Journey To Foundation Review (PSVR 2) – A Satisfying Narrative Adventure That Is Exactly The Sum Of Its Parts

John-Paul Jones / October 29, 2023

journey to foundation psvr2 review

Inspired by Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series of books, rather than being based directly on the recent Apple TV small screen adaptation of the same name, Journey to Foundation is a rich narrative adventure with a pronounced streak of nonlinearity running through it. Notably, Journey to Foundation actually tries its hand at integrating a fair number of different mechanics and gameplay design templates, all the while leveraging the immersive possibilities of Sony’s latest lump of VR technology. The upshot is that while Journey to Foundation does a good job of ticking a big box for sci-fans looking for an immersive narrative adventure to sink their teeth into, it can occasionally feel a little underwhelming at points due to the fact that much of its design feels overfamiliar and is implemented in a workmanlike fashion.

Journey To Foundation PSVR2 Review

A satisfying narrative adventure that is exactly the sum of its parts.

In Journey to Foundation you are Agent Ward, a highly trained member of the Commission of Public Safety that also happens to be a somewhat shady organisation dedicated to maintaining order in the Galactic Empire, you find yourself dispatched to the Periphery to investigate the disappearance of a prolific governor’s daughter and in doing so, uncover a threat to the Empire that looks to alter the very future of the universe in the process, as well as your own destiny.

journey to foundation psvr2 review 1

Even for those folks who have not been exposed to either television show or Isaac Asimov’s writings, the story which sits at the heart of Journey to Foundation is an entertaining one to say the least, taking in all manner of galaxy-wide, geo-political intrigue, subterfuge and of course, plenty of back-stabbing and double-crossing aplenty. It also doesn’t hurt that there is some emotional heft which helps the whole thing to stay interesting, too. This comes from the Empire-abiding mentor that Ward owes everything to and her newfound discovery of a schism in the galaxy and will upend everything she knows for a potentially better result. Again, it’s an entertaining story and both fans of Asimov’s source material and sci-fi junkies alike will get a lot from it, while collectible holographic orbs backfill the lore of both the story and the universe in the process.

Of course leveraging all of this narrative weight and complexity is Journey to Foundation’s emphasis on non-linear storytelling, which through key points at the story allows Agent Ward to either maintain the order of the Galactic Empire or send it into seeming chaos through both dialogue choices and actions that are taken. This aspect of Journey to Foundation’s design is well done too, since all of your choices feel appropriately weighty and can make a real difference to the overall story – bolstering replay value as a direct result.

As alluded to at the top of this review, there is a bit of everything in Journey to Foundation – all of which seeks to serve the overarching goal of its non-linear, narrative adventure shenanigans. Where perhaps Journey to Foundation fares a little less well however, is in how each of these various game mechanics appear to be pulled from various other genres and yet, are forced to co-exist harmoniously here to varying degrees of success. To be plain, Journey to Foundation would seem to be an adherent to that old maxim ‘jack of all trades, master of none’.

journey to foundation psvr2 review 2

Broadly speaking, you’ll spend much of your time wandering around a series of relatively small, linear environments. Whether you’re onboard the apparently massive Array station or down among the gleaming purple rockets of the planet Tygra III, Journey to Foundation’s level design is compact to say the least. This means that if you were looking for some breathlessly scoped exploration, you could well be disappointed with what has been presented here. There are also extended climbing sections too which will remind folks of Horizon Call of the Mountain, where players must grip onto hand holds and pull themselves up and over various walls and other such obstacles. Though these sections aren’t really executed to the same level of flair here, they nonetheless do help to make the various worlds of Journey to Foundation feel more varied from a traversal perspective.

Within those tightly constructed areas, you’ll also find that a lot of time will be spent walking around and chatting to the various characters that essentially drive each scene forward and within those conversations you’ll have the option to push events done one path or another, as we’ve already looked at earlier in this review. Additionally, performing specific hand gestures are also used to drive the story forward depending on whether you employ them or not.

