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Version: 1.1 | Updated: 06/19/2008 Highest Rated Guide

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Savvy Gardening

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Long-blooming perennials provide months of garden interest and color.

10 of the longest flowering perennials for your garden

by Niki Jabbour Comments (34)

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A well-designed garden provides interest from early spring through late autumn, and beyond if you also select plants for winter structure. But, for the main growing season, much of that interest comes from flowering and foliage plants. Gardeners who want a lower maintenance landscape would be wise to look for perennial plants that are both easy-to-grow and offer a long blooming period. Most perennial plants flower for two to four weeks, but the longest flowering perennials, like coneflowers and catmint, measure their flowering period in months, not weeks.

The Longest Flowering Perennials

When planning a garden with long-blooming perennials, the same basic rules of design apply; choose a mixture of early, mid-season, and late-flowering plants. Of course, you can also affect both the bloom time and length of the flowering period with pruning practices; pinching, deadheading, and shearing. Read on to discover how to encourage months of blooms by combining clever pruning with the longest flowering perennials.

The longest flowering perennials

The Early Bloomers:

Catmint ‘Walker’s Low’ ( Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’, zones 3 to 9). With its relaxed, trouble-free growth habit, ‘Walker’s Low’ catmint is a perfect fit for a cottage garden or rock garden, or the front edge of a perennial border or rose garden. Plus, the plants bloom their heads off from late spring until mid-autumn with a heavy show of purple-blue flower spikes that are extremely attractive to pollinators and beneficial insects. It’s no wonder this drought-tolerant, hardy plant was chosen as the 2007 Perennial Plant of the Year. Once the initial flush of flowers begins to fade, give the plant a haircut, shearing it back by about one-half. Without a trim, the plant will continue to flower moderately, but a good shearing encourages tidy foliage and plenty of blooms that will persist until frost.

Catmint is one of the longest flowering perennials.

Geranium ‘Rozanne’ ( Geranium x ‘Rozanne’, zones 4 to 9). I don’t like to throw the term ‘low-maintenance’ around irresponsibility, but with ‘Rozanne’ , it’s the perfect description. This hardy plant forms 12 to 18 inch tall mounds of spreading foliage, which is topped from early summer until frost with two-inch wide, violet-blue flowers. After its initial bloom, the plants will continue to pump out a moderate amount of fresh flowers for months. However, if you shear the plants back by one-third after the first blossoms fade, you’ll encourage another heavy show of flowers.

Meet more long-flowering perennials in this video:

Bleeding Heart ‘Luxuriant’ ( Dicentra formosa ‘Luxuriant’, zones 2 to 9). Long-blooming perennials for shady spaces are hard to come by, but this is where ‘Luxuriant’ shines! Growing just knee-high, this hardy selection produces clusters of reddish-pink, heart-shaped blooms throughout late spring and summer. The ferny foliage is also attractive, and makes a nice foil for the old-fashioned flowers. Plant this shade-tolerant perennial in a woodland garden, shady border, or along a tree-lined pathway. Clipping out faded flowers will ensure months of bloom.

Pruning Tip – Don’t be afraid to grab those pruning shears once that initial bloom of spring flowers starts to wind down. Many perennials, like Geranium ‘Rozanne’ will continue to produce flowers all season, but in a lesser quantity. If you want a heavier bloom, shear the plants back by one-third to one-half to push out fresh foliage and flowers.

The Mid-Season Superstars:

Ornamental Onion ‘Millenium’ ( Allium ‘Millenium’, zones 5 to 9). The 2018 Perennial Plant of the Year, ‘Millenium’ is a showy selection with grassy foliage and two-inch diameter, rounded flower clusters in a cheerful shade of lavender-purple. The flowers bloom for around six weeks each summer, attracting every bee, butterfly, and beneficial insect for miles around. The one-foot tall and wide clumps are perfect for the front of a perennial border or a rock garden where the ball-shaped blooms can be appreciated. Technically a bulb, this plant is usually sold as a potted perennial and can be planted in spring or fall. Unlike many perennials, pruning doesn’t produce more flowers.

Millenium Allium is a long flowering perennial that's attractive to bees and butterflies.

Coneflower ‘White Swan’ and ‘Magnus’ ( Echinacea purpurea, zones 3 to 9 ). Coneflowers are the cornerstone of a summer perennial garden, blooming for months, even in dry, hot conditions, and providing food for butterflies, bees, and other pollinators. There are countless cultivars available to gardeners, but for months of flowers, it’s hard to beat old school selections like  ‘Magnus’ and ‘White Swan’ . ‘Magnus’ is a classic purple-flowering coneflower, while ’White Swan’ has large blooms with white petals and orange-copper cones. Both flower from early summer into mid-autumn, especially when deadheaded regularly.

White Swan coneflower

Coreopsis ‘Full Moon’ ( Coreopsis x ‘Full Moon’, zones 5 to 9). This eye-catching plant is among the longest flowering perennials with a season that stretches from early summer to early autumn. It’s also the first introduction in the new ‘Big Bang’ series of coreopsis, boasting large, soft yellow flowers that grow up to three-inches across. It also has excellent drought tolerance and is popular with the pollinators. ‘Moonbeam’ is another popular long-flowering coreopsis with pale yellow blooms that are smaller, but no less plentiful than those of ‘Full Moon’. With both cultivars, deadhead flowers as they fade to encourage new buds.

Moonbeam coreopsis is very easy to grow and attractive to butterflies.

Astilbe ( Astilbe species, zones 4 to 9 ). Astilbe stands out among the longest flowering perennials. Besides being super easy to grow, they thrive in both sunny and shaded gardens, and have feathery flowers that offers months of graceful color. And speaking of color, the blooms can be white, lavender, purple, bubblegum, deep pink, apricot, or red, often with bronze or purple foliage as well. The plants form tidy clumps with the flower plumes emerging in early to mid summer and persisting into winter. The plants do appreciate ample moisture and regular watering in dry summers can prolong the blooming period. Outstanding cultivars include ‘Bridal Veil’ , ‘Pumila’ , and ‘Fanal ‘.

Plant long-blooming astilbe for months of bold color.

Yarrow ( Achillea millefolium, zones 3 to 9 ). A butterfly favorite, yarrow is a robust summer bloomer with pretty, flat-topped flowers that bloom for 6 to 8 weeks. The ferny foliage emerges in early spring and is followed by the two to four-foot tall flower stems in early summer. Yarrow is one of the longest flowering perennials that grows best in full sun with well-drained soil of average fertility; over-fertilizing can cause the stems to flop over. Flower colours can range from soft pastels to rich jewel shades. Deadhead spent flowers by clipping the flower stem back to the main foliage. Top varieties include ‘Moonshine’ , which has pale, yellow flowers and ‘Cerise Queen’ , a bright cherry-red bee magnet.

Yarrow is a long blooming perennial.

Pruning Tip – As summer flowers fade, deadhead often, cutting down to a fresh stem or set of leaves. This will push the plants to continue producing more blooms. Small flowered perennials, like ‘Moonbeam’ Coreopsis, can be quickly and easily deadheaded with hedge shears , rather than snipping individual blooms. In late summer, as flowering winds down, stop deadheading to allow some blooms to go to seed. Seedheads provide valuable food for birds and add interest to the winter garden.

Fantastic Fall Flowers:

Black-eyed Susan ‘Goldsturm’ (Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Goldsturm’, zones 3 to 9). Widely considered to be among the best perennials of all time, ’Goldstrum’ lights up the late summer garden with weeks and weeks of bold color that persists into October. Each coneflower-shaped flower has a raised chocolate-brown center cone that is surrounded by golden petals. The drought-tolerant plants grow about two-feet tall and offer the best visual effect when planted en masse . Deadhead faded flowers to prolong the bloom period.

Rudbeckia Goldsturm is a long flowering perennial.

Purple Flame Grass (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purpurascens’, zones 3 to 9). Maiden grasses add striking form and texture to the perennial border all summer long. By late summer, many cultivars produce soft, feathery plumes that emerge above the narrow foliage. Purple Flame Grass is a medium-sized maiden grass, growing three to four-feet tall with foliage that turns from bright green to fiery reddish-orange in early autumn. The attractive plumes are silvery-white and persist on the plants throughout winter. Plant it in a sunny site with well-drained soil. Pruning is only necessary in early spring when the dried foliage and flower stems from the previous season are cut back before the fresh growth emerges.

