Elba- wyspa, którą warto odwiedzić

Bornholm- wyspa pełna słońca, pompeje – miasto zniszczone przez wulkan, florencja – widoki i zabytki, wielkie księstwo luksemburga, wycieczka do macedonii, zabytki paryża, wyjazd do wielkiej brytanii – te rzeczy musisz wiedzieć.

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Wygoda hotels & places to stay

Search to compare prices and discover great deals with free cancellation, hotels in wygoda.

Apartament Jedrzejow in Wygoda

  • Free Wi-Fi in all rooms!
  • Check-in/out [private]
  • Wi-Fi in public areas
  • Family room
  • Smoke-free property
  • Physical distancing of at least 1 meter
  • Cashless payment service

Domek nad stawem RODOS in Wygoda

  • Pets allowed
  • BBQ facilities

Exterior view, Ranczo u Loni in Wygoda

  • Airport transfer
  • Valet parking
  • Shuttle service
  • Swimming pool [outdoor]

Garden, Domek przy lesie z basenem in Wygoda

  • Contactless check-in/out
  • First aid kit

Fast facts about Wygoda, Poland

Where to stay in wygoda, frequently asked questions.

What are the top rated hotels located in Wygoda intended for individual tourists?

Properties found in Wygoda which are highly rated by single vacationers are Domek przy lesie z basenem, Ranczo u Loni and Domek nad stawem RODOS.

What are the best accommodations found in Wygoda for business visitors?

Accommodations found in Wygoda which are exceptionally rated by business visitors are Apartament Jedrzejow, Domek nad stawem RODOS and Ranczo u Loni.

What are the top hotels in Wygoda for group visitors?

Accommodations found in Wygoda which are highly rated by group travelers are Apartament Jedrzejow, Domek nad stawem RODOS and Ranczo u Loni.

What are the top places to stay around Wygoda that has free parking?

Hotels with complimentary parking found in Wygoda that are very highly rated include Ranczo u Loni, Ranczo u Loni and Ranczo u Loni.

What are the most suitable hotels around Wygoda with airport transfer?

Accommodations offering airport transfer located in Wygoda which are very highly rated include Ranczo u Loni, Ranczo u Loni and Ranczo u Loni.

Is quarantine expected for fully vaccinated travelers to enter Wygoda?

Quarantine is not required for fully vaccinated travelers to enter Wygoda from outside the country. For up-to-date and detailed information on travel restrictons, please visit the official websites of the travel authority or government of the country you wish to travel to, or go to here .

Is proof of vaccination necessary to enter Wygoda?

Proof of COVID-19 vaccination is not required to enter Wygoda from outside the country. For further information, please speak to local authority or visit here .

Is pre-departure covid test mandatory for fully vaccinated foreigners to enter Wygoda?

Proof of negative pre-departure COVID-19 test is not required to enter Wygoda. For recent and detailed information on travel restrictons, please head over to the official websites of the travel authority or government of the country you wish to visit, or go to here .

Is pre-departure covid test required for unvaccinated foreigners to enter Wygoda?

Proof of negative pre-departure COVID-19 test is not required to enter Wygoda. For updated and in depth information on travel restrictons, please be sure to stop by the official websites of the travel authority or government of the country you wish to visit, or go to here .

What vaccines are accepted in Wygoda?

All vaccination types are currently recognized and accepted by the national health authority of the country that includes Wygoda.

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Other popular destinations in Poland

More about wygoda, discovering wygoda: fun facts and reasons to visit, getting to wygoda: your ultimate travel guide, top fun things to do in wygoda: a traveler's guide, why book your wygoda hotel with agoda.com, the best time to visit wygoda: tips and recommendations, traveling to wygoda: tips and tricks for first-time visitors, where to stay in wygoda: a comprehensive guide, indulge in wygoda's culinary delights: what to eat and drink, getting around wygoda: your ultimate transportation guide.

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Wyjazdy narciarskie

Baza narciarza.

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Baza Narciarza to portal rezerwacyjny dla narciarzy i snowboardzistów. Umożliwia rezerwację noclegów oraz zakup karnetów czy przejazdu lub przelotu w Alpy. Prosto i w dobrych cenach. Noclegi rezerwujesz w cenach hotelowych, bez prowizji, a ubezpieczenie dostajesz gratis!

Obecnie w bazie znajdziesz kilkaset obiektów noclegowych w takich krajach jak Włochy, Francja, Austria, Szwajcaria i Słowacja.