Where Journey to Foundation elevates things somewhat in this regard though, is in how it enables Agent Ward to tap into her ‘Mentalics’ skill to parse the inner thoughts of whoever she is talking to and then follow that up in conversation to uncover particular revelations to drive the story forward. There’s a neat touch to this mechanic that reveals itself through the UI too, since to uncover these hidden thoughts and desires, you have to reach out both arms and twist your hands to essentially ‘tune in’ to these hidden brainwaves. It feels unexpectedly badass – almost like you’re some sort of intergalactic Charles Xavier.

journey to foundation psvr2 review 3

Given the high stakes of the story, it should come as no surprise to discover that matters often devolve into violence and it’s here that Journey to Foundation’s gunplay comes into sharp focus. Combat is largely restricted to firearms based conflicts where your trusty handgun can be upgraded to use rapid-fire, precision shot and other firing modes to take down your foes. Ultimately though, combat really is just a case of using cover generously while you whittle down the health of your enemies and also taking time out to recharge your own if need be. Eventually, you gain the ability to expand your mental powers into the combat side of things as well, permitting you to stun or even outright kill your enemies as the game progresses.

It’s serviceable stuff certainly, but nothing more than that. It’s also worth noting that there’s no real progression in Journey to Foundation. Instead, new upgrades and gadgets are provided as part of the story taking its natural course rather than through any sort of baked-in progression system. Given the tightly scoped nature of Journey to Foundation this makes sense, but again it serves as a reminder that Journey to Foundation merely co-opts these various game mechanics and sub-genres rather than seeking to excel in any one of them.

Of all of the various moving parts that hum under the hood of Journey to Foundation, the puzzle solving proves to be surprisingly engaging. Encompassing a mixture of visual brain teasers and logic based conundrums, these are entertaining to solve and the satisfaction when you do complete them is pleasingly palpable. With Journey to Foundation then, everything seemingly just works as it should, but none of its composite parts could be considered exceptional, let alone withstand comparisons to other efforts which focus on those distinct elements more strongly. The climbing and traversal is done better in Horizon: Call of the Mountain , the shooting is pulled off better in After The Fall and The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners , while the puzzle solving does find itself in largely its own company, thanks to a relative lack of comparable puzzle solving efforts on PlayStation VR2.

journey to foundation psvr2 review 4

From a technical perspective, Journey to Foundation is also something of mishmash of the perfectly fine and the less so. Visually speaking, Journey to Foundation looks decent enough, with stylised characters giving way to impressive variety of planets, spaceships and other environments, but it certainly doesn’t rank among the most opulent games that PlayStation VR2 has to offer. Speaking of which during my time with Journey to Foundation, I discovered an odd bug where the game refused to run at 120hz (all I would I get is darkness, some sound and that was it), so I had to turn off 120hz compatibility in the settings menu of my PS5, forcing the game to run at 60hz. The result of this, at least to my eyes, is that when you’re panning around some of the environments in Journey to Foundation there is some noticeable judder which takes the sheen off of its otherwise fine presentation somewhat. Hopefully this is addressed in a future update.

Further afield, sometimes the UI can be a little clunky and janky – because when you reach out with your fingers to interact with dialogue choices and some elements in the environment, it doesn’t always react first time the way that you would expect it to and can occasionally make such interactions more frustrating than they would otherwise need to be.

Journey to Foundation is a multi-layered concoction of elements drawn from other titles that have been unified under an engrossing and non-linear sci-fi narrative. Though its story and cast of characters engage for the most part, these different elements all feel like they have been executed better elsewhere, making Journey to Foundation feel precisely the sum of its parts and nothing more. That said, fans of Asimov’s writings and involving sci-fi tales in general will still find much to enjoy here.

Journey to Foundation is out now on PSVR 2.

Review code kindly provided by PR.

The Final Word

Journey to Foundation is a multi-layered concoction of elements drawn from other titles that have been unified under an engrossing and non-linear sci-fi narrative. Though its story and cast of characters engage for the most part, these different elements all feel like they have been executed better elsewhere, making Journey to Foundation feel precisely the sum of its parts and nothing more. That said, fans of Asimov's writings and involving sci-fi tales in general will still find much to enjoy here. 



Inspired by isaac asimov's iconic novels, available now.

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  • Become a galactic spy in Journey to Foundation, out October 26 on PS VR2

Become a galactic spy in Journey to Foundation, out October 26 on PS VR2

Immerse yourself in the world of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation with PS VR2 features.

journey to foundation ps5

Anyone who reads Isaac Asimov’s Foundation series will know there are a lot of tense, exciting conversations where characters are grappling with the fate of the Empire or are engaged in a fierce battle of wills. In adapting this iconic series to VR, we sought to make these conversational moments as satisfying and immersive as possible, which was possible by leveraging some of the PlayStation VR2’s unique features.