Pruning Tip – In late spring, pinch out the tips of late summer and fall blooming perennials like sneezeweed, Joe Pye weed, Russian sage, and Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’. Pinching will slow flowering and produce bushier growth, which means more flower-bearing stems.

For more info on growing great plants, check out the following articles: 

  • Rudbeckias Powerhouse Plants
  • 24 Perennials with Purple Flowers
  • Learn How to Start Perennial Seeds by Winter Sowing 
  • Early-blooming Perennials: 10 Favorites
  • The Best Plants for Beneficial Insects

What are the longest flowering perennials in your garden? 

For non-stop color, plant the longest flowering perennials in your garden!

Reader Interactions

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October 11, 2017 at 11:54 am

Phlox. Cutting it for vases encourages more flowers below the cut. I’m trying to collect all colours and sizes. Aconitum (monkshood) in fall, one of my latest bloomers. Hydrangeas, of course, have pretty dead heads. I’m in Ontario. I’ll try some on your list, if I can find nurseries for them.

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October 11, 2017 at 12:06 pm

Great suggestions, thanks! I could easily have added another 10 to the list. 🙂 – Niki

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October 11, 2017 at 4:50 pm

Throwing in a vote for Salvia greggii. In the NC Piedmont it can go from mid March to late October. Astilbes don’t seem to re-bloom much in our heat. It would be fantastic if they did!

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June 22, 2018 at 8:29 pm

Agreed. I live in the Triangle area. I’ve had Astilbe in my garden almost fifteen years now, and I didn’t know it was supposed to bloom for more than two weeks in the spring. Love how it smells though, like ‘antique’, somewhere between sweet and dusty. Between that and the reliable, pretty foliage, I’m happy to keep growing it.

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August 28, 2022 at 2:56 pm

Here in South Carolina zone 7b, from my experience, astilbe would never make this list. Lenten Roses would most definitely be included.

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October 14, 2018 at 12:09 pm

I would add phlox and aster to that list. My phlox started late June and still have a few blooming in October. Asters begin in my area (KY) late Sept., early Oct. and last well into Nov.

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December 31, 2018 at 10:35 am

Yea Phlox . I was hoping Phlox would be at the top of the top ten so I could reason just how the others might stack up and worth trying.

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May 15, 2019 at 9:53 pm

what perennials grown best under trees

May 16, 2019 at 7:12 am

Hi Peggy… good choices include hostas, perennial geraniums, coral bells, astilbe, brunnnera and hardy ferns. – Niki

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August 8, 2019 at 11:12 am

caladiums,oxalis,daylilys,iris,lambsear,coleus,bleeding heart,ajuga,as long as its high shade,not dense.

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January 10, 2020 at 1:13 pm

Lenten rose (NOT a rose) is great for even dry shade, and is evergreen and deer resistant. They bloom for ages and come in white or pink. What a great plant!!

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April 12, 2023 at 4:53 pm

violets, primroses, christmas rose, lilly of the valley are all very good for under deciduous trees. Not under coniferous trees though.

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August 12, 2019 at 4:17 am

It’s so helpful to get a zone or a city and state ! Also, sun or part shade – yes, no ?

I am in Zone 9 – Lincoln, CA, outside of Sacramento. I have 4 maples on our golf course lot that do very well, in addition to a large crepe myrtle that gets pruned heavily every winter. and blooms all summer. I have a huge loropetalum (green variety) 15 ft. across that blooms twice a year with a mass of fushia. 6 White iceberg roses and red rocket roses bloom, get dead headed with electric shears, and bloom again 4 times from May to Oct. I’m planting a sago pine this week and a 3 gal. variegated yucca. All these plants do well in Zone 9, full sun. I’m always looking for long blooming perennials in full sun,

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May 25, 2020 at 5:15 pm

Dee I live in zone 9 -10 in Deep South Louisiana… I have 40 to 60 foot bamboo in my back yard (love it!) & am looking for some variegated or blooming plants that can grow in the shade.. 4 foot tall to 2 foot…. do you have any suggestions.. it’s pretty hot here & in August it’s Hades… Thank You !! Cynthia Russell

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October 27, 2019 at 1:11 am

You have to love the Dahlia – it’s absolutely stunning and sticks around until the absolute last day until you have a frost. I love it so. It’s so easy. You just dig up the tubers and you have so any more than you started with. You can share or leave them in the ground depending on where you life. I’m in zone 9.

October 28, 2019 at 7:40 am

Totally agree, dahlias are garden superstars, but only perennial in zones 8 and up which is why I didn’t include them. But I’m glad you mentioned them as gardeners in mild climates should definitely be growing them. 🙂 – Niki

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June 21, 2020 at 7:22 am

HI. I live in northern Ohio. I have never had luck with phlox, they always eventually get mildew. I do love dahlias though. I leave them in the ground and every spring they come with more plants and lots of blooms. It takes them awhile, but once they start blooming, it continues until it frosts. I don’t strip my garden of plants in the fall, but clean it up in the spring.

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May 14, 2021 at 11:02 am

Wow! You live in northern Ohio and leave your dahlias in the ground over winter?! I live in Illinois, west of Chicago, and I’ve been digging up my dahlias in the fall. Maybe I will leave some in the ground this fall to see if they survive.

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September 21, 2020 at 8:35 am

LindaD here Hi, I live in zone 7 and grow dahlias…they are not fragrant but oh SO BEAUTIFUL!!! I left them in the ground last Winter and mulched them heavily!!!!! They are somewhat protected close to the house. Mind you all 20 of them came back up this Spring! And actually the plants were even stronger and seemed more robust than before! They must be deer resistant as we have lots of them here and knock on wood my dahlias have been fine!

The only thing with Dahlias, they need to be staked! But worth every bit of the beauty! Wish I could post some pics of them here!!!

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April 26, 2021 at 8:53 pm

I would add false sunflower to your list. I love it because it really does flower from spring to autumn. In fact I have it in several places in my garden and wouldn’t be without it.

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May 27, 2021 at 9:34 am

I am happy to say I have 8 of those in my garden. Live them all!

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August 30, 2021 at 11:01 am

I’m in zone 5, Colorado. I have two very large pots of “Red birds in a tree” in full sun. They flower all summer; June – late September. They are a shrubby looking perennial, with tender looking leaves and blooms with thousands of tiny red tube like flowers on long lacy flower stems. They are drought tolerant and grow rather fast. At night, Luna moths love the flower nectar as do hummingbirds. Highly recommend if you can find them. Would be really pretty as a stand alone shrub next to a mail box as well as row of them along a fence or wall. Grow up to 3′ w x 4′ tall.

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November 19, 2021 at 1:49 am

I’m surprised daphne wasn’t mentioned! I live in Zone 8b in Oregon. My daphne only stops blooming for one month in late winter, produces a showstopping early spring bloom, then blooms nicely for the rest of the year. Love it!

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July 11, 2022 at 10:19 am

What Daphne cultivar do you have?

November 19, 2021 at 1:57 am

Sorry! Just realized that daphne is a shrub, not a perennial! But it’s beautiful, easy care and long-flowering.

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September 11, 2022 at 9:22 am

I love ROSES coz they bloom from April til October – I have 100 of them — I am crazy about mini roses now!!!

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May 8, 2023 at 7:58 pm

Yes I used to grow roses behind my house full sun but then I moved into townhouse smaller house and my mini rose is just outstanding never disappoints.

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November 1, 2022 at 1:01 am

I live in Texas in Zone 8 of the “hardiness zone”. Can you tell me if lavender, thyme, oregano, or any of the perennials would be available down here ? I think we just had our seasonal monarch butterflies fly thru

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November 20, 2022 at 9:30 am

So glad I found this site. What a nice group of people. I live north of Atlanta zone 7b. Just redoing a 10 x 10 garden, facing south. Any suggestions for perennials?

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March 10, 2023 at 12:32 pm

I live on zone 6 I believe, in Eastern Washington, cold winters, hot summers. What some of the best plants to grow for long blooming.