Organizatorem zakupionych w Bazie Narciarza imprez turystycznych jest Wygoda Travel Sp. z o. o.


Wygoda Ski oferuje zorganizowane wyjazdy na gromadzące setki uczestników eventy narciarskie w Alpach, takie jak m. in. Dni Val di Fiemme czy Ski Safari. Poza szaleństwem na stoku, na uczestników czeka szereg dodatkowych atrakcji

Oferujemy szeroki wybór obiektów noclegowych oraz wyjazdy w oparciu o transport samolotem, autokarem oraz dojazd własny. Chętni mogą podszkolić swoje umiejętności narciarskie pod okiem naszych doświadczonych instruktorów.

Organizujemy zarówno wyjazdy dla turystów indywidualnych, jak i zimowe imprezy typu incentive i biznesowe wyjazdy zimowe.

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INCOMING by Wygoda

Your Destination Management Company in Poland call us +48 12 252 09 19

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  • Roundtrips in Poland
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  • Pilgrimages
  • Educational travel
  • Medical tourism
  • Eastern Europe Tours
  • Practicalities
  • Famous people
  • Poland on UNESCO
  • Public holidays in Poland in 2020
  • Attractions in Krakow
  • Fun in Krakow

We are part of Wygoda Travel and together we create an exceptional incoming department group. Here you can read something more about us.

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Since the very beginning of Wygoda Travel Group I have been involved in creating this company that now has been established on the Polish market for 20 years. I am the comapany Executive Board  Member. I have always been connected to tourism industry. I gained my experience in UK (Cheateau Impney) and Ireland (Sheen Falls) then for a few years I have worked as Rep in Greece. I have graduated from Hotel Management College and Cracow’s Tourism Academy. In addition to this, I am a happy father of two lovely kids and a big fan of Irish Whiskey.

Na narty autokarem do Włoch, Francji, Austrii

Wybierz się z nami na narty autokarem - wyjazdy co tydzień przez cały sezon do wszystkich hoteli we Włoszech, Francji.

Wielka Brytania

Udogodnienia, typ wyjazdu.

Nie znaleziono pasujących ofert.

Spróbuj zmienić parametry wyszukiwania na bardziej ogólne, np. dodając dodatkowe regiony, środki transportu czy zmniejszając liczbę wybranych cech hotelu.

Wyjazd na narty autokarem to zdecydowanie najtańsza opcja dotarcia do ponad 95 % hoteli z naszej oferty. Wyjeżdżamy ze wszystkich głównych miast w Polsce.

Nasi Klienci wyjeżdżają na narty autokarem co tydzień, przez cały praktycznie sezon. Na początku sezonu - od końca listopada do Świąt Bożego Narodzenia, a potem od 8 stycznia do końca sezonu, czyli we Włoszech i Austrii do połowy kwietnia, a we Francji do początku maja. Cała nasza oferta we Francji i ponad 95% oferty włoskiej i austriackiej jest dostępne z regularnym dojazdem autokarem - co daje najszerszą ofertę wyjazdów na narty autokarem w Polsce! Jeśli Wasz hotel nie jest położony bezpośrednio na stoku, w wielu miejscach oferujemy również transfery do wyciągów wg programu narciarskiego Ski Safari - co daje możliwość zwiedzenia kilku stacji narciarskich podczas jednego pobytu. 

Program klasyczny - wyjazd na narty autokarem w piątek

Nasza oferta wyjazdów na narty autokarem do Włoch, Francji i częściowo Austrii jest oparta na tzw. Programie Klasycznym. Zakłada on pobyt na miejscu od soboty do soboty, 7 noclegów i 6 dni jazdy na nartach. Wyjazdy z Polski odbywają się wówczas w piątki, tak, aby w sobotę być już na miejscu, zakwaterować się w hotelu i w niedzielę rano ruszyć na stok. Ostatni dzień jazdy na nartach to piątek, a w sobotę - po śniadaniu lub w godzinach popołudniowych - następuje wyjazd w drogę powrotną. W Polsce jesteśmy z powrotem w niedzielę. Dokładne godziny wyjazdów i przyjazdów do Polski różnią się oczywiście w zależności od miasta, z którego wyjeżdżamy, dokładny rozkład jazdy znajdziecie na stronie http://www.wygoda.ski/rozklady-jazdy. Powrót do miast na południu Polski, takich, jak Katowice, czy Kraków, ma miejsce w niedzielę rano, Wrocław, Łódź czy Warszawa w okolicach południa, itd. Naturalnie dokładny czas przyjazdu zależy także od warunków drogowych. 