When players are dropped into the role of Agent Ward in Journey to Foundation, they will be immersed through:

  • Haptic feedback
  • Eye-tracking
  • Adaptive triggers
  • Controller tracking

Immersion through headset haptics

Your character, Agent Ward, has unique Mentalic abilities that allow them to sense and manipulate the emotions of others. It’s a subtle art: push too hard, and you’ll cause damage. We use the PS VR2’s head haptics to make you feel like you are reaching out with your mind, and to guide you to success while you play.

Players will also feel like they’re right in the action when a star explodes, or a spaceship crashes; haptic feedback on the headset will make it feel like you’re there.

Real-time decision-making

In a typical cutscene, you watch the drama unfold. In Journey to Foundation, we put you inside the drama.

But it’s not just a matter of giving you a few dialogue options to keep you engaged. Eye tracking allows you to make your conversational selection by simply glancing at the option and pressing X.

Even when imposing characters like the Viceroy are staring you down, you can engage with your environment by searching for special ‘Look At’ cues that are hidden around the environment, and items are strewn throughout the game that can unlock unique dialogue and new player paths.

Adaptive triggers with swappable weapon components

We created specialized chips – called ADMs (Atomic Defense Modules) – that can be placed on the back of your base weapon to upgrade and change how it works, giving you access to multiple different blasters.

Swapping the chip will give you a different weapon type, and each one will feel different due to the unique audio, haptics, and force feedback from the PlayStation’s adaptive triggers.

Sensors to track gestural movements

In VR, your body is your controller, which is why we have incorporated gestures into our conversations. When an adversary points a gun at you, you don’t press ‘X’ to surrender; you literally raise your hands (lest the NPCs warn you if you don’t follow their orders).

The PlayStation’s outward-facing sensors are how we validate these gestural moments, providing yet another layer of immersion.

Stunning 4K space-scapes

The Foundation series is set in a galaxy in crisis. The Galactic Empire, who has kept the peace for 12 thousand years and occupies 25 million planets, is about to collapse. Massive events are occurring and changing the balance of power in the galaxy. We are grateful to take advantage of the headset’s 4K resolution and processing power to really sell that spectacle.

A big reason we all play science fiction games is to experience what it’s like to be among the stars, and we have tried to make that experience as satisfying and awe-inspiring as possible with the help of PlayStation’s powerful hardware.

Journey to Foundation is a passion project for our studio, and we can’t wait to share it with you all when it releases on PlayStation VR2 on October 26, 2023.

VR Day: All Announcements

  • Among Us VR is coming to PS VR2
  • Announcing Heroes of Forever, a multi-dimensional arcade cover-shooter for PS VR2
  • Tin Hearts – in-depth look at the PS VR2 puzzler
  • Tiger Blade pounces onto PS VR2 November 17
  • The Foglands launches October 31 on PS VR2 and PS5

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Journey to Foundation Review – Galaxy Spanning Story

Journey to foundation review.

Journey to Foundation from Archiact Interactive is a galaxy spanning virtual experience. Its roots come from the Foundation series of books written by SF Giant, Isaac Asimov. This gives the game an enormous advantage because it gives them the entire Milky Galaxy as an immense creative sandbox to play in.

You play the game as Agent Ward, an agent of the Commission of Public Safety. This is a branch of the Galactic Empire that maintains order and the authority to do so by any means necessary. The Commission sends you to the edge of the galactic empire to investigate reports of deserters.

As with all good stories, the initial event escalates into a kidnapping and then into a big conspiracy. A conspiracy that could end the Galactic Empire. The game takes you on a journey that involves visiting several locales and eventually ending up at the titular location.

Given the immense amount of available source material, Archiact has put the game’s focus on the narrative. Each character you encounter opens up a dialog UI that is a tad clunky. You navigate through the options with eye tracking, which is pretty cool. However, once you make a selection, you must touch it to complete the selection.

Illusion of Choice

That all sounds slick, but what makes the dialog clunky is three fold. On the technical side, sometimes the choice made is not the one you selected. On the gameplaying side, sometimes the gameplay will not advance unless you make the proper choices. This means reloading a checkpoint and doing the conversation over again.