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April 3, 2023 at 11:41 pm

Echinacea Salvia microphylla ( eg. hot lips variety) Agastache rupestris ( light orange, corals, pinks) Black eyed Susan Autumn joy sedum Erigeron annuus Gamma grass Blonde ambition Tall Verbenia (purple) Russian sage Jeruselum sage Sea Holly (Eryngium)

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April 13, 2023 at 9:22 am

I live in Nashville ,Tn I want to have a design for a straight line full sun perennial border to replace Some holly boxwoods I think are dead ! Should I use any evergreens for structure ? I never hang in that area and thought about just growing grass there but I also thought about this can be a time I can have a little of everything or an experimental bed and hit and miss ! I am not good with design ! Thanks

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June 9, 2023 at 3:45 pm

Thanks for this great info! I have a very steep bank that abuts to a road. Very hard to weed safely. Thinking of a plant that would spread well and drown out the weeds. Crown vetch seeds was suggested by a friend. Looking for other suggestions! Too old to weed that area! Live in CT zone 6 Thanks!

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June 28, 2023 at 2:51 pm

Crown vetch will grow, and grow, and grow. A friend of mine that works for the Vermont highway department suggested it for my side hill that’s mostly grey clay and slate. At least at my house (western Massachusetts) it spread and took over everything. Don’t worry about soil quality or watering (once it’s established) with this stuff.

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Guinness World Records - The longest journey walking on flower petals

Guinness world records accepted that the dhammachai dhutanga is the longest journey walking on flower petals which is the latest non-registered record in the world. https://dmc.tv/a14300.

LINE it!

longest journey flower

The Best World Class Start Episode: Guinness World Records “The longest journey walking on flower petals” Edited from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program Broadcasted on DMC “This activity was not only the longest journey walking on the flower petals in the world, but also showed the Buddhist monks’ effort to the world that the inner peace from meditation can create the real world peace further.” The Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni (Dhammajayo Bhikkhu), The President of Dhammakaya Foundation Speech in the ceremony of receiving the GWR Certificate September 9th, 2012 More than helping the disaster victims, Dhammakaya Foundation teaches how to meditate to the interested people regularly. Dhammakaya Temple arranged the Dhammachai Dhutanga to establish the Great Master’s Path, the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro), during January 2nd – 25th, 2012, 24 total days and 427.8 total kilometers.  1,127 monks were walking on the longest flower petal path    The power of congregations’ believe They created the history together by paving the longest rose petal path in the world     Dhutanga is a Buddhist custom since the Buddha Time Dhammachai Dhutanga is the dhutanga to express gratefulness to the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro)     Mr. Srichak  Chaowanich, The representative of Dhammakaya Foundation, Thailand, In the cooperation with the Guinness World Records Mr. Srichak  Chaowanich said that “I cooperated with the Guinness World Records and sent the data and information, collected by the teaching monks and staffs of the PR Department, to GWR.”  Mr. Nattakorn  Soontorntanont who installed the GPS system for measuring the distance of Dhammachai Dhutanga Now he is the IT manager at Union Inter Insurance PLC.    Mr. Sumethus Thammaphusit who drove the vehicle used to invite the golden statue of Luang Pu He is a civil engineer. The most challenging was how to make GWR accept the Dhammachai Dhutanga.  The important factors were an over 300-page document, video files, photos of the activity in each day including the distance table measured by the international GPS system, etc. according to the requirements of GWR.  We collected these evidences over 3 months and our important witnesses who made GWR accept are Mr. Nattakorn  Soontorntanont and Mr. Sumethus Thammaphusit. Mr. Nattakorn  Soontorntanont is an expert in GPS system and applies this technology in the development of broadcasting the “Keep watching the Dhammachai Dhutanga” Program broadcasted via DMC.  So, DMC audiences were able to see how long the dhutanga monks walking and where the monks were via www.dmc.tv at that time (Real-time processing) so that there was very good response from the audiences. After that on February 26th, 2012, while Mr. Nattakorn was driving back from the Morning Alms Round to 10,000 Monks in Lampang province, he suddenly had an accident.  There was one person died at once and Mr. Nattakorn was unconscious for 3 days so that the doctor and police misunderstood that he passed away.  When he revived amazingly, the doctor told him that he had to be cured and not move about 3 months, however, he could sign and sent the evidences to GWR in 2 weeks later.  So, we can send the evidences to GWR in time.  The GPS equipment using to measure the Dhammachai Dhutanga distance, 427.8 total kilometers It was installed in the vehicle used to invite the golden statue of Luang Pu When the GWR experts had proved that the information was the real one, so GWR accepted that Dhammakaya Foundation can make the new world record named “the longest journey walking on flower petals” with the 427.8 total kilometers distance.  The quality assurance certificate of GPS equipment ensures that this equipment is in the international standard    The pictures of success of the Dhammachai Dhutanga comes from those who were behind the scene such as V-Monk, V-Rose, V-Star , V-Peace, V-Clean, V-Move, V-Health, V-Mat, V-Care, V-Car etc.     Ms. Metta Suvachitvong, the consultant for promoting the Dhammachai Dhutanga She is the Managing Director of DM & S Advertising Co., Ltd Ms. Metta Suvachitvong said, “When we talk about the most of something in the world, everybody thinks of the Guinness World Records first.  So everyone knows that the new world record “The longest journey walking on flower petals” means.  This Dhammachai Dhutanga is the best world class start similarly to CNN broadcasting V-Star news.  That was the best world class start as well.  What Khunkru Maiyai does to change the world, they have never happened and they are all the world class works which the world should know, for example, the maximum number of the meditation practitioners in the world, the maximum V-Star children in the world.  I think GWR should record these world records too because these good pictures are the rare pictures in the world except Thailand.  Thai people see and use to these pictures.   Mrs. Seyda Subasi Gemici The GWR staff from Turkey who approved the qualification was the GWR representative to offer the GWR Certificate to Dhammakaya Foundation Mrs. Seyda Subasi Gemici unveiled that she wondered what this world record was about. When there is a new world record, GWR has established that it must be at least 300 kilometers.  But Dhammakaya Foundation showed the GWR that the foundation was able to break the established standard amazingly, over 400 kilometers, which she had never seen before.  Most of the world records exist and there is someone breaking the existing one.  But this was the latest non-registered record of GWR. She visited Thailand for the first time. She was so excited and curious to know the new or strange things including to meditation and the Buddhist monks which she had never experienced these thing before. “This activity was not only the longest journey walking on the flower petals in the world, but also showed the Buddhist monks’ effort to the world that the inner peace from meditation can create the real world peace further.” Translated by Chadawee Chaipooripat  

longest journey flower

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💐 Flowers and Gifts Delivery Service - Any International Destination💐

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7 Amazing Long Lasting Cut Flowers Best for Sending Internationally and How to Handle Them

Flowers are the perfect way to tell a loved one you’re thinking about them. Maybe you want to send birthday flowers for your mother or anniversary flowers for your partner. Regardless of the occasion, a beautiful flower arrangement never fails to put a smile on someone’s face.

But what if your loved one lives in another country? You’re going to need flowers that will last through the journey abroad and remain beautiful for the receiver to enjoy.

Keep reading to learn about the 7 amazing longest lasting cut flowers that you can send as a gift internationally and how to handle them!

1. Carnations are One of the Longest Lasting Cut Flowers

Carnation flowers are a perfect choice to send internationally. They are able to survive in a vase without giving them much attention, so they are able to last a lot longer than other flowers.

It is important to note that these flowers need time to fully bloom, so you’ll need to be patient before shipping them. But when they’re ready, they’ll make a beautiful gift for any loved one. These diverse flowers often symbolize growth and celebration, along with affection so it may depend on the occasion, but these could be the perfect flowers to send.

2. Protea Flowers

Protea flowers are so durable that they’re typically the last standing flowers in an arrangement. They can be placed at the front of a burlap-wrapped bouquet to absorb any jostling that might happen during shipment.

They’re also a beautiful flower that can be sent on their own and can last weeks in a vase. These flowers typically grow in South Africa and are sure to impress any receiver!

3. Calla Lily Flowers

Calla Lilies are another great flower choice for anyone who might not be able to do frequent water changes or don’t want to trim the stems. They can also withstand some neglect and will last through shipment.

These flowers also come in a lot of colors and make a beautiful arrangement. Consider calla lilies as an excellent option to put in your cut flower bouquet.

longest journey flower

4. Cymbidium Orchid Cut Flowers

Orchids are a popular flower, and the cymbidium orchid is popular even in the fall and winter. They’re able to look lush all on their own and help to create shape and flair to any arrangement.