Tanie Szusowanie - wyjazd na narty autokarem w sobotę

W Austrii nasza oferta oparta jest w dużej mierze o program Tanie Szusowanie. Zakłada on wyjazd na narty autokarem w sobotę, pobyt na miesjcu od niedzieli do piątku a więc 5 noclegów, i 5 dni szusowania. W sobotę wyjeżdżamy z Polski w godzinach wieczornych lub w nocy, na miejscu jesteśmy w niedzielę w ciągu dnia. Na białe szaleństwo mamy dni poniedziałek - piątek, a więc 5 dni jazdy. W piątek po śniadaniu wykwaterowujemy się z pokoi, składamy bagaże w wyznaczonym miejscu w hotelu, i udajemy się na stok. Po nartach jest czas na przebranie się i odświeżenie przed podróżą, i wieczorem ruszamy z powrotem do Polski. Do domu docieramy w sobotę w ciągu dnia - miasta południowe przd południem, te położone bardziej na północ po południu. Ten program - z zaledwie jednym dniem jazdy mniej w stosunku do Programu Klasycznego - jest tańszy od pobytów 7-noclegowych nawet o ponad 100 EUR/os., co przysparza mu co roku kolejnych zwolenników. 

Trochę liczenia

Szybciej, niż autokarem, dotrzemy w Alpy własnym samochodem bądź - zwłaszcza do tych bardziej oddalonych regionów - samolotem. Jako, że mamy do pokonania (z Katowic) od 750 do ponad 1500 km, podróż na narty autokarem musi trwać co najmniej kilkanaście godzin, nawet przy znakomitej infrastrukturze drogowej Austrii i Włoch. Jets to więc długa podróż. Jednak autokar jest też zdecydowanie najtańszym środkiem transportu i wygodnym zarazem. Bilety lotnicze to koszt ok. 800 - 1200 zł/osoba, plus jeszcze transfer z lotniska do hotelu, a transfery w Alpach potrafią kosztować sporo. Koszt dojazdu samochodem zależy od wielu czynników, ale nawet na krótszej trasie wydamy co najmniej ok. 1200 zł na przejazd w obie strony. Przy pełnym obłożeniu auta przejazd na narty autokarem będziemy mieć w podobnej cenie, ale odpadają wtedy wszystkie problemy związane z własnym transportem: odśnieżanie, parkowanie, prowadzenie samochodu, itp. Przy mniejszej ekipie, np. tylko dwóch osobach, autokar wychodzi znów zdecydowanie taniej. 

Warunki przewozu

Przejazdy odbywają się wysokopodłogowymi autokarami renomowanych firm, wyposażonymi w barek, WC, klimatyzację i TV, Klientom na trasie towarzyszy pilot. Każdy Klient ma prawo do przewozu bagażu głównego, bagażu podręcznego i sprzętu sportowego - narty lub snowboard i buty - to przewaga autokaru w stosunku do przelotu samolotem, gdzie buty narciarskie czy snowboardowe muszą się zmieścić z bagażu głównym lub podręcznym. Jeśli nie chcecie korzystać z usług biura podróży przy planowaniu swoich wczasów zimowych, i załatwiacie wszystko na własną rękę, proponujemy również zakup samych biletów autokarowych do wybranej przez Was doliny w ramach tzw. Białej Linii. Serdecznie zapraszamy!

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Here to help you

We’ve selected a handful of trusted experts especially for you. Working with us for years they’ve gained our trust and admiration. They offer a range of excellent services and come highly recommended by visitors.

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AVENA TRAVEL – professional licensed Incoming Tour Operator for Poland since 2005 with extensive experience in group tourism and logistic solutions for MICE. Owning 3 centrally located hotels 3 & 4-stars in Krakow. Offer: accommodation, transfers, city breaks, multifarious themed tours: Cultural, History, Religious, Food, Nature, Adventure, Medical, Spa, Castes, Tailor – made. Our highly qualified team has an excellent long-term experience in travel business. The fast responding reservation team makes it easy to handle all requirements. Our good cooperation with the hotels and other suppliers allows us to give you the most competitive rates without ever compromising on the quality of our services. You can expect the most elaborate services at the most competitive prices. We are reliable, creative and flexible to guarantee the most enjoyable travel with us. For GROUPS & BUSINESS we provide: Accommodation (hotels, palaces, apartments, hostels etc.) rating from budget to deluxe. Tailor – Made group programs – Cultural, Religious, Adventure, Medical etc. Special interest tours as Art, Music, Sport, Exploring National Parks, etc. Sightseeing tours. Experienced multi – lingual tour guides, licensed interpreters or translators. Transportation – professional & comfortable transport services or car rental. Catering and folklore evenings. MICE – Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, Events. Any business trips. Our love of Poland is your guarantee! More information you can find here: www.avenatravel.pl