Another gameplaying element which hinders dialogs is Ward’s Mentalist talent. As a mentalist, you can detect the emotions of NPCs, a la Deanna Troi from Star Trek: The Next Generation. The drawback with the talent is the game shows it as an alternative to handling NPC interactions. However, its use is mandatory. You won’t be able to advance the story line in the situations where it is available.

journey to foundation ps5

Other abilities include a firearm, a hacking probe, a welding tool, and chameleon technology that allows you to mimic other NPCs. They all work satisfactorily, but again, their use at specific events is mandatory. The game does not have the depth to allow for multiple ways to address a situation.

Hacking is very reminiscent of the 3D puzzles found in Half Life: Alyx. You manipulate 3D cubes to trace out connections to override locks. It’s not bad, but not as clean as Alyx’s implementation. Occasionally you will also have to transverse some climbing sections. These sections are short and work with no issues.

Hail Haptics!

Something unique to the game is the use of physical gestures. Often when meeting with NPCs, they greet you with a salute of some type. You must respond in kind. The same issue happens here too. If you don’t return the gesture, you can’t progress. Also, it’s very easy to miss the gesture if your attention is elsewhere.

Hats off to Archiact for making full use of the PSVR 2 haptics. When you use the Mentalist abilities, the headset haptics rumble in accordance with you how close you are when reading or manipulating an NPC’s emotions. Each weapon has its own feedback. You’ll also get haptics when hit by gunfire or your health gets low.

journey to foundation ps5

Visually, the game uses a stylized approach to characters and the environments. It strongly echoes the visual style used in the Saints and Sinners games. Textures vary in quality with the environment and objects immediately around you are of higher quality. However far away vistas and outer space scenes are of a noticeably lower quality.

Another noticeable aspect of the environments is how constrictive they are. There is little to no room to explore. The feeling of being herded down a cattle chute is very strong. The game makes use of eye tracking. Not only is it used to navigate menus but also with NPCs. Their gaze tracks realistically as you move around them. It’s a small thing but adds to the immersion.

Excellent Narrative

Much of what I have described won’t entice one to play the game. However, the aforementioned narrative is excellent. The story takes a while to get going, but once it does, it totally engaged me. The twists and turns are great and present you with some tough choices.

One of my favorite sections of the game come with the Encyclopedia Galactica. This is accessible between game levels. Here the menu navigation with eye tracking is fantastic. You can learn much about the Empire, the characters, planets, and history. All of which adds to one’s investment.

journey to foundation ps5

Another strong feature of the game is the audio. This starts with the voice acting. All the dialog is voiced and is excellent. This is vital for a game which is so heavily story focused. 3D audio is well implemented and adds to the immersion. To top it all off is the soundtrack, which soars epically during the appropriate moments.

Journey to Foundation attempts to marry a narrative-heavy story together with the more traditional aspects of game play. The net effect is a game that offers a variety of game play elements but is not a master of any of them. Everything works, but they could all use some refinement to make them more user-friendly. You’ll find other games that do them better than this game.

Great Story, Acceptable Gameplay

However, if you are into good storytelling, with a detailed back story, good voice acting, and are patient with the story to kick in; Journey to Foundation is the ticket. The game should take between six to eight hours to complete if you focus on pushing through the story. However, if you stop to peruse the encyclopedia it will extend your play through time.

Journey to Foundation is available on all the major VR platforms: PSVR 2, Quest 2, Quest 3, and PCVR.

***Journey to Foundation PSVR 2 code provided by the publisher***

  • Rich and detailed universe
  • Excellent spoken dialog
  • Clunky Conversation UI
  • Confined Environments
  • Underwhelming gun play

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Developer: Archiact Interactive

Publisher: Archiact Interactive Ltd.

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Journey to Foundation – Reviews

Playstation 5 meta quest.

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  • n/a User Score Based on 0 user reviews.
  • 75 COGconnected However, if you are into good storytelling, with a detailed back story, good voice acting, and are patient with the story to kick in; Journey to Foundation is the ticket. The game should take between six to eight hours to complete if you focus on pushing through the story. However, if you stop to peruse the encyclopedia it will extend your play through time.
  • 69 GAMES.CH Despite its high ambitions, the game cannot hide its presumably small budget. Instead of the infinite freedoms of space, we spend seven hours in confined spaces. We shoot at an average level and successfully apply smaller VR elements. At least the story entertains well. Finally, technical shortcomings also lead to the price-performance ratio not being right.
  • 65 Quotation forthcoming.
  • 70 PlayStation Universe Journey to Foundation is a multi-layered concoction of elements drawn from other titles that have been unified under an engrossing and non-linear sci-fi narrative. Though its story and cast of characters engage for the most part, these different elements all feel like they have been executed better elsewhere, making Journey to Foundation feel precisely the sum of its parts and nothing more. That said, fans of Asimov's writings and involving sci-fi tales in general will still find much to enjoy here.