If these flowers are cared for in the right manner, they can last up to two weeks, which makes them a great option for your loved one abroad. The shelf life on an orchid can be much longer than other flowers, as long as they are kept in water.

5. Ranunculus Flowers

As we transition into the spring season, you’ll start to see a lot of flowers in bloom, including the ranunculus. These flowers are long-lasting and transition into a beautiful flower from tight buds as they develop.

These flowers look similar to peonies, but they are able to last a lot longer with the right kind of care. Plus, their beautiful layers of petals make them an attractive gift to send to someone you care about.

6. Fringed Tulip Flowers

Most tulip flowers are able to last for about a week with proper care and are beautiful to look at, and the fringed tulip is no exception. This is a great option for a bouquet that looks and smells like springtime.

These flowers have a distinct fringed area on the tips of their petals. A fringed tulip is very ornamental and creates a great variety to any arrangement.

7. Double Tulip Flowers

Similarly to the fringed tulip flowers, double tulip flowers last about a week, but will require care. These are beautiful and can be combined with many other flower types and fit in beautifully while bringing a splash of color.

These flowers won’t last as long as some of the others listed above, so it’ll be important to take care of them by changing the water and cutting them often.

How to Handle Cut Flowers for International Shipment

Preparing flowers for international shipment starts with storing your flowers in a cool place. It’s recommended that you keep the flowers in a fridge, so that they’re able to be cool without freezing.

The next step is to cut your flowers an inch or two to help extend their lifespan and keep them fresh for travel. You should cut the stems while they’re in water (using a shallow basin), and ensure no air enters the stem.

Trimming leaves off the stems will prevent any mold or bacteria from growing around the base of the flowers. Be sure to cut the stems every 48 hours in order to maintain freshness.

You will then want to wrap the flowers with rubber bands at the lower part of the stems. Put the flowers in a moist wrap before shipping them by using cotton wool that has been soaked or any material that will hold water for longer periods of time.

Finally, cover the fabric and flowers in plastic wrap or a plastic bag to keep the moisture, and then place them in a shallow box. If it’s a larger flower arrangement , you’ll have a few more steps.

Sending Cut Flowers Internationally Is Doable

If going through the steps of preparing your cut flowers seems like an overwhelming task, you can always opt for our delivery service .

If you do send your own flowers, remember to store your flowers in a cold place like the fridge and cut them before wrapping them and boxing them for shipment.

By choosing any of the 7 amazing longest lasting cut flowers listed above, you’ll ensure you’re sending a beautiful bouquet that will last!

Plus click here to read more about the different flower arrangements you should send for each occasion.

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Perennial Wonders: Exploring the World’s Longest-Living Flowers

In the world of flowers, beauty often comes with an expiration date. Most blooms grace our gardens and landscapes briefly, but there are exceptions—remarkable perennial flowers that defy the conventional lifespan and endure for years, decades, and even centuries.

Flowers can brighten our lives and bring joy with their vibrant colours and delicate fragrances. While most flowers are celebrated for their beauty and ephemeral nature, some extraordinary blooms have a different story. These long-lived perennial flowers have stood the test of time and graced our planet with their beauty for years, decades, and even centuries. In this blog, we embark on a journey to explore the world’s longest-living flowers, celebrating their resilience and timeless charm.

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus)

Peony (paeonia), yucca (yucca spp.), hawthorn (crataegus), orchids (orchidaceae), passionflower (passiflora), camellia (camellia), cacti (cactaceae), rose (rosa), wisteria (wisteria).

Saffron crocus, the source of the highly prized saffron spice, is a small but mighty flower. This perennial plant can live for over 50 years, producing those sought-after crimson stigmas that add flavour and colour to dishes worldwide.

longest journey flower

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Peonies are known for their lush, extravagant blooms and their remarkable longevity. With proper care, these perennial beauties can thrive for over a century, making them a cherished addition to gardens for generations.

longest journey flower

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Yucca plants are known for their striking architectural appeal and their ability to withstand the test of time. Some yucca species can live for several decades, adding a desert elegance to your landscape.

longest journey flower

Also Read This :  The Life Cycle of Monarch Butterflies and Milkweed Plants

Hawthorn trees and shrubs are known for longevity, with some species capable of living for over 100 years. Their graceful branches, adorned with white or pink blossoms, have witnessed generations of change.

longest journey flower

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Orchids are often associated with delicacy and luxury, but many orchid species are long-lived. With proper care, an orchid can bloom and thrive for decades, becoming a cherished companion.

longest journey flower

Also Read This :  Succulent Soil: Is Coco Peat the Perfect Choice?

The exotic and captivating passionflower vines can live for many years, providing stunning blooms and intriguing fruits. These perennial vines can climb and bloom for generations to come.


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Camellias are renowned for their enchanting blossoms, and many cultivars can live for more than a century under the right conditions. These evergreen shrubs are a testament to the beauty of long-lived flowers.

longest journey flower

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Cacti, adapted to arid conditions, have a unique resilience. Some cacti can live for decades, even centuries, making them enduring symbols of desert landscapes.

longest journey flower

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Roses , the timeless symbols of love and beauty, are known for longevity. With the proper care, rose bushes can live for decades, continuously enchanting garden enthusiasts.

longest journey flower

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Wisteria vines, famous for their cascading clusters of flowers, can live for generations, gracing gardens with their picturesque blooms and twisting tendrils.

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The world’s longest-living flowers are a testament to nature’s enduring beauty and resilience. As we marvel at their ability to thrive for years, decades, and even centuries, we are reminded of the precious gift of time and the enduring charm of these perennial wonders. Whether you’re a gardener, nature enthusiast, or simply someone who appreciates the fleeting beauty of flowers, these long-lived blooms are a source of inspiration and wonder, and they continue to brighten our world with their timeless grace.

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The Most Incredible, Longest Blooming Perennial We’ve Ever Grown!

Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good – like accidentally stumbling on to one of the most beautiful, longest blooming perennial plants we’ve ever grown at the farm. And are we ever glad we did!

Not only are its blooms gorgeous and prolific, the plant also happens to be deer and drought resistant too. And, as you’ll see below, it comes in a variety of colors that are a perfect fit for any flowerbed.

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Discovering The Longest Blooming Perennial Ever – By Accident!

We certainly love filling our flowerbed spaces at the farm full of perennials. Not only are they great for adding a huge variety of foliage and colorful blooms, but they also, of course, return year after year.

It makes perennials both economical, low-maintenance, and a great way to fill beds to keep out weeds. (See : How To Keep Flowerbeds Weed Free For Good!)

longest blooming perennials

But if there is one drawback to perennials, it is their short-lived blooming period. Unfortunately, many perennials bloom for as little as 7 to 10 days. While others may last for 2 to 3 weeks at most.

Which is exactly why we happened to be at one of our favorite local nurseries (Wilsons Garden Center) , trying to add a few longer blooming perennials to our mix this past spring.

longest blooming perennial

We were actually searching for hardy geraniums – which can bloom for extended periods. But fortunately, yours truly wasn’t paying attention, and picked up 2 pots of Blanketflower that were sitting beside the hardy geraniums instead.

But it turned out to be our greatest perennial “mistake” purchase ever!

The Amazing Blanketflower – The Longest Blooming Perennial Ever!

We have two varieties of blanketflowers planted on our farm now, Spintop Orange Halo and Sunset Snappy. And they both have performed beyond belief!

pollinator plants

They have been in constant bloom now for 2+ months, and show no signs of slowing. They thrive in full sun, and require very little water to survive. In fact, they actually prefer less water.

Blanketflower grows in a mound or clump, reaching about 14 to 16 inches in height. The plants are overflowing with gorgeous blooms, resembling a cross between a daisy and a coneflower.

blanketflower longest blooming perennial

Available in all shades of red, yellow and orange, this long blooming perennial brings lasting color to any flowerbed. We actually have two planted in containers as well as a few in flowerbeds.

They have been nothing short of the perfect container plant with their constant blooms and little need for water. In the fall, we will simply replant them into the landscape to overwinter. (An Amazing Low Cost Way To Create Gorgeous Planters)

Plant Requirements

Blanketflowers are hardy to Growing Zone 5, and will bloom from spring to fall. Deadheading will help the blooms continue at full force.

long blooming perennials

Plants can be divided in the spring or fall every few years to create new plants and keep plants strong and healthy. They are said to be much easier to grow from stock and dividing than seed.