We’re a team of professionals with passion, outstanding imagination and creative skills that help us deliver the most quirky event concepts. Bright, trustworthy and committed we intend to turn your idea into a great success.  Our DMC Poland is an award-winning destination management company with wide experience in the comprehensive on-site management of meetings, incentives, conferences and events. Individualised approach, personal involvement, creativity and flexibility, passion for what we do – this is DMC Poland. Unusual requests and challenging projects are most welcome – this is where we get to be most creative! Our long experience allows us to cater to all kinds of needs, even those quirky ones. We have turned initially vague ideas into unforgettable memories, provided fun local experiences that you won`t find in travel guides. Being a small local business, we strongly believe in the value of a personal approach: we have built strong relationships with our trusted and carefully selected local partners. As an owner-managed company, we enjoy awesome perks: we are way more flexible making sure we can do it all: consult, modify and bring your designs to life. More information you can find here: dmcpoland.com

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HULA EVENTS has been providing events for business groups and corporate clients since 2013. The offer includes galas, team buildings, incentives, CSR actions, conferences and event marketing. Hula events is known for its original city games, integration workshops and extraordinary ideas in creating events. Moreover, the company has a sound system, lighting, broadcast equipment and a wide range of online events. The agency’s event portfolio includes services for: Shell, Ikea, Karcher, Apply, Colas, Vattenfall. The headquarters of the company is located in Krakow, but the agency works throughout Poland and Europe. The most important values of hula events are: high quality, participants’ safety, and exciting emotions. The agency is open to cooperation in the organization of events from a to z. More information you can find here:


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INTERCRAC was established in 1989 and is one of the oldest operating Incoming Travel Agency in Poland. Based in KRAKOW,  with 8 employees today, we are operating throughout Poland. We were awarded as the best DMC in Poland (MP Power Awards 2018). We have the local expertise and experience needed in providing creative programs and fascinating itineraries. We are experts in group travel and FIT and MICE business . We also have a sister company in charge of local regular excursions meaning we have really vast experience in all aspects of this industry. From arts and culture, to sports tours, we will arrange all of your accommodation, flights, ground handling services and transfers. Our company was recommended as the first DMC in Poland by Poland Convention Bureau, we are member of MPI, Polish Tourism Chamber and Krakow Tourism Chamber. We hold a state full financial and professional licence. Since the inception of our company, we have focused on long-lasting relationships with its clients by providing outstanding service with ethical business practices. We have always paid particular attention to the quality of services offered, and our goal is total client satisfaction. Our team is professional, enthusiastic and experienced . We really enjoy our work and our local expertise will ensure that your programs are planned and executed smoothly. More information you can find here:


wygoda travel


JORDAN GROUP has been a tour operator, conference and congress organizer, as well as a travel agency and an agent of leading tour operators for 30 years now. What is more, Jordan Group is a transport company with its own coach fleet and the operator of Wow Krakow! products with Hop On Hop Off Bus and other local tours with cabrio buses. Since 2017, Jordan Group has been a partner of Flixbus Polska Sp. z o.o and a long-term associate of a Ukrainian private coach service. Moreover, Jordan Group owns the Galaxy Hotel****, Jordan Guest Rooms and Willa Jordanówka Guest House in Kluszkowce (near Czorsztyn). It is also the operator of the Legend Hotel*** in Cracow. An office building put into use in 2019 – Jordan Group Transport headquarter with premises for rent, car wash and parking for coaches on Rybitwy street, and the ongoing construction of the King Salomon Hotel**** on Podbrzezie street are both the newest investments of the Jordan Group company. Jordan Group – Jacek Legendziewicz’s sole proprietorship with accompanying companies employes 250 people.

More information you can find here:

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We’re one of the most experienced tour operators in Poland. Having been in the business for over 30 years, we gained in-depth expertise in organising domestic and multi-country group tours. Among other things, we arrange holiday stays and cultural trips as well as take care of accommodation, transportation and entertainment. Our mission is to serve people with quality, unforgettable experiences and unique emotions while visiting Poland. JAN-POL was founded in 1990 in Krakow, time when Poland was undergoing one of the most spectacular social and economic changes in its history. From the very beginning, we have run Hotel Wyspiański located in the heart of Krakow and we have been operating as an incoming tour operator, showing to the world the beauty of our country. Nowadays, we are one of the most successful companies on the tourism market. Our vision is to be the first-choice travel partner providing services in Poland. For our customers we offer a wide range of services, wrapped in our core values: passion, quality and personal approach.