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Black Myth: Wukong

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What is Black Myth: Wukong?

Set out as the Destined One in this action RPG. Confront your destiny on the journey westward.

Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology and based on Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.

You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a glorious legend from the past.

As the Destined One, you shall encounter powerful foes and worthy rivals throughout your journey. Fearlessly engage them in epic battles where surrender is not an option.

Aside from mastering various staff techniques, you can also freely combine different spells, abilities, weapons, and equipment to find the winning strategy that best suits your combat style. 

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Explore a land of vast wonders

A world unseen, where new sights rise with every stride. Enter a fascinating realm filled with the wonders and discoveries of ancient Chinese mythology!

Confront mighty foes, old and new

Heroic Monkey, might and fame, adversaries rise, to test his name. One of the major highlights of Journey to the West is its diverse cast of adversaries, each with unique strengths.

Temper your mastery of varied spells

Spells unbound, knowledge's flight, infinite abilities take their height. Spells, transformations, and magic vessels in all manifestations, complementary yet adversarial, have long been iconic combat elements of Chinese mythology.

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Will AFK Journey Release on Xbox and PS5?

This article answers whether the newest warm artstyle RPG title, AFK Journey, will launch on Xbox and PS5 consoles.

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Will AFK Journey Release on Xbox/PS5?

At the time of writing, we do not have any word from developer Farlight Games regarding a release date for the Xbox and PS5 platforms as of yet. However, the game turned out to be a massive success for Farlight Games, as it earned them $1.5million with multiple installs on Google.

While the release numbers and success of the game will be an important factor in the game being available on consoles, we still think that it is unlikely, for now, that the game will launch on Xbox and the PlayStation 5. We suggest players to keep their eyes peeled when  A wide release across all available platforms, aka console, and the Nintendo Switch will all depend on the revenue generated by the game.

We will update this article upon receiving any information from the developers regarding a console launch for the game. Meanwhile, fans can download and install the new RPG sequel from Farlight Games on PC, and continue their progress on the go on iOS devices and Android.

AFK Journey is a soothing RPG that pulls you in with its warm art style, and while the game isn't graphically intensive, it's also available to play on Android and iOS devices.

While the predecessor was only available on handheld devices, the sequel launched on PC. However, we do not hvae any official word from the developer’s regarding the game launch on Sony’s PlayStation 5 and Xbox consoles.

AFK Journey was released on PC and mobile devices on March 27, 2024.

View the full list of AFK Journey redeem codes here . For more content about the sequel to AFK Arena, follow us here on ESTNN . You can check out the rest of our AFK Journey content here .

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Farming Life Sim SunnySide Heads to PS5 This Summer

By Neil Bolt

RainyGames and Merge Games have announced that the farming life sim SunnySide will be released on PS5 in the Summer after next month’s PC launch.

SunnySide is set in a small yet diverse Japanese town and claims to modernize the farming sim (specifically the Stardew Valley model that itself modernized Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons).

SunnySide release date and trailer

PS5 and Xbox Series X|S players will be able to chill on the farm when SunnySide is released on July 10, 2024. PS5 players also have the added bonus of a physical edition. PC players can be the early bird and get it on Steam on May 24 or, indeed, play the demo right now.

You can watch the release date trailer below to get a feel for the cozy anime-infused life sim.

Featuring a rich anime-inspired cast of characters, modern farm-sim gameplay, and a cozy turn-based combat system, SunnySide promises to push the boundaries of the entire genre.

With over a hundred different crops to grow and more than 25 characters to meet, SunnySide‘s “hang out” system allows players to balance cultivating new relationships while building their perfect homestead seamlessly.

SunnySide is an innovative farming and life simulation set in a small, diverse Japanese town with a compelling story to uncover.

As well as fulfilling your homesteading dreams, SunnySide sweeps you up on an adventure to rediscover the forgotten past of a new friend…

After a thousand-year-old sassy survey drone named Sparky rescues you from a cave-in, you’re tasked with helping this new companion retrieve their lost memories and complete the last mission they remember: learn more about humans.