One thing is for sure, as one of the longest blooming perennials we have ever seen, it has found a home in our landscape for good! Happy Gardening – Jim and Mary.

Jim and Mary Competti have been writing gardening, DIY and recipe articles and books for over 15 years from their 46 acre Ohio farm. The two are frequent speakers on all things gardening and love to travel in their spare time.

As always, feel free to email us at [email protected] with comments, questions, or to simply say hello! You can sign up for our free email list in the subscribe now box in the middle of this article. Follow us on Facebook here : OWG Facebook . This article may contain affiliate links.

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Guinness World Records

Buddhist monks complete longest journey walking on flower petals across Thailand

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The Longest Named Flower in the World: A Fascinating Exploration of Nature’s Masterpieces

  • by Richard Edwards
  • October 30, 2023

Our world is filled with an abundant variety of flowers, each with its own unique beauty and charm. From the delicate petals of a rose to the vibrant colors of a tulip, there is something truly captivating about these natural wonders. But have you ever wondered which flower boasts the longest name? In this blog post, we will delve into the enchanting realm of botany to uncover the flower with the most elaborate moniker.

As we unravel the mystery behind the longest named flower, we will also touch upon other intriguing aspects of the floral world. From the stinkiest to the prettiest, the rarest to the most fragrant, we will explore a myriad of questions that pique our curiosity. So sit back, relax, and prepare to embark on a journey through the astonishing world of flowers.

What flower has the longest name

What flower has the longest name

Are you ready for a challenge? We’re about to dive into the fascinating world of flowers with incredibly long names. Brace yourself, because these floral tongue twisters might twist your brain a little too! From the tip of your tongue to the tip of your pen, get ready to spell the lengths of these magnificent blooms.

Begonias Blow Names Out of Proportion

When it comes to flowers with long names, begonias steal the show. These gorgeous blooms not only brighten up your garden but also give you a run for your money when it comes to spelling their names correctly. Meet Begonia x hybrida ‘Non-stop Mocca Bright Orange’ —quite a mouthful! Its vibrant color might leave you speechless, but pronouncing that name will sure get your lips moving.

Dahlia’s Delightful Dilemma

Dahlias, the queens of flower gardens, are known for their captivating beauty and … perplexing names! One dahlia variety, in particular, holds the record for the longest name in the dahlia kingdom. Dahlia ‘Waltzing Matilda Pipsqueak Hot Pink Perfection’ may sound like a peculiar dance move, but it’s actually the name of a stunning dahlia with pink petals that will make your heart skip a beat.

Orchids: The Show-offs with Extensive Names

Orchids, the divas of the floral world, never shy away from the limelight. They flaunt their exotic charm and enchanting fragrance, coupled with the longest names you can imagine. Introducing Catasetum x Chauvetii ‘Dragon’s Breath Deep-Throat Red’ —yes, you read that right! With a name that could rival a fantasy novel character, this orchid surely knows how to make a statement.

African Violets and Their Verbose Vocabulary

Ah, the sweet and delicate African violets, loved by many for their dainty purple petals. But, wait a minute, did you know that their names can be as intricate as their captivating beauty? Meet Saintpaulia x Gnaughty Gnome in Oregon Imperial , a majestic African violet that will make your head spin, regardless of whether you’re in Oregon or not.

Longest Flower Names: A Challenge Worth Taking

In the world of flowers, there’s no shortage of astonishingly long names that challenge our tongues and captivate our hearts. Whether you find joy in unraveling the mysteries of floral language or simply love the beauty that blooms provide, these extraordinary flower names are sure to leave you awe-struck. So, if you’re up for a challenge, go grab your gardening gloves, start spelling practice, and get ready to embrace the spellbinding beauty of flowers with the longest names.

For more quirky flower facts, stay tuned! There’s always something delightful blooming around the corner.

What flower has the longest name

FAQ: What flower has the longest name

In the world of flowers, there are plenty of fascinating species with beautiful blooms and intriguing names. But if you’re curious about the flower with the longest name, you’ve come to the right place! We’ve gathered some of the most frequently asked questions about flowers and their names. So let’s dive in and explore the world of floral nomenclature!

What is the stinkiest flower in the world

Ah, the stinky stuff! When it comes to foul-smelling flora, the Amorphophallus titanium takes the crown. Commonly known as the “Corpse Flower,” this giant plant emits an odor reminiscent of rotting flesh. Its scent serves a useful purpose, attracting pollinators such as carrion beetles and flies. So, if you catch a whiff of something truly putrid, it might just be this stinky flower in action!

What is the prettiest flower

Beauty is subjective, and flowers come in countless shapes, colors, and patterns. However, one flower that often steals the show with its elegance and charm is the orchid. With its delicate petals and graceful appearance, the orchid is often hailed as one of the prettiest flowers in the world. Whether it’s the rare Ghost Orchid or the vibrant Cattleya, these exquisite blooms never fail to captivate admirers.

What is a woman’s favorite flower

While it’s hard to generalize preferences, it’s safe to say that many women adore roses. These classic beauties have long symbolized love and romance, making them a perennial favorite among people of all genders. However, it’s important to remember that flower preferences vary from person to person, so if you’re thinking of surprising a special woman with flowers, don’t be afraid to explore other options too!

Is a black rose real

Ah, the enigmatic allure of a black rose! While black roses may appear frequently in literature, symbolizing mystery and intrigue, they don’t naturally occur in nature. The closest you’ll get to a “black” rose is a deep, dark red or burgundy variety. These roses exude a captivating sense of drama and are perfect for those who appreciate unconventional beauty.

What kind of flower is this

Describing a flower without any specific details can be challenging. In the vast world of flora, there are countless species with different characteristics. To accurately identify a flower, it’s best to provide more information like its color, shape, or any distinctive features. Alternately, you can consult a trusted local florist or use various plant identification apps available today, such as PlantSnap or PictureThis.

What flower starts with Z

Searching for flowers that start with the letter “Z” might leave you stumped, as there aren’t many options. However, one unique flower that springs to mind is the Zinnia. With its vibrant colors and diverse varieties, the Zinnia adds a splash of cheerfulness to gardens and bouquets alike. So, if you’re on a quest for a floral name game, Zinnia can be your trusty companion!

What is the ugliest flower

Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and what one person finds unattractive, another might find intriguing. However, the Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly known as the “Voodoo Lily” or “Dragon Arum,” might top the list of unconventional and bizarre-looking flowers. Its unique shape and deep maroon color create an alien-like appearance that’s bound to evoke a mix of awe and bewilderment. So, if you’re in the mood for some unconventional charm, the ugliest flower might just become your new fascination!

What plant has the longest name

When it comes to plants and their lengthy names, the honor of the plant with the longest name goes to the Welsh village of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. While it’s not a flower name, this name, consisting of 58 characters, reflects the Welsh language’s rich linguistic heritage. So, if you’re on a quest for a plant name that will test your pronunciation skills, this is definitely the one!

Are rainbow roses real

Rainbow roses might seem like something out of a fairytale, with their mesmerizing multi-colored petals. However, these vibrant beauties are indeed real, but they undergo a bit of human intervention to attain their stunning hues. By splitting the stem and dipping each part into different-colored dyes, the rose petals absorb the colors as they grow, resulting in the vibrant rainbow effect. So, don’t hesitate to add a touch of whimsy to your floral arrangements with these captivating and colorful creations!

What starts with the letter “T,” is filled with “T,” and ends with “T”

The answer to this playful riddle, “Teapot,” brings to mind cozy teatime gatherings and the soothing warmth of a cuppa. So, if you’re in the mood for some wordplay or craving a delightful brew, why not enjoy the charm of a teapot alongside your favorite flowers?

What is the rarest and most beautiful flower in the world

The world is brimming with magnificent and rare flowers, but few can rival the allure of the Kadupul flower, also known as the “Queen of the Night.” This elusive flower blooms for just a few hours at midnight and wilts before dawn, making it nearly impossible to witness in full bloom. This rarity, coupled with its fragrant and ethereal white petals, grants the Kadupul flower its well-deserved reputation as both rare and breathtakingly beautiful.