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MICEART DMC – craftsmen of unique events in POLAND We are a team of travel experts working together on your behalf to ensure your visit to Poland becomes unforgettable. We create individual moments of magic which turn into lasting impressions. We have the expertise, talent, experience and creativity to conceptualize and coordinate any large or small scaled event, ensuring that your prime objectives are met, and that your audience and guests, are astonishingly impressed. A DMC must be someone that you can relate to and trust, that is why we work hard to ensure that all trips are carefully hand crafted to surpass the expectations of clients. We are able to provide preferential rates based on the local knowledge and contracts with our preferred suppliers. You can expect the high quality at reasonable price MICEART will show you the hospitality and care of Poland. More information you can find here: miceart.pl

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The best known Resort in Zakopane

  • 4 unique hotels: Rezydencja Nosalowy Dwór, Rezydencja II Nosalowy Dwór, Grand Nosalowy Dwór Hotel and Nosalowy Dwór Hotel;
  • 400 rooms and suites;
  • 23 conference rooms, 3 separate conference centres, including Rysy Conference Center ( for 400 persons) and Gerlach Congress Center – the biggest conference hall in the region (for 1200 persons);
  • 400 parking spaces;
  • 2000 m۶ of outdoor area.

Delicious cuisine and dinner based on a local, seasonal products

  • 3 restuarants; lobby bar & caffe;
  • Regional delicacies with highlander music in the backround in Regionalna Restaurant;
  • The best conference menu customized to your event.

With the view to the mountains

  • 2000 m² of outdoor area;
  • meetings in fully equipped, covered, regional shelters, green area with an outdoor stage, fireplaces and barbecue areas;
  • hundreds of possibilities for organizing outdoor integration.

We organize

  • Sleigh ride;
  • Hiking in the mountains with the guide;
  • Team building;
  • Śpasy góralskie – highlander jokes;
  • Bicycle trips;
  • And a lot more.

More information you can find here: www.nosalowy-dwor.eu

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Looking for a trusted DMC partner in Poland? Your search is over! Prime Tours Krakow is an experienced Destination Management Company in Krakow (Southern Poland), that specializes in creating and operating the highest quality Travel programmes and tour management services. We have been providing our excellent service 
since 2009, building experience in organizing customized travel arrangements and 
programmes for groups of any size as well as FITs, business and educational institutions or 
special interest visitors. Our incoming tourism offer includes:

  • professional transfers,
  • city & countryside tours,
  • hotels & restaurants
  • concerts & cultural events
  • business and incentive tours,
  • tailor-made city breaks & round trips,
  • special interest visits e.g. religious tours, Jewish Heritage and WW2 tours, study & educational visits for youth groups, entertainment & adventure excursions, food tours, arrangements for business and VIP guests, and many others.

From skiing classes and visits in the amusement parks to organisation of a bespoke gala dinner for 200+ guests, including the concert of the choir at the National Art Gallery, Prime Tours Krakow takes full responsibility for your Clients’ successful and unforgettable visit -from its beginning to the end.

We are creative, adventurous and open to our Clients’ unlimited imagination. Variety of ideas, experience, creativity, excellent work ethic and flexibility characterise our approach.

All programmes are arranged with an extreme care of every detail, with an individual touch to every arrangement. Each of our projects is an entirely tailor-made offer.

We highly appreciate your trust and not only meet all your requirements but in fact we exceed expectations making your Clients’ visit the one always to remember.