You’ve just purchased your first plot of land in an aging post town in the heart of the Japanese countryside. Now, creating a homestead you can be proud of is up to you.

Use modern technology to balance time between your new farm life and joining the local community. Meet new people and learn about their lives, support their businesses, hang out around town and in the city, and even pursue some romance.

With a focus on individuality, you will be provided with unique opportunities that allow for creative freedom and self-expression.

Your avatar, homestead, and even your in-game cell phone can all be tailored to your preferences and desires. Place your home and customize your farm layout however you want! There are plenty of decorations, clothing styles, and hair options to enjoy on your journey of self-discovery.

The best part of living in the country is becoming part of a community. Enjoy hanging out with the local residents, listening to their stories, witnessing their lives, forming bonds, attending events, and building a life you can be proud of.

A quiet life in the country is nice, but something lurks beneath this peaceful town.

After a thousand-year-old sassy survey drone named Sparky rescues you from a cave in, you’re tasked with helping this new companion retrieve their lost memories and complete the last mission they remember: learn more about humans. Join Sparky on a mission of self discovery while exploring the mysterious caves together, and team-up in a cozy card-based battle system.

Neil Bolt

Neil became a horror fan from just a nightmare-inducing glimpse of the Ghoulies VHS cover and a book on how to draw ghosts. It escalated from there and now that's almost all he writes and talks about.

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  4. Journey to Foundation for PS5

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  5. Journey to Foundation is a VR RPG based on an Asimov classic

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  1. Journey to Foundation

    Faithfully and lovingly adapted from Isaac Asimov's groundbreaking novels, and built from the ground up for virtual reality, Journey to Foundation is a gripping narrative adventure unlike anything else you can find in VR. · Interact with over 90 fully-voiced characters brought to life by a top-tier voice cast including Jennifer Hale ...

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    Journey To Foundation PSVR2 Review ... so I had to turn off 120hz compatibility in the settings menu of my PS5, forcing the game to run at 60hz. The result of this, at least to my eyes, is that ...

  4. Journey to Foundation brings Asimov's epic sci-fi series to life on PS

    Journey to Foundation. More than just a title, Journey to Foundation embodies the mission you'll embark on that will reshape an empire. You play as Ward, an agent of the powerful Commission of Public Safety, who is sent to investigate civil unrest at the edge of the Galactic Empire. The Empire has kept peace across the galaxy for over 12 ...

  5. Journey to Foundation VR

    Journey to Foundation is an epic sci-fi VR game based on the world created by Isaac Asimov in the Foundation Series. Explore this immersive experience! Journey to Foundation is an epic sci-fi VR game based on the world created by Isaac Asimov in the Foundation Series. Explore this immersive experience! top of page. About. Media.

  6. Journey to Foundation

    Journey to Foundation is a multi-layered concoction of elements drawn from other titles that have been unified under an engrossing and non-linear sci-fi narrative. Though its story and cast of characters engage for the most part, these different elements all feel like they have been executed better elsewhere, making Journey to Foundation feel ...

  7. Become a galactic spy in Journey to Foundation, out October 26 on PS

    The Foundation series is set in a galaxy in crisis. The Galactic Empire, who has kept the peace for 12 thousand years and occupies 25 million planets, is about to collapse. Massive events are occurring and changing the balance of power in the galaxy. We are grateful to take advantage of the headset's 4K resolution and processing power to ...

  8. Journey to Foundation

    In Journey to Foundation, you play as Agent Ward, a spy with the Commission of Public Safety.The future is in your hands. In this immersive roleplaying adven...

  9. Virtual reality adventure game Journey to Foundation ...

    Archiact has announced virtual reality adventure game Journey to Foundation for PlayStation VR2, Quest 2, and Pico 4.It will launch this fall. "Journey to Foundation is a major milestone for us ...

  10. Journey to Foundation (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese)

    Journey to Foundation (Simplified Chinese, English, Korean, Japanese) Sign In to Rate. Global player ratings. 3.72 Average rating 3.72 stars out of 5 stars from 117 ratings. ... PS5 Release: 26/10/2023 Publisher: Archiact Interactive Ltd Genres: Adventure, Adventure Voice:

  11. Journey to Foundation

    Feb 23, 2023. Journey to Foundation. 1. Sony State of Play February 2023: Everything Announced. Feb 23, 2023 - From new Street Fighter 6 fighters to Suicide Squad gameplay, here's everything from ...