What starts with “T,” ends with “T,” and is full of “T”

The playful answer to this riddle is none other than a “teapot.” With its delightful shape, penchant for tea, and captivating ability to infuse warmth into daily routines, a teapot is indeed brimming with the letter “T.” So, next time you’re craving a cozy cup of tea, take a moment to appreciate the charming symmetry of a teapot!

What is the weirdest animal name

When it comes to peculiar animal names, there’s no shortage of contenders. However, one bizarrely named creature that stands out is the Mangalitsa pig. Known for its curly coat that resembles a head full of fluffy dreadlocks, this Hungarian breed has earned itself a quirky and unforgettable name. Witnessing these unique pigs in person might just make your day a little bit stranger and a lot more interesting!

What flower blooms once every 40 years

Few things can rival the anticipation and excitement of a rare and infrequent natural phenomenon. The Agave Americana, also known as the “Century Plant,” is an example of a flower that blooms once every 40 years. Despite its name, the actual blooming period typically ranges between 10 to 30 years. Nevertheless, when the magnificent bloom finally arrives, the sheer sight of this majestic perennial is well worth the wait!

What is a flower with 5 petals called

When it comes to flowers with five petals, the classic example that comes to mind is the simple and cheerful Daisy. With its white petals surrounding a bright yellow center, the Daisy represents purity and innocence. These delightful blooms have captivated humans for centuries, reminding us that even the simplest of flowers can hold a deep meaning and bring a smile to our faces.

What kind of flower has two lips

Ah, the playful world of flowers! While it might sound like the setup to a riddle, the answer is none other than the charming Orchidaceae, also known as Orchids. These exotic and diverse beauties grace us with their stunning blooms, often featuring intricate patterns and vibrant colors. With an imaginative eye, one can easily envision the resemblance of an orchid’s flower to a pair of delicate, supple lips. So, when it comes to nature’s creativity, orchids take the prize for their alluring two-lipped appearances!

Is a black rose rare

As we mentioned earlier, true black roses don’t exist in nature. However, deep red or burgundy roses are often referred to as black roses due to their intense and dark hues. While these roses might be uncommon compared to other colors, they can still be found with a little effort and are sure to add an air of mysterious elegance to any arrangement.

What is the smallest flower

Ah, the beauty of miniature wonders! When it comes to the world’s smallest flowers, the aptly named Wolffia genus steals the show. These tiny aquatic plants, often called “duckweeds,” barely reach a millimeter in size. Their delicate size might make them easy to overlook, but they play a vital role in aquatic ecosystems and serve as a fascinating reminder of nature’s astounding diversity.

What is the rarest flower

Determining the rarest flower in the world is no easy task, as rarity can be measured in various ways. However, one contender for the title is the Ghost Orchid (Dendrophylax lindenii), famous for its elusive and ethereal beauty. With delicate white petals and a striking absence of leaves, this delicate flower thrives in specific, hard-to-reach habitats, making it incredibly difficult to spot in the wild. So, if you happen to catch a glimpse of this elusive beauty, consider yourself lucky!

What flower smells like death

When it comes to flowers emanating an odor akin to death, the Titan Arum takes the crown yet again. Also known as the “Corpse Flower” due to its overwhelming stench of decaying flesh, this giant flowering plant sure knows how to turn heads (and noses). Native to the rainforests of Sumatra, the Titan Arum employs its stinky strategy to attract the very creatures that feast upon rotting flesh, ensuring successful pollination. So, while its scent might not be for the faint of heart, witnessing this botanical oddity in full bloom is an experience like no other!

What is the longest bird name

When it comes to avian nomenclature, the Southern Ground Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) claims the title for the longest bird name. This majestic bird, native to Southern Africa, is known for its distinctive black plumage and striking red facial and neck coloring. With a wingspan of nearly seven feet, the Southern Ground Hornbill’s impressive appearance certainly matches the length of its moniker!

What flower smells the best

Ah, the sweet scent of nature’s fragrant offerings! When it comes to which flower smells the best, opinions might vary. However, the captivating aroma of the Rose is often hailed as one of the most delightful and timeless scents in the floral world. The Rose’s intoxicating fragrance has been cherished for centuries, symbolizing love and beauty. So, if you’re in the mood to fill your living space with an enchanting aroma, a bouquet of roses is a choice that’s sure to please!

What can’t be used until it’s broken

Ah, the riddle of what can’t be used until it’s broken! The answer lies in the humble egg. While an egg in its intact state might seem fragile and useless, once it’s cracked open, it reveals a treasure trove of nutrients and culinary possibilities. So, next time you’re pondering the mysteries of culinary creation, don’t forget to crack open that egg and unlock its hidden potential!

What is the longest named animal

When it comes to the animal kingdom and its lengthy names, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana and Loxodonta cyclotis) takes the crown for its impressive title. These majestic creatures are celebrated not only for their magnificent presence but also for their lengthy and memorable names. So, if you’re looking for an animal name that leaves an impression, the African elephant certainly fits the bill!

And there you have it—your comprehensive guide to the world of floral names, intriguing blooms, and playful wordplay. We hope this FAQ section has both entertained and enlightened you, offering a glimpse into the vast and captivating realm of flowers and their fascinating stories. So, whether you’re seeking the stinkiest, prettiest, or simply the most curious of all flowers, may your floral adventures be filled with joy, wonder, and a touch of botanical magic!

*Note: The information provided in this blog post is for educational and entertainment purposes only. The flower facts and name suggestions are based on common knowledge and popular beliefs.

  • african violets
  • black rose real
  • countless shapes
  • delicate petals
  • delightful dilemma
  • giant plant
  • gorgeous blooms
  • natural wonders
  • vibrant colors

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The Untold Truth Of The Longest Movie Ever, Logistics

Filming freight ship on water

There has been a lot of discourse about Martin Scorsese's "Killers of the Flower Moon" — in particular, how long it is. It's so long, in fact, that there has been some talk about bringing back intermissions for theatrical showings of the film, as well as articles about when the best time is to sneak off for a bathroom break . Three hours and 26 minutes is certainly a long movie, no doubt about it. But it doesn't make it the longest movie of all time by even the longest of long shots.

In fact, you could watch "Killers of the Flower Moon" 240 times and still not have it equal the runtime of "Logistics" — the current record holder for the longest movie ever made. Part-art project and part-documentary, "Logistics" follows the 857-hour journey that a single pedometer took from where it was manufactured in China to the store where it was sold in Sweden and purchased by the filmmakers. Who would make a movie that long, and more importantly, has anyone actually watched it? We're tackling those questions and much more about this unusual film and its eye-watering length.

It's the brainchild of two Swedish artists

The longest movie of all time also has one of the smallest crews of all time. Only two people conceived of, filmed, and edited "Logistics" — both artists, both backstage crew members of the theater world, and both alumni of the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts. Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson are the mad geniuses behind the movie, who came up with the idea in 2008 and had it finished by the end of 2012.

As the name implies, "Logistics" is about consumerism. According to the movie's official website , "The work is about Time and Consumption. It brings to the fore what is often forgotten in our digital, ostensibly fast-paced world: the slow, physical freight transportation that underpins our economic reality." It is said that they chose an "anonymous" item — a pedometer, appropriately enough — and decided to research the path that item took from where it was first made, all the way to the shop in Sweden where it was ultimately purchased. Once they determined that, they recreated the entire journey and filmed it, the bulk of which takes place on a large freight ship. The end result is "Logistics." 

It's much longer than the Guinness World Record holder for longest movie

There's no doubt that some people reading this article clicked on it because they doubted its headline. And that's understandable, as Google searches for the longest movie ever made give conflicting and flat-out incorrect information on the subject. What really muddies up the waters is that the Guinness Book of World Records has its own certified "Longest Film Made" — an experimental 1987 movie called "The Cure for Insomnia." At 85 hours, the film is one long poetry reading by Chicago poet L.D. Groban. "The Cure for Insomnia" is certainly on any "longest movies ever made" list — but it has since been beaten by a handful of longer films, with Guinness not bothering to update the record for one reason or another despite the organization remaining very much active and continuing to certify new records all the time. Not to mention, nobody seems to be able to easily access "The Cure for Insomnia" anymore, especially given that Groban died in 2011.