wygoda travel


SIMPLY POLAND DMC is a dynamic team based in Kraków that specialises in themed tours, leisure groups, conferences and incentive trips. Because of our boutique approach, we are able to meet and exceed our clients’ expectations. We do not run universal offers – every client is unique and has different goals, wishes and distinct preferences for sites and events. That is why our biggest priority is getting to know and understanding our clients’ specific needs and through dedication and effective communication, strive to meet each and every one of them. We are professionals with combined experience of over 20 years in tourism, leisure and MICE. During those years we produced and executed approx. 1000 groups including over 100 MICE groups. We took part in over 150 business meetings in Poland and abroad, study tours with our clients, workshops, roadshows, the most important trade fairs. As Simply Poland DMC our mission is crystal clear, we want to share Poland with you, the very best of what makes this country a wonder for the adventurous – it’s history, nature, culture and cuisine. We are uniquely qualified to help make your client’s time in Poland simply unforgettable. More information you can find here:


wygoda travel


SKYWAY DMC POLAND is a Destination Management Company operating in whole Poland. With our insider knowledge and long experience we arrange a perfect stay in Poland for you, providing a tailor-made program and all needed services from your arrival till departure: local transportation, accommodation, catering, guided sightseeing, activities and many more. Our special attention is dedicated to corporate trips and events. At Skyway we understand the importance of a successful company event for your business and image. We carefully select hotels and venues to match your event perfectly, we give attention to every detail to make things run smoothly and we come up with creative ideas for team building and entertainment of your guest. We are flexible: with equal engagement we organize events for hundreds of attendants, as well as small company trips. We adjust to our Client’s expectations, possibilities and budget. Skyway DMC Poland also co-operates with groups of special interests, for whom we design original themed tours and arrange non-standard visits and meetings. For the school groups we offer affordable accommodation and rich educational activities. It will be our pleasure to help you with the best solution for your Poland trip!


wygoda travel


SYMPOSIUM CRACOVIENSE was established in 1998. Our ambitious plans to support the organization of various scientific, social, integrating and educating events on the national and international scale will certainly help us to inscribe our name in the contemporary book of scientific, cultural and sporting life in Poland. We specialize in organizing congresses, conferences, symposia, seminars, business meetings, exhibitions incentives and trainings. Our experience, know-how and logistic procedures guarantee success. What makes us exceptional ? Quality in every aspect of our service. This invaluable knowledge is a result of many years of our experience, analysis, control and therefore we are a reliable business partner. Professionalism appreciated by membership in prestigious national and regional associations – including International Congress & Convention Association (ICCA) – as well as recommendations of Poland Convention Bureau, Krakow Convention Bureau and Warsaw Convention Bureau. Personal engagement – dedicated support at every stage of the operation, from concept creation to final realization. Modern tools tailored to your project including hybrid and virtual solutions, attendee experience management systems.


The TRIP GROUP manages 2 hotels in Poland, Zakopane – the most popular mountain resort in Polish Tatra Mountains: 4* Belvedere Resort&SPA and 3* Czarny Potok, which conference base consists of: • The Congress Centre of Hotel Belvedere Resort&Spa 4*: 14 meeting rooms, 173 comfortable rooms and suites, wellness zone with swimming pool, jacuzzi, saunas, SPA, gym, squash courts, restaurants and bars with bowling alleys and bilard. • Hotel Czarny Potok 3*: 44 bedrooms, home cuisine, beautiful garden with murmuring stream and central location make a perfect place for intimate meetings. The Trip Group consists of the Incoming Tour Operator, DMC, PCO in Małopolska Region and whole Poland. It’s a team of professionals with over 30 years of experience, engaged in the business of comprehensive arrangement of conferences as well as company custom-build events, incentive trips and team building with folklore and attractions of the region. More information you can find here:



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More than 15 years of experience and a professional approach to individual tourism has led SeeKrakow to become the leading Incoming Tour Operator in Krakow organizing local excursions for foreign tourists, as well as the development of two brands: 4transfer, dedicated to the transport needs of our clients, and MeetingArt, which specializes in organizing MICE activities as well as the offer of wellness holidays. We have provided our services to over 1.000.000 tourists since 2005. Today, we have a few hundred international and local agents, our own network of tourist information centers (run under the brand KrakowTIP), and buses with our logo may be seen every day on many streets where Krakow hotels are located. Our offer includes regular daily tours to the most popular attractions and destinations in and around Krakow as well as an extensive private and group tour selection on request. We are a member of the Polish Tourism Board. More information you can find here:


VIVENTURE is a small creative DMC from South of Poland Malopolska Region based in city of Zakopane located in Tatra Mountains – highest and most beautiful range of mountains in Poland. We are surrounded by 4 Natonal Parks: Tatra, Pieniny, Gorce and Babia Gora National Park – so the area where we operate is very attractive. As DMC we provide our services throughout Poland. VIVENTURE is specialist in organizing all types of corporate events from concept, design and planning to successful implementation. We do it in a way you want it – accurately, efficiently and very successfully. Our services: Event and Incentive Management, Meetings and Conferences, Venue finding, Entertainment, VIP groups, Leisure groups, Excursions and Tailor made programmes. By revealing to our clients what the best Poland has to offer, its authenticity and simplicity at the same time, Viventure is different because it offers the most unique and extraordinary experiences. From a local folk restaurant to a vodka museum, from a ceramics manufactory to an unconventional and unique place, Viventure offers its clients experiences that can only be found in Poland, making the time spent in our country unique.