  12. Journey to Foundation launches October 26

    Sep 28 2023 / 11:15 AM EST. 0. Journey to Foundation will launch for PlayStation VR2, Quest 2, and Pico 4 on October 26, developer Archiact announced. Get the latest details below, via PlayStation ...

  13. Journey to Foundation

    Journey to Foundation is a virtual reality adventure video game developed and published by Archiact.. About. It's been almost two centuries since Hari Seldon predicted the fall of the Galactic ...

  14. Journey to Foundation Review

    Journey to Foundation from Archiact Interactive is a galaxy spanning virtual experience. Its roots come from the Foundation series of books written by SF Giant, Isaac Asimov. This gives the game ...

  15. Enter Isaac Asimov's Sci-Fi World This October in Journey to Foundation

    Journey to Foundation was announced back in February, a virtual reality adaptation of Isaac Asimov's highly regarded sci-fi novels. The adventure title now has a release date, coming to PSVR2 on ...

  16. Journey to Foundation for PlayStation 5

    Description. It's been almost two centuries since Hari Seldon predicted the fall of the Galactic Empire and forged a Foundation to mitigate the chaos and destruction that would come. You are an agent with the Commission of Public Safety, a shadowy organization that maintains order in the Galactic Empire. What begins as a mission to investigate ...

  17. Journey to Foundation

    A galactic spymaster is sent to infiltrate a group of defectors, only to uncover a dire truth that could change the course of their mission... and history. N...

  18. Journey to Foundation Reviews for PlayStation 5

    Based on 8 critics. n/a. User Score. Based on 0 user reviews. 75. COGconnected. However, if you are into good storytelling, with a detailed back story, good voice acting, and are patient with the story to kick in; Journey to Foundation is the ticket. The game should take between six to eight hours to complete if you focus on pushing through the ...

  19. Journey to Foundation (2023)

    Journey to Foundation was announced back in February, a virtual reality adaptation of Isaac Asimov's highly regarded sci-fi novels. The adventure title now has a release date, coming to PSVR2 on ...

  20. Journey to Foundation PC, PS5

    Plot. Journey to Foundation takes place in a sci-fi universe ruled by the vast Galactic Empire. As Agent Ward, we are sent to the edge of the galaxy and tasked with infiltrating a group of deserters. Things take a turn for more complicated once we learn about the predictions of scientists led by Hari Seldon. Leading the titular Foudnation, they ...

  21. Journey to Foundation

    Based on Isaac Asimov's Iconic Book Series

  22. Journey to Foundation

    PS5 Details . Native PS5 application Yes. PS VR2 support Yes. Details . Genre . Adventure. Release Date October 26, 2023. Buy Online . PlayStationDB is an Amazon Associate, and may receive a small commission if you purchase a product via one of the links on this page. ... Journey to Foundation - Announce Trailer | PS5 Games.

  23. Journey to Foundation (PS5)

    Journey to Foundation is a PS VR2, Adventure-game for the PS5 developed by Archiact Interactive and published by Skydance Interactive

  24. Black Myth: Wukong

    Confront your destiny on the journey westward. Black Myth: Wukong is an action RPG rooted in Chinese mythology and based on Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. You shall set out as the Destined One to venture into the challenges and marvels ahead, to uncover the obscured truth beneath the veil of a ...

  25. PS5 Pro: Down The Rabbit Hole With "Project Trinity" Details

    This week, Tales of Kenzera: Zau creative director, Surgent Studios founder and former assassin Abubakar Salim joins us to discuss his upcoming Metroidvania, and the journey from starring in a ...

  26. Will AFK Journey Release on Xbox and PS5?

    This article answers whether the newest warm artstyle RPG title, AFK Journey, will launch on Xbox and PS5 consoles. AFK Journey is the sequel to the mobile smash hit RPG title AFK Arena, and although the game is available on Android and iOS platforms and on PC, this article answers if the game would launch on Xbox and PS5 consoles in the near future.

  27. Vampire Survivors coming to PS5 and PS4 this summer, DLC ...

    poncle will release Vampire Survivors for PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4 this summer, the developer announced.. The roguelike action game first launched in Early Access / Game Preview for PC via ...

  28. Farming Life Sim SunnySide Heads to PS5 This Summer

    April 12, 2024. By Neil Bolt. RainyGames and Merge Games have announced that the farming life sim SunnySide will be released on PS5 in the Summer after next month's PC launch. SunnySide is set ...