In 2011, all previous contenders for the longest movie ever made were put to shame with the release of "Modern Times Forever." The 240-hour film — which looks at how a specific building in Finland has succumbed to millennia of decay — is significantly longer than any movie made up to that point. It's nearly three times as long as "The Cure for Insomnia," the movie that Guinness and numerous other sources continue to call the longest movie of all time. But "Modern Times Forever" only got to enjoy its record for a year, as "Logistics" was released in 2012 and established itself as the new No. 1 by a mile-wide margin. 

It's a style of film known as durational cinema

On a surface level, it's easy enough to classify "Logistics." On its website, it's referred to as an art project — and in fact, it is sometimes called "Logistics Art Project" in articles that discuss it. Otherwise, being a nonfiction film documenting real events happening in front of its camera makes "Logistics" a documentary. But it turns out that there is a more specific genre that exists to describe "Logistics" and films like it. And yes, there are actually other films like it.

"Logistics" is part of a niche category of film known as durational cinema, also sometimes referred to as "slow cinema." Artist Andy Warhol is considered a pioneer of durational cinema, having created several films in the 1960s that are little more than real-time looks at someone sleeping, or looking at a building in real time for eight hours. And that's typically what defines durational cinema — a film that takes place in real time over an extended period, usually minimalist in nature with very little going on beyond incidental background activity. It's a genre that has gained in popularity among underground film enthusiasts in the last few decades. Scholar Lutz Koepnick wrote in his book "On Slowness: Toward and Aesthetic of the Contemporary" that slow cinema is a recent movement designed to "make us pause and experience a passing present in all its heterogeneity and difference."

It plays out entirely in reverse real time

Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson decided the only way to truly convey what they were trying to get across with "Logistics" was to film and present the entire journey in real time. Simply explaining that the pedometer's path from where it was created to where it was purchased for consumer use wasn't good enough — the route had to be shown in its entirety. Even if that route amounted to about 37 days.

However, the duo also said they were fascinated by the idea of looking backward on the journey, starting with the store they purchased the pedometer at and imagining its reverse trip all the way back to the original plant in China where it was first built. So that's when it was decided that "Logistics," too, should play out in reverse, with the 857 hours beginning at the store and then working backward through its journey on various forms of transportation. We travel by truck, then freight train, then truck again, ending at its birthplace at a factory in Bao'an in the city of Shenzhen, China, rather than starting there.

It's easy to view that decision as a gimmicky one, but it actually ends up making the message behind "Logistics" that much more powerful as it forces the viewer to start at the parts of a product's journey they are most familiar with and slowly introducing the lesser-known aspects of global trade as the movie goes on. We rarely think about where the things we purchase are actually made, so building up to that revelation is a masterstroke on the part of Magnusson and Andersson.

It was inspired by a story about an electric toothbrush

How does one even come up with such an idea as "Logistics"? It turns out that the impetus for what would become the longest movie ever made started with an electric toothbrush. Or, to be more precise, a story about an electric toothbrush. As Daniel Andersson explained in an interview with After Hrs , he and Erika Magnusson found an article in the German paper Der Spiegel in 2008 concerning an electric toothbrush. He said that they were intrigued by how the parts for that toothbrush came from 10 different countries and that this spurred them to start thinking about the complex machinations of the global economy and how manufactured goods travel around the planet.

The fact that such a seemingly simple item could have such a complicated logistical web with so many moving parts is hard to fathom. While it's likely that the pedometer that is the centerpiece of "Logistics" also has multiple parts that had to come from multiple places, Andersson and Magnusson ultimately decided to keep things (relatively) simple by having the journey showcased in the movie begin where the item was assembled. But the fact that even the finished pedometer needed to travel for over a month just to get to the store that was to carry it is something that most of us take for granted when we are out shopping and are picking up and buying things without giving much thought to how far they had to travel to get there.

It has screened at museums and film festivals

It's one thing to make an 857-hour movie. It's another to actually find a place to  show  an 857-hour movie. But yes, "Logistics" in its full, original, uncut glory has in fact screened in several places. It made its world debut in two places simultaneously — the Uppsala City Library and the Kulturhuset Stadsteatern, both in Sweden. It ran between December 2012 and January 2013, being shown at both of those locations in its entirety.

After that, "Logistics" has been screened at several film festivals and art shows, though typically in some sort of truncated fashion. In addition to its native Sweden, "Logistics" has also been made available for live viewing to audiences in Germany, China, the Netherlands, and the United States. The most recent known showing was in 2018 in Germany, and there aren't currently any confirmed plans for future screenings — the project's website hasn't been updated since 2021. However, that isn't to say that there hasn't been any other way to watch the movie or any current way to do so.

It was once available to rent online

The entire 857-hour version of "Logistics" streamed one time from the official site, but if you didn't happen to catch it, you're out of luck there. However, there was also a period where you could rent "Logistics" from the website Vimeo, for the rather economical price of $15 — which gives you a lot of bang for your buck in terms of the length of the content that $15 gave you. Upon purchase, you had three months to watch it, which is pretty generous, all things considered.

Unfortunately, "Logistics" has since been removed from Vimeo. According to a YouTube commenter who claims to have spoken to the filmmakers, the movie's removal came as a result of Vimeo updating the data cap on content that can be on the service. It's hard to blame a streaming company for not being willing to keep an 857-hour movie on their service, as that's a lot of bandwidth for something that isn't likely to bring in all that much cash. Still, it's a shame that — like so many other movies and shows you can't watch online these days — there isn't any way to watch the full version of "Logistics" on streaming. For a time, it was streamed on Twitch, but the last stream was in early 2023 with no currently announced plans for more viewings nor any saved clips to watch. Here's hoping we haven't seen the last of streamable options for this film, for pay or otherwise. 

A 72-minute edit was made and is available on YouTube

Thankfully, "Logistics" isn't completely lost to time. For a while, there were a series of two-minute clips on the movie's website — one for each day of the journey — that were chosen by Erika Magnusson and Daniel Andersson and could be watched off the site. Likely because of the cost of keeping video hosted on a website, these clips have since been removed from the site.

But all is not lost, as those clips were compiled together into a single 72-minute edit of the movie, with added music, and uploaded to YouTube in 2019. As of this writing, that video remains on YouTube for anyone to watch. There are even replies on the video that claim to be from either Magnusson or Andersson (or both) which, if true, would indicate that they are aware of the video's existence and have no desire to have it removed. It's obviously a far cry from the full 857-hour version, but having even 72 minutes of footage from "Logistics" available to watch for free is better than nothing. And if we're being honest, a lot more people would be willing to watch a 72-minute movie — and with background music — than a nearly silent 857-hour movie. That fact is likely not lost on Magnusson and Andersson.

A film critic claims to have watched the entire 857-hour version

So has anyone actually watched all of "Logistics"? Plenty of snarky internet commentators have claimed to have done so — more on them later — but has anyone with any sort of credibility done it? A film critic and horror movie podcaster named Ashley Darrow says he did, and he wrote an entire piece for Canadian publication  The Maple that documented his journey in watching all 857 hours of "Logistics." He also tweeted as he went, but those tweets have since been deleted.

" Logistics became more of a job than my job. Each morning, I would roll out of bed, grab my tablet and clock in for my shift watching Logistics ," Darrow wrote, noting the daunting time commitment required to take the viewing of the movie on and to take it seriously. Throughout the piece, he not only comments on "Logistics" itself but also the endurance required to watch it, claiming that it gave him a migraine at one point. It's an extremely interesting read, as he reviews both the movie itself and also the experience of watching it, while also digging into a little bit of the history of slow cinema. It's obviously impossible to know for absolute certain if he did, in fact, watch the entire movie, but he's the only professional to even make the claim, which is noteworthy in and of itself.

Reviews are mixed but also difficult to verify

Other than Ashley Darrow's essay, there is nothing out there even approaching an actual, legitimate review of "Logistics." Which is fair, since its creators position it as more of an art piece than a movie — and art, especially art that takes over 800 hours to process, is rarely, if ever, "reviewed" in the traditional sense. You aren't going to find Rotten Tomatoes or Metacritic scores for "Logistics." The closest thing to any sort of aggregate scores for the movie come from sites like IMDb and Letterboxd, which allow users to review and score films.