wygoda travel


WYGODA TRAVEL is a fully licensed inbound & outbound tour operator based in Krakow, Poland. The company was established in 2001 and has enjoyed constant growth since then. In 2012 we received the Krakowski Dukat award in the category of business for our rapid development and innovation in tourism. In 2010 and 2014 we were given the Odys award for the best quality of travel service offered in the Małopolska region. We are also a member of the Małopolska Tourism Organisation. WYGODA is involved in the following sectors of the travel industry: incoming tourism (group services and FIT in Poland and Eastern Europe), ski holidays (the Alps), summer holidays (the Mediterranean), long haul travel and chartering. INCOMING by WYGODA is a part of WYGODA, offering professional and complex service for the groups (adults, students) and FITs visiting Poland and Central-Eastern Europe. Due to our long term experience in a travel market, competence and reliable partners we provide professional service that meets all expectations of our clients and always suits their personal needs and interests. Our team consists of people who really enjoy what they do and are experts in their fields: we are creative, highly qualified and dedicated. Your satisfaction is our main goal – we make your holidays enjoyable, relaxing, informative and safe, assisting you with personal 24h help desk. We strive to arrange the finest tours which will provide you with unique holiday experience. More information you can find here:




Małopolska has more to offer. Look and see:

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  1. Wygoda

  2. Wygoda. Tysiące powodów do podróżowania

  3. Jazda rowerem: Zawady-Wygoda-Urbańszczyzna gm. Łowicz

  4. 7. Wagony WARS

  5. Plose

  6. Białystok.Wygoda


  1. Wyjazdy na narty z karnetem w cenie, Free Ski, Wygoda Family

    Wygoda Travel oferuje wyjazdy narciarskie do różnych krajów Europy z karnetem w cenie, Free Ski, Ski Safari i Wygoda Family. Sprawdź ofertę, wybierz kierunek, termin i liczbę uczestników.

  2. About Wygoda Travel

    Wygoda Travel is a fully licensed inbound & outbound tour operator based in Krakow, Poland. The company was established in 2001 and has enjoyed constant growth since then. In 2012 we received the Krakowski Dukat award in the category of business for our rapid development and innovation in tourism. In 2010 and 2014 we were given the Odys award ...

  3. Wygoda Travel

    Wygoda Travel is a fully licensed inbound & outbound tour operator based in Krakow, Poland. The company was established in 2001 and has enjoyed constant growth since then. We are providing ...

  4. Wyjazdy na narty, hotele i apartamenty, Włochy, Austria, Francja

    Wygoda Travel Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy Placu Bohaterów Getta 17/14, 30-547 Kraków, Polska, zarejestrowana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym - Rejestrze Przedsiębiorców prowadzonym w Sądzie Rejonowym dla Krakowa Śródmieścia, Wydział XI KRS pod numerem 0000291177, o kapitale zakładowym 500 000 PLN, nr NIP: 676 23 60 510, nr Regon 120550199

  5. Wygoda Travel Group

    Wygoda Travel Group to portal, który pomaga podróżować wygodnie i znaleźć inspiracje na swój najbliższy lub najdłuższy wyjazd. Znajdziesz tu informacje o różnych kierunkach, miejscach, atrakcjach i ciekawostkach z różnych kultur i krajów.

  6. INCOMING by Wygoda

    Wygoda Travel is a fully licensed inbound & outbound tour operator based in Krakow, Poland. The company was established in 2001 and has been constantly growing. In 2012 we received Krakowski Dukat award in the category of business for the rapid development and innovation in tourism. We are proud to announce that we are the winners of ODYS 2014 ...

  7. 11 Best Hotels in Wygoda, Poland

    Find hotels in Wygoda, Poland and explore top accommodation in the city. Check out star rating and review score before you book! ... Earn money to pay for your travel! List your place today ; Wygoda hotels & places to stay Search to compare prices and discover great deals with free cancellation. Check-in.

