temperatures of 60-75°F (16-24°C). Fertilize once a month during spring and summer. In winter, relocate the plant to a cooler area with temperatures of 54-59°F (12-15°C).

  7. Wandering Jew Care: How to Grow a Long and Luscious Inch Plant

    Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a trailing evergreen perennial in its native habitat (USDA hardiness zones 9 through 12). Where it's not winter hardy, wandering Jew is grown year-round as a houseplant. Are wandering Jew plants toxic to cats and dogs? Wandering Jew is not considered outright toxic, but it can cause some skin irritation.

  8. Wandering Jew Plants Guide: How to Care for "Tradescantia zebrina"

    Wandering Jew plants should be watered regularly to maintain a balanced moisture level in the soil. However, the soil should not be allowed to become too dry or too wet. Overwatering can lead to root rot. A good way to check if it's time to water is to push your finger about 1-inch into the soil.

  9. Wandering Jew Care: How To Grow The Tradescantia Plant

    Tradescantia displays small 3-petaled pink, white, or purple flowers.. Wandering Jew Quick Care Tips. Botanical Name: Tradescantia zebrina Common Name(s): Wandering Jew, Inch Plant, Spiderwort Synonyms: Zebrina pendula, Zebrina purpusii Family & Origin: Commelinaceae family, native to Mexico and Central America Growability: Easy to grow Grow Zone: 9-11 Size: Grows up to 2-3 feet long

  10. Wandering Jew Plant: Complete Care and Growing Guide

    Propagating Wandering Jew through Soil. To propagate Wandering Jew in soil, take 4-6 inch cuttings, remove lower leaves, and plant them in a 6-inch pot filled with all-purpose soil. Keep the soil consistently moist, place in indirect light, and enjoy a vibrant new plant in a few months.

  11. Wandering Jew (Tradescantia Genus) Care & Growing Guide

    It will need to be fertilized each month during the growing season. 3. Climate. The Wandering Jew can be grown as a houseplant in any climate but outdoors it should be USDA Hardiness Zone 9-12. 4. Soil. The Wandering Jew plant can grow in different soils as long as they drain well in order to prevent stem and root rot.

  12. How to Take Care of a Wandering Jew Plant: 13 Expert Tips

    3. Pot your Wandering Jew plant. Fill the pot about two-thirds of the way with light, well-draining potting soil, then place the plant in the center of the pot. Add soil to surround and fill in the sides. Gently press down on the soil around your plant and water it until the soil is completely moistened.

  13. Tradescantia Zebrina "Wandering Jew" Care Guide

    The Wandering Jew plant is a perfect addition to most types of vivariums. ... Wandering Jew is not frost-tolerant and likes to grow in constantly warm temperatures between 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. ... Yes, Wand ering Jew can survive winter in most climates as long as it is protected from cold temperatures, as it is a tropical plant and not ...

  14. How to Care for Wandering Jew for Massive Growth (7 Ideal Conditions)

    Pro Tip: Many houseplants, including wandering Jew plants, do well with soil-less growing mediums composed of 60% sphagnum moss, 20% perlite, and another 20% vermiculite. 3. Watering. As it is a moderately drought-tolerant foliage plant, the wandering Jew plant must only be watered once the top 1-2 inches of its soil has dried out.

  15. Wandering Jew: Complete Plant Care and Growing Guide

    The plant will grow into a bushy wandering jew as a result of the pinching, which will cause it to send out two shoots directly below the area that was pinched. 3 Main Types of Wandering Jew Plants. The common names "wandering jew" and "wandering dude" really refer to three distinct species that are all members of the Tradescantia genus.

  16. Wandering Jew Plant Care Guide

    The wandering Jew plant is actually several varieties of Tradescantia that have collectively taken on the name. As the term "Wandering Jew" is controversial, they're also frequently referred to as wandering dudes or inch plants. ... Wandering Jews don't face cold temperatures or frosts in their native areas, typically, but household ...

  17. Wandering Jew Plant Care and Grow Guide

    Wandering jew plants can also be rooted in water in a jar or glass: Fill the jar with approximately three inches of water. Remove leaves off the stem cutting that could be submerged. Place the stem cutting in the water and place it in a bright spot. The water should be changed when it is cloudy or every other week.

  18. 9 Essential Tips for Wandering Jew Plant Care

    1. Propagate from stem cuttings. Propagating a wandering Jew plant from stem cuttings is easy and quick. What's more, is that you don't need a special rooting medium or hormone for successful rooting. You just need to root the cuttings in water or soil. Let's start with rooting a Jew plant in water. First, cut at least 6-inch long ...

  19. Tradescantia Pallida: The Purple Heart Wandering Jew

    Tradescantia pallida has vibrant purple foliage. Source: jam343. Originating in eastern Mexico, this particular species of wandering jew is a stunner. Its leaves, which are long and pointed, can reach up to seven inches in length. Sometimes the tips will remain red or green while the rest of the leaf turns purple.

  20. Wandering Jew Temperature Tolerance ( Should I Bring It Inside the House?)

    The wandering jew plant can tolerate temperatures between 60-75°f (15-24°c), making it suitable for indoors and outdoors depending on your climate. As a popular houseplant, it thrives in bright indirect light and humid environments. However, extreme temperatures below 50°f (10°c) or above 85°f (29°c) may harm the plant.

  21. How Cold Can Wandering Jew Tolerate

    Wandering Jew plants exhibit a moderate tolerance to cold temperatures, enabling them to endure as low as 25 F (-4 C) for short durations without enduring severe damage. Nonetheless, prolonged exposure to freezing temperatures can result in significant harm to these plants.

  22. Wandering Jew Plant Care

    Commonly called wandering Jew, the name refers to three species in the spiderwort genus. ‎Tradescantia zebrina is a popular houseplant known for its vigorous growth and colorful, variegated foliage. Consisting of purple and deep green colored leaves with silver streaks, it is the most common variety grown indoors. Tradescantia pallida is a striking deep purple, with light purplish-pink ...

  23. 5 Essential Tips for Winterizing Your Wandering Jew Plant

    First, you should determine how much light your Wandering Jew needs. For Wandering Jew plants, they need around 4-6 hours of direct sunlight during the winter months. If your plant is indoors, make sure it's getting enough natural sunlight. Place your plant in a bright, south-facing window to get the best results.