For what it's worth, "Logistics" has an IMDb user score of 6.6 out of 10 and a Letterboxd score of 3.3 out of 5. But there is no way to verify that someone has actually watched a film in order to submit reviews to those sites, so take those scores with a grain of salt. Not surprisingly, many of the reviews on IMDb in particular are of the jokey variety, with headlines like "too short," "Action packed," and "Starts off slow." Some of it is entertaining to read, but it's still frustrating to attempt to get a sense for what people who have actually seen "Logistics" think of it — especially given that a limited number of people have had the opportunity to watch the full version — only to mostly find people using it as an excuse to show off their comedy-writing skills.

The creators claim it's actually a poetic experience

It's easy to assume that the actual watching of "Logistics" is an entirely sterile, utilitarian exercise. Given the intentions of the filmmakers in making the movie, it's also easy to assume that was their intention — to offer a no-frills presentation of the long and tedious journey that consumer items have to take from farm to table, as it were. Ashley Darrow identified in the film an examination of how our understanding of time and space is altered under capitalism.

Daniel Andersson offers up a different and somewhat surprising take on the "Logistics" viewing experience to After Hrs . He said that the film is a poetic experience and that the journey seems infinite. The images captured in the film — sunrise, sunset, the ocean waves, and the night sky — he said are beautiful images. And while much of his description doesn't seem like it would fit a 37-day-long movie that's mostly just a camera sitting on a boat full of freight boxes, it is indeed possible to find poetry and beauty almost anywhere. Even in a movie like "Logistics."

A couple with their bikes, exploring the coastland near Møns Klint, ©Daniel Villadsen

Viking trails to vineyard tours: 10 of the best cycle routes in Denmark

Freewheel around Scandinavia’s capital of cycling and discover the greenest way to see Denmark

Denmark is a haven for cyclists of all abilities, with 11,000km of marked cycle routes to ride. From adventurous cycling on multi-day trips that take in the country’s most varied scenery, to day trips and wine tours, these are the country’s best bike routes for everyone, from hobbyists to expert-level athletes. To make it extra easy, accommodation options line the routes, including simple campsites and shelters , run by the Danish Nature Agency and offered for free or almost free, as well as B&Bs and hotels especially set up for cyclists, with bike rooms, e-bike charging stations and rooms made available for fixing your bike as you go. Aktiv Danmark has a list of bike-friendly accommodation and there is also a group of Danish Bike Hotels that have bike facilities. Bike rental is available in major cities and towns all over the country.

The Harbour Circle Start in Denmark’s capital with this 13km cycling route around the main harbour. It’s easy to fit into a short break, and takes in Copenhagen’s harbour swimming spots, waterside wine bars such as Rosforth & Rosforth , major attractions such as the colourful Nyhavn waterfront, and off-the-beaten-track treasures such as Cafe Slusen , where you can eat sardines from the tin and sip beer with a calm view of the entire harbour.

People hanging out at Hasle Harbour Bath

Bornholm by bike The sunny island of Bornholm has 230km of signposted cycle routes . Follow the dark green signs down quiet lanes to harbours awash with ice-cream shops, and past smokehouses where you can snack on just-smoked fish. Weave in and out of dappled patches of sunshine under the trees, watch out for hares and pheasants in the fields, and enjoy the quieter pace of life.

The Baltic Sea Cycle Route Denmark’s longest cycle route – all 820km of it – encompasses islands and ferries, sheltered bays and seafaring ports as it traces the Baltic Sea coast. It breaks down into 14 stages, the pick of which are sections 10 and 11, which hug the coast. You’ll enjoy views of the islands of southern Funen and – if you’re lucky – the sight of porpoises.

2. STUB Vinyaard& Vintårn on the island of Røsnæs

The Rosnæs peninsula wineries Pop your bike on a train and travel roughly two and a half hours west of Copenhagen to find a winery route made for cyclists. On the Rosnæs peninsula, among the driest and sunniest spots in the country, vines grow, grapes are pressed and wine tours by bike are the thing to do. Starting at Stub Vingård , a 16km trail runs to Rosnæs Vingård through a green landscape carved by the last ice age, taking in the Barfod and Dyrehøj wineries along the way.

The Ancient Road This destination is more than a cycle route: it’s a path through Denmark’s history. Also called Hærvejen , it’s one of the most atmospheric trails in the country, taking in heathlands and rivers, along with key Danish historical sites. Discover the Viking Jelling stone and the 3,000-year-old burial site of the Egtved Girl. There are dolmen and further burial mounds on a route that has been used for centuries.

The West Coast Route Running from Skagen all the way down the west coast to Rudbøl, this route offers some of the best views of Denmark’s contrasting scenery. Mostly paved and always signposted, the route skirts the gloriously wild dune landscape of Thy National Park, golden-sand beaches and the bird-filled marshes of the Wadden Sea National Park on its 560km journey.

A Danish father and son standing with their bikes on a summer day amidst trees on the island of Mors in Denmark with the Limfjord in the background.

The Limfjord Route Another long route – this time 610km – the journey around the Limfjord in North Jutland is broken into stages and winds around the fjord from Aalborg, via ferries and bridges. There are plenty of restaurants along the way, giving you the chance to enjoy the region’s local oysters.

Berlin-Copenhagen Two lively cities with a sea between them and a shared love of cycling unite via this 630km route . The tour skirts the white cliffs of Møn and the flower-filled meadows of Falster on the way to the ferry to Germany.

The Fjord Path Half an hour west of Copenhagen, the journey around the Isefjord and Roskilde fjord begins. It’s rich with Viking history, and nature, running through forests and fields as well as on tarmacked roads. Look out for Thomas Dambo’s trolls on the way – there is a hidden one in a quarry nearby – and expect to spend a week or more exploring the full 275km route (or take it in sections). Bike hire is available in Roskilde.

The Border Route Cycle from the North Sea to the Baltic Sea while crisscrossing Denmark’s border with Germany and uncover a world of history along the way. The old marsh town of Højer in Denmark marks the start of the 130km route , with the finish line in Flensburg, Germany. It’s a wonderfully flat journey, with orchards and meadows alongside it. The land on both sides of the border has changed nationalities multiple times in the last few hundred years.

Find out more about cycling adventures in Denmark at VisitDenmark

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  1. Longest journey walking on flower petals

    Subscribe to never miss a video! || https://gwr.co/YT-SubCheck out the GWR favourites! || http://gwr.co/YT-FavsThe longest journey walking on flower petals i...

  2. Steam Community :: Guide :: 100% Complete walkthrough guide

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  3. Longest journey walking on flower petals

    The longest journey walking on flower petals is 485 km (301.36 miles) and was achieved by Buddhist monks, who walked across Thailand on the 4th Dhammachai Dhutanga pilgrimage, between 2 and 31 January 2015. The attempt was made by 1,130 monks.

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  5. The Longest Journey

    right screw twice and the left screw twice: \ \ \ --. Select the right screw. once and the left screw three times to complete the puzzle. After the water puzzle has been solved, turn the valve on the left to lower the. water pressure. Turn the wheel, then get the clamp holding onto the pipe. Get.

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  9. The Longest Journey

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  10. Guinness World Records

    Ms. Metta Suvachitvong said, "When we talk about the most of something in the world, everybody thinks of the Guinness World Records first. So everyone knows that the new world record "The longest journey walking on flower petals" means. This Dhammachai Dhutanga is the best world class start similarly to CNN broadcasting V-Star news.

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    Blanketflower grows in a mound or clump, reaching about 14 to 16 inches in height. The plants are overflowing with gorgeous blooms, resembling a cross between a daisy and a coneflower. One of our potted blanketflower plants in full bloom in mid July. Available in all shades of red, yellow and orange, this long blooming perennial brings lasting ...

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  16. Buddhist monks complete longest journey walking on flower petals across

    One thousand, one hundred and thirty Buddhist monks broke the record for the Longest journey walking on flower petals on the fourth Dhammachai Dhutanga pilgrimage, having travelled an incredible 485 km (301.36 miles) on foot across Thailand.

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    The name "Paphiopedilum rothschildianum" perfectly captures the plant's beauty and elegance. 3. Gymnadenia conopsea. The Gymnadenia conopsea is a species of flowering plant in the family Orchidaceae. This plant is native to Europe and Asia and is known for its delicate, pink flowers.

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    The Baltic Sea Cycle Route Denmark's longest cycle route ... of the Wadden Sea National Park on its 560km journey. ... cliffs of Møn and the flower-filled meadows of Falster on the way to the ...