  8. Contact Us

    Contact Us. Address: WYGODA TRAVEL SP. Z O.O. Pl. Bohaterów Getta 17/14, 30-457 Kraków, Poland. VAT NO. 676-236-05-10 REGON 0120550199 KRS 0000291177

  9. O nas

    WYGODA TRAVEL - (Turystyka Wyjazdowa Zimowa) Jestesmy wiodącym zimowym tour operatorem w Polsce, organizujemy wyjazdy narciarskie, zapewniając kompleksową obsługę: wyjazdy narciarskie (Włochy, Austria, Francja) lekcje jazdy na nartach/snowboardzie z instruktorem; zimowe imprezy typu incentive i biznesowe wyjazdy zimowe

  10. Wygoda Active

    Wygoda Active, Kraków, Poland. 6,075 likes · 69 talking about this · 12 were here. Od 22 lat lider rynku wyjazdów aktywnych, narciarskich, rodzinnych; samolotem ...

  11. WYGODA.SKI wyjazdy narciarskie 2021/2022, Free Ski, Ski Safari, Wygoda

    Wygoda Travel Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy Placu Bohaterów Getta 17/14, 30-547 Kraków, Polska, zarejestrowana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym - Rejestrze Przedsiębiorców prowadzonym w Sądzie Rejonowym dla Krakowa Śródmieścia, Wydział XI KRS pod numerem 0000291177, o kapitale zakładowym 500 000 PLN, nr NIP: 676 23 60 510, nr Regon 120550199

  12. Andrzej Wygoda

    Andrzej Wygoda. Prezes Zarządu. Gdy po wielu latach pracy w Grecji (turystyka) wróciłem do Polski, nie miałem wątpliwości co dalej chcę robić. W ten sposób w 2000 roku powstała firma WYGODA TRAVEL. Dziś, tamta inicjatywa to tylko początek czegoś, co dzięki pracy wielu ludzi urosło do rangi poważnej marki na rynku turystycznym.

  13. Wyjazdy narciarskie

    Wygoda Active oferuje zorganizowane wyjazdy na eventy narciarskie w Alpach oraz rezerwację noclegów i karnetów w Bazie Narciarza. Sprawdź ofertę, ceny i warunki na stronach www.wygoda.ski i www.baza-narciarza.pl.

  14. Meet the Team

    We are part of Wygoda Travel and together we create an exceptional incoming department group. Here you can read something more about us. Tomasz. Since the very beginning of Wygoda Travel Group I have been involved in creating this company that now has been established on the Polish market for 20 years. I am the comapany Executive Board Member.

  15. Wygoda Travel

    Program narciarski autokarem Wygoda Travel realizowany jest dla min. 20 osób. Położenie: hotel położony w Castello di Fiemme, zaledwie 3 km od stolicy doliny - Cavalese oraz 4,5 km od ...

  16. Na narty autokarem

    Wygoda Travel Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą przy Placu Bohaterów Getta 17/14, 30-547 Kraków, Polska, zarejestrowana w Krajowym Rejestrze Sądowym - Rejestrze Przedsiębiorców prowadzonym w Sądzie Rejonowym dla Krakowa Śródmieścia, Wydział XI KRS pod numerem 0000291177, o kapitale zakładowym 500 000 PLN, nr NIP: 676 23 60 510, nr Regon ...

  17. Wygoda Travel Group in Krakow, Poland (travel listing under Tour Operators)

    Personal Information for Wygoda Travel Group; Contact Person: n/a Photo: Travel Specialty; Type of business: n/a Travel Specialty of Wygoda Travel Group: Senior Holiday Travel Business Travel City Breaks Culture and Heritage Educational Incentive Travel Luxury Travel Music Spiritual and Religious, Pilgrimage ;


    WYGODA TRAVEL SP Z O O. Strona internetowa. Wypróbuj D&B Hoovers. Zobacz przykładowe dane Podsumowanie Numer D&B D-U-N-S®:? NIP: 6762360510. Regon: 120550199. KRS: 0000291177. Dyrektor naczelny: Wygoda, Andrzej Wiktor ...

  19. Tour operators

    WYGODA TRAVEL. WYGODA TRAVEL is a fully licensed inbound & outbound tour operator based in Krakow, Poland. The company was established in 2001 and has enjoyed constant growth since then. In 2012 we received the Krakowski Dukat award in the category of business for our rapid development and innovation in tourism. In 2010 and 2014 we were given ...

  20. Wygoda

    Wygoda, Olsztyn County in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship (north Poland) Wygoda, Ostróda County in Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship (north Poland) Wygoda, West Pomeranian Voivodeship (north-west Poland) Osiedle Wygoda, Białystok, a district of Białystok.